#httyd Heather x reader
jadeddangel · 7 months
How to train your Dragon Masterlist
Hiccup x reader headcannons
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Requests: Open
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handsomemilo · 2 years
Hi! So I can't remember if I sent you a request cuz my memory is absolutely terrible but if I didn't could I request a Heather x Reader please? Maybe the reader has been a rider for a while and rides a egg biter. And when Heather shows up and is thinking about joining the gang but is still nervous, the reader tries to make her feel comfortable by hanging out with her, talking to her, and all together just being super kind and almost loving while also giving her and windshear the space they need. And finally after the events with Dagur, and pretending to be a dragon hunter are over, she decides to stay because she fell in love with the reader and the reader did too. Sorry if this was too long and sorry if I already requested something lol. Have a good day💜💜💜
I Don't Bite
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Pairing: Heather x Gn! Reader
Reader pronouns used: They/Them/Their's
Warnings: None that I'm aware of
Summary: Heather comes to the edge and is trying to figure out if she wants to join the other riders. You help with that decision.
Dragon Name: Crunchy (you know cause its a egg biter)
Notes: I feel like I took a bit of a different turn to how you wanted it and I apologise, I just couldn't fully remember what happened so went with the parts of the story I do remember.
"Ow!" I exclaim as the set of dragon teeth that were already gently nibbling on my arm bit down harder.
I look to my side to be met with a playful look from my dragon, Crunchy. An annoying pest that almost took my arm off the first time we met. She let's go of my arm and nods her head towards the door of my hut.
"Did I miss something?" I mutter walking into the clubhouse where everyone else is. "Oh."
The Twins were chatting in their little duo, but the others were all surrounding a gorgeous girl that looks to be around our age, with raven hair and green eyes that leave me completely dazed. My mouth hangs open for a second in shock.
"Uh hi everyone? Sorry to interrupt, but who's this?" I ask as I walk to the others, catching their attention. The girl's eyes meet mine as I walk further towards her and the others.
"oh yeah! Y/n you never met Heather did you?" Snotlout suddenly announces. So her name is Heather then?
I raise my hand to see if she'll shake mine. She does. To this I smile and politely not my head at her. She returns the motion.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n. I've been a rider for a while but I guess I've never had the luck of meeting you."
"It's nice to meet you too Y/n, I'm Heather." She then forms a grin on her face. Me, Heather and Astrid start up a conversation as though we've been close friends for years. Technically me and Astrid have been but, you know. That's not the point.
The others leave for a bit to do their various jobs around the Edge, leaving me to give a to Heather around the Edge.
"So, do you have a dragon too?" I tilt my head to her to show that im curious. Heather giggles lightly at my slightly odd behaviour.
"Yep, a razorwhip, Windshear. She's really sweet." As she finishes this sentence there is a slight yelp from a dragon down by the stables.
We rushed towards the sound and see the aforementioned razorwhip lightly snarling at a cheeky egg biter that has attached herself to the metallic tail of Windshear.
I quickly exclaim "Crunchy!" I wave my hands to signal the egg biter to let go. I suddenly turn to Heather, "I'm so sorry about her, she doesn't mean any harm. She just likes to nibble a little on things she's taken interest in."
Crunchy finally let's go and drops to the floor below and playfully pats the floor by Windshear, who then looks to her rider for support in what to do. Heather finally let's out a hearty laugh at the entire scene and makes a shooing motion to Windshear.
"heh- It's fine don't worry, she seems cute." She continues to chuckle, calming down from the giggle fit she had. My face grows hot from embarrassment and something else.
When she got no response from Windshear other than a few confused gurgles, Crunchy hops over to me and Heather. She spots the ravenette and quickly placed her head under her hand. Heather naturally starts to stroke her scaly head. Crunchy began to purr slightly.
I panicked slightly when I saw Crunchy abruptly open her eyes. She looked directly at me and moved her face, level with Heathers hand. She let her teeth be seen and the panic further set in. To my surprise however, she lightly took the hand between her teeth and gently seem to nibble on it. How come she can't be like that with me???
After this experience me and Heather bonded over our dragons and their strange behaviours. The dragons also became seemingly great friends as Windshear had finally understood what Crunchy wanted.
We had spent time going on missions and working together for a while, but soon came a horrid time for Heather. Her brother, Dagur. He had gone directly into a trap and died. For her. So she would be safe.
Honestly I would do the same, but like I would ever say that out loud to her. I believe that I've developed feelings for her.
Outside the rain continues to pour down at a quick pace. We had all split off to our respective huts, except for Heather who didn't currently have one. She is going to get ill if she doesn't come inside.
I leave my hut and look into the rain and see her stood alone. I make my way slowly, just to give extra time to cool down.
"Heather?" She doesn't reply so I continue. "Heatheryou need to come inside, you'll get ill" I continue walking until I reach her sobbing figure. The look on her face tears me apart. The hurt and pain in her eyes doesn't subside when she looks at me finally.
She says nothing but nods and begins to walk away, presumably to where she's been camping out. I swiftly catch a hold of her hand. She turns and I nod towards my hut. No words were spoken as I whistle for Crunchy to leave her pen in the stables and come to the hut.
She lights my fireplace and curlse up near Heather who sat on a seat, still quietly sobbing.
"Heather please let me know if you need anything else, I'll set up a space for you to sleep tonight so you don't need to go back out there." I give a kind smile and walk to prepare everything.
It's been a while since I've properly seen Heather, she told me that she was very thankful that I gave her a place to stay that night and soon had left after the next day.
I've been missing her, honestly. Crunchy is missing her best friend too. Although, Heather is more than just a best friend to me. She's found a way into my heart and I have no idea how to get rid of these feelings.
The riders had noticed our slightly dampened moods and so they kept holding these secretive meetings that I was never allowed into.
The Edge was quiet as the others had all fallen asleep. The moon was high in the sky, seeming so much brighter than the sun at times. Even though that's false, I just like to think it.
"Ouch! Hello to you too Crunchy."
I strain my neck to see Crunchy attaching herself to Heather. She let's go and instead switches her attention to Windshear.
My eyes widen and I quickly get up to sprint at her, I open my arms and practically tackle her to the ground. Heather laughs and hugs back.
"Heather, I've missed you so much!" my smile is so large it kind of hurts. "I suppose it's a temporary stay again, but I'm so so happy you're here."
She continues to laugh at my excitement, "No actually, I'm staying. Permanently."
Somehow my eyes widen even more, I giggle with excitement. "Really?"
"Really. I've heard a certain someone has taken interest in me, I just happen to return that feeling." She narrows her eyes in suspicion cheeks lightly dusted with a pink hue.
"Don't worry I don't bite." My smile becomes a lot more gentle as I lay beside her on the grass staring at the stars. The dragons rolling around and playing a little way away from us.
"Is it ok? That I like you, I mean" She's cautious with her words. I turn with a confused expression.
"Didn't I just admit to having feelings for you, don't make me feel stupid now." I chuckle abut continue to not give off the wrong impression "It's completely fine, because the feelings are mutual."
She holds one of my hands gently and reaches with her other to get my other hand. I give a curious look as she raises both of our hands. She suddenly yanks the second one that she wasn't holding before into her mouth and she lightly bites down.
"You may not bite, but that doesn't mean I won't." as she says this, she speedily got up to run away into the trees. This catches the dragons attention but they don't move to do anything.
I can hear her laughter as I get up to chase along behind her, laughing myself.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
HIII hope that was OK! I tried to stick to the request as best I could. I honestly love the idea of having an egg biter that just like to play around and is actually really gentle.
I'm working on posting a new chapter of Handsome Jack x reader fanfic on Monday so ig look out for that if you're interested.
I'm working on all my requests, slowly but surely so don't worry. You're requests should be coming out. At some point.
Httyd Masterlist
Bejeweled Handsome Jack x reader
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
How about Astrid ruffnut hiccup and heather x a smartass reader who rides a timerjack, because I know the pain of not being able to scratch my back.
Astrid,ruffnut,hiccup and heather x smartass reader who rides a timberjack
*demon noises*👹
My first httyd request!,I love timberjacks they're so cool,I love most the dragons tho so.
Not being able to scratch your back must be a pain in the ass :/
Has been proofread
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I dont think It would be a surprise that you and her would get along
Your both badasses and smart
However sometimes you do lose her,if you go into particular detail she doesn't always understand
Stormfly and your timberjack get along extremely well,they're both beautiful and magnificent dragons
It's nice to sometimes just go on a night flight together with no one annoying you
She likes to listen to your ideas and rambles,even if she cant understand everything she still listens
On winter nights you both take a walk sometimes and sit under a tree whilst your timberjack sheilds you from the cold
If your ever running low on wood you,her stormfly and your timberjack go to a forest and have a day of chopping wood and having fun.
She likes to watch when you and hiccup or fishlegs play masons and talons agaisnt eachother,obviously cheering you on
If your timberjack ever needs their back scratched pleas do it
During missions Astrid and stormfly will stay close to you and try deflect any arrows that get to close to you since your timberjacks wings are so big
Having date nights when it's raining underneath a timberjacks wing>>
She likes to chip in on your dragon ramblings
If you do any illustrations or make anything she'll ask if she can see it,she likes seeing your work :)
Loves to spar with you
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She loves you so much
Your relationship dynamic is literally,stupid chaotic and smart(chaotic/good/etc)
She likes to give your timberjack back scratches
She loves to listen to your rambles,she wont understand anything but she'll sit there like this (////ó//w//ò////)
Shes head over heels for you
She puts her full trust in the words you say,you could just be saying the stupidest shit ever and she'll completely agree with you
She likes the fact that you have a destructive dragon
She will test how sharp your timberjacks talons are so you might want to supervise her around your timberjack
Will kick tuffnut off belch so you can ride on him
She will have input on many things and openly tells you
Tuffnut is nice to you(mainly so ruffnut dosnt do anything to macey)
Will ask if she can ride your timberjack,if you do say yes just make sure she dosnt end up decimating berks trees
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I think it's pretty obvious that you would both get along
Both of you give your own input and ideas/suggestions to eachother
Hes never met someone who rides a timberjack so he will ask if he can study them
If you allow him to he will be very careful and delicate
Toothless and the timberjack get along so well,and they are both so cute,you found your timberjack with its wing on toothless with both of them sleeping once
Hiccup is very supportive of your ideas and constantly asks for your opinion and ideas
During the time when him and viggo where at each others necks he asks you what you think would be the right move,hes especially stressed with the viggo situation so he needs all the help and support he can get.
He and toothless help you and your timberjack improve on dodging and evasive maneuvers
Sometimes if you help with the twins and snotlout hes ever so grateful
He loves how smart you are and if he's ever on a mission with you and one of the twins or snotlout tags along you basically translate what hiccups saying
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She dosnt always understand what you say but she'll try her best
She trys to learn more and read books so she understands you more
She feels bad for not always understanding you but she makes up for it by being affectionate
She loves to spar with you and try improve not only her own skills but your aswell
Windshear and her cover for you alot,windshears scales are very thick and so she can take hits every so often
She finds your timberjack very fascinating
Your timberjack and windshear get along very well
You and heather once had a friendly competition to see whether windshears spines were sharper or your timberjacks talons
Every so often she likes playing masons and talons with you
Although dagur may at first seem stand off-ish and harsh hes not,hes just protective and worried for heather
You are one of the only people who windshear let's ride her
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domxmarvel · 4 months
5 year celebration-H characters
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reptisoil · 1 year
Romance is Science. || RTTE!Heather x GN! reader ||
Summary: On her travels, Heather encounters someone who wishes to study dragons from a scientific perspective and she decides they're worth her time. After a while, things change between the two for the better.
Warnings: Happy ending?
Notes: D/n = dragon's name, D/s = dragon's spieces, D/P/c = dragon's primary color, and
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Y/n would admit, they'd been really happy to study with Heather. She was really nice to them and her razorwhip, Windshear, had been more than happy to work with them, even let them study her!
After the whole thing about working with the Hunters and joining the Dragon Riders, Y/n had so many more dragons to study! They even got their own dragon, named D/n, the two built a bond very quickly, and having their own dragon made them that much more interested in studying every other kind of dragon they would come across in their time with the other riders.
After a month on the Edge, Y/n decided it would be best to explore the Archepelligo on their own with D/n. Heather was hit the hardest with something akin to grief. She and Y/n were really close and Heather realized she even had some feelings for the scientist...
As the sun was rising, the D/P/c and D/A/c colored D/s and Y/n said their goodbyes. Flishlegs was getting emotional and had to leave before Y/n did and the others soon followed after, leaving Y/n and D/n with Heather and Windshear. Heather looked at them, arms crossed as they were packing their last saddlebag.
"Do you really have to leave, Y/n? We're going to see and find so many dragons you can study, Windshear and I can even camp out with you whenever you need or want!" Heather begged, not ready to say goodbye to them. Y/n sighed and looked at Heather, petting D/n absentmindedly. "I think I have to, Heather, it's just... I don't know, Im not really helpful to the team, I can't really fight. Im just a scientist, Heather, not a warrior. My place is behind a desk or in a camp hidden from everything around me to study what's there. Not a battlefield or war."
"I can help you, train you even! Just, please... Don't go, I need you. I love you." Heather's hand flew to her mouth when she realized what she just said but she couldn't take it back so why not just roll with it. Y/n had a surprised look on their face that turned to one of relief.
"I love you too, Heather... Are you sure you can train me?" She nodded. "Alright... Maybe just for a little longer, I can stay."
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hotshot624 · 2 years
So like I know I have some stuff to write in my drafts rn, but unfortunately I'm no longer hyper fixating on stranger things but like I wanna write some more. And not just about agere but also some cute fluffy tickle stuff too. Specifically How To Train Your Dragon stuff. Either with the characters and reader or just the characters. I have some headcanons and fics that I'd like to make but I'm afraid that 1.) Other people not in either of those communities will judge me for it and 2.) People in those communities won't be interested in it and won't read it. Idk what do y'all think I should do? I think I may just write it but I still wanna know y'alls opinions. Ight that's all love y'all 😘💜💜💜
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Can you write a yandere Heather x Female Reader oneshot please? (From Httyd RTTE) Basically, the reader is the daughter of Viggo or Ryker (whichever you think best) but hates hunting dragons. When Heather and Daggur are brought to meet Viggo, Heather ends up talking to the reader for a while and Heather develops an unhealthy obsession over reader.
When the dragon hunters capture the Fightmare, Heather kidnaps the reader on Windshear and flies away into the night. Reader passes out and when reader wakes up, she's at a completely isolated place with just Heather and Windshear.
(If you write NSFW, can Heather send Windshear away to catch some fish or something whilst she and the reader do something. If you don't write NSFW, you can just completely ignore this part in the brackets)
Y/n’s POV I was reluctant to be next to my dad Viggo that dragon killer but he is still my dad so I had to sit down with him.He was talking to Ryker about their plans of getting rid of the dragon riders.Then the door open and one of my dad’s workers walked through the door with two others.One was a tall woman with black hair and green eyes while the other was a medium height man with red hair and blue stripes on his face.The female was very pretty while the man looked crazy.My dad got up and told Ryker and the red head “Dagger” to follow him and commanded me to stay.I nodded obediently and waited until the men left to get a better look at the woman.She had a silver shoulder gear,leather vest and a silver skirt thing that looked like dragon plates.She had gentle look on her face. “You are Viggo’s daughter right?” She said like she already knew that. “Yes Miss” I answered quietly.She smiled slightly. “You don’t have to be quiet you know.” She commented.I looked at her astonished.Nobody has ever told me that I didn’t have to stay quiet. “My name is Heather” She announced.I blinked,being startled out of my thoughts. “I’m Y/n.” I said softly still not being used to speaking out loud.She gave me a sweet smile. “I know that.” She remarked.I immediately blushed in embarrassment and stared at the ground.She giggled softly and told me that I didn’t have a reason to be embarrassed.I nodded and shook the blush off.I didn’t know how to start a conversation so I said what first came to mind. “Are you a dragon hunter or something else?” I asked curiously and looked up at her.She looked startled by the question but smiled again. “I have my own dragon but I wanted to work with my brother.” She answered.I smiled too. “Oh I really want a dragon but my dad would never allow it.” I responded bitterly with a fake smile.She nodded in understanding. “I figured that would be the case but I can show you Windshear if you want to.” Heather offered.I excitedly accepted it.She smiled and lead me to the deck where a beautiful metallic dragon was. I giggles excitedly and stood a foot away from the dragon. “She’s so pretty!!” I announced softly.Heather snickered and told me that I was allowed to touch Windshear. I was so excited because I never touched a dragon before.I hesitantly walked closer and gently put my hand on the dragon’s metallic coating. I was shocked at how the smoothness of the coating was so different than what it looked like.I kept giggling excitedly and turned to look at her.Her pupils were the basically the shape of hearts.She noticed me looking at her and shook her head. “Are you alright Heather?” I asked worryingly.She sighed softly and told me that she was alright. “I just never saw anyone that wasn’t immediately intimidated by Windshear.” She confessed. I smiled softly. “Well Windshear is very pretty and the people who got intimidated by this beauty was just jealous that a dragon was prettier than them” I remarked softly still petting Windshear.She smiled and said thank you.Later that night I was getting ready for bed thinking about that interaction. I immediately passed out on my bed.
Heather’s POV
I snuck into her bedroom through the window.I know that this is wrong but I had to keep her for myself and don’t let anyone else have her.Y/n’s hair was sprawled out and she looked so peaceful in her sleep. I walked to her bedside and picked her up gently.I carried her out the window and onto Windshear’s back. “Let’s go.” I commanded.Windshear leaped up and spread her wings and flew. I already prepared a good hiding space for Y/n in the lonely mountains where it was very inhabited and nobody knew about.Not even my brother.It took till sunrise but I finally arrived with the future wife of mine.It’s not traditional but I will make it acceptable because how are people going to judge me when there is nobody else there?I dismounted Windshear and walked into the campsite that I quickly made after meeting Y/n.She stirred a bit but she stayed asleep. I smiled softly at the sight. I went into the tent and laid her down. I laid down right beside her and stared at the wonderful sight of this sweet girl next to me.She woke up finally after a while.She sat up and stared at me in confusion. I sat up too and softly assured her that she was alright and go back to sleep. “Where am I?” She asked softly with a scared expression. “Shh it’s okay you are safe now.” I cooed softly and she relaxed slightly.That was a little bit surprising but it was a good thing that she already trusts me.She looked around and asked me if this was a tent. I nodded and went outside and she followed closely behind me.Something ran from a bush into another.Y/n yelped and jumped into my arms and I caught her.Her face was so scared that it was sort of cute?I laughed softly and caressed her back.She let out a small whine and hid her face into my neck. I immediately smirked. “Windshear go gather some fish.” I softly command.Windshear flew off to obey my command and I carried Y/n back into the tent.She gave me a confused look that quickly turned into a blush full one when I sat her down and climbed onto her.
Y/n’s POV
I didn’t know what was happening is she interested in me already?Is that acceptable? I question but I knew I had a major crush on her but I barely knew her.She crashed her lips onto mine and I had to hold back a whimper.She was rough with her kisses but I wanted more even though this might be unacceptable.A woman being intimate with another woman?That was something that I never heard of.I grabbed the back of her hair and kissed her back.It was passionate.We made out for couple hours until she asked me something that made me turn a bright red mess. “Do you want to go to the next thing?” She mumbled against my lip. I immediately knew what she meant but I was too needy because of the kiss and I nodded.She smirked and took off her leather vest and the top garnet revealing her chest and muscular stomach.I took off my top clothing too.She leaned towards me and kissed me roughly.I kissed her back with the same roughness and my hands traveled everywhere on Heather’s body before resting on her chest. I blushed when I noticed what I did but I didn’t care.She broke the kiss and began marking my neck.I whimpered quietly and held on to Heather’s shoulder. I was so needy that the next out of my mouth surprised even me. “Please let me touch you more.” I begged.She smiled slightly. “You don’t have to ask.” She answered with a smirk.I immediately allowed my hands to touch all over Heather’s body.She asked if we could take the rest of the clothing off. I nodded and she stood up and took off her bottom clothing.I stared at her body it was soft but also strong at the same time.She giggled at my staring and I immediately got up too.I took off my bottom clothing.Heather looked me up and down like she was admiring the way I looked vulnerable.She grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to her.I almost groaned at the contact.She put a hand around my mouth. “We just got started but you don’t want it to end already right?” She questioned and I immediately panicked because I really needed it. “No don’t end it please..” I begged desperately behind her hand.She smiled and released my mouth.She sat down and pulled me onto her lap making me straddle her.I groaned quietly and wrapping my arms around Heather’s neck .She grabbed my waist and making my hips move against hers.I let out a string of silent whimpers. “You know that you can move on your own right?” She asked. I let out a long whine and rutted against her that made her groaned slightly.That encouraged me to go faster and that rewarded me with slightly louder groans.
*TIME SKIP* It was very intense but also very pleasurable.It lasted couple hours but when it ended We got our clothes back on and she held me until noon when Windshear finally came back with a lot of fish.We ate and after that me and Heather laid down and looked at the stars.
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unknownglassesbitch · 2 years
Requests are open! <3
Salutations everyone! So I'm a new writer but I've decided to give writing a go!
Fandoms I can write about:
Undertale/undertale au's
Ddlc (doki doki literature club)
Toh (the owl house)
Avatar the last air bender
Fnaf (five nights at freddys)
Wendell and wild
Mha (my hero academia)
Monster high
Helluva boss
Hazbin hotel
Inside job
Q force
Dream smp/mcyt
Streamers/youtubers (like jacksepticeye, markiplier, ect.)
Slashers/horror movie characters
Tmnt (Teenage mutant ninja turtles)
Httyd (how to train your dragon)
Td (total drama)
Mlp (my little pony)
Aphmau/my street
Mlb (miraculous lady bug)
Sander sides
Crk (cookie run kingdom)
Squid game
Baldi's basics
Aot (attack on Titan)
Yandere simulator
Tpn (the promised neverland)
Dc super hero girls
Darling in the franxx
Turning red
Cup head
Depp (dead end paranormal park)
Gravity falls
Bluey (PLATONIC ONLY. Unless it's a ship of like bandit x
chilli or something like that)
Mean girls
Sally face
Teen Titans
Hp (Harry Potter)
Dhmis (don't hug me I'm scared)
The incedibles/the incredibles 2
Pokémon (humans)
Guardians of the galaxy
Sea beasts
Family guy
Spider man into the spider verse
Rise of the guardians
The hunger games
Suicide squad
Shang chi and the legend of the 10 rings
Micheals vs machines
Maya and the three
What I will do:
X reader
What I won’t do:
Adult x minor (romance/smut)
Problematic ships
Minor/child/underaged smut/lemon
Write about homophobia or racism
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violet-moonstone · 11 months
i need to finish my httyd vampie au series and also my dagur/viggo oneshot but i also keep having more ideas for fics (hopefully just oneshots or ill never finish them)
i wanna write about
viggo and ryker fighting over dagur
ryker/dagur in which ryker is developing feelings for dagur but doesnt want to acknowledge it
hiccup and heather helping dagur reunite with his wife who fled berserker island after his imprisonment because there was a plot against her life
toxic vigdagcup in which dagur helps hiccup escape from viggo. viggo (who is both heartbroken and enraged) takes it out on dagur even though dagur is in love with him
dagur x oc (or reader?) smut
something ruffnut/fishlegs related. maybe just some headcanons
eretlout fluff and or smut - possibly just around when snotlout and eret realize they have feelings for each other
notice how most of these revolve around dagur lol
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aerkame · 10 months
HTTYD Concept II
Mm, I really liked my last post and my brain is still thinking (it never stops-). So, I'm just gonna continue writing about this concept that brain keeps adding onto. I was thinking of maybe making this long fic for it though I'm not sure people would read it since it doesn't take place in the usual timeline in HTTYD (so no Hiccup, the riders, the hunters, Dagur, Heather, etc, though I COULD have them referenced). BUT, I do want to write it with my own original characters. Maybe one of the hunters that runs the whole thing is a descendant of one of the most well known hunters of the series like Viggo, Ryker, Grimmel, or Drago. Or it could be every hunter honestly. I kinda like the idea that every single hunter in that organization is some descendant of a dragon hunter or from a bloodline of vikings that hated dragons throughout history. It's like a tradition for them that they take up. Some kill the dragons they catch, some keep them as pets (surprisingly, though they most likely will never be free again), and some train them to benefit better hunts or just to fight for entertainment (EX: Training dragons to fight other dragons). No matter the reasoning though, it seems like these hunters are picking up where their ancestor's left.
Since this is a fic as an idea right now, I'm thinking of making it an x reader for multiple characters or just picking one and making it an enemies to lovers thing because I am a sucker for enemies to lovers fics. It could be like a hunter x reader that's just trying to do the right thing and keep as many dragons safe as possible (accidentally pulling a Hiccup move) after finding out about them and growing to admire that they even exist. I mean, how would YOU react to finding out dragons are real? My heart would freaking stop and I'd faint from the overwhelming emotions, my goodness they better be safe and alive in that case-
Anyways, I could just imagine the absolute trouble reader could get into by meddling in things the reader shouldn't be getting into. The question is...how far are these modern hunters willing to go? Murder is illegal, so these guys probably have the money, numbers, organization, and the political power to just get away with whatever they want, a scary thought indeed. And to make it worse, the reader isn't Hiccup, they don't have a dragon at their side to help if things go wrong. Though, that doesn't mean a dragon might not be smart enough to realize that a human is helping them. Some dragons are clearly intelligent enough to understand that as seen in the movies and shows so it isn't entirely impossible that the reader could get some backup from a wild dragon or two if they play their cards right.
The only problem left would be keeping their identity and personal life safe. They'd have to deal with a lot on their plate, dealing with something they don't really understand and the reader may end up dead if they aren't careful. But whose to say if the reader even goes through the idea of saving as many dragons as possible? The reader is only one person, but maybe, just maybe, saving at least one or a few dragons and allowing them to stay at the reader's house is enough...plus they could finally put that empty field to use and get a stable built (one that can hopefully withstand the weight of a few dragons). But that would only lead to more trouble wouldn't it? In the modern day, I don't think dragon hunters would let one dragon go. Not a single one.
Maybe the reader took an extremely important egg or dragon species that they want back, maybe the reader has embarrassed their leader or co-leader greatly and he wants revenge, or maybe both? Whatever the reason is, they're coming once they figure things out.
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noctusfury · 2 years
My HTTYD Fanfic Ideas — Hiccup Leaves Berk AU
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If you wanna check out the article (written by yours truly) that started all this, please click here and enjoy!
If you’re interested in checking out my list of story ideas about OTHER CHARACTERS leaving Berk, please go to this post down here!
Hiccup Leaves Berk AUs || X Leaves Berk AUs
These Hiccup Leaves Berk AUs will be unique and original from your run-of-the-mill HLB AU fics. All of these story plots will have Hiccup leave Berk in ways that I haven’t really seen in this trope. Most tend to go and follow the movie plots, and often do the same thing where he leaves for a number of years, comes back, defeats the Red Death, and permanently returns to Berk, and everyone lives happily ever after.
Instead, while I do plan on Hiccup returning to Berk in some of them (albeit realistically) others will explore the what-if of Hiccup NOT returning to Berk, and instead continues his new life, even if he reunites with Berk and even forgives them for what they’d done to him. For there are times where the damage has already been done and cannot be entirely fixed, and will show that there are times when actions can lead to permanent consequences.
Hiccup may also have the chance of NOT losing a foot / leg in some of these fics. Simply because it would be nice for Hiccup to KEEP both legs for once, and I’ve been seeing lots of readers complain about it. I’ve even READ fics where Hiccup has every advantage imaginable, and the battle against the Red Death was DIFFERENT from canon, and he STILL loses his foot!! So yeah, that’s getting fixed in some of these story ideas at least. And in some of these, Hiccup won’t even MEET the Red Death, and the dragon raids continue. In others, the Red Death has already been defeated, but he still leaves Berk — for one reason or another.
Keep in mind that it’s unlikely that I’ll complete this entire list. I may only be able to write but a few of these. If any of these stick out to you and you’d like me to choose this as a future project, please let me know.
Hiccup’s Saga/Wilderwest Saga (Young Chief AU)
A Hiccup-Leaves-Berk story with a ton of inspiration and elements of the Books, this story will be placed before the events of HTTYD 1 (Pre-HTTYD 1). When Stoick goes off to search for the Nest, 10/12-year-old Hiccup and his adopted brother Drift get abducted and taken by Danger-Brute warriors to the Dungeons at the behest of an unknown third party. There, the Chief of the Danger-Brutes imprisons them so that they don’t escape. While in the dungeons, they meet a fellow prisoner, Heather, daughter of Chief Osvald of the Berserkers, who has also been abducted and imprisoned.
Meanwhile, back on Berk, news of the “deaths” of Hiccup and Drift send shockwaves to the villagers. Even worse, a week after their disappearance, Stoick is still nowhere to be seen. Stoick’s brother decides to take over with his son Snotface Haddock (Book Snotlout) as Heir and declares Stoick to be dead. Not wanting to accept it, the Gang decide to go search for Stoick and warn them of what’s happened.
Can Hiccup and his brother escape the Dungeons of the Danger-Brutes, a prison said to be inescapable? Can they survive? And what happened to Stoick? Will the brothers be able to return to Berk and reclaim Hiccup’s birthright? Even more important: Can they do it without ending up with the Slavemark before then?
Switching Heirs (A Hiccup Leaves Berk AU)
(Takes place before and during HTTYD 1.)
A story that focuses on the stupidity of Stoick and Berk by not grooming Hiccup to be a competent Heir should anything happen to Stoick (seriously, if anything happened to Stoick, Hiccup would be 0% trained/prepared to take over as Chief), Berk gets a surprise visit from the Chief of the Shivering Shores and his Heir, Skathgard the Younger, who takes a shine to Hiccup. Rather impressed with his potential (and very unimpressed at Stoick’s disregard for training his Heir), Skathgard’s Heir convinces his father to make a proposal to Stoick that will strengthen the bonds between the two communities.
Both Chiefs will foster each other’s Heir as his own and take them under their wing for one month. If the results are satisfactory, then an additional year will be added to further educate the Heirs. Should Hiccup remain... Hiccup, then Stoick is free to adopt Skathgard’s Heir permanently and give Hiccup over to Skathgard as his replacement.
Liking the idea of Hiccup becoming better, and wanting Hiccup to be safe and out-of-the-way, Stoick agrees with the plan. And thus begins Hiccup’s tutelage and new life. Will Hiccup improve, or will he fail and remain... a Hiccup? Why has the young Heir of the Shivering Shores taken such an interest in Hiccup? Is it genuine, or is there more ulterior motives behind this gesture of friendship?
Hiccup the Outcast (Outcast! Hiccup AU)
Set in HTTYD 1. What if one of Hiccup’s attempts at killing a dragon resulted in someone’s death? Well... it’s not good. By Viking law, of course, this means that Hiccup must be banished from Berk as an Outlaw. Forced from his home, Hiccup struggles to survive in the Archipelago’s unforgiving climate. He then gets picked up by Alvin the Treacherous, what decision must he make?
The Berkian Berserker (Berserker! Hiccup AU)
This story idea was inspired by Berserker!Hiccup fanart by @baisleyarts​ , and whose gracious permission allowed me to use this idea for my own use.
Set in HTTYD 1. Wanting to solidify their alliance, Stoick exchanges his son Hiccup to Chief Osvald of the Berserker Tribe to foster in the hopes that Hiccup will become more Viking-like. As the years go by, Hiccup becomes more warrior-like and strong, adopting the Berserker life as his own — albeit a difficult one to deal with due to his mild and kind-hearted personality, as well as looked down on for being Berkian, despite not feeling any loyalty to them in the slightest. Still, he was nowhere near the derangedness of his foster brother.
By the time he’s 15/16, Berk has been slowly weakening from the Dragon attacks and the Outcast and Meathead raids. What’s worse is that Osvald mysteriously vanishes and Dagur claims to have slain him to take the throne for his own in a coup. Alarmed, Hiccup (renamed Hauberk or Brandur) and Thorvald conspire to overthrow him, find Osvald, and reinstate him as Chief once again.
When they go to Berk to sign the treaty, Dagur sees the weakness of Berk and reveals his cards to his relatives, causing Hiccup and Thorvald to secretly send a message to Stoick to warn him.
War is coming. Will Hiccup and Thorvald, with Berk’s aid, thwart Dagur’s schemes and also find Chief Osvald again? Or will Dagur succeed in his ambitions?
Like A Thief in the Night (A Hiccup Leaves Berk AU)
(Takes place either before or during HTTYD 1.) 
When Trader Johann comes to Berk to sell his wares, Hiccup, after listening to his stories, longs to go adventuring, even becoming a trader and/or blacksmith and getting away from the miserable life he’s been living on Berk. So under cover of night, Hiccup packs up and sneaks aboard Johann’s ship. When the latter leaves Berk, he is found out but manages to convince Johann to not send him back but instead let him travel with him. This story will chronicle his journeys, the people he meets, and the experiences he lives through. Will he ever return to Berk? Would he even WANT to?
The Slavemark (A Hiccup Leaves Berk AU)
Slavery AU. Hiccup didn’t expect much, but he most certainly didn’t expect to get abducted by Uglithug slavers, branded with the Slavemark, and get transported with other Slaves towards Dyflin and other trade centers. Far from home, and now all-but-made-an-Outcast by the Slavemark, Hiccup has no choice but to bow his head and trudge through the rest of his life as a Slave, cold and alone. 
Along the way, he meets a Slave girl by the name of Heather, and others besides, which help spark hope in the young Viking’s heart, and thus, in turn, sparks the desire to escape and once again live a free life. Will Hiccup ever escape and return to the life he once had — or at least get the chance to live a new life? Or will he be a Slave forever?
Losing One’s Identity (A Hiccup Leaves Berk AU)
Post-HTTYD 1. Hiccup loses his memory after defeating the Red Death, and has been sent adrift away from Dragon Island and to an island habited by another Tribe and lives among them, with one less foot and no idea who he is and where he comes from, and plagued with dreams and nightmares. Will he ever be reunited with Berk and his father and friends? Will he ever see Toothless again? Or will he permanently be detached from them — not only physically, but mentally as well?
One Man’s Hiccup is Another Man’s Treasure (A Hiccup Leaves Berk AU)
Pre/During HTTYD 1. Hiccup was sent adrift after having been confirmed a Runt, believing that he wouldn’t last long due to having been more early. Fate leads him towards a different island, a different Tribe, and into the arms of a different family. 
Will the events that befell Hiccup had he stayed on Berk repeat in this new life? Or will he have a better or worse chain of events that will lead him towards a different path?
Meeting of the Heirs (A Hiccup Leaves Berk AU)
In an AU where, like in the Books, Vikings ride and train dragons, Hiccup and Stoick leave Berk to join a gathering of Chieftains and their Heirs and Young Warriors-to-Be with their dragons. Instead of congregating at the Shivering Shores, the Gathering was to be held at Grimbeard’s Peak, the third highest point in the Archipelago on the Mainland. It’s tradition for the Heirs and the other Warriors-to-Be of each generation to go there, not only to build bonds of fellowship between each other and the Tribes and alliances, but also to test them, whereby upon passing, they’ll be added on to their respective Tribes.
What will Hiccup experience in this journey? Will he meet new friends along the way? Or enemies?
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost (A Hiccup Leaves Berk / Young Chief AU)
Hiccup leaves with Stoick and their retinue towards this year’s assembly, where Hiccup meets other Heirs like him, and interacts with other Vikings his age. It’s a new coming-of-age ceremony for the Heirs of their respective clans and is a chance for Chieftains to show off their sons proudly. 
However, sharks lurk in the shadows, biding their time for an ambush in this gathering. When Ugli the Uglithug, King of the Mainland, drugs the Heirs — including his own Heir, Ugluk the Mighty — and has the Chief of the Danger-Brutes throw them in his dungeons in preparation of shipping them to the Slave Markets, while making it look like Alvin the Treacherous of the Outcast Tribe (not to be confused with the Outcasts near Berk) did the deed and incite the Tribes to destroy them, in his bid to seize the Throne of the Wilderwest.
Can the Heirs manage to break out and escape before they become Slaves? Can they be able to reunite with their fathers and uncover the conspiracy and Ug’s schemes before all is lost?
Hiccup’s Quest (A Hiccup Leaves Berk AU)
Set after HTTYD 1. After recovering from the Battle of the Red Death, Hiccup convinces his father to let him go on a Quest in search for his mother, who herself had been on a Quest to find answers concerning the Dragon Raids but had yet to return, and bring her back home. But he won’t be going alone.
Will he be able to find his mother and bring her back home safely?
Enough is Enough! (A Hiccup Leaves Berk AU)
Set before or during HTTYD 1. Tired of the abuse and isolation, Hiccup finally has had enough and decides to leave Berk — for good! So packing his belongings and stealing a small boat, Hiccup leaves Berk, never intending to come back, and is determined to create a new life for himself, and leave the Dragon Wars — and his old life — behind. But will Fate let him?
Hamish’s Heir (A Hiccup Leaves Berk AU)
Set Post-HTTYD 3. Eager to prove a valuable asset to his Tribe and family, Hiccup decides to leave Berk and go a-viking, eventually setting his sights on the Varangian Guard in Miklagard (Constantinople). (This part is set during HTTYD 1.) When he returns 10 years later, he’s wealthier, stronger, more confident, and more experienced. When he discovers the map leading to Hamish the First’s treasure, he decides to go and find it. And he finds it, making him to be a very rich man. Aside from this, he has a fleet of several ships and a retinue of loyal warriors. With Hamish the Second’s prophecy in the works, saying that he’s his true Heir and is destined to end the Dragon Wars, Hiccup decides that it’s time to return to Berk to show them just how much their “Useless” Heir has changed.
Will he be able to fulfill Hamish the Second’s prophecy, and end the Wars? Will he be able to impress his people? Or will he once again become a disappointment? And what about the political King’s Table being played behind closed doors and dark Halls as the power struggle on who’ll be the next Heir comes to its peak? Will Hiccup emerge victorious, or will he be forced to leave and build his own Kingdom and his own life?
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jadeddangel · 10 months
Asks/Reguests: Open
Sup! You guys can call me Lulu! This is mostly an 18+ page, so I just ask that minors don't interact.
Gemini, gender-fluid, and I go by any pronouns
Pookie: @christianthefag69
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Who I will write for:
Record of Ragnarok:
Hunter x Hunter:
Micheal Afton
Freddy Fazbear
Glamrock Freddy
Roxanne Wolf
Montgomery gator
Glamrock Chica
One piece:
Buggy the Clown
Hazbin hotel & Helluva boss:
Angel dust
Glitz and Glam
Attack on Titan:
Jujitsu kaisen:
Creepypasta and marble hornets:
Jeff the killer
Ticcy Toby eren rogers
Eyeless jack
Avatar (the way of water and the first one)
The Owl House:
Amity Blight
Luz Noceda
Eda The Owl Lady
Raine Whispers
The collecter
Sal fisher (Sally face)
Sokka (avatar the last airbender)
Zuko (avatar the last airbender)
Toph (avatar the last airbender)
Mono (little nightmares 2)
Six (little nightmares 2)
Erica slaughter (something is killing the children)
Mizu (blue eyed samurai)
I will not write any of the following:
Ships of any kind unless there is a reader involved between the 2
Anything revolving around child porn or anything revolving around age play or an age play fetish
Scat is a big no no and piss play is very iffy
What I will write:
I will write the following:
Age regression( only for comfort and angst)
Toxic relationships
Non-con, Dub-con
Trauma comfort
Or any questions you have about me!!
Don't see something you would like to read? Go ahead and go to my asks and I'll answer as soon as possible!!
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handsomemilo · 2 years
hi! May I request some snotlout x reader dating pretty please?
Yes you can my friend 😌
I put it into headcanons because its easier to write it this way, if you would like a specific situation you would probably have to request that separately
SNOTLOUT X READER (Dating Headcanons)
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Not my Gif
Pairing: Snotlout x Gn! Reader
Reader pronouns used (half the time I don't even put the pronouns into my writing) : They/Them/Their's
Warnings: nothing but a sweet viking boyfriend
Summary: Headcanons
Right so personal headcanon of him general is that he has a load of burn scars.
Yk from Hookfang, so whenever you look at him for too long, he gets shy
As big as his ego can seem, he's kinda fragile
Needs to be treated with care.
He gives up on flirting with Astrid and Heather, he's only focused on you
PLEASE compliment him
He needs it
His dad's a bit of a douche and brings him down when he comes by
You gotta comfort him when it happens, like a lot.
Like you gotta make sure he doesn't do something stupid
I mean you have to make sure if that most of the time
You might as well be his parent
If you just hold him gently, he'll purr like a cat.
Don't ask where this idea came from it just kinda appeared in my head.
He loves when you appreciate his muscles
Like just tell him you think they are cool
He'd be jumping for joy!
Hookfang would probably pretend to prefer you to Snotlout just to be spiteful
Even when he's not pretending though Hookfang knows when you two need privacy
Hookfang also genuinely enjoys your presence since Snotlout is less annoying when around you
Snotlout quietens down a little bit around you
It's cause he's in love~
However, he may be quieter but he also shows off to you sooooo much.
Or he shows you off to everyone
He's gotta keep your attention somehow
He just wants you to think he's interesting.
He's a victim of the Twins pranks, however with you around you tend to spot when they try to pull something on him.
He's always trying to make you laugh and smile
He gives gifts to you whenever he can find something he deems worthy
Although sometimes neither of you have time for eachother because the riders are doing things, he'll make sure you always get a bunch of flowers.
Sorry if this isn't the best but it's what I've got for now 💜 hope you have a wonderful day/night/whatever time it is for you
Httyd Masterlist
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somelonelywriter · 1 year
A/N: I want to be more active so here it is who and what I write for :) requests are almost always open. And if you want to request something that is not listed here give it a try!
What fandoms I write for:
(just so you know, if you want to request a fandom I'm not currently in just ask and I will try my best)
stranger things
chronicles of narnia
the office
ahs (mostly season 1 )
vampire diaries
wednesday (not only the recent serie, but even the old films)
hp marauders era
bbc sherlock holmes
the turning
star wars
umbrella academy
rick and morty
maze runner
hunger games
scream 1
pirates of the caribbeans
ever after high
monster high
shallow grave
gravity falls
steven universe
Jurassic Park/World
and almost every cartoon show
What I write:
age regression
Poly relationship
If you have scenarios that involve other situations feel free to ask
What i will not write for (TW):
pedophilia (for me this includes some BIG age gaps and sexual scenarios with age regression)
con non con
tempted suicide (I mean I won't write the attempt, but I am willing to try and write the after)
stalking (in detail)
grafic violence
redemption arc (depends ond the character)
Character x Character (unless for poly relationships character x reader x character)
heavy BDSM
anything that makes me uncomfortable (I mean that if a request makes me uncomfortable I will not write it.)
That's it, once in a while come back to see if i get in new fandoms or there's any change :)
P.s. when requesting remember that I'm a human too lol, it will take some time to write and always be polite ofc
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slitheringss · 2 years
Hello Slitherites
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My name is Slithering, but you can call my Slither, Slith, or any nickname you prefer. This is my blog for fandoms and writing. I am a MULTIFANDOM account, so expect all types of content on here.
Basic DNI criteria
Pedos, racist, groomers, homophobes, etc.
This is a +18 blog as I write, read, and reblog graphic & mature content.
I do write on heavy topics, so keep an eye on that
Do NOT come here and complain about WHAT I write, reblog, ship, etc. Fandoms are supposed to be fun! If you don't like, scroll + block and keep it moving.
With that point made, SOME ships I write for I PERSONALLY don't ship, but I see are popular in fandoms and I want to try and write for them based on the different dynamics I see. I wish to expand my writing, and I feel touching base on certain topics/genres will help with that.
I'm rusty. Some works are definitely going to be hit or miss as I try and find my footing, so please be patient.
I'm mainly an x reader/oc account, but I also do ships
I tend to choose only a few characters from each fandom to write for, but I will consider different requests once I open my account up to them!
Tagging System
ALL fics #slitherfics
Updates #slitherdates
Ask #Slitherspeaks
Request #Slitherquest
Art #Serpentink
Fandoms: I'm in & will write for
Attack On Titan 《Shingeki No Kyojin》
Hazbin Hotel
Little Nightmares
Poppy Playtime
Star Wars
Transformers Prime
What I WILL write
Hurt/No Comfort
What I WON'T write
Characters|Ships I'll write for
Striga + Morgana
Olrox + Mizrak
Hazbin Hotel
How To Train Your Dragon
Hiccup + Dragon Riders
Little Nightmares
Poppy Playtime
Star Wars
Oc stuff + Lore/Worlbuilding
Transformers Prime
Ultra Magnus
Optimus Prime
Attack On Titan
Hazbin Hotel
How To Train Your Dragon
Little Nightmares
Poppy Playtime
Star Wars
This post will be updated as things move on or need adjustments.
Ask are always welcome. Once I get more comfortable writing again, I'll allow requests.
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reptisoil · 2 years
This is my masterlist!
Request status: Open
Peter Parker (TH)
"No, No, No~ || Peter Parker x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: When Peter gets added to Tony's guest list, he meets someone for the first time officially and asks them to dance
Dr. Stephen Strange
"Pros of not Sleeping || Stephen Strange x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: When Stephen finds sleeping hard one night, he decides the library is the best place to cure his ailment. Apparently, someone else had a similar problem.
"Coding Trouble || Soundwave x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: After needing help with some coding assignment for your college class, you can't think of any other bot to go first.
Ultra Magnus:
"Stick-fic || Ultra Magnus x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: You put MLP stickers on Ultra Magnus while he recharges. (Request)
"Romance is Science || RTTE! Heather x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: On her travels, Heather encounters someone who wishes to study dragons from a scientific perspective and she decides they're worth her time. After a while, things change between the two for the better.
Folk of the Air:
Gilmore Girls:
Wild Kratts:
Chris Kratt:
"."Im stuck.." || Chris Kratt x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: When Y/n finds themself in a sticky situation, Chris seems to be the only person they can think of to call for help.
Martin Kratt:
"."Oh let me hold you." || Martin Kratt x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: Lazy day with Martin, taking the break you desevre
"Beach Day! || Martin Kratt x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: Arsin and Martin break away from the gang to have a day at the beach. Chaos is what they return to but the day away from everything made life so much easier.
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