#hes being kidnapped by a very friendly dragon
dovewingkinnie · 1 year
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i cant stop thinking about a dragon kidnapping william so i drew this the dragon instinctively kidnaps princesses
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Ok, I don't really post here, but there's a Merlin AU idea that's been rattling around in my skull like it's a pinball machine and I need to get it out, so here we go:
Imagine an AU where Balinor doesn't die and banishes Kilgarrah before sneaking away so Uther doesn't catch him and can't put his newfound son in danger. Of course, both he and Merlin are heartbroken about having to be separated again after just finding each other, but they work out a way to keep in touch and occasionally meet in secret.
And this is all well and good, and everything in the show just kinda proceeds as normal up until about season 4, where we have the knights of the round table well-established in Camelot.
It'd make sense that after a few years of travelling around with Kilgarrah, Balinor would be pretty well-known and well-feared throughout all the five kingdoms as "that dragonlord who escaped the purge and now travels around on the back of a giant dragon", and people all over Albion are kinda terrified of the guy.
Rumors say that he never smiles, that he can kill a man in a split second without even utterring a spell, and can decimate kingdoms with the dragon under his total command. That makes for a formidable figure!
And then one day, Balinor is trying to sneak into Camelot to visit his son (he heard Merlin got hit by a dorocha and wants to make sure he's ok!), and the knights see him and freak out because holy shit that's one of the deadliest guys in Albion!
They're in a tense standoff, with Balinor threatening to call down the dragon on them if they don't let him through. The knights are all ready to give their lives to at least buy the people in the castle time to evacuate, when suddenly Merlin and Arthur make it to the standoff. Arthur immediately starts strategizing with his knights on how they're going to negociate with the sorcerer in an attempt to make sure that they aren't all slaughtered.
Meanwhile, Merlin just laughs and pushes through the rows of knights blocking Balinor's path to the castle. The knights, being very fond of Merlin and not wanting to see their kind little friend be brutally murdered by one of the most terrifying men in exsistence, are trying to grab Merlin and pull him back to safety or shouting at him to get back, but Merlin manages to avoid them as he walks up to Balinor.
For a horrifying moment, the knights and Arthur think that Merlin is about to sacrifice himself for them, but Merlin breaks into a huge grin, yells "Dad!", and runs right into Balinor's arms.
(Merlin and Balinor reason that now that Arthur's king, they might as well start easing him into some of Merlin's less shocking secrets)
And even more shockingly to the knights, Balinor hugs him back, asking Merlin all about how he's been doing, how are his studies under Gaius, etc etc.
And all of the knights just bluescreen. Because the math isn't mathing on this one. Hunith + Balinor = MERLIN?! Does not compute.
They're all pondering how could someone as joyful, friendly, and kind as Merlin be the spawn of a terrifying man like Balinor?? They just cannot comprehend it. The manservant who they all know and love came from this sorcerer who's name is synonymous with the threat of death and destruction??
They're all jolted back to reality however when Balinor asks Merlin if he wants to come back to Balinor's newly-renovated stronghold in the mountains (that's only accessable by riding a dragon) to learn more about one day becoming a dragonlord. And suddenly, the knight understand why Balinor's here. He wants to kidnap Merlin from them and twist him into a terrifying sorcerer to carry on Balinor's legacy!
It all basically dissolves into a long game of high-stakes tug-of-war between Balinor and the knights + Arthur, and Merlin's just enjoying spending time with his father and his friends.
Balinor will just casually crash one of their quests while riding Kilgarrah and "kidnap" Merlin while the knights fight to keep Merlin with them.
Balinor eventually gives Merlin Aithusa so he can get practice raising dragons, and the knights see it as some evil scheme to make Merlin betray Camelot and attack it from within, but damn it Merlin's already adopted the damn thing so now they're stuck with a baby dragon.
IDK if I'd ever write a fic about it since I'm pretty busy writing another fic rn, but I thought that it was a funny idea to throw out there!
PS: if anyone wants to read my current project, where I'm giving Sir Leon more anxiety with each chapter after a kinda-botched magic reveal on Merlin's part (and Merlin may or may not be an eldritch god), feel free to check it out here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54027337/chapters/136771564
Thank you all for sticking with my incoherent rambling! :D I hope you have a great day/night!
Also, please let me know if you guys wants to hear more of the ideas that pinball around in my head!
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batneko · 1 year
Okay, bowuigi soulmate AU on the suggestion of @scribeprotra
(sorry not sorry it came out angsty)
Though most people in the world of the Mushroom Kingdom speak English, they use a different alphabet from the "real" world, so for most of his life Luigi has had no idea what the first thing his soulmate was going to say to him was. He and Mario both looked, for years, but never found anything that looked like the letters on the back of Luigi's hand. Eventually Luigi just resigned himself to being alone for the rest of his life.
(Mario doesn't have a soulmate, which is not uncommon in this universe. It's not really a big deal and people without soulmates follow what we'd consider a more "normal" pattern of dating. Luigi doesn't know, but Mario made the decision to put romance on the back burner so he could support his brother.)
Then they fell into a warp pipe and landed in a world where they could understand everyone, but not read the signs. Luckily Princess Peach is the kind of person she is, and took it upon herself to help them settle in and look for a way home. On one excursion she ends up kidnapped, and Mario decides since she was only out there because of them, it's their responsibility to save her!
It all leads to Mario and Luigi in Bowser's castle, and though Luigi was reluctant to fight a giant fire-breathing turtle dragon, when he sees his brother in trouble he chucks a loose brick at Bowser's head and shouts "Hey! Big guy!"
Bowser turns around, sees a figure with a moustache and a stupid hat, and roars "YOU!" before realizing there's two of them.
They rescue the princess, they're celebrated as heroes, and Luigi and Bowser both more or less forget they spoke at all (Bowser more, Luigi less).
Years pass, including a lot more fights, a few team-ups, and eventually the agreement to try a few friendly competitions to keep things civil. When Luigi discovered his soulmate mark was the local alphabet he was excited, at first, but he's already used to disappointment and he's conflicted about the exact word. Is it angry? Surprised? What if he's doomed to get off on the wrong foot with the person who's supposed to be his partner?
Then one day, at one of those friendly sporting competitions with Bowser and his team, Bowser spots Luigi making a note to himself and suddenly grabs him.
"What's that?"
"What's what?"
"What you're writing. Where did you learn that?"
"It's just how we wrote back where Mario and I grew up, it doesn't mean anything bad."
Bowser suddenly rips the collar off his throat and points at the writing there. "What does this say?"
It says Hey! Big guy! And though Luigi can't be certain (it's been YEARS) he has a horrible horrible feeling that the exchange between his soulmate words and Bowser's is very familiar.
Bowser seems completely oblivious to any of this and just starts asking Luigi where he's from and how to get there. Luigi doesn't even realize why Bowser is asking until he says "I don't know how to get back, Mario and I decided to stay here," and Bowser does NOT like that answer. Luigi can't bring himself to say what he's thinking. Maybe it's not true? Maybe Bowser is right and his soulmate is still waiting for him in Brooklyn?
Bowser talks to Peach after the match is over and says he's sorry but he's finally got a chance to find his real soulmate and he's going to have to end their flirtation. Peach, ever the diplomat, says she understands.
Time passes. Bowser is doing research on his own on how to cross between worlds. But for some reason he keeps coming by and asking Luigi about it. He says it's just to make things easier once he gets there, but after a while they start talking about other things. They start to become something like friends.
One day Bowser mentions how much it hurts to hope after all this time. About how he'd resigned himself to being alone for the rest of his life. Luigi almost confesses then, but he's afraid of how furious Bowser will be knowing that Luigi hid it from him all this time. How can he admit he didn't tell Bowser straight away because he didn't want him?
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New characters alert!
My imaginative ass has come up with a new idea! Dragon clan Bakusquad.
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These guys are by far the ones hunters seek out the most and the ones travelers avoid. They are fierce, confident and aren’t afraid to take what they want. Bakugou is their fierce leader and has zero tolerance for humans coming into his group’s territory.
Unlike in canon, where their bond isn’t really explored and Bakugou is a douche, they have a strong pack mentality here.
Fuck with one of them, you fuck with the entire group.
Unlike the rest of the mythical creatures that reside in the forest, Bakugou isn’t afraid of Shigaraki.
In fact, he’ll actively challenge the naga into fighting him.
“Your weak ass venom can only do so much against my flames! Come and bite me, you miserable snake creature!!”
Bakugou is the leader and perhaps the most powerful figure in the clan
Kirishima is the more calm and relaxed guy, often thinking up plans and not being so trigger happy.
He’s the most well known companion Bakugou has. He’ll be more willing to help travelers. He’s the self proclaimed, second in command.
Kaminari is the collector type of guy, often bringing back strange things and “twisting the truth” about where he found it.
“Yeah, I had to wrestle two bears and a monkey for this” “Kaminari, that is avocado you stole from a traveler.”
Sero is the tailor and the guy who is the only person who knows how to make clothes. Give him some fur and fabric and he’ll make the best of it.
Mina and Jiro are the weapon makers, often conjuring up spears, bow and arrows, knives and daggers for hunting. They are very friendly but aren’t afraid to attack.
They all can transform into dragons and mostly use those forms for protecting their homes.
They met Reader Chan after Kaminari snatched her from a tree. Bakugou didn’t want a human stinking up the place but Mina has already proclaimed you as her sibling and Sero had made you a fur cape. You gave them your plight: Shigadabi had kidnapped you and proclaimed you as their child, you received the aid of Hawks for a bit before having to flee, you vibed with Chisaki before you ran away in order to protect them, Toga kept you as her pet for a bit, Ochako attempted to help you before Dabi attacked her and now you’re here.
They all felt so bad and Bakugou couldn’t exactly turn you away. He’s an ass but not a complete bastard.
So now, you got an entire dragon fam to vibe with.
For now at least.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
A httyd request with a yandere dagur wirh a s/o who has a boneknapper ( possible platonic yan dragon )) 👁👁
This is like the second Dagur request where he has to compete with a dragon for your attention and I'm here for it- Sure! I hope I wrote Dagur right :) Cockblocked by a damn dragon, LOL-
Not finished with Race to the Edge yet so bear with me here, cool?
Note: Wrote this late at night, originally to start it off and finish it in the morning. Then I just... didn't stop so- here you go :)
Yandere! Dagur with Darling who has a Boneknapper
(Ft. Platonic! Boneknapper)
Pairing: Romantic (Dagur)/Platonic (Boneknapper)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective dragon, Dagur's obsession is nearly immediate, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Forced relationship, Clingy behavior, Jealousy, Kidnapping, Implied murder, Delusional yandere, Isolation, Violence.
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You were the one that helped your Boneknapper perfect their armor, making them docile and extremely friendly to you.
Your Boneknapper has stuck by your side as your dragon ever since you helped them out.
This was a new development for the Dragon Riders as Boneknappers are so rare they used to be considered myth.
Now they have one at The Edge commanded by you.
The dragon is usually like a puppy around you.
They're incredibly affectionate and watch over you like a hawk.
So when Dagur comes into the picture...
Can you really blame the dragon for being overprotective all that much?
Boneknappers are usually solitary dragons and everyone knows Dagur's past-
Even if Dagur reforms or meets you before, your Boneknapper doesn't care.
Your dragon wants him out of their sight.
Let's be honest, Dagur finds the fact you train a living myth cool as hell.
When he reforms to join forces with the Dragon Riders or at least be allies, he's interested in you.
A possible crush blooming within him.
Really, why wouldn't he get a little flustered?
You look so cool with a literal bone dragon at your side.
Now let's be honest, Dagur is still a bit unhinged (it's in his title).
He'd be one to come off strong with his affection, openly trying to flirt and obtain your approval.
He isn't getting the approval of your dragon, however.
Dagur finds it hard to act on his crush or obsession at all with your Boneknapper.
This dragon is very protective and dedicated to you it seems.
The armored beast often waits for when Dagur tries to come near before wrapping around you and growling.
He can't get near you, your hut, nothing.
It just about drives Dagur mad.
You may even catch him arguing with your Boneknapper early in the morning when you wake up.
An example of this would include Dagur just wanting to greet you with a Good Morning since he likes you so much... only for your Boneknapper to block the way to your hut.
It's funny the first time it happens.
While your Boneknapper prefers you have nothing to do with Dagur, he's persistent.
As a result you often have to call your dragon off in order to speak with Dagur.
Said man often responds with relief and sticks by you as much as he can.
He's taking advantage of your chats because next thing he knows your dragon might come back to remove him.
Dagur is quick to obsess due to his poor mental state.
When he has the ability to be near you he sticks to you like glue.
He's a man who prefers to express his interest through physical affection... but can't because dragon and he doesn't want to scare you off.
It's probably not too hard to tell he likes you, though.
Those green eyes of his often stare at you like you're the most beautiful scenery.
He's impulsive... often saying information he shouldn't-
Dagur really wants to date you even if it is too soon...
He just wishes you fell for him just as quickly.
Your Boneknapper is cool but annoying to him.
Your dragon ruins the fantasies Dagur has of you and him.
It's hard to even watch what you do without the dragon's eyes glaring at him.
Your dragon tries to keep the overly erratic and impulsive man in his place.
It somewhat slows his obsession but Dagur still falls for you fast....
To keep his crush and obsession at bay he has to watch you from afar.
Physical contact is typically out of the question as your dragon would pluck him away from you.
Although... if Dagur had Sleuther, his dragon could distract yours.
Your Boneknapper does like to play... Dagur could just have his dragon occupy yours while he swoops in to swoon over you.
Dagur gets desperate to be your partner.
He is quite lonely due to his past of violence and tries his best to be close with you.
It's just difficult to convey his agonizing obsession over you when he wants to do it through physical contact.
Dagur is probably touchstarved.
When your dragon is away, Dagur tries to coax affection out of you.
Even if you aren't partners he still wants to at least hold your hand... maybe have a friendly hug?
He'd much rather you kiss him but he'll be patient... maybe....
Dagur tries his best to make his obsession slower...
But all he wants to do is smother you in affection and tell you how much he loves you deep inside.
You two could live in isolation!
You two could be happy!
He just knows you two would be perfect together...
So pardon him if he holds a bit tighter... and forgive him for leaning in with hope that you'll kiss him....
He craves you... you drive him crazy.
Not as much as your damn dragon, however, who quickly learns Sleuther is a distraction.
Your dragon can quickly sense if Dagur is making you uncomfortable.
Which makes the dragon peel Dagur off you and toss him aside with a snarl.
Dagur used to think your dragon was cool!
Now your dragon is nothing but a stupid bodyguard who's in-between his love for you.
Dagur is still somewhat of a Dragon Hunter.
He knows hurting your dragon would make you sad... it would make loving you impossible...
But a dormant feeling within him stirs... he should get rid of your dragon.
After all, this dragon is in the way of his love for you.
It's like they knew about his "crush".
It stood in the way of your future with him....
You may not like it, but Dagur would be willing to plan an elaborate idea to get rid of your dragon.
He could kill the dragon... or make it turn on you somehow.
Either way, Dagur wants them gone.
Afterwards he can steal you away with Sleuther!
Then you can love each other to your heart's content!
You may be distraught at what he's done, blood on his hands or not, but that's fine!
Now there's no dragon to pester you both!
Dagur knows you love him deep down somewhere...
Surely when you realize you can't resist all this love he has for you... you'll feel the same, won't you?
"You're all mine now... it's like we were meant to be! Stop crying about the dragon already! You have me... all you need is me!"
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mnemomnemonomi · 9 months
Zoro x Fem Reader x Sabo : Rivalty In The Air
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Hello everyone ! I finished translating another One Shot I wrote on Wattpad. This one was a request I received on Wattpad It’s still in third POV, I might change after finishing all the translation of the “old OS”.
Synopsis : Y/n is from Wano and has joined the Revolutionaries to be stronger while helping them. Her goal : kick Kaido's ass. Hearing about Luffy and Law's alliance, she decided to join them at Dressrosa to be part of Kaido's downfall.
Content : Sabo and Zoro may be a bit OCC but i really tried to keep their original personnality, Zoro still need a GPS, a lot of bickering, friendly rivalties between Zoro and Sabo nothing violent.
Words : 2.7k
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Rivalty In The Air
They had finally defeated Doflamingo and his damn family! Dressrosa could finally go back to living normally, without the oppression of the blond Warlord. At the same time, Kaido had taken a pretty big hit! And Y/n couldn't help but appreciate that, being originally from the Country of Wano, she knew the situation there perfectly. Everything was that damned Yonko's fault! She was ready to do anything to bring him down, but she wasn't blind; she knew very well that she wasn't up to the fight...
However, seeing the Straw Hat crew and the Heart Pirates defeat a Warlord gave her hope. She was perfectly aware that they had individually no chance against a Yonko, but... maybe by forming an alliance with them, by uniting their strengths, they could dethrone the Emperor and thus restore Wano to its former glory.
She had only one regret about this alliance...
She had to leave the Revolutionary Army, with whom she had spent most of her life. They had been so welcoming, open, and adorable to her. She had told them everything about what was happening in her country, why she had fled, and how she had ended up with them by chance. Even though she had other goals than the Revolutionaries, she decided to stay with them for a few years, to help them, but also to strengthen herself for her initial goal.
It was there that she met Sabo, a young blond man with a scar over his left eye. At first, she didn't feel like she belonged, not really sharing the Revolutionaries' ideals, but the blond had welcomed her with open arms and a huge smile.
It didn't take long for the young woman to fall under Dragon's right-hand man's charm. Through missions together, they had gradually grown closer, even sneaking away together to talk about everything and nothing. Just when Y/n had gathered the courage to confess her feelings to the blond, she learned from her colleagues that the Straw Hat crew and the Heart Pirates had formed an alliance. And together they had kidnapped Caesar, who was the inventor of the artificial Devil Fruits known as Smiles, which Kaido desperately needed.
She didn't have to look far to understand the goal of the two Supernova captains: to eliminate Kaido. She knew these two crews very well, one being the crew of Sabo's younger brother and the other still a member of the Worst Generation, just like Luffy. It was hard not to know them... After thinking about it for a long time, that same night, she decided to leave the Revolutionary Army and propose an alliance to these two pirates. If Kaido was going to be overthrown, she wanted to be part of it, if only to get revenge for what he had done to her homeland!
With a heavy heart, she said goodbye to her precious friends and especially... to Sabo. There were not many possible outcomes: either she succeeded in the alliance and managed to kill Kaido, or... Well, they would all be killed, or she would be killed by Law, thinking she might be a spy or something... He seemed like a paranoid guy to her but well, she didn’t have a choice. She just had to convince him.
To avoid worrying her friends, she lied about her motivations and simply announced that she was taking a break, just to rethink her main goal. Of course, Sabo, who already knew the story between Kaido and Y/n, immediately became worried, but he only had time to panic before the young girl had taken him aside and planted a kiss on his cheek as a farewell.
That's how she sailed the seas, gathering information about the alliance between the two Supernova captains, and eventually arrived on Dressrosa Island. There, she met the famous pirates and explained the reason for her visit. Of course, Law was not very happy to hear this; he even kept his hand on his precious nodachi, Kikoku.
Quite the opposite of Luffy, who welcomed her without any suspicion and with a broad smile. Apparently, that 10,000-Watt smile ran in the family! Well as a matter of speaking. She didn't mention Sabo to Luffy, remembering that Sabo would soon see him for himself. She wouldn't want to ruin their reunion! From then on, she was officially welcomed into the alliance between the two pirates and the samurai.
The alliance was divided into several groups, and Y/n ended up in the group responsible for destroying the Smile factories. She tried to be useful to her group, but Zoro made a point of arguing with her every time, claiming she was up to no good. That's when someone took one of Zoro's swords, Shusui.
"Damn it, Shusui! Hey! Give me back my sword!" the swordsman exclaimed, rushing to chase after his katana.
"You're quite the great pirate," the young woman laughed, staying still along with the rest of the group, except for Kinemon, who followed Zoro.
"This is all your fault!" Zoro retorted, still managing to hear the young woman.
-"How is it my fault?!" she replied angrily, running towards the swordsman to confront him.
-"You distracted me!"
-"What? That's ridiculous, do you realize that?"
-"That's enough, we need to catch that thief and get Shusui back-de-gozaru!" Kinemon interrupted, redoubling his efforts in the chase.
It took several minutes for Kinemon to get lost during the pursuit, while Zoro and Y/n resumed their bickering. Despite their less than favorable condition, they managed to catch up to the thief and retrieve the katana. They met Wicca, a dwarf or fairy belonging to the Tontatta Kingdom. She explained that the situation was getting worse, and the Don Quixote Family was preparing to attack the Sunny, which was guarded by a group from the alliance.
Despite this, Wicca begged them to take her to the Flower Field, where she could inform her so-called "Commander." This took longer than expected due to Zoro's legendary sense of direction and the pointless quarrels between the former revolutionary and the swordsman.
"For goodness' sake, we should have been there already! And can you two please stop arguing? You sound like an old married couple! Oh, but maybe you are married..." the fairy exclaimed before taking a curious look at the two humans.
The reaction of the two young adults was immediate, and both blushed instantly, although the young woman with e/c eyes had a more intense blush than the swordsman.
"What nonsense are you spouting, dwarf?" Zoro retorted, lowering his head to look at the fairy nestled in his costume.
"That's right! Me, with this... swordsman... Nah."
"Was it supposed to be an insult...?" the confused fairy muttered.
"What do you mean by that, huh? You... you woman!"
"Their insults make no sense!" Wicca thought, completely overwhelmed by the idiocy of these two humans.
As Y/n tried to respond, she stumbled during her run but was quickly caught by Zoro, who pulled her towards him with one of his arms. They remained close for a few seconds, but it was long enough for everyone to understand that they should have moved apart sooner. They quickly pushed each other away, and Zoro, slightly red, raised his voice.
"Don't get close to me, I already have the dwarf for that!"
"You dare complain when you were the one who pulled me towards you?!" Y/n replied.
"Don't you complain either! You were about to fall headfirst, you idiot!"
"As if I needed you to regain my balance, and I wasn't going to fall!"
"Yeah, well, next time, I'll let you fall and laugh at you with your broken nose!" the green-haired man continued.
"Like that's ever going to happen! There's as much chance of that happening as you are finding your way on your own!” the young woman with e/c eyes replied.
Zoro's face turned even redder, but it was Wicca who eventually stopped their "dispute" and sighed.
"Seriously... These two really think they can't stand each other... Attraction really makes people stupid," the dwarf thought, then resumed giving directions to Zoro, who grumbled.
And so, the mission on Dressrosa continued. Everyone had a role to play, and Y/n helped the crew eliminate the Don Quixote Family. After all the chaos, Luffy's victory over Doflamingo marked a new era for Dressrosa. The pirate alliance was then welcomed into Kyros's house, where everyone rested. For once, Zoro and Y/n weren't bickering, too busy trying to find sake for one, and the other was trying to recover their strength.
Indeed, Y/n had returned quite battered, covered in dust and debris on her clothes. She hadn't bothered to clean her face, as she was too tired. Zoro, unable to find sake, complained once again before taking Wado Ichimonji in hand and staring out the door's window, casting a shadow. Everyone's eyes were on the door, which slowly opened. After a few seconds, Y/n stood up and rushed toward the newcomer. She embraced the silhouette, which could finally be identified by the rest of the pirates, especially Robin, who smiled as she pronounced the name of the newcomer.
"Sabo? Who's that?" Zoro asked, squinting while watching the young man held in Y/n's arms.
"He’s Luffy's brother." Robin replied.
"Another one...?" thought the swordsman.
"Sabo, are you okay?" asked the young woman with h/c hair, releasing the blond just after.
Sabo smiled at her before looking surprised and then tender. A slightly tired Y/n didn't understand why until he raised his hand to her face and gently placed it on her cheek. The young woman blushed easily while looking at the blond. He then gently rubbed his thumb on her cheek, removing some dust from her face.
"You had some kind of stain on your face," he said with a gentle smile.
"T-Thank you..."
"Sabo, what are you doing here?" Robin asked after smiling at the swordsman's behavior, who seemed to be irritated.
"Oh, I just wanted to see Luffy before leaving. Some troublesome people will be arriving soon. You should also leave while you can."
"Troublesome people?" repeated Franky.
"The CP0. They're not innocent in Doflamingo's downfall, they played a role in the shadows."
"CP0?" repeated Y/n, starting to doze off and sway towards Sabo.
"Hey, you idiot, don't fall asleep, you'll fall. Come here, just stay there. I mean, stay over there and fall, maybe I'll see your broken nose after all," Zoro announced with a smirk.
"Dream on, I told you... I told you it wouldn't happen," she replied, yawning between each part of her sentences while moving closer to Zoro to point her finger at him reproachfully.
She paid no attention to the arrangement of buckets filled with water on the ground and stepped into one, causing her to lose balance and fall towards Zoro. She managed to catch herself and fell on all fours while framing Zoro's bent legs with her arms.
In the end, Zoro, sitting cross-legged, saw Y/n's face up close as she used her arms to catch herself beside the swordsman's legs. He smiled arrogantly before saying,
"You see, I was almost a witness to your fall," Zoro teased. "It's like you enjoy falling when I'm around," he added more softly so that only Y/n could hear.
She blushed before trying to respond, sitting back in the Seiza position (kneeling, sitting on the legs, like in Japan). Zoro eventually smiled kindly and gave Sabo a smug grin. Sabo wasn't as happy to see Y/n so close to the pirate so quickly, to the point that he didn't realize he was frowning until he saw Zoro's smirk.
Sabo felt a wave of jealousy, but he restrained himself, wanting to avoid letting his flames out and burning down the house and its residents. He finally smiled kindly, approached his former comrade, placed his hand on her shoulder to gain her attention, and asked,
"Y/n, we should go, the others are waiting for us."
"Hmm?" responded Franky and Robin, who were watching the scene unfold with satisfaction.
"Why would Y/n follow you?" Zoro suddenly asked seriously.
"Well, because she's done what she wanted to do. Now it's time for her to return to the Revolutionaries, with me," Sabo replied with a forced smile.
"In what way is she done? She said she wanted to kick Kaido's ass. He's still in Wano, as far as I know."
"Did you tell him everything?" Sabo asked, slightly disappointed that he wasn't the only one who knew Y/n’s goal.
"Well, actually, they all know," said the woman with h/c hair.
"Yeah, and so what? Does it bother you that I know?" Zoro interrupted.
"I don't see why it would 'bother me.Y/n can do whatever she wants. After all these years together, I don't see why I shouldn't trust her. I'm more doubtful about the others," the blond replied.
"It's funny to hear that from the guy who wants to take her against her will. It gives the impression that he's afraid of something or... someone," Zoro retorted.
"That's enough, both of you! I'm tired of hearing you talk as if I'm not here! So now, the three of us are going to get out and have a talk. Robin and Franky don't need to endure your childishness!"
Both young men widened their eyes and turned to Robin and Franky, who were smiling. They both felt somewhat embarrassed that their friends had witnessed their not-so-subtle dispute. Zoro, Sabo, and Y/n left the house and walked away a bit so that prying ears wouldn't hear them. Even though Robin could easily listen in if she wanted...
"Alright. I'm going to be very clear, okay? You two are going to stop bickering by talking about me as if I'm your property!"
"What? No, that's not what I meant, Y/n!" Sabo immediately apologized.
"I didn't say that either. It's not my fault if you don't understand," Zoro replied, avoiding eye contact with Y/n.
"I never told either of you what I was going to do now. So, speculating like this is pointless! Besides, you're on the same side; it's really stupid to argue like this!"
"... It's true... You're right," Sabo acknowledged while sighing.
"Zoro?" the young woman called.
"I'm waiting," Y/n added with a somewhat stern look.
"... Aaah, fine, I get it! I may have been a bit... protective..."
"Protective? Are you kidding? You were clearly je—" retorted th blond man.
"Sabo," Y/n cut him off.
"Sorry," he apologized.
"Now that it's settled, I'm going to bed, and I don't want to hear from either of you, understood?"
"Of course, Y/n," Sabo confirmed with a smile.
"Yeah, yeah," Zoro replied evasively.
With that, Y/n dropped her serious expression and gave them a tired smile. She approached the two young men, kissed each of them on the cheek, and then turned around to head back to Kyros's house for some rest. Not only were the battles exhausting her, but their argument had literally drained her. Those two were like children...
On the other hand, Sabo watched Y/n with a surprised expression, blushing. Y/n certainly knew how to push his buttons. He eventually smiled and then looked at Zoro. He was blushing slightly too and stared at Y/n with his sullen expression, which, in his opinion, made him look constipated, but well, he wasn't very objective...
"Don't get carried away, she just kissed you because she did it to me," the blond announced, now looking at the swordsman.
"If it makes you feel better to hear it, go ahead," Zoro replied, starting to head towards Kyros's house.
"What does that mean? And what are you doing?!"
"Use your imagination, you saw that Y/n and I were... close. And now, I'm going to sleep, not that it's any of your concern," Zoro replied.
"That concerns me when YOU sleep in the same room as Y/n!"
" -"I won't jump her, okay!" Zoro replied, slightly exasperated. "... At least, not with others in the room," he added with a predatory grin.
"I don't like that grin! How about we both sleep outside so that no one takes advantage of the situation?" Sabo suggested, slightly panicked.
"You're really getting on my nerves, but yeah, if it'll shut you up and let me sleep, fine. Anyway, I don't need an advantage."
"Ah, you'd need one though," Sabo teased. Zoro turned around and started raising his voice, prompting Sabo to retort. After only a few seconds, they heard a loud crash, and both understood that it was time to be quiet, or Y/n would come back and kick their butts. Even though they weren't afraid of her, it was more the fear of "losing points" for her affection.
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hannibalussy · 1 year
hannibal fanfic recs pretty please?
OH BOY DO I GOT SOME RECS FOR YOU! But one thing about me? I love AU fics set in canon where characters meet under different circumstances. And Hannibal being a simp. Oh and also wips.
A consequence of consumption A mystery that deals with Will being kidnapped by our favourite gardener, Eldon Stammets and the fallout coming from it, including gathering the attention of a local friendly cannibal. WIP
Impasto Will retired from police work and now restores oil paintings as a job and Hannibal has a piece he needs fixed. Features a very sassy rude lil shit Will. Complete
The width of a scar Will is wrongfully imprisoned as the Chesapeake Ripper before ever meeting Hannibal. But when he does, Hannibal is immediately infatuated and decides to help him. A fav of mine with amazing lines such as "Ah. He truly is stupid then. Marvelous." WIP.
Paragon Very similar premise to the previous one, exceedingly longer and kinkier tho if you’re looking for that. (Haven’t finished this one cuz it’s like 500k words but I like it thus far. Truly the Hannigram bible of smut.). Complete
Trade Secrets A favourite trope of mine where both Will and Hannibal are killers and just happen to accidentally meet when the other kills their victim and they just stand there pointing at each other like that Spiderman meme. WIP
We killed the dragon last night Will wakes up in past after falling off the cliff months before first meeting Hannibal. And with all his memories intact, he decides to try other means of influence. Mainly smooching. This story is 3 parts and while they're all masterfully written, the last 2 made me personally mad as hell, so I would recommend just reading this first part. Unless you like being mad as hell while reading, then go forth. Complete
Sisyphus rising Similar premise to the last one but after falling off the cliff Will wakes up years earlier and decides peace was never an option (goose honk) and travels to promptly kill Hannibal. Understandable. WIP Mind the tags on all of these! Hope you like at least some of them!
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Hello there ! Could I request the player being really doting and affectionate with Malleus/Kalim/Leona ? Like this others ask where they were the player favorite before and they continue to be. Like giving them pet name, gifts and attention ect
Consider this a continuation of those:
Leona Kingscholar
Kalim Al-Asim
Malleus Draconia
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, violence, blood, murder, kidnapping, religion, marriage, manipulation
Leona Kingscholar/Kalim Al-Asim/Malleus Draconia-Continued affection
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So he is still your favorite? That's great for him... at first...
Paranoia is a thing you know?
So what would a beastmen do if he was your favorite and afraid of losing that position?
Exactly! He deals “accordingly right” with the competition
What “accordingly eight” entails. Oh well...
Just a bit of violence...
A bit of broken bones...
A bit of blood...
*sigh* how can someone so lazy deal so much damage??!
But anyways, you now have a very aggressive cat as a pet... should I congratulate you for that? Probably not
Leona will make sure that no one even dares to question his position
Reggie is at that point a silent servant, not daring to talk back
And I mean silent, no friendly comments like before from him anymore
But let's talk about the fluffier part of this *sobs* otherwise this is just beating him up but shhh
Pet names, yes, please give him one or two
Might make him a bit friendlier and less aggressive
Emphasis on the might
Not to mention that our overgrown house cat likes it secretly but let's not dwell on that
If you are already in TWST and not behind a screen then gifts will also be great
He keeps every single one
Leona will also gift you stuff if you do that
But for you... Uh... not good
Even though this will strengthen your relationship this will also land you a room with locks on the door and bars in front of the windows
But no need to worry at least he will take great care of you... whilst the world burns
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This sunshine stays sunshine as it seems... whilst you are there
You see, I can't imagine Kalim staying entirely naive whilst his relatives try to... uh... move him out of the way between them and the throne
So scheming is at least known to him
What does he do with it tough?
How about keeping as many as possible away so he alone can stay your favorite?
If you guessed that then great! You were right!
He will spread that you are “too mighty” to be close to anybody
Only he as a member of the Al-Asim family and heir to the throne is allowed to
What else... hmmmm
Influencing you as well!
Oh, Deuce was kinda great in the last event? Well you will never believe what he did to him!
[Insert made up lie]
Of course he can't say too much or else you will notice but... that subtle manipulation is there you know...
And he lives for the fluffy part of being your favorite
Pet names? How could he say no?
It may make him crank up the manipulation up though
Shows him that he can do more since you still trust him to a high degree
And at the same Tim it makes his chest area go all tingly, giddy and warm...
“So this is love... So this is love....” *side-eyes you to see if you got the reference*
But if you were in his world and give him gifts would not be the best thing to be honest
Firstly, he had doted on his entire life and, as mean as it sounds, do you think that self-knitted scarf means anything to him?
Oh no he doesn't try to be mean it's just nothing special for him
And he won't know what to give back even if he bought many presents for you even before you were in TWST
You are the Overseer, a few mountains of gold are probably nothing for you
Just keep the nice small talk and affection up and everything will be great
Otherwise, who knows what he will do to keep your attention and affection
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*Happy dragon far noises*
If Malleus had to choose between being invited to something and being your favorite then he would yeet the first option out of the window
But at the same time, who would dare to steal you awty from him?
Yes there are still four other magicusers more powerful than him but... let's take a look at that kingdom mostly made off of faes which are ready to serve him the second he says “I want...”
But let's see what he does to prevent that this from being the scenario that happens
Malleus is well aware that he is rather (if not go say very) frightening to others
And he uses that a lot
He hears someone planning how to gain your favour?
Oh why hello? Aren't you that Heartslabyul student he heard from Lilia of? How about a small chat?
The next one who sees the poor student will not see them but a frightened poor thing which is rocking back and forth
But what if one of his subjects tries to gain your affection?
There are dungeons in his castle, just saying....
He is also not below sending Lilia, Sebek or Silver out to “visit” them
At this point it would have been better if you just saw him as another character...
Couldn't it have been, idk, Deuce? He isn't a nuclear bomb in fae version!
But let's not talk about possible future world-ending-scenarios and start talking about the fluff, ok??!
Pet names are a must
Just do it, it lets a poor soul see the light of another day simply because of Malleus good mood
It might not be good for you though
Unlike Leona Malleus doesn't just have a “special room” prepared in his him but also the dorm
The God forsaken dorm! For Cheesus sake!!!
But onto presents...
Great choice if you plan on becoming his prisoner... *cough* sorry misspoke darling sooner
In the end every road leads to eternally ruling his beloved Valley as his significant other
How would a wedding between a God and a person in their world look like? No seriously, I want to know. What the heck would one leading the ceremony say instead of all that God-talk??!
Look at that dear, they are all waiting for you to marry him! Don't say no now! You brought this over yourself!
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literary-illuminati · 1 month
2024 Book Review #23 – Montress Volume 4: The Chosen by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda
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My monthly Monstress read! Because spacing them out forces me to evaluate each volume more as an independent piece in itself (still not very good at this), and also putting five books between each 6-issue comic volume makes it feel less like cheating. This volume was still very good, but also pretty easily the weakest of the four I’ve read so far – though honestly I can’t be entirely sure how much of that is honest analysis and how much is me just finding a couple big choices made this volume very aesthetically disagreeable.
The story picks up with a bit of a timeskip from the previous book, as Kippa’s kidnappers carry away to their employer and Maika and Corvin furiously search for her. Kippa manages to escape into an incredibly cursed tomb and gets to safety with the help of a selectively friendly dragon, while Maika is captured herself while trying to rescue her – and finds out that the ‘Lord Doctor’ who had Kippa kidnapped is her father, a centuries-old direct descendant of the Shaman Empress who has assembled a collection of warlords and cultists he plans to found an empire on. He attempts to sell her on accepting a role as the princess of his Court of Blood as he plots to set off the world war everyone knows is brewing, and also to embrace the whole cannibalistic-eldritch-monster-symbiote thing and just stop worrying and eat people. Maika, of the arbitrary and incoherent but very stronglt felt moral code, is not an easy sell on this.
My biggest issue with the volume is just that it feels a bit disjointed, I think? Not that previous volumes haven’t had mostly separate plot threads running through them, but this one felt more meandering than any of the others I’ve read so far. The impression wasn’t really helped by how much of it felt like it was just jumping from Kippa getting exposited to by a dracul to Maika getting lectured by her father, either. The little cutaways to Vihn and Ren or Tuya and the Warlord were both great on their own merits, but they didn’t exactly improve the sense of narrative focus or forward momentum.
Part of that was just this being (if I recall correctly) the first time that the Maika/Ren/Kippa trio’s been separated for functionally an entire volume? I really didn’t realize how much I missed the dynamic each of the three has with the other two until it was gone. I can only hope they stick together a bit more from here on out.
As for more obviously subjective issues – I really, really don’t like the fact that Marium (the Cumena’s messiah-figure) was apparently deeply tied into whatever was going on with Zinn and the Shaman Empress? It’s just too neat and tidy, tying everything important that ever happened into one tight weave. Makes the whole setting feel claustrophobic.
Besides that – and this is pure aesthetics – but blech, really don’t particularly care for the way that the Ancient’s, uh, ancient civilization is shown and described almost through the idiom of science fiction? Skyscrapers and flying cars and hyper-[magi]-tech and a past descending from distant stars to claim this new world. It’s just kind of boring, I guess? Two great tastes that absolutely do not taste great together.
Not to say this was bad, or anything – I absolutely still enjoyed it overall, and it never became a chore to read. Maika’s cosmically comically awful family is always fun (even if I wish the Doctor would die sooner rather than latter, preferably messily), and even if Zinn’s layered tragic backstories are getting a bit much, the complication of its relationship with the Shaman-Empress is intriguing in its own right. Also Tuya and the Warlord’s toxic yuri soap opera is amazing and I kind of want a whole issue of just them tearing into each other (though the Warlord so far seems to really be a bit of a dumb brute. Really not holding her own).But the baseline set by the previous volumes is high, and it doesn’t really quite live up to them.
In terms of writing anyway, the art remains as sublime as ever. One thing that especially that struck me this time was just how unique and high-quality the designs of characters who are, functionally, extras there to provide background color were. Both the various warmasters of the Blood Court and Kippa’s kidnappers had these incredibly rich, detailed designs that were just full of personality and individual flourishes – it really is one of the main appeals of the book.
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sonicasura · 1 year
I figured I write this if you guys wonder what I mean about Fierce Deity being a disaster dad or curious chaotic neutral in my FD poll.
Disaster Fierce Dadity
Food wise, he can only cook simple stuff like macaroni and cheese to maybe spaghetti level. Mostly likely to burn some food but anything pass his level will just explode, be completely burnt AND raw at the same, etc.
Quite awkward when it comes to comforting his kid if they're upset or tells strange bedtime stories. By strange, I mean random events or battles that are badly told in a PG level. Type of person to get his kid a peculiar pet like a random turtle, baby dragon or baby Dodongo.
If the kid is 5 years old or older, they're being taught self defense, how to use a sword alongside some other combat oriented skills. Education is guaranteed even if he has to buy books and do the teaching himself.
Overall just a loving disaster that do anything to keep his kid happy and healthy.
Chaotic Neutral Fierce Deity
Curiosity that is mixed between a child, a cat and a bird. Fierce Deity will always examine or study what has his attention from objects to people. If the item has no owner then he is bound to take it and most likely hoard it. The deity isn't a thief so if the object is on display then his observation is equivalent to a museum visitor.
If the interest is a person then things take a different route. Fierce has no knowledge on personal boundaries or social cues. What you can expect depends on the person's life. If they're completely normal with no problems going on, then he's eavesdropping and innocent stalking(think of Movie Sonic from the first movie).
Fierce will plan on possibly approaching the person in a friendly way although he'll definitely come off as a weirdo. Now if the subject in question lives awfully or is in a bad situation, things are different. Any threat to this person will have an eye on them.
Fierce won't get violent with the target if nothing physical or very immoral is being involved with his current curiosity. A threat can work just as well. If Fierce ends up kidnapping his interest, then it's either mutual or he has evidence that their life is seriously in danger.
Overall, he's just an awkward mess who doesn't really mean harm to whatever garner his curiosity. The Fierce Deity only causes problems if someone is about to cross certain lines involving his interests.
This is my personal opinion anyway. That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you later!
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nightwanderers12081 · 10 months
hiii im back again with an old au that i never talked about yes i have an au problem no i will not do anything to solve said problem
This is all copy-pasted from discord, so it is slightly a mess in terms of order of events
this is a adjl/dp crossover au-
Its an idea based on the fic mirrored by Lynse(ITS SO FUCKIN GOOD HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
ALSO! This au is implied for goin/going dragon, although it can be seen as platonic /gen
If you dont like that this isn't the au/post for you
//spoilers for DP and ADJL, implied experimentation and torture( fuck the giw <//3), shock collar(/nsx, again gonna fight the giw), injuries mention
This whole au kinda focuses on Danny healing and Jake and Danny becoming friends and seeing them grow
So this takes place after both their shows and AGIT (a glitch in time), The short description is that Danny is captured by the GIW and goes through alot of shit (they fuckin suck i hate them), one thing including a collar that would shock phantom upon speaking (FUCK THEM WHOLEHEARTEDLY), His phone(for phantom, not fenton, he has seperate phones so people dont figure out his identity), is shattered, and the SIM card is broken(not unfixable, this is important i swear)
The GIW eventually attempt to move Danny from their base near Amity park to new york,
The dragon council catches wind of this(More specifically that they're transporting ghosts), and since ghosts are magical creatures, Jake's given a mission to intercept and free the ghosts being transferred
So he does his job the night of the move, He absolutely wrecks the GIW's vehicle and frees the other ghosts, he also finds the broken remains of phantom's phone(GIW are trying to fix it to access his info smh)
He notices phantom who doesn't seem able to move(injuries + shock), so he yoinks danny and takes em back to his grandpa's work shop
Phantom is fuckin terrified and relieved, hes been kept for weeks bh the GIW and kinda lost his fight(poor bean, he acted really submissive after a lil while being with them, This au genuinely hurts me why do I do this BABNDBS), He doesn't trust jake(which, fair, bro did kinda kidnap him in a way ABBS)
At the shop, They(Jake Fu and Grandpa) Check over injuries(that phantom allows em to see, again not vv trusting of em), and do the best of their ability to clean em up, They deduct that they need to bring Spud the following day to get off the collar
Phantom ends up staying with jake and his family, who were briefed about the situation and were very friendly, He stays with jake in his room because he doesn't want to be alone
The next day Jake has to unfortunately go to school bc that exists, and Phantom's left at their home with jake's parents
Phantom has a breakdown, and Jake's dad hears and comforts him(Literally Jake's dad is the fucking sweetest dad in the show abdbbw)
The break down was about everything that happened, and extreme home sickness
Jake's dad tells Jake about this immediately when he gets home, Jake remembers the phone(it has danny's logo on it, its vv clear whos phone it is BABDB), and asks Fu and his grandpa to repair the SIM card(their shop is an electronic's shop for those who hasn't seen the show)
After, he goes back and gets Phantom and Spud, who quickly disables the collar
The damage is already done though, despite being free of the collar Phantom stays quiet (im gonna cry why dO I DO THIS-)
A few other things planned-
The long family notices that Phantom despite eating a little bit(he cant eat much at a time cause starved n stuff), doesn't seem to be replenished at all, When asked, Phantom tries to avoid the question, but quietly mumbles about how he needs ectoplasm to consume
waaaay later(like a week and a half?), the SIM is fixed, and inserted into a new phone that Jake gifts to Danny, and hes over the moon about it, hes not vocal but hes very expressive
Before danny gets a new phone Spud and Trixie both do a little research into danny phantom and find amity park, alot of the information is blocked until they use a VPN to switch their location to amity park and learn alot, They share this to Jake
They learn about how he's supposedly is the town hero, the times he was public enemy #1 (including an interview danny did with lance thunder explaining every bad circumstance with him, literally none of them were in his control BANND)
They dont do much with the information but I thought it would be nice to include
The next day everyone's out of the house, leaving Phantom home alone, He goes on the couch and with a bated breath, calls Jazz(HO BOY THIS IS A WHOLE OTHER THING I NEED TO TALK ABOUT), Jazz is fuckin worried but Danny fills her in very vaguely on what happened(he mentions he was taken by the giw, no other detail on that part), He tells tucker to track the call so they all can know where the fuck hes at (also fun tid bit, his voice was hoarse and jazz comments on it)
Jake gets back from school and walks in, Hes shocked cause this is the first hes heard phantom actually speak, He overhears Phantom telling jazz that he was taken in and how he thinks their family is really kind and how hes confused on why they're so nice for him, Phantom's really appreciative
The call ends on Phantom promising to call again soon, and that they'd discuss a place to meet once they know exactly where in new york he is
I feel like smth worth mentioning is that Danny has been hiding his secret from the longs as much as possible
Phantom notices Jake after the call ends and very nervously greets em, they probably have a smol chat
So you may be wondering, whats going on in amity park?
Well, after Danny's disappearence, Team phantom are the first to notice and are very worried and concerned, They look around for him
The ghosts soon catch wind after showing up and being informed Danny Phantom has gone missing, His regulars like Skulker, Kitty, Johnny, Ember, etc are very worried, along with his allies, and try to find him through the ghost zone
Other ghosts use this to cause havoc, But Team Phantom and the Red huntress are holding ground and taking care of them in Danny's absence
SPEAKING OF THE RED HUNTRESS, Valarie is a little concerned upon hearing about Phantom's disappearance, Jazz tells her whats happening(shes worried for her brother, shes not really thinking about keeping team phantom's involvement a secret), she also lets it slip that she thinks the GIW has something to do with it
Eventually Team Phantom let her in on the whole secret identity bc they're fucking worried that their friend hasn't been seen in weeks
Eventually they do get that call and its a huge relief
I plan for Danny and them to meet at a park in new york(near where hes at), Jake probably tagging along bc he doesn't want Danny to get lost or anything, Also valarie tells him she wants to talk about everything after hes doing okay and everything is back to normal at the meet up
At some point I also want Danny's secret to be revealed to the long family, they'd 100% take it well
One night (post phone call woth jazz), Jake's dad comes into jake's room to wish Phantom and Jake a good night, But Phantom isnt there
Jake had noticed his window was open earlier but didn't think anything of it until they realize phantom's missing
He opens the window and climbs onto the roof, and finds phantom laying on the roof stargazing, He lays down with em
They're chillin, Jake asked if phantom likes stargazing and he nods
Out of no where Phantom talks about how he wanted to be an astronaut, and they have a soft moment on the roof
Thats everything i have for this au so far ~ Ender/Whisper
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theendwrites · 1 year
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I don't really know how to start this, but heya! I'm an artist that is currently obsessed with HL, and has WAY TOO MANY characters in it! I'm mostly on twitter, but I had a tumblr some years ago and decided it was time to come back... especially if I could get to see more content on this game especially Garreth because I have a need and there is so little in comparison to other characters! Character info below!!
I guess I should start by presenting my characters, so here they are:
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(MC) Selene Nichols: Ravenclaw. Introverted, Curious, Adventurous and Caring. Loves puzzles and exploring. They teached her how to be a "proper lady" and sometimes has a hard time breaking out of that. (Estella's sister, I pair her with Ominis)
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Estella Nichols: Slytherin. Extroverted, Charismatic and Bold. Beater on the Slytherin quiddich team. She has a bit lost for most of her time in hogwarts (not literally) but she little by little finds her voice. (Selene's sister, I pair her with Sebastian or Imelda)
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Sofia Krowe: Ravenclaw. Introverted, Protective, Stern and Warm. She is the ravenclaw Prefect/head Girl of her year. She is a seer and uses her visions to catch troublemakers when they are in danger or putting others in danger. You'll find her mostly on the library. She seems cold and misterious, but once you get to know her she is more like a mom friend that you can count on. (I pair her with Garreth)
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Silas Lacklan: Hufflepuff. Amvivert, Kind, Loyal and Calm. He loves rescuing and taking care of beasts especially dragons. He considers both his beast and human friends important and takes really good care of them. He will always bring extra snacks to give. He plays as a Chaser.
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Sun Owens: Ravenclaw. Extrovert. Logical, Organized, Trustworthy, Optimistic and Honest. He is the other prefect/Head Boy from their year in Ravenclaw. He is less forgiving than Sofia when it comes to that, even if he doesn't look like that, but does not go overboard. Has a fascination for troublemakers. He lives alone with his father, and they are poor, his goal is to have the best grades so he can have a cushy job and just relax without having to worry.
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(MC) Caden Sawyer: Gryffindor. Extroverted, Kind, Confident, Sensitive and Charming. He loves exploring and the outdoors. He always ends up helping people. He is very aware of people being afraid of him, so he tries his best to make people comfortable around him, even if that means to leave. Comes from a family of witchunters, but escaped and was adopted by the Hills. (Cyrus and Killa's adoptive brother)
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Cyrus Hill: (+2 years than MCs) Hufflepuff. Nervous, Timid and mature. He is the Hufflepuff HeadBoy, but doesn't believe he deserves it. He is self-concious (appearance), mainly because of his scars. Has flashbacks and axiety problems from being kidnapped and tortured, so his personality has taken a bit of a toll, but he always tries his best to make the rest feel better, especially his family (Caden & Killa)
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Killa Hill: (-4 years than MCs) Slytherin. Extrovert, Energetic, Loud, Friendly and Ceerfull. She admires his brothers very much, and wants to become strong to protect them. She is a bit of an airhead, and her determination has no bounds. She will get what she wants. She is adorable.
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Passer Lestrange: Slytherin. Introvert, Obnoxious, Pridefull, Spoiled, Clever. He is from the Lestrange family, and has been taught that he is better than others (blood purity shennaningans) but then Caden arrives and kind of, withough knowing breaks all of that down slowly. But untill the end of his 6th or during his 7th year... yeah no, he is insufferable. He likes Cheese.
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Relationships between them!! I have two parallel worlds with a different story and characters each. They do not cross over (except AUs and interacting with other MCs... you know.) So many of my characters do not exist in the same place! I made a badly written infographic to provide help😊 If you read all of that, wow, thank you! I really appreciate it!! If you have any question do not hesitate to ask! See ya next time!!
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suntiger745 · 8 months
Still not at the number of Fallout 4 characters (or Skyrim characters before I re-installed it), but I am at the point where I've had to write down some key points about my BG3 characters to keep track.
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Dusk Cloudberry, orc shadow monk who works for the Zentharim. She was sleeping in a safe house in Baldur's Gate when the lookout's warning whistle had her scramble from her bed, running out in just her skivvies thinking there was a raid from the Flaming Fists. Turns out it was a nautiloid instead, and she was one of the people captured.
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She escaped from the nautiloid with a few others, but she's a bit uncertain what to do now. She's not sure where the closest Zentharim agents are, and the tadpole in her head is... a problem.
Dusk look the way she does because I went with the WoW formula of orcs being morphologically sensitive to magic and changing skin color when enough magic affect them. In Dusk's case it's a mix of magic and alchemy that the higher ups in the Zentharim used on her and a few other agents to enhance their performance. She has excellent reflexes, sharper hearing, actually move between shadows and can see as well as a drow in the dark compared to how she was before the process she went through. (Also, from a purely layer perspective, damn the orcs have like no subcutaneous fat on them.)
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Crimson Aria was one of the prize possessions of H'than Mariander; businessman, collector and owner of several taverns and an arena at the Rock of Bral in astral space. He had gotten hold of a githyanki egg and, knowing how they fancy red dragons, decided to create an amalgamation of the two. Partially to annoy the githyanki, partly to see if he could. He hired a wizard and called in a favor from an archfey, and Mariander's "little jewel" was born. As she grew up she was taught to entertain, both on the stage and in the arena. She's a very good singer and a good fighter, at least in a gladitorial arena where the opponent knows that if they kill the boss' favorite there will be hell to pay.
She was kidnapped along with two magical items by a rival to the H'than and shipped planetside to Toril by the mercenaries on the job. They were passing through Baldur's Gate to a potential buyer in Waterdeep when happenstance had Aria caught by one of the massive tentacles and transported her onto the nautiloid.
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While not body shy in the slightest, Aria isn't dumb. She realize that she will need allies and that fighting in the arena is different from fighting for your survival, so she got some armor as soon as she could. Now she is looking for a way to return to Mariander and the Rock of Bral, though meeting a real githyanki outside the supervision of her "father" is a rare treat and something she's very curious about, despite Lae'zel's harsh attitude.
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Amarantia Celestria is a female dragonborn from a noble family, with a strong current of magic running through her from her ancestors. However, Amarantia chafed at the duties piled on her by the rigid community she lived in. She had dreamed of becoming a bard ever since she was a hatchling, and one night she acted on her desires and ran away to fulfil her dream. She was on the road to Baldur's gate, the city in sight even, when the nautiloid snatched her up.
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The whole tadpole situation is a bit scary and a lot inconvenient, but she's determined to pursue her dream anyway. Also, she met a one-horned tiefling from Avernus who called her 'Sparkles'. After the initial shock, which was short-lived because Karlach turned out to be really nice and friendly, she rather liked it. She does sparkle after all, at least in sunlight, and it would be a good bard name.
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Lorken to Bairn (Lorken the Child) was on a spirit quest to find his Heart Beast when a giant squid ship flew past over him and snapped him up like a tasty snack. He managed to escape by a combination of luck, a direct application of brute force and some allies he made on the squid ship. Shortly after crashing back on Toril, he could feel the connection to his ancestors in the land around him, even if it was faint, he met a wise and friendly undead. Seeing it as an omen that the first undead he encountered was friendly, he decided to explore the area.
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In a battle before the entrance to a druid grove he called out for a Heart Animal to aid him, and a spirit answered. A great bear spirit bonded itself to him, its strength enhancing his already considerable strength, its tough hide letting him absorb blows that would have felled him before. Having found his Heart Beast and thus becoming an adult he took the new surname Bearheart, as was tradition. Seeing the druids as having aided him in his spirit quest, he pledged he would help them as best he could, and by extension the refugees trapped in the grove.
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Ash Lightbringer is a devout cleric of Lathander who was raised in a small temple to the Morninglord between Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep. Her parents had met as slaves in one of the Hells, but were freed by a group of adventurers. The paladin of Lathander in the group, Evelyn, was particularly friendly towards them and helped them with a bit of money to find a place of their own in a village when they returned to Toril. Her parents were devout worshipers of the Morninglord from then on and raised their daughter to be the same.
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Ash is well trained though she lacks any actual combat or adventuring experience. She had just reached Baldur's Gate to visit the Morninglord's temple there and look for a group of adventurers to join when she got snatched up by the nautiloid. Although she's nervous and frightened by the quite extreme situation she suddenly finds herself in, she is determined to help the new allies she has found. She knows better than many that even in the darkest places there can be a light that brings hope and salvation.
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Fionalar Torilastra is a high elf noble lady of Waterdeep whose parents were in turn nobles in Myth Drannor, which she and they will tell anyone who will listen, and quite a few who don't want to listen too. Arrogant, and an outright snob when it comes to drinks and jewelry, Fionalar is nonetheless genuinely talented with magic and a dedicated scholar. She was passingly familiar with Gale via Elminster Aumar and finds it suspiciously that both of them just happened to be snatched up by a nautiloid and implanted with tadpoles altered with [redacted] magic.
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Although a bit put off with the "commoner" skills of lockpicking and sleight of hand, she's quite impressed with Astarion in the little party of people she finds herself in. She is determined to find out who and what has collected them and for what purpose. If she and Gale put their minds together, they will surely solve that riddle in short order. Or so she tries to convince herself.
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Dog doesn't remember much after waking up in the tent of a small mercenary company led by a half orc named Captain Stonefist. The Captain said she'd lost some people and needed to fill out her ranks. He looked big and strong, and if he could follow orders he could be very useful to her and be well compensated for it.
With little in him besides anger, pain and visions of blood, the man simply did what the Captain told him to do. Dig latrines, no problem. Carry feed for the mules, sure. Kill? Oh yes. He was good at killing. Since he never argued back, Captain Stonefist started to call him her dog. The others in the company adopted the name as well. Dog didn't mind. I felt good to have direction after the broken hole his mind and past was. And he got to kill. He was very good at killing, grabbing a rage he wasn't sure where it came from and harnessing it into a sharp, bloody tool.
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The company was about to enter Baldur's Gate, which Dog felt some anticipation towards. That was nice, he hadn't really cared about where they went in the two months since he'd been found by the Captain's scouts. He didn't know why, but it was nice to have a feeling other than rage, or blankness. They never got to enter the city however, as a nautiloid appeared in the sky above them and Dog got grabbed onto the alien ship. Dog didn't really know what to do, but the ilithids and devils were clearly enemies, so he killed them. The woman who called herself Lae'zel that he met seemed to know where they were and how to get away though, so he followed her lead and did what she told him to do. That was familiar. Comfortable. Plus, he got to kill again.
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midnightowlgames · 19 days
Things I stole for my DnD campaign pt. 1 -
Dr. Henry Killinger
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I've been playing TTRPGs for quite some time and whenever I'm DMing I often use tropes, ideas and sometimes whole characters from other media I enjoy. Of course I always modify those things to fit neatly in my game world and make sure those things do not break immersion. 
One of the characters I almost wholesale stole from The Venture Bros. show is Dr. Henry Killinger. Powerful supernatural creature equipped with his signature Murder Bag. 
I decided that in my game world a good doctor will have demigod level powers and will be a creature born at the same time the first mortal sentient beings were created. He was not born, made or created. He and his 8 brothers just manifested as a cosmic force of the universe. Each of them represented a different aspect of the alignment chart. For Henry it was natural evil. In the game world he is known as The Consultant. He has a lot of knowledge and experience gathered over the eons of his existence but he is not all knowing. He uses that knowledge to consult promising mortals with capacity for evil. He trains them, helps them figure out more tedious parts of villainy and build long term plans and agendas. He is not interested in world domination or senseless murder. His favorite clients are small-time villains with small goals and aspirations. Warlords that are interested in conquering only one city state, necromancers whose only goal is immortality, dragons that are more interested in kidnapping princesses than anything else and so on. Additionally Killinger have his Murder Bag. Black leathery variant of bag of holding filled to the brim with hundreds of magical and cures items acquired through the years. 
In my campaign he started as an advisor to one of the Baldie. Very friendly and helpful orc NPC that thanks to players' help recently acquired a large chunk of land and abandoned castle. My players met him on his vision quest and helped with killing a deadly sentient hydra that was tormenting the local population of goblins. After the whole affair goblins chose Baldie as their new leader and king (he was only present greenskin in the party at the time). After a few weeks my player decided to visit Baldie and check out his new domain and there they first met Killinger. He sensed that Baldie has some capacity for villainy if he would be pushed in the right direction. Henry decided to become Baldie court advisor and helped him with stabilizing his power over goblins and bringing little bit of order to those chaotic creatures. Not too much of course. He did not want to push them towards lawfulness. 
During his first meeting with the party he was as always polite and cordial. Yet somehow his presence alone made everyone feel very uncomfortable. Over the next months of the campaign a new villain appeared. Truly BBEG.  The Thin White Duke - David Bowie (my next post will probably be about him, I also stole him from Venture Bros. Kinda. It is complicated). Over the course of a few next months people of Arcan-Tau (continent of the campaign) were faced with sheer uncering chaos that Duke brought to their homeland. Undead, mutated orcs, giant hornets with human faces, dominic cults and many more. All without the goal, just in name of sheer chaos. For shits and giggles as they say. My players as the heroic sort were at the front of brave souls battling this chaotic menace every way they go. 
I've been playing TTRPGs for quite some time and whenever I'm DMing I often use tropes, ideas and sometimes whole characters from other media i enjoy. Of course I always modify those things to fit neatly in my game world and make sure those things do not break immersion. 
One of the characters I almost wholesale stole from The Venture Bros. show is Dr. Henry Killinger. Powerful supernatural creature equipped with his signature Murder Bag. 
I decided that in my game world a good doctor will have demigod level powers and will be a creature born at the same time the first mortal sentient beings were created. He was not born, made or created. He and his 8 brothers just manifested as a cosmic force of the universe. Each of them represented a different aspect of the alignment chart. For Henry it was natural evil. In the game world he is known as The Consultant. He has a lot of knowledge and experience gathered over the eons of his existence but he is not all knowing. He uses that knowledge to consult promising mortals with capacity for evil. He trains them, helps them figure out more tedious parts of villainy and build long term plans and agendas. He is not interested in world domination or senseless murder. His favorite clients are small-time villains with small goals and aspirations. Warlords that are interested in conquering only one city state, necromancers whose only goal is immortality, dragons that are more interested in kidnapping princesses than anything else and so on. Additionally Killinger have his Murder Bag. Black leathery variant of bag of holding filled to the brim with hundreds of magical and cures items acquired through the years. 
He was a powerful spellcaster and master of psionic art. 
In my campaign he started as an advisor to one of the Baldie. Very friendly and helpful orc NPC that thanks to players' help recently acquired a large chunk of land and abandoned castle. My players met him on his vision quest and helped with killing a deadly sentient hydra that was tormenting the local population of goblins. After the whole affair goblins chose Baldie as their new leader and king (he was only present greenskin in the party at the time). After a few weeks my player decided to visit Baldie and check out his new domain and there they first met Killinger. He sensed that Baldie has some capacity for villainy if he would be pushed in the right direction. Henry decided to become Baldie court advisor and helped him with stabilizing his power over goblins and bringing little bit of order to those chaotic creatures. Not too much of course. He did not want to push them towards lawfulness. 
During his first meeting with the party he was as always polite and cordial. Yet somehow his presence alone made everyone feel very uncomfortable. Over the next months of the campaign a new villain appeared. Truly BBEG.  The Thin White Duke - David Bowie (my next post will probably be about him, I also stole him from Venture Bros. Kinda. It is complicated). Over the course of a few next months people of Arcan-Tau (continent of the campaign) were faced with sheer uncering chaos that Duke brought to their homeland. Undead, mutated orcs, giant hornets with human faces, dominic cults and many more. All without the goal, just in name of sheer chaos. For shits and giggles as they say. My players as the heroic sort were at the front of brave souls battling this chaotic menace every way they go. 
Henry started to appear to them during their travels. Often bringing advice or direction. And always asking for monetary payments in return. Slowly but shortly my players figured out that he does not like Bowie at all and coordinated a lot of events behind the scenes to ensure his defeat in the near future. You see, Kilinger was not fun of too much chaos going around. A little bit yes, of course everybody loves a little bit of chaos. But apocalyptic levels of chaos were way too much for him. You may ask: “Why Killinger did not kill Bowie himself?”. He could not. You see he and all his brothers could not interfere in the mortal world too much. They could advise and guide mortals toward the desired path but direct interference was simply impossible to them. Their souls simply do not allow them to even think that way. They existed to guide sentient mortals. That's all.  And that's how uneasy alliance started between Dr. Henry Killinger (almost godlike avatar of neutral evil) and a group of heroic adventurers that found themselves in the middle of global level mess. 
Do any of you do that? Like still whole characters and modyfie them for your game world?
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doubleddenden · 4 months
I'm back into Yugioh for a bit for who knows how long. I want the following:
A Stardust themed structure deck that's not a billion dollars and also features the 4000 atk dragons.
A Zombie Horde deck simply for Red Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord for less than a bazillion dollars
6 animes animated by the Dark Side Dimensions staff, not gutted by Konami's rebranded kid friendly staff, featuring the following:
Joey Wheeler as the protagonist
One day he gets a splotch of paint in his hair (fulfilling 2 hair tone protagonist minimum) and Yugi gets kidnapped. Kaiba is off being gay/dueling the pharaoh in the afterlife or something and these duelists are top tier, so Joey has to step up as a protagonist with a tricked up deck with added modern Synchro and Xyz mechanics, and a larger focus on Red Eyes (he has it again just let him). Tristan and Duke are his wingmen, Serenity and Mai are back, Joey's got his own Kaiba rival, and he proves why he was 3rd best in the world at some point.
Jesse Anderson as the protagonist
I have no deep lore for this. I just like his design and deck. Fuck it, Jaiden goes missing in North America, and he's gotta find him. He gets some paint in his hair too I guess.
5D's sequel
Yeah just. Gimme Yusei again I miss him he was the COOLEST yu boy. Also let Aki be badass and let! Them! Kiss! Dammit! Yusei could get trapped in a virtual reality racing thing where the monsters are real, and he eventually fights an accurate Yami AI in a duel.
Duel Monsters, re animated
Sort of a Kai and FMAB situation. Re animated in DSD style, following the manga plot from the beginning VERY closely (yes even the messy deaths and more fucked Kaiba and Bakura), including Yugioh R plot, including Waking the Dragons plot because that was pretty fun actually, the staring and filler are basically trimmed down.
GX and 5ds animes redubbed, uncut, unedited, and completed, with some better voice acting and less catch phrases.
That's it really that's all I want.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Romantic Hiccup concept, please?
Sure! I've been watching Race To The Edge and been researching his character. I may be rusty on HTTYD but I do hope I match his character ^^ Aged up if you want but by like the second movie he's like 20 so... up to you. This is kept general, no specific movie/series. I wrote this late at night 😅
AU where he and Astrid aren't dating obviously.
Yandere! Hiccup Haddock III Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Jealousy, Obsessive behavior, Toothless is playing matchmaker, Overprotective behavior, Clingy behavior, Unhealthy mental health, Possessive behavior implied, Threats, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Dubious relationship, Insecure Hiccup.
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I feel like a lot of (if not all) HTTYD Dragon Rider yanderes would have the dragons help them with their obsession.
Hiccup would be no different.
Hiccup has always been ambitious since he was young and changed Berk forever.
He's dedicated his life to learning about dragons.
He's an intelligent strategist yet also shy and awkward.
He may may be a friendly and trusting leader but he's still very nervous to talk with his obsession.
Toothless is going to notice Hiccup likes your attention and may try to help his buddy get with you.
Even if Hiccup's crush is obsession...
The dragon doesn't entirely understand the concept of a toxic relationship and just likes to see Hiccup happy.
Hiccup would be Obsessive, Overprotective, Clingy, Observing, Manipulative, yet Caring.
Hiccup doesn't mean most of his yandere behavior and it manifests subconsciously.
He actually feels bad that his crush is so strong within him if it hurts you.
Hiccup definitely met you in Berk, you probably wanted to learn more of his cause after the events of the first movie.
The idea of training dragons fascinated you.
Hiccup likes that you have a similar view to him and even offers to help you train one of your own.
Up to you if you accept the offer or not.
Ever since Hiccup talked more with you he felt drawn in.
He even finds himself talking to Toothless about you more and more... which makes Toothless aware of the crush Hiccup has towards you.
Again, the dragon doesn't sense anything strange with Hiccup's feelings at first.
Hiccup often rants to Toothless in private... he still has a reclusive nature at times where he just wants to be beside his dragon.
Hiccup talks to Toothless about nearly everything... but the conversation always transitions to you with time.
It started with Hiccup being excited to teach you about dragons.
Then it was about him wanting to have the courage to speak to you without stuttering.
Sometimes Hiccup talks about wanting to impress you. Sometimes he rants about his complaints surrounding others around you.
Hiccup thinks talking about you for hours to his dragon is normal.
It's not obsessive... he just likes you...
Loves you is probably more accurate.
Toothless remembers every conversation and teases Hiccup about you.
Which becomes troubling to the young man when Toothless gets ideas around you.
Hiccup got so nervous when Toothless nudges you over to him one time, offering a dragon ride.
With just the two of you...
They'll have to talk about this later.
Hiccup seems like a yandere who'd research his darling.
He watches what you do around Berk, he keeps track of what type of dragon you prefer, he writes little confessions...
He sticks everything about you in a worn leather journal and hides it.
It's easy to tell by his long conversations with Toothless he's obsessed about you.
Hiccup can also be overprotective with his darling.
He often admits to Toothless that he wants to protect you, dating or not.
The urge to look after you would be stronger if you do become skilled in dragon riding.
After all, then you'd come on trips with him to find dragons... which is dangerous.
Toothless and Hiccup work together to keep you and your dragon safe in these situations.
On dragon missions isn't the only time he's protective.
With dragon riding on Toothless you'll notice Hiccup's hold is tight.
He trusts the Night Fury but it's almost instinctual to hold you closer to his chest.
Hiccup also shows hostility towards others around you like Snotlout for example.
Hiccup doesn't harm others without a reason but jealousy and concern bubble within him if you're around someone he has tension with.
Even more so if he hasn't shared his feelings yet.
Hiccup would be clingy once he has shared his feelings.
Encouraged by a persistent Toothless... Hiccup is convinced these feelings are right and asks you to be his.
He's shy and stuttering... yet you accept.
Hiccup throws you into a hug after, earning a smile from Toothless.
The dragon doesn't know he may have doomed you.
Hiccup is reassured you'll stay by him with physical affection.
A hug from the back when he's planning, a kiss on the cheek, even wrapping your hands around his own.
Hiccup freezes for a moment but will always return the gesture.
There's times where he refuses to let go... like when cuddling and you have somewhere to be.
He doesn't like to see you go....
Hiccup is intelligent and loves to tinker.
He can come up with some useful gifts for his darling.
If you have a dragon then he is sure to make gear that enhances the flying and combat experience.
Hiccup is clever and charismatic which makes him manipulative at times.
If he wants your attention then he starts spouting out excuses.
If you want to leave him for whatever reason then he may even get stubborn and belittle you.
It's his emotions getting out of control but what he says can still hurt.
Hiccup still has insecurites.
He still feels like he has to prove himself as a leader at times and it's also prominent in his obsession.
He feels if you did want to leave him then it means he isn't enough.
This makes him upset and desperate, making his obsession intensity increase.
Hiccup only clings more if you want to leave.
He doesn't understand that he's being manipulative or suffocating....
Hiccup is actually not a violent yandere.
He's just intense and doesn't become a problem until during or after a relationship with him.
Hiccup doesn't like the idea of murder.
He may threaten others around you with Toothless, but he can't murder.
Not unless someone was hurting you.
Kidnapping... Hiccup may consider it.
With most overprotective yanderes it's usually if your safety is threatened.
But Hiccup may attempt it if you ignore him enough to break him.
Hiccup probably could overpower his darling despite how he looks, yet doesn't like the idea of it.
Toothless encourages Hiccup's obsession for the most part.
The dragon hesitates when he sees you unhappy with Hiccup's behavior.
Toothless may step in if Hiccup goes too far, which may snap the young man to his senses momentarily.
I'm actually on the edge on if Toothless would help kidnap you.
Could the dragon see this as wrong?
Even if he did... he may listen to Hiccup if ordered.
Hiccup's the yandere type who manipulates and isolates his darling.
He doesn't like hurting others around you and just wants to be important in his darling's life.
He yearns to hug and kiss everything away... to love you and protect you.
If you deny him such a fantasy... his mental state plummets which causes his yandere behavior to fully show itself.
However, Hiccup is also a yandere to learn from what he does wrong.
He isn't entirely delusional and tries to better himself for you.
If he's too obsessive he tries to back off...
If he's too jealous or competitive for affection he tries to find ways to cope...
Hiccup is willing to learn to be better for his darling and the future for the both of you.
He promises he and Toothless will take good care of you...
Just don't make him feel worthless/neglect him and he'll be the best boyfriend/husband you could ever have!
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