#here’s a thingy! i want to get better at posing so some experimenting
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some survivalshipping wrow
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chicken-delight · 7 months
 god it so fucked up that I can’t just record a audio post of me talking and post it here but my thoughts are too intense to have to think about it and then type it out so I’m just saying it into my voice text thingy on my phone.
 people who complain about Bob Dylan‘s concerts being lame don’t get Bob Dylan. I was talking about this to one of my buddies a couple weeks ago and I was saying like something something something Bob Dylan live something something something and he was like yeah but have you seen Bob Dylan live before and I was like yeah twice and it was great. I loved it and he said oh really? and I was like yeah… I know people are haters, but Bob Dylan has never promised his fans the show that they expect to see. He’s always doing the opposite of what people expect him to do. He’s never gonna play the hits. Shows for him are like the ultimate artistic expression for. It doesn’t matter if you like it. you are the one who paid to see him right. And I understand like some artists, do feel the need to give the crowd what they want because they did pay for it and that is just on a basis by basis sort of deal. I personally don’t care what their outlook on it is. They are the artist and you are the spectator. there’s a certain power dynamic in that and the artist always wins. Great art has never been made by doing what the spectator wants to see, here, experience, etc..
 yeah, maybe his voice is gone. But he’s in his fucking 80s. Like what the fuck. You’re asking too much of him. Also Rough and Rowdy Ways is one of the greatest Bob Dylan albums. The sound is great. The band he has is great. The songwriting is superb, and the voice that he has now fits perfectly with the music. He is making right now. And I think it is so fun to watch him bang on the piano and for his band to just be tight and know what they’re doing. and I love how he would come out from behind the piano after every song and pose and then go back and play another song. i saw a man comfortable with what he is doing. and thats what matters.
And now that I’m just on a roll, I feel as though people who dislike Bob Dylan have a superiority complex about it even though they think that Bob Dylan fans have a superiority complex about liking Bob Dylan. every person, at least of my generation that I’ve talk to who is into him has a very personal complicated relationship with his music. It’s not just easy listening. And yeah, Boomers just like Bob Dylan because he’s Bob Dylan sometimes and dont think about it. But I feel like anyone l who goes after a Popular artistp like this just is doing it to make themselves feel cool and different. And they said that it doesn’t make them feel: different but it does. And I understand that and I think everybody has one artist that they are like I don’t get it. I’m just on another level. Like Taylor Swift. also I don’t give a fuck. There are so many layers to this artist as there is to any artist, but especially Bob Dylan where you can’t listen to one album or one song etc. and decide you don’t like it forever and write it off. he has a different sound and he evolves just like every other artist. Leave some room for potential here like it doesn’t have to sit right with you in the moment but it’s, very juvenile to be like I don’t like his voice I don’t like the harmonica, but also like you don’t have to like him even if you do listen to all the fucking albums like it doesn’t matter and it shouldn’t matter stop thinking about it. and I know everyone was talking about whoever it was who was comparing Bruce to Bob Dylan. And I don’t even care if Bruce would think that that’s a lame opinion to think he’s better than Bob. It’s never fair to compare artists to artists,  the only arena where you can do that is, if you’re joking or if it’s a lighthearted conversation. I think the world we live in right now with social media, and Paris social relationships has sort of stripped away the sacredness of the art someone makes, and then decides to put out into the world. it’s so deeply entangled with their being even if it’s a silly song or even if it’s not autobiographical. Art comes from the deepest part of your soul. You wouldn’t want to compare souls. Anyways. This took up my entire 30 minute lunch break. I have to pee.
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measuringbliss · 12 days
Spider-Man Read-Through 056: The Frightful Four!!! (SSM 41-43)
The last time, Peter became a lizard for a while. Fun stuff!
In this issue, mysterious enemies try to seem menacing and utterly fail, homophobia, as well as special guests and the best villain ever!
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Are you shocked, are you impressed, are you terrified yet? *snickers*
After using his powers to give his late paper to Professor Slater, Spider-Man interrupts Meteor Man at a microwave exhibition (...). We met this antagonist previously in Team Up, which shows you exactly how important he is. Bill Foster, whomst I know from Ant-Man and the Wasp (the movie) but who apparently has a different position, is giving a lecture nearby, but gets the opportunity to lend him a hand as Giant-Man.
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The art actually has a lot of trouble trying to convey how big exactly Giant Man is supposed to be. There's perspective, and then there's whatever is going on here.
Meteor Man gets away, they track him down, and Giant-Man casually drops in his internal monologue that's he's dying of radioactive poisoning. Wow. Um. Alright.
They fight, Meteor Man gets to grow bigger, but...
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Oh, between twelve and thirty feet? How audacious. How incredible. Show us, dude.
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Okay, this is better! Actually a nice page.
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That... was an issue alright.
Issue #42 has a neat cover!
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Peter is trapped in traffic and ends up swinging to his class boat ride thingy.
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I love this, because half the time I barely register that Marcy Kane and Debra Whitman are different characters. Digital issues (hey, have you seen these clean screenshots? Much better!)!
My opinions on each character: Philip is alright, I need him to have more of a personality. Marcy sucks, been there, done that (although I just read a spoiler about her and what the fuck, I'm curious to see how THAT plays out). Steve is hot and adorable. No opinion on Sloan and Debra.
I'm glad to see Peter's social life though. I still feel like these characters aren't anywhere as solid as the previous cast was, but I think jumping between both magazines really doesn't help either.
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I missed you, hon.
No but seriously, I'd be interested to reread SSM only focusing on it, I think it's probably a stronger experience.
Marcy Kane immediately aggros Pete, but Connors interrupts them. Meanwhile, the Frightful Four aren't far away! We've got the Sandman, the Wizard, Electro and the Trapster (who even is that? :p).
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They do a bit of mischief, and I'm pretty sure that cop is homophobic. "PARTNERS?", he says (lmao).
On the boat, Peter wonders whether he has a crush on Marcy (nooo) when Debra arrives.
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Some depth? Wow.
Anyway, before Peter settles on whether he wants a relationship with our desperate lady, the Human Torch cockblocks him.
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Why is this so funny?
She feels guilty about Peter getting away, and...
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New, rare poses!
Hell yeah. Sorry for the amount of screenshots but I really enjoy looking at these!
It wasn't the Human Torch, however, only our Frightful Four! The Wizard created a suit imitating the Torch and gives it to Electro.
Our hero doesn't get fooled for long, and a fight quickly breaks.
A hilarious moment is Spidey trying to figure out who's attacking him. The Sinister Six? No, the Frightful Four after replacing Madam Medusa with Electro? No, it's actually the Frightful Four after replacing the Brute with Electro! What a mess hahahaha
In his own words, Spidey's fighting a "foursome". *snickers again*
The fight goes badly for Spidey, until... Electro interrupts everybody because now, he wants to know who's under the mask.
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They sure are a bunch of idiots.
Their plan is to impersonate Spidey and eliminate the Fantastic Four. Uh-huh, sure. And the story continues in FF #218!
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This is a really cool first page.
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The Human Torch acts extremely gay with "Spider-Man" in this scene. He gets knocked out. The Thing and the security system are also quickly neutralized, but as our villains enter the building, Sue wakes up... she finds her brother, but is quickly attacked and subsequently, knocked out. And just when Mr. Fantastic gets unconscious as well, Spidey arrives!
The ensuing fight is fun, and at last, all's well.
Anyway, SSM #43!
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OH THIS IS GORGEOUS. THE SHADING ON PETER'S SHIRT. I LOVE IT. His face, not so much... Anyway, Steve and Peter being bros, hell yeah!
So bandits have broken into ESU and use Debra as a hostage. They get their stuff and get away, but not without Peter throwing a gadget of his at their car.
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His spider-tracer leads him to a twink.
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And what an ugly twink. Especially compared to this highly stylish Belladonna, what the heck, I love her.
I think I've been spoiled something on Roderick Kingsley, but we'll see how it goes.
Anyways, Belladonna wants to steal Roderick's ideas, apparently. Spidey decides to intervene. The villains get away, and Roderick's annoyed that Spidey ruined his apartment with the fight. However, our hero surmises that Belladonna wanted chemicals for her special gas.
The next day, at the Daily Globe, Sandy Jones is quickly charmed by Peter and she explains that Roderick is rumored to steal his designs. Plus, he has a show that night! Peter easily gets the assignment, and goes to his lab to work on countering Bella's gas.
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I love that second panel, it's a very strong one.
Debra's here, she bought what was on Peter's list. He's so happy he asks her on a date, to which she obviously agrees. I would too, girl.
Turns out what Peter was searching for was vinegar. He worries about reactivating his ulcer, which is a nice callback to a storyline from like, ASM 80 something. That's cool!
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This feels like a Pretty Little Liars storyline, I love it. Seriously, I love this issue! Also, Peter very pretty.
Anyway, Spidey stops the bandits, but Belladonna gets away!
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Oh, I really went from bored at very excited throughout this post, wow! Hell yeah.
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percreates · 6 months
Here's my intro post thingy-
My name is Percival, but I'm cool with Percy or whatever nickname, they/he, 20 (yeah that's almost all in my bio too but shh)
Fandoms and things I draw/plan to draw
Minecraft (funny/neat moments and adventures of my oc and others on an smp I'm part of)
Spider-Man and Spiderverse, I'm gonna have a spidersona very soon that I'll be drawing a ton >:)
X-Files (new hyperfixation, I've taken a truly unhinged number of reference screenshots)
Star Trek TNG (another new hyperfixation, I'm obsessed with Data and Geordi, RIP my love Lieutenant Yar, she was my other fave but died in the last episode I watched)
Original Leverage (I only watched a lil redemption and didn't care for it all that much, but og Leverage has been my favorite show for over half my life now, expect ot3 art)
X-Men (once I've read more of the comics)
Potentially other marvel superheroes (but again, not until I've read more of their comics, it's a Thing with me, but I did love the goofy found family avengers tower fandom stuff before the mcu got so dark and depressing)
Star Wars (I like the prequels/clone wars era best)
Doctor Who (I'm not caught up on the latest few seasons and it's been a long time since I watched past the 10th doctor cause he and 9 are my faves, but expect some Doctor/Rose/Jack ship art at some point)
Potentially other fandoms I'm forgetting I'm in, or didn't add to the list, just whatever I'm into lately
Random non-fandom related references, the majority of what I've drawn so far is just random pictures of people on pinterest
(my references and tips board has 27 nicely organized sections and a total of over 1600 pins, feel free to dm me if you want the link!)
Pretty much any scene/shot from a movie or show I watch that makes me go "ooh I wanna draw that" and take a screenshot
I'm learning to draw cause I want to start creating comics! I drew a lot in middle school and am finally getting back into it. I was never that good back then, but I'm super happy with the progress I'm making since coming back to it >:D
I think entirely in words rather than pictures (I believe that's called aphantasia?), so until I've got A Lot more experience and have built up a better mental library and muscle memory, most things I draw will be with reference, but I'm slowly getting better at drawing from imagination!!
Tagging system-
#my art (self explanatory, I'll also have #my comics sometime down the line), #perc rambles (anything I post that's not art), #cool art (any art I reblog that's not mine), #comics (as in comics people have made, not like, comics fandom stuff), #spidersona (other people's sonas, I'll be tagging my own separately, probably as #spiderskate but I haven't decided), #tips and tricks, #pose reference, and if I draw for a fandom I'll tag said fandom. I'll have tags for various ocs I create, currently my only one is #benni enderman
I think that's everything! Thanks for checking out my blog, enjoy your time here :D
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nyashykyunnie · 3 years
𝔸𝕝𝕓𝕖𝕕𝕠 x 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌! 𝙶𝚗! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
A/N: This was actually a dream of mine((ONE OF THE BEST DREAMS I’V EVER HAD PLEASE)) and since I very much treasure this vivid dream- I’m turning it into a headcanon!!! I also had dreams about Xiao, Diluc and Childe! I might turn them into headcanons too! Anyway, Hope you guys enjoy reading!
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝔸𝕝𝕓𝕖𝕕𝕠˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚
﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ . ﹢  °  ¸.    ° ˖ ・ ·̩   。 ☆.      ﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ .
A very cool-headed person while the other is.... Constantly running around doing whatever and being a very VERY chaotic walking volcano.
Everyone found you and Albedo’s dynamic...Really interesting. It shocks them how he has so much patience with someone as reckless as you. 
How is he just be able to put up ith you? Who knows, the Chief Alchemist of the Knight of Favonius has his ways. 
Truth be told, Albedo himself didn’t even expect to fall in love with you. Maybe he started to fall for you when he was just constantly worried about you? Was that it? Maybe? 
The first time you met, he honestly got a little overwhelmed with your overflowing. It took him quite awhile
Love... Truly works in fascinaing ways.
But that doesn’t really matter now, does it? He loves you, that’s it. 
Albedo is always watching over you when he’s not drowning in his research. If he is in need to monitor you while doing his job, he sits you down in a corner just so you wont end up breaking anything.
However, there are times where he ignores his own experiments when you AND Klee are together. God forbid whatever might happen, the two of you together might just be the end of Monstadt.
One child who throws bombs and another crackhead. No, please, never EVER put them together unless Albedo is there.
Anyway, Albedo is actually very good in handling you. He knows just what to do to make you behave,“Y/N... I have work right now.” “But Bedo is always busy! I’m bored” “Settle down. Just give me a few minutes and I’ll entertain you later.”
Man does he keep his word, Albedo finishes whatever research he’s doing, cleans up and proceeds to where you are. 
Cuddling you is one of his few ways to calm your chaotic energy. His other hand is always at the back of you head, holding it softly. He sometimes even pulls it so you can rest further against him.
One part of you chaotic character is that you are very curious.
You’re always asking him a lot of questions, some are even ridiculous childish stuff. The Kreideprinz wll always answer, no matter how much your questions dont make any sense at all.
Well, he actually finds that part of you curious. He gets to go on brainrot sometimes when one of it actually hits a little different.
Nevertheless, Albedo appreciates your existence in his life. A day is never dull with you.
He even finds some of your unfortunate fails hilarious at some point, maybe he’ll tease you a bit about it if he’s in a really good mood.
“I find it really interesting how you are able to just get caught in such situations” He looks at you dumbfoundedly- Who is currenty tangled up in a rope and trapped. “How did you even got in this?”
“Fluffy boi this is not how you treat your lover who is currently suffering! STOP STANDING THERE DOING THAT POSE AND GET ME OUTTA HERE OR I’M GONNA BITE YOU!”
“Really? I doubt you can.”
He adores your shenanigans, it makes him forget his tiring days. makes him forget his darker side. Albedo just wants to be with you, no matter how much of a headache you can be.
Dealing with your messy person is better than him carrying the burden of his responsibilities and shadows alone.
“BEDOOOOO!” Albedo sighs, hearing your loud running steps come closer and closer. He felt the weight of your body plummet against his, he simply lifts you by your thighs and adjustinghis gip. “BEDOOO” “Mn?” Honestly, two weeks back both of you would actually be rolling on the ground. Thankfully he got used to your chaoticness that he is able to ctach you with ease now.  “So that thingy sitting on the ground. Does that have the particle sparkly thing you told me?” You tip your head curiously, your eyes beaming in cherubic innocence. 
“Y/N, no. It doesn’t work like that” He sighs softly, starting to walk while explaining to you what the difference is yet again.
Albedo talked for a good five minutes but was put to a halt when he realized that you weren’t sparking up questions in each sentence he spoke. The Kreideprinz got worried and look at you with a concerned look.
“Is something wrong? Are you hurt? Sick? Do you want me to take you back home?” His bright teal eyes even seemed to tremble a little.
“Nope, nope nope!” You giggle in delight before pecking your cute lover’s cheek.
Albedo blinked, dumbstruck at what just happened.
“It’s just that my fluffy boyfriend is just so cute I wanna kiss you all day!” You giggled in absolute deliht as you rubbed your cheeks together.
The blonde boy simply coughed in embarassment, lightly blushing.
“Well,...” He gulped. “Since you haven’t caused any havoc for a good streak of two days, you can do as you please.”
Hearing your boyfriend’s words, you jumped down and went in front of him. Tip toe-ing in absolute joy. “PROMISE? PROMISEE??? BEDO PROMISES?? NO BACKSIES??”
“Yes...” Albedo weakly nods and you jumped on him, wrapping your legs around his waist and peppering his face constant pecks and snuggles.
He smiled, firmly holding you in place and letting you adore him like this. 
He wished...He wished with all his heart... That days like this would last as long as it can. He wished that the day where he will lose control wont come so soon. Just a little bit more, let him cherish these moments you. Let him forget about that and just be happy. Let him bathe in your sunlight love. Please.
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ts4-poses · 3 years
Some of you have noticed that I posted yesterday a new masterlist. Unfortunatley I deleted by accident the new masterlist. Luckily I had a half-done backup. Oh Llama! So I did the rework and added even more tags. 
Currently, this blog experiences some massive changes and improvements, as most of you have noticed already. The TAG system did improve. As a result of the current changes, a new overhaul has been done. As of today, you will get a brand-new MASTERLIST with a filter system. Yep, you heard it.
Our lovely tags will remain as they are, but they have been reorganized, and a bunch of existing ones has been added. Some spelling errors are fixed. The list did explode with the number of new tags. It was time to change something. 🤨
The good news is: Masterlist is now way bigger and split into several categories and alphabetical order. Bad news? Well, the old layout is gone. Bye-bye, old masterlist, you served well, but we don’t need you anymore. 😆
The new filter helps to get a better overview of the tags we have. Took nearly two (now almost four) days to restructure and organize that babe. But it looks much better now. Promise! So here are the changes: 😏
Top: News/Updates, little Tutorial, a Help-Corner, Trigger Warning, and stuff you can find pose-related and beside poses on this blog.
Basics: Age & Gender, Amount, Position, Traits, and Type.
Actions: Activities and Actions. What else, right?
Accessories: The wonderful little thingies we need almost always to tell cool realistic stories.
Objects: All kinds of stuff and more stuff... you know the drill.
Sim’s Life: Everything that a Sim wants or needs in their life. Like Events & Socializing, Friends (NEW) Unbelievable, right? Not any more! Here you will find more categorized poses like Gestures, Life Stages, Location, Love, Music, Pets, Profession/Career, Transportation, and so on.
Genres: Historical Stuff, Supernatural Stuff, and whatever will come up in the future and has its own genre. This is the place to go.
Seasonal: Seasons? Holidays? Weather? Kinda, yeah! You get me, right?
Specials: Topics that don’t fit in any other category. Check out the poses for your potential general Simedits or Lookbook or whatever. Traits show up here as well, dope, huh?
Themed: Has been restructured and fulfills a new purpose. You look for Poses regarding Beauty & Care? Smokin’ fly! Yeah, I see you! Healthcare, anyone? Fame & Media? VIP, eh? Wedding? Yes, please! Foods? I knew your sim were hungry. Pregnancy? Uh, a little one is on the way?  Law & Order? Well, it can't be wrong to lock up those bad guys, right? You see where this is going?
Creators: Here you can explore who has changed their Simblr Names or if creators did retire, but most of their content is still available and more...
Trigger Warning: Link to the Trigger Info page. Just to make sure you will see that it is linked.
NSFW: The last section is the corner for ADULT CONTENT to be used at your own risk, and it requires you to read first the Trigger Warning Info if you dislike such topics.
A few tags have now a skull  ☠️. That means this tag can contain some NSFW-related content due to its nature of having multiple meanings or it serves multiple purposes. In this case, you need to see for yourself if you want/need to block those tags, too.
More topics for the ‘THEME’ section can be added in the future. If you have a suggestion, comment below. Maybe it will be added. 😉
Drop a note and tell if you like the new list with the new system.
This post will stay for 24 hours pinned before I will pin the previous Trigger Warning Post Info again.
Stay safe and sound. Happy Pose Findings! 😌
26th. April 2021
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flyfireflyfly · 4 years
Tagged: Self-Promo
Was tagged by @promisesox for a self-promotion thingy, with posting 5 of your favorite creations. Technically only 3 of mine are complete, but I wanted to include the other 2. Anyone who wants self-promote, consider this as me tagging you ♥
1. All I Want For Christmas
My first story, posted 7 years ago. It doesn’t seem like that much time has gone by. I used to go back and read it every so often. It amazes me how much my writing has changed, and how much is still the same.
2. Hope and Chances
I do have some regrets with certain stories. There’s about 5 of them I’ve actually come to hate. Hope and Chances is one though that I think I really got it right. There isn’t anything about it that I would change.
3. A Good Girl
1,982 subscribers on AFF. My most subscribed story, more than double my second most subscribed story. I take it to mean that it’s my most popular fic. I don’t know why that is, but I can honestly say it gave me a huge confidence boost seeing so many people enjoy it. It really made me feel like an actual writer, that I can expand in to other genres or themes, that my stuff really was worth reading. That I didn’t mess up again. 1,982 may not seem like much, especially compared to a lot of other writers on AFF, but it means everything to me.
4. This-title-keeps-changing
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Blurred cause I’m too embarrassed for it to be seen >.<  They’re notes, filling up a notebook that @supastareden​ had gifted me. It’s for a book I’m writing. Well, I’m not really sure yet if it’ll be 1 or 2 books... And “writing” is a bit of a stretch since I haven’t been doing anything let alone writing... But, yeah. I’m writing a book. One day (probably in about 30 years) it’ll be published, even if I have to self-publish it.
5. Doll
Again, I’m really not writing. I work 6 days a week. My brain simply shuts off when I get home. When I do write, I get a paragraph or so down. And it’s agonizing that that is all I can manage. It feels like I lost the ability to write anything more than those book notes in a notebook while daydreaming. Yet I still keep going back every couple of weeks or so to jot down a few more sentences. I’ve been working on Doll, a smut fic with Yongguk, for a little over a year now. It’s still not finished and I’ll cry in the shower about that later, but here’s the first 2 chapters:
As you woke up, you kept your eyes closed. You could feel your mat under you and the warmth that it gave off. It was odd but it was something you loved. Something about that heat that calmed you and strengthened you. Letting the moment go, you finally opened your eyes and sat up. The room was completely dark like always, save for a thin strip of light shining in from under the door that helped you make out all the other bodies around you. They each had their own mats that were crammed together, fitting as many people as possible in to the one room. Or rather, as many 'dolls' as possible. You looked at the male doll to your right. He was sitting up and picking at a loose thread on his boxers. You turned your gaze to your own clothing. A black lingerie set with lots of lace that barely hid anything. Adjusting it, you checked to make sure it wasn't falling apart anywhere. You liked it much better than the previous set you wore and you didn't want to have it replaced just yet. Suddenly the room got much brighter and you lifted your head. The door was open and a woman beckoned everyone out. "Let's go!" You stood with the rest of the group and shuffled forward. Once through the doorway, you found yourself in a brightly lit hallway. Its white walls were empty of any decoration. You kept walking, following the lady and the rest of the dolls. Another door and you entered a room that was a tiny bit more inviting. The lush carpet felt better on your bare feet than the hard linoleum of the hallway. On the light blue walls hung pictures, all of dolls in various sexual poses. The group separated with the boys lining up against one wall and the girls moving to the opposite side. Time for work. You glanced over to your left and saw the doorway that had a curtain hanging in it. Through it was a much larger room where the sales took place. Other dolls would be lined up in there, the ones that were 'new'. Dolls that haven't been with anyone and could fetch a higher price. You and the rest of the dolls in the back were technically for sale, but it was unheard of for a working doll to be bought. There were rumors of it happening in other stores though. The curtain moved and the lady from before walked in with another woman. "Here is our selection of males." The new woman slowly walked down the line, eyeing every one of the guys, before stopping in front of a large, muscular man. "I'll take this one." "Great. He is your keycard for your room. You're in room number one." The customer took the card and headed towards the stairs. The male doll followed after her, putting his arm around her waist and settling his hand on her hip. He said something quietly to her that you couldn't hear, and she responded with a flirtatious giggle. When they disappeared from view, you glanced back over at the curtained doorway. The lady was gone now, back up front where she could assist any other customers. There would be plenty more throughout the day that would pay for the backroom experience. Select a doll of their preference to be taken upstairs and have their way with. Suppressing a sigh, you leaned back against the wall and waited. It was only a few minutes later though that the curtain was pulled back again so you hurriedly straightened. The man examined the line of females before his gaze lingered on you. You subtly shifted, sticking a hip out and pulling your shoulders back to show off your curves. "This one." A coy smile formed on your face and you stepped forward. "Good choice. She's one of our newest dolls. I'm sure you'll be happy with her."
The man wrapped his arm around your waist and lead you to the stairs. The wood steps didn't feel as good on your bare feet as the carpet, and the customer's hand that moved down to grab your ass wasn't pleasant either. But you ignored all that and went up to the second floor. On this floor were several doors, each with a room number on them. The male went over to the third room and opened the door with the keycard. You swept past him through the doorway while glancing around the room. It was identical to the others, just big enough to fit a large bed with a small television in the corner. Suddenly you were shoved and you stumbled forward. Then you were pushed again, making you practically fall on to the bed. You crawled on to it and rolled your eyes at the guy's impatience. When you looked back at him though, you made sure you kept your face neutral so he wouldn't see any displeasure. The man stripped off his clothes in a hurry, his sharp gaze never leaving your body. It was a look you had seen before and mentally cursed. You started to take off your clothes, only managing to unclasp your bra, when he closed the distance to you. He yanked the bra off before grabbing your underwear with both of his hands. There was a distinct sound of cloth ripping as he wrenched them down your legs. You watched helplessly as he threw the panties aside. He dropped down on to you and without warning, he pushed in to you, filling you with his whole length. You threw your head back as you cried out, and then gritted your teeth as he started thrusting in to you. There was always the ones that only cared about their pleasure. So you simply laid there and let him have his way with you while listening to his grunting. He planted his hands onto the bed on either side of you and pushed up so he was hovering over you. Even now he stared at your bare breast, his gaze never wavering. You examined everything about him. His demeanor, his expression, and mostly the way he was ruthlessly pounding in to you. He didn't want pleasure. He wanted dominance. Shrinking in to yourself, you screwed up your face to reflect more of the pain he was giving you. Instead of moaning, you whined and whimpered. Finally he met your gaze and you hoped there was enough weakness in your eyes. You didn't have to wait long to find out as his pace faltered. He grimaced and let out a string of profanities before collapsing down on to you. His slick, sweaty skin made you wrinkle your nose in disgust, but you forced yourself to endure it until he finally rolled off of you. Panting still, he sat up and surveyed your body. He reached over and grabbed one of your boobs, squeezing it roughly and making you hiss as you arched your back. Then he let go and his hand moved between your legs, groping you. "Not bad." he nonchalantly said. He moved off of the bed and started getting dressed. You took that as a signal that he was done with and climbed off the bed as well. Instead of putting your bra and underwear back on though, you held them in your hands. It was standard protocol, though you would have stayed naked anyways. The last thing you wanted was to get his sweat and stink on them. Only after he left the room did you leave, following him to the stairwell. As he went downstairs, you hurried through a door tucked away in corner. It led to a small bathroom with an open shower area. You stepped under one of the showerheads and a stream of warm water hit you. You cleaned yourself thoroughly before moving to the shelves that held clean towels. As you were drying yourself, the male doll that had went upstairs before you entered. He didn't spare you a glance though as he went in to the showers. Dropping the towel in to a bin, you retrieved your lingerie. Holding up the underwear, you found a slight tear along the seem and pouted. Just as you feared, that asshole ruined them. You carefully dressed, being extra mindful to not tear it anymore. Hopefully they'll last till the end of the day so you could try to mend them. Once you were ready, you left the bathroom and descended the stairs. There were a few dolls still lined up but you noticed some were missing. More than likely upstairs with their own clients. You took your spot along the wall while suppressing a sigh and waited for your next customer.
The day slowly passed by with a steady stream of clients coming and going. Of course it got busier in the evenings. People getting off work and coming in for one little tryst before heading home. Sometimes there would even be clients waiting for their turn in a separate lounge, insisting on a particular doll. Stifling a yawn, you watched as the curtain was pulled back yet again. The newest customer examined both lines of dolls and you silently prayed you wouldn't be chosen, even as they neared you. Then they picked the girl standing beside you and you forced yourself not to let out a breath in relief. They barely made it halfway up the stairs though when you heard the rustle of the curtain. You glanced over at the doorway and inhaled sharply. The man shyly smiled as the storekeeper directed him over to the female dolls, causing an odd sensation to form in your stomach. "This is her." They stopped in front of you, which meant that this was a special request. You took a hesitant step forward and eyed the man curiously. There was no denying how handsome he was, even in just a simple t-shirt and jeans. And with the way the lady who ran the store was standing so close, you had a feeling you weren't the only one admiring his looks. "Here is your keycard." she said and held it up from him. When he went to take it from her, she quickly put her hand over his to stop him. "I do hope you enjoy your time. Let me know if there is anything you need." A small smile formed on your face over her behavior, and it grew larger as you noticed him blush. "Thank you." he replied as he took the keycard from her. Then he turned his attention to you. "Uh... well..." He indicated for you to walk ahead of him, much like a gentleman would with a lady. That odd feeling in your stomach intensified and you attempted to ignore it. Nodding politely at him, you started to head towards the stairs. He walked beside you, not touching you and making him stand out even more. He didn't act like every other man that entered the back room. Once you were on the second floor, he checked the number on the keycard. "Room ten." Then he examined the doors near the stairwell. "It's further down." you informed him. Taking his hand, you led him down the hallway to the right door. After unlocking it, the man opened the door and stepped aside. You moved past him to enter the room first and made your way to the end of the bed. You turned around and stood there, waiting. He  never approached you though. He simply stood there, hesitating, as if he was unsure what to do. "What's wrong?" you asked. Then a thought came to you as you recalled the shy smile he had earlier. "Oh wait, here." You went to the television and pushed the power button. Instantly a porno was shown on the screen, accompanied with the loud wailing of a woman. His eyes widened in surprise as he stared at the television. "Oh, uh... Actually..." He closed the distance and turned it off. Then he turned to you. He hesitated once more before he gently placed his hands on your hips and kissed you. This time you were surprised, but you hurriedly kissed him back. You set your own hands on his arms just as gently. You knew now what he was expecting. He wanted a more personal experience and you made a mental note of that in case he came back. He pulled back and licked his lips as he gaze lowered. His hands slid up your sides before going back down, moving just past your hips. Then he brought them upwards again, much higher than before. He briefly met your gaze, as if giving you a chance to protest. When you didn't, he moved his hands over your breast, fondling them. Reaching up behind you, you unclasped your bra. He licked his lips once more, this time in anticipation, and moved his hands back. You let the bra slip off of you to fall on to the floor. More hesitation, even as you noticed the growing lust in his eyes, and then he grabbed your breast. More gentleness, so when he suddenly squeezed them roughly, you gasped as your back arched. Then his fingers toyed with your nipples, pinching them and rubbing them as they hardened. The fact that he wanted it to be personal filled your mind again. "What's your name?" He looked away from your breast and raised his eyebrows. "Yongguk." You closed the distance, forcing his hands to move away. Tilting your head slightly, you began to pepper his neck with kisses. Your hands found the hem of his shirt before disappearing under it. Running you hands over his skin, you started to lightly suck as his neck as well. A sigh escaped his lips, encouraging you to continue. So when you sucked on one particular spot that made him stiffen, you gave his neck a harsh suck. You were rewarded with a tiny cry, sending tingles through your body. Then you pulled back and licked his neck upwards to his ear. You sucked on his earlobe just as your fingers ran over his nipples. "Yongguk." you quietly whimpered in to his ear. "Fuck." He swiftly stripped off his shirt before grabbing you and yanking you closer. His lips smashed in to yours, eagerly kissing you as his hands squeezed your ass.
You squirmed against him, causing you to feel the forming hardness in his pants. You attempted to wrap your leg around his but he suddenly started pushing against you. Kissing him still, you awkwardly walked backwards as he guided you. Then your legs hit the bed and you unwillingly broke off the kiss. You moved on to the bed and scooted backwards until you reached the pillows. Yongguk followed you, crawling over you. Before he could lay down, you reached downwards and rubbed your hand over his dick. He let out a moan, his mouth dropping open as his eyes unfocused. Fluttering in your chest left you breathless, and you quickly set about undoing his jeans. As soon as you felt the cloth of his boxers, you pushed your hand inside them and wrapped your fingers around his hard member. You only managed a few strokes through when he forced your hand a away. Pinning your wrists to the bed, he leaned down kissed you once more. You closed your eyes and managed to hold back a moan until you felt Yongguk's tongue moving over your lips. As soon as you gave him an opening, his tongue entered your mouth for a brief moment. Then he pulled back and gently kissed your jaw. Your neck, your shoulder, your collarbone. He shifted to the side and brought his mouth down on your left breast, sucking on it and causing your back to arch. You opened your eyes to watch him just as he nibbled on your nipple. Biting your lip, you attempted to lift your arms but he forced them to stay against the bed. Pulling back slighting, he flicked your hardened nipple with his tongue a few time. Then he met your gaze as he relinquished your arms. You no longer had any desire to move them though as he slid further down your body, leaving a trail of kisses along your stomach and to your lace panties. He hooked his fingers in to them and sat up. You lifted some of your weight so he could smoothly pull the last of your clothes off of you, leaving you completely naked for him. He looked over you body, his gaze lingering a bit more in certain places. Reaching forward, he slipped his fingers through your wet folds and a quiet moan escaped him. He circled your entrance with one finger and then moved upwards to your clit. He pushed on it a few times before rubbing it. You gasped as pleasure flowed through your body, causing your legs to stretch out and your back to arch off the bed. You closed your eyes and let yourself drown in it. Which was easy to do as you felt him quicken his pace. It wasn't long until you were squirming, your heavy panting filling the room. "Yongguk." you whined as you shuddered. The pleasure disappeared as he moved his hand away. You opened your eyes to watch him remove the rest of his clothing. Once naked, he draped his body over you, settling between your legs and rubbing his dick on you. His lips found yours again for a brief moment before he shifted and you felt him pushing in to you. A long moan escaped him and he pressed his face in to your neck. Then he began to rock his hips, swiftly pumping in to you. You gasped and quickly reached up with your hands to grab him. The pleasure from before returned with ferocity, a storm threatening to break you in to pieces. His name played on your lips over and over, turning in to a desperate chant. Which seemed to only urge him on and his pace increased. His moans growing louder and coming more frequently to drown you out. Tremors racked his body and his arms wrapped around you tightly. As if clinging on to you could help temper his own storm consuming him. Finally something inside you snapped and you cried out as your body jerked. Seconds later Yongguk cried out as well and his hips slammed in to you, pushing his dick deep in to you as he cummed. Then he collapsed on to you.
You laid there, listening to his heavy breathing, and holding on to him. His sweaty body didn't repulse you like your first client much to your surprise. And when he went to roll off of you, you were reluctant to release him. He laid on his back next to you and you rolled on to your side in order to look at him. "That was better than I expected." he stated with a small chuckle. Then his eyes met yours and a blush graced his face. You smiled and sat up before leaning towards him. You trailed a hand down the side of his face, caressing him and earning a startled look from him. You ignored it though and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Which only made him blush harder and you giggled. With a shy smile, he sat up and slipped off the bed. You watched as he rounded the bed to retrieve his clothes before climbing off the bed yourself. You gathered up your lingerie and waited for him. When he was done dressing, he glanced at you and hesitated as he eyed your still naked body. "I have to go clean up." you informed him. More blushing and another shy smile. "Oh... yeah." He indicated towards the door and you nodded your head to signal that you were ready. Then he opened it and moved aside for you to leave the room first. The two of you walked down the hallway in silence. At the staircase, he started to go but stopped when he noticed you weren't following. "I have to go in there." You pointed to the cleaning room's door and then as an afterthought, you asked, "I'll see you around?" There was a bit of surprise in his eyes but then he smiled at you. "Sure."
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Tulips, windmills, sketches, and floral wreaths 
Hello from Windy Grove! We’re here with Leif, Elodie, and Kia for the Windmill Tulip Festival! 
Daisy Jane, Alice, Fauna, and I have been busy helping Leif plant tulips all week. Planting flowers is a lot of work - at least according to me - so I don’t tend to my garden as much as I’m supposed to. I try but sometimes I find myself intimidated for some reason. The only exception is flower events, those I can handle since they’re only for a short period of time and don’t involve cross pollination. 
Just to be clear, I don’t hate gardening - in fact I enjoy coming up with rare flowers - but it’s one of those things that usually gets put into the backseat. I do try to keep up - and I’ve been doing pretty good so far in terms of trading flowers for stuff recently - but sometimes things fall to the wayside, especially when life gets busy.
So I did a lot of gardening this week and quite enjoyed it. Probably because I had a lot of help - flower food’s hard to come by; friends, not as much - so things went by a lot faster. Though to be honest, I think I’m gonna take a break from gardening for a while when we get back to the camp.
(Sorry Mom - we have a lot in common, but a green thumb ain’t one.)
It’s nice catching up with Elodie and Kia again now that Wildflower Wagon’s back in business after a short break to reorganize things. Seeing their stand at the festival brings me such joy - it’s amazing how far they’ve come! What was originally a side hustle in Elodie’s room turned into something big and now she and Kia are traveling around the world. Along with floral arrangements, they also sell art prints and enamel pins - all which are very pretty and whimsical.
When I last saw Elodie and Kia, they were in the middle of making some major changes to Wildflower Wagon. Basically their small business has grown so much that it’s no longer possible for the two of them to run it alone. According to Cecelia - a well seasoned self employed artist, it’s a good problem to have because that means things are going well. But it can quickly become a bad problem if you don’t plan ahead.
As of two months ago, Nuvola and Mariya have joined the Wildflower Wagon team! Mariya’s not technically a full-time staff member but she supplies flowers she grows at the community garden at Mushroom Village. So she’s kinda like a supplier for uncommon flowers. Nuvola, on the other hand, is a full time employer, so she does customer service like answering emails as well as help package orders and send them out for delivery.
Since Mariya can’t be full time because of the Matcha Mint Cafe, Elodie and Kia are still in the process of taking on one more employer. Since Nuvola’s still new to everything and everything’s going smoothly, it’s not a priority at the moment. They didn’t say much, but if I had to guess who’s on the list, I’d say it’s either Tsuki, Shannon, or Theda. 
Probably at some point in the future it’ll be all three. At the rate Wildflower Wagon’s growing, that future could be within the next year or so. 
Things in Mushroom Village have been slow as usual, which is why Mariya and Nuvola joined the Wildflower Wagon team. Nuvola’s been going a bit stir crazy because of life stuff so I think working with Elodie and Kia will be good for her. She’s got experience as a secretary so customer service isn’t unfamiliar territory for her.
Poor Nuvies isn’t having the best week so the festival’s a good distraction for her. At least she’s in the process of leaving the Mushroom Village Gazette so that’ll be a load off her shoulders. I wouldn’t say she’s a bad reporter, more like badly miscast. She’s a curious one, just not one who's meant to dig up dirt on others. 
Ask an innocent or seemingly harmless question and suddenly it bursts open a can of worms. Where others dig up rocks, Nuvola somehow ends up with a landmine that immediately explodes the second she puts her hands on it. No matter how hard she tries, half the time her good intentions blow up in her face. Nuvola may not always know how to read the room but somehow she can tell exactly what’s troubling you - often in the most roundabout way.
Thankfully the fun festivities are enough to lift one’s mood after a rough week. Watching the windmills is enough to put me into a relaxing trance. Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to sit on one of those blade thingies and ride a windmill. It’s a good thing Siobhan isn’t here or else she’d be climbing up a windmill and hopping on a blade. And she’ll definitely get kicked out.
Getting lost in the tulip fields is a colorful experience, to say the least. I really need to restock on tulips for my garden. They won’t be as pretty and vibrant as the ones in Windy Grove, but at least I can plant my own colorful garden. Pink tulips are my favorite though lately I find myself gravitating towards purple. Both are rare - purple being more uncommon - so I’d better get cracking on planting and cross-breeding tulips if I want to get more purple tulips as well as other rare hybrids.
At some point I ran into Daisy Jane in the tulip fields and we did something that we hadn’t done in forever. I’d pose with the flowers and she’d sketch away in her book. Sometimes we’d turn it into a game where I’d do something silly and Daisy Jane would kick it up a notch in her drawing. So if I hugged a windmill while holding a bouquet of tulips in between, then she’d draw an octopus astronaut being hugged by a windmill covered in vines blooming with tulips and thorns. 
Let’s just say that if a stranger got a hold of Daisy Jane’s sketchbook or saw what we were doing, they’d be like WTF is going on in their heads? Because we too sometimes think that when we look back on these sketches.
After making up ridiculous stories behind the sketches, Daisy Jane and I met back up with the others to make floral wreaths. It’s kinda like making a flower crown but a lot more elaborate. Maybe I went a bit too overboard with the flowers, but hey, at least it looks super colorful! I don’t really go for a maximalist kind of look because I tend to overthink things and end up making it look too cluttered/unbalanced so I’m quite happy with how my wreath turned out. For a wreath, it sticks out just right!
For about two hours we visited various stands and bought a lot of stuff. I tried tulip bubble tea for the first time and it has an interesting flavor. A bit too floral for my liking but it’s not too bad. Of course, I bought art prints and bouquets from Wildflower Wagon, as well as a bunch of stuff from Folksy Florals, Ladybug Gardens, and Coconut’s Grove. I got to talk to Cecelia for a bit before the festivities really took off so that was nice. As for rides, I went on the windmill ferris wheel - which made me feel like I’m on top of the world! - and the flowery porch swing merry go round. 
Two hours flew by and next up on the itinerary was a windmill tour at the center of Windy Grove. The Grand Ole Windy is the oldest building in the village and it’s been taken care of by the same family for generations. While the ferris wheel made me feel on top of the world, gazing out the windmill window made me feel out of this world!
Then it’s back to the festivities for more fun activities. Bug catching contests, fortune telling crystal balls, furniture crafting workshops, tulip mochi treats with lavender tea, group pics in front of the gardens and windmills, bike ride tours around the village, quiet moments in the tulip fields - the hours flew by as dusk slowly turned into dawn.
I’d say the night is still young, but it’s almost sunrise. At moments like right now, sometimes I wonder what even is time?
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cyberzombiepenguin · 4 years
My Photoshop Pixel Art Thingy
Participating in the Arts (pixel animation workshops):
GIF 1 - My Final Animated Character
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The creative pixel animation workshops at UCA (through KaMCOP) are an amazing opportunity for young people, who do not have access to good facilities; or may have poor future prospects, especially in terms of quality education. As a youth with aspirations, I wanted to take part in this activity because I hoped to learn how to create animation and GIFs in Adobe Photoshop. I personally cannot afford to buy Photoshop and have not been privileged enough to attend a school where it was available to use -- ACCESS DENIED! ⛔
So, I really hoped, that by partaking in the pixel animation workshops, that I would get the chance to learn how to animate and how to develop animated characters using the latest software, and to have access to University facilities. I hoped to learn how to navigate and use Photoshop to create pixelated GIFs, and therefore, improve my skill-set and knowledge, so that I could improve my chances of further education. I also wanted to get my Bronze Arts Award to add to my qualifications.
The Pixel Art/Animation workshops were extremely enjoyable and entertaining. Our brief was to create a 2D animated character in Adobe Photoshop. First, we practiced and drafted our characters on card and acetate. Then we uploaded into Photoshop and edited until we had the desired effect. We used layers and all the necessary tools available in Photoshop.
Using Photoshop is really hard. This was my first experience using Photoshop and I must say that I did learn a lot. I know that it isn’t much, but trying to make a person walk is very difficult, to try and move the arms and the legs in the right way to make them look like they are actually walking was so much harder than I thought it would be. However, I did learn to create a walk-cycle (thank goodness!). There are so many different Photoshop tools to use, and to fully utilise them would take forever to master. I hoped to learn as much as possible about animating, creating characters and to get a good grip on using Photoshop.  
To pull off an accurate walking-cycle, you need to draw the person (or being) in the ‘Contrast and Passing’ poses, where their legs are apart and their arms are up to where their legs meet and their arms are down. I tried really hard, using the brush-tool, to draw a person walking and I could only manage the blurry silhouette in the second GIF (see GIF at the bottom of this section). I thought that if I created the walking cycle first, then, I could create a character around that frame; but soon after doing that, I realised that it was very hard. So, I stuck with a silhouette and I thought that (with some help) if I put in a drawing that I already had at hand into Photoshop, I could draw around them and animate them and it would look pretty cool. After tracing around the buff-man in the second GIF, I once again realised that animation is difficult and decided not to move him, but instead use the the silhouetted character to walk up to him (kinda).
With the Ghost GIF (at the top of this post), the idea came to me through advice, and that advice was to keep it simple with designs that I am used to drawing. They suggested that I draw a ghost, similar to the ghost that I drew and used for a very simple animation thingy that we did on the first day here at UCA. The idea to have the ghost stay still and have that hover effect was also suggested to me through advice; and I have to say that it worked out really well. I thought of using a ‘Scooby Doo’ type backdrop picture for the background behind my ghost character, because I thought that it went well with everything. Although I was fairly frustrated with using Photoshop, I still feel like it was really cool. I loved the software, I just wish that I knew how to use it better.
I very much enjoyed seeing my final animated characters and the GIFs that everyone else created; because it was an achievement for someone like me, and I was able to share the experience with other learners. I learned so much, I am so happy to have gained some Photoshop knowledge and skills, as I had never used it before, I hoped to learn how to use it, and I believe that I did. I also improved my drawing skills, by learning how to develop characters specifically for animation, using sequencing and storyboards. In the future, I would love to further develop my animating skills and I can’t wait to have access to Photoshop again. Attending the pixel animation workshops has raised my aspirations to continue with my education.
Summary: so, what did I learn from the pixel animation workshops?
I learned to navigate around Adobe Photoshop.
I learned how to use editing tools in Photoshop.
How to develop animated characters.
How to create, upload or select an image for editing.
I learned about sequencing and storyboards.
How to use ‘Layers’ in Photoshop to create frames.
How to use tabs in Photoshop.
How to use drop-down selection menus in Photoshop.
I learned about concepts and how to create walk-cycles.
How to save and export created pixel animation GIFs.
GIF 2 - My First Silhouette and Standing Man GIF 
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Previous Animation Experience:
When I was 10-11 years old, I was a member of the ‘Stop Frame LEGO® Animation Club’ 🐱‍🏍 -- this involved Stop Motion manipulation techniques of LEGO® pieces, using a digital camera with Windows based software to create animated films. This was my only previous experience of animation (other than watching it). So, I really wanted to partake in this activity (pixel animation workshops), because I hoped to learn more about new (new to me) animation techniques and how to use Photoshop. I wanted to gain experience of creating 2D GIF animation, improving on my current knowledge-base of stop motion animation.
In addition, I also wanted to learn Photoshop, so that I would be ready for UCA, as I am starting there in September for pre-degree studies. I am also an amateur photographer and learning how to navigate around Photoshop is the ‘Holy Grail’ of image manipulation, as I have only used MS Paint and GIMP at home and school. I feel that learning how to create animation in Photoshop, and having previous knowledge of stop motion animation will put me in good stead for my future studies. I am also interested in the BA (Hons) Illustration & Animation undergraduate degree course for the future.
For more details about the ‘Stop Frame LEGO® Animation Club’ click on the following link: https://kentfilmfoundation.co.uk/ 
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angstars · 5 years
the suggestive position thingy with hokuto and leo please? :0
sure sure!! these two boys are legit 0-100 in the spectrum lmao. leo can be found here!!
And remember, get calcium!♠
When you were invited to watch Hokuto practice his play for an upcoming theatre act, you were ecstatic!
He never really invited you to watch him practice much; his constant excuse was that he didn’t want you to get smothered by Wataru’s shenanigans, but you knew better. The boy was clearly shy.
Packing an entire snack box, one would say you’re ready for a picnic, but actually you were just going to watch your boyfriend stand on stage.
And it’s a different kind of stage all together, even the performance is different. And that’s why it was so exciting, you have never got to experience Hokuto’s ‘poetic’ side, if you can call it that.
Towards the theatre club room you go, where he told you he’d be preparing and wearing his costume before heading to the auditorium for a practice mock up of the stage play.
You knocked on the door and stepped inside, and heard some rustling and movement behind the changing curtain.
“Hokuto, is that you?” You inquired outloud, worried if you walked in on someone else changing. How awkward would that be.
“Oh! Yes it’s me, please wait on the couch, I’m almost done.” He spoke up, and you saw his school jacket get tossed over the head board of the curtain.
Relaxing the instant you heard his voice, and knowing you two are the only ones in this room as it seemed to be, you felt like you can let loose and be yourself.
You found the couch under a pile of large sheets, and have rolling them up all together and tossing them to the side, you relaxed on the old yet comfortable cushions. You noticed that it was a rather large seat, as you felt yourself slightly sinking into it; perhaps the dip was because something was missing under it.
A few minutes lapsed before the curtains were pushed to the side and Hokuto steps out, dressed in a princely costume. His cheeks were burning up red, shuffling his feet awkwardly as he reluctantly continued to step forward, his eyes fixated on the ground, embarrassed from seeing him this way.
How cute, he’s acting like he was caught red handed stealing from the cookie jar.
“Erm…how…how do I look?” He asked meekly, his voice was falling so much in volume you failed to hear it properly if you didn’t concentrate enough.
Smiling to yourself, you stood up and approached him, appraising his attire before fixing his jacket’s collar for him adoringly. “I say, you look wonderfully handsome.”
His face turned stark red, a shade darker than what it already was and you couldn’t help but think that he probably blew a fuse in his head as he froze completely. No matter how long you two have been dating, you never fathomed how bashful he can get when it came to you.
“So you’re the prince this time too?” You brushed your hands on his shoulders to tidy them up a bit better, straightening out the cloth further then resting your hands on your sides again.
“Yes, it’s another old play, so it only makes sense there are princesses and princes involved.” He explained, regaining his composure and walking past you to put away his folded school uniform neatly in his bag.
“How charming,” you cooed, “I get so jealous of Tomoya sometimes, I wish I was the princess you get to save… I want you to be my knight in shining armour.” You confessed, letting out a lonesome sigh. It was true, often times watching their school plays; you wished you were there on stage, taking part of it along side Hokuto.
It looked so much fun, active and it would definitely allow you more time to hangout with your boyfriend; and most importantly, the lines being exchanged, were so surprisingly romantic, you wished to be the one to hear him flatter you so.
He either didn’t expect that or didn’t think you were serious, for he turned around with a startled expression. Seeing your downcast expression, his features slowly changed to concern.
“Is there something you’re not telling me?” He approached, the rehearsal schedule now in the back of his mind.
You shrugged, keeping your gaze down. “No not particularly, there’s nothing we can do about it anyway. I just wish I can take part in your acting sometimes, it looks so much fun to wear those extra frilly dresses, and be the one you kiss her hand.”
It’s not like Hokuto treated you badly, in fact, he’s like a saint in this relationship, and can be rather romantic and sentimental when he wants to be. But you had an odd craving to just for once be on the receiving end of the exaggerated romantic gestures.
“I see…” he mumbled, standing now in front of you. He gently took your hand in his, moving his fingers up delicately to slowly take your entire hand in his and hold it tightly. “I…had no idea. I never thought you were interested in acting and felt so strongly about it.”
You shook your head, “it’s not the acting, it’s just taking part of your activities. And besides, I didn’t bring it up so… it’s not your fault.” You smiled softly and looked up at him, to lock eyes with his worried puppy eyes.
His eyes searched yours for anything else, any further hidden truth, and finding none, he steeled his resolve on an idea and whirled around. He pulled you along towards the couch, and letting go for a moment, he reached for one of the large sheets you earlier put away and pulling it with one strong swing, he raised it above the couch and carefully lowered it to cover the couch once again like a small parachute.
Turning his attention back to you, he looked as stoic as ever while your face contorted with confusion.
“Lay down on the couch, and pretend to be a fair maiden asleep.” He instructed, like what was happening just now was the most normal thing ever.
You chortled at that, “fair maiden?”
His face heats up as he cleared his throat, “sorry, it’s become habit.”
“What’re we doing exactly?” You probed further.
You beamed at that remark, smiling brightly as you looked at him in disbelief, feeling light headed and ticklish in your heart, mirth bubbling in your stomach as you immediately took your place in laying down on the couch, no hesitation in laying down as fancy as you could, hands clasped together over your chest.
Hokuto smiled softly at the cheer joy that was evident in your features and actions, finding it touching and cute. “You already got the pose down so well,” He praised, kneeling down beside you.
You closed your eyes in excitement, “This pose is literally in every fairy tale.” You snorted, and he hummed in agreement.
You sucked in a deep breathe and your heart sped as you felt him lean in closer, the couch dipping on where he sat and anchored his hands on your sides, it creaking under you both as he moved slowly.
“My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.” He quoted, whispering the fine tuned words to your ear in a breathy hush, it sent goosebumps all over your body, you couldn’t help but open your eyes just a crack to watch him.
His face was all serious as he hovered atop you, inches apart, a slight push was all it takes to kiss.
That’s when the door flew open, and Wataru stepped in, completely and entirely destroying the ambience that was set by the robust entrances he’s known for.
“Hokuto? Oh young Hokuto where are you? Oh!” He exclaimed when his eyes landed on you both laying together on the couch, “Oh my! It seems that I, your one and only Wataru Hibiki, has done an appearance at the wrong moment, how shameful of me! Especially as a magician! I was searching all over for you Hokuto, I thought you forgot you had practice today! Tell me, were you two reenacting Romeo and Juliet?”
Did this man swallow an entire tape box? You thought, albeit a bit too aggressively after being interrupted from a moment you’ve been dying for.
Hokuto looked at you apologetically, and with a sigh, got off the couch and stood up, tidying his uniform once again. “I didn’t forget, I was just busy practising some lines for today’s rehearsal anyway.”
“I see! Understandable! Yes indeed, doing it with your beloved girlfriend would be much more believable and romantic. Alas! Your teammate Tomoya awaits on the stage in his very cute princess dress, so we must be off!”
How unfortunate, as you watched the two of them leave the room, Wataru as bubbly as ever and Hokuto slightly dismayed.
You sat up and sighed, and that’s when it occurred to you.
“Wait! I’m supposed to come with you!”
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The Barber of Gopher Road
Or, Stan finds his potential calling.
Here’s something funny and wholesome to (hopefully) make up for the emotional roller coaster the last two stories in this AU has put you through.
The front door opened, and Ford stomped in, carrying an empty satchel and grumbling to himself.
Stan, who was looking in the bathroom mirror and wondering if his ears had always been this big (getting a haircut recently seemed to have really made them stick out), peered out and saw him looking like a storm cloud with glasses.
“No luck?” he asked, turning off the bathroom light and going into the main room after his brother.
Ford dumped the satchel on the giant toe coffee table and flopped into one of the chairs which had been set up on either side of it.
“Mutter mutter unicorn mutter mutter mutter pure of heart mutter,” he replied.
Stan took a moment to process that.  “I’m gonna take that as a no.”
“The dumb unicorn said that I wasn’t pure enough of heart, okay?” Ford snapped.
“Pure of heart?  What does that even mean?”
Ford gave an irritable shrug, looking more like a sulky toddler than his usual semi-dignified self.
“Sounds kinda hinky,” Stan said, frowning.  “Cuz if that’s supposed to mean someone who’s never done anything wrong, that’s impossible.  Nobody’s ever been pure of heart unless you believe in Jesus and the Dalai Lama and stuff.”
“Stanley, the Dalai Lama is a real person.”
Stan was no longer listening, because the wheels of his brain were busy turning.  Absentmindedly he began pacing back and forth, in a way that was quite like his brother except that he was rubbing the back of his neck, brushing over the spot that used to be covered by his hair.
His hair…
Suddenly, eyes bright with an idea, Stan snatched up the satchel.  Then he headed for the kitchen and dug around in the drawer they used for miscellaneous items (which was always sticking because neither of them could remember to make sure the items were laid in properly) until he pulled out a pair of good sharp scissors.
“What are you doing?!” Ford demanded, chasing after him.
“Watch me, Sixer.  I’m gonna get you that unicorn hair.”
Ford let out an incredulous scoff.  “You? If I am not pure of heart by her standards, then you are definitely not-”
“See ya later.”
And Stan snatched the journal that contained the incantation to open the entry to the unicorn glen, and was out the door.
After a stop in town to pick up some extra supplies at the convenience store, Stan headed into the forest.  The glen was easily found and opened, even though he felt a little stupid reading the chant aloud. But at least it worked-even if it meant being nearly blinded by the horrendous rainbow light when he opened the giant golden doors.
It looks like a six-year-old girl’s backpack threw up all over this place, he thought, taking in the trees, the waterfall above the limpid pool, and above all, the unicorn posing curled up on a rock in front of the random rainbow which was hanging in the air for no apparent reason.
“You again!” the unicorn exclaimed when she saw him, leaping to her dainty hooves and stamping one of them in agitation.  “I told you, you are not pure of heart-!”
“You got the wrong guy, sister,” Stan said, putting his hands in his pockets.  “I’m his brother, Stan. Nice ta meet ya.”
The unicorn blinked her enormous purple eyes in bewilderment.  “Amazing!  I’ve never seen two humans who looked so much alike!”
Stan snorted.  “Eh, personally I think I’m the handsome one.  Anywho, I wanted ta see you for myself, and-”
“Only a human who is pure of heart may have some of my hair!”   The unicorn stamped her hoof again, and flared her nostrils in a dainty snort.
Stan barely refrained from rolling his eyes.  “Yeah, well, I’m probably not gonna make the grade, but feel free ta check.”
The unicorn, Celesta-whatever (Ford had mentioned hearing her name from the gnomes, but Stan had already forgotten the full thing), looked confused for a moment, but then jabbed her horn into his chest.
Stan resisted his next impulse, to smack away the sharp object being jabbed at him.
She’s not using it as a weapon, he reminded himself.  Be cool.
Sure enough, after the heart shape appeared for a few seconds, Celesta-thingy reared her head back.
“Yooooouuuuu are not pure of heeeeaaaaart!!!!!!” she wailed.  “And you didn’t take off your shoes when you came in!  You must leeeeeaaaaave!!!!!!!”
This time Stan was unable to resist rolling his eyes a tiny bit.  But he shrugged, and hoisted the bag higher up on his shoulder.
“Okay, fine by me.  If you wanna loaf around with your hair looking like that, what do I care?”
And he turned on his heel.
Stan glanced over his shoulder, and hid a smirk at the look of shocked outrage on the unicorn’s face.
“Nothing, nothing.  Have a nice day.” He turned back around and headed for the exit-
Seconds later Celesta-whosit was in his path, teeth actually bared.  “What did you say about my hair?!  How dare you! My hair is beautiful and perfect!”
Stan chewed his lip, and did an indifferent shrug.  “Okay, if you say so.”
“What?” she demanded.  “Tell me what you’re implying this instant!”
“Oh, you don’t wanna-”
Stan sighed in fake reluctance.  “Well, if you insist…” He took a deep breath.  “It’s just...your hair is completely last year’s style, okay?  I mean, have you looked at it recently?” He strode around her in a circle, plucking at it with the tips of his fingers and making disapproving noises.  “You’re behind the times, letting it grow all long like that-I’m surprised you haven’t been laughed out of the forest! And don’t even get me started on those awful split ends.”
“I do NOT have split ends!”   But now there was a waver of uncertainty in her not-so-angelic voice.
Stan shrugged, coming back to face her.  “Whatever you say, lady. All I’m saying is, give me fifteen minutes and I could fix you up real nice, make it so you could actually show your face outside.  But you obviously don’t want anyone touching your hair, so just don’t worry about it. See ya around-”
Seconds later he was being shoved bodily into the center of the glen, until he landed on his rear on a large rock (ow).  Then the unicorn draped herself in front of him, tossing her rainbow-colored locks until they were facing him.
Stan tried not to grin.
It was surprisingly relaxing, cutting the unicorn’s hair.  He hadn’t had much experience, but he did his best to keep it even, stuffing the chopped-off parts into the satchel.  He was almost done, when two more unicorns stepped into the glen from the other side of the pool.
“Hey, C-beth, you busy?  We were wondering-WHAT THE HECK?!”
Both of them stopped, jaws dropping practically to the ground.
Celesta-whatsit raised her head, the tip of her horn glowing.  “Oh, hi, guys!  This wonderful human is giving me a haircut to help me keep up with the times!”
Stan raised the hand not holding the scissors and waved to them.  “How’s it hanging?”
And she’s not the last of her kind either.  These guys really are a bunch of lying jerks.
The pink one daintily stepped forward, head tilted in bewilderment.  “Keep up with the times?  What are you talking about?”
Stan trimmed the last piece, and cleaned off his scissors on his sleeve.  Maybe it would be best to grab the satchel and run with it...but suddenly he wanted to know if this would work.  “You guys really don’t get out much, do you? If you did you wouldn’t even have to ask.” He patted C-beth’s hide.  “Go on and take a look.”
The unicorn got to her hooves, and stepped over to the pool, where she peered in-and gasped.
Stan had turned her mane into a bob which stopped just at the base of her neck, and curled at the ends, so she suddenly bore an odd resemblance to some pictures of his grandma that his mother had shown them once.  It was a little ragged, and he hadn’t quite gotten it to look like the picture in one of the hairdo magazines he’d brought, but on the whole it was better than he’d worried it would turn out.
C-beth tossed her mane back and forth, eyes wide.
“I-it’s been so long since it’s felt this light,” she marvelled.  “I’m not sure how I feel about it…”
“Can you do my hair too?” the turquoise unicorn suddenly asked, bounding over to Stan.
“Yeah, me too!” cried the pink one.  “Cut my hair-I’ve had this same stupid ‘do since I was a foal!  Do you think you can do layers?”
“Man, we gotta tell the girls at the hooficure place!”
“We’ll pay you!”
Before Stan’s eyes, they briefly turned into wallets with hooves.
A few hours later, Ford stared at Stan, jaw dropped, as he emptied out a bag filled with rainbow colors.
“And I think I can probably get more if I go back tomorrow-they said they were gonna tell their friends, and they’ll want to keep up with the new ‘style’ too.  I’m gonna need some practice with haircuts, but maybe I can learn how ta do head massages or something too. And look!” He grabbed the enormous treasure chest he’d been given by the gushing unicorns, and pushed it open with his foot.  “We finally have treasure!”
Well, technically it had been him.  But still. Ford was the one who had found the unicorns in the first place, so he was kind of involved.
“...You tricked the unicorns into giving up their hair?” Ford asked in a tone of strangled disbelief.  “And they paid you for it?”
Stan grinned, and shrugged.  “Guess being a liar and a cheater works for me after all.  So, what’re you gonna do with this stuff?”
Ford still looked a little shell-shocked.  “Well, I-I need to study what sort of magical properties all of this has.  I’ve read all sorts of stories, but I don’t know how much is fact and how much is fiction yet.”
“Heh, you could probably use some of this to knit a sweater.”  Stan didn’t know why, but as soon as he said that it felt...oddly appropriate.
Ford snorted as he gathered up some of the hair and rushed off to the lab.
Word gets around the forest fast-soon enough other magical creatures show up wanting Stan to cut their hair for them. Fairies, wood nymphs, merfolk, even manotaurs who want to go with a buzz cut or something. Stan worries a little bit about how 'manly' of a job being a hairdresser is, but it works until or unless he can find one in the human world. And in the meantime, it keeps Ford happy by giving him plenty of samples to study, so win-win.
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messedupessy · 6 years
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Ahhh he is done, I didn’t think I would end up finishing him so damn soon as I need to finish other stuff but instead of working on my Halloween pic I instead ended up working on him instead pfft xD
And damn he turned out pretty damn good, I hadn’t planned on like going all out on him just to colour him a bit messily so I would know how he would look like but then I got carried away and I regret nothing, because look at this boy he looks amazing af man, really happy with his pose turned out so good, really happy with the colours especially the lab coat, pants and his slippers, his shirt too, his hoodie turned out a bit too shiny but it works, his sock covered feet I didn’t even try to do properly which is why they look like a mess, his hand looks hella weird, and the smoke turned out hella good like way better than I first thought as I just messed around a bit and then bam, really like it like srs, and his face turned out hella cute, he was not supposed to have freckles at first but then I wanted to see how he would look like with them and that was my down fall like usual pfft, because look at him those freckles fit him like a slipper in a glove! could had done something more with the hoodie strings a bit more wavy but they good, so yeah overall really like how this turned out! I realised some time after I had finished this that I forgot to add some stains and dirt on him as he is a disaster but guess he for once is clean pffft
And now time for some facts and backstory thingie because I have come up with my completely own take on this boy, because I can and I love doing my own take etc, so if you wanna know more about him just click the read more :D it turned out kind of long tho like frikking always pfft 
Also he is about to drop his cigarette and burn himself
So, Mr G Snas as I like to call him or just G for short, might give him a different and proper nickname some other time maybe, he is of course a weird fusion of Sans and Gaster that part hasn’t changed, but what have changed is how this fusion happened and the reasons for it.
It all happened sometime before Gaster originally ended up falling into the core, him working like crazy on a different machine in the hopes of freeing the underground, so they could take revenge upon humanity for what they have done, and also to be reunited with his beloved spouse who had disappeared many years ago. In his search for them and a way of freeing monster kind Gaster started to experiment with “Determination”, by injecting it into himself which was really fucking stupid idea as it began to drive him insane alongside the fact that his soulmate, a term for soulbonded monsters which is like marriage but way, way deeper old school marriage etc, making him angrier much easier to snap and violent, unstable etc.
His current project was a portal/time machine, which he hoped to use to travel back in time before his spouse disappeared to save them and to also before monster kind got locked up. But Sans, his assistant and son, was hesitant to the whole idea like yeah it all sounded great in theory and could work but if any error were made there was a possibility of causing a rift through time and space, but his dad refused to listen to him which then caused them to end up in an argument. 
Said argument occurred while Gaster was about to try out the machine, Sans had helped him out making sure the numbers were right, or as right as he could get them there were still something wrong with them an error he was unable to find, but which Gaster insisted on was fine let us start.
But Sans was still hesitant, and Gaster became frustrated and started yelling at him for being a lazy good for nothing etc, at which Sans had enough. For once he confronted his dad, telling him how dangerous this whole thing was how many things could go wrong especially when the numbers don’t even add up and it wasn’t like Gaster to be so reckless or be so well angry he had changed so much what is wrong with you.
Gaster then blew up on him and the both of them ended up in a bit of a scuffle, in where one of them neither are sure of who actually did it succeeded in pulling the lever to the machine activating it. 
A portal immediately appeared and the both of them got sucked in, inside the both of them were literally torn apart in millions of pieces and then fused together into one entity, then the portal spat them out back into the lab where the machine broke down completely.
The two of them then woke up, no one else from the lab had yet to arrive at the scene, the two of them realized that they had now fused and now inhabited the same body but still kept their own minds intact.
Except it wasn’t just the two of them.
In the fusion somehow a third mind, a third person had been created when Sans and Gaster’s had fused, a person with no memories no knowledge no history, a literal blank slate, and this ladies, gentlemen and nonbinary peeps was G.
And that is how G was created, he alongside Sans and Gaster now reside in the same body with G been the main person, the one who controls the body while the other two are just two voices in his head.
Both Sans and Gaster want to return to normal, Sans is a bit more chill about it he has kind of accepted, given up, that he might never return to normal but he still really want to but he doesn’t want to end up killing G in the process, Gaster, on the other hand, is desperate to return to normal and don’t care if G ends up dying in the process, he doesn’t even consider G to be a real person he is a mistake.
And G, he really feels like he shouldn’t exist but at the same time really want to even though it would be better if Sans and Gaster got to return to themselves, but that would mean his maybe untimely demise so he doesn’t want to risk it if it means he might cease to exist. Like he would love to have his body as his own without the other two in his head but the chance of that happening is rather slim.
Now to more personality things.
G is a total dork, he is trying to find out who he really is as a person, tries to be cool and like mysterious but is failing really hard at it, like he is that awkward dad trying to be hip with the kids kind of thing, really clumsy, really bad humour, jokes at the worst times and is just a mess a disaster but he is doing his best, is really smart tho, really likes to tinker and do little gadgets which have a habit of exploding as he ignores the other two’s input and commentary when he makes them, he constantly does his best to ignore both Sans and Gaster as both of them pretty much comments on everything and tries to stop him from doing dumb shit, at least Gaster try to, which G ignores completely, he is pretty reckless a bit yolo over him, constantly does dumb shit, is often covered in a bunch of stains of oil etc, depression humour at times, gets along better with Sans as Gaster is a turd and is constantly trying to take over his body, doesn’t sleep much in fear of Gaster trying to take him over while he snoozes, G sew on the hoodie himself onto the lab coat as he felt it was missing something using one of Sans hoodies.  
And that is all you get on him for now didn’t plan on writing this much but I should had known as this always happens pfft xD
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neni-has-ascended · 5 years
Persona 4 Fanfic: “You Wouldn’t Expect” [Commissioned by spiralstorm]
Characters: Teddie, Labrys
Type: Romance
Description: Teddie takes Labrys out to the beach.
Read on Fanfic.net: HERE
Read on Ao3: HERE
Author’s Note:
A commission piece. Since I personally love this pairing to bits, I had a lot of fun writing it, though it took me a lot longer than anticipated... Mostly because I had trouble deciding what to do with the requested setting.
If you want to commission me as well for art, writing or translation, please check click here.
I also have a tip-jar.
Most people considered him an extrovert. Most people thought of him as a person who was incapable of taking anything serious, regardless of the situation. Most people had trouble imagining him with anything resembling a sense of shame. Most people would also assume that such a shameless, unserious extrovert would not experience any sort of anxiety going to a social outing they, themself, had suggested and set up in the first place.
Most people were wrong.
There Teddie stood, drenched in a mixture of sweat and some overprized body spray he’d snuck from the hygienics department (on Yosuke’s tab). His bike stood angled and leaned against the wall right next to him. Ever since the incident with the pine tree and the rubber tape he wasn’t allowed to use the rollerblades anymore, so fixing up Yosuke’s old ride was his only way to get out here on his own. Probably a good idea anyway; he was well aware of the enticing properties these fabled ‘rides’ were supposed to have on cute girls. Though, didn’t the bikes he’d seen in Yosuke’s magazines look quite a bit different from that bicycle next to him? Not to worry unnecessarily, but this distinct aura of lameness he could feel radiating off the beat-up thing now that he wasn’t on it seemed a bit… troubling.
Ah! Focus, focus! Teddie clapped his hands onto his face and took a deep breath. Now was not the time to lose his nerves! Not here, not today! No, not when this was the moment, the one, his irreplaceable and very special, very first… date.
His breath stopped even just thinking the words. M-Maybe the air was just especially thin today? Who would be surprised, geez, with how unbearably hot and humid it was, good thing he hadn’t come in his beautiful fur, all the moisture would just have ruined his shine, but now his poor head-hair had to deal with these conditions, and his skin was all wet and his foundation was dripping, and his clothes were wrinkled, and the flowers were wilting, and he couldn’t stop biting his lip-
“Hey. Sorry, did I make ya wait?”
-He snapped to attention and froze up like a popsicle in a straight jacket.
Without him realizing, he’d been approached by a slender figure dressed in a light, flowing summer dress, a pale-yellow ribbon holding her long, azure hair together in a ponytail. Fuuka had really done amazing work in restoring those cloaking features. If he hadn’t known better, Teddie would have assumed it was a regular human girl that had just greeted him so kindly. However, he was sure that the face and voice he saw and heard could only belong to one person in this big world.
“O-O-Ohhhh~~!! L-Labby-chan!!”
He could force melodic inflections into his words all he wanted; it didn’t keep him from stuttering. He found it so hard to not stumble over his words whenever Labrys was around. This, too, he wanted to blame on the infernal heat today. It dried up his tongue and made it so hard to articulate! Yes, that was what was going on here, clearly, without doubt.
“‘You okay, Ted? You lookin’ kinda frazzled.” Labrys’ head tilted slightly as she spoke. Oh no, now the hot weather had gotten her worried for him, too! Not that he minded being cared for, of course, but… No, no! Today was not a day to be anxious and worried. Not for him, and definitely not for her! With a hearty shake of his head, Teddie tried to throw off the many oppressive feelings weighing down on his poor little head and laughed.
“Oh no, mon ami, what are you talking about? I’m doing just bearfectly fine! Especially now that I am in such stunning company~!”
“…If ya say so.”
She rolled her eyes a little, giving a slight sigh. While Labrys wasn’t necessarily the best people-reader, she did consider herself fairly perceptive, and the fact that Teddie right now didn’t appear to be at the height of tranquility was obvious to everyone but himself. Then again, hyperactivity was barely out of the norm for the little guy, now, was it? Giving Teddie a gentle pat on the head, Labrys began to scan the area around them a little.
“Whoa, it sure is packed. You sure it was a good idea to come today? Maybe we shoulda rescheduled, huh…”
The doubt in Labrys’ voice was like a lightning strike to Teddie’s motors, and at once he was bouncing along eagerly in front of the young gynoid lady, shaking his head in utmost denial.
“Nonsense! Don’t you know that getting lost in the crowd is part of the charm of this kind of event? Walking down the beach together, hand in hand, in a sea of blissful couples, gazing at the night sky above, and then--!”
“I… I was kinda hoping we’d be going for a swim.”
That sentence killed the scenario in Teddie’s head quicker than Yukiko could kill a man’s self-esteem. Labrys continued talking, her hands tugged away behind her back as she considered her surroundings. When had she ever found herself stood in a large gathering like this before?
“Y’know, since that whole Beach Party thing we were talkin’ about in spring didn’t end up happening yet, ‘cause everyone got busy, when you said we were meeting at Shichiri Beach, I just kinda… assumed.”
His face went through at least 5 different emotions upon the realization that whatever miscommunication he had allowed to happen had caused Labrys to come here with wildly different expectation from him. Teddie eventually settled on a boisterous laugh that came out more awkward than intended, trying to right the wrongs of what he had suggested.
“Ah… AHAHAHA! Of course, of course!! Swimming, at the beach, what beautiful maiden wouldn’t want to swim at the beach, it’s bathing suit time after all!! Summer, sun, pin-up poses! Never you fear, I always carry an emergency bikini just for cases like this, right on my-“
“…Going swimmin’ in a crowd like this would kinda blow my cover. My cloaking device can’t project into water, y’know.”
Well, that was quite unfortunate. And though she tried to hide it, a certain sense of disappointment on Labrys’ face couldn’t be denied. Teddie, for some reason, felt put on the spot by this. Embearrassed, even. And there he’d been mapping out this whole, unforgettable evening in his head already. What a debacle.
“Em… Should we…” he didn’t mean to, but he ended up having his head sink in between his shoulders on him. “Should we go home?”
Fast, unusually quiet and short was how Teddie’s question came out sounding. Still, Labrys seemed calm.
“Nah, let’s stay. It’s sorta my own fault for not researching the event before sayin’ I’d come. ‘Sides, I’ve never been to a ‘festival’ before. Maybe it’s gonna be fun.”
Teddie’s enthusiasm was restored.
“Of COURSE it will be fun! You’ll love it! We’ll buy snackies and weird thingie-dings, and write wishes on tiny sheets of paper, and catch goldfish and watch the fireworks and the stars…”
A young, gold-blond boy was excitedly jumping around in front of his azure-haired friend, continuing his descriptions in such a manner that it was hard to believe he was ever going to stop. Labrys chuckled. As nervous as it made her to be around these many strangers, as long as she had Teddie just being Teddie, she knew all was still right in the world. She took a deep breath of salty beach air mixed with the scent of fried meat and Takoyaki and looked out to the festival site stretching out before them.
“Shichiri-Tanabata Festival, huh.” she mumbled to herself. “Let’s see…”
Teddie hurried to drag Labrys along to every little point of attraction that grabbed his attention, his excitement unbroken even as the hours marched along. Calling his way of selecting the booths they’d spend their time at ‘erratic’ would have been flattery. In a hurry he jetted from one site to another, from a saleswoman selling star-themed charms to an ice cream stand, to a pair of performers, to a fishing game, to a stand selling cold drinks, and so on. It definitely helped that Labrys didn’t mind his guidance, much to the contrary. She was glad to have something resembling a line to navigate along this chaotic gathering of people, whose countless voices constantly threatened to overload her sensors. Her 5th generation hardware simply wasn’t optimized for complex social situations like this one. Following Teddie’s lead and focusing on his voice helped drowning out the noise. Holding his hand to not lose track of him kept her from getting distracted. Eventually, she found herself sitting by a table put up next to a little tree with lots and lots of colorful papers hung on it, sipping from a plastic cup of iced tea (her systems could handle tasting and excreting liquids; it was only solid foods that caused problems.)
“There sure is a lot to do here,” she said with a sigh, gazing at the mass of people she’d been walking through all afternoon and wondering how she’d survived it. She turned to Teddie. “You’ve been to a festival before, haven’cha?”
“Yes, but never to this one,” Teddie admitted, still a bit flushed from the excitement of all the games they’d been playing. “The one in everyone’s town is very different from here. It’s a lot smaller and a lot less romantic. This one here makes me feel like I’m being swept off my feet!”
“Hm…” Sip, sip, sip, Labrys worked her way through her drink, considering Teddie’s statement. For someone who had never been to this festival either, he sure seemed to sure his way around. There was a lot she could learn from him, especially considering that he hadn’t been living in this world for that much longer than her. It probably paid to be as wide-eyed curious as him when it came to this sort of thing. It was then that a small stack of tourist brochures on the table next to them caught Labrys’ attention. She reached out, took one and began to read it. Of course, Teddie looked over her shoulder.
“Ohhh, English! Fancy.”
“It’s frickin’ broken as heck tho,” Labrys frowned at the grammatical mess before her eyes.
“You speak English, Labby-chan?”
“Came pre-installed with ‘nuff to read most of it. Can’t exactly speak it tho. Well, not withoutta soundin’ like an, um, y’know. Robot.”
It took Labrys some mental effort to stop her language processing programs from going bonkers trying to deal with the monstrosity presented to them. Eventually, however, she had processed the text enough to read out some of it.
“Tanabata, also known as the Star Festival, originates from the Chinese Qixi Festival. It celebrates the meeting of the stars Vega and Altair, who’re thought to be embodied by the deities Orihime, the Celestial Weaver, and Hikoboshi, the Celestial Cowherd. According to legend, the two lovers were forbidden from meeting by the Sky King, who thought their relationship prevented them from performing their duties. Only once a year, when their stars meet on the 7th day of the 7th month, the two can meet, and it is said that wishes written down and bound to bamboo or branches on this day will come true.”
“Ohhhhh, that’s so romantic!!” Teddie almost squeaked hearing the story, making wide eyes at the paper in Labrys hands. She laughed.
“Sure, you’d like that. You’re into mushy stuff like that, aren’cha?”
“Hm. It would be even better if Ori-chan and Bosshy got to meet whenever they want,” Teddie declared after taking a few seconds to process the story. “I mean, it’s so sad! I thought true love was supposed to be forebear! Not giving them a happy ending when all the other fairytales get one just screams of discrimination, if you ask me! They should complain to the management!”
Somewhere halfway through Teddie’s critique had stopped making logical sense, but Labrys didn’t mind that. She’d expected as much. In fact, she kinda found it cute. She ruffled his hair.
“It’s probably a really old story, ya know. I reckon’ by now they’ve long got it worked out,” she suggested. “Like, maybe they quit their jobs and moved in together? That’s what I think woulda made sense, at least.”
“Mhm…” Teddie replied surprisingly half-heartedly as Labrys stroked his hair. Lowering his head, he mumbled. “If it were me, I’d do everything, so-“
“Hm?” Labrys tilted her head. Teddie’s voice had been too low for her to pick up all of what he’d said. However, he wouldn’t repeat the words. Instead, he swung his legs and leapt up from the bench the two of them were sitting on.
“Aaaaaalright! Where shall we go next, milady!?”
A 180° turn to the tree next to their table gave Teddie his answer.
“Oh, I know! Let’s write some wishes!”
It wasn’t Teddie’s first time writing wishes on Tanzaku paper. He’d done it the year before with Yosuke’s family, though then he hadn’t known the legend. However, it was Labrys’ first time, and she was struggling a little. To her it felt awkward trying to put any wishes she might have into words, especially knowing how many people there were around that could possibly be looking over her shoulder. The fact that Teddie kept loudly vocalizing every single thing he wrote down, proudly announcing his wishes to the world (he was up to tying his 10th Tanzaku to the tree now) didn’t help. Just how was it so easy for him to come up all these things to say? Maybe she just ought to stop thinking and just write down the first thing that came to her?
Eventually Labrys found a wish and wording she was happy with and put it on the paper in neat, clean handwriting, tying a perfectly symmetrical bow as she hung it to the branch. Yeah, this was okay. It reflected her hopes for the future, and she didn’t feel weird about the fact that someone else might read it. She was satisfied.
Hands on hips, Teddie looked over his army of 27 Tanzaku Papers merrily fluttering on the tree, Labrys’ sole wish mixed right in with them. He seemed proud of the image, miming the hand-gestures of a photographer looking for the perfect shot again and again, though never actually taking a picture of the scene. The one to really take a photo was Labrys. The way Teddie was hopping around in front of that tree was just too cute.
“Careful, ya gonna tear ‘em down with all the wind you’re makin’ wavin’ ya arms ‘round,” she laughed.
“Wind? My lady, I will have you know, this is no orbearnary wind I’m kicking up here! It’s the cosmic shock-wave that will carry our wishes to the heavens! HMMMMMMM!” And he threw his finger up in the air and struck a pose, yelling. “ORI-CHAAAN! DID YOU GET ALL OF THIS!?”
Teddie’s display of unabashed confidence drew the attention of bystanders. A pair of college age girls could be heard chatting.
“Whoa, that kid’s Japanese is pretty good… And he’s kinda cute, too, isn’t he? Hee hee.”
“Careful what you say, I think he came with his big sister. You see that foreign-looking girl next to him?”
“Whoa, she’s pretty good-looking as well, check out that figure! How come foreigners get to have all those curves, huh?”
“Calm down, you’ll bother them. Hey, let’s move on, alright?” The girl took her friend by the hand and walked away, though she could still be heard adding. “It sure is nice, seeing that some siblings don’t feel like they need to ‘grow out of’ being cute together…”
Labrys and Teddie waited until the college girls were out of earshot. Then, they turned to each other, a little stunned.
“…Big sister?” Teddie asked, tilting his head a little. “Whatever did she mean by that?”
Labrys shrugged. “I guess we looked like siblings to them?”
“Oh, sort of like how Yosuke always says that all foreigners look ‘the same’? Geez, how rude!”
He didn’t look offended at all.
“We ain’t really foreigners though,” Labrys pointed out.
“So, we look the same to them because we’re both not human? Hmm, people are weeeird sometimes.”
“Yeah, can’t argue with that…”
“I mean…” Teddie put his fingers on his chin pondering. “It’s not like we should come across like siblings! After all, you are my fair Princess! And I am your Royal Knight, Sir Teddie, coming to your aid in shining armor.”
“Well, I dunno a lotta stuff ‘bout knights. But some of them were princes, right?” Labrys said. “And a prince can be a princess’ brother, I think.”
“Wha—No, no, no! None! That’s not it at all!” Teddie stomped one of his feet in the sand a little, not hard, just enough to kick up a dramatic dust cloud. “I mean… I maaaay be quite princely in just bearly all aspects, but! That’s not the nature of our relationship at all!”
“I mean. Yeah.” Labrys didn’t know what there was to get dramatic about, but on a purely factual level, she had to agree. “I do got some siblings, but last I checked, you weren’t one.”
“Right!?” Teddie seemed vindicated by that statement. He crossed his arms. “And… And anyway! If anything, I’d definitely be the older brother!”
At that, Labrys could only snort. “Really?”
“But, of course! In fact, ever since Sensei has gone back to the big city, I’ve done my beary best to stuff that sad, bro-shaped hole in Nana-chan’s life,” he told her. It’s not like I could ‘replace’ Sensei. Not even moi could ever do that. But! I’ve been visiting her lots and lots! We’ve been going shopping and watching TV and playing in the park and making music…”
Teddie’s mood went from high-strung to almost tranquil as he talked. His face visibly relaxed.
“Actually, you know, I wanted to bring Nana-chan here too! But… She was busy with school today, so she couldn’t come.”
“Why didn’t you just call me to reschedule then?” Labrys asked curious. “I wouldn’t of minded comin’ a day later so we can bring her, y’know.”
“No, it’s okay.” Teddie shook his head. “I’ll come with her another time! Besides… I thought it might be nice to come, maybe… just with you.”
Labrys accepted that statement, though she wasn’t quite sure what he meant by it. Generally, she found him rather unreadable at the moment. His expression, the way he didn’t really look at her but more at the ground behind her, that slightly pink tinge on his cheeks… Was he okay? If he was human, she would have guessed that he was showing early signs of a fever, but…
“Hey, hey, Labby-chan, look, over there! I wanna try that!”
And thus ended a brief, quiet moment.
The ‘that’ Teddie was referring to turned out to be a large stretch on the beach without booths, where people were currently gathering to perform some sort of folk-dance. Onlookers were evidently allowed to join in. Labrys was hesitant, after all, who’d ever heard of a dancing combat device? However, it didn’t take much coaxing for Teddie to get her to join. Despite their exotic appearances the two of them didn’t stand out among the dancers nearly as much as they could have. The crowd was diverse, some people having come in Yukata, while others were in casual clothing like Labrys and Teddie. There were even a few westerners, probably tourists, mixed into the bunch. Chaotic as it was, nobody noticed how many steps the two of them missed in their attempts to follow the shrine priestess and middle-aged man leading the dance. It was all in good fun. Some parts of the dance were performed in pairs and these were the parts that made Labrys most nervous. The idea of having to synchronize with the moves of a total stranger in order to not disrupt the event sent her logic circuits into disarray. However, Teddie kept close to her and immediately paired up with her whenever he heard the musical cue to, and though Labrys knew he probably had his own reasons for doing so, she was thankful. ‘He’s always been pretty clingy around girls, huh?’ she thought to herself. ‘Well, I’m glad he’s having fun.’ It was only fairly late into the song that it occurred to Labrys how many other good-looking girls her own age actually were in the crowd of dancers. Yet, throughout the entire song, Teddie hadn’t strayed from her side even once. When she realized that fact, Labrys fell silent.
“Labby-chan, what’s wrong? The music isn’t over yet.”
“Wha—O-Oh right.”
Labrys had been so lost in her thoughts, she’d stopped dancing on the spot. Now it was just Teddie and her standing still in the mass of dancers, small wrinkles forming on his forehead as he looked at her in worry.
“Are you tired? Should we take a break?”
“…Yeah, maybe. Thanks.”
Holding her hand gently, as if taking extra care to not hurt her, he led her to the edge of the beach’s waters, a little off from all the music and commotion. It was here, where the crowd was thinner and the noise less prevalent that, for the first time, Labrys could take a moment to breathe and process the events of the day so far. Her sensors registered a high content of sodium-chloride in water vapor in the air… Sea salt. A nice scent. In the distance the sun had begun to set, dyeing the sky and ocean in a dazzling red color. Carefully, Labrys stretched out the bottom parts of her legs to let the waves splash them a little. What appeared to be her ‘feet’ wasn’t real, of course, those parts of her body were a pure projection of her cloaking device, but it still was nice to pretend.
Watching Labrys stretch her legs out to the water like that, Teddie began to pout a little. He buried his face between his legs. “I’m sorry I didn’t take you swimming. You’re probably beary disappointed still.”
Labrys laughed at that. “What’cha even talking about? Today’s been great! I’ve been havin’ a blast.”
“O-Oh!” Surprised, Teddie looked up. “I was just thinking… You’ve been looking so nervous ever since we’ve come here, so maybe you weren’t actually having any fun.”
“Mhm… I’ve never really been ‘round this many people before. So, it’s a tad strange still, ya know?” Labrys admitted. “But a gal’s gotta get out sometime, right? I’m thinkin’, I wanna make friends that ain’t Persona Users too, some time. So, I’d better get used to seein’ more people around like this... You’ve already got that part of livin’ down to a tee, don’cha?”
Labrys grinned at Teddie as she said that, which he visibly took as permission to feel pride. Wearing her statement as a badge of honor, he puffed up his chest a little.
“Weeeell, if you ever need anybody to show you how to bring ALL the hot studs in town to the yard, you can come to me! I’ll be your wise and powerful mentor in the art of socialization and bearing it all to the world!”
“I’m sure ya will,” Labrys pet his hair a bit, partly to get him to dismount that high horse of his for a while. “Look. The stars are comin’ up.”
As the day drew to a close, the scene was lit by lights, both around and above them, all reflecting colorfully in the ocean before them. Labrys and Teddie spent the time talking, about themselves, the time they’d known each other, their friends. There was so much to say, the minutes seemed to pass much too quickly, and by the time Labrys had googled and pointed out the locations of Vega and Altair in the sky to Teddie, the festivalgoers had gathered around where they were sitting to gaze up at the stars as well. The fireworks began.
They were were even prettier than the last time Teddie had seen them, painting the sky in all possible colors, lights raining down above them in this pleasantly warm summer night. There were so many people around them, and – Labrys recalled – there were endlessly many more watching up to this same sky right now in this world. It was a concept hard to understand for someone who’d spent so much of her existence isolated from people, so why did she feel so at peace right now?
“I woulda never expected looking at some lights in the sky could be this beautiful,” she said quietly, almost a whisper.
“…Me neither,” Teddie said in much the same tone. And, whether he realized it or not, his hand was on top of hers.
In this moment, regardless of all the people and voices all around, it almost felt as if nobody but the two of them existed in this entire world. It was just like how, during the dance, Teddie had stayed only by Labrys’ side, like she would have never expected him to. That thought on her mind, Labrys found it easy to move closer to the boy next to her, her fingers intertwining with his, before she slowly drew him into a kiss.
“Next time, I’ll take ya out swimming,” Labrys told Teddie, breaking their lip-lock to bop his nose.
Stunned as he was, even if Teddie had had something to reply, he wouldn’t have known how to say it.
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novantinuum · 5 years
i always think wips are fun and can sometimes be useful, so a step-by-step of that latest art thingy from sketch to finish + some explanation...
sketch- in which i blatantly misused gettyimages stock photos to get these poses right. stock images are you friends, do not fear using them and blatantly tracing over them to get poses if you’re still learning and don’t quite know how to draw them freehand yet. most people still don’t have that skill. i wasn’t even worrying about the details of the background yet here, i just wanted to get the main gestures solidified at this stage.
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midway through lines- river’s hair was utter hell to get looking right, i honestly think i spent like twenty minutes fussing on that hair alone. i’m super super happy with how she turned out though, it was really fun trying to translate a live action character into gravity falls style! i’ll definitely have to do the same for all the modern doctors at some point.
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flats- always my favorite part of art, filling in those flats. it took a long while to figure out what colors i wanted to use for ford’s uniform. generally, my thought was that he’d stolen a uniform from one of the crew of this ship to masquerade among them and get a lift, and it was on this flight that he happened to meet river, and teamed up with her when some alien incursions occurred.
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background line art- i wasn’t entirely sure at first how i wanted this space to look, but eventually i decided upon messy + lots of wires and the rest of it came along easy enough. i’ve been trying to challenge myself to draw more cohesive, complicated backgrounds lately, so tried to push as much small detail as i could.
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full flats- finally, everything is colored! well, sort of. my flats are always really hideous at first, to be honest- and i mask the initial “hideous” with shading and light and overlays after! at this stage, all i’m worried about is getting an idea for the different tones in the scene- which bits will be lighter, which are darker. especially when it comes to the wall and floor, texture/shading will provide the rest of the detail and help bring the piece’s colors together more harmoniously.
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shading/light- oh, there we go! much better color harmony already. i used the ‘rust’ and smooth india ink brushes to add texture to the wall and floor, along with adding a streak of light grey under the lineart to give a bit more of a metallic sheen. a cool crosshatch brush gave the pattern on the floor. added some glow from river’s sonic screwdriver and from the lights in the panel box, and a bit of shading to river and ford + the background. for shading, i generally use a light blue or purple set on multiply. below this wip is a version with multiply taken off, so you can see what this layer actually looks like: 
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there’s also a layer of multiply airbrushed over this one. i like having airbrushed shadows alongside apparent, stark ones. adds a bit more depth and drama for me.
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final- the last thing i did was add a color balance layer to fully get the colors harmonious the way i wanted them. i boosted up the blue/cyan and the red/magenta. never underestimate the power some color balance layers can have on a piece, is my new moto. well, not really a moto, but- they’ve helped make my stuff pop, in my experience. can’t hurt to mess with them, and it’s pretty fun to play around with ‘em too! 
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anyways, that’s this piece! thank you for reading! my thought on this scenario is that this takes place for ford maybe a few months before he crosses into bill’s nightmare realm and ends up home. he’s already got his prototype weapon all built and along with him for the ride there, as you can see. he’s currently stuck in this one dimension- which so happens to be the doctor’s dimension- long term, and ends up knocking about trying to find a rift to move on to the next. for river, this takes place sometime between ‘the husbands of river song’ and ‘silence in the library/forest of the dead,’ cued in by her sonic screwdriver in her hand, which was gifted to her by the twelfth doctor in the first ep of the two listed. they’re trapped in the engine room of a ship that’s slowly crumbling to pieces at the hands of rogue alien scrappers, and trying to figure out how on earth to get out of this scenario alive AND keep a precious technology being carried on this ship out of those aliens’ hands.
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deadpan-dan-blog · 7 years
Act 1: Goofing Off (pt. 1)
“Alright bro, here’s the deal; I’ll get you a 12 pack of whatever you want if you go around the parking lot and put stray carts in the shopping cart thingies- You know what I’m talking about?”
“Uh huh…”
“Also pick up any trash you come across. Don’t touch anything gross this time though or mom won’t let me hear the end of it- You hear me Germ?”
“Good. Now what do you want, little bro?”
“Lemon-lime Fiasco.”
“Sure thing! Be back to check on you in a bit.” the older boy took the 12 year old’s hat and ruffled his feathers a bit, making him cringe, before gently replacing the hat. Germ looked at the high schoolers for a second, narrowed his eyes, then walked away.
“Seems like a good kid.” Dan said as they headed back to the Food Donkey.
“He is, he can be a real werido though.” his friend replied
“How so?” Dan asked as the automatic doors opened and the friends walked toward the registers.
“Okay so, few months back,” he began “before you started working here, I had him doing the parking lot, like usual, yeah? And- Hang on. Heeey Beth! We finished the parking lot.”
“That was quick…” she said with suspicion.
“I’m always quick. It’s called experience, Beth! Think you’d have some after working here for a decade or whatever. Also people put their carts away for us, so courteous! I love this town. Seeya in a bit!” Beth gave a questioning look. Though younger than thirty she already had wrinkles, probably from chain-smoking, Dan thought
“It’s done, really.” Dan assured her “We’re gonna go do inventory. With both of us on it, we should be able to get out of here at closing.”
“Riiight… I’ll do front then.” Beth said unenthused.
“Thanks Beth.” Dan said before jogging slightly to catch up to his coworker, who hadn’t bothered to stop.
“Okay so anyway, my bro’s doing the parking lot right?”
“So I come out with his stuff and everything’s done but he’s nowhere to be seen!”
“Oh no.”
“So I start yellin’ ‘Jeremy! Jeremy!’ for like 10 minutes! Until he comes back and I ask him what the eff, dude? Turns out he found a dead possum and instead of not touching it like a normal person, he carried it off to the woods so he could ‘lay it to rest with it’s own kind’ or something.”
“So I tell him ‘You better go inside the store and wash your hands or so help me God! And don’t touch anything or you’ll start a plague or something.’ You know what he did?”
“hehe What?” Dan asked with anticipation as he grabbed a scan gun.
“He looked me right in the eye, yelled ‘GERM WARFARE!’ grabbed the soda out of my hands and ran away!” Dan burst into laughter.
“HAHAHAHAH haha oh my haha oh my god”
“And thus he is dubbed.” he concluded
“Heeeeh indeed” Dan agreed, as his laughter devolved into wheezing. “Here, you want the gun? heh”
“Yeah yeah- gimme.” he fiddled with the buttons until the red light shone at the end.
“Okay, maybe that’s a bit odd but aren’t we all? Especially you, James.” Dan said to his friend, who was holding the scan gun like a Navy Seal, flashing the red light at the wall.
“What? Naah.”
“Uh yaah. You’re weird, dude. Must run in the family. Except your brother’s like, goofy, but you’re, like, an asshole.” Dan said teasingly
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he said indignantly
“Remember when you basically told Miss Quelcy that her art class sucked and her nose was crooked?” Dan began handing items to James for him to scan and enter how many were in stock.
“What? The sheet said to give my honest feedback so I did! I didn’t think she was gonna cry about it.” James explained.
“What did you expect? You don’t just say stuff like that to people, dude. They get, like, offended.”
“Is that my fault though? Should I just lie to people?”
“Just find something nice to say, I guess.” Dan suggested
“She never found anything nice to say about my artwork.” James pouted
“Damn…” Dan was slightly taken aback, “Well the school gave her like no funding for that class.”
“Then why make us take it? Really sounds like this is the school’s fault.”
“You didn’t have to say that about her nose though.” Dan insisted
“It asked for additional comments and she said to fill out every section. She was literally asking for it. I thought it would be funny. Anyway, I apologized!”
“Yeah you said ‘I’m sorry your nose is crooked.’”
“Yeah?” James held his hand up in a questioning gesture.
“I can’t quite tell if you’re an asshole or just dumb.” Dan admitted.
“I could kill you right now, Danny-boy.” James threatened.
“Uh huh” Dan brushed off the threat focusing on the shelf he was rearranging.
“Boom!” James fired the scan light directly at Dan’s face.
“Ah my eyes! What the hell?!” Dan complained
“Oh sorry. You know I’d never want to hurt your pretty little eyes.” James mocked
“Do you really wanna get in a fist fight right now?” Dan asked
“You sure you want some of this, short stuff?” Dan asked with a sideways look as they squared up in the back room.
“I’m one of the best wrestlers in our region!” James stated indignantly.
“In your weight class maybe. I’m like 20lbs heavier than you though.”
“Stop stalling! You don’t stand a chance, Danielle.” James lowered his head and entered a fighting pose
“Oh now it’s personal, Jamie!” Dan matched James pose then they clashed. Dan threw out a few playful punches to begin with, utilizing his range advantage. James grabbed one of Dan’s punches and counter-attacked, trying to play it off as effortless. Dan dodged and rewarded his hubris by tackling James to the ground. The boys wrestled for a bit with Dan getting the upper hand, then James, then Dan again. Eventually, they ended up in a pushing match, legs bent, arms locked, in a match of pure strength and Dan would win imminently…
Or so he thought. James instead let up completely on his end, allowing Dan to unexpectedly push him over and used the momentum as he rolled backward to flip Dan over his body with his legs. Dan fell onto his back on the floor and before he could react, James used the opportunity to jump on top of Dan and pin him. Dan struggled to regain freedom.
“That was a dirty trick!” Dan complained
“Told ya!” James said triumphantly
Dan continued to struggle for a moment until he realized he was vaguely enjoying the feel of James’ body on top of his, though he would never admit it and certainly didn’t want to bump James the wrong way and make this even more embarrassing for himself. He was looking Dan in the eyes with an oblivious grin. Dan’s blue-green eyes stared into James’ maroon ones for longer than two friends normally should, but to look away now would be to admit defeat. However, James’ gaze, dark with cocky mischief and a glimmer of child-like innocence, as well as their bodies rubbing together was starting to get the better of him.
“You can get off me now.” Dan said breaking eye contact in embarrassment.
“You gotta tap out, dude!” James insisted. Dan gave an irritated look before reluctantly tapping the ground to signal his defeat. James jumped off of Dan as quickly as he had jumped on and offered his hand to help his friend up.
“That trick won’t work twice.” Dan warned as he accepted James’ hand and returned to his feet.
“We’ll have a rematch sometime, but first, lets go check on my brother.” James walked out of the backroom without waiting for his friend, like always, giving Dan some time to calm down and readjust himself before following. That was… weird. We’ve done that before but I’ve never...
Author Note:
[[DISCLAIMER I am not a writer I’m just doing this for fun. This is full of personal headcanons you can accept or reject at your discretion. I debated James Warton’s height internally for a long time, for example. More Germ in the next part coming tomorrow. I have planned 3 acts I’m not sure when act 2 will be done though. I hope you enjoy it even if the main cast is missing. It’s nice to know what came before in Possum Springs though right? I may incorporate more characters in the future but only if it comes to me naturally.]]
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petitelepus · 7 years
A Simple Femme In Beast’s Suit, Part 1
Okay, so this work is on my AO3 user PetiteLepus and this work is inspired by Zekkoss. Check them out, they’re awesome. I’ll tag @rocksinmuffin, my Senpai, and everyday inspiration since I want her to name the Reader! But enjoy the story!
It was a regular day in Lost Light, or at least it would have been if it wasn’t for Swerve. The metallurgist had heard a broadcast sent to the whole ship by Rodimus about how they were passing by an artificial planet called Ovika 1.5 and the minibot couldn’t be in a greater rush. So he abandoned setting up his bar for the night and told Ten to carry him with his bigger legs to the observation deck. They came in, doors busting.
”Captain,” Swerve called, but was silenced by the sight of both Rodimus and Megatron staring out in the space until the smaller mech had burst in. He fixed his mistake quickly, ”I- I meant, captains! W- we must visit that planet, it’s my life long dream, besides managing a bar, please let’s go there, even for an hour or half, I’ll give you both free drinks and energy treats for tonight!”
Rodimus’ optics widened and mouth formed to a smile, but before he could agree Megatron stepped in, ”Swerve, that planet is abandoned. There is nothing there. It’s just dust and dirt covered artificial cyber asteroid floating in space.”
”That’s exactly it!” Swerve smiled broadly and jumped down from his bouncer’s arms and made his way to his two captains.
”I’ve read about Ovika 1.5 when I was back on Cybertron studying and I know it’s an artificial cyber planet that had historic and highly rare and these days NON-EXCITANT energon chips planted on it for harvesting high functioning ancient energon, way more powerful than normal energon!” The white and red mech beamed excitedly.
”Wait, hold on, I don’t get this.” Rodimus interrupted before Swerve could start again and glanced him and Megatron in confusion, ”If this Ovika 1.5 is so great, then why it’s abandoned light-years away from Cybertron?”
Swerve was about to explain, with extra details that weren’t asked, but Megatron folded his arms and shot him a look. The metallurgist shut down immediately, even covering a little. The former warlord huffed and turned his grumpy look to Rodimus, ”The Ovika 1.5 was abandoned because it showed no sign of growing energon. Instead, it started to grow organic life forms. At that time it wasn’t wished result for such an expensive experiment so Council decided to launch it off to space and destroy all the data of it to cover up their mistake.”
”But the legend about the rich energon filled planet never died and mechs all around the Cybertron told stories about it and its location! I always wanted to find it and harvest the rich energon to make amazing new drink combinations that not only bring people happiness but nurse them also! They say that ancient energon can cure weak sparks, fuel mechs for a week with one sip, and even prolong life!” Swerve piped excitedly and clapped his hands, ”It’s also highly valuable! Worth millions!”
Rodimus brightened up like a light bulb and turned to mech in charge of controls. ”Park the ship here, we’re taking Rodpod and go take a look at that little planet!”
”Rodimus!” Megatron snarled and turned to his co-captain, ”This is not a good idea and you haven’t even consulted Ultra Magnus about this!”
”Relax, Magnus is having his armor checked by Brainstorm and Perceptor so he won’t a notice a thing if we disappear for an hour or two! We just get a couple mechs with us, get to the Rodpod and take a quick peek! If there is this ancient energon then we grab some and, well, let’s see what we’re doing then. For now, wham-bam in the van, let’s go! Swerve, you’re coming with us.”
”This is remarkable!” Brainstorm shouted from the bottom of his chassis as he threw his arms in the air as if he was expecting the planet to embrace him. Mechs exited the Rodpod one by one, but he had to be the first one on the land. Nautica was close behind him and once she was next to her best friend she copied him perfectly, ”This is amazing!”
The artificial cyber planet had grown into a beautiful organic looking planet. The grass was tall like a meadow’s no matter where it grew, flowers as big as minibot’s head and strangely reminding some of them from tentacles as they hang from a bulb looking like an onion…?
The trees looked like Earth’s palm trees, but they were even taller than normal mechs were and leaves were fuchsia-colored and flowers brown like they were almost dead, but still alive. The sky was bright blue, but that had to be the only normal thing on that planet since even the clouds were light green. Heavier clouds were almost poisonous looking.
”Okay everyone, I’m giving you all a job!” Rodimus shouted, getting everyone’s attention.
”Brainstorm will do his science thingies and Nautica accompanies him.”
The nerd duo high fived.
”Rewind takes records from this place and you watch after him Chromedome. I don’t want to put anyone in danger.”
”I’ll guard him with my life.” Chromedome said as he leaned over his smaller lover's shoulder to nuzzle his facial mask against his Conjunx Endura’s own. Rewind returned the sign of affection with as much love, ”Oh Domey…”
Rodimus cleared his intake, averting his gaze from the lovely dovely couple and fixed his optics on Skids and Swerve, ”You two take a look around and see if you can find anything. Remember to report back to me. And for all of you make sure to scout the area carefully! Don’t leave a stone or a twig turned and report everything to me by our comms if you find anything!” Rodimus shouted and made a pose, ”Until all are one, so go wild!”
”YES!” And just like that everyone except, Rewind, Brainstorm and Nautica, transformed and went on their different ways. Rodimus drove to the South, Skids and Swerve drove to West, Chromedome took Rewind on top of him and they drove to North and Brainstorm and Nautica went on their ways to East, each one on their own mission.
~~~ At East ~~~
”Look at this bug Nautica! It’s amazing! Not the biggest I’ve seen, but it’s still pretty amazing!” Brainstorm squealed excitedly as he used his sample taker to poke the beetle that he had kneeled down to inspect. The femme was right beside him, looking curiously the beetle that reached to their knee joints. It made cricking sounds and shook its shell each time Brainstorm poked it.
”I wonder why it’s shell is bright red… and what are those orange spots on it? Wouldn’t it be better for it to camouflage to its surroundings? There must be a reason for its absurd coloring!” The scientist said as he poked the chubby beetle straight between its antennas and suddenly the beetle hissed and-!
”Watch out!” Nautica screamed and quickly yanked Brainstorm out of the way danger’s way. The beetle spat a spray of bright yellow spit at him, but thanks to the mech’s best friend’s fast reflexes, the spit flew past him and hit the ground, and just like that, the beetle bolted and run away to the lush grass. The duo watched after it, then each other and finally the spit on the ground.
”I think it doesn’t need camouflage to hide.” Nautica noted. The spit hissed as it melted a giant hole on the ground and killed all the plants around it. Brainstorm squealed again and quickly got out his vials and took samples, ”Of course! It’s not trying to hide, but warn the predators that it’s dangerous and someone not to mess with! I must document this and run some tests on this acid to find out its composition to create more of it! Then I can mass produce it for my weapons! Imagine the possibilities!”
Nautica chuckled as she watched her friend blabber over how he needed to analyze the acid’s composition to create more of it and talk about all the great weapons he could create with it. While he took samples, she took a look around. The planet was weird but very pretty on its own way. Nautica couldn’t almost believe that it was accidentally created by Cybertronians, but if the massive animals were any indicator about their roots then it matched.
On the corner of her optic, she noticed a big bush shaking couple steps farther from them. She was curious to see what caused the shaking and since Brainstorm was busy, she decided to investigate. Nautica didn’t expect to find what she did.
”Uh, Brainstorm? You might wanna see this.”
”Oooh, what what, what is it? Another critter?” The scientist giggled and ran to his friend. Nautica shook her helm, not averting her eyes from the show bestowed before her. Two rodents that looked like super hairy fluffy puff rats with longs green lizard’s tails were mating like there was no tomorrow. Interesting, but kinda gross also…
”Yew… Neat, but still, yew.”
”I want to take them back to the ship!”
”No you don’t.” Nautica chuckled and walked off to look for something else magnificent. It wasn’t hard. Actually, wherever she looked they saw the planet’s habitats… Being all over each other. Avians with leathery wings, bugs with bright colors, mammals with their weird six eyes.
Noticing that Brainstorm was still watching critters bang, Nautica went to her friend and pulled if away, ”C’mon you, dork, let’s give those animals some privacy!”
”Noooo! I want to take them with me…!”
”You can take that ancient energon once we find it.”
”Even better! Let’s go, let’s go!” The scientist laughed as he bolted straight into the wilderness, trying to find the ancient energon. Nautica chuckled at her friend when she noticed a flock of avians circling the sky not so far away from where Brainstorm had run off to. She followed her friend to the flock of birds and she almost couldn’t believe her optics.
Bones. Giant bones everywhere. Bigger than her and any basic mech. The avian vultures pecked the squeaky clean bones, trying to find something to eat from them, but they had already been cleaned from meat.
The avians must have been hungry since they would only change a skeleton when Brainstorm went to inspect one of them.
”Nautica! This is amazing, these bones are gorgeous!” He squealed like a sparkling and straight out lifted one from the ground, ”So heavy, but almost hollow! This creature had wings to fly with, but the size of a fighter!”
He threw the bone away and went to inspect the skull with enormous sharp fangs. ”These fangs indicate that this creature was a carnivore because it lacks the blunt molars to grind it’s the food like herbivores do to plants. These fangs were purely for ripping meat apart!”
As Brainstorm rambled on, Nautica started counting bones and how many creatures they had in their pedes. According to skulls at least three giant carnivores. She couldn’t help but wonder why these animals had died.
”Hey Brains, you got any idea why these guys died?”
”I thought you would never ask!” Brainstorm giggled and jumped over the skull he was investigating to take a look at its neck.
”Look look! This one’s neck was crushed with such force that it not only snapped the cervical vertebrae but it CRUSHED IT! It’s in pieces! This monster had no chance against its competitor when it had its neck in enemy’s jaws!”
Nautica nodded as her friend made his way to another skeleton, disturbing vultures as he went to its ribs. ”Suspecting by the crushed sternum, this one received a fatal blow to straight into its heart! A real kill shot, am I right!?”
Brainstorm jumped to the third corpse, rolled over a giant skull that was more damaged than other skulls. Not only was it’s front almost black, but there was a huge hole in the middle of the forehead. He pulled servo through the skull’s black part, only to smudge his servo. ”These burnt marks are so deep, that this one had its whole face burnt before something smashed it’s head inside!”
Nautica nodded, eyeing the corpses. ”That sounds interesting Brains.”
”It is, isn’t it!”
”You do know what this means, don’t you Brainstorm?”
”That there is a giant creature here, vicious enough to crush competitor’s neck, strong enough to pierce a chest and able to breathe fire or strong acid through its mouth!”
A silence fell over them as two of them thought what was just said. And just like that, they both quickly opened comm links.
’This is your Captain? Did you find anything?’ Came Rodimus’ voice through the comm.
’Captain, uh, Rodimus? We have a problem!’ Nautica was saying when she was interrupted.
’Yeah, no shit. I found something. Something is seriously-! Hold on, Chromedome is contacting us.’
’This can’t wait-!’
’Rodimus? Is Brainstorm also on this comm?’ Came Chromedome’s voice.
’Nautica is here also!’ Brainstorm cheered.
’Hi Chromedome! We got the news! Bad news!’
’They can’t be as bad as our news!’ Rewind joined the link, ’There are hundreds of capsules here, from Cybertron!’
’Okay, that beats my news.’ Rodimus said, ’Nautica, Brainstorm, Chromedome, and Rewind, let’s all meet back at the Rodpod. I’ll contact Skids and Swerve and tell them to return-! Hold on, they’re just contacting me.’
’We’re in trouble!’ Skids yelled straight into comm link.
~~~ At North, Quarter Earlier ~~~
”Seeing anything Rewind?” Chromedome asked as he kept driving through the tall grass that seemed to go on and on forever. The minibot kept his visor and camera on the horizon, trying to see anything worth filming or noticing. Like a big rock that was coming up.
”Turn left to avoid a rock coming up-! No wait, it’s a sheep. It’s a sheep that looks like a rock. Just drive past it!”
”On it.” Chromedome drove past the sheep, only to hear unholy screeching behind him and Rewind’s hold on his roof tightened. ”Oh frag, it wasn’t a sheep, but a ram and it has big horns and it’s angry!”
The bigger mech laughed, ”How bad can it be, it’s organic. It won’t catch us-!” Chromedome had to swallow his words before they got past his vocalizer as hard and pointy horns rammed against his rear bumper.
”What did I tell you!” Rewind shouted, but there wasn’t even a hint of malice or sassiness in his voice as it was only laced with laughter, until the ram rammed against his lover again, almost knocking minibot off from him. Without another word, Chromedome sped up until they left the ram eating dust.
”This planet is weird! I love it!” Rewind laughed as he filmed over his shoulder how the ram was left behind. Surely mechs on the ship would love to see them getting chased by a rocky organic.
Chromedome laughed, his engine rumbling with mirth. Then his lover noticed something and patted the vehicle’s hood to get his attention. ”Domey, there is something in the distance.”
”More rams perhaps?”
Rewind focused his optics behind his visor and used his camera to zoom in. He saw many round things in the distance, but he couldn’t tell what they were. ”No, they look like them, but it’s not it. I don’t get any signs of life from there.”
”Should we check it out?”
”It wouldn’t hurt.”
The duo made their way to mysterious objects, only to be shocked out of their minds. Rewind got off from his Conjunx Endura so Chromedome could take his normal mode. The minibot was about to approach the mysterious round objects, when the bigger mech stopped him, pushing him behind himself and approaching objects first.
”What on old Cybertron…?” Chromedome muttered as he touched the weird grass-covered object. When nothing happened, he swiped his servos over the grass, pushing it to the side. He felt his optics widen behind his visor and without his notice Rewind creeping beside him. ”Primus. Domey, do you realize what these are?”
The bigger mech nodded before wiping both his hands over the plants, getting rid of them, and uncovering what they hid there. It was a capsule. Old as time and rusted through every protective layer of metal. Chromedome put some extra pressure on the rusted surface and the rotten metal shattered under his servos like crystal. He couldn’t almost believe what he saw.
A protoform of a cybertronian sparkling, not even fully evolved. It still had its white soft armor, black outlines, and nonexistent head. There were no other details in it that growing sparkling would have. Chromedome extended his hand and carefully felt the protoform. It was stone cold and not emitting any field.
”Rewind… what are these?” The big mech asked without looking away from the cybertronian baby.
”I heard rumors back in old times when the Council decided to get rid of Ovika 1.5 that they used it also as their way of getting rid of failed power spark experiments.” The minibot explained.
”Power spark?”
”They wanted to create an artificial spark that was stronger than normal cybertronian’s spark that could carry much bigger loads than other mechs’ sparks could. Imagine a mech who actually is as big as Ultra Magnus’ armor, but can put on armor much bigger than that.”
”Primus… Those would have changed the whole war.”
”Yeah, but they said that experiments went wrong. Sparklings took deformed forms, grew too small, became predacons, some were weaker than real sparks, and died out before even growing optics. I heard that all the protoforms were destroyed, but I guess that meant that they sent them off into space with Ovika 1.5…”
Chromedome grew silent. He took a look at small protoform, barely grown enough to form a face or alt mode. It had died in a locked capsule with no chances of ever seeing stars or life itself before its life was suffocated. He took a look at hundreds of other capsules and he could already tell that each one had a dead cybertronian sparkling in there.
”That is horrible…”
Rewind nodded, ”I tried to ask about it from Dominus, but he said his lips were shut and denied everything. Of course, I knew he wasn’t able to talk to me about everything but to hold this as a secret…”
The lovers gave a moment of silence to dead cybertronians that didn’t even see light but darkness before they probably starved to death. The moment was finally broken by the big mech. ”We should report to Rodimus and the rest of the crew. They should know about this.”
Rewind nodded and the duo contacted Rodimus through comm link. They connected to comm but were immediately met with Nautica saying something about waiting to the comm link.
’Rodimus? Is Brainstorm also on this comm?’ Chromedome asked about his friend.
’Nautica is here also!’ Brainstorm cheered through comm.
’Hi Chromedome! We got news! Bad news!’ Came Nautica’s voice.
’They can’t be as bad as our news!’ Rewind joined the link, ’There are hundreds of capsules here, full of protoforms from Cybertron!’
’Okay, that beats my news.’ Rodimus said, ’Nautica, Brainstorm, Chromedome, and Rewind, let’s all meet back at the Rodpod. I’ll contact Skids and Swerve and tell them to return-! Hold on, they’re just contacting me.’
’We’re in trouble!’ Skids yelled straight into comm link.
~~~ At South, Ten Minutes Earlier ~~~
Rodimus drove like a madman through the wilderness. For once he was in a planet where there were no speed limits and he wanted to let go a little bit and be wild youngster that he was. There was no Ultra Magnus telling him to slow down or Megatron nagging at him.
The wildlife ran as soon as they heard his motors revving and going off so there wasn’t danger of hitting anyone. He had even left the grassy landscape behind him to avoid rocks or other things that could have been hiding in tall grass.
Rodimus kept driving, occasionally stopping to drift a little and leave his tidemarks on the ground until he saw something rising in the distance. The colorful mech made his way to the object and transformed.
”Wow. Well, you don’t see this every day.” Rodimus whistled. A giant pillar of teal-colored energon grew straight from the ground, growing few heads taller than. It was even so wide that he wouldn’t be able to wrap his arms around it.
”This has to be that ancient energon Swerve was talking about.” The Captain muttered by himself as he eyed the impressive monument. Who would have thought that little chips could grow so tall? Rodimus took a look around the pillar, trying to see if there was a crack or small piece anywhere, and there just happened to be a tiny piece of energon on the ground, just by pillar’s base.
”Hmm, might as well taste this and figure out what so great about this stuff.” Rodimus hummed as he picked up the tiny piece and propped it into his mouth and bit down.
”Ouch! Frag!” The mech cursed and spit the energon out. ”Frag…! That hurt, what I tried to eat? A piece of diamond!?”
Rodimus felt around his mouth, trying to feel if he had cracked a dental plate, but everything seemed to be still intact. He sighed in relief. His perfect smile was still flawless. Then he noticed something. Teal powder at the base of energon pillar.
The Captain wiped his servo over the powder and felt it between his servos. A very fine energon powder. Despite anything he had learned during his life, he licked the powder off from his servo.
Rodimus moaned in delight. That had to be the best energon he had ever tasted in his life! So sweet like energon treat, but not overly sweet and it melted on his glossa like softest oil cake ever. How something that gorgeous tasting could be as hard as a diamond?
The captain looked up, wondering where the powder came from because he wanted to see where the powder came from and he saw four deep grooves just above his head in the pillar. He felt his spark drop. Whatever had left such marks to a energon that hard wasn’t normal.
He had to contact others. Something was seriously wrong on that planet. Rodimus was just about to open his comm link and contact others when he was contacted first. According to incoming information it was from Nautica and Brainstorm.
’This is your Captain? Did you find something?’Rodimus asked.
’Captain, uh, Rodimus? We have a problem!’ Nautica was saying something, but Captain beat her to it.
’Yeah, no shit. I found something. Something is seriously-! Hold on, Chromedome is contacting us.’
’This can’t wait-!’
’Rodimus? Is Brainstorm also on this comm?’Came Chromedome’s voice through comm.
’Nautica is here also!’ Brainstorm cheered.
’Hi Chromedome! We got news! Bad news!’ Nautica said, only to be cut off again.
’They can’t be as bad as our news!’ Rewind joined the link,’There are hundreds of capsules here, from Cybertron!’
’Okay, that beats my news.’Rodimus said,’Nautica, Brainstorm, Chromedome and Rewind, let’s all meet back at the Rodpod. I’ll contact Skids and Swerve and tell them to return-! Hold on, they’re just contacting me.’
’We’re in trouble!’ Skids yelled straight into comm link.
~~~ At West, Five Minutes Earlier ~~~
”Oh my Primus! Skids, look!” Swerve shouted and pointed to the distance. The blue mech turned his attention from two banging giant crickets to look at what his friend was pointing at and he almost couldn’t believe what he saw.
Energon. Pure, brightly glowing energon crystal pillars that were almost as big as Skids raising from the ground in bundles. They were gorgeous, glowing with soothing strong teal color as no other energon glowed. Skids turned to Swerve whose blue visor practically shined in excitement. ”Skids, we found the ancient energon!”
”We sure did.” Skids chuckled as his friend yanked his hand, trying to get more speed to him so they could inspect the mysterious pillars. After the third tug he walked to energon with his friend. As soon as they were next to pillars Swerve let go of him and touched the energon.
”Primus, it’s smooth! I’ve never seen pure energon this smooth! Usually, they’re like unpolished rocks, diamonds, or gemstones. Ragged and sharp! This is almost like it was made to look this perfect!” Swerve babbled excitedly as he felt around the energon pillar like it was a beautiful mech before him.
The metallurgist actually tried to crack the energon with his fist, only for it to bounce back to him. ”Man, this is hard! I think we might need a laser drill or something to get even a piece of this back to ship with us! C’mon, help me with this, find a rock or something!”
”Whatever you need buddy.” Skids shook his head, but turned and started to look around for a rock. Meanwhile, Swerve kept inspecting the pillars, going multiple times around them, taking in every detail he could get.
”Did you find anything?” The red and white mech asked without looking at his friend.
”No, not yet.”
”Keep looking, there must be something that can crack this beauty up! There are already some marks on it!”
”Marks? What kind?”
”I don’t know, I’m not a wilderness professional, I’m a metallurgist, and I know by this hard energon that there is something even harder than that that left these marks here.” Swerve said excitedly, before he ran to his friend’s side, ”Imagine everything we can make with this much ancient energon! We could maybe even grow it on Lost Light, and imagine all the drinks I can make with it!”
”Okay okay!” Skids laughed and snatched a nice sized rock from the ground and turned to face Swerve. ”I think we should try with this rock…” Skids grew silent in a way of danger. A large shadow rose over two mechs as a monster, bigger than Skids had ever seen climbed on top of energon pillars.
The monster was huge, sharp jagged scales black as endless space adorning its body and long tail whipping behind it, enormous wings folded over it’s back and bright crimson lights glowing from scales’ seams over its chest and legs. Big and sharp horns grew from beast’s head, the couple from jaws and it didn’t even have lips to cover sharp looking fangs. Skids was officially scared.
”What? What is it Skids? You look like you saw a ghost!” Swerve laughed, completely oblivious of what was behind him. Until there was a deep gurgling growl. The minibot froze in his place and glanced over his shoulder and Skids saw his friend’s visor flicker.
Bright crimson eyes glared down at small metallurgist and monster’s claws tightened around the energon and it actually cracked under the sharp claws that sank into it, like it was soft energon gelatine.
”Swerve… Back up slowly towards me and don’t take your optics off from that creature…” Skids instructed his friend quietly, trying to stay calm in a dangerous situation. Swerve slowly did as he was told, backing up away, careful not to take his optics off from the monster before them.
The monster stared at them, but when a twig snapped under Swerve’s pede, it growled again and Skids acted. He threw the rock with all his might at the beast and the stone hit it straight to its shoulder. ”Let’s get out of here!” Skids yelled to Swerve and friends quickly transformed and hit the gas and drove away as fast as their tires could take them.
The monster screeched behind them, but the mechs didn’t stay to listen to it, but kept driving. If they were fast they could lose it.
That hope died when the familiar giant shadow landed on top of them. The monster was flying after them. Skids did the right thing he knew was right and opened comm link to the rest of his friends.
’We’re in trouble!’ Skids yelled straight into comm link as soon as he got the line open. ’There is a giant monster chasing me and Swerve!’
’Monster!?’ Came Rodimus’ voice in the comm.
’That’s what we tried to tell you, that there is something seriously dangerous in this planet!’ Nautica screamed to comm link.
’Okay, everyone, get back to the Rodpod, and let’s get out of here! Skids, can you and Swerve lose the monster after you?’ Rodimus asked.
’I don’t think so! It’s flying after us!’
’It can fly!? Interesting! Can you shoot it?’ Brainstorm asked.
’Okay, new plan, Brainstorm get to Rodpod and send an emergency signal to Lost Light! Skids, lead the monster towards South to me! Everyone else, get to the Rodpod and we buy you time to get there before joining you!’
’Got it!’ Everyone shouted and put the plan in action.
”Swerve, head to the Rodpod! I’ll be a decoy so you can get to safety!” Skids shouted over monster’s roaring and Swerve was quick to do as he said. ”Got it, on my way, be safe!” Skids and Swerve made quick turns, each in a different direction, and Skids even flashed his rear light to get the monster’s attention.
Two of them went to complete different directions and Skids did everything he could to get the monster to follow him… but to his horror, the monster ignored him completely. It went after his bartender friend.
Skids tried to turn on all his audios, trying to get a monster to come to him with noises, but the beast only showed interest towards the speeding minibot.
”Frag!” Skids cursed and made a quick U-turn and drove after his friend. He quickly contacted Rodimus.
’Rodimus, plan failed! The monster is after Swerve and heading towards Rodpod!’
’Pit! Okay, try to get that creature’s attention at any cost! I’ll be there in a second!’
’Roger that!’
Skids tried to catch up with his friend as best as he could, but the distance between them had grown too big. He tried to contact Swerve with comm link, but something was jamming the connection. The blue mech cursed and drove faster than he ever remembered driving, but it was too late.
Rodpod came to view and so did all their friends waiting for them there. Chaos hit them all like a shooting star. Everything happened in such a short time that no one couldn’t almost understand it. There was a roar and all of sudden the monster was just before them and glaring each one of them that it saw as invaders.
When Rodimus made it to the scene the beast roared again and surprised everyone by shooting a long stream of pure bright blue flames towards the sky. The heat was overwhelming, even if it wasn’t directed at any mech on the scene and for bots who didn’t feel heat or cold like organics, it was a great shock.
”Primus, it’s enormous!” Nautica shouted.
”Be careful everyone! Get to the ship when you get the first chance!” Rodimus shouted, getting next to Skids.
The monster whipped its enormous head towards Rewind with a growl and Chromedome was in front of his Conjunx Endura in a second, shielding him with his whole body and being, ready to bounce at the monster with empty hands. There wasn’t even a hint of fear of death in his actions. Not towards his death though. If he was to lose Rewind when he had just gotten him back then he would have truly died.
The monster dug its claws into the ground and focused its optics on Nautica and Brainstorm who were standing side by side. When the crimson eyes made contact with the scientist’s optics, he squealed like a mouse and hid behind Nautica, who stood her ground bravely, ready to protect her friend.
The black beast turned its attention on the rest of the group. Rodimus and Skids were side by side, ready to fight together against the attacker, their fists clenched and arms in the right position to throw punches as powerful as possible. For a second, it appeared that the monster was going to back out. It didn’t stop growling, but it raised it’s head off from threatening snapping position and even took a step back to retreat… until its eyes landed on Swerve.
Small, weak, and vulnerable Swerve was hiding behind a tree. That didn’t seem to launch the upcoming attack, but the fact that Swerve was alone.
The monster roared and in a blink of an eye rotated it’s head in a circle, shooting flames all over itself. Mechs ran away from the danger and the monster used the panic it created for its advantage as it ran straight through the fire towards Swerve.
”Swerve!” Skids shouted and ran towards his friend, but the monster whipped around and hit him with its tail, sending him flying straight into the air. Swerve got down on his knees when the monster got to him, trying to appear as small as possible. The beast swiped its claws through the air and with that move sliced the whole tree in pieces.
”Oh Primus, Skids, Captain, somebody!” Swerve screamed in terror as the monster’s claws wrapped around him.
”Hold on Swerve!” Nautica and Rodimus yelled and ran to save their friend. They had no time to waste. The beast turned towards them, roared and with a flap of its great wings, sent a surge of wind at them, knocking them on their afts.
The beast roared again and took off to the sky, Swerve with him and screaming from the bottom of his chassis. ”HEEEEEEELP!”
”Swerve!” The Autobot’s got together, Skids already in a motion to save his friend.
”Where it’s taking Swerve!?” The blue mech shouted, looking at his friends and then towards the black dot on the sky, ”C’mon, we got to follow it before it hurts him!”
Rodimus, Chromedome, and Nautica nodded in agreement.
”Okay, here’s what we do! Brainstorm, you fly after the beast, me and Skids follow behind you while Nautica takes Rewind and Chromedome back to Lost Light and comes back with Megatron, Ultra Magnus, and Whirl!” The Captain shouted orders, ready to transform to go after the monster, when Brainstorm got in his way, ”Wait wait, hold on!”
”Brainstorm, what the frag!?” Rodimus shouted at the scientist, ”That beast might drop Swerve at any given second or rip him apart! We must hurry, now!”
”I know I know, but listen! Me and Nautica made some important findings when we were exploring the planet! You see, it’s the start of the Spring season on this planet! Notice how flowers are blooming and those ancient energon bundles are glowing?” Brainstorm asked and pointed at each thing in his speech.
”Cut the chase Brainstorm and tell us what it matters!” Chromedome snapped, still holding Rewind tightly against his chassis, not showing any signs of letting his loved one touch the planet’s ground anymore. The scientist cleared his intake as a lousy cover up to his giddiness towards science, ”It’s animals’ breeding season! Me and Nautica took notes on many animals fragging in the safe places!”
Everyone glanced at Nautica and she nodded, ”Brainy tells the truth. We even saw a weird rodent with reptile tails doing it.”
”So what you’re saying is that-!”
”That’s right!” Brainstorm giggled like a madman, ”That monster saw a potential mate in Swerve, snatched him, and took him with him so it could breed with him!”
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