#🌙 dream journal.
flesh-eater-girl · 5 months
last night i dreamed that i was cursed with a void in my mouth that was to inevitably consume me like a black hole.
i was devastated, not from the idea of death, but from knowing i couldn't kiss my love before i went.
i went to him anyway, i needed to at least see him one last time.
he had been afflicted by the same curse.
understanding, we kissed, and were consumed by each other into an infinite void, exploding into billions of cosmos.
never one without the other.
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starry-agere · 1 month
how to make an agere journal! 🪐
🚀 supplies
anything will work, but here are some supply ideas to make your journal!
find a cute notebook to use! you can find journals for kids online or at most stores
gather pens, crayons and colored pencils! there are lots of sparkly gel pens you can find, including pens that are themed around kids shows
get stickers to decorate your journal with!
make a bookmark to help you keep track of where you left off
note: you don't have to buy anything if you want to make an agere journal! you can absolutely use a school notebook and whatever pencils, pens and crayons you have lying around.
🌠 about me! write about:
your favorite things to do while regressed
your favorite shows and books
what music you like listening to when small
what you liked to be called when little
your favorite little gear
what regression is like for you
what age you regress to
what you want to be when you grow up
do a “big me” vs “little me” comparison
💫 about my caregiver! write about:
your favorite things about your cg
what you and your cg like to do together
how long they’ve been your cg
your favorite memory with your cg
things you associate with your cg
your cg’s favorite things - their favorite animal, show, color, etc
if you don't have a cg, write about what you'd like in a cg!
🌌 my dream little gear! you can:
draw your dream paci
design a onesie
draw stuffies you want
design teethers and blankets
come up with fun toys! you can find inspiration online, if you want
draw your dream playroom or nursery. you can also print or cut out pictures and glue them into your journal!
🌙 about my stuffies! you can:
make an “about the stuffie” section for each one! what's their name, where did you get them, how long have you had them, what kind of animal are they, etc!
draw a picture of your favorite stuffies
write about the adventures you like to go on with your stuffies
come up with cute outfit ideas for your stuffies
🪐 things to draw:
you and your caregiver together
any pets you have
your favorite animal(s)
characters from your favorite show or picture book
fun things you did that day
things for holidays, like pumpkins for halloween, a bunny for easter, reindeer and a tree for christmas, etc
you as a superhero
you as a pet or animal
you in space, as an astronaut!
make up an alien! draw what they might look like
🌟 other ideas:
design a cartoon or picture book! make a cast of characters and write about their adventures
write notes for your cg or sibbies
write about your day! what did you do, who did you see, etc
you can print out activity sheets and glue them into your journal, if you want!
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loveemagicpeace · 2 months
🌙Phases of moon & what they are good for🌙
New moon - it represents first phase in the moon cycle. The moon is not visible in the sky. the new moon is associated with new beginnings. Therefore, this is the right time for a fresh start and creating new projects. In that phase. You can create the first steps to the manifestation of new goals and also the right time to think and decide on new intentions. It is also great time for journaling. This moon is also great time for cleaning anything. Clean your room and environment. This moon is also associated with erasing bad energy from your life. In addition, some believe that this moon is also manipulated because it affects the free will of others, while others find it useful. Some people can become anxious, nervous or tired under this moon. You can feel very intense energy under this phase of moon. This moon is great to take care of yourself and being with yourself ,doing things that you like to do. Also, it's great time for bathtub.
Waxing Crescent -this time is good for manifestations and to take advantage of the things you want to achieve, for example: a new job, wealth. Write down your intentions and read them. This moon reminds us that we can clearly visualize the things we want. Change your thinking to a positive one. This moon represents change and everything u want and wish. Strengthens self-confidence and sense of self-worth. This moon is good for visualization, intentions, affirmations, a clear plan, goals. Best for manifestation. To change your negative thinking into a positive one and extract as many good things as possible. To trust yourself and your own feeling and believe in yourself and your goals and dreams. Bring as many things into your life as possible that you want to have. It is associated with positive magic.
First Quarter-This menu features the light and dark side of the moon equivalent, which helps to know how balance is important for your own good feeling. Each part of the lunar cycle marks another phase in the development of your intentions from idea to manifestation, and the first place is not here no exceptions. At the New Year, intentions are accepted, by the waxing moon pinch these intentions crystallize. Now, at the first quarter, it's time to take action and start focusing on the action that will bring you closer to your goal. There is more energy available at this point in the cycle, so this energy boost helps you manifest your intentions. The first quarter is therefore an excellent time for active action, as it is associated with power and growth internal energies and energies in relationships. But it is also a suitable time for a break if you need a break from work and obligations.
Waxing Gibbous-this moon is great for : Rituals and spells for confidence, manifestation and meditation magic, action for growth and success, focus on healing, manifesting money and wealth. This moon is the time to take one last look at your intentions and plans. Sharpen plans and goals. Look at everything you've accomplished so far. This moon reminds us that the manifestations will come but we have to be patient. It reminds us that we can be patient and believe that it will happen. A good moon to increase growth. An overview of how achievable the dreams we set for ourselves are.
Full Moon-This moon is most exposed because of the power it holds. It gives strength to overcome all the obstacles and challenges we face. Is now the time for manifestations of our goals that we have been waiting for to show up. The seeds of intention were not sown in the youth, they have developed and are now blooming profusely, which is expressed in transformation, abundance, fruitfulness and perfection. Now is the time for their manifestation and reaping the results. Good time for tarot/oracle reading, divination by sight and all other ways divination. A good time for crystal clearing. The full moon is a time for intuition and creativity, but it is also suitable for letting go. The full moon often fills us with energy, but sometimes these energies are very intense and mentally exhausting.
Waning Gibbous-During this phase, the moon begins to wane. The high and often uncontrollable power of the full moon, this phase can be a welcome energy from the sea of ​​intense lunar energies. This makes it a waning moon good for magic related to reduction, expelling, banishing, cleansing negativity. Up until now, the moon has encouraged you to define more clearly what your inner workings should be like on the outside, so that you can successfully manifest your intentions. think about your feelings about things that no longer support your higher purpose. If you want to clear, destroy or let go of any non-green energy or force in your life, for example addiction, abuse, regret, guilt. Write those things on a papir. Write things that u are greatful for.
Third quarter-good things to do during this phase: take time to think, find activities that make you happy, do what invigorates you, clean out the closet, put yourself first and treat yourself to a good coffee or tea. A good phase to cut your hair too.The reminder within the lunar cycle of how important balance is in our lives. Examine the areas of your life that are out of balance. An important part of balance is recognizing when to slow down. During this moon phase, the moon's energy is waning, so you may feel that you have less energy than usual. The moon allows you to let go of the things and blockages you have. It can be, for example, breaking a bad habit, learning how to be more decisive, or cutting off contact with a person or situation that drains your energy and throws you off balance. It's time to remove these barriers. It is time to look back on all that you have accomplished and to reflect on the lessons learned from the last lunar cycle. If you want to get to the bottom of the meaning of the teachings, it is most likely that you will come to a deeper understanding in this lunar phase. This makes the last quarter the best time to complete any personal growth work, such as finally letting go of limiting beliefs or fears that prevent you from moving forward.
Waning Crescent-practice magic for healing, meditate, rest and take care of your well-being, be grateful, write things down in a journal. It is the last phase of the moon. which is most visible before sunrise. Since the moon's energy is waning during the waning pinch, it is very likely that this will affect your personal energy level. This should remind you that rest is a necessary step in ending the old cycle and starting a new one. This is the time to take care of yourself, be kind to yourself. Don't be tempted to overdo it, instead focus on activities that recharge your batteries. Avoid activities that will rob you of energy. With theWaning Crescent, we need to focus on letting go of everything that has already passed. What happened during this lunar cycle is now firmly rooted in the past, where nothing can be changed anymore. It reminds us that we are not always in control of life and that is completely okay! Sometimes it's better to trust the moment. Meditation and journaling are therefore good activities for the time of the waning crescent.
🌙Moon phases are an important part of our life because they indicate when we can do things better, when to let go and when to manifest.A large part of how we feel is related to the moon and the phases of the moon.🌙
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lunar-witches · 8 months
✨ Creating Your Grimoire ✨
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In the realm of witchcraft and the arcane arts, a grimoire is a sacred vessel—a repository for your magical knowledge, spells, and experiences. To create your very own grimoire is to embark on a magical journey, a testament to your personal growth and a reflection of your unique spiritual path. With each page, you breathe life into a magical world that is uniquely yours. 🌙📜🔮
So, let us delve into the mystic arts and learn how to craft your very own grimoire, a treasured companion on your magical journey:
✨ 1. Choose Your Tools: Begin by selecting a journal or a notebook that resonates with you. It could be leather-bound, handcrafted, or a simple, beautifully designed book. Let your intuition guide you.
✨ 2. Dedicate Your Grimoire: Before you start filling its pages, dedicate your grimoire to your magical practice. Create a ceremony or ritual that signifies its importance in your spiritual journey.
✨ 3. Organize Your Content: Decide on the sections or categories for your grimoire. Common sections include spells, herbs, crystals, divination, moon phases, and personal reflections. Organizing your content will make it easier to reference.
✨ 4. Decorate with Intention: Use art, symbols, and colors that hold significance in your practice. Incorporate symbols, runes, and illustrations that resonate with your magical path. Each stroke of your pen can carry intention.
✨ 5. Record Your Spells and Rituals: Document your spells and rituals with care. Include ingredients, steps, and the outcomes. Personalize them to make them your own and infuse them with your energy.
✨ 6. Herbal and Crystal Wisdom: Devote sections to the properties and uses of herbs and crystals. Describe their magical associations and how to work with them in your spells and rituals.
✨ 7. Lunar and Planetary Magic: Dedicate pages to the phases of the moon and the influence of planetary energies. Include your observations and experiences with these celestial guides.
✨ 8. Divination and Tarot: Share your insights about divination methods like tarot, runes, or scrying. Document your readings and interpretations.
✨ 9. Dream and Meditation Journal: Dedicate a portion to dream and meditation experiences. Record your visions, insights, and messages received during your spiritual journeys.
✨ 10. Personal Reflections: Your grimoire is not just a book of facts but a record of your spiritual evolution. Write about your experiences, your magical progress, and how your practice has shaped you.
✨ 11. Protection and Secrecy: Consider creating a page or section dedicated to protective spells or enchantments to safeguard the contents of your grimoire.
✨ 12. Regularly Update: Your grimoire is a living, evolving document. As you learn, grow, and experience, continue to add to its pages and update your knowledge.
As you craft your grimoire, remember that it is a reflection of your unique connection to the magical world. With each entry, you breathe life into your practice, making it a powerful, personalized tool for your mystical journey. May your grimoire be a testament to your magical evolution, a record of your discoveries, and a key to the secrets of the universe.
📜🔮✨ Blessed be, as you embark on this enchanting journey of grimoire creation. 📜🔮✨
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enchantedwitchling · 8 months
The Power of Intuition: Developing Your Psychic Abilities.
Intuition is a powerful gift that we all possess. It's the inner knowing, the gut feeling, the psychic sense that guides us. Whether you're new to exploring your intuitive abilities or looking to enhance them, here are some exercises and tips to help you tap into the magic of your own intuition.
1. Meditation for Clarity 🧘‍♂️🌌
Take time each day to meditate. Clear your mind, focus on your breath, and allow your intuition to surface. The more you practice, the more in tune you become with your inner wisdom.
2. Trust Your Gut Feeling 🤔💭
Start small by listening to your gut instincts in everyday situations. Trust that inner voice when making decisions. Over time, this will strengthen your intuitive muscle.
3. Tarot and Oracle Cards 🔮🃏
Experiment with divination tools like Tarot or Oracle cards. These can be excellent tools for honing your intuitive skills. Draw a card daily and interpret its message based on your intuition.
4. Dream Journaling 🌙📓
Keep a dream journal by your bedside. Record your dreams as soon as you wake up. Often, dreams contain intuitive insights and symbolism that can be deciphered over time.
5. Practice Empathy and Active Listening 👂❤️
Empathize with others and practice active listening. Tuning into their emotions and thoughts can help you fine-tune your intuitive abilities.
6. Nature Connection 🌿🌳
Spend time in nature. The natural world has its own intuitive energy. Take walks, sit quietly, and observe. Nature can amplify your intuitive senses.
7. Develop Your Third Eye Chakra 🧘‍♀️👁️
Work on balancing and opening your third eye chakra through meditation and visualization exercises. This energy center is often associated with intuition.
8. Trust the Process 🌟🌈
Remember, developing intuition takes time and patience. Trust in your own unique journey. Your intuition is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.
9. Seek Guidance 🤝🌠
Consider seeking guidance from experienced intuitives or psychics. They can offer insights and techniques based on their own experiences.
10. Keep a Journal of Intuitive Experiences 📔✨
Document your intuitive experiences in a journal. This helps you track your progress and learn from your insights.
Your intuition is a valuable compass on your life's journey. Embrace it, nurture it, and allow it to illuminate your path. The more you connect with your intuition, the more you'll discover the profound wisdom that resides within you.
Embrace the magic of your intuition, and let it lead you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.
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aphrxditing · 1 year
How to start reinventing the new version of yourself:
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☀️Build a morning routine:
Instead of staying in bed for hours scrolling on your phone, build a morning routine that will make you get up and start your day.
🌙Build a night time routine:
By having a night routine it sets boundaries for yourself. It will also make you get ready for bed and make you want to go to bed earlier. Lastly it’s a nice way to spend some time alone before sleep.
🛏️Sleep 7-8 hours everyday:
Sleep is soooo important (duh) you need to start prioritizing sleep over everything else (obviously there’s exceptions but if I hear you’re skipping sleep to speak to a situationship, I will quietly judge you).
🧼Find your signature scent:
We all know that one girl. She walks past us and smells absolutely amazing. We want to know exactly what scent that is so we can smell that good. Become that girl. Make people turn head and think about you all day because of your signature scent.
👜Find your style:
Stop buying items just because they’re trendy and actually find your style. Make sure you feel comfortable in your style, this will make you stand out because you will radiate confidence.
📔Read everyday for at least 30 minutes:
Also try reading out loud. This will help you slow down, think about every word. It will also improve your comprehension and articulation.
📝Journal everyday:
Instead of keeping everything inward and exploding months later, write them down. This will allow you to reflect on your feelings right away. Even if you had a very good day, write that down too. It will help you remember that feeling you had that day.
🧴Find a skincare routine that works for you and stay consistent with it:
Stop buying every trendy skincare product you see. Learn more about your skin and what it likes/don’t like. Once you find a routine that works for you, your skin will thank you.
☁️Meditate every morning:
Or night. By adding meditation in your morning routine, it’s a good way to start the day. If you decide do meditate at night, it’s a good way to relax after a long day.
🏐Work out 4-5 times a week:
Unfortunately you can’t get that dream body without working for it. You also don’t have to go to a gym, you can go for a run, do pilates, play a sport etc. As long as your making your body move a bit more than normal, that’s all that matter. Also you don’t need to to work out only to achieve a specific look, workout to feel good and confident.
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waltzingwithspirit · 8 months
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LEFT : 111 ; RIGHT: 333
🪈Disclaimer in highlights applies here
🪈Take what resonates and leave the rest
🪈No one is allowed to copy my work under any circumstances
🪈All personal readings are paid. DM to book a personal tarot session.
🌙111🌙 “Better to wait than force things to happen” “I want my life to be beautiful, wild and filled with things I never imagined so forgive me if I ignore everything  you think is important and get right to it” “Stop Complaining and Start Doing”  “Fulfill your duties towards your body, self, and family, even society, do your part.” Patience is virtue that needs to be restored within you. You want your life to look a certain way, beautiful and wild and like your Pinterest mood baords and for so long you haven’t lived that, you have been engulfed with the noise and drama of the outside world, you waited so long for things you didn’t want, why not be patient for the things that you do, it takes time to undo the social conditioning and live truly free, give yourself some grace. It is not your job to be likeable, your job is to be yourself and the right people will find you.  The council of light is reminding you that while you are on your way to fulfil your dream, do not forget to give back. A lot of being gave you comfort in your journey. I can see someone talking to street or colony dogs, and just sitting beside them and telling them about stories of their life, and playing, don’t forget them when things get better, they listened to you when you were in need. Do not forget your roots, sometimes we fly so high we can’t pinpoint where our home is from the clouds, do not forget your home, where you came from, your lineage, your villages, these things matter. They are your anchor. Connect with your loved ones, do some gardening. For some of you: Rescue Animals, help them in any way you can.  Comment ‘111’ to claim. 🌙 DM TO BOOK A TAROT READING 🌙 🌙333🌙 “You came with nothing, you will go away with nothing” “You are not aline no matter how you perceive it to be. There is someone praying for you” If you are facing difficulty in making a choice: the council of light says: Make the choice that sets you free, that makes you feel lighter. Check your feelings, does it feel a weird hesitation or disappointment or sadness, even though logically it makes sense? Do not choose that path, please! Let lightness, freedom and joy be your guide in making decisions and you’ll be happy how things turned out in the end.  Love yourself more, your day starts when you wake up so create a solid morning routine for yourself, take care of what you are consuming in different aspects like food, water, virtual content, engaging in conversations, everything. Assess this, eat good food that gives you energy and life, engage in manful conversations instead of gossip. Everyday for an hour do something you love, actively. Like you like to draw? Transfer half the time you spend following art content into making your own drawings, they don’t have to be the best, just start doodling even.  You have all that you need to become wealthy in the most holistic sense, use them, There is no harm in writing in a pretty journal but you can just start journaling in any dairy whatsoever, sometimes just taking the first step is good enough, do not go in the mindset that I don’t have this so I can’t do this, use the resources you have currently.  Comment ‘333’ to claim. 🌙 DM TO BOOK A TAROT READING 🌙
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wandoffire · 2 months
Hey :)
A quick link for everything.
Law of attraction 🧲
Raising your vibration
Simple spiritual practices
Spell Jars: 🫙
Good luck
Career / money
Herbs: 🌱
For energy
For sleep
For digestive health
Essential oils: use ideas and types
Crystals: 💎
Colour meanings
Crystals for...
Care tips
Moon phase journaling 🌙
Energy cleanse mist
Peaceful sleep spell bag
Lucid Dreaming
Love 🫶
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lunarbuck · 10 months
Soulmate AU Writing Challenge
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hello hello hello! to celebrate my 2k follower milestone i've decided to try my hand at running a writing challenge :) Please make sure to read the instructions and have fun!!!
this challenge is 18+ only so minors do not interact/participate
Now let's get into it 🌙
Time frame: August 9 - September 13
Instructions: Select your favorite trope/au from the list and message/send me an ask to claim! I will add more to the list if I need to.
Your fic can be any word count, but please use the read more after 350 words. These can be fluffy, smutty, angsty, dark, literally whatever, but I ask that you refrain from including scat, piss, or ageplay. Make sure to properly tag your fics!!!!
You do not have to be following me to participate
When you post your fic, please tag me so I can reblog and make a masterlist!! I hope you guys have fun, I can't wait to read what you all come up with <3
✨AU/Trope List✨
Every so often you will get flashes of what your soulmate is seeing at the time, however your soulmate does not know when it happens. @mrsmischief209
You have the first words your soulmate says to you somewhere on your body (and vice versa). @onceuponastory
You have your soulmate’s name somewhere on your body. @mischief-dream
Everyone is able to see each other’s aura. You and your soulmate have the same-colored aura, and you will stop seeing auras altogether after you meet them.
You can communicate telepathically with your soulmate. @angrythingstarlight
Your internal voice is the voice of your soulmate’s, rather than your own. @wishfulstargazer
You can feel what your soulmate is feeling (and vice versa). @vase-of-lilies
Anything you draw/write on your own skin appears on your soulmate’s.
You have a clock that counts down until you meet your soulmate.
You and your soulmate share matching tattoos. @americas-ass-writing
You and your soulmate have matching tattoos that become clear once you meet. @seleswrites
You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate - then you can see colors. @writing-for-marvel
Your soulmate’s scars appear on your body (and vice versa). @buckets-and-trees
You have a compass on your body that leads you to where your soulmate is. @flordeamatista
You have the date that you’ll meet your soulmate tattooed somewhere on your body. @indyluckycharlie
You have a tattoo that changes color depending on what your soulmate is feeling. @jbucb
The only thing you remember from your past life is the face of your soulmate. @she-wolf09231982
You share a dream with your soulmate when you’re both asleep. @navybrat817
You can see the red string of fate when you close your eyes, which will lead you to your soulmate. @sgt-seabass
Everyone has a journal that allows them to write back and forth with their soulmate. @princessphilly
You feel intense pain in your soul when your soulmate is in life-threatening danger. @pluvia-b
You have a tattoo of how old your soulmate will be when you meet. @thecubanator2
You have a tattoo of your soulmate’s initials. @vonalyn
Once a year, starting on your 16th birthday, soulmates swap bodies for a day if they have not met yet. @rainisawriter
You cannot feel pain until you meet/touch your soulmate. @nickfowlerrr
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Tagging some mutuals who might be interested (no pressure obviously lol)
@flordeamatista @jobean12-blog @late-to-the-party-81 @buckets-and-trees @aquariusbarnes @jen-with-a-pen @navybrat817 @mrsmischief209 @onceuponastory @summerofsnowflakes @sgt-seabass @goldylions @writing-for-marvel @snugglingbucky @angrythingstarlight @bbgem329 @mickeyhenrys @sunshinebuckybarnes
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fawntarot999 · 1 year
What signs are in your 😴dreams🌙 and what do they mean?
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Close your eyes and take a deep breath, then pick a pile 🔮 don’t think too much 💋
Decks ~ Rider-Waite Tarot, The Wild Unknown Tarot, The Somnia Tarot, Tarot of the Cat People, In Dreams Oracle
Pile I ~ Hazel
Queen of Cups, Chariot, 9 of Cups, Rejuvenation (Judgement), Dance, Dedicate, Mother of Wands (Queen of Wands) (hidden)
Hi Hazel 👋 You have beautiful dreams. Signs coming to me: cups or wine glasses overflowing, cherubs, ocean, horses, planets, multiple people representing the same person, some form or sign of protection, motherly figure, snakes (positively). Okay Hazel; someone that loves you and wants the best for you, think grandmotherly or motherly type, is trying to speak to you or guide you through these dreams. She sees you as her kin. You have something aligning in the universe for you right now. This is something you have wanted for a while or you want it now and it’s finally possible. Your cup is overflowing with possibility, love, and creative juices. Rejoice in your light. Everything may not be perfect but something is. “Life is about learning to dance in the rain” is the wisdom she is trying to pass on to you now. Go with your instinct, bet on yourself, and go for what truly makes you happy.
Pile II ~ Moon
9 of Wands rx, 2 of Cups, Emperor, Son (Knight) of Pentacles rx, 8 of Pentacles, Knight of Coins (Pentacles) rx, 6 of Swords rx, Knight of Swords, Evolve
You’re dreams seem scary but they’re not, Moon 🌙 Signs coming to me: lots of loud sounds, bars, sharing secrets or exchanging illegal things, spiders, bucks with heads down or being ridden, falling, elevators, camouflage. These are scary dreams because they are a product of your anxiety; feeling stuck, controlled, daunted by the task ahead, inactive because of fear of imperfection. You are so scared to work towards what you really want that you won’t even acknowledge it because you are scared to fail. Stop trying to blend into a space that’s not yours. Release yourself from the weight of your fear. To fail is to evolve.
Pile III ~ Baby
Judgement, Ace of Pentacles, Knight of Wands rx, Daughter (Page) of Cups, 9 of Coins (Pentacles), Knight of Wands rx, Within, Silence
Okay, Baby, your messages came through super clear. Before your dream reading 2 cards fell out as things I needed to know about you: 6 of Swords & 10 of Wands rx. You have just completed a cycle in your life and are moving into a new space, however you haven’t let go of the weight from the last cycle yet. Your dreams reflect this. Signs coming to me: angels, garden of Eden, G0d? If that resonates, bucking horses, cowboys, baby ducks or chicks, MESSAGES, flowers especially sunflowers, pregnant women, butterflies. Okay Baby… this is a time of evaluation for you. You have new opportunities coming your way but you are being asked to slow down through your dreams. The next stage of life for you is not something you’ll have to push or fight or energize yourself for. It is a period of healing, slow growth, abundance, and law of attraction. Your dreams are really trying to send you messages; maybe you should start a dream journal in order to decode these. Your dreams are asking you to stop moving, stop going, stop thinking. Sit in silence and get to know yourself so that you can attract abundance.
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flesh-eater-girl · 6 months
I had another neat person in my nap dream!
So I was in a school, but it looked more like a big gothic cathedral with stained glass. It was beautiful.
In the dream I had my tongue piercing back in, which I miss dearly but I do not miss the pain that came with it. One of the ends had come loose, so I was headed to a bathroom to fix it, which I guess I had taken a key to one of the private bathrooms because I'm cool like that.
Before I could close the door, I saw a guy walking past to a nearby computer lab carrying an oboe case. I recognized him in the dream but he wasn't anyone I know irl. So I called out to him,
"Hey Chef, how's it goin?"
And he replied
"It's goin, it's definitely goin." But only after pausing to register that I had talked to him. I think he was very shy and geeky and didn't talk to people much. But he continued, "How about with you?"
So I said "Can't complain", while fixing my piercing. Before the door could fully close, he called out again,
"So, uh. Why are you talking to me? Can't you not stand someone who looks like the devil himself?"
Which he definitely did not. He looked like your classic high school baby bat. Red plaid pants, black shirt, black hair greased around, black rimmed glasses. Nothing weird by any means. Though his left ear was a little misshapen, I do remember.
But hearing this, I kicked the door open and stomped into the room. "You motherfucker. Have you even seen me? Were two birds of a feather, dummy!" I was so decked out. Big black boots, spiked leather jacket, big hair like Robert Smith. I looked cool as fuck. And man, all my piercings were there, I felt like magic. And I think he saw it too and was a little enchanted by how brash and forward I was haha, he seemed a little flustered, which I don't normally have that kind of effect on people irl, so that was nice to see.
Anyway I woke up a little abruptly but Chef, if you're out there somewhere, you were cute 🥰 don't let people bully you for being you
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ivesambrose · 1 year
𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓲 𝓜𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 🪴
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Astrologically March 2023 is an eventful month, make the best of this one too 💚
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You will be realizing how exhausted your body is from the stress you've been putting on it for the past 10 weeks or couple of months and actually give yourself a break otherwise your body will do it for you. Take care of your back and joint health. Try investing in some calcium and vitamin D supplements and do full body stretches accordingly. There will be realizations in regards to overextending yourself towards activities that bring you less happiness and more anxiety and towards people that won't even give you the bare minimum of what you give them. When the realizations hit try not to guilt trip yourself and wallow but take accountability and treat yourself with kindness. Some of you will likely leave a boring job. Your mindset in regards to money also needs to change and it will. Have faith in your intuition when it comes to the offers in romance or any other creative opportunities you receive this month. As well as what and where you invest your money into.
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Realizing your self destructive habits and finally learning to say no. Also preferring self validation over the validation of others. Preferring your privacy and opting to gatekeep. You may want to post on socials less in regards to your life too. Some of you are likely giving yourself health goals or personal business or artistic goals and you'd prefer to keep everything to yourself. The scrutinization from others isn't helping and likely comparing yourself to others isn't helping either. So you'll choose to move on from that mindset and cater to yourself. I feel you'll be needing more rest this month at the same time learning to criticize yourself less. It could be that some of you might struggle with body dysmorphia or some health related concerns that aren't making you feel at your best, please know that if you go easy on yourself, take it slow and simply affirm and focus on your desired manifestions results will show in no time. Another reminder for you, time is not running out. Allow yourself to dream and know that if you can imagine it you can have it too if you stick to the vision.
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Booked and busy! In your own world, doing your own thing. It's like you know what you want and you know you'll have it so in the mean time you're just going with the ebb and flow of it all. I see recognition and achievement for you. You'll be sharing less yet turning heads. Try to avoid arguments mainly because some won't be able to handle your sharp tounge or you won't be liking theirs. Focus on talking to people that don't test your patience honestly. And learn to communicate with tenderness. Financially things are looking spectacular, like I said booked and busy. Might get overwhelming in between but all that work will pay off in the long run. You'll be receiving gifts from admirers or loved ones as well. Likely you'll keep a journal or write a lot this month, so continue writing the script of your life.
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loveemagicpeace · 3 months
✨Aries Season✨
🔥Aries season will be fiery. We are already have mercury in aries so the communication is much more direct maybe a little aggressive. You can also get into the fight with someone so much quicker
🔥Aries is the first sign of zodiac sign it's all about the energy it's all about you . Aries is called to be very selfish because it's much more focused on themself than on others.
🔥Aries energy helps you believe in yourself and take confident action as a leader. Throughout this Aries season, ask yourself: How can you show up with confidence? Where do you need to show leadership? When do you need to take action? Fire is the vital spark, the soul, the life-force; it embodies risk-taking, leadership, passion, confidence, action, motivation, energy, and sparkle. Aries season is an excellent time to start a new job or hobby. You may choose to break a bad habit and begin a healthy one. It's time to hit the refresh button.
✨Mercury in Aries will remain in the sign of Aries until May 15. Mercury in Aries will bring a much more direct, open and fiery energy. They will speed up events and things will develop quickly. But you can quickly quarrel with someone or say something thoughtlessly.
🔥Aries will offer an opportunity for introspection, reflection, and reassessment. Aries energy encourages us to tap into our inner courage, assertiveness and independence. Use this time to reflect on your goals, desires and personal boundaries.
☁️Take it easy during Mercury retrograde, and particularly watch out for impulsive actions in the coming weeks. While Aries energy pushes for quick decisions, remember that it may cloud your judgment, leading to potentially hasty decisions.
🫧Have introspective conversations to ensure you're honoring yourself and your personal beliefs/truths. with people that you feel good energy. Ensure your voice is heard and express your thoughts. Aries is all about expressing your thoughts out loud. Don't force your beliefs or desires onto others and don't be with people who are too negative or angry. Don't jump to conclusions or make rash decisions based on immediate reactions. Mercury can sometimes make things look different than they really are.
🌙Rising Signs🌙
Aries Rising- mercury will be in your ist house. This will affect how you express yourself, behave, and your appearance. Identity and self-perception take the spotlight during this phase. You might feel the urge to revamp your appearance or refresh how you present yourself to the world. Patience isn't always your strongest suit, but it's crucial now more than ever. Take this time to pace yourself and avoid burning out.
Taurus Rising-During this period, your dreams, imagination, and intuition will be heightened. Your spirit is intricately connected to the universe, so prioritize activities like meditation or journaling to slow down and reflect. On the financial front, you may require careful attention during Mercury retrograde as there might be unexpected expenses or financial expenses or losses could arise, particularly if proper budgeting in planning are neglected.
Gemini Rising-you might experience a favorable outcome in your career. You could also see advancement such as job opportunities, promotions, or even the chances of traveling overseas with great job satisfaction, the dedication and hard work may be recognised by superiors, leading to support, appreciation, and possibly even promotions. It can also bring about better relationships. You can meet or see a friend whom you haven't seen for years. Be cautious of conflicts within your community and strive for autonomy without overstepping boundaries.
Cancer Rising-Sudden change such as transfers in the job may disrupt stability and cost dissatisfaction. Increased work pressure without recognition or appreciation may lead to frustration, and some individuals may even have the possibility of job loss. But you could result in increased expenses and limited opportunities for earning. Maybe there are some things here that are related to the family or the father. Practice patience with your colleagues and yourself.
Leo Rising-New job opportunities might be possible for you during this period and due to this success may also be easily possible. During this period, you will have a good potential to meet with immense success and you will also have more efficiency in your work area. If you are in business will gain good popularity and money as luck is going to favor you completely. It can also mean some sort of spiritual journey. Be cautious when traveling or embarking on trips-while it's not forbidden, proceed with care. You might begin to question your beliefs, which is crucial for personal growth.
Virgo Rising- During this time, you might uncover some deep-seated traumas or hidden aspects of yourself. There might be lack of satisfaction and acknowledgement in your professional endeavors leading to concerns about job performance. This Mercury retrograde encourages you to examine what's holding you back from progress. 8th house is also about soul bonding, intimacy.
Libra Rising- While some might experience setbacks and lack success others might find exciting job prospects abroad, offering them a sense of fulfillment and joy. Mercury may bring mixed outcomes with a balance of expense and gains. Opportunities for financial gains. Business contracts, in particular, might be problematic, so it's crucial to thoroughly review all paperwork before signing. Be extra considerate towards your partner if you're married.
Scorpio Rising- During this Mercury retrograde, you might find yourself feeling sluggish, so it's important to slow down your pace. This could mean scaling back on work commitments, easing up at the gym, or taking extra care to avoid getting sick. Spend some time in nature particularly near plants and trees to ground yourself. Do things that don't burden you.
Sagittarius Rising-might experience tension in relationships, particularly concerning your children and family matters. Additional issues within the family may arise causing you stress. Navigating relationship challenges requires excellent communication and patience. Watch out for old flames resurfacing, Use this time to reflect on matters related to your passions. Don't indulge recklessly during this period, but do take time for yourself to reconnect with what brings you happiness.
Capricorn Rising- Patience is key to avoid unnecessary stress during this time. Many things have to do with you and the things you do. It is good not to open too many demanding and difficult conversations, because you will not feel that they are leading and you will only end up disappointed. Consider how you give and receive information. Maybe you will go somewhere or meet more people.
Aquarius Rising- there is a strong possibility of success with opportunities for promotion and salary hike. Overall, this period holds promise for career advancement and success. This period presents opportunities for growth and financial stability in your business endeavors. On the relationship front, you are likely to enjoy success in maintaining a harmonious relationship. During this period, effective communication with your life partners can contribute to a positive personal life.
Pisces Rising- you may experience tremendous peace and understanding with life partners and family members. Strong connections and perfect understanding have the potential to increase happiness and pleasure in personal relationships. This transit brings another wave of change. It's time to reassess your relationship with material possessions and finances. Don't waste money on unnecessary things.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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xdaddysprincessxx · 9 months
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In Every Lifetime
Demon!Ezra x Witch!Reader
Warnings: none, Reader is mid to late 20s, witchcraft, tarot, yes the witchy things depicted in this is real witchcraft things, use of Latin (look for the a/n at the end for the translation)
Summary: It’s fall of 1974 in your quiet small town of Chesterfield when everything falls apart. Or is it the beginning?
A/n: I’m super excited for this series, I hope y’all enjoy! This is not edited or beta’d, written on my phone, any mistakes are mine(: & the moodboard is made by moi!
🌙 A little ping sounds off as you enter your favorite used bookstore. The distinct smell of old books and worn leather floods your nose as you step inside. Ronald, the store owner, must be in the back, leaving the place all to yourself for the moment. You immediately head back to the nonfiction section hoping to find some books on the moon. Ever since you were little, you’ve found yourself drawn to the moon. Always a beacon of light for you in the darkness of the night. A few years ago for your birthday, your best friend Louise dragged you to a tarot reader to get your cards read. The first card the tarot reader pulled was the moon.
“Be wary of the illusion in front of you. Release your grip on your painful past and look for answers within yourself and your dreams.” the lady said.
Ever since that night you’ve poured yourself into learning everything you can about the moon, tarot and witchcraft. Since you’ve begun your craft, you’ve found you have quite a knack for kitchen witchery. But lately you’ve found yourself wanting to dabble in more mystic arts. To put it simply: you want to work more with the Greek goddess Selene and work on actually casting spells.
Lost in thought as your finger glides across all of the different book spines a sudden thud brings you back into the present. After jumping out of your skin you quickly look around trying to find the source of noise. That’s when you notice a small black book laying on the ground at your feet. Bending over to pick it up, you can’t help but feel a magnetic pull. Almost as if the book wants you to pick it up. Giving it a quick wipe to get the dust off, you realize it has no title on the front and a little lock holding it closed. Twisting the little knob you unlock the book and open to the first page. As you flip through the pages you realize it’s a journal filled with notes and little drawing of the moon, various spices and herbs and on one particular page; a drawing of a terrifying creature with horns and green eyes. Your curiosity got the better of you and you quickly put the journal in your bag before zipping it up and adjusting the strap that sits diagonally across your body. Giving the store one more quick glance around to make sure nobody saw you, you make your way back to the front and leave.
Once outside you make your way back home. The quaint little town you reside in seems quieter than normal for such a beautiful fall day. Colorful leaves scattered the ground and all the stores lining up and down main street all have their fall decorations adorning their windows. As your passing the little cafe on the corner, you can’t help but notice a stranger sitting at one of the little tables outside the cafe. Being in a small town you know everyone and everyone knows you. There is next to no type of privacy. And yet here this man sits with a small tea cup in front of him. With dark shades covering his eyes, he has a distinctive blonde patch on his otherwise dark brown hair. You find yourself staring at the man when you realize he’s smiling. At you.
“You do know it’s not polite to stare?” he says with an air of lightheartedness in a deep southern accent.
You begin to open and then close your mouth a few times before you found your words, “I am so sorry sir, I didn’t mean to stare. I- I just I’ve never seen you around here before. That’s all.”
The man’s smile widens as he sits back and tilts his head up at you, “And this is how you choose to show a stranger some hospitality?” he teases.
“I- welcome to Chesterfield mister. This cafe has a good herbal tea that cures colds and the diner down the street going”, as you point in the opposite direction, “that way has the best pancakes you’ve ever had and if your looking for something fun to do well then you’ve come to the wrong place. We have a rather rundown movie theater that only holds two movies at one time, the local high school has a pretty decent football team if your into that and here soon ole farmer Joel will be opening up his corn maze and hayrides to the public.” You say in a single breath. As much as you love living here it is a small town and there’s not much to offer.
“Well then I guess I’ll just have to find some other way to pass the time then. But thank you for that marvelous introduction to your beautiful town.” he says with a smirk still on his face.
“You have a good night now!” You say, rather high pitched, as you raise your hand to wave goodbye to the man.
Soon enough Main Street is a distance behind you as you turn into your neighborhood. With just a little bit longer before your home, you can’t shake the feeling that your being watched. The feeling is so sudden and strong it makes you stop in your tracks. Looking around real quick to see if anyone was following you, you find your the only one outside. Now that’s weird. You’re the only one. No cars driving by, no kids outside playing, the only noise is the wind rustling the leaves. It’s as if your in a ghost town. Unnerved you start walking again, this time with a little pep in your step so you can get home faster.
You live at the dead end in your neighborhood. A small, one story brick house with a tree in the front yard and two jack o lanterns sitting with their smiling faces on your front porch. You speed walk up your driveway, speeding past your little Volkswagen bug as you make your way up the few stairs leading to your front door. You unlock your front door, getting inside and shutting the door quickly as if you were running from someone. Placing your keys on the hook you take your shoes off and go to throw your bag onto the couch. Making your way into the kitchen you pull out your favorite mug and grab the tasty tea mixture you recently made and started making you a hot cup of tea to help calm your nerves.
Walking back into the living room while you wait for the water to heat up, you plop down on the couch and go to retrieve the journal laying inside your bag. Unlocking the little lock holding the journal closed, you open it to the first page and start reading. You soon find yourself immersed in this strangers writings. Different spices and herbs listed with descriptions on the best time to use them and for what purpose, the different moon phases and rituals to do during them. Looking at your calendar you realize tonight is a full moon. Perfect you think, no time like the present to try out a ritual you found in this mystery journal. What could go wrong?
Excitement fills you making it hard to wait until midnight to perform this ritual. You cleared the floor of your bedroom, lifting the rug you had laying down so you could write these symbols on your hardwood floor. Sitting in the middle of the triple moon symbol drawn with chalk and covered with a mixture of cinnamon, aloe, mugwort and hibiscus combined and crushed to a powder. You have a single red candle sitting in front of you with the journal laid open to the page depicting the full moon ritual. Repeating the incantation in your head, you glance over at your clock noticing it just hit midnight. Clearing your throat you speak out loud,
Vivamus, moriendum est
Ergo dum me diligis
Cor meum tuum est
And so it shall be.
As soon as the words left your mouth, you heard a loud, incessant banging on your door right before a gush of wind blew your candle out seemingly taking every light out with it.
A/n: !!! Okay I really hope y’all like this! Yes the moon is the star of this show! The incantation is Latin meaning: Let us live, for we must die. So long as you love me, my heart is yours. Let me know how y’all like it! I’m already working on chp 2 now! Happy hauntings my little witches 🌙
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enchantedwitchling · 10 months
The Magic of Everyday: How I Find Witchcraft in the Ordinary.
Do you ever stop to marvel at the enchantment that surrounds us, hidden in plain sight? As I delve deeper into my journey of practicing witchcraft, I've come to realize that magic isn't just about casting grand spells or performing elaborate rituals—it's woven into the very fabric of our everyday lives.
Join me as I embark on this enchanting exploration of "The Magic of Everyday," where I'll reveal how I find witchcraft in the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary in the mundane.
Morning Brew, Morning Spells ☕🔮 Every morning, as the sun rises and the world awakens, I stand by the window, cradling my warm mug of tea or coffee, or in the summer months with iced drinks (I love an iced coffee!). With every sip, I imbue my drink with intentions of clarity and peace.
The Language of Plants and Crystals 🌿💎 During my daily walks, I've discovered a secret language spoken by the plants and crystals. The rustling leaves whisper ancient wisdom, while the sparkling crystals hum with energy. Nature, the most potent spell caster, teaches me to be still, listen, and learn.
Embracing the Elements 🌊🔥💨🌍 The elements surround us at all times, and recognising their presence is a powerful key to unlock everyday magic. I breathe in the fresh air, feel the earth beneath my feet, and let the rain cleanse my spirit. When I light a candle, I invoke the transformative power of fire. By connecting with the elements, I connect with the core of existence.
Enchanted Home Space 🏠✨ My home is my sacred space, a sanctuary for my craft. I've adorned it with little altars and candles, which I light to honour the spirits that reside within these walls. Cleansing my space with smoke incense purifies and refreshes the energy, filling the air with positive vibrations.
Moonlit Dream weaving 🌙🌌 Under the moon's tender gaze, I venture into the realm of dreams. I keep a dream journal by my bedside, capturing the mysteries that unfold during the night. In the gentle light of the moon, I feel closer to the universal energy that weaves us all together.
In the grand tapestry of life, there's magic in the ordinary—waiting for us to embrace it with wonder and gratitude. By cherishing these moments, we tap into the essence of witchcraft, where intention and reverence converge.
So, as you go about your day, remember to pause, breathe, and observe the magic that surrounds you. Whether it's in the flight of a butterfly, the sparkle of dew on a leaf, or the warmth of a friend's smile, the enchantment of everyday life awaits your discovery.
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magickkate · 5 months
🌕✨ The Beginner’s Guide: Moon Magic 101 Navigating the Basics of Moon Phases ✨🌑
Hello again! Today’s topic is the Moon 🌙✨ Ready to dive into the enchanting information of moon phases? Let’s unravel the magic of the lunar cycle for all the beginner witches out there! 🌌📜
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🌑 New Moon:
• The lunar cycle kicks off with the New Moon—a blank canvas for new beginnings! Perfect time for setting intentions, planting seeds, and manifesting your dreams. 🌱✨
🌓 First Quarter (Waxing Crescent):
• As the moon starts waxing, energy builds! Time to give a boost to ongoing projects, refine goals, and gather momentum in your magical workings. 🚀🌒
🌕 Full Moon:
• Ah, the radiant Full Moon! A powerful peak for manifestation, releasing, and charging crystals. Perfect for any magical workings needing that extra lunar oomph! 🌕🔮
🌗 Last Quarter (Waning Crescent):
• As the moon wanes, it’s time to release what no longer serves you. Reflect, banish negativity, and tidy up loose ends as the moon gracefully dwindles. 🍃🌘
🌌 Dark Moon (Balsamic):
• The Dark Moon is a quiet, introspective phase. Ideal for inner work, divination, and connecting with your intuitive self. Embrace the cosmic stillness. 🌑 🔍
🌈 Practical Magic Tips:
• Charging Crystals: Lay your crystals under the Full Moon to infuse them with lunar energy.
• Casting Spells: Align your spellwork with the corresponding moon phase for added potency.
• Journaling: Track your moods, dreams, and magical experiences throughout the lunar cycle.
📚 Moon Magic Resources:
• Check out books like “Moon Magic: Your Complete Guide to Harnessing the Mystical Energy of the Moon” by Diane Ahlquist for in-depth insights into moon magic.
🌙 Begin Your Lunar Journey:
• Whether you’re a moon-gazing novice or a seasoned witch, embracing the moon’s phases adds a magical rhythm to your craft. 🌟🌙
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