#prismatic rose au
weathermanpolls · 4 months
Ilia is going to be a slime. Largely because the Rainbow Blob is my favourite character in Monster Sanctuary. I naturally named her Ilia.
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My last playthrough I spec'ed her for non-critical damage. She even had a penalty giving her 0% chance to crit, and broke the damage limit (9999) with a non-critical hit.
Note: the damage limit isn't physical, but practical. It's just incredibly difficult to actually deal over 9999 damage. She's the only character to break it, on either playthrough.
If Jaune finds her as a blob, he doesn't know that she's a sentient race. Truthfully, neither does she. She learns to turn humanoid by watching Jaune flirt with Weiss. She doesn't understand why anyone would have a problem being Jaune's pet, (legitimately not understanding that Humans aren't supposed to keep other Humans as pets)..
Of course Blake has a dark and troubled past. You don't become a hero-level rogue / ninja, without getting your hands dirty.
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pristmaticrosevein · 5 months
Prismatic Rose AU (RWBY)
The poll chain is getting a little long and convoluted, so I created a new blog to hold everything.
The polls won't be a single answer. Instead I'll try to work all of the answers together, based off the number of votes each answer gets. If I can, of course.
Aura is present, but is more like DBZ power levels than how it functions in RWBY. A shot to the heart will be as fatal to a Human Huntsman as it would be to anyone else.
Firearms are regular firearms. Dust is instead used to craft weapons, like is alluded to by Ironwood, but never actually seen in the story.
Jaune Arc
Humble Everydude
Jaune picks up a Broken Sword, his power repairs his sword, can generate a shield, and armour.
When depressed or in a deep fury his sword stays broken, and his armour is rusted. He is nearly invincible, but lacks any real control.
When happy, he literally glows from the light he emits.
Later learns to use and even combine both.
Attacked by Grimm, saved by Ruby. The Grimm was a Gryphon and a number of Beowulves.
Genre: Dark Souls
Ruby Rose
Werewolf: She learns to control her Human / Wolf forms.
Eventually unlocks a middle Wolfen form.
Silver Eyes: Her silver eyes are part of her Werewolf curse, from her connection to the moon. Eventually allows her to dispel darkness and inflict Lunacy.
Strongly dislikes bright sunlight, finding it oppressive. Will hide under her red hood in bright daylight.
Dislikes sitting around and doing nothing. As she learns to open up to her friends, hanging with them counts as doing something.
Dame Sister of the Order of the Sanguine Rose. Still a Novice, (no oath), but she was a Squire, and got her Accolade because of being a natural when fighting the forces of darkness.
Werewolves are normally turned over to the Church. Faith in God is the best way to gain control of their powers. Others can do so by living with wolf packs in the wilds, though they are rarely trusted.
Regeneration: Turned off with Silver, Fire, and direct sunlight. Indirect sunlight dims it. She's mostly fine in her cloak and hood, but better a night.
Extremely high metabolism. She can get blood thirsty if she doesn't eat, but sugar works extremely well. I.e. cookies are MANDATORY.
Pain causes her rage to ignite.
Shield of Faith and Miracle Die: 40K SoB reference. I'll explain if anyone asks.
Powered armour powered by prismatic energies. Summoned with transformation sequence. The catalyst for the transformation is a crescent moon broach with a deep red ruby.
Any equipment she holds while transforming gets turned into a magical girl version of it, like Ghost Rider.
Her scythe, Lunamaria, is made with a steel edge, and an iron blade inlaid with mythril and quicksilver. This allows her to defeat most dark foes without calling upon her moonfallen abilities.
Her Bolt Pistol, Lunalapina, uses custom made rounds, (made a lot easier with Dust forging equipment). She owns rounds customized to fight most dark things. Once converted, her mag changes use her prismatic energy to refill them. Think similar to Dante, but she still has to reload.
She can do something similar to Petal Burst while transformed, except more prismatic.
She can do a less conspicuous long-range teleportation that is guided by her faith, i.e. it cannot be used arbitrarily.
Pyrrha Nikos
A literal angel.
Angels are forbidden from most direct interventions. The exception is for the Creatures of Grimm, or other nefarious beings.
Angels can only whisper into your ear. Devils have the same restriction, but are not known for being good at following rules.
Often the intervention of angels will be perceived, (by the imperceptive), as luck. Others might see them in dreams.
Angels can only directly interact with people who have enough spiritual strength to fully perceive them.
She brought Ruby to save Jaune.
Weiss Schnee
Boreal Elf
Went to Thule University.
Major in Spellcrafting, the most difficult discipline that actually crafts new spells.
Magic affinities are Water, Wind, and Light.
Equipped with the mystical rapier Myrtenaster.
Can summon a Auroran Horse or a Kelpie. Auroran Horses work like Ruin from Darksiders, but made from light that blends into the darkness. Kelpies are water fey horses that are known for their... ill temperament. Will often act out against those that Weiss is irate with. Thoroughly enjoys chewing on Jaune's hair.
Minors in Fey summoning and economics.
Her main Fey summons are a Pixie, Will'o'Wisp, Banshee, and female Dullahan.
Her pixie is mischievous, much to Weiss' vexation. But, she'll only have fun with those Weiss holds dear. Otherwise, they might simply get lost in the woods.
Will'o'Wisps are incorporeal, and bear the water, wind, and light elements that Weiss is so wonderful with.
For those that don't know their Fey, Banshees are actually extremely loyal to their households. They are washer maids, and the wail is because their beloved family member is going to die. Her powers are water-based, along with a wail that can be modified to work in a wide variety of ways. He touch can chill, and her voice carries the wind.
Her Dullahan carries a great sword with a fluted tip in one hand, and can summon an Auroran horse to ride.
Her Dullahan is Nora, whom largely represents Weiss' desire to not have impulse control and selfishness. Naturally, they clash quite a big.
Her Pixie is Leanan Ren, a Leanan Sidhe. She largely represents Weiss's exceptionalism and selflessness. Her mistress, and her mistress' friends call her "Leeann."
When Leeann and Nora agree, and can convince Weiss, typically leads to epic bouts of violence.
Blake Belladonna
Nekomata (cat Youkai that can take Human form; known for being especially amorous).
Has Changeling blood, but must soon return to her original form.
The only form she is truly comfortable in is that of a black cat, or a black catgirl.
Can become amorphous, and crawl through the shadows, or strike out from them as tendrils. Learns to master greater abilities, think Shadow from DMC.
Class is Ninja, which is basically a Rogue with low-level magic.
Her Youkai blood provides basic shapeshifting. Her distant Changeling blood provides more advanced, though less stable shape shifting. Her Ninja abilities allow her to blend into shadow, briefly become intangible, or leave behind figments of her presence.
Yang Xiao Long
Dragon-blooded, from a Storm Dragon. Got it from Tai's side.
Appears Human.
Can learn to summon dragon features, such as claws, wings, scales, or a tail.
Can eventually learn to transform into a Storm Dragon, though she normally needs a LOT of rage to do so.
Her rage allows her to basically turn Super Saiyan. Which is basically just Yang's regular Semblance, but attached to someone as powerful as Vegeta.
Class is Stormclash Monk. Combines Monk with Bloodrager, with Storm-based spellcaster.
Weapons: Gauntlets, a stone sling, and an Iron Club. She can use all three as a catalyst for her lightning powers, and all count as monk weapons.
Ilia Amitola
Rainbow slime.
Before anyone, including her, knew that she was a sentient lifeform, Jaune finds her on the street and takes care of her.
After watching Jaune fail to flirt with Weiss, she realized she could adopt a Human-like form.
Despite attempts by Blake to convince her otherwise, she sees nothing wrong with being Jaune's pet. He has always taken such good care of her.
She is vexed that she is no longer allowed to sleep with her master. However, he hasn't shown any problem about napping with him if she does so in blob form.
Once Jaune unlocks his grandfather's broken sword, she quite insistently goes with him. He will comply if she does so in blob form, sitting on his shoulder, (and refusing to leave).
Ilia's main abilities are physical transformations, (think Kirby). This means she tends to transform into Jaune's weapons, particularily a rainbow wrecking ball.
She can also extend spikes are enemies trying to strike Jaune from outside his field of vision. He gets used to it to the point if she barely does something similar, he knows he needs to look in that direction.
A third main form is turning into a boulder that Jaune throws (rolls) at enemies.
She has low-level elemental abilities. Not as suitable for combat, but allows her to turn into a bbq.
Transforms into Jaune's left pauldron during combat.
Penny Polendina
Golem with the soul of Pietro's daughter attached. He was legitimately trying to save his daughter, though the means are not exactly generally accepted. Only Dwarves know how to do this, and most of them would completely refuse to do so.
All mana channels and ley chambres are internal.
Penny is an Artificer with a minor in Battle Augur. She can create animated combatants. She has a small host of magic abilities, but only learns attack spells through observation. Other than Magic Missile, but since Battle Augurs are basically Megaman, it's through an arm cannon.
Creates an army of myrmidons, (magic robots), along with tiny, fairy versions of them.
General James Ironwood
Known as the "King of Mantle" by Humans in almost seriousness, and affectionately by Dwarves as the "Mantle Piece".
As a General, he was given leave to seek out the Dwarves of Mountain Mantle. He succeeded, and this close relationship is what created modernity. Along with the Schnee Dust Company, (managed by Elves, with the mining done by Dwarves).
The bulk of his forces are Atlasian Dampjager, steam Dwarves. They are smaller and lighter, but fantastically stronger and more robust than adult Humans.
These are augmented by Atlasian Dampdragens, carbinemen riding Steam Destriers, Damp'hest Also known as D-tross. They are as strong as as a truck, and can cover terrain like a horse.
Avoided Soul-Bound Golems because of the inherent ethics, until the creation of Penny Polendina. Now, it is offered to soldiers who are dying or otherwise crippled. Kind of like Dreadnoughts from 40k.
Army uses D-tross-towed artillery.
Has two primary chicken walkers, the Cockatrix and Basilix. The Basilix isn't larger, but is more robust and heavily armoured. The Cockatrix is lighter, more mobile, and has limited hover capabilities.
Because you voted for my Dwarves from Ingir, so, how they work with the Prismatic Rose AU, and the technological development of the world. Need to do a poll on tech first.
Dwarves worked through the early steam era and went onto nuclear, which is still technically steam power. It was Humans, specifically Ironwood that developed the steam generator technology that made it actually useful.
They largely live underground now, not because they especially like it underground, but because their holds were always dug into cliff faces, and like everyone else, they spend most of their time in \doors, nowadays.
Dwarves don't view necromancy as inherently evil, but instead view it through the voluntary/involuntary lens.
This means that they have no problem with soul-bound golems, as long as the volunteer is willing.
Necromancy is also used to bring an ancestor's ghost for ongoing legal disputes. Ironwood earned the respect of all of the Dwarven tribes of Mountain Mantle because he manages to stay impartial for these disputes. He simply had to put aside his squeamishness about necromancy.
Creatures that have fallen to darkness in the shadow of the moon. The moon reflects light from the sun, and as such is both the basis of the power of the dark creatures, and their bane. The shattered moon remnant of the disaster that created them.
Angel, Fallen
Fey, Unseelie (also Fallen)
Witch, Black
Creatures of Grimm
Creatures of shadow and enmity.
As enmity builds in an area, a Grimm Fragment is created. This is not visible to those without Shadowsight.
If enough enmity is unleashed at the same time, a Grimm Fragment can be boosted into a full-fledged Grimm.
More commonly, nefarious beings use the Fragments to create Creatures of Grimm to do their bidding, (hopefully).
Some less than ethnical magic users can try to use this as a power source. It can work, or it can create a Creature of Grimm.
When a Creature of Grimm is spotted, it triggers an investigation.
Huntsmen and Huntresses
Those licensed to hunt Creatures of Grimm and/or Moonfallen.
Some are lone vagabonds, others join fraternities or orders-militant.
While fraternities and orders normally have their own rules of conduct, without them Huntsmen are defacto, and often dejure, immune to all by the most heinous of laws.
This is both out of privilege, and out of practicality. On one hand, you want the Huntsman hunting. On the other, trying to bring a Huntsman to trial, unwillingly, is a harrowing ordeal for everyone involved. The Church's Inquisition typically handles rogue Huntsmen.
Because of this, disreputable Huntsmen will often be shunned by most of society.
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fireyartccoon · 5 months
Instead of the wholesome brothers you can have these two for Werewolf Wednesday
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plus two additional doodles
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They’re from some vampire cowboy shatterverse me and a friend were developing a while ago, recently started thinking about them again and drew em, and now you have them for Wednesday because I totally didn’t forget to draw something for wsatw :D
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shera-dnd · 2 years
The final poll for the Weasel Den Emergency Fundraiser! This is the last stretch towards me finally FINALLY being done with this and moving on to more of my original work (and to taking commissions again)
So to mark this special occasion instead of our usual rules of only the winner gets the 3k treatment and the others are picked at random, THIS TIME we're spicing things up
Each of y'all get 3 votes among the 5 fic ideas in this poll. The winner will get the 3k treatment, BUT the second and third place will be getting 1k fics instead
No luck, no chance, the 3 most voted fics will get written, and with 3 votes each there's a good chance someone out there is getting all their votes turned into fics
Now let us go over our options
A Gentlewoman Pirate - A Our Flag Means Death AU Black Swan fic, in which Willow Schnee takes the role of Stede Bonnet, the gentlewoman pirate, with Raven Branwen as her Blackbeard
Royal Portrait - Yet another addition to my Ice King series, set years in the future after the Schnee family has found itself a new home and is ready to take their first family picture in years. Featuring the transing of all the Schnee genders
Moving In - Another dose of domestic Fallen Petals for those in critical need of some sweetness. In which Cinder and Ruby get to move in together into their own home
I Name Thee Beloved - New chapter for my Truth in the Name fic, a medieval fantasy knights and princesses AU featuring Prismatic Ponytails, Bumbleby, and Nuts and Dolts.
In Love and War - College AU Kokosara, in which these two dumbass history majors decide to apply their extensive knowledge of historial tactics and strategy... to ask each other out
You can vote over here! and the winners will be announced on the 10th!
Hope y'all enjoy this very special edition of my polls, and gods willing this will be the month I get to finish the WDEF for good
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notsogreatdion · 29 days
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✶ Mind Blind - @mindblindbard (wip)
✶ God-cursed - @wings-of-ink (wip)
✶ Aquarii - @aquarii-if (wip)
✶ Slaughter squad - @harlequinoccult (wip)
✶ Summer of Love - @summeroflove-if (wip)
✶ The Second Sight: Death Reckoning - @spoiledblogif (wip)
✶ Speaker - @speakergame (wip)
✶ Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian - @defiledheartsblog (wip)
✶ Shepherds of Haven - @shepherds-of-haven (wip)
✶ Apartment 502 - @apt502-if (wip)
✶ Grey Swan I - Birds of a Rose - @reinekes-fox (wip)
✶ In the Cards - @inthecards (wip)
✶ Bad Witch + au demo - @badwitch-if (wip)
✶ Saturnine - @satur9-if (wip)
✶ Prismatic - @prismaticif (wip)
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ LyteLove (wip)
✶ Touchstarved (wip)
✶ Cupid Chatroom (wip)
✶ Adopt a Boyfriend
✶ seekL
✶ my friend is a ghost (super short but super cute)
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
if recs 1.0 & if recs 2.0 & new projects recs
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fayes-fics · 8 months
When The World Is Free: Chapter 2 -  La Valse de Paris
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, WW2 AU.
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Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.7k
AuthorsNote: Chapter 2 of new multi-chapter fic based on a request by the lovely @amillcitygirl! Please see the masterpost for a synopsis of this story. This details our reader settling into Paris and the outbreak of war. Benedict turns up next chapter. Thanks to @colettebronte for beta reading. Enjoy! <3
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Paris, September 1939
Your first few weeks in Paris are a delightful blur. 
Spending late summer exploring the city - with Solène as your occasional guide and Eloise when she is not at work. You soak up every moment, from the windswept magnificence of standing atop the Eiffel Tower, your words being stolen by the wind, to the monastic silence of the Louvre on a quiet Monday morning. And everything in between - from Notre Dame's atmospheric incense-laden gothic darkness to the airy, resplendent glass dome of Galeries Lafayette that glitters like a prismatic jewel even on cloudy days. 
But perhaps your favourites are the little slices of city life: sitting watching the world go by at a corner cafe, the crunch and warm, pillowy softness of the first bite of freshly baked baguette as you wander back from the boulangerie, the lingering fragrance of the rose garden at the Château de Bagatelle in Bois de Boulogne... It's all pieces of a puzzle that fill your heart in ways that make your life before now seem drab, almost in black and white, like a photograph.
You have written to Stanley once since you arrived, effusive in your praise, a homily to your new home, however temporary. While proclaiming his happiness for you, his response tempered, a touch dismissive of your wonderment. I can scarcely believe any city could truly live up to the praise you so readily heap upon Paris, my love, he wrote back. That was a week ago, and your urge to reply has been muted. 
It's during an idle lunchtime by the Seine, eating a sandwich as you dangle your feet over the river wall, that you genuinely feel a local. An elderly French couple, likely visiting from the provinces, approaches you and asks you for directions to the Musée de l'Homme. Part of you aglow they think you sophisticated enough to look Parisian, and French. And you are able to help them, giving them the information in French, not fluent but sufficient that they are surprised when you confess “je suis américaine”.
In your third week, you secure the art gallery job Eloise had seen posted. An opportunity to meet many new people, primarily British and American, who share your love of art of all persuasions. You spend many a happy hour answering questions and building your knowledge of art, not just in your gallery but across the city. Part of you is wistful to study the subject in even greater depth than the books you borrow in copious quantities from the library where Eloise works.
You grow so close to Eloise so quickly that it’s as if you have known her your whole life. A sense of kinship, a near familial bond. You know, on some instinctive level, she will always be a part of your life somehow. Your evenings are often spent in lounge bars together—venues awash with art deco splendour as you listen to jazz through a cigarette haze and flirt aimlessly with a carousel of handsome men. Life seems so full of potential, a hum in your very being.
“What do you think the purpose of life is, y/n?” Eloise sighs as she flops onto your bed after returning from one such decadent night out.
“Aaaand we are done with the brandy…” you declare, taking the bottle of Martell cognac from her grip and placing it pointedly on the dresser, your high-handed point only mildly undermined by your own unsteady gait.
You collapse down next to her, the intricate ceiling rose around your light fixture swirling slightly before your very eyes.
“Love?” you hazard in answer to her question.
“Boo! Cliché!” she jeers, elbowing you good-naturedly.
“I don’t just mean romantic love,” you protest, “the love of family… friends…”
“Ah, yes, family. Endlessly large family. Don’t suppose you want an extra sibling or two, do you? I could be persuaded to let a couple go,” she squints comically.
“Depends… can I have the artist?” you jest.
“You have to stop staring at that painting; it's getting weird,” she opines with her typical bluntness, “and no, you can’t. You know he’s my favourite,” she pouts.
“I think he’s my favourite too,” you opine over a stifled yawn, any embarrassment about being called out for your unbridled admiration overridden by the sleepy state your comfortable bed lulls you into.
“If you end up being attracted to my brother, I will have to disown you, you know,” she pats your hand drowsily.
“Hmm, good thing he’s so far away…” you trail off with a lazy giggle, eyes drooping heavily.
It’s the last words you exchange before you both fall asleep on your bed.
Perhaps, as with all things that are too good, the idyll is temporary. It's the news you wake up to that following morning, September 4th, which throws everything into uncertainty. Solène knocks on your door early with an uncharacteristically sombre expression, wordlessly handing you the morning paper and flicking on the wireless on your mantelpiece, the fine lines on her face deeper etched, furrowed with worry.
‘La Guerre!’ the headline screams from the newspaper. And the voice on the airwaves, your ear more attuned to the language now, details how Britain and France have jointly declared war against Germany for their invasion of Poland a few days prior.
At the sound of the radio, Eloise emerges from your room, blinking and hair asunder, a little delicate from your previous night's revelry. You sip coffee at a loss for what to think or do. It’s an odd cognitive dissonance when life at once seems identical but also changed by an invisible shape - an undercurrent of fear, of the unknown, a punch to the pit of your stomach that you don’t know how to acknowledge - even as you go through the motions of your daily routine and head to work.
By the evening you are more phlegmatic about the situation. Your spirit dampened, yes, but not crushed. You feel an immense sense of privilege that conflict is not yet at your doorstep, but equally knowing being in the capital city of a nation that just declared war against a neighbouring country is not exactly safe.
You and Eloise splash out on dinner at an upscale brassiere that night, one you have both passed and commented you’d love to dine in some time. Both of you seized by the unspoken “what if”, the previous reluctance to treat yourselves entirely absent.
Talk on all the tables around you as you dine - on heavenly butter-soft steak - is about the war. What it could mean for Paris, fear of another major European conflict so soon after the last, the economic concerns - the bite of the early 30s depression just relinquishing its hostile grip on the somewhat bruised denizens.
Afterwards, you wander the cobbled streets back to your apartment, arms looped, bellies full, occasionally staring up at the starry night sky in mostly contemplative, sober silence. It’s a beautiful evening, but something in the warm breeze feels melancholic.
When you open the door to your building, Solène is waiting, rocking on her heels.
“Eloise, a telegram has come for you!” she announces, shoving a piece of paper into her hand. “And a telephone call from England earlier,” she adds, gesturing to the black rotary phone outside her place—the only one in the building.
Eloise gives you a brief glance and then opens the message. You watch her eyes ping across the text before her shoulders slump.
“My mother,” she sighs in explanation, “it appears she is summoning me back home.”
“What?!” the selfish reflex of not wanting to be left alone is the first thing flaring in you.
“It’s not fair!” she whines in a flash of child-like defiance before continuing in a more subdued tone. “She is sending my brother to come get me. She doesn’t specify which, but seeing as Anthony is a Lieutenant General in the Army and has likely been called to Churchill’s side, I'm presuming Benedict,” Eloise surmises. 
Your thoughts instantly fly to that painting hanging in your apartment upstairs. A strange flutter under your ribs at the idea you could be about to meet its creator. Quickly followed by a wash of guilt that you could even focus on such a frivolous thing.
“What will I do without you?’’ You fret aloud, grasping her arm tighter.
“There was a call for you too, y/n,” Solène pipes up. “Your father wants you to exchange your return ticket for a sailing home as soon as possible,” she relays.
“But.. I just got here!” your lament as defiant as Eloise’s. A frustrating sense you are losing a fleeting opportunity you already hold so precious - like a new toy being ripped from the meaty fist of a truculent toddler.
“Mes amis, what can I say?” that trademark Gallic shrug seizing Solène’s shoulders. “While Paris is safe for now, we do not know how much longer that will hold true… it is likely best you return home. Perhaps this will be over in weeks, and you can return?”
You know your parents have paid your rent upfront for a whole year, likely similar for Eloise, your landlady not impacted financially by your leaving, merely a wish for you to enjoy your Parisian adventures.
As you unlock the door to your apartment and wander in, both of you sigh; the illumination from the Eiffel Tower that refracts upon your window pane just adds to your melancholia, a sight that before had never failed to warm your heart.
“When will your brother get here?” your inflection dull.
“Tomorrow, most likely. It only takes a couple of hours to cross the Channel, and as you know, the train ride from the coast is just a few more. I expect he’ll be waiting for me right here when I return from work,” her tone is just as flat as yours.
You want to ask if she will pack tonight, but you stop yourself, seeing the flame that usually burns so bright behind her blue eyes dimmed. Wordlessly, you draw closer and pull her into a firm hug.
“I will miss you like a sister,” she whispers into your hair, returning the embrace just as fiercely, “maybe moreso.”
You nod and band your arms tighter briefly before letting go, bone-deep exhaustion overtaking anything else you see in her mirrored stance.
The last thing that captures your eye as Eloise turns to her room is that painting of her childhood home and, strangely, how it feels closer now than ever before.
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Benedict taglist: @foreverlonginguniverse @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover @corpseoftrees-queen @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23 @how-many-stars-in-the-sky @amygdtjhddzvb @sya-skies @balladynaaa
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Always Him Masterlist
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He's going to break her, but she's going to love him anyway.
⚠️Minors do NOT interact with this au⚠️
Synopsis : They were just friends, but she woke up in his arms more often than not. They were just friends, but he marked her like she was his. They were just friends, so why does he hate the sight of her with someone else?
Pairing : Kim Hongjoong x Reader, Kang Yeosang x Reader
⚠️This smau will be dealing with a lot of mature subjects such as : swearing, drinking, smoking, drugs, alcoholism, fwb relationships, sex talk, jealousy, possessiveness, and more. Reader's discretion is advised⚠️
Taglist : CLOSED
If you like my work, buy me a coffee 💕
{Let The Story Begin}
Roommates | Others | Playlist
0. Just Friends (1k)
1. Please Do Babygirl
2. Take Me To Wonderland
3. Such A Good Friend
4. My Girl (1.7k)
5. Find You A New Man
6. Caught (3.5k)
7. Things Are Fine
8. Bare Minimum
9. In Your Dreams
10. Take The Edge Off
11. Bitch Tacos
12. Feels Right
13. Just Want To Forget (1.6k)
14. Love Hurts
15. The Actual Truth
16. Like It Was Fate
17. Ding Dong Dick Berry
18. Teetering On The Ledge (1.6k)
19. Everything And Then Some
20. Just Another Me
21. Out Of The Loop
22. Wifey Trio Is The World
23. Protect Her Together
24. Yunho's List(s)
25. Tonight She's Mine
26. End This Cycle
27. Go Far And Stay There (3.7k) (triggering content)
28. Blocked
29 : Still Loves Him (1.2k)
30. Bullshit Theory
31. Moves On Fast
32. Fifth Wheel
33. Living Up To Her Name
34. Our Little Secret
35. Pool Day
36. Mingi Needs Answers
37. That's Our Yeo
38. There Is No Us
39. Memory Lane Causes Pain (1.3k)
40. Never Been Happier
41. Not Talking To You
42. Rose Tinted Glasses (1.1k)
43. Prismatic Chaos
44. 100 Days
45. Together Again (3.4k)
46. The Food Insults
47. Bentley
48. What Is Your Decision?
49. If Without You (1.1k)
50. Accept (0.7k) or Reject (0.7k)
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artstar1997 · 2 months
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I was influenced by superheroes at the young age. The first one I was inspired by was DC because I used to watch the old Batman animated series, also the Justice League animated series. Marvel also got into my inspiration manifestation later when I watched Avengers with my family and I usually root for the good guys, especially Thor, who is a total hunk. These references made me think of making a Trolls Superhero AU, which is composed of OCs and Canon characters. Now, let’s meet the terrific trio themselves, Queen Rose as Captain Sterling, Queen Poppy as Rainbow Girl, and Branch as the mysterious Psionyx.
Captain Sterling Real Name: Rosita “Rosetta” Barbara V. Madrigal Alias: Titanium Queen, Leap of Faith, Lil’ Ace Superpowers: Invulnerability, Flight, Super Strength, Super Speed, Heat Vision (including Solar Flare), Super Hearing, Super Vision (including X-ray Vision, microscopic vision, and telescopic vision, overuse causes headaches), Super Breath (including Ice Breath), Accelerated Healing, Energy Manipulation (it includes absorption and generation), Partial alien physiology, Martial Arts, Indomitable Will Archenemy: Evelyn Ford a.k.a Velvet (based on Lex Luthor) Inspiration: Superman, Captain Marvel
Rainbow Girl Real Name: Penelope “Poppy” Monteiro Alias: Sunshine B.B., Bubblegum Chick, Prismatic Queen Superpowers: Flight, Sound Conversion, Light Generation, Iriskinesis via Lumokinesis and Chromakinesis, Chromo-Egrokinesis, Energy Manipulation, Enhance Strength and Durability, Healing, Martial Arts, Indomitable Will Archenemy: Pacifica “Pushy Poppy” a.k.a Drab Grey Inspiration: Dazzler, Karolina Dean
Psionyx Real Name: Bernardo “Branch” Huitzilopochtli Ramon Rivera Alias: The Psychic Onyx, Superpowers: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Psychic powers, Indomitable Will, Intimidation, Interrogation, Peak Human Conditioning, Martial Arts Master, Weapons Master, Genius Level Intellect, Peak Human Strength, Superhuman Agility Archenemy: Carl “Creek” Evans a.k.a Monkshood (based on Poison Ivy but his color scheme is more similar to the Joker, Green Goblin, and Skeletor) Inspiration: Batman, Jean Grey a.k.a Phoenix
I’m planning to make a team for them called the Justice Brigade, which will serve as the leading team for all the super teams because it is based on the main Justice League but I dunno who can I pick for their team. As for Guy Diamond and Meadow Sprigg’s team, the Sylvan Guardians (composed of them, along with Tiny Diamond, Holly Darlin’, Val Thundershock, and Lownote Jones), they’ll retain their animal theme. Let me know if you have suggestions for the Terrific Trio’s teammates.
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 6 months
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Our farm witch friends really delivered with their faves last month and we're here this week to share the last of that list. Thank you to everyone who responded to pass along the fics you love and help keep this fandom reading (and writing)!
Check these community fave works out and leave the authors some love!
Bound by symmetry (barelypink) “I am and always will be a sucker for a slow burn. This one is a diamond.”
Goodwill (@spiders-hth-is-an-outlier) “I don't know why I love this as much as I do. It's really sad, but also really joyful. It unfolds so beautifully. I love all the introspection. And the socks. I'll always love the socks.” 
If not now (MoreHuman, swat117) “There is no truer test of a relationship than all the time in the world.”
If you say run, I’ll run with you (upbeat) “Wonderful, different take on the wedding.”
Language of Love (pandorasdaydream) “This series takes the 22 min tv episodes and fills in the moments we don’t see. David and Patrick are fleshed out, while staying true to Dan Levy’s characters. The series is beautifully written and developed.”
Left unsaid (@treepyful) “A very detailed day in the life of a rare pair in the Fandom. Like, so so detailed. But every word is glorious and intentional, and somehow, though there's only like 6 words of dialog in the entire fic, so much gets said. Also, there's one of the most incredible descriptions of a thunderstorm that I've ever read.”
Neither snow, nor rain (middyblue) “Christmas slow-burn.”
Post hoc ergo propter hoc (various) “I love all of the installments in this political AU because I liked the West Wing a lot but it was never queer enough. This series has all the humor and dialogue and romance and Queer Feelings (tm) you might ever wish for in a beltway workplace drama, plus President Johnny Rose and Stevie Budd as his (eventual) chief of staff.” 
Prismatic (thetrustytaco) **WIP**  “You only see b&w until you get close to your soulmate! Gah! Not finished but so good so far!!”
Sleepless (@wellschitt) “This fic is funny, sexy, and full of heart, and at just over 10k, it's the perfect length for a reread (or in my case many, many rereads) when you need a quick pick me up on a stressful day.”
Time until the end of time (@ships-to-sail, yourbuttervoicedbeau (@kiwiana-writes)) “I've been into the idea of a waiting room on the way to the after life for a long time, and this piece totally does our characters justice. If you have an ache in your life, it will knead it and might even heal you a bit.”
Value added (theMaura) “Short. Hilarious.”
Vampires Are People Too! (@petrodobreva) “It's a rare thing indeed for a fic author to create a unique, fully realized alternative world while still holding on to the spirit of the canon work that we all know and love, but that's exactly what petrodobreva manages to pull off in this teen vampire AU.” 
Winning the Game (@ladyflowdi) “One of the most hilarious laugh-out-loud fics in the fandom.” 
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ofmermaidstories · 3 months
If you don't mind me asking, how often do you play stardew valley? do you play at night? with a cup of tea?
please! i am dying to talk about it!!! i tend to play games in solid, obsessed blocks. so i’ve been playing every day for the last couple of weeks, now, but before that it’d been months and months since i touched it last. i’ll play whenever! whenever i have time, or throughout the day if it’s a lazy one. i like to play in stretches, and i consider it a treat to, so i’ll often have a snack ready or a drink (sometimes that cuppa you mentioned, often a juice box tho bc im like, five, lmao). i only have two saves!! my first one, delilah, where i didn’t know what i was doing and got bored of, really quickly—and my current one, my second one! it uses my real name, lmao, which tbh i’m not sure i like—it’s always jarring when the other characters say things to me. 💀 we’re currently in winter, in year five. the farm is called Sea Dreams, and it’s a beach property. i completely ignored the warnings about it not being for beginners lmfao, but i quite like it! beyond the romanticism of being on the beach of this like, inland sea cove, i like that the sand means only a fraction of the land is actually good for proper farming. i use the proper soil, the real soil, for my seasonal crops and then let patches of trees grow throughout the rest of the farm. my fruit trees are near the bat cave; in front of my house i grow small plots of flowers. and then by the shore i keep the animals. i’ve fenced them so they get trees and the pond and the sea as well; if i’m spending the day on the farm i’ll sometimes hear the plop! of the ducks, gliding onto the cove’s waters. they always look so contented. 🥹 if i’m there in the evenings, when it’s time for them to turn into the barn or the coop, i’ll stand on the shore and wait for them to drift back—they’re always last in, on those days.
i have a single fish pond, so far, towards the south of the property—it’s filled with sturgeon and from their eggs i make caviar. i make goats cheese and bread and mayonnaise and at the end of every season i harvest the flowers that grew and ride into town on my horse, grover, and hand them out. in the warm months my farm is covered in grass, everywhere! on the last day of autumn i cut it all down, for hay. my greenhouse is on a little island of it’s own, with grandpa’s shrine behind it: inside i grow more flowers, and fruit trees, and strawberries, blueberries, ancient fruit, starfruit. i hope to get a second mango sapling at some point, to grow in the greenhouse—my first one is now planted among my peach trees, waiting for it’s first summer.
fairy roses are my favourite flower. every autumn, during the stardew fair, i always include a pink one, one of my best, in my grange display for the competition. this year my setup included my best goats cheese; my best, aged wine. my best peach and my best orange! caviar, my fairy rose, a bottle of truffle oil and a jar of fairy rose honey, and then lastly, a tulip from spring, lavender-dawn in colour.
(i always win, and i always feel so smug about it. i hate pierre so much lmao, he’s such a dick.)
hmm, what else can i tell you? i’ve only just made it to the skull caverns! they stress me out so bad. 💀 recently tho (like, today, lmfao), i found my first dinosaur egg! and my first two prismatic shards—i saved the first shard in a chest in my barn, and with the other got a sword. the dinosaur egg is currently incubating! i’m so excited for it to live among my chickens and my ducks and my rabbits. 🥹
i really, really like the magic realism that’s steeped into the valley. beyond the atmosphere of the game (the freedom of leaving behind a life that was stifling you, and finding a home in the valley you’d never even dared dreamed of, before) the magic of the world is like, the number one factor in me wanting to write a AU for it. i like—things like the fairy stones. An old miner's song suggests these are made from the bones of ancient fairies. i like things like finding the burnished copper helmets of the dwarves; i like that we can wear one. i like that sometimes, in the night, there’s a rustle of wings and the next morning when you step outside there’s an owl statue, nestled somewhere on your farm like it’s been there for centuries. there’s a junimo hut in the secret, wooded area of pine trees on my farm. they’re too far from the crops to appear, but sometimes when i ride past in the dusk, just when it’s getting dark, you can hear the flicker of flames—the open doorway to their little home glowing. there’s also a secret altar to yoba, amid the trees; the dull steel of the sign of the vessel hidden away against the dark green. there’s just so much to it! i feel like you could dig deep, go deep, literally deep in the mines, and still not understand the world. and it makes me want to write that, lmao. the whole game just makes me want to write! just the world of it—waking up at six am, every morning. learning how to make something of the land before you, how to grow things, how to care for things, animals. walking into town to buy seeds. galloping into town, or down to the forest. one of my favourite touches, in the game, is how sometimes there’ll be a flock of birds on the path, pecking at something—and when you come along they all take flight, all together. and there’s a moment, every time, where you’re in the middle of it, the the beat of the wings—running or riding with them, almost. that’s what i wanna write about. the ride into town, slipping from the horse, breathless, in front of the general store or the saloon. i haven’t married anyone in my save, yet; i can’t decide on who i want to live with. so many of them are sweethearts. i like elliot a lot, recently. he wrote a romance novel for me. 🥺 but originally i wanted to date alex—i love his grandparents. on the last day of autumn i’ll take my fairy roses into town for his grandmother, and for jasmine. but saying that sebastian’s also grown on me; as has haley. sometimes i think i’ll just ask krobus, deep in his sewer, to move in with me instead—but i have an empty nursery in my house and sometimes i wonder if it’d be fun to have someone to have kids with.
(but then i swing back and forth on it—it creeps me out that the kids never age. 🥹 eternal toddlers, stumbling around the house. maybe i’ll have them just to see what it’s like, and then go to the witch’s hut to turn them into doves and let them go.)
if i wrote a stardew valley AU for my hero, i think it’d be just as hard to pick an endgame in-fic. do we pick izuku, and his rabbits? or bakugou and his explosions, up in the quarry? shouto, following us from the city, trying to leave behind the massive corporation that’s eating the world up that he’s set to inherit? idk! anyways. that’s off-topic. 🥹 do you play, anon??? what’s your favourite part? what’s your farm like???? do you like to have a cuppa in hand, when you settle in to play?
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goodyeartheshippycat · 2 months
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply (see additional tags)
Relationships: Ethos/Phobos, Deimos/Praxis
Summary: A modern-setting AU in which Jules (Phobos) the high-strung Londoner visits the Scottish countryside for some relaxation and has a meet-cute with Aidan (Ethos) the sheep farmer while en route to the B&B where he is staying. Sheep-related antics ensue. Somehow, against all odds, Jules leaves his heart at the gateway to the Highlands.
Your eyes do not deceive you, friends. The link preview does say "Chapter 16", but I have not skipped a chapter. This is indeed Chapter 15 (the final chapter!) of Scottish AU, but the fic on AO3 has been rearranged to add a new chapter 1, which is a gorgeous cover image I commissioned from @prismatic-cannon in celebration of finally finishing my magnum opus. For ease of viewing, you can see the cover image in its full glory here on tumblr, too!
Here's some self-indulgent looking back on a list of things I didn't know when I started writing Scottish AU:
That between my career taking off and developing what was for a long time diagnosed as a chronic overuse injury (and turned out to be osteoarthritis with a side of mild tendonitis & tenosynovitis) it would take me more than 6 years to finish the first fic/arc of the longer story I'd planned out sob sob
That Scottish Romance is, in fact, a surprisingly large subgenre (I'm not generally a reader of published romance novels)
That JKR bankrolled the anti-independence campaign prior to the 2014 referendum (what a cunt, aye?)
Exactly how Brexit would play out and whether or not it would spur another indyref in short order
That a global pandemic would dash my plans to return to Scotland in 2020 (and every year of the new decade since) once I finally:
a) wasn't completely skint and would have cash to do all the touristy shit
b) was allowed to drink again and would be able to actually enjoy all the glorious whisky
Now to have a wee dram in celebration of my longest ongoing fic finally being completed! Thank you to everyone who read even a chapter of it or cheered me on or sent me stupid sheep fucking jokes. And thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the readers who have stuck around and actually read the whole mess from start to finish. I adore every single one of you!
If I one day get around to writing the other arcs I originally outlined for this fic, they will be new fics and I’ll put them into a series. But for now, this is where our tale ends <3
And yes, readers with keen memories will clock the inspiration for part of this chapter from something I reblogged many moons ago. Thanks Vi <3
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weathermanpolls · 4 months
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nekoofwanton · 1 year
Prismatic Plasma - A PokeVillain Rehab AU
⦁ In this AU Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon never happened so this is my version of Rainbow Rocket. ⦁ Takes place exactly 1 year after Sword & Shield. Rose's incarceration is shorted when he is visited by N and Colress who volunteer the former chairman for a behavioral experiment.
⦁ Piers is assigned as Rose's parole officer. Only 'cause he's retired from being a Gym Leader and he was 'least influenced by (his) charisma or some shit like that…' Piers quote
⦁ During time skip, Archie and Maxie finally realized their feelings for each other and got married.
⦁ One random day in Sinnoh, Cyrus just 'popped out' of the distortion world back into the real world, complete with amnesia. ⦁ Apparently being buried in tons of rubble had some repercussions as Lysandre had bionic implants put in his spine and legs by Cyrus (shout-out to the manga).
⦁ Lusamine is cured of Nihilego's influence but only 99% of the venom could be removed, resulting in a single black highlight in her hair. Later on, Lusamine gets most of her hair clipped off by the Titan Klawf. She was super pissed at first but then realized that the new do is more manageable. ⦁ The story develops as arcs/seasons, where certain regions are explored. I've got three arcs planned out so far - Paldea, Johto and Hisui. ⦁ Paldea Academy is the first arc, which follows the plotline of Scarlet/Violet. As part of the former bosses' rehabilitation, they are assigned community service at Paldea Academy (instead of two separate schools it's just one). ⦁ Colress assigns the bosses into three groups - Team Id aka The McCoys consist of Guzma, Archie and Rose; Team Ego aka The Kirks are Lusamine, Lysandre and Giovanni; Team SuperEgo aka The Spocks are Maxie, Piers and Cyrus. ⦁ Team Id bonds with Arven, Team Ego bonds with Nemona, Team SuperEgo bonds with Penny
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multishipper-baby · 3 months
Currently stuck on a 12 hour long car trip- it's been 5 hours and I got so bored I made an entire list of what presents each character would like in my FHS AU, based on DR1's MonoMono Machine (MaiMai Machine?). Freddy isn't here because he's protag, he gets no presents.
If you want the full list of items with their descriptions and images, it's here in the Danganronpa Wiki. I believe every student should have 4 loved items and 10/11 liked ones? So I did it like that.
Loves: 021. Blueberry Perfume, 032. Fresh Bindings, 033. Jimmy Decay T-Shirt, 052. Golden Gun.
Likes: 009. Sonic Cup-a-Noodle, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 029. Leaf Covering, 049. Zantetsuken, 050. Muramasa, 054. Self-Destructing Cassette, 065. Secrets of the Omoplata, 067. The Funplane, 068. Project Zombie, 087. Meteorite Arrowhead.
Loves: 009. Sonic Cup-a-Noodle, 017. Everlasting Bracelet, 033. Jimmy Decay T-Shirt, 068. Project Zombie.
Likes: 016. Kitten Hairclip, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 021. Blueberry Perfume, 030. Torneko's Pants, 031. Bunny Earmuffs, 046. Rose in Vitro, 047. Cherry Blossom Bouquet, 048. Rose Whip, 059. Antique Doll, 067. The Funplane.
Loves: 067. The Funplane, 068. Project Zombie, 069. Pagan Dancer, 070. Tips & Tips.
Likes: 002. Cola Cola, 006. Potato Chips, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 024. Mac's Gloves, 025. Glasses, 027. Roller Slippers, 051. Raygun Zurion, 056. Pretty Hungry Caterpillar, 081. Small Light, 087. Meteorite Arrowhead, 089. Green Costume.
Loves: 023. God of War Charm, 024. Mac's Gloves, 036. Waterlover, 065. Secrets of the Omoplata.
Likes: 016. Kitten Hairclip, 017. Everlasting Bracelet, 018. Love Status Ring, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 027. Roller Slippers, 045. Unending Dandelion, 047. Cherry Blossom Bouquet, 058. Mr. Fastball, 067. The Funplane, 080. Bojobo Dolls.
Loves: 004. Rose Hip Tea, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 047. Cherry Blossom Bouquet, 048. Rose Whip.
Likes: 003. Civet Coffee, 022. Scarab Brooch, 025. Glasses, 028. Red Scarf, 033. Jimmy Decay T-Shirt, 034. Emperor's Thong, 040. Layering Shears, 046. Rose in Vitro, 067. The Funplane, 069. Pagan Dancer, 071. Maiden's Handbag.
Loves: 024. Mac's Gloves, 032. Fresh Bindings, 052. Golden Gun, 065. Secrets of the Omoplata.
Likes: 007. Prismatic Hardtack, 011. Ration, 013. Overflowing Lunch Box, 014. Sunflower Seeds, 017. Everlasting Bracelet, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 023. God of War Charm, 026. G-Sick, 053. Berserker Armor, 067. The Funplane.
Loves: 015. Birdseed, 017. Everlasting Bracelet, 045. Unending Dandelion, 031. Bunny Earmuffs.
Likes: 013. Overflowing Lunch Box, 016. Kitten Hairclip, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 028. Red Scarf, 043. Adorable Reactions Collection, 056. Pretty Hungry Caterpillar, 067. The Funplane, 079. Water Flute, 089. Green Costume, 090. Red Costume.
Loves: 009. Sonic Cup-a-Noodle, 053. Berserker Armor, 056. Pretty Hungry Caterpillar, 058. Mr. Fastball.
Likes: 006. Potato Chips, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 029. Leaf Covering, 033. Jimmy Decay T-Shirt, 038. Astral Boy Doll, 060. Crystal Skull, 061. Golden Airplane, 067. The Funplane, 082. Voice-Changing Bowtie, 088. Chin Drill.
Loves: 006. Potato Chips, 019. Zoles Diamond, 026. G-Sick, 033. Jimmy Decay T-Shirt.
Likes: 008. Black Croissant, 010. Royal Curry, 013. Overflowing Lunch Box, 018. Love Status Ring, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 025. Glasses, 047. Cherry Blossom Bouquet, 049. Zantetsuken, 066. Millennium Prize Problems, 067. The Funplane.
Loves: 003. Civet Coffee, 043. Adorable Reactions Collection, 046. Rose in Vitro, 059. Antique Doll.
Likes: 004. Rose Hip Tea, 017. Everlasting Bracelet, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 030. Torneko's Pants, 060. Crystal Skull, 061. Golden Airplane, 062. Prince Shotoku's Globe, 066. Millennium Prize Problems, 064. Asura's Tears, 067. The Funplane, 084. Novelist's Fountain Pen.
Loves: 003. Civet Coffee, 004. Rose Hip Tea, 059. Antique Doll, 079. Water Flute.
Likes: 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 022. Scarab Brooch, 041. Quality Chinchilla Cover, 045. Unending Dandelion, 046. Rose in Vitro, 047. Cherry Blossom Bouquet, 052. Golden Gun, 057. Old Timey Radio, 067. The Funplane, 082. Voice-Changing Bowtie.
Loves: 008. Black Croissant, 016. Kitten Hairclip, 031. Bunny Earmuffs, 047. Cherry Blossom Bouquet.
Likes: 006. Potato Chips, 010. Royal Curry, 017. Everlasting Bracelet, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 021. Blueberry Perfume, 037. Demon Angel Princess Figure, 046. Rose in Vitro, 059. Antique Doll, 065. Secrets of the Omoplata, 067. The Funplane.
Loves: 018. Love Status Ring, 021. Blueberry Perfume, 058. Mr. Fastball, 076. Sacred Tree Sprig.
Likes: 007. Prismatic Hardtack, 010. Royal Curry, 016. Kitten Hairclip, 019. Zoles Diamond, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 022. Scarab Brooch, 028. Red Scarf, 042. Kirlian Camera, 066. Millennium Prize Problems, 067. The Funplane.
Loves: 004. Rose Hip Tea, 021. Blueberry Perfume, 046. Rose in Vitro, 047. Cherry Blossom Bouquet.
Likes: 012. Flotation Donut, 017. Everlasting Bracelet, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 030. Torneko's Pants, 036. Waterlover, 041. Quality Chinchilla Cover, 048. Rose Whip, 059. Antique Doll, 067. The Funplane, 071. Maiden's Handbag.
Ann Chica
Loves: 030. Torneko's Pants, 031. Bunny Earmuffs, 040. Layering Shears, 071. Maiden's Handbag.
Likes: 002. Cola Cola, 015. Birdseed, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 021. Blueberry Perfume, 035. Hand Bra, 047. Cherry Blossom Bouquet, 053. Berserker Armor, 059. Antique Doll, 067. The Funplane, 088. Chin Drill.
Loves: 042. Kirlian Camera, 051. Raygun Zurion, 057. Old Timey Radio, 075. Vise.
Likes: 009. Sonic Cup-a-Noodle, 020. Hope's Peak Ring, 026. G-Sick, 028. Red Scarf, 045. Unending Dandelion, 054. Self-Destructing Cassette, 055. Silent Receiver, 066. Millennium Prize Problems, 067. The Funplane, 068. Project Zombie.
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ninjastar107 · 11 months
OC-tober Day nineteen - 'Inspiration'
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'It's all dig dug?'
'Always has been.'
Frankly, I don't really recall it too much, however what I do remember was insane, and insanely on par for a kid who loved videogames, haha.
Alex started out as an arcade cabinet who hosted a bunch of arcade games. He would be the one who fixed up all the bugs in the code! He and Dig dug were best friends in the sense that Alex would just do his job for him sometimes.
GT started from a Mr Driller au where Taizo was split up into different personality fragments after accidentally drilling into a prismatic dristone. It was up to Susumu to put him back together, even though not every part of Taizo wanted to do that. GT embodied the fragment of creativity, and was the only one really willing to help Susumu at the start, despite being a bit of a nuisance.
OJ. that's a tough one, because I do have old art of a Dig Dug design that looks similar, but I could not even begin to put a finger on what it was about. Maybe its where he went into the space force instead??
Dr. Aei was Ataru from an AU that I don't even remember, but I know that He had crystal powers and so did Susumu. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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(The redraw lineup was in 2021)
5008 was originally inspired by the song 'White Roses' and 'Seek 300' by Information Society, and this was back when I was really into computer viruses, haha! He originally was supposed to be created by a virus manifesting a conscious, and of course he was supposed to destroy Alex.
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tanjirou-no-au · 1 year
KNY Parahumans AU: The Wards
Alright, I’ve actually put thought into this, and here’s what I’ve come up with for our favourite Demon slaying teens with superpowers!
A Breaker/Stranger/Shaker, he can turn himself into a cloud of mist that suppresses the memory of any who enter, though he can’t control what memories he suppresses. Additionally, he can shift in a rapidly explosive way, and reform his body at any point in the mist, giving him minor Blaster and Mover ratings.
Kinda like Vista, at once the youngest Ward and the most experienced.
A Brute/Thinker. His Thinker power is a form of emotional sensation and facets of Parahuman Triggers, while his Brute power manifests in a prismatic ruby forcefield he can mentally shape into weaponry. Somewhat brittle, but quick to regenerate.
Following Rengoku’s death, he Triggers again. His forcefield’s shattering effect becomes explosive, enveloping his foes in a fire that punishes them with their deeds, with the pain it does proportional to Tanjiro’s own judgement of the crime.
Loses an eye during a fight with Akaza, and an arm with Muzan, has them both replaced with Tinkertech made by Kotetsu and Haganezuka.
A Brute/Striker/Trump. Bog standard Demon strength and regeneration, fueled by her blood. Said blood can be ignited into a fire that ‘burns’ Parahuman powers.
A Case 53, unwilling recipient of a Cauldron Vial in an experiment to see how it would react to a possible second generation Cape, as both she and Tanjiro are Yoriichi’s kids in this potential AU.
Thinker/Blaster. A form of combat precognition fueled by reading minute body movements a la Cassandra Cain. Her Blaster facet manifests as the generation of rose petals she can shoot out with either concussive or shredding force.
Combines one with the other by placing these rose blasts in the path of her foes.
Mover/Breaker. Experiences blackouts in which he engages a Breaker State that allows him to shoot off at superspeed, energizing and ‘jagged’ around the edges, allowing to shred through things.
A Cluster Trigger with Kaigaku, he thankfully isn’t affected by Kiss-Kill. If only it was reciprocal.
Brute/Changer. Flexible and mobile body that allows him to shift his organs. As a fight goes on, slowly takes the form of a wereboar with fire breath, kinda like Lung.
Wanted to be called Mountain King, but was denied.
Trump/Changer/Brute. By ingesting organic matter, he can take on their features, with the most potent aspect of his power being the mimicry of Parahuman powers. Plus a healing factor, of course.
Highest of the Wards in the kill order should they turn to villainy.
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