#hes like a selkie but a MOTH
mantisgodsaus · 2 years
New blog moment /pos
Hello! I am here to formally request you may or may not tell me more about this selkieverse. Is it an au where everyone is a selkie (or at least, some bugs are)? Do they just turn into aquatic like bugs instead of actual seals? If actual seals, do you have species picked out for the selkie characters yet? How does it work? Are they even selkies at all? Once more, you don't have to answer if its information you'd like to withold but as local marine biology (mostly seals and jellyfish though) nerd I must know if this may be an au that is like. Right up my alley.
Oh boy, we can answer questions! Technically, we've had this blog for a bit, we just... haven't been using it (we are afflicted with a chronic need to illustrate our worldbuilding and we just Haven't Been Drawing recently).
Not everyone is a selkie, but some bugs are - actual species varies! They're seals, or other assorted... vertebrates, mostly. "Selkie", here, is less referring specifically to seals and more referring to the general category of Bugs With Bonus Pelt. We've got actual species picked out for the selkie characters, but we do want to keep a few under wraps - of the few we can reveal, Leif is a ribbon seal, Mothiva is a leopard seal, Cenn is a yellow-bellied water snake, and Vi... well, her pelt was an ermine.
In terms of how it works - selkies are, more or less, bugs that come in two... pieces, or with two forms. It's genetic, though it can very much skip generations and occasionally appears to manifest from nowhere - generally, you have a few main strains of selkie in an area, maybe with a scattering of other species around. Seals are by far the most common around both Bugaria and The North, and the gene's most common in moths (as far as anyone knows), though it can appear in other species - and, as previously mentioned, sometimes you just get a kid who's a selkie without any previous selkie relatives.
A selkie's pelt isn't present upon hatching, but manifests later - generally either when they metamorphose, in the case of bugs like moths and butterflies, or during one of their first few instars on bugs who do That. It is, functionally, a part of them - a selkie cannot be separated from their pelt for too long, though they can wander farther from it with age and practice, and trying to keep away from it causes fun side effects (like organ failure, and feeling like you're being physically peeled out of your shell, and death).
The pelt itself is, as is typical with selkies, a pelt - seal, or snake, or ermine, or whatever else someone might be. Looks like you'd expect a seal pelt to be - although a selkie's pelt contains a few more bones. Generally, you've got a skull, spine, and ribcage, but it's not uncommon to have a few other bones - they shape the skin, more or less. As is standard, once the skin is donned, they gain the form of their pelt, but the selkie has some control over it - as well as some control over how the pelt moves.
The thing about selkie pelts is that, as they're a part of the selkie, they're functionally "alive" - an extension of the self, an extra limb. Technically, anyone can don a selkie pelt and take on the form of whatever creature they are, but it'll be... strange. Uncanny. They aren't the selkie, and this isn't their form - they're just wearing their skin. Unlike on the selkie themself, the bones aren't going to merge to them properly, they're just going to stick in there, wearing away at their shell until they eventually take it off. A pelt only retains its transformative properties while the selkie it belongs to is alive - once they bite it, it becomes just a piece of leather, though with selkie skin being the only real option as far as skins go, it's still pretty damn valuable dead.
If a selkie's pelt is destroyed, the selkie dies. Likewise, if a selkie dies, the pelt becomes inert. It's a bit like holding a vital organ in your hand - and if the selkie and the pelt are taken too far apart, the connection is severed and the selkie will die even if no damage is dealt to either them or their pelt.
As is standard for selkie mythology, having a selkie's pelt gives you some measure of control over them. Specific degree of control varies, largely based on the selkie - though all selkies can be commanded while you're actively holding their pelt, if they'll keep following that command once you've put it down is a whole 'nother ball park. If you had Leif's pelt in hand and told him to do something, he'd keep doing it even if you put that pelt down later, but if you tried the same with Vi (again, while she had it) she'd stop the second you put it down. With Mothiva, just possessing the pelt is enough - you don't need direct contact, you just need to have it. The effect's at least partially psychosomatic - while it's a direct compulsion with direct contact, anything past that is largely based on if the selkie thinks you should be able to tell them what to do.
The selkie form itself is fairly standard as creatures of its species go, albeit downsized for bug scale. They're around the size they'd normally be relative to a human, relative to an average bug (using an ant as your Standard Human works, here). A selkie is, functionally, both their bug species and their pelt species - behaviors in one form will affect the other, and vice versa. Generally, this'll manifest most noticeably in either tics or diet - a craving for raw fish, an odd sense of territorialism, an impulse to drag dead things to your dumb, bad-at-hunting teammate. It does, however, vary - and a good chunk of selkies do try to keep the fact that they're selkies hidden, especially if they might have reason to fear a stolen pelt.
...this is a whole lot of rambling on Selkie Magic Mechanics and not a whole lot of marine biology, uhh. Hope this helps sketch out the general mechanics for ya! We're always glad to talk about Cool AUs!
#selkieverse#bf aus#selkieverse leif#selkieverse mothiva#selkieverse cenn#selkieverse vi#niko-jpeg#fun fact with standard seal pelts youll cut the flippers and the head off since they don't tan well#a selkie pelt keeps all the bits! its more or less the full skin of the beast including bits thatre just plain impractical to tan normally#also yes fish is a Thing You Can eat its just. not generally a good idea to hunt it as the fish are still Fish Size#leif has the ribbon seal air sac in both forms#mothiva would fucking eat him if she had a chance however she is smaller than him in moth form and he just#entirely lacks any form of self preservation instinct#muze and todd are also selkies but they keep it quiet for dont want their pelts fucking stolen reasons#leif is currently not aware hes a selkie in the first place and hes old enough of one that he has. a Very wide range on his pelt#pelt in question has been hanging up over the fireplace in muze's house ever since an. incident. with grandma muse#they never had the heart to get rid of it. she was Very certain her husband was alive in her old age#you know how it is. a bug gets old and their mind starts to go... always a pity#it does still feel like that pelt is... watching#and it has changed appearance a bit... but who's looking at those old photos anyways?#(leifs pelt has slowly changed color from dark rusty brown to a dark steely blue over the past. century)#(his pelt is not dead but it is Dormant. unfortunately he currently has no fucking clue its even his pelt unfortunately hes stupid)#(also the whole cordyceps thing did scramble his memory access a bit)
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leth-writes · 2 months
Cryptid AU!
Cryptid batfam x reader
Bruce Wayne
I know people traditionally peg Bruce as a vampire, but I see him more as a mothman type. I mean, think about it! The cape as wings, the attraction to a giant light in the sky, the quiet disposition… I think it fits perfectly
As a friend or partner, Moth! Bruce is more possessive. He likes wrapping you within his big, fluffy wings, and he can be easily distracted with shiny baubles. Be careful! When it’s cold, he’s gonna spend days cuddling.
Dick Grayson
I actually could see Dick being a satyr, which I know sounds unconventional, but I think it fits really well. I particularly chose a satyr because of their boisterous personalities and penchant for dancing, which I see fitting Dick quite well. They’re also known for having many successful relationships, which I see fitting Dick quite well.
In a relationship, whether platonic or romantic, I can imagine Dick being loud and cheerful, successfully getting close to you and disarming any anxiety you may have through his kind and excitable personality.
Jason Todd
Phoenix, for the obvious connections of rebirth and coming back from the dead. I especially think this fits because Jason is often associated with themes of being reborn through the fires of trauma, and I associate him quite heavily with fire due to his loud, brash personality. Yet, there’s a softness present, a thread that connects his new and old selves. For this reason, I associate him with the beautiful phoenix.
In any relationship, Jason is both protective and sensitive. He’s able to effectively navigate emotional situations and definitely teaches you to defend yourself, just in case.
Tim Drake
Changeling. I see this associated with Tim a lot, and I honestly really agree. He;s got an otherworldly energy about him, and is often seen as less emotional and more calculating than the other batfamily members, who tend to be quite emotional. I also see a lot about him creating a place for himself in the family, rather than being picked up by Bruce like the others. Not in a malicious way, but like a changeling; they find their way into a family through no fault of their own, but by methods that may appear harsh to others.
In a relationship, you have to spend a lot of time reassuring Tim of your feelings toward him, whether platonic or romantic. Tim is a really anxious person, mainly due to feelings of inferiority and a massive case of imposter syndrome. You’ll need to constantly remind him you see him as the ‘real’ Tim!
Damian Al-Ghul
I had never actually heard of this before, but when googling I found out about Aqrabuamelu, who are half-scorpion men known for guarding sacred places. They’re generally known as quite protective, while being potentially dangerous to those who cross what they’ve sworn to protect.
Damian really fits this; he’s quite protective and very formal, which I usually associate with guardian characters, and while he tries to relate and be kind to his family, he has no trouble defending those he’s sworn himself to protect, including the citizens of Gotham
Cassandra Cain
I actually see Cassandra as a Selkie, primarily for her quiet and contemplative nature. She grew up alienated from her humanity, which I think is nicely represented by the mythology of selkies being forced to return to the sea for years on end before taking their human form again.
In any relationship, once it’s deep enough, I see Cass giving you her pelt to keep a hold of (not necessarily a sign of marriage in this iteration). I think this would be her best way of communicating her care to you, even when she struggles to communicate through words.
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indigos-stardust · 5 months
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Hundreds of years ago the fire moth people, or Nari'shi, lived on volcanic Islands to the South. Unfortunately, there was a catastrophic period of forest fires in the nearby lands that spread from the wild, to crops, and finally villages.
The Nari'shi contain the ability to generate enough heat to create flames. This is because they naturally have a sixth sense to read energy through their antennae and have a much higher resistance to the natural heat from the volcano's they live nearby and depend on. Due to these factors, they can use their own stores of energy and release that through the friction their thick fur creates in fast movement. They even had group dances that would create sparks from the fast movements and touches.
However, that ability to create flame is why they were blamed for the tragedies that continued, even if they was no real evidence they had done those things. Due to complicated politics of the time, including the greed and power tactics of many leaders, they were used as scapegoats for not just the fires but many other things.
During their season of Dormancy And Rest, or Winter, many attacks were made against them using cruel techniques. IN the end their rule was dismantled and they were forced to pay for "retributions." Having no home and no wealth, they agreed to contracts that essentially trapped them and their families in generations of forced labor, abusive surveillance, and working conditions that violated many human rights.
Most work in the Fire Works, where their energy is used either to forge weapons with their fire or create magical energy capsules for a variety of purposes. It's a grim and gruesome reality. Schooling and any method for empowerment or escape from that lifestyle are banned using racist ideas to back it up.
Red, or rather Flicker in this au, worked and lived in those horrible conditions. One day, an older man who had taken care of him, was being yelled at by one of the surveyors. He was too slow. It didn't matter that he was overworked, exhausted, and slowed down by the years of intense labor. He'd be punished for his slowness anyways. Most of the time, the only reason it happened was just to make an example.
At a certain point, everyone reaches a limit. Even though it was stupid, and the elder man begged him not too, Flicker tried to defend him. Tried to make an excuse or aid him in some way, to make the pain less. Things only escalated unfortunately. Then other people were roped into it. More serious threats were made.
Flicker, well, he ended up determined to defend him. And with his own temper his own flame flared up. So hot it broke his own restraints. Apparently, he was "gifted" with a strong fire. People like that were sent down to the Tartarus Plant. No one ever came back from there. No one that ever went there saw the sky again. The beautiful sun would be a dead memory.
So he ran. Sure, it was a rather explosive escape. Sure, if he was caught he'd face a fate worse than death itself. Maybe he accidentally did cause several fires because of the adrenaline and lack of restraint paired with this "gift" (more like a curse.) Miraculously he manages to escape on a raft. Or well, he would've been shot down if Flicker did that. The Island was full of guards.
It's more accurate that they thought he died and then he thought he died when the small boat exploded around him. Flicker wasn't exactly sure what happened. A selkie folk, who knew the ocean and its depths, wouldv've realized that he'd been dragged off by a vicious rip current. And managed to survive purely because he was entangled in a boyyant piece of the small boat he stole.
As for the whole "drowning" issue? No clue on that, for all anyone would ever guess is that either some guardian spirit was watching over him or maybe he just was so near death and hot that he just created an air bubble from all the water he was heating up. Who knows honestly.
Of course, when he washed up in some small cave on the cliff side of some foreign land, he had to admit he was relieved. Sure, there was no way out due to the tides that blocked the exit of the cave. Perhaps, he'd never leave this place and he'd just starve inside, it wasn't like he could swim. Honestly, it was better than whatever fate was awaiting him at the Fire Works.
But then he noticed a frozen chunk of ice near the corner of the cave. At first, he thought it was a strange rock, he'd never seen ice before. There was even clams growing around it as well. He felt droplets melt as he touched it. While he observed the strange thing, he noticed a strange shape inside. So, he melted through it. And then...
A MEAL- Okay, it was probably some dead disease infested animal that died some unfortunate death- But cmon! It PROBABLY wouldn't kill him and honestly- Maybe he could make this work! He'd get enough energy from eating that weird freaky looking animal and maybe he'd learn how to fish! He could just- Drink the water dripping from the stalactites above! He'd survive!!
Well, that's what he thought before he was about to try to cook the dead thawed thing and then it suddenly opened its eyes and shrieked and bit him. Oh, and then it turned into a whole freaking man with weird white hair and crap.
Then the guy started screaming more! Sure, maybe it was because Flicker was screaming too- But in his defense he didn't expect his dead meal to just BECOME A RANDOM GUY?
Things calmed down and they established that they didn't want to kill each other. Then they both demanded what the hell was up with the other dude in the cave. Apparently "Buwe" was trapped in ice or cursed or something. He seemed strangely concerned for Flicker though, Flicker couldn't really understand why.
After a bit of peace and making up for the "accidentally trying to eat/bite you" scenario with some fish that Buwe had caught they chatted some more. Buwe was determined to take Flicker home with him. But the more Buwe talked.. Yeah, Flicker wasn't exactly schooled, but he started to realize everything this guy was describing.. From money and the state of the kingdoms and whatever else? He sounded like he was alive when the Nari'shi were free.
So, they started to put together that Buwe's entire family and tribe were probably dead because apparently he'd been frozen in ice for over two hundred years.
Buwe, brilliant man that he is, decides he's going to cope by adopting Flicker. Flicker, who doesn't want to die and is appreciative of this strange man who has provided food and protection find's himself accepting this agreement. Even though he's literally an adult but apparently, "Smol brother is smol brother" was enough reasoning for Buwe so this was just his life now.
They tried to go back to Buwe's old village, but after seeing the way the grief absolutely wrecked Buwe, Flicker encouraged them to find a new life elsewhere together. Buwe agreed and they set off.
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hexgravity · 8 months
Uhhh still don't have much on Fragile Life. But I thought I'd detail the tamagotchi pets each member has.
Scott: seal. It was hard to pick for Scott admittedly so I went with seal because some of my fav fanarts of him is Limited Life selkie styled Scott.
Gem: deer. She really is just deer coded.
Pearl: wolf. Tilly beloved.
Grian: parrot. He is the pesky bird.
Tango: moth. Most fanarts I see have him like a moth if they go for a more animal theme.
Martyn: dog. A nod to the big dogs. I would have maybe gave him a cat, but that's Scar's so no overlap.
Jimmy: canary. Canary in a coal mine, may I say more?
Scar: cat. Scar's was very easy as around the time I came up with this au was also around the time we lost Jellie. So I wanted her to always be part of him, and so, she's his virtual pet in this au.
Lizzie: axolotl. Based on her Empires Season 1 theme.
Joel: frog. Swamp :) it was either that or snail, couldn't find many animals for him.
Cleo: snake. I can't resist snake hair.
Etho: coyote. Wolf was already taken by Pearl, and being a Canadian myself when I was younger I used to confuse coyotes and wolves. So I thought it'd be silly lil "canadian wolf" moment.
Impulse: winner of the poll for his pet was pig as a nod to piglin brutes.
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plagues02 · 6 months
Hermit Species - HCs 2
Ren and his brothers(Renbob, also known as Rob, and the Red King, also known as King) are anthro dog hybrids, but they’re different breeds. Rob is a basset hound, lab mix. King is a wolf dog with lab as the dog part, and Ren is a pure blooded lab.
Both Wels and Hels are moth hybrids; They’re different kinds of silks moths. Wels is a domestic silk moth, and Hels is a cecropia moth.
Beef is some kind of cow hybrid. He has cow ears, horns, and a matching tail.
Doc is a mix of a lot of things. He’s some kind of creeper centaur, but he also has goat blood. Also though some accidents in his youth, he is also a cyborg.
TFC is the same kind of creature that Herobrine is. He’s not exact a player but is also isn’t a mob or hybrid. He’s just something separate entirely.
Cleo is a zombie,,, what else would she be?
Gem is a shapeshift. Unlike Mumbo and Etho who stick to one form, she likes to change it up. She’s been an elf, a deer, a fish, a fox, and many others. There’s no telling what she will be when you see her.
Grian is similar to a selkie, yet different. A similar idea as his wings keep his true appearance hidden. Without his wings, he looks almost human, but at the same time, he was slightly off at the same time.
Iskall is a cyborg. His body is human, but he has various cyborg parts. Not just his eyes, but other bits and pieces under her clothes
Cub was originally a human, but through messing with vex magic, he changed into being part vex.
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alwaysjustmina · 8 months
Whispers of Rain
Chapter 13: Rain Down on Me
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Thank you to @papaslittlesunshine and @midnight-moth for listening to all my nasty thoughts. Thank you to @kamonart for the beautiful artwork for this story.
Fyi This chapter is gonna hurt really bad, please pay attention to the new tags and only read when in a safe headspace.
Again please only read when in a safe headspace! And remember my endgame is always Raindrop!
Read below or on AO3
The dream was more a memory than a dream.
One of the many times Dew and Rain were at a venue on the tour, walking down some deserted hallway deep in the bowels of the facility.  They had been wandering, trying to get lost in the darkened corners, so that they could get lost in each other.  They were at the absolute top of the venue and hadn’t seen another person in well over 15 minutes. Five minutes ago they started holding hands, fingers entwined, doing what they wished their bodies could be doing right now.
The corner they just rounded, led to a dead end, sheltered under stairs to the roof.  If the dust and dirt collected in the corners were any indication, it had been a long time since someone had been here.  It was perfect.  
Rain leaned against the cement wall, foot raised up on the wall bent at his knee.  He watched Dew like a predator watched their prey.  His beautiful eyes half hooded with lust as he followed Dew’s movements.  The slight smirk on his lips evident even more when he licked his lips.  Dew gulped as he watched Rain back, his knees weak.  He was entranced by him, not knowing where to look first, where to touch first.
Dew stood in front of Rain’s relaxed form before he made his move.  Reaching his one hand that wasn’t already attached to Rain’s to rest on his hip, crowding into his body, Rain allowing him.  They watched each other, eyes roving over the others face languidly, their breathing already shallow and getting harder to take in a full breath.  Dew raised his hand from Rain’s hip to his face, running his finger along his strong jawline softly, moving along the edges of his face, tracing his features.  He pushed an errant piece of his black hair behind his ear, laughing as it refused to stay, popping back out.  
“So beautiful.”  Dew mumbled to himself.
“You’re beautiful,” Rain offered back.
“You are more beautiful, how did I get so lucky?”
“Nope I won’t listen to this blasphemy, you are more beautiful, and my word is final.”  Rain’s tone not allowing any further argument.
“Whatever you say, my love.”  Dew smiled at him, before whispering, “Mine.”
“Yours, always, and you are mine.”
Their lips met as they breathed each other in.  The slow pace of lips touching lips, content in the softness of the feel.  Rain’s pillowy smirk softened as he felt Dew trying to pull his bottom lip in between his own.  He acquiesced to his stealthy maneuvers quickly.  He gave Dew entrance, his tongue invading the depths of Rain’s mouth, his hot tongue tracing along Rain’s.  The quickly became entwined in each other, Rain pushing his leg back to the ground and pulling Dew closer to him by grabbing at his hips.  
This wasn’t just sexual attraction, this wasn’t just a heated moment.  This was passion, this was needing the other so badly your heart cracked when you couldn’t be this close.  This was love.  This was everything.  The sigh of mutual contentment leaving both of their mouths as they held each other closer, ensuring that every part of their body had contact with the other.
Their foreheads rested along each other as they pulled apart for a moment to gather their breath. 
“I love you, my Otter.”
“I love you so much, so much, my Selkie.  Forever.”
Dew awoke from the dream/memory, a smile on his lips, remembering how he felt in that moment.  The contentment, the love.  He quickly disentangled himself from Eidolon’s side, he needed to be with Rain right now, to whisper in his ear that he loved him, He was mildly surprised his movement from Eidolon’s side didn’t wake him, he had been such a light sleeper lately anytime Dew had moved.  He grinned in happiness that Eidolon could finally relax enough to finally sleep a little heavier.  Maybe the dark circles Dew saw under eyes would start to dissipate soon.  Enough stalling, he needed to get back to Rain.  He whispered that Eidolon had continued sweet dreams as he quietly shut Eidolon’s door behind himself.
He pushed through the door of his and Rain’s room, the house quiet, the darkness of the outside showing that it was still quite early in the morning.  Crawling into bed beside Rain, the sheets heavy as he lifted them onto his body.  The body next to him quite chilled to the touch as he reached out to snuggle closer, trying to warm him up.  He laughed quietly to himself, Rain was always so cold when Dew wasn’t next to him.  The sound of his light laughter surprised him, trying to remember the last time he had heard it come from his mouth.
“So nice of you to join us, Droplet.”
Dew’s heart stopped beating, his flesh instantly tingled with horror at the sound of Ifrit.  Ifrit here in their room, by himself with Rain, for who knows how long.  He struggled to sit up quickly, trying to shield Rain as much as possible, to protect him however he could.
As Ifrit turned on the lamp beside him he laughed and then spoke, “Oh there is no need to protect him, I’ve already taken care of him.”
Turning his head felt like it was in slow motion as he turned to look at Rain questioningly, then he saw it.  The blood.  Rain looking at him, his eyes glassy but still holding life.  Tears streaming down his face, to mix with the blood trickling from his lips.
“Aether!  Aether!”  He screamed, hoping that the quintessence ghoul could save him again.
“Oh, Droplet.  This is so sad.  I took care of Aether already though, he isn’t coming, neither is little Eidy.  By the way, how could you sleep through that one?  He struggled a little bit, but you looked so peaceful next to him.  He tried to reach out to you.  I tried to tell him that you couldn’t save him but he still struggled.”  
Dew couldn’t take his eyes off of Rain, “Baby, hold on,” he whispered. 
“I also told him the wonderful news, that you are carrying our kit.  He of course didn't believe me, why didn't you tell him so he could celebrate this joyous occasion?”
Dew couldn't bare to look away from Rain's eyes, even knowing he would be able to tell the truth from the shame reflected in his own.
“Droplet, Droplet, Droplet, you aren’t listening to me, he will be dead soon and you and I have one last lesson to teach him before he goes.”
Dew tried to find where all the blood was coming from that was pooling in the bedsheets beneath him.  He could see multiple wounds along his body, the shirt he slept in saturated in blood.  He didn’t know which was the worst, where to apply pressure to, where to help him before he could get someone here.  He didn’t even notice as Ifrit moved across the room to the edge of the bed, he was understandably wrapped up in Rain as he held him close.  Rain’s eyes never leaving his, trying to mouth that he loved Dew and how sorry he was.
“Shhh, don’t speak, preserve your strength, you are not leaving me.”  Tears streamed down his face, his hands covered in blood.
Ifrit pulled Dew’s body from Rain, pouncing on top of him, learning over top of him as he angrily pushed his lips to Dew’s.  When Dew didn’t respond, Ifrit moved from his lips to his neck sinking his teeth in his flesh, biting and tearing his flesh as he bit over and over again.  Dew could feel Ifrit’s length against him, hard and ready.
Please, don’t let this happen.  Please.
He prayed to whomever could be listening. It didn’t help.
Ifrit pulled off of him, ripping Dew’s clothes from his body, before shoving his off of himself.  He lined himself up with Dew’s entrance and prodding along his rim before speaking again.
“You're not going to look at me, while I teach him this lesson, you will watch him, with your arms still wrapped around him, he needs to watch as I take what is mine.  This will be the last time I teach him who you belong to.  The last thing he sees.”
Dew’s eyes searched Ifrit’s face for any remorse, any kindness, but he found none.  His eyes were black, like his heart.
“This will also be the last time I teach you this lesson, Droplet.  You need to remember, you are always mine, always.  No one will ever be able to take you away from me, never save you.”
He pushed Dew’s face to look at Rain, his hand holding the side of his face harshly to the bed.  Dew wondered fleetingly if Ifrit with the pressure of the hold could crack the bones beneath his hand. He didn’t have long to contemplate that as he looked into Rain’s eyes, the pain of the knowledge of what was about to happen to Dew in front of his eyes, prevalent.  The anguish that Rain knew he couldn’t save Dew, that he failed him, again.
Without any prep or lube, Ifrit pushed inside of Dew, tearing a scream from Dew’s mouth as he felt himself tear.  He could feel the sting in his body, as Ifrit didn’t slow down, or care if he was hurting Dew, he pounded into him.  Dew knew he was bleeding, he could feel the abrasions as Ifrit moved inside of him.  Dew didn’t care, didn’t notice the pain.  The only pain he felt was watching Rain, Rain finally knowing Dew wasn’t worth it.  
He quietly whispered, “Rain.”  So quietly betraying the slapping of Ifrit’s body against him.  That one word trying to convey how sorry he was to have pulled Rain into this, that he couldn’t save him.
As Ifrit got closer to his climax, Dew could see Rain’s eyes slowly closing.  He screamed for Rain not to leave him, that he loved him.  Rain tried to grip Dew closer to convey how much he loved him, that he would watch over him always.  That he would find his way back to him if he could.  Life slowly fled from his body though and his grip loosened.  He could hear Dew shouting at him, trying to keep him hear, but he was so tired, he couldn’t keep his eyes open.  The last thing he heard was Ifrit telling Rain how much Dew liked it as he reached his orgasm.  Rain wished one last time he could tell Dew he loved him, but he couldn’t as he died in Dew’s arms.
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Sort of Halloween ask go
What sort of mythical creature eg satyrs, selkies, would the mercs be?
What Mythical Creatures Would The TF2 Mercs Be?
Hell yeah! That's such a cool idea 😭 Some of these might not be very well known because I wanted to pull some from specific countries for the mercs that don't come from America:)
Also, apologies if I mess up any folklore!
Demo would be a redcap, I don't know, guys. I can just picture this man hiding out in ruined castles, creating chaos and staining his little cap red with the blood of his victims because he's a silly like that. Now, Redcaps normally can't be reasoned with, but if you happen to be wandering through Scotland, keep a bottle of something good on you and you might just figure out a way to make friends with him.
Engie would be Mothman, I mean, I already think mothman is a very wholesome protector of sorts, rather than the omen of bad luck everyone thinks he is. Mothman doesn't cause bad things to happen. He warns people that something bad will happen, and I think Engie would totally do that! Engie also just radiates moth energy to me for some reason, like I think he really likes bright lights.
Heavy would be the leshy. I think he'd be such a good character to be assinged to rule over the forest. The leshy is seen as a malevolent being, but is actually rather kind depending on the humans that it encounters, the leshy protects children more or less abandoned by their families, bringing them to a part of an ethereal forest, so I honestly think it's a really good fit for him!
Medic would be an Alp. So I feel like Medic already cause a people nightmares, so being a German version of a sleep paralysis demon is very fitting for him. Also, with manipulating dreams and creating nightmares being an Alps main power, I can't help but think of Medic while researching the folklore. Also, also, some people categorize them as demons, and let's be real, anything to do with demons fits with Medic.
Scout would be the Goatman, I think he'd have so much fun haunting one bridge, scaring, or just chilling with local teens who come to visit him, but then scaring the piss out of anyone who's serious, or just hiding away when someone with a camera comes around to prove of his existence. He'd just be one of the best suited (next to Pyro) to be a cryptid.
Sniper would be a Yara-ma-yha-who, a frog like vampire creature, that, and I quote, "waits for an unsuspecting traveler to rest under the tree. The creature then drops down and uses its suckers to drain the victim's blood. After that, it swallows the person, drinks some water, and then takes a nap. When the Yara-ma-yha-who awakens, it regurgitates the victim, leaving them shorter than before." I have no other explanation for why this fits Sniper than I think it's funny as hell and weirdly in character.
Spy would be the Dames Blanches, uh fem Spy mention!? Kidding, half kidding? Anyways! The Dames Blanches tend to lurk in narrow places, like ravines, forests, and bridges. While not being a benevolent spirit, if you come across one, it might require you to dance with them or help them. I think Spy would definitely find himself lurking on a moonlit bridge, requiring a late night dance for you to pass
Soldier would be the Jersey Devil purely because from what I know about them, they cause absolute chaos, and Soldier is insanely good at that. Also, the Jersey Devil is incredibly good at scaring humans and is known for its piercing scream, I wonder if we know anyone like that. No, but being real, he'd be a great fit for the Jersey Devil, but would probably become the first proven cryptid, to be honest, he'd just be to willing to get near people.
Pyro would be a Fresno Nightcrawler, like??? Have you seen them?? Especially fan art of them? Pyro could be twins with them, from the gaunt stare to the vaugly shaped body, I think Pyro might just actually be a Fresno nighcrawler that wiggled its way into a gas mask and suit one night. It probably wouldn't be the first time a cryptid tried to join the other mercs.
OUGH, THIS WAS SO FUN 😭 another short and sweet one! I love mythology and folklore, so getting to look into it super fun! Did you guys know that I wanted to study cryptozoolgy before I realized that ot would tank my entire science career 😮‍💨 oh well, at least i can always find a platform to talk about them on tumblr! I really hope you like this Anon! 💖
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original-art-stories · 4 months
The Magnus Archives Fic list lying on my computer>
The horror and everything else. Mostly Jon centric probably...
Anatomy of a Mask - A new archival assistant is hired. Her name is Mary Sue. Starts as a comedy and absolutely does not end that way.
Plus One - Jon attends a series of parties for which a plus one is mandatory.
Decree Nisi - Elias and Peter divorce (again), and the judge is tired of their bullshit.
Reflection - Jon is haunted by himself, and refuses to take any of his advice.
Rosemary and Thyme - fantasy AU featuring romance, quests, and fairy politics.
What Belongs to the Sea - Selkie AU, mind the tags on this one.
Bell, Book, and Candle - “By the Ride or Die Pact of 2009, Jonathan Sims can call upon Georgie Barker at any time for aid with no strings attached. Despite their rocky history, their childhood friendship, and Jon’s barely recovered alcoholism, this pact is sacred and must be upheld.”
Things Could Always Be Worse - Jon swaps place with an alternate-universe version of himself, who is heroic, chivalrous, and wears plaid. It’s terrible. Inspired by the parodic “straight TMA” blog.
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Sex Repulsion and Asexuality Save the World (Though That's Not What Jon Claims): canon divergent from MAG 160, in which Jon is so sex repulsed that a changed word in the Hazel Rutter statement saved the world. Crack is treated seriously.
Refusing to Give Up Tomorrow: safehouse hurt/comfort ft. MAG 160 divergence
The Eyespot Chronicles: Trilogy of works. AU where instead of going Somewhere Else, Jon and Martin stay in the OG universe. However, Jon is a moth.
Déjà Vu: Time-travel fix-it where Sasha, Tim, Jon, and Martin all wake up on the day of the day of season 1, episode 1, with memories spanning from that day to the moment they died.
terror management theory: AU where Mr. Spider kills Jon, and now Jon can't permanently die. Despite this, the fic is rather light-hearted (or at least crack)
Other Kingdoms: A season 3 fix-it, in which Martin uses a Leitner to wake Jon up. Do note that there are references to sex happening (Jon's demisexual in this), but it's rated T so nothing is shown.
When No One Looks: Dark Avatar!Jon AU set during the latter half of season 1
Chamomile: In which post season 4, the NotTea becomes a pet.
If The Archivist Had Been Meant to Fly...: Wingfic in which Jon saves Martin from Simon Fairchild
Molt: This is my favorite take on Web!Martin. This is also a darkfic, to the point that the author was made so sad by chapter 1 that they wrote chapter 2 as a fix-it to chapter 1. Also, as a warning that I would've appreciated but isn't in the tags or summary: there's a scene alluding to corrective rape, but this doesn't actually happen.
Drawn Out of the Unknown: Canon divergent s3 fic, official summary is "While investigating a possible location for the Circus's base, Martin and Tim find something unexpected.
The fic series that contributed to me listening to TMA was this Good Omens crossover by Bibliocratic. Really enjoyed it and finally between this fic and seeing TMA all over my tumblr dashboard (plus having a project to work on with my hands) I finally listened, so I'm thankful for that.
The other series I really love is>
The Magnus Institute vs the 21st Century: a series of emails and IMs which is just utterly hilarious. It's the Magnus Institute going through GDPR compliance processes and it's just fabulous.
And then one I'm still sort of following even though I don't read much TMA fic right now is
 dustsceawung by callmearcturus. It's a Moth!Jon fic with Martin as someone who moved to a town in a different fairy court (in a fae AU). Not complete and hasn't updated in a while but I really like the tone.
The world is too much with us is one of the many many many time-travel fix-it fics (I think that's a genre all it's own in the TMA fanfic community at this point). Spoiler to be on the safe side, it follows Jon after he's dropped back in 2014 by the Spiral, and relives what amounts to the next four seasons of TMA, using the experiences he had the first time 'round to try and avoid the apocalypse--and keep everyone alive in the process. Oh, and he's got the added bonus of already being an Avatar of the Eye. Very much angsty with a happy ending. This one's completed, so feel free to binge.
Martin x Jon 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41149674As everything ends, as the tower crumbles around them, Jon and Martin hold each other in a firm embrace. What they see of the world shatters, and Jon breaks with it. He awakened, alone, confused, and something was terribly wrong with him.
Tim drags Jon to a party in celebration of his promotion with one goal in mind: getting  Jon drunk off his arse.
Martin is moving to a different position within the Institute and celebrates as well.
through the clouds like a moonbeam: Jon gets wings during the apocalypse. Martin likes them; Jon doesn't.
I’ll bear the waiting now: AU where Jon is the new head archivist with two assistants, but there's a disembodied voice that only Jon can hear. Do note that there is something that looks a lot like suicide but there's a happy ending. (Alternate summary that spoils the fic: Martin is a "ghost" and also Jon's "late" boyfriend. )
true kinda love: Season 3 Co-Archivist!Jonmartin
hiding: Season 3 jonmartin kissing to hide from the Circus
The Garden of forking Paths - Jon and Martin search for each other through universes.
“What about him then?” Georgie asks.
“Him,” she says again like it is obvious who she means, holding up the sketchbook revealing a spread that has several loose sketches of Martin. It surprises Jon it took Georgie so long to find Martin in the book considering he had at least one-third of its entirety dedicated to him.
To graduate from art school, Jon needs to paint a nude portrait, but none of his friends are too keen on modeling for him. As a last resort, he asks a handsome barista.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/46426702When Martin needs a fake boyfriend to bring to his family reunion, Jonathan Sims is the last person he would have expected to volunteer.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51906919Tomorrow, Martin begins his new job as a lighthouse keeper. He knows (hopes) he'll enjoy it. What he doesn't know (yet) is that a very, very curious selkie lives near and is intrigued enough by him to come visit.
https://archive.transformativeworks.org/works/30210444/chapters/81277828 The last fic I read (time travel)
This list has become a behemoth, comprising various lists created by others. I've saved it, but now I need to free up space. This is the process I'm undertaking for every list I've saved.
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gozzer · 1 month
Okay, hear me out on this. Selkie! Valentino AU
His wings are his coat, obviously, and they can be removed like a selkie's coat.
Now, instead of turning into a seal, Val's still a moth demon. His wings just hold his power as an overlord instead
He can turn into a giant moth - like Mothra or something - when he has his coat but he very, very, rarely does so. It's too revealing of what type of demon he really is.
And, yeah, people seek out 'selkies' for their power. To steal their coats and take the power they have for themselves.
Val has never once told another demon about being a selkie.
Even in Hell, they're rare to come across.
The circumstances for how a selkie comes into existence when a soul dies isn't public knowledge. And Lucifer & Lilith refuse to share it for the safety of the selkies in question.
Now, the first person Val ever tells about being a selkie is Vox.
It's very personal and the biggest show of trust he could do for someone. Because he does trust Vox to not stab him in the back.
A lot of the time Val wouldn't use his wings. They're pretty but they mean too much.
Damaging his coat not only physically hurts him, it diminishes the power he's gained. The more damage done, the weaker Val is. It's why he tends to avoid conflict as best he can unless he knows he can win.
Without his coat, Val is completely powerless. No overlord magic or special abilities like his smoke and venom. He's only about as strong as a normal sinner; maybe less.
When he's out in public, he never wears his wings like the coat. They are always tucked in behind him to protect them.
Obviously Vox knows all of this and he does what he can to help keep Val's coat safe.
Until, maybe, something happens and Vox hides Val's coat. To keep him safe? Keep him locked away? Make him reliant on Vox for protection?
Either way, Val is stuck with Vox until the TV decides to let him go or that he determines Val to be safe enough to earn his coat back.
Or Velvette comes along and finds the wings hidden where she shouldn't be snooping.
Maybe she talks to Val, brings the wings to him. Or maybe she talks to Vox and sides with him on the situation. Keeping Val trapped with them while using his power.
Someone could come along to set him free or Val decides for himself to stay exactly where he is with the other two Vees.
No matter what, he still doesn't have his wings and at most his image and reputation is being used by someone else to keep his porn empire running.
Angel, perhaps? Or Travis?
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pampushky · 2 months
Creature (Both Haunted & Holy)
Vinsmoke Sanji/Reader - chapter 4 - 2.5k
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As you learn what a wonderful cook Sanji is, you open up, only to be snatched away.
Warning: This chapter does have descriptions of non-consensual sexual encounters, and then use of abortion pills. Be smart. Don't force yourself to read this if it'll trigger you.
ao3 | series masterlist | masterlist | next part
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To say Arlong was furious was an understatement. The moment he came back to his park— his territory— and found that not only had the prisoner escaped, but that he had knocked out his crew, and taken you, his little selkie, away from him. All logic was thrown out the window, as he ransacked the cell you lived in.
He called Nezumi there before he could even leave the bay, furious, demanding that he bring back not only his mate but, tipping him off about a bounty of stolen treasure, just a small town over. If he happened to mention Nami’s name, so be it. He would not lose a talented navigator and his intended mate, all in one day, to some mediocre pirate crew, led by a devil fruit eater who did not know who he was. 
“We have word on your mate’s location,” Chew came running into Arlong’s room, panting. “It seems it was correct to have the marines gather Nami’s stash, as the little selkie was curled up in the house, sleeping.”
Oh, Arlong was even worse now. You had refused to be broken by him, no matter what efforts he went through. You simply wouldn’t break, focused only on your village's survival, insisting that this would all be worth it, should they live. His eyes narrowed on your pelt, draped on the foot of his bed. A lovely item, really, especially for collectors. Consistently smelling on the sea, and your home island, no matter the duration of time it was locked away in mildewed chests, or wrapped in moldy cloth, eaten by moths. It was still as soft as ever, a deep blue-gray, mottled with speckles of pale grays, blacks, and a large, pinched diamond shape in the center, striking and pure white. He could sell it, and you, and have millions, if not billions, of berries to his name. But that wasn't why he had taken you.
He vaguely recalled your seal form, larger than most of the selkies he had caught, forcing you to shift back to a humanoid shape with a sturdy kick to the gut. Your fur had been the same, blue-gray, your belly a paler shade, with flecks of black all over, with that pure, white diamond under your neck, as you had tried so hard to out-swim him in the water, the scent of terror pouring of you when you reached land, only half shifted out of your seal form when he finally caught you.
You were no harbor seal, this he knew, even as your mothers tried to deceive him, pleading to let at least one of their pups live. It was simple luck your seal form stood out to him that day, and that he hadn’t slaughtered you like he had the rest of your pod, the moment you were tucked away, safe and sound on his ship, unconscious to the world. 
Perhaps it was time you learned of your village’s true fate. A punishment, for attempting to escape him, after all he had done for you.
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Luffy rubbed at the sore spot on his head, still wincing at how Nami had struck his head when she realized they had all followed her. The navigator was currently watching over you, as you slept on the chair, blanket tucked around your form. Zoro and Luffy had left the house soon after, sitting outside on the small porch.
“You have no business here,” Nami had snarled, “Not when I’m so close. You don’t know me, and you don’t,” She gestured to you, “Don’t know everything that’s going on here. Leave!”
But Luffy was stubborn. And he was smarter than he let on. He would not abandon this town. Not when he could sense a change on the horizon. So, he was sent on errands with Zoro, to gather up supplies for the ship. And he waited, as Nami stormed away somewhere, and Usopp and Sanji hung back around the house.
Sanji, you learned, was a great cook. You had woken up to the scent of fish, and some sort of fried rice wafting around the house. It makes your nose twitch, as you groggily stretch, looking around in a slight daze, before you recall how exactly you got into your current predicament. The cook looks over his shoulder, watching as you trudge into the kitchen, blanket, and blazer still wrapped tightly around your shoulders as you watch him. 
“Ah, I figured you would be hungry,” He turns back to the pan, and you stay silent, not coming any closer, but just sniffing the air. 
“That’s… for me?” You say it skeptically, fighting the urge you have in your gut to take a step backward. “Awfully kind of you to cook for a stranger, who you know next to nothing about.”
“You’re hungry,” Sanji shrugs as he flips the fish, the sizzling making you jump a little. “And you shouldn’t take medication on an empty stomach.”
You flinch at that, anxious warble muffled by how you clamp your mouth shut. You still don’t trust these people. You can hardly call Zoro a friend, considering how he ignored your concerns while he romped around the park. And, they are pirates, after all. Perhaps different than Arlong and his crew, but pirates nonetheless. 
“Fatty fish are better for selkies, no?” Sanji turns to look at you again, gaze softening at how you’ve puffed yourself up. “Ah, darling, you don’t need to–”
“Don’t call me that, first of all,” You snap, teeth bared, eyes flashing with malice, “And second of all, how do you know that?”
The cook turns away, tightlipped, as he plates the fish next to the rice, turning off the stovetop, and then leaning against the counter to face you, relaxed as ever. 
“I’m from the North Blue, though I was raised here for the majority of my life,” He starts, blue eyes meeting yours, “And I apologize. I won’t call you anything other than your name now, honestly." He holds his palms up, still looking down at you, and that's what makes you realize that you are greatly outmatched here.
You can’t help but continue to prickle a bit, shoulders still squared off as you look up at him. You’ve stopped baring your teeth, self-conscious of how un-intimidating you must look to him. You can tell he is well-muscled under his shirt, and the way his pants hug his thighs lets you know his legs are just as powerful, if not stronger than his upper body. The smell of the fish wafts into your nose, and without any control, your stomach rumbles, reminding you of just how hungry you are. 
“Here, I can eat some of it myself, if you don’t trust me,” He says softly, setting the plate and some utensils on the table, sitting opposite of where he places it, across from you.
“I believe you,” you whisper back, looking down at the food, a little bit surprised. “Do you… know any other selkenfolk?”
“No, but my… mentor, taught me about the diets of many races,” He folds his arms, watching as you let the blanket slip from your shoulders a bit, grabbing the fork. His blazer is still sitting snuggly on your shoulders, and you’ve slipped your arms into the sleeves, rolling them up several times so they don’t cover your hands. 
The fish flakes off on the fork easily, and when you take it into your mouth, you can’t help but gasp a bit, startling Sanij. It tastes just like your mother’s cooking when she would flip the filets with her bare hands, sprinkling fresh salt and dried garlic onto the fish as it sat on the hot stovetop. You would watch, when you were little, standing on a tall stool, hoping to escape with an early bite when she wasn’t looking. Rarely were you successful, but it’s a good memory, one that you had nearly forgotten about until that very moment. 
“What’s wrong, is it okay?” Sanji starts to get up, slightly worried, until you shake your head, looking down at the fork, and then take a much bigger piece, eating as fast as possible. “Ah– eat slowly, you’ll get sick if you eat too fast!”
You freeze, a large bite hanging from your mouth as you blush, embarrassed. “Sorry,” You swallow the bite, setting the fork down, and pulling the blanket back up. “It’s– It’s very good. Tastes like one of my mom’s cooking.” 
“Then, by all means, continue to eat,” He smiles, gesturing to the plate. “I just don’t want you to get sick. You need to treat your stomach carefully when you eat after the first time in a while.”
“Right,” you nod and start on the rice. “I didn’t know that. It explains… a lot.”
Sanji winces, at your rather defeated expression, as you gloomily swallow a spoonful of rice. He bites his tongue, wanting to take back what he said, but he knows it’s true. He lived it himself, having Zeff rub small circles into his back at night when he cried after throwing up whatever he had eaten, after getting off of the rock. He never mentioned this, when he hired Patty, when Sanji was twelve, still comforting the boy when traumatic episodes would be at their worst. 
“Here, I’ll get you some water,” Sanji pushes the chair out gently, doing his best to not react at how you flinch at the noise, watching his every move, hunched protectively over the plate. “You look dehydrated.”
The only sound is the tap turning on, and then off, as he places a glass in front of you. Your plate has only a small dent in the food, with only about a third of it gone. You feel wasteful, afraid to meet his eyes, but you’re so full, nearly bloated. And he seems to sense it, gently tapping the table to get your attention, smiling at you in what he hopes is a reassuring way. 
“You don’t have to eat all of it,” He fiddles with his hands, despite himself. You remind him too much of himself, in his younger years, the way your eyes follow every movement he makes. “I– I went hungry, once, and I remember how hard it was to finish anything, for the longest time after.”
“Oh,” you answer, in a much too quiet voice, looking down at the plate again, before wiping at your eyes, “I don’t want this to go to waste, you spent so much time on it–”
“I’ll pack it up, you can finish it on your own time,” Sanji offers, not making a move to take the plate away. He wants you to make that call, it’s important, especially if you’re going to start gaining trust in him. 
“Thank you,” you keep your head down, as you stand up from your chair, blanket wrapped around your shoulders once again. You grab the jar of pills Nojiko had left for you, slipping them into the jacket’s pockets.
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You should have known better than wandering off on your own. But you had insisted, wanting to find Nami, even as Sanji followed you out the door. You had waved off his concern, insisting that he had done more than enough for you and that what you truly needed to do at that moment was talk to your friend. He let you walk away, a concerned look on his face as you disappeared into the tangerine grove. And you found her, yes, collapsed on the ground in tears, but not before you heard a cackling behind you, making your blood freeze, not even having time to react as a hand came to wrap around your shoulders.
“Nami! Run!” Was all you could snarl out, biting down on Arlong’s hand, making him yell in pain, dropping you, letting out a roar of fury as he looked down at you, his blood coating your lips as you let out a low, warning rumble from your chest, eyes wild. 
Within a second Arlong’s hand was wrapped around your throat, holding you in the air as if you weigh nothing to him, reminding you that regardless of how much strength you may regain, he will always be stronger than you. Nami watches in horror, paralyzed by how you squirm and snap at him, teeth bared. And the fishman only looks annoyed with your continued protests and attempts to fight him, squeezing hard enough to make your body slump as he cuts off your airway. He laughed at you, a loud, gleeful guffaw, when you gasped for air, attempting to claw at his arm with dulled nails, before slamming you into the ground, laughing again as you cry out in pain, pinned to the dirt.
Wild, panicked eyes meet Nami’s, and you scream the only other name you can even think of, someone who had shown you great kindness, despite hardly knowing you. Someone who had very nearly went against your wishes, and would have happily accompanied you to the grove, had you let him.
That only seems to infuriate him more, as he roots through the blazer’s pockets, pulling out a small jar of pills and rattling them tauntingly over your head, laughing as your eyes widen in terror, struggling against him with a new fervor, clawing at his arm and trying to bite at his skin.
“No! No— stop!” You’re fighting hard now, thrashing as Arlong throws you over his shoulder, fishing around in his pants pockets for something, until he finds it, tutting at you. There are several bites along his back, bleeding, and it only seems to annoy him. 
“Now now, I thought we were past this,” He growls, holding up the muzzle with his free hand, and forcing it onto your face, your screams are forcefully cut off as he fastens the lock behind the back of your head. “Such a shame.” And he looks at the jar again, following your gaze as he holds it up, reading the label with a furious scowl. “No wonder you haven’t had any pups,” he snarls, before launching the jar into the tangerine grove, cackling at the way your eyes start to water. “We’ll just have to wait until you go into your next little cycle, isn’t that right?”
Arlong sends a lazy grin to Nami, walking down to a sharp cliff just off the shore, with you still thrashing in his grip, clawing and kicking all the way. “Thank you, for helping me find my mate, and for paying off the Navy for the foreseeable future, Nami. Truly, what a loyal member of my crew you are.”
Nami can only watch as Arlong leaps into the surf and then speeds away under the water, your screams still ingrained into her brain the same way Belle-meré’s final moments were. She finally breaks down and sobs, falling to her knees and cursing Arlong’s name as she claws at the tattoo on her arm, stabbing the flesh until it runs bloody, stopped only when Luffy grabs her hand as it reaches back to stab again.
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lilystargazerwhite · 11 months
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I’ve mentioned him so many times but here he finally is lol!
Name: Chiharuo Yoritomo (頼朝 千春お, real name Prìomhadail) his Japanese name, while meaning “Thousand years of spring” can also be a homophonic sound to “父” or father, playing on his role as a father of spring.
Species: currently Aos sí (irish oak turned spriggan then ascended to Greater winged fairy Aos sí)
Ability: to control growth (成長を制御する程度の能力)
Age: between 45,000-5,000 years old. This mf was chilling with cave men. Physical form is around 60.
Chiharuo is the god of spring, childhood and fertility, residing in a long forgotten and overgrown shrine deep in nameless hill. He’s spent his years in gensokyo attempting to rescue children left there, but is not always successful. He’s a sweet old man, having his own sort of orphanage at the shrine. Most of his children are fae, but rarely he will taken in a human or yokai child.
Did I make Lily a whole family cause I love her so much? Yes, and here’s her dad. I like to think she gets so excited for spring because it means he will come out of hibernation.
Chiharuo’s born race I guess you could say would he that of a Cro-magon (early European, dating around 50,000+ years ago), which are no longer around obviously. If he had a default true form, it would look like a caveman made out of wood.
His current incarnation form is a male Asian, but in the past have ranged in race and gender. Here are some alt looks for him
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His wings are based on the Lunar moth. They are often under his kimono.
His eyes are always closed.
Excerpt from my fae document (that tumblr won’t let me fucking paste:
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Theme: 優しい春の父~ first utterance (gentle spring father) this one isn’t entirely done yet but this is what I have.
He has a list of spell cards I’m overjoyed to share
Chiharuo spell cards:
Curious case, mr.button (reverse growth, makes things smaller or younger or whatever) name: the curious case of Benjamin button
A hundred seconds till midnight ( growth, makes things bigger or older) name: the doomsday clock
And the tree was happy ( grows a giant tree that has bullets as petals which fall quickly before it reverts back into a seed ) name: the giving tree
The maiden and the selkie ( summons fae to fight for him for a bit, mainly lesser winged fairies) name: from Heather dale love herrr
The much talked of Metamorphosis ( takes moth form, which the eyes on his wings stare intensely refracting light through them) name: a fucking rob zombie song.
Appalachian fiction dreaming ( causes cell overgrowth, like a cancer. Can be very pretty but deadly of course, heavily based on the growth from the movie Annihilation ) name: Appalachian mountains and 2 things I’ve heard people say before .
Flowers never bend with the rainfall (opens his eyes ) name: Simon and Garfunkel
Anyway that’s him. He’s my beloved. I have many other drawings of him so here’s that
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amaiguri · 2 months
Reworking Character Voicing
So. I re-read all of Arc 3 in my story so far. And, uh... there's a character who's a puppet of the plot. She is doing things because the plot wants her to do them, not because it makes sense. On top of that, she has historically been really difficult for me to voice. SO I am FIXING this by "throwing her out" and re-drawing and rewriting her. Here's some sketch work...
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BUT NOW, I need some advice on her voice and new backstory...
One of her backstories is complicated but exciting and fun to me. In this one, she's a half-Demon who went to Demon boarding school to become the next Demon Queen basically and then, WHOOPS! It's a cannibalism academy and she had to murder her best friend. They were... uh... Roommates TM. And she holds this friend in her head as a way to cope with the trauma, even into the modern day, 2000 years later. She went on to overthrow the Demon King. And there's this ongoing theme about how the system is about eating those weaker than you and stuff.
See? It's fun. However, it's really inelegant and it might just be "fun" because it is new... It introduces ANOTHER character who will exist in the present and I'm worried that this will just bloat the cast even more.
Her other backstory option is more elegant: She was a half-Demon, dating a Demon Prince who became the Demon King (this is already a character in the story, so no new characters). The problem? He promised to fix the world. And then... he didn't. So she overthrew him. Similar themes, but you see how we don't have the middle man with cannibalism school and unnecessary doomed yuri?
(Don't worry -- she gets to be with pretty girls later and since her dead girlfriend's ghost hangs around, she's not getting TOO fridged.)
So now I need your advice: Which one should I do?
And here's two snippets demo-ing each backstory over the same scene. Yes, they're both gimmicky retrospective POVs because I am overusing POV as a gimmick right now. It's just a phase, Dad!
Sara was the sensitive sort of girl who'd cry if one stepped on a worm in front of her, so it was a miracle when she ate me. The jaws of her tails swallowed me in one fell swoop, closed in a hellish snap, and then I was dead. She'd fled from Kivihk the next night and had enmeshed herself with Yeulia by the end of the month. By the end of the year, she and Yeulia sealed the bastard in the maw of the Abyss. I couldn't have been more proud.
When she awoke from her two-thousand year vigil, the Demon King was gone. And the Yeulia in her gut dissolved into motes of knowledge that she consumed to know the language now -- for a human stared up in awe from the edge of the re-opened maw. She hardened her face like I'd taught her, her tails carried her out like a moth from a spider's web, and she towered over the interloper.
Sa: You are not the Seeress.
A weak accusation, but the tone of her voice almost established power. But not more than her hummingbird-hover or the fact the man had clearly torn all the ligaments in his ankles in the fall to this underground place.
Za: No, I am not.
Sa: You smell like a Demon.
There was blood on his hands... So he had opened the maw.
Sa: ...You unsealed Kivihk. Prepare to suffer the consequences.
Za: I think there's been a misunderstanding--
She didn't wait for him to talk her out of it: Action was key. If she waited, Kivihk would get away. Her tails sharpened into the same barbed points she had used to kill me. She honed them on the ground as she walked, as I taught her. They were as sharp as the day she'd dragged Kivihk into the Abyss with her. She would end this human and then--
But then, in rush of water from above, fell a coral selkie. She wore her translucent coat like butterfly wings and inscribed the young man in a defense ice wall.
Ne: SIT! Don't you fucking touch him!
You felt the words sink into your bones like an infection and you almost just sat where you were. What are you doing? Don't just listen to her, you idiot! You hissed.
Sa: Silence, Thrall! Your voice will not work on me.
She focused her mind. She tried. The selkie was really quite pretty, with speckled skin and blossom pink hair...
Why are you thinking about, Sara? Why, actually though? Focus! You are going to die! Kivihk is escaping with every moment you waste.
The selkie lowered her voice to inhuman growl.
Ne: You put a hand on him and I'll freeze your beating heart.
Sara paused. Her tail unfurled. And then, she smelled it better: they smelled like Demon because they had Demon blood on their hands. Her dark cheeks flushed but I pinched her arm and she didn't apologize.
Sa: ...Where is it?
Ne: Where is what?
Her tail sharpened anew.
Sa: The Demon you bled.
Ne: Up above. Why?
Sa: Stay here. I will eat it.
"At some point, you must choose to eat. Or your hunger will consume you." After two millennium, you were VERY hungry.
Queen Saravanya
I drifted, asleep, in the Abyss of my crystalline prison only for a pound to awaken me two-thousand years later. Then, the scent of human blood filled the amniotic fluid and I knew it was, at long last, time to be reborn. Would you await me? Would be back to your old self?
When I waked last, you had been there. You stared at me with those gentle sunset eyes with which I had fallen in love and said you were certain I'd understand. But I would never understand why you kept your consorts' daughters in flesh cages. Why you would make them compete to the death for the prize of being fed to a Constellation Lord anyway. Didn't we ascend you so we could make a different Blood God? So that the Demons could be kinder and gentler? You said once you ascended, you realized this abyssal, everconsuming machine was not something you could take apart. But I think you decided you liked being the one on top. I knew better. And when I had to die to seal you, I just told myself that YOU had chosen this.
My Abyssal tentacles carried me from the opening maw like an octopus from its lair -- only that my tentacles couldn't be seen. You were not there. Neither was the Seeress -- though I felt her dissolve into knowledge about this time period in my gut. In your places sat a Telethenian man with blood on his hands and snapped ligaments in place of his ankles. I set my jaw to hide my fear.
Sa: You are not the Seeress.
Za: ...I am not.
Sa: You smell like Demon. Did you unseal this hallowed place?
Za: ...I must have.
Though he did not smell like a liar, his voice held the certainty of a practiced one. And you were gone. My eyes searched the dark, underground cavern that had overcome our resting place -- my bloodlink reached out for your heartbeat. Nothing. I flicked my tail in a barbed point. I honed it along the ground like you taught me. I'd put it into the little human you'd sent to get you out. And then, I would come for you.
Sa: You unsealed Kivihk. Prepare your soul to reunite with Dyeus.
With another tug of my tentacles, I closed the distance to put my sharpened barb into his chest. But then, in a rush of water from above, a coral Selkie dropped into the fray. She wore her translucent coat like butterfly wings and inscribed the man in a defense ice wall.
Ne: SIT! Don't you fucking touch him!
Her words had an edge of divinity about them and, for a moment, I almost obeyed. No, you uld have said, the Champion of Eris and Dyeus and eater of Kivihk would not "sit" for a common Selkie!
Sa: Silence, Thrall! Your voice will not work on me.
I had to focus. I took deep breaths and conjured the time you taught me to control my heartbeat. I brought myself back under my control; You were escaping with every moment wasted.
The selkie lowered her voice to inhuman growl.
Ne: You put a hand on him and I'll freeze your beating heart.
I paused in the face of her tenacity. And then, I smelled it: It wasn't you. In fact, the reason they smelled like Demon at all was the Demon blood on their hands and clothes. There was another Demon nearby, and a strong one too. Strong enough that I had thought it was you.
Sa: ...Where is it?
Ne: Where is what?
I relaxed my stance a moment to show I wasn't a threat. I would have to return to heal the injured man and offer my apologies. Because you were long gone by then, weren't you? You had escaped.
Sa: The Demon you hunt.
Ne: ...Up above. Why?
Sa: Stay here, mortals. I will eat it for you.
You once said, "At some point, you must choose to eat. Or your hunger will consume you." I would choose to eat now.
So... please help <3
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indigos-stardust · 3 months
Four Keys: Character intro, Vix (Vio link)
<Click for higher quality, thank you!!>
Redesigned: (I adjusted his weapon choice and clothing.. I forgot his hoodie, its supposed to be connected to his tunic <:< )
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The next two drawings are some older designs, he doesn't use a spear anymore: Not to mention his color scheme is different.
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Context: In this world elves aren't their own separate species. They're a result of two biologically different species having their own offspring. The more fantastical elements of both parents are unable of being carried onto the child so it essentially nuetralizes those features entirely. (Such as a winged species and a non winged species having a non winged child. Things like limbs and special abilities can't be carried on.) Although certain traits, such as feathers or other small traits can still be found.
Over time, through generations of elves there have sprouted different elf centered towns, often being trading hubs, on the boarders of different kingdoms. Elves born of several generations of elves are considered Thorough elves, while elves the product of species crossover are called First Generation elves.
Vix is a mysterious monster hunter, making his wealth from valuable monster parts. A materialistic and opportunist loner, he spends his days drifting from different towns and through the wilderness with the soul purpose of making that coin like the king he is. After all, with no home and no family, there's nothing he has to worry about leaving behind.
Then he runs into some idiots in the woods. A selkie folk man that looks like he's about to combust from the heat and... whatever the fluffy four-armed heeto cheeto-lookin' one was. They were just, helplessly struggling to make their way through the muddy mosquito filled swamp. Honestly, it's like they never even learned any basic survival skills. If the swamblins didn't eat them, then the bugs would first. An absolutely miserable, pathetic, and sad sight. They were probably getting so desperate by now. Not to mention the selfie man has such a luxurious looking for shawl... Perfect.
They're grateful for his service<3 And of course, he'll guide these poor sucke- souls to the nearest town! Once arrived, he's already planning on how he was going to negotiate, when they start thanking him for his "act of kindness." Weird, but its payment time.
They are broke. Vix wasted all of that time, while he could've been monster hunting, for nothing. Not a single rupee. So what does his genius mind do? He passive aggressively follows them and begrudingly lets them stay with him at the inn. He adds it to their charge though.
Apparently, these broke b--ches, are on some quest following this magical sorceress lady who's promising them safety? They also mentioned the magical lady disappearing and talked a weird amount about being on a "magical quest" ... Yeah, those guys were definitely on fairy dust. But still, if "Flicker" and "Buwe" were really going to go treasure hunting for some magical artifacts, they'd definitely run into some rarer monsters... And well, once they realize he was listening in instead of sleeping, instead of getting offending.. they ask for his service and help since he knows the monsters here so well.
The coin he makes from these guys better be worth it, because they're only burying themselves deeper into his debt by the minute. Whatever, hopefully they'd be a good investment. He was considering cutting his losses and telling this fire moth to buzz off with the wings he doesn't have but... nevermind. Flicker's pleading eyes didn't change his mind, they just reminded him of the shine of rupees, that's all. Strange cases always were riskier, but had the possibility of an even better reward.
Okay, so these guys can absolutely shred into monsters. Very good to know. They could probably shred into him too- Buwe's selfie form was ferocious with an even thicker hide and a fearsome jaw and claws to match. The Nari'shi could create flames by simply moving around the enemy? He didn't even know that they existed before, much less could create flames?!! The loot from the monsters though... It's... It's definitely not enough to pay for their debt from his knowledge and expertise! So, he's simply going to have to stay with them for a little bit longer!!
They rescue, or "assist a great hero in the making" as the avian put it, some chick facing off with a whole lynel. The poor thing's wing is messed up though. Honestly, the guy lost horribly, probably just some wannabe treasure hunter... "Gren" with his baby feathers and holy s--t that's a really expensive set of gear and is that a family insignia?
Oh. Oh this guy is loaded. Alright, alright, maybe he will stay with these weirdo's alot longer. He's an official member now! And as an official member that means Gren would need to share the benefits from that insignia including all the discounts and-
Okay, sure Flicker keeps acting like he has personal beef with this obvlivious air head, but honestly! M o n e y. And sure, flicker may have attempted to strangle Gren with all four of his arms but Buwe handled it! Like Buwe said, family is family! And family shares everything from blood from sibling fights and money!
Nothing could possibly go wrong, and the weird woman who apparently isn't a hallucination keeps yapping about some "ancient curse that will suck the life out of the very earth" but honestly it can't possibly be a real thing. Vix is gonna make some much money from these dolts. And his abandoned orphan sympathy card is really only gonna help.
Gren (or green) is next! Then we can get into the shenanigans and *shudders* plot
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lumiereswig · 2 months
Hello, I hope you're having a good day. I know you don't create much content for Beauty and the Beast anymore, but I wanted your opinion on something. I was thinking about a small AU where the staff are secretly supernatural/mystical beings.
Like if Lumiere were secretly a dragon who was turned into a human, and maybe Cogsworth could be a vampire?
I don't know, what creatures do you think they would be?
i'm so glad you asked me this. i don't make a lot of content anymore but i love asks!
magical beings i think the staff might secretly be:
lumiere is definitely a dragon you're right. this or mothman
cogsworth i could see being a tree-being like an ent or a dryad, but it's funnier to imagine him as a werewolf because it would play into every neurosis he has (and lumiere would find it hot)
plumette obvs beautiful fairy creature, too good for this world too pure etc. etc.
mrs. potts also a fairy but not the fun little children's book fluttery moth type ones, she's one of the Deep Fae from Yorkshire who will fuck you up (accepting tea from her is a devil's bargain)
i think chapeau would make a great Mr. Tumnus type faun
garderobe i want to see as a mermaid. for no other reason than I think it would be fabulous. (oh wait yeah sirens! those are a mermaid thing! ok this is thematically coherent)
cadenza !! as ! a selkie!!!! the visions i am having (this is no longer thematically coherent but i'm having a good time)
chip is a leprechaun. i don't make the rules
i'd love to hear more about this au. are their secret selves triggered during the enchantment, or afterward? how do they cope with not being magical when they turn human? feel free to tell me more :)
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Hello all, as we all know, the 24th of December is tomorrow. The 25th is the day after tomorrow. While we are all busy deciding what gifts to give to who, I'd like to give you another sort of gift idea. Most of the poor unfortunate darlings here lost their old world. The greatest gift you could give them is a new world or home to go to. This place isn't really good enough to be a long-term shelter for all these neighbors. If you are interested, let me explain some of the variants that are available.
-A Poodle Moth Howdy, a great listener, very fluffy and cuddly, basically a dog with moth wings
-A selkie franny, she will thrive the best in a cold environment with nearby water
-This...little fella named Jeremy, he's a Y/N variant and he's only 4 and I already have enough little ones to look after
-And we have others but those are the ones I can remember the easiest
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alwaysjustmina · 11 months
Whispers of Rain
Chapter 3 -Will You Cleanse Me With Pleasure?
Thank you to the amazing @kamonart for the art for this story!
Thank you @papaslittlesunshine and @midnight-moth for betaing for me.
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The legend of the Selkie plagued Dew’s mind, the thought of the Selkie only being able to come ashore as a human, but it would have to shed its skin to do so. And couldn’t return to the sea without his skin to start their siren song again. Was Dew’s abduction Rain’s loss of his skin? Could he return to the sea again? Could he find comfort again? Or would he forever be plagued with the loss of Dew, taking his other form with him? Their connection was so strong they were half a ghoul without the other.
Dew found himself on a beach, watching the ocean, seeing Rain in the distance, dancing in the waves. He wished he could join him but kept his distance, he would only slow Rain down. So he watched the perfect grace he possessed as he jumped through the water, gliding silently through the crystal blue to find small shells or to play with the sea creatures he found.
He was a sight to see in his element, truly breathtaking. Dew remembered that first time he saw the water bead on his skin. Was that really only less than a year ago? The kiss they shared in the water, magical. As his mind drifted to those times, it was as if Rain knew he was thinking about him and turned to look back at Dew. A coy smile played on his lips as he started walking towards his mate on the sand.
Soon he was close enough he could plop on the towel next to him, drenching Dew with the water on his body as he leaned in close to his side. “What are you thinking about, baby?” He asked as he melted into Dew.
Dew couldn’t answer, his breath taken away by the slow kisses Rain was placing on his bare chest as he snuggled. When he didn’t answer, Rain laid his head in Dew’s lap and looked up at him with his beautiful blue eyes, the corners of his mouth in a pout that Dew didn’t return his affection quicker.
Dew looked down at Rain, brushing his black hair behind his pointed ears, the dampness keeping it in place, instead of springing back like it normally did. He ran his fingers along his cheekbones, over his brow, the lightest touch on his fluffy eyelashes as he fluttered them closed, his straight long nose, trailing further down to his lips.
A smile graced Rain’s lips to match the one on Dew’s. The finger on his lips traced the cupid's bow, featherlight, making Rain’s face scrunch in surprise at how ticklish it was. As Dew traced his lips, Rain quickly opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out to lick at the finger that slowly dragged along it.
He could hear the sharp inhalation under Dew’s breath, pleased that he surprised him. Dew continued running his now spit-soaked finger along the outline, the saliva glinting in the sun turning his crimson lips into a sparkling mirage.
“Stunning,” he whispered under his breath. The reverence in that one word melted Rain’s brain with affection for Dew.
“I love you, baby.”
Dew gazed down at him, with half lidded eyes, his fingers moving from his lips to rest on Rain’s hip, while the other ran through his damp hair. “I love you. Though, I feel like that doesn’t even describe the feelings I have for you. Love is maybe a tenth of the power I feel.”
“You consume me Rain, I want to crawl into you and never leave. The feelings I have for you are more infinite than the amount of stars in the sky, the damned souls in hell, these grains of sand that support us. I can’t even tell you the depth of my feelings, it seems inadequate, what did I do to-to…”
His words, cut off by Rain lifting his head off his lap to bring his spit-soaked lips to Dew’s in a devastatingly passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around Dew’s neck to bring him down on the blanket beside him.
They stared into each other's eyes as they memorized the lines of each of their faces, the curve of their bodies, the feel of how well they fit together, perfectly. They slotted their legs together, hands ran along each other's sides, occasionally dipping lower to run along a hip, higher to run fingers through each other's hair.
Rain nuzzled into Dew’s neck, slotting his head under his chin, still grasping onto one another, their hold never breaking, as if they couldn’t get close enough. Rain ran his nose along Dew’s pulse to the scent gland behind his ear, taking in his fire smell, drenched with water, moaning at the scent, his lips brushing over his pulse points, tongue darting out to taste. Like burnt marshmallows, sweet and smoky.
“Your arms feel like home, when they are wrapped around me,” He mused into Dew’s neck.
“You are my home, baby. Always.”
They both sighed, content in the other's arms. Not moving along to escalate the feelings, but they could both feel the desire building under their skin. The heat of Dew’s body, the cold damp of Rain’s, as fingers ran along the other it was like conducting electric currents everywhere they trailed.
They were alone on this beach, Dew couldn’t remember if it was too early in the morning, or too late in the evening. The sun’s golden hues casting the perfect light. The smell of old coconut sunblock, sun kissed warmed skin, scenting the air. The heat permeating both of their bodies to different extents, Rain would never be as warm as Dew, Dew never as cool as Rain.
Both comforted in the fact that they were truly alone, their glamor had dropped long ago. Their tails laid entwined. Dew’s with its spade tip, tinged in oranges, reds, and golds over the gray color of the length. It looked like it could ignite any minute in a fiery display.
Rain’s softly tapering, the flowy fins reminiscent of a blue paradise fish, the tendrils at the end, iridescent, catching the glint of the sun as it turned.
Most didn’t know that his tail ends would change depending on his emotion, Dew of course did. The blue sparkle was when he was at peace, happy. If a little red ran through it, he was feeling spicy, sexual, wanting. If it turns all red, you best watch out. Green was his usual color, content, but shy.
Dew had seen all of the colors in certain instances, and a mix of all in between. He usually kept his fluffy tail glamoured or tight around his body, most water ghouls learned early on that sharing their tail was giving enemies too much information about their feelings, it was wise to keep it hidden.
Rain fully trusted Dew, when they were together, there was no hesitation. Some of the pack had seen it too. Dew loved it, that Rain felt that comfortable with him, that there was no hiding.
He loved when Rain had it laid on the bed between them, the tendrils, silky and reactive to touch, would follow Dew’s fingers as they caressed him, straining to not break his touch. They came close to almost standing straight up, in search of Dew’s body, getting slightly purple on the ends when they couldn’t reach, in disappointment.
Dew loved teasing him, the petulant expression on Rain’s face as he looked at him, bottom lip threatening to slip out. Dew knew the moment before Rain would slip that lip out and would quickly wrap his own tail around Rain’s, holding it tight. Blue and red, entwined, the sparkling of Rain’s playing off the fire on Dew’s. Looking like a fire on a star filled night. Beautiful.
Now was no different, they had their tails wrapped around one another. They could both feel how hard the other was, but chose to ignore it for the time being, happy in their undisturbed closeness. Inhaling the other in, finding solace in the smell, the embrace.
They slowly drifted in and out of consciousness. As one would wake, they would run their hand along the others back in slow sweeping motions. Placing soft kisses wherever they could reach, whispering words of love.
As the sky started to darken, neither sure how long they stayed there in the other's embrace, they woke to gentle kisses, tongues slipping in the other's mouth. Dew moaning at the soft tip of Rain’s tongue as it ran along his, again much colder than his, soft, wet, demanding.
They could no longer hold back their passion for the other, swim shorts were quickly discarded, thrown into the sand wherever they landed. Their bodies found the rhythm they desired. Rain pulling himself on top of Dew, the wetness of their arousal on the other's body, between them, creating the perfect slip of skin to rub along the other.
Rain leaned over and pulled Dew’s paper white delicate skin into his mouth, sucking bruises all along his throat. Soon he couldn’t handle just rubbing their bodies along one another. Rain sank quickly onto Dew’s cock, bottoming out in one push. He sat up on top of Dew’s pelvis.
Dew looked up at him from his prone position, Rain above him, his skin bathed in moonlight from above, the stars a perfect backdrop against his body, they didn’t make him look better, Rain made them look better gracing the sky with his sharp and soft angles. He was a vision. His head thrown back as he gasped at the feel of Dew twitching inside of him.
He moved his hips in a circular motion, slow. His eyes half lidded, his lips ajar in pleasure. The waves crashing behind them covering their sounds of pleasure. Dew grabbed Rain’s hips, to anchor himself, to not float away in the feeling of his cock inside of him.
As they hit the perfect rhythm, their motions becoming fast and fervent, their bodies grinding hard against the other, Rain pulling himself up and almost off of Dew to slam back down, causing them to reach their orgasm hurriedly, rushing towards it and hurtling over the edge. Dew spilling inside of Rain, at the same time as Rain let go, his hot cum, pooling on Dew’s stomach.
They collapsed against each other, bodies sweaty. Sated. Love. This was all they needed.
Until it all disappeared in a blink of an eye again.
Ifrit must have hit him in the head or knocked him out. As he came to Ifrit was above him, Dew on the bed below. He had his hand around Dew’s neck, not squeezing, just applying pressure. Ifrit’s body was laid heavy upon his, it is all Dew could feel at first. The pressure, then the movement as he ground himself into him.
He had both of Dew’s wrists captured in his other hand, taut above his head. His tongue laved over Dew’s neck, he whispered into his ear as he got closer, “That’s right Droplet, I know you want it, I can feel you hard below me.”
Dew was hard, he couldn’t deny the feeling. But it couldn’t be because of Ifrit, it couldn’t.
Ifrit slowly let go of Dew’s neck, new bruises already forming from his fingertips, as he reached between them, grabbing Dew’s cock, in a hard grip. The moan that flew from his mouth disgusted him. Why was he reacting like this?
Ifrit quickly flipped Dew over, pushing his face into the pillow, the knock to the head still making Dew fuzzy and slow to respond. He grabbed his wrists again behind his back, pulling taut with one hand, the other making quick work of his button, pulling it apart, sliding the zipper down, pushing his pants below his hips.
Ifrit grabbed Dew by the hips and ripped the loose sweatpants he had on down, ripping them at the seams, practically tearing them from his body. Ifrit grabbed his dick, maybe he would just jack off on him, he had done that before.
No, he laid his body flush with Dew’s back, pushing his arms above his head again. He licked from his neck back up to his ear, again speaking in quiet tones as if there were other people who could hear them. Dew could feel his cock, sliding between his cheeks, the damp pre adding to the slick he was producing.
“You going to take it? I can feel how wet you are. You fucking want it. I know you do.”
All Dew could do was shake his head, as silent tears ran down his face. His body betraying him.
Ifrit pushed his fingers inside of him roughly, pushing two in at a time, in and out, scissoring them apart.
“Gotta get you ready baby, you remember how big I am, you fucking loved it when I would push inside of you, unprepared.”
Dew tried to buck him off, but his body was too weak from the weeks of malnourishment, his muscles started to atrophy from misuse. There was no way he could get away from him.
Ifrit pulled his fingers from him, slipping them into his mouth, as he moaned, “Fuck Droplet, you taste so good.”
He took the hand he had inside of him, to pull his hips up in the air and pushed inside of Dew, ignoring his scream.
“Tell me how much you like it baby, you missed this dick, I know you did. NO ONE, can satisfy you like I can. You’re already screaming in pleasure.”
“That’s right baby, take it. You feel so fucking good around my cock.”
He picked up his pace, slamming into Dew’s body, with absolute abandon. The fight left Dew as he comprehended he couldn’t stop this. Ifrit felt the tension abate. He let his hands go and pulled Dew up on his knees, holding him flush to his chest. His one hand going to play with his nipple and the other on Dew’s hard cock.
“So fucking hard for me baby. You going to cum? I could always read your body so well.”
He slammed in and out of Dew’s body, his hand on Dew matching the pace. Dew whimpered, he wouldn’t be able to stop his body from betraying him.
“Cum for me baby,” Ifrit grunted before his body stilled, and he bit down on Dew’s shoulder, biting through the skin as blood flooded his mouth and down Dew’s chest.
Dew tried to not let his body react, tried, but Ifrit didn’t stop even in the throes of his pleasure. As his hand flew over Dew’s cock, he felt the contraction and Dew spilled over his hand. His hot cum, almost as hot as the warm hand gripping him.
He sagged as his body spent itself. Ifrit pulled from him, throwing him on the bed below him, discarded. He shoved his fingers back in Dew’s abused hole, scooping copious amounts of cum to collect it, before flipping Dew over and shoving his fingers in his mouth. His other hand swept through the cum on Dew’s stomach, shoving those fingers in his mouth, before slamming their lips together, shoving his tongue in Dew again.
After he was done kissing and further abusing Dew, he pulled away, pulling his pants back up, leaving Dew on the bed in shock.
He looked back at Dew as he circled the bed, his eyes staring unseeing onto the ceiling.
“I knew you needed that baby, you kept calling out in your dreams for that water slut, he is no match for my cock is he?”
Dew didn’t answer, he just caved in on himself, pulling himself into the fetal position.
Ifrit sighed, annoyed. “Oh well, Droplet, he won’t want you ever again anyhow, maybe you're the slut, coming for me but professing your love for him. What a joke, it’s ok, we will do this again soon.”
As he pulled the door open, he turned one more time, “Eidolon, I know you're in here, clean him up. Maybe next time I will reward you too.”
He slammed and locked the door behind him.
Eidolon slid out from below the bed to see a broken Dewdrop on the bed, if he could be more broken then he was, covered in cum, blood and spit. Bruises blooming all over his body.
He went into the bathroom to grab a warm washcloth, and gently approached Dew to start to wipe him off. Dew flinched at the first touch of the warm towel, the tears continuing to fall.
“Dew, do you want a shower, I can help you get there, might help to get him off of you?”
When Dew didn’t answer, he picked up his body gently and carried him into the bathroom, to set him on the side of the tub as he turned it on. Making the water nice and hot.
Dew still wasn’t processing what was going on around him. As his body slid in the water, it slowly brought him back. He thought of the last time he showered with Rain. He quickly grabbed the trash can from the side of the tub and vomited, the nothing he had in himself.
Ifrit was right, Rain wouldn’t want him, hell he didn't want himself. He was a dirty, broken ghoul. The crying just got harder as he processed those thoughts.
He had to find a way to end it.
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