#hes supposed to have glowing red eyes too but i couldnt figure out how to do it so no eyes this time
just-bendy · 2 years
Wait there are more than one bendy? Does that mean bendy has brothers?! :D
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You've uh.... hit a r-rather sensitive topic there, pal... haha......
I-I don't know where you got that information but... I don't.... I don't really like talkin' about what happened to the other Bendys, but if it'd help clear up some confusion, then maybe I should explain it at least a little....
They weren't my brothers, but they were like me, imperfect and flawed abominations as that Joey guy liked to call us. He hated seein' any sort of flaw in a Bendy. Maybe an eye was crooked, rejected. Maybe one was missin' a mouth, rejected. Maybe one was a little too grumpy, rejected. He was an extreme perfectionist y'see, and he never gave up tryin' to get that perfect Bendy... but he'd never get that chance.
The very last attempt he did, the one we liked to call... B-Bendy Number 66... an' no one knew how it happened but... h-he...
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... he came out a monster.
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rinayeas · 2 years
im tired of this sickness called 'i dont know how to art very well but i still want to share my headcanons' so im overcoming it by,,, just sharing my headcanons via writing,,,,,
So yeah the demon brothers are too bishonen for me so here's a kinda monsterf*cker rendition of them. Im also a horror fan so i wanted to make em scary hee hee
At first sight, he has a crown of sorts, made from black glass, protruding from his head, where cherry red blood is always dripping, the wound never closing down
When you get a little closer though, you figure out that the sharp shards of glass have a slight round edge to the ends, it's his halo, he tells you one day, when he fell it broke in pieces and stuck to his head. He could've easily taken it out, but he decided against it, this was who he was now, and he wanted everyone to know. His brothers couldnt look at his face for weeks, too shaken up by the gory display on his head, but they got used to it over the years.
The most human looking out of his brothers, except for the wounds and scars of course. Silently wonders if his curse is to be permanently reminded of the creature he used to be, and the fact that he will never quite look like he belongs in the devildom.
His demon form is something else entirely, gone is the charming gentleman with salt and pepper hair and blood dripping down the side of his face, replaced by something much, much more incomprehensive
Think of a biblically accurate angel mixed w a lovecraftian monster, big and impressive and quite honestly, terrifying
Thought very long and hard abt how to incorporate the peacock aspects in his design but i didnt come up w anything besides his clothes lmaooo
I thought of a lot of renassaince depictions of lucifer, always the most beautiful angel, even as he falls, so i think it makes sense that he's the most human looking and tries to resemble a demon as much as he can, he Is in a position of power after all, he needs all the respect he can get.
i KNOW mammon is supposed to be a crow, but his demon form resembles a dragon too much for me to think of him as anything else
Sharp, SHARP teeth, but next to Levi he looks like the nicest dog in the block
His ears are also sharp, almost everything about him is sharp (his nails are also sharp 😰 but he clips them dont worry 😚)
His sclera is yellow and his pupils are slit-like, he never really liked his eyes so he uses his tinted yellow sunglasses to kinda, play it off. Since they're tinted it looks like his sclera is just white hehe
Can't breathe fire but he does blow steam from his mouth, so, uh, careful if you get him too angry or too... excited?
These are just assorted headcanons but mammon has a lot of piercings, especially on his ears (they're pretty long so he has space to spare), i also see him having snake bites below his mouth he just looks really good with those
He has a smaller scar on his right eyebrow from the war, he does like the look though, makes him look 'tough' in his words
His hair is super fluffy though, no one knows how
He fits th dragon fursona (lol) bc dragons are stereotypically associated with gold, and idk i think hes just cool. I would have made him a bird boy but dragon mammon was calling to me
Has a lot of hidden surprises, at first sight he's just an incel with a serpent tail and even that is hidden from plain sight.
As he starts getting more comfortable around you you see him talk more and you notice stuff about his mouth. Namely, his forked tongue, his full set of extremely sharp, shark-like teeth, and, you know, the fact that he has at least fifty something in there
Due to this his mouth is wider and bigger so he's not very fond of smiling for pictures or just laughing in public in general :(
Has fins instead of ears but most of the time theyre covered up by his mullet. Also has gills
Has several scales/markings on his body that glow in the dark, this is based on some deep sea fish that need to have these type of things to survive on the depths! He has some on his forehead and thats another reason he has longer hair lol
Yeah his d*cks glow too im sorry
Cuter headcanon but he likes being in his room with no lights on bc of this, he's his own gamer lights
Also has slit pupils and blinks vertically. Actually thinks this one is cool because he freaks mammon out when he blinks
He can stay very, very still for a moment and then move extremely fast. He usually does this to scare you but also just does it in general
It's worse in the water. He is literally made to be in it, so just pray he never plays marco polo with you.
His tail is out 24/7 but he usually curls it up on his torso or his leg when he's out in public, has a lot of scales leading up to it along his back
His form is pretty high maintenance, his skin gets dry quickly and his tail sheds once a month and he has way more teeth he needs to wash and its not fair-
Spent a century in the sea so when he finally reunited with his brothers and finally saw what he looked like he just kinda freaked out about his appeareance and never got used to it, he feels like a monster.
General headcanon but levi is chubby and you can pry this one out of my cold dead hands
He's a gamer boy (tm) and a literal shut in and also he needs it to survive colder temperatures in water so yeah levi is chubby he told me himself
The least human looking brother, since he was born from Lucifer's pure hatred, he is the closest thing resembling a demon
He has black ram horns and a segmented, bone like tail out at all times.
His eyes resemble goat eyes and theyre bright green, very noticeable
HAS NO NOSE, he just has that upside down heart thing like a skull. Hes real life sans (jk)
The tips of his fingers are black, mammon teases him and asks him if he enjoyed erasing the board with his fingers lol
When he takes out his shirt, you can see his ribs, and not in a 'skinny' type of way, you can literally see his ribs like his torso is a damn xray, thankfully he becomes more corporeal as you go down so you dont see a lot of organs but its still freaky
Mammon is sharp but satan is boney AND sharp, he's scary ngl
Has satyr legs. Like straight up those goat like mfs with hooves and everything, not gonna lie he pulls them off.
He's scary which is so much more jarring when you realize that he's the more civilized brother next to his siblings
When you see him the first time you think he's a human. But when you get closer you immediately figure out that something is wrong.
You dont know what it is though, he doesnt have bleeding wounds like Luci, or yellow eyes like Mammon, or shark teeth like Levi, so what's up?
As you start to interact with him more you notice certain things, like the way his whole body seems to tremble when it's getting late, or how he seems like a blur when he moves too quick, or how his height changes nearly everyday
Asmo shapeshifts, it's one of the reasons he's so popular, he's very confident in all of his forms and likes to experiment with them, but his favorite is the one he uses most often, the strawberry blonde with the dreamy eyes. The way he looked back at the heavenly realm
It isnt a perfect form though, none of them are, all of them are too perfect to resemble a human, think of the uncanny valley when you imagine them. Like a living doll or some kind of android, its popular in the devildom but you dont quite get it.
It does however take a lot from him, he NEEDS his beauty sleep at the end of the day, maintaning a form throught the whole day is exhausting
In reality, he's quite literally a shapeless mass. A pink blob that sometimes tries to shape itself into its old form, but never finishes materalizing. He can keep a basic human silhouette in this form but dont expect a lot of details except for his eyes, which are unchangeable.
If you get to see him in this state then consider yourself someone he trusts, not everyone is allowed to see behind all the glam and glitz
Looks like a rotting corpse, a chunk of his cheek is missing so you can see his teeth and constantly has bugs surrounding him
Normally it's flies but once in a while he finds a maggot somewhere and you almost faint
Has lots of bandages covering his body because his skin is very prone to opening up
It doesn't hurt him or faze him but it heals very slowly and it is annoying, especially when he works out
He doesn't smell as bad as he looks though, it's mostly cosmetic.
His wings are always out, the other brothers have to go on demon form to use them (if they even have them lmao, levi is still salty about that)
One of his eyes is like a fly's eye. Its completely orange and segmented, idk if im explaining myself well but u get it
His hands are sticky, kinda like spiderman, he didnt know how to control them very well at the beggining but now he's a pro. His hand does stick to your hair exactly one (1) time and he feels terrible afterwards
Think of cronenberg's The Fly for his demon form, full body horror
cow boy 🙄
Youre not as taken aback when you meet him because he just looks like a furry, his lil nose, his cow ears, his tail.
Honestly looks more cute than scary but he doesnt need to look scary to be so
Is impossibly strong, so when he chokes you you put up little fight, you're literally helpless
The heavy eyebags, the sickly paleness of his skin, his dilated pupils and bloodshot eyes. No matter how much he sleeps, he still looks on the brink of fainting
Has a lot of memory problems, especially short term, so dont get offended if he forgets something you told him lol
Looks generally unkept but thats more on him than anything lol. He really does appreciate when someone forces him to take care of his appearence so, be on the lookout for that
His changes are more apparent on his demeanor rather than his physique, but no one really knows how much is just his sin taking over and how much are his regret and bitterness talking.
Also no, you cant milk him.
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all-about-seggs · 4 years
A Fine Specimen-
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Rating : 18+, Mature, Yandere-verse
Pairing : Gojo Satoru x female reader.
Word count : 2.3k
Warning's : Dark themes, Yandere behaviour, non-con, drugging, cunnilingus, fingering, choking, vaginal sex.
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The lights on the low run down ceiling kept flickering, as you try your best to pull yourself out of your trance. The room was dark except for the surgical lights pointed straight on your figure, it seemed like an abandoned operation theatre, or atleast it should be, considering its dingy state. Every effort of looking around and trying to make sense of your current predicament has been futile, even staying level headed in this strange place was a constant struggle.
Your entire body felt heavy despite the fact that you didn’t even had a thread of clothing on you, the cold air of the room hitting you body made another alarm go off in your head. You’d think you were strapped to the cold hard examination table but it was simply the numbness of your limbs that prevented you from moving. Panic started to flood through your system as you racked your brain for any possible reasoning, as to why you were being treated like a test subject. Sure you lived in a society filled with supernatural beings but you were nothing if not normal.
The gradually increasing sound of footsteps pulled you out of your reverie but judging by the situation your in, it most likely wasn’t a good thing. Soon the person who enters, will see you at your most vulnerable, half conscious and naked state, it was humiliating but you had to pull yourself together if you wanted to survive.
Your sleep laden eyes were the only part that you could move but the light shining above you made it quite straining to focus so you stayed still.
A shadow casted itself upon you indicating the person who entered was tall, probably a male and stronger too. In your current state he made you feel like a rag doll as he stared at your form. You’d describe him as a hunter sizing up his prey if you could see his eyes, which were covered by a blindfold. But that wasn’t the only thing peculiar about him, his hair was as white as snow, the lights above you giving him an otherworldly glow when he leaned on you. His pink lips that looked so smooth, shined with the slightest movement. His beautiful features screamed perfect not creep.
“Hellooo~ Y/n chan, are you awake?…..”, He asked in a sing song voice and a smile on his lips that contrasted with the sombre atmosphere of the room.
So he knew your name? It’s not surprising if he was the one who brought you here, but it was the first time you met this person and he had enough quirks that anyone would remember even without having to converse with him. You were barely managing to keep your eyes half open and speaking seemed far too big of a struggle, your body wasn’t listing to you since the moment you woke up so all you could do was wait for him to explain himself, if he’s even planning to.
A few seconds passed in silence before the white haired man continued, “You probably don’t remember but you were attacked. By a curse, I mean.”
His tone held no compassion as his cheery voice continued, “ You were hurt pretty badly and almost got swallowed, but I made it in time so it’s all right now. You need to get examined for any signs of trauma or any other serious injuries, it’s just that your doctor is running a bit late so I decided to take over”, his face drew closer as he practically breathed on your lips, the warmth radiating from his body almost giving you a false sense of relief that was short lived when you felt his hand cup your breast.
“ You don’t mind right?, I’ll make sure to throughly check each.and.every.detail”, he cooed against your ear giving your cold breast a soft squeeze the stranger left feather light kisses up your neck. You may not be a medical expert but even you knew no medical examinations include foreplay. Your body was still as stiff as a rock and even if you were injured it seemed unusual for you to lose the entire control of your limbs and voice, so you put all your strength into pulling out a broken scream from your clogged throat. It was a futile effort but you couldn’t just let yourself be fondled by some stranger who clearly didn’t looked or acted sound of mind.
“ What’s wrong y/n? Didn’t that felt good?”, There was obvious confusion in his tone, as if he doesn’t realise he doesn’t have your consent but as outrageous as it seemed to you his touch felt good, comforting even. His touch was the only thing that gave you warmth since you regained consciousness and maybe it’s your dazed state or the fact that you’ve been lying on this hard surface or its in his superficial beauty that was making your body feel at ease instead of tensing up.
The murky room that previously made you shiver, now felt warm with a sweet scent in the air, “ Don’t worry, I’m going to take good care of you~”, he whispered softly in your ear, moving your breasts tenderly so as to not cause you any pain, and then lightly he rolled your perked up nipple between his fingers, delighting at the sight of your face twisting up in pleasure you can’t refuse.
He tilted your chin upwards to gain more access to your throat and started sucking a trail of red marks from your jaw to the valley between your breasts, they felt tingly and soft at first, his kisses lighting you’re numb body on fire, a feeling that was undeniably delightful albeit forceful.
“ Not gonna put on a fight now sweetheart? What a good girl you are!”, His voice took a maniacal pitch, but his smile appeared to be of genuine nature as if he really did wanted to take care of you.
“ Let’s get serious now shall we?”, Saying that he moved towards your legs, he bent over your naked pussy and parted your thighs as much as your currently stiff body allowed. It was clear to him that you wanted to protest, wanted to hide yourself and run away but your slightly parted lips that couldnt make out any screams of pain or pleasure, those half lidded eyes which were struggling to focus on what was happening to the rest of your body, it was all part of what made your current violator’s desire surge through his blood .
His hand that parted your legs gave the inner part of your thighs a gentle pinch, as he kept on stroking the soft flesh. Moving his left hand inbetween them he reached for your glistening nether lips beneath curls of pubic hair, with two of his long thick fingers he pried them open. Licking his lips like he was about to devour a delicious meal he brought his face closer to your sex until his tongue made contact with your clit. He took the tiny nodule in his mouth and gave it a hard suck making you shiver and with that, every ounce of fight left in you died as you started to surrender yourself to his touch that promised the kind of tantalizing euphoria you’ve never imagine possible.
Your body was beginning to heat up to the point of burning as your senses started catching up to the white haired guy’s mouth which relentlessly worked your clit back and forth. Slipping two fingers of his right hand in your tight cunt, he made more of your white hot cum flow out, your face was the picture of bliss as he kept on licking your slick covered pussy. He shoved his fingers inside you harder and faster until you began tightening around him, your pussy started convulsing when that coil of pleasure unwinding in the pit of your stomach reached its peak. With a slight squeeze of his digits you came on his face, just like he wanted you to.
He smiled while watching you come down from your high, the mess your quivering body made was a beautiful sight for him and he wanted to savour every second of it. You though the fire that he kindled inside you would calm down after you came but your body kept on shaking even when your orgasm had ended. It was like your body was not yours anymore, like it didn’t belong to you but the guy who was in front of you. It was only when he was touching you that made your senses come back to yourself and as soon as he drew away you were left unable to control even a single limb of yours.
“ I’m glad to see it was enjoyable for you my sweetness, although I couldn’t swallow all it, I think i was able to get a good enough taste of you”, he spoke in a low baritone. “ I really wanted to hear your cute voice crying out for me but I suppose I went overboard with your medications, so I guess that won’t be happening”, his tone lacked regret but atleast now you knew why your body was acting funny and how this person was insane if he thinks drugging you is giving medication, despite your reasoning all rationality had already left your brain, only leaving you with an unquenchable thirst for his touch.
From the corner of your eye you could see him swiftly unzipping his pants to take out his hard member. He mounted on you still palming his hard on and it only now dawned on you just how huge he was, his body completely enveloped yours making you feel small as he planted one hand beside your head. He leaned down to kiss your parted lips, slipping his tongue inside, you could taste the remnants of your cum on it when he licked the roof of your mouth. His kiss was so hard it almost felt like he was sucking the life out of you not stopping until your consciousness started to waver again.
“ Haaaa… Sorry, I got carried away, breath for me cupcake, Its no good if I have to hump your unconscious body.”, With that he placed his right hand on the back of your knee and pushed it all the way up to your chest, this new position giving him more access to your still swollen and trembling cunt.
In one smooth motion he was buried deep in you, the slick from your last orgasm gave him enough lubrication that he started moving immediately. His pace was fast, but not violently so. It was the right amount of deep and long as he pulled himself out until only his tip remain inside of you before pushed it in again. He watched your reactions intently as he maintained his steady pace, though mildly, you were still able to contort your face like anyone who is being fucked so good. Soon you felt your second orgasm approach and he speed up his own actions to chase his high as well.
“ Gojo…..Satoru…..”, He said inbetween his rhythmic thrusts, “ that’s my name, so let me make you….. remember …it…..”, With a few more hard thrusts a familiar pleasure washed over you. Your pussy clenched around his cock making him follow you soon after.
Panting heavily, he leaned down to rest his forehead against the crook of your neck, beads of sweat trickling down his face as he calmed himself down. He didn’t pull himself out until both of your heavy breaths became steady, still looming over you. Raising his head he licked your lips, and with a low growl against your mouth he put one of his hand on your throat, wrapping itself around it completely, his actions sent a shiver up your spine. He started putting pressure on only some very particular spots, causing your eyes to roll back, making the already delicate state of consciousness to fade. But before you felt yourself getting knocked out you heard him speak again.
“Next time…… I’ll make you say it”, he said calmly as the man named Satoru withdrew his hands from your neck.
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tiens-letters · 4 years
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upon autumns day, where you and I met. upon autumns day where I remember all of what we were before youve passed. and upon autumns day would I have ever so slowly let go of that pain of the past
zhongli (angst)
@albeidoof its somewhere here hehehe
Time was a luxury. A treasure each and everything holds.
Yet time is a curse as well. It covets, devours and leaves. which humanity neglects to cherish until the heart ceases its steady rythmn, only then do they regret of the wasted minutes, hours and seconds.
Beneath the flow of the rushing waves of things that have come and gone. Only on this particular day would he sit beneath a certain tree. The rough bark brushing up against his back as leaves fell effortlessly to the ground, as if it were ready to let go of from the branches that gave birth to it, only to return once again to the waiting soil.
It was a sunny afternoon, clear of any clouds and only clear unblemished blue, a good time to enjoy a warm cup of tea yet there was no energy in his bones to even move from where he was.
He felt exhausted. Desultory even.
Gone were the halcyon days of the past, and now the present time of the vivid reality he had to face.
Morax, rex lapis, the geo archon. Names that weighted more than one could carry, memories that shackled his soul that lived for a thousand years on end, all but a stain that could never be washed away.
The breeze slowly danced in, playing with his hair softly, kissing his skin and welcoming him. It carried a hint of aromatic essence only he would know belongs to.
He tried to desperately recount the days after youve left the face of the earth and yet he could not remember or did his mind not allow him to as if he did, it would bring him terrible and heavy consequences for an answer, one sane mind would never want to know.
Sighing, he sat back and recalled back the memories of you instead. When you were alive, warm and breathing in his arms. He remembers the way your eyes would shine brightly whenever he would be around, or the small sound of delight you would make when you have finished another one of the many interesting blends of tea youve done over the course of a week of mixing different flowers and tea leaves. Youve made up quite the fortune with this as your little hobby bloomed into a fully run business known across teyvat.
"Zhongli." he froze, youve never called him by his name ever since youve started getting close, it made him feal uneasy as he turned to look at you who stood by the doorway, a neutral look on your face.
"y-yes?" nervousness clawed at him as he racked his brain to what he couldve done for you to call his name like that, he couldnt think of any.
"I came back from the market and I heard youve made quite the generous payment. Why is that, I wonder?" he's done it again, that spending habit of his
"The price was reasonable for such a fine ceramic tea set, I dont seem to find why it shouldnt reflect its quality?" you sighed as you pointed towards the glass cupboard behind him
"You bought the same exact set a week ago, Zhongli. Thats why." having to realize his mistake after looking over the two identical set that on the shelf, he turned to apologize but only to see you missing from the doorway. Footsteps can be heard from the floorboards above him. You were upset.
After minutes of pacing in the living room, he finally mustered the courage to climb the stairs and enter your shared bedroom. A figure already under the sheets as the warm glow of the lamp illuminated your delicate features. The mattress sunk as he sat beside you, fingers brushing away the stray hair that fell on your face.
"Im still mad at you Zhongli." his hand flinched slightly at the way you called him
"I apologize. I seem to not have learned my lesson again. I would gladly return the set tomorrow."
"Its no use, they dont accept refunds." you replied without sparing a glance at him
"What can I do for you to forgive me then?"
"Just go to sleep, Zhongli." groaning you reached for the switch to shut the lamp off but a gentle grip stopped you, forcing you to look at his gloomy expression. Perhaps you went too far this time.
"Please stop calling me in that way. I dont like it." he whispers, drawing your palm to his lips, leaving small kisses upon it. He sure does know his way around your heart, no wonder why you could not stay mad at him.
"Just be mindful next time." you cursed yourself for being weak to his charms.
"I will." yet something was missing "Then can you call me as you did before?"
"Zhongli?" you could see the slight grimace in his face as you teased him
"Stop it." he kissed you without warning "Call me as you did before."
However, his lips didnt stop as they began to travel. From your cheeks to you forehead and then to your neck. Oh dear, he wasnt having any of your teasing.
"A-li." you giggled beneath him as he finally stopped and met your gaze
"Thats better."
He still remembers the faint smile that graced your lips whenever he would wake up next to you tangled in the same sheets. The softness of your skin on his calloused touch. Your lips melting his and your voice lulling his raging mind to peace.
Then everything changed when you drew blood that spilled from those lips he's kissed for a thousand times, painting a morbid image on the sheets. Anger and despair boiled inside of him once he learned of the secret youve kept. Zhongli was a calm and collected man all of the time except when he was with you.
Having to witness him at such a point felt as if his own spear was being driven right through his very chest. He held you in an arms width away, the panic and pain in his eyes increasing over the minute as he begged for you to explain why youve decided to lie about the flowers that bloomed in your lungs, the sickness youve inherited from your deceased mother, whose fate you soon would follow. You didnt want him to find out, not in this way.
He couldve done anything if he knew from the start but alas, you wanted to be cruel, thinking it was for the best. Until your symptoms persisted, a heavy reminder of the remaining distance of the string you have to walk on to reach the end. The heavy feeling in your chest started to worsen as cherry sweet liquid poured from your mouth.
Soon the once pristine sheets were stained in haunting crimson shades as you heaved and he watched in agony. If only he had the ability of what he once had back then, if only he could plant the seeds of the flowers from yours to his then he would, if only he hadnt met you one autumn evening
" please dont look at me like that. " you told him, cold hands caressing his cheeks, catching the streams of salty warm beads that fell freely from your darling's amber eyes.
"Im sorry. Im so sorry..." the last thing you wanted to see was this man to cry. The last thing you wanted to see was to see him relive the past tragic memories you promised to bring him out of
" my disease has nothing to do with you. In the end it was mine alone to handle. oh, you are far from that so please dont you ever blame yourself."
"How can I not? If I havent fallen so deep then you would experienced so much more in life, you couldve been happier if you met someone else. Yet you chose me and I couldnt give you anything, I--. " the words knotted up as he began to shake, hands holding yours as knuckles turned to white
You slapped him.
With all the strength youve gathered in that fading body of yours. The sound cutting the grieving sounds that spilled from him, soul and flesh alike.
"A-li, look at me. Do I look like someone whose unsatisfied with what youve given me? Did my smile ever fade when Im with you? Did your affections ever lack? Answer me." his watery gaze met yours, a torrent of emotions swimming in them
"No. Never." a soft smile was carved unto your lips
"My dear, youve given me all Ive ever wanted in this life and I regret nothing of it."
To him, you were the flower that bloomed at the highest peak of the mountain he's never reached and yet its petals voluntarily detached and fell down, making him the happiest as one thing he's admired was untouchable and now, lay softly in the palm of his hands. To cherish and to protect.
But of course, all things are evanescent.
The familiar feeling of soreness that wasnt supposed to be there rose, ebbed and flowed through his throat. He knew it all too well, it was after he woke from his week long slumber did he feel it along with what his ancient beating heart felt.
"You collapsed." the worried words of the qixing echoed in his head. He frantically got up but as soon as his feet touched the floor did his legs give out underneath him, what use was he in this sorry state. He was helped up and sat back on the edge of the bed.
He wanted to ask many things yet was unable to.
Ningguang spoke as if you were still breathing and was visiting her minutes ago with another one of your tea blends. "Dont worry and rest first, go to jueyun karst after. They will be waiting."
To where the adepti resides, who as well, favored you, that one soul among thousands of others. One to which they shared a few good memories with was allowed to slumber there in peace.
Zhongli found himself waking up to the sun setting in the horizon. Just like how youve gone and resurfaced back into his memories. It was time.
He stood up from where he sat, gloved hands brushing any dirt that clung to him as he made his way to where you slept.
The red bean that was planted by himself still remained, a token of his love for you. Picking one bead and placing it inside the hollow dice he brought along, completing another one of the similar handicraft he's made every visit.
The sun finally died and the moon began its reign. The small wisps of light gathered around before him, forming a blurry image.
It was then he felt at ease, he saw you smiling at him with all there is in the world. Your light seemed to dim a little, hinting the blessing the adepti gave was slowly diminishing. Soon your visits would cease and you were sure that by the end of the power spent, he wouldve let go of the torment that plagued him.
"A-li. Have you been well?" he knew what you meant
"Im letting go slowly my dear. Perhaps in time, I would learn breathe easily once again."
Longest yet lol. Hope yall liked it ehehe
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Comic-con.”
You guys wanted something fluffier and lighthearted, so I took a suggestion from a group of the Discord server, and did this with it I hope you guys like, and thank you for the suggestions.  “Where are you taking me? And why am I wearing this?”
Adam frowned at her, “Don’t be such a party pooper, I took you to watch MMA last week, and now its my turn to pick the fun activity.”
Sunny held up the glowing weapon --of facsimile of a weapon--, “What is this called again.”
“It’s an energy sword, from a really REALLY old video game.”
“And what are you supposed to be.”
Adam turned to look at her, shaking his head in disappointment, “Sometimes, I am sad for your lack of pop culture education.”
“And whose fault is it for my lack of pop culture education?”
He tapped his chin, “I suppose that is true.” 
“To be fair the pop culture you subscribe to is like two thousand years old.” She looked him up and down. He was wearing a spacesuit and a jetpack. This might have been normal for him were it not for the painstaking hours that he had spent painting the thing and applying decals.
Where the standard issue UNSC space - suit ranged anywhere from white to silver to dark blue, this one was in a gaudy combination of white with green and purple highlights with a blue decal on the front embossed with the outline of stylized white wings. Under that, he had taken the time to dye one of the old undersuits purple, and was now wearing the hood to complete ‘the affect’
“Seriously though. What are You?”
He turned to look at her grinning and patted her on the shoulder, “Just wait.”
She sighed and did as told following him out of the underground parking lot and up into the sun. She threw her hand over her face as they came up into the sun, and when she withdrew her hand, she found herself surrounded by hundreds of humans all walking towards the same destination, and all of them were dressed, strangely… she couldn’t tell which ones for sure, because humans always seemed to dress strangely, but something bout this gave her the feeling that these ones were doing it on purpose..
At her side, Adam was grinning.
Following the line of people her eyes traced up to the large, and spacious building just up ahead. The walls were made out of metal and glass paneling, and across their surface scrolling scenes from movies and comic strips flashed.
Off to her side, a man in a blue and red suit, with a big yellow S on the front went floating past, his hover boots giving him the effect as if he were flying, red cape billowing out behind him.
Someone else to their side was walking a rather large brown dog towards the building. It had a teel collar and a couple of painted on black spots, while he was wearing a  green shirt and brown pants. He looked like he really needed a haircut.
Sunny tilted her head to better read the letters on the building before her.
They were just outside the doors when someone ran up to them. THey looked younger, maybe in their teens, dressed with an elaborately colored wig, and strange colorful clothes, “Holy Shit! Your costumes are awesome, Can I get a picture?”
“Hell yeah.” Adam motioned the kid closer, pulling Sunny down beside them so the kid could grab a picture and then turn to look at Sunny, “How did you make it look so real. You look just like the Drev from that movie.” 
She stared at him before looking down at herself.
Adam laughed, “It looks real because it IS real.”
The kid stared at them in disbelief, “No way.”
“Yeah she's a real life actual alien.”
Eyes went even wider, I...w...wow.” 
Sunny shrugged and waved one of her arms to the kid as Adam dragged her further up the line.
“Here, hold out your hand.” She did as told and he wrapped a small plastic bracelet around her wrist. The letters on the band read VIP
Walking over to the doors they were stopped by a group of people holding up their hands. One of them walked around them, and pointed at Adam’s jetpack, “YOu have a licence for that?”
“As a matter of fact, I do.” 
He reached into one of the pockets on his suit and pulled it out to show them. THey looked it over and then nodded, and he grinned. Tey read off some rules before they were suddenly interrupted.
Voices behind them, and Sunny turned.
A group of people walked up, one of them was dressed like a cowboy with a yellow shirt and blue pants, with a brown hat.
Another human in a blow up dinosaur costume pointed at Adam’s uniform,
“And what does that button do.”
Adam grinned, and Sunny watched him with a fond shake of her head as he approached them, putting on some sort of character voice.
“Ill show you.” Looking around to make sure that everyone was clear, he deployed the wings of the jetpack, striped in red and white.
The group oohed and ahhed.
THe cowboy moved forward, “Oh what, these are plastic, he can’t fly.”
“They are a trillium carbonic alloy and I CAN fly.”
“No you can’t”
“Yes I can.”
“Can’t Can’t Can’t.”
“I could fly around this convention center with my eyes closed.”
Sunny just stood there watching them nervously shifting back and forth. She had a feeling that they were arguing, but it also felt very scripted, though how it could be scripted, she didn’t know. They had never seen these people as far as she was concerned.
The other man moved very close, “Ok then my light beer, prove it.”
“Alright then, I will.”
He held out his hands voice growing a bit more serious as he did, “Everyone step back.”
They did as told, and the cowboy was smiling now instead of frowning.
“Adam, is this legal.” Sunny wondered.
He turned to look at her, “Yes, the convention center has its own airspace just for this. I had to sign a waver.” He turned back to the others and ignited the engin on the jetpack kicking off the ground.
His flight was far more controlled than his original flight, and he flew in a fast circle around the area, dropping in with a flip to land before them to the cheering of an amassed crowd.
He pointed at the cowboy, “CAN.”
“That wasn’t flying, that was falling with style.” The man protested though he was grinning even as he walked over to take a picture with Adam.
“Pretty sure that made my day, your costume is awesome. Is this a real spacesuit.”
“You bet it is.”
“Where did you get your hands on one.”
“Oh I have my sources. Did you make your costume?”
“Sewed it myself. The hat and boots I bought though.”
They parted ways with Adam’s new friend and stepped inside the convention center scanning their bracelets as they went in.
“Welcome, Sunny to the biggest nerd convention ever conceived of by man...ComicCon.”
She turned in a wide circle eyes wide at thousands of booths, thousands of people all talking and laughing. He grabbed her hand and dragged hr further inside, “IF your good, I’ll buy you a sword.”
“Nerds want swords?”
He raised an eyebrow at her, “Of course nerds want swords. Here, lets start over there and movie this way, through the art section first.”
Sunny did as told, following after him.
She never knew Adam being one to spend a lot of money, he had no reason too, but after the first ten minutes she figured out that he was a little bit of a spender when it came to nerdy things. Posters and drawings and other related items.
However, she was surprised to find that they did have leather workers and blacksmiths as they were called, and she did…. In fact… get herself a sword which she recognized from the lord of the rings movie he had made her watch. It was a pretty good sword all things considered as if whoever made it actually knew how to make swords.
They were coming around a corner when they almost ran into another group of people. Adam dropped one of his bags and the other reached down to pick it up. When he stood, Sunny's eyes widened. Blond hair green eyes and an eyepatch, “Sweet Costume!”
She shook herself thinking she had bumped her head or something and was seeing double, but no, when she looked closer she realised that this person couldnt have been more than fifteen or sixteen…. And dressed like Adam.
She looked over at Adam who was standing mouth open eyes wide.
“Can I get a picture!”
Sunny just nodded her head as the kid jumped over next to her and had his friend take it before running off yelling back at her about her amazing costume.
Adam turned to look at Sunny, “Did I just>”
“I think you did.”
He shook himself, “Wow.”
She nodded 
After that it started happening more and more. 
Adam was everywhere, in all stages of life. They had recreated his uniforms, his flight suits, his space suits. They brought their dogs. There were even gender bent versions of him, blond women wearing eyepatches, brown jackets and jeans making it very clear who they were .
It got even more weird when Sunny started seeing herself.
Small children in costumes made of foam.
People wearing onesies that sort of looked like her, and even one costume that had a woman on stilts for her legs, and a complex system of homemade mechanics to allow her to move around.
Adam stood there mouth open just staring at them.
Sunny laughed at the irony.
He was here as a guest, and no one knew.
If only they had any idea that the real deal was here and dressed like a space ranger from a two thousand year old cartoon.
Sunny tilted her head listening to the announcements which said there would be a “Adam Vir look alike contest going on on the other side of the convention.
She turned to look at Adam and they  both began to laugh hysterically. She grabbed his arm. We have to see this.
They wandered over just as the others were filtering in. And there were TONS of them, all dressed like Adam. One stopped next to him, spiky blond hair, clearly dyed for the occasion, wearing a flight suit and aviators.
Adam Tried to avoid eye contact with anyone as they sat down to watch, however no one recognized him, not even close.
They sat, watching the judging.
An adorable little boy with blond hair and a NASA T-shirt won for the younger age bracket.
The jumpsuit wearing kid to their right won for his teenage years.
At the end it was up between two men, one in casual wearing and one in a uniform. The one wearing the uniform had a similar lopsided grin as Adam and she would have chosen him as a dead ringer, and was almost put off when they chose the other man, who was, on the other hand, roguishly handsome.
She snorted, “He looks nothing like you.”
“But he does look like Keith Jenning who played me, so I guess people sort of conflate us as being the same person.”
“This is so unreal.”
They laughed again as they walked away sunny pointing out he probably would have lost the contest if he had tried to enter, and he laughed along with her.
THey were perusing through a booth with a bunch of old vintage movies when another announcement came over the intercom, saying that the cast of Adam’s movie was going to be speaking.”
Adam’s eyes widened, and together they made their way wanting to see what all the fuss was about. There were hundreds of people packed into the large room, and they were only able to get space just along one wall.
Up at the table, he recognized Keith Jenning, Rita. Ortiz, and Adler Handen, the voice actor for Krill and the woman who played Sunny.
Adam leaned back against the wall to watch.
Keith didn’t look anything like Adam at this moment, his hair back to brown like it usually was.
Hands raised in the crowd as questions were shot out, “What was the hardest part of playing Adam Vir?”
Keith laughed and then paused, “I think it might have been the eyepatch. I stubbed my toe like…. What was it Rita, we kept track on set.”
“About 456 times during the course of filming.” She added, and the group of them laughed.
“How accurate is the story to what actually happened?” Someone called out
Adler Handen leaned forward, “You know it was actually pretty accurate because Adam Vir was actually consulting through the whole process, though I think it is glammed up to make him look maybe a little more….”
“Poised.” Rita added, “Ellis gave him a bit of an action hero spin.”
“What is he actually like?”
Keith smiled as did Rita, “He’s hilarious, and kind, and a bit of a clutz I would say.”
Rita laughed, “That is one part of the movie that is inaccurate. I think they should have put it in, but he was like the last man to step onto Proxima B, and when he did he says he actually fell out of the shuttle and landed on his face.”
There was laughter from the crowd.
“Honestly a really modest guy all told.
“He has the personality of a golden retriever…. In a good way obviously.” Rita said
Keith had stood up from his palace at the table and was looking around the crowd for more questions, when his eyes fell on Adam and Sunny not a few rows away leaning against the wall.
The recognition was instantaneous, despite them not having seen for a long time. He pointed his eyes wide, “Adam…. Adam is that you. Sunny?”
The entire crowd turned and thousands of eyes fell on them.
Adam was stuck like a deer in the headlights hands held up.
“No way It IS YOU. Someone grab a chair and get him up here.” 
Rita stood in her seat and waved.
Now people were standing to get a good look at them as two security people motioned them up.
Adam was bright red in the face as he was pushed to come on stage. The people looked confused, but when Adam pulled off his hood, and pulled on his eyepatch the entire convention center began cheering.
“Yeah give the man a round of applause.” Keith said pulling out a chair for him to sit on while Rita did the same for Sunny.
Adam shifted awkwardly in his seat.
“Nice costume, is that from Toy story?”
Adam shrugged, ‘Yeah, or the Tv show I guess.”
Someone hurried over with another microphone as the crowd below continued to babble and point.
Keith leaned forward, “Did I mention he was a raging nerd. Did you wear the costume to hide or….”
Adam shook his head, “No, I've been coming to the convention since I was a kid.”
There was cheering in the crowd.
Hands were raised high into the air for questions, and Adam blinked a bit red in the face still.
“Is it true what they said about Proxima B?”
Adam smiled, “uh yeah I fell flat on my face, right out the door. You see the movie had a ramp, but a ot of our ships don’t have ramps, they have doors because it would kind of be…. Impractical to have a whole ramp opening up into an airlock. So instead it had a door and stairs. And I got so excited that I missed the second stair and just fell.
“How accurate is the rest of the movie?”
He shrugged, still blushing, “They did make me look a little more… heroic, than I actually am. I mean there is a little known fact among members of the UNSC that doing a warp without a warp dampener like we did on the Enterprise was…. How shall we say… extremely hard on the body. About fifty percent of the men on the bridge peed themselves and passed out.”
There was laugher from the crowd.
“Were you part of the fifty percent?”
He snorted, “ I was nineteen of COURSE I was part of the fifty percent. Captain Kelly had a bladder of Iron though.”
More laughter.
“And when it came to meeting with aliens for the first time, I was so excited that I ran after them right….. Well as it turns out, to the aliens it looked really, really bad. Like they thought I was going to eat them.” More laughter, “We are still trying to repair human/Bran relations five years later because of me.”
More questions.
“What is your funniest story, something that didn’t appear in the movie?”
Adam had to think about it for a minute, “Did  I ever tell you about the first time we met Iotins or the Celzex.”
Cheering in the crowd,.
“Ok ok, so The one thing you need to know about Iotins is that they smell good, and I don’t mean your girl’s perfume good, I mean like continental breakfast with bacon and eggs and potatoes and I don’t know what else.” Sunny smiled as she listened to the sound of the crowd’s amusement, “This is the kind of smell that turns you into one of pavlov’s Dogs. Drooling all over yourself stomach grumbling the whole nine. So when we met them for the first time, it was during a GA convention and my men hadn’t eaten since breakfast. It was so bad, I drooled all over my uniform and we scared the Iotin council half to death.”
He smiled as the crowd encouraged him into more stories.
“Then of course there is the Celzex, a very war-like race, very honor bound and very easy to offend. And yet they are about a foot tall rainbow colored, fluffy and with  adorable pig ears. These guys were designed to be cuddled, and yet, not one human has ever done it for fear of pissing them off since they have weapons that could glass our entire planet.”
He was Animated as he told his stories, and the crowd was animated with him
“Sunny, i have a question.” She lifted her head in surprise, “Is it true you grew up in a stone hut/”
She hummed deep in her chest, “Yes, where else would I have grown up.”
“So you didn’t have electricity?”
She shook her head, “No, why would we need it?”
She answered a few more questions.
And then one young man stood.
“So, I was wondering, you supported the LFIL during their protests.”
Adam shifted nervously in his seat, “I did.”
“And it’s because of you that they are in a probationary state of legality.”
.”“So I was wondering, considering all that and considering your relationship with Sunny. Have you tow ever thought about dating.” Adam blanched white and you could have heard a pin drop.
Sunny glanced quickly over at adam. A part of her really wanted him to admit it to people, but another part of her-- the bigger part-- knew that doing it here in front of thousands of people would be a disaster. He opened his mouth to stammer out a question but Sunny leaned forward towards her mic.
“You misunderstand Drev courting customs. He would have to be able to beat me in a fight first.
Factions of the room muttered, and Sunny quickly moved the conversation on to more Funny stories.
Adam turned his head towards her with a look of relief.
With her head turned form the cameras she gave him a brief wink before turning back.
They didn’t exactly get to see the rest of the convention as they were waylaid by people wanting autographs and to talk to him. He of course was good natured and answered all their questions with a smile and gave pictures with enthusiasm.
She smiled
He was kind like that.
Thought some worries gnawed at the back of her mind.
People were beginning to suspect, and that could be a big problem for Adam.
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barbedbetty · 4 years
Cable x OC
Tumblr media
WARNINGS: major daddy kink (no one should be shocked with that kink and this character though), rough, unprotected (wrap it up), anal, p in v
I hadn't been at the X-Person Mansion very long. My family had kicked me out once I couldnt hide my powers anymore. I had wandered from state to state for awhile before I had stumbled upon the X-Person team. Formally known as the X-Men as Wade says.
I was having a cup of coffee on my last dollar when a guy started waving a gun around and a few other goons were going around robbing people. I was bored and tired of men like this thinking they can hold a gun and be badass.
"Hey girl," one guy with a tacky hawaiian shirt said as he reached my table. "You can hand over your bag or give me ten minutes in the back."
"Thats cute you think you can last that long." I murmured as I sipped my coffee.
"Bitch!" He reared his hand back to hit me with his gun but I simply looked at him.
My mutation is telekinesis. I learned to control it when i was younger but sometimes it just happen out of reflex.
I stared at his gun and levitated it out of his hand.
He started shouting at the guys with him and they all shot at me. I managed to stop their bullets but then I felt my nose start to bleed, it was taking too much of my power.
Thats when the X-People showed up. I ducked as my powers depleted and the bullets hit the wall behind me.
Everything got blurry as I started to pass out. Flashes of a red suit fighting his way through the robbers. Then I saw a figure start walking towards me, he was just a silhouette except for a glowing red eye.
I woke up in some kind of high tech infirmary. A nurse came forward and explained that i was okay and offered for me to stay and train. Since I didnt have anywhere else to go, I decided to stay. She showed me to my room and said I was going to start training with Wade and to find him in the simulation chamber.
I wandered around the mansion for awhile, which was surprisingly empty. I finally found the training rooms.
There were two guys talking inside. One in a red suit and the other guy. Damn. I always had a thing for older men, and this guy was definitely top tier. He was tall and had a mechanical arm. His black tshirt was tight across his muscular chest. God, he seemed like pure muscle. And rugged. I bit my lip and leaned against the door frame.
Thats when he looked over at me and I noticed his glowing eye. He was the one who brought me here. I waved at him and he smirked a little. The other guy waved me in and I made my way towards them.
"Hello, I'm Mae." I said as I held my hand out.
"I'm Wade." He shook my hand. "And this is Daddy Cable."
I blushed and Cable glared at Wade and growled which honestly got me aroused. Cable looked back at me and smirked again.
"Nate." His voice was deep, like gravel. I smiled.
"Nice to meet you, Daddy." I smiled and giggled.
"Haha I like you!" Wade laughed as he turned for the door. "Have fun training!"
"I thought you were supposed to train me?" I asked facing him.
"I think someone else would prefer that. Don't worry I'll lock this door." Wade made finger guns at us and left as the door closed.
"Wade is quite the character." I smiled at Nate. He started walking around me.
"How old are you?" He asked quietly.
"I'm 26." I said.
"You're pretty short." He smiled as he faced me.
"I make up for it with enthusiasm." I said confidently. He took a deep breath and nodded.
"I'll set you up with a basic simulation. Then come see me in my room. Its across from yours." He winked as he turned and left.
The simulation was harder than I thought but I wasnt really paying attention. Just thinking of Cable pinning me to a wall and fucking me till I passed out.
When i finished I ran to the door but couldn't get it open.
"Fucking hell!" I growled as i punched the panel. I stepped back and used my power to force the door open. The metal peeled back so fast, it actually surprised me.
I walked confidently toward Nates room. I took a deep breath and knocked.
Nate smiled and stepped aside to let me in. He shut the door and opened his mouth to say something but I couldn't wait any more. I jumped up and kissed him deeply. He turned so he could hold me against the door and kissed me back. I groaned into his mouth and reached down to unzip his pants.
"Hold up, little girl." He growled as he put me down. I whimpered and pouted. Then quickly realized his 10 inches on me did in fact make him tower over me.
"Pouting?" He tsked and smiled at me. Then he reached forward and started to trace the hem of my tank top. "Don't worry, princess. Daddy will take care of you."
I moaned and leaned my head back as he leaned forward and sucked a dark mark on my neck. I moaned louder and he ripped my short open. I shoved my shorts and underwear down. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
He carried me to a second room which was his bedroom. He dropped me on the bed and started undressing. I was so wet, my thighs were slick. He quickly climbed on top of me and grabbed his thick cock and rubbed it up and down my pussy.
"Fuck, this all for me?" He growled, his eye glowed brightly.
"Yes!" I whimpered. I bit my lip and he smirked as he thrusted inside me.
I cried out and panted, he was bigger than i thought and it took me a moment to adjust.
"Fuck, youre so tight baby." He growled as he started thrusting inside me. He went harder and deeper with each thrust, when he started hitting that sweet spot inside me I started shouting.
He put his metal hand over my mouth and smiled.
"You're a bit loud, honey." I groaned and whimpered as he slowed down. I sucked one of his metallic fingers in my mouth. He groaned and i saw his jaw clench.
"Get on your hands and knees. You're gonna get a face of pillow to keep you quiet." I turned quickly and he spread his metal hand over the top of my back and pushed my face into the pillow.
Thats when he really went to town. He started fucking me hard and fast and groaning curses every time. I came quickly and he kept thrusting through my orgasm.
"Come on, baby. Give me another one." He groaned and thrusted faster.
"Fuck my ass." I moaned from the pillow.
He yanked me up by my hair and pulled me so my back was against his chest.
"Say that again." He growled so deep it was practically a whisper.
"Take that lube from you stand and fuck my ass." He growled as he pushed me back down and reached forward to grab the bottle. He pulled out of me and stroked himself generously with lube before he lined up to my back entrance.
He thrusted slowly at first, till i could get comfortable with him. Then i started bouncing back on his thick cock.
"You're doing amazing." He groaned as he watched my ass bounced against him. Then he pinnede down and fucked me hard and fast.
"Im gonna come baby." He growled in my ear. He bit my shoulder as he cried out and came deep inside me.
He slowly pulled out and laid next to me, panting and covered in sweat.
"Baby," he panted and pulled me on top of him. "I think I'm in love." He winked at me.
"Same here Daddy." I whispered and kissed his chest.
"Give me five minutes and we can do that again in the shower."
I was gonna love life here.
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callmegremlin · 5 years
Soulmate AU
I was inspired by the Soulmate Nickname mark AU originally by @chatalyst and couldnt help but write something for the love square.
Marinette had spent her whole life with the cursive script behind her right ear ‘Bugaboo.’ It was cute, she supposed. For most of her life she didn’t understand why anybody would give her that nickname; but she’d seen people with worse nicknames in more obvious places. Hers was at least discrete, most people didn’t even know it was there unless they saw her from a certain angle. She appreciated the subtly of her soul mark’s placement the most, specifically now that she’d gotten the ladybug miraculous. Once she’d began saving Paris and became the hero known as Ladybug, she had understood as to where her nickname came from. But the idea that her nickname would have to do with her secret identity made her stomach twist in knots, whoever her soulmate was would know she was Ladybug. She hoped maybe they’d only know her as Ladybug, at least until Hawkmoth was dealt with. But a part of her did worry they’d also know her real identity.
Adrien, just as Marinette and everyone else, had a soul mark as well. His was small cursive script around his right ring finger saying ‘kitty.’ It wasn’t an absurd nickname, he’d grown fond of the idea of being called kitty by his soul mate. And once he’d gotten his miraculous, the nickname made much more sense to him. Though part of him did worry on the ties his soul mate had to his secret identity, he was more excited at the premise of the freedom being Chat Noir gave him. He was also grateful for the fact the ring made it easier to hide his soul mark, covering it nearly perfectly. He at least didn’t have to worry about someone seeing it and trying to make a connection between the mark and his super hero self.
For the most part neither of the teens worried about their soul mate though. Both being too busy catching akumas’, doing well in school, and trying not to look a fool in front of their crushes. Neither particularly cared to find their soul mate either, but thanks to luck and fate the nicknames practically smacked them both in the face one day during patrol.
“This night is purrfect, don’t you think, Bugaboo?” Chat Noir purred, a satisfied smirk on his face; green eyes practically glowing in the moonlight as he bowed in front of her, taking her hand and pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it as he looked up towards Ladybug. Marinette stiffened at the nickname, her stomach twisting into knots as her face became a light pink,
“D-Don’t call me that.” She said nervously, pulling her hand back and rolling her shoulders in an attempt to shake off the feeling that had settled in her. Chat Noir? Chat Noir was her soul mate? He couldn’t be. That’d be some horrible irony. She thought to herself. Chat of course was not oblivious to the soft pink that dusted his lady’s face at the nickname. He’d thought the name was cute but hadn’t expected such a response from her.
“My lady? Blushing and stuttering?” he teased, grinning as he stood up straight, “Don’t you think it’s cute… Bugaboo?” he continued to tease, only making the blush on Ladybug’s face grow more. Her right hand instinctively going to cover her right ear, looking away shyly,
           “Oh, hush kitty.” She muttered, stepping back awkwardly. Now it was Chat Noir’s turn to blush. His heart raced at the nickname, his smirk growing into a smile. His mind racing with the beat of his heart. Ladybug. My soulmate. The thought had him purring. Before he could say more though, Ladybug looked over the skyline wanting to get out of here before he called her Bugaboo again. “It looks like there’s nothing happening tonight. I should get home. Goodnight.” She said softly, tossing her yo-yo and swinging away. Leaving Adrien a mess as he watched her red figure disappear in the night. He went home feeling like he was floating on clouds, while Marinette was confused. Both in shock at what had occurred in the night. Adrien’s hand spinning the ring on his finger and Marinette’s caressing behind her ear as they were lost in thought.
           Both Adrien and Marinette got used to being called by their nicknames over time. Still feeling a flutter of butterflies in their stomachs when they heard their nick name but not showing how it affected them.
~ ~ ~
Marinette raised a brow at the familiar thud on her balcony, telling her Chat was visiting tonight. She’d grown to appreciate her visits with Chat Noir. As Marinette, he didn’t call her Bugaboo, so it helped her relax around him. It also let her appreciate his goofy humor more, not being stressed to solve an akuma problem like she usually had to do. She had just gotten out of the shower, her hair still wrapped up in a towel and recently changed into her pajama’s. She peaked her head out from the trap door that led to her balcony and smiled sweetly,
“I wasn’t expecting you tonight?” she said, raising a brow as he leaned against his staff with a shrug.
“This cat felt a little stuffy staying home. Thought I’d visit my favorite princess.” He said with a smile. Marinette rolled her eyes and giggled softly, beaconing him inside as she ducked back into her room. Chat followed her into the room and looked at the latest sewing project Marinette had laid out on her desk, “I like the new do, Princess. Really stunning. Reminds me of your movie date with Adrien Agreste.” He teased, unable to not be reminded of the day running around with Marinette in those silly sunglasses and a towel on her head. He sat down on her chaise as he smiled up at her.
Marinette roller her eyes, a faint blush going over her face at the mention of her moment in the tabloids with Adrien. Slowly undoing the towel on her head and tossing it to her laundry basket before using her fingers to comb through her hair,
“It wasn’t a date, silly cat.” She said with a scoff, grabbing her comb and hair ties from her desk. “I was just helping him get away from some fans.” She explained as she used her brush to comb out her hair. Her explanation wasn’t fully listened to though. The sight of Marinette combing her hair made him think back to his childhood. Memories of laughing with his mother as she taught him to comb and braid her hair. Fond memories. He smiled softly. The sweet memory made his chest bloom in warmth at the thought if his mother, his hands twitching as he tilted his head shyly.
“Hey. Could I put your hair up?” he asked curiously. Marinette raised a brow at him and he shrugged awkwardly, “My mom used to let me play with her hair and she taught me to braid it and stuff….It’s been a long time since I got to do anything with long hair.” He explained, flicking at his own short locks with a shrug, “I won’t hurt you, I promise.” He added, the kind smile on his face making Marinette’s heart warm. He’d mentioned his mother on few occasions, and Marinette had figured that she wasn’t in his life anymore. This was something she felt good that she could at least do for him to remind him of her,
“I know you wouldn’t, Kitty.” she cooed, sitting down on the floor in front of him and holding up the brush and hair ties to him. The sound of his nick name had sent a shiver down Adrien’s spine and thrown him off. He’d only been called that by Ladybug before. Now Marinette? He shook his head, trying his best to ignore the pounding of his heart. He reached out and gently took the hair supplies held up to him. Sighing shakily as he began to brush out her hair smoothly, separating her hair at her part. Marinette wasn’t shocked at his gentle hands as he brushed out her hair and put her left pig tail in.
As Chat began combing out the right side of her hair, he was quick to notice the black script behind her ear. He continued to comb her hair out, his hands nimbly twisting the hair tie around her hair as his eyes couldn’t help but read over the soul mark. He had never noticed it before when hanging out with her. As he read the script, ‘Bugaboo’ he felt his breath catch. Marinette noticed how Chat Noir’s movements had faltered on the second pigtail, and right as she was about to say something, she felt his thumb graze gently over her soul mark. Her back stiffened as she realized he’d seen it, he’d read it.
“Bugaboo?” he asked softly, making Marinette’s face go bright red. His hand continued to wander along her ear to notice the black earrings she wore. The earrings she always wore. Instinctively Marinette’s hand shot up to her right ear, pushing Chat’s hand away and covering the soul mark. The movement was familiar to him. The same movement he’d seen Ladybug do when he first called her Bugaboo, and one she did occasionally at being called the nickname the past few months.
“Chat.. I-“ she tried to think of what she could say,
“Ladybug?” he asked, his heart was pounding in his chest. A grin grew on his face as he began to connect the dots, the hair, the eyes, the kindness, why Marinette was always late or running off alone during akuma attacks.
“N-No. No I’m not.” she said in panic, not wanting to look up at him. She was trying to lie, but the red blush on her face was giving her away. Chat chuckled,
“You’re definitely my lady.” He purred, his hand pushing hers out of the way gently to caress the soul mark again, “Claws in.” he said softly. His mask falling and Plagg flying out to land on the chaise beside him. The kwami was about to complain about needing cheese, but the scene in front of him had even him quiet.
           Adrien moved his hands in front of Marinette, the back of her head pressing into his chest. He used his left hand to shift his ring down his finger, revealing his own soul mark. Marinette blushed more as she read the cursive word, the nickname she’d given Chat and had been calling him for months now.
           “Y-You shouldn’t have detransformed Chat.” She said shakily, her heart was pounding, her palms were sweaty, and her stomach was turning. Chat Noir, or really whoever he was under the mask was her soul mate. He had to be. Adrien only chuckled,
           “You’ve always been such a stickler for the rules Marinette.” He said with a grin, slipping his ring back onto his hand properly and using his hand to tilt Marinette’s chin to turn and look at him. She closed her eyes tight, knowing she shouldn’t see his civilian form, but wanting so desperately to. It didn’t even take Adrien any coaxing for her to open one eye for a peak, too curious for her own good.
           The sight of Adrien smiling down at her made Marinette’s face go redder than before.
           “A-Adrien?” she stuttered in shock, her brain could barely process the idea that Chat Noir was actually her soul mate. Adrien being Chat Noir, and therefore being her soul mate was enough to fry her brain. Adrien only shrugged awkwardly, gently pulling Marinette up to join him on the chaise, sitting between his legs.
           “In the flesh, Bugaboo.” He said with a shy smile, setting one hand gently on her thigh. Marinette stared, wide eyed and blushing up at Adrien; the sight of which made a blush form on Adrien’s face as well. With his other hand he cupped Marinette’s face, running his thumb across her cheek as he leaned his face down to hers slowly. Giving her a chance to stop him as he leaned into her, his stomach filling butterflies as their eyes closed and their breath mingled.
Marinette was certain that Adrien could feel her heart thumping in her chest; and Adrien lost himself in the scent of buttery croissants, macaroons, and other baked goods that clung to Marinette. Slowly, their lips met in a shy kiss. Marinette’s hands slid to wrap around Adrien’s torso, fingers curling into his shirt as she leaned into him, hungry for more she kissed him harder. She’d been a mess internally for months, in love with Adrien but torn at the idea that Chat Noir could be her soulmate. Now all the puzzle pieces that didn’t seem to fit had found their place. It made sense.
They parted, shaky breaths still clinging to one another as their faces still lingered close. A soft wave of pink dusting both their faces as Adrien smiled gently, placing a small kiss to the tip of Marinette’s nose.
“Whoever that mystery guy you liked can’t beat a soul mate can it?” he purred, pride filling his chest. No matter who the guy Marinette had liked was, they were soul mates. They were meant to be. Marinette couldn’t help but giggle softly, she was at a loss for words at everything - not knowing what to say at Adrien’s obliviousness. Marinette’s silence had Arien raise a brow, “Cat’s got your tongue?” he teased. Marinette roller her eyes and pushed his face away from hers as she laughed at his silly pun,
“I’m just shocked at how dumb my kitty is.” She said giggling, enjoying the confusion on Adrien’s face as he scratched at the back of his head in thought. She leaned in close to him, hooking her finger in the collar of his shirt, “I was denying Chat Noir for Adrien.” As she explained herself a light went off in Adrien’s eyes, finally connecting the dots he chuckled. Resting his head on Marinette’s shoulder,
“This is why you’re the brains of our duo.” He mumbled. Both sighed gently as they enjoyed the embrace, their faces still pink, stomachs fluttering with butterflies, and hearts pounding.
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clericbyers · 5 years
Will hummed to himself as he scribbled in his notebook, drawing shapes and curves that morphed into familiar figures he saw daily. Dustin was always easiest to draw and Will liked the swirling spirals of his hair anyway. His smile was fun to draw, always trying to get the best shape that encompassed the happiness in his curved lips. Lucas was another form that Will enjoyed drawing. He was muscular but still a little scrawny and the dichotomy gave Will something to explore on the page. Max and her fiery red hair, freckled cheeks, and brash personality were also a joy to explore. Mimicking her expressions was the best part; Will didn’t even realize how hard it was to draw someone being smugly affectionate until Max joined the Party.
El was probably the next hardest, if only because Will didn’t see her often and couldn’t get a straightforward grasp on what she looked like. The few times he did see her was when she was able to get out the cabin on rare occasion and only then she mostly hid behind Mike. They hadn’t continued their relationship but she still felt the most comfortable with him when it came to being outside. The few times Will saw her wasn’t really enough to get a read on her expressions and how her face reacted to various scenarios. He tried anyway, but it always looked a little unnatural since he couldn’t really imagine the look he drew on her face in person.
And then there was Mike, who was objectively the hardest for Will to draw. It wasn’t because he didn’t know what Mike looked like—no, Will knew Mike like the back of his hand, it was mostly because nothing Will drew could capture Mike in all his natural beauty and brashness. Consider it a side effect of having a crush, but Will could draw Mike daily (he kinda did) and still be unable to grasp the way Mike’s eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiles and how his skin seems to glow when he got excited and couldn’t stop jabbering. It was the little details, new ones Will would spot still after all these years, that hung Will up over his illustrations.
He was currently working currently on one portrait in particular, something since the start of summer when he and Mike has a rare day together. It was a warm day, the trees were filtering in the right amount of sun, and Mike’s soft and crooked smile wouldn’t leave his face as a healthy flush coated his freckled cheeks. Will had felt his breath hitch when Mike turned to face him and he knew at that moment that he needed to draw Mike’s expression and capture the pure happiness and love in his eyes and posture.
Two knocks yanks Will from his sketches and he turned to his bedroom door to spot Jonathan standing in the doorway. “You doing good today?”
“Yeah,” Will leaned back in his seat with a smile. “Today’s been good.”
Jonathan nodded. “Your friends are outside.” He leaned in a little and Will tried to hid the drawing a little more out of embarrassment. “Is that Mike?”
“I—yeah,” Will blushed and looked down at his feet. “I wanted to finish it for him before summer ends.”
“Finish what?”
Will felt his heart leap into his throat as he spotted Mike squirm his way into the doorway beside Jonathan. He had on a cap, which was probably courtesy of Dustin, and a fresh gray polo with blue jeans and blue sneakers on his feet. Curls of hair spilled from under the hat brim and Will gulped against his suddenly dry throat.
“I’ve been drawing.” The brunette shrugged nonchalantly and tried to lean on his desk in a way so Mike couldnt exactly see the sketch. “It’s nothing to worry about.”
“Then can I see it? You know I’m always down to check out what you’re working on.”
The excitement in Mike’s voice almost made Will forget that Mike wasn’t quite supposed to know what Will was working on at the moment. He turned up to Jonathan with panic in his eyes but his traitorous older brother merely shrugged and made his way down the hall. Mike rushed to Will’s side and he was so close, and so tall, and made Will so goddamn weak in the knees, he couldn’t gather the energy to push Mike away.
“This looks familiar,” he said and Will really wasn’t sure if he was teasing or not. “It looks like me. Is this me?”
“Uh, yeah.” Will started wringing his hands together.
“Wow, you’ve gotten so good, Will! This looks amazing.” Mike traced the curve of his nose with a gentle finger. “Dude, you’ve literally got the exact shape of my nose here. That’s impressive.”
Will nodded but turned his face away as he mumbled, “I made you as perfect as possible.”
“You made me what?”
“As accurate as possible.”
Mike made a face and traced the laugh lines by his lips. “I don’t think you’ve got me perfect as possible here.”
“I-I mean, I’m trying to, it’s never gonna be very accurate and I’m sorry if it’s not that good right now. I’m still working on it and I think I still have—,”
Will was shut up when Mike leaned in and pressed a finger to Will’s lips. The boy looked up into amused brown eyes and felt his own widen as he registered the closeness between them at the moment. The rest of Mike’s fingers fell gently against Will’s face until he cradled Will’s right cheek. Will pressed into the hold a little, closing his eyes as he took in the warmth of Mike’s palm against him.
“You know why it’s not ever gonna be perfect?” Will made a noncommittal noise. “Because you didn’t draw yourself in the picture, too.”
Will opened one eye and gave Mike a frown. “It’s a portrait of you. I’m not supposed to be in it.”
“But that look on my face,” Mike nodded toward the drawing, “is only there because of you I’m pretty sure. You’re equally important.”
Will blushed. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Mike leaned in to press his lips to Will’s forehead. “Let’s go outside now; Dustin and Lucas wanna take El to that tree where we tried to build a treehouse back in 5th grade.”
Mike grinned as he took Will’s hand and helped him out his seat. He didn’t let go as they walked down the hall toward the front door. “Lucas bet Max $5 that El could float his ass up to the high branch.”
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katzuyas · 6 years
blood drips from the fingers of the hand that suddenly rips through the flesh of the man who was bout to cut yuuri’s head off with one clean swing of his sword, and yuuri can’t exactly say he minds this sudden development. there is a clean hole in the man’s chest when he’s discarded to the side like a piece of insignificant dust, but yuuri’s too busy gazing at the one who saved him to look closer at all the gore.
because before him stands the most handsome man he’s ever seen.
it’s part admiration, part disgust that stirs in yuuri’s belly as he watches the man lift his bloodied hand to his lips and suck his fingers clean. something very disturbing seems to be happening before his very eyes, and yet... and yet, yuuri feels himself bewitched to the point of staying there and watching.
“did I scare you?” the man asks, licking his hand clean much like a cat. a hell cat. one of those feral beasts that feast on rotten flesh and--
“um,” yuuri swallows. “no?”
he’s risking it, he thinks, but when he considers it closer, it’s not really a lie that he gives in reply. he’s only partially scared. everyone would be after someone tried to kill them, and yuuri’s fear stems from that alone, it looks like. 
“oh?” the man cocks his head to the side. he looks at yuuri with bright blue eyes, which shine like gems and steal yuuri’s breath altogether. “so you aren’t scared of me?”
“should I be?” yuuri asks back, wondering where he gets the audacity to question a being who can rip through a human with enough ease as he just witnessed.
maybe it’s his close brush with death that’s given him the courage, or maybe it’s another feeling -- one of premonition of what’s to come -- that tells him his adventure into the land of the dead might not yet be far off, but yuuri finds strength in his limbs and lightness in his heart, so he stands.
and he looks the man in the eyes with no fear. “are you going to hurt me?”
the man seems to be as surprised at yuuri’s question as yuuri is at his own daring.
“hurt you? no!” he shakes his head and his silver hair flits about like spiderwebs on a light morning breeze. “why would you even think that? I’d never hurt you.”
“well,” yuuri clears his throat, looking to where the corpse of the man who tried to take his life has yet to chill. “that might have something to do with my question, but... if you aren’t here to hurt me... and you just saved me... then, how-- I mean, who are you? and why did you help me?”
the little breath that escapes from the man’s lips is much more hushed than a gasp. much more... disappointed, yuuri decides when he sees the crestfallen look on the man’s face.
“you don’t know,” comes the reply, and yuuri frowns.
of course he doesn’t? how could he--
“you called for me.”
“what?” yuuri blinks, surprised. “no, I didn’t. I would’ve known if--”
“but you did,” the man insists. “I wouldn’t be here otherwise. you called me, or, well, your soul did? when humans come close to death their souls resonate, you see, and some of you have the strength to call one of us.”
humans, yuuri’s mind repeats as it reels. one of us.
“who... who are you?” he repeats through trembling lips.
the man’s smile is a slow thing, and it’s beautiful. it’s beautiful, but all of his handsome face is. it’s in his eyes that the beauty ends, or maybe, maybe that’s where it truly begins, because his blue gaze glows with power that is darker than any yuuri has seen.
he shivers when the man steps up to him, almost jumps in unease when he kneels. yuuri’s hand is taken and brought up to those smiling lips. there’s blood stains on his skin now, too, from the leftovers of his almost-killer, and yuuri’s stomach turns when he feels a kiss pressed to the inner part of his wrist -- right where his pulse flutters like a bird trapped in a cage against its will.
“I am nothing but your loyal dog, my liege,” the man whispers.
his warm breath settles in the palm of yuuri’s hand, distracting, but not distracting enough.
“my what?” yuuri asks. his voice comes out broken, so he clears his throat, and says again: “I don’t understand. how...?”
“you called upon me,” the man explains. “and I answered your call. I am now yours to command until the day you inevitably die.”
“but I didn’t,” yuuri insists, this time harder. he shakes his head. “I couldn’t have.”
“whyever not?”
the man peers up at him. he looks so perfectly poised while he continues to kneel at yuuri’s feet that yuuri trembles within himself from how beautiful it makes him. he knows he shouldn’t, but... he was already set to die tonight and he didn’t. so maybe luck was on his side, after all. maybe... maybe enough of it to let him get away with even more.
he slips his hand away from the light grasp and bows over until he can take the man’s face in his hands and set their foreheads together in faux gentleness. and he knows it instantly when the man realizes the change in the atmosphere around them, for those brilliant blue eyes widen in surprise that is heavily meshed with awe -- the awe that somehow makes yuuri feel powerful, more so than usual.
powerful, and stupid.
it’s that feeling that makes his brown eyes glow red, and it’s that feeling, too, which has him give the silky whisper of truth that only sparse few have ever heard:
“because I have no soul to call you.”
the man’s breath comes fast and hard, but he hears the truth in yuuri’s words, sees it in his inhuman eyes. gently, he turns his head towards the corpse of what must have been his intended master, the one that called him and the one he should’ve served, and yuuri lets him. he lets go.
“oh dear,” the man says, yet his voice does not indicate much upset about the way things have turned out. “I guess... I made a mistake? now that is no fun. I will need to head back to hell then...”
he stands up, but... he doesn’t look like he’s in a hurry. in fact, he looks as if he wishes for a reason to stay. something to keep him here...
“before you go,” yuuri says before he thinks twice about it. “thank you for saving me. I would have died if he succeeded, so whatever trouble you’re in because of that, I feel like I should help you. so if you, well, that is, there is little I can do, but if you need a place to stay or to lie low for a while--”
“really?” the man blinks, and then breaks out into a smile so dazzling that yuuri feels the urge to shield his eyes. “could I stay with you then? I’m in no hurry to return, honestly. it’s so... dreary down there, you know.”
“but won’t you be in trouble if you don’t, I don’t know, report this? at least?”
the man shrugs. “they probably already know. besides, I’m glad I did what I did. I’d rather serve you than that pile of--”
“you don’t even know me,” yuuri tells him, a little amused, but mostly just too surprised at the turn of events to be fearful.
“but I’d like to know you,” the man replies easily. as easily as he slides up to him. as easily as he takes yuuri’s hand again, and as easily as he wraps his arm around yuuri’s waist almost in a parody of a dancing stance. “I’d very much like to know you... all of you.”
blood rushes to yuuri’s cheeks like it never has before, but even though the night is dark, he’s sure that this man can see it. he’s standing so close that he must, and yuuri knows it when he takes in the smile on his lips: a quirked, playful little thing that brings even more heat to yuuri’s face.
“how can I make a decision like that if you refuse to answer any of my questions,” yuuri says, but his protest is a feeble one. he already knows that he will not be able to resist this man’s charms. not now, not ever, most likely.
“then ask again, and I shall give you whatever it is you wish for.”
the man brings yuuri’s hand to his lips again, but this time he chooses to rest a kiss on yuuri’s knuckles instead of his wrist. if possible, it seems even more intimate than before, and yuuri’s heart beats double inside his chest.
“your name first,” he asks, unable to lift his eyes from where the man holds his hand in a grasp that is far gentler than yuuri would imagine. “and, who are you?”
“victor,” the man breathes. “my name is victor. and I’m a hellhound who answers the call of a human soul ready for eternal damnation. but, for you, I will be whoever you wish me to be--”
yuuri shakes his head as he looks up, right into his eyes. “no. you are who you are, and you will be who you decide to be. I have no right to change that, or ask it of you.”
victor’s surprise is clear, surely he hasn’t expected this. something in yuuri softens at the sight and it’s that same something that chooses to rest his trust in this man -- in victor -- whom he only just met, but whom he feels like he was supposed to meet all along.
“I’m yuuri,” yuuri says, and smiles when victor’s eyes meet his again. “yuuri of the katsuki clan. and I’m a vessel of the the squid god of hasetsu bay. my soul has already been claimed, but, with what little of myself there is left, I am pleased to make your acquaintance, victor.”
“oh, I assure you, yuuri,” victor chirps, sweet and playful, “the pleasure is all mine.”
he kisses yuuri’s hand again, yet this time his lips linger on yuuri’s skin just a bit longer while silver eyelashes flutter as victor closes his eyes. he breathes in deep, which makes yuuri flush all over again.
he quickly realizes why victor has done it, though. he’s a hellhound. he must have been familiarizing himself with yuuri’s scent, so that he could recognize it among the many others. and yet, once he figures it out, yuuri’s blush doesn’t go away. it only deepens, and deepens still when victor peers up at him with a gaze that is far more smitten than yuuri could ever hope it to be.
“you... um,” he bites his tongue from how fast he wants to speak, and needs to look away as embarrassment churns in his throat. yet, looking away from victor is harder than anything he’d ever done, and yuuri soon finds himself glancing his way again. “you said,” he tries again, “you said that you’d like to stay here, yes? if you still do, then my parents have an inn not far from here. we all live there, so if you--”
“I’d be honoured,” victor confesses, voice and eyes soft.
and yuuri, as he leads him by the hand which victor refuses to let go of, cannot deny that his heart feels oddly soft as well.
he was meant to die this night, but instead he has found himself with this strange man, who makes him feel strange things, and strangest of all? he has found himself trusting him, caring for him, and... before the cherry blossoms sprout their petals as spring takes her first steps, he finds himself loving him -- a hellhound from hell, who appeared in his life bloody, and who made all the blood in yuuri’s body run that much faster.
a hellhoud, a man, who showed him that even without a soul life has enough to offer to live, to love, and to be loved.
the hellhound, the man, whom yuuri has given what little of his was left to give: his heart.
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Only Human: Akuma! Marinette AU (part 3)
Disclaimer: I dont own, and never will I even come close to owning, either Miraculous or Christina Perri's song Only Human.
Tikki raced through the now silent hallways towards her chosen's classroom. She had been trapped in Marinette's purse, held down by the mist, and was only just able to get out. Like everybody else in the school, she had been able to see everything Only Human had shown her classmates. She felt her pain, her sorrow, her anxiety and stress at having to pretend that everything was fine when it wasnt.
Tikki sighed. She knew she shouldn't have held Marinette back from telling someone her identity for so long. All of that accumulated stress had been bound to be released sometime. And boy, what a release it was. Plagg must be so happy at the destruction she knew Marinette had left in her wake.
But, honestly, Tikki couldnt blame her. The way Marinette's "friends" had cornered her chosen in the bathroom had left Tikki piping mad, and if she ever saw them again, identity or not, Tikki was going to give them a piece of her mind. Anyone who thought Plagg was hell to live with had nothing on an angry Tikki. He may be the god of destruction and bad luck, but she was the goddess of creation and luck. You piss her off, and you might just get a new hole in your along with having your good luck run out.
Whoever said cats were the protective ones were highly mistaken.
Marinette sighed. She kept her eyes on the butterfly until she could no longer see it. She didnt want to face her classmates right now, especially since she could remember everything she had done as an akuma. She could remember making Lila bite her own tongue hard enough to bleed. She could remember lifting her and Alya up and slamming them into the ground. She could remember every image she made them see, every memory that she knew would make them feel guilty for treating her the way they had. And she didnt feel any better for it. She had hurt Chat Noir. She had blasted him into the wall with enough force to leave him dazed, when all he was trying to do was help her.
She also knew that she had had no control of herself. She had unwillingly let Hawkmoth push himself past her grief and into her mind. He had used her memories as leverage over her classmates, her....
She couldnt exactly call them friends now, could she? Not really. She looked up at them, seeing Rose and Mylene help Alix out from under a bookshelf and pull her towards Lila, who was still bleeding from her mouth and staring at Marinette with a frightened but hateful stare. Alya was sobbing and Nino was co.forting her, and Marinette's heart gave a lurch as they didnt approach her to see if she was okay, like she did with them after they got akumatized.
She forced herself to look away, forced herself to stand up and ignore their frightened gasps. She couldnt focus on them at the moment. She had to find Tikki so she could reverse her damage, and then she could head home and hopefully nobody would question why Ladybug got there late-
And suddenly there was a red kwami snuggling up to her cheek. She was standing at the front of the classroom, covered in dust and bruises, her hands cut and burnt a little from the struggle of tearing her own akumatized item, her classmates staging her, and her kwami was nuzzling her cheek and crying tears of relief.
"Tikki? Um..."
"Oh, Marinette, you're alright! I was so worried! I tried to prevent the akuma from getting to you, but I failed. I'm so sorry, Marinette. I was supposed to protect you, and you got akumatized anyway." Tikki lamented, tears leaking out of her big blue eyes as she stared up at her sweet, strong, beautiful chosen.
Marinette smiled, accepting that Tikki was giving her identity away because she was obviously going to say something important. "It's alright, Tikki. It wasnt your fault I got akumatized, it was Hawkmoth's. I remember everything, unfortunately, but I do remember that I never said the words. I never accepted his offer of akumatization. He forced his akuma onto me, Tikki. You tried to save me, but he was the one who took advantage of my emotions. Dont ever blame yourself for this, Tikki." Marinette held Tikki in her hands and kissed her forehead, nuzzling the cute being with her nose, getting a giggle out of her.
"You're the best kwami I could ever ask for."
"So it is a kwami."
Marinette looked up, finally acknowledging the others. Chat stood in front of her, staring down at her with several emotions in his eyes. She couldnt tell which was stronger at the moment. She could see the wheels turning in his head, and she knew the instant it clicked for him.
"You.... you're...!"
"A KWAMI? How did you get a kwami, Marinette? You're a superhero? And you never told me?" Alya said, her tears dying down as her eyes narrowed in astonishment and disbelief.
Marinette gulped, not exactly ready to face her classmates just yet. "I... um.. I...."
"She had no reason to tell you, Alya Cesaire. You should know all too well why that is."
Everyone stared down at the little red kwami, who had a serious look on her face that looked oddly intimidating for such a small creature.
Chat gulped, but kept his eyes on Marinette's as he shakingly whispered, "My Lady?" His anger towards his classmates rose further when Marinette nodded tensely, her arms folded and head bowed in a clear, protective manner. Oh, it was on. That did it. The entire class was gonna get a new one ripped into them. Nobody hurt his Lady, especially if she was also his Princess.
He glared at the class and stepped forward, ready to yell at them when a tiny red hand stopped him.
"Dont. You take care of Marinette. I'll take care of her so called friends." Tikki said, her blue eyes glinting dangerously. Chat nodded, turning to head towards Marinette, but his transformation suddenly dropping stopped him in his tracks. Everyone gasped as Adrie. was revealed, and they snapped out of whatever stupor they were in and began to yell, demanding answers from both him and Marinette.
He felt cornered and overwhelmed as they began to doubt him. How could he, Adrien Agreste, possibly be Chat Noir? They were nothing alike! Why didnt he tell them? Was this the only secret he kept from them? Did Marinette know? Why were they keeping secrets? What else did they have to hide?
He backed up until he felt a hand slipping into his, and Marinette looked up at him with reassuring bluebell eyes. He relaxed immediately. How could he not see his lady in her? He should have realized it the moment he called her his everyday Ladybug. He knew there was a reason he was so attracted to Marinette. There was a reason why Ladybug's rare flailings and nervousness so often struck him as familiar and adorable. Now that he thought about it, there wasnt anybody else who could possibly be Ladybug.
He held her hand tightly as the noise got louder and their classmates slowly came out from under the rubble to yell more things at them, and just when he thought he couldnt take it anymore-
Everybody froze. They stared at the glowing red kwami as her eyes flashed with anger. "How dare you all demand answers from her after what you've done to her?! Marinette is not some toy you can just drop once shes no longer of use to you. Shes not some servant you can call upon whenever you want something. She's not some emotionless robot who you can order around and expect her to follow orders without any single input or objection. Shes a human being, just like you! So sit down, shut up, and show her the respect she deserves for having put up with you all for so long or so help me I'll make sure none of you ever have a good day ever again."
The silence that followed was deafening. Everybody slowly sat down amongst the rubble and stared fearfully at the tiny goddess.
The silence was broken by a cackle, and the little black kwami that had come out of Adrien's ring slowly floated his way towards his other half.
"Oh, oh, sugar cube, you're gonna make me split in two. I cant wait to hear what sorts of things you need to say to these ungrateful morons." His laughing suddenly stopped, and he looked at the class with narrowed eyes, his black form a almost a shadow, the only things visible on him were the two glowing green slits of his eyes. "I too would like to see them properly punished for almost destroying Paris by literally akumatizing the only other person who keeps them safe on a daily basis. So if you need a little bad luck on your side, dont hesitate to call me up, sweet cheeks."
Tikki smiled at him, before her eyes turned serious again and she glared at the girls. "First of all, I'd like to say I am very disappointed in all of you. You had no right to just turn your backs on Marinette, especially after everything she has done for you without complaint. I cant believe one little girl's lies are enough to fool you, and they weren't even GOOD lies!!"
Tikki's little antenna began to sway in her anger. "Max!" He jumped, his glasses slightly skipping from his nose. "You're supposed to be the smartest boy in the school. Tell me, how was a rolled up, thin, paper napkin going to gouge your eye out when 1) it was rolled up into a tight ball, 2) headed towards Lila's hand, which was level with your stomach, and 3) your eyes were safely covered by your glasses? Tell me, how?"
Max looked down in shame, having figured that out at some time during the attack. Tikki shook her head and moved onto the next person. "Alya. You've called yourself Marinette's best friend, but you sure didnt act like it at all today. Best friends have each others backs. They trust each other and always listen to each other. This isn't the first time you've disregarded Marinette's words and facts as nothing but jealousy. Not only that, but you chose your boyfriend over your best friend. You didnt protest moving Marinette out of a chair she worked so hard to keep all year, and you didnt even give her the benefit of the doubt when she tried to warn you about Lila's lies."
Tikki began to slowly vibrate in her anger, a low buzz filling the room.
"And then, you have the audacity to te her to show you proof of Lila's lies when you yourself have no proof that what Lila is saying is true. You could have fact checked with Ladybug about being Lila's friend. You could have asked Marinette to ask Jagged Stone if he ever had a kitten. You could have looked up half the things Lila has said on Google and figured out that NONE OF THEM WERE TRUE. And then- and then-!"
Tikki stopped talking as her body glowed to a deep angry red, the black.of her spots looking more like the dark, empty void of space than the sweet, adorable, chocolate chip looking spots Marinette often told her they looked like.
"Sugar Cube?"
"And then, you dared tell her that she was wrong to be angry. That she was wrong to have treated Lila so "mean" when she hadn't been mean at all. You told her it was wrong of her to question Lila and then dared demand her to apologize before then telling her to keep away from you until she did. You ditched your best friend for a new girl, a stranger, with outlandish and interesting stories. I guess Marinette was wrong to have trusted you the way she did, didnt she, little fox?"
Alya reeled back, her eyes back to streaming tears. "I'm sor-"
"Dont. You haven't thought about your actions. Not really. You're not completely sorry, so dont apologize just yet."
Alya quieted down, her sobs silently shaking her frame as she leant against Nino, her thoughts finally calm enough for her to properly analyze them.
Tikki moved on, glaring at the other girls. "And you all. Mylene, Rose, Alix. Marinette has been nothing but kind to you. She has helped every single one of you with something personal. With something important. Both as herself and as Ladybug. And the one moment she makes a mistake, you make her out to be a monster. You, Mylene, know that Marinette wouldn't do anything out of jealousy, especially not after what she did with Kagami and Adrien." Mylene hung her head in shame.
"Rose, you called Marinette the everyday Ladybug, but you had no right to detract your words in such a way. Ladybug makes mistakes too, and you basically told Marinette that since Ladybug is perfect, Marinette couldn't be Ladybug because she wasn't perfect. You faulted her for feeling betrayed and insulted and for showing her emotions. And you had absolutely no right to do that." Rose let a few tears fall as she remembered her uncharacteristic behaviour.
Alix looked at the kwami in shame, knowing what Tikki was going to say. "Alix, dont you ever call Marinette selfish again. And dont ever fault her if she decides to act selfishly for once. I honestly think she can afford to be just a little more selfish sometimes, especially to get the boy of her dreams."
Tikki was back to her normal hue, and her anger turned to disappointment. "You all were pretty despicable today. I could not believe this behaviour from you. I expect much better from all of you."
The class hung their heads, all except Lila. Tikki stared at Lila blankly before moving back towards Marinette.
"Wait, what about Lila?" Adrien protested. He stood up and glared at the little liar. "Shes been spreading lies about both Marinette and herself all day. Shes the reason why everyone is mad at My Lady in the first place. Shouldn't she be lectured and punished as well?"
Tikki stopped her advance towards Marinette. She styled floating in the air for several seconds, before turning back and smiling at Adrien. Adrien instinctively stepped back from that smile.
"Don't worry, Adrien. Lila's been cursed since before I entered the room." Her smile switched from Adrien towards Lila, who stared back with frightened eyes. "I'm very protective of my Ladybugs."
@drarrylover007 @mindfulmagics
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flawlesscharice · 6 years
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Para || A Glimpse || 
Who: Charice, Trey Watkins 
Where: Charice’s House, Manhattan 
When: Saturday Evening 
What: We get an update on Charice’s life through a glimpse of her Saturday night
Charice was always working, always taking care of the kids, always taking care of her friends but tonight she had no one to take care of but herself. The kids were spending the weekend with Dylan and she had finished up a few meetings and emails early last night so she cracked open a bottle of wine, picked up her phone and made a call. Dating was never going to be her forte. She was never going to be great at it. She was a full time working divorced mother of 5 kids and she was just 28. She didnt have time for a man. At least that’s what she told herself when Trey Watkins walked into her life. He was a 6’2 tall drink of something model who she met during fashion week. She took one look at him and knew he was trouble. And after giving in to some shameless flirting and a kiss or two in Paris, she figured she would never see him again. And then he sent flowers to her office. And when she didnt respond, he sent more flowers until she had no choice than to tell him that she was a busy woman. She had fun with him but she had kids and a job and an ex husband. She didnt have time for a boy toy. He’d made it clear right off the bat that he wasnt a boy toy and he wasnt looking for some play thing either. He wanted pure, unadulterated love. Something that Charice had forgotten that she also wanted. So she gave him a chance. They went on a date and that date turned into a second date, which turned into a 7th date which eventually turned into them dating for 6 months. He was different than she was used to. He was kind and gentle and so funny she nearly peed whenever he made her laugh. And he respected that she put her kids and family before anything else. She was nervous to introduce her kids to a man when all they had known was Dylan. That was who they had seen her love and be with but with Trey it was different. She was nervous about how the girls would react. Especially Mariayah who still had a mean streak. So she was waiting for the right time to tell them that she was dating and falling for a man that wasnt Dylan. She would wait until a weekend when they were out of town and Trey would come over and spend the days with her, either in bed, on the floor, or wherever they landed after they got handsy. She thought things would slow down after dating for so long but nothing was slowing down, not yet anyways. And even better, her friends liked him. Santana wouldnt stop talking about how hot he was and Brittany would turn red whenever Charice would share the scandelous things they would do together. Even Chris was drooling whenever she brought him around. So everything was perfect. Except now, it wasnt. Because as much as she tried to forget that two people she loved the most had shut her out, she just couldnt. Trey came over and in an hour they were stripped, out of breath and sweating on her living room floor. Charice licked her lips and laughed, her eyes closed. “Am I a bad mom? My kids play on this floor.” “We’ll clean it up,” Trey smirked, sitting up and leaning against the couch. He gently caressed her bare leg and kissed the top of her knee. “You want some wine?” “Water,” she asked with a nod and watched him get up, not a stitch of clothes on him. She smiled in content, his muscular back glowing from the lights of the fireplace they were laying in front of. He looked just as good coming back as he did walking away, his confidence oozing off of him as he sat back down and handed her a bottle of water. He started to rub her feet, a small groan coming out of her mouth. “God, you treat me so right.” “Damn right,” he teased. “So wait, what was it you were texting me about yesterday. Your cousin was back in town?” Another groan. “Please,” she sucked her teeth. “I dont even know where to begin.” He nodded. “Well you told me about her dating your brother in law, which I’m pretty sure is incest.” “Shut up.” “And you told me that he was cheating on his fiancee with her and she disappeared but that was  it.” Charice nodded, taking a sip of her water. “That’s pretty much it. Except she came back. She was in Vegas or something with her ex-girlfriend and has been there for a year. I’ve been trying to talk to her, to reach out to her, anything. Cedes was like my damn sister. I loved her more than anything and she just dropped me like I was a bad habit… and then she had the nerve to come back and reach out to me for forgivenss. You believe that shit?” “Yeah… I do.” “What?” “Charice, you said her leaving was heartbreaking right?” Charice nodded. “So why wouldnt her being back be the opposite of that? Why wouldnt it be something that makes you happy? She left, yeah. And it was a bad bet but wasnt it you that told me you were over all the drama?” Charice say up, removing her feet out of his hands and cocked her head to the side. “This isnt drama Trey. They cut us all off because they’re fucking selfish. Look you dont know Sam and Cedes like I do. Their shit is nuclear and it sucks everyone in even if their lives are fine. And then we try and fix it and get our lives fucked up too. I’m over it. And I’m over them leaving and coming back and acting like shit’s clear now. Half of me is okay that she left. Like them being together is all kinds of bad news. They’re just the worst for each other.” Trey nodded, not meaning to upset her. He licked his lips and pulled her back over to him. “Come here, looking all mean and small. I’m not trying to step on your toes or nothing, okay?  I get it. Family is hard and they’re assholes sometimes but what do we have without family.” “More money, less headaches, less drama,” Charice listed, giggling as he kissed her neck. “No dummy, you’re supposed to say nothing,” he teased. “We need them, even if they are a mess.” Charice shook her head. “It’s her fault I have all these crazy ass white people in my family now,” she said, trying to hide her smile. “You love ‘em…. Nah but speaking of family… ” “Oh no,” she said, knowing where this was going and grabbing her blanket to wrap it around her. “Charice.” “I know where you’re going and you know where I stand.” “No, I know where I stand. I know how I feel about you. I know that I sneak around like a high schooler just to see you because you think the kids arent ready but Charice I feel like I only have half of you. I told you when we first started that I’m not in this for games and some ass every once in a while… no matter how good the ass is… but I want all of you. Even the parts you try to hide.” He reached over and tucked a stray curl out of her face. “You dont mean that,” she shrugged. “Men always say they want all of it. All of this but in reality all of my bullshit is insane. It’s not just kids it’s so much more.” “And I want it.” “No you dont.” “Hey,” he said, placing his hands on her shoulders and forcing her to look at him. “I’m not him. I’m not your ex husband who’s gonna hurt you and lie to you and hide from you. Look, you’re not the only one in unfamiliar waters right now. I’m not used to this. I’m not used to falling for someone this fast but what I do know is that I want all of you. If you really think the kids arent ready then fine, I’ll back off but I need you to think about the fact that it might not be the kids that arent ready for someone new.” “What?” she frowned. “I’ve moved on with my life. I’m ready for someone new.” “Yeah in your life but maybe not in your kids life. Look the last thing i want is to step on any toes. Talk to your ex and see how you feel about introducing significant others to the kids. Then think about what that might look like. Really think about it because once I’m in there’s no going back for me.” Charice sighed, searching his brown eyes and kissed his lips. “You’re too fine to be this smart.” “Rude,” he shook his head. “I went to school for engineering okay? I just happened to get discovered making some extra cash on the side. It’s not my fault.” “Ya damn right,” she nodded. “It’s your parents fault. And God. God did this.” Trey smiled, his perfect white teeth and dimples making Charice swoon. “Stop looking at me like that woman.” “Like what?” “Like you wanna sit on my-” She cut him off with a kiss, smiling against his lips as he kissed her back. “Bedroom. Now.”   She got up, dropping her blanket and practically ran to the back of the house. “Yes ma’am,” he muttered to himself, getting up and following after her.
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teamvnla · 6 years
Cutscene : Turning Point.
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"So we just keep walking?" Lye asked thumbs looped in the straps of her back as she walked beside Van.
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"Yeah basically, we just see who needs help or missions that are open. We could figure out a place to aim for and even stay but for now I'm fine with just moving." Van replied with a shrug, he didn't have a particular destination in mind. He knew the next town was near by he could tell by the change of texture in the path they were in plus he had looked at the map.
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"What if we run into 아빠 tribe!" She gasped at the realization, their father was from a tribe of nomads so there was the slightest possibility they were still out there.
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"Who knows maybe we will." Van chuckled at the thought, the area around them was clear minus a few trees and boulders. Which meant the figures approaching in the distance, they were familiar. Too familiar. Lye paused her stride so Van stopped, she came up next to him looking at him before looking to the people approaching.
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"You were right." Amorette commented upon seeing the pair.
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"Of course I was right." Russet responded rolling his eyes, he knew Lye wouldn't be traveling alone but he hadn't expected Van to be with her. Depending on how they played their cards this confrontation could go even smoother than originally expected.
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"Van! Baby!~" Amorette called out sweetly waving an arm before jogging forward. Van jaw tensed at the sweet tone, his expression remained call but his gaze hardened.
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"Amorette?" Lye questioned quirking a brow, she hadnt seen the caramel haired girl in years. She was still as pretty as ever.
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"Stay back." Is all Van said not looking at Lye as he stepped forward meeting Amorette halfway.
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"What the hell are you doing here?" He questioned not attempting to hide the hostility in his voice, Amorette smiled back sweetly of he had been anyone else he would have thought she looked innocent.
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"The boys and I have some information we thought you'd be interested in." She answered appearing unfazed by Van's tone, she reached out placing her index finger under his chin. At what she whispered to him his eyes widened his calm expression faltering instead replaced with one of shock.
Kashmere and Russet approached waiting for Amorette's signal, Kashmeres blue gaze fell onto Lye narrowing. She was probably hiding what she did from Van, how else would he be able to travel with her. How else could she stand there and act so innocent. After what she had done. Weren't the hunters suppose to be the good guys?
Anorette's lips quirked into a grin as she watched Van turn around his expression hardened as he reached for the golden bat on his back, in a swift move he spun swinging for Amorette.
"Russ!" She called out jumping back as Russet rushed forward swinging his axe catching Van's bat causing a spark as it skidded off.
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"You just had to go and make this difficult huh?" Russet stated twirling his back staring at his old friend with a look of disappointment before charging at him.
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Lye's eyes widened at the fight breaking out before her, she blinked out of her daze as she noticed Amorette making her way to her each step filled with confidence.
"Judging by Van's reaction you didn't tell him." Amorette stated casually, Lye's eyebrows furrowed as she opened her mouth to reply only to be cut off by the Leopard Faunus. "Oh? Still plan to play innocent, then how about I remind you." She began to slip her coat of. "Kuro Jessamine." She slipped one arm out, Lye's body went rigid upon hearing the name. "You killed him, with two shots." She removed her other arm from the coat tossing it to the side, a malice shown in her honeyed tone. She stopped holding a hand up she signaled for Kashemere, with Van distracted they would be able to make quick work with Lye.
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The Porcupine Faunus flashed by Amorette going straight to Lye, he boosted himself off a boulder swinging his arm out quills extending from his finger tips. No matter what he knew thought he knew about this girl. No matter what she made him feel when they were younger. No matter the feelings he had harboured for her all these years. She had killed one of the closest things he had to family. He had to do this.
Atleast that's what he thought but seeing yellow eyes staring at him wide and full of fear made him falter. A familiar Cat Faunus flashing in front of him.
Kuro wouldnt wan't this.
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The White Fang was the only thing Kashmere had been so sure about. He was so sure, until he wasn't. The quills that he released were meant to throw Lye off guard and allow Amorette to follow up with an attack, but he moved his arm wider catching her by the throat in his elbow his quills digging themselves into the ground, he pulled her down the compressed blade of air from Amorette's Semblance caught his shoulder tearing his shirt but his aura deflected the possible injury.
They had trained together, all of them in the group had. They knew each others moved exactly for this reason for when one of them tried to rebel so that the others could take them out without much trouble. However, Van was still the strongest out of the four of them present which is why it surprised Russet that he managed to get so many hits in.
Van was distracted. His gaze flickered to Lye, she was hardly ready to fight Grimm he knew she wasn't ready to fight people. He didn't want to believe Amorette when she whispered to him but the information made so much make sense. Now wasn't time to mourn. Not yet. He had to make sure Lye was safe.
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"I don't get why you're causin' so much trouble." Russet jumped swinging down with his axe only for it to be deflected with Van's bat. "A few years ago you despised her with everything inside ya, but now hearin' how she killed our friend you're fine with it!?" He felt angry at Lye for what she did but his rage was shifted to Van for how he reacted.
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"You don't understand." Van stated swinging low with his bat, the move had been too obvious making it easy for Russet to avoid it.
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"Then make me!" Russet responded swinging hard with his axe catching the bicep of Van's armour denting it and shoving the rabbit stumbling to the side. Both boys attention snapped to the other three as they heard a shout from Amorette.
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"What the hell is he doing."
"Quick get behind that boulder." Kashmere ordered as he glanced over his shoulder at Amorette, though receiving no response from Lye as she trembled his yellow gaze didn't seem to focus. He didnt have time to try to figure out her injury so he grabbed her by her forearm shoving her behind the boulder just in time as another blade of aura came at his grazing his finger tips.
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"You did not just do that!" Amorette shouted a glow coming from her finger tips showing her Semblance had been activated. She flicked her arms the blades of her weapon extending.
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"I did." Kashmere responded his body moving with out him thinking, he knew surviving was more likely if he followed Amorette but despite that everything in his body was pulling him in the opposite direction. For once in a long while the blue eyed boy felt truly scared.
As Amorette charged forward so did he, he just had to make sure she didn't get to Lye. He had to hold her off long enough for Van to get to his sister. He didnt use a weapon seeing as most of his jobs consisted with grifting, he fought relying on his quills and his Semblance.
Kashmere was fast using a combination of his Faunus trait and Semblance to produce and targeted shots but Amorette was fast maybe even faster easily deflecting the shots with the blades on her arms.
Neither boys were paying attention to their own fight, each hit lacked force and was easy deflected to the side.
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Russet's thoughts were racing. What was Kash doing? He was smarter than this. He was the most logical out of all them always following the best outcome rather than his feelings. The Dingo Faunus struggled with what to do, this was suppose to be an easy job. It was suppose to be quick and righteous. They were going to do right by their friend.
Van had always been observant and all the year spent with Russet made reading him so much easier.
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"Russ." His voice came out as a plea as he stopped holding his bat down in a nonthreatening position. Russet looked at the rabbit, he froze. It was rare for Van to drop the casual demeanor like this. He swung back with his axe swinging forward hard aiming for Van's throat.
The blade stopped abruptly centimeter from pale skin.
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"Damnit." He whispered feeling his hands shake, he couldnt do it. He felt the corner of his eyes sting. In all this time of grief and anger, he hadn't had the actual chance to mourn the loss of their friend.
Seeing as his attacks weren't having a big affect Kashmere decided to try and draw Amorette away but as he felt his hair rise and his clothes stick to his body his head whipped in the direction of Lye. This was long enough for Amorrtte to strike forward the gun built into her weapon firing shattering the light blue wall of protection over his skin. The hit knocked the air out of him not allowing a sound to ring out, as she swung down with the blades on her arm he was pushed back by the force hitting a boulder behind him.
While still in his dazed state Amorette set forward to finish him off, in an instant the air was knocked out of her as she was hit to the side her aura protecting her from being cut by the blade of the axe.
She hadn't heard him coming. Of course she hadn't!
The faint glowing ripples of red spreading from around his feet, confirmed he had used his Sembalnce. Russet readjusted his grip on his axe as Amorette stood up face contorted in rage.
Van kneeled beside Kashmere slapping his cheek lightly. "Come on Kash, don't go dyin' on us now." He stated trying to mask his concern with confidence. "Give a few minutes and we'll get you somewhere safe." He stood glancing towards where Lye was, he felt his hair stand on end. He wanted to go to her but knew he had to handle Amorette first. The clang of metal against metal drew his attention back.
Amorette was well trained, they all were. She could have handled Russ and Van separately but facing attacks from both side corner her. Combined with her rage it made her actions more desperate more brash.
Van twisted the handle on his bat causing the spikes to extend, a white crosshair appeared around his pupil. He was focusing everything into this final blow. He swung, hard. In an instant he shattered past Amorette's aura, knocking the air out of her causing her to collapse to the ground. Having been hit in the stomach with such force caused everything in it out, all of this combine left her weak and trembling on her knees.
Russet raced his axe ready to finish everything, but was stopped as Van held up his hand.
"No. Let her face Bruno herself." He ordered a malice apparent in his tone, Bruno had lost four pieces all together. His rage was going to be directed at something and Amorette was going to be the one in the way. With that Van used the butt of Crosshare to hit Amorette across the head effectively knocking the girl out cold.
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"I've got Kash, go get Lye." Russet nodded toward where Kashmere sat against a rock, he quickly rushed out while Van out his weapon in it's holster quickly running to Lye's side.
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Lye was curled forward on her knees her fingers grasping at her forearms, her breath came out short and quick. Her chest felt tight as though she couldn't breath. Nothing would focus, her thoughts, her gaze, her hearing. She was lost and scared. She heard her name being called it was distant.
Van's body tensed and he clenched his jaw his hand making contact with his sister's body. He moved her to sit up slowly, he turned her to look at him. Once their gaze met she seemed to come back some.
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"Van-Van....I...I...Kuro...I..I.." She struggled to get her words out as her chest rose erratically, Van brows quirked he didn't say anything instead pulling Lye to him.
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"Shhhh..shhhh..." He hushed her. "You dont have to say anything. Just breathe. 숨쉬다." He whispered trying to get to focus on him.
Once Van had managed to calm Lye down enough she passed out, Kashmere had recovered enough to walk on his own. Both Russet and Kashmere were visibly struggling as the realization of their desicion set in.
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"Don't start, we can talk more later. Right now we gotta get outta here." Van stayed walking past them, carrying Lye on his back, they needed to get as much distance away from Amorette as they could before she woke up or before Amber came to retrieve her. They had activated the distress call on her Scroll so she wouldn't have the chance to run.
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emypony · 6 years
Emy finally writes something after 10 000 years
just because i couldnt figure out how to make them meet and i did a shabby job at it but SURE i’ll take it.
Find this on AO3 | Wattpad | Fanfiction !!
or, you know, down below.
enjoy this hot mess™
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Yuuichi sighed as he looked at the shirt he was now holding in his hands. He looked at the dark grey-ish cherry red that adorned most of it, with charcoal colored accents decorating the sides. He put it on with relative ease, as it seemed to be a perfect fit, tailored specifically for him.  Looking at the coffee table in front of him, he picked up the diamond shaped opal crystal that he was gifted with by that blue haired girl, and put it over his heart, on top of the shirt. It clasped automatically to the fabric, a cloak of the same color family materializing around him. Speaking of the girl, Yuuichi still didn't know who she was. Was it a mistake to accept her offer?
"Tsurugi Yuuichi." She had voiced. The navy haired boy gulped roughly, his throat feeling as dry as a desert. He didn't know why he felt like that. In fact, how did he even know she was calling out for him? In truth, he couldn't even remember his own name, and he was more than certain that no other person was around him. Exhaling loudly he mustered the strength to turn around and face the voice. Though what he saw took him by surprise. No more than a few meters away, stood a girl. She looked a little shorter than he was, but he couldn't determine her age based on the voice, neither by her appearance.
"Who...who are you?" He found himself saying, still difficult to get accustomed to using his vocal chords, and hearing his own voice after what felt like eons of silence. The girl began walking closer, slowly. "I see you are still numb from your slumber. That's alright, you'll warm up in no time." Yuuichi blinked. What was she talking about? He opened his mouth to try and speak again, but was stopped abruptly by her raised hand. "My identity is of no concern to you at the moment. I am here for one sole reason." He slightly tilted his head as he watched her stop in front of him. He could asses her features now. Bright hazel eyes, accompanied by a turquoise colored hair. Her face was round, and her build was lithe in comparison to him. She seemed even shorter up close, but that wasn't the most detrimental aspect of hers. She wore a blood colored cloak, with golden accents on the ends. He had a...somewhat bad feeling about all of this. "I came here to make a deal." He blinked in confusion at her words. Deal? What could she possibly offer him, and he, in return? "Your life. You will solely belong to me, in exchange for another chance to live." He froze in place, as she spoke those words. His life? Chance to live? "I'm sure you've noticed that there's something going on. At this exact moment, you're not really living. You're a wandering soul lost in the void. I cannot tell you your story, for it is up to you to find out, but I can offer you the opportunity to experience it yourself and much more." Yuuichi frowned. "And what...what do you get out of this, if I accept? I'll give you my life but It's not like I can...do too much." At least he had some kind of logic left, despite his absence of a physical body. The girl smiled. "That will not be a problem. You'll be training alongside others as well. So, what do you say?" ~~~~ "Tch." He expressed as he made sure the collar of his shirt was all set. Why did he agree to this, again? It was probably the lack of remorse that he felt and the thought of being left alone into that endless void. He...did not like the idea. At all. Something about the silence and the darkness of the place, made it really eerie. Sighing, he gave himself one last look and then exited the temporary room he was granted with. He walked down a dimly lit hall, where he was instructed to go. The girl, whose name was 'Emy' as he had learned so not long ago, told him to go to the concert room...whichever that one was. The building he was in wasn't so big, so not that hard to navigate. He'd been told how the doors to the room in question looked, and he quickly found himself in front of them. An overwhelming feeling of anxiety washed over him, and he could feel his heartbeat pick up. Gulping, he shook his head and manned up. It was just a 'meeting' wasn't it? Letting out a deep breath, he pressed on the handle of one of the doors and entered the room. It was relatively big, other hooded and un-hooded figures around, loitering on the seats or on the small podium in front of the room. They turned his heads at him, making him feel like prey under a hunter's gaze. He took a few steps down, not wanting to stay right in the door. One of them smiled, another to do a double take when they saw him. What, had they seen a ghost? Emy told him he wasn't dead anymore, right? ...right? He took in everyone around him, or so, the faces he could see at least. A teal haired boy with brown eyes, a hidden meaning behind his gaze. Another boy, had ocean blue eyes. He looked up at him with a content smile. A brown haired boy, with a white headband was watching from afar. His eyes bore right into Yuuichi's, analyzing him, although no malice seemed to be present in his orbs. Perched on a windowsill was a figure with dark navy, fluffy hair. He had glanced at him when he entered the room, but returned to staring out the window with his icy look. That was about all the people he could take a look at, as the others had a cloak over their head, for some reason. Most of them seemed either as tall as him or shorter, and they appeared to be somewhat younger. There were a total of around 9 people in the said room, himself included. Suddenly, all the attention turned to the entrance as the doors opened and inside walked the said blue haired girl, followed by a pink haired person with bright blue eyes. One of the people he saw earlier, suddenly changed demeanor as he saw the boy following Emy. "Ooh, Kirino-senpai. You fit right in with the girls!" 'Kirino' glared at him, but before he could retort, the girl answered for him, patting his head as she passed by. "Zip it Kariya, you'll get your banter later. We have work to do." Kariya crossed his arms with a 'hmph' and pretended he was unaffected by all of this. Just as they passed him, the boy following Emy halted in front of him, a look of shock and disbelief adorning his face. He muttered a few words to himself almost as if he tried to convince himself this was real. Yuuichi raised an eyebrow, unsure as to what this whole thing was supposed to mean. He was starting to doubt wether or not he was actually glowing but he didn't notice it. Kirino turned to Emy, speaking somewhat quietly. "But how...?" "It would require me to sit here an entire day and tell you how and why and we don't really have time for that. Maybe some other day, no? Or you could as him if you want." "N-no, I think I'm good." What, now they're afraid of me?  This slightly upset Yuuichi. What was going on? Was he really going to be kept in the dark like that? "Alright, everyone's here I suppose? Good. You will be in pairs for now. You'll receive your instructions through the crystals I gave all of you earlier. They will also act as communication devices between each other. Luckily, they're bound to you so you can't lose them." "Good thing, because if Kariya's head wasn't stuck to his neck he'd lose that too." Kirino said, snickering. "Hey!" Kariya said, trying to reach his 'offender' but failing due to his height. A few other chuckles were heard throughout the room. Emy had smiled as well, rolling her eyes. "And that's why you two will go together." "Wait what!" Both of them said in unison.  The girl smiled and waved. "Good luck~! Now, let's see. Kishibe. Yukimura. Kurosaki." upon saying those three names, the 3 boys he had first noticed when he entered, walked up to her. "Lalaya, Okita." "Woo!" A voice was heard, as a girl jumped over the desks, landing right down. The other figure kept a steady hand on the swords they seemed to adorn on their waist, as they also went next to the previous girl. Pulling the hood down, a tan tall boy with dark purple hair came into light. "Try not to break any of your legs even before we start, will you?" "Oh shush! This'll be great!" She beamed, doing a little twirl, her hood coming off as well, a long galactic purple ponytail coming into view. Emy smiled. "That'll be all of you. Dismissed." Kirino was about to say something to her, but he was shot a glare and so he shut his mouth. Yuuichi himself wanted to say something but abstained from doing so. He didn't know anything about these people so he might as well stay quiet. All of the members went towards the exit, and he watched everyone from in front pass by him. It was as the last hooded person was about to leave as the girl whistled for him. "Oi! Not you. Come here." She motioned to Yuuichi as well to come closer, as she stepped down from the small podium. He was now next to the shorter person. They were the only ones left. Emy crossed her arms and sighed. "Oh boy. Now, how do I put this." Yuuichi finally felt safe enough to talk. "So...we're partners?" She smirked. "You've got that right." Yuuichi frowned slightly turned to the other person. Something was off but he wasn't quite sure what. He looked down at the other individual, but was unsure what to do. "Well, if we're to work together, maybe we should start with that hood?" He said, a bit annoyed. The person sighed and put the cowl down, still looking away.  It was when he turned towards Yuuichi that both of them kind of stared in shock at each other. Same navy blue colored hair, the indistinguishable slanted copper eyes and the identical small mole beneath the mouth. He blinked a few times then turned to Emy, who just falsely coughed a couple of times. "Well, now that we got THAT out of the way-" "No we didn't! What the hell is this?!" He said a bit louder. "You've told me absolutely nothing ever since you got me here and I'm just about done with being kept in the dark." She sighed. "Alright alright, let me make this easy for you two. Yuuichi, meet, well, Yuuichi. You from another timeline. Clear enough?" "What?" They both said in unison, looking at her. They even had the same voice! Though that was unbeknownst to them. The taller boy looked at the shorter one with a bit of disbelief. "...That's how I sound like? I always thought my voice was deeper." The other Yuuichi didn't reply, and only looked away. "Yup. Get used to it. Now, ta-ta, we need something to call you two since having the same name might be confusing." Emy said, cupping her palms together.  "And I've got just the thing!" "...You really planned this out didn't you." "What, who, me? Of course not! What made you think so?" He rolled his eyes as the shorter boy looked away with one hand on his other arm. Grantedly, due to his past he was a bit shyer when it came to social interactions. And being put into such a bizarre situation didn't help either. "Right, names! You-" pointing to the spiky haired boy. "will be 'Yuui'! And you-" she said, pointing to the remaining person "will be 'Chi'. Sounds simple, yeah?" "...so you just divided the name up. Wow, that sounds very 'smart'. It's stupid, I'm not doing this." 'Yuui' said. "Well do YOU have any better ideas?" He was about to say something, but upon a raised eyebrow for Emy, he backed down and shut his mouth. "That's what I thought. And besides, you'll see it'll be fine! Once we get you two up and running, you'll be a great team! I know it." "...What makes you so sure that this will work?" Chi finally spoke, although quietly. "OH, it'll work alright. I have a hunch..." She said, cracking her knuckles and smiling a tad...creepily. It sent chills down both of the boys' spines. After a bit of silence, Yuui looked up at her. "So? You said training. Where are we going?" Emy came closer to them, putting one hand on her hip. "You'll be training at a place called God Eden." ~~~ Well, that was for chapter 1! I hope this made some sense??? It'll all become clearer in the next chapters (hopefully xD) I'll explain both their out of character behaviors soon, so until then just enjoy the ride!
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thepandapopo · 7 years
Dancing with Fate: Chapter 2
Boop Boop Boop here we go!
Also, I couldnt help but put in some Cor memes in there… I love the headcannon that he likes to make puns with his own name.
Warnings: none
Eventually reader x Ignis
Chapters 1 / 2 
Chapter 2: The Summoner meets the Summoned
“So this lady you’re taking me to… What’s she like?” You conversed good naturedly as you and Cor hiked up the grassy hill somewhere in the middle of a region you now knew as Duscae.
Cor turned his normally piercing gaze to you to study your countenance for a moment before softening, “Lunafreya-sama is the Oracle for all of Eos. She communicates directly with the Gods and heals those afflicted with the star scourge so she has a lot of burden resting on her shoulders.”
“Hmmm? Oh wow. So being an Oracle is just something one is born into then?”
Cor nodded in affirmation as he helped you over a particularly steep rock. “Lunafreya-sama has been doing this ever since she was a small child. She was to be married to Noctis - the crown prince of Insomnia - however the treaty meeting between the Empire and Insomnia was merely a facade for invasion.”
Through your week long journey with the man you now knew as the Marshall of the Crown Guard, you had spent a lot of time talking to the ruggedly handsome commander about the history of Eos - the name of the place you had landed this time - and the political going ons of the world. You learned about the late king Regis, the late Shield Clarus - both of whom were close friends with Cor - as well as the people in the important roles such as advisor and military personnel.
To be frank, it didn’t really surprise you that the land was currently embroiled in the midst of a war - you wouldn’t have been summoned here if everything was fine and dandy. The only question you still had remaining was what your purpose was to be in this world; and you hoped that this Lunafreya person could help you determine that.
“You’ll get to meet her soon, Y/N. We are not far from her current whereabouts; I suspect that we will arrive before nightfall as long as we keep pace.”
Nightfall. At first you did not understand exactly why the people were afraid of travelling around at night - that was, until you decided to go on a midnight bathroom break and wandered a little too far from the glowing runes of the haven you and Cor camped at.
The sight of a giant black puddle of goo materializing randomly before you on the floor was enough to freak you out (ah crap maybe you shouldn’t have eaten those strange looking mushrooms), but the towering Red Giant that climbed out of said puddle afterwards had you screeching to holy hell and blasting it uncerimoniously with a Blizzaga spell and lopping off its limbs with your scythe.
And that was how Cor learned you could fight.
It probably wasn’t the best way for your new found friend to find out about your talents, but you couldn’t care any less as you stayed trembling in Cor’s tight grip in the aftermath of battle (he had come dashing out of the tent in only his sweatpants after he heard your screams), cursing up a storm about how ungodly it was for monsters to materialize from the ground like things out of your nightmares.
So lost in your memories of the past few days, you did not even notice when your pace started to slow.
“Better keep up, Y/N, unless you fancy trekking in the dark with ‘giant puddles of black goo’ popping up left and right.” Came the playful banter that you had developed over the past few days with the Marshall.
“…You’re in-cor-rigible.”
“Your attitude only serves to en-cor-age it.”
“Oh shut up.”
You weren’t expecting the lady in front of you.
Well, you were expecting to meet her, but you did not anticipate just how… Utterly freaking beautiful she would be.
You weren’t really one for sappy poetic descriptions, but Ifrit’s ass, her hair was like literal sunshine personified and her eyes like the crystal clear blue depths of the deepest lagoon. A perfectly pert nose sat flawlessly straight on an unblemished complexion, and the white wrap dress she wore accentuated the gentle curves of her body, but also hinted at a strength hidden beneath the demure mask she exuded.
It took you a moment before you realized you were gaping. Even though you were clearly standing in the middle of a nearly dilibitated shack of a house, with cobwebs hanging from every corner and dust bunnies under every surface, the sheer radiance and confidence of the woman before you made you feel just as uncomfortably misplaced as if you had stood in the middle of a grand palace.
“Lunafreya-sama. This is Y/N. I believe that she is the one you summoned the other day when you made your pact with Titan.” Cor moved to stand protectively beside the young Oracle, whether out of instinct or intentionally, you couldn’t tell.
Floundering for a bit, you struggled to find your words. “Uhhh hi? Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.”
Sticking your hand out awkwardly in greeting, you jumped at the electric tingling of magic that flowed through your veins when Lunafreya grasped your fingers in a steady grip without hesitation.
The power gifted to you by the Gods absolutely sang in your blood at the contact.
Aquamarine eyes met yours and you couldn’t help the silly grin that spread across your face.
A kindred spirit.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. Please, I ask that you skip the formalities with me and speak freely.”
You had always been very finely attuned to the emotions of others, and even though Lunafreya’s facial features betrayed nothing but pure strength, determination, and kindness, you couldn’t help but notice the loneliness of a young adult burdened with too much gleaming in the depths of her gaze.
Standing before you wasn’t some mortal goddess, but rather just a girl roughly your age who just wanted to have a friend during these difficult times.
“Well, in that case then,” you stood a little straighter, a new determination flaring in you to make friends with the steadfast soul gripping your hand, “I think we’ll get along just fine, Lu-chan.”
The smile you received in return could have put the sun to shame.
“So, let me get this straight,” you rubbed at your throbbing temples, your head bowed over the newly cleaned table, “there’s some sort of prophecy that says the land will fall into darkness and the only way to save the world is if the Chosen one - who is actually your fiance, Noctis, crowned prince of Insomnia - garners the favor of the Six and then uses his power and the crystal to bring the light back?”
The sun had long since dipped below the horizon and the only light in the run down cabin came from the cheery fire crackling in the hearth. It was hours ago when Cor had made his introductions and you and Luna had become fast friends, bound together by ridiculous duties placed upon you by the Gods and the pressure of having fate balance on your shoulders.
Cor did not participate in the conversation, rather choosing to stand vigilantly by the door, his arms folded across a broad chest and katana sitting lax in his right hand.
“In a nutshell… Yes.” The blonde across from you nodded and began pouring out some tea from a thermos.
“Okay… Sooooooo, I assume that I’m supposed to help restore the light somehow after it disappears then.”
Frowning, you gratefully accepted your cup and took a sip of the scalding hot liquid, letting the warmth soothe your throat as heat traveled down your neck and into your belly.
“Technically… That is correct. But how you do that, I am not quite sure.”
Lunafreya sat quietly with her porcelain hands wrapped around her own mug as she stared into the rippling surface of her beverage. Her normally confident aura now dampened with insecurity and ambiguity, it was a stark difference to the confident girl you had met mere hours ago.
“Hey,” you said, interrupting the sombre mood that had fallen over the conversation. You reached out and cupped her hands in your own warm ones, throwing her a warm smile. “We’ll figure it out together. And even if we don’t, we’ll flounder our way through until the Fulgurian gets so fed up with us and decides to singe our butts.” You winked conspiringly and ignored the incredulous stare Cor was throwing you from his 'cool guy’ stance at the door.
Gods, even the peals of laughter spilling from Lunafreya sounded like the tinkling of the purest bells.
“You’re right, Y/N. We’ll figure it out the best way we know how.” The Oracle nodded as her giggling slowly died out, leaving a rosy flush on her porcelain cheeks. “For now though, what say we go curry the favor of a certain lightning god?”
To say you and Luna had become fast friends would have been an understatement of the highest level. At some point, you were certain that Cor had begun feeling somewhat like a father chaperone who had to constantly remind you two that this was 'a serious mission’ and you had 'no time to fool around’, but the softening of his usual steel blue gaze as he chided you and Luna time and time again betrayed the fondness and relief that the Oracle had finally found a friend with whom she could be herself.
Waving your hands around animatedly, you plowed through the almost unladylike snorting of your new friend, completely engrossed in telling your story.
“Yeah! It was unbelievable! And so there he was, dressed up in this baggy, ridiculous purple monstrosity, and a freaking blonde wig to boot- and Don Corneo ends up picking him! I mean, can you believe it? The male cross dresser beating out the two actual females???”
By now, Luna had tears of mirth rolling down her cheeks and was clutching at her stomach gasping for air.
“I’m telling you, Lu-chan. It’s not fair how some men can look even more beautiful dressed up in woman’s clothing than some woman can themselves!”
“I think,” Luna giggled, “you’d have to have some really outstanding features. In my opinion, it’s the eyes that really seal the deal.”
“Eyes, huh? I think I’d probably have to agree with you there…” You trailed off dramatically and wiggled your eyebrows suggestively in Cor’s direction, successfully setting Luna off into another fit of laughter, only this time with you joining her.
Up ahead of you, Cor continued trudging onwards through the thicket, intent on completely blocking out any potentially mentally scarring dialogue you chose to share with the Oracle.
He very nearly let out a sigh of relief when your little group neared a large blackened tree hidden within the confines of large, imposing walls of jagged rock.
“Lunafreya-sama… Is this the location you were looking for?” Cor inquired, surveying the area for any signs of enemies or potential lurkers. Once satisfied with his quick sweep, he allowed himself to fall into a more relaxed stance and waited for a response to his question.
Stepping forward, Luna summoned her trident and slowly made her way towards the tree. “I think so. I can feel the presence of Ramuh greatest here.” Placing a pale hand against the scorched bark, the stark contrast between the blackened trunk and Luna’s pale skin only served to remind you of the disparity between you mortals and the God you were about to entreaty.
“I suppose this is now or never. Did you need me to help you with anything, Lu-chan?” You asked honestly, more than willing to lend a hand to your friend. You were no stranger to calling upon the Six - in dire pinches, you had summoned them before and borrowed their power (after all, you were doing their bidding so it was only fair you could borrow a little oomph here and there), but from the way Luna and Cor had spoken about them, you got the feeling that the Gods did not play as large a part in this world as they did others; most likely preferring to stay out of the squabbles of mortals and only taking action when the world was being threatened.
Smiling reassuringly at you, Luna shook her head, her blonde bangs swaying from side to side, briefly obscuring her slightly nervous gaze.
“I think I’ll be okay. I have to do this myself; it is my duty as the Oracle to support the Chosen King, after all.” White knuckles curled tightly around the staff of the trident in an effort to hide the apprehension of the task at hand.
Giving Luna an encouraging nod, you and Cor slowly backed up as far as you could while also being near enough to jump in if anything went wrong.
“She will be fine,” your eyes turned to the Marshall standing next to you, his large hand gripping your shoulder comfortingly. “She has been preparing for this her entire life. No one can walk this path but her, and the only thing we can do is follow behind and push her to persevere and fulfill the role she was born to do.”
Turning your gaze back to the task at hand, you watched as Luna knelt at the base of the tree, her hands knotted together in prayer around her trident which had begun to glow and bathe the enclosure in a soft white light.
“Oh mighty Astrals above, I ask that you answer my calls and grant me audience with Ramuh.”
You should have anticipated the earth shattering bolt of lightning that struck the already blackened tree in response to the Oracle’s summons, but you felt your body jump a little anyways. Had it not been for Cor’s steady hand on your right shoulder, you probably would have unconsciously summoned your weapon on instinct.
“God of thunder and lightning, I beseech you enter into this covenant that the king might reclaim the stone and restore light to Eos!”
Despite the howling winds that had begun to buffet the region, Luna’s voice rang out clear and powerful, the determination behind her words stronger than the toughest steel and cutting cleaner than the sharpest blade.
The menacing clouds that had gathered in the sky swirled ominously above you as rain began pelting the ground. Shielding your face from the stray debris caught up in the gusts, you blinked rapidly to clear your vision of the water trickling down from your now soaking hair.
“Who summons me?”
Oh boy. You had heard that voice before. Turning your gaze heavenward, you felt your heart rate speed up drastically as the once fluffy pockets of moisture floating in the sky began twisting and shaping into a very familiar, tell tale beard.
“It is I, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Oracle to the land of Eos and the Chosen King Noctis Lucis Caelum.”
Standing tall and meeting the gaze of the Fulgurian unflinchingly, Luna’s features settled themselves into a look of determination and confidence reminiscent of the impression you had of her when you were first introduced.
“You would seek to garner my aid for a King who has yet to prove his worth?”
Well, that certainly caught Luna off guard. From what she told you, Titan hadn’t really put up much of a fight, instead agreeing rather quickly to her pleas and saying that he would grant his blessing as long as Noctis could make it to him; she hadn’t really expected any of the Gods to question her prayer.
“Noctis is the Chosen One! I believe it with all my heart - he will fulfill the prophecy and walk down his predestined path!”
“Then you are yet naive, young Oracle. You ask that of a boy who has not yet come into a man. How can you promise a choice that is not yours to make?”
Cor shifted closer to you as the air began charging with electricity with the rising tension. You could feel the pin pricks of current dancing along your skin, lighting your nerves up and feeding the ball of anxiety growing in your gut.
Briefly, your eyes met determined yet frustrated blue orbs and your mind stuttered before grinding to a complete halt.
Suddenly, you were no longer standing in that small enclosure in the midst of a raging thunderstorm. Instead, you felt as though you were floating, your corporeal body non existent as your consciousness drifted in a place above the mortal world.
Looking down, you saw a small orange glow begin to grow larger and larger, until you realized that in actuality, you were falling with nothing to halt your descent.
Just as you were about to land face first into what you now recognized as a lively firepit, you ground to a halt and froze, the flames just licking the soles of your combat boots.
The low rumble of laughter and casual banter was what eventually roused your attention from the ground below you.
Looking around, you saw that you were in the middle of a camp ground. Four chairs circled the firepit and a decently large tent sat off to the side along with a small portable kitchen set.
What arrested your attention though, was the four men and one woman who populated the cozy scene.
Right off the bat, you recognized your own features on the woman who was curled up at the base of one of the chairs. You - well, imaginary you - were laughing merrily at the antics of a cute freckled blonde snapping away with a camera while a raven haired boy about the same age lay sprawled on the ground, after seemingly have taken a tumble. Beside you sat a large, hulking behemoth of a man with a striking eagle tattoo spanning across his broad, muscular back and arms.
Gladio. Your mind whispered, matching the description you had heard from Cor and Luna to the man lazing before you.
Then that must mean…
The blonde. Prompto.
The male on the floor. Noctis.
And the man sitting above you in the chair you were leaning against…
Tawny hair spiked up in front and sea foam eyes that could pierce with the simplest of gazes. You couldn’t help but notice how utterly handsome Ignis Scientia, advisor to the crown, was sitting with his right leg casually thrown over his left, an empty can labelled 'Ebony’ dangling loosely in his right hand.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when imaginary you, Ignis, and Gladio burst out into laughter once again when Prompto snapped a particularly embarassing photo of Noctis.
The unadulterated warmth and pure happiness that emanated from the scene was overwhelming. You felt something inside your chest twist achingly as your eyes began to burn with unshed tears.
Gods, you were going to love these boys so damn much.
You hadn’t even met Prince Noctis and his entourage yet, but you knew without a doubt from the expression on imaginary you, that the bonds you would form with them would be nigh unbreakable, yourself entirely willing to sacrifice anything to see them smile.
The full heart and giddy lightness in your chest were emotions that did not belong to you. Happiness, contentment, peace, unfaltering love… these were all emotions that you hadn’t felt for a long time, but were resonating so strongly from your other self that you couldn’t help the wistful longing that crept into your soul. It had been so long since you felt those kinds of emotions…. With your nomadic lifestyle, it was difficult to form deep emotional attachments to people; at best, you could become friends with them before your fate ripped you from that world and tossed you into a completely new one. But this… This scene before you… Six above, you wanted it.
“This is what you could have… But are you ready to pay the price?”
“Who’s there?” Your long hair whipped at your neck as you looked wildly around, trying to locate the source of the voice.
“You know who I am, little one.”
The image before you halted as if someone had pressed pause on a remote. Slowly, frost began to gather at the base of the camping chairs and creep up the legs, coiling around like a snake searching for its victim. The air suddenly dropping several degrees, you could see your breath coming out in small puffs of fog as your body started to shiver involuntarily.
“I ask you once more: are you prepared to protect this future? Or will you let this thread slip through your fingertips and allow fate to go unhindered?”
By now, everything and everyone around the fire was coated in a thin layer of frost, as if frozen for eternity in the confines of a snow globe. Their cold, lifeless eyes stared blankly at each other mid conversation and the hollowness made your stomach churn and chest constrict.
You had to protect these boys.
Making your decision, you squared your shoulders and proclaimed in a steady voice, “Whatever needs to be done… I will pay the price.” Come hell or high water.
“So it shall be. Go, Y/N, and seek out his majesty and deliver him to Altissia where you will meet the Hydraean. However, be forewarned that though you have chosen to weave your thread with fate, when the time comes, you will only be able to save one.”
“One?? One what? One thread? One person? What-”
“You ask questions whose answers have yet to be decided. Go ack now to the Oracle and offer your guidance to the Chosen King.”
A chilly gust of wind blew through the scene before you, dispersing the images in a mist as if it had never existed to begin with.
Then you were falling again without warning, except this time you could feel your consciousness quickly fading as your body plummeted.
Right as your awareness was about to blink out, you felt the wind rushing past you carry the quietest of whispers.
“I pray that you succeed, little one. Please protect Lunafreya and the future of all.”
Suddenly, you were back in the clearing with Luna and Cor, the rain still pelting your skin furiously and with every passing second, increasing your likeness to that of a drowned chocobo.
“Have you no answer for me?”
The howling of the wind screamed furiously around you as the storm swelled in intensity. Luna leaned heavily on her trident, her back hunched and her hair, long since blown free from her usual braided hairstyle, whipping around her like an angry halo.
“He will fulfill his duties and walk his path without hesitation. I believe in him. I believe in the King that will be Noctis Lucis Caelum!”
“Once again, you give empty promises.”
“Then I will go!” Both your companions whipped their heads towards you with a startled expression.
Fighting the fierce gusts, you urged your body forward and stood tall, facing the Fulgurian in all his glory. Ignoring Luna’s wide eyed expression, you reminded yourself that you were brought into this world for a reason.
Ancient eyes fell to your insignificant figure before narrowing in recognition.
“And what can you do, little one? You, whom have traveled worlds and toy with destiny; what can you promise?”
Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you were relieved when your voice came out unwavering.
“I will accompany Noctis Lucis Caelum and ensure that he chooses his path correctly! After all, it was you and your brothers and sisters who gifted me the powers to weave the threads of fate new again. I will fulfill my duty just as the Oracle will continue beseeching the Astrals to guarantee the restoration of light after the darkness.”
At your proclamation, the eerie silence that filled the area in the sudden absence of wind almost seemed to make your ears buzz. The only sounds were the now soft pitter patter of rain droplets hitting the soft saturated earth and the greenery that grew from it.
It felt like an eternity had passed before a giant weathered hand reached down from the sky and lightly touched the blackened tree, splitting it in two with a burst of lighting magic that had you stepping back from the recoil. When you opened your eyes again, you were surprised to see a small ivory tree sprouting right where the crack on the now absent split oak would have been.
“Very well, I shall grant the King my aid. If he is indeed the Chosen, his worth shall be judged once he lays his hand upon this sacred tree.”
Fading with the trickling of rain drops, the looming figure of the Astral slowly disappeared once more into the overcast sky, eventually giving way to stray rays of sunlight that coaxed the wildlife back into a symphony of life.
It took a couple of ragged breaths before your mind caught up with the severity of your words and you collapsed to your knees.
Oh god, oh god. Why did you say that? How could you make a promise when you literally had no idea what the fuck you were doing? Jesus fuc-
“Thank you.” The scent of sylleblossoms enveloped you; strong warm arms clasping you in a tight embrace starkly contrasting the cold droplets of water dripping down your neck from Luna’s hair.
“Thank you… for believing in Noctis-sama… and me.”
Pulling back slightly, you met Luna’s soft gaze with your own panicked eyes. Already, you could feel the flushing warmth of magic flowing through your system; belatedly, a part of your mind registered that Luna was performing a calming spell on you, whether for your benefit or for her distraction, you couldn’t tell.
“I… you’re welcome.” You finished lamely, hands dropping uselessly to your sides.
“You did well,” you jumped at the sound of Cor’s voice as he stepped up from behind you. You had almost forgotten that the Marshall was still there. “It takes a lot of courage to step up and take on burdens that were never yours to begin with. You have my gratitude as well. Whatever you need, I will do my best to provide as thanks for lending your strength to my king.” He ruffled your air affectionately before retreating back.
“Me too,” Luna chimed as you turned to her once again, “I know now that my resolve isn’t enough to convince the Astrals, so I will be better prepared for when I face Leviathan. You won’t always be here to save the day for me so I need to learn to stand on my own.”
You caught Luna’s hands in your own, concentrating your gaze on the ground and desperately trying to keep your tears at bay. You were terrified of the future. You had no idea where you were going to go, or what you were going to do; but you knew that you would be parting with the first friends that you had made in this unfamiliar world. 
However, just knowing that they believed in you and were drawing from your courage to walk their own paths made your chest swell with pride and determination.
You were going to do this, whether you knew how to or not.
Gathering your resolve, you ignored your trembling hands and flashed your companions the biggest megawatt smile you could muster.
“Well then, I don’t suppose you guys could start by helping me get a working cell phone?”
Urk. I dislike the ending to this chapter. I’ll come back eventually and edit it. For now though, I just wanted to get this out.
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sailoryue · 8 years
Tale of a Saiyan's tail pt 2
Over time, Bra found her tail both useful and annoying. The tail helped her reach toys just out of arms reach, and helped her get to places she normally could not reach. It also helped with her balance, allowing her to begin walking much earlier than she would have if she didn't have one. It allowed her to get to places out of reach, taking things or keeping things high on the shelves was absolutely pointless, and she didn't even know how to fly yet! It was also fun to have because she could hang off of nearly anything, even her dad's arm. It was also annoying as her dad used it as a means of punishment. If she was getting into trouble, he would grab it and squeeze, causing her to become weak and listless. And no amount of pouting could ever get him to let go. Pan would pull at her tail too, and she hated it. Pan would only do it once in a while when they were fighting, and she found it irritating that her friend didn't have a tail too for her to pull. When she brought this issue up with her daddy, who according to mommy he used to have a tail too, he had told her a simple solution. "It's time you developed an immunity then. Overcome the sensitivity your tail has." And that she did, or tried. It was very difficult, because it HURT when her tail was squeezed, and it made her very numb. How was she supposed to overcome this? And asking for advise was very unhelpful. According to her mom, the only ones that had had a tail were her daddy, Goku and Pan's dad Gohan. Gohan had lost his tail when he was 5, and it's never grown back since, there never was a need. And Goku had told her he got over his tail sensitivity by living with monkeys for a few months. She didn't know if she should believe that, until her mother confirmed that at some point Goku did indeed live in the wild for some time, so chances are it was with monkeys. Since she did not want to go hang out with wild monkeys, Bra was at a loss over how to overcome the sensitivity in her tail. But her dad worked with her, he was stern yet not cruel. And eventually she overcame such a tough hurdle. Her dad also advise that she should keep her tail close to her body, out of other's reach. Even without the hyper-sensitivity, its still a liability if it gets grabbed. He also showed her great ways to use it in combat when she started combat training. She had started at a young age, but then as a part saiyan, her daddy said its never too early to start proper training. One training she couldn't wait for, was one she had been waiting for since she was old enough to understand the reason she HAD a tail, and why she couldn't go outside at night time. It was time for a training Bra had been waiting for. She was told not too long ago that since she had a tail, she had a power beholden to all pure blood saiyans. Having a tail made her stronger in her 'base form,' and gave her the ability to turn in to a GIANT APE. Ever since her dad told her stories about this ability, she wanted to try it out, but truth be told she was kind of nervous so she always stayed inside. But now was different. Now it was time, in her dad's eyes, for her to be trained about the Great ape "Oozaru." Her mom made her a special outfit, one similar to what saiyans would wear according to her dad. It was made to stretch to any size. Normally they came in either blue or black. Black for normal soldiers, blue for royalty, But Bra had insisted that her's be purple. And have a tutu. Vegeta was wearing his own dark grey training clothes that Bulma had made him. Come sunset, her and her dad headed out towards the outreaches of the compound. Vegeta had wanted to make sure they were as far from civilization as possible, and Bulma had a special barrier set up for the area. "OK, little one it's time. Are you ready?" Vegeta might be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He was training his daughter in one of the most dangerous destructive Saiyan abilities. And without his own tail, he had no real way to subdue her if it came to that. He had full trust in Bulma's barrier tho, as there were worse things than a giant ape. He also knew his daughter's abilities. If anyone in his bloodline could control the Oozaru, it would be Bra. She had already shown great control over her ki, and any day she could very well become a Super Saiyan. He smiled down at his daughter, who had right now been wearing a blindfold. Yes, she would have no problem whatsoever with this training exercise. Bra smiled and turned her head in the direction her father was. "Yes I am daddy!" she all but shouted. "Good." Vegeta looked up to see the sun nearly set, and saw the full moon in the sky, just starting to rise. It was time. "Go and remove your blind fold." Bra reached behind her head and removed the bandana that had previously been covering her eyes. The first thing she saw was the setting sun, which she gasped at the sight of. "wow!" Vegeta smirked. If she liked the sunset, just wait till she saw the full moon! He let her revel in that for a minute before giving his next order. "Ok, now turn around and look upwards at the moon." Bra did just that, and looked for the moon. She gasped again at the large white orb in the sky. Vegeta couldnt help but stare at it too. Tho he could no longer sense them, thanks to a short fat man with a sword, he remembered the feel of the Blutz waves given off from the large celestial body in the sky. The primal power. He watched as the energy overcame her, as her breathing became ragged. Soon her eyes began to glow an omonous red. And then, there was a massive surge in energy. Reflexively he flew backwards to give her space for the transformation as she shot up in height, becoming the Great Ape. He couldnt help but feel the rush of adrenaline. Even tho he was not the one transforming, he knew the rush. He watched as his once tiny precious daughter roar and start tearing at trees. Luckily she hadn't figured how to fire her energy beam yet. But that would happen real soon, so he had to work fast at getting thru to her. He hovered over his now giant ape daughter and marveled for a moment at the sight. Normally the Oozaru is anything but pretty, although the last one he'd seen was Kakarot's brat, and before that Nappa. But on his daughter, due to her natural blue hair color mixed with the brown, it was a rather beautiful sight. -------- one more part, i promise. It's halfway done, this just turned out alot longer than expcted, bordering 2000 words without me being even halfway done. The next part will come soon, probably next week!
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