#headcanon meme response
the-magpie-archives · 2 years
I like to think that outside of the archives Elias was known only as the silly, overenthusiastic, eccentric boss who enjoys paperwork way too much. Realistically he was equally feared by everyone but it makes the idea of Tim trying to expose the whole plot a lot funnier.
"Elias is evil and hes masterminding a terrible plan and if we don't stop him we'll all end up dead!"
"Elias....? Like, Elias Bouchard? The guy who religiously does his paperwork on the same day every week... The guy who once sat me down to ask if that weird plant in the hall was freaking me out?"
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bleachbleachbleach · 8 months
Saw your reblog on tragic unrequited platonic love and technically, that trope definitely applies to the betrayed trio, especially on Hinamori’s end (depends on whether or not you subscribe to the view that she was crushing on Aizen). The way I saw it in my initial viewing of bleach, it was more of the type of intense admiration for an authority figure that can be misconstrued as a crush cuz you (the devotee) lack the ways to properly articulate it. Like how u feel abt the rlly cool English teacher u sometimes eat lunch with before they get arrested for like fraud or something. After experiencing the Horrors, of course Kira and Hinamori are going to imprint hard on the first semblance of stability and symbol of safety at the time. So that what they went thru meant something. Also, let me take this moment to briefly gush abt the headcanon u presented in the B3 fic cinematic universe abt hinamori’s fixating on squad 5 because it offers her the knowledge beyond her town that she’s lowkey seeking + the values she wants to strive towards (source: from afar). These nerds just wanted to be mentored so badddd!! Thus, the reveal of the fact that they were only a means to an end, specifically chosen on where they fall on the “easy to manipulate” scale hits HARDER. All that devotion?? Loss of work life balance and for WHATTT? Extended medical leave ? 😭 oh bleach my fave workplace sitcom AND workplace drama u will always be famous
PS: thank u for tagging me in that post!! In the process of drafting my response. It was so lovely of you.
You're right! That totally works here. It's interesting because (and I'll just focus on Hinamori here, because otherwise I'd feel compelled to honor the distinctions between her and Aizen vs. Kira and Ichimaru and Hisagi and Tousen, and this would probably end up reading very convolutedly) I think it kind of asks a question about when the platonic pining would have happened.
Is the pining part of suddenly realizing the disjuncture between what Hinamori thought something was and what Aizen did, and mourning something lost (and something that never really was)?
Or was there also pining when things were Good? We see Aizen be reassuring to Hinamori and generous with his time, etc. and we see Hinamori happy to receive from him, and quite devoted both to her VCship as well as to Aizen on a person level (or as he put it, "as a man" lol). We know she's well-respected by her division, and esteemed by her colleagues (okay, Kira and Hitsugaya may have some bias in this arena, but they both describe her as highly skilled).
But was she needed? Was she doing, and did she get the opportunity to do, things that Aizen couldn't do better? Did she have opportunities to express things that Aizen found interesting or outside of his expertise? Even as they are not equals--and there is no expectation that they should be--in the most fruitful mentorships, both parties have things to teach and learn.
Did Hinamori ever look at other Captain/VC relationships and yearn for pieces of what those looked like to her? Nanao would probably say "god i hope not" because Kyouraku's "reliance" on her often takes the shape of her having to do all the busywork and also herd cats, but in spite of this there's an intimacy there, an openness or trust, that Hinamori might yearn for. And that's taking Kyouraku--shadowy and full of many surfaces himself--into account. Hitsugaya and Matsumoto also have something that both Hitsugaya and Matsumoto probably complain about to Hinamori, but there's a degree of mutualism and collaboration to whatever's going on at the 10th that Hinamori might not mind a taste of, too. Renji has been Byakuya's VC for a month but Hinamori has probably already thought to herself "Kuchiki-taichou let him do WHAT" at least twice. Even though Byakuya is Byakuya, judging by how they handled their "meeting Ichigo in the street" mission, it seems like Byakuya lets Renji have his little projects. Like Renji is part of his investment portfolio and Byakuya feels very comfortable considering Renji a volatile but potentially valuable property and in order to get that ROI you need to stick with him through several honorless tech startup busts and commit long-term to the thing. Er, but I digress. My point is, Renji gets projects. "Develop training menu." Creative opportunity! With a result that has Renji all over it.
Does Hinamori get projects? Does it ever feel like she's pushing the envelope of what the 5th can be and how it can function on her own, without it being something Aizen already predicted the outcome of, or was actually his idea that he let her propose and take nominal ownership of anyway? Despite being completely blindsided by the actuality of Aizen, was there already that sense of inevitability/Aizen all over everything that happens at the 5th? (Competing, of course, with Hinamori's self-concept as a creative person; and her love of Aizen as a person, not just as a boss and mentor; and feeling as though she just needs to excel more and be creative better and she'll eventually meet this need she feels--it's not the environment that's the issue. She's happy here. Mostly. She doesn't need to leave, she simply needs to surpass--)
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brickercupmasterx3 · 2 months
Lukanette for the latest ship meme?
Of course~ 💙 Love these two!!!
shops for groceries: They like to do it together~
kills the spiders: Luka, though sparingly.
comes home drunk at 3am: Neither. They're a pretty responsible couple. (Maybe a little tipsy in the comfort of their own home, but it's still very rare.)
makes breakfast: Marinette usually~ (plus occasional visits to her parents' bakery, if they're ever too lazy to cook.)
remembers to feed the fish: Neither. They do not own a fish.
decorates the apartment: Marinette, 100%. She decorates with some of her own original designs, and makes it a cute lil' blend of her & Luka's interests~
initiates duets: Luka, of course! ❤️ (Mari only ever sings if it's with Luka. Never by her lonesome. She's too shy for that.)
falls asleep first: Mari, for the most part. (It depends for Luka. If band practice runs long, he goes to bed pretty late. Otherwise, he goes to bed around the same time Mari does, and cuddles ensue.)
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starculler · 6 months
strap in for this week's fic flavor: the failsafe episode of season one of the young justice cartoon except the simulation just won't. fuckin. end.
(fics that inspired this at the end)
If I ever did sit down to make my own fic, I'd split it in 3 parts:
The Simulation: bits and pieces of the 40 years Dick lives after most everyone he knows has died
The Return: the immediate aftermath and healing from the trauma of having not-quite-actually lived a whole life only to wake up and find out it was all fake. nothing traumatizing about that whatsoever.
The Unintended Consequence: aka the twist I'd love to add and would hint to in the second part - finding out the simulation, through martian mind fuckery, pulled from the real world (and in many cases, from real minds). Dick meets a bunch of people he didn't think were real outside the confines of his simulated life. A bunch of rowdy, heroism-inclined teens across the years get to meet the sibling/friend/mentor figure they all dreamed up one night.
(actual idea snippets under the cut)
Dick Grayson is 14 and most of the world's heroes have died. He planned a suicide mission that left him the sole survivor of a doomed team he helped found. The invasion may have been stopped, but is this really the price he wanted to pay?
The first face he sees in the infirmary is Roy's, and he has to close his eyes and just breathe for a few minutes because for one painful moment he'd thought it was Wally. But this isn't the world where his best friend miraculously survived alongside him. This is the one where he got his best friend killed and didn't even give him the courtesy of following behind him. Behind them.
Dick Grayson is 27 and has lived longer without Bruce than with him. The invasion's anniversary is always a tough day for him, but that morning seems especially harrowing. He'll get shit for it later, but can't resist stepping out onto the balcony of the manor's master bedroom (Bruce's old bedroom) for a smoke -- his first since he'd promised to quit if Jason, just 15 then, did too.
"Bad habits tend to pile up," he'd said, a rueful quirk to his tired grin. He'd tapped the cigarette twice on the railing and added, lower, "and this one's especially nasty, huh."
He inhales, watches the sun creep across the horizon, and lets acrid smoke burn through his lungs for a long moment before blowing it out in a small cloud. His eyes water, but he doesn't cough. It tastes just as bad as it did the first time he smoked one, not even a year after the invasion and treading water as Robin proved insufficient.
There hadn't been enough heroes to go around then, and Dick had been trained by one of the best. It hadn't been fair, but it had been his plan that had ultimately stopped the invasion. His shoulders everyone's expectations fell on.
He takes another drag, then smudges the lit end against the rail he's leaned on when he hears a boot scuff purposefully against the roofing above him.
"Todd and Pennyworth will be upset with you."
He doesn't turn around. Damian doesn't jump down to join him.
Dick Grayson is 54 and wakes up in a room full of ghosts. He hears his long-dead father-figure tell his long-dead team about a simulation they weren't meant to win. A training exercise gone wrong and only half a day spent under their mentors' careful, if slightly panicked, supervision.
He looks at his hands, watching the way his gloves crease when he flexes them in and out of tight fists. He looks at his team, their eyes a little haunted but shoulders slumped with relief even as they grumble. Batman's heavy, gloved hand settles on his shoulder and the weight of it is a nauseating mix of foreign-familiar.
He opens his mouth. Closes it.
Tears prick his eyes behind his domino mask, and he tells himself the suffocating, acidic void building in his chest is just some leftover side effect of the ordeal and not the grief-guilt of outliving yet another family (no matter that they hadn't been real in the end).
Dick Grayson is 16-going-on-56 and well used to the coincidences piling up between his simulated life and the real thing. Some of it -- missions and villains he remembers cropping up -- he's marked for Bruce to review and sort as he pleases. Some -- security for the cave, team building anecdotes, and training regimens -- he's shared with the team. And some he keeps only for himself.
Tim is one of those. He knows it's not fair to the kid (so much smaller now than he ever was when Dick lived his simulated life), but he can't help being selfish just for this. Tim is the one kid he's sure he didn't make up, and if Dick's taken to babysitting the kid just to be near at least one member of the family he built for himself in the wake of the worst days of his life .... Well, anyone who says shit about it can happily stand in line to have their teeth kicked in.
Despite this, it still catches him off-guard when he sees a familiar face pop up in one of Bruce's reports.
Jason Todd, caught boosting tires off the batmobile, is nearly the same age now as he was when Dick met him. He stares at the words, but none of them really sink in beyond the kid's name and address. He's moving before he's even made the decision.
He's used to the world kicking him when he's down - lived it for 40 frustrating years. But he has Bruce again. And things with Tim have been so good. And he's always been selfish when it comes to family. If he could just see Jason. If he could just meet him. If he could talk to him.
If if if if if--
Circles in Shattered Mirrors by InfinityIllusion
Fine (But Not Okay) by CharlotteDaBookworm
Verisimilitude by mutemelody
#young justice#young justice cartoon#batfam#batman#dick grayson#thoughts and headcanons#the heart wrenching inability to cope with the fact that you've lived a fully realized life#you've loved and lost and loved again in the face of every unending tragedy#until you've forcefully carved out this one little safe haven for yourself#only to be thrust back to the beginning of one of your greatest traumas - esp one you're partly responsible for!#gotta love it#anyway i am and always have been obsessed with dick grayson and no one can stop me#the simulation was fake but some psychic bs means real world elements filtered in#cue several children with weird dream-memories of half-lived experiences and a massive sense of deja-vu#when they wade into the superhero world#all i can picture is the spiderman pointing meme but it's the batkids at dick lol#my favorite idea is that once Dick gets his grubby hands on Jason and Tim it's all over from there#he's pulling late nights and researching and scouring facial recognition databases until he finds his kids#(he blurs the lines a lot when it comes to considering them his siblings vs kids#on the one hand they're not super far apart in age bar Damian#on the other he hasn't been a kid in any meaningful way since he was 14 and he very nearly raised half of them in some way#(plus side to an au is that i can space the ages out more as needed compared to the show haha)#jason and cass are firmly siblings close as they are to his age#steph tim and duke fluctuate depending on how in trouble or injured they are#i will die by dick being damian's dad tho lmao#babs is more platonic life partner than sibling but very firmly family regardless#this is the dick grabs on to any shred of family he can with both hands and drags them in kicking and screaming if he has to au
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Things Caranthir could not stop:
- Celegorm wearing his hunting clothes to the meeting
- Amras wearing his night clothes to the meeting
- Amrod cutting his own bangs before the meeting
- Maedhros making out with Fingon at the meeting
- Curufin not coming to the meeting
- Maglor not wearing shoes to the meeting
original image
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coldshrugs · 20 days
because mikoto x misija is def a thing in this anon's head, which means io x misija could happen (from third wheel to second gf)
hmmm, the first ask was fine—a simple interest check into a ship, and i did ask why you felt it'd be interesting—but ngl anon, the phrasing of this is pretty presumptuous and borders an uncomfortable level of projection onto an oc that isn't yours.
i'm sure it's meant innocently and friendly enough, but i assume you have your own wol/ffxiv oc with which you can explore that dynamic. there's no need to think "i like this one ship, and this stranger on tumblr ships with one half of it. surely they'd like the other half or even the throuple option" when you could just do it yourself, and with enough gusto that you find your people. because honestly, those dots don't connect!! there are lots of characters in this game that i ship with each other in the background, while my friends ship their wol with them, but i would never say "have you considered all three?!"
if it helps for future reference, i'm just not into polyam shipping. absolutely no shade about it, and i fully respect polyam folks, but it's not something i have a huge interest in exploring in my characters' relationships.
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nova-starcutter · 2 months
Heyyy Totally definitely super unaffiliated blog that is suspiciously similar to another blog
What do you think Galactic Nova is hiding ?
Nova doesn’t really hide things intentionally; sharing knowledge or information is, to him, far more rewarding than keeping it to himself. However, he also isn’t really the type to bring up something of note unless he’s asked about it or it’s something relevant to the conversation or discussion being had, which in turn isn’t exactly common given how difficult it can be to even find him if you don’t know the route of his “orbit” of sorts. Historically, the vast majority of the encounters he’s had were just with people seeking to make wishes and be done with it— Nova was just a means to an end, and there were probably a good number of people who didn’t even know he was sentient, let alone interested in socializing. On the other hand, most of those who did actually know that Hey, That’s A Person would have been the types who believed he was a god or godlike entity, which naturally would have led to hesitance to do so in an attempt at showing respect or reverence. This simultaneously gave the impression that he had to meet those expectations of how he should act and, over time, convinced him that people just didn’t really want to talk to him beyond what was traditional or necessary for the wish-granting process.
Sure, there were some who were different and did want to get to know Nova as a person rather than just a wish granting artifact, but it isn’t like they could just show up and chat regularly. As alluded to earlier, just getting to him wasn’t a simple task, nor was it exactly a safe one(and that assumes this person wasn’t collecting the stars to summon him) to undertake. Even if it had been possible to visit him easily, it wouldn’t change the fact that they’d eventually pass on no matter what he did. As rewarding as having friends is, you can probably imagine how Sisyphean it would feel to keep getting to know people and let them get to know you with the understanding that it isn’t going to last and there’s no knowing when the last time you meet could be, or if that time had already passed. There were no goodbyes, just unfulfilled promises to meet again.
I guess in a way, you could say he tends to hide his own problems. The ones that don’t have any real solutions, that he’s accepted will just be part of his existence forever. When having a genuine conversation is in itself a rare opportunity, he doesn’t see any point in spending them on such depressing things. It’s just not a burden he believes to be worth sharing. Of those he currently knows, Lor and Morpho are really the only two who know anything about that kind of thing, though Meta Knight is perceptive enough to have some idea of how he actually feels about his circumstances as a clockwork star.
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xxelfmamaxx · 2 years
Replying on "Wyd" part 3
Just chilling in my dishwasher
Shampooing my grass
Feeding my pet rock
Drowning my fish
Flossing my hair with teeth
Giving my fish a bubble bath
Eating kids
Watching you
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jnjzksekfjvn · 5 months
alfre... alf... alfreded.... alfredo sauce.... alfrod as statue of liberty
hey pokiee my stup id ass read only first part but i rea du the enzt part later so
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as a nEw yorkah!!🗽🚨👶‼️🗣️ mysel f tgis was god thank u
yes i
yes i change torch for kf c fleshlighht nmore fitting for murica
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theurgic-necromancer · 5 months
Which parts of yourself do you still seek validation for?
Interview the Muse
Uh... don't know? I mean it's certainly not something I actively think about.
((Less validation, more reassurance: that being a child of the Lord of Murder doesn't make him an inherently bad person.))
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
tenacioushubb Submitted:
Hi I think your vibes are immaculate have some memes stored on my phone 👍
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Also have you seen that one Lady Gaga Album?? How did she become a motorcycle,, what was the thought process
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That's all! Have a good day slayer
... :o !
:0 !!
:O !!!
:D !!!!
These are some nice memes im very grateful for this meme haul 🤌
U like MY rancid vibes?? Wow, tysm! Enjoy my frebreezed dumpster pls 🗑✨️
That lady gaga one is high quality ngl lol
Gotta say, the shadow the hedgehog, the i forgor, the shitter, and the tism evolution are some of my favs
The fish are also close, i like sea and fish LMAO idk how else to put it??
I think the ocean,, is ✨️neat✨️
Tysm for the submission/chat :D feel free to plop one in the mailbox whenever i love to hear it :]
Safe Travels tenacioushubb,
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kazeofthemagun · 9 months
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@knightshonour asked the summoner:
ask blog meme + Is there a foe you've gone against that you can't erase the memory of, even if you truly wanted to?
Ask blog meme
Illustrations based on the drabble "Kill for you, live for you"
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[Gore tw / disembowelment tw below cut]
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chaparral-crown · 1 year
Oooo for the ask game, I’m curious about III
III - What’s a headcanon you have that you think would be unpopular?
(I was hoping someone would ask me this.)
Will Graham's confidence in season 3 isn't confidence as much as it is self-destructive and spiteful. He's certainly less conflicted about causing harm, and goes out of his way to create ways that it might happen, but it feels like it comes from a place of bitterness instead of Hannibal's very deliberate interest in harm.
Will's vengeful. It feels good to be vengeful. In that, he understands Hannibal better than he did at the series start, and why it feels good to kill.
I'm fully aware that the context of the show frames it a bit differently than that in the last few episodes, and why I don't expect agreement when the alternative is very satisfying for plenty of the fandom, but I also don't really think the latter half of season 3 is successful in resolving Will and Hannibal's morality differences to make it believable. It's not enough for me to just say agreeing with Hannibal that blood is quite black in the moonlight and beautiful means that he's a fully realized slaughterer of men the way that Hannibal is, and he's now a criminal mastermind.
In order to wrap things up in a way that feels bookended for the show cancellation? I can forgive it. Theorizing about a more fully fleshed out separation of season 3's Italy and Red Dragon arcs? Doesn't cut it for me, and I would have liked more, and will continue to think in terms of the post-Fall era as a time of Will still having a lot of conflict deciding what he is, and what that should look like.
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mmriesoftvat · 4 months
For Wanderer!
What’s a fail-safe gift for your muse?
What’s something your muse has done, in canon or in a thread, that just makes you Love ThemTM?
How important are apologies, to your muse? Do they have to be aloud?
What's a fail-safe gift for Kaminari?
THE SAFEST gift to give to kaminari is a good old fashioned book. he's very into reading, and even has his own mini library in wherever his home is. personally i like to think he carved out a space for himself in the sanctuary with nahida, but that's beside the point. kami enjoys reading a ton. it doesn't matter the book or genre, he'll probably read it if it sounds interesting enough. and for an immortal, he has nothing but time, so he'll basically read anything! it's fun and relaxing for him. so a gift of a book will genuinely make him happy.
What’s something Kaminari has done, in canon or in a thread, that just makes you Love Them™?
i REALLY got my feel for writing him when i bantered with @erabundus! (avalon is now on an astarion blog and i adore the hell out of them forever!!) avalon and i would have dash crack that turned into crack threads, that turned into serious roleplay where we developed an entire verse and had so many feels for each other's wanderers. it was so much fun to develop kaminari even more through that and develop my own voice for him. avalon and i even had similar headcanons, and yet still so different from each other.
i can't pinpoint anything specific from there, but i know i just adore the hell out of kami and he's been the gremlin in my head for a long, long time. personally i feel like he's ALWAYS loveable, but as his creator and writer, i think i might be a bit biased. he's a snarky, insecure bastard who has one braincell about half the time, the rest of the time he's head empty.
How important are apologies, to Kaminari? Do they have to be aloud?
useless. kaminari doesn't like words if they're not followed up with actions. he's been burned and tossed aside way too many times to count on both hands, so words to him mean absolutely nothing. if someone shows they're sorry and actually puts effort into it, he'll probably swallow his pride and hurt and let himself be receptive to said actions. it's too easy for someone to spit words out and use flowery language to try and win him over, but he's a very straightforward person. he's not won over with poetry or pretty words, he needs to see a genuine action that shows intent. otherwise, he's pretty much done. he doesn't have time to waste on false promises and no actual change.
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starlightlightning · 4 months
horn drill — are there any personality traits that would stop your muse from pursuing a relationship with someone? seismic toss — has your muse ever learned something that turned their world upside down?
technical machine character development questions // ACCEPTING horn drill
If someone is too controlling or pries too much into her personal life, or wants to be involved in every single aspect of her life.
She really prefers a nice, healthy boundary between herself and her partner; she doesn't like to pry into their lives or what they do and thinks its healthier when partners kind of have their own things separate from their partners.
she doesn't mind sharing her life with people, or inviting them to join her in things she likes and she won't mind being asked to join in the things they enjoy. she will, however, complain if they have to be involved in everything she does. And she absolutely will bite someone if they try to touch her while she's in the middle of something and focused.
seismic toss
hmmm not that i can think of! i think the closest thing to a world-flipping revelation for her would be her realizing that Ingo and Emmet were two separate people and not just one guy fucking with her.
i wish i could find the tweet that made me think about her being super friendly and besties with emmet but then running into ingo the next day and thinking that emmet's just in a bad mood or something bc of the frown. only to realize that they're twins. she then vows to never say anything to either of them about it.
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Spill it! Five things you hate about Alucard
"Oh goodness. It should be easy, but my friend. He is my best friend. Forgive me in advance @askadrianalucardtepes
He acts like he's better than me. He is not.
He's one to call me a smelly alcoholic. Look in the mirror, brother.
He lauds the fact that he can read and I cannot over my head.
An absolute neat freak. One things out of place and he's lecturing me. For what reason?"
He acts like he's had the hardest life when he came from a loving family and everything was more fine and normal than mine and Sypha's. And yet we're the ones supporting him.
Is that too harsh?"
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