#hens parties
homerjacksons · 5 months
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19burstraat · 6 months
the comedy potential of dregs businesses that aren't the gambling halls is going untapped tbh... kaz mentions that 'the money will be laundered through one of the dregs businesses' at the end of the heist, which raises the question: what businesses. he probably means the clubs, but I like to imagine that post-CK, kaz is bored, they need to launder money, and they also could do with SOME veneer of respectability... and so kaz sighs and asks, reluctantly, if anyone has any ideas. BOY DO THEY. keeg and pim run such a good brunch joint that there'd be street riots if they were shut down and no one minds that occasionally, unconscious people are stashed in the walk-in. anika is delegated responsibility for the dregs gay bar, and kaz tips the dirtyhands drag kings every time he passes through. they make their own gin in some shitty warehouse down in the zelver district like the 1920s prohibition. they opened a bookshop up near the exchange for some fucking reason, but they get a decent trade from the students and academics. and kaz can run a local theatre spot or be an impresario for the arts he'd LOVE that. every time inej gets back they've opened some new bullshit and kaz is counting the cash intake like >:] but it stops him getting bored and gnawing on the bars of his enclosure so. sure. he can run a takeaway.
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peggingeddiediaz · 5 months
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911 text posts pt 3
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try-set-me-on-fire · 9 months
I got love to give, and give and give
Rated T // 1,638 words
“What’s up with you, Buckaroo?” She laughs, poking his silly cheek.
“I love you,” he says, so sweet, looking even happier just to say it. “So much, Hen. Do- did you know it?”
“Yes,” she says, laugh still in her voice but chest a little tighter. “I know it, Buck.”
He drops his cheek to her shoulder, and then turns his head quick to kiss the spot. “Good. You’re the best. You should know it, a- a hundred- a thousand percent.”
Hen thinks about Buck at a party
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mattzerella-sticks · 6 months
We lost Madney wedding planning 😢 Henren bonding with Mara 😢😢 Bathena shenanigans with Harry (and May?) 😢😢😢 and Buck coming out to his loved ones 😢😢😢😢 by skipping to the wedding due to the shortened season.
This ain't just a fanfic gap it's a CANYON!
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imviotrash · 4 months
Anime food 😍😍😍✨
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#anime #aesthetic #food #anime food #kawaii #kawaii aesthetic #anime aesthetic #omlette #sausage #pie #ramen #arm #sugoi #midnight snack #yummy
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ponytailcoby · 4 months
I'm still not over Eddie being besties with that man right until he saw him and Buck hugging
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alchemistc · 1 year
Forever, For Always
Steve had called her 'mama' once. Just the once, because he'd heard one of the kids in first grade calling their own mom that as they streaked towards the pretty lady already kneeling, arms open wide to receive them. He can't remember who it was anymore, only that at the time it seemed like 'mama' was a magic word like 'Alakazam' that had the mystical power to make moms drop everything and wrap their kids up in their arms and cling to them, nose pressed right up by their ear and swaying back and forth on a laugh and he'd wanted that for himself but he'd wanted it for his mom, too.
Victoria Harrington had tutted when he tugged at her pant leg, head tilting to cradle the phone between her ear and shoulder, and her mouth had quirked up a little, and she'd ruffled his hair - that was before it became His Hair, when it was just a flop of golden-brown that the lady at the salon always cut just like his mom showed her - and then she'd turned away and it turned out 'mama' wasn't a magic word at all.
When Steve was thirteen Carol's mom drove them to the movie theater and halfway there someone ran a stop sign going way too fast and blowing straight through the two way stop and they'd almost been t-boned. Steve and Carol were in back, because Tommy had had a growth spurt and his legs were long and gangly and he'd been so fucking pleased with himself when Carol's mom told him he could sit up front with her.
And then the car almost slammed into them and Carol's mom slammed on the brakes and they skittered and slid and the speeding car clipped Carol's mom's bumper and Steve felt like he might throw up but instead he caught the harsh features of Carol's mom in the rear view, thought for a second he and Carol had been too loud and she was mad at them for distracting her, but then he saw the way her arm was out to the side, bent at a weird-wrong-bad angle with her plalm still facing towards Tommy, and sound had come rushing back in his ears when the chief of police jogged past the line of cars behind them and yanked open the door.
She'd been fine, mostly - arm stuck in a cast for six weeks and laughing at Steve as he hopped up on the stool next to her to help her stir her famous goulash and Tommy whirled around her grabbing things from cabinets that needed two hands, and he never said anything, because by then he was already eating dinner at Carol or Tommy's four nights a week and mostly he only saw his mom in the weekends but -
For years after he remembered the way she hadn't even noticed her arm was broken until Hopper eased her out of the driver's seat, the way she'd reached out to protect Tommy who wasn't even her kid and how she hadn't even thought about it, how her first words had been 'everyone alright?' even though her elbow was totally bent the wrong way.
Joyce Byers is fierce and protective and totally not worried about going a little fucking crazy for her kids, and -
When Steve was seventeen Karen Wheeler pressed a kiss to his forehead and a Christmas gift into his hand and then scolded Mike for not telling Steve Merry Christmas and when Nancy and Mike and Holly and Ted weren't looking he'd just sort of watched her, teasing her kids and curling hands around their shoulders and getting So Mad at Mike for being such a dickhead but then still curling her arm around his shoulder and tugging him in for a hug Mike was too young to savor like he should.
Dad's are - dad's have always been complicated, and Steve mostly thinks they're all, at a minimum, a little useless, when it comes down to it. Hopper was maybe an exception, but even that was sort of hit or miss, and Hopper wasn't like, a real dad. (Anymore)
So. The kids fall into his lap, one after another, tumbling into his life like little fucking parasites, and Steve just -
Dads are useless, and Steve wants to be useful, and so when they start mockingly responding to his "Get your grody sneakers off my dash." and his "You all need to eat a meal with vegetables or you're gonna get goddamn scurvy." and the way he takes two large steps forward even as he's telling them to get behind him with "Yes mom," or "Whatever, mom," he doesn't actually stop them. He complains about it, loudly and with a hip cocked and a frown on his face, but even that is more Mrs. Perkins than anything else.
And -
When he tells them all to stop fretting and go home, take a shower and eat a real meal, he remembers the way he'd looked at Mrs. Perkins, all fond exasperation as she craned her neck to check on Carol and Steve while her arm was bent the wrong way and he doesn't fight them on it when in unison they all murmur mocking but still quiet "Yes moooom"s at him.
When Steve is twenty he spends six days in a hospital bed with Wayne Munson hovering over him like a nervous hen and Jim Hopper yelling at nurses on his behalf because "He's been here goddamn enough for you to notice, he passed out the migraines were so bad, are you telling me you never told his parents to look into it?" and the kids all hush when they pile in around him, Dustin over his legs and Max's chair slid as close to the side rail as she could angle it and Mike white knuckling the end of the bed and refusing to make direct eye contact and Lucas distracting him from the way they're all fretting with absolutely terrible puns he huffs a laugh at anyway.
Later, he'll tell Eddie about the magic word that turned out to just be plain old love and devotion, and Eddie will frown and roll his eyes and thread their fingers together and mutter some shit about Victoria Harrington that Steve still wants to deny even if it's all accurate, and Eddie will whisper him off to sleep with a story about his own mama catching a still hot frying pan with her bare hands when the elder Munson's aim was off and it'd nearly brained Eddie instead of it's intended target. Later he'll accept the exasperation in Karen's eyes when he apologizes for passing out at the barbeque, and when she ruffles his hair she'll be looking him dead in the eye. Later, much later, he'll type up his resume and leave Victoria Harrington off as a reference, and Eddie and Robin will glare at the back of her head when he hefts the last of his boxes into the back of Eddie's van and she holds out a stiff hand for him to shake.
Later, he'll forgive her, and secretly (never-tell-a-soul-especially-not-eddie-or-robin secretly) be grateful that he'd taken her lessons and overcorrected in the opposite direction.
Later, when the adoption agencies realize gay men are generally completely willing and eager to take in kids that white-picket-fence families aren't, he'll get into a screaming match with a twelve year old and when they're both out of breath and sullen he'll poke his head in his daughters bedroom door and she'll pretend to be sleeping but he'll still press a kiss to her temple. Two years she'll call him "Ma" in that fond teasing way of hers and something in him will just break - and he keeps it together through her recital and a late dinner and the movie they all watch before bed but Eddie will curl his arms around Steve and rub his back while he chokes on silent sobs because they'd been pretty sure they'd never get kids of their own and the last year has been hell trying to convince Mary they give a shit about her and even if she'd been joking, a bit, she'd still reached over and pressed her palm to his, and he's understood since that night on the train tracks exactly why Mrs. Perkins had broken her own arm in that car crash but now he knows 'mama' DOES have some magic to it.
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fanonsupremecy · 1 month
So got inspired by @eddiespornstache.
911 prompts (that are mostly BuckTommy/BuddieTommy or Jeddie or character centric) based on my most recently used emojis.
🤌 - Evan "I talk with my hands" Buckley
🇵🇷 - BuckTommy adopt a hispanic little girl that ends up calling Eddie, Hen, Chim, Maddie, Lucy and Sal Tío/Tía and Bobby and Athena Abuelo/Abuela (Bathena as Buck's parents supremacy). She calls Buck Papá and Tommy Taita.
🙈 - Evan throws Tommy a surprise bday party
🏳️‍🌈 - Buck has a 'coming out' party (idk is it ooc?)
📞 - Dispatch!Jeddie
🎧 - Rapper!Buck/Violinist!Tommy AU
👨 - Tommy worships Eddie's stache feat. Disturbed!Buck.
🍺 - Drunk Eddie and Buck try to get dicked down by Tommy. (Maybe an AU where Tommy never had to leave the Bachelor Party? idk.)
🧋- Tommy gets everyone to try Boba.
🦈👨‍🚒- Evan Grant-Nash AU where he's in college and there were 3 other Evans in his Frat so he started going by Van (instead of Buck). He's studying Marine Biology (or something else that feeds his encyclopedic brain) and is out as Bi, Bobby is still the captain of the 118, Tommy is still at the 118 (and out) and Athena married Bobby when Evan was 5. Maddie is still his sister and Doug never existed. (Evan and Maddie get with one of Bobby's firemen (Tommy and Chim) and Bobby is like Both of my kids want my firemen???)
🌸 - Tommy gets Evan flowers
🧷 - Buck gets piercings/tattoos (I have some NSFW ideas for this one, not just sfw.)
🤝 🛶 - Little Mermaid!AU w/ Ursula!Gerard and Ariel!Evan enraptured by Sailor Prince!Tommy (with Grimsby!Lucy and Talking!Max!Sal). Featuring: Scuttle!Chim, Sebastian!Hen, Flounder!Eddie, King Triton!Bobby, Alive!Queen Athena!Athena and Mersiblings!Maddie, Eldest!Queen Athena's Fate!Daniel, Harry, May, Christopher & Ravi.
🙊 - Tommy and Eddie double team Buck in the firetruck and he won't shut up so they make him (iykyk 🤫😏😉)
🍫 - Eddie copes with chocolate (you decide what kind 😏)
🫂 - ANGST/FLUFF. BuckTommy reunion after Tommy gets deployed (for whatever reason) for a year.
🔥 - ANGST. (HURT/NO COMFORT.) Eddie gets stuck in a fire at a call, records a message for all his loved ones when he thinks he gonna die. (maybe he does. I'm in a mood for a lil painy-pain apparently.)
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fully believe that the first time buck met karen (an actual rocket scientist!!!) he was so enamoured and amazed by her that he like wormed his way into their car on the way home just by non-stop asking her questions (as he had been for hours). and eventually hen had to stop him inviting himself into their house and be like "buck, i get it, i do, but you got to go your home now, sweetie"
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
Occasionally I remember the race options that were taken out but still have traces in the dialogue files. (I weep for the loss of the githzerai option and the arguments I could've had with Lae'zel ('we agree we hate the ghaik and agree on literally nothing else'))
But, like, warforged was an option. A sapient suit of armour. What an option to play the Dark Urge as considering they're already artificial so we're even more on theme. Also would've made their relationship with Gortash interesting: contributing to the invention of the steel watchers as the model.
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Hen: *creates Firefam group chat called: "Hen's Surprise Birthday Party"*
Hen, typing: I deserve this.
Hen: *leaves group chat*
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lazybakerart · 4 months
i want a reveal in the backend of s8 to be that buck and tommy secretly eloped in las vegas
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eleutheria-sunflowers · 4 months
So, on Twitter we are having this fun event, it'll be amazing if you join us!! Search for @/penxcolin01 on X :)
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whatsourmotto · 5 months
I would find it somewhat hilarious if Eddie and Buck were the only ones dressed up in full 80's cosplay at the bachelor's party.
Downside of my own idea : I feel like Hen and Karen would be the kind of people completely capable of pulling another magnificent 80's couple cosplay and I want to see that.
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sebfreak · 4 months
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and so it begins....
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