#he's so pleased i 'finally noticed' YOU DIDN'T PUT IN THE RIGHT EMAIL
warsavant · 9 months
i'm basically crying over here in the best way. as some of you know, my brother gifted me flights and hotel for a two week trip to london and paris (and for the flight home, amsterdam) last year for my 25th birthday. it's the first time i get to go back since we moved back to the states almost a decade ago and i'll be in paris on my 26th birthday! now that we're a month and a half out, i was starting to put together my travel itinerary, as one does, and noticed that i didn't have the confirmation for my flight back to the states. i tell my brother and he accidentally put in his email instead of mine, so he forwards it to me. i go to input the times... and notice something strange. it doesn't say economy. i have never flown klm, but i know they call it economy.
my flight there is a night flight and i've always flown economy except once when i went to california with him to look at apartments, so no big deal. i sleep on planes fine. i'll sleep and wake up bright and early in london.
my flight home though leaves in the afternoon and gets back in the evening so for jet lag, it would be better if i stay up... SO NOT ONLY DID HE GET ME A REALLY NICE SEAT BUT HE CHOSE THE FLIGHT WHERE BEING MORE COMFORTABLE WOULD MEAN THE MOST.
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krirebr · 8 months
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@stargazingfangirl18 I had to access it through my email! Seriously, @staff, you gotta let her out of jail! This is getting ridiculous.
Anyway! You will be entirely unsurprised by which one immediately sparked something, Siri. 😆 But I'll definitely be keeping the other one in my back pocket, just in case. In the meantime, I hope you like this. Thanks so much for the prompt!
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Pairing: Soft!dark Curtis x f!reader
Warnings: implied kidnapping, captivity
You'd been sobbing since you woke up. Since you realized this wasn't your room. Wasn't your apartment. Since you'd felt the cuff on your ankle. You weren't sure how long you'd been awake. There wasn't a clock or a window. Nothing to give you any hints about the passage of time, or even the time of day.
The bed was comfortable and the rest of the room was well-appointed but that didn't give you any comfort. You had no idea where you were or how you'd gotten here. So you just let yourself cry.
The door on the far end of the room suddenly opened. On instinct, you cowered against the headboard of the bed. That instinct felt justified when one of the largest men you'd ever seen walked in. He sported a buzzcut and a close-cropped beard. He wore a cozy-looking knit sweater and jeans. He seemed possibly familiar, but you couldn't place him. He smiled gently at you. Then he noticed your tears and his face fell.
"Oh, sweetheart," he cooed, as he sat down on the bed and gingerly pulled you closer. When he saw that you were too scared to resist him, he put you in his lap, his back against the headboard and your head on his chest. "It's alright. You're okay. You're safe. You're okay." One hand rubbed soothing circles on your back, while the other gently carded through your hair. "Shh, it's okay, you're just fine." He kept it up as you cried yourself out.
When you were finally out of tears, you gazed up at him and chanced the question, "Who are you?"
"I'm Curtis, honey. You know me."
You looked at him carefully before it finally hit you. "The diner," you said, "you always sit in the back booth. With your beanie." He didn't say anything, just smiled at you fondly. His hand was still making circles on your back. "What-" you started, scared to actually ask the question. "Why am I here? Why can't I go?"
"Because I saw, sweetheart," he said, "how you haven't been taking care of yourself. Your sad eyes. I saw how much you need me. It's okay now, I'm going to take care of you. You're going to be ok."
You were ashamed as the tears began to fall again, but you didn't know what else to do. "Please," you said, as he put your head back on his chest, starting to coo nonsense again, "please let me go. Please don't hurt me."
"Oh honey, I'll never hurt you," he said, ignoring your first request, "as long as you're a good girl for me. You can do that, right? Yeah, I know, you'll be such a good girl. My good girl."
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itsjaywalkers · 3 months
for the prompt game: ROSEKILLER 57 WITH BOXER AU IVE BEEN WAITING MY WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS MOMENT……….. (also i hope you’re having a fun day off laurie hi hi 🥺🤍)
HI HI SAINTS BELOVED <333 i actually didn't get the day off bc i'm an idiot and i couldn't say no when my coworker asked me to change shifts.. but at least i got home before 10pm which . is unusual for me lmao . and today's shift was actually kinda fun so !!
anyways, hope you're having a lovely day and that u enjoy this silly lil thing <3 first peek into boxer au rosekiller <3 (i went a bit overboard but they've been plaguing my mind and u don't deserve less)
57. "Teach me to fight."
It's been more than half an hour of hitting the punching bag nonstop when Barty finally decides to take a break. It's not even because he's actually tired, despite the sweat he can already feel dripping down his back and his face. It's because his bad shoulder—the right one—dislocated during the last combination he tried, and after Barty puts it back in place, he's gotta wait a little bit before going back to training.
This happens way too often for comfort, but it's not really painful anymore—it never really was, or maybe Barty has simply dealt with much worse. Besides, the longer he ignores it, the more serious it'll get, which means he'll have an excuse to go get another check-up.
His manager already warned him when he first got the injury after that stupid fight with stupid Potter. Barty began to grow restless during recovery time, and then decided his shoulder was fine when it stopped hurting.
Obviously, he was wrong. Except, it only dislocates when he goes too hard, and he's learnt how to put it back in place without issue, so really, technically, he was sort of right. What does his manager know, anyway? As long as Barty continues winning and putting money in that fucker's pocket, there shouldn't be any complaints.
He pulls up his tank top and dries off some of the sweat on his neck and the side of his face, while rolling his shoulder gently, testing the waters before he goes back to punching, when the hairs at his nape begin to stand up.
There's no noise, no sudden sounds. Barty doesn't hear the door opening, or closing, and yet, when he turns around, smirk already pulling at his lips, he isn't surprised to find someone standing right behind him.
"Hey, Rosie," he greets the other man, who blinks at him, completely deadpan. "I didn't know you were still around. Long shift today?"
"Yes, you did," Evan responds, that cool tone of his sending a pleasing chill down Barty's spine. "Know, that is. I'm pretty sure you've got my schedule memorised."
Barty takes a few moments to drop the hem of his shirt, because he notices the way in which Evan's gaze drops to his stomach and stays there for a handful of seconds. His expression doesn't change, there isn't even a flicker of something in his face, but the attention is more than enough for him.
"Well, you left your email open and your laptop in my near vicinity." Barty shrugs, eyes running up and down Evan's body. He's still wearing that sexy white coat of his, the shirt underneath it perfectly buttoned and tucked inside his jeans.
There's barely any skin showing, because Evan is a little weirdo, but there's some ankle peeking, since the pants are ridiculously tight on him and the legs keep riding up slightly.
Honestly, it's like he's doing it on purpose. Barty can't be blamed if he ends up hard under his sweats. He can already feel some blood rushing south just at the sight of that tiny sliver of soft brown skin.
"And you downloaded my rotas?" Evan guesses, tilting his head to the side.
"Nah," Barty says, crossing his arms over his chest, flexing a little. "Didn't have to. I've got a damn good memory. I read over them for a couple of minutes until they stuck."
Evan nods, not fazed in the slightest.
"That's why you only come in when I'm on shift," Evan states, and it's not a question. He doesn't seem surprised, or freaked out, but then again, he barely shows any emotions. Apart from irritation, that is, and that one's reserved for when Barty is being especially pushy. Or especially horny.
"I don't think I've ever seen any of the other nurses a single time in my life," Barty tells him with a chuckle.
"You have," Evan retorts, and his eyes narrow the tiniest bit. Barty feels a pull in his stomach. "You were talking to Betty three weeks ago, after your match against Black. The bad one. You let her check your shoulder."
Barty lets out an incredulous laugh, not sure on where to focus first, going dizzy with how badly he wants this freak of a man.
He's obsessed with the way in which Evan always seems to get the urge to clarify which Black he's talking about, as if it's not obvious, considering only one of them fights. How he's always so precise, never allowing any ambiguity into his sentences. How almost nothing seems to hold his focus apart from his experiments and medicine and his patients' injuries, and yet, here he is, remembering when Barty talked to someone else momentarily.
"Did I?" Barty asks innocently, biting the inside of his cheek to keep his shit-eating grin at bay.
"Yes," Evan responds, a little furrow appearing between his eyebrows. "She was touching you."
"Was she?" The corners of Barty's mouth are twitching so much he's sure he must look like an absolute maniac.
"Yes," Evan repeats, some exasperation slipping into his voice. "She wasn't even doing it right. She kept kneading the muscle in the same place, instead of checking the ligament, and she did this for more than five minutes, even though it takes seconds to find out about a dislocation—"
"Rosie," Barty cuts him off gently, watching, with no little amount of delight, how Evan's frown worsens. "I didn't even know her fucking name. I couldn't give less of a fuck about stupid Betty, or whatever the hell she's called."
Evan blinks slowly. "But you—"
"I was tired and sore after that match, my shoulder was bothering me, and she was there. My manager told her to check my shoulder, just in case I had fucked it up beyond solution, but if I had known you were around she wouldn't have laid a single finger on me."
There's a beat of silence, Evan's dead eyes searching all over Barty's face, assessing and determined. He smirks at him, which results in Evan huffing and looking away.
"Don't do it again," it's what he ends up mumbling, and if Barty didn't know any better, he'd dare to say Evan is close to pouting. "You're my patient."
Barty raises both eyebrows, a deranged smile splitting his face while he perks up like a goddamn dog. "Is that jealousy I'm hearing, Rosie?"
"No," Evan drawls, straightening up. "It's just the truth. You're not my only patient, you know? But if you're getting treated by me, then you're not allowed to see any other nurses."
"Damn, way to make a man feel special," Barty scoffs, but he does actually kind of mean it. Which he's aware might be a bit pathetic, but, well, he'll be whatever the fuck Evan wants him to. "Wasn't interested in seeing any other nurses, anyway."
"Good." Evan nods, almost to himself, and Barty has to make an active effort not to coo. "Are you done training?"
Barty blinks a couple of times, slightly taken aback, both by the sudden change of topic and by Evan entertaining conversation. Normally, talking to the other boy feels like pulling teeth—oh, man, Rosie would fucking love this comparison—which Barty doesn't mind because he finds it incredibly fun. Unless Evan is going on one of his medical rants, and yeah, Barty shouldn't find it as attractive as he does, but it's not like he's ever worked like he's supposed to.
But this? This is new.
"Not really," Barty answers, still feeling off-kilter. He shakes his head, forcibly pulling himself out of his mind. "Why? You wanna join me, Rosie?"
"As a matter of fact, I do."
Barty snorts, assuming that it's a joke, even though he's more than aware that Evan doesn't do jokes, because his humour is way too dark, and rarely finds funny what others do. But Evan's expression doesn't change, and Barty nearly chokes on his own spit.
"Wait, you're serious?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You've never been interested in boxing," Barty points out.
"That's a lie. I watch every match," Evan argues, lips pursed.
"Because you're job kind of forces you to."
"Also a lie. I need to be there when I'm on shift, in case they call for me, but I'm not required to actually watch."
"Yeah, but you still do, because your pretty little morbid head goes absolutely feral at the prospect of seeing some blood."
Evan scrunches his nose, as if disgusted.
"You're wrong," Evan lies, expression giving absolutely nothing away. Really, if Barty didn't already know the truth, he'd be inclined to believe him. "It's got nothing to do with that. I like boxing."
Barty huffs, the noise filled with amusement. "Sure you do, Rosie."
"I really do," Evan insists, always so ridiculously stubborn.
"I don't know who you're trying to convince, but—"
"Teach me to fight."
Barty sputters, brows almost reaching his hairline, and he gapes at Evan, who's still staring at him. He seems unaffacted by Barty's dramatics, but then again, he's unaffected by almost everything.
"The fuck?" he manages to spit out at some point.
"Teach me to fight," Evan says again, a lot slower, as if Barty is some kind of idiot. God, he wans to fucking devour him.
Barty isn't sure of what's going on right now. Evan barely interacts with him outside of their appointments, it's always him reaching out, so he doesn't understand what prompted this. What Evan is hoping to achieve.
"I told you, I like boxing."
"Yeah, okay. And the real reason?"
Evan's tongue pushes against the inside of his cheek, and it's so, so hard for Barty, not to make a very inappropriate joke.
"I'm testing something," he admits, albeit bedgrugingly.
"Ah, so you want me to be your guinea pig," Barty sighs a bit dreamily. "That sounds more like it."
"Sure," Evan agrees with unsurprising ease. "Will you?"
"All you had to do was ask, Rosie."
They get to work right after that. Barty doesn't even bother with suggesting a change of clothes, because he's aware of how well that'd be received. The fact that Evan chooses to take the white coat off is already more than Barty expected.
He tries to show him how to stand, how to do a basic punch. Evan knows most of the basic theory, mostly due to how often he deals with boxing injuries, but he's absolutely helpless when he has to act it out himself.
It doesn't matter how often Barty corrects him; he keeps slouching, stance all wonky. He lacks strength, and he takes a bit too long to protect his face after doing a jab.
The main issue, though, is his obvious lack of interest.
Evan seems to be distracted by something, too inside his own head, and when Barty is about to point this out, poke some fun at him in hopes of getting Evan to snap, the other man speaks again.
"That's enough," he declares, tone leaving no place for argument. "Let's spar."
Barty chuckles, disbelieving, but then Evan is sending a glare his way, and he raises both hands in mock surrender, giving in immediately.
He'll do pretty much whatever the fuck Evan wants him to, really.
They both get into position, and regardless of how much Barty is holding back, trying to give the other man a chance, is actually kind of laughable, how easily he overcomes him.
One moment they're exchanging soft blows, and the next Barty has Evan pinned to the floor, his legs and arms completely immobilised as Barty grins maniacally from above.
"Happy now, Rosie?" he teases.
Evan presses his mouth in a tight line. "Not quite."
"Oh, really? Because I'm starting to think this was all a ruse to get me on top of you."
Evan rolls his eyes so hard Barty worries they might get stuck inside his skull. "I'm afraid that's more your style. And anyway, I don't think it's wise to understimate your opponent like this."
"It's nothing personal, Rosie, but when victory is already mine, I—"
Barty never gets to finish. Evan raises his head so quickly his brain barely registers it, and then he's sinking his teeth hard where Barty's neck meets his shoulder. Until he breaks skin, until he draws blood, until Barty lets out a pained groan and his body goes slack, more in surprise than actual hurt.
A moment later, their positions are reversed. Evan is straddling him, mouth still attached to his skin, and Barty is lying on the cold ground, dizzy and a little bit breathless.
He doesn't know how long they stay like this—definitely not enough—but after a while, Evan lets go and sits up a little, lips stained red. It's dripping down his chin, and when he parts his mouth a little, panting softly, Barty finds out that his teeth are also crimson with blood. With his blood.
Barty groans again.
"You're hard," Evan comments, painfully nonchalant. It's that same casualness he used the first time Barty had an erection during an appointment, after Evan had pulled at the stitches on his leg and stuck his fingers inside Barty's wound.
"Yeah," he breathes out, half-delirious. "Yeah, no shit."
Evan hums, cocking his head to the side, analytical gaze running up and down Barty's body and making him twitch in his pants. The fact that Evan can feel it right under him, between his legs, forces Barty to swallow down a moan.
Barty is about to say something incredibly stupid to maybe, hopefully, alleviate the tension, when Evan leans down once more; this time, slower, more careful.
He's prepared to feel the sting of a bite again, toes curling in excitement, but it never comes. Instead, there's something wet and tentative and soft lapping at the open wound, gathering all the blood there that is still coming out.
It takes Barty a moment to realise it's Evan's tongue.
The knowledge hits Barty like a motherfucking bus. He can't stop a low moan from coming out now, or his hips from thrusting up, searching for something, anything, that Evan might give him.
Surprisingly, and instead of pulling away, the other man makes an odd noise against his skin, and Barty thinks he's imagining it when Evan presses down on him.
He freezes up after that, but only for a second, Evan's licking never stopping. But then Barty moves again, more purposefully, rubbing his erection against the apex of Evan's thighs.
The response is immediate, although definitely unconscious. Evan grinds back experimentally, with no coordination or finesse, dropping another sound into Barty's bleeding wound.
His eyes widen when his brain finally catches up properly, hands coming up to grab at Evan's hips and halt his movements.
"Rosie, are you..." Barty stops, swallows harshly. "Are you turned on right now?"
Evan laps at the blood a few more times before straightening up again, staring down at Barty with unblinking eyes and red all over his face.
"Fuck, are you—?" A laugh, strained and bordering on hysterical. "Are you wet?" He doesn't even need to check to know the answer.
Evans nods, almost imperceptibly. "Apparently so."
He has half a mind to turn them over and fuck Evan into the floor. Until Evan is a whimpering mess. Until he's crying, begging, unable to do anything but fucking take it. Until he's sore, and hurt, and full, but still asking for more. Until he can't say anything else apart from Barty's name, until he's—
"Bloody hell," Barty whispers, shutting his eyes tight and letting out another cackle.
Oh, he's going to die. He's absolutely going to fucking die.
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coryothesub · 1 month
Punishing him by denying coryo from his release for DAYS because he was being a brat 😔
nsfw / mdni / sub!coryo / dom!reader
Probably this was the longest period of orgasm denial you’d ever put Coryo through. The boy was being a terrible brat the other day so you got annoyed and set the following rules: no cumming inside or outside you, no jerking off, no fooling around with Sejanus, basically no ejaculation until further notice.
It had been quite amusing at the beginning, listening to his pretty whining and begging, watching him break as he slowly realized his efforts were to no avail, taunting and teasing him while basking in his despair.
But after a few days it became almost insufferable for both of you. Coryo became moody and easy to annoy, then he dug into his college stuff in a desperate attempt to distract his thoughts from his needy cock. You offered him cuddles, but he avoided your touch knowing it would only make things worse.
You knew you had to give up at one point otherwise it would end up in a messy wet dream anyways. And your needy cunt was longing to be stretched out by that massive cock.
You were sitting on the couch writing some emails on your laptop when Coryo sat in front of you trying to think of a suitable topic not to give up his true intentions. But you knew right away just by his pathetic looks.
“Are you okay, angel?” You asked sympathetically.
“I don't think I can do this anymore,” Coryo got straight to the point, knowing there was no point in pretending.
“Can't do what?” Your eyes lit up in a mischievous glimmer.
“I can't go without cumming any more. Please, mommy, you have to take care of me!”
You noticed his icy blue eyes welling up with tears that finally broke out and started running down his cheeks. He was legit crying for an orgasm.
“Awww, Coryo,” you spoke softly, wiping the tears off his face.
“You know we can't do that, you brought this on yourself after all. Do you remember what you're being punished for?”
Coryo nodded frantically.
“For being a brat. But this is just too much,” he whined. “I need it so badly. Please, please, I’ll be a good boy, I promise.”
You didn't believe him one bit, still you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him to your chest, his flushed face buried between your soft titties.
“It's alright, baby boy,” you cooed as you felt his muffled sobs against the thin fabric of your t-shirt. Him looking so broken and miserable turned you and your hardening nipples certainly gave it away.
“I-I… I’m sorry mommy,” Coryo whimpered trying to hide his hard-on, but you had already noticed his leaking tip forming a wet patch on the front part of his sweatpants. 
“Shhh, darling! Mommy will take care of you,” you whispered gently before sliding your hand under the waistband of his pants as your other hand kept caressing his curls.
Coryo let out a sharp gasp as you run your thumb over his velvety tip. Neglected for days, his cock had become so sensitive that the boy felt shivers down his spine as you pulled his dick out and gave it a few lazy strokes.
Coryo looked up at you pleadingly.
“Please, please, keep going!”
You fulfilled his request and started pumping him at an easy pace, causing him to let out a series of soft moans. He looked so pretty, his lips parted and his eyes fluttering from the long awaited relief.
“My poor baby boy,” you hummed, peppering small kisses all over his pretty face.
“Feeling better now?”
“Yes, yes, ooooh…” Coryo moaned as you sped up your pace, knowing he wouldn't be able to hold it for too long. His balls looked so heavy filled with all of that suspended release.
The boy clutched at your t-shirt moaning and panting as he felt himself getting closer to the climax.
“Now cum for me baby!” You instructed and within mere seconds thick pearly ropes shot out of his twitching tip, covering your hand and messing up your clothes. 
You bit your lip watching the ultimate pleasure in Coryo's handsome features and feeling the warm liquid dripping down your hand. 
“That's it baby, you’re such a good boy for me,” you pulled him close again, feeling his heart racing in his chest.
“Thank you, mommy!” Coryo mumbled as he was coming down from his heights.
“That won't be enough my love. I believe it's my turn now.”
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lucy90712 · 1 year
joao fluff of him not being able to take away his gaze of reader when they first meet
WC: 2.2k
Warnings: google translated Spanish 
Getting your dream job is exciting and also nerve wracking at the same time and that's exactly how I'm feeling this morning before my first day. A few weeks ago I interviewed for a job as part of the Chelsea media team not really expecting to get the job as I don't have much experience but to my surprise they actually offered me the job and now it's my first day. I have been a fan of the club for as long as I can remember and I've been going to matches since before I could pay attention for the full 90 minutes so to actually be working for the club feels so amazing. As much as I love the club the thought of actually meeting all of the players and actually interacting with them is almost making me nauseous as what if they hate me as then watching games would never be the same. Luckily for me they told me my first day was just going to involve a lot of meetings and sort of introductory work so I don't have to meet the players just yet. 
Arriving at the stadium felt so surreal especially when I went in the door for all the staff and not just the regular way to the stands. Somehow the place seemed so much bigger when I went behind the scenes than it ever has when I came to watch a game. I had a meeting first thing this morning so I made sure to go in a little early as I knew I would get a bit lost and I did but one of the other staff members kindly told me where to go and I made it on time. There was a lot of people in this meeting that I hadn't met which meant that before we could start everyone had to introduce themselves which was as awkward as I was expecting it to be but it got it over with. 
"Y/n can you stay behind for one minute please" my boss said as the meeting ended 
"Is everything alright?" I asked 
"Yes everything is fine it's just something has come up and now the person who was supposed to be doing filming with the players today won't be there and as you are part of the media team I need you to head to the training ground to take over" he explained 
"Oh um ok" I replied not really knowing what to say
"All of the players already know when they are filming and the cameras are already set up all you need to do is be there and oversee everything I have the document with what the video is supposed to be about which I will email to you right now" he said 
"Thank you I will head over there right now" I said 
"Oh and y/n don't worry all of the players are lovely if you just tell them it's your first day they will be understanding" he said 
With that I headed back out to my car and drove to the training ground which luckily isn't far away so it only took me a few minutes. Those few minutes were more than enough to make me incredibly nervous. I hadn't mentally prepared myself for meeting the players today as I thought my first day was just going to be in the office which means I don't know what I'm supposed to say to them. Do I introduce myself or while they not care? Will they even notice that I'm new I mean they are so busy with other things surely they don't pay attention to each person who makes them do media. There's no time to worry about all of that now though as I need to get my job done as I don't want to make a bad impression on my first day. 
When I made my way in all of the cameras were there but they weren't actually set up so I dropped my stuff in the corner of the room and began setting up the cameras and the microphones as those weren't ready to go either. As I was setting up I heard people enter the room but I didn't pay any attention as I just wanted to get the cameras ready so that the videos didn't turn out awful. When I finally looked back up I almost fainted as the 3 players I was filming with had already arrived. I didn't even want to know how long they had been watching me press buttons and completely ignore them so I put that out my mind and just decided to try and start over by introducing myself. 
"Hey guys I'm y/n it's my first day today so I'm going to apologise in advance for anything that goes wrong" I said 
"Welcome to the team" Broja said 
"Don't worry about things going wrong the longer this takes the more training we miss" Madueke laughed 
With them was Joao Felix who's on loan from Atletico Madrid but he was stood completely still and didn't say anything. As he stood there looking slightly bewildered I wondered if he understood what I said so I tried to remember the bit of Spanish I know as I thought he would understand that better than English. 
"Si necesita que le traduzca algo hágamelo saber y haré todo lo posible" I said as clearly as I could (If you need me to translate anything for you let me know and I'll try my best)
"gracias pero debería estar bien" Joao replied (thanks but I should be ok)
After I explained what we were doing I got all the cameras recording and we all sat down. It took a minute for everyone to get comfortable including me as it's my first time doing this but when we did it was actually really fun. The guys did most of the work joking about with each other and being competitive even though it's only a silly game. Throughout filming I noticed that Joao kept staring at me in fact he barely took his eyes off me which had me feeling a bit flustered but I did my best to hide it at least from the camera. Once we finished filming I went to turn the cameras off and grab the sd cards which meant I was completely in my own world as I heard murmuring in the background. 
Joao's POV
Out of everyone they could get for us to do media with the had to go and find the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and of course I had to make a fool out of myself in front of her. When she introduced herself all I could do was stare as my brain couldn't process how beautiful she was and what she was saying at the same time. Instead of being a normal person and just saying hi no words came out of my mouth so she started speaking in Spanish instead which made things 10 times more awkward as I know English and understood everything she said the first time. Hearing her trying to speak Spanish just to help me only made her more attractive to me as it means she's kind as well as beautiful. To make things less awkward I replied in Spanish and then we just got on with filming. 
Usually doing this sort of thing isn't my favourite thing about the job but today I actually wanted to spend as much time filming as possible. You could tell that y/n was a little nervous as it took her a few tries to do the intro properly but she quickly became more confident and we got into our stride with the video. The entire time we were filming I couldn't help but stare at her as she's just so mesmerising when she speaks and when she laughs she just looks so cute especially when her nose scrunches up slightly. Having her doing the video made it so much more fun and I was more relaxed than I usually am as I wanted to show her more of my personality instead of being awkward and quiet. 
When we finished with the video she got up and started doing whatever she has to do but the second she turned away I felt an elbow in my side and laughter from both the guys. When I looked at them they started making fun of me by doing hearts with their hands and wiggling their eyebrows in suggestive ways. I knew it was coming as I was never going to get away with what happened earlier without them making fun of me for it but I was hoping they would at least wait until she wasn't in the room and could see what they were doing. 
"So what do you think of the new girl?" Noni asked clearly teasing me
"She's alright" I replied trying not to give in
"Oh come on man you literally couldn't speak to her and I don't think you took your eyes off her for two seconds" Armando said 
"I mean yeah she's beautiful but please be quiet she's right there" I whisper yelled back at them 
"Aww does Joao not want to be embarrassed in front of the girl he likes" Noni laughed 
By this point there was not stopping them they were just going to keep going so I walked away from them to go and talk to y/n to try and get some of my pride back.
Your POV
As I was trying to pack stuff away I felt a slight tap on my shoulder which made me jump a bit so I turned around only to see Joao. He smiled at me and offered to help me which I appreciated but there wasn't much he could do a I was just downloading the footage so I can begin editing it as that's one of my main jobs. Seeing as Joao was kind enough to check on me I showed him a bit of the editing process and he was amazed at how much work it takes just for one video. Together we watched some of the footage to know if it needed cutting out or if it should be kept but instead of paying attention we were just laughing at some of the outtakes which weren't necessarily that funny but once we started laughing we couldn't stop. 
After some time I realised the other boys had left and it was just me and Joao which I quite enjoyed as I'd like to spend more time with Joao. Thinking about Joao honestly has me torn as there's no denying that he's an attractive guy and I think we get on well but at the same time I just got this job and he's new to the team so being anything more than friends probably isn't the best idea. That being said right now I just want to get to know Joao to see if in the future my mindset changes. Although I was supposed to be working more of my time was spent talking with Joao as he was asking me questions about my life and getting to know more about me outside of my job. In my experience the people I work with usually don't care about who I am as they are just there to do their part of the job and then go home so it was really nice that Joao seemed to care about who I am as a person. 
We spent hours sat together talking as I edited which I probably should've done back in my office but I was enjoying myself and plus my boss wouldn't mind as long as I get the work done. It was only when I got a text and looked at my phone that I noticed the time and it was almost the end of my hours so I saved the video and started shutting down my laptop. As I was gathering my things Joao was kind enough to go and grab my bag so I could put them away. I almost didn't want to leave but at some point I have to go home as I have my own life to live plus I have to come back to work tomorrow morning. 
"Have we really been here that long" Joao questioned as he looked at his phone 
"Apparently so" I said 
"Thank you for making my first day so fun" I said 
"There's no need to thank me I'm glad I could make your day so enjoyable I remember my first day with the club was so fun so I'm happy to do that for someone else" Joao said 
"Well you succeeded I've never had this much fun at a job" I said 
"Before you go I have to ask if you would like to go out for drinks with me later" he said 
"I would love to" I replied without giving myself time to think 
"Great can I have your number so I can text you later?" He asked 
I gave him my phone to put his number and then we parted ways to get into our cars. I didn't leave right away as I was trying to process everything that just happened. While thinking I caught myself smiling which means any reservations I held earlier I think have gone out the window because as much as this is my dream job Joao might be my ideal boyfriend and to me that's more important than a job. 
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leafyaa · 1 year
Chapter 9.
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"Hey.. Are you alright?" You walk over the pebble path towards Kunikuzushi who sat on a wooden bench.
Kunikuzushi doesn't answer, he instead looks in front of him endlessly.
"Kuni..?" You try again. 
"Oh.. Sorry.." He says and turns to look at you, finally noticing you've been calling out to him. 
"Don't apologize.. I should be sorry.. I thought this would be a nice dinner so I could introduce you to my friends.. I didn't know it would end up like this." You say, apologetically smiling. 
"Please don't.. It's not your fault.." Kunikuzushi mumbles and looks at you. 
"They probably need some time to get used to me."
"Get used to you?" You repeat confused. 
"I mean get used to me being so close with you. They're probably really worried for your safety and wellbeing." Kunikuzushi says with a smile. 
"You're right.. Should we go back?" You suggest as you stand up, offering your hand. 
"Yes, let's go back." Kunikuzushi says and accepts your hand. The both of you walk inside and see Sara and Heizou talking, but they stop as soon as they see you two walk in. 
"Sorry for upsetting the two of you." Sara and Heizou stand up as they apologize. 
"And I'm sorry for being pushy." Heizou added reluctantly, receiving a soft kick from Sara for sounding not too apologetic. 
"It's fine." Kunikuzushi says as he softly smiles, surprising both Heizou and Sara. "But who you really should apologize to is Y/n, who tried her best to plan out a dinner for us to meet each other and become friends." 
"Right..!" Heizou exclaims and Sara realizes it too. "Sorry Y/n!" 
You smile and nod. "It's fine, I'm glad everything is okay between you three now." 
"I'm glad too." Kunikuzushi says, lightly squeezing your hand. 
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"Kunikuzushi, what are you doing here?" You ask surprised. You were getting ready to leave for work but Kunikuzushi was blocking your doorway. 
"I'm here for you.." He mumbles with a small bundle of flowers he picked up on his way. 
"Wait, I uhm really appreciate you but I need to catch the bus to go to work.." You sigh. 
"I can bring you, don't worry!" Kunikuzushi happily smiles and you stare at him a bit surprised.
"You sure? Don't you have anywhere to go?" 
"Nope. Let's go now, you wouldn't want to be late for work." He says and takes your hand, leading you to his car. 
"Wait, do you even know where I work? It's Komore Teahouse." 
"Mhm." Kunikuzushi hums as he starts the car, driving towards the city. 
"You can take a nap if you want by the way."
You look to your left and Kunikuzushi smiles at you. 
"I'll wake you up when we arrive." 
You nod and yawn a bit. Slowly letting yourself drift off into sleep. 
After a little while you wake up to Kunikuzushi gently nudging your shoulder. 
"We're here.." Kunikuzushi says, unbuckling your seat belt. You look down at his hands and see some bandages, bandages you hadn't noticed before. 
"Hey.. Did you hurt your hands? Why do you have bandages?" You try to reach out his hands but Kunikuzushi pulls back. 
"It's nothing.. I just got into a little accident, don't worry about it." He looks up into your eyes and offers you a gentle smile. 
You slowly start to smile back and get out of the car, closing the car door behind me. 
"I guess this is where we say goodbye?" You say, adjusting the straps of my bag. 
"You want me gone already?" Kunikuzushi pouts as he puts on his backpack. 
"No-! I didn't mean it like that-" 
"I'm just kidding, I have to get some work done on my laptop so that's why I wanted to pick you up so I can finish up my work inside the cafe you work in." He says and starts walking, you quickly follow behind and start asking some questions. 
"What work do you do Kunikuzushi?" 
"Just some stuff like going over documents and sending emails. Nothing too hard." 
"Like for the government?" 
"Hmm.. Something like that, yeah." From the corner of his eye Kunikuzushi flares at something in the distance but quickly recomposes himself as he looks back at you. You still look sleepy but you drink some water you brought with you. 
"My shift is a 10 hour shift today, if you're done earlier you can just go home already. I can take the bus home." You say as the two of you walk inside the cafe. 
"It's okay, my work is somewhat endless so I don't mind." 
"Okay.. I'll go to the back.. And thank you for bringing me!" You smile and walk towards the back where a few of your co-workers have been staring at you talking to Kunikuzushi. 
"Is that your boyfriend Miss Y/n??" Miya, a high school part timer asked. 
"O-of course not Miya! Don't be silly, he's just a friend of mine. He's been helping me around since I've gotten attacked." You quickly say, feeling your cheeks turning red from embarrassment. 
"Just a friend huh? That's what every person says when they deny things!" Rina, Miya's best friend, exclaims as she smiles smugly. 
"J-just go back to work! It's a Saturday so it will be a busy day!" You order and go to the changing room to change into your work uniform. A white blouse, blue pants and a light brown apron. 
"Y/n! I'm glad you were able to make it!" Thoma had sneaked up behind you and surprised you with a hug. 
"Hey Thoma! I'm glad to be working again! I hope it wasn't an inconvenience for me not being able to work for two weeks..." 
"It's fine Y/n! Don't blame yourself for not being able to be here, we handled it well." He says, ruffling through your hair. 
Thoma is quite tall so he sometimes would use you as his arm rest for a joke, just like now. 
"You can stop it now Thoma. I need to go back to work." I huff and shake off his arm playfully. 
"Miss Y/n! There are orders!" Rina yelled and I quickly made my way towards the counter where a tablet with all the orders was on. The cafe was already open for 15 minutes and a good amount of people already ordered something at the front or at their tables by scanning a qr code. 
You start serving the orders around the tables for hours. Even Kunikuzushi who sat inside the corner of the cafe kind of depressingly ordered bitter green tea. You looked at him in disgust as you served his tea but he just innocently smiled at you. 
Finally after 3 hours you get a break. You grab a sandwich from the kitchen as well as a bottle of water and sit down to eat, close to the counter where Rina and Miya were operating. 
It is a habit of yours to stay close to the younger employees to keep an eye out for them just in case anything would happen where you would have to step in. But they seem to be doing pretty good. 
"Miss Y/n~ I think your boyfriend wants you to sit with him~!" Rina cheekily smiles as she looks over to Kunikuzushi who has turned his face towards his laptop again. 
"No he isn't? Don't make things up, Rina." You sigh as you take another bite of your sandwich, scrolling through your phone. 
But seconds later you feel someone tapping on your shoulder. You turn around and notice Rina smirking in the corner of your eye but focus your attention on the person who tapped you.
"Kunikuzushi?" You mumble surprised as you look up.
"Want to sit with me?" He asked nonchalantly, not knowing that Rina just predicted it.
"U-uhm sure-?" You reply very flustered. You grab your food and phone and follow Kunikuzushi to his table and sit down next to him.
You look back at Rina and Miya who are smirking at you. Mouthing the words 'Goodluck'.
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Finally another chapter after a while!! Hope you enjoyed it!
You've dated Scaramouche in your high school and college years but just as you wanted to announce your pregnancy to him he broke up with you without any reason. He left you to be a single mom for 7 years. But now that your daughter has been missing and abducted for a year and you've not been doing well and out of a sudden he showed up into your life again trying to apologize for his past mistakes..?
@swivy123 @kichiyoshi @wwwrizchan @k1t0 @killumeo @pinkdreamerbailifflawyer-blog @samarill @xiaotopia @aqualesha @eattingshits @omoriaddict @mave-in @sketcheeee @xiaossocksniffer @elernity @ohmyfinggod @izukusshuu @divinechicha @arrowximpack @kaoriee @scaramochies @ekriis @rizakari @ahseya @lovingveliona @magica-ren @hikaru-exe @theflatdoorkicker
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stuckyrogersbarnes · 10 months
Steve Rogers Smut
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warnings: rough, humiliation
word count- 1.1k
female reader
You had just gotten an email saying that you had been excepted as the 2nd assistant manager for the famous Tony Stark. You had to begin the job tomorrow. 
What excited you most though, was meeting Captain America, he had been your celebrity crush for the longest time, ever since you were 6 years old. 
The next day finally arrived and you were outside the headquarters, hardly able to breathe properly because this had also been your dream job ever since you were 6. I mean, it wasn't to be the 2nd assistant manager, but what you could get, you were happy with. You hear footsteps approaching you from behind, so you turn your head towards a tall, muscular figure. You couldn't see their face until they were right in front of you. And this was it, the first time meeting THE CAPTAIN ROGERS! "hi, I'm Steve." he put his hand forward for you to shake it; You shook it nervously. "hi Mr. Rogers, I'm Y/n." you said, blushing. "please, call me steve," he says. "Sure, Steve." 
Later on, at dinner, you were introducing yourself to everyone, and while you were answering a few questions, Nat asks you, "So y/n, got your eye on anyone yet?" you were a bit flushed at the question, but you answer it with a little giggle and said "no, not yet," blushing because that was a lie.
After dinner, at around 11 pm, Steve showed you your room and it was a medium-sized, with a queen-sized bed and a big window with blue curtains. Steve tells you a warm goodnight and asks you if you need anything, you nod no, He also informs you that his room is opposite yours. You were kind of excited to hear that because the walls were not exactly soundproof and you wanted to listen to him if he by chance, started talking about you. Later on that night, you were trying to sleep, but you couldn't stop thinking about how you wanted Steve inside you. You hadn't had sex in a long time and you were starting to really miss it. Like, a lot. You got so horny that you had to release the feeling in order to fall asleep... You got up and sat down on your bed, you put your hand under your underwear and started rubbing, you imagined him fucking you, rough and hard. You moan, unconsciously, saying, "oh steve, right there. YES!" completely forgetting that the doors are not soundproof. After your first orgasm, you hear a light knock on your door. So, you put your pants on and open the door, not thinking much of it. You open the door and Steve is at the other end. You immediately blush, and this time, he notices. "you do know that the doors are not soundproof, right?" he says in a smug voice. You don't realize that you had moaned his name out loud, and you didn't really care if he heard you moaning, so you ask him, "so?" and he goes, "Well, next time you stay in a room and you know that the doors aren't soundproof, then don't moan your neighbours name when you're masturbating," he says with a smirk on his face. You choke on your spit. "FUCK" I mean *clears throat* I don't know what you're talking about," you chuckle nervously, like shit how could you be so stupid. "you're cute, so, I don't mind". you're flushed, and speechless. " do you wanna come in..?" you ask, and he nods yes. As soon as the door shuts, he looks at you with a smirk, he could tell, by your moaning that you liked it rough. So, he grabs your throat and bangs your back to the door. "I heard you like it rough." he says. "ye-yes. I do." well, we've got to do something about that now, don't we?" He rips your oversized pink shirt off and starts kissing your neck. you both moan. If you had told younger y/n that this would happen in your future...she would have laughed in your face. 
But god, was he good at sucking your neck. You almost orgasmed just from that. He slowly goes down your neck, onto your stomach, you whimper as he goes further down because the desperation of wanting him inside you was taking over. He slowly comes back up and he takes off his grey sweatpants, along with his white Calvin Klein underwear and throws you on the bed.
He asks for your consent and as soon as you give it, he pounds into your pussy. You scream in pure delight as his music and his thick cock hits your G-spot every time he strokes. "You can't orgasm until I say so. Understood?" he says, as a punishment for masturbating while thinking of him. You groan in response as it's hard to speak proper words right now.  "Do you understand?" he repeats and puts his hands underneath your back and flips you over into doggy-style. You moan again, his cock hitting your G-spot even harder, he puts his hand under your stomach, to your pussy and starts rubbing your clit. "hmm?" he growls. you're on the verge of tears now. "Y-ye-" you manage to get out and he immediately stops. You gasp to catch your breath. "Darling, I'm not gonna continue unless you answer," he says with his dick still inside you. "Yes! I promise I won't orgasm until you let me." "Good girl," he says chuckling. 
He begins to slowly thrust again, but you can't take it, you need more. You whimper as he increases his speed and you could feel that your orgasm was on its way. You cry out loud as it's hard to hold your orgasm in, but Steve doesn't show any mercy. He goes even faster now, as your eyes roll at the back of your head and your knees becoming jelly, he throws you onto your back to relax you a bit. 
After 2 more minutes of excruciating pleasure, he lets you orgasm. He pulls his dick out and you scream as you cum all over his cock. Seeing you cum makes him orgasm as well, he grunts as his cum drops out of his cock onto your stomach.
He lies down next to you, speechless because of how good that fuck-session was. "Steve?" "yes, darling?" he replies. "was this the first time you've had sex in a 100 years?" you ask chuckling. he blushes, "yes, it was," he says while being a bit flustered. "well, that's the best sex I've ever had, captain." you say. "same here, darling. we should do that again." he says. "oh yeah, at least every other night" you reply.
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f4ll-for-you · 1 year
The Project - Modern AU Aegon
Part One / Part Two / Part Three
That night, Y/N makes herself dinner, sitting on the sofa by herself, watching Netflix with her laptop open on the coffee table.
Her laptop pings, she leans over to look at it, an email from Aegon...
She, sits up and reads the email.
'My research, sorry I’m a bit of a dick, love Aegon x'
She looks at the document attached to the email with wide eyes, there’s six pages of notes, nothing like what he’d shown her he'd done at the library.
He tried to express his emotions through the email. It wasn't a simple "Sorry, I messed up", it was a "I'm not that much of a bad person- I do actually try," letter. His email had been an attempt to try and start a new, more respectful, positive relationship with Y/N, and show her the person she could be friends with, not the bad boy.
He hoped he'd managed to do that. A small smile appeared on his face as he put his laptop away.
The next morning, Y/N pulls out her phone to a text from Aegon, she looks at it, confused.
The text was kind, and had caught her off guard. It was surprisingly sweet.
'Y/N, I know I've been a bit hard to deal with. I'm sorry about that. I wanted to let you know that I know I took things too far, and you deserve better. Please forgive me.
Aegon x'
She rolls her eyes, assuming this is what he does with every girl, pisses them off, and then lures them back with fake kindness.
Against her better judgement, she replies.
'No worries Aegon, do you want to meet for coffee at lunch? We can go over some notes?' she texts back.
He smiles at the response, a smirk appearing on his face, knowing she couldn't resist him. After a few minutes, he texts back.
'Sure. Meet at the Starbucks at lunchtime? :) x'
She replies with a simple ‘yep’ and puts her phone back down, thinking.
What was his game? What did he want from her? She hoped this project would just be done and their ‘friendship’ wouldn’t have to last much longer than that. But part of her also wanted to know him, to see if there was more to him than meets the eye.
Aegon was waiting for Y/N when she arrived for lunch, sitting in a table in the corner with a large hot chocolate, tapping his shoe against the floor.
He looks up when he sees Y/N enter. "Oh, there you are." He says almost in surprise, as if to say...'I didn't think you would come.'
She smirks at him, happy that he was the one to be kept waiting
"Isn’t a hot chocolate a bit sweet for your tastes?" She snickered.
Aegon gives a short chuckle, and a small smile. "Oh, very funny, Y/N." He says in an unamused tone. "I do happen to like hot chocolate." He says, as if he'd been accused of having a secret passion for the sugar-filled drink. He gives a small shrug. "I have a sweet tooth, every now and then."
"Contrary to your bad boy persona" she chuckles.
"I’ll be right back" she says, chucking her stuff on the chair and walking off to get her own hot drink.
Aegon makes a snarky face as she leaves. "I'll show you 'bad boy'," he thinks to himself, his thoughts of a 'real' apology thrown out the window. As she returns, he makes an effort to look uninterested, and then gives the slightest raise of his eyebrow when she places her hot drink down.
"So, what notes do you have?" He asks, uncaringly.
She puts down her coffee, taking out her laptop "just a few things" she says, not looking up at him.
She sighs, annoyed, "for gods sake, really?" She says to herself, as she notices her laptop has no charge, shoving it onto the table, frustrated.
He lets out a scoff. The expression on his face is smug.
There was a slight chuckle, along with the eye-roll he gave her. "Y/N, what kind of student comes unprepared?" He asks in a sarcastic and somewhat mocking tone.
His smile grows, as he watches her struggle with her laptop.
"I've already had two classes today, and I managed to forget my charger…" she says, scuffling around in her bag, clearly flustered.
"Sorry…I didn’t mean for it to go like this…" She looked upset and cross with herself, finally letting her guard down for a moment.
His smirk grows, enjoying watching her fumble.
He gives a little laugh, almost teasing her. "It's fine... You're clearly underprepared, though. How come we didn't work on this last night at the library?"
"I just wanted to discuss your extra notes…they were…impressive" she said, not looking at him, knowing he was smirking.
"Thanks for emailing them."
His smile grows even more. "Oh, I was just being- he gives a short chuckle. Just being- He laughs. I was just being me. How do you mean 'impressive'?" He's enjoying his current power position. He puts his hot chocolate on the table.
She rolls her eyes, she shouldn’t have given him the satisfaction.
"Just a lot more pages than I thought you were capable off, maybe you got your brother to write them or something, I heard he’s the smart one." She smirks at him, knowing she’s hit a nerve.
He gives her a look that says 'really', as if to say 'did I seriously come here to be the one to be on the receiving end of these comments?' He then puts his hand on his cheek, as if he's in deep thought, but the hand quickly turns into a smirk, as his mind comes up with several things to tease her back with - some of them being quite brutal.
Still smiling, he looks straight into her eyes, and says, "Well, considering they're all original, and not stolen from my brother, I'm glad you're impressed."
"Hmm…sure" she smiles sarcastically.
"Well, if we can’t do any more work, I guess I better go" she starts to pack up her stuff.
Aegon looks up at her, trying not to show that he didn’t want her to leave
"You could stay and chat?" He said, trying to seem nonchalant, but failing.
She looks back at him, noticing his expression, feeling a bit guilty.
"Another drink?" She asks, putting down her bag again.
Aegon was surprised by the sudden change in behaviour from Y/N. "You... You'd do that? You'd stay and have another drink?" For a split second, his face lights up in a smile as he looks at her, before turning away, thinking 'don't look like an idiot'.
His lip twitches, as he attempts to hide his enjoyment. His foot starts tapping a little slower now. "Sure. That'd be great."
"What do you want?" she asks, trying not to show her own happiness at his reaction, the more he let his guard down, the more she liked him.
His smile gets a little bigger, now that he can show it properly. "I'll just take the same thing."
He tries to remain serious, but his smile is clearly showing. His foot is no longer tapping, but simply bouncing gently up and down on the floor, as the expression on his face becomes happier and happier.
She walks off, getting two hot chocolates
She walks back, smiling, popping them down onto the table
"So, what do you want to chat about?"
Aegon looks up at her when she comes back. His foot was still gently bouncing, and his eyes were staring up at her, as if he was just fascinated by the presence of the very girl who had been his favourite to make fun of just an hour ago. He gave an amused little chuckle, and a bit of a shrug, before saying,
"I don't know." He puts his elbows on the table, his hands supporting his face, and a smile on his face. "Do you have anything to talk about?" He'd never been good at making conversation, especially if it didn't involve pissing someone off.
She looks into his eyes, deciding what to ask
"What’s with this bad boy act all about?"
Aegon looks back at her. He was curious. How did she see through him so easily?
"Oh." He says, with an almost-sly smile. "That's just me, being... well... selfish. I've never really had to do anything by anyone's rules, so I just choose my own." He says, as if he's making it up on the spot. He's still keeping his arms on the table and his hands supporting his face, still staring up at her with interest.
"No rules? You must have had some growing up?" She looks at him, genuinely curious about the boy in front of her.
Aegon gives a short laugh, and a smirk that says 'don't believe me?'
"Well, let's just say I don't really listen to them." He puts his tongue on his cheek, his feet now bouncing slightly more violently.
"...And if you don't like the rules you're given, just make your own!" He says, trying to mimic a tough guy, his smirk growing a little bigger.
Theres the bad boy Aegon I know, she thinks to herself, rolling her eyes.
"But you’re clearly way more clever than you make out, why do you disguise it with partying and girls?"
Aegon gives a small, yet confident smile. You really think I'm that clever? He says, as he leans back with a little smirk. "And if I'm so clever... Then maybe I do it so I don't have to try. Maybe I'd rather be seen as a wild boy than a clever boy." He gives an almost-teasing smirk.
She looks at him, still trying to decipher his true intentions.
"Fair enough…I guess" She says, realising she isn't going to get much more out of him.
A small chuckle. "I know, my little scheme is almost genius. Keep people thinking there's nothing in your head, and they never expect anything." He gives another little chuckle.
"Oh, and... If you think I seem clever, just wait till you read the rest of my notes..." His smile grows, as he taps his foot faster, just waiting for a response from Y/N.
She rolls here eyes at his arrogance
"Sure, party boy I’m sure you’re notes are perfect"
They stare at eachother for a moment, Aegon smirking.
Aegons phone starts to buzz in his pocket, he takes it out and groans.
"What?" He says to the person on the other end of the phone.
"On my way" He groans again, rolling his eyes.
"My brother, he needs a lift, sorry" He says, this time his apology seems to be genuine.
"Thanks for the drink" He continues, shoving a fiver in her hand and getting up to leave.
Before she can protest and give him back the money, he's gone.
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jayyy3z · 2 years
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His wife - manjiro sano pt 1
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Her beautiful eyes stared out the window. The moonlight shined brightly as the gentle breeze blew her hair out of her face waiting for her husband to finally eat diner with her. Y/n sighed yeah she knew that wasn't gonna happen.
Moans can be heard from the other side of the home. It went on for a while. Barely a month into the marriage an already it wasn't going so well. There's a knock at the door. "Mrs. are you hungry?" The maid asked. She knew the mrs. Was upset. She wanted to comfort her.
"Will you eat with me?" Y/n smiled softly. All it was just a smiled an yet...the maid felt so warm.
______________many months later______________
   It was morning y/n woke up to the light shinning in her room. She took a shower earlier then fell right to sleep. Her beautiful dark hair was all the way down her back.
"Good morning mrs. Sano." The maid came in. Y/n smiled. "Mei rin i told you call y/n" she gently smiled. "I made you breakfast" she happily skipped.
  Y/n smiled. "Mrs. Y/n i have a question" mei rin fidget with her hands. "Proceed" y/n got dressed. "Mrs. Y/n i told you to dry your hair!" Mei rin pouted.  "Mei rin please continue of what you where gonna say." Y/n pouted.
"Umm...ma'am what if you could eat in the dining hall?" Y/n slipped on her shoes. "Alright" she smiled heading out. In the dining hall she saw a dark haired male.
   She notice it was her husband sitting at the head. He silently scrolled threw the emails. Y/n walked to the chair at the other end of the table. "Good morning" she smiled cutting in the waffle. Mikey didn't say a word.
A women in a tight skirt bent over purposely showing her chest while poring coffee. Mikey of corse glanced at her brest then wrapped an arm around the women pulling in her close.
    Y/n put down her fork and looked at her husband. "Is there anything you need hun?" She looked boredly at her husband fauning over a women.
He looked at the maides face. "Tonights gala make sure you don't look hidious." He said as he pulled the maid closer to his own face. Y/n was just a trophy wife she had no right to get mad...right? She stood up an walked out of the hall.
     Making sure no one was around she slid down the door of the library and started to cry. "A trophy wife..." was all she could think. Her family was quite rich and from baltemore. When she was young they moved to the states.
Of corse they where wealthy mobster family. Her mother was an american porturican women that was a gangsters daughter inheriting the title.
    While her father was a japaneese man who was a famous lawyer. An a pretty damn good one at that. Mikey made trouble for them and the only thing that could settle the arguements was if they agree to let him marry their daughter.
Soon her mother fell sick and the youngest sister in y/ns family inhiereted the family that was supposed to go to y/n.
Foot steps stopping infront of the mrs.
        "Excuse me ma'am?" The voice called over. He was dressed nicely. ""Mrs. Please tell me... how are you beautiful while still crying?" He sat next to the women handing her a handkerchief.
She said thanks to the man an use it to whipe her eyes. "Are you one of his men?" She asked in curiosity. "Yes ma'am im rindou" he smiled. "Are you alright?" He pittied y/n. "Im fine." She lied.
  Rindou was someone who was raised to see a women cry. His brother tought him how to treat a lady even if she is a whore. "Mrs. You will dirty your clothes please stand."he pushed himself off the floor and took the womens hand.
"Your a gentalmen." She laughed softly. Rindou admired the women infront. "Your the mrs. Right?" He asked. "Just call me y/n" she bowed.
   Rindous eyes widen. "Damn shes mikeys wife!" Rindou thought in his head. Y/n looked around in the library. "Its peaceful here" she said grabbing the book he was reading.
"This room is hardly ever cleaned. So i usually come here and clean it myself" y/n said as flipping threw the pages. "You like poems?" She turned her head.
     "Y-yes ma'am" he felt kinda shy. "Oh? This where you where?" A males voice called out from the second floor. Both looked up. "WHEN THE HELL YOU WHERE HERE?" Rindou shouted.
The male simply didnt reply an walked back down. As he drew closer he looked at the women. "Ah! Mrs. Sano" he beemed excitedly.
     Rindou rolled his eyes at his elder brother. "she was here alone so i was reading here with her" he said looking at y/ns face.
"I see.. anyways hello mrs. Sano im ran haitani, this little loving little shits older brother" he said patting rindous head. Rindou scoffed at his brother.
   Y/n laughed at the effection of those two. It reminded her of tsubaki. Her younger sister. They would run around in the gardens while holding eachothers hands.
She loved her younger sister. "Sorry mrs. we have to go." Rindou bowed. "I told you to call me y/n." She pouted. "See you lady y/n." He smiled.
    The boys where in a car driving there. It was silence. They made it way the the headquarters reaching the top floor. "Your late." Kakucho tapped his foot on the floor. "Yeah yeah forgive us" rindou rolled his eyes. Heels clacked on the marble floor. "Ms. Senju." The three bowed.
"The Galla tonight is to welcome the sanos back home." She didn't even reply an went straight to the point. "Don't fuck it up. I got all families from everywhere coming to see manjiro and his wife." She sat in her chair.
   "Mrs. Is it alright if i speak out" rindou asked. "Go ahead." He thanked her and proceeded. "Mrs. Sano doesn't look to thrilled about any of this. Should we be doing thi"- "keep your personal feeling in check brother." Ran interrupted making rindou grit his teeth. "Make her fucking happy.
I don't wanna get bitched at because Mikey doesn't know how to fucking treat a women." She lit a cigarette. "Wakasa." The male walked over. "Is everything prepared for tonight?" She grabbed the files.
    "Yes mrs. The lady an sir should be arriving soon." He bowed. "Good. Now fix all of the fucking mess manjiro made boys. I have important things to attend to." She stood up walking to the door.
"Oh an tell manjiro the next time he doesn't show up for a meeting im cutting his nuts off." With that her heels clacking echoed out the whole hall.
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Y/n was reading. She was enjoying the breeze from her window. "I wonder what is tsubaki doing today." She quietly thought to herself. Only to be interrupted by a knock at her door. "Come in." She said placing the book on the side of set of the window an walked to her door.
Her eyes looked excited as she saw her husband alone in here room. He closed the door behind him and sat on her bed. "Something wrong dear?" She said deep down terrified but excited since this was the first in awhile he came to her bedroom.
   "Dress shopping hurry and get dressed." He said looking at her. "I understand." She bowed. He didn't move. "Um.." her throat had a lump. "Is it wrong for me to wait for my wife to get dressed? We are married after all."
Mikey stood up walking into the walking closet grabbing some things handing it to his wife. He tossed it on the bed an walked out.
She looked at the out fit a satin white top with a black tight long skirt. Some white pumps to match. She smiled at the sense of fashion but frowned. He must've dressed many women. She put on the clothes. Y/n looked over to the door open. "Mei!" She happily called.
"Ah mrs.y/n you look pretty" she bowed. In reality mei rin picked the outfit. She told mr. Sano where to get them. All she wanted was to get them close.
         Y/n smiled she was very happy. "Anyways mrs. You have guests." She bowed and proceeded to help y/n out the room to the main area. "This is mr. Haitani ma'am mr.
Sano instructed me to let you know that they will be taking you to get dresses for tonight's gala. Y/ns' heart dropped. She thought mikey would actually show her affection but she assumed wrong. She looked up again seeing rindou standing next to his brother.
Y/n bowed in respect. "Are you coming?" She looked at mei rin. "Mrs. I must prepare for tonight with the others. Be safe" she hugged y/n and bowed to ran and rindou, the walked away from them. Watching as they leave the mansion. She maid her way to Mikey's office and knocked on the door.
"Come in" the voice on the other side called. "Pardon the intrusion. The mrs. Left with the haitani brothers" mei rin bowed in respect. "I see.." he said not looking from the documents.
"Sir...may i speak?" She bowed her head. "Go on" he was in a good mood which was rare. "Forgive me for being blunt but do you even give a damn about your wife?" She still was lowering her body but lifted her head. Mikey looked from the document. "What the hell did you say?"
He leaned back in his chair. "She was happy when you picked the clothes, but all she wants is her husbands attention"- mikey slammed his hand on the table. "If i didn't love her you wouldn't be working here." He growled at the maid.
"Then please fulfill my request sir. Please one dance with the mrs." An with that mei rin walked out of Mikey's office. He couldn't kill her. So he grit his teeth in anger then proceeded to look at the documents. After trying to scan over them he knocked everything off his desk in frustration.
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Ran was playing the song over and over. "He sat back"- "RAN WE GET IT DAMN TURN IT OFF!" Rindou shouted while y/n was holding her stomach from laughing. "S~s~stop~ imma pee!" She laughed. " girl breath!" Ran was patting her back while she coughed.
She wiped the tears that formed in her eyes. They parked the car and headed in the mall.
In each store looking around and picking dresses y/n smiled. "I like it"... ran looked at his brother confused. "Huh?" He tilted his head. "She looked so miserable now she's laughing so much.it suits her." He smiled inside.
"Shes the bosses girl. Remember that well rindou." His voice went serious. "Im not interested in her. Its just sad how he treated her today." He crossed his arms. They waited outside of the boutique.
"Okay im ready!" She happily smiled. "Mrs. Y/n do you want to go eat?" Ran carefully took the bags from her. "I really wanna try a burger!" Her eyes sparkled. "You never had one?" Rindou tilted his eyes. "No.." she dipped her head sadly.
Ran and rindou looked at each other. "Mc Donalds" they both agreed.
"Ahh~ this is amazing!" She smiled brightly while eating the big mac. The brothers just smiled at the young women. "Thank you." She smiled looking at the burger. "No need to thank us. We can free you anytime you'd like." Rindou smiled.
"We're besties now." He smirked at the girl. "A friend?" She smiled inside. She didn't have friends except mei rin.
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It was nightfall. Y/n slipped on the gold heels that matched the black dress that had a diamond chain that hanged down the back of the dress. She turned to the mirror her hair tied in a high ponytail. The gold earrings that dangled from her ears. The mat lipstick that stuck on her lips.
The dress hugged her figures perfectly. Not to tight not too loose. Perfect. She put in the gold wedding band on her finger. Y/n looked at the huge diamond.
She turned herself to the door. "Im ready." She looked at the butler. "Please mrs sano come." He directed her down the stairs. She smiled politely and headed to the car driving to the building of the gala.
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It was quite a drive to a secluded mansion. Y/n was arriving a little late. Mainly because no one told her the time to go. She stepped in front of the mansion. She pushed the doors open.
Many people looked over. They saw the beautiful women gracefully walking in. She had an hour glass figure, her steps where hypnotizing to the men. Even some women watched her gold earring dangle with every step was taken.
The men from bonten was on the second floor of the room laughing. Women surrounding them. Rindous arm was around a woman's waist. He looked down at the commotion. He saw y/n walking inside with everyone watching her.
She made her way to the area that had champagne. Rindou stared at y/n in the black satin dress how it drooped low in the breast area and the back exposed. Only covering her behind. The gold shoes that matched it perfectly.
"Wow..." was the only thing that escaped his mouth. "Whats wrong with you?" A man walked to him. "What?" He looked over. "Nothing" he looked away from her. "Where the boss?" He asked. "Upstairs with his bitch" rindou just nodded his head.
He excused himself and headed down to the first floor. He watched y/n looked at the crowed. "Hey beautiful" his voice appeared beside her. "Rindou" she smiled bowing. "You look..."- "like a whore?" She finished for him.
"I was going to say beautiful" he corrected her. "Mrs. Sano please follow me." Rindou extended his hand. "Were is my husband?" She arched her brow. He didn't reply. She already knew the answer. "He's with the mistress huh?" She asked. Still no reply as he lead her upstairs to the area of bonten.
"Rin your back. Oh? Who's this beautiful?" The man who walked to him before asked. "It's mrs. sano" he said making the other males eyes widen. "M-mrs. Sano..." he's voice had a little panic in it. "Hello please call me y/n" she bowed in respect.
"Hey girly" ran looked at her. She chuckled at his comment. She sat in one of the seats that the man kicked the girl was sitting off of.
"Mrs. This is sanzu bontens number two, that one is kakucho, others are koko and the two oldies ran away somewhere" rindou said in a yawn. "Hello." She smiled.
It was almost time for y/n and mikey to make an appearance together. She stood up and looked around for her husband. She crept to an office with light moans coming from the other side. She knocked an opening the door. She saw her husband and his mistress. "Its your wife" the women stood up and got dressed.
After she left y/n walked to her husband. She dug in her clutch for a makeup wipe, and cleaned her husbands face and fixed his collar. "Your wearing a coat?" He looked at the long coat she had put on before finding her husband.
"No i was waiting to find you. We have guests to
Greet right? Are you ready?" She asked removing the coat. His eyes widen at the dress she was wearing. Her body parts looked like they where gonna pop out.
Thats what he thought. "Honey? Are you coming?" She wrapped herself in his arm. They walked out the room together and headed up to the third floor to greet the more important guests.
Y/n saw her sister in the corner of the room drinking wine. Tsubaki looked over to see her sister. She smiled at her older beautiful sister.
Y/n walked over an greeted her whole family...well the upper echelon. She greeted her father and mother who looked more healthy than she remembered. An of course Mikey's mistress was in the room too.
He walked to her and smiled while whispering something they walked back to bonten together. The upper family where in raged at seeing the disgraceful disply. "Im gonna cut his fucking nuts out!" The mom yelled.
"Ma..dont get worked up. Its alright i let him have his whores bur at the end of the day i make sure he comes home to me." Y/n lied threw her teeth.
  She knew her family all to well. If they got worked up it will be a blood bath. "Its fi"- she felt someone grabbing her dress and ripping it. She instantly covered up.
While everyone was chasing down who did it. "Find that son of a bitch." The mom yelled threw her teeth. "Find manjiro sano NOW!" Tsubaki yelled.
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30 minutes before.
"I don't understand mikey?" The girl tilted her head. She pulled down her dress. "Dont you miss us?" She cooed pulling his suit. He smiled at her. She knew she had him wrapped around her finger. She kissed him tugging at his tie. "Mikey~" she moaned threw the kiss.
He gripped on her throat. "Leave me you and i are over-" the door opened showing his wife. The mistress scoffed. "Its your wife." She lifted up her dress.
   It wasn't the first time y/n caught Mikey husband cheating with this whore, but today was different... her whole family was here. He looked at his wife wearing a long coat.
Mikey watched her as She dug in her clutch for a makeup wipe, and cleaning the lipstick that smeared an the corner of his mouth. Fixing up his collar to fix the tie. Your wearing a coat?" He looked down at her.
   When she reviled the dress she was wearing Mikey agreed she looked beautiful, but he wanted to be the only one to see her in it. He felt angry anyone got to see her looking like that.
They walked into the room where her family was waiting. An just as they did Mikey saw the girl that was with him. She was working there. He smiled walking towards her. He leaned to her ear.
"Your done. Come with me now". He took her to sanzu and told him to clean her up. They walked away from everyone taking her to the garden. "Make sure she fucking stays here."
As mikey got back inside he heard someone calling his name. "MR.SANO!" a man huffed out of breath reaching him. "What?" He growled. "Its the mrs. She...she was attacked." He tried to catch his breath.
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Y/n had a large coat wrapped around her body. She felt violated. She looked at her sister and mother trying to comfort her. "I swear we'll find the fucker who did this." Her sister looked at the men who was walking to them. "Ms. L/n..." they lowered their heads.
"He got awa"- "if i hear the fucking words he got away both of you will loose your tongues". She stepped closer. "Tsubaki...calm down honey." Y/n placed her hand on her shoulder.
  "Gentlemen its fine please go and enjoy the party." Y/n smiled. Mikey walked in the room having a bag in his hand. "Here" he handed the y/n the bag. She slowly opened it revealing a dress. It was a spaghetti strapped dress that looked to small for her body size.
"Manjiro can i speak to you." The mother stood up." He nodded. They both walked into a different room. "Manjiro what the hell this isn't the deal." She looked deep in his eyes.
"The deal was i marry your daughter for an alliance nothing in the damn contract said i had to please her." He stared coldly.
"You sick fuck"- "is that any way to speak to your son in law?" He smirked. "Tch, shamelessly bringing your whores to her face" with that she walked out of the room.
He sighed resting the side of his face on his fist. A knock came to the door and it opened. Y/n walked in changed into the dress. She walked over. He gazed at the red dress that she was now wearing. Her breast were pushed up.
It looked like it was going to burst out. Her bottom was hugged perfectly even if the slightest move it would rip the dress. Her gold jewelry matched perfectly than the dress she had on.
    She walked to her husband placing her hands on his shoulders. She deeply massaged it. Mikey relaxed into his wife's touch  leaning back an pulling her closer onto his lap. She sat on one of his legs facing him.
"What you saw-" she placed her finger over his lips leaning for a kiss. Y/n gently pecked her husbands lips. Mikey moved her on the desk not braking the kiss. She gently let go and looked in his eyes.
"Is she gonna be a problem?" Y/n asked fixing his tie again. "No...never again." He looked at her. "Mikey i don't mind you having your mistress but dont bring them in front of me." She clean off her lipstick from his face. "I see."
She looked at him. Her palm caressed his cheek. "Honey?" Y/n called to him. He was melting into her touch. He wrapped his hands around her. "Yes dear?" Mikey looked into her eyes.
"We still have guests to greet." She rubbed her hands on his vest. She kissed him once more before grabbing his arm taking back to her family.
When the reaching the door. There was a commotion going on inside. "Mrs. L/n I promise it was a honest mistake." The women apologized. "I don't give a damn make sure it doesn't happen again" tsubaki yelled.
"TSUBAKI!" Y/n got a little irritated with her sister. "Im sorry ma'am are you alright?" Y/n asked with mikey still by her side. "Mrs. Sano and mikey its really good to see you." She bowed.
"Mrs. Its alright please rise you don't need to do all of that." She grabbed the women's hand.
"Senju." Mikey looked at her. "Mikey good of you not to show up at our meeting." She crossed her arms. "I'll have you know i was doing business" mikey rolled his eyes. Senju scoffed.
"Yeah probably screwing someone" she spoke to herself. "He was in his office and was backed up with work all day i hope you can forgive him." Y/n asked bowing. Senju scoffed leaving the two.
Y/n looked at the door of where the women walked away. "Should we greet the guests?" Y/n looked up at her husband. He nodded and they headed to the first floor.
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The bonten men where sitting around the second floor looking over at the crowed. Rindou spotted his boss and y/n together. He excused himself at went to greet y/n. She was waiting for mikey to be done greeting others. "Are you alright?" Rindou asked.
"Im fine are you okay?" She smiled. "I heard what happened im sorry mrs. Sano" he felt a little guilty. "Rindou i promise it was not your doing. It was a mistake from someone else." She smiled.
Mikey looked over to see y/n and rindou talking. She was smiling around him making mikey jealous. Y/n belonged to him and only him. He wanted to go and punch rindou but he held back an continued talking to wakasa and senju.
"Thats not the issue mikey that girl is worth something and i swear south-" "south wont lay a hand on her. An if you do as well il"- "calm yourself mikey I actually happen to like her." Senju said grabbing a glass then walking to y/n and rindou. "Mrs sano." She handed a glass to y/n.
"Mrs. Akashi its always a pleasure." Y/n smiled. "Yes well i wanted to see if you would like to have a... "girls day" if you will?" Senju took a sip. "I'd love to." She smiled. Benki walked to senju and whispered into her ear. Her eyes widen.
"I see get manjiro and mrs. Sano." She whispered back. Y/n looked confused. "Mrs. Sano please come with me"  rindou  took her hand and lead her up into a private room.
Mikey followed behind. They sat in the room waiting for someone. Heels echoed down the hall. It came closer to the door. Y/n fidget in her spot hearing the voices from outside.
Rindou smiled and reassured everything is fine an left the room. Sanzu walked in standing next to mei rin who appeared right next to y/n. She smiled. The door pushed open with Louis Vuitton stepped inside.
He long hair swayed back and forth a man with a dragon tattoo an dark hair walked in.
"Been awhile Mikey"
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Emma sat across from Mikey. "Have things been well?" She asked. "What are you doing here Emma?" Mikey asked. She only looked at him. "I can't see my elder brother?" She raised a brow. "Draken do you mind leaving." She responded coldly.
He nodded. Draken walked out of the room. "Honey do you mind?" Mikey asked holding y/ns hand not noticing he was squeezing hard. "S-sure" she mumbled giving her husband a kiss then heading her way.
"Why are you here emma?" He asked boredly. "I came to see your wife. She's quite beautiful. I bet she will give amazingly if you dont fuck it up." Emma sipped her wine while crossing her legs. "I said leave her." Mikey looked angry at his sister.
The girl that smiled at was so kind. Who would give advice. Who smelled of vanilla and sweet honey.... She was gone... Emma felt nothing... she was broken. Her heart was in pain.
Mikey looked at his sister. He wanted to know what was she thinking. Emma sat across from him with a blank expression. "I assume some will try to stop this" she took another sip from his drink. He grit his teeth.
War was coming to them. An they needed to prepare. "Anyways how are you?" Mikey asked. Emma looked at his face. "What do you think?"
"Emma are you still gonna blame me for that"- "you asked how am i doing an i responded. Don't get made if you don't like my response." This time Emma gulped down her wine.
"Do you think she can handle it?" Emma asked Mikey. "Shes a l/n im pretty sure she can." He said looking at the time. "You better hope so." "Emma... can you watch over her?" Mikey asked finishing the his bourbon. "You trust me?" She smirked.
"I wouldn't ask if i didn't." He smiled looking at her. The door opened revealing y/n's sister tsubaki. "Am i late?" She asked not caring for the answer. "What's the problem?" She sat in the chair.
"Nothing just wondering if your sister was ready to handle this situation" Emma took a cigarette and lit it. "Isn't Mikey's job to watch over her? I hope there will be no problem." Tsubaki's gaze pierced Mikey who seems to be unfazed.
Emma sighed. She wasn't faun of politics or anything that has to do with any business, but it would seem that her elder brother dragged her along his psychotic ego.
"They kicked us out huh..." y/n awkwardly said. Draken didn't reply. "Not much a talker...kay got it..." she said to herself. "Well im gonna head this way ...good luck" she walked away from the scary man.
Y/n relized she left her coat in the room where mikey and the mistress was. She sighed to herself and made her way there.
She opened the door to reveal no one there. She looked around the room and found her coat along the couch. She grabbed it instantly and was about to walk out until...
"Oh shoot you scared me" she held her chest. "Sorry" the man replied. "I figured mikey would be upset if i let his wife wonder on her own." He said grabbing the coat from her. "I don't think he would mind im not important to him." She said. "Draken right?" Y/n asked.
He nodded. "Im y/n" they both walked out of the little room. Draken helped her slip on her coat while heading to the first floor. "Thank you draken." She kissed his cheek and walked away.
Y/n was exhausted. "Where to mrs?" The driver asked. "Please take me back home." She looked at her phone. Although mikey was her husband he didn't love the women. Well at least that what she thought.
Y/n looked out the window watching beautiful farm land and gardens while driving back into the city. Y/n didn't realize by the time she got there she had fell asleep. The driver lifted her out of the car and handed her to one of the security.
She woke on her bed. An of corse alone in the house. She looked at the time on her phone. "The party should be ending by now..."she said to herself. Y/n opened the door to see an empty hall way. Quietly making her way to the kitchen for some cold water.
After water she got undressed to take a shower. She reminisced today in her mind. She got to speak to multiple people and even make a friend. Y/n was happy. The hot water dripped from her skin. Once she steps out the shower she dried off her body.
Y/n wrapped a towel over her hair and made to her bed that she loves so much. The poem book that sat on her night stand held her secrets. She opened it up and written something down.
(Im no poem expert so sorry if horrible)
Fire sways
Day turns into night
Night turns into day
Here i see it will show the way
It blooms of wonder shinning bright
As we lead to see the light
She dances so gracefully in a sake
Leaving dangerous carnage in her wake
She is beautiful as she burns from afar
Up close she gives ugly scars
Dont dis a ray my love its alright
Stay away from her with all your might.
Y/n closed her book and sat it next to the lamp on her night stand. Y/n was already tired and wanting to sleep but something was bothering her. She knew her husband will cheat. Its not uncommon for it to happen. All though she closed her eyes and tried to drifted to sleep.
Mikey finally arrived home. Mei rin and the other maids and butlers stayed to help clean up the mess. He made his way down the hall to his bed room but stops in front of his wife's door.
He slightly opened it alarming the women who was trying to sleep. "Oh your home..." y/n said in a sleepy voice. Mikey walked in an sat next to her. "You alright? You left early" he asked in a worry tone.
Y/n smiled. "Im fine manjiro." Mikey slightly curled up his mouth. "Do you wanna sleep with me?" Y/n asked as she moved strands off of her husbands face. "Would you like me to?" He asked.
She smiled. "I think it's normal for husband and wife to sleep with one another in the same bed. He looked at her. "Maybe later tomorrow lets talk alright?" Y/n understood. She turned on the other side of the bed giving her back to Mikey. He leaned forward an pecked the side of her head.
"Good night y/n"
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
Hello my lovely
Since we doing free rein
Can I have an enemy's to lovers with hangman please?
Man's in my feels always but especially these days since he hasn't had a match in forever.
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Photo belongs to @cowboyshit
Adam Page x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Adam Page Masterlist
Warnings: Some swearing.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me.
Summary: f/Reader & Adam Page have never gotten along. If they were in the same room for more than two minutes, they would be arguing. But when one gets hurt, hidden feelings come alight.
Stephen - Adam Page
Adam Page POV:
I heard her before I even saw her. I could hear that laughter that sends shivers up and down my spine. The bane of my existence. The women who makes me angry when I even hear her breath.
The same woman who has been a pain in my side ever since we first met at years ago. For some reason she has always rubbed me the wrong way and I let her know that I did not like her.
And once she noticed how I was with her, she decided to confront me. I still remember that conversation.
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"What is your problem with me Stephen?" She finally asked me one day.
"I just don't like you YN." I was honest and straight to the point with her. I wasn't going to sugar coat it.
"But you don't even know me. How the fuck do you not like me?"
"Just rub me the wrong way. Walking into the venues thinking you are top shit when you haven't even had a match yet."
"Didn't know you were put off by a woman with confidence."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I snarled out.
"You know exactly what it means Stephen and you just made a very powerful enemy." She crossed her arms and looked me up and down.
I wanted to say something else but she just snorted at me, shook her head and walked away from me.
Ever since that day we can not be in the same room together and if we are, we better be on opposite ends of the room.
The crew learned very fast that they want anything done, they better tell us individually or just through an email if one of us has to be there.
We are not put on the same shows or get booked in the same cities if they can help it and that has been working well for us.
Until today. I turned around when I heard her laugh and I just glared at her. I felt Alex shoved my shoulder to get me to look at him.
"Just ignore her. You have to focus on your match tonight." He pointed out. I knew he was right but when I heard her laugh again, I slammed my fist on the table and stood up.
I kicked my chair and left the room, knowing that every single person had their eyes on me.
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I didn't even know he was there until I heard him leave and throw a tantrum like a toddler.
I was just sitting there, talking with Toni and catching up when I heard someone slam their fist on a table.
I, plus many others looked to see who did it. I should of known it was Stephen. He must of heard me laughing.
"Really thought he would be over whatever the hell this is, by now." Toni said as she watched him walked out of the room.
"Same. I have no idea what I did and I still can't figure it out."
"Some people just don't like someone."
"Yeah I know, but it has been like six or so years by now. We work in the same company. We have to get along or when it is time to sign our new contracts, one of us will be let go."
I didn't tell Toni that I know it will be me. The fans love Stephen and I can see why. So I know my head is on the cutting block.
I found Stephen walking in to the men's washroom and I figured this will be my only chance to talk to him.
I ran into the washroom and locked it behind me and I waited for him to notice me.
"Get out." He said once he looked up from washing his hands.
"We need to talk."
"Not gonna talk to you."
"For fuck sakes Stephen. I am not asking for us to be friends. Whatever this is between us, is becoming too much. You know one of us can be cut during the next round of contracts right?"
"Yeah but it isn't going to be me." He went to walk past me, but I placed my hand on his chest and he stopped.
He looked at my hand and then my face, but he didn't move my hand. "It could be either one of us. Even though the crowd loves you but you are the one who put the demands out there. I tried but you always start shit."
He snorted at that, but I continued on.
"You know I am right but you are just too damn stubborn to realise that. This isn't just your life Stephen, it is also mine and I have never done anything to try and sabotaged your lively hood."
He looked like he was fighting an inner battle with himself. I have to deal with the outcome of whatever he decides to do.
"Fine. I will try but if you get cut. You can't blame me."
"Okay, fine. I won't blame you Stephen." I held out my hand for him to shake on our deal, but he just walked past me, bumping my shoulder with his.
It has been weeks and the two of us have finally gotten into the groove of things with one another.
We are on okay speaking terms and can be in the same room, but Tony just had to push it. "YN you will now be joining Stephen ringside. At signing.." I tuned him out.
This isn't going to be good. Stephen is going to lose his mind. "What does Stephen say to this?"
"He was fine with it when I told him."
Wait, what?
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Adam Page POV:
When Tony told me idea to have YN and I work together, I thought I would feel angry, but I didn't.
So when the news spread that we would be working together, the rumors starting flying.
"Did they fuck?" Nope.
"Does she have something on him?" No.
"Does he have something on her?" I wish, but no.
But as I worked with her, I got to see she wasn't that bad of a person. She was actually nice and always trying to help people.
I noticed that she would spend extra time talking to the crew backstage or the security guards at the venues we worked at.
She started to bring me coffee and tea in the mornings and always made sure I ate something.
Now when I hear her laugh, I don't cringe. I smile or laugh along with her. I didn't notice how much I changed around her until yesterday morning.
When the two of us were training and I said something and she flung back her head and let out this laugh I have never heard myself.
And then she smiled at me and it felt like all the air left my body. I noticed more and things about her as the day went on and last night as I was in the shower, it dawned on me.
I am fucking in love with her and I didn't feel repulsed or angry. It felt like a bunch of weight has been lifted from my body.
So as I got told the news, I knew YN was going to be at my side tonight when I had my match with Jon.
"You ready Stephen?" She asked me as we waited for the cue to walk down the tunnel.
"Yup. This match will just be like every other match." I gave her a small smile and she returned it. The music started and the two of us walked out to my music.
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He isn't getting up!
Why isn't he getting up?
I was calling his name, hoping he would get up, but I watched from ringside as he got looked over.
I felt like I was going to be sick when the match got called and he was taken out. I didn't leave his side as he got looked over.
"You know you can go home YN." I shook my head no at him.
"I can't. Not until I know you are okay." I said quietly to him.
"You don't have to pretend right now YN. It is just us."
"I'm not pretending Stephen. Fuck, I care about you so much."
"Wait, what?"
"I care about you. I always have and seeing you not moving tonight made me realise that I can't lose you Stephen."
"I am being serious right now and you just want to cut me off or make it like a joke when," My rant was cut off by him kissing me.
I wanted to deepen the kiss but he pulled away. "Please stop talking. I love you, but damn you are making my head worse."
My breath hitched in my throat when I heard him say that. I was going to ask him if he ment it, but we got interrupted.
But he didn't let go of my hand when he got looked over once more. I guess I will have to ask him at another time.
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @wwenhlimagines @damnnhausen @anaeve @crowleysqueenofhell @thenerdybaker523 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @nicoleveno14
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3x17 Review
Finally had a chance to sit down and watch the new episode
For the first time in a long time I didn't feel the urge to pause or do other things while I watched. It was a truly captivating episode and I loved every second of it.
Finally seeing the opening of Walker Horse Rescue was nice and you could feel how proud Liam was to have this be a reality, especially with his niece right there with him. I do think James could've waited until after the ceremony to make his announcement out of politeness but everyone seemed happy for him and Kelly so I'll let it slide.
I'm going to talk about the smaller plotlines before I get into the big camping trip and the ending.
Sadie inviting Stella out for a party while the adults were away was both fun and in character. It's nice to see her wanting to get along with the Walkers despite the rocky start and I'm curious to see what she gets up to in the next episode. And seeing Bel again was nice, thought I wish they really hadn't gone almost two years without speaking to each other. Bel has a vision for her future and a lot of ambition to carry it out and I like that the show took the time to show us that Stella hasn't quite figured hers out yet. Her working the horse rescue is nice but it never felt satisfying since she was more or less tossed into it rather than going through an arc. Maybe we'll get to see one from her next season.
Also Stella fully apologizing to Bel for everything was a nice touch.
Now for the girls' weekend.
Kelly, Geri, and Cassie are three characters that we've never seen hang out in any capacity and I was a little surprised by how well they worked together. I absolutely related to the struggle of trying to relax while also having responsibilities to take care of (the main reason I could never pull off a spa day). I think they worked out a nice compromise, although I do have to wonder how they found so many shirtless guys on such short notice..... Maybe Kelly has some connections?
Also yes let's have more of Cassie and Geri hanging out please Cassie needs friends all her work-friends suck.
Abeline and Bonham were also positively adorable in this episode and I admire the show's commitment to showing older romance. I hope they enjoy their honeymoon.
Now, onto the main event!
Cordell, James, Liam, Trey, August, and DJ are off on a camping trip for James' bachelor weekend. Everyone is excited about it (though Trey has his reservations) and Cordell is determined to write his officiant speech and spend some quality time with his son. But there's something dark lurking under the fun exterior.
Side note: I hope someone sees an email from the Army recruitment people on August's computer and that they talk him out of it before Cordell finds out.
Cordell tries to enjoy his time out with his friends and family but there's something holding him back. No matter where he goes or where he looks, he sees echoes of his past all around him. Everyone can see that something is bothering him but only Liam can get him to slightly open up about it. Liam encourages him to face his past but Cordell is afraid that if he does, it will consume him. He's seen it happen to too many of his army brothers and he has too much to loose. He needs to be there for James on his wedding day, for Cassie in the field, and for August at home, something he's been failing at lately.
Their good times are interrupted when a snake tries to slither up Trey's leg. Thankfully, Cordell is able to stay in the moment and he traps the copperhead in a bucket before it can do any damage. As if on cue, a Forest Ranger shows up to let them know they are in a "No Burn Zone" and they need to put out their fire. They are, of course, happy to comply and the ranger takes the snake away so they can enjoy the rest of their trip.
The next morning, as they pack to set out back to the ranch, Cordell sees a younger version of himself tossing stones in the lake. For once, he decides to take his brother's advice and face up to his past. He approached Corporal Walker and they have a little chat about Cordell's mental health. Spoiler alert: It's not good.
While Cordell is doing better at handling his more recent trauma of the Rodeo Kings and Grey Flag and Stan Morrison and everything in between, he's still carrying a heavy burden from long ago. All the trama he suffered as a Marine, all the guilt he still carries over Cooper, it's weighing him down. Acknowledging that and "Surrendering to [himself]" is the first step. But he still has one more conversation to get through before he can truly be free.
He says goodbye to his Corporal self and skips one last stone in the river before heading home.
Back at the ranch, Trey suffers some more teasing and Cordell pulls August aside to ask how he's feeling. He reminds his son that he's there to talk about anything if he wants before stepping away to assure his dad that August did fine on the trip.
Then, the state police arrive with Cooper in the back of their van. Cordell has five minutes to talk to him, but first Bonham thanks him for helping with Kevin.
Cordell and Cooper take a walk. Cordell lets him know what's been on his mind lately and finally asserts the difference between him and Cooper. Though they both feel the same sense of duty to their country and their community and suffered a lot of the same trauma and self-doubt, Cordell never let that oveshadow his duty to his family. He was always there for the Walkers in his own way. He also gives Cooper back his flag and tells him that while he appreciates the man he used to be, the man who taught Cordell a lot about being a man, it's time to say goodbye and be his own person. Cooper is sad about this but is understanding. He goes back to the van and Cordell is left feeling a lot lighter.
And now, we come to the twist ending of the episode, where we learn that Sadie's friend and the forest ranger know each other and are in cahoots. According to the friend, Stella is harmless, but vulnerable and won't cause them any trouble. The ranger reports that the crew at the camp site was a tight-knit one, but that's not going to be a problem. They have a perfect opening at James' upcoming wedding. A perfect opening for what? That remains to be seen. Until next week.
Solid episode. 9/10- Loses a point for not having Cordell tell Stella and August he's proud of them and failing to follow through on one-on-one father-son time during the camping trip.
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gorey-maiden · 1 year
Slashers react to you having a panic attack-
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you where home alone while Michael was out doing whatever he does, you where sitting on your bed waiting to get a massage from your dream college you sat there anxiously your hand playing with the hem of your sweater just then you heard a sing for your laptop you clicked on the email and began to skim over it to get straight to the point "we're sorry to inform you" is all you had to read you fail, tears began to fall down your cheeks as you start to shake "I try so hard am I just stupid?..." you ask yourself as your thoughts swirled in your mind and throat became sore shaking you were startled by the sound of the bedroom door creaking open, you look up to see your boyfriend standing there tilting his head "oh hey love-" you hiccup and wipe your face forcing a sad smile he walks up to you and sits on the edge of the bed he puts a piece of your hair behind your ear looking at you with concerned eyes "uhm its stupid I-I just got rejected from my college" you say looking at your hand with embarrassment he pulls you in close and leans you on his chest, you listen to his heartbeat calming you down who knew Michael had a heart.
you were standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes while waiting on dinner you heard screaming coming from the front door Thomas comes walking quickly down to the basement with a girl over his shoulder and a guy being pulled by his hair you've had a bad past with loud noises and confrontations so you hated it luda gave you a worried look noticing the quickening of your breath and the stressed look on your face she give you a nod and you go upstairs to the bedroom that you and Thomas shared, you sat on the bed with your legs crossed under you and a small blanket over your shoulders "damn it (y/n) wait cant you stop being so sensitive" you thought as you clasped your hands together leaning them on your forehead closeing your eyes tight trying to block out the blood curdling screams coming from downstairs, after that didn't work and you started to shake you flop backwards and put a pillow over your head the muffled sounds seemed to help not knowing how much time had past you felt a presents beside you, you raise the pillow enough to see Thomas looking at you with worried eyes he wipes your cheek not even knowing you had been crying "I'm fine huh just a little overstimulated" I say with a soft laugh but he didn't seem amused, he walk to the other side of the bed kick off his shoes and joining me the pulls me to lay myself on top of him he rups my arm and plays with my hair "I love you tommy" I say nuzzling into his neck.
you were sitting at your desk studying for your final exam before summer break you've been very stressed out all night staying up until 1am trying to figure things out "shit shit shit what if I fail my parents are gonna be so mad I'm gonna have to start the whole grade over again" you think as you start to shake and cry, you try to get up to get some fresh air but instead sliding down the door of your bedroom laying on the cool floor, you had at thought and pulled out your phone shakily and called up your boyfriends knowing they where the only thing that could help "hello? (y/n) is everything okay" billy says you called him knowing stu is probably over at his house like always and stu never picks up the phone "n-no please come over I really need you two right now" I say sobbing into the phone "okay baby we'll be over right away" he say hanging up the phone a few minutes pass and you hear taps on your window you go and open the curtains seeing your teo dorky boyfriends crawling on the over hand of your house, you open the window "thanks for coming" I say huging them when they step inside "aw pup its alright we'll always be here" stu say huging you back tightly, they pull me over to my bed and throw the sheet over us they squeeze you in the middle and cuddle you till your hearts content after telling them what's wrong.
you where taking a stowell as you usually did since it was boring when jason would go and set traps, where walking in the main part of the camp when you see a truck of teens roll up you were confused on how they got in since the gate was rushed shut "hey sweetie what's a cutie like you doing in the dangerous woods" a sleazy guy says being out of the car along with his other friends "yeah why don't you join us we'll show you a good time promise" another guy say closing close to me grabbing my arm "No I'm fine thanks" you say trying to pull away but the guys try to grab you and pull me towards the car you punched a in the face and knee a guy in the stomach running from the group hearing them laugh, you run to the share cabin and sat on the couch feeling the bruises of where the guys had grabbed you, you start to shake and bawl your eyes out you look up the see Jason standing with his machete dropping out to the floor and quickly walking over to you he sits by you puting you on his lap cradling you , you see him sign "are you alright?" "yeah I'm okay what did you do with them" I say already knowing "I saw them hurt you so I hurt them 10× more" he signed noting his chin on the top of your head "I love you" you say hugging his neck, you could feel the blush radiating off of him.
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twistedturnstill · 1 year
Part 1 Saving O'Neil
This is meant to follow the episodes. It's how I wanted it. Welcome to constructive criticism.
Donatello's Pov.
I pulled Mr.O'Neil into one of the open doors. Keeping him out of the fire of the Newtralizer and Kraang. Pulling the door shut I notice something in the corner of the rock room. Upon closer inspection it was a girl. She was sitting with her knees to her chest arms wrapped around them with her head down.
Hearing noise the girl looked up, gasping when she saw me, "Donnie?!"
"Kate?!" I ask panicked. She nods her head yes. We hadn't seen Kate in about a week but I didn't think anything of it as she often would be, with work and school.
"You know her?" Mr. O'Neil asked.
"Yes, shes a good friend of ours."
She was working when April took a us to that noodle place. One of the Purple Dragons had been terrorizing her and the shop owner who was blind. Kate was so nice and accepting of us. In fact she eventually became close enough to hangout with us and start training Master Splinter. However shed already been training for a few years before she met us anyway.
I walk over to her helping her up, "What are you doing here?"
"I was ambushed by the Kraang about a week or so ago I think, maybe." Kate responds stumbling to her feet.
"Can you stand?" I ask letting her lean on me, "If not, Mr. O'Neil would you mind helping her."
"Of course." He says
"I should be okay though I don't think I'll be able to help much with this fight. My head really hurts." She says standing on her own for a moment.
It was awful to see her in such a weak state. Last time we saw her she was still a strong warrior. She was just barely behind us in ninjutsu, now she looks thin and sickly. Alright now to get out, I walk back over to the door trying to push it open when Mr. O'Neil tells me that we are in a detention center. Meaning I messed up. As I start messing with the panel to open the door, it explodes. And my brothers are finally here.
"Donnie!" Raph yells when he sees me.
"Mr. O'Neil." Leo approached us, "And Kate?" She puts her hand up in a wave fashion.
"Big lizardy eye thing with weapons!" Yells Mikey.
The three of us come out, Kate leaning heavily on Mr. O'Neil, only to see the Newtralizer.
"Donnie calls it the Newtralizer," O'Neil replies.
Mikey explodes at me about naming him while Leo and Raph yell to and about Kate.
"Later guys! Let's focus on getting out of here!" I reply avoiding eye contact.
"Yes please I can't hardly even think right now." Kate puts a hand to her head groaning.
"Man she is in awful shape." Leo comments.
The Newtralizer starts firing and we run into the camera room the door shutting just before he could get in. I turn to face an angry Mikey.
"You named something without me!" He yelled.
Banging on the door starts.
"We gotta get out of the prison," Leo says.
"Technically this is a detention center," O'Neil chimes in, "the difference being-"
"Not now Donnie--," Raph says cutting himself off,
"Sorry Mr.O'Neil." He turns to Leo, "Great now theres two of em!"
Kate's leaned up against the wall breathing heavily when the Kraang droids enter firing their blasters. Fighting quickly follows. I look over and see Kate starting to fight a little, mainly defense since shes weaponless and hurt, but but being heavily defended by Leo.
"A little help!" Mikey calls. This sends Kate running to try and help him.
"How bout some big help." I say in response.
"Not really the time to check your email," Leo calls to me cutting down droids left and right.
I respond quickly saying, "I'm guessing they had the Newtralizer locked up because he wasn't their friend." And with that I open the door and in he comes. Quickly taking out some Kraang.
"Apparently he likes trashing Kraang." Raphs says
"Who doesn't," Mikey moves up next to him.
He takes out the rest of the Kraang, getting ready to move on to us. Meaning it's time for us to move. Leo and Raph help Kate as we run out the door to the car that brought my brothers down here.
"We gotta access the control panel!" I call. We all jump onto the car.
"Got it!" Raph yells bringing his sais up about to hit them.
"Raph I got it," I say looking up at him.
He hands over the weapon saying, "Oh really."
"Really." And with that I bring it down onto the panel and we go shooting back up to the top. We launched off the car. O'Neil and i are almost crushed by the car but I move us out of the way just in time. Not long after us came up a shooting Newtralizer. Roaring he attacked us.
Leo yells, "Donnie, you get them out of here!"
And the fight began. Raphael launched himself directly at him, while I and the others moved. I took O'Neil and pulled Kate behind a rack of cars. The Newtralizer however soon spotted us. And I quickly jumped up getting us out of there while mikey distracted him. They charged him striking hard and actually winning the fight. Until Newtralizer hit them both hard with his tail knocking them back and just before he was about to finish them Mikey came. He drove a car right on to the giant Newt crushing him.
After Mikey got out of the car safely.I came out of my hiding place with Kate leaning on me, limping, and O'Neil following me. We left soon after. We made a couple of blocks away before stopping. Kate had been running on her own the entire time albeit much slower and clumsier than the rest of us.
"Guys," she stops panting against a building clutching her head, "I don't know if I can keep going like this. My head its I can't even think." Her words come out jumbled and she slides down the wall passing out.
"What happened to her Donnie?" Leo asked.
"I don't really know, but shes been there for little over a week. They must have done something to her." I say, "In any case we need to get her back to my lab so one of you will have to carry her."
"I'll do it," Raph chimes in, sounding annoyed, just before Mikey raises his hand. So he picks her up and they were off again.
Soon we were back at the Lair where we saw April sitting on the couch with a giant ball.
She looks over not seeing her dad at first, "Oh no what happened?! Is that? Is that Kate?!"
"Donnie says she should be fine." Leo her over to the couch.
Then April saw her dad. She cried out for joy running to hug her dad. I followed Leo over to the couch.
"We will ask her more once she wakes back up and I check her out, to make sure she's okay." I say
"Okay, hope it's soon." Leo responds not looking away from her.
In the background I could hear Raph talking me up to April. We walked over to them, April surprising me with a hug.
"Thanks Donnie!" I nearly melted. April hugging me! Best day ever!
The day went quickly after that. We basically all just slept, while April and her dad hung out in the dojo. Soon it was time for patrol again. We left a little early and were only going to be patrolling for a few hours due to the days events.
We stopped for a minute on a roof, to take a break. Mikey brought out his phone playin games. Leo still looking out just watching when he asked, "So what happened to Kate?" She'd woken up a few hours ago, but not for long enough to get any information from her.
"Well from what I was able to gather she was ambushed and kidnapped by them, a little over a week ago." He thought back remembering the conversation, "Shee said they were trying to get information from her, and that she was to be used for their trap. That's all before she passed out again."
"What kind of trap?"
"No idea, we will ask more the next time she wakes up. It kinda seems if her head has been scrambled a little bit."
With that he let it drop. Playful banter and talking took over before it all fell silent, and peacful.
Suddenly there was a loud cry, "NOOOOOO!!" Mikey could be seen looking utterly defeated, "It was the last level!"
"Keep it down!" Leo shushed him, "Let's head back to the Lair things seem calm enough."
When we got back I went in to my lab to work with Timothy, and to keep an eye on the Kraang communication device which we had learned after April let us examine it.
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mariahmintz · 11 months
You're cute (steve rogers smut)
Tw: rough, humiliation
word count- 1100 
You had just gotten an email saying that you had been excepted as the 2nd assistant manager for the famous Tony Stark. You had to begin the job tomorrow. 
What excited you most though, was meeting Captain America, he had been your celebrity crush for the longest time, ever since you were 6 years old. 
The next day finally arrived and you were outside the headquarters, hardly able to breathe properly because this had also been your dream job ever since you were 6. I mean, it wasn't to be the 2nd assistant manager, but what you could get, you were happy with. You hear footsteps approaching you from behind, so you turn your head towards a tall, muscular figure. You couldn't see their face until they were right in front of you. And this was it, the first time meeting THE CAPTAIN ROGERS! "hi, I'm Steve." he put his hand forward for you to shake it; You shook it nervously. "hi Mr. Rogers, I'm Y/n." you said, blushing. "please, call me steve," he says. "Sure, Steve." 
Later on, at dinner, you were introducing yourself to everyone, and while you were answering a few questions, Nat asks you, "So y/n, got your eye on anyone yet?" you were a bit flushed at the question, but you answer it with a little giggle and said "no, not yet," blushing because that was a lie.
After dinner, at around 11 pm, Steve showed you your room and it was a medium-sized, with a queen-sized bed and a big window with blue curtains. Steve tells you a warm goodnight and asks you if you need anything, you nod no, He also informs you that his room is opposite yours. You were kind of excited to hear that because the walls were not exactly soundproof and you wanted to listen to him if he by chance, started talking about you. Later on that night, you were trying to sleep, but you couldn't stop thinking about how you wanted Steve inside you. You hadn't had sex in a long time and you were starting to really miss it. Like, a lot. You got so horny that you had to release the feeling in order to fall asleep... You got up and sat down on your bed, you put your hand under your underwear and started rubbing, you imagined him fucking you, rough and hard. You moan, unconsciously, saying, "oh steve, right there. YES!" completely forgetting that the doors are not soundproof. After your first orgasm, you hear a light knock on your door. So, you put your pants on and open the door, not thinking much of it. You open the door and Steve is at the other end. You immediately blush, and this time, he notices. "you do know that the doors are not soundproof, right?" he says in a smug voice. You don't realize that you had moaned his name out loud, and you didn't really care if he heard you moaning, so you ask him, "so?" and he goes, "Well, next time you stay in a room and you know that the doors aren't soundproof, then don't moan your neighbours name when you're masturbating," he says with a smirk on his face. You choke on your spit. "FUCK" I mean *clears throat* I don't know what you're talking about," you chuckle nervously, like shit how could you be so stupid. "you're cute, so, I don't mind". you're flushed, and speechless. " do you wanna come in..?" you ask, and he nods yes. As soon as the door shuts, he looks at you with a smirk, he could tell, by your moaning that you liked it rough. So, he grabs your throat and bangs your back to the door. "I heard you like it rough." he says. "ye-yes. I do." well, we've got to do something about that now, don't we?" He rips your oversized pink shirt off and starts kissing your neck. you both moan. If you had told younger y/n that this would happen in your future...she would have laughed in your face. 
But god, was he good at sucking your neck. You almost orgasmed just from that. He slowly goes down your neck, onto your stomach, you whimper as he goes further down because the desperation of wanting him inside you was taking over. He slowly comes back up and he takes off his grey sweatpants, along with his white Calvin Klein underwear and throws you on the bed.
He asks for your consent and as soon as you give it, he pounds into your pussy. You scream in pure delight as his 9-inch cock hits your G-spot every time he strokes. "You can't orgasm until I say so. Understood?" he says, as a punishment for masturbating while thinking of him. You groan in response as it's hard to speak proper words right now.  "Do you understand?" he repeats and puts his hands underneath your back and flips you over into doggy-style. You moan again, his cock hitting your G-spot even harder, he puts his hand under your stomach, to your pussy and starts rubbing your clit. "hmm?" he growls. you're on the verge of tears now. "Y-ye-" you manage to get out and he immediately stops. You gasp to catch your breath. "Darling, I'm not gonna continue unless you answer," he says with his dick still inside you. "Yes! I promise I won't orgasm until you let me." "Good girl," he says chuckling. 
He begins to slowly thrust again, but you can't take it, you need more. You whimper as he increases his speed and you could feel that your orgasm was on its way. You cry out loud as it's hard to hold your orgasm in, but Steve doesn't show any mercy. He goes even faster now, as your eyes roll at the back of your head and your knees becoming jelly, he throws you onto your back to relax you a bit. 
After 2 more minutes of excruciating pleasure, he lets you orgasm. He pulls his dick out and you scream as you cum all over his cock. Seeing you cum makes him orgasm as well, he grunts as his cum drops out of his cock onto your stomach.
He lies down next to you, speechless because of how good that fuck-session was. "Steve?" "yes, darling?" he replies. "was this the first time you've had sex in a 100 years?" you ask chuckling. he blushes, "yes, it was," he says while being a bit flustered. "well, that's the best sex I've ever had, captain." you say. "same here, darling. we should do that again." he says. "oh yeah, at least every other night" you reply.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this one-shot :)) lmk know who you want next and what gender!!
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pretty-toru · 2 years
CAN I REQUEST Y/N IGNORING GOJO LMAOOO. OKAY BUT FR- y/n's SOO MAD AT HIM FOR THE LITTLEST THINGS (ex; he didnt put the toilet seat down, he leaves water DRIPPING EVERYWHERE in the bathroom, his candy/lollipop wrappers are atp forming a whole mf mountain 😭😭💀💀)
morning spills┆gojo satoru
୧ genre: fluff and tiny angst
୧ wc: 1,025
୧ synopsis: gojo receives the silent treatment because you decided that you've had enough of picking up after him.
a/n: wrappers forming a mountain STOP that's so funny but completely true!! thanks for the request anon, I had so much fun writing this one!
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"Honey, are you mad at me? Why aren't you talking to me? Didn't you hear me call out to you? Have I done something wrong? Talk to me angel, I miss the sound of your voice. I'll die if I don't hear it.
C'mon, please? Please, please, please. I'll really die, I'm not kidding."
Your persistence is really getting to Gojo ever since the morning, and you had good reason to be upset at him too. From him leaving a pile of dirty socks along with yesterday's attire right next to the hamper instead of having the right mind to deposit the clothes inside it to leaving water droplet stains on the bathroom mirror from washing his face too carelessly. If that wasn't enough for your cross-popping vein to make an appearance, the evidence from his late-night snacking spread on the kitchen island definitely was.
You're at your ends meet because your boyfriend just doesn't seem to understand the concept of picking and cleaning up after himself, no matter how many times you've addressed the issue it just wasn't something he took to heart. With Gojo, it's always "Sorry babe, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again next time," and when next time comes around it happens again and again and again. You gave him too many second chances and warning notices, and today is the day where you've finally had enough of it.
Gojo hadn't realized just how badly he screwed up until his good morning kisses privileges have been rescinded, and that's when he starts to panic 一 inwardly and outwardly. "Baby? I don't get a good morning kiss?" He tries to lighten the mood with an innocent chuckle and pretend that everything's peachy, but you can make out the sound of hurt in his voice. You brush him off and continue making yourself a cup of tea before making your way to the makeshift desk with your laptop to answer work-related emails.
Gojo is completely stunned and he doesn't know how to act. He knows you're mad at him about something that he did, and before he could put his finger on it the brimming sunlight shines on the opened jar he left out overnight and it catches his peripherals. It immediately dawns on him why you're suddenly giving him the silent treatment. "Oh, haha this? Megumi must've gotten hungry in the middle of the night, don't worry I'll clean it up right away."
Right, because Megumi moved out to the dorms and just so happened to drop by in the middle of the night. You pay no mind to him as you fixate on the lines of text on your screen and sip on your warm beverage every so often.
Much to your surprise, Gojo does as he says instead of leaving the condiments and sweet bread for later like he usually does. But he doesn't stop just there and decides to wipe down the countertops, unload the dishwasher and puts them away, run the next batch of laundry and fold the clean ones. He spends the entire morning being productive and doing simple chores to hopefully make up for him slacking around your shared home. Even making sure you have something to snack on before he needs to get dressed for the day.
"Here, hon. Have some water and fruits." You take a glimpse of the plate he set down and they were bunny-shaped apple slices. How can you remain upset with him after that?
Gojo gives himself a once-over of his teacher's uniform in the mirror before he makes his way to the genkan. He spends a long moment staring at you expectantly as you're typing away at your keyboard, but nothing comes of it and he goes to put on his shoes. When he looks over his shoulder again before he has to head out into the world, you're slowly approaching him from behind and his heart skips. No, it does somersaults because you're acknowledging his existence again and it's all he could ever hope and ask for when it comes to you.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" You offer him a demure smile for the first time today and he swears he was hit by something. He's absolutely love-struck by you and it takes him back to his first encounter with you and he's feeling giddy all over again. But Gojo loves playing coy even though he knows what's coming. There's just something about making you do or state the obvious that's simply rewarding to him.
"Hmm? What's that?"
It's a small routine you both like to do every time one of you leaves the house to head somewhere. A small gesture to let one another know that you both still love each other even if it's the last thing you'll remember. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you gently pull him down into a soft and sincere kiss. The sweet and tart taste of your lips traverses him and he pulls you closer to him than humanly possible.
"Hey, I'm sorry for taking you for granted. Won't happen again... Are we good now?" He gazes down at you with an honest and hopeful expression, and you don't need to see behind his blindfold to know his cerulean hues are rippling and lustering from simply holding you. His grip and gentle squeeze on your hip signals you how sorry he is for being such a messy and inconsiderate person since you both do share the same space, and he makes the silent agreement that he'll be better from now onwards.
You nod at him slightly with upturned lips. Although you felt a little bad about how the morning started, you somehow had to get your message across to Gojo and his response to it seems like it was well-received. "Yeah, we're okay now. I shouldn't have ignored you like that either, but we each have our own faults. Make sure you don't get yourself into too much trouble out there, okay? I love you, Satoru."
"It's a promise," he hums earnestly, reaching for your hand and his pinky loops with your much smaller one. "Love you too, angel."
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itsallaboutzayn · 2 years
Vmin x Reader - The CEO's and the intern
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summary: When you're a new intern in a new company and Vmin are the CEO's. then what?
pairing: Taehyung x Female Reader x Jimin
rating: 18+
genre: smut.
words: 4904
author's note: i am so excited to finally post this for you guys. i'm really proud of it and can't wait for you guys to read this. apologies for any mistakes or whatsoever. also, i think it's my longest (one chapter) fic (so far) so i can't wait to get any feedback (hope i get some hahah). anyways, hope you guys enjoy it and please, tell me what you think! feedback is always welcome and means a lot 💜
You check yourself in the mirror one last time before heading out to your first day at the new company. You smile at yourself, proud of how that outfit turned out on you, and go.
You get to the company at the same time as some other interns and wait until the CEOs come and present the company and themselves.
The taller one introduced himself as Taehyung and the smaller one as Jimin. You're shocked at how good-looking they are. Them and everyone else around you to be honest.
They guide all of you to the room where you'll be working, an open space with all your desks. Each desk had names and they told everyone to look for their names. You found your desk at the top of the room and you noticed it was just in front of the CEO's office. They let all of you find your desks and asked for each of you to briefly introduce yourselves.
Among everyone, you notice one guy you think is cuter than everyone else and you smile when his eyes lay on you and he smiles back at you.
The first weeks of work are pretty good and you like what you do and everyone around you is kind and nice.
You notice multiple times the CEO's eyeing you but you just assume that it's because your desk is the one closest to their office. You didn't want to stress yourself thinking you were doing something wrong and you think that if you were indeed doing something wrong they would tell you directly.
One afternoon, the CEO's called in a meeting and when everyone was there, they announced a party to celebrate the company's anniversary and that it would be on the next Saturday and it would be right there at the company because they had a room they could easily turn into a party room for events like this. They asked for the people who wanted to go to send an email so they could count around how many people would be there.
You all got back to work and you sent the email saying you would go to the party. You thought it would be a good place to get to know everyone a little bit better and even that cute guy you kept exchanging looks and smiles with.
The rest of the week went on pretty fast and before you knew it, Saturday was here.
You didn't know what to wear so you asked for your mom's and your best friend's opinion. Your mom said "something formal" and your best friend said "something sexy". You chuckle at both their answers and go through your clothes.
The only clothing you think it's good for the occasion is a red dress, which is tight to your body but not too sexy.
After eating something, you go take a shower and get ready. Before you leave, you grab your long black jacket, put on your favorite boots, and go.
You get there and the two CEOs are at the door with their assistant, who was checking everyone on his list.
Two other colleagues are also at the door so you wait for your turn. When they go in, you get closer and greet the CEOs and their assistant.
- Miss Y/N. Welcome. - Jimin says smiling.
- Thank you. - You say, smiling back. They both looked at their assistant who was searching for your name on the list and when he found it, he nodded and smiled.
- All right, you can leave your jacket with Ji-Hoon. - Taehyung says pointing to the assistant. - He will take it to your desk so when you feel like going home you just have to go pick it up there and not go looking for it in a pile of jackets or even forget where you put it. - Taehyung explains chuckling at the end. - Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. - He adds whispering, getting closer to you. You notice Jimin rolling his eyes and chuckling and you chuckle too.
You did notice that the people in front of you also gave their jackets to their assistant.
You get a bit embarrassed to take off your jacket in front of them, thinking about the dress you chose to wear. You knew it wasn't too sexy but just the fact that they would see it right there and you were pretty much "stripping" in front of them, put some thoughts in your head and you shook your head and smiled at them, shyly and looking down while taking off your jacket and handing it to their assistant.
Both CEOs glanced at each other and raised their eyebrows, impressed by your look. You don't notice though because you're still looking down.
- Wow Y/N... You look stunning. - Taehyung says and you finally look up and into his eyes. He's smiling and you smile back.
- Thank you. - You whisper. You give a last glance at each of the three men in front of you, smile, and then enter the room.
There are people dancing and having fun, some in little groups drinking together, some enjoying time alone and some at the bar. You choose the bar too and go there and order your favorite drink. You sit and lean against the bar counter with your back while watching people dancing while you enjoy the music and your drink too.
You take the last sip of your drink and turn around to order another and you feel a hand on your shoulder.
- Can I buy you this one? - You turn and see that cute guy smiling softly at you and taking the seat next to you. You smile back at him and nod. - I'm Hyunjin, by the way. - He says in your ear when you both get your drinks.
- Y/N. - You say closer to him too so he could hear over the loud music. He nods, smiling, and takes a sip of his drink. You do the same.
You both start talking and sharing stories, being dangerously close until he asks you to dance. You gladly accept and you both get to the dance floor.
- Can I? - He asks before putting his hands on your waist. You nod and he grabs your waist and you put your arms over his shoulders. Both your gazes are intense on each other but you decide to turn around and dance with your back turned to him and against his chest. Your ass rubbing his crotch. His hands never left your hips, pulling you even closer to him.
Across the room, in the VIP area, you notice both CEOs staring at you and they don't even bother to look away when your gazes meet and they even smirk at you and look at your body moving. You can't help but smile and then look away and keep dancing.
You weren't drunk, not even close, but you sure were all loosened up. You keep dancing and glancing at the CEOs, who don't look away from your body moving and their smirks never leave their faces either. One time you catch Jimin talking to Taehyung while pointing at you and then he winks at you.
After a few songs, you glance at the VIP area again but they're not there anymore. You turn to face Hyunjin and dance with him a little bit more and then you both decide to stop and go sit, already tired but happy. He asks for a bottle of water and shares it with you.
You keep searching for the CEOs across the room but there's no sign of them. Somehow, you feel a bit disappointed but at the same time, you're not sure you want to get involved with co-workers, let a less the CEOs.
You keep talking to Hyunjin for some time and you notice that it's so easy for both of you to just talk for hours and hours. He never stops flirting with you and you end up exchanging phone numbers and then you decide to leave. He says he's going to stay a bit more and kisses you goodbye at the corner of your lips. You smile at him, thinking about how nice and cute he is, and say goodbye.
You find Ji-Hoon still near the entrance and you smile at him. He smiles back at you but then stops you.
- Don't forget your jacket. - He says seeing you don't have it with you. You look at him with your eyes wide open.
- Oh my God, yes. Thank you so much for reminding me! - You thank him and head to your desk. You notice almost everyone's jackets are still there so you think you're probably one of the first people to leave. You get to your desk and there's a note over your jacket.
"Come to our office as soon as you read this. Your CEOs." - The note said. You freeze with the note in your hand and your eyes wide open. Your first and only thought is that you're going to get fired for flirting with them and they were just testing you when you were on the dancefloor.
- Fuck. - You whisper and turn around, to face their office. You take a deep breath and walk towards the door, knocking softly. You notice all the blinds are closed so you can't even see if they're inside.
- Who is it? - Taehyung's low voice makes you shiver and you gulp before saying your name.
- Y/N. - You say. The door opens right away and you see both CEOs smiling at you and gesturing you to enter. Why are they smiling is the first question in your head. You try to smile back and enter, looking down. Taehyung closes the door and you hear it lock. You gulp again and glance up at them and they're both smirking now. Taehyung turns to look through the blinds and then turns back to you.
- Do you know why you're here? - He asks you and you shake your head, still looking down.
- You can look at us, love. And use your words. - Jimin says. Love? You think to yourself and you can't understand what the fuck is going on. You look up at them.
- No. I don't know why I'm here. - You say. They glance at each other and smile.
- Did you enjoy dancing? - Taehyung simply asks. You look up at him, trying to figure out if it was a serious question or a test. You hesitantly nod and look down again. - Words, Y/N. - Taehyung says and comes closer to you, lifting your head, with his long indicative finger on your chin.
- Y-Yes. - You simply say.
- Well... We enjoyed watching you dance. - Jimin says getting closer to you too. A smile appears on your face but you make it disappear right away but they still notice it.
- You like that idea, don't you? - Jimin asks.
- You liked having us watching you move this body of yours? - Taehyung asks and softly passes his fingers down your arm.
Once you figured they were not going to fire you, you take a step back and lean against the edge of one of their desks and put your hand on your chest, taking a long sigh.
- I thought you guys were going to fire me. - You let out and chuckle.
- Why would we do that? - Jimin asks, also chuckling.
- Well... - You say. - You know...
- No, we don't. - Jimin says coming closer to you again, smirking.
- Ugh. - You roll your eyes, smiling. - Well, for flirting with the CEOs, obviously. - You finally say.
- To be honest, you had our attention since you introduced yourself. - Taehyung admits and gets closer too.
They both press their bodies against yours, pressing you back against the desk.
- We just needed the confirmation that we got yours as well. - Jimin completed Taehyung's sentence. Taehyung caresses your face and you gently grab his wrist.
- How could I not? I mean, look at you guys. - You say letting go of Taehyung's wrist and caressing his face. Then, you turn to look at Jimin and caress his face too, with your other hand. - You are one of the most gorgeous men I've ever seen. - You admit to them. They both smile and glance at each other. Jimin caresses Taehyung's face.
- He is the most gorgeous though. - He says and looks at Taehyung's lips.
You were going to say that they were equally gorgeous but Taehyung kissed Jimin and an "oh" was the only thing that came out of your mouth. You watch them make out in front of you, pleased with the view, till they part from the kiss and turn their faces to look at you.
- I can let you guys alone if you want. - You tease them, putting your hands in the air and trying to escape but their bodies were still pressing you against the desk.
- We can do this anytime love, we live together. - Jimin says, smirking.
- But not with you though. So we better enjoy it while we can. - Taehyung adds as he takes your hand and kisses it. - Is this okay? - He asks, with your hand still near his lips, and you nod. - Words, sweetheart.
- Yes, yes, totally okay. - You quickly say and he smiles and keeps on kissing your hand, going up to your wrist and arm.
You were going to say that they could do this whenever they wanted with you too but Taehyung's lips on your skin erased any other thought in your head.
You take a deep breath and don't even get to finish breathing out as Jimin grabs your chin with his fingers and kisses you. He's not gentle and his tongue parts your lips and starts to explore your mouth right away. Your free hand goes to Jimin's hair and you pull it, pulling him closer to you and making him smile through the kiss.
Taehyung reaches your shoulder and gently licks on your collarbone up to your neck, making you let out a soft moan into Jimin's mouth. Taehyung reaches your jaw and takes your hair, on the back of your head, into his fist.
- Jimin-ah... - He whispers. Jimin parts from the kiss and Taehyung captures your lips right away, not letting you the time to properly breathe between the kisses.
- She's such a good kisser. - Jimin whispers and starts kissing your neck, slowly and gently, the complete opposite of how he was kissing your lips just seconds ago. He keeps going down your shoulder, leaving soft and gentle kisses, and then gently takes off your dress strap, letting it fall down your arm.
Taehyung parts from the kiss and licks your bottom lip looking straight into your eyes.
- Yes, she is. - He says smirking. - I wonder what else she can do with her pretty mouth. - He adds and passes his thumb over your lips. You lick his finger, never taking your eyes off of his and smirking too. He smiles and grabs your thigh and pushes Jimin to take the other thigh too, pulling you up and sitting you on the desk and you wrap your legs around his waist.
- Hey!! - Jimin complains but smiles.
- Sorry babe. - Taehyung says. - She's a teaser. - He adds, never looking away from your eyes either.
- Oh, is that right? - Jimin asks going to the other side of the desk to be behind you. He takes a fist of your hair and pulls you back, making you fall back on your elbows. - What If we're teasers too? - He whispers in your ear and then places a soft kiss on your neck. Taehyung held on to your thighs while Jimin took the other strap of your dress down to your arm with his teeth.
You close your eyes and bit your lower lip, feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter at every touch and you want to close your legs but forget they are around Taehyung so you just pull him even closer and he lets himself over you, joining Jimin, on the other side of your neck, and at the same time he pushes your dress up your thighs, exposing your lower parts.
- Try to keep her quiet, Jimin-ah. - Taehyung says and gets down on his knees and in between your legs. He pulls your panties down and gently kisses the inside of your thighs and then places a gentle and slow kiss on your clit, making you shiver and let out a moan.
- Shh love, you have to be quiet in case someone comes to grab their jackets. - Jimin says in your ear and then pushes your dress down to expose your nipples. - Damn. - He lets out and grabs one of your breasts into his hand, massaging it a bit, and then starts to play with your nipple. You arch your back and let yourself fall back completely on the desk. He takes the opportunity and reaches for your other nipple with his mouth, starting to play with it with his tongue, and keeps playing with the other with his fingers.
In between all this, Taehyung had started to play around with your clit and savoring your juices, and then, out of nowhere and without any warning, he pushes two fingers into you, making you scream out in pleasure. You can feel him smile against your clit.
You're overwhelmed with pleasure. Having both their tongues on you and Taehyung's long fingers thrusting in and out of you is driving you insane and you can't even focus on your breathing or moans anymore.
In between Taehyung on your lower parts and Jimin on your nipples, you don't last long and cum, moaning loudly, forcing Jimin to put his free hand over your mouth.
They both let you come down from your high and catch your breath and when you open your eyes, they're both smiling down at you.
- Wow... - You let out. - You both sure know what to do with your mouths. - You add and laugh.
- The question is... Do you? - Taehyung asks, smirking and pulling you up so you're sitting on the edge of the desk again, with your legs parted and him standing in between them. He kisses you roughly and Jimin gets beside him and starts to kiss your neck and caress your nipples again. You moan as you feel his touch on your sensitive nipples.
- Taehyung-ah... Leave some fun for me too. - Jimin says and Taehyung parts from the kiss and smiles at Jimin, giving him a gentle peck on the lips. Jimin grabs the back of his neck and you see his tongue entering Taehyung's mouth into a deep kiss.
- Oh she tastes good. - Jimin says after parting from the kiss and licking his lips.
- So good. - Taehyung says also licking his lips. - Oh, and I want her mouth on me. - He whispers in Jimin's ear, making him smile.
- Sure. I'll gladly take her pussy. - He says getting in between your legs to take Taehyung's place and grabbing you by the waist. He kisses you roughly too and you wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, pulling him more into the kiss and then you gently bite down on his lower lip.
Taehyung watches the both of you while starting to touch himself. Jimin finally parts from the kiss.
- So, how do you want to do this, Tae? - He asks still staring into your eyes and smirking. Taehyung is behind him and staring into your eyes as well.
- I'll go first and we save the best for last? - He says sounding like a question, so Jimin can agree or disagree, leaving a kiss on Jimin's neck. Jimin can't help but smile, agreeing with what Taehyung had in mind, and then he helps you on your feet.
Taehyung goes to sit on a big chair, at the corner of the office, with his legs opened, smirking at you. Jimin gestures you to go to him. You go and kneel before Taehyung, in between his legs, and start to unbutton his pants and push them down with his boxers. You gulp watching the size of his cock in front of you and wonder how you'll be able to put all of it in your mouth to give him proper pleasure. You hear Jimin chuckle behind you.
- I'm sure you'll be fine. - He says as if he had just read your mind. Taehyung chuckles too and you smile, shaking your head.
You finally take his cock into your hands and put it in your mouth. You look up at him and he had closed his eyes and grabbed both arms of the chair, tightly.
- Oh fuck!! - He says when you take him all in your mouth and start to play around with your tongue and also take action on his balls with one of your hands.
You keep going and feel him getting closer and closer to his orgasm so you speed up your pace. He starts to moan louder and you suddenly hear voices outside the office and look up at him, with your eyes wide open. He looks down at you, with a piercing look and bitting on his lower lip to hold back his moans, and puts his hand on your hair, obviously telling you to not stop at this point. You keep your pace and get even more excited thinking he will have to control his moans through the orgasm so whoever's out there won't hear him.
Suddenly you see Jimin kiss him and suppress the moans that come out of his mouth as he cums into your mouth. You swallow what you can and the rest drools off your mouth and to the floor.
- Damn, that was so fucking good. - He praises you after catching his breath, looking down at you, and smiling. - So I guess you're pretty good with your mouth too. - He says and you both chuckle and then he turns to Jimin, who is still beside the big chair where he's sitting. - Thanks, babe. - He says and they both smile at each other.
- It's okay. I know you couldn't stop at that point. - Jimin says and caresses Taehyung's face and then gives him a slow and gentle kiss on the lips.
You look at them fondly. You notice that they know each other better than anyone else, even in these situations. Then, they both turn to look at you.
- She's all yours now, Jiminie. - Taehyung says getting up and grabbing some tissues to clean himself. Jimin smiles at you and stretches his hand to help you on your feet again.
- Ready for me to ruin you now? - He asks against your lips, pulling you closer by the waist. You gulp but smile.
- Give me your best. - You tease him, making him bite on his lower lip, and Taehyung chuckles, finishing cleaning himself.
- Remember you asked for it, love. - Jimin simply says before picking you up by your legs, making you wrap them around his waist, and pushing you against the wall, kissing you roughly. You moan when you hit the wall with your back.
He was an animal in bed and you could already tell just by the few times he kissed you tonight, always so rough.
He parts from the kiss and goes down to kiss your neck, leaving love bites along with it and marking you in some spots. His hands were all over your body but mostly on your ass, squeezing it and pushing you more into him as he moved and rolled his hips against you.
You could barely keep up with the pleasure so you just let your head fall back against the wall and let your hands on his hair. You moan at all his actions on your body and pull his hair.
He finally stops kissing your body and looks at you. You look down at him and you swear you could come right there with the way he looks right now. His hair is a mess, eyes half shut, and his pillow lips all red from the use on your neck.
- Fuck. - You can't help but let out, your breathing already heavy again,
making him smile.
- I'm just getting started, babe. - He says and you smile back at him. He grabs you by your thighs and spins around to lay you on the desk again. He unbuttons his pants and pushes them down with his boxers too. Taehyung gets behind you on the other side of the desk and kisses your ear.
- I'm here to support you because I know what comes next. - He whispers and looks at Jimin and his cock. He sits on the desk and lays your head on his thigh, caressing your face. You were about to say something but Jimin thrusts into you, in one hard thrust, making you scream and pushing the desk a bit further as well.
- Oh boy. - Taehyung says and looks at Jimin, smiling. Jimin winks at him.
- She asked for it. - Jimin says. He gives you some time to adjust but then starts to thrust into you, mercilessly, holding you by your hips, sure leaving a mark there from the strength with which he's holding you. You can't control your moans and they're getting louder every time so Taehyung kisses you. Jimin moans too but bites on his lower lip to prevent himself from being too loud.
His hips roll perfectly so that he fucks you at a steady and perfect pace to help you reach your second orgasm of the night. You try to roll your hips to match his movements but he holds you steady, making you understand that he wants to be the one controlling the movements and do all the work himself. You put one hand on his wrist and the other on Taehyung's arm, squeezing tightly.
Jimin keeps thrusting into you mercilessly and you can't even think straight or kiss Taehyung back properly. Your whole body is shivering and you're getting closer and closer to your orgasm and can't control your body anymore.
- Tae... - Jimin manages to let out after a bit. You can't even process why Jimin called Taehyung, you just feel Taehyung's fingers on your clit, and your whole body shivers. You can feel your second orgasm closer and closer and continue to moan into Taehyung's mouth, making him smile against your lips. You feel Jimin cum inside you and allow yourself to cum as well, screaming, with Taehyung still trying to suppress your loud noises, and burying your nails on Taehyung's arm and Jimin's wrist.
Both you and Jimin catch your breaths and then he pulls you by your thighs, allowing you to sit on the edge of the desk, yet again, facing him.
- How did you like that? - He asks and kisses you and when he parts from the kiss, Taehyung is behind him, with his arms around Jimin's neck, and his chin on his shoulder. You chuckle.
- I... - You start but then stop yourself. The truth is that no one ever fucked you like that before but you don't want to tell him that.
- You? - Jimin asks. - Be honest, obviously. Even If I wasn't that good. - He says and Taehyung chuckles rolling his eyes.
- As If it was even possible... - You hear him say under his breath. You smile and look back at Jimin.
- If I'm being honest, I loved it... It was perfect. You were perfect. - You say and a smile comes to Jimin's face. - I didn't want to tell you this but no one ever gave it to me like that. - You finally admit.
- Oh good. So you're up for a next time? - He asks and you open your eyes wide open. He chuckles. - Yes, you heard me. I still want to have a taste of that pretty mouth on me. And I also want to taste you. - He adds and looks down at your lower parts.
- And I still want to fuck that pussy of yours. - Taehyung adds from behind Jimin.
You just think to yourself how dirty they are and smile.
- You already know we need your words, love. - Taehyung says.
- Oh... - You let out. - Yes, of course, totally fine by me. - You say before your brain can even process that they're actually your bosses and that you will have to encounter them literally every day at work. They both smile at you and Jimin pecks your lips and Taehyung does the same.
- Come on, we'll take you home. - Jimin says, starting to get dressed and straighten himself and his clothes. Taehyung does the same and you do too. You search for your phone to look at your face, you know your make-up must be all over the place. They notice and Jimin goes grabs some wet wipes and Taehyung cleans your face.
- Thanks. - You say.
They get you home and each kisses you goodbye before leaving.
- Next time we'll give you our address so we can be comfier and don't have to worry about the noise. - Jimin says, winking at you. You smile and bite your lip. Taehyung puts his thumb over your lips.
- Can't wait for next time, babe. - He whispers and then smiles and they both turn around to go home.
You're left all alone at your doorstep, smiling and looking at them walk back to their car. The truth is, you had one of the best nights and orgasms of your life and can't wait to repeat it.
Thank you so much for reading and please please let me know what you think and how this made you feel 🙏🏽 it means a lot ❤ stay safe 💜
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