#hes so EVERYTHING to mw oh my god
seiwas · 7 months
hajime isn’t the most handsome nor is he the cutest or the prettiest. he might be close to being the hottest, but still isn’t quite there; he isn't the sexiest either, but his attractiveness is just insane.
he doesn’t announce himself when he walks into a room, but his presence seeps into your periphery, flooding your senses. he’s that guy who gives you a small smile and nods his head hello, disappearing with his friends or ducking into some corner of the room.
when you bump into him, his hand settles itself respectfully onto your mid-back, your arm, anything to steady to you. his cheeks turn a deep peach and he mumbles out an ‘oops’ with a small apology, letting go of you quickly. you have a feeling he only touched you because the situation called for it (respectfully).
he doesn’t smell of heavy musk or dark wood like all the other men you’ve met do, but he smells good. crisp. clean. an understated confidence. his outfit matches the same principle—a simple polo, fitted perfectly, with loose pants. put-together but never a try-hard.
hajime is balance and stability, harmony all in one. and he isn’t the most anything, but he reels you in like no one else can. a lingering memory.
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magnoliabutters · 2 years
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pairing: simon "ghost" riley x reader (they/them, 18+)
summary: captain price and station chief kate laswell assign you to your latest mission with some new and old faces. for some reason they thought it would be a good idea to have two lieutenants...
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; angsttt to smut (kinda enemies to lovers trope?); cod mw 2 campaign spoilers; reader referred to by rank (lieutenant, "lt") and call sign (aero); weapons, gore, violence; heavy petting, oral and rough sex, etc.
word count: ~4.3k
support your author: reblogs for the sexy masked menace, ghostie boy ✨
• ghost stories series •
note: hello there! i’ve desperately needed to get this ghost smut out of my head. i hope you will join me on this crazy ghost loving journey. this is also my first time writing for a gender neutral reader. please let me know your thoughts so i can make my posts more inclusive for everyone! situational dynamics are inspired by the "my personal ghost" wattpad series. highly recommend.
resource: cod character list
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Your CIA briefings usually last no more than 5-minutes. Laswell informs you of the target, the place, the time, and whether it’s a capture or kill. She typically chooses the squad for you, seeing as you haven’t collected many friends along the way. Price is often involved. Your favorite captain - your thoughts, priorities, and ideals always aligned. The briefing videos are always choppy and difficult to hear, but perfect for contracts.
“Her name is Nadia Sidorov. Intel says she will be at Restaurant Ébullition in Montpellier by 21:00,” Laswell reports. “France,” you mutter under your breath. “Yes, I know you have some history but Price will make sure everything’s clear before you land,” she replies with amusement. The country leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You love France, but France most certainly does not love you. Any mission you have had there typically goes to shit and leaves you improvising. Improvising tends to lead to more trouble than needed.
Laswell continues, “You are to capture her and deal-maker for interrogation. Deal-maker has ties with AQ.” You smile, “Tying up lose ends, Kate?” A smirk grows on her face. You aren’t supposed to know much about AQ’s organization, especially anything to do with the most recent mission against them. However, you have eyes everywhere. You tend to make it habit to keep tabs on your employers. Always ready for whatever they throw your way.
“I’ll get it done,” you answer with a firm nod. You reach to end the call, as you normally would at this point. “Wait, Aero-”, Laswell adds. You pause as quickly as you are instructed. “Your squad. You’ll be running with Sergeant MacTavish,” she continues. Soap, you think to yourself. He’s a good man to have, but can be quite annoying. He never knows how to keep quiet on coms, always making the corniest of jokes to keep things light. “And Lieutenant Riley,” she hesitantly adds.
You scoff with your eyebrows pulled together. “Another lieutenant?” you ask with a monotoned voice. You try your best to keep your face deadpanned, but you are disgusted at the thought of sharing rank with someone. To have to coordinate with another squad leader? To have to compromise and hear out their thoughts on how to approach the mission. Fuck that. “Price’s orders,” she shares. With an audible growl, you confirm, “I’ll get it done.” You furiously click the button to end the call. “Fucking hell.”
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Boots on the ground and you are already dreading this mission. “Aero, it’s nice to see you again,” Soap says in passing as he pats your back with a smile. God, you hated his constant chipper attitude. You nod as you watch him run off towards the Captain’s table. There Price is, another wild style to his already wild beard. As soon as he makes eye contact with you, his eyes dart towards the map he’s laid upon the table. Oh, he knows exactly how much he’s asking of you by pairing you with another LT.
You observe the other men around the table. Many of which you have not met before. This was not out of the ordinary. It appears you may have been late to the briefing, despite being an hour early. “Welcome Aero,” Price says with a nod. “Captain,” you respond as you walk up to the table. “This is Alejandro and Rudy from Mexican Special Forces,” he continues. Rudy nods as Alejandro shoots you a smile. “You know Soap and Gaz.” Soap smiles at you, while Gaz smirks with a raise of his brow. You have some history with Gaz, but you were always a big fan of the solider.
“Lieutenant Riley, aka Ghost,” Price continues with finality. Soap bites his lip as he leads your gaze over towards the tall dark mass in the corner. The first thing you see is his skulled mask. It covers all but his eyes. Those eyes that burn holes into your face. They gaze back at only your eye line and none of your other features. He leaves no social or facial cues for you to decipher. You find it incredibly annoying.
You've had experience with masked soldiers. Usually, there's not much to look at underneath the mask. Or their face is a constant reminder of who they've become so they hide it away and never address it. You wonder why Simon Riley wears his, and why it's a skull. What's underneath? What's Ghost hiding? Arms crossed over his chest displays his black tattoos spread across his forearms. Interesting that he has visible identifying features, yet continues to use a mask.
“And this is Lieutenant y/l/n, aka Aero,” Price continues, pulling you from your thoughts. You look over the squad. If Price orchestrated this assignment, everyone must be more than capable to complete the mission. You trust your life in the Captain’s hands. However, it’s difficult to transfer that trust to those you’ve just met. Unfortunately, you have to try. “Hello boys,” you greet with a nod. A grin quickly forms on Soap, Gaz , and Alejandro’s faces as they exchange looks. Ghost remains stone cold, as far as you can tell.
“Sidorov will be meeting AQ’s out-sourcing team at the breakfast. We’ll have Gaz and Aero pose in the restaurant. Ghost and Soap overwatch. Alejandro and Rudy for exfil,” Price informs the group. Like a shot of unfortunate luck, both you and Ghost speak at the same time. “Why do they want her?” and “What does she have to offer?” You both exchange looks. Yours full of disgust. Ghost's eyes as ambiguous as ever. Soap and Alejandro snicker quietly. “This’ll be fun,” Soap adds with a bump to Gaz’s shoulder.
“Why do we need two Lieutenants, Price?” Ghost asks sternly. You weren’t able to hear it before on account of you both speaking over each other, but the tall masked man sounds deep, raspy, and unbearably serious. His voice filled with British inflection. The melodic tone has peaked your interest, but not any more than the Captain’s answer to the question.
Price sighs deeply, appearing to be annoyed. “God damnit,” he mutters under his breath. “Alright, you are both experts in your own fields. We need two of our top players for this mission. You two are the lieutenants. Figure out how you will both lead the 141.” He clearly has been annoyed for some time regarding the assignment, but funny how you have yet to even bring it up. Ghost, over there, must have drilled him prior to your arrival. He growls in response as you swear you watch the whites of his eyes roll. A slight smile forms on the side of your face.
With a clearing of your voice, you repeat, “Sidorov - what does she have to offer AQ?” Gaz quickly steps in. Your eyes darting towards his movement. “She’s an arms dealer. Pretty big in Europe. We have word that she’s moving something big,” he shares. “We need to find out what, when, and where.” You hum at the sound of his intel. “Sounds like fun. Where will exfil be?” you ask with your eyes to the map. Alejandro points towards the bridge across the way from the restaurant. “Los Vaqueros will be here. Ready for support if needed," he answers confidently.
"Alright," you answer. With a flick of your eyes, your glance shifts up to Ghost. "You got any questions, LT?" you tauntingly ask. You know exactly what you are doing. Hell bent on poking this masked bear. Soap exchanges looks between you two, like his first Christmas with divorced parents. Another growl emerges from behind the mask. It leaves you with a smirk. "Let's roll out," Price says as he grabs hold of the map.
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Restaurant Ébullition has an interesting feel to it. Its stoned walls transport you to another time, but the food has you right here in the present. "God, I love when we get to eat on the job," you say with a mouth full of food. "You're damn right, Aero. This tastes incredible," Gaz responds with a laugh. You chuckle alongside him, truly selling the idea that both of you were close friends on a dinner date. All while beautiful Nadia is sitting alone three tables down from you. "Are you both done?" the chilling, deep voice plays through the covert communication device in your ear.
"Ugh. Can't even enjoy our meal, huh, Gaz?" you ask with a laugh. "Always work and no play," Gaz taunts. Ghost willingly radios his annoyed grunt. You take another bite of your pasta. A piece of you hinting that it should be your last, seeing as you are about to embark on quite the physical journey.
"AQ has arrived. One going in, two security outside," Soap radios in. You place down your fork as you shine a smile towards Gaz. "Eyes on," you whisper through your smile as you mark the male figure walking towards Sidorov. He wears a navy blue suit that fits him like a glove. "Confirmed meeting," Gaz says as he stabs his fork into another bite of food. You bite your lip as you watch the man and Sidorov greet each other. They both sit down as their hands rest upon their phones. "Electronic transaction," you mutter against your cup right before taking a sip of your water. "Tracking," Ghost answers coldly.
Gaz smiles as his hands reach over to yours. You oblige as you lean closer towards him. His fingers warm to the touch, but hardened in the way you appreciate. His delicate brown eyes leaving you with a genuine smirk. As much as this mission irks you, you do appreciate having something beautiful to look at.
While you are lost in thought, Gaz passes a small cylindrical item into your palm. "Who do you want?" he asks with a grin. The question leads you to believe the item is a tranquilizer. "Hm, I was thinking the man. I like his suit," you lean closer into him as you grip onto the needled tranq. He smiles devilishly as his eyes fall towards your mouth. You hum as you lightly place your lips upon him. Your eyes initially closed, but slowly open once you hear movement from the targets’ table.
"Are you two done snogging or are we gonna get the arm's dealer?" Ghost abruptly pours over the coms. You pull back with a laugh. "Someone's a little jealous," you murmur. That brings a huge smile to Gaz’s face. “Quite the opposite,” Ghost retorts. You place a gentle hand upon Gaz’s cheek, covering your mouth from Sidorov’s point of view.
You continue to keep your eyes on Gaz’s to sell that you were speaking only to him. “You’re telling me you wouldn’t want to be here and eat this delicious food right now?” Gaz places kisses to the palm of your hand. “No, I would not want to down there with you,” he answers matter of factly.
As much as his comment left a sting to your heart, you watch as Gaz’s eyes track Sidorov through the restaurant. She stands and walks towards the back kitchen. The AQ target stands as well. He straightens out his dress shirt and walks over to the front. "It's done," you whisper. Once their backs are turned, both you and Gaz go to your designated targets. He should have her down easy, but worst case he has Los Vanqueros to back him up. You, on the other hand, have to rely on Ghost’s overwatch.
“He’s about to meet up with his men,” Ghost chimes in. You hurry your pace as you watch the man pat one of his security on the shoulder. “Window’s lost. Made it harder on yourself,” he shares with disgust. Soap awkwardly adds, “What’s the point if there’s no challenge?” With a roll of your eyes, you mark one civilian in the area - the valet boy. As the target was finishing his conversation, you quickly move past him to give the valet your ticket first.
The boy runs to grab your car in the other lot. You turn to the men with a smile sprawled across your face. “Sorry, boys. I’m in a bit of a rush,” you share as they look at you with disdain. Abruptly, you stab the target in the top of his thigh with your tranquilizer. Your thumb pressing firmly against the plunge. All while spinning your leg through a low kick and dropping one of the security guards onto their backs. The other one attempts to reach for his gun. You quickly grab your knife from your boot and fling it. It lands perfectly into the man’s chest, just as Ghost’s bullet plows through his head.
You let out a growl as you turn your attention towards the man on his back. You rapidly plunge your other knife into his heart as you look up towards Ghost’s overwatch position. “I had him,” you say through gritted teeth. “Didn’t look like it,” he responds. You shake off that bullshit and reach for the AQ trader. He rests peacefully, face down, on the sidewalk.
As you lug him over your shoulder, a car pulls around the front in a mad dash. You lock eyes with Rudy, who’s smile slowly grows. “Hola, teniente,” he greets. “Qué tal, Rudy?” you respond. You walk the target over to the trunk of the car. Your arm pulls it open. You lean your shoulder over its empty so that the target lands gracefully. Closing the hatch, you hear Ghost ask, “Gaz, Alejandro - you at exfil?” You intently listen as you walk over to the front seat.
“Yes, LT, with target in hand,” Gaz answers. You pull yourself into the front seat. “Let’s wrap this up and get home,” you say sternly. All in hopes of closing the mission out before Ghost. How did your sole purpose in life become annoying this masked mystery? You watch as Rudy begins to laugh beside you. You can’t help but smirk as you mutter “Shut up” under your breath.
• qué tal: what's up?
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Ghost stands in the corner of the room, his apparent favorite spot. His lurking tall mass blending in with the darkness. The hairs on the back of your neck stand. His presence is making interrogation so much harder for you. His continuous staring leaves you uncomfortable. You catch glimpses of his eyes through the swaying lamp that fills the room. They are always looking back at you.
Soap rests against the wall. His eyes solely focused on the target, which you greatly appreciated. He remains silent as you do your work. The group had brought Sidorov and the AQ contact to a US black site. Each room was lined with sound proofing, perfect for what you had in mind. Even the briefing room outside was lined with the proof, just to further ensure the intel received stayed with the right hands.
“Man, let’s not make this any harder than it needs to be. I really don't want to fuck up this suit," you say as you pull against the AQ target's blazer. "What’s your name?” you ask. You crouch in front of him as he sits upon an old chair with his hands tied tightly behind him. The man smiles, “Fuck you.” His accent thick with Russian descent. “Alright, ‘Fuck you.’ What is Sidorov moving?” you ask. That gets a chuckle out of Soap.
The man remains silent. His eyes tracking your every movement. With a sigh, you pull out your knife from your back waistline. “How’s this going to go?” you ask as you shine your knife towards him. “Fuck you,” he repeats without hesitation. You smile as you plunge your knife into the top of his thigh. The man’s screams radiate throughout the room. Music to your ears.
“Stand down,” Ghost announces as he walks from his darkened corner. You rise from your crouch to meet him head on. “Excuse me?” you ask. Did this asshole really tell you to stand down? As if he has any authority over you? After all his condescending shit tonight? Fuck that. You stand face to face with nostril’s flared and your fists clenched.
“Hey, hey, hey. Let’s take this outside, LT’s,” Soap suggests as he guides you both outside of the interrogation room. With a slight close of the door behind him, he lets out an exasperated sigh. “You two need to talk. I’ll keep pressing him,” he says as he walks back inside the interrogation room. The door makes a clear clicking sound when he locks it behind him. Making it impossible for you both to follow him.
Once Soap is gone, you turn to look at Ghost, who’s been staring at you the entire time. “The hell is your problem, Ghost?” you ask, rage filled through your voice. "You aren't needed here. You can leave," he states calmly. You scoff, trying to hold back your laughter. You lean in, closer to his stitched skulled mask. "I'm pretty sure the Captain decides that. Not you," you whisper.
"Back up," Ghost warns. His voice remaining cool, calm, and collected. You lean in closer to him. Your face right in front of his. You are practically begging for him to do something. You can see the anger building in his eyes as you show no fear, no authority, no respect. Finally, some emotion he cannot hide. "No," you retort.
Ghost quickly extends his arm to land a blow to your gut. You, just as quickly, block it and land a fist against his jaw. Hey, he started it. Your leg goes in for a kick, but he blocks it with his own. He lands a blow against your gut that time and another onto your nose. Blood trickles down from one of your nostrils as you increase the distance between you two.
The familiar itchy sensation as the blood pools atop your upper lip. You can't help but smile. You always enjoyed a good fight. Your nose bleeds for only a minute. His eyes remain hellbent on you, still filled with rage.
Through dipping and ducking, you manage to drop your fist onto his zygomatic bone. Guaranteeing a black eye that only he will see when he takes off his mask. As you reach in for another jab to his nose, he wraps your extended arm around your body. He tucks you close against his as he pins the arm across your chest. Your elbow digging deep within his stomach. He grunts as he rapidly adjusts his hand placements.
Before you knew it, your pinned arm was now being used against you and holding your chin against your left shoulder. Your other arm now held tightly at the side of his hip. He got you. Fuck.
As you both breathe heavily against each other in this tight hold, you continue to try and best your way out of it. With each of your movements, you begin to feel a growing firmed mass against your ass. You recognize exactly what it was. It was difficult to pull your focus back towards getting out Ghost's hold. It even left you wondering if you wanted to. Confusing thoughts flood your brain as your body continues to make attempts out of his grasp.
You finally are able to move your leg enough to land the heel of your foot against Ghost's toes. In his pain, you are able to snake your body away from him. You face him once again, but this time with your hands to your sides. His brown eyes watch you carefully, preparing for your next move.
As you often do when fighting, you allow your body to take control. You trust your instincts and where your body leads you. You raise one of your hands as your eyes remain on Ghost's. Your dominate hand slowly travels to the inner hem of his cargo pants. As he feels your gentle touch, he takes in a sharp surprising breath. His eyes remain on you and still filled with anger. But he wasn't stopping you as you place your palm upon the outline of his cock.
You press against him with more force. Your own mouth begins to hang as you pull closer to him. His bulge growing in your hands. Ghost releases a shaky breath as his chin raises. His eyes remaining on you. Before you can stop yourself, you whisper, "I want it." Another breath is released between the two of you. It is followed by a hesitant nod of Ghost's head.
With his agreement, your hands gradually travel to Ghost's belt. You unbuckle it while both your eyes continue to remain on each other. No one would dare break the gaze. As you unzip and lower his pants, you slowly descend onto your knees in front of him. The bulge is even more evident against his blacked out boxer briefs. Your mouth begins to water.
Ghost's breathing intensifies at the sight of you on your knees. Your eyes still fixed upon him. Slow again, you pull down his briefs. Your eye contact breaks only to reveal the large girthy red tipped cock that flips onto his toned stomach. You release a slow breath as you see a bead of precum emerging from his slit. Your mouth is drawn to him. It is undeniable.
You allow your body to take charge once more. Your hand slowly wraps around the base of his cock, firm against his groomed curls. Your mouth slightly opens as you are ready to take him in. Ghost's fingers curl underneath your chin. Your eyes land upon his once again. Those warm brown eyes watching you with hellish intent.
He softly instructs, "Eyes on me, Lieutenant." With a growing smile, you guide his cock towards your mouth. As your lips wrap his tip, you watch as he takes in a heavy breath. His eyelids slightly fluttering. You note that he is trying his best to keep his eyes on you as well.
Circling his reddened head, your tongue lathers Ghost's cock. The salted taste of his precum leaving you with an abundance of warmth within your chest. You hum against his dick as his girth feels fantastic in your mouth. He begrudgingly releases a short, low toned groan as you take more of him in your mouth. "Fuck," he murmurs as his hand moves towards the top of your head. As his body tightens, his hands grip onto several strands of your hair. You enjoy the tightening pull against your scalp as your tongue travels against the thick vein under his dick.
Ghost's moans fill the air. You grab tightly against the back of his thighs as you take more of him into your mouth. He fills your mouth so fucking good. The sounds he makes when your tongue explores his cock leave you so close to your own euphoria. You struggle to keep your eyes on him, but his are most definitely on yours. "Let me fuck that pretty face," he says as he gathers more of your hair. He ruts his hips against your chin and cheeks. His cock firmly pressed to the back of your throat. You gag on his length, which makes him thrust harder into you.
"God, you take me so well," Ghost whispers as his cock twitches against the roof of your mouth. You decide to take control and wrap your hand around his base once again. You begin to pump his dick as your mouth sucks tightly against his head. Your tongue lapping up anything that came from his pretty slit. He struggles to find his balance as you suck on his cock. He leans against a desk as your hands rest firmly against the tops of his thighs.
"Fuck. Get up," he demands with his hands now hooked under your arms. He lifts you up quickly, leaving a gasp escaping your lips. He spins himself around you so that your back is against his chest. Ghost lands a firm hand against the crook of your neck. With his strength, he pushes your chest down onto the desk. Your body feels on fire as he plans to use your ass however he pleases. You feel his hands harshly pulling your pants down.
As you lay bare assed in front of him, Ghost's breathing heavies. One of his hands lands upon your waist as the other guides his cock to your hole. You feel his saliva-soaked dick circle your entrance as you grip onto the desk. Any and all surroundings were gone from your field of vision. All you had was this desk and Ghost. You moan as you feel his cock twitch against you. You wanted him so badly in this moment. Nothing could take this away from you. Until you hear the popping of the door's lock.
You feel Ghost's hands push off of your back. You quickly raise from the desk and pull your pants up. You see Ghost doing the same in your peripherals. Pulling your shirt down, you look up to see Soap opening the door slowly. "Sidorov's got a stealth bomb drone. AQ's hoping to use it against Las Almas cartel and Los Vaqueros," he shares with concern. You answer with a clearing of your throat, "Two birds, one stone." Soap nods. "Let's see if Alejandro, Gaz, and Rudy got anything out of Sidorov," Ghost says as he quickly turns and leaves the briefing area. You turn to Soap to see if he might have anything to say from what he saw, but he fortunately did not seem phased. Maybe he didn't see anything. Fuck, you hope he didn't see anything. With a deep breath, you follow Soap into the hallway.
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note: let me know if you want more! i think i want more tbh <3 reblogs if you enjoyed please!
• take me • part two •
• nav • no-no plagiarism • one shot • requests open •
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sarahrogersevans · 1 year
We’re Gonna Have A Mini Frost Baby- Loki Laufeyson pregnant!xreader fan fic
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Summary: Y/N is pregnant and Loki comes home from Asgard after a few weeks and Y/N surprises Loki with the happy news
Warnings: angsty, fluffy adorableness, soft Loki, mentions of being pregnant, mentions of being nervous and scared, mentions of a bit of anxiety, let me know if I miss anything
~Y/N’s POV~
*flashback* I remember that look in Loki’s eyes that night as he was sitting across from mw at the bar as we were having a drink to celebrate being together for three years before he had to leave for Asgard. I knew what Loki wanted that night and so did I, it was very passionate and we both never wanted the moment to end. That morning after I woke up with the biggest smile on my face though I was sad when loki left a short time later to help Thor for a few weeks. *end of flashback
-current day a week or 2 later-
I woke up one morning feeling really nauseous out of nowhere and had to rush to the bathroom but got sick a few times and the other weird thing is I was craving certain foods I never usually would want and I said to myself “ok.. there’s gotta be an easy explanation for this.” Though I had doubts about that. I knew Loki was coming home in a day or two and I wanted to make sure everything was ok so I ran out to the store to get some food and a pregnancy test just in case. Later on I had gotten home and put the groceries away and something told me to go take that pregnancy test so I went to the bathroom and did the test and set a timer on my phone when I could check it.
I texted my best friend Wanda about how anxious I was and she called me a few minutes later and said “hey Y/N how are you feeling honey?” I said “still have some morning sickness but just nervous that I may actually be pregnant.. what will I tell Loki oh god!..” Wanda said “hey it’ll be ok girl try and breathe ok? He will be so happy I know it, he loves you Y/N.” I nodded my head and said “yea, you’re right Wanda, hey thank you you’re the best Wanda. Love you!” She said “I love you too, let me know what the test says ok??” I said “I promise Wanda you’ll be the first to know.” My timer beeped a bit after she hung up and I picked up the stick and I was right. “I’m pregnant!.. wow, this is amazing.” All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice say “wait darling, you’re pregnant?!” I look up and Loki is standing in the doorway and I sit there frozen that he cane home early. Loki came to sit by me once he saw I was scared to answer him and said “Y/N, dove please don’t be scared I’m not mad, I’m just surprised, is it true?” I nodded and picked up the test to show him hoping he wouldn’t be upset. Loki smiled and cupped my face in his hands looking into my eyes and said “Y/N my love this is wonderful, I’m gonna be a father and you’ll be a wonderful mother.” I felt relieved that he was happy about this. I swallowed and said “I was so nervous to tell you and I didn’t know you were gonna be home yet, I was just about to call you to talk to you about it.” Loki hugged me and then wiped the remaining tears off my face carefully and said “my love this is wonderful news, we’re gonna have a child. I will love you both so much and take care of you both.” I smiled and said “I love you Loki, you’re the most wonderful man. I always picture you reading a child to sleep and you spoiling them.” Something hit me worrying wether it might be a frost child with Loki’s magic and I said “wait!.. do you think our child will be ok?!..” loki saw I was worried and he nodded and said “of course love why? What is it??” I took a deep breath and said “what if our child will be a frost baby or has your magic? Should we have that checked? I’m worried.” Loki rubbed my arms and said “sweetheart I promise we will have everything looked at and have you looked at but I promise you, the baby will be just fine Y/N please do not worry alright?” I leaned in for a hug and Loki wrapped his arms around me while he played with my hair which he knew I loved when he did that. After a few minutes of silence I said “hey Loki can I ask you something?” He kissed the top of my head and said “of course my love, anything.” I thought for a minute how to ask him this and said “would you want a boy or a girl? I ask because I wondered if you were gonna want an heir for Asgard.” Loki took my hands in his and looked at me and said “ok, Y/N please listen to me ok?” I nodded nervously wondering what he was gonna tell me. Loki said “that isn’t important to me, what matters to me is my family darling, I love you and our child. I’d leave Asgard and the throne for the both of you because I love you and I don’t care about that anymore I swear I’ve changed.”
I leaned in to kiss Loki and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer and in that moment I knew Loki meant it all. I looked at Loki and said “I love you so much Loki, you’re gonna be a great father.” He blushed and said “may I?” He wanted to touch my stomach and I nodded and put his hand gently on my stomach and he leaned in to kiss my stomach and said “hello baby, I’m so excited to meet you.” I started crying and he looked up and said “my love, what is it??” I shook my head and said “nothing’s wrong Loki, what you said just made me so happy, we’re gonna have a mini frost child I’m so happy.” Loki kissed me and said “so am I Y/N, you’ve made me the happiest. Thank you darling.” I smiled and said “you’re welcome Loki, welcome home by the way, I missed you.” Loki kissed me and pulled me into his chest said “I missed you more darling, I promise I will never leave you or our child Y/N.” I felt so happy being back in Loki’s arms I never wanted him to let go.
Hey lovelies 💚💚🙂 ok so I thought this fic would be really cute 🥹 and it’s probably not my best one 🥺 but I hope you will all enjoy xx
@lokiandbuckysdoll @jessybarnes
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restlesscrybaby · 1 year
How does Jack deal with unrequited love? With the reader who already has a partner, would you sabotage that relationship?
× 'Spit in my face, my love, it won't change me.' ×
☆ CONTENT WARNING: Obsessive behavior, violence, ☆
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When you started working at the company, you were the best worker.
You baked at the fastest pace you could, you put all your effort into your job, you picked up shifts, you were kind to others, you were..
You were kind to him, it didn't even feel like it was a forced kindness, but genuine kindness.
Oh, it somehow made him angry.
No one ever made him feel this way, how dare you do it!?
He always tried to push it away, shove it away, but...
He couldn't, could never do it...
He had to do something.
I mean, he hated the sappy idea he had.
He stood infront of the magic mirror, as it awkwardly laughed and told him he looked just fine. It's theater mask looking face contorting with emotions as it spoke.
He didn't change his outfit, wearing his typical leather coat, that dark plum coating looked fuzzed over, yknow, his typical outfit.
He held flowers in his hand. Some roses, their little faces looking up towards him, as they whispered among the others, the others that were bunched up with them.
God, you better like these stupid flowers, he went out of his way to get them and you better agree to go out with him or he would've been embarrassing himself and--
His head turned towards the pink orb that rested upon the cushion on the shelf, next to the encased skull and the bowling ball, his brows furrowing. Hm. Maybe, he could check before he asked you to his office.
His voice rnag through the room, as he requested to view you. His heel turning as he turned his torso towards the orb. He took strides towards the orb, as the crystal fogged with hues of gross colors that soon eased into your image, your hands coated in flour as you talked amongst your coworkers...
"Well, my S/O is taking me to dinner tonight, they said its gonna be wonderful," You shrugged, as you side-eyed your coworker playfully, "I'm not too sure about that!" You laughed, as you joked around.
His eyes widened, his left eye twitched. His bottom lip tucking in just a tad, as he clneched his fists with a tough force, the roses stems cracking beneath his whitened-knuckles. Their top half fell to the floor, their tiny voice shrieking, before they sputtered once they hit the oak-wood floor.
His face started becoming red, his eyes beginning to go bloodshot.
He angrily lifted his arm up, as he angrily chucked the leftovers of the roses at the wall, their stems slamming and plopping onto the wooden floor with a sad thump.
He stormed towards his chair, his footsteps loud and echoing the room, as his hand grabbed the side of the chair. He snatched it out, as he slammed his body into the chair, it lowered upon the impact of his weight...
He needed to sabotage it.
And that he did.
He spied on you and your lover, he spied on every little thing you guys did, on everything you did, everything they did,
He wouldn't let you embarrass him.
You weren't just going to pull him in and then ACT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED.
He spread rumors.
So many rumors.
They spread through the factory, as you overheard terrible things about your lover,
But, it quickly spread to the town, oh and what hell that was.
Those terrible words that rang your mind...
'Did you hear that--'
'Did you know that--'
'She said that they said--'
'No way! I heard that they--'
It echoed your mind, bouncing off the walls of your skull as you laid awake at night, the one you heard so many terrible things about lay beside you...
You had to get rid of them and you did, you just--
You broke up with them.
In tears, of course, you couldn't stand it anymore and..
It wasn't long until you began to see missing posters upon buildings, big letters that screamed in your face, their picture below it.
God, this must be your fault, they ran away and..
The only one to comfort you was your boss...
Who was washing the blood off his hands,
A certain look in his eyes.
× 'Spit in my face, my love, I've gone crazy.' ×
SOREY THIS WAS RUSHER!! Plus leave what else happens to the imagination because I like doing thst for you guys :3cc
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Just saw ur post/answer to an ask, and:
"I have a Mutant World au, MW AU, which is my 2012 separated AU-type project. Tis my baby. So young, but so full of trauma"
And God, I am now in love with this AU. I love me a good separated type AU.
And one that Leo and Donnie separated together in the TMNT 2012 version (honestly, I just love Leo and Donnie's relationship/dynamic in general, so I am always happy to see more of it. And TMNT 2012 is a fav. of mine too), and basically alone/only have each other. And being the only humans in a world full of mutants, but like, also Kraang experimented on humans (Damn, they got Leatherheaded, April/April family'ed. The poor boys; happy they escaped. Even if they still have to be in hiding) - which makes me wonder if they might got some April powers stuff going on; that would be so cool, and then when two mutant bros (Raph and Mikey) do stumble in their lair, Leo tries to just straight up murder them (protective mama bear mode. We only have each other mode), and Donnie has to talk him out of it, and then they get to be not so alone anymore with Raph, Mikey, and Splinter.
It is just great, and now I want this as actual story or something someday; it just sounds so good.
Also makes me curious about some of the human characters (well, kinda/mostly/sometimes human characters for some of these) like April and her Dad (kindaaaa to both of those though), Casey (also kinda a bit), Shredder (until later on), and Karai (again, until later on). Oh the blind chef that I love a lot, but his name is hard for me to spell/remember.
The hypothetical other separated AU you talked about was interesting to me. Not the usually my cup of tea (i.e., how and/or who was separated and who stayed), but you did make it sound interesting. And I liked Leo and Raph just trying not to hurt their missing, now found little bros, and Mikey believing them first after trying to kill them for a bit, and Donnie being a little slower doing so, because he is loyal. It is just all very good.
Last of all, and not related to that one post at all, but thank you for making that post, about how the universes/dimensions and the people of the different universes/dimensions; in that case 2012 and ROTTMNT are different and each universe/dimension has different laws, because God, do I feel like some people forgot that/don't' realize that/don't take it into account as much as they should imo. Not all ofc; just you, some/a few at least.
First off: I totally forgot this ask existed and I am so sorry for that! Things have been hectic or else I would have responded much sooner 😓😓
Secondly: No problem! I think people forget how different so many aspects of the universes are, and that the differences are what make them awesome, and not flawed!
Thirdly: YEEE, MY BOIS *hugs BB and LB* 2012Leo&Donnie never get their own outcasted separated world together (or so I’ve seen) and so I have lowkey given them one. Raph and Mikey have their own kind of traumatic past, but these boys are on a whole ‘nother level…
I love Big Brother(BB) and Little Brother(LB) so much because they understand very little, and yet what they do understand matters more than anything else. They need each other, they can’t let the Kraang find them, and Mutants are never to be trusted.
They pick up the basics of the world outside the Kraang labs as they go, but BB spends so much time protecting LB from it that LB never gets his chance to see the ✨wonders✨ of the planet so unlike Dimension X. He has his books, but it’s not the same. BB gets surface time, but his fear blocks him from seeing anything other than dangers up there.
Of course, then they meet the boys, and Mikey helps LB to see everything he missed, and Raph helps BB to understand there’s a balance between protecting and shielding. If BB shields LB from everything, then LB won’t learn to really protect himself and will never get the freedom he deserves~
I briefly considered giving them psychic powers, but that’s still a ‘to be decided’ for now. We shall see ;)
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M7Craft from DeviantArt made this. It’s how she imagines Leo, and even though that’s not how I see him- I LOVE IT WITH MY HEART AND SOUL BECAUSE BB HAS LIFE! LOOKIT THE BROODING BOY!
They have names and designations. The names are what they call each other (Big Brother and Little Brother), but they consider themselves to be the Kraang experiment designations, 1683(Leo) and 1684(Donnie).
We talk story sometimes and M7Craft is working on art for me because we want to give it life since I’ve already got too much on my plate to write a full story and comics are not my forté.
One day 🥺
I make clips and stuff sometimes, which spawn from a random statement or question. Like this-
"How much longer?"
1683's whisper came out harsher than intended, but he felt too exposed in the alleyway, in full view of any mutants who happened to be walking by. 
They wore their protective armor, their hoods and mouth pieces- what had Little Brother called them? Visors?- that hide a fair amount of their face from view, but anything could happen on the surface, and he was experienced enough with mutant mindsets to know that they did not trust anyone whose face they couldn't see. 
A wise suspicion to uphold, but dangerous nonetheless. 
Unable to use his hands to speak while picking the lock, 1684 consented to vocal communication. "New lock. Different than practice one... Almost- there..." 
There was a click and 1684 quietly cheered, "Success!" 
1683 ruffled his hair in congratulations and then moved to push open the door as his Little Brother got to his feet. 1684 remained in the alley until 1683 reasoned it safe. After a quick motion for him to enter, his Little Brother darted past him and through the back room, searching through the boxed and canned items.
All his senses on alert, 1683 left the door ajar to keep from being locked in and then placed an empty can in front of it, as a warning if someone tried to enter. Little Brother began filling his bag, so 1683 allowed him out of his sight long enough to move from food to supplies, examining the options.
Little Brother already tinkered with anything that they could get their hands on, so necessities other than food were few and far between.
Considering everything 1684 did was for them, he always indulged his Little Brother's comforts whenever he could, paying special care to the stacks of books, trying to aim for ones that could prove useful.
He picked out two, both with words that he could not understand, and knew that Little Brother might get another chance to use his prized dictionary. He grabbed more matches for their lantern and then joined Little Brother once more. Sitting on the floor, his finger seemed to tap the air as he counted the prices in his head, slowly moving his collected items into his bag. 
1683 placed his objects on the pile and Little Brother paused, giving him a curious look that questioned the decision. He gave one nod and 1684 picked up his prizes with interest, a warm feeling flooding 1683's chest as tired eyes slowly lit up. Even that bit of subtle joy was enough to make this trip worth it.
Little Brother checked the price on the cover- they only took the books that had those because they seemed cheaper than the rest- and then picked up the other one. 
1683 let him have a minute to browse that one as well before he raised a hand, the motion gathering his Little Brother’s attention. He informed him that they needed to get moving, and 1684 apologized, adding that he had something for Big Brother as well. 
Before he could deny the gift, his Little Brother pulled out a package of mint tea leaves and 1683 lowered his hand, realizing that his one weakness had been discovered. Brown eyes danced as Little Brother put it back in the bag, adding what he'd brought and closing the flap, zipping open a side pocket and then counting out the mutant's trading paper- money- from what they had. 
1684 handed it to him and he held up five fingers, reminding him that if he didn't come back in five minutes, he was to head to the Bunker and not look back. Little Brother rolled his eyes, and 1683 huffed at his inability to take the danger seriously. 
They didn't know if there was someone waiting in the store itself, and just because they'd never seen anyone yet, didn't mean that wouldn't change. 
1683 waited until he got a nod of consent, one that seemed more to pacify him than anything, and then he made his way out into the store. He remained on the defensive as he located one of the money storing machines and then slipped their payment within, racing to the back again. 
There was a moment of intense panic when Little Brother was nowhere to be found, and then he realized the can had been moved and he was standing by the door.
The adrenaline in his veins hardened the glare 1683 gave him, but Little Brother was undisturbed, locking the door and silently heading out into the alley. 
He let his nerves out in a long sigh, but obediently followed suit. It was about time they got below anyway. They had their supplies, and Little Brother would be safe and underground for another week or so. He'd check the windows for new projects after Little Brother was settled in the Bunker. 
1684 shivered and 1683 realized that the temperature had dropped some. Knowing how easily Little Brother tended to get sick, he locked a hand on his elbow and urged him forward. They didn't have the resources that mutants did and their Bunker was surrounded by area that was far from sanitary, so the less they taunted fate, the better. 
Little Brother allowed it, taking one last look at the street lights behind them before they dived deeper into the alley. Sometimes he felt bad that Little Brother didn't get to see much of the city, and was wary of the ignorance of mutants that 1684 bore because of it. 
However, this was the price he was willing to pay. Little Brother was safe and healthy, though he probably wouldn't sleep that day since he had new books to read. Even if his choices to keep him protected left Little Brother bitter on hard nights, as long as he still had a Little Brother to be annoyed with him, 1683 would have no regrets.
Waving him down the open manhole, he watched Little Brother descend into the dank sewers. With one last careful scan around them, 1683 leapt after him, leaving the dangers and worries of the surface behind.
This is one of my earliest works while examining the bros and their relationships and BB’s thoughts on everything and sometimes they seem pretty bland in my writing because even I cannot do them justice but that’s okay because I love them so much!
Perhaps one day the world shall too. 💚💜💙💚
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lumi-cake · 2 years
A Fallen Angel (Fem!Reader x König)
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⚠️TW⚠️ : Blood, Gore, Weapons, Death, Anxiety, Shock
🚫I do not own the rights to any mw or cod characters
✅ This is a fanfic, some lore may not be accurate.
It was pouring down the rain, you almost couldn't even see a foot in front of you. The only sound was the windshield wipers squeaking across glass. We had a low profile to check out, it was König, Aksel aka Tor Eriksen, Oni aka Hiro Watanabe, and I. We just have to infiltrate a abandoned warehouse and see where they have been sending their supplies. It is 20 past midnight, the city is quiet as we pass through, We reach the warehouse about 2 klicks past the city limit.
We park behind trees and we turned the lights off before we reached here so no one would see us. We quietly got out of the van, while everyone was getting geared up König came over to me. "You stay here in the van okay? Stay low and quiet" you hold onto his arm "Let me come with you please" you beg the masked man looking up at him. "I can't have you in danger love" He adjust the straps on his vest. You cross your arms "then why did I even join?" you can see him smile by the way his eyes squint "We might need a medic you never know". You un tuck your arms "Exactly which means you could get hurt!" He doesn't respond immediately he just pulls you into a hug. You knew he was just looking after you. You sigh "Just be safe please" He pulls away from you and give you a nod as he joins the rest of the team as they walk into the darkness.
You go back into the van and lay down across the backseat. You keep checking your watch over and over. After everything you have lost, you always had König. He has gotten you through so much and you couldn't even bare the thought of something happening to him. You keep telling yourself this isn't a big mission and you are also here to patch up and scratches he gets.
You snap up out of the seat when you start to hear gunfire. Every ounce of you wants to go run and check but you know he told you to stay here. You know it's best if you stay, you don't want his focus on trying to save you that he gets hurt or worse.. killed. The gunshots continue when you hear König yell something. You don't know what he said it was too muffled but you know the sound of his voice, you could pick it out of a million. You jump off the seat and grab a flashlight and a knife and start sprinting toward the abandoned building.
You approach the building, quietly walk up the forgotten stairs. You only hear some sounds of faded footsteps. You quietly take a big breath and continue looking around the building. The only thought in your head was please let him be okay. You don't hear anymore gunshots so you think it is over, it is safe. "König" you speak down a long dark hallway, your voice echoing off the walls. No answer. You turn the door way into the hall when suddenly something had you from behind, choking you. It was an enemy holding an AR of some kind but using it to choke you with instead of shooting you. He must be out of ammo? you thought to yourself. You were gasping for air when instinct told you what to do. You moved your body to one side and stabbed the man behind you, which made him release you. The man grabbed his stomach and dropped to his knees. You stood there looking at the man in pain, then looking down at your hands where one held a knife covered in blood. König and the crew came running over to you since they heard your screams.
"Y/N?" König carefully stepped closer to you. "Oh god.... Oh my god... I....I.....what have I done" You started shaking dropping down next to the man "I can save him go get my bag..PLEASE!" You start mumbling to yourself and checking the mans vitals. They were weak but still there. You start to stutter standing up with your hands covered in blood. "Y/N..." König tries again to get your attention. "Oni went to get your bag okay". You look up at König "I save lives not take them" You start hyperventilating, König takes off his jacket and puts it around you "She is going into shock, radio Oni and see where he is with that bag" he says rubbing your arms to get you calmed down. Oni comes in with the bag and you take it and start to check the mans vitals once more. "I think he is internally bleeding I won't be able to help him here, I need to get him to the facility." Aksel puts his hand on your shoulder "He won't make it to a facility" You jump up "We can just go get the van and someone help me get him" You begin to hysterically crying. Everyone gives each other a glance of knowing he was dead in a matter of time, but they didn't want to make you spiral more. The man on the floor starts coughing up blood "Please!" you plead for someone to help you while König keeps trying to calm you down. König then leans down to the dying man and snaps his neck ending his misery. "Why...why would you do that?!" deep down you knew why, you just didn't want to accept it. He pulls you into a hug and holds you "I don't couldn't let you to carry that burden y/n"
I hope everyone enjoyed! Also I was going to make a part 2 of reader having flashbacks and nightmares of this when living at home with König. Let me know your thoughts 🥰
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movedto-clifflix · 1 year
HI CLIFF!! I want to know how did you meet Phillip for the first time? :3 - arnabghost
hiii hello hi dawn !! thank you so much for asking !! you made a terrible mistake /j
got into cod last year in november when mwii came out ! i mostly- got into it cuz of those lil jokes between ghost and soap (they were trending at that time and every second video on my fyp was abt them) knew nothing about cod at that point but i really really liked those two . i can now tell you the entire story from . all mw games tho . . aHEM so i got the game as a christmas present ! i knew NOTHING about graves at that point still, was completely unaware of him and his existence n all it was- funny really. then at some point i saw the betrayal- n i was like "oh shi-" . sad truth is tiktok made me fall for him . the edits have captivated me . theeeen i found the blog of my beloafed fren mavis n i snatched gifs from her n reblogged them n . then it began . my love for him . mavis such a wonderful person tho cuz they had zero problems with sharing him ! i thinkkk we worked out a tagging system n all too tho- but ye to this day im incredibly thankful for her n the gifs n they're prolly the only one id share him with again if they ever- would fall for him again or so . im also . thankful for uhh- my former friend helping me with lore of the games n all . . ANYWAY . thats how i met this texan fucker hes god awful really i love him so much we've been through thick n thin together n will forever be cuz hes also (alongside felix and holland) one of my soulmates and im so so happy to call him my husband and partner n just . hes my everything
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if it's not too much of a hassle, i was one of the ones who submitted mike walters. i know he's probably going to get crushed BUT i would also like the whole world to know that i have thoughts about him. also i'm wondering whether i successfully edited my response or not because it was getting late
my ramble was the result of me basically just screaming into a form for 2 hours and signed off by "a way too obsessed w.bg fan" and has heavy spoilers in strange ways so you can tell that it's high quality
o7 here is your mental illness on display for all to see king (or whatever title you are most comfortable with). this is one of the longest submissions i got so ive put some of it under the cut
alright so i’m talking about the character mike walters (aka mikey, not latvia mike) but also simultaneously the breed mike walters because i’ll eventually dip into other iterations of him and y’know some people argue that they’re all the same guy so i’ll use that argument to talk about the alaska mikeys and by extension the compound mikeys and mw maybe (more on that later)! like they all are technically the same guy so…
so WOE.BEGONE is (spoiler alert) about time travel! but the time travel is strange and sometimes it’s a closed loop and sometimes it isn’t and it works on intention but only sometimes and only some people kinda know how to manipulate that? it’s weird
sometimes time travel inevitability is used as a comfort (mike thinking that he “wins” WOE.BEGONE in the end because a time traveling version of himself saved past him during matt’s murder, a compound mikey thinking that he’ll escape because there’s a mikey on the outside) but when it is, it’s usually revealed as a false hope (mike did save himself but it was DEFINITELY not in his control, the compound mikey is killed). so i’d argue that gives points just because i have feelings about it and it proves that no one’s safe from their destiny and that their destiny is never good. never ever ever. the main character? the guy i’m nominating. his boyfriend/husband/murder target? destined to die in 8 years no matter what it is not negotiable (well it is but only when he’s killed off to cement a constrike and push mike into misery). the guy that just yanked the timeline out of orbit twice and ruined-but-not-really everyone’s lives? well he’s doomed too because he’s not the protagonist of his era so you know that he’ll be toppled. mike (or i guess michael?)’s second boyfriend? doomed as shit. all pulled toward an inevitable destiny and they may fight but what’re you going to do? also that destiny is uncertain usually but victories are fleeting and everything can and will be ripped away in a heartbeat because that’s time travel baby!
i don’t know where i was going with that so i’m pivoting
so from the very beginning he is doomed (or he thinks) because he’s literally doomed to be killed by his friend who brought him back to life to kill him? it’s weird. that is undone for…. some reason? but i theorize that it’s because of his more doomed-ness past the 20s! because he is stupid. an absolute buffoon. he makes clever plans but he’s not clever enough to wrap up loose ends and he gets away with it somehow. plot armor? no. he’s being kept alive by someone who hates his guts with a burning passion because he’s important. and if he knew his fate, he would want to die immediately to get out of it. so he is sheparded to an unknown doom, necessary for the plot to advance, and once he’s used oh yeah he’s definitely going to be killed. i mean he was was killed, his hater killed him in a way that essentially wraps up loose ends and makes him not pop up again like a lil weasel, but that was because his use was done.
speaking of using mike walters: compound mikeys!! they are so doomed my god. there are an unfathomable amount of mikeys (and mikes and michaels) in the compound and they are all trapped forever and slowly killed off in terrible horrible experiments of them and their loved ones. and only one can escape. only one. there is one mikey and one (latvia) mike and one michael (kinda but it’s not related) outside the compound and living their lives and that’s how it’ll always be. there is time travel involved so if they ever truly flawlessly escape they’d be included in the ragtag team but they aren’t. their absence means that they are doomed. only one can escape i am very emotional about this. going back to the compound mikey that held hope because there was a mikey outside: at his execution he was told that it didn’t matter that he wouldn’t escape because one of him would live on outside. only one of him is needed, so only one of him is even allowed to survive. he is disposable and is disposed and this can never changed because of the iron grip the compound has and because it’d be way too confusing to have so many free mikeys to keep track of and a huge escape of mikeys would make everything too low stakes? so bam narrative dooming right there
okay and also mw ok. first of all he is so cool he’s the best he is like 30 people in one and he’s so chill and a cowboy and incredibly sad and i love him ok so he should get extra points for that in my personal opinion. he is a prime example because he is the result of doom.
so context: there were like two mikeys at one point, one for his super secret time travel work and one for his official government time travel work. and the official government worker (called OVER mike) is just chilling hanging out with his boyfriend not really in the line of fire, but he is often called to do base’s (the super secret time travel organization that definitely isn’t just mike’s friendgroup) dirty work despite not really doing anything with base otherwise. no real communication other than just “do this thank you”. so eventually OVER mike and his bf get fed up and are like “y’know what why don’t we just leave? huh?” and they go off to wherever their little hearts desire… BUT there still needs to be an OVER mike because otherwise they’ll be dragged back to work and be surveilled. so they decide to make copies of themselves and leave those copies to do their work. but guess what??? turns out those copies are still the same people, so they also want to leave, so they do the same thing!! and then whuh oh there are now like 30 mikeys running around across the globe (or maybe just america i don’t remember). eventually there comes an iteration that realizes “hey maybe doing this again won’t work because it hasn’t worked the past 30 times” so they just give up and go back home and plot a scheme to ruin base forever so they can have a vacation. and so the many mikeys and edgars (their bfs) run around slowly getting killed off by a mysterious force. but y’know…. who knows what they could do. and they used technology that records its use so they can be easily tracked. so base tracks them all down and, instead of killing them, decides to fuse them into a supermikey and superedgar for like info purposes and guilt purposes and that supermikey was mw.
so that’s mw. he is proof that you can’t have nice things. OVER mike runs toward freedom, toward hope, toward everything he threw away the moment he called his ex about his bff’s death. he’s suffered so much at the hands of himself, others, and some people in between that. he’s a puppet in a show starring one of his former best (?) friends, kept alive until his best by date, worked against by… uh, him, but not him, “pulled over the threshold by inevitability” to kill his former best (?) friend (if i have time i WILL talk about that too i swear), walked into closed death/pain loops a million times (fated to die, fated to get shot because “i’m the bear”, fated to die in the place he could’ve loved most [after he was KEPT IN OTHER VERSION OF HIMSELF’S HOUSE LIKE A DOG FOR LIKE A MONTH?? WHAT MIKEY DIDJA EVEN GIVE HIM WALKS I BET YOU DIDN’T] because he was found dead in a cabin weeks earlier, fated to ruin his relationship with his former best (?) friend [wow i was not expecting to talk about hunter this much], fated to… well you get the point), killed his boyfriend/husband/murder target many times, never on purpose or while knowing the full truth, and so much more. also may i reference the infinite mikeys in the compound literally created to be tortured. all in all being mike walters sucks and i agree with his decision to just dip. but he can’t do that. he’s mike walters. he can’t just leave. it doesn’t matter that he’s doing nothing. it doesn’t matter that ultimately base didn’t need to drag him back because he wasn’t involved in all the chaos that happened after his disappearances. he is important and must be put in his rightful place in an ego way and a narrative way. he just wants to go and live in peace but is forcibly dragged back into the life he so despises and is subjected to something that changes who he is and fuses all his memories together in a disorienting haze. and the fact that he’s all of those escaped mikeys combined just makes it all hurt more. he knows everything he could’ve had. he knows those sweet few moments of fresh air and the first glance at an endless future and the euphoria of a life free of the torment brought upon him by his choices and unknown forces alike and he knows all of this 30 times over. and he knows the panic at another mikey’s voice and the anger at losing another race and the feeling of utter hopelessness at the knowledge of what may have been and he knows these, too, 30 times over. and he smiles and laughs and carries these close to his heart because he struggles through life in a way that is impossible to escape from and perhaps the best way to escape the sorrow and the fury and the heartbreak and the pain pain pain is to stop trying. stop trying to escape. stop swimming upstream, stop breaking the norms. because you will be put into your place by forces beyond your control because of reasons you do not understand and maybe it’s better to give up than to fight the narrative itself.
im love him okay…
i wanted to talk more about alaska mikeys and the fact that mike(s) walters is completely dead like actually now and MICHAEL and also latvia mike and many specific events in the podcast but it’s late and i’d need days to go through everything so. rant over
please listen to WOE.BEGONE even though you’ve been heavily spoiled. it’s a podcast and very very good (though also violent). you can tell i have many emotions about it. sorry if this is incomprehensible
- a way too obsessed w.bg fan
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wakatshi · 2 years
Ok so I had no fucking clue about MW before I followed you and because you seem cool and cute I decided to do some research to be able to follow this blog’s lore enthusiastically and what can I say… Simon gained another whore fan… the things I want to do to this man WHEW 🤤😵‍💫😮‍💨 I will GLADLY be his little stress relief every time he needs it 😌 Would he be able to make me beg to suck him off? DEFINITELY. No shame whatsoever I need your dick in my mouth more than oxygen sir I just KNOW giving him the nastiest most sinful sloppy head would fix me
so you think i’m cool and cute 😏😏😏😏ily stawpp i’m twirling my hair and everything 🤍 LMFAOOOO i can’t believe i made you a simon fucker, but isn’t he so insanely attractive oh my god i feel the same way i want him to fuck the shit out of me ik he would and IK i’d be limping after. there’s just something about him. but at the same time i wanna hold him he makes vv soft and sad i wanna smooch him. i listen to lana del rey and think abt him it’s been my hobby lately i ❤️ my mind
but anyways you should look up könig and other cod characters i promise you won’t regret it <33 alex from modern warfare is one of my favs he’s very hubby material. and if you want more masked characters ​keegan is also HAWT
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samatedeansbroccoli · 3 years
My Chaotic Introduction to Call of Duty
Funny story: I've never played a COD game. I don't have the computer to do so without burning myself or running out of space. My introduction to COD came primarily through Call of Duty: Mobile and a bit of MW 19, since both came out the same month.
So here's a few moments I have on my trip to catching up on 17 years of COD.
As a heads up, some of my thoughts might raise your ire at my stupidity.
Also, when I say "I learned who ____ was" I mean as in I knew them only by how they looked and their name.
Let’s start at the beginning: it was a dark and stormy night…
Before CODM came out...
•I could recite the whole Russian Roulette scene from BO1 even though I didn't know what was going on.
•I had seen "The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday", "No Russian", "All Ghillied Up", and the concert parody scene at the end of BO2 at least once.
•I knew who Ghost was because I watched a 12-minute video of TheGamingRevolution pushing Ghost to the checkpoint to try and keep him alive.
CODM came out Oct. 1st 2019...
For context, I didn't actually play the game on opening day. I knew COD had been around for years and was too intimidated to play it because I didn't think I'd enjoy it if I was overwhelmed with information I wouldn't understand.
And then, a week later, I got really, really mad at PUBG Mobile one day and downloaded CODM.
And that's my origin story.
•The majority of the CODM operators are their Blackout version. If that’s not enough to say "oh god this is probably the worst introduction to start with" you’re entirely right.
•ALSO, there is absolutely no regard to the different universes in CODM. Everything and everyone is smashed into one. This is important because it's very confusing.
•*sees Spec Ops 3 Operator* Omg he's cute.
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MW 19 came out, Oct. 25, 2019...
•I watched a streamer reaction video of the end cutscene of MW 19. No idea what was going on, but "All these streamers are getting excited over these characters so I will too! Also that guy has a nice voice (Price) and that lady is hot (Laswall)."
•I learned who Farah was because I caught part of Chocotaco's stream. He was playing MW 19 once and Farah was being tortured.
•I watched the first mission of MW 19, and went "who's this random guy talking? I thought the main character was Farah? And why is his name Echo 3-1? That's a weird name. Is he a robot or something?"
•I watched an interview with Barry Sloane and called Price the "Barry Sloane guy."
•I watched MW 19’s "Clean House" mission a lot. It told me the baby was invincible.
It went downhill from here...
•David and Alex Mason are two fronting icons of CODM along with Ghost and Phantom from Infinite Warfare. I knew the Masons were related, but I didn’t know how. It was either David was Alex's father, they were brothers, or David was Alex's uncle. I settled on David being Alex's father because his CODM/Blackout operator was better looking than Alex's to me.
•“I can’t wait to find out more about David “Prophet” Wilkes!” *wiki has next to nothing* “Oh—”
•One of the F2P rewards from playing the Zombies mode was a tank dispensary operator. And I was like “huh, what’s a tank dispensary? Are those the guys that replace the shells in the canon of a tank? I’ll look it up later.
Three months later, I realized it said Tank Dempsey.
•And then I went ahead and read a bunch of RiDe fics on Ao3.
•I didn't know what Richthofen looked like so I imagined him to look like WWI Ace pilot Manfred von Richthofen (The Red Baron).
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•First female character added to CODM was Alessandra "Les" Castillo (aka Outrider). No really cared because the community was busy simping for Mara and I was sad she wasn’t Farah.
•I took a picture of the CODM loading screen and labelled them to try and learn who was who. Note that the one that says “Outrider” is actually Soap.
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•When CODM had zombies mode, I drew a ray gun from the musical box once. I had seen a teammate use it and get a lot of points so I thought it might be good.
Sike, I hated it. I didn't like the sound it made, it was ugly, and the blue stuff was weird. So at the end of the round when there was only one zombie wandering aimlessly and everyone was collecting stuff, I threw the ray gun away in favor of an AR. My teammate just happened to pass by and saw me get rid of it. They looked at it, then looked at me, then picked it up and dropped their shotgun. And being a shotgun fan, I took the shotgun happily.
I never drew another ray gun.
Warzone came out, Mar.10, 2020...
•I finally learned who Price was because he was an operator (along with Ghost and Soap) you could get through a code if you played Warzone. And all the tryhards were a Soap, Ghost, or Price. I could never remember Soap’s name, however, except for his last name because of a skin set called MacTavish.
•*an Easter egg in CODM* "Oh look, a little TV with numbers on it! I'll bet it's ASCII!!"
•I finally remembered who Soap was from the "You didn't juju on that beat" meme.
April-September 2020...
CODM’s eSport tryouts ran during this time, so I joined a group of people on Discord in hopes of making a team to win $1M and got smacked in the face with references I didn’t get yet.
•"Look at this cute, dorky Cowboy Ghost!"
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•"Who's Nikito? His design is boring.”
•Until the voice lines were updated, all CODM operators had the same four default voices: three American accented and one Scottish. Tank Dempsey had a Scottish voice until they fixed the voices to sound like their actual characters. Let's just say I was not prepared for Dempsey's real voice...
•There was a Makarov event, parody of Operation Kingfish: The Hunt For Makarov, but I couldn't care less because it was a boring event (I just thought the Makarov operator was hot). I genuinely forgot who Makarov was until I saw a CODM meme video in March 2021
•MW 19's OST became my favorite COD OST to listen to... because it was the only COD OST I listened to.
•"Ooh! A Russian operator! Lev Kra... Kracker...? Kravelhoe...? Kraskinsky...? Whatever, I'm just calling him Lev."
•"Why are there so many Ghosts? Like, why do people like him so much?"
•"This Naomi girl (Manta Ray, COD Online) is hot. I'll bet she's in one of the really well-known games!"
•*listening to CODZ voicelines* "They're so... angry?"
CODM's 1st Year Anniversary, Oct. 2020...
•"Tf is gunsmith?"
•"Tf is this Reznov guy?"
•"Tf is an armor plate?"
•"Wait, the in-game music isn't original?" (it's all from BO2's OST)
•"There's more than one COD universe???"
•"Wait so that means Farah isn't even friends with that hot guy with good hair?" (David Mason)
•WW2's OST replaced MW 19's OST as my favorite.
•If you played the beta for BOCW, you got a code for an Adler operator. A friend gave me the code because they know I play CODM and they don't play. So that's how I learned of Adler. I spent a good portion of my time trying to pet his hair through the screen with my finger.
•*not realizing Adler has his own voice* "Bruh why is Adler's voice so... ROBOTIC??"
BOCW came out, Nov. 13, 2020...
For context, BOCW was the first campaign I fully watched. I did not know what day it was coming out until TheRadBrad began posting videos.
•Before: "Adler is cool!"
•After: "Adler is not cool! Sims is cool tho! The rest of them... eh idk who they are."
•"Bald guy (Hudson) has a nice voice."
•“Wow BOCW had a lot of shooting” *watches BO1 later* “Oh—”
•I watched all TheActMan COD reviews even though I didn't understand them. The only thing I remember from them was "He was my best friend!" from IW and "Train go boom" from BO3.
For more context, CODM has these comics that still disregard the three universes as well as time periods. Ex. Tank Dempsey works with Ghost. I didn't realize this, however.
•*watching WAW* "Ohhhh so Reznov went back in time in the CODM comics?? And he's basically reciting WAW?"
•*watching BO1* "Oh look, it's the Russian Roulette scene!"
•"Ohhhhh Mason and Woods are actually important to the COD story."
•*watching COD 1 (2003)* "Wait so... where's Price and Soap and Ghost?"
•*watching BO2* "Bruh this David kid is annoying af—oh my god, he's not a kid anymore."
•"Wait he's back to a kid... what???"
•"Menendez is evil. I don't like him." Yeah, that aged well.
•CODM has all the BO3 weapons in it, most of them being the meta, so of course I recognized every gun sound in the game. Probably why I liked BO3 quite easily.
•"Player's voice is H O T!!" *proceeds to watch the same two cutscenes where his voice cracks on repeat*
•*watching COD 4* "I take back what I said about a lot of shooting in BO1."
•"Wait the All Ghillied Up was in COD 4?"
•*watching BO4 cutscenes* "PROPHETTT!!!!! :D — wait, that's it? There's no more of him? :( "
•"All the CODM operator skills come from BO4? So that's the game responsible for me ragequitting because I keep blowing myself up with the war machine?"
•*watching MW2* Ramirez gives me Artyom (Metro 2033) vibes with how much he's being asked for.
•BO3's OST replaced WW2's OST as my favorite.
•"Wonderful wunderfizz! Everybody needs a little revive!!"
•"Zombies story!! Awwe Primis and Ultimis are drinking together! Awww they're all dead."
•*watching BO: Declassified* "Do I even know what's going on? Where's Menendez?"
•*watching anything new with COD* "What tf is going on right now?"
And yeah, that's it so far! Let me know if you found any of these entertaining.
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Chris was definately her boyfriend by Jan 21, don't kid yourself. Your buddy Lauren made it clear by showing how her 2 sisters and best friend all suddenly followed him out of the blue on the exact same afternoon, on the same long weekend she announced her divorce (cough cough they met him in person and/or the coast was clear to talk about them). "My WIFE" is possessive, and him pointing at her photo is not 'supporting' her with words. it's always about him.
Funny thing is, that you can't even admit like a mature person, that all your shit was debunked and it took you a few days to finally come out with an answer. the answer that just makes you look more like a pathetic loser, but thanks for entertainment.
Even if he was -and? Like? What this comment has to do with anything? She filled for a divorce and found another boyfriend and you want me to judge her? Because it seems you have a problem with Melissa getting out of a abusive marriage and finding happiness with someone else? How sick in the head you are to think anyone could judge her? I mean, i remember perfectly how SCS were calling her a cheater and slut, so i guess you are one of them too - YIKES.
Anyway, what you say is that I should, dunno, feel sorry for Jenner, because Melissa kicked his ass and found someone to love while she was still married? while their marriage was ALWAYS a fake bullshit that Jenner used to abuse and tie her to him? Are you seriously this fucking dumb to moan about marriage and implying like a typical slutshamer about Mel cheating?
Let me be clear: I don't fucking CARE if she cheated on a fucking ABUSER WHO BEAT HER FOR YEARS. But you know what? Melissa didn't cheat in any form and so far, that's is a FACT. YOU want her to be the cheater and present some bullshit gathered online, like you all stalkers do.
Also, it’s fucking hialrious how you all moan about Mel cheating with Katie and wishing her divorce while suddenly protecting it and bitching about, when it involved Melissa and jenner - like....
Oh, Mel's sisters followed Chris? What just proves they approved him immediatelly, becasue they saw what anamazing person he is and how much he loves their sister. OR simply Melissa told them everything and they supported her and her decisions, like sisters do.
And before you start moaning like a bitcha bout "Chris cheating on Hannah, boo hooo hoo :((((" - your precious Blake and his equally awesome mommy conntacted her when Mel filed for the divorce, because they wanted to trash MW. And guess what, they got nothing, so go and cry more.
Mhm, calling a wife wife is possessive. Calling husbands, wives, fiancess, children, parents, friends etc is possessive. So, when you called Lauren my "buddy" is I guess you spreading possessivness, huh? also, she is not my "buddy", she is just a true Melissa's fan I follow, go and read her thread about debunking your pal Jenner's bullshit.
Also, Mel called Chris her husband, fiancé and boyfriend, so i guess she is possessive too? How you are goin g to call her? Codependant? You really hate her, huh?
Sure, sure, posting a photo of your girlfirend is not supporting her. Also, he is not poiting at anything, maybe look at it or something. You can't even look at a pic and not make an idiot of yourself. Jesus.
But sure, support is only when you talk or uses words about something, thank God I post a lot of pics that proves you are an idiot that can't read. Boy.
Also, he says nothing, he is not supporting her. When he says something, it's always about him. Make up your fucking mind.
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katierosefun · 2 years
Once again, thanks for a detailed reply! I agree re emotional complexity of good betrayal stories, even though irl I know I wouldn't want to go back as I wouldn't have any love left for someone who betrayed me. (And, to return to HdL, I'd send CM to Hell w/o a second thought. I guess I'd make a very poor writer - but a vicious vengeful ghost lol) (Sorry, needed to get this out of my system bc I HATE CM so much it makes me incoherent. How people can ship him and MW is beyond my comprehension)
PS: And here's another random thought: it occurred to me that there's something knight-like in Chan-seong's devotion to Man-wol... and then this made me think about La Belle Dame sans Merci (I know this association is a bit far-fetched, but I can't get it out of my head now) (Ok, I'll stop spamming you now; have a nice day!) (2/2)
well, anon, i think there's a lovely place for vicious vengeful ghosts. (and to be honest, i am in partial agreement with you--i never really did sympathize at all with chung myung, just because like . . . ? i dunno, maybe it's just that his life never seemed too hard, and i didn't think the stakes were necessarily high enough for him to do all that he did :/ like, the hell dude. you didn't have to do all that, did you? like, what was the reason?
and also, like . . . maybe chung myung seems especially small in my opinion because of how sharp the contrast between himself and chan seong is. (in that chan seong's insanely selfless. he trusts man wol completely, and he's also willing to risk everything for her! even earlier in the show, he admits to that other hotel manager about how he does have feelings for man wol, but he won't act on them . . . and also, maybe chan seong and man wol's relationship hits a very personal chord with me because something about chan seong telling man wol to trust him and something about man wol being still somewhat stuck in the hurt that was inflicted on her years ago and something about learning how to love while also learning how to let go and learning how to wait are all so . . . GOD!! ! ! ! i didn't expect to get invested in their relationship, but upon the second watch, i realize that i really did love them a lot more than i thought--and i think part of that is just like. hotel del luna is one of those shows where i don't think people will really understand the appeal of it unless they're at a different point in their life, and each episode in the show sort of reflects so many different people's stages of life, so i think that's the beauty of the show. something about that other hotel manager, you know, the one directly before chan seong--saying something about how you meet all kinds of people and it makes life so much more interesting.)
oh, and as for the poem: i've never read la belle dame sans merci until this morning, and i agree. the image of sitting on a hillside and dreaming, the pale knights having maybe something to do with the ghosts, and then waking up and finding oneself alone . . . there's something bittersweet in the poem because it speaks of love for a woman found in a meadow (man wol in the garden!) with long hair and wild eyes (MAN WOL), but that emptiness that comes with waking up and looking around and just waiting (and this is why i sojourn here, / alone and palely loitering) :(((((((
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taelme · 2 years
holy motherfucking SHIT dude oh my god
i just read your hyuck thing? i forgot the title but the single parwnt one and FUCK DUDE IT HIT SO HARDDDD
I saw it come up on my dash and i thought ‘hey, why not give angst a shot?’ Because i basically cannot handle angst i will think about how much it hurt me for the next few weeks but DUDEEE THIS ANGST WAS DIFFERENT (and if i read angst for my bias i would be cryingf for days but we dont speak of that)
i loved everything about both fics, i was unsatisfied in some parts, but i know why and its because it was so fucking realistic. when i come to tumblr and read a fic i want it to comfort me, give me something that i wouldnt be given in the real world becuase i just suck at confronting with my feelings (the aries in me is quaking)
but this fic was realistic, and in a way it gave me more comfort than all the others. every plot twist and conflict had me IFNSJJRJW because fuck mc went through the hardest time and i just wanted to give her a hug ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
the fic hurt a little more particularly because i have a close family member who went through a very similar situation and i couldnt even imagine if this was to happen to her 💔
but every aspect of the fic was so real and it honestly scared mw but i fucking loved it nonetheless
of course, the whole fic was phenomenal to me, absolutely beautifully written but there are certain things that stuck to me and will stick to me for the rest of my days and they are;
And the things he told donghyuck like FUCK YES KING TELL HIM!!!! his character is dear to me i will always love him
2. “I was the one who knocked her up.” SO. MUCH. JUSTICE. I will be eating justice for breakfast lunch dinner this week yes every day because god!!!!!!!!! i was so fucking happy he said that to that woman!!!!!!!!!!
4. Donghyucks character development (?) not too sure how to put it but the way he was so determined to get mc back and especially since hes been gone for legit 4 fucking years ☹️ and his relationship with Seul!!!!!!! Fuck dude i want to give seul two big kisses on her cheeks and tell her what a good girl he is for caring for everyone around her youre doing so well honey i love you
Anw back to hyuck, just,,,, his character dynamic is too good op your writing is amazing i have no way to put it properly but i love it!!! The last few paragraphs about hyuck and mc crying had my heart clenching so hard and literally sobbing with them god the change from ‘you think you can get rid of me so easily’ to the simple ‘I’m not going’ SET MY TEARS OFF I SAT THERE CRYING FOR HOW LONG 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
Thank you sososososoooo much for the fic, op, i fucking love you and cant wait to see your progress ^3^
(also the way the fic is so underrated is literally illegal 😡😡😡)
😭😭😭😭 the absolute grin this put on my face,,, THANK U SO MUCH lovey ❤️❤️ i cant truly express the feeling of affirmation that your words gave me, the little details that resonated with you and how it left an impression on you! i really really felt reminded of why i write and why i decided to start posting my writing and that was just such an insanely empowering feeling,,, very very thankful to see how it spoke to you and i hope you know how your words spoke to me as well! my words now cannot express quite accurately how thankful i am but i really truly am.... i hope you're taking care of yourself and keeping well in these times,, sending love your way n i hope you have an amazing week ahead!
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youresog0lden · 4 years
Seven Months II Spencer Reid
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Summary:  It's been seven long tiring months since Emily was presumed dead. That night changed the way the group worked.
WC: 3k 
Warning: Gun Violence, cursing if any, angry reid
I kinda mixed Season 7 episode 1 & 2 to make this. I also just wanted to go more into detail on angry Reid since I felt like he wasn’t as showed in this. 
It's been seven long tiring months since Emily was presumed dead. That night changed the way the group worked. There wasn't really any pep in peoples steps as they would say. Spence came in everyday with this disappointed look on his face. That our Emily wouldn't be there. For ten weeks he went to JJ's house. We all mourned the lost of our friend. Finding it hard to move on but we did. I always heard talking saying that it must have been the hardest for me since I was the closest to Emily I mean we did share an apartment together. My thoughts we're interrupted by the sound of my phone going off, we all got a call in the morning telling us that it was urgent and to get to the offices as fast as we can.
We all cluster around the table ready for Garcia to speak. She walked in with almost as confused face as we did.
"What's going on." I ask. Not seeing JJ or Hotch there yet. Within seconds they both come striding through the door.  Hotch clears hit throat nodding  at her.
"Seven months ago, I made a decision that affected this team. As you all know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle." he starts. The look on everyone's face was confused.
"But the doctors were able to stabilize her, and she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under covert exfiltration. Her identity was strictly need to know. And she stayed there until she was well enough to travel. She was reassigned to Paris, where she was given several identities, none of which we had access to, for her security." he finally spoke.
"She's alive." Garcia said. It took a minute to process what was fully happening in my head until a soft voice spoke.
"But we buried her." Spencer spoke out
"As I said, I take full responsibility for the decision. If anyone has any issues they should be directed toward me." Hotch spoke
"Any issues?" Morgan snapped.
"Yeah I got issues." Right then we heard the sound of clicking all of us turning our head to see the fully alive woman standing in front of us.
"Oh my god." Garcia and I spoke in sink. Emily gives Hotch and JJ a nod Derek looking between the tow of them. Emily came walking around giving all of us a hug. I finally took her in my embrace slightly crying.
"Em." I whispered softly still not believing she real. She let go going over to Spencer hugging him they hug for a second before breathing out.
"I am so sorry. I really am" she said softly. I walk to where Spencer's standing grabbing his hand and squeezing it him doing the same in return.
"Not a day went by that I didn't want to- Really I- You didn't deserve that and I'm so sorry." she said inching her way to Morgan slowly wrapping her hands around him.
"There's so much I want to tell you guys and, I will but right now I really need to know what's going on with Declan." I release my grip from Spence's hand as he talks.
"Emily was there a man living in the house?"
"Yes. My friend Tom Koehler. He was raising Declan as his own."
"Where is he?" JJ asked.
"I never saw him go in or out of the house." Garcia chimed in.
"Uh he was on an assignment overseas."
"But he's alright." I asked.
"Yes he is on his way back now. He got a call from Declan, he called me and when I landed Hotch told me that you had Doyle in custody"
"And, because of Tom's line in work that's why you enrolled Declan in a boarding school." Hotch asked.
"I made sure that he, Louise and I were the only ones able to take him off campus." I started spacing out again before hearing Spencer's voice  
"Louise took him home last night because he was sick."
"Food poisoning." Hotch said. I finally started putting everything together letting it work it's way in.
"Yeah a few of the kids had it apparently."  Reid said
"So whoever did this got to him on campus." I say.
"They knew they only had once chance." Reid finished
"Current suspect is Richard Gerace. He's the most recent arrival into the states. We've been tracking the city but we came empty." Jennifer said.
"We know it's him because he has the scar." I spoke softly. Spence looked a quick glance at Emily then right at board behind her taking his tongue and raking it over his lips before biting the bottom looking at the board trying to focus.
"That doesn't make sense Gerace gave up on Doyle a long time ago."
"He said you were the only one who knew Gerace." Rossi finally spoke. I look at Morgan who hasn't said a word since Emily walked into the room.
"Which is why I'm pretty sure he doesn't have the balls to pull this off." she said snapping me back to her.
"There was no forced entry at the house?"  she asked.
"I had two agents working security." Morgan finally speaks up.
"We think Gerace and his partner pose as the next shift and one of the agents was a woman." Reid says talking with his hands like he usually does. I smile. He's barley even talking ro mw and I already have butterfly. Come on y/n get it together.
"She's the alpha." Prentiss says.
"So we're looking for a woman who's getting back at Doyle." Jennifer asks
"And out suspect list just got a whole lot longer." Everyone start's to walk away Emily Garcia and JJ heading down to the the 'Lair' Morgan went on a walk to clear his head and Hotch and Rossi are talking in Hotch's office. Leaving me and Reid sitting there. He was leaned up against the table and I was just standing there taking in everything. I look up to see Reid just standing there.
"Hey." I said softly putting my hand on his arm. He jumps but realizes it me and just kinda settles.
"How are you doing with this?" I asked.
"I mean my best friend just lied to me for seven months. I went to her house crying. CRYING." he said softly almost if he talked any louder he'd break. I rub his arm softly looking up at him.
"Spence. I know it hard but they probably we're just looking out for us. I'm not saying you don't have a right to be mad because you do trust me you do." I say even softer than him a tear runs down my cheek.
"How come you're not like screaming. Ya'll we're best friends."
"I don't know. Nothing shocks me that much at this point." I say swiftly
"It just hurts."
"I know pretty boy. I know." I said softly wrapping my arms around his torso. He wraps his arms around my neck laying his head on top of mine. I don't know why this whole thing isn't bothering me. She was like a sister to me but, ever since she died I've gotten a lot closer with Reid. I'm not trying to replace her. He was just there. Like if I needed him at two in the morning when I couldn't sleep I'd call him and he'd come over and some how get me to sleep weather he read me to sleep or we cuddled either way or, if it was ten in the morning and I'd been crying he'd come over and we'd laugh and watch movies together.
"Spence I'm sorry." my voice was muffled
"I just fell bad. You were always there for me but I feel like I was never there for you."
"Y/N." he pulled you away sighing his hands still on my shoulders.
"You were there for me even if you don't know it. You were." he says softly planting a kiss on forehead. I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks.
"Okay I have to go. I'll see you when I get back." we finally let go. I smile at him before watching him walk away.  
Hotch, Morgan, Rossi, Emily, and I were standing there waiting for Spencer and JJ get back.
"Spencer." JJ called out.
"Look we have to talk about this." she said. We tried to see more of him but we couldn't.
"I don't want to talk about it." he sighed
"I get you're disappointed with the way we handled Emily." she continued.
"Listen I've got a lot going on. Alright?" he sighs turning around.
"You know what I think this it is? You're mad that Hotch and I controlled our micro-expressions at the hospital and you weren't able to direct our deception." he scoffs and turns around quickly fire burning in his eyes.
"You think this is about my profiling skills Jennifer listen, the only reason you were able to manage my perceptions is because I trusted you. I came to your house for ten weeks in a row crying over losing a friend and not once did you have the decency to tell me the truth." he spills out.
"I couldn't." she sighed.
"You couldn't or you wouldn't?" he questioned
"No I could't" she sighed in defeat
"What if I started taking dilaudid again would've let me?" he spat
"you didn't." she said
"Yeah but I thought about it." he rolled his eyes backing up. We were just watching not knowing what to say.
"Spence." she calls out. He throws his hands up angrily.
"I'm sorry."
"It's to late alright." he says walking away. I sigh seeing him walk past me.
"Reid." Emily called out to him.
"I'll go talk to him." I say running to catch up with him.
"Spence." I called out. He stops dead in his tracks and turned around. I couldn't stop in time almost falling on him. He let's out a chuckle as I catch myself.
"Are you okay?"
"You asked me this earlier." he laughs.
"I know I just have to make sure. I heard the fight and wanted to check up on you." he scoffs.
"Did she send you out here." he says with bitterness on his tone.
"What? No." I say just as bitterly.
"Then why are you out here." he asks. Maybe because I'm fucking in love with you but you're can't even get out of your own head.
"I wanted to check up on you." I sigh. He laughs then walks away. I stood there dumbfounded.
"Whatever." I mumbled under my breath walking into the offices again.
"What he say?" JJ asked
"He thinks you sent me out there and when I told him you didn't he laughed and walked away."
"Guys." Garcia comes running in.
"There's a private plane getting ready to be flown to Paris."
"Okay everyone load up." right then Spencer comes in. I look at him before walking away and going towards the where we held Doyle. I open the door before stepping in.
"Your ex is working with Lachlan McDermott." I say "How would he leave the country?" I ask "I don't know." he says "He's got endless funds." I say. I look to see the door nob jiggling. Spencer walks in with a straight face. I take a step back. "You'll never stop him." he laughs "And he hates you, doesn't he?" Spencer questioned. "More than you do." I shrug my shoulders. "Then I think we should give him what he really wants." Spencer takes a breath. "You." It takes me a second to realize what he said. You could see the panic in Doyle's eyes.  I grab his arm and drag him out.
"What the hell Spencer."
"I ran the probability of Declan's  survival, and it wasn't good." he says
"No, we are not letting him get out of here Reid." Emily says
"I will chain myself to him, if I have to." he says with pleading eyes. "He'll find a way to escape." I said
"No he won't." Spencer pleads
"And we're running out of time; if we find McDermott now, we have a chance to save Declan. " he finished. Emily and I sigh looking at each other knowing we weren't going to get our way.
"Fine." was all I said walking away.
Here we are speeding into a runway for Airplanes I was driving Emily was beside me, and Doyle and Reid in the back. I stop the car swiftly and turn off the engine. I turn and look at Emily.
"Let's do this." I say. All of us getting out of the car Hotch with  microphone in his hand.
"Lachlan McDermott and Chloe Donaghy, this is the FBI."
"We know you have Declan. To ensure his safety, we would like to trade. We will give you lan Doyle, and you send us the boy." Hotch speaks again.
"Bring Doyle here. I want him on his hands a knees." I watch Spence start walking.
"Spence" I say softly before he can get away.
"Please be careful."
"Always." he smiles at me. I walk with him stopping at Hotch. Emily walking with Doyle and Spencer.
"Hotch are we really going to do this." I ask
"No one leaves here." Hotch says.
"Hand him over." McDermott yells. Spencer started walking him over slowly. Just as Chloe came out of the airplane.
"Gun." I yelled loud enough for everyone to here. I pull of my gun as Chloe shot out a shot. I pulled the trugger hitting her knocking her down. Spencer pulls his out hittinf McDermott just before shooting Doyle I run to Spencer.
"Hey you okay?" I ask checking there pulse.
"Dead." I called out.
"I wish you would stop asking me that." he sighed.
"Sorry." I said softly standing up moving to the cars. I get in Spencer coming into the passenger. Emily decided to ride with Declan in the ambulance. The car ride was filled with nothing but silence and not the good happy kind but the awkward kind. I sigh taking the road down to the offices.  Feelings his eyes on me I looked at him through my peripheral  vision.
"I'm sorry." he finally spoke in a sigh
"It's fine I understand why you're upset you have every right. I just wish you would talk to someone it's not good to keep all of your feelings inside." it comes out a lost softer than I expected. I decide to pull over so we could talk more and I wouldn't have to focus on the road.
"I just. I don't know, I feel if I go to somebody they're going to lie to me and keep things from me." he says barley above a whisper.
"Pretty Boy." I take a deep breath
"I know it's hard. Trust me but you can't keep bottling it up inside. Even if you feel like people are going to keep things from you just know that I would never or Garcia definitely wouldn't. I can promise you. You will always have someone to come to." I smile at him putting my hand on top of him. He looks down at it before looking up at me.
"Yeah Spence."
"Thank you for being one of the only people who's told me the truth." he smiles softly.
"I will always be here for you. Even when you don't want me to I will and I know it's hard with everything but the we're only trying to protect us.  we laugh together. I take a second to look at his as his eyes are closed and his head was thrown back. God he's perfect. At that moment he stopped what he was doing and looked at me.
"What." he breathed. My eye's go wide as I realize what I just said I feel pink start to rise to my cheek.
"Oh my god- I'm- It- I didn't mean to say that out loud." I stuttered. He laughed.
"It's the Agent Y/L/N speechless." he teased. I just blushed even more putting my head in my hands.
"Hey." he gabbed my chin lifting it so we could make eye contact. He licked his lips and biting it slightly I look from his eyes to his lips him copying my movements. He pulls my chin closer to him. His lips lingering over mine.
"God just kiss me already." I say loud enough for him to hear me. He does just that plants his lips on mine. Wow. It was even better than I imagined. I wrap my hands around his neck deeping the kiss. After a few moments we pull away to get oxygen. Biting my lips as we pull away.
"So are you coming to Rossi's for dinner tonight?" I ask him. Our lips practically touch as I move my lips. He doesn't say anything before his lips land on mine once again pulling into a heated kiss. Finally pulling away
"Yes." he smiles pulling me into a kiss one more time.
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Most Wanted 2 fanfic
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☆ Masterlist  
Chapter one - Old friendship 
Words: 2203
Warning: anxiety/panic attack
A/N: This is a remake of the chapter I published months ago (link). Not only the grammar mistakes were corrected, but I added more scenes. I hope you enjoy it, wether you are a fan of MW or not, and remember - creative criticism is always welcome! ❤
By the way, the second chapter is going to be released next week 😄 and takes place in the present. Stay tuned! 
“...Each one of you is going to write a memory from your childhood. The minimum of words is a hundred.”
After giving the assignment, the teacher sat down on the desk. Everyone started to rip a page from their notebooks, some focused, others whispering to their colleagues. In one of the desks from the middle of the room, a boy with brown dark hair was lost in thoughts… when someone touches his arm. He looks startled to the right, sighing afterward.
“You scared me…”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” - giggled a girl with black hair - “Davey, as your seatmate, I couldn’t help but notice you were traveling in your own world.” - she whispers so the teacher wouldn’t catch them speaking - “You don’t know what to write for your assignment?”
He shrugs, whispering too - “Hmm, actually, I might have an idea…” - Dave pauses for a moment, not wanting to talk about it - “What about you, Cass?”
“I have a few ideas in my mind, but I don’t know which one to choose.” - Cassandra twirls her hair, thoughtful, while glancing at her notebook.”
Dave slightly smiles - “Hey, I can help.” - he says, while grabbing a yellow pencil and pulling the empty paper - “Can I scribble here?” - Cass nods, and he proceeds - “Tell me your ideas, but we need to be quick…”
After a while, everyone was writing their assignment, including Cassandra, thanks to Dave’s help. But he wasn’t having any luck in progressing with the text. Dave took a deep breath after crossing a phrase.
I'm not having any luck with this.
He decides to look around the busy classroom. A sense of dread was suddenly taking over Dave, as if he was going to be the first person to talk about what he wrote. But that wasn’t the issue.
There was only one thing he could do at the moment to relieve the uncomfortable feeling. After some seconds which seemed like an eternity, Dave raised his arm. When the teacher stared at him, he tried to speak with a normal tone - “May I go to the washroom?”
...But his anxiety didn't help with it. Dave prayed internally that no one had noticed the trembling voice. After the teacher nodded, Dave, hesitantly, left his seat and headed to the door. Behind him, Cassandra Leigh was observing discreetly whilst frowning her eyebrows. 
Through the big windows from the long corridor, Dave could feel the scorching that was the Californian weather. His heart was racing, so he started to walk fast, making his best effort to not start sobbing. Fortunately, there was no one else in the corridor at the moment besides him and the noises from the classrooms with the doors open. Dave turned left, to the quiet courtyard of the school. That's when he allowed himself to blink his eyes and let the tears fall. 
Meanwhile, Cassandra was almost finishing her assignment. Glancing at her seatmate’s paper and noticing that he didn't write anything besides the scribbles, she put down the pencil.
Dave, sitting his back against the big tree, touched his face, angry - “I shouldn’t be here. I’m not the kind of student who skips classes…” - he reluctantly wipes a tear - “I don’t want my classmates to find out that I was adopted. It would be extremely awkward.” - a pigeon lands on the grass, looking for something to eat. Dave observes the bird - “But I could write a memory without mentioning it. God, I’m making a scene...”
He closes his eyes, taking deep breaths to try to feel calm and ease the chest tightness. He has been feeling like this these days, but today is the worst. To the point of needing to skip the class...
Suddenly, Dave heard the door of the courtyard opening, and he immediately opened his eyes.
“...Cass? What are you doing here?”
“I ask the same question.” - said the young woman, slowly approaching Dave - “The teacher did let me check you. I knew something was going on.” - Cass kneels at his side, looking concerned - “What is worrying you?”
Four words were enough to make him weep louder. She gently touches his arm - “Look, you don’t have to tell me everything in detail.” - after biting the lower lip, cautious, she says - “But I take it you need to vent to someone right now.”
Dave didn’t answer right away. Then, he laughs nervously, using his arm to clean off the tears - “I should have known you would notice my trembling voice when I asked the teacher if I could go to the washroom. You know me too well, after all.” - he couldn’t resist but smile for a moment - “I’m... glad we’re classmates… hey, you can sit here” - Dave touches the grass - “It’ll hurt if you stay on your knees for too long”.
As Cassandra accomoded herself, he began to explain what was troubling him - “I barely slept last night, so… you can see that it hasn’t been a good day for me.”
“Nightmares?” - Cass whispers.
When Reyes was seven years old, he witnessed his own mother being murdered in front of him. It was a heavy situation to endure as a child, losing his only progenitor in cold blood. Dave barely had memories of his father, who died in a civil construction accident when he was just a baby. But the mother… was the only family he knew. Because of it, Dave was inevitably taken to the orphanage. Years later, he ended up being adopted, together with other kids he grew up with, by a good family. Since then, Dave has been living in the Vermont Square neighborhood, in the southern part of Los Angeles.
“So that’s why you were drinking coffee when I arrived at school.”
He nods, taking a deep breath - “Exactly.”
They stay in silence for a moment, watching together the blue sky with the white clouds in the distance. Cassandra breaks the silence - “Now it makes sense why you are feeling like that. The nightmares last night, and now an assignment about childhood memories... it isn’t pleasant.”
“But it shouldn’t be an excuse to skip the class-”
“Dave, listen...” -  they look into each other's eyes, and Cass continues - “...don’t blame yourself. I’m sure the teacher is going to be understanding about your situation.”
He got up, apprehensive - “The teacher... she is going to speak to me when the class ends, isn’t she?”
“We both know the answer.” 
Reyes runs his hand through the brown hair - “Oh, of course. And then she will give me advice to speak with the school counselor. I... I understand they care for my well-being, but I just don't want to bother anyone with my problems. Last week, I spoke twice to the counselor. Twice!"
“You are going through a bad phase, but it’ll get better. There are ups and downs...” - Cass got up, walking towards Dave - “And if you need to vent, you can always count on me.” - she puts her arms around him, hugging tightly. He does the same.
“Only you to make me feel better.”
As they return to the building, Dave stops at the entrance - “Uhh.. it’s going to be awkward, entering in the middle of the classroom. What if the class is already presenting the assignments?” - Cassandra turns around, looking at him - “I know it would also be awkward if I only appeared when the bell rings, but you know… unfortunately it is inevitable.”
“You’re right, it’s awkward either way. But, I have an idea to make you feel better and look forward to the end of the classes…” - she winks - “Do you want to attend the theater group?”
Dave was now feeling a mix of anxiety and enthusiasm.
“The one you spoke about a lot of times?! And you are inviting me to see you all participate?”
“Well, I appreciate the invite. For real. But I need to talk to my… parents to see if they allow me to come to school after dinner. Although I'm certain they will.” - he now takes a step forward, taking a deep breath - “Let’s get going. I don’t want you to miss your assignment because of me. Oh, and… one more thing: when you become a famous actress, don’t forget about our friendship.”
Cassandra felt her cheeks flushing - “What-what makes you think that I’ll become famous?” 
“You are talented. Who knows, maybe in the future you are going to act in a blockbuster movie!”
“Davey, me and other thousand girls in L.A have the same dream. Ok, I’m exaggerating in the numbers…” - she couldn’t stop blushing. One thing was her parents saying this, another was her best friend - “Ahem. It’s true that I’m one of the best students from the theater group, but let’s not have high expectations... but answering your question, of course I won’t forget you if that ever happens.” 
The pink sunset sky announced that summer was coming. Dave Reyes wished the doorman good night as he entered the school precinct. There were no students in the courtyard - it had been two hours since the last class of the day was over. Dave, serene, took one last look at the sky before opening the main door. Her best friend's dinner and invitation made her feel better, even if not a hundred percent, but it was a good feeling.
Inside, on the second floor, Dave could hear a noise coming from the auditorium. As he approached, he put his hand on the doorknob …
… and saw a group of 5 young people on the stage, rehearsing their lines and laughing. Four were girls, in long dresses. The boy, who appeared to be a senior in high school, was coordinating the scenes.
“Rita, you have to speak in a more authoritative tone. That means no giggles- ”
"How do you want me not to laugh around them?" - the girl with curly hair and black eyes pointed at her colleagues - "They are my besties!"
Dave focused his attention on Cassandra, who was behind the group watching the explanations closely. "Psss, hey, Cass." - he spoke softly, so as not to interrupt the conversation. Luckily she heard him, because then she walked gracefully towards her and jumped off the stage - "Dave! There you are.” - she approaches him, touching his shoulder caringly as he smiles - “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m feeling better thanks to your invite. I’m not overthinking at home.” - Dave looks around the auditorium, interested in knowing more about the play - “How's the rehearsing going?"
“Very well, actually! We are all feeling ambitious in doing our best. Of course, there is fun stuff happening in the middle, but we also need it from time to time to relax-”
“Leigh! Who is that guy?” - spoke the coordinator, staring at them -”Did your boyfriend come to watch?”
“He is not my boyfriend, Sammuel.” - Cassandra crosses her arms, feeling a bit annoyed - “Platonic friendship with boys exists, in case you didn’t know. And you are older than me, so you should know how to tell better jokes...”
“Calm down, I was only teasing you.” - he smiles - Your friend is more than welcome to watch the acting, as long as he does not reveal the dialogues and story to his classmates.”
“I won’t.” - says Dave, shyly.
“Good. Leigh, you can come back now to the stage as your friend sits in one of those chairs” - Sammuel points to the brown seats in front of him. 
It's interesting watching the behind the scenes. Dave opened the schoolbag on his lap and took out the water bottle. Rita, the girl who Dave heard laughing earlier, was arguing with Cassandra. Or well, the characters.
“...I’m going to win the contest, Julia.” - she looked down to Cassandra, snobby - “If you were truly smart, you wouldn’t waste your time with this. You are going to fail miserably and be humiliated in front of everyone.”
“I refuse to accept your wish.” - she looks determined to the enemy. There is a long pause between them. Dave waits, anxiously to know what will happen next. 
The snobby girl pulls out Julia’s necklace, in rage. The pearls fall down, breaking the silence of the tension. Cassandra looks around the auditorium, speechless, to make the scene more dramatic. Then, she fell on her knees, crying - “You are so evil! If you think this is going to stop me, you are… wrong.” - Cass pronounces the last word with poison. 
“It’s perfect!” - shouts Sammuel, doing a sign to stop the acting - “The two of you improved this scene splendidly! The viewers are going to love this, oh that’s for sure.” - he whispers to himself - “And I’ll get a good grade for coordinating this teather play.” 
Dave was preparing to get up when the older guy looked at him -”Hey you, what is your opinion?”
“I loved everything. I’m sure the theater play is going to be a success.” - he smiles as everyone is watching him mindfully - “I don’t know much about acting, but it seemed great from my point of view.”
“Hmm, good, good…” - Sammuel scratches his beard - “What is your name?”
“Dave Reyes.”
“Reyes, do you want to take part of our team? We are in need of a boy for our next theater play, and I think you are a nice option.”
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iheartbookbran · 4 years
“For all of mankind...”
The connection between this phrase and, what I would argue, is one of the show's core conflicts is fascinating to me because, going back to the very beginning of the story, to the pilot episode, the problem that starts it all is exactly that: they want to preserve the existence of the human race.
The people of the Ark thought for decades that they were the last people left alive, and so they operated within the belief that if they failed to survive in space, humans would die with them. It is because of that belief that men like Kane and Jaha could justify the execution of others, no matter the crime; whether it was a mother having a second child or a man trying to save his son’s life by stealing medicine. It is because of that belief of preservation and the greater good that they can justify sending a bunch of children to what was essentially a suicide mission.
Except, when the 100 get to the ground they discover that no, actually they’re not the last of the human race and then the conflict shifts to a struggle of survival in which these kids are forced to do horrific things for the sake of staying alive.
This conflict gets emphasized even more so, I think, during season 2 and the introduction of MW because you see, the people of MW knew perfectly well that they were not the last of the human race. They wanted not just to survive as they’d been doing since the apocalypse happened, but to thrive, yet to do so they had to sacrifice other innocent lives, something that, we’re shown, some of them (though not all) weren’t willing to do. They preferred to keep their humanity rather than live tainted lives.
Then in season 3, A.L.I.E. presents us with the idea that to reach true happiness humans must first let go of their pain and their loss, even if these concepts are interconnected at their core. Her solution is, thus, to live mindlessly in an artificial city where nothing weighs and nothing feels, and it is up to our heroes to remind others (but themselves most of all) that a life like that is no life at all.
Then in season 4 we return to the original conflict, i.e. save humanity from annihilation, but this is even more difficult because not everybody can be saved, and it is up to a few to decide who is “worth” saving, and we see how this conflict continues to escalate until the very end, when Octavia insists that they put their differences aside and share the bunker together as one clan. Yet I also think this does tie up to season 5 where the main conflict is the fact that the human race is unable to break the cycle of violence. They just survived the second apocalypse and they’re back at it again, fighting a war, and the Earth has been so vastly wounded by them that it can’t take it anymore, and they kill it with their violence and destruction.
It is all of that that Bellamy ponders on while he’s on Etherea, that’s why he sees a bunch of weapons surround him in his vision, because violence is the only solution he’s ever known. He himself says so to Doucette: Bellamy loves his people and because he loves them and that’s real to him is that he’s willing to commit violent acts to protect them, even if he hates it to his core. And he does, that’s why Cadogan and his teachings end up being so alluring to him; they’re offering Bellamy an escape, another way of protecting his people without any more bloodshed. It’s not that he’s brainwashed, he’s just so tired of having to fight over and over in wars without there ever seeming like there’s an end to it. He’s so willing to give this crazy cult a chance because finally, after all these years, someone is offering him a solution.
Not that he’s going to be able keep up this charade for much longer, mind you. Think about it, “for all of mankind” isn’t exactly what comes to mind when thinking of Bellamy Blake. The Disciples believe in unselfish love, in never putting the needs of one person above the needs of all other people. Of never loving just a single person. And that’s… literally the opposite of what Bellamy stands for as a character. While he’s had moments of immense selflessness, he can also be an incredible selfish man. 
And that’s a good thing, actually. Clarke Griffin can also be rather selfish at times, can she not? She’s a leader. She tries so hard to put the well-being of the collective over everything else, and she believes that’s the right thing to do. She wants to save human lives as much as she can, yet for that she also knows sacrifices must be made, even her own life, when it comes down to making these decisions, especially regarding Bellamy, she weavers. Just as much as Bellamy, in a similar leadership position as Clarke in various points of the story trends to do when it comes to her, in fact.
Sending Bellamy into MW as an inside man to save the 47 kids is the best, most level-headed choice, yet it’s one Clarke struggles with throughout the season. In season 4, taking the bunker seems to her like the best decision and yet, when Bellamy outright tells her that if she wants to continue with that plan she’s going to have to kill him, she risks the lives of her own people because she’s unable to make the killing shot.
And Bellamy? Oh my god… dude comes crashing down to Earth 6 years after apocalypse 2.0 and the first thing he does is threaten a dangerous ex-terrorist with blowing up 284 of her people to save the life of just one woman, because Clarke is just that important to him. And then in season 6, the lengths he’s willing to go in order to keep Clarke with him are even further shown, even under direct danger of starting a war and losing the only safe sanctuary his people have managed to find; he doesn’t care, he just can’t lose Clarke again.
These two characters and their narratives stand in direct contradiction with Cadogan’s teachings and beliefs. But at the same time, Bellamy and Clarke, for all that they screw up and suffer the consequences of their actions, still have managed to save human lives (innocent or otherwise), time and time again, though not as many as they would want to.
“For all of mankind” has this goal of a final solution to save the human race, which requires them shedding their humanity first—the ugly parts, the selfish parts that dare to love one person above the others. And then we have Bellamy and Clarke, two people who cannot get rid of their humanity, messy and tattered and fragile as it is, no matter how much they have tried. Especially not when it comes to each other.
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