#healthy food tenerife
theheartsmistakes · 4 years
The Last Night Part V
Author’s Notes: Hey all you cool cats and kittens (she did it), here is Part V of my Jordelia (and friends) fanfiction based off of the lovely characters from Cassandra Clare’s novel Chain of Gold. The song sung in the dream sequence is a Persian Children’s song called You Are The Sky's Great Moon. I’m not sure of the author, unfortunately, but it was not me. I just thought it fit so perfectly for how Cordelia feels about her friends and how they feel about her. I am terribly sorry about the wait on this one, but it’s quite possibly my favorite piece yet. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always, if this did tickle your fancy, please hit the <3, reblog, or pop in with a comment. Comments grow my heart and fill me with motivation. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay sane. We’re almost out of the woods.
P.S- This one might require some reading of the previous parts. So, here they are in order if you want to catch up:
Here is Part I
Here is Part II
Here is Part III
Here is Part IV
                                                           .Part V.
Cordelia stood in the center of the ballroom of the London institute. It was larger than she remembered it: empty now of the elaborately dressed guests, the waiting staff, the noise of the quartet, and tables of food. The curtains were all drawn away from the arched cathedral windows illuminated the space in the warm light of the auspicious London sun burning away the last hours it had in the sky. The distant London skyline was bathed in blue with not a cloud to be seen for miles. No smoke billowed into the sky from factories or chimneys; no boats crowded the harbors as if she were looking at a picture of London. It felt so warm to be in the light, she wanted nothing more than to bath it in and never leave. 
A light pressure wrapped around her elbow. She turned around to and found herself facing her mother, with her dark hair loose in curls to her waist, standing in front of her.
“Mâmân?” Relief filled her as she wrapped her arms around Sona’s waist and buried her face in her shoulder.
“Layla.” Her mother’s hand slid down the back of Cordelia’s head, fingers sliding through the tendrils. “Do you remember that song we used to sing together when you were a child?"
Sona grabbed Cordelia’s hand; the other pressed against her shoulder blade and suddenly they were dancing across the room. An odd thing, to be dancing with one’s mother, but Cordelia didn’t mind. A smile spread across her face as she matched her mother’s footwork as they spun around the room. 
“It’s been such a long time since we sang it,” said Sona. “I cannot seem to remember how it begins.”
Sona released Cordelia in a spin, the delicate soutache embroidered golden mesh of her dress billowed out around her ankles, and when she turned back around Lucie was standing in her mother’s place. Her tawny hair was twisted back in an intricate braid and her eyes, the same intense blue as the Tenerife sea, glistened as she grabbed Cordelia’s hand. Cordelia had never realized how lacking in height Lucie was— but then Lucie had never invited her to dance. 
“If you are the sky’s great moon.” Lucie’s clear voice filled the empty ballroom as she began reciting the childhood lullaby as they floated in a semi-circle around the room. “I’ll become a star and go around you.”
Lucie paused and stepped away from Cordelia, their hands outstretched, but still clasped together like when they were children swinging around in a circle until they both collapsed from dizziness.
Lucie let go and looked over Cordelia’s shoulder. She turned around just as Matthew strolled across the room in a pinstripe suit and picked her up under the arms and lifted her off of the floor. “If you become a star and go around me, I’ll become a cloud and cover your face.” 
Just as he set her back on her feet, a hand clasped her own and spun her around. “Thomas?”
He turned and shuffled down the room with her beside him. “If you become a cloud and cover my face.”
“I’ll become the rain and will rain down.” She turned to her right to find Christopher.
They raised her arms and both bent at the waist in a bow before disappearing like the rest. Anna came from behind her and walked in a small perimeter around her. Cordelia’s eyes trailed her every step. “If you become the rain and rain down.” 
Alastair walked in the opposite direction of Anna. “I’ll become grass and spring.” The crossed each other and disappeared to opposite sides of the room, leaving Cordelia in the center, right underneath the three tiered crystal chandelier.
A hand slide around her waist. She felt the feather light tickle of fingers sliding down the bare skin of her arm until fingers slide into the spaces between her own. A body pressed firmly against hers from behind. The hand tightened around her middle and she felt someone’s breath on the exposed skin of her neck. “Daisy, my Daisy.”
There was only one boy who called her that.
She spun around to face him. She was so close to him she could see the faint random freckles across his nose and cheekbones. His hair was disorderly, as it always was: a piece fell across his brows, and his warm gold eyes moved across her face as if she were a painting, studying each individual line and stroke and shape that made up the whole picture. 
A sharp pain lanced through her ribcage, stealing her breath, as she fell limp against him. It was only then that she noticed a great shadow had stretched across the ballroom stealing away the warmth and the light.
James head bent until his forehead pressed against her own. “When you become grass and spring, I’ll become a flower and sit next to you.”
The shadow inched closer to them until they were a pinpoint in the center of the room. Her hands clung to the fabric of his shirt until her knuckles became white as she drew herself up so their noses were aligned. They recited the last line together. “When you become a flower and sit next to me, I’ll become a nightingale and sing for you.”
A feeling like the floor dropping out from her feet pulled Cordelia away as she was ripped from James once more. 
It was dark, that much Cordelia could tell, and it was cold. So cold the tips of her fingers ached. She was flat on her stomach, laying on something hard- stone possibly— that chilled her to her core. A dull, but intensifying pain, ached on the right side of her ribcage with every breath that she took. It was also the only part of her that felt enflamed with heat. Her lungs felt too full, the air scratched against the back of her throat as though she’d inhaled a mouth full of soot. She tried to cough, but nearly cried out from the pain in her ribcage. 
Moving didn’t seem like a viable option, but neither did lying still. She tried to walk carefully through her memories to figure out where she might be. The last thing she remembered was James. He held her so tight; he was so warm and then everything was so cold again. She had said goodbye to James. Then Alastair— she’d been in a carriage with Alastair. The memory of him lying, bleeding in the street made her cringe. She had to find him—to get her stele and get to him.
Her arms shook as she pushed herself to her feet; her teeth clenched so tightly they might crack from the pressure. The pain was agonizing, spotting her vision with white dots; it was only then that she noticed the ground beneath her hands turned to fine powder and disappeared in a gust of wind.
She had been here before, that much she was sure of. The smell of acidic rot and decaying flesh was difficult to forget. Everything around her was orange and hazy like being surrounded by a blazing fire, but without the heat. 
“Welcome back,” said a clear, deep voice that rang through her like the bass of thunder. 
Cordelia stilled, bent awkwardly on her hands and knees. She looked up in the direction the voice had come from. 
He was dressed much the same as the last time she’d seen him, in an all white tailored suit complete with black buttons that glistened like eyes- perhaps they were eyes. His pale gray hair swept across his face; in much the same way as James’, but she would not allow herself to think about that. 
“Didn’t I stab you?” asked Cordelia. 
Belial moved towards her, the tails of his coat flapping in the desert-like wind. “I faintly remember something about that, yes.”
“If at once one doesn’t succeed, one must try again.” Cordelia reached for Cortana with the arm on her uninjured side, but found that her hand closed around empty air where the hilt should be. 
Belial smiled mockingly.
“Where is Cortana?”
“Where it fell,” said Belial. “You see I don’t often make mistakes, but on the rare occasion that I do, I am sure not to make the same one again.”
Cordelia’s head dropped and she looked at her hands. The knuckles on her right hand were bleeding; the pinky on her left hand was angry, swollen, and bend out of place at the joint. Dried blood encased her arms from her elbows to her wrists. There was pain everywhere, enough to swallow anyone whole, but still she tucked her legs underneath herself and sat up with her hands resting on her thighs, as if she were presenting him with an offering. 
The last time she’d been in the shadow realm, she had been with James. They had held each other, defended one another, and barely managed to escape with their lives. Self-preservation hadn’t been a thought in her mind, as if James and herself were one entity, there was none without the other. Now, alone, self-preservation rang through her blood- Shadowhunter blood- every sense awakened and alert; desperate for a fight or an escape.
“What is it that you want from me?” asked Cordelia, the words shook on her lips.
Belial chucked, it echoed around them. “Nothing from you.”
“James.” Cordelia caught her breath and gripped her ribcage. When she looked down at her hand again it was covered in blood. There was a hole in her dress, just underneath her breast, the whole front of her was covered in a dark stain. “He won’t come. He thinks I’m in Idris with my—Alastair. What have you done with Alastair?”
“Consider him a calling card,” he said. “He was wounded quite gravely, but left with enough breath to relay a message as soon as your friends find him. It’s been extremely difficult to capture the attention of either of my grandchildren especially while I… healed, but after some careful observations, I believe I have exactly what will capture their attention.”
Cordelia’s hands clenched around the fabric of her dress, still damp from the rain. “He won’t come.”
“You don’t think so?” Belial raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps you’re right, but no matter, he is not the one that I require.”
Cordelia looked up again. Belial’s face hadn’t changed. It remained expressionless with the stoic passivity of a graveyard statue. “Who— who else would you—“ The thought dawned on her like a punch to the stomach. “Lucie.”
“Very good. I was afraid you were only bronze and no brain,” said Belial. He waved a hand in the air, and for a moment, Cordelia caught the faint outline of an automobile speeding down a London street. The two passengers in the front seemed to be squabbling with one another, a much larger figure sat in-between them with his neck bent awkwardly so his head wouldn’t burst through the top of the cab. Three more figures sat side-by-side in the back, one of them was Lucie. The picture focused on her face, gazing out the window, her body present but her mind lost in thought. “My granddaughter. It’s true, I overlooked her at first, believing James to be the true vessel because of his connection with the shadow realm, but that is until it came to my attention that my granddaughter holds the power to summon the dead. While I did prefer a male form, James is merely an adolescent traveler, jumping from realm to realm as if on holiday.”
The burning intensified in Cordelia’s chest. She could feel sweat drip down her spine despite the chill. 
“Lucie?” Cordelia nearly laughed. Sweet, unassuming Lucie— with ink stains on her fingers and her mind constantly in the pages of her stories— with the ability to summon the dead. “You must be mistaken. If Lucie had the ability to summon the dead, I’m sure that I would know about it. I am her— best friend.”
“Didn’t you just abandon her to go home to Idris?” His lips curled. 
Cordelia shook her head. “No, I—“ She caught her breath and nearly bent over from the pain. “No, I wanted to spare her the humiliation of being seen with me after I—“ She raised herself up again. “I don’t need to explain myself to you.”
“No, I’d much prefer it if you didn’t actually,” said Belial, examining his shoes as if they held more interest to him than the entirety of the conversation. 
“If what you’re saying is true,” said Cordelia, a shudder went through her whole body as the pieces started to come together in her mind. Her mouth became impossibly dry. “Then Lucie would—“
“Be able to summon an army of the undead,” said Belial, as if it were a completely normal thing to do like walking. “A truly wonderful thing about dead people is that you can’t kill them… again. They’ll be unstoppable in destroying your realm: killing, pillaging, destroying, so that I can come and claim it as my own.”
Cordelia let out a deep breath. “Just once I would like for a villain to come up with a less egregious plan than world domination. However, considering who you are— thief of realms and all— this is rather right on character.”
Belial spread his arms out to his sides and bowed at the waist.
“Lucie won’t do it,” said Cordelia, oddly calm. It was one thing she was absolutely sure of. 
“Do you not think so?” Belial squatted down in front of her, still feet away as though she were a wild animal that might attack him at any moment. He was smart— she would. “I didn’t think so either. Not willingly, not unless I had something of great importance to her.” His eyes narrowed. “I tried to capture James but he had more wards around him due to my last attempt. I thought my dear daughter, Tessa, but Tessa seems like the explosive type. Unreasonable, like she might throw herself onto a blade before being used. Then there was her father, William, well I’ll just admit I feared I’d be decapitated before Lucie had a chance to join us.” He cleared his throat. “Her other friends, while they hold great importance to her and would have done the trick, there was the little dilemma of you and that blade. It seemed you were the most logical choice.
“You did make it quite difficult for me,” said Belial. “Always following James around like a loyal dog. I had to think of some way to separate the two of you. That’s where the Blackthorn girl came into play.”
“Grace,” said Cordelia. “Are you controlling, Grace?”
“Not directly,” purred Belial, “but I am not without my connections. You see, I promised the Blackthorn’s to raise their beloved Jesse if they served me. After that, they were like clay in my hands.
“When I found out the Blackthorn girl already had James under a binding spell, it all became rather easy.” Belial laughed. “He went to her like a drunk goes to ale.”
Cordelia swayed slightly and fell to her hip, her arm outstretched to catch her. Tears burned her eyes with rage. How could she know nothing of Lucie’s power; nothing of Grace’s spell on James. It seemed perhaps Belial was right about one thing. Perhaps she didn’t know her dear friends at all.
Belial’s eyes danced and flickered over her, taking in her expression, her resolve, her bleeding waist. 
“Don’t die yet Miss Carstairs.” Belial turned his back to her and crossed his arms. His eyes took to the darkened sky as if waiting for something to fall from it. “There is still a need for you.”
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veggieveganrecipe · 5 years
Bomb Veggie Burgers Recipe for hungry surfers 😋
Bomb Veggie Burgers Recipe for hungry surfers 😋
Hi guys! It's been a while since we shot this 'a day in our life' video. But I feel like it's time to share our favorite vegan burgers recipe! I can't keep it any longer hehe. I'm sure you gonna love this recipe!
Check out my blog for more healthy goods –
1 tbsp. black beans (soak overnight and boil) 1/3 cup basmati rice (cooked) 1 carrot 1 onion cumin or zira
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Real Estate Properties For Sale Or Rent In Tallinn, Harjumaa, Area Guide
If there is one part of the house that best reflects our personality, it is probably the bedroom. Kuid ärge muretsege, siit leiate tohutul hulgal pakkumisi lähedal asuvates majutusasutustes. J'ai longtemps eu une attitude de repli face à ce traité car il n'est pas enthousiasmant et nombreux sont ceux sur ce site qui peuvent confirmer ma position. For instance, in the example shown under Request Structure ”, we also provide the date-time format. The panic room was 6 feet (1.8 m) by 14 feet (4.3 m). Three versions of the room were built so Fincher could film scenes from multiple angles. Lis l'interview de Rocard dans le journal précédent. La recherche de nourriture ne sera entreprise qu'une fois que les trois précédents problèmes ont été résolus. No data is shared with Facebook unless you engage with this feature. Koepp and Fincher agreed to streamline the film so the opening would introduce the characters as soon as possible. On notera que c'est la seconde fois, cette année, que les pirates s'en prennent un bâtiment de ce genre, le confondant avec un navire civil. In retrospect, Panic Room has been assessed for its portrayal of childhood and feminism , the elements of video surveillance and diabetes , and its thematic approach to mortality. L'émission de TVE Imágenes prohibidas (Miquel Romero, 1994), sur la censure au cinéma pendant le franquisme, qualifie le film de «cas exceptionnel, incompréhensible quel que soit le point de vue adopté, un cas unique dans le contexte de censure répressive auquel le cinéma de cette période devait faire face». A la limite, si j'avais un avis fixe et definitif, je passerais surement moins de temps dans des debats. As an Exotic Club Member you deserve a weekend break in the heart of your city or in a private cottage along the country side. Le TCE définit la règle du jeu européen aussi. What that means in practice is that the Aedra tend to be more mortal-focused and what desires and drives they have are more recognizable and salubrious to mortals. Misleidis and Gustavo, the hosts, are very friendly people, respect the privacy of guests but are always available to help and suggest the best places to visit in the villa and its surroundings. The next day I picked up a "tweet" from a friend on "Letting Go" and I was reminded of my savior, Melody Beattie, and her book, "The Language of Letting Go", the contents of which has helped me keep my sanity during some challenging years. Aun así, son pocos los estudios que existen sobre ella y vienen, más que de los estudios queer, de académicos y críticos interesados en cuestiones de censura. Un comble, et cette guerre n'en manque pas. Spring Cloud Stream provides a common abstraction for implementing partitioned processing use cases in a uniform fashion across different types of middleware. Et guillame Duval, rédacteur en chef d'Alternatives economiques en remet une couche. Application properties that are defined during deployment override the same properties defined during the stream creation. However, they are scattered all over the city which mean that you do not have to be constrained because of location in these hotels. Because this is a "Rooms to let" appartment and not a hotel, if you want something you have contact to the people at the restaurant. You can share the rent costs, allowing you to enjoy the many beneficial features of living in the city, such as museums, galleries, concerts, bars, clubs, restaurants, and much more. Pass over that piece of pie and opt for healthy, nutrient-dense foods this holiday season. Now you are going to be the one receiving PMs (private messages) from landlords, so you have to check your other” folder quite often. C'est incroyable de voir le respect qu'il y avait entre les 2 hommes. Business owners can play the drama in their heads, know the struggles they have had to get to where they are now and wear a medal of valor for having survived all the challenges. A system that is part of the telephone equipment which provides for hotel guests and staff to retrieve a message left by a caller. Lapsed tõid välja enim seda, et tal võib olla kurb, kui ta ei kuule näiteks mida tegevustes ja mängus räägitakse või mida räägib õpetaja. Prétendre que la seule voie possible est celle de la majorité, c'est couper court à toute discution, et c'est fondamentalement une mauvaise chose. Post a free Room Wanted ad and make sure people with rooms can find you. Et Popov fait la même chose pour se protéger d'Uncle Benz. Properties are passed to TaskLauncher as application properties. In the Dependencies text box, type task to select the Cloud Task dependency. Once the space has finished indexing its data it will be marked with a green check. Many of the people I work with, including these three doing the interview, are people who sort through rubbish, people who go to retro bars that resemble the places I used to go to with my parents in a working class area in Madrid in the Seventies. There is a Single bedroom available in Manchester on Longworthy Road Salford near Tram & Bus stop, Tesco, Aldi store, shopping centre and Salford University. Elle s'offre à lui sexuellement, dans une attitude qui renvoie parallèlement à l'excitation de la jeune novice qui débute … et, point encore plus intéressant souligne le sentiment de désir intense que le jeune homosexuel triste suscite chez les femmes» (122). Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. Des chercheurs de l'institut pour l'immunologie de la clinique universitaire d'Hambourg-Eppendorf, en collaboration avec leurs collegues suedois de l'institut Karolinska a Stockholm, ont trouve de quelle maniere les salmonelles rendaient malades et comment agissait le denomme "facteur de virulence". Vu que la déclaration de votre variable n'est pas remontée au scope de la fonction, il existe un moment où votre variable n'existe pas. C'est tout de même 49,99999999% de chances de plus qu'un pilote qui ne s'éjecte pas. Once you let your ego control your life, you will never be happy or relaxed because as soon as you lose one of the things that you identify with, the rest will fall like dominos and you will lose your happiness. All you need to see in Kuressaare city is only walk away from the Kuressaare Family and Garden apartments. Kavand, mille järgi maalimistööd teostati, tuli Nissi Valla Kultuurikeskuse noortelt, keda juhendasid noorsootöötaja Ott Jeeser ja Turba kooli õpetaja Piret Tamm. This entails deploying multiple instances of a message-consuming app and using content-based routing so that messages with a given key (as determined at runtime) are always routed to the same app instance. On the other side of the desk, our customer was building the work flow in K2, creating the new web pages that are now replacing the SSM administration tool and connecting the output directly to our interface tables. Prostitutes have been prime targets since forever and I think it was just by sheer closeness in time of two murders that the press- hungry for stories- made the facade of the Whitechapel Ripper, which then influenced bored, insane people to look for meaning in their life in this Whitechapel Ripper. Marisol en est convaincue et prévient ainsi le garçon : «gare à toi si ma sœur apprend que pour toi ce n'était pas de l'amour mais une question de philatélie…». Les gestes charismatiques de l'actrice la situent aussi dans l'enfance, c'est le cas lorsqu'elle se mord les lèvres, frustrée par une activité manuelle qu'elle n'arrive pas à exécuter et qu'elle refait lorsqu'elle veut voler de la nourriture comme Oliver Twist. The special did so well that it was picked up as a series by CBS, but Thomas considered its assigned time slot to be too quiet and pulled the show. Õppetegevus meie koolis on pikemaajaline astmeline protsess, mis on süsteemselt läbimõeldud ning vastab iga õpilase vanusele, tasemele ja soole. It also shows how to map these applications into Spring Cloud Data Flow and deploy them. As cupboard doors Large cupboards often require bifold doors - sometimes two separate bifold doors - as a space-saving measure. A seamless shot at the beginning of Panic Room took nine days to film on set but took several months to complete in post-production. She offers herself to him in a pose that at once suggests the excitement of the young woman just starting out … and, even more interestingly, the high level of desirability the sad young man arouses in women» ( p. 122). Book your slice of summer sunshine with a prestigious holiday company and you can look forward to an exciting and memorable break in one of these Gran Canaria, Portugal or Tenerife resorts. Neil on seal enne ka üks eestlane töötanud, paar aastat tagasi. However, even if there are already hotels during this time, only few people stay in London hotels because transportation infrastructures were not yet developed. It is one of the busiest parts of London and more people are in Central London at any given time than in any other part of London. Emmaus-france Le site de tous les groupes Emmaüs de France. It's great to know the TYPE of man you want to be with, but stop trying to change the men you meet into your fairytale, and accept nobody, including you is perfect. C'est à dire que le contenu d'un tableau ou d'un objet déclaré avec const bloque la réassignation de la variable, mais ne rend pas la valeur immuable. Tant que des gens comme toi diront que si on a pas le même avis que toi, on rejoint Le Pen. Lisaks osati tegevuste järel välja tuua täiendavalt näiteid, kuidas lapsi igapäevaselt aidata võiks. I know you're adults, but my mother used to say how when three kids were together there was "always a problem". Any problems that you notice should be reported to front desk staff right away. The location of the log file for the log application will be shown in the Data Flow server's log. I can rent the place to you furnished or unfurnished, depending on what you want and also long term lease will be favorable since i won't be coming soon you will definitely be informed 2month before our arrivalAll bills like phone, internet, water and Electricity are included in the rental fee so you have nothing to worry about,i want to let you know that we do not intend making so much money on our home or inconveniencing you we only want our place to be kept nice and clean.I just want to let you know that we wont be staying at the house, you will have the place to yourself as long as it is kept nice and neatFeel free to get back to me after inspecting the place so we can proceed with other move in procedures on time. Donc, il ne faut pas trop s'étonner non plus de se faire insulter par la famille Attac : en ce qui concerne le TCE ils ont posé le cerveau. If over at this website are just starting out with Spring Cloud Data Flow, you should probably read the Getting Started ” guide before diving into this section. As a result, you should see a list of available REST endpoints. In that case, you must configure the Composed Task Runner to use the same datasource that the Spring Cloud Data Flow instance is using. Comme on l'a déjà exposé ci-dessus, il n'est ni possible ni souhaitable d'anticiper d'ores et déjà à cet égard par une révision de la Constitution (voir ci-dessus, nº 7). B & Q than half a year ago into China, the original home in China, the world has only 12 stores in Home Depot's appliance business can only "test the water" to describe, though, Home Depot's appliance market performance in North America extraordinary. No matter how well the shoes are made, our feet won't stay dry in ballet flats with even the lightest of rain. The importance of promoting activity in young people cannot be overstated. I joined Exotic Time Club before 4 Months,and i must say that these guys provide these best services of all.Exotic Time Club such a true value of money. Combination of Victorian elegance and chic style, with contemporary outfit is un-swearing what else but London Boutique hotels. Jack the Ripper was thought to have had both genders but was sewn up to grow up as a man but later developed as a woman and became so angry at women, whom could have children and grow up as respectable women of England, but decided to throw their lives away and spent their time in the beds of sex-hungered men who were more than happy to pay for their services, and started to cut out their uterus's because he was unable to grow up as a normal adult of either gender. If you are just starting out with Spring Cloud Data Flow, you should probably read the Getting Started guide before diving into this section. Even though the exchange is durable, there needs to be a durable queue bound to the exchange for the message to be stored for later consumption. Tantsukooli lõpetajaks on tark tantsija - kehaliselt, vaimselt ja emotsionaalselt intelligentne inimene, kes tuleb edukalt toime iseseisva ja ühtlasi teisi arvestava eluga nii tantsulaval kui mujal. You never know where the perfect lead will come from, but often people are your best source. Most London hotels are equipped with fabulous conference facilities that enable guests to host conferences with alacrity and ease. Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF) provides a higher level way to create this group of three Spring Cloud Stream applications by introducing the concept of a stream. Take 5 minutes everyday to think about all the people, experiences, lessons and mistakes you are thankful for. Je me rappelle un reportage sur une entreprise américaine qui avait construit à partir d'une ancienne plate-forme pétrolière une plate-forme de lancement pour un lanceur de satellite privé. The advance in has created a significant trend in the tile sector especially the sizes.
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admelioraii · 2 years
Canary Islands: The escape across the ocean of darkness
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Tenerife, the Canary Islands
Thousands of years ago Berber tribes, amongst them the Canariis, arrived from Northwest Africa to the fortunate islands (the Canary Islands).
As the islands had an important strategic position that offered great trade possibilities as well as hosting passing by ships, offering them a safe haven in stormy weather and plenty of provision originating from the rich volcanic earth the islands offered.
The Guanches, the first known inhabitants and natives to the islands, lived a good life for thousands of years, until the Castilians (Spaniards) attempted to conquer the archipelago, after having failed to conquer North Africa, and they shifted their plans and decided to conquer the Americas instead.
To succeed in this prospect they needed to conquer the Canary Islands first, as the location served as a natural bridge between continents thus making a perfect base for their expansion expeditions.
The wars for the islands lasted for hundred years and proved to be much more tough and complicated than first anticipated.
But when the downfall finally came it brought with it a long line of horrific consequences.
The Guanches were enslaved, humiliated and systematically killed in terrible ways.
The remaining aboriginals had only three options; to submit, to run into hiding in the inaccessible mountains or to flee across the Atlantic.
Bentor, the last Guanche king in Taoro, Tenerife, met a sorrowful destiny, putting an end to thousands of years of Guanche rule.
But it was the beginning of a new story, following the Guanches in their struggle across the Atlantic and towards a new life with new adventures in the new world, faraway from their ancestors and their beloved islands.
A ray of hope
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The small family “Aday” had been walking through the pine wood covered mountains and dense laurel rainforest, seeking cover, for two and a half full moons (two and a half months).
It had been hard and challenging, they were surviving on fruits, herbs and roots or what nature could offer.
Haridian’s husband, Atacaicate was a herb collector, used to the dense forests and inaccessible terrain on the mountains of north western Tenerife, he knew his way around well.
From time to time he caught a rabbit, a bird or some other small animal they could eat.
Haridian was most concerned about Airam, their two year old son.
She wanted to make sure he got enough food and stayed healthy.
They were hiding from the Castilians, who five months earlier conquered Taoro.
Large parts of their neighbours and villagers had either been killed, enslaved or shipped away to unknown destinations. 
The situation had gotten so bad that staying in the village would have gotten them into great danger.
Atacaicate’s (his name means “big heart”) father was killed earlier that year, that was when his brothers decided to use their precious trade connections to try to escape, over the sea of darkness, to save both their and their families life and honour.
The rest of Atacaicate’s family had already left and they had taken Haridian’s father and sisters with them, her mother died long ago.
Haridian and Atacaicate couldn’t join them, as  Airam (meaning “freedom”) was seriously ill at the time.
But Atacaicate’s brothers promised to arrange another ship, to come and get Atacaicate and his family three months later, on the first day of full moon.
They were supposed to wait for a signal, at Tacoronte beach, hiding behind the cliffs.
Atacaicate got his profession as herb collector from his father the great “ Achxuraxan  Aday”, who started out as a herb collector, then developed great knowledge in curing diseases, as a result he worked in his later years, as a doctor at the royal court, while his sons collected herbs, in his stead, from the mountains.
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Pico del Teide, Tenerife
Atacaicate also learned about medicine making and how to cure illnesses from his late father, and he had been able to cure little Airam’s illness, the boy was now completely cured.
As Airam was cured and only two weeks remained before their departure, they started to close up to Tacoronte through the lavish rainforest, they slept in caves by night and walked by day on the route to their destination.
It was funny, when Haridian was born her father, who was a shepherd, decided to call her Haridian partly because the name is related to shepherds but more importantly because the Guanches used to give young girls who were born during the full moon that name, as it meant “Moonlight”.
Maybe that would bring them luck now, on the first day of the full moon, to depart safely and arrive well in the new country (Cuba).
Two weeks later after walking through lush rainforest and steep mountain cliffs they reached Tacoronte.
From the mountain cliff the view was spectacular, they settled down and waited patiently for nightfall to come.
The pale moon was not enough to lighten up the pitch dark bay, and the only thing you heard was the squeaking sound of small animals or insects in the vegetated areas and the reassuring sound of the ocean.
Haridian started to get anxious, would they be able to leave? Was it the right place? They were so close, yet it seemed unreal, her heart was pounding faster and faster.
Airam was asleep when they heard the sound of a small bark.
Was that the one? Haridian and Atacaicate stayed quiet behind the rock, then finally they noticed the promising sound of “el Silbo” (the Guanche whistle language), and they hurried towards the small row boat.
Twenty minutes later they embarked a ship that prepared right away to depart.
As the ship began to move, Haridian and Atacaicate stood in the back of the ship, looking at their island disappearing, forever. devastated but simultaneously relieved, as they were safe now, they realised they belonged to the lucky few.
One month and ten days later they arrived at Bariay on the east coast of Cuba, now a new chapter in their lives was about to begin.
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Tenerife, the Canary Islands
*Based partially on historical accounts, legends and folk stories.
The Canary migrations, a new future
The systematic killing of the Guanche population resulted in that ,roughly estimated, 75% of the aboriginals were eradicated. The Spaniards had later difficulties populating the archipelago again, no Spaniard wanted to travel that far or to live on an isolated island.
The ones remaining were either enslaved, hid in the mountains or a few lucky ones were able to escape across the Atlantic Ocean or elsewhere.
This last option was possible thanks to the ancient trade relations, friendships they made in the past.
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Beach in Cuba
It was certainly no coincidence many of  the fugitives chose Cuba as their final destination and new home, the reasons were many.
Once an islander always an islanders, the Guanches who arrived in Spanish America called themselves “Isleños” (islanders) as they were also referred to by the Latin Americans at the time and still are today.
It must have felt most as home in Cuba, surrounded on all sides by the familiar Atlantic Ocean.
Another reason for choosing Cuba was indeed the fact that family and friends, who arrived earlier, settled down there and formed a tight Canarian community.
The Guanche immigration to Cuba began in 1492 with the first ship of immigrants arriving on the 27 of October 1492, at Bariay on the east point of Cuba.
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Havana, Cuba
Their numbers were so great that the enormous Canarian migration to Cuba resulted in that 50% of all marriages at one point in history in the whole of Cuba was to a Canarian. As there was no end to the Canarian refugees, the Cuban government had to forbid any further Canarian migration and the canarians were forced to look for an alternative migration destination.
Many of the newcomers worked in the tobacco industry, where they helped the Cubans build up their prosperous tobacco commerce.
The first Cuban writer was isleño, and born in the Canary Islands.* see end article.
The Canarian descendents preserved their culture and traditions through celebrations of various cultural festivals.
An example is the festival of Canarian traditions held annually and the contest called: Princess Dácil, in honour of the Guanche princess.
Cuba owes much of its speech patterns and accent to the heavy Canarian migrations, a lot of ancient Guanche words, as well as more modern Canarian Spanish was absorbed into the Cuban Spanish until the two languages almost fused together.
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Francisco de Miranda in Avenida Paulista
Venezuela was the second biggest migration destination, where many respected politicians and presidents were descendants of the Guanches.
Francisco de Miranda was a Venezuelan military leader and revolutionary.
He epitomised the international importance of the American revolution, yet few Americans would recognize his name.
He fought the British in the Caribbean and Florida during the war, and in this way helped the US to win the revolution.
His father was:Sebastian de Miranda Ravelo, a Canarian immigrant.
He began the Spanish American wars of independence, and paved the way for another great man with Guanche blood as well, the liberator Simón de Bolívar, who liberated or assisted in the liberation of four territories, from the Castilians; New Granada (1819), Venezuela (1821), Quito (1822), and Peru (1824) as well as establishing-Bolivia (comes from Bolívar).
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Simón Bolívar
The Canary influence in the US
Some of the isleños immigrated to the US, where the city of “San Antonio” was founded by people from the Canary Islands.
When you remember Alamo, you should also take a second to remember the Canary Islands.
The city was originally founded by settlers from the Canary Islands and their descendants died fighting alongside Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett.
Even the founder of Sāo Paulo was from the Canary Island of Tenerife.
Both Texan and Mexican cuisine as well as Cuban, of course, trace their roots back to the Canary Islands, as the Guanches brought with them their cuisine in their desperate escape across the Ocean.
Like chilliest peppers and their “mojo” sauce that later became the key sauces and salsas in those cuisines.
In spite of their great successes in their new homes, life was not easy for the ileños.
The Europeans saw them as Spanish, the Spanish regarded them as hybrids, not Spanish not Latin Americans.
The Latin Americans perceived them as foreigners.
The fact that they didn’t fit in anywhere may have contributed to the Canarians becoming “trouble makers”and revolution leaders.
The few surviving Guanche surnames 
The Canarians were scattered around the world, trying to survive the best they could.
Back in Spain it was a custom when a Guanche converted to Catholicism to take a Castilian name, that is why many of the Canarians have Castilian or Spanish names.
However, there are seven Guanche surnames * see end article. that have still survived, until now.
Six of them are authentic Guanche names, the seventh, Tenerife, was given to the Guanche slaves, as a last name referring to their island of origin,  when sold or brought along to assist the conquers in Latin America.
Today we find 50.000 people worldwide (Canary Islands excluded) carrying one of these seven Guanche names that somehow have survived over time.
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strelitzia reginae; flower of fire, or paradise bird
As the Canarian economy has improved drastically since  the 70s, especially thanks to the flourishing tourism industry, as many Europeans “survive” the cold, depressing winters thanks to the island's “eternal spring”.
The cultivation of fruits, vegetables and exotic flowers makes excellent export products to frozen Northern Europe.
Together they make up the lifeline for the islands and the reason many Canarian families return home after many, many years in exile.
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Beach at the Canary islands
The colonisation of the Canary Islands by the Castilian crown led to the gradual physical destruction of almost the entire indigenous society and the irreversible disappearance of the indigenous culture and history as a whole.
The Guanches were extinct, erased from history by a unforgiving, irresponsible conquest genocide, caused by an unstoppable hunger for riches.
We were left with unanswered questions, a whole in history and a blank page that can not be filled nor replaced.
The genocide of the Guanches remains an enormous and unacceptable moral stain on European colonial traditions.
The Canaries went from being conquested and plundered to become an autonomy.
Will the islands ever be free? Well, nothing in this life lasts forever, nothing is permanent, the future will be our witness, and their enemies are geography and time.
The Guanches no longer exist, however, they still have a presence on the islands, as subjects of speculation, an unsolved mystery and a source of discussion in our modern era.
The stories of the ones who disappeared but remained, remained somehow between us, and in our hearts,” the presence of the absent”.
The Guanches will be remembered through their legends, forever trapped in between volcanoes and legends.
It is our responsibility to keep their memory and their stories alive and help others remember them.
*The first Cuban writer born in the Canary Islands: José Martí Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda Silvestre de Balboa.
*The seven Canarian surnames that still survive; Baute, Bencomo, Chinea, Guanche, Oramas,Tacoronte and Tenerife.
Sources and further readings:
Book:The Canary Islands Migration to Louisiana, a fascinating history in both Texan and Canary Islands history. Containing a passenger list of the isleños volunteer recruits and their families that filled eight vessels that brought Canary islanders to Louisiana between 1778 and 1783, you won’t find a more interesting book detailing this unique chapter in history.
The Canary Islands: A cultural history, a thorough history book for the development of the islands.
The Canary Islands:A cultural history, a different book by the same name. A travel guide.
Lonely planet, Canary Islands, Guide book sharing tips on hidden gems on each island, places to stay etc.
Canary Islands 25 secrets: A local’s  guide.
Balbuena, Castellano, José Manuel (2007).
La odisea de los Canarios en Texas y Louisiana (in Spanish).
Further information and inspiration from a long, close personal relation and knowledge of the islands.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 3.27
1309 – Pope Clement V imposes excommunication and interdiction on Venice, and a general prohibition of all commercial intercourse with Venice, which had seized on Ferrara, a papal fiefdom. 1329 – Pope John XXII issues his In Agro Dominico condemning some writings of Meister Eckhart as heretical. 1513 – Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León reaches the northern end of The Bahamas on his first voyage to Florida. 1625 – Charles I becomes King of England, Scotland and Ireland as well as claiming the title King of France. 1782 – The Second Rockingham ministry assumes office in Britain and begins negotiations to end the American War of Independence. 1794 – The United States Government establishes a permanent navy and authorizes the building of six frigates. 1809 – Peninsular War: A combined Franco-Polish force defeats the Spanish in the Battle of Ciudad Real. 1814 – War of 1812: In central Alabama, U.S. forces under General Andrew Jackson defeat the Creek at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. 1836 – Texas Revolution: On the orders of General Antonio López de Santa Anna, the Mexican army massacres 342 Texas POWs at Goliad, Texas. 1866 – President of the United States of America Andrew Johnson vetoes the Civil Rights Act of 1866. His veto is overridden by Congress and the bill passes into law on April 9. 1871 – The first international rugby football match, when Scotland defeats England in Edinburgh at Raeburn Place. 1884 – A mob in Cincinnati, Ohio, attacks members of a jury which had returned a verdict of manslaughter in what was seen as a clear case of murder; over the next few days the mob would riot and eventually destroy the courthouse. 1886 – Geronimo, Apache warrior, surrenders to the U.S. Army, ending the main phase of the Apache Wars. 1899 – Emilio Aguinaldo leads Filipino forces for the only time during the Philippine–American War at the Battle of Marilao River. 1915 – Typhoid Mary, the first healthy carrier of disease ever identified in the United States is put in quarantine for the second time, where she would remain for the rest of her life. 1918 – The National Council of Bessarabia proclaims union with the Kingdom of Romania. 1938 – Second Sino-Japanese War: The Battle of Taierzhuang begins, resulting several weeks later in the war's first major Chinese victory over Japan. 1941 – World War II: Yugoslav Air Force officers topple the pro-Axis government in a bloodless coup. 1943 – World War II: Battle of the Komandorski Islands: In the Aleutian Islands the battle begins when United States Navy forces intercept Japanese attempting to reinforce a garrison at Kiska. 1945 – World War II: Operation Starvation, the aerial mining of Japan's ports and waterways begins. Argentina declares war on the Axis Powers. 1958 – Nikita Khrushchev becomes Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union. 1964 – The Good Friday earthquake, the most powerful earthquake recorded in North American history at a magnitude of 9.2 strikes Southcentral Alaska, killing 125 people and inflicting massive damage to the city of Anchorage. 1975 – Construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System begins. 1977 – Tenerife airport disaster: Two Boeing 747 airliners collide on a foggy runway on Tenerife in the Canary Islands, killing 583 (all 248 on KLM and 335 on Pan Am). Sixty-one survived on the Pan Am flight. This is the deadliest aviation accident in history. 1980 – The Norwegian oil platform Alexander L. Kielland collapses in the North Sea, killing 123 of its crew of 212. 1980 – Silver Thursday: A steep fall in silver prices, resulting from the Hunt Brothers attempting to corner the market in silver, leads to panic on commodity and futures exchanges. 1981 – The Solidarity movement in Poland stages a warning strike, in which at least 12 million Poles walk off their jobs for four hours. 1986 – A car bomb explodes outside Russell Street Police HQ in Melbourne, Australia, killing one police officer and injuring 21 people. 1990 – The United States begins broadcasting anti-Castro propaganda to Cuba on TV Martí. 1993 – Jiang Zemin is appointed President of the People's Republic of China. 1993 – Italian former minister and Christian Democracy leader Giulio Andreotti is accused of mafia allegiance by the tribunal of Palermo. 1998 – The Food and Drug Administration approves Viagra for use as a treatment for male impotence, the first pill to be approved for this condition in the United States. 1999 – Kosovo War: An American Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk is shot down by a Yugoslav SAM, the first and only Nighthawk to be lost in combat. 2000 – A Phillips Petroleum plant explosion in Pasadena, Texas kills one person and injures 71 others. 2002 – Passover massacre: A Palestinian suicide bomber kills 29 people at a Passover seder in Netanya, Israel. 2002 – Nanterre massacre: In Nanterre, France, a gunman opens fire at the end of a town council meeting, resulting in the deaths of eight councilors; 19 other people are injured. 2004 – HMS Scylla, a decommissioned Leander-class frigate, is sunk as an artificial reef off Cornwall, the first of its kind in Europe. 2009 – The dam forming Situ Gintung, an artificial lake in Indonesia, fails, killing at least 99 people. 2014 – Philippines signs a peace accord with the largest Muslim rebel group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, ending decades of conflict. 2015 – Al-Shabab militants attack and temporarily occupy a Mogadishu hotel leaving at least 20 people dead. 2016 – A suicide blast in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park, Lahore claims over 70 lives and leaves almost 300 others injured. The target of the bombing are Christians celebrating Easter. 2020 – North Macedonia becomes the 30th member of NATO.
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apricior · 6 years
4,19, 25
Thank u so muchh
4. Do you have any nicknames?
Already answered
19. Tell us a story from when you were young 
So, when I was young I used to not eat much, just the necessary to be healthy. Like, I don’t eat much nowadays either, but when I was a child it was worse. But this slightly changed when I was 6.
My parents wanted to go to Tenerife for their wedding anniversary (I think it was that), and they found a 5 star hotel that had just opened. So it was extremely cheap (my father has told me that there is NO WAY of coming back there now, sad face).
The 5 star hotel was very luxurious, to me it looked like a palace. And it had an all-you-can-eat buffet. And there is where I learnt the magnificient art of how to separate your food so that you can eat until you feel like exploding. I learnt to make several trips to get food, to not get much of anything so you can eat everything. Truly changed my life.
I think my favourite part of it was that DUDE I CAN EAT ICE-CREAM FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER, it was revolutionary. So this is the story of how a buffet taught me how to eat propperly. (Side note: I still don’t eat much but if you ever take me to a buffet I promise you that I will lose control again).
25. Most hufflepuff thing you’ve ever done? 
Being alive. No, seriously, my whole attitude and most of my actions are very Hufflepuff, so I don’t think there is just one very Hufflepuff thing I’ve done?? Maybe hyping my friends for breathing. My last answer is also very Hufflepuff
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travelcenter-uk · 5 years
The Canary Island Cuisine: Eat like the Canaries do…..
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It is a HUGE must, that you add the following to your itinerary when scheduling an excursion to the Canary Islands:
EAT as much as you can!!!
To be honest, that should be at the top of your To-Do list if you’re travelling anywhere! But in the Canaries, you probably shouldn’t leave without trying out their cuisine.
Apart from the warm sunny beaches, the highlight is the food in the Canaries. Warning: it’s extremely possible that I might say that about any destination 😉
These dishes caught my eye and my cravings – well mostly because I couldn’t resist and because it was something new & unusual.
In no particular order, here are the best dishes you need to try in the Canary Islands
Papas Arrugadas Con Mojo
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You say potatoes, they say ‘papas’… These potatoes are nothing like the ones we eat at home. The volcanic earth and climate in which they are grown produce smaller potatoes with a distinct taste & texture and taste. Known as “Wrinkled potatoes”, boiled with the skin in saltwater until soft, leaving the potatoes with wrinkles and with a salty crust, dressed with a generous topping of mojo picón – a delicious spicy sauce made with garlic, olive oil, red or green pepper, cumin, salt, and vinegar, also often served on its own as a snack, washed down with a tall glass of wine.
Ropa Vieja
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The words ropa vieja, literally means “old clothes” in Spanish, but don’t worry no old clothes were added to this dish! It’s made of shredded beef, chicken or pork and vegetables that resemble a heap of colourful rags, its name comes from the fact that it’s traditionally made with leftovers & is one of Canaria’s most popular and dearly loved dishes.
Rancho Canario
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Having the munchies? Then dip your spoon into a bowl of one of the signature dishes, a hearty soup. It’s a tastefully thickened noodle soup made with chicken, pork and chickpeas, with a selection of vegetables – and not forgetting papas, obviously! I must say, it sure does hit the spot.
Pollo al Salmorejo and Conejo al Salmorejo
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The Canarians just adore this dish, light yet robust special. Pollo al salmorejo is a delightful garlicky marinated chicken dish, cooked in white wine and seasoned with cumin, oregano, paprika, and thyme. Conejo al salmorejo follows the same recipe but with rabbit meat.
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This is a superfood and it’s not for the skittish but it’s a dish that echoes the history of the Canary Islands and its people. Gofio is a flour made from roasted grains of wheat, maize whose uses are endless and weird. It’s used to make many foods from dumplings for soups and sometimes ice cream. It’s not the easily palatable but the for the Canarians, its a meal packed with healthy vitamins and minerals.
Padrón Peppers
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Padrón peppers, these small green peppers are named after the town of Padron on mainland Spain, but they’re often served as a starter or as a tapas dish in Tenerife. The little bad boys are fried whole in olive oil and a sprinkling of sea salt is added. Pick them up by the stems to eat. The peppers are very different in flavour, some piquant and some sweet, and you will not know which you’ve got until you bite into them.
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The perfect way to wash down all that spice is with a delightful glass of wine. Canary Island winemakers have extremely old vines grown on the volcanic soil which is perfect for creating outstanding flavourful wines. They produce both red and white wine, but their sweet and semisweet white wines are known for light, aromatic notes and are perfect for keeping cool under the Canary Island sun.
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Made on Gran Canaria, which is famous for its almond trees, Bienmesabe is a sweet, soft puree made with ground almonds, egg yolk, sugar, lemon zest, and cinnamon. It is usually served with ice cream or cream. I mean, what’s not to love about a dessert whose name literally translates as “tastes good to me”?
Mouthwatering food, warm sunny beaches, and many delights await you in the Canary Islands! Travel Center UK has got the perfect solution If you’re planning to make a visit, we’ll be more than happy to help you find cheap flights, hotel deals, and planned excursions. So, call or send us an e-mail and you’ll be able to start planning your holiday today!
Read More:- https://blog.travelcenter.uk/the-canary-island-cuisine-eat-like-the-canaries-do/
This Article, Information & Images Source (copyright) :- https://blog.travelcenter.uk
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newageactive-blog · 7 years
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Okay don’t think I’m boring here but I always find the best food on holidays are the salads 🙌🏻 Tropical salad in the sun with a cocktail is absolute heaven 👌🏻 . I’m not one for eating too poorly on holiday because I hate the bloat you get and then your just feel uncomfortable in a bikini. Saying that, we did demolish the biggest burger you’ve ever seen last night 🙌🏻 plus ice cream after.. you always need ice cream on holiday 🤘🏻 . . . #holiday #salad #healthy #bbgcommunity #bbgfam #fitness #fitnessgirl #fitfamuk #eatclean #eatgreen #veggie #pinapple #tastemade #cookingram #newageactive (at Playa Las Americas Tenerife)
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redqueenmusings · 6 years
Looking back at my recent post on our first trip to the USA got me thinking about other visits we had made and some of the memorable places we had visited. I said in the above that our favourite part of America was the East Coast, particularly Cape Cod and in that area my very favourite place to visit is Provincetown or P-town for short.
I fell in love with Provincetown, its multicoloured buildings, artsy, free-spirited atmosphere and diverse, colourful residents. The mix of natural calm and vibrant energy that permeates the town creates a fun, positive vibe for anyone visiting.
Known for years as the epicentre of America’s gay scene, when we first visited, we were surprised at how many men were dressed in high heels and meticulous makeup. Funny how attitudes change because on our last visit we didn’t think it was at all strange. There are plenty of straight people but ‘gay’ is definitely the town’s trademark.
It has also long been a haven for artists attracted by the town’s natural light and stunning scenery and creative types include illustrious residents Norman Mailer, Susan Glaspell, Eugene O’Neill, John Dos Passos and Tennessee Williams all seeking inspiration.
Walking down Commercial Street I loved mooching in the art galleries and craft shops where I bought a coloured glass and copper wind chime that catches the light and sparkles as it hangs on my awning at home. And because we love Christmas we enjoyed the Emporium selling custom-made Christmas ornaments all year long.
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If you’re hungry, Commercial Street has many options from burgers and beer to healthy salads in one of the many vegetarian restaurants. We enjoying terrific food and fun conversations such as whether a lobster roll should be served hot or cold – still don´t know the answer to that one. It is also a shoppers paradise I think the phrase Shop til you Drop must have been invented here.
Provincetown was the first spot where the Pilgrims, who signed the Mayflower Compact in 1620 went ashore to explore before their little boat sailed on to its second landing in Plymouth.
In the early 1800s fishermen work on the whaling ships made the town their home and to this day there are numerous trips to see these magnificent creatures leaving hourly from MacMillan Pier. This is another area where throngs of people congregate to capture spectacular images such as boats and lighthouses or just watch the flurry of activity as the walkers, bikers, and whale-watchers come and go.
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During our time in Provincetown, we observed endless flowers in bloom, beautiful gardens, picket fences and finely manicured hedgerows. Lots of rainbow flags and umbrellas and an abundance of little dogs. We also remembered we had to say Hi! to “The Tourists”, a bronze sculpture as we passed them on our way to pick a boat for a spot of whale-watching.
Provincetown is one of the prettiest places I’ve seen, a place that constantly changes, yet stays the same. There’s nothing quite like it anywhere else.
Check Queenie’s Daily Snippets for Tenerife news & events
The diversity of P-town Looking back at my recent post on our first trip to the USA got me thinking about other visits we had made and some of the memorable places we had visited.
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snsmissionaries · 6 years
2/6/19 -- Sister Nicole Ritman, Spain, Madrid Mission
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The Story of Sany/I'm Officially a Cultured Citizen
Subject Line: This email will have two parts! The first is the story of our amiga Sany, who got baptized last Sunday, shared with permission. The second is just about my week.
 The Story of Sany
 Right about when I got to Málaga, we got a text from one of the members saying she had a friend we could go visit. She'd been going through some rough times, and so a few weeks back their other friend gave her a Libro de Mormón and just said "Sany, you mean a lot to me and I know you are going through a hard time. I'm giving this to you because this is what brings me comfort when I'm not feeling good and so I wanted to share it with you because you know I'd do anything to make you feel better and this is something that's important to me. You don't have to read it if you don't want, but I know it can help you." Sany started reading and once she told them she liked it, they invited us to teach her more. I don't know if you all remember, but like a month back I said that we had a first lesson with someone and I'd never seen someone change so much in just one lesson? Well that was Sany! Everytime we taught her, she was so committed to really studying and learning. She applied what she was learning to what she already knew and what she found the guide to the scriptures even though we hadn't showed her yet and looked it up there. She did the 21 day challenge of the Libro de Mormón diligently and really followed the commitments we extended. I don't think we ever had to extend a commitment twice and some she was already doing before we could extend (like starting on Ven Seguime as soon as she finished the 21 day desafío). 
A miracle that happened with Sany was that she lives here and has two daughters living in the Dominican Republic. Well one day Sany told us "I just found out that the church my daughter goes to is the same one! I didn't remember the name but she told me she told me three years back when her boyfriend introduced her to the church and got baptized. She's going on a mission in a few months and is getting ready to go to the temple." Well we were speechless. I'm not making it sound as surprising as it was, but seriously the member we had in the cita and both if us were like" what??!". It's so crazy how they found the church independent of another and gained their own testimonies and now are working to go to the temple together. I wish the missionaries that baptized her daughter would know this extension of the story! 
What I was most impressed with was that most people who work as internas (live-in caretakers for a senior) don't come to church because they work. Well Sany took her work to church. (I'm sure not everyone could but this was her solution). She would get up super early to get both the Señora and herself ready and would carry the wheelchair down the flights of stairs and push her all the way up the giant hill. We'd help her and the Señora loved going out for a stroll, yelling "venga, vamos, rápido! Rápido!" No quiero llegar tarde!" until I was practically running. Going down the hill is almost harder because you have to pull it from not speeding down into traffic. Good times jaja. The day of the baptism, she got permission to get off a few hours earlier to go to church and drop off the Señora. She was so excited! But then this Sunday she got super sick. :/ Good thing we had the baptism last week. 
 I'm Officially a Cultured Citizen 
 So I'll start this part of with a sad story. Three days after the baptism, we got a text saying the man who had baptized Sany had passed away. We hardly believed it, but we asked the Elders and the pres de Sociedad de Socorro and the Elders confirmed the text was talking about him. 
We actually were on our way to a cita with Sany so we gave her the sad news and she was so sad because she was so grateful to him for being a part of her step on the convenant path. We had a good discussion about life and death and the plan of salvation and I was feeling pretty reflective and pensive. 
Then, we leave the cita and see that the pres texted us. And guess what--it's turns out that he's not actually dead! He's not dead its his brother in law! Still sad for his family, but man alive we were so embarrassed. What a big fat fail. Probably the biggest one I'll ever have on the mission. I reread the original text and totally not our fault--it was written in a way that didn't clarify who they were talking about. But literally it was so crazy because lemme tell you it's a weird feeling to find out someone passed but it's a weirder feeling to find out that PSYCH they haven't. Like a TV show in real life except the jokes on you because you have to text the mission office and say "nevermind- we don't actually have to know what happens when we need a signature on the baptismal record of someone who's dead." I'm sure they think we're crazy jaja. And then when we texted Sany all she said was "ahhhh- vale." Luckily she hadn't brought it up since. I'm also glad we found out before Sunday when he would've walked into church alive and all three of us faint of shock. 
 So I chose the header because I felt like it has been a very *cultural* week! Yesterday, we went over for almuerzo with a Tibetan Man and his Moroccan wife and had cous-cous. Literally one of the best things that's ever entered my mouth! Basically you boil a bunch of tasty vegetables and pumpkin and halal beef and spices like cinnamon in a pot for an hour, and then pour it over a giant thing of cous-cous (tiny ball-shaped grain) and pour the broth, gravy all over. We were so close to finishing but we had a slice of pumpkin and some cabbage left. They gave us plates to help us eat the meat, but they wouldn't let us portion it out. We all used our spoons and ate from the same giant platter. They also wouldn't let us drink cold water until after the hot food because I guess mixing cold and hot is bad for your stomach. I suppose that's why they traditionally drink tea at meals, but since we politely refused the tea 50 times no lie (the wife didn't understand until I said it wasn't halal for us jaja and even after the husband would sip his tea and say "oh how delicious! Oh how healthy! Made with 5 herbs!" and made us smell it because we wouldn't sip it lol), we had mint infusion, which is just a fresh mint sprig with hot water poured on top and a little spoon of sugar. It was so good we bought fresh mint today to make it again! Maybe it won't be the same because we don't have the fancy Arab teapot they used to heat the water jk. Definitely an eating cita I'll never forget. 
 Then for Pday today I felt extra cultural because we went to the interactive music museum and saw instruments from all over the world! We stayed in the room with the piano, guitars and cello the longest and all played songs together. (OK in reality I tinkered a tune  while Hermana Zito played the cello. It's her major at BYU and it was worth my museum entry fee to hear her play lol We would all request songs and if she had the tune in her head she could just play it). I also loved the rooms where you jam out to crazy world instruments like the zither, the nose flute, double-guitars and even an ancient harp thing made from a human skull. (you pressed buttons to hear sounds of the instruments you weren't allowed to play). There was also a gladd floor with a medieval wall they uncovered and put a museum time capsule for 2033. I'll be back when they open that! 
 After we went to an Italian restaurant because H Mecca said it looked close to authentic. She ordered in Italian and chatted with the waiter and told us what to order. I felt a little less fake with her lol. We got gnocchi and margherita pizza and the other Hermanas got pasta carbonara which I tried and was probably the best. She gave it a 9/10 for authenticity so I figured that's as close as I'll get until I go visit her in Italy. 
 Then as we were walking back some guy stopped me (somehow he didn't notice the other Hermanas-just me) and in English (was Spanish but was determined to use only English) said "are you from the Mormon church? I love that church! I studied with the boys in Granada. I want to learn again." Hope he's cool and not creepy so I'll keep you updated if he ends up being cool! 
 Also something special about today is a finally debuted my pants! Hermana Mecca did too. Some pics mine don't look too flattering but they're not that bad in real life I promise. I didn't realize how cold my legs were all the time until I wore my pants! 
 Sometimes it's frustrating when you think of everything you should be doing as a missionary that you're not or you try to do but noon shows up (cough cough people who told us they would come to the capacitación H Mecca and I planned and didn't) but the mission is about learning to deal with daily disappointment and trying to find the little adventures. Like when we found a gorgeous historic Barrio in the foothills and the wind was blowing too much for wearing a skirt and it was too confusing to find a single address we wanted to pass by, but it was so gorgeous and so Spanish we weren't even mad jaja. And tip: if you ever accidentally offend a member, they will be appeased with brownies. I'm telling you brownies are the secret here! Convinced!!! 
 Os quiero, 
 Hermana Ritman 
 Contact Information
 Sister Nicole Ritman
Madrid Spain Mission
Avenida de Tenerife, 11
28703 San Sebastian de los Reyes
Madrid, Espana
 Malaga Week 8
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childofdemon · 7 years
Tag meme #2
The second tag meme I got tagged by @nollatooru (who is great, you should follow her if you also like Hakuoki). 
A- age: 18, turning 19 in exactly two months
B- birthplace: Finland
C- current time: 17:34 or 5:34 pm
D- drink you last drank: Lemon ice tea
E- easiest person to talk to: My second oldest brother or my best friend
F- favorite song: I have many, but the absolute favorite might me Butter-fly by Kouji Wada or Lifesaver by Sunrise Avenue
G- grossest memory: Why would I want to remember those?
H- horror yes or no? No. I'd rather avoid the nigthmares, thanks.
I- in love? Not currently, no. Never been, if you don't count small crushes.
J- jealous of people? Everyone gets jealous sometimes, I think.
K- killed someone? No. Unless you count bugs.
L- love at first sight or should I walk past again? How about you actually talk to me? Attraction and love are two different things.
M- middle name: I have two, but I hate them so I'd rather not tell you.
N- number of siblings: Three, all older brothers.
O- one wish? To get into unversity. If not that then healthy life.
P- person you last called? The guy I'm buying my PS Vita from.
Q- question you’re always asked: It's not really a question, but ”You're so tiny” is something I hear a lot. Because apparently it must be pointed out.
R- reason to smile: I'm graduating from high school next week.
S- song you last sang: Umm....Can't remember, to be honest.
T- time you woke up: 11:30 (am) I think?
U- underwear color: Do you really think I own a matching set? Because I don't.
V- vacation: We went to Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, for a vacation two months ago with my parents. It was great.
W- worst habit: Either always doubting myself or getting easily distracted. Or maybe my sleeping habits.
X- x-rays: If this is meant to mean ”have you ever been x-rayed”, the answer is ”No”.
Y- your favourite food: This one so-called ”Eastern fish soup” with salmon, noodles and chili along with some other things. We got the recipe years ago and it's so good.
Z- zodiac sign: Leo
Okay, as for the (un)lucky people I’m tagging:
@dulraidh, @eliz1369, @conspacelien, @jogresspartners, @energiajae, @bet-you-didnt-see-that-coming15, @thegreensorceress, @impracticaldemon, @mymindmaybemelting, @annahakuouki
Sorry if you’ve already done this one or just don’t like doing these.
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ana-belen-13-blog · 7 years
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Satisfecha con estos "Makis veganos" ✨ Con pimientos rojos, cebolla roja, aguacates, rúcula, granada, zanahorias, tofu y uno de ellos en particular con -Plátanos y crema de cacahuetes- ¡Brutal! 🌟¡Ñam! ¡Ñam! 🍱#healthy #health #eatclean #cleaneating #fitness #healthyfood #food #nutrition #foodie #love #delicious #organic #yummy #instafood #plantbased #healthyeating #lifestyle #weightloss #healthylifestyle #instagood #fit #fruit #fitfam #healthychoices #healthyliving #fresh #motivation #crueltyfree #umami Acompañadlos de diferentes salsas, sola, teriyaki... y buen provecho 😋🌱 (en Tenerife)
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bftraining-blog · 7 years
Holiday Season is soon upon us! 🏖🌅
Now, if you know me well, you will know I am against the fad of losing weight and am more interested in helping people develop healthy relationships with their body. I want to help people to get fitter and stronger whilst developing mobility and improving general health.
I would normally be running a body transformation program at this time of year, helping people to do just that, but  time is against me. My time has been taken up studying for my 'Strength & Conditioning' and 'Olympic Lifting Coach' Qualification.  I have so much more knowledge and loads of great information for the next program which will be running around September time!
I am going to Tenerife for a 4 day Jiu Jitsu camp at the beginning of July and like most people, I would like to lose a bit of body fat before I go.
My weight changes depending on what training cycle I am on. For example, I have just had my ass kicked by adapting to a new whopping 6 hrs a week of Olympic lifting training. This is on top of my Jiu Jitsu, Plyometric, speed training and mobility training. You might think that when you are doing this much exercise, you can eat what you want, but the truth is, you can't. Adapting to the new exercise requires lots more food, but specific food and it takes a while to adapt my diet. If im at a BJJ competition stage then I cut weight back and get rid of extra body fat. This is really usual process for most athletes.
I would like to become more conditioned because, just like anyone else, I want to feel comfortable with my body.  I have vanity issues just like anybody else!
With all that in mind I thought I might share some insight of how I am going to do it-
1) Write a training & nutrition plan and stick to it
This is the most important bit. Without a plan it is not going to work. I need to know what training I am doing on what days, what intensity etc. I also need to   know what I am eating and if I am eating the right amount. Also making sure my diet is full of what I need to have enough energy to conduct the training selected. 
2) Set goals & be realistic
This needs timescales and a way of measuring where you are now and where you want to be.  Again this is also really important. If you want to lose a stone in 2 weeks that is not a good goal because it is unrealistic, unhealthy and also, why choose losing 1 stone as your goal? If you would like to be a smaller dress size for example it is possible to change body shape and not lose any weight. So goals need to go deeper than just losing weight.
3) Be ready to work hard & keep motivated
This is the bit I see people fail on all the time no matter what health, fad diet, exercise or type of training promise. You will need to work really hard and not just through training but also with your nutrition. For example, you could have the hardest Kettlebell session ever but that might only be 45mins or 1 hr of hard work.  The nutrition is the rest of your time.
You may have had a tough day at work, fallen out with a friend or just had a very stressful time and that is when nutritional plans go out of the window. So you will need to be stubborn and prepare to put in some work.
4) Be patient
I have been supporting people achieve their goals for over 17 years and whether it is has been providing counselling sessions, helping homeless people get off the streets, helping someone get into work, training martial artist for their first fight, or helping someone develop strength after injury: the list could go on and on. It is always the same. People who are patient and in it for the long haul are going to make it. People who stop and try something else without seeing their original plan through will not.
5) Make it specific for you
So many plans I have seen provide generic training with the same meal plans for everyone. These do not take into consideration that all plans should be individual and that no goals and people's bodies are exactly the same, so why should the training and nutritional plan be?
6) Respect the process
There is a process to changing your body shape and it involves all of the above. If you miss out a process you have less chance of achieving your goal. I conduct the above process every time I need to lose weight for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitions and it always works. It is never easy but I respect that from the start.
I hope that was useful and remember, the next Body Transformation Program is in Sept/Oct. If you would like any help in the meantime just send me a email with as much detail of what you want to achieve in what time frame [email protected]
See you all in Class. Gav
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laurafruitfairy · 7 years
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A healthy lifestyle is the highest form of self-respect. Healthy eating, wherever you travel to, conscious movement, healthy thinking and self love. 🙏🏼♥️ Start the day with positive thoughts. Use affirmations or some kind of reminder (the alarm on my phone is called "I am grateful for another day on this planet") until you automatically wake up with thoughts of gratitude eventually. Bring a mat when traveling. Just 5 minutes of yoga or some other exercise in the morning will change your life. Go for a swim if you can. I noticed that daily swims completely eradicate all my back problems.🌊 When you go to the toilet, squat. Don't sit. I've been doing this every day for about half a year now and the benefits are amazing. Look it up on YouTube! ☝🏻 Start the day with at least half a life of warm water. Room temperature will do too but clearly body temperature is the best. Add some lemon, ginger or some other natural ingredient to it if you like. 🍋🥒 Fast until you're hungry. Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day. The most important meal is the one where you get the most easily digestible calories and maximum nutrition. Whenever that might be for you. 🍌🍒🥗 When you spend a day outside, BRING YOUR FOOD. Always carry around plenty of fruits for snacking (and sharing because all humans love fruit). 🍌if you're out by foot, try dates, dried pineapple, dried bananas, dried mango etc... they're light and dense in healthy calories. And don't forget to bring your still water bottle! 💦💧 Before you go to bed, name a few things you're grateful for or say a prayer. Only focus on how you positively mastered every challenge, no complaints or worries. 👆🏼 these are my healthy travel tips & habits. Tell me if you like them👇🏼 (at Tenerife)
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lady-bertrams-pug · 8 years
i was tagged by cutie patootie @kiokushitaka ( •⌄• ू )✧ Thank you!!
1. Are you named after someone? my middle names are after my father and my godmothers.
2. When was the last time you cried? when my waifu @kahleniel offered to give me her SNK cosplay cape and embroider it for me yesterday  。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
3. Do you like your handwriting? when I manage to write properly for once... most of the time it’s scribbles all over the place
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? chicken
5. Do you have kids? yes, one kiddo!
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? pls no I would sock myself
7. Do you use sarcasm? more than is healthy o.o
8. Do you still have your tonsils? nope, they had to be removed when I was 26, I was the only adult on the hospital ward and the mean nurse refused to give me icecream. Binch.
9. Would you bungee jump? seeing that heights areamong my greatest fears, hell no
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? I don’t really eat cereal
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? the few shoes I have with laces, yes.
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? hm I’m emotionally unstable and respond to stress very badly, but if push comes to shove I will stand my ground and crumble into a hysterical heap later
13. What is your favorite ice cream? cherry yogurt
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? if their smile is genuine
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? my pinky toes... they have really weird nails
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? black jeans and blue felt slippers (I’m at home okay)
17. What are you listening to right now? Eins Life radio
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? dark purple
19. Favorite smell? freshly mown grass
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my boss
21. Favorite sport to watch? biathlon
22. Hair color? grey with a pastel pink fringe
23. Eye color? brown with greenish spots
24. Do you wear contacts? no
25. Favorite food to eat? pasta with homemade tomato sauce
26. Scary movies or comedy? depends. Generally I’m not good at scary things so I’d opt for the comedy probably
27. Last movie you watched? Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them
28. What color of shirt are you wearing?  uh... some black, brown and red abstract flower pattern tunic
29. Summer or winter?  I don’t like both much, I’m a fall person all the way. But if you make me pick, summer.
30. Hugs or kisses? hugs
31. What book are you currently reading? I’m re-reading “Fliehe weit und schnell” (the chalk-circle man) by Fred Vargas.
32. Who do you miss right now? no one really
33. What is on your mouse pad? I don’t have one lol 
34. What is the last TV program you watched? a two-part documentary on the Nile
35. What is the best sound? the gurgling of the coffee machine
36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? I don’t really like the Beatles but I always despised Mick Jagger for some reason, so there’s that.
37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Tenerife
38. Do you have a special talent? Idk... I’m pretty empathic but in a rather detached way... like I can’t read emotions well but I can quickly assume and understand other people’s logic or motivation
39. Where were you born? Germany
I tag @inkshaming @sugarplum-senpai @pinkheichou @icecat45 @erwin-smith @pureren @sammy-dean-pie @raindrop-rouge @raefill if you wanna do this!
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gizedcom · 4 years
Tui now offers coronavirus cover – as its customers and crew embrace ‘new normal’ way of travelling 
Tui is now offering coronavirus cover to all its holidaymakers until the end of the year.
The cover – which Tui says should be used alongside normal travel insurance – will be applied to all new and existing bookings for holidays taken until December 31, 2020, and comes as customers and crew embrace the ‘new normal’ way of travelling.
The scheme includes cover for overseas testing of suspected Covid-19 cases and overseas medical assistance if a customer contracts the virus while on holiday.
Tui is now offering coronavirus cover to all of its holidaymakers until the end of the year. It comes as customers and crew embrace the ‘new normal’ way of travelling 
Tui passengers disembark a flight to Ibiza at the weekend. Travellers heading to Ibiza have to fill in health check forms ahead of arrival and have their temperature screened at the airport
It also covers any costs associated with an extended stay and a new return flight back to the UK if customers are asked to self-isolate while on holiday. There is also a dedicated 24/7 emergency hotline and app.
BA recently revealed that its preferred travel insurance provider, Allianz Assistance, has updated its policy to cover Covid-19.
The airline said the policy would cover customers if they or their family are diagnosed with the virus, or if they have to quarantine after being exposed to it.
Last week, Andrew Flintham, managing director of Tui UK and Northern Ireland, meanwhile, said holidaymakers would need to be prepared for some changes as operations gradually begin again but was confident they would enjoy their trips.
At the weekend, the company began running a limited number of flights and holidays to the Spanish destinations of Ibiza, Lanzarote, Palma and Tenerife.
While British quarantine rules mean travellers no longer need to self-isolate when returning to or visiting the UK from certain countries, there are still foreign coronavirus regulations to consider.
On Monday, the Balearic Government ruled that face masks must be worn on its islands at all times apart from at beaches and swimming pools, and while doing sports activities. Anyone breaking the rule in public spaces risks receiving a 100 euro fine.
Travellers heading to Ibiza have to fill in health-check forms ahead of arrival and have their temperature screened at the airport.
At the weekend, Tui began running a limited number of flights and holidays to Ibiza, Lanzarote, Palma and Tenerife. Pictured is a passenger checking in at Gatwick Airport 
At Tui hotels there is no buffet service, entertainment is outdoor only and sunbeds and restaurant tables are socially distanced 
Mr Flintham acknowledged people would need to observe local rules but added they will still ‘be able to enjoy the major amenities and the things that you really, really want’.
He said: ‘The 90 per cent or the 85 per cent of the normality of your holiday is going to be there.’
Onboard aircraft, which are regularly deep cleaned, Tui flight crew now wear masks and gloves and provide sachets of hand gel to passengers.
The current flight service does not include hot food or duty-free and QR codes allow customers to access absent flight literature.
Passengers are encouraged to check-in online, refrain from moving around during flights and limit carry-on luggage to one small item.
Passengers are encouraged to check-in online, refrain from moving around during flights and limit carry-on luggage to one small item
Onboard aircraft, which are regularly deep cleaned, Tui flight crew now wear masks and gloves and provide sachets of hand gel to passengers
The current Tui flight service does not include hot food or duty-free and QR codes allow customers to access absent flight literature 
Speaking at the weekend, Ben Campbell, a 25-year-old cabin crew member at Tui, said he was ‘really excited’ to return to work for the first time since March.
He explained: ‘For me as a crew member this is probably the longest I’ve been in the UK for about six years, so it’s been strange for me.
Mr Campbell said colleagues were ‘really prepared’ to run flights, but acknowledged ‘people need to be aware that things are going to take a bit longer’. 
He added: ‘Things like disembarking, that’s going to be a little bit slower. People might have to bear with us a little bit more.’ 
Tui intends to fill as many seats on its flights as possible and believes a combination of cleaning, staggered boarding, air filters and face masks make them safe. 
Richard Sofer, commercial business development director, said Tui followed European Union Aviation Safety Agency recommendations and that travellers ‘understand there’s a little bit of risk’.
Andrew Flintham, managing director of Tui UK and Northern Ireland, said people will still ‘be able to enjoy the major amenities and the things that you really, really want’ while on holiday. Pictured is the food service at the Tui Blue hotel in Ibiza 
Helen Cooke, Tui’s resort team manager for Ibiza and Formentera, said local communities were ‘100 per cent’ ready to welcome tourists back. Pictured are tourists in Ibiza 
He argued that there was no evidence that ‘leaving a seat in the middle is giving you any protection’.
‘The recommendation is if you can’t social distance, you’re wearing masks.’
He added: ‘You are at no more risk than if you’re on a public bus.’
At hotels, where pools are open, customers find social distancing markers, no buffet service, outdoor entertainment only and socially distanced sunbeds and restaurant tables.  
Helen Cooke, Tui’s resort team manager for Ibiza and Formentera, said local communities are ‘100 per cent’ ready to welcome tourists back.
A resident of Ibiza for 23 years, she added: ‘I live and work on this island and I think everyone has a responsibility to take precautions.’
A hotel worker cleans the sunloungers at the Tui Blue hotel in Ibiza. From August 1, Tui hopes to be flying to a total of 24 destinations from 12 UK airports 
She continued: ‘A healthy little bit of caution is probably a good thing to maintain the safety of the island.’
Meanwhile, Tui says it will be taking holidaymakers to a total of 24 destinations from August 1, flying from 12 UK airports, subject to government guidance.
Over the next week, flights will resume between the UK and the Greek hotspots of Heraklion, Rhodes, Kos and Corfu.  
From July 25, flights will begin to the Spanish destinations of Menorca, Malaga, Alicante, Reus, Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria as well as to Zakynthos in Greece.
From August 1, flights will restart to other Greek destinations – Chania, Kefalonia, Skiathos, Santorini and Thessaloniki. Services will also resume to the Turkish hotspots of Dalaman, Antalya, Izmir and Bodrum.
Tui says it also plans to restart holidays to other popular summer destinations in Portugal, Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco over the coming months as governments further ease travel restrictions. 
Gran Canaria
Source: Tui 
 Credit: Source link
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