#headcanon : salieri
mypersonalships · 25 days
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dum-spiro-spero99 · 4 months
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eminsunnytoons123 · 18 days
Class of 3000:
Who will ya choose? The Nice teacher? Or the evil teacher?
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Ever since I have now Drew the icons for westley kids, eastley kids, mila, big D And cheddar man, heres now finally icons for Sunny And Salieri =^_^=
I have now finally Drew their icons, And I can finally start now tagging both 'class of 3000' AND 'class of 3000: back to the SING!', And I can now post their headcanons for all my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals like: @splashy900 @kxllboii @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sayuri-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @itsmyaltaccountforshiitybloglol0 @ducktoonz903707 @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @muppet-fan-frr @thegroovyskull @blo0st4r And my two girlfriends Eli @cheezekennith And @muppet-fan-real And my boyfriend red the demon King on discord =^_^=
Now, heres some details I gave these two:
Number one, Sunny - I have gave him a longer hair, but not too much like my last design of him here:
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But his hair is still kinda long nearly to his neck, And I gave him some sun patterns on his shoulders, on his Purple suit, And even sun earrings, And I even add some beads Hanging on his hat, And I gave him more SASS. And also in this drawing of Sunny I did on second of May this year, I accidentaly made him a little darker because of a picture I found of him, so I changed it to the skin tone he originally has on the Show.
Number two, Salieri - like Sunny, I gave him a more longer hair, And some more earrings, he has an beauty Mark on his cheek And maroon eyelids And long maroon nails, And I gave some more details on his outfit, And even ripped fingerless red gloves.
I hope y'all will like this, And I'll make my class of 3000 headcanons tommorow, And im still in a mood to answer some asks for class of 3000 characters, especially from Aaliyah @ducktoonz903707 =^_^=
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klqrambles · 19 days
I need your drawing of "vivre a en crever" where Constance is jealous of the Mozalieri, maybe it's a headcanon of mine but in my opinion she and Antonio can't stand each other
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I personally am a “polyamory can fix them” truther. However, I am very open to Stanzi lets Salieri stay around cause she can’t take him away from Wolfie, but she is gonna start a very intense petty prank/annoyance war with Salieri. i.e. Stanzi “accidentally” puts Salieri’s white shirts with Mozart’s red and pink jackets dying them pink, but as it turns out Mozart really likes the look (tho salieri does end up replacing all his shirts) and then Salieri eats all of the muffins Stanzi made for herself cause who is he to refuse free muffins that have been left out for everyone.
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I think it’d end in a mutual respect and truce to make sure Wolfie is happy
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sabusthings · 1 month
I would love to hear your trans salieri headcanons
Sorry other people who sent asks, this takes priority. It's about women
My main reason for Salieri being a trans woman is 'why not?' I do like Fates genderbend concepts even if they are very much leaning towards the male-gaze, and I do like the idea of a woman in a position of power as the Kapelmeister of an empire (and a good friend of the emperor to boot! that's no small feat!!!)
I picture it as a case of her time thinking/wishing "I wish I could do [strictly women activity]" or "I wish I could look more feminine that seems nice" and she is just Not Realising the connections. Her position as Kapelmeister and general business being a teacher/composer wouldn't allow her to truly ruminate on these thoughts but they are there, and she sighs wistfully every so often about it.
So maybe the Throne of Heroes threw them a bone and said "hey you have a really bad lot but do you want the body you always wished you had at least?" and Salieri goes "uh sure?"
So then it's a case of "The horrors are unceasing but hey im comfortable in my body at least!"
The only real difference between a male!Salieri and a female!Salieri I think is purely in aesthetics; I can see a femSal having a moment of indulgence where she can go a bit ham on clothes or anything that she perceived as not being able to do before, but her overall attitude/personality is the same as the OG. They both have a deep parental urge, love sweets, want to kill Mozart etc, and I don't believe there is a true distinction between the two.
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Dead Gay Wizards Headcanons. Part 1: Barty Crouch Jr
First of all, to hell with JKR. All my friends hate JKR. Our fandom is a diverse and tolerant place for Merlin's sake.
1. Intellectually precocious (learnt to read when he was about 3 years old), reads everything he can lay his hands on, so naturally very dirty-minded since much earlier than anyone else. Besides both lit and science are perfect for secretly name calling everyone around
2. As a child had to learn to play some classy musical instrument (I am not settled on violin vs piano yet). Still salty about not getting to play the guitar
3. Probably has impostor syndrome and completely ruined self-confidence because of his father's attitude towards him
4. Was actually all prim-and-proper until like year 4 or 5 of Hogwarts then snapped so hard the hell broke loose and we got the human catastrophe we know him to be. Still kind of apprehensive with swear words as he thinks he can possibly be overheard
5. "Help you with homework? Maybe I could, but bold of you to assume that I remember what the hell was our assignment"
6. Kins Mick Travis and Amadeus as in rock opera( I am more than sure he called Regulus or Snape "his Salieri" at least once) also maaaybe both Paul Jr and Florence Dombey from "Dombey and son"
7. Did a shit ton of insane, dangerous and questionable things purely on a bet or out of spite. Also greatly extended the list of things forbidden in Hogwarts because everything not explicitly forbidden is technically allowed and Barty would use every loophole to do crazy shit and go scot-free
8. Needs glasses (eyesight deteriorated because of too much studying) but he would rather subject himself to crucio or killing curse than admit he needs them. Why? Cause glasses for him are a part of the "prim-and-proper, people-pleasing golden child" image he wants to utterly demolish
9. Last but VERY not least. I do not really get the Italian headcanon for my bbg. Like where did it even come from? I personally ever since getting a bit more in Marauders fandom hc'ed him as being of East Asian (and more specifically Chinese) descent.
The whole thing with emotional negligence mixed with academic pressure, some really glorious study results and screwed mental health just screams so called "tiger parenting" to me (source: personal experience with author's own Asian family). And OK, not to go fully against the already established fanon he still has some Italian roots as "the family legend". And because of the films I also think he has some Scottish ancestry
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biteghost · 3 months
So Cu Alter is very definitely your main muse when it comes to F/GO stuff, yeah? Any other Servants in your roster that get the brain juices flowing, so to speak?
*avoids eye contact with all my other FATE favs I've been meaning to draw for three years but haven't gotten around to it because my limited time and tiny brain demand I fill the stupid Cú Alter comic quota instead*
Uhhh yeah for starters here's my highest bonded servants in fgo whom I love and have headcanons about their team dynamics & relationship to Chaldea:
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(Sorry cú is here 4x!!!! Lmao I simply love him. #1 dude, never leaves my party.)
If I'm thinking about characters who actively take up my processing power...
I have severe brain worms about Jekyll/Moriarty/Sherlock! There is enough juice that I need more content of them desperately. (One day I will draw it and you will all see my vision.)
Caenis (& Goredolf / Wodime), Achilles, Barghest, Jalter, Salieri (& Mozart), Baobhan Sith (& Beryl (SORRY I'm a Beryl-enjoyer)), Voyager, Hijikata, Musashi, Ryouma, Circe (& Odysseus), Gorgon, Gareth & Percival, and (deep breath) MASH!!!! and PEPE!!!!!! to name some characters I've thought too hard about.
Not even gonna try mentioning the characters I just think are hot NEAT and like for their body DESIGN
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exchangell · 10 months
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hello! my name's chiara, and welcome to my blog :) im really uncertain of how everything works since its been a WHILE since i was last on here, but here's some information on me + a masterlist of my stuff :)
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first off, imaginary person i came up with for this post, rude!! im british asian, and pretty much all i do all day is write. however, the important part of this blog is that, once every blue moon, i take the initiative to actually post some of it on ao3. here's what i can offer you:
too much religious imagery
too many literary references
too many titles from song names (psst my last.fm is exchangel!)
too much vague dacryphilia (i'm not making the last part bold)
too much gushing over female characters
always open to fanfic requests!
i'm mostly active in these fandoms as of 15/05/24: i have no mouth and i must scream, yonderland, bbc ghosts
i never shut up about sir francis walsingham, harlan ellison and franz schubert, so.... yeah!
now, prepare yourself for....
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pretty girls make graves - ghosts au (series on hiatus)
in your lap - sir humphrey bone/reader
letters from bone hall - sophie/humphrey
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sins of the flesh - am/reader
points of authority - am/reader (ongoing series)
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an arrangement for voice and piano- beethoven/schubert
a poet and his pianist- franz von schober/franz schubert
and i shouldn't cry (but i love it)- amadeus! salieri/mozart
chopin and liszt at mcdonalds- no ships
and teach you how to be a holy cow- beethoven/schubert
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RAMMSTEIN (ignore this, i woke up and realised this wasn't the hill i wanted to die on)
liebe an der leine- frau schneider/pussy!flake
hands on your knees (you can braid my hair)- flake lorenz/reader
crime and punishment- flake lorenz/reader
bückstabü - flake lorenz/reader
führe mich - flake lorenz/reader
liebe an der leine- frau schneider/pussy mv flake
hands on your knees (you can braid my hair)- flake lorenz/reader
crime and punishment- flake lorenz/reader
bückstabü - flake lorenz/reader
führe mich - flake lorenz/reader
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deftly- dano!riddler/fem! reader
house of flies- murphy!scarecrow/dano!riddler
how the tables turn- murphy!scarecrow/dano!riddler
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sardanapalo- liszt/fem!reader
down once more- mozart/schubert/beethoven, poto au
let's get mischievous (and polyamorous)- multiship (abandoned series)
blasphemie- multiship, unfinished series, 3/6 chapters
variations- headcanon series, beethoven/reader so far
on a cold night by moonlight- chopin/schubert
o mozart! immortal mozart!- mozart/schubert
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FNAF masquerade- ballora/springtrap, william afton/clara afton
BLUEYCAPSULES chicken tikka masala- william afton/gn!reader
DINOVERSE- so anxious- dr. albert krueger/gn! reader
OKJA- top 10 cool facts!!!- jay/gn!reader
HETALIA- god save the queen's jewels- no ships, crackfic
AMADEUS- and i shouldn't cry (but i love it)- mozart/salieri
SPIDERMAN- schokolade- doc ock/fem! reader
LOTR- meet me in the pale moonlight - frodo/reader
something about you- rouxls kaard/gn!reader o holy knight- multiship, (abandoned) stargirl interlude- rouxls kaard/fem!reader
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awholelotofladybug · 6 months
(Stammering Adrien AU: Weird full names. Note: Some of these beside Adrien are headcanons)
Kagami: *sigh* My full name is Minamoto Kagami-no-Ryujin Iwanaga no Kusanagi…
Chloe: *laughs* Is that your full name? It's kinda funny, sorry Kagami!
Kagami: *grumbles* It's my title and I can't believe my mom gave me that terrible title.
Adrien: *smiles* A-at yyyy-your name i-is s-still better t-than me. M-my full name is A-adrien Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste.
Chloe: And my full name is Chloe Clotho Lachesis Atropos Bourgeois. Why is my mom gave me the Moirai's names?
Luka: Your full names were still tamed compare to mine. Lucius Salieri Mozart Couffaine.
(I shortened Adrien's name, as well as a different middle name for Chloe in my AU, but for the sake of this prompt, I'll allow it in this one instance)
Kagami: *sigh* My full name is Minamoto Kagami-no-Ryujin Iwanaga no Kusanagi…
Chloe: *laughs* Is that your full name? It's kinda funny, sorry Kagami!
Kagami: *grumbles* It's my title and I can't believe my mom gave me that terrible title.
Adrien: *smiles* At least y-y-y-y-your name is still better than mine. M-M-My full name is Adrien Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste.
Chloe: And my full name is Chloe Clotho Lachesis Atropos Antoinette Bourgeois. Ugh! Why did my mom give me the Moirai's names?
Luka: Your full names are still tame compared to mine. Lucius Salieri Mozart Couffaine.
Chloe: Your real name is Lucius? That's kinda cute.
Luka: *blushing* Well, you know how it is. "Luka" kind of rolls off the tongue better.
Marinette: People tend to think the first half of my last name is my middle name.
Adrien: I'd b-b-be lying if I said I didn't think that when we first met either
Marinette: Honest mistake. Names can be weird.
Adrien: Tell me about it.
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auniverseforgotten · 2 months
17, 22, 24, and 25 for Salieri >:3c
HOHH MY BRAINROT IS FEASTING TODAY TY FOR THE ASK this one got long again whoops
17. What's a book, movie, or show you think [character] would like?
So as many people know I am a massive nerd and I have a million books on all sorts of things like architecture and fashion and music and advertisements throughout the years. And with how much impact Salieri had on music during his life I feel like he would love books like Music: The Definitive Visual History or Modern Music and After to see where music has gone.
Bookwise I feel like it would depend on what he was feeling? I will admit to being extremely biased but I think he would enjoy Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, to see all the evils of the world but also to see them righted, or at least confronted. Idk I feel like Salieri is so good at heart and all the suffering all the time that Chaldea has to face...would leave someone craving a 'good' end. Since we STILL DON'T GET THAT IN GAME :'D But also I think he reads a lot of fairy tales both because I HC him as friends with Andersen and, well, he must read his friend's work! And so that he has them memorized so he can tell the child servants in Chaldea a bedtime story/anytime story no matter whether he has the book with him or not. It also allows him to study fairy tale story structure so he can create his own stories for them.
TV Shows, MORE BIAS FROM ME INCOMING but because he shares his body with the Man in Grey and constantly has to battle with feeling like an impostor in an unfamiliar place, I feel like the unknown in shows like The Twilight Zone would really draw him in. He finds some peace with it. He will also absolutely bingewatch any wedding based show like Four Weddings or Say Yes to the Dress and he will be SO CATTY about the dresses people choose but the SECOND any of their family talk down to them he is fully backing the brides and their dress choices. While still mentioning things like "oh god not the appliques" and "sure, fine, you have a gorgeous tiny petite figure but fine, hide it in a cupcake made of lace, why not" because his hatred of people insulting the brides and making them cry does not override him cringing at their choices. If he watches Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids he tears almost EVERY dress to shreds because good lord WHY.
For movies, I think thrillers/early horror. Not any of that jumpscare stuff, but things like the House of Wax [Vincent Price version]. Showing horror within the hearts of people or that comes from Beyond, not the horror of AAA SCARY THING IN FACE MUSIC LOUD. Detective films as well, like Murder on the Orient Express [1970s] or any Holmes movie because he enjoys them and also it's fun [and maybe cute] to watch Holmes get frustrated or flustered at the interpretations of himself on screen [this also stands for tv shows]. He and Lobo also have movie nights to watch dog movies or animal documentaries.
22. Give us a headcanon for [character]
Oh no I have so many. So so many.
Okay well my big one is he basically sees Anastasia as his daughter. Even outside of the fics I've written/am writing where he had time to get to know her in LB1, there's something about seeing her after and seeing the scars that it's left on her that makes him approach her and offer her comfort. A scene in my head has been Anastasia being summoned, seeing where she is, and having a magic-fueled breakdown that nearly freezes the summon room solid. Salieri comes running from who knows where and just. Somehow talks her down. Bows to her, kisses her hand, speaks kindly and gently while treating her as one should a royal, until she's calmed down before showing her Novum Chaldea. After that they fall into a closer father-daughter relationship and Anastasia gets to let herself be a child when she's with him, she can be childish and loud and do what she likes and at least One person will love her regardless.
Related to that one, he has, at least mentally, adopted ALL of the child servants in Chaldea and he dotes on them hard. Sweets, stories, little concerts performed solely for them, taking the time to listen to their stories...you name it, he does it. He could be in a very serious meeting debriefing and if a child servant came to get him he would leave immediately no questions asked. The MC and Mash are NOT IMMUNE TO THIS. He and Lobo share custody of them, obviously.
I know it said one but I have so so many, another is that he and Hessian Lobo [yes both parts this time] are very close, and they can be found discussing things in sign language in small, quiet corners. When Lobo's grief and rage grow too strong for him and he begins howling throughout Chaldea, Salieri always comes running, coaxing him or both he and Hessian to the music room, avenger room, or his own room and playing for as long as he needs to to help soothe him.
ANOTHER ONE he loves to cook and bake but he's self conscious of it because he lives to compare himself truly so he worries he'll be in Emiya or Boudica's way. So he typically only slips into the kitchens late at night when no one else is there. Yes, the child servants have figured this out, and yes, they do show up for snacks or dessert. Mozart also discovered this on accident, but Salieri managed to keep his focus on cooking to avoid the intense Murder Thoughts. Mozart seemed to notice, so they didn't speak at all, just exist together on those nights.
This one I feel runs inline with game canon but he struggles with intrusive thoughts a lot, and given he was Italian in the 1700s-1800s, he was absolutely raised religious and absolutely taught that bad thoughts = bad person, so on top of the Man in Grey constantly thirsting for Mozart's murder he also struggles with other intense or mundane intrusive thoughts. There are many days when it is too hard for him to face the world because of them. Therapy would be good but I mean Kiara is Chaldea's only therapist I think AND UM, NO.
ONLY ONE MORE I PROMISE but I tend to headcanon that when he works himself hard as a servant/is critically damaged or possibly even dying, a lot more of Antonio Salieri comes out, and he is softer, more tired, less bent on revenge and hatred. This is due to the Man in Grey part of him being exhausted, since it does all the fighting, and thus he gets brief periods of Belonging in his body again. Yes he has sought out Mozart in those moments, yes it did crush them both. He can also fight through the hatred with his love for Mozart, so if Mozart is critically in danger, the 'kill Mozart' switch is forcefully flipped by himself to 'kill what is killing Mozart' switch.
24. What's your favourite thing about [character]?
I do know a lot of the things I enjoy exploring with him aren't canon, so to try and stay canon with him, hmm...I mean, he has a strong sense of duty. Just look at the end of lostbelt 1; he promised to play Twinkle Twinkle for the Yagas, and his spirit origin refuses to dematerialize until he does. But that's not really my favorite thing, just something I like, hmm...
HONESTLY probably how he looks; his color palette is just SO GOOD, his clothing detail is amazing, and all of his ascensions are so good? Usually I wind up having a favorite ascension to leave a character in, but with Salieri I like them all. I do leave him second ascension because I like seeing his armor appear all fancy but STILL. We have the Amadeus Alter first ascension with that COAT and MASK and it brings so much angst with it. Second ascension we have MAN IN SUIT and my favorite thing to put ANY character in is SUIT. And then final ascension oh my GOD his final ascension. The TEETH. The CLAWS. The QUESTIONABLE LEVEL OF REMAINING SANITY AND ORIGINAL SALIERI THAT IS LEFT. It's great for all levels of things and yes I am working on a fic where Mozart is fully horny for his third ascension and Salieri is HORRIFIED and CONFUSED and also into it and mad about it XD
Also his interlude...he is so good in his interlude...so kind...confirming all of my headcanons as true and real forever and ever UWU
25. What's your least favourite thing [character] said or did?
Hmmm I have a couple, I guess? This is my friend Wolfie's fault, but I am unreasonably fond of Phantom in FGO, so the fact that Salieri says they can't be in sync makes me SAD because Salieri wrote OPERAS and Phantom has the most incredible operatic range CMON TYPEMOON THEY COULD PERFORM OPERAS TOGETHERRRR and also I just like making servants be friends lmao so I would really like Phantom and Salieri bonding,,,but then I remember that line and I feel like I'm making Salieri too OoC
[Also why is Phantom not a berserker CMON LOOK AT SHINJUKU IT MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE]
And also like...look I love Marie, I do, but I don't get why he gets docile around her??? I just don't. Admittedly with how I HC him I forget that he's a grouchy angry deathman to everyone apparently, so maybe it's meant to show she's an exception, but...I still don't get it. I do fully see them being friends or a poly ship w/Mozart as well [and my god Mozart would be so possessive of them both it would be so fun] but I don't get the focus on him being docile around Marie. As if she wouldn't accept him in all his sharp yelly self uwu
Thanks so much for the ask!! <3 Original meme is: here in case anyone wants it or wants to ask me anything else!!
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wander-over-the-words · 10 months
CURIOUS about ur WIP called like a house on fire....spare some details 👀?
WIP Ask Game
Ah! The “technically ‘only one bed trope’” fic!
Okay so! The fic takes place after You Lucky Bastard, and we’re in Mob War territory now, thanks to Sergio’s death. Tommy gets attacked one night by some of Morello’s boys, who set fire to his apartment (eye for an eye, eh, Tom?); fortunately, our boy gets out of there, though only with a gun, a pair of shoes and the PJs he was in
He escapes to Salieri’s and lets the others know what just happened, and while the Don’s sorting out what to do about this and Tommy’s getting his shit together (ie. buying a new wardrobe and locating somewhere else he’s gonna live), he’s gonna need someplace safe to stay
And wouldn’t you know it, but Sam has some space in his apartment for one more person! Safety in numbers, boys! Watch each other’s backs, says the Don! 
The fic is. EXTREMELY an excuse just to have Tommy and Sam live together in a ~socially acceptable~ fashion in the 1930s (“he’s not living with me! He’s just staying with me while a literal war is going on!”). Tommy kind of accidentally puts Sam up to it (you’ll see when the fic is out lmao), but the two are already in an established but secret relationship. Tbh Sam is a little disgruntled about it at first, but the reason why is probably too long and very canon-laced-headcanon-y/introspective to explain here, so…when the fic is out hehe.
And I’m not gonna lie: it might turn into a smut fic. I’ve got a scene in mind for that kind of thing, but jury’s out on whether I’ll put it in or not (no pun intended). Hard maybe, but very tempting.
Fic’s current title (dunno if it’ll change or not, just what it’s currently called) is obviously a reference to the phrase “getting along like a house on fire”, but it’s also a pun in this case cause lmao Tommy’s house (or, well, apartment) is literally set on fire
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arifuretaboy · 1 year
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sanson+dantes+salieri is my weird headcanon friendship. theyre frequently mistaken for each other from behind
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morganmerylhodgepodge · 9 months
Mafia headcanon I have that Sarah's "well maybe from now on he'll make his own breakfast" (paraphrased) about Paulie is because she knows he has a secret passion for food/cooking, but the realities of the work Salieri makes his boys do causes Paulie to drink in excess that he has a hangover the next morning and therefore he always gets Sarah to make him something. Her statement isn't just a bit of shade because she's always cooking for him. It's because she's known him for years and knows his food could truly be great if he could ever truly separate himself from the life.
Of course we who've played the game know how that turned out...
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eminsunnytoons123 · 17 days
Disclaimer: before I start, dont attack me for these headcanons. This is just in my AU And made for sake od enjoyment And creativity.
Sorry for tagging y'all again o///o;
@splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @muppet-fan-real @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sayuri-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @itsmyaltaccountforshiitybloglol0 @ducktoonz903707 @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @muppet-fan-frr @thegroovyskull @blo0st4r
Heres now finally my class of 3000 characters headcanons!!! =^_^=
1st part: Sunny And his students
Number one, Sunny bridges
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28-29 years old|bisexual|personalities: sassy, laid back, sarcastic, sometimes arrogant, friendly, kind And polite
- Sunny has a very good sense of humor, even tho he can sometimes be extremely sarcastic and he makes very sarcastic jokes
- he is dating cheddar man a.k.a Charles, And they started dating after Sunny "BROKE UP" with Salieri after their first years of westley school, but they didnt really broke up, they just stopped interacting with each other but Salieri then broke up with Sunny for being "dumb" And "naive"
- he sees his students as his own kids he raised, And due to the fact that even lil' D, philly Phil, Madison, Eddie, tamika, kim And kam see him as their dad. And Sunny would never let anything bad happen to them even tho he is just their teacher, but maybe something more than just a teacher... A dad
- the reason why he is named "Sunny", is because he was born when a sunset was going up when he was born (thats just in my AU.)
- he hates, And I mean HATES oranges due to the fact he is allergic to them too. And once Salieri even tried to give him an orange cake, And he just threw it on salieri's face. And whenever someone would offer him an orange or anything with oranges, he would get annoyed
- he wears man heels And sometimes woman heels to look more like a "drag Queen"
- whenever he is with philly Phil, philly Phil is nearly his same height
Number two, lil' D
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12 years old|probably genderfluid 💖🤍💜🖤💙|personalities: confident, friendly, Bright, talented, tenacious when it comes to music, And sometimes sarcastic
- Even though he is a big fan of Sunny, he even sees him as his own dad just like how other six of kids do, And because lil' D never really met his dad
- he sometimes doesnt like cheddar man a.k.a Charles because he constantly calls them "brats" whenever Sunny isnt around, or when Sunny is around but then he just uses an excuse like "im just joking."
- sometimes People can mistake him for a girl And call him by female prounouns, but he sometimes doesnt mind.
- Big D is probably like his uncle, but not completely, its just because they have D at the end of their names.
- he, Madison, tamika, Eddie, kim And kam see philly Phil as their older Brother due to the fact he is older than them And kinda taller than them
Number three, madison
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12 years old|probably pansexual|personalities: optimistic, quirky, goofy, childish friendly, cheerful but even sensitive, naive and sometimes whiny
- she likes all the colors, but Purple is her favorite color, especially anything that has Purple color on it
- she can sometimes be whiny whenever she doesnt get what she wants, And she gets very sensitive when someone bullies her, ESPECIALLY tamika
- she sees cheddar man a.k.a Charles as her other dad just like how she, lil' D, philly Phil, Eddie, tamika, kim And kam see Sunny as their dad. But she sometimes cries when Charles is rude to them or calls them "brats"
- she likes eating Strawberry shortcake (the desert), And she likes anything with strawberries And even raspberries
- Nearly everyone call her "the flower child" or "optimistic lavender girl" but in a Nice And friendly way since she is an "flower child" And because she LOVES lavenders
- she likes any kind of jewerly, dresses And even hairstyles
- she sometimes has a crush on tamika even tho tamika often bullies her And teases her
Number four, Philly Phil
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13 years old|pansexual|personalities: briliant, clever, an oddball, friendly but even sometimes arrogant, sarcastic And sometimes easily annoyed
- philly Phil is the oldest And tallest one in music class of westley school, And he is nearly Sunny's height even tho he is literally 176 cm tall And Sunny is 183 cm tall.
- other kids in music class of westley see philly Phil as their cool, oddball And briliant big Brother, but he doesnt really mind
- he is allergic to red ants, And he gets disgusted by them
- he has a crush on both kim And Eddie, And he doesnt really wanna admit it because he sometimes gets nervous about what would others say, even sunny
- he dislikes cheddar man a.k.a Charles, And he calls him a "cheddar jerk" when he And Sunny arent around
- its Unknown why he has braces, but I gave him braces because thats kind of my thing to give nerdy And oddball characters braces, but philly Phil doesnt have an overbite like Brooklyn Bill
- he is an chocoholic, And he likes anything made out of chocolate, And he sometimes doesnt like being an chocoholic (but he doesnt eat too much chocolate but he still sure is quite addicted to it)
- he has two cuddly plush toys just like on the Show, called 'mr giraffe' And 'mr raccoon' And he sometimes gets embarassed if some of his friends would see it, because he wants to look mature for his friends And Sunny, but they actually wouldnt judge him for it
- he is even autophobic (fear of being alone), but he sometimes likes being alone but not completely
Number five, tamika And number six, Eddie
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First tamika
12-13 years old|bisexual|personalities: stubborn, rude, arrogant, sarcastic, sassy And tough
- tamika is probably the second oldest along with philly Phil And she is nearly as tall as him, but philly Phil is still the oldest one because tamika is Younger than him a few months
- she is considered as "the toughest girl in school", And some students are afraid of her, but not really her friends, sometimes Madison can be scared of her but mostly liking her too
- she likes the color cyan and blue just like how cheddar man a.k.a Charles does
- she sometimes really hates cheddar man a.k.a Charles, And whenever he is rude to them, she protects her friends, And sometimes slaps him or punches him right in the gut or on the lips
- even tho she has slight longer nails, she still plays the harp
- she is with Eddie And she often teases him And flirts with them, even gives him kisses on the cheek
Second Eddie,
12-13 years old|bisexual|personalities: greedy, sassy, Nice, friendly, polite but even spoiled, sometimes arrogant, sarcastic
- Eddie can sometimes brag about being rich And spoiled, but not always just to not annoy others
- he madly has a HUGE crush on tamika, but he is even in a relationship with her
- Eddie knows philly Phil has a crush on him, And he gets flattered by it And he sometimes teases him, leaving tamika to feel suspicious And jealous
- he often calls others "dear" or "Sweetheart" for sassiness And that stuff
- he has five pets. A poodle named "Maya", two persian cats named "Michi" And "Rose", a big parrot named "Rodrigo" And an pet horse named "Gus"
Number seven, Kim And number eight, Kam
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First Kim,
11 years old|still questioning her sexuality|personalities: Nice, friendly, sweet, cheery And sometimes tomboyish and sarcastic
- Kim has a great sense in Fashion just like Madison, And she finds any Fashion And hairstyles beautiful
- she sleeps with a stuffed toy Rabbit because she is scared of the Dark And doesnt like being in any Dark places
- just like on the original Show, she often fights And argues with kam, even tho Kam starts it first, And she hates when her twin Brother Kam brags about being the smartest kid in class And even school
- she And kam are the youngest in class, but kim is the shortest one in class, only her twin Brother being a few inches taller than her
Second Kam,
11-12 years old (presumably 12 years old)|still questioning his sexuality|personalities: smart, inteligent, most mature, sarcastic And arrogant
- Kam is usually the one to start the fights And arguments between him And Kam
- he always calls himself "the most mature" in the class, And he gets easily annoyed when someone ignores him or when his friends do something Stupid or childish
- Kam sometimes tries to make his sister Kim not do dangerous things just to keep her safe, And that makes her be annoyed by him
- he and Kim can sometimes speak their national Language, And others sometimes dont understand them
And also, i'll always make small or medium posts with more of the characters' infos because I'm still thinking about more info for them. Not only Sunny And his students' headcanons/infos, but even other characters' too
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garland-on-thy-brow · 9 months
L + U + X for the ask thingy!
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Farnace from Vivaldi's opera Farnace, whom I much dislike as a character, looks incredibly hot in Royal Baroque Ensemble 2017 production of the opera. Like, the Fëanor way of hot. Absolute gender.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Cassius from Julius Caesar because, well, long story, imprinted on him 15 years ago. He is aware he is in the play + maybe writing the play + there is all the dialogue between different layers of the text and the sources + he is stabbing the tyrant about it + he is shirtless in a thunderstorm + most of all, he is the lover.
Rong Guang from Heaven Official's Blessing because the whole Mingguang arc is thematically amazing + his temper is just like mine + the way he played everyone in that one Book 3 scene as if it was a spectacle he directed (my headcanon is that he is a theatre person).
Armida from the general Armida operaverse (Rossini, Salieri, Vivaldi, and more) because I like her sorcery and demon summoning + charisma, cunning, the ease with which she gets people on her side + when she makes something that is completely unnecessary and a bad idea, it is fun to watch + I am gay.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Characters who are aware of the text they are in!
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sabusthings · 2 months
-kicks ur door down-
I'M TORN HERE between Mozart and Salieri [ofc] and the avenger agenda trio,,,,,one of those two for the ship meme \ 'u' /
I’ll do it for Mozart and Salieri first, then Avenger Agenda uwu
who’s the cuddler: 
I think they both would be! Mozart is the one who’s most obvious about it, and does hug Salieri in public. But I’m part of large Greek communities who regularly hung out with the Italian community, and man, there is quite a bit of hugging, so I think Salieri also hugs those close to him, but everyone gets surprised by it, even if he does it often enough.
who makes the bed:
Salieri. He cleans up everything.
who wakes up first:
Mozart, bc I headcanon him being a light sleeper and having awful sleeping patterns thanks to the majority of his life having to deal with a demon in his head. He wakes up and tries to go back to sleep or just lies there while Salieri keeps sleeping.
who has the weird taste in music:
Mozart. Like, I think they both appreciate various genres and see the effort and love in it but I think Mozart has some weird indie faves.
who is more protective:
Salieri for Mozart’s physical well being, but Mozart tends to get possessive if he sees Salieri getting uncomfortable
who sings in the shower:
Mozart, belting out the Queen tunes.
who cries during movies:
I can’t see either of them crying bdjbdhb. I feel that Mozart goes more on a face journey but doesn’t cry when watching a movie, but Salieri is STOIC the entire way.
who spends the most while out shopping:
Salieri will claim that Mozart spends money frivolously, but Mozart has seen the price tags on the things Salieri buys
who kisses more roughly:
Salieri, with his bites
who is more domineering:
I think Salieri is physically more domineering. But Mozart is always in control of the situation and has him wrapped around his little finger.
Ship Rating:
1000000/10 its the best
Avenger Agenda (Dantes/Jalter/Salieri)
who’s the cuddler: 
Salieri!! But what’s this, Jalter with the need for human contact but won’t voice it???
who makes the bed:
Salieri, again. I really cant see Dantes or Jalter making beds lmaooo
who wakes up first:
Dantes i feel is the first to get up in most situations. Light sleeper as well, but he will slink out of bed to go smoke out the window.
who has the weird taste in music:
Jalter, Salieri and Dantes just nod and smile when she talks about her new fave weird singer.
who is more protective:
I think they would all be, but Dantes is the most Intense about it. The “corners you and gives you a Warning” kind of intense
who sings in the shower:
Jalter and I don’t think she is great at it.
who cries during movies:
Jalter again but she will claim she never did.
who spends the most while out shopping:
Dantes with his Treasure of Monte Cristo skill, buying things left and right, making the other two balk at the prices.
who kisses more roughly:
All of themmmmm, They want to leave their marks on one another.
who is more domineering:
Oh Dantes. Absolutely. He is the lil defacto leader of the polycule nd only Jalter calls him out on shit.
Ship Rating:
Sabu is Delusional/10
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