#hes been fasting for 3 years cause he gets no bitches... okay L
hauntingblue · 7 months
Flashbacks and reverie..... well....
#mr 3 was really going to behead ace just to fet away from the waf akdhsksbsksjn#i love the luffy and ace coming out of the fire scene in marineford.... i really do....#i said i can't cry at aces death ar this point..... lie fucking lie.... the devil is in the fucking details.... the blood on his hands....#the bead that rolls to shirohige's feet... luffy focused on the vivrecard.... ace dying on his arms and it getting to luffy as he falls#to the floor.... the blood splattering on the floor... and the fucking smile on ace's face still haunts me#beer IV ahdkahdksjs and the matryoshka dolls..... the taco king speaking about revolution... he looks like an actor#the king ham burger from ballywood akdhsksjsk#its fucking spanda talking to fujitora right..... what did vegapunk do.... the kuma bots?? nvm its ryokugu????#hes been fasting for 3 years cause he gets no bitches... okay L#talking tag#watching one piece#episide 882#so its called levely.... in my defense it was written like reverie in my subs.... this is the fun of pirated websites#to this day i still dont know if it is jinbe or jinbei.... i guess we'll never know#MORGANS YOU ARE GOINF TO JAIL#princess isntoinette.... incredible#sabo's parents mysteriously died.... omg#little luffy flashbacks i dont think im strong enough#little luffy ilysm...... 🥺🥺 im sensitive today i might cry just by seeing him avdksjsk#luffy explaining something about his past to the crew???? this is a first. exclusive. never been seen before.#the ace saying he will never die scene.... its so over....#his hat is too big omg.....#i find it very funny that luffy has a brother for the first half of the grand line and then at the second half he gets a different one#garp aaying the tenryuubitos are scum akdhakdjsks SO YOU KNOW!!!! BASTARD#garp smiling just like luffy....#sabo if you hurt shirahoshi for the revolution....#shirahoshi wants to live on the land!!! YEAAAAAH GIRL!!!#CHARLES BE CAREFUL!!!!! also fukaboshi getting just bad vibes from the place ajdhak#the brothers not letting shirahoshi just reject the suitors..... not very hasthatg feminist ally of them....#episode 884
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diamondnokouzai · 3 months
Full Fallout OCs Family Tree
I like playing Fallout, and I really like roleplaying in Fallout. Even better than that though, I like thinking about roleplaying in Fallout! And so I present, my Fallout OC family tree.
Characters will be introduced in chronological order, so:
Dora Brewster (née Merris): [Sole Survivor] Age 27. A former JAG for the US Armored Infantry in Canada, Dora returned to Sanctuary Hills shellshocked, married, and pregnant. Although Dora always intended to have a long legal career, the birth of her son forced her to put her plans on hold. A very hands-off mother, Dora was relieved at first when she woke up in Vault 111 without him. Now, though, she is haunted by how little she cares. Cousin of Senator Lugus Merris. Route: BoS, last minute pivot to the Institute Romance: Piper S: 1, P: 4, E: 3, C: 5, I: 8, A: 7, L: 6
Chauncy Merris: [Vault Dweller] Age 25. The grandson of Senator Lugus Merris, Chauncy is one lucky son of a bitch. Unfortunately, this luck is more easily defined as 'a propensity towards extremes'—while Chauncy might be lucky enough to win the annual vault raffle, he's also lucky enough to be chosen to go and find a replacement water chip. Chauncy was happy to help, and happy for the chance to explore the wasteland as well—he just didn't think he would stay out there forever. Chauncy is a born anthropologist, and he finds all the burgeoning civilizations of the wastes equally tenable, for how primitive they are—even the brutish super mutants. If it's between them and Shady Sands, there's no way to tell where Chauncy will land. S: 3, P: 5, E: 4, C: 7, I: 7, A: 5, L: 9
Cadmium Merris: [Chosen One] Age 13. Descended from the Vault Dweller Divine and his distinguished lineage. Cadmium isn't very smart, but that's okay—they're plenty tough and plenty fast. Although Cadmium might not understand any of the old world technology left behind by their grandfather, they strive to preserve everything that they think their grandfather would have loved anyway. Cadmium jumped at the chance to explore the same world that their grandfather did, even if their mother wanted them to stay in Arroyo. Being the only resident of Arroyo who was not either working or raising a family, they were the only option. Just like their grandfather. S: 8, P: 5, E: 6, C: 6, I: 3, A: 7, L: 5
Chevron Lace Merris: [Lone Wanderer] Age 19. Chevron Lace Merris has been hearing the voice of Lord Atom Divine since she was ten years old and first encountered an insect enhanced by His will. Nine years later, when she was forced out of the vault without her father or twin brother, she discovered an entire world dedicated to Lord Atom Divine, and Chevron set to work improving the world according to Lord Atom's will. After Chevron returns to Vault 101, it is revealed to her that her twin brother has also died, leaving Chevron to be the last living member of her family, as far as she is aware. This causes her to take a swan dive off the deep end and set off the Divine Nuke at the bottom of Megaton. Karma: Evil Perks: Cherchez la Femme, Cannibal, Rad Regeneration, Child of Science S: 6, P: 5, E: 6, C: 4, I: 8, A: 7, L: 3
Charles Ross Merris: [Lone Wanderer] Age 19. Charles Ross Merris has been frail for as long as he can remember. Always eager to smooth things over and avoid a fight–especially considering how viciously his twin sister could behave–Charles has cultivated a friendly, placid personality that will get him killed out in the Wasteland one of these days. Or, it would, if it weren't for how fucking quiet the creep is. Most people mistake him for a ghoul the first three or four times they see him. A collector of pre-war teddy bears. Although Chevron offered to join Charles on his journey after he returned to Vault 101, he refused. Not because he was afraid that his sister could get hurt, but because he was afraid for her to know how similar to her Charles had become. Perks: Child at Heart, Child of Science, Animal Friend, Sniper S: 3, P: 6, E: 3, C: 8, I: 7, A: 7, L: 6
Charlotte Rose Merris: [Courier Six] Age 30. Charlotte Ross left home when she was fifteen years old, leaving her drunken parents alone to care for her two younger brothers. Charlotte always had more luck than sense, and this impression only became more intense after she happened to get shot in the head somewhere in the middle of nowhere. What happened next could and should be described as a rampage. After spending her entire life doing whatever she wanted, Charlotte immediately decided that enough was enough, and went out in search of power--and she found it. Perks: Quick Draw, Scrounger, Miss Fortune Route: Independent New Vegas with them at the helm S: 6, P: 5, E: 5, C: 7, I: 5, A: 7, L: 6
Caligulas: [Courier Six] Age 24. Caligulas, born 'Carbon Ray Merris' to a pair of tribal degenerates, was not a child people cared about. After his older sister (who was more akin to a substitute mother) abandoned Carbon Ray and his annoying and frail younger brother with their worthless parents, Carbon approached nearby Legion scouts when he was 15 about sacrificing his hometown to the Legion's war machine. Thanks to this—and a few other cleverly ruthless plans—Carbon was granted some prestige in Legion society. At least enough for him to be given a Latin name and full permission to continue his work as a Courier in Legion territory. As far as Caligulas is concerned, the Legion knows how to get things done. Perks: Sneering Imperialist, Night Person, Terrifying Presence S: 4, P: 6, E: 6, C: 6, I: 8, A: 7, L: 6
Chattanooga "Chatty" Ross Merris: [Courier Six] Age 16. Chatty Ross was born frail and selfish. The only person taking care of him was his older brother Carbon Ray, as Chatty's parents were strung out on homemade jet more often than not (something which may have had an impact on Chatty's health). When the Legion came to town, Chatty tried to hide first. When his brother exposed his hiding place to the Legion, Chatty tried to talk his way out of it. When that didn't work, the only thing left for Chatty was the lottery. Even though Chatty 'won' the lottery, he was left alone in the burning ruins of his home, with nothing but his teddy bear and his winnning lottery ticket. Chatty managed to get a job with the Mojave Express, Chatty quickly fell into a routine as a courier—a routine that was eventually exploited by Benny. Perks: Ferocious Loyalty, Run 'n' Gun, Old World Gourmet S: 3, P: 5, E: 3, C: 7, I: 7, A: 6, L: 8
The essential family tree is:
Dora and Lugus Merris are cousins
This makes Dora and Chauncy 3rd cousins
Cadmium is Chauncy's grandchild, which probably makes them Dora's third cousin twice removed
Dora is the other Merrises great-great-great-great-great aunt
There's also a TTW au of this family wherein Chevron escorts Charles all the way to the Mojave, where the dry heat improves his symptoms. She takes Cousin Chatty back to DC (leaving Charon to take care of Charles) and gently bullies him [tosses him into the subway with a gun and whistles for super mutants].
Important to note that Chevron Lace is the only female Merris even marginally capable of caretaking, which is extra funny because she is an active and feared member of the DC slaving community. Charles doesn't know about this because he would turn her in to Sheriff Simms while sobbing.
0 notes
Please Don't Leave Me (3)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Warnings: Brief mentions of blood/injury (nothing in too much detail), bad writing?
Summary: New information is discovered
A/N: So this is part 3/4! There will be one more part to this! You all are the best! Thank you so much for the kind words and support on this fic! Also, I hope I didn't miss anyone on my taglist, but if I did I'm so sorry!!
Word Count: 1250
The first thing you felt was cold. So cold. Your whole body felt numb until you registered the pain. It radiated all over your body. You groaned and tried to move to alleviate some of the pain, but you barely moved an inch. You were pinned down. You coughed as dust entered your lungs before opening your eyes to figure out your surroundings.
Darkness. By now you realized it was rubble from the building pressing on top of you and you tried shifting again, feeling a little bit more give this time.
You vaguely remembered you almost made it out before the building collapsed. You had run as fast as you could, somehow making it to the door you had entered through before everything came crashing down on you. Just a second too late, but by some miracle, you were still alive.
By all odds, you should be dead. Long dead. You tried not to focus on that fact as you struggled for a bit. Mustering up all of your remaining strength, you managed to drag yourself out from the rubble covering you and into the snow.
“Okay. I definitely have a concussion.” You muttered to yourself as you self-assessed. You managed to get yourself standing despite your dizziness. Taking a step forward, a jolt of pain shot from your ankle sending you back to the snowy ground with a yelp.
“Probably a broken ankle” You winced. “Don’t know how long I’ve been out or how much blood I’ve lost.” You noted as you felt the back of your head and felt more blood.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and cursed as you realized not only was it dead and the screen was cracked. Just your luck. Alive but stranded with no way to get in touch with the team.
“No sign of the jet and it’s dark out…” You mumbled as you looked around. “Great.”
Even in your weakened state, you knew you couldn’t stay there. You had to get in touch with the team somehow and get help. The nearest town was at least 4 miles away. With your injuries, that trip would not end well.
Steve had mentioned some cabins which were scattered in the woods where people would stay for the winter. Why anyone would be willing to stay here during this time of year puzzled you, but it was your best chance despite how risky it was.
You got yourself back up and hobbled to the tree line, wincing the whole way whenever you had to put weight on your ankle. From there, you used the trees to support yourself. You moved slowly as you used the trees to take the pressure off your broken ankle.
Everything ached. Your ankle was hurting progressively more as you continued on. Your head started pounding as well. Your body didn’t seem to want to continue on, but you were determined. You had to get home. You had to get back to Bucky.
Your heart broke knowing how worried he must be about you. You hadn’t checked in like normal. For all you knew, the whole team thought you were dead.
Your breaks were starting to get longer and, despite your best efforts, it was getting difficult to keep going. You sat down in the snow. The cold had slowly stopped bothering you which you knew wasn’t a good sign. Your body was screaming at you at this point. A break couldn’t hurt.
“Just five minutes.” You muttered to yourself, closing your eyes. Five minutes and then you would continue on in search of the cabins. Just five minutes...
Your body jolted you awake and you winced as pain shot back through you. You wanted to go back to sleep. Your dreams had been filled with Bucky. Your Bucky. What you wouldn’t do to have him here right now. You missed him. He was the best boyfriend you could’ve asked for.
Looking up at the night sky you smiled slightly as you remembered your first date with Bucky. He had taken you up to the roof to stargaze. It had been a fun night with both of you sharing stories and lots of laughter.
You and Bucky had been close friends before you had started dating which made it more natural of a transition. Both of you had unknowingly been harboring crushes on the other for months before Steve, Sam, Nat, and Wanda had gotten involved. Between the four of them, they’d managed to get you two to admit your feelings for each other. The rest was history.
“Gotta get back to Bucky.” You muttered to yourself and took a deep breath before dragging yourself back up. You could only imagine how he was acting right now. If the team thought you were dead he must be devastated and heartbroken. You couldn’t have that.
You forced yourself to keep moving forward. You had to get back to Bucky and your friends. This was your motivation as your body protested further.
Finally, a cabin came into view. Smoke was coming from the chimney and a soft, inviting glow was coming through the windows. You almost cried tears of joy at the sight.
“Help!” You weakly called out as you collapsed to the ground, the snow breaking your fall. Your exhaustion was catching up with you, your body finally starting to shut down completely.
“Help!” you called out again as you tried to drag yourself closer. You didn’t know if they had heard you. You couldn’t quit now! You called out one more time as your vision got blurry and your eyes started to close. You tried to keep them open but eventually, they got too heavy.
“I’m coming, Bucky, I promise.” You mumbled as your head finally rested in the snow. The last thing you saw was the front door opening before everything went black.
They were halfway through the debriefing when FRIDAY interrupted causing everyone to exchange looks of confusion.
“Pardon the interruption, but this seemed important.” The AI started to explain as the images on the screen switched over. “I’ve been scanning the hospital databases in the same area as the base as requested and someone with the same description as Ms. L/N has been admitted as a Jane Doe.” She showed a picture of the hospital and its location before continuing.
“The injuries listed match what we expect Ms. L/N would have sustained. Apparently, this person was brought in by a couple staying in one of the cabins that were near the base. I can’t get a definitive answer if it is her or not. I wasn’t able to tap into the surveillance system.”
“We’ll check out that lead, thanks FRIDAY.” Steve quickly replied, gathering the files he had and jumping to his feet. He was hopeful it was you. All the signs pointed to it being you.
“You’re welcome, Captain Rogers. The coordinates are already programmed into one of the quinjets.” She answered.
“Nat, Sam, you’re with me. Let’s go.” Steve ordered. The two fell into line with him as they walked towards the hangar.
“Should we tell, Barnes?” Nat asked. “You know it’s got to be her, right? There’s no way it’s a coincidence.”
“We can let him know when we get back. I don’t want to get his hopes up on the off chance it’s not her.” Steve explained.
Nat and Sam both nodded as they followed him onto the jet and set out to find the truth.
@criesinlies @angstysebfan @bluemoon-icecream @james-bucky-barnes-bitch @stucky-my-ship @fangirllife98 @austynparksandpizza @blacclatte @soccer-100000 @crist1216 @lomlparker
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
Stay with me - [Hotch x Reader]
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Request prompt: Heyyyyy I was wandering if you still took requests cause I’ve been dying to have this written. I’m thinking something about reader being youngest of the bunch at BAU and after a really intense and scary case everyone is kinda shook and in the jet reader can’t stop sobbing by herself in the back and hotch goes and comforts her and when they get home he goes with her home and holds her in her sleep and then they make love at like 3-4 am. I just need details and a lot of feels. I hope you’ll do it
Summary: After a tragic loss that rocks the entire team, Reader turns to her unit chief for comfort. 
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner / Fem!Reader
Word Count:  5.1k
Genre: Overwhelmingly angst. then some smut and fluff. 
Rating: Mature
Content Warning: Angst, mentions of torture suffered by a victim. Normal Criminal minds stuff. Smut. Oral sex (female receiving). Unprotected sex. 
A/n: I hope this is what you had in mind, Anon. This request just jumped out at me. This is set during season 9. 
-- Stay with me --
stay is a sensitive word. we wear who stayed and who left in our skin forever.
- Nayyirah Waheed
-- September 2, 2013 --
Some cases stick with you long after you board the jet home. Some cases crawl inside your skin and hollow you out. Some cases become a part of you.
The team had been called to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma to help catch a serial killer. I had only been a member of the BAU for 4 months, so it wasn’t uncommon for cases to still rattle me. Rossi said that I’d develop a thicker skin over time.
But this case seemed to even rattle him.
Over the past 15 years, on the same day every year, a woman’s body was found in a public place. She had been violently assaulted and tortured. The local M.E. always said the torture took place over the span of at least 10 months.
I felt my stomach roll when I read over the case file. I don’t think there was a form of pain he didn’t inflict on these women.
We had his prints; we had his DNA. None of that mattered, this man was a ghost.
September 1st had been fast approaching, and the local police knew they most likely couldn’t save the woman that had already spent the last several months with him. One deputy said that killing the woman would be a mercy, because “who could ever recover from that.”
We spent a week in Oklahoma; we started at the very beginning. I poured over the lives of 15 women, praying that maybe I could help us find 16 in time, praying I could save 17 before he ever touched her.
-- August 30, 2013 –
“Morgan,” Hotch said, his eyes scanning over the document in front of him. “I want you and y/n to interview Heather Pruitt’s brother.”
Derek’s eyebrows went up. “We’ve already talked to him, Hotch. He has an alibi. Do you think he knows something else?”
The unit chief nodded. “Heather was our first victim. She was important to the unsub.”
“Probably the most important,” Rossi chimed in.
Hotch nodded. “Understanding why Heather was so special to him is how we catch him.”
Morgan clicked his tongue against his teeth, nodding in agreement. “Okay…” he trailed off. “Are you sure y/n is up for this?” He turned to me; hands raised. “No offense, it’s just that…”
“I’m young,” I finished for him. Dr. Spencer Reid was the youngest person to ever join the BAU…and I was the second. I was 25 years old. The closest person in age to me was the resident genius, Dr. Reid, who was almost 32. I had earned my spot in the team, but I was no Spencer.
Morgan nodded, not looking abashed in the slightest. “Maybe Blake would be a better choice, Hotch.”
His dark eyes ran over me, considering Morgan’s words. “I’m sending her in because she’s so young. People don’t perceive her as a threat.”
“They never saw me as one,” Spencer said softly.
JJ laughed, swatting his arm. “You’re still not a threat, Spence.”
-- August 31, 2013 –
“Mr. Pruitt,” I said brightly, extending my hand. “Thank you so much for coming to speak with us.”
The older man nodded, meeting my gaze evenly. “Anything to help you catch this son of a bitch.” He turned to the woman beside him. “Rachel, darlin’, why don’t you wait right here? I don’t want you to have to…hear about what happened to my sister.”
The woman, Rachel, was small and pale. She had dark brown hair and blue eyes. “Of course,” she said softly, pressing a kiss against David Pruitt’s mouth.
"Do you need anything, ma'am?" I asked her.
“No,” she responded meekly. “I’m fine.”
I looked right into her eyes and smiled warmly at her before I turned away to follow Morgan and Mr. Pruitt into the interview room.
-- September 1, 2013 –
The entire team was standing around the precinct waiting for the call. JJ was gripping her cup of coffee tightly. Reid was staring at a map that was taped on the evidence board. Morgan was looking down at his phone while he talked to Blake. Hotch and Rossi were standing near the Sherriff of Broken Arrow.
We hadn’t stopped him. If he held to pattern, then victim 16 was already gone, and we’d be getting a call about her body soon.
I felt numb. I felt like I had missed something.
The shrill ringing of a phone made all of us tense up, every head in the precinct immediately turning to the receptionist at the front of the room. She spoke for a few moments before she hung up, giving the sheriff a grim nod. “She’s at the park off 6th street, Bruce.”
We all sprang into action, racing out the door to our vehicles. Morgan drove one SUV, Hotch drove the other. We knew we were too late for this girl, but maybe, just maybe, if we got there quick enough and the crime scene was fresh enough, we could find something.
The local police beat us there by a few minutes. Hotch hadn’t even parked before I was opening the door.
I couldn’t explain it then, but I had a feeling that settled in the pit of my stomach. It was a darkness I couldn’t pinpoint, the sort of thing that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
She was on a park bench, her eyes wide and unseeing. “No,” I whispered, my voice cracking.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Morgan sighed out before he turned and marched back to his SUV.  
I felt someone’s hands grip my shoulders. “Y/l/n,” Hotch said gently. “I know, but we have to go. He’s revealed himself now. He’s going to try to run.”
And I knew he was right, so I bottled my feelings up as I ran towards the SUVs. We had to find David Pruitt before he left town.
He was our unsub. He killed his sister 16 years ago…and we were certain of that because the 16th victim was his girlfriend.
The same girlfriend that was within our reach yesterday. She was being tortured by this animal…and we had let her go home with him.
-- September 2, 2013 –
The mood on the jet felt heavy. No one was speaking, no one had said much of anything since we found Mary Beth in the park yesterday morning.
Her name wasn’t even Rachel. David Pruitt had to take everything from his victims, including their names. He broke her so badly that not only did she not scream for help in the middle of a police station, she probably couldn’t even remember her own name.
I couldn’t read the entire autopsy report. Rossi and Morgan went to the morgue to speak with the M.E.
Rossi said he was surprised she was even able to stand the day we saw her.
And that was the hardest thing of all. We fucking saw her.
I wasn’t quite sure how the rest of the team managed to keep their emotions so compartmentalized. I saw how this was bothering each of them, but none of them seemed close to breaking.
Not like I was.
I just kept seeing her face over and over again. Her wide eyes, her polite smile. The pictures of her broken body. How different her eyes looked when she was on the park bench. It was all on a loop in my mind.
When we boarded the jet, I sat in the very back, away from the rest of the team. I stared out the window, unseeing. How could I have missed it?
“Y/l/n,” a voice said softly. “Are you okay?”
I hadn’t realized that tears were slipping down my cheeks until I heard Hotch’s voice. I looked up at him. He was my unit chief, the strongest of any of us. If there was anyone I couldn’t afford to break in front of, it was him.
“Yeah,” I said hurriedly, wiping at my eyes. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, y/n.”
I just nodded. Please leave, please leave. If he walked away, maybe I could hold it together a little while longer.
But he didn’t leave. He knelt down beside me in the middle of the aisle. In the months since I joined the BAU, I had made sure to never get too close to SSA Hotchner. There was something about him that fascinated me…and I knew he was a good enough profiler to see it, because I wasn’t skilled enough to hide it.
This was the closest I'd ever physically been to him. I was close enough to notice that his eyes weren’t a flat shade of brown; they were a warm chocolate brown and he had freckles across the bridge of his nose.
“Y/n,” he said softly, reaching out to take one of my hands in his larger one. “It’s okay. This isn’t your fault. This is the job; we can’t save them all.”
“But I saw her,” I whispered, feeling the dam break inside of me. “I talked to her.”
Hotch must have realized I was already too far gone to hold myself together anymore. I just kept seeing her eyes, over and over and over.
He stood abruptly, pulling me up with him. He led me into the back area near the restroom. There was a small countertop here, but most importantly, there was a curtain that could be pulled closed, giving us all the privacy anyone could get on this plane.
I stared up at him in bewilderment while he closed the curtain. By the very nature of the area and given how big he was, our bodies were much closer together than I had ever allowed.
“I know you won’t break down in front of everyone else,” he said quietly. “You still feel like you have something to prove. You don’t, but I understand why you feel that way. You’re a part of this team, y/n.”
I dug my teeth into my bottom lip, holding on to the last threads of my composure.
“Now, I can leave you here and you can pull yourself together,” he continued. “Or I can stay with you.”
This was one of the reasons I hadn’t allowed myself to be near him. There was something in Hotch’s eyes when he looked at me that always made me feel so safe. He was always fierce with a scowl on his face; occasionally he’d surprise me with his dry humor.
I hadn’t known his eyes could look so soft and it pulled on something inside me.  
“I was so close I could have touched her,” I whispered. “And he…he…” I broke off as the first sob ripped out of my throat. Mary Beth was 23 years old. She had a younger brother and two loving parents. Her best friend, Anna, wore Mary Beth’s favorite necklace around her neck. None of them had given up hope.
And I had let her go home with him to die.
I had to watch when her parents got the news that we were so close, but he broke her too badly, she never cried out for help.
I closed my eyes to stop the tears from slipping down my cheeks, desperately trying to pull myself together.
My heart hurt so badly I barely reacted when Hotch’s arms wrapped around me, pulling me against him. I just buried my face against his chest while he rubbed my back. I was taking the comfort he offered, even though I didn’t deserve it. I was vaguely aware of him whispering against my hair, but I couldn’t understand what he was saying.
I failed her.
It took a few minutes for my tears to slow. I was able to bottle my pain back up again and take a few breaths. My arms were trapped between our bodies and when I went to pull them free, Hotch started to release me, no doubt assuming I wanted to end our embrace.
I didn’t.
I took a step forward when he took one back, wrapping my arms around his middle, pressing my cheek against his shirt that I just realized was damp from my tears. “Is this okay?” I whispered.
He had frozen for a moment before his arms tightened around me again. “Of course, sweet girl.”
I was just so content to be in his arms that I didn’t even process the term of endearment. “I got your shirt wet.”
“It’ll dry.”
I hummed against him, still so reluctant to let him go. “You smell nice, Hotch.”
He chuckled quietly. “Thanks. And given our current situation, you can call me Aaron.”
I nodded; my thoughts still somber. “I let her down. I let her go. I could have touched her.”
His hands kept rubbing over my back. “You’ve never let anyone down,” he murmured. “Not even for a single moment.”
Aaron didn’t feel like my boss when his arms were wrapped around me. He was just a man who held me for as long as I had needed before finally releasing me, offering me a small smile when I moved int the bathroom to try and fix my face.  
I don’t know what he said to each team member, but none of them paid any attention to me when I walked out. They weren’t ignoring me, they just seemed unaware of what happened, even though I knew they weren’t.
Whatever he had done, I was immensely grateful.
It was just after 10 pm when the jet touched down in Quantico.
“Go home,” Hotch said as we all grabbed our go bags. “The paperwork can wait til tomorrow.”
Rossi clapped our unit chief on the shoulder. “This one was a hard one. I know it’s painful, but we can’t save them all.”
But why couldn’t I just save her? I thought.
When we were walking off the tarmac, Morgan spoke. “Kid, lemme give you a lift home. It’s not far.”
Reid’s brows drew together in confusion. “Yes, it is. You live on the other side of town.”
"Just let me do something nice for you, smartass."
Their banter almost pulled a smile from me, but I couldn’t. Everything still felt so heavy.
“What about you, y/l/n?” JJ asked.
It wasn’t a secret that I took the train like Reid did. I’d only lived in D.C. for the four months I’d been a member of the team. Reid didn’t drive because of car crash statistics; I didn’t drive because I hadn’t gotten around to getting a car.
“The train is still running. Which is probably good,” I muttered to her. “It’ll give me time to think.”
She just nodded, giving my arm a squeeze as we all walked into the bullpen to gather the things we had left before the case.
I stayed in the bullpen longer than everyone else. It’s not that I didn’t love them, I truly did. But I just…I couldn’t be brave right now.
“I know it’s not my place, but I really don’t want you to take the train home.”
My lips pulled into a smile then, even though I couldn’t bring myself to face him. “It’s no big deal, Hotch. I’m a full-grown FBI agent. I’ll be fine taking the train home.”
“You might be,” he conceded. “But I won’t be.”
“What?” I questioned, unable to stop my body from turning towards him.
Hotch stepped closer to me, looking slightly unsure. “I…I’ll be worried.”
His words felt important, and I realized the thought of him worrying bothered me.
He heaved out a great sigh, his eyes looked so tired. “Jack’s already in bed, Jessica is staying with him tonight. Please, let me take you home.”
How could I tell him no?
The ride back to my apartment was quiet. Hotch seemed to know where I lived without me having to tell him. He had turned the radio on in his SUV, but the volume was so low it was just background noise.
I watched the raindrops roll down the passenger side window and all I could think about was Mary Beth. I wonder if she liked the rain.
“Don’t do that.”
My entire body froze before I turned to look at the man in the car with me. “I’m not doing anything.”
“Yes, you are,” he insisted. “Y/n, you did all you could. This isn’t on you. We were all in that precinct. I offered her my hand when she left the station.” His hands were now gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were white.
“Aaron,” I whispered, reaching out to put my hand on his forearm.
“If you blame yourself, you’ll have to blame me too.”
Tears started to fill my eyes again. I didn’t know what to say. “I couldn’t blame you.”
I saw his throat work as he swallowed, his eyes fixed on the building in front of us. I hadn’t even realized we had pulled into my apartment complex.  
“Then you know why I can’t let you blame yourself.” He killed the engine and took his seatbelt off.
“What are you doing?”
He looked at me in confusion, like it should be obvious. “I’m walking you to your door.”
Oh. “Why?”
Aaron paused, considering his next words. “Because I can’t leave you yet.”
He was out of the car and opening my door before my brain could even process his words. I slid out beside him, clutching my jacket around myself. It didn’t help, the chill I felt was coming from inside of my body.
Aaron pulled my go-bag from the back seat then shrugged me off when I tried to take it from him.
Despite all the emotions I was feeling, I couldn’t resist teasing him a bit. “Are you secretly a gentleman, Aaron Hotchner?”
He looked sheepish for a moment. My mean ass, always scowling FBI unit chief that intimidated almost everyone on a daily basis looked sheepish because I called him a gentleman.
“Just don’t tell anyone,” he warned, shutting the car door.
I felt a tiny smile tug up the corners of my lips. The first smile I’d felt since…
Just like that, the guilt hit me again. How could I be smiling?
We had just reached my apartment door when a tiny sob ripped out of my throat.  “Aaron…I can’t stop seeing what he did to her. She was in pain. And she-she fought back. She didn’t want to…and I can’t.”
“Oh, sweetheart don’t do that.” He dropped my go bag and wrapped his arms around me, once again offering me the comfort I didn't deserve.
The only time I had felt right in the past few days was when I was in this man’s arms. My question slipped out of my mouth before I had a chance to think better of it. “Will you stay with me?” I whispered against his chest.
I felt his body stiffen. Fuck. I pulled away from him, quickly wiping at my face. “I’m sorry, Hotch. You’ve got Jack and you’re my boss. It’s inappropriate. I’m so sorry.”
My hands were shaking when I reached to pick up my go-bag from the floor.
“Y/n, it’s not that I don’t want to,” he explained, his hand grabbing mine right before I touched my bag. “It’s not Jack, he went to be hours ago. But I am your supervisor, and I can’t take advantage of you.”
His words hung in the air, feeling almost as heavy as the pain in my chest. “The only time I feel anything good is when I’m with you, Aaron.”
My eyes were fixed on his bigger hand that engulfed mine, but I felt his eyes on me.
“I don’t think I could leave you now even if I wanted to,” he mumbled.
My keys shook when I unlocked the door and once we were inside my tiny apartment, the gravity of everything finally seemed to hit me.  
"I can leave, y/n," he reminded me as if he could tell what I was thinking.
I licked my lips, looking around the room before I could look at him. “I want you to stay,” I pleaded, trying to summon every ounce of courage I had ever felt. “I know it’s not…I’m sure it breaks a million regulations and protocols. But…can you stay with me tonight? I just…I don’t want to be alone.”
What I was asking him for was so much more complicated than just spending the night at my apartment. I think we both knew that if he stayed something was going to change.
“Are you sure it’s what you want?”
I nodded, my eyes never leaving his.
I was sitting up in my bed, picking at the threads of my comforter when Aaron got out of the shower. He’d insisted I shower first while he went to grab his go bag and call Jack’s aunt. I felt the energy around me shift the moment he stepped into the room.  
“Are you okay?”
I bit my lip, unsure of how to answer him. "I don't know." I looked up, my eyes meeting his dark ones. "Can-can you stay with me? Just for a little while?"
For a moment I thought he might say no, but his shoulders dropped, and he jerked his head in a tight nod. “Of course.”
He came around to the right side of my bed, looking torn for a moment before I pulled the covers down, indicating I wanted him to get under. I laid my body down while he adjusted himself on to my bed.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not in a suit,” I mused, motioning to his t-shirt with a faded FBI logo and his flannel pajama pants.
He scoffed, pulling the covers up to his abdomen. “It’s a rare occurrence.” He had settled on his back, one of his arms bent behind his head, the other one resting on his abdomen.
“Aaron,” I breathed out. “Can I…will you…I don’t want to-“
“Hey,” he said, bringing my attention back to him. “You can ask me anything, y/n.”
“Will you hold me?” I begged, my voice breaking in my effort to suppress my emotions.  
My eyes were shut tight, so I didn’t see the look of agony that washed over Aaron’s face. I only felt his body shift closer to mine before his arms came around me again, bringing me flush against his side.
At that moment, even though I felt terrible about myself, I found some solace in the fact that a man like Aaron Hotchner wouldn’t be holding me like this if I were truly a monster.
His big hand ran up and down my back while my head lay on his chest; I was taking comfort from everything about him, his smell, the feel of him holding me, even the steady beating of his heart under my ear.
I made no move to pull away from him; it was selfish, but I couldn’t let him go.
“Thank you for staying,” I whispered into the darkness. Right before I fell asleep, I think I felt his lips brush against my forehead.
Several hours later my eyes snapped open when my body jerked suddenly. The instant my eyes were open the nightmare was gone, I could barely remember any of it, not that I needed to. What else could it have been about?
“Hey,” a voice rasped out. “Are you okay?”
I realized I was still in Aaron’s arms. My head was still on his chest, one of his arms was wrapped around my body.
He had stayed with me.
“Yeah, I think so. Just a nightmare.”
He hummed in understanding. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t think I can.”
Aaron’s arm tightened around me. “I’ll be here whenever you’re ready.”
My fingers traced nonsense patterns over his chest, my mind racing. I felt so incredibly young then. I was lost in a sea of guilt and despair, and my only anchor was Aaron Hotchner.
It was easier to ask him in the darkness of my bedroom. “Do you feel this too?” I whispered.
The stillness that overtook his body indicated he knew what I meant. “Y/n…I...”
I lifted my head off of his chest, looking down at his face. “If I’m wrong, it’s okay to tell me.”
I saw those dark brown eyes scan over my face; I saw the indecision behind them. “I’ve felt it for a long time,” he said at last. “But you’re hurting, and I’m your-“
I brought a finger up to press against his lips, effectively silencing him. "Then make me not hurt. Please?" The finger I had on his lips started tracing the shape of them, over his cupid's bow, down to his fuller bottom lip.
With an amount of courage that I didn’t know I had, I pushed myself up, swinging my leg over his body. I leaned over his face bringing my lips so close to his. “Please,” I whispered against his lips. Just be with me. Be here with me, Aaron.”
I felt his self-control crumble a moment before one of his hands gripped my hip while the other slid behind the back of my head. He pulled me down until my lips were against his.
If I had allowed myself to think about kissing Aaron Hotchner before, this wouldn’t have been what I expected. His lips were gentle as the brushed against mine, his tongue wasn’t demanding when it slid against the seam of my mouth, his thumb brushed over my cheek while his tongue slicked against mine.
I was the one that broke our sweet kiss to pull my shirt from my body. Baring myself to him this way was nothing compared to how much of my soul he’d already seen. Those dark brown eyes were filled with heat when they ran over my body, his large hands felt reverent when they brushed over my skin.
He rolled us until I was on my back underneath him. Aaron kissed down the column of my throat, down over my collarbones until he reached my breasts. His mouth felt almost scalding when it covered my nipple. I arched up against him, a strangled moan tore from my throat when his blunt fingers slid into my panties.
“You’re so soft,” he whispered against my skin while he trailed wet kisses down my stomach. “Can I?” he asked when he reached the band of my sleep shorts and panties.
If I had had any doubts that I wanted Aaron Hotchner, that question would have gotten rid of them. I was begging him to take me, to make me feel anything other than the pain in my chest…and he still needed to make sure I wanted this.
I hooked my thumbs into my waistband, pulling them down while those almost black eyes ran over every inch of newly exposed skin. “You’re wearing too many clothes,” I rasped out.
He reached behind his back to grab the neck of his t-shirt, pulling it off of his body. Before I could blink, he had settled between my thighs, his mouth right above where I ached for him. “I can’t believe I get to touch you like this.”
Any response I would have made was broken off by a loud groan when his tongue parted my folds. His tongue circled my clit before moving down to dip inside of me. The moan that vibrated against me when he tasted me was the sexist thing I had ever heard.
I couldn’t feel anything but him.
My fingers threaded through his hair while his mouth worked me over. It didn’t feel like this was the first time we had been together like this. He touched me like he had known me for years.
But I needed more.
“Aaron,” I whimpered, my fingers tugging on his short dark hair. His eyes snapped open, but his mouth didn’t lift from my pussy. “I need to feel you inside me. Please?”
He pressed a final kiss to my pussy before he pulled away, moving up my body. Before he settled against me, he pushed his pants and underwear down his thighs. I felt how hard he was, how much he wanted this, against my pussy while his upper body loomed over me. One of my hands pulled him down to me, crashing his mouth against mine; with the other I reached down to grab his cock, running it up and down my slit.
Aaron moaned into my mouth when I lined him up and he started to press inside of me. He gave a few swallow thrusts, allowing my body to adjust to his size before he slid all the way inside of me.
I had never had sex like this before. Sometimes in the past, it had felt like I was just loaning my body out to someone, taking whatever pleasure I got in return. This felt so different. Aaron moved against me like he needed me, his lips ran over my skin like being allowed to touch me was a gift.
He set a steady rhythm, his hips moving against mine in just the right way. He was kissing my neck, moaning my name against my skin when he brought his thumb down to my clit, massaging me while he moved against me.
“Aaron,” I breathed.
His mouth was against mine again. "I've got you, sweet girl, I've got you."
My nails dug into his back, my body arched against him, and my mouth opened in a silent scream when I flew apart underneath him. His head dropped down against my shoulder as he found his own release inside of me.
Aaron’s big body was settled on top of me, but he didn’t feel crushing, it felt safe.
When we had both started to come down from our orgasms, he rolled us against until I was on top of his body, my head on his chest. He pulled the covers over our bodies and pressed a kiss against the top of my head.
“What happens in the morning?” I whispered out.
His head turned to look at the clock on my bedside table. “It’s technically morning now.”
“You know what I mean.”
I felt him nod. “What do you want to happen?”
I lifted my head up, my eyes meeting his dark coffee-colored ones. "Will you stay with me?"
His hand raised to cradle my face again, pulling me down to press the softest, sweetest kiss against my lips. “For as long as you want.”
Permeant Taglist : @rachelxwayne​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @sickeninglyshoujo​ @justagirllookingforherplace​ @nanocoool​ @andiebeaword​ @imjusthereformggcontent​ @rainsong01​ @violentvulgarvolatile​ @mys2425​ @al3xmnd​ @imfalling-inlove​ @cielo1984​ @shadyladyperfection​
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So....what are some of your headcanons for Ranbutler?
(everything else under the cut because there is a L O T )
Butler's human form is predominant(which unfortunately means he does not have a tail :(), but he can make Ender noises/speak Galactic. He's got a bunch of stims and tics, and making the Ender noises is one of them! He often makes them to fill the silence, or in times of high emotion(positive or negative. just imagine a Butler bouncing on his toes while excited Ender chirps keep coming out of his mouth, or he's rambling about something and half of it is layered with Galactic). Following from that, Butler has something that Billiam calls the "monochrome form". If he's under high levels of stress, whatever dark tint of color is in his right side will start spiking into the left side, making his skin darker(and, if he has enough color in his skin from NOT FUCKING OVERWORKING HIMSELF, it can get dark enough to blend into shadows) and spreading from the little black scales on his neck and cheeks and hands(which are already claws, that's why he wears gloves), and if he's really stressed/pissed, little horns are gonna start poking out of his skull and he's gonna be completely gray/black, his teeth are already deadly but they're gonna get sharper and if you look him in the eyes he will s c r e a m and very likely tear you apart if Billiam isn't there to hold him back/calm him down.
Speaking of! Butler very much dislikes eye contact. It makes them extremely uncomfortable and the Ender part is gonna start screaming to attack attack attack and the pupil-slit thing is gonna happen. Unfortunately, he's frozen by the eye contact and cannot move of his own free will, it's all going to be instinct to either get away or attack, if he moves at all. And the moment the eye contact is broken, he starts to calm down and all the screaming in his head starts to dissipate, so he doesn't really get the chance to consciously act on the Ender side's instinct.
NEXT OF ALL, throwing canon out the window and saying BILLIAM AND BUTLER ARE FOUND-FAMILY. The way they acted in the episode is just that, an act. In reality, they actually Care each other Very Very Much and have adopted each other into their respective hybrid groups(i.e Endermen have their hauntings, Piglins have their sounders{that part's not canon to mc but i yoinked it from a fic}). Hubert jokes about how Billiam accidentally adopted Bu as his son, but both Bu and Bi deny this. Hubert also got Liaria and James in on the joke and now these two are being constantly triple-teamed.
ON THAT NOTE Liaria and James know about the Egg. It happened at the tail end of Bu's first masquerade when they started accusing Billiam of committing all the murders, and Bu kind of panicked and outed himself as the killer, he pulled out the knife and everything. Billiam admitted that he knew about this, and showed them the Egg as explanation. Now Liaria and James willingly give up their bought lives to the Egg on the regular(we might get into the lives thing later{it was also something i yoinked from a fic, and then I gave it more explanation}) to keep Billiam and his family alive, but they're not all that affected by it due to not even being near it half the time.
AND ON THAT NOTE, let's talk about Butler's relationship with the Egg! Bad. It's bad. Absolutely terrible, the two despise each other immensely. I like to say they're the closest thing to caliginous that a teenaged hybrid that lived off spite and an ancient crimson demon can be. The Egg's hurt Bu a lot, and honestly that's part of the reason his contempt and fear for it is so high. But that's also part of the reason why Billiam was pulled out of its influence despite living right above it. Because he cares for Bu, a literal child that's suffered severe mental and physical trauma at the hands(well, vines) of the Egg. Honestly? Billiam wouldn't be the way he is now if he didn't have to take trips to the Nether. Short explanation, too much time away from their home realm gets hybrids really really sick. So, about a few months or so after Bu arrived, he had to yeet back there for a week and just told Butler and Hubert to take care of the mansion. And you know what Hubert did, that bitch? He took advantage of both Billiam's absence and Butler's skill and pampered himself while throwing the entire load onto the child. And then like halfway through the week, he got the idea to introduce said child to the Egg, who before then has had no idea it ever existed aside from the crimson red aura around the mansion(it's a whole thing about Endermen and magic but again, another thing I might get into later). He hadn't even attended a party before then. So, yeah, Hubert just left him down in one of the old cells for three days. Didn't even check on him, that bitch. And then when Billiam game back, suffice to say he was PISSED. He may be a rich bastard who causes murders biweekly, but even he has standards, and hurting a damn 7-8 year old child that bad was not one of them. he can't be held responsible for child labor, bu followed him home by his own choice. again, another whole backstory thing
Bu's genderfluid! He usually switches between he/him and they/them, and the direction he nods is a little indicator of which one(up for gender, down for no), but sometimes he uses she/her. Adding on that, due to Weird Enderman Genetics, he can manipulate his hair to grow real fast and likes to experiment with it in the mornings for Maximum Gender Euphoria This means that one day his hair could be barely touching his neck, and the next it's all the way down to his waist. It's a fun little anomaly and sometimes Billiam likes to play with it when it gets longer :3 travelling on the lgbt train, Bu is also ace/aro! This doesn't have much impact story-wise(usually), but it's just a fun little tidbit :3 On other, more Ender notes, he has pretty much all the traits an Enderman does, even if he looks fully human aside from being 6 inches taller than Sir Billiam himself. With the eye-contact thing, I've got a headcanon that Endermen can kind of read minds to an extent if they look into another entity's eyes, but it gets loud and borderline painful if anything but another Enderman does the same. Meanwhile, Bu's about the perfect mix of an Enderman and a Human(later called Players and Villagers depending on their capabilities) to be able to take at least a few seconds of eye contact. He can also teleport! To about the same extent as Endermen, if not a little less. Unfortunately, spending too much time in the void between teleportations(i.e a few hours for him, though an hour in the void is a minute in reality. It's why teleporting happens in the blink of an eye to anyone but the user) has some adverse effects. Bu's either glitched, gotten some sort of void-sickness like a flu but worse, and/or lost large chunks of memory each of the separate times he stuck himself in there for too long. Pure-blooded Endermen have a longer tolerance, but even they can succumb to the void with enough time.
Bu's also hurt by water, and the first time Billiam really figured this out is when he dragged him to the roof because it was raining and for some reason, Bi really likes the rain. Bu, on the other hand, was hospitalized for a day once Billiam actually realized, "oh, he's burning" Unfortunately, Bu can still produce tears, so he's got some scars on his cheeks and hands from those, Luckily, though! Billiam got him some gloves and a facemask reminiscent of cc!Ranboo to hide those scars because bu's. really self-conscious about them :,D
But also he's got TOE BEANS,
[ahem] So Endermen are basically giant block-holding teleporting cats and no one can convince me very much otherwise. So on the one hand, they have giant hands shaped for holding blocks. On the other hand, T O E B E A N S
So Bu's got beans on the pads of his fingers and feet(which also end in claws with a black gradient because Peak Character Design <3). Billiam likes to hold his hands on the rare occasion he doesn't wear his gloves because mans likes to stim with those toe beans. Meanwhile Billiam himself has nicely-textured hands because of his Piglin hooves and Bu also likes to stim with them, so just. them holding each others hands for mutual stimmage
[ahem] anyway
Bu stims!! He flaps his hands and does thing really rapidly and harshly when he's really high-strung, which doesn't happen often, at least in front of people. Boy's got anxiety so he's had his fair share of panic attacks :,D he just knows how to disguise them so people don't see, but Billiam knows the signs at this point. But he also has a lot of vocal stims/tics, mainly lots of Enderman noises, some popping and a little screechy thing here and there. Sometimes he picks up a sound and then repeats it a whole bunch because it feels nice on the tongue :] there's also these poofs of particles that happen when he's happy, they look like mini purple fireworks and they're like an expulsion of magic, he can feel when they happen and it feels nice :]
(cw for self-harm in this paragraph and the followed copy-pasted convo)
[ahemhemhem] So y'know how Butler's an Ender-hybrid? His hands and feet reflect that(along with the ears, the eyes, the height, the abilities, but we're talking about about the hands here). Part of why he keeps those gloves on almost 24/7 is to dull his claws, which are not so much an intentional danger to others rather than an unintentional danger to himself. He's got tics and stims and is very neurodivergent and has anxiety(me projecting? noooo /hj), so he gets very nervous very easily. And one of his nervous habits rather than wringing his hands, fidgeting, and (if really bad)a heightened amount of tics, he tends to scratch at his arms. His claws can tear through the fabric easily, and more than one or two suits have been sent back to the tailors for repairs to the sleeves. However, having both padded sleeves and padded gloves nullifies that, so he always wears them special-made. If he didn't have that habit, he likely wouldn't have the gloves on as often as he does.
Friend Hey good headcanons 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 Also ohhhh my god Billiam fussing over him and his gloves until he gets them to be the right amount of padded where Bu can still do things but also not hurt himself
Me gbfhdgbhgsfhbgsfdhdf He keeps examining them every time the tailors try but it doesn't feel right until That Specific Try so he just plops the gloves back on the counter and says "Do it again"
Friend They spend an entire day doing nothing but making gloves while Billiam & Hubert take turns watching Butler to make sure he stays safe
Me Absolutely Problem is Butler can feel eyes on him. And eyes make him nervous :,) so when he gets nervous. he starts to scratch at his arms again and anxiety is too much for him to ask them to stop watching him
Friend It ends up with them just having to hold his hands, looking at random things (they can go sit on the balcony or something so they have something pretty to look at)
Me That hold on actually that's adorable-
Friend Fhhdjdjdjsjsj they're friends your honor
Me Absolutely Even Hubert contributes to keeping him safe. And Hubert's afraid of even being near Butler
Friend And then we get bonding via the oh no Billiam is busy and Hubert has to take care of Bu for the next 3 hours
Me GHDSFGSHFGS THAT IS A GREAT IDEA Butler insists he can do everything himself, nothing's different about the routine, and then he has a mental breakdown when he tries to make food without anyone else in the kitchen- Cause usually Hubert's there, even if he's making something else. There's at least another presence, and that's the sort of thing that's calming for Bu. But Hubert's off setting up the table for lunch/dinner or something and Butler makes One minor slip-up and spirals from there until he's struggling even handling spice mixing The same thing happened with cookies one time, and both times Hubert found him borderline unable to function because he panicked too much and helped him out of it.
Friend Butler is just curled up in the kitchen, trying to have a quiet panic attack because he can't cause the others any more trouble than he already is, and Hubert is very quietly upset about helping him because he was doing so good at avoiding Bu but here he is again being the only thing that's letting this kid breathe
Me Absolutely
Friend Do you think Bu passes out on him? Like Hubert (probably reluctantly) gives Butler a hug cause those help, and Bu was just supposed to stay there until he felt better, but panic attacks are exhausting and he fell asleep at some point-
Me Oh my gods he would though, especially with the amount of sleep he gets He'd have to try so hard to even stay conscious, much less do things in the manner he usually does, and Hubert just quietly tells him that it's okay to sleep; he'll take care of everything. Hu never forgets that of course Bu's always in danger around him - he has fleeting thoughts and quite often knows how to act on them - but he stands up holding an exhausted child and takes him to his room so he can rest. Butler may want him to stay; Endermen usually want someone around when sleeping. It's the security of having someone watch for nightmares, but Hubert doesn't stay. He has to go back to the kitchen and finish that meal Bu was making. But if he's still asleep by the time Hu's done with everything, he might linger outside his door, listening in for anything bad.
(Okay the cw is over now, you may now go back to your regularly scheduled content :,D)
Also, one last thing: Billiam gives Butler a bunch of gold things(including the masquerade mask) because that's what Piglins do with their sounders, they cover them in gold to show they care. And after Bu finding out the reason why Billiam's been handing off a bunch of gold things to him he does not cry, because that would hurt his face, but he does feel quite a lot of things that make him want to because holy shit Billiam feels the same
Butler is Billiam's sounder and Billiam is Butler's haunting, they are family your honor
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anna-justice · 4 years
Lost or Found - 22
Summary: As Jay, Hailey, Kim, Adam and Kevin start their junior year in the wake of a tragic summer, the past year of their lives comes back to haunt them. If you enjoyed Pretty Little Liars, this is for you! *UPSTEAD/BURZEK High School AU
... 22 - I Know What You Did Last Summer ...
Kim watched Adam walk across the room. “Hey man.” Her eyes found Hailey, who was looking sadly at the ground. She couldn’t believe that Jay told Erin about Hailey’s parents. Kim watched Erin, who was scowling at her boyfriend as she fidgeted nervously she felt almost as if a switch had flipped inside of her. “Yeah, why?” Jay hadn’t told Erin, she was there. She was everywhere. Kim sat in shock staring at her so-called best friend who was completely focused on Adam. “Huh?” Even in his hushed tone, Kim heard his confusion and she knew that Jay had just told him what she had figured out for herself. She picked up her phone off the arm of the chair, her hands shaking slightly, she clicked Hailey’s contact info. “Okay, I’ll see you guys in a bit.” 
Just as Kim was about to send her text outing Erin, Erin stood up. It all happened so fast. Adam started to speak, but Erin pulled out a gun and shot at him. Kim screamed as Adam fell back and Hailey jumped off the couch. “Adam!” Kim cried out as he hit the ground.
She tried to run to him, but Erin turned the gun on her. “Move and I shoot you too.” 
Tears poured down Kim’s face as her boyfriend rolled flat onto his back, groaning. “What the hell, Erin?” Hailey yelled, finally breaking out of her frozen shock. 
“Get his keys.” Erin said, nodding at Kim who was the closest.
Kim shook her head, “We can’t leave him-”
“Get his keys!” She screamed. Kim choked out a sob, but leaned over and grabbed Adam’s keys off the coffee table. “Upstairs, now.” Erin ordered and Hailey slowly backed to the staircase, Kim following her.
“Adam, Adam are you okay?” Kim yelled.
Adam’s chest rose and fell quickly, “I-I’m fine…” He said, slowly moving his head to look at her. “I l-love you.”
“I love you too-”
“Shut up!” Erin said, sticking the gun in Kim’s face. “Movie it.” They cautiously made their way up the stairs. Hailey debated running when she got to the top, but Erin seemed more unstable than she had ever seen her Dad and she wouldn’t risk Kim’s life. “Walk calmly and quickly to Adam’s car. If you scream or run I will go downstairs and finish the job.” They both nodded, Hailey swallowing hard. 
Kim got in the driver's seat while Hailey got in the passenger side, Erin was behind her, the gun pressed against her seat, concealed. Hailey glanced down at her phone, Erin must not have noticed. She carefully opened it, clicking Jay’s contact information. 
Hailey: SOS
“Drive.” Erin said after Kim cranked the car. 
Kim turned her head slowly, “To where?”
“My house.” Erin said and Kim tried to stop shaking, but she couldn’t. “Now.” The ride was silent and long, and Hailey prayed that Jay wouldn’t text her back. The buzz would be obvious in the quiet car. When they reached the Voight household Erin got out first before demanding that they got out as well. Hank wasn’t home, something all the girls knew, he was away on assignment and wouldn’t be back anytime soon to save them.
“Erin, can we at least call 911 for Adam.” Kim begged as they made their way to the basement.
Erin looked between the two of them, “Do you have your phone?” She asked Kim, Kim shook her head. “Hailey?” She snapped. Hailey reluctantly pulled her phone out of her back pocket, “Open it.” Erin said. “I’ll text Jay where he is and they can deal with it.” Erin took the phone out of Hailey’s hand, Hailey waited for the explosion she knew was coming and by God it came. “You stupid bitch!” Erin screamed, hitting her over the head with the butt of the gun. Hailey fell to the floor, but Erin immediately pulled her back up by her hair, “This is all your fault, all of it.”
“Shit.” Jay said, looking down at his phone. Not ten minutes after he called Adam, he got a text from Hailey.
Hailes <3 : SOS
Kevin jumped up, “What?”
“We gotta go, something’s wrong.” Jay said, grabbing his keys. The two of them bounded out the front door. Jay broke several traffic laws getting back to his house and he was barely in park before he jumped out. He and Kevin ran into the house, “Hailey?” He yelled, racing down the stairs. 
“Adam.” Kevin said quietly before rushing to his friend’s side, Jay followed suit. “Holy shit.” He flat on his back just like before, but the blood stain on his shirt had grown and he looked paler than ever. “Adam, Adam man, you gotta stay awake.” Kevin said. 
Jay shrugged off his jacket and applied pressure to the wound, he’d watched enough cop shows to stop a person from bleeding out. “Kev?” Adam asked quietly. 
“Yeah man, it’s me.” Kevin said, placing a hand on his arm. 
Adam rolled his head to the side. “Jay.” He sighed out.
Jay nodded, trying to pretend that his best friend wasn’t bleeding out in front of him. “I’m right here.”
“Are Kim and Hailey okay?” He asked.
Jay and Kevin shared a look. “We don’t know where they are, do you know?” Jay pleaded. 
Adam shook his head grimacing, “Erin took them somewhere, they took my car.” He was breathing heavily, gasping almost. 
“Kev, call an ambulance. I’m gonna find the girls.” Jay stood as Kevin nodded, pressing one hand to Adam’s shoulder and using the other to dial. “Don’t die on me man.” Jay attempted to joke, his voice cracking. 
Adam shook a bit, which might have been a laugh. “Not planning on it.” 
Jay ran back up the stairs and to his truck, he felt so stupid. Erin had played them all, played him, so well. He should have known, he should have seen the signs, but as much as he had moved on, he never thought that it was possible that she would do anything like this. If he would have just told everyone the night before, maybe they wouldn’t be here. Maybe Adam would be fine and Hailey would be sitting next to him. Or maybe if he hadn’t been so obsessed with finding her in the first place, if he could just have let it go, let her go, everyone would be okay. 
He wracked his brain for where they could possibly be. He knew for a fact that Hank wasn’t home, so maybe she took them there. It seemed too obvious, but it was at least worth a try. Jay changed lanes and floored it, he didn’t have time to be wrong.
Pulling into the driveway and seeing Adam’s jeep was the confirmation that he needed. Logic said he should park down the street and call the police, but it was Hailey down there: all bets were off.
Jay cautiously made his way into the house, pulling the door shut quietly behind him. He walked slowly down the stairs, hearing voices. The stair underneath her creaked and Hailey’s head shot up, grabbing Erin’s attention too. She turned the gun on him. “Perfect,” She pulled a set of zip ties out of her pocket. “Put these on or I’ll shoot.” 
Jay shook his head, “You won’t shoot me Erin.” 
Hailey watched her boyfriend in shock, why was he taunting her? “Maybe not,” Erin smirked, she turned on her heels. “But I will shoot her.” She pointed the gun at Hailey once again. 
“Okay,” Jay uttered quickly, holding out his hand. Once he secured the tight plastic he walked slowly down the rest of the stairs. “Erin we know you were behind the threats, it’s over. No one else needs to get hurt. Isn’t shooting Adam enough?”
Erin scoffed, “I didn’t shoot Adam” They all looked at her in disbelief. “I may have pulled the trigger, but she loaded the gun.” She said pointing at Hailey. 
“What?” Hailey choked out. Jay watched her pained expression, taking a wrong step towards her.
Erin got angrier, stalking towards Hailey. “You just had to play hero!” She yelled, “You were supposed to leave! But no, you had to stay and replace me in everyone’s lives.” 
“Erin-” Hailey started.
“Don’t make excuses Hailey,” She spit at her. “Your life sucked until you met us, but you couldn’t stop there. You needed the best friend and the boyfriend,” She said looking at Jay and Kim, “You took everything from me!” 
Hailey felt her eyes well up, she had caused all of this. “I didn’t mean to, we thought you were dead-”
“You were supposed to.” Erin glared at her and Hailey felt like her eyes were piercing her soul. “That was the point, you were supposed to leave and then life would go back to normal, but you didn’t. You were too afraid to go running back to mommy and daddy.” Erin took another step forward, standing just inches from her face. “You dad should have killed you when he had the chance.” 
Kim gasped and Jay was ready to pounce, but Hailey took a deep breath. “I wish he had. If it meant that you would’ve never done these things and that your lives were all exactly the same as before, I’m sorry he didn’t.” The tears rolled down Hailey’s face as she confronted the guilt Erin had laid on her, she wasn’t sure she would ever forget it. Jay longed to hold her, to wipe all the tears away and tell her she was the best thing to ever happen to him, but he couldn’t and he was all too aware. 
“You are going to wish he had.” Erin said, “Because I am going to take everything from you the same way you did me.” She raised the gun at Kim, who was frozen in place. Her life flashed before her eyes. 
“Stop!” Hailey screamed. Suddenly all eyes were on her. She looked at Jay with glassy eyes, almost like a silent apology. “You don’t want to kill them Erin, then we’ll both be alone. Without me, they’ll have to rely on you. Life would be so much better for you if I was gone, right?”
Erin stared at her up and down, “So, you want to play the hero one more time?” She laughed.
Hailey nodded, standing her ground shakily wishing it would just swallow her up. “If it means that everyone else gets to live, then yes.” 
Erin shook her head, chuckling. “That works for me.” 
Everything happened in slow motion, Hailey fought the tears, staring at the ground, she couldn’t bear to look at Jay or Kim. She stood still, waiting for the impact she was sure was coming. Jay looked between the two of them, watching Erin raise the gun. “No!” He screamed and lunged at her, knocking her to the ground. Hailey’s head snapped up at the commotion and Kim let out a gasp of relief. The gun slid across the floor and Hailey grabbed it, holding it with shaky hands. Jay looked up from his position on top of Erin (still ziptied he might add). “Kim, call 91” Jay yelled and Kim grabbed Hailey’s phone off the floor to dial. 
The next five minutes went by in a blur, Kim stayed on the line with the officers to explain what had happened while Jay kept a thrashing and angry Erin at bay. But Hailey, she didn’t move. She stood frozen in place, eyes trained on a blank spot on the wall, gun in hand. It was the only control she had left. 
Finally there was commotion upstairs, “Chicago P.D.” Someone shouted, followed by a round of “clears” before descending the stairs. Two officers relieved Jay of his position, helping him break the zip ties. Another female approached Hailey slowly, holding out her hand. Hailey looked at her, gently placing the loaded and cocked gun in her hand. After she was free of the weight, she broke, finally. 
Jay watched the exchange and immediately rushed to his girlfriend, catching her before she hit the ground. He pulled her to him, her head buried in his chest as she sobbed. “Shh, you’re okay.” He said, running a hand through her blonde hair. Hailey only cried harder, no doubt drenching his shirt (no that he cared). “It’s over.” He sighed out, hugging her tightly. It felt like the weight of the world had just been lifted off of them. “It’s all over.”
About an hour later, Hailey and Jay sat on the back of an ambulance. Hailey needed stitches for her head injury, but after Jay explained to the officers that going to the hospital wasn’t a very good idea, they agreed to let the paramedics do it. They were giving their statements, a full account of the last several hours. It was getting dark out and Jay could tell that Hailey wasn’t going to last much longer. 
Thankfully, Adam was going to be okay. The last they heard, he was in surgery having the bullet removed from his shoulder. The doctors were very optimistic and Kim and Kevin were with him, along with all their parents. Trudy and Randall were standing just along the police barricade while Jay’s parents were racing home. 
It was strange to say the least, they had been going it alone for so long and now it seemed everywhere they looked there was a new adult giving them pity looks or asking more questions. “I want to go home.” Hailey said quietly, only loud enough for Jay to hear. The officer they were speaking to had wandered off to probably get a whole new list of questions.
“I know,” He said as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “Me too. Hopefully soon.” They sat in silence for a while, each of them replaying the events in their own mind. They weren’t sure they would ever move on. It was a scary thought to say the least, but Hailey would never be able to forget what she had intended to do and neither would Jay. “Hailey-” 
Hailey sighed, she felt her eyes burn, but she was all out of tears. “Jay please don’t say it.” She pleaded quietly. 
Jay was overwhelmed with guilt for a moment, and for so many reasons. He felt responsible for everything, going as far back as kissing her that night. In theory it was what started all of this in the first place. But, the terrible blanket stretched to the present. The bullet that Hailey had begged for was in part meant for him, and he could have never lived with himself if he had failed to save them, all of them. “Hailey…” He said, it was his turn for his voice to break. “You told her to kill you.” He said softly, like it was a secret.”You told her to kill you instead of me.”
Hailey looked up at him reluctantly, seeing the tears forming in his eyes. She glanced down at her hands, that hadn’t stopped shaking since she walked into the house all those hours ago. “Yeah, I did.” With that, she closed the door on the conversation, at least for that night. And even though they spoke no more words of it, it didn’t keep Hailey’s mind from wandering to and from her reckless choice. She could see that all of them lived and they were all fine, but she wondered if any of them would truly be okay ever again. 
A/N: I finally finished this chapter! Don’t worry, the story isn’t over yet (even though we are nearing the end). However! This is not the last you will see of the scooby gang!! I’m sorry if this felt like a soap opera, but it was so so fun to write! I hope I did the overarching storyline justice! Thank you so so much for reading!
@lissethsrojas @fuckyeahkillianemma @puckluck28 @chilly7188 @thebigapocalypsewolf @karihighman @ruzek-halstead @anotheronechicagobog @snowwhite013 @tracysupton @angelsjedi
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blubberingmess · 4 years
Ready to comply [Android!Bucky x Fem!reader] chapter 2
*gif not mine*
Chapter summary: You're dizzy drunk last night, though you could vaguely remembered some of what happened. One of them is sticking one of your invention of that poor android's arm, deactivated it in the process.
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It was early in the morning when you woke up with a massive headache, quickly taking the ibuprofen that's resting on your nightstand, although not remebring putting it there before sleeping.
Too tired to think about it, you took the medicine before making your way out of your bedroom.
"Good morning, (Y/n)."
"Son of a bitch! Who the hell are you?!" You screeched, placing a hand on your chest. Eyes still a bit blurry from sleep, you squinted them and saw an android standing still in the middle of your kitchen. Its hand behind its back, standing straight while staring blankly at you.
"Hello (Y/n), my name is... Bucky. Android B107 of CyberStark. Serial number; 103-678-3--" He began reciting his serial number all while scanning you from head to toe, although it looks like his checking you out.
[Scanning 'acquaintance'...] [Scanning complete]
[(Y/n);;; vital signs: 14% elevated ; "head"pain level>> 36%]
"Okay-okay! I remember now, fuck." You rubbed your temple while letting out an exasperated sigh. "Your making my headache worse."
["Head"pain level>> 40%]
"You asked me who I was, (Y/n)," Bucky points out matter-of-factly causing you to raise an eyebrow.
You scoffed, giving him a once over. "For an android, you sure are cocky. How long have you been standing there in my kitchen looking like a creep?"
"I've been standing here for approximately five hours, forty-three minutes and sixteen seconds."
You scrunched up your face before rolling your eyes, muttering a small "fucking creep" before making your way towards the stove to cook yourself some breakfast - surprise, surprise.
The android is completely unaffected by your words, turning his heels and started looking around your living area, scanning anything and everything like all androids would when positioned in a new environment.
Bucky is silent as a ghost as he walks around the living room and it slightly makes you uncomfortable knowing there is someone-- an android-- with you right this at moment inside your apartment yet not hearing anything.
It's like you're aware that there's a ghost beside you - it's just silent but it's there.
"So," you started, trying to fill in the silence. "What kind of android are you?" You're his owner right? Might as well get to know the android you've bought.
Bucky looks up from your plastic plant in the corner of the living room, eyes darting to the side to look at you. When he saw your back is faced towards him, he looks back down on the other plant -- this time, it's real-- beside the plastic one while answering your question.
"I'm a protector. My mission is to keep the humans safe."
The pancake you are cooking began to bubble on top and kept your eyes locked onto it as you questioned Bucky. "What? Like a bodyguard of some sort?"
Bucky turn his attention to the coffee table, analyzing the contents scattered on top of it. There's an empty pizza box and a half full uncapped bottle of coke, a bag of empty chips and a few used tissues with grease all over them; obviously from the pizzas and chips.
"You could say that."
His answer slightly surprised you, turning your cheek at him but not looking as your eyes focused on the tiled floor. "What?"
"I am programmed with skills most androids don't have. I am not like the DX line model for my biocomponents are much more advanced and my body can withstand most bullets and harsh climates," he explained whilst gently grabbing a picture frame.
It's a picture of a teenage girl holding the hand of another girl that looks exactly like you; much more younger and small, both smiling brightly at the camera.
[Scanning picture]
[Niki (L/n); age: 38 ;; year of birth: 3014 occupation: model at 'south of CSCV', and also known as Serpent]
[History: Adoptive daughter of (M/n) and (F/n) (L/n).]
"What kind of bullet is the most critical yet you can still handle?" Bucky heard you asked from the kitchen as the words and numbers cleared out in his vision.
".700 Nitro bullets." He answered, placing the frame back exactly where it belongs, like it never been moved in the first place. Bright blue eyes scanning the new information that appears in front that only he could see. His LED flickering from blue to orange then back.
[Searching >> (M/n) (L/n) and (F/n) (L/n)]
[Searching complete]
[(M/n); deceased, (F/n); missing ;; two daughters>> Nicki (L/n) and (Y/n) (L/n)]
"You're kidding me, right?" You flipped the second pancake before turning your whole body around to face your android, crossing your arms over your chest.
[New information found regarding (Y/n);acquaintance >> surname: (L/n)]
Bucky simply stares back at you with his usual blank, calculating eyes. "I am not," he replied.
"And CyberStark is planning on selling androids like you to the public?" That's downright stupid and dangerous. If an android like him gets into the wrong hands, who knows what could happened.
"It seems so." Bucky must've finished scanning your whole entire living room as he just stands there in the middle of the room. His arms behind his back and his posture straight as ever, awaiting to assist you if needed.
He doesn't really have to do that. You don't own him, he just followed you out of the store for reasons unknown to him. You're just the person who bought it... by force, too caught up on being drunk to actually know-- remeber-- what you've done.
You whistled, turning your attention back at your pancake. Not to your surprise, it's slightly burnt.
"Anything else I need to know about your model?"
Bucky answered without any hesitation. "As a prototype, CyberStark built me with two thirium pumps and if the public and the government ever approve with my model, CyberStark will change the design to the usual one thirium pump paper android like the normal android design." A pause. "I am also programmed to be able to engage on sexual intercourse."
"Fucking hell, a personal bodyguard and also a sex android? That's what I call 'safe and satisfied'," you smirked, picking up your plate of pancakes and began making your way to the living room.
You really have to try that later
You plopped down on your couch and started stuffing your face with your maple syrup drenched pancakes. It's not the best but you could care less.
Bucky's eyes follows you, not noticing the small click that sounded like a camera the moment he blinked his eyes.
"How much did I paid for you? A million?" You laughed. "My sister would be pissed!"
Bucky watched as you stuff your face with the greasy looking pancakes, contemplating if he should tell the truth about you not actually paying for anything-- basically stealing him from the shop-- or not.
"Wait, you said you're a prototype." You slowly chewed on your food, lifting up your head to look at him with a horrified look plastered on your face as the realization sets in.
"Oh shit. You're the prototype.... Oh, fuck, please tell me I'm wrong."
You're dizzy drunk last night, though you could vaguely remembered some of what happened. One of them is sticking one of your invention of that poor android's arm, deactivated it in the process.
Poor android, only doing it's job.
"You are correct." Bucky nodded his head before asking politely, "Is there something wrong?"
You were about to retort when a sound of loud knocking cuts you off before you can even open your mouth, making the two of you snaps your heads towards the door.
You cursed under your breath and moved your plate on top of the pizza box considering there's no more room to place it in the coffee table, and cautiously made your way to the door.
Glancing at the small screen attached to your door, you saw two men wearing suits and ties with matching sunglasses. One of them knocked a few more times before stepping back, both looking up where the small camera is placed, waiting patiently.
Bucky immediately goes and stood behind you, hands to his side and chest puffs out as he waits for your next move or his built in instinct, really.
Opening the door where only half of your face could be seen from the outside, you greeted the two men in suits. More like snapped a harsh, "What?"
Fuck being polite, they look sketchy as hell.
"We just wanted to ask you if you have a B107 android inside?" The bald one asked, his tone monotonous and gruff.
It took you all the willpower to keep your eyes at the two, silently hoping they wouldn't see the tall android behind you.
"Never heard about that model before. New?" You casually asked, resuming your act of innocence.
"Can we look inside?" The other man asked, ignoring your question. If it weren't for the lack of LED on their temples, you would've thought they were androids.
Unless they removed it, but you doubt they would do such thing. Only deviants have the 'guts' to physical remove their LEDs, which considered as a symbol of enslavement.
The revolution between humans and androids happened decades ago, androids are set free and finally have their own rights. Some became deviants, but some stayed the same; stone-faced, unsentimental machines.
But the two men in front of you, they look like they work for someone and you are certain it's not for CyberStark. You instantly knew because they don't have those shiny CyberStark logo pins.
"Why? I just told you, I never heard about a B107 before."
"Let us inside or we let ourselves in by force."
This is the moment you knew that they knew what you've done, that you have the android they are looking for.
"Fuck you," you growled before slamming the door shut, emergency locking it.
You quickly took Bucky's hand and sprint inside your bedroom, also locking it behind you. You grab your backpack from the hook behind your door and run towards your desk where your laptop, small gadgets, and inventions are messily set, shoving all of them as fast as you can.
The android analyzed your frantic movement, on guard as he quickly noted that the two men from outside are a threat.
"Bucky, let's go!"
"Where are we going, (Y/n)?" He calmly asked, tilting his head to the side.
You opened the window and slipped a leg out, glaring harshly at the android. "I don't know, but hopefully not in jail."
You both heard the front door slammed open and two sets of heavy footsteps sprinting towards your room.
Your heart jumps in fright and screamed at the android who is still calmly standing inside your room. Is he serious? Did you just bought a defective prototype of an android?!
"Come on you fucking scrap meta--" Your breath hitched when you saw one of his eyes quickly turned bright orange.
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🎧 Bang! bang! Into the room, I know you want it 🎶
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artificialqueens · 3 years
You Light a Fire in My Heart (Rosénali) - Moonshot
A/N: I wasn’t expecting to write a follow-up to the first diner au this fast but I’ve genuinely fallen in love with the little au verse I’ve created. For context, this is set about a year after the events of ‘On The Ground’, and it spans across three months (March, April, and May). Flashbacks are in italics, and I hope you enjoy it x
Summary: The time(s) Rosé tried to be the best girlfriend to her Nali
Also on Ao3
If you had told Rosé a year ago that she would be dating one of the most amazing girls she’d ever met in her life, she would have believed you. Who wouldn’t want to date a fine bonnie lass like her?
What she wouldn’t have believed would have been that she was admittedly a tiny bit jealous of her girlfriend’s crush for a K-pop singer that shared her name.
Rosé was working on her laptop, busy mixing a track she had recorded with Jan and Lagoona when Denali had walked into the living room.
“OH MY GOD! I just finished watching Blackpink’s interview with James Corden and Rosé’s got the CUTEST accent! Her Aussie accent is so sexy too…” she remembered her girlfriend saying as she walked into her living room, her eyes glued to the phone in her hand.
“Hey!”, the pink-haired girl puffed out, “my Scottish accent is sexy too!”
Denali looked up, her left brow raised, “Says who?”, she asked teasingly.
“…My grandma”, Rosé replied unconvincingly, causing her girlfriend to laugh out loud.
“My Rosie is so cute when she’s jealous!”, she sing-sang, stamping a sloppy kiss on the older girl’s cheek.
“I’m not!”, she huffed as the black-haired girl sat next to her on the couch.
“You know she’s not my favorite in the group. Wanna know why?” Denali asked, draping her arms around Rosé’s neck.
“Because you’ll always be my favorite Rosie”, she whispered in her girlfriend’s ear.
Rosé was sure her cheeks were matching colors with the shade of pink of her hair.
“Cheesy bitch”, she muttered as Denali hid her face in the crook of her neck.
“Yours truly”.
She remembered letting her girlfriend rest on her chest, the sweet strawberry scent of Denali’s shampoo filling her nose as she tried to focus on the track she was working on. 
However, another thought was buzzing in her head. 
The brunette’s birthday - the first one since they had started dating - was coming up soon and Rosé had absolutely no idea what to get her. 
Dedicating her a song, while definitely in her range, was too obvious of a gift. She really wanted to surprise her, to give her something she would remember for years to come.
With less than a month to the date, Rosé decided to go to the very familiar diner to pick up something quick to eat before going to grab the equipment she needed for her weekly set across the street. 
As she walked up to the register to pay up after having grabbed some pastries, she couldn’t help but notice the absence of a familiar face. She was sure Denali was set to be on shift at that hour.
Her attention was drawn back to the guy behind the counter.
“Hey, gorge! Looking for me?”, Mik asked as he took the pastry bag from the pink-haired girl.
Rosé rolled her eyes playfully, “Hey to you too, Mik,” she replied as she took out some cash, “Sorry to burst your bubble, short king, I was just wondering where my lovely girlfriend is”.
The shorter guy shrugged, “Your loss. I’m always open for a tall glamazon like you, gorge”, he winked before presenting her the receipt, “it will be 4,99$ for that, and also Nali was allowed to go home early by Miss Iman because she was trying to get tickets for some concert, I think?”
Rosé gave a little nod of acknowledgment and was handing over the cash when a voice caught her attention.
“Oh, no!”, both Mik and Rosé turned their head to another of the diner staff, Olivia, who was looking down at her phone pouting, “Nali just texted me saying that the Blackpink show in Chicago she wanted to go to sold out before she was able to get a standing ticket and the VIP ones are too expensive for her! Oh, poor baby Nali”.
“What other tour dates are they doing?” the singer asked, an idea forming in her head.
The other girl furrowed her brows, trying to remember, “Well, Nali wanted to go to the Chicago one with some of her friends there, that one was in mid-May. If I’m not mistaken, they are doing one in Newark at the end of May, and then the other ones are down south and on the west coast as well? Pretty big tour from what she has told me”.
“Wow, that’s an impressive gig,” Rosé commented, genuinely surprised.
She grabbed the paper bag from the counter, waving goodbye to the two employees, “Well, divas, I’ll leave you to do your jobs. Thanks for the info, I guess my set has to be delayed a bit to deliver these to my girl, and hope to cheer her up a bit, wish me luck!” 
The other two waved her off as she exited the diner. 
The pink-haired girl grabbed her phone from her purse and quickly texted Jan and Lagoona to meet her at her place after her set. 
Maybe she had just found the perfect birthday present for her Nali.
Rosé and Lagoona were sitting at the kitchen table, the Scottish girl’s computer between them open on the ticketing site while Jan was busy gushing with her girlfriend over the phone in the living room.
The blue-haired girl stared at the laptop, clicking her tongue, “Is that the VIP price for both…?”
“Nope, just one. I could afford to get only one VIP ticket for her so she’ll get to enjoy it all by herself”, Rosé replied.
“Holy shit, I fucking wish you were this in love with me to spend that much money for my birthday!” Lagoona commented jokingly before noticing a small detail, “Wait, did you see the date of the concert?”
The pink-haired girl nodded, “Yes, I am aware that the concert happens to be on my birthday. However, this is an opportunity I can’t let Nali give up on,” she reasoned, “Also, I plan on spending many more birthdays with her, so her spending mine doing something she loves makes me happy as well”.
Lagoona shot up and started reaching for kitchen drawers, seemingly looking for something.
“Can I know what the fuck are you doing?”, Rosé asked, arching her manicured brow.
“Looking for a whip because you’re fucking whipped for the girl! I can’t believe it!”, her best friend cackled, actively avoiding the kitchen towel thrown at her.
“Oh, fuck you, bitch!”, the pink-haired girl said in return, unable to hide her own grin at the situation.
At that moment, their purple-haired friend entered the room, saying her goodbyes over the phone before she sat down on the opposite side of Rosé.
“Oh look, who decided to join us!” Lagoona teased as she sat back next to the Scottish girl, “how was the call with the sugar mommy?”
Jan blushed furiously, “Shush, you two! Jackie’s not my sugar mommy! She just… happens to be richer and older than me. Also, she called me because she’s stressed from organizing this big event in May and needed some advice!”, she blurted out, only causing the other two to laugh even harder.
“Yeah, sure whatever you say, Stuntalina the sugar baby. C’mon, I’ve got a new piece I wrote for us to show you!”, Rosé said as she closed the ticket receipt.
She opened her music editing program, pressed play on the last recorded file.
While her best friends were busy enjoying the new song she produced, Rosé checked her phone to find a new text from Denali.
10:52 PM:
thank u so much for the pastries, I really needed them today. You always know how to cheer me up. Goodnight my Rosie <3
The singer smiled. 
She couldn’t wait to show Denali her birthday present.
Denali was lying down on the couch, her eyes on her best friend - and soon-to-be ex-roommate - as she packed the last few things she needed to move out.
“I still can’t believe you’re moving out,” the brunette pouted, “You’re leaving me allllll aloooooooneeeee”, she said dramatically.
“Nali, you’re acting as if I’m moving across the country”, Olivia chuckled, “I’m literally moving in with Utica and Symone, and they live across the street”.
The Alaskan skater threw her head back, “So close, yet so far”.
The younger girl rolled her eyes, reaching for a silver sharpie before throwing it to Denali, “Okay, miss Dramanali. Will you get your ass up and help me finish labeling these boxes?”
It took them a little over an hour to have most of Olivia’s things labeled and boxed, ready to be taken to their new home.
A bottle of soju later, they sat together on the couch in front of the TV as they ate some take-out for dinner, reminiscing of their time as roommates.
“It’s going to be weird to live alone,” Denali confessed as she took a piece of kimbap with her steel chopsticks, “We’ve been roommates ever since I literally moved in from Chicago. But I know it’s the right thing for you, you know”.
Olivia nodded, “I didn’t expect it to take this turn, I mean, I started it out a year ago single and now I’m dating not just one but two of the most awesome people I know?”
“I remember you being bummed when Utica started dating Symone. I sneaked out way too much ice cream from the diner to cheer you up, but look at you now, dating both Utica and Symone, moving in with them? You won the jackpot, Liv!”, the older girl replied, smacking her free hand against the other girl’s thigh.
“Girl, I could say the same about you and miss Rosie. All lovey-dovey, sweet kisses and I love you’s”, Olivia winked as she saw Denali’s cheeks take a pink tint.
“Actually…”, the skater confessed, “she technically hasn’t said the big L word out loud, not like that at least”.
Denali was sure Olivia’s eyes were about to pop out of their sockets, “WHAT?”
The brunette smiled shyly.
“It’s just… this past year everything has been so perfect with her and what if forcing her to say it will ruin that?”
“Nali, baby, the girl basically lives here. Do I have to remind you just how many times I’ve walked in on you two doing the whole devil’s tango while she looks at you like a lovesick puppy and you are worried about her not saying I love you back?”
The Alaskan girl tried to lighten the mood, “To our defense, you did say that you were spending the night out and that movie was very intense-”
“I love her, Liv. Like really really love her. And I do see a future with her, but she is such a free spirit, someone who says and does things her own way and I’m worried that I’m going to scare her away,” Denali bit her lower lip, trying her best to not let the emotions get the best of her.
The younger girl took her hand, “Do you remember what I told you that day at the rink when you were scared to ask her out?”
“That you would unleash Kandy on her?”
They both chuckled.
“That’s still on the table if she breaks your heart,” Olivia replied honestly, holding Denali’s hand, “I told you to give it a chance. Tell her about how you feel your relationship is heading, and I got a feeling that she feels the same as you do”.
The two friends savored the moment, only the sound coming from outside the window to fill the void.
Denali was the first one to speak up after a couple of minutes of silence, “See? Who am I supposed to have those heart-to-heart conversations with if I’m alone? The wall?”
Olivia laughed out loud, “The cat lady that lives on the first floor sure seems like a good replacement for me!”
“Donut would run away before I could even let her in, girl”.
“True that,” she took another bite of her rice bowl before setting it down and getting up from the couch, “maybe, after you have your talk with your pink highlighter girlfriend in time for your birthday next week, she can babysit your pillow princess ass!” 
Denali’s mouth was wide open in shock but unable to restrain the laughter. 
“Liv! How dare you!” she said as the younger girl bolted into her room, prompting a not-so-sober chase.
They would totally be getting an angry noise complaint the next day.
Denali felt like her birthday went faster than she would have liked.
It had started with a call from her mom while her friends were trying to make her breakfast in bed - emphasis on trying - only to end up ordering delivery from the bakery two blocks down the street. 
Since she would have still had to work that day, they had opted to hang out at her place the night before, waiting up to midnight to wish her a happy birthday. 
What Denali was really looking forward to was the cute night-in her girlfriend had promised along with her mysterious birthday gift that was seemingly months in the making.
Having barely made it home from the diner, the brunette had just taken off her jacket and scarf when she heard a familiar knock pattern on her door.
She smiled as she was greeted by a small bouquet of forget-me-nots, a bag seemingly full of takeaway boxes, and a bottle of Rosé.
“Isn’t it cannibalism if you drink Rosé?” she teased, letting her girlfriend in the apartment and closing the door behind her.
“I’m letting that slide because it’s your birthday, baby,” the pink-haired girl replied as she set everything down on the kitchen counter.
Denali took a moment to take in how her Rosie looked.
The signature pink leather jacket was open to reveal a very deep low cut top that left close to nothing to the imagination. The black high-waisted jeans hugged her curves in a way that drove Denali crazy just to think about. 
“Liking the view, mama?”, Rosé’s smirk was one of the few things able to make her weak to her knees like that.
“You’re a tease-y bitch”
“Thank you for noticing”, she winked as she walked over to Denali and sneaked her arms around her girlfriend’s waist, towering over her thanks to the pumps she was wearing.
The brunette couldn’t help but smile as she wrapped her arms around Rosé’s neck, getting on her tippy toes to kiss her.
“Happy birthday, my angel”, she whispered against her lips before her strong arms picked Denali up with a small yelp from the younger girl.
“What about dinner?”, she chuckled.
“I’m in a mood to eat something else right now…”, Rosé simply said as she reconnected their lips and started taking her girlfriend to the familiar bedroom.
Denali lied with her head on Rosé’s chest like she always did after they slept together. She could fall asleep just with how the older girl was gently combing her hair with her fingers.
“Don’t fall asleep on me, mama. You still got my birthday gift to open up”, she whispered, making Denali chuckle.
“What? Wasn’t the mind-blowing sex your birthday present?” she teased.
She could feel Rosé smile against her hair, “Thanks for the ego boost, diva, but I think you’ll like the real present more”
She went to reach for the pink jacket on the floor, taking out an envelope and giving it to Denali.
“What is this?”
“Open it up and find out for yourself”
The brunette straightened herself, not caring about the sheets pooling at her waist, and opened the present.
She couldn’t believe her eyes.
“You’re kidding me?!”
“Well, it’s not my fault your birthday happens to be on April Fool’s day but it’s all real, angel”, Rosé smiled at her.
“Ahhh! VIP Tickets for Blackpink’s concert?! I love you!”, Denali blurted out and went on to hug her girlfriend.
When she felt the older girl get slightly stiff, she realized just what she had blurted out and did what she did best: she panicked.
“Oh gosh, sorry I didn’t-”
Rosé didn’t reply, just went on cupping her face to calm her down.
“Baby, it’s okay. Don’t ever feel sorry for how you feel”, she reassured, kissing her forehead, “I just… don’t have the best track record when it comes to being told those three little words. I know how strongly I feel about you. I just want to mean it 100% when I say it, okay?”
Denali nodded, not trusting her words as she knew how hard it was for her girlfriend to talk about her feelings.
Rosé tilted her head, “Now, let me snuggle my…”, she looked over Denali’s shoulder, the clock read 11:05 PM, “birthday girl for another hour”.
She went on to press her girlfriend’s body against hers. She let a couple of minutes pass, making sure that the shorter girl had calmed down.
“Sing me to sleep, Rosie?”, she heard the faintest voice coming from the younger girl, whose arms held her sides tightly.
“Anything for you, angel”.
Almost two months later, Denali couldn’t believe she was actually there, waiting under the smaller stage for the concert to begin.
The soundcheck had been overwhelming, she definitely had almost cried when the girls waved at her section of the crowd. She was sure Lisa was waving at her.
She had even managed to become friends with some of the other fans in the VIP section, having gone to the concert alone - she still was a bit sad that she was missing Rosé’s birthday but understood the argument that this was one in a lifetime opportunity that she couldn’t pass on. 
“I can’t believe how close we are to the stage!” one of the girls to Denali’s right, Sakura, commented, “Based on the videos from the other dates, this is definitely the best side to be on, especially during Lisa’s dance solo!”
“Girl, I know! I’m ready to see her shake that ass!” Denali replied, making both of them chuckle.
“Oh, is that how it is, mama?”
Denali froze.
Was that…
There was her girlfriend, sporting the VIP tag around her neck and around her wrist.
“How did you get in? I thought you didn’t manage to get another ticket?”, while she was beyond ecstatic to see her girlfriend there with her at the concert, she was also very confused.
“Up until a couple of hours ago, I didn’t have it, so that was as much of a surprise to you as it is to you,” she smiled, “Remember I told you about how Jan’s girlfriend was busy organizing a big event?” she asked as she recollected what had just happened hours prior.
Both Rosé and Lagoona were sitting on the former girl’s couch, watching reruns of America’s Got Talent and commenting how there would totally be no competition if they decided to audition.
Jan walked in, sipping on her frappuccino, “I know you love us but why aren’t you spending your birthday with your girlfriend?”
“I told you she’s at that Blackpink’s concert today” Rosé reminded her, lowering the TV volume.
“Blackpink? Oh! That’s the project Jackie was helping with organizing. She even offered me a full VIP ticket. Do you want it? It’s barely 3 PM, you just missed the soundcheck”.
The two friends sitting on the couch looked at each other, then at Jan, then back at each other before bolting up from the couch.
“I can’t believe it, Jan is really something else,” Denali smiled, now feeling that everything was complete.
“Me neither, baby. That girl is a mystery,” Rosé replied as she positioned herself behind her shorter girlfriend to hug her from behind, kissing Denali’s cheek “Now, I can check out my competition with the other Rosie in your life”, she joked.
“I promise you’ll be a Blink by the end of the night,” Denali said confidently, melting against the embrace.
“We’ll see about that, little diva”.
When people said time flies by when you’re having fun, Denali just realized how fast.
The concert was a rollercoaster of emotions, from the powerful beginning to the member’s solos - she definitely didn’t miss her girlfriend’s ‘mom dancing’ behind her. 
And now, the soft guitar notes of Hope Not filled the stadium. The ballad had always been one of Denali’s favorites, those raw emotions she had felt so many times were being so beautifully sang out loud and it made her teary-eyed.
Rosé kept her arms secured around her waist, rocking her from side to side. The brunette closed her eyes, fully letting the song guide her.
That’s when she heard Rosé’s voice in her ear, so quiet yet overpowering everything else.
“I love you”.
Denali’s eyes shot open and quickly turned around to be met with the most beautiful smile Rosé had ever given to her, she could only see pure love in her eyes staring back at her. 
She hadn’t even realized the tears spilled down her cheeks as she went in to connect their lips.
Nothing else mattered to her at that moment.
It was just her and her Rosie.
The warm autumn air filled Denali’s living room as they cuddled on the couch, watching a movie.
It was almost midnight when the end credits started rolling, the younger girl was already half-asleep, clinging to her girlfriend like a koala bear.
Rosé turned off the TV and turned her attention to her girlfriend, “C’mon, little diva, let go of me, I have to catch the bus home”.
Denali grunted, “Noooo, don’t leave meee,” she protested, her cheek firmly against Rosé’s chest.
“I gotta get home, baby”, the pink-haired girl tried to reason.
“This is your home too. You should just move in already,” Denali replied, slugging her words.
Her heart skipped a beat. 
Rosé stopped for a moment to think about it. She smiled looking down at her girlfriend’s serene face. 
She definitely could see herself wanting to wake up to that every day for a long time.
Denali woke up in her bed the following day, not remembering how she had gotten there. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the couch with-
She shot up and went to the kitchen. She found a still-warm cup of coffee and a note.
She almost choked on the drink as she read the small piece of paper.
I thought you’d never ask
to move in together
Get those papers ready, angel
Your Rosie
PS: we’ve some remodeling to do, mama
Denali couldn’t help the pink tint from erupting across her face. She definitely blamed her sleepy self for being so open with her girlfriend.
On the other side, she had to call her landlord.
Her search for a roommate was over for good.
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sibillascribbles08 · 4 years
If you could take creative control of ninjago what would you change
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Actually no idk where to start with this there’s so much anon there’S SO M U C H I guess I’ll do a run of MINIMAL changes tho (for as long as I can)
I don’t think I have to change much in the first two seasons, thankfully, since the writers actually sat down to think about what they were writing at the time but g o d did it go to hell afterwards
Season 3 - This Zane focused season is going to be ZANE FOCUSED DAMN IT. We’re focusing on his loss over his Father, having salt rubbed in the wound by having his father’s work turned into an evil army, and being faced with the fact he’s obsolete compared to it all. He keeps trying to stack up numbers to win, recalculate things, and it’s why his line at the ending ACTUALLY has impact. The thing that sets him apart from the nindroids, his ability to love, is what allows him to defeat the Overlord.
Jay, Cole and Nya love triangle is DESTROYED. Pixal, Zane and Cole is the new love triangle and later OT3
Season 4 - The explanation for the other EMs being around is far less stupid. Garmadon establishes that oh yeah all of your parents had elemental powers and even talks about a few of them because holy SHIT. Cole mentions his mom because he should have done that a g e s ago. Is this supposed to be a Kai season doesn’t feel like it. Open the season with better explanations of why the ninja split. Emphasis the fact that Kai blames himself for what happened to Zane, and continues to do so throughout the season. Add that to why he’s so desperate to save Skylor from her dad (not willing to lose someone else). We still lose Garmadon, Kai and Lloyd have a talk at the end of the season. Also ZANE IMMEDIATELY GOES TO GET PIXAL A NEW BODY WTHHH????
Season 5 - Idk this season was pretty good over all I think. A bit better lore established into the cloud kingdom, hints that they don’t actually control fate they just think they do. Explain where the FUCK NIMBUS CAME FROM?? Water can still beat up ghosts but idk feel like there should be some other factors involved, some magic. Kai and Zane figure out they can make water a LOT sooner. Also why doesn’t Kai just set the preeminent’s house armor on fire??? Should have. OH I did forget since this season is supposed to be for NYA GETTING HER WATER ELEMENT how about she actually GO WITH THE NINJA AND DO SOME SHIT SOMETIMES??? I don’t mind her training, specially Ronin helping her but like??? Wtf why not have her ENGAGE, idiots.
Season 6 - I’m the weirdo who actually likes season 6 but that doesn’t mean it’s not without its issues. I don’t mind Jay wondering about where he stands with Nya but his behavior throughout the season has to stay consistent. When he agrees with Nya he needs to let it go he needs to LET IT GO. IT LITERALLY SHOULDN’T BE BROUGHT UP AGAIN UNTIL THE LIGHTHOUSE. He also needs to linger more on his birth father (and besides he should have suspected he’s adopted since season 4 cause he knows neither of his parents had lightning powers). Zane doesn’t ignore Pixal’s warning about Nadakhan but if she’s off somewhere else idk how she gets threatened I’m sure Nadakhan could figure it out. OH and time can still reset and stuff idc but like, Jay and Nya need to talk about it and they need to GO BACK FOR ECHO. EVEN IF THEY DON’T FIND HIM THERE.
Day of the Departed - just wish it was longer tbh, but major changes: Why do the ninja not seem to care that cole is FADING OUT OF EXISTENCE and Lou should be a lot more worried about his son.
Season 7 - I mean, it’s mostly a trash fire, but I think it’d be a lot more enjoyable if they actually had good sibling dynamics going on. Acronix following his brother because he always has, but starts questioning their plans as things go. At first their relationship is much better, which is why they best Kai and Nya, but by the end that flips over. Actually have Kai and Nya having an ISSUE. Kai thinks their parents could have been traitors, Nya seemingly doesn’t care because she’s so wrapped up with her samurai x stuff being stolen. They end up fighting and don’t make up until the boiling sea. ALSO GIVE RAY AND MAYA A BETTER FUCKING EXCUSE FOR BEING GONE THEY COULD HAVE FUCKING SHANKED KRUX WHEN HIS BACK WAS TURNED GET OUT OF HERE HE HAD NO LEVERAGE.
Also Machia isn’t dead okay she’s just in the past she WILL COME BACK
Seasons 8 and 9 I’d say are pretty solid honestly? My minor changes: Garmadon isn’t Garmadon he’s a fucking fake get out of here with that shit THE REAL GARMADON WOULD NEVER. We actually learn where Mr. E came from I don’t even care if it’s just Harumi and UV talking about how they found him in a scrap heap and got him fixed just give me something. Stop treating Dareth like SHIT. Ronin and The Commissioner plan a jail break long before they’re let out in season 9. Teen Wu is a lot less... air headed. Like seriously he seems to have more logic when he’s a child it doesn’t add up. I’m not saying he has to remember everything but wth?? Oh, and Mistaké isn’t dead fuck you.
Season 10 - ............................................ delete it and start over. Literally, hate all of it, get it out of here. Four episodes for villains you built up like FUCK in the last two seasons??? All of them fucking as big as people???????? cowardly, weak, uninspired, I don’t want it I’m just going to have to redo this whole gd season. A) Oni leader is a QUEEN now and she can be up to 30 feet tall no I do not give a FUCK B) Fake ass Garmadon is revealed to be a different oni entirely he was an agent for the queen the whole time but never finished his mission C) She can still paralyze a bunch of people but man Lloyd you’re going to need more than a shiny tornado to fight her off. D) In fact you need to summon your other great grandma so the two of them can get over their divorce spat. E) Where’s the mask of vengeance bring that back into play. F) Mistaké shows back up to help. I suppose plot wise it can?? Mostly run the same but I think they’re going to have to run much farther than the city with how fast she spreads her reach. Also she’s weak for Lloyd because he’s the smol great grandson and he has to use that to his advantage to slow her down. Mistaké makes something that can unparalyze people and they get some of their allies back before the finale thank god. Faith isn’t just in a coma the whole GD time.
Season 11 - Fire half? Good. I need a much better reason why the ninja go to the never realm tho because wow did they just make everyone out of character in that last episode. The ninja have no reason to just ignore Wu and shove him out like that. Wu has no reason to NOT NOTICE LLOYD IS BREAKING INTO HIS ROOM WHEN HE WAS KICKING THE NINJAS ASSES IN THE FIRST EPISODE. Ice half?? ... h Yeah no they should have known Zane was the emperor from the start LMAO. Or at least suspected the possibility. The decades of time passing??? Deleted. Maybe give it a year. Idk why it’s just Lloyd snapping Zane out if why aren’t the other ninja involved like p l e a s e. Also kill Vex with an ice spike, thanks.
Season 12 - Over all I liked what this season had going but there... should have been more. And that ending felt so crunched together like damn... Unagami was a p cool villain at least BUT idk, despite all the focus on the plot so much of it didn’t feel tangible enough. Even if we’re going to focus more on the video game world I want to see more of what these NPCs are up to. Should have tossed in a couple of filler episodes. Also can someone just kill the Mechanic too SMH (and they should have tied Wu up in something sturdier how did he not just break out of that WHATEVER)
Suppose I’ll stop there I haven’t season season 13 yet.
Oh, the timeline itself needs some fucking work too. At least establish Wu and Garmadon’s sudden aging. At least establish how old Zane is (I’d believe he was built 40 years ago but I find it hard to believe he was active for all of it). Establish that yeah the FSM really did basically fuck off like idk 14 years ago and idk why the show acts like it was so long ago it couldn’t have been based on the other facts we know have Wu learn that his dad is a bitch ass motherfucker and he needs to ditch.
Honestly there’s more but like................. this is the simple version
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Seth x Reader: Wanting you
Warning: Breaking fourth wall. Let me know if you catch it 😉 and gender-neutral parental names
Part 1: “Dreams” by Ella Eyre
Part 2: “You’ve Got It Bad” by Usher
Part 3: “Never Give Up on Love” by Bobby Tinsley
“Will that be all for you?” I say, finishing up writing down the order.
“Well, I could get your number, beautiful.” One thing that is horrible about being a waitress is dealing with the harassment that comes with it. The best way to deal with verbal harassment (like in this situation) is by giving them the “AS,” as my friends would call it. The Awkward Stare. Now, this stare isn’t having ME become awkward; oh no, this is to make sure THEY do. Essentially, you would look at the predator straight in the eyes and give a resting bitch face until they become uncomfortable and silent. To the point where the whole table is uncomfortable. Kind of like your high school teacher would look at the student when no one would shut up. Once they were fully engaged in avoiding my eyes, I gave a final smile and went put in their order at the counter.
“You know, you could be a little less cute and more intimidating?” said Orion, my now lifetime best friend since I had started this job a couple of months ago. I turn to look at him and give him the finger as he walked around me to bring his tables their food.
“He does have a point. Straighten up your back more, pull your shoulders back, and clock your head to the side just a little. That way, you’ll really knock them.” Emily said. She was a regular here. Every Wednesday at 4 pm and Sunday at 12:30 pm, she would come in, go to her usual spot at the counter, and either order the chiefs salad with a side of a sliced pickle, the garden burger with seasoned fries, or 5 stack pancake with orange/apple juice. Her husband Sam or another kid named Jared and his girlfriend Kim come on Sunday morning, grabbing a crap ton of food (so Emily doesn’t have to cook) and leave. Polite men, scary—at least Sam can be, but polite. Jared is just a child, and I can do nothing but pray for Kim.
“You mean like that ugly pink toad lady from-”
“Don’t say it!” I roll my eyes. Ever since KJ Bowling expressed her feelings towards the LGBTQA+ community, she refuses to acknowledge it. The disbelief and sadness that took over for the love of Henry Planter she had were wild, yet kind of crazy to watch.
“Look, it could be worse. You could love the Dawn saga by Tephanie Neyer and find out that she is horrid in disguise. But hey! Once it hit 2 years, you’ll start realizing all the fucked-up shit in the series and slowly be okay. Dawn fans know Tephanie is fucked up, we know the series is fucked up, we acknowledge it all and take full responsibility for liking it, but some still like it. We don’t support it, but we like it.” I tell her, shrugging my shoulders. I have to remember, she’s a rookie in this game.
“That’s true. Why are the best authors the most fucked up?” she says, playing with her fries I just placed down in front of her.
“Because they hate us and know what the population likes. Just like politics.” I say, stealing one of her fries.
“I don’t know how you guys like that series! Wasn’t there racism, classism with the Ghoul’s and Werecats, hyper-sexualization on the prides where the cats came from, misinformed information, plagiarism, and too, I don’t know, squishy and fluffy in them?” Orion asked.
“First off, they were shapeshifters. Secondly, only in Dawn, Dusk, and Night were squishy. But only because Bethany and Elliot were on their honeymoon in the last one. Daytime didn’t have it because Elliot broke up with Bethany.” I nod in agreement while grabbing the food for my tables.
“I thought their name was Ben and Evy?”
“No, that’s the gender swap version,” I say, walking away with the food. I place the food down at one table and refill drinks to another; some of the reservation guys come in. Seth, Embry, Jake, and Quil. I look over to Orion to call him for his table, but it looks like he and Emily are in a heated discussion about the book series. So, I take over for him. As I walked over to the table, I made eye contact with Seth, and my stomach flipped.
Why you in my dreams? Don't know much about you But I heard about you for the longest time And I see you 'round whenever I go out With some friends of mine And I remember when I saw you standing in a different light It's funny where my mind goes when I'm in my bed at night though
As I lay in bed, I notice that my feelings become stronger and stronger for him almost every time I see him. He was a few inches shorter than me, cheerier, and lanky. I always saw Seth and his friends, but out of nowhere, these…flutters? Feelings? Emotions I don’t like started eating me up every time I see him. I know it might be a crush, I won’t even deny that, but…why?
I toss and turn that night and eventually give up on trying to sleep and just stare at the ceiling, thinking of him. Confused and resistant to even wanting to think about it. The last thing I need is to be in a relationship while in my fucked situation as is. I don’t need my guardians knowing anything about Seth either.
But then again, just like evil authors, life fucks us all over, and you can help but go along with it. Well, unless you sue them. Then that’s different.
'Cause I push you away in real life You ain't even close to my type But when I'm sleeping Everything's upside down, upside down, yeah I saw you last night in my, my dreams It felt so beautiful, I almost believed We were a thing and I liked it I never looked at you like this Till I saw you last night in my, my dreams Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my?) Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my mind?) Seth POV
I saw her again today. She was walking down the hallway with Orion and Kayla to gym class, and we made slight eye contact before Jake decided to take my attention away from her. I look at him, but I don’t really pay attention to him. I don’t know when it happened, but I have always loved Y/n. When she transferred here in middle school, she was cute, shy, and had (and still has) a babyface.
I could never talk to her. Every time I was around her, I’d get so scared and freeze up. And although we’re in high school, I still can’t control it. Lately, my feelings have been getting stronger. Not just with her, but in general. I don’t know what it is, but it’s taking a lot more of my energy trying to control myself. Leah and mom have noticed it too. But Embry was the worst. Speaking of which,
“Hey, where’s Embry?” Quil and Jake looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.
“But did you hear a word I said?”
“Obviously not. He was too busy gawking at Y/n.” Quil said, laughing. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Ass-whores.
After school, we head to the diner and, like always and on cue, Jake and Quil make fun of me because Y/n works there. I roll my eyes at them and attempt to push them off me without smiling, but I can’t help it; they’re stupid. It’s not their fault.
Fell asleep at nine And once I closed my eyes, girl, you were so, so mine We laid in the dark, you left in morning light But, girl, it felt so right And if it's in our minds then we should make it life Girl, I mean real, real life Nothing's never for ya We were all and over for ya 'Cause I push you away in real life You ain't even close to my type But when I'm sleeping Everything's upside down, upside down, yeah I saw you last night in my, my dreams It felt so beautiful, I almost believed We were a thing and I liked it I never looked at you like this Till I saw you last night in my, my dreams
That night I quickly dreamed of her without even having to try to at this point. Every time I want to or attempt to talk, I freeze. Thinking about her just makes me feel…warm. Her beautiful y/e/c eyes are captivating. They’ll draw you in, and once you’re in, you’re stuck. Her y/h/(L/C/T) hair embraces and defines her facial features.
The dream always starts out the same. I’m running through the forest at a high fast pace towards a place that always ends up being her home. I follow around the house to her room on the left side of the house towards the forest. As I look at her window, I see her sitting at the window seal and we instantly make eye contact. My heart stops for a second—she smiles and I walk up to her window to come inside. She doesn’t open the window. She places her hand on the window and my much larger now hands cover hers. We look at one another and smile.
I’m not bothered by her not opening the window. I’m just happy she isn’t freaked out about my presence. Unfortunately, every time she goes to open the window, my alarm wakes me up. And when I mean alarm, I mean Leah.
I groan and curse her and the need to wake me up so early. As I get ready, I think of Y/n and I can’t help but smile. Today’s going be a good day.
Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my?) Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my mind?) Y/n POV
The weekend comes and I’m heading in for my shift Sunday morning. I usually wouldn’t work weekends, but that was before I met Emily. I have Friday and Saturday off instead. It’s eight in the morning and Kayla, two of the cooks, and I all pile in before we open at nine. By 9:30, a few families start piling in and by 10, we have the food catered to Sam or Jared ready.
“Hey, Kim!” I wave to her as she walks into the diner. She waves back and heads to the counter. After setting up my table, I head over to the food and help her pack it up in the truck.
“I see you guys ordered more food than usual. Did more family members move into the area?” I say, passing her the multiple trays from the cart to the car.
“Yeah…something like that,” she laughs it off, “but rest assure, this will be gone within the next 45 minutes…maybe sooner.” I laugh with her. I believe her 100 percent. After seeing Jared and Sam, I already know their family that Kim describes them to be, is just as big, if not larger, then this food should hold them off for 2 hours. Maybe.
“Well, that’s all of them: drive safe, Hun. And stop by sometime after school. You’ll miss the adventures of Orion and Emily arguing over pink and rose gold.”
“Aren’t they different?” I nod my head. “But they’ll argue over that?” I nod my head again. She shakes her head and smiles. “Em usually starts it?”
“Sometimes. Only when she needs a good laugh or when she just feels like fucking with him. Last week they were in a heated discussion about the Dusk saga.”
“Oh, dear god! She told me about that. I can’t believe she went that deep into it with him.” Kim laughs.
“I know. That’s probably the only time they’re not being repelling off the same topic. Normally one would disagree for the fuck of it, but they put their fuckery aside and agreed to agree on that topic.” We both laugh. I finish up my conversation with Kim and head inside.
If I gotta fall asleep, sleep to see ya Then I'm gonna fall asleep, sleep to see ya It's different in the daylight Miss you, I dunno know why If I gotta fall asleep, sleep to see ya Let me fall, fall deep, deep to see ya It's different in the daylight See you in a new light 'Cause I push you away in real life You ain't even close to my type But when I'm sleeping Everything's upside down, upside down, yeah
I wave bye to Em, and Orion comes in. I clock out for my break and go sit in one of the booths in the back. As I am prepping my garden burger with ketchup, I think back to my dream I had last night. This one was recently new, confusing, but knew. I take a much-needed bite of my food and relax for the next 15 minutes.
I just got done with my daily nighttime routine, unable to sleep due to Taylor and Kennedy arguing, I go to my window and look outside. I look up at the sky and just drift off into a world of daydreaming until something catches my eye in the bestrew of trees next to my house. As I continue to look, I see big brown eyes of an animal. I smile and the animal walks out of the trees slowly and morphs into Seth. I smile brighter as he comes closer and closer to me. By the time he reaches me, I can feel myself become excited and full of glow, happiness, and this sensation of warmth.
He steps up to the window and smiles down at me. I place my hand on the cold glass and he looks down at my hand and does the same. I can feel the heat radiating from his skin, which only makes me smile more. I unlock the window and just as I am about to open it, my alarm wakes me up.
I’ve been stuck on this for so long that Orion had to shake me out of my daydream. I put my food aside for later and went back to work. I’ll just deal with the dream another time.
I saw you last night in my, my dreams It felt so beautiful, I almost believed We were a thing and I liked it I never looked at you like this Till I saw you last night in my, my dreams Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my?) Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my mind?)
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best Part of Me - Chapter 3
TAGGING: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @alievans007​, @alievans007​
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The clock reads 5:07 am when he snaps awake. Torn from a comfortable, almost pain free sleep by a nightmare. He hasn’t had one in three months; since the images of his wife’s brutalized and violated body in place of Erin Ferguson’s had finally subsided. That one had haunted him every night since returning from New Zealand; having him bolting awake, drenched in sweat, chest impossibly tight and making it difficult to breathe, tears streaming down his face. Those dreams had thankfully stopped just as fast as they began, and from that night on he’d been able to sleep reasonably well when paid didn’t wake him.
Tonight, he’d dreamt about Austin; the exact same images that he’d seen while dying on the Sultana Kamal Bridge. His tousled blond hair and his steel blue eyes and his sweet, innocent smile. Only this time he hadn’t been alone. Millie was with him and they’d been holding hand as they waded through the surf; talking and laughing as if they’d always known one another. Both smiling as they looked over their shoulders at him, holding their hands out towards them.  But when he’d reached out for them, they’d simply faded away, leaving him despondent and heartbroken and calling out for them.  It was then that he’d woke; eyes snapping open, feeling the sweat that beads on his brow and gathers at the nape of his neck and the small of his back, his lung fighting to draw a steady breath.  
It takes several minutes for his brain to register his surroundings; the smell and the sound of the ocean trickling through the screens of the wall to wall windows, his wife’s gentle, rhythmic breathing behind him,  the feel of her smooth leg pressed against his. She lays on her stomach, comforter pulled up to the back of her head, her bare feet sticking out at the bottom; the same sleeping position she’s had in the six years that they’ve shared a bed.  And he rolls over onto his side, fingertips gentle as they pull the comforter down to her shoulders and then brush her hair to the side; lips placing feathery kisses along smooth, warm skin, his palms sliding down her arms.
She gives a long, content sigh and her hands come up to rest over his; lacing their fingers together and then placing them against her stomach as she wriggles back into him.  “What time is it?” she inquires sleepily.
“Early,” he presses a kiss to her shoulder, then her ear.
“How early is early?”
“Quarter after five early.”
She groans. “What is wrong with you? Why do you insist on waking up at ungodly hours? You’re supposed to be retired.”
He’s been waking up at the crack of dawn for as long as he can remember, since his military days, and is able to function on little to no sleep. A trait that’s come in handy since having kids. Often the one that gets up in the middle of the night to change diapers and fetch bottles.  
“I told you,” his lips are on the side of her neck now. “I’ve got shit to do with Ovi today. And we have to go into Port Douglas. To my dad’s place.”  
The anxiety nags at him the second he mentions his old man. He’d reached out as soon as they’d moved back to Australia, but his father hadn’t requested to see him in person until a week ago. Sending him a text message in the middle of the night, rambling about things he needed done around the house and how he couldn’t handle them on his own. From what Tyler understood, the dementia was rapidly progressing; he had his good days and his bad days, and required a live-in personal support worker and a nurse that came every second day. He wanted to feel bad about it; that his old man was struggling. But the bitterness is still so raw; all the anger he’s been holding onto since he was a kid, the years he   had to listen and watch his father abuse his mother.  Abuse that was turned on him when he turned nine and his mum passed away. He can’t get past it; that rage that he hangs onto. The desire to teach the old man a lesson whether he remembers half the shit he’s done or not.
But he promised Esme he’d give it a shot, that he’d be the bigger man and try to put the past behind him, at least for the sake of his children. The kids deserved to spend time with their grandfather before it was too late, she felt. After all, her entire family -aside from Kyle- considered them dead.  Tyler could care less whether the kids ever saw his father, let alone spent time with him. Why expose them to someone that had caused so much agony in the first place?  
“Oh yeah…” she yawns noisily and rubs the side of her face against her pillow. “…and you’re okay with that?”
“How bad could it go? If things are as bad as his nurse says they are, he probably won’t even remember me. Maybe that’s a good thing; he won’t have a lot of shitty things to say about me or my mum.”
“Even if they aren’t that bad, don’t let him get to you. He’s a bitter old man who’s so miserable that he wants to make everyone else that way. I thought maybe he was turning over a new leaf when he’d contact me all the time, but…” she shrugs.  “Don’t let him get to you, Tyler. Just let it go in one ear and out the other.”
“We’ve been here six months and he’s called how many times? Twice? And never asked about the kids once? His only grandchildren?”
“I know it’s easy to take it personally, but if he has dementia, he likely doesn’t even remember even having grandchildren. He might remember you, but he probably doesn’t remember you have kids. I mean, Millie was two months old the first and only time he saw her.  And she’s almost six now.”
A little more than a month away. Until she hits that milestone. And he wonders if that is the reason behind the dream involving her and Austin. That she’ll be turning the exact age he’d been when he’d passed away. Part of him is even scared; that she’ll wake up that morning and be sick and it will turn out to be something horrible she will never recover from. It’s irrational and he knows it; the chances of that happening. But his brain doesn’t exactly recognize the difference between rational and irrational these days.
“Did the baby wake up?” she asks. “I thought you got out of bed earlier, but I didn’t know if it was for her or if you had pain or…”
“Around two thirty. I just got her a bottle instead of waking you up.”
“Baby, you’re the best. You spoil me. You let me sleep through the night, you let me take naps, you help me get off.”
He smirks. “Three times.”
“Yes…” she sighs happily. “…a very nice three times.”
“You almost woke the entire house the third time.”
She giggles into her pillow. “I can’t help it. You have that effect on me. If you weren’t so good at the things you do, there wouldn’t be a problem.”
“If I wasn’t so good at them, we wouldn’t be here right now.”
“It’s true. I would have had my five days of fun and that would have been it. If you hadn’t known what you were doing, it would have ‘boy, bye’.”
He chuckles into her hair. “That’s fucking harsh.”
“Well you had nothing to worry about obviously because it’s six years and five kids later and I’m still keeping you around. You’ve got some skills.”
“Yeah? You’re decent, I guess.”
“Fuck you, Tyler,” she huffs, and directs an elbow at his stomach.  
“I wish you could, actually.”
“Do you even have that in your cell phone? When the dry spy officially ends?”
“You have absolutely no shame,” she declares, and then rolls over to face him, pecking his lips. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being you. For being the way you are. With me. With your kids. You put the work in. Without complaining about. You don’t piss and moan when the baby wakes up in the middle of the night or when you have to do dishes or laundry or take the garbage out.”
“Any man who complains about all that is a little bitch.”
“You’d be surprised. There’s a lot of little bitches out there. I’m lucky,” she kisses him again. “Very lucky. You help out, and you’re eye candy. What more could a woman want?”
“A big dick? Oh wait…”
“See? You’ve got it all,” she laughs and tucks her head under his chin, an arm curling around his neck, fingertips gliding back and forth at the bottom of his hairline.  
He wraps his arm around her, drawing her tight against him, hand rubbing her back in slow, smooth circles. She feels so good; the thin fabric of her tank top against his bare chest, the warmth that radiates from her, the feel of her lips and her breath against his throat. He closes his eyes, finding himself easily lulled back to sleep; the sensation of her fingers against the back of his head and pain in his shoulder and back settling down to a dull manageable ache. Until it’s interrupted by the alarm on his cell phone.
“Really?” Esme grumbles, as he rolls over onto his back and reaches for the phone.  
“Really,” Tyler sighs, turning off the alarm and then staring up at the ceiling; mentally trying to prepare himself for the day.  
Even with the pain, it isn’t the physically challenges that hold him back. He’s learned to live with it and work through it. It’s all the bullshit that does on inside of his brain.  The anxiety, the illogical fears, the hypervigilance. All working together to make it extremely difficult to function as a normal human being. He can’t believe what he’s been reduce to; not even half the man he was six years ago. When he got stare down the barrel of a gun and not even blink. Now there’s moments where he can’t even go into a store without something triggering him and bringing back all the memories and the trauma.
“Do you really have to get up this early?” Esme asks, as she moves closer to him, resting the side of her head against his chest, her hand on his stomach.  
“I do.”
“Like you can’t stay in bed for like ten more minutes?” she drags a finger down to the waist band of his boxers. In the beginning stages of things, they’d both preferred to sleep naked; loving the feel of skin pressed against skin. But back then they didn’t have little ones that could sneak up and burst into a room unannounced. Making some clothes a must.  
“Not even ten more minutes,” his hand captures hers, moving it back up to his chest.
“Fine,” she huffs, and reaches up to comb her fingers through his hair.  
“Go back to sleep,” he presses a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll get the baby if she wakes up. I’ll bring her to you before you leave.”
“You’re a keeper,” she says with a smile.  “You’ve even learned to put the toilet seat down and put your dirty laundry in the hamper. You can teach an old dog new tricks.”
He grins and slips out of bed, grabbing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt as she moves back over to her side of the bed; tucking one of his pillows underneath her head and then pulling the comforter back up past her eyes, kicking and wriggling her feet until they’re once again poking out from the bottom of the blanket.
“Be safe,” she says when he reaches the bedroom door.  
An old habit, he supposes, used to saying it every time he left for a job in the middle of the night or the wee hours of the morning. And it hurts his heart; that she’d become so accustomed to him leaving that those words are now second nature.
Ovi saunters up onto the back patio at quarter to six; hair still messy from sleep, eyes heavy. He’s grown considerably since the move, packing on the weight and the muscle: less stress, more eating right and a consistent work out schedule, and hard, manual labour. It isn’t a full time job by any stretch of the imagination, but their clients pay well and Tyler pays even better. Ovi and Chloe can live comfortably, pay all their bills, and never worry about finding themselves in financial trouble.
It’s become their routine. Sitting out back, drinking coffee and eating breakfast before setting out on the road. This morning neither of them offer a verbal greeting, instead exchanging smiles and nods before Ovi drops into the chair across from him. Both staying silent as they watch the sunrise, the rippling ocean painted in a brilliant, breathtaking golden hue.
Tyler doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of the sunrises and sunsets, the smell of the salt that hangs in the air, the breeze that rolls in off the water. The mountains had been beautiful; it had been one hell of a view from the back deck at their place in Telluride. But nothing compares to this. Maybe he’s biased; he’d spent almost thirty-six years in Australia. It’s home. He’s admittedly much happier here, far more relaxed. The privacy and the seclusion not enough to solve all of his problems, but helping the healing process tremendously. He feels grounded. Secure. As if he’s finally able to put down real roots. Able to raise a family somewhere that feels totally safe.  
Ovi watches the final moments of the sunrise with the rim of his coffee mug pressed against his lips. There’s pure wonder in his eyes; as if it’s the first time he’s witnessed the scene playing out in front of him. Wide eyed and amazed, like a child on Christmas morning that’s rushed downstairs to find the living room covered in presents and treats.  
It reminds Tyler of the first time the kid had ever seen snow. He’d glanced up from the dinner table and had given a loud gasp, eyes impossibly wide, and dropped his fork onto his plate with a loud clatter as he sprung up from the table and out the sliding door. For a half an hour he’d stayed out there on the deck; clad in nothing but a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Tears streaming down his face, unable to even form a proper sentence as he let the soft, white flakes fall onto his upturned palms, laughing when they got stuck in his lashes and his hair. Millie joining him and teaching him to catch the them on his tongue.  
After that he became fascinated with anything to do with winter. Throwing himself into helping the kids make snow angels and snow men, even building forts and having snowball fights. He and Tyler would go ice fishing on the weekends, their main bonding time. And he loved Christmas. Not necessarily getting gifts, but giving them. Enjoying the decorating of the tree and putting lights up on the house, and all the delicious food that he’d never been able to experience in India. He was a child again; filled with wonder and excitement, able to forget all about what happened in Dhaka and the trauma he still struggled with.
“That was an awesome one,” Ovi breathes, shaking his head in disbelief before turning to the plate of food in front of him. Nothing extravagant; some scrambled eggs, toast and a selection of various fresh fruit.  
Tyler nods in agreement, pushing food around his plate with his fork. The meds fuck with his stomach first thing in the morning; often not able to actually eat a meal but resorting to smoothies and supplements to get the calories into him. He likes the weight he’s at now; a little extra around the middle, but larger through the chest and shoulders, biceps and forearms bigger, as well as his thighs. He feels healthier than he has in years, maybe even since before Dhaka. He’d been running on nothing but booze and pain meds back then. And a death wish. Now he concentrates on what he’s putting into his body and how hard he works it.
Addie stirs in the car seat carrier that sits on the ground beside his chair; the soother tumbling out of her mouth, prompting that tiny whine that comes shortly before an epic meltdown. Two weeks old and she has a temper already; small and feisty, just like her mom. When putting the soother back in doesn’t work, he picks her up; laying her across his forearm, stomach down, her face rubbing against his skin as she settles into him.  
“I don’t know how you do it,” Ovi comments. “Make it look so easy.”
“It’s far from easy, mate. Trust me. Being a parent is the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
“You don’t make it seem that way, though. You make it seem like you’ve been doing it forever. It’s only been six years.”
“I just learn as I go along. Pray I don’t screw it up. Or screw them up.”
“I think you’re doing a good job. A great job, actually. It’s still funny seeing you like this though. As daddy Tyler and not Tyler, Tyler. Do you ever miss it? Miss him?”
“Not often. But yeah, sometimes I do.”
He feels guilty for even saying it; as if he’s somehow disrespecting his wife and his kids. But he’d been Ovi’s age when he had joined the army and began building and honing his skills; the ones that he’d taken with him into the job. He'd spent years on the move; being deployed while in the military and then bouncing from job to job, never settling down, never having to worry or think about anything other than his work. Now everything had ended abruptly and with it came a much slower pace, consistency and routine, more responsibility. Not just for himself. But with six people that depend on him.
“Do you ever want to go back?” Ovi asks.
“Once or twice I’ve thought about it. But I’d never actually do it. I don’t have it in me anymore. Not mentally. I need to work on myself. Not worry about helping other people. And I kind of love my wife and the life we have together, and I want my marriage to work, so...” he sips his coffee. “I’d never do it. I lose everything. And no job is worth that.”
“So if something came up, you’d just say no?”
“Unless it’s a threat to my wife or my kids or you. Nothing will make me go back. What’s going on? Why are you asking me about all of this?”
“No reason,” Ovi shrugs.  “Just curious.”
“You’re a shitty liar. You always have been. Who’ve you been talking to? Nik? Yaz?”
“No one!” he insists. “I’ve just been thinking about things.”
“What kind of things?”  
“Things that I can do with my life. On top of what I do now. I thought maybe if you ever got back into it, I could too.”
“That’s never fucking happening,” Tyler scowls, and Addie begins to fuss again. Maybe even hearing the change in his tone of voice or feeling the tension that takes root in his body.  And he lifts her to his chest, a hand on the back of her head, fingertips gently rubbing in her dark hair. “Not for me.  Not for you.”
“We could build our own business,” Ovi suggests. “We could get the word out, take on clients.”
“I said no. We’re not doing that. We’re not even going to talk about it. Get that shit out of your head. All it’s going to lead you to is a really fucking dark place. Trust me.”
“The money is good! You used to say that all the time.”
“No amount of money is worth not coming home to my family. You’re the last person that should want to get into this. After everything you went through...everything you saw...why the fuck would you want to get involved in that crap?”
“It was exciting. When you had me take the kids. Being on the run like that. Being responsible for the lives of others. I finally got over being scared of everyone and everything. I want to help people. Just like you helped me.”
“I didn’t help you, mate. I fucked everything up. I fucked you up.”
“It wasn’t your fault that things went bad,” Ovi argues.  “It was my father’s fault. Not yours. You got me out of there alive. Even when you knew there was no money. And you almost died doing it.”
“And I don’t want you almost dying...or dying...trying to solve other peoples’ problems. We can’t save everyone. No matter how much we want to.”
“I just want to give back all the good I’ve been given.”
“Find something else to do then. Feed the homeless. Work at an animal shelter. Volunteer somewhere. Do anything that would make you feel good. But fuck the job. Don’t even think about it. You want to mess things up with Chloe? Because that’s how you’ll mess things up with her.”
“It didn’t mess things up with you and Esme.”
“Like hell it didn’t. We split up for six months. You know how close it came to her filing for divorce? You know how close I came to barely seeing my kids? It was a goddamn miracle she took me back. And I still kept doing the job and I still kept making promises I never kept and I still keep abandoning her and my kids. You don’t think that hasn’t caused problems? That I don’t pay for my shitty decisions every day? We see a marriage counsellor, for fuck sakes.”
“Chloe said she’s fine with it. That if that’s what I want to do...”
“You actually talked to her about this? About becoming a mercenary. Are you fucking serious right now? Why the hell would you do that?”
“She’s part of my life.  I can’t make a decision like that without talking to her about it.”
Tyler frowns. “You’ve actually been thinking about this? For how long?”
“I don’t know,” Ovi shrugs. “Couple months, I guess.”
“A couple months?! And you’re just bringing this up to me now?”
Addie begins to cry in earnest now; startled by him raising his voice.  And he pushes his chair away from the table and stands up, a palm against the back of her head, the other patting her back as he sways his body back and forth in an effort to calm her.  
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he whispers harshly to Ovi. “Why would you even think about doing the job?”
“The excitement. The danger. The...”
“The danger is exactly why you shouldn’t want to do it. You saw what happened in Dhaka. You were right there the entire time. Why would you want to put yourself through that? And never mind that, why would you want to put Chloe through that?”
“You and Esme...”
“Don’t even bring Esme into this. I’ve screwed up. A lot. I’ve made a lot of mistakes that could have ended my marriage. We have to see a goddamn therapist to try and fix things. Is that you want? You want to screw up someone else’s life? Because that’s exactly what you’d be doing.”
“But if she’s okay with it...”
Ovi is interrupted by the sliding glass door opening; Esme holding it so Declan...in just a diaper and a t-shirt and his hair sticking up in all different directions...can toddle through.
“Sorry to interrupt, guys,” she gives a tired, sheepish smile. “But someone woke up wanting daddy.”
Little arms wrap around his leg and Declan rubs his forehead against Tyler’s jeans before looking up at him with a huge pout on his face and those blue eyes rimmed with red and filled with tears.  
“What’s a matter mate?” Tyler asked. “What did the mean lady do to you?”
“He was pissed because I had to change his diaper before I would bring him down here to see you. If one of them could not have your temper that would be great,” Esme helps herself to a sip of his smoothie. “Is she okay? Want me to take her? Just so this one...” she lays a hand on Declan’s head. “...doesn’t pitch a fit because he’s jealous?”
“She was just a little unsettled,” he says, handing his daughter off and then scooping Declan up onto his hip. Running a hand over his strawberry blond hair, pressing kisses to his cheeks; letting him grab at his ears and his beard and anything else he can get those little hands on before sitting down and settling him on his lap and helping Declan feed himself the leftover food on his plate.
“Oh typical,” Esme grumbles, and sits down beside Ovi,  settling Addie against her chest and laying the side of her head against her daughter’s.  “He knows daddy will give him ‘big people’ food. And you wonder why he’s going to be six six and two hundred and fifty pounds when he’s sixteen.”
“Don’t listen to the mean lady,” Tyler says to his son. “You’re going grow up and be big and strong and kick some major ass.”
“Ass,’ Declan repeats, and shoves scrambled egg into his mouth.
“Oh, way to go Tyler,” his wife sighs. “You couldn’t leave one all innocent and sweet. Don’t you dare think you’re going to be teaching my last one any of your potty words.”
He grins. “She’s going to be the worst one of them all. It’s always the small ones you’ve have to worry about.”
“Your dad talks a lot of nonsense,” Esme says to the baby, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. “Don’t listen to him. He’s a bad influence. He already has your sister beating up kids on the playground and using the F word.”
“She’s got a hell of a right hook,” Tyler says, and Ovi nods in agreement. “She messes up her brothers.”
“We don’t want people messing anyone up this house.  Don’t pay attention, Addie. You’re going to grow up sweet and kind and never hurt a fly.”
Tyler snorts. “Not if she’s your daughter she won’t.”
“Can you believe I put up with him? That I willingly do this every day? Listen to that mouth?”
“It’s the other things that I do with my mouth you like,” Tyler says, and shoots her a wink across the table.
Ovi nearly spits out a mouthful of coffee.
“Oh god...innocent ears...”  she places a hand over one of Addie’s ears, and then a hand over one of Ovi’s.  
“Yeah, he’s not so innocent. He’s probably getting it more than I am.”
Ovi bites down on his bottom lip and shakes his head in embarrassment.
“You’re not used to this yet?” Esme laughs. “You know what he’s like. You’ve lived with him for five years now. You know the crap he talks about. Only the strong survive in this house.”
Ovi wipes his hands on the thighs of his jeans and holds his hands out in a request to hold the baby. He’s always been a natural; taking on the role of a big brother the moment he’d first laid eyes on Millie when they’d travelled to Mumbai and stayed at the Mahajan house. Lending a helping hand in taking care of the kids whenever Tyler was out of the country on a job, never shying away from dirty diapers or spit up.  He is a calming presence. Never raising his voice or showing any signs of nervousness of anger. And Addie snuggles right into him, one of her hands gripping his shirt, her head against his shoulder.
“This is nice,” he smiles. “Babies are nice.”
“Remember that they’re always nicer when their someone else’s,” Esme says. “So you don’t end up with one of your own way before you’re ready for it. Because they’re sweet and they’re cute but they’re a lot of work.”
Tyler nods in agreement.
“So no kids, okay?” Esme tousles Ovi’s hair. “I’m not old enough to be a grandma. Give it a few years. At least. Okay?”
He nods in agreement.
“So what were you guys talking about? Things looked kind of intense when I came in.”
“Just stuff,” Ovi shrugs. “Nothing important, really.”
“For something that wasn’t important, you two looked like you were going to get into it about something. Everything alright?”
Both Ovi and Tyler nod.
Her eyes narrow. “What aren’t you guys telling me?”
“It was no big deal,” Tyler gives her a reassuring smile. “Just normal talk. Guy talk. Nothing serious.”
“Well I’ll let you guys get back to your guy stuff,” she says, ruffling Ovi’s hair once more before standing up. “I’ve got school lunches to make and bags to pack. Ughhhh. Is it the weekend yet?”  She places her hands on Tyler’s shoulders and presses a kiss to his cheek before heading inside.
“Whew...” Ovi breathes a sigh of relief. “...that was close. I thought she’d hear for sure.”
“Don’t ever bring the job up again,” Tyler’s voice is calm and even, his attention fully on the toddler in his lap. “I don’t ever want to hear it come out of your mouth. That’s not something you want to get involved in. And it’s not something I’m letting you drag me back into.”
“I wasn’t saying I was going to do it,” Ovi attempts to reason. “Just that I thought about it.”
“Well don’t think about. You’re too good for that. Way too good for it. Go back to school if you want. I’ll pay for it. I’ll support you no matter what you do. But not if you do that. You go into the job, I can’t have your back. I just can’t.  I can’t just sit on the sidelines and watch you kill yourself. Understand?”
Ovi nods.
“You deserve so much better than that life. So does Chloe. And I wish every day I never got back into it. That I’d just walked away for good. It would have saved me a whole lot of hurt.  It wasn’t fair to Esme. Or my kids. And that’s something I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life. Trust me, kid. You do not want that guilt on your shoulders.”
It will always be there. He knows it will.  He’ll spend his entire life looking for absolution that will never come.
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fatestemptress · 5 years
Overwhelming Alternatives - Part 1 of 3
Summary: Jensen Ackles loves women.  The way they smell.  The way they taste.  The way their hips sway when they walk away from him, looking back with that knowing look in their eyes.  Hell, he can’t even look at one of his best friends, Y/N, without picturing her naked.
So can someone please explain to him why he’s fantasizing about his co-worker Jared Padalecki?
Created for @spnkinkbingo
Square Filled: Sexuality Crisis
Warnings: Smut. Lots and lots of smut.  Masturbation. Porn watching. MMF. 18+ only!
Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki; Eventually Jensen x Y/N X Jared
Word Count On this Chapter: 5,300 or so
A/N: Hiiiiii!  Its been sooo long and I have missed so many wonderful fics out there.  I am dying to catch up!  I’ve had this fic sitting in my drafts and it’s finally ready to post.  This will eventually be a threesome, so if that’s not your thing please be forewarned. The other two chapters of this will fill some of my other kink bingo squares.
Please note, this is unbeta’d.  Any and all grammatical errors are mine.  (And I’m sure there are PLENTY. :))
"Fuck Jen!  Hold still would ya'?!"
"I'm trying but your big sausage fingers keep pinching me!"
Jensen Ackles could practically hear the smirk coming from behind him as his co-star and best friend Jared Padalecki rubbed at the fake blood caught under the collar of his shirt behind his neck.  
And he desperately hoped one of his favorite people in the world couldn't feel the shudder of his body as his fingers dipped into the sensitive top part of his spine. The tingles quickly spread out into the wide set of his shoulders and down into his fingertips making them itch with the need to reach behind him and grab Jared by the hip and bring his full body against his back.
He needed to stop this nonsense.  He wasn't gay.  He didn't like guys.  In fact, he LOVED women.  The way they smelled.  They way they tasted.  They way they whined into his ear when he was balls deep with their ankles around his neck.
Annnnnnnd he needed to stop that freight train of thought as his already half hard dick started filling out into a full blown, humiliating, hard on, in front of the remaining crew on set.
"Allright, allright Jay.  The rest'll come out when I get in the shower back in my trailer.  I just didn't want it dripping down my back."
And damned if that didn't just bring unwanted (cause they were UNWANTED...right?) images of something alot more pleasant and alot more white dripping down his back........
Jared let out a high pitched laugh as he playfully massaged his fingers into Jensen's neck, "Wasn't it nice and warm though, Jen?"
With a deep clearing of his throat, side eye and a conspicuous adjustment of his jeans, Jensen reached for his jacket and slung it on, "I won't even dignify that with an answer.  So uh, I'll see you in a little while?  We still on for Madden?"
Jared flipped his hair out of his eyes as he also reached for his coat, seemingly oblivious to his friends discomfort,"Yeah, sure thing.  Gotta shower and then I'll meet you at your trailer in about an hour."
With a quick fist pound and a wave to the few people on set, Jensen and Jared parted ways as they made their way to their respective trailers.  It had been a long day with an early 4:00 AM call but production issues had them calling it quits at 5:00 PM.  
But despite the hectic schedule, two and a half seasons into the show "Supernatural", Jensen was still pumped to come to work everyday.  It definitely helped that everyone on set truly did get along and it was a blessing that he and his co-star had gotten so close, so fast.
What didn't help was the increasing drive to see Jared's cock that had somehow, someway meandered into his every waking moment.  A drive that he had never, not once, had from another man.  And he had been hit on pretty frequently over his career being an actor and having, what he'd been told, were the sweetest dick-sucking lips some of them had ever seen.
But regardless of all that, the only thing he had wanted to eat was a nice, wet pussy.  He loved that shit.  Savored it.  And never, not once, had he ever tried to replace it with a dick.
Until Jared.
Jensen sighed in frustration as he dressed in a pair of black sweats, sans underwear, and a white t-shirt, after his long, hot shower, where he had deliberately denied himself even a quick, rub and tug.
He wasn't gay dammit.  And he wasn't going to start giving into these dark emotions that had been slowly increasing over the past two and half years.  
Fucking Jared.
And his big shoulders.
And solid abs.
And his goofy hair.
And his fucking dimples.
And those ridiculous yellow-green eyes.....
.....that practically sparkled at him whenever he laughed at some sarcastic comment Jensen threw his way.
Fuck but he needed to get laid.  
And fast.  
It had been three long months since he last sunk his dick into a warm willing body and that had been from a one night stand at a random bar in Downtown Vancouver.  Despite the success of the show, they were still relatively unknown enough that it was easy to go out without getting bombarded by fans.  But both of them were still careful with who they took home.  
Crazy sometimes wore a pretty face and a hot body.
Just as Jensen had settled into his deep, fluffy couch with the remote in his hand, his phone rang and a sweet smile and sexy eyes looked up at him from the picture on his cell.  
With a smile of his own, Jensen picked up the phone, "Hey Gorgeous.  Whats doin'?"
"Hey, Ackles," Y/N chirped into his ear,  "What's cookin'?"
Y/N Y/L/N was the Production Coordinator on the show and sometimes Jensen thought her job was the hardest of them all, practically running the ship behind the scenes, managing all the Production Assistants and dealing with all the whining that comes with it.  Even though they had a good crew, people were still human and lord knows they needed someone to bitch to when they felt they weren't being appreciated.  But Y/N handled it all with grace and a firm hand.  She was respected by everyone on set and, if Jensen was being honest with himself, everyone, male and females included, were already half in love with her.  
Jensen was lucky to call her one of his closest friends......and if he sometimes pictured her naked, well, it was only natural.  She was beautiful, intelligent and sarcastic as hell and he was by no means a saint.
"Waitin' on Jared to finish conditioning his hair.  He's gonna come over and get his ass kicked in Madden."
Y/N let out a husky laugh in his ear and Jensen shifted as his dick twitched at the sexy sound.  Maybe he should have considered underwear.
"So another two hours then?"  She deadpanned.
"Nah.  I think deep conditioning was yesterday.  He should be here soon."
"Ha!  Okay,"  Y/N let out a slight sigh in his ear and it sounded almost melancholy.
"Hey, whats wrong?  You okay?"
"Yeah....I mean....yeah I'm fine.  It's just....I broke up with Chad."
Jensen's ears perked up at the name of Y/N's, now, ex-boyfriend, "Wow, I'm, uh, really sorry to hear that, Honey."
Y/N let out a snort, "No, you're fucking not.  I know you hated him.  You made it pretty clear every time you saw him."
With a chuckle, Jensen shrugged, "You're right.  I did fucking hate him.  He didn't deserve you. He was a jerk who was starting to become a possessive asshole.  And his name was Chad.  It's almost a pre-requisite that douche bags are named Chad.  But, uh, why did you finally see the light?"
There was silence on the other end for a a bit before she answered, "He, um, tried to tell me that I was getting too close to you and Jared and that I needed to stop being friends with you outside of work.  So I told him to fuck off and take a hike."
Jensen let out a snort of his own, "That's my girl,"  At the continued silence, he cleared his throat slightly,  "Are you okay?  I mean, listen, even though I hated the guy, I'm not the one who's gotta be with him.  You know I'll support you no matter what and I don't want to be the reason you're not with someone that you maybe....love-"
"Yeah, no.  There wasn't any love there,"  She quickly interrupted before heaving another sigh, "I was just....I dunno...lonely I guess?  The hours we work are brutal and he was,  you know, around.  Whatever, what's done is done and honestly no ones gonna tell me I cant hang with my two favorite pain in the asses."
Jensen didn't acknowledge the thrill that ran through him at her words.  He was just gonna ignore the hum of content that made him smile.  She was his friend, (hot, sexy, beautiful friend), "Do you wanna come over and hang with us?  Take your mind off of things?"
"Thanks.  I may take you up on that later on tonight.  I'll text you."
"I still got a bottle of Stoli Razz here from last time if you're interested in getting obliterated."  
"Ahhh, Ackles.  You always know just what I need.  Talk soon."
With a smile and a goodbye, Jensen ended the call.  Since he'd started talking to Y/N on a more personal level about a year ago, she had been with Jerk-off-Chad.  And despite his sexual attraction to her, he'd always kept her in his off limits category.  Even without her having a boyfriend, he didn't want to jeopardize what they had.  He respected her way too much for that.
So then why did he have a sudden vision of her on her back while he licked between her legs?
Fuuuuck he realllly needed to get laid.
First Jared and now Y/N.
Both people he loved and cared for deeply as friends.  And his perverted mind was making them into sexual conquests.
Maybe a quick rub and tug was just what the doctor ordered.
With a quick glance at the time, Jensen realized he still had a good twenty minutes before he could expect Jared to knock on his trailer door.  Plenty of time to relieve some of the ache his too full balls were giving him.
He quickly pulled his lap top over from its resting place on the side table next to his couch and brought up one of his favorite porn sites.  (Yes, he had favorites and if you asked him he'd tell you he had his go-to videos categorized and in corresponding folders.  Fuck anyone's opinion.  He was twenty-eight, almost twenty-nine with no steady girlfriend.  His hand rarely left his dick when he was alone.)  
In a rush, he picked a random video that looked good and pressed play before placing it back on the side table with the screen facing him.  A deep moan drifted from the speakers as he saw a girl kneeling in front of a huge dick before she swallowed it down in one gulp, lovingly rubbing the balls underneath.  Another loud moan drifted from the speakers.
Shit.  Way too loud.  No need to have one of the crew walk by his trailer and have a story to tell the others tomorrow morning.  
Quickly, Jensen reached over for his ear buds and plugged them in before setting his phone to vibrate and placing it next to him so he could feel it.  Jared would text before he came over.  He always did.
Reaching down, Jensen wrapped a hand over the slowly rising bulge in his sweatpants and bit his lip.  He caressed the head through his pants and was glad the pants were black.  Wet spots on the crotch of grey pants were never a good look.  
And the close ups of the chick's wet pussy and spit slicked swollen mouth were making his cock start doing a steady drip-drip.
He pulled his shirt up over the flat panes of his stomach before squeezing his cock and adjusting it so it lay underneath the band of his pants, the swollen head peaking out of the top as he brought his thumb around the wetness, coating it before letting out a moan of his own.  He liked to tease himself.  Draw it out a little bit before the end result.
"Fuck baby," Big-dick guy said on a gasp from his place on a brown couch, "Suck it.  Yeah...just like that."
The blue eyed blond on her knees let out a whine before releasing the cock with a pop, "So big," She said as she rapidly stroked him from root to tip, "I don't think I can suck this all by myself."  
"Mmmm,"  Big-dick hummed with a dirty grin, "Lucky for us we got some help."
Well,shit.  He had picked a threesome video without even knowing it.  Two chicks sucking on one dick?  Every. Guys. Fantasy.  Bring it on.
The camera panned back into the guys lap as the blonde licked up the side of his cock and a shaggy dark haired head bent down and took the guys balls into his mouth.
Well that was a shorter hair-cut than he was expecting on a chick....
The blonde reached down and grabbed the head of hair and brought the lips of the other person to hers, tongues dangling in the air, "Hey baby..." She said on a breath, before bringing the tip of the big dick to her partners mouth and tapping it against the pursed lips surrounded by a five o'clock shadow-
Five O'clock shadow?
And to his surprise and wide eyed gaze, he watched as the dude on screen sucked down the cock in front of him with a deep growl, his shaggy hair being moved out of the way by the blonde as she waited her turn.
And instead of his dick deflating into nothing, he let out a noise he would later deny to himself as he ripped his cock out of his sweats and started rapidly stroking his dick as the guy on screen let out slutty noises and tongued down the other dudes dick before sloppily kissing the blonde with the cock in between their lips.
"Fuck, I love this dick," The guy gasped, "Want it all the time."
The blonde giggled and the camera panned to where she was running her finger around his puckered hole, "You want it here baby?"
And as the guy on his knees let out a groan, threw his head back and made his dark hair flutter around his face, Jensen let out the slightest of squeaks as he pulled roughly on his rock hard cock and he felt the pull in his balls become an onslaught of come,"Fuuuuuuuck!"
Sticky white liquid shot out of his cock and onto his stomach as he quickly realized that the reason he came so hard and so long was cause the guy on the screen was a look alike of the guy currently standing with his mouth open at his doorway.
With another squeak, Jensen slammed the laptop shut, ripped his ear buds out and quickly stuffed himself back into his sweatpants before standing up on shaky legs.
Jared blinked at him wide eyed and pink cheeked as he closed his mouth and swallowed hard, closing the trailer door softly behind him, "Uhhhh, Dude, you ever, uh, consider locking your door, if you're gonna jerk the chicken?"
"Dude, you ever consider fucking calling first before you just come over?  Or maybe knocking on the fucking door?"
"I DID knock on the fucking door but you obviously had your dirty movie on too loud.  AND I TEXTED before I came, like I always do!"
Jensen gave him an incredulous look, "No. You didn't," He shot out as he grabbed up his phone from the couch, "I would have felt the.....oh,"  Jensen gave him a sheepish glance, "Looks like I put it on silent not vibrate."
Jared's lips twitched into what could have been a smile, "Uh huh,"  Jared casually pushed passed Jensen's stiff form and plopped himself on the abandoned couch.  He spread his arms across the back of it as he glanced up at Jensen through his lashes,  "Sooooo, if I hadn't gotten here when I did, would that have been the, uh, next thing you would have pulled out?"
Jensen's eyebrows drew together in confusion, as his humiliation continued to burn through him, "Pulled what out?"
Jared bit his bottom lip, obviously trying not to laugh out loud, "Never mind.  Man, its fine.  Stop looking at me like you wanna crawl into a hole.  We ALL fucking do it.  Hell, I jerked off twice in the shower before coming here."
Ignoring the pull of desire in his belly at Jared's words, Jensen groaned out loud and threw himself down onto the other end of the couch and rubbed his hands over his face, "So fucking embarrassing," He muttered into his fingers, refusing to look over at Jared.
A small squeaking sound, slid through the air and sounds of heavy breathing filled the awkward space.
"Yeah baby, just like that.  Fuck me with your fingers."
Jensen's head shot up as Jared let out a deep belly laugh and stared at Jensen's re-opened laptop at the kneeling guy on the screen getting his pink hole finger fucked by the blonde chick next to him as he sucked and licked the cock in front of him.
"DUUUUUDE, this is some kinky shit."
"What the fu-? Jay!  Why would you turn that back on?!"  Jensen threw himself over Jared's lap, ignoring the loud laughter falling out Jared's mouth and frantically pressed buttons until it stopped playing and slammed the laptop shut once again.  He whipped his head to the side and glared at the wide grin inches from his face, "You're an asshole, you know that?"
Jared winked at Jensen as he shifted his hips underneath him, poking Jensen in the stomach with something, "You're taking this way too seriously, Man."
Jensen looked down into the small space between him and Jay before slowly leaning back into his own spot on the couch.  He couldn't have felt what he thought he did....did he?
With a clearing of his throat, he swallowed and sat back as he ran his hands through his hair, "This is fucking embarrassing!"  He repeated.
Shrugging, Jared leaned his head into the back of the couch and rolled his head so it was next to Jensen's, "Soooooo, does this mean....I mean...are you...gay?"
Jensen's eyes widened in alarm as his heart started pounding frantically, "NO!  I'm not fucking gay, Jay!  Did you not see the chick in the movie?  I didn't realize until it was too late that the guy was going to be...involved like that."
Jared sent a sympathetic look at Jensen's panicked gaze, "You know Jen, it's okay if you are.  I'm not judging.  Like, at all-"
"Jesus, Jared!  I'm telling you I'm not-"
"-cause I've swung both ways before soooo.."
Jensen blinked stupidly at Jared's soft smile and felt like he might pass out from sheer terror mixed with immediate curiosity.
Jared sat up and placed his elbows on his knees before lacing his fingers together, "I'm...I mean I guess...you could call me...bisexual,"  He shrugged before running his fingers through his hair and Jensen could see a slight tremble despite Jared's calm tone.
"Have you...um...had...you know.."
Another dazzling smile was sent Jensen's way, "Have I ever fucked a guy before?"  At Jensen's nod, Jared shrugged, "Yep.  Both catcher and pitcher."
"What?  You know if you cant talk about gay sex, you shouldn't be doing gay sex."  He said with a mock serious look.
"Yeah, yeah.  Well, I'm not.  Doing it.  I mean.  With guys.  And lately, not with girls either,"  Jensen ran a hand against the back of his neck, "Maybe that's the problem.  I'm backed up to the point where my brain is floating in sperm and stupidity."
Jared laughed again before placing a hand against the back of Jensen's neck and squeezing it, "Jen, again, not judging.  But, uh, coming that hard?  Usually signifies that shit is turning you on.  And then some."
Jensen gaped at Jared, "How fucking long were you standing there?"
"Long enough to wonder if you were gonna provide a cigarette after the show."
With another squeeze to his neck, Jared smirked, "What can I say, it was seriously hot."
Jensen's poor heart started pounding at an even faster clip, "You...you thought that was hot?"
Jared's smirk dropped and a look that Jensen had never seen before took it's place, "Come on, Man.  Have you seen yourself in the mirror?  Can you really blame me for thinking that way about you?"
Jensen swallowed.  Hard. "What....what way?"
Jared licked his bottom lip and bit it, "How curious are you about this?  I don't want to go down a road with you and you wake up the next morning and decide you cant work with me or you don't want to be friends.  I value our friendship, Man.  Truly.  It would kill me not to-."
"Yeah," Jensen interrupted with a soft smile, "It would kill me too."
With a smile of his own, Jared let go of Jensen's neck and sat back, "Sooo, you wanna finish watching the movie?"
Was it possible for stomachs to dip right outta your body?  Cause that's what was happening to Jensen's.
"I-uh, I mean, if you, uh, wanna, I mean..."
Taking pity on Jensen's stuttering, Jared reached under the side table and pulled out the bottle of Glenfiddich whiskey he knew was stored there, "Drink first?"
"Fuck yeah."
The first two shots burned on the way down.  By the time they were both nursing the third drink, Jensen was feeling the edges of his anxiety start to float away and Jared was sitting closer to him on the couch.
They talked a little more about Jared and his previous male conquests.  ("They were pretty.  And hot.  I have a hard time saying no to pretty and hot.")
And they spoke of how he may not advertise his sexuality but he wasn't ashamed of it either. ("Pussy and dick both make me come.  Soooo, why not?")
By the time they reached the point where Jensen felt brave enough to let Jay turn on the laptop, he was sporting some chub thinking of his best friend in these compromising positions.  
And if Jay's gaze was any indication, it was very noticeable.  
Fucking sweatpants.  
Clearing his throat, Jared pressed play and placed it on the couch in between them.
"Suck that cock.  Fuck yeah.  So fucking hot."  The blonde said as she continued to finger fuck the dark haired guys ass before quickly adding a second finger.  The blonde slapped one of the guys ass cheeks with her free hand before using the same hand to separate them, "Look how pretty.  Can't wait for you to take that monster up in here.  Gonna make you eat my pussy while you take it."
Jensen's head was swimming as a deep pulse of lust shot into his stomach and straight to his dick.  His mind was quickly replacing the images on screen with him being the one sitting on the couch, running his hand through Jared's hair as he sucked his cock with major enthusiasm.
Fuck, could he really be this hard, this fast?
Sending a surreptitious glance toward Jared, Jensen took another sip of his drink and adjusted himself on the couch, trying to sit in such a way that his wood wasn't so obvious.
He was terribly unsuccessful.
Especially considering he had looked into Jared's lap and saw a massive boner laying against the side of his leg, plainly visible in the track pants he was wearing.
This time, Jensen had to bite his lip to keep in the moan that threatened to fly out of his throat.  
"You, uh,  you okay?"
Jensen's head shot up at Jared's deep baritone and he swallowed at the look of lust making Jared's eyes darken, "I, uh, maybe this wasn't such a good idea..."  He said as he placed his drink on the table next to him.
Jared looked down at the tent in Jensen's sweats, before raising an eyebrow, "You sure about that, Jen?"
At that moment, the dark haired guy on screen let out a loud moan and both of their heads swiveled back to the screen just in time to see him take Big-Dicks cock in his ass.  He swiveled his hip and pushed against Big-Dick before licking up the blondes thigh in front of him, plunging his tongue in her pussy.
"Fuck...." Jared let out before he reached down and squeezed his dick through his pants, "That's fucking hot."
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Watching Jared touch himself through his pants was gonna make Jensen blow his wad straight across the room.  The throbbing in his sweats was becoming unbearable and mixed with the whiskey in his system, he was ready to say fuck it and whip his dick out.
"Deeper.."  The guy on screen begged in between long licks to the blondes pussy, "Deeper, Man.  Yeah, just like that."
Big-Dick obliged and he adjusted himself to give the guy long, hard, deep strokes as his partner let out a groan and lay his head on the blondes thigh; his hard cock swinging between his legs with the pounding he was happily taking.
"You like that baby?" The blonde cooed as she ran her fingers through his hair, "Feels good right?"
"Oh my God," Jensen couldn't help but let out softly as he felt his dick dribble out pre-cum into his pants.
Jared looked up into Jensen's face and shuddered out a breath, "Dude, I'm so fucking horny right now that if I don't take out my dick, its gonna explode in my pants."
Jensen shut his eyes at the shot of want that streaked down his spine, "Shit, Jay.  You're gonna kill me."
"Is that a yes?"
What to do?  Lord knew he was so far gone the room was spinning.  Though the whiskey could've had a hand in that as well.
Instead of answering, Jensen reached into his pants and pulled out his throbbing cock and immediately started stroking it from root to tip.  He was so worked up, his hips involuntarily canted into his grip and he let out a groan and dropped his head onto the back of the sofa letting it loll to the side, facing Jared.
Jensen watched as Jared's eyes widened at the sight in front of him and he started letting out gasping breaths before reaching into his underwear, pulling out his cock (Big-fucking-cock.  Want-it-in-his-mouth-cock) as he pulled down his pants with the other hand.  Jay's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he leaned back against the sofa, inches away from Jensen's gasping mouth.  
"Fuck..."  Jensen whispered as he felt Jared's rapid breaths against his lips.  Immediately, he licked his lower lip trying in vain to catch the taste of his best friend and swallow it down.  He opened his eyes into slits and peered right into yellow-green orbs as he let out a low moan when his cock jerked in his hand.
He was so fucking close....
Jared let out a deep groan in tandem with Jensen, his mouth hanging slightly open as his hand reached down and played with his sack, "Jen....God...the things I wanna do to you..."
Those thick lips were so close to his own, he could practically feel them opening up and taking everything he had to give.  He licked his lips, hoping his tongue would graze against Jared's but instead he felt an answering lick against the tip of his tongue as Jared tentatively rubbed it against his.
"Again...." Jensen groaned, "Please....again."
A sound of complete surrender left Jared's throat as he closed the small distance between their mouths and immediately wrapped his tongue around Jensen's before sucking Jensen's bottom lip into his mouth.  
A bomb went through Jensen's torso and immediately erupted out of his dick as he came so hard his eyes crossed and he moaned long and loud into Jared's mouth causing the other man to moan in return. Come arched through the air and landed right on his t-shirt as he closed his mouth over Jared's and kissed him with deep strokes of his tongue.
"Oh God, oh FUCK!"
The loud scream from the laptop caused both men to separate and look down in time to see the dark haired guy on screen on his back getting plowed by Big-Dick as the blonde sucked down his cock.
"I'm gonna come!" He yelled into the air, "I'm gonna come."
As the blonde lifted her face out of the way, he shot up and onto his chest with loud grunts as the guy who had been fucking him pulled out and helped the blonde lap up the come on his chest.  
A low groan came from Jared, "Ugggghhh, Jen.  Shiiiiit."
Jensen looked to the side just in time to see Jared rip up his T-shirt  just as his red tipped dick erupted onto his now exposed stomach.
It was by far one of the hottest fucking things he had ever seen in his life.
As both men leaned back letting out low gasps, Jensen waited for the awkwardness to settle in.  But nothing happened.   He blinked up at the ceiling of the trailer and tried to trudge up something of the fear that he felt earlier but instead he  just felt....content.
"You okay, Jen?"  
Jensen turned his head to meet Jared's slightly panicked eyes.
Jared gulped as Jensen didn't immediately answer,  "I mean...are we okay?"
Taking in that strong jawline and those beautiful eyes, Jensen smiled, "Yeah.  Yeah, Jay.  We're good."
Letting out a sigh of relief, Jared closed the laptop between them and placed it on the table before closing the small distance between their bodies.  As Jensen felt the heat radiating off of Jared's body bleed into own, he let his eyes slide down to the curve of Jared's lips and couldn't help but bring his mouth to his and press a soft kiss against them.  He felt Jared smile before the taller man deepened the kiss and slid one of those massive hands of his across Jensen's t-shirt covered stomach.  With a groan into Jensen's mouth. he squeezed at the side of Jensen's waist before meandering his fingers up his chest towards his neck before suddenly stopping and looking down at his hand.
"What's wrong?"  Jensen on a breath.
Biting his lip, Jared brought up his shiny fingers, "Dude, you either have a talent for shooting long distance or you really were backed up,"
Jensen's eyes widened, "Is that my-"
"Come?  Yep," Jared opened his mouth and inserted his fingers before sucking them deep and releasing them with a pop and a smirk, "Still warm too."
Another dip in his belly as Jensen tried to decide how he felt about watching his best friend lick his come off his fingers.  When said friend, winked at him and bit his bottom lip, Jensen decided he was abso-fucking-lutley okay with it, "Fuck.  You're gonna kill me."
Jared hummed deep in his throat and leaned his head in to kiss Jensen again when a loud knock sounded at the door.
"Yo!  Open up the door!  You two fools better not have drank all the alcohol."
Shit!  Y/N!
With panicky eyes and fumbling hands righting clothes, Jensen cleared his throat and quickly made it to the door after looking back to make sure Jared was decent.
"Hey!"  Y/N said with a bright smile when the door opened, "Sorry I took so long.  Crisis with Christy happened.  Again!"  Y/N said referring to one of the PA's on staff as she made her way around Jensen and to his small kitchenette, "But I brought pizza!"  She lifted the box in her hands before placing it on the table, "Hope you guys are hungry."
Jared and Jensen shared a heavy look before Jared answered, "Yeah, I'd say we worked up a pretty decent appetite today."
Y/N looked around the trailer and took a deep breath, swinging around making the short skirt she had on flounce in the air, "It smells like bad decisions in here, Ackles.  You really need to clean up after you bang random chick number sixty-nine."
Jared let out a high pitched laugh as Jensen pursed his lips at his friend, "I did not bang any..chick in here. Thank you very much."
Y/N shrugged off her jacket and placed it on the back of a chair before plopping down next to Jared on the couch, "Then you need to figure out which sock is lying around and still hiding the evidence of your last....activities."
"Just sayin'."
Tagging some peeps that may be interested.  Let me know if its not your thing and you’d rather not be tagged.
@thoughtslikeaminefield  @maddiepants @coffee-obsessed-writer @pisces-cutie @idreamofplaid @tumbler-tidbits @glassjacket @boondoctorwho @spnkinkbingo
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ilcaeryx · 5 years
Limelight: Chapter 3 [Bakugou Katsuki/Reader]
SUMMARY: In their ingenuity, villains spurred the competence and excellence of heroes with unexpected consequences. Before, most heroes could focus solely on combating villany and make a living out of it. Today, a well-established hero is multifunctional: a protector, entertainer and idol in one person. Engaging the public the way a celebrity would is a common strategy, leaving the tabloid industry flourishing and eager to make a killing.Number 2 hero Bakugou “Ground Zero” Katsuki refuses to indulge others’ fantasties… though he’ll make an exception for you.
TAGS: Reader-Insert, Idol-like Heroes, Friends to Lovers, Romance, Vacation, Long-Distance Relationship, Hero Dating Civilian, Influences from K-pop, Comedy, Aged-Up Character(s), Idol Variety
COMMENT: Yikes, I forgot I had actually written this chapter but not uploaded it here...
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Stalker Tendencies
Today was a good day. For you, a good day translated into a productive, fullfilling day and by extension a serene night. Lately (meaning these last few years) those had been rationed out like canned pineapple during war time. You, dear reader, had been starving for quite a while by that point. It wasn't the ferocious type of hunger either. Instead, it was the cautious nibbling on your sole slice of pineapple for the week, perhaps the entire month, even though your very instinct harassed you to consume.
In the quiet town of Shirahiga, the days blurred into an amalgam… allowing you to eat your one slice in peace.
Now if you were a pessimist, you would assume that there were around two hours left of the day to become disappointed. For the sake of your well-being, you hoped that no superior being was orchestrating anything nasty for you. If it were true, it would be massively discouraging, wouldn't it?
But thats's enough of your shallow and edgy background. Let us snap back to reality.
Being a temporarily productive person, you were re-stocking the modest shelves of the village's sole grocery stole. Although it wasn't in your job description, you figured you could spare a few minutes to help the owners out. According to the agreement of last week, you had one delivery left tonight before you could call it a day and it was only to the café down the street.
Just the bread left and I'll head out.
You, L/N Y/N, were certainly getting that bread and in about 15 minutes you could head home.
The entrance bell tinged cheerfully. Making a surprised face to yourself, you finished loading the bread and stood up, brushing residue off your jeans. This was a small town grocery store, not a convenience store in Tokyo - in this town things weren't open late. Late meaning after 9PM, in this context.
You had better things to do than babysit someone so you made Matrushka dolls out of the carton boxes and carried them to the designated spot behind the store. Afterwards the owner quickly gave you the delivery wares for your next target, eager to close the shop.
It seems like everything is here, you thought as you counted the groceries inside your backpack and checked them off with your list. With a zip you closed it and struggled to get it on since it was one of those bulky hiking backpacks.
You were more than motivated to leave this place.
However, upon standing up and appearing like some sickly hunchback out of fucking nowhere from behind the counter, you locked eyes with the dude.
You didn't catch a lot of him, but you didn't like what you did see.
Upon seeing the customer, you did a 90 degrees bow and pretended to tie your shoe-laces to avoid him. People always said you shouldn't stereotype others but once safety was involved virtue signalling could fuck off. That was the appearance profile of a robber, seriously; tall man dressed in dark jeans and hoodie, hair and face neatly nestled underneath the hoodie and mouth mask. If you couldn't see his face, your Quirk would remain inactive and that made you anxious. You sure as fuck weren't going to walk up to him to touch or smell him instead.
"Hey, cashier girl," he rumbled from above. "Are you done?"
You couldn't pretend any longer, so you stood up and you adapted your 'customer service' persona and shot him a nervous and fake smile, looking him in the eyes. All you could distinguish were red eyes and broad cheekbones, along with stray pale hairs dodging the hoodie's edge. He was irritatedly tapping on the glass surface with his fingers. Okay, maybe he wasn't a robber this time around but no one went around dressed like that without a motive. Thus you decided to peace out.
Breathing in deeply, you answered, "I don't work here, sir."
Bye bitch, you bade him farewell inside your head as you walked passed him, clinging onto your backpack straps.
When you were outside, you sneaked a peek inside the store. The owner had taken the guy's payment and he didn't seem distressed, so with a relieved sigh you kept going.
Tonight's weather was pleasant and you generally liked taking nightly walks but you just wanted this over with. Dipping in and out of the public lights, you made your way down the street past the few stores in this town, all locked. By the end of the road, the little café was welcoming your inside, even though there was a 'CLOSED' sign on the door.
You froze up mid motion when something overtook you by your left, whirling into a full stop in front of you. Light deepened the night with his black clothing, your stunned silence and the afterglow of fear bursting inside you.
He cracked his knuckles using his thumb on his left hand while cocking his head to the side, glaring.
"Leave me the fuck alone," he said slowly, his brows narrowed and knit a spider-web-like network of creases above his nose. "You pieces of shit can't just do that, can you?"
The guy moved, causing you to stutter backwards. He made a noise of disgust and rolled his eyes before continuing down the road, eventually slipping into the darkness between the vegetation.
You couldn't get into the entrance of the café fast enough, but fuck - you tried inserting the wrong key repeatedly, your hands shaking. When the right one slid in you unlocked the door, swung it open in the smallest arc possible and darted inside. The door shook in its frame and with a click it locked.
It became hard to stand with your knees clobbering against each other so you slid down on the floor, wrapping your arms around your legs. Your breathing was loud in your ears and your chest felt like it couldn't expand properly with your iron-grip on your legs. You told yourself that he wouldn't enter, he was simply threatening you not to ever go near him.
Who was that?
That guy wasn't from here, that you were sure of. Judging by his clothes, stature and voice you pinned him in his mid-20s. There wasn't an abundance of younger people in this area; aside from visiting family members and tourists, most people there were above the age of 30. Thus, you could draw the conclusion that he indeed was a tourist.
Whoever that person was, you'd heed his advice and stay clear out of his way.
Unfortunately, because of his mouth mask you couldn't fullfill all critera for you to track him… which meant that you would have to be more careful from now on. Not that you wouldn't be if you could track him, but it was always reassuring to know where those you wanted to avoid were, The lack option of having complete control whether a person could approach you or not made you feel unsafe and exposed. It was not something you were used to.
This was not something you could deal with alone, you realized when the shaking stopped and you had trouble breathing with your dry throat. Asking for help was the right thing to do, definitely. After all, this person could be a threat to anyone, regardless of age and gender. Thus, you gathered yourself the best you could and told the café owner about your
Incidentally, this is how L/N Y/N incited a witch hunt that would eventually make her a D-tier celebrity.
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sprydecreates · 6 years
wedding bells
requested by: no one :)
warnings: angst (break up), language
pairings: shawn mendes x reader
type: headcanon/list; gender neutral (doesn’t use any pronouns)
summary: after a brutal break up, shawn is there to pick you up, and then some.
a/n: i know.... i keep weaving in and out of tumblr...... oh well. had this idea in mind and i really liked it. hope it’s not too bad ♡
flash back friday
you and shawn met in elementary school due to a school project called flat stanley, where you send a little paper character to someone you know and have them take stanley through their lives for a bit.
your family knew shawn’s, and so you two were introduced for the first time.
since you two were kids, you didn’t really have a way to keep in contact with each other.
good thing for you, you two were reunited in middle school, when shawn’s family came in for a visit.
finally, you two were able to keep in contact, and you remained good friends until high school.
until meaning, you didn’t have anyone to bring to prom, and you invited shawn
which, of course, caused a whole cliche like “he saw me walk down the stairs and fell in love”, but deadass. like that’s really what happened. boy seen you all pampered and dressed up, and did the whole “..wow” with the little heart eyes and had that little blushy patch shining through
soon after, he asked how you felt about long distance relationships while on facetime.
hoping he’d take the hint, you said “there’s really only one person i’d see myself with that’s far away” and take him through a “well he’s like eight feet tall, has brown hair and brown eyes, kinda sarcastic but will cry if he thinks he hurt someones feelings, shall i go on?” 
and hes OblIviOus right. genuinely thinks you’re talking about some celeb you’ve stanned for a couple of months. so he’s just like “uh, if you want. you seem happy about him, so i’m glad you’re happy”
and you pull a “yeah, you do make me happy”
this sweetie raises his eyebrows and widens his eyes, Finally realizing you’re going on about him, and he’s like, “huh..?”
“did you seriously think i wouldn’t notice you rubbing little hearts into the back of my hand on the way to prom?”
“i mean yeah but that’s on my side, i didn’t realize that you liked me back??”
“i was sure you’d take the hint when i said i’d love to have a boyfriend like you”
“y/n you Know how bad i am at taking hints”
“yeah, i know, now.”
and that started the talking phase, which only lasted Maybe a month and a half before you two started dating.
you and shawn dated from senior year up until freshman year of college.
you stayed in your own state because of the in-state tuition, and shawn stayed in canada to be closer to his family
because you two were now considered to be in the ‘real world’ and actually had to fend for your own in a sense, you two became super busy, and rarely got a chance to speak to each other.
this eventually lead to you two breaking up, as you couldn’t keep up with each other at this speed, and distance.
you both agreed to give each other some air, and continue talking when the other had enough time to heal.
but, out of fear that the other hadn’t had enough time to get themselves together, neither of you contacted the other and the friendship fell through.
present time
two years have passed, and you are now in a relationship with your fiance.
yes, you read that right. f i a n c e.
you didn’t necessarily think it’d happen, either.
after your friendship with shawn fell through, you downloaded tinder, and matched with (y/f/n). you decided “eh, why not” and now you’re here.
you didn’t really even want to marry this dude this fast, but he brought you to a popular and packed, expensive restaurant with his entire immediate family, and popped the question while using a microphone. how fun, totally not anxiety driven and absolutely not embarrassing :)
but, since shawn, you were having doubts of finding someone else. so, this was like a last shot for you, in a sense.
but, here you are, and it’s about four months from the wedding date.
nothing is written in stone, apart from the venue
you were going through your contacts, finding out who you were going to invite.
down the line, shawn popped up.
what were you going to do now?
you wanted to invite shawn because, hello, he had been apart of your life since  e l e m e n t a r y  s c h o o l. you couldn’t just marry someone and ten years down the road bring it up like “hey yea sorry about not inviting you :/ thought it’d be awkward ://////”
but then again, your fiance was well aware of your history with shawn. it’s not like he was going to leave you at the alter if shawn came, but you were still a bit iffy considering (y/f/n) is a little insecure when it comes to you talking to other guys.
despite feeling off about you, you decided to message shawn anyway, and inform him of whats going on
2:43 PM: “hey shawn!”
2:51 PM: “(Y/n)?”
2:53 PM: “yeah?”
2:57 PM: “Hey! I was just making sure this was still your number. I didn’t have it deleted on purpose, just got a new phone about two months ago.”
3:04 PM: “no problem, sorry we haven’t talked in a bit. how are you?”
3:10 PM: “Pretty good, how are you?”
3:13 PM: “i’m doing well, i actually just got engaged not too long ago!”
3:35 PM: “Oh, yeah, I noticed that. Congrats”
3:40 PM: “:( you okay?”
4:15 PM: “Just confused as to why I’m being told this like four months since it happened.”
4:20 PM: “I wanted to tell you, i just didn’t know how to bring it up in a normal conversation. that and my fiance is a bit weird about us talking.”
4:24 PM: “What do you mean weird?”
4:28 PM: “he just gets freaked”
4:33 PM: “Lol I don’t know why he’d get upset at you messaging me just to tell me that you’re getting married to him. Seems like he’s scared.”
4:39 PM: “idk. anyway, i was wondering if you’d like to be invited?”
the conversation went on for half the evening before you both said goodnight and went to sleep.
you were woken up by (y/f/n) standing over you with your phone in his hand.
“(y/f/n)? what is it?”
he had his eyebrows raised in a ‘caught you’ type of way, peering down at you and practically shoving your phone into your face, “what’s this about shawn?”
you let out a short but forceful breath through your nose, “what about it? and why are you in my phone-”
“‘can’t wait to see you’? ‘i think he’s scared’? what the fuck is that about?”
you were sat up in your bed by now, as he had spent the night at your place, “what the fuck about it, (y/f/n)? he used to be one of my closest friends, i’m not going to skip out on inviting him-”
“oh but you don’t back me up when he thinks i’m scared of him? or when he talks shit about my family?”
“all he said was he figured you proposed that way?! why are you freaking out over this?”
“why aren’t YOU freaking out- you know what. i’m gonna head out.”
and with that, he left.
a few weeks and after several arguments later, you officially changed your relationship status to ‘single’ on facebook.
shawn was one of the first to message and ask if you were okay.
you explained everything that had happened, and how you drunkenly figured out (y/f/n) had hooked up with his ex because “if you get to fuck someone else so do i”. even though   . you and shawn haven’t been face to face in like two years  . ok
not even a week later, shawn was at your front door with two weeks worth of clothes packed.
the first few days were reserved for him to kind of hold you, and make sure you were alright. you were sad it was over, and angry that he cheated and used an assumption to do so.
on the third day, though you finally opened up about the situation that lead to the breakup.
you and shawn were on your couch, and it was about midnight. you had been on the topic of busted relationships, and that’s when you felt like it was appropriate to complain, “i’m just, so, confused? like i don’t know what went wrong with it.”
shawn, who had always been real with you, decided to add his opinion in, “he wasn’t ever right for you, from what all you’ve told me.”
you sighed and shook your head, waving your hands in a defeated motion, “i know, he wasn’t ever my type. it’s just, we made a life together,” shawn made a disapproving hum, but kept his words to himself, “and yeah he was kind of a bitch, and his family was really weird and acted like they were better than me, and,” you continued for roughly fifteen more seconds before shawn interrupted
“(y/n), do you hear yourself?” he held his hand sternly against his half crossed legs. you didn’t speak, as you thought he would continue, “you sound like you were living in an imaginary jail cell. there’s more bad than good about him, and i get that usually happens after a breakup, but i’ve heard what, TWO good things about him since i’ve been here? if he’s as bad as you make him seem, which i completely believe, then you’re better off without him.”
you held your head down, staring at the floor while shawn continued on, and spoke softly when he was finished, “i know i probably am, i just can’t wrap my head around why he cheated. he was supposed to love me, and i feel like it was my fault this all ended-”
“it wasn’t ever your fault (y/n).”
“i just-”
“no, listen to me. this man proposed in front of his family because he knew you’d get nervous and say yes so you wouldn’t cause a scene. then when he realized you wouldn’t obey his every order, he didn’t want you anymore. he wanted you to say you were a fixer upper and that HE was the one to help you. but you helped yourself, and he hated that. he literally left you out of nowhere JUST because you invited me, someone you hadn’t spoken to but for mere minutes each year to wish me a happy birthday or new years. then he immediately went and hooked up with an ex, that didn’t you say he lied about talking to at the start of your relationship?”
“yeah but-”
“i don’t mean to interrupt all the time, but there’s not any buts to be had. he realized you weren’t going to be his trophy wife, and he resorted to his ex, who he knew would be there. you’re better off, (y/n). it might take some time, but it’s true.”
you sat in silence for a couple of minutes, taking in all that shawn had said. and, he was right. that piece of shit left you, YOU, all because you invited your ex to an event that bounded you and your fiance together. so, fuck him, and everything he made you go through.
the rest of the night was spent with you and shawn making fun of (y/f/n).
what the future holds
next thing you knew, you and shawn had graduated from college, and (y/f/n) proposed to his ex. but you hadn’t been thinking about him much, especially since shawn had gotten back into your life.
you two were actually looking through apartments up in michigan, and planned to move in with each other by july.
now, you two did this in order to ‘save money’. in reality, two months passed and you two started to catch feelings, again. whooooo would’ve guessed that was going to happen?
regardless, you didn’t mind, and shawn certainly didn’t either.
come to find out, your relationship status changed to ‘in a relationship’ with shawn not even six months after moving in with each other!
your relationship was really sweet, to say the least.
lots of reassurance from shawn, most of the time it was random
temple kisses while you were working on something for your internship to let you know he supported you
really careful and patient when you were stressing out
little “i love you”’s at the most random times. kind of like extra greetings from kurtis conner
tons of showing off, something (y/f/n) never really done
shawn was Extra. like he made a while ass snapchat story dedicated to you because he couldn’t get enough of you
his headers on his social media were always related to your relationship
just genuinely heart warming things
continuation of the heart tracing on your hand (you later on got a tattoo of a heart on the hand he held the most)
he’d get shy when you’d compliment his singing, which would usually happen when he’d serenade you in the floor at night, and he’d have that same blushy patch appear right before he’d hide his smile in the crook of your neck
while sitting next to you, if he couldn’t see your entire side profile, he’d always move your hair and tuck it behind your ear. he also liked to do this thing where he rubbed your ear after doing it
you knew you loved shawn, and he knew he loved you.
like, this dude has loved you for years. of course it dwindled and changed as you both grew, both apart and grew, but he always felt something.
so, it wasn’t a surprise when this conversation took place one night, you both sat on the couch as the background noise of the tv filled the room while you worked on a project, and he was writing a song that’d be for you when it was finished.
“hey, (y/n),” shawn said, a bit lower than the tv’s volume.
“yeah?” you answered monotone and focused on the finishing touches of your project.
he had been staring at you with those soft eyes, so his tone came out a bit more soft too, “let’s get married.”
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—Someone’s broken in. Connor is the first person you think to call. But what will he choose?—
A/N: IM BACK!! So this has been on my mind forever now, and I’m so excited it’s finally done!! Please let me know what you think of it!
Warnings: kinda fluffy Connor, swearing, blood, fighting, angsty
“Goddamnit, Kyle!” You rake a hand through your hair, sighing through gritted teeth. “You’re kidding, right? There’s no damn way-”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he says tiredly, “there’s nothing I can do.”
Clenching your jaw, you hang up, nearly throwing your phone across the room. You shake your head, wanting very badly to hit something. A headache quickly forms as you mutter curses.
“Thought you were an officer, not a sailor,” Gavin taunts, laughing as he props his feet up on his desk.
“Fuck off, Reed,” you snarl, “or so help me I will shut you up myself.”
He rocks back, laughing even harder at your sour mood. Without warning, you grab the nearest object which happens to be a pencil. He jumps as you bring it down towards his shin, barely missing your mark as he crashes to the floor.
“Crazy bitch,” he mutters, rubbing the back of his head. He slowly stands up, backing away from you. He’s a good ten yards away before he turns towards the door.
“Don’t get me wrong,” someone says. Turning, you recognize Hank and Connor walking towards you, the older man smiling. “Seeing Gavin nearly get shanked brings me great joy,” he sits on your desk, taking the pencil from your clenched fist, “but you could’ve at least used a pen.”
You sigh, picking at your desk. “Don’t judge,” you mutter, “could’ve gotten lead in his blood. Made ‘im real sick.”
“She does have a point,” Connor agrees. Your lips twitch at his pun. Looking up at him, a timid smile pulls at his lips. “I thought it would help your mood.”
“But you’re just gonna ignore she tried to stab Reed?” Hank shakes his head, rolling his eyes. “Oh. Okay.”
Connor blinks, head tilting to the side. “I assumed her actions were a side effect of her fever.”
“Fever?” You and Hank say simultaneously. You don’t break eye contact with Connor as you lean towards the older man. “Jinx. You owe me a coffee.”
Hank’s head turns fast, scowling at the side of your face accusingly. You smile innocently at Connor despite the two holes being bore into your head. His brows furrow at your actions.
“You never get sick,” Hank says, the frown tipping into concern, “and now you’ve got a fever?”
“It’s not severe, Lieutenant,” Connor interrupts, “her body temperature is only at ninety nine point-”
“But you don’t get sick,” he repeats.
“Long story short,” you sigh, leaning back in your chair, “I’ll be staying at a motel for a month or so cause the pipes in my apartment building froze.”
Both Hank and Connor’s brows raise. “Holy shit, kid.”
“Yeah,” you mutter, resting your head in your hand. “Kyle — the shitty landlord? — says he can’t get anybody to come look at it for a couple weeks.”
“Why not ditch the motel?” Hank places a hand on your shoulder. “Stay with us till the shit gets fixed.”
He rolls his eyes, cutting you off with a wave of his hand. “Oh c’mon, Y/L/N. I’ll even make pancakes.”
You chew your lip, considering his offer. Bunk with an old cop, his dog, and a cute android? It wasn’t the worst idea. It definitely beat getting some disease from mysterious stains in a broke down motel.
“Alright,” you say finally.
Hank smiles, a dimple pressing into his cheek. He ruffles your hair. “Alright.”
The squeal of brakes from a train echoes distantly accompanied by three solid knocks on the door. Sumo pick his head up off your lap, giving a soft woof. Setting your book down on the nightstand, you scratch his ears, earning a couple whumps of his tail against the bed.
“It’s okay, buddy,” you coo sweetly. You manage to free your legs of the blankets as the saint bernard settles again. Using your foot to swing the door open, you tie up your hair, quietly padding down the hallway.
You’ve just rounded the corner when the handle jostles. You hesitate, holding your breath as muffled curses make their way through the door. Goosebumps rise on your skin. A thousand thoughts flood your mind, the scariest one being, That’s not Hank.
The lock clicks. “Fuck,” you snap, your voice a whisper.
The door swings open, it’s handle denting the drywall as two men push through. You lock eyes with the first man, the two of you standing shell shocked for half a breath. The second, the younger looking with a heavy bruise on his cheekbone, slaps the first.
“Fuckin grab her!” He shouts, slamming the door shut. And just like that, the standoff comes to a jagged end, the first guy lunging at you, his cigarette stained teeth bared.
Grabbing his wrist, you twist his arm to the side, driving the heel of your palm into his nose. Losing his balance, he topples backwards. The second man reaches out, but with a rush of fur blurring by, Sumo latches his teeth into his arm.
“Sumo!” Cigarette Teeth seizes your moment of distraction and get you in a headlock, his forearm held tightly against your throat. Bruise punches the dog in his ribs before throwing him off. “No!”
He adrenaline coursing through you hinders rather than help, turning your motions frantic as you scratch and scream; your fingernails leave angry, red welts across his skin. Bruise moves forward. You bring your knees to your chest, a savage growl pushing through gritted teeth as you kick him in his stomach. The loss of his footing sends him to the floor, his face meeting the wood with a loud thump!
“Jesus, fuck,” the man holding you grunts, an undertone of fear taking over his words.
The slamming of your heel on the arch of his foot paired with the whip of your head against his already bleeding nose earns a well deserved howl of pain.
Finally able to slip from his grasp, you kick Cigarette Teeth in his knee, watching him drop to the floor with a loud cry. You grab the nearest object — a book off one of the many shelves — and bring its spine down across his temple. With a groan, he crumples to the ground.
“Sumo,” you murmur hoarsely, chest heaving. You quickly fall to your knees, gingerly running your hands across his fur, turning his head towards you. “Are you okay? Fuck.”
His tail wags lightly, letting out a small whine. You whip your head to see Bruise pushing himself up with a groan. Quickly looking at your options, you stand up.
“C’mon, boy,” you urge, helping the large dog limp towards the bedroom. “Good boy! Just a little more! C’mon!”
Slamming the door, you rip the chair from the desk, lodging it beneath the door’s handle. You grab your phone from the nightstand, your book long forgotten. Sumo growls.
“I know, buddy,” you say weakly, scrolling hurriedly through your contacts. 1-800-CYBERLIFE comes into view and you hit dial. “C’mon, Connor. Pick up! Pick up!”
A rumble from the other side of the door. Sumo, crouching low, bares his teeth. You back away.
“Why is it,” Hank says dully, “that every time we gotta go chase some fuckin dead end, it’s always at some creepy, abandoned, probably haunted building?”
“If it’s any consolation, the likelihood that this building is haunted is very low.” Hank turns slow at Connor’s remark, glaring at the android with a dangerous look in his eye. Connor tilts his head. “Would you prefer rat infested?”
Hank narrows his eyes, grimacing nonetheless. “I fuckin hate you.”
Connor can’t help the faintest shadow of a smile that tugs at his lips. With a shake of his head, Hank’s attention returns to the warehouse, the rusted sign worn beyond recognition. At least to the human eye; there was still enough residue from the paint for the RK800 to confirm the location, despite the many years.
“I know you do, lieutenant.”
A middle finger is thrown over the older mans shoulder. His free hand taking hold of the door handle, he draws his weapon. Dust kicks up at their feet, the squeal of the hinges echoing off the graffitied walls.
Quiet steps are placed carefully amongst broken glass. Hank pulls one hand from the grip of his gun, his pointer finger aimed at the ceiling, drawing a circle into the air. Connor follows the order, scanning the small room with a flick of his eyes. The disturbance of dirt trailing through the door on the opposite wall is highlighted.
“There,” he says quietly, jutting his chin. Anderson takes the lead.
With the ceiling half collapsed on itself, rusted cross beams hang dangerously low, the sunken roof giving way to a darkened sky. The moonlight — one drag from an old cigar away from hazy — makes the room glow. Hank’s hand lays flat, making a sweeping motion towards the right side of the warehouse. Silently, Connor tips his head.
Parting from one another, each officer carefully makes their way through the building, scanning and searching for leads. Connor ducks beneath a shelving unit, one hand resting on the wall as he maneuvers quietly. He’s sure to miss the rebar haphazardly sticking out from the floor. He stands, but not before the remnants of a bloodstain is highlighted by his sensors.
Walsh, Chris
3 days old
Suspect is injured.
His record is littered with aggravated assault, theft, multiple drug charges, and battery. Violence is nothing new to Walsh, and from previous statements, he finds a certain appeal to the chaos. Got caught more than once, but was often let out on good behavior. There’s a soft curse from the other side of the building, Hank’s flashlight piercing the veiled darkness.
Scanners highlighting an otherwise dark corner, Connor finds himself standing in something akin to a home; a rat’s nest composed of unwanted trash, the bed nothing more than stained cardboard with a tattered and worn sweatshirt acting as a blanket. The android — clean and tidy in every sense of the word, with only a few strands of hair out of place — is so very juxtaposed to his surroundings. Crouching, Connor tilts his head left, eyes darting about for a trace of the suspect. There, on a soda can tipped on its side, it’s contents half spilt onto the floor, are smudges of fingerprints.
Walsh, Chris
7 hours old
“He’s been here, lieutenant,” he calls out. But the answer doesn’t come.
Looking over his shoulder, he stands slowly, carefully awaiting a smart comment or a grumble of disapproval, but there’s only the wind, a distant siren from somewhere in the city, and the tremble of a loaded gun.
Connor listens, sensors heightened to a degree, he isolates Hank’s heartbeat. It’s slow, steady, and it’s not the only one. The second pulse is wild, barely tamed by ragged breathing. Straightening, the android begins to move.
“Chris Walsh.” His voice is loud in the hollow building, smooth and demanding; dangerous on a calculated level. “Detroit Police, show yourself.”
Keeping the wall to his right, Connor silently makes his way towards Anderson, finding him on his side. The android drops, assessing the remnants of ketamine in an abandoned syringe, a needle mark in the man’s arm. A bruise begins to blossom on his neck, the ugly shade of purple dark against the silvery beard.
Connor grits his teeth, a half contained, “Shit,” escaping him. He radios in to the precinct.
Code 243, 11-41. Officer down.
A frustrated howl rips through the air, the ring of a gunshot piercing. “Where the fuck are you?!”
11-99. 1083 Wilson Avenue. Repeat: 11-99.
Ducking away from the unconscious officer, Connor finds the suspect standing in the spotlight of the broken roof, his eyes darting frantically. Given the levels of chemicals in the man’s system, Connor estimates Hank will wake up in two minutes and forty seven seconds. The android is several paces away before speaking.
“Chris-“ the suspect’s eyes find a spot in the darkness, gun pointed at the yellow — now red — ring of light “-put the gun down.”
“I could- I could kill you! Right now!”
The light touches Connor’s skin, and Walsh jumps. The shadows peel back with every slow step. “No,” the android says flatly, “you can’t.”
“I’m the one with a gun!” Connor nods, not furthering his agreement.  The suspect’s hand shakes, a tremor wracking his entire being. “There’s laws! Androids they-“ a shake of his head “-they can’t have weapons!”
“You’re right.” Hesitation. A smooth step closer. “There are laws. Plenty of which you’ve broken.”
Walsh bares his teeth. Knuckles pale against the black steel, he adjusts his grip, uncomfortable with its weight. Connor begins to circle him. Walsh turns in his place, frantic eyes never leaving the android.
Connor, as calm as he is efficient, watches the suspect, easily filing away every flaw. He’s dissecting him from five yards away. The bandage haphazardly wrapped around his bicep, the bloodstain dark, is most noticeable. Chris is ramabling by now — a desperate attempt at  justifying his actions.
“I’m- I’m sorry, okay? I never wanted- he owed me!” His pleas go unheard. “I didn’t have- have a choice!”
Estimated time of awakening for Lt. Anderson: fifty three seconds.
Reinforcements estimated time of arrival: three minutes and fourteen seconds.
Attack: 86% chance of success
Without further thought, Connor lunges forward. The gun goes off, missing it’s mark by inches and with a dramatic clatter, it skids across the floor. Programming takes over his movements; a dog, trained to be unforgivingly vicious. And Chris – poor, poor Chris – was the cat.
A whir of mechanisms within the android urge his movements, ducking beneath a wid swing. In turn, a knee is brought to the fugitive’s stomach, folding him over with a grunt of pain. Locking his jaw, a determined look settles on his face. He wraps his arms around Connor, lifting him off the ground and tackling him into a nearby shelving unit.
The pressure on his biocomponents is unwelcome and earns a groan. Walsh takes hold of the android’s shoulders, spinning him, and driving his head into the corner of the shelf. Blue blood easily spills. Before another blow can befall him, Connor braces himself, pushing back against Walsh’s hold. But he still has his momentum and slams his own nose into the android’s elbow.
He cradles his now broken nose, blood quickly flowing between his fingers. Connor turns. LED still a blaring red, thirium drips from his left brow, the liquid following the shape of his eye socket before rolling over his cheekbone and dripping off his jaw. If he needed to breathe, his chest would be heaving. He makes no effort to fix his crumpled (and now stained) shirt nor straighten his tie. Disheveled but nowhere near distraught, he suddenly fits his surroundings.
Incoming call: Detective Y/L/N.
He answers, hesitating when he hears a hushed yet frantic, “Connor?!”
“Detective?” His mouth doesn’t move, but his voice rings through all the same. You let out a choked breath. “I thought you-“
“I need your help,” you cut him off.
He can’t see you flinch at the pounding of the door, but he can hear the fear in your voice. Hank, from the other side of the room, groans.
“Now may not be the best time, Detective.”
His answer is cold, but Walsh is eyes the door behind him, feet shifting.
“Please! Please!” A fleeting thought occurs to him that’s he’s never seen, let alone heard, you cry. “Two guys broke in, Con. They’re twice-“ your voice cracks “-twice my size and I don’t think I can hold them off.”
Sirens close in around the building. Had the call not been directly wired into his head, he would’ve missed the way your voice died at the end. Walsh’s finger wrap deftly around an iron rod. Raising it above his head, he takes a swing which Connor narrowly misses.
“What is it they want?”
“I don’t know!” Venom taints your tone. “Lemme ask em real quick!”
Chris recovers, bringing the rod over Connor’s throat, forcing him to bend backwards if only slightly.
“Think, Y/N.” The android brings his elbow to the man’s rib cage, but his grip is firm. “How do you get out of this?”
There’s true terror in your voice now. “I don’t know! Connor, please! I need-“
You’re cut off by your own yelp, the door finally giving way, splinters flying. Sumo barks wildly. There’s a thud, the scuffle of feet, and the sounds of a fight.
Now he’s worried. Hell, he’s scared. Flashlights flood the room and Walsh’s head snaps to the source. Panicking, he drops the rod all together, taking off towards the back corner.
He says it out loud this time, but there’s no response. There’s a loud crack within his own head, followed by a sickening thump of something heavy hitting the carpet.
Time slows – no, it feels like it slows. Damn near coming to a halt as the sight of Walsh’s back, his feet carrying him towards freedom. But there’s also the silence that he so desperately wishes would leave him; an ache to hear your laugh, saying it was all a joke. It doesn’t come, and with one of Sumo’s cries cut short, he knows something is terribly wrong.
And yet, he hesitates.
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Wheel Of Fortune
EXO Park Chanyeol x Reader + others Characters: EXO Summary:  Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Chanyeol was head over heels for you but he was 100% in denial that you liked Kyungsoo. Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: CRACK FOOL. RUN IF YOURE NOT HERE FOR THAT, jealousy, bottled emotions, fluff ending, etc.
A/N: this was TOO FLUFFY tbh. i wanted to hurt myself but it turned into fluff but oh well
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let’s start at the beginning
your parents were introduced by mutual friends and started talking on the phone
okay kidding that’s too far
so you worked at SM
and is the maknae of a seven member coed group that debut a year after BigBang and a year before SHINee
(so 2007)
which considering the fact you were younger than Sehun by a couple of months meant you debuted at 10
just roll with it cos ITZ MY VERY SPECIFIC PLOT DMMIT
the members were all exactly one year apart and the members from eldest to youngest,, the sequence was a guy (@ 30 yrs old), a girl (29), a guy (28), a girl (27), a guy (26), a guy (25), then you (24).
since you were basically a sunbae at SM even tho u were a smol child you wanted to show your support to your hoobaes
So a day before their debut as a whole group, you, along with the eldest member of your group, who was the leader, visited EXO in the dance studio and gave moral support
You were A BIG FAN and it showed
not that you were hiding it in the first place
your leader was HIGH KEY embarrassed by you, but low key thought it was kinda cute how excited you were for this song
so dUH EXO dances growl for you
Luhan’s voice
Baekhyun’s attitude
Sehun’s resting bitch face
and Junmyeon thought you were adOrAbLE
“I think she malfunctioned,” your leader gave a face and pushed you on the shoulder to see if you were still breathing as you let out a silent scream
Jongin was too out of breath to fight you
but lol u know what
they did dance again for you
after that your band and exo were pretty much in one group 
like hella tight 
you were bsicly conjoined twinss
You could be at an award show and your table would be abandoned because you decided to sit with exo or vice versa
like you + your group to them:
“thtAS MY CHILd!”
“~~~that was sooooooo sOFYT”
“myY HERT!”
“OPPA *cries in korean* PLESS!”
‘iN fRonT oF MY sALaD”
“PA$$ THE H01Y W4T3R”
you @ baekyun
baekyun @ you
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them to you + your group:
“first of all fuck, second FUCK”
“HE did t h a t.”
“i cant beLIEVE THIS STADIUM IS SO QUIET” *ears are actually bleeding*
“how does this have 300M views????? ONLY 300M I--”
“my soul has been touched”
“this is TOOOOOOOO much ma lord”
“ASDFRTYUJM ive been shot”
ya dig
it’s not verbal abuse if they can’t hear you cause of the bass and the fact your on stage performing
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but like
you guys did everything together
like who else in SM mattered
SHINee who?
you reassure Minho everytime unless you wanted to die that day
BUT YOU OBVI you had MORE THAN ENOUGH ROOM TO BE AN EXO-L and an elf and a cassie and a so-won and DONT FOrget a vip and a---
you get the point
as you were close with everyone you had a special bond with every individual
my ot12
and as much as you say you are equally close with everyone
errbody knows that be bull the size of russia
yall caNNOT dENy that you and chanyeol have the same crack powder on your philtrums
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this moment must never die
ya boy be mindin his own business then
you and chanyeol be makin D.O. cray af
rest assured he HAS thought of how he’d kill both of you
ANd that’s why chanyeol loves you
like he decided he liked you the moment you lost your breath laughing when he threw a rubber duck at Kyunggsoo’s head, making it squeak in the most demented way no one thought possible
but he knew he loved you when you helped him lighten up on one of his dark days
you had that kind of effect on people
i mean all you did was sit down with him, both of your backs leaned up against each other’s, head occasionally leaning against the other’s head or shoulder, and played some nothings on the guitar and ukulele
but that was more than enough
you were there with him
and that’s what mattered
But literally the moment he accepted his feelings for you
he began to notice something he felt 100000% dumb for not seeing before
the way you laugh when Kyungsoo says a lame-ass joke
the way you always hug him from behind
you did that with literally everyone you were close with sure, 
but Chanyeol noticed you did it with him more 
and he 3
there was also the way you were just always winding up next to Soo when he was around, like he had some sort of magnet on him
and how you just liked poking his cheeks, begging him to show his dimples
which were really faint like gurl--
why daheq did you like his close to nonexistent ones?????????
okay you liked poking Lay’s dimples more
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and suho
and chen
anD FINE--
yeah you did poke his too
literally anyone who remotely has dimples tbh
ads;ajsd;lasjdkas #jelly
so chanyeol decides to ask someone about it
so he obviously goes to his wisest hyung
but the day he  wants to talk to Suho, YOU WERE ON A DATE WITH HIM
like a date but not a date date he could tell
so he goes to Baekhyun for some fucking reason
and he’s like “omg u like her i couLDnt FUCKING TELL FROM ALL THE HEARTS IN TH AIR”
instant regret
but like Baek did give him some advice
like 5% was advice
the other 99% was him screaming to just be a man and tell her
so chanyeol is like, “STFU.... also she likes kyungsoo so fml”
and for a hot second Baekhyun has nothing to say
“idek dude. this is why i flirted with her openly”
Chanyeol punched him for saying that
but he decides he��s going to tell you after like 231109 years
cos Jongdae said you don’t like Kyungsoo and that he’s sure of it
Chanyeol asked how he was sure and he was just all like
“she had a crush on Sungmin hyung before and DID NOT act like that at all.”
That made Chanyeol a lot more hopeful
So he just went for it
and asked if you wanted to get lunch
and then after eating, you guys walked back
and he just sort of blurted it out
you just looked at him and chuckled, “Thank you. I like you too, Yeolie.”
bitch are you for real rn
before Chanyeol could clarify, your walking slowed, “I’ve known for a while now.”
w h a t
“Minseok oppa told me.”
?????????? uhm HOW DID HE KNOW
Chanyeol’s hands were waterfalls atm, “Why did he tell you?”
Your face starts burning red and chanyeol cant help but think of it as a bad sign
“I told him I liked him...”
“... and he said he can’t reciprocate because he knows you like me, and that he can’t do that to his dongsaeng.”
cool story bro
you liked someone in EXO that was NOT him
cool cool cool
wait did that mean chanyeol was this obvious
wait did that mean chanyeol ruined your chances with his hyung
wait was this why you cried that one time
 Chanyeol frowned and called out your name, proceeding to apologize
“Wae? why are you sorry? did you tell minseok to say that to me?“
he couldn’t feel mushy and weird at what you said
“YA dont tell me youre going to be weird around me too. It’s bad enough Minseok oppa distanced himself a bit.”
Chanyeol couldn’t help but be angry, sad, protective, and annoyed all at once at what you just admitted to him
“I’ll tell him to stop.”
You pouted, “you don’t have to tell anyone anything, chanyeol.”
“yes but you don’t deserve to feel awkward around anyone.”
“yes but that was minseok oppa’s choice.”
“yes but he was only doing that because he’s my hyung and he’s dumb.”
“yes but-- 
and so you walked forward fast and tried to ignore chanyeol
Chanyeol, with his freakishly long legs caught up with you though
he caught your arm
“What tf are you doing?“
“Ew dont talk to me its awkward. im awkward. your awkward.”
Chanyeol laughed. “yaaaaa, why do i like you?
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