#hehehehe friends <3
tangledinink · 11 months
swanatello is gorgeous… he and whisp(my sona lol) would be besties they both give that feral energy that only a Donnie can
hehehe thank you <3 also helll yeah they can be besties. here swannie can even translate whisp's turtle for them....
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bxnnie-bxwl · 6 months
TW: suggestive
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thought i could post it here with a little warning, glam bonnie from freddy in space 3...,,the dubious bunny you are
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giggly-squiggily · 6 months
So muzan can read the minds of the uppermoons, yes? Well, I hc Douma purposefully thinks of the stupidest shit and jokes during meetings to possibly get a rise out of Muzan-he is so fucking proud and brags because once he actually made Muzan crack a smirk during a meeting. After meetings Muzan has to just take a minute to just silently laugh to himself. (Once douma figures out Muzan gets flustered easily though, it’s gonna be over for him-he’s gonna think of only teases during meetings. One of the things that really gets him red is the word “tickle”-you better believe after douma finds that out he’s just gonna be saying “tickle tickle tickle~” in his head the whole meeting.)
HELP THE "tickle tickle tickle" IS DIABOLICAL KLJKJJKREJKRJKEJREJWR That man has to excuse himself from meetings whenever Douma starts that up! (I read it in the theme of Mario and I'm not ashamed)
Muzan has to stop reading minds after that if he wants to remain even a semblance of professional- if he's slightly flushed (can demons blush?) everyone assumes he's particularly pissed and avoid eye contact at all cost (which helps Muzan cause now they can't see him flustered)
Except for Douma. He's watching him with the biggest grin EVER.
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sentfromwolves · 2 months
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Hey furriends! ( •̀ ω •́ )y Are you a writer, an artist, maybe even both? Do you dabble in other crafts, or are you just interested in meeting other creators of all sorts? Maybe even playing games, or running your ocs through hunger game sims with others for kicks? If so, consider joining CLAWMARK!
This server is an 18+ creative crossroads discord server for creators of all kinds to get together and have fun chatting all things craft, characters, worldbuilding, plot suffering, yarn tangling, you name it! We're a chill space for creators to meet new friends and have a place to talk about their projects, but also just have fun together and have a safe haven to vibe in.
◆ — This discord is 18+ only! You will be removed if you are found to be a minor. Please respect this rule, and do not join if you are not 18+. ◆ — All creators of all skill levels are welcome! While we are primarily writer-focused, this server is specifically for tons of different creators to get together and talk about their original works and also hang out. ◆ — All activity levels are welcome! We'll do semi-regular activity checks just to make sure the server is still serving people who are actively interested in being there, but even if you're only able to pop in once in awhile, that's totally fine!
Please note that this is a pretty experimental server, with the hopes of growing and refining the space as time goes on. While I'm not planning on making it events-focused, I'm not opposed to running events either if we gain enough members to warrant it!
If all of this sounds good to you,✨ feel free to follow this link to join! ✨(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ We look forward to having you!
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
idk if you know the semi-nonsexual lesbian centric throuple scene from the gay and wondrous life of caleb gallo (this one here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g02pDtAJOuk) but that’s somehow the janeway/chakotay/tuvok vibe to me. starfleet-centric semi-nonsexual throuple. harry’s caleb in this scenario of course
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He's IN this Relationship.
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average-art-consumer · 2 months
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You are my friend now @awholeclxwn
there’s nothing you can do. Btw have a soft taco.
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
mickey !!! mickey !!!!! bonking my head against yours so gently <3333 i’m here with more selfship questions…… the train never stops
first of all!!! mickeyshoko…… i neeeed to know the Lore pls. ALSOOOO what are some ways you express your love for one another??? :3 since it’s not an established relationship exactly (from what i understand!!) i was also wondering how either of you would respond if someone asked if you were dating LMAO… i’m just imagining stsg making bets with each other over it. they’re silly.
AND THEN. mickzai. the kitties of all time. i’d love to know more abt the general dynamic!!! and how you got together!!!!! and also what petnames you call each other :3 bc i feel like dazai would be….. insufferable. genuinely. you need to muzzle him i think.
OK THAT’S ALL here r flowers for you 💐💐 i hope you’re having a cozy day so far!!! and that you’re resting lots and eating lots :3 ilyily <3
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misho oh misho..... i still don't have a proper name for us (how ironic lmao)(it's almost like i don't really know what we are huh). anwayyy i like to show my love through acts of service!!!!!! she works so hard so i try to make her life a little easier yk? i spend a lot of time at her place (we're practicaly roomies at this point) and i like to make her coffee in the mornings!!!!!! and at night when she comes home after a long, tiring day i draw her a bath and i was her hair!!!!!!!!! she can just soak and relax while i sit on the edge of the tub and scratch her scalp i'm pretty sure i've heard her purr actually. she usually just peeks at me very lazily with the tiniest little smirks. mm she kinda makes me feel dizzy i won't even lie. she's so effortlessly charming in her own way you know? also to add to the "no lines to cross" thing - nudity is also just very normal. as in there's no shame and no embarrassment, i literally sometimes help to dry her off bc she likes to be a little dramatic and act even more tired (she IS actually that tired but she's trying to make a joke out of it).
and she shows it through physical touch!!!!! hugging from behind as i make the coffee, playing with my hair, sitting on my lap, hands on the waist, kisses on the corners of my lips (???????????????i'm so unwell). and then she always laughs at the little lipstick smudge before wiping it off. anyway all of those things could come off as very relationship-like right???? but no. we're friends. definitely just friends. we both want to dissect each other. as friends.
the dating thing!!!!!! what a good question lmao i think we'd just laugh it off really easily actually. i just go "hmmmm i don't know... are we?" and then we stare at each other and then she just squeezes my thigh with a smile????????????? nothing normal is happening here honestly i think even stsg are a little weirded out hahahshasha even they (by they i mean suguru bc satoru is genuinely stupid sometimes<3) can't figure us out
and not to make myself lose it even more but..... utahime.............. she's not safe from us either lmao. we both have pretty strong gazes i think and we simply can't keep our hands to ourselves. fleeting touches and keen eyes... we like to tease utahime a little. but only in a good FRIENDLY way. we love her she's sooooooo cute.
btw can you tell i'm typing this out just as it comes like the lore is just writing itself at this point. it also seems that i'm making mickeyshoko sound like some predators:333 like yea so what if we're kind of freaks ok it's fun don't judge. blood is cool. humans are cool. we just wanna learn more.
(=◑ᆽ◑=)ฅ(ටᆽට=) this is mizai hehehe. also yes. i rebranded. hehehehehhee anyway. two kitties!!!!!!! two dysfunctional kitties lmao
ok but mizai feels like a we-knew-each-other-when-we-were-kids-but-then-we-didn't-see-each-other-for-years-and-now-we-met-again-but-it's-not-weird-ok-it-is-but-only-a-litte-it's-just-that-the-surpressed-feelings-are-threatening-to-spill-and-that's-a-little-scary
and we have another No Label relationship on our hands fuuuuckk.... anywho. he's coping with this better than i am. no matter how much i shove him around and tease and joke, he flusters me way too easily. it's annoying. and i wanna hate it. but i can't bc it feels so good to link pinkies with him. he's super clingy - he's constantly resting his head on my shoulder, loosely wrapping his arms around my waist, tugging on my sleeves when he wants attention. he boops my nose and pretends to count my freckles.
the tender moments aside, this is still very much a partners-in-crime thing too!!!!!! and i mean that quite literally lmao. we both have authority issues so good luck to anyone who's trying to boss us around; we've definitely also done some schenanigans - stolen some things here and there bc why not, broken into places, trespassing etcetc. it's not even necessarily for the thrill of it, most of the times he's just showing me quiet places where we can just sit with each other. he likes to rest his head on my lap and then talk my ears off. sometimes he falls asleep and i refuse to wake him bc he needs the rest. i kiss his forehead and hope (me when i lie) that he didn't feel it (he did). but yeah the overall dynamic is pretty much just skk i won't even lie. bickering and teasing, petty fights over nothing just bc he likes to rile me up - it's all way too familiar.
he doesn't bring it up though bc he doesn't really know how. he wants more of it but he doesn't know how to ask for it. how to really ask for it. so he'll take whatever he can get and he'll try to push me to give him more because he's greedy!!!! and i will fold and i will, in fact, give him everything soon enough.
he fucking breaks into my apartment all the time btw. and when i offer to idk... give him a key he just goes "eeh, no need." ?????????? idk he's weird. (i like it when he comes over but i won't tell him that)(he'd be way too smug i can't allow that)
when i first got into bsd i didn't really like the bella nickname but honestly... it has grown on me. but yeah overall he uses literallllyyyy every possible nickname that pops into his head i kinda hate him (me when my pants are on fire)(yk bc.. liar liar pants on fire)(whatever). now that i'm thinking abt it i feel like another name he'd call me is just Kitty ????? not in a discord kitten kind of way though he just genuinely sees me as a cat. and he thinks it's funny. and cute (i like the name smhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
o wait i didn't even finish the meeting story. he disappeared into thin air at the ripe age of 15 hmmmmmm but he found his way back into my life three years later and then we were inseparable again yayy (there is definitely some angst hidden away in here lmaoo pls i'm scared of angst i don't wanna think abt it)(i wouldn't know how to ask about the missing years)(it sucks)
OKEEEEEEE THIS WAS A BIG RAMBLEEE I HOPE YOU CAN UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING HEHEHEHEHE it really is so fucking fun to delve into these holy fucking shit. like i'm learning things abt myself too lmaoo
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notforconsumption · 1 year
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good evening it’s runner five hours, we’ve got old man five, we’ve got beef five, and we’ve got angery five
a five for every occassion
(golden oldie five belongs to @mysterycyclone, beef buddy is @puptart‘s <3)
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vohtaro · 1 year
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obkb for @madablues for his birthday !!! the gift ofc is a lot of snakes + obito Struggling (tm)
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wordsaladsenpai · 2 months
- hehehehe I farted
- I didn’t actually fart
- and if I had a fandom name for this blog I would call all my little followers : SALAD FORKS (respectively) - SPORKS (if you want to shorten it)
- SPORKS : can also mean salad forks, spoon fork, soup fork, and special fork. (All forks are special.)
- this is actually a game of two truths and a lie
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foreshvdowing · 2 months
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:) hehe here’s my links because i’m only really active on tumblr when i have selfies to post! twitter is the best place to follow me bc i’m very active (n very slutty) on main!!!
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inkykeiji · 2 months
I hate that on mobile I can’t Revenge or Super Boop! Or if I can I’m just too dumb to figure it out
aaah yeah i heard you could only do it on desktop!! >.< well even if you can’t do it on mobile, i will gladly and graciously accept your revenge and/or super boops in spirit (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝) ♡
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kowtownart · 11 months
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Was feeling sappy a few days ago, so i made a few hugging drawings!! It's kinda what i like to imagine every time i tell one of my friends that i love them, like saying it is an online hug!
I want to make more personalized ones with my friends' sonas sometime, but for now this represents all of them! 💙
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latejulys · 2 months
something about early july born befriending late july born hehe 😋 it's soulmatism, SO REAL THO shizuku's character is so relatable it made me feel seen </3 the whole seiji and shizuku being inspiration and motivation to e/o everything about this movie is so- and i found it at the perfect time too 😭 i don't remember what made me choose it, was going through the ghibli synopsis and woth stuck out to me <3 it's also the first ever ghibli movie i watched so that's also why it's v close to me
your meme game is so strong it never fails to make me laugh irl 😭😭😭
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ghosty-0w0 · 5 months
We are friends now
YAY :3
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Friends <3
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c-kiddo · 2 years
<- he watched th scene in which jester gives caduceus mushroom cookbooks as a gift again .. .
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