#canary islands vegan
antoniopasolini · 1 year
Say no to octopus farming. Sign the petition: Petition
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janebdean-blog · 1 year
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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National Chili Day
A hearty meal full of beans and savory meat, topped off with sour cream, cheese, and diced onions — warm, spicy comfort.
Some like it hot, some like it mild, some like it on top of a baked potato and some prefer it with or without beans – but however it is most appreciated, National Chili Day is the perfect excuse for millions of spicy food fans all around the world to chow down on a bowl of this delicious fiery favorite.
History of National Chili Day
Though many people believe chili originated purely in Mexico, modern thinking suggests that it was probably truly created in Texas and is a blend of Native American, Spanish, and Mexican cuisines. This claim is supported by the fact that the first-ever written reference to chili occurred in the city of San Antonio, Texas in 1828. This is just one of the many delicious varieties of food that fall into the category of Tex-Mex.
However, one legend dates chili back a little further, stating that some immigrants who came from the Canary Islands brought the recipe with them to San Antonio when they settled there in the 1700s. This was before the name “chili” came to be and it was simply referred to as “Spanish stew”.
Eventually, by the 1880s, a popular way to eat the dish in San Antonio was by picking up a “bowl o’ red” at a chili stand in an open-air stall, usually run by a “chili queen”. The popularity of chili began to spread throughout the US, and it was given a huge boost when it was featured at the 1893 World’s Fair which took place in Chicago, Illinois.
The dish that is now known as simply “chili” has, in the past, often been referred to as “chili con carne”, which just means chili with meat. Of course, today, many people make it without meat, and it can easily even be made into a vegan dish with no animal products of any kind.
Some people do tend to spell it differently, depending on where they are from. Most Americans will include only one “l” in the word, while some British folks and people from other parts of the world may add an additional letter to spell it “chilli”. But no matter how it is spelled, this is certainly a tasty dish that is worthy of celebration!
National Chili Day Timeline
First written description of Chili
J. C. Clopper writes, after visiting San Antonio, Texas, about “a kind of hash with nearly as many peppers as there are pieces of meat – this is all stewed together.”
Chili stands become popular in San Antonio
Women who are called “Chili Queens” set up trailers or carts to serve spicy bowls of beans and meat (chili con carne) to workers and passersby on the street, where small tables, seats and lanterns were set up. These last until the 1930s when the health department shuts them down.
Chili powder is invented in Texas
German immigrant William Gebhardt creates a way to pulverize dried chiles using a meat grinder, which eventually becomes the product known as Gebhardt’s Eagle Chili Powder. It’s a critical ingredient in Chili.
An American president loves chili
Lydon Johnson, president of the United States from 1963-1969, declares that Texas Chili is the best: “One of the first things I do when I get home to Texas is to have a bowl of red. There is simply nothing better.”
Chili becomes the state dish of Texas
As the continuation of its association with Texas, the state’s legislature names Chili the state dish.
How to Celebrate National Chili Day
Though not an official public holiday, National Chili Day is widely celebrated with many restaurants offering free samples of their own unique recipes. Others mark the day with a huge chili party for family and friends – or simply make sure they have a big bowl of chili for lunch!
Try out these fun ideas for celebrating the day:
Make a Big Pot of Chili
Even people who don’t really do much cooking can make a pot of chili to enjoy with a whole group of friends. It really is one of those meals that allows pretty much everything to be thrown into a pot and simmered while the flavors meld together.
A classic chilli recipe usually consists of a protein (often meat as well as beans), some sauce (usually tomato sauce), some veggies (corn, onion and diced tomatoes are typical) and spices for flavor (chili powder, garlic, cayenne pepper, onion powder and paprika). Toss in some jalapenos or other chili peppers for a little bit of kick. Let the whole thing simmer for a while and enjoy!
Learn Some Fun Facts About Chili
Celebrate the day and impress friends by spouting off interesting tidbits about this delicious dish. Get started with these, and then do a bit of internet research to add in a few more, just for fun:
Lyndon B. Johnson, United States President from 1963-1969, was a huge lover of chili and named his favorite recipe after his ranch in Texas, Pedernales River Chili. Americans were so fond of it that his wife, Lady Bird Johnson, had the recipe printed up on cards and mailed out from the White House.
In 1977, lobbyists worked to convince the state legislature to call chilli the official state food of Texas.
In the late 1890s, it was possible to buy a bowl of chili off of the back of a wagon for a mere 5 cents. This even came with an unlimited number of crackers to go along with it–and usually a glass of water too.
The first chili cook-off is recorded to have taken place in 1952 at the State Fair of Texas located in Dallas. But another story says that the first one took place in 1967 in Terlingua, Texas, where no winner was declared–as it was a tie between a native Texan and a person from New York!
Enjoy a Chili Contest
Chili is a food that people love to gather around–and it’s great for competing too! Whether participating in a chili cookoff that pits top chefs against each other, or a chili-eating contest where the winner consumes the most chili in a short amount of time, this is a dish that can be filled with fun.
Today’s chili cook offs can get pretty serious, where contestants often use ingredients that will help them to create the most intense flavor possible. They also try to be unique, using interesting meats such as sausage, turkey or even venison, as well accessing a variety of chili peppers to create just the right amount of heat.
Get into the competitive spirit by participating, or just enjoy watching and rooting for a favorite person to win. Can’t find a chili contest in the local area? Don’t let that get in the way–go ahead and start one in honor of National Chili Day!
Get Creative with Chili Recipes
Getting involved in this day can be a delightful culinary experience! Take things far beyond the ordinary by including unique and interesting ingredients into that pot of chili. While the classic recipes are certainly amazing, these types of ideas get things moving to a whole other level:
Chorizo Sweet Potato Chili. Give that pot of chili a delightful twist using a paleo friendly recipe that is a quick fix (can be on the table in around 30 minutes!). Chopped vegetables and some spicy chorizo sausage are flavors that meld together deliciously.
Short Rib Black Bean Chili. Beginning with short ribs as the protein base, this chili is slow cooked with the bones to add tons of flavor and depth. Mildly spicy, the black beans round out the taste into something delightfully delicious.
Spicy Chocolate Chili (Vegan). Sweet potatoes, maple syrup and cocoa powder work together in this recipe in a surprising way. Filled with beans and veggies, then topped with cilantro, lime and pumpkin seeds, this unique recipe will keep the whole family coming back for more!
Kale and Barley Chili. Keep things super healthy with this chili that is filled with healthy greens. Add some white beans in for extra protein and bulk!
National Chili Day FAQs
When is National Chili Day?
National Chili Day is observed on the fourth Thursday of February, which is the perfect time of year to enjoy a spicy bowl of deliciousness.
Where was Chili invented?
Most likely, the origins of the dish known today as chili came from the southwestern parts of the United States, particularly Texas. Some stories say that the idea was brought from the Canary Islands in the 1700s.
Is Chili a soup?
Because it doesn’t usually use stock or broth, Chili isn’t necessarily considered to be a soup. Actually, it would be considered to be more of a stew because it is thicker, with a more solid base.
Is Chili healthy?
Depending on how it is made, Chili can be a rather healthy meal. It contains nutrients such as protein, fiber, iron, Vitamin C and more. Of course, it’s healthier if it is made with lean meat and less fat.
How to make Chili?
Most Chili recipes will include the basic ingredients of ground beef, beans, onions, tomato sauce, spices and tomatoes. The ingredients are cooked together for some time to allow the flavors to meld together.
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veganpropaganda · 1 year
I was wondering if you were aware of the Plant-Based Treaty's campaign for octopuses, I think it's very important
i wasn't aware of the campaign. thank you for sharing!
for more context:
Previous attempts to breed octopuses for farming have faced high mortality rates among the animals, as well as cases of aggression, cannibalism and self-mutilation. There's currently no recognised humane method to kill octopuses, and the current techniques used on wild octopuses are far from merciful to these cephalopods. ...
Growing demand for octopus is causing the overfishing of this animal, and subsequently the rise in its price on the global market. All of this is contributing to making the idea of farming octopuses increasingly more appealing. ...
In "The Case Against Octopus Farming" published on Issues in Science and Technology in 2019, researchers argue that "farming octopus is counterproductive from a perspective of environmental sustainability," as octopuses follow a carnivorous diet that will contain fishmeal. According to the WWF, around a third of the global fish catch is used to feed other animals. Farming octopuses would just deepen the crisis experienced by depleted stocks. With all that we know about the ongoing biodiversity crisis, animal welfare and the rise of vegan and vegetarian alternatives on the food market, choosing to farm octopuses seems, indeed, as scientists say, an unnecessary "disaster."
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Tenerife day 1
We arrived pretty late on Monday and just had time to have a one hour workout session and go grocery shopping.
I am in the Canary Islands with one of my friend and she and I want to eat as healthy as possible, hike and work out as much as we can and explore the beautiful landscapes of Tenerife. 😍
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thinksaboutnothing · 5 years
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Places to eat vegan in Spain.
1- Masa Madre, Madrid.
2- D. Sánchez, Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands.
3- Terra, Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura.
4- TxuKrut, Bilbao, País Vasco.
5- Vega, Madrid.
6- Mad Mad, Madrid.
7- La Huerta de Almería, Madrid.
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donaeis · 4 years
10 Questions Tag
Rules: Answer ten questions, then come up with ten of your own.
i was tagged by @silverspringsimmer. thank you! 🌹
1. How did you come up with your url? 
i took it from the latin phrase dona eis requiem, where i initially thought it would be all smart and shit to use donaeis for my url, and requiem for my blog name. then i decided to go with shitty blog names like chinless and blue grimy instead, so now im left with just donaies. 
2. Are you vegan/vegetarian? Would you ever consider becoming one? 
im not a true vegetarian or vegan.. i do make sure to buy green/bio dairy and i dont buy meat for my own groceries. but, when i go out with friends or family or eat with them, i do still eat meat. id definitely consider becoming one... ive tried so many times to go full vegan but i just cant afford it right now. once i have the money to do so, however... i really do want to.
3. What is your pet peeve? 
oh, man... im an irritable bitch so i got a whole load of these lmao. my current pet peeve, though, id say... when my customers lean in to read my name tag and then proceed to use my name in just the creepiest fucking way possible. “hello, fig. ;) ;) how are you, fig? ;) thank you, fig ;)”
4. Are you an early bird or a night owl? 
night owl... definitely. i dont go to bed before 2am if i can at all help it, hehe.
5. Would you like to be 18 again (if you are older) / would you like to be already 18 (if you are younger)? If you just turned 18, can you feel any difference when it comes to your life? 
im not sure, man. i do feel like life was easier at 18. not as many responsibilities, uni was MUCH easier back when i was still an undergraduate lmfao, your friends are closer... on the other hand, i was so insecure at 18. so ultimately, considering everything... im fine being 23. 
6. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? 
7. What other countries than your own one have you been to?
i absolutely love traveling, so uhhh... let’s see... ive been to germany, belgium, france, switzerland, austria, hungary, poland, bulgaria, greece, gran canaria (canary islands), st. martin and curaçao (caribbean), mexico, the united states, canada, and nepal. 
somehow, though, ive never been to spain or italy. 😂 
8. The game you want to play so bad, but don’t have an opportunity now. 
GTA V, but only irl with friends so we can fuck around
9. Favourite perfume scent 
y’all are gonna laugh at me for this one but i had this playboy parfum and it was fucking GOOD. whenever id wear it id get so many compliments. i had play it sexy and play it lovely, but i think the uhh, former got me the most success. 🙊😂
10. Describe your favourite pizza
prosciutto with mozarella and uhh rucola and some pine nuts and maybe some pesto. 
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my questions for y’all: 
1. if you could travel anywhere right now, where would you want to go?
2. do you have any tattoos or (non-earring) piercings?
3. your favorite place in all the world?
4. what is the first thing you’re planning to do once all quarantine/self-isolation recommendations are lifted?
5. what is your favorite animal to own?
6. your favorite plant or flower?
7. do you prefer summer or winter, and why?
8. something that always manages to calm you down/bring you peace?
9. out of all sims you have ever created in any iteration, who was your most memorable sim and why?
10. your favorite movie of all time?
im tagging @simscognito​ @merrymomo @gloomyplumbob @delta-simmer @simbians @descendantdragfi @melloncollieme @nyteroseshadowthorn @micrathene-w @starry-eyed-simss @nessiesim  @meekraincloud @outfishingbebacknever @forests-sim-stories @whyhellosims and anyone else who wants to do it! also feel free to ignore if you’ve already done it and/or just don’t feel like doing it. 😊
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thelondonwhisperer · 5 years
Margot Robbie and cast launch Birds of Prey roller disco in London
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28th January 2020 
Margot Robbie, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Jurnee Smollett-Bell attend the Harley Quinn pop-up roller disco to celebrate upcoming film Birds of Prey (and The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn). 
The pop-up is open to the public Tuesday 28th – Thursday 30th January at the Steel Yard nightclub near Cannon Street. The fantabulous free immersive event has opened its doors to the public ahead of the release of the film in UK cinemas on 7th February. 
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The club has been transformed into the colour-pop world of DC’s girl gang of antiheroes. The centrepiece of the event is a Roller Disco - a feast of neon and day-glo, where guests can skate to a soundtrack inspired by the film. 
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There’s plenty of selfie opportunities and gif cameras. Test your strength with a hi-striker or chill out with Birds of Prey themed cocktails.
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The Queen of Mayhem - Jagermeister, Koko Kanu rum, raspberry puree, coconut cream, lime and pineapple juice
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The Harley Quinn - gin, orange liqueur, prosecco
The launch night had a Papa John’s pizza station (I am in love with the Sheese vegan cheese), a pic ‘n’ mix sweet stand and a candy floss machine.
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Downstairs, Urban Decay were creating Harley Quinn inspired makeovers for guests, readying them for the selfie boards. 
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On the other side of the room, custom-printed Birds of Prey totes were being made.
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Celebrities such as Love Island-ers Michael Griffiths and Jordan Hames enjoyed the night’s entertainment.
Tickets are available at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/harley-quinns-roller-disco-tickets-89019703329
·        HARLEY QUINN’S ROLLER DISCO opens to the public for a limited time from Tuesday 28th of January
·        Filming and photography will be taking place at the event
·        Participants must be 18 years old and older and will be required to sign a waiver and release before skating
·        Experience slots last 1 hour
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You ever hear the one about the cop, the songbird, the psycho and the mafia princess?  “Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)” is a twisted tale told by Harley herself, as only Harley can tell it.  When Gotham’s most nefariously narcissistic villain, Roman Sionis, and his zealous right-hand, Zsasz, put a target on a young girl named Cass, the city is turned upside down looking for her.  Harley, Huntress, Black Canary and Renee Montoya’s paths collide, and the unlikely foursome have no choice but to team up to take Roman down. 
In the Warner Bros. Pictures film, Margot Robbie (“I, Tonya”) returns as Harley Quinn, alongside Mary Elizabeth Winstead (“10 Cloverfield Lane,” TV’s “Fargo”) as Huntress; Jurnee Smollett-Bell (HBO’s “True Blood”) as Black Canary; Rosie Perez (“Fearless,” “Pitch Perfect 2”) as Renee Montoya; Chris Messina (“Argo,” TV’s “Sharp Objects”) as Victor Zsasz; and Ewan McGregor (upcoming “Doctor Sleep,” the “Trainspotting” films) as Roman Sionis.  Newcomer Ella Jay Basco also stars as Cassandra “Cass” Cain in her feature film debut.
Directed by Cathy Yan (“Dead Pigs”) from a script by Christina Hodson (“Bumblebee”), the film is based on characters from DC.  Robbie also produced, alongside Bryan Unkeless and Sue Kroll.  The film’s executive producers are Walter Hamada, Galen Vaisman, Geoff Johns, Hans Ritter and David Ayer.
Joining Yan behind the scenes was a creative team comprised of director of photography Matthew Libatique (“A Star Is Born,” “Venom”); production designer K.K. Barrett (“Her”); editor Jay Cassidy (“American Hustle,” “Silver Linings Playbook”) and editor Evan Schiff (“John Wick Chapters 2 & 3”); and costume designer Erin Benach (“A Star Is Born”).  The music is by Daniel Pemberton (“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”).
 Warner Bros. Pictures Presents a LuckyChap Entertainment Production, a Clubhouse Pictures Production, a Kroll & Co. Entertainment Production, “Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn).”  Opening in theatres and IMAX, the film will be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.
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ao3feed-lapidot · 5 years
From Sunrise to Sunrise: A Skirmish in Japan and Carmen’s V.I.L.E. Island Assault
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PMHqNv
by lefemmerouge
On two sides of the world, two groups face off against a legion of evildoers: Lapis, Peridot, Pumpkin, Stevonnie, and Bismuth in Japan, joined by Utena and Anthy, and Carmen, Adora, Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst, Julia, and A.C.M.E. agents assaulting V.I.L.E. Academy in the Canary Islands. While both groups face obstacles, can they defeat evil and restore balance to the world without creating additional complications?
Words: 5534, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 13 of An Unlikely Alliance Against Evildoers
Fandoms: Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019), Steven Universe (Cartoon), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, Multi, Other
Characters: Carmen Sandiego | Black Sheep, Player (Carmen Sandiego 2019), Pearl (Steven Universe), Peridot (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe), Adora (She-Ra), Tenjou Utena, Himemiya Anthy, Chu-Chu, Steven Universe, Connie Maheswaran, The Chief (Carmen Sandiego), Julia "Jules" Argent, Bismuth (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe), Pumpkin (Steven Universe), Garnet (Steven Universe), El Topo | Antonio, Tigress | Sheena (Carmen Sandiego), Paper Star (Carmen Sandiego), Le Chevre (Carmen Sandiego), V.I.L.E. Operatives (Carmen Sandiego), Peridot's Attack Drones, Flask Robonoid(s) (Steven Universe), Dr. Saira Bellum (Carmen Sandiego 2019), Coach Brunt (Carmen Sandiego), Countess Cleo (Carmen Sandiego), Dr. Gunnar Maelstrom, The Cleaners, Shadowsan (Carmen Sandiego), Mime Bomb (Carmen Sandiego)
Relationships: Player & Carmen Sandiego | Black Sheep, Connie Maheswaran/Steven Universe, Pearl/Adora, Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Ruby/Sapphire (Steven Universe), Carmen Sandiego & Garnet & Pearl & Adora, El Topo | Antonio/Le Chevre | Jean-Paul, Himemiya Anthy & Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) & Peridot (Steven Universe) & Tenjou Utena, Himemiya Anthy/Tenjou Utena, Chu-Chu & Tenjou Utena, Chu-Chu & Himemiya Anthy, Lapis Lazuli & Pumpkin, Peridot & Pumpkin (Steven Universe), Stevonnie & Pumpkin
Additional Tags: Magic, Crystal Gems, Revolutionary Girl Utena References, Alternate Universe - Crystal Gems (Steven Universe), Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Multiple Crossovers, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Baggage, Friendship/Love, Friendship, Hugs, Unrequited Love, Pumpkins, Swords & Sorcery, Gun Violence, Violence, Threats of Violence, Hypnotism, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Implied Relationships, Developing Friendships, Beach City, Earth, Vegetarians & Vegans, Vegetables, Gardens & Gardening, Explosions, Japan, Battle, Ice
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PMHqNv
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veggieveganrecipe · 5 years
Bomb Veggie Burgers Recipe for hungry surfers 😋
Bomb Veggie Burgers Recipe for hungry surfers 😋
Hi guys! It's been a while since we shot this 'a day in our life' video. But I feel like it's time to share our favorite vegan burgers recipe! I can't keep it any longer hehe. I'm sure you gonna love this recipe!
Check out my blog for more healthy goods –
1 tbsp. black beans (soak overnight and boil) 1/3 cup basmati rice (cooked) 1 carrot 1 onion cumin or zira
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her-culture · 5 years
Must-Try Vegan Restaurants on the East Coast
Veganism is taking the food scene by storm and the east coast offers no shortage of options for people who want to indulge in this sustainable plant-based diet. In a society where animal-based products make up such a large part of the average person’s diet, it can be difficult for vegans to find good food options. Here is a well-researched list of vegan restaurants across the east coast that even omnivores will approve of:
Veganized (New Brunswick, NJ)
Highly underestimated for its food scene, New Brunswick is the home of an incredible hole-in-the-wall vegan restaurant whose menu will have you drooling. With countless delectable options, many customers have said with confidence that everything they have ordered at this place has been phenomenal. Some popular dishes include the RAWvioli, a beet pasta dish with nut cheese and saffron cream, and the Samurai wrap, and whole wheat wrap with miso spread, smoked tofu, sweet potato, and roasted shiitake.
Vedge (Philadelphia, PA)
Located in the heart of Philadelphia, Vedge is a classy, homey restaurant whose desserts and drinks are sure to impress just as much as their entrees. Their dark chocolate namelaka with ube ice cream and blue matcha marshmallow is just one of their many creative (and absolutely delicious) menu options. They also have an assortment of wine from everywhere from the Canary Islands to Lebanon. The cozy restaurant also offers private dining to truly make the place feel like home.
By Chloe (Manhattan, NY)
This restaurant is crisp, classy and the definition of satisfying vegan comfort food. With multiple locations throughout Manhattan, the chain has truly picked up over the years and now proudly serves vegan hot dogs, burgers, mac and cheese, and hash browns, along with a vast array of ice creams and sweets. Speaking from experience, their hot chocolate is also incredible. They even have a vegan dog food menu, so don’t let your pup miss out on the fun either!
Land of Kush (Baltimore, MD)
If you’re a sucker for seafood, don’t despair — the vegan world has you covered! Land of Kush features impressive vegan seafood options to compete with Baltimore’s popular crab cake scene. Their crab cakes have received plenty of acclaim recently and their entire menu is much more affordable than most vegan restaurants, so what excuse do you have not to check it out? Take a look at their smoothie and juice options while you’re at it — they are sure to impress!
Revolution Kitchen (Burlington, VT)
True followers of the vegan lifestyle will have heard whispers of the mysterious wheat gluten called seitan, a high-protein food often used to replace meat in Eastern and Southeastern cultures. Seitan is made by washing regular wheat flour dough until only the main protein, gluten, remains. The elastic dough is then cooked to create a food similar to tofu. Revolution Kitchen offers multiple dishes with this delicious meat-substitute allowing customers to try something new and scrumptious. Aside from seitan, Revolution Kitchen also has plenty of meals inspired by global cuisine, like the Laksa Noodle Pot, Diablo Tacos, Pad Thai, and Vietnamese Salad Rolls.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Chili Day
“Wish I had time for just one more bowl of chili.” –Kit Carson (allegedly the words spoken on his deathbed)
Some like it hot, some like it mild, some like it on top of a baked potato and some prefer it with or without beans – but however it is most appreciated, National Chili Day is the perfect excuse for millions of spicy food fans all around the world to chow down on a bowl of this delicious fiery favorite.
History of National Chili Day
Though many people believe chili originated purely in Mexico, modern thinking suggests that it was probably truly created in Texas and is a blend of Native American, Spanish, and Mexican cuisines. This claim is supported by the fact that the first-ever written reference to chili occurred in the city of San Antonio, Texas in 1828. This is just one of the many delicious varieties of food that fall into the category of Tex-Mex.
However, one legend dates chili back a little further, stating that some immigrants who came from the Canary Islands brought the recipe with them to San Antonio when they settled there in the 1700s. This was before the name “chili” came to be and it was simply referred to as “Spanish stew”.
Eventually, by the 1880s, a popular way to eat the dish in San Antonio was by picking up a “bowl o’ red” at a chili stand in an open-air stall, usually run by a “chili queen”. The popularity of chili began to spread throughout the US, and it was given a huge boost when it was featured at the 1893 World’s Fair which took place in Chicago, Illinois.
The dish that is now known as simply “chili” has, in the past, often been referred to as “chili con carne”, which just means chili with meat. Of course, today, many people make it without meat, and it can easily even be made into a vegan dish with no animal products of any kind.
Some people do tend to spell it differently, depending on where they are from. Most Americans will include only one “l” in the word, while some British folks and people from other parts of the world may add an additional letter to spell it “chilli”. But no matter how it is spelled, this is certainly a tasty dish that is worthy of celebration!
National Chili Day Timeline
1828 First written description of Chili
J. C. Clopper writes, after visiting San Antonio, Texas, about “a kind of hash with nearly as many peppers as there are pieces of meat – this is all stewed together.”
1880s Chili stands become popular in San Antonio
Women who are called “Chili Queens” set up trailers or carts to serve spicy bowls of beans and meat (chili con carne) to workers and passersby on the street, where small tables, seats and lanterns were set up. These last until the 1930s when the health department shuts them down.
1896 Chili powder is invented in Texas
German immigrant William Gebhardt creates a way to pulverize dried chiles using a meat grinder, which eventually becomes the product known as Gebhardt’s Eagle Chili Powder. It’s a critical ingredient in Chili.
1960s An American president loves chili
Lydon Johnson, president of the United States from 1963-1969, declares that Texas Chili is the best: “One of the first things I do when I get home to Texas is to have a bowl of red. There is simply nothing better.” 
1977 Chili becomes the state dish of Texas
As the continuation of its association with Texas, the state’s legislature names Chili the state dish.
How to Celebrate National Chili Day
Though not an official public holiday, National Chili Day is widely celebrated with many restaurants offering free samples of their own unique recipes. Others mark the day with a huge chili party for family and friends – or simply make sure they have a big bowl of chili for lunch!
Try out these fun ideas for celebrating the day:
Make a Big Pot of Chili
Even people who don’t really do much cooking can make a pot of chili to enjoy with a whole group of friends. It really is one of those meals that allows pretty much everything to be thrown into a pot and simmered while the flavors meld together.
A classic chilli recipe usually consists of a protein (often meat as well as beans), some sauce (usually tomato sauce), some veggies (corn, onion and diced tomatoes are typical) and spices for flavor (chili powder, garlic, cayenne pepper, onion powder and paprika). Toss in some jalapenos or other chili peppers for a little bit of kick. Let the whole thing simmer for a while and enjoy!
Learn Some Fun Facts About Chili
Celebrate the day and impress friends by spouting off interesting tidbits about this delicious dish. Get started with these, and then do a bit of internet research to add in a few more, just for fun:
Lyndon B. Johnson, United States President from 1963-1969, was a huge lover of chili and named his favorite recipe after his ranch in Texas, Pedernales River Chili. Americans were so fond of it that his wife, Lady Bird Johnson, had the recipe printed up on cards and mailed out from the White House.
In 1977, lobbyists worked to convince the state legislature to call chilli the official state food of Texas.
In the late 1890s, it was possible to buy a bowl of chili off of the back of a wagon for a mere 5 cents. This even came with an unlimited number of crackers to go along with it–and usually a glass of water too.
The first chili cook-off is recorded to have taken place in 1952 at the State Fair of Texas located in Dallas. But another story says that the first one took place in 1967 in Terlingua, Texas, where no winner was declared–as it was a tie between a native Texan and a person from New York!
Enjoy a Chili Contest
Chili is a food that people love to gather around–and it’s great for competing too! Whether participating in a chili cookoff that pits top chefs against each other, or a chili-eating contest where the winner consumes the most chili in a short amount of time, this is a dish that can be filled with fun.
Today’s chili cook offs can get pretty serious, where contestants often use ingredients that will help them to create the most intense flavor possible. They also try to be unique, using interesting meats such as sausage, turkey or even venison, as well accessing a variety of chili peppers to create just the right amount of heat.
Get into the competitive spirit by participating, or just enjoy watching and rooting for a favorite person to win. Can’t find a chili contest in the local area? Don’t let that get in the way–go ahead and start one in honor of National Chili Day!
Get Creative with Chili Recipes
Getting involved in this day can be a delightful culinary experience! Take things far beyond the ordinary by including unique and interesting ingredients into that pot of chili. While the classic recipes are certainly amazing, these types of ideas get things moving to a whole other level:
Chorizo Sweet Potato Chili. Give that pot of chili a delightful twist using a paleo friendly recipe that is a quick fix (can be on the table in around 30 minutes!). Chopped vegetables and some spicy chorizo sausage are flavors that meld together deliciously.
Short Rib Black Bean Chili. Beginning with short ribs as the protein base, this chili is slow cooked with the bones to add tons of flavor and depth. Mildly spicy, the black beans round out the taste into something delightfully delicious.
Spicy Chocolate Chili (Vegan). Sweet potatoes, maple syrup and cocoa powder work together in this recipe in a surprising way. Filled with beans and veggies, then topped with cilantro, lime and pumpkin seeds, this unique recipe will keep the whole family coming back for more!
Kale and Barley Chili. Keep things super healthy with this chili that is filled with healthy greens. Add some white beans in for extra protein and bulk!
National Chili Day FAQs
When is National Chili Day?
National Chili Day is observed on the fourth Thursday of February, which is the perfect time of year to enjoy a spicy bowl of deliciousness.
Where was Chili invented?
Most likely, the origins of the dish known today as chili came from the southwestern parts of the United States, particularly Texas. Some stories say that the idea was brought from the Canary Islands in the 1700s.
Is Chili a soup?
Because it doesn’t usually use stock or broth, Chili isn’t necessarily considered to be a soup. Actually, it would be considered to be more of a stew because it is thicker, with a more solid base.
Is Chili healthy?
Depending on how it is made, Chili can be a rather healthy meal. It contains nutrients such as protein, fiber, iron, Vitamin C and more. Of course, it’s healthier if it is made with lean meat and less fat.
How to make Chili?
Most Chili recipes will include the basic ingredients of ground beef, beans, onions, tomato sauce, spices and tomatoes. The ingredients are cooked together for some time to allow the flavors to meld together.
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Vegan Bodybuilding Nutrition With Ephraim Kelly
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Today we're talking bodybuilding, vegan nutrition, steroids and performance enhancing drugs, macros, fruit, travelling and more with Ephraim Kelly! Join us for this interview from La Palma, in the Canary Islands! Check out Ephraim on Instagram: https://ift.tt/36lLw5b :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I would love it if you hit SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE! Check out some of the links below for more content! ► EBOOKS: https://ift.tt/2EfMiFW ► COACHING: https://ift.tt/2hwYYeo ► FACEBOOK: https://ift.tt/2hxeabH ► INSTAGRAM: https://ift.tt/2GPJaOV ► RUNNING CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/thelonetrail ► RUNNING PATREON: https://ift.tt/2MHS8BG ► RUNNING COACHING: https://ift.tt/2SheIVf :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: OUR FAVORITE STUFF: Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that if you click them, and ultimately choose to buy - we'll get paid a small commission for sending you there. The price remains the same for you though, so it's a win win situation and a great way to support The Sweet Natural Living project! BOOKS: BANANA EBOOK: https://bit.ly/2QbQA7x FRUIT TRAVEL EBOOK: https://bit.ly/2AODNO0 SLEEP EBOOK: https://bit.ly/2NpmOYW AIR TRAVEL CHECKLIST: https://bit.ly/2MTG4ib DURIAN TOURIST'S GUIDE TO THAILAND: https://bit.ly/2uDiCfm 80/10/10 DIET: https://amzn.to/2O9WjWL THE PLEASURE TRAP: https://amzn.to/2uBueQ7 NUTRITION & ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE:https://amzn.to/2zYpklf SCIENCE & ART OF NATURAL HYGIENE: https://amzn.to/2LGk7Qj THE COMPLETE HUMAN BODY: https://amzn.to/2NA0g5V TOOLS: STICK BLENDER: https://amzn.to/2JvQS2CONCORD STEAMER SET: https://amzn.to/2Ow8IUX TRAVEL FIRST AID KIT: https://amzn.to/2LCk8Ic BACKPACK: https://amzn.to/2CxJpNn GOPRO: http://amzn.to/2zYXVhF iPHONE: https://amzn.to/2GRuGCc LAPTOP: http://amzn.to/2BIlXxU EDITING SOFTWARE: http://amzn.to/2CydXwc [Disclosure: I've independently bought these products with my own money and I'm not paid by any company to promote them. However, I do get paid as an affiliate if you choose to buy through the links I provide.] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::THANKS FOR WATCHING:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: from Natural Healthy Living https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bisD1ObgPY via IFTTT
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ana-belen-13-blog · 7 years
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¡!Que calor!¡☀️👙¡Veranito¡ Momento de baños en la playa, cholitas, gafas de sol, relax ....🏝✌🏻¡chuss! Que os parece si lo acompañamos de este "Smoothie verde", eso si ¡MUY FRESQUITO! 💧🥝 ❄️Kiwis. ❄️Acelgas. ❄️Plátano maduro (previamente congelado). ❄️Higos. ❄️1 cdta. de espirulina. ❄️Leche de nuez y arroz. 🔁Batimos y disfrutad de una tarde refrescante. 🌟🌱#healthy #eatclean #cleaneating #organic #healthyfood #fruit #delicious #nutrition #plantbased #vegan #foodie #healthyliving #food #health #yummy #healthylifestyle #detox #fitness #smoothies #healthyeating #smoothiebowl #lifestyle #instafood #fruits #juice #veganfoodshare #cleanse #fresh #veganfood #umami |Sed felices 💚😊 (en Canary Islands)
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thomasreedtn · 6 years
A Taste of Spring: San Antonio and Perfect Timing
Happy Spring Equinox to those in the Northern Hemisphere! (And Happy Fall Equinox to my Southern readers.)
I’ve been meaning to post a recap of our March 7-11, 2019 trip to San Antonio, but between Mercury Retrograde and Uranus moving into Taurus, life keeps redirecting me. Despite “delays,” large and little sync winks confirm the perfect timing of everything. As giant snowflakes fall outside my windows right now, my San Antonio photos will give a much better taste of Spring.
Another sync wink occurred on March 5, just as I finished selecting clothes to pack. For context, on Valentine’s Day, I decided to read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings —back to back– with no other books or coursework in between. I finished The Hobbit in about a week, but I am still reading LOTR! Depending on the edition, that’s around a 1,200 page book, so this next part seemed significant. Just before David pulled into our driveway on March 5, I reached this part of LOTR on my Kindle:
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I read this on the fifth of March, right before a seeming mishap occurred. The astounding sync wink in a 1,200 page book made me laugh and provided immediate perspective that all was in Divine and perfect order. As predicted, the mishap turned out be no big deal, especially for the chaotic energies of that day. This synchronicity set the tone for our entire trip to San Antonio, which went smoothly, despite Mercury Rx, Uranus zippy zaps, and perfect timing “delays.”
David needed to go to San Antonio for work training the following week, and we took advantage of a company paid flight for him with me tagging along. His daughter Allie lives in nearby Austin. We planned for Friday in Austin and a weekend in San Antonio with Allie and boyfriend Matt. Such fun! I’m not going to write a full account of our trip, but we enjoyed some amazing vegan food in both cities. Big synchronicities continued to pop through along the way.
On Thursday, March 7, Tania Marie and I began texting back and forth. David was driving us to a mission I learned about long ago in the movie “Still Breathing,” — one of my favorite love stories with themes of creativity, dreams and synchronicities. As soon as Tania’s reply came through, we drove past Nestors:
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Nestor, aka “Nestie,” was Tania’s twin soul bunny who expanded way beyond body back eleven years ago. She still comes through at key moments, especially for Tania. When David and I arrived, the tourist part of Mission San Jose had already closed for the day, but I noticed these cuties at the foot of St. Francis:
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Tania’s beloved tortoise Gaia and rabbits Joy and Cosmo, all no longer her in physical form. The bunny looks more like Joy, but Cosmo had more white fur. I sent both photos to Tania, knowing they were messages for her. The animal messages from beyond continued on Saturday, when our parking garage looked out on “MAVERICK,” the dearly departed dog of another friend of mine. I sent her the photo, and sure enough, she had just asked for a sign from him:
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We happened to visit both Austin and San Antonio on their busiest tourist weekends ever, so our trip involved a lot of waiting. Waiting for tables, waiting for tours, waiting for a light show, needing to loop back to places we just missed: yet everything felt so in tune that we didn’t mind.
Here are some photos from Mission San Jose, which we got back to on Saturday morning before Allie and Matt joined us in San Antonio:
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Above and close-up below, you can see the famous “Rose Window,” a great love story enfolded into a the love story of “Still Breathing,” which takes place in Los Angeles and San Antonio:
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We sat in the cathedral before heading to San Antonio’s Riverwalk:
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This gardener loved all the tropical plants and waterfalls.
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Besides just visiting with each other, we each chose the Riverwalk Architectural Boat Tour as the favorite part of our trip.
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We remembered the Alamo and paid our respects, but opted not to wait in the massive line for a tour. Instead, we hung out with the Live Oak. This historic tree is so massive, I could not fit much of it into photos. No picture does it justice anyway. If you ever visit the Alamo, be sure to pay your respects to the Live Oak. It feels like a tree from Middle Earth:
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We browsed a huge crystal selection downtown, then had dinner and browsed more in the quaint Pearl District. Of course, this gardener marveled at the size of the publicly planted chard. Maybe everything is bigger in Texas!
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Same general area after sunset:
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San Antonio has gorgeous architecture! Even just walking or sitting outside brings a feel of history and charm. Good thing we didn’t mind sitting outside, because our one activity planned to occur at a specific time … did not occur. At 8:30 p.m., we Uber’d our way to San Fernando Cathedral, which David and I had walked to earlier that morning. The famous Cathedral Light Show runs every night at 9:00, 9:30 and 10:00 p.m. We got there early in anticipation. This was Saturday, March 9 — a fact that becomes important in just a bit.
We waited and waited and then Matt noticed some statues across the street. Since not many people filled the plaza, we figured we had time to check them out. The first grouping showed “The Founders.”
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“56 Canary Islanders founded a village, ‘San Fernando de Béjar,’ after arriving March 9, 1731.
“They walked nearly 1,200 miles from Veracruz, with children, livestock and all their worldly possessions, for more than six months after a previous six month journey across the ocean in a small wooden vessel.
“Sent by Spanish King Felipe V, to found the first official civil government in the province of Texas, they were greeted by a Franciscan friar, soldiers from Presidio de Béjar, and indigenous people of the nearby missions.
“Today, the village is the city of San Antonio.”
Matt noticed the date first. “March 9th! What are the odds?!”
I then told Allie and Matt about the March 5th LOTR synchronicity. As I type this up, I notice even more synchronicities: 1,200 pages, 1,200 miles. Both stories tell of a year long journey …
We returned to San Fernando Cathedral just as an evening service let out, and lots more people gathered for the 9:00 show. Minutes ticked by, as we all enjoyed the warm evening air. A half hour went by. No show. Allie and Matt checked their phones and saw that the first show was cancelled but the others would occur on time. 9:30 came and went. We laughed and visited, the weather so pleasant that everyone in the crowd talked and laughed.
Allie started playing a visual/mind game on her phone, which she and Matt had plateau’d on for months. As we sat and chatted, we all watched her play and somehow, she broke through! Months of trying and just sitting there with us marveling at her skill, she leapt to long awaited the next level. We all cheered as 10:00 came and went. No light show, but all the colors, forms and celebration of Allie’s game filled us with delight. The unexpected breakthrough while waiting seemed so symbolic. Very Uranus in Taurus.
The next day brought more schedule shifts, delays, good conversation and perfect timing. In the bigger picture, everything always aligns. Here we all are at the top of the Tower of the America’s looking over San Antonio:
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This long post gives a tiny glimpse of pervasive synchronicities and blessings in disguise. So lovely to visit with Allie in Matt where Spring had already sprung, and a Michigan visit will feel mighty nice for them come Summer.
Whatever season you find yourself in now, I wish you well. May those touches of the Divine, what I call sync winks, fill your life with peace and wonder. Happy Spring, Blessed Be … and be the blessing!
from Thomas Reed https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2019/03/20/a-taste-of-spring-san-antonio-and-perfect-timing/
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daily--positivity · 5 years
Travel Tips for Vegans: Eating out in the Canary Islands
Travel Tips for Vegans: Eating out in the Canary Islands
Are you a vegan going on holiday to the Canaries this summer? Wondering if it will be hard to find vegan food while you’re there? Well, read on for some tips!
What to do for Lunch
Vegan Spanish Tapas
I’ll admit there are not a huge amount of traditional Spanish tapas that are vegan, but there are a couple and some that you can ask to be modified to be vegan. Luckily, the main tapa which…
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