#hell only tell me when i ask and he gives me the shortest version
trashpawz · 8 months
Tumblr is basically my vent now
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rebelspykatie · 1 year
When Hell Freezes Over 
Link to AO3 | Chapter 3 | 5.5k out of 12.2k | Rated T
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
Steve feels wholly unprepared for this at such an ungodly hour of the day. While he might be used to early mornings, he prefers to start his day gliding across the ice in silence until his body is ready to take on the more challenging aspects of his routine. This morning, he’s jumping right into chaos and his brain isn’t even fully forming thoughts, yet.
Robin and Steve were up late, running through his routine and breaking it down into all of the components to decide what he should have Eddie try that won’t send him to the emergency room afterwards. His full routine is almost three minutes long with jumps that he would never allow someone to try without proper training. Combination jumps are out, there’s too much risk involved if he doesn’t land one of them. Same with a flying spin.
No, for today, he has cut it down to one jump, two sets of spins, and a shorter version of the step sequence. That should be challenging enough. As much as he wants to prove a point, he’s not here to permanently injure Eddie.
When he gets to the rink, Eddie and part of the Hellfire Club are already in the locker room, slipping into their gear. It’s not the full roster, just a few of Eddie’s friends, two taller guys and one just a bit shorter. They’re pulling on practice jerseys with no names on the back to help him identify who they are. The only one he knows is the shortest of the bunch, Gareth, who Steve’s pretty confident is Eddie’s best friend.
They must not have heard the door because their voices carry over the row of lockers, echoing in the otherwise empty room. Steve sneaks past them to the next row over, gently placing his duffle bag on the bench and pulling out his skates. He freezes when the conversation shifts.
“You really think you can beat Harrington?” One of them asks.
“Are you doubting me, Jeff?” Eddie tosses back, sounding offended. “I’m wounded.”
“Uh yeah, dude,” Jeff answers. “You’re so full of shit if you think you’re gonna win whatever weird war it is you’ve waged with him.”
“We’ve seen you on the ice. You don’t stand a chance.” This must be the other man Steve didn’t recognize.
“Fuck off, Frank,” Eddie squawks.
There’s some muffled laughter and the sound of scuffling feet, like they’re roughhousing.
“Have you ever seen him compete?” Someone else asks when they’ve calmed down, and he’s pretty sure that voice is Gareth. “He’s incredible, whether you want to admit it or not.”
The compliment makes heat rush to Steve’s cheeks. He hasn’t been out of his parents’ clutches long enough to not appreciate direct praise like that. It’s always nice when it comes from someone other than Robin or Dustin. It feels like they’re less obligated to tell him he’s good. Although, he’s pretty sure both Robin and Dustin wouldn’t hesitate to gleefully let him know if he was terrible.
“And how the fuck have you seen him?” Eddie asks.
“You know my sister loves figure skating. He’s like internationally ranked, or something. Went to the Olympics before he graduated high school, man.” Gareth laughs. “You’re an idiot for challenging him.”
“He challenged me!”
“You shouldn’t have accepted. Please remember this moment when I get to say I told you so in a few hours. I might even be rooting for him. If he puts you in your place are you going to finally admit that-”
Gareth gets cut off and Steve catches a whiny oof sound, like someone hit him in the stomach. There are a few playful whoops and a clanging sound that ricochets when one of them is pushed into the lockers. He rolls his eyes, even though no one can see him. See? Animals.
“It doesn’t matter if he’s better than me. What matters is that Harrington won’t last a second when it’s our turn.” Eddie sounds so confident that Steve has to stifle a laugh so he’s not caught snooping. What he wouldn’t give to wipe that smirk he’s imaging right off Eddie’s face.
“Your turn,” Gareth emphasizes. “We’re only here so you two don’t kill each other. Whatever happens is between the two of you, don’t bring us into this mess.”
“I thought you were here for moral support,” Eddie says.
“Keep telling yourself that. Here, take these, dumbass.” There’s the sound of something heavy hitting Eddie’s chest.
“Some friends you are,” Eddie scoffs, but Steve can hear the smile on his face. The last thing he needs to be picturing right now is Eddie’s stupid, dimpled smile. No distractions.
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slytherinsnekxvii · 3 years
let's talk about lily evans and the marauders, aka moony, wormtail, padfoot and prongs. given that i didn't use their actual names, i think you can figure out where this is going. it's also long as hell, so. canon vs fanon, marauder edition, except snek is sleep deprived.
now, before we begin, i don't dislike the marauders. or lily, tbh. if I'm being perfectly, genuinely honest, i still go back and forth sometimes but they've been growing on me for a while now. the canon versions, at least. fanon does them real dirty, and that's part of why i'm writing this, because i'm genuinely tired of it. it's an injustice.
you can at least make excuses for james and lily, who were so undeveloped that jkr practically dropped a fill-in-the-blank sheet of character information in our laps, but sirius, remus and peter were around long enough for y'all to get real acquainted with them.
in canon, sirius black is an unhinged mf. genuinely. this isn't to say he's a bad guy, in fact, we see that he's still capable of doing good things, still capable of love, still capable of all the things that prove he's actually not bad at heart, just,,, severely traumatised and very steeped in negativity from his time with the dementors. what i'm saying is that this man is absolutely, no questions asked, no holds barred demented, and how could he not be? the guy sat wrongfully imprisoned in azkaban for twelve years, a good portion of which he spent as a dog in order to protect himself from the dementors. he certainly wasn't completely insane, but you cannot tell me that he was all there. he got out of azkaban fuelled almost solely by the intent to get revenge on pettigrew, tried to commit murder in front of three witnesses who were also children—one of whom was his godson—ate rats and was also malnourished, which i'm certain did not help the situation any. this man is off his goddamn rocker, and you know what? you love to see it. good for him.
oh, but, snek, that's what he's like as an adult. what about when they were at school? before azkaban? my guy, the reaction he has to grimmauld place is not the reaction of someone without trauma. i don't believe that walburga and orion were the type to physically abuse their children, but whatever happened in that house helped to fuck him up enough that he skipped the joke of part of practical joke, and pranked snape by telling him how to meet a werewolf that he knew would be fully transformed and dangerous to humans. more than that, the werewolf was remus, whom he's friends with, and who—best case scenario—would be facing a trial if james hadn't stepped in. you can say that maybe he didn't think about or understand the gravitas of his actions, but at the end of it, that's not how properly sane people react to people they dislike, and that's not how they treat their friends. if anything, it reads like he was in the middle of a breakdown and absolutely losing his shit and he wasn't thinking at all.
my guy went through some serious shit, and was in no way completely mentally stable. we can see pretty clearly that he's got a serious dark side to him that probably would have gone unbridled had he not disagreed with his family, and yet, fanon took one look at him and went, "teehee, uwu bad boi go vroom."
fanon said padfoot is a pretty boy with nice hair who is tastefully traumatised from his horribly abusive household. sirius rides his motorcycle and plays jokes and flirts with anything that moves, but he can do no real wrong and always comes back to his soft, bookish, chocolate-loving boyfriend remus, who will laugh about his lycanthropy and quietly disapprove but secretly laugh at his friends' antics while hiding his smile in his cardigan.
respectfully, what in the absolute fuck.
i'd put that meme in here if i could, the one that's like, "well done, you've broken _______ down to its bare essentials," but no. i can't bc it doesn't even apply. this isn't a meme, it's theseus' fucking ship.
fanon broke it down, and replaced the pieces one by one until we got to this point, where we need to sit down and ask ourselves, "is this even the same character?"
the answer is no, by the way. it isn't. when people talk about woobifying characters—you know, taking away every flaw they have, romanticising everything they do and making them only capable of doing good, wonderful, lovely things?—this is what we mean.
and it'd be one thing if it was just the one character, but, no. fanon went all in and made them all squeaky clean and boring, especially peter, who draws the shortest of the straws.
remus got fucked, too. not just because fanon insists on sticking him into a relationship with sirius. which, we'll tackle wolfstar in a bit, but that's not even the worst of it. here, we have yet another example of blatant, rampant woobifying. again, is he a bad person? no. we know he's a good guy, we know he's generally kind and well-mannered, we know that he wants to fo the right thing but hey, fun fact. did you know that you can be nice and a coward? did you know that you can be benevolent and good and kindly and have the greatest of intentions and still be shady as fuck? no? ask dumbledore. the man played people like chess pieces when he needed to, and he was a twinkly grandpa. these are things that can coexist.
teenage remus is a coward who, understandably, does not stand up to his friends, likely for fear of being ostracised, and doesn't uphold his prefect duties as he should and takes part in their bullying of snape as a result. he lets them romp with him in werewolf form while they are in their animagus forms and then, he lets them continue to do so even after they have multiple close calls, which, again, had anything happened, would have resulted in a trial in the best case scenario.
grownup remus is still a coward, he tells no one that sirius can move about the school in his animagus form despite wholeheartedly believing that he's a mass murderer, he tries to run out on his wife and unborn kid. he isn't deliberately making attempts to harm anyone, but he's content to sit back and let things happen to him and around him so he doesn't rock the boat, although he is capable of action, which we see when he is more than willing to help sirius merk pettigrew in the shack. he can be careless, he runs out to the shack knowing he hasn't taken his wolfsbane and ends up transforming in front of the students he, as a teacher, is meant to be protecting. of course, this doesn't negate his good qualities, it just bears repeating that his flaws do exist, and they're pretty serious.
fanon moony is always pleasant and kind and soft-spoken and bookish, and he always has to have his chocolate. he knows when to tell off his friends, and he'll do it, even if he's secretly amused by everything they do and laughs about it with his best friend, lily evans, who coincidentally spends all her time with them so he and sirius can go on double dates with james and lily and no one has to remember peter exists.
why. theseus' ship 2.0. does the actual character still exist or is this something entirely different thing bearing the same name?
as for peter, who needs peter pettigrew, the actual, legitimate, fourth marauder when you have lily evans? canon pettigrew is opportunistic as fuck. he's latching himself to the biggest bad on the block and he's going all in. for teenage peter, that was james and sirius, and for adult peter, that's voldemort. canon peter is good enough at transfiguration to master the animagus transformation, just like his friends, and he's good enough at potions to brew the potion that gives voldemort a body. and honestly, you can't say he wasn't brave. he could've run off somewhere and died, or changed his identity or something after he faked his death and framed sirius, but, no. he goes and resurrects voldemort. that's fucked up, yeah, but it happened and honestly, i respect that it. he stuck to his guns.
fanon wormtail is lucky if he exists beyond being a spineless sycophant for james and sirius, or an evil conniving little rat who's looking to toss his entire friend group to the wolves at eleven.
of course, this isn't meant to negate his bad qualities, he still murdered people and framed sirius and sold out the potters to die, but his good characteristics do exist, and james, sirius and remus genuinely were his friends.
and now, we get to lily and james.
we have hardly any information on either of them. they're a pair of cardboard cutouts that we can paint and stick flyers to and colour outside the lines however we want. we can do whatever the fuck, as long lily is brave and smart and somewhat kind and james is brave and willing to die for his family. we were essentially handed a pair of ocs.
and yet.
what little bits of canon we have are thrown out of the window regardless.
james is privileged and rich, and he throws hexes for fun. he's willing to hex lily when she disagrees with him, and then, he goes behind her back to continue hexing snape after she believes that he's stopped doing so. and that's all we know about him until he dies for his family at twenty-one years old. once again, say it with me: this does not negate his good qualities. he definitely had them, he took sirius in when sirius ran away from home, he became an animagus to keep remus company as a wolf, and he saved snape in the shack, thereby saving remus and sirius by extension. him having flaws does not make him a bad person.
fanon prongs is a feminist. he fights for equal rights for women everywhere, and he constantly treats his girlfriend, lily, like an absolute queen. he's the hottest boy in school and everyone claps when he walks through the halls. mcgonagall and dumbledore are always patting him on the back and making jokes with him. he has a built-in dark detector that helps him sense when someone is a evil and needs to he punished.
give me a break. the dude's cool and all, but was the gary stu treatment necessary?
...oh, he needed to match fanon lily? right, right.
canon lily is a contradiction unto herself. she's supposedly a great friend, but since we see her at a point where they were already drifting apart, we see her putting little effort into keeping their friendship afloat. she victim blames based on rumours, she doesn't seem to care over much about what snape has to say about the people who have been tormenting him since day one. and she's justified, of course, she doesn't have to stick around. canon lily is a bit of hypocrite, she says that snape calls everyone of her birth mudblood, but then that begs the question why she still hangs around with him if that's the case. he calls her mudblood, she retaliates by calling him snivellus, and finishes up with a dig about his underwear, which, sure, it's kicking a man with a rusty spoon and pouring salt in the wound, but she's, again, justified. i get where she was coming from. and then, of course, she dies for her kid after marrying the guy who relentlessly bullied her quote-unquote best friend for their entire school careers. but, like i said, canon lily is, in many ways, a contradiction.
lily is basically a plot device. she pushes everyone's narrative but her own, and does little else.
of course, this trend would continue in fanon. fanon lily exists to be the perfect girl who gets really angry over the slightest injustice, and of course, she gets to be one half of one of the oldest enemies-to-lovers "it was just sexual tension" cliche pairings in the book. she's just,,, a mary sue. in so many fics, so many headcanons, she's just pettigrew's stand-in, a girl to form a gang with marlene, mary and dorcas—who happen to be more undeveloped ocs who also get the woobify mary sue treatment—to parallel the marauders. there is nothing compelling about her character when she's presented as a saint, and even less when she's supposedly the other moral compass for the marauders that doesn't actually work because she thinks that james is cute.
and this brings me to the next topic. jily. what, why, how. this was supposed to be a healthy, happy relationship that would have lasted in the long run? absolutely not. even for its time, i can't say that i see it lasting.
first of all, jkr presents james' crush on lily as just that: a crush. a mildly obsessive one, but a crush nonetheless, which she tries to liken to the pulling of pigtails. and then, we see that james' way of getting her to go out with him consists of blackmail, and when that doesn't work, he resorts to threatening her. this could have been set aside if he had actually, genuinely changed when they started spending more time together, but as we're told by sirius and remus, he didn't. he just got better at hiding what he was up to. and it has to be that he hid it, because if she knew, this further damages the character that she's set up to have and paints her out to be either unable to stand up to him or an enabler.
regardless, they get married. and while i have trouble believing that it was out of genuine love, there are scenarios that could make some semblance of sense. it's wartime, after all, and maybe lily is worried about her stability in the wizarding world, so why not marry into an established family whose son is already showing interest? or perhaps, she falls into the trap of every bad boy cliche ever, and she thinks to herself, well, i got him to be better then, maybe i can get him to do even better in the future. or maybe, she doesn't get into a relationship with him immediately and sees him on and off, until eventually, she accidentally gets pregnant and they scramble to have a shotgun wedding so as not to leave lily alone at nineteen with a baby. or maybe they marry each other because they're there and sure, neither of then is ready and they don't know what love even is but what else is there to do when there's a dark lord about? anyways, the point is, they get married.
and then what? if we count pottermore into canon, he goes on to further damage her relationship with petunia and vernon, to the point where she ends up crying. if we don't, she fades into the background enough that nobody has anything to say about her. she's harry's mum, she's james' wife, lily potter, she was kind and smart and brave and that's it. her agency is gone, anything else we have of her personality is gone.
jily just,,, wasn't built to last. and, yeah, this,,, this is a hill i'll die on.
same with wolfstar, honestly. there are so many reasons why it wouldn't work, but fanon has made it so fucking prevalent that it's literally everywhere no matter where you look.
first of all, i've said it before and i'll say it again. sirius is more likely to get with james that he is to ever end up in a relationship with remus. their chemistry is just,,, underdeveloped. net zero for a relationship.
secondly, sirius instigated the werewolf prank, and lupin would have paid the price for it. this could have been overlooked, but he doesn't seem the slightest bit guilty about any of it when it's brought up in poa. he could have been responsible for lupin losing the security of his place at hogwarts in the best case scenario, and in the worst case, his life. and he seems to look forward to full moons, even though they clearly aren't pleasant for remus, which,,, yeah, you're going to have fun, but like, maybe be concerned about the fact that your friend undergoes excruciating pain and it isn't a pleasant time for him? read the room, my g.
thirdly, they don't trust each other as much as fanon seems to think they do. they were both willing to believe each other the traitor before ever suspecting pettigrew. sirius thought remus gave away the potters, hell, he thought remus was a spy for voldemort, and remus was convinced that sirius was a mass murderer. neither of them needed to be convinced.
fourthly, maybe i'm reading too much into it, but like. sirius had money. remus had no money, since, yk, he was a werewolf and struggling for cash and still, sirius,,, did not leave him any money. i feel like if you had money to spare, you would give to your friend who is literally poor. but, again, maybe i'm reading too much into it and this isn't as valid a point as i think it is.
and ehh, the fifth reason is that it's,,, actually very much not the representation for the ltgbt community that fanon says it is but y'all aren't ready for that conversation.
anyways, just,,, even when you set the couple shit aside, the power dynamics between everyone here is fucked. like, james and sirius are clearly at the top of food chain calling the shots and egging each other on. then there's lily, who isn't even a marauder, but is always ever-so-slightly above remus but still not on their level, because, well. neither of them actually listen to her. remus is the novelty friend, the friend who's,,, alright, i guess, but you keep them around specifically because they're funny or they can dance or they have something that you can either show off to other people or keep as your little inside joke, your little secret, yk? and peter is just sort of there. like, yeah, he can do what we can but does that make him as good as we are? no. does he have a funny little something about him that we can exploit? nah. therefore he sits at the bottom. and like, yeah, james and sirius are on the same level, but james is yanking sirius' chain, not the other way around. anyways, like i said. power dynamic's fucked and it bothers me that we were given all of this, and fanon decided to take it all and throw it away so they could give us flamboyant!badboi!sirius black x softboi!motherhen!remus lupin going on double dates with feminist!trustfundbaby!james potter and saint!lily evans while ignoring peter pettiwho?
theseus' fucking ship, indeed.
anyways, this needed to be said. it might not make as much sense as i want it to, considering it's 4:12 in the morning as i'm posting this, after taking a break from writing to do some research and coming across way too much content about fanon marauders, but it's here and it still makes enough sense that you can read it and understand what i mean. and like, at the end of the day, you can go ahead and headcanon whatever you please, you can write fic and make art and do whatever you like, just,,, remember that they're exactly that. headcanons. stop presenting fanon as canon. please. i'm literally begging. we actually have evidence against it. just,,, acknowledge that they're headcanons and stop putting them forward as though they're able to fit into canon. please.
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themandhoelorian · 4 years
Dincember - December 2: December (Ariana Grande version)
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summary: Your plans for Life Day include getting dressed up, going to the cantina, and doing anything to stop thinking about the Mandalorian that’s been frequenting your repair shop. But when he shows up with a broken heater, your plans quickly go out the window as you work to keep him warm.
pairing: din djarin (the mandalorian) x gn! reader (but they have long hair)
warnings: *spicy* themes (reader throws that ass back ahaha, some shoulder touching, implied smut), mentions of drinking, a little bit of swearing, heels and a minidress probably deserve a warning considering the pain they’re caused me, a lot of Yearning (TM)
word count: 3.8k 
a/n: I had never heard this song before writing this, and let me tell you, it was NOT AT ALL what I was expecting. I never thought a xmas song would inspire so many Thots in me, but here we are I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . Hope you enjoy!
Maker knows there’s no good reason for you to be wearing this dress.
You wanted to wear something at least a little bit festive to celebrate Life Day, but the shimmering silver frock you picked is admittedly a bit fancy for going to a party that’ll just be Nevarro’s shadiest figures getting plastered in the cantina.
You’ll probably freeze because of it too, the lacy edges of the skirt barely grazing your mid thighs and the thin straps doing nothing to protect your shoulders from the wind. 
It’s so damn impractical, you’re not even sure there’s an event that this would be an appropriate outfit for, but you haven’t had a reason to get dressed up in so long that your wardrobe has dwindled to the few plain jumpsuits you work in.
And for some reason, this tiny piece of satin.
So without much hope of finding something better to wear in the small market, here you are, tugging down the edges of this too-short dress, trying to make yourself look a little more sensible before you head out the door.
It’s far from ideal, but you figure it’s worth it if it means you’ll finally be able to go out for the first time in Maker knows how long.
It has to have been at least a year, before things started picking up so much at the shop that you barely had time to sleep, never mind going out and doing anything for pleasure. You’d chosen to set up your repair shop on Nevarro knowing you’d have a steady stream of business from the bounty hunters returning with their always damaged quarries and usually damaged ships, and for the first few years, that’s exactly what you had. Enough work to keep yourself fed and the shop running, but not so much that you never stepped outside to see the light of day. It was the perfect work-life balance you’d heard so much about.
But then one day, a certain Mandalorian landed his cruddy ass, pre-Imperial, piece of crap ship on your dock, and you haven’t gone out since.
When he first started coming in, you thought you had lots of time to take on another client, but as you’d quickly come to realize, Mando is no ordinary customer.
For one thing, no one else returns to Nevarro nearly as often as him. Give your average Guild member half a dozen pucks, and he’ll be back for his payment in about three months. 
Mando’s back in a matter of weeks. 
Just the sheer frequency of his visits in addition to your original clientele is enough to keep your hands full, but on top of that, there’s his sad excuse for a ship, always seeming to be on the verge of falling apart, that you have to deal with. 
You’re not sure if it’s because the Razor Crest is a prehistoric relic or if his quarries actively hack away at the frame while he drags them into the carbonite or if Mando is just totally incapable of maintaining even a base level of functionality on his ship, but every time he comes back with his half dozen frozen bodies, his ship has just as many repairs for you to complete.
Honestly, it’s a little ridiculous how often Mando is in your shop, how many times you’ve had to rewire the same parts, but you can’t say you’re ever upset when you see the sputtering thrusters of the Crest dropping onto your dock. He pays you well, always tipping more than you probably deserve, and he keeps you company if you’re still working when he returns from getting his next round of assignments. 
At first, he would just watch silently as you showed him how to perform routine maintenance on the part you were fixing. You didn’t mind, it was nice to have someone there when you were alone in the shop most of the time, but once you’d explained every part twice over with no fewer damages to the Crest, you decided maybe it’d be better to talk about other things instead.
For a while, he kept up the steely mystique, only grunting out a few words if you asked him a question, and you thought he was getting irritated with how often you tried to coax him into conversation, wondering each time he flew off if that would be the last time you did business with him.
But he kept coming back, kept hanging around whenever you patched up his ship, and slowly, you got him to talk. He started with stories of his most recent hunts before working backwards through the memories of his distant past, showing you a dry wit and smoldering tenderness you found yourself growing fond of.
As more and more of his deep, filtered voice replaced the silence you’d come to expect from your job, you found yourself losing more and more of the free time you’d become used to as well, for reasons that had nothing to do with the fragile machinery of the Crest. 
You started taking longer to complete even the simplest tasks when he was there, getting too caught up in thinking of a snappy response to his teasing comments to care about being efficient about snapping the ship’s broken parts back into place. And then, without fail, every time you thought you were finally done, several hours behind schedule, he’d suddenly remember that there was just one more thing he wanted you to look at, keeping you working for an extra hour or two as the sky turned dark outside. 
If anyone else asked you to stay past your listed hours on such a regular basis, you would slam the door in their face without a second thought, but for Mando, you’re always a little too willing to do the work for him.
After all, if you turned him away, you’d just end up where you always do after a long day in the shop, curled up in bed, thinking of him even long after he’s gone as you work the tension from your body. You’d remember how he looked, what his voice sounded like that day, and inevitably your mind would drift to wondering what his broad chest would look like hovering over you as his gloved hands fist your sheets, what his voice would sound like growling that nickname you don’t understand into your neck.
You know it’s wrong, but what can you say? You need some kind of release from working so damn much and it’s his fault you don’t have time for a more wholesome form of self care. It’s only fair that he be the one to help you, even if it’s just in your head.
Not that you don’t wish he’d help you for real too.
Maker, you don’t know how this happened, but somehow, Mando’s managed to take over your entire life. When he’s here, you spend all day flirting with him while you fix his ship, when he’s not you spend all day wishing he was, and at night, well, you’re definitely still thinking about him then. You’re in desperate need of something to distract you from him, somewhere to go that isn’t this shop and someone to talk to that isn’t covered in beskar.
So when you ran into Karga on your last run to the market and he invited you to a party at the cantina for Life Day, you immediately accepted. You usually don’t like parties, much preferring to stay in for the holidays, but you figured going out for a big celebration was exactly the chaos you needed right now. Talking to strangers mindlessly all night to distract yourself from your thoughts and drinking enough to drown out the rest sounded like the perfect plan for Life Day.
Especially when the alternative is staying here alone, cold and miserable, as you imagine what it’d be like to spend the holiday with Mando.
So you closed the shop early today, giving you lots of time to dig through your closet for the most festive (and apparently shortest) piece of clothing you own and get ready for the party at a leisurely pace. You felt overindulgent spending so much time on your appearance, and you’re almost certain you’re going to show up severely overdressed, but hey. If it makes tonight feel as far from your everyday life as possible, you’re all for it.
You’re just about to head out, checking yourself once over in the mirror as you slip on a pair of strappy heels, when the comm in the control room starts beeping. 
Kriff, you swear you had turned everything off when you locked the landing dock, but even if you hadn’t, you don’t know who the hell is trying to get their ship fixed on Life Day. For the few hours you had the shop open today, not one person showed up, and even yesterday, only one customer had dropped in for a quick oil change. Everything always seems to freeze around the holidays, the galaxy in silent agreement to leave business aside for a couple days, but apparently the dumbass waiting outside your shop didn’t get that memo.
You let the beeping run, figuring whoever’s trying to get through will eventually leave on their own, but it never stops, the blaring persisting as you struggle with the buckle of your heel until it’s just too much to ignore. You storm into the control room, the unsecured sole of your sandal slapping against your foot as you slam the speak button on the console.
“It’s Life Day. We’re closed,” you snap, returning to your heel before you can even check the source of the frequency. You finally fasten the strap and start to back out of the room, but then a smooth, modulated voice comes through the comm that makes you freeze. 
“Even for me, mesh’la?” 
Maker, of course it’s him. Of course he has to show up the one time you’re absolutely not supposed to be thinking about him. 
“Especially for you, Mando. You’re already in my shop too much, you can’t be here on my one day off too.”
You try to sound irritated. You should be irritated, he’s actively messing up your plans right now, but you know you’re not fooling anyone when just the sound of his voice makes your heart flutter.
“It won’t take long, it’s just my heater this time,” he reasons. “Are you really gonna let me freeze, mesh’la?”
You think that maybe you should. Maybe if you left him in the cold he’d be so upset that he’d stop coming to you for repairs. Maybe then you could finally stop thinking about him.
But really, you know that would just make you more miserable.
“I showed you how to fix it last time, you can warm yourself up,” you challenge. “Or did you really forget already?”
“I remember. I just wanted you to do it for me.”
That makes you pause. Why would he come to you for something he already knows how to fix? Mando’s not exactly one to waste credits on things he doesn’t need, and he’s considerate enough that you wouldn’t expect him to bother you on Life Day with something he could take care of himself. 
You’re about to point it out and turn him away, but then he sighs your name, warm and rich even through the comm, and you feel what little resolve you have left evaporate into the temperate air.
“Come on, I’m kriffing cold.”
“Fine,” you mumble as you punch a passcode into the console. The ceiling of the shop whirrs open, revealing the familiar sight of the Razor Crest descending onto your dock. 
You have time, you decide. If it’s really just the heater, it should only take 15 minutes to finish, still leaving you lots of time to get to the party, and you figure it’d be a little cruel to let Mando to spend Life Day cold and alone on that sad hunk of metal, even if he can technically fix those problems by himself. 
Besides, he’s already ruined your plans of not thinking about him today, you might as well let yourself see him too.
By the time you grab your tool kit from the closet and step out of the control room, heels clacking loudly against the worn duracrete, Mando’s halfway down the ramp. He’s about to greet you, but as you approach, his already rigid stature tenses, his visor trailing over the exposed skin of your chest and legs. 
You can’t help but smirk, knowing he’s probably shocked at seeing you like this, in a dress with your hair draping over your shoulders, a drastic contrast to the way you usually only wear plain jumpsuits and keep your hair pulled back in a messy knot.
“I should make you pay extra for making me work when I look like this,” you joke.  
You strut past him into the ship, heading straight for the heating system in the corner of the hull you’d come to know so well.
“Yeah,” he rasps out, following behind you. “Sorry, uh, were you about to go somewhere?”
“No, I just hang around the shop like this when you’re not here.”
He cocks his head to the side when you look back at him, like he’s rolling his eyes at you under the helmet and waiting in annoyance for an actual answer. You give him a playful grin as you hand him the tool bag. 
“I got invited to a Life Day party. Figured I should probably try to dress up a little bit.”
“Oh. It-- well, you look good.”
You scoff as you turn back to inspect the pipes, squatting with your knees pressed together, one hand holding the back of your dress down.
“I’d look good in anything compared to what you usually see me in.”
“No, mesh’la, you always look good. But this…”
You’re not sure if he stops mid sentence or if your brain just isn’t comprehending what he’s saying anymore because hold on-
Did Mando just say you always look good? 
You turn back to him and raise your eyebrows, silently urging him to elaborate, but he just stares at you with that impossibly intense gaze, making your stomach flip and giving you absolutely no indication as to why he just said that.
Well if he’s gonna be like that, you guess you’ll just have to figure out what he meant for yourself.
You walk towards him until you’re mere inches from the tool bag he’s cradling against his chest, holding his gaze as you slowly pull a wrench from the assortment of tools. You linger there for a second, looking up at him through your lashes, before you make your way back to the heater.
But this time, instead of squatting tastefully to reach into the panel, you bend over, sticking your ass out towards Mando as the short skirt of your dress rides up your thighs.
Mando coughs behind you, so you look over your shoulder at him, arching your back more to maintain your position. His grip on the bag tightens while he growls out your name in a warning that goes straight to your core, and it takes all your willpower to keep your composure as you blink innocently at him. 
“What’s wrong, Mando?” you mewl. 
He actually grunts at that, shifting his weight from where he was leaning into one hip so he stands completely upright. He looks even broader like this, so strong and domineering that you know you should be intimidated, but you just feel incredibly hot watching him squirm.
“Just- stars, just fix the kriffing heater already.”
Your lips turn up into a wicked grin as you turn back to finish the repair.
“Okay, Mando. Whatever you say.”
As you make quick work of the damaged pieces, you can’t help but revel in the feeling of Mando’s gaze burning into the expanse of your thighs, relish in the knowledge that the ever stoic Mandalorian is flustered at just the sight of you. 
You can’t lie, this feels good. Really kriffing good. After months of thinking about him every time you laid in bed and trying desperately to forget those sinful images every time he’s near you, to know you have that kind of effect on him too is sending warmth all over your body, along your chest and through your stomach.
With a final twist of the wrench, you flip the switch to turn the heater on, the old pipes creaking and small puffs of vapor shooting out of the system as it hums to life. You admit, it’s not your best work, but in your defense, you’re not usually trying to, well, present yourself to your customers while doing a repair. 
And honestly, you couldn’t give a damn about how well the finicky heater’s working when Mando is right there, so clearly enticed by your show, and you’re as close as you’ve ever been to getting what you’ve been dreaming of.
You stand up, smoothing down the back of your dress as you turn back towards him. He hasn’t moved at all since you went back to work, still standing with his back perfectly straight and gripping your tool bag just as tightly as he was a few minutes ago. 
“Well, that should do it,” you muse, looking into the steely visor.  You’re expecting him to make a move, say something or step towards you or really just do anything, but he just nods, keeping the painstaking tension in the rest of his armored body. 
For a while, neither of you move, frozen as you try to anticipate what the other is thinking. From what Mando has told you, you think this is what hyperspace must feel like, each moment seeming to stretch into infinity as the energy of a million stars spins around you. The two of you look at each other, unmoving for what feels like ages, willing the other to close the gap first and let the galaxy of suspense you’ve created collapse around you. 
You wait and wait, but at some point you remember this is Mando you’re dealing with, the man so stubborn his head is literally made of beskar. Mando, the reason you’ve abandoned the Life Day plans you were determined to follow through on because he wouldn’t take no for an answer when you said you were closed. 
Maybe it’s persistence or maybe he just knows that if he waits long enough, you’ll give him whatever he wants anyway, but regardless, there’s no chance he’s going to be the first to give into this standoff, no matter how bad you both want it.
No, if you want this, you’re going to have to work for it.
But you’ve never minded having to do a little extra work for him.
You stride towards him, returning the wrench to the tool bag before taking it from his arms and placing it on a crate behind you.
“While you have me here,” you say, turning back to him with wide eyes. You take another step towards him, bringing yourself so close that you can hear the soft hitch of his breath come from his modulator.
“Is there anything else I can do to help you stay warm?”
He brings his hand up to brush your hair off your shoulder, exposing the thin strap of your dress. You shudder as the worn leather of his gloves barely glances across your skin, the small touch charged by the way he keeps the rest of his body so static.
“Yeah, mesh’la. There is.”
You gasp when he hooks a finger underneath the strap of your dress, his touch feather light as he traces a line from your collarbone to the top of your shoulder. 
“Yeah?” you whisper. “Tell me, Mando. Whatever you want.”
“Don’t go to the party tonight,” he hums, his voice thick and dripping with desire, making heat pool in your stomach. He fixates on the strap, rubbing the satin between his index finger and thumb. “Stay here instead. Let me take this pretty thing off you. Show you just how grateful I am that you always keep me warm.”
“Okay,” you exhale a little too quickly, but he just keeps studying you, staying completely still besides the hand playing with your dress. You don’t know why he’s still holding back, not sure how much clearer you need to be for him to know you want this, but if he needs another reassurance, you’re more than willing to give it to him.
You’ll give him anything if it means he’ll finally touch you the way you both want.
You bring your hand up to cover his, stopping the rhythmic movement of his fingers as you guide his gloved fist down your arm. The strap of your dress slips off your shoulder, the neckline hanging dangerously low on your chest, and you lick your lips as you stare straight into his visor.
“I said whatever you want, didn’t I?”
And then finally, finally, he gives in, pushing you back against the wall and peeling the dress from your body. His hands run over every inch of you, his grip firm and electric on your skin, and he doesn’t stop until you’re crying his name as you come undone beneath him.
Hours later, you end up where you always do after a long day in the shop, curled up in bed, thinking of a certain Mandalorian. 
But today wasn’t just another day in the shop. Today was Life Day. 
Today was supposed to be different.
Maker, you can’t believe you let Mando ruin your Life Day plans, let him take over the one day that you were absolutely not supposed to think about him. You can’t help but feel a little pathetic thinking about how much of a grip he has on you, how you can’t manage to have a life outside of him for even one day. It’s driving you so crazy you think you won’t be able to sleep-
But then he shifts next to you, wraps an arm around your torso and pulls your back to his bare chest. He mumbles something in your ear that you don’t understand- cyar’ika, you think he says- his voice sounding so affectionate even though it’s thick with sleep. 
Your heart swells as he holds you, the even breaths coming from the modulator easing the worries from your mind, and as you drift into the sweet lull of sleep, you think maybe it’s not so bad that you let Mando mess up your Life Day plans.
You’d let him mess up all your plans if it meant you could end every day like this.
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LinkedUniverse Fanfiction Ch. 17: Swords, Shields, Arrows
Stop! You’ve Violated the Law!
So, you’ve stumbled upon this original post for my Linked Universe fanfiction. That’s okay, it happens to everyone. As of March 2021, I’ve uploaded the entirety of this fanfic to my Archive of Our Own page. Along with finally giving the story a name–Oops! All Links: A Linked Universe Story–I made substantial edits to some of the chapters. These range from minor stylistic revisions to fixing a gaping plot hole that kinda completely broke the character conflict in the earlier chapters. I also renamed and renumbered (but not reordered) the chapters. Specifically, this is now Chapter 19: Please, Don't Scare the Customers
The AO3 iterations of these chapters are the definitive versions. So, if you would like to read this fanfiction, please do so on AO3, right here. With this embedded link. Hehe. Geddit? Link?
Note: My screen name on AO3 is FrancisDuFresne. Yes, that is me. I am not plagiarizing myself.
Anyway, for posterity’s sake, the rest of the original post is below the cut.
In this continuation of my @linkeduniverse fan narrative, Wild and Four go on their own errand to find weapons to replace the resident amnesiac's busted sword and unwieldy Stalfos shield.
Word Count: 1482
Twilight and Wind had already left Madame Viliafore’s shop by the time Four and Wild had located an armorer. The town of Selggog was even busier in the late morning than it had been the previous evening. The sights and smells bombarded the two young heroes. Wild glanced down at his companion. The Hero of the Four Sword had to walk more briskly to keep pace with him, on account of him being a good deal shorter.
Four had planned to help Wild pick out new weapons once they had found an armorer. That was the main reason Warriors sent the two together. The moment they’d entered the store, however, Wild gravitated toward the higher-end swords. He picked a sword, tossed it between his hands, twirled it, shook his head, and chose a different one.
Four looked at the shopkeeper as Wild repeated this routine. The burly man behind the counter eyed the young knight warily. Four guessed his customers didn’t often test his weapons inside the store, if at all. Wild slowed his motions. He grasped the hilt of the sword he had been swinging with both hands, lowering it from above his head. When his hands were at waist-height, he stood still a moment. He took a deep breath.
The shorter of the Links watched in anticipation. The taller released his left hand’s grip and picked up the sword’s scabbard, then fit the blade easily into its place. He looked at Four and nodded. He strode to the shields, grasped an iron heater shield about half his height, fitted it on his left arm, and shook it a few times. He shook his head and tried a few more.
Wild stared at one shield for a moment before tilting his head to one side. He suddenly took off at a jog toward the opposite wall. He jumped, threw the shield to the ground, landed on it, and skidded a meter before he hopped off again. The shopkeeper had had enough. “Hey!” he growled, crossing his arms. “This isn’t a soldier’s barracks, kid. You’re scaring my customers!”
The young hero picked up the shield and checked the face of it for scratches. Content to find none, he faced Four and nodded again. Then he cast a glance around the shop. The Links were the only customers to be seen. The two of them exchanged a quizzical look. Wild turned to the shopkeeper. “Sorry, sir,” he said, “I’ve found what I want.”
The Links strode to the counter. Four passed a shelf with bundles of ten arrows each. He grabbed all fifteen of them. They placed their selection before the shopkeeper. The man scrutinized them. “What are two kids like you going to do with a knight’s weapons and my entire stock of arrows?” he asked.
Four looked up and stared the man in the eyes. He knew he was only fifteen but still didn’t like being called a kid. “There are actually nine of us,” he explained with a very slight edge to his voice. “We’re travelling a long way. Between monsters and bandits, the roads are dangerous.”
A few seconds passed before the shopkeeper cracked a grin and let out a bout of hearty laughter. Before either Link could recover from his confusion, the man planted his palms on the counter and continued. “Hell, whatever you say. So long as you’ve got the rupees, you’ve got the weapons. Let’s see… two hundred for the sword, three hundred for the shield, and three-sixty for the arrows… that comes out to eight hundred sixty.”
The Links winced at the number. Four shot a glare at Wild. Wild shrugged. He didn’t want to show how embarrassed he was that they were dropping five hundred rupees just because he needed new weapons. Thinking back to his conversation with Sky and Hyrule the previous night, he decided to try haggling. The young knight imitated Hyrule and put a forearm on the counter. He looked the man in the eyes. “Four hundred,” he declared boldly. Four saw the mistake immediately and shook his head.
The shopkeeper laughed even harder than before. Wild’s half-baked cocky expression faded. “Oh, boy,” the man said when he calmed down, “I know what you’re trying here, kid. Word of advice, huh? Never insult someone by offering less than half the starting price.”
Wild gulped. “I… um…”
“Save your breath, I can tell you have no clue what you’re doing. Let’s say seven hundred and call it even.”
Eager to avoid any more awkwardness, Wild just nodded. Four opened his wallet and withdrew three silver rupees, four purple, seven red, nine blue, and fifteen green. After placing them on the counter, he looked back in his wallet to find it almost empty. He sighed then stuffed the arrows in his pouch. Wild grabbed his weapons and the young adventurers went to leave the store. Four shot off a quick “thank you” before the door closed behind them.
Wild quickly fastened his new sword and shield to his baldric. “Right,” he started, “now to the café.”
Four sighed again. “You’re lucky that guy’s well-humored. That could have gone really badly.”
“How was I supposed to know what to offer?”
They started walking. “I dunno, but definitely not less than half.”
Wild’s shoulders slumped. "The Captain is gonna be on my hide for weeks.”
Four gently nudged his partner’s hip. “Don’t worry about it, he’ll probably appreciate that you picked such quality weapons. I saw the way you tested each sword. Where’d you learn that?”
“Part of knighthood is being able to choose the equipment that will keep you and your wards safe.” Wild went silent a moment. He remembered how the Master Sword had nearly fallen apart from the abuse of the Calamity. “When I’m out in the wilds, I take what I can get. Give me a choice and I’ll take the best I can find.”
“You didn’t pick the most expensive ones, though,” Four pointed out.
“I didn’t like the most expensive ones. This one,” he tapped the pommel above his right shoulder, “was weighted and sized the best for me. I know my abilities and my limitations. I can kill with virtually anything you give me, Four. Still, my own skill only carries me so far. My gear needs to pick up the slack. As the knight sworn to protect the princess of Hyrule, I’m most valuable when I’m at my most lethal.”
Four had to give it to him, that was solid reasoning. When he himself had forged the Four Sword, he put care into every strike on red-hot metal. In a way, he viewed the sword more as a piece of art than an instrument of violence. Wild had a point, though: Before everything else, a sword is meant to kill. Still, something bothered Four about his partner’s phrasing.
“Wild, your value isn’t just in your ability to slay evil,” Four said, careful to avoid the word kill. Wild looked down to his companion. Four couldn’t identify his expression, so he continued: “I don’t think you give yourself enough credit. You’re kind, caring, and humble to a fault. You had the weight of the world thrust on your shoulders, and nearly died protecting the princess. You lost your memory, but you still soldiered on and saved Hyrule. And you were able to wield the Master Sword, which is a testament to the purity of your soul.”
The shortest Link looked skyward and smiled. “Just look at all of us Links. We share a love for life and a sense of justice that drives us to protect the light. That’s what binds us, what summons us whenever Hyrule needs us most. I’d bet all four of my lives that we aren’t the only Links there have been or ever will be.”
A few seconds passed. Four glanced at Wild. The Hylian Champion seemed lost in thought, as if he were walking on autopilot. The young smithy had had to make sense of four fragmented personalities to achieve his full potential. He still couldn’t make sense of Wild sometimes. He figured, as the other Links had, that Wild came out of his adventure the most psychologically damaged of all of them—even more than Time.
Wild was shocked out of his reverie by a little girl shoving past him trying to chase her friends. The sights and sounds of Selggog rushed back to him. He stopped walking and shook his head to clear it. Four waited a few paces ahead. “Sorry, were you saying something?” Wild asked, still a little dazed.
Four walked back, reached up to put his hand on his friend’s shoulder, and smiled. “Not really, no. Let’s head back to the café and meet up with the others. They probably picked out some good food.”
“Yeah, sounds good. I’m down for a second breakfast.”
“Hah, you always are.”
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mc-doppomine · 4 years
I love your analysis of Matenro!!!! Its my fav division too 💞
What do you think of Fling Posse? ✨
Aaaahhhh, thank you so much! I’m so glad that others enjoy my thoughts for this series.
As for Fling Posse, I am honestly hoping so much that KR is about to blow the lid on them in this DRB. Because right now, there’s just so mystique about them and a lot of threads that could lead to something bigger but it hasn’t yet. And right now, I think Fling Posse has the most growth to do to catch up with the other divisions. This isn’t me saying they’re not good, don’t get me wrong, but they are missing something for their team. 
(I guess we’re going to actual analysis because we all know I can’t just blurb.)
But I think that solely lies in HOW they came together. Which is distinct despite initially seeming like MTC’s way of coming together. Distinct being that FP are so immensely independent as people that their team kind of has suffered. Unlike all the rest of the divisions, FP was the one team that was only together ONLY for rapping together. And at least until they were at ‘serious’ risk of not making it to the 1st DRB (in the FP vs MTR manga) that they got better. Better. But they continued to strongly be just themselves. Which isn’t bad, it’s just that you have a higher chance of the ‘too many chefs’ problem. 
Lucky for them, they didn’t have that issue so much as simply being bested. It really could’ve gone either way for them. Personally, I do feel a bit more surprised about their friendship. Not saying that they’re not friends but mmm...I think it really depended on the media that came through for me. FP is one of those divisions that seemed a bit different in from the anime vs...almost everything else I’ve listened to? Like I think the anime is more of what FP gets into once they sufficiently convince the other members to go along with them. But that’s the main thing, if you notice a lot of their initial coming together for the track or chapter, they usually are asking ‘why are you bothering me?’ And it doesn’t always come across as that mean-spiritedness of like calling your friend a mean name that they’d laugh about. They do have a good time once it’s a bit of ribbing but there’s always that brash first few steps. 
Which, honestly, is mainly Gentaro being ‘why have you interrupted me this time?’ But to his credit, he’s like the only introvert amongst two high energy friends. And they are also crazy so he needs the time to regain the energy to be straight-faced through whatever bullshit is about to be pulled again. And speaking of Gentaro, he is such a driving force in FP too. Like he’s an unwitting mom friend and he is both aware of it and absolutely exhausted from it. But I do think he cares a lot. Too much to be honest. And I think that may be that part of Gentaro that is kinda romantic at heart. And that he doesn’t want to admit that he only met Ramuda and Dice for one day but if anything were to happen to them, then he’d kill everyone in the room and then himself. A little exaggerated but Gentaro does seem very attached to these guys when he honestly doesn’t seem the type to really make friends. Maybe their energy remind him of his friend or it’s that whole introvert gets brought into a fold because more outgoing person was like ‘I like you, let’s go.’ 
When it comes to his crew, Gentaro does have apprehension with Ramuda though and kind of rightfully so. His ‘liar’s intuition’ was not off about feeling something was strange with their leader and Ramuda KNEW that Gentaro had that feeling. But they never pried into each other. Gentaro because he could tell Ramuda would shut him out, making his snooping incomplete forever. Ramuda because...well, as far as he’s concerned, he already knows all he needs to about Gentaro. They are honestly such observant and calculating people that they kind of end up in cat and mouse deal. I say this because while I do believe Gentaro does care, I do also believe he is still using Ramuda to some extent for some unseen goal. He probably wouldn’t risk Ramuda’s life over it though. 
Ramuda’s whole journey of feelings could best be summed up as him catching feelings and instead of being glad, he’s like ‘No. God. Fuck! WHY?!’ He didn’t ask for this, you bastards tripped him! Like I feel like Ramuda went through this whole time fulfilling his whims because it’s the only time they would ever be filled. And he was running with it never being able to last because all it takes is one order and it’s done. He’s seen it happen. He’s made it happen. There’s no way he can stop it but...because there is some piece of him that aches for humanity. So, he considers his time with FP like sweets, little indulgences he is allowed until eventually he’s pulled away. But Ramuda still feels things and I felt like FP he was much more guarded than he was with TDD because he was still living down the pain he felt for...basically, taking someone important from people he considered friends! He hurt his friends and probably didn’t want to do that to them again. Which explains this false closeness Ramuda puts up with FP. 
Although they did get to him during the 1st DRB because Gentaro and Dice only cared about how Ramuda was and him doing things his way and on his own terms. Sure they didn’t know what was happening but they gave him courage to be unapologetically himself since that is what he wanted but he never thought of the weight of what that means. That sometimes being yourself means that you choose a path that isn’t easy. And Gentaro and Dice would know what that’s like. While I believe Gentaro is well off, I’m sure he’s still seen as a weirdo just because of how he dresses. It is stubbornly outdated when he lives in, arguably, one of the most trendy and up-to-date wards but he doesn’t care. He’s himself and to hell with those that make fun of him. And Dice, well, his habits make him do and say strange things. I won’t say he has no pride but he is...shameless, which can be very off-putting in the context of the things he’s done for money or the thrill. And Dice doesn’t care either. He’s doing exactly what makes him happy and that’s all that matters. Because they know, they could convey the sincerity in wanting Ramuda’s self shining through that it actually got him. With the 2nd DRB (which at the time of writing, the FP vs MTC CD is not out), I hope that they allow for more time of FP getting to deal with Ramuda’s ‘true self’ and Ramuda allowing that to show. Which...from what I’ve heard from those that have heard the full version of Black Journey....seems like a strong possibility.
Finally rounding off and probably both fortunately and unfortunately my shortest would be Dice. *cue my long and frustrated groan* He has so much to do with things but he isn’t used. Truly, Dice is underutilized story wise. And unfortunately I have the least to say because his is straight forward. He just does not care. Not that he doesn’t care about FP but he does not care about all the things THEY worry he wouldn’t like them for. He doesn’t care about their past. He doesn’t care what they’ve done. He doesn’t care who they decide to be to him. For Dice, I think it’s a simple ‘but I’m loyal if you feed me and I’ll never leave you because, well I need the food.’ It’s not actually that simple since Dice has never and would never leave FP despite someone that could possibly continually provide what he wants or needs (this lovely man named Rio exists). But I just think that Dice doesn’t really hold grudges. Even though they haven’t interacted this go around, I don’t think he really hates Hifumi and Doppo since that’s a lot time of time to invest in not liking them and I just don’t Dice giving enough shits to do so. I do mainly think it’s because if Dice respects them not prying into them, they’ll do so and not look into him. And it’s this lack of prying that earns both Gentaro and Ramuda’s friendship because they don’t want that. That and Dice would defend them regardless of if they could’ve handled the situation are not. All because they are friends. And nothing else. 
Phew. This is a lot. Like way more than the MTR one but that’s because it has so many moving parts. Like FP are so individualistic that you need to go for each one specifically. I hope that this was something close to what you were looking for lovely anon.
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frenchie-sottises · 4 years
Skelebros Headcannons.
No one asked for these, but whatever. Also, there may be some triggers, so be aware. (It’s mainly trauma stuff.)
Also, this is like, super fucking long. I included quite a few versions.
- Is over 7′9 without the boots. He’s 7′11 with them. - Smarter than he looks. (I might as well say that this is confirmed cause he apparently knows of Sans’s ability to prank people across time and space.) - Isn’t the best cook when it comes to dishes other than spaghetti, but that doesn’t mean he can’t learn. Excellent baker though! - He didn’t jump out of the window because he forgot the door exists. It’s his way of being comedic. (And it worked.) - He loves Sans’s puns, but he only gets so salty because he feels like the timing could be better. - Almost burned down the house once when he tried to make spaghetti the way Undyne did it, so he learned to tone tf down. He only gets rambunctious when he cooks with Undyne cause, come on, it’s fun to go nuts every now and again. - Isn’t afraid to curse, but he doesn’t do it cause it’s rude.
- Is over 5′2 and is literally big boned. (All the Sanses are, really.) - Doesn’t actually know that Papyrus loves his puns. - The jacket he wears is something he made, so this means he’s good at sewing. - He went outside without a shirt once, so when he made the joke about the cold going through him, he opened his jacket as the wind went through. He got sick like a dumbass hours later. - Speaking of dumbasses, he managed to get Papyrus to call him one for getting sick. He’s managed to get Papyrus to cuss also. (They still love each other dearly, don’t worry.) - He totally doesn’t have PTSD. Nope, not at all. It’s definitely not from the genocide routes and seeing his brother get killed multiple times. - Because of his trauma and not having the proper resources to help it, he suffers a form of CFS. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.)
- Is over 7′10 without the boots. Is 8′2 with them. - No one knows how he can wear heels in the snow. (He runs in them for crying out loud.) - Can be easily flustered when it comes to flirting, but when he’s in the mood to be saucy? Oh boy. - Is practically a professional chef and baker. Undyne’s lessons made him realize that he has to teach himself if he wants to provide decent meals. - Is rough with his brother, but he isn’t straight up mean. It’s more along the lines of him struggling to be kind and gentle out in public. - Half of his encounters usually don’t involve him doing anything. He’s just that intimidating. - People mostly know him for being loud and angry 24/7, but this isn’t always the case. He can control his volume when he needs to, and is actually pretty damn tame. It’s pretty rare to see him genuinely angry.
- Is the shortest Sans in this list standing at 5′0. - His sweating mostly comes from him trying not to piss off his brother despite the fact that said brother’s made it clear that he would never be angry at him. - He has PTSD, but due to the environment, his symptoms tend to be worse. - He’s resorted to cutting himself several times. His brother has no clue though. - Struggles with his moral code more than his brother. He’s torn between following his own path and suffering possible consequences from the king, and being loyal to the king at all costs to avoid his wrath. - His shoes are always untied, so it’s not uncommon to see him on the ground face down. - If given the chance to take his mind off of things, he will take it. Drugs are off-hands though. You can thank Edge for that.
- Is over 7′6 when he’s not slouching. - The cig’s gonna be lit, but he doesn’t smoke. He only does it cause it makes him look cool. - He actually doesn’t use any drugs, but he did get himself high one time via weed brownies for pure shits and giggles. Boy, was he high off his ass. - Unlike the classic Sans, his jokes have better timing. He’s made Blueberry laugh several times. - “I can make every dirty joke in existence... AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!” - Stretch at one point in time. - Has an endless supply of hoodies and it confuses his brother to this day. - He’s learned to give mercy while making you wish you were dead. (I may or may not have watched Rising of the Shield Hero.)
- Is over 5′6 with the boots. Is only 5′5 without them. - Has a bod that screams the power to wrestle BEARS. - Someone teach him how to cook. He keeps overcooking the fucking TACO MEAT- - He has the body of a himbo, the personality of a himbo, and the mind of a himbo- okay, maybe the last one is a little inaccurate. He can be pretty smart. - May or may not be a bit of a perv. - His smile is so bright that it lightens up just about everyone’s moods. - Is a fantastic artist and no one can tell him otherwise.
Pup (Swapfell):
- Is over 7′3 when he’s not slouching. - Does actually smoke. - His blind eye was given from his brother playing far too rough. - He likes to rob people, but will learn to stop if the victim is shown to be far too powerful for him to handle. - Despite his not-so-welcomed attitude, when he’s put in a place where there is no threat of his brother, he can be quite friendly. - Has tried to feel people up in the past, but constantly keeps having his ass handed to him. - Makes only dirty jokes.
Blackberry (Swapfell):
- Is over 5′7 with the boots. Is only 5′4 without them. - Really needs his ass handed to him. - He can say he loves his brother all he wants. Doesn’t excuse why he treats him like shit. - He tends to poison his food when it comes to others. It could possibly contribute to why his brother steals other’s money. (And by “poison”, I mean he’s not a good cook. At all.) - Although he fights a lot, his body doesn’t quite match up to par, and he hates it. - Is easily jealous and possessive. - Surprisingly doesn’t actually swear when he swears.
Slim (Fellswap Red):
- Is over 7′3, and he doesn’t slouch. - Has the fluffiest jacket in existence and wears a lot of the bigger collars. - Is an absolute sweetheart when his brother’s not around. (More so than Red.) - Although he often drinks hot sauce, he’d rather prefer BBQ sauce. - Actually handles his PTSD better than his other lazy counterparts. - Has a bad habit of falling in love too easily. - Is very reserved and quiet for the most part.
Bloodberry (Fellswap Red):
- Is over 5′9 with the boots. Is only 5′6 without them. - Has a bad tendency to be saucy with someone he likes. - Is a decent cook when it comes down to it. - Also struggles with being kind in public. - Has taken a liking to archery. He’s even become good at it. - He hates the queen, but mainly because she’s always cruel to her subjects. He hopes to overthrow her for the betterment of the kingdom. - Unlike Blackberry, he does care for his brother.
Wine (Fellswap Gold):
- Is over 7′4, and he doesn’t slouch. - Since he mostly writes, he’s become a very good writer and artist. - Whenever he’s given a compliment, he sits in silence. He usually doesn’t receive them, so when he does, he kind of just.. breaks. - Like his blacklist, he has a list of names of those who have been extremely kind to him. - Tries not to become someone who has to depend on someone else. - He has days where the braces on his canines hurt like all hell, so he’ll wind up with tears in his eyes. - The constant oppression gets to him sometimes. He isn’t violent, but he will continuously cry and whimper.
Coffee (Fellswap Gold):
- Is over 6′0 with the boots. Is only 5′10 without them. - Wants to try and fix the kingdom so its people aren’t so oppressed. - Will be there for his brother within seconds. - Learned to be a decent cook for his brother. - The oppression gets to him also, but it’s mainly from the people. - A lot of the clothes he and his brother wear are from his own hands. - Has taught his brother some military fighting to protect himself as he is related to someone who the people hate.
Axe (Horrortale):
- Is the biggest Sans on this list standing at 6′7. - Is also the strongest in terms of physical strength. - Really needs to stop seeing human flesh and regular food as the same thing. - To those he cares for, he becomes almost like a guard dog but 10x scarier. - None of the Sanses and Papyruses aside from his own brother mess with him. - If someone is not scared of him for whatever reason, he has some respect for that. He just doesn’t really show it. - Gets easily spooked by really loud noises.
Everest (Horrortale):
- The tallest Papyrus standing at 9′2 with the boots. He’s only 9′0 without them. This also assumes he isn’t slouching, but he always is. - After being without food for so long, he struggles to not eat human flesh. - His kindness challenges classic Papyrus’s. - He hit a growth spurt far too early, and it’s why he’s slouching. (It’s kind of like he suffered Gigantism, but he stopped growing eventually.) - Compared to the other active counterparts, he’s the weakest. - Because of him being so thin, he tends to freeze far more easily. - When he’s pushed in a corner, he will fight back, but it’s best if his brother is with him.
And that ends that. I had these ideas going for a while, so I decided to spill them here. Hope y’all like these.
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Kinktober Day 3: Prostitution, RK1K
Markus/Connor! Enjoy!
Connor highly doubted this was legit, but the Mistress said it was, so he was going to go anyway. Some days it was hard to believe what he did for a living, but at this point, he tried to just focus on getting into character. 
That's never been too hard before, even with the most outrageous demands. As long as they paid good enough and respected his terms then he'd do almost anything. 
The hotel was the same as all the others he often visited. Actually, if his memory is correct (which it always is), he's been to this exact hotel seven times before. It was definitely more classy and he didn't even get odd looks from the staff, though they were sure to whisper about him and wonder who he was there for later. 
That was fine, let them imagine him draped over some old fat white man that paid him in hundreds for a single night just to get slapped around a little. Those men were the easiest. Most predictable. They were dominant in their social lives and needs to be treated like shit every now and then. 
He expected that for most of his clients. Some surprised him with their requests. It was always interesting when they wanted him to bottom. Sometimes that could be rather nice but there were also the men that made his skin crawl and need to take a very long hot shower after. 
It wasn't just men who hired him either, there were plenty of women or people of other genders. Most of the feminine people who hired him wanted to dom him, which he gladly let happen. 
He glanced down at his outfit, satisfied it was to his standards before unlocking the door and walking in. He had said there was no need to knock, so Connor didn't. 
He was fully ready for some random rich dude posing as his client but was surprised to see that wasn't the case at all. 
Markus Manfred, CEO of the largest paint store, and the CEO of a tech store standing in the hotel room, shirt off, and painting. It really was him. He was also painting. Which made sense but his brain was still trying to wrap around the fact that he'd have his legs wrapped around Markus Manfred tonight. 
Best. Job. Ever.
He was a professional though, and he easily pulled himself together, swaying his hips as he walked in. "Mr. Manfred, you didn't need to get all dressed up for me." He says. 
Manfred jumps and Connor has to contain an eye roll. Hadn't the dude heard the door open? He really hoped he wasn't going to be creepy. If he was then he'd get to bitch to Gavin about it, so there was that. 
Manfred turned and eyed him. Connor stood there, hip out, and let him. He gladly soaked in the attention, ready to do a fucking twirl if Manfred wanted. "Uh, just Markus is fine…" 
"Hello, Just Markus. I'm Connor, but you can give me a different one if you like. I'm partial to baby boy, or master depending on what you like." He added a wink at the end, but he had a feeling Manfred was more of a top. Hopefully, he had a big dick or a lot of stamina. Connor was lucky to be graced with both. 
Markus nodded, holding out his hand. Connor raised an eyebrow but shook it, not too bothered about the paint that had gotten on him. "Right, hello Connor. Um, not to sound like a dick… but do I know you? I generally have a really good memory, but maybe I was drunk? I'm so sorry, I don't mean to offend you." 
What? This was the right room, and definitely the right client. Maybe Markus wanted to play into this, but he seemed genuinely confused. What the hell was she supposed to do?! "I'm Connor, from Bees Love? You did set an appointment with me for the whole night." 
Markus's eyes go wide and he face-palms. "I'm going to fucking kill North," he grumbled before dragging the hand down his face. 
It's oddly adorable that Markus seemed to forget he had not-quite dried paint on his hands that were now on his face. "I'm so sorry, North said I needed to relax and sent me here. I thought it was just to get away and paint in peace. I'll still pay you, um, and tip? Do you take tips?" 
This was actually happening. And it was the funniest damn thing that had happened all week, and he had gotten to sleep with a very famous comedian. He burst into laughter, not able to hold it in anymore. 
"I'm so sorry, this is great!" He laughed, trying to take in air. "Yes, I do get tipped depending on how I do. Uh, I don't really have anywhere else to be. You sure you don't wanna sleep with me? I'm up for almost anything." 
Markus was looking at him kinda funny. A look he hadn't seen in a very, very long time. No. Nope. Big nope. He was not going down that rabbit hole. "Ah, no? But not because you aren't beautiful! You are, very much so. If you weren't a prostitute I'd sleep with you. Wait, shit, I didn't mean it like that!" 
Uh, so Markus was actually adorable. Too bad he wouldn't sleep with Connor. He'd probably be the best lay he's gotten all month. "No, it's fine. I understand. Could uh… can I stay though? I just wasn't planning on going back home tonight, I got a dog-sitter and everything. We won't do anything unless you want. I won't even talk." He was good at not talking, or talking. He could be good at basically anything if he needed to be. 
Markus fidgeted and Connor was ready to be told to leave. This would most definitely be his shortest appointment ever. But Markus surprised him once again. "Sure. Do you like painting? I've got another canvas." 
Connor shrugged and rolled up his sleeves. He could just get another shirt if this one got messy, it wasn't like he didn't have enough money. "Sure, I'm always willing to try something new. Makes the job easy." 
Markus snorts and looks around before pulling out a medium-sized canvas. "I'm sure it does. Alright, so there are these paints you can use. Go wild, I've got plenty." Markus said, pointing then out before picking up his paintbrush. 
He's never really painted and he had no idea what to do. Was he supposed to come up with an idea himself or maybe still life? It was called that, right? 
"Hey, you don't have to. I'm gonna pay the whole thing and tip. If you don't wanna paint I'm sure I can find something else. Food? Uh, tv?" Markus says, looking around the rather large hotel room. "I think there's a hot tub, and a bathroom if you need it. Just do whatever you want." 
Connor couldn't help the smirk. "What if I want to do you?" He watches as Markus's face flushed slightly. It was barely discernible but he could tell. Also how the fuck was this man so beautiful? It was completely unfair that he was so pretty. 
"I- um, thank you? I just, I don't want to pressure you just because it's your job. I'd rather get to know you first? I just, I guess I really do need to relax but it would feel like I'm taking advantage of you." Markus shrugged, staring at the ground. 
Of course, the one guy he fully wanted to sleep with, like would actually do anything, was giving him reasons he wouldn't. Yet it just made the want stronger. He hadn't felt this… whatever this feeling was in awhile. "Alright, well then we can get to know each other. Let's start off easy, who's North?" 
"My best friend. We were high school sweethearts but little did North know she was hella gay, so we broke up at the start of college. We stayed close and I even introduced her to her wife." Markus smiled so fondly it almost hurt to see. 
Would his friends smile like that when talking about Connor? Sure Gavin was friendly (in his own weird way and only after he made a complete ass of himself) but they weren't that close. The Mistress was his boss, and he'd like to think they were friends. Not like this though. 
He knew so many people, had slept with so many, and knew secrets they'd never even tell their dogs, and yet no one he had like Markus had North. It never hurt so much before. 
"Best friend," he said, clearing his throat. "So, I'm assuming you have more friends than just her then." 
Markus nodded, the smile still on his face. "Yeah, Josh and Simon. I also used to date Simon but… things happened. The only one I haven't dated was Josh, but he's also straight so it's not like I even ever had the chance. I met Josh in college, he was a professor, and I met Simon through work." 
Connor nodded, taking mental notes. "You seem really close." He tried to keep the bitterness out of his voice, but by the look, Markus was giving him, he failed. 
"We are, but the situation pushed us together even more. If I wasn't supposed to be on my phone I'd text North to have them come over." He nodded towards the table where the phone was. 
Markus was really making this too easy. "Oh? Well, that's technically extra but I'm always up for an orgy, haven't been in one in a while." He smiled, tilting his head. 
"I- uh, no! No, I just, I didn't mean-" Markus rambled. 
"It's fine, I'm fucking with you in the only way you'll let me. So, if I'm just going to hang out for the night, who do you want me to be? I can be innocent, sophisticated… lustful." He said, stepping closer to Markus. 
Markus took a step back, shaking his head. "I just want you to be yourself. You don't have to do or say anything you don't want to, there's no pressure. You can even leave whenever you want without question." 
Oh. Himself? No one ever wanted him to just be himself. Sure he was asked for slightly different versions of himself but nothing like this. Not when Markus actually meant it. "M-me? Just, um, myself?" 
Markus nodded, smiling softly. "Yep, just you. You probably don't get a lot of time to do that, so feel free." 
Hm, fine. He'd be himself. "Mind if I use the bathroom then?" He grabbed his bag, and at Markus's nod went to the bathroom. 
He took off his lingerie, clothes, and contacts. Instead, he put on soft pajamas after taking a shower and put his glasses on. He didn't bother straightening his hair. If he was going to be himself then he was going to do it fully. He always kept these with him so he could slip into it after the job was done. 
He walked out, shuffling slightly and looking anywhere than at Markus. He'd never let a client see him like this, but Markus wasn't actually a client. Not in the normal sense. "Uh, you sure this is ok?"
He finally looked up and felt like running back into the bathroom and putting his other clothes back on. Those always made him more confident, it was like putting on a mask. He felt more exposed like this than he ever did naked. 
Markus made a small choking noise before trying to cover it with a cough. "Uh, yeah. You, yeah this is definitely fine." 
Connor nodded and dug around his bag again before pulling out a book and sitting down on the bed crisscrossed. He was a little over halfway through, but he hadn't had as much time to read as he'd like. 
"What are you reading?" Markus asks, going back to painting. 
Connor looked up then back to his book, a real actually blush forming on his cheeks. "Oh, uh nothing you'd be interested in." 
Markus turned slightly, raising an eyebrow. "Try me." 
Connor chuckled, looking up at him through his lashes. "It's… it's a criminology book? I was thinking about trying to be a detective if I ever got tired of this, but even if I don't it still fascinates me. My adopted father is a Lieutenant at the local police." 
It made him chuckle again when Markus's jaw dropped. No one would think his dad worked in law enforcement considering Connor's job. But in reality, Hank made sure he was safe and not pressured into anything. Plus Hank knew loopholes and even commented on how it should be legal so they can protect sex workers.
"I know, I know. He's actually really chill about it. Plus I make plenty of money so I can pay for college without going into debt." He had been putting away money for a while so he could live comfortably for the rest of his life. 
Markus nodded, "that's actually a good idea. I'm sure you'd make an incredible detective considering how intelligent you must be to be this good at your current job." 
"You really know a way to a man's heart." Connor chuckled and he meant it. Most people thought so lowly of escorts and prostitutes, saying they only did this because it was the only job they could do. When in reality you had to be quick on your feet and able to read people from just a glance. 
Markus shook his head, but he was smiling. "I just say what is true. You can put music on if you want. I don't know how you normally read." 
"Not in a fancy hotel with a man who won't sleep with me, that's for sure." Connor snarked before snapping his mouth closed. 
His worry disappeared when Markus fully laughed. "Ah, that's true. As I said, it's not that I don't want you. I just don't want to push you into anything." 
Connor sighed and leaned against the headboard. "I'm wounded, but I think I can survive." 
They went back to their own activities barely interacting unless Connor came across a particularly interesting part or Markus asked for his opinion. It was actually really nice and he found himself relaxing more and more. 
It wasn't like he had sex with every client. Some wanted him to be a date to an event, spend time with them for the week, or anything else. It wasn't always sex. 
Yet even this was different. There were no expectations at all. It was completely freeing. It just made his want that much stronger. Huh, that was a new turn on. 
It was late into the night when Connor started yawning. The soft sounds of Markus's brush strokes and Markus's humming was calming in a way he hadn't expected. He was warm and comfortable in the huge bed, and he was tempted to just fall asleep for the night. 
"You can sleep here if you want. I can take the couch or get another room." Markus said, making Connor's head snapped up. 
"Huh? Oh! No, no, no, it's ok. If anyone should take the couch it's me. You paid for the room, it's yours." He was most definitely not letting Markus take the couch. 
"No! Seriously you expected certain things and I didn't deliver. The least I can do is offer the bed." Markus whipped his hands and turned to face Connor. God damn this man was gorgeous. Could he be any more perfect? Maybe he had a really small dick and absolutely no stamina to make up for everything else. 
Connor huffed and closed his book. "Nope, not happening. The bed is big enough that we can easily share without bothering each other. I promise not to try anything." Just to show he scooted over and pat the bed. 
Markus frowned and looked around. "I...ok. let me get washed up first." Connor nodded and watched him grab his clothes and then watched as he went into the bathroom. 
The door closed and he let out a soft sigh, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. He didn't want this night to end. He knew it was a bad idea to actually connect with clients. Sure you can make semi-friends but never anything serious. Don't get attached. He knew if he let himself he'd get attached in some way. There was just a connection. 
He jumped slightly when the door opened back up. Had he really been falling asleep?
He looked up at Markus and wanted to scream. The man was wearing fuzzy robot pajamas pants without a shirt. It was an odd combination of sexy and adorable as hell. 
"Do you have a side you prefer?" Connor asked ready to move to whichever side was needed of him. 
"Either is fine, wherever you're comfortable." Markus said, stretching his arms above his head. 
Connor nodded and put his book to the side, taking his glasses off. He wiggles under the blankets, trying to get comfortable. 
Markus walked around and climbed in. Like Connor had said, the bed was so huge that he'd have to reach out his whole arm to be able to touch him. 
"Sleep well, Markus." Connor says, reaching to turn off the bedside lamp. 
Markus did the same, and the room was flooded with darkness. "Sleep well, Connor." 
He falls asleep much faster than normal. Perhaps it was that the bed was just more comfortable, or maybe it was the company. 
When he woke up his back was pressed against something warm and soft. He knew it was Markus but he was still shocked. 
What was even more shocking and definitely welcome was the warm hand under his shirt and the very obvious hardness pressing into him. 
Markus was also most definitely asleep, and Connor sighed heavily. He was still half-asleep so it took even more in him to not press back. Markus definitely didn't have a small dick. Of course, he didn't. 
The slow and even breath on his neck made him shiver and close his eyes for a second. Then the hand was moving down and he arched into it. "Markus I swear if you're awake I'll murder you." He whispered. 
Markus sighed and moved his hips just slightly. Connor whined but tried to keep his voice down. This was so not fair. 
He was getting hard and he pushed back just slightly. Fuck. 
Maybe he could take care of himself without waking up Markus. Just get off then clean up. He could even leave right after so he wouldn't have to see how he'd react. He was off the clock so… 
He reached down, gently teasing himself. He should just do this quickly. He didn't know how long until Markus would wake up. 
The hand on him was so low but not low enough. It wasn't enough! "Fucking hell Markus," he whimpered. 
He increased the pressure but still didn't pull himself out. Not yet. He wanted to savor this. 
He tried to keep his noises down, keeping his hips still, and yet he kept pushing back. He wanted to touch Markus so bad. "Please. Please."
The hand on him stiffened and Connor froze. "Hm, Connor?" Markus says, his lips brushing against Connor's neck. Oh, that was not helping. Neither was Markus shifting against him, accidentally pulling him closer. 
"Do-don't." Connor whined, squeezing his eyes closed. He didn't know what he was pleading for, but he just wanted to continue so bad. 
"Shit! Uh, do you want me to leave? I'm so sorry." Markus said, trying to move away but Connor grabbed the arm. 
"You can stay, please stay. I want you." He really did. He wanted him so bad. He took Markus's hand and pressed it against his stomach. "You don't have to do anything."
"Fuck." Markus muttered, his hips twitching forward. "Are you sure? I… I don't want to overstep." 
Connor huffed rolling his eyes. "I don't wanna sleep with you just because it's my job, I want you to fuck me." He pressed back against him, sliding Markus's hand lower. 
"I don't know… um," Markus said, shifting again. His breath was fast and warm against Connor's neck. 
He wiggled his hips, pushing down his pants. He kept a hand over Markus's before taking himself and jumping slowly. "If, if you want to leave you can. But I will definitely not complain if you stay." 
Markus pulled him close and he could feel him. Oh. Oh, Markus wasn't wearing underwear either. Fuck that was hot. "Ok. Ok, I'll stay." 
Connor smiled and sped his hand up. "Yes! Yes, thank you." He babbled, tilting his head. He wanted Markus's lips on him. Thankfully Markus seemed to agree because soon Markus was pressing feather-light kisses to his neck. 
"You're so beautiful." Markus mumbled, moving his hand down lower to cover Connor's as he stroked himself. 
Connor bucked his hips, trying to get more. It wasn't enough. He needed more. "Markus, please." 
Markus nodded and pulled his own pants down, freely rubbing himself against Connor. "I've got you. What do you need, baby?" 
Oh, that was good. That was delicious. "You. Anything you want. I just need more."
Markus pressed hot kisses down his neck, nipping just slightly. Not enough to leave marks but it made him whine. "Are you sure? Connor… this isn't because of…" he trailed off. 
Connor turned and pressed Markus back into the bed, straddling him. "If you ask me that one more time I'm chopping your annoyingly large dick off." 
Markus's eyes went wide, and he placed his hands on Connor's hips. "Alright, I definitely wouldn't want that." 
"Thank fuck." Connor chuckled before leaning down and crushing their lips together. Markus's lips were so warm and just slightly rough from Markus chewing on them.
He rocked their hips together trying to get more friction. "Are you willing to fuck me? I can fuck you but I've been dying for you in me all night." 
Markus panted, nodding his head. "Definitely. God, you looked amazing yesterday, but then you changed and I nearly lost it. You looked so soft and fuckable." 
Connor whined, rolling his hips down. "Yes, yes please. I've got a condom and lube in my bag. I'm clean." 
Markus nodded and flipped them over which was way too fucking hot. Apparently, he noticed the shocked expression because he kissed him with a chuckle. "I work out." 
"That you do." He said he panted as Markus got off, grabbing Connor's bag and digging around. 
"Sorry, should have asked but I feared for my annoying large cock." Markus said, pulling out a condom and lube. 
"I used the word dick, but I think you can be forgiven if you hurry the fuck up." If he wasn't being fucked within the hour he wasn't going to scream and maybe cry. 
"My bad, my annoyingly large dick." Markus crawled back into the bed, moving in between Connor's legs. "Alright, how do you like this?" 
Connor spread his legs, getting into a good position. "However you want but I do require that I actually get fucked. Even if I come you gotta fuck me until I can't walk. Deal?" He offered his hand and Markus chuckled. 
Markus took his hand, shaking it before using it to pull Connor up and into a searing kiss. "I think I can do that baby boy," Markus mumbled before pushing him back into the bed. 
Connor let him, spreading himself even wider. He took deep breaths, easily relaxing even when Markus gently pushed against his hole. 
"There we go," Markus mumbled before pressing a kiss to his inner thigh. Connor whined, arching his back. His thighs were so sensitive and no one ever kissed him this gently, this lovingly. It broke his heart. 
"Markus," he sighed, eyes fluttering closed. Markus hummed and did the same for his other thigh. 
Then he was nipping at him, sucking slightly on the skin as he pushed his finger in. He would definitely leave marks here. For some reason, he didn't want anyone to see these marks or touch them. He didn't want anyone kissing them and trying to mark over these. These were just for him. 
Markus was so slow and gentle, but Connor could tell he was holding back. He knew there was an urgency and want behind every movement and soft touch. 
Yet Markus held back for him. It was odd being on the receiving end. Just being able to lay back and take just because he wanted it and not because someone was paying him to. This was for him as much as it was for Markus. He felt truly beautiful. 
Markus kissed his hips, using his free hand to gently run a hand down his side. "You're amazing. You're doing really well." Markus says, pushing in a second finger. 
He had had so many people that tried to rush this but Markus seemed to be genuinely enjoying it. "Markus!" He sighed, arching his back and trying to push down into his hand. 
Markus chuckled slightly, "so needy. How many do you normally need?" 
"Most stop at two." Connor says, mind fuzzy with pleasure and want. 
"I didn't ask what other people did to you, I asked what you need. I don't want to hurt you. So I'll ask again, baby, how many do you normally need?" Oh, that tone of voice was unfair. It was raspy and demanding and so very in control. 
"Um, three without too much of a stretch but for you… I, um, three. I wanna feel it." He wanted that burning stretch like never before. 
Markus nodded and slowly added a third finger. "Alright, I'll be slow and gentle. If you need me to stop or go slower at all let me know." 
"I… ok," he nodded. Markus was being so kind. Yet that hurt more than any physical pain he'd been in, and one rather angry woman liked to whip people. Wasn't the best night considering she didn't really like it when he asked for her to stop. 
Markus paused, frowning. "Are you alright? We can stop if you want." His hand paused and Connor felt like screaming. It was such an odd mixture of emotions. 
"Please don't stop! I'm, just not used to this." That was the worst description ever. 
"Wait, I thought… has no one?" Markus asks, pulling his fingers out. Connor groaned and instantly missed the feeling. 
"No! Yes, yes I've done this in the physical sense, but not," he waved his hand between them, "this? You're, you want me to feel good and you're taking your time. I haven't had anyone do this in a long time." 
Markus blinks at him before his jaw drops. "Are you saying no one ever pleasured you before? If they were too rough you… you could tell them to stop right?" Oh, this sweet, sweet boy. 
"Well yes, they still have to pay for my time, but it's different. I do get pleasure out of it, but it's never just for me. If I'm being fucked then the person wants me to be. I want this. I want you. And not just… you're kind, Markus." He said, sitting up and gently holding his face. "Kinder than I'd ever imagined. You could be the snottiest man on the planet and yet you turned down a prostitute who had already been paid for and was willing because of your morals. None of my clients would ever do that. I'd like to think some would, but they just need the release or a date. Someone pretty on their arm so they bought me." 
That didn't mean he didn't enjoy his job. He loved being pampered and could have as much sex as he wanted and get paid for it. He was living the dream, but it was also nice to have this. Something so soft and gentle, and kind. 
Then Markus was leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his lips like he would break. And he loved it. He loved the way he cradled his head and gently pressed into him. He loved the calluses on Markus's hands as they intertwined their fingers. 
He was slowly leaned down back onto the bed, Markus's hands slowly searching his body. He had a few small scars from when clients took it too far, but Markus traced each one like he was a masterpiece. It made him shiver and whine, pushing against the hand. 
"You really are beautiful, Connor. All of you." Markus mumbled, pulling back to kiss down his jaw. He raised his other hand to gently card through Connor's hair, pulling at it just slightly so he'd tilt his head. He gladly did, sighing when Markus's lips trailed down his neck. 
"Hmph, fuck," Connor muttered, biting his bottom lip. This was too good. He doubted anyone will ever be able to compare to this. Damn it. 
"You don't have to muffle yourself, baby, I want to hear you." Markus mumbled against his skin. Connor was sure his entire body was going to be kissed and he was completely ok with that. More than just ok, really. 
Markus took his time finding every little spot that made him whine and buck his hips. He was almost in tears from want when he finally grabbed the lube again. 
He was still somewhat stretched so Markus started with two fingers, slowly stretching and exploring. "So amazing. I can't wait to be in you." Markus muttered. It was so quiet Connor could barely hear him. Markus had said that to himself, and it sent a thrill through Connor. 
"Fuck me! Please, I need it, you." He whined, rocking his hips down. Markus smirked and put a third finger in, moving his hand a bit faster. Connor whimpered and gripped the sheets of the bed, hips moving uncontrollably. 
He yelped when his dick was enveloped in the warm heat of Markus's mouth. He bobbed his head before sucking on the head, swirling his tongue around the top. 
Connor bucked into his mouth, almost choking him. He rambled his apology which quickly turned into pleading. 
Markus took him down again, hollowing his cheeks and running his along the underside. 
"Fuck! Fuck, stop I won't last much longer!" Connor begged. He wanted to come with Markus in him. It took Markus an agonizingly long time to pull off, licking his lips once he does. 
"Damn I could just do that and be happy. You make the best sounds. But I think I should give you what you finally want." Markus said, slowly pulling his fingers out. 
Connor quickly nodded trying to spread his legs even more (he is very proud of his flexibility, he has all of his splits). 
"How do you like this?" Markus asks, tearing the seal off the condom then throwing the wrapper off the bed. He easily slides it on and Connor is drooling. 
Wait, right Markus had asked him a question. That dick was definitely a blessing, Jesus Christ. He really wanted to suck on that but held back. "Like this works… I want to see you." 
Markus smiled and gently brushed a few curly strands of hair out of Connor's face. "I can do that." 
Oh, this was definitely gonna hurt and he couldn't wait. Thankfully Markus wasn't stalling either. He moved closer, carefully lining up before looking down at Connor. 
He took one of his hands and laced their fingers together before pushing in. Connor whined, squeezing his eyes shut and Markus instantly stopped. "Fuck you, I did not say to stop, you ass." He growled out. 
He heard Markus chuckle and Connor forced his body to relax. It was just a good pain, one he'd like to take every day if Markus let him. 
Once Markus bottomed out they both stilled, panting for air. Markus used his free hand to brush through his hair again, pressing a quick kiss to his sweaty forehead. 
They stay still until Connor gives a small nod. Markus slowly slides out and slowly pushes back in. It's too slow, he wraps his legs around Markus and pulls in back in roughly, sighing when it finally creates the friction he wants. "Yes!" 
Markus grunts, chuckling softly. "Fuck, ok." Then he sped up, rocking his hips at a fast but consistent speed. 
Connor rocks his hips in time, panting into Markus's kiss. He moaned praises and pleads, mind hazy. It was too good. It all felt too good. 
Markus's hands on him, keeping him down but also driving him insane. He took one and put it in his hair, which thankfully Markus completely understood. He tugged on just enough and Connor whimpered. 
It was also too much but not enough. He was so, so close. "Please, Markus I need…" 
Markus nodded, tugging Connor's hair so he could bite at his neck. "What do you need, baby?"
"I, I uh, I don't know." He hated how whiny he sounded but Markus just seemed to soak it all up. "Ah, Markus!" 
He hit the spot and Connor almost cried. "Such a good boy, good beautiful baby boy." Markus said, his hips spasming slightly. 
Connor choked and his vision blurred slightly, coming without any warning. 
His whole body turned limp and Markus groaned, his hips snapping forward. There was so much but Markus didn't stop. He was so sensitive but he loved it. 
"I'm close, baby, you ok?" Markus asked. Connor nodded, hips and legs trembling. He was more than ok. This was ecstasy. 
Sadly it didn't take too much longer until Markus froze and Connor wished he hadn't mentioned a condom. He wanted to be filled and maybe even plug himself so he could keep it in him the rest of the day. 
Markus took his time sliding out before taking the condom off, tying then tossing it in the trash. He flopped down onto the bed, pulling Connor to his chest. "This ok?" He mumbled. 
Connor nodded, wrapping himself around it. "That was the best I've had in a long time. You're amazing." He said, pressing a kiss to Markus's chest. 
Markus chuckled, gently soothing Connor's hair. "Why thank you." 
Connor hummed, closing his eyes and just basking in the warmth and happiness. He never wanted to leave his bed. 
He would have to, though. He'd have to forget all of this. If he didn't then he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about what happened or Markus. He'd never be able to forget the comfort of Markus's arms or the tenderness and adoration in the way he touched him. 
He hadn't even realized he started crying until Markus gently wiped away a tear. "Hey, you ok? Did I hurt you?" 
Connor sniffled, trying to hide his face. "No, you didn't. I'm… happy?" 
He was but he was also so sad. "I should probably leave." He said, pushing away from Markus. 
"Wait, what? I have this room until tomorrow. Do you have work?" He asks, running a hand down Connor's back as he sat on the edge of the bed. 
The way he seemed to completely respect that it was work. He didn't judge him for it at all. "I… I have to, I…" he trailed off, shaking his head. 
"You have to what?" Markus asks, placing a gentle kiss on his shoulder. "What do you need to do?" 
Connor roughly brushed his tears away. "I have to forget you. I can't… you're too good. I can't get attached. I'm sorry." He shook his head and stood, grabbing his bag and clothes. 
Markus was quick to follow him, tripling on a blanket. "Wait, Connor hold on!" 
Connor shook his head, trying to pull on his clothes. It was too much. This was all too much. 
He was quickly turned and pressed against the wall by Markus's strong hands. "Connor, wait." 
He ducked his head, hiding behind the strands of curly hair that fell into his face. "Please don't." He whimpered. 
Markus sighed, softly trailing his hands up and down Connor's arm, making him shiver. "Connor, hey, talk to me. I'm not here to judge." 
"I can't get attached, it's the worst thing to do in this profession. I can't stop just because someone I like asks me to. No matter how mind-blowing the sex is." No matter how beautiful and wanted it made him feel. 
Markus shook his head, brushing the hair out of his face. "I'd never ask you to stop. I… I'm not going to push you for anything you don't want. Maybe we can just be friends? There's just something about you." 
Connor knew exactly what he meant. It was like their bodies and minds were two puzzle pieces that fit seamlessly together. Friends. "I… I don't know." 
"We don't have to have any sex. Maybe just hang out whenever we're both free. I think North would adore you… oh, actually you meeting would be a very bad idea." Markus said, frowning. 
He tilted his head, "wait, why?" Wasn't she the one that had actually paid for him?
"I would not stand a chance if you two teamed up. Terrifying to think about." Markus smirked and Connor huffed. 
"Alright, friends. I guess we can start the whole no sex thing tomorrow." He said before leaning in to Markus. 
"So needy," Markus said, shaking his head fondly. 
"You love it," he whispered, pressing his lips against Markus's neck. 
"That I do."
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Loved your take on the angsty HCs! If nobody's asked you yet, can you do the domestic version as well? :) thank you!
Thank you so much, they were really fun!! Here’s the domestic one! 🥰
Who reaches out to new neighbors
Chloe. She’s always been the more sociable one of the two, and she’s the one that suggests that they have the new neighbours across the hall over for dinner. Beca of course complains about this, right up until she realises that one of her new neighbours is being dragged into this as much as she is and they bond over it. After the third time that Beca comes home from the bar after a night out with them, Chloe gets her to admit that it wasn’t a bad idea after all.
Who remembers to buy healthy food
Chloe. Beca would live on a diet of pizza and chips if she was left to her own devices, citing her busy schedule at work. Chloe makes a point of buying vegetables and fruit and other healthy snack foods so she can make healthy lunches for Beca to take with her, and tries to cook healthy stuff for them as often as possible for dinner.
Who remembers to buy junk food
Beca. Chloe tries so hard to get Beca to eat right, to convince her that she won’t have this amazing metabolism forever, but Beca just really likes pizza... It’s Beca that brings home chips, ice-cream, candy, takeout etc, and although Chloe rolls her eyes she doesn’t really mind. She enjoys watching Beca act like a big kid when she’s trying to subtly sneak a bag of chips into her home office to eat whilst she works.
Who fixes the oven when it breaks
Beca, although she never fixes it if anything she just makes it worse. Chloe knows that Beca is the least handy person on the planet, but god is it hot when she has a tool in her hand and she’s kinda sweaty from trying to fix something and her tongue is poking out a little with concentration. Chloe is handy on the other hand, and when Beca has got frustrated and given up, mumbling something about a bath and a glass of wine, Chloe will quickly fix whatever it is that Beca has broken and then congratulating a baffled Beca on being so handy. Why tell her the truth when Beca feels good about fixing things and Chloe gets to see her little handy woman at work?
Who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s)
Beca, surprisingly and begrudgingly. Chloe loves getting houseplants and adopting pets, and isn’t that she gets bored of them, she’s just a little scatterbrained sometimes. So it falls to Beca to water the plants all over the apartment and feed and walk their puppy T (it’s short for Titanium but Beca refuses to call her that), because if anything happens to either the dog or the plants Chloe will cry and Beca reallllly doesn’t want that.
Who wakes up earlier
Usually Chloe because of the hours she works at the vet clinic and Beca gets in really late from work when she’s either been recording or producing at the studio. Chloe sometimes sets her alarm a little earlier than she needs to so that she can spend a few minutes just watching Beca sleep, watch as the early rays of the morning sun highlights Beca’s sleepy frown and the lighter colours in her hair, a few moments just to bask in the fact that she’s the luckiest woman in the world.
Who makes the bed
Chloe. Beca never made the bed in four years of college, why the hell would she start now? Chloe likes having the bed all nice and neat for her to come back to after a long day, but Beca doesn’t care if the sheets are scrunched up as long as she can go to sleep next to Chloe (she says to try and win Chloe over, but it’s predominately because she’s lazy).
Who makes the coffee
Beca. She can’t survive without coffee so she’s always the one that makes it for them, usually woken by Chloe kissing her cheek which despite her protests is absolutely Beca’s favourite way to wake up. Beca usually takes her coffee back to bed after Chloe has gone to work, but she doesn’t mind getting up to make it for Chloe in her to-go cup before she goes to work. Because any time she gets to spend with the love of her life is worth it, no matter how early it is.
Who burns breakfast
Beca. She loves trying to make Chloe food, especially on big days like Chloe’s birthday, Valentine’s Day, or their anniversary, but it nearly always ends in a small kitchen mishap (and one time a small fire). Chloe loves that Beca cares enough to keep trying despite the fact that she knows it’s probably not going to go well.
How do they let each other know they’re leaving the house
Chloe kisses Beca’s forehead after they’ve had coffee and breakfast together before stroking her cheek with her thumb, pausing quietly for a second before saying: “I love you, have a great day.”
Beca is usually the only one home when she leaves for work so she simply texts Chloe that she’s got to work safely. But, when Beca’s on tour or has to be in early for a board meeting etc she wraps her arms tight around Chloe’s waist, kissing her and says: “I’m the luckiest woman in the whole damn world, I wish I didn’t have to leave you ever again.” (Because, at heart, Beca is a huge softie).
How do they greet each other when one of them gets home
Beca is usually the last one home, and with the late hours she spends in the recording studio Chloe is more often than not asleep. So Beca quickly changes and gets into bed, slipping her arms easily around Chloe’s waist and resting her head on Chloe’s shoulder after she kisses her softly. Chloe usually stirs a little and mumbles something along the lines of “You’re home, I missed you...” to which Beca simply smiles and responds: “Go back to sleep Chlo, I love you.”
It’s rare for Chloe to get home after Beca, but when she does she always makes a big deal of it, running into Beca’s arms like something out of a rom-com. Beca always rolls her eyes but she secretly loves it. Once in Beca’s arms, she plants soft kisses all over Beca’s face until Beca eventually cries Uncle.
Who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often
Beca. It surprised Chloe at first that Beca was such a romantic, but it’s never something she’s ever complained about. Beca not only brings home little gifts, but she also has them sent to the clinic on occasion with little notes like: “I miss you when you’re not right here next to me” and when she’s away on tour Beca makes sure to send something at least once a week. But Chloe’s all time favourite gifts from Beca? Those would be the little USB sticks that arrive in little gift boxes with mash ups and playlists that Beca has made her, because Chloe knows that music is Beca’s love language.
Who picks the movie for movie night
Chloe. Beca hates movies, and when she was with Jesse she hated them more than normal because he used to force the issue. But when Chloe suggests a movie Beca minds less because she knows that Chloe won’t spend the whole time watching her for her reaction to it, she just wants to spend time with her. This doesn’t mean that Beca doesn’t protest when Chloe picks a rom-com or roll her eyes through a boringly predictable crime thriller, but she secretly loves watching movies with Chloe, not least because it means she gets to cuddle up with her on their sofa.
Their favorite kind of movie to watch
Chloe knows Beca hates them, but she loves a rom-com, and about the only film that Beca will sit through with relatively little complaint are slasher horror films which Chloe watches from behind a pillow. One night, Chloe suggests a compromise of sorts: they watch Hocus Pocus (it’s a halloween film, but it’s also a comedy). Beca protests to begin with, but she loves it (who doesn’t?) and now it’s there go to film every movie night, it never gets old.
Who first suggests a pillow fort
Chloe because at heart she’s still a little kid who loves doing little kid things like making pillow forts. Beca rolls her eyes and teases her about it, but she loves Chloe’s childish side, loves the childlike wonder she has so eventually relents.
Who builds the pillow fort
Beca. She gets really into it much to both hers and Chloe’s surprise and it becomes an elaborate fort. When Chloe asks Beca why she got so excited about it, Beca blushes deeply and admits that between being an only child and her parent’s divorcing, she never had anyone to build pillow forts with. Chloe thinks it’s adorable, and makes a point of building a fort every month. It’s in a pillow fort that Chloe asks Beca to marry her, it’s in a pillow fort that Beca tells Chloe that the IVF took, and it’s in a pillow fort that they tell their daughter that she’s getting a sister.
Who tries to distract the other during the move
Beca. Unless it’s Hocus Pocus, Beca usually has very little interest in the movie they’re watching. She spends most of the movie kissing Chloe’s neck, nibbling her earlobe, brushing her fingers along the inside of her thigh. Chloe always tries her best to ignore it, but Beca has always had this spell binding effect on her, and Chloe can’t remember the last time they got through an entire movie.
Who falls asleep first
Beca. On the rare nights that they’re getting into bed at the same time, Beca always wants to stay awake and talk, listen, hell just look at Chloe and savour this time together, but something about being in Chloe’s arms in their bed soothes her and relaxes to the point where she falls asleep almost instantly, feeling safe and content in Chloe’s embrace.
Who is big spoon/little spoon
It alternates. Typically it’s Beca that’s the little spoon, she is the shortest after all, but when Chloe has had an especially bad day at work when she’s had to put down animals or deal with terrible owners then it’s Beca that’s the big spoon as she comforts Chloe and presses kisses into her hair.
I loved these, they were super fun!! Thanks mate!! 🥰💖
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my angsty or domestic headcanons!
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Nothing if not an opportunist (Fraxus)
Short summary: Freed gets kidnapped and Laxus picks his ass up, bc being together is what nice boyfriends do uwu
A more than agreeable way to start one's morning would be with a nice cup of coffee and some baked goods of choice. Should the weather be pleasant, this delightful breakfast could've been taken in his garden. The flowerfilled wonder would look and smell heavenly in the soft light of the morning sun. But alas, hypotheticals are merely that and Freed is having a far less enjoyable morning so far.
Rest of the fic under the cut!
It goes without question that a group of people ambushing you on your way home is far from ideal. It only gets worse when they decide to tie you up with magic-blocking handcuffs right after that and throw you in the back of some dinky carriage. Rude.
With a sigh, Freed repositions himself, trying to find a posture that doesn't cut off his blood circulation. Thanks to an ungodly amount of yoga sessions with Bickslow, he quickly achieves his goal but it's still a far cry from his cozy couch. Inspecting the space, he tuts in disapproval. No cushions, no blankets, not even a beanbag. They should really level up their accommodations if they wanted to avoid the wrath of their temporary guests. A shame they didn't keep that in mind, but Freed sure as hell will.
While he's debating what exactly the awful stench invading his nostrils is, he catches the men in the front talking about a certain topic that catches his attention. His ransom note. Briefly, he mentally deducts some points from them for not putting silencing runes in place.
As the men talk in a not at all hushed tone of voice, it quickly becomes clear that there's no interest in him personally. It's Laxus they're after. A bit predictable and consequently, a bit boring. He mentally deducts a few more points. If they keep this up, they'll end up becoming the worst team that kidnapped him in the shortest amount of time.
Because he considers himself a graceful man, raised right as well as raised to be a bastard, he puts his face between the bars separating him and his kidnappers. "Good day gentlemen," he starts politely and in return, one of them spits in his face. Disappointing. He'll keep it in mind. Outwardly unperturbed, he continues. "I have been listening to your attempts at writing a threatening ransom note for the past half hour and quite frankly, I am not at all impressed. Please try to be at least intelligible, we wouldn't want them to get wrong impressions right?"
"Shut up, I'll torture and kill you", one of them growls and Freed nods enthusiastically. "That's it! Clear and to the point. Now please describe exactly how you'll do it and I'll rephrase it for you. I want my ransom note to be up to my standards. I expect both eloquence and elegance. Maybe even a hint of cheekiness if we're feeling up to it." As the man starts a litany of threats and curses, Freed carefully paraphrases everything, which only heats the man up more. As he gets his enjoyment out of harassing the man, he catches his accomplice writing down his more concrete, paraphrased version of the threats.
Although he missed out on a nice, peaceful morning he can't say that he isn't enjoying himself right now. Being a pest is an artform he's fully mastered.
Laxus hasn't seen Freed all day and to be honest, he hadn't really been worried. That is until he's sipping on a beer while Bickslow and Evergreen are making themselves a tad bit too comfortable on his couch. They had thrown him off and are currently engaged in a fight for the sole rights to the leather-worn throne. Seeing how vicious the fight is turning, he's glad that he had already been eliminated from the fight.
A letter is shoved underneath his door and although Laxus is lightning fast, he's unable to catch even a glimpse of the mailman. "A secret love letter!" Bickslow exclaims from his place on the floor and Evergreen rolls her eyes in response. "If that was a love letter, I'd throw it in the trash. Look at the shoddy thing!"
She's right, Laxus realises. The letter looks awful, crumpled and stained with what seems to be blood. Worry increasing, he opens it up and quickly scans the content of the text. His concern reaches a peak when he spots the long lock of green hair attached to the letter and as he holds it up, Evergreen and Bickslow hiss in unison. "Our baby got kidnapped again, didn't he?" Bickslow asks and Laxus nods.
"They've included an address and say I should come weaponless and with magic-blocking cuffs already on. They say they have to settle a score with me and if I don't come within the next 48 hours they'll kill him. With every hour the torture also increases."
Bickslow whistles between his teeth. "Guess ya gotta go huh?" Evergreen frowns. "Do you even have magic blocking cuffs?" she asks and he points at the ceiling. "In my bedroom", he says and while Bickslow cackles, Evergreen's frown only gets deeper. "Why are there magic-blocking handcuffs in your bedroom...?" When Laxus returns with the green, fluffy cuffs, Evergreens' disappointment is palpable. "They've got little lightning bolts on them!" he tries to defend himself and it sounds ridiculous to his own ears.
Trying to desperately change the subject, he asks if they want to come along on the rescue mission. The answer's a firm no. "The aftermath of these situations are never pretty", Evergreen whispers, eyes clouded with a distant emotion. "I don't want to see the violence, the effects of hopelessness", Bickslow adds, swallowing dryly. Laxus understands their sentiment better than anyone. "Then I'll be bringing him back", he promises, although he knows he doesn't have to. They know he does it every time without fail.
Laxus arrives at the castle at twilight, light and dark intertwining as he enters the too quiet place. Normally castles of this size should be alive, the hum of the hustling and bustling of servants forming the core of it's sound. Although he can hear people scurrying about far away, there's still the lingering feeling that it is way too quiet. It's as though the castle is awaiting his arrival with baited breath.
Upon entering the hall, he's greeted by a quivering maid. Unable to look him in the eyes, she asks: "Master Dreyar, I presume?" while directing her gaze at the floor. "Take me where I need to be." He doesn't mean to be so brusque, but he has no time to spare for useless pleasantries.
She quickly guides him to the main room and even before he enters it, he knows that the room will be a show of absolute opulence, meant to intimidate him from the get go. As soon as he enters, his suspicions are confirmed.
The ceiling is as high as the ceiling of most gothic churches and the candles lighting up the room are a mere few. Nevertheless, every grim decoration in the rooms is properly lit. The decorative skulls, the chains, everything is immersed in the same eerie glow. In this faint light, Laxus can make out the servants stationed at the sides of the carpet leading to the throne. Behind them, there are scratches on the walls, destroyed tables and what seems to be... bits and bops of human beings. It's like an Ikea set of human remains.
A cough draws his attention to the throne. The glow of the lights reflects of the crown of the man sitting on it. The light also bounces off the bejeweled cape draped across his shoulders and Laxus can't help but stare. Perched on the throne like a lazy cat who has very much made a place formerly belonging to someone else is his own, is Freed Justine. "Hello Laxus, I was wondering when you'd show up. Did you like my letter?"
As Freed slinks of the throne and walks towards him, with every piece of jewelry that comes to light as he draws closer, jingling softly. The sound matches Freed's natural sound well and the lavish jewelry take his already handsome looks to another level. That and the horns accentuating the crown, the little tinge of red left on his too sharp teeth as well as the glow in his usually hidden eye.
He's not surprised at this situation in the slightest, as this is how Freed's kidnappings usually go. The man is simply too charming, too cunning and too powerful to be contained by a few simple bandits. The only reason Laxus comes to pick him up, is because he knows Freed enjoys being walked home. It's the simple things, like this form of domesticity, that makes their relationship so enjoyable.
"I asked the servants to prepare us a meal before we set off? Would you join me Mister Dreyar?" he asks teasingly. "It is our date night after all." With a smile he agrees. "It is, this is very considerate of you." Freed gives him a chuckle and a wink in return. "I'm nothing if not an opportunist." They toast to that later on.
Once back at the guild, Makarov flags them down, concern evident on his face. "You've got to take better care of him", he hisses at Laxus and before Laxus can tell him that he really doesn't have to, Freed smoothly cuts in. "Please don't worry about it master, he already does such a splendid job of saving me every time. A man can't ask for more than a splendid hero, right?"
Although it's a lie totally dicrediting Freed's own skill, Laxus doesn't correct him, even though he wants to. He knows Freed by now, knows that every lie, every piece of omitted information is probably part of a scheme of a sly mind that never stops working. He knows that the image of a mage depending on Laxus makes him a walking target and Laxus knows that the man enjoys nothing more than a good fight. Maybe there's more to it than Freed's hobby of beating up people, maybe there isn't. Either way, Laxus loves watching Freed's plans unfold, even if it means that he has to hold his tongue sometimes.
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masterofmaagnetism · 4 years
A Monster in the Dark - Chapter 9
[ self ship fanfic about Nightmare Bonnie and my insomniac s/i :) ]
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NightBon’s silence was starting to get suspicious, and Cane was 90% sure that if it could grin, it would.
Even with the underlying fear of what it was planning, he held his ground. Besides, ignoring the monster had been doing wonders for his focus. He’d managed to find out that there was, in fact, a Christopher Afton that had been bitten at Fredbear’s Family diner, so all he needed now was if the nightmares had plagued him before the bite or if they hadn’t haunted Chris at all, instead attacking his brother, who they simply thought was him.
The nightmares couldn’t have possibly happened after the bite- from what Cane could tell, the poor kid’s frontal lobe had been bitten clean off, therefore removing his ability to feel fear or even dream.
“You can’t ignore me forever,” he heard NightBon begin to whine from the living room, rolling his eyes at its ability to underestimate him constantly. It was sad though, how quickly NightBon got bored of staying quiet. He was enjoying the peace.
“I sure can,” he muttered under his breath, perking up at the sound of snickering. He assumed NightBon was sitting on the bed behind him, until he noticed the quiet sound of whispering.
He slowly turned around, both surprised and somehow not when he saw the monstrous bear from his nightmares sitting on his bed, three much smaller bears sitting on various parts of him.
To be honest, Cane had always been rather chill with this one. He’d never seen the inside of Freddy, as far as he remembered, so even the nightmarish version seemed chill enough that he didn’t instill the same fear in him.
“Oh, so you’re finally coming out to play, huh?” he questioned, gaining another chuckle from the bear. He only now noticed that the bed didn’t dip with the weight of the animatronic, despite the fact that he was huge, proving that they couldn’t make themselves solid.
His attention was immediately caught by the bear’s hand (paw?) moving though, and his gaze stayed locked on it as Freddy moved it up to his mouth, holding his index finger up to his maw as a signal to stay quiet.
“We wouldn’t want Bonnie to come charging in, now would we?” he teased, his voice a low rumble and somehow more comforting than horrifying, the exact opposite of Nightbon’s voice.
Wait. If he didn’t want NightBon hearing… “It doesn’t know I can see you, does it?” Cane asked, his voice lowered to a near whisper. He’d learned that NightBon’s hearing was shit, so he didn’t need to make his voice any softer than this.
Freddy shook his head, his cubs noticing and copying the movement in their own frantic little way. “I’m the only other one strong enough to appear, but it’s rather amusing to watch it fumble from afar.”
“I’m guessing y’all aren’t exactly… friends. At least, not anymore?” God was he glad Freddy would answer his questions, NightBon had been less than helpful after it first appeared.
Freddy nodded again, tilting his head slightly when a grin flashed across Cane’s face. “Oh, sorry, I don’t- I’m not happy y’all aren’t friends anymore, it’s just so nice to have someone cooperative instead of that jackass.”
The chuckle that came from Freddy this time was a low, amused rumble, one that almost made Cane feel… safe. Interesting how that worked.
Before either of them could say anything, the alarm on Cane’s phone that he set for leaving to go to work went off, causing the human to jump and the bear to just give it a curious look. 
Cane quickly shut it off, shoving his phone in his pocket and making sure he had everything. “Hey,” he said, catching Freddy’s attention again, “I’m not calling you Freddy. I’ll come up with a name for you when I get back, okay?”
He didn’t wait for an answer, simply grabbing his bag and darting out the bedroom door. He kissed Cheesy Dip on the head as a goodbye before heading out the front door, not even checking to make sure NightBon was following.
He could already tell something was off when he got to the diner that day. Scrap was nowhere to be found, and the animatronics were switched on.
Well, Sequin and Salem were switched on, he hadn’t been to the other two rooms yet.
Sequin was the obvious singer of the two. She was actually the shortest of the four, standing at only 6 foot while the others were 7 foot. Still, she was his second favourite, seeing as snakes were his favourite animal.
She was actually the most ambitious of the animatronics, since she didn’t have legs. No, her lower half was all snake. It wasn’t likely she’d leave the stage because of it, but it was incredible, and the way it moved made her almost seem like a real snake.
She was also the most muted of the group, being made out of a dark brown metal. Her eyes, however, were a bright yellow. Scrap told him it was because it made it look like she had little suns in her eyes. Azriel said it was actually because it made her look more snakelike.
Salem, on the other hand, was the only other mammal, being an opossum and all. Their “fur” was a greyish cream colour, and they did actually have fur, sort of. It felt like fur, but he knew it was just that fake fur that all animatronics got.
Their eyes were a deep brown, bordering on black, but they always had this playful glint to them. They were programmed to move off the stage, according to Azriel, so they had to look approachable.
But at this moment, neither of them looked anywhere near approachable.
And then they looked at him.
Canetheus turned on his heel without hesitation, heading out of the room so fast that it almost looked like he was running. This had to be a prank of some sort, Azriel and Scrap were just messing with him.
That seemed pretty plausible, until he ran into a hard, cold chest. He froze, unable to look up at the animatronic that was now holding him by the arms, making it impossible to move away from the metallic chest.
Cane had never been scared of Spade before, but now he was wishing he’d never even looked at the bat.
“You’re smarter than the nightguard,” he whispered, leaning down closer to Cane. “For that, I’ll give you a headstart. The office is in the back of the building. Let’s see if you can make it.”
The second he was released, Cane took off toward the back, running faster than he even knew he could. He could hear Sequin laughing, probably at how scared he was, and only vaguely noted that it sounded a lot more human than the programmed laugh he was used to.
He made it to the office in record time, glancing around for anything he could defend himself with. No weapons, unfortunately, but he could close the doors on either side of him, and the vent behind him.
And, thank god, there was a camera system. If this was what the nightguard went through every night, he’d have to congratulate them later on surviving literal hell.
That is, if he survived.
NightBon was losing it as it watched Cane dash through the halls of the diner towards his only hope of surviving, gaining a harsh glare from Spade.
“What? This is hilarious! He’s gonna WISH he only had to deal with me after this!” it exclaimed, a little disappointed when Spade just rolled his eyes and returned to his stage, getting ready to run for that office too.
It could only assume Spade thought it was going a little too far just for some attention, but it decided to ignore that little fact. After all, Cane had let it in, and it was only fair that he stop trying to block it back out.
So what if it could possibly be making things worse, all it knew is that if he was scared of the monsters in real life, he would be more open to the monsters in his mind, aka NightBon.
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har-rison-s · 5 years
you've silenced the great richie tozier!
request: I love your writings! You said you will write for all of the losers? Would you write a Richie x reader where the reader is an even bigger trash mouth and he’s like oh thats super hot?
A/N: Bonsoir, ladies and gents. Saturday, 19:45. Starting a little earlier, yay. Really wanna finish this tonight. I've watched 3 horror movies today, jesus christ. + Now I'm home alone. Now it's Sunday, haha. My eyes are tired from crying (I watched Chapter Two again and cried everything out). But I wanna finish this, I hope I do. Yah, lol, I didn't even live up to my own expectations. It's Tuesday and I really hope I actually finish and post this tonight. Happy reading!
warnings: strong language, horrible jokes cause I'm no comedian in all actuality.
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gif credit goes to owner, which isn't me!
“Beats spending it inside your mother.” Richie's exclaims and raises a hand for Stanley to high-five, but the boy brings it down. Last day of school, the boys have emptied their school bags of their contents, and are currently sharing their summer plans.
“Oh, it's Y/N.” Eddie announces, he sees the girl coming towards him and his friends. “Hi, Y/N.” Eddie waves at her and Y/N waves back.
“Hey, virgins.” She greets them with a big smile. The boys respond with quiet “hellos”, and they expect Richie to respond with something in his style of conversation, but there's just a small “hello” from him, too. Bill shows his surprise, looking at Richie with raised eyebrows. Y/N senses the strange silence between the four and scratches the back of her head out of pure nerves. “Why are we all so stiff? Playing manikins?”
“Yeah, haven't heard of the new play? The plot is set in a clothing store.” Richie says, his tongue back to work. Y/N narrows her eyes at the boy.
“And I assume you'll be playing the guy who gets a wardrobe makeover?” She raises an eyebrow, and eyes Richie up and down. His friends laugh, and for the first time in his life, Richie doesn't have anything to say. Even his friends notice. “So, what are you guys doing today? Last day of school!” Y/N wiggles her eyebrows with a grin on her lips.
“W-we have thuh-the Bar-Barrens.” Bill informs her. “Y-You wanna come al-along?”
“Sure. I've got nothing else to do, anyway.” Y/N shrugs.
“You're so sweet.” Richie says sarcastically.
“No sweeter than your dad's tongue.” She shoots right back, which earns laughter from the other three boys. Richie's quite frozen on the spot from her quick response. He adjusts his glasses. There's many things to say, but none of them cross Richie's mind. And he hates to be losing at a conversation of this sort.
The group of five start to head towards their bikes, though Henry Bowers and his friends are unfortunately in the group's way. First Bowers pushes Richie into Stanley, which causes both boys to fall down. Y/N immediately runs over to them and helps the boys to get back up on their feet.
Once they're up again, Richie and Stan both thank her for it. One boy is more flustered than the other, looking at her with deep red cheeks. Confidently, and without shame, Y/N faces Henry Bowers and shows him her clearly pissed off expression. But the bully isn't looking at her yet. “Hey, Bowers!” She calls out to him. Eddie, Richie, Stan and Bill look to her in a contained panic, and the Bowers gang, all four of them, turn their attention to Y/N, and the main bully sees the angry expression on her face. But it doesn't intimidate him in the slightest. “The fact that you're a dick doesn't make yours bigger.”
“Are you crazy?!” Eddie hisses to her, but Y/N pays no mind to the boy. Eddie's clearly in worry about her further well-being. Henry Bowers starts approaching her, and she stands bravely between her friends, not intimidated. And even though she's not afraid of the bully, she knows she should have kept her mouth shut. Just like Richie, this curse of always spitting out jokes and insults, will get her literally killed one day.
“Your summer will be hell.” Bowers growls. “You'll wish you were never born, you slag.” He tells her.
Y/N still looks at the bully, her slight anger rising more and more in his eyes, and feels a tugging at her skirt. It's Bill, signalling for her that it's time to go, but she doesn't notice him yet. “At least I'm not a failure like you.” She shoots right back at Bowers.
“Fuck!” Richie curses and they have to grab Y/N and make her leave with them a bit forcefully. The only way she could survive now is just to run. She and the boys head in a quick pace to their bikes, they're running as fast as they can, the Bowers gang right behind them. Though it's a little hard for Henry to run when his legs are like wooden sticks.
Though Richie is scared to death to actually get caught by Bowers and for Y/N to have the same destiny, he's very impressed by her. She's just like him, but—wait, could that be possible?—a bigger trashtalker than Richie. Could that really be possible?
He's also a bit jealous of her, but mostly he finds this increased, female-version-of-him Y/N quite… attractive. And not just because she speaks the way he does and because their personalities are basically the same, but also because she's pretty. She's very pretty. Though he feels like her personality bests her looks (No offense, Y/N's face, he thinks). She's magnetic.
“Fuck, I forgot my bike.” Y/N realises a big detail.
“You can ride with me.” Eddie proposes, and Y/N nods. They try to get on their bikes as fast as they can, with Bowers right around the corner.
“Be careful, Eddie, she might give you cooties.” Richie says, already on his bike and waiting for his friends to get started.
“You've already got all of them.” Y/N responds before Eddie can, and the boys laugh, despite their situation.
Y/N gets on the back of Eddie's bike, and off they all go. Bill leads his friends the shortest way to the Barrens, they pedal behind him as fast as they can. Y/N hears Bowers yelling profanities after them, threats that he will find them and make this summer their last.
But the girl only laughs at his threats and yells, and that takes Richie's attention once again. He adjusts his glasses and grins at the girl. She's completely untouched by Bowers and what comes with the name, the fear of him is chained to his last name like a dog to a fence. She's reckless, and she's funny. She's got a strong spirit. And Richie digs that. He hasn't met a girl like her before.
At least one that hangs out with him and his friends, and is, on the inside, a good person. Y/N looks over at Richie. “What are you looking at, Tozier?” She asks. “Glasses don't work? I'm not Diane Lane, sorry, sweetheart.”
The other boys laugh, but Richie's reaction is lesser. There's only a smile on his lips. “You wish.” He says to her, and Y/N sticks out her tongue at him.
“You wish you were Matt Dillon, Tozier.” She says, and looks at the road in front of her, and Eddie's hair that gets in the way of this view.
Richie hangs onto her words, and doesn't want to admit the truth in them. He does wish so, Dillon's the biggest heartthrob of this decade. There isn't a boy who doesn't wish to be in his shoes, with his looks and his charm. Cause all the girls dig Matt Dillon.
“You like him?” Richie asks her, and Y/N turns her head back at him. She raises an eyebrow once again.
“What's it to you?” She asks. Richie pretends like he's thinking, thinking deeply. His hand on his chin and a far-away look in his eyes.
“Say, what would you do if I woke up tomorrow and I would be Matt Dillon? Look like him, talk like him.” Richie proposes an idea. “What's your action?” He raises an eyebrow and grins suggestively.
“You'd be in Hollywood, which is a thousand miles away, so… I wouldn't really be able to do anything.” Y/N says, shrugging.
“Take a left!” Bill yells from the front, and Eddie speeds in front of an appalled Richie. The glassed boy only stares after Y/N on the back of Eddie's bike. She's got a big grin on her face, and she even laughs at Richie. Once again, she's made him lose his voice.
“Ha-ha! I'm in front of you!” Eddie brags to Richie. The boy's always been the fastest, but not now. He can't even think of being at the very front of his friend group. It doesn't even seem to matter now, doesn't seem like the most important thing.
What does though, is how to out-smart this girl. But looks like she's always a step--no, correction--a joke ahead of Richie. She's out-sassed him, and Richie is blown away. No one's ever done that before. And a girl? Most girls these days can't even look guys in the eye without fainting or blushing red like tomatoes. But Y/N's different. And Richie can't deny that he finds her hot, and her snapping back and out-smarting him.
Through the time the Losers and Y/N spent together on the last day of school, most of it was spent listening to Y/N and Richie going back and forth with jokes, too-corny-to-be-used-properly pick-up lines and pop-culture references. Though Y/N mostly beat him down, winning the unofficial contest. And she left Richie with his mind blank and mouth hanging open quite often. Bill, Eddie and Stanley had laughed at their friend. They were thankful to have found someone who makes the all-powerful Richie Tozier stutter and actually doubt his superiority in the comedy business.
He became quite fascinated with her, and he couldn't even hide his blush when she spoke to him. Though he did try to hide it, she still saw the pink tint coloring his squishy cheeks. And she had laughed, but to herself. She didn't want to embarrass the boy more than she already had. But it did make her feel a little powerful to be able to do so.
“Oh, no, now I get it.” She had said, and Richie had looked at her. For some reason, he thought she'd have a genuine statement to make. “You're auditioning for the red dress in the play.” She had concluded, and left Richie with his voice stuck in his throat.
“With a pale skin like yours, you'll do great as the white one!” He'd soon replied, which earned him a splash of Derry sewer water on his legs. The boy had only laughed and looked at the magnetic girl with wondering, wide eyes.
“I'll do great as a vampire.” Y/N had responded, and made a face that was supposed to mock the mentioned creature.
“And live off other people's blood? Disgusting, but enticing.” Richie makes an i'm-thinking face.
“I think blood is much more valuable than relying on them to always laugh at your jokes.” Y/N had admitted, and that earned her a splash of grey water on her legs. She'd squealed, but with a smile, and given an even bigger splash back to Richie. He'd gasped, almost covered in the liquid head to toe, and looked at Y/N.
“You're dead!” He'd screamed and pin-pointed the moment all hell broke loose. More specifically, he broke the hell right onto Y/N. An intense water duel had begun then, which no one except Richie and Y/N took part in, finding the activity more disgusting and unnecessary than standing by and watching would ever be.
Permanent tag-list:  @gabiatthedisco @v0idbella@inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs @works-of-fanfiction @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen @stfxlou @ur-gunna-h8-ths @betweenloveandfire @but-legendsneverdie @deardeacy @thewinchesterchronicles @mavieesttriste16@mrsmazzello @benhardyseyes @langdonzvoid @intrrverted @the-freak-cassie-131 @eddie-spaghetti-boi @radiantrichie​ @terratori812 @urban-dreams​
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darkestwolfx · 5 years
Chain of Command - Re-Review #23
“How quickly can we stablise that bridge?”
“Faster than you can say ‘Thunderbirds are go’.”
“Thunderbirds are go.”
“Ok, maybe I was exaggerating a little.”
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So... Firstly I thought you would all appreciate Scott popping up like that in your feed! Secondly though, that didn’t exactly go to plan... I mean, there’s meant to be a bridge and the bridge kinda tumbles, and with that we have our first known failed (I use that word lightly because the only thing lost was something which can be rebuilt) rescue and our episode!
“Head’s up!”
“Heads up? Thunderbird Two, how about duck?”
“This may not be as bad as it looks.”
I’ll admit I was a little worried about Scott falling... and I just want to say that that was a very mean place in which to insert the opening credits!
“Scott, head’s up.”
“Don’t you mean duck?”
“Not this time.”
P.S. Thunderbird One has a Protocol Alpha in case of emergency? That is just so cool!
“It’s settling. All structures do.”
“Oh no.”
“It times like this I’m glad I’m up here.”
Yeah, I’m with you John.
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So Colonel Casey (right) has always played a big part in the Thunderbirds story (for playing a very little part in the actual series). Colonel Casey’s only televised appearance (prior to TAG) was in the TOS episode ‘The Edge of Impact’. In this episode we are told that he knows nothing of IR’s operations. However we later learn in ‘The Imposters’ that Jeremiah Tuttle (left) does know, and is even an Agent like Lady Penelope! This always struck me as odd, as in the TV series (1965), Casey is described as being one of Jeff’s best, long-term friends from when they both worked with the World Space Association. In the comics and cards that were released also in 1965, they adapted this, and implied Tim and Jeff met when they were young and then ended up re-meeting due to both working at WSA. Whichever you take as your gospel, both versions imply long term connection.
With all that in mind, and with him knowing the boys so well, it did always miff me as to why he wasn’t brought in on it. It does make more sense to have her involved in TAG. In TOS we had Tim, in TAG we have... they never said, so take your pick.
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And enter Janus. Now, Janus originated in Ancient Roman Religion&Myth. In many ways, he’s like Hades (Greek Myth) - a keeper of gates, except the Roman’s didn’t associate him with ‘death’ as such, rather beginnings and endings or transitions. They also associated him with time (like Pluto), but in many ways he was imagined more like Mars (War). Images of him show him having two faces.
Janus was later associated with the Devil through the Witch Trials, believed to be a Witches God (but later proven as a male Priest dressed in a double faced mask). In the original saying of people being ‘two faced’, it was to imply they were like Janus, looking backwards and forwards, thus playing the field. So whether you want to think of him like Pluto, manipulating time, or like Mars, inciting war, or like Hades, seeking death, or just the two-faced keeper of pathways - ultimately it is undeniable that Janus is manipulative.
Exactly like this man, who doesn’t only manipulate the field during the episode, but is actually being manipulated himself by none other than The Hood.Talk about two faced, right?
P.S. Anyone else think these two were made to be at loggerheads with each other? I mean, look at those expressions!
“International Rescue has been answering to no-one for too long.”
“That’s the way we like it.”
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“From now on we have to get the GDF permission to deploy. We’ve been grounded!”
“Scott, you haven’t technically been grounded. You just have to ask Colonel Janus for permission.”
Um... Lady Penelope, in his mind, they are the same thing.
The cross-talk is still perfection on this show too.
“That little control freak wants to get ‘is teeth hinto heverything.”
“Parker’s right. We can’t let Janus do this to us!”
“hI wasn’t talking habout the Colonel.”
But really Scott’s annoyance at being grounded! Heck, I can imagine he might have been one hell of a child to manage at times.
“I’ve got this.”
“Don’t forget to get permission.”
The little silence here just said it all. Alan isn’t helping the situation and scott better not do it because the conversation would turn into an argument.
“I’ll take care of that.”
Another good call, John.
“Permission denied? How can they do that!”
“Scott, you need to turn around. We really have been grounded.”
Maybe not the best thing to have to say to Scott though...
“Will ‘is Majesty be joining hus, M’Lady?”
Parker carrying Sherbet on his arm and under that umbrella was priceless! i love how the dog got the umbrella and not Lady Penelope!
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“Soon to be the world’s tallest city.”
“Or the word’s shortest.”
“Call the Principal’s office and secure us a hall pass.”
“Way ahead of you.”
“This time we won’t take no for an answer.”
“And the answer is no.”
And the answer is actually: Thunderbirds Are Go.
Look at the family all together and bad-ass. That’s the brother’s we know right there. And I love how many of these moments this episode gave us. It was like a power house of Tracy family moments as well as well-written action and thought-through deceit.
“All agreed?”
Really, when they want to, these boys find it incredibly easy to agree and not bicker .I know I said it before in ‘Skyhook’, but I really do admire how they managed to write that quality so believably. In a family of that size you’re bound to have your fair share of disagreements - and through those, their agreements are perfectly valid and believable.
“Guys, this isn’t the time.”
“John’s right. We still have no word from Brains if it’s effective.”
“Sorry Scott, I really need to work on my phrasing. What I meant to say is... you have a situation.”
Maybe they should all work on their phrasing after this episode?
“Stall him while I track down Lady P. Maybe her connections will help.”
“If she doesn’t torpedo us for rocking the exact boat she told us not to.”
I’m calling that Gordon so got the blame (especially from Parker) for this one.
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I love how many failed attempts this GDF team ends up with. Did they really think it would be that easy to break into a Thunderbird? Biggest mistake ever. Or maybe the biggest mistake ever was lying (oh, sorry, not knowing the truth to tell) to Parker.
“It was sabotage. Not our Equipment.”
“I knew it!”
Yeah, okay, give Alan a prize. He did call it ten episodes that you could find a picture of The Hood in the dictionary under the word sabotage.
Excuse me everyone whilst I get in contact with Oxford Dictionary and ask them to the the hundredth - and whatever number we’re on - reprint.
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Together again! That’s twice in one episode - seriously, how lucky are we! But seriously I do love these moments because they are definitely how the boys live when there isn’t IR work to be done and serves to remind us of their humanity.
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shi-daisy · 5 years
Black Moon Rising Pt.1
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Hello my dear shippers! For day 5 and 6 of Ulquihime Week I'll be making a two part lil' fic. I've had this idea for a while and I thought it would be fun to play with.
So most of you know I have a full length Ulquihime fic on FF.net and on Wattpad. It's basically an AU where Orihime saved Ulquiorra and he went on to live with her in Karakura. That's the shortest version of the plot anyway. So this is sorta like a 'what if' with that plot. Orihime still saved Ulquiorra, but instead of him going with her and becoming more human, she turns into an Arrancar and crosses over to his side. Hope you all like!
Ulquihime Week -Day 5- Protect/Blood
Black Moon Rising (Pt. 1)
The carnage between the two hollows had covered the silvery sand in crimson.
Orihime was desperately trying to heal Uryu, as Ichigo had tried stabbed him earlier.
"Inoue, please don't waste your time here. Just run and get to safety."
"I'm not going to leave you behind Ishida-kun! You're bleeding badly and Kurosaki is still in that awful form, so I don't care how much you tell me to leave, I'm staying here!"
He didn't argue further and let Orihime heal him. From the smoke around them, she couldn't see either Ichigo or Ulquiorra. 'What happened to them?'
That question was swiftly answered when she felt a dark pressure beside her. It was Ichigo, and his hollow mask hadn't cracked. Ulquiorra was nowhere to be found.
Orihime put herself between Ishida and Ichigo, calling up a shield just in case. “Stay back Kurosaki-kun! " Her tone was fearful. In truth, she didn't like yelling, especially not at Ichigo, but there wasn't anything else she could do. He had already proven he couldn't be reasoned with.
The hollow growled, not too keen on the suggestion of stepping aside. With one motion of his blade, Orihime's golden shield was shattered.
The hollow began charging another cero between it's horns. Orihime tried to conjure up another shield but knew it wouldn't be fully materialized in time. She closed her eyes, hoping Uryu's wounds would be fully healed before she died. 'At least one of us needs to survive.'
But death didn't come. Before Ichigo could blast then, Ulquiorra apeared behind him, breaking one of Ichigo's horns with his spear.
The cero was redirected, and once again smoke covered the area.
"I can see Kurosaki. I think he's back to normal."
Orihime nodded, checking Uryu's wounds one last time before investigating. "Your wounds are healed. If something happens to me, you must run, Ishida-kun."
With that she left. The smoke was slowly fading and she could see Ichigo finally waking up. He looked as if that hollow transformation hadn't happened, and his wounds were fully healed. 'Typical, he never needed me to heal him before, why should he start now?' Orihime then began looking for Ulquiorra, she found him in a worst state than she imagined.
The Cuarta Espada was out cold, his body burned and bloody so badly that she doubted it could be repaired.
"Ulquiorra!" Orihime kneeled down on the sand, placing his head on her lap. His eyes were slowly opening. She quickly cast Soten Kisshun, it wasn't working.
"Woman, what are you doing?" Ulquiorra spoke, his voice was as monotone as always.
"What does it look like doing?! I'm trying to save you!"
"Nonsense. I have lost the battle, I deserve to perish."
"Like hell! I'm going to heal you and that's final, so shut up!"
She didn't know where that sudden burst of anger came from until tears fell down her face. Ulquiorra's wounds were not healing, even with her power.
Desperation began to take over as the blood kept on pouring.
'No, no, no! I can't let him die!'
"I told you, it's useless. Leave me here. Your friends did as you said and came to protect you, it wouldn't be fair for their efforts to go to waste."
"What about you?! Who protects you?!"
It was getting hard to see with her watery eyes, still she caught Ulquiorra's vivid expression. His emerald eyes were widened in surprise, she'd never seen Ulquiorra show any emotion before. It suited him.
"Orihime, listen to me, and listen well. You're the only person that cares if I live or die. That's more than I ever expect to have. Just leave me be, and save yourself."
She wouldn't. She wouldn't abandon him. Not even if he begged her to.
Their earlier conversation came to mind, when he put his hand on her chest and asked her about the heart. She could sense it, the sadness and longing that he kept hidden under a layer of nihilism. From that moment onwards she promised herself, she would show Ulquiorra what it was like to have a heart, if just to see her warden smile. She didn't expect things to go so wrong. 'Why? Why do I always have to be the one 'protected'? Why does it always lead to pain?'
"Ever since I was a child, I've relied on others for protection. My brother, my friends, they've all kept me safe and sound. I'm grateful, truly I am, but whenever they do that it makes me feel like a burden. I can't fight, or train, I'm helpless!
No one ever took me seriously, until you," Orihime swallowed hard to keep from sobbing. "There were times you were cold and cruel, but you never thought less of me! You never treated me as if I was made of glass! You're the only person who's ever done that! So, please Ulquiorra, let me be the protector for once. Let me save you!"
Ulquiorra didn't say anything, he raised his hand to wipe away her tears. "Forgive me. I wish I could've spend more time with you. You're truly a unique woman, Orihime Inoue."
She put her her hand over his, it was slowly turning into ashes.
'No! I can't let him die! I'll do anything!'
Orihime felt her hairpins glow warm, they were almost burning her hair.
'Orihime! Can you hear us?'
Her Rikka spirits were communicating with her.
'Yes. I can hear you all."
'There is a way to save the Arrancar, but it comes at a very high price.'
'Whatever it is, I'll do it!'
'You must tear your heart in half, and recite an incantation. It shall restore him to full health, but it will also turn you into an Arrancar.'
She'd be a hollow, eternally trapped in Hueco Mundo, with no chance of ever seeing Tatsuki, or her brother again. To anyone else this would've been a hard choice, yet she didn't hesitate.
One look at him was all it took for her mind to be set. 'You wanted a heart, I shall give you mine.'
'I'll do it."
Her Rikka told her where to cut, so that the process wouldn't kill her. It was unsightly, to hold her own beating heart in her hands, yet here she was. As instructed, Orihime let some of the blood pour into Ulquiorra's hollow hole. Then she began chanting the incantation.
"Turn back the sands of time and heal what had been broken. Don't let him go with so many words unspoken. With this heart I seal my vow to protect. Soten Kisshun, I reject!" With all the strength she could muster Orihime gripped the organ tightly, completely crushing it.
The words came into being and a blinding yellow glow inundated the area. Orihime felt her consciousness slipping away, her head was aching, and her chest felt very heavy. Before surrendering to darkness she heard Ulquiorra calling her name.
'It is done.' she smiled and let herself slip away.
Ulquiorra still couldn't comprehend what happened. One moment he was prepared to face oblivion, the next Orihime was preforming a strange ritual on him that concluded with a blinding golden light. It made his memories all the more blurry.
He was fully healed. His limbs and organs were fully restored, even the horn Kurosaki has torn off grew back.
'What did she do?!'
He had lived for almost five centuries, yet he hadn't feel true desperation until today.
Orihime was sleeping, or at least that's what he hoped. He turned her over and gasped, her face was serene, adorned with a smile on her red lips, but also with markings. Markings that resembled his own all too well. Her hair was longer, cascading down to her waist like liquid fire. Her clothes also changed from white to black, and her head had two black horns coming from it. 'She's an Arrancar...'
"Orihime. Orihime wake up!" He tried to keep his composture, but the worry was palpable in his voice.
Orihime stirred awake. Her eyes no longer silver but rather gold. She blinked a few times before fully waking.
"Ulquiorra! You're alive!" She jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.
He could feel her trembling with every sob. Without hesitation he returned the hug. "You said you didn't want to cry anymore." He told her firmly.
Orihime giggled. "These are happy tears!"
He didn't protest any further, helping her stand up when she let go. "Thank you, Orihime."
She smiled, placing her hand on his cheek as he'd done to her before.
A nearby pressure startled the both of them. Orihime's friends had finally caught up to them. They did not look happy.
Ulquiorra considered hiding Orihime behind him, but immediately shook the thought away. The woman didn't need anyone to protect her, much less now.
Still, he held onto her hand. She didn't let go either. They both knew it was likely things would end in blood.
To be continued...
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willowvinyl · 5 years
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Abbey Road - The Beatles | Album Review
Album: Abbey Road
Artist: The Beatles
Label: Apple
Year: 1969 | 2018
Speed: 33 rpm
No. of Songs: 17
Starting my reviews off with one of the most classic and well-known albums of all time. As I mentioned before, I’m a huge Beatles fan. So, when I got this record, I was thrilled. I couldn’t wait to listen to the B side with all of the odds and ends and hear how they flowed together seamlessly. I couldn’t wait to experience the white noise on “I Want You (She’s So Heavy).” It was definitely an experience that I would never trade.
Abbey Road starts with one of the most popular Beatles songs and a Lennon-penned tune, “Come Together.” The percussive “shoot me”s on beat one are really something—even if we ignore the macabre irony. Lennon goes through his four verses, poetically—and somewhat strangely—describing the band. The most biting line is “got to be good-looking cuz he’s so hard to see,” which references McCartney and their growing artistic disputes, and how he seemed to stop coming around, as he was starting on a solo career.
“Something” is one of the greatest love songs of all time, and the only Harrison-credited A side the Beatles ever released. It’s sweet, but not sickeningly so, as it also encompasses the unsureness of any love story in the bridge: “You’re asking me, will my love grow? I don’t know, I don’t know.”
Bang bang! “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” certainly does hit hard. Although definitely not out of character, it is still a bit disturbing in its nature. The song is pure McCartney—a narrative, with a sort of fanfare and theatrical theme. Though I have to say, the song is catchy as hell.
Another great track on Abbey Road is “Oh! Darling,” another McCartney-led song which flaunts killer, rock n’ roll riffs and vocals that young Paul was known for. And of course, the bass line is flawless as well.
Ringo has to have a song! Right? “Octopus’s Garden” is very reminiscent of “Yellow Submarine,” and not just in the nautical theme. The lyrics are a bit nonsensical and bizarre, but leaves you with warm fuzzies like most if not all of Ringo’s songs do. Something in his voice is just so matter-of-fact that it leaves you complacent and thinking that, yeah, I do want to hang out in an octopus’s garden.
Probably my favorite song on the album is “I Want You (She’s So Heavy).” Obviously the lyrics aren’t the highlight—the same ten words are used across the 7:47 run time. But the riff is so timeless and just guttural in the best way. Lennon’s vocals evoke such emotion, as always, that it’s hard not to get lost in those ten words. The jazzy interlude is also a key point, and the sudden stop + white noise at the end is just the icing on the cake.
“Here Comes the Sun” starts the album’s B side, and is just a happy little tune contributed by Harrison in order to revel in the fact that winter might finally be coming to an end in England—and let me tell you, living in the Midwest, I can relate. Its riffs are iconic, as are its harmonies. It’s probably the quintessential Abbey Road song.
I heard somewhere once that the melody of “Because,” with its haunting and flighty harmonies, came to fruition when Yoko Ono was playing Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” and Lennon asked her to play it backwards. To me, the track reminds me of something that might have fit along perfectly with the track list of Magical Mystery Tour—but alas, it was destined for Abbey Road—and it still fits perfectly.
“You Never Give Me Your Money” is the beginning of the famous Abbey Road Medley, which encompasses nine partially finished songs all banded together through trail offs and, in some cases, a continuation of a narrative. This particular song is probably one of the most complete of the nine, and is another favorite of mine on the album.
“Here comes the sun king...” I see what you did there, John. “Sun King” continues the medley and even adds a bit of worldly flair thanks to the nonsensical Italian-Portuguese-Spanish hybrid outro.
“Mean Mr. Mustard” is quite a crass song if you listen to the lyrics, but really does stick with Lennon’s style on the album. It seems to go together with “Polythene Pam,” who I believe is Mr. Mustard’s sister. Such a small world.
“She Came In Through the Bathroom Window” is another mostly completed track that could probably stand alone. It’s another favorite on the album, and has McCartney’s trademarked narrative lyrics.
“Golden Slumbers” is a twist off an old nursery rhyme, with a lot a bit more timbre and a partial version of McCartney’s rock n’ roll voice. It does continue very well into “Carry That Weight,” in which I think I can hear Ringo’s voice popping through. Way to go, Ringo!
“The End” is an appropriate almost-last song. However, it’s a very Beatle-ish thing to do to have a song called “The End” be followed by another song; in this case, “Her Majesty,” which is the shortest song in the Beatles catalogue. Honestly, I appreciate it. It gives the album more character on top of its already incredibly unique veneer.
All in all, Abbey Road is one of my favorite Beatles albums, and probably one of my favorites of all time as well. It needs—no, deserves—to be listened to on vinyl. Your ears will thank you.
Please let me know what you think of my review! It’s my first one, so it’s a little rough I’m sure, but it was really fun to dive deeper into an album I already know and love and put into words what is special about each song. Please let me know what I can do better, and I’ll work on it! Thank you so much if you made it this far into reading! 💕
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peonybane · 5 years
My main groups
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Oh boy. Thanks for the ask, I’ll try to go as in-depth as possible. Get ready for me to just fucking gush.
So I have two main groups: VIXX and BTS.
Please read below the break because this is long as hell. This is also a repost as Tumblr is a dumb dumb.
Voice, Visuals, Values in Excelsis (I know doesn’t make sense but that’s what the boys names themselves). They are the Concept Kings for a reason: Space Vampires, Voodoo Dolls, Cyborgs/Androids, Time, the Greek God trilogy, Perfumes, Duality (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) and so many others.
I consider myself to be a STARLIGHT in terms of kpop first before anything else other than just enjoying all of it. VIXX will always be my number one group because they helped me out of a really dark place in my life and because of that, I can’t really replace them with anyone else. With that being said, I look at them as if they are my older brothers, which makes looking at them in a sexual way almost impossible for me (despite one of the fancams later, I just think that fancam is so interesting). So I am very, very soft towards them. I almost cried at a concert for Ravi because I was so moved at being able to meet someone I very much look up to.
So even though I was technically introduced to kpop via either BigBang (with Fantastic Baby) or BTS (with DNA), it wasn’t until VIXX that I really got into them.
My first song with VIXX was Error. I had never seen anything like Error before and it fascinated me, I was really hooked by that video. My sister and I watched that video about… 20 times in a row. And I never looked back.
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My bias is Ravi. For those who don’t: he is the Rapper of the group as well as one of the main dancers. He has a deep ass voice, he looks rather scary, but he is probably one of the purest human beings on the planet. He’s a workaholic, he’s the best dog dad, he’s a shy, sweet mess (he’s best friends with Jimin of BTS and Kai of EXO, if that don’t explain much, nothing will). I saw him in concert this past May and it was just… I was in awe. He’s very down to earth and tall as fuuuuuuuuck (all of them are, the shortest is 5′11). He recently left Jellyfish Entertainment (Jelpi) to start his own production agency, GROOVL1N. The most fascinating thing about this for me is that he left on good terms with Jelpi and is still part of VIXX. No entertainment company is perfect, but I think is pretty damn close. They give their artists artistic freedom, they protect their privacy fiercely (STARLIGHTS not particularly invasive, but no one really knows anything about their private lives), and they don’t force their artists to do things that would be bad for them (I can’t find the footage, but there have been instances where instead of telling Leo not to eat, they try to make him eat, I’ll talk about that more later). What Jelpi lacks is promoting and caring about international fans. I’m pretty sure that’s why Ravi left because even though they are on good terms, that is what Jelpi lacks and Ravi really makes the international STARLIGHTS (I mean they all do, but Ravi especially) feel like they are loved.
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Favorite song is kinda hard. For Title Tracks, G.R.8.U., On and On, and Fantasy are definitely tied for first place. For non-title tracks, Trigger and Light Me Up (little bit of a cheat, this is one of my favorite performances and this the Rock version) fuck me up and get me hyped. My favorite Japanese Track is Depend on Me which is basically the exact opposite of Chained Up. Because they love their STARLIGHTS so much, they have a song dedicated to us on each album, so my favorite STARLIGHT song is Milky Way.
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My bias wrecker (lord help me) is Hyuk. Hyuk is the maknae of the group. He started out of the pipsqueak of the group and now dominates his hyung. He clocks in at about 6′4 and is a fucking wall. He looks like a Samoyed. He’s got a lovely voice. He sounds like Onew of SHINee. He’s incredibly manly and is weird AF. He recently made his solo debut this last winter with the ballad, Boy with a Star.
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So my favorite Era was… the Conception Era. This is sort of a cheat as it encompasses a concept trilogy. It’s based on three greek gods of masculine traits which tell a love story conceptually: Zelos (god of rivalry, zeal, and jealousy) with Dynamite, Hades (god of wealth, the afterlife, and desire) Fantasy, which I think is a retelling of the Orpheus myth, and finally Kratos (god of strength and rule) with the Closer. It’s just a beautiful interconnected era.
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My favorite fancams…
This Chained Up Ravi Focus (gird your loins)
This “Manager Kim” Concert video
This “(Im)perfect Boyfriends to Order” Concert video
Toy Story Fantasy Performance (if you watch nothing else, watch this)
There’s certainly more but this is what came to mind immediately.
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Little tidbits otherwise, I’ll never get to BTS:
Hongbin is my icon. He’s the visual of the group, the sub rapper, he’s a gamer (has his own twitch, don’t know how to get to it since I don’t have twitch), and he’s probably the most under appreciated. Enjoy his Cool Love collab with Hyungwon of Monsta X.
N, Mr. Cha Hakyeon, is the leader of the group and he’s your favorite whether or not you believe it to be. He is currently doing his military service. We all though we would not see or hear from while he’s doing his service… I see his face everyday on my dash and I love his egg head. He was in the Children of Nobody and he’s an amazing dancer.
Ken is the would be maknae of the group and I would say that’s he’s got not only the best voice in the group, but also the best eyebrows. He’s all about acting cutesy. He is a stage actor and is absolutely amazing. I want to see one of his plays one of these days.
Now, before you come for me with your pitchforks, I love all of them, just some of them piss me off more than others, but I wouldn’t get this mad if I didn’t care. Leo pisses me the hell off. He needs someone to take care of him because he’s sacrificing his mental and physical health to satisfy people who don’t actually care about him. At roughly 6 feet tall, he weighs between 130 to 145 pounds. He’s talked about some behavior that is incredibly unhealthy and it breaks my heart (he talked about how he once binge ate then worked out until he practically passed out). He’s talked about how he’s absolutely drained after a practice for his solo and… his choreography is incredibly simple. I hate that he feels like he has to be impossibly skinny for people to love him.
Moving on from the angry stuff, VIXX is one of the nation’s prides. The president of Korea is a known fan of VIXX and the last time I checked, N is STILL one of the promotional images on the president’s website.
If you have any questions for me about VIXX, please let me know and I’d love to talk about it.
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I’m going to be a little more brief with BTS, since the majority of people know them.
So as mentioned before my first song with BTS is DNA. It didn’t leave a big impression on me. It was simply something I’d play in the background while I was finishing up work for the evening at my old job. Dope is the song that really pulled me in. I don’t know what it is about it, but it just really pulled me in.
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I am *sigh* double biased, something that @ropeseok​ has made me come to terms with. My ideal is Namjoon. I really like his voice, I think he’s adorable with his hard exterior and ooeygooey center. It also helps that he’s, well, kinda like me in that he’s a brain. My other bias is Taehyung. He is probably the more realistic type of person to me. I like the idea of Namjoon. But Tae… Tae is more of the person that I need. He’s very touchy, he’s emotional, he’s true, he’s sweet, a bit child like, he’s very intelligent, but keeps it on the down low. If that makes sense.
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My favorite title track is Boy in Luv. I can listen to it forever. For non-title tracks it would be First Love, Magic Shop, and Persona. My favorite Japanese Track is Crystal Snow.
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Since Tae had been my bias wrecker for a while, I don’t really think I have one BUT because of someone’s influence… probably Jin. Fine, I’ll admit it, I’m a Kim line heaux.
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My favorite era…. it really depends on each boy. Like for Namjoon, I love the Danger and Not Today eras. For Jin, it would have to be, ironically enough, anytime of the early eras cuz he looks lovely as hell with eyeliner and I just think he’s got this hidden bad boy energy that was able to come out during this time. For Yoongi is would be MIC DROP. He was in his fucking element. Plain and simple. For Hoseok, it was Blood, Sweat, and Tears, BST was probably one of their best eras overall, but Hoseok just fucking made it his bitch. For Jimin it was BST as well but also any of the early eras. Like Jin, he’s got this hidden ferocity that I feel like is being kept hidden behind a closely guarded wall. I also just like his hair black and when he wasn’t necessarily starving himself. For Tae… Fake Love. I think he really found his element with the ballads like Singularity and darker themes, especially now that he’s all grown up and doesn’t look like a child. For Jungkook… Dope. There was something about the uniform and the energy that really just fit him.
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I’m not going to do favorite famcams as the moment I start collecting videos, I’m going to be overwhelmed with different versions and this is already ridiculously long.
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I really like their darker works. I really wish they’d go back to those.
I don’t want anymore collaborations with Western artists. I think it would be really cool if they collabed with another Korean group or artist. I would like to see Jimin and Ravi work together. I think their different voices would work amazingly together.
I am probably the most similar to Jimin. Everyone’s who’s ever known me and knows Kpop often compares me to Jimin.
Yeontan, along with Ravi’s dog, Butt, are my fashion icons.
Once again, I love them all, but if I had to name my least favorites, it would have to be Jimin and Jungkook. Jimin because, he’s incredibly hard for me to write. I get extremely frustrated writing about him. I work best when there’s a certain amount of emotional/psychological distance between me and the person I’m writing about because then I can comfortably extrapolate. He and I are way too close, which makes it hard for me to really describe him as someone else if that makes sense. As for Jungkook, I have a very hard time understanding him. I know that a lot of people love mysterious people, but I find them to be incredibly frustrating. I think he’s incredibly talented and nice, but I’m frustrated by the fact that’s impossible for me to get an idea of what he’s like beyond that surface layer.
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So that is that.
I hope you got your answer sweet Anon. I am so sorry that is was so freaking long.
250 followers ask game
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