#hey @ other fic writin friends
terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
prompt- jenny finding out about dair and her reaction + her being happy for them
Dair + Jenny
After she hangs up the phone, Jenny stares into space for what must be twenty straight minutes. 
Her fingers twitch, needing something to do, something to keep them busy. It’s been her prime coping mechanism since, well, probably since she developed the fine motor skills necessary. If she was too hyper or bouncing off the walls, her mother put a crayon in her hand, or a pencil, or a paintbrush, and then later, fabric, thread, needles. The act of making something gave her a way to focus, to take all that ambition that had been born in her blood and do something with it. 
She grabs her sketchpad, starts on a figure and the shape of a dress without really looking at it. When she does, she realizes she doesn’t want to design anything at all, and tears the page out, a new blank one gaping up at her. 
Jenny sighs, slumping back against the wall of her dormitory, drumming her fingertips on the paper. 
She’s not…mad, not really. The way Dan talked, all cautious and careful and slow, like she was a feral cat he was trying to persuade to come out of the alley, he probably expected her to be angry, but she wasn’t. Or if she was, it feels different than the kind of anger that ate her alive back in New York. 
Not wanting to design but needing to draw something, she falls back on an old standby learned from her mother. She picks up a pen, and starts scrawling across the page, filling all the empty space, just random letters, well, maybe not so random, D-A-N, B-L-A-I-R, W-A-L-D-O-R-F, E-V-I-L S-P-A-W-N. When a sufficient amount of the page is covered, she starts connecting the lines, weaving the letters together until they’re unintelligible, a collected framework of lines, an abstract approximation of the iron outline of stained glass windows of the Anglican church down the street. 
Once satisfied with the skeletal structure, Jenny grabs her box of colored pencils. She’s meticulous, one color at a time, taking care not to use two similar hues next to each other. 
Her mom always made her own coloring sheets like this. In the evenings, after dinner but before bedtime, when Dan would disappear behind a book and Dad behind his guitar, her mom would sit in the armchair by the record player and just…color, just like this, filling an entire page with a riot of different hues and shades that did look like stained glass, so bright it reminded Jenny of the blown glass vases her parents displayed in the kitchen that she wasn’t allowed to touch.
Sometime, around the time Jenny was starting to think of herself as an artist too, she insisted that Mom show her how she made them, and she did. Jenny remembers being almost disappointed that there was no great secret to it. Scribble, connect the ends, color in the blank spaces. 
“It’s no genius work,” Alison told her, “but it’s meditative. Relaxes the mind.” 
Jenny could definitely do with that, she thinks as she picks up another pencil. Bright red, like cherry lip gloss. 
She didn’t yell. She didn’t give her blessing—because why should she—but she didn’t yell, didn’t make any accusations. She bit her tongue, and powered through the conversation best she could, sprinting to the end of the phone call. And now here she is. 
She knows what she wants to say, but she also knows that she can’t say it to Dan. 
You can’t badmouth the boyfriend. Another nugget of wisdom from her mom, delivered unto her last year, when one of her friends from show choir in Hudson started dating a grade-A douchebag, and that’s judging from Jenny’s rubric, which has a steep curve. 
Jenny couldn’t stand being around him, and more than that, didn’t want her friend giving her own time to someone who didn’t deserve it, all of which she told her mother. She and Alison undertook a thorough Full Disclosure policy when she moved to Hudson. It worked pretty well, even when Jenny didn’t like the advice she heard. 
“Honey, there’s nothing you can say that will sway her,” Alison told her. “All you can do is just love her, so when the bottom drops out she’ll know that you are there for her.”
Jenny kept her mouth shut, and, a week before senior prom, the douchebag showed his true, douchey colors, and Jenny was there for her friend. 
But what sucked is that Jenny would have been there regardless, so why should someone she cares about have to go through the wreckage of heartbreak to fall back on something they already had? 
Dan has a more resilient heart than she does. It’s just fact, they went to that school and went through their own dark forests of fucked-up shit, and while she broke down, Dan’s still there. Dan still believes, in true love, in finding the one, no matter how many times he gets hurt for the sake of the one. He’s so much like their mom, but on this, he’s his father’s son through and through.
Maybe that’s the problem. Sometimes Jenny imagines stretching her arm out over the Atlantic Ocean, plucking up her brothers by the shirt collar and carrying them over to London, to safer ground. 
But when everything got bad, she felt like she couldn’t turn to anyone, but even then Dan had been ready to punch out any one that wronged her, so long as he gave her the chance to talk and she gave him the chance to listen. So, she doesn’t want to cut him off. Even though she doesn’t know how not to, given what he’s just told her. 
So, she colors, she puts it onto the paper like her mother taught her, puts the words she couldn’t say into the phone into each swatch of color. 
She’s going to wreck you. She is going to wreck you and leave you in pieces and there isn’t a damn thing I can do to stop it. 
Half the page colored, she puts on her headphones, blasts music from her laptop. She cycles through most of Paramore’s discography by the time the page is filled.
Jenny lets out a deep breath as she examines her handiwork. Stained glass on paper. And, despite herself, it worked, like mac and cheese, like chocolate chip waffles, like any comfort from her childhood. 
On impulse, she grabs her phone, snaps a picture of her DIY coloring sheet, and sends it to Dan. She doesn’t know what to say to him, but words had always been more his thing anyway. 
Two minutes later, Dan sends a photo back, one of his own attempt, still in progress, on one of his legal pads he uses for outlining. 
Love you, she sends. 
Love you too, he texts back. 
Jenny’s still worried, but she thinks, or maybe hopes, that everything will turn out okay. 
3 years later…
Jenny and Nate stumble through the door of their Airbnb. Well, Jenny stumbles, she’s been in these heels too long. Wherever they go, no matter how fucked up they are, Nate always carries himself with an infuriating amount of athletic grace. It’s that damn pub football league. 
“Oh, couch,” Jenny sighs, collapsing onto the piece of furniture in question. It’s very comfy. They truly scored with this one, booked on a whim by Jenny while they were still on the train this morning. 
Dan and Blair had their own suite at the Plaza Athénée; when Blair heard they were staying in the 5th, she’d rolled her eyes, but even she was too happy to spend any time berating Jenny and Nate’s choice of lodging on the “wrong” side of the Seine. 
“So,” Nate says lightly, toeing off his shoes and leaving them beside her discarded boots, “how are you feeling?” He bends to pick up the coat she’d dropped on the floor next, hanging it up along with his. He takes such good care of her. 
“Exhausted,” she answers, hanging her head over the back of the sofa, as Nate drops down next to her. “Can you believe we were in a different country this morning? And we took a train underwater?”
He laughs lightly, stretching out and putting his head in her lap. “That’s not what I meant. I meant: how are you doing? About today?”
She frowns down at him puzzledly, arching an eyebrow. “Don’t you have a conflict of interest asking that question?”
“My interest is you, babe,” he reaches up, tapping the back of his hand on her sternum. “You sure you’re okay?”
“I seem to recall already having this conversation with Eric after Dan proposed.”
“Yeah, well, I’m checking in again.”
Jenny sighs, tilting her head back to think. “I’m good. Really.” She clasps Nate’s outstretched hand in one of hers, and runs the other through his hair, soft between her fingers. “I’ve had enough time to get used to the idea. And while I don’t think I’m completely used to it…” she shrugs. “The more I see them together, the more it makes sense.”
Nate makes a small hum, his little nonverbal way of saying I’m listening, and Go on. 
“I don’t know,” she takes a breath, gathering her thoughts, trying to shape them into words, “Dan’s always been just…himself, but like, in soft lines, shaded in. But…now he’s more…sharper. Like the outline of him has finally been inked in, you know?”
Nate blinks up at her, crease forming between his eyebrows. “I think so?”
Jenny laughs, and he strokes his thumb over her knuckles. “I just mean, this is the most himself I’ve ever seen him be. And if you repeat this I’ll deny it, but I think a lot of it has to do with Blair. So…” she sighs, melodramatic, “for him, I’ll suffer through being legally related to her.”
Nate snorts, face breaking into that sunrise grin Jenny loves so much. He brings their joined hands down, settling them on his chest. She’s never historically been much of a hand holder, but Nate loves it, and she loves him. And, she loves that it’s her he’s reaching for. 
“I’m happy for him,” she declares. “And I’m happy he asked me to come. And I’m really happy that we won’t be anywhere near when he tells Dad.” 
Nate makes a noise of agreement. “Or Eleanor.” 
“Oh my god, yeah.”
They both laugh, out of not only amusement at the mental image of Rufus and Eleanor’s respective reactions, but also relief, that Jenny and Nate won’t be in the blast zone when the bomb drops. There are definite advantages to the ex-patriot life. 
“Is that something you want?” Nate asks softly. 
“Facing the wrath of an Eleanor scorned? Fuck no.” 
“No,” he says softly. “What Blair and Dan did.”
“Elope in Paris?”
“Well, yeah, I guess,” he qualifies with a tilt of his head. “But I was thinking…just – marriage in general.”
“Oh,” Jenny says bluntly. 
Nate nods, his normally open expression cautious. 
Jenny sits back, thinking it over.  When Nate asks a serious question, she knows it comes after a long time of thought, always seeking an honest answer, so she tries to give him the same level of consideration. 
She’s not a believer in forever like her brother is. She’s so like their dad in so many ways, but in this one, she is her mother’s child. 
“I don’t think I’m ready for that. Maybe later. Way, way later, but not now.”
Nate nods, understanding. “I don’t think I am either.”
She lets out a breath.  
“So…” he trails off, “glad we’re on the same page?” 
She laughs. “Yeah. Yeah we are.”
She may not believe in forever, but if she had to draw it, it would look a lot like Nate. 
“And, who knows, maybe we can revisit this conversation at a later time, like…when we’re forty.” 
Nate grins, and presses a kiss to the back of her hand. “Sounds good to me.”
One word prompts
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ladamedusoif · 4 months
Chimes at Midnight, or an EoY Ramble.
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(divider by @saradika - thank you so much for your incredible work)
Who can cling to a ramblin’ Rose?
Good question. But cling to me for a few moments, as I ramble my way through an end of year post - of sorts. Personal shenans ahead.
I have no great wisdom to impart. No life lessons, no affirmations, just reflections and observations after a year where my entry into this fandom brought me much joy, kindness, love, and strength - and, unfortunately, some upset, hurt, and pain, too. 
But then, such is life, and while many of us use this space as an escape, the dynamics of just being human can’t help but filter through here, too.
I (and my 120k and counting words of fic - correction, my “ethical porn for nerdy types”) am here because of an alignment of events in early 2023. Here is my origin story:
I was stopped in my tracks one day by a friend’s Instagram story - or, specifically, by the twinkly-eyed, crinkly-eyed, smiley handsome man being interviewed in the video they’d shared. And something fired in my brain (bear in mind, a reaction like that is highly unusual for me).
Around the same time, my divorce process began. After a day of crying in my office and/or on the street, my sister sent me a message with some advice: You need something distracting and comforting. Watch The Mandalorian. You’ll like it.
(This is all her fault.)
I can only blame traumatised soon-to-be-divorcée brain for the fact that I didn’t quite immediately put the twinkly-eyed handsome smiling man together with the tin can dad with a voice like melted chocolate and an adorable green child that reminded me of my toddler niblings. Whoops. 
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(Sorry, P. Divorcée brain!)
Long story short: it clicked, eventually, and with a hop, skip and a jump from “hey there, handsome” to “I love him a normal amount” via SNL, I ended up here. 
People often compare Tumblr and fandoms to the purest form of childhood friendship. Oh, you have a Bluey backpack? I like Bluey too. Let’s be friends? And it’s a perfect analogy. It was a joy and a comfort to realise that, after a lifetime of feeling like I had to hide and be ashamed of the things and people who made me happy, there were other people just like me who didn’t feel shame, and who helped me realise this was…normal? And good? And, though this might seem like a contradiction in terms, healthy?
I rediscovered the pure joy of shared fangirling (gn). I read other people’s beautiful fics and, overcoming my fears and anxieties, rediscovered the person I’d been until I went to college and only wrote academically/professionally - the person who always made up little stories for herself, who tapped out “novels” on her mother’s 1970s portable typewriter, who never went anywhere without a copybook for writing and drawing her stories, who dreamed of being a writer. I started to write Visiting, and people actually read it. 
And through that, and reading their words and talking/flailing in their DMs, I connected with people who in some cases became close friends. People who seemed to like me for me, for the me I was re-learning how to be after an incredibly traumatic period in my life. And that meant - and means - the world. 
(Not all of those connections or friendships were sustained, and I still don’t really understand what happened to end them - in some cases, abruptly and without explanation. All I can do is remind myself that people need different things at different times, wish them well, and allow myself to miss them.)
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Gratitude sometimes gets a bad rap as a practice but it can be freeing and healing. So, putting aside the hurt and negative experiences and focusing on the good:
I am grateful for the affirming, kind, supportive relationships I’ve built through a mutual love of one (1) man. 
I am grateful for the way my presence in this community, however marginal and irrelevant I might feel, is kept going through mutual support and silliness. 
I am grateful for the opportunity to rediscover writing as creative practice and fun, rather than just something I have to do in my line of work (and which is bound up with anxiety in that respect).
I am grateful for the people who take the time not just to read but to respond to, share, and love on my work. (You’re amazing and I love you all!)
I am grateful for the people who showed and show me love even though they’ve never met me in person, and in myriad ways. (These ways include personalised birthday poems and fancams, sending me a copy of Esquire out of sheer kindness and surprising me - and my neighbour, who took in the package - with a talking Dinjamin figure. You all know who you are.)
I am grateful to my friend for her thirsty Instagram story and to my sister for her unwittingly consequential TV recommendation. 
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And some general observations and reflections about my presence, experiences, and work here that I want to carry forward into 2024:
Popularity is definitely not a marker of quality.
You are entitled to have opinions and share them, even if they don’t follow the prevailing wind. Arguably, especially then.
Your feelings are valid.
Trust your gut.
It’s okay to want people to read and interact with your work, and to wonder why it doesn’t get picked up, no matter how many ‘write for you!’ posts you see from the Big Writers.
Speaking of which: if there’s room for everyone and everything, then there should be room for everyone and everything. Not just the chosen few and a handful of tropes.
Responsibility is a two-way street.
You’re worthy of love, kindness, and respect.
The love you take is equal to the love you make - or, in other words, give love and be receptive to it, whether in affirming messages, positive comments, or a simple flailing, excited reblog. 
Carry your little light, however fragile, into the new year.
With love, Rose. (And my Ben, below - print by the incredibly talented Alyssa Gonzalez)
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dabisbratz · 1 year
i'm a new writer n i was wondering if u have any writing tips??? i love ur writing sooo much like omgomgomf ur so talented fr (≧∇≦)
thank you s’much n welcome, angel!!! mnot sure what type of writer you are or what you…like to write? like!! some people like writin dialogue more than descriptions n vice versa !! but!! i hope this helps anyway!!
when i write i try not to use “(y/n)” or “(name)” or anythin like that cause i feel like it takes the reader outta the.. experience? instead i’ll mention that you introduce yourself or the character says your name, jus not in dialogue where it’d need to be written? f’that makes sense?
n with that, i try to make it as immersive as possible!! which means if m’gonna describe somethin in depth it’s gonna be from the senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, hearin) instead of any of the reader’s physical qualities! but that last part’s personal preference!! n e way, i’ll describe the characters face, body, etc, etc, along with how they smell, how their lips taste if they’re bein kissed… n apply that logic to everythin but the reader!*
*there’s an exception to this!! if you’re writin somethin where the reader is of higher status, they’d wear higher status clothing! if the reader is doin anything that requires a certain type of style of clothes!! or a period piece! it’s free rein!
experiment with your style!! you might find somethin you really like! it helps to take inspo from other writers, can be fanfic writers or published writers!! professional writers or people who do it for fun!!
this is jus a personal pet peeve of mine n somethin i see readers complain about a lot! don’t break the fourth wall!
you don’t need a beta reader, but it helps to have one! if you don’t have anyone to check over your work, leave it alone for a few hours (the longer the better) n reread your work to catch any mistakes! sometimes you jus need fresh eyes
google is your best friend!! lookin for a word? google it! lookin for a synonym? google it! this also helps with makin sure you don’t repeat the same words over n over, even if you want them to mean the same thing!
y’learn this pretty early on in school! but! dialogue always has its own paragraph unless it’s breakin between an unfinished sentence from the character! for example:
“hey! how are you?”
“i’m okay,” they nod in affirmation. “thanks for asking!”
“that’s great!”
i recommend writin in a program that’ll have autocorrect n grammar errors pointed out to you!! i use google docs, helps with typos or weirdly written sentences! i
quality is better than quantity! you might worry about not postin enough but it’s okay to take more time on one really good fic than risk burnout after postin a million fics you’re not completely happy with!!
if you have writers block dont force yourself to write! it’ll get frustratin n ultimately worsen it! ride it out, it’ll pass!
as for smut… there’s one thing i stick to n it’s gonna sound so silly n awkward n will probably make you embarrassed to write! but! i promise it works! think of somethin you think is hot n try to write it out usin ‘hot’ words. like the exact opposite of post-nut clarity, think of what you do when you’re… in a particular mood !! if your own writin doesn make you flustered you gotta keep writin!!
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marinerainbow · 8 months
Hey! ^^ I dunno whether your new job is getting easier or not but I figured F/O's can never hurt a situation! XD Either way though, here! Have some of your F/O's finding out about/asking about your OC's ! ^^
Imagine Audrey II humming over the phone he stole right out of your hands while you were messaging a friend, scrolling through the messages about some funky little weasels and bunny rabbit~ "Oooh, these are some snazzy characters, here, sweetheart! I especially like that filly, Shiny! She's got something, huh? Heheh." You try to grab it back, though you're feeling a sense of pride and warmth hearing the loud-mouthed plant compliment your creations in a way thats so genuinly them, but they raise their vines quick before you can reach it. "Uh uh uh, not so fast cupcake~~ There's more to find out about what goes on in that sweet little head of yours, isnt there, hmm? Heheheh."
(I don't know how Audrey II reads without eyes but he does okay 😅😅😅)
Imagine Harper squinting at your phone and holding it far away from his face, using one hand to hold it and one finger on the other hand to scroll on the futuristic device. He's definitely not used to technology but you sure love watching him use it like a grandpa- even looking as young as he does. It's very amusing. So you don't mind letting him play with it for a whole, around an hour, until he finally drops his arm and the phone to his side and flashes you one of those devastating southern grins. "Well, sweetheart, you sure are talented with the writin'. And those characters a' yours... I am intrigued. I have some questions for ya. Mind if we take a walk?? I could use some time in the great outdoors after playin with your lil device, here."
Imagine how the Hessian's eyes always linger on that commission of the rabbit in your room anytime he's there. He's always wanting to ask; questions boiling inside him about this unfamiliar Thing that seems to be something important to you. Something he doesn't understand but feels he needs to- just doesn't know how to ask. He's fascinated by you, and and there always seems to be something new. But that rabbit, that always seems to catch his eye.
Imagine Russ, zeroing in on Poppy immediately and tapping a commission of her with two fingerless-glove-clad digits; a broad grin spread across his face so that his perfect white teeth graze his bottom lip. "Ooooooooh, this one's cute! Reminds me of someone else sweet as sugar I know~ " He winks down at you, the smirk not budging. "You know who I mean, babygirl??... "
Imagine Scroop overhearing you telling a friend about your OC's, namely a 'Shiny'. You don't notice him standing tall in a dark corner until your friend leaves again and he creeps out on all those spidery legs and with a low hiss. "Shhhhhhhiny, huh??... who's that?... sounds fun." After you tell him a little bit about Shiny, touching on Poppy as well and explains that you have more too, Scroop's got a tiny little smirk stretching at the corners of his bug-mouth; his eyes alight with a fiery interest just for you and what goes in on your head. "... tell me more."
Imagine Tiffany snooping through your laptop when you go to take a shower and leave it open. What? Her ex husband was Chucky; she's learnt to be... uh... shall we say, cautious? Anyway, she's quick to check the important stuff, like email and such, but after deciding that you were good- she thought to peak at your open tabs. One was tumblr, and there was all sorts of interesting stuff on there! Her little sweet thing sure was creative!! Poppy was adorable, just like you. And Shiny was such a kick!- just like herself. Popshine was right up her alley~~ When you got back, Tiffany was reading through your fics with a glass of wine in her hand and a delicious cup of coffee for you, and she pats the the cushion next to her on the couch. "C'mere, babygirl! This stuff is out of this world! You really have a writers brain- gosh, that's so sexy. Let's read together for a while!- ooh, did you use the shampoo I got you? Smells as sweet as you look!~"
Omggggg I love this! But I'm also getting embarrassed at the thought too; these guys are reading my stuff??? My self-indulgent dumb stuff??? They read our conversations???? I... How am I going to live through this?? They weren't supposed to find out! 😅 But they LIKE Poppy and Shiny??? They like my writing???
Oh my lord, this is going to be on my mind all day AT WORK now. I don't know what I'm gonna do or how I'm gonna respond to thus. But thank you so much for this ask! I truly brightened my mood ^^
(Girl, Audrey II choreographed a whole musical number with no legs, figured out how to use a payphone, and knows where to grab prey. And you're questioning how they can read with no eyes? XDDDD what I'm wondering is how the heck did me and my friend not at all noticed the spider psycho in the corner trying to be Inkubus-)
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dazedrambles · 5 days
Don't You Dare (Make Me Fall in Love) | A DHMIS FIC
Cross-posted on Ao3! I used the names that others seem to call them, but Yellow Guy is Manny, Duck is Robin, and Red Guy is Harry. Enjoy!
Harry woke up feeling a sense of dread. Why was it still dark? Wasn’t there supposed to be sunlight? Wasn’t he supposed to be sitting in the kitchen with the other two?
Robin. Where was Robin? Why did he care where he was? He didn’t know. There was nothing around him and it was overwhelming and underwhelming and oh shit, could infinite darkness feel small? Could he breathe? He didn’t know, he tried and felt like-
“Hey, hey!”
Harry’s eyes shot open to see his two friends looming over his bed.
“Alright?” Manny asked.
“Course he’s not alright, did you see how he was thrashing in his sleep?” Robin replied. “You idiot, what were you thinking? You could’ve hurt yourself.”
“I’m sorry,” Harry replied sarcastically, sitting up. “I didn’t think that through. Or anything, for that matter, because I was sleeping and I can’t control that!”
“Learn to!”
“Stop being dumb!” Manny exclaimed, walking out. (Which was weird, considering he wasn’t too observant. Maybe the bickering was too much? Harry knew their yellow friend got overstimulated easily.)
The two stayed silent.
“Well, aren’t you going to get out of bed?” Robin asked.
“I meant right now?”
Harry grumbled. “I will. You just need to leave.”
Oh shit. Harry felt lucky his hair was in his face because the expression on his face could only be that of someone who has been flustered. (This was a new development, although, considering the circumstances, it wasn’t all that irrational.)
“Well because I’m only wearing my underwear, you dolt,” he stated, looking down at his blanket.
Silence followed and when Harry looked back up, he saw Robin facing the window.
“What are you doing?” Harry asked, both annoyed and amused.
“Giving you privacy,” Robin stated.
“I meant-” Harry began and sighed. “I meant to get out of my room!”
Robin stared at him for a good minute, before walking out silently. Harry collapsed back on his bed, dragging his hands across his face. They share a room, who was he to yell at him to leave? Damn it.
What a great start to the day. ____________________________________________
Robin sat down at the kitchen table quietly, noting Manny had prepared spaghetti. It wasn’t steaming, was it cold?
“‘Ello,” Manny said to him.
“Yeah,” he replied.
“What was you two yellin’ about?”
“Silly things, don’t worry.”
Manny just stared at Robin, with a look that, if Robin didn’t know any better, was Manny trying to decipher Robin’s tone, unaware that in the room next to them, Harry had his head in his hands.
Why had he done that? The three of them share a room, for Christ’s sake!
“Is always a fight ‘tween you two,” Manny stated as he ate his cold spaghetti and it would have been something Robin scolded him for, except, he was right.
“Have you gone and hit your head?” Robin asked.
“No, I don’t think so,”
“Then what the hell are you on about?”
“He’s right,” Harry said, sitting down at the table. “We are always in a tiff.”
“You know what would make the fighting decrease?!”
All three of them turned to see a large talking pencil. Robin rolled his eyes. “Why are you in our house, get out,”
The pencil ignored him. “I’m Phillip, and I’m here to help you write out your-”
“No, no, I don’t like writin’!” Manny complained.
And yet, they go along with the shenanigans of the day’s teacher. 
“Look at you, little….big poet man!” Phillip the Pencil said, shoving Harry.
“Get your grimy hands off of me,” Harry grumbled.
“I want to see your poems,” Robin stated.
“You won’t be seeing my poems,” Harry snapped.
“Make sure they rhyme!” Manny exclaimed.
“Poems don’t have to rhyme, idiot!”
“Don’t call him an idiot, he’s only trying to help!” Harry sighed.
“I think this lesson is stupid!” Robin snarled.
The pencil mumbled. “I think you’re stupid. The tall one and the green one have issues, fix them! You’re awful to be around!” And stormed out.
“Our guest left,” Manny said distantly.
“He wasn’t our guest,” Robin grumbled. “Those guys just turn up.”
Manny stared into the distance. Harry shrugged.
Later that night, Harry sat at the kitchen table. Manny was already in bed, and Harry swore Robin was too. 
“Harry,” Robin said. He had padded into the room in his pajamas.
“What,” Harry responded, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Haven’t you bothered me enough today?”
Robin sighed, rather than snapping back. Harry found this unusual. “D’you think the dump pencil was right about us? Do we have issues to fix?”
“We’re friends, friends always have issues.”
“Right, yeah, it’s just, it seems people think of us as…other than that.”
Harry looked at Robin. “What does that mean?”
The duck one fidgeted. “It’s just, I think I understand what they mean. Remember when the power went out?”
“We don’t talk about that,”
Robin sighed. “Maybe it’s high time we do.”
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firefrightfic · 2 years
Self Love Retrospective
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2021. Tag as many creators as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by @wajjs Thank you <3
1. In the Closet of Our Discretion (Caleb/Essek, clothing kink, M) My favourite fic that I wrote in 2021, out of year where I rather neatly launched myself out of my comfort zone and fandom into new and unknown territory. It was so much fun to write a fic that was, essentially, almost entirely build up, with lots of worldbuilding included for the culture of the Dynasty, based on the simple idea of 'what if Dynasty fashion and status was built on the idea of how many layers someone wears?'. It also let me add a whole other layer badumdumpish to the pining the wizards do in canon, which of course wasn't already fraught with tension enough. Very proud of it, A+,100% will torment Caleb more in the future. Plus, I still love the visuals for Essek's outfits that I came up with.
2. All Things in Perspective (Verin focused, background Caleb/Essek, fake character death, M) My first real big Critical Role fic, because I fell in love with the idea of Essek's himbo lawful good younger brother after the post-campaign 2 wrap-up aired and just wanted to throw all my feelings about him at the wall. There are some ideas in it that I probably would change if I were to write it again now, many more months down the line into making my own headcanons about the Dynasty and Den Thelyss, but ultimately it was great fun to look at the M9 and Essek's relationships through the perspective of an outsider who wasn't there to see Essek's slow transformation through the power of friendship, and instead gets slapped in the face with it all at once.
3. Borne by Light (Essek focus, eventual Caleb/Essek, bad ending AU, M) This fic is still a WIP, but it let me combine the Essek, champion of the Luxon, headcanon with a 'the good guys lose' ending and then look at the potential of what can happen after that. It still has a ways to go in terms of story but the ideas at play are things I'm very excited about exploring, and just y'know, the fun of putting your favourite characters through their worst case scenarios and seeing them come out the other side. Plus, hey, let's explore religious trauma and scepticism in a world where higher powers and gods 100%, undeniably exist, and the one guy who really, really doesn't want this basically being put in the position of the one to save the world (except in actual fact all he wants to do is save his friends).
4. Set in Stone (Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, T). Okay, technically this story was actually written in 2020, but I published it online in 2021 so I'm counting it. There is so much still to say about all the things comics canon has never addressed about what Jason went through after his death and resurrection and this fic was my chance to address a very big part of his trauma that has never been explored, as well as take a more hardline look at Jason and Bruce's relationship against the usual fandom (and recently canon) choice to sweep their differences neatly aside. It was also the first ever story I wrote and published for a fanzine and I'm immensely proud of it.
5. Shadowgast Omegaverse series (Caleb/Essek, alpha/omega E) Yes, yes, technically cheating to include a series, but since realistically it's all one story I'm doing it. Omegaverse has always been my jam since I started writing fic, and it's refreshing to take it into a new fandom where it hasn't been explored extensively (at least from what I've seen). Worldbuilding is actually one of my favourite aspects of the trope and this series has given me a lot of room to play with presenting different sides between the characters and the cultures they come from, while essentially also writing a redo of canon through that lens.
6. From Past to Present (Caleb/Essek. T) My first Critmas fic. I'm sneaking this one in as my last fic of 2021. I had the idea for a homebrew Dunamancy spell, and of course, one of Caleb's canon love languages is gift giving, so naturally I ended up writing a story where he creates said spell as a gift for Essek. It also has the requisite lifespan angst, and its at the heart of why the spell is created in the first place. I just love soft wizards, and getting to write them at an advanced stage in their relationship, still hopelessly in love with each other, was everything. I really enjoyed writing this one.
Okay, I'll stop there, even though I could throw up a lot more. 2021 was really about exploring new fandoms for me (I also did some Devil May Cry and Castlevania fic) after six years of writing nothing but DC comics, and super refreshing from the point of getting to explore new ideas because of that XD Much thanks to the new people who have come to enjoy my stories in that time, as well as to those older followers from my DC fics who have stuck with me still, as well <3
Free tag out there to anyone who sees this and would like to do it. Celebrate yourselves and all the good work you do!
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mego42 · 3 years
author meme redux
HELLO I’M BACK tagged by @septiembur  to talk about how swaying evergreens came about! 
okay so the backstory goes like this:
A friend of mine and I love playing this game we call to the pain where we send each other songs with instructions to listen to them and think about this ship/scene/story/etc and sit back and watch the other one go completely unhinged and incoherent bc the right song and the right dynamic will Do That To You. she also introduced me to tow’rs and we share a fairly rabid obsession with that band.
fast forward to this past december, she kicks down the door of my messages (or texts me, i suppose, if you want to be boring about it) like hey so tow’rs dropped a christmas album and even though i don’t really go here, special edition of to the pain, listen to swaying evergreens and think of brio. so i did and, even though the song was not a vibe i would generally gravitate towards for them, it hooked me and all i could think about was soft, quiet, snowed in morning sex bc like, idk, have y’all listened to it???? literally what else am i supposed to think about.
ANYWAY so that song lowkey ruined my life and i started crying to @foxmagpie about it as i do. she went a touch feral over the concept and even though i kept saying stuff like but megan! how did they get snowed in? why are they soft with each other? how did they get there from s3? she kept saying stuff like WHO CARES MEG OH MY GOD JUST WRITE IT. it slowly took root in my head and one night i literally sat straight up in the middle of the night (being married to me is SO FUN) like OH WAIT WHAT ABOUT LISTENING VERSE and I decided to write it for megan as a present.
As far as the backstory stuff goes, I’ve alluded to it a bit on here but I’ve lost a bunch of people this year and without getting too into it, one of those losses was very fresh when I got serious about writing swaying evergreens. I’ve been thinking a lot about grief and memory and how it shapes you in ways that never unshape and how we carry pieces of the people we love with us inside ourselves. All of that was compounded by a lot of angst over not being able to be with my family this holiday season and thinking about our traditions throughout the year (shamelessly stole the its a wonderful life stuff from my dad). Additionally I’ve always been mmmm I guess extremely conscious of how little the show gives us with so many of the characters’ backstories (I know we like to point to Rio a lot and true!! extremely valid! but also like, what holidays do Beth and Annie celebrate, you know? they’re all pretty blank slate) and that’s something I haven’t really engaged with much in my fic but something I want to try and get into more.
idek where I’m going with any of this but all of that was on my mind and ended up mixing together with the quiet little romantic pwp I initially wanted to write and the result was swaying evergreens which, fun fact! i have not been able to go back and reread since I posted it because I’m still a touch raw over the whole thing tbh, hahaha.
tl;dr go listen to tow’rs christmas album the holly & the ivy bc even if you’re not into christmas music (which i am VEHEMENTLY AGAINST TBH) it’s beautiful and i love it a lot.
tagging @pynkhues to tell me in detail how fake dating is going to feature in the pirate au which is not at all the point of this meme but she dropped that grenade as i was getting ready to post this and now i can’t think about anything else
okay but also @riosnecktattoo to tell me about how she came to foist clown porn upon us all or heart and soul bc i’m obsessed (or both both is good)
and @bathroombreaks to tell me about the origin of the howl’s au that lives rent free in my head
meme questions
recently I have become really fascinated with fanfic authors and what exactly was rumbling around in their brain that inspired a fic?
Was it a line of dialogue you couldn’t get out of your head?
A scene you wrote WAY in advance and then crafted the whole story around?
An image in your mind?
Inspiration from another form of media?
Maybe someone suggested something to you and it just TOOK off from there?
What is the root of your fic? The cornerstone -what is it all built around? The idea that started it all?
Tag an author & their fic. Let’s hear about what sparked your story. What exactly got your booty movin’ shakin’ motivated and writin’
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
Flipping Through the Memories of You - pt. 3
A/N: This part might be a bit confusing but I really love it, the whole idea actually and I know I haven’t really been productive in my writings but man idk what has gotten into me. I used to be writin fics every day but now my ideas are like...gone...somehwhere...in the...void? Imma just let your read it now and let me know what you think of it. All the love <3
It wasn’t easy getting where he did but as hard as he thought it was, knocking on the door was even more challenging. He raised his fist, he was prepared to knock but there it was. The rumble. 
“James! I told you to wash those dishes!” your voice echoed from the other side and he felt his heart stop. His heart stopped and it felt like forever that he continued to stand at the doormat with his fist ready to knock. Though everything in his body felt numb; a wooden man has he felt.
“I was about to!” a young man's voice echoed as well, followed by angry stomping. 
“I said now, James! Not later when you pretend to be asleep!” you continued to scold. 
“Mum! I can’t find my PJ’s.” a little girls’ voice came into Sirius hearing.
“Hey, Marlie.” the boy’ s voice, different, older came as well. “Don’t worry mum. I’ll take care of Marls and James-” he groaned. “Clean up the bloody mess already.”
Mum? As in mother? You were a mother?
Of course, how could he have been so stupid! If you were alive, you were probably moving on from him. But-
“May I help you with anything?” another voice came but this one was coming from his side of the door. Sirius turned to see a man, tall and with a brawny figure, standing and showing off his dazzling smile. 
“Uh- I-uh.” Sirius seems to stutter with no words in his mind.
“You look familiar.” the man pointed out his finger and Sirius began to sweat in his leather jacket. “I saw you in some of my wife’s photos.” his smile now stretched even wider. “You’re- what’s the name again. Something starry.” he put his arm on Sirius's shoulder. 
Wife. He called her his wife.
“Sirius!” the man beamed and laughed. “It is so nice to meet you, Sirius- wow! Finally some of her friends from school.” 
Friends were one way of putting it. - Sirius thought.
“Why don’t you come in? Is she expecting you?” asked the man and before Sirius could answer there came a crash from the other side.
“IT FELL!” the boy defended and the man beside Sirius chuckled.
“Kids.” he shook his head and opened the door. “I’m home!” he shouted through the hall and all of a sudden there was a small boy, around ten years old and with a big smile running towards the man, hugging him with his wet hands. 
“Dad!” he shouted and kept hugging his father. 
And it wasn’t just that his name was the exact as Sirius’ best friend’s but he looked just like him. Almost like Harry except that the boy’s eyes were hazel, just like James’. 
“Daddy!” the girl came into the view, running in his father’s arms and giggling as he picked her up and spun her in his arms. She looked exactly like him. Dark black hair and dark brown hair. She was his copy. 
“Hey, Princess.” he kissed her head and then turned to Sirius. “Kids. Meet Sirius.” he smiled and the kids stared. 
“These are all yours?” Sirius asked and the man smiled. 
“I damn hope so.” he laughed and then walked in the living room with his daughter by his side. “They are all mine, right?” he teased and you chuckled.
“To every cell in their body.” you wrapped your arms around your husband and kissed him on the lips.
“It always sounds so sexy when you say it.” he continued to tease and you just giggled in his arms. “Also there is someone to see you.” 
“Really?” you quirked an eyebrow. 
“An old friend.” your husband winked. “Just saw him standing in front of the door.”
You kept looking at your husbands’ dark eyes, wondering was he messing with you or not but as you walked into the hall, you felt your heart about to give in. There he was- so bloody perfect- so damn breath-taking as if you were back fifteen years ago. His gorgeous locks, dazing eyes- his figure was a bit different, slimmer if you tried to use the right word. 
You couldn’t know what to think, what to do but tears still seem to fall down your cheeks. You weren’t sure if he would take you in his arms or not but you still ran to him as if nothing else mattered anymore.
Your arms were wrapped tight around him as his were around you. He lifted you off your feet, held you close to him as he could. “I thought you were dead.” he whispered in a shaky voice. “I thought I lost you forever.”
“I could say the same for you.” you pulled away, cupping his cheeks and running your hands through his hair. 
You missed that. You missed him. 
But he wasn’t your life anymore. He wasn’t. Your husband was. Your children were. 
“Uh- what are you doing here?” you backed away, looking back at your husband, your son who took a hold of your waist and up-stairs where your eldest kept himself. It got you nervous.
“Isn’t it obvious?” he smiled. “You.” he tried to cup your cheeks but you moved away. Not now. Not when you didn’t have the explanation of the past. 
You turned to your husband, walking up and placing your hand on his grown beard. “You don’t mind if we go take a walk. Flip through some old memories?” you asked and he gently smiled at you.
“No. Not at all.” he kissed your forehead and looked at his daughter. “And you are going to have me as the story-teller.” he kissed his daughter and she laughed. 
You ruffled your son’s hair, kissed your daughter, your husband, grabbed your coat and left with Sirius.
It was silent for the first few minutes, only the two of you walking and enjoying the fall’s sunset. The sun shining on the corners of the orange, red and yellow leaves. They were crunching under your feet and you felt yourself giggle at the sound. 
Sirius knew why. You loved stepping on leaves at the end of autumn. It was your guilty pleasure and he adored each time you decided to turn into a kid and jump on every leaf in your eyesight. He felt himself giggle at the thought of you stepping on one and feeling disappointed when it didn’t leave a crunch.
But despite all the good memories that ran through his head, his question was the only thing that mattered.
“What happened?” he asked and finally broke the silence. “I thought you were dead.” 
“I was... for a moment or two.” you shrugged, looking at the stars. “To be honest, I don’t remember that day much. I was upset about Marlene. I was sobbing down the streets because of our fight and when they cornered me, I couldn’t think.” you looked at him, moving your head to the bench and with his permission you sat on it. “I didn’t know what to do when I heard them cast the killing curse at me but the magic inside of me, the Pheonix inside, he just came out without my permission and protected me from the killing curse.” you paused. “I woke up alive and well, somewhere on the top of the hill but my magic? My magic was gone and when I didn’t have my magic, I didn’t have anything. I couldn’t contact the wizarding world and to be honest, I didn’t want to after hearing you were taken to Azkaban. After hearing James died as well- and I just couldn’t face death anymore. So I left.”
Sirius was quiet for so long until he locked his eyes with you. “And you got married.” 
“And I got married.” 
“And you got two kids.” 
“And I got three kids.” you corrected him.
He shot his head to you, scrunching the space on his forehead. “Three?”
“There’s the oldest, Elijah.” you shuffled your feet but before you could continue he cut you off.
“Elijah,” he repeated, smiling. “I love that name.” he looked up at the stars and closed his eyes. 
‘-- Your fingers were interlaced with his and your eyes were set on his. His free hand played with your hair, brushing them gently as the two of you just laid in silence. 
“Would you ever marry me?” he blurted out and you scoffed, thinking it was another joke but Sirius now knew that he was always being dead serious. 
“And have the curse of carrying your last name?” you joked and he chuckled.
“I’m being serious.” he looked down and you grinned. “You know what I mean.” he rolled his eyes again, knowing your thinking far too well. 
“(y/n) Black?” you squinted your eyes and tried to imagine the name written down somewhere. “I mean, I don’t know about the name but I think our three children would have some wonderful genes.” you continued to joke and he laughed again.
“Three?!” he scoffed. “I don’t share you.” he tightened his grip around you. “No way I’m sharing you with three other humans but glad to know you’re already thinking further than marrying me.” he kissed your head and now it was your turn to make his eye gesture. 
“How many would you have?” 
“One. A son. Elijah.” 
“And what if it’s a girl?” you asked from curiosity.
“Then if she looks anything like you, I’ll be the luckiest man alive.” ‘---
“James and Marlene.” he looked at you from the corner of his eyes and smiled. “Our best friends.” 
“Yeah.” you put your cold hands between your knees and shivered. “Elijah is the eldest, 15- then there’s James, he’s 10 and Marlene, who just turned 8 last month.” you smiled. 
“Wow.” he marveled at you. “They are all so-” he stopped, pondering the thought that just came into his head- running, smashing into the deepest parts of his brain. “Did you say 15?” he furrowed his eyebrows at you but you continued to smile.
He was away for 14 years, how could Elijah be 15 years old already.
“What are you thinking, Sirius?” the vision in front of him started to blur, your face becoming more and more foreign. “Wait? Do you really think Elijah is your son?” you stood up, starting to cackle. “Sirius Black?! A father? I wasn’t that dumb to make the same mistake as actually being with you for three years.”
Everything around him started to disappear, only an ally and you and him. What was happening?
“You left, Sirius- no. I left because you said you hated me. YOU HATE ME!”
“No! No, I never hated you, (y/n)! I loved you! I still love you!” he shouted denial. 
You crossed your arms over your chest, scoffing. “That’s not what you said the last time. Sounded pretty honest there.” you were now further away in the blurriness of his mind. 
He was lost. He didn’t know what was happening.
“All I wanted was to save my best friend, Sirius.” your voice echoed through his ears, loud- too loud. “I wanted to save my best friend as you did yours. WHY DIDN’T YOU TOLD ME TO STAY!?” the voice shouted but your lips didn’t move. He grabbed his head and squeezed his eyes shut. 
“This isn’t real.” he mumbled to himself.
“YOU LET ME DIE!” it continued.
“You’re not the real (y/n).” he continued to mumble, trying to stay right in his mind but his heart was ripping itself to shreds. 
“Yeah, Sirius.” another, different yet familiar voice came to his hearing. 
Sirius shot his head up, eyes opened. “Marls?” he smiled because there she was, young and beautiful, just as he remembered her. Her hair was as vibrant red as he remembered. He felt like crying of joy until he noticed Marlene held the same expression as you.
“Why did you let us die? She just wanted to save me.”
“No. You were already dead- you still are.” he shook his head. 
“You could have saved us both, Sirius.” she continued and Sirius’ heart ripped again and again like it had never-ending layers that just couldn’t stop hurting when it ripped and tore. 
“Why couldn’t you save us?” another voice, the one that hurt Sirius the most. There he was. James with Lily and a baby in his arms. 
“Prongs.” Sirius fell on his knees and looking up at his best friend. He wanted to shed tears but no tears came. He couldn’t cry but he wanted to. He wanted to release.
“You were too late, Sirius. I offered you my home, my friendship, my family- I even made you the Godfather of our son but you couldn’t even keep him safe, could you. You ripped him off his childhood.” his words cut deep and Sirius felt he couldn’t keep himself together anymore.
“Why didn’t you stop me?” you were standing above him, all four of you in a circle, while Sirius was kneeling in the middle.
“I did! I tried to!” he shouted.
“Why didn’t you save me, Sirius?” Marlene began to become more pale, her vibrant red hair colour losing its perfect shade. 
“You were already dead! I couldn’t save you! I would!” he screamed but everybody was closing in on him.
“Why were you late, Sirius? Why couldn’t you take care of our baby?” Lily spoke, her skin turning to ash. 
“I- I- Please. I’m sorry! I’M SORRY!” he pleaded, shouting at them but they kept closing in. 
Sirius felt his anxiety closing in. Everything became too tight as if he couldn’t move, as if he was immobilized in his own body. He was uncomfortable in his own skin. It as tight, suffocating, hot... He pleaded his mind to wake up but what he didn’t know was that he has already woken up.
His eyes were opened wide yet his mouth was shut, his body was still not awake, a contrast to his mind that was screaming out. He was afraid, terrified, petrified from what was happening. His heart kept beating fast, despite how much his nightmare ripped it kept it pounding in his chest, trying to get out. He couldn’t move his arms, nor legs, nor anything for that matter. He was paralyzed whole. Like wood a wooden man has he felt. His fingers felt in his own palms, the bed below him felt like it wasn’t even.
Sirius was in agony.
Until the other half of the brain finally decided to wake up, sending signals to wake up his muscles- body to take control. He could feel those signals reach his body and it resulted in numbness first before everything started to function. 
When Sirius knew he could control his body again, he started to sob. It wasn’t only because he got to see a beautiful life you could have had if you were truly alive but also because he was in a heartbreak. James, Lily, Marlene- why would they say those things if it weren’t true. It broke his heart to the point it pained him in his chest. It hurt so much that all he could do was cry in his own arms because he didn’t have anybody else but himself. Everybody was gone.
Sirius was alone.
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ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
A New Hero Ch 6
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887313/chapters/53294245 Tag List: @vixen-uchiha
Ok, so here’s the next chap! Sorry bout the wait, most of it was cause I was writin a fic that ended up bein scrapped. Ya, not fun. It was the little mermaid au I talked bout briefly in the fic I posted. Then I sorta got sucked into a few new ships. And then life(or would it be considered mind/brain?) happened once more. Heh, life really enjoys buttin in huh? But no matter, here’s the next chap and Mari is officially Ladybug to Paris! (Ok, so here Adrien is going to be chaotic, he’s seen that his father is actually breaking laws and holds that over him to do what he wants finally. Later on I will explain what will be happening with Lila ok?, k). I hope you enjoy the chap!!
Chat here is based off this: https://unmaskedagain.tumblr.com/post/189337423122/chaotic-chat
Mari had been hoping for a peaceful first day of school. But apparently, fate decided against that. She scowled as she watched the stone beings walk around. Nino and Kim were next to her, they were nervous but ready to help. “Did any of you see what got hit?”
“I...I think it was a piece of paper,” Kim replied and Mari nodded. She looked around and saw they were alone.
“Got it. Tikki, spots on!” Mari shouted and quickly changed into Ladybug. Her suit was looser being all black. She had knee-high red boots that had black spots placed strategically to not overwhelm. A cropped red jacket that was always zipped only went to her elbows also with black spots placed strategically. Finally, she had black gloves with red fingers and a red mask with five black spots. She pulled her yo-yo off her hip and threw it out the window and went to find the first stone being, Stoneheart.
As she swung around trying to find him, she saw a black figure walking on top of the roofs. She lands in front of him, startling the boy. “So, you’re my partner, Ladybug,” she introduced holding a hand out to the boy.
“Uh, Chat Noir at your service M’lady,” Chat said and Ladybug rolls her eyes.
“Uh-huh. You know what to do?” she asked.
“Take down the bad guy and I have the ability to destroy anything I touch,” Chat said and Ladybug nodded.
“You can, but you need to remember you only have one chance to use it and after you have 5 minutes before detransforming,” Ladybug said, having a feeling that Plagg may have not told him everything. “These bad guys, aren’t bad guys, Chat. They’re innocent people being used by the real bad guy. So don’t be reckless or try to permanently hurt them. Got it?”
“Got it,” Chat agreed and they started running trying to find Stoneheart who also had Mylene and Chloe captive. They find Stoneheart on the Eiffel Tower, police had set a perimeter and were trying to get Stoneheart to let the girls go. The mayor was even pleading for Stoneheart to return his daughter.
“You want her? You can have her!” Stoneheart shouted and threw Chloe. Chloe screamed as she flew through the air. She was used to it when with Dick and the others above a net with things to help her. But here, she had nothing to help her. And she didn’t know where Ladybug was.
“Chloe!” Ladybug shouted as she swung to the girl and caught her. She landed on the bridge on one knee, sliding towards the police cars a few feet. “You ok?” Chloe nodded hesitantly.
“Y-yeah. I-I’m going to get a grappling fun or something. Don’t want to be in that again,” Chloe said and Ladybug nodded.
“That would probably be smart. You can text Tim and ask him to make you one,” Ladybug replied and Chloe nodded agreement. There was a choking noise and they watched as Stoneheart shocked and tons of butterflies left him and formed a presumably Hawkmoths head.
“People of Paris, listen carefully. I am Hawk Moth.” the head began.
“Hawkmoth?” Ladybug asked sharing a look with Chat who said it at the same time.
“Ladybug, Chat Noir, give me the ladybug earrings and the black cat ring. You don’t want to make these people suffer more than they have too?” he asked and Ladybug slowly clapped walking forward.
“Nice try, Hawkmoth, but we know who the bad guy is. Let's not reverse the roles here. Without you, none of these innocent victims would be transformed into villains. Hawkmoth, no matter how long it takes, we will find you, and YOU will hand us YOUR Miraculous!” Using her yo-yo, Ladybug jumped up to where the butterfly swarm was. “Time to de-evilize!” She swung her yo-yo and caught every butterfly and turned to look at the people who were watching shocked. “Let me make this promise to you. No matter who wants to harm you, Ladybug and Cat Noir will do everything in our power to keep you safe!” she opened up the yo-yo and held it up. All the butterflies flew out, going in every direction, going into cameras. People cheered but stopped when Stoneheart got up. He yelled before climbing up the Eiffel Tower until he reached the very top, hanging from the tip.
The two swung up after him and Ladybug and Chat landed above him. “Lucky Charm!” She swung her yo-yo up into the air and a parachute landed in her hands. She and Chat shared a look.
“A parachute?” he asked confused and she could only shrug. She looked around and snapped a finger. “Got an idea?”
“Get ready to catch, Ivan,” she said and Chat nodded. Ladybug swung her yo-yo around Stoneheart and onto the first holding both Mylene and the object. She pulled and Mylene’s lips pressed against Stoneheart. Stoneheart gasped out letting go of Mylene and the object. Chat hit the object with his baton over to Ladybug. She grabbed the object and crushed it. She then dived off the tower and caught Mylene and threw her yo-yo up to catch the akuma. She pulled the cord and the parachute opened.
Meanwhile, Chat jumped down and caught Ivan quickly. He then got them down safely after ladybug and Mylene landed. “Bye-bye, little butterfly!” She said opening her yo-yo and the white butterfly flew out.
The people that were there still cheered as everyone changed back to normal shortly after. “What about all the damage?” Chat asked and Ladybug smirked.
“Miraculous Ladybug!” Ladybug shouted as she tossed up the parachute. Millions of ladybugs left the item and swirled all over Paris, fixing all the damage done by Stoneheart and his minions.
“Whoa!” Chat exclaimed watching as they went about fascinated. The people near them shared the same sentiment. Mylene and Ivan nodded thanks to them before turning to each other and talking quietly. “Pound it!” Chat said excitedly and holding a fist out to Ladybug who then hit it with her own. They smiled at each other until beeping happened.
“Bug out!” she called and threw her yo-yo and swung off. Chat followed after her as his ring started beeping as well. “Chat, we can’t know each other’s identities!” Ladybug said when they both landed on the roof of Mari’s home.
“Don’t care,” was all he said before detransforming in front of her. In front of her was Adrien Agreste, the new student that missed the first day of class. She pinched her nose and sighed.
“I’m so proud of you, kit,” Plagg said floating in front of Adrien who had a smug smirk on his face. Ladybug let her transformation fall as well and Tikki flew in front of her.
“I can’t believe you did that,” Tikki said looking disappointed but Plagg just shrugged.
“Ok, fine. What do we do Tikki?” Mari looked over at Tikki who gave a small shrug and hum.
“Well, we will just need to hide it from Master Fu. You were bound to find out about Chat’s identity eventually since you’re training to become a Guardian. It’s only Chat that shouldn’t have known,” Tikki explained.
“But how come? Doesn’t that seem a bit unfair that I can know but he can’t?” she asked and Tikki and Plagg shared a look.
“I don’t know. This hasn’t exactly happened before. Especially since you two cannot be akumatized under any circumstances since it’d be dangerous for your family and friends,” Tikki replied and the two heroes shared a look.
“Well, knowing each others identities will help. We can help keep each other calm, and perhaps help each other with excuses when an Akuma happens,” Mari said and Adrien nodded agreement. “We should get back to class now.”
“Oh, we should,” Adrien agreed.
“Yup, and you can meet three other people who know about me,” Mari said walking them out of her family’s apartment and through the back door. They walked up toward the school when Mari looked over at Adrien curiously. “Aren’t you a model for your father?” she asked and Adrien nodded.
“I was. Then I figured out my dad was breaking child labor laws and whatnot. So, I’m holding that over his head to be able to do what I want finally,” Adrien explained as they entered the school and went to their classroom.
“Ah, ok,” Mari replied as they entered the classroom. Ivan and Mylene hadn’t arrived yet. Alya was grumbling in her seat, she had only managed to get little footage of the villain and heroes before getting stuck behind a car. Chloe looked sorta shaken still. “Nino knows, sit next to him. Chloe needs me,” she said and Adrien nodded and sat next to Nino in the front. Chloe and Mari sat behind them, Mari watched silently as Nino and Adrien fist pumped.
“Hey,” she said softly and pulled Chloe toward her. Chloe hugged her tightly, tensed up, ready to bolt. She gently hummed under her breath and ran a hand up and down Chloe’s arm. Ms. Bustier came in then and shakely began class.
The class was done soon and Mari took her friends, and Adrien, to the bakery. She led them upstairs and into her room where they all sat down. Tikki flew out and Plagg did the same. The others nodded at that. “So Adrien is Chat, figures,” Chloe said rolling her eyes and Adrien just smiled at her.
“Yup. Broke the one rule we had. But no matter, I should tell em what happened,” Mari said and they nodded as she pulled out her phone and started dialing.
“Who?” Adrien asked.
“Friends in Gotham that trained her. They’re friends of the Guardian,” Nino explained and Adrien nodded at that.
“Hey, Damian. Can you get your family gathered? I’d rather only say this once,” Mari said once he picked up the phone. “Hey, ya. I have some news about Paris. The Peacock Miraculous is now active. Do you think you can monitor the situation and make sure any hero that wants to come has permission from me, ok?” she hummed as she heard the response. “Thank you. Ya, don’t worry, I will,” Mari replied with a smile.
“Who were you talking to Marinette?” Adrien asked tilting his head. Mari smirked as she looked at him.
“No one else outside this house, including my parents and the Guardian, know about them and their secret. So do not tell anyone, got it?” she said and Adrien nodded, slightly scared. He could tell that he’d regret it if he crossed Mari. “I was talking to the Wayne’s, aka, batfamily. I’m only telling you this since you would probably join me in my usual weekend visit for training. They typically join me too,” Mari said gesturing to the other three and Adrien nodded.
“Ok, got it,” Adrien replied and Mari smiled.
“Good. Now, we’ll start with the basics then.”
Cracked but Healing @proudgothamite
Proud to say I’m doing better now! Bee here has helped a lot! Alster is proud and says she has a surprise in store. Kinda wary, but I trust her! Thank you everyone helping! #thankyousomuch #stillhealing #butwaybetternow #whatdoesntkillyou #makesyoustronger *pale red head smiling hugging a pale black haired girl with brown eyes, both smiling happily with a college behind them*
Tagged @bibumblebee
Ok, so here’s the next chap finally! Just in case you were confused(cause tbh, i was a little myself before i remembered) rn Mari is 14 almost 15. Like, im going with her bday is in a few months. I’ll do a few more time skip chaps until Mari is 16. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. Next chap will be a little purely because I’m writin two one-shot fics for a new ship I got(tech two but eh. One is only one time) but I do hope you enjoy em too! -Love Willa<3<3<3
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all1e23 · 6 years
Heart & Soul [Pt. 2]
Character: As Black as Night
Pairings: Bucky & Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Violence. 
Summary: Bucky has to find a way to his mate, and Y/n wants to stay as far away from Alphas as she can, but it turns out she may need one after all.
A/N: Did I mention this was going to be a slow burn? Whelp, it is.  ***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Thanks!***
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A week had passed and no progress had been made. Seven brutally painful days since Bucky had caught her scent and it was all he could think about. At work, in his studio apartment that now seemed cold and empty. He went out for drinks with Steve and nothing quenched his thirst. Early mornings at the gym with Sam were a wasted effort. No matter what he had going on, he couldn’t get her off his mind. Every day that passed without her drove him closer to snapping. His inner Alpha was itching to see the Omega that was haunting his every moment. By the end of the week, he has begun to go a little crazy whenever he caught anything that had a hint of cinnamon in it.
Two days prior, Sam started sprinkling cinnamon in his coffee simply to be a jerk -- that was until Bucky had knocked the cup out of his hand in their squad car, right down the front of his pants as they rolled up to a crime scene.
Sam hasn’t done it since.
Steve never brought her up even though they knew he plenty about her, but it also meant that for once he stopped talking about Bucky’s need to settle down with an Omega. Only this was the one time Bucky wanted to talk about it. He wanted to talk about her. Bucky wanted to talk about a future with her because all Bucky saw when he envisioned his future, was her. He had to get to know her. He knew it was crazy. 
Bucky knew how it sounded, and he didn’t care.
Everyone has heard the stories when true mates meet. He saw it when Tony joined the force. Steve couldn’t form a single sentence, and they just stared at each other like a pair of idiots. Nat had wrapped her arm around Tony to show him around the station, and Steve growled at her so loud the entire station took notice. The pair were mated within a week of meeting, and they both said the same thing, I knew it the second I caught his scent. Bucky didn’t need to see her face to know the truth. He knew she was meant to be his, and he hated how much he sounded like a stereotypical Alpha right now.
He can’t help it.
She’s meant to be his. 
Bucky pressed Steve all week, begging Steve to tell him where he could find her, but Steve wouldn’t break her trust like that. He hated seeing his best friend so defeated but if Bucky wanted a chance with her showing up at her place of work wasn’t going to make that happen. She was still scared of almost every Alpha she met and would only deal with Alphas on a necessary basis. Bucky needed to take a different approach, and Steve would do everything he could to keep her from feeling unsafe.
After everything she had been through she deserved that from him, at the very least. Not to mention the harm it would bring to Steve's bond with his Omega. Tony would never forgive him for breaking her trust, and he wouldn’t damage his relationship with his Omega for anyone.
Not even for Bucky.
Bucky was sitting at his desk slumped down as much as his big body could, legs spread wide pushing himself back and forth in his chair with a full-on pout on his face. He had been unsuccessful in finding her without help from his so-called friends, and she had not come back into the station -- at least not while Bucky had been on shift. He was losing hope he would ever be able to find her again and even if Bucky did find her, how the hell would he convince her that he was different?
How would ever convince her that she was his and he was hers, only hers?
Sam looked over at his partner and rolled his eyes dramatically. “Man, sit up. You’re a grown-ass Alpha, and you’re pouting like a pup.” He leaned over and kicked the back of his chair, rolling Bucky into the side of his desk making the Alpha groan in pain. Bucky cursed under his breath as his knees hit his desk drawer. He spun his chair around to face the culprit and narrowed his eyes at his partner’s snickering. 
“Hey, I got an idea,” Bucky said with a snide smirk. “Why don’t you kiss my ass?”
The bickering carried through the station and into the Captain’s office. They always got a little stir crazy without an active case, and it was starting to drive Steve nuts. He groaned from his office and threw his head back against his chair as their loud mouths continued on. 
He has had just about enough. 
“Barnes! Wilson! Get your asses on patrol before I put you back on traffic,” Steve snapped.
The grumbling Alpha stood slowly, and Sam leaned forward, punching Bucky as hard as he could in the shoulder. “See what you did? Your pouty ass gettin’ us in trouble.”
Bucky grabbed his badge from atop his desk and slipped it over his neck. “I’m not the one running my mouth, and you better watch it, or I’m gonna lay you out at Cap’s barbeque this weekend.”
“Oh, you writin’ checks you can’t cash, Barnes?”
Bucky scoffed at the thought as if he couldn’t handle an Alpha like Sam Wilson? Please! He could lay him out and barely lift a finger!
“Oh, you bet your ass I can cash that--" Bucky didn’t need to catch her scent this time. He could feel her long before her scent started to surround him. He turned around and his lungs deflated, heart stalled just from the sight of her. 
She was finally back.
Damn, she was beautiful. Way more beautiful than anything Bucky could have pictured.
Y/n smiled nervously at the young Beta officer at the front desk and he nearly hit his knees from the sound of her honeyed voice whispering, “Hi, um, I am here to see Detective Stark? Or, I guess Stark-Rogers?” 
She was still fairly shocked Steve hadn’t made Tony change his name completely, but the Stark name was very prestigious, and any Alpha would be stupid not to use that to their advantage. Although, she doubted Steve would take advantage of Tony like that. Steve only cared that Tony was safe and Happy, she doubted he even realized what being bonded to a Stark meant to everyone outside their bond.
Tony was lucky to have an Alpha that only cared for his happiness. Not everyone was that lucky. Of course, she was happy for her friend, but there was a part of her that longed for someone to love her like that. 
It wasn’t something she would be granted in this lifetime.
Bucky couldn’t take his eyes off her as she spoke with the officer. She had the sweetest voice Bucky has ever heard, and he could have sworn his heart stopped every time she spoke. He took a step towards her, and a large hand landed on his shoulder pulling him back, keeping him in place and holding him back from getting to her. The tiniest hint of red burns into his eyes as he turned to face who was holding him back.
Of course, it was fucking Steve.
“No. Buck, she is scared of Alphas. I’m talking terrified, chasing after her isn’t the way to make it happen. If she’s yours, everything will work out the way it’s supposed to. Our job is to make her feel safe.” 
Bucky yanked his shoulder free from the taller Alpha’s grasp, but nodded his understanding -- not his agreement because he did not agree with Steve this time. He took a deep and closed his eyes, willing his eyes to return to their soft blue hue. Somewhere deep down, he knew Steve was trying to help, but damn if it didn’t kill him to be kept from her -- it was deep, deep down. 
He watched as Tony strolled up and hauled her into a dramatic hug, jiggling back and forth before releasing her. He placed his hand on her lower back and guided her through the station into a private office, no doubt to meet with the Pepper Potts about her case. Tony leaned in close and whispered something in her ear and Bucky hated it.
Gods, did he hate it more than he’s ever hated anything. 
He has never been a possessive Alpha, but with her and after everything, she has been through he wanted to be. Bucky wanted to give her everything she could ever want and take whatever measures he needed to so she felt secure.  
Bucky wanted to be the one to make her feel safe, happy, and loved.
Y/n giggled at something Tony said, and her sweet giggle filled the silence of the station, making Bucky’s heart flip in his chest. Bucky would give anything to be the one making her giggle like that. Hell, he would give his left arm to be the cause of her beautiful smile just once.
Without a doubt, she was going to be the death of him.
Tony closed the door behind them, shutting Bucky and the rest of the station out of their meeting and guided her to a chair with her back to the far wall as she liked. No one could come up behind her. No surprises, she could see everyone in the station through the glass walls and the door that was to her right. She could take off running if she needed to, those small things made her relax enough to stand to be in a place like this. Somewhere in the back of her head, she knew Tony and Steve would keep her safe, but after everything, she needed the extra safety net. 
Maybe one day she wouldn’t need that anymore. She hoped one day she wouldn’t need that anymore.
“Want a coffee or anything?” Tony asked as he took the empty seat next to her. “Pepper is running a little late from a deposition this morning. She should be here any minute.”
“No, no coffee…” 
Y/n shook her head as if she was in a daze, and there was a deep frown on her face, causing a bit of worry to run through Tony. He was about to ask what going on in her head, but she spoke up first. 
“I just-- this is going to sound weird...”
“I love weird. Go on.” He smirked and leaned back in his chair, waiting for her to continue. 
“I just--“ She brought her hand up and bit the nail of her left ring finger, a nervous tic Tony had picked up on over the last month. “You know-- since you brought up coffee, did you – is the coffee here--” 
Y/n could feel her cheeks heating up, and it was rapidly spreading to her ears. She looked down at her hand in her lap, trying to find the words to describe the scent that was making her brain go all foggy and her heart pound against her rib cage like it was trying to bust out an find the owner of the scent all on its own.
The moment she stepped into the station today she couldn’t focus on anything, but the sweet smell chocolate mixed with a bit of heat. 
“I--I could have sworn all the coffee in police stations was disgusting cheap crap as a general rule, but it smelled like – It was --“ The best thing I have ever smelled. Made my knees weak and my hands tremble. I can’t get enough of it. ”-- it was mixed with dark chocolate and a hint of something spicy. Cayenne or chili, maybe?” 
Tony glanced into the bullpen, his eyes seeking out the source of the scent she was craving. 
His lips turned up into a lopsided smirk as the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. Tony has never been a fan of the whole sweet and spicy combination, but hey, who was he to judge? The Gods know what they are doing after all and hiss Alpha smells like charcoal and red wine so what does he know? 
“Our coffee here is shit. You’re right about that.” Tony looked back at her and squeezed her hand, bringing her attention back on him. “You know, I could introduce you to some of the other detectives. In case I am ever not here, and you need something.”
He could smell her fear rising, clogging the room and wrapping itself around her throat as soon as he said it, turning her sweet scent sour. He sat up quickly and pulled her hand from her mouth, squeezing softly and firmly. Letting himself be a source of comfort, he hoped. 
“They are all good Alphas. I promise you. You trust me. Good. So, you know I would never introduce you to someone I thought would hurt you.  You can trust all of them.  Each one of them would lay down their lives for you without a second thought.”
Tony’s grip on her hands tightened and he used them as leverage to pull her closer to him by way of her rolling chair. He started with the least threatening looking of the bunch and pointed at a little red-haired Alpha. 
“Natasha. Don’t let her size fool you. I’ve watched her takedown Alphas double her size without breaking a sweat. Her Omega, Clint, is an EMT. They are disgustingly cute.” 
She smiled sadly at the thought of another happy pairing, something she would never know. Tony could see it written on her face and it only pushed him forward with his plan. 
“The big knucklehead next to her is Sam. Good Alpha. Bickers with his partner constantly but would give his life for his. They have a little love-hate thing going on. No mate just yet, but I think he’s got someone in mind.”
“Lastly…” He pointed to the dark-haired Alpha standing next to Steve, looking pained or worried. 
“James Buchanan Barnes.” 
Y/n’s heart fluttered whenTony said his name, but she kept her face neutral.
“Second only to my Steve, Bucky is the best Alpha I know. Without a doubt. Steve’s best friend since they were kids and he is Sam’s partner. He’s an Omega Rights activist.” 
Tony smirked at the look of shock on her face and continued.
 “It’s not just his words behind the cause either. He puts a large chunk of every paycheck towards the movement and not to mention his time. He volunteers and even helps Omegas who need protection from their abusive Alphas, walking them home at night. That kind of thing. He has his reasons, but I’ll let him tell you what those are. He’s kind, gentle, and can be funny when he wants to be. A bit overprotective but it comes from a good place.”
She nodded, unsure why Tony was telling her all of this about one specific Alpha. 
“And, he’s the Alpha with the yummy scent you’re tripping over,” Tony said with that dumb cocky, know it all smirk she was starting to hate.
Y/n’s eyes widen, and her head snapped back towards the bullpen, gawking back at Bucky. That was the last thing she wanted to hear. She couldn’t fall for another Alpha. Not again. Not after everything. She was simply meant to be alone, no matter what her biology said. She doesn’t need an Alpha for anything, not for her heats and certainly not for her heart.
She could handle everyone all on her own.
Yet, for some reason, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t seem to look away from Bucky. There was a pull between the two of them, like a magnet that was keeping her tethered to him and she couldn’t break the hold it had on her. It kept trying to pull them closer and closer together and she didn’t like that one bit. 
“Why are you telling me this Tony?” she whispered on the edge of a shaky breath. 
“I think it would be good for you to know the other detectives. I won’t always be here. I have other cases and when my heat hits both Steve and I could be gone for up to a week. It would be good for you to have another Alpha here you can trust, and you can trust Bucky.”
Y/n needed to build up her trust for the blue-eyed Alpha on her own and Tony knew that but planting the seed wouldn’t hurt, would it? He glanced at Steve, catching a disapproving look from his Alpha. How did the man always know when he was scheming?
Stupid bond.
Tony sent the blond Alpha a tooth-filled grin and gave a small shoulder shrug. Steve grinned fondly at his Omega but shook his head in answer. 
Bucky followed Steve’s goofy looking grin towards Tony only to catch Y/n looking his way. His eyes immediately softened the moment they lock eyes. He wanted to smile or wave, but he was utterly paralyzed. He wasn’t even sure how she would take it if he made any move to acknowledge her. Steve made it clear how terrified she was, and the thought of her being that scared of him made him sick to his stomach.
Even knowing all of that, he couldn’t bring himself to look away from her.
Tony observed the two of them, staring at each other. The expression on Bucky’s face was one he knew well. He has seen it on his own Alpha’s face many times. Soft adoration. Quiet peace. The calm of knowing their Omega was close by and safe. He peeped back at Y/n only to find the same look of calm replacing lines and darkness that were usually tense and worrisome. He had never seen her like that, so calm and at ease. It looked good on her. 
Tony leaned forward, he shouldn’t say anything, but maybe if he just simply casually mentioned what he saw, maybe just maybe something would spark. 
The door swung open to reveal a tall strawberry blonde Alpha with a bright smile, stopping Tony from saying whatever he had intended and breaking Y/n’s gaze from Bucky. She walked around the back side of the small office, behind Tony leaving space between her and Y/n. She knew the young Omega was frightened, after talking with Tony and reading her case Pepper couldn’t blame her for being scared to be near any Alpha.
“Hi, Y/n. I am so sorry I am late. I am sure Tony kept you… entertained.” 
She set Tony with a fond smile as she gracefully sat down in the chair next to him. It left Y/n with a table between her and the Alpha and gave Y/n easy access to the door. Pepper never made a move unless it was thoroughly thought through and this was no different. Pepper wanted Y/n to feel safe. She needed Y/n to be open and honest with her, and more importantly, she needed Y/n to trust her if they were going to win this case.
Tony grinned at Pepper and slowly spun in his chair to keep the attention on him and off of Y/n for at least a few more moments. “I don’t know what you’re referring to Pep. I am always on my best behavior.” He winked at Y/n earning a small chuckle from the Omega.
“Sure, dear. Steve has the patience of a saint, but this isn’t about you Tony. Believe it or not.” She flipped her file open and gave Y/n a warm, friendly smile. “I know you’re nervous and you have every right to be but trust me when I say having Tony Stark-Rogers on your side means you are completely and utterly safe.”
Y/n smiled a little and shifted nervously in her chair, her body instinctively shifting towards the bullpen where Bucky was currently leaning on his desk, pretending not to be interested in whatever they were discussing
Pepper shot Tony a worried look, and his eyes drifted towards the dark-haired Alpha. Her gaze flicked to Bucky, and back to Tony, she nodded her head in understanding. The closer Y/n moved to Bucky the more comfortable she felt, but Y/n had yet to realize what she was doing.
Biology made you do crazy things, even things you don’t realize. 
“Well, the case is very straight forward,” Pepper went on to explain. “We have a witness who saw everything that happened. Not to mention, thanks to Tony we have the pictures of your injuries from the hospital as well as the physical evidence we collected from your clothing that night. Even with all that, it does not guarantee a win. I want to prepare you for that.”
Y/n looked between the two of them, fear and panic building up in her enough to alert any Alpha nearby-- including Bucky. A distressed Omega scent could be picked up miles away if an Alpha was paying attention, and it was pouring off of her in that moment. 
“What? I--I don’t understand,” She stuttered, helplessly letting fear take over. “I thought it would be easy with-with Peter and--and you said it would be a slam dunk, Tony. I can’t do this if he is going to get out. He will come after me. I won’t make it, Tony! I won’t!”
Bucky knew she was upset without ever seeing her face or hearing what he was sure was panic in her voice, and he wasn’t the only Alpha that noticed. Steve and Natasha were now watching the room with interest. Bucky stood up from his desk and took a step towards the conference room without even thinking twice. Tony rolled his chair over to her and held his hand up behind her back, stopping Bucky in his tracks.
There was no doubt everyone knew she was scared and hurting, but Bucky barging into the room because his dumb Alpha brain was telling him to would only make the situation worse.
“Listen to me,” Tony grabbed both her hands in his and pushed her back towards Bucky -- in hopes the stronger his scent, the quicker she would calm down and the more his warmth would squash her fear. 
“Pep is the best. She will fight tooth and nail, and you know, Steve and I are with you, but these cases are still hard to win. Alphas are given all kinds of bullshit rights-- No offense, Pep. Regardless, he won’t ever come near you again. I’ll hide you away if I have to. The biggest thing that we have to overcome is you taking the stand.”
Pepper nodded in agreement and added to Tony’s reassurances, “Tony is right. The one thing that can throw the case out is you losing control on the stand. They can dismiss the case stating a ‘hysterical and mentally unstable Omega’ defense. They can put you in a hospital for seventy-two hours to monitor your state of mind and then release you to your guardian. I can promise you that, if anything like that were to happen, you will not be released back into his charge though.” 
They still need to discuss who she wanted to put as a guardian if the worst should happen, but Pepper didn’t think bringing that up would be the best way to win her trust at the current moment.
Y/n felt like she was going to be sick.
It was too much, and she just wanted to go home and curl into her nest. Or, wrap herself in anything that smells of her-- that Alpha. He wasn’t even hers, and she wanted to steal his jacket and bury it within her nest. She hated how pathetic and weak that sounded. She took a risk and glanced at the Alpha out of the corner of her eye but, quickly looked away when she saw Bucky watching them.
“I-- I'm sorry.” She muttered weakly. “It’s too much. Can-- can I go? Can we try this again another day? I can’t do this.” She slowly blinked away the tears that were caught in her lashes and prayed none would fall. 
Tony looked back at Pepper still holding onto Y/n’s hands, giving her a look that only she would understand. Pepper nodded at the young Omega and smiled. “Of course, I’m sorry if I overwhelmed you. I know how scary this is. I think next time we can do this at your place? Where you can feel safe and nest even?”
She nodded and gave Tony’s hand a quick squeeze. “Yes, please. If Tony can come...”
“Uh, like she could tell me I can’t? Steve couldn’t even keep me from being with you. I don’t know if you noticed, but I don’t like to follow the rules. I do my own thing.” Tony stated proudly as he stood, pulling her to her feet with him. “Come on. I’ll walk you out, and we can work out a day later this week for us to come by when Wanda is home.”
Y/n relaxed at the mention of having Wanda by her side during their next try and smiled gratefully at Tony.
“Yes, thank you. That would be perfect. Thank you, Tony.”
Tony walked her out of the office and toward a group of worried-looking Alphas. He caught Steve’s eye and grinned as he quickly turned to Bucky.
“Ah, Bucky. This is Y/n. I was telling her about you. You know, in case she ever needs something, and I am not available. He’s not as dapper or charming as I am. Beard isn’t as well kept, and his hair is always in that messy bun thing, but still a good second choice.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at Tony’s playful words and turned to face Y/n with an affectionate smile. 
“Nice to meet you. If-- if you need anything just let me know.” 
To anyone that didn’t know Bucky well, he would seem utterly unaffected by her presence, but Steve knew all of his tells. Bucky has always found it easy to charm any Omega into purring for him, but she wasn’t just any Omega, was she?
“T-thank you. I…” Y/n nodded and looked down shyly. She took a chance and looked up to meet his gaze, smiling nervously. 
“I should get going. I-- I have to get home.” She waved to the group and bolted towards the entrance before anyone had a chance to stop her.
Bucky watched her rush down the front steps, and he collapsed into his desk chair. He finally got the chance to talk to her, and he managed to run her off within seconds. Worst part? She didn’t seem affected by him at all. He nearly fell over himself the first time he caught her scent, but she only wanted to get away from him.
Maybe he was wrong.
Steve could tell Tony was just as upset as Bucky that his little plan didn’t work. His Omega didn’t like to lose and more than that he hated being wrong. He wrapped his arm around his Omega and kissed Tony’s temple softly. 
“Come on. I’ll take you to lunch to cheer you up.”
Tony perked up at his mate’s idea and smiled up at Steve, “The Italian place I like?” 
Steve laughed-- that big, rueful Alpha type of laugh and nodded in agreement, mumbling something that sounded like, As if I would take you someplace you didn’t like my little matchmaker. Bucky was so caught up in his head, he didn’t even notice the couple, let alone paid attention to what they were saying.
“Hey, Bucky?”
Bucky glanced up at Tony, brow raised in question.
“Don’t count yourself out just yet. Who knew she had a thing for chocolate and cayenne?” He winked on his way outside with Steve following close behind, his arm around Tony’s waist.
It took Bucky a full second before he got what Tony meant and a blindly bright grin formed on his face. He knew he was right! She was his mate. Now, he had to get her to fall for him when she wouldn’t come near him or talk to him.
No problem.
He could do this.
If he could get Steve through childhood and keep him from getting himself killed, he could handle this.
The entire walk back to her apartment; the only thing she was thinking about was the sound of his voice and the way he had smiled at her. No one has ever looked at her like that before, and Gods did it scare her.  Now that she was home and Bucky’s scent no longer surrounded her, she felt like a piece of her was missing. She couldn’t wait to get out of the station and get back to her nest, and the funny thing was, now, she just wanted to be back in that station wrapped in his warm scent -- the only place she has felt safe since her parents died. 
Right next to the handsome Alpha.
Y/n tossed her purse on the couch as she closed the door behind her. She needed a glass of wine to help rid her thoughts of the stupidly handsome Alpha that smelt like heaven. The apartment seemed empty which wasn’t uncommon for this time of day, so it would be her and her bottle of wine, which she was more than okay with. 
A few things looked out of place and the biggest being the gift on top of their dining room table.
“Wanda? You home?” she called into their small apartment, she eyed the big white box with a huge red bow stuck to the top. Of course, that was just the thing Wanda’s boyfriend would do. Sending her flowers for absolutely no reason at all.
“I should have been born a Beta,” she muttered to herself.
Part of her did like being an Omega, she liked the idea of having one perfect mate — one person who knew her inside and out. Someone who was quite literally made to be hers, but in the world they live in, it was not as glamorous as the movies made it out to be. She walked over to the box and ran her fingers over the pretty red bow, groaning, “Ugh, they are so gross with their cute love.” 
She slipped the card out and flipped it open to see what adorably disgustingly cute thing Vis wrote to her to best friend, but what she found instead made her blood run cold.
Don’t forget how much you mean to me, Omega. And, remember I don’t share what’s MINE.
Her hands trembled as she slowly flipped the lid of the box open and immediately started to gag at the smell that filled her apartment. She rushed back to her purse and scrambled to find her phone. Her shaky fingers scroll through her contacts to Tony’s private number. It took him less than one ring to answer; if she was calling this line, it was an emergency.
“Tony?! I need you and Steve. Please. He-- he came here. No, he left me…” She took a deep breath and used the arm of her sweater to cover her nose from the smell. “He left me a box of dead rose petals, filled with bugs and-and someone’s hand... I don’t know who the hand belongs to. Please, please come," She begged through the tears that had fallen. “I don’t want to be alone.”
“Steve and I are on our way. He’s paying the bill now, but we are forty minutes away on the other side of town. Steve is calling the station and telling Bucky,” Tony stated calmly. “You remember what I said about Bucky? Detective James Barnes? He wouldn’t hurt you, and I would bet my ass... On second thought I would bet Steve’s sweet ass, that’s how sure I am that he will protect you with his life. You are safe with him.”
She nodded slowly, as if Tony could see her through the phone and backed herself up against the wall, eyes stuck to the hand in the box on her dining room table. 
“I’m safe with him,” she repeated. “I’m safe with James.”
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reddead-cancerian · 5 years
Torn I
A/N: I am back from my unscheduled hiatus! Sorry for the long wait! Recently I have been obsessed with RDR2 (although I didn’t play it, but watched my boyfriend), so Mr. Arthur Morgan has been the target of my new fic! This definitely got way too long to be a one-shot, so I’ve turned this into a multi-part! I couldn’t help to wonder, could Arthur find someone to replace Mary in his heart or will he continue to be broken from the memories of his past?
Arthur Morgan x OC (Emma Rose Gray)
Word Count: 1056 (this is the longest part!)
Warning: None
Rose watched as Arthur walked past her tent to which he tipped his hat to her. She waved to him then hung her head to conceal the blush on her cheeks, unwilling to show his affect on her.
“You should tell him, honey, it hurts my heart to see you staring at him with those eyes. You’re starting to look like a lost puppy,” Abigail walked over to her tent with Jack and Mary-Beth in tow.
“You know I can’t I haven’t known him long enough to just blurt out these silly feelings. I must be feeling like this because we’re close friends and we spend time talking about our writin’s. Give it a week or two and I’ll sure to be over him like getting bucked by a Bronco,” Rose waived her hand.
“Well I think you’re pretty Aunt Rose and kind too and I’m sure Uncle Arthur thinks the same thing!” Jack’s sweet voice made her smile and she patted his head.
“Why ain’t you a kind boy, thank you Jack,” Rose looked at them, “You don’t got to worry your head about little ol’ me. I’ll be fine Abigail, I’m a big girl and I’ve been through much worse than loving Arthur Morgan.”
“Whatever you say, Rosie. Come by my tent tonight I wanna show you my new writing,” Mary-Beth gave her a look before letting her continue on her writing.
For almost a month Abigail and Mary-Beth have been telling Rose to confess to Arthur about her feelings. It took a little while, but she and most of the gang has been noticing the way Rose looks and acts around Arthur even though the man hasn’t been able to see it himself. Slowly they’ve been joking here and there with the poor girl and teasing her to the point Arthur has come in to save her even though he had no idea what was going on. Even Hosea and Dutch have pulled her aside and assured her feelings towards the older man are valid and have tried helping her, but ended up giving up after Rose continuously refused their offers.
Rose joined the Van Der Linde gang after Arthur caught her trying to pickpocket him and decided to keep her by him to keep an eye on her, using her to their advantage. She turned out to be useful as she was able to con some of the wealthiest men in town with a simple flip of her hair and gather information. She was small as well, so it was easy for her to sneak in and out of areas therefore proving herself useful and began an official part of their family of bandits.
She has been with the gang for close to a year now and she’s grown a liking to Arthur Morgan as they share the same interest in writing, just like Mary-Beth. They been sharing their latest works as well as offering advice for improvement. It has become one of her greatest joys, yet she didn’t have the courage to tell him in fear of judgment. Besides she was the runaway daughter of a ferryman who knew nothing about love nor about men, but only the simplicity of pickpocketing and manipulation. This definitely caught the eye of a certain someone and quickly became one of his favorite partners.
“Maybe I should tell him since we’re real close, so it should be fine. Perhaps I shouldn’t,” Rose took a drink of her whiskey and recalled when it all started.
Dutch sent her and Arthur into town to collect information of their next target, so Arthur left her to find one of the man’s accomplices. It was all going smoothly until the gentleman caught her running away after she stole some of his valuables. The man dragged her out of the saloon and managed to hit her a few times until he was stopped by Arthur. He punched him hard enough his body went limp and dropped to the ground next to her. Arthur carried her back to the others and made a promise to protect her at all times. From then on whether it was a job or simply going to get supplies in town, Rose was never alone. This allowed them to share their interests with each other as well as their deepest thoughts and concerns. Before she knew it, Rose was deeply in love with the man.
“What a fool you are, Emma Rose Gray,” she sighed
“I wouldn’t call yourself a fool, Miss Gray, that’s Marston,” Arthur’s voice caused her to nearly jump into the fire.
“My Lord, Arthur Morgan, for a big fella you have a way for sneaking up to people. Also, haven’t I told you not to call me Miss Gray?” She gave him her bottle and watched him take a sip.
“I’m sorry Miss you just so seemed in thought I don’t think you’ve noticed you’re the only one still up and drinkin’. Now what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
Rose simply stared at the fire and hope the whiskey would start giving her some type of courage. This happens all the time when they’re alone together she simply freezes and never allowed herself to relax. He had that effect on her ever since she was aware of her crush and she prayed he has not noticed it. Arthur noticed her hesitation and put a hand on top of her free hand feeling her tense up.
“You know you can tell me anything, Rosie,” Arthur told her, softly.
“Have you ever like someone so much you wanna tell them, but can’t in fear of rejection?”
“Of course I have, but sometimes you gotta take the plunge and tell them if you really love them. Now, who’s this lucky fella that’s caught your eye, is it someone I know?” he shifted on the log and looked at her.
“Well I-”
“Hey Arthur, could you come here for a moment son Dutch and I need to discuss the next plan. Pardon my intrusion Miss Gray,” Hosea’s apologized.
“We’ll talk about this later, Rosie,” Arthur assured her.
“No need, I’m just talking silly. Good night boys.”
Rose watched them walk towards Dutch’s tent and felt tears well up in her eyes. Maybe she wasn’t meant to tell him today or perhaps at all.
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lucilleifer · 7 years
Helpless ; Spencer Reid x Reader Song Fic
So I’ve decided to combine two of my favorite things: Hamilton and Spencer Reid. So here’s a song fic based off of “Helpless” 
A little Rundown: Reader is Eliza, Spencer is Alexander, and Penelope Garcia is Angelica but not actually your sister more like a best friend so close she’s like a sister.
Oh, I do I do I do I (Hey hey hey hey) Dooo! Hey! (Hey hey hey hey) Oh, I do I do I do I (Hey hey hey hey) Dooo! Boy you got me (Hey hey hey)  
Helpless! Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit I'm helpless! Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em
 You remembered the first time you met Spencer, you met his eyes across a bar’s dance floor, and the sky was the limit. Your cheeks immediately flushed and it felt like you were drowning and breathing for the first time all at once.
I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room Then you walked in and my heart went "Boom!" Tryin' to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume
Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine
You never really understood how Penelope always managed to get you to come out with her. She was a little older but she was the cool senior in college who helped out the much younger and less popular freshman around, eventually spawning a wonderful friendship. She was always more outgoing. This time it was a club/bar where the two of were supposed to meeting up with her coworkers for drinks- her coworkers, who were now twenty minutes late. Penelope had momentarily abandoned you to get the first round, leaving you standing against the wall, forgotten when her team arrived. Penelope was always the type of girl that could turn it on and perform for a crowd, dazzle them.
That’s when he walked in. Your heart stopped and sputtered for a moment, leaving you wide-eyed and gaping like a fish. You stood up a little straighter, poked out your chest, and ruffled your hair a little, hoping to catch a stray glance. You watched Penelope excuse herself and do a bouncy jog over to your place on the wall. She smiled, beckoned you over, and handed you a glass of wine, yelling over the music, “C’mon, wallflower, there’s some people I want you to meet: My co-”
Grab my sister and whisper, "Yo, this one's mine." (Ooh) My sister made her way across the room to you (Ooh) And I got nervous, thinking, "What's she gonna do?" (Ooh) She grabs you by the arm, I'm thinkin' "I'm through" (Ooh) Then you look back at me, and suddenly I'm...
Before she could say something else, you grabbed her hand and nodded you’re head towards the cutie in the glasses. “Garcia, this one’s mine.”
“Who- oh! Spencer. That’s Dr. Spencer Reid, emphasis on doctor- absolutely brilliant, works with me in the FBI, and not too terrible on the eyes. Challenge accepted, stay here and watch Momma work!” She clapped her hands. Ignoring your pleas to just let it be. You watched with nervous butterflies as she walked up to the newly dubbed, Spencer.
“C’mon, Garcia, whatcha gonna do?” You muttered to yourself getting on your tiptoes to watch her over the crowd. Penelope grabbed his arm. Sighing you resigned, “Oh, god, that’s it. I’m through.”
 Then, he looked back at you and, suddenly, you realized you were already falling for those eyes. Absolutely:
Oh, look at those eyes (Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit) Oh! Yeah, I'm helpless, I know (Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em) (I'm helpless!) I'm so into you, I am so into you (Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit) (I'm helpless!) I know I'm down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em
           He seemed to be observing you, and that’s when you realized you were staring. He cocked his head to the side, and that was it, you were practically down for the count, and finding a little trouble breathing. How were you so into him? You just met him and you were thinking like you were in love. By this, point they were walking towards you, and they were in earshot.
Where are you taking me?
            “Where are you taking me, Penelope?” Spencer questioned, allowing himself to be led by the much shorter blonde lady. Again, you watched from you’re wall as she smirked backwards at him.
I'm about to change your life
           “I’m about to change you’re life, boy wonder.” She grinned, pulling him closer and closer to you. That’s when he was almost in front of you, and the cogs in his brain were quickly formulating what Garcia was up to.
Then by all means, lead the way
“Then, by all means, lead the way.” With that they stopped in front of you. Spencer stood at least a full head taller than you, tucking his hands in his pockets. It was impossible to read his expression, but Garcia was giddily bouncing on her heals. After a few moments of watching the two of you observe each other, apparently the hacker got bored, and finally nudged you. Snapping you to your senses, you offered a hand.
Elizabeth Schuyler It's a pleasure to meet you
“ (Y/N) (Y/L/N), it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You offered, he took you hand and shook it. You noticed how his fingertips were callused.
Schuyler? [Angelica:]
My sister
“ (Y/L/N)?” Spencer asked, but Penelope interrupted.
“My sister from another mister.” She elaborated.
Thank you for all your service
If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it
 Finally dropping his hand, you bashfully smiled and looked to the floor before smiling back up at him, “Thank you for all your service, you’ve probably helped put a lot of sickos in prison.”
 “If getting shot at means meeting you, it will all have been worth it.” He said, only stuttering at the beginning. He lifted his hand so his fingertips brushed yours. Your cheeks turned so red, you thought you might faint, and you’re stomach twisted into knots that would put a navy men’s to shame. Garcia smiled between the two of you before stepping back.
I'll leave you to it
“I’ll leave you to it then.” Penelope smirked, before leaning over to you and whispering, “Mission Accomplished.”
You simply smiled before pushing her away. Spencer smiled at her then back to you.
One week later
I'm writin' a letter nightly Now my life gets better, every letter that you write me Laughin' at my sister, 'cause she wants to form a harem
I'm just sayin', if you really loved me, you would share him
           Just a week letter, you and Spencer were communicating daily- texts during the day, and the occasional call when he wasn’t too busy. He always took special interest in your day, but didn’t exclude you from his. Also, he always asked just the right question, but you had a pretty big feeling that Garcia was on the other side of the line helping him out.  One day, you’re actual older sister walked in on you while you were on the phone. After you hung up, you showed her pictures and told her all about Dr. Reid, laughing when she suggested starting a prostitution ring.  
 “I’m just saying, if you really loved me you would share him.” She shrugged teasing you as you shoved her out of the door.
 “HA!” You said dully, as you shut the door and grabbed your phone, redialing the now familiar number of your favorite behavioral analyst.
Two years later, you and Spencer had been official for a year and nine months. A fact Garcia didn’t often let you forget. She was quite proud of her matchmaking. After your first anniversary and Spencer working a rather dangerous case, he came back and proposed to you in the middle of a sentence, pulling out a family ring. But, Spencer had a classic streak and wanted to speak with your father before making it completely official.  
Two weeks later in the living room stressin' (stressin') My father's stone-faced while you're asking for his blessin' (blessin') I'm dying inside, as you wine and dine And I'm tryin' not to cry 'cause there's nothing that your mind can't do (Ooh)
Spencer insisted on speaking to your father alone, so you sat around the corner where you could see your father through a mirror on the wall. He was stone faced, staring down the bridge of his nose and past his glasses at Spencer. Your leg bounced up and down nervously as your hands were wringing themselves, just trying not to cry because there’s nothing that brilliant mind couldn’t do. There was no doubt in your mind that Spencer could read War and Peace in half an hour, or solve a common murder case in fifteen minutes. You knew Spencer could do anything with that amazing mind, but you also knew how protective fathers could be of their daughters. But, Spencer didn’t show any signs of fear, but instead he simply leaned forward.
 “Mr. (Y/L/N), sir, your daughter is one of the most amazing, kind, funny, loyal, understanding, and beautiful people I’ve ever met. She stuck with me through times when even I had given up on myself. Gave me advice that I’ve committed to memory. And she has never failed to smile and make me smile, when I most needed it. I know no one is ever going to be good enough for her, but I promise to give her my best every day, to keep her safe, and do my best to make her happy, and when I inevitably fail, give my all to fix it.” Spencer admitted, a few of your tears escaped during his confession. You focus returned to your father, who was nodding in his recliner, his hands clasped in front of his face.
 My father makes his way across the room to you (Ooh)
I panic for a second, thinking, "We're through." (Ooh)
But then he shakes your hand and says, "Be true." (Ooh) And you turn back to me smiling, and I'm...
 You watched in dismay as your father stood up and crossed the room in intimidating strides. You jumped up, ready to keep your father from fighting your fiancé, but by the time you made it back to the living room, your father had offered Spencer a hand. Spencer stood up to take it as your Father said, “Just be true, and we won’t have an issue. You have my blessing.”
 Spencer turned to meet your eyes with the most brilliant smile you’d ever seen.
Helpless! (Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit) I'm helpless, hoo (Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em I'm helpless!) That boy is mine, that boy is mine (Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit) (I'm helpless!) Helpless! Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em
 “Oh, god. We’re getting married. Spence, we’re getting married!” You squealed launched yourself into his arms. He spun you around before dipping down to kiss you. You kissed back with fervor, smiling into it.  
A few hours later, you went into the bullpen with Spencer and immediately raced back to Penelope’s office. Flinging your left hand in front of her face, ignoring Derek Morgan being in to room.
“He’s mine! That boy is mine!” You squealed throwing your arms around the neck. The extra weight and jolt caused the chair to flip.
“Hacker down! Hacker down! I repeat Hacker down and civilian is down for the count!” Garcia yelled flailing as you tried to crawl off her. Once you were off, Derek offered her a hand and hauled her back up.
“You alright, baby girl?” Morgan asked, with a smirk and a raised eye brow, but Garcia ignored him.
“ (Y/N), what are you going on about?” She asked, already having a pretty good clue. You offered her your left hand. Taking a deep gasp, her eyes flicked up to you.
“Morgan, don’t be a jerk congratulate her! Oh my god, congrats! Dibs on maid of honor!” She hollered before attacking you in a hug. “My girl is engaged!”
You just looked over her shoulder at Spencer standing in the doorway quietly chuckling at the scene
Eliza, I don't have a dollar to my name
An acre of land, a troop to command, a dollop of fame
All I have's my honor, a tolerance for pain A couple of college credits and my top-notch brain Insane, your family brings out a different side of me Peggy confides in me, Angelica tried to take a bite of me No stress, my love for you is never in doubt We'll get a little place in Harlem and we'll figure it out I've been livin' without a family since I was a child My father left, my mother died, I grew up buckwild But I'll never forget my mother's face, that was real And long as I'm alive, Eliza, swear to God You'll never feel so…
A few days later, Spencer took you for a walk in a park near his office. Sitting down on a bench, he took your hand.  “ (Y/N), I just want to make sure you’re thinking this through. I don’t have much money to my name, I’m not an SSA, and as much as we do this isn’t a job I’m going to be popular for. In fact statistics show, I’m 4 times as likely to be targeted as the average citizen. All a really have is my knowledge, a tolerance for pain, a couple of college PhD’s, and my eidetic memory. It’s insane, how your family brings out a different side of me. Garcia might as well be your family, and she confides in me now, more than ever. Your sister flirts with me!” He laughed, looking at you, your face showing confusion and a little anger.
“Don’t stress, sweetheart, my love for is never in doubt. We’ll have my little place in Quantico and we can figure it out. I‘ve been without a family since I was a child. My father left, my mother is institutionalized. I grew up alone. But I’ll never forget my mother’s grace. As long as I’m alive, (Y/N), I promise you’re never going to feel so…”
“Helpless?” you offered, squeezing his hand.  
 “Never. I love you, darling.”
“When it comes to you, I’m always helpless, but I love you too.” 
Part Two: That Would be Enough
This is the first song fic I’ve ever done and also the first criminal minds pic I’ve ever done. If I was to make this a series would anyone be interested?
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adapted-batteries · 7 years
Hey friend! For the shipathon, I was wondering if you would be willing to write some Flynn/Ezekiel/Jake? Maybe something where they are all on a mission and Ezekiel gets taken and Flynn and Jake are so worried about him they start fighting, but Ezekiel's already escaped?
I kind of went more straight up feels sharing then fighting, but there’s some snappy moments there. Hope you like it!
There are some events Stone mentions but doesn’t go into much detail on. If you would like to know more about them, I conveniently wrote “Whatever You Need” because my brain decided I needed to flush those out. It’s not necessary to read that fic before you read this one, but it will probably add a nice depth to it.
“Don’t have too much fun without us,” Eve said as she and Cassandra headed for their girls’ day out. Flynn decided to escort them to the door; they were staying local in Portland today.
Ezekiel rolled his eyes lightheartedly of course, then settled at an open desk to brush up on his hacking. Stone, who had been somewhere in the Library, walked into the Annex with a load of books in hand. “Is that what you’re gonna do with your day off? Even Jenkins went off on an errand,” Ezekiel said, glancing up from his phone.
“Yeah man, I do this all the time,” Stone replied with a grunt as he heaved his books onto the desk he’d claimed over the years. “Just because I gave up my pen name doesn’t mean I quit putting work out there. And speak for yourself, you’re still here.”
Flynn returned, eyeing Stone’s desk. “Working on Aztec art I see, on your day off. A man after my own heart,” he said, giving a passing glance to Ezekiel.
“What? I’m working too. Gotta stay sharp to keep on top of game,” Ezekiel said, waving his phone which had a lot of code on it.
“Don’t hack into anythin’ important,” Stone cautioned, narrowing his eyes at Ezekiel.
“Heh, that’s how you keep them on their toes, keep toying with the big boys,” Ezekiel chuckled, going back to typing away on his phone. Flynn and Stone glanced at each other, both mildly annoyed, concerned, and a bit in awe of what Ezekiel could do with just his phone.
“Uh, well after we ended up findin’ all that pottery and carvings last week, I couldn’t just let that sit unknown, ya know?” Stone replied, sifting through the books, looking for a specific title.
“I don’t know if they’ll find ‘pot that magically provides any liquid you desire’ very credible,” Flynn said, picking up a book and thumbing through it absentmindedly.
“This ain’t my first paper I’ve written since I came here. I know to leave out stuff like that,” Stone chided, plucking the book out of Flynn’s hands. “I’d like to spend my off day writin’ in peace…”
“Alright, fine. I’ll be doing my own study on…um…farming techniques…in 15th century Japan,” Flynn quipped, looking mildly confused at the words he just said.
Stone gave him a confused look as well. “If that suits your fancy, go right ahead.”
“Well, you have to know more than just art…and history…” Flynn started, heading for the stairs.
“Farming techniques that happened in the 15th century is history,” Stone called after him. Flynn just made an exasperated noise in his defeat at the top of the stairs.
Flynn was halfway into a very detailed book on terrace farming and irrigation methods, Stone was a third of the way into his analysis reworking what was a previously unknown style of clay making in Aztec history, and Ezekiel was almost finished digitally breaking into the NSA servers again when the clippings book fluttered on its stand.
Ezekiel was the first to notice, his desk being the closest, and you probably could’ve drove a train through the Annex before Stone would focus on anything outside his little research bubble.
“Uh guys?” Ezekiel said, voice echoing. No one responded. “Guys, I think the clippings book has something for us…STONE!”
Stone jumped in his seat, glaring at Ezekiel. “What?! I’m work-” His eyes caught the clippings book’s movement. “Flynn, we got somethin’ comin’ in,” he called up to the balcony. He waited a moment, listening to just paper shifting, realizing that Flynn was probably just as entranced by his reading. “FLYNN!” Stone shouted, much louder than Ezekiel had been anticipating, making the thief jump a little.
A soft thud, not unlike that of someone accidentally smacking their head on a bookshelf, first answered. “What?!” Flynn shouted back, followed promptly by a solid thud of a hefty book falling on something before hitting the floor. “Ow, what?” Flynn scrambled up to his feet, shoes squeaking under the sudden stress as he practically launched himself at the balcony to see what was happening.
“Clippings book,” Stone said plainly, gesturing to the book.
“Oh, um, alright,” Flynn replied, attempting to look not so flustered by fiddling with his jacket. He spun on his heels, not quite sprinting down the stairs. “What’s it say?”
“Looks like break ins at several museums in Argentina…Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Juan Carlos Castagnino Municipal Museum of Art, Tigre Municipal Museum of Fine Art, Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires, and Mueso de Arqueologia de Alta Montana de Salta, all hit within two weeks,” Stone said.
“But they weren’t taking any good stuff,” Ezekiel added, looking at the clippings book over Stone’s shoulder. “I’ve been to the ones in Buenos Aires…there’s loads better stuff to get, worth a lot more than the minor works they grabbed.” Stone eyed him, long past arguing about the other values of art besides monetary.
“Sounds like someone’s acquiring inventory to sell on the black market,” Flynn decided.
Ezekiel was unconvinced. “Apparently they don’t intend to break the bank.”
“For one of those, maybe, but all of them together? They’re playin’ the quantity game, not quality. And who knows how much they have already,” Stone explained.
“We need to investigate the break ins. Which was most recently hit?” Flynn asked.
“Looks like Tigre, hit yesterday evening,” Ezekiel said. “What would stealing art have to do with us though?”
“Who knows…maybe the stole something with magical properties, or they already acquired something and this was the Library’s way to get us on their tail…thus why we should investigate in person,” Flynn said, already fiddling with the back door controls.
“Don’t we wanna get Eve and Cassandra?” Stone asked.
Flynn looked up at him, thought about it for a moment, then went back to fiddling with the back door. “We’ll be fine. They deserve a day off…a full day off.”
Ezekiel and Stone glanced at each other; Ezekiel shrugged, not sure if they should or not, so Stone found a clean piece of paper and wrote a note.
Eve, Cassandra, and Jenkins,
Something is going on in Argentina. In case the clippings book changes, someone has been stealing art from several museums, various minor works. We’re going to investigate the most recent burglary at the Tigre Museum. Flynn said you two deserved your day off, and I don’t think anything will happen while we collect information. We’ll probably be back before any of you return.
“Come on, door’s ready,” Ezekiel said just as Stone signed his name.
“Alright alright, I’m not gonna leave them completely in the dark of where we went,” Stone quipped, placing the letter in a clear spot on the table. He gave a look to Flynn as he walked to the door; the Librarian knew exactly what the look meant and cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Okay, off to Argentina we go,” Flynn said, opening the door and stepping through. The others followed after him.
In Portland, it had been shaping up to be a sunny day, but as they stepped out of the front door of a house next to the museum, they were greeted by a chilly rain. Despite the weather, Stone was like a kid at a candy shop when he saw the ornate architecture on the waterfront. The cold, and their lack of rain gear, didn’t let them linger and admire the columns at the front of the building for long.
Ezekiel started typing on his phone once they stepped inside. He let the two nerd out while he searched the digital inventory of the museum. Once he found useful information, he placed himself in front of the painting the two historians had been geeking out on to get their attention. “Lucky for the thieves, the small sculpture apparently had been taken down to the archive so a grad student could do research,” Ezekiel said, secretly amused by the annoyed looks from Stone and Flynn (Stone was actively trying to look around him without being too obvious).
“Alright, find a staff entrance, and we’ll head down,” Flynn said, mildly distracted again by the painting.
Ezekiel started walking to the door he remembered seeing in the previous room they’d been in, but neither Stone nor Flynn budged. Ezekiel shook his head and sighed, deciding he needed to physically drag them away from the art. “Guys, we need to do this before I turn thirty,” he patronized, feeling like a parent with two obnoxious kids. Flynn and Stone both mumbled something about wanting just a bit more time, not even looking at Ezekiel, so he hooked his arms around each of theirs and forcefully trudged to the hallway.
“Wh-I can walk on my own,” Flynn yelped, his focus finally shattered. He quickly pulled his arm out from Ezekiel’s and strode quickly in the direction he assumed Ezekiel had been going…which was opposite from where Ezekiel was taking them.
Stone took longer to simply extricate his arm, pointedly not looking at Ezekiel. “He does know that the main door was the other way, right?”
“Give him a second,” Ezekiel said, casually leaning against the entryway.
Flynn’s footsteps stopped, turned around with a small squeak on the tile floor, and started back up towards them. “Stairwell is near the entrance.” He walked past them without waiting on them to catch up. Ezekiel gave Stone an amused and knowing glance before following after Flynn.
The simple keypad lock was no match for Ezekiel Jones of course. The three descended the stairs to a lower ceiling-ed hallway with a few doors on each side before it turned right, but they didn’t get much farther than the bottom of the stairs when a lady in a navy pantsuit rounded the corner. Her relaxed posture went managerial when she saw them.
“Who are you and how did you get down here?” she asked in Spanish. Remembering the plane from Venezuela, Stone was going to respond, but Flynn beat him to it.
“We are librarians,” Flynn said, or thought he said with the right inflection to be an incantation. In reality he said something close to “we are the esteemed keepers of books.” The lady looked at him in confusion.
Stone knew he said way too many words for the simple phrase, so he stepped in front of Flynn a bit and said, “Apologies, we are the Librarians.” He’d been practicing saying that phrase in a variety of languages ever since Flynn told him he was using magic; that little skill was a priceless tool they needed when he wasn’t around.
The lady nodded in understanding, relaxing from intimidating to professional. “You must be the visiting librarians from the University of Texas. Come, the archive is this way.” She motioned with her hand for them to walk into the hallway. “Your friend speaks my language like the classics I used to study,” she said to Stone, who mostly understood what she said. Thankfully she went on before he could fumble a response. “You’re early, but that isn’t a problem. You may familiarize yourself with the facilities you will use while here. Dr. Ramos will return in a couple hours.”
She led them around the corner. The hallway didn’t go farther than twenty feet before ending in another door with a keypad. She stopped in front of the first door on their left, opening the unlocked door to reveal a standard looking research room for the items that came to the museum. “The interns must be on their lunch break, but they will be back soon. If you need anything, just ask the front desk upstairs. You can dial 0 on the phone and ask for Ms. Ruiz,” the lady explained, putting a hand to her chest when she said her name.
Stone gave her a warm smile. “Gracias,” he said, trying to sound as genuine as possible. Apparently it was enough to prompt Ms. Ruiz to go back to whatever she’d been doing a moment before; she left the trio in the room with a little wave. “Ok you really need to learn modern Spanish Flynn.”
Flynn held his hands up in defense. “What? Just because my Spanish is more poetic-”
“It’s five hundred years old. You’re talkin’ to them with the Spanish equivalent of Shakespearean English,” Stone quipped. “She may have understood you and thought it was odd, but most people are going to be clueless.”
“Duly noted. Next time I have a few months to my disposal I’ll do an online learning course,” Flynn spat, particularly annoyed.
“Guys. No time to argue about language skills,” Ezekiel said, sighing. Stone looked like he was about to go at it, but visibly restrained himself. “The sculpture was taken from this room, with one exit unless you count the vents. There’s the door at the end of the hall that could go somewhere.”
Flynn switched his focus to the problem at hand. “Considering it happened during hours, they couldn’t just walk out with it.”
“Maybe they disguised themselves as museum employees,” Stone offered as he looked around the room.
“For a large museum, plausible, but for anything with less than fifty or so-” Ezekiel felt something prick the back of his neck. Immediately his hand went to source of the stabbing pain, finding something that felt a whole lot like a dart. It was his fault for having his back to the door. He spun around to find the attacker, but that spin emphasized the fact that they were sedative darts; he careened into a workbench as the world decided to be slanted.
A man in dark clothing filled the doorway, mini crossbow in hand and aimed at the now uncovered Flynn. “Ezekiel? Hey, who are you?” Flynn said, eyes glancing from the wobbly Ezekiel to the intruder.
Stone turned around to see who Flynn was talking to just in time to see Ezekiel collapse and Flynn get a dart square in the forehead. “Not this again…you’re dead meat!” Stone yelled, charging at the man. He had ten foot worth of floor to cover, and he did his best to do it quickly, ducking down to make it harder to hit skin. He took the intruder in a solid tackle, tumbling out into the corridor.
Stone didn’t take into account that darts work just as good in melee range as stabbing weapons. Pain shot up Stone’s arm as the body underneath him stuck a dart into his forearm. “Heh, you gotta do better then that,” Stone growled, socking the man in the jaw.
The man didn’t seem that deterred by the punch. He hooked his leg around Stone’s and flipped them, throwing Stone not very gently into the concrete floor with a thud. “Playin’ dirty now are we?” Stone rumbled, starting to feel a little fuzzy. He fought it off as best as he could to get out of the pinned position he was in, pulling a trick he learned at Shangri-la. Admittedly, a prehensile tail would’ve made it easier, but Stone got his legs bent and twisted his torso as quick as he could, knocking the man’s knees out from underneath him so Stone could give him a taste of his own medicine.
Now free of the extra weight, Stone scrambled to his feet, leaning on the wall for support while he squared up again. Despite knowing how it felt to be sedated via dart, Stone’s vision started blurring as he tried to fight it. “Come and get it,” Stone taunted, except it sounded more like “Cmmmm n ge’ ‘t.”
The man chuckled at Stone, simply lifting the crossbow at him once more and firing a dart straight at his forehead. Stone looked up at the metal cylinder sticking out of his forehead, pulled it out with a grunt, and let it clatter to the floor. “Yynnn…hgnn…” Stone attempted to communicate, but the ground suddenly came up at him in disconcerting speed. Stone made a mental note to ask Jenkins if there was a way to deal with sedatives better before everything went black.
Flynn woke up first. The floor was hard, but he was leaned up against something that smelled like musty wood. At the moment his eyes were useless. Wherever they were, it was pitch black, but small, based off the reverb of him clearing his throat. Flynn knew where he was at least; this wasn’t his first time locked in a closet.
Duct tape bound his hands and legs, but they didn’t put him in a position to keep him from undoing his bonds. Having his arms in front of him made it loads easier to stand up using the wall and the crate he’d been leaned against. Finding the door, and subsequently the lightswitch, was the next step.
Said step was hindered when Flynn’s shuffling found something that felt a lot like a body. He kept shuffling around, judging whoever it was to be laying on the concrete floor. A noise, a grunt, that sounded a lot like Stone came from the ground.
“Stone?” he called out to the dark as he continued to feel the wall.
“Hnngh,” Stone replied. Seeing…well hearing that Stone wasn’t quite able to help yet, Flynn focused on his task, finally shuffling enough to feel the rough cinder block change to a wooden doorframe. He ran his bound hands up and down, then went to the other side of the door, finally whacking a little metal box with a switch.
Harsh, bright light from the fluorescent light in the ceiling made them both groan. “Stone? You alright?” Flynn asked, shaking his head while his eyes adjusted.
“I’ll make it,” Stone said, voice croaky. He sat up slowly, using the wall for support. “What is it with closets?” Flynn looked at him; he had to repress the urge to ruffle Stone’s messed up hair while he couldn’t do anything about it.
“Heh, maybe I can bake my way out of this one too,” Flynn chuckled. He kneeled down in front of Stone and started peeling away the tape, making quick work of Stone’s wrist binds.
Stone was not so cheery about their predicament. “Where do ya think they put Ezekiel?” he asked as he undid Flynn’s wrists.
“Well we’re still at the museum, I think, so either they took him someplace else or he’s also locked up somewhere,” Flynn said. They both went about undoing the tape around their legs. “He’ll be fine, he’s Ezekiel Jones.”
Stone freed his legs first and gave Flynn a wary look, but Flynn didn’t seem to pick it up. Once he got the tape off his legs he immediately went to searching the room for anything useful. The small room didn’t have a whole lot to work with: there was the crate Flynn had been against, some collapsed cardboard boxes and crates against the back wall, cobwebs, and dust. Flynn hadn’t been too concerned about getting out until now.
He didn’t even notice he was pacing the small space until Stone called him out. “Would ya quit? You’re kickin’ up dust and wastin’ energy. It’s not gonna keep Ezekiel any safer.”
“I can’t. I need to keep moving,” Flynn explained, pacing for a few moments before he registered the words. He stopped, giving Stone a curious look.
“Well…I mean, it’s not. What? I can have concern about his well-being,” Stone said, defensive under Flynn’s relentless gaze.
“You haven’t voiced it before…” Flynn started, watching him.
“‘Cuz he’s not been alone, like this, since…” Stone trailed off.
“Why can’t he be alone? He’s capable of handling himself,” Flynn countered, confused by Stone’s sudden wariness.
“You didn’t think he was actin’ weird at the super collider facility?” Stone asked.
“I thought he finally decided to show that he cares about us,” Flynn said, not sure why it was significant.
Stone rubbed his face with a hand. “He was terrified of losing us. He thought he was being a hero.”
“He was a hero…” Flynn said.
“He thought he had to be otherwise he’d be reliving his nightmares,” Stone added.
Flynn was further confused. “Nightmares?”
“From the loop when we were at the DARPA facility. He didn’t remember anything until after we returned from Prospero’s dream world he put us in, for whatever reason, and it’s not been easy for him,” Stone explained.
“So he’s got ptsd…and I threw him in danger’s way on a theory,” Flynn sunk down against the wall next across from Stone, color draining from his face.
“That’s not on you, you didn’t know,” Stone attempted to console, knowing it wasn’t going to do much to help.
“How do you know all this? Ezekiel doesn’t talk about stuff like that,” Flynn said, pointedly staring at the concrete floor.
“He…um…told me…” Stone stammered. Flynn looked up at that, waiting for him to continue. “I, after the whole love potion thing with Cindy, I assumed he wasn’t affected because he’d been in love with her, and told him that. He didn’t say anything, but I realized I totally read his body language wrong, and went to apologize, except we got into an argument, and he let something slip.”
“He must trust you, to tell you what he’s experiencing,” Flynn said, not really meaning to insinuate anything, but also trying to test the waters.
“We’re just friends, he doesn’t…he isn’t…well I dunno what he is anyway,” Stone said, trying to say anything revealing but failing. “It’s not like we need to have a thing to be trusting. You’d know that if you didn’t keep running off all the time. You gotta be with people to build trust with them.”
“I was doing important work that had to be done while you all did yours,” Flynn spat back, suddenly defensive again.
“It was sure hard to see you cared when you’d just boss us around or ignore us while you were here,” Stone said, narrowing his eyes at Flynn.
“I’ve changed…I’m working on it, okay? I know now that I was being an ass, and I had my reasons, but it was no excuse,” Flynn exclaimed throwing his hands up. “I’ve always cared, especially for Ezekiel, I just suck at actually conveying it. He trusted me with his life, and I really hadn’t done anything for him to warrant it.”
Stone looked at Flynn, surprised. “He does trust you…he just sucks at showing it too,” Stone said, biting his lip as he thought about what he was going to say. “The nightmares were only of us, at first, but after you about died defeating Apep, he started having them of you too. Really shook him up.”
“He’s actually telling you all this?” Flynn asked, mildly taken aback.
“I…well I kind of made him tell me when he showed up at my door in the middle of the night in a paranoid, half awake state. That’s when I first found out how bad it was,” Stone explained with a shrug. “I had him over, just in case, the night we defeated Apep, which was a good call, ‘cuz that’s when the nightmares involving you started.”
Stone was trying to not show much, but Flynn could easily see how much he cared for Ezekiel. “I’m glad you can be there for him.”
“You can too…I mean it’d mean a lot for him to know that from you,” Stone said.
“I can’t be there for him, not like I’d like,” Flynn said, slumping more against the wall.
Stone looked at him, confused for a moment before realization dawned on his face. “What’d ya mean….oh.” Stone gave Flynn a sympathetic look. “Didn’t know you…”
“That I’m bi? Well there’s a lot we don’t know about each other, that we probably would’ve learned if I hadn’t been running on my own. Besides, it wouldn’t work anyway. I’m too old, too independent and such. There was a whole intervention and all,” Flynn said, waving a hand in front of him while he talked.
“To be fair, I don’t think he cares about age too much,” Stone added with a smirk before he realized what he said. “Uh, I mean, well he’s done some things that make me think, but he’s never explicitly said anythin’ about it-”
“So you are…a thing?” Flynn asked, trying to get Stone to be clear about it.
“No…well…maybe. He’s never said exactly, but it’s more than just being there for him when he needs it,” Stone said. Flynn gave him a look, eyebrows raised. “No…not like that, God Flynn I’m not taking advantage of him.”
Flynn put his hands up in defense. “I wasn’t, I didn’t mean, I was just trying to figure out what you meant,” Flynn stammered. “I mean the age remark made me think you were attempting to hint at me to go for it and I wasn’t sure because that’d be a horrible thing to screw up over miscommunication and I wouldn’t want to ruin whatever you two have going on-”
“Flynn, it’s alright, I just overreacted a bit,” Stone interjected, looking at Flynn with a mix of pity and affection. “I guess, I kinda was? I dunno, I’m not the one to be suggestin’ anythin’ like that for him, it didn’t come out right.”
“Okay, makes sense. Though for you to imply that I should, uh, see what’s there, while you at least are definitely doing something anyway…not that there’s anything wrong with relationships like that, but it’d make more sense if it was mutual all around, and I can only speak for myself,” Flynn sort of explained, attempting to stick his toe in the water.
Stone bit his lip again, this time not a look of contemplation. “Well…”
The door suddenly swung open, startling the two out of their conversation. Ezekiel stood in the doorway, looking a little worse for wear with some cuts and bruises, but was keeping it together. “You didn’t even try to escape? What were you doing, having a heart to heart before you died?” Ezekiel joked, completely oblivious.
“Um, n…no,” Stone sputtered, scrambling to his feet. “We didn’t have anythin’ to get us out with. ‘S Not like we could break out with crate pieces.” Ezekiel gave him a look, mainly curious, before stepping out of the way to let the two leave.
Flynn looked mildly guilty for a moment, though why Ezekiel had no clue. “When it comes to escaping, you take the hat,” Flynn said to Ezekiel, patting him on the shoulder. “Let’s get out of here, before they realize we’re gone.”
The three sprinted down the hallway and back up the stairs, no dangerous looking people around. The main museum floor had groups and individuals here and there, staff members giving tours, and thankfully a lack of anyone in all black with considerable muscle mass armed with mini crossbows or other unfriendly weapons.
Outside had more people than before; the rain had stopped, the cloud blanket broken into chunks floating lazily through the sky. Flynn bent down and felt the concrete. “How long were we in there?”
Ezekiel patted his pockets uselessly. “They knew enough to clean me out…only had my phone and wallet on me, not that any of it would do them good,” he said, mildly annoyed.
Stone searched the sky for the sun, waiting until it peaked through a break in the clouds. “I’m no Cassandra, but I think it’s a little past noon, give or take an hour, which means we were out for at least an hour down there.”
“Okay, not too much time lost. We need to find wherever they’re keeping the items they’ve stolen,” Flynn decided, looking around for inspiration of where to go next. “The street behind the museum, perfect place to keep a car.”
“Are you suggesting we tail them on foot?” Ezekiel said, looking at Flynn like he thought he was insane.
“Well…no…but we need to follow them,” Flynn said, walking to the street anyway.
Stone and Ezekiel followed after him. “I can’t exactly call a car, so what do you intend to do?” Ezekiel asked.
“I don’t know yet-” Flynn started, cutting himself off as they rounded the corner of the building.
A commercial van was parked down the road, complete with not so nice looking muscle, including the one who had attacked them earlier. Apparently they were not happy with the attacker’s poor job of containing the Librarians; a more imposing man was berating him, based on body language, but they were too far away to hear what was being said. Someone in the van must have said something to draw the larger man’s attention to inside the vehicle for a moment. He then looked back at the attacker, said some final comment, then got into the passenger seat while the attacker fumbled with the back door of the van and climbed in.
Flynn looked behind himself at Ezekiel. “You can hotwire a car, right?”
“Uh, duh, of course I can,” Ezekiel said in a mocking tone, as the van started to drive off. Ezekiel immediately went for the closest car, trying the handle.
“I don’t think we should…” Stone started, but Ezekiel was already behind the wheel of the conveniently unlocked car, fiddling with wires.
“No time Stone, this is our only shot,” Flynn explained, getting in the passenger seat. “Plus, we’ll return it, we’re not horrible people. Come on, get in!” With a huff, Stone got in the back seat, and the trio sped off after the van.
Turns out Ezekiel driving is a terrifying experience. Oh sure, they caught up to the van alright, following it straight to an industrial park in a not so safe part of Buenos Aires. They just happened to do it at horribly unsafe speeds in congested traffic, and somehow came out of it completely unscathed.
The worn down wearhouse wasn’t heavily guarded. Besides the van that just arrived, only two other people in the facility. Being the sneaky thief he was, Ezekiel got them in a locked back door. Being a good distraction, Flynn spooked the muscle, did some running, while Stone and Ezekiel found their stash and searched for anything magical. On a hunch, Stone picked the likely objects and had Ezekiel get them all out while he assisted Flynn in distracting (it involved getting revenge for being sedated with a lot of painful moves he picked up in Shangri-La, and some good old punching). With another stomach churning drive a la Ezekiel, the trio returned the car to its spot on the street outside the museum. Transporting the items proved mildly difficult, making Stone the packhorse so they didn’t have to make multiple trips.
Once they returned to the Annex, thankfully still empty, Stone carefully placed the various sculptures, old tools, and earthenware down on the ever-cluttered main table. Flynn and Ezekiel placed their items down as well.
“So…which one is it?” Ezekiel said, looking at the table with eyebrows raised.
“I’m not sure, but it won’t take me long to find out,” Flynn said, already starting to look over the nearest item, a little painted pot.
Stone was completely ignoring the mass of artifacts on the table, his eyes solely on Ezekiel. The thief had been a bit on edge after Stone and Flynn jumped in the car. Though he’d been hiding it well, Stone learned how to pick it up. He walked over to Ezekiel, tapping him on the elbow to get his attention, then nodded towards the doors that led off into the other parts of the Library.
“I’m gonna clean up,” Stone announced, heading out the doors. “You probably should too, Ezekiel, just to be safe.”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” Ezekiel said, attempting to not be too fussed about the somewhat battered state of his body, but he dropped it once he saw that Flynn was solely focused on the items in front of him.
Stone waited until they got to the bathroom before he said anything. “How ya holdin’ up?”
Ezekiel glanced at him in the mirror as he washed the cuts on his face. “Oh, could be worse. No breakdown or anything. They, uh, knew me, or my old reputation anyway. Got cocky when they ‘captured’ me, being overly forceful, but that also meant I lifted the cuff keys off them easy.”
“How rough?” Stone asked, putting antibiotic cream on the scrapes he got from the first fight.
Ezekiel shrugged, a tell he was trying to keep it together. “They had their fun. It worked out in the end, that’s what matters.” Stone eyed him, waiting for him to open up. Ezekiel caught Stone’s eyes, and after a few moments he half sighed in defeat, hissing a bit when pain flared up. “They might have kicked me a few times in the side, or slammed me against something, while I was out. That’s what hurts most.”
“Okay. Shirt off then,” Stone said. Ezekiel gawked at him a bit. “I’m not gonna let ya have a broken rib heal wrong because you didn’t think it was important to tell me.”
“Fine. Don’t go getting any ideas, cowboy,” Ezekiel teased, trying to joke. He pulled his shirt over his head fairly gingerly, turning to see the side that hurt in the mirror. A bruise was forming at his bottom rib, about the size of his hand. “Oh…”
“Yeah, that’s not a thing to hide,” Stone said, lightly touching the skin above the bruise. Ezekiel hissed in pain, but didn’t say anything while Stone surveyed the injury.
“I wasn’t trying to hide it. I just didn’t feel it for awhile,” Ezekiel explained. He gave a little bitter chuckle that almost turned into a sob. “Perks of going into combat mode I guess.”
“Well I don’t think it’s broken, just bruised. Definitely should ice it though, and take some painkillers if it’s botherin’ you,” Stone decided, still keeping a watchful eye on Ezekiel. “Anythin’ ya need to talk about?”
Ezekiel inhaled slowly, biting his lip. Stone waited patiently, for him to speak. “When I first woke up, and you and Flynn weren’t there…for a second I thought they killed you-” Ezekiel’s voice faltered.
Stone’s hand went to the side of Ezekiel’s face on impulse. “Hey, it’s alright, I’m here, alive,” Stone soothed.
Ezekiel’s eyes widened a bit, his breath catching in his throat. Without warning he flung himself at Stone, hissing at the contact but hugging him tightly. Stone made sure to avoid his tender side, using that arm to stroke the back of Ezekiel’s head. Stone felt his neck grow wet, but Ezekiel made no noise, and was probably trying not to breathe too erratically.
“I know…it’s just the ptsd, but it…really sucks,” Ezekiel said into the crook of Stone’s neck.
“You made it through, that’s what matters. And we got the artifact, probably,” Stone said.
Ezekiel savored the hug a bit more then pulled away, not quite releasing his grip on Stone. “Why’d you two look so startled when I found you?”
Stone looked away, face flushing of its own accord. “We were, uh, talking, about a lot of things,” he mumbled.
“Did you tell him…that’s why he looked guilty,” Ezekiel said rather calmly, realization on his face.
Stone had been expecting him to be mad about talking about it; he met Ezekiel’s gaze with mild surprise. “It kinda slipped, after I woke up and you weren’t there I was worried.”
Ezekiel smiled at him endearingly. “You did tell him that I didn’t blame him for the werewolf thing, that I did it on my own.”
“Yeah, doesn’t mean he can’t feel bad though,” Stone replied. “You’re not mad I told him?”
The thief glanced away for a moment, thinking, before looking back to Stone. “I thought I would be, but I dunno, he didn’t treat me any different, which was what I was afraid of in the first place.”
“He cares a lot, ya know, they all do,” Stone said. It wasn’t the first time he’d said that to Ezekiel, but now it felt a little different, more like “here’s proof they’ll love you just the same.”
Ezekiel touched his forehead to Stone’s…not something he’d done before. “One person at a time, but hey, I’m getting there apparently.”
Stone chuckled at him, but stayed fairly still, letting Ezekiel be in control of the situation. For awhile they just stayed there, looking into each other’s eyes, the strong scent of the antibiotic ointment on Ezekiel’s cuts pungent, the soft sound of their forcefully steadied breathing, the background hum of the Library from whatever did that filling everything else. Then, after what felt like years debating if he should or not in his head, Ezekiel closed the distance between them.
Five minutes earlier…
Flynn barely registered them walking off. There were a lot of items to check on the table in front of him…and he had no clue what exactly he was looking for. Since it would take hours to search the Library’s information to find anything useful, he decided to just do it by feel.
“Old-fashioned way’s gonna have to work,” he said aloud, grabbing the next item, a small sculpture of a warrior. “Any object imbued with magic has a special feel, the magic that it gives off naturally like an odor.” He put the statue back down, unsatisfied, and reached for a pot. “If you know to look for it, you can pick it out, even if you don’t know what type of magic exactly. Of course over the past decade I’ve handled loads of magical objects, so I should be able to pick up on it easily.”
The pot didn’t do anything for him either, so he sat it back down and reached for the stone hilt of a dagger that someone had stuck in a pot to carry. Only then did he look up to see that he was not informing anyone. “I guess Stone was talking about going somewhere then. Oh well-” Flynn sucked in a breath when he pulled the dagger out of the pot. The hilt was a smooth, grey stone, but the blade was sharpened obsidian. “Well hello there, magical dagger with probably not great to think about properties. You need to come with me.” He looked to the pile of artifacts on the table, most untouched. “As for the rest of you, you’re free to go today. I’ll be right back.”
Flynn took the dagger to the first magical artifacts wing to find a spot for it. Sure, there was the whole new modern artifacts wing, but this wasn’t modern at all; though Stone could date it better by looking at it, Flynn guessed it had to be several hundred years old easily. Eventually he found a little nook just wide enough for the dagger to lay diagonally.
By now Flynn remembered the dirt and grime on his face and decided to go clean it off. Going to the artifacts wing actually put him closer to the bathroom than he was from the Annex. Something in the back of his mind told him that Stone and Ezekiel had gone there earlier, so he figured they were probably on their way back to the Annex now.
Flynn found out quite quickly that they had not left yet. His voice didn’t work at first, but after a second he managed an “Oh…”
Ezekiel pulled away much more violently than Stone did. “Uh, didn’t mean to hog the bathroom,” Stone said, voice a bit rougher than it had been just a moment ago.
“No it’s fine,” Flynn responded automatically, awkwardly blocking the doorway. A glance to the mirror explained why Ezekiel wasn’t wearing a shirt. Ezekiel swiped at his eyes, attempting to get his back against the wall it seemed. The sight twinged something in Flynn’s chest. “I’m…I’m really sorry.”
Ezekiel looked at him, his body language more defensive than he actually felt, not that Flynn knew how to read that. “You didn’t know, it’s fine,” Ezekiel mumbled.
“I know, but it wasn’t… I could’ve been a lot better, more understanding, more here. Um, I just wanted to say…I, well, you don’t have to be alone. I mean I know you have Stone, but I…I’m here for you too,” Flynn stammered, not really sure where he was going.
Relaxing slightly, Ezekiel forced himself off the wall. He was a little bit in shock, not that he hadn’t believed Stone earlier, but actually hearing Flynn say it was a whole different thing.
Flynn was apparently not done rambling. “I had an epiphany of sorts, realizing just how much I’d closed everyone off, though I didn’t get much of a chance to do anything about it till after you guys took down Apep. It wasn’t fair to any of you, but you all stuck around anyway, and I can’t thank you enough for that.” He started getting more animated, walking into the bathroom not really suited for three grown men, which put him quite close to Ezekiel. “And you, you went through a lot for all of us, and we didn’t even know how much you hurt, both before you joined the Library and after you saved them. I know you’re good at hiding it, but I’ll still kick myself for a long time because I wasn’t around long enough to learn how you express how you feel, and completely missed it at the super collider…”
Ezekiel had started crying again, not really of his own accord, mostly it was just a lot to process the words coming out of Flynn’s mouth. “Flynn…”
“…And knowing that me putting myself in harm’s way gave you nightmares, not that I had much of a choice, it…I’m so sorry…” Flynn paused, holding the side of Ezekiel’s face like Stone had earlier. Ezekiel’s eyes went wide, first at Flynn then at Stone. Flynn followed Ezekiel’s look, giving his own “should I?” look to Stone.
“It’s your call, you tell him,” Stone said with a shrug.
Flynn looked back to Ezekiel. “I care a lot, for you…though it might not have seemed like it. I didn’t want to say anything, I didn’t know how you…felt…which again was my fault for not being around enough to actually, really get to know you…or the others. Um, heh, I guess what I’m trying to say is…I don’t want you to be alone, not when I…we’re around-”
Ezekiel cut off Flynn’s rambling with a kiss. Stone had to restrain himself from laughing at Flynn’s shocked face. After listening to flynn ramble twice, it was a pretty satisfying sight to see. Once they pulled apart, Ezekiel looked pretty pleased with himself as he took in Flynn’s dazed face.
“So, you guys actually were having a heart to heart in the closet,” Ezekiel said with a satisfied laugh. Stone shrugged. “I mean it’s not like you were doing anything else in there…you weren’t, right?”
Flynn glanced over at Stone, finally out of his daze. “Should we tell him about all the wild, passionate lovemaking we did?” he suggested, somehow completely with a straight face.
Stone wasn’t so good at keeping a straight face, partially for the images that popped up in his head. “Oh yeah…uh, definitely wild for sure,” he tried to say normally, but his voice didn’t cooperate.
Before he could respond, Ezekiel’s stomach growled loudly. Stone and Flynn looked at him, mildly surprised by the volume. “What, it’s been awhile since breakfast,” Ezekiel said. “While watching you two do…whatever it is you’re doing is hilarious, I’m starving.”
“Food sounds good…though I think most restaurants have a required shirt and shoe policy,” Flynn said, not really being subtle about where his eyes were wandering. Ezekiel caught it, cheeks getting a little red.
“Yeah…well I’d rather eat with someone who didn’t look like he used his face to clean the floor,” Ezekiel quipped back, at little weaker than he intended. Flynn raised his eyebrows at him before he glanced at himself in the mirror.
“Oh, yeah, that’s what I was coming here for, to fix that,” Flynn said, moving to the sink. “Okay so once we get cleaned up, then we go eat.”
“Works for me,” Stone replied, hooking his arm around Ezekiel’s. “Come on, let’s go get you a shirt that’s easier to put on.”
“Don’t have too much fun without me,” Flynn shouted from the bathroom as they left.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Ezekiel replied, smirking at Stone as they walked into the Library. It wasn’t a day any of them had anticipated, but none of them would have traded it for the world.
Post notes: Basically expect any fic involving Ezekiel in the canon universe to involve his ptsd from now on if it works in the story. Apparently I can’t get the theory out of my head or my writing.
As far as Evlynn, well we’ll just pretend it’s not there for now so my brain can quit worrying about making ships work perfectly. Maybe it’s Ceve instead, though Castrella tends to win out on that.
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