#her other interests would be poetry and astronomy
bat-snake · 1 month
Feeling ways about. How far the Sea of the Castout extends and just an extra special layer of tragedy in Leola's death.
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The rivers reach the Silvergrove, almost touching the Moonstone Path. They connect to the oasis in the Midnight Desert. They even connect up to the Storm Spire to some unlabeled sea(???). The connect to lakes that go into the Uncharted Forest and the Drakewood and Umber Tor.
Before the crater, there was a forest and a vast lack of a water source in that area. Leola's fall and Aaravos' century of grieving brought water to an area of Xadia where there was none before. So much that it spread through the land with unimaginable impact - life flourishing!
And of course, the cosmic/navigational impact with her star - bright and clear and steadfast and beautiful. If not navigation, then an inspiration for art, for poetry, for song, for declaring love. Or even just remembering: Woah! Astronomy!
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Aaravos was right that she would be surrounded by love. Maybe not in the way he meant to comfort her. By accident, with her death, an avenue for all other life cracked open, and where life is, love follows.
Yet all the appreciation for the water and agriculture that came from it...no one actually knows (or cares?) who the Castout was. Surely some interesting little folk stories about the giant that wept in a crater for a while and a variety of guesses to how that happened.
They don't know she was someone's sweet little girl - someone's baby. They don't know she was murdered for showing compassion to a "lesser being". They don't know she died frightened and confused and seeking comfort from a parent floating out of her reach. Her "last wish" was unspoken and yet she had a star named after it.
For all of that, for all the love springing from and for Leola's impact on Xadia, only one remembers her and loves her for who she was in life. Yes, he may be perfectly aware of everything I just said. Maybe he's heard it before. Maybe he's considered it for himself. That her death created an outpouring of life and opportunity.
But it's bitter comfort. They don't love her like he still loves her.
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poet-to-none · 1 month
Physical Characteristics: Tall (I'd say 6'5/195.5cm) Thin (shoulders very broad however) Black hair (curly, first streaks of silver) Black eyes (from very close or full sun, could be storm grey or dark brown) Long facial features Strong hands (long fingers no surprise there) Physical Age: 40 - 50 (having only begun to grey, very unlikely to have been black-haired older than 50) Immortal Age: 300 - 500 (depends which medieval century appeals most, 13th, 14th, or 15th. . . I prefer late 15th century birth, and it's the one mentioned in the Vampire Companion) Cultures Connected to Given Name: Scandinavian (Norweigan/Swedish/Danish) Immigrated: France Possible Blood Sires (narrative contradictions exist with any member on the list. Anne ultimately favored Benedict by her series end): Rhoshamandes- if there's a deeper story to their negotiation than they will openly tell any other vampires, it's possible the siring did take place between them Benedict- willing to share the location of his resting place, likely aware of Rhoshamandes harsh rejection(s) to Magnus, did not resist being drained of blood Allesandra- within the paris children of satan coven, probably inactive from dementia, possibly in a dormant/weakened state at the time of being drained of blood, drawn to Magnus after blood bound to him Possible Deformities (these would be apparent ONLY in stages of being blood starved, we can reasonably interpret each vampire has different ones per their mortal state at the moment they "rebirth" in the blood): Damage from prolonged malnutrition, visible emaciation Neglected teeth, nails, facial hair Condition of the spine, visible hunch and/or deteriorating asymmetry Common ailments related to substance abuse Possible Blood Gifts: Flight Gift (did he carry Lestat back to the tower on foot the whole way? Did he really?) Phoenix Gift (that's 100% what we'll use for ancients who survive turning to ash and reforming after) Unreadability (my THEORY is it's total unreadability for Magnus, because his blood sire never imbibed his blood, but partial unreadability manifests innately for his fledglings, Lestat. . .and Gabrielle's even stronger for some reason) Burdened with any immortal dementia/insanity (Y/N): Yes
Interests: Astronomy (by extension astrology) Alchemy (by extension philosophy, coded languages, building, early scientific method, herbology, minerology, etc etc) Medicine and Surgery (by extension anatomical study, making of medicine, resource gathering, bartering) Poetry Literature Theatre Romance (in plays, poems, books, and songs) Singing/Music Performance Animals (specifically horse care and breeding) Weapon handling, archery, falconry (understanding of the basics would be very likely as an extension of his birth status/culture) Games (Chess, Nine Men's Morris, Nim, Draughts etc) Parkour Theft (for the thrill of course, though he gets damn good at it, even steals immortality) Personal Connections: Paris Coven of Satan (note: not a part of it and hunted as "outcast" by it) Rhoshamandes Benedict Allesandra Everard Eleni Eugenie Notker Armand Lestat Gremt, Teskhamen, and Hesketh (Talamasca Founders) Emotional Vulnerabilities:
Suffered ostracization/internalization of appearance (likely period-relevant racism, meaning even attractive qualities may have been seen as negative ones) Suffered isolation (all kinds of ways to interpret why)
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 5 months
hi sweet, I have a few questions ^^
1. Do you often use magic in everyday life?
2. what books do you like to read? I noticed that you have a lot of them :3
3. Aren't you afraid of getting old? How do you feel about this in general? and I didn’t mean that you’re old! you look amazing, I love that silver color in your hair, it suits you even better than your natural color :>
4. would you like children?
I still have questions, but I think I’ll leave them for next time😉 love you!🩷
Hello dear!
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Yes, I used to use my abilities everday. Even for things I didn't really needed it for. Picking up things, for example. Some might see it as lazy, but it was quite fun, honestly.
What kind of books? I believe someone's asked me that before. But, oh yes, I still have them all. Many of them were back from my studies, the others are everything from biology, herbalism, astronomy, architecture, to poetry and fanatsy stories. A bit of everything really.
Am I afraid of getting old?
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No. I'm looking forward to grow "older" with Myrah. Julie told me something quite interesting once and I must say I agree. The whole wording of "old" always seems so inappropriate. Getting wiser and more mature is more fitting. Everytime someone says "old" what picture comes to mind? A very very high aged person. Not that that's a bad thing! I'm just saying it is a difference when you call someone over 80 old or someone beginning in their 20s. Younger folks especially get very much offended when they are called old. Because it is a word usually connected to negative things. Where did that even come from ... Oh, excuse me ... I was starting to ramble, didn't I?
And thank you. I appreciate that. Truly.
Would I like ... wait ... again the baby question?
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*clears throat* whispers : Why am I being asked this so often lately? Uhhhh ....
The other questions. Think about them and I'll try to answer them. Please, feel free to enjoy the city. Our yearly spring festival is going to take place soon. Now, if you'd excuse me ... *retreats to the entrance of his castle, whispering something in his wife's ear.*
[ You see the queen laugh and wrap her arm around her husband's. They are walking away but you could have sworn to see the king blush ]
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presidenthades · 5 months
Your Aegon seems to have quite hidden potential . We have seen how westerosi education system is quite lacking. Could u shed light on how Aegon can actually be unconventionally successful. He has this unconventional masculinity which doesn't fit with the traditional westerosi . He is a pretty boy , focuses more on art , is eldest son but not the heir or head of family and is a trophy husband.
Hello! I will combine this with your other Ask because they’re a bit similar thematically:
“Can u draw up a list describing the talents of the targbros and velargirls. They are quite a talented generation.”
I answered a similar Ask a few weeks ago about the kids’ hobbies. Most of my thoughts are still pretty similar, but I have a few details to add.
Starting from youngest to oldest so I can ramble about Aegon at the end:
Joff: Witchy stuff aside, she is a bit of a mad scientist. She likes experimenting (e.g. poisonous gas in Chapter 3 of the Handbook), and she has an in-world equivalent of a microscope which she loves using to study all sorts of natural matter. If she were allowed, she might enjoy forging some links at the Citadel (specifically bronze for astronomy, copper for history, silver for medicine, and especially Valyrian steel for higher mysteries).
Daeron: Social butterfly. Knows all his courtesies and is happy to use them. During his childhood he’s more of a follower (to his older siblings and Joff), but as he gets older, I can see him developing more individual interests; I haven’t yet figured out what they are exactly, but probably in the vein of jousting, hunting, falconry, poetry, and other courtly/knightly arts.
Luce: Playing lyre and dancing are her more “typical” courtly arts. We know she likes knitting, but she also enjoys other sorts of crafting, which is a nice bonding activity with Helaena. In the next chapter of Compromised, there’s a mention of Luce making a scrap quilt for Arrax to use in his dragon den. Also, she is very good at math and bookkeeping, which I hope to explore more in Compromised.
Aemond: We have his canon skills, i.e. studying and sword fighting. I’ve joked before that he’s the medieval equivalent of someone who goes to work, goes to the gym, goes to sleep, and that’s it. As for actual hobbies… Serious answer, strategy games like chess. Unserious answer, calligraphy 😂.
Jace: Like canon!Jace, she’s known for her diplomacy and tact. This is useful for anything from hosting parties to negotiating peace agreements. She laments in The Golds that she isn’t good at anything, just studying, but this is a soft skill that she underestimates in herself. She can also come up with very creative non-violent punishments, like forcing Daemon to attend girly tea parties for two weeks.
Aegon: We’ve seen him sing, play lute, draw, and go sleuthing in the city. He’s naturally talented at learning a variety of new skills, but he lacks patience to hone that talent—unless he can use Jace as inspiration ☺️. He can put on a convincing act when he needs to, so he would probably be a theater kid in another life. He is also able to come up with very creative punishments, but unlike Jace, he is more willing to use violence (see: Edwyn Pyle in Chapter 6 of The Golds).
Aegon has enough “traditionally masculine” traits that he isn’t ridiculed as being un-masculine. Also, in the medieval era, activities like music and poetry were considered suitable for noblemen, so those aren’t necessarily points against his masculinity. Henry VIII (who lived after the medieval era but close enough) was known to compose music, and he was regarded as manly.
Admittedly this is Westeros, not the real world, and Westeros tends to be a lot bloodier and more martial than real medieval Europe. People like Otto would prefer Aegon to channel his efforts into history, governance, sword-fighting, etc. instead of the arts—in other words, to be more like Aemond. Those would be the ideal qualities in an heir…but Aegon isn’t interested in being heir.
In the real world, queen consorts had lots of influence over court culture, charity work, and political appointments. They created jobs at court, sponsored orphanages and religious establishments, and could even intervene in the monarch’s decisions (e.g. request mercy for someone the king condemned to death).
Given the interests and talents he’s exhibited thus far, King Consort Aegon would encourage a proliferation of artists and musicians at court, and he’s definitely helping Jace host whatever diplomatic summits she needs to run. He runs around with smallfolk a lot, so he probably brings up social welfare issues at court. If Jace is hesitant to act viciously because she wants to cultivate her image of gentleness and mercy, Aegon can act as the iron fist on her behalf. He’s a Targaryen, so people expect fire and blood from him anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️.
I also joked in this Ask that because Aegon is so worried about Jace enduring childbirth again, he might inadvertently host the world’s first obstetrics conference just to make sure she gets the best care possible. So there’s that too.
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How about 14 for the ask game for all of your MCs. ☺️
In reference to this post.
14. "What are your MC's hobbies?" Thank you so, so much for submitting an ask! I've been waiting for an excuse to talk about my brainrot children, and I really appreciate the opportunity to flesh them out. I did my main four, since I haven't really fleshed out or decided everything for Cassie or Chana yet, but I hope you'll enjoy these regardless.
Mary Frances Garratt Collecting rocks. Frances loves her rocks and has been known to skive off and wander off the path to collect them; plants, potions ingredients, and everything in between aren’t far behind. She’s small – barely 5’0 – and can’t swim, but she’ll go waist deep into the nearest body of water at even the slightest chance of finding the specific ingredient she’s looking for.
Beyond that, Frances can also be quite domestic. Her interest in plants, herbs, and potion ingredients transfers over (and primarily comes from) her time in the muggle world. She grew up very Catholic in a household with very traditional gender roles, and after her parents passed, the family she lived with used her primarily for “women’s work” – i.e. being a maid to them, and a nanny to their three children. Frances has a lot of built up anger for ways she was treated by the parents, but loved the children and teaching them things that she was never taught (and had to figure out herself).
Frances isn’t exactly a foodie, though (though she is the anti-thesis of the phrase “never trust a skinny chef”). She likes pastries, and she’s a fiend for most mixtures of sugar and flour, but a lifetime of sensory processing issues (and as a fellow autistic girlie, I sympathize) has left her with more of an enjoyment of the cooking process than eating it. Baking, though? Oh, this girl is definitely the kind of person who would make homemade cookie dough at 2am and eat half of it raw while baking the rest of it.
Fun fact: Mary Frances was named after my paternal great-grandmother, may she rest in peace. She had a 3rd grade education, married at 13, had 7 children, and never learned to read. My grandfather, her youngest child, describes her as the smartest and kindest woman he ever knew.
Esther Han-Ostberg Esther’s the creative one of the bunch. Born deaf, she still enjoys music from the vibrations, but enjoys visual medias far more. She grew up fairly isolated, one might even say a fair bit sheltered, but always found solace in painting, specifically with acrylics because she has exactly zero patience for oils. Poetry is a big one too, since she can’t hear the lyrics of someone singing; for Esther, it was a way to express her thoughts and stories in a slightly unconventional way, as opposed to strictly writing them down.
Stars are an interest of hers as well. Her father, a Swedish muggle, was a geologist who dabbled in some other forms of science, notably astronomy, which was a big part of the way that Esther got her name (which is both Persian and Hebrew for “star”), and though she didn’t have the greatest interest in stars or astronomy as a child, stargazing became a bonding experience for Esther and her father – a way for them to engage in something that didn’t require Esther to hear in order to enjoy, and didn’t require her father to be magical to understand (and especially given astronomy may or may not have been how Esther’s muggle father and witch mother met).
Daniel Harper If ever there was someone to call a horse girl (or boy, in this case), it would be Daniel. Like all of my MCs seem to be, Daniel grew up isolated and was the youngest of six sons born to two magical parents. His father split early on, when Daniel was a toddler, embarrassed at the possibility of having a squib for a son; Daniel’s mother, who wasn’t much better, remarried a wizard named Eric (who again, wasn’t much better), who bred and trained thoroughbred horses for racing and steeplechasing.
There, Daniel found his passion. He was isolated and bullied, in both worlds and by his entire family, but he had the horses, and when he was a pre-teen, he met a palomino filly not expected to survive the night following her birth, and it was there that he found his first love. The palomino, who’s coat color did not make her a particularly sought after item, was allowed to stay on the farm, and from there, Daniel found his best friend.
He named her Naomi, meaning “gentle” and “beauty”, though he chose it less for the meaning or more to make a pun: “NEIGH-oh-mee”.
Daniel trained Naomi all on his own after years of teaching himself how ride, and how to hunt on horseback. He slept in the barn with her and the other horses, was up all hours of the night and day to care for her and the others, and dedicated himself to caring for the creatures that – in his opinion – were nothing more to his family than a means of making money. No respect for the creatures, no love of the breed or sport, only love of the next sale on their mind.
But even years later, as he rides Highwing, he thinks back to his horseback riding and remembers fondly.
Tzipora Strausser Tzipora is a music lover, through and through, specifically piano. Growing up with a deceased mother and a father who toiled away all day as a miner, Tzipora could never have afforded the privilege of hearing music on a daily basis – much less ever learning to play an instrument or owning one.
But one of her earliest memories after her father’s death was at the orphanage that she grew up in. She was only six years old, unable to speak English or Welsh, only German, having immigrated to Swansea from Dusseldorf with her father less than a year prior, and most of the caretakers at the orphanage were at a loss of how to communicate with her. Though Yiddish, which many of them knew snatches of (being an Ashkenazi Jewish orphanage), shared some similarities with Tzipora’s native German, it still wasn’t enough to bridge the gap. The orphanage, run by a rabbi and his wife, was attached to a shul (synagogue), and one of Tzipora’s most vivid memories is of the first time she heard a cantor playing the piano during a Shabbos service. She couldn’t understand the words of the song, but with the notes, she didn’t have to.
After the service, she wandered away from her age group’s caretaker, climbed up onto the bench of the piano, and just started tapping each key to make a sound. When her rabbi approached her and asked her about the piano (in a language she couldn’t understand at the time, Welsh), Tzipora began to cry and thought she was in trouble for touching the piano without permission. However, the rabbi sat next to her on the piano’s bench and wiped her tears away, took her hands, and without a word exchanged between the two, taught her every chord he knew.
Tzipora always wanted to be a cantor or some kind of musician as a child, though cantors were rare in Orthodox Judaism at the time, and female cantors even more so. But even then, everything could change, and she could be sent from foster home to foster home, and then back to the orphanage and onto another foster home, but despite the fluidity and technique of how someone could play a piano, the songs always remained the same, and she knew that she could always find solace in tickling the ivories.
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potionboy3 · 1 year
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The HPMA girl gang is looking for a new member!
We recently lost a member due to her owner leaving the fandom and now we’re looking to fill her spot! If you’re interested in joining your local girl gang, keep reading…
The girl gang is a group of close friends during the Magic Awakened era. They’re also friends with, related to, or otherwise involved with some of our other OCs, including but not limited to Dawn Harvelle (yours truly), Rocky Weasley (magicallmalted), and Roe Malinda (gaygryffindorgal). Because of the storylines we’ve created so far, we hope to find someone whose story doesn’t clash with any of ours!
If your OC happens to be related to or otherwise involved with some of the canon families/characters that are already in use, we can plan something out, depending on your story line’s compatibility!
The girls, an introduction:
Rosa Yaxley (18th of January 1997) - “Leader” of the group - Slytherin - Interests: herbology and potions, politics, sewing - Love interests: Roger “Rocky” Weasley, son Roger Davies & Avalon Cole, adopted son of George Weasley from year 7-> ( @magicallymalted ) - Head Girl (Mine)
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Jupiter Durand (1st July 1997) - Slytherin - Interests: Astronomy, hogwARTS Club, poetry, photography, reading, music - Love interests: Jimmy Crouch son of Velma & Kerry Crouch (brother of Barty Crouch Sr.) from year 6 -> (mine) - Prefects with her cousin Declan Rovere (mine) @cursed-herbalist
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Nymeria Lee (29th of October, 1996) - Slytherin - Interests: DADA, Potions, Charms - Love interests: Daniel Page years 4-6, Maxim Raeburn, son of Charlie Weasley & Farrow Raeburn from year 7 -> (mine) @gcldensnitch
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Gwen Montague (February 12, 1997) -Hufflepuff - Interests: Founder of hogwARTS Club, Transfiguration, Painting, candle-making, preserves-making, bee-keeping - Love interest: Isander Yaxley, Rosa’s cousin ( @gaygryffindorgal ) @magicallymalted
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Barbara Katz  (June 27th, 1997) - Hufflepuff - Interests: muggle occultism, Herbology, tarot cards - Love interests: Hester Gleason-Kearney ( @cursebreakerfarrier ) @gaygryffindorgal​
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Mary Ann Von Deyne  (28th of December, 1996) - Gryffindor - Interests: pranks, Quidditch, sports, baking - Love interests: Gabrielle Blanchet ( @nightmaresart​ ) @endlessly-cursed​
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Pandora Lovelace (1st of August, 1997) -Gryffindor - Interests: History of Magic, Charms, pranks, quidditch (Gryffindor beater) and Gobstones - Love interests: Dawn Harvelle (mine), Robyn Thistlethwaite @gcldensnitch​
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Some things that we’d like to see in a prospective new member (not required):
-Born between 1996-1998
-Not too similar in personality or appearance to any of the existing members -We have a discord server so access to discord would be nice!
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autumnbrainrot28 · 9 months
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꒰ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 ꒱
୨⎯ Hello! :) You can call me Charlotte or Lottie idm. My pronouns are she/her, I’m from the UK and am not going to talk about my age
Where to find me: lottiesghost on tiktok, tealeaflottie on pinterest, not on much else but feel free to message if you can’t find me/ want to find me on other platforms <3
DNI: the obvious - racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism/misogyny + anything against furries/therians, (getting kind of oddly specific and random), if you follow trends and then make fun of people for staying with old ones, if you disagree with people making HC that characters are queer or smth that isn’t entirely accurate to the media and get mad about it (let them have fun it’s not that deep)
I don’t mind swearing or something like that but not if it’s an insult to anyone at all, I don’t think I really swear. Obvious again: no slurs
BE AWARE: I might occasionally reblog some kind of gory Hannibal gifs or something so just watch out if you don’t like that kind of stuff. I don’t have an upload schedule just come here when I feel like it.
I find it very annoying when I have to scroll past incredibly long posts that I don’t want to see for ages just to get to the next one, so I’ll just put this here because there’s quite a bit more
I’m sort of new to tumblr, I’ve looked at a lot of posts and interacted with quite a lot but I don’t really know how it works very well. I see people using lots of terminology about types of blogs and stuff and I am super confused. If anyone could help me out and explain or direct to a post that explains any thing at all to do with using tumblr, that would be a huge help!
The kinds of things I post are quotes, random gifs, theories, going to start making fanart again.
I mainly just reblog stuff atm but I want to start actually posting things soon. Some of my interests I talk about on here are (may have forgotten some, will be updated):
Criminal Minds
Loki (marvel mainly, don’t know much about the mythology but I would love to learn more. Haven’t read the marvel comics yet)
Hannibal (tv show, have watched some of the movies and read red dragon + plan to read the rest of the books)
Killing eve (again, haven’t read the books - will eventually)
Chappel Roan
The hunger games
Lord of the rings (obsessed, seen the movies + started the book and really want to get into Tolkein’s stuff more + started a Sindarin course)
Good omens (book+ show)
Doctor who (started my first rewatch of years, currently on season 11 of new who, dont remember most of it)
Random books, I love love love Fantasy
Writing (poetry, short stories, fanfic, etc.)
Last updated 17th June 2024
͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫! —୨୧—
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pvndrasbx · 1 year
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[ lola tung , she+her ] - PANDORA SELWYN is a [ 19 ] old [ CIS WOMAN ], and a member of the [ RAVENCLAW ] house. PANDORA is studying [ UNIVERSAL CERTIFICATE ] in their [ EIGHTH ] year at hogwarts. PANDORA reminds people of [ THE EERILY STILLNESS BEFORE A DISASTER, CINNAMON AND ROSES, TURNING AGAINST EVERYTHING YOU’VE BEEN TAUGHT, KINDNESS IS STRENGTH & YOUR INTELLIGENCE IS YOUR SAFETY BLANKET ], and is siding with the [ NEUTRAL ( DE ALIGNED FOR NOW ) ] during the war. but hopefully, it won’t come to that.
name: pandora daiyu selwyn nickname/s: panda, dory, dai, age: 19 birth date: august 20 1959? did i math that right zodiac: leo? idk im not looking any of this up languages spoken: too many to count sexuality: bisexual
parents: caihong selwyn ( mother ), edward selwyn ( father ) siblings: older brother, wc children: n/a pets: a cat named medusa
positive traits: intelligent, creative, honest, curious negative traits: insecure, doubtful, temperamental, secretive hobbies: astronomy, writing poetry, experimenting with spells, reading forbidden books purely out of interest, painting health: n/a
blood status: pureblood wand: tba boggart: her family finally abandoning her patronus: tba house + year: ravenclaw + eighth year specialization: universal certificate extra curricular: tba
Over generations the Selwyn family had grown into a vicious and cruel line that valued blood status over honor, though their intentions were always quiet and deliberate. A snake hiding in the grass. Her brother had been raised to be no different - he was charming yet his smile could slice someone in half, his taunts were arrows to a dart board, and yet Pandora was vastly different when she was born - it was a warm summers night and it had been the first night the stars lit the sky in a week, and kindness had enveloped her soul.
She was the calm day to her brother's stormy night, the two youngest Selwyn children were barely apart from one another. Pandora would protect her brother just as much as he'd protect her from the vicious claws of their father sinking into her, and that's how it had always been.
Her older brother had been accepted into Hogwarts and it was the first time the Selwyn children would be apart from each other, and she was rightfully terrified. She wasn't close to her parents, only her siblings - they raised each other while her parents poisoned them with their thoughts.
For the first time in Pandora's childhood she was alone with only the books in her family library to keep her company - though after a time, she had read all of the books in their library and requested her father for more.
It was then that they found their shared love for knowledge and books - a solid ground for Pandora and her father to stand on, and soon they had come to an understanding - he would find her books of value, and she would read them.
Pandora didn't understand the weight of what her father had done until she realized she could memorize at least a dozen hexes and curses before she stepped through the doors of her first charms class, and that wasn't normal.
Coming into Hogwarts it seemed like Pandora had found herself. While she wasn't cruel and ambitious like those she grew up around, she still found her strength in her intelligence and thirst for knowledge. She comes off as a little naive sometimes, as Pandora had been a little sheltered in her childhood, though she does mean well most of the time.
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hi! i was wondering if i could get romantic matchups for stranger things, narnia and lok?
i'm 6'0 and have amber eyes, long gold blond curly hair and hourglass figure
i'm enfp, leo
i'm demisexual panromantic
my pronouns are she/her
i'm positive and upbeat person, i try to see the bright side in most situations
i'm friendly, energetic, confident, sarcastic, responsible, maybe a bit chaotic, cheerful and bubbly
i care about my friends and family a lot, and go out of my way to show it
i enjoy having fun and living life to the fullest
i'm very competitive and passionate person
i really like puzzles, riddles and crosswords
i love making people smile
i have morbid, dark sense of humor
sometimes i randomly say a weird obscure fact in the middle of conversation
i can play on violin, cello, piano, guitar, saxophone, harp and drums, i'm currently learning how to play on trumpet
i like poetry and sometimes i write a poem or two, also i'm writing my book
i'm ballet dancer since i was a kid and i love performing
i'm working on my own cartoon
i never quite grew out of the fantasy phase, and i'm still enamored with tales of changelings and witches
i work as illustrator for fantasy books and books for kids
i'm kinda struggling with taking rest, doing nothing, because there is always something to do, something new to learn, etc.
i'm afraid of stagnation
i overuse this kind of emojis→(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
my style is something between whimsigothic and cryptidcore
i love: sunflowers, collecting things, colors yellow, maroon, blue and green, astronomy, tea, making and watching movies, photography, forests, making jewelry, cooking, baking, d&d, fantasy books, horrors, playing chess, animals, plants, dollmaking, dancing, gardening, traveling, drawing, painting, knitting, art, history, world mythologies, spirits, fantasy creatures, eldrich beings, folklore, sculpting, works of J.R.R Tolkien, linguistics, death, burial, beliefs about afterlife, learning new things, embroidery, cartoons, music, psychology, writing
sorry if it's too chaotic
thank you so much for even reading this!
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In Stranger Things, I match you with...
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Your artistic whimsical nature matches Jonathan's creative side well!
Photography dates are a must! You'll both take your cameras (or photography device of choice) and set out on a walk around the town.
When you get back, you'll either look over the photos or get to work on a related project. There's not usually much talking during this part of the date but the company more than makes up for it.
Jonathan would probably be a bit concerned about your sense of humour but as an artist himself, he can certainly appreciate it. You don't get into the arts without a bit of a morbid sense of humour.
Thinks your cartoon is the most amazing thing he's ever seen. He can't even begin to imagine how much work has already gone into it and how dedicated you are to the project. If there's anything he can do to help you with it, just ask; he's ready and willing to help in any way he can.
Jonathan also loves watching you dance. He might join in if he knows the song but for the most part, he just likes watching you. He will take pictures (assuming you're okay with that) and make a portfolio dedicated to your performances.
In Chronicles of Narnia, I match you with...
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Lucy loves that she has someone else in her life who enjoys the more fantastical and whimsical side of things!
Long walks through Narnia exploring every path that looks interesting. When you return to Cair Paravel, there'll be questions regarding where you both were for the last few hours but you both enjoy those walks too much to give them up.
Lucy doesn't really get your sense of humour, but she's used to it since Edmund has the same style. You and Edmund are unstoppable when you get joking together.
Loves reading fantasy books with you. She'd especially like it if you take turns reading a chapter out loud while the other works on a creative project.
I see Lucy as someone who enjoys embroidery as well so she'd love making things for you. Whether it's as simple as a flower on a handkerchief or as complex as a portrait, she likes giving you projects that have her love and affection quite literally woven into them.
Listening to music is a must. Whether you're playing or someone else is, Lucy loves spending time with you while music's playing. If you're not the one playing, she'd pull you up to dance with you.
In Legend of Korra, I match you with...
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Opal comes from a fairly creative family so she's used to being around people who see the potential art in everything. Her brother also has a fairly dark sense of humour so she'd used to that as well.
Opal's a very free person so life will never feel stagnant with her around. Not to mention, she's friends with the Avatar, so there's always something happening.
Loves listening to you play music. I see her as someone who knows how to play an instrument or two so if you're up for playing with someone else, she'd love to join in.
Admires your optimism. It's a trait that she tries her best to uphold as well. Having a positive attitude, even when things aren't going well, is sometimes the best thing.
Opal would love reading your poetry! She thinks you're very good at it and always has good feedback to give you. If you write a poem about her, she would keep it somewhere she can read it everyday.
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drcpanda12 · 1 year
Who was Ada Lovelace? Ada Lovelace was a 19th-century mathematician and writer who is widely recognized as the world's first computer programmer. She was born on December 10, 1815, in London, England, and was the daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron and his wife, Annabella Milbanke. Ada Lovelace had a keen interest in mathematics from a young age, and she was encouraged by her mother to pursue her studies in the field. She became acquainted with the renowned mathematician Charles Babbage in 1833, and they began a correspondence that would continue throughout her life. Ada Lovelace is best known for her work on Babbage's proposed Analytical Engine, an early mechanical general-purpose computer. She recognized the machine's potential to do more than just perform mathematical calculations and wrote what is now considered to be the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine. Her notes on the engine, which were published in 1843, contained what is now considered to be the first computer program. Ada Lovelace died on November 27, 1852, at the age of 36 from cancer. However, her work and contributions to the field of computing have continued to inspire generations of scientists and engineers, and she is widely considered a pioneer in computer science and a trailblazer for women in STEM fields. Education of Ada Lovelace Ada Lovelace received a rigorous education in mathematics and science from a young age. Her mother, Lady Byron, was determined to steer Ada away from poetry, which she saw as a frivolous pursuit like her estranged husband, the poet Lord Byron. Instead, Lady Byron hired some of the best tutors in mathematics, science, and languages to educate Ada. In her early years, Ada was primarily educated at home, but as she grew older, she attended various schools and institutions. She studied with private tutors in mathematics, physics, and astronomy, and also learned about the latest developments in science and technology. She was particularly interested in the work of Charles Babbage, who was working on the design of a calculating machine called the Difference Engine. Later in her life, Ada Lovelace attended the University of London, where she studied advanced mathematics and other scientific disciplines. She also attended various lectures and presentations, where she met and engaged with some of the most prominent scientists and thinkers of her time. Overall, Ada Lovelace's education was well-rounded and provided her with a strong foundation in mathematics and science, which would eventually lead to her groundbreaking work in the field of computing. Work of Ada Lovelace Ada Lovelace is best known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed Analytical Engine, an early mechanical general-purpose computer. While Babbage had designed the engine, Lovelace recognized its potential to do more than just perform mathematical calculations. She wrote what is now considered to be the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine, and she is widely regarded as the world's first computer programmer. Lovelace's notes on the Analytical Engine were published in an article in 1843, which included a translation of an article about the engine by Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea. Lovelace added extensive notes and explanations to Menabrea's article, in which she described how the machine could be programmed to calculate a sequence of Bernoulli numbers. She also explained the general principles of programming, including loops and subroutines, and foresaw the potential for machines to create music and visual art. Lovelace's contributions to the field of computing were significant and far-reaching, and her work has continued to inspire generations of scientists and engineers. She was a visionary thinker who recognized the transformative power of computing long before it became a reality, and her work laid the groundwork for the development of modern computers and programming languages.
Her legacy has been celebrated in various ways, including the establishment of Ada Lovelace Day, an annual event that aims to celebrate and promote the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. First Computer Programmer by Ada Lovelace Ada Lovelace did not invent the first computer, nor did she build one. However, she is widely recognized as the world's first computer programmer for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed Analytical Engine, an early mechanical general-purpose computer. The Analytical Engine was designed for a machine that could perform a wide range of calculations using punch cards and gears. Babbage had designed the machine, but it was never built during his lifetime due to a lack of funding and technical difficulties. Lovelace recognized the potential of the Analytical Engine to do more than just perform mathematical calculations, and she wrote what is now considered to be the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine. Her notes on the engine, which were published in 1843, contained detailed explanations of how the machine could be programmed to calculate a sequence of Bernoulli numbers. She also described the general principles of programming, including loops and subroutines, and foresaw the potential for machines to create music and visual art. While the Analytical Engine was never built, Lovelace's work on the machine laid the groundwork for the development of modern computers and programming languages, and her legacy has continued to inspire generations of scientists and engineers.
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knewtoday · 1 year
Who was Ada Lovelace? Ada Lovelace was a 19th-century mathematician and writer who is widely recognized as the world's first computer programmer. She was born on December 10, 1815, in London, England, and was the daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron and his wife, Annabella Milbanke. Ada Lovelace had a keen interest in mathematics from a young age, and she was encouraged by her mother to pursue her studies in the field. She became acquainted with the renowned mathematician Charles Babbage in 1833, and they began a correspondence that would continue throughout her life. Ada Lovelace is best known for her work on Babbage's proposed Analytical Engine, an early mechanical general-purpose computer. She recognized the machine's potential to do more than just perform mathematical calculations and wrote what is now considered to be the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine. Her notes on the engine, which were published in 1843, contained what is now considered to be the first computer program. Ada Lovelace died on November 27, 1852, at the age of 36 from cancer. However, her work and contributions to the field of computing have continued to inspire generations of scientists and engineers, and she is widely considered a pioneer in computer science and a trailblazer for women in STEM fields. Education of Ada Lovelace Ada Lovelace received a rigorous education in mathematics and science from a young age. Her mother, Lady Byron, was determined to steer Ada away from poetry, which she saw as a frivolous pursuit like her estranged husband, the poet Lord Byron. Instead, Lady Byron hired some of the best tutors in mathematics, science, and languages to educate Ada. In her early years, Ada was primarily educated at home, but as she grew older, she attended various schools and institutions. She studied with private tutors in mathematics, physics, and astronomy, and also learned about the latest developments in science and technology. She was particularly interested in the work of Charles Babbage, who was working on the design of a calculating machine called the Difference Engine. Later in her life, Ada Lovelace attended the University of London, where she studied advanced mathematics and other scientific disciplines. She also attended various lectures and presentations, where she met and engaged with some of the most prominent scientists and thinkers of her time. Overall, Ada Lovelace's education was well-rounded and provided her with a strong foundation in mathematics and science, which would eventually lead to her groundbreaking work in the field of computing. Work of Ada Lovelace Ada Lovelace is best known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed Analytical Engine, an early mechanical general-purpose computer. While Babbage had designed the engine, Lovelace recognized its potential to do more than just perform mathematical calculations. She wrote what is now considered to be the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine, and she is widely regarded as the world's first computer programmer. Lovelace's notes on the Analytical Engine were published in an article in 1843, which included a translation of an article about the engine by Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea. Lovelace added extensive notes and explanations to Menabrea's article, in which she described how the machine could be programmed to calculate a sequence of Bernoulli numbers. She also explained the general principles of programming, including loops and subroutines, and foresaw the potential for machines to create music and visual art. Lovelace's contributions to the field of computing were significant and far-reaching, and her work has continued to inspire generations of scientists and engineers. She was a visionary thinker who recognized the transformative power of computing long before it became a reality, and her work laid the groundwork for the development of modern computers and programming languages.
Her legacy has been celebrated in various ways, including the establishment of Ada Lovelace Day, an annual event that aims to celebrate and promote the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. First Computer Programmer by Ada Lovelace Ada Lovelace did not invent the first computer, nor did she build one. However, she is widely recognized as the world's first computer programmer for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed Analytical Engine, an early mechanical general-purpose computer. The Analytical Engine was designed for a machine that could perform a wide range of calculations using punch cards and gears. Babbage had designed the machine, but it was never built during his lifetime due to a lack of funding and technical difficulties. Lovelace recognized the potential of the Analytical Engine to do more than just perform mathematical calculations, and she wrote what is now considered to be the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine. Her notes on the engine, which were published in 1843, contained detailed explanations of how the machine could be programmed to calculate a sequence of Bernoulli numbers. She also described the general principles of programming, including loops and subroutines, and foresaw the potential for machines to create music and visual art. While the Analytical Engine was never built, Lovelace's work on the machine laid the groundwork for the development of modern computers and programming languages, and her legacy has continued to inspire generations of scientists and engineers.
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suth-sardian · 4 years
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the one with the perfectly steady hands: Qataqenthe
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stiffky · 2 years
(ATLA) Giving Ta Min a backstory
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I always said that many Avatars' partners need a more fleshed out backstory, specially Ta Min (Roku's wife), Ummi (Kuruk's fiancé) and Katara (after ATLA). Today I'll give some agenda to Ta Min's character...
Ta Min (b. c. 82 BG) was Avatar Roku's wife and a Fire Nation noblewoman. The series' encyclopedia says: born into one of the wealthiest families in the Fire Nation, Ta Min always thought that she would marry someone in the royal family. But then, she met Roku and was attracted to his persistence, kindness, and intelligence. She never stopped loving Roku, even after he died. She never remarried and quietly lived out the rest of her days on Ember Island.
That's all we got from this Avatar's love, and I think it's time we do her some justice. So, how can we give Ta Min a backstory? Well, she was a noble, so her family should trace its origin back to one of the clans we met in 'The Shadow of Kyoshi'. Only five clans are mentioned by Rangi: Saowon (lady Huazo's), Keohso (lady Sulan's), Sei'naka (Rangi's), Inta and Lahaisin. As we know, the clans tend to name their offspring after a significant syllable or letter of their familyname (Hei-Ran and Rangi; Ilah and Iroh; Chaejin and Chaeryu; Sozin, Azulon, Ozai, Zuko and Izumi...), so Ta Min's family must have follow this tradition. 'The Shadow of Kyoshi' also tells us that the Inta clan controls trade with the Earth Kingdom, meanwhile the Lahaisins are in charge of the passage of many sea routes. By the 3rd Century BG, both families fell in disrepair because of the Fifth Nation and the sacking of their islands and fortresses by Fire Lord Zoryu.
However, I think both clans could've made peace with the Fire Lord, and thus the Inta clan was still in control of trade with the Earth Kingdom by the 1st Century BG. The Intas are the best clan for Ta Min: first, Ta Min and Inta share the ta syllable, which could be the one passed from generation to generation; second, the control of trade would explain why they were one of the richest families, living in Hari Bulkan and being part of the Royal Court; Third, what better backstory for the Avatar's wife than that of an international family traveling through the Earth Kingdom? It fits perfectly!
Therefore, Ta Min was born the same Summer Roku and Sozin were, in 82 BG, to Tanu and Min Su (I made up their names, yes). Their home island could be... Jonduri? Makes sense, since it was an island controlled by Shang Merchants, and its inhospitable environment would explain why the family chose to live in the capital. Other options are Kirachu Island―famous for its delectable and spicy food―and Hing Wa, where ash bananas―which are later exported―grow. If 'The Dawn of Yangchen' secquel leaves Jonduri's fate open, I'll go with that island, which looks (almost) uninhabited and (almost) deserted by Aang's Era.
She grew up in Hari Bulkan and she must have attended the Royal Fire Academy for Girls. I wonder if she was a firebender, but perhaps diplomacy, cultural knowledge and politics were her forte. Anyway, I headcanon she was a bender and part of Roku's team Avatar along Sud, Taqukaq, Gyatso and possibly Sozin―this last one for a time, at least.
Ta Min's parents died when she was just seventeen. Many nobles wanted to take over her family's business, so the young woman sought Prince Sozin's help. She wanted to keep her father's loom at all costs, since the silk business with the Earth Kingdom was very profitable, but even the Fire Lord (Sozin’s father) doubted that Ta Min could manage the business, especially since she had rarely set foot in the factories. Roku's family was her great ally: Roku's father loyally managed the looms, but always under Ta Min’s orders. In time, Roku’s parents made Ta Min their heiress, since Roku had to maintain his role as the Avatar. Of course, they were targeted by the Guiding Wind...
Ta Min was a brilliant and highly educated woman, interested in poetry, astronomy, physics, music, mathematics, and geometry. She never liked easy things and that is why Roku always saw her as someone admirable, unpredictable and shrewd. For Sozin, Ta Min was unsettling...
Hope you like Ta Min's fleshed out backstory. Gosh, how I'd love to work in Avatar Studios or writing the novels like FC Yee does...
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dourpeep · 3 years
IT WAS 2AM WHEN I SENT THAT SO I HELD BACK MY SIMPING FOR COLLEGE ALBEDO A LITTLE. tried not to send all my brainrot so I didn't just send a wall of text into your inbox LOL. Some others I thought of were:
- Mona giving astrology forecasts and compatibility readings in this au and Albedo may have asked her about the two of you
- Going to botanical gardens or museums with Albedo but for some reason it feels like a date even when it didn't intent to be. You tug on his sleeve now and then when you see something he might be interested in or even when it's something that excites you, and Albedo can't help but have a soft look in his eyes that he can share this moment with you! Somehow it results in the two of you holding hands - just so neither of you stray from each other of course - and eventually, intertwined fingers. You hear someone say that the two of you seem like a cute couple and you know Albedo heard it too, but neither of you say anything. You feel his hand squeeze yours a little tighter and respond in kind. The two of you are too embarrassed to look at each other but can't help the smiles on your faces.
- Lending Albedo some of your favourite books for pleasure reading and you've left tiny tabs on lines that you like. Perhaps this is before Albedo realizes his feelings so when he reads particularly romantic lines, he wonders if this is how he feels about you. Or did you mark these pages because you feel this way about someone? His stomach is in knots to the thought that you may be intrested in someone that isn't him and he settles for it just being prose.
Tugging his hand and not letting go omg . . . you tend to just intertwine pinkies or play with his fingers absent-mindedly that Albedo becomes so accustomed to it so he starts to offer you his hands without a second thought.
WAIT. I gasped at Albedo being a cuddler. He's a little delirious when he first wakes up but you're so comfy that he hugs you a little tighter, asking if you've slept well. You try to reply while worrying about whether or not he can feel your heart thrumming in your chest.
What if Klee is staying with Albedo one night and the three of you fall asleep cuddled up together. Alice comes back early in the morning before any of you are awake and takes a picture. She sends it to Albedo later and he sets it as his phone's wallpaper.
Albedo staring at your lips winded me, thank you.
YES TO THE SWEATERS. I bet Albedo would have the softest and coziest sweaters too! Imagine it being a little cold out and you see Albedo across campus so you bound over to him and give him a hug. You nuzzle into him and mumble out a little 'hello' and say he's warm. You feel his laugh rumble through his chest while he greets you back, wrapping his arms around you
And I LOVE ALL YOUR HEADCANONS! I believe I found your blog around the time you posted Albedo's snort headcanon and it was too much for my heart!! I held tight to that headcanon and never let go lol. I also thought the science + college headcanons you had of him were really nice despite not being necessarily romantic!
Side note: I looked up that lobster fact and that's so cool!!
The Lobster Fact(tm) is my go-to ice breaker and it always fails. I'd imagine it's normally the same w/ Bedo OTL so sad...not many wish to know about potential lobster immortality.
I'm glad that you love the headcanons though!! I enjoy writing for Albedo so so much as you can tell ehe
That being said--if it makes you more comfy to send stuff in a few bursts of asks, I don't mind :DD I'll answer them as usual nodnod
"...Mona, yes?"
"Ah, I was expecting you to come around sooner or later, Kreideprinz."
Really, Albedo didn't mean to stumble upon the Astronomy major, but for some reason the thought of you has been on his mind and the campus' observatory just so happened to be on the way. With the meager hope that...maybe he'd find some sort of answer (in what, he wasn't really sure himself), there she was.
Luckily, she knew just what he was there for.
The moment that she twirls her hand with a wave, telling him that there isn't anything to worry about, the apprehension creeping within his chest at the thought of seeing you next-
It's not often that he turns to less orthodox methods, but he wouldn't lie. Knowing that--at least in Mona's opinion (which tended to be correct, anyway)--the two of you were undoubtly compatible? Something about how your constellations were intertwined...
In fact, Albedo turns a little theory around in his mind. Though based in old folktales, the idea that you gravitate towards those who are made of the very same stardust as yourself, suddenly made sense.
Or, perhaps he was just being hopeful.
Little does he know that you most definitely asked Mona about the same thing earlier that day.
Any of those kinds of places--Botanical Gardens, Art Museums, Aquariums, Zoos, Museums in general--Any place where you're able to utterly lose yourself in your surroundings and look around in awe, really, are your go-to date outing destination!
Usually, it's just the two of you, maybe with Sucrose or Timaeus if it's for a particular class, as well as the occasional Klee in tow whenever Alice is busy with work.
But in this case, fingers interlocked, it's just the two of you on a impromptu trip to the art museum downtown after seeing a promotional banner about a new exhibit. Once inside, you rush along, Albedo trailing close behind with a light squeeze of your hand. The large area used for temporary exhibits isn't far from the entrance, so it's not long until you skid to a stop.
All along the walls are incredibly detailed oil paintings, the thin layered strokes glistening in the light. Albedo takes a moment to whisper to you about how oil paint works.
Due to the thinness of the paint and it's transparency, light passes through every carefully placed stroke, allowing for a unique sort of depth that isn't achievable with other painting media. You smile, the artificial light of the art exhibit making your features glow and Albedo can't help but wonder if you are like those paintings.
So complex, so carefully created in an image perfected with time. Your eyes search his and you say his name and Albedo clears his throat when he realizes he's been staring.
"Do you like this one?"
Ah, you must've assumed he took a liking to this particular painting.
His eyes shift back to it, taking in the sight of the balance of color, the composition, then back to you. He only stares a second longer before nodding.
Whether or not you realize the view he likes is you is something that he dwells on as you both make your way to the next painting.
If you had a penny for every time that someone comments on the way you compliment each other, you'd probably be able to pay off your tuition for next semester.
Okay, perhaps not, but the idea still stands.
You're only just at the end of the art exhibit when the security guard wishes the two of you a lovely date. Something about how young love is something to be treasured, something about how the two of you already seem so natural and comfortable in each other's presence.
Before you can mumble out an explanation, Albedo just squeezes your hand, gentle as always, and smiles.
It's a compliment, right? For someone to see how close you are, even if you really are just friends, is a good thing.
Ignoring the warmth that spreads over your cheeks, you smile and turn your head away shyly. Squeezing his hand back, the thought of what it'd be like if you were together crosses your mind.
Just as you lend books to him, he lends books to you. Surprisingly, this time it just so happens to be a poetry book--something that you expressed interest in a week ago but ended up not getting.
Within, he's left colorful notes with his neat, slanted writing.
Short discussions (presumably questions to himself) of what the poet must've been thinking, different possible scenarios, are peppered throughout the book. But one just so happens to catch your eye. Rather than a question, it's a statement. Simple, short, and...sweet.
'You carry the aura of the stars.'
The little yellow sticky note pasted beneath a love poem to the night sky stands out. Suppressing a flutter in your chest, you continue reading through the poem book with a few giggles at Albedo's musings until you find a note with most of the words crossed out.
It's entirely unlike him, the way that the dark ink scribbled over the words, making them illegible.
But at the bottom was a continued attempt--one you presume he was satisfied with by the way it lay pristine on the colorful paper.
'You look. I fail to speak.
Your mind, so brilliant as it is I wish to see behind To further appreciate the one I love.
I can only hope one day you shall let me in, So for now I wait patiently by your side.'
Who could he have written this for? You can't help but stare at the poetic attempt, knowing full well that Albedo seldom does something without meaning.
The book closes and you tuck it back on the shelf to ask about later.
Even though Albedo's a grade A student and certified genius (he's adamant in his denial, shaking his head and mumbling about how he just studies hard), he's not entirely a stickler for rules.
Well, that is, Aunt Alice's suggestion that Klee goes to bed by 9.
Instead, the three of you settle in the common room of Albedo's place in a bundle of pillows and blankets at the demands of a pillow fort.
The tv blinks on accompanied by the near silent click of the remote.
"What should we watch?"
Klee always ends up picking the movie. This time, she wants Alice in Wonderland, commenting on how the bunny is like her best friend Dodoco and the blonde girl on screen is named after mommy. Albedo doesn't bother correcting her, even though he knows quite well that dear, sweet Dodoco is a chinchilla.
Between sips of juice and a few mouthfuls of popcorn, the three of you fall asleep, Klee curled up besides you and Albedo's arm draped over you both.
Even when the sun is up in the sky, you sleep peacefully.
So, naturally, Aunt Alice has a spare key just in case something like this happens.
Immediately she's met with the sweetest view--her two kids (she's practically adopted Albedo as her own at this point) and--
Hiding a cheeky smile behind her hand, Alice can't help but sneak a little closer when she spies the way that you and Albedo somehow gravitated closer, his face buried in your hair and yours resting against his collar. Wedged between you with tousled hair, Klee snoozes peacefully.
She snaps a picture, followed by another, and another, and a fourth for good measures before meandering into the kitchen to prep something for breakfast.
Might as well let her three favorite people enjoy the comfort of sleep for a little longer...
You wake up the moment that Klee wiggles her way out of the blankets, nuzzling against the warmth radiating under your cheek.
Nice and cozy. Smells nice...wait.
Eyes fluttering open, you're met with a familiar birthmark and the nearly gone scent of Albedo's cologne.
You nearly pull away until the arm, now wrapped around your waist, pulls you closer accompanied by a satisfied sigh. Ah. You shut your eyes tight when you realize that Albedo's going to be asleep for at least another thirty minutes, resigning to your fate gladly.
Of course, Alice takes the opportunity to snap a few more pictures when you've finally fallen back asleep.
Speaking of Albedo and sweaters and warm and also the just mentioned cologne. A little fun tidbit--not only are you familiar with the scent of his cologne because he wears it often, but it (in this au) is actually one that you picked out some time back. You probably were at the store together smelling some of the perfumes when you came across one that you were pleasantly surprised by.
Specifically, something that's lightly floral, a little warm but sweet with a hint of earthiness.
The pros? It fits Albedo perfectly! It also kinda sticks well and his place faintly smells of it.
The cons?? Well...you're embarrassed to say that hugging Albedo tends to drag on a little longer than anticipated because it's just such a comforting scent-
Not because you associate it with Albedo or anything-
Man I really went to town again, didn't I?? Well, I'm glad that you enjoy my headcanons :DDD Albedo just seems like such a sweet person??? Like endearing in a way that just is...him. If that makes sense.
Brain go brrrrrr
I'll admit that my favorite headcanons for Bedo are mundane and domestic ones though! Like these! Just the little moments where there's nothing really going on except for him and you and ahhhh yesyesyes
Okay that's all-
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hopeyallenjoy · 3 years
First time
Tell me the truth Severus. Don't you want me?
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Pairing : Young Severus Snape x Fem!Reader 
Warnings : slights smut ; severus switch and reader switch ; dom/sub kink ; little bit of swearing ; alone at house ; bathroom teasing 
Wordcount : 3,504 words
Request : Marauder era Severus x reader’s first time 
Resume : That’s the same request as “An eventful birthday” but I did it with a more bold reader and only Severus' first time. Hope you’ll enjoy it just as much ! 
Y/l/n = Your last name Y/n = Your name 
"She asked you what?" said Lucius as he and Severus headed to their common room.
"She invited me to come spend the weekend at her house over the vacations," Severus repeated, rolling his eyes to the sky.
"Tell me mate, you've been dating Y/l/n for how long now?" Lucius as he opened the door to their dormitory.
"9 months." he replied.
"And you've already gone beyond a simple kiss? You know, despite what they say about young wizards, it's the young women who are the most hormone-driven. Think about it, Severus! That's why they're all so obsessed with love. They need a man and they need him to be their own to calm their ardor. And it's even truer for the veela.”
Severus shook his head negatively, setting his things down on his bed. Lucius couldn't help but smile mischievously at his friend.
"What are you getting at?" he asked when Malfoy didn't continue.
"My point is that she didn't invite you to chat. She wants you, Severus Snape, the dark male, to take over and make her your bitch.” Severus widened his eyes, not expecting such a revelation.
Was this really the case? You were a former student of Durmstrang Institute who had arrived at Hogwarts at the beginning of seventh year even though you were already of age. Because of the reputation of your former school, rumors about you had spread within a week of school, claiming that you were an accomplished black mage or a monster from the darkness, a cross between a veela and a vampire. You ended up in Slytherin, which wasn't entirely in your favor. You even had to deal with the most popular students in the school who were self-appointed protectors of Hogwarts and wanted to check the rumors.  Luckily for you, you were persuasive. You weren't a dark mage or a monster, but you had learned enough from Durmstrang to stand up for yourself and stop anyone from stepping on your toes.
After your little show of strength, girls started coming to you when a boy bothered them and guys who thought they were irresistible, like Lucius Malfoy or Sirius Black, came to try their luck with you. You'd packed them all, one by one. None of these boys were interesting for you, you only had eyes for your Potions and DADA partner, Severus Snape, the only one who didn't ogle your form even when he thought you didn't see him, the only one who shared your curiosity about dark magic, and especially the only one who didn't seem to be interested in you. That's what you liked about him, he really wasn't interested in you, or at least not more than in friendship, until you spent more and more time with him and finally confessed your love. 
In fact, you didn't really do that, you two just kissed on a full moon night in the astronomy tower and it was so natural between you that you just started acting like a couple. Holding hands during Hogsmeade outings or during classes, kissing for hours in your common room while all the other students were watching Quidditch matches, taking turns reading  poetry under the moonlight every night or so. In short, everything was done in a natural way, without the need for embarrassing confessions or the obligation to call each other ridiculous names. No, you had no obligation to each other, you just saw other as you pleased, doing the things you liked and it was just... perfect. 
The more Severus thought about it, the more he thought how stupid it would be to change that.
Add sex to such a perfect relationship? No way. It wasn't that he didn't find you attractive, on the contrary, he simply found you breath taking and sometimes wondered what such a beauty was doing by his side but he wasn’t sure that sex was for him. Sex was always something you grow tired of, and there was so much about it that he didn't know, he was sure he would disappoint you if you ever introduced sex to your relationship. Everything Severus Snape knew about sex, Lucius had told him, and if there was one thing he had learned from his friend's stories, it was that sex was complicated. 
Then when he presented himself in front of the door of the manor Y/l/n, he was well decided to keep his pants on. He knocked and expected to see one of your parents open the door for him, but he came face to face with your little face when the big door was fully opened. His eyes didn't leave your face but his peripheral vision allowed him to see that you were dressed a little lightly for the season, a simple t-shirt pulled over your tantalizing curves. He swallowed hardly. Keeping his pants on seemed much more difficult now. 
"Hello, Sev'. I see you're still on time. You'll excuse me, this time it's me who's a little late." you gave him your best smile and invited him to come in "My parents aren’t here so I took the opportunity to sleep in a little longer.”
Well, that wasn't entirely true, but he didn't need to know that, did he? You'd been up for a while and had spent the morning getting ready for the special weekend ahead. Despite the blasé expression you wore, inside you, your hormones and your heart were racing. Your little Severus was just beautiful and you were even more aware of it now that you saw him without his school uniform.
“Do you mind if I go put something on quickly?“ you asked without noticing the gleam of desire in the eyes of your companion. 
He shook his head negatively too happy that you propose of yourself to remove this angelic vision of which he had difficulty to get out. Merlin what you could be beautiful. You left to change your clothes after taking him into the great hall. Severus was trying to calm his imagination as he gazed out at the garden of your house that could be seen from the living room window. He was still standing there when you returned from your room, looking so absorbed that you had to pull him by the sleeve to get his attention. When he turned around he was breathless again. You had changed but your new outfit didn't help his case at all. You were now wearing a flowing black knee-length dress with a white corset that showed off your slim waist and gently carried your swaying breasts. If he was to believe what he saw, you weren't wearing a bra and he hoped... no panties either. 
"Severus...are you okay?" you questioned as he said nothing.
Severus quickly pulled himself together, serving you one of his grinning smiles that only he had the secret to. What was he talking about? Wasn't he the one who wanted to keep your relationship simple and natural? As recently as thirty minutes ago? And now he was the one who imagined you fucking on the floor, after having torn off your little black dress. This weekend was getting more and more complicated for him. He nodded nevertheless seeing the worried look that you threw to him, the back of your hand put on his forehead as if to see if he had a fever.
"Are you sure? You're all red?" he took your hand, squeezing it gently.
"Yes, yes. It's just your beauty that bewitches me," he said, placing a light kiss on your hand.
It was your turn to blush. Severus' compliments were rare and always came when you least expected them, so when he complimented you, you took full advantage. You kissed him tenderly.
"Idiot. You scared me."
He savored her words in turn, still not used to someone worrying about him and showing it.
"I should scare you more often if you kiss me like that every time" he murmured a sneer stretching his lips.
"You know very well that I would kiss you every day like that even if I wasn't worried. You just have to ask me or... do it on your own.”
At the fiery look you gave him, Severus stiffened and looked away a little.
"Do you have a chess set? It's been a long time since I've played against the grand queen of chess," he said in an attempt to divert your attention.
This worked in part, you nodded and went to get your chess set and then you sat down at the small table near the window. It was a hectic late afternoon of battles and verbal jousting, all of it friendly and good-natured. Even if your thoughts were turned to the particular behavior of your boyfriend. You wanted to wait for him to come and explain to you on his own what was the problem but you were sure he wouldn't. You didn't embarrass him with a serious discussion though, not wanting to spoil the wonderful weekend ahead. And you were right. Severus, on the other hand, was having a hard time concentrating, with hot scenarios taking up all his attention. If you had always been a bit daring, he had never noticed before, too busy admiring your little face or your knowledge of dark magic. And now he was biting his fingers, having the impression to rediscover the wild beauty that you were.
Laughing loudly, arm in arm, you entered the kitchen, your bellies rumbling. You brought in the leftovers from the night before and you gobbled them up in a few seconds, neither you nor he being picky in terms of food and it wasn't as if you had eaten mud, quite the contrary. 
It was your father who had made the food the day before. He had deliberately prepared more food than he needed, not wanting to leave his princess without food during the long weekend he was going to spend away from you.Because yes, you had fought for your parents, especially your father, to leave you at the mansion alone. Yet they knew you could handle yourself, after six consecutive years at Durmstrang, it was rare not to know how to handle yourself. 
The meal was just as nerve-wracking for Severus as he couldn't help but make you laugh which made your breasts jiggle under the thin fabric of your dress. You even bent down to grab the pepper on the table which allowed him to see that you were indeed not wearing a bra. He almost choked, his imagination and hormones still running wild. By the end of the meal, Severus was convinced that he was going to lose his mind before the end of the weekend if it continued like this.
"Y /n, could I know where the bathroom is? I'd like to take a shower before I go to sleep, if that's possible," Severus asked, convinced that a nice cold shower would put his mind at ease.
"Oh, of course. The bathroom is upstairs. It's the first door on the left. Do you need me to lend you something? Slippers, a nightgown?” you asked as a particularly Machiavellian idea appeared in your mind.
At this point of the evening, you had understood that your boyfriend, who you thought was so innocent, had started to understand that you were no longer a child and that your body was indeed the one of a young adult. Seeing him almost choke at each movement you made and that revealed a little more of your forms, was, it had to be said, a most amusing spectacle. So you let him go up the stairs to the bathroom and slowly followed him once the plates were washed and put away.
Meanwhile, Severus had slipped out of his black clothes and into the bathtub, which was filled to the brim. It wasn't every day that he could afford a nice hot bath and he was sure you wouldn't mind if he took a few drops of the Muggle lotions that adorned the rim of the big tub. He slipped all the way into the water, after a deep breath, desperate to calm his ardor. If Severus Snape was so determined not to give in to temptation it was mainly due to the bad treatment he had received from the Marauders, humiliating him to the point where his body was dripping and he was unable to touch himself, even alone. So how could he have succeeded in maintaining a carnal relationship with anyone? Love, love was different, he felt it and managed to express it, but sex? Very little for him. Finally, this afternoon spent by your side had shown him that even if the thing seemed inconceivable to him, he was still capable of desiring someone. And to want you, he wanted you really bad. He opened his eyes, his head still immersed in the bathtub, and saw through the water a figure towering over him. He emerged from the water recognizing your little face. 
There you were, standing in front of him, you had left your corset behind and were now wearing only your black dress. Your face was still impassive.
"Y/n? What the..." he began.
"Sev', do you love me?" you didn't let him finish, starting your Machiavellian plan. "Because I'm starting to doubt it, you know? You've been acting weird ever since you got here. So tell me the truth, Severus. Don't you want me?" as you spoke his words, you let your robe slip off at your feet showing yourself completely naked to him. 
Severus could not believe his eyes. In that moment, he couldn't stop his eyes from devouring you, his cheeks from turning red, and his sex from growing. The fire that swept over him was so sudden that it took his breath away. You were satisfied with your little effect, but when Severus didn't move, just clung to the edge of the tub, you slid as sensually as possible into the bath without taking your eyes off him. Severus watched you, holding his breath. Yes, you were definitely going to drive him crazy. 
"-Severus, how do I look?" you asked again as he still hadn't said anything.
"Y/n... You don't know what you're saying. I... I want you so much, you can't even imagine how much but..." Severus was short of breath, "I've never done anything, never even t-touched myself. I wouldn't know how to... I wouldn't know how to do it and I could only..." you cut him off, kissing him gently as tears of frustration flooded down his face.
 You felt a little bad now that you knew the truth. You had never wanted to made him cry but you understood that he needed to cry so you let him, kissing his cheeks, his nose, his eyes, in fact, everything that was within your reach, wanting to reassure him a maximum.
"Shhhhh Sev'... It's okay, don't worry. I'm here.  Shhhhhh... Oh boy ! I could never be disappointed in you, Sev' I assure you. So please don't cry anymore. I hate seeing you like this. I love you so much, you know." you continued to kiss him with your arms around his neck.
"I-i love you so much t-too ," he replied between sobs. 
Severus was drowning in your affection, his whole body burning. He felt so good in your arms, covered in your kisses. You covered him with tender kisses for another moment, telling him how beautiful he was in your eyes between two kisses. Once the sadness passed, he wanted to return your affection, covering the zebra skin of your breasts with soft kisses which felt like butterfly wings. Then the butterflies became more urgent as your hand clung to his ebony hair and your lips let out sighs of pleasure. You pulled your lover's face up to steal a passionate kiss, your two foreheads finally pressed together, your body slightly elevated as Severus had his arms around your waist.
"Do you... do you want to go all the way Sev'? I certainly don't want to force you to do anything you don’t want, love."
How? Weren't you supposed to not give him ridiculous nicknames? I don't remember saying that. Severus nodded, pulling you tighter against him.
"Guide me, Y/n," he breathed.
His voice was infused with desire, as was his entire body. He was overflowing and tense with desire beyond your touch. You placed his hands in the places you knew were your pleasure points, guiding him to know what to do. His lips came to rest on your neck as you told him to, as your hands slid gently through the cool bath water to land on his crotch. It may have been hard to believe but Severus Snape was very well built, his sex was moderate in size but not all the way down, his base and glans were wider than the rest. It was also slightly curved towards the glans. If you hadn't already had other relationships you wouldn't have realized just by touching him, that Severus was just perfect for you. Your fingers began to do him good, drawing grunts from him that made your skin tingle as he didn't stop his attentions. When you felt him grow a little larger in your hands you stopped your stroking, spreading your own legs just enough for him to enter.
"Severus... I want to cum with you..." he understood the invitation taking his sex in his hands and positioning it facing the entrance to your pussy. 
He didn't really know what to do once he entered so it was you who guided him again, initiating back and forth, impaling yourself a little more each time, your hands resting on his shoulders. Severus moaned with each return, feeling your insides react to his member. You weren't especially tight, but he was still able to fill you up completely. You guided him for a moment and then he felt confident enough to take over. Slowly but surely, he varied the strength of his thrusts. Then he added his lips in your neck making you plant your nails in his shoulders when a so good and... unexpected pleasure. Instinctively, he squeezed you tighter as the last thrust inside you came accompanied by waves of immeasurable pleasure. He had finished before you but you were so close to cumming that you couldn't stop a groan of frustration from coming out of your mouth.
"This one is different from the others. Did I hurt you?" Severus fretted as he came to stop, causing you to let out another frustrated moan.
"No, no, no ! I... Can you go on a little longer, please? I'm not far..." you whispered in his ear. 
He undulated his pelvis gently under you, a sneer coming to perch on his lips.
 "What exactly do you want, Y/n? I need you to explain it to me precisely, please. I don't think I'm experienced enough yet to understand your demands without you finishing your sentences," he said, kissing your temple. 
He knew perfectly well what he was doing now. You wanted to protest by realizing it but it had started again to undulate under you, letting out of your mouth only words drowned between your moans. He ended up kissing your temple again, letting you breathe and waiting for your answer. 
"I want you to fuck me until... Until I cum Severus, please!" you finally managed to articulate making Severus' smile grew wider and wider.
"Gladly, love," he replied as he began to pound you again. 
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
- - Rowan Khanna - -
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For day three her April challenge, @stupendousbookworm asked for Rowan to have her turn in the spotlight.
I adore Rowan, so here are some facts about her from my canon…
Rowan Khanna was born at her family’s tree farm in Herefordshire on the 31st December 1972. She was a quiet but intelligent child, tall for her age, and by the age of four was able to read almost fluently.
She was an only child until she was nine, at which point she gained a younger brother, Ashok. Two years later, she gained a baby sister, Ela.
Rowan’s mother accompanied her to Diagon Alley to get her school supplies at eleven, but she became separated when her younger siblings started to become irate in the crowds. Rowan took the opportunity to sneak back into the bookshop to read, knowing t would be the first place her mother would go to find her. It was there that she met Artemis Hexley.
The Sorting Hat took four minutes and six seconds to sort Rowan into Hufflepuff house, the longest of any students in the 1984 intake. The Sorting Hat suggested Ravenclaw or Slytherin, but settled for Hufflepuff after Rowan asked it to place her there, worried that she might not make friends in the other houses.
Rowan’s wand was made of cedar wood with a phoenix feather core. The wood was grown from her family’s own farm, which always brought her comfort, as she was prone to suffering from homesickness during her first year at Hogwarts.
Rowan developed a particular interest in History of Magic, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy. She was the top student in her year, passing all ten of her O.W.L.s. She achieved six Outstandings in HoM, Runes, Arithmancy, Herbology, Potions, and Astronomy, and Exceeds Expectations in everything else.
In the year in which Rowan took her O.W.L.s, the History of Magic faculty celebrated its highest ever exam success rate, with not a single Hufflepuff or Gryffindor student failing the subject, thanks to Rowan taking over the teaching of some of these lessons whilst Professor Binns was asleep.
Despite her proven intelligence, Rowan always remained shy and suffered with low self-esteem, not believing herself to have much going for her other than her academic success. Anyone who knew her would have disagreed wholeheartedly: Rowan was not only clever, but diligent, helpful, funny, beautiful, and kind. She loved cats, had a natural talent for Herbology and enjoyed puzzles and poetry.
In her fourth year, Rowan attended the Celestial Ball with Corey Hayden, and the two went on a private study date in their fifth year. Though their relationship never became serious, Corey would forever claim that Rowan was the love of his life, having admired her from afar ever since their first night at Hogwarts. Corey claimed that to him, amortentia had always smelt and would always smell like cedarwood, salt, parchment, and sweet spices. To Rowan, amortentia smelt like tree bark, old books, cat hair, and sugared almonds.
Featuring the beautiful Ambika Mod as Rowan 🖤
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