#he's so excited about this that he goes and tells absolutely everyone he can within a 30 metre radius
steakout-05 · 1 year
silly jetpack joyride headcanon post #1
Barry, Craig and Brains are all autistic, and while Brains knows he's autistic and is diagnosed (technically he diagnosed himself but yanno), Barry and Craig have absolutely no idea. while Brains is immediately able to tell they're both neurodivergent and just thought the two of them already knew
Barry thinks he has a weird disease that makes him rip his sleeves (is actually a stim he does) and Craig is completely clueless and thought he was just shy and weird (is actually a former gifted kid). their needs were both ignored as kids and thus they have no idea they're neurodivergent.
imagine they're reading about autism on The Interwebs™ right, and they start relating to pretty much all the traits listed, and they're looking at each other like "dude that's me.... wait what if we've actually been autistic this entire time??" and then Brains walks in like "... yeah, of course you two are autistic. what, you didn't know?" and Barry and Craig just give him this blank look and go "...... no"
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cherryrainn · 7 months
Adam taking off his mask around his s/o the first time and she goes absolutely berserk and tells him over and over how handsome he is
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; pairing ; adam x fem! reader
; note ; he actually is so handsome i wanna kiss him
; warnings ; none
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adam sat across from you, his mask concealing the features that lay beneath. out of nowhere, with a casual motion, he reached up and removed his mask, revealing his face for the first time.
you glanced at him for a moment, then quickly averted your eyes, not quite processing what had just happened. but as you looked back at him, it hit you like a bolt of lightning – adam's face was exposed, and it was, well, unexpectedly handsome.
"huh," you muttered, your jaw slightly slack as you took in the sight before you.
adam, oblivious to your turmoil, raised an eyebrow. "what? somethin' on my face?"
you shook your head, finding your voice as excitement bubbled up within you. "no, no, it's just... you're really, really handsome. like, why were you hiding this?"
a bemused smile played on adam's lips. "i wasn't hiding anything!"
but you couldn't let it go. "seriously, though. i mean, come on, you should've warned me!"
adam, caught off guard by your enthusiastic reaction, couldn't help but smirk. "well, babe, not everyone can handle the beauty of the first man," he teased, reveling in your unabashed admiration.
"you're not just the first man, you're the most handsome man!" you gushed, unable to contain your excitement. "i can't believe you've been hiding this from me. do you know how unfair that is?"
adam chuckled, enjoying your genuine enthusiasm. "i dunno... but hey, I'm not complaining about the compliments."
you continued to shower him with praise, repeating over and over how handsome your man was. the revelation had sparked an unexpected frenzy of affection, and adam couldn't help but revel in the newfound adoration.
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pecanwriter · 1 year
Big Boy Mode: Activated
Themes: rapid weight gain, humiliation kink, technology-induced weight gain (so like, magic weight gain but for sci fi nerds I guess)
Words: 2947
Part: 1/?
"Hello, sir, would you like to hear about our newest product, the most revolutionary nanotechnology to date?"
Elliott really wasn't one to ever let some marketing lackey torment him with semi-logical babble about something he didn't even want to buy. But he was a technology whore, and just the mere mention of nanotechnology had him nearly salivating at the mouth.
He smiled at the promoter, stepping closer and trying to look at all the flashing screens at once. 
"Introducing SimNano or Simulator Nano. This revolutionary technology is the newest hit in terms of body augmentation and we're making record sales all around the globe."
The promoter pulled something from his pad to one of the screens. 
"The way this works, we inject nanobots into your body and connect their signature to your personalised control panel as well as a wristband, the wristband sold separately." 
He watched as on the screen a scrawny shirtless man selected a holographic projection of his body and added 50% more muscle to the model. He clicked "Active Mode" at the bottom of the screen and for a moment his entire body rippled in an unfamiliar way until he stood there completely buffed out, Captain America style.
Elliott blinked. He looked from the freshly buffed-out man to the promoter.
"How does that work?"
"The nanobots we inject into the client's system are capable of replication and imitation of any human tissue. However, they are only capable of growing, not shrinking, it's not a diet pill as many would hope so." The promoter laughed at his own poor joke.
Elliot chuckled obligingly but the phrase "they are only capable of growing" was bouncing around in his head trying to make him hard. 
"Is there a limit to what they can imitate? For example, if someone was missing a leg…?" He chose his words carefully, hoping the man would fall for his set-up and tell him exactly what he wanted.
The man's gaze flickered down to Elliot's leg and although Elliot had no such thing, he let the man assume he had a prosthetic. It was an unassuming lie, didn't hurt anyone, it was just better than even a sliver of the truth.
"Oh, they're absolutely capable of replicating a leg. As I said, they can imitate any human tissue, muscles, nerves, fat, even bones…"
When he said the f-word Elliot's cock jerked awake and he had to cover his crotch with the shopping bag he was holding.
"And are the changes permanent…?"
"No, that's not how it works, It's imitating and replicating the tissue in Active Mode, but as soon as it's Deactivated everything goes back to normal."
Elliot's cock was throbbing as he fought to maintain perfectly normal eye contact with the promoter.
"And while it's active, does it feel real or is it like a hologram or a model or…"
"Oh no, It feels absolutely real, that's why we are the leading company in…"
He prattled on but Elliot didn't listen, all he could think of was the phrase "it's only capable of growing" as his cock throbbed.
"How much is it?"
It was bloody expensive, as it turned out. Elliott put a sizable dent in the savings he was putting away to get a mortgage on a single-bedroom flat. But somehow, all he felt was excitement, there was no shame or regret to be found anywhere.
After he made his purchases he had to go to their branch store and get injected with nanobots. The syringe wasn't that big and he wondered if it would be enough firepower for what he had in mind. They scanned his body thoroughly to put the model into his pad and wristband and connect the nanobots to it. As a trial, the shopping clerk showed him how to give himself impressive biceps and everyone present at the shop oohed and awed at the result. 
The promoter was right, it felt absolutely real. The rippling Sensation Elliott saw in the video felt only like a slight cold tingling under his skin and then within seconds the impressive biceps appeared.
He deactivated his SimNano, thanked the clerk and left, struggling to walk straight with his dick pressing hard against his trousers.
When he came home he almost immediately tore off his shirt. He brought out the control panel on the band with shaking hands and clicked on the scrawny little model of himself. He moved his finger around, highlighting his midriff and ass. He clicked "expand" and then in the tissue subcategory he clicked "fat" instead of the pre-selected "muscle". You could put the desired amounts in body percentages or in units of measurement. He clicked on lbs, the most precise one, and tapped in 20(9kg). Then after a moment's hesitation, he erased it and clicked 40lb(18kg) instead.
With shaking fingers he clicked "Active Mode" and his skin began to tingle with the cold sensation. Seconds later Elliott was staring down at a round, fat gut and he could feel his boxers strain mercilessly against his expanded ass. 
He put the pad away gently and grabbed the ball of flab at his front. He was never this fat in his life, but it felt real enough, from what he could guess. He lifted the stomach and let it drop, watching it jiggle and wobble. A moan escaped him. He couldn't believe this was happening. 
Before even getting a look in the mirror Elliott fell to the couch, frantically gnawing his flesh with one hand and stroking his cock with the other. He never came this hard in his entire life. 
He finally managed to pull himself up into standing, revelling in how his gut was suddenly in the way and looked in the mirror. 
He laughed, the effect was ridiculous. Although his belly and ass looked fantastic and absolutely realistic, it looked ludicrous on his scrawny body which remained unchanged.
Elliott deactivated the band and reset the model. After a moment’s hesitation, he selected his entire body “Increase by 100% body mass” and selected “fat” in the tissue category. He considered carefully and finally decided to increase his ass and gut separately on top of increasing the fat equally around his entire body. 
Elliott’s finger hovered over the band, but before clicking the Activate button he checked the measurement box again and changed 100% to 200lb. Again, before clicking it, he wavered and finally ended up changing it to 300lb(136kg) with sweaty fingers. Adding 300lb to his meagre 132lb(60kg) would put him at a glorious 432lb(195kg), a fulfilment of a fantasy Elliott had since before he was even consciously aware of it. 
Eliott pressed the Activate button.
He was still standing in front of the mirror and he let out a gasp as the nanobots went to work, making his entire body shiver with the unfamiliar coldness, the feeling much more overwhelming with tasking them to simulate 300lb instead of a measly 40 he attempted at first. 
Elliott watched with intense, nearly blinding fascination as his body rippled slightly and moments later exploded into folds and bulges and rolls, becoming an unrecognisable mountain of flesh. He stared at the enormous gut, too heavy to be completely round as it hung in front of him almost like a massive, engorged flesh apron. His face was unrecognisable, swallowed by an enormous double chin and chubby cheeks, melting into the fat around his neck seamlessly. The man in the mirror couldn’t be him, could he? It was too good to be real… The fat man lifted his arm as Elliott lifted his, only his arm never had an enormous wing of fat hanging off it and jiggling as he moved. When Elliott moved his normal arm it didn’t send his entire massive body into wobbles, but the man in the mirror sure wobbled like an impressive jello dessert. 
Elliott grabbed his gut, an enormous, almost all-encompassing mound of flesh hanging in front of him. He grabbed it, lifted it as much as he could and dropped it. The way the flesh shook and jiggled forced a moan out of him. Already half-hard again, he inched closer to the mirror. Elliott could barely move under the unknown sensation of this immense bulk and he almost stumbled into his mirror, nearly crushing it. Just the half step made his heart race with excursion and his lungs begged for air. 
This SimNano thing was worth every penny, in fact, Elliott thought they were losing money. It was too good to be real. 
He turned off Active Mode, in a few seconds staring back at this familiar skinny self with an impressive hard-on. 
Staring intently, eager to catch every little detail, he pressed Activate again. 
Watching his body explode with fat, filling out with blubber in mere seconds and leaving him unrecognisable was so impossibly erotic that he climaxed just from turning the SimNano off and on again, watching himself gain hundreds of pounds in seconds. 
After he managed to somehow climax three times within the span of an hour he decided it was enough for one day, he was starting to feel light-headed. 
He tapped Deactivate. 
Nothing happened. 
He tapped it again. Still, nothing.
He stared at the band, but it appeared to be frozen. Frantically, he started waddling unsteadily to his backpack where the main SimNano pad was. Walking across the room to his bag while suddenly 300lb heavier was incredibly difficult and equally, if not more, arousing. His giant thighs were rubbing against each other, he could feel he was hitting his enormous apron of a gut with each clumsy step… The enormous behind he’d given himself jiggled with every step and so did his soft, blubbery tits. 
When he finally made it to his back and retrieved his pad Elliott was nearly ready to collapse with how out of breath he was. 
The pad was as frozen as the band was. 
“Fuck.” He whispered, looking into the mirror across the room. He was enormous, there was no way he could leave the house like this and he had a night shift at the bar today. 
It was 5 p.m., and he had work at 8, so technically, he still had time. He could just… Indulge for a while while waiting for the SimNano to unfreeze. 
Elliott laboriously waddled to the bedroom. He had a few pieces of massive clothing he sometimes wore while stuffing it with pillows and pretending he was huge. He pulled on a pair of tracksuit trousers. They could barely encompass his enormous ass. Even the biggest of his secret fetish shirts was snug on him now and his monstrous gut was happily hanging out at the bottom. 
The flat needed tidying up and he also had to cook to have something to eat after his shift when he would undoubtedly be too tired to do anything. 
He began busying himself around the house, every little chore making him hornier than the last one. Everything was a thrill, trying to wipe dust off the higher shelves and feeling how his enormous gut was hanging further and further out of his shirt, trying to wash dishes and finding that he could barely reach into the sink with the enormous mound of blubber in the front of him. When he went to clean the plastic shower door, something that he meant to do all week, he nearly got stuck in the narrow space and instead of trying to find the best angle to free himself he rubbed against the shower wall, making himself cum just with the friction against his fat body. He would’ve jerked himself off if the was any hope of reaching his penis under all that flesh, which there absolutely wasn’t.
With all the chores completed and with food prepped for later, Elliott went to check on the pad. It was still frozen. It was 7.20 pm.
He called in sick and trying not to freak out about it just yet he repositioned the mirror closer to the couch where he planted his enormous ass and began rubbing his flesh. 
There was no need to freak out, he was sure the NanoSim would reset overnight. 
Elliott woke up still on the couch and still as enormous as when he drifted off, exhausted by the almost constant sexual tension of the previous day. 
He tapped the band. Frozen. The pad proved to be in a similar state. 
Elliott tried calling the NanoSim Technical Support but they told him that there was nothing they could do remotely because there were health hazards involved, so he would have to come to one of their stores to get it reset. 
Which meant… Going outside as a 432lb man. 
Elliott ate his modest breakfast of a skinny man and wondered how it would look to an outsider, a guy who was nearly half-tone of blubber eating a modest portion of oatmeal. 
Before leaving the house he pulled on a beanie and didn’t shave his unimpressive stubble. There was no way anyone would recognise him, but he still didn’t want to risk it. 
His heart was pounding so hard that it was all he could hear as Elliott stepped out into the hallway. 
Usually, Elliott just took the stairs from the second floor he lived on, but there was no way he was going to take the stairs today, he could barely move with all that unfamiliar weight on him, his waddle almost a caricature of itself. 
There was a lady in the lift and when the doors opened she frantically looked between Elliott and the lift control panel informing all the passengers that the weight limit was 500lb. She was slim, but there was no way she was less than 100lb. 
“You go on” Elliott smiled at her and she pressed the button to close the door almost frantically. 
He wasn’t sure if he actually WAS 432lb or if the nanobots just made it appear so to him, but he wasn’t going to risk it. 
There was an Uber waiting for him, but Elliott had to cancel the ride when it turned out that he couldn’t fit in the car. 
With his dick painfully hard and trapped between mounds of flesh he selected a different ride, making sure it was big enough to accommodate for a massive hog like him. He barely fit and his gut filled his lap completely. The driver was visibly disgusted and Elliott’s already painfully hard dick throbbed under his apron belly. 
Waddling and puffing his way through the shopping centre to the SimNano store was the most humiliating and gratifying experience of his life. Everyone, without exception, stared at the giant man barely waddling his way through the halls, his too-small shirt riding up his enormous gut and his face flushed with the effort of putting all that blubber into motion. 
When he finally made it to the store he was heaving, his breath rasping and his entire body sticky with sweat. 
The only person in the store was the clerk, a teak-skinned man with a mop of black curls and bright, quick eyes. He was very much Elliott’s type and the fact that he had to talk to a handsome guy while his enormous gut hung out of his shirt and he was so out of breath was arousing beyond all reason. 
“Hello, I’m Omar, how can I help you?” 
“Hi, I… uff.. Sorry… I have a problem with my SimNano, the program froze last night and it’s still frozen.” He handed the man his pad, still trying to catch his breath. 
“Let’s see here…” Omar took his pad from him and when he saw the program the SimNano was frozen on he slowly looked back up at Elliott, his lips stretching into a mischievous grin. Elliott felt like his entire face was on fire. Somehow it didn’t dawn on him that the clerk would see the program he was running. If he could, he’d bolt it out of the store in embarrassment, but he couldn’t, not when he was this massive. 
“Let me just do some troubleshooting here.” Omar said, his smirk still on his face as he plugged the device into a PC and started clicking. 
“Alright,” he said a few minutes later. “It looks like I got it, but let me just check…” 
Elliott watched with growing terror as Omar proceeded to add another 50lb(22kg) to his program and activating it. Elliott staggered back, feeling his gut hanging marginally lower, the waistband of his tracksuit digging just that much deeper into his blubber. 
“Just to double check, better to be sure.” Omar said, adding another 50 on top of that. 
Elliott had to grab onto the counter as the enormous weight started to threaten to topple him to the ground. He was heaving just from the sheer effort of standing up.
Omar’s cheeky grin was turning downright mischievous. 
“I think it’s working now.” the clerk said, bringing the program down to its original +300lb setting. 
“T-thank you…” Elliott panted, taking his pad back and thanking all the Gods that his gut hid his erection. 
As he was waddling back to the entrance Omar’s voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Ey, fat boy.” 
That nickname alone nearly made Elliott give an ungainly moan, right there in the middle of the shopping centre.
“Y-yes?” “Give me your number, I write NanoSim codes in my spare time and big improvement to the overall experience. I mean…. Huge improvements.” 
Omar’s grin was pure evil and Elliott was sure his own was no better as he gave the handsome man his number.
This was going to be fun. 
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sinofwriting · 1 year
Sweet Nothing - Clay Spenser
Words: 4,912
Note(s): This is a long one that I honestly did not want to end. Also this is x reader but she goes by the nickname Mira. And anything in italics unless stated otherwise is them speaking Urdu. (Oh, and title is of course from a Taylor Swift song)
Tagging @nerdyreaderpapi who said they were really excited for this. Hope they and everyone else enjoys this.
Summary: Clay has a wife and no one believes him. He’s been a part of Bravo for eight months, the wife excuse is getting old, got old after the first month and yet he sticks to it, despite the fact that they never met her, don’t know her name, or seen a single picture of her.
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Turning his phone on, a tired smile crosses his lips at the sight of his lockscreen and he can’t help the way his thumb caresses the screen as he mouths the words on it that he knows by heart, a yawn leaving him in the middle as he adjusts to being awake.
The always there ache in his heart, grows now that they’re so close to being home. And he has to resist rubbing at his chest. He didn’t need to catch Trent’s attention, the medic was like a mother hen to all of the team, but especially him since he was the youngest.
Unlocking his phone, he goes to his texts and scrolls through his missed texts, body relaxing into his hammock as he looks at the texts from his wife. Some just random tidbits of things she had to translate, or things she had to buy that they ran out of, things she made for dinner, how she forgot to pick her meds up but not to worry because she did end up getting them, just a week later than she should’ve and he can ignore the email from the pharmacy about it, and that yes Clay she knows she hopeless without him and she’s more than okay without.
He lets out a chuckle at one of her texts telling him that she wants a dog and he needs to stop dragging his feet about it.
“It’s been nearly a year, husband. The longer we go without any paws running about, the more I’ll want.”
He lifts his eyes from his phone, letting them drift around until they land on Brock who’s also laying in his hammock, though he’s more upright, Cerberus in between his legs.
“Hey, Brock.” “Hmm?” Clay doesn’t notice that the rest of the team have also turned their attention to Clay. It wasn’t often that the kid was talkative after missions, especially one like this one. “I’ve been meaning to get a dog, anything I should keep in mind with Cerb?” The dog lifts its head at his name, tail wagging as he looks at Clay. Brock runs a hand over the dog's head. “I’d say once they settle in, we introduce them, just in case.” “What kind of dog you getting?” Clay shrugs, “not too sure yet. It’ll be a puppy, that’s for sure.” His wife would have his head if they’re first pet together wasn’t a puppy. “Puppy? That’s a lot for our job.” “Yeah, who’s getting to watch it when we get spun out or are on deployment?” “My wife, who absolutely exists.” He throws up a middle finger at Sonny, already knowing what comment was going to leave the Texan’s mouth. He makes a noise and half hearted denial, but doesn’t say anything, jaw twitching as Clay tries to press that he had a wife on them again.
“She going to pick you up?” Clay’s eyebrow raises, and he pockets his phone as he feels a shift in the altitude. They’d be landing within the next thirty minutes. “I drove myself. So, no.” Ray makes a noise at that and he has to resist the urge to snap at him or one of the other guys who was staring at him.
“Join us for beers tomorrow?” Sonny asks, as they all step out and start heading to their cars. “We just spent nearly two weeks together, next time absolutely.” Sonny grunts. “Fine, but just remember what you're missing out on, GQ. I could get you a great girl.” “Married.” He shouts, as he rushes to his car. The door shuts before he can hear Sonny’s reply and with it comes a sigh of relief.
The drive home passes quickly and before he knows it, he’s in the driveway of his house. His wife’s car parked in its spot and the porch light on, with its automatic timer set to turn on at eighteen hundred and shut off at four hundred.
Clay feels the ache in his chest grow, being so close and yet still so far away. So, he doesn’t bother grabbing his go bag, even though everything needs to be washed, he just climbs out of the car, barely remembering to lock it and running up the steps to the front door.
Opening the door, he quickly steps into the house, kicking off his boots as he closes the door behind him.
“Baby?” He calls, anxiety and excitement warring inside of him. “Mira?” He uses the name that her parents started calling after learning that he and her grandmother had taken to calling her Miracle in Urdu. “I’m home.” He hears the sound of feet rounding the corner before a cry of his name greets him and he’s got an armful of his wife.
He holds her tight, lifting her off her feet, his hands moving down to her bottom to hold it as her legs wrap themselves around his waist.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He whispers into the skin of her neck, tears pricking at his eyes, as he takes in the feeling of home, the smell of it, of her. “Missed you too.” Her arms loosen from around his shoulders and she pulls back slightly, looking into his eyes as her hands come up to his face. She sighs, thumbs rubbing his cheekbones. “You got even more handsome. I think you can’t, then you leave me and somehow it happens.”
His cheeks turn pink at the compliment, the one she always gives him when he comes home to her. At one point he had denied it, thought she was just saying it, that she didn’t mean it, but with over a decade together, he knew that she meant it. It was clear in her face, the way her eyes were lit up in awe and they couldn’t stop looking at him. Clear in her body, how her breath still sped up, heart hammering in her chest.
Emotion bubbles up in him, how overwhelmingly he is in love with this woman and has been since they met, since he was fifteen. And he knows that if he speaks right now, he’ll stumble over his words, so instead he presses their lips together.
And the ache that had been plaguing him vanishes at the contact. At the soft lips pressed to his. Her hands slip from his face to his neck, her right pointer finger tracing the shell of his ear making him tighten his grip on her and press his tongue to the seam of her lips, gently touching them, before retreating. Even with the sigh into his mouth.
“Do you have anything cooking?” “No.” She breathes, “take me to bed, soldier.” He grins at the command, pressing their lips together, once than twice before starting the trip to their bedroom. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Stop looking at me like that.” She murmurs, eyes scanning the menu. “How am I looking at you?” She lifts her eyes off the menu, her husbands grinning face staring at her. “Like you won the lottery.” His grin grows wider, eyes alight with amusement. “Everyday with you is like winning the lottery, miracle.” She has to look away for a moment, lips pressing together to suppress a giggle. Fuck, her husband was a charmer.
Her eyes drift back towards the menu. Despite having dinner two hours earlier, she was hungry again, but not hungry enough to eat something all by herself, so it was a good thing she had Clay with her. She swore sometimes he had more than one stomach on him with the way he ate.
“Want to share a chicken strip basket with me?” “Sure. You want a beer?” He asks, looking out for a waitress. “Please, just whatever you get.”
Resting her chin on her hand, she watches as he orders for them. Seamlessly keeping the waitress's attention off her.
“It ran over. Complications?” She asks when the waitress leaves, curiosity pulling at her. He nods, “Intel was bad. HAVOC nearly blew a gasket.” “But, no injuries.” “No injuries.” The whole team had basically been glorified bodyguards for two weeks. “It was a milk run that went long. Only reason we were there for so long was because of the intel and having to get new contacts.” She hums, switching back to english. “This place seems nice.” She takes a glance around. “Only opened up a month or so ago. Kids aren’t allowed after eight.” “Yes, sir.” The waitress says, setting down two beers in front of them. “And the last family we had just left. So just a warning the music will be going up and our cook is only here until ten.” “Thank you.” She smiles at the waitress. “Of course. Let me know if you need a refill and your food should be out shortly.”
“She’s nice.” “Hasn’t worked long enough in food service.” Her eyes roll. “Says the man who's never worked in food service.” “But you did. Worst six months of our marriage.” Her mouth falls open, “you were deployed for all of it.” He shrugs, “you were miserable working at the place. Me not being there just made that worse.” “Such a softy.” Clay smiles, tangling their fingers together on top of the table. “Only for you, my miracle.”
They're halfway through their beers when the music gets turned up and their basket of chicken strips arrive. Grabbing one, she hisses at how hot it is immediately dropping it back down. She shakes her hand out, rubbing the pads of fingers together.
“Cut it?” “Please.” He doesn’t say anything, sending her a fond look before grabbing the fork and knife that had been resting on the table and cutting the chicken up.
Nearly an hour later and on her third beer and last one, since Clay was also stopping at three since he was driving, the door opening to the bar and raucous noise catches her attention.
Turning her head, she eyes the group of six men and two women, military she noted by some of their stances and they way all the men seemed to be surveying the building. It’s then that her eyes focus on their faces and her eyes widen, recognizing some of them.
“Clay,” she kicks his shin lightly. She hears his sharp intake of breath and she blindly reaches for his hand, squeezing it tight. Her heart thuds painfully in her chest when he grasps it tight, clinging to it. “Do you want to leave?” “No.” “Are you sure?” “It's your choice.” She takes her eyes off his team, going to protest, but he stops her. “No, it’s your choice. I know you don’t particularly like them.” His face twists at that, because that was a light way of putting it.
His wife nearly despised them for judging him just because he had the last name Spenser. Add on Sonny’s treatment those first few missions and how Jason treated him after that first time he worked with Bravo. He was surprised that she hadn’t stormed onto base using her clearance to give the Master Chief a piece of her mind. It wouldn’t shock him if them meeting eventually resulted in that happening. She wasn’t one to hold back, not when it concerned him.
She eyes her husband, remembering how he had come home practically collapsing in her arms because of Bravo, because he had the last name Spenser and more stupid military men weren’t willing to not judge a book by its cover. Remembering their refusal to believe that he was married, all because he won’t introduce them or talk about her, because he was a kid, despite being twenty-seven. But she also remembers the light in his eyes as he talks about Cerb, Trent’s mother henning, Ray’s quiet accompaniment to the range. He’s been with them for nearly a year and she knows that they’ve become like family to them, so close to being brothers in not just name but also bond. And she knows that the only thing that is stopping him from letting them in and really see who he is behind that cocky façade is her. And she can’t deny him family, more people to love him, so she squeezes his hand again.
“Let’s stay.” “Really?” She nods. “They’re your brothers, honey. I can’t deny you people that love you, just because of my misgivings.” He looks at her in awe, blue eyes shining. “I don’t deserve you, not one bit.” He sounds reverent and before she can deny it, protest, he’s leaning across the table, crushing their lips together in a passionate kiss.
A loud whistle breaks them apart and he’s still looking at her in absolute awe. “You, Mrs. Spenser, are going to be spoiled so much later.” She swallows harshly, thighs pressing together at the promise. “And I can’t wait, husband.” His eyes flash but the sound of a chair being pulled out stops him from kissing her again.
“I’m going to take these up and get something else to drink. You want anything?” She asks, grabbing their beer bottles. “Water, please.” She nods, flashing him a smile before standing and heading to the bar, a slight limp in her gait.
He watches her, heat simmering inside of him.
Clay looks away when someone sits across from him, knocking their feet together,
“Would ya look at that, GQ. Said you didn’t want to come out drinking with us and we still ended up at the same place.” The Texan accent makes him sigh. “Sonny. First stop of the night?” “Yeah, even managed to get Blackburn to join us.” Clay spots the rest of the group in the corner where there’s pool tables, brows going up seeing Naima standing next to Lisa. He had forgotten that her parents were in town this week. “Naima eat?” “You think Ray would’ve let her out of the house to drink without food in her stomach?” “I don’t think Ray tells her to do anything.” Sonny laughs, “right you are, brother. Last time Ray tried to tell her to do something,” he whistles. “I don’t think I’ve seen a man regret something so much.” He chuckles, he hadn’t been part of the team for that but he could imagine it. “Lisa text you, we were coming here? Decide to join us anyways?” “No, I actually,” he begins before he can continue, two glasses are being put on the table and a familiar weight is settling on his leg that’s planted outside the booth.
“Next time we should Uber, they’ve got some interesting cocktails.” She tells him, before turning her head to look at the stunned Seal sitting across from them. “Hi, I hope I wasn’t interrupting.” Clay has to press his face against her back to hide his smile. She knew damn well what she was doing and he couldn’t love her more for it. “No, ma’am. You known Clay long?” His eyes flicker between the two. She lets out a laugh, just a little off from her normal one. “Long enough.” He squeezes her waist and she relaxes a little back into him. “Well, my name's Sonny Quinn, I work with Clay since he ain’t got the manners to introduce us.” She extends her hand, giving the Texan’s a quick shake before giving her name and they both watch as his jaw drops and his eyes widen. “But please, call me Mira. Everyone does.”
“Spenser?” He repeats, barely hearing her request. “Yes, sir. And proud.” She lifts her left hand and gives it a small shake where both his grandmother’s wedding band sits and her grandmother's wedding ring. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you” He manages to say after a few seconds. “Mira, I don’t think you’ve met the rest of the team, but if you’d like you could join us. We're just playing some pool and drinking.”
“Join?” The french makes him blink, but he nods. “Sure.” “We’d love to.” He blinks at the language change, but nods, standing. “Alright, then. Can I get you anything to drink?” His eyes flicker to Clay, expecting to see some sort of scowl on the younger man’s face at his offer but the kid just looks amused and tension he didn’t know he was holding, vanishes. “I’m alright. I just got us some water.” She tells him, standing, grabbing one of the waters from the table.
Nodding, he watches as Clay also stands, doing the same as her, his arm looping around his wife’s waist, lips brushing her temple. They make an interesting picture, a pretty one. Cause of course Clay would have a wife even prettier than he was.
Leading them over to the corner that Bravo had commandeered, Jason spots them first, smiling at him, before a brief look of concern takes over at his wide eyes. And a quick nudge to Ray’s ribs from Jason gets everyone else's attention.
“Ladies,” he nods to Lisa and Naima, “gents. Look who I ran into?” He steps aside letting them more easily see Clay, who’s setting their waters down on a high table they took over. “Hey!” A few say at the time, catching other people's attention for a moment. “What are you doing here?” Lisa asks, smiling at the youngest member of Bravo. He tilts his head to the left, gesturing, “date night. Went to dinner then ended up here. Would’ve gone somewhere else if I knew who we’d run into.” He grins, catching the elbow his wife starts to throw before it can make contact. “You love us.” She teases and Clay rolls his eyes but the soft line of his shoulders and grin betrays him. “And who is this?” She looks at the woman next to Clay offering her smile. She smiles at the woman who Clay talks about fondly, always having their back in HAVOC, “I’m Mira, Clay’s wife.” Her smile doesn’t flicker at the sharp intakes of breaths her introduction causes. “You must be Lisa, Clay talks about you often. He talks about all of you often.” She looks at the rest of them. Naima hits Ray’s chest. “I had no idea that Clay was married.”
She quickly shakes the younger girl's hand. “I’m Naima, Ray’s wife. If Ray had something sooner, we could have set up something sooner. All of us wives and girlfriends have a groupchat. I know how difficult it can be.” “Thank you. We’ll have to exchange numbers. You have two kids right? Jameelah and RJ?” “We do.” Her smile widens at Mira remembering her kids names just from hearing Clay talk about them. “Clay mentioned them. He’s never been uncle Clay before. Came home all lit up.” He nudges her slightly. “They meet you and you’ll be Auntie.” “Damn straight, I married you for the benefits, honey.” “And my body.” He grins down at her, holding her tighter against him. She pats his chest. “And your body.”
Naima awes a bit at the young couple. She remembered when her and Ray were first together, they had also been stuck together at the hip. Now with being together for so long and two kids, there wasn’t a lot of being stuck at the hip.
“How long have you two been together? Or married?” She asks, curious. They seemed like newlyweds, just a couple of months under their belt, still firmly in the honeymoon phase. “Been together for twelve years, married for eight.” Clay tells everyone, a proud look in his eyes. “Seven, honey. We got engaged eight years ago.” She corrects, watching the shocked faces of his team. He scowls at the reminder of the near year of waiting he had before they finally could get married. “Worst year of my life.” “It wasn’t even a year!” “It was nearly a year.”
“Now, why do I feel like there’s a story there?” One of the guys says, recovering first. “Trent,” he offers his name, just in case. “That would be because there is.” She pats Clay’s hand. “Clay and I got together when we were fifteen, but there’s nearly a year between us. So, Clay turns eighteen, proposes, is already to go to the courthouse and be married and I had to remind him that we had to wait a good eight months to get married since I was still seventeen.”
“The wait was horrible.” He groans. Mira laughs, “what wait? The only thing that changed was my last name and us getting a piece of paper. Nothing else changed.” “Sex.” Sonny chokes on his beer. “We had sex before.” Lisa lets out a laugh at the exasperated look on her face, she already liked this girl. “Yeah, but it wasn’t married sex.” “Oh my god.” She rolls her eyes, not needing to look at him to know he was grinning, chest puffed out a bit.
She looks at the other women in the group, “Please save me from him.” Naima laughs at the girl, but steps over to the booth where Brock is sitting and motions for her to join. “Sit with me and Brock. I want to know all about you.”
She feels Clay squeeze her hip and brush his lips across her temple before letting her go. She sends him a smile before joining the older woman at the booth, sliding in on the same side that Naima’s sitting on.
“Nice to meet you, Brock.” She greets the man. “You too.”
Clay watches as Naima and Mira start to talk, Brock paying rapid attention if the way his body language is anything to go by.
“So, Bam Bam does have a wife.” He scowls at the Texan, “Told you I did.” “Still. Can see why you kept her away. She’s so far out of your league.” Sonny laughs, sending Clay a wink as he dodges an elbow from Lisa. He looks back at Mira, who’s laughing. “Damn right.”
He felt lucky most days that she even took a glance at him.
“Why did it take so long for us to meet her?” Jason asks. “Does she not like the job? Cause problems at home?” Clay scoffs, “god, no.” It wasn’t that they hadn’t had problems, they’d been together for over a decade they had them, but the idea of his job causing some was laughable. “She encouraged me to enlist, wouldn’t have made it as far without her. And she understands the job.” Something in his tone sets Jason on edge, “Not too much, I hope.” “Spenser,” Eric starts, realizing where Jason’s head went and it’s clear Ray did too by the way he sets his pool cue down. He sticks his chin out, shaking his head. “She’s a linguist.” He gets blank looks. “She knows as many languages as me, more. She’s been a consultant for the CIA since we were twenty. She’s got higher clearance than me.” Sonny whistles, “she’s really out of your league.” He grins at him.
“So, what was the problem?” Jason asks and god was he like a dog with a bone. He could tell there was a reason and all of them knew he wouldn’t stop until he knew why. Clay sighs, sending a look over to Mira, who sensing it, looks back at him and sends him a smile and nod. “I talk shop with her.” Jason sends him a disapproving look, but he ignores it. He liked Jason, but he wasn’t about to take relationship advice from the older man. “So, if I’ve had a bad day or something went wrong I talk about it.” “I don’t get it.” Lisa whacks the Texan on his arm, understanding why Clay hadn’t introduced her or even talked about her. He sighs, “she doesn’t like you,” he looks at Sonny. “Or you.” he looks at Jason. “What? For what reason?” Trent and Ray let out laughs at Sonny’s confusion. They could take a good guess for why she didn’t like either Sonny or Jason and they couldn’t say they blamed her. “She doesn’t have much tolerance for anyone who sees the last name Spenser and immediately assumes I’m like my father.” Jason winces at the statement and reminder of what he had first thought of Clay and how he treated him because of it. Yeah, he could see the reason for dislike. “Shit, Bam Bam. I fucked that one, huh?”
Clay smiles at the older man, “give her a year, maybe two. You’ll get off her shitlist.” “And me?” Jason asks, noticing that his eyes hadn’t drifted over to him. He winces, “that’s a bit more complicated.” Ray lets out a laugh at Jason’s face, slapping him on the back. “I told you that one of these days your big mouth and unwillingness to let things go would bite you in the ass.”
“He did not, Mira!” Naima’s scandalized voice rings out and makes them all turn their heads to look over at the booth where her, Mira, and Brock were sitting. She lets out a laugh, people’s reactions to how exactly Clay proposed never ceased to make her laugh. “He absolutely did.” Naima’s scandalized expression vanishes and her jaw locks as she ushers the younger out of the booth, turning her attention to the man they had just been talking about. “Clay Spenser!” His eyes widen at his name being said like that and he sends a look to Ray, but the 2IC just shakes his head. He was on his own with this one. “I can not believe you! Proposing like that!” She stands with her hands on her hips, lips pressed together in a frown. He relaxes at that. He knew how he proposed wasn’t normal and had pointedly not mentioned how he had to her parents or his grandparents knowing he’d got smacked upside the head. “Naima, I was eighteen.” He pleads, putting his hands up in surrender, sending a look to Mira who’s giggling. “Really, it’s funny more than anything.” “Oh, I’ve got to know this.” Sonny mutters under his breath. There would never be enough material to tease Clay with. And something from his relationship, well that was even juicer.
“How exactly did Clay propose?” Lisa asks, wondering what had the normally chill woman up in arms. “Well, honey, should I tell them or do you want to?” She asks, teasingly as she walks over to him. He wraps an arm around her, pulling her closer. “You can, miracle. Already told it once today, what’s two times?” She nods, wrapping an arm around him as well. Might as well get as comfy as she could with all the eyes on her.
“Well, you already know that Clay was very eager to get married.” “Be a fool not to.” He mutters, interrupting her which she ignores but Trent snorts hearing the mutter. “But he was really eager. My parents and his grandparents were missionaries, so they kept odd hours, were really only home to sleep and even then sometimes depending on how bad the area they were at was they sometimes would sleep there. Which meant we had a lot of time to ourselves.” The guys all grin at that, knowing exactly what that meant. “And with our luck, the week that Clay turned eighteen, they were away helping a village six hours away that experienced a horrible fire.” That earns a few frowns, but everyone is still listening intently to her.
“So, when it rolled over to midnight, I woke him up to wish him a happy eighteenth and to have birthday sex.” She earns a few laughs at how unashamed she is and she smiles at the sound. She could blame it on being a horny teenager but she still wanted to climb Clay like a tree as much if not more than when they were teens. “In the middle of said birthday sex, he just asks me to marry him. Tells me that one of the guys in the village we were in owes him a favor and we could take his truck to get married as soon as the sun was up.” “You didn’t?” Clay shrugs at the disappointed look from Jason. “I’d been thinking about it for months, it slipped out.” He defends. “It was sweet.” Mira also defends him. “Even if my response put a damper on things.” He winces at that, because yeah, he hadn’t reacted the best to hearing the word can’t right after he had proposed and then forced onto his back so she could ride him. It was one of the few times that he had stopped in the middle of sex for a reason that wasn’t cramping or someone knocking on the door. “And what was your response?”
“Can’t, just the word can’t.” She gives Clay a sorry smile. “Even in the middle of sex the logical side of my brain was working.” “Sounds like someone wasn’t doing a good job.” Sonny jokes. “Nah, I was thinking of a way to flip him on his back right before he started talking.” Sonny lets out a loud laugh at that and the way it makes Jason slightly bug eyed. “I definitely like you, Mrs. GQ.” “Can I be Mrs. Bam Bam instead?” She asks, grinning. “Rolls off the tongue better.” “You can have whatever nickname you want, Mrs. Bam Bam.” The Texan tells her, a bit more southern drawl in his voice as he gives her a wink.
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verdemoun · 2 months
i think the weird alternate timewarp reality where darragh somehow appeared to yell at sean and meet lenny and maeve was the best thing that has ever happened actually out of everything ever
okay for you hypothetical darragh was also timewarped
sean was on one of his now semi-regular combined father's day/anniversary of death trips to boston, to sit in a park and drink and remember his da with the quiet and privacy to mourn in his own way
has to stop for beer obvs and is just browsing the imported beer when he hears a proper thick olde irish accent very casually making a recommendation. freezes. darragh hasn't even realized. he's still browsing too until he hears that 'da?'
darragh is elated and also still so used to sean just throwing himself he still braces himself as his adult son throws himself at him, immediately bawling in relief and overwhelming emotions like that's his da. his da's alive and older and going grey but he's there he's physically fucking there
takes sean a solid 20 minutes to calm down enough to actually get words out they're just sitting on a bench in a mall sean uncomfortably close because he can't believe his da is actually there while darragh is classic stoic irish dad but he'll cry later guarantee
darragh is a smart man but was still lucky to timewarp at night after being shot in his bed so he kind of got the ease in of seeing the city come alive with the morning and realising 'well definitely not heaven not hell i definitely remember being fatally shot i am dead my son is not here (devastating) i need money'
he has a pretty basic 9-5 working in logistics stock delivery packaging sort of gig and a cozy apartment and sean loses his mind. actually thinks he's gone full delusional he's sitting in his dad's modern apartment with his dad making dirty instant coffee that tastes as burnt as it did in 1889 when he dared to try coffee and his dad is asking about his life, when he timewarped, what's happening and laughing about how quiet sean is being because 'once upon a time i would've given my right leg for you to be quiet for 2 minutes now i actually want to have a chat and you're silent'
sean spends so long pussy-footing around trying to suss out how his da would feel about the fact he's bi and in a happily committed relationship with a black man when he finally shows darragh a photo of lenny darragh just squints and points 'who is that' to maeve and considers backhanding him when sean goes 'oh yeah that's our daughter maeve'
the second a grandbaby is involved darragh is booking tickets back to blackwater with sean and everyone is insanely excited to meet darragh macguire who is still considered a folk hero in ireland and they have heard so many stories both true and untrue about and darragh absolutely dazzles them all
like if hosea was in the market that smooth smart talking aged like whiskey Irishman would need a restraining order. lenny and darragh strike up intellectual conversation as easy as breathing and darragh loves lenny he's pulling him into a bear hug and insisting lenny can call him da too. maeve sits on his shoulder the entire time just squealing gran-da is so strong and he adores her firecracker energy
sean gets his storytelling antics from his da and darragh of course being a former politician/activist has the most captivating way of telling stories. whole gang crowded around listening to darragh confirm or correct stories sean has told about his life - as well as the classic embarrassing stories from sean's childhood to lenny's delight and sean's horror
within two weeks darragh moves his entire life to blackwater so he can be part of his son and granddaughter's lives. he is first call to babysit maeve because as he loves reminding everyone she is simply as much of a terror as sean was at that age. he also insists on teaching her irish
as much as sean still struggles to sit still and maeve will never, ever have the ability to sit still, darragh still drags both maeve and sean to church every sunday because he can look past all sean's many many other errors in life but his son will be damned well going to church and they are getting that little girl baptised asap.
deadeye macguire was actually one of darragh's many nicknames. they discover time has in no way dulled darragh's actual skills as an outlaw he is a menace at paintball/laser tag and maeve would choose to he on gran-da's team over sean any day.
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dvrcos · 8 months
Relationship between Renee and Allison and how Andrew treats it.
Okay okay I absolutely love them together
Renne and Allison getting together isn’t a shock to most of the foxes
Its one of those things that just Makes Sense so no one’s really taken aback
They’re excited as hell for them but not shocked
There’s bets, of course
Dan takes home the most, betting that they were interested in each other against almost everyone else
Nicky looses the most because, peace and love, his gaydar is not as great as he thinks it is
Neil is obviously the most shocked by the news but not in a negative/unsupporting way but because he’s oblivious to anything romantic
Andrew knew before everyone else
He’s observant and notices the lingering touches and looks they give each other
And he notices Renee’s attention being drawn to Allison while they’re running laps
I think there’s an unspoken understanding, there isn’t a formal conversation where Renee comes out or confesses her feelings, Andrew just knows
But Andrews not one to pry so he doesn’t bring it up, Renee will talk if she wants too
When Renee does bring it up it’s when they’re sparring and Renee’s just flipped Andrew over her shoulder
‘I’m asking Allison to go on a date with me’
Andrew just raises his eyebrows, a silent signal to carry on, as he squares up for the next round
Renee tells him about the date she’s planning while they’re dodging and throwing punches
Andrew knows Renee is the last person who needs his defending, she’s as strong - if not stronger - than him
But he offers it anyways because it’s the only way he knows how to express his approval and his support
Aside from that I don’t think he pays much attention or care to their relationship
Now my hc abt Renee and Allison’s relationship
I think Allison is protective as hell whenever Renee is in goal
No one’s seen her full body check strikers as much as she does when they’re threatening Renee’s goal
She’s taking out full grown men without a second thought if they’re within 10 feet of Renee
Renee thinks it’s one of the hottest things she does
Renee nurses Allison’s wounds after every match, cleaning bloody knuckles and pressing a feather light kiss to each one
And maybe, just maybe, Allison is so quick to fight on the court is because she knows (and loves) that Renee will be right there after to fix her up
I think Allison takes over dying Renee’s hair
Renne lets her have full control of the colors and over all look
I’m a firm believer that Allison goes pro for at least a few years after college
Renee is at every single game she can be, cheering the loudest for Allison
She’s decked out in ‘Reynolds’ gear from head to toe
She paints Allison’s number across her cheeks
Her hair is dyed whatever the colors of the team Allison is playing for are
If Matt and Dan accompany her to a game they for sure print out one of those giant posters of Allison’s head
Allison absolutely adores it
I don’t spend much time thinking/talking about the upperclassmen and this was fun so thank you!
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solomons-poison · 1 year
Ooooh hey honey bunny!
I'm so proud of you for your followers!
As celebration: I'd like to request hcs about first dates for Obey Me! With Beel, Satan, and Barbatos. 💕
First Dates with Beel, Satan, and Barbatos
A/N: Hehe thank you darling 😘 It more so celebrating a year since I've joined the writing community?? I don't know how accurate my follower count is anymore after 10 years on this hellsite, and I've only just recently gained a lot of great mutuals (yourself included <3), so thought this milestone might be easier lol. Anyway I'm so sorry this took ages to get to ;;
Featuring: GN reader || Beel x reader, Satan x reader, Barbatos x reader
Warnings: None; this is concepts if the boys set up the date, rather than the reader
It's not obvious unless you know what to look for or until the moment he asks, but Beel is the most nervous one about your first date together. He knows his interests can often give him tunnel vision, and he accidentally ignores or neglects you. So he wants to make sure that when he goes on this date with you, that you have his full attention and affection.
He's extremely sweet when he asks you out, the most adorable blush on his face, and he's absolutely overjoyed when you accept. If you talk to Belphie, he'll tell you all about how Beel kept bringing up both his worries and date ideas, asking if he thought you would like this or that, until Belphie was ready to lose his patience. All of his brothers are supportive, though, Beel just wants to make you happy and they're all just proud of their little brother trying to court you.
He's honestly happy to go anywhere with you for a date, but his suggestions are mostly food-oriented. He might end up going to Belphie, Barbatos, or Asmo for good ideas, something that would appeal to both of you, and so one suggestion might be around a café date. He just loves the idea of trying all sorts of new foods with you, something to create memories with together. It really excites him to introduce you to a food that he likes, especially, and it fills him with so much joy if you like it too. And the kiss he gives you at the end is nervous but heartfelt. It might also taste a bit like your last meal, but it just makes you two giggle.
When he looks back on your relationship together and his time with you, he wants to remember these fun experiences. The next time he passes by that restaurant or that café, or just smells a food that he had eaten with you during this outing, he'll be filled with thoughts of you, and it always brings a smile to his face.
A first date with Satan is the very definition of romantic. He works tirelessly to create the perfect date plan for you two, making all the arrangements to ensure everything goes exactly as planned and there are no problems.
Some of the ideas he considers are, of course, involving books, perhaps going to a café and reading together over coffee or just straight up visiting the library. Or he might want to bring you to the new cat café in town and introduce you to everyone, instead. If you're not quite as book-oriented, though, he's still happy to arrange something else, such as taking a walk through the park and telling you about the flowers and their meanings (that he definitely didn't spend weeks researching prior to the date...).
He'll start with going to your room to get you for your date, acting as your escort and maybe offering his arm or holding hands (especially if it's within Lucifer's sights). He'll be opening the door for you, pulling out your seat, maybe feeding you a bite of his or your food with the sweetest smile on his face.
And when the end of the date is drawing near, he'll nervously gift you something that means a lot to him, maybe a copy or his copy of his favorite book, or perhaps a piece of jewelry that complements your features. And the kiss at the end is nervous but sweet, soft and passionate and lingering because he doesn't want to leave yet but knows he has to go. Lucifer will never admit it to him, but he's really proud of what a gentleman Satan is with you.
As always, Barbatos is ten steps ahead of you. Even if you insist on setting up the date yourself, he's just too intuitive and good at figuring you out that he can mostly guess what would please you.
Similar to Satan, he's very romantic in his gestures. He might even act as your own personal butler instead of Diavolo's, using acts of service as his means of courting you. He may invite you for a tea date, creating a unique blend of tea solely for you to enjoy. And of course, he's baking something exquisite to go with it. If you're not into sweets, no worries, he can definitely make something savory for you to enjoy.
And after the tea is finished and you've tired of sitting, he'll take you on a nice evening walk around the gardens at the palace, show you rare flowers that you can't find anywhere else and telling you about their history. He'll even show you his secret hiding spot in the back of the grounds, somewhere he likes to have to himself when he needs some quiet. It's the trust that he has in you that really makes his love for you obvious.
And the kiss that he gives you at the end as he says goodnight is as sweet as the sweetest cake he could ever bake for you. Despite how restrained he seems, his eyes show his desire for you quite clearly, and it's enough to leave tingles throughout your body. He does well in leaving a very good first impression, and you can be sure there will be many more dates to come.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
Do you think you could do a headcanon or preference on how Tom Cruise or Antony Starr reacts to y/n telling them that she is having a baby
Why not both?
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Headcanon/Preference # 22
Picture & gifs NOT mine.
Year posted - 2022
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| Tom Cruise |
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• Tom initially isn't sure he heard you right, so he asks a very simple "What?", which makes you giggle softly before repeating yourself.
• A smile breaks out on his face, and his eyes gloss over. You'd been trying for months now to get pregnant, and it's finally happened!
• Makes a huge supper of all your favorite things to celebrate, later in the evening posting a picture with you telling the world the wonderful news.
• Always telling the unborn babe all sorts of cheesy dad jokes, and reading to them from his favorite books when he's feeling a little more serious.
• Who knew having a baby with your soulmate would feel so amazing, and that it could make them love eachother impossibly deeper.
• Sadly in the first few months of the pregnancy Tom is working on a movie, and isn't able to go to most of the doctors appointments.
• But on days you feel alright, he'll bring you on set and explain everything that's going on in the movie. Taking you back to his trailer when you start getting sleepy, and letting you take a nap while he gets dragged off for hair and makeup.
• And by the time he comes back, and you wake up with messy hair and a yawn, he all but melts at the sight.
• How perfect you are in his eyes, cozy and swollen with his child. His heart swooning when you smile at him in that moment looking so angelic.
• When the movie is finished, he takes you to Italy, where you remain for the rest of your pregnancy, and the first year of the babes life.
| Antony Starr |
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• Antony goes through a whole slew of emotions, which in the end leave him filled with nerves excitement, and feeling a tad bit nauseas.
• He wants to call and tell everyone about the big news, but he also kinda wants to keep the secret for a while so he can just enjoy this all with you and you alone.
• Decides that for the first few days he wants to keep this secret, and you within the house, curled up in bed and just relishing it your love for one another.
• After that he'll call his closest friends and family and let them in on the secret, while you do the same. But he doesn't let it slip up in an interview for quite a while.
• And only doing so when an interviewer comments on how often you both are spotted at a hospital. Sarcastically saying "Well that's what happens when you're wife is pregnant." his smile even dripping sarcasm.
• The interviewer congratulates him, and videos about you both go viral when the news comes out. Most of them using his image as Homelander and you as your own most popular character.
• You thought people shipped y'all before, now with a baby on the way the fans have gone absolutely crazy.
• Unless he's bound by a contract, Antony literally cancels all of his appointments, and spends nearly the whole pregnancy by your side.
• Takes you to his hometown for a while during the pregnancy, and just sits back and watches with a fond smile as to how much his family fawns over you.
• Constantly reminding you of just how amazing and beautiful you are, while declaring his love for you over and over again.
• Often this leads to him peppering your face in kisses, making you giggle, and him grin at the sound.
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mimikoolover · 2 months
so excited for the show, jikooks dynamic has always interested me because it’s quite different from the rest
(regardless what people say) JK&V have always had this bro type vibe to me, JK&Jin they have a bro vibe too but chaotically 😂 JK&RM for example is more like a hyung he idolises — then with JK&JM, even though the age difference is the same as with V, it’s always been different. I think Jimin’s emotional intelligence has a lot to do with it as well, but I’m just really looking forward to how the travel show pans out:’)
Because whilst Jimin is super mature and caring, he also can be quite chaotic too 😂 so I’m really looking forward to them being “free” and doing what they want, together! It’s been so long since they were in a subunit/btb together🫶
I totally agree. I actually love taekook's bond because they really were partners in crime but it had such a bro vibe. I think jungkook learnt a lot from jimin in terms of how to be nice to tae, beyond a bro-ish type of relationship. that vminkook live everyone hates is a good example, I think jungkook was very sweet with tae there and he also played along with stuff tae came up with so there was the playfulness there too. jk and jin I think are the most chaotic duo ever😂you can tell they adore each other but they will test each other's limits🤣jungkook with joon, yoongi and Hobi I think turns into more of a baby who looks up to his hyungs. I just love all their bonds but jikook have a special bond in general and within bts. they learnt what the other needs, like actually made the effort and they grew together beautifully. I will always think of the compilation of jungkook making jimin laugh when he could see that jimin was in his head and nervous about their work. and the one where he goes to jimin for (emotional) support. this is gonna sound really sad but I'm lowkey soooo jealous of jikook esp. now as an adult. and not because of a romantic relationship but discounting that, having a best friend like they are to each other must be so reassuring. like jungkook said they click on stage which must be awesome because performing is literally their favourite thing, so to have a special connection with someone as you're doing your absolute fave thing you live for must be special but then also off-stage they are always there for each other. I wish I was as passionate about something as they are about performing but then to have someone else to share it with too in a special way must be so nice😭but anyway even when they're working they're always goofing off together so yeah jimin can be chaotic too (and it's funny when he joins jinkook😂) so i can't wait to see it. i hope we get some bickering for good measure cause that'd be so funny too🤣
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tending-the-hearth · 2 years
Thinking about how much Steve loves his original kiddos SO much.
Like he loves all of the kids and would absolutely die for every single one of them, but Dustin, Max, and Lucas are his.
They’re the first ones he protected, the first ones he risked his life for, the first ones he met and connected with.
Mike pretty much refused to get to know Steve because of their history, he never had a chance to connect with Will and El on his own, but Dustin, Max, and Lucas?
those were his kids from the absolute beginning of everything.
Dustin saw him walking towards the Wheeler's house, he could have gone anywhere else, but he saw Steve and said "i pick him", and Lucas and Max did the EXACT same thing, watching him go up against the demodogs with nothing but a nail bat, shoving Max back and putting himself in front of a trio of kids he barely knew inside of the bus.
Steve literally knew Max for a few hours, and he didn't know she was Billy's sister until he showed up, but he heard the fear in her voice, and did not hesitate to step up against the man who had been making his own life a living hell.
Steve probably knew he couldn't win against Billy, but the second he saw him going after Lucas, an innocent kid who was just trying to befriend the newest arrival in town? I firmly believe that's the moment where Steve said "those are my kids, and nobody fucks with my kids"
and when Erica gets involved the following summer? Yeah, Steve knows she can handle herself, but she's also younger than any of the Party was when they got involved, so he's a little extra protective of her, checking in on her when he goes over to help Lucas practice for basketball tryouts
and don't even get me STARTED on Lucas and Steve bonding with each other post-season 3. I think Steve and Dustin get a little separated when the Party got to high school, because Dustin became so excited about being part of Hellfire, and as much as he tries to help Max, she's moving away from everyone, so Steve absolutely feels like he's losing his kids a little. But then Lucas shows up, and tells him he's going to try out for basketball, and all of a sudden, Steve's got special time to spend with Lucas, where they just talk to each other. Lucas talks about struggling with school, and worrying about Max, and finding his place, and Steve gets it all.
just... special movie nights that consist of Steve, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Erica, and Robin.
Arcade afternoons what have Max surrounded by her favorite people as they cheer her on at whatever game she's playing.
Basketball games post-everything where Lucas looks at the stands and sees them screaming and cheering for him.
Erica and Dustin going to the gym one afternoon to help with the relief efforts and seeing Steve being held back by Robin, Jonathan, AND Argyle as he screams at Andy for touching HIS little sister (and if Erica gives Steve the biggest hug she's ever given anyone after that... well, that's her business).
the way they form a little second found family within the main Party?? how they all love each other so much and tell each other things they'd never tell another soul???
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stuckasmain · 1 year
I absolutely adore Christian and Toulouse’s friendship and it really is a shame that it’s not talked about enough among fans. The pair take to each other almost instantly and it’s quite sweet.
Friends and all he wanted to be
Christian blends in with Toulouse and Santiago almost automatically, they are just as excited about him as he is about them. It gets me just how ecstatic Christian is throughout Truth, beauty , freedom and love— Toulouse is exactly it. He is “everything I wanted to be” everything he came to this part of the city for! Even if it’s a romanized view of things , this should not be pushed aside.
Toulouse also likes Christian as he’s a fresh young face, not yet beaten down by poverty (which he sought out mind you) or the realities of life. He’s sort of a muse within himself despite being a creative. He’s entertaining, cute and plucky. Who wouldn’t keep him around?
My favorite part is during the beginning of the show after the bohemians introduction as they wander the moulin rouge Toulouse takes Christian by the hand and drags him about like a star struck toddler. There’s a trust there, he’s just as excited to show him things as the other is to experience them.
Its a friendship on equal grounds, a mutual admiration but at times we do see Toulouse becoming a tad parental (not on the same level as Zidler-satine but close) despite only being a few years older. He’s a deeply caring and protective individual- he tries to steer him clear of satine and save everyone from the heartbreak, though what can he do to undone what’s already begun? In the film we see him also be a bit of a provider, I presume he’s the only one in the shared flat/ few rooms that can cook decently well- and he insists upon it. Very acts of service/gift giving
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It’s two passionate individuals who meet on the same wavelength- so much so they fell for the same woman but don’t let it get between them. The understanding of the values in life (truth, beauty, freedom and love) and the strength that bonds friends. It’s rare to see a relationship that’s a immediate bond that does not feel forced, there’s love permitting every aspect of this story that goes beyond Romantic. How excited Christian is to share new verses? How Toulouse shares notes? A particular line strikes me every time.
“Uncle Toulouse comes over to play with the kids.”
In Christian’s fantasy of a comfortable and safe life with Satine, Toulouse is a part of that vision. So much so he’s called uncle! This moment is played for laughs with Satines reaction to ‘kids’ but I find it incredibly touching? It shows just how much Christians love extends- to her, to his friends, to this place. Not to mention he never once “I’ll get you out of here” until shit hits the fan. It’s a lifestyle he loves and , they call him crazy for it but god! It makes it hurt all the more knowing things could never be and Toulouse knew this just as much as Satine but cared for Christian too much to really tell him off about happy endings
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Hello! Thank you for doing BG3 match-ups. I know these can be a lot of time and effort, but I’m sure you’re making lots of people happy! (I’m also very curious to see what other people submit because I love learning about everyone’s Tavs/Durges.)
A few tidbits about my Tav, Chamois: to begin with, she is a wood elf sorcerer with draconic ancestry (silver). Her family has long been tea artisans and she, as the youngest of four, has just started her apprenticeship under her mother. For now, she assists her mother in selling their tea leaves. Chamois can get a little tunnel-visioned at times, so deep is her love for all things tea.
Positive Traits
Chamois can be quite charming, in a sort of awkward way. As a child, she was very studious in her eagerness to understand more about the trade, to the detriment of her social development. Now that she’s older and not such a shut-in, Chamois has almost leaned into that awkwardness—she know she can be an oddball but she’s a friendly oddball! Who likes to laugh! And also wants to sell you some delicious tea! She talks to almost everyone with an unguardedness and cheerful energy that most would reserve for close friends. Hence, even if she says something strange or goes off on a tangent, many folks just see it as an endearing trait.
Negative Traits
Chamois has a tendency to tell white lies. It’s almost instinctive, the way she’ll slip a lie into some story she’s telling, even when she’s not being interrogated or pressured. Whether it’s to make her tale a smidge more exciting or because she can’t be bothered to give a long explanation, Chamois doesn’t have any qualms with sticking to absolute truth.
She’s also a huge coward; this comes more into play for the tadpole adventures. She’s never fought before and most of her sorcerer spells are teeny tiny bits of magic to help out on the tea farm. She desperately wants to be better though. After her moments of fear, she tends to really berate herself over her mistakes.
Chamois struggles with her negative emotions. She feels jealousy (especially jealousy), anger, and loneliness as much as anybody else, but always wants to present a cool, composed face so badly to others. A lot of her self-worth (when she’s not with her family) is placed on her friendliness and charm.
Tea (obviously!)
Reading, particularly on botany and chemistry
Theatricality and dramas
Windy days
Meaningful work
Socializing with others
Sour foods
Practical jokes
Unreliable people
Disruptions to her schedules or plans
People who never or rarely complain
Preferred Result
Male; monogamous or poly is fine!
Sorry my response got a little bit away from me. Thank you again for taking match ups and I hope you have a good night!
A/N: Holy information, Batman! Thank you for being so detailed. I love how you organized it too! Very neat and considerate. Thank you!
For you, my Detailed Anon, I think your best matchup is… Gale!
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Gale is the perfect match for Chamois! He’s smart and kind, and a bit awkward himself. He’s a wizard, which may put him in competition with sorcerers from time to time, but he finds he actually Chamois great company to be around because she’s much more humble and less overconfident in her abilities than typical sorcerers are. 
For sorcerers, magic comes from within, but wizards are required to study and practice in order to harness and control the natural web of magic flowing through the universe. This means Gale is a great partner to study with. He’d be very encouraging to Chamois in helping her learn more about her innate abilities. He’ll most likely suggest she look into more traditional means of magic as well, be it potions or using The Weave, just to help her gain confidence and sort of find her footing as a magic user. With his constant cheering her on, Chamois is bound to become more proficient in her natural abilities, the longer they spend time together. 
He’s also lowkey obsessed with the fact Chamois is a tea artisan, as he’s quite the avid enjoyer of tea. He insists on having at least one cup a day, and cannot quiet his mind before bed without it. Plus he was raised by a single mom, so he’s very understanding of Chamois’ closeness to her mother. 
Gale is very social. He’s also incredibly awkward. Thanks to spending much of his formative years locked away studying magic, he didn’t develop the nuanced social disciplines possessed by most adults. The good news is the two of them can be awkward together! The bad news is, it can make them a bit more obvious to others in public. But Gale doesn’t mind. Being the odd one out looking in never bothered him all that much before, why should it bother him now? 
He’s not always cheerful per se, but he does tend to look on the bright side of things. This makes him much more likely to appreciate Chamois’ sunny disposition. And he loves it when she goes off on one of her knowledge tangents! He does the same thing as well! Their niche love language is basically them taking turns info-dumping to one another. 
Gale isn’t a huge lair, although he does tend to be a bit withdrawn when meeting new people. He’s more likely to omit a detail than to tell a fib, as he’s more on the secretive side. (It’s a wizard thing.) He’s also used to being in close competition with braggarts (like Rolan and Lorrokan) so Chamois’ embellishment doesn't shock him too much. He does ask however that she remain honest with him on matters of the heart as it relates to their relationship. He’s been burned in that area before. 
I wouldn’t call Gale a coward, but he’s on the fragile side (also a wizard thing lol), so he’s often more in the back or the side of the fight as opposed to the frontlines. He’s not put off by Chamois being scared- he’s scared too. And he thinks it’s smart of her. It shows she’s paying attention, and she understands what's at stake. 
Despite how hard Chamois is on herself, Gale thinks she’s wonderful. He’s always singing her praises, telling her what great thing she did to aid the fight, no matter how minor it may be. He knows what it’s like to be hard on yourself, and he certainly knows the pain of making mistakes. He doesn't want Chamois to ever feel alone in that way. He wishes she could see herself the way he does, through his eyes. That way, maybe she’d understand how truly lovely she is. 
Gale’s traditional when it comes to love. He’s a one-lover-at-a-time kind of person. He tends to be a bit insecure in his affections, which often manifests itself as jealousy. It comes from a deep-rooted fear that he won’t be enough for his lover. (And it’s all the more recent a wound because that’s how Mystra made him feel when she abandoned him.) 
He’s not a huge drinker, but he does indulge occasionally. So Chamois better be prepared for the odd drunken declaration of true love, because he's most certainly going to get up on his soapbox and give that speech one, too many times. He really does mean everything he says- he loves her. And he thinks she’s the best thing that could have ever happened to him. Even with the tadpole, and the orb in his chest, he wouldn’t have had his life turn out any other way. 
He loves staying indoors on thundery days, with delicious tea and good books, Tera nestled between the two of them. He can hardly wait for the day their families meet, hers and the Dekarios clan, so they can be one big happy tea-selling, potion-making, magic-using family. 
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
I’m not sure if your requests are open, but if they are, could you do something for Terzo or Copia with a S/O who has a cryptic pregnancy and goes into labor and everyone thinks they’re dying but it turns out it’s just a baby? Basically the show “I didn’t know I was pregnant” but make it satanic lol. I understand if this makes you uncomfortable and you don’t want to write it.
Hey there Anon,
Of course you'd come to my inbox for something like this lolol… 😅
I did this with Terzo because there's no way in hell that Copia could not realize something was happening with his S/O with how observant and anxious he is lol. Even the slightest hint of pregnancy and Copia would be like 👀👀👀👀
(Also I'm trying something fun and silly for this)
Anyways without further ado….
⚠️ mentions of pregnancy and birth ⚠️
This time on, I Didn't Know I was Pregnant (Satanic Edition)
(below cut for length)
Y/N, a Sister of Sin at The Ministry was elated when she started being courted by Terzo Emeritus, the third born son of Papa Nihil.
Terzo dressed in his suit and Y/N wearing her black habit, accented with a purple rosary belt at its side, smiling across the chapel at each other. Eyes meeting through the crowd.
Y/N: "I had just recently been transferred to the Ministry. It was my first time at Black Mass. I hadn't even settled in my room yet and I saw him as soon as I entered the chapel. It was love at first sight. I didn't even know he was Papa at first until someone pointed it out to me." (laughs)
Terzo: "I couldn't help myself. She had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. I was absolutely bewitched by her." (Smiles as he makes himself comfortable in his chair.)
It wasn't long before the two of them became incredibly close. Never leaving each other's side.
Y/N: "He's my best friend. I knew immediately I could tell him anything and what we had was something real."
Terzo: "What can I say, she is the love of my life."
The couple decided to make things official in an announcement ceremony with the Clergy but there were no plans to make Y/N a Prime Mover anytime soon.
A ceremony takes place, Y/N dressed in an all black tulle and purple taffeta gown approaches Terzo down the nave. Flash to where Terzo and Y/N kiss passionately in front of Primo.
Y/N: "Even though we were committed we wanted to wait some time before having kids so I got on birth control."
Y/N shown sitting at the infirmary inside the Abbey talking to the physician and being handed a box of medication.
Not long after their commitment ceremony, Y/N and Terzo decide to take a last minute trip to Milan.
Terzo: "I wanted to do something romantic and spontaneous—have a bit of excitement. So I figured a few days in Milan would do the trick."
Y/N: "It was out of the blue. I didn't have much time to think, let alone pack everything. We had a good time with the ghouls on the town, singing karaoke and drinking–enjoying our time together " (Shrugs)
Y/N, Terzo, and the ghouls dressed for a night on the town. Champagne glasses overflowing and the karaoke mic being passed around within the group.
Y/N forgets to pack her birth control pills. She doesn't think much of it until they return home.
Y/N: "I wasn't super worried about it and then a couple weeks later I got my period. So after that, I put it in the back of my mind."
Y/N thinks she continues to get her period as normal. Several weeks later however, Y/N starts getting headaches and bouts of nausea, but with upcoming rituals and metaphysical studies on her plate, Y/N attributes it to stress.
Terzo sits beside Y/N as she holds her head in her hands. She brings her hand to her mouth, feeling nauseous.Terzo pulls her close to comfort her. The headache, clearly unbearable.
Terzo: "I did think anything of it, other than feeling bad she was sick. I just tried to help lessen her load. She likes to push herself too hard."
Y/N: "I thought I was doing too much so I decided to slow down. Terzo was very supportive."
Months for by and there are no signs of anything unusual. Both Y/N and Terzo continue on as usual. Participating in sacrifices, rituals, Satanic rites unaware anything is a miss.
Terzo: "I didn't notice anything strange…maybe she was a bit moody." (cringed)
During the Hunter's Moon Ritual in October things take a turn…
Terzo stands at the altar in his black and purple vestments. Siblings in clerical clothing file into the chapel, filling the pews as Terzo nods. The ritual begins and a select few siblings bring offerings to the altar. Terzo smiles as Y/N as she approaches.
Y/N: " it was my turn to drop the herbs into the altar bed when it hit me."
Y/N experiences debilitating stomach pain. The pain is so severe that she doubles over in front of the crowd.
Y/N stops before reaching the altar. Grabbing her stomach and dropping to her knees. Terzo rounds the lectern and gets down in her level to see what's wrong, a concerned look on his face.
Terzo: "My sorella looked so unwell. I was worried something might be seriously wrong. I knelt beside her and she was clutching her stomach."
"Terzo something is wrong. My stomach hurts so bad." -Y/N
"Ok Omega send for the Physician! -Terzo yells as Omega takes off from the chapel.
While they are waiting for the doctor to arrive, they are met with an unexpected turn of events.
Terzo: "As I was kneeling next to her I noticed my knees became wet. I looked down and there was blood and everything all over us."
Terzo is kneeling beside Y/N as he sees the blood and fluid pooling as his knees.
Y/N water had broken. Still unsure what is happening, Terzo tries to get Y/N to stand up but is unable to move her.
Y/N: " I was just in so much pain I couldn't move. Then I started to feel pressure."
Terzo tried to help Y/N stand but couldn't. He lowered her back down. Y/N eyes widen as she feels something is happening.
"Terzo something…something is wrong. I need you to look."- Y/N
"Look where?!"- Terzo
Y/N explains she can feel pressure and motions for Terzo to check under her habit. Terzo goes to look and gets the shock of a lifetime.
Terzo: "There was hair, a head was coming out. I panicked."
Terzo looks up to Y/N
"Ahhh cara mia there's a—a head."- Terzo
Y/N looks absolutely shocked.
"A what?"- Y/N
"A baby!" -Terzo
"No I can't be having a baby, I'm not pregnant."- Y/N
Terzo looks under Y/N's habit again and sees what is very clearly a head coming through the birth canal.
"Well you can say that all you want but it's coming now!"- Terzo
Terzo delivers his child in the middle of the chapel. The entire congregation, watching in horror.
Terzo helps Y/N deliver the baby as siblings and ghouls stand to the side watching the chaos. The Abbey physician comes to check on Y/N and the baby. Everyone is relieved when the baby is ok.
Baby Emeritus is born full term at 8lbs 5oz with no complications.
Y/N: "I was so thrilled he was ok but I wish I had known we would have gotten care, I would have had a Prime Mover ceremony but we literally had no idea."
Terzo: "it was such a shock but from the moment I held him in my arms I was in love. Such a perfect blessing from Lucifer."
Y/N: "I'm just so thrilled that he was ok."
Y/N must have conceived during the trip to Milan.
Flashback to the scenes in Milan.
Y/N: "It was so weird to not have known and I only missed 2 pills ever in my life."
Terzo: "Now we make sure to pack everything." (Laughs)
Now baby Emeritus is 8 months old and thriving.
Terzo and Y/N sit opposite each other in the middle of the Papal suites as the baby crawls between Terzo and Y/N. He's adorable, a sweet smile and chubby little cheeks and wiggles and coos.
Y/N: "He's just the sweetest little surprise."
Terzo: " I couldn't be happier to have a beautiful son…an heir and a beautiful Prime Mover."
The Papa and his Prime Mover are now ecstatic to have their loving family. So how could Y/N not have known she was pregnant?
Y/N: "I got my period, didn't gain much weight, and never showed. I had absolutely no idea.
Terzo: "I had no suspicions that anything was going on. I can't recall any signs.
Y/N: "We are just so happy and we love him more and more everyday."
Episode ends on Terzo and Y/N smiling as baby Emeritus claps his little hands as the couple claps along with him.
The end 😅
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blakeshaw-oracle · 2 years
Gwen one day does Finns makeup (smokey eye and red lips) and Finney looks good - like Gwen did a really good job at his makeup! Out of excitement, Finn shows Al and kisses him - which leaves a lipstick mark which Finn realises he likes a lot. Like a whole lot. In the end, it ends up with Finneys lipstick entirely smudged and Al left covered in kiss marks from his forehead down to his belt.
(this came to me whilst i was in an exam and i definitely failed but yknow 😔🫶🏼)
Broski you already know!! I'm obsessed with this scenario oh my god! I ramble typed up a little continuation of this so enjoy!! (Also, I'm sure you didn't fail your exam! And if you did, don't listen to me. I'm only a silly little guy with barely any thoughts in my head. You'll get 'em next time for sure!!)
-------- Finney already knew that, at least in Albert's eyes, he was pretty. Beautiful, even. Al tells him every day, after all. He hadn't really considered it up until he met Al since all he's ever been told about his appearance is that he's ugly. That's what years of bullying will get you. (When Al first started 'courting' Finney and complimenting him a lot, it gave the boy a bunch of mixed feelings and caused much strife within his thoughts.) He got over it though, and slowly let himself just believe his boyfriend about his looks. Al's opinion of him is the only one that matters here anyway.
This all comes to a head when one day Gwen sort of jokingly asks Finney if he wants her to do his makeup. She had caught him watching her carefully apply eyeshadow from the crack in her door. To her surprise, he agreed. Not one to judge, Gwenny just invites her big brother in and tells him to take a seat on her bed. He does and she just absolutely goes to town on his face.
She applies every technique she learned from watching late night infomercials for the latest makeup trends. In the end, Finney actually looks really nice. She tells him as much and grabs him her little hand mirror she got as a birthday present from their mom all those years ago.
When Finney sees himself for the first time, he's a little taken aback. His father's voice in his head warns him that "boys shouldn't wear makeup" with a drunken slur but Finney just shakes it off. He likes how he looks. The dark brown eyeshadow and rosy blush compliment his features really well. The bright red lipstick makes everything pop. He really likes how he looks-- and how he feels. Who would have known?
In an excited rush he pulls Gwen into a quick bear hug and runs his way outside to the garage where his bike is parked. It's Wednesday night and his dad is working late. What he doesn't know won't hurt him; Gwenny is fine on her own, anyway.
He bikes all the way over to Al's house and rushes to grab the key hanging from his neck to unlock the front door. Samson is of course the first to greet him, the eager pup that he is. Albert can hear Finney's giggles all the way from his bedroom and comes out to see him standing there looking absolutely breathtaking.
"Al! Look what Gwen did!!"
The poor man doesn't even get a word out before Finney comes barreling towards him, throwing his arms around his torso as he beams up at him.
"Wow. You look... gorgeous, baby. My beautiful boy." In a turn of events everyone saw coming, that's all it takes to get Finney to lunge up at Al and claim his mouth with a kiss.
By the end of the night, Finney's poor eyeshadow is all smudged and his lipstick is now more on Albert than it is himself. From the man's mouth, neck, and chest all the way down to his unzipped fly.
Finney really should have asked Gwen how to get this stuff off.
- εϊз
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fiixer · 1 year
Topic to write about: How he feels about job. While I'm aware he has to do it because it is what he does best, tell me exactly what he feels deep within.
You hit the nail on the head there. Being a Fixer is what he does best; it's what he knows and what he's thrown his whole being into, and he's immensely proud of the success it's garnered. Jordi doesn't just get a job done - he gets it done right, and that solidified the reputation he has built. He legitimately enjoys being the name people think of when they need a, uh...let's say, a big favor, the guy with countless connections practically everywhere he goes, and the one so many others are afraid to cross. There is no small measure of pride in what he's built for himself, and best of all, there's security in it. As long as there are people on this planet, someone is going to want things they can't or won't do for themselves, whether that is stealing a car, cleaning up evidence of a crime already committed, or taking a life. So, deep down, how does he feel about it?
It's complicated, to some degree.
Are there days he'll wake up wondering what his life would be like if he didn't do what he does? Of course he does, just like anyone else might; picturing himself in another career, maybe something more straight-laced and...y'know, legal. Something that doesn't put his life on the line 95% of the time he goes to work. The latter is a big point that leaves a weird tightness in his chest on those mornings when his mind decides to fly off the rails and delve into what ifs. Imagine that - getting a paycheck and not being shot at. Or stabbed. Or nearly run off the road. What a wild thought! With that comes the notion of, could he actually imagine himself doing anything else, and that is a resounding no without even the slightest second guess.
Being a Fixer is, again, what he's good at and what he knows. That alone is enough to solidify the no mentioned above, but on top of that is the fact that he legitimately likes his job. He enjoys what he does, what he is, the whole nine yards. It's hard to imagine anything that doesn't involved a rush of adrenaline when the gunfire starts, or the coil of sheer excitement welling up in his chest when he's facing down a mark, about to go hand-to-hand with the confidence that he'll come out on top. There's that sadistic streak in him that thrives on the thought of his target begging for mercy he doesn't possess, fighting back in some vain attempt to throw him off, and finally succumbing to their inevitable fate by his hands. And then, as icing on the cake, is the payoff. Jordi doesn't work cheap, and a paycheck in his hands makes every ounce of danger absolutely worth it as far as he's concerned. So, yes, outside and inside he loves his job, plain and simple.
If we're talking about emotions while he's actually doing his job, and what he's feeling when he's dealing with a mark, the only word to describe it is numb. After so much exposure to this or that, people can become desensitized to damn near anything - not everyone, of course, but many do, and Jordi is one who has. There's a thrill in the act as a whole, but on a deeper level, he doesn't feel any which way about it. So, say he's got a gig to put a bullet between some dude's eyes. There will be no question in his mind, no hesitation based on morals or whatever, nothing. If there's a fight before he does his thing, then you better believe he'll be enjoying that part, but when it comes down to the final act, he's entirely numb to it. Cold, ruthless. Feeling nothing more than someone might stocking shelves or filing papers.
He could literally shoot a target in the face, turn to someone else and be like "Let's go get ice cream", like nothing insane just happened. He's that detached from it.
There's exceptions to everything, of course, and every once in a while, he might stumble across a target that manages to break that wall and tug at his heartstrings. There have been a handful, no doubt about that, but...that's just it. There have only been a handful. Still, it's not impossible that he'll come off a job dragging his feet, run down and battered mentally and emotionally because of what he had to do. Those, when coupled with the what ifs mentioned above were wicked combinations that had him feeling some kind of way to which he couldn't quite put a name. But, those were counted as "bad days at work" and dismissed. Jordi doesn't dwell on them; tries not to think about them at all, really, and because there are so few occurrences, he's usually successful.
To him, there are more positives than negatives anyway, as far as he's concerned, so how could he not love it? All in all, he thoroughly enjoys his job, due in large part to the fact that he is emotionally numb to what otherwise might be traumatic - or at least jarring situations. So, whether he's on a delivery job or assassinating some big shot, it's all the same in his world.
It literally is "just business".
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
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v-anrouge · 2 years
heheheheh don’t mind me just joining in on the matchups, dearest cupidaster~
okay hmmmmm my love language is quality time and acts of service because i like spending time with the people i care about, whether we’re doing something extremelyyy exciting or just lazing around all day at home. i’m typically down for anything (within reason lol) as long as it’s something my partner wants and loves to do. it can be hard for me to vocalize my own emotions too, so to show people i love them, i like to help them out in any way i can—even if it’s the smallest things 
for love languages to look for in someone, i’d say it would be words of affirmation and physical touch. there’ll be times where i get too sucked into my own head that my thoughts will get the best of me, so having someone that could bring me back to reality with some comforting words would be nice <3 and while i do tend to stray away from physical touch, i weirdly crave it too (i’m actually just awkward when people hug me or smth lmao like it looks like i don’t enjoy it, but i really do- just don’t know how to show it properly)
most of my hobbies revolve around music lolol like i play the violin, sing, and i’d like to pick up the guitar soon. chronically listening to things on spotify and i also love a bunch of musicals. random karaoke sessions, too. lately i’ve been writing a bunch, but i also like wasting time reading novels, webcomics, manga, watching anime, etc. and i don’t really mind my partner’s hobbies; whatever they enjoy and like to do is perfect
for me, i think my partner should be a little more out-going compared to me, open-minded, and respectful for those times when my social battery is running low. i know certain people are uncomfortable when it’s too quiet, but i really like relaxing with people in a comfortable silence. puts less pressure on me to keep up a conversation lmao and if my partner likes it too, then yay we’re both happy. i also like it when someone is observant to the people around them
sorry it’s kinda long 💀 thank you in advance tho and don’t worry about answering right away! just take all the time that you need whenever you want <333
i assign u to me let's date /j
your first match IIIISSSS
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ROOK oh he absolutely loves spending time with you, you're both usually a bit busy but as soon as you two have time he'll immediately break into come over to your house to spend as much time as possible with you, rook would love to be able to watch a movie or a musical with you, rook would enjoy talking about it as it plays but in case that annoys you he'll keep to himself until it ends and then he can talk about it, if you don't like talking about movies/musicals then he'll just if you enjoyed it and then ask if he can put another one
rook cannot get enough of you, if you allow him to he'll always be holding your hand and kissing it as he tells you how much he loves you, you're always on his mind he goes through his day while daydreaming about you the whole time waiting excitedly until he can meet you again and hug you tightly laughing as he tells you how much he missed you, his heart beats so fast whenever you offer to help him a soft blush appearing on his cheeks and he smiles fondly at you and goes on and on about how you're such an amazing lover and how lucky he is to have you on his life dramatically putting a hand on his forehead
there is little rook enjoys more than praising you and talking about how awesome you are and if you think he does it a lot to you then you haven't seen how much he talks about you to literally anyone else, everyone on that school has at least once been told about how much of an amazing lover you are some of them think it's cute some thinks it's funny and some are so done they just want you both to graduate and get married already so they'll have peace
as soon as rook learns you play instruments he'll beg that you allow him to watch you playing, if you say you're too shy to show him tho he'll respect it and apparently leave the topic behind but little do u know that rook's plan is leveling up his praise even more so that you'll feel secure in your skill and ask rook if he would like to listen, if you allow him tho he'll sit down with a bright smile and his eyes shining expectantly he can barely contain his excitement you haven't even done anything yet but rook looks like he already wants to start praising you
after you play to rook he'll beg for a duet, it would mean so much to him to be able to sing by your side, especially if the song was a special song to you both, he'll treasure that memory for the rest of his life.
rook loves to take you out on dates and since you both love musicals a lot of the dates have to do with them, after the musical ends rook plans to make an amazing dinner for the both of you and talk about the musical
rook loves writing so when he discovers it's something you enjoy too he'll be over the moon, he'll ask if he can see your works and if you let him he'll be so so happy, in exchange he'll show you his poems, but not the ones like he writers for vil no, he shows you the his personal poems, poems that talk about his private life and he looks really flustered while you read them but he smiles softly the whole time, trust is something really important for rook and he wants to show you that he truly does care and trust you and hopes that you feel the same towards him
rook understands that he can be a lot some times so whenever he senses you're getting overwhelmed he'll immediately stop or remove the situation and take you to a quiet place so that you can recover, he'd ask you if you want him to leave or stay and depending on your answer he'd either kiss your forehead and leave with a smile or stay by your side holding your hand and quietly enjoying your company
you mean a lot to rook and he doesn't want to mess up this relationship in any ways so rook is always very careful of your boundaries and always make sure to look for any signs you might feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, rook feels completely accepted and love for the first time in years and he would never forgive himself if he ever hurt you, you're so precious to him, he finally has a safe place, he finally feels like he can be himself and not be afraid of the vulnerability because knows you'd never hurt him, because he knows you truly love him and he couldn't ask for anything better
other possibilities: lilia, riddle, malleus & vil
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