#her snark💞💞💞
exploding-goobery · 8 months
I'm not accepting any clara slander you are wrong she's a complete mess and an incredibly flawed person but she's my wife and has done nothing wrong ever
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hanafubukki · 5 months
General Lilia? How about general manager Lilia? Works at the Sage Island McTwisted. All the public sees is uwu can I take your owder? Do you want to make that a mweal? Pwease pull forward~
But word started spreading after a karen showed up and made a scene. How could they hire a kid like him?! It's probably his fault her order was wrong! She demands to speak to a manager! And Lilia does the whole 'ducks beneath the counter and comes up again saying yes, he's the manager, what's the problem here?' And the Karen just goes off about how rude he is and he's a kid and she demands he be fired. Specifically focuses on how 'young' he is, and because he thinks it'll be fun, he takes out his ID and shows the lady and after seeing his birthday she goes quiet and leaves the McTwisted.
He's actually great at his job. He's great with customers, he's great with his employees, and when it's busy he goes into actual 'general' mode. Old Man runs a tight ship here. Buuuttttt...he may be in the wrong for hiring and not firing his sons.... Silver is great and all, but he falls asleep at the fries, register, AND drive through, which can cause a mess until someone notices and wakes him up. Sebek is too loud but great at handling karens. Just don't have him argue with someone who ordered with Malleus because he'll always take Malleus's side. And Malleus....well.... he tries. If he's making the food, he spends an extremely long time making the presentation perfect, to a ridiculous degree. At the register he'll start talking in detail about other meal combos and how well they'd go together before actually submitting the order. Drive through? Let's just say he'd be the guy who, when you order a hamburger, he says they don't sell hamburgers, so you have to order a cheeseburger with no cheese, which he readily accepts (True story. Thought maybe that's just how things are with them, so next time I ordered I said cheeseburger with no cheese and the drive thru guy was like "......so a hamburger....". And apparently they do sell hamburgers because the receipt did indeed say hamburger! People 😩)
((Dating him means he brings you home fries and nuggets and the toys you want))
-Fake Date Sebek anon
Hello Fake Date Sebek Anonie 🌺🌷✨
I’m holding your crime boss Lilia ask hostage (hehe get it? Because…crime boss…) because I’m still giggling over it 🥰🥰💞💞
But I didn’t expect to go from crime boss Lilia to MCtwst Lilia 😂😂
The fact I read that first part in the such a kiddy voice has me laughing 😂😂
Bwahaha Lilia being a menace is my fave!! Can you imagine?? He’s had to deal with nobility before and couldn’t snark back at them. But Karens?? Oh, this is him having fun but also doing what he couldn’t before and enjoying it.
Imagine walking into this fast food and seeing a young manager barking at these ridiculously tall men 🤣🤣
You know that’s not the first time I heard about the cheeseburger but no cheese hamburger story!! Is this a common occurrence?? 🤔
Hell yeah, I get my choice of the toy? Let’s go. Hes a keeper 💞💞💞
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Stupid Mistake
Hi I love your writing!! Could I maybe get an Eddie x popular!reader (not a cheerleader, not a “sunshine and rainbows” girl either, more feisty/stands up for people, is respected for strong opinions/kinda intimidating but in a good way kinda reader) where somehow they become sort-of friends (partners on a project maybe?) and start to fall for each other. Jason makes a comment in front of them like “aww does the freak like y/n? Too bad she’s so far out of your league” and when reader is about to stand up for Eddie, Eddie goes too far with the whole “I could never like her, she’s mean, too much, too opinionated, too stubborn” etc etc and whilst she doesn’t show she’s upset in the moment, she gives him the silent treatment and he realises he went too far and has to apologise because he hurt her feelings and needs to prove he actually does want to be with her. I’m so sorry this is so long!
Warnings; Fluff, falling in love, angst
Likes or reblogs are always appreciated 💞 I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
Part 1 of 2
Reposting this as I accidentally deleted this part 😞 Slow and annoying wifi plus a migraine caused me to delete this and I'm so pissed off 😓
Mrs O'Donnell is partnering people up in class and y/n isn't happy about that. What if she ends up with an asshole who makes her do more than half the work?
Aaron from the basketball team comes to mind and their ill-fated pairing last semester when she refused to let him have credit because he didn't lift a finger during their science project.
So yeah, she was not worried about expressing her opinions or being stubborn on something when she knew she was right.
Her name is shouted along out with Eddie Munson which brings her out of her reverie and she hears the usual gossip train start-up and rolls her eyes.
Then she heads to the back to Eddie's table and raises her eyebrow at him.
"Yeah, sorry he snarks can't help that your paired with a freak like me" she scowls and corrects him.
"I don't think you're a freak Munson, I was going to say that I've already had my share of assholes who do the minimum work and I won't tolerate it. Do half the work and we have no problem okay?" He looks surprised and nods.
Surprisingly she gets on well with Eddie and actually likes him, ever since she told him to put the work in he has never let her down.
She didn't expect to like him so much but she did.
The first time she goes to the trailer he shares with his uncle he opens the door and gestures for her to go first.
"Welcome to my castle". He tells her sarcastically, she likes the trailer. It has a cosy feel but she's confused by the excess of mugs and caps.
Eddie grins following her eye train.
"I know, that's my uncles doing". She nods and pulls out the work for them to do.
"I like here, it's cosy and I like the mugs and cap collection too, we don't have things like this in my home, my mother likes things to be minimalist and cosy".
He softens.
"Well you can come here anytime sweetheart, I mean it".
After that invitation, she does spend a lot of time at Eddie's she loved being with him and his uncle Wayne was so lovely.
Eddie was even helping her learn the guitar because she expressed that she liked it and wanted to learn.
He had introduced her to Hellfire Club and she liked the boys straight away, meanwhile, Eddie got on with Chrissy and Sasha who were her closest friends in the popular crowd.
Chrissy is adamant that y/n is falling for Eddie which she totally isn't. She just likes hanging out with him and yeah he's really sexy and she loves his beautiful brown eyes and his tattoos but it's not like she's falling in love with him.
Chrissy raises an eyebrow as if to say she doesn't believe her and she is about to say something back when Eddie comes into the cafeteria and catches her eye.
He winks at her and goes to sit at The Hellfire table, they share a secret smile and she can't help but notice how handsome he looks like in his Hellfire shirt.
"Sweetie, you got a little drool". Chrissy teases her and she feels embarrassed and shakes her head.
"Shit, Chrissy I think you're right". Chrissy gives her a told you so look.
"Let me ask you a couple of questions? Do you think he's handsome? Does he give you butterflies? Do you feel happy in his presence and find yourself thinking about him and what it would feel like to kiss him? Go further?".
Yes Yes Yes. Fuck, she swears and nods and Chrissy once again looks triumphant.
"You have to tell him, that boy is smitten with you, honey"
She nods but feels nervous and only calms when Eddie catches her eye again and that gorgeous smile sends butterflies racing in her stomach.
She's talking to Eddie her heart is fluttering like mad and she is trying so hard to conceal the fact that she is falling deeply for him.
After her realisation the other day she is been torn on what to do because even though she feels like Eddie has fallen for her too, she's still too nervous to find out if Ihes right.
What if she isn't and it spoils the friendship they have?
Of course, while they are chatting, Jason would come up and ruin it sneering at her and Eddie.
"What the fuck am I actually seeing this?" Jason is staring at Eddie with a smirk on his face.
"Aww does the freak like y/n, she's way out of your league dude?" Jason teases meanly and she glares at him furious.
She's about to say something, give him a piece of her mind when Eddie butts in.
"I could never like her, she's mean and far too opinionated and too stubborn, so I don't know why the hell you would think that Carver!"
She blinks listening to Eddie's tirade and her heart sinks, is that really what he thinks of her? Even though she is falling for him she truly thought that they were friends?
Maybe they never were? While Eddie and Jason are too busy sniping at each other she rushes to the bathroom and tries desperately not to cry.
He's the first guy she has truly fallen for and all that's left her with is a broken heart.
She can hear Eddie call her name the next day after class, she didn't know what to say to him without feeling hurt so she just didn't talk to him while they did their work.
His assessment of her while true, she was opinionated and stubborn and she could be mean if the person was an asshole but she never expected him to be cruel, she thought he liked her, liked all of her and it hurts.
Why were they even friends if he didn't like her? So she ignored his jokes and attempts at conversation and left class as quick as she could.
She doesn't stop when she hears him call her name and instead of going to his spot with him she sits beside Chrissy who heard everything yesterday and puts her arm around her glaring at Eddie.
All through lunch she can feel his eyes on her and Dustin calls her over. She likes Dustin and she could never ignore him so she walks over.
"Hi Dustykins" he blushes at her nickname and then points to Eddie.
"Eddie asked me to call you over". Oh, she turns to Eddie and regards him ignoring her aching heart.
"Yes?" she murmurs cooly, he blinks and swallows hurt flashing in his eyes and this is the thing that makes her close snapping.
"I've been trying to talk to you all day?" her eyes narrow and he looks reproachful.
"Are you for real? Don't you remember what happened yesterday? What you said to Jason?".
His face drains of colour and she feels the sting of tears and is furious he is making her cry. Again.
"I actually thought you liked me or maybe you were falling for me like I was for you but clearly I was mistaken because it turns out you don't really like me at all! You could never like me right?"
He swallows.
"Sweetheart?" she wipes her eyes and looks away from him stubbornly.
"We can finish out project then you can leave me alone Eddie for good". She stalks away back to Chrissy and misses the devastated expression on his face.
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husbandomail · 1 month
💌 incoming matchup request 💌
fandoms: yugioh dm & bnha
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
matchup preference: none !
personality: i’d say i wear my heart on my sleeve, i love very loudly (and i need it in return i cannot do nonchalance 😭) and i’m the most happy when i’m with my friends. i love to help people and make them laugh ; i’m the sassy friend with no filter. despite this though, as much as i say “communication is key” when something bothers me i shut down and shut everyone, except maybe 2 people i trust. i’m pretty sensitive, i overthink a lot, extremely self critical and tend to assume the worst about people.
misc: i love love love the color pink, cute animals, fashion, makeup, music, dancing, and have a knack for true crime! i love to know other people’s opinions on things and having conversations based on that.
thank you so much in advance! you rock! x 💕💞
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I think you’d go well with Denki Kaminari!
You say that you need to be loved as intensely as you love others, and he would be really good for that— he’s incredibly upbeat and intense, perfectly able to match your energy. He’s loud, energetic, and the perfect example of a golden retriever boyfriend; he greets you with a massive, bone-cracking hug every time he sees you, no matter how long you’re together. If you’re looking for someone to love you with unstoppable force, he’s the one. He also loves the sassier side of your personality; as cute and pink as you are, it catches him off-guard the first time he hears you snark back at someone— he doubles over laughing, and by the time he catches his breath again, he knows he’s in love.
Kaminari may seem like a head-empty type and, for the most part, he can be. But that doesn’t mean he’s not sensitive to you; he’s so in-tune with you and your typical behavior, he can tell when your jokes are a performance instead of coming from somewhere legitimate in your heart. He might be awkward about it the first few times he tries to comfort you, but Denki does his best— admittedly, you shutting him out when you’re struggling would be a maaaajor stressor, because how is he supposed to help you if you won’t talk to him? And since he’s such an intense personality, he might accidentally overwhelm you when you’re already upset— he legitimately wants to help in whatever way works for you, be it distracting you from your thoughts or leaving you to ‘em. At least let him know what’s going on, and he’ll do his best to cooperate.
Also— he is absolutely the type to do cringey matching couples’ things. He starts matching his outfits to yours, no matter how frilly you’re dressed for the day. He also very easily gets caught up in talking, so it’s good that you like to listen about people’s interests, because he can ramble for hours; of course, don’t think it’ll be a one-sided conversation, because he’s just as invested in anything you have to say. I think you’d get along well!
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charlies-crushes · 2 months
👑💞🌻 for your jjba s/i :3
Yippee thank you for the ask, I love talking about my JJBA S/Is (I hope it's okay I talked about my main two)
👑: What’s something about your self-insert that completely matches up with you irl?
I'd say a lot about Claire is pretty similar to me (she's actually probably the S/I that I based on myself the most), in the past she got bullied which led to her being pretty unable to feel confident around others as an adult
Whereas Alice is more of my tendency to snark off people that I'm close with irl
💞: What canon character has the most in common with your self-insert?
I'd say for Claire she's a bit like Yukako in they um… have trouble dealing with their emotions for their loved one and can get a bit overzealous
For Alice I would say Rohan but more in the way that they both care deeply for their art to the point where it could consume a good portion of their lives if they didn't have each other to look out for them
🌻: Who would your self-insert say that their biggest role model is?
For Claire I would say her biggest role model is Joseph, she really looks up to him as being someone that's confident and brave while being able to speak his mind, also he's kinda like a father figure to her
While Alice looks up to her father who was also a child's book author and so she wants to follow in his legacy and has the tendency to revere his work
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
Character ask game: Frost and Hartley Rathaway (aka grown up Harry Potter to me lol)
Nah, Hartley's nothing like Harry. Maybe in the comics, but def not in the show. He acts more like a grown-up Malfoy (esp with his rich background)...tho ofc his relationship with his parents isn't at all like Malfoy's. But I digress
How I feel about this character: Lukewarm. I liked her in s3 as a villain, but I never liked how they tried to make her a hero without so much as an apology to Iris. I don’t hate her, she has her moments, but...ehh. I’ve never understood how she’s such a fan favorite, especially over Iris—her powers are really cool and as I said, she definitely has her funny/sweet moments, but still
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Lisa Snart
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Caitlin, Cisco, and Ralph! Also if she’d actually apologized to Iris ever, then Iris would be here too 💞
My unpopular opinion about this character: tbh I’ve never much liked Frost as her own character? I preferred when KF was just Caitlin
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: If they were gonna make her a separate person from Caitlin, the first thing they should've done is have her apologize to Iris (and Cecile, both directly, because why tf did Caitlin apologize to Joe for what she did to Cecile?? And with no mention of Iris, moreover??). There should’ve been tension there for a while...and then the bachelorette episode could’ve been the resolution of that tension (with no petty digs from Frost to Iris because seriously wtf?? The nerve and audacity?? You assisted in her attempted murder last year, you have no right to needle her like that!)
Hartley Rathaway
How I feel about this character: I have a love-hate relationship with him 😂 his snark is entertaining in s1 but ehh I still didn’t really like him...but in s2, he's very sweet and piques my interest. Then I was mad that they made him mean again post-Crisis for no reason, but...he had a cool aesthetic (unfortunately, he still insulted/devalued Cisco 💀 also unfortunately, the show proved how much they didn’t care about his sexuality by giving him a sexy-lamp boyfriend with no personality). And I liked him in s9—it felt like they finally settled into how to write him well, and even Roderick, poor guy, finally got some personality. Just a smidge, though
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Roderick, sometimes Cisco (the s2 version of Hartley). Also I'm intrigued by the Singhaway ship (comics canon) 👀 ofc the show destroyed that possibility by having Singh be married from s1 onwards, but if they'd kept him single...👀
My non-romantic OTP for this character: His sister, Jerrie (comics canon) 💞 also Cisco (I don't ship them all the time 😂). ALSO Wally and Linda (comics canon)
My unpopular opinion about this character: Him insulting Cisco isn’t funny or cute and never was ✋ and any Hartmon fic (romantic or platonic) needs to start off with an apology for that (either one directly stated or implied)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish he’d gotten to keep his s2 characterization (without reconciling with his terrible parents), and that he’d gotten to be more present in the show and met/befriended Wally and Linda. The post-Crisis retcon never happened in my mind idc
character ask game!
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gamma-gal-24 · 9 months
for the writing prompts how about:
"that isn't what i think it is, is it?" *proceeds to show the most embarrassing baby photos imaginable*
for syndrome👀
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In Galiath's eyes, the best days on Syndrome's island base were the days he hung up his cape and let himself be lazy.
A smile streched across pink cheeks as Syn stepped out of the bathroom, his hair falling down past his shoulders and a comfy pair of white sweats on. "Conveniently," he had left his teeshirt on his bed, right next to her. She wasn't going to risk seeing him indecent to bring it to him, he knew that. He counted on it, knowing she'd be all blushy when he came back out, shirtless.
The both of them were grinning like fools when he finally reached for it.
"It's been forever since I've seen you without the cape and mask." Galiath sighs happily, her chin resting in her hands. "I almost forgot how cute you are." To that Syndrome just laughs. He sounded like such a child when he laughed. It was contagious.
"Yeah? Well, I forgot your wardrobe didn't consist entirely of pink, so I guess we're even." He teases, slipping his shirt on and fluffing his ginger mane. Galiath can only smile and roll her eyes. While it was true most clothes she owned were pink(her Supersuit included), she did have at least some variety. Syndrome, however.... He managed to wear black and white in his every outfit.
He was no one to talk, for sure.
"Hah!" She laughs, poking a freshly painted nail into his belly, making him jump back. "Says the guy who wears more black and white than a zebra! I Dont think you've ever worn anything else!"
Syndrome lifts a finger to correct her, but she's quick to interrupt him.
"And no- the blue lining in your cape does not count."
Syndrome deflates, a pout gracing his freckled, boyish face. He tried to look unamused, but the grin returned in spite of him. She was the one person he simply couldn't get mad at; not even when she had tried to send him to prison months ago. They were funny like that.
"I'll have you know, black and white are both excellent camouflage colors." He snarks, his tone taking on that slightly nasal thing he gets when he's being a smart-ass. "And so if we ever have to go into hiding, guess which one of us is gonna have better luck? Probably not the one dressed like a bottle of Pepto Bismol, right?"
Galiath huffs and pulls her legs up underneath her, patting the side of the bed next to her in a silent invitation. "You're dodging my point. When was the last time you ever wore anything but black and white? I mean- I'm off duty so I'm wearing yellow. And yet here you are, off duty as well, and still in the same color scheme!-"
Before she can giggle out another word, Syndrome's pulling a box out from under his bed. This has to be the one thing his housekeeper-robot doesn't touch, it's the only thing in his room with dust on it.
He plops it down on the comforter and blows on the top, sending a cloud of dust and cobwebs at his girlfriend. He smirks when she sneezes, amused by his setting off her minor allergy. She shoots him a little glare as thanks.
"Jerk..." She gumbles, earning a laugh. Syndrome slowly shimmies off the cardboard lid, the decade-old box sticking a little after all this time. "What?" He asks, playing innocent, "I thought you wanted to know if I ever wore color?"
And just like that, Galiath forgets all about her allergies. Her eyes light up and she crawls across the bed, mussing up the black sheets beneath her as she leans forward to peek inside.
"Ooh!" She coos, visibly excited. Syn didn't keep much from when he was younger- only his incredible knowledge and his love/hate relationship with superheroes.
Or so she thought.
Either way, she was thrilled to see just a glimpse into his past.
Ever the nosey little thing, she leans over so far he has to struggle to keep from falling. She leans so far, in fact, Syndrome has to push her back so he can see.
"What's all this? I didn't peg you for the sentimental type!" She's almost shaking she's so excited. Syndrome can only chuckle and shake his head. "Eh, I'm not as much as I used to be... But a few little things have managed to avoid the trash... And Mirage."
Ah yes, Mirage... His assistant and ex-situationship. The thought of him sucking on that gorgeous blonde's face still makes Galiath uneasy. Mirage could have been a supermodel but instead she chose to work for a charismatic evil genius with enough money to buy out whole countries. She doesn't blame her... It's just awkward.
Galiath pushes the thoughts aside, though. She has nothing against Mirage.
"Ah, yeah, I bet she was curious too." The slight jealousy in the superhero's tone doesn't go unnoticed by the villain, but he spares her the embarassment for now. That's blackmail for another day.
"Oh, incredibly." He chuckles, rummaging through his box. "She would threaten to put bad photos of me up on the screens in the lab whenever she was mad at me. I had to bribe her with a sports car so she would stop looking for my-."
His abrupt pause catches Galiath by surprise. Quickly he goes to shut the box, only to have her slip a hand underneath.
"Woah, hold on! What's the matter? You were about to show me something!" She giggles, pulling the box away. Syndrome is quick to try and jerk it back. His face is so red his freckles almost blend in.
"It's not in there, I was mistaken." He says just a little too quickly. And if it weren't already obvious he was lying, his darling girlfriend knew to look at his ears when she suspected a false truth. Low and behold they were as red as Mr. Incredible's unitard.
"Nu-uh, don't try that, Buddy, I know there's something in there. Now spill." Syndrome shoots her a look. "Buddy" was the last name he wanted to hear right now.
"Holly..." He hisses out, calling her out of her alias just as she had him. "It's nothing. Now drop the box." His face, while red as his hair, is stern and harsh. He's demanding, not asking- a habit that came with years of villainy. Galiath isn't about to insist. It isn't that she fears him, anything but, really. It's just that she can see this is bothering him. She won't pry if it means invading on him.
And so she lets go of the box, leaning back with her hands up. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry." She says with a small, apologetic smile. "Didn't mean to overstep." She watches Syndrome's shoulders untense, his face relaxing until he smiles a little too. No harm done, it seems.
"It's alright, Holz." He assures her, ruffling her fluffy, black hair before picking the box right back up. He steps away from the bed, hurrying to shove the box back into the depths where he found it.
"It wasn't you, I just- SHIT-!" In his hurry to hide his past once more, Syndrome managed to trip over a pillow that had fallen off the bed, sending himself and the box crashing down to the floor in a series of thuds.
Ever the superhero, Galiath is quick to jump to action.
"SYN-! Oh my goodness, are you okay?!" She squeals, trying not to giggle as she leaps down from the bed. She reaches down to hoist an embarrassed Syndrome up to his feet when she sees something in the corner of her eye.
She glances over without thinking, the sage green color catching her attention. She's bending down to grab it before Syndrome can stop her.
All she hears is a gasp from him before it dons on her what it is she's holding.
"Oh my god- Drop that!" He hisses, but it's too late. Galiath has stars in her eyes and the biggest grin on her face.
"That isn't what I think it is, is it...?" She giggles, holding the little paper closer to to see it better. Her baby blues go wide like dinnerplates and Syndrome knows then and there what it was she held.
Like salt in the wound, she squeals and turns it around for him to see.
Like he wanted to look at his own baby picture....
Holly is in awe, a hand on her heart as she tries her darnedest not to keel over from pure joy. In her hands was probably the single sweetest baby pic she had ever seen.
A little baby Buddy in a green onsie, smiling as happy as a one-toothed infant could be.
Syndrome wanted to die too, but not from a cuteness overload. He snatches that photo so quickly he gives himself a papercut, yanking it from her hands and throwing it and everything else back into the box.
"I told you to drop that..." He huffs, slamming the lid back on and kicking it back under the bed. When he rises back to his feet, Holly wears a gentle, knowing smile.
"I'm sorry, Love." She cooes, laying a hand on his shoulder and a kiss to his forehead. "I just thought it was cute." Syndrome can only scoff and look away, flustered more than he is angry.
"That thing was hideous..." He grumbles bitterly, similar to how a moody teenage boy would. Galiath bursts into a laugh, shaking her head.
"No you were not!" She giggles, pulking Syndrome he didn't want, but definitely needed. "You were a cutie! With that little red curl and-" Syndrome wiggles free and puts a stop to her little gush REAL quick. His hands wave about and she swears she sees him fight a smile.
"Enough about the baby picture alright? Jus- just burn the image from your mind. Delete it, whatever visual helps you forget all about what you saw." "But why?" Galiath laughs, sitting herself back down on the bed. "We were all babies once! At least you were a cute one! I looked like one of those cinnamon jellybeans!"
Her comparison is silly enough to crack him, weasling a laugh and a grin from the grouchy man. "A red jellybean, huh...?" He quirks a brow, his smirk slowly returning.
Ah, there he was... She was worried he would be grumpy the rest of the day! She was so glad to see their day off was still plenty salvageable.
Nodding, she laughs and pulls him down to sit with her. "Oh yeah, I was an ugly little thing! I'll have to show you some time. Oh-! And I can show you the picture my mom took the time I fell down the stairs and lost three teeth! My.... Only three teeth at the time."
Oh, that does him in. The visual alone had Syndrome in stitches. The idea of little toddler Holly grinning at a camera with nothing but gums was enought serotonin to last him the next 15 years. Galiath laughs along with him, glad to see him so giddy even if at her expense.
The two cut up and laugh until their faces go sore. They cling to each other for supoort, only to flop back against the blankets anyways. They roll about like that for a good minute until they finally have to stop, breathless and clinging to the other like a life line.
"Oh-" Syndrome chuckles, not quite down from his high and nuzzling closer. "Oh, I hate you, Sweetheart." He says in a way so sweet she knows he could only mean it out of love. She just smiles and buries her head in his chest, arms wrapping around his middle. "That's okay..." She lets her eyes slide closed, her head rising and falling with his every breath.
"I love you, too."
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residentdormouse · 1 year
Who is your current muse, and who is their faceclaim/what do they look like? What is one item that you associate without fail to them? What is their favourite colour? Is there a song you associate with them? If not, what quote fits the best for them? What do they like doing in their spare time? How much spare time do they get? What one fact do you love about them, but might not have had the chance to share yet?
💞 Thank you for asking! 🥹💞
(Sorry this has taken so long to answer - real life has been absolutely insane for me recently. Its going to be rough for a bit still while I adjust, but I think everything is going for the better in the end. Regardless, may still be MIA for awhile.)
I'm going to answer for my new original work 'Close to the Vale' and the main character for it, Faith Lochren (which by proximity brings in a bit of Paul). I haven't gotten too far in this work (again, irl drama has been a bitch), but I have some basic concepts, a decent outline, and a couple chapters.
As for a face claim, I have been playing at Jennifer Carpenter. Maybe this will change throughout the process, but most of the shit that pours out of Debra Morgan's mouth makes me smile and gives me Faith vibes.
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Her item would be a very simple rose gold engagement ring that Paul gave her. It's not coming off. You can pry that fucker from her cold dead hands, and you damn well better believe if you're doing that, she's going to be haunting your ass. Not worth it, move it along.
As for colors, the engagement ring choice wasn't arbitrary. Rose gold is a favorite of Faith's. Complement it with a bit of sea foam/teal, and a neutral taupe and she's sold. Paul knew what he was doing. He usually did.
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I've only done some basic song hunting so far, but this one has set a tone for drafting the first couple chapters. Depending on where you pick Faith up at, her vibe is going to be very different. Pre-incident Faith, and post-incident Faith are different people. Same background, same make-up, but loss has tainted her view on the world and affected her actions in it. This is definitely post-incident, which is where most of the story takes place.
Outdoors was always a comfort for Faith. Hiking on back trails. Wandering up streams. She would opt to stay out there than deal with societal bullshit any day of the week. When she couldn't get outdoors, which living in the middle of the city makes somewhat difficult, she could also be found working on a good puzzle. More mental than visual though. 1,000 piece pictures puzzles with the same damn repeating pattern? Nobody has the time or patience for that shit. Riddles? Brain teasers? Logic puzzles? Yeah, she's game. Now pair puzzles, a campfire, and Paul's storytelling, and you have a combination that can't possibly be beat in her mind. (Well, maybe some drinks would sweeten the deal.) Lately, however, this has all come to a halt. After quiting her job (again), time is all she has. But the will to pick it all back up again, living that life, alone, it's non existent.
She has very little filter sometimes. Most times. If there's a problem, you're going to hear it. In most cases, with more colorful language than you would expect. Unless you know her, that is. Suffering arrogance and pretentious bullshit is not something she is about, and there's no secret about this. While Paul had a reputation for speaking his mind as well, he usually had a lighthearted mirth behind his remarks. Hers bite and/or contain a fair amount of snark. It's amazingly fun to write (and decently cathartic).
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ofallthingsnasty · 3 years
I'm really excited to read anything Overhaul you write! A lot of people write him as a complete germaphobe but I think he'd be totally filthy with his y/n. He's the mad scientist type; stretching you with weird medical like bdsm tools, giving you weird drugs- he'd probably even make you use a catheter to pee once a week to keep track of your """sickness."""
Oh! I think he has a latex fetish and is into making you hold your pee. Omg he's probably into fear wetting too. He'd probably fuck up your system so bad you can't control your bladder anymore. He'd totally shame you for it but secretly find it so cute.
hello hello hello omg 💞 you- you get me anon 🤭 thank you for gracing my inbox with these beautiful thoughts hehe. So. Let me ramble for a little while.
tw. piss, medical talk, bodies, tiniest mention of weight
Oh my goodness, Overhaul- I was SO obsessed with him this time last year ! He was the reason I made this blog and he got me into writing dead dove: do not eat myself - he's just that special 🥺 He's just so pretty and terrible, I want him to piss on me 💖
I have an Overhaul piss wip that just needs a proper beginning where he IS absolutely disgusting and I want to get it out so bad because it's all abuse with no love 😌
And I agree! Even though he has germo- and mysophobia, he'd be one of the filthiest. The thing is - a lot of people write him as some medical... semi-professional and I have more than two cents to say about that haha (not in a bad way, I LOVE everyone's Kai takes on here, I just have some of my own). I'm in dental- close-ish to residency, actually - and I was squeamish before starting dental school. Nothing close to a phobia, of course, but definitely shy around any type of bodily fluid. I clearly remember when we skinned our body donor and how dead her eyes were, how I scraped out three-year-old feces out of her. I fainted during my first tumor resection and then again during my first big teeth extraction (4 premolars on a 14 yo. Poor dude, I was more scared than he was omfg). I've had patients urinate in the seats. I've done fillings and root canals on very young patients with abysmal dental hygiene and absolutely rotten teeth, I've had a lot of pre- and post-radiatio patients, we've had more MRONJ patients than I'd like-- thing is, medical is absolutely disgusting.
But once I have my gloves on, it's me and that nitrile against the world. By the end of the body donor course we touched them without any protection, and now the smell of a working bone saw is at least bearable. I get blood everywhere and it is what it is. If you follow protocol, it becomes just another routine for you. And it's pretty much fanon that he's into all sorts of weird medical shit - so it'd definitely become routine for him as well. Not that he'd take the gloves off, no. But I can totally see him getting into more unsavory stuff over time - piss being one of them.
And the catheter and fear wetting is SO juicy. Up until now I pegged him as the "piss punishment" type - golden showers to humiliate you, forced urophagia while physically abusing you, stuff like that. But him fucking you up so bad that you develop some form of incontinence is so hot?? It'd make you even more dependent on him, both out of shame and necessity - because you're even more rotten now. 🥴
God, I can really see it.
Also- I hate hate hate catheters. Oh my god that'd be SO terrible. How disgraceful, oof 😳 To be 'babied' in that very special Overhaul-way, oh goodness. Like- he wouldn't even need to shame me for that one, I'd be mortified even without his snark (but of course he'd have to needle you about that constantly- all under the guise of check-ups.) So good-
I think about him a lot, but clearly not often enough about him being disgustingly dark (more soft-ish dark, but I need to change that. Definitely have to re-read the OH arc again soon, the catheter stuff is just- god-tier)
I've written dentist Overhaul (could you imagine? He'd scream at you in the chair because your dental hygiene is god awful and he'd refuse local anesthesia while doing fillings so you learn your lesson, heh. Also instead of two annual check-ups, he orders you in four times a year... Poor you. Also: Think about those nitrile gloves in your mouth. Just think about it. And then think about them fingering you (different set, of course.) He wouldn't even want to kiss you, you're just so disgusting to him 🤭), I've written dentist reader and creepy Kai as a character study (because he'd be obsessed with the cleanliness that comes with the job), medical student Overhaul who is basically a poor little thing not able to stomach the anatomy practical (you know the one where you cut up body donors) and reader as his senior basically laughing at him and I am obsessed with him as this awful yandere with a chubby darling (he's just staring all the time. ALL the time. And of course he'd be weird about it, too.) Most of these are for my vanilla blog though- and rn I don't have the muse to finish them (except for that yan OH, that NEEDS to be out some day.)
So, uh. Overhaul 😫
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The Princess and Pauline: A Short Romance
Happy pride month, everyone! 🏳️‍🌈
I hope you enjoy this remixed one-shot of one of my favorite ships, Princess Peach and Mayor Pauline. 😊💞
Pauline felt like she was on top of the world.
The wooden plaque on her desk looked awfully nice, proclaiming that this scrappy young girl from the inner city was now a powerful councilwoman. And when she stepped in front of the mirror, she had to admit that her pantsuit looked very fine indeed. The bold fuchsia color made a statement, letting everyone and their plumber know that Pauline had ambition to spare, and she was bound to intimidate a few men while wearing these sharp, blue heels.
Her new office even came with a view. Granted, all she could see was another skyscraper under renovation, complete with builders shouting at one another and hoisting barrels up the side, but it was definitely a step up from a secretary's cubicle.
It was hard to fathom how things could get any better... unless, that is, she ran for the only position above her: the office of mayor.
Pauline leaned away from the mirror, closing her makeup palette and giving her voluminous red hair a swift brushing. “Now where did that idea come from?” she asked herself, an amused smile flickering at the corner of her lips. “Mayor of New Donk City, eh? You’re really getting ahead of yourself, girl.”
There was a knock at the door. She stood upright, taking a moment to examine her reflection and straighten her shoulder pads. “Yes?”
The door opened partway and a young man leaned into her office, chewing his gum in a cavalier manner. He certainly was a handsome specimen—wavy brown hair, chiseled chin, and a choice bod decked out in a three piece suit. She had forgotten how charming her boyfriend Kevin could be when he put in the effort, and Mr. Keene was pulling out all the stops today.
“Hey there, beautiful,” said Kevin, letting his eyes drift up and down her figure. “Just thought you should know the ambassador’s on her way up. A legit queen, by the looks of her.”
Pauline's mood soured almost instantly. “She’s a princess, Kevin,” she said, turning back to her reflection and buttoning up her suit jacket. “Try to get it right, would ya? We don’t need to screw up our relations with the other kingdoms just because you failed to do your homework.”
“Please, you think I got a seat on the council without putting in the effort?” he asked, flashing that irresistible smile her way. Playing fair was never his style, and Pauline knew it. She knew the man very well indeed.
“I think you dazzle everyone with your looks and win them over with your charm,” she said, not even trying to hide the snark in her tone. “As to whether or not you actually read the memos, I seriously doubt it.”
“Whatever works, right? You don’t seem to mind the way I look.”
The councilwoman glanced at her peer, unable to suppress a smile as she thought back on their night of passion. They had just received word of their promotions, and it seemed like a good time to celebrate. And boy, did they celebrate. Once they had popped the champagne, they made quick work of one another’s clothing, stripping naked and making sweet love on her new desk.
She had only just finished putting everything back in order when Kevin decided to interrupt her morning routine.
Pauline stood there for a moment, undressing Mr. Keene with her mind’s eye. She idly wondered if he was wearing another pair of those sexy, leopard print speedos underneath. “I never said it was a bad thing,” she confessed, “but let’s not forget who ran the errands and worked her tail off to get this promotion, shall we?”
Kevin snapped his fingers. “That’s right. Before I forget, the mayor wants somebody to give the ambassador... Excuse me, princess... a tour of city hall this afternoon. I told him I’d toss the ball in your court. You’re free, right?”
Pauline groaned, loudly. “Kevin, you know I’m swamped with permits to review. They’re breaking ground on the new power plant next week, remember?”
“Come on, babe, I wouldn’t ask if you weren’t the perfect woman for the job. You said it yourself—I’m no good with foreign dignitaries, and you know how cranky the mayor gets around women in power.”
“Yes, I’m well aware,” she said, the look on her face speaking to her long and storied history with that cantankerous ape.
“Besides, you’ve been on that power plant project for weeks now,” said Kevin. “I’m sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row, all ready to hunt. You’re always on top of that stuff.”
“Yes, I have to be. I’m a woman, after all. I can’t just jump to the top with the rest of the boys.” She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and repeating her mantras. “Fine. I’ll be out in a minute, but you owe me big, ya hear?”
“No problem. I can do big,” he said with a wink, stepping away from the door.
“Oh, and Kevin?” She waited for him to lean back in. “Don’t go around calling me ‘beautiful’ or ‘babe’ in city hall. As fellow council members, we need to treat one another with respect. Capeesh?”
“You got it, ma’am. We still on for dinner tonight?”
Such arrogance, but it did make her smile. “I’ll be sure to wear something nice.”
“And something exciting underneath, I hope.”
“Get out of my office, you cad.”
She may have found him amusing, but the councilwoman could not deny how good it felt to say it. This was her office, her little piece of the kingdom, so to speak, and even if she had to pick up the slack and cater to the whims of a spoiled princess, Pauline still felt a shiver of satisfaction every time she laid claim to the power she had earned.
With one final look in the mirror, she knew in her heart of hearts that she couldn’t stop now. First, she would stop dyeing her hair red to impress the men in her life. She would be a natural brunette with a natural talent for leadership. And the next time they told her to jump, she would defy their expectations and smash through the blocks in her way.
“Mayor Pauline,” she declared, and somehow, saying it aloud gave the dream substance. “It does have a nice ring to it.”
Guided by her ambitions, she left her office behind and marched out into the wider kingdom. Business meetings and matters of state swirled about her, punctuated by the endless chatter of landline phones and the buzzing rhythm of fax machines. But no matter how preoccupied the inhabitants of city hall appeared to be, they were never too busy to spare a moment for a rising star like Pauline.
True, she had become something of a legend in these halls of white and gold—the first woman to ever be appointed to city council, and under someone like Kong, no less. There was a great deal of respect evident in the faces around her, but perhaps it also had something to do with the way she looked at them in return. Rather than holding her eyes aloft, ignoring the secretaries and mailroom clerks like so many of her peers, Pauline repaid their admiration with a winning smile and a nod of recognition. These were her people, after all, and she would never forget how she had once toiled away as one of them, all in the name of New Donk City.
With several strides down the paneled halls, she soon found herself standing in a grand foyer. A beam of summer sun poured down from the skylight, giving a lustrous shine to the brass elevators and the flattened globe on the atrium floor. There were already Security Toads posted on either side of the elevator, serious as can be in their black suits and shades. In spite of their small stature, Pauline had no doubt these little guys would stop at nothing to protect their dear princess. All the more reason to pull herself together. She nodded to the guards, reassuring them that there would be no international incidents on her watch.
The councilwoman stepped forward with purpose, planting her feet next to the globe and straightening the corners of her suit jacket. She breathed in, calmly watching the fancy arrow rise above the elevator. She was ready to make an impression.
When the elevator chimed and the brass doors parted, however, Pauline Verducci knew that any impression she hoped to make would only be eclipsed by the beautiful woman standing before her.
A stunning white dress drifted downward, and the councilwoman found herself falling through curvaceous clouds of fabric and ruffles. Her gaze finally landed in a brilliant field of candy red, the color sweeping around the hem for eternity. Pauline couldn’t resist the urge to climb through the clouds once more, admiring full hips and a trim waist, feeling her mouth grow dry at the sight of the royal bosom. She almost forgot to climb higher when she saw the woman's cleavage, two half moons of perfect skin rising from the top of a white bodice. It was a good thing she remembered herself, however. Looking back on this moment, she would not have missed the view above for anything in the world.
At first, it was difficult to make out the facial features of this lovely woman, seeing as the bronzed surface of her tiara had so perfectly captured the summer sun. Pauline could only hold her breath, waiting for the light to dissipate, waiting to see beyond this castle in the sky. And when the princess stepped forward, she finally gasped.
Wow. Kevin didn’t say you were gorgeous.
Even as the thought crossed her mind, she knew the term gorgeous didn’t even begin to describe the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, not in the slightest. How could a mere word describe this sensational beauty, whose strawberry blonde hair tumbled over her shoulders in a sweet, whimsical way? And that face. Damn, that face was doing a number on Pauline’s emotions. Those baby blue eyes made everything seem new. The soft pink hue in her cheeks left a feeling of a summer in the air, and those lips, those cherry red lips smiling so innocently in her direction... I would give anything to kiss those lips right now.
“Stop it,” she mumbled to herself, doing her best to hide such strange desires. “What are you even thinking? You like men. You have a boyfriend, and just because a beautiful princess happens to walk into your life for one day—Holy tanooki, she’s coming this way.”
Pauline snapped out of it, stepping forward and extending her hand as any good ambassador should. “Welcome to our fair city, Princess Toadstool. I hope you are enjoying your visit.”
Offering a delicate curtsy that would melt a heart of steel, the princess offered her right hand to Pauline in greeting. “Very much so, Miss...?”
It was obvious from the angle of her hand that a certain gesture was expected of the councilwoman, and it was only now that Pauline realized the princess was not wearing any fancy gloves. Her smooth fingers were exposed to the sunlight, inviting a response so wonderful that Pauline could hardly believe her luck.
While it seemed unusual to approach another woman in this manner, she ultimately decided that this was neither the time nor the place to question another’s customs. Pauline could only hope that she did not appear too eager as she grasped the royal hand, gently and ever so slowly pressing her lips to the royal fingers.
“Pauline Verducci, your highness. On behalf of the New Donk City Council, it would be my honor to show you city hall and anything your heart desires.”
As the princess did not immediately lower her hand, Pauline could not hold back from kissing it once more. A tiny spark traveled through her as she did so. For some reason, she imagined sharing this energy with the princess, who raised her eyes to Pauline and smiled warmly as she accepted this promise of something wonderful, something that would only grow with time.
“You are too kind, Miss Pauline. I am at your disposal. Please, lead the way.”
With a final curtsy to her host, the princess revealed candy red heels underneath her dress, along with a marvelous view of her perfect ankles. Pauline was not sure if the revelation meant anything, but it did nothing to dispel this feeling that fluttered inside her chest, trembling at the prospect of new life. There was no escape from the feeling as she led the princess and her entourage through the halls of white and gold. With every word that passed between them and every introduction to the history of her beloved city, Pauline found herself falling under the spell of this delightful woman.
She could not explain it. She didn’t want to explain it. She just never wanted it to end.
As Pauline guided her guest to the top floor, carefully steering the group away from the mayor's office, she felt a sudden urge to share something beautiful in return.
“Princess, you must be tired of people leading you around the city. Would you like to take a break? I know the perfect spot, and it comes with a great view.”
The princess glanced at the councilwoman, and for the first time, Pauline could see a hint of exhaustion on the woman’s face. Now that she thought about it, those were some seriously high heels she had seen under the woman's skirt. The poor thing must be wiped out, putting on a show of elegance for everyone around her. It made Pauline feel somewhat special that the princess would appear vulnerable to someone like her.
“That would be lovely,” said Princess Toadstool. “Where did you have in mind?”
“It’s right this way. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.”
While they waited on her entourage and the guards to take position, Pauline turned her attention to a red door nearby, completely unadorned save for a small keypad. She went to work on punching in the code, moving her fingers up twice, down twice, and a couple of times to either side. Once she entered the last two digits, the door swung open automatically, revealing a paradise on the other side.
“Oh my stars,” said the princess, gazing in awe at the tropical scenery all around them. Pauline loved the look of wonder on the woman’s face, her blue eyes exploring every detail of this lush greenhouse. Although she seemed timid at first, the princess soon felt at home in this astonishing landscape that was somehow contained at the top of a skyscraper. Without a moment’s hesitation, she leaned over the tropical flowers along their path. She took in the sweet fragrance of an orchid, and Pauline simply stood by her side, marveling at the beauty of Princess Toadstool.
When she found her gaze drifting recklessly down the woman’s bodice, Pauline coughed gently and turned on her heels. “Ah, can I get you anything, princess? Coffee? Tea?” Me?
Of course, she caught herself before saying that last part aloud. What was she even thinking? What would the princess think? Such a ridiculous notion!
Princess Toadstool turned her attention away from the orchid and smiled. “You mean, there are refreshments in this wonderful place, as well?”
“Of course. Mayor Kong had this greenhouse built so he would feel more at home, but it can also serve as a decent party room in a pinch. The kitchenette is top of the line. I was thinking about making a cup of cappuccino, myself.”
“Oh dear,” said the princess, her cheeks turning bright pink. “I honestly don’t know. A cappuccino does sound delicious. Would you mind making one for both of us?”
“It would be my pleasure, your highness,” said Pauline, placing her hand gently on the princess’s arm and guiding her into the room. “Besides, I promised you a magnificent view. We might as well relax and enjoy it.”
Even as she spoke, the room gradually opened up before them, revealing a glass window that stretched from floor to ceiling. Tropical trees framed this majestic panorama, a vision of New Donk City in the waning light of day. The skyline was positively breathtaking from the top floor, a silver city rising in the sun, banners and billboards and neon lights telling stories of great success and even greater passions.
“Sweet mushrooms,” said Princess Toadstool. “It’s... it’s...”
“I know,” said Pauline. “There’s something magical about the place.”
“Truly. I’ve never seen anything like it, Pauline. I can see why you’re so devoted. The city must hold a special place in your heart.”
The councilwoman felt a blush rising in her cheeks. She stepped forward, hoping the princess had not seen, but when she stood before the window and stared out at the city she loved, she knew it would be impossible to hide.
“There’s just something about it,” she said, placing her hand on the glass. “The city means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Some find it stressful, a rat race of sorts, but they miss out on the magic. Some businessmen just see a bunch of dollar signs, as if there could ever be a strong, lasting industry without caring for the people. You know what I see?”
Pauline turned from the glass and smiled at her guest, completely unaware that she was glowing in the light of this glorious skyline. “I see a place where anything can happen, where the great and small may stand on a star and blaze a trail of their own desire. I see a place that gave me a chance to be something more, and now, I want to help make this place more beautiful than anyone ever dreamed possible.”
Silence hung in the air, and the women stared at one another for what felt like an eternity. Pauline suddenly felt embarrassed. She didn’t mean to babble on, revealing her heart and all its inner workings to someone she had only just met. She hadn’t even told Kevin her true feelings about New Donk City, afraid that her peer and lover may no longer see her as a serious politician. So why on earth did she feel the need to lay her cards on the table now?
Before she could apologize for that sappy speech, Pauline found herself stepping aside to let the princess join her in front of the window. Princess Toadstool reached out, touching the glass just like Pauline, resting her palm on the handprint left behind.
She looked out at the skyline for a moment, and then she looked back at Pauline with a warm smile, filled with such wonderful promise.
“I think I see it now,” said the princess in all sincerity, “and it is magical, because I got to see it through your eyes.”
There was something else hanging in the air now, a force that tugged at Pauline, drawing her closer to this woman, and her inner voice wasn't helping. Go on. Kiss the girl.
“Princess?” The scratchy voice of a Security Toad surprised them, dissolving any sense of this newfound energy. They looked down to find the little guy holding a giant brick of a phone, with an antenna nearly as tall as he was. “We just got word. Negotiations are breaking down in the Sand Kingdom. I’m afraid you’re needed in another castle.”
A great sigh escaped from the young woman, and Pauline immediately recognized the weight of responsibility that must be hanging over someone in her position. Princess Toadstool reached out and touched the councilwoman on the arm. “I do apologize. I was hoping it could wait for a few days, and you’ve been such a lovely host.”
“Please, no need to explain. Believe me, I know what it’s like to be interrupted. We have a job to do, and there’s no way around it.”
“Yes, that is true, although I do wish...” The princess trailed off. There was something else, something important she wanted to say. Pauline could see it in her eyes. “I do hope we will meet again, Pauline Verducci. Perhaps then we can have a nice talk over a cappuccino.”
Again, there was the urge to be closer to her, to tell this woman how she felt. It would be so nice to schedule a meeting now, and if the meeting suddenly turned into a night on the town, so be it. Pauline vetoed the idea before it could flourish. Honestly, this was their first meeting, and she needed some time to grapple with all of these new feelings.
Pauline shook her head. “No worries, princess. Drop by anytime.”
Her heart did a somersault as the woman took her hand. “Please. Call me Peach.”
As Pauline watched this beautiful woman walk out of her life, perhaps forever, she still found it within herself to smile. Peach. It was sweet, somewhat whimsical, and yet it suited her guest perfectly. She had always been a dreamer, aiming for the highest position and devoting herself to the Metro Kingdom way, but now this one girl, this lovely Peach, had given her a new dream to while away the hours.
When the last Security Toad had filed out of the room, shutting the red door behind the entourage, Pauline stood before the window, gazing at the horizon and the setting sun. “Come back soon,” she whispered, but in her heart of hearts, she knew the truth.
She would not see the princess again for many, many years.
Pauline turned back to the window, preparing herself for matters of state. She would not walk out of this room like some lovesick teenager. She would face the world as a councilwoman, blazing her own trail to the top.
A final look at the skyline would do the trick. The view always made her feel powerful, and then she would turn on her heels with ambition as her guiding star.
And perhaps the next time a princess walked into her life, she would truly be on top. She would be the mayor of New Donk City.
Until we meet again... Peach.
You can read more of Pauline and Peach's ongoing romance in the AO3 series Super Lesbian Odyssey, which features a remixed version of this story.
**Warning: Series contains explicit sexual content
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magnetiix · 2 years
💞 hit me russian roulette style for anyone you like man--
send me a 💞  and i’ll tell you something i like about your portrayal !! [closed!]  
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((Sam is a tiny girl with a lot of spice, and you know what? I like that a lot. In many ways she reminds me of you, which makes a lot of sense given her origins. I’m so so proud of how far both you and she have come! She’s got such a refreshing character, and it’s honestly a little hard to come by OCs with her kind of spice nowadays, especially fandomless, human OCs. She’s got the right balance of snark without being annoying or overdoing it, and there are so many more aspects of her personality that round out the edge she has and makes her a character I love to see on the dash every single time, without fail. Not to mention her gossiping too, that’s hilarious and such a kid/teen thing to do and it reminds me fondly of the shenanigans I got into as a kid. I love her bunches. And I love you, too!))
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sharkyboshaw · 2 years
im going to be extremely self-indulgent and ask for children hc's for either jelmi or zelnore 💞
let’s do both as a fun treat ok ash!!
name: cordelia (because it means “heart” and i want them to be that sappy and on the nose ok).
birthdate: picking march 29th because i want the full aries trifecta.
personality headcanon: perhaps a little more personable than her parents, at least at first brush. still has that same assertiveness though, especially when she feels a threat towards herself or loved ones. inherited the family snark, closer to helmi’s deadpan than jessie’s theatrics. but if on the right topic, she will exhibit jessie’s passed on tendency for rambling, but distinctly more cryptic.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: outside of “mama” variations, it was “look” with a very determined point, while trying to get her parents attention for something.
did they get in trouble in school: less than one might think, but only out of a knack for concealment and believable explanations. even still, moms would be called in once a year (and vehemently defend her).
which parent were they more attached to: fairly even and varied, but i think she would have a long stretch of being slightly more attached to jessie, who would try harder to to be the “fun parent.”
what was their favorite toy: a little set of wooden animal figurines jessie whittled (with one of helmi’s knives).
did they cry a lot as a baby: no, but when she did she was loud.
movie they watched over and over: bambi. no explanation it was just the first thing that came to mind and i think it’s funny.
what was their favorite subject in school: history and social studies.
were they social growing up or quiet: extremely variable with her mood, she was a little reserved but never exactly shy, and could be fairly friendly with the right people.
which parent do they take after: both, unfortunately for her.
what do they grow up to be: historical researcher and writer and collector of artifacts from the post collapse world.
three random headcanons: 1. calls hemli “morsa” (largely due to kajsa’s encouragement) while jessie insists on being called “mamma” (don’t tell her this is also a popular swedish diminutive for mother, she thinks she’s really winning something). 2. fairly studious, although she prefers active exploration and research to sitting behind a desk. 3. shares helmi’s habit of dyeing her hair, but instead of going blonde she goes bright red to have a stronger resemblance to her momma jessie.
likes & dislikes: she loves family time and storytelling, especially about the past or wintertide’s history and practices. she likes staying active and exploring new environments, always a curious child. she hates being cooped up alone for too long and when people are secretive or condescending.
do they get along with their parents: they all butt heads from time to time, but they’re all also extremely loyal and close knit, so conflicts don’t tend to impair the relationship.
faceclaim: nyane lebajoa
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name: aneira
birthdate: june 14th let’s throw a gemini into the mix!
personality headcanon: you know she’s inheriting a huge ego:/ learned a bit more of lenore’s tact over zellah’s brusqueness, but also tends to be a bit more reserved and cold in zellah’s style. still, a good public speaker and eloquent, although rarely overly emotional. has a tendency to be somewhat manipulative.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: “give,” while reaching for something.
did they get in trouble in school: never. she was a good student with irreproachable manners, if she ever did anything wrong she certainly never got caught.
which parent were they more attached to: leans slightly more towards lenore, but she and zellah have plenty of bonding time and their own things.
what was their favorite toy: a music box that zellah crafted the parts for and the family all painted together.
did they cry a lot as a baby: no, perfect baby.
movie they watched over and over: ig they don’t have movies, but she was taken to the opera and plays quite often.
what was their favorite subject in school: history and math tie!
were they social growing up or quiet: leaning more towards the reserved side, but she’s very capable of being social and turning on the charm when she really needs to.
which parent do they take after: definitely both, but people tend to associate her as “lenore’s girl” more immediately.
what do they grow up to be: military strategist. between the diplomatic relations and mechanical knowledge, baby girl belongs in the war room.
three random headcanons: 1. probably the eldest of a batch of siblings, since her parents both had them and would probably want their kiddos to have them as well. (even though zellah claims to dislike her siblings.) 2. somewhat musically inclined, she can play a few instruments and has a nice singing voice, although she doesn’t always like to share. 3. excellent listener with an incredible memory. if she pretends to not remember something you’ve told her before, it’s probably a purposeful act.
likes & dislikes: she likes music, cooking, healthy competition, and exploring museums and libraries. dislikes inflexible rules and having to deal with people who are overly emotional, naive, or ignorant.
do they get along with their parents: for the sake of public appearances, at least, although there have probably been times of subtle internal tension.
faceclaim: sydney sweeney
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