#hence me sleeping so soundly and happily
amyriadfthings · 7 months
How I sleep after writing lovefry+ smut all evening (months), knowing they´re safely reunited and free to fuck however in the privacy of their own home
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awoogayanderes · 1 year
➪ request : “i was thinking of ideas for request hehe so here it is, tecchou and reader have a mission and they have to pretend that they're a married couple but here's the problem, they're not a partner yet, they like each other and there's the tension but they don't know each others feelings (I don't know if hunting dogs would have that type of mission, feel free of ignoring if this is not good enough)” - anonymous
➪ other notes : this prompt is so cute, it kinda reminds me of the ‘one bed, two people’ trope, wait a minute that’s exactly what i’m writing ! non edited, this is also really long hence the “read more” break, i don’t like this since it feels rushed but i tried my best
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- you’d be lying if you said this wasn’t an embarrassing situation to be in
- “both of you need to act as a new wedded couple, staying in the same hotel as those wanted criminals” that bastard fukuchi said to both you and tecchou
- it wouldn’t be as awkward if you didn’t have bubbling feelings for your spaced out co worker
- though there was more to what meets the eye, tecchou had started to garner feelings for you even if he didn’t realize it
- and who knew this ? jouno, analyzing both of your heartbeats but he doesn’t care to tell you, it’s your fault for liking an idiot he thinks
- even though both of you acted as professional as one can be, there was a lingering awkwardness that wouldn’t leave you alone
- and once you got to the hotel, you realized that both of you would probably have to share one bed, it only made sense with your story
- being in civilian clothes instead of your uniform in public always felt weird, but clinging onto tecchou’s arm happily leaning into him felt just a bit weirder
- the lady at the front desk happily gave you one of their best rooms when you gushed about an exciting “honeymoon” planned
- tecchou can’t say anything, something in his subconscious telling him to not say anything ignorant to you
- why was he so determined to be collected around you, why did he want to impress you he ponders, he’s not like that with jouno so why is he like that with you..?
- once you arrive to your room, your hypothesis was obviously correct, one bed, a queen sized bed to snuggly fit a newly wedded couple
- when tecchou sees this, he can’t help but get red in the face, stumbling over his words when he gets better situated
- you guys are friends, both of you know this, so it shouldn’t be awkward and both of you try your best to keep the conversation going even if it’s one sided or full of short responses
- thankfully a topic that keeps it going is trying to figure out how you’ll catch the wanted criminals and your plans to draw them in
- then falls night, a silent tension enveloping you both when you realize you haven’t made arrangements with the bed situation
- “you can sleep on the bed, i’ll take the chair,” tecchou gives you a small smile
- not knowing whether you should argue with that idea or not, you slowly nod getting into the soft bed and despite the duvet covering you, it’s so cold
- thankfully you fall asleep quickly, naturally waking up as the sun starts rising, a habit you’ve gotten used to over the years of being a hunting dog
- in the corner is tecchou, sleeping soundly but looking uncomfortable being constricted to the comfort of a chair
- the day runs smoothly, your plan is working yet awkwardness rises between you and tecchou with each lingering touch
- then night falls again, the same situation as last night, you in the bed, him in the chair, yet something’s telling you to ask him to lay down next to you
- maybe it’s because the chair was truly uncomfortable or maybe his warmth would help you or maybe it was just because you wanted the young man close to you
- “t-tecchou, you can um join me in the bed if you want to, you seem uncomfortable and it wouldn’t be fair for me to hog the whole bed,” you say, speaking quickly out of nerves
- pink dusts tecchou’s cheeks, something you don’t notice in the dim lighting, but something he can feel when his face heats up
- without saying another word, the brunette gets into bed with you, taking his side of the bed, staring up at the ceiling
- both of you lay in silence with you on your side and him on his back, a good foot of distance between both of you, making it awkward enough yet comfortable enough
- as the night before, you quickly fall asleep, except this time when you wake up, you’ve rolled over to tecchou, his arm wrapped around you while you’re tucked into him
- you jolt away from him shocked as your face feels hot, tecchou suddenly felt cold, waking up
- not saying anything to each other, you continued on with your day, finally being able to catch the criminals swiftly
- thankful but also disappointed you didn’t have to spend another night with tecchou, both of you finally returned back to headquarters
- both of you still had to write a report on the mission, hair on his face as he wrote silently
- “hey tecchou,” you say to him smiling
- he looks up at you and hums
- “uhm i don’t know if you wanna come over, but i can cook us some dinner,” you say hesitantly, stuttering over your words
- tecchou slowly smiles at you, a sight you’re not used to at all, “why not,” he says, agreeing to your idea
- maybe you could actually be more than just co workers…
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highmarc · 1 year
Old friends gather at Three Broomsticks and MC tells them about their greatest achievement…
They’re officially an auror.  
Pt 3. // Amit and Garreth
Love Amit and Garreth, guys. They deserve more love. I do hope my grammar didn't go stupid here. I'll fix typos later, if there are any
Amit: MC! It’s been ages since we last met!
MC: Amit! *smiles happily and gives him a bear hug* You’re... taller now.
Amit: Oh, we all change. Shall we? *invites MC to take a seat*
MC: So… How do you fare? And how’s your research?
Amit: Oooh, it’s great. And I’m doing great! In fact, I’ve got something here for you.
MC: Oh, you don’t-
Amit: Here you go! *gives MC a book – in it is his first research*
MC: Amit! It’s wonderful! I-I… Congratulations!
Amit: Open it. *smiles*
MC: *opens the book and reads the preface* Wait… Amit, you meant it back then?
Amit: I did. Now more stargazers will know your name. You’ve been a great source of inspiration for me.
MC: Oh, you’re flattering me! *blushes*
Amit: In fact, I thought how great it would be to finally share my findings with those who care. You showed me that there are fellow stargazers who can share my interests.
MC: I… You know, I still have that old telescope.
Amit: That’s something! But enough about me. Sure you can share the stories of your adventures with me?
MC: Oh, I’m afraid I can’t. I just didn’t have any adventures in a while.
Amit: How so? I thought you liked going on adventures - exploring caves and retrieving goblin plans-
MC: *giggles* Oh, it all seems like it was a thousand years ago. I’ve been busy. Unsurprisingly.
Amit: So what have you been doing all this time?
MC: You see, I’m an auror now. So you probably know what I 've been doing.
Amit: Ah! Congratulations to you! Butterbeer’s on me then. You deserve it even more than me now. Because I’ve heard so much about auror training. Mostly scary things. Like duelling in complete darkness.
MC: It’s not like typical duelling, but yes, some parts of the training were challenging.
Amit: Now I can sleep soundly at night – I know you will protect us all from those dark wizards.
MC: Amit, you sound as if they’re lurking in the bushes everywhere!
Amit: Wait, they aren’t?
Garreth: So, what do you think?
MC: It’s so fizzy! And I like how sour complements that sweet taste. It’s wonderful.
Garreth: I even have an official name for this one. “Fwoopie”.
MC: *giggles* You know, it reminded me of our first potions class. When we were fifth years.
Garreth: Oh, that was quite something. I asked you for some fwooper feathers back then.
MC:  So, “Fwoopie” does come from “fwooper”?
Garreth: You got me, ha-ha! The drink is as mind-blowing as that potions class. Hence the name.
MC: I really like it.
Garreth: Wait until it becomes even more popular than butterbeer itself!
MC: Looking forward to it. Then I can have an autographed bottle of “Fwoopie” from Garreth Weasley himself!
Garreth: Well, I can sign it for you right now. But you’ll have to tell me where you’ve been all this time. Two owls in three years is… a worrying sign indeed. I began to think you ended up in a dragon’s belly with your love for dangers and adventures.
MC:  I couldn’t write often.
Garreth: So a dragon did swallow you… *giggles*
MC: No, nothing like that. All these years I’ve been training. To become an auror.
Garreth: You what?
MC: I’m an auror now. This is why we’re here. I wanted to gather all my friends and maybe tell them-
Garreth: I don’t even know what to say. Congratulations to you! It must have been fun.
MC: Fun is a relative term, Garreth.
Garreth: I know, I know. Tell me more about your training! Maybe I shall pass it…
MC: Oh I can see it – mighty Garreth throwing bottles of explosive “Fwoopies” in dark wizards’ faces.
Garreth: This is what I’m talking about!  
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janeykath318 · 3 years
Prompt Fic: Effing Bards
For @ibelieveinturtles (TaserBones Fantasy AU)
Note: This was definitely inspired by Dnd bard shenanigans.
“Did you just insult that man to death?”
Brock stared in disbelief at their fallen foes, one of whom still clutched his head. He had been assigned to escort a party of wizards to a remote town where they were conducting research on the recent plague of monsters that had started coming down from the hills. On the way, they had been attacked by robbers and the bard, Darcy, had unleashed a torrent of verbal viciousness at the one threatening her wizard friend Jane. The man had clutched his head, convulsed, and died.
Darcy beamed triumphantly at Brock, helping Jane pick up her scattered belongings.
“I did,” she confirmed. “I knew that spell would come in handy someday.”
She slipped her lute case back over her shoulder and turned to the rest of the group.
“Is everybody okay?” She asked, looking over at the disheveled wizards like a worried mama hen.
There were nods, grunts and words of assent from the party and Brock breathed a sigh of relief even as he barked orders to his fellow guards. This encounter would have been ugly had Nicholas the Furious not forced the wizards to accept the bodyguards. Darcy had made a fuss and insisted they would be fine “without grumpy Boney face and his scary henchman.”
Brock had looked askance at her and muttered “I’ll show you scary, bard,” under his breath and throughout the whole journey, Darcy had been doing her best to get under his skin: if it wasn’t the impudent jibes about his bones, it was the bawdy songs she sang and impish smirk in her bright blue eyes when she looked at him. Brock thought he’d end up either losing his mind or doing something stupid, like kissing her.
“Alright everyone! Back to the road,” he ordered. “We can’t have any more delays if we want to reach the village before dark. Trust me, none of you want to be out here after dark. There are much worse things than robbers out here.”
With only a little grumbling, the wizards remounted their horses and the party set out again.
Meanwhile, Darcy was watching Brock with great interest, planning her next tactic for getting him to break his stern, forbidding air. The fight with the robbers had made her decide that distracting him would not be a good plan while they were still in route, but the second they reached the safety of town, all bets were off.
Happily, their journey was finished without incident, and Darcy herded her scientists to the local inn, so they could eat and rest. Having seen them all tucked safely in bed, she headed over to the local tavern, where she guessed the guards had gone to unwind.
Sure enough, they were there slouched around a table in the corner, drinking and grumbling.
Darcy sauntered over and plopped down beside Rumlow.
“Hey boys, mind some company?”
The one called Rollins smiled at her.
“Not at all,” he said invitingly.
Rumlow glared at his companion.
Darcy’s eyebrow raised.
“Wow, someone is a little CROSS tonight. What has your breeches in a knot, good sir?”
The soldier glared at her, now, and she could see he was flushing a bit and not meeting her eyes. Oh, interesting. She could work with this.
“You do,” Rollins said helpfully.
“Shut up!” Rumlow hissed.
“Fine, fine, I’ll leave you two to it.” And with that, Rollins got up and moved away, leaving Brock and Darcy in a stare off.
“Just admit it, Brock. You find me intriguing.”
Darcy batted her eyelashes at him.
“I find you Damn annoying, that’s what,” growled Brock.
“Why?” Darcy asked, crossing her arms.
“Because you were making it so damn hard to do my job with your……”
He gestured wildly with his hands and Darcy smirked.
“With my devastating beauty and eloquent, moving songs?” She finished with a snicker.
Brock snorted.
“That’s one way of putting it,” he sighed, running a hand through his dark hair.
“Tell me, how did you fall in with a group of wizards?”
“Well, as you’ve seen, wizards can be somewhat oblivious when they’re deep in their studies,” Darcy explained. “I once planned on becoming one of them, hence I briefly apprenticed under Jane. It turned out, Bard college was a much more fitting place for me, but I still live with her and make sure she gets necessary sleep and sustenance. Also, she finds my songs soothing, unlike SOME.”
“That’s because the ones you sang today were clearly meant to have the exact opposite effect, madam Bard.”
There was heat in Brock’s gaze as he stared at her and Darcy gulped.
“D-did it work?” She asked hopefully.
Brock’s answer was to turn towards her and kiss her very soundly. Her arms flailed in surprise for a second, before she brought them to rest on his very muscular shoulders.
From his place in the opposite corner, Rollins observed their kiss become very heated, followed shortly by Darcy dragging Brock out the door, both wearing matching smirks.
“Effing Bards.” Rollins sighed.
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Forever | Alucard | Yandere
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Request: Can i request castlevainas alucard as a yandere?
Word Count: 1,602 words
Page Count: 4.5 pages
A/n: hope you enjoy, it was my first yandere request and i hope it lives up to standards! AND I THINK I SPELLED ADRIEN AS ADRIAN FUCK IM SORRY LMAO.
Tags: none :)
        It had been months since the decaying corpses in the front of the castle had dissipated into nothing but bone, two lone bodies forever impaled next to one another, a reminder and a warning. A reminder of the cruelties humanity has birthed and a warning to those who wish to follow in their footsteps- leading many astray from the castle and it's inhabitant, in fear of Dracula's return or the eternal echo of his being being trapped to roam the halls, impaling those who he deems unworthy.
        Giggles can he heard echoing through the castle, though soft, they're there. A young woman laughs, a baby's innocent babbles that light up a room are there too, and a man- his chuckles only deepened as they continued. Inside, the woman ran through the castle, her giggles only fueled the others, and a young child no older than one or two years of age rode on the shoulders of the honey-eyed man.
        The two came into his life during the darkest moments, the young woman named [ Y/n ] ignored the warning left on his land, running up to the door and banging on it with the hilt of a whip- her baby wailing as fear over took her. Opened his castle to her, and as he watched the doors close, his eyes met those of a woman whose soul was filled with venom that watched from the treeline. He had helped you once he noticed the pool of blood surrounding you, assisting you stand as he noticed dizziness starting to over take you, mindful of the child who's cries now started to calm.
        Large slashes crossed her back, her wrists were raw and her legs were scarred. The infant, who matched your [ S/c ] tone, yet held the deepest brown eyes looked to him, as if begging Alucard to help them.
        He was careful around both of them, helping [ Y/n ] as she healed and searched the land for the other woman he saw, but never found a trace of her yet. As [ Y/n ] started to heal, he would keep her company while she started to move around more and more, often speaking with her while she fed her son- making Alucard flush slightly at how she seemed to reject modesty and be fairly comfortable with exposing a moment like this to him. He found out that her sons name was Damien and was the product of a romance with her mistress's son, who she had been working for as a maid, and once the woman found out she wasn't all too pleased- hence the slashes across her back and arms, and the whip she managed to grab along with her child before she ran.
        "And that is how I managed to run, all the way here, I..." She seemed to trail off, looking down at her son who continued to suckle, uncaring of anything and only longing for the nurturing hand his mother gave, before her eyes trailed up to Alucards, a small frown forming on her face.
        "I am sorry for the trouble I caused. Once I am healed, I can leave immediately, or perhaps work for you in return?" She asked, staring into the amazed pools of honey once again, confused why he looked almost appalled at the idea.
        "That would never be necessary. You can stay as you please, I- I myself have grown fond of you, and the little one of course. Charming boy, really." He mused, nodding his head to Damien who couldn't be all but happier.
        "Then maybe we should."
        Alucard had come back inside the castle, a deer in his arms as blood was scattered across the shirt he wore, glistening on his face as well, dripping from his chin and splattered on the rest of his face. You were still sleeping soundly in the room, from what he could hear, which was pleasant for him. He could make you and the baby dinner without you seeing the mess he had made. A bit too bloody than he would have liked you to see. Waking up to a fabulous dinner hadn't been on your mind, though, Alucard had a habit of spoiling you.
        You had grown even closer with Alucard- no, Adrien since then, who seemed to fall deeper in love with you as the day went by. He had told you stories of his childhood, his friends, his betrayal, and yet instead of being fearful in anyway- you only listened and empathized with him, assuring him that you would stay with him for as long as the universe allowed you to. 
         "I never thought I'd understand how my father felt," He started one night, Damien sleeping in the new cradle Alucard himself had made in the room down the hall, his head on your chest while you played with his hair.
        "But, once you came here, I didn't know what to think." You chuckled at his words, feeling him smile against your skin, his deep chuckle shaking you both as his arms tightened around you.
        "You spoke with me, listened to me, cared for me when I needed it." He continued, enjoying your nails scratching his scalp, the safest feeling hes felt in quite a while.
        "Thank you."
        Running down the hall with a child on his person wasn't what he thought he'd be doing months ago, chasing the woman of his affections with a smile on his face, hearing their laughter made his heart and head fill with light joy. Just as you turned the corner, he reached an arm out and wrapped it around your waist, Damiens body faltering slightly before he grabbed onto Alucard again. 
        "Gotcha." His face fell onto one shoulder, your son falling onto the other, moving your hands you placed it on your boys heads.
        "I guess you did." You continued, before moving to take Damien, then laying your head on his chest.
        "Well, I don't plan on letting go, so you're both trapped with me." He laughed lightly, pulling you with him to the hall, thinking now would be a good time to take you both on a walk outside.
        "I think I'd be okay with that." You laughed, making your way out onto the back of the castle, something you noticed that had been happening more often than not, then again you'd rather not have Damien see the remnants of Taka and Sumi. Though they weren't lonely, with the newest editions of your old mistress and her own children who aided her in harming you, it seemed even in death Taka and Sumi had company on the land as well- everyone was happy! Alucard hummed at those words, his heart beating faster, he knew you meant it innocently, but he couldn't help it.
        He wanted you here. You and Damien. You're both his to care for. To take care of him. To love. And to love him back.
        You're both his. And he is yours.
        For as long as you remained. Though, he knew of your mortality, he wished to change that soon, to keep you and your memories with him for the rest of eternity. Damien would surely follow, though he'd wait until he was a bit older, wishing to enjoy his childhood and help him grow into a fine young man. He'd of course have both of your permission, but he knew you'd follow his advice and Damien would do what his father said, so the only issue that came to his mind would have been the sunlight. 
        He could deal with that later though, find a witch or some magician that could cultivate a ring or two, to help you both walk with him in the sun. Perhaps a wedding ring? That would be a lovely gift, he thought, a wedding ring that would keep you with him. Maybe, he could commission a ring with the Belmont crest for Damien to wear, keep him safe from any other hunters who might have their suspicions.
        "Adrien?" Your voice had pulled him from his thoughts, not noticing you and Damien at the river already, the young boy splashing around happily while you stayed near the edge- keeping him from getting in too deep.
        "Yes?" He blinked, turning quickly to you, and striding over.
        "Did you hear what I said?" Your voice was soft, scanning him.
        "Ah. I'm sorry. I was just, enjoying the moment, thinking about how lucky I am. What was it again?" His arms tightened around your waist, placing his chin on your head, taking a deep breath.        
        "I said... I love you. I really do. You're the only one- who can make me feel this way. Safe. Happy. Loved. It's you." The warmest smile came to your face as you felt his heart beat quicken, your hands on his arms as you looked down with a distinct flush on your face, Damien coming up to hug both of your legs as well.
        He couldn't believe it, it was real, you loved him. You said it. You meant it. You want to be his as much as he wants to be yours, you want to stay with him, you want to love him deeply. He felt so relieved, that his affections were returned, and he picked up Damien and kissing his head before his lips came down onto yours.
        "And I love you too." You smiled against his lips, hearing his love for you back made you swoon, unknowing of the gentle manipulation of your heart that tugged you further into his world.
        Something you gladly welcomed.
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go-dark-turtle · 4 years
(Here it is part 1 of Chapter 3 of Free the future. My Kakyoin x Fem reader fan fiction. 😵 If you havent already please read chapter 2 before these parts thank you. As a warning this fan fiction does contain violence and swearing.
Please enjoy)
Chapter 3 Assembling an Ace.
As Kakyion ascended up the stairs with you in his arms the others had gathered into the living room and Polnareff was in shock and awe at what he witnessed.
"Say that again?" Avdol widened his eyes at Polnareff.
"She's a stand user, Y/N is a stand user! She healed me, she had a marbel shield around her hands and everything,  you saw it too Jotaro, didnt you?" Polnareff described what he witnessed. 
Jotaro nodded and walked over to the chair and sat down and looked through the stack of magazines and started to read one about marine life. Joseph looked at the phone and put his hand up to signal to the others.
"I can't ask Y/N for permission, but I do have to make an important phone call if you don't mind being quiet for a few minutes." He looked down at the phone and with one finger started to punch in the numbers. 
Avdol nodded and Polnareff kept looking at his hand. He was still in amazement that you healed it so quickly, both men looked up to the ceiling and wondered when you'd wake up, they were curious about your stand.  
**Meanwhile upstairs**
Kakyion freed one of his hands and slowly opened the door to your bedroom, his eyes scanned the room it was a small box bedroom with a bed in the middle, a nightstand to the right, a bin in the corner of the room by a small set of drawers, a small window to the left parallel to the entrance and a chair behind the door. His eyes looked down at the nightstand and saw a photograph of Hol Horse smugly smiling next to you in the picture, you clearly had drawn a heart around his face in a bright purple marker, he gritted his teeth and placed you down, he reached for the picture and snacthed it in his hands and crumpled it with such force, and threw it in the bin on the other side of the room. He closed the door behind him and pulled the seat to your side, he looked at you with worrying eyes. 
"I'm so sorry you got wrapped up in all this madness Y/N, I'll never admit to the others but when Dio cornered me in Egypt, I was terrified I couldn't move, he tried to convince me he was my friend, that I potential and forced me with that fleshbud, at that moment I honestly felt I was safe from his harm. I will never again be the coward that let him get his way. Rest assured I'll make sure he doesnt hurt you again. You've been through enough. I'm just glad we are going to put an end to him soon." He softly spoke as he brushed a few strands of hair out your face looking down at you, smiling knowing you were safe from any harm. 
"Like I said to Mr Joestar earlier, you are the blessing and turnabout we have been needing on this journey, I don't know how or why you found us when we arrived in Egypt but I'm glad our paths have met." He continued to brush the odd strand here and there and then you slowly started to turn on your side facing the window. 
He stood up, walked over to your side and took off his jacket, draping it on your shoulders. He stood by your side, seeing you sleep so soundly,  so peaceful, so content, he smiled softly,  he leaned in closer and looked about the room making sure no one else was present and he sighed happily and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. He knew then and there that it was fate, no questions about it, he wanted to look after you, protect you and to be the man that would be forever at your side. 
He took a few minutes to watch over you, as you softly drifted into a deep sleep.  He summoned Hierophant Green, he entrusted his stand to watch over you, he thanked his stand and quietly walked around the bed, gently opened the door, having one last look at you before he left the room and  walked down the long hallway and started to make his way downstairs. 
"That's right, Bombay Cottage... uh huh that's right, oh thank you very much. Bye." Joseph grinned, as he put the phone down and saw Kakyion come through the door and he smiled at the group. 
"How is she doing?" Joseph asked 
"She's okay but I think she's used up a lot of energy," He forced a smile back at the older man. "Travelling for hours, then of course reliving her horrible past and then using her stand. She's a brave and tough cookie. I give her that." 
"I know this seems wrong but we have to press for more answers, all this doesn't seem to add up, not one bit." Jotaro sighed as he turned to another page. "Why is she helping us?"
"Her stand is incredible; she can heal within seconds but it did seem to wipe her out so suddenly." Polnareff put his finger to his chin in thought. 
"It could be she doesn't quite understand how to use it properly, hence why she fainted after a single use." Avdol folded his arms and leaned against the wall. "Jotaro is right we need to know what is going on and why she has gone out of her way to help us."
The others all sighed trying to guess what was actually going on, but then Polnareff picked up the TV remote and started to flick through the channels. The gents all fell silent, Joseph, Kakyion and Polnareff slumped on the couch and started to watch the various programmes. Jotaro continued to read the magazines in the chair and Avdol looked at the bookshelf picking up some interesting titles to read and to find anything interesting to aid them on their journey, while he sat on the back of the couch. 
**Back upstairs**
You started to have that vision again, even in your sleep, everything was in darkness and saw the city of Cario at night from the rooftops you saw Dio and he grinned and smirked you saw green strings surround him and then in a blink of an eye, Kakyion was flung towards the water tower and his chest was impaled on impact, Mr Joestar screamed for him but he couldn't reach him in time. You grunted and tossed about more. This vision has haunted you every time you fell asleep, even when you daydreamed, it could spring to your mind at any moment and you didn't know why this horrific moment kept repeating. For the next 10 minutes it replayed over and over and over, everytime the impact of Kakyion's body smacked into the water cooler the noise sent shivers down your spine, you gritted your teeth and clenched your hands. Just then a new vision appeared before you and you could see Polnareff and Avdol walk the dark hallways of Dio's mansion. Avdol stopped in his tracks reading the wall next to him and in that moment he was captured by Cool Ice's stand, the only thing remaining of him was his arms, they dropped on the floor, you saw the fear in the Frenchman's eyes as he saw the fate of his dear friend. 
You jolted awake, your face covered in sweat, you breathed heavily, you held your face and started to shake "Why do these visions haunt me so.... huh?"  You felt something fall from your shoulder. 
Kakyion's jacket fell onto your lap, you clutched it quickly,  you held onto it, for support, the tears formed in your eyes, you held it closer, his scent was faint, musky with a hint of cherry, you hugged into the jacket to calm you down. You closed your eyes and imagined his warm hands embracing you in your hour of need, it felt so right, it felt comforting, you wanted to be held in his arms. In that moment as your mind began to wonder that's when it became clear, your heartbeat started to beat faster, it started to feel tingly, your breath became sharp and your eyes sprung open with the realsatation. You began to develop romantic feelings for the man that haunted your dreams for the past two months.   
"This can't be happening, not right now..."  You looked down at your hands and then you noticed a figure by your side, your eyes shifted over slowly, a green and white man looking directly at you. 
"Who, who are you?" You ask calmly, no response the figure still stares in your direction.
Your eyes widened at his silent response, you moved slowly inching closer and closer to your nightstand, you didn't once loose eye contact, you reached down slowly and opened the drawer and pulled out your diary.
"Are you working for Dio?" You became more curious by the second, you wondered if this was a trap and there was no way to call the others. You gripped the diary in your hands and slowly closed the drawer, kneeling in his direction.
Still not an answer from the green and white man.
"Answer me damn it!" You clench your fist and brought the diary to your chest "I'm giving you a chance here to explain."
The green and white man still silent, still looking at you, you became annoyed at his silence. You grunted and threw the diary at full force knocking him off the chair, you edged closer to the bed seeing him lay there in shock from the impact, you grinned this is when you felt you had the upper hand. You gripped the lamp, pulled it with such a force the plug came out the socket and smacked the lamp across his head. In that same moment you tossed the slightly smashed lamp aside and you pinned him to the ground, putting all your body weight onto his chest. 
"I asked you a question so you better answer me now!" You growled at him.
***Meanwhile downstairs*** 
Joseph Polnareff and Kakyion still slumped on the couch were watching the latest James Bond movie  'The Living Daylights.'  Jotaro had fallen asleep on the chair with the magazine on his face Avdol had turned around, still sat on the back of the couch and started to watch the film with the other crusaders. Then out of nowhere Kakyion fell off the couch, he held his head from the pain, then in a matter of moments, a trickle of blood formed from his forehead, he reached up to feel his head and brought his hand to his face, that's when he saw the small amount of blood on his fingers. 
"What the hell...." Before he got to finish he was pushed against the floor and found it hard to breathe normally.
"Kakyion? What's going on?" Joseph looked down at him. 
"Ack!" He took a short breath "I, I,  think shes awake" Kakyion grunted.
"Wait a second, are you saying you left Hierophant Green next to Y/N?" Joseph asked as he heard a bang from up stairs. 
Kakyion grunted again and nodded.
"Hurry! Bring back your stand this might get dangerous. She might not understand it's your stand." Joseph said to him in a panic, Kakyion nodded and called him back.  
Just then Hierophant Green slipped under your grip and started to slither along the floor and under the gap under the door. 
"OI GET BACK HERE! WATERMELON BASTARD!" You swung the door opened 
The green stand panicked and hurry his pace as it wobbled down the hall way and reached the top of the stairs, You dashed after it and picked up a picture frame off the wall and threw it at the top of the landing missing Hierophant Green a few inches. He slithered down the stairs much like a slinky, You had run down after it and at the last few steps you prepared yourself, you tied the sleeves of Kakyion's jacket around your neck and  you jumped down with force. The stand moved quickly to the right down the hallway and slithered back to Kakyion, he sighed with relief knowing his stand made it back to him from further injury and he sat back onto the couch. 
You ran down the hallway and swung the door of the living room open and you scanned the room only to find the Stardust Crusaders. 
 You breathed heavy, your eyes scanning the room  "Where is he?"
Joseph raised his eyebrow "Where is who? Is everything okay Y/N?" 
You shook your head and started to look behind the couch, behind the curtains, under the table in the corner, behind the TV you rubbed your head in frustration.
"No! Where's that watermelon bastard?" you said with such rage "He was there when I woke up, he watched me sleep and he didn't answer my questions!" You looked behind Jotaro's seat and he woke up as you brushed past his foot.
Joseph Avdol and Polnareff all looked at each other and had a slight snicker as Kakyion turned his head in embarrassment. Even Jotaro had a slight smirk on his face. 
You gave the older man a questionable look, you would have thought for someone his age would be mature about this.  "Do you think it's funny a creepy watermelon bastard watched me sleep? He could be working for Dio! I know he ran in here . Where is he?!"
Joseph cleared his throat from laughing and started to explain "Alright Y/N sorry, but this watermelon bastard you speak of isn't working for Dio, infact it's one of our stands." 
You looked at him and raised your eyebrow "Stand? Oh! You mean like the ability like Hol Horse mentioned...." 
"Exactly! However what you don't know is that when someone inflicts damage on a stand it also affects the user. So in other words while you were beating the crap out the um," He had a slight chuckle "Watermelon bastard" He shook his head in disappointment at you "You actually hurt poor Kakyion."   
Your eyes widen and looked at Kakyion he turned his head and you rushed to his side you gently held his face, you could see the small cut on his head with a small line of blood trickling down. Your hands began to shake and you started to cry, you couldn't believe what you had done. The others watched you as you rushed to his side. 
"Kakyion I'm so sorry I didn't know, I'm so sorry please forgive me" You knelt down so you were at the same eye level.  
He softly smiled at you he could tell it was an accident he placed his warm hands on yours "I forgive you, you weren't to know, we should've mentioned about our stands, but we didn't know you were also a stand user."
You looked down  "That's right,  I'm a stand user I have a healing ability, it was forced upon me, Dio, forced it on me...." The memories came flooding back you held your head as you relived the moments once more "After he plunged the arrow into my chest I woke up a few hours later...." 
*Another Flashback brought to you by Za Warudo enterprises* 
You had woken up from the impact of the arrow and you held your chest, you looked down but there was no blood, not even a scratch.
"Ah you have finally woken up, how do you feel?" Dio cupped your chin and rubbed his thumb against your cheek. 
You looked at him, scared, unsure what to do next, your body froze at his gaze. 
"There is nothing to fear my dear sweet Y/N. I have blessed you with such power." He smiled softly at your widened expression. He smirked and pressed his fingers into your cheeks "NOW SHOW ME YOUR ABILITY!" 
You started to shake, you didn't know what he meant but all of a sudden your hands started to glow and a marbel shield encased around them, you freaked out at the sight you flail your arms around, only to have Dio grip your arm, He leaned in close and examined your hands in their new form. It was then he felt on his right side of his neck where he had joined his head to the body of that of Jonathan Joestar it began to heal slowly. His eyes beamed with an evil excitement.  
"HA HA! You have a healing stand. How interesting. Let's see how quickly you can heal then shall we." He pulled out a knife and cut his arm. "Well what are you waiting for, heal me!"
You rushed to his arm and began to heal him. It took a few minutes to it to completely heal and he gripped your shirt and dragged you closer.
"You call that quick?" He gritted his teeth but he chuckled softly and smirked "Lets try again! Enya bring in the others!" Dio glared at the old woman. 
She returned a few minutes later with three more of Dio's henchmen, Mariah, N' Doul and Alessi. He laughed and cut all 3 of his minions you stood there in shock at his actions.
"Hurry heal them before they die!" Dio demanded.
You rushed to Mariah and you placed your hands on her face and healed her quickly out of fear, you moved to Alessi and healed his neck in a panic and N'Doul you placed your hands on his chest and healed him with Dio smirking at your panicked state. The others stood and glared and grinned at your demonstration of your stand, they knew you would be useful. 
At that moment that's when you fainted and were out cold for 5 hours. When you woke up again Dio was there to greet you and once again forced you to heal him over and over you fainted again and again. The more and more you healed the visions repeated in your head, that vision on the rooftops of Cairo, was the one that played the most. 
A few days of healing torture and you woke back up again hearing the cries of Dio screaming in pain you rushed to his side and healed his arm,  oh how he enjoyed this game, once again you fainted and that cursed vision played in your dreams once again. Later that day you woke up exhausted and looked up at Dio reading his book. 
"Oh you are awake, just to let you know that your beloved Hol Horse is on a mission for me, to rid of the Joestars, before they arrive here in Egypt, but your beloved  might not make it in time, you better hurry up quickly and heal him. He's currently in India." Dio watched your heart sink and laughed loudly. 
You rushed out of his mansion and found your car parked by the cafe from a few days ago, you revved your engine and stepped on the gas driving to the nearest dock. 
**A few hours later** 
You arrived and once your car was cleared to enter the country, you drove around the narrow streets and that's where you found him, your beloved Hol Horse on the ground covered in blood, you rushed out the car and you held him in your arms. 
"Hol Horse, I'm so sorry I wasn't here when they attacked you." You held his hands in your own and walked to your car.
"Hey don't worry about that darlin, you are here now and that's what matters, c'mon I still have a chance to get them back, they were headed to the town in the mountains, I know a shortcut. Let's get them back babe." He grunted in pain as he sat down in the passenger seat, you looked at him with worried eyes but you held the wheel and looked onwards.
You followed his directions and you were so close to the town in the mountains, you parked alongside a nearby road sign and looked at him. 
"I guess I should hang back just in case." You smiled at him
"Yeah darlin, don't want them fuckers to hurt ya, you mean so much to me, say darlin you dont mind healing me before I get revenge on those bastards?" He smugly smiled
"Oh of course!" You activated your stand and slowly began to heal him.
"Oi could you hurry it up I ain't got all day," He gritted his teeth and you looked down and sped up the healing and just as you were about finished he smirked "Hey thanks, oh by the way, I don't need you anymore, I love you so much that we cant be together anymore, yep I know, it breaks my heart, it truly does, see ya darlin." 
He turned on the ignition as you were about to pass out, your eyes widened as your vision became hazy and he jumped out the car as your body slumped forward, your arm knocked the gear stick into reverse and the car rolled backwards down the hill. He smugly cackled that he got away with it and entered the town and headed for Enya's hotel. 
The car began to gain speed as it rolled down the hill, your body still unconscious and the oncoming car swerved out of your way and at that moment you slumped to the left and your car rolled into a nearby mountain cave where it rolled to a stop. A few hours later you woke back up and you held your face, you were angry, you were upset and to top it all off you had an ability you didn't ask for all thanks to that blasted Hol Horse. You cried for a few minutes before wiping the tears and shook away every emotion you ever felt for that damn cowboy. 
With a new goal in mind you drove back to the docks of India and held your head up high, it was time you seeked out the enemy that Dio mentioned and get revenge. 
Once the boat arrived back in Egypt it took 3 days to drive to the Bombay Cottage, you only stopped for 20 mins each night to get a quick nap and onwards you drove, once you made it back you rushed to your bedroom, this is where you spent your nights inbetween seeing Hol Horse before spending a few days in torture. You saw the wall plastered with photographs of him and you tore each and everyone of them down, then out of the blue you had a vision you collapsed to the ground as one of the pictures dropped on the nightstand.
Ten minutes later you woke from your vision and you smiled, you saw that Hol Horse had what came to him, by Enya, but the bastard got away and the Joestar group was headed your way to the outskirts of Egypt. You left the room quickly and you slid down the bannister and grabbed your keys in the front door and locked up and rushed to your car and that's when you drove to the nearby town by the ocean. 
***End of Flash back***
"Dio that bastard, how horrible can he be?" Avdol gritted his teeth on hearing the remainder of your tale.
"It was truly awful and when I heard Polnareff scream in pain, it was like my body reacted on its own." You looked down feeling ashamed.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of Y/N, they are the ones that should pay for what they've done to you, how dare they hurt an innocent sweet young lady as yourself it's unforgivable." The Frenchman shook his head and held your hand.
You smiled at him but you gave you attention to Kakyion who looked up to you with sad eyes, he felt awful that you'd been forced to follow Dio and to make it worse you believed in Hol Horse. You placed your hands to his head and your stand activated
"No stop please don't" Kakyion saw your stand appear and he pleaded with his sad eyes.
"But i caused you to be hurt" You also said with a sad expression
Avdol placed his hand on your shoulder "Y/N I know you are still new to your stand but there is nothing to fear from us, don't rush his healing." 
You nodded and you began to heal him slowly, the cut fading within a few minutes.
Kakyion was stunned by your incredible power and hugged you softly, he was so grateful and he was thankful you didn't collapse on him. Just then you grunted and held your head.
"Argh damn it..." You closed your eyes
"What's wrong?" the whole group asked at the same time
"When...Whenever I heal, I see visions, some repeat more than others" You fought back that horrible vision from playing again. 
"What do you see?" Joseph was curious
Your eyes sprung open "It's too horrible to describe"
"Please if its about us we have a right to know" Joseph pleaded
"I can't, I'm sorry." You closed your eyes
"Please" He pleaded again
You shook your head and he ran up and gripped your shirt 
"God damn it Y/N! We have the right to know!" Joseph became impatient,
Avdol pulled him off you and stood between you both.
"Mr Joestar I doubt being forceful will get any answers" he glared at his older friend
"I see, Dio, on a rooftop, strings, all around him, he laughs, he smirks." You describe the beginning of the vision but you stop yourself and you collapse in shock. 
"Y/N!" Everyone screamed
After that moment Kakyion held you in his arms again and suggested to call it a night, the Stardust boys all took leave to their rooms and Kakyion once again placed you down into your bed, he didn't want to leave your side he held your hand and fell asleep on the chair.
***The next morning***
You woke up to the smell of pancakes, you opened your eyes and looked at the door and saw Kakyion sleeping on the chair, his hand in yours, you slowly moved your hand but that woke him up.
"Oh sorry" You had a faint blush on your face as you moved your hand quickly
"Ah good morning Y/N I didn't want to leave your side in case you woke up during the night" He smiled back at you noticing your blush but didn't say anything about it. 
"OIIIIIII! Everyone come downstairs I have breakfast made!" Joseph banged a few pans at the bottom of the stairs to wake up the others. Avdol was already at the breakfast bar having a coffee and reading this morning's paper. 
****End of part 1****
Part 2
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jjpmoans · 5 years
Snowy Day | pups7
Word counts : 843 words
A/N : Just a fluffy wolf pup au for you guys.
Giggles and screams are everywhere and the vivid sound of the little pups are testing his limits.
Jaebeom turns around, irritated that his head was hit by something he can't define. Just as he turns, white covers his vision, then black, Jackson's giggles echoes in his ears.
How dare him-
"Mom!" He yells, irritated by the younger brother. It's another day of when snow decides to rain heavily and Mom gives them permission to play around with snow. All seven pups are out, playing with the snow as they can't do this frequent. Usually mom will gather them inside with hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies and read them wolf stories.
So today when they can play and run all over the place, Jaebeom decides that he can use this time to sit under his favourite tree and read his favourite nursery book. However Jackson has been hitting his back a few times now and he is really irritated. Jackson has no boundaries sometimes and thinks its funny to do that.
He turns to see Mark sitting on bench, ignoring Jackson's playful gestures which is now attacking Yugyeom and Bambam with snow balls. The little pups, though being smacked on the face a few times, still stand and laugh after countless trials of avoiding Jackson's hit.
"What's wrong Jaebeommie?" Their mom coos as the said boy comes closer, halting her motion to feed Youngjae some hot soup. "Why don't you play with Seunnie?"
Loud, irritated sigh escapes Jaebeom's lip, pouting as he takes a sit next to the smaller brother. "Seunnie is irritating. He keeps throwing the snow balls to my head!"
Youngjae, turning to him at the word ball, eyes lighting in awe. "Snow ball? Where is the ball!?" Youngjae likes balls. He likes something sphere in general, including the knitting threads and Jinyoung's cheeks. Which is why Jinyoung doesn't like being close to Youngjae, the pup will raise his chubby hands to pinch Jinyoung's cheeks. His tiny paws love patting spherical things hence imagine how irritated Jinyoung is.
"Jackson is playing with them." He saves the harsh tone under his breath, instead placing them with a sweet voice which he will only use with Youngjae. And Jinyoung.
Only two of them.
"Jackson hyung?" He lights up, quickly standing and look at their mom in hope. Mom laughs, nodding her head. "Thank you mommie!"
Youngjae runs or toddles with his tail wagging behind him towards Jackson, screaming all the way and fall flat on the snowy ground. Jaebeom's heart stops, watching his little brother struggling to stand up, short legs pushing the thick snow so he stand properly. Luckily Jackson is there to help, making Youngjae stand and wipes off the snow on his legs.
Relieved, he turns to his Mom, questioning. "Where's Jinyoungie?"
As if his Mom just remembers something, she snaps her fingers, asking Jaebeom to come closer. Curious, he keeps an wary eye on mom, terrified if Jinyoungie suddenly appears behind her.
"Jinyoungie told me to ask you to find him. He said he will be at the place where you likes the most."
Jaebeom staggers backward, too excited at Mom's little whisper. "Really!? Jinyoungie is at the cottage?"
Their mom nods, smiling even when her six years old pup grins, cresent forming from his eyes.
"Can i go to the cottage mom?" Hopeful, Jaebeom asks for permission first though he knows Jinyoung is already there.
"Go on. But bring Jinyoungie back with you too okay?"
Smiling in triumph, Jaebeom walks away, hurrying his little steps towards the cottage. His ears on top of his head is covered with some snow however he doesn't mind that, only excited with the thought of him going to the cottage.
The cottage is where their father will only bring Jaebeom and Jinyoung inside, because their father said both of them enjoys reading the most. So the cottage was built for books keeping hence they love visiting the cottage. Usually mom won't let them go without supervision but this has been the second time they are let in without their parents.
He reaches the cottage, knocking thrice before calling out the younger's name.
"Jinyoungie?" His ears perks at any distinct sound, trying to listen to any breathing from inside. Sometimes Jinyoung can be so focused, his wolf hearing will not even useful.
"Come in hyung!" His tail wags at the reply, excitedness envelop his whole tiny body.
Jaebeom wishes that it is snowy everyday. That day he can spent his time in the cottage where he can read all of the books with Jinyoungie. He feels contented and happy, that by the time he opens his third nursery book, he finds Jinyoung sliding down the floor, snuggling against Jaebeom's lap for comfort.
"Mm' sleepy Jaebeommie." Jaebeom smiles, patting Jinyoung's ears to lull him to sleep. Jinyoung is like that, he likes when Jaebeom strokes his hair and scratch his ears. He will purs happily and sleep soundly.
Maybe, the day hasn't been so bad like what Jaebeom has expected.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
The Ballerina and the B-girl Part 13 (Branjie) - Starsha
a/n: Vanjie surprising Brooke with something very special for her birthday. I want to put a disclaimer in that the present discussed in this chapter is not something you should get for someone without having discussed it first, and knowing that the person is ready and willing to commit. 
I am posting some pre written stuff for you guys to feed you a bit but as previously said I am fairly time poor so updates will be rather sporadic for the time being.
It was the morning of Brooklyn’s 34th birthday and Vanjie couldn’t be more excited. She had a huge surprise planned and that is why she was here at the airport at 5am in the morning. Brooke had gone out to a birthday dinner with her closest friends the previous night and hence was asleep at home, giving Vanjie the perfect cover to collect her present.
She waited patiently as the boxes of precious cargo were brought out one by one, until her name was finally called. She rushed over, and immediately fell in love. Inside a crate, visible through the metal bars of the door, was a kitten. And not just any kitten, a Maine coon which was Brooklyn’s absolute favourite breed as they were “giant just like her”.
Vanjie knew from very early on in their relationship that Brooke was a cat person. She knew that she longed for a cat of her own. She knew that Brooke wanted a Maine coon who she would call Henry, that she wanted to spoil the bloody thing rotten with all the kitty structures and toys that it could want. Thank you tequila for prompting Brooke to spill all her deepest and seemly trivial desires to Vanjie late at night.
Vanessa also knew that despite Brooke wanting a cat and being fully prepared to commit to one, she was never going to get one for herself. Brooke was the kind of person who loved to spoil others, but thought of her own wants last. She would happily go shopping and buy Vanjie a whole new wardrobe, but come home with nothing for herself. So Vanessa decided she would take it upon herself to buy the kitten. Admittedly it was a stretch for her pay check, who knew cats could be so expensive, but Brooke was worth it.
She opened the crate and scooped up the large kitten, the feisty thing immediately making loud objective noises. ‘Huh, a sassy kitty! Brooke is going to absolutely love you’. She popped him into a smaller cat carry thing she had bought that looked very comfortable with its soft cushion. Once she got him to her car, she fastened the collar that she had selected for him around his neck, HENRY stitched into the fabric. The drive home consisted of Vanjie talking to the kitty, telling him all about his new mommy and how amazing she was. Henry replied with loud meows that made it sound like they were having a conversation, and Vanjie had never felt so chuffed in her life. Brooklyn was going to swoon.
Once back at the house, Vanjie smuggled Henry into the laundry and let him stretch his legs. She had bought a litter box and a toy the day before (going to a real effort to hide them from Brooke), so she closed the door and left him to his own devices whilst she went back to her and Brooke’s bedroom.
Her bombshell of a girlfriend was still sleeping as soundly as she had left her, blonde waves spread out underneath her head on the pillow like a halo. Vanjie undressed back into an old t-shirt of Brooke’s which almost came down to her knees before crawling back into bed. As if sensing her presence, Brooke immediately wrapped herself around Vanjie, spooning her from behind. Vanessa shivered as she felt the blonde’s breath brush her neck as she nuzzled in. This was her favourite place to be, in Brooke’s arms without anywhere to be. Vanjie felt herself becoming turned on and who could blame her, the feeling of Brooke’s breasts pressed against her back, her crotch pressed against her ass. She just about fell apart as she felt Brooke stir, her lips brushing Vanessa’s neck and a sultry whisper of “Morning baby” in her ear. The blonde’s hands migrated to cup Vanjie’s breasts, thumb brushing her nipples over the fabric of the shirt. Vanjie whined and squirmed, she could practically feel Brooke smirking as she dropped light kisses onto her neck. Vanessa twisted in Brooke’s arms, their faces side by side. Brooke reached up to tuck a stray lock of hair behind Vanjie’s ear, looking at her like she hung the moon and stars.
“Happy birthday babe” Vanjie swooned, wrapping her arms around Brooke’s neck. The blonde gave her thanks through gripping Vanjie’s jaw softly, bringing their lips together. It started off innocent, the couple savouring the peacefulness of the moment. Slowly but surely it progressed, Brooke licking her tongue into Vanjie’s mouth and Vanessa’s whole body responding. The blonde gripped her hair and pulled her head back, moving her mouth to the brunette’s neck. Vanjie felt like she was flying, Brooke pushing her onto her back and setting herself between her legs. She pushed the shirt up Vanjie’s body, eyes widening with lust as it reached her stomach. She ran her short nails along the inside of Vanessa’s thighs, brushing the wetness that had leaked down them.
“No panties, just what I like to see. You’re dripping wet baby girl, is that all for me?”
“Yes Mami” Vanjie whined like the little brat she was, desperate for Brooke to touch her. Brooke’s face lit up in a beaming smile, dropping her head to kiss the inside of Vanjie’s thighs and lick all of the wetness from them. Just as she was about to dive in to where Vanessa needed her, there was a loud BANG.
“What the fuck?” Brooke stated in confusion, looking out the doorway to try to spot the reason for the noise. Vanjie realised with horror what it must have been and quickly jumped off the bed, yanking the shirt back down despite her throbbing clit. Sex could wait, someone seemed very impatient to meet his new mom. Brooke looked at her in confusion.
“Brooke, I’m going to need to to face away from the doorway, no peeking. Only look when I say you can ok?” Vanessa instructed. Brooke looked sexually frustrated as hell but did what she was told, knowing it was her birthday and whatever Vanjie had planned would be great even if she had to wait.
Vanjie rushed to the laundry, to see that Henry had knocked down the big bottle of detergent. Luckily nothing was spilled, so the brunette just laughed and picked him up.
“Time to meet your mommy Henry, you’d better behave”
As she reached the doorway of their room, Brooke had obeyed her instructions.
“Ok baby, now you gotta keep your eyes closed and take your hands outta your lap. I’ll tell you when you can look.”
Brooke complied and Vanjie climbed into bed to face her, before carefully placing Henry in her lap.
“Alright baby you can look now” she cooed. Brooke opened her eyes and looked down, aforementioned eyes almost bursting out of her head and the beginnings of tears brewing. She brought her hands to pet Henry, he stayed perfectly still in her lap and looked up at her with his huge eyes, as if he was as enchanted by her as she was with him. Brooke ran her hands over his name on his collar, and breathily mused “Henry”. Vanjie wished she could take a photo of this moment, but it was too precious to waste a single second looking for he phone. Brooke stayed like that for a good 10 minutes, just softly petting Henry and cooing at him as he replied with loud meows, before tearing her eyes away and looking into Vanjie’s.
“I don’t know how to thank you Vanessa, he’s perfect” Vanjie moved so that she was next to Brooke and could snake an arm around her whilst she continued to pet the cat in her lap.
“I know how much you wanted a kitty named Henry, so here he is” Brooke brought her lips softy to Vanessa’s, conveying all her emotion into it. Safe to say that the couple stayed there a while doting over the kitten.
Pretty much the rest of the day was spent at the pet shop, Brooke buying everything she thought that Henry could possibly want. He had been given the third bedroom, Brooke declaring he was her baby and her baby should have his own room. Vanjie had made a smug comment at that, with Brooke playfully swatting her ass in response. By dinner time, the room was filled with toys and climbing structures which Henry was already showing he was very happy with. The couple left him to his own devices and quickly found themselves returning to their morning activities, breaking only for Ubereats and a shared birthday cupcake before resuming what was sure to be a late night.
It might not have been expensive or extravagant as Vanjie’s birthdays always were with Brooke around, but it was every bit a perfect day.
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iamtaekooked · 6 years
The Seven Signs || MYG
Tumblr media
Genre: A little bit of everything
Word count: 11.3 k (this is one long mother effing imagine)
There are certain things Min Yoongi never does. NEVER. So when the boys start noticing the changes, they clue into whats going on. But it seems like Yoongi and you are the only ones who don’t know because well he is him and you are you.  
A/N: I wrote this about a year ago when I was just getting into BTS. I was going through Yoongi feels at the time. But since its a new year I decided to tweak this a bit and post it for you guys. Enjoy!  
The boys sit around in a circle in the middle of the night, their voices a hushed whisper. Namjoon sits as the the facilitator of the small group which has broken out into an argument. An argument about whether or not their fellow member Min Yoongi has fallen in love with you or not.
The mix of whisper yelling and arguments begins to make Namjoon agitated when in reality was the one that introduced the idea to the other boys. He noticed Yoongi’s unusual behaviour first and clued the boys in, who then began to notice signs of their own.
But sitting in the midst of the chaos called conversation among BTS members, his head begins to take on a splitting headache. He gently massages his temples, and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration for his attempts to get them to listen to him fail not once, not twice but over a dozen times.
“Okay shut up” he actually yells and the other 5 boys freeze immediately as his voice carries thought the silent dorm. They all look at each other in horror for the fear of having woken up Yoongi, who sleeps soundly in his room, unaware that his love life has become a topic of  heated discussion among his friends.
1.) The Unbelievable amount of smiling
Namjoon figures it out first. It doesn’t happen in a moment, rather it is a culmination of the many past conversations he has observed between you and Yoongi. He has known Yoongi the longest and its not a hidden secret that the older boy is a man of few words but even more so he is a man of fewer smiles. Namjoon knows it’s not because Yoongi is unemotional rather he is way too practical in his ways.
There were exceptions on certain days when Yoongi felt over the moon, but the general consensus remains that Yoongi does not smile much. Even when Namjoon and Yoongi were first introduced to each other the older boy had remained very formal in his greeting, yet despite his stiff and serious manner he came off across as respectful. In fact since that day Namjoon barely remembered times when Yoongi had actually smiled. Not just smiling for the sake of it, because he could tell when his hyung was faking it, but genuinely smiling. In all the years of knowing the man and having shared private conversations Namjoon still cannot point a single time (except for when he adopted Holly as his pet) when Yoongi really smiled. It was rare to come by.
The fact doesn’t really change until recent when Namjoon begins to notice that Yoongi’s lips refuse to stay in a thin straight line like usual around you. He notices the boy smiles way too much for his own good. So much so that Namjoon can’t help but burst into laughter simply from being in disbelief about the whole situation, in addition to Yoongi being blind to what’s staring him in the face.
When he confronts Yoongi about in the most casual manner possible he is only met with a blank stare and silence from his hyung. He isn’t even surprised that it’s how Yoongi responds because that is just the general response from him to most things. Not all but most.
“Are you saying that I don’t know how to smile or that I am not allowed to” Yoongi asks after a while breaking the stretch of silence.
“I am just asking why you have been smiling so freaking much. Honestly hyung it’s actually scaring the crap out of me” Namjoon shrugs as Yoongi glares daggers at him.
“I don’t know. I guess I am just happy” Yoongi deadpans
“Because of y/n?” the younger boy chooses to phrase the fact as a question and immediately diverts his eyes before he can see the look of pure dislike on Yoongi’s face.
“What are you trying to suggest Namjoonie?” the older boy’s voice sounds menacing, almost as if he is gritting his teeth
“Nothing.  Nothing at all. Just.. you know curios is all” and with those last words he leaves the room for Namjoon really doesn’t feel like dying today.
Namjoon comes back to dorm from practice and as soon as he enters the place he spots your shoes. As he enters even further he can hear sounds of laughter emanating from the living room where he discovers you and Yoongi chatting, and once more Yoongi is smiling. He is smiling the way he does only for Holly and Yoongi loves Holly. 
The smile stretches to his eyes and they crinkle and Namjoon can tell he is happy in your company. It is such a stark contrast to the tight lipped ‘smile’ that usually appears on his lips that Namjoon can’t decide between feeling positively shocked and seriously awed.
For a second Namjoon thinks his lips might fall off his face if he keeps it up. If he is being honest he sort of feels horrified looking at Min Yoongi smiling.
 The feeling stems from a few reasons. One being that Yoongi barely even says words to the boys when they are all together in the dorm. Second he is so used to seeing the man straight faced that when he sees the sickeningly bright smile on his face, he can’t help but think Yoongi has lost it. And it’s not even the kind of polite, respectful smile when two people engage in a conversation. No. It’s the kind of smile that screams I really like you but I am such an idiot that I am blind to my own feelings.
Lastly, as smiley as he is around you (and even more blind to his feelings) he is just as much a menace to the boys after.
For instance when you leave, the expressionless look is back on his face and becomes the Min Yoongi everyone is used to. He doesn’t even spare Taehyung when the boy wants to place his head on his lap and drift off to sleep. Yoongi knows Taehuyng needs some sort of physical touch to be able to sleep but he doesn’t have it.
Namjoon finds it hard to believe how quickly Yoongi can change when moments ago he could have been mistaken for a freaking angel with his bright smile and unusually polite manner. This is why he hates it when you leave because then the 6 of them are left to deal with Yoongi’s feelings of bitterness and frustration which might or might not stem from you leaving in the first place, but ofcourse Yoongi himself is very blind to the fact so he takes it out on the members.
Yoongi glares at Taehyung so hard that Namjoon feels the need to intervene before Tae starts to make the pouty face and possibly throw a little bit of a tantrum.
“Taehyung- ah hyung will lend you his lap. Come here” Namjoon pats on his lap and Taehyung happily skips over to him and places his head on Namjoon’s lap and drifts off to sleep.
“I bet you would have let y/n do that..” Namjoon mumbles under his breath, but Yoongi catches it and his head snaps in the younger boy’s direction. But Namjoon is quick to look away, and pretend to busy himself in some crap show playing on the tv.
“Did you say something Joon ah?” and it doesn’t sound in the least bit a question, but more like a threat and it sort of feels like Yoongi is daring him to say something like that again.
“Nothing…” he looks Yoongi dead in the eyes but immediately regrets it as Yoongi tilts his head to the side and raises a very questioning eyebrow at him. It’s the ‘oh really’ look and coming from Yoongi it is more of a warning than anything else.
So Namjoon decides to pay no mind to him and leave him alone just like he prefers but he sort of thinks it’s unfair how partial Yoongi is towards you and how much he tries to terrify them. But he won’t say anything because he would love to see the look on Yoongi’s face since he is in for a rude awakening.
2.) Sharing personal space
It is a universal known fact that Min Yoongi loves his personal space. There is no denying the fact. Like at all. Seokjin knows it too which is why when he used to be roommates with Yoongi he always kept to his side of the room and he did not dare cross the invisible line drawn between their two beds, and closets. His personal space also entailed anything that had to do with his emotions, and his feelings. He was the sort of person who hates for people to read into him because according to him that is intruding his personal space.
However that is not just limited to Yoongi’s possessions or his emotions, but it also applies physically. Yoongi hates getting touched unnecessarily. He isn’t a fan of hugs for the exact reason. Much less cuddling. The day anyone see’s Min Yoongi cuddling is the day pigs learn how to fly. Everyone knows to stay atleast a foot away from him and not hug him or touch him unnecessarily. Hence none of the boys ever try hugging him. Hell Jin is even afraid of slinging an arm around Yoongi’s shoulder.
But Seokjin is very very very shocked to learn that those rules do not apply to you. For Min Yoongi lets you intrude his personal bubble. He even lets you cuddle up to him during the weekly late night movie sessions at the dorm. It leaves Seokjin completely speechless and his jaw drops to the floor quite literally.
As he watches you snuggle into Yoongi, and as Yoongi’s lips curve up into a smile and he takes the opportunity to wrap and arm around your shoulder, Seokjin literally cannot close his mouth. He physically finds it impossible to do so and it’s as if his jaw has been locked into place. Hoseok watches him with a quizzical look from beside and takes the initiative to close Jin’s mouth with his hand but a second later his mouth is open again.
Yoongi doesn’t even say anything. In fact he looks content and happy letting you snuggle into him. Seokjin would even go so far as to say that Yoongi didn’t want to let go.
Jin then remembers all the times Yoongi has claimed you two are just friends and he can’t help but snicker.
How blind can a person be? Ask Yoongi.
All the moments when people around him had even tried to hug him resurface in Jin’s mind and he remembers that during each different instance Yoongi’s response had been the same. He had ensured to put as much space between himself and the other people. He had ensured that no one touched him, and his body had taken on a rigid quality so much so that he began to look unapproachable.
However the sight in front of him tells a tale of something different. Something different that Yoongi hasn’t realized yet.
After the movie ends and everyone leaves, Seokjin sits glued to his spot replaying in his mind the scene from before and he cannot believe it. He cannot believe that Yoongi still claims he is friends with you when he easily crosses the line between platonic and non- platonic all the time. He doesn’t even know he is doing it. At that thought Seokjin begins to laugh. Its quiet at first but then he is full on laughing, like the windshield wiper laugh.
Namjoon pops his head in from the kitchen, curios as to why Seokjin is laughing.
“Yah Yoon- yoon- yoongi…” Seokjin can’t even finish his sentence because he is so surprised and shocked he can’t do anything but laugh.
Namjoon looks at him comically for a while but catches onto what Jin means. “So you know too?” he raises his eyebrows and Jin nods but he is clutching his stomach and he is red in the face.
“Did you see him during the movie? Tell me that wasn’t real and I was dreaming” Jin says
Namjoon shakes his head. “No hyung. That was very real. Yoongi- hyung doesn’t seem to know”
“Which is what makes this funny” and he bursts into laughter again.
Namjoon doesn’t think it’s funny. But as he watches Seokjin laugh a smile begins to spread on his face and soon he collapses on the couch with laughter too. Okay it is a little bit funny how clueless Yoongi is.
3.) The constant nagging and quarrelling
If there is one thing Hoseok has admired Yoongi for its for his ability to keep his nose out of other people’s business. Yoongi has always been pretty good at keeping tabs on himself when it comes to giving people their space.
Hoseok still remembers the time when everyone forced him to eat and kept on nagging him about it but Yoongi had gotten the guys off his back saying he should be given his space and time to figure things out for himself. It really helped him come out of his slump because Yoongi understood all he needed was time. Since then he has admired Yoongi for this quality of his.
It is similar to Hoseok noticing Yoongi increasingly nagging towards you and as such been bickering with you. It happens over the littlest of things and he literally cannot wrap his head around Yoongi’s attitude. Hoseok wants to barf because of how sickeningly concerned Yoongi is being. He hasn’t ever seen him act like it.
Yoongi acts concerned towards them too sometimes taking on the role of a nagging mother and forcing the young ones to sleep well, eat well, dress warmly. But this is something different. The small arguments almost paint Yoongi as overprotective and that is saying something because Yoongi is the most chill guy Hoseok has ever known. Its almost as if its an old married couple bickering with each other. He feels like he is watching his own parents argue. He remembers every couple he has ever known and he keeps feeling the same vibes from you and Yoongi.
Something is definitely different.
And its not the first time he has noticed Yoongi behaving such a way with you. He hasn’t told anyone but the nights when you stayed at the dorm (being that your roommate wasn’t exactly the most welcoming person) to finish up your assignments Yoongi would cover your sleepy figure with a blanket and he would place a glass of water and some vitamin pills on the table for you to take in the morning.
Then when you would ask the next day where the water and pills came from he would put it all on Seokjin. You wouldn’t even doubt it because that kind of thing is right up Seokjin’s alley.
Nor does Hoseok mention the times when Yoongi constantly nags you to eat when you refuse to, and how sometimes he has watched him mutter under his breath some colourful words, for you never listen to him and never take care of yourself and how it sort of worries him. But it totally worries everyone else too and its not jut him.
I keep telling you to eat properly but you never listen to me
And then he forces a spoonful of soup followed by rice in your mouth
You need to drink water to stay hydrated
He then puts a glass of water in front of you and refuses to leave before you finish all the food and the water. He supervises you, to ensure you finish everything.
Seriously y/n what the hell are you thinking. You need to take care of yourself.
Your face is tinted a shade of red as you look sort of alarmed but confused at the same time. All the scolding has you feeling flushed.
“But Yoongi.. I told you-” you are cut off by Yoongi’s hand
“No buts. You need to take care of yourself and thats that. Like seriously y/n I expect better from you”
“Oh yea? Says the one who never takes care of himself. Do you have any clue Yoongi how much it worries me that you never sleep, and never eat properly? I lo-” you stop yourself at the right moment.
Yoongi’s eyes widen the size of saucers and so do yours. He awkwardly clears his throat and shifts on his feet. Your eyes dart around the room, as you fiddle with your hands nervously.
“Yea. Umm now that you have eaten you should rest” Yoongi rubs a hand on his forehead as he passes a weak smile your way and leaves.
Hoseok can’t help but shake his head at the awkward exchange between you two. He really doesn’t get how you don’t see it. Either that or you both are in deep denial. Everyone see’s it but you two.
As much as he loves you and Yoongi, you guys are really stupid.
4.) A sudden love for photography 
Jeongguk is the only one who loves photography in the group. The camera is always with him no matter where he goes. Whether that be somewhere in Korea or on tour somewhere else. Jeongguk’s camera never leave’s his side. Neither does anyone ever touch it because he doesn’t want them to mess up all the beautiful photos he has taken. And rightly so because his pictures really are a work of art. They have the perfect lighting, they are taken at the right moment, the colours always balance out and it looks nothing short of professional photography.  The only exception to this is Yoongi who has taken a sudden interest in it.
At first when Yoongi asks Jeongguk to teach him, the younger boy is taken aback to say the least. For a few moments he just stares blankly at his hyung and then he smiles widely, happy that someone has finally shown interest in his hobby. He doesn’t think much of Yoongi’s sudden interest because hey everyone can take photographs.
But what Jeongguk forgets is that Yoongi absolutely dislikes taking pictures, be that of himself or other things. He isn’t a fan of it because “Jeongguk ah hyung doesn’t have the natural flair for photography”
So slowly Jeongguk starts teaching him how to ensure the lighting should be right and it should hit at a certain angle. Yoongi learns in the earnest and takes all the tricks and tips very seriously. Jeongguk feels proud of himself for being able to teach Yoongi all the that he knows and his happiness is doubled as he sees how eager Yoongi is to learn.
“Hyung where’s my camera?” He asks Yoongi who had it last in the van.
Yoongi informs him he forgot to bring it back with him so Jeongguk makes his way to the van. He rummages through all the seats but remembers Yoongi was sitting in the back and he finds it in Yoongi’s seat.
Fishing it out with one hand, he sits on one of he seats as he turns it on. Although he trusts Yoongi, he still feels the need to go through all the pictures he had taken to make sure they are still there. He is sort of paranoid when it comes to his camera but he doesn’t care because he absolutely loves it.
He rolls the small dial on the left panel to the left and begins to go through all the photos he has taken. He admires his own work, and smiles as each photo that pops up on the screen brings back happy memories. Memories of moments when he was happy, and some memories of moments when he felt sad.
He is about to turn off the camera when suddenly a picture of you pops up on the screen. He looks at the time stamp and it was taken last week. Last week when you guys went on the camping trip.
The first picture is of you sitting by the fire reading your book. The light hits you at a perfect angle and it completely illuminates your face. It almost gives you an angelic look. The only thing missing is a pair of wings.
The second picture Jeongguk stumbles upon is one that was supposed to be a group photo of all of you holding your roasted marshmallow sticks in your hand, but he is surprised to find that the picture only captured your smiling face. Yoongi took the photo he remembers.
The next one is again of you as you sit with your nose buried in your phone, at the other side of the table, completely unaware you are being clicked. Your hair is a mess but Jeongguk doesn’t think the person on the other side of the camera thought so.
As he scrolls through all the photos from your trip he reaches the conclusion that although the camera was given to Yoongi to capture memorable moments, the man behind the camera captured moments that spoke of his happiness. He captured pictures that spoke of his unspoken feelings, of his unspoken and unrealized love.
All the photos of you.
Jeongguk has known Yoongi enough to know the man isn’t stupid, in the least.
But it seems he is, especially when it comes to you.
Because he leaves all the evidence of his feelings in the camera, making it accessible for the whole world to see.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what all the pictures imply, but it would take a certain Min Yoongi to figure of what they really meant.
Guess love really does blind people.
5.) Getting drunk and jealous
Drunk Yoongi is never a good thing. Namjoon had warned them.But they didn’t pay heed to him. But out of the whole mess atleast one good thing happened.  Jimin finds out about Yoongi’s poorly kept secret. The man couldn’t even hide it if his life depended on it.
“You go ask him” Hoseok whispers to Jimin who rapidly shakes his head.
“Hyung should do it. He’ll kill me if I ask”
“Jimin ah he won’t. He adores you” Jimin looks at him warningly, as Hoseok gives him a push. He stumbles in front of Yoongi who looks like he is going to murder Jimin at any second.
“The answer is no” Yoongi says even before being asked and doesn’t even  spare a glance at the younger boy.
Jimin retreats back and as he turns around he is met with a look of warning from Hoseok who gestures for him to turn back around. Jimin makes a pleading face but Hoseok doesn’t have it. So with trepidation in his heart he turns around and goes back to Yoongi.
“Hyung… we.. actually Hoseok hyung was wondering if you would like to go with us to that new club” Jimin quickly glances back and is faced with a murderous look from Hoseok.
The older boy decides to jump in and composing his face with his usual infectious smile he enters the scene and slings an arm around Jimin’s shoulder.
“Hyung seriously its an awesome club”
“I said no. Leave me alone now”
“Hyung- ” Hoseok is cut off by Yoongi’s glare.
“It would have been fun. Y/n was coming with us too..” Jimin mumbles and as both the younger boys begin to walk away, Yoongi’s eyes widen at Jimin’s words and he shuts the laptop.
“Wait” Yoongi yells and they stop in they tracks, confusion painted on their faces.
Hoseok looks back and finds Yoongi is putting on his favourite black leather jacket.
“We thought you weren’t coming?” Jimin questions
“I was planning to say yes if asked one more time. Frankly I was expecting more of the pleading” he walks towards them with a smile painted on his face, stopping in between them. He pats each of their shoulders and begins walking with the the two boys by his side, one of whom can’t for the life of him understand what the hell just happened. Hoseok on the other hand tries to suppress his smirk.
Yoongi doesn’t tell them but he has some reasons why he wants to go. One to release the stress of his upcoming mixtape and second.. well even he doesn’t know what the second reason is. All he knows is he wants to get drunk. And obviously you are going to be there to, but not that it matters much.
Fifth shot…
Sixth shot…
Tenth shot…
Twelfth shot…
“Whoa. You need to slow down” Hoseok pulls away the glass from Yoongi’s lips as he is about to take the shot.
Yoongi reaches for it but Hoseok pulls his arm further out of his reach.
“Give it back you asshole” Yoongi yells but the loud music playing in the background muffles his voice. Thankfully Jimin thinks.
Hoseok and Jimin look at each other in concern over Yoongi’s condition. He doesn’t look very good. Specially considering that he keeps mumbling your name over and over.
“Hyung, you need to take it slow” Jimin pats his shoulder.
“NO! I Don. Okkaay? I dun need to take is slow. I am fine. FINE AS A BEE. FINE AS FINE CAN BE. I AM GOOD” his voice turns into a yell and Hoseok has to clap a hand on his mouth to shut him up.
“Clearly not” Hoseok says.
“Whers y/n?” Yoongi slurs
“She- She’s dancing over there see?” Jimin points to you in the midst of the dance floor where you are busy dancing with some guy.
“I- I need to talk to er” with stumbled steps he proceeds in your direction while he supported on either side by Hoseok and Jimin.
“Y/N” He shouts. But you don’t listen.
He shouts again
He yanks you by your elbow and in the process almost tumbles to the floor with you in his hold when you steady him by his shoulders.
Hoseok and Jimin watch amusedly standing a little ways away as Yoongi’s head falls on your shoulder and he tightly wraps his arm around you.
“You- stay away from er kay?” He points to the guy over your shoulder.
Jimin’s lips curve up in a smirk and Hoseok has his eyebrows raised in interest. Both of them begin to understand what’s going on.
“Yoongi you are drunk” you try shaking him but almost end up making him fall over on top of you.
“I am not.. drunk, I am just trying to elp you ou” his words slur as he tries to keep up with what he is saying.
“I am okay Yoongi. You need to go home”
“You’re comin wit me ight?” And he then proceeds to tightly hold your hand and begins to drag you away from the dance floor, and far away from the guy.
But then he stops mid step and turns around. He walks back to the stranger you had been dancing with, who looks utterly confused.
“You… better.. stay away. Okay? Otherwise I am goin to get Seung Deuk hyun’ to beat you up” Yoongi pats his chest, and walks back to you and places his hand in yours again. You try to protest but his hold on your hand is so strong even when he is drunk, you decide to give up. It would only aggravate matters given Yoongi won’t see any sense.
Finally reaching outside you wrench your hand away from his grasp.
“Yoongi what the hell?” you shout and his face contorts in a painful expression as your loud voice seems to be much more louder in his head. It hurts his ears.
“Wha-” hiccups
“You are drunk. Why the hell are you drunk?”
“I-” hiccup “Told you I am not drunk” he stumbles back and almost trips over himself.
“Right okay” the sarcasm in you voice is evident and if Yoongi was even half sober he would have caught it.
“y/n a girrl ike you shouldn’t be at a place ike dis. Men are not nice” he hiccups again.
You shake your head at him and agree with what he is saying because clearly there is no point in arguing with a drunk man.
“Say hyung, are you thinking what I am thinking?” Jimin says over the loud music
Hoseok nods his head and they both begin snickering. They don’t feel the need to intervene because clearly Yoongi can handle himself well. The only thing he can’t handle is his own feelings.
Yoongi isn’t the type to indulge in such childish situations. Yoongi never gets jealous. Never. But maybe that notion needs some reevaluation. And frankly Hoseok never thought in his wildest dreams he would ever see the day his hyung would act as such, but he is pleasantly surprised to see it happening.
Jimin on the other hand is completely in awe of how whipped Yoongi is. He always pinned Yoongi to be the type who could never love, because there was a running joke in the group that Min Yoongi was not only motionless, but also emotionless. Not only the joke but Yoongi never showed any signs of being interested in a romantic relationship. Hell he couldn’t even clue into it when he got hit on by girls.
But standing in that club and watching Yoongi act completely unlike himself he knows there are two things going on.
For one Yoongi is wasted and two he is completely and hopelessly in love with you.
5.) Losing composure (aka losing his shit)
Taehyung loves making bets. There is nothing the man will not make a bet for. So it is a given that when he finds out Yoongi likes you he doesn’t lose the opportunity to win something for himself.
Seokjin and Namjoon join in because for one they know and secondly they want to beat Taehyung in atleast one bet. They have lost one too many times and now they want revenge. What better way than to bet on a man like Yoongi who can’t even keep his own feelings masked properly.
“We should each bet something that holds meaning to us. Just to make things more interesting” Taehyung proposes.
The bet is placed as each of them puts forward something they cherish as decided. Seokjin bets his entire Mario plushies collection, Taehyung bets his favourite Gucci slippers, and Namjoon bets his absolute favourite plushie of Ryan (the kaokaotalk bear)
“I bet you that hyung is going to blush 12 times in the span of an hour” Taehyung says with certainty.
“I say 30” Seokjin says and both Namjoon and Taehyung look at him as if he has lost his mind. Finding himself being subjected to gawks he shrugs.
“Is that even humanly possible?” Namjoon questions and this time taehyung shrugs because he doesn’t know.
“I say 18 times” Namjoon slams his hand on the table and looks determinedly at the other two.
And so it begins
They say the best way to unravel a restrained man is to take him to a strip club. Nothing a little sexy dancing cant fix. Or so they say. But Taehyung knows something better than a strip club to get Yoongi all hot and bothered.
He figured out months ago that you had a penchant for dancing. So he convinced Hoseok to hire you as his assistant to help him. He might or might not have bribed him with some products from Supreme. But he got the job done.
So as you walk into the practice room, a look passes between Taehyung, Namjoon and Seokjin. They know they have to begin their bet so they get set up.
As the boys are practicing for their choreography Jin keeps messing up, albeit on purpose. So as usual Hoseok gets you to help him out while everyone else takes a break. Everyone else including Yoongi.
Taehyung spotting his chance sits on the floor next to him, taking a swig of water. He offers it to Yoongi who refuses.
“Y/n really knows how to dance doesn’t she?” He looks over at Yoongi who looks so pale, that it seems like he is deathly sick. But Taehyung knows the color has faded away from his face because he is watching you dance.
As you move your body to the beat of the music Yoongi visibly gulps. His eyes remained glued to your body, as each movement matches perfectly with the beat of the music and at one point he isn’t sure if the thumping sound is that of his heart or the bass of the song that is drifting from the speakers. His cheeks begin to turn red.
Its not a difficult step, its a simple sequence of lying on the floor and rolling your body over and lifting up your pelvis when your back hits the ground, but it needs to happen in one fluid motion.
“Hyung” Namjoon walks up to Yoongi and shows him something on the laptop. It is the arrangement of the track they are working on for the album.
“Yea this one shouldn’t- “Yoongi stops mid sentence as he spots your reflection in the large mirror as you are lying down on the ground, showing Jin how he needs to turn so that the actual spin of the movement and the end look put together and not two distinct moves.
Namjoon follows his line of sight and discovers it stops on you as you successfully pull off the move. He isn’t surprised though.
Namjoon eyes trace their way back to the man beside him who looks in awe but at the same time he is swallowing hard, and the color is rising to his cheeks again.
The next time it happens is when Hoseok is teaching you a body roll.
Yoongi watches as your abdomen moves so fluidly and perfectly you seem one with the surroundings. He has seen Hoseok dance and at times it has left him in awe. But in that moment he couldn’t care less what Hoseok was doing for his eyes refused to leave your figure and if Hoseok left him speechless, then watching you left him completely blank. He couldn’t even think properly.
Yoongi bites his lip hard, to the point blood comes gushing out.
“Here” Seokjin places a handkerchief in front of him and Yoongi distractedly takes it from his hand, completely missing his lip and placing the handkerchief on his cheek.
Seokjin doesn’t need to see it, but once again Yoongi is a blushing mess and he quickly looks away and begins to wipe the sweat that has formed on his forehead.
“Dance too hard huh” Hoseok comments as he catches Yoongi’s flustered form through the mirror.
“H-huh uhh.. Yea” Yoongi replies, almost breathlessly as once again he runs the handkerchief over his face. He looks so dazed Seokjin has a hard time controlling his laughter. But he tries his best.
The first three times leaves Yoongi so confused and stupefied that for the rest of practice he cannot concentrate and he keeps messing up. Yoongi was having a hard time with one step before all the mess started but now he couldn’t even remember the rest of what he had learned for the image of you dancing refuses to leave his mind.
“Hyung, concentrate” Hoseok says looking at Yoongi through the mirror as they all practice.
Taehyung, Namjoon and Seokjin look at each other, smiling evilly. He was close to his breaking point.
“Y/n” Hoseok calls you over
“Help Yoongi hyung please. He keeps getting the step in the fourth verse wrong”
The 3 boys who are a part of the bet watch as Yoongi begins to panic, as his eyes widen and his chest begins to rise and fall at a pace that ventures out of the range of normal.
“No- no it-its fine. I can do it myself” he fumbles with his words and his voice cracks a little. He covers it up with a cough.
“Is there a problem Yoongs?” You ask in concern as his face is completely red and he looks ready to pass out.
Yoongi bites his lip once more and shifts uncomfortably on his feet.
“No. I- I just mean that.. you k-know I can figure it out by myself. I don’t want to trouble you” he smiles weakly at you
“Its not a problem. I want you to do well” you smile at him and proceed to teach him as hoseok intended.
You stand behind him and begin guiding his hands and his arms, and placing them in the appropriate positions.
“Relax. You are way too stiff” you say and it is caught by Namjoon who looks at Seokjin and then at Taehyung as all three of the boys begin to break out into laughter.
You are just as clueless as he is.
Yoongi looks so dazed and confused its almost pitiful. He doesn’t look like he is breathing and he is visibly gulping.
“I- I need to go. I just remembered something” he excuses himself and with hurried steps leaves the room.
And then Taehyung, along with Namjoon and Seokjin break out into laughter and they all fall on the floor clutching their stomachs tightly.
“He- he’s so whi..” Taehyung can’t even speak because of how hard he is laughing and Jin is completely red in the face while Namjoon is trying hard to compose himself, but is failing miserably.
“Whats so funny?” Hoseok asks from beside them, with a confused face which sends the other three in another fit of laughter.
And like that in the span of an hour Yoongi blushes a total of 13 times, which means Taehyung ends up winning since he bet the closest.
“Pay up hyungs” he smirks at them
Namjoon and Seokjin stand with sulking expressions on their faces, mentally cursing Min Yoongi for not being better at masking his stupid feelings.
The next day Taehyung’s room is full of Seokjin’s Mario collection and his bed is adorned with Namjoon’s Ryan plushie sitting stark against the middle of the headboard.
Yoongi really should mask his feelings better
7.) Acknowledgement
Yoongi doesn’t know when it happens. He can’t point to a single moment. On some days it gives him anxiety just thinking about it and these days its even worse because of his mixtape that he is working on.
He’s been running into one problem after another. First the lyrics get rejected. Then the music arrangement doesn’t fit with the lyrics. Its one bad day after another and he doesn’t know if he can go on.
Its the middle of the night and he can’t sleep because his thoughts keep him awake. He has been tossing and turning in his bed for 2 hours, never finding a position comfortable enough. He isn’t sure if his bed isn’t comfortable or of its heart and his mind at unrest. He wants to say the former option, but he knows very well its the latter.
He reaches over to the bedside table where he usually keeps water but finding it empty he proceeds down to the kitchen where he fills himself a glass of water.
The night doesn’t seem so bad, so wrapping his bathrobe tightly around him, he steps out onto the patio where the air is breezy. It hits his face, and it reminds him of your touch. Its soft and light, and it tickles his face.
As he looks out to the city scape his phone chimes.
You // 9:35 pm:
Did you reach okay?
You // 9:30 pm
What are you doing?
You // 9:27 pm
A smile tugs on his lips as he swipes over the screen. Instead of typing a reply back he clicks on the green icon on the screen and from his favourites, clicks on your number.
It is in his favorites. In fact your number is the only one in that section
“Hello? Your voice comes out much breather than expected and it doesn’t escape Yoongi’s notice.
If Yoongi was smiling before, now he was positively beaming. Just hearing your voice was making all the negative energy in his body recede. He didn’t know how it was possible that just hearing your voice could make him feel such a way, but it did, it does and it will continue to do so.
“Isn’t it like midnight?” Yoongi chuckles knowing what your response would be.
“Yea. But I wanted to talk to you, and besides its Sunday tomorrow” you reply, playing with the fingers of your free hand on the other end of the line. Yoongi can’t see it, but he knows you are doing it.
“I’ve told you so many times that you need proper sleep y/n. Why don’t you ever just listen to me?”
“And I’ve told you not to worry about me. I am fine. I am okay. If anything worry about yourself” you sigh
“Hey I’ve had my share of sleep today. I slept 12 hours and any more I might have needed someone to wake me up and they might have ended up getting punched in the face. You know me”
Yes I do.
Yoongi hears your laugh and he doesn’t know how it can instantly make his heart race. Even if he tried to make sense of it, he could never because your voice is the twinkle of the stars, its the remedy for all his ailments and most of all your laugh sounds like love.
He wishes for the moment to stop, so that he can catch each reverberation through the phone and in his memory knit it together piece by piece so when he needs it he can replay your laughter in his head.
But he feels proud that he can always make you laugh.
“How is your family?” He asks
“Mom and dad are gone on the trip. My brother and sister are asleep and me, well…” you pause and laugh weakly.
“Well what?” Yoongi asks, concern beginning to rise in his stomach. You don’t sound okay to him. Your voice sounds different. He knows something is up and immediately it begins to eat at him.
“I am sort of kind of standing in the middle of the street….” You laugh sheepishly
“You are what? What street? Y/n for god’s sake what are you doing?” Yoongi sounds frantic and he has a million questions in his head about your welfare but he doesn’t know where to begin.
“Well I mean I lost my house key and my siblings are deep asleep and I’ve tried knocking, ringing the bell, calling. But no answer for like an hour” you clear your throat awkwardly because you are sure Yoongi thinks you are dumb. You are sure that he is probably laughing at you silently. But as much as you think that, its the complete opposite.
Yoongi is in a panicked state. He is literally freaking out and he doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t want you to get sick but he doesn’t know how to say it.He doesn't want something to happen to you but he doesn't know how to tell you. So he settles for something simple that he hopes conveys all his worries, and concerns. 
“You know you could always come to the dorm right?” He phrases it hesitantly , not wanting to seem like he is pushing it onto you. In other words he doesn’t want to come off across as a creep.
“Well about that” you laugh weakly and Yoongi’s eyebrows furrow in confusion
I am sort of standing in front of the dorm right now
Then he hears the gate of the dorm open and some hushed voices. He runs to the side of the patio that overlooks the front of the house and sees you being ushered inside by Taehyung and Jeongguk.
In a moment of panic he drops his phone from his hand. He wasn’t expecting you to come to the dorm and now that you are here he isn’t sure what to say. Or do. He isn’t even sure how to act.
Should I go say hi ?
No that would seem weird right?
Well I have to go say hi at least
Should I or should I not
If I don’t it would be rude and if I do it would be awkward
What the hell Yoongi pull yourself together dude
Its just y/n
Exactly. It’s y/n.
On the other hand you don’t know how to act either. Its not your first time in the dorm. You have spent more nights here than you have at your own place. But your nerves refuse to calm down. Your stomach feels like its on fire and there is a weird itch in your bones. You cant name it but you know it has to do with a certain boy named Min Yoongi.
A deep hidden secret that you have managed to fool yourself into forgetting is that its not the first time you have felt this way. Especially at the dorm.
Its knowing that he is just a room away from you. Its knowing that he is in the same place as you and in this moment you are both sharing the same air. Its knowing that he is within a few steps reach but somehow still unreachable. It is being aware of the fact that he is there with you but not at the same time. Its knowing that the longing you hold for him can turn into wishful thinking in the blink of an eye. Knowing still that if you place your hand on the wall you will feel  the vibration of his music pulsating through. You will feel a piece of him.
Thats close enough
It is knowing all of this that you feel unnerved, and fearful, yet still full of hope. The heart plays its games well and you know because its not possible. It isn’t, yet the hope within your heart refuses to fade away.
Its not so much that you feel suffocated. It’s that what you want, who you want is right there but even that short spread of distance feels like an infinity. It feels like an interminable journey.
But being there, lying in the room next to his is close enough.
Its close enough.
The next morning you look absolutely exhausted. You couldn’t fall asleep the entire night for a particular Min Yoongi had been on your mind the whole time, not allowing you to fall asleep.
“You look tired y/n” Namjoon says from across the table.
“Yea.. I couldn’t sleep well” you play with your fork
The 6 boys all look at each other knowingly.
“Is anything bothering you?” Taehyung asks, sounding genuinely concerned.
“Hyung its not something its someone” Jeongguk says, and under the table Taehyung steps on his foot.
“Ahh… sorry, y/n a-are you o-o-okay?” He asks bringing his foot up to rest on his knee as he rubs it, giving the evil eye to Taehyung.
You are so lost in your thoughts that despite being asked about the same thing twice, you still don’t reply.
You pick on the food in your plate with your fork, mindlessly turning it over, the friction between the fork and the surface of the plate making squeaking noises.
“Where’s yoongi?” You ask absentmindedly, to no one in particular but all eyes turn towards you.
“He’s gone for his photoshoot at the studio” Jin says.
“Okay which one of you ate it?” He turns around, the spatula in his hand looking threatening.
Hoseok looks a little alarmed at the question, and buries himself further in his chair, avoiding Seokjin’s eyes. He remembers to hide all the candy in his room so that no one can find it.
“I think I saw Taehyungie hyung taking the candy yesterday” Jeongguk says, stuffing a spoonful of rice in his mouth.
He chokes on it as Taehyung hits the back of his head, and gets up from his seat as Seokjin advances in his direction with the spatula at the ready.
“I think it was Taehyung too” Hoseok yells as Seokjin has already begun the chase.
But in the midst of all the morning chaos you sit in your seat completely unaware of your surroundings for thoughts of Min Yoongi race in your head.
You get up from the table, slamming the palms of your hand hard on the table, catching the attention of everyone.
“I am going to the studio” you announce and without lingering around long enough to hear their responses you leave.
“I’ll come too” Jeongguk says, rubbing his hands with an evil smirk on his face
“Me three” Taehyung says as he dodges the spatula
“Me four” Seokjin pauses mid action to announce his intent of joining and taehyung sneaks away from him, running in the direction of his room and slamming the door.
“Me five” Hoseok says happily
“Me six” finally Namjoon finishes the count that you have no idea was even being counted up.
So, the six boys accompany you to the studio much to your chagrin. 
Yoongi sits in the green room, make up done and ready to shoot. He’s done it a million times before yet he feels nervous about it. His insecurities resurface because of all the tension about his mixtape. Suddenly he doesn’t think he is good enough. He doesn’t think he deserves to be where he is. Suddenly he doesn’t deserve any of the friends in his life. Suddenly, he doesn’t deserve you either.
The door opens and you walk in followed by the rest of the boys.
But before anyone has a chance to wish to speak they are interrupted, as one of the staff members lets him know its time. He turns around in his chair and is surprisingly shocked to see the boys. As his eyes travel the room, he finds you hidden partially by Seokjin who noticing Yoongi’s eyes looking behind him, does the same and finds you. He shifts slightly to give you some way.
Yoongi smiles at you, and its accompanied by a small nod and you understand.
You do the same and he understands too.
He is dressed in a long white robe that covers his whole outfit and you cannot say you aren’t eager to know what his concept is.
Amidst the shouts of encouragement and good luck’s he leaves the room and makes his way to the studio.
The boys and you follow him out and stand behind the crew watching in the little computer screen where each shot will soon come through.
Your eyes stay glued to the monitor, where the image of Yoongi is projected as he takes a seat on the black stool, against the white drop background. He shrugs off his robe and it steals your breath away.
He is clad in a black suit, his blonde locks falling softly on his forehead. Against the white of the background, his skin seems to shine even more. He exudes so much power just sitting there and it leaves a trail of goosebumps over your skin and makes your spine tingle with something akin to excitement. Its a white hot rush of emotions and it rolls you over you in waves, translating into one word which seems adequate enough to express what you’re feeling.
“Wow” it leaves as a whisper through your mouth. Jimin who is standing the closest to you hears it first, but so does Taehyung. Both the boys share a smile over your head, and Taehyung begins whispering to Hoseok, who whispers the same to Seokjin, who whispers to Jeongguk who whispers it to Namjoon.
Seokjin claps a hand over his mouth, while the rest of the boys have wide smiles plastered on their faces. Smiles that speak volumes about how much you and Yoongi love each other.
You miss all of it because your eyes are focused on Yoongi still. You can see through the monitor as he visibly gulps, licking his lips. You know he is nervous.
You don’t like seeing him like that. It doesn’t suit him. You know what looks best on his face so you try to catch his attention by waving your hand above your head.
You flash a thumbs up to him and bend your arms over your head at a ninety degree angle, elbows sticking out as you make a heart.
Yoongi’s nervousness fades away as he looks at you, and the gummy smile is back on his face. That is the look you like seeing on him because that is when he looks the best. When he smiles is when he looks beautiful. Specially if the reason behind the smile is you.
You mouth a small good luck as he looks at you and nods in acknowledgement.
The boys watch the exchange and you are so immersed again in your own world that you miss how Seokjin has placed a hand on his heart dramatically or how Jimin and Jeongguk are videoing the whole thing, or how Hoseok is smiling so wide and so bright none of the lighting in the studio is needed. You miss how Namjoon is shaking his head at how cute and oblivious you two are and how Taehyung is awestruck seeing the bond between you and Yoongi.
You miss it all because Min Yoongi always steals your attention. You miss it all because like always Min Yoongi’s presence makes you forget your surroundings.
They say that a moment of realization comes like a flash. It comes unexpectedly and it hits you hard. It knocks down all your walls and leaves you a mess of racing thoughts and frantic heartbeats.
That is what is happening to Yoongi.
At first he thinks its a panic attack. But he’s not scared so how can it be a panic attack. Then he thinks he is losing his mind, which can of course be true but it feels too sane to be labeled as insanity. Its too clear of a feeling to be labeled as chaotic.  
It happens as he is watching tv with the rest of the boys.
Then someone mentions your name.
Thats all it takes.
Thats all it takes and even though he has spoken and heard your name a million times before. Even though its has been the song he has sung in his head during countless sleepless nights, in that moment it triggers something.
Every memory he has buried inside his mind of you comes rushing back to him. Its only a few seconds long. Its like a flash. It gone as fast as it had come but it feels longer. Its the longest 10 seconds of Yoongi’s life as he gets sucked into it.
He remembers the first time he met you.
Namjoon had introduced you to the boys. Everyone had greeted you with bows and handshakes. But even so you could feel they were a bit reserved, and rightly so because they were a tight knit group, all boys at that and suddenly having someone else come in would change the dynamic.
So as you stood amongst the boys, who had gotten busy chatting about their performances, and upcoming practices you couldn’t help but feel left out.
“Boring right?” You heard a voice next to you and the boy with the black locks, who barely said anything throughout was standing next to you, attempting to make conversation.
“Its all the same for me” you had laughed weakly and he had smiled down at you.
That is how your friendship with Yoongi began.
He also remembers the first time he felt it.
It was when he was taking a video of the group as a whole. You were there too and as he was panning the camera around trying to capture everyone, he suddenly stopped on you because something about you struck him as different in that moment. 
The way you were smiling was different. It was different because he had wanted to commit the moment in his memory and he had wished to map every nook and crevice, every curve of your features into his mind so that he could always remember this different feeling. It was different because it was the first time he found his heart racing, and a smile of his own tugging at his lips.
It was different because it took his breath away. It was different in the way that he wished for you to always smile like that. It was different because he could feel the adrenaline in his veins, it was coursing through, exciting him as he watched the smile on your face. The way the wind whipped your hair, and your soft locks fell on your face made his heart skip a beat.
It was different because your laugh sounded like a thousand bells chiming all at once, in perfect harmony. It was like listening to music. The music to which he felt his heart thumped with fervour in his chest. It was like liquid happiness, it felt like home and it sounded like love. your presence felt healing as if you were taking away all his worries and burying them deep down, where even he couldn’t find them.
It was different because for the first time, he really noticed you. Not just as Min Yoongi, but it was as if he was seeing you through someone else’s eyes.
But then as the boys had urged him to video tape some stupid handshake Taehyung and Jeongguk had invented, Yoongi was forced to move on from your face. So with a scowl on his face he videoed their handshake. But his mind was still reeling from the waves of emotions that were washing over him.
He remembers the time when he had gotten in a fight for you
He came to the dorm to you crying. You were curled up on the couch while the rest of the boys were huddling around you, whispering to each other, wondering how to comfort you.
He had dropped his bag, all thoughts of the gruelling day forgotten, as he pushed past the small crowd of 6 around you and crouched down on the couch beside you.
He had pushed your hair away from your face and asked you what was wrong. All he had heard in response was your crying, your sobs which broke his heart. If one could visualize it physically, Yoongi’s heart was quite literally breaking.
There were tears polling in his eyes, and your sobs sounded like excruciating cries of pain that he wanted to so desperately block out. But he also wanted to help you, so he gathered every ounce of courage he had in him to stay strong. To stay strong for you.
It had only taken one look at the boys and he knew it was your ex boyfriend.
He had marched to the man’s house, punched him in the face. Not just once but four times. In turn he had received some punches to the gut, but it didn’t hurt half as much as it did when he saw your crying face.
He had come back to the dorm, battered and bruised. His eye had taken quite a long time to heal. But he didn’t care because he would get into a million fights for you. He would fight the whole world for you if it came down to it.
There was nothing, he wouldn’t do for you.
And there was nothing he wouldn’t give to see that smile on your face.
Yoongi doesn’t know what to think. In fact for just one second he doesn’t even breathe. Voices sound distant in his ears. His head is swimming with so many thoughts.
He finally knows.
Yoongi sits in the recording studio fiddling with the microphone in his hands. He doesn’t know why he feels so nervous, but nothing in his life has been going right lately. Its just one of those feelings of fear of something going wrong, that holds you back. It’s holding him back too but then he sees you behind the other side of the glass.
You are smiling at him and mouthing a good luck. You even hold a little white board which reads
I know you will kill it :)
Thats all he needs.
You take a seat on the empty chair and plug in the headphones and Yoongi’s soft voice flows through the headphone.
Even when I pushed you away Even when I resented meeting you You were firmly by my side You didn’t have to say anything So, don’t ever let go of my hand I wont let go of you either My birth and the end of my life You will be there to watch over it all
Through it all, he was looking at you. And you were looking at him.
And then it was clear. It was as clear as day what you had always been too blind to see.
He loved you and you loved him.
You wait patiently for him as the dorm as he wraps up the recording. You wait as patiently as you can because if it were up to you, you would be in that studio with him and you would be telling him that you know.
But you try to be fair because in all honesty you have taken a long time to get to this point, so you can afford some patience. You can wait. He has waited too, so its only a fair deal.
And then the door opens and Yoongi walks in.
By the time he arrives the rest of the boys have already come back from the studio after watching him record. They all offer their congratulations to him for finally completing his mixtape. Yoongi nods at all of them accepts the hugs gratefully, but he avoids meeting your gaze, while you continue to stare at him intently.
“Hyung you were awesome!!” Taehyung jumps on him and Hoseok joins in and then it becomes a big group hug. You stay at the sidelines and watch them, feeling a tight knot of emotions in your chest because you love all these dorks. Because you are in love with Min Yoongi. The thought makes you giddy. (In love with Min Yoongi)
“Hey guys didn’t we have that meeting we were all supposed to go to?” Namjoon says out of the blue.
The boys look at each other in confusion because as far as they knew there was no meeting.
“Remember….. the MEETING. THAT MEETING” Namjoon says again pursing his lips, hoping for them to get the hint.
Seokjin is looking at Namjoon who briefly glances between you and Yoongi. Then he figures it out.
“OHH yea that meeting. Alright kids time to go” Seokjin ushers the maknae line out of the door, while Namjoon takes Hoseok to the side and explains the situation to him.
Yoongi begins putting his shoes back on but Namjoon stops him.
“Its fine hyung. You take a rest. Manager knows you just finished your recording so you are off the hook” he smiles innocently. A little too innocently actually. But you are surprised at how good of a liar he is.
Yoongi looks like he wants to go, even though he doesn’t have to. But even if that is his intention he doesn’t voice it. Instead he bids them farewell, and closes the door behind him.
“Hey didn’t you have that interview thing? ” Yoongi says in a nonchalant manner as he picks up his bag.
You don’t reply and Yoongi once again speaks
“Thanks for coming to the.. t-the studio today” Yoongi breathes out the words heavily, his voice cracking slightly and he still refuses to meet your eyes.
“Yoongi- ” you say
“I was really nervous you know. Seeing the guys there really helped me” he laughs nervously as he continues to ramble.
He places the bag on the table and begins to pull out his notebooks, his headphones and all the other stuff he has buried in it.
He still doesn’t look at you though.
“Yoongi. Look at me” you say and he doesn’t even turn around.
“Yoongi” you say again, in a softer tone.
“I know. I know it now. I know that you love me” you say the words so casually, Yoongi doesn’t even believe it.
He thinks he is having auditory hallucinations so he shakes his ears.
“Yoongi. This is real”
This can’t be real.
None of it can
You make your way around so that you are standing in front of him. Yoongi’s face is completely flush.
“Yoongi. Please just look at me” your voice has a hint of pleading in it, it sounds desperate and there is a longing hidden beneath the words.
His head snaps in your direction
“I love you” you say and tears begin pooling in Yoongi’s eyes.
But it cant be true. The words don’t really hold much meaning. They are completely platonic right?. They are meant to be platonic. As much as he wants to believe it, as much as he hopes to save himself from the pain (because  somewhere there is the fear that he’s just imagining it all in his head. Because it is that unbelievable for him). But he knows its true. He knows its much more than platonic.
He closes his eyes, revelling in the moment because it has been the source of infinite sleepless nights. This very moment has been the source of all his happiness, and pain alike.
Tears softly fall on his cheek, running down to his lips, where he drinks them in. He has yearned to hear the words for so long, that he finds himself wanting to hear them again.
“Say it again” his voice is a whisper.
“I love you Yoongi”
“I love you Yoongi” 
“I love you”
And again
“I love you”
And Again
“I love you. I love you. I love you”
“I love you Yoongi. I love you so much. I love you. I just love you”
“I am in love with you Yoongi. I love you.”
And then his lips are on yours. He thinks its completely ridiculous how your lips seem to melt into his. He thinks its completely ridiculous how your hand fits perfectly in his, as he laces them together.
As ridiculous as it is, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
A trail of kisses is left on your face.
“Again. Please” he croaks out, and his voice cracks.
He is desperate. He is completely and utterly yearning to hear it again and again and he can’t seem to get enough of it.
“I love you Yoongi. I am hopelessly and completely in love with you. I love you”
“I love you too. God I love you so much y/n. I love you so so so so much”
“Okay one last time” he laughs and you do too, because neither of you can get enough of it but just saying it so many times begins to sound ridiculous. But it cannot get any better than this so it doesn't matter
“I love you” you whisper and crash your lips on his and its beautiful. It’s a euphoric feeling. Its like ecstasy and paradise. Its like a drug that you crave. It’s an addiction. But its the kind that you never want to give up on. You want more. You need more.
He does too.
But you’re more than close enough now
You are there. You are there with the man you are in love with and in him is all the universe you wish to find. In him are hidden all the jewels, and all the gems you could ever wish for. In him is all the love you crave, all the love you so desperately want. And its all for you.
You are finally there.
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sid-the-super-tramp · 4 years
Puppy Crying At Night Getting worse ( How to stop it )
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My puppy cries all night long!!
My puppy is a few weeks old, got her when she was 5 weeks old she feeds on her own and also sleeps alone. The first two nights she cried a little but soon settled into her bed in the kitchen, but the last two nights she is crying so loud all night! Its midnight and I'm still awake over her crying, I was told to ignore her as she's only looking for attention but it is getting impossible to ignore! She's keeping my whole family awake and they are starting to get stressed and annoyed too! Please help before it gets worse. Almost we hear this from every new pet owner. If you’ve just bought your puppy home, you need to be absolutely sure that she is barking because she needs to go potty because many young pups simply can't hold it through the night. She may also be getting used to sleeping in her crate or sleeping alone. She may cry because she feels isolated or lonely. In this case, her cries may be relieved with experience as she learns that time alone is okay. But it is also possible that your puppy may be distressed and crying out in panic.
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There is no quick fix
Dogs are pack animals and don't like to be separated. For instance, our dogs sleep upstairs with us in the hallway outside our bedrooms. When they were little I had their beds on our bedroom floor. I don't agree with crates and cages, it is just not for me, but my friend crate trained her dog and he is fine with it. She has the crate in the living room, which is very important, the people she got him from told her it is important to have the crate in a busy family area so that dog doesn't feel punished and segregated when he is put in the crate. So if you are separating the puppy at night and put him in a way this might be why he is crying. They will settle better sleeping somewhere they feel comfortable and where they feel safe. Being put away and feel not secured must be strange for him Puppies do cry. It was like having a newborn baby again. Their bladders can only hold a small amount and they need to let out often. Including through the night. I used to go to bed at midnight, get back up at 2 am to let them out, go back to bed then get back up at 6 am to let them out again. You just need to gradually increase the time between wee's until they can go a full night. Also if the toilet is small and he needs a wee this could also be why he is crying, trying to get your attention to let him out as they don't like toileting anywhere near there bed or food.
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Why do puppies cry
Small puppies in the wild are extremely vulnerable and it is vital to their survival that they are never left alone unless in the safety of their den. To a puppy, a den is a place where the puppy was born and grew up, and it represents complete safety. Your puppy won’t cry in his den unless his other needs (toileting thirst etc) are not met. That’s because he feels totally safe there. Even when his mother is away. But when you bring a new puppy into your own home. He is leaving his den, or place of safety, far away. Even though you have provided him with a lovely cozy bed or basket, he doesn’t yet feel safe there. If at any time your puppy is left alone outside of his ‘den’, he will cry and if there is no response to that cry he will make a distinctive and piercing alarm call to alert his ‘grown-ups’ to his predicament. This alarm can be extremely loud and may seem as though he is screaming or howling in pain. In the wild, this alarm could save a puppy’s life. In your home, it is pointless and annoying, but your new puppy doesn’t know that. And of course what happens to many puppies on their first night in a new home, with no familiar den, is that as soon as night falls, they are to all intents and purposes abandoned. Hence the howling and yelling. Your puppy is literally screaming for his life. Crying is a response to a strong physical or emotional need. Such as FearPainHungerFull bladder/bowelsCrying for Attention
What to do before bedtime
Take up any food or water after six or seven o’clock to make sure your puppy is running on empty when it’s time to sleep. Otherwise, you’ll be making trips to the bathroom all night, or worse, your puppy will eliminate in the house. Shortly before you go to bed, spend some time playing with your puppy. You want him to be tired enough to sleep soundly. Definitely, don’t let him nap within an hour or two of bedtime or else your puppy will be ready to play when you’re ready to sleep. Just before bed, take your puppy outside to his soiling area and wait for him to go. When he does praise him and bring him back inside. This reinforces good behavior and begins the house training process.
How do you deal with the puppy crying at night?
The answer is to pre-empt the fear screaming that some puppies (not all) do during their first few nights away from home by keeping them next to you at night. That means having the puppy in your room while you sleep. The best solution is usually to have the puppy in a crate or sturdy box, next to your bed. Fortunately, puppies don’t need to see your face with the light on in order to feel safe. They are happy to be able to smell your presence and hear your voice and even your breathing One note of caution: Don’t let the puppy sleep in the bed with you. He’ll eventually expect to be allowed in the bed, and it can lead to numerous behavioral problems as your puppy grows. The vast majority of new puppies will settle happily at night in this situation. And after a few nights, you can then move the puppy downstairs to his crate or puppy proof room. He may still cry a little, but it won’t be because he is not afraid. And he’ll get over it more quickly and be far less distressed than a puppy who is effectively abandoned on the first night in a strange home.
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Crate Training 101
crate training correctly, a few basics: Place the crate where the dog can see what’s going on but rest peacefully, such as the corner of a living room.In the crate have a comfy bed, chew toy and bowl of water.Partially cover the crate to make it cave-like.Seed the crate with kibble or treats so the pup thinks it’s an ace place.Never use the crate for punishment. Read the full article
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baranskini · 7 years
Okay, I’m aware this is slightly unrealistic, because of course Diane has a spare room, but let’s pretend that she doesn’t for the sake of this fic. Also this isn’t a romance fic, just in case some of you get cold feet a few sentences in. Will and Diane have the most wonderful dynamic and I just adore getting a chance to play with them.
Disclaimer: Obviously I own nothing otherwise Will would be alive, drinking with his bestie Diane and Alicia would have gotten that slap a hell of a lot earlier.
Apologies for any mistakes – this is unbeta’d.
Hope you all enjoy and review!
“You know I love you, right?” Diane let out a low chuckle at Will’s question.
“Yes…” She drawled.
“You know I’d do anything for you, right?” Will continued, his tone leading but still slightly hesitant.
“I do.” Diane replied with a smile.
“And I think that my being here right now proves that,” He said cautiously; swallowing the lump in his throat as he watched her shoulders tense through the dim lights from the street.
“Yes,” She whispered back softly, rolling over under the duvet she shifted to look at him. There was silence as the pair merely stared at each other in the dark room. Suddenly this all felt too intimate, too real.
“You’re with McVeigh?” Will broke the silence and steered the conversation in a different direction. Diane blinked a couple of times before replying.
“I am,” She confirmed.
“So why is he not here, Diane?” He questioned bluntly but not unkindly. Will watched her eyes skirt around the room as she bit her bottom lip and shifted deeper into the warmth of the bed.
“Kurt’s in Washington.”
“The Hampton case?”
“Okay,” Will began, his eyes thinning in suspicion. “Except, you stay on your own all the time when he’s testifying, and even before him, you lived here relatively alone. So what changed?”
Diane let out a shaky breath which could have been a sob. “I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“You don’t need to be sorry,” He replied, flashing her a comforting smile.
“No, I do, this was silly, I’m a grown woman, I, I shouldn’t have asked you to do this!” She began fretting, sitting up and flicking the bedside light on, Diane pulled her knees to her chest and covered her face with her hands. “God, I’m so embarrassed!”
“Diane,” Will said sitting up too, and moving to envelope her into a hug; her head resting soundly on his shoulder as his fingers calmly combed through her hair. “Just tell me.” He implored after a few beats of silence.
Gathering her courage, Diane lifted her head to face him. Her eyes were slightly red from silent tears. Will smiled sweetly at his friend and took one of her hands in his, squeezing it lovingly.
“You remember when you first came to Chicago, and you did that stint with the DA?” Will nodded, patiently letting her tell the story. He was curious as hell as to why Diane Lockhart had requested he stay here tonight, but he let her continue at her own pace.  “One of the first cases you were assigned was Jeffery Spellman; a drug dealer, and I was opposing council?”
“Yeah, I remember, double homicide.” Will observed, trying to recall the case from over 10 years ago.
“Yes. He was convicted and during sentencing…” Diane trailed off, her voice small and meek, but Will didn’t need her to elaborate, the memory had come back to him in a flash.
The jury ruling. The grunt of anger from a bulking, bald man as he threw his chair back and shoved Diane to the ground. His large hands wrapped around her throat. The screams of the jury and the judge as Will, his co-council and the bailiff struggled to keep the man off her. The fear in Diane’s blue eyes as he screamed and vowed; I’ll kill you, you stupid Bitch. I’ll kill you for this. I will come to your house and I’ll fucking kill you. The judge had yelled for order and the man had been taken into custody. That had been the first night Diane and he had shared a drink together, she’d come to thank him for his heroism and he’s offered her scotch all the while trying desperately to avoid openly staring at the bruises forming on her pale neck. 
“God!” Will cursed at the memory.
Diane locked eyes with him, attempting a reassuring smile. “I spoke at his parole hearing a couple months ago, against release of course-“
“They didn’t!” Will gasped in disbelief and Diane merely nodded as he hugged her tighter, his hand holding hers and squeezing it almost painfully. “When was he released?”
“Jesus Diane!” He growled angrily.
“I know, I should have said something-“ She started calmly.
“Damn right you should have said something!” He admonished in anger.
“I’m sorry.”  She whispered quietly again and his anger subsided, he didn’t like seeing her like this. Diane was many things but never weak, never small, never afraid, and this behaviour scared him. Pressing his lips together, he pulled her head back to his shoulder comfortingly.
“Why now?” Will questioned after a while.
“Huh?” Diane frowned.
“He’s been out for almost two months.”
“At first I was nervous; I even had Kalinda get me a gun for a while.”
“No!” Will said in shock. Diane chuckled slightly at his awe.
“I did, went to the firing range and practiced shooting, everything!” She agreed quite proudly.
“Wow. That’s kinda hot actually, you firing a gun.” Will complimented, lighting the mood for a moment. Diane laughed, that rich, full laugh he so loved and for a second it didn’t feel like such a serious conversation anymore.
“Anyway,” She picked up the story. “I gave the gun back, it wasn’t for me, and then Kurt came back into the picture and even when I was alone, I put it out of my mind.”
“Until?” William prompted knowing there was more to the story.
“Until I got a call this morning informing me Spellman had broken his parole and hadn’t checked in in three days.” She finished quietly.
“Hence the sleepover.” Will added after a beat.
“Yes, hence the sleepover.” Diane moved to look at her friend again. “I know it’s silly, he could have come after me any time in the last two months, but getting that call today-“ She trailed off and Will could hear the fear in her voice. “I just didn’t want to be here alone tonight.” The pair sat quietly for a few moments before Will let out an exaggerated sigh.
“Well, thank goodness!” He exclaimed and Diane’s mouth dropped open.
“Excuse me!?”
“I was so worried!” He continued sarcastically. “I thought this might be a sad attempt at seducing me!”
“What?” Diane laughed out. “You thought my idea of seduction was asking you to sleep next to me; fully clothed after a dinner of cold pizza?” Her tone was shocked and if he was hearing correctly slightly offended.
“I didn’t say your plan had a whole lot of finesse!” He replied grinning and Diane shoved him away from her, reaching behind her for a pillow to hit him with.
“Will!” She screeched as he ducked out of her way hopping out of the bed and onto her hardwood floors. Will smirked as she lunged for him again with the pillow; her smile wide and bright.
“Okay! Okay!” He said lifting his hands into the air in surrender as she lobbed the pillow at his head. “I’m sorry I mocked your seduction technique!”
“That wasn’t my seduction technique!” She retorted offended.
“Of course not!” Will agreed condescendingly.
“Hey! If I’d wanted you I could have had you, okay Pretty Boy? I’ve seen the way you look at my legs!” She fired back hotly.
“They are great legs!” Will chuckled in agreement.
“Damn right they are!” Diane replied and the partners smiled at each other before both bursting into a fit of laughter.
“You’re pretty good at this comforting thing,” Diane noted as their laughter came to an end.
“Well, I try.” Will replied smugly, picking the pillow up from the floor and placing it back on the bed before sitting down on the corner and facing his friend.
“It isn’t silly, Diane.” He said kindly. “I’m glad you asked me to stay tonight.”
Diane smiled at Will, her eyes suddenly filling with uncalled for tears.
“I remember that day too.” He added and reached out a hand to squeeze her knee in reassuringly. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” He promised.
“Thank you.” Diane said swiping tears from her cheeks.
“Kurt won’t be back until Thursday,” She hinted softly from under her wet eyelashes after a bout of silence.
“Then I guess I’m staying ‘til Thursday.” He responded happily. “Hey, you could be my tester wife, see how it goes, if I like it!” He exclaimed cheekily.
“Oh, I hate you!” She sassed back.
“No, you don’t.” He grinned cockily.
“Shall we get some sleep then?”
“Unless there’s something else you’d rather do?” He replied suggestively.
“You are aware the man I’m dating is a Ballistics expert with more than 300 guns at his disposal?” Diane queried with a smirk.
“Okay, keeping my hands and thoughts to myself now!” Will replied nervously, shifting to climb back under the duvet and lie down beside her. Diane merely laughed at his response and snuggled back down into the bed again. Flipping the switch of the bedside light again she plunged them both back into darkness. The pair lay silently, each listening to the other breathe.
“Hey Will?” She whispered, her eyes beginning to feel heavy.
“Thanks again.”
“Anytime. What are partners for?”
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waitinginthedarke · 7 years
A BTS/ Kim Seokjin Fanfiction
Summary: He looked like an angel, and spoke like a singer. Next to you, a university student surviving on 5 hours sleep a night, and holes in your shoes, he seemed to have it all. But at the end of the day, you were both just Existing. You just cant help but think, it might be more fun to Exist together…
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
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Chapter 8
‘Do you want the last cookie?’
The two of you had parked up somewhere outside of the city after grabbing your food, the fact that you were pretty much in the countryside surprising you where you hadn’t realized you’d travelled so far, but rather than being worried, you couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of your surroundings.
‘Don’t you want it?’ he asks, rolling his head toward you where he was reclined in his chair, a smile lingering around his lips when he sees that you’d leaned the chair back halfway so that you were almost laying down, and you shake your head at him with a smile as you offer him the chocolate disc, giggling when he leans in to take it from your hand with his teeth, and his eyes widen when you push it all the way into his mouth.
‘Yah! You’re just full of surprises today.’ He mutters when he manages to swallow the cookie, narrowing his eyes playfully at you before smiling, and settling your moment of hesitation where you worried you’d wound him up too much.
‘Do you always go driving like this?’ you ask quietly after a few minutes, taking in the way he was leaning back happily in his chair, his arm resting on the open window as wind blew gently through his hair, and his expression appeared peaceful. He shrugged as he turned his head forward, seeming to think for a moment before he spoke.
‘Not always. I go out with one or two of my friends mostly…but sometimes you just need some time alone…you know?’
‘Does that mean I get to be classed as your friend?’ you ask cheekily, waiting for him to comeback with some humorous response, and frowning when silence meets your words, until you look up at him and realize he was looking at you.
For a moment his blunt reply has you feeling uneasy, and your mind begins to wonder what to do in the situation as you shift your eyes down to your hands, but that’s before you hear him whisper the words;
‘I want you to be more than that.’
When you look up at him in surprise you find him still watching you, an edge of a fear of the unknown in his eyes as he waits for your response, his hand subconsciously gripping tightly to the window ledge in suspense, but all you can do is bite back a shy smile as you try to think of something to say that wouldn’t sound too cheesy or too needy.
But before you can say anything at all, he’s suddenly touching his lips to yours, his whole body tense at first as he anticipates your reaction, and only relaxing once you sigh quietly against his lips, pausing to let your brain catch up with what had happened, before reaching up to hold his neck and pull him gently back to you. The kiss is gentle and soft at first, as though you were both testing out the waters, exploring the surface of one another, but after a minute you subconsciously nibble on his lower lip, asking for entry, and within seconds your tongue is twisting with his as you shift in your seat, trying to get closer to him and feeling electric race up your spine when you feel his hand reach over to lay against your hip.
You’re locked like that for a good 5 minutes, both of you seeming to want more as you continuously lean into one another, seeking more, but just as you had made the decision to climb out of your seat and into his, the sound of a phone is filling the air, cutting through silence, and making him groan in frustration, the sound making you smile against his mouth before he turns his head away to check who it was.
‘Damnit, I should get this.’ He murmurs, his arm that had wrapped around your waist when you’d knelt up in your seat to get closer to him, staying locked around you as he shoots you an apologetic smile, before answering the insistent ringing.
‘Whats up? …What now?...but we weren’t meant to have anything till tomorrow! …well I’m not going to be able to make it for at least an hour anyway. …no im in the car…I somewhere on the way to Ilsan- im not GOING to Ilsan, Namjoon! That was just the direction I was headed-Yah!’
You find yourself chuckling into his shoulder as he continues to rant at the poor person on the other end of the phone, the smell of his musky cologne and his warm skin filling your lungs as you bury your face in his neck and close your eyes, and its not until he was saying goodbye that you realize just how tired you were.
‘…Look…you’re going to have to deal without me for an hour- its not like my part is all that important anyway!...Well I’ll just have to spend the next week practising wont I? I’ll ask Jimin if he’ll help me. Okay?...yeah…no, I’ll be there as soon as I can.’
‘Mmh?’ you answer, peeling your eyes open and frowning against your blurry vision, before realizing you’d almost fallen asleep on him and quickly moving away from him to sit back in your seat, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment.
‘Are you okay?-‘
‘Yeah, no, im fine…I’m just really tired.’ You confess, rubbing your eyes to try and wake yourself up, and peering sheepishly over at Jin to find him watching you with a fond, yet amused, smile.
‘Well, that’s probably just as well, since im being called in to work.’ He murmurs, reaching his hand over to gently cradle your cheek, and despite the way your belly was doing somersaults in response to the action, you still find yourself shyly leaning into him, smiling timidly when you see him smiling at your response.
‘Why do you have to work so late though?’ you ask curiously, reaching up to pull his hand down into yours, pouting when he takes it away, but smiling when he simply puts his seatbelt on, starts the car, and pulls back out onto the road, before reaching to replace his hand back in yours. After putting on your own seatbelt, you relax back into the seat, holding his against your cheek as you watch him drive and he explains what was going on.
‘We have a big event coming up later this week that we have to practise for, and because I usually take the longest to get everything right, they want me to start rehearsing way in advance. Hence, calling me into work at stupid o’clock.’ He says, his expression trying to resist falling into the realms of disgruntled and frustrated, but failing miserably as his mouth flattens into a line.
‘Well that sounds mean…actually- you never told me what it is you do.’ You point out, tilting your head curiously at him as you wait for him to explain, and seeing his dark expression lighten a little bit as he glances over at you, shooting you a dubious look, before he sighs and nods.
‘I’m an idol.’
That was definitely not what you were expecting.
‘Does that bother you?’ he asks timidly when you fail to respond straight away, looking over at you and frowning slightly when he sees your semi-surprised expression.
‘Its not as bad as it seems. Really! I-‘
‘It doesn’t bother me at all.’ You answer, ‘although what does bother me is that I didn’t already assume that…you’re too handsome to work in an office.’ You mutter, half to yourself as you continue to watch him, wondering how you didn’t see it before, and its as you’re watching him that you see his mouth slowly curl up into a shy, yet satisfied grin, before his hand squeezes your gently.
‘Yah! You’re something else.’ He comments, continuing to glance over at you as he chuckles to himself, and you cant help but grin at him as he does so.
‘I’ve been told.’ You quip, smirking at him as he shakes his head, before settling back into the chair, with his hand clasped against your chest and continuing to listen to him as he tells you about his life.
Its only when he gets to within 10 miles of her dorm and he finally finishes listing off all the places he’d been to when the group had gone on tour, that he turns his head to look at her, and he sees her sleeping soundly in her chair, his hand still clutched tightly in her small hands.
‘I cant believe you fell asleep on me.’ You whispers, chuckling to himself as he continues to make his way through the light traffic toward her dorm, not wanting to wake her up, but knowing he’d have to for her to get into her room safely.
However, that’s before his phone starts ringing again.
‘Jimin, I’m on my way, I should only be about 10 more minutes!’ he insists after he’d answered the call on the car desktop, trying to keep his voice down after he feels Y/N shift a little in her seat, before settling once more.
‘Oh, okay! I was just checking where you were cause its late, and Bang PD-nim didn’t want you roaming the city at all hours of the night.’ Jimin answers, his reminder of the time causing Jin to look at the clock and widen his eyes as he sees the time, quickly telling Jimin he’d be there asap, before speeding as fast as he could toward Y/N’s dorm.
But it was already too late.
Her curfew had passed.
‘Shit.’ He mutters to himself, closing his eyes against the closed gates, and the security guard who was watching him with a hard look, and sighing as he looks over at her still asleep beside him, before a sneaking idea slips into his mind, and without really thinking it through too much, he pulls away from her dorm and hits the road once again.
‘Sorry, Y/N. Looks like you’ll be staying with me tonight.’
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kaldraws8280 · 7 years
Good god, just indulge me in my crap xD ((This happens often so, yeah ._.;;;; ))
You are free to ignore.
So I had this idea of your Human!Tamatoa, being the King of an island full of oddities and such, there’s people too (Isle of Lalotai), he is as grand as he is powerful, both loved and feared. He has lived for a long ass time and one day he’s just “Hey, why don’t I get a wife/partner?”, word gets out and all the single ladies/gay guys try to win his favor.
Enter the OC (can be either you or my OC, I imagined both, despite mostly being my OC Kekepania  XD ._. ), who is single and really doesn’t care about the rumor, prefering to get enough supplies for the week/day. Why? Because racism! ((dunno if this is true in the Pacific Islander regions, but bare with me)) The villagers don’t like the OC ((Kekepania/you)) because they’re a “clear skin” (white|peach skin), they find it appalling and a sign of weakness (also you’re not as thicc as they are). They only talk to the OC when they need some good medicine, because the OC is damn good in finding medicinal herbs (more so than the village medicine man), the villagers only go to the OC when they need to.
One day, Tamatoa is examining the “market place” after his leg is giving him phantom limb pains (the medicine man gives him some creams but they don’t last long), everyone is exchanging things for other things, all happy and stuff, but he then see’s the OC barely getting anything, some fish and berries yes, but not as much as the others. Tama see’s the OC’s creams and medicine and asks if she has any for phantom limb pain, which she did. She gives him a portion, with instructions since it’s quite powerful medicine.
Tamatoa is susprised that the medicine works better than the medicine man’s, after a few days he goes back to the OC, thanking her for the medicine and asks how she did it. The OC doesn’t give a straight answer, telling him she’d be out of resources if she told him. This sparks intrigue and curiosity on Tama’s part and keeps visiting the OC from time to time at the “market place”. One evening as everyone go back to their huts, Tama approaches the OC and asks if they’re free the following day. The OC is a bit intimidated and nervous ((hellooo, Tamatoa is quite scary)), she says she’s busy… But she goes to a certain place whenever she wants to be alone, and she’ll be there two days from now. He tells her he’ll be there, but the OC doesn’t believe him.
The day comes and the OC is on a beach at a far side of the island, she does her thing as she knows King Tamatoa won’t even arrive. She is quite surprised when he does show up, saying that it was pretty difficult to arrive, hence the privacy the OC replies. She is still nervous of what Tamatoa wants with her, he does wonder how she figured out what plants to use for the medicine, OC insists that she can’t tell him or else she has no way of making ends meet. Tamatoa then makes a proposition, he’ll teach her how to fish and gathering food (that’s not plants or berries) if she teaches him about medicinal herbs and how to identify them. She reluctantly agrees, with the condition that no one has to know. He gives her his word.
Time passes, they get to the same meeting place every few days, Tamatoa keeps to his promise and teaches OC how to fish and put traps for any meat source, while OC teaches him about the different plants and where to find them, as well as how to identify two similar plants and know which is which. As the teachings come to an end, Tama still wants these little rendezvous with OC, saying that it’s a quaint little distraction from his Kingly duties, that it’s nice to have the crown off in these moments. This does surprise OC, for she too likes these little visits from him and feels a bit more open, “So, this is what having a friend is like” Tama says.
They keep the visits to just talk and shoot the shit. The single villagers are noticing that their beloved King is both disappearing and being quite nice with the “clear skin”, sharing a joke or a little chat whenever they stumble upon each other in the village. The single ladies don’t like this at all. In one of the visits, a villager follows Tamatoa and see’s what’s going on at the rendezvous. And in the following meeting, the OC is happily awaiting the King, only to be met with a small group of villagers.
Tama arrives at the little meeting, only to see that OC isn’t there. She never misses a meeting. He rushes off to OC’s hut (the smallest hut in the entire village), seeing her in shambles: cut lip, black eye, bruised, her clothes ripped and hair pulled. OC is just huddled up in the corner, trembling and in tears. Tamatoa carefully approaches her and asks what happened, she says nothing, only that she got stuck on a bush. Tama knows she’s lying and demands who did this to her, only to have no answer. He takes OC in his arms, she finally bawls out, crying. He offers the safety of his home, but she retorts that it would be best for him to not be seen with her, or else his reputation will be tainted, “Since when do I give a damn what others think?” Tama says. After her objection he decides to stay in her hut. She objects again, that she’ll be fine. He tells her that he won’t let anyone else hurt her again.
The following days, the villagers do sense a thicker air of intimidation and rage from the King, deciding to keep their distance and be careful around Tamatoa. He does his duties and even sends his most trusted guard to keep an eye on OC’s hut while he’s busy, returning the very second he’s done. Days go by and, with the teachings in medicine, Tamatoa heals OC back to shape, still asking who did this to her, to enact punishment to those who dared to harm even a hair on her.
OC still won’t say anything, but every time someone gets closer to her in the village, she freezes and recoils. Tama takes it upon himself to help in her psychological recovery, making sure she’s safe and can always rely on him. This takes a lot of time, but it does eventually show that OC’s recovering. He gets her new clothes and even helps in fixing whatever is needed at her hut.
Once it seems she’s fine, she sometimes freezes whenever the people responsible for the assault come by. She tells Tama that she doesn’t want to be seen badly if she does point out who hurt her. Tama tells her that they need to be punished, what they did was out of line. After coming to an agreement, Tama gathers the assailants one by one, giving them a false sense of security before scaring the ever living crap out of them, leaving them off with a warning, this includes the ladies that were a part of the assault. They don’t dare get anywhere near Tama or OC again.
It takes some time for OC to feel safe in the village again, but thanks Tama for doing all of this for her, and doesn’t know how she will ever repay him, he tells her not to worry, he needed to see the two-faced people in his island get kicked down a few pegs. No one in her life has ever done such a thing for her, she starts to develop feelings for him.
The same is with Tamatoa, every time he’s with OC he can relax and just do nothing, even if it’s a small dinner or explore the jungles of his island, being with her gave him peace. He didn’t have to try hard to be the image of perfection with her, to show confidence every second and not worry if he was shiny enough for her, just being able to see OC’s smile is enough.
One stormy night, OC confesses her feelings for Tamatoa after a speech of being thankful of him, and adds that she’s fine if he doesn’t feel the same way, staying friends with him is reward enough. It is Tama’s turn to give his speech, about how his world was always one way or another, and that with her being in it it turned around, then confessing that he too has feelings for her. OC doesn’t know what to say, and Tama slowly goes in to kiss her, OC at first resists but succumbs to the sweet gesture, not used to such things. It felt nice.
With understanding and both giving their consent, Tamatoa and OC gave in to their desires and made pure passionate love, “Ma belle perle” he commented about her skin. For so long, ever since OC could remember, her skin was seen as ugly. Hearing him compare her skin with that of a pearl was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard, after his confession. They embrace and let the storm pass, sleeping soundly in peace.
It doesn’t take long for Tamatoa to proclaim to the villagers of Lalotai his chosen wife, presenting OC as the love of his life. Many are displeased, and Tama says they are free to leave the island if they wish, they do not do so. A grand wedding ceremony is held, even with Tamatoa wanting to dress OC to the nines, she goes with the traditional wedding garments. They are wed, the King and new Queen of Lalotai celebrate and spend their days in bliss and happiness.
Aaaaaaand I made it end all sappy and happy because reasons, and I am bad with endings ._.
------------- Wow you really seem to have thought about this a lot! You should write it, I'm sure it'd be great 👍
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samuelfields · 5 years
Cash Management Is Really All About Stress Management
At any given time, every investor must always decide three things:
1) How to invest their new cash flow
2) How to invest their existing cash
3) How to reposition their existing investments if at all
As long as enough money is coming in to cover your expenses, life is fairly good. As our cash hoard grows, there’s also less financial stress because you can more easily cover unanticipated emergencies like a furlough.
In general, having 6 – 12 months of living expenses in cash or cash equivalents is good enough for the average person to sleep soundly.
There might come a point, however, when you will have excess cash. Perhaps you were undisciplined in your monthly dollar cost averaging strategy or maybe you got a bigger windfall than anticipated.
Whatever the case may be, your financial anxiety will be replaced with the fear of missing out on potentially bigger gains in risk assets like stocks and real estate. Given your peers are all getting rich, you will want to follow suit.
If enough greed kicks in, you will end up taking on more risk than you can comfortably withstand, and sometimes bad things will happen. Your financial stress returns once again. Hence, one benefit of following Financial SEER.
No matter how much money you have or how much you make, you will always have to work on managing your financial stress. After all, the more money you have, the more you have to lose! When you are broke, you’ve only got upside.
Money is mental. Psychology is why during market sell-offs, there will be headlines about stocks re-testing Great Depression lows. And during bull runs, there will be headlines about how the sky is the limit and you just can’t lose.
I didn’t do much right financially in 2018 except for continuing to aggressively save. But I did make one move with my existing savings that helped reduce financial stress. 
Managing Stress Through Savings
Back in early 2018, I was getting nervous about the stock market. We’d seen an almost 10% pullback in February that jolted me awake. Ever since I left my day job in 2012, I’d been regularly plowing the majority of my cash flow into the stock market and San Francisco real estate market.
After all, my #1 goal is to earn enough passive income so neither my wife or I have to go back to work. With the likelihood of private school expenses coming up in 2022, we have a goal of earning at least $250,000 a year in passive income to stay jobless.
When the correction hit in February 2018, I realized my risk exposure was too high for my comfort. As a result, I slowly started reducing my stock allocation from 70% to 52% as stocks recovered into the summer.
But when you reduce your stock exposure during a rising market, you begin to question your decision because you start getting greedy. You start imagining whether you’re missing out on more gains by being too conservative. I was tempted to take on more risk again.
But when I got an e-mail from CIT Bank that they had raised their money market rate to 1.85% and their 12-month CD rate to 2.25%, I beat back my greed. Just a year earlier, money market rates averaged well below 1%. I still remember only receiving a 0.1% money market rate circa 2015.
1.85% for a money market rate and 2.25% for a 12-month CD rate seemed pretty good. As a result, I decided to lock in a 2.25% guaranteed return for 12 months on July 16, 2018, instead of investing the money in the S&P 500 or the forever tempting FAANG stocks, which I was already heavily overweight, given I live in San Francisco.
As soon as I bought the 12-month CD, I felt a sense of relief. I remember thinking to myself, “Ah hah! Nobody can take away my money now!” I felt my stress melt away as I could now focus on more enjoyable things in life.
Although I’m only earning about ~$190 a month in interest income, it feels wonderful to know my money is secure. Because I generate excess cash flow every month, I constantly have to figure out where to invest the money in order to at least keep up with inflation.
Locking up money in long-term private investments or illiquid investments like real estate enables me to stop worrying so much about how to reinvest my cash flow. 
Stay Financially Disciplined
As an investor, you must not only come up with some reasonable earnings and valuation forecasts, you must also take action based on your forecasts.
My analysis said that 2,800 on the S&P 500 was close to fully valued. We were almost back to the peak seen in January and I told myself if we got past 2,800, I would dial down risk, and that’s what I did in July.
The S&P 500 continued to rise until September when it reached 2,929 as the bull market raged on.
Was I fighting the urge to chase the momentum? Of course. But I still had 52% of my public investment portfolio in stocks, so I was still benefitting, although not to the fullest.
It was also important for me to remain disciplined and look at my overall risk exposure and net worth. I never want to have more than 30% of my net worth in equities. However, I was bumping around that upper limit due to the reinvestment of part of my house sale proceeds in equities.
If I had invested $100,000 in the S&P 500 on July 16, 2018, it would have been worth roughly $104,600 by September 30, 2018. But on December 17, 2018, it would have declined in value to just $86,000.
At the end of the year, the $100,000 would have rebounded to $90,600, but still down a hefty 9.4% since July 16, 2018.
Meanwhile, since opening the 12-month CD, it has thus far earned $1,038 in interest for a return of 1.038%. In other words, the difference between this 2.25% CD and the S&P 500 was roughly 10.438%, or $10,438 from July through Dec 21, 2018. Not bad.
Therefore, the next time you scoff at a money market or CD account rate, don’t. Not only can a money market or CD account drastically outperform risk assets, but they also have the added benefit of giving you incredible peace of mind during a downturn.
All I was thinking during the 4Q2018 meltdown was why I didn’t put more money into a CD or money market account. If I had invested my entire House Sale Fund, it would have earned $3,750 a month, or $45,000 a year with absolutely zero stress.
During 4Q2018, there were many mornings where I’d naturally awaken by 4am because my mind couldn’t rest knowing that another meltdown might possibly be right around the corner. That wasn’t very healthy and a sign that I still had to much at risk.
Time To Lock In Another Win
After such a long bull run, my goal all year is to use ~70% of my cash flow to lock in wins and use the remaining 30% of my cash flow to invest in risk assets when opportunities arise.
I’m excited I recently got another message from CIT Bank saying they have raised their Savings Builder account rate to 2.45% from 1.85%. That’s right. Their money market account, not their CD account, is paying 2.45%. No 12-month lockup is required.
2.45% is solid because it is almost as high as the 10-year treasury bond yield currently 2.65%. But with the 10-year treasury bond, you’ve got to hold it for 10 years to guarantee yourself a 2.65% annual return. During this time, you might lose or gain principal.
Earning 2.45% isn’t going to make you rich. But earning 2.45% is better than earning a negative 6.4% in the S&P 500 in 2018 (-4.8% with dividends).
There’s a good chance we could see a 10%+ rebound in the S&P 500 in 2019. But I also wouldn’t be surprised one bit if the S&P 500 declined by 10% in 2019 either.
The higher money market rate is a blessing because I’m cashed up looking for a nicer house this year. Given I don’t know when I’ll find the next house, it’s nice to have the flexibility of withdrawing my cash at any time, while also earning a high interest rate.
Take advantage of the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes.
I’m sure there are plenty of other banks, especially online banks, that are now providing higher rates this year. You’ve just got to ask around. There’s nothing wrong with protecting your wealth after making so much since 2009.
As for my financial stress this year, it’s way down from 4Q2018 because not only is my cash earning a much higher return, the stock market has rebounded by over 11% since December 24, 2018. Just like that, it’s back to good times and I plan to keep it that way.
My overall public investment portfolio is up a modest 4% for the year and I’m seriously considering locking in gains and reinvesting all the proceeds in a 2.45% savings account to end the year up a guaranteed~6.3%.
To feel no investment stress for the rest of the year would be amazing!
After all, my theme for 2019 is: live the good life. All I want is restful sleep every night so I have the energy to happily spend time with my family and write.
Doubling my net worth every 14 years with a modest 5% annual growth target is good enough for me.
Related: How Much Savings You Should Have Accumulated By Age
Readers, are you taking advantage of higher savings rates? What type of money decisions did you make in 2018 that saved you from the stock market meltdown? What type of money decisions will you make this year to ensure you grow your wealth?
The post Cash Management Is Really All About Stress Management appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from Finance https://www.financialsamurai.com/building-savings-war-chest-is-about-stress-management/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
mcjoelcain · 5 years
Cash Management Is Really All About Stress Management
At any given time, every investor must always decide three things:
1) How to invest their new cash flow
2) How to invest their existing cash
3) How to reposition their existing investments if at all
As long as enough money is coming in to cover your expenses, life is fairly good. As our cash hoard grows, there’s also less financial stress because you can more easily cover unanticipated emergencies like a furlough.
In general, having 6 – 12 months of living expenses in cash or cash equivalents is good enough for the average person to sleep soundly.
There might come a point, however, when you will have excess cash. Perhaps you were undisciplined in your monthly dollar cost averaging strategy or maybe you got a bigger windfall than anticipated.
Whatever the case may be, your financial anxiety will be replaced with the fear of missing out on potentially bigger gains in risk assets like stocks and real estate. Given your peers are all getting rich, you will want to follow suit.
If enough greed kicks in, you will end up taking on more risk than you can comfortably withstand, and sometimes bad things will happen. Your financial stress returns once again. Hence, one benefit of following Financial SEER.
No matter how much money you have or how much you make, you will always have to work on managing your financial stress. After all, the more money you have, the more you have to lose! When you are broke, you’ve only got upside.
Money is mental. Psychology is why during market sell-offs, there will be headlines about stocks re-testing Great Depression lows. And during bull runs, there will be headlines about how the sky is the limit and you just can’t lose.
I didn’t do much right financially in 2018 except for continuing to aggressively save. But I did make one move with my existing savings that helped reduce financial stress. 
Managing Stress Through Savings
Back in early 2018, I was getting nervous about the stock market. We’d seen an almost 10% pullback in February that jolted me awake. Ever since I left my day job in 2012, I’d been regularly plowing the majority of my cash flow into the stock market and San Francisco real estate market.
After all, my #1 goal is to earn enough passive income so neither my wife or I have to go back to work. With the likelihood of private school expenses coming up in 2022, we have a goal of earning at least $250,000 a year in passive income to stay jobless.
When the correction hit in February 2018, I realized my risk exposure was too high for my comfort. As a result, I slowly started reducing my stock allocation from 70% to 52% as stocks recovered into the summer.
But when you reduce your stock exposure during a rising market, you begin to question your decision because you start getting greedy. You start imagining whether you’re missing out on more gains by being too conservative. I was tempted to take on more risk again.
But when I got an e-mail from CIT Bank that they had raised their money market rate to 1.85% and their 12-month CD rate to 2.25%, I beat back my greed. Just a year earlier, money market rates averaged well below 1%. I still remember only receiving a 0.1% money market rate circa 2015.
1.85% for a money market rate and 2.25% for a 12-month CD rate seemed pretty good. As a result, I decided to lock in a 2.25% guaranteed return for 12 months on July 16, 2018, instead of investing the money in the S&P 500 or the forever tempting FAANG stocks, which I was already heavily overweight, given I live in San Francisco.
As soon as I bought the 12-month CD, I felt a sense of relief. I remember thinking to myself, “Ah hah! Nobody can take away my money now!” I felt my stress melt away as I could now focus on more enjoyable things in life.
Although I’m only earning about ~$190 a month in interest income, it feels wonderful to know my money is secure. Because I generate excess cash flow every month, I constantly have to figure out where to invest the money in order to at least keep up with inflation.
Locking up money in long-term private investments or illiquid investments like real estate enables me to stop worrying so much about how to reinvest my cash flow. 
Stay Financially Disciplined
As an investor, you must not only come up with some reasonable earnings and valuation forecasts, you must also take action based on your forecasts.
My analysis said that 2,800 on the S&P 500 was close to fully valued. We were almost back to the peak seen in January and I told myself if we got past 2,800, I would dial down risk, and that’s what I did in July.
The S&P 500 continued to rise until September when it reached 2,929 as the bull market raged on.
Was I fighting the urge to chase the momentum? Of course. But I still had 52% of my public investment portfolio in stocks, so I was still benefitting, although not to the fullest.
It was also important for me to remain disciplined and look at my overall risk exposure and net worth. I never want to have more than 30% of my net worth in equities. However, I was bumping around that upper limit due to the reinvestment of part of my house sale proceeds in equities.
If I had invested $100,000 in the S&P 500 on July 16, 2018, it would have been worth roughly $104,600 by September 30, 2018. But on December 17, 2018, it would have declined in value to just $86,000.
At the end of the year, the $100,000 would have rebounded to $90,600, but still down a hefty 9.4% since July 16, 2018.
Meanwhile, since opening the 12-month CD, it has thus far earned $1,038 in interest for a return of 1.038%. In other words, the difference between this 2.25% CD and the S&P 500 was roughly 10.438%, or $10,438 from July through Dec 21, 2018. Not bad.
Therefore, the next time you scoff at a money market or CD account rate, don’t. Not only can a money market or CD account drastically outperform risk assets, but they also have the added benefit of giving you incredible peace of mind during a downturn.
All I was thinking during the 4Q2018 meltdown was why I didn’t put more money into a CD or money market account. If I had invested my entire House Sale Fund, it would have earned $3,750 a month, or $45,000 a year with absolutely zero stress.
During 4Q2018, there were many mornings where I’d naturally awaken by 4am because my mind couldn’t rest knowing that another meltdown might possibly be right around the corner. That wasn’t very healthy and a sign that I still had to much at risk.
Time To Lock In Another Win
After such a long bull run, my goal all year is to use ~70% of my cash flow to lock in wins and use the remaining 30% of my cash flow to invest in risk assets when opportunities arise.
I’m excited I recently got another message from CIT Bank saying they have raised their Savings Builder account rate to 2.45% from 1.85%. That’s right. Their money market account, not their CD account, is paying 2.45%. No 12-month lockup is required.
2.45% is solid because it is almost as high as the 10-year treasury bond yield currently 2.65%. But with the 10-year treasury bond, you’ve got to hold it for 10 years to guarantee yourself a 2.65% annual return. During this time, you might lose or gain principal.
Earning 2.45% isn’t going to make you rich. But earning 2.45% is better than earning a negative 6.4% in the S&P 500 in 2018 (-4.8% with dividends).
There’s a good chance we could see a 10%+ rebound in the S&P 500 in 2019. But I also wouldn’t be surprised one bit if the S&P 500 declined by 10% in 2019 either.
The higher money market rate is a blessing because I’m cashed up looking for a nicer house this year. Given I don’t know when I’ll find the next house, it’s nice to have the flexibility of withdrawing my cash at any time, while also earning a high interest rate.
Take advantage of the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes.
I’m sure there are plenty of other banks, especially online banks, that are now providing higher rates this year. You’ve just got to ask around. There’s nothing wrong with protecting your wealth after making so much since 2009.
As for my financial stress this year, it’s way down from 4Q2018 because not only is my cash earning a much higher return, the stock market has rebounded by over 11% since December 24, 2018. Just like that, it’s back to good times and I plan to keep it that way.
My overall public investment portfolio is up a modest 4% for the year and I’m seriously considering locking in gains and reinvesting all the proceeds in a 2.45% savings account to end the year up a guaranteed~6.3%.
To feel no investment stress for the rest of the year would be amazing!
After all, my theme for 2019 is: live the good life. All I want is restful sleep every night so I have the energy to happily spend time with my family and write.
Doubling my net worth every 14 years with a modest 5% annual growth target is good enough for me.
Related: How Much Savings You Should Have Accumulated By Age
Readers, are you taking advantage of higher savings rates? What type of money decisions did you make in 2018 that saved you from the stock market meltdown? What type of money decisions will you make this year to ensure you grow your wealth?
The post Cash Management Is Really All About Stress Management appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from Money https://www.financialsamurai.com/building-savings-war-chest-is-about-stress-management/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
ronaldmrashid · 5 years
Cash Management Is Really All About Stress Management
At any given time, every investor must always decide three things:
1) How to invest their new cash flow
2) How to invest their existing cash
3) How to reposition their existing investments if at all
As long as enough money is coming in to cover your expenses, life is fairly good. As our cash hoard grows, there’s also less financial stress because you can more easily cover unanticipated emergencies like a furlough.
In general, having 6 – 12 months of living expenses in cash or cash equivalents is good enough for the average person to sleep soundly.
There might come a point, however, when you will have excess cash. Perhaps you were undisciplined in your monthly dollar cost averaging strategy or maybe you got a bigger windfall than anticipated.
Whatever the case may be, your financial anxiety will be replaced with the fear of missing out on potentially bigger gains in risk assets like stocks and real estate. Given your peers are all getting rich, you will want to follow suit.
If enough greed kicks in, you will end up taking on more risk than you can comfortably withstand, and sometimes bad things will happen. Your financial stress returns once again. Hence, one benefit of following Financial SEER.
No matter how much money you have or how much you make, you will always have to work on managing your financial stress. After all, the more money you have, the more you have to lose! When you are broke, you’ve only got upside.
Money is mental. Psychology is why during market sell-offs, there will be headlines about stocks re-testing Great Depression lows. And during bull runs, there will be headlines about how the sky is the limit and you just can’t lose.
I didn’t do much right financially in 2018 except for continuing to aggressively save. But I did make one move with my existing savings that helped reduce financial stress. 
Managing Stress Through Savings
Back in early 2018, I was getting nervous about the stock market. We’d seen an almost 10% pullback in February that jolted me awake. Ever since I left my day job in 2012, I’d been regularly plowing the majority of my cash flow into the stock market and San Francisco real estate market.
After all, my #1 goal is to earn enough passive income so neither my wife or I have to go back to work. With the likelihood of private school expenses coming up in 2022, we have a goal of earning at least $250,000 a year in passive income to stay jobless.
When the correction hit in February 2018, I realized my risk exposure was too high for my comfort. As a result, I slowly started reducing my stock allocation from 70% to 52% as stocks recovered into the summer.
But when you reduce your stock exposure during a rising market, you begin to question your decision because you start getting greedy. You start imagining whether you’re missing out on more gains by being too conservative. I was tempted to take on more risk again.
But when I got an e-mail from CIT Bank that they had raised their money market rate to 1.85% and their 12-month CD rate to 2.25%, I beat back my greed. Just a year earlier, money market rates averaged well below 1%. I still remember only receiving a 0.1% money market rate circa 2015.
1.85% for a money market rate and 2.25% for a 12-month CD rate seemed pretty good. As a result, I decided to lock in a 2.25% guaranteed return for 12 months on July 16, 2018, instead of investing the money in the S&P 500 or the forever tempting FAANG stocks, which I was already heavily overweight, given I live in San Francisco.
As soon as I bought the 12-month CD, I felt a sense of relief. I remember thinking to myself, “Ah hah! Nobody can take away my money now!” I felt my stress melt away as I could now focus on more enjoyable things in life.
Although I’m only earning about ~$190 a month in interest income, it feels wonderful to know my money is secure. Because I generate excess cash flow every month, I constantly have to figure out where to invest the money in order to at least keep up with inflation.
Locking up money in long-term private investments or illiquid investments like real estate enables me to stop worrying so much about how to reinvest my cash flow. 
Stay Financially Disciplined
As an investor, you must not only come up with some reasonable earnings and valuation forecasts, you must also take action based on your forecasts.
My analysis said that 2,800 on the S&P 500 was close to fully valued. We were almost back to the peak seen in January and I told myself if we got past 2,800, I would dial down risk, and that’s what I did in July.
The S&P 500 continued to rise until September when it reached 2,929 as the bull market raged on.
Was I fighting the urge to chase the momentum? Of course. But I still had 52% of my public investment portfolio in stocks, so I was still benefitting, although not to the fullest.
It was also important for me to remain disciplined and look at my overall risk exposure and net worth. I never want to have more than 30% of my net worth in equities. However, I was bumping around that upper limit due to the reinvestment of part of my house sale proceeds in equities.
If I had invested $100,000 in the S&P 500 on July 16, 2018, it would have been worth roughly $104,600 by September 30, 2018. But on December 17, 2018, it would have declined in value to just $86,000.
At the end of the year, the $100,000 would have rebounded to $90,600, but still down a hefty 9.4% since July 16, 2018.
Meanwhile, since opening the 12-month CD, it has thus far earned $1,038 in interest for a return of 1.038%. In other words, the difference between this 2.25% CD and the S&P 500 was roughly 10.438%, or $10,438 from July through Dec 21, 2018. Not bad.
Therefore, the next time you scoff at a money market or CD account rate, don’t. Not only can a money market or CD account drastically outperform risk assets, but they also have the added benefit of giving you incredible peace of mind during a downturn.
All I was thinking during the 4Q2018 meltdown was why I didn’t put more money into a CD or money market account. If I had invested my entire House Sale Fund, it would have earned $3,750 a month, or $45,000 a year with absolutely zero stress.
During 4Q2018, there were many mornings where I’d naturally awaken by 4am because my mind couldn’t rest knowing that another meltdown might possibly be right around the corner. That wasn’t very healthy and a sign that I still had to much at risk.
Time To Lock In Another Win
After such a long bull run, my goal all year is to use ~70% of my cash flow to lock in wins and use the remaining 30% of my cash flow to invest in risk assets when opportunities arise.
I’m excited I recently got another message from CIT Bank saying they have raised their Savings Builder account rate to 2.45% from 1.85%. That’s right. Their money market account, not their CD account, is paying 2.45%. No 12-month lockup is required.
2.45% is solid because it is almost as high as the 10-year treasury bond yield currently 2.65%. But with the 10-year treasury bond, you’ve got to hold it for 10 years to guarantee yourself a 2.65% annual return. During this time, you might lose or gain principal.
Earning 2.45% isn’t going to make you rich. But earning 2.45% is better than earning a negative 6.4% in the S&P 500 in 2018 (-4.8% with dividends).
There’s a good chance we could see a 10%+ rebound in the S&P 500 in 2019. But I also wouldn’t be surprised one bit if the S&P 500 declined by 10% in 2019 either.
The higher money market rate is a blessing because I’m cashed up looking for a nicer house this year. Given I don’t know when I’ll find the next house, it’s nice to have the flexibility of withdrawing my cash at any time, while also earning a high interest rate.
Take advantage of the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes.
I’m sure there are plenty of other banks, especially online banks, that are now providing higher rates this year. You’ve just got to ask around. There’s nothing wrong with protecting your wealth after making so much since 2009.
As for my financial stress this year, it’s way down from 4Q2018 because not only is my cash earning a much higher return, the stock market has rebounded by over 11% since December 24, 2018. Just like that, it’s back to good times and I plan to keep it that way.
My overall public investment portfolio is up a modest 4% for the year and I’m seriously considering locking in gains and reinvesting all the proceeds in a 2.45% savings account to end the year up a guaranteed~6.3%.
To feel no investment stress for the rest of the year would be amazing!
After all, my theme for 2019 is: live the good life. All I want is restful sleep every night so I have the energy to happily spend time with my family and write.
Doubling my net worth every 14 years with a modest 5% annual growth target is good enough for me.
Related: How Much Savings You Should Have Accumulated By Age
Readers, are you taking advantage of higher savings rates? What type of money decisions did you make in 2018 that saved you from the stock market meltdown? What type of money decisions will you make this year to ensure you grow your wealth?
The post Cash Management Is Really All About Stress Management appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from https://www.financialsamurai.com/building-savings-war-chest-is-about-stress-management/
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