#here is an absolutely devastating thought i had about crosshair
miseries-mistress · 2 years
I'd like to think that sometimes Crosshair fights against his chip.
It could be voluntarily or involuntarily, maybe it's to get the voices to stop, but he does it. 
I'd like to think he calls out for his brothers, distraught as he's alone and scared. He doesn't usually feel fear, so it freaks him out even more when he realizes he's alone. 
I'd like to think he's frantic in the room stripped of his brother's influence, but it's also so achingly familiar, like deja vu. Maybe in his panic, he wonders where his brothers are, if they're safe.  He cares more than he will admit, about them and their wellbeing, so when there's no traces left of his vod, none of Wrecker's booming voice, none of Tech's datapads, none of Echo's supplies to clean his mechanical parts, none of Hunter's clothes scattered about, nothing to cling to of their existence, his steady, controlled hands start to shake.
I'd like to think that his emotions overwhelm him because he's never experienced anything quite like it. Fear, dread, sorrow, regret, it weighs on his chest, threatening to break every bone and expose his raw and bleeding heart.  
I'd like to think that in his panic, he can't control the influence of the chip, and he feels it slowly crowding his thoughts like a thick cloud of poisonous gas, and amidst those thoughts, before they are buried under the inhibitor chip, his frantic mind falls to a question. 
Why is he alone?
Maybe Crosshair even screams their names, clinging onto his last wisps of hope that they can get rid of the voices. That they can save him. 
I'd like to think that in his last moments before he is pulled under the chip, he thinks of his family, the ones who protected him throughout his childhood, stood by his side, defended him, protected him, saved him. 
Then he blinks, and those thoughts are gone, reduced to a bad dream, and CT-9904 is left staring at that exact spot in the wall that Clone Force 99 used to tally their missions, the cascade of voices now a familiar buzz in his mind. 
I'd like to think that CT-9904 wonders what happened to his old squad, and maybe that's the barest influence of Crosshair in his head, but he shakes it out because, to him, it doesn't matter. Good soldiers follow orders. 
I’d like to think Crosshair is still in there, maybe hidden underneath the tangle of CT-9904, but  waiting for his brothers to return to him, to save him, and bring him home.
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projectdrow · 8 months
How the Bad Batch can end well
So here are my 5 thoughts on season 3 and what’s to come after. I recommend @eriexplosion if you like reading interesting thoughts, analysis and ramblings, a lot of their recent posts inspired this one.
First of all, the trailer was a work of art. It gave us some really random scenes, but also some very direct information that we can speculate on like crazy, if we want to. Also, the title-episode list comes in handy, I will refer to it.
1.) Episode 1-3 one go
I’ll come back to why the show needs to end before May the 4th later, and that’s another reason for the multiple episode days.
When a streaming service like Disney drops more than one episode, they often do so because they think viewers might be lost, because the single (first) episode does not have the full “boom-bang-drama” potential.
I think we’ll see the liberation of Crosshair, maybe even Omega, in the first three episodes. The trailer makes no secret of the fact that Cross will rejoin the team. So this story will not be the main focus of the whole season and the first episode might built up solely for the climax of the escape/liberation in episode 3. At least something heavy will happen at the end of “Shadows of Tantiss”
2.) Omega as the main character
Omega’s character is a very typical tool in storytelling. Throw a character who knows nothing into an established system, so she learns everything with/for the viewer. Sure, the boys are main characters, too, but Omega is the point of view of the kids(! - I’ll come back to that later)-show we’re watching. She can’t be gone for that long, because I don’t think season 3 will be a “Omega’s adventures on Mt. Tantiss”. I think episode 6 and 7 (“Infiltration” and “Extraction”) the latest will bring her back.
3.) So what’s the story?
Actually, and some might say that’s a big take, a lot of the first episodes will be about Tech. I don’t think I need to elaborate to anyone why it makes no sense for him to be dead and never had.
When we first saw this Clone X, there were some interesting “Undercover-Tech” ideas, but after analyzing the trailer in more depth and especially what appears to be an attack on Pabu led by this Clone, well, I think that’s Tech. And not undercover, no, the full on brainwashed, highly dangerous Imp!Tech. Episode 10 is called “Identity Crisis”, which could very well be Tech’s. But they’ll get him back, don’t worry, also because the second part will be about the BB finally deciding what to do with their lives. Which leads directly to 5.), but first:
4.) (Almost) no one dies
Two reasons. First: We already had that devastating Tech-death scene. He AND Asajj will be brought back from the dead this season. Any further death this season wouldn’t convince anyone anymore, not even the kids.
Second: The kids. It’s still a children’s show. Yes, Star Wars kills of characters in them too, but @eriexplosion made a very good point in this post: That’s not what this show is about. TBB has been about the struggle of Clones finding their place, finding family, finding a meaning. All of that would be for naught, and that’s why I think everyone survives.
Also: The last episode is called: “The Cavalry has Arrived”.
5.) About the future
I think the Bad Batch was intended to be released earlier. As well as the trailer. But with the strikes and Filoni being promoted, their was a lot going on. With the triplet opening and the double episodes, we’ll finish on May 1st. And that would be just to perfect to announce the follow-up-project on May 4th. I see another Clone series on the horizon. The Clones work, the people love them, it’s all there, the characters, the stories, the animation. It’s a safe bet for Lucasfilm. And sure, it would work with Rex, Cody and more as main characters, but the Batch was intended to be and is a stark contrast to the “Regs”, especially if they get Cross and Tech back.
Sure, Omega could be the leading figure again, but… nah. I am writing this because I’m absolutely convinced that we won’t have seen the last of the complete BadBatch after season 3.
Star Wars is about Hope. So I hope.
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stars-n-spice · 4 months
Old Art - Had this really stupid and funny idea but!
Sharpshooters + Starburst as Sonadow + Knuxouge
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Then one with Sonic and the Gang!
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Tay'kaa as Sonic Crosshair as Shadow Wrecker as Knuckles Khea as Rouge
Now them in onesies!
Because I wanted to do one of them in onesies and another of them in their usual armor/attire but inspired by the Sonic characters!
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Also, I realized that I named Tay'kaa forgetting that Tay-O was a character-
And that fact that he fits a character Ben Schwartz might voice? A blue, cocky, charming troublemaker? (I don't imagine his voice sounding like Ben Schwartz's but still)
I just thought it was a funny coincidence. Something something poetry rhymes or something.
Also, I am absolutely devastated that those rumors about Hayden Christensen voicing Shadow turned out to just be rumors </3 That would've been sick.
Anyways, close-ups and individual shots under the cut!
Find out more about the Silly Squad here!
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neyswxrld · 11 months
meeting the family
echo x reader (gn, first person)
summary: After half a year, Echo's partner finally meets his brothers, but some people just can't mind their own business.
warnings: insults, (maybe alcohol? can be read with and without) halloween & costumes, someone makes a comment about eating habits, kissing (i think that's all, please let me know if i missed something!)
words: ~2500
a/n: this is my first own post on this blog and uhmmm yeah. i'm slowly trying myself on the boys soo uhm. yeah.
here is a little spin-off, about how the boys (especially wrecker) got their costumes!
p.s. english isn't my mother tongue, sorry for misspellings! (commas are a pain in the ass.)
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"Are you ready?" Echo asked and smiled at me from the side.
"I... I don't know," I admitted, and started to chew on my lip until I felt a sweet pain and recognized the taste of blood. Disgusted, I crinkled my nose.
We were standing in front of 79s. After about half a year, I finally got to meet Echo's family: his brothers. And which establishment could have been better than the place where we met, with the small extra that it was Halloween and we were wearing costumes.
And that's how we were standing here, fulfilling a cliché with being devil and angel. Echo was wearing a white rope, a self-made Halo and small wings with feathers - and he looked gorgeous!
I was dressed in sweet, red robes, had little devil's horns on my head and leathery wings on my back.
Even though Echo wasn't that confident in his clothes at first, he had to admit that we were looking kriffing good together today.
But still - it changed nothing about the fact that I was nervous. More than nervous. My hands were warm and sweaty. I was almost embarrassed that Echo held one of them in his own hand and had to feel that. My heart was beating unpleasantly fast, and my fingertips and my chest were tingly.
I was afraid they wouldn't like me or judge me at first sight.
Were my robes too short? Would they think I'm cheap? Did I appear respectable and serious, or would they think I'm just for short-term? What if they thought I wasn't good enough for Echo? What if they really wouldn't like me? What if I wouldn't like them? Both options would be absolutely devastating. They were the most important people in Echo's life. Of course I wanted to like them!
My boyfriend seemed to notice my insecurity.
"You will do great. They're excited to finally meet you," he assured me and squeezed my hand a little bit. In contrast to mine, his hand was cool and dry. He was able to ground me a little bit again. As long as I wouldn't come across like a spoiled brat, everything would be fine. They wouldn't have a reason to not like me.
I took a deep breath, nodded and breathed a small "Okay."
With determined steps, we walked through the entrance of the famous clone bar and headed for a booth in the back of the bar.
Even from far away, I recognized the boys Echo already showed me on pictures. Of course they were wearing costumes at the moment, too.
Hunter's shaggy hair was standing out among the other clones. In addition to that, he wore wolf ears with fake fur, a red and blue checked shirt that was ripped on a few spots and a black leather jacket that looked really good on him. His black painted nails looked like claws.
Next to him sat Crosshair. He wore an elegant, black cape with red accents and a high collar. On his chest was a silver brooch that looked perfectly old-fashioned. While he was talking with Hunter, every now and then small, sharp fangs were poking out of his mouth.
I also recognized Tech relatively fast due to his goggles. He was wearing a big, pointed hat that almost swallowed his head and dark robes with silver embellishments. In front of him was a thick book, and while he was talking with Wrecker, he lively gestured with a small magic wand to defend his point: "Wrecker, I am not a witch. I am a wizard!" I vaguely heard him say, and a small smile appeared on my lips when Wrecker started to laugh out loud. "Ahw, that's the same!"
Wrecker himself was wearing a purple and yellow Onesie without a hood. It was purple on the most part of it. His tummy was a light yellow, and I could see a short tail that had some stripes in the same shade of yellow as his tummy. On his head, he was wearing a purple beanie with cute, little tooka ears attached to it that had the same pattern as his tail. It looked handmade and was absolutely adorable. Suddenly, I remembered Echo telling me about Crosshair and Tech staying up all night to craft this thing for Wrecker.
"No, there is a fundamental difference between a witch and a wizard!" Tech kept going. While Echo and I moved closer to the table, his words got clearer for my ears.
"Stop bickering, you two. Wrecker, Tech is a wizard. Tech, stop gesticulating with your stick, I'd rather keep Wrecker's other eye," Hunter intervened. Both were quiet for a few seconds until Tech started talking again.
"Hunter, this isn't just a stick-" he started, but this time, he was interrupted by Echo and me.
By now, we had reached the group, and my boyfriend cleared his throat to get their attention.
Immediately, all of them stopped talking and turned their heads towards us expectantly. I felt four pairs of eyes landing on me, scrutinizing me curiously. This time, I squeezed Echo's hand a bit tighter. He answered me with squeezing back.
"Boys, this is my partner," Echo started and introduced us to each other. I smiled and nodded at them as a greeting.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I said shyly and was glad that Echo pulled me down with him into the cozy locking booth.
I sat down next to Wrecker and Echo slid in close to me. There were a few moments in which nobody said anything. If it hadn't been for the loud music or the chatter of other clones and their dates, we probably would've been able to hear a pin drop. Luckily, Wrecker broke the silence and saved the whole situation.
"Woah, you're as pretty as the pictures!" he observed, and I felt heat rise in my cheeks.
"You showed them pictures?" I asked Echo, a little bit embarrassed. "Of course, I also showed you pictures of them," he nodded smiling. That made the whole thing a little bit better.
"Yeah, that's right... Thanks, Wrecker. You're much bigger than what you look like in the photos," I answered grinning, and Wrecker proudly puffed out his chest. "All muscles," he told me. Echo and Hunter sighed in a short manner.
"Wrecker, stop flirting with Echo's girlfriend," Hunter ordered and pulled a quiet chuckle out of me with that.
With this small exchange, the ice was broken, and all of us started one interesting and exciting conversation after the next. Crosshair took the part of the observer more often than really talk, but this was okay. Due to Echos stories, I already knew that he wasn't a big talker, especially with new people around.
While the evening went on, we drank some drinks here and there, Echo and I shared a small portion of fritzle fries and after that I still was a bit hungry, so I bought a bowl of snacks for the whole table. Especially Wrecker was happy about that and ate most of it.
To this point, the evening was a whole success. I liked Echo's brothers, and I felt like they at least thought that I was okay. We talked about this and that with so much ease, like we knew each other for many years.
Tech told me about the special wood his magic wand was made of and where to find it, and in addition to that he started to tell me everything he knew about that planet, which I found very interesting.
When a good song came on, Echo and I went to the dance floor to awkwardly shake our bodies and have fun. I was so happy that he didn't mind others looking at us or thinking about what they might think. Since a long time, he was able to let loose again. I was very sure it was his excitement about our small meeting with his brothers going that well.
After some time Wrecker joined us, a little bit shy at first, because he was scared of third wheeling, but found dancing looked too nice to not try it, and like that we enjoyed the music as a group of three.
After a few songs, we went back to the others and picked up our conversations again. Even Crosshair started to talk a little bit more after some time.
Only Hunter was a little bit distant. Although he talked and joked with us, he still was a little bit reluctant and observed me warily.
With the drinking came the urge to visit a bathroom, and I excused myself from the table.
Then it happened.
I was in one of the cubicles and straightened my clothes sluggishly, as I heard the voices of two other people.
"Did you see that table full of Freaks? The goggled one was just a smartass about shit no one wants to know about. What a waste of breath. And what he's talking too much, the other is talking too less. I thought he's mute at first, but I've seen him talking sometimes." - "Don't forget about that giant baby. How can he be so well-built but so stupid? He wouldn't be good for anything if he wasn't a clone." - "And that little, filthy devil. How could someone eat that much in one evening? A little less wouldn't do any bad." - "Yeah. I bet that little devil fucks with all of them. Have you seen that costume? It's literally calling 'take me'." This was accompanied by spiteful laughter.
Confused, I shook my head - they could only be talking about us.
Just as I wanted to step out of the cubicle and ask them what the kriff they were talking about, they started making derisive remarks again.
"Did you see that wannabe angel?" - "You mean the cyborg? Yes. He should've come as a droid." - "Droid? Would that even be a costume, then?" - "Disgusting. I've never seen something that ugly. Just the idea to come here as an angel... I thought clones like that are getting decommissioned." They were laughing again.
This time, it was too much. They went too far. It wasn't okay to talk about anyone like that. None of the boys deserved that, but when it came to Echo, I saw red.
I took an angry breath through my nose and shoved the cubicle's door open. It hit the wall forcefully.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked outraged, while the two of them let out a short yelp. They were costumed as nurse and loth-cat. Both of them looked at me confused at first, but then their glance changed to something bitchy.
"Oh, the little devil is here to save the little angel," the nurse giggled, put her finger in her mouth and acted like she would gag on it.
"Oh, and how I am here to protect him. The boys and especially Echo are the most lovable people I've ever met. He's sincere and honest and admirable and so much better than you. What the hell are you thinking to talk about people like that?" I breathed angrily and started to wash my hands aggressively while I stared at them through the mirror.
"What? We just talked about preferences. Droid just isn't on our list. Unlike yours, hm? Does he give you a good time with his scomp?" Again, this annoying, arrogant voice.
"No, this has to do nothing with preferences. Otherwise, you could just say he's unattractive. What you are doing is not okay. You're mean because of what he looks like and you dehumanize him. But Echo feels just as much as every other human. If you ask me, you're the ones who are cold, heartless droids. And if you're complaining so much about Tech's stories, then I'm asking myself how you can listen to each other. All I hear from you is 'mimimi'. I'm interested in what he says. And Wrecker? He would achieve more in his life than you ever will. Maybe you should take advice from Crosshair and just shut up," I scowled and threw my paper towels in the trash bin next to them with the last few words.
While the nurse still had an arrogant expression in her face, the cat looked a bit guilty at least. I wasn’t sure how long he would feel like that before they were harassing others again.
"Oh, and Echo gives me the best times. Better than any of your flings ever could," I growled a last time, shutting the door behind me. Stupid people.
While I stomped back over to the boy's table again, I tried to calm down my breathing, blinking some tears away that started to water my eyes, but it didn't work that well.
Echo immediately noticed and glanced at me, worried. "You okay? What took you so long?" He asked quietly.
Droid. Don't make me laugh - a droid never could be as sensitive and kind as Echo.
"Yes. Sorry, there was a long line," I murmured and sat close to him. Our knees and sides were touching. He put his scomp arm around me carefully, letting me melt in his side comfortably.
"Okay," he breathed, even though he wasn't that convinced. He knew I would talk to him when it was something important or something that was worrying me. But I didn't want his mood to be dampened. So I didn't say anything.
We looked in each other's eyes for some time, and while I was observing him, I noticed how beautiful he was again.
"You're so pretty," I mumbled, and Echo's smile grew a little bit wider while his cheeks turned pink. "Thank you. You're very pretty, too," he returned the compliment. Now, I was the one with the heated face. We captured each other's eyes again. Suddenly, there was a tension between us.
With a small, fast motion, I moved forward and gave him a small peck on the lips. Echo returned the quick kiss, smiling as we departed from each other again.
Shortly after, we took part in the heated conversation of the others again. Echo's arm was still around me, and I enjoyed the comforting warmth that grew between us.
Just before I really could dive into the conversation again, I felt something carefully poking my shin.
Curiously, I looked up and met Hunter's gaze, which held warmth and thankfulness. He nodded at me with acknowledge.
He moved his mouth, and even though I couldn't hear what he was saying, I was able to read his lips: "Thank you."
At first, I was a bit confused, but then I remembered Hunter's advanced senses. He had to have heard us talking in the bathroom.
The corner of my mouth twitched upwards. I nodded back at him.
Even though I met Echo's brothers just now, I already had a soft spot for them - and that was okay.
At that moment, I promised myself to defend them and especially Echo from everything I could.
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
MY THOUGHTS ON TBB 2×15 "The Summit" and 2×16 "Plan 99"
To say that I'm devastated is an understatement. As I write this during my second viewing of the episodes, I keep tearing up even before you know what happens. This is NOT how I imagine this finale would go. I guess I can say that objectively, removing all emotional perspective, it was a great finale, one where the setting up along the season pays off.
But emotionally, it's awful. Absolutely and undeniably impossible to believe. It'll take me a long time to process this. And I'm not sure if I'm capable of sharing with you all my thoughts because of that. I'll try, but probably I'll skim over some things that seem irrelevant at the moment or simply too painful to talk about.
In hindsight, the batch should've collected every favor they're owed from people they've helped the last 2 season to pull this off with everyone alive! just sayin'!!
Nope. I'm not talking about Phee and Tech saying goodbye. Watching it for a second time threw me into another sobbing fit 😭😭😭
The summit, ugh! I hate everyone in there. And especially Hemlock with his awful ideas to experiment on clones, and also Tarkin, how does he dare to disrespect clones that way? Clones that he fought alongside, and even they gave up their lives to save him?!!
I can't deal with all the foreshadowing here. It's too painful 😭😭😭 I can't stop crying.
Half kudos to that imperial complimenting the clones. A little naive of his part to think the Empire cares about that. He should've known better, but at least he has a little bit more of a conscience than the rest. I don't know who he is because there's no credit for the voice actor.
For a moment, I thought the other group infiltrating was with Cody in command. I thought he might've not gotten to Rex yet and this was the way to connect them, of course, after he helped to save Crosshair. But I was wrong! I never liked Saw Gerrera, and now he jumped to be part of the characters I hate! If he had helped, no one would've died!! Part of the fault belongs to him!!
The escape on the railcar went fine! Yep! Everyone is fine!! Everyone lives!! Plan 99 who? I don't know her.
But leaving extreme denial aside, I must admit that the part where Tech and Hunter are escaping after being made by the stormtroopers and Saw left them to their luck is very well done. There's a particular moment that it's both of them almost going in and out of the focus of the camera as they go kicking stormtroopers' asses, that's absolutely awesome. And after I took a nap (being sleepy and emotional is a bad combination), the pain of Tech's sacrifice is a tad less raw, and I guess I can see why it was necessary. I hate it but yes, absolutely, it was in Tech to sacrifice himself for his siblings, like any of them would. That's why Plan 99 exists.
And some part of me knew that Plan 99 was about sacrifices, honoring how 99 died. I just thought that they'd subverted it and everything would be fine. But no.
As if it wasn't devastating enough to see Tech falling, they had to do a parallel, carrying injured Omega to the Marauder as they did injured Hunter in season 1. So rude of them!!
I can't blame Hunter for wanting to hide in a cave (or a remote island) and never leave again. This is why he's been so cautious since the beginning. They already lost one of their own, he didn't want to lose another. And yet, he was helpless to stop it from happening.
And we all knew Cid would betray them. No surprise there. At least, she doesn't look too happy about it. I hope the regret gnaw at her for the rest of her life. That she can't sleep thinking about it.
And of course, Hemlock had to appear and Omega wasn't going to obey Hunter. He should've known she wouldn't go.
And I really, really, reeaaaallllyy want to cling to the idea that Tech is not dead, that Hemlock found him injured and took him in, hence why he has Tech's glasses. I mean, this is Star Wars, and we know that death can be temporary. And you know what? It'd be great (not really, but you know what I mean) if Tech is alive and Hemlock uses him in one of his experiments. We could get Imperial Tech, which is a terrifying thing to think about. Because that intelligence used for evil, damn!!
Omega trying to save Hunter and Wrecker, my poor angel. You should've listened to your dad!
I loved how Echo was a menace with the stolen walker. Also, Hunter and Wrecker taking out the commandos even as injured as they are, nice, but I knew they weren't going to stop Hemlock from taking Omega.
And like I saw a post earlier, Hunter just entered in his Joel Miller phase for Season 3. Anyone who gets in his way to find Omega is dead already. I agree 100%!
And clown of me to think that we'd get a fair share of Crosshair screen time during these 2 episodes, and all we got is 30 sec of unconscious Cross!! Ugh!! and still a prisoner!!
The theory that Emerie is a female clone too turned out to be true, altho I don't care much about it. I guess they want to show how Omega would be if she had stayed with the Kaminoans/Empire. I guess I have to wait and see what this is going.
I have more thoughts, but I'm too distressed to keep going. The season overall was way above my expectations, but the jury is still out about the finale. I have too many conflicting emotions about it. *SIGHS* Now, it starts the long waiting for season 3.
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But in the meantime, and bringing a happier note, let me remind you that there's ONLY 2 DAYS before the phase 1 of prompt voting for the bad batch appreciation week 2023 is over!!
Check the link below, and remember that you can vote as many times you want!
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
if you’re taking prompts (and from that September list which is GREAT) maybe #4 for the lovely immortal husbands? love your magical AU for them btw!! and DVLA of course!
Once again, I must note that I am not actively TAKING prompts, lol, and I reblogged that list several months ago (though yes, it is great). But also... flattery will get you everywhere?
Joe is innocently minding his own business – sitting on the balcony of their rented flat in one of the endless grey tower blocks, gazing out over the hazy skyline of Kyiv with its spires and tangled wires and hills and trolley cars, sketching in his notebook – when the door opens behind him and someone steps outside. He doesn’t look up for several moments, concentrating on shading in the green domes of St. Andrew’s Church just right, until he is prompted by a delicate cough. “Well, my heart? What do you think?”
Joe glances up – then drops his pencil and nearly knocks over his coffee cup (which would be a waste, since it is hard to get most things in 1986 Ukraine). “Ya Allah, Nicolò,” he stammers in Arabic, every other language momentarily driven out of his head by the magnitude of the horror before him. “What on earth have you done to yourself?!”
Nicky smirks at him. “What? Don’t you like it?”
Joe’s mouth is still open, so he shuts it, and concentrates on studying his lover in increasingly aghast fascination. Yes, well, Nicky’s hair was getting long and rather shaggy, since personal hygiene hasn’t been high on their list of priorities while working backbreaking, filthy, days-long shifts to help in the continuing evacuation of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and the clean-up and seal-off of Reactor Number Four. They’re taking a rest break in Kyiv right now, but they bus out to Pripyat again next week, and given the gauntlet of real horrors that they are elsewhere running, Joe would not have imagined that Nicky had the desire to inflict this monstrosity upon himself in their precious off hours. It’s a mullet, in other words. And it’s a very bad one. In Joe’s completely objective opinion, Nicky is the handsomest man alive, but even he can’t pull this off. The stringy bits on top, the badly shaved sides with a plastic razor – and that is not even to mention the mustache, often favored by gentlemen in explicit 1970s films. Joe keeps staring like a deer in headlights, in the crosshairs of a barreling fashion calamity. Finally he manages, “Nicolò, absolutely not.”
“Oh come on.” Nicky’s slightly wicked grin broadens. “You haven’t even seen the tighty-whitie shorts that go with it.”
This is admittedly an interesting bribe, though not enough to overlook the – everything else. “What?” Joe repeats faintly. “You want to look like Eurotrash out at the discotheque?”
“When in Rome…” Nicky remarks archly. “What? I said nothing when you had that Afro last decade, remember?”
“That,” Joe says with immense dignity, “is completely different. I am from Africa, so by any measure I have the right to wear an Afro. You are not a creepy extra in a Richard Simmons workout video. And we were working with the Black Panthers, so obviously – ”
“Exactly,” Nicky says. “Just fitting in to the local culture.”
Joe continues to sit there like a goldfish, still shaking his head in numb disbelief. “I can’t sleep next to you like that, Nicolò. It will give me nightmares.”
“Really?” Nicky crosses the balcony and perches on the arm of Joe’s chair, thus to let him appreciate it better at close range. “Isn’t every good relationship about making sacrifices?”
“Love has two faces,” Joe shoots back. “One of them is the face of devastation.”
“Mmm.” Nicky leans in. “Are you quoting Abu Nuwas again, my heart, or just being a drama king?”
Truly, this man knows him far too well. “You’re messing – ” Joe stares at him accusingly. “You are messing with me.”
“No,” Nicky pronounces, face completely straight. “No, not at all. I love it. I think I’ll keep it like this.”
Joe opens his mouth, about to say something else despairing, but stops. Yes, the mullet is an abomination of God’s earth (along with most hairstyles of the 1980s), but if Nicolò wants to wear this idiot look for a moment of levity in what they are otherwise faced with, what harm, truly, will it do? There were four horrible days after their first round of cleanup shifts, where even they were sick as dogs as the radiation worked its way out of their bodies, and the way Nicky looked then – Joe can still see it whenever he closes his eyes, so that mullet-related nightmares might be far preferable. Besides. He is very well aware that right now, there are other gay men losing their partners to a mysterious and unstoppable scourge, that in San Francisco and New York in America especially, the disease now called AIDS (but first known as GRID, Gay-Related Immune Deficiency) is ravaging entire communities while President Reagan sits idly by. Suddenly needing to make sure that any of that is very far away, Joe reaches out convulsively, catches Nicky’s head (stringy bits and all) and kisses him. “I don’t mind,” he says, just in case Nicolò thought he was actually serious. “I may have to wear a blindfold when we make love, but – ”
Nicky starts to answer, but is interrupted as the balcony door opens, Booker starts to come out, sees that the lovebirds are occupied out here, and beats a smart retreat. Even this, however, is not enough to stop him shouting, “Nicky, what the hell is that?”
“See.” Joe looks at his lover with wounded vindication. “I’m not the only one who has questions. Many questions.”
“Mmm,” Nicky says again, sliding into Joe’s lap. “Say that you love it.”
“You do love it.”
“I love you, Nicolò. Not the mullet.”
“Shh.” Nicky leans in, and as they kiss, Joe can feel him smiling. “Just go with it.”
(Joe grumbles, but kisses him back, and doesn’t say anything else, and they go back inside as Andy returns from what can optimistically be called a shopping trip, and make dinner. Nicky entertains the entire team with jokes at his own expense as they eat, and Joe looks at him and understands exactly why Nicky did it, made a fool of himself to help them laugh, help them think about something else than radiation poisoning and piles of shot animals, and he loves this man so much that he can barely stand it. And so they go to bed that night after Nicky has removed the scissors and razor and sent the mullet and pornstache to their well-deserved grave, and love does indeed have two faces, and the other one, as always, is forever.)
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In the Crosshairs (17/?)
               She’d walked the steps to the L&C front entrance half a dozen times before. Never has she felt this intimidated. High above them, the slightly overcast clouds roll through the sky. The first rain in days.
               Beside her Renly carries his camera and tripod. “Are you sure you’re okay Margaery? We can ask Cersei to reschedule if you’re not feeling well.”
               “I’m fine, Renly. Haven’t you seen someone get nervous before?” Margaery steps out of the way of a man in a suit hurrying past.
               Renly wasn’t completely wrong. It had been days since she had a proper night’s sleep. Since learning about Alayne’s deceit, Margaery dug around for records on her girlfriend. The more she searched, the more distraught she became over what she found.
               Nothing. There was nothing on Alayne Stone. No police records, no high school graduations, no previous jobs. No school in the Vale kept a record of an Alayne Stone; nor did any in King’s Landing. Margaery asked Megga to find records of an Alayne Stone in the foster system. The only one was a four-year old girl who had been adopted last year. Before the last three years, there had been no records of Alayne.
               When Margaery checked with the county courts, however, they provided her with a birth certificate for Alayne with her father and mother’s name. She sought them out and found nothing. Things weren’t making sense.
               Over the last two days, she practically lived in her office. The only time she’d gone back home- no not home- to Alayne’s house, was well after midnight. She’d gone straight up to her bed to sleep before waking up early to go to the courthouse.
               Consequentially, Margaery’s new mission had left her little time to prepare for her interview with Cersei.
               Looking up at the large letters of towering above her head, Margaery realizes her error. She takes a breath. This is Cersei Lannister. She knows how to deal with Cersei. Don’t push too hard, but don’t let her get comfortable. It was a game of verbal fencing.
               She shuts off her worries about Alayne and her lingering thoughts about the Starks. Focusing on Cersei is her only priority.
               She lets Renly head inside without her as she collects herself for the interview. Once her thoughts revolve solely around Cersei and her questions for her, Margaery goes in.
               Immediately, she stops in her tracks. All her fire for her interview is doused by the sight the curly haired, stoic man standing in the corner of the lobby, arms folded across his chest.
               “What in the name of the Stranger are you doing here?!” Margaery demands.
               Jon turns toward her. “Hi, Margaery. What are you here for?”
               Margaery places her hands on her hips. “Answer my question. Alayne sent you, didn’t she.”
               “To make a deposit,” Jon held up an envelope swollen with dragons. Yet, he wouldn’t look her in the eye. More lies.
               “Unbelievable. Don’t bullshit me. I know she sent you to babysit me.”
               Jon drops the act. “She wants to make sure you’re safe, that’s all. You know-”
               “Yes I know!” Margaery yells. She doesn’t care if she’s in a bank lobby. She’s tired of the deception. “I know what Cersei can do! I know I’m endangering myself. I don’t need her trying to hold my hand every step of the way when I’ve been at this for a year!”
               The glass door shuts, drawing Margaery’s attention. Cersie stands at the entrance wearing a powersuit and a dramatic new pixie cut. Margaery watches Cersei’s questioning eyes turned to daggers in the span of a few seconds she spends. Cersei glances to Margaery.
               “Ms. Tyrell, I believe you said your photographer was coming. You never mentioned this…,” Cersei spits. Margaery isn’t sure how much Cersei heard, but any amount couldn’t have been good.
               “He’s a friend, Ms. Lannister. We ran into each other. My photographer is upstairs setting up as we speak.”
               Cersei eyes Jon. “I see. Don’t be long Ms. Tyrell. My time is valuable.”
               The woman struts toward the elevator.
               Margaery turns back to Jon. “Go Jon. Now.”
               Jon holds his ground. “You’re the one who needs to go. Your interview starts in five minutes.”
               Margaery glances at the clock over the receptionist’s desk. He’s right.
               Left to choose between arguing with Jon and doing her job, Margaery chooses the latter.
               Alayne had no right to interfere with her work. Margaery thought she had made herself clear. She thought that Alayne understood that she could protect herself. Apparently she couldn’t even be trusted to manage an interview on her own. The constant lies and mistrust were suffocated Margaery. What was there left to give in a relationship with such blatant a holes?
               By the time she reaches Cersei’s office, her thoughts remain consumed with Alayne rather than her work at hand.
               “Shall we begin?” Cersei smiles, hands folded together above her desk.
               “Yes Ms. Lannister, absolutely,” Margaery says. Seven hells, she sounds like an amateur.
               Renly flashes her a smile as he adjusts the lighting on his LED stand. Margaery takes out her phone, presses record and puts it on the desk.
               “Thank you for having us Ms. Lannister,” Margaery stretches her hand to shake Cersei’s. Cersei stares at it for a moment.
               “You’re welcome, Ms. Tyrell. I believe we should bypass these formalities. I have many things to do.”
               Margaery retracts her hand. “Of course.”
               “You come from one of the most notable families in Westeros, yet you’ve forged your own fame in the banking industry separate from your father. How have you achieved that, Ms. Lannister.” Cersei is the kind of woman who needs her ego stroked to open up.
               Cersei smiles. “Ambition and intelligence. My father encouraged my brother and I to embrace our strengths. I did that and more. As a woman in the financial industry, you have to scratch and claw to reach the pinnacle. My success hasn’t come cheap.”
               I bet it hasn’t, thinks Margaery. “And in what ways has your father…influenced your work.”
               “The same as most successful women, I assume. I listened when he taught told Jaime how to succeed in business; Jaime did not. When I pointed out how better fit I was to lead the family business, he laughed. That sparked a fire to prove him wrong,” Cersei says.
               “Which family business might that be, Ms. Lannister?” Margaery asks.
               Cersei leans forward. “You’re sitting in it. Ms. Tyrell, let me share a little history with you. Thirty years ago this bank was an afterthought. My father made it solely to get an easy loan for his other investments. That’s how he built his coal empire and eventually the Lannister Natural gas industry. He wanted all of it to go to Jaime. He left me with a little bank. That little bank now competes with the Iron Bank as the bost profitable bank in the world.”
               Snap. Flash. Renly had picked the noisy camera.
               “Some would question the morals of funding family businesses with a family bank,” Margaery says.
               “Some have,” Cersei flashes a smile, just in time for the next snap. “Once they realize the good L&C does for the country’s economy, they typically shut up.”
               Time to change course. “Before his recent passing, Joffrey spoke to me about his grooming to one day take over various family businesses. His death must be devastating to your future plans.”
               Cersei eyes narrow into a glare, her fingers click against the table. Snap. “My son’s death was heartbreaking. As a mother, my greatest creation was my children. The last thing on my mind is how his death will impact business. I have to her children who lost a brother. The gap in their lives is my greatest concern.”
               “I understand. I’m sorry if I’ve touched a tender spot. I couldn’t possibly return to the office without asking,” Margaery excused herself.
               Still tapping her fingers, Cersei smiled tight-lipped. “Of course, dear. I do know how that hardened editor of yours likes to twist his sources’ arms. You’ve learned well from him.”
               “Excuse me?” Margaery asks. She turns to Renly, who shrugged.
               “Silly girl, do you think I don’t know who you are? ‘Rose Heller’, what a ridiculous pseudonym. I’ll not continue working with a rat spreading lies about my family.” Cersei leans forward and takes Margaery’s phone, turning off the recording. She presses a buzzer underneath her desk. “Please have Mr. Baratheon escorted out of the building.”
               Two security guards march in and grab Renly by the arms. Margaery turns, but knows better than to get up.
               “I watched you manipulate my son like a jack-knife. I admit, for a moment even I was charmed by you. That little body guard of yours gave you away.” Cersei says.
               Margaery breathes out. “Ms. Lannister-”
               Cersei struts forward, inches away from Margaery’s face. “Shut up. Your lies are the reason my son is dead! If you ever write a single word about my family again, your body will be disfigured beyond recognition. Get out!”
               “Joffrey died in a bloody car accident. How is that my fault?!” Margaery demands.
               Cersei presses the intercom button again. “Escort Ms. Tyrell.”
               Two more security guards come in. As Margaery gathers her things, Cersei says, “Keep your head on a swivel. A Lannister always pays her debts.”
               As Margaery is about to step out the door Cersei adds, “And tell Mr. Snow he’s looking well.”
               One of the guards tries to drag Margaery out by her arm. She slaps his hand away and walks to the elevator alone.
               Her interview couldn’t have gone any worse. She wasn’t prepared and it showed. Margaery shuts her eyes. It’s Alayne’s fault. Alayne’s lies distracted her from focusing on this interview which she has worked months to get. Alayne sent Jon despite knowing Margaery did not want him there. Her eyes fly open as the bell dings and the door opens. She scoots over a step as more people get in the elevator.
               Cersei knew Jon. Knew him quite well it seemed. They wanted to sabotage her interview. Alayne has been trying to keep her away from Cersei for months. How ever Jon knew Cersei, it clearly did not end well. Alayne used that knowledge to ruin her one opportunity to talk to Cersei.
               The clouds have grown darker, the air more humid, and no rain. As she walks down the steps, she hears Jon call out, “Hey Marge, how did it go?”
               Ignoring him, she goes straight to Renly.
               “Did you get the equipment?” he asks.
               “Didn’t have a chance,” says Margaery. “They won’t let us in to retrieve it now.”
               Renly sighs. “5,000 dragons of equipment wasted.”
               Jon’s footsteps close in behind her. “What happened in there?”
               Margaery’s eyes darken at the annoyance. Recognizing her anger, Renly says, “I’m going to get the car. Pick you up here?”
               “Please,” says Margaery.
               As Renly gets the car, Margaery turns her attention to Jon. His round, sad, big brown eyes, the ones that secretly make Ygritte melt behind closed doors, fail to chill Margaery’s rage. If anything, they fuel it.
               “Margaery, what happened?” Jon asks again.
               “We had a lovely chat. Talked about her business and family. And she wants you to know that you look as good as she remembers,” Margaery snarks.
               “I don’t know her,” Jon says, but his voice hitches.
               Renly’s gold sedan rolls to a stop on the street.
               “She sure as hell knew you,” she says. She gets in the car and slams the door behind her.
               A year of partnership taught Renly to let her stew when interviews went wrong, a rarity in itself. She stares at the cars speeding in the opposite direction.  “I fucked up,” she finally says.
               “You can’t control what that woman does,” Renly assures.
               “I should have been worried about Cersei, not Alayne. I didn’t come prepared and I fucked up,” she insists.
               “Why are you worried about Alayne?” he asks.
               Margaery looks at him. “We’ve… she told me some thing and… I found out it wasn’t true.”
               He nods. “Did you talk to her about it?”
               “I don’t know how to. And then she sent Jon after me like a babysitter. That’s what cost us the interview.”
               “What are you talking about?”
“Cersei knew Jon. She recognized him and blew up because of it. If Alayne had let me be, our interview would have gone without any hitches. Now we’ll be lucky to get this damn piece published,” she clenches her fist tight.
               When they pass Wallard’s, she realizes that they aren’t going back to the office. “Why are you taking me to Alayne’s house?”
               “One, I don’t think you should be driving right now. You and Loras are alike in turning into speed racers when your pissed. I don’t think he’d be happy if I let you get in an accident with your car. Second, you need to talk your girlfriend. Whatever’s going on between you two, you need to resolve it. Not for work, but for you. Margaery, you looked like you’d hardly slept in days this morning. What’s happening with her?” Renly turns down Alayne’s street.
               “She’s being a hypocrite.”
               “Just because of Jon?” he parks on the street across from Alayne’s house. Her car is in the driveway, so she is home.
               “So much more than Jon,” mutters Margaery. She gets out of the car.
               “I’m going to wait out here, okay? If things turn ugly, I’d like to be a safe distance away.” The joke falls flat.
               Finding the door unlocked, she lets herself in. The carpet looks almost pure white and the air smells of lemon-scented cleaner. The tables shine from a fresh dusting.
               When Lady doesn’t run forward to assault her, Margaery knows she’s on a walk with Alayne.
               Rather than loiter for Alayne, Margaery walks down the hall to Alayne’s room. The drawn blinds allow bright afternoon sunlight to spill across the bed. On the nightstand lays the photo of Alayne and her brother. Margaery sits on the corner of the bed and turns it over. The back is blank. She flips it again and focuses on the boy in the photo. There’s something familiar about him. He’s her brother, of course he looks familiar, Margaery thinks. Can she believe that though? If Alayne lied about Petyr adopting her, whose to say this isn’t some random children? She’s yet to find proof that Alayne lived in the Vale. What if that was a lie too?
               The front door opens and shuts. The jingling of Lady’s leash echoes down the hall.
               “Marge, are you home? Why is Renly sitting in his car? He knows he’s welcome any time,” Alayne hollers.
               Margaery goes into the living room. Alayne slips off her tennis shoes and smiles. “How was work?”
               Unbelievable. “Why don’t you ask Jon. He can tell you about it as much as I can.”
               The smile falls from Alayne’s face. Unaware of the shift in mood, Lady bounds toward Margaery, wagging her tail in excitement.
               “He wasn’t supposed to be obvious,” Alayne finally says.
               Margaery struts past Lady, “That’s it? You went behind my back, after I told you I didn’t want you intervening, and that’s all you have to say?!”
               Alayne stares at her blankly. Lady brushes against Margaery’s leg, as if having the over 100 lb. beast bumping into her knee is supposed to be soothing.
               Margaery nudges a loose strand of hair out of her face. “Your plan worked. Cersei didn’t say shit and any chances I have of approaching her again are gone.”
               “I’m sorry, Margaery. I didn’t mean to interfere, I just wanted you to be safe. I-”
               Margaery cuts her off. “I don’t need your fucking protection! I’m not a child! Seven hells, I’m older than you! Next time you want to ‘protect’ me, at least send someone Cersei doesn’t know.”
               Margaery walks to the couch and sits. Alayne follows her. “Cersei knew him?”
               “Yes. Loathes him, actually,” Margaery says.
               Alayne’s face pales.
               “What is it?” Margaery asks.
               “Nothing,” Alayne mumbles.
               Another blatant lie. Margaery gets up and goes to her room. A few minutes later, she returns with a bag of clothes.
               “What are you doing?” Alayne asks.
               “I’m tired of your hypocrisy. I’m not doing this tonight,” Margaery says.
               “Doing what? I’m not being a hypocrite,” Alayne gets up and stands in front of her.
               “You are,” insists Margaery. “You ask me to trust you, but you don’t trust me to tell me your past.” Alayne tries to interrupt, but Margaery presses on, gaining fervor as she speaks. “Don’t pretend that sob story you gave me the other day was true. Petyr Baelish never adopted a child. Did you even live in the Vale? Who lies about that? I am tired of being turned into a fool for you.”
               Margaery starts for the door.
               “Marge, can we talk. Please,” Alayne asks.
               Margaery faces her, arms folded over her chest, gripping the bag of clothes at her side. “Are you going to tell me the truth?”
               Alayne steps closer. “Baby, the truth is…complicated.”
               Margaery scoffs. “No, darling, it’s not.” She grabs her leather jacket and storms out of the house. Behind her Alayne yells her name and asks for her to come back again. Not now. She had her chance. It’s her turn to fret with unanswered questions.
               The tiny raindrops begin to fall from the overcast sky. By the time she reaches the car, they’ve formed a steady rhythm.
               She doesn’t meet Renly’s eyes. “Take me to Ygritte’s.”
               Alayne’s voice grows closer, but Renly doesn’t move.
               “Renly step on the gas or gods help me I will do it.”
               Reluctantly, he starts the car and drives past Alayne.
               In the side view mirror, Margaery watches Alayne’s frantically shouting figure shrink until it disappears.
               She takes out her phone calls Ygritte. “What’s up?”
               “Ygritte, I need to stay at your apartment a few days,” Margaery says.
               “What happened, hon?” Ygritte asks.
               “I had a fight with Alayne. I can’t be around her now Ygritte. She’s not being honest with me and doesn’t trust me and she sent Jon…gods…” Margaery rambles. It’s be so much easier if Ygritte was here. She would know.
               “No problem Marge. I’m on my break now, so I won’t be back home for a few hours. I’ll get of that fancy wine you like and the amazing cheap beer I like, and you can tell Mama Ygritte all about it,” Ygritte offers.
               From the moment they met, Ygritte had away of knowing exactly how to get Margaery to relax. Long ago Margaery gave up trying to understand the woman’s knack and embraced the benefits. Like now.
               “Thanks, Ygritte. What are you going to tell Jon?”
               “That he can sleep in the bushes. If he’s involved, then he deserves a night in the streets. Take his key out of the left shoe in front of the door. Don’t freak out if Gendry is there though. He might be asleep on the couch,” Ygritte’s end starts to crackle. “Gotta get back to work hon. See you soon.”
               “Bye, Ygritte,” Margaery ends the call.
               Renly stretches his arm across Margaery’s shoulder. “Everyone has their rough patches.”
               “I feel like I hardly know her now,” Margaery admits.
               “That big of a lie?” Renly asks.
               Margaery nods. “I’m a fool. She’s been playing me all along, Renly.”
               “You don’t know if that’s true. Let yourself calm down and you’ll see it’s misunderstanding, I’m sure.” Rely parks his car in the apartment parking lot. “Do you want me to wait with you until Ygritte gets off?”
               “Yes, please,” Margaery says.
               He reaches across the median and hugs her. “ Okay.”
               Before going inside, Margaery bends down and takes the key out of Jon’s shoe. Other than the pile of dirty dishes in the sink, the main room of the apartment is relatively clean. Gendry must be more into cleanliness than she assumed. He wasn’t home, which saves an awkward explanation.
               Renly sits on the couch and texts on his phone.
               Leaning over his shoulder, Margaery gasps, “You told Loras?!”
               He looks up at her. “He called me while I was waiting. And then he asked if he could speak to you. What was I supposed to do?”
               “Tell him I’ll call him later.”
               “It’s too late for that now. He says he’s on his way here as soon as he gets off,” Renly lifts his phone higher. Above the text confirming that Loras is indeed coming is a line of several angry and mismatched emojis.
               “Fantastic,” Margaery groans. Her brother’s tendency to overreact couldn’t help. If anything, he’ll only stress her out more.
She walks around the couch and toward her old room- Jon’s room. Although the floor is clean, the dressers are covered in clothes and little knick-knacks. Figurines, belts, hair gel, combs, and cds cover her once well-organized dresser tops.
Beside the bed, she drops her bag. She hardly recognizes the room as the one she used to live in. Instead of roses and lilies, it smells like cologne and oak. Strong cologne. The bedside stand hosts an alarm clock, several loose condoms, and a photo. Curious, Margaery sits on the edge of the bed and picks up the photo.
It’s grainy, but well kept. She recognizes Jon immediately as the boy on the far left in a hoodie and jeans, pouting likely because his hair is cut so short. Next to him smiles a boy with auburn hair, also cut short, holding a football. It takes Margaery a moment, but she finally figures out why he looks familiar. He looks exactly like Alayne’s brother. A few years older, a few more teeth, but definitely the same boy. Alayne had said that she and Jon were old friends. One truth confirmed in a thousand statements.
On the opposite side of the picture stands a pretty girl, red hair tumbling over her shoulders, maybe around five holding the hand of another girl in overalls, who may be two.  Margaery looks closer at the girl. That’s Alayne. Except when did Alayne have red hair? Hairs doesn’t turn from that shade of red to dark brown.
She must be wrong. Yet those eyes… She’s gazed into those eyes thousands of times. They can’t belong to anyone else. Not to mention the girl has Alayne’s cheek bones and lips. Her heart pounds with foreboding.
She flips over the picture. In scribbled handwriting it reads, “Jon- 9, Robb- 9, Sansa- 5, Arya- 2. Play date with Uncle Ned.”
Margaery’s hand flies to her mouth as if of its own accord. She wonders when she’ll wake up, because this can’t be reality. Then she thinks back to that day she showed Alayne the picture of Catelyn Stark, how she grew quiet. Why she would never talk about her family. The way she hesitated when talking about Robb. Her hand clenches around the photo. The crumpled picture falls to the floor, as Margaery remains sitting in shock.
Alayne Stone never existed.
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stars-n-spice · 8 months
Holy FUCK I was not prepared for this.
As soon as I saw the trailer posted on Instagram, I grabbed my laptop and casted the trailer on the TV and stood in front of the TV like an old asian man; hands behind the back, spine bent, feet planted shoulder width apart.
Cannot believe it's finally here and I've got a lot of thoughts that I'm going to put under the cut because holy shit, this trailer hit me like a brick.
Idk if they will be comprehensive honestly but I'm writing them down as I rewatch the trailer.
In summary though? This season is going to absolutely wreck me and I will never recover from it emotionally and probably financially too if we get a new wave of merch and shit with it too.
Anyways, thoughts and reactions under the cut-
What the fuck are they doing with that transport? They stealing something? Retrieving something? Is it a tank? Hello, where is Echo??? IS THAT FUCKING CROSSHAIR?! IN S1 ARMOR???
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PHEE GENOA!! so fucking great to see her again, I'm going to be absolutely devastated if they show us her reaction to Tech's supposed death.
CAPTAIN REX MY LOVE YOU'VE COME HOME!! "I thought the end of the war would mean the end to losing more of our brothers" <- that better be about Tech and not about Cody, so help me god-
OMEGA'S NEW HAIRCUT :( she looks so much older now :((
STOP CROSSHAIR LOOKS SO FUCKING SAD. I feel terrible actually... this is like,, this is a shell of a man,, like,, this is a man who's got like,, nothing. He looks awful and I swear if he doesn't get some peace of mind I'm going to lose my mind.
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"Omega's been waiting for us a long time." NO NO NO DON'T FUCKING DO THIS TO ME. I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF YOU DO A TIMESKIP, ANY MEASURE OF TIME THAT OMEGA HAD TO BE WITHOUT HER BROTHERS AND WONDERING WHEN THEY WERE GOING TO COME AND GET HER IT'S GOING TO BREAK ME. I fucking hate timeskips so much, I swear if she's been by herself for more than a year, or even just a year, I'm going to be PISSED. If she doesn't get the chance to be a kid like she deserves I'm going to fucking lose it.
PALPATINE?! "There is nothing of greater importance to secure the purpose of this Empire" <- y'all talking about cloning? About cloning Palpatine because you have to explain why "somehow Palpatine returned"???
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Holy shit the animation is really good. Like that whole fighting montage?? The fucking scene on the bridge looks like,, fucking live action to me. Idk how to describe it but the animation is fuckng beautiful and I wish Star Wars did more animation because this is gorgeous.
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"They are coming, for all of you." <- who is this. do not come for me but I cannot for the life of me figure out who this is. It's not Cody, I don't see the scar. Someone help me out here-
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HUNTER ON PABU! Thinking they probably went back after everything and I want to see how they've adjusted and settled in, please, I am begging.
My baby, my angel, myivida, the light of my life. Fuck it's so good to see and hear you again. If anything happens to you I swear to god-
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There are two clips that allude to the fact that they get Crosshair out of there before they get Omega and I'm going feral over it. If this means we get them reuniting with Crosshair sooner than later I'm fucking ecstatic. Like because,, that's Crosshair's rifle and they clearly cropped the screen for the sake of the trailer, right? Right??
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Hey where is the zillo beast?
ASAJJ VENTRESS??!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! You're telling me,, I get a season,, with Wrecker, Wolffe, Fennec, AND Asajj? Oh be still my beating heart. Anyone hear something meowing?
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Also I know in the trailer it seems like she's facing off with TBB but the backgrounds don't really seem to line up so I'm hoping they don't actually face off with each other.
Tech literally only being indirectly mentioned and showing his death scene again but recolored and shit makes me feel all kinds of things.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
3 EPISODE PREMIERE?!?!?!?!?!?! fuck me.
Echo wasn't in this trailer enough and where the FUCK was Cody?!?!?!?!
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