#hearing them talk about the origins of white people is always my favorite
I was going through your blog and I saw you made a post about Black Indians and how ridiculous you think they are. I just wanted to let you know that it's a historical fact that Africans and Native Americans mixed regardless of how you feel. That's all.
i think you're misunderstanding. (it's okay. there's been a lot of misunderstandings around here lately.)
i wasn't talking about actual black indians. i fully acknowledge that there was some degree of mixing between africans and native americans. though it's important to note that this was only ever in very small numbers and was mostly limited to the seminoles. other examples of "black indians" are mostly the result of former slaves gaining membership within the native american nation they were enslaved by (like the cherokee nation, most prominently). there was a whole legal controversy about this.
no, what i was talking about in that post was this new afro-centric conspiracy theory that insists the original and true native americans were actually african. except they don't believe they were actually africans. as in, they don't believe they came here from africa. they believed humanity (except white people who they don't consider humans) started with the original true "black indians" here in america. and then they spread throughout the world until white people came along and ruined everything and attempted to suppress this "true" histroy.
so yeah, these are two very different ideas. i fully acknowledge the former and i think the latter is outrageous and stupid (though very entertaining).
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spirits-having-flown · 10 months
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“matthew, it is with heavy heart i say goodbye. the times we had together are honestly among the favorite times of my life. it was an honor to share the stage with you and to call you my friend. i will always smile when i think of you and i’ll never forget you. never. spread your wings and fly brother, you’re finally free. much love. and i guess you’re keeping the 20 bucks you owe me.” - matt leblanc
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“i am so grateful for every moment i had with you matty and i miss you every day. when you work with someone as closely as i did with matthew, there are thousands of moments i wish i could share. for now here's one of my favorites. to give a little backstory, chandler and monica were supposed to have a one night fling in london. but because of the audience's reaction, it became the beginning of their love story. in this scene, before we started rolling, he whispered a funny line for me to say. he often did things like that. he was funny and he was kind. 🤍🕊️" - courteney cox
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“oh boy this one has cut deep... having to say goodbye to our matty has been an insane wave of emotions that i've never experienced before. we all experience loss at some point in our lives. loss of life or loss of love. being able to really sit in this grief allows you to feel the moments of joy and gratitude for having loved someone that deep. and we loved him deeply. he was such a part of our dna. we were always the 6 of us. this was a chosen family that forever changed the course of who we were and what our path was going to be. for matty, he knew he loved to make people laugh. as he said himself, if he didn't hear the 'laugh' he thought he was going to die. his life literally depended on it. and boy did he succeed in doing just that. he made all of us laugh. and laugh hard. in the last couple weeks, i've been pouring over our texts to one another. laughing and crying then laughing again. i'll keep them forever and ever. i found one text that he sent me out of nowhere one day. it says it all. matty, i love you so much and i know you are now completely at peace and out of any pain. i talk to you every day... sometimes i can almost hear you saying "could you BE any crazier?" rest little brother. you always made my day... ❤️🕊️” - jennifer aniston
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“matty, thank you for ten incredible years of laughter and creativity. i will never forget your impeccable comic timing and delivery. you could take a straight line of dialogue and bend it to your will, resulting in something so entirely original and unexpectedly funny it still astonishes. and you had heart. which you were generous with, and shared with us, so we could create a family out of six strangers. this photo is from one of my favorite moments with you. now it makes me smile and grieve at the same time. i imagine you up there, somewhere, in the same white suit, hands in your pockets, looking around— "Could there BE any more clouds?” “ - david schwimmer
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“shot the pilot, friends like us, got picked up then immediately, we were at the nbc upfronts. then... you suggested we play poker and made it so much fun while we initially bonded. thank you for that. thank you for making me laugh so hard at something you said, that my muscles ached, and tears poured down my face every day. thank you for your open heart in a six way relationship that required compromise. and a lot of "talking." thank you for showing up at work when you weren't well and then, being completely brilliant. thank you for the best 10 years a person gets to have. thank you for trusting me. thank you for all I learned about grace and love through knowing you. thank you for the time i got to have with you, matthew.” - lisa kudrow
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friends cast remembers matthew perry 🤍🕊️
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samandcolbyownme · 11 months
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Summary: Anon request - "omg wait. request idea for sam and colby as ghostface smut :0 like billy loomis and stu macher OG ghostface"
Warnings: This one shot will contain smut and gore. There will be talk of death, murder, suicide, and blood, along with forceful acts such as choking, gagging, hair pulling, stabbing, and other malicious acts. The smut parts of this will contain, semi forceful actions, unprotected sex, fingering, hair pulling, choking, knife play, oral (both), double penetration, dirty talk, and f i l t h
Disclaimer: I'm putting my own twist on this. There will be references from the original Scream, but I am going to make it a tad more modern and my own and make it so instead of SnC wanting to kill y/n, they're going after a specific group of people from one particular event that involved y/n and of course, wanting y/n all to themselves.
Side note: Italics are when Sam and/or Colby are in ghostface mode.
Word count: 25.9K but I had to break it into two parts due to tumblr's character limit. The link to part two will be at the end of this.
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"You call, Sam." Colby says pushing the phone into his chest, "I need to make this little bitch suffer for what he did to her."
"We gotta keep it clean, Colby." Sam looks up at him, "I'm just as pissed about this as you are, but more or less, we can't afford to get caught."
Colby scoffs, "You're going to sit there and tell me that you don't want to rip his guts out for forcing y/n into something she obviously didn't want to do?"
You unknowingly, and drunkenly told Sam and Colby about what happened at the party you went to without them. You told them about  Levi McCallum forced himself onto you while his two other friends and Nina, his girlfriend watched, and that didn't sit right with either of them.
No one gets to hurt their girl and have zero consequence.
Over the last month, Sam and Colby have been plotting, in secret. Trying to find out just what to do exactly, which didn't take them long at all, and tonight, Nina and Levi are first to be crossed off the list.
Sam's anger boils as he thinks about what you went through, quickly turning infuriated, "Fuck them. They need to die."
"There we go." Colby grips Sam's shoulder, shaking him gently, "We're doing this for her."
"For her." Sam takes a deep breath and looks over at an older car coming up the long dirt road, "There he is. Good luck, brother."
Colby slips his gloves on, getting out as he grabs his mask from the dash, "Good luck, brother."
Colby disappears into the woods as Sam pulls out the burner, dialing the number to Nina's house. He listens to it ring before pulling the voice changer up to his lips as Nina answers with a mellow, "Hello?"
"Why don't you want to talk to me?" Sam asks in the raspy changed voice.
"Who is this?" Nina asks confused.
"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." Sam rests his head back against the seat of the car as she declines, "um, I don't think so."
Sam hears her shaking something in the background, "What is that? That noise you're making."
"Popcorn." She says with a slight laugh and Sam rolls his eyes, "I only eat popcorn at the movies."
"I actually am going to put a movie on, my boyfriend.." she emphasizes, "Is coming over to watch it with me."
"You like scary movies? What's your favorite?"  Sam asks, trying to buy Colby more time to get Levi restrained.
"Oh, um, I don't know. I guess I never really thought about it." She sighs, "Probably Halloween? Maybe. The one with the guy in the white mask that kills the babysitters on Halloween."
"Uh huh." Sam nods to himself, looking around as he quietly gathers his tools.
"What's yours?"  She asks, surprising Sam by keeping the conversation going.
"Nightmare on Elm Street?"
"Didn't that guy have knives for fingers? Freddy Krueger?"
Sam knows all about horror movies, as does Colby, thanks to you. You're always making them watch a different movie or series, especially around Halloween time.
"Yeah, him. The first one was alright, but the rest just absolutely sucked." She clicks the lock and Sam sits up slightly.
"So you said boyfriend, is it anything serious?"
"Why?" She laughs with a flirty tone, "You want to take me out on a date?" 
He rolls his eyes, "Maybe. All you gotta do is tell me your name."
"Why do you want to know my name?" She giggles and Sam's demeanor darkens, his anger taking over, "Cause I wanna know who I'm looking at."
She goes quiet, the tone in her voice drops to scared, "W-What did you just say?"
"Because I want to know who I'm talking to."
"That's not.. that's not what you said." Nina goes around looking out the windows and Sam squeezes the phone, "What did you think I said, then?"
She flicks the back light on, catching Sam's attention, "What?"
She doesn't say anything, so he asks again, "Hello?"
"I-I.. look.. I gotta go."  Nina flicks the light off and Sam quietly gets ready to get out, "Wait, no. I thought you said we were going to go out."
"Nah, I don't think I want to. Creep." She hangs up as Sam tells her not to hang up. The call ends and he gets out, quickly disappearing into the woods to make his way up to the house.
He sees Colby holding onto Levi with a knife pressed against his throat. Sam slips his mask on, bringing the phone back up to his ear and slipping the voice changer into his mask, calling Nina again.
He watches her through the window, seeing her stop as she stares at the phone before answering, "What the fuck do you want?"
"I told you not to hang up on me."
"What do you want, then? Huh?" She asks slightly frantic, "Huh?"
"I told you. I just want to talk."
"About what? What could you possibly want to talk to me about?" Nina runs a hand over her face, on the verge of tears.
"About what happened at that party two months ago."
"Call someone else. I'm done." She hangs up and that's when Sam moves up to help get Levi in the pool chair, duct taping his hands behind his back.
His yelling is muffled through the several pieces of tape keeping his mouth closed.
Colby grips his throat, squeezing until his eyes roll back and he's not making any noise. Sam taps Colby, indicating to let him go, that he needs to be alive for Nina to see him die.
Sam makes his way around the house, quietly getting in through the one window she didn't have locked before calling again.
"Listen asshole." Nina screams into the phone and Sam cuts her off, anger dripping from his words, "You listen to me you little bitch, you hang up on me again and I swear to god I'll gut you like a fish."
She doesn't say anything and the feeling of power takes over Sam, chuckling slightly, "Yeah."
"Is this a joke?" She whimpers out.
"More of a lesson about karma, really." He pauses as he hears her moving slowly, "Can you handle getting your karma for what you did, blondie?"
"What did I do?" She asks, trying to sound innocent and Sam just laughs, "More or less of what you and that sleezeball boyfriend of yours did."
Nina takes off running, locking all the doors she can get to. She looks out the window of the front door and puts the phone back up to her ear.
"Can you see me, Nina?"
She's breathing heavy, crying, "I'm going to call the fucking cops. This isn't fucking funny anymore."
"They'd never make it in time, look at where we're at. We're in the middle of no where." Sam moves to another room and she pleads, "Just tell me what you want, fuck. I'll do anything, please."
"I already told you, you need your karma. But I also kinda want to see what your insides look like." A sinister smiles grows behind Sam's mask as he listens to Nina sob and hang up.
Colby quickly walks around to the front, ringing the door bell a few times before running off. Nina screams, "Who's there? Fuck, I'm calling the cops, I'm not do-"
The phone rings as she picks it up, and she screams, crying as she brings to her ear.
"Don't you know not to ask who's there, fuck. You should know all about that from the movies you watch. Asking who's there is a death wish, and I'm feeling generous enough to grant it for you."
"Look.." she gasps for air, "You've had your fun now so I think.. you better just leave me... the fuck alone or else I-"
"Or else what?" Sam taunts, "What could you possibly do to outsmart me? Hmm?"
"My boyfriend will be here any fucking minute and he'll find you, and rip you apart for messing with me." She screams into the phone and Sam laughs, "Your boyfriend is a pussy, Nina. He'd do anything to save himself before you, now why don't you just walk on over to the back, look out at the pool."
"Fuck you. Fuck you."
"His name wouldn't happen to be Levi.. would it?"
She gasps, "How do you know his name?"
"Go to the doors, like I said, and turn on the fucking lights.. again."
Sam makes his way downstairs, knowing that she is focused on a bloody and beat up Levi. Still on the phone, he hears her sob, "Oh god, no. No. No. Levi!" She scratches at the door to unlock it frantically but Sam on the phone makes her stop, "I don't recommend doing that."
"Where the fuck are you?" She pounds on the glass of the window, "Where the fuck are you?"
"Guess. I could be anywhere."
"Please don't hurt him." She pleads, "I love him."
"Really? You love someone who goes around, using girls for his own drunken pleasure at parties they should have even been at?"
"What are you ta-"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about bitch." Sam growls, "Now, if you want him to live, play a game with me."
"What game?"  She whimpers and Sam chuckles, "Turn off the light." Levi screams behind the tape and Nina leans against the wall listening as she turns off the lights.
"What party were you at two months ago?"
She thinks for a moment, sniffling as she does, "I-I do-"
"Don't tell me you don't know because I know for a fact you know exactly what I'm talking about." Sam snaps, "if I have to ask again, your pussy of a boyfriend dies."
"A party. It was Xander's party." She sobs, "Please.. don't kill him."
"What happened at Xander's party, Nina?"
"I don't.. I really don't know.." she lies, pleading for Levi's life, "I don't know, asshole. Fucking kill me if you want, but leave Levi alone!"
Sam is quiet for a few seconds, "Wrong answer." Sam hangs up and Nina goes to the door, screaming as Colby plunges a knife into his abdomen, spilling his guts into his lap, leaving Levi dead where he sits right as she flicks the lights back on.
Colby vanishes, making his way back into the woods incase Sam needs backup.
"Hey." Sam says catching her attention to the phone again, "We're not done. I still have one final question."
"Go the fuck away. You already killed Levi, what more do you want from me!?"
"Which door am I at? You got a fifty fifty chance of picking the right one.." he pushes as he listens to her voice shake, "Unless I'm already in the house."
She drops the phone as Colby throws a chair through the window, making her take off into the kitchen, grabbing a knife from the block. She backs up slowly, gasping as Sam crosses the hallway in a swift motion, making his way into the other room.
She slips out the patio doors, shaking as she looks back in to see Sam stalking around the house. She moves over, getting ready to take off until he busts through the door, tackling her to the ground.
She gets up fast, but so does Sam. He chases her across the yard, grabbing her to pull her back and he plunges his knife deep into her chest, twisting it before throwing her down on the grass.
She's gasping, hyperventilating as she runs her fingers over the stab wound, trying to plead for her life once more. Sam moves on top of her, pressing a hand to her throat so she doesn't make any noise.
She ends up kicking him, making him fall back as she desperately tries to crawl away. With his adrenaline pumping, he gets back up, crawling over and stopping her.
He rolls her back over. She tries to scream for help but her voice is a strangled whine, "H-he-hel- help."
Sam shakes his head, gripping her throat again as she reaches up and rips his mask off. He stares down at her, giving her a smirk before stabbing her again.
And again.
Sam smashes the phone and leaves to find Colby before a car comes in from the other direction.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
It wasn't unusual for you to share a bed with Sam or Colby, you guys have been close for many, many years which developed into this relationship that made you not want to look for anyone else. You were content with them, so you didn't need or even want a boyfriend, it was like you had two.
But it wasn't official or anything.
What was unusual, was that you woke up to it just being you, "Sam?" You call out hoping for an answer, "Colby?"
You swing your legs over, standing up as you grab one of the sweatshirts that's on the floor, checking your phone to see a message from Sam, Drug Colby with me for a run. Be back soon.
You sigh, feeling relieved as you now know they aren't in any kind of trouble like they have been in before. In the middle of responding, you hear the door open and you quickly make your way down the steps.
"Good morning, gorgeous." Sam says winking at you. You smile, "How was the run?" You look at Colby and he shrugs, "it was actually very exhilarating, I think I'm going to start running with Sam more often."
"Wow." You raise your eyebrows, taking the coffee Sam hands you, "That's not like you at all."
Colby chuckles, "Yeah, well. It is now I guess. Gotta stay in shape so I can fight those demons all night long." He motions to his Currently Fighting Demons hoodie and you roll your eyes with a laugh, "You really are a walking advertisement."
Sam smirks at you, "I'm going to go up and shower, but after that want to go out to eat?" You nod, "Mm." You swallow your coffee, "Yes please, I'm starving."
Sam jogs up the steps and Colby walks over to you, "You doing okay?" You sip your coffee and look up at him, "I was just worried that you two got arrested again."
He chuckles and shakes his head, "No, no. Just went for a run. We aren't going anywhere." He tucks hair behind your ear and quickly kisses your forehead, "I'm going to shower, too."
You smile turning as you go into the living room. Right as you sit down, your phone rings, "Hey, Soph."
"Are you home?" She asks, her voice shakey, "Y/n."
"Yes. Yes. We're all here, what's up? What's going on?" You sit up, "Sophie?" There's about knock on your door, "I'm here." She yells, still on the phone.
You get up, quickly walking over to unlock the door, "Hey, come in."
"Levi and Nina are dead."
Her words shock you, "I'm sorry." You laugh slightly, "what did you just say?"
She takes a deep breath, "Nina and Levi are dead. Y/n.  Gone."
"What the hell? When? How? Why?" You run a hand over your hair, kinda acting more sad about it than you actually were because Sophie doesn't know what happened to you, "What can I do?"
You walk over and hug her as she breaks down in your arms.
Sam and Colby slowly walk down the steps, giving you a confused look they point to her. You shake your head, giving them a frown, "Levi and Nina are dead."
Your voice is quiet as you wipe the tears from her eyes, "I'm so sorry, Soph."
"Nina was like a sister to me. I mean obviously you too.." she laughs nervously, "Fuck, you know what I mean."
"It's okay. I understand." You walk her to the couch and sit down with her, her head laying in your lap as she starts sobbing again, "Who.. would do t-this?"
"I don't know, honey. But they'll find them. I'm sure.." You rub her back, unsure of what else to say.
You hated them with your full being, yes, but you never wanted them to die or anything.
"What happened?" Sam asks walking over and Sophie snaps her head up, "Two of my friends were killed, she just told you, what don't you understand?"
Sam clenches his jaw and Colby walks up, "Whoa. Hey. He just asked what happened."
Sophie rolls her eyes, "Do I need to reword it for you? Nina and Levi were killed. Gutted. I don't u-"
"Okay." You say loudly, cutting her off, "You just need to calm down, for one, and two.. They didn't do anything wrong, just asked what happened and you're snapping their heads off for no reason."
Sophie breaks down again, falling into your lap as she whimpers, "Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry."
Sam and Colby's eyes are on you. The way you stand up for them without any hesitation, no matter who it is, is one of the things they love about you.
They both knew that if you found out, you die for them before they got caught. 
And they were right.
"Exactly." Colby motions to you and sighs as he walks back upstairs. Sam shakes his head, "I'll leave you guys to it, then." He follows Colby and Sophie sits up, "I didn't mean to yell at them."
You hug her head, "I know. It's okay. They know you're under a lot right now."
"I think.. I think I'm going to go down to the police station, to see if I can get any information," she sniffles and looks at you, "Will you come with me?"
"Why don't you come to lunch with us, then we can go? We can talk about everything." You brush her hair from her face and she shakes her head, "i have to go see Eli."
"Eli? As in-"
She cuts you off, "Levi's best friend, yeah. That's who I've been seeing."
You raise your eyebrows, trying not to let your anger answer for you, because as said, she doesn't know he was there that night too, "Is it going good?"
"It was until last night. He won't answer my calls now, so.." she sniffles and stands up, "I'll call you later." You walk after her, "I can drive you if-"
"No. I just need a minute.. to think... about all of this." She lays her head on her hands, sobbing before quickly pulling it together. She walks over, hugging you tight, "I'm so scared."
You wrap your arms around her, "I know. I know. I am too." You rub her back, "They'll figure it out. I promise." She leans back, wiping her face before turning away, "I'll call you then."
"Just come over tonight. Stay here so I know you're safe too." You walk over to the door and she spins around, nodding, "O-okay."
You nod, giving her a small smile, "Okay." You watch as she makes her way to her car and you shut the door, Sam and Colby standing quietly behind you, "Jesus Christ."
You jump and lay a hand on your chest, "I need to put a bell on both of you."
They both laugh and Colby points to the door, "is she okay?"
You nod, "Yeah, she didn't mean to snap on you. It's all still so fresh, I can't imagine what she's going through."
"Did you hate Nina?" Sam asks raising his eyebrow. You nod, "And Levi, but that didn't mean I wanted them to be murdered or anything."
"Yeah, no right. I don't think anyone wishes for just anyone to die." Colby nods, "Did she tell you what happened exactly?"
You pull your phone out, "I can find out. I'm sure the news is alre-" your mouth drops slightly and your hand goes over your mouth as you read the gruesome description of how they were found.
"What, y/n?" Sam asks as he moves over to you, looking down at your phone, "Oh shit."
"Worse than Sophie said it was?" Colby walks over, looking over your shoulder, "Oh.. fuck."
"They said Levi was found out by their pool, taped to a chair and he was.." you cringe, "Literally gutted.." you rest your phone down by your side, "Nina was found the same way just outside in the yard.."
You close your eyes, shaking your head, "I can't imagine what her mom must of felt. She's the one who found them."
"Who ever did that obviously had a resentment towards them.." Colby glances at Sam, "Apparently."
Sam fights off his smirk and wraps his arm around you, "Are you okay?" You nod, "Yeah.. I mean, they bullied the hell out of me, but at the same time.." you take a deep breath, "Karma is a bitch.. I just didn't think of it being this big of one. I'm honestly kind of scared, like there's a killer on the loose and no one knows anything about it."
"It'll be okay." Colby wraps his arm around your shoulders, gripping Sam's hoodie, "you know we won't let anything happen to you."
You didn't remember that they knew about what happened at the party, and they wanted to keep it that way.
"If you don't want to go out, we can just stay here." Sam whispers, "Whatever you want to do."
You sigh, "I really want a wrap from Bardoe's." You laugh slightly and Sam smiles, "then we'll go to Bardoe's."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Hey, y/n."
You set your food down, looking up as your friend, Noel, comes over, "How's Sophie?" She sits down across from you.
You shrug, "As bad as you'd think."
"She about bit my head off when I asked what was happening.," Sam says taking a sip of his drink. You nod, "Yeah, she stopped by before we came here, but she said she had to go see Eli."
She leans back, "Did you just say Eli?"
You nod, "I know, I had the same reaction you did." You laugh slightly, "I mean, to each their own. Her type is just assholes, apparently."
She raises her eyebrows and Henry, Noel's boyfriend comes over and sits down, "Colby. Sam." He nods to them and they nod back. He looks at you, "Y/n."
Henry stopped everything that night and you made him promise not to say a word to anyone, but Sam and Colby already know that, too.
So he's safe.
"How you doing?" He asks and you shrug, "I'm fine, worried about Soph." He nods, "Yeah, her and Eli are taking it pretty hard."
You nod, "I seen her this morning, she said she was going to the police station to ask questions, but I'm sure she'll only find out what they want them to."
You lean back, resting your head on Colby's arm that's extended over the top of the booth.
"How do you even gut someone like that?" Noel asks as she takes some of your fries, "Honestly. It's overkill if you ask me."
Colby shrugs, "The only way I can imagine, is that they took a knife or something sharp, then cut them from groin to sternum.."
Sam looks at Colby, "Hey. It's called tact, fucking idiot."
Colby holds his hand up, "I'm just saying that it would be an awful way to die." You stare at the table, nodding as you think about the pain they endured.
You hated it, but that little sick and twisted part inside of you liked it. You liked that they endured more pain than they had caused you, but you still felt bad.
"I heard they found her liver in the mailbox, how sick is that?" Henry says changing the subject, "Next to her spleen or some other organ."
"Oh that's so gross, I'm trying to eat y/n's fries, Henry. Stop it." Noel groans and pushes him. Colby smirks, "Yeah Henry, liver alone." He laughs and you look over at him, trying not to laugh.
Sam reaches behind you, smacking Colby's shoulder, "Dude."
"What? It's a joke, let her, liver? Liv-er alone?" He laughs with Henry and you just shake your head.
"Henry. Did you used to date Noel?" Colby points towards him. Noel looks at Henry and he laughs, "Yeah, until I found out just how psycho she was."
"What do you mean?" You look up at him.
He shrugs, "She was just nuts. I couldn't talk to anyone because I was-" he puts air quotes, "Cheating."
"Were you?" Noel looks at him and he looks at her, "Not at all." He looks at Sam, "Didn't you know Levi?"
Sam shakes his head, "Not like you'd think. I played basketball with him, but he was always a preppy everyone needs to love me kinda person and I couldn't be around that."
Henry raises his eyebrows and Sam tilts his head, "What? You think I did it?" He leans forward, resting his hands on the table, "I didn't kill anybody."
"No body said you did." Colby stares at Sam and he tilts his head smiling at Colby, "Aw, thanks buddy."
You rest your hand on his arms "Sam, that's not what he's saying. We all know you didn't. You have no reason to."
Noel laughs, "Yeah Sam, just because you and Colby hunt ghosts, that doesn't mean you could pull something like this off."
Henry laughs, "Right. That's how I know it wasn't you."
You can tell Colby is getting pissed because Henry just basically accused him of killing people, and honestly you were, too.
"Alright, I think it's time we leave. Yeah?" You look at Noel, "You should come over later. Soph is going to be there."
She nods, "I'll call you then." She stands up, pulling Henry up with her, quietly yelling at him about saying what he did to Sam.
You turn to Sam, "Are you okay?"
He nods and looks over at you, "Do you think I did it?" You shake your head, "As I said, you'd have no reason to." He takes a deep breath, "If he starts saying shit like that, I'll be the one they throw behind bars."
"I won't let that happen." You and Colby say in unison, causing Sam to smile. You smile and lean in, "I promise, I won't let anything happen to you." You lean over to Colby, "Or you." You sit straight, "Because I like whatever this is."
"We like it too." Sam pulls you in, kissing your head as he stares at Colby, "Let's get out of here."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Hello?" You say as you pick up your phone.
"Hello, is this y/n?" A man on the other end of the phone asks. You sit up, "May I ask who's calling?"
The man on the phone chuckles softly, "Right, yes. My name is Officer Tylers. I'm calling to see if you'd come down to the station to answer some questions for us."
"About the murders?" You pinch the bridge of your nose and he sighs, "Yes. So if you could, the sooner the better, but no rush. I know this is a-"
You cut him off, "I'll be right there,"
"Great. Thank you."
You hang up and sigh before yelling, "Colby." He jogs down the steps, "What's up, babe?" You smiles slightly and stand up, "I just got off the phone with an Officer Tylers. They want me to come down and answer some questions."
He raises his eyebrows, "Really?"
You shrug, "I don't know why.. I just.." you sit back down and Colby walks over, sitting next to you, "Hey. You'll be okay. They probably are just doing a routine questioning to everyone she went to school with. I'm sure Sam and I are next to be questioned."
You laugh slightly, "Might as well just come with me." You look around, "Where's Sam?"
"He went to meet the guy to talk about our next investigation." He tucks hair behind your ear, "You're so pretty."
You smile and tilt your head, "Why didn't you go with him?" He smiles, "I figured you didn't want to be left alone."
You nod, "Yeah, you're right. I just have to text Soph and Noel to let them know i won't be here for a little bit."
"I'll text Sam, let him know that we're going to the station." Colby takes his phone out, tapping his screen quickly. You text Sophie and Noel, letting them know exactly what's going on.
"I told them the key is under the mat if they get here before we get back." You look up at Colby, "Is that okay?"
He looks up and nods, "Yeah that's fine. Are you ready?" You nod and stand up, "What did Sam say?" Colby shakes his head as he slides his phone back into his pocket, "Just said to be careful."
"He doesn't have to worry about that." You laugh and grab Colby's keys, handing them to him, "Here ya go." He takes them from you and pulls you into him, "Everything is going to be okay."
You smile, "Thank you for being so calm through all of this, I'm actually freaking out on the inside." He chuckles, "I know. I think you're forgetting I can read you like a book, y/n."
You lick your lips, looking up at him. He leans in, pressing his lips to yours as he pulls your body closer.
The door opens and Sam walks through, stopping when he sees you and Colby, "Whoa, whoa." He laughs and walks over, wrapping his arm around your waist, "Excuse me."
You laugh slightly and look up at him, "I thought you were meeting with that guy?" He nods, "Yeah, it was an easy meet up, he wants us to investigate there, so he was excited."
"So it's set then?" Colby asks and Sam nods, "It's set."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Wish me luck." You mumble before reaching for the door handle. Sam and Colby both wish you luck and you get out, taking a deep breath before crossing the street.
"Hi, how can I help you?" The lady behind the glass asks and you rest your hands on the counter, "I got a um.. call from an Officer Richards. He told me to come down to answer some questions."
She nods, "Y/n y/l/n right?"
You nod, "Yep. That's me."
"You can have a seat right over there, I'll let him know you're here." You mumble a quiet, "thank you," before walking over to the chair and sitting down.
Not even a minute later, a tall man dressed in a police uniform walks over to you, "Y/n?"
You look up at him, immediately pissed, "Yes." You stand up and shake his hand, "Been a while.. You can come with me this way." You follow him through the barracks and into a room with only a table and four chairs.
"Have a seat. Do you need anything? Want anything? Water, coffee?"
You look up at him from the chair and shake your head, "No, thank you. I'm good."
"Alright, we'll just jump right into this then." He sits across from you after closing the door, "Did you know Nina and Levi?"
"Why are you questioning me? Isn't that conflict of interest or whatever?" You cross your arms over your chest and he shakes his head, "Not technically family, so no. Anyway, did you know Nina and Levi?"
You tilt your head, "I did, but I wasn't really liked by them."
"Can you elaborate on that for me, please? What do you mean exactly? Why didn't they like you?" He scribbles down notes on the notepad.
"I'm friends with Sophie Frank, and she's friends- or was friends.. with Nina, and Sophie and I are so different, I think she thought I ruined the popular girl image, and eventually just pushed me out." You explain, "And Levi, well he was the quarterback of the football team and got a college scholarship, so he was Mr. Popularity."
"Were you jealous of that?"
You laugh slightly, "Excuse me?"
He holds his hand up, "I know that sounds bad, but it's just routine or whatever you want to call it. Let me reword it.." he thinks for a moment and looks back up at you, "Were you jealous that Sophie was friends with her? How did her pushing you out make you feel?"
"I mean I didn't really like it, so I just stopped hanging around Sophie when I knew there was a chance Nina would be there, but I didn't want her to die if that's what you're getting at." You stare at him and he nods as he scribbles some more, "I liked Nina, we were friends before high school, but high school really changes a person I guess."
"Did it change you?" He asks right away, "I mean, you didn't go to college, correct?"
You shake your head, "No, but what-"
"You're living with two guys who do videos, both are handsome looking dudes, you didn't feel.. I don't know.. threatened by Nina in anyway?"
You scoff at his question, "No, Officer Tylers. I was not threatened by Nina."
"Where were you last night?" He leans back in his chair and you sigh, "I was home. Asleep by ten with Sam and Colby."
"They were there?" He tilts his head, "They didn't leave the house?"
You clench your jaw, sighing because you don't like to talk about your private business, especially with people like Officer Tylers, "They were in bed, with me, until about seven this morning. They went for a run."
"And that's normal? What time did they get back?"
"Yes." You sigh, "Sam is training for a marathon, and Colby likes working out." You shrug, "About eight thirty." You sigh, "Are we done? Can we be done please?"
"Almost." He holds up his finger and scribbles down more words, "Is ghost hunting all Sam and Colby do? Do you join them sometimes? I've never seen their videos beside so I don't really know."
"Besides doing photo shoots for their merch launches and making their own coffee, yeah. That's all they do."
He's quiet for a few moments before he looks up, "Don't leave town, stay in touch if you see anything, but yeah. Were done. For now." You stand up and he grabs your arm, "Just be careful, y/n. Your dad told me to look after you, and that's exactly what I'm trying to do."
You pull your arm away, "Well, you're not my dad so." You walk away and he stands up, watching as an officer leads you to the front of the building.
Officer Tylers, better known as Dave Tylers, was your dad's best friend and your dad told him, on his death bed, that he was to make sure you were okay.
You've always gotten weird vibes from him, even when you were younger, so you kept your distance.
You get into the car, plopping down with a sigh, "That was fucking pathetic."
"What happened?" Sam asks as they both turn around to face you. You shake your head, "We can talk about it at home. I need to make sure that fucker didn't bug me."
"Huh?" Sam whips back around as Colby drives off and you laugh slightly, "The officer that questioned me was.." you sigh, "He's who my dad asked to look after me. I just get a weird feeling with him, so I've kept my distance and he was like, asking me if I was at home in bed with you two last night. Like it was just weird."
Colby clenches his jaw, "You don't owe anyone an explanation about us."
"I know, Colby. I felt like I had to because of the way he was drilling me with question after question." You thud back against the seat, "I just don't understand who would want to actually go through and kill someone, let alone two people at once."
You rest your head back, thinking about the answers you gave Dave. Anxious because you lied, you guys were drinking and you got a little too wasted, passing out, so you weren't really sure if they went to bed when you did, but it doesn't matter because one, Dave didn't need to know that, and two, Sam and Colby aren't killers, they're ghost hunters.
"Did you guys go to bed with me last night?" You ask kinda quiet and Colby looks back at you in the rearview, "Of course we did. We wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I mean, I edited our latest video a little bit after you fell asleep but I was only down at the end of the bed." Sam looks back at you, "Are you doubting us, ms y/l/n?"
You laugh and shake your head, "No, no. Dave just gets under my skin and I don't know, I hate him."
Sam and Colby glance at each other, looking away before you look back up at them, "Sorry. I just-"
"You don't ever need to apologize to us, y/n." Sam smiles back at you, reaching for your hand, "I promise, everything is okay."
You take his hand and watch as he pulls you towards him, bringing your hand to his lips, "We got you."
You smile at him, jumping slightly as your phone rings. You look down, hitting the green button, "Hey Soph, I'm on my way-"
"Eli got arrested. They think he had something to do with Nina and Levi." She says frantic, "I'm not going to be able to come over tonight. I'm sorry."
"No, no hey. It's okay. Take deep breathes a- hello?" You pull your phone away seeing she ended the call, "Okay, bye to you, too."
"What's going on, babe?" Colby asks glancing over his shoulder. You sigh as you shrug, "I guess they think Eli did it. Soph didn't tell me much, all she said was Eli got arrested, she won't be able to come tonight and that she's heading to the station and hung up."
You text Noel, Eli got arrested. They think he had something to do with the murders.
"You're only trying to help her, I really don't understand why she's being this way towards you." Sam says, "She's only going to get hurt if she keeps messing around with Eli."
"You don't have to tell me." You roll your eyes, "She changed, and I'm not saying that's bad thing, but I've definitely been put on the back burner.."
"Hey." Sam lays his hand on your knee, Colby parks in the driveway and does the same. You look up at them and Sam smiles, "If they don't come tonight, screw them. If they can't see that you're only trying to help, then that's on them."
You lay your hands on theirs, "I don't know if I told you guys this lately, but I love you both so very much and I am so glad that we're whatever this is." You smirk slightly and Colby squeezes your knee, "You're our girl, what can we say?"
You smile and get out of the car, walking inside, "We should just have a movie night, chill out. Forget that we're living in fear right now." You set your bag down and turn towards them, "What do ya say?"
"I say.." Colby walks over, grabbing your hand and spinning you into him, "Let's do it."
"I second that. Or third that in this case." Sam laughs as he presses a kiss to your temple, "Now go change into something comfy then we can get this party started."
You smile all the way up to the top of the steps. You can hear Sam and Colby whispering but you think nothing of it.
You're in a mood.
A mood for them.
You throw on a bigger tee, no pants, and walk back down the steps. Their eyes immediately on you and you blush, "What?" You walk past them to the couch and they follow you like a magnet.
"Where do you think you're going?" Colby asks as he sits beside you, Sam on the other. You smirk, "You said to change into something comfy, and I'm most comfortable without pants."
"I think you got comfy confused with sexy, there babe" Sam bites his lip as he drags his hand up your back. You lean back slowly and Colby pulls you back against his chest, "Makes me want to rip you apart."
His words send a shiver of excitement down your spine, "Do it." His hands slide down, raising your shirt with his fingers, "The way Sam is looking at you right now.." Colby tilts head up to look at Sam, "I think he wants to."
Your eyes meet Sam's stare, "Please."
Colby spreads your legs, one pushed up against the back of the couch and he has his hand under the knee of your other, holding it up.
Sam moves in, kissing down your neck and under your boobs until he reaches the top of your panties. He bites them, pulling his head back and letting go so they snap against your skin.
Your breath hitches and Colby chuckles deeply in your ear, "You like that, baby girl?"
You nod, whimpering as Sam kisses up your thigh and pressing his lips to your pantie covered clit, "So much."
"Can you beg for him? Hmm.." Colby gently bites down on your earlobe, "Tell him what you want."
"I want you to eat my pussy." You moan as he presses another kiss to your clothed clit, "Please, Sam.." you whimper, "Please."
Sam looks up at you, pulling your panties to the side and runs his finger against your soaked slit, "Someone needs us."
You nod, "I do.. yes.."
"Say it again, baby." Colby whispers, eyes meeting Sam's as you moan out to the feeling of Sam's fingers dipping deep inside of you, "I need you."
Colby slides his hand down, gently massaging your clit as Sam slowly pushes and pulls his fingers in and out, "You're so fucking wet."
"No one is ever allowed to touch you again, got it?" Colby gently bites your neck and you moan out, "No one but you and Sam."
Sam reaches up, turning your head so you look at him, "Who's pussy is this?"
You furrow your brows as you feel your orgasm coming on, "Oh fuck." You whimper, "You and Colby's."
"Say my name, baby." Sam bites his lip as he works up to a faster pace, causing you to clench around his fingers, "Sam and Colby's."
Your back arches off of Colby's chest and you moan, "Fuck, fuck." Colby adds more pressure, "Cum for us, baby."
You roll your hips slowly, growing closer and closer until there's frantic knocking on your door, "Y/n!"
You don't want to stop, but you reach down to grab Sam's wrist but Colby grabs your hand, pinning it to the back of the couch, "Don't try it. You're going to cum first."
Your eyes roll back as you work back up to where you were, biting your lip to muffle your moans.
The knocking and pounding on the door continues and Sam curls his fingers just right, sending you overboard. You grind your hips against their hands, pressing the back of your head into Colby's shoulder.
"Good girl." Colby reaches up, gripping your chin so he can kiss you. Sam pulls his fingers out and brings them to his own lips, "Were not done." He says with a smirk.
You smirk and shake your head, completely forgetting about someone at the door. You jump up, fixing your panties as you walk to the door, "Who is it?"
"Fucking Sophie. Now open up."
You open the door and she barges in, "Someone fucking planted shit on Eli, I swear to god." She paces back and forth, "I don't.. oh fuck.. I don't know what to do.."
"Well, if you would have listened to me before you hung up on me, I told you to breathe so why don't you try doing just that?" You walk over to the fridge, grabbing her a water and handing it to her.
"What if this was Colby? Hmm?"
"Does no one believe that I'm capable of murder?" Sam holds his arms out and laughs, causing you to smile, "Of course we do sweetie." You look back at Sophie, "No I know. It's easier said than done. I was a mess when Colby got arrested and no one knew what was happening."
"He got arrested for trespassing and having fake id's, y/n. That nothing compared to what Eli is possibly facing." Sophie sets her water down and sits on the stool, "Eli didn't do this."
"If anyone isn't capable of murder, it's him, Soph. You don't have anything to worry about. Where was he last night?"
She shrugs, "he was home."
"And you're sure of that?" You tilt your head slightly, "Why didn't you tell the police that?" She sighs, "They said they'll talk to me once they're done questioning him. This apparently is a big fucking thing because every cop is out patrolling every area around here."
You look over at Sam and Colby who are quietly talking to each other and back to her, "Well do you to-"
"Why don't you come with me? We're going back to Nina's, well sneaking back there so we can try and figure this out ourselves? We can meet Noel at her place?"
You shake your head, "I just really wanted to stay in tonight, kinda the reason as to why I told you and Noel to come here."
"Don't you want to help find the killer? I understand you didn't like Levi and Nina, but at the same time.. don't you want to help find who did it?" She looks at you and you just stare at her.
"Fine." She throws her hands up and walks towards the door, "I'm just saying.. if you showed up missing or dead, Nina would help figure it out too, she wasn't as bad as you thought."
Yes she was. You wanted to tell her in that moment just how bad they both were, but you just watched her leave.
You look over at Sam and Colby who are staring at you, unhappy about the interaction, "You okay?" Sam asks standing up, "That was uncalled for." He motions towards the door.
You shrug, "I just don't think Levi and Nina were good enough people for me to put life at risk, you know what i mean?"
Sam walks over, pulling you in for a hug, "I know, sweetheart. It's okay. Everyone deals with these things differently and it's okay."
Colby walks up, pressing a kiss to your temple, "Fuck em."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Later that night, as you're sitting on the couch, Colby lets out a groan, "My head is killing me."
"Aw. Did you take anything?" You reach over and gently scratch the back of his neck. He shakes his head slightly, "No, but I think I'm going to and then I'm going to head up to bed." He stands up, bending down to kiss your forehead, "I love you."
You smile and lay your hand on his cheek, "I love you." You press your lips to his and lean back, "You guys ate awfully lovey dovey lately."
You look between them and they smile, "Can't help it if we're just happy when we're around you." Colby punches your chin gently, "Wake me up for your run in the morning, Sam."
Sam nods, "You got it, bro."
As of right now, it was Sam's job to distract you. Make you forget about the world for a little while.
"Why don't we..." he slides his hand up your bare thigh, "Pick up where we left off?" You bit your lip, turning towards him, "Won't Colby feel left out?"
He shakes his head, pulling you to him, "We made a deal, I get you now. He gets you tomorrow morning."
You bite your lip, leaning in. You stop just as your lips are about to touch his, "So you have a schedule?" Sam chuckles and presses his lips to yours, "Only trying to keep it fair, you know how we get."
You stand up, "Take me to bed, Mr. Golbach."
Sam stands up and takes your hand, "If I ever say no to that, make sure I'm the one who's gutted next." You perk up slightly, but not from fear.
Something about his words makes you wet, "I'll give you something to murder." You both laugh at your words, "Someone is feeling frisky."
You bite your lip, "Maybe a little." Sam slides his hands down to your ass, squeezing, "Let's go." You pull him with you up the stairs, going into his room and shutting the door.
His hands slip you out of the tee, tossing it on the ground and looking at your bare chest, "You're so fucking hot." He lifts you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, and he walks you over to the bed.
Colby quietly sneaks out of his room, making sure to shut the door as quietly as possibly before making his way down the steps and out the front door.
"Sam.." you whimper, "I need you."
He pulls away from kissing your neck, "I want to taste you first, babe. Can you be a good girl and let me do that?"
You smirk and nod your head, "Yes."
"That's my girl." He winks and kisses down your body, making your breath hitch as he sucks little marks into the skin under your boobs and down your stomach, "Don't tease."
"That's my favorite part, besides hearing you beg for me." His fingers brush over your clit and you gasp quietly, spreading your legs further apart, "Sam.."
Colby makes his way to where they parked their car before, slightly deep in the woods, but with an easy exit. He takes a deep breathe before getting out of the car and stalking through the woods towards the house, mask on and ready to kill.
For you.
Sam slowly pulls your panties down, too slow for your liking. You go to take your legs out and Sam crawls up, "I want to take my time with you, y/n. Been a bit since I had you to myself."
You melt into him, nodding, "Sorry."
He leans down, pressing his lips to yours, "You don't ever have to be sorry. You're impatient, you need to be touched. I get that." He smiles down at you, "I'm going to do just that, okay?"
You nod and watch as he moves down your body, "I just want to take you in for a minute." He kisses down your thighs, making you wetter with each kiss.
Colby takes the burner from his pocket, dialing a number.
"Hello?" Henry picks up the phone.
"What are you doing back here?"  Colby asks in the low raspy tone from the voice changer, "You guys shouldn't be back here."
Colby watches Henry spin around in circles, "Who- yo. Who the hell is this?" He stops and looks at his phone, but no luck, "What a bitch, calling me from a restricted number, you know what. If you're trying to scare me, it ain't gunna work, dude."
"What if I told you I knew who killed that bitch and her liar boyfriend, hmm?" Colby slowly makes his way around to the side of the house.
You moan, rolling your hips against Sam's face, "Fuck, fuck. Sam, I-I.." you arch your back, moaning out as you cum around his tongue, "Fuck, fuck fuck." You whimper and tangle your fingers in his hair, "Yes, yes, yes."
"How do you know that?" Henry asks and walks over to where Colby killed Levi, the dark red mark from his guts dripping still stained on the concrete, "Did you do it?"
"I did. And it felt so fucking good." Colby chuckles lowly, "He died like a bitch."
"Fuck you. I'm not do-"
"You leave that spot and your girlfriend dies next." Colby threatens, "Now, I want you to tell me something."
"What." Henry scoffs.
"What is one of your biggest secrets, Henry? I know you probably have a lot of skeletons in that dusty closet of yours."  Colby moves around, still making sure to have eyes on the house with Noel and Sophie in it, and Henry.
"I don't have any." Henry laughs, "Honest."
"Fucking liar. Do you want to die just like Levi?"
"N-no. No." He keeps his voice quiet, "Fine." Henry takes a deep breath, "I cheated on Noel, okay."
That's not what Colby was expecting to hear, "You're pathetic, just like Levi."
Henry freaks out quietly, "Fuck you. I'm nothing like Levi okay."
"Oh yeah? Do tell." Colby pulls his knife out, "I'd love to know how you were better than him."
"Again, baby. I want you to cum on my face again." Sam moves up, lying down as he pulls you to sit on his face.
"I don't know what has gotten into you.." you look down at him, running your fingers through his hair, "But I like it." He smirks up at you and pulls your hips down to meet his face, his tongue lapping at your clit.
You grip the headboard, leaning forward as you're engulfed in the pleasure once again.
"I don't just go around, throwing myself onto girls who are way too drunk to say yes or no. Okay. Is that what you wanted to hear?" He spins around, looking to see if anyone else is around.
"You're still pathetic, cheating on your girlfriend.." Colby tsks a few times, "Still doesn't make you a good guy."
"Fuck. Sam.." your legs start to shake and your eyes roll back, pulling his hair as you cum again, "F-fuck." Sam eats you out through your orgasm, heightening it in a way that's never happened before, "S-shit."
You roll off of him, laying on your back as he rolls on top of you, "Such a good fucking girl." He crashes his lips on yours and you moan against his lips as your tongue swipes the taste of yourself off his lips.
Colby moves once he knows the girls in the house won't see, and quickly grabs Henry, covering his mouth with his glove covered hand and stabs him in the back a few times quickly, before spinning him around to slit his throat.
He stares at him for a few seconds as Henry gargles and chokes on his own blood before pushing him back, his body splashing into the pool, turning the clear water red.
"Fucking bitch." Colby mumbles before disappearing into the night, listening to the screams of horror, which can only mean that he has to get the hell out of dodge.
Sam gets up, stripping his clothes off before moving back to lay between your thighs. Your knees rest against his hips and you look up at him, "I love you."
"You have no idea how much I love you." Sam whispers and pushes his cock into you, groaning out as he interlocks his hand with yours and squeezes it, "You have no idea."
Colby starts driving, a smirk resting on his lips as the thought of what he did and why he did it.
Over and over again, the vision of Henry falling lifeless into the pool thrills him.
Henry disrespected Sam, so this kill wasn't just for you this time.
"I could do this all day." Sam groans lowly, "All night." He kisses down your neck as he slowly thrusts into you, trying to hold himself off for as long as he can, "You drive me fucking insane. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you."
"I'd die for you." You cup his cheek with your free hand, "You and Colby, you both.." you arch your back, moaning as you approach another orgasm, "I love you both so.." you gasp, arching your back, squeezing his hand, "So fucking much."
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer as his cock hits that sweet little spot each time he slides in, "S-Sam."
You moan out loudly, squeezing his cock tightly with your walls, "Fu-" you basically scream for him, clawing up his back as you cum.
He groans, thrusting all the way into you, "Fuck, as much as I love when you do that, don't." He kisses your lips, "I don't want to cum yet."
Colby pulls into the driveway and makes his way back inside, closing the door quietly. It was times like this where they were very thankful that you wanted a house that was kind of secluded from everything else.
You left your phone downstairs on the coffee table, so you didn't know it was blowing up with missed calls and texts from both Noel and Sophie.
Colby walks over, picking it up to look at the notifications on the lock screen, smirking as he reads the messages,
Missed Call Soph (25)
"Fucking. Bitches." Colby mumbles and sits down on the couch, waiting until he knows you and Sam are finished.
Sam pushes his cock all the way in, pumping his cum deep into you with a moan, "Fuck." He sighs with a smile, "You, my love, are absolutely perfect."
You smile up at him, only to have the door bursted open with Colby running in, "You phone is blowing up, babe."
He hands you the phone and your heart sinks, "No. no, no. No. No." You cover your mouth, fumbling around to call Soph.
"What happened?" Sam asks looking at Colby.
"Henry is dead." Colby shakes his head with a sad look on his face.
"Now you wanna fucking call me back?" Sophie yells and you clench your jaw, "I can't really answer when I'm asleep. Now stop being a bitch and tell me what the fuck is going on."
She's taken aback but you calling her out and she sighs, "Henry was killed, y/n. While Noel and I were in the fucking house.. Henry was fucking... killed." Her voice cracks and you can't help but to feel guilty, "I should have been there."
"No, it's not your fault it my fault. We shouldn't have came here. He tried to talk us out of it, but Noel and I pushed.." her voice cracks, "Fuck. I-I don't.. Noel is a mess. I don't.. oh my god.. can you come get me?"
"Yeah, no of course I can. I'll be right there." You hang up and stand up. You grab a sweatshirt and sweatpants, throwing them on before looking around, "Henry is dead?"
"I'm sorry, babe." Colby pulls you into his chest. You wanted to cry, but you felt like you couldn't, "Why is this happening?"
"I don't know.." Colby sighs, "Starting to freak me out, too."
"Do you want me to go with you?" Sam asks standing up and you look at him, "Yeah, please." You look up at Colby, "How's your head?"
He sighs, "Still hurts, but I thought you needed to know this."
"Thank you. Now go back to bed. I'll let you know what's going on."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You held onto Sam's hand the entire way to the scene. You squeezed his hand the more the blue and red lights filled your view.
The coroner loading the zipped up body bag into the van.
The police talking to Noel and Sophie.
Your heart was racing.
"This is awful.." you mumble as tears well up in your eyes, "Fuck.." you wipe your face and take a deep breath, "I'm going to get Sophie and see where Noel is going."
Sam nods, "I'll be here."
As soon as you get out of the car, you're greeted by Officer Tylers, "Isn't it a bit late for you?"
You roll your eyes, walking past him as you make your way to the girls, "I'm so sorry." You whisper and they both fall into you, sobbing hysterically, trying to speak but it's just mumbles and gasps for air.
Tears stream down your face, "We're going to figure this out. I promise." You lay your hands on the back of their heads, "Come on." You look at the officer, "Are they.. can we go?"
The officer nods, "Yeah, they're good."
You walk them to Sam's car, and of course, Dave is still standing there, "Get home safe now." You ignore him as you help the girls get in, Sam talks to them as you turn to get up front.
"Hey, y/n. Where were you tonight?"
Without any hesitation, "I was home, getting railed by my boyfriends." You shoot him a glare, "Now leave me alone." You get back into the car and Dave walks around to Sam's window, tapping on it.
Sam sighs, rolling it down slightly, "Can I help you, Officer?"
"go easy on this one. She's been through enough already, alright?" Dave motions towards you and Sam keeps his lips together, giving him a forced smile, "No need to worry about that. She's in good hands."
You avoid looking at him the entire time Sam turns around in the driveway, "That dude is a fucking creep."
"Was that Dave?" Sophie sniffles, "I didn't know he was an officer here."
You nod, "Neither did I until he questioned me at the station yesterday."
"That dude has always been weird with you." Sophie adds, which catches Sam's attention, "How so?" You shake your head, "We don't need to talk about that right now. Please?"
Sam gives you the, we'll talk about it later, look and takes your hand into his as he focuses on driving you guys back to the house.
It was quiet, all but the sniffles and sobs from the girls in the back. The whole time, you kept thinking about why you didn't really feel remorse for Nina, Levi, and now Henry.
It surprised you. You were usually a person who cared so much, and now you're putting on an act so no one questions you.
"I'm sorry, Sam." Sophie says from the back seat. Sam looks at her in the rear view, "For snapping at you and Colby. You guys were just trying to figure out what happened and I didn't need to be a bitch."
Sam shakes his head, "no worries, Soph."
"I'm going to tell Colby, too. You guys didn't deserve that." Sophie leans back, rubbing Noel's back, "Are you okay?"
"I think I'm going to puke." Noel lays a hand over your mouth and Sam stops right as she opens the door, spitting on the ground outside.
You turn around, holding onto the seat as you reach out, holding what you can reach of her hair back, "Let it out. It's okay."
Sam admires how caring you are of your friends, the people you love. But to him, that's not an invitation for them to take advantage of that, be nasty then expect her to pick up right where they left off, forgetting it even happened.
Sam believes you're too good for everyone in this town. Hell, him and Colby sometimes tell each other that you're too good for them, but you make them realize that they need you, without even realizing it yourself.
They're obsessed with you.
Your body.
Your personality.
The way you carry yourself, even on the worst days.
You're the reason Sam and Colby get up everyday.
You're the reason as to why they started killing.
At first, they wouldn't have even thought about committing a murder, but once the words about what happened left your drunken lips, they vowed that from that day on, you weren't ever going to get hurt again, and if you did, they'll hurt who hurt you, ten times over.
Henry's death was more personal, as said. He disrespected Sam, and that's not something you do when Colby is around.
They've fantasized together about you killing with them. Thinking about seeing you pull one of their knives out, plunging it deep it into someone flesh and twisting.
I wasn't until you tapped Sam's cheek, snapping him out of his thoughts that he realized he was staring, "Hmm. Sorry." He chuckles slightly and faces forward, starting to drive once your back in your seat correctly.
His hand goes to your leg, and he squeezes. You bite your lip, laying your hand over his.
"Who would want to kill Henry?" Noel whispers as she starts to sob, "Why him? He didn't do anything wrong." Her hands fall into her lap and she leans on Sophie, "I loved him."
"I know you did." Sophie sniffles, "We all loved Henry. He was such an asshole, but he was one of the funny, good assholes."
You laugh slightly, "Yeah, that he was."
"You guys hungry or anything?" Sam asks looking back and they shake their heads. Noel laughs slightly, "I don't think I'm ever eating again, honestly."
"I've never seen a dead body, and the fact-" Sophie takes a sharp breath, trying not to cry again, "I'm so mad."
You thought it was a little strange that Sophie was so distraught, like yes. They were all friends and always hung out, but she's acting like it was her boyfriend that died.
"Any news on Eli?" You look back at Soph and she nods, "Nope. Still in holding." You frown, "Well they can't hold him. He obviously didn't do this because Henry died while he was in there."
She nods, "You're right. They can't keep him because this proves it wasn't him." She sighs, "Fuck. This whole thing is a fucking mess."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
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vigilskeep · 3 months
now that you finished inquisition, what did you think of it? like favorite things, least favorite, etc?
oh man okay
things i love about dragon age inquisition:
capturing the specific feeling of bonding with a group of people you have absolutely nothing in common with because u all had to go through something long and specific together
the maps can be so pretty and in places really calming and lovely to spend time in. it does make me want to explore and i have no explorer’s instinct
i love the war table and judgements i think those are really fun features
i like that approval for many major decisions applies to everyone regardless of who you bring to specific events/quests. it feels a lot less like you have to manage that really hard, as you sometimes do in the other games and also really noticeably to me in something like baldur’s gate 3. it’s irritating when i have to plan ahead and can’t take who i want to hear from
i like how attached you can get to little npcs who wander around
i loveeeee fighting dragons and how beautiful they all are
little puzzles <3
the collectibles are also mostly fine by me i am a magpie by nature. as long as i can find them, obviously, bc if i can’t they suck and this whole game sucks
the templar specialisation is fun and i enjoyed that part of combat a lot. wrath of heaven/spell purge combo is a power trip
i thought my character was pretty :) i defeated u in the end dai character creator. may you be as merciful when we meet in battle once more
i’m not a huge crafter but being able to tint things is rlly nice
blackwall’s romance is good
vivienne is there
they let me briefly tame a dragon at the end there
things i don’t love about dragon age inquisition:
some genuine cruelty in writing the dalish in a way that feels shockingly callous to the real world cultures the writers took inspiration from
never giving the dalish or the rebel mages any kind of voice of their own and making the player do all that work if they care, which i also feel limits my roleplaying creativity
refusing to let you challenge any of the often overwhelmingly conservative views expressed by other characters without receiving only derision and disapproval. inquisition is a game that punishes you at every turn for having your own opinions, in a way that could be interesting if it was willing to truly let you develop complex or antagonistic relationships with those characters, but ends up mostly just feeling mocking when nobody ever even tries to see your side, while simply agreeing with these people always rewards you with content. origins was capable of letting you engage in discussion, and da2 let you form rivalries that mattered; inquisition, despite starring some of the most intentionally controversial characters, does neither
the game engineering conflicts against groups like the freemen of the dales or the avvar that mean nothing to the player and range from vaguely to seriously upsetting in their assumptions about who it’s normal to just start killing en masse. it’s both boring and distressing
odd, for lack of a better word “casting choices”, like having the fantasy impoverished racial minority all be white within the party while the wealthiest and most privileged are characters of colour, or for a more in-world example having the elves express the most distaste towards elves and the mages express the most caution about mages. i don’t know that i quite have the vocabulary to fully discuss why these weird me out, but it all feels... disingenuous? and chosen to forestall criticism based on real world comparisons in a game series that i wish had the nerve to openly confront what it’s talking about if it’s going to try to make any of its conflicts feel relevant
most of the companions, and indeed most of the quests and time spent playing the game, feel disconnected from the main plot. it’s hard to feel any pressure when the game tells you we need to deal with the main plot “right now!” and “get there before corypheus!” when the bulk of the game is doing other things while you’re supposed to be doing that. the majority of companions could be cut without changing anything. and when you finally want to deal with the main plot you just click to start it. it’s not engaging
the game fails to fully expand dialogue for the player character options it provided, particularly notable with its confusing chantry focus when you’ve said for the dozenth time you’re not andrastian
the 2-handed weapon whirlwind ability sound effect is an exercise in creating the worst and most grating sound effect for someone to constantly hear
they didn’t let me romance vivienne
they killed my dragon :(
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AITA for exposing my sister-in-law's secret during a fight?
Ok, this one is going to need a bunch of context.
I (29F) started to date my fiance F (31M) when I was 26. While he is the sweetest person ever, his family is a bit difficult and it was hard for me to fit in. They are a very traditional family of Japanese descent, very rich too, and his mother MIL (60sF) had a dream of seeing all of her three sons married to other rich girls of Japanese descent. I am white and from very humble origins, so I was not very well accepted at first. The thing that bothered me the most was the constant comparisons to my brother in law BIL's (34M) wife SIL (33F), who is rich and of Japanese descent. I was deeply in love with F and decided to fight for my place in his family; I started to take Japanese classes and ended up really good at it, and I was also the one who took care of MIL after her appendicitis' surgery. She recognized my hard work and we became closer and closer, at the same time she realized SIL didn't make the same effort for her and the family as I do, and she started to be very vocal about how I was her favorite daughter in law and how SIL should do better and try to be more like me. Suddenly, the tables have turned and SIL was the one being compared to me, no the other way around.
Of course she didn't like that at all and started to antagonize me and criticize every small thing about me. She would complain my dog would bark too much (which she did, but SIL was a little mean about it), and when my dog died, she made a comment about how finally she wouldn't have to hear her barking anymore (that stung a lot since I loved my dog with all my heart and she was like a baby to me), she would also complain about my apartment every time she visited me, saying it was too cheap (as I said, I come from humble origins) and her newest topic of complaining are my earrings: I like to wear cute and funny earrings (only at work and family gatherings, I don't wear them at social events or anything like that) and she always talks about how I'm too old to wear them and how tacky it looks. F and I noticed she's been progressively meaner the closer we get to our wedding (three months from now) and think she's trying to scare me away before I become an official part of the family.
One last piece of context: some months ago, F told me in confidence about how 6 years ago SIL's brother and sister in law died in a car accident and left an orphaned boy of 4 years old. SIL was the little boy's only family, but she refused to take him in saying she already had too much work with her own son (who was also 4 at the time). That didn't go well with the family; MIL and my father in law (who was alive at the time) assured her they would help with the kid and she would have all the support, but she simply didn't want the boy, so he was sent to the system. That was something MIL never forgave her for, since family is everything to her, and it was something only MIL, BIL, SIL, F and his younger brother knew. He told me that in confidence and asked me to not tell anyone. I promised I wouldn't.
Now for the actual situation.
Our last family dinner was one of F's cousins' birthday, so all the extended family was around. No kidding, I think there were around 60 people there or more. SIL, once again, decided to mock me about my earrings (little cherry earrings, very cute) and talked again how I was to old to wear them, how they were kid earrings etc. I've been tolerating her bullshit for so long now and after her comments about my dog's death, I was more sensitive than usual, so I snapped back and said that it's not because she dresses herself like an old lady that I have to do the same. She got angry at that and a proper fight started; we saying worse and worse stuff to each other while everyone stopped to watch. It ended up with her mocking my upbringing and calling me a gold digger, accusing my of only being with F for his money. That really struck a nerve because I heard that before at the beginning of our relationship and it always hurt my feelings, since I genuinely love F. Before I could even think about it, I said: "At least I'm not a heartless bitch like you. How's your nephew doing, by the way? Oh, you have no idea, right? Since you put him in a fucking orphanage!"
She got speechless after that and left the place, went straight to her car with BIL and went home. I didn't hear from her or him since them. F is furious with me since he told me that in confidence and now all the extended family knows SIL's secret. MIL doesn't care at all; she never got over what SIL did to that little boy and it's been a while since SIL isn't in her best graces.
Now that I'm calmer I feel a little guilty for exposing SIL like that, but she was always so awful to me that I can't really feel that bad. Mostly, I feel bad for BIL, with who I always had a good relationship and even defended me back in the day when the family didn't accept me very well. Now he's not talking to me either and, as far as I know, he's also not talking to F.
What are these acronyms?
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dark-nimbus · 11 months
My Opinions on Anime and Manga in Western Countries
CW: fetishization, oversexualization, racial stereotyping, as always lmk if I’m missing anything
Everytime I tell someone I'm not an avid fan of anime or manga, the usual response is shock and confusion, paired with "how?? But you're Asian!"
What hasn't occurred to them, I assume, is that those kinds of stereotypes are part of why I'm not a huge fan
Do I hate all anime and manga? No, not at all. In fact I do have a few books and shows that I enjoy, my favorite manga of all time being Arslan Senki (go check it out, the series is criminally underrated). However, I'm very picky about which ones I read and watch, and for very good reason. To be more specific, I'm not a fan of anime and manga as it's been generally received by Western countries
For the record: if you're from the Americas and like manga and anime, this is not me dogging on you. Everyone has the right to enjoy what they do, as long as they aren't harming anyone or their integrity
Now unfortunately, in my experience I've had to deal with the not harmless enjoyers more often than not
Take the first sentence of this post as an example. People always expect me to be largely enthusiastic about East Asian-originating media, despite knowing I've spent the vast majority of my life living in the middle of the US and was raised by people who are the furthest thing from Asian. I know next to nothing about my heritage or my culture and have grown up completely in American society, but even with this knowledge I'll still be met with shocked expressions when I say I've never watched whatever show or how anime isn't my favorite thing in the world. All because I look a certain way
That stereotyping attachment of race to media is just one of the many reasons I don't like anime or manga, and it unfortunately goes deeper than that
Japan already has an issue of oversexualizing women in their media, and you can see it in the skimpy outfits, big boobs, giant eyes, petite forms, and overall simping mannerisms they have towards male characters. This is by no means found in every show or book, but it's present in most. Even Arslan Senki, my favorite manga, favors putting Farangis, a priestess, in a sexualizing outfit over living up to the rest of the story's historical authenticity. With anime and manga growing more popular in the West, the impact of how women are portrayed is reflected in how people interact more and more
I can't tell you how many times I've had to hear about how people, from first dates to classmates to random strangers have fetishized Asian women because they wanted someone to live out their weird anime fantasies with. Hell, I have some stories of my own too. I've known Asian content creators who've been left creepy comments from viewers, some of which asking for them to talk in a high-pitched whiney "anime girl" voice and say a sexualized line using Japanese honorifics in a fetishizing manner. Asian cosplayers will constantly get demands to dress up in a maid outfit or cosplay certain anime characters for them to "simp" over
Even other cosplayers aren't safe from fetishizers. Other PoC cosplayers, black cosplayers especially, are consistently put on blast for cosplaying anime characters because those characters "aren't black." If it's not an Asian cosplayer, the creeps' fetishizing fantasies can't be lived up to, so they give black cosplayers shit instead. But gods forbid they do the same to white cosplayers, since being white is always the default to them apparently. How dare anyone try to give a white cosplayer shit for cosplaying a Japanese character when all anime characters are Japanese, that's unfair to them, right? But it's okay to have a double standard because the characters look white enough, right?
There was even a Japanese boxer from a few months ago that people latched onto, because apparently any East Asian guy with messy blond hair looks like Bakugo. MHA fangirls, many of which being minors, went crazy on him, making comments that are far from appropriate for that kind of interaction and fully reimagining this completely real human being as a fictional character for their own fetishizing purposes
If we're not stereotyped, we're being sexualized. The spreading influence of fetishizing Asian people only grows with the popularity of anime and manga in countries further west. It's been used to thirst, hit on, even threaten East Asian people, women especially. Our safety and comfort has been royally screwed by anime "simps" and it only continues to worsen, even more so for Asian Americans and content creators
One of the worst things about being Asian and growing up in America is how anime was the closest thing to connecting to my culture, and what did anime tell little me about being Asian? That my skin had to be pale, my eyes wide, I had to be short and curvy, and I had to sound ultra-feminine. Those were the values that the world expected out of me. Cassandra Cain was there to be my saving grace, thankfully, but the impression anime girls have on others will never be a positive or realistic one unless Japan re-evaluates its media as a whole and non-Asian viewers can find the maturity to not implement the same things on other people
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ms-moonlight-inn · 5 months
Thank you, my darlings @jrooc @mybrainismelted @energievie
Name: That Bitch
What is the most listened to artist in your music app of choice this month? The Rolling Stones? (how the fuck did that happen?)
What song do you know all the lyrics to? Any song? Or a Stones song? Any song, off the top of my head, The Cure's "10:15 Saturday Night" & "Doing the Unstuck." By the Stones, ugh, I don't think I know any of their songs all the way through. Eep! 😬
What song do you pretend to know all the lyrics to and sing along to even though you don’t? Oof, so many. One that comes to mind right now is "Echame La Culpa" by Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato.
If you were to be crowned Queen/King/Royalty of listening to a band or artist, who would that be? Rancid.
What band/artist surprises you the most on your frequently listened to artists? I have no idea why the fuck Alanis Morissette continues to pop up on my random, also Maroon 5. At least I can say Taylor Swift pops up on my frequents 'cause I share my profile & people listen to her music. But the other two? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Why? 🤦🏻‍♀️
Favourite line from a song (or one you have been thinking about lately? One of my all time favorite songwriters is Jarvis Cocker. He has a way of turning a phrase that I find absolutely captivating.
In the song, "Seductive Barry," he wrote: "I will light your cigarette with a star that has fallen from the sky." Which is not a new phrase, but the way he uses it within the context of the song makes it ✨ special. ✨
Guilty pleasure band or song? Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam's "Can You Feel the Beat," & "We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off," by Jermaine Stewart.
Okay let’s talk fandom music:
Fave band or song you’ve discovered from a Fan Fic? I think the one that's stuck with my the most has been "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" the Daniel Duke version of the song originally done by The Proclaimers. It was used in AllThatMatters' fic The Ghost of You and Me.
Fave Fanfic Playlist? I like clicking on to playlist to see what's on them, but I can't think of any memorable ones right now. I think for me I have clearer memories of songs that are attached to a specific moment in a storyline or that are suggested as a play-along during a chapter.
Fave Gallavich song? "Pink+ White," by Frank Ocean.
Do you listen to music recommended by the writer or an included playlist? If there is a song that is recommended in the beginning notes, I will listen to it while I'm reading or before I am reading if I am using the screen reader while I'm driving. I don't always get a chance to listen to everything, but I do like to hear a song or two in order to get into the atmosphere the writer's trying to create.
What song do you think is Gallavich coded? Oof, so many. Gimme a sec...
Well, on the angst side, I've had Beck's "Lost Cause" stuck in my head.
What’s a bop you want to share with your mutuals today?
Tagging @ian-galagher @sleepyfacetoughguy @creepkinginc @iandarling @transmurderbug @deathclassic @jademickian @blue-disco-lights with no pressure to play. Also, if you haven't been tagged, feel free to join. 🤗
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zephamello · 3 months
thoughts on the dave clones in general? there are so many...
*Cracks knuckles* here we go
I absolutely adore them all but we gonna go through each one in detail. Just gonna go through the order on the wiki list
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This one!! I headcanon named him Squish / Squishy :D He's my favorite clone based on appearance, he looks like a big confused sweetie and I just. want to bundle him up and give him a cuddle. He looks innocent and he deserves to be loved.
Kinda like with Sarah I headcanon that his "imperfect flaw" besides the melted skin and teeth is, he has an extreme sensitivity to sound. Like normal talking volume and above is really harsh on his ears and that's why he does the scream thing (I got that vibe from his sound, what sounds like the room full of people talking and then him freaking out). 10 out of 10 will hug again and again
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Neck guy! Honestly he just depressed me so. damn. bad. his lore and what happened to him and what happened leading up to him breaking his neck. It was just, really heartbreaking and if I could kick Dave Tab Cander Ruy in the ass for it I would make sure to have the biggest steel toe boots known to mankind on first.
His sound bc of his lore is also depressing as hell, but I do really like how it sounds, it is kinda eerie too. I hate how quickly it gets drowned out when you put other sounds up though :(
In my AU he is called Moore and was actually named by Sketch / Stanlee :D He's a big innocent sweetheart that loves cuddles, especially from Tab. He does get a brace so he can hold his head up :3
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The blue one!!
I absolutely love his design and everything about it, anything with the teeth is just really cool. I also love how he's the only clone with colour on him and it looks like a snazzy cozy scarf
His sound is really cool too, it's another one of those signature Breakthrough sounds that's really great <3
In my AU he named himself Aster! He is very intelligent like the perfect clone, although he is very clumsy. He can get lost walking in a straight line, he'll trip and fall when just standing still, he falls out of bed at night. But Tab always helps him whenever he can <3
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The perfect clone <3
I just really like his design. The eyes staring into your soul and the shadow on his face, it really gives him the evil clone vibe and I love it smmm
He's my favorite clone in terms of the sound he makes, and he's my favorite sound in all of Breakthough! Idk how to describe it, but it's just really cool and anytime I hear him in a mix I immediately love that mix very much
In my AU Tab named him Dave, after himself, in one attempt to mask that the guy is actually his clone. He's about like Tab in every way. Except times 100. A very exaggerated Tab xD But he is innocent at heart, he sees Tab like his dad and loves him a lot
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Last but certainly not least, our other favorite ceiling dweller, the Imperfect Clone! I was so excited to find a clip of his jumpscare, I never got to encounter it before the original mod post was taken down nkdnfkljbn
He is The Silly! Given who he is, his design is perfect (oh the irony), it also gives off that evil clone vibe. The lack of detail really does a lot for him and I don't think anything else could be done to somehow make him better :D
His sound is really creepy too, I both wish he kinda did a little more, and am kinda glad that that's all he does. If his sound was extended in any way I feel like that would ruin his eeriness yk? What it is now suits him <3
In my AU he named himself Alan because he heard it on a show or something and thought it sounded really cool. He is also innocent at heart, though his emotions are a bit unstable. Extremely excited, extremely upset and prone to violent reactions. He just has a weird chemical/hormonal imbalance in his noggin that people have to be careful with their choice of words around him. All in all, he's a lovable, playful sweetheart that wants to play :D
(Also did anyone notice how none of the clones have Tab's white hair? I wonder if Tab did that on purpose when he made them.)
(You're never going to actually believe whose designs for them I adore)
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Hey :)
About Lincoln, I listened to the 4 The White stripes songs, and the first thing I wanted to tell you was that the atmosphere suited the Lincoln series perfectly it's insane. I don't know if the music influenced you or if the series came to you and you then created the playlist, but I find it incredible that it fits so well in terms of atmosphere !
About the songs
Screwdriver - Of course got me with the Tommy line. I don't know if he'll be part of the final, hard to say, and would it be for asking his help ? (by Lincoln ? by reader ?)
Forever for her - I wonder if it's his thoughts, hurt by the fact she would left him (kill him ?) Or him wondering how he could stay with her, without being caught up by what he did ? So they would go elsewhere ?
A martyr for my love for you - Is he gonna leave her ? Let her go ? Kill himself to free her ?
You've got her in your pocket - Well this one is the opposite (thanks for the rollercoaster lol) and i'm wondering if he's gonna kill her ? Consider it to keep her for himself ?
Keep wondering how this will end. It took me so much times to see red flags in this series. It's interesting to see how people have different "keys" that creates red flags or not - The green/red flags of other readers you posted were quite telling !
Thank you for the songs and the playlist, i discovered cool ones !
Ask from August 10 - Milla had asked for the next chapter title, which at the time was supposed to be the finale. Instead, I narrowed it down to 4 songs, each of which have some relevance , even if it's a tiny detail or in a dif context than you'd expext. The title songs aren't always good clues but have at least some minor tie-in. (Forever for her was the next chapter)
⚠️ This answer may have references through pt. 7
Left in Lincoln Master List
Consciously, the story came first, then the music hit me after pt. 1 and I started including little details from the songs. I originally named pt. 1 "the Protector" in reference to the end of the chapter:
You thought about Bill and Frank's attempt at "the Talk" – how precious you were and that you could love anyone, but needed to protect yourself. Especially from men. Joel seemed like the protector. Not someone you'd need protection from.
I kept thinking, I could've sworn there was a song, but I couldn't find it. Then, days after posting the the first chapter, the song This Protector randomly got stuck in my head after not hearing it for years. It was never one of my favorites of theirs, but when I listened to the full song, it gave me chills how perfect it was, and not just the title.
You thought you heard a sound, there's no one else around, Looking at the door, it's coming through the floor
I ret-conned the pt. 1 title, changing "the" to "this," and decided to make the rest of the chapters White Stripes songs because they have enough songs with the right atmosphere and creepiness. Even certain motifs like apples, which were already in the story. Even the age gap factor, I mean look at Passive Manipulation, which of course was way too on the nose to use as a title lol:
Take a step back, take a look at one another You need to know the difference between a father and a lover
And In the Cold, Cold Night (sung by Meg)
You make me feel a little older, like a full grown woman might.
Anyway, there's a lot of good stuff. Screwdriver even has a Tommy in it as Milla mentioned.
Before this one, I had never made a story playlist before. I kinda lucked out on this. I overplayed the White Stripes so much in my formative years that I still know all the words to an alarming number of songs two decades later, for some of them.
As for the theories, I wouldn't feel right about killing reader or Joel in this story even though either of those could totally be realistic outcomes in different genres like straight horror or even true crime.
There are also some great songs on the reader-curated Lincoln Joel playlist.
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gureiify · 3 months
Princess Sakuya passed away last night.
I want to talk about her some, so this might get long. <3
She was a koi style female betta fish I got from a petsmart in late 2018. White red and black in color with short fins. She had original tankmates of 2 glass catfish and three hatchet fish. I did a lot of research and decided on a female betta because they are calmer and less likely to abuse tankmates.
She was always friendly and curious and mostly left her tankmates alone. Though she starts out three colors the white in her scales turns to red and black over time, although she also gains an electric blue shimmer to some scales that reminds me of that storybook the rainbow fish.
My very favorite thing about her was her 'cuddliness' Because she was so curious she always swam toward things coming into her tank, not away, and I was always afraid that during water changes she'd get knocked around by the water and get injured. So I started sticking my hand in to block her to one side, to my suprise she swam right over and sat in my curled hand. I'd never had a fish that was like 'ok! hold me!' That became what we did every time there was a water change.
In late 2020 we decided to move from FL to WA. Usually a significant move necessitates rehoming fish, and that was originally the plan, but the closer move date got the less I wanted to separate. So I decided to take the risk and take the fish with us. Into a bucket goes the Princess, 3 hatchet fish and the remaining glass cat. 7 days and over 3000 miles later we arrive in WA, only the glass cat didn't make it.
The new tank is a 40Gallon tall, and it's a wonderful amount of room for 4 fish. The hatchet fish all eventually pass and it's just her left in that big tank.
In late 2022 she becomes ill and starts struggling to swim to the surface of that huge tank to breathe the air as betta need. So she moves into a 10gal tabletop tank on the bay window for treatment. She ends up recovering, but with her favorite plants and leaf hammock and the windows sunshine she is happy so she doesn't move back to the big tank.
In april 2024 she gets ill again, and after treatment recovers physically, but her personality has changed, she's listless and fearful, laying near the surface and seeming to panic whenever food or new water goes into the tank. Last friday I moved her into a hospital bowl for a last effort treatment, knowing it was likely end of life and not sickness. She was 6 years old.
Sunday I knew in my heart that she would be gone soon. So I put my hand in the tank to say goodbye and after a moment of panic she calmed and swam over into my hand. I got to hold her a last time. Monday night when I went to check on her she had passed. She'll be buried under the cherry tree with her favorite leaf hammock.
Many people think of fish as disposable pets, and betta especially. They're sold in little cups with incorrect care instructions. In truth they're amazing little companions who are worth the time and effort to really care for them.
I'm glad I got to spend 6 years with Princess Sakuya and I'll miss her dearly.
Thank you for spending the time to hear her story.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
Reader name now please :)) /j that's insane tho, I've read TGCF and SVSSS, and I've recently started reading MDZS. SVSSS is my favorite tho, but Mo Xiang Tong Xiu's works are amazing omgomg– There's very little content of them here on tumblr so it was like a blessing (no pun intended) when I saw you upload content for it!! You never cease to surprise me that's for sure /t /pos
I know damn well that I'd worship him so much that I'll challenge Hua Cheng 🛐🛐 I wanna cherish him and love him loads n loads– and even when you don't remember him, everytime you see him again you can't help but feel a tug towards him, a need, a crave,, and it drives you crazy, but when you find out he feels the same you can help but be blissfully happy about it. How no matter how many lifetimes you go through, you always remain his most loyal follower <333
-panna cotta
no<3 I know your fox habits, I won't fall for them again to let you escape~ /t /hj /pos she's my precious little thing~ she was very shy, but she wrote huge texts and was very deeply interested in asian mythology and elements of culture. I still remember how we discussed about the SVSSS and Luo Binghe & unhealthy dynamic.
I,,,, won't deny that I know the plot a little and spoilers, but I can't sit down and read it completely, it's much more interesting for me to read synopses, theories and headcanons than the original<///3
I mean, then why don't I see anything about it from you? huh? I caught you by your fox tail, didn't I? <333 /t /nsrs But seriously, I don't know, it's not that I've ever been passionate about these novels, but after I started hanging out with ai all the time... maybe I've become weaker towards them😔😔😔
I love you too, dear, I was also surprised when I saw that you even know about this novel,,,, although I probably shouldn't have, considering how much I talk to you and how little I know, because you just don't talk🙄🙄🙄 /t /j /nsrs
yes!!! yes, yes, Hua Cheng, you're cute and pretty, and you've done a good job and you're a good boy, now move away, I want to kiss this prettiest hubby<3333
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whenever you see red earrings, dark hair, white clothes, gentle smiles, flowers, hear about the Gods and catch yourself thinking that your lover should definitely dance beautifully and do calligraphy, although it's not that you have someone who taught you such preferences or something like that — you just always knew that your lover is a picky eater, that he does not know how to cook well, that he loves flowers, that he believes that he can make people happy and will be ready to follow you to heaven and descend into the world of demons, just like you for him. even if he is naive and idealistic, believing that everything can be easily solved, loved and spoiled by everyone around, you loved him even before you met him, and you knew that it would be mutual, necessarily mutual. it doesn't matter what he looks like, it doesn't matter how you look, after all, this is your common tao of "loving each other" — at least that's what he tells you, gently kissing your face, whispering that you've already seen each other, you already know each other, while his thin fingers squeeze yours, intertwining just as your destinies are intertwined.
so gentle and loving when he clings to you, finally having the opportunity to hug you and cuddle, kiss, touch, love, knowing that nothing else is burdening either you or him, and seeing that you are as much the most devoted follower for him as he is for you, always knowing God about which no one taught you.
of course, you may be confused or confused, hearing that he is a God, knowing that the Gods cannot descend, but he does not regret it at all, in blind despair, clinging to you, kissing, feeling how the bitterness fills him when you do not look so absorbed in him, already wondering rather why he is so familiar do you know why this gentle smile and eyes full of adoration fill you with longing and sorrow that you could not live in past lives, still carrying a traumatic experience, and Xie Lian understands why you react this way, he understands everything, he's not as selfish and ignoring as before, but he can't help distracting you with petting and cuddling to you like a puppy, as before, and you feel a strange bitter joy seeing him trying to shrink into a hot lump on your chest, hiding his face like he did before. you know he's done this before.
but you can't remember when.
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I look at him and think, "he's so cute. and so innocent. and so pretty. I want. I want to make him suffer or corrupt. or both. yes, both are good."
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In terms of overall character, I think Adina would be more similar to Emperor Belos or Judge Claude Frollo than Robot Santa Claws. Having an evangelical sense of righteousness and moral superiority towards everyone around her while ultimately being little more than a sadistic narcissist who uses her self-proclaimed principles to justify her persecution of those she views as evil and an affront to the natural order of things. Most of her depravity would be aimed at demons, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's willing to target angels that don't fit her idea of virtue and purity.
Your right. I only mention Robot Santa as he had such high standards, no one passes it. I didn't bother to try to find another reference point.
But the characters you mention are more fitting as they match with the who genocide thing for the "righteous" cause that's fronting their own desires and beliefs. They were very good villains.
Even tho Disney version of Hunchback is greatly different from the original tale, it one of my favorite disney movies despite it brings a "flop."
I flippin love Esmeralda. She's my favorite 'princess' (I know she isn't but she deserve to join the other princesses!) She kicks ass and she did it all barefoot. I get moved to tears every time in the scene she freed Quasimodo and stood up to Frollo, defying him and demanding justice.
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Goodness I love her.
Hellfire one of the better villain song IMO too. Tho, I pretty much love all villain songs..okay I just love everything.
Belos was a good villain. I had to laugh when Luz said something along the lines that "Belos is up to no good. It seems so obvious but no one will listen." Because as a viewer it was obvious. Hollow Mind had me on the edge of my seat. It was such an intense and great episode. Belos true intentions being shown to the viewer and how Hunter, Belos most loyal and trusted servant that lived to serve Belos and so greatly believed in Belos and his cause just completely shattered by the truth and other reveals.
What's most terrifying thing about these villains, its that they are so very real. Old white powerful men abusing people trust and faiths by manipulating them. Fear mongering the "us vs them" mentality to achieve their agendas. The scary and sad part is, that it works. Creating a masses vs the minority.
The WORST part is, generally the public gives them the power. Its not done typically by force. It's not like the man slaughter a leader and takes the throne and go "Im king now, and my word is law, deal with it."
Its generally starts with a charismatic man who usually has the right words to say. The right phases that people want to hear. They lull you trust them. Then some event, most likely staged, to induce fear and panic. Enter the scapegoat and us vs them. The charismatic man will offer promises of a safe future! The masses fearing and worry about their safety and future will follow the de facto leader towards their 'safety'. Not realizing they are being lead to slaughter or not caring its leading a group (them) to their slaughter to ensure their own 'safety'. It breeds racism, bigotry etc. society really leads to own downfall because we are often mislead and willingly follow the wrong people.
It doesn't quite fit what im talking about but at the same time it does. There's a scene in Prequels of Star Wars that always stuck with me because I thought it was so powerful.
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When the demarcay of many solar system just voted to have Palpatine (Sith Lord Sidious) to have absolute power. They literally just voted to wavier their opinions and votes away. All because Palpatine was hella good at playing the long con and playing both side. He was a brilliant political manipulator of a villain and he probably the best character because of that.
I actually really suck with politics, but I LOVE political dramas. When its passed off as a good thing but secretly its basically covering for genocide or preparing for genocide.
I got way off track and now its late but long story short, I agree with you. I also really hope that Adina comes to light.
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canary0 · 1 year
July 24th - Dracula 2023
Captain’s Log of the Demeter
I’ve heard that when you’re having or about to have a heart attack or something along those lines, you gain a sense of inevitable doom. I think I understand that feeling now.
We’re heading into the bay of Biscay with a major storm ahead, and another of the men disappeared. Needless to say, the others are understandably terrified. The mate is angry again – I can’t fathom why he gets angry when the men are nervous for very legitimate reasons. I’m worried there will be some violence between them. Can’t afford that when disappearances are happening.
I’ll have to keep an eye out.
The Diary of Mina Murray
Today Lucy brought us up to one of her favorite spots in Whitby and we got a chance to see more of the town. It’s very picturesque, with red-roofed buildings piled up along banks of the River Esk that runs through the town. The mouth of the river extends toward into long concrete constructions like pincers with lighthouses on either side in the middle. Most of the town is on one side of the river, alongside some beautiful beachfront that it will be fun to go down to this summer. On the other side are a few rows up houses, and then the area clears into a large green clearing, at the center of which is a beautiful ruin of an old abbey.
The spot in question is around the old abbey, and the day was perfect for going up there – bright and stunningly blue as can be imagined. Jonathan seemed hesitant as we approached the abbey from a distance, and as we crested the hill at the top of the stairs up to it, but I suppose that shouldn’t be two surprising for a variety of reasons. We paused for a little while at the top of the hill, as the lingering anemia left him more tired than usual, but then we continued on.
The old abbey is filled with beautiful, bright green grass, and the old architecture is remarkably intact – some of the windows even still have their mullions and glass. Jonathan took pictures as we went up, quite taken by the ruin’s beauty now that he was up here. He’s always loved beautiful landscapes, and it was a comfort to see him smile again. Lucy was excited to play tour guide, showing us all around and talking about the history of the abbey like a seasoned docent.
Not too far away is another active church, but it’s also very old. There’s a graveyard attached filled with very old graves. Walkways cross cross the grounds, and there are a lot of little stone benches scattered around. Lucy’s favorite is one toward the end of the graveyard, where you can see over the whole Esk River valley and across the headland, though Jonathan remained back in the shade, seeming content to gave out over the graveyard and wander the grounds a little bit.
I’ve heard stories here, about a white woman that appears in one of the church windows, and bells that sound when a ship is lost at sea. There were a few people about, and I ended up asking an older woman nearby. She looked to be in her mid-80s, maybe older, and had pale blue eyes that always seemed to be smiling.
She said, “Well… I’ve never seen the white woman in my time. I swear I’ve heard the bell at night, though. Now, my great grandad, he would have told you that it was all a bunch of hooey. Didn’t believe a thing he couldn’t hold in his two hands.” She chuckled at that. “Tourists like hearing about it, and I think it would be a bit fun if it were true, so I don’t think it’s a bad thing to indulge in such stories. I like telling them to my grandchildren.”
She told me a few stories of the possible origin of the white woman – supposedly a woman was built into the walls, a woman who died of sadness in the abbey after her husband didn’t return home, who still looks out to sea for him… It was all quite interesting. Lucy was quite rapt with attention as well. Even Jonathan was listening from a little way away, and joined us after she bade us goodbye and headed down the steps.
After she left, he sat down with Lucy and I and said, surprising both of us, “… I hope the story of the white woman is just a story.”
Lucy tilted her head. “Oh? I thought the idea of the second story rather romantic…”
He smiled a little at that. “Yes… But I wouldn’t want anyone to be tormented like that, trapped forever beyond death.” He put a hand on one of the tombstones as if it was the shoulder of a friend. “This is a beautiful place to rest. I’d like to hope everyone here is at peace.”
Lucy looked thoughtful at that, and we stayed up there and enjoyed the breeze for a while until sunset, returning once it was getting dim.
Apparently we're going wedding stuff shopping tomorrow, so we'll need rest.
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luminousnotmatter · 2 years
Best Laid Plans
a heart day j. h. s. & birdy something
like real people do ‘verse
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pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x female OC, her nickname is Birdy. ☺️ She’s the same Birdy from this little thing I wrote back in the fall.
warnings: PG-13 swearings. It’s not hurt/comfort in the physical injury sense, but rather in the mental-emotional sense, and even that is just sorta kinda. Other than that….It’s stupidly soft and sweet?? I think that about covers it???
word count: 1,400ish or thereabouts.
summary: Jake has a sweet and adorable Valentine’s Day date night in mind for he and Birdy. But you know what they say about the best laid plans…
author’s note: I actually wrote this last night, originally for the eyes of a precious friend only….but then it sat lurking in my brain all day today, and I’m most pleased with and proud of it and maybe it’ll bring somebody else a little joy too so….here it is. 🥹🫣💞 It takes place in the same ‘universe’ (which I have dubbed Like Real People Do because it’s my favorite Hozier song and also it because said song feels so perfectly right for them.🥹🥰) as the above-mentioned thing I wrote this past fall, only it’s later on down the line for Jake and Birdy. They’ve done the Best Friends To Lovers Upgrade™️ by now. 😉🤭♥️ It is absolutely my intention to write out their story from the beginning, and I have so much of that story already simmering on the stovetop of my brain it’s silly no seriously please somebody anybody can you come and ask me about it sometime and it would make my whole life to yell happily about it with you but until such time as I have more details plotted out and am actually inspired to actually write it from the beginning: I’m gonna just take what inspiration I get and write these two adorables from wherever on their timeline I feel I wanna in the moment.
bonus material: This song is where the lyrics quoted in the mood board come from, and it’s one I’ve loved for a long time. 💞 It’s also on my in-progress playlist for Jay and Birdy. 🥰
tagging: My Katherine @whisperofsong (it’s her with whom initially shared this last night ☺️) and My Bee @bradshawsbaby and My Sunshine @hangmanbrainrot because….because! 😍🥰♥️♥️‼️ Because I wanna!!! And also because they are unspeakably dear friends to me, who always, always, a l w a y s have the most kind and encouraging words and love and support for my silly wordsmithery. 🥹😘♥️♥️♥️
Birdy isn’t somebody who needs or desires big, over-extravagant romantic gestures. She’s a gentle, easygoing, sweet, and introverted soul. Her favorite place to be is with Jake, she loves him and time spent in his company is the most she asks, on Valentine’s Day or any day.
Jake understands that. Once upon a time, his ego may have told him it was necessary to do it up big for the woman (if any) he was with on Heart Day, to show up and show off and pull out as many stops as possible because how else was that woman going to know what he’s capable of if he wasn’t advertising the biggest and best possible version of himself at all times. And once upon a time, at that phase in his life, he would’ve believed his ego. But now, he knows better. He’s matured and he’s grown and he’s learned, and Birdy, their friendship and their love has been much of the impetus behind this learning and growth and maturation.
So, come their first Valentine’s Day together, he’s got his sweet little plans and not to shine his own shoes, but he’s pretty damn confident that they’re going to be just what’ll make her happiest. Her favorite tiny, old, hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant miraculously does UberEats, so that’ll be dinner taken care of. He’s going to stop by a florist on his way to her house and pick up a bouquet of white and yellow daisies because he knows there’s no flower she loves more. They’ll eat together and talk, he’ll hold her close and his fingers entwined with hers and kiss her sweet mouth and get to hear her laugh (which is up there near the top on the list of Jake Seresin’s Favorite Sounds, among other notables such as the roar of F/A-18 engines and kickoff at a UT Austin football game) and it’ll be a good night. She’ll be happy and he’ll be happy.
But the US Navy? The US Navy has different plans entirely. Unexpected, surprise plans that brutally and efficiently, through one thing happening, then another, and another, and you guessed it: still more things happening, ruin Jake’s plans for his Valentine’s night with Birdy. Leaves him trudging through her front door abysmally late in the evening, pissed off, exhausted, still clad in his flight suit, and smelling of jet fuel, sweat, and hot, dirty tarmac.
He’s not happy. Today was NOT meant to go this way.
Nonetheless, there’s his lady to greet him; rising to stand from her beloved oversized leather armchair in the living room while he bends to untie and toe off his boots by the welcome mat. Baloo is curled up on his bed next to her chair but he lifts his dark head and thumps his tail a few times, excited and pleased to see Jake.
“Stay, Loo.” Birdy murmurs to the dog and he obeys. Albeit with a soft whine of protest. “I know you wanna, but you can say hi in a second. I get to first.” Jake grins the tiniest grin to himself.
The Navyman straightens fully and the anxious and angry tightness in his chest eases a bit because his best friend in the world is looking at him, seeing him, and her eyes are soft and sparkling and safe and *home*.
“Hey, Flyboy.” her voice is a warm hum.
Jake reaches out for her and she doesn’t resist the way he hauls them together so their chests touch and his arms cage her in. He sighs deeply, in and out. “Hi, Little Bird.”
“How was your day?”
“Kinda shit.”
Birdy reaches up to take Jake’s cheeks in her hands, thumbs sweeping his cheek bones. Her brow is scrunched up, a sympathetic frown playing with her lips. “Yeah?”
He sighs again. “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry. Welcome home. I love you.”
Each of the woman’s statements are punctuated, emphasized, by a gentle kiss pressed to a different part of his face; right cheek, left cheek, then finally his mouth.
In tasting her lips, honeyed and soft, the pilot lets his shoulders start to release some of their tension. Neither of them hurry the moment, neither of them want to.
When he must break away for air, Jake rests his forehead to Birdy’s at first. “I love you.”
Those three words feel so right to say to her. They always have, even when it scared the hell out of him to say them. It doesn’t now though.
“Okay, Loo Buddy, you can come and say hi now.” Birdy’s twisting in his arms slightly to call the big black lab over to where they stand. Baloo needs no second invitation. He rises immediately and is by their side in seconds, whole body wriggling with happiness. Jake bends to give him plenty of pets and murmured verbal affection, while keeping one hand gripping Birdy’s hip loosely.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” she tells him, leaning close and kissing the only part of him her mouth can reasonably reach, his shoulder.
When he straightens once more, Jake’s gaze catches on two things on the kitchen table, over the woman in front of him. A paper bag with the UberEats logo on the front, and a bouquet of white and yellow daisies.
His heart sinks.
His face must fall too because Birdy’s sweet smile falters. “What?”
Jake jerks his chin in the direction of the table.
“That’s dinner. From Morelli’s.” she explains.
Of course she ordered that. He’d smirk in satisfaction at how well he knows her but the bitterness of disappointment in himself tastes too strong on his tongue.
“The flowers?”
Birdy grins. “My Daddy sent ‘em.”
She thinks her father’s gesture is cute and funny and sweet but Jake just nods. His green eyes drop from hers. She misses them instantly.
“Hey…Jay…” she squeezes his arms and ducks her head to try and meet his eyeline as it wanders. “What’s up?”
Jake closes his eyes. It’s not like he’s going to cry, hell no, but they still burn a little. He’s just wore out and pissed at his day and he hates that he couldn’t be the one to show Birdy he loves her with dinner and flowers.
“I…” he swallows and makes himself look in her eyes, grasping for that peaceful home feeling of them again. “I was gonna get’ya dinner. And flowers. That’s…that’s *my* job.”
“Your job?” she blinks at him.
He nods in affirmation. “It’s Valentine’s Day, y’know?” He shrugs.
Birdy’s expression melts into one of impossible tenderness, but there’s a steely seriousness lurking underneath. “Jake,” she breathes out. “Look at me, please?” He’d been studying some loose threads in the collar of her shirt, now he obeys her request. “You did your job already. You worked, hard, all day. You flew planes and kicked ass, damn, I mean, you had shit thrown at you that I can’t possibly imagine being able to handle, let alone, y’know, actually handling it. And now,” she cups his cheeks in her hands once again, “here you are, with me. How can I ask for more? Today or any day?” She drops her hands to his shoulders, squeezing them lightly. “You’re enough.” She’s smiling, her beautiful eyes bright and gaze unwavering, but the wrinkle between her brows betrays the depth of the feeling behind her words.
That tightness in his chest Jake had registered earlier, it’s no longer that of frustration or nerves fried to their last ending. Now that taut ache is one of overwhelming fondness, love and gratitude felt for the woman in his arms, on a level unmatched before he met and fell for her.
His wide, warm palms now lift to cradle her face and he moves in to capture her mouth with his own. The kiss is slow, gentle. Words, emotions from the depths of Jake’s heart are poured into it, unspoken, and he relishes being able to trust that she’s hearing them, understanding them.
Even so, Birdy deserves thing spoken out too. “Thank you, Darlin’.” His warm breath sweeps across the skin of her forehead, once they’ve broken apart, as the words leave his throat. Quiet, low, and ever-so-slightly husky.
She leaves one open-mouth kiss on his jaw, gooseflesh rolling over him in its wake. “Always, Seresin. Always.”
Jake Seresin knows that saying about the best laid plans of mice and men, and he’s not about to deny that his day today was a prime example of the truth of that saying….but 12 minutes later, when he and Birdy are seated at the table, eating and talking, and some stupid silly thing he says makes her laugh; eyes squeezing shut and her head thrown back…when that glorious, one-of-his-most-favorite-of-all-sounds rings out…….his plans never mattered much anyway. This does though. She does. With her: Happy Valentine’s Day is damn straight
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desirepathzine · 4 months
The Magic of Sara Landry
As a tween, I was so fascinated with electronic music. Nothing could bypass the television static in my brain and get me through tasks and trials like those methodical beeps and boops. My first brush with it was The Social Network soundtrack, composed by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. I didn't know music could sound like that, elicit that sort of feeling.
This grew into a love of industrial, EBM, and aggrotech as I grew into my dancing years, going out to clubs that would play the sledgehammer hits of Nitzer Ebb and the mesmerizing arppegiations of VNV Nation.
"Techno" when and where I was growing up was largely relegated to blasting "Sandstorm" over and over again and the occasional Skrillex remix. In my classically trained family, why would you be interested in someone whose job was to stand at a Macbook and press a few buttons? I didn't really think of the aforementioned
But in the last year, as I look for new horizons to make my nascent workout plans hit a little harder, I discovered so many amazing DJs and electronic wizards who curate incredible sets and bring the energy that can carry me through even the laziest of days. HORSEGRL, Brutalismus, Dana Montana, all amazing, but my favorite and most admired is the inimitable Sara Landry.
Sara first came across my radar thanks to a dear friend. They both have ADHD, and my friend loved her openness and approach to living with the challenges that ADHD can present.
Sara is sincerely open and honest about how her particular bag of neurodivergence affects her work and music, something her growing legion of fans connects with, deeply. One of my favorite pictures of her is during her incredible all-night Knockout set where she is surrounded by sweaty dancing patrons holding a sign that reads, "WE'RE HIGH ON ADHD". She is very playful with her audience, even as the music she spins is breakneck, intense, hardcore, noisy, techno.
And what beautiful noise it is. It's always a treat to both hear something new, whether just a song that was not on my radar or a Sara original from her Hekate label, and the familiar classics flipped through her own vision in her sets. Landry gained attention on TikTok for playing Noise Mafia's insane edit of MIA's Paper Planes during a Boiler Room set, as well as her Perfect (Exceeder) flip that emerged on the internet just as that track resurfaced for the smash SALTBURN soundtrack. Good timing? Yes. But would we have noticed even if that song wasn't rising back up into the charts? I think so.
Techno fans and followers are often talking up 'the energy' of going to a rave or a DJ set. Such woo-woo hippie talk can sound maybe even a little corny to those of us who have been outside of it, but after watching a Landry set, I totally believe in it. Sara even says as much in her various interviews, noting that she likens her performances to reiki, “where people are taking in my energy and releasing what does not serve them.” (DJMag, April 2024). She's here to serve as a conduit, taking us to higher, heavier, and more chaotic places.
Her aforementioned Boiler Room set has over five million youtube hits, and I would warrant about 15 of those are mine. My room has never been cleaner, my workouts have never been easier, and my Apex Legends competitive ranking has never been higher. The last twenty or so minutes of that set are spellbinding, a live looping segment that takes the already high energy so high that you assume the roof of the Boiler Room must be somewhere in the stratosphere.
Within all of the witchy aesthetics and breakneck beats, here is someone living with their neurodivergence, finding what works for them, being open and approachable about how their mind works, and thriving. Some might find it counter intuitive that such a light worker plays such chaotic music, dresses exclusively in black with dark dramatic eye looks, and makes silly TikToks in their downtime, but Sara Landry is bringing a searing white light of energy wherever she goes.
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Playing now: Rises the Moon
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Name: Thule
Kanji: トゥーリ (Touuri)
Nickname(s): Skunk Dolphin (Floyd), Monsieur Stargazer (Rook) 
Dorm: Diasomnia 
Grade: Third
Class: 3-A
Birthday: 06 of March
Age: ???
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 1,54 m (5’0 feet)
Dominant Hand: Tail Right
Homeland: Faeland
Club: Science Club
Best Subject: Astrology
Pet Peeves: Showing his eyes.
Favorite Food: Smores
Least Favorite Food: Raw Meat
Talent: Outdoor Survival
Hobbies: Camping, Stargazing.
Unique Magic: [Star Chaser] Thule returns in his original form,with longer horns and a pair of bat-like wings. In this form he is able to “absorb” offensive enemy spells,charging him and/or dissipating the spell in the ambient like a living lightning rod. 
Spells still cause him damage but it is “cutted” in half. Making weaker spells almost null than stronger ones.
Thule is slightly chubby, with pale skin dotted with small scars and freckles. From his back and upper arms to his digitigrade legs is covered of grayish fur with odd darker swirls. His hair is fluffy and messy, with his white and grayish bangs covering his truly green eyes. Sometimes he decorates his tiny horns with silver horn-jewelry. He looks similar to an opossum because of his tail and ears.
Anything cozy in natural tones or star/moon themed. He wears fingerless wool gloves, sweaters and big scarf almost all the time.
Quiet and reserved, Thule can appear as a gruff and distant fae. However behind this exterior he shows a more kind and an almost child-like curiosity. He is distrustful of strangers but he is an extremely loyal friend to have.
Thule’s first memories are when he lived alone and survived in the Faelands forest as a child. Without any idea of who or what he was, until one day in a tough winter he is found by an Animal Pixie called Faun. Faun would take care of the strange fae and adopt him as his child. 
He grew up around the other pixies, always feeling… different and distant of them. He was a fae for sure, if not he wouldn’t have been alive after all this time, but definitely not a pixie or some other type of light fae…
After this realization, he is convinced by his “papa” to join Night Raven College, a place where he could study and improve his magic in ways that the Faeland’s “schools” couldn’t.
He is twisted from the Neverland Beast, AKA Gruff
His dad is twisted from , ofc, fawn! He works in nightraven so he can still take care of his son. His main focus is animal handling.
Thule’s main study field in science club is astronomy and astrology.
He has some “beast/animal” like mannerisms, some of them include: Walking/Running in his four “legs”, sniffing things/people who smell nice, snarl and others.
He likes to climb people he likes and stay in their backs, like a thule backpack! 
Rook is one of the people that indulges this the most-
Thule just likes to hear people rambling about things to him, he is just happy with them talking to him
Rook’s first nickname for him was “Monsieur Opossum” 
Thule is one of my oldest twst ocs-
Bonus: A Thule that I made in heroforge:
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Credits to @cecilebutcher that inspired me to make this character sheet! Their character sheet is so gorgeous and complete-
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