#he's had a couple of bad partners in the past so he hasn't dated in years
rarestdoge · 1 year
Ayo, who he blushin at tho? 🤨
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moonstruckme · 1 year
hi! could you be able to please write a one shot with James Potter where he lets everyone know that he has a girlfriend and he's taken but nobody knows who is his girlfriend. And after he falls off his broom during a quidditch match turns out that his girlfriend its the slytherin captain, who is like the complete opposite of James lol
Hi lovely, thanks for your request! I hope you like it <3
Cw: mention of injury, no details/description
James Potter x slytherin!reader ♡ 740 words
James Potter is well aware that, considering his usual tendency to showboat, it's suspicious that his dating life has suddenly become the best-kept secret at Hogwarts. It's obvious he is dating someone. He hasn't exactly been inconspicuous with the notes he sends flying down the halls several times a day (though it's a small miracle no one has been able to chase them all the way to the recipient) and when he wouldn't tell Sirius who it was, his friend let slip to half of Gryffindor house that he'd caught James sneaking out of their dorm room three times in the past week. Soon, it seemed like all James' classmates did was buzz with speculation about his mysterious partner.
James is trying to ignore that speculation now, the chatter in the crowded stands somehow reaching him even far above the quidditch pitch, distracting him from looking out for the snitch.
"Hardly at the top of our game today, are we, Potter?" A snide voice calls, a blur of green blazing past him to lob the quaffle towards the center goalpost.
James perks up, brought back to the game by the familiarity of a good bickering. "Wishful thinking," he calls back, just as the Gryffindor keeper blocks your attempt at a goal. James meets your fierce stare with his most winning smile. "Maybe if I wasn't, you'd have a half-decent chance of beating us for the first time in three years."
Three years, he wants to add, since both of you had been made captain of your respective teams. James certainly isn't going to lose that winning streak because of any gossip. He redoubles his focus, waiting for a telling glint of light or the light buzzing of wings, and keeping an eye on the Slytherin seeker to make sure she hasn't spotted it either.
There's a flicker of movement to his right, and James is off, the ruckus of the crowd drowned out by the wind rushing past his ears as he races towards the snitch. His vision seems to narrow as it grows closer, all his attention on the tiny golden ball, and he can almost touch it when pain shoots through his side.
James tries to grab at his broom, but he's too slow, his hand wrapping around only air. He's on solid ground before he knows what's happened, splayed on his back with a view of the other players high above him, almost all shock-still. Almost, except for the Slytherin chaser in a dangerously fast nose-dive towards him. You hardly take the time to level out your broom before you're hopping off and crouching beside him.
"Potter—shit, Potter, are you okay?" Your hands tremble as they run over his arms, his torso, as if wanting to make sure he's still whole but afraid he'll shatter at anything more than your gentlest touch.
"I think so." James groans, sitting up. "A couple broken ribs, maybe."
"Shit," you pant, your hands moving to his face. "Are you sure?"
"Well, I'm a bit rattled at the moment," he says, beginning to snark, but he softens when he sees you're blinking back tears. "It's not bad, sweetheart. I'm alright."
You shake your head, somewhere between frustrated and fond, and press your lips to James' abruptly. He's so shocked it takes him a second to kiss you back, doing his best to soothe the desperation he can feel in your touch.
You pull back just as quickly, leaving James so dazed he's caught entirely off guard by the light smack you deliver to the back of his head.
"You idiot. You should have seen that bludger coming from a mile away."
James searches for a witty rebuttal, but comes up empty. He can't decide whether to be offended or charmed by you right now, and it's stolen the gall from him. It's also possible that he's concussed. "Yeah," he says dumbly.
You huff, but still squeeze his shoulder as you stand, letting Madam Hooch move in to take your place. "Idiot," you mumble again, stalking towards your broom. "Come see me later."
James watches you go with something akin to awe. Only after you've rejoined your teammates does he notice the hush that's fallen over the crowd, and Sirius, standing well within hearing distance and looking like he's been stupefied, his eyes wide with horror.
But even if James looks as whipped as he feels, he doesn't really care.
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Gentle Love ~Austin Butler~
Description: Reader hasn't been in a relationship where the partner returned their love. The relationship with Austin is the first time true love was felt
Warnings: Swearing, she/her pronouns, fluff, angst, bad relationship with past lovers
Key: POV = Point of view
Word Count: 1,095
*Requests are open!*
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2nd person's POV
Austin was the greatest person that you could've had; he was loving, kind, sweet, funny, gentle, caring, protective and always made sure that you were looked after and cared for. It wasn't that you didn't love Austin, you did and you loved him so much that you were wary of loving him. Austin didn't know about your past relationships, didn't know that the others you had dated didn't treat you right, that they said 'I love you.' when they didn't and treated you with a giant disregard for your feelings and your emotions, only using you to make your pain go away and not treat you with any love or comfort for your problems or your shitty days. 
So, with your relationship with Austin, it was difficult to really feel like you could exist knowing that the person you loved with your whole heart loved you in return and shared the same amount of care that you had for them. Austin walked to you, coming from the bathroom, smelling clean and nice with his cologne that you could practically bathe in to just feel close to him and remember him when he wasn't near you. 
A smile formed on your lips as he wrapped his arms around you, startling you just for a moment as he had come up behind you and rested his chin on your shoulder. A small kiss rested on your cheek, and he embraced you close to his chest. 
"Hey, sweetheart." 
"Hey, darling." You replied, turning your head to smile at him, blushing as he caught your lips with his and placed a loving kiss on your lips. Once Austin pulled away, he placed a kiss on your forehead, sitting beside you at the kitchen counter and grabbed your hand within his. 
"How was your day?" Austin watched your features carefully, he watched the look of surprise that flashed on your face and waited to hear what you had to say before he interjected with his thoughts. 
"It was okay, nothing special. I'm just glad I'm home. How was your day?" 
"Anyone get you down, mistreat you, any?" Once again he watched as a look of surprise flashed over your features, though, he watched as a gentle smile formed on your lips and glanced at your intertwined hands as you fiddled with his fingers and slipped the rings on and off his fingers. Twisting them around, playing with the cold metal and glanced at him as he cupped your face in his hand to get you to look at him. 
"No, no one was being mean, it was just a long day, I personally just couldn't deal with all the bullshit today and honestly didn't want to be at work today." 
"I know what you mean, sweetheart. Do you want pizza for dinner?" Seeing you smile made him smile, you had such a gorgeous smile that he couldn't help but smile with you whenever he saw your gorgeous grin. 
"That would be nice, thank you." He nodded, resting a kiss on the back of your hand, chuckling as he dragged your stool closer to him. Your legs were touching, he rested a hand on your thigh, giving a reassuring squeeze before he started speaking. 
"Then, we'll have pizza. I want to ask you a question, sweetheart..." Austin watched as you took a breath, looking as if you were scared of hearing what he had to say. 
"Why do you look surprised when I check in on you? You do it whenever I ask about your day or ask how you're doing. Do you think that I don't actually care or something else?" You cringed lightly, Austin smiled reassuringly at you and watched as you took a couple of breaths before staring at the wall, scared of ruining everything that you cherished in your relationship. 
"Sweetheart, look at me, please. You have nothing to be worried about, I promise. You and I, we're in this together." The dread and anxiety on your face worried Austin, he could see the internal battle you were having with yourself. Clearly not wanting to deal with whatever you were thinking about and whatever was going on.
"In my other relationships, my past ones, the guys that I dated... they didn't love me. Whenever they said that I loved them, it was a hollow response from each of them. None of them cared about me, never asked me how I was or how my day went. They used me as a way to vent, pouring their day to me with how annoying it was or how their boss was being a dick but never cared to hear what I had to say. Then, whenever I tried to discuss my day, all of them would complain that I was being pathetic and that my problems didn't matter. It was just a bunch of empty lies, they never loved me and I guess... I guess when you ask me first and look at me with all that love in your eyes and all that care. It just surprises me that I'm in this relationship where I'm with someone that cares for me and I've never been in a relationship were they care for me or truly loved me like you do." 
Austin listened to your words, frowning as he realised that your past relationships weren't good, he didn't understand how someone who was the perfect person to have was treated like crap. Austin brought you into his arms, hugging you tightly and fiddling with your hair as he took deep breaths. 
"I'm always gonna care for you, I'm always gonna love you and you never have to look surprised when I ask you how your day was. I'm always gonna do that, I'm sorry that you had some crappy relationships but know that I love you with 110% of my heart and I will until the day that I die."
You stared at him with a smile, and rested a kiss on his lips, chuckling as he didn't loosen his grip as you tried to pull away. 
"I love you." You whispered, staring at him, Austin planted a kiss on your forehead and leaned over to grab his wallet. 
"Same as usual?" 
"Yes, please." 
"Garlic bread?"  You nodded, chuckling as he leaned in one final time for a kiss and walked over to the laptop the two of you shared. 
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yakuzacanons · 10 months
akiyama dating hcs pls 🥺? if you haven’t done that yet
YES omfg how have I not done that yet??? Lol I checked the masterlist and was like hUH? Of course our sweet Shun can have some dating hcs.
Hopeless romantic and even more hopeless flirt. If you thought his general personality was flirtatious, wait until he starts flirting with you on purpose. It's almost sickly how sweet and cheesy he can get.
Having said that, Akiyama isn't ALL playful all the time. If anything, one of the most sure fire ways to tell if he's into you is the moments where he's extremely genuine. If he's taking extra care to check in on you or to bring you food, chances are he's interested.
Despite his reputation as a flirt, he hasn't had many serious relationships. Blame it on past relationship trauma. He's perfectly capable of attraction, it's the commitment part that scares him. If he ends up confessing to you first, then it means he's down bad for you and he's serious about it.
Akiyama is used to people confessing to him, so forgive him if his reaction isn't super stunned or shocked by it. He'll likely just be like "Heh, funny, I was thinking the same about you".
He's pretty good with dates and for the most part he's on time, unless he somehow overslept. Dresses nice, brings flowers for the first few dates as well. Dates start off a little generic but once he gets to know what you like, the dates will start to tailor to your interests and his interests more specifically.
In an official and stable relationship, Akiyama is VERY loving. The flirtatious persona makes way for a more doting one, although it's still just as sickly sweet as ever. He's the type of guy to greet you with a kiss and say goodbye with a kiss.
Physically, he's quite affectionate and has little to no issue initiating affection. One of the few boys that actually initiates PDA, although nothing too crazy. He's just consistent about holding hands and things like that.
Akiyama has a pretty decent sex drive combined with above average endurance. He's good at restraining himself or taking care of himself privately when he needs to and he'd never pressure you for sex. You can kind of tell when he's in the mood though, he gets noticably more easily flustered.
In bed, Akiyama can go for a couple of rounds in one sitting. Any position goes for him and he can fill almost any role you ask of him, although he's kind of shaky about anything that would require him to physically or verbally demean you. He's a particularly great kisser and is overall a generous partner.
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Last Hurrah
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Warnings: GUYS this is a heavy fic. I'm serious Minors DNI, 18+. Language, drinking. Mentions of head injury. Trigger Warning! Suicidal thoughts and actions
Pairing Rooster x Reader (Call Sign Juliet)
Part 1: In fair Fightertown where we lay our scene
For most people, when their life comes crashing down, they never saw it coming. They are the lucky ones. But for me, the whole thing played out infront of me in a series of scenes straight out a Shakespearean tragedy. How ironic really.
The first act came when watched my fiancée Rooster Bradshaw eject from his plane before it crashed into the side of a mountain.
The second came with the news that he had a head injury.
And the third, the final nail in my coffin, the dagger through the heart, was that when he woke up, he had no memory of who I was or our relationship over the past eighteen months. How very Nicholas Sparks.
All that happened six months and seventeen days ago. And for those six months and seventeen days, I, as well as every other member of the Dagger Squad family had been desperately trying to get him to remember me, to remember us, to remember the love we had, but nothing worked.
About a month ago I realized that there was little chance of Rooster ever remembering who I was, so I started making calls.
Do you know what it's like to have to explain to a baker, a venue owner, a photographer, a wedding coordinator, as well as sixty of you closest friends and family that you had to cancel your wedding because partner doesn't remember who you are? Because I do, and let me tell you, it sucks.
What might be worse is that for the past six months and seventeen days I have spent every night, crying myself to sleep, alone in the bed that we once shared.
For the past half a year I've felt as if I'm watching my life go by in slow motion. The world is moving forward without me. Rooster has gotten better for the most part, but he still doesn't know who I am. It kills me to see him happy, smiling, laughing, living without me.
And every time I see a girl flirt with him, the knife pushes futher into my chest. It isn't fair. I should be happy for him, happy that he is alive. But I'm not. Maybe it's horrible of me to think that way, but it's cruel that he is living carefree and smiling, while I'm a shell of the woman I once was.
Everyone has tried to help, but they know it's useless. Rooster and I are... friends... at best. But how can you be just friends with the person who six months ago promised you forever.
He is the one who almost died, yet I'm the one who did.
I'm not really living anymore, I'm just going through the motions. I get up, go to work, fly my plane, get a drink at the Hard Deck, go home, cry myself to sleep, and do it all again the next day.
It wasn't supposed to go like this. Rooster was the Romeo to my Juliet... a running joke with my call sign after we started dating.
Maybe it's karma for having Juliet as a call sign or maybe God has a sick sense of humor. Either way... I'm starting to think she was right... if you can't have the person you love in your life, is it really worth living?
"Hi there." A male voice snaps me out of my spiral. "You're Juliet right? I'm Dodger. I've seen you here a couple times, and I noticed you're glass is empty. Can I get you another drink?" He asks. I look him over. Dodger, I've seen him a few times. He is a bit younger than me and I probably out rank him. He is bad to look at, but he isn't Rooster. He hasn't been around long enough to know our history, and it's not like I wore your engagement ring anymore.
It felt wrong having a man give you attention, but Rooster got plenty from the girls...
I spent about an hour talking to Dodger. He flirted with me relentlessly, and honestly it felt good to have someone pay me attention, then before I even realized it, I had invited him home.
I made it as far as the couch before I stopped him. It felt wrong to let another man touch me, kiss me, let alone try to fuck me on the very couch Rooster had taken meu many times.
I mentally kicked myself that night after he left. I wasn't doing anything wrong— or was I? Everything seemed so unclear. I hadn't slept with anyone since Rooster's accident, I wondered if he had.
As the days drug on you found yourself slipping away more. You were short, angry, mean, bitter to those around you. You spent your days going through the motions and your nights crying or drinking away the pain.
And then, one Wednesday morning for no reason in particular the perfect plan hit you. That morning, you were asked to come in Friday night for some test flights. And that's when the realization hit you.
You were much happier the rest of the day. Thursday you smiled for the first time in ages, and we Friday came around, you were more than excited to go out.
Everyone commented how you seemed like your old self again.
You had a couple drinks at the Hard Deck but not too many because you did have to fly later that evening. You sang karaoke with Phoenix, danced without a care in the world, and even beat Hangman in a game of darts.
After a while you got hot and decided to step out on the deck for some air. You smiled knowing your friends would have a happy moment to remember you by.
You must have been out there longer than you thought because Jake came to check on you.
"Hey Jules, you okay?" He asked.
"I'm great Jake. You know I've been so lucky to have had you and everyone as friends. Rooster has been too. Make sure you watch out for him for me." You smiled as you hugged him.
"Well, I'm off to do a test flight. Goodbye Jake." You smiled with a tear in your eye.
You said your goodbyes to everyone else, save for Rooster. It hurt too much. Then you made your way to your car. You looked back at the Hard Deck one final time before putting it in gear and driving away.
You were gone for maybe five minutes before the wheels turned in Jake's head. He quickly found Phoenix. "Nat, I know I sound crazy but I think Juliet is going to hurt herself." He told her.
"What do you mean? She was fine when she left." Nat looked confused.
"That's the thing. She was a mess two days ago then all of a sudden she flips. They say that happens a lot when people decide to— and when were on deck she said she was lucky to have had us as friends and she asked me to watch out for Rooster for her. I know I sound crazy but Nat, I'm worried about her... she's supposed to do some test flying tonight... what if she..." Jake trailed off.
"You don't think she would? Do you?" Phoenix asked stunned.
"Phoenix her whole life fell apart. The person she is in love with doesn't know who she is. That's enough go make even the most sane person do something crazy." Jake said.
"Oh my God we have to do something." Phoenix said.
She and Jake quickly gathered everyone and explained the situation. Jake desperately tried to literally smack the memories back into Rooster with no success. Leaving them no other options the crew piled into the Bronco and Coyote's Jeep and raced to the air field.
Juliet took her time with her preflight checks, if it was going to be her last, she wanted to savor it.
Once she deemed everything perfect she placed her helmet on her head and climbed in the cockpit ready for take off.
"Mav you have to stop the training Juliet is going to hurt herself or worse!" Bob screamed into the phone while Jake drove. Phoenix was still trying to explain to Rooster what was going on but he was clueless.
There is no telling how many traffic laws Jake broke as he drove, but he didn't care.
Without warning, he hit a pot whole and a photo fell from the visor into Rooster's lap, and like lightning, every came back to him.
"Jake, where's Juliet, and why are you driving my car?" He asked.
"You know who Juliet is?" Phoenix asked leaning forward.
"Yes why wouldn't I?" Rooster asked. There was a collective sigh of relief, but then panic set in. Phoenix and Bob explained to him what happened and Rooster was in a panic.
Minutes later they pulled into base and jumped from the car, running to range control.
Mav had informed them that he couldn't get ahold of them. It was a race against the clock.
Juliet took a deep breath as she flew, she admired the sunset over the mountain peaks.
She took in the beautiful colors all around her, up here her problems seemed so small. She looked on her dash at the photo of her and Rooster. She grabbed her chain that held her dog tags and her engagement ring. She gripped them tight in her hand as she pulled the nose of her plane into a steep climb. Her goal was to send herself into GLOC so she wouldn't feel any pain.
She ignored the calls of the range control officers telling her to level out. She didn't hear the sounds of her friends bursting in the room yelling for her.
She tried to keep her breath even as she felt the g-forces pressing on her body, and then right before the blackness took over, she heard Rooster's voice calling out to her.
"JULIET!" He screamed over the comms. "Juliet, it's me Rooster, it's Bradley, please come in." He and the other range officers desperately tried to reach her, but there was no response.
The group looked out the tower window to see if the could spot her in the fleeting evening light.
They looked out just in time to see the ball of fire erupt from her plane as it collided with the side of the mountain.
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme
Let me know if you want to be tagged in any other parts
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rubykgrant · 1 year
(Silly background RVB relationship stuff that I may or may not expand on more in the full story-line, but it definitely all happened in the background, so I'm just gonna ramble with it here~)
Caboose is a person who can make "friends with benefits" work, because he genuinely cares about being friends; paying attention to what the other person needs, being honest if that's something he comfortable with, making sure they respect his own boundaries, and remaining on good terms through it all. It helps that Caboose has become aware of how... over-zealous he can be. So! Good communication and understanding personal-space! Very helpful. Also, he's had better luck with relationships in the past than some of the others (he might not understand all of Tucker's perv jokes, but he absolutely knows how different kinds of romantic/sexual relationships work). So, at some point after all the time-travel shenanigans...
Donut has never actually "dated" anybody before. He and Doc have a relationship that is downright domestic, but for them it's more of an open QPR (Doc is aro/ace, but still enjoys affection, and they love spending time together). He had some wild fun on Chorus before, but big deal, that whole thing was bonkers. Donut isn't sure if he wants to live the single life with some fun flings, or start looking for something more serious. He hasn't really DONE anything with anybody! After talking to Caboose, really just venting and not hoping for a solution, Caboose suggests they could... try being together. Which Donut did not expect, but OK! Please and thank you! They still do everything they did together as friends, but now there is added activities in private where they kiss, cuddle, and yes- are sexually intimate. Very enjoyable for them both! Donut eventually checks if it would be alright with Caboose for him to see other people, which is fine. They remain friends, no more "benefits" while Donut has experiences with different partners, because whoever Donut might start seeing next, he would want to check and see how they get along with Caboose, what they're all comfortable with, so nobody feels "cheated". They're still fine spending time as friends (potential to get together again, or just a clean break, no pressure~)
Kai very much likes having fun and fooling around... but sometimes it is TIRESOME to go through everything involved with having sex. Even just hook-ups; you gotta go out, or look around on a dating site, make sure the other person isn't an ax murderer, potentially deal with somebody who is an a-hole, potentially deal with somebody who is WAY too clingy right off the bat, stock up on protection, all that jazz. She just wants to fool around with somebody who appreciates how nice it is to be physically close and share the moment, but won't be weird about it later! Caboose also listens to her venting, and has a suggestions. So, they proceed to have some fun times in bed together, and then after Kai doesn't have to worry about kicking him out/making an escape, because she likes his company! She also doesn't have to worry about him being a creep. They can enjoy themselves, then relax, share a shower, then watch TV or play video games. It's very chill. She eventually tells Caboose she's ready to go be the life of several parties again, and he's fine with that. Kai kinda gets the vibe that Caboose would want to eventually find somebody (or a couple people, he's polyam~) to "settle down" with, and while that ain't for her, she doesn't want to get in the way of that if he starts dating anybody seriously (he's not her booty-call on demand, but he is her FRIEND. if he's ever with anybody who's into the idea of being open, Kai will be right in there, but if not, no big deal)
Locus still has all kinds of twisted up feelings regarding his own "humanity", and if he even deserves happiness. He also was just very unlucky when he was younger, getting bad information regarding how relationship dynamics work, then never having much personal experience for years (being a human killing machine and such), THEN his longest relationship ever was. Felix. That sure does things to a person. They had a lot going on; friends, partners, lovers, and... some more unpleasant terms. Locus would really like to be with somebody who would NOT hurt him, and also knows exactly who he is. This is hard, because who he is can be potentially SCARY, and Locus wants to know that HE won't hurt somebody else. Once again, Caboose listens to his friend vent. Instead of jumping right into sexy times, Caboose offers to literally sleep with Locus, just holding each other and cuddling. If Locus wants more, Caboose is willing to do more. It isn't pity, and it doesn't come with strings attached, some obligation or favored owed later. They do become sexually intimate, and eventually, Locus asks if Caboose wants to try actually dating. They do, for a bit. It's very nice, and while it's good for both men in different ways, Locus still has other aspects of his life to work on, and he doesn't want Caboose to "wait" while that happens. So, they end the dating, but remain very good friends (again, it could be more again someday, perhaps even with others involved. Locus could even find other relationships for himself, now that he knows how good it can be~)
Also, it would just be very amusing for the Reds and Blues to have a return trip to Chorus, where they're asked to give an obligatory "Responsible Grown-Up Talk" to the new kids about relationships (communication, staying safe, being respectful, different aspects of sexuality, etc), and this is how Tucker finds out Caboose is, in fact, the hunka-hunka of Blue Team! This is also how Grif finds out Caboose and his sister have fooled around; everybody expects Grif would flip out over it, but he's just- "Y'know what? That's cool. Caboose is cool. I don't need to know ANYTHING ELSE about what my sister has been doing, but that's fine"
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mangacat201 · 1 year
(second attempt because I lost the 1st draft to my own stupidity and the trust in tumblr that saving drafts actually meant SAVING them. I'll try and recreate my thoughts but.. ah well.)
Ok ok ok, but now i have to go back to that thought i just had about eddie and dating.
Eddie needs to learn.
He's objectively bad at this, it's been said in canon multiple times (like... loudly... by Buck... and Christopher, the people who are his closest family), he is bad at ROMANTIC relationships.
He learned how to be a dad by showing up, being overwhelmed, being bad at it, failing his family over and over, but never to stop trying. And ultimately he succeeded at being a GOOD dad that way.
He learned how to be an adult by showing up to it, being bad at it, failing spectacularly in some places, but putting in the work to claw himself together when he hit the breaking point in 5B. And he's still in the process, but he's always been a good HUMAN along the way.
He never learned how to be a romantic partner, because there's so much that was on his plate when he should have been learning to do that and even though he was trying as well, has been trying, it's never quite shaken out. Something had to give.
He's been slowly spiralling down since the shooting... since Shannon died... since she left him... since the other shooting... since he grew up corsetted into a certain expectation of manhood... you get the drift. And only when he hit rock bottom in Fear-o-Phobia, which broke open all those wounds big time, could he start building himself back up again. And looking at him now, wow, what a journey it's been.
We see him now in a place where he's moving past his grief, for the important people in his life that he lost, but also for the boy, the young man, he never got to be.
He misses Shannon, but he's good, sitting with the memory of her. He reaches out to his parents past the generational trauma, actively trying to develop those relationships. And I've read a couple of reviews now lamenting the lack of personal season-arc storylines (other than Buck), but tbh I feel like for Eddie, his arc lies in what we see not happening instead of what we do see.
I can't recall a single instance in this whole season where he wasn't utterly confident in his choices as a parent. There was domestic homework and family outings and first crushes and yes, hard conversations, but even those honest and healthy and...
Eddie's always been a good dad, but now he KNOWS it.
He's also always been confident in his abilities as a first responder, sure in his competence and his place in the 118, but after setting himself right, after coming back, in this season there's a feel to him that it was the right decision to return, but he's also more open, more playful in a lighthearted, cheeky way (Cursed, anyone?) and ready the share the wisdom of his journey with people who haven't quite made it as far yet if and when they need it (advising Felisa on her future, holding off on telling Buck his opinion on the donor stuff, letting him come as needed). It just feels like he spend the season coming into his own, as a father, as a son, as a steady part of the firefam and it's been delightful to watch him go.
The only thing he hasn't made any progress on, and his single greatest insecurity in my book is how to be a good romantic partner. He doesn't trust himself with romantic relationships and given his track record, that's unsurprising. We saw this season, just how fast had to mature, just how many milestones he blew past without touching them in that regard and so it's entirely logical that his call setting up the date with Marisol was like the 30-something equivalent of a note being passed under the desk saying "Do you like me? Cross Yes? No?" and he was all but dancing around the room like a teenager (which was very cute, ngl). What he did though was take an active approach, put himself out there, dipped his toes in unfamiliar waters.
And Marisol? She read the same way, a little awkward, a little off colour, maybe equally unpractised, but brave enough to try.
And she likes to fix houses. Turns them from four empty walls into homes, she's good at it, too, but once she's finished a project, it's kinda implied that she moves on to the next (fixing her brother's house after her own).
Maybe getting to know her, getting to date her, finding out what it's like to go into a relationship with no expectation but to enjoy each other's company, to learn yourself as a person like that, is exactly what Eddie HAS been looking for, what he needs for now. Not as necessarily the be all and end all of things, but as the last piece of the puzzle on his healing journey to be ready to reach for the thing that he actually wants, that he's actually built over a long long time and that he wants to be good for. To be a whole as person ready to be there for his romantic partner to lean on when they need it (the way he promised Buck to have his back literally a day into their knowing each other and a hot minute into their friendship, but we later learned Shannon had accused him of not doing, which was kinda true? But also the single most devastating thing she could have said to him in that moment? Cause he was trying so hard, but going the wrong way, for them).
And he's going to need to be ready for when Buck hits that rock bottom (which we know will happen, that boy is held together by spit and papermache plastered over a dozen traumas in a trenchcoat, yo), whether with romantic implications or without, and complete his circle.
Idek. Or maybe I'm just blasting hot air out of my overtaxed brain coils.
Anyway, to be continued in Buck's Post (if I can get my two braincells to rub together and actually note down my thoughts) which I will attempt to link back here once it exists.
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So how would Skara and willow become an actual couple? I’m only asking because you have a few different answers.
Unfortunately, I'm not certain what to say, because if you're asking me 'How canonically would Skara and Willow get together,' it's kind of difficult one to answer.
The reason I've given so many answer's as to how Skara and Willow become a couple is because A) People asked often for different variations of it, and B) The show itself doesn't give a lot insight into their relationship, so a lot of speculation's can be made. We know Skara bullied Willow in the past, and we know now the two are friends, but a lot of specifics and nitty gritty details are less clear. The show never even gives a hand-wavey explanation for why Skara and Willow became friends, for Titan's sake. It can make for pretty fun speculation fodder and fan theorizing, but it also means creating a perfectly 100% show accurate answer to how Willow and Skara start dating involves a great deal of headcannoning, and also would involve explaining how Huntlow would break up since it's fairly obvious the intention at the end is that the two are in some form of romantic relationship.
I dooooooooo have something of an idea, a potential outline for a long-term Skarlow focused post-timeskip fanfic I'd be happy to see someone tackle, but with life, GS, and another project, there's too much for me to ever do it myself. So if you would like to take up the challenge of writing it yourself, feel free to take the idea and do it yourself. Hell, I might even beta-read it for you.
It starts from Skara's perspective as it follows her developing feelings over Willow while the pair are at Hexside. Over the years, Skara can't help but grow fond of her team captain and friend, eventually realizing she likes Willow a lot more then she should. She refuses to act on her feelings though, both because of her past as a bully and the fact that she's dating Hunter, so Skara mostly just vents to her bestie Viney about it all. After Hexside, Skara becomes a teachers aide and thinks she's fully gotten over her feelings for Willow until Hunter's 21st birthday, where he proposes to her in front of all their family and friends. Willow runs off, panicked, Luz and Amity follow after, and the party attendee's, unsure what to do, try either to help cheer Hunter up, or slip away before things get bad, which is Skara's method. Later, she hears that Willow broke up with Hunter, and a tiny, selfish pang of hope in Skara's chest reminds her that she hasn't given up her feelings for Willow. Even if she wishes she really had.
Later through Willow's perspective, we see how her relationship with Hunter was like. How she always liked him, cared about him, but never felt the same way for him as she did for her. How she always saw Amity and Luz and her dad's and wondered if she would eventually feel as happy with Hunter as they seemed with their partners. And how she never wanted to hurt Hunter, but after he proposed to her, she just didn't know how to react other then to panic. Essentially, she'd always love Hunter, but never felt in love with him, which leads to a lot of her personal conflict in the story. How she never wanted to hurt her friends, but now seems to have created this painful awkwardness in the Hexsquad because she could never be honest with Hunter or herself...
The main focus would be on both girls and their complicated emotions, both regarding their respective situations and, after a while, their feelings for each other. It would also feature a number of subplots, such as Skara being a teachers aid, Boscha and her relationship with Maya, and Hunter's own journey of self discovery after the breakup.
Not all the details are worked out perfectly, but I think there's at least something here, ya know?
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peachypede · 1 year
🎀 🌸 💞
for your top 2 favorite muses 😘
Ask meme is here
🎀—put a bow on it! a headcanon about an almost trademark accessory my muse wears, and why they wear it.
prosthetics cause he needs them (jk but definitely that's something he'd say to a question like this)
Religious mala necklace! I have headcanons about Sinnoh religion post diamond and pearl clan where it centers mostly on the sinnoh trio Arceus, Dialga, and Palkia. The necklace that Aman wears is worn by adult members who go through a coming of age ceremony of sorts (like a bar mitzvah) and promise to honor Dialga's time, make use of Palkia's space, and treat all of Arceus' creations well. He keeps it under his shirt most of the time.
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Her Pecha berry bag! She's very proud of it since she made it herself. It's also been like the constant accessory I've depicted her with since even her beta design. I just think it's super cute and I wish I had one myself!
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🌸— picking flowers!  for a headcanon about a time my muse went out of their way to pick and then give someone flowers, who was it and why?
Hasn't picked flowers in the wild to give to someone ever since he was a little kid in sinnoh. It was cherry blossom season and he picked a couple petals from the ground that were pretty and put them on top of his mother's head and she smiled brightly at him. It's a precious memory for him.
Used to pick flowers for her mom but her mom never liked them. Then she would pick flowers for her dad and he always liked them so she kept doing that. If it was a type of flower you can eat, like dandelions, he'd show Pecha how to eat them. (usually by popping them into his mouth immediately which made her scream then laugh)
Mostly, she picks flowers for herself. Either she brings them home to put in a little vase or she does the whole "they love me, they love me not" fortune with them.
💞— you stole my heart! for a romantic headcanon from my muses past, or even potentially from their present.
Actually hasn't had serious relationships? Mostly flings or pretend relationships on missions. Doesn't mean that he doesn't want a long term partner, though! He just has been busy with work...
Had a small thing with a fellow agent at one point, but it was unprofessional and could get them both fired so they cut it off. Closest thing to a serious relationship for Aman, though.
Has had a couple of romantic relationships in her past other than the plentiful crushes she's had on various people from various regions. Her first real girlfriend was Katy (the bug type gym leader in Paldea) back when they both went to Naranja-Uva. They had a very lovey dovey, cute first relationship kind of love. They broke up because Pecha was going back to Unova and their goals just didn't match up. They still update each other on life every now and then.
Pecha went on different dates with different people for a while before she met Chandler. The guy was bad news but Pecha wasn't very good at spotting red flags. Initially, he was very loving and caring, but he turned sour when Pecha moved in with him. He believed firmly in Team Plasma rhetoric and pressured Pecha to release her Pokemon too. The anxiety and insecurity this cased for Pecha ended up making her fail at being a gym leader, which has been her life long dream. After a small, moral boosting talk with a depot agent on her way home, she decided to call things off.
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melodythebunny · 2 years
Every couple has their issues. What's Steven and Carrie's?
Ramble ahead-
Steven as mentioned NUMEROUS times before had been in prior relationships before Carrie. either they fell through or the long distance was a cut off from them. 
Despite his attempts not to, he does find himself projecting onto Carrie. He stops when he realizes what he is doing and guilt starts eating him up. Steven feels like its HIS fault why his past partners left him. He KNOWS its not, most of the situations were put of both of their control but it still bugs him to this day.
He tries drowning himself in work so his brain can think of anything else. It works most of the times. But it comes at the cost of forgetting his well-being.
Of course constantly keeping your brain thinking and busy. However constantly doing that isn't good. Breaks are needed every now and then. He could be in the middle of VERY IMPORTANT or DANGEROUS work when his brain decides 'okay that's enough work for today, let's do some self care'. And that self care can range from basic stuff like eating a meal to watching sci-fi movies to trying to recreate A grilled cheese sandwich in a lab.
He has pented up frustration. that comes from constantly dealing with mightier-than-thou people with his line of work. He's learned to just keep his thoughts in his head to save from a later headache.
As for Carrie her parents were constantly setting her up on dates with guys they they thought were a "perfect" match. So she kinda went. It'll happen when it happens.
I mentioned this before, but her parents views of perfection are the reason is VERY forgiving in a very….
How do i put this… Uh…
Scary way?? I guess. I literally can’t think of the word right now.
Like you know how there are those nice people who are kinda unsettling to be around when you realize that there’s something OFF about them?
Yea that’s how Carrie is when she’s being forgiving.
To her.
Forgiveness means, “Great, i don’t have to think about, give a care about, or acknowledge you were apart of my life” to Carrie. This is the bandaid she put on that lil thing that snapped in her soul to keep herself sane.
Forgiveness is her way of being able to stop caring with a clear conscience. Something she wasnt able to do most of her life thanks to her parents constant guilt tripping and gaslighting.
Geez… and this is all BEFORE current events.
as two brains, he actually starts piecing together things. aNd realize that he tried to goop his not actually dead wife. Things become awkward for him So Carrie here is just confused to why he suddenly being all lovey dovey and clingy. he really did mean to tell her however someone else beats him to the punch with that. 😈
He does become unbearably clingy at some point.
Until she SNAPs at him. She still keeps him at arms length. And closed up. (He's got cheese issues and she's got trust issues) Then again he hasn't been completely honest with her either.
She does start remembering things prior to being in the "bad place"(yeah I'm just calling it that for now-). She realizes two brains KNEW something and didn't tell her so she gets angry for him lying to her. Things are pretty tense between the two for a while.
Carrie WANTS to tell him everything she knows from her point of view, but she just…cant. It even takes her a while to admit out loud that she still has feelings for him.
Andddd in the next gen au they still have their issues but learning to cope with them better. If anything their experiences taught them to be a bit more open to each other and everyone else in their life. 
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shepevansfm · 3 months
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PARENTS: country music star, dwight evans & former super model, mary evans (Divorced)
OLDER SIBLING: samuel evans
YOUNGER SIBLING: stacey evans
YOUNGER SIBLING: saylor evans
BEST FRIEND: through thick and thin these two have been there for each other through it all. shep really isn't sure where he would be withouth miles. — miles hudson
SMOKE BUDDIES: just a couple of people who get their kicks smoking some weed when theyr'e not in classes — ali rutherford
PARTNER IN CRIME: getting into trouble and talking their way out of trouble is what they do — noah puckerman
FRIENDS: shep met avery met because of their parents. dragged to various country music events is where they got to know each other. they aren't necessarily the closest of friends, but avery appreciates his place in her life. — avery dunn
PLATONIC SOULMATE: they’ve been attached at the hip after they met and even though they have no romantic connection they have plenty platonic connection. — jemma sylvester
PARTY PALS: these two used to party together when they started at psu but now she’s there to support him through his sobriety — dani flores
FAVORITE PROFESSOR: shep has been in a few of sam's different level english classes and has loved every one. — sam pierce
ROOMMATE: yep they live together
SOBER PEEPS: anyone else who is living sober like he is
TUTOR: shep hasn't always been the brightest, especially when it comes to math and science so he needs a tutor.
UNREQUITED CRUSH TURNED FRIENDS: based solely on looks and never having held an actual conversation, shep had a little crush on them, and as a result, asked them on a date. they let him down quickly but gently, explaining he was adorable but she isn't into him. from this, a friendship blossomed, perhaps a little awkward at first but much better with time
CHILDHOOD FRIEND(S): would have to be from nashville
BEST FRIEND(S): a close circle of friends
ACQUAINTANCES: they're both seniors who have seen each other around campus and have shared friends so they're casual
RIDE OR DIE: that one person that matters more to him than anyone else
FRIENDS: people he’s getting to know better
FRIENDS WHO DRIFTED: were close possibly freshman year but have managed to drift apart
ROLE MODEL: someone she looks up to
UNLIKELY FRIENDS: these two you wouldn’t necessarily pair up together but they work well together
DEALER: he smokes weed so he needs someone to buy from
DISLIKE: jake and bree have a past, shep is currently fake dating bree. they're both protective and defensive of her. so, you can see where both boys don't get along. — jake puckerman
RIVAL: could be anyone that was also on the football or basketball teams before his injury
INTIMIDATED BY: someone who’s doing everything right and getting what they want
DISTRUST: for one reason or another, could just be vibes, he doesn’t trust them
YOURE MY BEST FRIEND BUT IVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU FROM THE DAY I MET YOU: will and dwight were both judges on a reality tv show when they met. because they had kids around the same age the two would run around set together. though they weren't always together after that, shep did his best to support charlie through his transition and now they trauma bond over hatred of their fathers, lol — charlie schuester
PR RELATIONSHIP: currently together just for the cameras their publicists thought they would help each other’s careers and image. they occasionally hook up but it's nothing serious - bree brown
EXES ON BAD TERMS: marley and shep dated when he was 21 and she was 25, making a connection thanks to a mutual friend they dated for a few months before shep cheated on marley with a friend from home. — marley rose
FLIRTATIONSHIP: they’re having a lot of fun just flirting with each other, shep finds morgan very attractive and can’t help but have a little fun — morgan weston
CRUSH (FOR HIM): been crushing on them a little while now
CRUSH (FOR THEM): someone who’s doing everything has a crush on him
FIRST TIME: he lost his virginity freshman year
FIRST LOVE: the first person to really make him know what love was
EX FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS: anyone in the past that was a casual fling
HOOK UPS/ONE NIGHT STANDS: self explanatory
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS: a good hook up never hurt nobody… or did it?
++ = future plot, has yet to happen in game
hit me up for more plots, i’m always up for it!
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Fushimi Kisa
Terms of address: President, Kisa-san
Birthday: August 7, Leo
Blood type: A
Age: 36 (When she appeared on "LSW," 44 at the beginning of the second season.)
Physique: A sharp body type.
Face, hair: The facial features are quite sweet, but the makeup is sharp and the facial features are tight. Semi long hair. The arrangement of the hair changes according to the occasion.
Attire: Tight suits and high heels along the body line.
Personal effects: The car is a Mercedes-Benz S-Class.
· She has good posture and walks with her high heels clicking. She slightly lifts her chin and speaks from above.
· She is the President of her own company.
Fushimi Saruhiko's mother. The care of the children is left to the housekeeper, she goes to work and struggles to run the company.
Naturally serious and solid. However, there is also dexterity that matches the occasion. A hard worker who has sublimated the excellent skills she was born with.
After Niki's death, Saruhiko had already left his home and was living in Shizume, so she sold the uninhabited Tsubakimon mansion. She lives in a high-rise condo that was originally her own and lives a life focused on running the business, just like when Niki lived.
She hasn't met Saruhiko in about five years after Niki's funeral. At this time it is unknown if the relationship with Saruhiko may change in the future.
Normal person.
Normal person.
Pure coffee and cheesecake.
Actually, she hates outdoor parties and barbecues, but she is often invited.
Management is also a hobby.
She wears high-end business suits and watches. She perfectly wears various party dresses. Fashion is beautiful, but she probably has a purpose to show dignity not to be licked as a female manager. Kisa's natural pastime was not always beautiful. Fashion sense is the result of research.
She has a slim body shape with a sharp appearance.
Very high. However, she accurately evaluates herself not as a "genius".
She treats her business partners in good faith and sometimes uses social affairs and apologies, but she never humbles herself.
Even as a high school student, she was a serious and simple-looking, unapproachable honor student. She also served as student council president.
From college, she became a beautiful fad with a focus on sociability. She started a business to raise money for student ventures while she was attending school. After graduation, she expanded her business and was successful as a manager.
She met Niki at a college entrepreneurship circle event invited as OG. Niki was not a student at the university, but he was invited by someone (Kisa remembers, a woman). Kisa, who has been called a "genius woman" by the people around her, first meets a "genius" who has an incredible thought that she cannot imagine. Attracted by Niki's talent, she began dating with the expectation that her business could take a leap forward. However, Niki showed no interest in Kisa's management.
· 1969, Fushimi Kisa is born.
· 1993, she gives birth to Saruhiko at the age of 24.
The first person is "Watashi".
It is a feminine word, but the tone is cold and dignified.
She calls him "Anata". It is unlikely that she will call him by his name.
The mother-child relationship is cold with only the minimal conversation necessary. Indifferent to the growth and performance of her son. Even from Saruhiko's early days, there were no reports of events at the school.
She calls him "Niki".
Relationships that only happen when she is home. Her elbows are stretched out to avoid being swallowed into Niki's world of smoke. Kisa thinks there is no love for couples, but while Niki was in the hospital, she slipped and said, "If it's really bad, I'll look for anything in an American hospital.". It is not clear if Kisa has regretted her marriage and childbirth, but in any case, she is not the type to drag her past actions.
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lovingthereign25 · 4 years
Never say Goodbye
Part 7
Baby, I got to go Jules  is here crying" I lie 
"Okay Mama I love you call you later" Derek says
" I love you too," I say hanging up.
"What're you doing here?' I say
"Y/n, it's Lyndsey, she in the hospital" Joe says
"What?, Why? " I panic
"I'll explain on the way, grab your things I'll grab Noah.
Joe explain the Lyndsey passed out at work and hit her head pretty bad
"When Josh called me you automatically came to my mind, you two are closer than anything" he says placing his hand on yours.
"Thank you, I appreciate you coming to get me and Noah" I say
When I  arrived at the hospital, I was greeted by Josh and my parents telling you Lyndsey was stable but couldn't remember much and was asking for me.
"Joe can you please sit with Noah" I ask 
"Of course" he smiles, taking Noah from me.
After I saw Lyndsey, I stepped out to call Derek noticing I had a missed call from him.
"Yea Y/n, how's Lyndsey?" He asks
"She's…..wait how'd you know? I ask confused
"When you didn't answer, I called Julianna and it turns out she was at the hospital already waiting to get in touch with you, so my question is where were you?" He asks
"I was at the hotel on the phone with my husband, they sent Joe to pick Noah and I up" I say
"Yea of course, Joe ...is this always gonna be a thing Y/n?" He asks
"What? I ask
"This you and Joe shit, I thought when we got together you were over him, he was past was the past and we were the future, but now it seems there's situation with you and Joe" he says annoyed
"Derek, there is no me and Joe, we are friends, that's it and that's all" I say 
"I gotta go, the team is waiting for me" Derek says hanging up not even saying " I love you" .
*A few weeks later* 
I was sitting at home planning Noah's first birthday while he was napping when I heard our  front door open. 
"Hey," Derek says walking into the dining room where I was sitting.
"Hi," I reply looking back to the laptop screen of party supplies.
"Where's little man?" He asks
"Napping finally, his back teeth are coming in pretty bad" I say
"Damn poor kid" he says, grabbing water from the kitchen.
After a few minutes of being silent, which was nothing new in the last couple of weeks ever since Joe brought you to the hospital to see Lyndsey.
"You working?" He asked
"No, just planning Noah's party" I smile
"Without me?" He asks
"It's not official just themes he would like, places, and guest list" I explain
"I was joking Y/n, so what're we looking at here" he says sitting beside me
"Well he's into Mickey Mouse and…"  I was cut off by Derek's phone ringing
"Hold that thought"  he says looking at his phone and leaving the room.
Later that night I just finished putting Noah to bed. I went into our bedroom, Derek was on his laptop.
''Don't forget to send you mom her ticket for the he plane ride to Florida for Easter" I remind him
"Shit, I completely forgot, there's a big case in Colorado we're we wanted for,  I leave tomorrow." He sighs
"What? Derek you just got home a few hours ago." I say
"I know baby, but it's part of the job" he says 
"Fine I'll send her the ticket information, will you at least be here for Easter ?" I ask
"Can't promise anything," he says closing his laptop.
Easter had come and gone, Derek of course was still away now on a new case, spending a few extra days in  Florida I ran into an old friend  who wanted me to design her wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses. Of course I accepted, she also told me about a small boutique her fiance's mom was selling.
" I immediately thought of you, and how incredible it would be for to to be able to sell your designs, Y/n you're so talented everyone should see it " she smiles
"Awe, thanks Trish I'll definitely think about it, this would be a dream come true for me to have my own shop" I smile
When I arrive back home Derek is already home, he takes Noah as I grab our bags bringing them into the house.
"How was the case?' I ask
"Exhausting, miss my boy" he smiles at Noah"
"Oh, yea thanks, I missed you too" I joke
"Like you didn't have a good ole time in Florida, I'm sure Joe was around" he says
"What the hell's that supposed to mean?' I ask
"Nothing forget it" he says 
" Derek, how long are you gonna keep throwing what I did with Joe up in my face, I've apologized countless times, I don't know what else to do'' I say
" Make a decision our family or Joe" he says
"You're not serious, Derek that's crazy" I laugh 
"I am serious Y/n, Noah and I or Joe" he say again
"Derek, you and Noah are my life, there's nothing between Joe and I, he's  my past like your exes are your past" I say stepping closer to him
"Good, whatta say we go out to eat, just the two of us, I'll see if moms can keep Noah" he smiles kissing my head
All I did was not, trying to register how in the hell I was gonna cut all ties to Joe.
At dinner I tell Derek about running into Trish, about her wedding and the shop.
"Congratulations sweetheart, but how are you gonna run a shop in Florida from Virginia" he asks
" That's the problem, I'll to be in Florida until I get the shop fully staffed and running properly" I say
Just as Derek is about to speak I get a awful pains in my abdomen hitching over in pain
"Y/n, are you okay?Baby Girl talk to me"  Derek says but I can't answer the pain is too unbearable. 
Next thing I know I wake up in the hospital. 
Derek and I lost our baby.
*October 2016*
Noah's birthday was emotional, and wonderful. Derek's sister Desiree, Lyndsey and I planned the most amazing sesame street birthday party. 
All of my family and Derek's family came to celebrate our favorite boy. 
I had rented a house in Tampa, so I can be close to the shop and my family. Derek flies down as often as he can. The shop is coming along great, I hired a few girls to help run the shop, and Lyndsey is  the manager.  I was setting up a manikin with a gorgeous sun dress I had recently designed when I heard a tap on the window.
I look up seeing Joe.
"Hey stranger how's it going?'' he smiles
"Hi, yeah sorry been a little distracted" I smile.
I know what you're thinking, but I couldn't do it, I couldn't cut all ties with Joe he meant to much to me, and after talking to Lyndsey she had suggested that I tell Derek what he wants to hear and pretend to cut all ties with Joe but really I would be discreet about still being friends with him.
"I see that, the shop is coming along nice, oh by the way this is for my buddy Noah, sorry I missed the party" he smiles handing me a gift bag.
"Joe you didn't have to" I say
"I wanted too" he says 
"Thank you" I smile 
"Hey," Joe says grabbing my hand." Sorry to hear about the baby, if you need anything I'm here,"
"Thank you, that means a lot," I say .
"Oh, before I go I'll have Jojo this weekend, she's been bugging me to see Noah..maybe we can set something up?' he asks
"Yeah of course, I'll call you" I say .
*March 2017* 
The shop was getting more business that I could ever imagine, I was originally supposed to give up the rental house a few months ago but with the business I had to postpone that plan, Derek helps when he can, which hasn't been very often so I left Lyndsey in charge of the shop and Noah and I headed to Virginia to see Derek. 
"Y/n, what brings  you here?" Erin Derek's boss asks as I enter the office with Noah.
"Hi, Erin, just came to surprise Derek" I smile 
"He got so big, looks just like you and Derek, and he's in his office" she smiles 
I knock on Derek's door.
"Come in" I hear him say
As I enter in, I see Derek at his desk and a blonde woman sitting in a chair in front of his desk.
"Sorry I didn't know you were busy we can wait" I say
"No Y/n, it's fine we were just finishing up paperwork on a case come in… and this Nina she's a new team member here."  He says
"Hi" I greet her
"Nina this is my wife Y/n, and our son Noah" he smiles picking up Noah
"Hi, Derek he's adorable!'' she smiles
Derek takes Noah and I for lunch 
"So how'd you like Nina?" He asks
"She's nice" I say cutting Noah's food
"Glad you like her, she's my new partner" he says
"Wait what about Kevin?'' I ask
"He's out on leave, and with no given date on his return I asked for Nina" he says
"Hold on, you asked for her?, And why was that?" I ask 
"She's a great cop, she basically ran a whole unit in Colorado" he shrugs
"Reassign her'' I say
"What? Y/n are you crazy?" He snaps
"No, I'm not crazy. I saw the way she looked at you Derek" I say
"Y/n, come on you're being ridiculous" he says
"Are you sleeping with her?" I ask
"What? Y/n this is nuts!" He says
"Answer me, there was a big case in Colorado was there?, You went to meet her, are you sleeping with her Derek" I almost yell
"Y/n, I think we need to discuss this his at home" he says .
"No, Derek I don't we do..I think I just got my answer" I say grabbing Noah and walking out of the restaurant.
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euphoriyoongi · 3 years
Clouds of the Night (I want you) j.h.s
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❊ Summary:
You've been in a long term relationship with Namjoon, who you met back in your last year of high school. With him as a Surgical intern and you as a ballet dancer/florist, your life seems pretty established. Except the fact that you're in love with someone else.
❊ Warnings: language
❊ Word count: 1.4k
prev. // next.
The day you met Namjoon was the day you believed in love.
He was a new student that was assigned to be your lab partner in chemistry class, during your second year of High School. It was fitting of course, since you both had lots of chemistry.
Now looking back at it, it seemed pretty cheesy with how your relationship progressed but at that time, he was the definition of perfect.
He would always sit next to you quietly, not speaking a word. You were decently outgoing then, and you would try your best to get him to open up. But when you accidentally spilled some solution you were making all over your hand, he rushed to the rescue and helped you feel better. He ran you over to the sink and ran your hands under water and took you to the nurses office, where they didn't do anything for you anyway.
That was the moment you realized you liked him. His eyes were frantic with worry, and his cheeks were flush with a blush. You didn't know it yet, but you could've sworn he looked like he liked you too.
Flash forward a few weeks both of you grew closer, now doing almost everything together. He'd walk you home to make sure you got there alright, and when he noticed that you lived alone he didn't question it. He sat next to you in class and on busses, and took care of you when you were sick.
You had no idea of your feelings at this time. Namjoon was so ready to ask you out as soon as he met you, but his shy demeanor seemed to be put a hold on that.
The next year was your last year as a high school student. The first day Namjoon wasn't there.
You looked all around for him and he didn't text you to tell you he wasn't going to be in today. You were worried.
He came in the next day looking perfectly fine and you didn't think much into it.
You then got your first boyfriend. You had no idea how this was going to end and it definitely didn't last long, but Joon was very against him. You fought with him and it ended with you storming off back to your empty house without him walking you home for the first time.
The next morning at school he sat down a strawberry milk onto your seat with a slight smile. You couldn't be mad at him no matter what. He apologized for yelling at you and told you it was just his way of looking out for you.
You stayed with that awful boyfriend for about six months until you found out he was cheating on you. You ran outside at midnight and rushed to namjoon's mansion of a house where you couldn't get in because of the gate.
Until Namjoon came rushing out to hold you while you cried.
That night is what changed it all. He looked so beautiful in the moonlight. With his worried eyes and his solemn expression, you reached up to kiss him.
It could've been because of the break up. Or, it could've easily been that you were in love with him this whole time. When you kissed him he kissed back just as softly, his hands holding onto your cheeks as your lips studied each other.
After that night you two started to date. Namjoon thought it was just a rebound for you, but couldn't help  wanting the idea of dating you. So since that cold spring might, you've been dating.
Now it's the autumn of twenty-twenty-one, you both have established jobs now after college. Namjoon is now a surgical intern at a prestigious hospital, and you fulfilled your childhood dreams to become a professional ballerina dancer. Your life seems perfect, well set up, and it almost seemed like he was going to pop the question.
But something was wrong.
You weren't in love anymore. And you had a hard time believing that he was still in love, too.
What was the reason? Well, it could possibly be someone you met in your advanced ballet class back in college.
His name was Jung Hoseok.
The first day you ever laid eyes on him was the day you knew you were in deep. He walked into the dance studio and sat down near the front to stretch. You were stretching out like your usual ballerina stuff in the corner of the room on the bars when you watched him.
He had silky brown hair and wore very bright vibrant clothing as if he wanted to stand out. You knew he couldn't of been a ballet dancer with the way he dressed to come to class, but you minded your business and continued to stare at him.
There was plenty of guys in here. Each of them looking at you. But you couldn't help but ignore all of them and just pay attention to the goof who wore street clothes to a ballet class.
When he took of his sweatshirt nothing was under it, leaving his toned abs out in the open for you to look at. In your head you'd tell yourself that you had a boyfriend and you should be attracted to anyone else but...
But when a man looks like this, how were you supposed to ignore it?
Turns out he was dressed for it underneath, he must've just came from another class.
You watched him dance and sway and jump. He was amazingly talented. You wondered how in the world was someone so good? You were always the best dancer, but now you have competition.
When he finished his piece, the instructor introduced him as Jung Hoseok. He was a dance major who was already a professional dancer.
The instructor told the class that he was going to be taking this class, and you didn't listen to a word.
His eyes met yours as you should've been for using on the teacher, and he looked you up and down, staring heavily at your body. He winked at you seductively and you had the sudden urge to jump his bones. Right then and there.
The moment passed like a fleeting shadow and it began again when the instructor asked for you and Hoseok to be partners for the next assignment.
It was a couples dance, and you had to show the power of love and loss through dance. You both would have to come up with something so amazing to get a good grade.
You were to preform this at a recital then with all the other dancers. You were afraid to tell Namjoon about this one, but he's been so worried about Med School he hasn't payed you a single drop of attention in months. It didn't justify your pull to Hoseok, though. But Namjoon hasn't even said I love you in ages.
Hoseok glanced at you and then tried to hide his smile. His gorgeous brown hair was pushed back with some sort of headband and his face was covered in sweat. He walked up to you and said something you weren't expecting at all.
He smirked, standing close to you. "Want to go out with me or?" He laughed, but he was completely serious. "Or do you wanna fuck?"
You were caught off-guard. You so desperately just wanted to say yes and have him choose which one to do, but you had a boyfriend. You shook your head after looking like you were going to say yes. "I have a boyfriend."
He nodded. "Ah. I respect that." Contradictory to his words he stepped even closer, looking down to you as his breaths hit your face. "If that's the case, then we'll just research emotion for our assignment?" He said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You gave in to that. Nodding, you shrugged. "I don't see why we couldn't do that? It's for our grade..."
On that day, you were done for. You wanted him so bad you had to take a step back for yourself and think about what's going on.
And to figure out why it was so hard to be in love with Namjoon.
Was it because you were afraid of leaving a multiple year-long relationship? Was it because you knew him for so long?
Did you really love each other or are you in love with your pasts?
You were about to figure it all out.
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Captain the Retired Police Dog Part 4
Back by popular demand here's Part 4. I just want to thank everybody for reading this. Also Shout out to all the Mummy fans and Maribat discord users thank y'all for hyping me up!
The next morning Damain met Marinette and Captain bright and early 
He was determined to make this day one of the best in Marinette’s life
He was so excited that he didn’t notice his brothers’ strange facsination with his plans
Jason:  So what’s your plan for today? How are you going to top last night’s  movie marthon?
Damain: Not that it’s any of your business, but Marinette, Captain, and I are going to the park where she met me as Damain, then the botanical gardens, and then we’re going to explore the city some more.
Dick:  Not bringing Titus with you this time, Baby Bird?
Damain:  He’s still exsahuted from the late night last night.
Bruce *drinking coffee*:  You should bring Ace with you then.  She needs a day out.
Ace who’s been sitting at Bruce’s feet shot her head up to look at him
Like she really wanted to be stuck with two love stuck teenagers and Titus’ friend
Damain:  Not a bad idea father.  Come on girl let’s head out
Ace just rolled her eyes but went with Damain either way 
 At worst she’ll get some exercise and out of the manor
At best she’ll make a new friend
Once Damain and Ace were out of the house and the other Wayne boys got to work
Dick: Alright men we can do this, all we have to do is decide when to ambush the happy couple.
Jason: I say we do it right when Demon Spawn picks up his Angel
Tim: No too dangerous.  He’ll spot us before she even gets out of her hotel
Dick: What about after the botanical gardens?  We can trail them from a distance until they get in the building then all we have to do is wait outside until they come out.
Jason: GENIUS! And there’s no way for him to avoid us.  
Alfred:  Don’t you have jobs to do
Dick:  We’re pulling a Bruce
Bruce glared at his 3 boys unamused 
Bruce: Just make sure to get plenty of pictures
Jason *saluting*:  Will do
With that the 3 adopted Waynes ran out to inact their plan
Alfred:  Are you sure this is wise sir?
Bruce: If they don’t push Damain we may never meet Marinette
In the hotel Marinette was getting ready for her date with Damain
Tikki: Don’t over think it too much Marinette, Damain really likes you I can tell.
Marinette:  I know Tikki, but I can’t help but be nervous.  What if I do something wrong and he never wants to see me again?
Tikki:  That’s just Lila getting into your head don’t let her.  You are one of the greatest ladybugs I have the priviledge of working with.  Anybody would be lucky to have you as a friend or a romantic partner
Marinette: Thanks Tikki. Your right like always.
Marinette head her phone ding with a notification
Marinette: It's Damian he's waiting for us in the lobby let's go Captain
Down in the lobby Damian was getting a taste of Lila
Lila was holding trying to get a hold of Damian's arm, but Ace was doing a good job at keeping the annoying girl at a distance
Lila: Oh what a beautiful dog. You know I do a lot of volunteer work in animal shelters with Damian Wayne. You know Dami's such an animal lover
Alya: Oh really Lila that's so giving of you.
Damian: You know Damian Wayne?
Lila: I know not many people know. But you probably think the worst of me thanks to Marinette. She's so cruel to me for no reason
Lila started to pretend cry making Alya and the rest of her sheep flock to comfort the "distressed" girl
Damian was in disbelief about how gullible Marinette's class seemed to be.
He was a little relieved to see that some of the class didn't see it buy it.
A blonde girl, pink hair girl, and Asian boy stood at a distance and just rolled their eyes
Chloe, Alix, and Kim have been disillusioned to Lila's lies
Chloe new from the very beginning just didn't see a reason to say anything
Alix and Kim found out over time, they felt like it was too late to do anything and feared ending up like Marinette
So they are biding their time waiting for the best time to exposed Lila
Damian was happy that they didn't fall for this girl's lies, but not so happy that they didn't speak up
Lila tried once again to grab onto Damian's arm, but Ace being the good girl she is growled a little at Lila who once again jumped back
Damian: Sorry about that Ace isn't good with sudden movements. As for Marinette she actually hasn't mentioned you. The only she she told me about anybody in her class was that she was here with them. She does speak a lot about her friends Luka and Kagami though
Lila was surprised she was sure she could use Marinette's whining against her
Lila: Oh how rude of Marinette-
Damian: Actually I don't see anything rude about not mentioning somebody who clearly wants to but her down.
At this point Marinette and Captain walked into the Lobby
Damian: Hey Angel
Damian pulled Marinette into a side hug and giving her a kiss to the side of her head being careful to keep the two dogs at a distance for now
Marinette *giggling*: Hey Damian. Who's this
Marinette looked down at the German Sheperd connected to Damian
Damian: This is Ace. Titus was still tired from last night and I didn't want Captain to get lonely and she could use a day out
Marinette: Well hello Ace
Marinette bent down slightly and let Ace sniff her hand
Ace gave her hand a little sniff, she decided to let the girl give her a pet
Not to mention Ace could sense that she was a lot better then that sausage hair girl
Marinette gave Ace a nice little head rub
Marinette: Well aren't you a pretty girl
Lila seethed in her place she tried to get that stupid dog to let her pet it 10 times, and Marinette just has to let it sniff her hand and it'll let her touch it
Damian: Come on Marinette I got a big day planned for us
Damian wrapped his arm around Marinette shoulder leading Marinette and their dogs out of the hotel, but he stopped right before the door
Damian: And Lila maybe you should make sure you know what a person looks like before you lie about them. I would suggest you look up what Damian Wayne looks like.
With that Damian, Marinette, and the 2 dogs left the hotel
Alix intrigued by Marinette's mysterious boys comment looked up Damian Wayne and burst out laughing
The others in the lobby looked at the pink hair girl in confusion
Alix: No wonder he warned you about looking people up.
Alix showed the picture on her phone to her classmates
Kim: Omg he was Damian Wayne!
Lila faced grew red and quickly tried to cover her tracks
Lila: Oh I must have gotten him confused with someone else. Haha you know I meet with soo many people
Lila's sheep laughed with her, but Lila could sense that she lost a little bit of her hold on them with that slip up
At the park
Marinette: You didn't have to do that Damian?
Damian: And why wouldn't I Angel. She tried to threaten you and she was stupid enough to try and use me to impress ME she deserved to be called out a bit.
Marinette and Damian kept talking while Captain and Ace got to know eachother
Captain had to admit he was a bit smittened by this German sheperd
She looked gorgeous and had a good head on her shoulders
But most importantly he could tell she loved her humans just as much as he loved his
Ace: So you really us to be a police dog?
Captain trying to impress Ace: Yep and I still remember all my training. My girl and I run through courses on the weekends to keep it up, but enough about me tell me about you.
Ace in a bit of a flirty tone: Well I don't mean to brag, but me and my humans go through a lot of training too. I actually have a couple of humans. Though inhave to admit my favorite one is the leader of the pack. He's called Alfred. I didn't have the best puppy hood. Alfred's pup, Bruce, found me and helped other people take me to a shelter. Alfresco came a couple of days later and picked me up. He helped me overcome my past and convinced Bruce to keep me. Now I have a pretty cushy life.
Captain: I can relate to that.
Marinette watched as her big tough retired police dog cuddle with Ace. She could already tell her boy was starting to fall for Ace.
Captain laid his head over Ace's and Marinette couldn't help but aww
Damian wrapping his arm around Marinette as they sit under a tree: What's on your mind Mari?
Marinette: It seems like Captain had fallen for Ace
Damian: I'd have to agree with that and it looks to me like the feelings mutual
The two couples stayed in the park for 2 hours alternating playing and cuddling
Damian: You're going to love this next stop Angel
Marinette: Where are we going?
Damian: You'll see when we get there. Don't you trust me?
Marinette with a small smile: Yes
Once they got to the botanical gardens Marinette loved it!
All the flowers and planets gave her plenty of inspiration and Damian let her stop and draw as much as she wanted without getting impatient or annoyed
He even commented and gave feed back and suggestions to some of Marinette's designs
Damian was just enjoying watching Marinette's face throughout the whole experience.
Her face was so open and showed every emotion that she felt and Damian just couldn't turn away
The dogs also had a great time getting to see new sights and smells.
But in Damian's opinion all that was ruined when they walked outside and saw his brothers
Jason: Hey Demon Spawn
Dick: Omg they're both cuddling hurry get a pictur!!!
Jason watching Damianwalk out with his arm around Marinette: Damn I didn't know demon spaw could be so smooth. Hurry get a picture
Tim: Look at them playing with the dogs! Hurry get a picture
Both Dick and Jason gave him a weird look
Tim: Oh right I'm holding the camera.
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Okay I can feel y'alls annoyance with the cliffhanger, sorry.
@felicityroth @northernbluetongue
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bby-ahgastay · 4 years
dance partner - lee know
a/n: so i this is an idea i had for a little mini series. unlike the one with stoner!jisung this will have more plot but idk how long it'll be quite yet. if y'all like it i'll write more! (i haven't edited it but i will later sorry for any mistakes). (also thank you for how well stoner!jisung one and two did, three is on its way too i promise!)
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you couldn't believe you let yourself end up on some stupid dance show. especially now that you've been told who your partner is.
lee minho wasn't someone you had met before coming here, but from what you've seen from him you knew you wouldn't want to have to interact with him too much. he just seemed like a stuck up jackass of a celebrity. so of course, with your luck, the judges decided that 'based on the way you two move' that you'd be perfect partners for at least this level.
you had been struggling with your career a bit lately. you were a dance instructor, one who used to do very well for herself. but then you started losing business. you weren't even sure why, but it happened. you had heard about this show that was casting dance instructors to work with famous celebrities. you never exactly wanted to be in some flashy dance show with people who are either rude to begin with or wait until you trust them to screw you over. yet here you are. and it's been hard, but you've managed to keep a good enough distance from most people here.
you only grow more and more annoyed as you wait longer for minho. he was supposed to meet you to practice almost an hour ago. you've stretched five times now, practicing as much dance as you can while you wait. there's only so much you can do without him, you two are supposed to be choreographing a dance together. and you don't intend to do this shit yourself.
it's been nearly two hours by the time you give up. you were sitting on the floor against the mirror, texting minho again. a sigh falls past your lips and you turn your phone off, pushing yourself towards your bag on the floor. "he hasn't responded the other ten times, he's not gonna respond this time either..." you mumble to yourself. you collect your stuff and prepare yourself to leave.
as you move for the door it opens, minho striding in, eyes sharp and a cocky aura to him. "minho! what the fuck!" you exclaim, looking up at him as he walks closer. he stops and blinks down at you, a blank look in his eyes. 'this asshole looks like he doesn't even know my name,' you shake your head internally.
"what are you doing? leaving? come on, don't slack off, let's start," he shakes his head disapprovingly, a scoff leaving your mouth as you stare at him wide eyed. you follow him more into the dance studio, throwing your bag back to the floor by the mirror.
"are you kidding me?" he acts as if he can't even hear you, settling in and beginning to stretch. "minho, are you seriously just gonna act like you aren't two hours late? you couldn't even text me back?!" nonchalant as ever, the boy just rolls his eyes and continues his stretches.
"calm yourself, uh..." he tilts his head and squints, obviously blanking on your name.
"y/n," you speak through gritted teeth, hoping he realizes how done you already are. but he still just waves you off, arrogance radiating off of him.
"whatever, y/n, i'm here now okay? let's just start instead of wasting time fighting, it's useless," the tone of his voice is so convincing, it only frustrates you further. you open your mouth but just have to close it again. what could you even say to him anymore?
'i really pity whoever has to date this asshole,' you think to yourself. he seems impossible to fight with. so all you can do is stretch with him, even though you've stretched more than enough for sure.
working with minho wasn't as bad as you'd expected, he seemed surprisingly professional when it actually came to dancing. there would be a couple times you thought maybe he was flirting, the way he would look right at you with that smirk after showing you an especially sexy move, or how when you two danced together he would hold you against his body just a little extra close. but then he would be back to his cold self as soon as the music stopped.
'he's just a seductive dancer,' you tell yourself. you hate to admit it, but something about him had you rubbing your thighs together, feeling the wetness gathering.
by the time you guys were packing your things up to head home it was dark out, nearly ten already. "well... bye, i guess," you call out to him, adjusting your bag on your shoulder. all you got was a soft grunt in response, his back to you as he zipped his bag up.
you purse your lips and turn around, making your way for the door. you don't make it very far before you feel a hand on your arm, pulling you back and pushing you against the wall. you gasp in shock, looking up him as your heart races.
"why don't you come to my place tomorrow, sweetheart? some people are coming over for drinks and stuff... i figured we should hang out a little more if we're gonna do this," his tone is playful, you can tell he's hinting at more than just hanging out. the words that lie behind what he actually said are definitely dirty, and usually you'd be offended. but usually it's not an attractive dude hitting on you, and you have to admit that you liked the way he touched you when you danced. his hands felt like they were supposed to be on you.
"fine... but did you really have to push me against the wall? it just feels like a bit much," your lips turn up in amusement as he scoffs. he begins backing up a little, and you place your hands on his chest and playfully push him back. but as soon as you touch him his hands are on your hips, shoving you back into the wall.
it shocks you this time too, and you stare up at his smug expression. "don't let yourself think you're in charge here, babygirl, you're not," he growls in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. "understand?" a moan almost leaves your mouth as he glares down at you with dark eyes. you lick your lips and nod your head slowly, submitting to him in a second.
"good girl," he mumbles. minho leaves a kiss on your forehead before grabbing his bag from the floor and leaving. you stay in your place for a moment, trying to process what the fuck just happened. you feel your heart clench and your face heat up as you think about seeing him tomorrow night.
and then you remind yourself. the guy you're getting all excited about was the same guy who showed up two hours late without any text or warning at all, he barely said anything to you before this and when he does he's just telling you he's gonna turn you into another fuck... no way will it be that easy for him.
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