#he's way smarter than fandom portrays
uselessnbee · 10 months
something i can't stop thinking about is the fact that Percy Jackson started as a comfort story for Rick's son to show him that his adhd and dyslexia doesn't have to be just a bad thing and the fandom then took Percy and Leo and made them into these stupid idiots that don't even know basic math or "big" words and wouldn't be able to even tie their shoelaces without someone else's (someone smarter's) help
don't yall see how fucked up that is? a big part of this fandom has adhd and/or dyslexia and/or other learning disabilities/neurodivergence and find comfort in those characters. they are called lazy and stupid all the time and then yall decided to take characters with those disabilities and ignore their inteligence and made them into something they are not just because their adhd is more "visible" (read more stereotypical looking) (even tho that's not true either because the fandom made them into chaotic gremlins but in reality Percy is more just sarcastic and snarky and even that is more just his internal monologue for his own amusment and to cope and Leo just uses humor as a coping mechanism to hide his depression and other issues but that's a discussion for another time)
Percy is canonically very smart and strategic. no he isn't very good at school. it's what happens when you're neurodivergent and have learning disabilities. that doesn't mean he's stupid. no he doesn't know everything about greek mythology and that doesn't make him stupid either. but when Annabeth tells him the myth he is very good at coming up with strategies and how to win a fight. he's not smart as Annabeth because Annabeth is literally a daughter of the goddess of wisdom so stop fucking comparing them. are you also going to call Annabeth weak and incapable because she can't control water? no you won't because that's fucking stupid. and Leo. fucking Leo. is literally canonically a mathematic genius and also genius when it comes building stuff. they're both smart. they're not fucking stupid. they know and understand words that are longer than 5 letters. no they do not struggle with basic knowledge. they're not fucking stupid.
and miss me with the "it's just a joke" bullshit
jokes are supposed to be funny
and it's not just a joke for many of you because the number of fanfics where they are written in exactly this way is too fucking high. it's actually surprising to find a fanfic where they are written right
in conclusion: the way this fandom portrays Percy and Leo is reinforcing the harmful misconception that people with adhd and/or other learning disabilities are stupid and i hate it with a burning passion
call me sensitive all you want i'll gladly accept it i will rather be called sensitive for hating that those characters are being treated this way than follow the fandoms harmful idea about them
thank you for coming to my ted talk <3
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signanothername · 18 days
i'm so glad you made killer smart, as not a lot of people do that. also, i totally agree with you on the fact that nightmare is smart, but not smarter than killer.
I personally think nightmare only cared to study very specific subjects like history, theater, and especially botany and dendrology (the study of trees and plants)
also he isolated himself from all social interaction for 500 years, so he wouldn't even know how to carry on a proper conversation, and might defer to things he read in his books.
Thank youuuu <333
No like i shall forever die on the hill that Killer is the smartest in the entire gang even dhdhdhhd
Like all of them are smart to me in different ways but how the fandom makes Killer out to be a stupid bitch (and even sometimes make him act like a child) makes me wanna punch the wall
That’s why I take it upon myself to portray him as the clever bitch he truly is just like in canon <333333
And omg I absolutely love your Nightmare hc!! I absolutely especially adore the fact he’d be interested in studying botany and dendrology!! Like I always loved to think Nightmare has an emotional attachment to trees but I never really thought about him studying it as a field!! That’s honestly so fucking cool hell yaaaa!!!
To me I like to think he studies almost everything, he just loves to learn new things, as long as he gets to read a new book he’s up for it, that’s where I think Nightmare’s smarts lie, in his ability to store so much information in his head, and a vast knowledge of a variety of things and how to apply them in his daily routine that’s applicable to himself
But yeah socially?? No luck at all wheeze, like to be able to be strategically and socially intelligent you need to actually interact with the outside world, which Nightmare never does in his entire damn existence
Like to me Nightmare can be good at planning missions and whatnot IN THEORY, but I wholeheartedly believe he never does it alone without Killer in the picture, cause listen he might not be socially intelligent but he’d definitely realize how smart Killer is in such things, and Killer would be able to tell whether such plans can even be applied in the actual field and be put into practice/action, plus Killer would definitely know how to give ideas that can give them the element of surprise, Killer’s always been pretty unpredictable and I think that unpredictably has definitely taught him a few tricks, and like can we talk about his meta knowledge?????? *flashbacks to that one Core Frisk comic where Killer basically says some insane shit that’s literally impossible to know that even Nightmare questions it*
And no like “defer to things he read in his books” is so real shhzhxhhz, that’s how I think Nightmare lives on a daily basis, he just tries to apply his theoretical knowledge to the real world, but the thing is, no matter how much knowledge you hold, you won’t be truly good at something until you put it into actual practice, and that practice needs to be constant, Nightmare never carries any convos or even gets social with anyone, there’s no way he actually genuinely understands how to communicate with people xhxhhdh
Like any social intelligence Nightmare has to me is more associated with his fear of the world around him, his fear of becoming helpless/ defenseless again, so he might look out for anything that might pose a threat to him, but even then he’s still bad at understanding how to apply such knowledge in the real world
Anyway, Killer is just way smarter than Nightmare and the fandom needs to start acknowledging it 😔✌️✌️
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paragonrobits · 3 months
so i think a lot of the really, REALLY bad takes in AtLA fandom are frequently driven by shipping discourse, not because a given ship is necessarily bad (since, ultimately, that's more about the context of the relationship and how it is written), but because the worst takes are often motivated by certain assumptions about a character that are the result of closed circle ideas about a character circulating until they replace actual canon for that character, and the biggest example of it all is Zuko.
In my experience, the absolute WORST takes on Zuko in particular come from a fundamental misunderstanding of his character; most frequently, that he is a mature person, and specifically more mature than Aang or the other members of Team Avatar.
I think a lot of that comes from his superficial characteristics; he's pragmatic, often relatively ruthless, has a fairly dark backstory and has become embittered and angry as a result of his personal experiences. A lot of these traits are part and parcel of archetypes that the most prevalent fandom misinterpretations identify with Zuko; the dark and edgy bad boy, the brooding antihero, and a LOT of shipping archetypes. Zuko's explosive temper, tendencies to resort to violence and his ruthlessness are all common elements of characters that are usually depicted as inherently more mature, experienced and smarter than more optimistic characters, such as Aang. So this is where you get a lot of fandom based on the assumption that Zuko is mature while Aang is inexperienced and naive.
The problem is Avatar's writing VERY STRONGLY points to precisely the opposite conclusion; that Zuko's temper, ruthless 'do whatever it takes to get the job done' perspective and so on are signs of LACK of wisdom.
The antagonists of the series (Zuko in early season 1, Zhao, Azula, Ozai, General Fong and others) are heavily characterized by their overwhelming pride, ruthlessness and either a willingness to do terrible things to achieve their goals, and extremely often a key part of this is their pride, and explosive outrage at that pride being besmirched. This isn't universal (Fong and Long Feng aren't as outwardly prideful in this specific way) but from Azula almost blowing up for having a hair out of place, Zuko constantly screaming at the slightest percieved offense in Book 1, and Ozai consistently being depicted as murderously arrogant and defensive about his ego to the point of coming off as an absurdly violent man-child, it comes up a LOT in Fire Nation antagonists and across the series in general.
In contrast, the character who are consistently depicted as wise or outright STATED to be wise don't care that much about looking silly or ridiculous. Aang and Iroh are the most explicit examples, but we see it in the Air Nomad elders (whom don't seem particularly put off by having pies catapaulted at them) and Monk Gyatso, as well as the members of the White Lotus (plus or minus Pakku, but at least he grows out of it, notably before he properly settles into his role as the master to both Aang and Katara in combat Waterbending), as well as Kanna.
They take hits or get humiliated or embarrassed, and they barely blink. They go with the flow, and don't blow up over their dignity (again, Pakku notably being portrayed as a wise master AFTER he ceases his defensiveness). As such, while Zuko can feel a lot like the sort of characters that are usually depicted as experienced and hardened by harsh experiences, he instead overwhelmingly has those same traits show him to be immature; all in all, I think that one of the biggest mistakes is believing that Zuko is generally correct in a lot of situations, or at the very least seeing these characteristics mark him as a Mature Cool Guy, rather than someone who has a LOT of maturity to get.
One key part of this is the Southern Raiders; while Zuko is often characterized in fandom as being explciitly correct in his initial belief that Katara needed to get revenge to find closure, Zuko himself winds up admitting at the end of the episode that Aang was explicitly and indisputably correct; regardless of whether or not a given person might feel differently, that IS the intended narrative takeaway, and it also goes to show that even by the end of the series, Zuko's most definitely not the mature person that some people in fandom assume he is; the very same traits that get people to think he's mature are, in the context of the show, indicators of his LACK of maturity and wisdom.
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bloodyshadow1 · 8 months
my detailed thoughts on the first season of Percy jackson.
The pacing, I know everyone says this, but really the pacing of this season was all over the place. having 8 episodes while probably the only option for the writing team really hurt the series overall. Adding an additional episode would helped keep things better I think and would allow a better flow. Not to mention it would help keep things structured in a 3 act system with a beginning, middle, and end that a lot of stories, are told in which would have just fit and flowed better. I would prefer 12 eps, for each act having 4 eps, but that is greedy since they're probably going to be stuck with 8 for the rest of the series too
Lightning, the series was just too dark in a lot of scenes, I didn't have much of a problem because I watched on my smarttv, but I know a lot of people who watched on computers or phones had trouble
The beginning, there should have been more episodes in Camp Half-Blood, at least 1 more. I get that the meat of the story is in the journey, but by not establishing camp half-blood as the first place Percy felt like home it makes it feel emptier. I do like how they including flashbacks of luke training percy in the finale but I would have liked more in camp half blood before the start
There's a less wonder and magic in the series than there was in the books. I don't really know how to describe it, but the books made it feel like there were two worlds hiding within each other and there is magic everywhere. Just small things like Ares turning his lost shield into a bullet proof vest because that's the more modern take.
I'm not with a vocal part of the fandom that bitch and moan over the kids not falling into every trap, I like that Percy is smarter, but instead of just making him smarter, I think they should have just had him ask more questions, like if he was a 12 year old with ADHD who had his eyes open to a world. By making him ask questions, it would help let them explain the world more by having people answer Percy, instead of him knowing everything. Certain things I think could have been done better, like the Kronos reveal and the Luke reveal, it could be done as a reveal instead of Percy figuring it out and I think it would have worked better. like have Percy realize it when talking through the prophecy with Luke because Luke mentions the bolt and the helm, something Percy wouldn't have told him or anyone at camp.
For the most part, I like how they did the gods, with the exception with Zeus and Athena. Zeus is such a larger than life figure, as much as I love Lance Riddick's performance, he played him too epic. The Zeus from the books feels more like a powerful blowhard while the series makes him feel too cool to me. As for Athena, I'll admit I'm bias because she's my favorite god but I don't like her being made the villain in Annabeth's story especially offscreen. I get that they're playing up the gods being shit more than the books and since they made Poseidon more sympathetic, making Athena more antagonistic is a choice to make. I just don't think it fits her cold and logical, but still cares about her kids in her way that she was portrayed in the books.
Grover. I honestly like a lot of the things they added to his character, but I wish they didn't take away from his canon character moments. Not many, but I liked him being a different species than Percy and Annabeth, he isn't human, he's part goat and instead of the books stuff, he's more just a kid with different legs and short horns than another creature. Also by taking away his reed pipes and not showing him being able to do magic, it limits the character.
While people complain about the show... showing not telling, I feel like there was a lack of exposition in the show that wasn't there in the books. It kind of goes with Percy being smarter in the show than the books, but there's a lot of stuff left out of the show that is good world building. small example, no one mentions that monsters don't die for good, which is a very important plot point in heroes of olympus, even if they don't make it, it's a good thing to tell a new demi-gods. Or other plot points, like Annabeth wanting to see her father after all these years, despite how badly things broke before, which just kind of resolves offscreen.
Honestly though, it was only the fandom that ever really bothered me. Too many people focusing on uncharitable changes about the series that had to be made since there is a difference between a first person perspective book series and a tv series that they had to make. That they couldn't fit everything into an 8 ep series that's in a whole book
Honestly, one of the best adaptions I've seen despite all the cons.
The acting in the show is awesome, the actors for the kids are young but perfect for the roles they were assigned. they might not look like the books, but I genuinely think it doesn't matter if they're going to be this good. Walker, Leah, and Aryan stand out as the stars of this show and for good reason
I really like the way they portrayed Luke in the tv series, I get the twist in the books, but by bringing up stuff with him earlier I think it makes him more sympathetic. I also think by not including the scorpion to kill Percy, and instead make it clear Luke doesn't want to kill Percy makes him feel more like a kid making a dumb decision instead of someone willing to murder a 12 year old.
I like how they portrayed Sally in the show even if some people disagree. I like that she shows more flaws and character than just being the sweetest saddest woman that she was in the books. As much as Sally loves Percy, him not only being a demi-god, but a neurodivergent kid, it wears on any parent's patience, especially a single mother. Having her get angry and lose her temper, having us as the viewers know what she's been through makes her feel more real and fits better for a tv show.
I like most of the effects, I think it fits in the show and looks better than a lot of blockbuster movies. Lightning aside. I think the monsters looked good and so did the magic even if I think the latter could be better
Honestly, I think the fight scenes were great for a disney show where the main character is supposed to be 12. I know people are annoyed with how short they are, but that's how they were in the books. I think they were adapted fine.
I like that since we're not in Percy's head, we get more of Annabeth and Grover. It feels like a real proper adventuring trio than the books where it felt like it was so Percy focused with Annabeth being the secondary main and grover being a main, but kind of sidekick character. Letting Grover and Annabeth be characters, to have scenes without Percy and changing things from the books, like having Annabeth seeing the fates cut the thread, makes more sense when you're not doing a first person books
Overall I think they changed things in a very fair and pragmatic sense. There were a lot, but there were less egergious than the movie that changed the whole plot.
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womanistic · 1 year
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[ Image ID: A bingo card with a gray title labeled ‘Fanon Hunter trope bingo’. Above that is another subtitle in light teal labeled ‘y’all are being obnoxious’ in italics.]
easy read format for the squares under the read more
You are free to do whatever you want in your fanwork and I'm free to take jabs at it.
-I like Hunter. I like he's relationships as presented in the show, but fan spaces have become intolerable because of fandoms need to inject a very warped version of him and those relationships into everything.
-Put mildly I don't appreciate characters of colors lives and personalities warping around this white boy. I find Camila and Darius' turn into a Mammy and Uncle Remus particularly disgusting.
- I truly believe that popularity of works with these tropes has nothing to do with creativity or technical skill. It is simply that poc, in particular Black people taking care of y'all through a proxy is a comfort. Attacking Black characters, putting them in their place, soothes something in you. Fandoms are addicted to people color being subservient so this is no surprise but the shire volume of it is. All I'm asking is you recognize these and barring that stop making it fans of color's problem.
Row 1
[ Demure and endlessly chipper Willow
Gus doesn't exist
Everybody is disrespectful to and hates Darius. This is portrayed as virtuous and just
Luz is his "savoir" & is idolized for it accordingly
"Child soldier child soldier child-"]
Row 2
[Darius deserves to be punished for being rude to a teenager for exactly 49 secs of screen time
Hunter's "uglier" responses and personality traits are just gone now never to be seen again
Comfort machine & attack dog Camila
Comfort machine Darius
Doesn't have the decency to be technically well written or scripted yet still is popular somehow]
Row 3
[ Noceda sibling, Vee who?
His abuse is just SoOOo obvious why won't anyone help him?!? Never mind that we, the audience, are privy to information that characters are not
The 16 yro is written like he's half his age a.k.a infantilizing abuse victims
His girlfriend is his therapist now]
Row 4
[Let's make his already canonically terrible life worse in every conceivable way no matter how illogical
The 12 yro is his therapist now
Abuse made him smarter & stronger actually
Everyone is blamed for his abuse more than his actual abuser
Characters he has never interacted with care about him personally for some unexplained reason]
Row 5
[None of the white characters are as scrutinized as any characters of color
Rote unnatural therapy speak
He is Poochie. When he isn't on screen all the poc stop & ask ‘Where’s Poochie?' bc they have no inner lives w/o this kid. No other priorities or thoughts outside of him
Excessive amount of Darius guilt
Ironically all of his empathy & healthy reciprocal relationships disappear when indulging in the above tropes]
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polutrope · 7 months
Celegorm and Curufin - For CHARACTER ASK GAME - 2, 3, 7, 8, 20, 21 and 22
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Celegorm: Fairytale prince with talking dog careens into villain arc. What??
Curufin: "But Curufin smiled." Also that Shibboleth footnote about him being a nerd about Dwarven languages.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Celegorm: Fairytale prince with talking dog careens into villain arc. What??
Curufin: Apparently inherited his father's skill but never crafted shit worth mentioning.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Celegorm: Silver hair.
Curufin: Daddy issues.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise do not like?
Celegorm: making him stupid.
Curufin: making him a good dad. I'M SORRY.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Oof, I don't want to wish these guys upon anyone but let's see...
Celegorm: Finrod. Hear me out. I think Finrod could have been the tempering influence Celegorm needed, and Celegorm the wildness Finrod needed. Go read Mercy by @cuarthol.
Curufin: Telchar. Just let him hang out with Dwarves and stay out of trouble.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Celegorm: I like showing through his POV that he's smarter and more dangerous than most people around him think. Nothing I don't like, he's surprisingly enjoyable to write even though he's awful.
Curufin: He's such a MESS. He's such an unreliable narrator about himself. He's so repressed. Once I got a handle on these aspects of him I'm so intrigued by his character. I don't know what I don't like... I guess that he can be a challenging character to portray both canonically and sympathetically.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Celegorm: Whatever @sallysavestheday is doing. Making me care about him while simultaneously being scared of him. Opening up his twisted mind and making me -- to my horror -- understand what's happening there.
Curufin: Honestly, I like it when an author fully leans in to what an angry, sad, sick person he is/becomes. So far past redemption, but in a tragic way.
Thank you for the ask! Character ask game.
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deansmom · 5 months
listen it’s 2021, nobody can yell at me for my Hot Takes on the w*nchester bros and specifically sam because none of you care about me anymore lmao
and no, I will not be responding to defenses of these things, I just want to yell about this because I can’t stop thinking about it now
I don’t think anything demon!dean said to sam was out of line, not really, because like yeah, it was mean whatever, but sam has said WAY crueler things to and about dean when he was just a normal human person. but dean gets crucified for being a demon and fully expressing himself and his trauma and his feelings? nah fuck that lmao
I’m up to s8 in my rewatch and it’s absolutely wild to me how sam STILL thinks he’s better than dean. not only does he still somehow think he’s smarter, but he also thinks he’s BETTER than dean. that dean’s like, a bad person or whatever - as if both of them aren’t mass murderers ffs
this mans really said “I don’t know if my brother is alive or dead...... hm sucks for him I guess lol.” like yeah, sure, trauma, whatever. everybody handles and processes trauma differently, I know, but seriously sam??? sure, take a couple months if you need it, but just - no effort? didn’t even try? didn’t even do a quick google search? 
just fucking ditched kevin, a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD KID, and then got mad at dean when dean was like “dude wtf is the matter with you this kid was our responsibility” 
fandom ALWAYS wants to talk about how dean’s the more toxic one but damn, dean gets one friend - his first friend who isn’t cas!!! - and sam’s like “lmao this dude has to die” LITERALLY ONLY BECAUSE DEAN KILLED AMY, WHO WAS KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE (for a good reason, sure, but like, she was still killing innocent people and benny’s out here just minding his own business, stealing AB- negative blood because they can get blood transfusions from any negative blood type!! his old ass wasn’t hurting anybody) and the episode before sam finds out about benny they let kate go be a werewolf and then when dean mentions that to sam about benny he’s like “so?! she was a victim!” and he’s like “and benny hasn’t done anything wrong!” and sam just doesn’t give a shit lmao
he ALWAYS bitches about how dean doesn’t trust him and I’m just sitting here like??? damn bro I WONDER FUCKING WHY. sam only takes responsibility for his actions when it’s convenient for him, generally when he’s being portrayed as the victim, and it!!!!!! [screams into a pillow]
dean’s like “he’s never given me a reason to doubt him” (about benny) and sam immediately goes “well it must be nice to find that” and dean takes a second to figure out what sam’s talking about and it’s just like WOW, didn’t fucking mean it like that, but yeah IT IS NICE SAM TO HAVE A FRIEND THAT THUS FAR HASN’T BETRAYED ME, IT’S A GOOD FEELING like tf is the matter with you dude come on
OH OH OH and when dean came back from hell in s4 sam’s going around like “dean’s weak he can’t handle it” but doesn’t try to help his brother?????? doesn’t offer him emotional support or validation or anything that you should offer someone who’s just been through something profoundly traumatic and is ~*~struggling~*~ to keep themselves afloat. 
listen dean certainly isn’t an unproblematic saint in this relationship specifically, but sam is SO MEAN??? ALL THE TIME??? and I know it’s because especially in the early seasons he associates dean with his dad and him and john never got along because they were too much alike, blah blah blah, whatever,  it’s still not cool to project your trauma onto other people and take it out on them. 
will I ever be over 9.13? no. no I will not, because that was the cruelest thing that could have maybe ever been said to dean, and yeah again, trauma, whatever, but like......... if you’ve been traumatized and your response is to purposefully emotionally devastate someone that you know 1) had no malicious intentions and 2) is emotionally unstable and perpetually suicidal, I’m allowed to hate you wtf??? 
sam knows NOTHING about his brother. 
like ok in the fic that I’ve been writing somebody was like “it’s very in character but edgier but dean didn’t hate john” and listen, I TRULY think that dean hated him in canon. yeah, even in s1. watch 2.01 again, watch the episode where john is possessed by azazel, the dream root episode, I think it’s 12.22 that speech with mary, but like, especially on my rewatch, I cannot read their relationship as anything other than at that point neither one of them liked each other. something happened in between sam leaving and dean coming to get him, and dean went searching for john out of obligation and an excuse to see sam. 
you can’t convince me that john liked dean. of course he loved him, a familial obligation was deeply ingrained in that man, but I don’t think he liked dean at all. I think dean reminded him of mary, I think he thought dean was too soft, and to be completely honest, I don’t think he liked that dean listened to him so easily. john wanted to be in charge, obviously, but he’s such an antagonistic fuck always looking for a fight with somebody, that it probably bothered him that dean didn’t really push back. john didn’t think he was assertive enough, dean just didn’t want to be used as a punching bag, and I’ve always figured there was some sort of blowout after sam left between the two of them and they didn’t really talk much after that. “it was the worst night of my life” is what dean called the night sam left for stanford, and while his little brother leaving would’ve been devastating, I don’t think that alone would qualify it (in season 5, mind you, after hell and the hellhounds and everything) as the worst night of his life. I also think that’s why john was such a POS in s1 when they found him, giving dean shit for the impala, y’know. god, I really fucking hate him lmao
nobody seems to agree with me on this, but sam is very much his father’s son, and that’s why they never got along. the two of them were so much alike (and so self-centered) that they couldn’t help but butt heads together because they both wanted to be the center of attention, and also just enjoy picking fights. and like, I think this is a big reason why dean has a harder time being honest with sam than sam has with being honest with dean. because dean sees john when he looks at sam, and sam just sees dean. and sam’s like “why don’t you talk to me dean” and dean probably just hears his dad making fun of him for being honest or talking about his feelings or yelling at him. 
familial/generational trauma genuinely makes it hard to interact in meaningful and productive ways, I get it, believe me I do, but sam is just so... cruel sometimes? and I think dean really worked his way through a solid portion of that trauma by the end of the show, and I don’t think sam ever really did.
Dean: All right, you want to be honest? If the situation were reversed and I was dying, you'd do the same thing.
SAM [very softly]: No, Dean. I wouldn't. Same circumstances...I wouldn't. I'm gonna get to bed.
see, when I say sam is cruel, this is the shit I’m talking about because that is a bald faced lie and sam knows it. he said it specifically to hurt dean. he didn’t mean it, and he fucking knows that, but he knows that it will devastate dean to hear that, so he says it. 
anyways, sam fights dirty all the time. it’s 2024 now and I have no notes for past me, she was right. 
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gellavonhamster · 2 months
Sir Kay for character meme! Everything I know about him is so fascinating
How I feel about this character: I think he's fascinating indeed! His character undergoes such substantial changes as the Arthurian tradition changes, from a great knight with supernatural powers to a mean seneschal who isn't that good of a warrior and is constantly used as a laughingstock for other knights to look better in comparison - except he's still loved and respected and even the authors who portray him as mean often describe his meanness as necessary to call out the dishonest and unworthy people at court. I love to imagine that all different versions of Arthurian characters coexist in them, so the Kay in my head still has some magic of the Welsh Cei but mostly keeps it secret, using the way people underestimate him, and he's still brave, only he's smarter about it than the younger and more "heroic" knights. And he's been with Arthur literally from the very beginning - what does it mean when your little brother becomes your king, how does it impact your relationship? Such an interesting guy.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Bedivere! Love how they're always together... Do Not Separate Them
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Arthur (see above). Also, I imagine he actually has a soft spot for Gareth and is proud of how far his kitchen boy has come, not that he'd admit that out loud
My unpopular opinion about this character: I think most of my opinions on him are in line with the fandom's popular opinions on him, at least on Tumblr. Some retellings give him an unrequited love for Guinevere and I don't really see them like that, but I don't think that's a popular option.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: He sorta fades out of the narrative towards the end, especially in Le Morte d'Arthur - would love for him to do more and for his death to be given more attention
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ravenkinnie · 1 year
what r ur thoughts about mel in general
mel is so mother, not in a bland girlboss way that people assign female characters they don't actually care about but don't want to be sexist but in a way that I imagine she could inflict emotional violence on me I would think about for decades and also in a gay way because she serves ultimate cunt. I don't like the two ends of the spectrum she gets though, it's either people thinking she is only an evil capitalist manipulator (she is a capitalist but let's not talk about arcanes class worldbuilding issues again lmao) or that she only ever had pure intentions - she did manipulate jayce, she absolutely did work her charm and found cracks in him she could dig her fingers in to make him work the way she wanted and THEN realised she genuinely cares for him. and I love that, I love that she likes a man who is stupider than her and then gets charmed by how earnest he is in his dumbassery
mels issue is fandom is that she's a black woman and people are racist djdjdjkdk and she's attached to a storyline and a man that is largely taken over in fandom landscape by a slash ship so she's always gonna lose, the fact that meljay is a rareship slays me dhsjjs and also her storyline starts kind of late in the season, like it doesn't really kick off until ambessa shows up and by then you have viktor committing unethical experiments and dying and the whole zaun storyline unfolding and everything surrounding jinx-silco-vi triangle is just so enrapturing in its insanity mel stood no chance
but ngl her storyline with ambessa has me gagged, I like gasped when ambessa went BECAUSE YOU WEAKENED ME like the way mel this whole time thought she just didn't live up to ambessas standard and then the realisation that ambessa felt like mel was putting her up to a standard she couldn't live up to and didn't want to accept and that the values she thought she couldn't embody that ambessa did are the reason she was exiled aaaaaaaaa. I hope they get more spotlight next season and noxus becomes more relevant because you see a set number of ways mother daughter relationships are portrayed in media and its rare that there's this sort of violence and strong mindedness present in them the way it often is in father son relationships. I love that mels arc is her rejecting her motherland and their values and building something for herself (like her taking off her family ring and voting for jayces peace treaty even tho the treaty was fucking stupid... jayce is real for that dumb idea just so we could get mels cunt moment and silcos mother coded sophies choice arc)
also there's mels brother who we don't know much about, we know that he was important to mel because duh he's her brother but also she looked up to him in some way. but because arcane moves so fast with its plot she doesn't even get a moment to grieve him
I don't write mel fics a lot tho, just because mel is somewhat smarter than me and that becomes an issue when she has to be written by me, a dumbass. and i cant combat that unlike with another character like with silco who is somewhat smarter than me but he is also extremely delusional and I can balance these out to make it work. acc maybe I need to figure out how to make her more delusional
anyways while I'm here here are mel fic recs: family study this mel/silco fic is one of my favorite arcane fics ever caitmel from linka my fellow Caitlyn Fucks warrior elora/mel that eats character study through being gagged over mels hair insane
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cupio-stardust · 8 months
In defense of 8-Ball
A lot of people in the BFDI community don’t really care for 8-Ball, and that leads to a lot of people mischaracterizing him. Because of this, I decided to make a mini essay ranting on several topics relating to him. This includes the following:
-Mischaracterization in the fandom
-His relationships with other characters
-His missed potential
With that said, let’s start with the first section!
Mischaracterization in the fandom
I can’t stress how much it infuriates me whenever I see a piece of content that portrays him as an asshole. 😭
I know it’s easy to see him like that, since he almost makes his team lose twice. But the thing is, he’s not as bad as people make him out to be. When both TB and GB died, there was pretty much no one else to lead the team to victory. 8-Ball, however, took initiative and became the “temporary” team leader. I honestly think it says a lot that he was willing enough to take on a role like that in a dire situation. Sure, you could say he was rude to ignore Grassy, but let’s be real, would YOU want to be led by the literal child of the group who does nothing besides say his name? (By this point at least that was all he did) And hey, he wasn’t THAT bad of a leader either. Yeah, he use TB’s contraption, but fair use I guess.
Also, it��s not like he was bullying Grassy, he was just more focused on the game. In fact, it’s actually GB who was bullying Grassy, but I don’t see many people hate on her for that? (This is not GB slander btw! I love her)
While yes, most of his dialogue boils down to, “I don’t have a favorite number” it’s important to note that it’s not his ENTIRE character. He’s smart when he needs to be, as shown when he used TB’s contraption in an admittedly smarter way than GB. Plus, he genuinely cares about his team. Even though it doesn’t seem like it, you have to remember that he went (with Blocky) to Four to ask him to bring back GB and TB. If he didn’t care about them, he probably would’ve held off from it and just continued to lead the team himself until they inevitably came back.
I think the fact that 8-Ball’s whole reason for the team leader thing makes him seem so much better than how he’s normally perceived. He just wanted to lighten up the mood by making jokes, but he just took it too far by not realizing that it was actively harming their team dynamic. When he realized this, he apologized in an oddly genuine way to GB. The fact that he took accountability just goes to show that he’s a pretty decent guy who may or may not be autistic. /hj
His relationships with other characters
This is probably gonna be my favorite section lol. I absolutely love his banter with the others, especially with GB. Speaking of GB, let’s start with her!
8-Ball and GB’s little rivalry is honestly really fun to watch. The way they continuously fight for the attention of their team members, their small moments of bickering, it’s just so sjahjwzjhsjshsh
At first, GB hates him because in her eyes; he’s an asshole who tries to sabotage the team and steal her role as team leader. But when 8-Ball apologizes, she admits herself that he isn’t that bad of a guy/“a completely useless moronic dumb robot”.
After that, they don’t get many more interactions, which is unfortunate because they had such a fun dynamic! I would genuinely pay so much money just to see them have more one on one conversations. 8-Ball’s teasing + Golfball’s temper would’ve been a nice way to spice up the interactions of ABNTT. But alas, we can only dream. :(
I also wish that he got more interactions with the EXITors, since they have the feeling of a found family, so 8-Ball being included in that would be nice.
His Missed Potential
Sighhhhhh, this is the most annoying part of this whole thing: the missed potential of 8-Ball.
It bothers me that he was eliminated so early on in the series. Even though his “arc” was pretty much completed, there was still room for them to expand on him. Like I stated in the previous section, his interactions with GB could’ve served as nice comic relief, along with perhaps touching on his comedian side a little more? Maybe learning to crack jokes that fit the situation, and making sure that they don’t hurt people. ALSO! There could’ve also been more interactions between other characters besides GB and Basketball. Like maybe TB or Blocky? Hell, even Grassy. Oh yeah, and they could’ve also expanded on why he’s so adamant on convincing others he doesn’t have a favorite number. And maybe, just maybe, a little angst? Typing this all out is annoying because there was SO MUCH potential but they missed out on it. 💔
Ending off this small rant, I just hope in future TPOT episodes he gets more than one line per episode. (His only lines so far have literally been “Four’s back, let’s go!” and “Blah blah blah blah”) At the very least, I hope this short essay has made you like him a little more than before, or even like him more!
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
I keep seeing posts complaining about others saying that Eddie isn't as smart as some people make him out to be, he's not a secret super genius and that's okay. And most of their complaints boil down to 'how dare you do to Eddie what we do to Steve' and 'how can you say Eddie is stupid when Steve is right there and dumb all the time'
And it just bugs me, because those of us who complain about how their intelligence is portrayed in fandom aren't saying that Eddie is stupid, we're saying that Steve isn't, and that Eddie and Steve's intelligence aren't linked, one being smarter in some areas doesn't mean that the other is dumber.
For me, my problems with it come down to three points:
1, stop making Eddie a secret super genius that excels in all areas and knows everything
2, stop making Steve super stupid and acting like he is borderline intellectually disabled
3, stop using points 1 and 2 to prove each other.
Steve gets dumbed down so much to prove the intelligence of Eddie and all the other characters. Other characters, especially Eddie, have their intelligence inflated to prove Steve's stupidly.
Eddie is smart, in his own areas but not all areas. Steve is smart in his own areas but not in all areas. Neither of them are genius level intelligent, neither of them are stupid.
the most annoying part to me is that any post i’ve seen has only said that people writing eddie as an academic genius is ooc and annoying, and yet all the other posts have been reacting as if we called him the worlds biggest idiot who’s never accomplished anything and can’t read.
oh wait, that’s exactly what they’re doing to steve in those same fucking posts. how ironic.
and yeah. it’s insane to me that the complaint started with people saying that some eddie fans compare eddie’s and steve’s intelligence too much, and try to make eddie look so much better than steve when that just isn’t canon.
and then to defend their hcs, they just argue that no, eddie is a secret genius and steve is a stupid cunt that only graduated because his parents bought his way through. like jfc.
both boys have their strengths and weaknesses, neither of them really find those strengths in school. and that’s okay! that doesn’t make them idiots. it just makes them normal people, that aren’t that great in school.
let eddie and steve be their canon selves, instead of the stupid ass versions this fandom has come up with.
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tuiyla · 1 year
Hi! No pressure of course but is there any chance you could share some thoughts on 5.07 specifically? It’s considered a high point I think, and it’s obv a crucial one for Spike’s ch and his relationship with Buffy.
I'm determined not to let this one sit for months on end uwu
So, Fool For Love, great episode! Even just aesthetically it's very well put together and I really enjoyed how it rhymed with Angel 2.07. I feel like the watching order didn't matter though I did watch ATS and therefore Angel's POV first. It was about time we got some Spike flashbacks and I have to say they delivered. The Angel-related ones as well but the second Slayer subway sequence was just something else. Not that this was the first episode to do so but 5.07 really proved just how far BtVS has come and what they can do in just 45 minutes of television. Also, unrelated to other flashback thoughts but when they cut to 1998 with Spike and Dru I was trying to place it in my head and at first I was like "okay so like 20 years before Buffy." Lmaooo joke's on me for often forgetting how old BtVS is as a series. I feel at liberty to call it old as a fellow 1997 baby.
I thought the premise of getting Buffy and Spike to talk about Slayers and fighting and death was a little forced, Buffy getting injured all of a sudden and all. But it doesn't take away from how good what follows is and I'm glad the show returned to what was used to introduce Spike, the fact that his two Slayer kills are what really give him his reputation. And if anything, Fool For Love is just the hammering home of Spike's "violence and sex are the same" thesis. I know that's a theme throughout the show because duh, vampires and their metaphors and what with all the slaying, but Spike as a character really embodies it. And there are many interesting implications to consider about him willingly chasing Slayers, the people most likely to kill him. There's really a lot to say about his hedonsitic tendencies and this embodiement but I don't think I could add anything that people smarter than me haven't already offered all thoughts on haha.
I also appreciated that Spike was once again established as an unreliable narrator, one who boasts and and all but who has an emotional truth to speak of. His origin story of when he was still human checks out with everything he does as a vampire and I'm curious where the series will go with him. Because he is a soulless vampire and I'm sure there will be many an exploration of that and what it means for the concept of love, but at this point in the lore it's also been made pretty clear that one's human self influences their vampire one. And William was kind of... all about love? As a true romantic Victorian poet. And, particularly if we consider love(/sex) and violence the same, Spike's all about that too. So you know, I buy that he really does love Buffy. I think it started as lust and as obsession, but at this point in the story it is love. I was afraid the episode would end with Buffy pissing him off and several episodes would be about Spike acting all scorned and spiteful so the ending scene was a nice subversion. It made Spike's genuine affection all the more clear, because he is still a petty spiteful vampire who doesn't take rejection well but he also saw that Buffy was hurting and demonstrated that he has empathy. It's strange, sure, but I'm kinda digging the way the show is portraying it.
I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Spike and, inevitably, Spuffy, but now that I'm well into season 5 I have to say that I get it. And this is more in general rather than specific to the episode, but I think I get it. I proceeded with caution because fandom hype can be so misleading and I'm extra cautious of once bad boys for whom fandoms have soft spots. Very often I don't feel like the characters deserve it beyond being played by attractive white men. But from the start Marsters' performance as Spike has been unabashedly delightful and particularly from season 4 on it's been so easy to want to root for him. I won't yet say either way in terms of Spuffy because I don't yet know where I'll fall with them, but... I get it. Yeah, I can totally see why people would dig this. I have to say, some of Spike's pitiful attempts at just being in Buffy's presence rang all too true to me. Granted I'm not a soulless vampire, just a useless lesbian, but still.
What else to say specifically about the ep, hmm. Honestly not a lot, just that it was good. I know that might not sound like I'm appreciating the quality of eps like this appropriately but that's just because I'm speeding through episodes and processing everything at once. I do think Buffy s5 and Angel s2 are really really solid seasons of television with some truly exceptional episodes, 5.07 among them. The interplay of the flashbacks and Spuffy in the present and the line blurring and disappearing by the end are chef's kiss. I'll have to see Their Story unfold fully before passing verdict on the fight scene but yeah, it's great TV. And dare I say, Buffy was showing signs of being attracted to Spike herself just not realizing it yet. That's the vibe anyway, just like it took Spike a while to have that 'oh' moment. We've all been there.
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Idk if youd be super into it but Id really like to hear about why you don't like wilhelm. :0 idkidk your thoughts on every1 are just so interesting to me n I like the thought you put in them idk
I can't get over how I'm like "I don't like this guy I made up evil thoughts about him in my head and not the fun kind" and now all my anons are like "wanna tell us about him???" vjnfjbngjb
I'll go into depth a little more because your asks is very nice but idk if I'll ever reveal the depths of why I hate this shitty little lad
So! Idk if I've just been on some weird sides of fandom but I generally see him portrayed as like,, some pseudo twink whose only purpose is comedic banter on the sidelines of other ships or being Edmund "daddy dom" Avery Junior's bitch (in case you can't tell from how I phrased that I don't like that portrayal of Avery either vjfnbjgnb) and I don't like that!! I also just,, do not fuck with the whole "oh no he wasn't a death eater because he wanted to he was forced into it he's actually innocent!!" and I've seen some of that with Wilhelm too.
I think this dude is just,, a genuinely shitty person. Getting the basics out of the way homeboy is a blood supremacist and a death eater. Not a great start when it comes to being a good person. I've already delved briefly into his relationship with Aurora here but I'll elaborate. I think he's an entitled shitbag (this entitlement is also what makes me think homeboy does not know that no means no and you can kinda let that brainwave take you wherever you want but really I will not elaborate more on this part (he's also got a particular taste in women that I've alluded to in my moodboards but once again I'm not gonna bring it up any more than that)). He thinks he's smarter than everyone else, that he can manipulate everyone into thinking he's someone better than who he really is (and he can) and the fact that he's aware enough of this to keep doing it so successfully is just,, he knows he's not a good person and still, he pretends to be one to get what he wants. Classic wolf in sheep's clothing!!! He's maintained a friendship for years simply because he thinks it's funny to laugh behind Aurora's back like what kind of person does that??
I can also provide a bit of context for my portrayal of Wilhelm I guess lol. I'm not the one who came up with the name Wilhelm for him obviously but since we canonically only know his last name someone had to. Wilhelm is of Germanic origin and thus I've decided that he's Austrian lol. Wilkes shares his last name with the main antagonist from I think it's Stephen King's Misery?? Don't quote me on that lmao. Anyway, the character's main trait in that book is that they're like,, relentlessly cruel so in my portrayal of Wilkes I definitely took inspiration from his namesake. He originally attended Durmstrang where he was close with Rowle and Dolohov (especially the latter) though he was expelled in his third year and due to connections he was able to attend Hogwarts instead where he was sorted into Slytherin. He spent his time at Durmstrang tormenting not only but probably, in particular, Igor Karkarov (who I think had an exchange year to Hogwarts in his seventh year where Wilhelm continued to bully him while playing completely innocent to anyone else)
I think Wilhelm is a fairly tall, muscular young man, with such a pale complexion and blonde hair that he looks like he never sees sunlight. He's got multi-coloured eyes, one light brown and the other blue, very fluffy hair (sheep's clothing) and a charming smile with prominent fangs (wolf) and exposed gums. He looks far too cunty for a man who's as homophobic as he is
I'm glad you enjoy my character rambles jvnfjbngjb I'd be more than happy to ramble about someone else lol
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amandapen · 10 months
2012!TMNT (and my gripes with it)
My first ever long brainrot blog post and it's about the things i dont like in my childhood show
Also, disclaimer : I'm sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language, my vocab isn't as wide as most people and this is also just my ramblings so it might stop making sense at some point
APRIL/DONNIE/CASEY LOVE TRIANGLE (and the romance in general)
Everybody said this already but I haven't shared my thoughts so you get to listen
The romance in the show is not gross and disgusting at worst and not plot relevant at best. Personally, I have no problem with any pairings between any of the turtles and the humans characters, I don't care if the show wants to push a romance between any mutant with any humans at all. Anyone calling this beastiality or zoophilia is incorrect to me, as most of the mutant characters (aside from Karai when she first mutated) have their own mind and can choose for themselves. They are not irrational or mindless beings and 90% of the time is even smarter and more intelligent emotionally than the few human characters that we have.
The only problem with the romance in this show would be the context, and the circumstances of the characters involved in said romance.
For example, let's look at the case of Donnie/April, which is the first time the concept of romance is introduced in the show.
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In the first 10 minutes of the first episode, we see the turtles comes up to the surface, and literally right after we see them marvel at the wonderful place that is the the NYC, April comes out and Donnie is immediately in love, exclaiming she is the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. (for the show's credit it was a kids show made in 2012, love at first sight was a very common trope)
Seconds after that, April and her dad get attacked by the Kraang, and Donnie jumps in to save her, the show is setting it up for this to be a thing in the future, making it clear it's not just a one-off thing or a throwaway line for jokes.
In season 2, Casey comes in, and cause he and April is the staple couple of the franchise since 2003, they have to have their moment too. In 2012, Casey is the
And we go through the rest of the show of Donnie, Casey and April in this will they, won't they scenarios also consisting of Donnie and Casey fighting over her at every second they are in the same frame.
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What is the problem here?
Well, as other people have said it, this love triangle plotline ruins the characters of everyone involved.
Donnie's crush on April was cute at some point, but it stopped after he started going all stalker-ish, following April and knowing her schedule, going out of his way to plan things to get her to go out with him, getting possessive over her despite her showing she's not comfortable with his advances.
Casey is portrayed as a perverted asshole, whose whole thing is just makes fanservice jokes about April's body or just be horny for her. And when he's not, he's just the tough bad boy who contrasts Donnie, the awkward nerd.
April's character suffers the most from this situation, as from the very first second she is introduced in the show, she is introduced as Donnie's love interest. Her whole character was fixed from that moment forward as just the love interest, and nothing else. And her being thrown around between Donnie and Casey didn't make it better. What was her personality? Her hobbies? Likes and dislikes? All seems invisible as most of her scenes compromises of her being with Donnie, or her being with Casey or both.
Most of the fandom even sees her as a bitch for 'leading on the two guys that liked her', as if she asked for that situation to happen in the first place.
The romance itself isn't good, it just makes everyone look bad. Which is sad, cause outside of the love triangle, these three are great characters on their own (not the best, Donnie is definitely the weakest of the turtles in terms of characterization)
Their implied relationships off-screen sounds so much better, Donnie and April were theorized to be best friends as she seems the most comfortable with him, Casey occasionally helps Donnie with mechanic stuff (shown in one scene in season 3).
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The way this plotline is handled isn't good either, it pretty much just dissolves away without any conclusion. No talks between the characters about the situation, no April standing up for herself and telling the two of them she doesn't want to hurt their friendship and she cares for them just the same as she cares from everyone in their group.
What we get was just one episode where Donnie realizes he may have made April uncomfortable all this time, (only took him 2 seasons and a half, look at that, character growth everybody). He apologizes to April and get ready to move on from her and I thought this show is actually gonna be good about it.
And April kissed him, of course.
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Fuck you, Nicklodean. Of course, why would I thought a kids show is gonna handle a topic like this maturely, why would I expect such caliber writing from a show that have proved before this that they could write emotionally intelligence moments??
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For the other romance subplot, they're whatever.
Leo and Karai was controversial because of the whole, they're siblings so it's incest thing, but they dropped it almost immediately after Leo finds out Karai is Splinter's bio daughter. Their 'romance' started as attraction of something new, and ended like that too.
Mikey and Renet was pretty boring, it was just, well Mikey hasn't had a crush yet and we have another single female character, so why not? They're not bad, but doesn't really add anything to Mikey or anyone since Renet is not from their timeline.
There's also Mikey and Shinigami, but I don't remember that going anywhere. It was just another comic moments instead of adding anything to Mikey's or Shini's character.
Splinter/Tang Shen/Shredder whole fiasco serves only as context as to why everything is the way it is, but nothing really deep as the show didn't really go down that path, we get some few flashbacks scenes, and we get to see what truly happened when the turtles went back in time, but nothing truly game-changing other than the revelation that it was the turtles who saved Splinter back then.
This show has only one good romance and it is...
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They are perfect, probably the healthiest one in the show, and the cutest one consisting of the two (imo) most mature characters in the show.
This is supposed to be a list but this is way too long already, I'll have to talk about the rest in another post.
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
Just got an error message two times when trying to answer someone, so here you go, nonnie.
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[Text version] Anonymous asked: This fandom and its “if you don’t like it don’t watch it propaganda” like they don’t consider that someone like me still bitch about this show cause I used to love it so much and it hurts me to see it ruined in this way and I still have hope that it can be saved. And its “ you don’t like this character/ writer cause she’s a female”, it’s not like that for example I adore Andrew, but I still have nightmares about whatever it was 6x08 "Don't like, don't watch" is good advice when you're addressing "fans" who can find NOTHING to be happy about, but tbh...it goes back to what myself and a few others have said re: fandom treating the show like a fanfic. "Don't like, don't read?" Perfectly reasonable. Fanfics cater to specific characters/pairings/tropes and we are able to filter search results to leave out things we aren't interested in. When it comes to watching tv, however...especially with a show like 9-1-1 or other crime/procedural dramas...there is bound to be at least ONE thing viewers latch onto and will make time (while switching channels during the original broadcast or fast-forwarding through the replay on a streaming service).
I find the bitchiness a little...two-faced, for lack of a better term, at least within the Buddie fandom. How are you (gen) gonna tell people everything is headed in a clear direction (and it's not just framed as speculation; when others question the thought process they're told they're just too stupid to understand the narrative - an actual thing that has been said, lol), but then get angry when those same folks (who you wanted to seem smarter than) point out inconsistencies or that things feel far from optimistic?
Is it because you don't want to be reminded of how wrong you were mere months ago? Or you don't want to think about the faith you may have (incorrectly) placed in this show to not be like the ones before it?
The "you don't like this character because she's female" argument is silly when the issue isn't that the woman in question is terrible, but that the show "cleaned her up" so she could portray a love interest (as if the audience was just supposed to forget what they'd seen and heard):
Shannon -> Eddie stuck up for her because he felt like it was his fault that she left (which she made him believe, but then when Eddie *is* present in Christopher's life and co-parenting with her...she's like "Still haven't figured out how to do this whole motherhood thing, sorry!" Having Eddie back helped, but he wasn't the problem. Shannon never made peace with being a mother relatively young (losing her freedom), nor did she make peace with the "added stress" that comes with raising a child that is physically disabled.
Ana -> Apparently never said an ableist thing in her life despite how her introductory episode made it VERY clear that her approach to the skateboarding incident was the wrong one. (And because I always think it's worth noting - Andrew Meyers spelled out that the episode would touch on a disability issue when he specifically put the term ABLE-BODIED in the opening scene: "Attention, citizens of the Internet. We are calling upon every able-bodied viewer for another adrenalized tour of duty for Shay's Army.")
Taylor -> Nobody acknowledges how she wanted to mess with Bobby for the sake of her career in season two. Buck is all-too-pleased to see her again. Zero hesitation. (He's the one person who knew the only reason that footage never made the air is because of her bosses.) Then there was her calling Buck out for not being a good friend...despite never having been a friend to him, either...and the tears for her tv audience...and telling other people's stories because she doesn't want to tell her own...meaning she's allowed to keep her private life private, but anyone else is fair game...one big "ick" all around.
Lucy doesn't apply to the above (unless you count editing her scenes to see how the audience would accept her in the aftermath of 5x11/5x13, I guess), but people are forgetting that many were actually ROOTING for her to be the new Lena (Buck's Version). Yes! Give Buck a female coworker who isn't a lesbian or much older than him and LET THEM BE FRIENDS! Especially when he already had a girlfriend!
If people want to make excuses for the cheating arc (that amounted to nothing in the end - so much for "narrative purpose") or want to swoon over pretty people making out, have at it. But the other side is entitled to reject a version of canon they never asked for. Fans complaining on their OWN BLOGS is not in the same stratosphere as anybody who had no shame in leaving negative insta comments directed at the actress involved.
Finally, as for not liking a writer 'cause she's a woman...Who hates Lyndsey? Or Taylor Wong? And I'm pretty sure we all thought highly of Kristen until Tim opened his mouth about 4x14 and we (then) saw what the show was turning into under her control. Ignorance truly was bliss.
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inukag · 2 years
“Do you also find it unfair when inu/kik shippers claim that Kagome is Inuyasha's second choice and he's only with her because he sees Kikyo in her even though that was explicitly disproven in the manga?” Preach.
I find it weird how Certain people always have something to say about inukag fans supposedly downplaying inukik (which I honestly rarely see, most people are really good about acknowledging her importance all the while loving Inukag, I mean yes some have their reservations for the way inukik is portrayed but to each their own) yet never say anything when it’s the opposite, especially coming from that fandom that degrades Kagome almost regularly.
THANK YOU anon I'm so glad someone is with me on this lol.
People in this fandom always bad-mouth Inukag shippers like we aren't one of the most wholesome fandom out there. 90% of my inukag mutuals here respect Kikyo and the few that do dislike her at least back up their arguments by stuff that actually happened in the manga.
Meanwhile Inu/kik shippers constantly call Kagome abusive (but have no problems with Inuyasha punching children), talk about how they want Kagome to suffer (I've seen many of them celebrate the fact that she didn't raise her daughter in HNY), and they literally nitpick everything that Kagome does to villainize her (I've seen some people call her heartless because she stood up Hojo on a date lmaoo). Inu/kik shippers have reblogged my KAGKIK posts to hate on Kagome. They've reblogged my Moroha gifset to hate on Kagome and claim that Kikyo should have been her mother (or alternatively they make facebook groups dedicated to hating Moroha because she "would have been prettier and smarter if Kikyo was her mother"). I've met maybe 2 or 3 inu/kik shippers in my 10 years in this fandom who liked Kagome and they really struggled to acknowledge Inuyasha's love for her. Usually they're the type of people who think Kagome and Kikyo are the same person so Inuyasha "ended with Kikyo through Kagome".
Most inukag shippers just vibe and talk about inukag and when someone comes into our inbox or our posts to talk about Kikyo or Inu/kik we're called "insecure" for defending our ship. But inu/kiks are not insecure when they spread misinformation and lies, like when they twist Rumiko's words or straight up invent interviews to make people believe that she was forced to make inukag endgame? Or when they edit translations to make Inuyasha say things he never said?
Also Inukag shippers who dislike Kikyo are called misogynistic for disliking one female character but inu/kik shippers who says that Kikyo is the only good & strong female character in the series are not? I've also seen people get really mad at the theory that Inuyasha met Kikyo because her soul would one day be Kagome's because it's "misogynistic to say that Kikyo died so Inuyasha can have a girlfriend" but they're not mad at people who say that Inuyasha is just using Kagome as a replacement for Kikyo???
Be serious lol anyone who thinks we're so much worse than them has their head stuck in the sand. I'm NOT saying we're perfect but I'm tired of people bad mouthing my people. Coming back to the inukag fandom in 2020 after spending some time in other fandoms was such a breath of fresh air because this fandom is really overwhelmingly wholesome compared to all the other fandoms I've seen lol.
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