#heather x hiccup
Ship list
Some ships I know/like however no ships I hate because there's no need to spread hate, I don't like, I don't see, my business.
OOTP, Top Tier
Viggo Grimborn × Hiccup Haddock Horrendous III (VigCup)
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Dargur the Deranged × Hiccup Haddock Horrendous III (DagCup)
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enEMIES TO LOVERS ANDSJBDSN DON't you dare to touch me!
Heather × Astrid Hofferson
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Saph power couple.
Hiccup Haddock Horrendous III × Heather
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Heather × Fishlegs Ingerman
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Sharp girl & intellectual boy (sort of ATTIHAY vibes).
Hiccup Haddock Horrendous III × Astrid Hofferson
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Imagine being THIS canon pffffffff.
As a crack
Hiccup Haddock Horrendous III × Snotlout Jorgenson
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Look I truly get the idea- I DO- but.... JEFBKANDJS I CAN'T
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
How about Astrid ruffnut hiccup and heather x a smartass reader who rides a timerjack, because I know the pain of not being able to scratch my back.
Astrid,ruffnut,hiccup and heather x smartass reader who rides a timberjack
*demon noises*👹
My first httyd request!,I love timberjacks they're so cool,I love most the dragons tho so.
Not being able to scratch your back must be a pain in the ass :/
Has been proofread
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I dont think It would be a surprise that you and her would get along
Your both badasses and smart
However sometimes you do lose her,if you go into particular detail she doesn't always understand
Stormfly and your timberjack get along extremely well,they're both beautiful and magnificent dragons
It's nice to sometimes just go on a night flight together with no one annoying you
She likes to listen to your ideas and rambles,even if she cant understand everything she still listens
On winter nights you both take a walk sometimes and sit under a tree whilst your timberjack sheilds you from the cold
If your ever running low on wood you,her stormfly and your timberjack go to a forest and have a day of chopping wood and having fun.
She likes to watch when you and hiccup or fishlegs play masons and talons agaisnt eachother,obviously cheering you on
If your timberjack ever needs their back scratched pleas do it
During missions Astrid and stormfly will stay close to you and try deflect any arrows that get to close to you since your timberjacks wings are so big
Having date nights when it's raining underneath a timberjacks wing>>
She likes to chip in on your dragon ramblings
If you do any illustrations or make anything she'll ask if she can see it,she likes seeing your work :)
Loves to spar with you
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She loves you so much
Your relationship dynamic is literally,stupid chaotic and smart(chaotic/good/etc)
She likes to give your timberjack back scratches
She loves to listen to your rambles,she wont understand anything but she'll sit there like this (////ó//w//ò////)
Shes head over heels for you
She puts her full trust in the words you say,you could just be saying the stupidest shit ever and she'll completely agree with you
She likes the fact that you have a destructive dragon
She will test how sharp your timberjacks talons are so you might want to supervise her around your timberjack
Will kick tuffnut off belch so you can ride on him
She will have input on many things and openly tells you
Tuffnut is nice to you(mainly so ruffnut dosnt do anything to macey)
Will ask if she can ride your timberjack,if you do say yes just make sure she dosnt end up decimating berks trees
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I think it's pretty obvious that you would both get along
Both of you give your own input and ideas/suggestions to eachother
Hes never met someone who rides a timberjack so he will ask if he can study them
If you allow him to he will be very careful and delicate
Toothless and the timberjack get along so well,and they are both so cute,you found your timberjack with its wing on toothless with both of them sleeping once
Hiccup is very supportive of your ideas and constantly asks for your opinion and ideas
During the time when him and viggo where at each others necks he asks you what you think would be the right move,hes especially stressed with the viggo situation so he needs all the help and support he can get.
He and toothless help you and your timberjack improve on dodging and evasive maneuvers
Sometimes if you help with the twins and snotlout hes ever so grateful
He loves how smart you are and if he's ever on a mission with you and one of the twins or snotlout tags along you basically translate what hiccups saying
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She dosnt always understand what you say but she'll try her best
She trys to learn more and read books so she understands you more
She feels bad for not always understanding you but she makes up for it by being affectionate
She loves to spar with you and try improve not only her own skills but your aswell
Windshear and her cover for you alot,windshears scales are very thick and so she can take hits every so often
She finds your timberjack very fascinating
Your timberjack and windshear get along very well
You and heather once had a friendly competition to see whether windshears spines were sharper or your timberjacks talons
Every so often she likes playing masons and talons with you
Although dagur may at first seem stand off-ish and harsh hes not,hes just protective and worried for heather
You are one of the only people who windshear let's ride her
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honeymilkbubbletea · 3 months
You all know how big of a "Hiccup runs away AU" enthusiasts I am
So hear me out, I know you're probably tired of all these AUs I make, but let me have one more (too much ideas in my hiperfixated brain) 🙏
Basically, the runaway concept but in a modern setting, cause I haven't seen that much of this idea explored
So, picture this, Toothless (not his real name) is a new kid in Hiccups school and they almost instantly hit it off. They're both weird it works
One day, he jokes with Hiccup about how they should run away together and how it would solve all their problems, and Hiccups like "Yeah maybe we should"
So they do. It's actually really easy for Hiccup to just leave home without anyone noticing, his dad works almost all the time, and it's not like neighbors pay any attention to him anyways
Of course Stoick would not accept the thought that his son ran away because maybe he wasn't the most attentive parent, so he probably goes with "it must have been a kidnapping or something like that"
Berk's a small town, the word gets around quickly so within weeks theres missing person posters everywhere, seatch parties etc.
It goes on like this for about a year, Stoick knows the chances that his son is still alive after this long are slim so as more years pass, he kinda "gives up" on searching
Astrid doesn't tho, but that's a story for another post
Meanwhile, Hiccups living his best life in a van with Toothless and some other friends he made along the way, completely unaware of anything 💀
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euphoritooth · 1 year
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Rock-paper-scissors ft. OT3 that I haven't drawn enough (and that I shall, fervently, in the very near future)
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pearl-dragon-cavern · 7 months
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labyrinthhofmymind · 4 months
how to train your dragon x the marauders
hiccup and astrid as wolfstar or jily
ruffnut and tuffnut could be the rosier twins
fishlegs is peter
snotlout is probs barty
heather as regulus maybe??? idk this just came to me and i’m kinda obsessed with it
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abibbi · 4 months
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Welp he’s not wrong.
Inspired from Gintama
Been rewatching Gintama, the greatest anime ever in my opinion, and there are so many scenes that I wanna draw using HTTYD characters so stay tuned :]
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i got bored so uh enjoy the gang™ (plus occasional Hiccup because its not one my posts if im not talking about the fucking guy)
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died-of-feels · 1 year
My Httyd Next Gens Pt. 1
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Name: Oswald
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Eruptodon (doesn't ride)
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Age: 23
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Sword
Relationship status: Just married to Solvig
Occupation: Eruptodon protector
Personality: Quiet and tends to keep to himself and stay out of people's way and problems. Likes to tease his younger siblings especially Baldur about Zephyr.
Misc: He made a vow to never ride a dragon again after he gave up his position as first in line for the throne to devote all his time to the eruptodon effectively passing the throne to his younger sister Eula.
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Name: Solvig
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Eruptodon (doesn't ride)
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Age: 22
Parents: Throk and Atali
Weapon of Choice: Katana
Relationship status: Just married to Oswald
Occupation: Eruptodon protector
Personality: She is very friendly and always willing to help those around her. She is just as courageous as both her parents and is quick on her feet.
Misc: She just like her father has always had a strong connection with the eruptodon and vowed to always protect it. Also made a vow to never ride a dragon once she became the protector.
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Name: Eula
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Baby Razorwhips
Age: 20
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Wingmaiden spear
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Wingmaiden
Personality: She is very well spoken and a great debater. She prefers to be off of the island she grew up on but makes sure to visit her family as often as possible.
Misc: She was always so fascinated and amazed by Atali’s story of being a Wingmaiden that when she was old enough she decided to pass her claim to the throne of Defenders of the wing to her younger brother Baldur and become a Wingmaiden herself.
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Name: Baldur
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Skrill named Bolt
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Age: 18
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Long sword
Relationship status: Dating Zephyr
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: He tends to get very fixated on certain things and start to disregard the things happening around him. He is also very stubborn and will treat people the very same way that they treat him
Misc: He is currently first in line for the throne of the Defenders of the Wing and has no plans to give it up. He has every intention of marrying Zephyr and making her Queen of the Defenders of the Wing.
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Name: Ericka
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Changewing named Novax
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Parents: Eret and OC named Greta
Weapon of Choice: Spear
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: She inherited her father’s fierce loyalty but is very naturally aggressive like her mother. She is a very skilled warrior and plans to one day join the Berkian Guard
Misc: She loves to cook and make her friends treats to cheer them up when they are sad so now she knows what all the riders favorite sweets are and can bribe them into doing patrol or other chores. Her best friend is Zephyr.
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Name: Zephyr
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Nightlight named Dart
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Age: 18
Parents: Hiccup and Astrid
Weapon of Choice: Sword and Battle axe
Relationship status: Dating Baldur
Occupation: Dragon rider leader
Personality: She has a very similar personality as in Homecoming just more mature and willing to listen to what the older vikings are trying to tell her before jumping to conclusions. She is also the most knowledgeable about dragons out of all the children and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them to the point of often having to be dragged away by her friends for her own safety or even Dart refusing to cooperate with her anymore
Misc: She enjoys reading the book of dragons and training with her mother. She also got her father's ability to create useful inventions. Her best friend is Ericka
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Name: Nuffink
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Nightlight named Pouncer
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Age: 15
Parents: Hiccup and Astrid
Weapon of Choice: Battle axe
Relationship status: Dating Thyra
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Very similar to his personality in Homecoming but more mature. He is still very rambunctious and likes to try all of his father’s aerial tricks that he was told about as a young kid. His favorite pastimes are flying with Pouncer and annoying Zephyr.
Misc: With the very real possibility of his sister marrying Baldur he is most likely to become the next chief of Berk.
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Name: Thyra
Eye color: Purplish Blue
Dragon: Monstrous Nightmare named Ember
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Age: 15
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: War hammer
Relationship status: Dating Nuffink
Occupation:Dragon rider
Personality: Thyra is very confident in her abilities and is willing to spar with anyone who offers. Unlike her dad she isn't afraid to not take first (breaking generational trauma from snotlout). She tends to spoil her dragon and treat her as the most important living thing in the world.
Misc: She is the most competitive of all the children and likes to follow Hiccup around and annoy him until he is quite literally just chasing her away.
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Name: Tove
Eye color: Purplish Blue
Dragon: Deadly Nadder named Attor
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Age: 15
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: Spear
Relationship status: Flirty with Skjor
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: She is extremely girly and likes to focus on how she looks over fighting the other kids. She wants to be a healer like her mother (yes I headcanon Ruff as the healer after Gothi)
Misc: She and Attor like to look in the reflection of shields to preen. She tends to get distracted while fixing her hair or grooming her dragon and will miss important details in a conversation. She is still very useful in a battle and will take down enemies in style. She and Astrid have bonded over having Nadders and she has learned a few tricks from her.
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Name: Skjor
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Razorwhip named Wingnut
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Age: 15
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Double ended axe
Relationship status: Likes Tove
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Skjor is the perfect mix of both his parents with his father’s love of learning and dragons and his mother's survival instincts. He loves adventure and journaling.
Misc: He met Wingnut when he got stuck on a random island and used the survival skills his mother taught him. First in line to be chief of Berserker Island.
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Name: Vivika
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Triple Stryke named Suvi
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Age: 14
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Sword and Blow darts
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Vivika is the most patient out of all the children and always willing to hear a multitude of answers to one problem. She is the peacekeeper between her siblings and on the island.
Misc: She enjoys sitting under the shade of the trees with Suvi to read and be away from her responsibilities for awhile. She really looks up to her aunt Heather.
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Name: Lagertha
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Gronckle named Lapis
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Age: 14
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Battle axe
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Lagertha is a born warrior that is always ready to take on anyone and anything that will try to pick a fight with her. She likes to boss people around and get the island people to do tasks for her.
Misc: She likes to get up with the sunrise and fly around the island with her dad. Her favorite pastime is whittling long sticks into spears.
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Name: Noma
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Hideous Zippleback (Gas) named Calothosk
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Age: 10
Parents: Tuffnut and OC named Friva
Weapon of Choice: Mace
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: Noma is a free spirit who usually does whatever sounds fun. She is curious of the world around her and can often be found taking a walk around the island. She and her cousin Leahlout are attached at the hip and if they aren't doing their own thing they are always together.
Misc: She likes to help her father in the forge (I headcanon that Tuff begins to help Gobber in the forge now that Hiccup is to busy as chief) or helping her mother cook and bake in the great hall.
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Name: Leahlout
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Hideous Zippleback (Spark) named Thevren
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Age: 10
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: Daggers
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: She is the most calm out of all her siblings but still enjoys causing a ruckus on the island especially for Gobber and Spitelout. 
Misc: She likes to follow her dad around while he is training the Berkian guard (I headcanon that Snotlout is the captain of the Berkian guard) and likes to train with them herself.
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Name: Bjorn
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Gronkle named Fishmeat
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Age: 9
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: He is sweet and gentle much like his father but tends to make up his mind and become fixated on his decision and refuses to listen when people try to tell him the opposite.
Misc: Bjorn is a pacifist so he prefers to find nonviolent solutions to problems and stay out of fights for as long as possible until a dragon or someone else is in serious danger of being badly hurt.
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Name: Ingrid
Eye color: Green
Dragon: None yet
Age: 5
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Teeth
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Baby
Personality: Ingrid likes to act sweet and innocent especially around her parents (they know she’s not) but she is a feral child and will bite when she feels like it.
Misc: The first person she bit was Dagur. Her other targets include Hiccup, Snotlout, Skjor, and strangely Astrid
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
Mala: She texted you ‘hi.’’? punctuation only means one thing, Dagur. She’s mad at you.
Dagur: No, it's Heather. She’s just being gramatically correct!
Heather: And then I used a period so he’d know that I'm mad at him
Hiccup: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'
Heather: I stand by my choice
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madman479r · 1 year
Heatcupstrid (Heather X Hiccup X Astrid) Gibslythe Ship Table
(P.s. such a pain in the ass coming up with a ship name for this threesome)
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I actually like the idea of a three way relationship between hiccup, Astrid and Heather so I made it into a thing
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jadeddangel · 7 months
How to train your Dragon Masterlist
Hiccup x reader headcannons
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Requests: Open
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euphoritooth · 9 months
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Damn. Pack it up y'all, I'm posting tri-monthly now.. Just kidding. Take my promises with a grain of salt. I have no idea what's next. Believe me, I was trying! The mental image is hardly there most of the time, but her music gets my brain going. Also obligatory Christmas thing I guess.
Lyrics/Theme: A Long, Unfortunate While by Ethel Cain.
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the-little-robyn · 2 years
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New years on the edge.
Happy new year, everyone! Thank you again for another amazing year! I have to say 2022 is an okay year for me. It has it's ups and downs like always, but overall it was an okay-ish year and i hope 2023 will remain that way.
Is this an accurate layout of the stables on the edge? Absolutely not.
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domxmarvel · 4 months
5 year celebration-H characters
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handsomemilo · 2 years
Hi! So I can't remember if I sent you a request cuz my memory is absolutely terrible but if I didn't could I request a Heather x Reader please? Maybe the reader has been a rider for a while and rides a egg biter. And when Heather shows up and is thinking about joining the gang but is still nervous, the reader tries to make her feel comfortable by hanging out with her, talking to her, and all together just being super kind and almost loving while also giving her and windshear the space they need. And finally after the events with Dagur, and pretending to be a dragon hunter are over, she decides to stay because she fell in love with the reader and the reader did too. Sorry if this was too long and sorry if I already requested something lol. Have a good day💜💜💜
I Don't Bite
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Pairing: Heather x Gn! Reader
Reader pronouns used: They/Them/Their's
Warnings: None that I'm aware of
Summary: Heather comes to the edge and is trying to figure out if she wants to join the other riders. You help with that decision.
Dragon Name: Crunchy (you know cause its a egg biter)
Notes: I feel like I took a bit of a different turn to how you wanted it and I apologise, I just couldn't fully remember what happened so went with the parts of the story I do remember.
"Ow!" I exclaim as the set of dragon teeth that were already gently nibbling on my arm bit down harder.
I look to my side to be met with a playful look from my dragon, Crunchy. An annoying pest that almost took my arm off the first time we met. She let's go of my arm and nods her head towards the door of my hut.
"Did I miss something?" I mutter walking into the clubhouse where everyone else is. "Oh."
The Twins were chatting in their little duo, but the others were all surrounding a gorgeous girl that looks to be around our age, with raven hair and green eyes that leave me completely dazed. My mouth hangs open for a second in shock.
"Uh hi everyone? Sorry to interrupt, but who's this?" I ask as I walk to the others, catching their attention. The girl's eyes meet mine as I walk further towards her and the others.
"oh yeah! Y/n you never met Heather did you?" Snotlout suddenly announces. So her name is Heather then?
I raise my hand to see if she'll shake mine. She does. To this I smile and politely not my head at her. She returns the motion.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n. I've been a rider for a while but I guess I've never had the luck of meeting you."
"It's nice to meet you too Y/n, I'm Heather." She then forms a grin on her face. Me, Heather and Astrid start up a conversation as though we've been close friends for years. Technically me and Astrid have been but, you know. That's not the point.
The others leave for a bit to do their various jobs around the Edge, leaving me to give a to Heather around the Edge.
"So, do you have a dragon too?" I tilt my head to her to show that im curious. Heather giggles lightly at my slightly odd behaviour.
"Yep, a razorwhip, Windshear. She's really sweet." As she finishes this sentence there is a slight yelp from a dragon down by the stables.
We rushed towards the sound and see the aforementioned razorwhip lightly snarling at a cheeky egg biter that has attached herself to the metallic tail of Windshear.
I quickly exclaim "Crunchy!" I wave my hands to signal the egg biter to let go. I suddenly turn to Heather, "I'm so sorry about her, she doesn't mean any harm. She just likes to nibble a little on things she's taken interest in."
Crunchy finally let's go and drops to the floor below and playfully pats the floor by Windshear, who then looks to her rider for support in what to do. Heather finally let's out a hearty laugh at the entire scene and makes a shooing motion to Windshear.
"heh- It's fine don't worry, she seems cute." She continues to chuckle, calming down from the giggle fit she had. My face grows hot from embarrassment and something else.
When she got no response from Windshear other than a few confused gurgles, Crunchy hops over to me and Heather. She spots the ravenette and quickly placed her head under her hand. Heather naturally starts to stroke her scaly head. Crunchy began to purr slightly.
I panicked slightly when I saw Crunchy abruptly open her eyes. She looked directly at me and moved her face, level with Heathers hand. She let her teeth be seen and the panic further set in. To my surprise however, she lightly took the hand between her teeth and gently seem to nibble on it. How come she can't be like that with me???
After this experience me and Heather bonded over our dragons and their strange behaviours. The dragons also became seemingly great friends as Windshear had finally understood what Crunchy wanted.
We had spent time going on missions and working together for a while, but soon came a horrid time for Heather. Her brother, Dagur. He had gone directly into a trap and died. For her. So she would be safe.
Honestly I would do the same, but like I would ever say that out loud to her. I believe that I've developed feelings for her.
Outside the rain continues to pour down at a quick pace. We had all split off to our respective huts, except for Heather who didn't currently have one. She is going to get ill if she doesn't come inside.
I leave my hut and look into the rain and see her stood alone. I make my way slowly, just to give extra time to cool down.
"Heather?" She doesn't reply so I continue. "Heatheryou need to come inside, you'll get ill" I continue walking until I reach her sobbing figure. The look on her face tears me apart. The hurt and pain in her eyes doesn't subside when she looks at me finally.
She says nothing but nods and begins to walk away, presumably to where she's been camping out. I swiftly catch a hold of her hand. She turns and I nod towards my hut. No words were spoken as I whistle for Crunchy to leave her pen in the stables and come to the hut.
She lights my fireplace and curlse up near Heather who sat on a seat, still quietly sobbing.
"Heather please let me know if you need anything else, I'll set up a space for you to sleep tonight so you don't need to go back out there." I give a kind smile and walk to prepare everything.
It's been a while since I've properly seen Heather, she told me that she was very thankful that I gave her a place to stay that night and soon had left after the next day.
I've been missing her, honestly. Crunchy is missing her best friend too. Although, Heather is more than just a best friend to me. She's found a way into my heart and I have no idea how to get rid of these feelings.
The riders had noticed our slightly dampened moods and so they kept holding these secretive meetings that I was never allowed into.
The Edge was quiet as the others had all fallen asleep. The moon was high in the sky, seeming so much brighter than the sun at times. Even though that's false, I just like to think it.
"Ouch! Hello to you too Crunchy."
I strain my neck to see Crunchy attaching herself to Heather. She let's go and instead switches her attention to Windshear.
My eyes widen and I quickly get up to sprint at her, I open my arms and practically tackle her to the ground. Heather laughs and hugs back.
"Heather, I've missed you so much!" my smile is so large it kind of hurts. "I suppose it's a temporary stay again, but I'm so so happy you're here."
She continues to laugh at my excitement, "No actually, I'm staying. Permanently."
Somehow my eyes widen even more, I giggle with excitement. "Really?"
"Really. I've heard a certain someone has taken interest in me, I just happen to return that feeling." She narrows her eyes in suspicion cheeks lightly dusted with a pink hue.
"Don't worry I don't bite." My smile becomes a lot more gentle as I lay beside her on the grass staring at the stars. The dragons rolling around and playing a little way away from us.
"Is it ok? That I like you, I mean" She's cautious with her words. I turn with a confused expression.
"Didn't I just admit to having feelings for you, don't make me feel stupid now." I chuckle abut continue to not give off the wrong impression "It's completely fine, because the feelings are mutual."
She holds one of my hands gently and reaches with her other to get my other hand. I give a curious look as she raises both of our hands. She suddenly yanks the second one that she wasn't holding before into her mouth and she lightly bites down.
"You may not bite, but that doesn't mean I won't." as she says this, she speedily got up to run away into the trees. This catches the dragons attention but they don't move to do anything.
I can hear her laughter as I get up to chase along behind her, laughing myself.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
HIII hope that was OK! I tried to stick to the request as best I could. I honestly love the idea of having an egg biter that just like to play around and is actually really gentle.
I'm working on posting a new chapter of Handsome Jack x reader fanfic on Monday so ig look out for that if you're interested.
I'm working on all my requests, slowly but surely so don't worry. You're requests should be coming out. At some point.
Httyd Masterlist
Bejeweled Handsome Jack x reader
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