#heavily divergent
katabay · 4 months
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another scene and some sketches of the fake byzantine empire ocs! thomas is a carpenter, john is a merchant. there's an emperor (two, actually) in here, looming ominously over everything.
(I call it the fake byzantine empire because the setting is playing with byzantine history that spans across three centuries, but it's also pulling from things like Statius' Thebaid and later medieval literature. folk catholic horror, probably. doctrinal debates and schisms are in here)
on the topic of nameless and unknown saints, tho, sometimes I think about this excerpt from an essay in Closet Queeries and the time I was on my way to Tanjay and saw an abandoned chapel along a road with a statue of a saint I didn't recognize inside
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Closet Queeries, essays by J. Neil C. Garcia
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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makuta-kotok · 2 months
guys I don’t like Narilamb anymore
I’m a Goatrinder shipper now
reject toxic yaoi, embrace partners in gay crimes
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fishynets · 4 months
Personally I think prismo and simon shouldve fought for copyright ownership
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kaixserzz · 1 year
I think if you gave Dottore some slime, he'd zero in to the fucking thing like it's one of his own experiments
He will play with that shit until the texture literally goes bad. He has never thought that the slime you often played with could be so soothing to just... Shape it in his hands.
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wordsvomit101 · 7 months
1. The funeral
(2 weeks after the death of Mr and Mrs Lee)
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"It's raining," Minhyeok stood there, his eyes fixed on the people who were leaving. He couldn't help but ponder over their departure.
It was pouring rain, with each droplet hitting the ground creating a soft thud. He felt that the weather was fitting for the occasion. The sound of the raindrops filled his ears, creating a peaceful atmosphere that served as a sort of cool-down after the events of the day. It had been quiet and dreadful, with a heavy cloud of sadness looming over everyone. It was as if the rain was a reflection of their collective sorrow, slowly washing away the remnants of the day. Despite the dreariness of the weather, there was something calming and soothing about it all. The sound of the rain, combined with the emptiness of the streets, made him feel as though the world had come to a standstill, just for a moment.
The funeral had just ended five minutes ago, and the guests had finished paying their respects to the deceased and exchanging mourning. They were now leaving and heading back home.
"There is not much food or wine to delay them further anyway" 
He walked over to the violet-haired girl in the room and looked at the last person still remaining before the two portraits, eyes red and hollow, unnervingly so. His heart clenched as he remembered the once-brightly grinning girl who jokingly accepted his childish proposal, a face, and memory that seemed far too distant at this point.
"It doesn't fit her... no, she wasn't supposed to lose them" Her parents, her smile, her happiness, he knew there were more but it hurt to think more of what was lost that day. 
He's grateful that his parents would assist Raon in obtaining her parents' death certificates and managing other complex matters following the funeral. It would be tedious, he was quite sure. However, the fact that he couldn't do much more for Raon besides holding and comforting her is upsetting, it doesn't sit right with his skin. He doesn't know why he was praised for getting Raon out of that house that day, as much as he likes compliments, it felt empty that time, even more so when he saw Raon's passed out later.
He noticed the girl's slight movement in his embrace before he realized that his shoulder was damp with tears.
"She used to be a loud crier" 
He was aware of her tendency to throw tantrums when she got frustrated. Sometimes, offering her snacks could calm her down, but if that didn't work, she would cry even louder. Once, he had helped her parents calm her down for three hours when one of her favorite toys went missing. But now, her hiccups were barely audible, and her pained whine sounded like someone being choked. Her chest heaved painfully and uncontrollably. However, she calmed down a little when he gently ran his hands in a circular motion on her back. 
It would have been silence if it wasn't for her sniffling and slow breathing.
"I miss them already" She let out a sudden, quivering voice, her head still nestled in the safety of his shoulder.
"... Me too" 
"I want to eat Mom's Galbi Jjim"
"Yeah, she always makes it less spicy than the usual recipe for you"
"I want to show Dad my last semester grades"
"Your math improved a lot, I bet he would brag about it to my old man afterward"
"They promised to take me to Japan on New Year... They said it was Shiga Agricultural Park in Hino City"
"I heard the view there was great, they did told us they used to have a date there"
They keep talking like that for a while, Raon will say what she wants and Minhyeok will answer her, letting her relive in a happier time of the past that won't come back. He thinks he heard his parents and brother talking outside the room at some point, but they left them be. 
He had to relocate Raon to a more comfortable position to lean on the wall but never stopped listening and answering her rambles. They stayed like that, with her buried on his shoulder and him comforting her with his arms, and talked for an hour until...
"I want to kill the bastard that killed them" She said softly, eyes distant.
He was supposed to be surprised but... he can't, he knows he wouldn't be different if it were his parents or his brother. He's not as forgiving and "mature" as most people give him credit for. 
He softly breathes in the rain scent from outside the window, letting it ease his bones and sag him down the wall beside her. He thought about it when Raon quietly waited for him to answer her. 
"... Then no one will find out your secret from me"
He doesn't know if it is the right answer but the girl leaning on his shoulder seems to be relaxed enough to pass out to sleep. He should carry her back to her room in his home, but his legs don't seem to move nor does his arms. He only sits there and watches the rain that slowly lessen over time. 
It was a strangely mind-numbingly boring and calming activity, usually, he would rather swing his baseball bat or run around the park to think more clearly after. This doesn't feel so bad.
He turned to look at the two portraits again. They each depicted the faces of a confidently smiling, beautiful man and a handsome woman with fierce eyes. It feels like they're expecting something from him, to swear a promise, and give out his loyalty to the girl sleeping next to him. He can't hear them saying "Look after our silly daughter" anymore but he likes to think he is correct in his understanding this time at least.
He bows twice in the direction of the portraits, there is a burning in his veins and a sting in his slightly red eyes when he does it. Then, quietly, almost like a whisper, he said:
"Me and my family will keep her safe, Mr and Mrs Lee"
The exhaustion must have get to him if he think they seem pleased for a moment.
"I believe peace will wait for you two in the afterlife"
End notes:
Galbi-jjim (braised beef short ribs) is one of the most popular Korean dishes. It’s made with beef short ribs and is often prepared for special occasions.
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demonsfate · 4 months
List of reasons why Jin hates Kazuya GO:
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● A lot of these "crimes" were committed during Kazuya's leadership of the Zaibatsu in TK2. Upon finding these out, ofc Jin's gonna hate his father's guts. FUCKING HELL, you'd hate a murderer, technical animal abuser, kidnapper, smuggler, RICH MILLIONAIRE without personally knowing them??? So ofc Jin's gonna hate him!!!
● Upon finding out that Jin even EXISTS, Kazuya's first thought was to kill him just for the power (to get Jin's devil gene). This proves Jin's initial reason to hate Kazuya without knowing him in TK4, Kazuya's a piece of shit.
● Kazuya was willing to kill ENTIRE COUNTRIES for the sake of "power," Kazuya waged war only for world domination. Yes, Jin was the one who "STARTED IT" (BUT MUM HE STARTED IT!! WAHH!!) but like, no matter HOW MUCH fans wanna debate this, the writers intended for the TK6 situation to be for "the greater good". That Jin was forced to do all that despair to save the world. Meanwhile, Kazuya's reasons are all self motivated. In al of TK8, Jin hated himself for his actions in TK6. So ofc he's gonna hate somebody who's doing something similar for WORSE REASON.
● Kazuya could've wrapped his WILLAY! Jin hates the devil gene that runs through his veins, Kazuya is the reason Jin has it. Jin, at the time of TK4-TK7, didn't want the devil gene to spread. So, he blames Kazuya for passing it down and not using a frickin condom! Jin blames Kazuya for his existence!
Also saw people saying that both Jin & Kazuya hate people and they can relate with each other because of that and it's like UGHUGUHUGHGHHH. I'm ALSO tired of people saying that. Jin doesn't dislike people ffs. That might've been only a thing you got if you played TK6 or the stupid SF crossover. But other than that?? Jin has MANY people he likes. HELL, TK8 SHOWS that Jin has LOTS of people he likes. Idgaf if ppl wanna say Jin doesn't like Hwoarang - Jin literally shares the same win animation with Hwoarang that he does with Xiaoyu and Jun (the other two most important people in his life) where he says "I will prevail even if it costs me everything!" Meaning Hwoarang is DEFINITELY part of that "everything" in his life. So yeah, Jin also has Xiao, his mother, Hwoarang, his uncles and the rest of his comrades in TK8. Stop saying Jin hates people. IT'S NAWHT TRUE!
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buttercupshands · 4 months
So... Ch 423 spoilers huh...?
Just read them... since, yeah, they just appeared and stuff
I... don't really have much to say other than.... I guess this is over? The battle, the arc... basically everything?
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I'm... glad that it is, since it was really slow from all of the breaks, but at the same time it's... a little sad, or, actually, just... nothing
I think it's time to... reflect on... whatever happened in this arc or just in general, so... a personal story tie ig
I've been following mha for almost 5 years since I first watched and read it as my first "real" anime and have been following stuff ever since ch 240-241 came out and I caught up with manga, so it was pretty obvious what characters were the most interesting ones
Ever since the volumes became available to buy in 2019 I've been collecting them all up to the very recent ones and it was fun to do even if calculating how to buy them was a challenge for 'I just graduated high school' kind of person. But it was worth it every time with how LoV appeared basically in every single volume since they used 2-in-1 way of publishing so since LoV appears ever so briefly sometimes every 2 volumes it was a win-win situation
I took a break from buying them last year after the exams and stuff and after chapters of Toga's death came out I just took a break from mha in general, focusing more on other stuff like hsr, genshin or just my life while helping with stuff
I still followed the spoilers every week they came out just to see how Horikoshi wants to end the LoV story or at least how would Izuku fight Tomura in the end
And... it's the last chapter of that. After 2 years since the Final arc started and a year since Tomura actually started fighting Izuku inst
It feels right in a way, even if I'm a bit sad how... this is it? AFO just dropped info in ch 419 for it to be irrelevant in the end just for AFO to have control for 4 chapters and Tomura yelling to say that he's still alive in there
It was odd to actually read the spoilers one by one this time since I sometimes wake up too late so I just go through them quickly and that's it
I wondered halfway into the chapter that Tomura would just die soon but I didn't expect it to happen this chapter even more so at the end of it
It's... really is over now?
Defeating LoV was literally just finding a way for them to self-destruct instead of making Class 1-A be the ones who kill them showing that they're still good in the end. It's not like I'm complaining - it's the way I wanted them to be defeated because them staying alive in the end felt unfair, especially when fans were the ones who wanted it. Just leaving them in Tartarus for a way to say that Izuku can't save villains or changing the story so the LoV is left alone is not the way this manga would deal with it, I thought
And I was right in a way, even if it took Toga's monologue to actually be more sure that this is where it's going
It felt too much like how Twice's death was done - without any regret from him
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Maybe it made me a bit... off from how other people wanted it to end with heroes "getting what they deserve" or something, but it would've stopped being MHA after something like that happened, especially in a final arc when all of the LoV (except maybe Compress who is not on the battlefield) is literally wearing death signs with Dabi being the most loud one with it - and we still haven't seen him have this "alright, goodbye" moment like Twice, Toga and Tomura now had
And I don't believe that Dabi will survive this arc - he's literally too far gone with his body less alive than before and with him living only to be angry at Endeavor I guess it's a matter of time we get a goodbye from him too
With how this chapter handled it it seems that Spinner might survive this arc after all, but again - it makes it all the more sad since Horikoshi did remind us that Tomura befriended Spinner, in a way making it... a bit sad that it means that Tomura didn't expect others to make it or at least since they were more focused on their own goals Spinner was caring more for Tomura's goal than for himself.
Which is... even more sad considering that Tomura literally tells Izuku to say that he was destroying until the end instead of telling how Tomura lost everything and couldn't do anything anymore even before dying from basically decaying from the quirk that AFO gave him
And that's... Not dissapointing, no. It just makes me sad that his arc ended like that after all those chapters ever since he debuted 10 years ago.
Is you want it to be correct, since Horikoshi based Tomura off his oneshot about Tenko - it's been 17 years since the concept of his character first gained form and only now he's gone
Like... really gone. Nothing else left.
You can probably tell that I didn't take it well even if I wanted this ending to be this way not the "everyone survives way", but it still hurts to see the character that clicked ever since first watching and reading MHA and the character who is basically responsible for me even trying to check first the anime then wiki and then manga just... dying like that
Granted Kurogiri was the one who showed up in the end and I'm just glad for this because ever since ch 419 came out and even before that I just hoped for it to matter in some way and it did
I remember reading some fics that dealt with this arc in a way that was satisfying for me, but I still crried a lot and I still am crying now from thinking that Horikoshi did in fact give LoV a break instead of leaving them in jail.
I do need a break tho. Not in a "I leave and no more sketches or anything from me", no
I need a break from this manga, thankfully next volume isn't close so I'm free to not buy it right after that, especially since it's Toga's volume and I'm not ready to read it again but this time as "read every volume" way
I also can't leave Ultra Impact since I suddenly became a leader for a club I was in alone after everyone left, it's now full with 30 people appearing from s7 starting ig, but it gave me some responsibility to support the new players who decided that a weird club which name I can't even change from what last leader called it, so I might continue playing just to, at least, have all or the LoV characters fully leveled up just for fun
But in a way a need a break from Tomura. I had one or two when it was becoming unberable with how manga was going and with how things are... yeah
I have some sketches ideas but other than that... it's a bit hard to touch something LoV related right now.
I also don't think that doing something like this again is a way I want to cope with what happened - it happened and I already have two different posts about both how depressing and hopeful ch 419 is, and in the end both were true.
Nothing changed what happened in ch 419, Tomura just decided to destroy AFO when the plot wanted with Izuku and OFA together which is definetely something that people made theories of
He didn't get time to get at least something before he's gone and whatever happened with Nana was happened off-screen so we might as well see it as Tomura dying with his life never meaning anything, never actually having any purpose and only by helping to destroy AFO did he do at least something that helped others and was his own choice, but was it? Did he ever have a choice at all?
As it is now and will be for the end for MHA Tenko Shimura or Tomura Shigaraki never really had a choice in anything he did, not in a "I didn't have a choice!!!" dramatic way of how Nana Shimura left Kotaro. No. He didn't have any choices to choose from to begin with.
But with how Kurogiri still wanted to protect Tomura and reminded him of his friends at least it's not just the first part of the post that was right, in the end last words that Tomura said were connected to LoV and what he wanted to do for them, not that AFO was to blame for everything which is true still, but that LoV, even as broken as it is, is still a priority in Tomura's head after all this time of having AFO's quirk twist his mind and anything Tomura said outside of that headspace should've been carefully checked since it could've been AFO who's talking
It's not the ending for Tomura that people were hoping he'll get nor is it something that everyone will agree on, I can feel people arguing from here even if I didn't check Twitter or tags here on Tumblr to be sure. I don't need to.
So... those are my thoughts, a bit emotional in some places a bit chaotic in other, since my head is a mess right now and this was a way to say "this is it... are you happy?" to myself and answering it.
And the answer is no. I'm not happy. This arc, Tomura's personal arc and the way Izuku "helped" Tomura is still some of the worst things, even if I'm glad that this is over and I'm not obligated by myself to wait every week nervous that Tomura would suffer, and he did suffer, a lot.
From how his only way of getting his memory back was to suffer again to the fact that he had to suffer to get rid of his hate that AFO so carefully nurtured for 16 years. It wasn't great, especially since I joined after MVA was over and nothing after that was good to LoV getting worse every chapter from Twice dying and Toga learning that she'll probably die too, to Tomura never actually meeting LoV again as himself after he got AFO's quirk basically making him oblivious to the fact that Dabi is Toya or that Spinner followed what AFO wanted just to be useful, that Toga gave away her blood to save Ochako or that Dabi burned himself to death probably and Mr. Compress compressing parts of his own body. And the only person he saw before talking to Izuku was Kurogiri who was literally melting away at that very moment.
It's... a bit unfair.
Yes, villains lose at the end since we're reading a manga even if the manga itself isn't sure if it wants to go "no this is REAL" or go the way every shonen goes with the main character getting what they want. LoV lost at the end just because the manga needed them to lose, even if the way it was shown wasn't disrespectful to their character arcs, all of them making sense in the end.
It's still unfair that their only choice was to die and in a way bring everyone with them if they can, it was the way Dabi almost did it, it was the way both Toga and Tomura did, only for their respective Heroes - Shouto (and Todoroki family as whole), Ochako and Izuku being saved from dying from something that would've worked ONLY there and then. While the villains are not in the My Villain Academia version of manga anymore, so they don't have a way to survive anything like they did in MVA. For Toga, Twice and Tomura it was the only way to survive, if they weren't the main characters of that arc they would've died.
So, in the end it's miracle that we even had that arc in the first place with how Horikoshi wasn't planning for the villains to become the sympathetic characters for the fans - they were supposed to be just scary, and it's clear when you read stuff before volume 23 comes with MVA - they were always just evil and scary without any hope for us to get something out of it. You may say that the chapter with Toga helping Twice and having Tomura talk to them after the conversation with Overhaul was the first sign of Horikoshi not just showing them as those evil villains, and in a way it's true.
Nothing from before that arc actually helped LoV aside from showing some poins of "Dabi might me Toya" or first points of AFO and Tomura talking face to face. In the end everything important was in Overhaul arc and MVA tightly connected to each other.
I'm glad that for the 5 years of my life I've been analysing LoV and took my time getting every volume, I'll still hold them dearly. But aside from couple of chapters at the end showing us what happened to others... it's really the end of it.
With how long this post is I don't expect for people to read everything, since it was mostly just me talking about the new chapter for an hour and a half, sharing my thoughts, feelings and... whatever else there might be.
Because it was important thing in my life for a long enough time that I would miss it.
I can talk for hours more and just loop around this topic, but this is long enough post and I'm tired, but thanks for reading
I'm happy that this is over
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softgrungeprophet · 13 days
if i could i would def send a letter to the director/crew of Madame Web about how i found the movie both 1) validating and 2) delightful, esp as a comic book fan whose favorite spider-man run is Aguirre-Sacasa, Medina, Crain etc.'s Sensational Spider-Man and who really likes a lot of kind of dorky 90s and 2000s Spidey comics as well as campy superhero stuff in general, and also the specific combo of camp and moodiness that often shows up
unfortunately idk how to send emails/letters to random directors so i guess i cannot tell the people who made Madame Web about me sitting alone in the theater literally giggling and kicking my feet like an excited overgrown toddler (lol)
alas!!!! i hope they can feel my psychic brainwaves and intuit a meme of amigara fault and also that one meme that's like "if xyz has one fan, i am that one; if xyz has no fans, i am dead" lol
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six-demon-bag · 7 months
i need to stop checking tumblr so i can finish this dang fic smh
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pcetstcrtured · 4 months
… because i was enabled (thanks @everdawn ) - regina mills & emma swan are now on this blog.
along with marta cabrera, gil legume, & peter pan -
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spacee-pirate · 2 years
the worst feeling is that absolute and utter gaping hole, going down to your very core, that’s left behind after you finish a series that has completely consumed your life since you first started it, and now you don’t know what to do with your life, how to fill that feeling of loss
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webbedphantom · 9 months
Who are you really?
[@91cmspoilers continued from here]
He wasn't quite sure how to answer that question. He'd been staring at him for a bit, yes, but the reality of the situation was that he should have no reason to.
Aaron wasn't the type to judge a book by its cover, especially since his arrest. Everyone at school saw him as a brutal maniac thanks to Kamoshida leaking his record, not to mention Takamaki-san, who had all kinds of rumors going around based purely on her looks. So while this guy did give off an almost unsettling vibe, he'd have normally overlooked it.
Because while Aaron Amamiya had no reason to stare, the Phantom Spider did. He'd never seen the man in person before, but he recognized him from a picture he'd found on a damaged hard drive in a stolen ShidoCorp truck. The file itself was damaged, the data it contained too corrupted for even Futaba to recover. The only thing that survived was his photo and his first name.
So the question was... who was this guy? And why would a biotech company like ShidoCorp have a file on him?
"W-well, I-"
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He scrambled to think of a good explanation. He was pretty terrible at lying, at least to people who knew him, but this guy shouldn't be any issue... right?
"I was just kinda... taken aback by your hair-"
... really? That's the best you could come up with??
'Shut up!! I'm working on it!!'
"I mean with hair that long, it's gotta be a pain to maintain. I can't even imagine how much longer your morning routine must be, heh-"
... oh God, this is gonna be awkward.
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themosthatedbeingg · 7 days
if lute is queen will she ban gay ppl since she hates the gays ?
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“We’re in hell? Where else are they gonna go? Also I’m bisexual myself .. and I believe so is she?”
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viiisenyas · 9 months
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She had Elia’s delicate beauty and her gentle heart. But fire raged within her blood.
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It was a nature that she could not escape.
I made this using this picrew for my beloved Elia and her surviving child and I was dying to share it
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livestosteal · 1 year
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                       “We’re villains, darling.  And we’re proud of that.”
       Rules - Muses - Verses
Indie & Selective RWBY Multimuse Sideblog to @livestosave​, Stolen by Liz Template
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convoloutedinjoke · 1 year
I think you could get Kim to quit the RCM by giving him a junker and a space at a communal garage. just like 10-12 other gear heads who will interact with him in a normal friendly way, the opportunity to both excel at something, problem solve and be part of a well defined in-group. give him that and an open carry license and eventually he'd maybe just get less invested in being a cop
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