#here's a birth one for the holidays lmao
peachdues · 7 months
Sanemi Shinazugawa x Reader
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A/N: there is nothing redeemable about this. It’s just 7.9k words of pure filth in honor of my man’s birthday.
My husband got a boner reading this, so enjoy you whores.
CW: MDNI • Explicit sexual content • daddy!kink • elevator blowjobs • creampies • rough sex • kinky sex • brat-taming/mild dumbification • overstimulation • fluff at the end followed by more smut • not proof read lmao
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Sanemi Shinazugawa has never liked the month of November.
For starters, the stupid month can’t decide what damn season it wants to be. It’s somehow too cold to really qualify as autumn and the leaves have usually fallen to the ground, brown and dead and useless, but it’s also still too warm to snow.
And November is such a tease — smack dab between two great holidays yet offering nothing but a restlessness that persists until the end of the year.
So no, Sanemi Shinazugawa isn’t fond of this time of year. But the universe has never shied away from giving him the middle finger, so Sanemi supposes he shouldn’t be surprised his birthday falls during such a bullshit month like November.
He’d been content to spend the day of his birth like he did every other year — hunkered down in his apartment with some cheap takeout, alone, without anyone to make a big fuss about it. That was the plan — his goddamn plan.
So how the fuck did he end up here?
The “here” in question is a suite at one of the city’s most exclusive hotels. The room is stuffed full of faces, some familiar but most not, packed together like sardines. The music is loud and pulsing and it threatens to give him a nasty headache.
It was Tengen who convinced him to allow this — though, Sanemi doesn’t suppose he was given much of a choice in the matter. But his friend group learned of his impending birthday a few weeks earlier, and before Sanemi could level a few, well-backed threats against any party planning, Tengen had booked the massive suite in which he now found himself, and promised Sanemi that he wouldn’t have to buy a single drink.
Sanemi agreed only on the condition that he be allowed to book a separate hotel room — several floors below where this godforsaken party now raged.
At least Tengen had meant it when he promised Sanemi wouldn’t have to spend a dime on alcohol. He took care to run up his friend’s tab by ordering several shots of Grey Goose, throwing them back as easily as water.
Hey, it was his birthday, after all.
The hotel suite is a blur of lights and colors and bodies pressed together in dark corners. Truthfully, Sanemi really can’t find any one thing to pay attention to; it’s ironic that this party is supposedly for him, and yet he feels like the most invisible person in the room.
But then he spots you — beautiful, witty, and charming you — seated in the lounge area, surrounded by both shared friends and strangers, and it’s like a spotlight has been pointed directly at you. All else seems to fall away, recessing into the shadows of the room, and his attention is locked solely on you; the star of the show that is his birthday party.
The feelings swirling in Sanemi’s chest are dangerous; lethal. He knows he should look away and accept the fact that you, with your endless pick of eligible women and men, would never deign to chase after someone like him, someone with as many scars on his heart as are seared into his skin. He knows that. He knows he’s only setting himself up to get more pissed off — to hate his birthday more than he already does.
But he can’t stop watching you.
And even if he could, he doesn’t want to. He’s only been in love with you since the moment Shinobu tugged you into a booth at a bar they all frequented. There hadnt really been any room for you to sit — not with seven of them already packed tightly onto the bench — but you’d taken one look at him and grinned, something that could only be described as mischief lighting your eyes.
“You don’t mind if I sit here, do you?” You’d asked him sweetly as you plopped your ass right down on his lap. “You look like you’re the comfiest one here.”
Sanemi, who was known for having a quick temper and an even quicker mouth, had been stunned into silence by the presence of a beautiful woman, perched on his knee like it was the most natural thing to sit on a stranger’s lap. His friends had been hard-pressed to suppress their smirks at the way Sanemi gaped at the back of your head, and he was fairly certain it was because you’d been so ballsy that you’d secured a permanent spot in their weekly bar rotation.
That had been over a year ago, and Sanemi’s infatuation with you grew deeper by the day.
Not that he’d ever done anything about it — even though, at times, it felt like you were all but baiting him into acting on his feelings. He wanted to believe the way your eyes followed him wherever he went in a room meant something, that your lingering touches were an invitation for more, but he could never bring himself to find out.
That cowardice, he supposed bitterly, was exactly what led him here, sitting alone at the suite room bar, watching as countless others flirted with you and you, right back.
A few times your eyes had tracked him across the room; one time, you looked as though you were about to push through the throng of people shoved into Tengen’s suite to come talk to him, but a hand on your bicep caught you and diverted your attention.
It’s then that Sanemi snaps. The moment he watches as the asshole in question pulls you against him for a slow grind, that jealous, monstrous thing in his chest rears its ugly head, growling and gnawing to be let free.
He’d hoped, for one pathetic moment, that you would push the man away, shake your head, do something that indicated you weren’t the least bit interested in him, no matter how fascinating his multi-colored eyes were, or how charming his feral grin was, but you didn’t. And the moment he sees the douchebag pull your hips flush against his, Sanemi knows he needs to get some air.
So with less grace than he knows he probably should show, Sanemi shoves his way towards the door leading out the suite and into the hallway.
Fuck it, he decides. He would go back to his room, several floors below, take a shower and hit the fucking hay. His birthday was bullshit, anyways.
He storms towards the elevators, slightly tipsy and certainly angry. He stabs a finger against the down button, his leg bouncing as he waits for the elevator to come and save him from his own party.
“What’re you doing out here, birthday boy?”
His stomach sinks to his ass at the familiar cadence of the voice behind him. Reluctantly, he turns and sees you making your way down the hallway wall, a smirk on your pretty lips and looking downright sinful in that flimsy, silvery dress that barely reaches the middle of your thighs.
That damn elevator can’t come fast enough.
“Go back to the party,” he says tightly, though he still won’t look you directly in the eyes. “Don’t let me interrupt your good time.”
You draw up short. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Sanemi only scoffs and jabs frustratingly at the elevator button, willing for the telltale ding that will allow him to step into the lift and get far the fuck away from this rager he didn’t want.
From you.
“What’s wrong with you? Did something happen?” You push, resuming your advance on him and shortening the space between your bodies. “Sanemi —“
“Save it,” Sanemi bites, and because he cannot help himself, he adds, “I just don’t particularly feel like watching you spread your legs for some lowlife asshole who can’t be bothered to remember your name.”
You blink, comprehension dawning on your face before melting to anger. “That’s what you’re so pissy about?”
Sanemi silently begs the elevator to hurry the fuck up, because now you’re only a few feet away from him and he doesn’t want you to see his fraying restraint.
You fold your arms across your chest, hip jutting out to the side. “You’re acting like a bitch because some jackass tried to grind on me? Why do you even care?”
Sanemi dodges your question with ease.
“You’re the one who fuckin’ followed me out here.”
The elevator dings and Sanemi is damn near falling to his knees in gratitude at its timing. The double sliding doors have barely finished opening before he’s already inside, jamming his finger into the button marked 26, praying it’ll move faster than it arrived.
The doors start to close but a pair of hands slam against both sides of the doorway, preventing them from joining in the middle.
You stand in the center of the threshold, eyes bright and nostrils flaring, the elevator doors half-closed around you.
“It wasn’t easy to throw this party together y’know,” you snap at him, and dully, Sanemi thinks the glare you give him is strong enough to wither plants. “Everyone went out of their way to try and make you feel special, but you’ve been nothing but an asshole about it.”
“I didn’t ask you all to do this — I begged you not to,” Sanemi retorts just as hotly, his arms folding across his chest. “I didn’t want a fuckin’ party.”
“Well, what do you want?”
the silence that stretches between you is more telling than any answer he could have given. By the way your lips part, you seem to realize it at the same moment he does, and that’s when Sanemi knows he’s fucked.
The two of you stare at one another for a moment, the weight of Sanemi’s unspoken admission hanging above your heads like the sword of Damocles.
But then, the blade drops, and it must impale you both, because suddenly your hands fall from the elevator doors and are tangling in his hair at the same moment Sanemi’s fingers latch onto your waist, and your mouths slam together in a fiery clash of lips and teeth.
The elevator doors slide shut behind you right as Sanemi presses you up against the paneled wall and slides his tongue into your mouth.
At the first stroke of his tongue against yours, you tense, and for one panicked moment, he fears he’s gone too far. But then you’re melting against him, and the way you tug on his hair and whimper his name against his lips makes Sanemi loses his goddamn mind.
Time stands still and there are no thoughts in Sanemi’s brain but the feel of your hands running down his arms, his chest, pushing under the open collar of his shirt to dance along his burning skin.
They can’t get to the 26th floor fast enough, no matter how fast the numbers tick past, bringing them closer and closer to privacy —
The elevator jolts to a stop, somewhere between the 29th and 28th floors, and does not move.
It’s just his fucking luck; the girl of his dreams is pressed flush against him, her lips at his ear as she begs for him, and the goddamn elevator has forgotten how to work. If his hands weren’t so busy pushing under the hem of that slip you call a dress to fondle the curve of your ass, he might’ve put a hole through the one of the doors.
He punches the button for the 26th floor again and again, his sanity fraying with each urgent jab of his fingers, yet the elevator still does not move.
If the idea that the pair of you are stranded in a metal box of death suspended over twenty stories high bothers you, Sanemi wouldn’t be able to tell — not when you’ve decided to turn your attention someplace else.
“What’re you —“ Sanemi’s voice is hardly more than a croak as your hands busy themselves with the buckle on his belt, fumbling and tugging until the leather fastened around his hips gives way.
“Shhh!” A press of your index finger to his lips silences him. “Birthday boys shouldn’t worry!”
Your fingers hook under the waistband of his pants and suddenly they’re following you down as you slide to your knees before him.
Sanemi’s eyes nearly bulge out of his head at the way your half-lidded gaze drifts from his face down his body, coming to rest on the tent of his briefs, jutting out from between his thighs.
Your voice is syrupy and warm as you whisper, “I guess I should let you have your first gift,”
Sanemi forgets how to breathe when you peer back up at him, your eyes suddenly round and wide; he nearly forgets how to stand when you lean forward and press your cheek against the side of his cock where it strains against his underwear.
Sanemi sucks in sharply through clenched teeth at the sudden rush of cold elevator air against the heated, sensitive skin of his bare cock, your fingers having tugged him free from the confines of his briefs.
“F-first?” He can’t stop the way the question stutters out, not when your lips, just barely gazing against him, drag from his base to his tip. The soft exhale of your warm breath up his length has his hands shooting behind him for something — anything — to grip.
You hum in confirmation, and Sanemi’s vision almost blacks out when your tongue peeks past your glossy, red-stained lips to trail over his leaking head.
“But you’ll have to wait ‘til we get to your room before you can unwrap the next one.”
Sanemi swears he’ll set the entire hotel building on fire if the elevator doesn’t start working in the next fucking minute. His vicious promise, however, fades to the back of his mind, along with every other coherent thought he’s ever had as your lips part around his head and you take him into your mouth.
“Holy fuck,” Sanemi hisses and his head falls back against the elevator wall with a dull thump.
You him pleasantly around his cock and Sanemi nearly cums right there, the vibrations from your mouth too sweet, adding gasoline to the already raging inferno of his desire.
At first, you keep your hands primly folded behind you, only allowing your mouth to work his shaft. Every time you slide up off him, you curl your tongue against the underside of his cock and every time, Sanemi has to draw upon every morsel of self-restraint he possesses to not buck further down your throat.
But soon, your hands pat their way to his, and you bring his hands against either side of your head. You hold them there for only a moment, just long enough for Sanemi’s stomach to flip as he realizes what you’re giving him permission to do.
You peer up at him with those big eyes, so wide and deceptively innocent, and he knows you’re trying to kill him.“Motherfucking — Y/N,” he moans, threading his fingers through your hair. “Fuck.”
With his grip in your hair secure, Sanemi begins to fuck your mouth. His cock slides in and out of your heat, every push shoving a little more of himself further into your mouth. You only relax your throat, your tongue still curling against the underside of his shaft in a way that makes Sanemi see white.
Sanemi’s hold on your hair tightens. “Fucking take it,” he pants, hips bucking against your face. “My little cock whore.” From his position over you, Sanemi can see the way his words make you squirm with need, your answering moan long, and deep.
Your hands flutter to the side of his thighs, and Sanemi almost winces at the prick of your nails against his skin. But despite the saliva steadily trailing down your chin and the guttural sounds choking in the back of your throat, you’re tugging him closer, your fingers inching around to grip his backside, pressing him closer and closer to you until your nose brushes his groin.
The elevator jolts with movement and resumes its descent, but neither of you notice. All Sanemi can focus on his the way his tip bumps against the back of your throat, and how your cheeks hollow against him as he ruts into your mouth.
Sanemi makes a strangled noise in the vague shape of your name. “I-I’m gonna —“
You only need to swallow around him once before Sanemi is filling your throat with his cum. With a deep groan, his head drops back, his hand splayed across the back of your skull, keeping your nose pressed against his base as he rocks his hips, his cock twitching violently in your mouth.
His eyes fly open when he feels the wetness from your tears against the sensitive skin of his groin, and he’s quick to pull out of your mouth. Your hands bracing against his thighs as you gulp down air in heavy, shuddering gasps.
“Fuck — I’m sorry,” his hands smooth worryingly over your hair. “That was too rough, I’m so fuckin’ sorry-“
Your head snaps up, and Sanemi feels a brief moment of panic at the sight of your mascara, streaked down your cheeks from an onslaught of tears. Bht then you’re smiling at him, a big, triumphant, radiant smile, and Sanemi feels almost as dumb in the head as he had when your mouth was around his cock.
The elevator slows and Sanemi hastily tucks himself back into his pants. The moment his belt is refastened, his hand is on your arm, gently guiding you up to stand right as a ding! sounds, and the doors slide open to reveal the 26th floor.
You step out first, turning back to him expectantly. “Well? What room?”
Sanemi’s heart falls to his ass as he beholds the assured confidence blazing in your eyes. “2602,” he manages to croak.
You tug him out of the elevator and for a few moments, he’s dumbstruck by his good fortune. It almost feels like a dream, that your here, leading him down the winding hallway of this oversized and overpriced hotel, eager to get back to his room and do whatever the hell it is that’s lit that fire in your eyes.
Sanemi’s awe is short-lived, replaced by a crashing wave of need and boiling desire, hot and furiously bubbling under his skin. His hand tightens around yours and he jerks you around, spinning you until you’re caged tightly between the hallway wall and his chest.
His mouth attacks your neck, biting and sucking his claim into your skin, no matter how temporary. Your leg hikes up to hook around his hips, your foot pressed against his calf, and it seems neither of you care that you’re very much still on an open hallway as opposed to the privacy of his hotel room.
“I’m not holding back with you,” he whispers against the hollow of your throat. His hands slide hotly down your sides, fingers toying under the absurdly short hem of your dress, kneading just beneath the curve of your ass. “You asked me what I wanted — I want this. You.”
Your sultry giggle in his ear chokes off as Sanemi’s finger dips under your ass from behind to run firmly over your clothed slit. A breathy fuck falls from his lips as he feels the wetness seeping through the fabric of your underwear.
“That’s your main gift,” you’re tugging on his hair again until you’ve pulled him away from your throat so that you can slant your mouth over his. “Me. However you want me.”
You take his bottom lip between your teeth and suck, and Sanemi swears he’s died and gone to heaven. “As many times as you want.”
“And in whatever positions you want.”
Sanemi has never been a particularly religious man, but he thinks he’s about one nanosecond from dropping to his knees in worship of you.
Sanemi wastes no time in hauling you over his shoulder, throwing any and all cares to the wind of being seen as he slaps your ass and books the remaining trek back to his hotel room. Youre lucky his room is only around the corner, given that you won’t stop groping his ass.
Somehow, Sanemi manages to fumble for his keycard and swipes it, and he has you inside his room and pushed up against the door before it even fully latches shut.
You’re moaning and panting just from his hands, and Sanemi can feel himself already growing hard once more. His lips are feverish as they roam from your lips, to your neck, and down to the hem of your dress concealing your soft breasts from sight. His hands are even greedier, bunching the tissue-paper-like fabric of you dress between his fingers as he explores the curves and dips of your body.
“God you feel so fucking good,” he mutters against your lips between kisses. “I can’t get enough of you.”
From the way your hands drag down his chest, fingers sliding between the undone buttons of his shirt to explore his chest, he knows you’re just as starved as he is.
With a slight whine, you push him back, breaking your kiss. Sanemi looks at you, but the question building on his tongue does as you kick your heels off, your fingers flying to the straps of your dress.
Sanemi feels locked in place by the heat of your gaze, and he swears he can feel his pulse tick in his neck. One by one, you push the straps of your dress from your shoulders, letting the satiny material fall down your waist and puddle around your feet.
If Sanemi thought he was losing his mind before, he knows for certain that he likely needs to be committed now.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Sanemi’s stare is unabashed and gaping. For beneath that flimsy scrap of shiny fabric pretending to be a dress was not your bare skin, but dark green lace and mesh and corset paneling.
A teddy.
You twist slightly so you’re looking over your shoulder, fully exposing your ass and the thong-like back of your one-piece to the slack-jawed birthday boy.
“I figured you would like this one.”
Your words knock Sanemi right off his axis, his head spinning so fast, it’s a miracle it’s still attached to his shoulders.
You’d worn fucking lingerie for his party.
For him.
You’d gone out of your way to wear something you thought he would like on the mere chance you’d end up as you were now, here in his room. You’d planned for it.
You didn’t leave him any other choice; he was going to fucking ruin you.
His hand flies behind his neck to grip his shirt, ripping it over his head and throwing it unceremoniously to the side.
Sanemi doesn’t fail to notice the way your tongue darts out to wet your lips, your pupils blowing wide at the sight of the sculpted planes of his chest and abdomen.
He kicks off his shoes and his hands shove his pants quickly down his legs, grateful that he hadn’t bothered to refasten his belt or button after the stunt you pulled in the elevator.
“C’mere,” he orders, roughly. Left in just his black briefs, he lunges forward to take you into his arms once more.
Your peal of laughter as Sanemi throws you onto his king-sized hotel bed is the prettiest thing he’s ever heard. He wastes no time pouncing on you, eager to reconnect your lips, to kiss you until you’re left as breathless and wanting as he is.
Between messy kisses, Sanemi’s hands make their way down your body, squeezing and marveling at the way your body seems made for his touch. And as if the feeling of your skin beneath his palms isn’t enough to drive him wild, you’re so responsive to his touch. Every stroke of his hands seems to bring you alive until you’re practically thrumming with want and begging him for more.
His fingers slide over your lace-covered cunt and he swears at the dampness he feels clean through the fabric of your teddy.
“Eager, are we?” He hums, his lips following down the path he traced with his hands. “Tell me what you need, sweetheart.”
Your hips buck impatiently against him as his face settles between your thighs. He grins at your desperation, trailing open-mouthed kisses across your inner thigh until he reaches your covered slit.
He lets his tongue peek out between his lips and drags it over until he reaches your other thigh, groaning at the faint taste of you dampening the lace.
Sanemi’s fingers push under the edge of the teddy, a breath blowing past his lips when he connects with your dripping cunt.
“Look how fucking soaked you are,” he says in awe, marveling the way your slick coats his fingers. “Is this all for me?”
You groan, pushing your hips down to grind harder against his hand.
“Just fuck me already,” you huff. “I’m ready now.”
Sanemi tsks softly at you. “You need to ask a lot nicer than that, sweet girl.”
Your impatient demands taper off into soft moans as Sanemi sinks a single finger into your entrance, his cock growing impossibly hard at the feeling of you clenching easily around him.
Sanemi practically trembles at the thought of sinking into your heat, of how you might feel clenching and pulsing around his length while he fucks you the way he’s been dreaming since he met you.
But while he might be pent up, Sanemi isn’t so much of an asshole that he wouldn’t make sure you were good and ready to take him.
So he simply tugs the crotch of your teddy aside and without any further teasing or torture, he latches his mouth to your cunt with a deep moan.
As his tongue darts between your folds, Sanemi realizes that all the cake in the world couldn’t compare to how fucking sweet your pussy tastes.
You cry out, his name stuttering out between a staccato of moans and cooes for more. Your hands twist in his hair, alternating between pulling his face closer to your core and pushing him away, the pleasure almost too much for you to bear.
Sanemi thinks he could get drunk on your taste. His eyes open to watch the way your face pinches, how your jaw goes slack to let his name drip from your tongue.
Your hands unwind from his hair to tug at the sinful draping of lace fitted against your body like a glove. “Off,” you whimper. “Off.”
It takes him a moment to realize what you want. But after another plea of “off,” Sanemi’s hands are already working to push the teddy down your lithe form.
“I’ve got you, baby, I’ve got you,” he soothes, dragging the lingerie off your legs. Sanemi swears softly at the sight of you, bare and spread out on his mattress, your body pliant and ready for him to use however he chooses.
“S-Sanemi,” he can’t suppress his grin at the apparent whine in your tone. “I feel so — so empty —“
He doesn’t try to hold in the groan resounding deep from his chest. Youre asking — practically begging — for his cock, and Sanemi doesn’t have the willpower to deny you.
“Fuck this,” he snarls, and suddenly your body is caged under his, his hips slotting perfectly into the cradle of your thighs. “I need to be in you.”
His lips dance feverishly up the side of your neck until they reconnect with yours.
For a moment, your kiss slows to something more sensual and passionate, as opposed to the heated and frantic kisses you’d exchanged earlier. The sigh you exhale against his mouth is the sexiest thing Sanemi has ever heard, and the feeling of your fingers latching in his hair is a sensation he never wants to forget.
Your tongue swipes along his lower lip in a silent request for entry that he’s only too happy to grant. You moan against the taste of yourself on his tongue.
Sanemi knows he’s been head over heels for you for a long time, but the way your tongue dances languidly with his has him utterly undone.
If you wanted to, he’d let you swallow him whole.
Your kiss melts into something more needy and frantic, and Sanemi feels your wetness grind down against his thigh, a pleading whimper building on your lips. With an eagerness that makes his head spin, your legs shift to lock around his waist, and one of the hands you’d had latched in his hair drifts down his abdomen until it finds his cock, heavy and hot in your palm.
“I’ve got a condom —“ Sanemi manages between desperate kisses. “In my wallet —“
But your legs tighten around his hips and your hand pumps harder at his stiffened length. “Don’t need it,” you murmur against his lips. “On the pill.”
Sanemi thinks he might pass out. “Fuck — are you sure?”
You nod, eyes bright and alert even in spite of your sleepy, fucked-out smile. “Wanna feel you, baby.”
Don’t have to fucking tell him twice. Especially not when you’re calling him baby, even if it’s a pet name you’ll only use on him for the night.
With deft hands, Sanemi flips you so that your front is pressed against the mattress. You scramble beneath him to plant your knees, raising your ass high in the air, your cunt held out in an offering he could never refuse.
He gives one of your pert ass cheeks an appreciative smack before he shuffles forward on his knees. He rests one foot on the outside of your leg, parallel with your hip, and slots his other knee between your parted thighs. One hand grips the base of his cock while the other kneads at your hip, holding you steady while also keeping your limbs relaxed as he lines his tip up with your dripping entrance.
“Unless you say otherwise, ‘M goin’ hard,” he warns, his voice rougher than gravel. “Been waiting too long to do this.”
Ever the devilish little minx, you wiggle your hips back against him, and his breath chokes in his throat when your wet heat catches him at his tip.
You look back over your shoulder and Sanemi’s gaze darkens at the challenge in your eyes. “Give me everything you’ve got.”
Sanemi decides to respond to your taunt not with his words, but with his body. In a single, fluid movement, he plunges his cock deep into your heated core, his fingers tightening around your hips with bruising force.
“Jesus fuck,” he pants once he’s fully embedded to the hilt inside your warmth.
It’s unreal; the feeling of your silken, pleasure-soaked walls moulding around his cock like you were made to take him sends a bolt lightning surging down his spine, making him shudder.
A cross between a cry and a scream tears from your throat, muffled only by the press of your mouth against the starchy blankets of his hotel bed. He’s about to ask if you’re okay, if you want him to go slow for a bit since he knows he’s a larger than average. but then you’re throwing your hips back against him, circling and grinding and mewling for more.
“Fuck me,” you moan. “Fuck me, Sanemi — please.”
“God fucking damn,” Sanemi hisses through clenched teeth. And he knows he can’t deny you, not when your whining so prettily for him; nor when your pussy feels this fucking good.
He draws back, his cock sliding out of you until only his tip remains. He lingers there, for just a hair’s breadth of a moment, teasing.
Your impatient whine doesn’t last long as Sanemi slams you back onto him, the sound choking off in your throat. He doesn’t give you time to recover; he digs his fingers into the flesh of your hips and drives his cock into you again and again, pounding a relentless rhythm into you that has you sobbing into the mattress.
“Yes, yes, yes!” You blubber, your fingers fisted into the blankets below for purchase as you push yourself back to meet his frenzied thrusts.
Sanemi can’t tear his eyes away from where his cock, shiny with your wetness, disappears in and out of you. “You’re taking me so fuckin’ well,” he says in awe. Your pussy is gripping him like a vice, practically sucking him back into your heat. “You like letting me use you, huh?”
Sanemi shifts so that his weight is on the knee resting beside your leg, allowing him to push harder and deeper into your cunt. You try to lift your head, but Sanemi’s hand leaves its place on your hip to press down on the back of your neck, squeezing lightly.
“Oh f-fuck,” you groaned, voice slightly muffled from where your face was half-pressed into the mattress. “Oh god — just like that — D-daddy, yes —“
Sanemi’s hips stutter. Daddy. No one has ever called him that in the bedroom before, but fuck if it doesn’t somehow make him harder than a fucking diamond.
Especially because it seems like it slipped out of you without much thought, your eyes too busy staring at the back of your skull as every punishing thrust of Sanemi’s cock into your pliant cunt makes your body bounce against the mattress.
He likes it. A lot.
“Should’ve known you’d have a daddy kink, filthy little thing,” he groans, his hand reaching under you to toy with your swollen clit.
You only moan in response, and Sanemi can’t help but to swirl his fingers around that nub, savoring the way it makes your thighs quiver beneath you.
The hand still pressing against the back of your neck slides up to grip your hair, and Sanemi pulls your head up from the bed. “Do you call everyone ‘daddy,’ sweetness, or just those who fuck you the way you like it?”
“Not everyone” you gasp, voice strained against the tight arch of your neck. “Just you — ah! Only you.”
With a growl, Sanemi’s arm locks around your middle and hauls you up until your back is flush against his chest. One hand wraps around your jaw, his fingers squeezing your cheeks to keep your head back as he continues pounding into you.
“Look at you,” his exhales hotly against your ear, his teeth grazing your lobe. “Daddy’s pretty little toy.”
Your thighs quake in their effort to keep you up. Your moans raise an octave, warbling out of your throat as you settle heavily against him, utterly helpless against the pleasure rolling through your body.
Sanemi’s hand drops from your jaw to drag teasingly down your torso. When he reaches your lower belly, he presses his palm flat, the pressure allowing the blunt head of his cock to rub against that sensitive spot that makes you sing his name.
“You feel that, baby?” And the whine that slips out of you is one he wishes he could bottle up. “That’s all me — that’s how deeply I’m fucking you.”
He’s practically holding you up, your limbs little more than jelly, but he doesn’t mind. He only increases the pressure of his hand, rubbing slightly over the softness of your stomach.
“And that’s where I’m gonna fill you up, ‘til you’re nice and full, hm?”
A stilted cry of his name is dragged from your lips, and Sanemi swears he’d marry you tomorrow, if you’d let him.
It’s not lost on him that this is likely a one-time thing; that you’ll likely leave his hotel room and the two of you won’t speak of it again, but he can’t find it within himself to give a shit.
It doesn’t matter if this is just a slightly drunken hook up — it doesn’t matter to him if it’s just sex. You’re letting him use your body for his pleasure, and that thought is enough to make his brain turn to liquid between his ears.
Sanemi falls back against the bed, bringing you with him, your back still pressed against his chest. He winds an arm around one of your thighs, holding it open to allow himself to continue fucking up into you with the speed of a racehorse.
“God you’re so fuckin’ tight — don’t want me to leave, do you, precious?”
He chuckles in your ear, catching your lobe between his teeth. His hand wedges between your thighs to play with your clit again, and the way your pussy flutters around him signals that you’re right on the precipice of your orgasm.
The first of the night, if he had anything to say about it.
“Maybe I should make you my own personal cocksleeve — would you like that, sweetheart?” You’re mewling, nodding frantically as you squirm and thrash atop him.
“Would you like to sit on Daddy’s cock all day, keep him nice and warm?”
“Yes!” You sob, and Sanemi’s fingers circle your clit even harder, determined to to make you cum. “Yes, ‘Nemi, please! I’ll be your good girl — I’ll be so good —“
Sanemi’s pace falters slightly at your words, a new idea — a wicked idea, forming fast in his mind. “You will, huh?”
He abruptly pulls out of you, though the anguished cry that rattles out of you at the loss of his warmth tugs at his heartstrings. After all, you’d been so close.
Sanemi wastes no time flipping you under him, hooking both your legs over his muscled shoulders until the underside of your thighs press flat against his chest.
“You’ll cum when I say so,” he shoves his painfully hard cock back into your pulsing warmth, his knuckles turning white under his grip against the rumpled blankets as he fights to keep his eyes from rolling back at the feeling of being sheathed back inside you once more.
“And you’re gonna fuckin’ look at me when i fill you up,” Sanemi snarls between ferocious snaps of his hips. “I wanna see that gorgeous face when I cum inside this pretty little pussy.”
“Yes! Yes s-sir.”
“Yeah? And who’s fucking you this good?”
He ducks his head down to nip sharply at your breast. “Try again.”
“You are — D-daddy,”
Sanemi’s pace only increases. “Still not what I’m looking for, princess,” he’s borderline cruel and he knows it, but he also knows what he wants. “Tell me whose pussy this is.”
You don’t answer; you can’t, given how slack your jaw has gone, your mouth frozen in a perfect “o” as Sanemi pushes the head of his cock right at that spot deep within you that makes you seize down on him hard enough that he sees stars.
He growls your name and when you still don’t respond, he snaps his hips particularly hard against yours.
“Say it.”
His hand shoves between your bodies, and Sanemi pinches your clit harshly between this thumb and index finger.
“Sanemi!” You wail, writhing under him. His fingers rub soothing circles against your clit, though the relentless thrust of his cock does not ease.
“That’s my girl,” he praises, and the pressure of his fingers against your throbbing nub increases. “Now cum on this fucking cock.”
That does it.
Your back arcs sharply up off the mattress, thighs tightening around his hips as your cunt clenching around him with earth-shattering force. Sanemi feels a smug wave of pride as a surge of fluid springs forth and coats his abdomen and groin.
You fall back against the bed, limp and spent, but Sanemi isn’t done with you yet; you won’t be, not until Sanemi has left his mark.
He shifts over you, his full weight pressing you down into the mattress; his hands pushing your knees up until they’re level with your chest. You sigh and hum, still wading through the haze of your orgasm, but given the way you let your thighs spread a little wider, you’re aware enough to know that Sanemi is readying you to take his release.
It’s not enough; Sanemi doesn’t want you lost in the aftermath of your euphoria — he wants you crying out for his.
His hand grips your face, your cheeks squishing together beneath his fingers as he forces your head to tilt toward him. Your eyes flutter open, bleary and unfocused before the clouds part and your attention is locked wholly on him.
“Beg for it,” he grits out, his hand smacking against your clit until you howled. “Beg for my cum.”
“Please!” Your cry is shrill and desperate, your hands tightening weakly around his shoulders. “Please f-fill me up — oh, Sanemi —“
He nearly loses it at the way you say his name, like it’s some damn prayer and he, your salvation, but he holds back. It’s not enough — he wants you as filthy and wanton as him.
“Use your words,” his words leave him in a single, inexorable command.
Your lower lip wobbles. “Your cum — please, please fill this pussy up. Fill me up, fuck it into me —“
Sanemi cuts off your babbling with a single, bruising kiss. He feels his balls tighten, and the prickle at the base of his spine grows hotter, signaling just how close he is to nirvana.
His hand finds one of yours where it clings to his shoulder, a fruitful attempt to anchor yourself, and he pulls it away. Sanemi presses your hand back against the mattress, interlacing his fingers with yours.
Your pussy flutters around him in time with your thumb stroking over his knuckle, and that’s all it takes.
“Oh fuck —“ Sanemi grunts before he feels himself explode. With a strangled yell, Sanemi’s hips slam into yours, pushing his cock as deep as it can possibly go, and his release crashes into him with mind-blowing force.
it’s the hardest and the most he’s ever come in his entire life. Nothing else has ever or will ever compare to this.
But even as his release spurts heavily inside your honeyed core, Sanemi doesn’t relent in his pace. His hips keep rolling steadily into you, prolonging his release to the point his toes curl, and he wonders whether his nose might start bleeding.
The corners of your mouth tilt up, a pleased groan vibrating loud and wanton in your throat as you feel him fuck his hot seed right into the Eden of your body.
Despite the mind-numbing pleasure of his orgasm, Sanemi won’t let himself look away. The face you make as he fills you up is the prettiest damn thing he’s ever seen.
Sanemi stays buried in your heat for several more moments as he comes down from his high, his head dropping into the crook of your shoulder. With a grunt, he pulls out, dropping down next to you in a flurry of messy blankets and pillows.
You push yourself to your side, a hand coming to push the sweat-dampened ends of his bangs from his eyes. “Good birthday?” You tease, your cheeks flushed bright red, your eyes bright.
“The best,” Sanemi agrees, his eyes scanning your face, committing every detail of you and your post-sex glow to memory.
The two of you lay next to one another for a little while, talking and quietly laughing. Neither one of you seems eager to leave the bed, and Sanemi in particular finds himself hoping today never ends.
Eventually, nature calls and he excuses himself — reluctantly — to the bathroom. When he emerges, he’s greeted with the sight of your ass, bare and exposed as you nestle into the bed, one leg kicking lazily up into the air behind you.
Fuck, you’re too beautiful, and he is far too weak.
He approaches the side of the bed, stretching out one hand to drag teasingly down your spine, until he reaches your ass, knuckles kneading the soft flesh.
His eyes flit to the small clock perched on the hotel nightstand. Sanemi’s grin turns lupine as he reads time reflected by the green-tinted digits.
Sanemi’s fingers skirt down to your ankle, gripping it firmly in his hand. He tugs you over the side of the bed until your head dangles off the edge, your hair stretching towards the ground. “Looks like it’s still my birthday, darling. I ain’t finished enjoying my present yet,” he grips the base of his half-hard cock and taps it against your lips. “And I’ve been dying to cum all over this pretty face of yours.”
True to his word, Sanemi takes him time ravishing his birthday gift. When the clock on the nightstand finally reads 12:01 AM, he flops down next to you, chest heaving as he works to catch his breath.
You lay beside him, panting in tandem with him from the exertion of the night’s activities. There isn’t an inch of you that isn’t sticky as a result of the heady mixture of your sweat and Sanemi’s cum.
You feel his eyes searing into you as you trail a finger through the milky white splattered across your chest — a favorite place of his to cum, as you’d learned, second only to spilling inside of you.
Sanemi hardly holds back a whimper at the way you bring it to your lips, letting your tongue lick your finger clean of his pleasure.
“You’re trying to drive me wild, woman,” he throws a tired arm over his face, shrouding his eyes. “You torture all your hookups like this?”
He’s surprised at how quickly you sit up in bed, your eyes flashing.
Sanemi props a fist under his cheek. “Well, yeah,” he winces slightly, searching for more careful words. “I don’t expect anything from you. I appreciate the birthday surprise, though.”
Your gaze is leveled, and your voice even. “I don’t buy lingerie for one-night stands, Sanemi. That shit is an investment.”
His eyes blow wide, and he feels the erratic thrum of his heart stuttering in his throat.
“I want you,” you say firmly. “And I had every intention when I followed you in here tonight for this —“ your hand waves back and forth between your chests. “— to continue.”
It’s a miracle Sanemi is able to speak at all. “I’ll take whatever you’re willing to give.”
You grin. “Well, now that you’ve fucked me, I guess you should take me on a date.” You pause, trailing one delicate finger down his chest. “But I won’t make you wait until we’ve been on three before I let you fuck me again.”
Your hand dips below the edge of the blanket and glides teasingly over his cock, already beginning to stir once more. “You’re far too delicious.”
Sanemi snatches your hand and rolls you under him before you can blink, your answering giggle the sweetest music ever to grace his ears.
“Y’know, in other parts of the world, it’s still the 29th,” he murmurs huskily, grazing his lips against yours. “So by that logic…”
You nod, eyebrows drawn together in seriousness. “We’re obligated to keep celebrating.”
Sanemi’s lips are already trailing down your body, savoring the taste of himself on your skin. He settles back between your legs, marveling at the way your thighs fall to the side so easily to accommodate his mass.
He presses a sweet kiss against your clit. “You’re just the gift that keeps on giving, aren’t you, darlin’?”
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I have recently come to the conclusion that if my Genshin Impact account was self aware, my Bennet would be slightly even more unlucky than a regular Bennet. This is due to my birthday and since its coming up I've been brainrotting for the past few days. Let me explain:
Bennet's birthday is February 29th, aka Leap Year. This means Benny only has a real birthday once every four years, which is bad enough. But according to canonical game lore, when he doesn't have his actual birthday, he celebrates it on the 28th.
My birthday is February 28th.
Now, I'd like to think that in your typical SAGAU the creator's birthday is a BIG DEAL. I'm talking festivals, parades, feasts, gifts exchanged between friends and family as well as gifts offered to the creator! The whole nine yards! An entire world partying from sunrise to moonset.
So with this in mind, Bennet's birthday would either be celebrated the day after the biggest holiday party in Teyvat (meaning everyone who attends would be all partied out) or during my birthday (meaning that everyone would be focused on ME instead of Bennet, which is just unfair! He can't even take pride in being born the same day as the creator b/c he was born the day after!!!!).
Anyway, if I was isekai'd to Genshin and worshipped as a god, I would simply give Bennet his own holiday. Poor kiddo deserves a win and if it takes me telling my acolytes quote, "Everyone will to celebrate Bennet's holiday. No exceptions, no excuses. And if his holiday party doesn't end up a success, I will destroy all of Teyvat and then myself. :3c" then so be it. That last statement is a joke, but watching everyone try their absolute hardest to give my adopted little brother the best birthday possible would be worth the fear of the vague threat of the world's destruction in the eyes of my worshipers me thinks.
If you add to this brainrot, please feel free to ignore that last part if everyone panicking over the possibility of apocalyptic destruction makes you uncomfortable. Likewise, don't rush this out by my birthday if you don't have time. I'm also in college and have multiple assignments due both before and after my birthday so I know this upcoming week will be hellish in terms of academics. So don't push yourself, okay?
So yeah. Thanks for reading! Hope you have a nice day!
JOKES ON YOU IM DOIN THIS FIRST BC ITS NEAR UR BIRTH WHEN I SAW THIS - HAHAHA (also timezones r wack so hope i timed it good enough for u lmao)
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Have a pretty miku hatsune gif <3
So if it's your birthday and you have been isekaied to Teyvat in time for it,
or been there for that long bc how does one un-isekai themselves?? anyway
and its like,, pandemonium.
bc idealistically u surprise these bitches around/close to ur birthday, so everyone's gettin in that festival mood and then BAM- itd be like if the spirits/demons showed up irl for Halloween randomly one year, like- ???!!!
so everyone's just
"well we usually have a lot of fun/praise the highest being anyway, hoping they'll hear us thru whatever barrier's between us (coughstupidcomputercough), but now... we've got to go harder than any century before guys, they're actually here, nobody panic, this isn't a drill- somebody fucking grab the champagne- "
So for a second, imagine the sweetest anyone has ever been to you.
now imagine another person does something just as sweet for you, now add another, now add another, now add-
yeah i hope u got a hoddie so u can go to sweatertown when u get too embarassed/shy, bc the compliments??
"I really like your voice btw, this may sound strange but it was always so comforting pulling those all nighter for another akademiya project, and just hearing you joking around or humming, what felt like only for me or to keep me company ;) " - Lisa
"I hope you don't mind me doing this, as I wasn't trying to invade you privacy when I came upon this knowledge, but I thought it would make a useful gift. I know you were frustrated when you came here that there wasn't as much cosmetics so I used alchemy to aid your cause, this is some color changing nail polish-"
-Albedo has gotten u ur exact foundation shade, concealer, a skin clearing serum that works 100x better than any skincare routine u had going/or not lol, and if you dont really wear makeup or do skin care, he has a backup of all ur fav perfumes/colognes that u wish u had in ur old world (he heard u ranting abt wanting those scents/stuff u liked like cherries or sandalwood etc.)
bc even if ur not the type to feel that way when ppl do things like that for u, i promise u will be by the end of your birthday week.
everyone in teyvat wants your first in person birthday to be perfect,
ESPECIALLY the allogenes, or the playable characters
doesn't even matter if your FTP and dont have a single character outside of the beginners,
(they all had access to things like your voice, your actions, your social media, yae miko may or may not have personally printed off enough copies of a book full of any selfies/pics with you in it to reach every corner of teyvat ahem, she means what- nothing at all my beautiful god-)
anyway that is to say, your birthday month is generally really bountiful, both in festivals and teyvat itself, regardless if its dead winter or scorching summer
but for the sake of ANON'S BIRTHDAY-
You have now been forcibly converted into a Pisces - gasp - from this moment on,
ik tragic im an aquarius 😔,
Bc this is anon's Teyvat rn and we're just living in it
You don't know which authority figure to thank first for helping organize your week so you can go to a different city's festival for you every day of your bday week, it must have been hell to make 💀
(rip ningguang alhaitham jean and ayaka/ayato yall will be missed 💧🙏)
U kind of worked ur way backwards actually from game release country's dates, like Sumeru, Inazuma, Liyue, Mondstadt
Bc when they asked if u had a preference u whole heartedly spoke up in front of a room full of arguably the most influential and powerful people on the continent, in the world really- well besides you-
"Mondstadt would be a great festival to have on my actual birthday! After all one of my best boys Bennett, also has his birthday that day too!" :)
.....somewhere in the Wolvendom wilds Bennett shivers with a bolt of anxiety,
Razor is confused and asks if he's ok, he gives a shaky thumbs up,
"yeah i just... got the scariest feeling.. like something bad's gonna happen on my birthday this week... haha probably nothing!... probably..."
So everyone's been pretty chill and happy for Benny to be so favored/spoiled by you, esp since ur sharing ur bday (most ppl think ur a saint bc of this)
But for some pretentious assholes, who think traditions should be adhered to, they kinda dont even like the stuff ur changing-
"Oh well, if you don't just celebrate Benett's birthday with mine, and really anyone else who's bday is also mine, I'll just ruin your country ;) "
Some ppl get ur joking, like alhaitham would never believe u,
But these poor old fools, coughsagescough,
R just like-
"...an eldritch god is angry with us."
Needless to say u get ur way,
And poor Benny is just like, shaking in the corner, he can't tell if this is more unlucky or the luckiest he's been lol
(He's also one of the allogenes who did not rlly get ur joke lmao,,, also Itto💀)
If your somehow not overhwhlemed by gifts and acts of service on ur birthday,
Benny is.
Benny is for you.
Lol, he's like gonna make himself sick bc he cant just say "No thanks" to all the ppl giving you food, but end up giving him some too by proxy
He cant even count how many candies and baked goods are weighing down his pockets
Oh did i mention you've just like, linked arms with the little guy and dragged him wherever Mond's citizens r dragging you for the birthday festivities :)
While he was mostly just in shock all day, Benny does take the time to tear up and thank you for sharing your birthday*
(*both of your birthdays, u correct him all day)
Jean, Barabra, Diluc, Kaeya, Amber, Traveler, Razor Sucrose Fischl and Klee (and Varka + older adventurers/his dads)
are all super happy to finally see the poor kid get the biggest break ever for his birthday finally
Esp after they saw the last few... yknow... non-existant ones... bc he only has a bday every 4 years lol
Nearly starts sobbing publicly when u give him a present for his bday too :')
And after you all do a big toast for an evening bday dinner, u hug him and he actually cries a little, and he squeezes u back super hard
"I always thought I was too unlucky to get a birthday like this, but I guess if even a god like you hasn't given up on me, I shouldn't give up on me either, thank you for the best birthday I've ever had Your Majesty!"
(Tho Klee did sneakily give u and him some of her best and brightest bombs as a bday gift, so he did get a little singed but he barely noticed lmao)
I hope my ass writing/ideas was a decent bday gift anon! :0
I love Pisces sm, i hope ur bday was/will be incredible anon!! :) <33
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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doobea · 6 months
so so so doobee i might regret this later but but but what if so
do you know dress up darling? that one anime with cosplaying girl so like. the premise. the boy sew the clothes while the girl cosplay.
so like—barou can cook and clean. what if he can also sew. like this brainrot suddenly hit me in the middle of a workout and idk. so like cosplayer yn and barou who unwillingly but somehow ended up sewing cosplay clothes for yn. like do you see the vision? getting closer as time pass, the unwilling bussines(?) partner to friendship to ????, the getting in personal space at first due to necessity but at some point because the two of them got so used to it it kinda just become the norm for them.
like okay idk where am i going with this but here you go do u see the vision of this brainrot babe??? ok ily im going back to workout muach
Okay so I’ve seen a few eps of the show (and I kinda dropped it because … boobs ig but the premise is super cute)
With barou I have like this idea of — ugly meet cute, miscommunication, slow burn, hurt/comfort, passionate/wholesome type of love, and reader becomes like besties with his sisters and his sisters are like the biggest cheerleaders for the relationship…
And like… it’s not unusual for him to pick up “traditional feminine” hobbies and skills just because his whole household is filled with women that he respects. (Barou light novel when????) like I wouldn’t be surprised if he can sew, takes spring cleaning very seriously, uses feminine perfume instead of wearing masculine scents, makes those cute ass bentos for his sisters, definitely wears a pink frilly apron when he’s cooking, has bunny house slippers, and also has a 10 step Korean skin care routine similar to Reo LOL
An idea of forced proximity for the sake of a business type relationship w barou is also super cute too… ugh wait I can’t stop thinking about this LMAO look what have you done to me…….
Edit to add more self indulgent HCs: imagine him helping your family during big holiday dinners… being all nervous around your parents and wanting to make a good impression but he’s also socially awkward and comes off as distant towards other males (at least that’s what I think LOL) like he’s fine w women but tense with men…
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killjoygem · 11 months
Being the change I want to see in the world so here's some random doctor who headcanons
Clara told Jane Austen that the doctor is her chauffer. When she starts traveling with Me, she continues visiting Jane and makes up a really elaborate story about why she had to fire her old chauffer (Me is the new chauffer obviously)
Now that Rose is a mother, she realises she would not be okay if her teenage daughter ran off with a 900yo space alien lmao
Mia Tyler's full name is Mia Donna Martha Tyler, she wasn't legally named until 3 weeks after birth bc they couldnt decide which order to put the middle names
Tentoo took Rose's last name in the marriage
Clara and Rose met once as children when Jackie took Rose on a holiday to Blackpool
Clara also met Yaz briefly once when she did a teaching work placement at her school
Anthony Pond-Williams actually tells all his school friends that his older sister is an assassin but they just think he's joking or lying to seem cool
One time yaz was thinking about dyeing her hair and asked the doctor what she used for hers and was really confused when the doctor said her hair just came like that
Missy likes irn bru, the doctor thinks it tastes like pennies. So does Missy but she likes the taste anyway
In 2007 the 12th doctor banned "vote saxon" tshirts from his classes and everyone just thought he had really strong political opinions
The doctor was employed at St Lukes under the name "Dr Basil Disco". When he disappeared in 2017/18, at least 50 people, including both university staff and students, reported him missing. The police were very confused bc there's no evidence he actually existed
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shutth3puckup · 5 months
I read the transcripts of the podcast and boy is her ex psycho. Here’s a summary of when things started to go wrong:
Made snide joking comments like that she should get a nose job. Tells her that he likes her hair straight instead of curly - gets upset when her hair’s in curls. He didn’t celebrate things that mattered to her like family events, her getting her real estate license, holidays, etc.
He began to raise his voice and yell at her in public, leaving her at places.
He was prescribed adderall while taking testosterone steroid concoction (which he began taking after it was recommended by his personal trainer, he made her inject his butt). He later starts taking xanax.
While she’s on a girls trip, he’s seen with a known sex worker courtside of a basketball game (not sure if it’s the same one as below - I wasn’t paying attention lmao). She later finds out that he cheated on her for months with a sex worker who messaged her (not from a good place, trying to get her to break up with him so that she could date him).
The same sex worker would tag her in stuff and talk about her on Instagram live with her followers, send vulgar messages to her sisters and mom, anybody she posted with. Went on a mission to make him and her look bad.
He goes into a rage in their Paris hotel room, completely destroying it and her clothes are everywhere.
During their Mexico trip, he’s no where to be found on the beach after her and her friends go jet skiing. She finds out he was arrested and in a cop car (bloody and shirtless) after assaulting jet ski conductors with a shovel. She later helps bail him out of the Mexican jail.
He wasn’t there to mourn the loss of her dad when she asked him (bought her a new car instead) - she voiced that she wanted him to be there.
She questioned if he was with another girl (her facialist told her), he gets into his car, she’s trying to talk to him - he kicks her in the stomach before he drives off.
When she confronts him about him cheating on her, he wrecked the house - swiping everything from the bathroom, vanities, desk, closets, etc. he starts throwing decorative geodes at her. he’s pulling everything artwork off the wall, throwing everything from closets out, ripping sconces off the wall, etc. She’s too scared to call the police because of his connections (she has security footage and her housekeeper was scared for her). She finally leaves the house.
He changed the passcode to the safe with her birth certificate and father’s ashes, made it clear that she wasn’t going to get it back (she ended up getting father’s ashes back later though).
One time when she goes back to visit her dog or whatever, he slaps her phone out of her hands, smashes it. Repeatedly kicks her over and over when she’s trying to get her stuff. Pushes her against the wall and chokes her. Tells her “you’re going to die tonight bitch”. She escapes, calls the police, and gets a domestic battery report with police, she had temporary restraining order. She was contacted by a LA city attorney who wanted to hear her story. The attorney told her he had previous assault charges. To get a permanent restraining order, she would have to go to court and testify. She was told by numerous people that he would do everything to try and discredit him in court.
One of the security guards that was on the team her hex hired messages her (thinking he’s writing directly to his ex) that he’s no longer interested in doing business after his behaviour during fashion week. She tells her ex’s former security guard that she left him because he harmed her and that they’re no longer in contact.
Sees that her ex is now following the person she’s casually seeing. It somehow gets back to her ex who sends his lawyers to tell her to stop spreading false defamatory statements about him, stop messaging people about him. Threatens to sue her.
The charges against her ex got dropped because she missed multiple court dates due to moving back to Arizona during the pandemic, nothing she can do now.
She decides to move to a new city. He gets a new place there too so she sees him around often. He won’t do anything but he’ll text her things like “why didn’t you say hi”. She’s in a new relationship. It’s hard for her to see him and his brand continue to grow and that people are admiring his hustle, business ethic, and story.
I’m missing some stuff about her ex’s mother and stuff like that but that’s most of it
I listened to it. The stuff with the exs mom was insane and weird, like that woman sounds like she has serious attachment issues.
What he did to her is absolutely fucked, nobody should ever have to go through what she went through. And it sounds like he does these things to every woman he is with, not just her. I hope karma gets him, and soon
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inevitably-johnlocked · 8 months
Hi Steph! i messaged you a while back because someone recommended my fic, and it was very touching. well after hiatus, I finished the entirety of season 1 of Reichenbach Falls! one third is done, which comes up to 550K words! I am so excited to have actually pulled it off, oh my god it was like birth, and i was hesitatnt to post because, well, it was a long time since my last update. but of course I'm not done with it LOL, it's gonna haunt me more as I publish s2 which is the next 110 chapters out of 303(https://archiveofourown.org/works/26233390/chapters/128797882#workskin). Season 1 can now be read as a standalone, since it is all finished and came full circle. I just had to share because I am so proud of myself for once??
oh and i wanted to share my friend Bee's illustration of Jim Moriarty, who is the bad guy, of course, a mixture of himself and Bill Cipher. He's gorgeously MURDEROUS!
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he is the GOAT. as is my lovely friend who drew him over a year ago when we brainstormed season 2. He's just the perfect little meow meow.
I guess that's it C: I am just excited, and proud, and ready to write the sequel hehe *hides away from exam season*
I started this fic when I was 20, now I'm 23 and it's like having a toddler, IT WONT LET ME SLEEP AT NIGHT!
That's it I guess haha, sorry for the chaos (it's thematic with Jim, tho), but I'm a little ball of emotions and I actually managed to log into this tumblr lmao
I hope you have a lovely day, as everyone else too :) you guys are the best here! thank you for being so kind :)
Reichenbach Falls by VeeTheRee(M, 551,435+ w., 105/303 Ch. || WiP || Gravity Falls /  Multifandom AU || Alternate First Meeting, Gay Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Unilock, Summer Romance/Love, Fluff, Insecure Sherlock, Villain Mary, First Kiss, Slow Burn, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Canadian John, French Canadian Lestrade, Insecure Sherlock, Mystery, Domestic Fluff, Developing Relationship Summer Love, Light Angst, BAMF! John, Case Fic) – Two Canadians, two Brits studying in Canada, and an upkeeper walk into a Mystery Shack…. and live there. Summer holidays are here, and the step-siblings, Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes, find themselves in a boring town called Reichenbach Falls, Oregon, USA. It isn’t as boring as it seems, however, once Sherlock stumbles upon a mystery journal, and the author is unknown. The journal contains ciphers, a strange colour wheel, and information about magical creatures that are said to be looming in the Northwestern forests. With mysteries to solve in hand, he and Irene set out to get to the roots of the town, and the abrupt disappearance of the author of the journal. But they’re not alone - John Watson, quite the handsome nephew of the Mystery Shack owner Greg Lestrade, is on their side to help out, plus mess with Sherlock’s feelings, in a good way. Shenanigans, romance, fun, danger, and deductions ensue. Oh, and there’s also occasional SuperWhoLock and two dorky Winchester brothers to spark up the action later on. Part 1 of the Reichenbach Falls series
HEY LOVELY!!! <3 <3 <3
SO happy to hear about the progress of the fic! I know you have a small fandom here who are eager to read the next season, and we're happy to hear that it's on its way!!!
And NEVER apologize for being chaotic!! I and everyone here loves it!!
Everyone go give this fic some love, and, if you haven't checked it out yet, give it a read! <3
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merv606 · 5 days
I really like the idea of Puritanverse but with older, married Silverusso. Their pups all grown up, but Terry and Daniel are still Very Much In Love and horrify their adult children when they come to visit. Terry: Would you like another sibling? Your Mama and I have been working on it! 🥰 💕
Sam and Anthony: 🤢🤮
Daniel: Alpha, Sir…!! 😭
Maybe Terry even tells them to leave soon so he and Daniel can have “quality alone time”. Daniel is mortified. Lmao. Terry would be the king of embarrassing his kids on purpose. Maybe he really does get Daniel with pup…meanwhile their oldest is having their first pup as well.
I think their kids would know their parents are still quite - ahem - active 😂
Kind of burned myself out on puritan stuff - I have so much stuff in my drafts still - apologies to anyone waiting for their ask to be answered
I too adore older, married Silverusso ABO (AND to the person who sent the ask about an ABO Alpha Terry and Amanda Omega Daniel threesome we are going to have WORDS) but an idea came into my head for this one so I wrote it :)
Okay but when their last pup is close to leaving the nest so to speak, and Daniel is actually still able to conceive because he had been young when he had their first pup after all. Then there had been many in quick succession (four actually and then twins a few years after). The biggest age gap being Anthony, who had been a surprise on Daniel’s 30th. Daniel had been taking some medication that the pharmacist had told Terry would decrease the efficiency of the birth control his omega was on but Terry had neglected to tell Daniel, claiming (after the positive pregnancy test) that he had forgotten.
The rest were planned in that Terry, at that point in the beginning, Terry wouldn’t allow birth control in any way shape or form and he always went in raw, refusing to take his omega anyway but bare. Add in the fact that he rarely pulled out (never if he wasn’t already carrying) so Daniel would always end up bred.
Not that the omega was complaining. He had told Terry, when Terry had first offered him marriage, that he wanted a large family. Terry told him he would give Daniel as many pups as the omega wanted.
Which he had.
Now though, six of their seven pups are gone, although they’re always here for the weekends and holidays, and Daniel is building a nest - a nest. Something Terry recognizes right away - which is more out of self preservation. He knows from experience it’s better to steer clear for now lest he mess something up (like, heaven forbid, nudging a pillow) and incurring the little omega’s wrath or, more devastatingly his tears.
Of course his libido is ramping up, which, if he’s obsessively making his nest, means Terry is in for a fun night.
Daniel, bless him, doesn’t recognize the signs for what they obviously are, thinking instead it might mean the change of life, even if he is younger than when it normally starts.
“It could be early onset,” he told Terry this morning, plating their food before calling out to Anthony to get his ass down to breakfast. Terry only smiles knowingly in answer.
Not realizing it’s actually the opposite - the sure of hormones are to increase his chances of being impregnated, not him entering the phase of life where he will no longer be able to.
It’s been so long though, and there are some similarities between both issues, so he doesn’t recognize the real reason of what he’s doing and why, but Terry does.
His alpha knows exactly what his little omega is looking for - oh he knows all too well 😏- and he’s going to give it to him.
Terry had brought up his theory to their doctor who confirmed that it was common, for an omega who was still of breeding age, to have something like this happen ad their pups starting leaving the nest.
As it was also common for the surge of hormones to mess with their birth control, he suggested protection - condoms - if Terry didn’t want more, and the alpha had scoffed. He only ever had his omega bare and he wasn’t about to change that.
Besides, he would never deny his mate what he wanted, even if he didn’t realize himself what that was. Times like that it was actually more important for Terry to show him what that was, and show him he would.
They have always had a healthy sex life, and while Terry did initiate that more often than not, as Daniel was a traditional omega in some senses, he was always eager and receptive to his alpha’s advances, but his lust easily matched Terry’s. Just in a different way.
But lately, he’s been flat out teasing Terry into taking him more and more, initiating on more than several occasions.
Buying lots of pretty things to wear to bed (as if he needs it) or under his clothes, flashing that to Terry at inoportune times which sometimes necessitate Terry taking him then and there and again when he got him alone at home 😏
He even showed up at Terry’s office and well ….. the secretaries are still gossiping about that one and there are bets on when the next Silver Heir will be announced.
And while Terry has always preferred to come inside his omega’s body, whether it be his mouth, ass, or his cute tight little omegan cunt, Daniel has been making sure lately that it’s his pussy Terry has been coming in exclusively.
Like now.
Pulling off his husband’s cock with an audible pop, before Terry can come down his throat, his husband nice and hard from the messy impromptu blowjob, perfect for him to climb on and sink down on.
Not before Terry puts him on his back, wrenching his thighs open, burying his face between the omega’s thighs, tasting how wet he is, tasting how ripe and fertile - a taste Terry will never get enough of or tire of. A taste that tells him how eager for it he is.
And as much as Daniel loves being eaten out, to come by his husband’s mouth, it’s only a few minutes before he’s griping Terry’s hair trying to yank him off, desperate for the alpha’s cock in him instead.
Anything to get a pup inside him really, and Terry still thinks he doesn’t realize.
He had even mentioned this morning, setting up a doctor’s appointment to see if he was going into the change.
Well, Terry has no problem fulfilling that need.
Quickly flipping him, watching his omega scramble - face down ass up in the proper breeding position, Terry’s moving behind him, cock out and straining. Large fingers digging into the supple flesh of his hips, picturing how much more they fill out when he’s carrying as he rubs up and down, coating his spit wet dick in the slick.
Terry can smell he’s ovulating and even if he couldn’t he could taste it when he had his face buried between Daniel’s thighs moments earlier.
“This what you want hmmmm another baby inside you?!” Terry asks, lining up.
He teases the head of his cock against the wet hole.
“Get nice and fat again for your alpha?” Digging his fingers in now as the head pops in, embarrassingly easily, his smaller husband is so open and ready for it.
A snap of his hips and Terry’s in all the way in one impossibly long, impossibly smooth thrust to the delighted wails of his already knot drunk omega.
“Going to knot this pretty little cunt of yours until it can’t close,” Terry snarls, setting a brutal pace already, his head swimming now that the tight heat is surrounding him, the cunt too open and hungry for anything else. “It’s going to be leaking my cum for days, but don’t worry it’ll have taken by then.”
There’s no way they’re getting out of this without Daniel pregnant - there’s no way the omega is leaving this bed until Terry puts another pup in him.
“Won’t it? Because you breed so well don’t you baby? So god damn easily!!”
Daniel pushing back, hips working slamming back into Terry and he fucks forward.
“All I have to do is look at you. Greedy little bitch you are.”
Any other time he’d have an elbow in the nose if he talked like this but the omega is too far gone, moaning nonstop, Terry giving himself over to it as well.
Large hands cup the omega’s soft chest - a softness that has never left even though their youngest stoped nursing well over a decade and then some ago - a softness there because of Terry - the pups he put inside - and soon they will be full again for Daniel to care for their newest addition. That Terry is sure he’s filling him with right now ….
“Because you were made for this - weren’t you?!! “
Terry can feel then, a dampness between his fingers as he rolls the dark and puffy nipples between them, groaning, hips stuttering as his alpha registers that his omega is leaking - something omegas do when trying to entice an alpha into breeding them - a sign to the alpha about how well suited they would be to being bred - about how they’d be able to provide for whatever child the alphas puts in them,
This of course, how well Daniel provides for their pups, Terry already has intimate knowledge of, but the fact that the omega wants to be bred again so god damn bad … and all of this on a sub conscious primal level.
Terry can feel his knot form already, and it’s been awhile since he knotted Daniel, and it feels fucking better than he remembered and his knot isn’t even inside yet just kissing his entrance when he bottoms out.
“Is that your,” Daniel slurs each time Terry bottoms out, teasing the knot against his entrance, grinding in now - letting his little omega know his intent and so he’s know exactly what is coming.
The alpha teases a thick finger along the rim, getting it wet, getting just the tip in before working his finger in to the first knuckle, before slipping the rest of it in along his cock to make it easier for his inevitable knotting.
“Wait,” Daniel says, a moment of clarity being stuffed so full brings him. If his husband is getting a knot it must mean there is an issue with his birth control which means he could easily fall with pup. Given their history it’s probably guaranteed, and he hadn’t thought about more pups, assumed they were done …. But his body knows what it wants, fucking back against his husband like he’s trying to get the knot inside himself.
He should tell Terry to pull out when he comes - to not come inside him - he should - their pups are grown after all and he wasn’t expecting more - but he also knows Terry won’t listen. A part of Daniel revolts against the very idea anyway … of suggesting such a thing - no his inner omega instead arching his back in submission even more in - opening himself up even more to the older man in the textbook perfect breeding position which he executes flawlessly. It will allow the alpha to go deep making sure his seed shoots where it needs to be.
“Just like that … fuck Daniel … your cunt …. No wonder I give it everything it deserves.”
“And it deserves my knot doesn’t it?”
“Yes,” he sobs. “Please alpha … I need it.”
“Just relax,” Terry murmurs …. “You know this is easier when you relax for me.”
Panting now, a mess of wet sounds mixing with his whimpers and bitten off moans. There is slick everywhere; Terry can taste it in the air.
Daniel is beyond ready for it.
Terry bites over the scarred mating gland and the endorphins kick in, the smaller body going lax and the alpha takes the opportunity. With a quick snap of his hips, he pushes the knot inside with a squelch, sealing them.
A broken moan and a deep groan marry as the omega is pumped full, Terry placing a hand on his lower belly as his hips rut in, seed filling him and filling him - rubbing at his belly which, Terry swears, is expanding against his hand already.
Whining now, the knot tugging at his stretched entrance as Terry rocks back and forward making sure each drop is deep inside.
He recalls fondly now, how overwhelmed his little mate would get during these breeding sessions, and it’s been awhile so Terry doesn’t think his knot will be going down anytime soon.
Daniel collapses and Terry follows - has no choice not to - they’re still joined after all.
The alpha’s larger body covers him now, hips driving in deeper somehow.
The rhythmic pulsing of the omega’s channel not helping as he comes again already.
Whimpering now, Daniel shifts his hips trying to adjust to the knot and the accompanying fullness of so much seed is inside him already and so quickly as his husband’s cock throbs and pulses nonstop inside him.
He forgot how much it was …. How much the knot was how seed there was … But god a sense of rightness has settled in. So much so that he clenches down just to feel the sheer solidness of the knot inside him; feel his insides rearrange to accommodate, feel his womb fill.
A high keen from the back of his throat erupts out.
“Shhh, shhh,” the alpha soothes the frazzled omega.
He’s forgetting all the things that would help during their breeding sessions. He had gotten good at it back when he seemed to be endlessly with child.
“Try not to move so much, sweetheart. You know that helps.” Terry coming back to his senses faster, planting a kiss to the omega’s sweaty temple.
Terry grips him closer to help, immobilizing the little omega who has no chicken but to take it; take what his alpha gives him - now and for always.
It reminds Terry of the first time he had knotted him, and that triggers Terry to release again, a visceral reaction, torrenting another wave of seed into the already bloated omega.
The alpha coos to him as he rolls them on their sides as gently as he can, trying to avoid jostling him too much, to avoid the knot tugging on the omega’s oversensitive rim.
Exhausted now. “You have to stop,” he slurs, high on the knot, the endorphins, the pheromones, high on the mating but so damn full he doesn’t know if he can take much more.
“Shhh you know it will go down in a little bit or when it takes …. if not I’ll have to knot you again until it does,” he whispers darkly, and Daniel keens, clenching down and Terry swears, hips pumping.
“If you don’t want it why are you squeezing so tight?”
Just like that it suddenly starts to ease up, the pressure, so he knows his knot is deflating which means …. He has successfully bred his omega once again.
Swollen stomach that Terry rubs soothingly as the omega purrs in utter contentment.
When he is finally able to pull free, a gush of seed, so much it’s obscene, as is the matching gap of his cunt. The aloha roars in satisfaction at the sight of such a well bred omega, Daniel sighing as the pressure abates.
He arranges them, the omega spooned into him, his narrow back to the older man’s broad chest, the alpha’s arms around him, keeping the three of them safe.
Terry noses at the sweaty hair at the nape of his neck inhaling deeply, scenting already the life growing inside Daniel. A scent that he realizes how much he has missed.
This may not be the last pup he gifts to his husband.
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claudiajcregg · 5 months
🍄 ⚠️ 🤔 + a huuuuuuge ❤️
Thank you so much, friend!!! And all the ❤️ s right back at you 💜💜🥹😭
🍄 Decriscribe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “_ + =__”
I keep seeing the misspelling of this and smiling, lmao. That's what I'd find in the morning after writing with my eyes half-closed at 1am. 😉 hmm, so many possible wips!
The “go to bed, Elena” answer is: 👩🏻 + 👨🏻‍🦰 = 🤰🏻/👶🏻. Probably applies to a couple of the WIPs, lol. (Both for the AU; the latter for the baby birth lmao.)
Using the WIP I've answered most of these questions for (despite having a ton), a more “serious” (spoiler: lmao, nah) version would be: one-night stand you should regret but don't + feeling let down and stuck in place (and a few other things, lbr) = deciding to keep the surprise souvenir from that night, despite all the possible trouble that comes with it
⚠️ Which wip your most likely to finish or update next?
For the rambly answer in which I work it out in “real” time, read this. The summary: either another ficlet (I have two I should've posted over the holidays and a week ago, respectively; also have a bunch of others) or a toothache of a post-birth baby story. I also just realized I am supposed to organize the prompt meme challenge for SVD, and I imagine I might write something so… 😅🙈🤷🏻‍♀️
🤔 What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
I have so many! But not a super specific one that comes to mind. I kept a list while rewatching the show (some of those ideas have been the basis for either many ficlets or plot points in the AU, but I've also had other random ideas that are just title documents and just… too vague and ridiculous. I honestly just need to expand on and finish the ones I have started that have lots of potential! :)
Wait. No, I have one I haven't started. I've had a couple of “epistolary” ideas for a collab fic, maybe?. And have been kicking around a couple of AUs for that, including a 'Simon lives' one. I hope we get to try to collab on the easy idea, at least.
(some other wip procrastination asks here)
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
For the WIP game: 12 😍
my thanksgiving fic.... honestly that fic is like. less than nothing. bcuz s14 doesn't have a thanksgiving episode i was thinking of writing my own where teddy, gayle, big bob and linda's parents all came to their house for thanksgiving dinner and all the shenanigans that would come w/ that but it never went very far. here is all the text from the entire document LMAO
belcher family thanksgiving fic
big bob
Linda stood at their apartment entrance and welcomed Big Bob with a huge smile.
Gloria, Al and Gayle were already sitting together in their living room and being entertained by their children. Linda was hopeful that this Thanksgiving wouldn't be absolutely miserable for everybody involved, even though it was the first time they'd be celebrating with both Linda and Bob's family together. Bob had warned her that Big Bob wouldn't enjoy Gloria's insults or general annoying presence, and that unlike Bob he had no motivation for holding back his true opinion on Gloria, but Linda was convinced that their extended family could all get along together.
Their children deserved to have at least one Thanksgiving with all of their family in one place, eating dinner together and laughing! They loved Big Bob and enjoyed spending time around Linda's family, and with everybody's shared love of the children it should be easy for them to get along even when they otherwise wouldn't have.
Besides, Thanksgiving was all about being thankful for what you have and not taking it for granted. And what Tina, Gene and Louise had was two wonderful and loving families in their lives. Bob didn't always get along with Linda's family—most of the time, if she was being honest—but with him stuck in the kitchen and cooking all afternoon she was hoping that conflict could be avoided between them.
Linda would be around to keep the peace.
"Big Bob! It's so amazing to have you over for Thanksgiving. And thank you for makin' the time to be here today, I know your diner is usually crowded around the holidays," Linda rambled to him as they walked upstairs together. "But I'm excited to have our family all together in one place. I can't wait until you meet my parents, and my sister Gayle! You're gonna love 'em, trust me."
Big Bob grunted in acknowledgement but didn't say anything in response. Despite Bob and Linda having already been married for thirteen years, their family's hadn't spent any significant amount of time together before tonight. Their wedding had been so small and out of nowhere that nobody from either of their family's was invited, and Big Bob hadn't been present on the actual day of Gene or Louise being born. He'd been at the hospital to welcome his first grandchild when Tina was born, and he probably acknowledged Al and Gloria's existence in the waiting area while Linda was giving birth, but their conversation couldn't have been very long. Similar to Bob himself, Big Bob didn't seem to be big on making conversation with strangers he didn't know very well. He kept to himself.
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zachdanielswhisky · 5 months
val, voidren, and caley for 🍎🎄💯🚫
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
Val definitely had a Super Regular Birth for dnd period lmao. Now that I'm thinking abt it maybe her mom died during childbirth idk, never really thought abt how she died. Val hates her dad tho and her house so she's BEEN gone lmao. She was born in super high class town.
Voidren doesn't know his birth parents, but his mom tells him they disappeared. His mom was a family friend of his birth parents, and didn't live too far from them. When Voidren showed up as a baby on her doorstep, she was so quick to take him in and raise him as her own. Voidren loves her lots, and to him, she'll always be his mom. He loves his home, and he loves his little town!
I think Caley's parents probably had a home birth?? Tiny little country style town vibes lmao. Definitely as a teenager he was like get me OUT of here bc he's EDGY like that, but ask he gets older I think he starts to appreciate home more. He just didn't wanna be a life wizard lmao.
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday?
Val likes Halloweeeeeeen! Fun to dress up!
Voidren loves CHRISTMAS! He likes how cozy it is inside when it snows, and he loves decorating and exchanging gifts with his mom! I think Halsey feels a lot different about Christmas, and it's gonna be a big shock for Voidren lol.
Caley doesn't care abt holidays. Birthdays are cool, I suppose
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Three OCs, so one fact for each lmao
Val cuts her own hair, AND does her own piercings!
Voidren also pierced his own ear during his "rebellious teen" phase, but it hurt and he cried and told his mom abt it right away and she said it was okay and helped him clean it up
Caley hates gardening, his great garden just comes from his innate need to Make Plants Grow Good is definitely a family thing.
🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
Val will have a glass of wine sometimes if she's stuck visiting home, but she doesn't drink drink
Voidren would have a glass or two on holidays, but drinking and smoking have gotten a lot more common with the Significantly Higher Stress that comes from being emotionally manipulated by a demon spawn.
I could see Caley having some wine every now and then
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pearlywritings · 6 months
hii margo!! saw you in dash and thought i'd drop by! any holidays plan this end of the year? i hope things aren't too busy on your side with work/school/any obligations you have, and you'll get to relax even just for a bit!! stay hydrated and take care!
My dear Mei, hi! Happy to see you here <3
Honestly, no specific holiday plans. Except for finally resting. The only two things I am sure of is that I am gonna hang out a lot with my bestie who returns from another city (she attends college there) and we are gonna hang out a lot cause we ought to celebrate our passing birthdays (mine in November and hers in December). And I am also going to meet up with my group of friends (from the times of my high school) to celebrate the New Year and exchange gifts as in Secret Santa! I've already started shopping for my girl and have been having fun!
Sadly when it comes to work and studies - it's a mess. I am seriously considering taking an academic leave (a year when you do not study and can concentrate on dealing with all the assignments you didn't have time to fulfill). Due to the nature of my work, which keeps me very busy and tired, the only thing I want when I return home is to sleep and not write my Master's thesis. And we have a form of control on the progress of this shit, and I will definitely not pass it this term. And as for work - I've finished the draft of January's exams' schedule on Friday. And I still need to make one for extramural courses and then in January start working on a second term's one.
This is literally a never-ending cycle sigh
But I am trying to stay positive! So, hopefully, everything will play out well in the end.
Oh, almost forgot! I also bought a lot of dragon-themed brooches to gift my dean's office collegues and collegues from my previous place of work - Chinese studies department. Cause I am a dragon by the year of birth, so the next year is my year hehe. Though it appears I am an improper dragon - I'd rather give gifts than hoard them lmao.
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laurelnose · 8 months
how are we feeling about book of hours? or have you left your cultist sim phase
I was a bit confused by this ask bc I’m actually pretty active in Secret Histories fandom and then I remembered my activity for this fandom happens to be like, exclusively on reddit and the wikis, lmao. My Secret Histories phase has not ended, anon! I am always thinking about the Histories!!
Book of Hours: good! I find myself tripped up by choice paralysis every time I get ready to commit a History to paper (it takes so much LONGER to do a Librarian run than a Cultist run, Alex, I know you didn’t actually intend for us to replay the game 100+ times but also 😭) but it’s fun it’s cozy!
It is just flatly not as good or tight an experience as CS — some of the writing is weaker, like the proliferation of just... existing quotes from elsewhere? and the humor attempts are a little ehh; there are still missing features, tho’ yes, these are being worked on at an impressive rate; the replayability is not really there, on purpose — but Cultist Simulator is really fucking good, so BoH falling a touch short isn’t much of a criticism at all. I genuinely really like it and have very much enjoyed the lore-digging. There’s soooo much new stuff abt my problematic apostate fave 🩵 Coseley and Naenia? Coseley and an Hour from Nowhere? Delightful! The patches have been big QoL improvements. Plus I can’t discount the part where the first time I launched the game and the SH kachunk sound played it just—felt like coming home, and that feeling didn’t abate at all as I started working through the Library.
I’m waiting for DAYMARE before I start another descent (and, like, I also need to finish BG3 before Stardew 1.6 drops? besides all the holiday stuff I gotta get through in the next couple months) but I’m gonna do Magnate next I think. I’m a Moth/Lantern sucker so my past Librarians have been mostly the Twice-Born and the Prodigal. Time for Edge!
anyways here you can have a little sad Christopher fic snippet, as a treat
The Hotel Ciervo offers a continental breakfast. You pass over the buns and pastries glistening with sugar glaze, the sausages thick and dripping fat, the scrambled eggs beat to improbable voluminosity. You do not fear to eat the food of the Long. (Haven’t you eaten enough of it between your lovers?) But you lack any appetite.
You get a cup of Dawnlion coffee to have something to do with your hands and take it into the Hart Room. Choose a table near to one of the floor-length windows overlooking the glittering waters. In the distance you can see the fog-elided outline of Raven Isle’s caldera. It’s something to look at as you nurse your coffee and wait.
You’re not sure how long it is. Time in the Isles passes more like a memory than an experience, and you’re in a poor state of mind to keep track regardless. But presently a man of middling height with his dense curls cropped close to his head pulls out the chair across from you.
“So, what was so important that you needed to come to Noon in person?”
Coseley will look just as you remember him. He always does; he has been Long for centuries before your own birth. Out of the corner of your eye you see his fingers still long and graceful, his palms smudged with the walnut ink he favors, as he sets his teacup on the table and sits down. When you turn your head from the window and meet his gaze, his face is unchanged as expected. No new lines crease the deep warm brown of his cheeks; no fearsome new depth of Winter shines out of his familiar frost-pale eyes. Further heights of the Mansus have been closed to Julian for almost as long as he has been immortal, and thus he remains as he was when he first ascended.
You know he does not see the same changelessness in your face, the face of an occultist of middling power who is feeling the march of time, for no denizen of the Mansus are you. You are, and remain, merely mortal. You must not be able to keep the desolation out of your eyes, because his brows draw together like an oncoming cold front.
“Where is Teresa, Christopher?”
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hannahssimblr · 9 months
1, 5, 8, 16, 18, 26
thanks for asking!! lemme take you to the most gorge country in the world (in my opinion)
1. favourite place in your country?
It's so hard to choose - the natural beauty is incredible. It's a toss up between three - the first is Five Fingers Point in Co. Donegal - I don't get up here too often because it's so far away from where I live, but it's genuinely breathtaking. Nearby is a beach with amazing coloured stones that the Nat Geo flagged as a place of interest. The sound the waves make when they drag these pebbles in and out of shore is amazing. Here's some pics from recent holidays.
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Second is Inis Mor, an Island off the West of Ireland. A small walk away from the main tourist area and through farmland is an amazing pool formed from limestone - incredibly, it's been naturally formed into this perfect rectangular shape. It's a dangerous place to swim if you're not confident, but luckily I am hehe. Here's me and my boyfriend swimming there last year.
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Third is Tintern Abbey in Wexford. In the spring the woods just erupt with bluebells and sometimes when I'm there I feel like I might start crying.
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5. favourite song in your native language?
Bacach Shíol Andaí - Ye Vagabonds.
On my 25th birthday these guys played in my town and I stood there transfixed in the audience thinking I must be dreaming.
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
Hahaha yes - always British. That's why I poked fun at it in my most recent chapter of Lucky Girl. The story Evie tells about Jude almost getting beat up in Thailand actually happened to my brother. The whole world hates us until they realise we're Irish - then they love us.
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
Obviously the violent drunks who have 20 kids is not my favourite. Yes, we have an alcoholism issue but no more than any other country. Also birth control is legal now.
I agree with the emotional thing, Irish men can be very intense if you catch them at a certain moment. (Although they pretend they aren't as hard as they can)
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
Tá! I'm from the south east, so we speak a dialect known as Munster Irish. It's the most common and recognisable one I think.
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Yeah and it's usually shockingly awful and offensive (looking at you, Leap Year) We're actually sometimes advised not to watch Hollywood films about Ireland. They're fantasy films for Americans who like to pretend that the quaint land of their ancestors still exists, and that we still don't have electricity or whatever. Also the Irish accent (which doesn't exist generally - only regional accents) is one of the hardest to imitate, so I wish non-native actors would stop trying. Please, Hollywood, hire Irish actors. We ALWAYS know when they're putting it on.
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(These films make me sick lmao)
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vacantgodling · 11 months
💭 and 💯for the ask game, for any OC you want!
thank you for asking! ig i'll do paramour since i was talking about them earlier lol
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
tbh i usually don't do mbti (i hate it + eugencist dude + L + ratio all that) so i'm actually gonna swerve and do this question here ->
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
so as mentioned amon's birthday is january 29th and he's 29 years old. (born in '94 using a modern au to find his birth chart lol). his rising is in taurus, his sun sign (main sign) is in aquarius and his moon is in virgo. i would say generally speaking that this does suit him quite a bit. he has the stubbornness and patience of a taurus on the outside, but as you get closer to him the intellect and aloofness of aquarius really shines through. but he can be a quite insecure person deep down and hides this with sleight of words (which is very much the virgo in him).
his birth tarot is the star & strength. in terms of the tarot birth cards i think it suits him in a way depending on how you define optimism. he's got a go getter attitude-which can be a kind of optimism if you squint. the strength card however, really suits him because he has a lot of inner strength and drive.
his ruling number is 2. the ruling number was interesting, i've never done that before but i find it interesting that so much of this would define amon as a lighthearted and optimisitic person because he seriously doesn't view himself that way LMAO.
hya's birthday is a secret bc he doesn't like talking about it however it falls during the largest holiday celebration in their country which is one of the reasons he doesn't wanna celebrate. however for finding his birth chart i used the year '92 and he's 31 years old. his rising is in leo his sun is in taurus and his moon is in virgo as well (the glue that holds the two of them together). this suits him a lot. he has a very proud and aggressive exterior (leo), he's super stubborn and is a materialistic person (taurus) and he is very uptight about doing things how he wants and seeking his own version of perfection (virgo).
his birth tarot is judgement & the high priestess and it suits him perfectly imo. judgement in he's not afraid to take risks and reevaluate the situations he's in to seek his own goals and happiness, and the high priestess is more about valuing your own intuition and inner voice which he just does 100%. he doesn't really trust anyone other than himself lol.
his ruling number is 3 which i don't think suits him at all lol. it's all like oh you're imaginative and idealistic and you're not materialistic which is NOT like him at all lmaoooo. hya is very materialistic and self serving PFF.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
since i already did this for amon i'll do this for erecia instead.
she has a dagger tattooed on each forearm; one has a sun handle and the other has a moon handle.
amon deadass thought erecia was a boy the entire time they grew up and was surprised to learn that she was a "girl" tm. like hya erecia actually falls into galere's nb/gnc gender class but she mainly goes by she/her pronouns.
she has a giant burlap-esque jacket that was left to her by her late father that was also killed by keys (like amon's mother). unlike amon who tries to forget, erecia does everything to try and remember him, he was very important to her.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
since i have nothing to post until my 13 nights of halloween...
here are more of colby’s tweets from 2019.
i'm leaving out december, bc it needs to be its own post since there are so many from that time (bc he did a mini q&a).
i don’t have proof that these are his tweets, but believe me, they are his.
if it’s bold and italicized, it’s someone’s tweet to him.
if it’s in (), that’s just me commenting lol
added bonus: if they have a * next to them, that means it’s been deleted
Oct. 7 - i’m sick of most people in LA
@/MODSUN: But i love u
you’re an exception Mod
Oct. 9 - i hope your left toe doesn’t look like that lmao (reply to someone)
his eyebrows, hair, eyes, nose, skin EVERYTHING IS PERFECT @/ColbyBrock u need some chapstick tho
Oct. 11 - my lips are constantly chapped what do i do
Oct. 12 - life’s a party sorry mom
Oct. 13 - i have so much love to give
Oct. 15 - it’s crazy how much i play something up in my mind when in reality it doesn’t even matter at all
Oct. 17 - i never thought i’d say this .. but early november i’m dropping a Country song.. with a music video get ready
Oct. 20 - so happy to hear you guys are enjoying the new series. we’ve poured everything into this
Oct. 21 - everything’s so much easier when you have a best friend to fall back on
Oct. 23 - life’s been a lot more …. enjoyable ever since i met you
Oct 24 - i’m the bad guy
@/DavidAlvareeezy: Prove it. Break my heart
you won’t like me when i’m angry
Oct. 25 - i wanna be your escape from reality
Oct. 28 - if i’m not leaving the house i’m wearing the same thing everyday
i just wanna make cool shit. new forms of art. doesn’t matter what
Nov. 2 - stay strong brother (about aaron <3)
Nov. 3 - i wonder if my postmates driver eats my french fries
i’m tired of shitty dudes trying to fight me at the club for literally no reason
(to this day… his HOTTEST tweet. no i will not explain further lol)
i miss making the legendary trap house videos there i said it
Nov. 7 - your reminder that you have so much purpose. life’s just a game that can be easily beatable. you’ll know why soon
Nov. 10 - just cartwheeled the red carpet at @/peopleschoice awards why are we like this
Random Fan: @/ColbyBrock : I’d date a fan Also colby: continues to ignore all of us and likes basically all of amber‘s instagram pictures
@/AmberScholl: um yea what’s up with that?? only “basically all” it should be ALL smh
Nov. 13 - one sec
Nov. 14 - please take care of yourself and put your phone down every once in a while
Nov. 15 - if the world was ending tonight who would be by your side ? keep those people close to you
Nov. 16 - i pass out at 8pm just to be wide awake now at 3am so i can’t fall asleep then i’m so tired the next day and i fall asleep at 8pm again. lmao why
@/itscoreyscherer: Same
lonely hours
Nov. 19 - i need a girl who’s not afraid to go to haunted places with me
(yo the amount of replies this got??? insane lol)
Nov. 20 - update : i’m still a crackhead
Nov. 25 - i don’t have many friends cause it’s hard for me to let people in
Nov. 26 - save the koalas
Nov. 27 - i’ve always thought @/SamGolbach had BDE… birth day energy #happy23rd
run into random lady at the grocery store: “hey aren’t you that kid from vine?” “yup, that’s me” “…. what ever happened to you?” thanks.
Nov. 29 - you guys have my back, and im forever grateful for that
(sksksks the DRAMA of this tweet…. good times.)
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megane-sama · 2 years
I'm aware it's already a couple days in November but I'm still gonna do what i want anyways.
Since we don't celebrate Halloween as a nationwide holiday in my country, all i did was stay in and read horror manga (i was supposed to watch a horror movie a day buttttt after the 6th day i lost a good chunk of my mental stability to a depressed funk where i couldn't even get out of bed lmao so i just stopped)
So anyways here's the horror mangas i read last month and my unwanted opinion on each of them.
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Honestly this one was a heavy miss for me. First off, oh no my worst nightmare......middle schoolers, second off I'm not the brightest in the shed but i genuinely didn't understand what exactly happened for most of the manga. The lore didn't really explain it's events all that well either and the ending left a lot to be desired. 3/10.
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This one was basically Zashiki Onna with supernatural elements and a sibling complex. I didn't hate it tho. 5.5/10.
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It's funny how the movie was also on my list for movies i was supposed to watch last month(I'll still watch it at some point). But anyways the manga as expected was pretty morbid, i loved the art and the way the storyline and narration is paced, the little hints of supernatural elements. 7.5/10.
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Ah this one made me have to sit back and breath a little when i was done. I told a friend i thought it kinda felt like a bastardization (is that the right word?) Of the Jesus birth and i stand by it. The imagery and art is disconcerting and if there were tws, it would be almost a page long and there would be one for almost everything. 8/10.
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This one was the average paranormal revenge manga and honestly everyone who died absolutely deserved it. 6/10 just cause i like seeing shitty people in fiction die terribly.
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