#header the maine
staffs-secret-blog · 1 year
New pfp and header. So sorry
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ppeachbat · 1 year
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we see you
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fancyshooting · 1 year
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punch punch kicking him
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evasive-anon · 11 months
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Tim out here in his thigh-highs continuing to get work DONE. I love to see him thriving without it being about Bruce’s mental health.
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candyheartedchy · 1 day
Updated my carrd and f/o list!
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[continued from here] [first post for October 18th]
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Akihiko lets the words roll off him. He can tell by Shinji’s tone– soft, grave– that he’s being serious rather than trying to get a rise out of him, but he’s still tired of indulging those morbid remarks.
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He tugs the glove off of his right hand and reaches out to Shinji, an offering.
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Shinji eyes his hand like it’s an entirely alien object. Akihiko might have been insulted if he hadn’t completely expected it.
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There’s no hesitation in his answer. It’s not even a question, really. Despite everything, that’s one truth that Akihiko could never doubt. 
He knows Shinji too well, cares about him too much. He hadn’t given up on Shinji even when he’d been fighting tooth and nail and venom to push Akihiko away, and he’s not about to do it now. 
The look on Shinji’s face is…complicated, and Akihiko can’t quite read every nuance knitted into the expression, but he can tell at least that Shinji hadn’t been expecting that response.
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He seems to mull something over for a few more seconds before slowly reaching out to take Akihiko’s hand. Shinji’s palm is dry and calloused. His skin is cool to the touch but the contact sends a current of warm static curling up his arm. Akihiko beams– he can’t help it.
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Akihiko squeezes Shinji’s hand. He never wants to forget this moment; he wants to sear the scene into his memory– a perfect, permanent afterimage left behind by a lightning strike.
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Shinji shakes his head a little like he’s exasperated, or just humoring him, but his smile is so soft and sincere. Akihiko’s heart flutters in his chest like a charge is being run through it. It’s been a long time since he’s seen Shinji look so at peace. Far, far too long.
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Restless energy snaps through Akihiko’s limbs, but it’s different from the aimless, frustrated jittering that plagued him through the hours he’d sat vigil in this room.
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strangergraphics · 1 month
if i started posted theme sets, would you guys be interested in that?
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scarletsaphire · 1 year
Our Death is The Start (Til Death Do Us Part)
It’s rare for two people with similar enough souls to die at the same time. Its even rarer for these two people to come back as ghosts. When that happens, during the fragile time between the living, the dead, and the undead, these souls are bound. Their boundaries would blur, and the two souls, not yet ghosts, would merge into one being with two bodies. They would share thoughts and feelings, and the driving force behind their actions, their Obsession, would be the same. It was rare for this to happen, but not impossible.
Its rarer still for one of these bonded souls to move on, or go somewhere that the other would not, could not follow. The souls were connected in a way that no living being could comprehend. When one decided to move on, to join the brethren sleeping peacefully beneath the earth, the other would follow soon after. The bonded souls were nearly impossible to split, with one always clinging onto the other, no matter what realm they ended up in. But nearly impossible was not impossible.
The rarest was when two souls, similar enough to bond, died at the same time, entering the area between life and death and undeath. Rare for them to bond, and then for one to end up straddling that between so firmly that neither side claimed him, alive and dead at the same time. The other could not follow as quickly. The other could not steady himself so firmly on the edge of life and death. But nothing would stop him from clawing his way towards the balance, towards their bounded one. This was rare, entirely unheard of. After all, it only ever happened once
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aurorangen · 1 year
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THE JOY OF LIFE LEGACY CHALLENGE! Generation One: The Baker Extraordinaire
There was a warmth and coziness in rolling out dough, mixing up frosting, creating masterpieces with a piping bag. Most of your days are spent whipping up new creations in the kitchen, enjoying the smell of a delicious apple pie baking in the oven. You dream of having everyone know your name and saying their cupcakes are the best I've ever had!
Every day felt like an endless loop; Suzume (Suzy) was so lost in life working her office job in a busy, foreign city. Then one day she had enough and wrote her resignation letter.
Hoping to rediscover her true self, Suzume returned to her quiet hometown of Mt.Komorebi, which she missed dearly. Her first stop was visiting her favourite childhood bakery, which to her surprise has been closed for years and is now abandoned. Unfortunately, the previous owners were too old to carry on the business and no one was interested in buying the property...and that was when she set a new goal for herself. By restoring the bakery, she hopes to bring back everyone's memories and make many more for the future ahead!
So I wanted to play another story based gameplay alongside my postcard legacy and the joy of life legacy was the perfect choice! I'm so excited to share this legacy!
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sskk-manifesto · 10 months
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GOD I'll be insane over this specific frame untill the day I die!!!!!!
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kdramafeeds · 1 year
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Kang Tae Moo moments 
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originalartblog · 2 years
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Autumn is my favourite season, and last year I tried to draw these guys a background and it... didn't come out looking too great lol, but I tried again this year and I'm much more satisfied with it, so out in world it goes <3
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grimescum · 6 months
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made my first header in 5 billion years :o3 i never bothered bc they never stuck for one reason or another before... hopefully this time will be different tho
not f2u!! if you want one, my requests are open!
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veone · 1 year
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waterlogged-detective · 8 months
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wip wip wip
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[continued from here] [first post for October 18th]
Akhiko can’t remember a single time when the silence between them felt so awkward. 
Tense, sure– especially recently. But never like this.
Akihiko wonders if Shinji can tell just how frustrated he’s getting. Probably; they’ve always been able to read each other pretty well, Shinji especially– with the uncanny talent of getting even better at it whenever Akihiko particularly doesn’t want to be read.
Dammit, this is not how he’d wanted this to go. This isn’t how he wants to feel while talking to Shinji after facing the uncertainty of whether he’d ever get the chance to again. Why the hell is it happening this way? Why can’t things just make sense? 
With all the knowledge Akihiko has now, things feel too different. The fact that Shinji had kept quiet about all of it just makes it even worse, and he doesn’t even have the decency to be apologetic about it. It’s like he doesn’t even care that he could still drop dead at any given moment, despite all they’ve been through. Like it doesn’t matter to him at all what that would do to the rest of the team, to Mitsuru, to Akihiko–
It’s ridiculous. It’s infuriating.
Akihiko takes a deep breath in and out through his nose in a way he hopes is subtle enough to go unnoticed. He needs to change the topic again.
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Akihiko groans. Of course. Of course that’s the first thing Shinji remembers. Why on earth should he have expected his luck to be any less terrible than that? As if he didn’t feel shitty enough.
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He doesn’t sound sorry in the least. Fresh, caustic heat flares in Akihiko’s chest. The last thread of his self-control is getting more and more taut and frayed, and one stray spark really will make it snap. He can’t hide how high his temper is rising anymore, even if he could still be bothered to.
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One stray spark. Akihiko surges up to stand, fists clenched at his sides and shaking with fury.
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Shinji blinks at him, slack-jawed and stunned, and Akihiko is torn between an ugly sort of satisfaction and feeling even more infuriated, because how the hell could any of this come as a shock to him? Isn’t this exactly what Shinji’s been goading him on to since the moment Akihiko walked through the door this morning?
Since long, long before then– Shinji’s been pushing and prodding and herding him towards this cliff since the moment he walked out of the dorm with no intention of ever coming back, and now he has the audacity to act surprised that Akihiko’s gone over the edge?
“What do you think would’ve happened if Amada had actually killed you, huh? Did you really think he’d be just fine after that? Did you think that would’ve solved anything? That it would be anything other than taking the easy way out?
“I never would have thought you could be that much of a coward,” Akihiko sneers, venomous. Poison for poison, repaying what Shinji had spat out like a cobra a month ago. Shinji winces and looks away, but he remains silent.
Good, because Akihiko isn’t nearly finished. “And did you even stop to think for one second about the people who give a shit about you? About what it would do to us if you just went off and died without saying a word?!”
“Aki–” Something odd has crept into Shinji’s expression, but Akihiko steamrolls over it, too caught up in his own vehement momentum to spare a thought for curious inconsistencies. Blood roars in his ears and his throat singes and stings.
“What would I have told Miki if you went out like that? Were you fine with breaking your promise to her too? Is that it?!”
“Because you’ve gotten so good at that, haven’t you? Going back on your word, leaving people behind–”
Shinji barely raises his voice, but it still cuts right through Akihiko’s even though he’s practically shouting at this point. It’s only now that it dawns on Akihiko how loud he was being. Just like that, all of his anger snuffs out, so suddenly that it leaves him dizzy and cold.
Dizzy, and cold, and ill– every malignant word of his tirade echoes punishingly around his skull. The blood drains from his face.
“I– Shinji, I’m–” His voice has gone thin and shivery. “I’m sorry. I didn’t–”
“Don’t be sorry,” Shinji replies quietly, not looking at him. “The only reason I stopped you was ‘cause I don’t want them to kick you out.”
Akihiko can hardly wrap his head around what Shinji’s saying. He has every right to want to get rid of Akihiko by any means necessary after all of that. He should want to, why wouldn’t he want to–
God, and for him to bring Miki into it? Akihiko’s never felt so ashamed in his life. Using her memory as a weapon– what kind of person does that?
Akihiko wants to tear into his hair in frustration– at Shinji, at himself, at everything. He wants to climb right out of his skin. “I shouldn’t have said any of–”
“Yeah, you should have.” Shinji locks his gaze pointedly to Akihiko’s. “You needed to say it, and–” His eyes slide away again. “...and I think I needed to hear it.”
Akihiko collapses back into the chair, slumping forward over his knees. “Why aren’t you angry?” The question is pleading, almost desperate.” I– I was awful to you just now.” 
“You weren’t wrong, though. Not like I didn’t earn pretty much all of it.” Shinji laughs– laughs– and Akihiko feels like he’s going to be sick. “‘Sides, it…sounded like that’s been building up for a while.”
What is he supposed to say? What can he say?
Nothing. That’d be best.
He’s already said enough.
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