#heather mc x veronica
cherryy-slushy · 1 year
Im currently watching Brooklyn nine-nine while writing this :D
Part 2!
Part 1 -> I am damaged (Part 1)
(If anyone knows who the artist is for the art below please lmk xo)
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*first person pov*
I became friends with Carrie and Jamie today, they were super nice and insisted I sat with them every day.
Even though I made new friends I can’t shake the feeling of betrayal, JD just pretty much replaced me? We’ve been friends for years and one girl comes along and ruins it.
Diary, why does high school suck?
I’ll give updates soon,
I hear a knock on my bedroom door and shove my diary under my pillow. “Come in!”
My dad walks in with a cup of (Y/F/D) for me. “Thanks”, I smile as he hands it to me.
“I was really expecting JD to come over today”, My dad frowned.
I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I may have been replaced, he’d be devastated.
“Yeah, he had more homework than me for today so he had to get that done”, I said, it was clearly a lie. I was just hoping the school didn’t tell my dad we were in pretty much all the same classes.
“Ah, that makes sense. I’m heading out to get groceries, need anything?”, he asked.
I thought for a minute. “Y/F/F, please?”
“Sure kiddo, see you when I come back”, he smiled.
“Thanks, love you!”, I yelled as he walked down the hall.
“Love you too!”, he shouted back.
I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling silently. This shit sucks.
*Next day*
I walked to school, I didn’t want to have to talk to JD today. He’s doing my head in and I know I’d say something I regret.
“Y/N!!! C’MERE!”, I saw Carrie down the hall yelling to me.
I ran down to her and smiled.
“Hey!! Wassup?”, I asked.
“WE HAVE THE FIRST CLASS TOGETHER!”, she said jumping around happily.
“Oh my god! YAY!”, I said excitedly, I joined in with her jumping around.
“C’mon!”, she grabbed my hand and yanked me down the hall.
“WAIT CARRIE MY LOCKER”, I whisper shouted at her, laughing.
“OH SHIT, YEAH”, she whisper shouted back.
We ran towards my locker, and guess who I fucking bumped into. Yep, you guessed it, JD.
“Hey, watch where your going”, he laughed. Then he looked down at me.
“Oh, Y/N, hey where were you this morning? I stopped by your house to bring you to school”, he asked.
“Mhm Yeah I’m gonna walk now”, I replied in a dead-pan tone.
“What?”, he asked, he looked really puzzled.
“Mhm”, I replied.
Carrie chirped in, “OO! You should come to school with me and Jamie! It’s so funny and it’ll be more fun with you!”, she jumped.
“Yeah thatd be amazing!” I smiled, turning back to JD with a cold look and walking off.
JD was clearly confused. Which made me even angrier.
I went to my locker and glanced over at him and saw him smiling and laughing with Veronica.
I tried ignore it and went back to talking to Carrie.
Carrie and I walked into the cafeteria and went on a hunt for Jamie. He didn’t come in until second class, he had a dentist appointment or some shit like that.
We found him and sat down. They entire lunch I couldn’t stop glancing at JD. The first few minutes of lunch I could see him looking at me. He seemed confused. And then he saw Jamie, and seemed mad.
He was about to get up, a assume to come over, but Veronica went over and they both sat back down.
God this is a pain in the ass.
“Yo, Y/N, you okay?”, Jamie asked. “You keep spacing out”
“Yeah I’m fine, just tired”, I replied, smiling lightly.
“Guys, I have French next class so I’m gonna go home and pretend I’m sick. I have a test I didn’t study for”, Carrie explained, standing up.
“Okay Carr, see ya”, Jamie said.
“Bye, Carr”, I smiled.
Carrie walked away and I turned to Jamie.
“Does she do that a lot?”
“Skip? Yeah, mainly if she has a test she didn’t study for”, he laughed.
“She’s such a mood”, I laughed back.
We laughed and joked for the rest of lunch. The entire time I felt eyes burning into the back of my head.
The school bell rang.
“What subject ya have next?”, Jamie asked.
“German, you?”
“Art”, he said.
He jokingly blew a raspberry as me and ran off to art class. I laughed at i watched him skipping down the halls like an idiot.
He’s kinda cute.
I went off to German and sat down in the back.
Oh fuck no.
J.D. walked into my class. We made direct eye contact and I broke it immediately.
He walked over and sat down next to me.
“Have you been ignoring me?”, he asked.
“Then why did you randomly just say you want to start walking and then agree to getting a lift with someone else?”
“Because they’re my friends and I like them”, I said coldly.
“I’m your friend. Hell, I’m your best friend! I’m the only guy you spoke to in the past 17 years of your life!”, he snarled.
“Hm, I thought Veronica was your new best friend”, I mumbled.
“What? This is all about Veronica? Are you serious?”, his tone got angrier and angrier as he went on.
“Yes! Why the fuck would you ask me to hang out and then right after you ignored me and cancelled our plans for another girl?”, I started to feel more rage bubbling inside me.
“I only did that cause of your little moment with Jamie”, he whisper shouted.
“And then Veronica proceeded to glare at me any moment she possibly could”, I continued on, ignoring his last sentence.
“You like Jamie, don’t you”, he stopped and stared at me.
“Well he surely treats me better than you”, I muttered.
Why does he look so pissed? No, not pissed, maniac?
I slightly heard him mumble something under his breathe, I couldn’t hear the full sentence though, because he got up and walked out of the class.
*Third person pov*
“Oh, you’re gonna live the day to regret saying that darling”, JD mumbled. Y/N only heard yo to the word “live”. JDs eyes were glowing with a sense of anger and a psychotic look on his face.
Good luck, Y/N
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nopecho · 3 months
Heathers x DOL AU💞✨
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Not sure if I'll continue this AU BUT-
Here's my ideas so far! (It's mostly based on the Musical. I've seen the movie, but didn't really enjoy it)
OK!!! Characters
Heather Chandler is Bailey. She's the driving force that kickstarts the whole plot, it makes sense to me.
Heather Mc Namara is Eden. It's been said that Eden and Bailey were close friends, but something made them drift apart. This is kinda a parallel in the musical too. Also Eden's timid personality fits well Imo,
Heather Duke is Harper. Why? 'cause Harper is ultimately power hungry! In game, they're hungry for power over PC. In this version, Harper wants to be the n.1 girl to gain power over the mass.
Imo Veronica should be the PC. She is the main character, after all. Martha is Robin, the besties since forever and soft vibes should be self explanatory. Ms Fleming is either Winter, Sirris or Doren. I'm sorry Leighton lovers, I just don't see her in the "teacher that pretends to care" role. She wouldn't give a shit to begin with. Kurt and Ram should be Wren and Landry. Two jocks, two criminals! It feels fitting :)
Which begs the question... Who the hell will play JD? (prepare for a hot take)
Whitney. It's Whitney.
Now ~some~ of you might say "but Kylar!!" I DISAGREE.
THE FIRST SCENE he gets introduced, JD beats a bunch of jocks with his bare hands (Kylar don't do shit without his knife or drugs). You know right off the bat JD is a douche broody bad boy with issues. Drinks himself into a smoothie induced brain freeze (milkshake anyone?) And you KNOW he can get violent either to protect his boo, or straight up beat up anyone crosses him.
Kylar will still make cameos here in there but IMO he wouldn't be the main cast. Also I can't stand the bastard.
So! Let me know what you think!! I will gladly recieve suggestions and ideas!!
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lily-radiance · 5 months
Random fic headcanons and ideas:
TWD season two Daryl Dixon with an S/O who's in trouble
Both loners
MC is not from Georgia
Early 20s MC dating mid-30s Daryl
She knows how to shoot archery bows but not crossbows
Andrea considers MC like another younger sibling
Everyone advises Daryl not to go for you and vice versa
When Rick, Hershel, and Glenn go to the bar, MC accompanies them. Daryl only goes when Lori tells him that you are in danger.
Carol gives him advice
Andrea and Lori warn him if he breaks your heart, he's a dead man.
RE4 Leon with a high school best friend who became an Umbrella Scientist.
MC was initially training for the force with Leon but dropped out to find another passion
She wants to help people but gets pulled into Umbrella’s dark research
Leon caught a glimpse of her at the end of RE2 but couldn't be sure if it was her.
Ashley doesn't trust MC, but Leon ignores it
Both have combat experience and have undergone physical conditioning
MC does not have Las Plagas
Krauser spars with MC, causing Leon to jump in.
Krauser asks Leon to choose between you and Ashley.
IDK if Leon would be sweet here or a Yandere.
Arkham Movie Trilogy Jonathan Crane, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy x Psychiatrist reader
This story is currently in progress!!!
Reader works at Arkham Asylum
Friends with Bruce Wayne
Knows about his alter ego and occasionally helps him solve cases
Reader believes Bruce should do more with his money to benefit Gotham
Combines Heath Ledger’s Joker with Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn
The reader was in the same major as Harley in college, and the two dated briefly
Harley constantly teases the reader when she catches wind of a new crush
You try to ignore her, but eventually can't as she warns you that the doctor is deadlier than he lets on
You brush it off, too fond of your coworker to accept the notion that he can hurt you
Bruce doesn't like your new counterpart, picking up a destructive energy that screams guilty
In defiance, you decide to bring your beaux to one of many parties and get on your friend’s last nerve.
A kiss is shared in front of the crowd, some murmuring complaints while others smile. You wish to stay in Jonathan’s arms, but the moment is interrupted as Bruce pulls you aside
Naturally, two upper-class socialites fighting in front of an audience calls for bad publicity, but not on your part
“If you keep this up, you'll become a sewer rat criminal just like the rest!”
Luckily, you decided to wear a few rings to accentuate your outfit. Not only do you look stunning, but you reel back and land a brutal slap on his cheek. Yet that doesn't hurt as much as your following words.
“How dare you, Bruce. How dare you scrutinize what you can never understand. Thomas and Martha would be ashamed of you, and you, of all people, know they were difficult to rattle. Next time you need anything, ask someone who gives a shit.”
Your friend has to watch in shock as you exit the home, arm linked with a man he despises. Even in disagreeable situations, you manage to exhibit grace and elegance. It's the beginning of a new era and the opportunity to forget the complex life of the wealthy.
“Is your hand alright, (Y/N)? Better yet, are you okay?”
Never underestimate a psychiatrist to get into your head. He walks you to the car, watching your lips tremble in the darkness. You meet his stare, and one thought crosses your mind: kissing him sounds lovely. The doctor is efficient at picking up social cues, leaning down to meet your lips, and extinguishing the frigid temperature.
“As long as I'm with you, Jonathan. I can do anything with you by my side, no matter the risks.”
I want to make the reader an anti-hero vigilante with the “Grim Reaper” theme. Supernatural powers in Batman don't really occur so I will brainstorm. Most villains are the work of genetic experiments gone wrong so maybe I'll work with that?
JD(Heathers 1989) dating the reader
You are friends with Veronica and the despicable Heathers
Instead of going along with their charades, you often argue and challenge Heather Chandler
She constantly threatens your social standing but knows that the campus would easily choose you over her.
Purple color coded
JD can't help but admire your tenacity as you begrudgingly follow Veronica to the table, attempting to stop the girl from doing Heather’s bidding.
When you walk over, he seems uninterested in the girl speaking to him, instead transfixed on your disinterested attitude. Unknowingly, you lick your lips, tasting lip gloss and wiping some glitter away. When you lock eyes, you swear your heart stops beating, drawn to his carefree attitude.
Veronica says a few words to you, trying to convince you to let her administer the lunch poll
As she talks, you playfully roll your eyes, causing the delinquent to smirk in your direction. He hides a chuckle from breaking out, finding your careless joking funny given the circumstances. When Veronica walks off, it allows you to sit across from the newcomer, albeit a little too eagerly.
“Mind if I ask for a smoke? I'm dying from boredom.”
“Sure, I could never say no to a girl like you. I’m guessing you’ve been trying to break from those devils all day.”
He lights your cigarette as you take it between your teeth, enjoying the visual more than he lets on.
“It's all thanks to you, my knight in obsidian armor.”
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mxmc13 · 9 months
Intro post because I havent done one like the little bitchboy I am
I'm Mc
A 13-year-old II enthusiast
I'm an agender lesbian
they/it pronouns :3
I like feeling silly and when people say eepy
I live for Silver Spoon
Severe depression and general anxiety :3
Recommend object shows to me!! I'll watch them
I'm currently working on an object show called FOYD and a book called "The Five Tears, Hopes, and Dreams"
If anyone has any spare time than I'd appreciate help on FOYD, anything really but its fine if you don't want to
My tws: Mentions of su*c*de and s/h because I tried to do something unskillful that'd result in me not being here a few months ago (Funnily enough, the day before III 15, that week was torture)
My Fandoms :3 : II, BFDI, XFOHV, ONE, EEE, TDOS, GOB, Love of the s*n, BURNER, Objectafied, Animatic Battle, WOF, Warriors, Stardew Valley, SIX, Heathers, anything by Alice Osman, and Class of 09 :3
My Kin List: Silver Spoon (II), Fan (II), Lightbulb (II), Microphone (II), Latte (EEE), Balloon (II), Bot (II), Bow (II), Taco (II), Moonstone (EEE), Winter (WOF), Dovewing (Warriors), Charlie (Heartstopper), Tori (Solitaire), Veronica (Heathers), Dynamite (Objectified), Painkiller (Objectified), Animatic (animatic battle), and Doorstopper (Animatic Battle)
Things I will give you my bones if you do: Make content for the rairpair I made, Micbrush, or for LightMicBrush, if you ask me anything, and especially if you ask me about my OC's, or headcanons!! (please ask about my Oc’s bro I’m on my knees begging)
Please do bring up! (Platonic or romantic): Silvercandle, Lightmicbrush, Fantube, Comedy Gold, Suitcase x anyone (Minus Balloon or Nickel), Lightbrush, plus others
Please don't bring up: Yin-Yang x Candle/Cabby, it’s one of the only popular ships that make me WILDLY uncomfortable
Standard DNI's, plus no terfs, no MAPs, and no pedophiles
My socials:
Ao3: MxMc
Youtube: Mx_Mc
Discord (Rarely on there though): mx_mc
please tag me on posts :3 if you have a whiteboard or just something you think I’d like, pls tag me :3
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radiant-reid · 2 years
ok ok i see spencer x singer!reader and i raise you spencer x broadway actress!reader. hik travelikg to ny to spend his weekends and daus off, watching you perform, fting during ur breaks and him keeping you company at rehearsals.
and theres a song that always comes to mind when i think of this, from heathers the musical, dead girl walking. veronica (the mc, readers role in this scenario) having to act out basically a s*x scene.... spencer would be a mix of jealousy and awe lol
New york cityyyyy, while it's not the city i'm currently obsessed with, i do love it. also this reminds me of so long ago when i was writing a smut fic about broadway actress!reader and that scene
he'd love it so much and he always brings you flowers. he invites the whole team to a few performances as well because he's so so so proud of you and he wants everyone to see you do your thing. oh and he has any magazines that you're in at his desk
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fishymom-art · 5 years
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sorry, i’ve never watched the film, so here are the musical versions of them two
I love Heather McNamara, she’s a sweetheart
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beaumontbelle · 5 years
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I wish your mom stayed around a little longer, 
I wish your dad were good.
I wish we’d met before they convinced you life is war.
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kkruowo · 6 years
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13solo · 3 years
Oh!! I really like Belphie and Rene having a toxic friendship! I feel like that's not something that's done often. Talking to each other through dreams is also vv good. I think maybe if the devs weren't so hesitant to like define character abilities we could've had that in canon and it would've been s w e e t. Does their relationship ever improve? In the Rene x Belphie au is that a healthy relationship? Does he still murder her in the au?
When did Rene first know she liked Mammon? Did she make the first move? What's she like when she has a crush?
Does she grow out of her apathy? V valid if she doesn't of course. I'm enjoying thinking about the dynamic between a apathetic mc and Mammon!
(okay yes this is more questions, you don't have to answer them if it's too much skskssjd. I am so curious though!!)
NO FORREAL I LOVE LIKE. mc relationships with belphie before his sudden change of character after lesson 16 @cosmosrival has a really good mcbelphie ship with a similar premise and i love it to death. making him worse instead of better ❤️
but yes! their relationship does improve a lot, but it takes awhile. like. a Long while. belphie doesn’t actually kill her in her canon, but he gets super close. lesson 16 pans out a lot differently in my head just because of a lot of changed lore i tossed around for her to try to make her stand apart from solmare’s interpretation of mc.
the thing about rene is that i intended her to be a sort of foil to belphie? theyre both strong carriers of sloth, they both lost someone close to them, they both have extremely tumultuous relationships with their family, and they’re both at this stage where they kind of stopped caring enough to try to improve their lives and instead remain stagnant in their misery because its something they’ve grown too comfortable in.
i think what changes about that is rene actually comes out of her shell bit by bit thanks to the brothers, so she ends up learning the value of putting one foot in front the other. after the confrontation with belphie (which happened cus she tried talking him out of his whole “ruin the exchange program” plan, something she actually encouraged throughout their interactions but like thats a WHOLE nother can of worms), they kind of have like a hard reset where they both try to start from the beginning and help each other through their mutual toxic traits instead of feeding into them
also her ship au with belphie is pretty. um. chaotic. its a lot more similar to canon than not, but the huge difference is how they start having romantic feelings for each other throughout the whole mutual enabling cycle, which ends up making them spiral way worse than normal. im actually really not sure the direction this au goes because it goes a LOT of different ways depending on my mood when i think out scenarios, but its definitely my more angstier one.
btw i really hate how much i accidentally made them sound like veronica and jd from heathers here?
but about mammon, rene is JUST as stupid and in denial as he is BFMXNFK. it probably takes her Awhile to actually pinpoint what her feelings are and realize that she has a crush on him. i dont know if an actual verbal confession happens on her end, but she’s a lot more open about her crush than he is. she’s more touchy and openly affectionate with him, and WAY more violently protective of him than is probably even remotely necessary. like one of the brothers could sneeze on him a few rooms over and she just busts in like
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and about her apathy, yes! she becomes a lot more visibly relaxed and happier as the exchange program goes on and she starts creating new bonds and coming out of her shell. shes also Just as chaotic as the rest of the boys are and has a lot of fun causing mischief with them. she smiles more too, which is really noticeable because her resting bitch face was literally glued into a >:/ for like most of the gotdam year
her personality is still sort of largely the same though. i feel like the best way to describe it is you can tell she’s visibly happier by her actions rather than her attitude ? the devil-may-care attitude stays, and she’s still really lethargic and lazy. she’s just a lot more in control of herself and way less self-destructive and hateful, if that makes seeense?
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
Heathers AU
Okay, so just a small note before we get to it:
I wanted this post to be focused on the musical-version of Veronica and J.D.’s relationship, since it’s the thing that left the biggest impression on me.
So I obviously wanted Luna to be Veronica. The problem was- who’ll be J.D.?
My first thought was Rath, because of the Luna x Rath ship, but I wasn’t able to see Rath’s acting like a homicidal edge-lord...Entering- Merula, the only character I was able to see as J.D.
But the thought of a love story between Luna and Merula almost caused me physical pain, so I had to go to the Gender-Swap AU, because in that AU - Lukas and Merulon are sorta romantically involved to a certain extent.
tl;dr - it’s a Heathers AU and a Gender-Swap AU at the same time. Lukas is Veronica and Merulon is J.D.
(I recommend listening to the songs while reading the text, even though I didn’t use the full lyrics.)
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(“Dead girl walking”)
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(”Our love is god”)
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(”Meant to be yours”)
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(”Dead girl walking reprise”)
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(”I am damaged”)
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And that’s it... Hope you all enjoyed it! :)
Additional notes:
If I’m being honest, I think Jacob and Duncan would have been a better choice for Veronica and J.D., but I wanted to involve other characters from HPHM in the AU (even though they’re not technically in the post), so I’ve decided to stick with MC’s year group, just for the additional characters.
Because Merulon is shorter than Lukas, I couldn’t do the famous choke-hold at the end of “Our love is god”, so I’ve decided he’ll put his hands around Lukas’s neck, to symbolize his aggressive nature.
I know Penny and Ismelda are the furthest thing from best friends in the game, but the reason I’ve decided they should be the jocks, is because they are the two characters (hopefully the only characters), that ever showed signs of not understanding the importance of consent.
The Heathers are Andre, Diego and Barnaby. if I ever make another post about this AU, I’m definitely going to draw them singing “Candy store.” and Barnaby singing “Lifeboat.”
Yes, I know that “Dead man walking” would have probably sounded better than “Dead boy walking”, but I wanted to use “boy” to replace “girl” and I’m sticking to it. (Especially because it keeps the flow of the lyrics.)
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cherryy-slushy · 2 years
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Is it just me or is this ship the best ship in heathers? I think so 😘
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I was watching Heathers again on Netflix a few weeks ago (and found out there’s a musical now too! Say whaaaaa) MC4 and Saeran are absolutely Veronica and JD.
Might queue something for tomorrow. It depends. Hehe.
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raintherainywriter · 5 years
Mystic Messenger x Musicals' songs
(Feel free to add! <3)
Meant to be yours: Saeran x Seven x Mc
Seventeen: Seven x Saeran
Dead Gay Son: Jumin x Zen
Beautiful : Probably Yoosung
Dead Girl Walking : Mc x stealing the RFA members' innocence
Blue: At first I'd say Seven x Yoosung, cuz it's my gay greatest ship, but considering this was a song that made Kurt and Ram look hella gay while they were trying to seduce Veronica, I'd say Zen x Jumin
Our Love Is God: Probably Ray x Mc
Candy Store: Zen, Jaehee and Jumin bullying Yoosung for being a softie
Freeze Your Brain: Seven x Mc
Kindergarten Boyfriend: Seven remembering him and Saeran as kids / Yoosung thinking of Rika
Dead Girl Walking (reprise) : Mc x Saeran when he hurts the babies
I Am Damaged: Saeran x Mc / Seven x Mc
The Me Inside of Me: The way Zen sees himself / the way Jumin sees himself
Yo Girl: Rika as a ghost, probably on Casual Story.
Fight For Me: Mc x Seven
Dear Evan Hansen
Sincerely Me: Seven as Connor Murphy, Yoosung as Evan Hansen, Mc as Jared/ Seven as Jared, Jumin as Evan Hansen, Zen as Connor Murphy/ Seven as Jared, Mc as Connor Murphy, Jaehee as Evan Hansen.
Do Me A Favor: Seven begging the other RFA members to take care of Mc when she plays their routes </3 / Saeran about Seven
The World According To Chris: Jumin giving advice
A Night We'll Never Forget: The RFA before the party
You Shine: The whole RFA to Mc
Carrie: Probably Yoosung, done with being called with ridiculous names and not being taken seriously
Unsuspecting Hearts: Mc x Yoosung/Jumin x Yoosung
Stay Here Instead: Seven x Mc
Evening Prayers: Ray having a crisis after seeing he scares and hurts Mc
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lemonwritesstuff · 6 years
Ships and stuff!!
Hey everyone! These are the ships I will write for, just drop one in my ask box! I'll try my best to answer them, I'm in yr 10 and I'm getting lots of homework oof
Latte (lance x matt)
Peter x Ned
Mj x Shuri
Yuri!!! On Ice
Theatre Lesbians (Jenna x Christine)
Dear Evan Hansen
Alana x Zoe
Evan x Zoe
Jd x Veronica
Heather Mc x Veronica (it seems cute shush)
John x Peggy
Peggy x Mulligan
Mulligan x Laffayte
i mainly write gay shit WHOOPS
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reifromrfa · 7 years
Rei’s Masterlist
Updated as of 02/17/2022
Mystic Messenger Works
Mystic Messenger Challenge: Blogs to Follow if you like Mysme
RFA guys react to MC playing online games
RFA reacts to MC who doesn’t like cats
RFA guys react to MC crying over a sad movie
RFA guys + Minor Trio react to MC back tanning on the beach when someone steals her top
RFA guys + Minor Trio react to MC getting a pixie cut
RFA guys + Minor Trio react to Spy/Secret Agent MC
RFA guys + Minor Trio react to MC on a Sugar Rush
RFA guys + Minor Trio react to MC doing a trust fall at the amusement park (Extra fluff)
RFA guys + Minor Duo react to Lawyer!MC
RFA guys + Minor Duo react to MC having Superpowers
MC reacts to Unrequited love with Zen, Jumin and Saeyoung  |  Happy Ending
RFA guys + Minor Duo's first date with MC (Fluff)
RFA guys + Minor Duo as famous literary couples
RFA guys + Minor Duo: who will you save? (Angst! Oh my God why you do this)
RFA guys + Minor Duo react to MC losing a bet and performing Pop Goes My Heart 
RFA guys + Minor Duo react to MC who is a self-proclaimed meme lord
RFA guys + Minor Duo react to seeing their newborn child for the first time
RFA guys + Minor Duo working with MC in a retail store on Black Friday
Musical Headcanons:
RFA guys react to MC playing Mimi Marquez on Rent the musical
RFA guys react to MC performing Cell Block Tango
RFA guys react to M!MC as Evan in Dear Evan Hansen
RFA guys react to MC playing Veronica in Heathers
Yoosung | Zen | Jumin | Saeyoung | Jihyun | Saeran | Vanderwood
RFA guys + Minor Duo react to MC in Hamilton
Event Headcanons:
RFA guys + Saeran and Vanderwood react to being stuck in a place loop with MC (Halloween!)
RFA guys + Minor Trio play Outlast with MC (Halloween!)
RFA + Minor Trio play Until Dawn with MC (Halloween! collab with @rainydayswriter)
RFA + Minor Trio are Vampires (Halloween! collab with @rainydayswriter)
RFA + Minor Trio react to a Ghost MC (Angst + Halloween! collab with @rainydayswriter)
RFA + Minor Duo react to a Ghost MC, Happy Ending! (Fluff! collab with @rainydayswriter)
RFA guys + Minor Duo are ghosts and fall in-love with MC (Angst, probably. collab with @rainydayswriter)
RFA guys + Minor Duo's Christmas date with MC (Fluff! collab with @rainydayswriter)
Zenweek 2018
Day 5: Princess and Knight (ongoing fic)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Vanderweek 2018
Day 1: Guardian (collab with @kilofox)
Day 2: Housework (collab with @rossyele | a Vandybella fic @thewitchandthemage)
Day 3: Shadows | Trauma (collab with @rossyele | a Vandybella fic @thewitchandthemage)
Day 4: Loyalties (inspired by @badegg-mm‘s artwork)
Day 5: Perspectives
Angstweek 2019
Day 3: Be Happy | Zen x MC
Day 5: The Beginning of the End | 707 x MC
Fluffweek 2020
Day 1: Love at First Dumpling | V x OC
Day 2: Endless Sky | Saeran x MC
Day 3: Found | Saeyoung x MC
Prompt List 1
20 | Saeyoung x MC | Angst
32 | V x MC | Angst
Saeyoung x MC | Fluff
Jumin x MC | Fluff
Saeyoung x MC | NSFW
Jumin x MC | NSFW
Can’t Sleep? | Compiled
Things to Do in October: Starters
🏰 - Saeyoung x Reader
☕ - ? x Reader
🍎 - ? x Reader
Headcanon Series:
You Don’t Deserve Her (Angstfest) 
What happens when an RFA member discovers another member cheated on MC?
YDDH: Aftermath (wip)
Avenged (Triggers, Angst, NSFW, collab with @god7072therescue)
What happens when MC's ex begins harassing her?
Short Fics | Oneshots:
Zen finds out MC is afraid of thunder
Leilanna x V (OC Request)
MC takes a bullet for Jumin
Time Travel Prompt (Chain Post)
First Snow: Zen x MC (Christmas!)
Vanderwood x MC: Mysme Secret Valentine Gift
Vanderwood & Seven: Undercover (based on @eori-namo‘s artwork)
Checkmate (based on @sheeprilyn‘s artwork)
Mafia AU: Jumin (based on @ranartinart‘s artwork)
Tough Times Don’t Last - Positive Vibes from the MM gang
The Curse: Jumin x MC (Halloween!)
Come Home: Vanderwood x MC
Our Gift, To You: Saeran x MC (Christmas!)
Reset theory fics:
Jumin x MC: Reset Theory (based on @eserioart‘s artwork | Chain Post)
Jumin x MC: Drunk Call (based on @thirdlet’s artwork | Chain Post)
Seven x Yoosung: No More Resets (based on @ijaeli-art‘s artwork | Chain Post)
4th-wall break fics:
Secret Call: Saeyoung x Aehruh (based on @aehruh‘s post | Chain Post)
Hourglasses: Saeyoung x MC (based on @hinasama606‘s artwork | Chain Post)
Ssum-Zen Theory (based on @mystical-messaging-loser‘s post)
Zine pieces:
Home: Mysme Travel Zine 
Undying Love: Zen x MC | MM Halloween Zine 
Threads of Thoughts: Jumin x MC | Jumin Zine
Operation: Sweet Tooth | VanderZine
The Empire’s Agents | Double Agent Zine
Divinate: Mysme Tarot Project fics:
The Lovers | MC
Five of Pentacles | Jumin
King of Wands | Zen
Eight of Wands | Vanderwood
Page of Pentacles | 707
Seven of Cups | MC
Two of Pentacles | Vanderwood
The Star | Zen
Page of Swords | 707
Six of Swords | Zen
King of Pentacles | Jumin
Page of Wands | Zen
King of Swords | 707
Mysme Circus Zine fics:
Poison, Passion, Paradise | Vanderwood x MC | Midnight Circus (NSFW)
Sweet Ride | Saeran x MC | Midnight Circus (NSFW)
Zen x MC | Cirque du Mystique
Longer Fics:
• On the Line: Jumin x MC (ongoing)
 1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11  |  Soon!
AU: Jumin Han is is forced to spend a few days at a vineyard owned by one of his father’s friends when he gets a mysterious call from a woman in the middle of the night.
• V x MC: Reset Theory Fic (ongoing)
1: Nightfall 2: Midnight (NSFW!) 3: Dawn*
• Saeyoung Fic
• Vanderwood Fic
Bang! (Saeran x MC) | New Year one-shot!
RFA guys + Minor Duo react to Sadistic MC (collab with @god7072therescue)
Part 1
Part 2 
RFA Daddies Series (collab with @god7072therescue)
Jumin | A Jumin x MC NSFW fic
Plunge: Mysme Travel Zine, The Cockpit Fic
Behind the Glass | Jumin x MC
Love and Laughter (commissioned by @rossyele | Fluff)
From This Moment (commissioned by @mrs-director | NSFW)
RFA guys react to an older MC (commissioned by @phoenixsavant | NSFW)
Under the Stars (commissioned by @starlightandmoonfire | NSFW)
Almost (commissioned by @kana-yuki-hime | Angst)
Our Love Story (commissioned by @ramannnn​ | Fluff)
Mystic Messenger Collabs with @rossyele:
Moonstar Inc | Masterlist
Zen wallpaper for @avogodess
Ray route chatroom times wallpaper
Original Works:
• Into the Shadows
• Te Amica Mea, a collaborative novel series with @rossyele
A story about star-crossed lovers whose love transcends time and space. This series also happens in the world of Into the Shadows.
• The Siren
• Hell
• Slow Dancing in Black and White
Other Fandom Writings: 
Haunting of Hill House - One More: Nell x Arthur One-shot 
Harry Potter - Magic Moments: Weasley Twins Christmas One-shot
IG: @reithedreamer
If you like my works, please support me by buying me a Ko-fi/Mango Shake or becoming a Patron! (ᵔᴥᵔ) Or if you’d like me to write you a custom story, Commission Me? :)
Let me know what you think! I would love to hear your comments! :) Thank you! :) 
*Unlinked titles are works in progress ^
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pastelaine · 6 years
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「 Doki Doki Literature X Heathers 」
Yuri: (as Heather C.) Well f** me gently with a knife, Do I look like Mother Theresa?
Natsuki: (as Heather D.)I prayed for the death of Yuri many times and I felt bad everytime I did it but I kept doing it anyway.
Sayori: (as Heather M.)Suicide is a private thing. 
MC: (as Veronica.)You're throwing your life away to become a statistic on U.S..That's about the least private thing I can think of. 
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