#hetalia caretakers
bitchapalooza · 6 months
Saying Spain is an excellent father is like saying Chris Pratt is a good voice actor
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dapotatoauthor · 10 months
I'm reading about APH Canada's bio in the hetawiki and I just realized how disconnected Matthew and Francis' relationship in fanon vs canon. Idk if it's updated (the wiki) but it literally just states that their relationship wasn't really dwelled into in the manga. The only 'in-depth' description of their relationship is that Canada got his hair from France. HOWEVER, Matthew and Arthur's relationship was a little more in depth than Francis and Matthew's relationship. It states in the hetawiki that, "When England fell gravely ill after losing to America and losing much of his support from other European countries, Canada was shown to be his caretaker, and England was extremely grateful for his presence and loyalty." PLEASE I AM SOBBING IM STARTING TO LIKE ARTHUR MORE
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nordickies · 8 months
Were hetalia characters in your universe born from people or did they just pop outta nowhere?
I definitely prefer the "they popped out of nowhere" theory rather than having biological parents. The biological route just makes family lines more complicated in my opinion, and I don't even want to think about the logic of the pregnancy itself. Plus reincarnation is just such a prevalent topic in all cultures and myths around the world, that I like playing with that idea in the Nationverse.
However, I do think that Nations had some kind of parental or guardian figures in their life. A literal child, let alone a baby, won't survive on their own, so maybe humans come across and take care of them at first, being very confused, obviously. Then, at some point, an older Nation comes and takes the baby. Maybe discovering the baby by pure chance, maybe after hearing rumors of a strange baby, you pick and choose.
To me, it would make sense that Nations have this unspoken rule that as a small group of people, they'll look after each other. Humans can't take care of a semi-immortal baby, so obviously, the baby needs another immortal to take care of them. Just whoever comes across the baby takes care of it.
Now, would everyone be enthusiastic about being "forced" to care for a baby? Just because it's an unspoken rule? Definitely not. But maybe some Nations are just natural caretakers who'll care for as many baby Nations as possible - there are just a million different reactions to a situation like that!
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heta-micronomics · 6 months
People who use Sealand believing in Santa as evidence to him being super childish and immature confuzzle me bc like. SANTA EXISTS IN HETALIA. SEVERAL OF THEM!!
That was the entire point of the 2009 Christmas panels and later ones with Finland, Ladonia, and Sea. Not only do they exist, but nations know they exist.
Not gonna lie: if I found out that one of my caretakers, an adult who can actually talk to Santa, flat out forgot to do anything, I would be distraught too 💀
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koolkat9 · 9 months
Rarepair Week 2023 - Day 5
Prompt: Historical || Meet the Family
Rating: T
Pairing: GerCan
Word Count: 900
Read on AO3
Cw: Temporary character death, violence, minor depictions of blood
Matthew had always thrived in the quiet and shadows. Soft steps, never heard until it was too late. For decades it had gotten him into trouble or left him overlooked, but now, in war, it was his time.
He wanted to be a pacifist. He saw the damage war did to his guardians' bodies. Blood still made him squirm, even after years of caretaking. He didn’t want to think of how much of his family’s blood splattered his hands. Some nights, he dreamed it was still there.
But now…Now it didn’t have to be that way.
He crept across No Man’s Land, Arthur and a handful of their men in tow. Approaching the enemy trench, Matthew peeked in, ears perked to the slightest sound. He nodded to the others when he deemed the coast clear.
Without a sound, he jumped into the trench. Always forgotten, always overlooked, and now it would be his advantage. Stalking through the muddy walls, across the duck boards, mindful of how much they made them creak. They’d have company soon, Matthew could tell. He had been on enough raids that he formed an intuition.
“Wer ist da?” the darkness called ahead.
Everyone froze, breath held tight in their throats.
“Ich schieße.”
Matthew reached for his knife.
“Matthew…” Arthur warned, voice low, “Don’t be rash now–” A bullet nicked his shoulder. He took in a sharp breath. “Matthew–”
But Matthew had already bolted into the thrush of darkness.
It was all a blur. Killing often was. Red splattering across his vision, the distant sound of screams. It seemed far away, but natural. Too natural.
Ludwig lay before him in a puddle of his own blood. Matthew’s stomach jumped to his throat and yet…he was grinning. He hated it, yet he just kept staring.
“Matthew…You–” Arthur’s words died in his throat, eyes landing on Ludwig. “Oh Matthew…”
Arthur reached for him, but Matthew jerked away, stepping over the body as if nothing had happened.
— — —
Back and forth. Creak, squeak. Something needed to be oiled, but Matthew was too comfortable against the chest of his lover to care. It may have been sweltering, so much so they had discarded their shirts long ago, but Matthew refused to let it ruin his cuddle time.
Fingers trailed along the scars that sprinkled his lover’s torso and chest. Scars put there by him.
Back then he had been blinded by rage and revenge. Failing to realize the bigger picture. Now, in an era of peace, somehow Matthew had found himself falling for the man he wouldn’t hesitate to turn into Swiss cheese with bullet wounds not even a century ago.
The hot summer day spent curled up together on a porch swing couldn’t have been more different from the wet cold night of a trench raid when every fiber had to be on high alert. When the animalistic desire deep within him battled to be free. When it often won.
Each time his fingertips bumped along the jagged skin, a sick kind of pleasure bubbled from deep within Matthew. He did all that. He couldn’t tell if it was his lingering rage from the world wars or a sense of possessiveness that Ludwig was his. That in a way, those marks made Ludwig his. Regardless, Matthew was disgusted with himself.
Nations were bred for war. For violence. At least that’s what Arthur always said. That it was in their nature to be possessive, to solve their problems with a sword or gun or whatever was the popular weapon of the time. Matthew only saw it as an excuse. He had vowed to never be like Arthur. To never be like Francis. Or any of those empires who practically fed on the blood of their enemies.
But he failed. He was just like the rest of them. A sick, twisted, monster.
Yet…Ludwig lay there with him. Eyes closed in bliss despite the heat and sweaty body against him. Completely defenseless. How they could forgive each other after everything was lost on even Matthew who forgave so easily.
“You’re lost in that head of yours again aren’t you?” Ludwig’s voice broke through the train of thought.
Ludwig’s chest rumbled with a chuckle. Matthew liked it when Ludwig laughed. At least he could say he preferred it over his screams of agony.
“I’m serious though Matt. What’s wrong?”
“It’s not nothing. I–”
Matthew pressed his lips against Ludwigs, lazily rolling them against his lovers. He kept Ludwig in place with a single hand pushing gently against his chest. He licked into Ludwig’s mouth, Ludwig gripped Matthew’s thigh, timid tongue meeting Matthew’s.
“Don’t…Don’t think you’ve distracted me,” Ludwig panted, eyes glassy, “I will find out what’s wrong–”
Another kiss. Even longer and slower than the last. “Fine…Something’s up but…I just need you and I’ll be fine.”
Ludwig searched Matthew’s eyes. Desire burned deep within, but also cold, pained desperation. He shivered as Matthew’s fingers traveled over an old stab wound, long since scarred. A wound put there by Matthew. Ah. That was it, wasn’t it?
“Okay…” Ludwig agreed, voice careful, “Okay. But let’s take this inside.”
He pulled Matthew up to his feet, arms wrapping around him for a quick embrace. Noses brushing, Ludwig whispered: “I love you.”
A small smile spread across Matthew’s lips, eyes shifting down to his feet. Bashful. Cute. “I love you too.”
Wer ist da = Who’s there?
Ich schieße = I’ll shoot
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kazanfamily · 3 months
System Introduction
Hello, we're the Kazan World! We're an adaptive neurogenic system with a varying member count. Welcome to our blog! Our vision when starting this is to have a place to infodump about our system lore, and trust me, it goes deep.
To start, though, here's a simple introduction to who we are! We joined the plural community in November 29, 2020, though we've been a system for much longer. We'll go more in depth about our system origins at a later post. We're bodily 19, born in Brazil, transmasc, and collectively autistic with a special interest in geography.
We only include non-dormant members into our numbers count, though it typically varies somewhere between 15-50 active members. At the time of writing this post, our count is 18. We're introject-heavy and have members from various sources, mainly from anime. However, there are two groups you'll see most often: the host's family and our Hetalia introjects.
Host's family
(also sometimes known as Kazan Family)
Niko - (they/them): We call them the host, but our definition isn't the typical one. They're a personification of our collective identity/singletsona, and also serve as a leadership figure in our system. The rest of the family sorta branched out from that initial identity (though we don't consider ourselves median), and now are the younger siblings of the host.
Nile - (she/they): Niko's twin and a former persecutor. She formed in mid 2019 at a time when our body had depression, and regularly acted out against the system since then. They took some time in isolation and only formally rejoined our system at the start of this year.
Angel - (fluid pronouns): Caretaker and former protector. It followed a similar story as the above, though in different ways. Angel and Nile used to see each other as enemies, but now they've become much closer.
Migi - (she/they): Originated as a concept of right brain. She emerged in February 2020 along with Hidari, and has always been one of the most regularly active headmates. They used to be an emotion holder.
Hidari - (any pronouns): Emerged in February 2020 along with Migi, as the equivalent concept of left brain. She finds pleasure in performing tasks, following orders and helping the system with organization.
Mica - (they/them): Memorygenic, the youngest of the family, and a big fan of Undertale.
Isav - (he/him): Memorygenic and a former host. He helped kickstart our special interest back in April 2021, and became the host for a sidesystem that eventually overtook the main system. Also very homosexual.
Hetalia Introjects
Introjects from the anime Hetalia. They're personifications of countries and have exomemories based on the manga plus real historical events. We'd love to meet more people who know the source to be friends with, but please avoid questions relating to heavy events unless we willingly bring it up first. We have loads of introjects from the source, but here are a few who front most often:
Alfred/America - (he/him)
Arthur/England - (he/him)
Japan - (he/him)
China - (any pronouns)
Veneziano - (he/him)
Romano - (he/him)
And that's it, it's nice to meet you all! Don't be shy to ask questions about our system, we love answering them ^^ Until next time 👋
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yahoo201027 · 4 months
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February 12: Happy Birthday to the Hetalia character representing the Western European Country located in the Iberian Peninsula next to Portugal, a member of the European Union, and was the owner/caretaker of South Italy/Romano when he was a child as the country of Spain, human name Antonio Fernández Carriedo.
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fanficfish · 4 months
hetalia parenting hcs and theories
i got on a Sweden kick lately, alright-
Austria wasn't *too* great at parenting (*gestures at Italy*) when he was younger, but to be fair: the man obtained a child, was essentially being bossed around by his younger brother, and also the kid was Italy. His punishments were on the nicer end of the spectrum considering the time period, though-as far as we're aware, his punishments were more towards "stop Italy from eating a fifth serving of pasta" then anything physical (wait is that why Italy's so into pasta now, is it trauma? ...let's not unpack that right now-). But if it's related to art- that he can appreciate, that's the main trait that sticks around with Kugelmugel. Austria would totally get mad at his charges/kids for messing up his own art, but he won't actively stop them from expressing themselves, as an artist that would be hypocritical. He'll deny he cares about his wards when asked, though. Hungary thinks it's cute. And yes, he totally gets Italy to come over to hang out with Kugel because "you're artists, right? Go on, I'll be over in the corner playing Mozart."
China - nah he's just a normal Asian parent. Drives everyone up the wall, means well, stuffs everyone full until they're bursting, then beats them over the head with a frying pan until they finish their chores. Love language? Food. So. Much. Food. Even Japan can't always escape the Family Dinner, and to his great dismay China acts like he's going to starve (he's not, he swears-) and.
America is that dad that has free-range kids, because well. America. Also, he has other things besides parenting 50 states and all of his territories and micronations and Native nations, because do you know how many personifications that is? A lot. He's 400, not 1000, between him and Canada they're kinda just accepted they need to delegate a lot and just never plan on a family dinner-that's why America throws a big party on all major holidays and Canada sometimes joins in ("the states and provinces all hang out anyways"). Both America and Canada but mostly America's inboxes are constantly full, and they have one phone for work and the other nation personifications and whatnot and one for "family matters". It's fine, most of them govern themselves anyways- wait, what do you mean Florida is fighting an aligator on the NASA launchpad-?!
Prussia actually didn't do half bad, but Germany was already half-grown, so that helped. He passed the parenting test with flying colors though.
Denmark (and Norway)....Iceland took one look and wisely decided not to move in with them like other nations were doing with their caretakers and stayed on his island. Away. Far away from Vikings and all the ridiculous things going on with wars and what-gives. He, Greenland, the Farce Islands, Aland- they all were quite content to just ignore the chaos their big brothers were stirring up and to be fair, maybe having the immortal 13-year-olds raising 6-year-olds wasn't the best idea.....Denmark did try, though, when he wasn't being beat up by Sweden or fighting the neighbors. Making trips to Iceland (the country) (with Norway in tow, of course) and bringing gifts from the mainland, and such. Iceland in turn visited, but very rarely- he did his best to jsut skip whatever nightmare Denmark cooked up during the Kalmer Union (wise choice all things considered) and visited only when necessary, no wonder Finland and Sweden didn't really meet him until the 1700s and it took to the 1950s before Iceland deemed his brothers were mostly sane again. But all things considered he got a decent end of the straw, and he got his quiet life, though there's a reason Norway mother hens him (bro feels bad he didn't do much with the kid for the first 800 years after the initial "yo you're mine now, oh wait now we're both Denmark's" thing).. Iceland takes it in stride even if he found out he wasw a bit more touch-starved then he realized. The other Nordics definitrely mother hen him now, and Estonia tries to act like it too but really he ends up like that weird slightly-older cousin who keeps turning up for some weird reason. (Y'all, Estonia and Iceland are physically the same age I can't-)
Sweden is the ultimate dad. Welll, the ultimate dad that spoils his kids but still a dad. Actually pays some degree of attention to the kids he ends up with, even if he isn't technically supposed to acknowledge Ladonia as a country but "c'mon, there' sa personification, and also he's MY kid. I made this. Technically. Don't you DARE touch his laptop". Also Sweden definitely is the one fixing the laptop when something goes wrong, He kind of wishes Ladonia and Sealand meeting didn't happen by Sealand getting super bored and making a micronations club but he supposes at least it worked out. Finland pretends he's staying out of it, but he's kind of hyped there are kids and a dog around. Funnily enough, Selanad only found out later that Iceland is his uncle....after trying to declare he was his "sempai". Iceland was not amused, because dammit he's 1000, you little- Sweden, get your children under control!
England and France.....well, at least France tried to keep America from drinking too much beer once but neither did particularly outstanding jobs. But hey, Canada and America are alive and mostly in one piece! So that's a win, right? Right? Australia, New Zealand, back us up here- PUT DOWN THAT KANGAROO, YOUNG MEN- (England also had a bad habit of delegating but that's what happened when your wards span the whole world and you can't really bring them all home because they're territories and colonies. England the personification was secretly glad he didn't' have to deal with whatever personification nightmare was going on in America after a while). (But they do care enough that England wil still offer calming tea after a good soclsing and lug Sealand home after he sneaks into another world meeting because "you aren't going home at this time of night that's rodiculous- what no ofc i don't care but don't hitchhike back home that's dangeorus!" And France will invite his lot pvwe for dinner and throw "extra things i had lyong around" at them during Paris Fashion Week. They care but in a strange, "we're flipping old ans don't always get ir" way.
And Spain just tried his dammed hardest to keep Romano from doing stupid stuff. Not that it worked, of course, but E for Effort!
I can't think of any more right now. I'll add more when i think of it. Obviously out of everyone, Greece and maybe Egypt probably had the best upbringing. With somewhat-normal parental figures that weren't preteens and teens running around trying to figure out how to care for five-year-olds
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
show me a moment of how spain raised romano back then
i had a little autism moment and didnt realize you were referring to my tags in my latest post and was about to say that requests are closed right now brubble O_O but anyways here ill show you stuff from le manga since we can both agree that the manga is definitely canon material yeah?
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see I understand that romano never directly calls spain his dad and lots of hetalia characters call eachother big brother all the time, but the reason I see this as spain raising him is cuz he definately acts as a caretaker for romano while he was growing up. He follows romano secretly when he goes off to return home by himself just like how a parent would follow their kid secretly the first time they go to the store themselves. he takes care of babie romano and is shown to simply spend time with him in a non instructional way, making their relationship feel more personal than a boss and servant/disciple and shizun if you will. he lets romano hang out while he works the same way a work from home parent lets their own kid have little chit chat with them while they toil away, before making sure romano gets his afternoon nap. and also he never actually gives romano corporal punishments for not finishing his chores. He scolds him the way a parent does rather than locking him in a room as punishment, as it seems whats more important to him is that romano respects him and understands responsibility rather than actually getting shit done.
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Also theres this part where he admits that he was the one who determined how romano grew up (spoiled or not). I personally read and watched hetalia and saw this as a bonafide spain raising romano moment, because i saw everything pointing to spain acting as the role of a caretaker for romano as he grew up, and a very personal one at that (seeing as he treats romano with a significant amount of yeilding and understanding, making it feel less like he treats romano as a servant and more like he treats romano as a kid he needs to take care of and give chores to to make sure he can develop a sense of responsibility).
But also it should be known that i dont want to engage in any sort of discourse about hetalia shippings and relationships and all that jazz because i think its stupid and i couldnt give less of a shit. if youre spamano nations strongest soldier then go ahead idc your blog your house dude, i aint going to barge in and spit directly in your soup lol. no hard feelings for this ask! i think itd be rude of me to not give you any explanation for why i think the way i do, since theres nothing wrong with asking about that!! but just know that past me explaining why i interpret these guys the way i do, i dont wanna discuss this subject further
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yaoxsblog · 10 months
this is going to be the same question i asked bruzi about but do you have any headcannons about kosovo's general personality and his relations with other balkan countries?
Although I see him quite differently than Bruzi to be honest
I’ll start with physical appearance cause I have headcanons about this too - in that he resembles Albania in his facial features more than Serbia, his skin is slightly more tan, and his eyes are very dark. His hair appears to be black but is actually a very dark Brown and in the sun you can see it has red undertones. When he was younger he wanted to keep it long (don’t ask me why he just Did), but vuk made him cut it (probably said something about him looking gay idk). He hated it but then it sort of grew long enough to be put in that stupid emo ass ponytail so it’s ok ig
His stupid emo ass ponytail is the hetalia equivalent of a fuck ass bob
He lives with Vuk, probably in an attic or something but is very rarely home (claiming he has official nation buisnesses to attend to when he probably just went to herd some sheep or drink in a field. Maybe both)
He actually loves animals and is a great caretaker to them. Hes incredibly socially akward when it comes to people or nations but idk Man goats just understand him
Speaking of goats Vuk totally tells everyone that Kos… has relationships with his animals (listen at some point a meme spread in the yugo fandom that he fucks goats and as much as it was a joke back then I think he would be deeply offended)
And speaking of socially anxious emo teen. HE IS FUCKING UNBEARABLE IN CONVERATION. If you’re unlucky enough that he decides to actually talk to you instead of looking at you once and promptly leaving, you are about to listen to a twitter-obsessed teenager who smells like axe body spray and goat cheese.
His lack of communication skills also leads to most of his disputes with Vuk ending in some sort of physical way, rather than actually talking about the issue. I don’t think Serbia ever hit him but Kos definetly tried to start a fight multiple times
Hes very much „hard on the outside soft on the inside”. He tells his animals about what’s bothering him, he cries himself to sleep sometimes, he enjoys the peace of the outdoors, it’s just that he has a really short fuse and terrible people skills.
In fact, coming back to his fights with Serbia - Vuk often calls him immature, because he is very quick to stop using actual arguments and start just throwing insults at his opponents instead
As for relationships, I’m not sure about most of them
I know he and Vuk have a strained father/older brother like thing going on, where Serbia tries to be protective and kind (wether thats genuine or just a façade) and Kos denies all attempts at affection
I suppose albania is like the one person who he can talk „normally” with, because unlike vuk he doesn’t make him immedeatly angry
I think he enjoys Montenegro’s chill vibe
And because I am the #1 bosherze enjoyer i will say that they probably also like him, and maybe even treat him sort of like an older son, he definetly visits them when he needs a break from the God of Vukists :))
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arofeli · 3 months
Ciao, my name is Italy! This is going to be my introduction for my blog >:3 I'm a fictive in a DID system. Other fictives and systems pretty please interact ♡ I'm pro-recovery but also very attached to my source and it would make me happy. Also, we are bodily in our early 20s!
About me!
I'm an ENFP and a 2w1! My primary role in our system is to be a caretaker. I mostly front to help others with their emotions and provide affection/support ♡ I'm also an alloaro bi! My alternate role is to deal with our sexuality. I'm very open to talk about that kind of stuff if you're interested ^-^ I love love so much but I personally experience my attraction as queerplatonic, not romantic.
I will be reblogging things I like! I love Hetalia fanart that reminds me of when I first split many years ago and anything with characters I love and miss. I also love pretty paintings and positive quotes!
I am a fictive but not my source so please don't be afraid to interact ♡ I really want friends, actually...
Oh, and I will not post anything explicit, but if I post anything suggestive or referencing sexuality, I will tag it #🍋 so you can blacklist if you'd like!
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fuckyeah-hetalia · 5 months
Status: Complete
When you're the city's infamous crime-fighting vigilante, keeping your identity a secret is a must, even from those closest to you. But at some point, everyone slips up. All Alfred knew was that this night would change everything, for better or worse. Or, after a close call leaves the vigilante with a severe wound, secrets are revealed to someone who should've known all along.
Chapters: 2/2 Words: 11,220
Creator: Peacock_Galaxy
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Canada & America
Characters: Canada, America
Tags: AngstHurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Vigilantism, Secret Identity, Aftermath of Violence, Sibling Bonding, Caretaking, POV Third Person, Swearing, America & Canada are Twins
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grandparomeaskblog · 2 years
Nations in hetalia are very different than ordinairy men. They come to life differently, they age extendedly and therefore live longer. It's really interesting to play with this concept. Every fan has their own ideas on this. This is my take on Romulus&Remus growth for this blog.
They were birthed by a mortal woman and they appeared as normal babies at first. The only thing that is different from the start is their immunity to death 🤣
Their growth is as follows:
0-1 aging like ordinairy babies
1-2 the growing curve drops more and more till they only grow one year for every 5 human years
2-3 growth drops to one year for every 10 human years. 1* (see notes)
3-4 growth drops to one year for every 50 human years. 2*
4-11 growth stabilises to 1 year for every century of human years. 3*
11-16  Growspurt, 4 years in one century 4*
16-28 aging back to 2 years for every century 5*
28-44 aging to one year for every century 6*
*At age four a second family already has to take over because the caretakers are getting too old.
** At this point for every 'growthyear' they change caretakers. Due to the new faces all the time they feel little connection to their parent figures. This causes problems from time to time
***They find that they can grow within a family, but adoptive brothers become their 2nd generation caretakers before they can blink their eyes. It's hard to take them seriously.
4* This sudden change of grow makes them completely lose their minds. Humans don't understand what they are going through at all. It's confusing and scary. Is this expansion drift natural?
5*questioning their inner feels: civil war or expension, what defines me? Is it Greek to have both?
6*aging like a good wine from this point 🤣
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monaluisa · 1 year
14. Dumbest reason for fandom drama
19. Has anyone ever gotten mad over how you've portrayed an character or over a headcanon or something?
20. In what ways do you think this fandom should step outside it's comfort zone
4. Best historical Hetalia takes
6. Shout out to someone on Tumblr who has the best takes for your favorite character
12. What makes this Fandom different in a positive way compared to other fandoms
14. Probably the USUK/FrUK shipping wars in the days of yore. This is my second stint in the hetalia fandom; the first one was circa 2015-2017 when it was starting to die down, and I was pretty young and inexperienced, so I heard more about the drama then I really saw, but I think any shipping war is pretty stupid. I was into ATLA early in the pandemic and somehow I got caught up in the Zutara vs. Kataang wars even though I don't really ship either of them, so I've seen how irrational shipping wars make people.
19. Not yet, because I haven't made much, but I'm always terrified of it happening lol. A central plot point in the fic I'm working on now is that Greece is trying to kill Turkey to avenge Byzantium's death, and I preemptively put a disclaimer on the fic that it wasn't a commentary on Greco-Turkish relations just in case someone got mad.
20. I know that Hetalia isn't meant to be taken seriously at all, but I love to see when people do. I'd love to see more people explore the worldbuilding of it, like their immortality; I take it that they can die (ex: falling in the ocean and drowning or something) and then come back, but we know they can also die for real because it happened to Rome and Holy Rome, and I want to know at what point they die for real. What does death mean for them when it works like that? Also, what are the implications of the nation's existence? How much do they identify with humans and human culture, and how much are they seperate from it by virtue of immortality and literally being a political entity? Are they more in charge of their nations, or are they just immortal puppets to their boss of the day? What does family mean to people who cannot die and who are rarely (if ever) biologically connected to each other in the way that humans are? And how have all these things shaped them each individually as characters? Now I'm just listing stuff I like to write about lol.
4. The HRE, Austria, and Prussia were all children together; Austria and Prussia grew up, but Holy Rome, being pretty weak, never did, and so Austria essentially became his caretaker, and watched him wither away from the 30 Years War until finally succumbing to the clusterfuck that is Napoleonic Europe. Austria was so torn up that he ordered the creation of Germany (or the German Confederation) primarily for political reasons, but also maybe as a way to replace Holy Rome as a person. Germany then spent like 1815-1866 torn between what Austria wanted him to be and what Prussia wanted him to be, all while Prussia is slowly taking the reigns from Austria and essentially forcing Germany to grow up too fast into war and conquest, ultimately pitting him against Austria in the Austro-Prussian War. Taking all of my own headcanons into consideration, I just think that Prussia, Austria, and Germany are really interesting characters to examine.
6. It's hard for me to pick a favorite character (Probably Prussia or Romano) but @sailorgreywolf-german has some of the best takes on the HRE I've seen.
12. First of all, there's the fact that you can never leave it, so like the theoretically-immortal characters, it's hard for the fandom to truly be dead. Second of all, the only thing really uniting the fandom is the concept of the show and the loosely-agreed upon characters in it, and you have all of history to work them into, so for a history nut like myself, that mean ideas come fairly easily. I wrote a fic about HRE dying where I briefly mentioned Byzantium throwing Greece off of the wall of Constantinople, so then I wrote a fic about that, and now I'm writing a fic where that wall-yeeting (and the subsequent fall of Constantinople and death of Byzantium) is a big sticking point of Greece's character. Hetalia is the gift that keeps giving lol.
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digital999placebo · 2 years
ALSO your boxer au is so chefs kiss perfect as well!!! again down with hetalia as a comedy series i only want to think about the nasty codependent relationship they have!!! ludwig looking up to gilbert his entire life and knowing that gilbert has given everything up for him!! but also beginning to realize that gilbert is Not a Good Person!! gilbert being hated his entire life and finally finding unconditional love in the way baby ludwig looked up to him and is terrified of his brother growing up to hate him so he desperately doesnt want ludwig to grow up but that just makes ludwig resent the way hes being infantilized. sorry for screaming in your inbox i just . seeing yr content makes me so happy fr.
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first of all thank you!!!!!!! It’s been so much fun developing it so far n I’m looking forward to doing more of that :D
THAT IS SUCH A GOOD TAKE TBH I’ve never thought of Gilbert finding unconditional love in Ludwig, just using Ludwig as a means to an end (in canon universe that’s just like… war n shit), but tbh him along the way of using Ludwig being like: damn this kid loves n respects me … “ stroking his ego …. Yeah ur big brained for that one… and Ludwig continuing with this way of loving someone by putting them on pedestals, n unintentionally picking up his brother’s trait of overbearingness, just refusing to let go of something once he has it and will either give it his all or nothing
(Mostly unrelated, but Me n @miss--kiwi were talking about a Silent Hill AU with that dynamic, Gilbert being an overbearing caretaker partly bc he cares so much for Ludwig n partly bc Ludwig is the only person he has left, and Ludwig ultimately leaving because he’s smothered in Gilbert’s presence. Then Gilbert dies and on his way to the funeral, Ludwig ends up in Silent Hill yada yada yada has to fight his way through personifications of his guilt surrounding abandoning and then ignoring his brother’s attempts to contact him basically leaving Gilbert believing that Ludwig wanted nothing to do with him until his death.)
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needcake · 1 year
5 6 and 7 for the hetalia thing!
oh, thank you!
5. share one of your favourite headcanons!
My absolute favorite and also incredibly self-indulgent headcanon is that Port went to study in the Baghdad House of Wisdom in his youth and that is when he met Türkiye during the time the Turkish tribes were welcomed into the Abbasid Caliphate. IN MY HEAD IT MAKES SENSE. It'd be right at a time when the Umayyad Caliphate was falling apart after fighting those same Turkish tribes and decided to settle in Iberia, making it the perfect falling in love with my caretaker's enemy scenario and all that.
I wrote a fic about it.
6. why is your favourite character your favourite?
I love a deeply problematic pretty boy 🫣
7. who's a character you don't talk about much, but really love?
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