#helloo new moots
truexman · 1 year
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He's watching and judging
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delulu-with-wandanat · 9 months
Hello my fave moot. 😘
Can i request a fic (the one we talked about) where Nat and Wanda had an intense make out shesh and something more 👀👀 . Then Wanda came out of the room with red lipstick all over her face, neck, chest, and thighs.. courtesy of Nat and Nat looked so smug. 🤭🤭🤭
Money, must be funny. In a rich girl's world.
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A/n: Helloo my dearest moot! Of course you can, I put my own little twist and mixed your request with the prompt I made a little while ago. I hope you like it boo!
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff.
Warnings 18+: Smut, semi-public sex, fingering, cunnilingus, praise kink??, (Wanda receiving), (Natasha giving).
Summary: Natasha works at a beach club, and Wanda is the daughter of the owner. Let's just say, summer wasn't the only thing that's hot that day.
"Do you even know who my father is?!"
Fucking rich people...
So this is where she is now, working at some beach club serving entitled people who think they own the world just because they have money. And most of the time it's not even their money, it's their parents.
"I sincerely apologize, sir. However, I don't see your name on this list." Natasha responded calmly. These damn kids...
The young man scoffed, "You must be new here. I am Vision Stark, STARK. That name means NOTHING to you?!"
Natasha desperately wanted to say, 'Yes, the same way you meant nothing to your dad-'
But of course her job requires her to say, "I understand you're upset. Perhaps you may have written it under a different name?"
He laughs cockily and pulled out his phone, "You better start applying for another job."
Oh for fuck sake- As much as Natasha hated rich people, she knew how powerful money could be.
"No- Wait, please that won't be necessary-"
"Ugh, what now Vis?" A girl wearing a sun glasses appeared beside him with a bored look.
"I'm calling my father and getting this piss rat fired." Vision spatted while scrolling through his phone to find his father's number. Shit, he wasn't joking around-
The girl then took his phone rather hastily, "Will you stop being such a daddy's boy?" She sighed and turned to face Natasha. "What's the problem?"
"I uh- I don't see the name Vision Stark under the guest list."
The girl then turns face Vision, she's wearing a sunglasses but Natasha knew she was glaring at him. "How many times do I have to tell you that it's registered under MY name?" She then turned to face Natasha and took off her sunglasses in frustration.
Holyshit her eyes...
"I'm so sorry about him." Natasha almost didn't hear her, she was too entranced in those green orbs.
Her face is carved by the goddess Aphrodite herself...
"Try looking for the name, Wanda Maximoff." That was when Natasha snapped out of her thoughts. She quickly scanned the guest list for her name. Natasha had to skim through a few names as there were a lot of people on the guest list.
"Hello? She said Maximoff, are you fucking deaf??" I swear if this boy don't shut his mouth right now I-
"Will you shut up?! She's just doing her job." Wanda scolded him. Vision, like the little boy that he is, groans and crossed his arms.
Natasha speed up her process, not wanting to deal with this man child anymore. And finally, "Ah, yes. Wanda Maximoff. I'm so sorry for the hold up ma'am."
When Natasha looked up, Wanda was looking at her with a look that she couldn't quite pin. Her head was tilted a little bit and she was biting the inner parts of her cheeks slightly. "No worries." Wanda said with a faint smirk.
Natasha couldn't help but gazed at her a little bit more, it was only for a split second but she got pretty much everything. Wanda is absolutely fucking breathtaking-
But again the man child had to ruin it for her as he quickly dragged Wanda by the arm to enter the beach club, "Come on, Wands."
"Have a good time." Natasha said as she internally sighed in relief. She glanced back once more and caught Wanda's eyes who was also looking back at her. Wanda gave her an adorable little wave before turning her head back.
Natasha smiled to herself, summer was going to be good after all...
She often wonders, how the fuck does one able to own such a huge beach club? While simultanieously have a resort on the other side too.
Quicksilver Beach Club was one of the most famous beach clubs in the world. They'd held numerous events and had millions of people around the world fighting for a spot. In the same area, lies a very luxurious resort called, Scarlet's Resort.
Which if Natasha was being honest, sounded like some kinky luxurious hotel.
It didn't matter though, at least the pay is good. Well, she says that now after having her eyes set on a very gorgeous guest. Wanda Maximoff. God, what a beauty-
Natasha wasn't the type to normally fancy a rich girl. Number 1, they're way too high maintenance for her who practically lives off cup noodles. And 2, they're very VERY entitled. Just for those two reasons alone, Natasha tried to stay clear of those girls unless it was for a one night type of thing. But perhaps for Wanda she could make an exception.
Which is why she would often asked to switch stations with her sister, Yelena, so she could serve Wanda's table more often. Purposely standing somewhere near Wanda's line of sight, the moment they locked eyes Natasha would give her signature smirk. One that she knows would get girls to fold for her.
Though Wanda seems to be a hard egg to crack. Sure, she notices Natasha, but it never really went as far as small talks. Which to be honest, only made the red hair wanted her more. Perhaps Natasha was full of herself, but she knows Wanda wants her too.
Wanda just needs a little push off the edge. As Yelena would describe it, 'She looks at you like she wants to eat you.'
Wanda was bored, bored out of her fucking mind. To many this beach club is something impressive, something luxurious, but considering her father owned it she has been here countless times. Then again, pretty much nothing else impressed her, many would say money can't buy you happiness, which to some extent might be true. However, it does allow you to experience anything and everything.
So her question is, what's a girl that pretty much has everything gotta do to have some fun here?
Her friends are boring, the guy she's seeing is dull as fuck, at this point she's just floating in empty space... Albeit, a luxurious one, but empty nonetheless.
Thankfully she has this cute, breathtaking, sexy waitress to keep her company this time around...
"One Piña Colada." Wanda snapped her head to the source, fuck this girl and her sexy smirk.
"Oh, thank you, Natasha." Natasha tilted her head slightly.
"How did you know?" Wanda merely pointed to her name tag, Natasha realizes and let out a soft chuckle. "Right."
Wanda laid on her back once again while taking a sip of her drink. She was laying on one of the VIP sun bed with a standing umbrella shielding her from the hot sun. Most people just wanted to sit by the beach and enjoy the waves, the rest who were out in the suns were mostly surfers.
"So are you here everyday?" Wanda asked, trying to make small talks with an arguably bullshit question. She knows Natasha's schedule, being the daughter of the owner she obviously had access to it. Which is why she is always conveniently there during Natasha's work hours.
"No, I only work day shifts and will be having a day off tomorrow." Natasha responded. "Is this your first visit?"
Wanda thought for a second, the answer was, of course it isn't. But she liked the fact that Natasha didn't know who she is, who her father was. Perhaps that's why she was attracted to Natasha, well apart from her attractive look. "You could say that."
"Let me know if you need anything else." Natasha said before going back to her area, which conveniently is on Wanda's line of sight. She can't help but admire the curves of Natasha's body. The way her muscles flexed under light of the sun, the way her hips swayed when she walked. God it was as if Natasha was putting on a show on purpose.
Being one of the most lavish beach clubs in the world, they were highly selective of their staff. Even as a waitress, other than the fact you had to be good at your job, you also had to be attractive and fit. It wasn't written in the job description, obviously. However, simply by observing their staff, you can definitely tell there's on going theme.
It was no wonder they hired Natasha, I mean look at that woman. Honestly, she could be a model. Wanda questions why Natasha even bothers to continue to work here with that kind of face and body.
Wanda continues to enjoy the view, which was without a doubt, not the beach. Her eyes secretly follows the red haired waitress wherever she goes. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't the only one. Other guests had their eyes on this sexy waitress too, Wanda couldn't exactly blame them. But she wanted Natasha, and whatever Wanda Maximoff wanted, she would get it.
She had to be quick though, she knew it wasn't uncommon for a guest to hook up with a service worker. Especially if they're hot. So she did what she knew best.
Natasha's ear perked up the moment she heard a yelp from one of the guest, it was Wanda. She had accidently spilled her drink all over herself. Natasha rushed over to her with a napkin. "Sorry, I'm very clumsy."
"It's alright, ma'am." Wanda stood up from the sun bed, her white, VERY thin see-through material shirt drenched in cocktail. Natasha's eyes subtly glanced to her chest seeing the red bikini Wanda had underneath, before averting it to wiped the remaining substance on the bed. "Let me get you another drink."
"Oh that's not necessary. However, could you please escort me to the bathroom?" Wanda asked rather seductively.
Natasha straighten herself up and internally smirked. "Of course, let me get this drink to the bar and I will escort you."
Once she was done, they both walked to the bathroom with Natasha leading the way. If all went according to plan, it should be empty. It was 2 pm, Wanda knew not many people would be present as sunsets were the prime time. That and the fact that no one actually uses the changing room/bathroom. Perhaps that was a rich people thing? I mean why not just change in your hotel room-
"It's just right through here, Ms. Maximoff."
"Please, call me Wanda." She said while walking to their destination.
"Alright, Wanda." Eventually the hallway lead them to their destination, Natasha, like the excellent service worker she is. Opened the door for Wanda. "If you need any assistance let me know."
Wanda eyed her up and down, now that they were alone, she would make her move. "I might be in need of an assistance in... other terms."
"What would that entail?" Natasha asked teasingly with one eyebrow raised. Wanda bit her lip and took a step closer towards Natasha.
"Don't play dumb with me."
With one swift movement Wanda pulled Natasha in with her. They shut the door behind them and Wanda had Natasha pushed up against the wall.
"I've seen the way your eyes lingers at me."
"Don't think I haven't noticed yours either."
Wanda's eyes wandered down to Natasha plump lips, god she wanted to taste it since the first time she arrived here. Natasha noticed her gaze and leaned closer to Wanda. Her hand reached up to Wanda's chin, catching her attention. Natasha had a rather mischievous taunting smile on her face. And fuck she looks so sexy.
"You want a little taste, darling?"
Wanda let out the breath she was holding, she leaned down and kissed Natasha roughly on the lips. Earning a soft hum from the redhaired woman.
Their kiss was messy, lustful, the kind of kiss where you wasted no time and started having tongues involved already. Natasha gained dominance in their make out session, taking over by flipping their position and have Wanda pinned instead. Wanda had her arms wrapped around Natasha's neck pulling her even closer.
Natasha's hand that was initially on her waist moved down to grip Wanda's ass firmly, causing the taller one to groan. Natasha captured Wanda's bottom lip, their eyes locking onto one another, both slightly hazy from the heavy session. Natasha's releases her lips before husking out, "You're such a needy girl, causing some incident just to get my attention."
A small whine escaped Wanda's lips.
"Was this your plan all along?" Natasha taunted. Her hand reached up to tuck Wanda's hair behind her ear while simultaneously pushing her body closer to Wanda. "To get fucked in some public space?"
While Natasha says all of this, she left a trail of kisses on Wanda's jaw. She trailed further down to her neck, earning a loud gasp from Wanda. Once she found a sweet spot, Natasha bit on it, causing the brunette inhale sharply before letting out a sound that was music to her ear.
Natasha moved her thigh to press it firmly against Wanda's aching core. Considering she was only wearing a bikini, it was easy for Wanda to feel the friction. "O-oh god..." Wanda moaned out.
Natasha continues to bite and suck harshly against Wanda's neck, not caring if it'll bruise. Not when it caused Wanda to squirm against her, to roll her hips subconsciously just to pleasure herself further. Her hand reached up to Wanda's breast, palming it against her stained shirt. Wanda couldn't help but to dig her nails on Natasha's back.
"Fu-fuck, please. I need more..." Wanda voice's echoed through the empty room.
"Good to know a person such as yourself has manners. I love well mannered girls..." Natasha husked out the last part in her ears, causing Wanda to shiver. She was sure if Natasha wasn't holding her up right now she would've fall to the floor.
Wanda continues to grind against Natasha's thigh, and whined the moment she felt Natasha pulling it away. "No-" Yet her words died in her throat as Natasha switched her legs with her fingers instead. Letting those long slim fingers drag across her panties. Natasha smirked when her finger dragged over the wet spot.
"All that for me, baby?"
Wanda nodded frantically, her mind too clouded to form a coherent words. Natasha pushed on her clit slightly against her panties.
"Words, baby. Words."
“Yes!” Wanda moaned out loud.
“Good girl.” Her fingers then moved her panties out of the way to run her fingers over Wanda’s dripping slit.
“A- ah… Natasha-“
“God I love the way my name sounds coming out of those pretty lips.”
Natasha trailed her kisses down to the exposed skin on Wanda’s chest. Her finger still teasing on the lips of Wanda’s opening, caressing it ever so slowly, yet not making any move to put it in. This caused the taller one to whine in frustration.
“Tell me, what do you want me to do?” Natasha asked against her skin. Using her free hand to slowly unbutton her shirt.
“I- I need you inside me, please…”
Natasha hummed, hearing Wanda beg did numbers on Natasha. Her left hand then pulled down Wanda's bikini top, freeing the sensitive bud. Natasha captured it in her mouth, rolling her tongue and sucking her nipple gently. Her right hand still teasing Wanda's entrance, she could feel the way Wanda was getting wetter by the minute.
Judging from the way Wanda grips her hair, nails scratching her back, back arching to push Natasha further into her. And fuck, the way she begged.
"Please... Ngh- Please, stop teasing me."
Natasha smirked against her, she releases Wanda's nipple with a 'pop'. Trailing her mouth up to Wanda's ear to nibble her earlobe. "You sound so good, begging me like that."
All of the sudden, Natasha entered two finger inside Wanda. The taller woman gasped, eyes closed and mouth wide open in the shape of an 'O'. She wrapped her arms around Natasha for support, her right leg naturally did the same, giving Natasha more room to fuck her.
Natasha curled her fingers expertly, causing Wanda to roll her eyes to the back of her head. Natasha moved her lips to leave open mouthed kisses on her neck, noticing how much the brunette loved it. "Oh god, just like that-"
God Natasha loved how vocal Wanda is. The way her voice was dripping with lust, how desperate she is to be fucked. Natasha picked up the pace, and Wanda couldn't help but to move her hips in rhythm with her. Her loud moans echoing through the marble bathroom accompanied by the gushing sound of Natasha's finger going in and out of her wet cunt-
"SHH-" Natasha quickly shut Wanda's mouth with her free hand.
Wanda, still hazy from pleasure could only stare at her and whine against her hand. Natasha focused her mind.
She quickly pulled out her finger, dragged Wanda into one of the empty toilet stalls and locked it. Well, stalls were probably not the right word, one thing for sure it provided them more privacy as there were no gaps for anyone to peek.
"You better keep quite for me pretty girl." Natasha said with a smirk.
"W- what?"
The door outside opened, and a few set of footsteps could be heard entering the lady's room. They were busy talking to one another, Wanda's mind was still too hazy to pick up any word they said. Not that she cared anyway, she just hope they would leave soon so-
Her thoughts were interrupted by Natasha who was now kneeling on the floor, tongue sticking out to lick her already dripping pussy. She didn't even realize Natasha had already pulled down her underwear. Natasha wasted no time in lapping up her folds, devouring her like a starved animal.
Wanda's hand flew up to cover her own mouth, her other hand gripped Natasha hair firmly. She couldn't decided whether she wanted to push Natasha's head away, or pull it even closer. Natasha fucked her with her tongue, her nose rubbing against Wanda's most sensitive nerve.
Fuck she was getting close-
Wanda was biting her own hand so much that it hurts. Her legs were giving up on her, the only thing holding her up was Natasha toned arms and the wall she was leaning against. She started to grind against Natasha's face, fuck she doesn't know how long she could hold it.
Natasha then pulled out her tongue out of her entrance, trailed it up to swirl around her sensitive nerve before eventually encircling her mouth on it giving it a gentle suck. A slight sound escaped her throat, but thankfully their audience was too pre occupied with the latest gossip to notice.
Natasha continued to suck on her clit like it was a lollipop. Wanda could come then and there, but she knew if she did she wouldn't be able to keep her voice down.
For fuck sake can't these girls just leave!
Her stomach was tensing trying to hold the knot that was threatening to snap any second. It seems like her prayers has been answered as they heard the group taking their leave. Once Wanda was sure they were alone again, she moved the hand that was once covering her mouth and let out the sounds she had been holding.
"OH FUCK-" She moaned out breathlessly, "I- I'm so close. Fuck, Natasha, please let me come."
The way Wanda said her name, the way she gripped her hair, the way Wanda used her other hand to play her own nipple to chase the height she desires caused Natasha to moan against her clit.
The knot inside Wanda finally snapped the moment she felt the vibration against her pussy. Her back arches, body trembling, head thrown back so suddenly that she might've hit her head against the wall and hurt herself. But fuck was it worth it....
Natasha made sure to lap her up thoroughly, body spasming occasionally as Wanda was very much still sensitive from her orgasm. Seems like Natasha was enjoying that reactions from her that Wanda had to whine and pushed Natasha's head away. The redhaired only let out a small chuckle before finally standing up on her feet.
Wanda wasted no time in pulling her into a kiss, she moaned savoring the taste of herself. After some time they pulled away, Wanda rested her forehead against Natasha's.
"That was..." Her words died in her throat as she still needed to recover.
"You did so well." Natasha said, giving Wanda a tiny kiss on her nose. Wanda laughs softly at that.
"I should keep you around more often."
"Well, you know where I work."
They pulled away, gazing into each other's eyes. Wanda could get lost in them, Natasha felt the same as well. Natasha gave her a loopsided smile. Damn, Wanda really wanted to keep her around.
"Let me take you out tonight?" Wanda asked shyly.
"Unfortunately I have plans, how about tomorrow?" Natasha said, tucking a hair behind Wanda's ear the moment she saw the brunette's adorable pout. "Beside, the big event is tonight."
Wanda rolled her eyes, "I was trying to find an excuse to escape that." Natasha laughs at that. Wanda was... something else. "Alright then, tomorrow."
"I should get back to my shift, I'll see you around." Natasha smirked, she quickly left the stall and out of the lady's room before Wanda could even ask for her number.
Wanda chased her out of the bathroom, but Natasha was already out of her sight. She cursed under her breath. For someone that size Natasha was sure as hell quick. Wanda walked back to her table to find it was now occupied by her friend, Agatha. She was sipping her drink when she noticed Wanda.
"Hey girl! I was wondering where you were-" Agatha suddenly stop her sentence, her eyes scanned Wanda up and down. Wanda tilted her head in confusion.
"What? What's wrong?"
Her friend then suddenly smirked. "No need for explanation."
"What are you talking about?"
Agatha then pulled out her phone and opened the camera app so Wanda could take a look of herself. Wanda eyes widens the moment she saw the state of herself. Lipstick marks were all over her jaw, neck and chest. To top it off there were hickeys on her neck too.
"Oh my god..."
"I assume it's that hot waitress standing right there?" Agatha pointed with her finger.
"How did you-"
"She gave me this complimentary drink because you 'spilled' yours." Agatha said while doing an air quote. "Other than that she left her phone number on this piece of paper underneath the drink."
Wanda groaned and quickly wiped off the marks and closed herself further with her shirt. Glaring at Natasha who had a smirk on her face, and gave her a subtle wink.
"I swear I'm going to make her pay."
I'm not very good with smut but I tried my best. Hope you like it!!!
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makoandharu · 10 months
many of my mutuals post rinharu, so i wanted to ask your top 10 makoharu official art to lighten my dash?
Okay I'm definitely gonna post more than 10 bc i have a lot to say lmao bear with me
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This one is my fave of all time, not just mh. But the thought of Haru stroking the cat's head and then lifting his hand to stroke the back of his fingers on Makoto's cheeks? My brain short-circuits
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Now which one of us survived these two arts? Certainly not me. The fact that these are set post-canon, showing not only how their bond is stronger than ever but that Haru is the one initiating the contact, and the fact that it's proof beyond doubt that Makoto is SO significant to Haru's journey as a swimmer (when we already know he's significant - see: most important - in every other aspect of life outside the pool), the idea that he only got this far bc of Makoto, "it's meaningless without you" and "i appreciate you being here for me" walked so these arts could run. Thank u kyoani for canon makoharu visual guide.
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I remember when this spoiler dropped it was just so 😮‍💨 honestly what makes this scene so peak for me is Ikuya walking past, watching them being gay and is like... u know what not my circus not my monkey. He's so valid for that. But overall the fact that Makoto knows Haru well enough to help here even when he's not his coach, the fact that Haru trust him when his body needs to be in peak condition. Stop it. Their trust and respect for each other just gets me.
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Any art where other things are going on but Haru just has eyes on Makoto is peak (and there are an abundance of them). But art where Haru's precious water is splashing so beautiful and Haru's STILL only got heart eyes for Makoto? Pure gay nonsense.
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MAKOHARUTOKYO MY BELOVED FOREVER!!!! The way this shit BROKE tumblr, nothing will ever compare again. They went to Tokyo together. THEY WENT. TO TOKYO. TOGETHER. I'm eating my hat.
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Makoto being gay. What else is new. I like to think this is the exact face he makes when they go through their baby pics and Haru flicks his forehead for being moist (even tho he's being just as mushy inside)
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Y'all remember when Makoto was studying too hard for finals and Haru came to make sure he didn't over do it, drapped his coat over a sleeping Makoto and fell alseep with him????????? Bc???? Helloo?????? Insanity.
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As IF the art of them sharing a pair of gloves whilst they hold the other to keep warm wasn't bad enough u mean to tell me there's a drama CD to go with it? Will my suffering never end??
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Last but not least (until i reblog this with more) this cute ass pic of them from the free calendar hanging out with the twins and cats. The domesticity of it all...
Hope u enjoy, stick around for more lmaoo
Also @ moots and other mhs pls reblog this with your own fave arts thank u
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lawleightinc · 2 days
looking for jjk moots
helloo sexy ppl of the jjk fandom, im new and am looking for moots.
1a | she/her | 18
I’ll be doing a more comprehensive intro later but I js wanna connect with people. if u write, draw or do nothing but cry bc of gege then pls follow!
check out my ao3 maybe itll make u laugh
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tis0bug · 1 month
WOA HI NEW MOOT waves at you
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kawaiialeisha · 9 months
6 Please list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!hope you've been having a wonderful new year so far :3
5 things that make me happy… you guys, you guys, you guys- /hj
Okay let me take this seriously now — 5 things..
1. My followers! /gen
I love seeing them interact with me and my posts, it makes me genuinely happy as much as they are. (Also, my mooties.. ily, every single one of you and I’d love to get to know you all better! /p)
2. Art and animation!
As painful as it is, I still enjoy creating and illustrating things. Expressing my thoughts and feelings through art makes me happy :3
Why else would I have a moon puppet oc? I literally love space and I used to want to be an astronaut when I was younger HELP (and now I am slightly terrified of actually going to space, but aside that, I’m in love with space)
4. Axolotls
they are the best. I love them. they bring me so much joy. THEY ARE SO SILLY I WANT ONE WAAAAHHWHUAHW
if you show me anything with rain, I’m sold. it’s like my number one comfort. certified pluviophile here and I’m in love with rain, I would cheat on my wife if it meant I’d live with rain forever /lhj
Anyways, thank you for this!! Ilysm /p (proceeds to send this to all of my moots)
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will41n · 2 months
new moot !! hi hello :D! i have seen you around but we have not spoken before i think... your art style is SO pretty oh my goodness <3
HELLOO THANK YOU SO MUCH! i love your art too ITS SO COOL i love the style ~⁠(⁠つ⁠ˆ⁠Д⁠ˆ⁠)⁠つ⁠。⁠☆
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cutiepatootiekatie · 8 months
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about me
helloo. i mainly just come on here to post and reblog coquette things. anyways here’s some facts about me <3
ʚɞ kate
ʚɞ she/her
ʚɞ minor (it’s fine to interact if you’re an adult but don’t be weird)
ʚɞ 3/23 (aries)
ʚɞ viet 😋🇻🇳
ʚɞ i speak english
ʚɞ swimmer 😗 🏊🏻‍♀️
ʚɞ i love my moots and making new ones! ^^
ʚɞ free palestine 🇵🇸, ukraine 🇺🇦, and afghanistan 🇦🇫
likes: taylor swift, lana del rey, deftones, beabadoobee, frank ocean, laufey, music, pink, hello kitty, sanrio, plushies, books, journaling, makeup, skincare, fruits, girlbloggers, pinterest, animal crossing, etc.
dislikes: bugs, avocados, mean people, etc.
dni: basic dni, nsfw accounts, creepy old men, pro ana/mia accounts (recovery / vent accs are fine, i love you and i hope you recover)
byf: i’m a minor so don’t interact if you’re uncomfy with that
movies / shows: gone girl, girl interrupted, pearl, black swan, fight club, you, last night in soho, 13 going on 30, la la land, 10 things i hate about you, how to lose a guy in 10 days, ripley, the great gatsby, the matrix, the devil all the time, may december, american horror story, etc.
that’s it for now byee 👋😋
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synnzzz · 2 months
hell yes hi new moot
haiii helloo... new mutual gained fr..
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thebestsetter · 2 months
Omg new moot!! HELLOO 😼
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c00kietin · 10 months
Hallo new moot!!! You seem really cool! :DD
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mrs-kodzuken · 11 days
I'm the one that just sent an anon ask, asking if we could be friends coz we sound similar
I'm so dumb coz why would I send an anon ask if i wanted us to be friends
I blame my gazillion literature assignments that have been killing me for this stupidity of mine
Once again, hi my new friend. I'm so happy you accepted my humble offer of friendship 🤧🤧
LMFAO ur so sweet omg! yes haha, let’s be moots too, new friend!! :)
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miyamoratsumuu · 3 months
hi hi <3 i just thought it would be nice to say hi to a new moot
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pinievsev · 7 months
helloo new (ish) moot! how're you doing? <3 (this is bambisnc's main btww)
Omggg hi pookie! A fellow kpop AND CON (chronicles of Narnia) Fan?! I'm doing good, thanks for asking! Wbu? Promise to have to request out ASAP 🫶🏻
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sundewhasaudhd · 1 month
i see i've been added to the horde. yippee :-) anyways hiii new moot o/
You seem very cool :333
My DSMP AU’s my beloved :3333333
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helloo peeps i've returned to tumblr since the demise pf twitter is imminent and i'm looking for moots!! pls interact if you like/post
paramore/hayley williams/halfnoise
halsey my chemical romance mitski
the regrettes fall out boy
bleachers/red hearse wallows
meet me @ the alter billie eilish
the front bottoms hozier nirvana
fiona apple slipknot ariana grande
pierce the veil phoebe bridgers fka twigs
olivia o'brien the wombats
lizzo vampire weekend clairo
twin peaks arctic monkeys
twilight the good place horror
community grimm adventure time
schitt's creek sailor moon scrubs
jennifer's body abbot elementary new girl
friends it's always sunny in philadelphia
disney (the owl house, moana, tangled, nightmare before christmas) izombie
there's more and i also really love art, fairycore, and aestetic posts so like or reblog!!
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