#he's specialist in it – you won't regret
chevvy-yates · 7 months
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⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Chimera pics by CDPR: x | x
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peachesofteal · 9 days
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warnings: postpartum depression, 18+ brief sexual content
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"Okay, Ry ry, come on. Work with me. You're alright, baby, it's okay."
You're pacing back and forth across the living room in only a nursing bra and Simon's favorite pair of your shorts, the ones that barely cover the soft pleat where the tops of your thighs meet your cheeks. The coverage of your ass is just barely there, crescent moons creased in invitation for his tongue- willing him, tempting him to lick long lines from outside to inside until you’re spread wide over his face.
Now is not the time, however.
He watches you carefully, analyzing, cataloging, categorizing. Looking for a sign, a symptom, a warning that you might not be feeling as good as you let on. Tough little kitten. Stronger than you think.
The doctor told you to get better rest, eat more nutritionally dense foods, and hydrate. If the dizziness and fainting doesn’t improve, you’ll have to see a specialist.
He’s been breathing through his nose a lot, since you told him. Willing his heart rate to slow, urging himself to be calm.
His nightmares are no longer made up of his past, but his future. Sequences of you, unconscious on the floor, baby screaming in his crib. Simon nowhere to be found, hundreds of miles away with his finger on a trigger.
You slump in defeat. Orion screams at the top of his lungs, angry at what, you’re not sure. He's tried not to hover, opting to cook dinner instead, but when your voice cracks on your next plea for Orion to stop crying, he breaks away from the kitchen and settles behind you, firm hand rubbing circles into your hip. "Let's give you a break, mama."
You sniffle. "I don't know what's up with him tonight. He won't latch, but he has to be hungry. I don't know what to do." Simon slides a forearm under yours, supporting the baby’s weight, the other one palming your belly. Your head tips back against his chest, heat radiating from your body like a furnace, and he sways you side to side, careful and slow, rocking the two of you in a gentle rhythm. You're both overheated, and you've long stripped Ry down to a diaper, hoping it would alleviate some of his misery.
"Let me take over. You're exhausted." He kisses your neck, using the light shiver shuddering over your skin to his advantage. His touch gentles you, reins in the stubborn streak that keeps surfacing, and he carries no weight of regret when he twists you up with it a little bit. He’s been standing at the bottom of the well, waiting to catch you when you break. "Go get in the shower, and I'll try a bottle in a bit. See if I can't get him calmed down." He presses his lips to your shoulder.
"But... dinner..."
"It can wait. Go on." He lifts Orion, sitting him upright on his chest, and then gives you a gentle swat on your ass.
It doesn't take much convincing after that.
He tries to get Orion to take the plastic nipple of the bottle, tries rubbing on his cheek to trigger the rooting reflex, like you've taught him, to no avail. "Alright, little man. Let's give it a try, c'mon." He doesn't, but the vibration in Simon's chest when he speaks seems to distract him momentarily, enough that his crying stops for a split second, before returning to its high pitched wail. It’s a shocking sentiment. A startling discovery, one that burrows deep, slides under his skin, slicing him open. Could his son really be soothed by his own voice?
“I wasn’t there when you were born.” He smoothes a hand over the top of Orion’s head. “I didn’t know about you, but that’s not mama’s fault, daddy kind of… disappeared, and she didn’t deserve that. I should’ve been there. I know it was probably scary, for both of you.” The wailing and shrieking turns into a mewl. “I’m gonna make it up to you, and her, everyday, I swear. ‘m gonna keep you safe, you and mama, watch you grow, go to school, lose your first tooth. I’m gonna be there for your birthday parties and holidays, as much as I can.” Orion stares at him with wet, tearful eyes, cries turned to quiet whimpers. “Daddy doesn’t have a… normal job, but we’ll make it work, won’t we? You’ll see. I’ll always be here for you, bub.” The broken cries and whimpers almost stop all together, and Simon’s heart glows with pride. He did that. “That’s better, huh? Let’s go see if we can get you to eat something before bed, alright?” He keeps up a steady murmur, pushing open the door to your room, expecting to see- hoping, to see you just out of the shower, but instead-
he finds you in an oversized t shirt and panties, curled up on top of your blankets in bed. A wet towel sits crumpled on the floor, a pair of pajama pants lying on the bed frame by your feet. It looks like you did plan on making it out of the bedroom, but succumbed to your exhaustion instead, and he doesn’t blame you. Today was hard.
“Sweetheart.” He rubs your shoulder, mattress dipping with his weight. Your eyes open, bleary and confused, a question etched across your brow. “Hey, you fell asleep.” You nod, still not with it, lashes fluttering.
“‘m sorry. Baby?”
“He’s right here. Got him calmed down, think he’s ready to eat though.” You yawn, pawing at your shirt, trying to tug it up over your head, eyes closed again. “Alright, I’ve got it, here-“
“Did I miss dinner?”
“No honey. I put it in the oven to keep warm. When you’re ready I’ll bring a plate in f’you, alright?” You sigh, sleep drenched like your lungs are wet, ponderosity sunken in across your body. He thumbs your temple, trying to rouse you a bit more, urging you to roll onto your side, tucking Orion in next to your breast. It must be instinct, the way he finds you in the dark, and you breathe deep once he settles.
“Sorry I fell asleep.”
“You’re exhausted, mama.” Ry makes a little ‘k-ahh’ sound, like a soft puff of air, and you tug at your shirt half heartedly, trying to shuck it upward again. “Do you want this off?” He fingers the hem, and you nod, lifting an arm as he maneuvers around you and the baby.
Bloody hell. You’re a sight, only in your underwear, Orion at your chest. The hall light dips and drags over your body, painting you in yellows and shadow, broad brushstrokes of a goddess splayed out in front of him, feeding his baby.
He can’t tear his eyes away.
“What is it?” You croak, his fingers tracing the valley of your hip and stomach in an answer.
“You’re stunning.” He cradles the back of Ry’s head, leaning close, brushing his nose against yours before kissing you slow, letting it linger, losing himself in the moment.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” You hum into his mouth, still dewy from the shower, fresh spring rain falling from your lips. You’re more awake now, unhurried and sweet, and he slips to his knees at the edge of the bed, smoothing his hand over your shoulder and down your waist. The rolling meadow of goosebumps chasing his fingertips heats his blood-
Until your stomach rumbles. He chuckles. “Hungry?”
“A little.” You cup the back of Ry’s head and nod sheepishly.
“Okay.” He kisses you again because he can’t help it, can’t stop himself or hold back, the physical ache of being so close, yet so far away drives him to touch you, feel you, as much as he can. Before he’s gone. “Sit tight. I’ll get your dinner.”
Later, after he’s fed you (by hand, lifting a fork to your lips over and over as you sat like a perfect little kitten, propped up on a pile of pillows) while Ry nursed, and then put him down, cleaned up the dishes, and placed the baby monitor in its usual spot, he leans over you in bed, where you’re nestled under the blankets, sleepy and sweet. “Hey sleepy girl.”
“Hi.” You whisper, snuggling farther into the covers. “He go down okay?”
“Like a champ. Think he tired himself out with all the yelling earlier.” He presses a thumb to your bottom lip, sliding it back and forth before cupping your cheek. “Get some rest, I’ll get him when he gets up in a few hours.” He jerks his head towards the living room, where he usually takes his post before heading back, a block over, and then anxiously tosses and turns in bed until he hears from you in the morning.
He shifts closer to press his lips to your forehead, but you grab his wrist, grip tight, and there’s a hitch in your breath, a reedy, fragile thing that strikes his heart with bullets. “It’s supposed to get easier.” A tear tracks down your cheek, and he wipes it with his thumb.
“Oh sweetheart, it will. I promise it will.” He tries to soothe you, taking the hand that’s cemented to his wrist and interlacing his fingers with yours. “Postpartum is hard. You have to give yourself a break.”
“I know, it’s just… sometimes I feel like someone else should have been his mum,” your voice breaks, his stomach pitches, heart pounding in his ears. He could drown in the guilt, slip beneath the swell and fill his lungs with it, sink to the bottom with its weight. “Like he was meant for someone else, like someone else would be better. I was so sick when I was pregnant, and when he was born it was… traumatic…” you trail off, desperate, glassy look falling over your eyes before you close them, hand shaking in Simon’s grasp. He wants to wipe it all away, wipe it clean and fix it, patch the gaping wound he left. “Sometimes all he does is look at me and scream, like I’m a stranger. Like he doesn’t… love me, know me. Why aren’t I good at this?” Your chest is stuttering now, short breaths being choked off with sobs, and pulls you into his chest.
“You are good at this, mama.” He kisses your temple. “It doesn’t feel like it, because your head is a little… messed up with all the hormones and changes, but our son is healthy, and happy. He’s safe. You did that. You took care of him all on your own.” You’re still crying, tears spilling over your cheeks, and Simon cradles your face. “I’m so, so sorry I wasn’t here sweet girl. I’ll never forgive myself.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“It is. I’m the one who left you like a… like a ghost. I’m the one who didn’t care about the consequences and left you to face it on your own. You didn’t deserve that, and I don’t deserve you or that boy… but I’m going to try to do everything I can to make it up to you. I’m here, okay? You’re not doing this alone anymore. I’m here.” And you’re never getting rid of me. He doesn’t say it, not willing to disrupt the clearly fragile equilibrium of your emotions, but he feels it all the same. “Orion was meant to be yours, ours. No one else’s. You understand?” You nod, lower lip trembling. “Tell me, mama. Tell me you know our baby loves you like you hung the moon in the sky.”
“I- I know.”
“Come here.” He keeps you in his arms, settling back on your mountain of pillows, keeping a palm at the back of your head, other one rubbing up and down your spine. “That’s what you are. The moon. You and Orion, moon and stars. My moon and stars.” You manage a watery sigh, and then burrow your face into his chest, finally calm enough to take some long breaths, seconds turning to minutes as he holds you in the dark.
“Stay.” You whisper against him, nearly asleep again, and he answers with a kiss to the top of your head.
“I will. I promise.”
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chiriwritesstuff · 5 months
The Girl in IT - 3. Vroom Vroom
A Boss! Joel Miller x IT Specialist F! Reader AU
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The LIST │ Series Masterlist
Chapter Rating: E (18+, MDNI)
Chapter Preview: "I want that Model X. Blacked out. The one that drives itself." He nods approvingly, not bothering to conceal his satisfaction. "Done. Anything else?" You can't help but scoff at the audacity. "Just like that?" "Just like that." "Come on, Joel. You don't just surprise employees with new cars out of the blue." "Well, lucky for you, you're not just any employee."
Chapter Warnings & Tags: No outbreak AU, Boss x Employee Relationship, Sugar Daddy Lite, Daddy Kink, Smut, SO MUCH SMUT, Age Gap, Praise kink, Overstimulation, Squirting, Older Man/Younger woman, So much dirty talk, DD/lg (kinda? they're both into it), Vaginal Fingering, Exhibitionism, No PIV (yet), Virgin Reader
Word Count: 6K
A/N & Chapter Notes: Two birthdays, ten years apart.
This is filthy, and I have no regrets.
Hope you enjoy!
Ten Years Earlier.
Joel lingers outside your house, the lively sounds of your 26th birthday party spilling into the night air through open windows. He adjusts the collar of his chambray button-down, opting for a change from his usual flannel attire. With his hair slicked back and facial hair neatly trimmed, he sighs, contemplating the small bouquet of sunflowers he acquired from a nearby florist.
His mind goes to the conversation he had with the florist earlier.
"Sunflowers? That's an interesting choice." The florist smiles, gently taking the flowers from his hand. "Did you need this wrapped? Maybe a bit of ribbon?"
Joel nods. "Please. It's for—"
The florist glances at him, a twinkle in her eyes as she observes his nervous demeanor. "Did you know that the sunflower symbolizes adoration? It's the perfect flower to give to someone you're interested in."
"Oh, it's nothing like that, It's for a... a friend. It's her birthday today."
The florist gives Joel a wry look. "If she's just a friend, might I suggest daisies? Surely they would be more appropriate and cheaper—"
Joel shakes his head. "The sunflowers," he motions to her hand. "Please."
He smiles at the memory, looking at the bouquet once more, knowing he made the right choice.  
He spots you through the window, the vibrant yellow of your sundress gracefully accentuating your curves, creating an ethereal silhouette that seems to glow, like a beacon of light calling out to him. His breath catches in his throat as he watches you. A genuine laugh escapes you, a sound that always catches him off guard, echoing through the air with a light that he finds irresistible.
"Joel," your father approaches, his expression clearly showing his displeasure. "What are you doing here?"
"Hello Sir, Well, I'm here for a birthday party, and-" he lifts the invitation, "I believe I was invited."
"I can see that, but the question is why. Surely, a man of your age at a party filled with twenty-year-olds? Doesn't that seem... odd to you?"
"It's only odd if you make it odd, I reckon."
"Can I ask you a serious question? What are your intentions with my daughter?"
"Well, I would like to wish her a Happy Birthday, maybe eat a little cake-"
"... and how old are you, Joel? aren't you a bit bothered by the fact that your daughter is older than mine?"
"... well, she's not, sir." Joel smiles, "She's older than Sarah."
Unamused, your father continues. "I'm going to level with you. I'm not about to let my daughter be swept away by some middle-aged man barely scraping by." He shoots Joel a stern look, shaking his head in disapproval. "My daughter deserves the world, and quite frankly, I won't have her settle for someone beneath her. Not for some small-time contractor."
"Sir, that's not my intention at all. Sugar invited me, and-"
He shakes his head in disgust. "I think you should go, Joel. Take your flowers and go. You're lucky I let you still have this job."
Joel nods in defeat, his gaze lingering on you through the window. He takes a final appreciative look at you, radiant in your yellow dress, and offers a warm smile. Turning towards your father, he speaks with sincerity, "I apologize for any disturbance, sir." Joel strides purposefully towards his truck, adding, "Please convey my regrets to your wife."
Present day.
Joel: Hey Sugar, did you head out to the office yet? Sugar: Hi Mr. Miller, Good Morning! No, I haven't. Still getting ready. Should be heading out in 15.   Did you need something? Did you get locked out of the company portal again? I told you that we change passwords every six months, I wrote it on a sticky note for you like you asked! Joel: No, Sugar, I haven't. It concerns me how little faith you have in me. I am not that hopeless! For your information, I am not in the office yet. Sugar: Oh? So it wasn't you and Ellie trying to figure out how you managed to print the printer manual ten times over last week? Joel: I'm sure that was Tommy, but it's ok, I forgive you. Anyway, does this mean you're still at home? Sugar: Sure, Joel. Ellie would say otherwise. Yes?? Joel: ??? Not sure if you're at home? Sugar:  No. Yes. I'm at home. Joel: Good.   I'm outside.
"Joel," you say, locking your front door, looking surprised. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm kidnapping you for the day," Joel announces from his truck. "Thought I'd give you a ride to work." He winks as he exits out of the cab, wearing a chambray shirt and jeans instead of his usual work-issued flannel. It's a nice change, being that you didn't think the man owned anything other than flannels. "Come on, I've got coffee and donuts."
You give him a wry smile. "What if I'm not a coffee person?"
Joel presents a coffee to-go cup, a tea bag tag hanging out. "Lucky for you, I've got your favorite green tea."
"Smooth move, Miller," you grin, approaching him and planting a kiss on his cheek. "Very smooth."
"What can I say? I have excellent attention to detail, especially when it comes to you."
"Just not with computers, right?"
"Alright, alright, none of your teasing this morning, why don't you hop in," Joel grins, holding the passenger door open for you. You slide into the truck, still puzzled by his unexpected visit.
As he drives away, the scenery doesn't match the route to the office. You raise an eyebrow, looking at Joel with a playful smirk. "This doesn't look like the way to work. Where are we going?"
"Well, if I told you, then it would ruin the surprise, now would it?"
You snort. "What's happening today that's so important it warrants a surprise?"
Joel glances at you, a wide smile on his face. "A little birdy told me that it's someone's birthday today."
"Yeah and? It doesn't mean that we blow work off, I actually have a scheduled meeting with Tess today-"
"Fuck Tess."
You frown. "Joel, be serious."
"I am serious. I handled Tess. She's fine, don't you worry your pretty little head off, she's ok with pushing back to tomorrow."
You look at him warily, sighing. "I got a bad feeling about this."
Joel reaches over and kisses your forehead. "Don't frown, baby. None of that nonsense is allowed when we're together, okay? Just let me do something nice for you on your birthday. Nothing too crazy, promise."
"Why do I have the feeling that you don't mean that?"
Joel drives into the mall's parking lot, heading towards Neiman Marcus, driving into the nearest parking stall to its entrance. 
He cuts the ignition to the truck. "OK, I don't promise. I intend on dragging you into the store whether you like it or not, sliding my shiny Amex to the first salesperson I see, and spoiling the absolute shit outta you. Do you have a problem with that, baby?"
"What if I allow you to spoil me from the comfort of the clearance rack?"
"Sorry to break it to you, baby, but this Amex won't work on anything discounted. Do you know what it means to have a black one of these?"
"That you have a big cock and an even bigger ego?"
"Funny. What it really means is that I can walk into one of them Tesla dealerships and buy you a Model X before you can ask me if I'm being serious." He takes your hand in his. "Because I am. Serious, that is."
You scoff, sinking further into your seat. "You're not going to buy me a Tesla."
He laughs. "Maybe, maybe not. I do know you need a new car, and I know one thing for sure—" He gives you a wry smile as he lifts your chin to face him. "There's no way in hell I'm going to let you drive that damn death trap anymore, Sugar."
"Hey! I'll have you know, I've had that death trap since college, it's the first thing I bought without my father's money!" you huff, "Now that I'm not in the ninth layer of Hell at Best Buy anymore, I can finally afford to buy myself a car. You know, something sensible, like a Kia."
"A Kia? Baby... only more reason for me to buy you a new car. Tell me, if you could have any car, money, and cost be dammed, what would it be? Sky's the limit."
He leans in, eyes challenging. "Try me."
"I want that Model X. Blacked out. The one that drives itself."
He nods approvingly, not bothering to conceal his satisfaction. "Done. Anything else?"
You can't help but scoff at the audacity. "Just like that?"
"Just like that."
"Come on, Joel. You don't just surprise employees with new cars out of the blue."
"Well, lucky for you, you're not just any employee."
A smile tugs at your lips, appreciating the unexpected attention. "Really?" you playfully inquire. "So, I'm more than just a random employee, huh?"
Joel gently caresses your chin, offering a small, satisfied smirk.
"No, Sugar, you're not just some random employee," he declares, pressing a chaste kiss on your lips. "You're everything."
"You don't mean that—" you stutter, "Joel, what's going on? Why are you doing this? I'm not someone to be bought or bribed like I'm some sugar baby. I liked you back then, before all of this—"
"When I had nothing? When my company was still in the red, when your father's job was the only one turning a profit," he peers down at you. "What if I told you that I wouldn't be in this position if it weren't for you? If your father didn't talk some sense into me all those years ago, I wouldn't have worked my ass off to get where I am now."
Your eyes narrow. "What are you talking about?"
Joel lets out a heavy sigh, his gaze intense. "Your father made it clear back then that I wasn't good enough for you. He didn't think I was the right fit for you. He did me a favor if I think about it now. It was your father's skepticism that fueled my determination to prove him wrong, to build something from the ground up."
Your mind races, trying to grasp the weight of his revelation. "But why keep it a secret? Why now? You didn't give me any signs that you were interested in me, I even invited you to my birthday party, which you didn't even bother showing up to!"
Joel winces. "Yeah, about that-"
Your face softens. "Wait, Joel, the sunflowers?"
"Your father made sure to point out the inappropriateness of a middle-aged man attending a party full of co-eds. Thinking about it, it wouldn't have been a good look, especially since I couldn't take my eyes off of you, wearing that yellow dress… I was enchanted by you, baby girl."
You blush, smacking his shoulder. "Oh, that dress was horrendous. My mom made me wear it!"
"Well, remind me to thank your mom for giving me the mental image I've had of you all these years."
"You know, that explains why the sunflowers were in the trash can, I thought it was so odd! They were beautiful, by the way. I snuck them out and kept them in my room, you know." You shake your head. "I can't believe my dad would do something like this. I hate that I stuck around for so long. I wish I knew, Joel. Back then. You were the only person I looked forward to coming that night, and when you didn't, I thought-"
"Well, I was there, baby."
"… but you didn't stay! How was I supposed to know?!"
He runs a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. "I didn't want you to feel like you were settling or that my feelings were tied to any of this. I needed to prove myself first. I didn't want you to think I was using you or that I wasn't good enough for you."
A mix of emotions swirls within you—surprise, confusion, and a hint of realization. "Joel, I had no idea. But why go to such lengths now? Buying me a car, showering me with gifts?"
He looks into your eyes, his expression sincere. "Because, despite everything, my feelings for you have always been genuine. I wanted you to see that I can give you the life you deserve and that I've overcome the doubts from back then. I had nothing to give to you back then, hell, I was being eaten alive by debt, I couldn't put Sarah through college - she worked her ass off trying to get as many scholarships as she could on her own. I wasn't in a position to make you mine, not yet."
"Joel," you say, taking his face in your hands, a sad smile on your face. "Do you think I care about all of this? I would have been with you then, all you had to do was ask."
"Well, I'm asking you now. Will you let me make up for missing your birthday all those years ago up to you?"
You give him a small smile. "Okay."
Joel breathes a sigh of relief. "Okay. Now, get out of the truck and into the store. That's an order."
You share a playful eye roll before complying, opening the truck door, and stepping into the crisp air outside. The familiar chime of the entrance doors signals your arrival at Neiman Marcus.
Joel walks beside you, his arm casually draped around your shoulders as you both make your way into the store. The ambiance of luxury surrounds you, and the scent of high-end perfumes lingers in the air. You can't help but marvel at the elegant displays showcasing the latest in fashion and accessories, the air smelling distinctively expensive and high class, something you would never associate yourself with.  
"So, what's the plan?" you ask, hesitation evident in your voice.
Joel grins, steering you towards the women's clothing section. "I'm looking for just the right-" he stops midsentence, his eyes locking onto the stylishly dressed woman lying in wait for her next victim.  
"Lenore!" he shouts, "Just the person I was hoping to find."
"Mr. Miller! What a delightful surprise," the saleswoman exclaims, her face lighting up. "What brings you here? how are your girls?"
"They're doing fine, thank you for asking."
"... and who is this pretty baby peeking out from behind you?" she asks, casting a warm smile your way. You instinctively recoil at the unexpected attention, a familiar sensation from the years spent trailing your mother at Neiman’s, deliberately making yourself inconspicuous to deter any unwanted conversations. It felt safer that way, you reflect, offering Lenore a slight smile. "There's our lovely girl. No need to hide behind this old dog; you're far more interesting to look at than he is!"
"Lenore, allow me to introduce you to someone very special—this is Sugar," Joel says with a proud smile, gesturing towards you.
"Sugar, what a sweet name! Pleasure to meet you," Lenore responds, extending a hand in a friendly gesture.
The tension from earlier begins to dissipate as you shake Lenore's hand and manage a genuine smile. "Nice to meet you too, Lenore."
"Sugar, why don't you take a look at the clothes over there and let me talk business with Lenore for a second?" You raise your eyebrows in suspicion, "Maybe you'll see something you like?"
Joel, his eyes gleaming with excitement, leans in and whispers, "Lenore, today is no ordinary day. It's Sugar's birthday, and I'm in the mood to make it special for her. We're going to be spending an obscene amount of money today, so I hope you're ready. You got your work cut out for you, I promise you that."
"Nothing can be as worse than the time I tried to convince Ellie to wear a gown for the prom last year," she winces, "Sorry about that again, Mr. Miller." She slides up beside Joel, flashing him a knowing smirk. "How obscene are we talking?"
Joel hands over his sleek black Amex, and Lenore's eyes widen in surprise. "Obscene. Don't let her talk you out of something because of the price, hell, rip off the damn tags if you have to." He steals a quick glance back at you, a vision standing amongst the designer goods, a subtle smile on his face. He glances at Lenore once more. "Do we have an understanding?"
The saleswoman nods her head frantically, pocketing the Amex in her pocket, the weight of it making an indentation through her blazer. "Understood, Mr. Miller. I'll fetch you a coffee and set up a seat for you in her dressing room. Is there anything else?
Joel nods. "Yeah. Do your worst, Lenore."
Lenore gives Joel one last look as she heads towards you, not hiding the fact that you look like a deer caught in the headlights. She places a hand on the small of your back. "Come along dear, we're on a mission." She gives you a conspiratorial smile. "You're in desperate need of Celine."
Lenore scrutinizes you for a moment, gently lifting your arms to assess your form. "I take it you're a size 10?"
Surprised, you ask, "How did you know?"
"Honey, I've been here for the last twenty years. Not only can I tell your dress and bra size, but I've also mastered the subtle art of reading people." She confidently places her hands on your hips, nodding to herself. "People are not as secretive as they think. I can dissect their entire life story the moment they walk in the door."
Curious, you inquire, "Oh? And what conclusion did you make about me?"
Lenore begins rifling through the racks, selecting a few monochromatic pieces. "Well, you seem to go through life trying to hide yourself."
"Is it that obvious?" you ask with a hint of self-awareness.
Lenore continues her assessment, her experienced eyes scanning the clothing options she's pulled out. "You go through life trying to hide yourself," she repeats, her tone thoughtful. "But, sweetheart, hiding doesn't mean you're weak or scared. It means you've faced challenges, learned to protect yourself."
She steps back, considering you with a knowing gaze. "We all wear different masks, dear. It's just a matter of finding the one that feels right for the occasion. Now, tell me, what's the story behind the layers you've wrapped yourself in?"
"Well..." you bite your lip thoughtfully, "Today is my 36th birthday. My mom, she had me when she was 26. By the time she was my age, she had her whole life figured out - the husband, the kid, the house. I remember thinking how much I wanted that for myself, how I thought my life would go... and now, at 36," you pause, sighing, "I don't have any of that. I'm not married, I don't have any kids, and I rent an absurdly overpriced shoebox that I share with my cat," you softly chuckle to yourself.
"It's not like I haven't tried to put myself out there. I have—met a few people, went on a couple of dates, which—I felt like wasn't terrible, you know?" You admire a sheath dress on the rack, adding it to the growing pile of pieces Lenore has accumulated. "...but it was always just a first date, and then rejection, maybe if they were kind, but most of the time I never hear from them again. After a while, after I hit 30, I just... stopped. I stopped trying to put myself out there. It's exhausting, and I can't keep wondering what makes me so undesirable."
"Sometimes... Sometimes I feel like I'm defective, too broken for anyone, not good enough to have the kind of life I want."
"Sweetheart, life rarely follows the script we write for it. Comparing your journey to your mother's or anyone else's is like comparing apples to oranges. Each story is unique, and yours is still unfolding," she reassures you.
She continues sorting through the clothes, selecting pieces that seem to resonate with your style. "Now, about those layers you wear," she begins, her focus returning to the task at hand. "Perhaps it's time to shed the expectations and judgments, not just from others but also from yourself. These layers, they're not defects; they're experiences that have shaped you."
Lenore hands you a beautifully tailored blazer and nods approvingly. "Try this on. Let's see how it feels."
As you slip into the blazer, Lenore continues, "You deserve a life that brings you joy, and that starts with accepting yourself. When you embrace who you are, others will too. It's not about being 'good enough'; it's about being authentically you."
Lenore, her hands expertly moving through the racks, pauses for a moment, her gaze thoughtful. "And what about Mr. Miller?" she asks with a knowing smile. "There's a story there too, isn't it?"
You glance at her, surprised by her perceptiveness. "Joel? Well, we've known each other for ten years, but we've only worked together for six months. There's nothing more to it than that."
Lenore raises an eyebrow. "Sweetheart, I've been around enough to recognize when there's something more. The way he looks at you, the way he cares—it goes beyond the confines of a professional relationship."
You hesitate, unsure of how to respond. Lenore gently continues, "I've seen people in love, and I've seen people trying to hide it. Joel's got a soft spot for you, dear. It's written all over him."
"Is it? because with my track record, all it feels like is me waiting for the other shoe to drop. I like him... I've liked him", you correct yourself, "...for a very long time. I tried to put myself out there to him back then, only for him to reject me. What makes me different now? What didn't I have then?"
Lenore listens attentively, her gaze filled with compassion. "Sweetheart, people change, circumstances change. What may not have worked before doesn't define your worth or potential now. Maybe back then, Joel wasn't ready or didn't see what was right in front of him. It doesn't mean you lacked anything—it just wasn't the right time."
She pauses, choosing her words carefully. "Love can be messy, complicated, and unpredictable. But if you feel something for Joel, and there's a chance he feels the same now, it's worth exploring. Give yourself permission to embrace the present without being burdened by the past." She gives you one last smile, her tiny frame effortlessly handling the mountain of clothes with an ease that comes with her years of experience. "Come on, we can't leave Mr. Miller waiting. He's already waiting for you in your dressing room."
Joel is already seated in the room one would call a dressing room, a vast space encapsulated by mirrors. Lenore places the clothes on the rack, giving the two of you one last-knowing nod as she makes her way to the door. "I'll give you guys some privacy," she winks, her hands on the doorknob. "You just holler if you need anything, okay?" You smile meekly at her as Joel nods. "Thank you, Lenore."
"Well', you breathe, making your way to the center of the room, taking it all in. "This is... something."
"It is, right? Perfect amount of mirrors to admire your form."
"It's just... a lot, Joel. I'm not used to seeing myself like this."
"Like what, baby?" He asks, making his way over to you as you fiddle nervously in place. Tenderly, he envelops you in his arms, hands brushing away stray strands of hair behind your ears. "Turn around and face the mirror," he softly directs, gently guiding you by the hips. You find yourself in front of the mirror, Joel standing behind you, his eyes locking with yours as his hands trace down your silhouette, fingers deftly navigating the buttons of your blouse.
"Let me paint a picture for you," Joel whispers in your ear, his eyes locked with yours through the mirror as he delicately starts to unbutton. "I see someone who drives me fucking crazy." Pausing at the last button, he eases your top from the waistband of your skirt, peeling the fabric from your skin to unveil the modest cotton bralette you chose for the day. "Beautiful," he breathes, slipping your top from your shoulders. A shiver runs through you as his hands graze your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
"You think you can hide yourself behind all of these clothes but I see you, Sugar. I've seen what's inside, and I would like to get to know that girl that's begging to come out of that shell of yours." His fingers linger on the elastic at your waist, his eyes silently asking for consent. You nod, taking a deep breath as he slowly slides your skirt down your hips, leaving you standing against him in just your underthings, your body suddenly on fire as he continues to hold you against him. You swear you can feel the hardness of his desire from behind as he continues to caress you, his eyes never leaving yours. "Will you show me?" 
His fingers find the skin of your torso, and you shudder and gasp at how it suddenly ignites you, the fire you kept dormant for so long suddenly ablaze from his ministrations, leaving you breathless. He places wet open-mouthed kisses along the length of your neck, his eyes never leaving yours as his fingers start to travel down to your waist.  
The corner of his mouth creeps slowly upwards. "Are you going to let me show you just how much I fucking adore you?"
You swallow thickly, nodding absentmindedly as you find yourself caught in his web, exactly where he wants you. "Yes", you whisper, "Please, Joel."
"Do you know how long I've waited for you?" he whispers, his fingertips grazing the outline of your panties, inching lower and lower, the sensation driving you mad with want. You instinctively rub your thighs together, your body craving more friction than what's currently being provided. Joel tsks at the gesture, shaking his head at you through the mirror. "You keep these legs spread for me, baby." His fingers wander upwards, hooking onto the elastic of your underwear, as he watches you closely, a question written across his face. He quirks his eyebrow at you curiously.  
It was all you needed to know just exactly what he was asking.
You give him a tiny nod.  
"Use your words, baby girl. I need to know for sure that this is what you want. I need you to be specific," he commands, his fingers twitching against your skin.
"Please Joel," you whisper, the entirety of your body trembling against his, "Please undress me."
He grins wickedly as he complies, the fabric slipping slowly down your hips, peeling gently down your legs. "I remember the day we first met at your house, how shy and skittish you were. I remember what you wore, even then," he says, taking his time, your panties caught on the ankle of your foot. He tugs them free, his eyes darkening as he realizes that they are soaked through with your slick, glistening under the lowlight of the dressing room.  
You swear you hear his breath quickening as he holds them high against the light in reverence, tucking the scrap piece of fabric into his back pocket.  
"Did you know that you were going to see me that day?" he asks, turning his attention back to you. "Is that why you didn't bother to wear a bra under that shirt of yours?" He shakes his head slowly as he places his hands on your hips once more, his fingers slowly making their way down to your inner thighs. "It was downright indecent, the fabric was so thin I could practically see your tits," his voice sounds more considerably wrecked as he slides his fingers upwards until they hit your slit, a calloused finger expertly parting your lips until they reach the button of your clit.  
He stops. "Have you ever let anyone touch you like this before?"
You shake your head in response, your body arching against his as you desperately seek his touch. "I came close once, back in college, but I-" your voice gets caught in your throat as Joel eases his finger through your lips once more, his fingertips at the precipice of your entrance. You can't help the moan that escapes your lips. He pulls his fingers away from your heat as he reaches into his back pocket, reaching for your panties as he holds the wad of fabric against your mouth. "Open," he commands, stuffing your mouth with the fabric, the tang of your slick so sharp it makes your mouth water even more. "This is a public place, baby, I can't risk us getting kicked out because you can't control yourself, you hear? Nod if you understand me."
You nod.
"Good." He bends forwards slightly, his fingers parting your slit once more, your pussy lips quivering as he gathers your slick, his fingertips breaching your entrance once more. "I know you're still a virgin, Sugar", he breathes as he kisses your neck once more, his eyes locking onto yours. "I'm not going to fuck you with my cock in a dressing room, but I am going to show you just how you make me feel. Is that okay?"
You nod once more, your voice muffled through the fabric of your panties. He breaches your entrance slowly, the thickness of his finger filling you as your body jolts from the intrusion, your eyes closing in pleasure.  
"Look at me, Sugar. Look at what I'm doing to you."
Your eyes shoot open as you see Joel adding another finger into you, the squelch of your wetness against his fingers echoing loudly throughout the room as they slowly pump in and out of your pussy, his fingers crooking inside you slightly as your hips shift against his erection. Joel groans at that, shifting his thigh between your legs. "Lean against me, baby. Watch as I fuck you with my fingers."
You look at yourself in the mirror, the straps of your bralette sliding down your shoulders as Joel fingers you in earnest, tears forming at the corners of your eyes as you wither and tremble against his thigh. Joel pulls the chair he was sitting on earlier towards the both of you, pulling his fingers out of you once more as he plops onto the seat, spreading his legs. He beckons his fingers coated in your slick at you. "Come sit on Daddy's lap like a good little girl." 
You stumble inelegantly onto his lap, his hands spreading your legs to rest on his, spreading you out entirely as he gazes at your pussy in the mirror, your ass situated on his jean-covered cock as he starts to grind against you. He pulls your breasts out from the confines of your bralette, the slick of your pussy leaving a trail against your skin as he cups your tits, pinching your nipples as he groans into your neck. "Look at you," he praises, slipping his fingers into your pussy as he begins to finger fuck you into oblivion. You look completely debauched as he thoroughly fucks you, his groans growing louder as he continues to grind his cock against the swell of your ass.  
"Sweet innocent little Sugar, playing hooky and getting wrecked by her boss in public", he spits, his fingers increasing in speed as you mewl against the fabric in your mouth. "What would everyone say, huh? Pulling into the parking lot with your brand new Tesla, walking into the office tomorrow morning in your brand new clothes Daddy bought you?" He rubs his thumb against your clit, your body arching back as you cry from overstimulation. "Are you going to take everything that I'm going to give you?" he pulls the fabric from your mouth, a line of saliva trailing it as you breathe harshly, desperately trying to even your breath. "I asked you a question, Sugar. Are you going to take everything I give you?" he rips his fingers out of your pussy as it clenches on nothing, whining from being so violently edged out. He slaps your pussy for good measure, and you swear you could come from the motion alone. "Answer me!" he growls in your ear.  
"Yes!" you half-scream. "Joel, it's too much, I can't-"
"Yes, you can, baby.  Fuck- keep grinding that ass on my cock, I'm so fucking close", he grips your hip harshly, his fingers digging into the meat of your skin you swear it'll leave a mark. "I can feel you quivering for me, baby, are you gonna come?" He's thrusting, thrusting so harshly against you it's almost to the point of pain, but you're so caught up chasing your release that the pain riles you up, you find yourself gyrating against his hardness as Joel nearly jumps out of his seat in response.  
"Joel, what's happening? I feel so wet, you need to stop, I feel like I'm gonna-" You gasp, the pressure building within you so strongly it feels like you're going to implode. Your body moves in sync with his, the groans and shouts of pleasure building, the tears flowing freely down your cheeks. "It's too much, it's too-" You scream, a gush of wetness flooding out of you as Joel fingers you to completion, a look of shock on your face as he grips your hips and comes in his jeans.  
"FUCK!" he groans as he shoots his load so violently you swear you can feel the ropes of cum through his jeans as he comes down from his high. You sob into his shoulder, his mouth desperately finding yours as he finally kisses you, his tongue running along the seam of your lips, begging for entrance as he grips the back of your head. You kiss him back in earnest, turning yourself around and straddling his thighs, your bare pussy raw against the fabric of his jeans. "Thank you," he mumbles against your lips, his hands cupping your cheeks, his thumbs wiping your tears away. "You did so good, baby, so fucking good, you came so hard for me you fucking squirted, FUCK! Such a perfect girl, my perfect girl-" 
Your eyes widen in shock as you take in the scene before you, the wetness of your slick coating the surface of the dressing room. "Joel, I can't believe I-" You shift on his lap, panicking. "Fuck, Joel, what are we gonna do? I just came all over the dressing room, in Neiman Marcus for fucks sake-"
Joel chuckles softly, gently tucking your hair behind your ears. "Do you realize the power a black Amex wields? Silence. Lenore's commission today will be outrageous; a few stains here and there won't even register."
"But what if it ruined the merchandise? I haven't even tried anything on—"
"No need. Lenore's already taken care of it on the card. I trust her taste." He plants another tender kiss on your lips, retrieving a sleek silver card from his jeans pocket, the unmistakable Tesla logo gleaming.
He hands you the card with a smirk, and your eyes widen in astonishment as you delicately accept it.
"Happy Birthday, Baby."
The Updated List: (Line items 4, 15 & 16 completed this chapter_)
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Taglist: @sarcasm-theotherwhitemeat, @gwendibleywrites, @joeldjarin, @brittmb115, @thewiigers,
@auteurdelabre, @quicax3, @casa-boiardi, @amyispxnk, @untamedheart81,
@paleidiot, @bbiophiliaa, @laurrrra, @la-vie-est-une-fleur29 (I apologize if I missed anyone, but if you are looking for any of my fic updates, please feel free to follow my updates blog @chiriwritesstuffnotifs!)
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17caratssi · 3 months
My darling, honey pt 2 ; Jeon Wonwoo
part 1 is here!
You had been married to your teenage crush for three years and it was a wondrous journey added to the fact you just learned that you'd swallowed a watermelon seed.
Wonwoo was still working his ass off during the weekend and after he returned, you began preparing some light breakfast for him.
While he waited at the suffice dining table and stared at your back, he repeatedly expressed his regret as he was unable to spend the weekend together.
"It's fine. We have a lot of time together, don't dwell on it," you reassured albeit knowing he won't feel any better. Wonwoo became one with the silence and you were already used to it. He never spoke unless it was about you or something you asked for his opinion.
You finished with the cooking and he did the plating. Last night, he worked for only four hours but since he was called in the dawn, he felt sleepy quite a bit and you were the opposite.
As you both were eating, he looked at you oddly. You ceased to stop and raised an eyebrow, indicating your curiosity. "Are you done? Just leave the plate and go resume your sleep,"
Wonwoo shook his head and held your hand. Perhaps his palm was radiating so much warmth, you leaned forward in the coziness. "Hun, do you have something to tell me?" you asked.
Presented with ambivalence, Wonwoo took a minute to reply. He thought deeply before saying, "Don't you think I've been resting a lot these days?"
You could tell he was dourly asking. You have read it somewhere that if the husband loves his wife so dearly, he will experience early pregnancy fatigue rather than the wife. Thinking about how it related to his situation, you grinned.
Wonwoo smiled as if he was entranced by your reaction. He gave a gentle rub on your cheek and patted the back of your hand. He then told you to go upstairs and rest as he helped with the dishes.
You didn't refuse and went as he directed. There was nothing in your brain than the thought of how you should tell Wonwoo about your pregnancy.
While you pondered, he already completed the chore and got himself ready for the shower. Wonwoo looked bushed and you pitied him. After he came out from the wet, you beckoned him to the bed. Since he had changed his clothes inside, he didn't waste any time and ambled to you.
"I have something to tell you,"
Wonwoo hauled your whole body and answered. "Yes?" he was feeling cold and decreased the gap between your bodies. Seeing how comfy he appeared, on impulse, you straddled him and laid on top.
He took a different hint and whispered. "You want it?" Wonwoo asked with apparent lust. You let his hands explore your back but when he was getting dangerously near to your sensitive area, you grabbed his wrist and put a halt to it.
"We can't. Someone will see," you said. Attentively, Wonwoo kissed your neck and mumbled. "The outside? I'll draw the curtain," he sounded titillated and you honestly underestimated your own self-control. It was such a turn-on to see him inflamed but your conscience rushed in.
"No. Not outside but here," you brought his hand to your belly and reposed. Wonwoo didn't quite catch the periphrastic way you were telling but once he realized, the sparkling bright eyes shone even more brilliantly.
"Is it what I think it is?" he asked softly, almost audible. His palm smoothed around your belly and he looked at it. Wonwoo didn't need to ask twice as you clarified his question in a single nod.
You and Wonwoo had waited for 3 years and were confronted with many thrown doubts regarding your fertility. It wasn't something anyone can forget and take it lightly and so you began seeing specialists every few months to check on your body.
At first, Wonwoo did argue with you about it and at one point, you gave him a cold shoulder for a week. He wasn't easy to be persuaded but one day, he followed you for your regular check-up. On the way back, you requested to ride the bus instead. You two came by taxi and Wonwoo has no problem granting your wish.
After you picked your seat, Wonwoo got to his and sat quietly. You were having mixed feelings about today and leaned against your husband. "Are you alright?"
Wonwoo's response was fast but did not answer the question. He kissed your temple and said. "Let me know if you're going to your appointment next time. We'll go together," his mellow voice sang sorrow. You looked up to see his face and there hidden a hint of sadness in his beautiful eyes.
The journey home was blue that day, he knew his love for you was deep but not as much as the worries within.
Wonwoo was used to your prank and all but this news would never be one of them. After many attempts and tears, you two were gifted with a sunny revelation. He let out a light-hearted laugh and announced. "You're pregnant,"
"Y/N, you're pregnant!"
Wonwoo continued to have couvade episodes until the second trimester came by. Your belly swelled later than most women you knew. They told you it was normal for your bump to be small and even your husband assured you there was nothing to fret about.
Once it got bigger, you felt shy to stand bare naked in front of Wonwoo. You even made a fuss when he wanted to shower with you. "No, it's ugly. You will hate it,"
You only earned his grimace and a company for the bath. Wonwoo hissed as he smeared the shower gel over your body. His dissatisfaction was then voiced out, "How can you say this hideous? I'm the hideous one,"
You glared at him and covered his mouth. "Don't say that. It'll make it sound like I don't have a taste for marrying an ugly man," and that had Wonwoo cracked, you followed suit.
Out of blue, you felt something poking behind you. You flicked his head and pinched his waist. Flustered, you sheepishly exposed him. "Why are you getting hard?"
"Ignore that. You're just too sexy and I'm a pervert,"
"Yeah, a pervert," you chuckled with your hands fondling him already.
You and Wonwoo didn't have extensive exercise the whole pregnancy, fear if you'll get hurt. However, one night, you woke him up wanting to do it. He did it so gently that you squirmed around and begged him.
"Go harder.."
"No, honey. You're near due,"
Wonwoo had a hard time practicing abstinence in your later weeks. He hadn't done it for almost a month and he thank God for not testing him too much. Seeing how seductive you acted that night, he went out of his principle and pleased you.
He was feeling bliss all over but you were his priority. He felt the familiar sensation inside you and he smiled. "Come for me," he knew it won't take him long to bring you an orgasm. He kissed your neck and thrust a few times more before he had you ended.
Panting, you loosened your arms around his torso and asked. "Did you come? Don't lie to me,"
Wonwoo was about to tell a lie when you added. He didn't dare to ejaculate inside after he learned that semen can cause contractions. He then flashed an apologetic smile at you. "I can use my hand,"
Wonwoo never used his hands and you've long known. That hurt your heart even more. You pushed him off and got up to wash.
Whether you were pregnant or not, Wonwoo wasn't close to tranquil if you were in the bathroom for a long period. He knocked on the door for the third time and asked if you needed any help but you chose to not answer.
After a while, you finished and silently left the bathroom. The sky was still dark and your husband wasn't in the bed. "Wonwoo?" you called him, slow-voiced.
Where did he go? Is he mad when I threw tantrum just now? You felt conflicted. He rarely let you sleep alone when he's home and now he did. Rather than furious, you wanted to see him.
But even after the nth time of calling him from the room, he still didn't reply. The after-sex effect kicked in and you began to yawn. No sign of Wonwoo getting into bed and you retired soon.
As soon as you hit the pillow, you couldn't open your eyes anymore. Having no desire to resist the sleepiness, you fell asleep and Wonwoo returned home to a sleeping wife.
He put the bag of condoms in the cabinet and properly snuggled against you on the bed. He had taken a shower downstairs before going out but he was afraid you'd wake up to his smell. It happened before and you had him slept on the floor the entire week.
Wonwoo stared at you as you fell deeper into slumber and fixed your position. Your round belly looked adorable and he recalled the moments when you cried because your swollen feet hurt.
He had hurried home that evening and massaged your legs with his uniform on. "Hubby," you sniffed, wanting his attention.
Your face poker and you stayed silent for a good five minutes until you broke out of character. "I love you," you confessed out of nowhere.
With your nose running with a snort, Wonwoo laughed and hugged you. "Honey, if you keep being like this, I don't know how to survive,"
Wonwoo had lost count of how many times had he rushed home because you called him crying. He was always worried even though he may have an idea of what was happening.
Little things that you do to gain his attention basked him in elation. His love for you has grown impassioned and somehow anticipates the baby to come into this world of his and yours.
Before it reached dawn, Wonwoo was first to feel the wet bed and woke up. In a daze, he didn't quickly stir you but rather checked the ceiling.
However, it was your moaning had his head turned to you, full attention. "The baby- I think the baby's coming," you winced as you spoke. He can tell from your labored breathing that it must hurt.
Fortunately, you had been reminding him to get the maternity bag ready in his car. You were around his arms as he carried your weight to the car and placed you gently in the backseat.
As he drove to the emergency department, you told him you can bear the pain but he wasn't buying. Wonwoo got out and called for a team to attend to you. They instantly brought all the necessary equipment to the vehicle and performed the procedure.
Wonwoo was guided to the registration counter and while you were pushed into the waiting hall, the only thing that kept you conscious at the moment was his arrival.
You wanted him to be by your side so badly and if you suddenly had an emergency labor without him, you honestly would cry.
Perhaps, the baby wished to see his parents immediately, you were out into labor just several hours after that, and Wonwoo was permitted into the room.
The entire process was both scary and exciting for you. On one hand, you fret if you are drained out of energy while pushing the baby out but on the other, your husband was very collected about the whole situation.
"Honey, we can see the head already. Just a little push and we're going to meet our child,"
"I know you can. Grip my hand tighter as you push,"
You didn't know what was along his sentence that moved you but tears ran down your face and you made your last exertion in his presence.
The loud wailing was an end to your suffering. Wonwoo stayed with you and only when the midwives called to cut the umbilical cord he came about.
Days after you had the little one downright changed but Wonwoo never stopped giving his unreserved attention to both of you. He would promptly take care of the child in the middle of the night since you'd had it in the morning when he was out to work.
It was a challenging period as it was Wonwoo's first experience as a father. He took a lot of advice from his parents and other people and in the blink of an eye, the child is now two years old.
At first, many said that the baby took your features but he seemed to be the carbon copy of his father. His first word was 'mummy' but all he called now was 'daddy'.
"Daddy, pick me,"
"Daddy, toys,"
Daddy here, daddy there. You couldn't help but feel bitter inside. You and Wonwoo did spend equal time with your son but his blatant preference made you green. But maybe part of him inherited from how clingy you were to your husband. “He’s just like you, Y/N,”
He gifted a peck on your jaw and smiled softly. Suddenly, a voice from the little one chimed in. “Mummy, no!” and cause a rupture of laughter from the adults. You teased him by giving his favorite person more kisses. “Daddy’s mine,”
Wonwoo will never have this memory faded. He’s glad that you confessed to him that day.
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If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here !
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girls-alias · 5 months
Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester P3
Title: Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester Part 3
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
Follows Faith Episode. Season 1 Episode 12.
Part 2
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I pulled up to the motel and helped Dean to the door of Sammy's room. He knocked before Sammy opened it and let us in. "What the hell are you doing here?" Sammy asked, happy to see Dean again. He even smiled at me as I helped Dean take a seat.
"I checked myself out, I checked her out too," Dean replied trying to seem tough.
"You've been doing that since we met," I chuckled making Dean smile.
"Are you crazy?" Sammy asked Dean showing his concern.
"I'm not going to die in a hospital when I can just bring my hot nurse with me," He gestured to me making me scoff.
"You know this whole 'I laugh in the face of death thing, It's crap, I can see right through it," Sammy added making me smirk.
"Yeah whatever dude," Dean shrugged him off.
"Alright, so I guess I should be going." I piped up.
"Wow, wow wow." Dean stopped me. "Your shift isn't over, you're still my nurse," Dean smirked at me.
"I'm not your nurse," I rolled my eyes with a laugh.
"Would you like to be?" He added suggestively making me laugh. "Aw come on, you were the one to convince me to leave and now you're going back?" He questioned. I shook my head. Dean had an idea. "You're going to walk away from a dying man? denying him of the help he needs," He asked giving me a guilt trip.
"You suck, Dean." I gave in making him smile. I walked over and took a seat beside him. "Is that okay?" I asked Sammy.
"I guess so, I'm Sam," He added. I smiled and shook his hand.
"I'm Y/N," I replied softly.
"Yeah, so I've been scouring the internet and calling all the contacts in Dad's journal," He informed Dean.
"For what?" Dean asked adjusting his sitting position.
"For what'd help you," Dean scoffed but Sam was serious. "One of Dad's friends, Joshua, called me back, heard about a guy in Nebraska, a specialist." Sam was adamant that Dean could be saved and it was something I needed.
"You're not going to let me die in peace, are you?" Dean added making me giggle.
"I'm not gonna let you die, period," I smirked at this. "We're going,"
"Alright whatever, but first we sleep." Dean shrugged. "Y/N's sharing a bed with me in case I get cold," Dean cheekily added.
"I will not, Y/N is sleeping on the floor," I replied in the first and third person making Sam chuckle.
"You're going to deprive your patient of warmth and comfort?" He added acting shocked. I pretended to think about it.
"Yep," I quickly added making Sam laugh. Sam got up and went to the bathroom.
"I promise I won't do anything, just please stay in the bed with me. I don't want you being in pain on the floor and it would help to have you beside me if I need you to help me with the bathroom or something?" Dean explained in a concerned yet helpless tone. It was easy to see that he didn't want Sam to see how dependent he now was on me.
"Okay," I replied softly making him smile.
"You won't regret it," He added.
"I think I will," I commented with a chuckle making him slightly laugh. Sam came out of the bathroom and saw us both smiling.
"I thought you would have resisted him longer than that," Sam joked making me laugh.
"Me too but it's those eyes," I added with a laugh. Of course, I had noticed the angelic eyes of the angelic man. His green eyes are so precious and perfect yet the rest of him is roughed and handsome. It must be true what they say about the eyes being a window to the soul.
"Oh, so it's my eyes that you like?" Dean questioned with a smirk.
"Shut it, you've made two comments about my butt today and it's only 2 so you can't say anything," I retorted making Sam laugh.
"I like her," Sam chuckled referring to me. I looked at him confused but I still had a smile on my face. "I like anyone who can shut my brother up," He added. I was a little shocked to find out they were brothers but now that he mentions it I can see some similarities.
"You can wear one of my shirts to bed, my bag's just on you're left," Dean commented on changing the subject. I looked over to see a duffle bag on the floor I picked it up and put it between Dean and me. I pulled the handles away from each other and as the bag wasn't zipped up I saw a gun inside. I saw the guys share a glance.
"Nice, a double-barreled shotgun," I commented pulling it out of the bag. "It has a nice grip to it but it feels a little lopsided. Have you changed the choke?" I asked quickly from the concealed love I have for guns.
"You know guns?" Sam asked impressed.
"Damn, she's hot," Dean unknowingly slipped out but I chose to ignore it.
"Yeah, I got into them after my dad showed me his handgun collection," I shrugged and both of the guys looked impressed.
"If I live through this, I'm keeping you," Dean added making me laugh.
"Maybe I'll have to make sure that doesn't happen then," I said and handed him the gun making him smirk. I will admit I'm teasing him and playing hard to get but with a face, body, eyes, attitude and smirk like his you know he can get whatever he wants anyway. Dean put the gun aside and went into his bag. He pulled out a plain grey shirt and handed it to me before pulling out clothes for himself. I got up and offered him my hand. He took it and I helped him to the bathroom. I led him inside but before I left he smirked at me.
"You're not going to help me change?" He asked still smirking.
"I can't but I can ask the nurse Sammy if you'd like?" I teased so he glared at me. I walked out but stayed standing by the door in case I heard Dean struggling. I heard Dean groaning in pain quite a few times and I couldn't bear it. I lightly knocked on the door.
"Are you okay?" I asked but heard no reply. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. Dean was sitting on the lid of the toilet with his head in his hands in just his boxers. I looked at him sadly. I got in front of him and knelt. I put my hands on his knees to assure him.
"I'll be okay," He softly spoke and you could hear so much pain in his voice. More than usual.
"Come on, I'll help you get dressed." I shrugged but he sighed.
"You shouldn't have to," He started.
"Hey, I'm your nurse now remember, I have to look after you," I added. Dean now looked at me and his eyes peered into my soul. He looked so glad but so grateful at the same time. I grabbed his PJ bottoms from the side and scrunched them to the floor so Dean just had to carefully place his feet inside. Once we did that, I stood and offered Dean my hand. I helped him up and smiled at him and I blushed at the height difference.
Working On
Part 4
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giorno-plays-piano · 6 months
Thorns In His Mouth
Part VI
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Pairing: fae!Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: obsession, dubious consent, minor character death, drugs (neither reader nor Steve are involved), slight eating disorder, mentions of tumor, high tech elves.
Words: 1.3k
Summary: Maybe it was a good idea to chat with a waitress a bit more once she brought you your order. Perhaps she could at least tell you with whom you should speak because you simply couldn’t force yourself to look at others, most of them already high, shouting something loudly or laughing or weeping. You could constantly hear the flapping of someone’s wings, weird whispers and noises, and the sound of boots and hooves that made your hair stand on end.
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V
You stared at the earrings, dumbfounded. Did he say "we"? Was Steve going to look for that elf together with you?
Apparently, you just voiced your thoughts absent-mindedly because Steve murmured something and took you by the arm, moving to the café you despised with all your being.
It was much quieter inside tonight, though. There were only a few fair folk, and they were all silently eating or drinking something: the noisy company doing drugs and who knows what else yesterday was nowhere to be seen. Thank God.
As you fell on your seat, Steve taking a place on the other side of a minuscule plastic table, a familiar fae with bright pink hair approached you two. She threw a quick glance at you, pursing her lips at the sight of Steve, but then vanished to the kitchen without a word, probably to bring you the same sweet cupcake she had given you yesterday.
Staring at the elf with furiously bleached hair, you stilled, not knowing how to start a conversation with him again. What could you even say? Why did he want to accompany you on your quest? He had nothing to gain from it. Even the earrings you had given him he returned back to you, and you've never had of any fae returning human gifts. Granted, you weren't a big specialist, but it seemed strange, nonetheless.
Why was he so invested in your search?
The question was probably written all over your face because Steve gave a shaky laugh and rubbed his eyes tiredly as if he had a hard time explaining his reasons.
"I'm a former High elf, too," he started, watching confusion forming on your face while he gave you an unhappy smile. "I held a very high position at my court. Probably among the highest, compared to the others' here. Thus, I'm a Watcher. I watch over the exiled fae and elves, help them when I can, control them so they won't do anything stupid, and end somewhere worse than here. I keep in contact with humans, those who know who we are, and see that everyone abides by the rules. I'm the most useful companion to you if you want to find someone."
His words took you aback. This malnourished, anxious elf with his badly bleached hair and unnaturally long limbs was the most powerful of the exiled fair folk? Truly? Could you take his word for it? Oh, he did mention fae couldn't lie, but it was hard to believe he was telling you the truth.
For a second, you felt a little disappointed. You imagined someone like Watcher to be alike a fairy prince from the fairytale, magnificent in his glory, tall and strong, impeccably built, with his hair shining stunningly in the moonlight as he sat a top of his giant war horse. You did not, by any means, expect to find a Watcher to be a man looking like a 90s model addicted to heroine.
"But why do you want to help?" You asked very carefully, masking you disappointment not to offend him. "I imagine I have nothing of value to give you in exchange."
Suddenly, he smiled, albeit sadly.
"You needn't give me anything. I already owe you for what you did for my kin."
Again, a mystery. You were getting tired of his inadequate responses.
Seeing you bewildered, Steve continued, "You wept when Julius died. You regretted him leaving. Nobody else would do it for him, but you did, and now he's where he should be, at peace. If not for you, his journey would be... an arduous one."
His words made you silent, and you immediately forgot all the questions you were going to ask him. He had said something similar yesterday, hadn't he? Something about it being good that you cried at the sight of Julius' body, although you couldn't even imagine what good did it do to the dead elf. Was Steve talking about a reincarnation or something? Or Julius' spirit returning back to his homeland? You had no idea, but at the memory of a dead elf lying breathless on the sofa your anxiety rose again, and you clutched the pearl earrings in your hand until it started to hurt.
"Why wasn't it enough that you cried for him?" You asked out of nowhere, still searching for some proof Steve was tricking you.
He sighed, "I didn't cry."
Didn't he? You couldn't remember, his face but a blur after you had run up the stairs and collapsed outside of an abandoned factory.
No, you couldn't remember him crying.
"He was one of us," Steve muttered, accepting a black CD pack from a waitress who appeared out of nowhere, leaving a plate with you cupcake quietly on the table before she left without a word. "And I will miss him, but neither my folk nor me weep like you do. Unless on a very special occasion, a death of our beloved or a child, perhaps. But you... you humans know a great deal about compassion and sorrow. Your tears weight more than mine."
His words struck you to your core, and for a few seconds, you just sat there in silence, staring at the distressed - or rather just ancient and rugged - black leather of his jacket. No one had ever said anything like that to you. On the contrary, your therapist mentioned many times it's not healthy to be overly sympathetic and sensitive, to the point when someone's troubles made you troubled. You had to learn to keep your head cool, he said, because no one would profit from your worry. If you wanted to help someone, you needed to stay sane and safe first.
And here he was, this strange, somewhat scary and somewhat beautiful elf, telling you Julius got to his safe place because you had cried for him.
"It's strange, how your world works," you murmured, directing your gaze to the very same leather jacket as if you were talking to it.
Steve gave a laugh, shifting in his uncomfortable plastic chair while a fairy waitress stared at him intently behind his back, her hand resting on a bar counter.
"No stranger than yours." He smiled and made a small gesture with his left hand you barely registered, and the waitress abruptly turned away from you two with a blank expression on her face. "Then it's settled. I'll bring you to one more of my folks today, and you'll tell him your story. He's not a drug addict, by the way."
It was a very nice addition, you shrugged and bit into your cupcake that tasted as heavenly as yesterday. Were you going to develop diabetes if you ate it every day? You hoped not, although it was a small price to pay for the life of your mother.
"Actually, I wanted to mention it the last time. Do you know anything about our kind? Anything at all?" The elf asked nonchalantly, tucking a strand of hair behind his perfectly human ear. Seeing you froze, he chuckled, "It's fine. I'm with you. But it'd be better if you knew at least the basics, so I recommend doing some reading and using my advice for now."
"Of- of course," you immediately answered back, stuffing the rest of the cupcake in your mouth and hurriedly wiping your lips. "I'd be very grateful for any advice!"
He liked what you said. His face lit up, the corners of his big mouth turning upward. Before you had a chance to say anything else, he's already at the door, leaving a five dollar bill on the counter and motioning you to follow him God knows where. It's still a bit scary, to go after a strange, twisted but still weirdly attractive creature who moved with such grace even with his oddly long limbs and whose hair looked a little otherworldly despite the cheap bleach he used. But you're alone in this unfamiliar world without him, and you didn't think twice before you jumped off your seat, handing the waitress one more five dollar bill and running after Steve.
Part VII
Tags: @heavenly1927 @yazzzmints @devils-blackrose @lost-and-founds @kennafild @toodlesxcuddles @shygardengalaxy @heimtathurs @moonlightazriel @tsujifreya @lilithmoon92 @greenowlfactif @minshookie29 @nina2697
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dj-vice-in-the-house · 10 months
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It's yo boy, DJ VICE IN THE HOUSE!!! Or Giacomo. Either one I can vibe with! Gonna try to keep this intro short 'n' sweet, alright? Y'all probably recognize me anyway! Or, will! In future! Anyway.
I'm the Dark Type specialist in Team Star if you can't tell from my band here! Loads of 'em are misunderstood, and that don't sit right with me. So, real quick, DNI IF YOU HATE DARK TYPES!
Apart from that, I make music if it weren't already obvious! If you wanna go follow my SoundCloud, I HIGHLY encourage it! You won't regret it, I promise you!
My list of 'Mons are:
WEED♀︎ (Cacturne)
Giovanni♂︎ (Honchkrow)
BIG [FUCKIN] TONY♂︎ (Mabosstiff⁂︎)
Pastrami♂︎ (Kingambit)
Ravioli♀︎ (Krookodile)
Bread Bag♀︎ (Umbreon)
Well. That's all from me - Hasta la Vistar!✩︎
Mod goes by he/him. Call me Edge . Or Mr. Italian Last Name /JOKE
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djino04 · 11 months
I'm a little stuck on what to do for your latest prompt so I have one for you in exchange! "Sky, please, it's not like that"
Sky strides purposefully towards Saul's apartment. There are rumors circulating about him and Andreas, saying that they've been seen late at night, coming out of one or other of their apartments. Riven even told him that once, Silva had a much stiffer gait than usual and he spent hours giggling about it. When Sky told him to shut up, Riven replied that he needed to relax a bit, that his father had the right to sleep with whoever he wanted, and that after spending so much time in prison, Silva certainly needed it. Sky prefers to ignore everything about Saul's sex life, even more so when it includes his biological father. But after several days of hearing rumors throughout the school, the young man needs answers, and he intends to get them.
When he arrives at the apartment door, he enters the room without even knocking. He bitterly regrets this when he discovers Saul bent over a table, his pants around his ankles, and Andreas standing behind him. Silva stares at him, like a deer caught in the headlights. And Sky immediately understands what he's just stumbled upon and that all the rumors are true.
"Holy shit. They were right." blurts out Sky, before turning back.
"Wait Sky, it's not what you think." tries to stop Saul as he quickly pulls up his pants.
Sky storms out of the apartment before heading for the training grounds. A thousand and one questions are running through his head, but the most important is "Did Saul lie to me again?". The young man wonders if the sex in their relationship is new and especially if they were more than best friends before. He doesn't want to think about that or anything else, he doesn't want to think about the umpteenth betrayal by the man who raised him. So he pulls out a punching bag and starts venting his rage on it, with his bare hands. It's only been about five minutes when Saul arrives on the scene at a much calmer pace. Sky can't help but notice the slight limp present and he only redoubles the blows on the punching bag, imagining the cause.
"I don't feel like talking," Sky announces, as soon as Saul is within earshot.
"Yet we need to talk." simply replies the older man, who now has his arms crossed over his chest.
Sky gives one last sharp jab before turning to Saul.
"And what are you going to tell me?! That you're getting fucked by my biological father every night while Rosalind finds new ways to put us through hell?!" accuses Sky.
"Sky, please, it's not like that." tries Saul.
"It's not? Isn't that what I just saw? The whole school knows. The whole school's talking about nothing but you getting fucked by Andreas and limping out of his apartments or his office."
For a second, Saul is tempted to lie to Sky again, but he doesn't want to deal the final blow to their relationship. The fact that the young man has come on his own tonight is proof that all is not yet lost. So even if it's difficult, even if he's afraid of Sky's reaction, Saul owes her the truth. He looks around them, making sure they're alone one last time before speaking.
"Nothing of the sort is going on between Andreas and me. And yes, before you stopped me, I know very well what you saw. He helped me heal some wounds, that's all." explains Saul, hoping Sky won't ask for more.
"What injuries? Injuries from prison?" asks Sky, frowning. He knows Saul well enough to know this is the truth. The older man never admits to being hurt.
"No, they're from Rosalind," confesses Saul.
"Rosalind hurt you?!" 
Sky's protective reaction warms Saul's heart. But he doesn't want the young specialist to try anything reckless against the director. Nor is he going to admit to her that Rosalind keeps hurting him every time Sky or the Winx suite do things she doesn't like. None of the children need to know, and he'll continue to protect them in this way for as long as he can. 
Saul moves closer to Sky and awkwardly reaches out a hand toward her shoulder. He expects the teenager to turn away or pull away from him, but no, he lets him. The dark-haired man then grins at the young man.
"Look, school laws prevent him from hurting any of you. So you've got nothing to worry about, for yourself or your friends." reassures Saul.
"But what about you? She's obviously allowed to hurt you, and you act as if it's normal." protests Sky.
"I'm fine, okay Sky?" reassures Saul. "I knew what I was in for when I agreed to come back. And none of this is normal, you mustn't forget that. But I've been through this before and she'll never hurt me permanently. Having a specialist who can't fight wouldn't do her any good."
"And you think that reassures me?" asks Sky, raising an eyebrow. "You just admitted to me that she was putting her hand on you, that she was hurting you badly enough that it required care afterwards and that you were limping. And you're asking me to pretend it never happened."
Saul lets his hand fall back to his side. 
"I'm asking you not to do anything rash. We'll get through this, okay? But in the meantime, I can take what she's giving me. I want you to concentrate on studying, on your friends, on your girlfriend, and let me handle the rest. That's what I'm asking of you," Saul replies, trying to be as reassuring as possible. He knows he'll probably need help from a number of students when the time comes, but for now he has to go it alone. He doesn't want another teenager to make a stupid decision and let an evil fairy out of the basement. Fortunately for them, there aren't any others. At least, not that Saul knows of. 
Sky nods, like the good little soldier he's learned to be. Saul then cups the back of his neck, tightening slightly reassuringly, before starting to walk towards the school. Sky watches him go, seeing only his limp and imagining the wounds lurking beneath the clothes. He pulls out his phone and sends Terra a message. He may not be able to do anything about Rosalind at the moment, but he may have balms and potions to ease Saul's pain when he needs them.
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worldscollidinginone · 4 months
Chapter 6 - I Leave The Good
Book master list
The calls were becoming even more frequent than before, which was a shock, to say the least. 
He knows that I know him. All of him. And he also knows that I will make sure that he regrets the day he came into my life, but I am not sure I regret him coming. 
After all, I had a heart. And now I don't want him to hurt me anymore than he did already. 
I had told him that I didn't want to see him and I had meant that. So, after a month of trying to avoid him, I knocked onto Mallik Saab's office. 
"Come in. Kaun? Ah Riya, tum? Kya hua? Don ka paata chala?" 
"Nahin. Main aapko yeh patana chahti hoon ke I am quitting. I won't work for Interpol anymore." 
"I am fed up of this hide and seek, Sir. I am fed up of being Detective Inspector [Weapon Specialist], working for Interpol Priya Roy. Main ab sirf Priya banna chahti hoon. Main ab aapne liye jeena chahti hoon. And that means leaving my job, to figure out what I want to do later." 
"Toh kya tum yeh chahti ho ke Don khule am ghume?" 
"Itne saalon mein woh kabhi mere haath nahin aaya Sir, toh kya guarantee hai ki woh agli baar aayega? 10 saal hone ko hai, jabse yeh case liya hai. Ab main thak gayi. Aur meri ek request hai. Aap yeh case, na Roma ko dedena. She is the fittest for the case, and I am sure that she will make progress, unlike me. She is a star, and she won't make you regret it." 
"Theek hai. Jaise Tumhari marzi." 
At that point, Roma comes in and she is very upset. 
"Priya, you're leaving me?" 
"No. I am not leaving you. I am leaving Interpol, and I am definitely leaving everything and everyone else related to this. There is a difference, Roma." 
"Then, why are you leaving?" 
"It's mainly because I want to.... live like other people. And not have this nerve-racking thought that he is following me or other issues that I have. Mallik Saab, main ab azaad hona chahti hoon and please Roma ko guide karlena. Huse aapki zaroot hogi. Goodbye." 
Roma took the leave for the day, so we could spend some time before I leave and find another place. 
"Priya, ab kaha jaogi?" 
"Pata nahin. Maybe back home. I haven't seen my brother and his girlfriend, for a while now. He is definitely not going to be happy that I will be coming to him last minute." 
Go To Chapter 7
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pogueit · 2 years
P.H: Confession #39209
Pairing: Pope Heyward x reader
Summary: All the pogues are going away to college but will your feelings for a certain human secretions specialist go away too?
Songs: That Summer Feeling by Jonathan Richman, Gloves for garbage by Damaged Bug, Friends of P. by The Rentals
Warnings: alcohol, drug usage, swearing, going to uni, a sandflea? If there’s anything you guys would like me to take let me know!!
WC: 3,183
A/N: This is extremely overdue (this motherfucker has been in my drafts for a WHOle YEAR!!! I hope you enjoy it as always!! I appreciate feedback and requests!!!
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It was the last big party before all the pogues go off to college. Sadly, the group was finally being split up, but hopefully not forever. You decided to send your ass off to go to art school in Chicago, Kie was accepted to Standford, Pope is flying to Boston University, JB is attending a community college in North Carolina, and hell they even managed to get JJ into a local trade school. It had been the best summer of your entire life, but there was one thing that weighed on your heart, you were madly in love with Pope and you've never had the guts to tell him. 
You had known each other since the third grade. You became acquainted in the principal's office after you beat the shit out of Topper for slapping a book out of Pope's hands. Both of your parents managed to hit it off too and would lend their child labor, you, to the Heywards and the Heywards would lend their child labor, Pope, to your parents whenever they needed help. You two were practically conjoined at the hip. No one ever saw one without the other. It was always Y/N and Pope or Pope and Y/N. Pope would later introduce you to JJ and John B and you would introduce all of the meatheads to Kiara. After the gang was officially formed, that's when all the mischief began and that's what you guys were known for. Always fucking shit up or blowing shit up or bringing shit to life.
You made multiple attempts throughout the summer to confess your feelings, but the boy was still as clueless as ever. Sometimes you just wanted to grab him by his shirt and scream it in his face but when you would take the first steps to do it the nerves would hold you back. Every instance always ended the same. The light would be hitting him just right or he would just be warmly staring up at you. You'd always start it off with "I have a confession to make" and you would be able to see the intrigue light up in his eyes and he'd say something along the lines of "Oh really? What is it?". You then would barf up a lame answer of "Remember when-" and continue to tell him you caught his favorite hoodie on fire and replaced it or how you'd been the one stealing his lunch that one week a hundred years ago. 
"So... Are you gonna tell 'em?" Kie asks as she tossed herself down on your bed full of clothes. She has been egging you on since summer started and has become even more persistent as summer is coming to a close.
"Please, tell me you are!" She pleads, grabbing your arms and pulling down with her onto the crummy mattress. 
"Ugh, Kie, you already know I won't" you sighed, pushing yourself into a sitting position with your legs crossed underneath you. Kiara rolled her eyes at you and mimics the same position you are in and begins tugging at the clothes she was on and folding them before she placed them in the suitcase.
You had been stalling on packing all week and now only had a day before your departure to get everything stowed away. Now, seeing your relatively empty bedroom, you started to regret your decision about going so far away. From now on everything’s going to be different and everyone’s going to change. Even the ones that say they won’t always come back a little different whether it be a new haircut or clothes you never come back exactly the same. Seeing Kiara’s concerned face you shake the feeling from your mind and begin to get to work.
After you and Kie manage to shove all your clothes into the suitcase, you motion for her to jump onto the suitcase so you can attempt to close it. 
"This is your last chance! You just gotta!" Kie followed your orders and threw herself onto it, but before you can reach for the zipper she grabbed you by your shoulders and added "You have to tell him tonight!" 
"You are supposed to be helping the pack, not annoying me!" You playfully shoved her off the suitcase and onto the bed once you seal it shut. She feigns distress, something you can only roll your eyes at.
"Whatever, loser, we have to go help the knuckleheads set up anyways" Kiara jumps off the bed and pulled you along with her to go see the boys. 
When you two got to the Boneyard it was a mess. The boys were terrorizing each other with sand and the twinkie has yet to be unloaded. 
“Guys, what the fuck!?” Kie shouted at them using her “mom” voice and they all froze in place, even you. This voice was reserved for only true fuck ups and it was the most terrifying thing anyone could ever hear. The boys exchanged questionable glances to one another before Pope started running towards JJ again, with something obviously in his hand. JJ with wide eyes booked it, running right for you and Kiara. He immediately grabbed you and used you as a human shield against whatever the hell Po was holding. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You tried to break out from his grasp as he maneuvers your body to block Pope. 
“Tell him to get the fuck away from me!” JJ cowers behind you when Pope stuck out his hand right in your face to reveal a sand flea. 
“Oh, fuck” You immediately threw yourself backward into JJ and begin to fight over who’s going to be the human shield. Both you and JJ had a fear of these little creatures, because of JJ’s dad. He told you that they will crawl into your head through your ears and eat your brain and that was enough to send you two spiraling in fear. Also, they looked gross. 
“You gotta be kidding me!” Kie huffed and left you two fumbling on the ground to go start unloading the van. 
“C’mon Pope, it isn’t funny” JB grabbed the sand flea from Pope’s hand and tossed it to the side. Finally, allowing you guys to relax on the sand.
“Or is it?” JB still had the flea and threw it at you. He doubled over in laughter watching you leap into Pope’s embrace. 
“It’s not on me is it?” you whimpered hugging him tighter. 
“No you’re good” He chuckled looking you over and dusting some sand off your back.
“You sure?” You looked up at him still not letting him go.
“I promise” Pope reassured you rubbing your back soothingly to calm you down. At that moment it came up again, should you profess your undying love for your best friend? No one was around, the waves calmly lapped against the sand, and the sun was beginning to set behind him creating a halo effect. You could feel the courage strong in your chest and you were finally ready.
"Pope, I have a confession to make" you pull away slightly so you could get a better look at his face.
"If it's that you have been stealing my--" 
“No, just listen to me, please” You promptly cut him off as the sudden courage could wear off any second. As soon as you opened your mouth to continue, Kiara’s exasperated voice rang out.
“Pope go help JJ and Y/N come here right now!” 
All the confidence you had deflated immediately.
“We’ll talk later okay?” Pope promised and you weakly nodded your head, as he gave you a quick hug before leaving reluctantly. 
Kie put you to work immediately and you were semi-grateful as it helped take your mind off of Pope. Yet, you couldn’t help but think maybe it was a sign from god to keep interrupting you in the midst of confessing your feelings? Should you just get over it and grow up?
The persistent questions weighed heavy on your heart.
“I’ll take that!” Pope swooped in and snatched the case of shitty beer from your grasp.
“Jesus!” You nearly jumped out of your skin at his sudden appearance. 
“Not him but close” He gave you a cheeky smile and you playfully rolled your eyes at him. 
“Whatever, at least let me help” You held out your hand and did the grabby hand motion. Pope skeptically thought about it for a second before nodding his head and letting you hold the other end of the beer case. On your walk back to the party, Pope told you about some of the people who showed up and who’s going to what university. Between his little quips and watching the sea of people interacting with one another, a familiar uneasiness washed over you. 
“Is it too late to go to school here?” You stopped in your tracks, suddenly, as the feeling became overbearing. 
“Woah, Woah” He took the end that you were holding and set the case down on the sand “What are you talking about?” His hands landed on your shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze.
“I don’t know I just---” You could feel your heart rate start to pick up and your breathing becomes more distressed. 
"You're gonna kick ass in Chicago, Y/N'' Pope quickly regained your attention and pulled you into his signature "Security Hug" to ground you. He'd been the one to encourage you enough to actually submit your portfolio to them in the first place because he knew how much you wanted to go. All you needed was a little push. You were glad that he did, but now seeing everyone for potentially the last time had sent you into a spiral. He rubbed your back in slow circular patterns while whispering reassuring words into your ear. 
“Thanks, Po” you smiled at him. An overwhelming urge to kiss him suddenly settled within you.
“No worries, that’s why I’m here” the way his face scrunched up into a smile made the feeling intensify and you finally decided to let your actions speak for themselves. You were halfway into connecting your lips to his when a whirlwind of guys from his AP Chemistry class pulled him away and left you awkwardly leaning forward with slightly puckered lips. He caught your eyes and gave you an apologetic look. You were riddled with embarrassment and now you could only hope that you could wash it away with a couple of hundred shots.
“Did you tell him yet?” 
You were downing your third cup of god-awful beer when the voice startled you. It made you accidentally inhale the remaining liquid which promptly sent you into a coughing fit.
“Oh my god! John B!” You finally managed to say after the coughing and his amused laughter subsided. “And no I didn’t-- How did you--” You could barely finish your sentence before you both shared a knowing look.
“Kiara,” you said in unison and buried your face into the beer-infused palms of your hands. JB threw an arm over your shoulders and roughly brought you closer to him.
“There, there, kid. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. It’s actually kinda cute?” 
“I’m older than you” You try, to no avail, to break away from his sweaty embrace “You think anyone else knows?” you stood crushed to his side.
“Oh yeah, the whole island has known since like… Forever” He chuckled and you couldn’t help but groan.
“Does he know?” He loosened his grip around you and reached around you to get himself another drink. 
“Fuck no, he knows shit but he doesn’t know shit, y’know like me or J” He surveyed the crowd. You could tell he was looking for a distraction. The poor boy was taking the breakup with the kook princess pretty hard.
“Smooth, JB, smooth” You rolled your eyes at the brunette and gave him a playful jab with your elbow. His gaze was soon caught by a girl with faded purple hair and you knew you already lost him. 
“Just take your time and only do it if you’re comfortable, yeah?” His voice became distant as his mind was already somewhere else. The girl dared JB to make a move and with that, he gave you a half-hearted pat on your shoulder before trailing after the vacationer.
“Thanks a lot, bird shit” you called after him and he flipped you the bird without sparing you a second glance. Asshole. You had hoped that the alcohol would have kicked in by now, but you were still painfully sober. The alcohol in your system did nothing to soothe your nerves so you sought help from your favorite salt-lifer. 
The sun was almost gone now as you fought your way through the crowd. The only remnants of the sun left were barely visible in the glowing water. You didn’t think looking for him would be difficult but you were always out to disappoint yourself. The search for the golden boy got increasingly confusing as each person you asked about JJ’s whereabouts pointed you in a new direction. Out of frustration, you let yourself slump against one of the many logs that were strewn about. Your eyes lazily moved from one vaguely familiar face to another. It wasn’t until a while later that you caught sight of Pope. He sat on top of a pile of trees as he talked at length to a girl sitting too close to comfort next to him. You could feel the familiar pull at your stomach as you watched his face contour into laugher at whatever the girl said. It was only for a second though as a wave of determination washed over you. It wasn’t strong enough to send you marching over there, but it was enough to spring you into finding JJ again. This time it didn’t take long. He was cooly leaning against one of the dead trunks trying to act nonchalant while he chatted with a cute redhead.
"I need a hit" you mumbled in JJ's ear. You cowered behind his massive frame to try and not distract him too much from his ongoing conversation. Yet, the touron he was talking to still did not seem pleased at your sneaky attempts.
"What for?" He quickly whispered back trying to keep most of his attention on the person in front of him.
"I'm nervous" you wring your hands in an attempt to ease yourself.
"About what? Wait are you--" he quickly spun around shifting his entire attention to you and away from the touron.
"Yeah…” You kick around some of the sand at your feet failing to meet his gaze.
“Oh my god! Dude, Finally!” JJ laughed and threw you into a hug. He seems to be giddier about this than you were. “God, I’m so proud of you right now!” He continued and pulled away from you to rummage around in his pockets. The touron made a sly attempt to regain JJ’s attention but failed miserably. You gave them an apologetic glance, but they only rolled their eyes at you. Once he found his trusty vape pen, that you all collectively deemed the “flash drive”, he tossed it to you. The inhaled smoke in your lungs felt familiar yet foreign as your lungs grew to accept each new puff. You could feel the pit in your stomach relax by your last puff and you handed it back to him. 
“I just saw him head over to the twinkie, so you better go make your move, shithead” He put the flash drive in between his lips as he quickly straightened your shirt and tousled your hair.
“Thanks, dude”
“Whatever, now go make us proud” and with that, he pushed you in the twinkie’s general direction.
When you finally fought your way through the crowd you saw Pope sprawled out on top of the vehicle. 
"Hey, Poe" you greeted him once you got yourself on the roof of the van. He gathered his limbs and scooched over to make some room for you to lay down. The cool metal arose goosebumps all over your bare skin as you laid down. While the flash drive immensely drove away the nerves, you still couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. You didn’t want to see his face when he tells you he doesn’t feel the same way.
“I, uh, have a confession to make and I promise this is the last one” you kept your eyes focused on the abyss that held the night sky.
“Yeah? What is it this time?” He rolled over to face you; he sounded tired from the Boneyard party. You took in a deep breath and prayed to your ancestors that you weren't about to make the biggest mistake of your life.
“I fucking love you. I have loved you ever since we got sent to the principal’s office in the third grade and--- and I felt like I needed to tell you before I leave tomorrow.” You could tell he was expecting something humorous as he laid beside you wide-eyed. His silence was overbearing and was beginning to fray away at the little confidence you had the longer it went on. 
“Like, I totally get if you don’t feel the same I just...” You cut yourself off when the view of the stars above you was blocked by Pope as he leaned over you. He then tenderly connected his lips to yours and you more than eagerly kissed him back. Your hands immediately went around his neck to bring him closer. It was sweet and delicate. It was something you longed for and it was absolutely everything you could have even dreamed of. It was cruelly interrupted though by the bickering that surrounded the twinkie. 
“Can you see anything?” JJ’s voice rang loud and clear.
“Shut up!” Kie hissed back at him and they still had the audacity to act surprised when your and Pope’s head came into view on Kiara���s phone.
“What the fuck you guys!” You shouted exasperated at them for ruining the idyllic moment that you’ve waited so long for.
“What? We just wanted to see if you made your move, but I guess---” You cut him off by throwing your jacket at him.
“I can’t believe you guys would stoop this low” Pope scoffed as he jumped off the roof of the van. He quickly turned around and helped you get off safely. 
“Whatever, love birds” Kie snickered and tossed your jacket back to you before she ran off towards the party with JJ. Pope pulled the van’s side door open and plopped himself on the carpeted floor.
"Y’know, I did think all those confessions did mean something” he chuckled as he leaned against one of the back seats.
“Yeah, right!” you rolled your eyes with a smile before crawling over to Pope and making yourself comfortable on his lap. “How about we give this another shot, shall we?” you continued and wrapped your arms around his neck once again. Pope answered by eagerly rolling the rusted door closed.
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juuheizou · 8 months
omggg now you sparked my curiosity about juuzou as a parent even when i 200% picture him as not the parenting type, how soft would he be with his baby child? omg and he watching it transit through the baby stages to toddler and the kid's childlike wonder? i'm suuuper curious now I dont think he'd have much patience but just think about juuzou being the safe haven of a little child😭
Not exactly what you're asking, but hopefully either my answer or alternate answer gives you at least some of what you're looking for. It's all implied and referenced in little detail, but there is a mention of harm coming to children.
If he were to be a safe haven for a child, it would probably be while on a case. He would probably need to remind himself it's not forever, since I also don't see him liking to hang out with kids, but he might have a useful, professional kind of affinity for children he has something in common with.
The CCG is a helping profession, which requires being able to at least do your job with just about everyone, even people you wouldn't hang out with off the clock. Lacking that skill is where you run into problems IRL, so imaginably it's important in the TG universe as well. And some cases are bound to come with more of a personal obligation that others.
That being said, he does not seem like the type to be deeply bogged down by obligation to a victim, a family, a case. But he might one day encounter a practical obligation. I'm imagining a child victim of some Big Madam-like offense that other investigators, local law enforcement, even other specialist units but not the CCG, can't get through to. Just like I see him as a quickly regretted last resort when it comes to babysitting and more mundane situations involving kids, he would be this trifecta of organizations' last resort. By the time he's a Special Class, enough of these types know him that someone goes “hey, wasn't that one kooky ghoul investigator raised by ghouls?” and he ends up tasked with following the least gory and exciting lead he could be tasked with: some traumatized child.
Like I have mentioned wrt him and children, empathy is an important strength for child-handling that he innately lacks. For this particular child, however, a rescued captive or escaped meal who is too traumatized to help the investigation they didn't ask to be part of, his lack of empathy but knowing what he himself needed and how Shinohara ultimately got him out from under a hospital bed when he was first rescued is still more than the empathy but lack of understanding possessed by the garden variety detectives who have failed. He would be the one who finally makes the smallest, strangest hint of a connection that means this child might eventually be able to talk to him.
It would start with pages right out of Shinohara's book. Hospital food sucks, so he comes in, pretends to try questioning the kid per protocol knowing it won't work, and then leaves something tastier by their bed. He might leave practical things like toiletries, pillows, blankets. Once they start creeping from their hiding place to see what he brought and he can get a good enough look at them to guess their size, he would gift a pair of pyjamas and slippers much like the ones he always wears himself, some warm layers.
But he would also leave toys, coloring books, crafts... kid stuff, but kid stuff with a purpose. Shinohara got through to him by going slow, giving him space, and, from a distance, playing with him. See, the things he picked are nice presents and all, but he picked them out because once he finds which ones his new case-related little friend inspects when their curiosity trumps their hiding from him, which ones get played with when he leaves, they are things he can engage in with them.
Once again, he starts small once he's found his in. Maybe this child likes the playing cards from the hospital gift shop. It starts with building houses or something solitary on faraway ends of their hospital room. We know Suzuya has the sleight of hand to pick pockets, so maybe he knows some magic tricks that pique the child's interest. Soon it becomes teaching them tricks from a distance, then playing games together, then talking while they play. Maybe it's a stuffed animal they gravitate towards, so Suzuya starts bringing one of his own in hope their plushies can be friends, and these imaginary playdates eventually start to unearth some hints for the investigation. Or maybe they are just like Suzuya and it's the arts and crafts that distract them enough that he can get close without them retreating into a corner.
Whatever it is, he visits them often, always bringing his own supplies for their shared activity and a non-hospital snack. Once he can do it without pushing too hard and losing their trust, gently getting to know each other turns to talking about the ghoul who held them. He might even let the child in on his own past if it helps establish trust or seeing him in that light helps them to feel like there is hope for them too.
Eventually they get the answers they need and the case closes. Suzuya would find it in himself to visit the child once the ghoul has been killed or captured, just to let them know Investigator Suzuya and his friends at the CCG won and the ghoul would never come back for them. Suzuya didn't get that much when Big Madam escaped the raid in which he was rescued, and he made it into early adulthood still convinced he needed to be good for her since she was right around every corner, behind every closed door.
He would take the time to hang out and make them feel safe until they are reunited with their family or physically well enough to move to the Academy, because that's his job. But like I said, I don't see him really liking kids, and it is just his job. Not to be cold, but he is relieved and happy to say goodbye to this relationship once the case is closed and the child has someplace to go, more than content to stay “Investigator Suzuya” in the memory, and only the memory, of this kid. Not everyone is a Shinohara. But he is their safe haven, the one adult who really gets them, for as long as he needs to be.
Or, if it's less about the human child-ness of it all and more about seeing Suzuya's soft and nurturing side, the one thing I see genuinely bringing out that side of him, not just a Shinohara-like persona he adapts to hunt a ghoul down, is animals, especially cats, and especially cats he decides are going to be his. If he found a helpless orphaned bottle baby one day? Maximum softness, because you get the TLC he puts into all his furry friends plus even more because really young kittens are needy and require frequent, specialized coddling to like... live.
Plus, you want to talk about watching it grow through different stages? My brain instantly draws a connection to the transformation from a fragile neonate that can't even see or hear to a playful, curious shithead as bad as Suzuya when it comes to getting into everything. Childlike wonder? Anyone who has had to quickly grab and airlift a mischievous kitten out of trouble knows they have childlike wonder on steroids. I do highly recommend Cat Lady!Suzuya to anyone who, like anon and I, might not see him as a parent but needs to think about his soft, sweet side from time to time :)
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chiriwritesstuff · 2 months
The Girl in IT- 8. The Panic! in the Breakroom (Christine's Version)
A Boss! Joel Miller x IT Specialist F! Reader AU
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The LIST │ Series Masterlist
Chapter Rating: M
Chapter Summary: Joel and Sugar spend some time apart and have serious conversations about their relationship's future. Everything is about to change...
Chapter Warnings and Tags: No outbreak AU, Boss x Employee Relationship, Sugar Daddy Lite, Reckless Driving, Talks about Periods and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and all of the shitty things that could happen with it including blood loss, miscarriage, and painful pregnancies, Someone gets punched (it's Joel, he gets socked in the face), Sugar takes a backseat as chaos ensues, Badass Ellie Miller, Ellie is going through it, Joel is going through it, Sugar's going through it!, Badass Survivalist Bill to the rescue, There is no smut in this chapter (like at all), no beta we die like men!
Word Count: 8.2 K
A/N: Here it is, the first chapter of my big rework, as I mentioned in this post. If you've read the original posting of this chapter, you know it ended with a surprise pregnancy and a proposal. As much as I know many of you enjoyed that outcome, it was also a departure from my true intentions for Sugar and Joel's relationship timeline, which set off a chain reaction for this story. I was afraid of alienating my readers- I thought by avoiding a darker or more heartbreaking storyline, I wouldn't upset anyone and felt like giving a happy ending to this chapter was the right move. Upon reflection, I started to regret it. Trying to censor myself out of fear of losing readers and not staying true to myself is not the way to go, and I've learned from this lesson.
There is a massive plot change in this chapter. Most of the story is the same, but I have included several pivotal moments with Joel and Sugar that will change the tone of the rest of the series. I do promise that we will be getting our happy ending, just at a different pace. This chapter does have some triggering moments, so please read the tags before reading. I also want to note that chapters 9 and 10 will be completely rewritten. I have set those chapters to private as I continue to rework them, and I hope to get those chapters out promptly before we dive into 'My Wife in IT'. Thank you so much for reading and for sticking around. I really do appreciate it.
"The conference should only be a few days, baby," Joel reassures you, planting a soft kiss on your forehead before disappearing into the walk-in closet to grab a flannel.
As he starts getting dressed, he catches your lingering gaze and teases, "See something you like, baby?" A mischievous smirk plays on his lips as he zips up his jeans.
Unable to resist, you slide out of bed and join him. Wrapping your arms around him from behind, you pout and playfully protest, "Do you really need to go, though?" You reach around him to button up his shirt, meeting his gaze in the mirror. "The bed will feel so empty without you... and it's kind of weird being here alone."
"Well, with Ellie being in the house I bet you'll hardly feel alone, hell, I can just see her attached to your hip the whole time," Joel replies, spinning around and pulling you into the warmth of his broad chest, kissing the top of your head. "You won't even notice I'm gone when she's around, she'll keep you on your toes plenty."
"Have you spent time with Ellie lately? You know anything could happen when she's around."
Joel smirks, "You've got a point there. I still need to fix the oven from her latest kitchen mishap. But hey, don't stress. If you bring Sir Bubbles along, she'll be entertained for days. It's like she's more attached to him than she is to both of us combined."
"But do you have to go, Joel?" you protest once more, "I'm sure Tommy can handle things; he's a big boy."
Joel raises an intrigued eyebrow. "Bigger than me, Mami?" he murmurs, giving you a little pout.  
"No one is bigger than you, Papi," you tease, giving him a wink. Gazing up at the ceiling, a sudden wave of unease twists your expression. You find yourself clutching at your middle, groaning slightly in pain.
"Baby? Are you okay?" Joel is suddenly at your side, his face etched with concern. He pushes your hair out of your face, giving you a small smile.  
"I don't want to call it, but I think my period is coming," you reply sadly. 
"You would think with all of the times we've tried to get pregnant, surely it would take," you sigh, frowning as you stare at the ceiling, not wanting to face Joel and his disappointment. "I'm sorry, Papi."
"Why are you apologizing to me, Sugar? We have all the time in the world! Besides, I'm loving all of the attempts," he wiggles his eyebrows, pressing a kiss on your forehead. I'm more concerned about your health than anything else, okay?"
"Okay. I'm just worried because we're not getting any younger, and I don't think your knees can handle chasing a toddler," You tease, pulling him into a slow and languid kiss.  
"I'll have you know, all of this sex we've been having has given me a new lease on life, I haven't worked out so much in my damn life! I'm in my prime, baby." Joel runs a hand through his hair as he walks over to the bedroom door, scanning the hallway for Ellie. He turns back to look at you on the bed. "Promise me you'll see a doctor if you get any worse?"
"I can't make any promises-"
"Sugar, I'm serious. If you start to get worse, you call Ellie and have her take you to the doctor. I mean it, baby. Please. Just put my mind at ease, okay?"  
"Ellie!" Joel's voice echoes down the hallway. "Come here for a second!"
"Yeah?" Ellie pops her head out of her bedroom door. "Are you heading out now?" She strolls out, securing her hair into a ponytail as she settles beside you on Joel's bed. "Hey, why don't we swing by your place after the old man leaves to pick up my buddy? I can't wait for Sir Bubbles to see his new cat jungle!"
You flinch slightly, adjusting into a seated position next to Ellie. "Sure thing. We can grab some lunch on the way, too."
Joel clears his throat, retrieving something from his dresser and handing it to you with a smile. "I've been meaning to give this to you sooner, but since I'm leaving for a few days-"
You open the envelope he hands you, eyes widening at the realization that he's giving you an American Express card that matches his, your name etched onto the metal surface. "Woah, Joel, I don't think this is necessary-"
"If you're going to be spending time under this roof while I'm gone, I don't want you using your own money for things like groceries and necessities, especially if it's for you and Ellie. Use this card while I'm away; go to the mall and go wild," he glances at Ellie, who grins conspiratorially. "But no more guitars, Ellie. Not after the last time."
"How was I supposed to know the guitar was $10,000? The one in your office is twice the amount, I swear!" Ellie groans, knocking her shoulder against yours. "I'm sure Sugar will keep me in check, you have nothing to worry about, old man!"
"Hey, are you ready yet, asshole?" Tommy's voice suddenly booms from the front door. "We needed to head to Waco ten minutes ago!" he exclaims.
Joel sticks his head out of his bedroom door. "Yeah, just give me a damn second!" Grabbing his weekender duffle, he presses a kiss on your cheek. "Okay baby, I need to go. I'll see you in two days, okay?"
"Okay," you reply with a smile, pulling him into a kiss. "... and don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen to me, okay? Promise."
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"Reservation for Miller," Joel tells the hotel receptionist, retrieving his wallet from his back pocket to produce his Amex. "It should be under Joel Miller."
"Welcome back Mr. Miller!" The receptionist beams, tapping away at her computer. "Let me just pull up your reservation. Give me a moment... Ah, yes, reservation for Joel Miller, one room, two keys."
"Wait, hold on," Tommy interjects, nudging Joel aside. "What do you mean one room?"
"The reservation for Miller only indicates one room," the receptionist replies with a sweet smile, her head cocked to one side.
"Well, there must be some mistake, miss." Joel's brows furrow with concern.
The receptionist glances at the screen, her brow furrowing slightly. "I apologize for any confusion, but that's how it's listed in our system. One room, two keys for Mr. Joel Miller."
Tommy exchanges a perplexed look with Joel, a touch of frustration evident. "Look, we need two separate rooms. Must've been a mix-up. Can you check again or maybe offer us an additional room?"
The receptionist hesitates for a moment before typing away on her keyboard. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Let me see if there's anything available." After a brief pause, she looks up. "I'm afraid we're fully booked tonight, with the conference and all, and the reservation is for a single room. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"
"Please tell me there's at least a cot or a pull-out couch in the room," Tommy groans, shaking his head.
The Receptionist hesitates, giggling awkwardly. "Well, there's a king-size bed? I guess it's pretty spacious?" 
Joel and Tommy exchange glances, silently communicating their dissatisfaction with the situation. "Alright, fine," Joel concedes with a sigh. "We'll make do with what we have. But this better not become a habit."
The receptionist offers an apologetic smile. "I assure you, Mr. Miller, we'll do our best to make your stay enjoyable. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask."
Joel and Tommy head towards the elevator, resigned to share a room for the night. As they walk away, Joel mutters to Tommy, "We'll sort this out tomorrow. Let's just get some rest for now."
"I guess it'll be like old times, brother, sharing a room and all," Tommy grunts. "I swear, if you snuggle up with me or fart in the sheets, I'll punch you right in the balls."
"If my memory serves me right, weren't you the one sneaking into my bed when things got a bit dicey in the night?" Joel retorts, arching an eyebrow while casually checking his emails on his iPhone. "Oh, Joel, I'm so scared of the boogeyman, can I sleep with you tonight?!" he imitates in an attempt at a childish voice, smirking.  
"It's really gonna be like that, huh? You're gonna play that card? What about that time after we watched 'A Nightmare on Elm Street'? Weren't you begging Mama to let you sleep in her bed, thinking Freddy's gonna suck you up from your bed like Johnny Depp? Am I gonna wake up to you screaming?"
"Oh, go fuck yourself, Tommy, you ass-" The elevator dings to their floor, a family staring back at them. Tommy clears his throat, navigating around the family, shooting Joel a look as he heads to the room. "Evenin'," Joel murmurs, tipping his head to the family. "Excuse me."
Tommy is already in the room by the time Joel casually strolls in, rummaging through the welcome basket the conference organizers had prepared for Joel. "Well, it's nice of you to grace us with your presence, 'Mr. Austin's Entrepreneur of the Year 2023,'" he teases, extracting a bottle of Johnny Walker. "At least they give you the decent shit." Taking a swig straight from the bottle, he hands it over to Joel.
"Nah, I'm not drinking tonight," Joel murmurs, dropping his weekender unceremoniously on the floor as he plops onto the bed, pinching the space between his eyebrows. "I want to stay sober just in case Sugar calls me."
Tommy takes another swig, settling on the couch beside the window with a view of the city of Waco. "I noticed that she was looking a bit pale. Something going on?"
"She told me that she's about to start her period, I'm assuming that they can be quite an ordeal," Joel muses, glancing at his phone screen displaying a photo of you and him at your birthday dinner. A smile creeps across his face as he observes the image, capturing the moment when you kissed his cheek while he smiled at the camera. "I just have a really weird feeling like something's wrong," he groans, stretching his back onto the mattress.
"Well, Sugar's a big girl; I'm sure she'll be okay. Hell, I know how periods go, with Maria and all. Maybe I'll have her check in just in case." Tommy looks out of the window. "This is nice, you know. The two of us. Feels like it's been ages since we've done something like this."
"That's because the last time we were like this, it was your bachelor weekend in Vegas, and you ditched me and fucked off on some strip club crawl with your friends," Joel chides. "Then you had the fucking audacity to crawl into my bed, only to throw up on me in the middle of the night."
"I told you I was sorry! Shit, you could have come out with us, but you were still hung up on Sugar, even then. I don't know if that girl knows just how much you've loved her all these years."
"All that matters is she knows how much I love her now. Besides, I think it's only a matter of time before I ask her to marry me," Joel muses, revealing a ring from his jeans pocket.
Tommy's eyes widen at the sight of the diamond ring, whistling. "Shit, Joel, you're serious. How many carats is that puppy?"
"Just about 2 carats. Do you think she'll like it?" Joel asks nervously.
"I think she would say yes even without that rock; the girl's been crazy about you."
"I'm scared shitless, to be honest," Joel murmurs. "Never would have thought I would be put in this situation again, getting married and all... wondering if it's the right thing to do since my first marriage crashed and burned."
"Well, it's not like you married for love the first time around," Tommy muses, taking another swig.
"Now I have a second lease on life, time to get married for real. For love, this time."
"So, you get the girl, you ask her to marry you. But what about after that?" Tommy asks, taking another swig of Jimmy Bean. "... are you guys planning on having any kids? Do you want any more kids? You're not getting any younger, brother. Surely you don't want to be chasing some toddler when you're pushing 60-"
"I mean, we talked about the prospect of having kids, Sugar's only 36. I'm not gonna deny her of something she may want because I'm older than her." Joel responds with a heavy sigh. "Truthfully, I would give her anything she wanted, no questions asked... but sometimes I think to myself, what about our kids? I don't want to die before they become adults, you know?"
"... but is kids something that she wants? Sugar's a beautiful woman, surely if she wanted a family, she would have already gotten one, you know?" Tommy muses, chuckling to himself. "Maybe she would have gotten her head out of her ass sooner and sought you out beforehand."
"What are you trying to say, Tommy?"
"I'm saying, maybe before you ask her to marry you, you both have all of your cards on the table, brother."
"What if she wants kids, though? What if she wants a family, and I'm too old to give it to her? I don't want to lose her, I can't lose her. Not when I've just gotten her. I didn't work hard for these last ten years only for me to lose the girl because I can't give her what she wants."
"I have a feeling you don't have to worry about losing her, Joel. I do think that you should talk to her, at least."
Joel nods, a knot forming in his stomach as he contemplates Tommy's words. "Yeah, you're right. I need to have an honest conversation with Sugar about this. I owe her that much."
Tommy claps Joel on the shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "She loves you, man. Just be open and honest with her, and I'm sure you two will figure it out together."
"Yeah, I hope so," Joel murmurs, a mixture of determination and anxiety swirling within him.
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"So, what's the plan for dinner tonight?" Ellie asks, idly toying with Sir Bubbles by the towering cat tree in the family room. "I was thinking of whipping up some homemade Hot Pockets. I saw Sam snacking on them the other day, and they smelled divine!"
"You know, Ellie, you could just buy them at Randalls for $2 instead of going through the trouble of making them."
"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" She grabs her phone, tapping away at Safari. "I found a great recipe that seems easy enough! Why don't we head to Randalls and grab the ingredients I need?"
"The whole beauty of Hot Pockets is the convenience," you groan, shifting on the sofa while flipping through channels. You wince as you manage to sit up. "You're not one to do things half-assed, are you?"
"I'm a Miller; we don't do things halfway. We must embrace chaos in all its glory, you know?" She glances at you from the corner of her eye, frowning at your pained form. "Are you sure you're okay? You look really uncomfortable sitting there."
You offer her a small smile through the discomfort. "Yeah, I'm just fine. It's that time of the month for me, always a bit uncomfortable."
Ellie nods in agreement. "Yeah, I hate it when I have my period. The cramps, especially! How do you deal with it? Midol?"
"Well, I have a condition that makes periods hell for me," you admit. 
"PCOS is a beast I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It's like period symptoms on steroids, honestly. Bad cramps, nausea, heavy period flow, the whole nine yards and then some."
Ellie frowns at that. "How long have you had PCOS?"
"Since my mid-twenties?" you muse, scrolling through your phone. "It's been a while, that's for sure."
"Bullshit! That's like a decade! How can you deal with such painful periods like that every month? I would be yelling at the doctors to rip my uterus out!" Ellie pets Sir Bubbles, her face deep in thought. "I heard that women who have PCOS have a hard time conceiving. Is that why you haven't had any kids yet?"
You snort. "Yeah, well, I haven't been trying to have kids, either."
"But I bet it's different now that you're with Joel, huh? I bet he's been wanting to knock you up since you agreed to be with him," she smirks. "I mean, for someone who built his own house, you'd think he would insulate the walls a little more, make it more soundproof-"
"Ellie-" you grit through your teeth, cheeks burning with embarrassment.
"What? I know it's just human nature to want to be intimate with your partner-"
"Ellie, deciding to have kids is a big step in any relationship. It's something that changes your life forever."
"...and is that something you want, Sugar? To have kids?"
"I don't know what I want, really," you respond truthfully, shrugging. "I never really allowed myself to think about the future like this before, and now that I'm with Joel... it's making me question whether or not I would be a good mother. I... I didn't grow up in the most nurturing home when I was a kid, but I do remember promising myself that if I were to have any kids, I wouldn't raise them the way my parents did."
"That's understandable," Ellie quips thoughtfully, settling herself into the couch as she faces you. "I don't think I would ever want kids. It seems so freaking scary and overwhelming; I can't fathom the kind of pressure you're feeling about it. Have you talked to Joel about this?"
"We've talked about it," you admit, the weight of uncertainty evident in your voice. "I don't know if he wants kids, but I'm just not sure if I'm ready. I don't know if I'll ever be ready, you know? I'm scared of disappointing him. What if he sees it as a deal-breaker?"
Ellie nods sympathetically, her demeanor softening. "I get it, Sugar. It's a tough spot to be in. But Joel loves you for you, not for whether you want kids or not. And if he's the right guy, he'll understand your concerns and respect your feelings. Joel's a lot, but I know that this man would do anything for you. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Trust me, I live with the guy."
You exhale slowly, feeling a bit lighter with Ellie's reassurance. "Thanks, Ellie. I guess I need to talk to Joel and figure things out."
"Exactly," Ellie responds with a hopeful smile. "Communication is key. Just be honest with him, and who knows? Maybe you two can find a way through this together."
"You know, you're pretty wise for a little shit, but I do appreciate the words of wisdom, Ellie Bellie. Maybe you're not so bad after all," you tease, a chuckle escaping your lips. "Thanks for the armchair therapy. Should we get a move on to buy the ingredients for these hot pockets of yours?"
"Yeah, yeah," Ellie sighs. "We might as well head to Target, so we can get some Midol too. Grab your key; I'm driving! Can't have you navigating these streets in your condition. Plus, I've been meaning to take the Tessie out on a joyride!"
The next morning, you wake up to find blood on the sheets. Panic grips you as a sharp, stabbing pain surges through your lower body, causing you to double over in agony. You suppress tears as you carefully slip out of Joel's bed, realizing that your flow was so heavy it soaked through to the mattress. Gathering the sheets, you remove your stained pajamas and underwear, wrapping yourself in a towel to avoid waking Ellie down the hall.
On tiptoes, you make your way to the laundry room, groaning with each step. After depositing the soiled linens and clothes into the wash, you hobble back to Joel's bedroom. Sighing, you enter the bathroom and draw a hot bath. Glancing at your phone, it's 5:34 am. You meet your reflection in the mirror, eyes widening at the sight—your skin is pale and clammy. Quickly splashing water on your face, you try to shake off the discomfort.
You recall your recent FaceTime with Joel. You remember the sadness and concern in his eyes as he saw your pain. It's not like any period you've experienced before.
"Baby, I really think you should go to the ER," he pleads. "Wake Ellie up, have her take you-"
"It's just my period, Joel," you assure him, smiling through the pain to ease his worry. "Sometimes they get really bad, maybe this time is one of those times."
"I just wish you wouldn't be so stubborn, Mami. This is really concerning, maybe I should drive back-"
"I just think I should sleep it off. If it's not any better, I'll go to the hospital, okay? Sleep makes everything better," you promise, knowing your stubbornness may hold true. It's not new to you, but how is Joel to know?
"I wish I could keep you on FaceTime all night, just to make sure you're okay, but I don't want to keep you up with all of Tommy's snoring-"
"I'll be fine, baby, don't worry. You have a big day tomorrow, Austin's Entrepreneur of the Year," you tease, hoping to divert the conversation. "I love you so much, Papi. I wish you were here with me."
"I wish I was too, baby," Joel smiles. "Call me tomorrow? And please, if it doesn't get any better-"
"... I'll go straight to the doctor. I promise."
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"Hey, Sugar, you don't look too hot."
"I'm fine, Ellie. Just a little headache," you assure her, managing a weak smile while holding up your Owala water bottle. "Probably just dehydrated, nothing a little water can't fix. I also got my period last night, and it always gives me problems. It's just a bit heavier than usual."
Ellie eyes you with concern. "Maybe it's time we get it checked out. Joel did say-"
"I know, Ellie, but I'm already behind on my reports, and Tess will flip if I don't finish them by the end of the day. I'll tough it out. If it gets worse, I promise I'll get myself checked out. I'll even let you drive me there, okay? Let's just keep this between us for now. I wouldn't want to bother Joel by being a baby about period cramps."
"Well, could you at least try to eat something? I swear the last time I saw you eat was yesterday. Joel's gonna kill me if something happens to you, and I really don't need that kind of stress right now. Not before the apprentice exam," Ellie urges, sliding her glass container into the microwave. "Besides, you can try out the Hot Pockets we made last night!"
"Isn't this supposed to be the other way around? I'm the adult in this equation; I should be looking over you, not the other way around," you chuckle. "What would Joel say if he saw us right now?"
"He would give us his best frowny face and bridal carry you out of here, taking you to the doctor," she replies, taking the seat across from you. "I'm not lying when I tell you that you look sick as hell. You should be at home, resting! I'm really worried about you, Sugar. For real this time. You need to at least eat something so you don't pass out!"
She places one of her creations on a plate, presenting it in front of you with a flourish as she begins to devour her own, inhaling it in a few bites. "Damn, that was good," she exclaims to herself, leaning back in her chair, taking a sip of her Baja Blast. "Come on, Sugar," she pleads, "Eat!"
You take a deep breath as you eye the hot pocket, your stomach churning at the overwhelming smell. With a hesitant smile, you lift it off your plate, taking a small, careful bite to avoid offending Ellie. "Mmm," you say softly, placing it back onto your plate. "You really outdid yourself this time, Ellie!" you commend, pushing the plate away. However, the effort to conceal your discomfort becomes futile as your head starts to spin when you attempt to stand.
Ellie's eyes widen as she quickly rises from her seat. "Sugar-"
"Ellie, I'll be right-"
Before you can reach the door, everything turns black.
"Sugar!" Ellie screams, dropping to her knees as she attempts to lift you, panic evident in her voice. "Somebody, help!"
Bill bursts through the door in an instant, his eyes wild as he assesses the situation. "What the hell happened?"
"I don't know!" Ellie exclaims, cradling your head in her lap as tears stream down her face. "She wasn't looking too good, so I gave her a hot pocket, and she took one bite and fainted! What am I going to do? Joel's going to freak!"
"Bill?" Frank calls out as he enters the breakroom. "What the hell is going on?!"
"Frank," he says calmly, "Call 911. Tell them that someone passed out." He turns his attention back to Ellie, his eyes focused. "Ellie, do you know if she hit her head?" Ellie is frozen in place, her breathing erratic, the weight of the situation settling in.
"Ellie!" Bill shouts, trying to maintain control. "Focus! Did she hit her head or not?"
"I don't know!" she says shakily, her hands trembling. "Everything happened so fast!"
"Bill," Frank says uneasily, "She's bleeding," he points to your lower body, his eyes widening in fear. "It's a lot of blood, fuck, is she... what if-"
"Fuck this!" Bill mutters, urgency in his voice as he picks up your limp body. "Frank, get the van, we need to go to the hospital, NOW." He looks over at Ellie, who is crying uncontrollably. "Ellie, call Joel."
"But Sugar begged me not to call Joel-"
"Joel won't forgive you if you keep him in the dark. Get him on the phone, NOW," he commands, darting towards the door behind Frank. "... and pick up the pace! You're coming with us!"
Ellie grabs her phone from her back pocket, her hands shaking as she scrambles to call Joel. She curses as it goes straight to voicemail. "He's not answering! It's going straight to voicemail-"
"THEN CALL TOMMY, ELLIE!" he shouts as Frank parks near the entrance, engine still running. He hurries out of the driver's seat, opening the back door. "Ellie, sit here! I need you to elevate her head!" 
Ellie jumps into the car, phone in hand. Bill gently places you in the van, positioning your head across Ellie's lap. "Keep it elevated, okay?" Ellie nods, looking at you with concern. "Do you think she's going to be okay?" she whispers, placing a hand on your cheek. "This is all my fault-"
"Ellie," Bill says, heading toward the driver's seat. "This is not the time for that," he steps on the gas, swerving to avoid an oncoming vehicle. "Put Tommy on the phone, now!"
Ellie fumbles with her phone, quickly dialing Tommy's number. As the line rings, Bill navigates the van through the chaotic streets, tension thick in the air.
"Come on, Tommy, pick up," Ellie mutters anxiously, glancing at you still cradled in her lap. After a few tense moments, Tommy's voice crackles through the phone.  
"Ellie? What's happening?"
"It's Sugar. We're on our way to the hospital. Something's wrong," Ellie replies, her voice shaky. "I tried to call Joel but it's going straight to voicemail! Could you put him on the line? Please!"
"Shit, Ellie-" Tommy stammers, "He's about to go on stage-"
"What's going on?" Joel notices Tommy's unease. "Who is it?"
Tommy hesitates as he puts the phone on speaker. "It's Ellie, something's happened at the office-"
"Joel? Dad?" Ellie cries, her voice quivering.
"Ellie? Baby girl, what's wrong?" Joel asks worriedly, peering out to the stage as the emcee begins. "Baby, what's going on?!"
"It's Sugar, something happened at lunch-" she sobs, looking down at your pale form.
Tommy's eyes widen as he witnesses Joel's demeanor change rapidly. "Ellie, what happened to Sugar?" he soothes, trying to get her to calm down through her sobs. "Come on baby, breathe-"
"She passed out at work! I know, she shouldn't have gone in, but she swore that she was fine! I tried to get her to eat something and she looked sick all of a sudden... and then she was on the ground, bleeding! It all happened so fast, I swear! I'm so sorry, Dad! It's all my fault!" she cries.
"Joel," Bill cuts in, honking as he narrowly misses a car he overtakes. "I'm heading over to Austin General, ETA 2 minutes. She's lost a lot of blood." He runs a red light, a barrage of horns erupting from the maneuver. "I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to get her there."
"You're driving her there? Why didn't you call 911?" Joel demands.
"They would have taken too long, Joel. Minutes we do not have. Trust me, I'll get her there faster than they could," Bill hesitates. "Joel, I think she's-" The line cuts off as Ellie's phone dies.  
"BILL? ELLIE??!" Joel screams into the phone frantically as he runs his hand through his hair. He tries to call Ellie back, only to be met with voicemail. "Fuck!" he shouts, trying to call Bill. "Why aren't they answering?"
"Joel, you're gonna have to tell me what the fuck is going on-"
"Sugar collapsed at work. They're on their way to Austin General now. Grab your shit, we're leaving."
[and it's with my great pleasure to introduce you to our keynote speaker and Austin's Entrepreneur of the Year, Joel Miller!]
"Okay Mr. Miller," the assistant interrupts, hand on his earpiece. "You're up!"
"I have a family emergency, I need to leave," Joel replies, attempting to make a quick exit.
"No can do, Mr. Miller; it's your turn!" The assistant insists, pushing Joel towards the door.
"Are you deaf?!" Joel shouts, forcefully removing the assistant's hands from him. "I already told you, my wife is being taken to the hospital right now-"
"Just get on stage, say your piece for five minutes, and then you can go straight to the hospital," the assistant insists, shoving Joel towards the door, unfazed.
Joel's frustration boils over, and he shoves the assistant back, his anger reaching its peak. "Listen, I don't give a damn about your schedule! My wife needs me, and I'm not wasting another second here!"
The assistant, angered by Joel's defiance, clenches his fists. "You're not going anywhere until you fulfill your obligations. This is important!"
"Joel, we don't have time for this!" Tommy grits, glaring at the assistant. "If we leave now, we can miss the rush on 1-35."
The assistant grabs Joel's forearm, pulling him as he makes his way towards the door that leads to the stage. "You're getting on that stage, give your fucking speech, and then you can fuck off and get to your little wife-"
Joel pulls himself out of his grasp. "Are you fucking kidding me? Don't put your hands on me!"  
The man glares at Joel. "Look asshole, we fucking paid for you to come here, and you're not going to make some half-assed excuse about your sick wife-"
Joel's patience snaps, and he throws a punch, hitting the guy square in the face. "Don't talk about my wife like that!"
"Fuck! You broke my fucking nose!" he shouts, tackling Joel to the ground. He manages to land one good punch before Tommy intervenes, pulling the man off of him and shoving him to the ground. "What the fuck is your problem, man?" he yells as he tries to get up.  
"Joel, are you okay? Come on, let's get the fuck out of here before they call someone!" Tommy hoists Joel onto his feet, his lip split and a bruise forming on his cheek. They run towards the parking garage, Tommy throwing his keys at Joel as they jump in, peeling out of the parking stall. At the corner of Joel's eyes, he sees security guards running along the lot, searching for them.  
"Stop!" one of the guards yells, trying to block the truck at the exit. Joel swerves around, narrowly avoiding the guard as they pass the parking attendant booth. He hits the gas, driving through the parking arms, pieces flying over the dashboard as they merge onto the main road. "Joel, think they'll chase us?" Tommy asks, the tension thick as they speed away. "I don't think Maria will appreciate watching us on a high-speed chase on the evening news-"
"Shut the fuck up, Tommy!" Joel cuts him off, navigating towards the freeway out of Waco, heading to Austin. "Just let me fucking concentrate on the road!"
"Slow down, Joel! Dying on the way there won't help anyone!" Tommy yells as Joel narrowly avoids a car while speeding down the freeway. Fortunately, no police cars are chasing them as they make their way towards Austin. "I can't believe that guy wanted to fight you, and you just started throwing punches!"
"Tommy, not now," Joel grits his teeth, gripping the wheel tightly. "I knew I should've stayed home. If I were there, then-"
Tommy's phone rings, displaying Sarah's face on the screen. He answers the Facetime call, and Sarah's concerned face fills the screen. "Where are you guys?" she asks nervously. "Ellie's phone died, but the hospital just called asking for information. You're her emergency contact, Dad."
"Do you know what's going on?" Joel inquires as he navigates down the freeway. "I don't have my phone, but we're on I-35 right now, should be there in about 30 minutes."
"They can't release any information because we're not family," she says hesitantly. "I'm legally supposed to call her parents, but-"
"You can't call them, Baby. She wouldn't want them there. Tell them she's my wife, and I'm on my way," Joel insists.
"Dad, I don't think we should lie about that-" Sarah expresses her concern.
"I'm all she has, baby. I can't be kept in the dark. Were you there when it happened?"
"No, but Dad, she was bleeding. There was a lot of blood-"
"Damn it!" Joel slams his hands on the steering wheel, his eyes wide as he overtakes a few cars, stepping on the gas. "I should've followed my gut and stayed home. She was already in pain when I left yesterday!"
"Well, speeding down the freeway isn't helping, Dad!" Sarah shouts through the phone. "We're all concerned for Sugar, not just you. I sent Tess to the hospital to bring chargers and Bill and Frank's phones. I need you to relax; it's not going to help her if you two get into an accident!"
"I can't help it, baby girl. I love her, and it's hard to think straight. All I'm thinking about is how scared I am. I can't lose her. I've already known how it feels losing her all these years; I don't think I can survive a second time."
"I know, Dad," Sarah replies. "Just get to her in one piece, okay? I'll let you know if I hear anything back."
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"What do you mean I can't go in with her?" Ellie groans, attempting to keep pace with the gurney as they rush you down the hallway towards a room, with Bill and Frank following behind.
The doctor raises an eyebrow at her. "Are you her family?"
"She's my sister!" Ellie asserts. "I was adopted by her family!"
"Doctor," the nurse interjects urgently. "She's lost a lot of blood; she's going to need a transfusion... she might be in the middle of a hemorrhage-"
"If you know she needs a transfusion, then what are you waiting for?"
"The patient has O Negative, and we don't have any on hand-"
"I have O Negative!" Ellie tells the nurse, showing her wrist. "I found out my blood type after an accident as a kid. Take it from me, please!"
The doctor eyes Ellie warily. "... and you're sure she's your sister?"
"Not by blood, but by heart. Please, doctor. She's important to me, and I know she would do the same for me in a heartbeat," Ellie pleads.
The doctor sighs, nodding his head in agreement. "Fine, if you say that she's your sister, then I'll just take your word for it. Nurse, prep her for a blood draw. She's a match."
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"Hey! You can't park here!" The hospital security guard shouts as Joel and Tommy hastily exit the car, leaving it right outside the ER. Joel sprints through the hospital, Tommy trailing behind him. He reaches the receptionist's stand, his chest heaving. "Where is she? Where is my wife?!" he demands, attempting to jump over the partition, with Tommy trying to hold him back.
"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down," the receptionist replies, glaring at both of them. "I'm going to need a name."
Joel hesitates but states your first name, adding 'Miller' as your last. Tommy shoots him a look, signaling the obvious lie, but Joel gives him a warning glare. The receptionist's eyes narrow at Joel. "She was just brought in 20 minutes ago. She's currently under observation but will be put in a room soon. Should be room 203. You can wait for her if you'd like."
Joel breathes a sigh of relief. "Do you have any idea what's going on?"
"I don't, but the attending Doctor should be with her. He could answer any of your questions," she hands him a clipboard. "I'm going to need you to fill this out for me with her information, and then you can head down the hall and take a left. Her room should be a few doors down that corridor." She assesses his disheveled state. "Sir, are you needing assistance as well?"
"I'm fine," Joel dismisses her as he fills out the form. He takes out his Amex and hands it to the receptionist. "I don't have her insurance card, but please put all charges on this card."
The receptionist's eyes widen at the color of his Amex. "Certainly, sir."
Joel strides down the hallway towards room 203, catching a glimpse of Ellie in the room adjacent to yours, a nurse tending to her bandaged wrist. His heart lurches at the sight, but he pushes the worry aside for the moment. As he approaches your room, he sees Bill and Frank sitting on a nearby bench, their expressions heavy with concern. Frank rests his head on Bill's shoulder, a distant sadness clouding his eyes.
"Bill!" Joel's voice echoes in the hallway. "Thank you for bringing her here!" He notices their somber demeanor and furrows his brow. "What happened-"
Bill hesitates, his gaze flickering with reluctance. "Joel, I think it's best if you go inside and talk to the doctor," he suggests softly, his voice strained with emotion. "He'll be able to explain everything to you." He offers a weak smile, though it fails to mask the worry etched on his face. "Frank and I are gonna head back to the office, alright?"
"Yeah," Joel stammers, nodding. "Thanks again, Bill... for everything."
"Anytime, Joel," Bill responds, his eyes watery. "Take care of her, okay? She's gonna need you."
Joel's stomach churns with apprehension, but he nods in understanding. With a final glance at Bill and Frank, he takes a deep breath and steps into your room, steeling himself for whatever news awaits him. He nods as he walks into your hospital room, audibly gasping at the sight of you, unconscious. A doctor is tending to you, engaged in conversation with a nurse. He turns around at the sound of the gasp.
"Mr. Miller, I presume?"
"What's going on with her, Doc?" Joel asks, his face reflecting a mix of worry and tears.
The doctor eyes Joel silently, a heavy sigh escaping from his chest.  
"Why are you not telling me anything? She's my wife-"
The doctor, catching on to Joel's distress, gives a serious look. "Mr. Miller, let's maintain a level of seriousness here."
"But she's practically my wife! I'd give my life for her, you understand? Please, man to man, wouldn't you do the same for someone you love?" he pleads, Tommy, looking away from his brother to keep himself from breaking down.  
The doctor, unyielding, emphasizes, "We have legal protocols to safeguard those who can't speak for themselves. I can't divulge information to just anyone; there are procedures that must be followed for the well-being of the patient."
"Well, what can you tell me, then?" Joel's voice wavers as he pleads with the doctor. "I'm in the dark here, doctor. Please," Joel begs. "Just give me something. Tell me she's going to be okay."
The doctor takes a deep breath before delivering the news, "She was pregnant, Mr. Miller. She has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and is anemic. Due to significant blood loss, we had to perform a blood transfusion. Luckily, someone who accompanied her was a match."
Joel's heart sinks as the words hit him like a ton of bricks. "Was? So, Sugar and the baby... Are they okay?"
The doctor's demeanor shifts, his eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and gravity. "Mr. Miller," he begins cautiously, "Sugar lost a lot of blood during the procedure. She was suffering from a hemorrhage and was going into shock. I did everything in my power to save them both, but... I'm sorry, Mr. Miller. The baby didn't make it. Sugar almost didn't make it out herself. Without that blood transfusion-" He trails off, the weight of the situation hanging heavy in the air.  
"Ellie..." Joel whispers, realization dawning on him as he connects the dots. "That's why she's bandaged up?"
The doctor leans in, a glimmer of understanding in his eyes. "Yes," he confirms, his tone somber. "What we did was highly unethical and illegal. I don't appreciate being lied to, but your daughter's quick thinking saved Sugar's life. Despite the miscarriage, Ellie's actions kept Sugar alive. It was incredibly brave of her. I'm willing to keep this between us if any issues arise. Sugar is still with us because of her. That girl has nerves of steel," he chuckles softly, his gaze distant with memories. "Reminds me of my daughter. Us fathers need to stick together, right?"
Joel nods, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on you lying on the hospital bed. "I knew something was wrong... I should have stayed back. I can't imagine the pain she must have been in-"
"Unfortunately, this is highly common for women with her condition," the doctor interjects, his tone gentle yet matter-of-fact. "As much as we can dwell on the what-ifs, most times the baby won't make it past the first trimester. It does give us a little hope that she was able to conceive to begin with. Have you two been trying long?"
Joel's shoulders sag slightly at the doctor's words, a mixture of grief and understanding washing over him. "We've spoken about it, but only decided to try recently," he admits, his voice tinged with sadness. "But we never imagined it would end like this."
The doctor offers a sympathetic nod, his expression reflecting empathy. "I'm sorry for your loss, Joel. Losing a child is never easy, but please know that you're not alone in this. If either of you need support or someone to talk to, we have resources available. I want to have Sugar spend a day or two here, just to make sure her blood count gets back to normal. You're welcome to stay as long as you need to, okay? I'll make sure of it."
Joel manages a faint smile, grateful for the doctor's compassion. "Thank you," he murmurs, his gaze drifting back to you, his heart heavy with sorrow yet filled with love and determination. 
The doctor nods, glancing at Joel's disheveled appearance and the split lip. "I can get someone to fix that for you if you'd like. Waking up to see you like this might frighten Sugar. You must have been through hell to get here."
"Pretty much," Tommy says sadly, his eyes filled with tears. "Thank you for saving Sugar, doc. We really owe you one."
The doctor nods. "Yeah, well, thank your little girl; she's the real hero today." He gestures behind Tommy and Joel. Ellie stands at the doorway, nervously fiddling with the bandage on her wrist. Giving Joel one last nod, the doctor makes his way to the door, giving Ellie a comforting pat on her shoulder as he walks away. Joel turns his attention back to Ellie, a sad look on his face as he tries not to lose his shit in front of his brother and his daughter.  
"Ellie-" he starts, his voice shaky. "Baby-"
"Oh, it was nothing, you know, just another day at the office," she casually says, downplaying herself. "Besides, she's family, and we do anything for family." 
"You're damn right we do," Tommy boasts, pulling Ellie into a side hug. "You saved the day, Girlie."
"You sure did," Joel cries, pulling her into a tight hug, his tears soaking into her hair. "You did so good, baby girl. Thank you, thank you, baby."
Ellie hugs Joel back, sobbing into his chest and clinging to his shirt. "I was so scared, Joel. It made me think about what happened with Marlene, and I just froze! If Bill didn't step in, I don't know what would have happened—"
"... and I told her that she should tell you. She looked so sick, so I told her that she needed to eat something, and I gave her a hot pocket—"
"A hot pocket?"
"Yeah, we made it last night, and even then, I knew something was up. She was always wincing and flinching in pain, told me that she was on her period—"
"Ellie. She was bleeding out, then. It—" Joel takes her face in his hands, his expression serious. "She was pregnant, baby girl. She has a condition that makes her bleed heavily. Fuck, she must have been in so much pain—"
"Wait," Ellie says, her eyes reflecting shock. "What do you mean, she was pregnant? Does this mean that she lost the baby?" she says solemnly, turning her attention to you. "Joel, I'm so sorry, maybe if I had been more stubborn and firm with her, maybe-"
"Ellie, trust me when I say that none of this was your fault, baby girl," Joel pulls her into his chest as she sobs, his hand soothing her back. "These things happen all the time with women that have the same condition as her. Honestly, I'm just happy that she had you to watch over her, you did everything perfectly, alright? No more tears, baby. Sugar's still here with us, and that's all that matters, okay?"
"Okay," Ellie murmurs into his chest. "Joel, what's going to happen now? are you going to tell her? We need to tell her, right?"  
"Why don't you head back to the office with Tommy and let me worry about that, alright?" Joel responds, sighing as he sits at the edge of your bed. "I think you've had too much excitement for one day, I can talk to her when she wakes up, okay? Don't worry."
Tommy places a comforting hand on Joel's shoulder, pulling him into a side hug. "I'm really sorry, brother. If there's anything you both need, just let me know, okay?"
Joel nods. "Thanks, Tommy."
"Ready to go, Ellie?" Tommy asks, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "We better get moving before they tow my truck out front." Ellie nods as they both give you and Joel one last glance, making their way out of your hospital room.
"Let me know if you need me to bring you anything from home, alright?" Ellie tells Joel, giving him one last smile. "Take care of yourself. I love you."
"I love you too, baby. Get some rest, okay?"
Joel looks back at them helplessly as a sob escapes his mouth. He buries his face in his hands, finally allowing himself to fall completely apart. As heartbreaking as the miscarriage is, the thought of losing you at the same time is unbearable. How could he have turned a blind eye to the pain you were going through? How could he have almost lost you, just like that? The guilt and anguish weigh heavily on his shoulders as he grapples with the harsh reality of the situation.
"I'm so sorry, baby," he cries, reaching for your hand. Joel presses a soft kiss on your forehead, his tears falling upon your face. He wipes them away as he settles himself on the seat next to your bed, his eyes never leaving your face as he waits for you to wake up. Every fiber of his being yearns for you to open your eyes, to assure him that you're still here, still fighting alongside him.
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Taglist: @sarcasm-theotherwhitemeat@gwendibleywrites@brittmb115@joeldjarin@drewharrisonwriter@littlebunnybigheartfics
@missladym1981 @auteurdelabre @quicax3 @casa-boiardi @amyispxnk
@thewiigers@survivingandenduring (I apologize if I missed anyone, but if you are looking for any of my fic updates, please feel free to follow my updates blog @chiriwritesstuffnotifs!)
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redjaybathood · 1 year
You would think, for someone constantly dying with many regrets, coming back in time was a good thing. Oh well.
"I don't know what to do with him anymore, Alfred." Bruce sighed, rubbing his forehead. "He's not listening to me, to you, or to Barbara. I called her in last week - they are closer in age, I thought she would be able to get through to him. But then what happened with Garzonas-sr happened..."
Alfred, who was sitting opposite him in Bruce's home office, didn't retort immediately. Bruce was expecting that. "I told you so", because Alfred did. "Don't try and delegate your parenting responsibility", because that's what Bruce did. "Well, Master Bruce, now that you utterly and completely failed at your job, shouldn't you consider doing this and that?", because that's what he hoped to hear - some real advice. Bruce was this close to giving up - he already benched Jason. There was no much ground for a retreat anymore, unless he withdraws completely.
Bruce raised his eyes at his old friend.
Alfred has been looking at him in return. His hands were placed on his knees, the napkins he had been wrapping forgotten. A bad sign, if Alfred wasn't multitasking.
"Have you came by his room recently?" Alfred asked.
Bruce straightened up. His room, why? Was he hiding something there? Should he take a look when Jason's not there? Except for Jason was always there. Bruce called in sick for him. Previously, he would make Alfred come up with some excuse that would explain the time Jason needed to recover if he had been hit on patrol and not raise eyebrows. Like skiing in Alps. Now, Jason's identity wasn't at risk, so telling the head teacher he needed time to recover was both safe and not all untrue. Except for how one recover of malaise of having become an unrepentant murderer.
Bruce shivered. It felt drafty in the room, probably because the door was not properly closed.
"I had passed by a few times, when I was cleaning up on the second floor," Alfred continued. "He keeps the room closed, but I have heard the noise still."
Bruce frowned.
"I came into his room with the laundry yesterday. He didn't spoke to me. Pushed his blanket over his head, as if I have not already seen his red eyes, or the photos of his parents he had on the pillow."
A thought stroke Bruce: where would Jason find a photo of his father? He didn't keep it, when Bruce found him. Only his mother's.
"Bruce," Alfred said, and his tone was as even as always, but his contempt was even more so obvious. "The boy needs help. And I doubt that what you had done is helping him anymore. His mental state deteriorated so obviously, you have to be wilfully blind for it to escape your notice. Perhaps, bringing a specialist would be a prudent thing to do. All things considered."
The door squeeked.
"I'm not crazy," Jason said, squeezing some files in one hand.
How long?.. how much did he hear, was the problem.
"You don't gotta worry about me snapping and killing anyone. If I kill someone, it's going to be premeditated. And you won't find out. Don't think there are specialists for that, do you, Alfred?"
"There are," Bruce said, harshly. He didn't like Jason joking about such matters, so he returned in kind. "I am."
Jason chuckled. His eyes stayed cold.
"You're the Detective. Remind me who calls you that? Wonder if it isn't some inside joke, if I'm being honest."
"Do you think being unreasonably rude will make me reinstate you as Robin?" Bruce put his hands on the table and pushed himself up.
"Do you think you can bench me and I will squat obediently in a corner? Dick outgrew being your sidekick. Barbara outgrew it. You think I wouldn't? Do you think you can keep someone by your side forever?" Jason smiled at Alfred, with a nasty edge. "If you're not paying 'em."
"Don't I pay you?" Bruce used fingers to count. "I pay for your schooling, tutoring, books. I buy all your clothes and gadgets. I fund your trips. You eat my food - you eat Alfred's food. You live on this house, which is as much his as it's mine - and you accuse him..."
"I'm not accusing him," Jason smiled bitterly. "Just myself. You're right, I do use your money. Had used - not anymore. I quit, I'm moving out."
"Are you threatening me that you are going to run away from home?"
"I'm not running, and that's not my home. Yours and Alfred's, as you said so yourself. Have memory problems? All those hits on the head, I bet."
"Master Jason..."
"What kind of master I am, Alf? The same as Bruce Wayne's son, which I am not. This, too, he said so himself." Jason threw the file bag at Bruce. "I am telling you this as a courtesy. So you would not try to file a missing person report. Believe me, that's not going to end well for anyone. Let me just move out in peace, and there's something good out of it for you."
Bruce put the file bag on the desk without even looking.
"I am your legal guardian. You cannot live separately without my consent, and if you think I will give it after what you said when you came in..."
"I can, in fact, unadopt myself," Jason interrupted him. "My biological mother is alive, which you should have known, since it's on the birth certificate, which you had to see before adopting me. Not that you bothered to tell me. But she is. And I can find her. And it wouldn't even be that hard to buy her off, or blackmail, in suing for me. And a lawsuit like this is not good for you. Not for keeping some secrets hidden. Not for all your future proteges living here."
"How long did you plan it?" Bruce demanded.
"Just since the day a narcobaron turned out a better father than you."
Jason left, without closing the door behind him. He was obviously playing up his temper. That's what Bruce thought, until he did open the file bag. Then, after he verified the information there, he got on a plane, calling Clark and Diana as well.
It was two weeks after that he returned to Gotham. The situation in Balcans wasn't stable - wouldn't be for some years, probably - but without added fuse of Joker false flagging a terrorist act, and with League of Assassins' plans foiled, it would not be another tragedy.
Also there, Bruce found something that wasn't in Jason's files. So, on his way back, he had some company. He didn't put much thought into what happened before he left. Even as Talia asked.
"How did you see Father's plan through? He bothered with that madman for the sole purpose of distracting you. He even suggested using that woman, although I suppose it was redundant. Your little colorful shadow isn't here with you."
Bruce took his eyes off his son - his son! His son, whose birth he waited for, that was supposed to change everything for him, for them, until she lied, she escaped, "don't think you can keep people by your side forever...". It all flashed through his head.
"Robin is no more my shadow than you your father's."
"Am I not?" Talia curled her lips bitterly, and touched Damian's hair softly. "I had to keep our son from you because I tried to keep him from him. In the end, Father still found him, and I had to follow."
"Then he's even less so. He quit - before I was able to fire him. So using Joker to use his mother was not a good move for Ra's. Especially since it's the reason I found out about his plot."
Bruce mentioned, in as few words as possible, that after an argument, Jason decided to get annulment for adoption, for which finding his mother was essential. However, his mother was working with Joker, in Europe of all places. Discovering some details about Joker's whereabouts, finding the warehouse he occupied and what kind of things were delivered there, and who, among his henchmen, went overseas as well, Jason roughly deduced a plan. Him finding the financial traces was something that was truly surprising - Bruce didn't think he was on that level, but perhaps he got assistance from Barbara. And that information was what lead Bruce to find the hand of the League there. It was what made Bruce ask his friends for help. Superman was indisposable with diffusing of bombs, Diana was essential for diffusing tensions among other local actors. Bruce dedicated himself to catching Ra's... And found Damian. After which, Talia found them.
"I hope Father never finds out that the one who's responsible for his failure was the boy you took in off the streets," Talia said softly. "Especially since it was prompted by him plotting against that boy."
"He won't," Bruce said, completely sure of it. "Robin won't be accompanying me anymore. He won't be on Ra's register."
Talia put her stray lock of hair behind her ear, before glancing at him.
"Beloved, he already is. He was supposed to die in that warehouse. You were supposed to forget yourself, forget about anything else except Joker in your grief and rage. That was the plan."
"No," Bruce denied. "His mother was there. She wouldn't willingly participate in her son's murder, even if she didn't raise him. Besides, I would have found out. And then I would go after Ra's instead. Don't forget I know where his Pits are."
"And he would have used it, on Jason Todd, and brought him back to you as an apology gift, and you would have your hands full even more with whatever creature ended up crawling out of these waters."
"If he wanted to distract me, it would be enough to tell me about my son."
Talia didn't speak anymore for the rest of the ride.
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megurodivision · 2 years
Vito's Thoughts on Kyoto Division
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Lana Alarie
"I've never met her, but I have heard of her. Apparently, she's an artist who goes by... Façade, if I'm not mistaken. I think she was part of a different rap group in Kyoto a few years back. I haven't heard anything about them now, so I assumed they ceased to be a group.
"Besides that, I've seen a few of her works here and there, and I won't lie, they have a certain... theme to them. They all seem to describe... loneliness or regret. I'd like to say I know what that's like, but..."
Itsuki Kamiko
"I don't think I've seen him before, but from what I read, he seems to be the 'strategist' of the group. He certainly looks the part at any rate. He apparently works as a... computer specialist, if I'm not mistaken. Should come in handy if I ever have problems with my PC. ...Though I rarely use that thing as it is."
Kanade Alarie
Vito looks at Kanade's picture, and a small smile appears on his usual stoic face. "I remember her. She used to come here all the time with another woman. I think she was part of that rap group I mentioned before. But she's a nice kid. Saji tells me he actually has a few classes with her. Good, I know I can count on him to help her if she gets into any trouble. ...Not that she should ever get into any trouble, but... you know what I mean."
Starlight Specters
"Starlight Specters, huh? Judging from their logo, I can see how they came up with a name. It's a cute picture, I'll admit. But besides that, the group's got a lot of wins under their belt. We'll have to be careful if we ever do go up against them. ...But if we do, I hope there are no hard feelings between us."
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yeonban · 1 year
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Bittersweet rp meme.
@shinanai  asked: i thought you were dead. (feit + shal also post!revival :eyes:)
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There's a pang in his heart at the harrowing statement, and the doleful view Shalnark sees when he turns to offer Feitan the entirety of his attention (everyone else having opted to scatter & allow them a moment for themselves after coming to terms with their sixth leg's unbelievable survival - or rather, with his startling revival) only serves to further the feeling of guilt currently encroaching on his soul.
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He extends a hand towards his lover then, and entwines their fingers with his own. ❛ Sorry for scaring you, Fei. It was a surprise for me too... I didn't expect Hisoka to not only revive himself, but to also be out to get revenge on the spider... I failed to take those possibilities into consideration, and we've all had to suffer for it. ❜ A bit harsh, perhaps, for one who has barely returned from the realm of the dead to hold himself accountable for the losses they've endured, but if he portrays himself as such, at least Chrollo and Machi's burdens will be lifted ever so slightly (or so he hopes).
At least he has been granted the chance to reflect & learn from his own mistakes (always think of every scenario, even the most unlikely, unimaginable of them all) unlike their most recently deceased friend - if only he could apologise to Kortopi for it having taken their life (and his own) for him to understand this lesson.
Shalnark's gaze lowers to their joint hands & he absentmindedly fiddles with Feitan's fingers, his tone quieter now, solemn still, yet with a tinge of repentance dripping from his every word. ❛ ...I'm sorry for keeping that deal a secret from you, too, by the way, although I trust you've heard why I couldn't risk saying anything about it. I didn't know what my odds of being revived were, but I had to take the gamble and keep quiet about it regardless. ❜ 
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He doesn't regret keeping everything a secret - the consequences of doing the opposite might have been far worse than the ones they're presently dealing with, with his revival ending in failure (two fallen legs instead of one) & Feitan remaining on his own for far longer than a single week, but he does feel sorry for the pain he's caused them, and the other members too, during that period of time nevertheless.
He can't even imagine the pain he would have felt, if their roles had been reversed.
The blond pauses & squeezes Feitan's hand before raising it to his lips and pressing a kiss to the back of it, eyes shifting their focus to his visage; now staring into his eyes with a newfound resolution. ❛ ...I'll definitely be more careful from now on, though. I promise I'll never leave you alone like that again. ❜  A miracle like this won't happen twice (neither Shalnark finding a revival specialist again, nor the revival working a second time), and so it is entirely up to him to steer clear of any future, fatal dangers.
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stillthewc · 3 months
The TV Tropes Fanworks page officially strikes again! Because I lean towards fics advertised on there with character pages (as usually that indicates the characters aren't solely there to be picked off), Dreadnought Despair's been on my radar for a while. And, unsurprisingly, it exceeded expectation.
Now, in terms of the cast, I love these guys. Due to the "cozy" way of telling the story (aka focusing moreso on building relationships amongst the cast than an overarching plot about the killing game Hope's Chains style), there's space in the narrative to explore different character dynamics. Because of that, the class bounces off one another super well, and allows my faves more time to show off their fun personalities without having to keep up with a fast-paced story.
However, despite the strong cast and chill vibes, my favorite part of this fangan is easily how it presents itself.
I think the best place to start off with is the visuals, because the blog for this story looks damn gorgeous. Each character is given really nice character portraits that can even indicate in-the-moment actions the characters are taking (for example, Ishi being held back from doing something by Vash), the textboxes are colour-coded to each character, and there's even gifs for small things like maps during FTEs.
But my admiration for the presentation doesn't end with the visuals alone. The fic takes on a Last Resort / Apex Academy style of navigating (something that makes FTEs a lot funner imo), mixed media like videos and audio clips are sprinkled through the story, and foreign lines from characters like Gugalanna and Seigfried have pop-up translations if you hover over them. Hell, apparently there was a viewer poll for a decision made in the story at one point!
All of this culminates in what's easily my favorite part of this fangan: the trial segment. Now, I've played through my fair share of fun interactive trials in my hayday (aka Eden's Garden and Apex Academy, and that's literally it so far), but this has got to be the most impressive one imo. Alongside incorporating several of the things mentioned above, it also has somewhat-branching routes, fun pieces of dialogue when you get something wrong, and full-on minigames!?!?!? Seriously, the author deserves an actual prize for that Anagram Argument / Panic Talk Action segment (even if I wished the latter didn't kick my dumb ass back to the start of it when I got a choice wrong, rip 😭)
Seriously, go read it and experience everything first-hand! I promise you won't regret it!
FORMAT: Written
WHERE TO FIND IT: The hellsite itself, Tumblr
FAVORITE MOMENT: The library meeting, where most of the class discusses their motive. A lot of small pieces of insight are given about the secondary characters, it allows for more fun dynamics to blossom, and one character gets a pretty interesting reveal.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Jurou Takahashi, a guy with a shitty mall goth aesthetic who's actually a good ol' country boy who makes flower arrangements as his talent. An absolute sweetheart just doing his best, and I adore him for it 💖
OTHER STANDOUT CHARACTERS: Tiffani Fairfax, the cranky, sarcastic technical support specialist whose cynical take on things is a blast to read, and Nikola Ragnvaldsson, a TV pitchman who does his best to mask his panicky nature with a smile, something he's really, really bad at doing.
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