#her weapon is a scythe because of course it is
mischeva · 9 months
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percyluvr · 7 months
Hey I just rediscovered your blog and you're doing amazing <3 can I request percy and a daughter of thanatos
percy jackson x daughter of thanatos!reader summary: percy admires his girlfriend while she trains wc: 398
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Percy never really thought of himself as the stalker type, though many at Camp Half-Blood would disagree. He could often be found where you were, but off in the distance, just admiring you going about your day. Not in a creepy way, just in a wow look at my girlfriend, she's so beautiful, I love her type of way.
You knew about his habit, of course. It wasn't like he was even remotely sneaky about it, almost like he didn't care if you knew or not, and you found it incredibly cute.
If the two of you weren't dating, you would find it slightly concerning, but you are, so you didn't mind it.
Today, you were sparring with Clarisse, and Percy was, of course, on the bench just staring lovingly at you.
You and Clarisse, whom you claimed to be your best friend, despite Percy's objections, often trained together. Typically when sparring at camp, you weren't allowed to use any abilities, just your weapon, but when you and Clarisse sparred, there were almost no rules. The only rule the two of you put down was: no life-threatening injuries. So, with that rule in place, you and Clarisse could go as crazy as you wanted, as long as you didn't kill each other.
Being a daughter of Thanatos, you harbored some pretty impressive powers and natural skill with a scythe, which you had to beg Chiron mercilessly to actually allow you to use in sparring.
Percy's personal favorite way you liked to show off your heritage was when you summoned a large skeleton cat, vicious to your opponents but overtly affectionate with you, and occasionally Percy as well. He thought it was awesome that you could summon almost anything from the underworld, but you always chose a cat. It was adorable, in his opinion at least. To your enemies, it was insanely scary.
He was caught up in his daydreaming when a zap of electricity flickered past his head, undoubtedly a byproduct of Clarisse's, in his opinion idiotic, spear.
"One day you're gonna die of lovesickness, and I'm gonna laugh," Clarisse jokes.
Percy looks up to see you grinning down at him, and he decides that bickering with Clarisse can wait until another day, because the sweetest girl he knows is right in front of him grinning at him like he's the only thing in the world that matters.
a/n: haii i'm so glad you found my blog again <3 and thank you so much! this req was so cutie so thanks again :)
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normansnt · 1 year
Handsome (Sanjixmale!reader)
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Warnings: reader gets shot, nothing to specific though, mention of broken ribs.
*nightmare devil fruit*:
You can detect your opponents worst fears by touching them and can make illusions for them to see and live through it.
Bright red
That was every girls cheek the moment they laid eyes on your handsome face, muscular build and nice fashion sense which fitted your body perfectly.
You are handsome
Everyone pretty much agreed
Very stereotypically handsome and women notice that, and they swoon over you
And to top it all you have a very charming personality with a kind and attractive tone
You are what people might describe as every woman's (who is attracted to men that is) dream.
Even Nami and Robin admitted to how handsome you are, of course they didn't swoon Nami is a lesbian missing Vivi, and Robin was too mature for that.
You joined the strawhats in alabasta when you tagged along with Robin to join them since you worked under crocodile as well to archive your dream of making the world a better place, you wanted to catch the right time and stop his horrible plans but the strawhats showed up and did the job for you. You didn't know what to do after so you tagged along with Robin who you befriended at that time.
Since then wherever you went you went with them.
You loved the crew and made a very powerful asset as well with your natural fighting skills with your scythe and your nightmare devil fruit*.
Since you were part of the strawhats wherever you went it was with them and the ladies swooned over you.
Sanji hated that.
He hated that ladies payed attention to you instead of him, he hated that they got all red in the face and even more beautiful that way whenever they looked at you.
But he mostly hated that even he had to admit that he agrees with those ladies.
He agrees you are handsome.
He agrees your smile is the most calming thing he ever saw.
He agrees that your charming personality and kind voice makes his legs weak and his cheeks burn so red he thinks he and his heart might blow up.
Thats why sanji prefers not to be around you, you confuse him and make him feel...things he never felt, not just towards a guy towards anyone.
This however made you believe he hates you.
And you just couldn't understand why.
When ladies swooned over you, you never did anything.
You just continued to be kind not thinking much of it since you were obviously gay.
And screwed.
Because of course you had to fall in love with the most lady obsessed man on your crew who not to mention hates you (or so you think).
He was just so kind, and considerate. Of course his perviness could be reather annoying but even so he was still looking out for women and respecting them, which most man don't.
The same thing happened in Thriller park.
When Perona saw you after you guys were awakened by Usopp she got red in the face and whispered to herself "he is so handsome I almost feel bad for making him depressed" that pissed off sanji. Of course he thought Perona was cute, but she of course noticed you and you didn't even answer her.
The next straw was when he wanted to rescue Nami-san, you tagged along and Absalom looked at you and immediately thought you are a big threat his exact words were: "you, handsome, you came for my bride there is no way Im letting her see you"
He didn't know you were Nami's crew mate since you didn't have a wanted poster either.
That extremely annoying for Sanji since he wanted to be the knight in shining armor for Nami.
Yelled Sanji to get Absaloms attention.
However Absalom attacked you first paying him no mind. Now you wouldn't have a problem defeating him however when he got close so you could attack he disappeared and that caught you off guard.
You lifted you weapon just in time to block his punch and gave huge thanks to your reflexes. While this was happening Sanji had a perfect opportunity to get to Nami and he knew your strength, he knew you could handle yourself. But he wanted to beat Absalom. He wanted to beat the pervert peeking at Nami-san when she was bathing.
So he yelled
"Y/N" in a very pissed off tone.
You snapped your head in his direction thinking he got hurt or anything of that sort with the way he yelled, you were worried.
This however got your attention away from Absalom giving him an opening which he took immediately and shot right towards your heart.
The bullet hit you and you fell backwards with shock painted on your face.
Sanji stopped.
His breathing stoppen.
Everything was playing in slow motion as you fell towards the ground with a bullet in your chest.
This was his fault.
If he had not gotten your attention away from your opponent you would not have gotten hit.
Sanji was feeling empty.
Even he didn't know what happened with his feelings.
The only thing he knew was you were hurt and he did not. like. that.
The moment your body hit the ground Sanji attacked Absalom kicking him so hard he passed out.
And then kneeled down to your body.
"Y/N?Y/N! Can you hear me?" He started to panic he did not want to lose you. He looked at your chest and he saw that the bulled hit just under you heart very likely not damaging your heart just breaking a few ribs.
"Sanji" you coughed out "Nami, Nami is getting take--" you coughed up blood not being able to finish your sentence. Sanji looked behind him and you were right. While he was busy worrying about you Absalom took Nami and disappeared, literally.
That is the moment Sanji realized.
He let Nami out in the open alone because he wanted to get to you.
You, the guy who had such an amazingly kind personality every girl who he claimed to want swooned over.
You who always smiled at him even if he didn't smile back or act just a little bit rude.
You, who offered to help clean up after every meal the crew had and even though he told you no every time (rather harshly) you still at least collected the plates and put them on the counter next to where he was washing the dishes.
He loved you
That is what he realized in that moment.
That was the most confusing thing to him.
How did he love a man?
"Sanji-" your raspy voice broke him out of his trance and he got to his senses you guys had to move or else there would be trouble.
After defeating Moria the straw hats celebrated. Not just the new victory but the new crew mate as well.
Sanji was in the kitchen preparing more food for luffy everyone. And you just can't shake the thought of what happened.
Sanji ran to your aid instead of staying by Nami's side and protecting her. In a way he choose you over Nami.
No, there is no way that's too far fetched. You just couldn't figure it out.
So there was only one thing to do.
Ask him.
Now this was trickier then it sounded.
With you thinking he hates you, approaching him was not easy.
But you had to do it if you wanted to get an answer.
Which you really wanted to.
So you stood up from your place next to Usopp and with claiming you will go to get another drink you were off to the kitchen.
Sanji was zoning out. Thinking about you. About how nice the button up shirt you were wearing looked on you and how it defined you muscles.
"Hey Sanji" you said stepping into the kitchen. He was still focusing on cutting meat and let out a "hmm" as greeting.
That did not help your already raging anxiety.
"I... great food tonight you did really great" this was quite awkward the way you said it however you did mean it. He said "mhmm" without giving you a glance and continuing what he is doing. Sanji did not mean any harm from this he just didn't want to look at you fearing a nose bleed.
"Anyway I was just wondering..." you were getting more anxious by the moment due to his cold demeanor. "Uhhhh" 'oh come on Y/N spit it out already he is already fed up with you' you thought to yourself.
"Can I ask you a question?" Finally better than nothing you are in it now there is no way out.
Sanji stoped what he was doing just for a split second.
"Sure" and he continued what he was doing
'Finally words' you thought to yourself your anxiety lowering just a little.
"Ok so... uhhh... its about what happened" pause "in Thriller park when we fought Absalom"
Sanji was confused. He already apologized for messing with your fight and for the broken ribs you suffered for it, he couldn't really look in your eyes from shame (you thought from hate), but he still did it. Not to mention you sounded nervous, why? At this point he put his knife down and looked at you (well kinda) leaning his back on the kitchen counter trying his hardest to prevent a nose bleed from your muscular forearms which showed because of your rolled up sleeves.
This of course just made you more nervous, you always thought he was handsome but when he looked right at you with his blue eyes you could faint.
"Well I was just wondering..." 'oh my god Y/N spit it out!' You literally yelled at yourself in your mind.
"Why did you come to my aid when you could have helped Nami?"
There it was, out in the open. Now he will either gat mad at you or you will get an actual advice, he already hates you whats the worst that could happen.
"Well..." he started slowly "I don't quite understand your confusion, I mean you were seriously wounded not to mention it was my foult--"
"No" you said cutting him off "I mean yeah it was kinda but it was my decision to look away and not pay attention so it was more my fault... but thats not what I mean." You corrected yourself quickly, then sighed.
"Look we all know how much you love Nami and for you to get to me instead of a lady who is Nami is just to weird--"
"Because..." started Sanji cutting you off "I..." he was screwed, he had no idea how to tell you why he did what he did without confessing his love to you which just got stronger by every passing day.
"I...don't actually know its just what I did it was in the past, it already happened so I do not see any need to discuss this any further" he said kind of hastily to rush the conversation along.
This hurt you. You knew he hated you but... well when does it not hurt when your crush just wants you out of his sight.
You turned around and were about to leave when
"Now, can you answer a question?" Asked Sanji in a calm tone. You were surprised to say the least. This was probably the longest conversation you guys ever had.
"I... uh sure" you were kind of happy he was not that fed up with you yet.
"Why do you never do anything about women swooning over you all the time?"
"What?" This caught you off guard, very much so, what did that have to do with anything?
"Don't play dumb you see how they cheeks get pink and how they look the other way giggling, why do you never act on that, with your looks and charm you could get any women in the world and I don't know how but you don't even do anythi--" laughing.
Your laughter cut Sanji off. It was a lovely laugh, he knew that he liked your laugh a lot. But why were you laughing?
"Sanji...what?" You asked flabbergasted, still chuckling a bit. He was just staring at you silently. That told you everything.
"Sanji... Im gay" you said with still an amused expression on your face.
Sanji suddenly understood everything. Your good sense of fashion, your kind nature you being very good friends with Nami and Robin.
"And as for how Im charming" you continued to answer him.
"Im not" you smiled lightly " I mean you saw how anxious I was when talking to you the guy I like I mean you do hate me but still, Im not charming, the only thing I do is treat women... well not like a pervert and not like they are only boobs, and a pretty face, but like they are actually a person, which they are however men fail to notice that" you continued smiling, blissfully unaware of what you said at the beginning of your statement.
Sanji wasn't unaware however. He stopped functioning the moment you said you liked him and then his eyes bulged out of his skulls when you said he hates you.
"Hold on..." he didn't even know where to start.
"You think I hate you?" He went with that first
"Well based on the fact that this is the longest conversation we ever had, yes." You said dumbfounded still not aware that you confessed to him.
"I..." he felt really bad. You thought he hated you when in reality he just had feelings for you that scared him. "No, I don't hate you, not at all in fact..." should he do it? Well you confessed first so that made it easier.
"I like you... a lot, actually I kinda... sorta...love...you" and he said it. He confessed, real love, to a man, you.
Thats when you realized what you said, that you said you liked him. That you just confessed to the man you have loved since you saw his adorable curly eyebrows and silky blond hair.
You turned tomato red, Sanji chuckled at this finding you adorable.
"Ehh... wait, you love me?" You were short circuiting, this was not happening, but...how?
"Well... thats what I just said" he said not so sure of himself anymore. You just said you liked him but he already confessed his love for you. Now it was his time to turn red or he was about to when you leaped into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"I love you to" you whispered in his ears.
Sanji hugged you back slowly, relishing in your sent.
When you two parted you looked in his eyes, ocean blue, you loved it.
"Uhh... before the urge to kiss you gets to strong I should probably tell you...uhh" stuttered Sanji
"This is my first...kiss...relationship?...or anything romantic with a guy--mmhhp" before he could finish you kissed him.
You kissed him.
Sanji was above every cloud there is. Your soft lips on his.
The way they moved against his, fitting together like puzzle pieces, it was addictive.
When you licked his lips to ask for entrance he gave it to you right away craving more of you. You sat him up on the kitchen counter while discovering his mouth with your tongue. There was not much of a fight for dominance since Sanji was dazed from kissing you. Since you needed air you slowly parted your lips from his and looked in his eyes.
You were both panting slightly, with red faces.
"So, how was that for first romantic experience with a man?" You smiled kindly again.
How could you kiss him like playboy and smile like a child with puppy eyes the next moment he'll never know. Thats just one more thing he loved about you.
Interesting how things turned out the handsome man he was so jealous of for all the attention he got from the ladies ended up his handsome boyfriend.
I actually didn't plan on my next fic being a Sanji fic but I got this great idea for him so I had too.
Also you guys didn't like my last Sanji fic😭
But thats ok I loved it a lot so😛
I love this man and to be hones I hate that cuz his perviness is annoying but I cant help it the heart wants what the heart wants kids remember that🫡
ANYWAY I don't know who or what my next fic is gonna be WE SHALL SEE WHEN THE CREATIVITY STRIKES ME🫠
Well I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies, gentlemen and others, good afternoon good evening and good night🧡🦖
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iridescentpull · 9 months
Everything hurts.
Pac groans in pain as he is downed again. How many times has he been killed now, eight times? Ten? Twelve? He’s not sure– and frankly, he doesn’t care anymore. He just wants those fucking eye worker things to be gone.
Someone is picking him up– Pac’s not sure who it is. Everything is so blurry, so hazy. He remembers thanking them as he stands on his legs, hissing when the bruises on the stump of his prosthetic leg ache. He hears more screaming, more fighting, he thinks he heard the sound of someone dying, but he’s not sure of who.
Everything is too much.
Pac turns around, stumbling when he hears Bagi’s broken voice. What happened? His head is spinning, and everything seems to come in and out of focus.
“Who did that?!” She screams, a rage in her voice Pac has never heard come from her. “WHO DID THAT?!”
He’s confused– what happened? He grabs his comm with shaking hands, thinking something was said in chat.
Empanada is bleeding.
Empanada was slain.
He freezes. His heart stops, mind going quiet as gunshots and yells overlap. But– But Empanada was right here. She was behind him, running away with her frying pan in her hands when Pac was downed. How could she be dead? Not again, not again, not again.
“No, no, no...” He mumbles, watching as Bagi and Fit push the worker with their scythes and corners it. The male stumbles towards the worker, hands clenched into fists. He has nothing– those fuckers destroyed his home, destroyed his armour and weapons, took away one of Em’s lives...
He punches, because that’s all he can do.
He punches with as much strength he can muster (which isn’t a lot), mindful to not get between it and Bagi. He keeps punching, again and again and again because how dare they?! How DARE they hurt his family.
Then Bagi yells.
“YOU KILLED EMPANADA, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” She screams, stabbing the worker with her scythe and downing it. “YOU PIECE OF SHIT!”
Pac stumbles back, freezing.
He’s heard that tone before, accompanied by wide, crazy blue eyes and blodied, sharp fangs.
He tries to breathe, but his body feels out of his control. He gets goosebumps as Bagi screams and yells with grief and anger in her voice as she stabs the worker over, and over, and over, and over. Fit stands back, hand going white by the grip he has on his scythe and a mix of anger and guilt on his face.
At some point, the body of the Eye Worker stumbles towards his frozen body. Bagi, in her fit of rage, doesn't see him and continues stabbing the Worker. Pac feels a flash of pain in his abdomen, and he collapses, downed once again but this time by Bagi. He doesn’t dare to move or to speak– he needs to be as quiet and still as he can if he wants to live, to survive.
He starts to get picked up by someone, but all Pac can manage to say is that they can leave him, he’s fine. He gets picked up, of course, but all he can do is stand there, paralized, as Bagi continues her rampage on the eye worker.
Everything hurts, and all he can do is watch.
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vershl · 4 months
I'm not sure if you've thought about this yet, but what are all of the Gems' weapons?
I have a feeling that Knuckles' weapon is somewhat similar to Garnet's dual-wielding gauntlets, but what about the others?
Okay so my answer is going to be kind of limited atm, I haven't doodled any of the others, but I'll do my best to answer you!
So first off, yes, Knuckles uses his gloves just like Garnet's dual gauntlets. It's perfect for him, and I couldn't picture him using any other weapon.
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don't drool over him in the first doodle pls, i already did enough of that-- ahem
also GOD y'all love jacket shad, we'll keep it, we'll keep it. sheesh- i'll even put a star on the back to mirror sonic's gem and it'll be really gay and cute ANYWAY, read my stuff
Shadow's is still in the works, but I'm REALLY liking the scythe idea. With his game motif as well of course. I'm still not entirely sold on it, part of me is contemplating a spear for a nod to 'Chaos Spear'. The handle in the first sketch will remain the same for sure, but I may fiddle with the spear thought. I contemplated giving him a gun of course, but I don't think it really fits in the SU world.
Now Sonic... I have NO idea to be honest with you. I'm going back and forth on whether he even has a weapon or not.. he has his speed and could fight like his normal game self. Then I get the idea of maybe he uses a sword? And I just now got the idea of spikes along his body, so when he runs fast/spins into someone it just shreds them. Adding on the thought of lightning abilities, don't know where that one came from but I like it-- I don't know, what do you guys think?
Amy uses her signature hammer, I'll definitely play with the design more. But yep, she gets to keep her weapon.
Tails is going to use gadgets/inventions to help in battles, and is the designated medic. He's not a frontline fighter.
So I have two ideas for our stupid bat bitch; One, I dress her and equip her like a rogue, which would be sick I think. And two, dress and equip her like a paladin, sword and shield style. I'll play with both ideas, but I am leaning a bit more towards the rogue.
Gonna be real? Zero idea. I mean I COULD give him a sword.. or ice powers because he's a sapphire. But in SU we've never seen a sapphire fight, so we don't really know a thing about their abilities in combat. But yeah, could be cringe and have him be the ice to blaze's fire.
Speaking of Blaze; She uses her fire abilities to fight, encasing her fists or feet in flames, she uses martial arts in combat. Hers was simple and easy to come up with, lmao.
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snakegorl212006 · 1 month
Chapter 2
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(A/n: this minecraft monistary is actuly impressive
"So then we all agree, and the prophecy stats that one of us is the green ninja and the issue will not rest until it’s decided” Jay stated as he locked up the dragon gates “may i suggest a tournament” zane proposed “The last ninja standing is the best” he adds as he walks up to the monastery “ and will be declare as the green ninja.HA! I love it” kai committed through his laugh  but quickly hissed from the pain the pineapple brought upon his face “You think you can do the tournament kai. She hit you pretty hard with that fruit” cole ask “ya I guess” kai answered as he rubbed his face and pricked out a piece of skin from the pineapple that was stuck in his skin. The ninja made it to the monastery to see nya trying to complete the training course but getting smacked by the side of an axe and falling on her back. Jay walked up to her and took off his ninja mask “Hey Nya getting closer to beating your brother’s speed record” he asked helping her up “well i'm getting there” she chuckled lightly “I heard what happened in town just a false alarm” Nya asked “Ya and kai got defeated by a girl” Jay chuckled “You can’t laugh about it either Jay. because of her you got hit too” Kai yelled pointing at Jay “but you got it worse” Jay laughed. Nya looked confused “A little girl what's so important about that” Nya asked “she was helping Lloyd escape” cole explained “There was something different .I have a feeling this isn't a normal girl” Zane added thinking slightly. Everyone turned to him  “ I saw a bit of her face and her eyes glowed a golden color and she had purple scales covering parts her face and thought out her tan skin in fact I think I saw the tip of her tail” zane explained.”you know you might be on to something there’s no way some normal person can throw a pineapple that hard from a far distance” Cole added “Hay now did you mentioned it i did see a faint glow in her eyes” jay mentioned. Kai laughed “Listen I know that you guys are trying to convince me the serpentine are real but isn't this going a bit too far she probably has good aim”. He turns to nya “Anyways sorry sis but we need the space” he said as Cole headed to the armor closet. He tost a helmet which hit Jay on the head “Two matches,then the winners of each face off for the title. Armor is for our own protection” cole explained “ It’s time to see what these babies can do” he spoke holding his scythe up high. “Hey Nya wanna stick around and watch me mop the floor with them” Kai asked “no thanks” nya replied “I think I’m going to Jamanakai Village” she stated as she headed out “knock yourselves out” she said as she left.
“Ok first round: Kai VS Jay.” Cole announced. Both draw their weapons and prepare for battle. The battle was shockingly enough but Kai brung in the fire and came out victorious.
“Next up Cole VS Zane” kai announced while Jay sulked silently.Both bowed and prepared for battle. Zane had the advantages and managed to freeze cole inplace as but was cole who pined zane down with his scythe which ended the match
“For the prize and title of best ninja  blah blah ninja go” jay spoke lazaly. The battle was intense as both seemed to be equally matched but Cole seemed to have the upper hand as he crashed the floor below which tripped Kai and he won the match. Jay and zane cheered. Kai growls what though to be in frustration as he jumps and spins all over the place “it’s too Hot” he said as his sword catched on fire “Its burning “ zane says in astonishment As Jay yells Fire. Kai uses his spinjitzu to make an attempt to cool the sword down he managed to drop the sword causing fire to spread across the yard. Due to the commotion sensei wu came out of the temple and used the shurikens of ice to douse the flames  “What were you thinking?” wu asked “we were trying to figure out who was the green ninja” Jay replied truthfully only to be earned a smack from zane "Ow! Oh did I say green ninja? No ,sorry, what I said was lean” Jay adds trying to cover up what he said but it did not make anything better for himself nor the team. “You were not supposed to see this” wu said “but sensei we want to know. Which one of us is the chosen one?” Kai asked “None of you,If you don’t unlock your full potential “Wu said as he walked away “but my sword , it was so bright. Is this what you meant by unlocking our golden weapons”Kai questions again “you are only at the beginning,and the road is long and winding.But yes, this is what i meant” wu explains “If this is what it must take for you to train,then so be it. But none of you are near the level of what it takes to be the green ninja” wu scolded as he walks back to the monastery. 
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bridgyrose · 1 month
Weeks had passed since the festival at Vale and Weiss still couldnt seem to get her mind off Ruby. That single human had been kinder to her than her entire family, fed her and showed her sights that she’d never forget over the course of a single day. And yet… all she did was run away. 
Too afraid to get close to anyone, too afraid to hurt someone that she could remotely think she cared about. It was why she moved from village to village, only ever staying for a few days to maybe a couple weeks at a time, keeping track of the full moon and waiting until it passed before even trying to enter a village. 
Even now as Weiss ran through the forest, she cursed herself for letting herself slip up. One too many days spent in a village when she thought she had more time before the full moon, her ears twitching as she listened to the voices that chased her. She ran into a stream and followed it down, avoiding branches and twigs and anything else her fur could potentially catch onto to keep hunting dogs from being able to track her. Though, she knew it wouldnt keep anyone off her trail for long. Huntsmen didnt need dogs to keep track of monsters, they were taught well enough how to track them even through the streams and rivers. All she could hope for was that her tracks would disappear quicker than the huntsmen could follow. 
Weiss finally found a spot to stop and rest, stepping out of the stream and laying down against a tree as she watched the sun rise through the branches. She panted as she curled up, her body starting to burn as her bones cracked and her body shifted. Patches of fur fell away as the rest became the fur lined cloak that she wore, her clothes more tattered than normal as she pulled the cloak around her. Scars where silver weapons cut into her lined her shoulders and arms as the wounds tried to heal. 
Her ears twitched once more as she heard leaves crunching in the distance and she picked herself up. Maybe she was tired from running, or maybe she was ready for this all to end, but as she picked herself up, she didnt grab anything like she normally would, keeping ready to lunge. As the footsteps stopped and she could smell a familiar scent, she lunged from behind the tree, only to be pinned to the ground with a blade to her throat. 
“Weiss! I found you!” 
The anger left Weiss’s eyes as she took a good look at the huntress that had her pinned. Silver eyes looked down on her as the scythe blade was moved away from her neck. “R-Ruby?” 
Ruby nodded and folded up her scythe. “I’m sorry for scaring you, but I had to find you-” 
“You were supposed to leave me alone!” Weiss staggered a bit as she stood up, brushing dirt, twigs, and leaves out of her hair and tail. “I ran because I didnt want to hurt you!” 
“I know, but… I didnt want you to leave yet.” Ruby sat down and started to rummage through her pack until she found some dried meat and unwrapped it. “So, I tried to follow you and track you down. Found a couple villages that mentioned someone like you had been in the area and tried to follow where you went. It wasnt until the request for huntsmen to track down and kill a werewolf that fit your description came across that I was sure I’d find you.” 
“And if it hadnt been me?” Weiss asked. 
“I’m not sure. Probably would’ve left them alone. But you should eat. I’d be hungry too if I was chased for as long as you were.” 
Weiss wanted to protest, but as she smelled the dried meat that was held out to her, it became harder to resist. She snatched a piece out of Ruby’s hands and looked away as she tore a bite. She swallowed and sat down, fingers running over the meat. “Thank you,” she said quietly. 
Ruby nodded and took a bite of her own. “Are you sure you want to be out here alone?” 
“It… it keeps me safe,” Weiss answered, no longer believing her own words. Being alone was supposed to keep her safe, but then she slipped up. She failed to keep an eye on the moon, she shifted in front of someone she was supposed to be helping, bit them, probably turned them if the lingering taste of blood meant anything. Being alone nearly got her killed as she ran for her life. Had she had a pack, had a friend, everything would’ve been different. 
She quietly ate the rest of her meat and pulled her knees to her chest. “Or… it was supposed to.” 
“You could still come home with me,” Ruby offered.
“And what happens when I shift?” Weiss asked. “Or if I bite you and turn you? What if I hurt you or nearly kill you? I cant control myself when I’m a wolf, what makes you think you’ll be safe?” 
“If you bite me and turn me, I’ll stay with you. If you hurt me or nearly kill me, then I’ll keep you safe from anyone who wants to go after you. I want to be with you, control or not, safe or not.” A blush crossed Ruby’s cheeks. “Meeting you brightened up my world. Even if I’ve only just met you, I wouldnt dream of living the rest of my life without knowing you.” 
Weiss paused as a blush crossed her own cheeks at Ruby’s words. She looked over to Ruby and saw her hand extended out to her, waiting for her own. She reached out with her hand, fingers lingering a bit before she finally touched Ruby’s and took her hand. “Are you sure about this?” 
“I am.” 
Weiss smiled a bit and stood up, using her free hand to adjust her cloak around her. “And how do you propose we get back to your place?” 
“I’m sure my sister will help.” 
Months Later
Weiss took a deep breath as she sat at the edge of the forest, relaxing as she took in the scents and felt the crisp air on her face. The way the air was warming up and the smell of flowers getting ready to bloom meant spring was just around the corner. Which meant she’d see more of the rabbits and deer she preferred in the coming weeks. 
“Weiss!” Ruby called out from the garden. “Can you come help?” 
“Coming!” Weiss called back as she slowly got up. She made her way around the cabin and towards the back to where Ruby was starting to ready a plot for a garden. “You know it’d be easier to wait for the ground to warm up first, right?” 
“Yeah, but its easier to start tilling it now so I can get it ready for the first day of spring,” Ruby said as she wiped away a bit of sweat from her brow. “And then I can teach you a thing or two about growing vegetables and other flowers.” 
“And what makes you think I want to learn any of that?” 
“Because I’ve seen the way you linger around the flowers in the forest. And maybe learning how to grow some flowers will help you learn how to control yourself as a wolf.” 
“And how do you figure that?” 
Ruby shrugged. “Patience and practice?” 
Weiss shook her head and knelt down next to Ruby, pressing her fingers into the cold dirt as she helped move the top layer of soil. “And if it doesnt help?” 
“Then it doesnt help and we keep trying to figure out what will.” 
“Even if I hurt you again?” 
Ruby moved her hand to her shoulder and nodded. “I told you I was going to stay with you no matter what. Besides, the doctor said I’d be better for the spring anyway. And then we can go on hunts together.” 
Weiss smiled softly at Ruby, her canines showing a bit. “Just as long as you’re careful around the full moon, my love.”
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phonydiaries · 10 months
fuck it this WIP has been collecting dust on my laptop in photoshop for over a week at this point and I just have no willpower left to finish it so you're getting half-assed Oz AU art. anyways,
Behold: Pinocchicrow
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aka the Reaper of the West, guard dog to the Wicked Witch
lore dump below the cut!
I took some inspiration for this version of P from several Oz retellings because I love a good mish-mash.
From the book/musical Wicked, I drew inspiration from the plot point where the Witch falls in love with a man named Fiyero who is captured and tortured for having ties to her. Out of love for Fiyero, the Witch transforms him into a scarecrow so he can no longer feel pain or die. So, that inspired some situation where P was near death and was granted immortality by the Witch in exchange for his servitude as a near-indestructible enforcer of her iron will. His title as Reaper of the West is spoken in hushed tones throughout Oz, a force great and powerful.
Also took some inspo from the play The Woodsman (which is a prequel about the origin of the tin man and it is HEARTBREAKING) in which it is said that the people of Oz stopped speaking entirely for fear of being overheard by the Witch, who spies on them through the eyes of crows. So P is always accompanied by his mechanical crow, Snarlspats (named after the witch from the book The Forgotten Witches of Oz).
The blades of the legion, which I've opted to affectionately name Fiyero, were of course built from remnants of the Emerald City, which has been overtaken by the Witch. Haven't drawn it yet, but I think he'd obviously wield an enormous scythe as his signature weapon with a blade sort of modeled to look like the head/beak of a raven.
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marrow-minded · 1 year
God, so I'm rewatching the Deathstalker fight right? And I'm just noticing how brave Jaune is??? Like, it's not much and maybe I'm reading too much into it but Jaune's little "Man, we gotta get over there! They need help!" line just tells you so much about him like??? Even though he is well aware that he isn't the best of fighters, he's still so willing to throw himself against this GIANT fucking scorpion monster. It's making me emotional.
I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT YOU *GET* ME!!!!! like he literally JUST SAID "run and live! thats an idea i can get behind" but the SECOND it looks like these other students- because really only ruby is his FRIEND the rest are just his fellow students theyre not even on teams yet- he immediately, *instinctively* wants to protect them and THAT is the core of jaune arc. he just wants to help people. he just wants to protect his friends.
hes TERRIFIED in this moment, by far the weakest member, but he has HEART. people act like him cheating into beacon is something to hold against him but like. this isnt a college or academics course, where hes taking up a spot that could go to someone more deserving, this is a HUNTSMAN academy and to me (and to ozpin i reckon) that willingness to throw yourself on the line for your fellow people? that willingness to take risks just to do some good in this world? that drive to protect people from monsters?? those are all qualities that the best hunters should have; skill with a weapon, control of your semblance? those are all things you can be taught. that drive to help strangers despite the odds cannot
ozpin let ruby in for the same reasons, not just because she can swing a scythe, but because she had that simple soul that makes her a great huntsman. and im willing to bet he saw the same in jaune
i love jaune and i wish people would give him the same chance they give everyone else because genuinely, like a lot of characters, if you look beneath the terrible writing and the surface level propaganda, theres something really interesting and compelling to be discovered :')
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Soul Eater Characters + Pulling Hair In A Fight
pulling hair is so beneath her
she prefers to win her fights with skill and grace
will pull soul’s hair during scuffles
denies this
honestly does not pull hair
“i’m literally a weapon why would i need to?”
is secretly scared of what maka would do if he so much as looks at a pigtail
doesn’t pull hair on purpose (sometimes he accidentally grabs some)
the one time he tried to pull hair during a sparring match he got absolutely curbstomped
(note: never try to pull a reaper’s hair)
everyone assumes she would never stoop so low as to pull hair
ashamed to admit that she will pull hair if the need arises
she blames this fact on spending too much time with liz
pulling hair is the go-to move
she grabs entire fistfuls and yanks with her full body force
she is absolutely not ashamed
no one wants to fight her because of this
no never
absolutely not
unless you’re liz
then your hair is done
has waaaaay too much pride to pull hair
yells at liz when she pulls hair (he says it’s undignified)
gets his hair pulled by liz Frequently “for no reason”
has yet to learn to not provoke liz
are you kidding me?
one time their hand accidentally caught the end of maka’s pigtail and they apologized for twenty minutes straight (and then over the course of several days)
crona can do no wrong <3
only pulls hair when startled
if he’s not anticipating a fight, your hair is getting pulled
will apologize for it, it’s not the Death Scythe way
uses hair to gain momentum to throw people straight into the concrete
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blueberry2123 · 1 year
Hello! Can I plz request ROTTMNT turtles with a younger sister Y/n? She wears a cute pink bandana in a style of a bow, her weapon is a scythe and her powers are ice/snow. She's the baby of the family and is super innocent and sweet, likes caring for her older brothers and is shorter than them. She's a hawksbill sea turtle mutant with a beautiful shell with heart patterns.
Of course!! I'm actually writing a fanfic on archive of our own with a little sister, mind you it's a crossover but still!
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As the baby of the family, all four brothers unanimously decided to protect your innocence and protect you in general, especially from Big Mama and Meat Sweats (because that mutant man is terrifying), though you're extremely skilled with your ninpo which is ice and snow, and the weapon that is a scythe.
Due to being the youngest you were the shortest at 4'3', which now made you the shortest turtle, which Michelangelo loved, since he was now taller than someone.
But you were the sweetest, as you cared for each of them, so that allowed for some big brother bonding with their little sister, whether it be having you hang out in the lab with Donnie, paint each other shells with Mikey, read the Jupiter Jim comics, or chill with Raph.
You and Mikey would often paint each other's shells and boy did you love Pink with your pink bandana and the pink hearts on your beautiful shell, Mikey sort of went with the flow when painting your shell.
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wooshofficial · 10 months
Martyn makes his way back to Baxter after the end of the session, only for there to be ghosts at his house.
Not the good ghosts, either- he saw Jimmy and Lizzie chasing each other around the Secret Keeper earlier, and Mumbo hovering around Grian as he called time. No, these are the wrong ghosts.
Three people sit on Baxter, staring down at him with glances ranging from pity to mania. Martyn holds a staring contest with the three before someone speaks up:
“Oh man, the lone wolf makes it back home, everyone! How do you guys think he’s feeling right now?” The voice that pipes up comes from the ghost on the right. They’re not human—a mouse, maybe a rat?—and they’re wearing a maid dress, which isn’t the weirdest part of this whole situation.
“I don’t know,” says the left ghost, lounging on Baxter’s ear and jingling bells on their jester outfit with the movement, “probably…alone. Angry.”
Martyn scowls at the clown and rat, building his way up to be level with the ghosts. “Who the hell are you?! What are you doing at my house?”
He gets no direct response, because of course he doesn’t. Because of course the Watchers would try to drive him insane with ghosts commenting on his current mental state and him unable to give his two cents. Instead, the right ghost looks at the left, who has continued to spread out on Baxter and make some very annoying jingling sounds.
“Angry is a definite. Guilty, probably. Hating himself, absolutely.”
What? No. This is a death game, people are going to die. Martyn knows this. He doesn’t blame or hate himself, thank you very much! He opens his mouth to debate, but-
“Oh, be nice to him, Rat. He just lost his buddies!” The middle ghost finally speaks up, swinging her legs and staring directly at him. She’s got orange skin and what looks like an anchor strapped across her back, which Martyn is confused at- both the fact that it’s there and the fact that he knows what it is. “Remember how I felt up until what, two months ago? Because of you, might I add.”
“I told you Lux, I didn’t know he would get permakilled!”
“I apologized!”
“Would you please get back to talking about me while you’re sitting on my goddamn house?”Martyn says, still at eye level with the three frankly absurd ghosts arguing in front of him, once again to no response. Anchor ghost—Lux—leans over and slaps the right ghost—Rat—straight across the face, and this is where Martyn would stop paying attention to the nonsense, except Rat just pulled out a monstrous looking scythe; and Jester Ghost is scrambling across Baxter’s head to be at their side with a similar weapon in their hand, jingling the whole way there; and Martyn is now checking his wrist tattoo to make sure his between-session immunity is working so he doesn’t die from this.
“Rat!” Lux ghost shouts, looking over towards Martyn, pity still in their eyes, “you’re scaring him!”
“You slapped me!” They follow Lux’s gaze to double the amount of staring in Martyn’s general direction, and Jester Ghost follows suit, with a manic smile on top. Rat ghost puts the scythe away with a sigh. “We’re getting off track. Lone wolf over there is exactly what it says on the tin. Lux gets that feeling, and I don’t because I am basically god.”
Martyn chooses to ignore that. Lux ghost just rolls their eyes.
“But,” Rat says, and Martyn is now sure that these ghosts are simply choosing to ignore him because he’s suddenly locked in another stare off, “what I know-“
“We all know,” adds the clown-
“-is payback. Sweet, beautiful, over the top payback.”
Lux nods. “And he knows it too, doesn’t he?”
“Everyone on this server knows payback,” Martyn mutters, mostly to himself. “Even Scar knows payback. Damn good at it too.”
The jester makes a tsk sound towards him, and that’s when he knows that the ghosts are definitely pretending he’s not there, besides the whole all-three-of-them-are-staring-directly-at-him thing. “Ah-ah, but there’s a difference between how they do it and we do it. When they do it, it’s very…”
“Vanilla?” Lux ghost supplies.
“Boring?” Rat ghost drawls.
The jester ghost ponders a moment, that manic grin still on their painted face, before answering: “Simple. This server only knows simple payback. Us, on the other hand, we’re grand. Dramatic!”
Sure, like Martyn could be more dramatic than spawning three withers, or blowing himself up to kill someone else, or breaking a truce to go on a murder spree and win the game entirely. Like that’s even possible. Like the Watchers would allow that sort of thing on top of all the curses.
“So?” Martyn chides, about two seconds away from leaving and just moving bases entirely. “What do any of you have to do with this?!”
“So,” Rat says, and they have finally stopped ignoring him, “be like us, Martyn. Don’t just go to war, be the war.”
“Fight like nothing else matters.”
“And revel in the catharsis when it’s done.”
And then all three of them start laughing, filling the air with the sounds of bells and chaos and violence before disappearing in the blink of an eye. In their place, a single stick of TnT, with a note tied to it:
A pipe bomb for your troubles :)
Martyn throws it across the mesa, and promptly goes to sleep, deciding that even if lonely, he’s damn glad that he’s not whoever the hell those ghosts were.
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bethanythebogwitch · 11 months
Halloween Digimon
If you follow my blog you know I like Digimon and I like Halloween, so why not combine them and gush over Halloweeny Digimon. I'll be showcasing Digimon species that fall into classic Halloween archetypes.
What's spookier than ghosts? Digimon has lots of ghosts and the most recent and honestly probably the best is Ghostmon. That is such a good design and it's even a friendly ghost as it likes to help people, but turns invisible first because it's really shy. I love it so much!
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The rest of the ghosts aren't as friendly. Meet Bakemon, a wicked creature that possesses and destroys computer systems. Nobody knows what's under the cloth it wears and while it isn't good in a fight, it can do really nasty stuff to enemies it catches by surprise. Its name comes from "bakemono" a type of Japanese mythical creature that is sometimes translates as "ghost". Bakemon has a variant called Soulmon who wears a witch's hat and is more powerful.
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Combining ghosts with the grim reaper is Phantomon (JP: Fantomon). Its a common evolution of Bakemon that has the power of clairvoyance to foresee then others are about to die. The interior of its cloth body contains a portal to another dimension and its scythe can cut through souls. The weapon it carries is a mix of the grim reaper's scythe and a Japanese weapon called a kusarigama. Phantomon has a variant called MetalPhantomon which is an absolute beast. I love this design of a mechanical grim reaper. I have no idea why it isn't en evolution of Phantomon, they're the same level for some reason. MetalPhantomon is rumored to be controlled by something from another dimension.
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Witches are another Halloweeen classic and Digimon has a great example in Witchmon. She is a classic witch, but her design makes her look a bit artificial, kind of like a doll. Of course she rides a flying broomstick and a black cat familiar. She's a counterpart and rival to Wizardmon and both come from Witchelny, the setting of another series of Bandai virtual pet games.
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Skeletons are Halloweeeny and while there a few animal skeleton Digimon, the closest we have to a human skeleton Digimon is SkullSatamon. Its lore is pretty bland, just being a fallen angel, but hey, lookit the bones
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Speaking of fallen angels, the big red devil with a pitchfork archetype is also represented in Digimon with Boogeymon and its evolution Phelesmon. Boogeymon is obviously named after the boogeyman (I love whwn they play around with the mon suffix) and has a pretty sick design. I love the tattoos and in the lore they let it cast dark spells. Phelesmon puts on some clothes and becomes a charming manipulator that convinces people to sell their souls in exchange for fulfilling their desires. Its name and behavior comes from Mephistopheles, the demon from the story of Faust from German legend who gets the title character to sell his soul in exchange for knowledge.
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How about spiders? Digimon has a few spiders, but the best in terms of spookiness is Dokugumon. It was once a peaceful creature, but a virus turned it into a monster that corrupts the network by its very presence. It is a relentless predator that follows its prey no natter how far they flee and its very breath is toxic enough to kill. Just imagine being lost in the woods and seeing this nightmare coming after you
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You better believe Digimon has a Frankenstein, and its story is a sad one. It was built as a cyborg Digimon at the same time as another named Andromon. However, the primarily mechanical Andromon was deemed a success while the primarily organic Boltmon was considered a failure due to it possessing emotions. Its creator rejected it and now Boltmon wanders around, consumed in sorrow. It is based on the movie version of the monster in appearance (green skin and lots of bolts), but its lore drawn more from the book version.
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You want mummies? We got mummies! Mummymon and is evolution Pharaohmon are excellent Egyptian monsters. Mummymon is a necromancer that manipulates the souls (residual data) of deleted Digimon. I like how its not just a mummy but its design of using leg braces and its gun as a crutch implies that being a desiccated corpse has limited its mobility, maybe due to being stuck in rigor mortis. Pharaohmon is also a mummy, but the sarcophagus and death mask it wears are more specific references to ancient Egyptian funerary rites. It was the absolute ruler of the ancient Digital World and many ruins from its reign dot the land. It can produce a flesh-eating mist to attack and will only cure those affected if they swear eternal servitude to Pharaohmon. This is a clear reference to the idea of a mummy's curse.
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Digimon has a lot of vampires, so many I'm only going to showcase one of them. If you want to see more, look for Dracmon, Grandracmon, Bastemon, and Sangloupmon. The one I'll cover here is the vampirest of vampires, Myotismon (JP: Vamdemon). He absolutely looks like a cheesy vampire Halloween costume, but do not let yourself think that he's not scary. Myotismon is immensely cruel and cunning, being a classic evil mastermind while also being very capable of throwing down in a fight by summoning swarms of bats and hypnotizing others into serving him. A testament to his skills at villainy is that he was the big bad of what most fans consider to be the best story arc of Digimon Adventure, the original and definitive Digimon anime, and returned as the big bad of the sequel. Mytoismon has several evolutions including VenomMyotismon, MaloMyotismon (BelialVamdemon), and NeoMyotismon, but the OG is the most Halloweeny of them all. His English names comes from a genus of bat while his original name is literally vampire + demon
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Evil clowns are a newer Halloween icon, but are a great one and Digimon offers two: Jokermon and Piedmon. Jokermon is a newer Digimon that has been used as a preevo for Piedmon. It is an enigma that randomly appears on battlefiends, cutting down one side with no rhyme or reason and for its own unknown purposes. Piedmon (JP: Piemon) is also an enigma, a being that appeared from another dimension. Its origins and goals are a complete unknown, but it has incredible power and it thoroughly malicious. It served as a major villain in Digimon Adventure and was one of the most powerful Digimon in that setting, soloing almost all of the heroic Digimon at once. That show also emphasized its cruelty as it decided to sadistically chase and torment the youngest human characters instead of just finishing them off. Its english name comes from the pied piper while its original name comes from the pierrot character archetype form pantomime.
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What happens when you merge two Halloween monsters? Well apparently when Myotismon and Piedmon merge they become Boltboutamon (JP: Voltobautamon), a vampiric pirate. It is a being with no will of its own that serve as the herald of an entity called the Grudgeful Hand, an evil intellect born from malicious data that seeks to drown the world in darkness. It or its master is a sadist that takes its time to kill its foes and revels in their suffering. Its original name comes from the volto and bauta, both venetian masks. Its English name appears to be a poor transliteration. There's a lot of that in Digimon.
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Those are all great spooky Digimon, but is there a Digimon that is the Halloweeniest? Why yes there is: Pumkinmon and its evolution NoblePumpkinmon (JP: Pumpmon and NoblePumpmon). They were born from a computer virus created during Halloween, but are not malicious. Pumpkinmon is a mostly peaceful Digimon that is shy and wants friends. It is adorable and I love it. NoblePumpkinmon tries to befriend all Digimon and remains neutral between good and evil. It is charming and mischievous and gets along well with both heroic and villainous Digimon. It even makes pumpkin pie. Of all the Digimon showcased here, I think NoblePumpkinmon is the most appropriate for Halloween. This is a holiday of scares and horror, but it's all in good fun.
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novankenn · 6 months
Shock & Awe (5)
Jaune was beyond pissed, but he had sveral valid reasons to be in such a mood. First his interaction with "what's her name", then Yang wanting a rematch, followed by that nut-job Headmaster flinging him and everyone else off a cliff.
BUT that wasn't all there was. Then the red-head that had been with "what's her name" pinned him to a tree... with a fucking spear! Finally followed up now by being chased by a massive Death-Stalker. Yeah to say this was a day Jaune had wished he had just stayed in bed, was an understatement.
Of course he would NEVER admit that the whole Death-Stalker thing was his fault... nope, not ever, that will follow him to his grave, which if the group he was with didn't figure out how to deal with it AND the Nevermore... would be fairly soon.
Pyrrha who had become his partner, through some stupid first-sight rule, was doing her best to protect him with the help of a pink haired girl and black haired boy. All the while "what's her name" her partner, Yang and Yang's partner were trying to keep the Nevermore occupied. This was the classic definition of a cluster-fuck. Worse part was they were all trying to protect him, because he had no obvious weapons.
Reaching into the pocket of his jeans Jaune pulled out a arcade token, and rolled it about in his fingers. He could, but that would be showing everyone what he really could do. He was hesitant to show that side of him.
"Ah!" Pyrrha yelled in pain as one of the Death-Stalkers pincers caught her with a backhanded blow, sending her tumbling a long the ground.
"Move away!" Jaune screamed as he flicked the coin into the air, and stretched out his arm.
"But..." the orange haired girl started to object.
"Get the FUCK away from it! NOW!" Jaune screamed as he focused. The pair backed off as Arcs of electricity started to jump about and around Jaune's form. Jaune gave a smirk as he thought how this should shut up Yang... real hard.
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The very sound of the shot echoed about the forest, followed by the blast as the super heated token slammed into the Death-Stalker... obliterating it entirely.
"Can you do that again?" Yang yelled as her group dodged a way from another volley of feathers turned javelins.
"It's TOO high!" Jaune yelled back as he looked up at the circling form of the great Grimm. "I have nothing that could reach it!"
"Jaune!" Pyrrha shouted as she transformed Milo from its sword form to its javelin form. "Would this work?"
"It might." Jaune shouted back "But I'm going to have to charge up."
"We'll keep it busy!" the girl using a scythe shouted.
"Fine, I'll try." Jaune shouted as he took a wider stance and began to ramp up his ability. "When I say now, toss it in front of my face."
Pyrrha nodded as she moved closer and crouched down just outside of the growing storm of electrical Arcs surrounding her partner. She half watched Jaune and half watched everyone else doing everything they could to keep the Nevermore distracted...
Pyrrha didn't wait as she tossed Milo up and n front of Jaune's face...
Table of Contents
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derekscorner · 5 months
Differences in Zanpakuto: Part 2
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Types of Zanpakuto
The other day I made a post about the differences between a Soul Reaper's Zanpakuto and an Arrancar's. This is a part two of that post since I figured that I minds well elaborate on the various types of Zanpakuto the Soul Reapers have.
The variety that's sprung from the Soul Society since it's founding are possibly the biggest difference between a reaper and Arrancar. For the Arrancar, their Zanpakuto is an embodiment of their hollow powers.
The "nuclei" of their powers are sealed within the blade while the blade itself is made from the pieces of the masks they ripped off when transforming from Hollow to Arrancar.
For the Soul Reaper, the Zanpakuto is born from the use of an Asauchi. In essence, the Zanpakuto is a reflection of their soul. They must understand themselves by learning the Zanpakuto's name and work in harmony with it for it is a living thing unto itself.
It is important to make that distinction because that means the Zanpakuto of a Soul Reaper can be as varied as there are individual souls to shape one.
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Dual Type Zanpakuto
When these were first revealed in the Soul Society Arc they were played up quite a bit for their rarity. At the time the only two we knew of belonged to Shunsui and Ukitake.
The exact reason for this emphasis isn't stated blatantly though. We don't know if they are stronger than the average and from what we can tell they don't have dual abilities. In fact, Ukitake's dual Zanpakuto functions like a singular weapon with it's ability to redirect energy based attacks.
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The story actually begins to downplay these types of Zanpakuto later but before I begin do know that I'm about to tell you spoilers for the 'Thousand Year Blood War'.
I will also bring up things from the 'Can't Fear Your Own World' novel which is in a nebulous spot since the novels being canon or not seems iffy at best.
Still there? In that case, back to Shunsui Kyoraku and his Katen Kyōkotsu.
It's revealed toward the end of the main story that Katen Kyōkotsu's second blade is actually made by Kyokotsu herself. The younger spirit of Katen Kyōkotsu was created at Shunsui's request in order to hide Shinken Hakkyōken from Nanao Ise at her mothers request.
In other words, the two spirits and blades Shunsui wields are not naturally occurring. He and Kyokotsu made that happen.
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Jushiro Ukitake's Sōgyo no Kotowari is similar to Shunsui and his Katen Kyokotsu in this regard.
Now I wont call it canon or not since it's from the novels but 'Can't Fear Your Own World' does state that no dual type Zanpakuto exists naturally.
And knowing this it's suggested that Ukitake's dual type sword came into existence due to him harboring Mimihagi, a minor god of the Soul Society and one of the arms of the Soul King himself.
I consider this worth consideration since we do have the case of Shunsui intentionally making his Zanpakuto a dual type in-canon.
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Of course, I haven't forgotten Shuhei and his Kazeshini. Again, this is novel information so take it as you will, but was revealed that Kazeshini's true form isn't the dual scythes but the chain binding them.
The scythes themselves are there just because Kazeshini likes to spite Shuhei.
This is surprisingly relevant to the novel itself because when Shuhei's bankai is used in the novel it's a mass of chains with some nebulous connection to Hell.
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I also haven't forgotten our boy Ichigo. Once his Zanpakuto is reforged into a proper Soul Reapear's Zanpakuto Zangetsu takes on a dual bladed form.
This is probably the closest we've seen to a Zanpakuto forming into a dual type naturally. Ichigo's & White's origins are convoluted but that doesn't change the fact that he was born with these abilities.
Although, you can possibly raise some argument since Ichigo chose to claim Old Man Zangetsu as part of Zangetsu as well. Ichigo chose to accept his quincy heritage as part of his blade and thus the smaller sword fromed.
Had Ichigo forgone that and focused solely on his Soul Reaper origins it's just as likely that Zangetsu would've emerged a single sword. Once Yhwach is defeated Zangetsu stays a single blade at that. We never see it in it's dual form again in manga format.
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"Ancestral" Zanpakuto
Now that the more convoluted topic is out of the way I will introduce you to the "ancestral" Zanpakuto type.
This type is rather interesting and so far there are two known Zanpakuto of this type. One is only seen in the novels so I'll instead focus on the one we see in the canon story.
This is spoilers of course but if you read through the parts above then you likely do not care. Toward the middle of the TYBW it's revealed that Nanao Ise's clan has an "ancestral" Zanpakuto.
The term of ancestral as I'm using it is a fan term I believe but what it describes is a zanpakuto that is tied to a bloodline rather than an individual.
Nanao's clan, the Ise clan, are bound to the Zanpakuto Shinken Hakkyōken.
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Hiding away Shinken Hakkyōken was the sole reason Shunsui created his second sword. Nanao's mother, Shunsui's sister in law, had hoped to spare her accepting Shinken Hakkyōken.
(yes Shunsui is her paternal uncle)
I won't delve into why she asked this of him but what important to this post is that the nature of Shinken Hakkyōken makes it impossible for Nanao or other female members of her clan from imprinting on an Asauchi.
This is because the Ise clan is a matriarchal clan and Shinken Hakkyōken is passed to each heir.
This is also why Nanao relies so heavily on Kido (magic). It was shown in artwork that she keeps an Asauchi hidden in her sleeve but that's all it is, an Asauchi.
Whether there are others like Shinken Hakkyōken hasn't been revealed yet.
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Constant Release Types
The last type I'll talk about is the "constant release" type. This was originally explained as a Zanpakuto that couldn't be sealed due to the Soul Reaper's inability to control their power.
The only two reapers to be labeled with this type were Ichigo and Kenpachi however the actual validity of this type came into question during the TYBW.
As seen in the story, Kenpachi's zanpakuto had a true shikai and he was simiply unable to hear it's name. Toward the end of the story Byakuya even questions the validity of the constant release type while watching Kenpachi use his shikai Nozarashi.
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Then there is Ichigo himself who's initial Zanpakuto was "bootleg" at best. Something I personally refer to as being closer to an Arrancar's Zanpakuto due to Zangetsu's origin as a Hollow.
However, once Ichigo gains a proper reapers Zanpakuto it does notably stay in shikai. Albeit the dual Zangetsu version of shikai.
So, at best, Ichigo is currently the only known Soul Reaper to carry this type of Zanpakuto. At worst, this version actually doesn't exist and the single blade Zangetsu we see at the end of the story is the "sealed" Zangetsu.
That said, valid or not, I do think one thing is true about this faux type. It shows the reapers inexperience (or outright inability) to control their power.
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Recently learned that the Zanpakuto of the Soul Reapers are actually recycled. In the rare case they retire or (I presume) just die peacefully their Zanpakuto is stored before Oetsu reforges it ack into an Asauchi.
Now this doesn't necessarily constitute as a "type" of Zanpakuto but it is relevant enough for me to edit into both Parts 1 & 2 of these three part posts I've made.
More in part because it means that a Zanpakuto can be turned back into an Asauchi. This may be the core reason that Oetsu could reforge Ichigo and Renji's Zanpakuto.
Although, I would argue there's likely a difference between reforging a Zanpakuto and reforging it back into an Asauchi. Why? Because Asauchi have no defined spirit, they're blank.
Somehow Oetsu wipes away the Zanpakuto's sentience.
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And We're Done
And just as with the first post I'll stop just short of tackling the headache that is White, Ichigo, and Zangetsu. In part because the story already dedicates a flashback arc to explain it.
But also in part to Ichigo's powers being a clusterfuck. His original Zanpakuto was more akin to a manifestation like you'd see with an Arrancar's Zanpakuto or even a Fullbring.
There are also a slew of sub categories I left out. Namely things like elemental, melee, or kido (magic) type Zanpakuto. I purposely left them out because such labels only exist to categorize the type of power a Zanpakuto has.
In sense a melee and kido zanpakuto are the same type of zanpakuto but with abilities focused in different areas. Their unique power being a reflection of the wielder.
It's not the same as a zanpakuto that's bound to a clan or one that's split into two weapons. The zanpakuto listed here actually function differently to a typical one.
So with that I bit you farewell~
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pristmaticrosevein · 5 months
Prismatic Rose AU (RWBY)
The poll chain is getting a little long and convoluted, so I created a new blog to hold everything.
The polls won't be a single answer. Instead I'll try to work all of the answers together, based off the number of votes each answer gets. If I can, of course.
Aura is present, but is more like DBZ power levels than how it functions in RWBY. A shot to the heart will be as fatal to a Human Huntsman as it would be to anyone else.
Firearms are regular firearms. Dust is instead used to craft weapons, like is alluded to by Ironwood, but never actually seen in the story.
Jaune Arc
Humble Everydude
Jaune picks up a Broken Sword, his power repairs his sword, can generate a shield, and armour.
When depressed or in a deep fury his sword stays broken, and his armour is rusted. He is nearly invincible, but lacks any real control.
When happy, he literally glows from the light he emits.
Later learns to use and even combine both.
Attacked by Grimm, saved by Ruby. The Grimm was a Gryphon and a number of Beowulves.
Genre: Dark Souls
Ruby Rose
Werewolf: She learns to control her Human / Wolf forms.
Eventually unlocks a middle Wolfen form.
Silver Eyes: Her silver eyes are part of her Werewolf curse, from her connection to the moon. Eventually allows her to dispel darkness and inflict Lunacy.
Strongly dislikes bright sunlight, finding it oppressive. Will hide under her red hood in bright daylight.
Dislikes sitting around and doing nothing. As she learns to open up to her friends, hanging with them counts as doing something.
Dame Sister of the Order of the Sanguine Rose. Still a Novice, (no oath), but she was a Squire, and got her Accolade because of being a natural when fighting the forces of darkness.
Werewolves are normally turned over to the Church. Faith in God is the best way to gain control of their powers. Others can do so by living with wolf packs in the wilds, though they are rarely trusted.
Regeneration: Turned off with Silver, Fire, and direct sunlight. Indirect sunlight dims it. She's mostly fine in her cloak and hood, but better a night.
Extremely high metabolism. She can get blood thirsty if she doesn't eat, but sugar works extremely well. I.e. cookies are MANDATORY.
Pain causes her rage to ignite.
Shield of Faith and Miracle Die: 40K SoB reference. I'll explain if anyone asks.
Powered armour powered by prismatic energies. Summoned with transformation sequence. The catalyst for the transformation is a crescent moon broach with a deep red ruby.
Any equipment she holds while transforming gets turned into a magical girl version of it, like Ghost Rider.
Her scythe, Lunamaria, is made with a steel edge, and an iron blade inlaid with mythril and quicksilver. This allows her to defeat most dark foes without calling upon her moonfallen abilities.
Her Bolt Pistol, Lunalapina, uses custom made rounds, (made a lot easier with Dust forging equipment). She owns rounds customized to fight most dark things. Once converted, her mag changes use her prismatic energy to refill them. Think similar to Dante, but she still has to reload.
She can do something similar to Petal Burst while transformed, except more prismatic.
She can do a less conspicuous long-range teleportation that is guided by her faith, i.e. it cannot be used arbitrarily.
Pyrrha Nikos
A literal angel.
Angels are forbidden from most direct interventions. The exception is for the Creatures of Grimm, or other nefarious beings.
Angels can only whisper into your ear. Devils have the same restriction, but are not known for being good at following rules.
Often the intervention of angels will be perceived, (by the imperceptive), as luck. Others might see them in dreams.
Angels can only directly interact with people who have enough spiritual strength to fully perceive them.
She brought Ruby to save Jaune.
Weiss Schnee
Boreal Elf
Went to Thule University.
Major in Spellcrafting, the most difficult discipline that actually crafts new spells.
Magic affinities are Water, Wind, and Light.
Equipped with the mystical rapier Myrtenaster.
Can summon a Auroran Horse or a Kelpie. Auroran Horses work like Ruin from Darksiders, but made from light that blends into the darkness. Kelpies are water fey horses that are known for their... ill temperament. Will often act out against those that Weiss is irate with. Thoroughly enjoys chewing on Jaune's hair.
Minors in Fey summoning and economics.
Her main Fey summons are a Pixie, Will'o'Wisp, Banshee, and female Dullahan.
Her pixie is mischievous, much to Weiss' vexation. But, she'll only have fun with those Weiss holds dear. Otherwise, they might simply get lost in the woods.
Will'o'Wisps are incorporeal, and bear the water, wind, and light elements that Weiss is so wonderful with.
For those that don't know their Fey, Banshees are actually extremely loyal to their households. They are washer maids, and the wail is because their beloved family member is going to die. Her powers are water-based, along with a wail that can be modified to work in a wide variety of ways. He touch can chill, and her voice carries the wind.
Her Dullahan carries a great sword with a fluted tip in one hand, and can summon an Auroran horse to ride.
Her Dullahan is Nora, whom largely represents Weiss' desire to not have impulse control and selfishness. Naturally, they clash quite a big.
Her Pixie is Leanan Ren, a Leanan Sidhe. She largely represents Weiss's exceptionalism and selflessness. Her mistress, and her mistress' friends call her "Leeann."
When Leeann and Nora agree, and can convince Weiss, typically leads to epic bouts of violence.
Blake Belladonna
Nekomata (cat Youkai that can take Human form; known for being especially amorous).
Has Changeling blood, but must soon return to her original form.
The only form she is truly comfortable in is that of a black cat, or a black catgirl.
Can become amorphous, and crawl through the shadows, or strike out from them as tendrils. Learns to master greater abilities, think Shadow from DMC.
Class is Ninja, which is basically a Rogue with low-level magic.
Her Youkai blood provides basic shapeshifting. Her distant Changeling blood provides more advanced, though less stable shape shifting. Her Ninja abilities allow her to blend into shadow, briefly become intangible, or leave behind figments of her presence.
Yang Xiao Long
Dragon-blooded, from a Storm Dragon. Got it from Tai's side.
Appears Human.
Can learn to summon dragon features, such as claws, wings, scales, or a tail.
Can eventually learn to transform into a Storm Dragon, though she normally needs a LOT of rage to do so.
Her rage allows her to basically turn Super Saiyan. Which is basically just Yang's regular Semblance, but attached to someone as powerful as Vegeta.
Class is Stormclash Monk. Combines Monk with Bloodrager, with Storm-based spellcaster.
Weapons: Gauntlets, a stone sling, and an Iron Club. She can use all three as a catalyst for her lightning powers, and all count as monk weapons.
Ilia Amitola
Rainbow slime.
Before anyone, including her, knew that she was a sentient lifeform, Jaune finds her on the street and takes care of her.
After watching Jaune fail to flirt with Weiss, she realized she could adopt a Human-like form.
Despite attempts by Blake to convince her otherwise, she sees nothing wrong with being Jaune's pet. He has always taken such good care of her.
She is vexed that she is no longer allowed to sleep with her master. However, he hasn't shown any problem about napping with him if she does so in blob form.
Once Jaune unlocks his grandfather's broken sword, she quite insistently goes with him. He will comply if she does so in blob form, sitting on his shoulder, (and refusing to leave).
Ilia's main abilities are physical transformations, (think Kirby). This means she tends to transform into Jaune's weapons, particularily a rainbow wrecking ball.
She can also extend spikes are enemies trying to strike Jaune from outside his field of vision. He gets used to it to the point if she barely does something similar, he knows he needs to look in that direction.
A third main form is turning into a boulder that Jaune throws (rolls) at enemies.
She has low-level elemental abilities. Not as suitable for combat, but allows her to turn into a bbq.
Transforms into Jaune's left pauldron during combat.
Penny Polendina
Golem with the soul of Pietro's daughter attached. He was legitimately trying to save his daughter, though the means are not exactly generally accepted. Only Dwarves know how to do this, and most of them would completely refuse to do so.
All mana channels and ley chambres are internal.
Penny is an Artificer with a minor in Battle Augur. She can create animated combatants. She has a small host of magic abilities, but only learns attack spells through observation. Other than Magic Missile, but since Battle Augurs are basically Megaman, it's through an arm cannon.
Creates an army of myrmidons, (magic robots), along with tiny, fairy versions of them.
General James Ironwood
Known as the "King of Mantle" by Humans in almost seriousness, and affectionately by Dwarves as the "Mantle Piece".
As a General, he was given leave to seek out the Dwarves of Mountain Mantle. He succeeded, and this close relationship is what created modernity. Along with the Schnee Dust Company, (managed by Elves, with the mining done by Dwarves).
The bulk of his forces are Atlasian Dampjager, steam Dwarves. They are smaller and lighter, but fantastically stronger and more robust than adult Humans.
These are augmented by Atlasian Dampdragens, carbinemen riding Steam Destriers, Damp'hest Also known as D-tross. They are as strong as as a truck, and can cover terrain like a horse.
Avoided Soul-Bound Golems because of the inherent ethics, until the creation of Penny Polendina. Now, it is offered to soldiers who are dying or otherwise crippled. Kind of like Dreadnoughts from 40k.
Army uses D-tross-towed artillery.
Has two primary chicken walkers, the Cockatrix and Basilix. The Basilix isn't larger, but is more robust and heavily armoured. The Cockatrix is lighter, more mobile, and has limited hover capabilities.
Because you voted for my Dwarves from Ingir, so, how they work with the Prismatic Rose AU, and the technological development of the world. Need to do a poll on tech first.
Dwarves worked through the early steam era and went onto nuclear, which is still technically steam power. It was Humans, specifically Ironwood that developed the steam generator technology that made it actually useful.
They largely live underground now, not because they especially like it underground, but because their holds were always dug into cliff faces, and like everyone else, they spend most of their time in \doors, nowadays.
Dwarves don't view necromancy as inherently evil, but instead view it through the voluntary/involuntary lens.
This means that they have no problem with soul-bound golems, as long as the volunteer is willing.
Necromancy is also used to bring an ancestor's ghost for ongoing legal disputes. Ironwood earned the respect of all of the Dwarven tribes of Mountain Mantle because he manages to stay impartial for these disputes. He simply had to put aside his squeamishness about necromancy.
Creatures that have fallen to darkness in the shadow of the moon. The moon reflects light from the sun, and as such is both the basis of the power of the dark creatures, and their bane. The shattered moon remnant of the disaster that created them.
Angel, Fallen
Fey, Unseelie (also Fallen)
Witch, Black
Creatures of Grimm
Creatures of shadow and enmity.
As enmity builds in an area, a Grimm Fragment is created. This is not visible to those without Shadowsight.
If enough enmity is unleashed at the same time, a Grimm Fragment can be boosted into a full-fledged Grimm.
More commonly, nefarious beings use the Fragments to create Creatures of Grimm to do their bidding, (hopefully).
Some less than ethnical magic users can try to use this as a power source. It can work, or it can create a Creature of Grimm.
When a Creature of Grimm is spotted, it triggers an investigation.
Huntsmen and Huntresses
Those licensed to hunt Creatures of Grimm and/or Moonfallen.
Some are lone vagabonds, others join fraternities or orders-militant.
While fraternities and orders normally have their own rules of conduct, without them Huntsmen are defacto, and often dejure, immune to all by the most heinous of laws.
This is both out of privilege, and out of practicality. On one hand, you want the Huntsman hunting. On the other, trying to bring a Huntsman to trial, unwillingly, is a harrowing ordeal for everyone involved. The Church's Inquisition typically handles rogue Huntsmen.
Because of this, disreputable Huntsmen will often be shunned by most of society.
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