#helping me with money cause she’s rich but not really being a good *friend*
rosicheeks · 2 years
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vienssunshine · 1 year
What do you really want, you psychopath?
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pairing: Josh Washington x fem reader nsfw word count: 6.7k content warning: blood, violence, needles, manipulation, non-con elements (nonconsensual filming, deception) author's note: My obsession with Until Dawn returns every summer like clockwork.
You hope he's doing okay.
It's the only thought sticking in your mind as you pace on the cable car platform. After everything last year, after him shutting down, not able to talk to anyone, you hope that now, a year later, things are at least better than they were. He has mentioned a therapist, so it's a little comforting knowing he's getting the professional help he needs.
You lean your hands against the wooden railing and admire the snowy landscape, trying to push Josh out of your mind. Instead, you shift your focus to Sam, because where the hell is she? Sam insisted on you both being the first ones up the mountain, but it's fifteen minutes past the time you agreed to meet and she has yet to arrive.
Your phone buzzes with a message from your friend:
"Hey! So sorry but traffic is terrible and I'm gonna be a bit. I don't want to keep you waiting out in the cold so take the cable car up and I'll see you up there!"
Turning your phone off, you sigh. Things are going to be awkward this year. Walking in with Sam would have eased your nerves about seeing everyone again, but it looks like you aren't being afforded that comfort anymore. Worse comes to worst, you can spend the evening holed up in your guest room with your favorite book.
You step into the cable car and try to ignore how the whole thing creaks and sways with the wind. The Washingtons are rich, so they must have the money to get this thing safety checked. Right?
The music you play in your earbuds somewhat drowns out the loud groans of the car as it travels up the snowy peak. Through the frosty window, you can see what looks like a blizzard rolling in. Good thing you'll be able to hunker down in Josh's cabin.
At the top of the mountain, the doors open and you see him, Josh Washington, standing alone in the snow. After all this time, the sight takes you aback; he seems to be an apparition, not fully there.
"Look what the cat dragged in," he says, hands in the pockets of his winter jacket, "Well, I guess it was the cable car, not a cat." His lazy grin is unshakable as he speaks.
"Hi Josh," you respond, fighting the smile creeping up on your face.
"Here, let me grab that for you," he says, stepping forward and helping you out of the straps of your North Face backpack. He swings it over his shoulder and beckons you up the path.
You thank him, bashful, and follow. The trail is white with snow and dimly lit, a few lanterns hanging from the fences, their wood corroded from the harsh winters before.
"So, is anyone else here yet?" you ask, pulling your gloves on. The wind feels stronger here than it did at the bottom of the mountain, it's icy and cutting into the skin of your fingers.
"Nah, the other party people aren't due for another hour or two." He leans in with an evil grin, "So it'll be just us for a while, scared?"
You giggle, pushing the man away from you, "I don't know if I'll survive all of your ultra-corny jokes, Josh."
"Yeah? Then, any requests for what they should put on your tombstone?" he asks, giving you a lighthearted push back.
"Shut up." You shake your head, smiling, before stealing a glance at your watch: 8:03 p.m. "Actually, I guess I won't have to survive for long since I'm on time. So everyone should be due soon."
"Aww, come on," Josh says, "You know they're all gonna be late."
You punch Josh in the arm and he fakes serious injury, "Don't talk about our friends like that, I trust in their punctuality. Sam, our good, timely friend even took the initiative to get us to come early."
Josh looks around in an exaggerated manner, squinting into the dark forest, "Do you see Sammy here? Or anyone else? 'Cause I don't. Face it, they're all gonna be late. Sam at least had the decency to give me a heads-up about it."
"Yeah, the traffic's terrible apparently."
"Damn, I guess she's gonna be even later then."
You furrow your brow, "What do you mean?"
"Sam told me to expect her around 9. So, if there's traffic, it might not be until like 9:30 or 10. Right?"
"Wait, when did she tell you to expect her at 9?"
"Uh...a few days ago, maybe?" Josh glances at you sideways, "Something up?"
Confused at the discrepancy between Sam and Josh's stories, you wrack your brain. Why did Sam want you to go early with her but tell Josh she was going to show up late?
You clench your fist, Sam wanted you and Josh alone. She's known you've had a crush on him for so long and has been relentless in encouraging you to go for it. This must be her fucked up way of forcing you to.
Josh studies you, still puzzled. Staring ahead, you notice the silhouette of the lodge at the end of the path. You weigh your options: should you be honest about what you think Sam is up to or just let it go?
You elect to give Sam a stern talking-to later, reassuring Josh by saying, "Ah it's nothing." You point to the cabin, "Hey, we're almost there!"
He follows your finger and gazes at the lodge ahead, "You're right, soon we can party all night long," he says with a mischievous smirk.
You lumber up the old stairs and find that the door to the lodge is unable to be opened.
"Ah, shit. The lock's frozen," Josh observes.
"Is there another way we can get in? Or get the door unfrozen? I'm not gonna lie, I am freezing my buns off out here."
Yeah, you'd like to spend more time with Josh, but not in nearly subzero temperatures.
"Now, now, you know Josh wouldn't keep a pretty girl outside freezing her buns off for long. Wait here, I have an idea."
Josh hurries off behind the lodge, leaving you on the porch, arms wrapped around your body in a fruitless attempt to warm yourself. You look around at the dark woods surrounding the cabin. It's a dense forest, filled with gnarly trees that look like they're twisting into one another in a warped dance.
A small trace of movement pulls your attention, something shifting its position in the tree line. Anxiety begins to pour into your stomach and you look around for Josh who is nowhere to be seen. Is something—or someone—out there? You step forward, placing your hands on the railing and leaning over to get a better look when the door behind you flies open.
"Honey, you're home!" Josh cries out.
"Josh!" you respond in a harsh whisper, "Keep it down!"
Josh laughs, placing his hand on the small of your back and guiding you into the house, "For who? No one is out here besides me," he points to himself, "and you," he presses his finger to your chest, right beneath your zipper.
His small touch flusters you, bringing a welcomed warmth to your cheeks. It makes you forget about whatever you saw in the woods. Must have been a bird.
He leads you into the living room and motions with a bow for you to sit on the couch. "Now, if the lovely lady would allow me, I'd adore starting a fire to warm her freezing buns."
Assuming a janky upper-class accent, you respond, "Why, of course, fine gentleman. I suppose that will suffice to toast said freezing buns."
You both laugh, and it makes you forget how cold you are. It's nice to kid around like old times. Like times before Hannah and Beth ran off into the woods and were never seen again. Things were easier then, it was easier to make jokes, easier to laugh.
You sink further into the couch as Josh piles wood into the fireplace.
"Yeah?" He throws one last log in and pulls out a matchbook from his jeans.
"I'm happy to see you again. It's been a while."
"Too long," he agrees, striking and lighting the match.
You shift in your seat on the couch. "I guess I wanted to ask, are you okay?"
He freezes, and the match dies in his hand.
Shit, you went too far. What were you thinking, asking him how he is doing on the anniversary of the death of his little sisters? You begin to ramble, "Josh, I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that if you don't-"
"It's fine," he interrupts, "I'm fine."
You lean forward on the couch, "It's okay if you're not. Honestly, I wouldn't be."
He strikes the match again and lights the kindling as he talks. "I know that having our friends up here is going to help. It really means a lot to me that everyone is coming back to spend this weekend together."
The flickering flame nestled in the piled-on logs is growing in size, blossoming into a healthy, cozy fire. You can feel its warmth on your cheeks already.
Josh ambles over to the couch, sitting next to you—sitting very closely next to you. You almost scooch away, but decide to stay still.
Josh turns his body towards yours. "It means a lot to me that you came."
It's hard to keep your composure; his words feel too intimate and, god, his arm is resting on the couch behind you, one movement away from wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you close.
"Thanks, Josh," you force out, looking down at your hands. Your fingers are anxiously knotted together, a clear sign that your body is short-circuiting at his proximity.
He follows your gaze, watching you fidget in your lap. He then moves in, resting a hand on yours to quiet your restless fingers and placing the other beneath your jaw, using his knuckle to gently move your chin up so you face him.
You're freaking out. This is crazy. Why is he touching you like this?
"I-uh...well..." you stammer.
"Do you like me?" he whispers.
You freeze up; what do you even say to that? There's no way you can tell him you've had an embarrassingly unmanageable crush on him since the day you met. It could blow up the entire friendship. But, it's possible that he feels the same way you do, isn't it? His face is mere inches from yours!
Unless he doesn't feel the same way. After countless cruel and mean-spirited pranks, this friend group has sown distrust into every fiber of your body. You want to trust Josh with your true feelings, but can you?
Your mouth gapes, unable to articulate the paralyzing swirl of desire and fear coursing through you.
So you stay silent, and he retreats from your personal space, leaning back against the couch cushion, "Don't worry about answering now, I have a feeling everyone will know each other a lot better after tonight."
Your brow furrows at the crypticness of his statement, but before you can think about it too much, Josh's phone vibrates, and he gives you a knowing smirk, "Speak of the devil."
He gets off the couch and answers the phone while you try to keep your brain from spinning out of control. He was so close to you, which was really scary, but at the same time, it felt really good.
Josh teases the recipient on the other line about Ashley, so you take a guess that he's speaking to Chris.
He ends the phone call and turns to you, "Gotta go pick up the kids at the end of the trail, wanna come with?"
You press your lips together, "Um, I think I'll hang back. Y'know, unpack and stuff."
"Suit yourself," he shrugs, grabbing a flashlight and exiting the cabin.
Still in a daze, you head down the dark hallway and find your guest room. You unpack your clothes into the wooden dresser and throw your diary onto the patchwork quilt atop your bed. The bedroom is a familiar space to you, but it doesn't bring the comfort familiarity typically does.
You take some time to journal out your feelings, trying to work out the complex emotions that come with being back at this lodge after last year. Then, you take some time to write about Josh. How he had possibly come on to you tonight. How you wanted it to go further.
Voices begin to fill up the halls, so you leave your bedroom and journal to join everyone out in the living room. The fire is now roaring and Sam has arrived, so you go to greet her.
You expected everyone to be making an effort to get along considering the reason you're all up here, but since Josh has to separate Jess and Emily by sending Jess and Mike to the guest cabin, it's clear that no one is putting in the work.
The rest of the group swiftly and awkwardly disperse, each couple running off to deal with something whether it be finding a lost bag or a Ouija board. Whether they're making excuses so they don't have to stick around, you don't know, but it hurts to realize that your friend group will probably never recover from last year.
For a moment, Josh looks defeated, but he quickly plasters on his usual devil-may-care smirk.
Sam heads upstairs for a bath, but not before you pull her aside and whisper-shout about her audacious set-up. She laughs it off, and you both agree she can make it up to you with a card game in your room after she washes off.
Still feeling weird about Josh and the exchange earlier, you elect to read in your room instead of hanging out with him. Only, when you go back to the guest room to grab your book, you can't find it in your bag. What you don't notice is how your journal has also disappeared from its place on top of your bed.
"Hey, Josh?" You walk back into the living room to see Josh as well as Chris and Ashley sitting in front of a Ouija board, "Oh hi, Chris, Ashley. Have any of you seen my book?"
"There's a bunch of books around here," Chris shares unhelpfully.
Josh turns toward you, "What does it look like?"
You position your hands to give them a visual aid, "About this big? Green? Signed by the author on the inside?"
Your friends stare at you, blank, and you let your hands fall to your sides.
"Are you sure you packed it?" Ashley asks.
"Yes, I'm sure, and it's special so I really need to find it."
"Maybe it fell out when we were walking up?" Josh suggests.
"Ugh. You're probably right. I'm gonna go check," you say, zipping up your coat.
"I'll go with you," Josh offers, about to stand up before you say, "No, it's...it's fine."
"Are you sure you don't want some alone time with Josh?" Chris teases. Ashley laughs a little too hard.
With a grin, Josh adds on, "What if there are some baddies out there?"
You offer a weak smile, "I'll be fine. Like you said, there's no one else up here but us this weekend. Besides, Emily and Matt are down there getting a bag or whatever."
"Okay," Josh says, throwing his hands up in defeat.
You take a flashlight and head down the trail, squinting as the snow comes down heavier and heavier. After following your friends' footsteps all the way down the path, you spot your book on the bank of a narrow creek a little ways off the trail. You're not sure how it got there but are just happy to have it again.
Brushing off the light dusting of snow atop the book's cover, you're pleased to realize that the weather hasn't damaged the book at all. You're less pleased when you hear an arguing couple headed your way. You silently curse; you had hoped to make your journey as short as possible to avoid this dysfunctional pair.
They turn the corner and Matt sees you, calling out your name with a wave. Emily stares ahead with her arms crossed.
"Hey, guys!" you respond.
They walk up to join you, but your presence doesn't make an impact as they continue bickering all the way back up to the lodge. You succeed in tuning them out until Chris and Ashley appear out of the snowfall.
Your mouth falls open as you take the scene in: Ashley is curled into Chris's chest and her clothes are soaked with blood.
You hurry over to them, "Are you guys okay? What happened?"
Emily gasps, "Ashley, whose blood is that?"
Ashley lets out a strangled sob, clinging onto Chris.
"Chris, what happened?" Matt asks.
"J-Josh," Chris chokes out.
You take a step forward, "Josh what, Chris?"
"He's gone. It's all my fault. There's...there's a psycho on the mountain."
His words are like cold hands that squeeze your heart. There's no way.
"What did you say?" Emily cries, "There's like a serial killer up here?"
Ashley begins sobbing uncontrollably, "Yes! There's a killer and he's gonna kill us all if we don't get out of here!"
"It's okay, it's all gonna be okay," Matt says, and he turns to Emily, "We need to get help."
"But Sam," you interrupt, "Sam's still at the lodge!"
"You're right," Chris says, "We need to get everyone back together first."
"But we also need help!" Emily says, "If there's some psycho up here, I'm not just gonna go back and run into his arms!"
"Here," you say, "You and Matt go get help while Chris, Ashley, and I go back to the lodge to get Sam and everyone else."
"Fine!" Emily responds, "But we need to go, now!"
You split off into your separate directions. Ashley and Chris decide to check the upstairs bathroom while you hurry to check the guest rooms.
You fly down the hallway, opening and searching all the rooms lining the corridor. When you get to your room, you close your eyes and crack open the door, praying that when you open your eyes, your friend will be there, cards in hand, ready to play your make-up game.
"Sam?" you cry out. Nothing.
You check the closet and under the bed, thinking she could be hiding but still come up empty.
You're about to turn around to go check the rest of the rooms when a large hand clamps around your mouth, slamming your back into a hard chest so another arm can ambush you, wrapping around your waist and holding you still.
"Looking for your friend?" a distorted voice asks. Your eyes widen. Shit. This must be the psycho Ashley and Chris were talking about.
You begin to thrash against the body behind you, desperate to do anything to avoid whatever fate Josh had suffered. Your fight does nothing but make the arms around you constrict, the strength of the maniac locking you in place, pressed against their body.
"I wouldn't be difficult, if I were you," the voice states, and you're frightened into compliance when the maniac presses a syringe of mystery liquid up to your neck. You whimper against his glove.
"Now, now, there's no need to be scared," he tucks the syringe away and begins stroking your hair, "As long as you behave, you'll be in good hands."
Tears well up in your eyes and you suppress the urge to fight back again.
He seems lost in thought for a moment as he uses his gloved fingers to play with your hair, but shortly regains his focus, "If you promise to keep quiet, I won't have to use that syringe I showed you earlier," he chuckles, the sound metallic with the voice changer, before adding, "Not that anyone would hear you or be able to help."
You gasp, are Chris and Ashley okay? Is Sam?
He looks down at you, and you can see a part of the mask he's wearing in your peripheral vision. "Can you do that for me? Be nice and quiet like a good little kitten?" As he speaks, he slowly pulls down the zipper of your coat, exposing your tight v-neck shirt.
You press your eyes shut and give a curt nod. It's best to just go along with what he says, you want to try to make it out of this alive.
The man releases the hand over your mouth, and you make an effort to keep from breaking down in tears. The psycho takes a step back and away as you manually even your breathing.
"Sit on the bed and face me," he says.
You take a few uncertain steps forward, as though you were walking on a lurching boat, and sit on the patchwork quilt, cramming yourself close to the wall behind you and pulling your knees up to your chest. You raise your chin to face your attacker and cold fear washes over you.
He's tall, built, and looks like something right out of a slasher film. He's wearing oversized overalls dirtied with dried mud and a creepy skull-like mask that covers his entire head and neck. The syringe he threatened you with pokes out of his pocket, a reminder of the consequences if you don't comply. Down by his side, his gloved hand grips a journal—your journal.
He opens your diary and begins to carelessly flip through it, "Hmmm...maybe I should tell you a bedtime story to calm you down. There's a lot of great material in here."
Your fists ball up, scrunching the fabric of the quilt beneath them. "What do you want?" you grit out. Those entries are personal, and you'd have no idea why this intruder would be interested in reading them.
Ignoring you, the psycho flips to the page you had left your bookmark in. "Look at that, a recent entry," he darkly chuckles at his discovery, "I wonder what it says."
Your lips tighten, of all entries, why did it have to be that one?
"It's nothing, just random fucking friend group shit," you say.
The psycho looks up, gazing at you for once instead of the pages in his hands. "Then you wouldn't mind me reading it, would you?"
You open your mouth, helpless, "Um, no...you don't need to-"
The maniac lumbers towards you, just a few steps away, before he begins to recite your words.
"Fuck, Josh is so hot. It's literally torture. I want to take him into one of these guest rooms and just have my way with him. I'd let him do anything he wanted too, like let him just use my body for his pleasure. Ugh, I'm getting all hot just thinking about it. It's killing me that we were literally alone, and I think he was making a move on me, but I just didn't do anything about it. But I don't know, I don't want to push it after his sisters..." the psycho trails off.
Your face burns, feeling more embarrassed than scared now, even with a potential murderer standing before you. Your words sound so much more extreme and mortifying after being read aloud. Is that what he's trying to do, humiliate you?
The psycho closes the journal, steps forward, and tosses it onto the dresser. He's close now, boots planted on the red carpet in front of the bed, just a few paces away. He's watching you, his gaze suffocating, so you avert your own, instead focusing on the area above his left shoulder.
A glint in the corner of the room, right where the ceiling meets the two adjacent walls, catches your eye.
"Nothing to say about that entry, sweetheart?" the psycho asks, standing there with his gloved hands by his side as if he has all the time in the world.
This is getting suspicious; why is he asking you about your crush instead of, I don't know, killing you? It seems like such a trivial topic for a killer to be focused on...if he actually is one. Were Chris and Ashley wrong?
You peer at the shady corner of the room and are able to make out a circular object: a black and shiny lens. Above it is a dim but steadily blinking red light. You're being filmed. With that realization, you put it together.
They're pranking you.
It started with Sam tricking you into being alone with Josh, and then Chris teasing you about him, and then Ashley and Chris putting on a hell of a show trying to convince you some psycho is running around. Now, they're trying to terrify you into confessing your feelings. It's all some stupid, immature prank where you are the butt of the joke.
A deep frown forms on your face and you unfurl your body from its curled up position on the bed. Fury begins to pulse through your body.
"Now that I think about it, I actually have plenty to say about that entry." You stand up, taking a bold stride toward the "psycho". His hand raises to the pocket the syringe sticks out of, but you continue unfazed.
"First, let me start off with the fact that I will not let you guys scare and embarrass me for your own entertainment, alright?" You're almost yelling now, and the man watches as you continue your tirade.
You stare down the camera, gesticulating wildly, "I have feelings for Josh, okay? I want to fuck Josh. Hard." You throw your hands in the air, "And you can play all these stupid little tricks you want on me but I'm not going to let you guys make me feel bad about it. I don't give a fuck about what any of you think of me."
You sigh, exasperated, and face the speechless man standing in front of you. "There you go, hope you guys got the laugh you wanted."
He observes you as you shift your weight, the creepy eyes of the mask staring uncomfortably deep into you. You fold your arms, "So you can take the mask off now, okay? The prank's over, Chris."
"It's not Chris."
You press your lips together, "Okay, then who is it, Mike?"
The psycho speaks again, but this time, the voice-changer has been turned off.
"I think you know who it is."
Your eyes widen. There's no way you just confessed to-
The psycho's gloved hands rise to his head, and his fingers hook behind his mask and bring it down, revealing Josh's smirking face.
You take a wobbly step back, your anger disintegrating and leaving you without the confidence to speak as casually as you just were.
He chuckles, amused by your surprise and confusion. "This isn't how I imagined this going, but I'm not complaining about it." He places his mask next to your journal that's on top of the dresser.
A million thoughts and feelings begin swirling around your head and body at a vertigo-inducing pace, but they are all quieted when Josh steps forward and takes your hands in his gloves.
"Josh, what...what's going on?" you ask meekly, "Where is everyone?" It feels so contradictory, but knowing it's him near you, with his hands in yours, makes you feel so safe.
"I set up a few games for them," Josh says, "They should be entertained for a bit. But yeah, it's all one big prank. Gotcha!"
It feels like he's holding back a full reply. You look up at him, searching his green eyes for a complete answer, only to be met with a warm rush to your stomach at the fact that his gaze is soft, loving, and entirely focused on you. It's easier to fall into his warm embrace than insist on knowing more about the stupid prank, so you choose to just let it go.
Josh looks down and away, “Y’know, I’ve always been into you. I’m not good with this kind of thing but…I’ve always wanted to ask you out. I never got the courage to tell you that until now.”
Your heart flutters. “I was scared to tell you too, I just didn’t know how you’d react given…everything.”
He nods, “It feels like sometimes it takes a life-or-death situation to get people to confess their true feelings. Like Chris and Ashley, it’d take a gun to their head to get either of them to spill their guts.” 
“You’re probably right,” you giggle. 
Josh leans closer to you, hands moving from yours so they can rest on the curve of your waist. His thumbs slowly stroke your sides, provoking the urge to move his hands underneath your shirt to feel the sensation unobstructed. 
“So,” he starts, his voice quieter, dripping with something darker, “Was everything you wrote in your diary true?” 
You bring your arms up so they’re around his neck, pressing your body into his. Your soft chest melds into his hard sternum and heat radiates through his overalls to warm your skin. 
You tilt your head so your lips are centimeters from his, “You mean how I wrote pages upon pages of how bad I wanted to fuck you?” 
His hands tighten, squeezing your waist, and with his chest so close to yours, you can feel his heartbeat speed up at your words. 
“Fuck,” he says, “I guess I didn’t know you wanted it as much as I have.” 
You lean forward, closing the gap between your lips and kiss him, hard. You melt into each other, bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces, devoid of any negative space. One of his hands comes up to your jaw and the other travels to the small of your back, pushing you further into him. 
Threading your fingers into his hair, you deepen the kiss, parting your lips and allowing your tongues to push into each other's mouths. He’s a little hesitant at first, but any self-consciousness vanishes when you begin to moan breathily into your open-mouthed kisses. Thoroughly encouraged by your noises of delight, he indulges in his desire, indulges in you.
His kisses are becoming messy and desperate as he works to keep receiving your pretty little noises. He runs his hands all over your body, feeling every dip and curve, wanting to touch all of you at the same time. Each brush of his hands sends tingles up your spine and you move with him, desiring nothing more but to keep your body underneath the palms of his hands.
You allow your hands to explore too, taking them downward, past the buttons of his shirt, the large pocket of his overalls, and his belt until they reach the hardness in his pants. You rest delicate fingers on it, tracing the outline and Josh breaks from your kiss to groan. 
You let out a shaky breath, “Shit, Josh. I want this. I want you.” 
He leans down and grabs the backs of your thighs, hoisting you up and against him. Now suspended, you tighten your arms around his neck, holding onto him. Josh lays you down on the quilt and you spread your body out, relaxing into the soft fabric and the euphoric buzz your body swims in. He crawls on top of you, pressing a kiss to your jaw, then your neck, and finally, to your collarbone all while you giggle and pull him close.
He hovers over you, “You know where I want to take you right?”
You laugh and point your finger into his chest, “Don’t you dare say that perverted phrase.” 
He smiles, bringing his hand up to his mouth to lock his lips and throw away the key. 
He begins to kiss your neck once more, and you squirm underneath him, overwhelmed by the sensation his warm and wet lips shock through your body. His shirt’s sleeves are rolled up, so you wrap your hands around his thick forearms to stabilize yourself. 
Josh moves the neckline of your t-shirt, kissing further down on the increasingly exposed skin. Each kiss sends heat blooming deep in your stomach, making it even harder to keep still with the waves of pleasure overtaking you. His fingers tug on the hem of your t-shirt, a silent ask for removal. You’re about to comply when the shine of the camera in the corner catches your eye once more, the lens trained directly on the bed. 
“Josh, the camera?” you ask. 
“Not on,” he mumbles, entranced by the sight and feeling of your chest. 
It’s enough reassurance for you to pull your coat and shirt off, uncovering your bra and torso. Your exposure gives you a sudden wave of self-doubt about the prank pulled on you and everyone's role in it. You still have questions since some things aren’t fitting together, but, shamefully, it’s hard to think critically when Josh’s lips feel so good against you. 
“Fuck, y’know you’re so pretty?” Josh whispers into your torso, lavishing your chest with kisses and licks as he worships your body, “All of our winter trips…s’been so hard to focus with you here. Just wanted to touch you.”
Your fingernails begin to dig into his forearms. “It was so hard for me too, Josh, I’ve had a crush on you for like ever.” He kisses just above your jeans and you let out a gasp. Your hand comes up to your mouth in an attempt to muffle your noises, but Josh pins your wrist to the bedspread. 
“Please,” he says, “I want…to hear you,” he presses another kiss to your pelvis, “I’ve been wanting to do this for so long.” 
“Okay,” you answer, breath hitching as he unbuttons your pants. He pulls your jeans off and throws them onto the rug. “Mmm, no fair,” you whine, using your free hand to knock one of his overall straps off his shoulder. He smiles, complying with your wishes by taking his overalls off, leaving him in his button-up and dark jeans. 
“Is this satisfactory for the princess?” he asks, waiting for you to evaluate his outfit. 
You tilt your head and grin, “Hmmm…satisfactory for now.” 
“Then, may I continue pleasuring my fair maiden?”
“You may,” you giggle. 
He kneels between your thighs and strokes his fingers along the curves of your legs, marveling at your beauty. 
“You have such a tight bod,” he says, breathless. He places a big hand on your lower stomach, “And so soft, too.”
A shy smile spreads across your face; the words from your crush make you feel tingly and giddy. “It makes me happy that you like my body,” you respond. 
“I love it,” he says, bending your knees and pressing a kiss to your inner thigh, amused by how you instinctively jerk at the sensation. “You like when I kiss you there?” he asks, already knowing the answer. 
Your breathing becomes uneven as he kisses further down your inner thigh, closing in on your underwear and the darkened patch where your wetness has soaked through the fabric. Josh’s rough hands slip down your thighs, holding them open and still despite the way you squirm when his lips feel a little too good. 
He pauses for a quick moment to pull off his shirt, leaving him in his dark henley top that hugs his lean build perfectly. 
“I want more off of you,” you demand, and Josh grins, stating that “Somebody’s eager.” 
His henley top comes off and shirtless Josh is between your legs once more, kissing just a few inches shy of your underwear. His hands roam as he does, gratefully squeezing the flesh of your thighs. 
He moans your name as he licks a stripe across the inside of your leg, sending the thoughts straight out of your brain. All you know is that he sounds so fucking hot when he moans your name. 
“C-can I take these off now?” he asks, placing a hand on your underwear, a twinge of desperation underlying his voice.
“Yes, please, Josh,” you gasp, thumbs already tucking into your waistband to get the burdensome fabric off as quickly as possible. 
He groans as your glistening folds are exposed, looking like he’s about to come just from the sight of you. Within seconds he’s nestled between your legs again, kissing your thighs until he gets to your soaked entrance. His hot breath fans against you, sending butterflies of anticipation up your sides. 
“I’ve been thinking about doing this for so long,” he admits before licking up your cunt with a flattened tongue, sending one of your hands down to get knotted into his hair and the other gripping onto the bedsheets for dear life. 
He continues to lick his tongue through your folds, and you begin to writhe underneath his touch, “Fuck, Josh, it…it feels really good.” 
He groans against you, the vibration sending another wave of pleasure through your body. Your hips kick up against your will, but Josh pushes your pelvis back down into the mattress, palm firmly placed on your lower stomach, fingers spread. 
“Can’t have you wiggling around, now can we?” he says before diving into your pussy one more. He bathes your clit with attention, holding your hips down and keeping you still every time a flick of his tongue is too powerful for you to handle. 
Your fingers dig deep into Josh’s hair, pulling it gently, which he seems to enjoy with the way he groans into you. His hips buck a little into the mattress whenever you pull tighter, so desperate to get off to you.
He watches you as he pleasures you, devouring every little reaction with his dark and hungry green eyes. When you look down, you can see that one of his hands has slipped underneath his jeans, allowing him to palm himself to your delightful reactions. 
He begins to suck on your clit, kissing and taking it into his mouth rhythmically in a way that might just drive you out of your right mind. His mouth is warm and wet against you and each shockwave of pleasure it gifts breaks you down into smaller and smaller pieces. 
Honestly, it’s frightening how the bliss consumes you in totality: thoughts, body, everything. It’s better than any smutty fantasy you scribbled down in your journal. Your imagination could have never conjured up what it feels like to have Josh go down on you.
“You’re s’hot,” he says in between licks, “And taste so good, fuck.” 
You moan, and he becomes sloppier with his movements, too overcome by desire to think straight. You buck your hips against him and he lets you, allowing his hand to just sit on your pelvis instead of push it down.
Tingles of electricity shoot up your sides as you ride Josh’s tongue. He accommodates his mouth to every jerky thrust of your hips, fully giving in to your carnal pleasure. He watches you, eyes half-lidded, touching himself, and completely under the spell of your gyrating body. 
“Ah—fuck, Josh I’m so close.”
“Please,” he mumbles, his tongue and mouth inseparable from your wet cunt, “I want you to, I want you to come so bad.”
A strangled moan rips through your throat as an orgasm comes crashing down on you. You throw your head back against the quilt, eyes crinkled shut and mouth agape. The pleasure hits you in unforgiving waves, slamming into your poor body until it's through with you.
Josh strokes your quaking thighs, soothing the intensity of your climax and helping you through it. 
“Fuck—that’s it, there you go” Josh coos.
Your whole body falls limp, and you lie supine on the bed, the aftershocks of your orgasm still buzzing through you. Your canal throbs, squeezing around but the copious amount of slick dripping out of your pussy.
Josh clambers up to your face, kissing your cheek and forehead as you try to slow your panting. 
“Josh,” you slur, still trying to return to Earth. 
“Mmm?” he answers, placing a gentle kiss to your temple. 
“That was really good,” you manage to express. 
He smiles against your skin, lies down next to you, and wraps his arms around your body, holding you to him with a comforting firmness. Your hands rest on the bicep settled over your chest, and you snuggle into Josh’s embrace. He’s so warm, and smells so good. He’s exactly what you need after such a violent orgasm.
Your energy depleted, you slip off, so comfortable and safe in Josh’s arms. 
Josh waits until you're fully asleep before checking his watch. Based on the time, Ashley and Chris should be waking up soon from the sleeping gas he had poisoned them with.
Careful not to wake you, Josh slips out of the bed, dresses himself, and picks up the mask on the dresser.
"Sleep well, honey," he says with a smile before shutting the door behind him.
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dysfunctionalmaki · 10 months
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Say My Name
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader Chapter 02/? Summary: You work all around at the local country club, to your advantage you flirted and used your beauty to get what you want, though with this certain woman your own way can't seem to work. Warning: This work contains smut and foul language, minors DNI!!
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Days passed since your encounter with Wanda, you often ended up wondering when she is coming back, also, you cashed some of the money you got from Diana but you ended up placing a huge amount of it on your savings. You lay on your bed just taking your time by just thinking, simply shutting your eyes and allowing your imagination to run free.
“Such a good girl… I bet you're thinking of me the moment you saw me-”
You immediately opened your eyes when you realized where your mind was going, you couldn't help but let out a groan when all you could think about was Wanda Maximoff, her beautiful emerald eyes, the accent that she has, that damned smile. You took a couple more moments to get up when you sat up and decided to take a walk, though before you could even leave your bed the phone on your side table vibrated. Checking to see who caused the notification, you can't help but smirk to see it's a message from Diana.
It’s so boring here and all I can think about is you.
Miss me that much?
Not really, just want to sit on your face and ride your tongue.
I've got something to look forward to next week then.
As if you're not getting any pussy right now.
With the little bantering you had with Diana, all of a sudden you received another message from her and this time it's a photo of her, wearing an almost see through nightgown, her nipples were definitely poking against the clothing, she wasn't wearing a makeup yet you admit that she's like a living goddess. While you stare at the photo, your mind instantly traces back to the redhead you met a couple of days ago and you can't help but groan at the intrusive thoughts you've been having of the older woman. 
You simply left a heart react on Diana's photo before sending a photo you once took with her, it was a mirror shot of you two, she was standing before the mirror while you're facing her lower region and from what you recall she did use your phone to take this photo, not even a second after she did the same by placing a heart emoji on your message.
Just as you exit your room, you see Yelena having some instant mac and cheese for breakfast. “I didn't know you were home.” the blonde says and you went to sit beside her after taking a spoon so you could steal some bites of her meal. “Yeah, I should be out and be coming home right now.” you say with a sigh and your friend couldn't help but raise her brow. “You're not getting laid? Are you and Prince official now?” She asked as if she really did think that you and Diana are something. “God no! Completely casual.” you said with a shrug. “Can't find anyone to match up with her.” you say before crossing your arms over your chest.
“Who?” Yelena asks, then you look at her unsure if you want to honestly answer your friend. “Your sister.” You teasingly say and the blonde immediately gagged the moment you mentioned her sister. “Eat shit.” she says then you couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. “Of course not, I wouldn't hit on your sister, her friend? Maybe.” you say then Yelena still hasn't put her brow down from being raised. “Carol? No… too masculine for your taste, so it's definitely Wanda.” she says so surely and you bit the inside of your cheek before nodding.
“She's married.” Yelena says which made you groan immediately, then you stole a spoonful of mac from her bowl. “Tell me more.” you say then the blonde paused for a moment to think. “I think she married Mr. Stark’s successor, his name's Jarvis but mostly known as the Vision.” you tilt your head confused with the nickname and then you let out a small ‘oh’. “So, she's rich-rich?” you ask once more then your friend nodded.
“To add another question, why didn't you mention to me you had a sister?” You ask wanting to push the subject further, as Yelena finished a spoonful bite of the mac and cheese she simply shrugged. “Not really relevant.” she says before taking another bite. “I'm doing a shift this lunch.” You say and you receive a nod from Yelena. “I'm not coming in today, I took a day off. I spent a whole week trying to get back what I spent on Fanny’s vet.” The blonde says then you looked at her, taking your purse and handed her a grand. “What? No, I can't take that.” Yelena says but you pushed it to her hands. “Please, I don't even know what to do with all the money that Diana gave me, I might end up buying coke.” you tease and it still took a little convincing but you made sure to let your friend take the money. “It's all good, I promise.” you say before taking another bite of the mac and cheese.
You got up and decided to postpone the walk you're going to take when you saw the time, heading back to your bedroom then you went to take a shower before getting ready for work, you didn't take that long but you made sure your precious body was pampered with the best products you could get, you put on your uniform which is the red polo shirt and matching it with a beige shorts. 
Finally, leaving the house after getting everything ready, you ran towards the bus stop and hoped you didn't miss it, you were luckily just in time before the vehicle would leave. Getting to your seat, you were sat next to some stranger since there's no empty seat other than this one. “Quite a busy day isn't it?” The stranger spoke to you and you looked at this man. “Ah yes, guess it is today.” you kept your answer short so you wouldn't have to keep the conversation going, the unknown man only answered with a nod then you were left to mind your own business.
The moment you got dropped off to your stop, it was basically a walking distance from here but you're just in time to hear a familiar sound approaching you, as you put on your sunglasses so you wouldn't have to scrunch up your face because of the heat, you saw Bucky coming closer while on his motorcycle. “Hop on, doll, busy day today.” he says then you raise a brow and there's just something with men and start the conversation by stating that today's a busy day. “Why is that?” You ask as you got on the motorcycle and you held on to the side of his shirt. “I heard rumors that Mr. Stark might visit today, members would probably try and get on his good side.” he answered then he starts driving once more, leading the both of you to the club.
The moment you stepped into the place, it was more crowded than usual, everyone's in their own friend group, there's old men smoking cigars by the lobby, then there are the wives who are busy gossiping by the café, and there's Tony Stark himself, accompanied by his wife Pepper Potts. You went to walk past them since you're headed in the staff's locker room, you made sure to smile at both of your bosses before heading in the room to put your bag away and start to clock in. 
You fix yourself once more then you make your way to the restaurant and have started your shift, it was awful, at least it was to you. You've had countless entitled people who are acting so snobby, then there are old ladies who wish they still had your youth here and there, and one table that certainly caught your attention was the group of three familiar women once again. You made sure to look twice just to be sure and you took note of their hair colors… one blonde and two redheads. You basically had to race your coworker to take the table and as you appeared before the three women, they all smiled at you, well, especially Natasha but that's because she knows you're Yelena’s friend.
“It's so nice to see a familiar face.” Carol commented before saying what she'll have for this lunch, Natasha pinched in what she's going to have, and as you were taking their orders you attempted to steal a glance from Wanda, though immediately looking back to your device when you realized that she was indeed staring at you. “And I'll have some Caesar salad… plus the scarlet cocktail, I loved it.” Wanda says before smiling at you, her eyes never leaving yours and then you finally take your cue to leave when you've gotten all their orders.
You went to take their orders to the kitchen, then headed to the bar to tell Bucky what the ladies will be having. “Oh, it's the three ladies again? Looks like you've reeled them in again.” he says before chuckling. “If I were you, I wouldn't want to hit that.” he commented which made you tilt your head in confusion. “Well, you think you're the only one who uses your pretty privilege around here? This face makes some pretty good tips.” Bucky says while he went on to prepare the drinks. “Heard that those three were pretty close with Stark, co-workers I think?” he says not too sure with the information he has gotten, after all he only gets them from the club members as well.
“You don't want your boss finding out you're banging his friends, wouldn't want to lose your job.” Bucky says then he finally handed you the drinks he made, and it was just in time when the kitchen rang you up. Quickly handling the trays you make your way to the ladies’ table, and you serve their meals and drinks. Receiving a genuine thanks from them honestly made your day better, you just appreciated the fact that someone is nice to you after serving a bunch of assholes, plus your little crush thanked you, and that's what makes it better. Just as you turned to leave, you bumped into a man who was holding a drink, surprised with what happened you instantly apologized before looking to see who it was.
You've seen this man's photo once but you can't quite recall who he is, it's obvious he's irritated, considering you just spilled a drink on his clothes. Though, to your defense it was a complete accident and you didn't intend to do so. “Do you know what you've done to my–” “Vis, let it go, it's an accident no need to cause a scene.” You heard Wanda speak and as you realize who this man before was none other than her husband. “I really am sorry, Sir.” you spoke before offering him more tissue and of course, the complimentary country club shirts. “Y/N, it's okay, you can go and do your thing, you apologized, you didn't mean it and it was an accident.” Wanda assured you when you turned to look at her as she defended you from her husband who isn't even speaking a single word but you could definitely feel his annoyance.
You mouthed “Thank you so much.” Before leaving and as you left, the janitor on duty was quick to mop up the drink that spilled on the floor, making your way into the locker room. You can't help but let out a sigh, then somehow you can't stop yourself from smiling when Wanda just stood up for you. Well, it's the bare minimum and this interaction usually happens in restaurants but still, you can't help but put on your smile once more before facing the crowd once again.
The hours felt so long and you were emotionally and physically drained from having to put up a smile, being so empathetic to arrogant assholes, so, when you clocked out, you walked to the parking lot. Remembering that Bucky doesn't leave work this early, you can't help but sigh remembering you'll have to walk alone without Yelena with you. Making your way to the sidewalk then you started to walk to the nearest bus stop, at first it felt peaceful until you felt that someone was tailing you. Speeding up your pace, the car also went to catch up with you, at this point you honestly thought your life was done. Maybe that was overboard but you're overthinking at this point. “Y/N! Hey! It's Wanda.” the voice says as she rolled down her window.
Finally, you stopped at your tracks and you let out a sigh of relief. “You scared me!” You say and the older woman couldn't help but laugh softly. “I didn't mean to, I promise. I only slowed down because I was trying to see if it's really you.” she says and you honestly can't believe you're conversing with her as if you two are friends. “Well, that's one way for kidnapping to start, honestly.” you teased and received a smile from her, it can honestly brighten up your whole day. “Hop in, let me drive you… wherever you are headed for.” She offered and you didn't really know if you should say yes or not until she insisted. “Please? Consider this as a way of making it up to you for my husband's behavior.” she added.
You made your way around the car and she unlocked the door, you sat next to her and she started driving once again. “It was an accident-” “I know, but he has this thing of making scenes and I'm pretty tired to put up with it.” she honestly spoke and your eyes widened for a second not expecting what you've just heard and you nodded your head. “You can just drop me off at the nearest bus stop.” Wanda looked at you for a moment and she raised a brow. “And let you get on a bus at this hour?” then you bite your lower lip unsure of what to say at this point, it's not that it's uncomfortable it's just plainly… awkward. And this doesn't happen with you and any person you plan on taking to bed, this simply happens because you have a crush on this person driving.
“Yelena knows me, if that's what you're worried about, I knew her the moment I met Natasha. She always brought her sister around and it's quite adorable honestly, so… what I'm saying is that you can trust me?” She spoke trying to break the ice between the two of you and you nodded your head. “I live with her, I mean I'm her roommate so if you do know her then I'm assuming you know where she lives.” you say and Wanda nodded her head, and as if it's on the back of her hand, she knew where the place was.
Just as you two were approaching the apartment, Wanda received a notification from her phone, as the screen lights up you saw her lock screen and it was a photo of the cocktail you served her when you saw her for the first time. You didn't want to read much on it but it certainly made your heart skip a beat. When she stopped right in front of the apartment building, you weren't too sure what to say other than thanking her. “I- uh- Thank you for the ride.” You say as you take off the seatbelt. “Are you usually this awkward?” She asks and you weren't able to answer because you know damn well you're never awkward. “I thought so, you were good with chatting up the guests and customers, and now it's just the two of us… you're all tongue tied.” she said then tilting her head trying to get a read on you, but you're sure as hell she knows that you have a little crush on her.
“Do I scare you?” “What? No! I mean you're just intimidating… that's all.” you quickly answer her question and she couldn't help but smile. “Whatever you say sweetheart.” she teasingly says. “I hope we get to talk more next time… and say hi to Yelena for me.” she says before you finally took the moment to get off the car. “I will, take care, Wanda.” you say before smiling at her and she did the same. “Have a goodnight, Y/N, dream of me.” she teased you once more before driving off. You quickly make your way into the apartment and you can't help but smile from one ear to another.
Entering the apartment, you see Fanny finally back home to welcome you, Yelena was nowhere to be seen but you don't mind getting a greeting from this furry companion, you go ahead to run your fingers across her fur then she follows you as you get into your room, just as you tossed your bag to your bed, you felt your phone vibrate once more, and it's from your best friend.
Went out to get some dog food, also, Fanny's back home so enjoy her company.
Enjoying her company much more than I enjoy urs, lol.
You went to lay on your bed then you bite your lower lip, you were thinking of something and you’re well aware that what you’re about to ask your friend could be a beginning or a quick ending of something, but you’re never one to back out of a challenge, taking your phone once more and you decided to text Yelena once more.
Sooo… Do you have Wanda’s number or something?
I do but I don’t think it’s a good idea, lol.
Help a friend out will you? ;))
You’re going to take two of my shifts whenever I want, deal?
With just that the next text message you got from your best friend was a phone number, you went to press it… fiddling your fingers unsure of what to say or why you asked for her number but you’re good at this part, and you went ahead to do your usual lines.
Hey Wanda, it’s Y/N, I got your number from Yelena… Hope you don’t mind.
You took a deep breath just thinking of possible scenarios that could happen, scenario one was Vision gets to see your message and you’re fired, second? Wanda blocks you, and three it was– 
Hi! It’s completely okay, what’s gotten into you and asked your dear friend for my number?
Well, maybe I want to spend some alone time with you to show you that I’m not that awkward mess you picked up from the sidewalk.
Hmm, straightforward and bold… You’re aware that you're speaking to a married woman? Haha.
Well aware, Ma’am
Good, maybe I could drop by at the club tomorrow, will you be there?
For you? I would be.
Are you sure this is the same girl I picked up earlier?
Wanda simply reacted to your message with a heart emoji and that was more than enough to make up for your whole night, you are eager about what can happen tomorrow. Honestly, all you can think is that if you bed this woman, this crush of yours would simply go away or maybe this could really be a start of something new. But, no, you don’t really care about that for now.
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Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta @reginassweetheart @lvinhs
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my-owl-baby · 9 months
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Smarter Then You
Micheal Gavey x f!reafer
Summary: Your professor in mathematics had paired people up depending on their last exams scores, next thing you know, you were paired with Michael Gavey. Someone who thinks he's smarter then you, which he's not.
Words: 4k
Warnings: 18+, pussy eating, rude comments, alcohol use, bullying, slut shaming.
(Let me know if I miss anything) (part 2)
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You are smart but not rich nor poor, your parents worked and saved enough money for you to study the degrees you want learn so you can succeed in life.
You were stubborn enough to get a job to put in more money into the fundings for your college.
Oxford University basically begged you to come to their school, knowing your GPA is a 5.0.
You worked your ass off to where you are at now, you didn't live in the dorms as your friends did. You owned your own apartment with the job you had.
Couple of months in Oxford, you had no problem in the classes. Get your work done on time and passing with A's.
"Today, exams results are here" Professor Strange said holding the stack on test in his hand. Getting groans from your classmates.
"Uh...I study hard for this test" your best friend Rosie said, worry in her voice. She struggled but with your help, she seem to understand the unit.
"You'll do fine" you whispered back to her. Professor started in the right side before going to left side where you and Rosie were.
"Most of you improve, since this unit is the easiest" he said, you felt someone looking at you. Turning to see a guy with dirty blonde hair, glasses sharp nice jawline.
He looked away, shrugging it off knowing he was probably looking at Rosie about her complaining. He didn't look like he cared giving the rudest look to us before you notice him.
"I hope, I'm improving" she mumble holding both her hands close to her as if she was praying.
Rolling your eyes, knowing she was panic for no reason. The week during the test she felt good, saying she'll pass at least an 80.
Now with doubt about failing, Rosie is smart she just puts her fun first then her own work. "Ms.L/n" you looked up seeing your professor.
"Mr. Strange" he nodding at your words "you did wonderful like always" he said, handing you, your paper. Seeing that you passed with an 97 made you pround but went over the ones you miss.
"Ms.A, you improve much in this exam, you should be pround of yourself" he handed her exam backwards making sure no one saw.
Once he left our area to go up to give the other students their exam results. "I got a 80" she hugged you, thanking you over and over again for the help.
"Couldn't have done it without you" you rolled your eyes playfully to her. "Are you coming to Felix party thus Saturday?" She pretty much begging you to come since you never really gone to them.
"I can't, I have other things to do" you told her, seeing the disappointed look in her face "lame" she commented giving you a light push.
"Like it's just for one night, I heard that Kam is going to do some werid body show for the men" she whispered the drama to you.
"She's sad, her life is sad and it couldn't be me" she smiled at your comment, being friends since elementary always been opposite from each other but always complimented each other cons well.
"True, I'm waiting for the school to kick her right by the out of pocket shjt she does" she sigh putting her exam in her bag, where she couldn't lose it.
"Yea, yea, it's making the school look bad" you yawned tired from the whole day of working your ass off with classes.
"Hope's she dies soon, didn't like how she tried to get near my boyfriend" you recall the time where Kam did tired to be slutty around Rosie boyfriend.
"I thought you don't wish bad on people?" You questioned, tilting your head to look at her with an 'innocent' look.
She smiled at your response "Shut up, she deserved it and you know it" causing you chuckled at her words.
"I do" she layed her head on your shoulder, talking more crap about other people. Then paying attention to who was listening to the both of you.
"Oh, right did I tell you the letters that Felix been getting" you didn't talk to Felix much, but you and him were close enough to share secrets.
"No? I think he told me about it, about someone send him a nude picture? Or death threats?" She nodded to your words, lifting up her from your shoulder.
"Yup, isn't that crazy like how can someone do those two things to someone?" she wonder, you shrugged not knowing the answer to her question.
Mr. Strange clapped his hands getting everyone attention from their conversation. "Alright guys, we have another presentation!" Everyone groan including you and Rosie.
"Fuck I hate these presentation" Rosie mumbles, you agreed with her. Talking out loud wasn't something you weren't good at, but it had to be done.
"I'm letting you guys work in pairs" once he said those words you and Roise looked at each other, wanting to work with each other.
"But I'm picking your partners by your grades" both of you and Rosie jaw dropped at the news.
"What if you can't work with anyone else?" Rosie said outloud, getting a couple of students to speak their minds as well.
"You can't Miss.A, don't say that you have separation anxiety because it's not true" you giggle at his words, hearing Roise cursing at the man under her breath.
"Anyways, I'm starting to pair you guys up now" he said as he started to call out random students names pairing them up together.
"I can't believe it" you looked at her, she acted like it would be the end of the world.
"We'll be fine, plus I'm pretty sure your friends with everyone here" you said, earning a glare from her.
"Not cute nor nice" you both hear her name being called out, and Kam as well.
"You guys We'll be paried up for this presentation" you laughed at her reaction.
"Professor Strange can I work on this alone instead?" She is begging, but he denied her request.
"Damm, couldn't be me" she slapped your arm playfully, rolling her eyes at you. "Don't be a dick" you both glance at Kam, who looked at you both from across the room with dead eyes.
"She doesn't seem like you very much" you said, looking at Rosie who shrugged not caring.
"So? She can suck on my dick if she doesn't like me" you giggle at her words.
"Y/n, you'll be paired up with Michael Gavey" you looked around for a Michael Gavey but never heard of him nor seen him before.
"Behind you" you heard a voice, it was unexpected for you. Turning to see the same guy who gave the both of you a rude look before.
"Nice to meet you" you said, giving him a small smile before writing the new presentation down.
"He looks mean" Rosie mumble this time making sure to keep her voice down. "Don't judge until you know them" you told her back.
She agreed with you, but still stayed with her comment about Michael. "So this presentation you are going to explain how mathematics is use in real life situations" your teacher said, writing down on the board some examples.
"It at least needs to be 4 pages long, it would boost up your grades by 20 points which most of you need" he said, passing around a paper for everyone.
"These are expectations that are required" you got the paper and looked at it, it wasn't hard. Since many jobs and real life situations are mathematics.
"My life could be solved mathematically" You giggle at Rosie response. She seem pround of her small joke.
Right when class was done, you wrote down your number, email and your account on MySpace if he wanted to speak on either.
"I'm going to my boyfriend, and tell him how miserable this class has me in" Rosie said giving you a hug.
You hugged her back "maybe he can help you slove your miserable situation with mathematics" she pushed you, which made you laughed.
"Haha funny" she flipped you off before walking away. You turn behind you seeing Michael still packing up.
"Uh...Michael?" He looked up at you with no interest into a conversation he was going to have with you.
"Here, you can contact me on these if you like. Then we can speak about the presentation" you gave him a smile handing him a ripped up paper from your journal.
He took it and looked at the paper "why is your email, sound childish?" He said it like he ment it in a rude way but it didn't bother you.
"I made it when I was about 8 years old that's why" you chuckled, feeling quite embarrassed about it now.
He shrugged it off, as he continued to do what he was doing. "I'll contact you, bye" he said leaving you alone.
You sigh reveal about how it went, this was your last class of the day so you decided to head home and change into something comfortable.
Like into some sweat pants and a noddle strap shirt.
You opend you laptop to start writing your presentation, but you remember you had a partner.
Grabing your flip phone to see if you received any messages, which you did by Michael.
"Hello, this is Michael." He typed out an hour ago.
"Hello! Sorry I burley got home." You typed out sending it to him.
You closed your phone, walking over to your bag to do the homework you had for science, chemistry, biology, and Human anatomy.
Those were the homeworks you had to do that were due Monday. Getting started on those, your phone rang which you check and it was Michael.
"Its fine. I'll do the project on my own if that's what you want to ask". That message didn't sit right with you.
"Huh? No I want to work on it together" you typed out, wondering why he wouldn't let you help him out.
He soon replied "Oh, Alright then. When and where?" You thought about it, you didn't really want to leave your place but you had to go to the library tomorrow so might as well.
"Want to work on it tomorrow? Stop by the library then head to my place?" You sent the message, he agreed and sent a time around 12pm is when we're going to meet at the library.
You closed your phone, and did homework for the rest of the night.
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You waited outside for Michael listening on your ipod the album 'Whatever people say I am, that what I'm not' by Arctic Monkeys.
You looking around seeing tress lossing their leaves because of Autumn.
You jump from a tap on your shoulder taking your headphone off. "Hey, I thought you weren't going to show up" you smiled at him.
He was surprised you were telling him something like this, "shouldn't I be saying something like that?" He tired to act cool with a small chuckle at the end of it.
You smiled at his response "why, because im 'popular'" you quoted making your way inside the library.
He followed behind, Michael weared a red sweater along with some jeans. "Uh, yea?" He said, still following your way upstairs.
"I'm not though?" You said, glancing at him. He was confused what you ment by it "just because I hang out with people who put themselves out there doesn't mean I do the same" you explain to him.
He was surprised to actually see someone so nice and beautiful to be near his presence.
But he didn't want to denied that you might be making a fool Out of him.
"So do you know any thoughts about our presentation?" You asked siting down on a chair where it was only two chairs for you and Michael.
"Uh, well...business sounds right?" He said, he looked at you waiting for a reaction which he didn't like. You weren't fan of business so you shook your head disagreeing with him.
"Uh, I feel like a scientist?" He thought about it and agreed with you.
"What do you know about science?" He asked getting his journal out of his bag. You did the same with the taot bag you had carried with you.
"I'm actually taking a class on it, and chemistry too" you said, taking your notes out for those to classes and showed him.
He looked over your notes and seem impressed "who wrote these for you?" He asked, you smiled at his question.
"I did them myself actually" he seem impressed but didn't want to believe someone popular like yourself is smart.
"So, we can start by writing some stuff about why they are important and why it brings that specific career" you said taking out the handout from your professor.
He watched you as you did this, why did professor pair you up? Michael thought he is paired up with a dumb girl who failing the class.
"What did you get on your exam for Mr. Strange?" He said out of no where, you looked up from the paper to him.
"A 97 and you?" You thought he was trying to start conversation, but in reality Michael was surprised, he thought you might have cheated on the exam.
"I got a 95" he said straightened his poster, you responded with a smile and went back to the paper in your hand.
"So who did you get the answers from?" You glance at him, is he playing a stupid game with you?
"Excuse me?" He repeated himself waiting for the answer to be told. "I actually studied for this stuff" you chuckled shaking your head a bit.
"How? I thought professor put me with someone who got a lower grade then me" he sigh, he didn't break eye contact with you.
"Nope, I guess I'm smarter then you Michael Gavey" you smiled getting up heading towards the books.
He didn't want you to be better at him in mathematics, he took a big passion for it. He was certainly impressed on the classes you were taking for your degrees but still couldn't believe it.
He followed right behind you watching you pick out a books. "So, I'm thinking these two would help us" you said handing the man the books.
He sckem through the books "yea, these seem perfect" he mumble, putting his eyes back on you.
"You know, I can slove any numbers in my head" he said out of no where. He seemed to have a bad habit of it, but never tired to fix it.
"Oh, you can? Explain how?" You lean against the bookshelf, looking at him which made him nervous.
"Uh, well I can solve number quicker then others...test me" he said, he wasn't pressuring you but you did wanting to know more about this.
"Okay, 4789.34 multiple by 345 then divide it up by 45" you said, he followed you as he sloved without a second wasted.
"36,718.273" he said, you nodded trying to slove it yourself. You use paper to divide and multiple the numbers, in your surprised he was right.
"Wow, impressive" you laughed, getting the books from his hands placing them on the table.
"Let's plan it out before we head to my place" he nodded, he seem pround of himself that he impressed you with his mathematics skills.
He tired testing you with multiple times table but you absolutely couldn't remember your times table like he dose.
"How do you not remember you times table but remember to eat every morning?" He tired to defend his case, you couldn't help but laugh at him.
"I'm not that, that smart to have it memorize but I am smart enough to have a higher grade then you" He rolled his eyes at your reapsonse.
"You use your paper and your fingers how?" He still didn't believe it. You rolled you eyes at his comment but couldn't help but smile at the man.
He notice, which cause the poor man to blush a bit. He looked away from your gaze.
"Oh its already 3 half, shall we go?" You said, changing the topic. He agreed and gather your things before leaving the library.
It was the first time anyone your level recognize him and treated him so well.
He wanted more of it, he loved it. You were beautiful, kind, smart and lovely personality. Your basically everything he asked for in a women.
"You live outside the university?" He said looking up at the apartment.
"Yup, I don't really associate with the dorms" you shrugged making your way to your apartment.
The more he knew about you the more he fell inlove. At first when he saw you come in for mathematically, he thought you were an annoying girl like the rest of them.
But now that he sees this new side that he so deeply loved, he wanted to know more.
You opend the door to your apartment, taking off your shoes, he did the same.
"Lovely home" you glance at him, giving a small smile to him.
"Thank you" you said, he followed you to your room. You sat your bag on your desk.
"You can sit where you want, I don't mind" he nodded sitting down on your bed, his eyes were still on you. Watching your every move.
"So, we got these down...we just need four more topics to cover" you smiled at him, his adamapple swallow hard his saliva.
"Of course, I see you are a big fan of Arctic Monkeys...I am too" he pulled at smile as he looked at you.
"Really?" You were surprised but happy to finally meet someone with the same music.
He nodded his head, you smiled at his response. You looked away notice you were looking at him too much.
"Do you want anything?" He shook his head, you sat on your bed near him.
The both of you began the four topics you needed. Your flip phoned rang "Oh crap" you mumble excusing yourself out of your room.
Micheal sigh in relief, thought he was going to lose himself while you kept getting near him.
He rubbed his hands against his jeans, you made him nervous but he pulled himself together.
Your room scent was calming, he grab a pillow to cover his hard state. He is thinking too much into it, your touch, your voice, your clever smartness, it made him weak.
"Sorry, I had to call in for my job" you said walking in to your bed.
"Its...it's fine" he sigh, you notice this but decided to brush it off.
You continued to work, when you tired to get near Michael, he would move away. It was odd for you what had happened while you were taking a call.
"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" You asked, he glance at you blush appeared to his neck and cheeks.
"N-no...it's just...maybe I should go" he said, he didn't remove your pillow from his crotch area.
Then it click you, you made Michael Gavey hard. You couldn't help but smile at the thought of it.
"No, stay" you insisted standing up, "I still wanna figure out who's smarter" you smirk, he swallowed hard at your response.
"No, you are the smarter then me" he chuckled at the end of his words, trying to get up but you pushed him back down.
"No...don't be lame Gavey come on" you pouted your lips, he sigh taking some deep breaths. Trying to get himself together before he said anything rude.
"Fine...you insisted!" He is a nervous wreck, you couldn't help but laugh getting closer to the man.
"Boop" you touch his nose, he looked at you with confusion. It made you smile even more, "Let's take a break, I think we deserve one" you pick up the papers on your bed, placing them on your desk.
It relief the man, he still so confused why you insisted him to stay a little more longer.
"So, Michael do you have a girlfriend?" You had to ask to be sure, you didn't want to ruin a relationship.
He looked away embarrassed, shaking his head. "I don't have one, since elementary" he revealed.
You were surprised, sure he looked like a nerd but he was very cute in your opinion of course. The way he talked about a topic with passion or pure hate towards it.
"I'm surprised" he looked up at you, watching you sit near him too close where both your knees touched.
Making Michael more nervous, you place your hand on top of his where he had your pillow at.
"Wanna play game?" You moved your hand away from him, "it will prove which one of us is smarter in any state" you explain, getting up "Do you drink?" You asked him.
He stayed stun with your words, he nodded answering your question.
You nodded heading out the room to the kitchen getting a bottle of vodka and two shot glass.
Coming back to your room, sitting back down on your bed. "Okay here" you pour a shot in for the both of you.
He took it without hesitation, you laugh at his actions and drank yours. "Tell me whats 573 sum of 895 multiple by 76 divided by 9?" He looked at you, quickly looking away.
"8,130.7" he said without a second to waste again. You clapped your hands together looking at your calculator to see if sure and once again he was right.
"Beautiful, beautiful" he smiled shyly at your compliments.
"Okay, mine turn" he said siting up a bit straight legs crossed. "573 sum of 98 multiple it by 34" he saw you pull out your paper and started to slove it more longer then he could.
"3,905" he smiled at your answer, you waiting to see if it was correct "its correct" he said, you smiled even more proud of yourself.
You both shared laughs, and grew closer and closer to each other "I don't think we should be doing this" he mumble to you, you looked at him then giggle at his words.
"Why shouldn't we?" You can feel his warm breath hit your face. He wanted to kiss you and you wanted the same, Michael Gavey is giving you the horny.
He brought his hand close to your face, soon your lips made contact, he is inexperienced by the he suck on your lips and bite them. You groan as you both pulled away, he was breathless already.
"This is my first time" he mumble, looking down at you. You nodded, you always been your exs first time which wasn't a problem to you.
"Just go with the flow" you mumble back, kissing him back, your arms made their way to his hair and neck. Bring him closer to you, you spread your legs opened for him.
He moved his hands down to your waist bring you closer. He pulled away looking at you, breathing in the alcohol you both had drank.
He started kissing your neck, you moan a bit which he wanted to hear. You let the man wonder his hands all around your body, you tug his sweater upward. He listened to took it off showing his chest, he didn't disappoint one bit he kept his body maintained. He helped you take off your shirt revealing your bra "Fuck" he mumble, as he started to kiss on your shoulders and making his way down.
You unplug your bra, so he wouldn't have to struggle to take it off. Once he got to your beast, he held one massaging it while sucking the other.
It made you wet, you had to admit a nerdy boy making you feel these things is wonderful.
You moan, pulling his hair you felt satisfied by his touch, making you want more of him. He started to unzip your pants but stopped and looked at you "you don't mind?" He asked, you nodded without hesitation pushed them down along with your underwear.
He came up to you giving you kisses before he made his way down to your cunt. "Fuck Michael" you moan, as he started to move his tongue without rhythm but it felt so good to you.
"Michael...f-fuck I'm close" you moan louder, as he continued to suck and lick your pussy.
You finally came undone "fuck!" You tug on his hair hard. He came back to your lips kissing you, you tasted yourself in his mouth.
"Did I do good?" He asked, breathless. All you did was giggle and nodding to his words "you did good" he smiled kissing you back again.
You both were exhausted, he didn't get his turn but he didn't care. He just wanted to cuddle close with you for the rest of night.
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stinkykitty8 · 5 months
(Yoki belongs to me!!! Everything else credits to Gatobob!!!)
This post incudes very heavy topics, nsfw, 18+ stuff, and overall just not very good things. Do not read if you are sensitive to these things.
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Read warnings before pressing more please!!!
(Events of BTD 1 happen with Ren and Strade but Ren was kidnapped at 19 and decided to escape at 21, still dealing with a bit of stockholm syndrome he never actually goes to police after.)
After escaping Strade and building himself back up Ren ends up paying a prostitute to fuck during his heat. And because of this it caused an accidental pregnancy she didnt want. She wanted nothing to do with the baby but she also couldn't afford to get rid of it. Instead she just waited it out and after having Yoki she tracked down Ren and gave Yoki to him. Ren took full custody of her and Yoki's mom hasnt been seen since. Ren named Yoki (full name Yokino) and raised her all by himself even thoughit was a bit of a struggle. Ren allowed Yoki to be more free and give into her animalistic instincts more which also caused her to be much more animalistic then Ren. Aka being more feral and getting triggered much easier around like blood or food (especially when hungry). As a young child she really liked meat of course, especially rabbit. Due to Ren taking her out into the woods sometimes and allowing her to hunt she enjoyed bringing back a fresh kill with her bare hands (even when being young she was still able to do it). He doesnt mind Yoki hunting on her own, actually enjoys it and is happy it makes her happy. As long as she doesn't come back home covered in blood or brings the dead animal she killed on the porch he doesnt care. Hes proud of his little girl. At a young age Yoki was introduced to Rens jobs but she didnt really care. Since she basically grew up with it even as a baby its sorta just a thing she knows about and Ren does. They are animals afterall. They have to give into their instincts at some point. Over time Ren started disposing of his 'stars' a different way by giving them to his private chef and asking them to cook it. It helped dispose of bodies easier and quicker all while having a good meal after. Because of this Yoki developed a taste for human flesh. Now she can't go a week without having her favorite meal, human heart. From rabbit hearts to human hearts. Yoki absolutely loves shopping and spending daddys money. Like once a week she gets his black card and goes shopping. Ren doesnt mind though since at this point hes pretty loaded. Plus he loves making his little girl happy. Ren and yoki have probably the most healthiest relationship out of all 3 kids. Ren has raised her well and the best way he can all while giving her a comfortable happy life.
As a young child yoki was often bullied in school for being a freak since beastkin are rare to find. It wasnt until around highschool she started to gain popularity due to her getting popular online. Shes your average tiktok and Instagram girly and being the daughter of a rich guy everyone wanted to be her friend after that. During middle school though she did make a few friends (and a few enemies) but nothing to serious. Basil was her number one friend all the way though just because of how well they bonded together (or well she bonded with basil). She saw him as a close friend and even better a brother to her. And with Hanz. Well he was the little prick. He was the main person that targeted both Yoki and Basil, picking on them and even going so far as to pull on Yoki's tail. Then one day he hust stopped and started staying to himself. Nobody knows what happened to Hanz during that and he never said what happened. Yoki alway knew Ren had scars but never knew what caused them. After learning some information from Hanz when they were older she gets help from one of Rens men to get on the web and check out of what she heard was true, and after snooping around on Strades account she finds out why Ren is that way. And due to this she gets in a small fight with Hanz but they end up settling it out. Yoki and Hanz are sorta a thing when older? But not? Its nothing serious. Mainly because Ren doesnt accept or like it at all. If he could he'd kill Hanz and Strade. He wants nothing to do with strade whatsoever even though Hanz did nothing wrong. Ren found out about Hanz and Strade during a parent teacher conference. Ren knew about Hanz before because Yoki would complain he would pick on her but after finding out it was strades kid he seemed to hate them both even more. Ren would have pulled yoki out of school if it wasnt for it being the only decent school around and plus he wanted Yoki to interact with other children. He couldnt just take that from her and hide her away. So he just protected her from afar. Ren wants nothing to do with Strade and as long as he doesn't bother him or Yoki he doesnt care. Strade likes the thought of fucking with Ren even if hes not doing anything. He could just sit back and relax as Hanz does all the work for him.
Yoki does know a bit of Japanese from Ren and Ren taught her a bit about their culture (trying to remember what his mother taught him). After getting older she could maybe only remember a few things but not everything.
(Hopefully i wrote everything correctly and it makes sense X3)
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wandaslullaby · 1 year
Typhoon Lagoon | Natasha Romanoff
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summary: you could say there’s perks of being yelena’s friend.
pairing: rich!bestfriendsister!nat x innoncent!reader
warnings; nat has a penis, fingering
You were so grateful for the hospitality of the Romanoff's, they saw that your parents were in need of financial help so they offered you to be their pool girl. It was good money and you were free to make yourself at home. You didn't think five months ago you would be best friends with Yelena and getting the chance to finally enjoy the pool that you clean everyday.
Yelena was always nice to you. Always offering you beverages and snacks when she made use of the pool but the oldest Romanoff wasn't exactly as warm. She was the complete opposite, making your job extremely difficult. Yelena always told you that it's nothing personal and she is like that with everyone but you often catch her staring at your chest when you clean the pool, or lock eyes with her as she stares down at you from her balcony.
It wasn't a lie that you didn't think of what it would be like to have Nat touch you but you couldn't do that to your parents or Yelena. You weren't going too. But a simple glance won't hurt, right?
"Are you coming, babe?" Yelena shouted from the other side of the door. You were currently stuck in the bathroom, trying to tie the strings to your bikini top.
"Yeah. Just can't seem to tie this bikini together." You huffed, letting your arms drop and watching as your breasts bounced out of the hold.
"I'll just meet you at the pool then." Yelena said and left you stranded in an interlocking bathroom.
"I can help.." A quiet voice ran over your body, and your hands immediately went over your breasts.
"N-No. I have it." You stuttered, feeling slightly aroused that Nat has finally being nice. You were grateful that you had your back to her, otherwise you would be a mess.
"You do?" Nat chuckled, "Turn around and let me see the bikini then."
"I-I don't think you want to see it. It's a just borrowed from Yelena." You mumble, "I think you've seen it a hundreds times."
Nat slowly walked closer, trapping the air between your two bodies. You were unsure how close Nat was but when you felt her bulge up against your ass, you hitched your breath in and stayed quiet.
"It's actually mine." Nat whispered, letting her chin rest on your head and her hands found your waist. "You often steal your employers clothes?"
"Oh gosh, Nat. I'm so sorry. Yelena shoved them into my hands and told me to get dress. If I knew then I wouldn't of put them on." You rapidly say, unbeknownst to Nat replacing your hands.
Her grip on your breasts stayed exactly the way you had them. You were still rambling about how you needed this job to not even see the way Nat started to slowly massage your breasts, hearing your quicken breath slow. You let you body relax into Nat's bunched chest, and began to fully focused on the rhythm of Nat's hands.
"There's a good girl." Nat whispered, continuing the motion. "You ever had someone do this to you before?"
You let out a soft moan, causing Nat to press a small kiss to your shoulder. She made sure that you were nice and relaxed before turning you over so you were facing the mirror. Nat knew from your oblivious side that no one has ever touched you before. Something about that confirmation made Nat harder.
"Open your eyes, dolly." Nat said, "I want you to look at yourself whilst I show you what real pleasure feels like."
You obeyed her request, slowly fluttering your eyes open as you saw yourself in the mirror. The way Nat caressed your breasts made a tingly feeling grow between her bottoms. You were praying that Nat wouldn't want to take back her bottoms because if she saw the mess you made, you would be traumatised.
"Now that I have your attention, do you mind giving me back my bottoms? I really do love this bikini."
Your eyes widen and you shook your head, "I think I should just wash them."
"Why? It's not like they are wet?" Nat joked but judging by your reaction, she was intrigued. "Are they wet, dolly?"
Shaking your head, you watch as Nat's brow rose and felt your breasts drop as Nat's hand wandered down to your pussy.
"So if I just run my hands down to where your pussy is... I would find the fabric completely dry?" Nat asked, slowly using her hand as she rubbed the fabric into your cunt. She hummed, pretending that she couldn't smell your leaking pussy and went a bit faster. "You didn't ask my question, bunny?"
"I-I" You splatted out a moan and arched your back into Nat's chest, as she quicken the pace. Her circulating motions caused a havoc inside you. All this feelings that Yelena told you about, you were experiencing right now.
"You are fucking soaked, baby." Nat laughed, as she rubbed quicker hearing the juices tangled into one another. You looked down at Nat's movement but her other hand clasped your jaw, forcing you to watch through the mirror.
"You like this, little theif?" Nat whispered, as she pulled your bottoms down, "How about we give this desperate cunt a little attention?"
You nodded submissively, and let out a moan when Nat slid two fingers inside you. You always imaged what it would feel like to be fingered and you couldn't be happier that it was Nat doing it.
She let you get use to her thick fingers, aiding you to grind on them to help you adjust. Nat was surprised at how well you were taking her fingers, so she decided to go faster and make sure every inch of your pussy was getting the attention it needed. Nat's pasted only increased when she easily slipped in a third fingers, thrusting her fingers in and out of you lusting over how they would disappear and reappear afterwards.
The smell of your pussy lingered in the air and Nat's throbbing cock couldn't take the hold back so Nat started to grind against your ass. The moans that escaped your lips only grew louder, making Nat's job so easy as she slipped a forth finger inside you.
"Four fingers, little one? You take them so well." Nat praised as she found your spot, and forcefully yanked her fingers out before slamming them right to the spot feeling your pussy clench around her.
"You going to cum, little thief?"
You nodded and Nat continued her paste before a shot load of cum drenched her fingers and she still fucked your high wanting to get you tired enough that you would want to sit out on pool time with her sister. Nat could also feel herself cum, grinning as she never really got off fingering someone.
Once your high went and Nat removed her fingers, you sunk down to the floor trying to grasp what just happened. Nat found it cute that you were lost for words, it made her want to do it all over again.
"How you feeling, Y/N?" Nat laughed as she washed her hands, and grabbing a cloth so she could clean you up. She made her way to the floor, pulling you into her lap as she pressed the cool cloth on your pussy. A hiss escaped your lip but Nat just slowly rubbed your hips to make your mind wander somewhere else.
"T-Tired..." You sniffle, as you watch Nat clean you up. A slight of embarrassment filled your cheeks as you saw how much you came. "I-I'm sorry for making a mess, I just didn't know that I could-"
"that you could cum that much?" Nat ased, doing a double take to see if she missed any.
You nodded, watching Nat toss away the cloth.
"It's normal. I'm guessing that was your first time cumming so you were naturally going to drench my fingers. I know I'll be smelling you for weeks." Nat laughed and watched as you hid your face in her chest.
"I promise it's a good thing."
"Is it?"
"Absolutely. It just means that you will ready for another things." Nat wanted to just fuck you there and then but, she knew it was going to take a while to get to that level.
"There's more?"
"Way more."
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kedreeva · 2 years
The funniest thing about Robin's "It shocked me to my core, but I like you, I really like you" is that it probably was shocking, but it shouldn't have been particularly unexpected.
I think that a lot of people see King Steve and the thought stops at "douchebag jock." And there's accuracy in that! We see him being a dick to people we like. We hear Robin talk about how he came to class late and made a mess where he sat and ignored her even though she was right there.
But the other side of that coin is the reason why it's easy for people in-verse to be obsessed with him, the reason that he's King and not a douchebag loner. It's not the sports, although that may help. But lots of the kids play sports. It's a little bit the looks, but he's not the only pretty boy in school. It's not the money, although I'm sure that doesn't hurt either. And maybe the combination of things gives him a leg up, but at the end of the day, even when he falls from favor in season 2 he still plays sports, he still looks good, he still has money. But people aren't obsessed with him anymore because of one reason- he's no longer giving attention.
Because when Steve doesn't ignore someone, being the recipient of his attention is electric. And sometimes that electricity is deadly and you don't want it focused on you, like when he breaks Jonathan's camera, but sometimes it is bringing light to your whole world, like every time he pulls Nancy in for kisses or looks at her like she's the whole world.
Steve is the center of attention in almost any setting he's in, and being his center of attention has got to be An Experience. And I imagine that trying to get into that sweet spot and failing is where a lot of the general "douchebag jock" resentment comes from. People scraping for a reason to dislike him (when actually, god, when he's NICE to you it's fucking amazing, best feeling in the world even back then), blaming it on him being conceited about being good at sports or having good looks or being a rich kid etc (and again, it IS those things, too, but it's NOT those things). And Steve absolutely capitalizes on his attention being a commodity for personal gain (social status, sex, etc), and THAT is where the douchebag status actually stems from.
In Robin's case, she was mad about Tammy only wanting Steve's attention (as opposed to Robin's attention) but imagine what would have happened if Steve had paid attention to Robin? Like at all? Tammy would have noticed her, then. Everyone would have noticed her, back then. But he sat right there within arms reach and ignored her entirely, to the point where he didn't even know she existed, and so no one else did either, and that brewed some resentment.
It is also the reason that Nancy was so... novel, to Steve. She didn't want attention. She accepted his attention, sometimes, when it suited her, but she a) didn't want all the attention he could give her and b) didn't want what his attention in public would give her. And he recognized that even if he didn't understand it. She gets nervy about going to a party with him, and he assures her it's just the four of them- her and him, and the two people that know about them, and he's welcoming to her friend that knows. He comes over when she's studying and is baffled that she actually just wants to study (and that's an entirely separate meta). After they've had sex, she gets spooky about it and he assures her no, he didn't tell anyone, and also he shushes Tommy and Carol when they're getting loud about it in the cafeteria. Nancy's acting like she's honestly a little embarrassed to be seen in public with him and that's WEIRD. Like yeah ok, getting his ass handed to him by Jonathan is what caused the burning building of Steve's self-perception to finally collapse, but it was Nancy that set the fire.
Robin saw him before it was alight, and what she's finding, when she finally gets to know him, is that it's still true; having his attention is still electrifying. It still lights up the world. It's just that he isn't leveraging it for anything anymore. He's just Like That; he just puts all of himself into whatever he's doing, and it's actually really fun and great when what he's doing is genuinely being your friend.
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sno4wy · 24 days
Did you seriously drop that much money to try to make your awful ship more valid? Guess what? You didn't, hope you enjoyed wasting a ton of money. It doesn't matter how much money you pay, you and your lame friends will always be the only ones who prefer your fugly builder with Miguel. Just give it up and go jump off a bridge already.
Hey Anon, based on the three messages you sent me today, it seems that my sharing of my commission from Momodeary in the official Pathea Discord server really upset you. Your rage felt really familiar to me, and I thought about this a lot about why. I'm going to hazard a guess that you're lashing out at me more than usual because of the price aspect, especially for something that seems so frivolous. I get it -- I grew up in abject poverty, and I harbored a lot of rage about it both directly and indirectly for many years. It really sucks not having the money to do what you need, or even what you want, and it can feel like having salt rubbed into the wound when someone else shows off some pricey non-necessity that they got. Everyone deserves to get what brings them joy, as long as it isn't something that causes harm to others, and it sucks that capitalism/corporations/societal structure/etc make most people unable to attain that. I sincerely hope that things improve for you.
I'm fortunate now to do well enough for myself that I can afford a pricey commission like the one that I shared. I got the commission because I like Momodeary's art style, it's not a style that I see myself personally doing, and I'm making it up to myself now for all the things that I couldn't do in the past. I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to say it was to support the artist, as she has tons of clients and certainly didn't need my money, I'm really lucky to have been able to get a slot with her. If you have the means to do so and want to, I really suggest contacting her directly -- the worst thing she can say is no, but more likely is that she'll put you on an (admittedly long) waitlist. The point is, if you're upset about not being able to get a commission from her, don't write it off until you try. Worse comes to worst, she can't fit you in, but there are tons of skilled artists out there with similar styles that you can commission instead. It's ok though if you have your heart set on Momodeary, most artists are very accommodating as long as the client is understanding and willing to wait.
If your anger has to do with not being able to afford a commission from Momodeary, I'm really sorry about that. There are some ways that I can help, if not directly to get you a commission, but perhaps means to address the funds shortage issue. I managed to claw my way out of poverty, and in the process picked up more than a few ideas and tricks, however at the end of the day, there is no magical get rich quick scheme, and everything that you hear about how to find a job is sadly mostly true. For instance, a good resumé is an integral part to finding a job, and a big part of what makes a resumé good is proper formatting. Having gone from someone who sent out hundreds of resumés to someone who's had to review hundreds of resumés, I can tell you that so much of the time, it's a lot less about the contents of the resumé and more about its appearance. Countless qualified, heck, overqualified, people get turned down for positions because their resumés don't even get looked at. I'm happy to look over a resumé if you'd like, and of course I'd understand if you need to anonymize most of it before showing me. Please note that it is sadly the case that having a good resumé, or in many cases, all the correct qualifications, don't necessarily guarantee you a job. Connections are at least, if not more, important, so don't be shy about asking for help from friends and family in this aspect.
Finding and securing a job can be a long-term project though, so picking up some side hustles might be a good way to generate some income, especially as you can keep these side hustles after finding a job. A lot of people have even done so well with their side hustles that they were able to make them into their careers. I'm happy to make suggestions, but I'm afraid that my knowledge is chiefly confined to the US and my ideas may not be applicable or workable in other countries. I have found however that a fairly universal way to generate some income via a side hustle is through selling crocheted items. Crochet is very quick and easy to learn and master, and yarn is very cheap, especially if you get store brands like Joann's Big Twist. Red Heart Super Saver is also very cheap yarn that comes in a ton of colors. There are countless free patterns on the internet, and ones that aren't free tend to be pretty cheap, generally within the $5 range. It is totally legal to sell the stuff you make from purchased patterns; some patterns even explicitly state that this is the case. The best part about crochet is that you can do it while doing other stuff, like commuting to your job, watching a show, listening to music, etc. It's totally possible to churn out a ton of crochet animals (amigurumi) in one day. Dipping into fandom stuff by making characters from a certain franchise is a great way to sell crochet products. Another really cool thing is that there doesn't currently exist a way for crocheted items to be mass produced; while there are items that look crocheted, they're actually sewn together pieces and not true crochet. Machines can't currently make crocheted items. Buyers looking for real crochet products want something that only a human can make.
Online marketing tools are also pretty solid. Etsy is the way to go for handmade crafts, although they do take a pretty hefty fee (15%). You can try to cut down on that fee by listing on your own social media, in which case you'd still have to pay a 3-5% handling fee for payment processors, and it can be a pain trying to beat social media algorithms. If you're handy with TikTok, that's a great way to boost awareness of your brand, and you can use those same videos as Reels on Instagram and Facebook to get your accounts noticed faster.
If you're an artist, you could of course always try to go the commissions route, but I've found that this is a much harder uphill battle than trying to break into the scene marketing crochet goods. If you do decide to give crochet a shot, I really recommend investing in a quality hook -- Clover Armour is many crocheters' go-to. They are pricy, around $9 for a hook, but they last forever and they're super comfortable to use. You only need one to start -- I recommend the size G (4.0 mm) one, as that goes with the most common yarn weight for a lot of amigurumi. Big Twist and Red Heart Super Saver are also both Worsted weight yarn, for which you use a G hook. If this is something you really want to do but are really tight on funds, I'm happy to get one of those hooks for you, just tell me how to get it to you.
I have a lot of other ideas for possible side gigs, which all will require a lot of work, but will return income. However, I'd just be spitballing, so hit me up if you want to talk shop. You know where to find me. ;P
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 4 months
Omg that ask you received about marginalised swifties ‘Turning their brains off’ to fawn over their fave fascist is SO REAL.
Ur ask box says come here to rant so I’m NOT holding back lmao sorry if this is a long one.
One of my friends is like this but he doesn’t even have Taylor Swift as an exception to his political opinions/ the standards he sets for other celebrities. Instead he will try to the best of his ability to justify EVERYTHING she does. Even if he literally said the opposite five minutes ago.
He loves Greta Thunberg and thinks carbon credits are just rich people shite?? Actually no Taylor is trying her best!! 😭😭 did you know she bought carbon credits so really she’s mitigating climate change.
He is against racism (AS A WHITE ENGLISH BOY) And thinks all celebrities should speak up against it?? Well, if she speaks up she and her fans could be hurt! (In THIS crowd?? 💁🏼‍♀️ 👩🏼👩🏼👩🏼👩🏼‍🦱👩🏼👩🏻‍🦰👩🏼👩🏻👩🏼 Bitch WHO?).
He is against homophobia (dude is literally gay) and any cishet celebrity who doesn’t immediately condemn homophobia is trash and morally bankrupt (his own words- which I agree with)?? Well yk she did make that one song! Wdym it portrays the poor rural working class as the homophobes and the rich educated people as great allies who have never been homophobic nor the ones passing homophobic and transphobic legislation?? No it’s actually a metaphor (for what? Her being classist? Not much of a metaphor when it’s fucking obvious).
That’s the context, so here’s The Story 😸😸
I remember late last year (a few weeks before Taylor Swift donated the wild wild sum of £250 dollars to see a comedy show raising money for Palestine) me and my friend were talking about how it’s morally bankrupt for celebrities to not talk about Palestine and this delulu little swiftie was like “yeah!! You guys are so right!” Until our friend was like “esp billionaires cz they could make so much of an impact just by speaking up once but don’t because they care more their money and have probably never spoken to a brown person darker than a paper bag”
And lemme tell you this about this mf. his face dropped immediately like 😊😟 and he starts waffling on like “uhmm well she’s on tour it would endanger her fans! Like the Manchester terror attack!! And she’s not a politician or anything so it wouldn’t do nowt.”
(The way he was insinuating her fans might get bombed in a ‘terror attack’ is a little 🤨 considering Isreal wouldn’t bomb a white US American woman and her majority wealthy white western fanbase in a western zionist county because that demographic makes up the majority of their supporters, and esp not in a terror attack... unless he’s aware of the fact that she’s probably a Zionist but just doesn’t want to say it LMAOO)
So me and my friend share A Look like what is this english boy (derogatory: inbred racist) on? And he immediately goes on the offence and I will say again; he is a staunch leftist. He is a gay guy in the Uk, esp considering the northern (aka fucked by the government, quite bigoted and really deprived) working class (he is the richest of our friend group but tbh that isn’t saying much lmao) area we live in. He is ALWAYS talking about social justice and how he, who is on average the most privileged person in our friend group, wants to use his privilege to help the less fortunate.
So! He turns to our friend: queer brown girl who’s family are catholic and from Maharashtra (India), and me: queer white girl who’s family are (mostly) Jewish and from Eastern Europe. And he says (I SHIT YOU NOT) extremely loudly so that many people nearby can hear cause we’re in our school’s canteen:
“Well, at least MY ANCESTORS didn’t murder hundreds of Hindus during partition! And at least MY BROTHER isn’t in the IDF!!”
(Wish this was in an English literature exam cause I could analyse the fuck out of it)
All it took was people insinuating his favourite celebrity wasn’t a good person. We didn’t even fucking name her. And he weaponises his privileges against those with less than him. Even if what he said was true it is fucking disgusting to use that against minorities, esp his friends, esp because we live in an area where so many people fall prey to politics scapegoating minorities for all the UK’s problems, and esp because he pretends to be against this stuff??
But no it gets worse, because let me explain the actual truth of that he said.
Our friend’s family were originally Hindu and converted relatively recently and AFTER partition so they wouldn’t have been killing Hindus. And saying murder is just pretty ugh. Also HUNDREDS?? The only people with that much blood on their hands after partition are the English and that’s a fucking fact. And from what I know most of the conflicts within Maharashtra were not religious but ethnic-based?? I might be wrong but of course this guy wouldn’t know regardless. Also it should be noted that the majority of Indian kids at our school are from a different state with a different language + culture and our friend already feels alienated from them along with being treated like shit by a select few. So literally announcing her family fucking MURDERED theirs isn’t helping at all!
Then there’s my bit lol.
First of all it’s not my brother, it’s my half brother. And he’s not in the IDF he is just a Zionist. Which is still really awful and uplifting a system of apartheid. But not the same.
Now the thing is. The only reason this guy knows this is because THREE YEARS AGO i entrusted him as a friend and vented about issues in my family: that my half brother is a Zionist and wants to join the IDF when he’s older and I’m really ashamed that he has interpreted our religion in a way that perpetrates genocide. Also like my entire family are arguing about it and it’s really stressful. A month later (still 3 years ago) someone spread rumours around school that I was a Zionist and hated Muslims (what really happened was that someone was making Holocaust jokes saying ‘I gave them permission to do it’ and I called them out, so that was their revenge.). This guy was my friend all through that and KNOWS how much it upset me and esp because there were at the time no other Jewish people in our school.
To this day I’m still hesitant to tell people at school that I’m Jewish because I’m paranoid something like this will happen again.
But this guy didn’t care. He made up a lie about my friend not only demonising her to her own community but also to outsiders. Blaming mass bloodshed that his own people perpetrated onto her and her family. Then he lied about me and my family- bastardising something I told him years ago as a close friend with the trust he wouldn’t use it against me years later. But he did.
Of our little trio (we do have a bigger friend group but we were the only ones in that convo), he is the one who has done the least for Palestine. We have been fighting for fucking years and he’s only opening his eyes know which is still good and better than never of course. But to speak with such authority when literally all he has done is tell us he’s against Israel (better than Taylor but still spineless). Bro isn’t even an activist because there’s nothing active about what he does. He just passively hangs around and through association with us, other people and being already a minority (queer) isn’t assumed to be a Zionist.
AND!! Ironically he is actually quite disliked at my school- not for being a scumbag, but for the fact that he’s gay. We are some of his only friends but he’s willing to jeopardise our relationship just to uplift an insanely wealthy bigot half a world away.
Anyway yeah that’s it lol.
What he did was racist and antisemitic and fucking AWFUL. He has done stuff like this before and since- never always go the same extent though- and I think this story takes the cake.
When you said leftist swifties will just ignore their values for her. You were right to an extend but also kind of wrong. Turns out they will also weaponise everything they claim to be against just to protect their precious little blonde billionaire. Hooray 🤩🤩
Anyway thank you so so much for not only calling out Taylor swift and swifties’s BS but also issues within the anti community (sigh. Jewishbarbies) and standing up for what’s right. Free Palestine and fuck the colonisers 🇵🇸🇵🇸❤️❤️
As a side note you said you wanted to listen to more Indian songs n you probably already know it cause it’s Bollywood and really popular but CHAMMAK CHALLO by Akon is a lifestyle <3 I might not be here much but I’d love to be 😻 anon if it’s available (or the REAL Jewish barbie if you feel like it lmao)
please drop this guy. this is not your friend this is someone who hangs out with you because (as you said) no one else likes him.
nobody with his alleged politics would ever think let alone ACCUSE you and your desi best friend of racist lies (STRAIGHT UP ACCUSING YOUR FRIENDS FAMILY OF MASS MURDER?) and zionist ties (blaming you for your brother wanting to join the idf?). this is not a good person.
i’m sorry this behavior is so abhorrent. nobody who genuinely respects, likes, cares and KNOWS the both of you would ever think of saying this in your face. and all in the defense of a WEALTHY WHITE CELEB WHO PRIDES HERSELF IN BEING A FEMINIST CONTINUING TO STAY SILENT 9 MONTHS INTO A GENOCIDE. he is showing you that he would rather side with/defend a (privileged) white person rather his own marginalized friends if he likes them more than you. this is not someone not committed to their own politics.
this is what i was saying about further left identifying swifties is that their leftist politics are just aesthetics for them. if you can disregard your politics for your favorite celeb you are not committed to the ideology you claim as your political framework. also i noticed how you used homophobia and greta thunberg as examples, which explains his behavior as self serving meaning he’s a leftist only because he’s directly impacted by his issues. (if he calls himself anti racist tell him to stfu especially after what he said to your desi bff bc wtf) this is not a good person who’s own personal politics regarding palestine are passive at best. he isn’t even committed to palestine’s liberation.
ugh. what a disgusting human being. i am so sorry your “friend” said this disgusting shit to you just because HE felt threatened you guys were holding his fave accountable. he went fully mask off and spouted bigotry because HE felt threatened. if this is not the first or last time he’s done this, he’s told you multiple times who he is and you have no obligation to continue being his friend because he does not deserve to be.
fuck all the zionists in the tag and SHOW UP FOR PALESTINE. go and get involved in your actions, reshare and donate to gfm’s, actively educate yourself (haymarket books has free book pdfs to download about palestine), post online and above all REMAIN STEADFAST IN YOUR COMMITMENT TO PALESTINE.
death to all colonial powers, land back to all indigenous peoples, and reparations and return of all stolen resources and artifacts to the decolonized peoples. fuck israel and death to the white settler colonial state!
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theonetruegnome · 2 months
Do you believe in maaaagic!
As this universe's Bubba is currently running around like a toddler on crack with Dandydoe, we outsourced him to crafty.
Mana mare!
Mana is the group brains and is often the one to point out flaws in plans or give sound advice, such as 'Don't put that in your mouth, you'll die' or 'Somebody get Conk down from that tree!' or even 'Eli, nobody can legally give you rocket roller skates'. She seemingly knows a little bit about any and every subject, ranging from anatomy and biology, to basic mechanical engineering and tinkering, and her favourite subject is chemistry. She tries not to be a spoilsport to her friends, though glaring safety risks cannot be ignored. Her friends have been seriously hurt before, and more stupid- *Ahem* I mean 'flawed'- ideas aren't going to help.
Being a unicorn, she has innate control over magic and spells, and she has almost got the hang a few basic spells (in this and my main critter head canon, anyone can learn magic, it just usually takes Centuries to become decently good. Unicorns are an exception. Their horns act as spiral focused conduits to channel their power through, making them idea magic users and the main ones who do in society). Her horn has only really just grown in though, so she is having a hard time at controlling her powers, and they often 'go wonky' or activate when she doesn't want them to. For instance, once she tried to conjure up a nightlight for one of Dandy's younger siblings, NOT FOR HER SHE DOESN'T NEED ONE, and she ended up somehow turning everything in her room burgundy, much to Dandy's chagrin. Or there was the time she got so upset that she got her first D+ on a test, She unconsciously started setting random things around her on fire. That was a fun day! She sometimes gets frustrated by the whole thing and has to take a step back to breathe, recuperate and tell herself 'It's normal. I am normal. Nobody will judge me'.
Ok mana, just breathe... In through the nose *YAWN* A-A-And out through the mouth... You'll get the hang of it eventually.
Yeah! And besides, you're already better than us at tons of stuff! Like trivia, or being a safety freak!
Dandy! Don't listen to her mana, it's very sweet you worry about us.
Didn't I say that?
She doesn't do everything with magic and tries to avoid unnecessary use (probably 'cause of the wonkiness), but still gets frustrated and saddened when she can't even do a basic spell and has to ask her parents for help. They have told her, it's normal for all unicorns of her age, and she'll grow into her powers, she is strong and resilient and so so so smart it wouldn't even matter if she never does magic again.
Speaking of, her family is a fairly unusual case among unicorns. Most unicorns are very wealthy, high and mighty, quintessential 'old money' types. They are usually the sorcerers and alchemists to kings and noble houses and are very rich and very powerful. Mana's accidentally squandered their wealth on booze and amateur acrobatics lessons generations before she was born, and were cast from upper society. They earn enough to get by but can never really rejoin the upper crust. Oh, they still get an invite every year to the infamous House Vergand Gala ball, but are often turned away at the gates with most the other 'disgrace' families. Some at the ball say seeing them trudge away, shoulders hunched in defeat, the little foals holding onto their parent's hooves is the highlight of the evening entertainment!
In hindsight, It's probably good that she grew up away from those freaks however. She's not snobbish. She doesn't believe she's superior to everyone. She has a thirst and passion for knowledge borne from her mother reading to her nightly and enjoys the company of others, trying to treat them as equals no matter how different they may be. And that, I would say, is something no amount of silver or emeralds could buy.
And now, upon thee a curse! A curse of poorly written trivia and character quirks!
She and her family speak 'the king's English', so a posh English accent, and tend to use flowery and expressive language compared to all the other critters. Despite this, half the time she doesn't know what the words actually mean, only when to say them.
Her favourite book is 'Charlie and the chocolate factory' because she can relate to the main character.
She has a twin brother named Harry HistoHorse. He's like her in every way, even down to his love of learning, but his subject of expertise is history. The only physical difference between the two is his horn spirals up and to the left, hers is up and to the right. They even swapped friend groups for a day and nobody noticed, aside from the fact Mana's voice was weirdly deeper that day and Harry kept talking about acids and potions or something like that.
She and Dandydoe have a competition to see who can solve the most murder mysteries before the detective figures it out. Currently, Dandy is winning 17-12.
She can list every amino acid, in order of complexity and base components, but never remembers any of her friends' birthdays and always asks whom is next.
Finally her charm is a crystal ball shaped to look like a lightbulb and her scent is lambs ear.
TL;DR she's essentially if bubba was poor and insecure about not being able to do magic
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shojislady · 1 year
"-ess.. princess. wake up, we need to get ready. kacchans making pancakes right now."
grumbling, she turns over to look at her clock. it's 10:15am, izuku let her sleep in a bit. today, the class was going out to the mall then the arcade to have class bonding time. with everything that's gone on, from the USJ incident and the tension from the sports festival, to the fight with stain (where endeavor unfairly took credit, causing the girl to have a "slight" hatred for him), and even the final exams, having to go against All Might with Bakugo and Midoriya, it was just a lot to handle. they're just kids, and kids need breaks.
walking into the bathroom, the girl began her daily morning routine.
"damn.. i look ROUGH..!" she said as she looked in the mirror. her bonnet looked as if it was trying to run away, her tank top was all twisted up, right boob was up in russia while the left one stayed home in america. she had eye boogers all around and her angel bite piercings were no where to be found.
she slept good.
"you know what... let me just wash my face right now and i'll do everything else after i eat."
her face care routine consists of ; black african soap, witch hazel, hydration drops, and a bit of coco butter.
finishing up and putting away her stray boobs, she found one of bakugos stolen hoodies and made her way downstairs.
(i would just like to add that she sleeps in boxers so yk that ass lookin fat 😋)
"good morning guys!" she greeted everyone, with a slight smile and wave. almost everyone was up, with the exception of a few people.
"hii y/n!"
"mornin bestie!!"
"Good Morning, Y/n! Glad to see you awake!"
and so on and so forth
"mornin angel.. im making your pancakes right now, but there's bacon on the tiny burner and i made u a tiny omelette. those burner thingies really come in handy, you know?"
"its a heating tray, katsu. and yes, that's why i bought them." she bought them for holidays like christmas and american thanksgiving, but since there's 21 kids living in one dorm, it's used more than expected.
"is that my fucking hood?? i've been looking for that for weeks!" bakugo exclaimed, turning around to give the girl a plate so that she could fix her food. "when the hell did you even- whatever.. as long as i get it back."
(Spoiler Alert, he doesn't)
"erm.. anyways..! so guys, what time are we supposed to be leaving??" asked y/n, going to take a seat next to shoji.
"Well, we're trying to leave for the mall around 12:45 since it isn't far, then leave the mall no later than 4:30-5." yaomomo began to explain. "I was able to rent the arcade from 6:15 to 10:30, food and drinks included, along with lazer tag , and we get the option of going in the bounce area, so when we get there just let me know."
"damn yaomomo... i knew you was stacked but DAMN!!"
"ong, bro's LOADED.."
"i'm calling you if i need to bailed out of jail."
"honestly guys it's not much, i just want us to have fun and relax as a class while being safe!" yaomomo said with a small smile on her face. she was literally loaded, like pockets so deep they could fit 3 gallons of milk each, pockets so swole they need an ice pack, pockets so fat they need they own TLC show type rich. but even so, she didn't like to flaunt her wealth. she'd rather use her money to pay for gifts and events for her friends, rather than to flex some diamond earrings or a gold necklace. She's still a teen girl though, so she still loves to go shopping. The girl is really just happy that she's found friends that actually love her for her, and not for her money.
"you're so cute yaomomo! i love you!"
"well thank you y-"
"if anyone, i mean ANYONE fucks with you, call me. these hands are rated E for Everyone. my fists are activists. i dont care if they're old, young, tall, short, fine, ugly, gay, straight. I believe in equality, and with equality comes equally distributed ass whoopings jus-"
"OK, n/n! i think momo gets how much you love her! since you're done eating can u help me?" midoriya interrupted the girls small rant.
"you gotta face the consequences of last night huh? you should've listened to me, but yeah i'll help!"
"you dont have to rub salt on the wound!" he whined. "i'll get stuff and meet in your room again?"
"sounds like a plan, izuku!" she replied, getting up to grab her plate and bring to the kitchen.
"OoOh y/n~" jirou began to tease. "last night? your room AGAIN? what scandalous activities have you been up to?"
"chill kyo, its not like that! he messed up his hair on his own and we always hang in my room bc its more.. welcoming.. then his."
"i know, y/n! im jus messin' with ya."
with her plate in hand, y/n walked into the kitchen where bakugo resided. he was cleaning the and putting away the dirty plates before he started to soak the pans.
"so, the nerd fell asleep in your room again huh?" he asked, washing a plate.
"yeah, he started to doze off a little while after you left, so he slept with me."
"i dont know why you guys dont just ask eachother out yet. you two are basically in love with eachother."
"katsuki, you know how i feel, and you know how zuku is. im pretty sure if he would act the same way with the rest of the class as he acts with us if he just trusted them more." she informed, getting ready to wash her plate before bakugo snatched it.
"don't even try it." ever since they could crawl, they've never let the girl lift a finger. hungry? chef katsuki at your service! scraped your knee? Dr.deku to the rescue! and yes, they know that she's the perfectly capable and well off to do these things on her own, but why should she when she has two men to do it for her?
"anyways. we've all known eachother since literally birth. i see things, i observe things. you two are literally inseparable. im pretty sure y'all first words were eachothers names. you know how you act around him, you see with your own two (or four) eyes the way he acts with you, and im pretty sure he peeps it too. just ask eachother out already and stop being pussies for fucks sake!"
"oh my gosh?? shut the fuck up?? you're so damn loud??" she said, slapping him in the back of his neck.
"aye. try me again and we gotta tussle. i'm not deku. i'll will beat the black off you. i strike so much fear into your melanin pigmentation that it will come to me."
"whatever katsuki, u can run me my ones later, i gotta go help zuku now."
"ight then angel, u better be ready. see ya later."
with that, she finally left the kitchen and headed towards her dorm to meet izuku.
"finally.." the boy sighed. it's now 11:45 am, and they (she) just finished detangling, moisturizing, and somewhat styling his hair. at this point, her fingers and wrists were tired, her back was aching, her feet were sore, and she had the very violent urge to go back to her black roots and pop this nigga with the comb.
"I know damn well YOU not heavy breathing like you did some work. all yo lazy ass did was sit there and watch Netflix. YOU COULDN"T EVEN HOLD THE DAMN SPRAY..."
"I'm sorry, ma. thank you so much, I should've listened to you last night. now do you already have clothes ready? or do you need to pick something out?" he asked, pulling her into a hug and rubbing her back.
".. you better be so lucky i love you. but yes, i need to pick. have u chosen?"
" yup, right before I came to wake you up. so i'll help you if you want?"
"yes please"
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taglist: @ast4rg1rl
and i already started the next chapter🙏🏾
well i split this chapter up into 2 to make things easier on me and y'all!!
so if its not out by next week then i'll post something embarrassing 🙏🏾
when i show outfits and stuff they're just there for ppl like me who can't visualize that well <3
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tmf-confessions · 2 months
Not even gonna anon for this cause I know that people agreed with me- @confession 709, YES. This! I’m the anon who originally said they were immature, And you put it perfectly. I’ll try not to repeat anything you said cause you put it perfectly, so I’ll do my best to add onto it
I think the only reason they were popular outside of the storyline was for the plot, rosy just needed some popular kids to make the story go forward.
In the story line, I think the only reason that they’re popular is
A. Because of drew being rich (As much as I hate it, Yeah, It does happen a lot. People can have the shittiest personally, but a tad bit more money than everyone else can do wonders. Not just because of gold diggers, but because theres a lot more opportunities for them to do things, go places, and do activities that allow them to socialize and connect with people earlier, which leads to them having a lot of friends and becoming popular)
B. Because they know other popular people (They atleast had some connection to daisy, considering jake could talk to her and they were somewhat friends, even in the early episodes. Also, Zoey definitely fits the popular girl status, So she and lia and the other girl (i forget her name all the time 😭) are probably also helping to carry along the jomies)
C. Luck of the draw. A lot of the times, the popular people are just the people who managed to talk to a lot of people when they were younger and kept a good reputation, and only the really social people tend to stay ontop (which is why I’m convinced all of them, except jake, are extremely extroverted) of the popularity chain
D. This isnt really canon, but I also feel like they’re probably more infamous than famous. So far, most of the cast we’ve seen either hates the jomies, or tolerates them. Especially when they can pick on people without worrying about their reputation
These are mostly my personal opinions, but I 100% agree with your point, They would NOT be popular in real life based on personality alone, I think they were only ever decided to be popular to progress the story (yknow, give jake a reason to stick by em for protection and a group to bully the music freaks)
Liam seems chill tho, love me liam
confession #714
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gamerbearmira · 8 months
spiderwoman au-
You know how Spider! Mirabel is all happy and hunky dory like 1610 Miles is? Happy, naive, trusting, etc. But Miles prowler variant isn't? Depressed, tired, cold, not a villain but not a hero either, etc.
I introduce to you, Venom! Mirabel: (sad angst ahead)
So, let's just say Venom! Mirabel got her symbiote when she was only eleven. Julieta worked for Alchemax and therefore could bring Mirabel whenever she wanted to if she couldn't find a babysitter.
A symbiote was being tested on and researched over most of the times little Mirabel was just around. One day a fire caused most of the Alchemax to explode, the symbiote got out, and out of an act of kindness, it protected her from being burned.
A little thought I had was that the symbiote liked Julieta, she was gentler with it and talked to it kindlier than the other scientists did. Sometimes the symbiote was able to see a few glimpses of Mirabel and once, was able to see her up close behind glass.
Alma, Pepa, Felix, Agustin, worked there to. Just in different districts. Her daughters decided to follow in her footsteps and therefore met Agustin and Felix there.
So, before the building could fully engulf in flames, the symbiote broke out of glass and protected her from the fire. The five adult madrigals, however, didn't make it.
Mirabel was found in rubble by some firefighters and taken back home. Bruno was surely devastated, as well as the other grandchildren. Antonio was only three months old when it happened, so he didn't really have that much time to bond with his parents, tios, or abuela.
Bruno, who was thankfully left with Alma's inheritance, was able to care for the grandchildren the best he could.
Even though they were fairly high class in wealth, Alma always thought it would be best for her children to live in middle class neighborhoods. She thought that because she came from a typically rich family, and she couldn't stand how uptight and entitled everyone was.
She met Pedro in a simple diner in a Brooklyn neighborhood she was told to never go to. The rest is already known, except Pedro died from a home invasion.
Even through that trauma, she still preferred to live in a simple neighborhood. The people there weren't fake, mean, but at least they were truthful. No one had an image to uphold or someone to impress, they were just people trying to earn a living. (Plus, she wanted the triplets to live next to Pedro's parents)
Her parents cut her off but thankfully she was already working as a scientist at Alchemax. She wanted her children to learn the value of just living life, not valuing money, so she raised them how a typical middle-class mom would (or at least tried to)
So, Bruno and the grandkids live in a big apartment in Brooklyn. The older girls are in college, Mirabel and Camilo go to Brooklyn Visions Academy, and Antonio goes to a good kindergarten school.
Mirabel and Camilo were friends with Miles 42 since second/third grade, thankfully they ended up in the same prestige school so they could stick together.
When Miles 42's dad died, they were able to bond on grief and become a little closer as friends. But that didn't mean they were happy, not at all.
Mirabel still misses her parents and other family members every day and cries herself to sleep most nights. The only people that know of the symbiote attached to Mira are Miles 42 and Uncle Aaron.
She saw them going around places and stealing medicine, and she wanted to help. She instantly figured out it was them; she could recognize Miles' braids and Aaron's behavior easily.
Go here: Unused Spider Verse Test Footage: Prowler "Wiles" Morales - YouTube so you can know what I'm talking about.
She offered to help or more like "I'm helping you and you can't say no to me"
She introduced her symbiote buddy to them, it freaked them out, they got over it, and now she helps with missions when she can.
She often calls Uncle Aaron "Tio Aaron" and Rio "Mama Rio". Same for the other grandkids. And when you think about it, Rio and Aaron are the only parental figures they have in their life. Bruno is their third figure, but he's still at a loving uncle distance.
She's a year older than Miles here (like how Spider! Mirabel is with 1610 miles), so she calls him "Hermanito" a lot, much to his distaste. She's also a few inches taller than him so she uses his shoulders as an arm rest often. Sibling tings.
I feel like Mirabel has more of an alt aesthetic, just to match 42 Miles a little bit. Blacks, Blues, and whites are usually her color scheme.
So, let's just say Spider! Mirabel, Spider! Antonio, and 1610! Miles end up in Earth 42. They were all being chased by a bunch of spider people (fighting for they life), told they were nothing but anomalies, far from home, and ended up in a foreign world.
All three of them were tired and exhausted (physically and emotionally) by the time they got to Miles' "home". Mirabel and Antonio stayed on top of the roof to keep an eye out for Miguel or anyone who looked like a problem.
Mirabel got knocked tf out by her variant and Antonio...boy just passed out from exhaustion and shock. Miles gets knocked tf out too and all of them get tied up to a punching bag. Both Mira and Miles staring their variants in the eye.
Other V! Mira facts
V!Mirabel has eyebags, always low lid eyes, some scars along her face and body, and lighter brown eyes.
She's a heavy eater, more so than Camilo, because she is literally eating for herself AND an alien.
Has the weirdest food combination, because again, there's an alien attached to her with the weirdest food cravings.
Loves to code and make a few gadgets here and there.
Instead of the accordion, she likes to play with an APC and make beats from time to time.
BVA's top student, as well as Miles and Milo.
She still embroiders and sings, but she boxes too. Miles is usually her boxing buddy.
Mira stopped doing ballet at eleven, she just lost motivation after most of her family died. She continues to do gymnastics but only to make her fight better in combat.
She is a smart a$$ if you've ever seen one, give her the chance and she will get smart with you. Dolores had to hit her with a wooden spoon once or twice to make her tone it down. (And trust me, Dolores keeps that spoon locked and loaded just in case anyone wants to get smart, as well as a chancla).
Makes sweaters and some baked deserts for Rio, Aaron, and Miles. It's her way of showing affection because, unlike spider! Mira, she doesn't like being touched that much.
Likes teaching Antonio how to code and make some tiny robots here and there.
The symbiotes name is Mariposa, name given by Mirabel of course.
Whenever Rio gives attention to anyone other than her or Miles, she gets a little jealous.
But she is MAJORLY jealous of spider! Mirabel having her whole family intact and happy. So, she has a little resentment toward her. Can you blame her?
Very observant of everything, even small details. That's how she easily noticed who Aaron and Miles were when they were flying across the sky. And in her eyes, they weren't hiding their identities very well to begin with.
Rio, Bruno, and the other grandkids think something romantic is going on between her and 42 miles and they are just like..."no". But they do find it funny.
Mira does NOT eat people, if Mariposa is that hungry Mariposa will just remove itself from Mirabel and go after whoever was a threat at the moment. Then it will become with Mira again, but under no circumstances will it eat someone while fused with Mirabel. The creature already knows the girl is traumatized it doesn't want to traumatize her more.
Also, if Mirabel smells anything related to fire smoke, she'll get extremely nervous. If there's a fire nearby, she'll try to help get people out but she's gonna be having flashbacks of what happened to her all through it.
afterwards she's just gonna break down crying. Oh yeah, she hates crying, so when she's doing it, she tries her best to stop.
That's all I got, but more spider stuff coming soon.
WOWOOWOWOW SO COOL!! I do remember some Venom lore. Not a lot, gotta brush up tbh but I son’s really invest in it too much 💀💀 ANYWAYYYY. VERY SAD. But at least Bruno stepped up because. It must’ve have been hard on all of them, but especially Bruno. Bro lost his whole family and the. Had to step up to raise some kids. One of them mfs got a symbiotic, which is. CRAZY 🦜
Passing out from exhaustion is so real. Common Antonio W
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 11 months
Lily was sick and tired of her sister treating her like trash. Lily thought perhaps there had been a time when Petunia was nicer, when they were kids. But now that Lily had grown, she realized Petunia had been nice only because she wanted something from Lily. It hurt, because Lily loved her sister.
Petunia had a strong personality, she had friends, she went to parties, she had always been the rebel girl. She had constant fights and tantrums with their parents. But she always got what she wanted. At the end, their parents gave in. Especially their mum who had a soft spot for Petunia.
On the other hand, Lily was sweet, calm and obedient. She didn't cause much trouble. She didn't have much friends and she preferred to stay home and read a book than going out. Lily had a nice relationship with her parents. She liked spending time with them. And perhaps that made her boring, like Petunia said.
There were times when the two sisters got along. But when Petunia was in a bad mood, it was impossible to talk to her.
"Nobody gets me. Nobody understands" Petunia used to cry "I have issues as well. Mum and dad don't pay me attention like they do to you"
When Petunia said things like that, Lily felt guilty. She didn't want to be the favorite child. She didn't want Petunia to hate her.
Lily needed to take advantage of the times when Petunia was in a good mood and she wanted to spend time with Lily. It was a good sign that Petunia wanted to spend her 22nd birthday with Lily.
"Of course I want you here, Lily" she had said over the phone "You are my sister after all, right?"
Lily's heart was filled with joy and hope. So she really got excited about that birthday dinner. Lily bought Petunia something nice, something she would like as a present. And she also spent the whole day choosing the perfect outfit.
"You look gorgeous, love" James said when he saw her. Honestly, she could never do this without him.
"Thanks..." Lily swallowed "Do you think I look too elegant with this dress? Petunia said it was something casual..."
"You look perfect, Lily" James squeezed her hand "I love that dress"
Lily bit her lip "It is the first birthday I actually spend with her in 7 years. I've been at Hogwarts and I couldn't go home. Of course I called her and made sure my parents gave her the present I prepared for her... But I feel awful for not actually being there... And now that we graduated I can finally spend her birthday with her... So of course I am nervous... "
"Lily..." James grabbed her face "It's not like you didn't want to be with her. We lived in a boarding school in fucking Scotland. It's not your fault... And she is your sister. You don't have to be nervous"
Lily sighed "I want to show her how much I care"
"I think that what you do for her is more than enough"
It wasn't the first time Lily visited Petunia and Vernon's place. She went there to help them move in last year. And she had been there a couple of times with her mum. But it was the first time she came here with James.
The house was big and pretty elegant. Vernon's family had a lot of money. And even if James was as rich or even richer, he still was surprised.
"Woow! You have a nice place, Petunia"
"Yeah, it's alright" Petunia shrugged "I am glad you could come"
Lily smiled when Petunia hugged her.
"Happy Birthday, Tuney!" Lily gave her her present.
"Thank you, Lily" Petunia gave her a small smile. But she didn't open the present, she put it aside.
"How does it feel to be a year older?" James asked trying to make a joke.
"Yeah, thank you for reminding me I am getting old..."
"I mean you look great" James chuckled nervously "Each year more beautiful"
Petunia raised an eyebrow.
"Stop flirting with my sister, James" Lily joked as well.
"Okay" James shrugged, laughing a little.
But Petunia didn't find it funny.
"Please come in" she said "Vernon and his friends are in the living room"
"Thank you"
James and Lily stepped in.
"Why are you wearing an apron?" Lily asked her sister.
"I am making dinner"
"You're cooking? On your birthday?"
"What is the big deal, Lily?" Petunia shrugged "I like to cook"
Lily had promised herself to not make Petunia angry and actually have a good time together on her birthday. Like sisters should.
"Do you need any help?"
James always a gentleman. Lily adored him.
"Lily can help me" Petunia said and Lily smiled "James, men are drinking in the living room. You should join them"
James and Lily exchanged looks.
"Really, I have no problem in helping. They say I am a great chef"
"Great chef?" Lily snorted "How about that chocolate tart that exploded on your mum's kitchen?"
"I don't know what are you talking about"
Lily laughed "Poor Effie had to clean that up for weeks"
"Sirius and I told you that in confidence, Lily"
Lily giggled.
Petunia faked a smile.
"Let's get you to see Vernon first"
Lily and James tried to fit in with Petunia and Vernon's circle. It wasn't easy.
James made conversation with most of the people there. He was always nice. He had the capacity of making everyone like him. Not like Lily who tried so hard and ended up being weird anyway.
Lily felt like a fish out of the sea. But luckily, James was there to make things easier. He held her hand. He whispered in her ear how beautiful she was. And he made fun of people's ways of talking. That made Lily laugh.
"Potter, let me get you a drink" Vernon said, patting his shoulder.
"Oh! Cheers, Vernon" he smiled "A beer is fine"
"A beer?" Vernon laughed and his male friends did as well "Let me get you a real drink.... I have the best whiskey around Europe"
"Oh, cool..."
"You have to see my bar" Vernon added, expecting James to follow him.
James looked at Lily.
"It's okay, babe. Go" she smiled, although she didn't want James to leave "I'll see if Tuney needs help"
"Okay" James kissed her cheek before following Vernon and his mates.
Lily gave James a sweet smile. At least Vernon was being nice with him. Not like last time.
Lily was forced to go to the kitchen where all the women where.
Lily learned that Petunia's friends liked to stay in the kitchen to gossip about their partners. It was mostly girl talk about men. Lily tried to chat with them but she didn't know these people very well. She wished she could be with James. Lily wondered how bored he would be with Vernon and the others. Although James Potter never got bored. He was the life of the party everywhere he went.
"Your boyfriend is nice, Lily" Marge said as she served herself some wine.
Lily didn't like Vernon's sister. She had been a bitch to Lily even since they met. Always putting her down.
"Oh... Yeah he is amazing" Lily said as she continued chopping some carrots.
"I always thought you would end up with that creepy friends of yours..."
Lily stopped cutting the carrots.
"Marge..." Petunia warned.
"Oh, the one with greasy hair and big nose?" Marge continued anyway "What was his name again?"
"Severus..." Lily whispered. She didn't want to remember everything Severus did to her, how much he had lied and manipulated her. It hurt to say his name.
"Severus, right!" Marge nodded "Was he your boyfriend?"
"Lily has an ex?" One of Petunia's friends asked. Ruth. "Didn't you say, Tuney, that Potter was her first boyfriend?"
"Honestly, Lily didn't deserve that wanker"
Lily was happy that Petunia defended her. She had always hated Severus. She had always warned Lily about him and she didn't listen.
"Well, who would've thought that you would end up with a cutie like Potter" Marge said.
Lily was disgusted and jealous.
"And he has his own company, that's a plus" Ruth added, with a wink.
"His father owns the company... So.."
"Same thing" Ruth giggled "Does he have cute single friends for you to introduce us?"
Lily almost laughed thinking about Sirius and Remus, and how they were so gay for each other. And there was Peter, he was single... But Peter deserved someone better than these bitches.
"Ruth!" Petunia laughed "I thought you had Paul"
"He doesn't have to know" Ruth laughed like a pig. That Paul lad was with Vernon and the rest downstairs.
"And I meant it for Nancy here"
Nancy was nice. Lily didn't understand why would she be part of that group. She barely spoke but she was always good with Lily. Apparently the fact that she didn't have a boyfriend bothered her friends.
"I'm fine by myself"
"Honestly you didn't like anyone of Vernon's friends, perhaps you would like James' friends" Ruth tutted.
Marge nodded, then she leaned towards Lily "I checked your boyfriend's social media and look at this gorgeous friend of his" she showed them a picture of Sirius "Tell me he is single, Lily!"
Lily almost told them he had a boyfriend, just to see their faces. But she didn't want to speak about Sirius' life.
"He is with someone..."
"Doesn't matter who she is, I think I will take her boyfriend away..."
If she meant it as a joke, Lily didn't find it funny. But Ruth and Nancy laughed. Luckily Petunia didn't.
"Marge... Could you set the table?" she said with scolding eyes "Dinner is almost ready"
"Sure" Marge shrugged and walked away to the dinning room.
"Sorry" Petunia whispered to Lily as Ruth and Nancy began talking about something else.
"It's okay" Lily smiled. She was so glad her sister was on her side "Dinner smells great"
"It's nice that you wanted to cook for everyone" Lily added "I honestly would've just ordered a pizza" she giggled.
"Lily, don't be simple" Petunia rolled her eyes "I cannot just give pizza to my guests... Are you insane?"
Lily didn't say anything else.
Dinner was torture. They ate with the boys but their conversation was only between them. Lily noticed that when one of the girls made a comment, Vernon completely ignored them. Nobody else seemed to notice this. Lily wanted to ask James, but he was innocently listening to Vernon speak.
Vernon's conversation with his friends consisted on football, taxes, cars and stupid male anecdotes about how he had wanted to punch men who had been flirty with Petunia.
Everyone seemed to find Vernon speech funny, even Petunia. James laughed politely but Lily noticed he was uncomfortable. Lily wanted to tell Vernon to shut up.
"Babe, the smash potatoes are cold. You should have learned to use the microwave by now"
Vernon said it as a joke. And everyone laughed.
Lily was losing patience. She squeezed James' hand under the table.
"Very funny, sweetheart" Petunia smiled and kissed Vernon's cheek as she stood up "I'll heat this up"
Lily was going to say something "Hey Ver..."
"Everything is delicious, Petunia" James interrupted "You are an incredible cook"
"Oh, she is the best" Vernon kissed her hand "You should try her meat pie. Isn't it the best, Lily?"
That was the first time Vernon spoke to her during the night.
"Yeah it is wonderful" You stupid wanker.
"Darling, bring more wine from the cellar. The best you can find. And more glasses"
"Yeah sure"
Petunia smiled and walked to the kitchen. Didn't Vernon have fucking legs to do it himself? Petunia had done enough and it was her freaking birthday.
Vernon continued talking about himself again. Lily couldn't stand it anymore. She stood up and followed her sister. Even if James tried to stop her.
Petunia didn't seem upset or anything. She was heating the mash potatoes as if nothing had happened.
"Why do you let him treat you like that?" Lily asked.
Petunia turned.
"Excuse me?"
"Vernon..." Lily pointed to the door "He practically humiliated you out there. I don't like the way he orders you things. He hasn't done anything to help with dinner"
Petunia crossed her arms.
"Don't you fucking start with Vernon, okay, Lily?"
"Tuney" Lily sighed "You don't deserve this..."
"I don't deserve what?" Petunia snapped "Vernon is my husband and he is a gentleman with me"
"A gentleman?" Lily snorted.
"You have no fucking idea about my relationship, Lily. So don't medle just like I don't medle between you and Potter" Petunia tutted "And trust me, I have a lot of things to say about Potter"
"There's nothing wrong about James" Lily whispered.
"Vernon treats me like a queen and I love him" Petunia continued "He is amazing with me. And if I cooked tonight or if I want to pass him things is because I freaking want to! I like making him meals and helping him out"
"That's not right, Tuney" Lily shook her head "He is not supposed to get used to you serving him...."
"Oh shut up, Lily!" Petunia rolled her eyes "Don't bring me that stupid feminist bullshit"
"It is not feminine bullshit!" Lily exclaimed "Is the truth! Tuney you might not see it now but..."
"This is unbelievable" Petunia snorted and shook her head "You cannot stand that I am happy, can you?"
"You are so selfish, always thinking about yourself. Because Lily must have the perfect life. Lily must have the perfect boyfriend. Lily must always be right!"
Lily let out a surprised chuckle.
"Selfish? All I've done this evening is try to like you and your friends. I wanted us to get along"
"Do you want me to get along with the person who comes here and talks shit about my husband?"
"Tuney" Lily sighed "Vernon is..."
"Vernon is the love of my life" Petunia spat with tears in her eyes "I married him because I love him, he is my husband and the father of my future child"
Lily was taken aback.
"What? Are you...."
"We were going to announce it after dinner" Petunia interrupted "I am pregnant"
Lily didn't know what to say. Part of her was happy for Tuney and the fact that she would be an aunt. But she really thought Petunia deserved better than Vernon. She didn't like that asshole.
"I shouldn't have listened to mum when she insisted to invite you" Petunia said "You really ruin things, Lily. You are always fucking my life"
Now it was Lily's turn to cry.
"You only invited me because mum made you?"
Lily really thought her sister liked her, cared for her. She really thought they could have a good relationship like other sisters. But Petunia hated her. Petunia would never like Lily.
"You should freaking leave, Lily"
Lily blinked tears when James walked into the kitchen.
"Everything, alright?"
"We are leaving, James" Lily sniffed and wiped her tears away "We are leaving now"
James looked worriedly between the two sisters. Petunia blinked away the tears and took the smash potatoes out of the microwave.
"I better take this to Vernon" Petunia said "I will tell him you suddenly didn't feel well and you had to leave"
"Hey, Petunia..."
"This is none of your business, Potter" Petunia interrupted "Just take her home" and she walked out of the kitchen.
"Let's just get out of here, James" Lily pleaded.
James simply nodded. And Lily loved him for not insisting.
James went into the living room to retrieve their jackets and Lily's purse. He gave everyone a silly excuse about Lily feeling ill. Lily was glad she didn't have to say goodbye.
Once inside James' car, Lily broke down crying. James wrapped his arms around her.
"It's okay, baby" he said as he kissed her head gently.
When Lily calmed down, she told everything to James.
"Didn't you notice how much of an asshole Vernon was with my sister?" she asked "I mean what a bunch of sexist wankers! Girls belong in the kitchen. And boys are supposed to be assholes with them? What was that?..."
"Yeah I noticed that"
"Why didn't you say something?" Lily asked "Of course you don't care because you are a boy..."
"No no Lily... It's not that" James shook his head "I didn't want to be rude inside your sister's house. I didn't want to cause trouble. I thought you wouldn't like that"
"What did you talk with Vernon and the rest of his friends?"
James shrugged "Just rugby, footie and they asked me about my dad's company. Vernon was actually being nice to me"
"Because you are male. But he ignored all of Tuney's female friends... Even his bitchy sister!"
James grabbed her hand.
"I am sorry I left you alone" he said "I shouldn't have gone with them"
Lily laughed "It's okay, James. I know you are not like them"
"Aren't you going to cook me dinner tomorrow, woman?"
Lily raised an eyebrow.
James smiled "I was joking.... Sorry, bad joke"
Lily smiled and shook her head.
"I would never treat you like that. I will always treat you like the queen you are"
Lily looked down.
"I really wanted to get along with Tuney but all of it was awful. Those people suck"
James nodded "The steak was great though" he smiled "Not even my mum buys such an expensive steak..."
Lily smiled "Yeah the steak was really good"
"And you didn't taste it but Vernon's whiskey was really good"
"The wine was amazing!"
"See? At least we had a delicious posh dinner"
That made Lily laugh.
"You are the definition of posh"
"I don't go around bragging about..." then he imitated Vernon's irritating voice "my collection of liquors and my fancy furniture... Or my new HDTV.... Or my new fancy car..."
Lily giggled even more.
"Vernon's car is fine though..."
"Aah... Hello? I dream about that car"
Lily smiled.
"I love you" she said "I love the way you are..."
James smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"I love you more"
"And I love how amazing our friends are, not stupid and superficial like them"
"Our friends are pretty great" James nodded.
Lily smiled and moved to face her boyfriend.
"When we live together..."
"And we have people over, let's not worry about fancy dinners and fine liquors and dressing up elegantly.... The important thing will be to have fun, okay?"
James smiled widely "Okay..."
"We'll order pizza and drink beer and cheap vodka"
"Cheap vodka is the best"
Lily giggled "And everyone could walk in the kitchen. Everyone will help cook or wash the dishes. And we will all have conversations, boys and girls. Adults and kids. Our house will be a welcoming place for everyone. They can even stay to sleep if they want..."
James giggled.
"And we will not care if our guests are well dressed or if they have a job, or a partner, if they are gay or not... Our dinners will be friendly and welcoming and actually fun!"
Lily smiled.
"So you want to live with me?" James asked with a mischievous smirk.
Lily blushed.
"Yeah, some day..." Lily bit her lip "Only if you want to"
"I love you so much, gorgeous" James gave her a sweet kiss "Absolutely I do! Let's get married"
Lily's heart stopped for a second.
"Don't joke, James"
James looked into her eyes.
"I am not joking"
Lily laughed "James, we are eighteen... I need to finish Uni. You need to go to Uni. I am going to become the best journalist in the country..." Lily smiled "And you are going to be the best Rugby Player to ever exist. And only then we can marry"
Lily thought about what she said to Petunia when she got engaged with Vernon. She was only 20 years old. She had a whole life ahead of her. She wasn't doing well at Uni according to their mum. But Lily knew if she found a career she liked, she would be great at it. But Petunia left Uni to marry Vernon and she didn't care about anything else. Now she had married an asshole and she was expecting a baby from him.
Lily needed to do the things right. Even if James was perfect and Lily was so in love with him.
"So I will get to marry you in about ten years till all these things happen?" James asked.
"I think 28 is a perfect age for marriage, don't you?" Lily giggled.
"I waited for you for you to date me for six years, I can wait ten more"
Lily hit his arm gently.
"You wanker"
But she loved him.
James smiled.
"Let's get you home"
Lily nodded. She was exhausted.
James drove away leaving Petunia's neighborhood behind. And Lily hoped her sister would be okay.
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zahri-melitor · 9 months
Christmas with the Super-Heroes #2
This is an issue of all-new stories, meaning I finally get away from TT Christmas Carol. And fascinatingly, this set are actually all quite reflective and less relentlessly cheerful and madcap than your average Christmas story. I highly recommend, even though there are no Real Santas in this set.
Superman: Ex-Machina – honestly this story was gentle as it sat with the pain inside it, and the silences, and what people don’t want to discuss. It’s more powerful in the way both Superman and the main character don’t want to spell out their situations more than necessary.
Batman: And in the Depths – another story about grief, revolving around the Cave and those who enter it. I really really like this, as the text helps, but it also works as a story of pictures. Also love a robin (bird) in front of Jason’s memorial case moment.
Wonder Woman: Gifts – Christmas at the Kapatelis', with Diana and one of Julia's good friends, Pastor Sharon Jackson. It's a very ecumenical comic, discussing the foundations of belief and service in the face of abandonment and despair, but it also has this amazingly adorable panel with Diana in an apron working out how cookie cutters work.
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Enemy Ace: Silent Night – a proper no-text comic! This one is set during Christmas 1916 at an Allied hospital somewhere in Europe. They're out of supplies and a German war ace lands his plane and delivers a parcel of food for Christmas dinner. He's both thanked and threatened by various staff and patients of the hospital. It's very The 1914 Christmas Truce. (Excuse me I need to go play What's a Few Men by Hunters & Collectors a few times)
The Flash and Green Lantern: An Old-Fashioned Christmas – this is a flashback Barry and Hal comic, heads up, despite the date of the special. And yes, it's a comic where Ollie gives Hal Das Kapital (spelt Das Capital apparently in the DCU).
After Monitor Duty Barry and Hal go to visit a town that seems very depressed at the thought of Christmas as it's 'not like it used to be' and nobody believes in Santa. They run into C.B. Fenster "one of the richest men on Earth" who just wants a good Christmas and for someone to prove for him Santa exists. Hal and Barry decide to do this... by getting Fenster to dress up as Santa and setting up a sleigh to go and deliver presents to various households!
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Yes. Amazing picture isn't it.
The first few deliveries don't go too well for Fenster, but then he comes across a woman struggling to put the kids bikes together on Christmas Eve. Her husband ordered them and then conveniently died 6 months ago, causing every parent's favourite holiday game "build the big present out of sight of the kids". Fenster helps and feels pretty good about it. From then on he comes across a bunch of other people who really just need someone to lend a hand and some time.
And Fenster, Barry and Hal reach the moral that often, people just want someone who cares and who cares to listen.
Deadman: Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot – Boston apparently likes to jump into the biggest rich bastard's body he can find right before Christmas and use their money to buy Christmas presents for people and do some good deeds. Honestly, that tracks.
Then he steals someone else's Christmas party by riding them the whole time (as he's feeling lonely).
Then Boston runs into pre-Crisis Kara Zor-El, looking VERY cute.
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Boston discusses his feelings of loneliness with Kara, and she delivers a few home truths about being a hero:
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"We do it because it needs to be done. Because if we don't, no one else will. And we do it even if no one knows what we've done. Even if no one knows we exist. Even if no one remembers we ever existed." "Yeah. I guess we do. Look, don't mind me. I'm just a putz sometimes, you know?" "No, You're only human. You are still human, Boston. Don't be ashamed of it; Rejoice in it. Because it means your spirit -- as flawed or selfish as our spirits can sometimes be -- is still alive."
And then she's like "Surprise! I'm Kara!" to make it clear for the audience. Boston of course does not recognise her, because COIE.
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(You shoulda gone and talked to Psycho Pirate instead, Kara, and gotten recognised then)
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gerogerigaogaigar · 4 months
Now that we've listened to the cadence of rappers through the interplay between the flow and beats it is time to listen to what rappers are saying. Rap has its own language made up of metaphors and references that can intimidate new listeners, but there is one skill that should be easy for anyone to appreciate. Storytelling. These songs are some of the best storytelling that hip-hop has to offer. And Storytelling is one of rap's strong suits so really this is some of the best storytelling that music has to offer!
The Art Of Peer Pressure Kendrick is why were here right? Well he is probably the best lyricist in rap history. The Art Of Peer Pressure may not be his biggest hit but it is unparalleled in terms of storytelling. Kendrick describes a night as a teen in Compton. Him and his friends emulating the violence heard on their favorite rap albums. The story seems simple, but the message is complex. He disavows every action he engages in saying that he's normally sober, normally peaceful, but he's with the homies right now. As the title suggests its a story about how peer pressure helps reproduce systems of violence.
Children's Story Slick Rick is the storyteller of all time. It honestly baffles me how naturally he communicates this simple fable without missing a beat. It flows so casually that you actually forget that he's maintaining rhyme throughout.
Gold Simple fables about street violence are extremely common in hip-hop. This one builds bravado and avarice until the tragic ending where the singer buries his mother before he can use all the money he's attained on her.
I Left My Wallet In El Segundo And now for the lowest stakes in any rap story. This is the gripping story of Q-Tip trying to remember where he left his wallet. The energy of a couple of friends trying to retrace their steps is actually really relatable though.
It Was A Good Day I've seen people on here try to use the details of this song's lyrics to pinpoint the exact date Cube was talking about. It's a simple song, but the simplicity belies some depth. It's pretty telling that to Ice Cube playing basketball and dominoes with his friends is on the same level as not getting harassed by the police or shot.
Millie Pulled A Pistol On Santa De La Soul decided to ditch the fun and games on Millie Pulled A Pistol On Santa. seriously content warning for frank discussion of csa. The tense story of a girl who is brought to the point of desperation because no one will believe that she is being abused. Its dark stuff and extremely well told.
Neighbors J. Cole dodged a bullet when he decided not to actually beef with Kendrick. Which is good cause I actually like Cole's music. Neighbors is about J. Cole tried to move into a nice house in a white neighborhood and got harassed until he was forced to leave. He meditates on the fact that fame can't actually stop the baked in racism at the heart of America.
Hey Mama If you want to know why fans are mourning Kanye or even hoping for him to get better instead of just dropping him like a rock look no further than Hey Mama. This ode to his mother is the sweetest song ever made. I'm kinda glad Donda West didn't have to see what her son turned into.
Just A Friend Biz Markie is the clown prince of hip-hop. his flow is goofy, the beat is kinda wonky, and the story is simple. And then he just kinda yells the hook like he's half drunk. It is either gonna charm you right away or annoy you. Just A Friend is the kind of stupid that I always fall in love with and it's enduring popularity is proof that others feel the same.
Fat Cats, Bigga Fish The Coup are the group that would eventually make the film Sorry To Bother You. Fat Cats, Bigga Fish is a deftly told story whose moral is "stealing is only illegal if you aren't rich"
To Be Continued ===> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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