#hey did you guys know that I love malum
Shy!Calum Masterlist
Breathe You In Like A Vapor (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance michael/ashton, michael/calum, luke/calum E, 37k
Summary: Calum fell for Michael the very first time his eyes landed on him. However, his best friend, Ashton was quicker and happened to be the one who asked Michael out. Being the quiet kind of guy, Calum kept his feelings to himself and instead, focused himself on being as equally annoying to Michael as the other boy was to him. Everything was going fine until that one night and Luke was introduced into the picture. Little did anyone know that innocent Calum's world would turn into something completely opposite.
Cadences (wattpad) - close_as_strangers_7 luke/calum 19 parts
Summary: Calum Hood and Luke Hemmings couldn't be more different. Calum is the shy introverted pianist in the classical music department, whereas Luke is the popular tattooed vocalist in the rock and metal department. What happens when these two cross paths? And more importantly, which cadence will they form?
cant believe i made you weak (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum E, 2k
Summary: calum probably stares at michaels asshole longer than intended. hes been a bottom in his only relationship hes ever had; with michael. hes never ate a boy out, never done anything with a boys ass. but now michaels ass is spread open right in front of his face and he was excited. he wants to make michael feel as good as michael makes him.
Hey boy, stop pacing around the room (ao3) - Extras0fts michael/calum, luke/ashton G, 2k
Summary: Michael read the name written on his coffee cup. He sighed, cringing at the misspelling of his own simple name. In messy handwriting, 'Meekle' was scrawled along the side of the cup. He shrugged before taking his coffee and leaving for his next class while daydreaming about the clumsy barista boy.
Or the story where Calum is a clumsy barista who always gets his crush's order wrong.
i let my guard down for a moment (wherever you go, i'll be going too) (ao3) - burstintocolor (anchormate) luke/calum, michael/ashton M, 11k (WIP)
Summary: He’s not sure what he guessed the baker would look like, but whatever his assumption was, Luke is surprised. He’s dressed far more casually than he had expected, no fancy chef coat and uniform in sight - in its place a black t-shirt with the name of a band Luke vaguely recognizes, gray slacks, and a blue striped apron with plenty of flour on it, the only indicator that Calum has been the one baking all the delicious items they sell. When Luke’s eyes reach Calum’s face, he sees he was wrong, actually - there’s flour in his hair as well. His dark curly hair, seemingly bleached in some bits, is mostly covered by the red ball cap Calum wears, but one of the longest curls near his eye is streaked with flour, and Luke can’t help the slight smile that escapes him. He also hadn’t expected how pretty the baker would be, of course.
or; luke has a career crisis and gets a job at a bakery. calum is a beautiful baker. you know how it goes from there.
Innocent (wattpad) - -smolmichael ot4 19 parts
Summary: Michael walked up to the front door his hands shaking in pure fright. His mother had enough of his acts, the way he was different then someone else. All Michael had imprinted in his mind was the last words his mother would probably ever speak to him, "Get out, you're a waste of space! you aren't normal and you DON'T belong here."
Let's be unpredictable (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum, luke/ashton G, 5k
Summary: the one where malum meet at a detention and everyone thinks Luke's hair is a myth, but it isn't.
Mirrors (wattpad) - prettyboymalum michael/calum 49 parts
Summary: In which Michael Clifford never has trouble getting anything he wants, except for the insecure shy boy who hates looking in the mirror.
say what’s on your mind (i couldn’t be more in love) (ao3) - orphan_account calum/ashton/oc, sierra/luke T, 3k
Summary: Calum struggles with the newfound aspect of his headspace, but thankfully Ryan and Ashton are here to give him love and snuggles.
The Upside of Everything Wrong (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum, luke/calum, luke/ashton N/R, 24k
Summary: “Well we’ve always kind of deviated, don’t you think?” He says with a sly little smile that metaphorically knocks Calum on his ass. His face turns red again, and why, why is Michael doing this to him? “I do think that.” He whispers. He leans a bit closer to Michael, and lets his head rest against the boy’s shoulder. “But this isn’t a date.”
or the one where Calum's been betrayed by everyone he's put trust in, and believes he's unlovable until Michael appears, and shows Calum just how easy being loved can be
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
i hate that i didn't say hi in that last request. HI hazel what do you think about!! "MY MOM KNITTED YOU A JUMPER" for malum? that sounds like the malum i love!! love u <3
hello hello hello here you go!
Ficmas Day 4
Rating: General Audiences
Read on AO3
Christmas in London is very different from Christmas in Australia.  For one thing, there’s snow on the ground.  It’s not much, tramped over by boots and mixed with the dirt to create sludge along the streets, but it’s still present on the ground.  For another thing, it’s cold.  Australian temperatures can dip down in winter, but by December it’s warm again, summer sun heating skin from the moment you step outside.  It’s strange to be at the end of December and have to put on a coat outside.  It’s also a little colder than Australia ever gets, and Michael finds himself seeking out blankets inside the house and shoving beanies over his hair before he sets foot outside.
It’s also different because Liz is the only parent around.  All of them had to barter extensively with their parents to convince them to even let them come to London, and once they realized they probably wouldn’t have Christmas together it prompted a new flurry of discussions about the exact timeline of the move.  In the end, professional interest won out over familial traditions, and Michael isn’t upset about heading to London early, but he’s careful not to mention the ache of loneliness in his stomach when he calls home.
He’s not really lonely.  He has Calum, Luke, and Ashton, and Liz ensures that they all eat actual meals and get enough sleep and always have someone to turn to when they need a motherly hug.  They have a little fake tree with some lights and generic ornaments on it, and Liz has been snatching packages as soon as the post delivers them, shifty about the contents inside.  Michael isn’t worried about gifts, because being in London is his Christmas present, and it’s kind of nice to get the full Northern-Hemisphere-Winter-Experience shown in all of the movies.
It would be worse if he didn’t have Calum.  It would be worse if he didn’t have all of them, but Calum has always felt like home in a way that few other people ever will.  He’s been Michael’s best friend through thick and through thin, and he’s the one who brought Luke into their life and who’s agreement to do the band kick-started their process.  Michael can always count on him to cheer him up on bad days and share his happiness on good ones, and living in London is a lot like an extension of the sleepovers they’ve been having since before they hit double-digits.  The biggest difference is that they’re in separate beds rather than piled sleeping bags on the floor.
On Christmas Eve, Michael wakes up late and spends a long time laying in his bed, debating whether he should bother getting up or let himself melt into his mattress.  Luke and Liz had plans for the day that they had suggested dragging everyone else along for, but Luke’s bed is empty and Michael can’t hear other activity in the house, so they probably left already.  Michael doesn’t mind.  He’s been tramping around London a lot lately, and a day to recharge is fine with him.
When his stomach finally growls, he heaves himself out of bed, throwing back the covers and shivering at the change in air temperature.  He needs socks.  He needs long sleeves.  It's winter in England, and that is not conducive to getting out of bed right now.
He manages to find socks that smell clean and a t-shirt that seems passable.  Hunger pushes him towards the kitchen before an acceptable hoodie can be found, but he can always sneak into the other room and steal one of Calum's.  Calum's hoodies tend to be some of the most comfortable, and he guards them carefully.  He always lets Michael keep it on if he's caught wearing one, though, which is more than can be said for the other two.
Calum enters the kitchen once Michael's toast pops.  Michael has an irrational fear that the toaster popping will startle him bad enough to bite the tip of his tongue off, so he's partially thankful that Calum makes his appearance then and distracts him, even if his presence startles him more than the toast ever could.
"I didn't know you were home," he says in answer to Calum's raised eyebrows.
"Liz took Luke and Ashton.  They'll be gone all day."
"Doing what?"
Calum shrugs.  "I think Liz is still getting presents for the family to send for New Years and wanted Luke to help.  Ashton just likes being out of the house."
Ashton is probably trying to find gifts for his own family.  Michael already sent some kitschy souvenirs for his parents, although they haven’t reached Australia yet.  He'll get them something better later, when he actually figures out what they would appreciate.
"Toast?" he offers.
"I'm making noodles," Calum says.
"Can I have some?"
"Yeah, okay."
Michael hums and slumps against him.  Everyone should have a Calum in their lives.  He's a space heater and a chef and a great bassist rolled into one, and he's pretty low maintenance.  Michael only has to give him undying love to get all of the perks.
They keep a comfortable silence while Calum cooks and Michael eats, enjoying existing together rather than filling the air with mindless chit chat.  Michael takes a shower when he finishes his toast, and Calum has the noodles ready when he's done.  After lunch, they migrate to the living room, taking advantage of the empty house to finally play Fifa uninterrupted.  Calum wins more than Michael, but he's not mad about it however much he pretends to be.  Calum is often humble to a fault, so Michael is happy to let him rub these victories in his face.
Calum goes to check the mail while Michael gets more snacks.  He comes back with two packages, one that he distractedly puts on the couch and another that he looks at curiously.  It's bigger than a shoe box, taped together securely over some colorful paper.
"What's that?" Michael asks.
"From my mum," Calum says.  "Your mum sent Liz something."
"What?  What is it?"
"I don't know," Calum says.  "It's a crime to open someone else's mail."
"But it's from my mum."
"Maybe she and Liz gossip about you.  If it's meant for you, you'll get it tomorrow."
Michael pouts.  Calum is, unfortunately, very resistant to his pouting.  He also takes the package and makes Michael put it in Liz's room before Michael can get too curious and start shaking it.  He could still peak, but then he'd have to contend with Calum's disappointed face.  That's not something anyone should have to face on Christmas Eve.
"Michael!" Calum calls from the living room.  "Get out here!"
"Mum sent you something!"
Michael leaves the package on Liz's bed and tramps back to the living room.  Calum grins and holds up a dark blue sweater with two white stripes stretching around it.
"My mum knit you a jumper!"
"For me?" he asks.  Calum nods enthusiastically.
"Put it on," Calum says.  "She wants a picture."
He holds out the jumper, letting Michael slip his hands in the arms and helping him pull it over his head.  It's a little big, spacious and comfortable, and the yarn is soft.  Michael doesn't know the difference between any of the stitches, but they're fun and feel fancy.
"She said she made it big so we can grow into them."
Calum pulls another jumper out, just like Michael's except in green.  When he puts it on, Michael resists the urge to help fix his hair, unruly from the static.
"I can't believe your mum knit me a jumper," Michael says.
"She's going to do one for Luke and Ashton, too, but she wanted to get yours done quickly.  She said you're an ice cube in our winters, so she was worried about how you were handling this one."
Michael feels a rush of affection for Joy Hood.  The entire Hood family is his favorite family besides his own, even without considering the fact that Calum is his favorite person.
Calum snaps a selfie, tilting his phone so they both fit in frame.  Michael presses close, faces centimeters away, and ensures that his grin is bright and happy, trying to push as much gratitude into one picture as possible.  Calum doesn’t step away while he sends it and Michael once again leans against him.
“Tell her I love it,” he says, looping his arms around Calum’s waist.  He slips his hands under the hem of Calum’s shirt and presses them against his stomach, making him squirm and swear.
“Get your icicle hands off me!” he laughs, but Michael has a grip now and doesn’t let him go until they’re tumbling onto the couch in a tangled, giggly mess.
“Still want to play another round?” Calum asks once he catches his breath.  Michael considers it, but he can’t properly cuddle with Calum if he has to hold a game controller, so he shakes his head.
“Movie?” he suggests instead.  Calum shrugs and grabs the remote, shutting down the game and switching the input so they can browse through Netflix.  Michael stretches out and Calum fits himself against him, pulling a blanket from the back of the couch to cover their legs.  It’ll probably get too warm about thirty minutes into whatever they decide to watch, but for now it’s perfect.  Michael tucks himself lower into his sweater and pulls Calum closer to him, savoring every piece of warmth he can get.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
you said i should say less about new ace content in general and i immediately understood that as say more so please gimme some ace stuff and please make it fluffy. i don't particularly care about the pairing but i'm always down for lashton and/or malum but any atl ship works for me as well so like just do your thing i guess wow that was a useless sentence this messy ask is further proof that i should go to sleep so bye love you!! -fiancee
well i ran with ace lashton in an interesting way i hope you enjoy it this is not based on real life but maybe it could be. in a better world it is. that’s all i’ll say about that, i hope you like it
read here on ao3
Luke likes going to the movies. He likes staying home and having a home-cooked meal. He likes quiet, simple, intimate activities.
He does not like parades.
“But it’s Pride,” Ashton wheedles. “D.C. Pride! One of the biggest pride events in the country!”
“You made that up, and I don’t care,” says Luke. “I don’t want to go. I don’t like parades.”
“It’s not really a parade.”
“Also not true.”
“Okay, but it’s not about the parade, it’s about the gathering,” Ashton says, gently shaking Luke. “It’s about a bunch of queer people all coming together and uniting in one space. Celebrating our differences and our similarities. Celebrating community.”
“That’s beautiful,” Luke says. Ashton looks hopeful. “Still no.”
Ashton huffs. “I don’t wanna go alone.”
“Go with Michael and Calum,” Luke suggests. “I’m sure they’d love for you to tag along.”
“And third-wheel all day? No thanks.”
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you,” Luke says, and carries on setting the table for dinner. If his mum comes home to a half-set table, the blame will fall on Luke, of course. Ashton takes the cue and begins laying out plates.
It’s quiet for a moment. Luke can tell Ashton is trying to come up with a way to convince him to go to Pride, but it won’t work. Luke’s avoided Pride for seventeen years. He doesn’t intend to start now. Staying at home with his boyfriend and watching Rent is about as much as Luke cares to celebrate Pride Month. Maybe they’ll make out a little. Standards are low.
“Okay, how about this,” Ashton says, and Luke sighs deeply. “No, hear me out. And keep an open mind, okay? Think about compromise.”
“I’m listening.”
“What if we go before the parade starts?”
Luke frowns. “Then what would be the point?”
“There will still be people there,” Ashton says. “But it won’t be nearly as many people, and the festivities won’t really be happening yet, so we can still say we went to Pride but we won’t get caught up in the whole big thing.”
“But I thought you wanted the whole big thing.”
“Ah, whatever,” Ashton says, waving him off. “I’d rather go with you than see the parade alone.”
Luke feels bad. It’s obviously important to Ashton, or else he’d have given up already on trying to make Luke go. And as much as Luke knows he shouldn’t feel obliged to prioritize Ashton’s wishes over his own comfort, this makes him want to.
Compromise. “Okay,” Luke says. “Fine.”
Ashton blinks. “Really?”
“Did you think that wouldn’t work?”
“I—” Ashton’s face breaks into a smile. “I don’t know, not really, to be honest. Really? You’ll come?”
“Yes,” Luke says, and the delight in Ashton’s face makes up for the dread pooling in Luke’s stomach. 
Ashton shuffles around the table and presses a warm kiss to Luke’s cheek. “Thank you,” he says, warmth also bleeding into his voice. “I’m excited. You’re gonna like it.”
Probably not, but Luke keeps that thought to himself. He doesn’t need to rain on any more of Ashton’s parades.
Luke and Ashton are excited about Dupont Circle for different reasons. Ashton is basically vibrating out of his seat on the Metro as they approach their stop, where the parade is slated to begin at half past noon. It’s only eleven now, but that doesn’t seem to matter to Ashton. He seems confident that there will be enough Pride to satisfy his excitement without overwhelming Luke.
Luke’s just looking forward to the Krispy Kreme at the station.
They take the escalator out, and sure enough, there’s Krispy Kreme to the left. Luke grabs Ashton’s hand and yanks him towards the shop.
“Seriously? We’re at D.C. Pride and your priority is donuts?” Ashton says, but he allows Luke to tug him along until they’re at the door.
Luke turns to him and very seriously says, “Ashton, my priority is always donuts.”
“Yeah, that’s fair, I walked into that one,” Ashton mutters as they enter the store.
Five minutes and two donuts later, both of them exit, Luke munching contentedly on a strawberry-frosted donut (with sprinkles, of course) and Ashton carefully biting into his jelly-filled one. 
“Okay, starting now, we’re at Pride, and you can’t be a Negative Nancy,” Ashton declares.
“I promise not to be a Negative Nancy,” Luke vows. “I swear on this donut.”
Ashton beams. “Yay! Okay let’s go explore.”
You’d think this was Ashton’s first Pride for how excited he gets over everything. He stops at almost every stand, even though they’re all selling different versions of the same thing, and somehow manages to spark up conversation with any passing person who looks queer and interesting. Luke loves this about Ashton, how charming and outgoing he is, how he could befriend a vaguely human-shaped plant. People are drawn to him; Luke’s no exception. Ashton is very much the main character, even more so because he doesn’t seem to know it. He's just Ashton, and Luke loves him for it. Even when it means the halo of Ashton’s spotlight draws attention to Luke by extension.
Luke is not a charming, outgoing person. Luke is quiet and reserved. He’s never cared for the spotlight. Sometimes it’s a good thing that he has Ashton to pull him out of his shell a little. Sometimes he wilts under the scrutiny. It's a toss-up, but Luke appreciates that Ashton never stops trying.
Most of the tables selling merch boast shirts, hats, flags — the kind of thing you’d wear or own if you wanted to be loud and proud about your identity. Luke’s not really that kind of person. Luke’s way of coming out is to subtly slip into the conversation the fact that he has a boyfriend. Before he had a boyfriend, it pretty much never came up. Big, colorful flags have never been his cup of tea. 
And anyway, that’s only half of his identity. The other half never comes up, and Luke’s okay with that. It’s not like being ace is the kind of thing you can casually mention. It has to be a whole thing, every time, and Luke doesn’t want to deal with the whole thing, so he just doesn’t bother. Most of the time it doesn’t really matter. As much as Luke is able to fly under the radar, that’s what he intends to do.
“Hey, pins!”
Ashton is not like that.
“Luke, you like pins, right?”
The table they’ve stopped at is covered end-to-end with pins. Enamel or plastic, every single pride flag Luke has ever seen in his life is represented here, in a variety of shapes and sizes. The kaleidoscopic display is fun to look at, at least. There’s nobody behind the table at the moment, which means in theory it would be pretty easy to steal one, but Luke’s not like that, and even if he was he wouldn’t feel good stealing a pride pin from a small-business owner.
“I don’t really have an opinion,” says Luke.
“Ha,” Ashton says. “O-pin-ion. Haha.”
“I’m leaving you,” Luke says, turning away with a wry grin.
“No, come back.” Ashton grabs his wrist and pulls him closer, so Luke wraps an arm around his waist and rests his head on Ashton’s shoulder instead. “I like pins. They’re a very understated way of coming out.”
“Having a boyfriend is an understated way of coming out,” Luke replies.
"I resent you calling me understated," Ashton says in faux-indignance. Luke giggles.
“I’m so sorry, I had to run and grab some water,” says a voice, as a person bustles around them to stand behind the table. Their pink fringe is pushed back by a bandana and they’re wearing a jean jacket with so many pins and patches that the fabric is practically invisible. A sticker on the front pocket of the jacket introduces them as Alex, he/they :). “Can I help you with anything?”
“Just admiring the collection,” Ashton says brightly. “I love your jacket.”
“Thank you very much,” says Alex. “It’s been accumulating pins for about five years now.”
“Damn,” Ashton says, wolf-whistling. “That’s a good collection. I don’t have a good jacket for pins.”
“Wish I could tell you where I got mine, but it was a gift from my boyfriend,” Alex says. “I’ve heard thrifting is a good way to go.”
“You wanna go thrifting, Luke?” Ashton says, nudging Luke, who shrugs.
“Sure,” he says. He reaches for one of the asexual flag pins, a small enamel rectangle, and smoothes his thumb over the surface. “These are pretty nice.”
“You should buy it,” Ashton says. “Start a cool jacket. Then we could be matching.”
“You don’t have a cool jacket yet.”
“I know, but we could.”
“But neither of us have a cool jacket. So it’s not even—”
“Fine, ruin my fun,” Ashton harrumphs. To Alex, who’s watching them with amusement, Ashton says, “So how long have you and your boyfriend been together?”
“Oh, uh…” Alex’s gaze diverts to the air like he’s counting invisible numbers. “Six years? Almost? I think it’s gonna be six years in July.”
“Six years,” Ashton repeats in mild awe. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah, high school sweethearts, blah blah blah,” Alex says, smiling. They shrug. “Everyone thought we’d break up when we went to college, but when you know, you know. You know?”
Luke swallows. Ashton says, “Good for you. That’s impressive.”
“I like to think so,” Alex says. “What about you? Are you guys together?” He winces. “Should I not have asked that? I’m sorry, to be honest this is Jack’s business, I’m just running the stand because he wanted to go look around a little before the parade started. My boyfriend Jack, I mean. Sorry.”
“No, no, it’s all good,” Ashton says. He hip-checks Luke gently, which Luke takes to mean something like is it cool if I tell him? It’s nice that Ashton is asking, but Luke had kind of figured everyone would assume they were together because, you know, Pride, so he doesn’t really care.
“Yeah,” he says. “For, what, eight months?”
“Eight months,” Ashton confirms.
Alex grins. “That’s great, I love it. What are your names?”
“Ashton,” says Ashton. “He/him.”
“Luke. Also he/him.”
“It’s nice to meet you guys,” Alex says. “I’m Alex. He/they.”
“Yeah, your thing says,” Luke says, pointing.
Alex laughs. “You’d be surprised how many people don’t see it. Or they see it and think it’s just another decorative pin.”
“Do people wear pronoun pins as decorations?” Luke wonders. “That seems strange to me.”
“People are ineffable,” Alex says solemnly. Then he grins. Luke likes Alex. In fact, little though Luke’s actually spoken today, he likes most of the people whom Ashton has stopped to chat up. Queer people are so friendly, is what Luke is learning. It almost makes him happy to be here. 
Except now Alex’s words are ringing in Luke’s head, and he can’t stop hearing them. Everyone thought we’d break up when we went to college, but when you know, you know. 
Ashton’s going to college this fall. Luke’s managed to forget about that fact because it’s only June, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Ashton’s leaving and Luke’s going to finish his senior year alone and what if something happens to them? What if they’re fooling themselves thinking they can do the long-distance thing? What if they’re doomed already and this summer is just prolonging the inevitable?
“Well, personally I would love to buy a pin,” Ashton says. “Luke, choose one.”
“What?” Luke says, blinking himself out of his spiral. “Why?”
“I’m buying you one,” Ashton says.
“I don’t—” Luke bites his lip. He’s still fidgeting with the ace flag pin, and he kind of likes it. Maybe he can subtly come out in different ways. Maybe he can just wear it, and wait for someone to ask. Then it’s way less of a big deal because it’s not like Luke has brought it up. 
There’s enough shame in the world. Luke doesn’t need to add to it.
“Okay,” he says instead. He holds up the ace flag. “This one.”
“Great choice,” Ashton says, digging out a five to give to Alex. He hesitates, then pulls out a ten instead. “Actually, maybe I’ll also get one. Then we can actually match.”
“Right, with our matching jackets that don’t exist yet.”
“You know what, fine, we don’t have to match.” Ashton makes a face at Luke. “You can put your pin on whatever you want. It’ll go great with your all-black closet.”
“Shut up,” Luke grumbles. Ashton laughs.
“Hey, don’t knock the all-black,” Alex says. “Black is the new black. It’s fashion forward.”
“Not in eighty-degree June it’s not,” Ashton says.
“It’s seventy-five,” Luke protests. “And Alex is wearing a jacket!”
“Yes, but Alex is not my boyfriend, and we only just met,” Ashton says, grinning. “Also, their jacket is sick as fuck.”
“It is sick as fuck,” Alex agrees. “But I’m still siding with Luke here. You can’t go wrong with all-black.” For the first time, he seems to register Luke’s shirt, and his eyes light up. “Hey, Green Day! I fucking love Green Day!”
“You should be my best friend,” Luke says seriously, and Alex nods equally seriously.
“Hey,” Ashton complains. “I like Green Day.”
“Thank you for the pin,” Luke tells Alex. “Good luck with the, uh, you know, selling more of them.”
“Of course, anytime,” Alex says. “I’m pretty sure there’s a website on these business cards if you ever want to, I don’t know, browse?” They shrug one shoulder. “This is why I’m not a small business owner.”
“Cool,” Luke says, taking the card. He probably won’t use it, but you never know. 
“Nice to meet you, Alex,” Ashton says, as he and Luke start to walk away, fingers interlaced between them. “Good luck! Happy Pride!”
“You too! Enjoy the parade!” Alex says, waving.
Luke doesn't bother to inform him they're not staying that long; he and Ashton turn away and continue walking, Luke with his new pin clutched in his fist.
“They were cool,” Ashton says enthusiastically. “There are so many fucking interesting people here. God, I love Pride.”
Luke grips the pin tighter. The pointy back starts to hurt where it’s pressing into his palm. “Yeah.”
“Thanks for letting me get you something,” Ashton says. “I know it’s not really your thing, but I don’t know. I felt like we should buy something after we stood there for so long.”
“No, yeah, I agree.”
“On the bright side, they’re pretty cool pins.” Ashton holds his out like he’s assessing what he’ll do with it. “Maybe Michael has an extra jean jacket he never wears. I could ask him.”
Luke hums. Ashton glances over at him, eyebrows drawn together. “Are you okay?”
Luke's not supposed to say anything like this. He’s supposed to be positive because he promised he wouldn’t be a “Negative Nancy” and the sky is so blue that Luke would hate to be the reason for rain, but if he doesn’t say it then it’ll just keep ringing around his head until he can’t think about anything else.
“You’re not scared we’re gonna break up when you go to college?” he blurts out.
Ashton stops short and their hands break apart so Luke’s falls to his side. “Where’d that come from?”
“You heard Alex,” Luke says. “Everyone thought he and his boyfriend would break up when they went to college.”
“But they didn’t,” Ashton says.
“But that’s obviously unusual,” Luke counters. He swallows hard. “I’m just saying…aren’t you worried?”
Ashton tilts his head. “Do you want me to be worried?”
And yeah, a little part of Luke does. Only because if Ashton’s worried, it means he values their relationship enough that it would hurt him to lose it. But Luke knows that’s not really fair, and he knows Ashton loves him, even if he doesn’t seem worried at all.
“No, I don’t know. I just— I don’t know.”
“Are you?”
“I don’t know,” Luke says again. “I had pretty successfully managed to avoid thinking about it, but now…I don’t know.”
Ashton gently pries open Luke’s fist and runs his thumb over the red imprint the pin has left. Sheepish, Luke puts the pin in his pocket. As soon as his hand is free again, Ashton takes it, holding both of Luke’s hands in both of his own.
“I’m not worried,” he says quietly. His eyes are so sincere and his hands are so soft and Luke loves him and likes him and knows that to lose him would be a fate worse than death. “You must have missed the other half of Alex’s sentence. Remember? When you know, you know.”
Luke’s breath catches a little. “Yeah, but…”
“But what?” Ashton lifts a shoulder. “I already know, Luke. I’m in it for the long haul. So unless you meet some other guy who’s even awesomer than me and makes better puns, you have nothing to worry about. I’m not letting you get away that easy.”
Luke gazes at Ashton until the rest of the world falls away. “Oh,” he breathes.
“Okay?” Ashton quirks a smile.
Luke surges forward and kisses Ashton for as long as he can manage without passing out. It’s clumsy and sweet and Ashton’s hands tighten around Luke’s waist and Luke wraps his arms around Ashton’s shoulders and nothing else in the known universe matters except this.
When they finally break apart, Luke cracks a smile. “Okay.”
Ashton beams. He offers his hand to Luke again, and this time Luke takes it and doesn’t let go.
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emotional-blender · 4 years
seven. the middle. poly!malum x reader
a/n: i am behind but i'm getting caught up. here is 7/25. i don't write poly often, and i especially don't write it as like... something soft. it's usually thirsty and smutty so this was a nice change of pace. also, i love the idea of poly!malum. i didn't know i had that spoft spot before today, but here i am. anyway, if you'vw bwwn ewXHINF, RHnk tou ao muxh!
everyone wanted the middles spot. for the most part calum was okay being the bread on the sandwich, leaving you and mikey to squabble over who got to be in the middle mikey liked to be tangled with you in front with calum's chest flush against his back, with all six of your legs in a tangled mess, duke kaying where ever he could fit within them.
"you wanna go to bed?" your voice was quiet, a hand absently running through calum's hair as he laid his lead in your lap. today had been weird. you couldn't put your finger on it exactly, but while everything seemed okay nothing felt quite... right.
he shrugged a response against you and you kept the movement of your hand through his hair as your eyes rested on the trash reality tv show you were watching before you flicked your eyes over to the other sofa where michael was laid out, half snoozinf hs way through whatever was happening. you could feel your eyes drooping but tjere was no part of you that was willing to mvoe while calum seemed so comfortable where he was, so you sat, running one hand through his hair while you rubbed his back with the other. it was his tiny snore that had you looking back down at him, his eyes closed, mouth slightly hanging open. you looked back at michael, biting down on your lip as you finally decided someone needed to get the three of you to bed.
"hey, baby," you rubbed calum's back a little firmer, your voice a little louder, making sure michael could hear you across the living room. there was never any distinguishing which one of them you were addressing with the nickname. it just came out naturally when either of them were around.
michael turned his head to look at you and you nodded down at calum in your lap, rubbing his arm just a little more.
"you'd both feel so much better sleeping in the bed," you spoke to them both as you felt calum stir, groaning a little and opening his eyes. you nodded ad you looked town at him, nudging him to sit while you let your eyes rest back on michael.
"you're gonna wake up sore as fuck or something," you added, finally moving to stand when calum was sitting on the couch. your socked feet carried you across the room to where michael was still laying, a hand running through his hair as you stoof behind the couch he was laying on. you leaned over the back, a leg in the air as you stretched a bit to reach him, plopping a kiss to his forehead before whispering.
"cal feels sad, take him to bed, i'll get the dog," you instruced. as if on cue, yo felt tiny paws at your leg, smiling down at duke as you straightened up, leading him to the back door a moment later. you let the dog out to do what he needed, making sure his food and water bowls were full before making sure the coffee maker was set for your early morning tomorrow before letting him back in. you had been putting away dinner leftovers that were on the counter when you felt a pair of amrs wram around you, the only clue to who's they were without looking directly down at them was his smell. michael.
"he's been like that all day," he spoke quietly as he pressed a kiss to thetop of your hair and you ndded a response, biting down on your lip again as you thought about it.
"did you ask him why?" you finally spoke after a moment, your hands finishing wrapping the bowl with plastic before turning in michael's arms, looking up at him with a brow raised.
"didn't wanna push him." he responded with a thoughtful expression on his face and you ndded, nose wrinkling.
"i know you guys work better when you let him come to you but sometimes he needs a push," you spokw quietly. it was then that you heard calum's voice break through the kitchen.
"will you stop talking about me," he called you out point blank, coming up behind michael and pressing his forehead to michael's shoulder. you leaned in, lips meeting hair and kissing him there as you moved your arms, letting them wrap around them both as best as you could.
"just concerned," you mumble against him, one of your hand rubbing at calum's side, the other rubbing at michael's before you pull away from the embrace, reaching for the bowl. a moment later, calum's hands are on the bowl too, giving you a pointed look and taking it from you to put in the fridge.
"can we just go to bed," he says as he turns to look at you both and you nod your head, giving him a little smile as you walk back up to him, hugging him directly. it takes a second before michael is behind you, squishing you between their bodies.
"we can, but you're sleeping in the middle tonight," you mumble. their quiet sleepy laughter hits your ears at the same time, each starly different from the other but so familiar in the way they both make you feel right at home. that's when it hits you.
"are you homesick?" you can't help the words from slipping out of your mouth as you speak them. it's been a rough year. normally both men would be getting ready with flights home for the holiday's set. they love you, so it's not a bad thing that the world seems to have held them  hostage here. but while michael has had an american christmas before, calum  hasn't.
"just muss my mum," he admits after a moment and you nod your head. it makes sense now.
"me too," michael adds quietly and for the first time you can hear how much he misses home.
"well," you start as you wiggle your way out of the hug, looking up at them both, eyes flicking from calum's face to michael's and back again. "i don't know what to do with this because there's only one middle spot and you both can't have it,"
calum bursts into laughter at that and you smile a little.
"well. being in the middle fixes everything," you defend yourself, reaching out your hands, grabbing ahold of each of theirs as you lead them towrad the bedroom.
"she's not wrong. you should really try demanding to be the middle spoon more," nichael adds as he follows. "she usually gives in if you whine hard enough," he adds, and you give him a playful glare.
"just for that you're never sleeping in the middle again," all three of you know the threat is empty.  
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i-like-5sos · 3 years
No Idea [Malum Fic]
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PAIRING: Calum Hood x Michael Clifford
WARNINGS: Drinking, swearing, and just some angst 
SUMMARY: After moving across the country to escape the heartache that high school brings and to begin his first year at University, Michael finds himself face to face with the very person that caused his heartbreak: Calum Hood. 
A/N: This was made specifically for Mandie for The Club Fic Gift Exchange ! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written any mxm BUT I’ve missed it and can’t wait to start writing more (if you have any suggestions on how to improve please send them my way, I’ll take all the help I can get).
Fifteen minutes late. I’m fifteen minutes late to my first class as a University student. Great.
I burst out through the doors of the residency building, almost crashing into some blonde girl who’s face leaves my memory as quickly as it entered, and run as fast as I can across the campus to The Arts building. Thankfully I listened to Mom’s advice and looked up a map of the school last night or I’d be fucked right now. Musical Theory. Monday, 8AM. Room 102: Arts Building. I check the room number on my schedule twice before taking a deep breath and opening the door to my classroom.
The door opens to the back of the room and multiple heads spin around to face me. I can feel my face getting hot as I try to disappear into myself and search for a place to sit down. As to be expected, almost every table in the room is full and there’s nowhere to sit… Unless I want to join one of the tables of three and converse in small talk with a group of people that obviously don’t want me to sit with them- and let’s be clear; I don’t want to do that.
I almost settle for a table with two girls seated at it, but then notice the table in the front of the room with only one person there. Thank god. I head toward the dark-haired boy at the table and quietly sit across from him. He doesn’t react as I sit down, his head buried in his folded arms on the table.
I would normally never be caught dead at the front of the room, but here I am, sitting so close to the professor that I can smell his cheap cologne, having to share a table with some random guy who is probably going to hate me for ruining his table of solitude.  
As the class continues, I do my best to follow along with the PowerPoint slides on my screen while also trying to focus on what the professor is saying at the front of the room, but I can’t help but glance over to the brunette across from me every chance I get. His head hasn’t left his arms since I’ve sat down, and I’m pretty sure he’s asleep… Maybe I should wake him up. Maybe he’s dead. I begin to picture what would happen if my classmate had died sitting across from me. Would I have to talk to the police? Would I be a suspect? Am I obligated to go to his funeral and give a speech? What would I even say? What if-
“You will have two months to complete this project and it will be worth thirty percent of your final grade. Get to work.”
I turn to face the Professor, and I realize that I may have zoned out for the entire explanation of a project that’s worth almost a third of my final grade… awesome.
Letting out a sigh, I turn back to read through the notes on my screen and, of course, none of them have anything to do with a huge project. There is no way I am going to ask the professor to repeat everything he’d just said.
As my classmates begin to talk amongst themselves about the project that I know nothing about, I glance over to the boy across from me that may or may not be dead and decide that now’s a good a time as any to find out.
“Hey” I say quietly.
No response.
I repeat myself a little louder, “Hey… Uh, my name’s Michael.”
No response again.
“Dude, seriously?” I huff, before picking up my biggest textbook and dropping it onto the table.
It worked! His head shoots up and I notice the headphones in his ears. That explains a lot. I also notice that the boy I’ve been watching all morning sitting across from me is the same boy I’d spent the majority of my high school years watching from across the room. Calum Hood. I haven’t seen him since our high school graduation last June, but he looks about the same. Same dark hair, same brown eyes, same three moles on his cheek, same annoyed and confused look on his face- oh no wait that’s new.
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” He glares at me as he rips the headphones out of his ears.
“I thought you were dead or asleep or something.” I shrug before changing the topic, “I didn’t know you got accepted here.”
“Well, obviously I’m not dead, and if I was sleeping, that was a cruel way to get me to wake up... Remind me never to have you actually wake me up.” He places his headphones into his backpack before continuing. “And um, yeah, I was torn between a few different universities but settled on the one farthest from home… Looks like you did the same?”
I nod and chuckle softly. “Yeah. Fuck that place.”
“How pop punk of you.” He laughs, and it brings me back to being fifteen and pathetically swooning over that very sound, never being the one to have caused it. If only fifteen-year-old me could see me now.
Grounding myself, I quickly try to think of something that isn’t completely embarrassing, and remember the mysterious project that I know mothing about.
“So… did you catch anything the prof was saying about this project worth thirty percent of our grade… cause I might have zoned out the whole time...”
He looks confused for a moment, before directing his attention to his laptop.
“I can’t blame you for not paying attention. Five minutes into his lecture I stopped listening to him and started listing to my music instead. Figured I could just read the Power Point later tonight.” He types something before continuing, “I looked through the material on the class page before the lecture started and I think I saw something about a group project that was worth thirty percent… let me just… Okay yeah, here it is.” He turns his laptop to face me, pointing at the assignment on the screen and showing me how her got there.
I quickly follow his instructions to the page and begin reading about the assignment. It’s a group project for 2-3 people about how emotions and feelings are portrayed through song. We’re all supposed to draw an emotion from the professor -that explains why people keep getting up to talk to him- and write an essay about a song that has made us feel this way. Once we finish our essays, we’re supposed to go back to our partners and make a playlist of 25 songs that combines each the emotions we were individually assigned and talk about how easily these emotions can be portrayed in music. Seems simple enough… Except for the whole partner part.
I look up from my computer screen, and before I can talk myself out of it, I ask Calum if he’d like to partner up for the project. To my surprise, he agrees and before I know it, I’m looking down at the paper I had pulled out of the tin can on my professor’s desk. Longing. What kind of lame-ass emotion is longing? I sit back down at our table and show Calum my paper.
“Longing? That’s going to be so easy to write about! And it’ll go great with love. This is going to be a piece of cake.” He enthusiastically, typing away on his laptop.
“You got love? Are you kidding me? That’s such bullshit. Every song is about love… or sex… or drugs, and I don’t think sex or drugs are emotions… so like that’s not fair.” I look back at my small slip of paper, “How am I even supposed to write about longing?”
He breaks away from his typing long enough to look at me, “Longing is so easy to write about. Haven’t you ever wanted something you couldn’t have? Or missed someone or something like that?”
“I don’t know… maybe.” I pause for a moment, “I don’t know.”
He looks back to his screen and continues to type. “Okay, I looked up the word longing and it says here that ‘Longing is mainly a blend of the primary emotions of love or happiness and sadness or depression’. So there. You can focus on one of those four. It’s not that hard, Michael.”
Hearing Calum say my name takes me back for another brief moment. Even though we went to the same school for four years, I never really knew if he had known my name or not… we never really talked or hung out in the same crowds, so I figured it was safe to assume he didn’t even know I existed.
He shakes his head and looks at his screen again as I try to avoid the thoughts of how smooth my name rolled off his tongue that are currently running wild in my head, to focus on what he had said about the different ways longing could be portrayed and experienced.
Just as I begin to reflect on the last few years of my life for a moment that could stand out as ‘experiencing longing’, I’m interrupted by the sounds of my classmates packing up their belongings. I look to my left and notice Calum suddenly standing next to me.
“Here,” he says, handing me a sticky note with a phone number on it. “text me so we can meet up to work on the project.”
“I uh- thanks.” I stumble over my words as I take the paper from him and stick it to the inside of my laptop.
When I turn back to Calum, he’s already on his way to the door. I quickly pack up my books and pause for a moment to look at the sticky note before shutting my laptop, ignoring the heat on my face and the feeling in my stomach.
. . .
I feel like I may have stepped into an alternate dimension when I entered that classroom two weeks ago, because I’ve somehow found myself in the Calum Hood’s dorm room. By choice. His choice. Who would have thought?
To be honest, I’m kind of surprised at how easily we get along. We both have the same taste in music, the same sense of humor, and the same hobbies. Who knew we were so similar? Had we actually spoken to one another in high school, there would have been no stopping a friendship from forming.
Since texting him the day after our class, we’ve pretty much been inseparable. So, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I’m hanging out with Calum in his dorm room… but I kind of am.
“Okay seriously, Calum. How do you already have four pages written out for your essay?” I ask, scrolling through the Word document open on his laptop.
“It’s like you said, love is easy to write about… You know what else is easy to write about?” He spins around on his desk chair, taking a break from his game to face me. “Longing. Have you even started your essay, or were you just planning on taking me down with you when you flunk out?”
I set the laptop down next to me on his bed. “The only one flunking out here is your team in Fifa.”
“That was a shit insult and you know it.”
“You’re a shit insult.”
He shakes his head and laughs. “Mate, for real. Do you need help writing your part?”
“No. I told you, I’ll be fine. I just need some inspiration… Which is what I should have gotten from your essay but the whole damn thing is about your family. It is so boring! Where’s the drama? Weren’t you a ladies’ man in high school? Where’s that Calum?”
With his eyebrows raised he looks taken aback for a moment and bursts out laughing.
“Did you seriously just call fourteen-year-old me a ‘ladies’ man’?” He asks, making air quotes at the last part.
I shrug and he continues laughing.
“Okay fine, you have a point. But like... what even is longing?”
His laughter softens and he rolls his eyes, smiling at me.
“Do you need me to pull up the definition again?”
“Fuck off.” I huff.
“Okay, fine… What about like, leaving town to come here. Didn’t you miss your girlfriend? Or your friends? Or maybe your family?”
“Girlfriend?” I laugh loudly. There’s no way he’s serious right now… “No. Absolutely no girlfriend. As for my family? I honestly couldn’t be happier to be on my own and out of the house... Also, it’s kind of hard to miss your friends when facetime exists.” I lay back on his bed and prop myself up with my elbow. “What else ya got?”
“Okay lone wolf… what about uh… okay I’ve got it. What about longing for like… touch, or affection, or love, or… fucking I don’t know, food?”
“Yeah, cause I’ll definitely get an A writing my essay about craving a Big Mac. Maybe I can get extra credit if I bring one in.”
He glares at me and rolls his eyes again before shaking his head and turning around to focus his attention back to his game. I drop my head onto his pillow and sigh. Watching him play, my mind wanders as I being to think about his words. Touch. Affection. Love. My heart aches for the poor fifteen-year-old boy I once was, longing for those exact things for over a year and never getting them. I remember the emotional shut down I forced myself to do to move on from the brown-eyed boy that occupied my mind daily. I sigh deeply, taking in the musky scent of the room around me, and as much as I don’t want to admit it, I finally know what I’ll be writing about.
. . .
“Are you sure you know where this party is? I’m pretty sure we’re lost.”
“Well, I’m pretty sure they said it’s in this neighborhood… there should be a street coming up soon that starts with an S… or maybe it was a B. Whatever. We’ll start to see people on the street sooner or later and follow the noise to the right house.”
Calum and I continue to walk aimlessly down the suburban streets with houses that all look the same, in search for a party that I’m not even sure exists at this point.
“You’d think, for someone that probably went to every high school party, you’d know to write down an address when it’s given to you.” I grumble as my feet begin to ache.
“You know, you make a lot of assumptions about what I was like in high school. Weren’t you ever told not to assume?” He says, bumping his shoulder against mine.
“You’re really going to tell me that you never went to any parties in high school? I seriously doubt that.”
“Okay… Well, yeah I went to some parties. Didn’t everyone though?”
“What? No.” I scoff. “Dude, not everyone was invited to parties like Mr. Cool Guy over here.”
“Am I supposed to be Mr. Cool Guy? That’s a laugh.”
“Mate. Just admit it. You were one of the cool kids and you know it.” I bump my shoulder back against his.
“Was not.”
“You were to! Everyone knew who you were. Everyone wanted to either date you or be you. You can’t be that oblivious.” I kick a small pebble as we cross yet another unidentifiable street.
“Date me or be me huh? Did you want to be me?”
Fucking hell. Why am I still allowed to have the ability to speak without a filter?
“No.” I focus my gaze on the cracks in the sidewalk, making sure to avoid any possible eye contact.
It’s quiet for a moment as a car drives past us, filling the silence before Calum speaks again.
“Well, you obviously didn’t want to date me. So, your theory is clearly wrong.”
I walk beside him silently as I debate whether to admitting to the fact that I had the biggest crush on him for over a year when we were younger.
“See, I’m right.”
“I did though.” I choke out before I’m able to stop myself. Fuck.
“What?” He stops walking.
Well, this was fun while it lasted… I wonder if our professor will still let me join another group, seeing as Calum isn’t going to want to talk to me ever again.
May as well finish the job then.
“I did want to date you.” I confess softly as I stop in front of him, keeping my eyes on the ground.
“You’re not... gay though.”
I- What? He’s got to be kidding me right now. I’m pretty sure everyone in high school knew I was gay. Hell, I came out to my parents in the fifth grade.
“Are you fucking with me? Calum.” I finally gain the courage to meet my eyes with his and see him shaking his head. “I’m gay as fuck. Always have been.”
“No way. What about Jessica Hunter?”
We’re awkwardly standing in the middle of the sidewalk and I’m completely over-aware of the man walking his dog across the street as Calum continues to stare at me with a dumbstruck look on his face. Well, at least he hasn’t left yet.
“What about Jessica? She and I hang out from time to time and listen to music together. We’re friends.” Oh god. “Wait- are you thinking that her and I? Oh god. Never.” I shake my head to try and get that image out of it.
“No no... She was in love with you! The way she always talked about you, hung around you, and hung off you… You went to Prom together! You were the reason I never even had a chance with her. I spent so many hours thinking about you and why she chose you over me and I…” he tampers off and continues to look utterly confused.
Am I being Punked right now? There must be a hidden camera somewhere. This can’t be real.
“No Calum. Oh my god. Mate. Jessica and I were always together talking about you. She didn’t want me. She wanted you… We both did. We only went to Prom together cause she was still hung up on you and didn’t have the guts to ask you herself. Plus, you did that whole stag Prom thing with Timothy Anderson anyway.”
He continues to stand there, trying to piece together the story he had so wrongly created around himself.
“So… You’re gay.”
“And you actually used to … like me?”
“And Jessica-“
“Never had a chance with me. Because I’m gay and she had the hots for you anyway… Are we all caught up? Can we please keep walking? I’m getting cold.”
“Man, did I have this whole thing wrong or what…” He shakes his head and starts walking again.
We continue heading to the party that totally doesn’t exist and get about half a block away from where we had previously stopped before Calum stops walking again.
“Dude! Seriously?” I sigh deeply and stop a few feet in front of him.
“You don’t uh… still have feeling for me or anything. Do you?”
“Yes Calum. I’m completely head over heels for you and plan to propose to you when we get to the party in front of everyone.” His mouth drops and I roll my eyes. “Fuck off. No. Cal, I don’t still have feelings for you. That was years ago. Now can we please keep walking? I’m going to fucking die of hypothermia.”
“Okay… you’re right. Sorry.” He mutters, clearly embarrassed and continues to walk again.
At least I’m not the only one that’s embarrassed.
We walk silently for a few minutes and I feel his fingertips brush against mine and my heart flutters softly. Shit.
. . .
“Are you even listening to me Mike?”
I look up from my phone to see Calum glaring at me. He burst into my dorm room about 45 minutes ago insisting we practice our presentation for the millionth time since he finished his essay. Of course, mine’s not finished yet, but at least I have something to write about now. But, without mine to practice, he’s just been reading his on a loop – I personally think he’s trying to annoy me to death. Jokes on him though, he’s got a nice voice.
“I can only hear your essay so many times before my brain starts to block it out to preserve my sanity.”
“You wouldn’t have to hear it so much if we had something else to practice… like, I don’t know- maybe your easy perhaps?”
How subtle. Ever since he finished his essay (overachiever much?), he’s been on my ass about mine. Even if I actually had it finished, there’s no way in Hell I’ll be letting him see this – let alone hear me read it out loud – until I have to.
“Dude. I’ve told you like eighty times now. I hate presenting stuff. I’m not doing it any more than I have to. Being in front of everyone, having them all stare at me- judging me? Fuck that. Once is enough. I don’t need you judging me too.”
“You honestly think I’m going to judge you? I don’t buy it. You’re Michael Clifford. You don’t give a shit about what other people think about you.”
I can’t help but laugh out loud. If only he knew.
“Well, when I’m putting myself out there in front of a whole room of people then yeah, I’m going to give a shit about what they think.”
“Putting yourself out there? Mate, it’s an essay. You sure you’re not just making up excuses to cover up the fact that you haven’t started writing it yet?”
Calum runs his finger through his hair, and I try not to stare. Why did he have to come to my school again, be in my class again, make my heart ache again. I feel like this time is worse. Being this close, not being able to touch him in the ways I want. Is this some horrible karma for complaining about longing? I shake my head at the joke that I call my love life and push past it like I always do.
“Maybe, but I guess you’ll have to wait and see.”
He throws a pillow at me and tells me to shut up before beginning to read his presentation yet again.
. . .
As I approach Calum’s door, I look down at the folded mess of papers in my hands and decide to quickly shove them into my backpack to make sure he doesn’t try to take them and read my shitty essay beforehand.
I pull my bag off my back and drop to my knees to put the papers away. I finish zipping it up and throw it over my shoulder as I hear the door open in front of me. I look up and see an eye full of Calum’s junk. My eyes widen and I can feel my cheeks heat up as I quickly look away and stand up. I try not to look at his face and pray that my cheeks aren’t as red as they feel.
“At least buy me dinner first. Damn.” He laughs. The sound melts my worries away. Mostly.
“Fuck off. We’re going to be late.” I give him a shove and begin walking to the exit.
Walking with one another to our classes has become a part of our daily routine. Calum decided so about a month ago when he found out that I tripped and scrapped my elbow and knee open like a child while running to make it on time for one of my 8AM classes. So now he seems to think that I can’t manage walking to class by myself. I mean, I’m not complaining. I’ll take any time that I can get with him until inevitably ruin the best friendship I’ve ever had.
As we walk, Calum is -of course- rehearsing his presentation again. I sigh and think about the essay sitting in my bag and how he’s going to react to hearing it. Maybe he’ll just drop the class and ghost me. God that will hurt... Maybe I should just fake sick, or say I never finished my part of the project, or-
My spiraling thoughts are cut short by Calum opening the classroom door and I admit defeat. The two of us sit at our table still -sadly- located at the front of the room. As we sit down, I watch Calum pull out his papers and read them over as if he didn’t just prove that he’s got it memorized by reciting it on our walk over. I set up my laptop and shove my papers under it, quickly checking back to Calum to make sure he hasn’t noticed. I exhale softly and wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans before opening our Spotify playlist, preparing it for our presentation.
A dread-filed hour and a half passes as I listen to the other groups make their presentations and read through their playlists to try and distract myself.
“Group seven, you’re up.”
My blood goes cold and I feel like I can’t move. I feel Calum swiftly kick my shin under the table.
“That’s us. Get up.” He whispers
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I want to be back at home in my bed. I don’t want this. I don’t want to lose my friend. Why did I have to take this class? Why couldn’t I have been assigned anger. Why didn’t I just sit with those two girls that first day?
“Mike, it’ll be okay. I’ll be up there with you the whole time.” That’s half the problem, Calum.
I sigh deeply and open my eyes. They stay glued to the table as I pick up my laptop and the messy pile of papers underneath it. I walk slowly behind Calum to the front of the room and stop at the podium. I quickly plug my laptop into the screen behind us as he introduces the both of us to the class and begins to talk about the emotions we were assigned before launching into how they relate to one another and briefly talking about our playlist. I feel slightly reassured as he begins to recite the speech that I pretty much have memorized myself at this point. I allow myself to zone out to the sound of his voice as I wait for my cue.
“… and to me that is what love is to me. Family.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I rub my sweaty palms on my jeans again and pick up my papers with trembling hands. Closing my eyes again, I take another deep breath and open them once finished. Here goes everything.
“I- um- I’m Michael and I uh… I was assigned the emotion longing. When I first read the small paper and saw I had longing, I was confused and upset that my partner had such an easy emotion to talk about and I um… I had something as complex as longing…” I look over to Calum and he gives me a reassuring smile and my heart skips a beat. “Until he helped me realize that longing is pretty much the universal emotion. It branches into every emotion you can think of. It powers them and really brings the depth to them. Once I had realized this, the only issue I had was choosing which emotional experience to talk about. This itself seemed to be an impossible choice, so I’ve decided to talk about an experience that, like longing, incorporates every emotion. Heartbreak. My chosen song for this was No Idea by All Time Low. Song number…” I quickly look over at our playlist and count the sounds out to make sure I’m right before continuing, “seven on our playlist.”
I press play and I continue over the quiet music, telling the story of a young Michael who was in love with a boy that never knew he existed. A boy who broke his heart without ever even speaking to him. A boy who he was still desperately in love with, years later. A never-ending tale of longing.
Once the longest five minutes of my life had passed, I quickly unplug my laptop and hurry back to our table, avoiding eye contact with Calum the entire way back. I grab my books and shove them along with my laptop and essay into my bag. I damage my papers even more by doing so, but I could care less.
Throwing my backpack over my shoulder, I leave the room as I hear Calum call out after me. There’s no way he’ll catch up to me. Besides, my Sound Tech class was cancelled today, so even if he does manage to catch up, I won’t be there.
I finally make it back to my room without encountering Calum and I toss my bag onto my chair and dive face first into my bed to wait out the impending consequences for ambushing my best friend in the middle of a room full of people. Why did I do that. Fuck me.
. . . 
Calum had been planning a party over the last few weeks to celebrate us finishing our project. I had told him time and time again that ‘finishing a project’ is the lamest reason to throw a party. But yet, here I am, in my room surrounded by the pulsating beats of music blasting down the dorm hall.
I’ve managed to avoid Calum for the past four days since the most embarrassing moment of my life. He’s tried texting and calling me too many times to count, and he even showed up to my dorm room twice. I, of course, pretended to be asleep both times.
So, I know it has to be Calum banging repeatedly on my door, throwing off the steady beats of music.
“Mike, it’s Calum. Can I come in?” I hear him shout through the door over the music.
I get up and turn the light off before returning to my desk to continue trying to focus on the game on my computer and pretending I’m not here.
“Mate! I saw you turn your light off! Michael! Open the door!”
The banging persists and my head sinks lower and lower into my shoulders. Go away. Please. I don’t want to hurt. Not tonight. Please.
“I’m not leaving! Maybe I’ll just ask one of those art kids for a sculpting knife and cut your door down! HA! You couldn’t avoid me if I did that! You wouldn’t even have a door to lock!” He slurs half of his words and it’s becoming clear that he’s drunk, and drunk Calum doesn’t quit.
I drop my head onto the desk and breathe deeply for a minute, listening to him yell at me through the door, before getting up and walking over to the sound. I pause there for a moment and prepare for the worst.
As soon as I open the door, Calum falls backwards onto my floor. How in the Hell…
“What do you want Calum? I’m busy.”
He stumbles back to his feet, swaying softly while he regains his balance in the centre of my dark room.
“You’re busy? You’re busy. That’s why you’ve been avoiding me for a week? Cause you’re busy?! Fuck off Michael.”
I say nothing as I lean against my open door, waiting for him to get this over with, so I can shut it behind him and go back to my self-loathing.
“Answer me!”
Clearly the silent treatment isn’t working here. I glance at the hallway full of people, some who have begun to stare at the two of us. I grit my teeth and shut the door, letting the darkness engulf my room, leaving only the light of my computer screen allowing us to see one another as we stand together in the center of the room.
“What the Hell do you want me to say?!”
“Well for starters, how about you tell me why the fuck you’ve been avoiding me?”
“I haven’t been-“
“Fuck off. You have, and you know it. Now tell me why.”
I shake my head and adjust my weight from foot to foot, shrugging to come up with an excuse.
“Oh. My. God. You’re impossible!” He pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath before I watch his posture soften. “Is this about what you said in your essay?”
I go stiff and remind myself to breathe.
“I knew it! At first, I didn’t think that was it, but it fucking was! Why are you avoiding me? Do you think I’m against your sexuality or some shit? Is that why you won’t talk to me? Cause that’s not true! You never even asked me about what I thought about it. About your feelings for me. How I would feel. About my feelings for- about your sexuality. Your sexuality, yeah... You just never asked me.” His face reddens at the last part, probably from lack of air after that speech.
I listen as he drunkenly rambles at me and try to think of something to say. How can he be right? He can’t be. I shouldn’t have to explain myself or my sexuality to him. Why would it matter what he thought about my sexuality?
“Your opinion of my sexuality isn’t needed Calum.” I say, shaking my head.
He sighs harshly and rubs his temples before stomping his foot. Did he actually just stop his foot? Is he five?
“Michael. That’s not what I’m saying! Listen to me! You’re so busy thinking about yourself and your feelings that you’re missing the bigger picture! You’re not the only person in this situation!”
“Oh, I’m sorry Calum. I’m so sorry my feelings were an inconvenience for you! You wanna talk about it? Let’s talk about it! Have my feelings for you ruined your college experience? Have my feelings for you kept you up every night? Have my feelings for you broken your heart?!”
He is silent for a moment before closing his eyes. His body sways softly as he runs his hands through his hair.
“No-” He sighs deeply before replying quietly, “your feelings for me didn’t do any of those things to me. Mine did.”
He opens his eyes and the light of the computer screen highlights the beautiful features of his skin as his words sink into mine.
I stand there with my jaw dropped, staring at the man in front of me. Did he just say… No. No. This is a sick joke. I feel a lump form in my throat begin to form.
“That’s not funny Calum.” I choke out softly.
“I’m not joking.”
“You’re straight.”
“I’m not! I’m Bisexual.” His cheeks redden softly in the pale blue light.
I stare at him in disbelief. He’s got to be drunk out of his mind to lie like this.
“You’re straight.” I repeat in an attempt to both reassure myself and convince him to stop the lies.
He runs his hands through his hair again and lets out an exasperated groan.
“Michael! Fuck! Why won’t you ever listen! I like you! I’ve been trying to tell you ever since you came out to me on the way to that shitty party. I only stopped myself cause you said you didn’t have feelings for me anymore. I’m bisexual Michael! Why do you think I went to Prom with Timothy?”
“That- that was just a stag thing…”
“I wasn’t ready to come out yet. Neither was he.”
He takes a step closer to me, making me overly aware of how small my dorm room actually is. I can smell his cologne and the alcohol -tequila? Yeah, tequila- wafting off him as the space between our bodies lessens.
“So, you’re… bisexual?”
The relief is visible as it washes over him. He smiles softly and takes another step towards me.
“And you… uh… you like me?”
“You wanna talk about it?” He whispers as his eyes drop to my lips.
“Calum, I-”
Before I can finish whatever stupid thing I was going to say, I feel his hands grab my face and his lips crash into mine. I close my eyes and return the kiss. My hands find their way into his hair as he pushes his body against mine. His hand leaves my cheek and finds its way up the back of my shirt, pulling my body impossibly closer to his.
This is more than I’ve ever dreamt of. Calum Hood. Calum Hood kissing me. His hair is softer than I could have ever imagined. I can taste the tequila on his tongue as it slips ever so slightly in between my lips and I suddenly remember how drunk he is. It takes every part of me to pull away and break the kiss.
“Calum. You’re drunk. I can’t.”
“I can.” He steps towards me with a slightly needy expression in his eyes.
“Calum.” I repeat sternly and step away, my back pressing against the door.
He lets out a defeated sigh as he turns around and walks over to the drawer where I keep my snacks.
“Do you have any bread?”
“I- uh… what?... Maybe, why?”
“I want to sober up so you’ll kiss me again.”
I laugh softly and walk over to help him look.
. . .
I wake up to the feeling of something heavy laying across my face. As I open my eyes and adjust my sights to the room around me, I realize the heavy thing on my face is actually Calum’s arm. The events of last night come back to me like a hurricane. Calum arriving at my dorm room drunk, Calum coming out to me as bisexual and confessing his feelings for me… Calum kissing me, and finally, Calum falling asleep beside me while waiting to sober up… I would say it was a dream, but I now have a red, arm-shaped mark on my face to prove otherwise.
I peel his arm off my head and his eyes shoot open, making me jump a little. I watch as he looks around the room and stops once his eyes meet mine. He smiles sweetly at me.
“Hi.” He says, his voice deep and raspy from just waking up.
“Hey there.” I whisper back.
“Guess what.”
He smirks at me as his hand finds its way to my cheek and his body shifts towards mine.
“I think I’m finally sober.”
I exhale as my body relaxes from the tension and worry I didn’t realize I had about last night. I chew on my bottom lip as I wait for him to do something.
His eyes explore my face before slowing down at my lips just as they did last night. He blinks slowly and as his eyes open, I find them looking into mine again. He smiles softly as he closes them once more and leans forward, connecting his lips to mine. His pillowy lips kiss mine softly for the best minute of my life, and when he pulls away, he takes my breath with him. I am utterly awestruck by his beauty and the feeling of his lips on mine.
“How about you and I go on to dinner later and get to know the real us? No more assumptions and no more secrets.”
I nod and smile widely.
“I thought you’d never ask.” I agree as he grins before kissing me again.
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ashtcnirwin · 3 years
god typing your url is always so hard for me i don't know why but i always want to type ashtocn ANYWAY how about this: gimme a director's cut for jalex in paris, change my mind fic, or makeup artist ashton fic. yes those are the three you wrote for me. i'm giving you the option to only break down one of them if you don't wanna have to dig into all three. but like you can hit all three if you wanna! go crazy. whatever floats your boat. love youuu xoxo bella
you and me both, i keep spelling it as aschtnirwin whenever i have to type it out🤡
hmm giving me choices... i like that, thank u miss bella! i haven’t really talked much about any of these fics (that i can remember), and i can’t quite make up (heh heh) my mind (heh heh) so i’ll just do all three and here’s to hoping i can keep it at least a little bit short
⭐ we’re doing director’s cut of fics guys⭐
jalex in paris aka we go together (or we don’t go down at all)
writing this fic was really hard in one way because i’d never written a fic for a fandom that i barely knew anything about, and i remember that i spent that whole morning/early afternoon looking at atl interviews and miscellaneous vids to get a tiny teeny grasp of their vibes. and it’s like...when you’re part of a fandom, you keep picking up all these little pieces of information about whatever/whoever it is you’re a fan of, things that you won’t find on a wiki page or anything, but to try and pick up all those little details in one day just wasn’t gonna happen obviously. 
i think you, bella, commented on smth in the fic, a little detail or smth that didn’t add up with the real people, and i never went back to fix it (cos it just...didn’t matter to the story at all really) but i remember thinking to myself like “ah fuck...okay making little mistakes like that is really irritating cos if this was 5sos (or 1d for that matter) i’d never ever make a mistake like that”, yk?
anyway, i love paris a lot, i’ve been there a few times, and i’d been meaning to write you some jalex for a while when...either sam or meghna said smth about jalex in paris, and i thought...yeah...i can do that...mhm. so i did. and you know me, i’m usually all about the angst and the emotional torture and the heartbreak and all that stuff, BUT in addition to this fic being written for you and i know you’re all about the easy love, writing this as angsty or have jalex have a bigass argument over their relationship or anything like that just didn’t feel right AT ALL. 
in my mind at least, the combination of how jalex act irl, both as individuals and as a duo, and the general vibe i was going for in the fic, the easy love-path was the only thing that made sense. it was just like...they spent a day wandering around paris, being a little chaotic, and ended with them sitting at a restaurant in the early evening, waiting for their dinner, and then jack just being like “are we on a date?”, totally casual, and then that was it, sort of. no conflict, no long conversation, no colliding expectations, etc etc, and it was lovely to write.
(but ofc, in true me-fashion, i had to throw SOMETHING in there, hence the nods towards a fwb-arrangement)
(in my defense, if it wasn’t for that, there never would’ve been a ‘is this a date?’-question tho so)
and i really, really enjoyed writing this piece, far more than i thought i would, and getting to write about parisian vibes (and cute boys complaining about awfully hot parisian summer weather) was just...i felt like a soft boiled egg by the time i finished and posted it😌
change my mind-fic aka we dance along
would you believe that this was the first fic i ever wrote that was inspired by a song? actually, so far it’s the only song-inspired fic i’ve written, i haven’t written another one since. why haven’t i? it was so much fun...huh 
well i’m a wh*re for 1d, i was deep into the fandom back in the heyday, and this song was my sad jam back when tmh came out, so writing a fic for it eight years later and for a different fandom was...it felt a little odd, ngl, especially since i wrote it as non-au? which would indicate that 1d exists in this universe? and that 5sos went on tour with them? i don’t think i put a direct timestamp on the fic, but they were in stockholm when the events of the fic went down and it was established that they were in sheffield a week prior, so that would have been the myt tour, so...yeah, they would have toured with 1d a few years prior, and now they’re hanging out, drunk, in an hotel room, speaking in 1d lyrics? that’s a vibe
just like the jalex in paris-fic, there’s easy love here, too. i think i said something in the club a little while back (it might have been in response to...nik asking for general writing tips?) about how sometimes, people just...do things, they don’t think it through, they don’t stress out about it or anything; they want something and they go for it, and it just isn’t deeper than that. not everything has to be super fucking deep, right?
and i remember thinking as i was getting started on writing malum’s whole conversation about what went down in sheffield, that if any 5sos ship was gonna hook up and then a week later be like “ykw? i like you, i liked kissing you, i liked hooking up with you, so let’s just run with it and see where it takes us” with just a brief, minor freakout and not getting themselves into a whole pining, angsty situation over it, it would be malum. cos the basic premise of this fic COULD have been turned into an angsty slow burn, no doubt, but it made sense to me to drop the argument all together and just go for a soft and easy conversation
makeup artist ashton au aka something old, something new
ah awkward, nervous luke...loml. this one was SO FUCKING HARD to write for the sole reason that idk shit about makeup, like i’m literally barely able to paint my own face without ending up looking like heath ledger in the dark knight, u feel? had it only been hairdresser!ashton. i know way more about hair. well anyway doesn’t matter.
it’s been so long since i wrote that fic now (or, it feels like it’s been super long, in all actuality it’s only been like half a year) and i wrote it so quickly that i can’t remember a lot about my thought process as i wrote it, tbh?
the only thing that stands out to me is the line in the fic that goes, “He chooses to not say anything about the fact that it’s the judgement he’s passing on himself that’s the main problem.” because while i’m obviously not gonna sit here and speak for everyone else, i often find that when i make a big change in my life, be it with my looks or my job or my studies or in personal relationships or whatever else, i tend to be more focused on judging myself for whatever it is i just did than i am on whatever judgement other people may be passing on me.
i wrote luke as being super nervous and unsure about asking ashton to put makeup on him, but his nerves definitely came more from being scared of taking that step than from worrying about other people judging him. i didn’t elaborate on it in the fic as far as i can remember, but i imagine that the reason he was so nervous was that he was scared of taking another leap away from traditional masculinity and what it might lead to. i feel like...a part of him was hoping that he wouldn’t like his face with makeup on, simply because then he could take it all off and carry on with his life, but well, that didn’t happen. he’s a pretty boi, even prettier with makeup.
also, in hindsight, i realise that this is one of those fics that could have been left pairing-less and it wouldn’t really have changed the story much at all. the focus of the fic was very much on luke, not as much on the interactions between him and ashton, and i think the main reason why i did include some flirting (or, clumsy attempts at flirting at least (luke just going ‘hey do u have snapchat? pls? i wanna talk to u more)) was that it’s become more or less second nature to me when writing fic to include at least a nod or two towards a romantic relationship?
yeah i did not manage to keep any of these particularly short? surprise surprise but thank u bella for giving me the chance to talk abt these fics that i have a tendency to forget abt, ily🧡
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pixiegrl · 4 years
prompts! maybe “I would’ve had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm, and I didn’t want to wake you.” with maybe malum? it feels like a malum prompt to me
Maggie! I love this so much! @tirednotflirting wrote about a malum wedding last week and it made me think of this! I hope you enjoy it! (also shout out to @pushkinalexander who read it and then yelled at me for never showing her the 5sos dogs lol)
As always, its on ao3 too (https://archiveofourown.org/works/25958740)
Michael is peaceful when he sleeps. It’s nice getting to watch him like this, face relaxed as he nuzzles into his pillow. He looks young and soft, burrowing into the warmth that’s coming off of Calum. He reminds him of Moose like this, hair fluffy and soft, curled up with his head resting on Calum’s arm. Cal has lost the feeling in his arm about 20 minutes ago from where Michael has been laying on it, but he can’t bear to tell Michael to move.
Cal doesn’t want to wake Michael up. He looks so peaceful and this is probably the most sleep either of them have gotten in the last few weeks with the prep going on for Luke and Ashton’s wedding. They’ve been left in charge of all the last minute changes: the freak out Luke had when he realized his suit pants were too short, when Ashton had a meltdown over the flight for his mum, when Lauren and Harry got delayed and he thought it was going to ruin everything. There had been one moment when Luke had called Michael and Ashton had called Calum, the both of them freaking out about the wedding, the possibility that the other doesn’t love him as much, that this whole thing is just a long joke waiting for the punchline. They’d been talked down and reassured that they already have almost 10 years of love between them and the wedding is just an extension of their love. 
Helping them plan their wedding; ironing out the kinks, fixing the problems, had reminded Calum of how much he loves Michael. He’s loved Michael since he was a kid and he loves him even more now, as his boyfriend, getting to watch Michael doing things like scrunch his nose up in his sleep like Moose does or when he yells at his video games or whines when he’s been awake for too long. It’s sweet and wonderful and Calum wants to spend the rest of his life with Michael.
Michael peaks one eye open, looking up at Calum. Calum smiles down at him.
“Morning sweetheart.”
“What ‘ime is it?”
“Almost 8am.”
Michale groans, trying to burrow further back into the pillow. Moose perks up at the end of the bed, realizing that Michael’s awake and excitedly makes her way up the bed to lick Michael’s face. Michael half-heartedly tries to bat her away, giving up and scratching her head when she starts to lick him even harder, tail wagging.
“Why do we have to be up so early?”
“The wedding’s today. We gotta get up and eat something. God knows how long everything is gonna be and when we’ll actually get to eat dinner.”
Michael looks at Calum, wide-eyed and confused. “You mean I’m awake and there isn’t even food yet?”
“I would’ve had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm, and I didn’t want to wake you.”
Michael whines, flopping onto his back and covering his eyes. Moose gives up her licking, snuggling down into the open space between Michael and Calum. Calum sits up, trying to shake feeling back into his arm.
“If you’re not up in 10 minutes I’m going to send Duke after you,” Calum says, getting up and scooping Duke up from where he’s been sitting at the end of the bed, head cocked to the side, watching them. Michael grumbles, waving his hand at Calum.
Calum sets Duke down once he’s made it to the kitchen, rummaging around to find something he can make that he knows Michael will like and will also stop him from getting hungry and cranky halfway through the ceremony. He sets about trying to make eggs and the tea that Michael’s taken to drink instead of coffee. He gives Michael 5 minutes before he sends Duke in to wake Michael up. He hears a shout from the bedroom and Michael stumbles into the kitchen mumbling that he’s up. Moose and Southy follow closely behind him, barking for breakfast. 
Michael comes up behind Cal, dropping his head down into Calum’s shoulder, and wrapping his arms around Cal’s waist.
“Do you think Luke and Ashton will let me out of the wedding if I tell them I don’t feel good?”
“I think Luke would have a meltdown in the middle of the room and Ashton would immediately hunt you down and drag you to the wedding if you made Luke cry.”
“Can’t I go back to sleep? It’s not even 9am. Why do I have to be up so early?”
“We have a whole day ahead of us. We have to run interference on the set-up. Besides, if you had gone to sleep at a reasonable time instead of playing games all night you wouldn’t be so tired.”
Michael huffs lightly, burying his face into Calum’s neck, and pressing a gentle kiss to Cal’s shoulder. Calum tries to turn his head slightly to press a kiss to the top of Michael’s head and is only vaguely succeeding. Calum can feel Michael smile anyway where his face is still pressed to Calum’s skin.
Standing like this, curled up in each other and making breakfast,  Calum is struck by how domestic it all feels. He’s been doing this with Michael for years ever since the guys moved from London to LA and bought separate places, but it strikes him in that moment how at home he feels doing this. Making breakfast for Michael while he whines about being up so early, getting ready to go see Luke and Ashton. Calum has never felt more comfortable or at peace than he does right now.
“Hey, Mikey?”
“Have you ever thought about getting married?”
Michael lifts his head to look at Calum, “You mean as a concept or as in ‘do I think about us getting married’?” Because my answer depends on the question,”
Calum frowns. Surely, Michael and he are on the same page. They’ve been together since they were fifteen and realized that “just friends” don’t have thoughts about kissing their friends and holding their hand (although 5sos may be unique. Luke’s been holding all of their hands since long before he and Ashton started doing it. He still does it, whining until someone grabs his hand and squeezes it). Calum’s thought about marrying Michael vaguely over the years, but they’d all been too busy between tours and albums to really talk about it. Now, they’re on a break between WWJ and releasing CALM. It’s the perfect time for them to sit down and talk about their future. Calum wants to get married. Wants to be able to wear a ring and show everyone that Michael is his and he is Michael’s. Get to gush about him in interviews and on stage. Get to kiss him in public. Calum thought Michael wanted that too, but now he’s unsure.
“You’re doing it again Cal.”
“Doing what?”
“Overthinking it. You’re doing that thing you do where you take my words and over analyze them until you’ve created the idea of what you think they are instead of just asking me. So, ask me the question properly this time.”
Calum takes a deep breath, “Have you, Michael Clifford, thought about marriage or marrying me?”
Michael smiles softly, “Of course I have, darling. As a concept, I think marriage is silly and the whole point of it is to have an excuse to throw a party and spend money and you shouldn’t need something big and flashy to tell your family and friends how much you love another person,” Calum’s heart sinks, “But marrying you? I’d do it tomorrow if you’d let me. I want to get up there and tell everyone how much you mean to me. That I want to spend the rest of my life with you, making you smile. I want you to get me up far too early in the morning and drink your too strong tea. I want to keep making music with you and writing songs about you and getting to stand on stage every night and tell everyone how much I love you. I want to have a wedding that’ll be better than Luke and Ashton’s because they don’t get to be cuter than us, we’ve been together longer. I want to get up there in front of everyone we know and tell them I want to spend everyday with you because you’re like another half of my soul and I can’t live without you. So yes, Calum Hood, I have thought about marrying you and I would love to do that.”
Calum turns back to the stove, blushing slightly. Michael always seems to know exactly what Calum’s thinking, what he’s feeling. It really does feel like they’re half of each other's souls. Calum is never alone if he’s got Michael there, telling him what sounds best in a song or what they should eat for dinner or what movie they should watch. He’s always had Michael, will always have Michael, but the idea of getting to publicly say it, to tell everyone how he feels, is overwhelming and comforting. 
“Have you thought about marrying me?” Michael asks.
Calum pauses, “Every day since the first time we kissed I’ve thought about marrying you and what it would be like. I want to get up there and give a cheesy speech about how you mean the world to me, so that our moms will cry. I want to tell the whole world every night on stage about how you’re the love of my life. I want to listen to you play your games and yell at Luke when he makes you lose and get to wake up next to you all the time. I can’t imagine it would change our lives that much, but I want to do it. I want to get married.”
“Did you just propose to me?” 
“Haven’t asked the question yet. I don’t even have a ring.” That’s a lie. Calum has had a ring since Ashton asked him to go ring shopping for Luke. It’s hidden inside one of the cases for Calum’s bass, where he knows Michael won’t go poking around. He even has a vague idea of how he wants to propose. He’s just waiting for their anniversary to roll around.
Michael hums lightly into Calum’s shoulder. “How long do you think we have to wait after the wedding to get engaged so Luke won’t say we did it on purpose to take away the spotlight?”
“Well, if I tell you it won’t be a surprise, now will it?” Calum says, smiling when Michael whines in response. “Besides I have to come up with something romantic to do. You said you didn’t want Luke and Ashton to be cuter than us. Now come on, the food’s ready and we have to start getting dressed.”
Calum manages to get Michael to eat something, to feed the dogs, and get them out the door with enough time to get to the wedding. It manages to go off without any issues and it isn’t until later, while Michael and Calum are sitting watching the first dance, that Michael leans over and says, “You know, if we have the dogs be the ring bearers we’d already win for cuter wedding.”
Calum huffs out a laugh and kisses Michael softly. “Only if you let Moose be the flower girl.”
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clifford5sosx · 4 years
5SOS Chat
Who:  The 5SOS Boys
What: Being themselves
Where:  A Hotel in LA
When: Aug 3, 2020
Rating:  Let’s give it a PG-13 for language and sex references
@famelukehemmings, @calumshoodstf, @latenightdemons
Ashton: Knock knock.
Calum: no ash
Ashton: I regret writing a song about you right now.
Luke: What did I just walk into
Ashton: Knock knock.
Luke: No Ashton
Ashton: I didn't write a song about you
Luke: Okay and?
Ashton: ???? Well I couldn't say I regretted writing one so I went with that.
Calum: you wrote a song for me??
Calum: it was best years, wasn’t it? you guys, you shouldn’t have
Luke: Shut up Calum
Ashton: Calum, please picture my eye roll.
Calum: ew don’t make me do that
Ashton: Mikey is about to be my favorite.
Luke: HEY
Calum: mikey is mine ash
Calum: malum all the way
Ashton: 🙄 fair.
Ashton: Shut up, Like. You've always been my favorite.
Ashton: Luke too.
Calum: Is like luke’s evil twin brother?
Ashton: Oh god.
Ashton: I don't need two of them.
Luke: I'll give you two of me out of fucking spite now
Luke: Trying to trade my ass in for Mikey
Calum: All mikey does is play video games, he’s the least problematic of us all
Ashton: I wasn't trading the ass, I was reading the whole human.
Luke: Fine! I'll trade you in for another Drummer
Ashton: You act like I could trade you actually.
Luke: It wouldn't stop you from trying
Ashton: .......
Luke: Yeah that's what I thought
Ashton: 🙄
Luke: Did you just roll your eyes at me?
Ashton: I did. Gonna do something about it?
Luke: You are so lucky I love you
Ashton: 🙄
Luke: Slowly that love is turning to hatred
Ashton: Is it?
Luke: Yes it is
Ashton: I don't even know what love is.
Luke: Well that’s a depressing thought
Calum: could you guys not
Ashton: Not what?
Ashton: Sometimes thoughts are depressing.
Luke: I'm aware of how depressing thoughts can be.
Ashton: I was also joking. I love my drums.
Luke: Your drums don't count they're inatimate
Ashton: Just break my heart, why don't you?
Luke: I would never break your heart!
Ashton: 🤔
Calum: yes he would
Luke: I would not!
Calum: I know, I know.
Mikey: Boys, what are you doing?  And who is breaking who?
Luke: No one is breaking anyone!
Mikey: What?  I was looking forward to some action.  Damn.
Luke: Well you've come to the wrong place
Mikey: What about Ashton's heart?
Luke: He said I was breaking his heart because he loves his drums and I told him that his drum don't count because they're inatimate
Ashton: He's breaking my heart.
Mikey: For him, that counts.
Calum: Ladies please
Mikey: I don't think he's had a real relationship since.... shit
Ashton: It's BROKEN.
Luke: I'm just gonna shut up now
Ashton: ..........I've had more fuck buddies then actual partners, yes. You're correct.
Luke: I don't want to hear about all your fuck buddies
Calum: I’m almost to the hotel, put on your happy face because I know you fuckers have missed me.
Mikey: I hope you aren't talking about drumsticks
Luke: I'll get right on that Calum
Mikey: Any word on our housing situation.  Do we get a beach house or what?
Ashton: Ew Michael.
Ashton: Why not, Luke?
Ashton: What's a happy face.
Luke: I'm working on it, I have to talk to Harry about it but I'm sure the offer is still on the table
Calum: Yes, let’s get a fucking beach house!
Calum: Please, I wanna play bass shirtless in the sunset while the waves are crashing
Ashton: A beach house.
Mikey: For us, it better be.  I'm gonna sit out on the beach at sunset and get shitfaced.
Calum: Yes. This will be fun ash
Ashton: I'm terrified
Luke: Listen I felt pressuered into doing this! The house was supposed to be mine not for all of us
Luke: But I love you all so why not
Ashton: I just kind of nod my head and agree.
Luke: Well if it brings us all together again I'm okay with it
Mikey: Plus there is Ashton's heart
Ashton: What about my heart.
Ashton: Awww Luke misses us.
Luke: What about his heart?
Luke: Shut up, Ashton
Ashton: Make me.
Luke: I'll pass
Ashton: 🙄
Luke: Why are you always rolling your eyes at me?
Mikey: I'm not
Mikey: I'm just saying
Luke: I think I should second guess actually living with the three of you
Ashton: My heart????? What about my heart?
Ashton: .........because rolling my eyes is fun.
Luke: I don't know! It was Mikey! I don't even think he knows what he was talking about
Ashton: 🤣
Ashton: I'm teaching myself tiktok dances.
Luke: Half the time I don't even know what he's talking about
Luke: NO
Luke: NO NO NO! You will not fall victim to that!
Ashton: ....But I look good.
Luke: I-
Luke: No comment
Mikey: His arms are big.
Mikey: Again - just saying.
Mikey: I'm also a great roommate
Mikey: Cal is too, and what will he do without us
Luke: I've noticed how big his arms are
Ashton: There's one that's like "come and fuck my life up" and then you push the camera down. And I'm kind of amused by it.
Ashton: Mikey has a point.
Mikey: Mikey - who, what?
Ashton: I said you had a pooooint.
Luke: See he doesn't even know what he talks about
Mikey: Yeah, that's what I thought.  Just checking.
Luke: You had a point Mikey
Ashton: 🤣
Ashton: Also it's nice to know "I look good" gets a no comment
Luke: I said no comment
Luke: Thats kinda a comment
Mikey: I said your arms were big and Luke agreed
Luke: No one wants my comment trust me on this
Mikey: I'm not sure I want to guess at that comment
Luke: No Mikey you don't
Ashton: I'm curious.
Luke: No Ashton, you're not
Ashton: 👀
Luke: You're not, Irwin
Ashton: 👀
Luke: Stop giving me those eyes!
Ashton: 👀👀
Luke: Ashton Fletcher Irwin!
Ashton: Yes?
Luke: Stop it
Ashton: But.
Luke: but what? there's no buts
Ashton: I have a butt.
Luke: Yes yes you do
Ashton: ......
Luke: Okay time to change the subject
Ashton: I'm learning a lot.
Mikey: Do you guys want to share a room?
Ashton: What.
Mikey: Also, what about Luke?  He's really tall, knows how to dress.
Ashton: He's basically a bean stalk with a good fashion sense.
Luke: Shut the fuck up, Clifford
Luke: Well gee thanks
Ashton: Was a compliment.
Luke: Calling me a bean stalk is not a compliment
Mikey: He's filled out a bit.  Five years ago he was a beanstalk.
Mikey: I'm just helping.
Ashton: Helping...?
Luke: Mikey, Mikey darling just stop
Mikey: I'm helping.  Come on, Ash, it's your turn.
Ashton: You've gotta tell me what you're helping with.
Ashton: Because what am I taking a turn on?!
Mikey: Okay what about him turns you on?
Ashton: I just choked.
Mikey: Why?  I'm helping.  That's Doctor Clifford to you.
Ashton: And I'm highly amused.
Luke: Helping with what?
Luke: I swear to god I am going to hurt you
Mikey: Ashton, you did not answer my question.
Ashton: 🤣
Ashton: I love seeing him sweat. This is amusimg
Luke: Mikey! Stop it!
Luke: Oh my god I'm trading this whole damn band in
Calum: Hey! What did I do!
Calum: I walk back in this chat and I see you’re trading us in?
Luke: Okay I'll keep Cal
Luke: But you two are gone
Ashton: Because Mikey's helping
Calum: Thank you 😍
Luke: Embarassing me?
Ashton: And I have no idea what he's helping with
Calum: In other news
Mikey: Luke, his answer is everything, he just doesn't want to say.
Ashton: Calum.
Luke: Mikey stop it OMG
Calum: I might be a bit late getting to the hotel, I have a stop to make
Ashton: Are you getting laid.
Luke: I dont need to know about anyone getting laid
Ashton: Also how am I embarrassing you?!
Calum: Wow ash, you read me like a book
Calum: It’ll literally be like five minutes
Ashton:.......Man. I hope it doesn't take five minutes.
Luke: Not you, Ash! Mikey
Calum: Mate
Luke: la la la la I can't hear any of this
Ashton: I love fucking with all of you. It's fun.
Mikey: Sure you can.  He's behind you staring at you all night.
Luke: jackass
Calum: It’s been a hot minute, so I gotta do what I gotta do.
Calum: Text you all soon
Calum: 😍
Mikey: Cal, you sound like you gotta piss, not fuck
Calum: Jesus mate, what do you want me to say??
Calum: I’m about to go to pound town on a girl I hardly know??
Calum: Luke is going to literally die of embarrassment
Mikey: I know what you meant, but never say it'll just take a minute
Mikey: Unless it will just take a minute
Mikey: and that is a little sad.
Calum: No, idk. I don’t know her.
Ashton: I'm crying.
Calum: Literally tinder over here is nuts
Calum: Aussie girls are hard to get but American girls??
Mikey: Sex first then you can get to know her.
Mikey: See, Mikey solves everything
Ashton: ....this is the first thing you've solved all night.
Calum: Oh what the fuck
Calum: She dipped
Mikey: I'm working on the rest.  I think you and Luke should share a room
Luke: No Michael
Ashton: Why?
Luke: Did Calum get stood up?
Calum: I did... what the fuck man
Luke: Lets focus on that, K Mikey?
Luke: Focus on Cal
Calum: No, it’s fine. Damnit.
Calum: Okay, alright, I’m heading to the hotel now.
Ashton: Michael, answer me and then we focus on Cal.
Mikey: Wait, what?
Luke: Fuck
Calum: Let’s all just regroup. I’m hugging all of you as soon as I see you all.
Mikey: How?  Were you supposed to meet her?
Calum: Yes.
Calum: And she backed out.
Calum: I’m not mad
Ashton: She's a dumb shit.
Mikey: Oh shit, what was she doing instead?
Calum: Right? I’m a stud. How could anyone resist these curls?
Calum: Or
Mikey: curls?
Luke: Dude maybe she got nervous
Ashton: You're adorable.
Luke: And where tf do you have curls?!
Calum: Yeah, idk where curls came from
Calum: I used to have curls
Ashton: 🤣
Calum: Should I bring them back?
Luke: I have curls
Luke: NO
Ashton: Yes you should.
Luke: Thats my thing now
Calum: Remember that poll I did on Twitter
Calum: And I said no curls
Calum: Well
Calum: Now I’m gonna put a new one up
Ashton: 🤣
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obsidiancreates · 4 years
I Did That Hunger Games Simulator With My OCs
Some, y’all may recognize. Some... you might not. So Naomi is Leilani’s girlfriend (who I may or not have forgotten I’d made until I found the piece again...), and then Serissa, Grant, Glade, Paisley, Kruff, and Karma are from a thing I started writing when I was 12 right after I read the actual The Hunger Games.
Oh and Authoress is a um... well a-an ego... like, she was an apprentice of The Author form Danger in Fiction... I was like 13.
Oh also there’s a Summary at the very end, so um, TL;DR at the bottom I guess.
The Bloodbath
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds. Kruff runs away from the Cornucopia. Ferox runs away from the Cornucopia. Evelyn's Mom runs away from the Cornucopia. Serissa runs away from the Cornucopia. Naomi No-Last-Name gathers as much food as she can. Avery Still-No-Last-Name stabs Haley Amandi while her back is turned. (NOOOOOOOO but also fitting because Avery is dating Mary the demon Hunter and Haley is married to a demonnnnn) Carter Clevman runs away from the Cornucopia. Liv runs away from the Cornucopia. Steve Pennerman grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia. Leilani Kealoha finds a backpack full of camping equipment. Authoress runs away from the Cornucopia. Jessa, Karma, and Ashlyn Searson work together to get as many supplies as possible. (Hmm, interesting group.) Eric Rodriguez runs away from the Cornucopia. Glade runs away from the Cornucopia. Mary Ferrend runs away from the Cornucopia. Grant finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver. Malum Amandi runs away from the Cornucopia. LavaDestroys runs away from the Cornucopia. Evelyn Serenatis rips a mace out of Paisley's hands. Dee runs away from the Cornucopia.
Day One
Carter Clevman picks flowers. (Good for you, man.) Avery Still-No-Last-Name questions his sanity. (And that takes a lot. He acceppted Demon Hunter with no issues when Mary told him.) Naomi No-Last-Name injures herself. Grant makes a wooden spear. Eric Rodriguez kills Ashlyn Searson as she tries to run. (ERIC NOOOOOOO SHE’S YOUR NEIGHBOR AND FRIENDDDDDD) Liv explores the arena. Mary Ferrend steals from LavaDestroys while she isn't looking. (Heh) Serissa injures herself. (Wh- girl how you are a Mary Sue,) Ferox questions her sanity. (Yeah that’s fair.) Paisley hunts for other tributes. Authoress kills Leilani Kealoha with a hatchet. (NOOOOOOOOO) Evelyn's Mom questions her sanity. Dee sprains her ankle while running away from Steve Pennerman. (Oh no her ghost ankle) Jessa practices her archery. Kruff runs away from Evelyn Serenatis. Glade injures herself. Karma camouflauges herself in the bushes. Malum Amandi injures himself. (Why did so many of them injure themselves?)
Fallen Tributes
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Haley Amandi District 2 Ashlyn Searson District 1 Leilani Kealoha District 6 (TOT)
Night One
Grant receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Glade destroys Carter Clevman's supplies while he is asleep. (Damn Glade, you’ve grown ruthless while I was away from your story.) Mary Ferrend defeats Malum Amandi in a fight, but spares his life. (Holy shit wait what the fuck she is dead set on killing him this is nuts) Liv sets an explosive off, killing Authoress, and Steve Pennerman. (STEVE NOOOOOOOO) Evelyn Serenatis and Dee run into each other and decide to truce for the night. Eric Rodriguez quietly hums. LavaDestroys questions her sanity. Serissa tends to her wounds. Naomi No-Last-Name thinks about winning. Jessa defeats Ferox in a fight, but spares her life. (Frenemies...) Kruff goes to sleep. Evelyn's Mom and Paisley huddle for warmth. Karma and Avery Still-No-Last-Name sleep in shifts.
Day Two
Serissa, Jessa, LavaDestroys, and Evelyn's Mom raid Carter Clevman's camp while he is hunting. (Damn. No mercy.) Eric Rodriguez receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Karma, Naomi No-Last-Name, Ferox, and Glade raid Kruff's camp while he is hunting. (KARMA THAT’S YOUR OWN TWIN BROTHER!!!) Evelyn Serenatis discovers a cave. Mary Ferrend receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Paisley fishes. Liv tries to sleep through the entire day. (Mood) Dee tends to Grant's wounds. Avery Still-No-Last-Name goes hunting. Malum Amandi tries to spear fish with a trident.
Fallen Tributes
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Authoress District 9 Steve Pennerman District 7
Night Two
Kruff passes out from exhaustion. Grant looks at the night sky. Ferox begs for Avery Still-No-Last-Name to kill her. He refuses, keeping Ferox alive. (Ferox, the hell?) Serissa, Dee, Jessa, Eric Rodriguez, and Mary Ferrend sleep in shifts. LavaDestroys loses sight of where she is. Paisley defeats Glade in a fight, but spares her life. (I should hope so, that’s your little sister Paisley.) Carter Clevman destroys Malum Amandi's supplies while he is asleep. (The friendly rivalry has escalated.) Evelyn Serenatis throws a knife into Liv's head. (HOLY FUCKING SHIT) Evelyn's Mom begs for Naomi No-Last-Name to kill her. She refuses, keeping Evelyn's Mom alive. Karma loses sight of where she is.
Day Three
Naomi No-Last-Name runs away from Ferox. Glade forces Evelyn's Mom to kill Carter Clevman or Paisley. She decides to kill Paisley. (GLADE! WHAT THE HELL! YOU’RE WHOLE STORYLINE IS HOW MUCH YOU LOVE YOUR SISTER AND WANT TO FIND HER AGAIN!) Jessa receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Karma stalks Grant. Mary Ferrend searches for firewood. Dee sprains her ankle while running away from LavaDestroys. Eric Rodriguez searches for firewood. Serissa tries to spear fish with a trident. Malum Amandi scares Evelyn Serenatis off. Kruff searches for firewood. Avery Still-No-Last-Name receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Fallen Tributes
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Liv District 5 Paisley District 11
Night Three
Karma quietly hums. Carter Clevman attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. (Honey you are the god of Cleverness how did this happen) Glade receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Grant tends to Dee's wounds. Jessa loses sight of where she is. Avery Still-No-Last-Name tries to sing himself to sleep. Eric Rodriguez thinks about winning. Kruff questions his sanity. Ferox is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. Naomi No-Last-Name and Evelyn Serenatis track down and kill LavaDestroys. (I am okay with this.) Mary Ferrend, Evelyn's Mom, and Malum Amandi cheerfully sing songs together. Serissa receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Day Four
Kruff goes hunting. Evelyn Serenatis searches for a water source. Glade tends to Karma's wounds. Mary Ferrend explores the arena. Avery Still-No-Last-Name goes hunting. Malum Amandi receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Dee diverts Evelyn's Mom's attention and runs away. Naomi No-Last-Name receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. Carter Clevman and Grant split up to search for resources. Serissa sprains her ankle while running away from Jessa. Ferox and Eric Rodriguez work together for the day.
(Yay no deaths for the daytime)
Fallen Tributes
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance. LavaDestroys District 8
Night Four
Avery Still-No-Last-Name passes out from exhaustion. Naomi No-Last-Name looks at the night sky. Ferox sees a fire, but stays hidden. Malum Amandi bashes Dee's head against a rock several times. (MALUM SWEETIE HAVE YOU GONE FULL DEMON BECAUSE HALEY DIED?! HOLY SHIT) Evelyn's Mom goes to sleep. Glade tries to treat her infection. (Oh hey she’s the medic in her story, this lines up shockingly well.) Evelyn Serenatis and Carter Clevman hold hands. (Awww, frens. Dumbasses in crime.) Mary Ferrend and Serissa hold hands. (Wow... you know what, they would actually be cute together.) Kruff and Jessa fight Karma and Eric Rodriguez. Kruff and Jessa survive. (KRUFF DID YOU FUCKING KILL YOUR OWN TWIN SISTER??? YOUR BLIND AND MUTE TWIN SISTER WHO YOU SPENT YOUR LIFE DEFENDING???)
Grant receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Day Five
Jessa begs for Naomi No-Last-Name to kill her. She refuses, keeping Jessa alive. Carter Clevman fishes. Serissa runs away from Evelyn Serenatis. Mary Ferrend tries to spear fish with a trident. Kruff discovers a cave. Avery Still-No-Last-Name silently snaps Glade's neck. (Holy. Shit. Mary taught Avery well.) Ferox overhears Grant and Evelyn's Mom talking in the distance. Malum Amandi makes a slingshot.
Arena Event: Wolf mutts are let loose in the arena.
Jessa is eaten by wolf mutts. (She probably tried to pet them.) Carter Clevman knocks Mary Ferrend out and leaves her for the wolf mutts. (Damn. No mercy from Carter...) Avery Still-No-Last-Name knocks Serissa out and leaves her for the wolf mutts. (DAMN! Avery is fucking ruthless!) Naomi No-Last-Name is eaten by wolf mutts. (Awwww noooooo!) Kruff pushes Ferox into a pack of wolf mutts. (Yeah, yeah this one is fine.) Malum Amandi is crushed by a pack of wolf mutts. (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) Grant survives. Evelyn Serenatis survives. Evelyn's Mom survives.
Fallen Tributes
10 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Dee District 5 Karma District 10 Eric Rodriguez District 7 Glade District 11 Jessa District 9 Mary Ferrend District 4 Serissa District 12 Naomi No-Last-Name District 6 Ferox District 8 Malum Amandi District 2
Night Five
Carter Clevman sees a fire, but stays hidden. Avery Still-No-Last-Name tends to his wounds. Evelyn Serenatis receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Grant loses sight of where he is. Kruff bashes Evelyn's Mom's head against a rock several times. (HOLY SHIT KRUFF I KNOW YOU’RE A TOUGH GUY TROPE AND ALL BUT- WHAT THE FUCK)
The Feast
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families. Kruff decides not to go to The Feast. Evelyn Serenatis, Avery Still-No-Last-Name, and Grant start fighting, but Avery Still-No-Last-Name runs away as Evelyn Serenatis kills Grant. (Welp, bye Grant.) Carter Clevman falls into a pit and dies. (Of course that’s how you died you dumbass.)
Day Six
Kruff overhears Avery Still-No-Last-Name and Evelyn Serenatis talking in the distance. (And... apparently that’s the only thing that happened all day.)
Fallen Tributes
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Evelyn's Mom District 3 Grant District 12 Carter Clevman District 1
Night Six
Kruff receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. Evelyn Serenatis catches Avery Still-No-Last-Name off guard and kills him. (Oooooh, so it’s down to Evelyn and Kruff... this’ll be interesting...)
Day Seven
Kruff attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death. (Oh. Nevermind, then.)
The winner is Evelyn Serenatis from District 3!
Ahhh, that’s my girl.
The Bloodbath Avery Still-No-Last-Name stabs Haley Amandi while her back is turned. Day 1 Eric Rodriguez kills Ashlyn Searson as she tries to run. Authoress kills Leilani Kealoha with a hatchet. Night 1 Liv sets an explosive off, killing Authoress, and Steve Pennerman. Day 2 No deaths occurred. Night 2 Evelyn Serenatis throws a knife into Liv's head. Day 3 Glade forces Evelyn's Mom to kill Carter Clevman or Paisley. She decides to kill Paisley. Night 3 Naomi No-Last-Name and Evelyn Serenatis track down and kill LavaDestroys. Day 4 No deaths occurred. Night 4 Malum Amandi bashes Dee's head against a rock several times. Kruff and Jessa fight Karma and Eric Rodriguez. Kruff and Jessa survive. Day 5 Avery Still-No-Last-Name silently snaps Glade's neck. Arena Event Wolf mutts are let loose in the arena. Jessa is eaten by wolf mutts. Carter Clevman knocks Mary Ferrend out and leaves her for the wolf mutts. Avery Still-No-Last-Name knocks Serissa out and leaves her for the wolf mutts. Naomi No-Last-Name is eaten by wolf mutts. Kruff pushes Ferox into a pack of wolf mutts. Malum Amandi is crushed by a pack of wolf mutts. Night 5 Kruff bashes Evelyn's Mom's head against a rock several times. The Feast Evelyn Serenatis, Avery Still-No-Last-Name, and Grant start fighting, but Avery Still-No-Last-Name runs away as Evelyn Serenatis kills Grant. Carter Clevman falls into a pit and dies. Day 6 No deaths occurred. Night 6 Evelyn Serenatis catches Avery Still-No-Last-Name off guard and kills him. Day 7 Kruff attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death. The winner is Evelyn Serenatis from District 3!
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honeyedlashton · 5 years
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“Fall More in Love Everyday”
Word count: 3053
Warnings: language, smut, the world. This is me. It’s sorta soft though. Not gonna lie.
A/N: it took me like half a day of sleepy writing and I’ve read over this maybe four times? (Which is not a lot for me.) But hey you guys want Malum content, so I’m here to deliver... also this turned into smut. It didn’t start as smut. Originally I was gonna have them go on a date, but?? They essentially have minds of their own? I can’t control it? Anyway, enjoy.
Michael woke up early to a gentle breeze and the sun filtering through sheer curtains. He felt strong arms wrapped around his waist, tugging him back into the warmth of an embrace he was all too familiar with.
The bedspread formed haphazard mountains around their legs. And he felt boiling hot everywhere bare skin came in contact with eachother—so all down his backside and thighs. He even had stripes of heat on his calves where their legs tangled in the night. He wanted nothing more than to peel his sticky body away and feel the breeze, but he cuddled closer instead.
“Mike,” Calum’s already deep voice, all low and syrupy with sleep, startled him a little. “It’s too hot to cuddle.”
Michael smiled softly, “but if I pull away, it’ll be too cold, and you’ll pull me back in. It happened all night.”
Calum wasnt a morning talker so he hushed Michael softly. So Michael rolled onto his belly and curled up with the pillows trying to chase sleep. The cold breeze—by comparison—decorated his back with goose flesh but he was still at the stage where it felt nice to be so chilly.
He was right on the verge of finding sleep again when he felt Calum’s arms snake around his waist. He hummed and settled back against him, feeling every curve and line conform against his own. “I thought it was too hot to cuddle,” Michael teased softly.
And Calum shushed him again kissed the top of his head.
Michael settled in, but he wasn’t tired anymore. He was just breathing in Calum’s smell on his skin. That was the best thing about this getaway. A few days to just slow down and smell like the man he loved. To be in love in the city of love. He was overjoyed.
“Cal,” Michael rubbed Calum’s arm around his waist, and got a sleepy hum in response. “You want me to order breakfast?”
“Mhmm” was the half hearted answer.
So Michael reached for the hotel phone only to be pulled back by his muscular restraint. “What?” He giggled, “I can’t order if you don’t let me get to the phone.”
“We can last a few days without food,” Calum grumbled, and didn’t relent his grip.
“You wouldn’t last a few hours in this hotel room without breakfast,” Michael rolled his eyes, “or at least I won’t.”
Calum pretended like he didn’t hear. So Michael pestered him by turning over in his arms and running his hands over the close-cropped blond hair. “Callie, baby,” he began in that soft teasing voice, “let me order you some breakfast. I’ll get some fruit, maybe some French toast, or crepes. Maybe even some eggs. And if we’re really lucky, mimosas.”
Calum seemed to be more annoyed with the fact that Michael wouldn’t shut up than with the concept of food itself, so Michael kept pushing. He kissed him all over his tired face and rubbed over his arms. “Please? I’m so hungry, can’t you hear my stomach growling?”
Calum let out an annoyed huff and released his grip on Michael. “I want crepes and French toast,” he grumbled.
And Michael smiled picking up the phone and the menu. And he ordered in his best French—which was about about sub-average. And that was only because he was reading it practically line-by-line.
As soon as he hung up, Calum pulled him back in his arms. “We’ve got to wake up,” Michael smiled softly, “we’ve got food on the way! We’re in Paris! We’re young and in love! Youth is wasted.”
“Who made you a philosopher,” Calum yawned.
“Me, about five seconds ago,” Michael shrugged and sat on Calum’s lap to wake him up. “Please? I’ll take you to the fashion show.“ They’d spent a good chunk of time last night talking about Paris Fashion Week and how “coincidentally” they came at the right time.
Calum sighed and rubbed his eyes. “Fine, I’m awake.“
“Good.” Michael kissed him good morning. “You look handsome in this lighting,” he hummed.
“It’s just the sun,” Calum rebutted, smoothing his hands up Michael’s thighs absentmindedly.
“Exactly,” Michael grinned.
“All you do is hit on me,” Calum rolled his eyes fondly.
“Well, stop being attractive, and it won’t be an issue anymore,” Michael retorted, and kissed him deeper.
Calum hummed into it, resting his hands on Michael’s hips and thumbing circles onto the soft flesh. “Get off of me before I get too frisky for room service,” Calum smirked.
“It wouldn’t be the only time they’ve seen it—and probably not even this morning,” Michael teased but rolled beside Calum, and threw his leg over his hips. He bit his lip and looked over Calum’s face, and Calum responded by giving him slow lazy kisses. His warm hands rubbed all over his back and bum.
Michael hummed sweetly into the touches, and braced his hand on Calum’s chest. “Mikey,” Calum sighed, “my kitten.”
“Thats me, baby,” Michael kissed all over Calum’s lips and cheeks, to his jaw, and down the column of his neck. Calum growled, even through they were chaste kisses. Michael smiled when Calum’s grip tightened—squeezing the flesh on his upper thigh and lower back. So Michael slowed the kisses down made them a little more intent on sticking to the skin of Calum’s neck, and that earned him a tug that pulled him on top of Calum’s lap again.
“I thought you didn’t wanna get too frisky because of room service,” Michael teased, already rubbing his hands over Calum’s chest and tummy.
“It’s not the first time they’ll see it...” Calum hummed and smoothed his hands up and down Michael’s hips and over his bum guiding him just where he wanted him.
Michael already felt his cheeks get blushy, and he wasn’t sure if it was pangs of hunger or butterflies in his stomach, but it was looking like he’d get to satisfy both soon.
He kissed Calum more intently now, biting at his lower lip and tugging it with him when he’d pull away, only to fall back into another kiss when he’d finally let the hostage lip go.
Calum was eager to chase the kiss, too. Michael could tell by the way he licked at Michael’s lips every time he would kiss him for longer than two seconds. Michael felt powerful, so he pretended like he didn’t notice for a few kisses making Calum work for it.
But Calum wasn’t in the mood to wait, it seemed, because he was lifting Michael with him as he sat up—to have a more fair playing ground in this power play Michael had started.
But Michael found that it was hard to keep the power he’d gotten now that it was a fair fight. And Calum kissed like he did everything else: with intent. Now was no different. Michael opened his mouth almost without realizing it to let Calum in.
Michael relaxed his arms on Calum’s shoulders and pressed them chest to chest. The warmth spread through his chest and to his core and he sighed softly into the kiss. “I love you.”
Calum held the back of Michael’s head, but not to pull his hair, just to keep him close Michael guessed. He hummed a soft “I love you,” as he kissed down the side of Michael’s neck, sending an almost electric shock through his body, and he leaned into it, shifting his whole body to be even closer to Calum.
Calum hummed and hugged Michael by the small of his back to knead over his bum with strong hands. “Mmm, Cal... I’m still sore...” he wasn’t sure if Calum’s hands felt bad or good, but he didn’t want the pressure to go away, so that was a start.
Calum kissed his collarbones, “you want me to stop?”
Michael bit his lip. “No,” he whispered.
So Calum massaged deeper into the soft flesh. “My baby, so soft. So thick,” Calum sighed—not for the first time, but it still gave Michael butterflies to hear.
And he pushed his hips forward reflexively to press them together, “All for you.”
Calum sucked in a breath. “Fuck, Mikey...” he hissed slightly, and Michael bit his lip.
“Hmm?” Michael teased playfully. “What did I do?”
“You know what you did,” Calum growled. “You can’t play innocent with me.”
Michael bit his lip on a smile. “But I’m good at playing innocent...”
“But you’re not good at being it...” Calum pulled Michael’s hips forward again, but this time met his in the middle and Michael moaned into the feeling.
“I miss your hair in times like this,” Michael said thickly, dragging his fingertips down the back of Calum’s head to the individual hairs tickle the pads of his fingers. “There’s nothing to grab when I need it...”
“Fuck you,” Calum said, but it had no bite, “I’m keeping it shaved for longer just cause you said that.”
Micheal rolled his hips this time to really make Calum feel good, “Cal, you know I think you look good with the buzzcut, so I’m not complaining. I just miss pulling your hair.”
“Ever think that’s why I cut it?” Calum teased.
“Fuck you,” Michael rolled his eyes and moved more fluidly. Calum responded by trying to guide his hips a little faster—but Michael was in the mood for slow, “you’d love it when I’d pull it. It got you hot sometimes when we were in public...”
“Michael,” Calum said in a low voice and Michael could feel Calum’s hips rut up between his thighs.
“Sorry, baby, I’m not doing anything like that till after room service gets here...” Michael nibbled at Calum’s lip.
“Tease,” Calum groaned with half closed eyes.
Michael kissed up his jaw and nosed behind his ear. “Handsome,” he kissed him softly. “You’re the sexiest person I’ve ever met. The sexiest person I’ve ever seen. I could go out on a limb and say you are the sexiest person alive. In my eyes, at least.”
“I love you,” Calum‘s voice almost sounded like a whine. “God, Mikey, I love you so much.”
Michael kissed him gently and rocked his hips slowly, almost soothingly against Calums. “I know. I love you.”
Room service arrived, and Michael begrudgingly got off of Calum to put on a crumpled robe from off the floor. He kicked the other discarded clothes to the side so the cart could have room. He made sure Calum was covered before opening the door.
The attendant was in for maybe ten seconds, spoke some English and some French, and was out the door with an: “au revoir.”
“Should we eat first?” Michael suggested smelling the food made his stomach rumble more. “The eggs might get cold...”
Michael rolled the cart right next to the bed—per Calum’s request—and got under the covers again.
Food won out. If there was a decision between sex and food, they chose food nearly every time. Not that sex wasn’t good, but food was food.
Michael fed Calum bites of his French toast. And Calum in return gave Michael some of his crepes. They shared the eggs. And the berries—Michael had fun putting the raspberries on his fingers and letting Calum suck them off.
Calum kissed him deeply when the plates and mimosa glasses were emptied and stacked back on the tray.
“Someone’s feeling a bit more awake now,” Michael teased and hugged him closer when Calum kissed down his neck, and growled. “You’ve got some life back, I see.”
Calum kissed Michael‘s lips to stop his talking. Michael could taste the berries and mimosas, and he hummed and leaned into him. He ran a hand down Calum’s side and tried to pull his body up closer to him, not wanting to waste anymore time.
“I want you, Cal,” Michael begged softly close to his ear, and Calum’s grip on his bum tightened. Michael gasped and pushed into the dull ache. Calum had messed him up the night before, but somehow he couldn’t get enough of him. Not when this little get away was so short.
Michael let Calum’s fingers roam wherever they wanted. Over his thighs and up his waist. Down his back by the curve of his spine.
It was after few seconds of kissing and gentle strokes down his back when Calum brought his other hand—Michael didn’t even notice was gone—back, and teased at Michael’s entrance with cool slick fingers, his body jolted slightly.
“Fuck,” he breathed a shuddery breath, and it turned into a giggle. “That’s still kinda cold...”
“I tried warming it up a little, but I’d only had the one free hand,” Calum said in a voice that would almost be an explanation, if there wasn’t a cut of sarcasm in it.
“You’re a dick,” Michael chuckled softly, and rolled his eyes.
Calum’s response was to push the tip of his finger inside Michael, and he gasped again and clutched Calum’s shoulders. “Shit, Mikey, you’re still pretty open from last night?”
Michael groaned in response.
“If I had it my way,” Calum went ahead and slid in the second finger and Michael buried his face in Calum’s neck. “I’d keep you open like this all the time.”
Michael moaned and rocked back against his fingers. Only a little at first. He wanted to save his energy. Right now he was just focused on familiarizing himself with the feeling again. “Fuck... I’d let you,” he bit his lip, and let out a slight gasp every time Calum’s fingers spread.
“Feelin’ okay, baby?” Calum asked softly, peppering soft kisses on his jaw.
“Mhmm,” he nodded. “Keep going...”
So Calum finished opening him up fully whispering soft words in his ear. And when Michael felt ready, he made Calum take his fingers out and pushed him back against the pillows. And Calum looked so good, looking up at him with loving eyes and parted lips, Michael felt so wanted.
Michael decided he wanted to be the one to prep Calum, so he slicked—and warmed—his hands before guiding them up and down Calum’s length, earning him a groan of pleasure that refused to stay down. Michael liked that.
“You’re so handsome when you want me so much. You’re so obvious, I love it,” he said softly into Calum’s ear as he worked slowly at him. “I like it when you’re as needy for me as I am for you.”
“‘M ready,” Calum grit his teeth, but Michael knew what he meant. He sat up straight and aligned Calum to his entrance before pressing him in.
Michael gasped and groaned into it, it was way more than three fingers, but he’d adjust. He always did.
Calum was there for Michael, telling him short affirmations to make him feel like he was doing well. And between the “fuck you’re so tight,” and “baby, you feel amazing,” and “Mikey, you’re doing so good,” Michael adjusted fully.
When he felt good enough, he dropped his hips taking Calum in fully, and hummed sweetly.
“Jesus, you’re pretty,” Calum sighed, with the most dulcet expression on his face. “I mean damn, baby. So fucking pretty.”
“All you do is hit on me,” Michael bit his lip on a self indulgent smile. He could feel the blush in his cheeks spreading down his neck.
“Yeah, cause you’re my fucking soulmate,” Calum’s hips bucked up, and Michael moaned into it, tightening around him.
“I thought that was Ash,” Michael teased, his eyes and tone softened by pleasure.
“Different kind of soulmate,” Calum smirked. “I’d never let Ashton ride me.”
“He wouldn’t bottom to save his life,” Michael giggled breathily.
“Neither would I. He’d have to fight me for it,” Calum smirked, and groaned when Michael bottomed him out.
Michael gripped at Calum’s hands to support himself, and moved only slightly so he’d make Calum hit his spot. And when he did Michael would tighten around him, and Calum’s eyes rolled back. “Just don’t forget who you belong to,” Michael hummed sweetly before picking himself up, almost entirely off of Calum, only to drop his hips again.
Calum was a mess after that. He went to grip Michael’s hips so tight that Michael briefly considered that there might be a bruise when he got up. But he didn’t give it much thought because he was swept up in the moment. He was lifting up and slamming down against Calum with such a force now, even the mattress bounced.
He gripped the headboard and let his head roll back. He could hear Calum’s breathing getting heavier, and his hips were bucking up with a purpose now.
Michael melted each and every time Calum hit his spot. “Keep going, Cal. Fuck!“
And Calum did. He practically yanked Michael’s hips down once his legs were a shaky, spasmy mess. And Michael had to bite hard on his lip to keep from calling out.
“Come on, baby,” Calum growled in the voice Michael would always instantly fall apart to. “When you’re ready, let go for me...”
It was like that was his magic cue. He came on his tummy with a shuddery moan and subconsciously tightened around Calum. Calum apparently couldn’t handle that cause he came deep inside Michael hissing out his name.
Micheal took a second to breathe and then leaned in to kiss a very fucked out looking Calum, but he figured he looked just as bad—if not worse. “I love you,” He said between little kisses.
Calum kissed him back and pet Michael’s hair. “I love you. You’re prefect... my soulmate.”
“Soulmate,” Michael echoed softly and hugged him tight.
Calum cleaned Michael off, when he’d worked some kind of other magic to convince Michael to get off of him. And Michael sighed happily when Calum crawled back into bed. “We’ll get ready soon. I just want to cuddle.”
“You’re so clingy,” Calum rolled his eyes, and Michael attacked him in a hug.
“You love it,” Michael grinned. “You love me—and my clinginess.”
“I mean, yeah,” Calum said in a thoughtful tone and kissed Michael’s forehead. “I miss it when you’re not here.”
Michael shushed him gently. “Not now. It’s a happy time. Focus on me and where we are.” He kissed Calum softly, and he seemed to accept putting off any other thoughts.
So Michael kept their sweat-sticky bodies pressed together again, this time not wanting to move. Not wanting to leave the bed. Wanting to stay in Calum’s grasp forever.
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
Hey!! I am so 👀👀👀 about so many of these but for now can I hear about "newsies but bad"?
omg team that one. okay.
newsies but bad - so. i really love newsies. newsies is the piece of media that makes me foam at the mouth like a rabid dog. way way wayyyyyy back in june of 2020 when i was first getting into this fandom, meg was talking to bella about a newsies au but they didn't know how to cast everyone, and i--as the m&m anon, which is how you know this was a long time ago--was like "guys stop thinking so hard. obviously ashton is jack, luke is david, michael can be race and calum can be spot." i can't find the original message i sent but here is their reaction. omg wait i did some digging and found the original message here. anywho. this wip doc is a scene from that newsies au, but it's not good, hence the title lol. the fic would be fun if written but this particular scene should just be a newsies fic. it's a malum scene and them being michael and calum instead of actual sprace adds nothing. anyway. bella and i did brainstorm this au a little further but i doubt anything will come of it
send me an ask based on my wip list
#ask#team#4thbrighteststar#i'm also a very big supporter of the movie over the musical. i think the plot of the movie is a lot better#and using the movie you could easily do a fic with the boys because you don't have to deal with katherine#but yeah i just don't have inspo for it now#maybe i will this summer though because i'm finally auditioning for a production!!!!#but i'm also going to be insanely busy this summer if i get cast so don't hold your breath lol#i would really love to be cast and katherine or race but i'll take any newsie i just want to tap dance#katherine race and hamlet are my only dream roles at this point lol i really want to be in this show#and this is likely my last chance because i hopefully will be directing/choreographing for money next summer#i don't plan on acting in community theater beyond this summer because i'm trying to make a living with paying theater gigs#when this particular theater first announced they were doing newsies i thought i logistically couldn't be in it and i cried 5 times#like full on bawling#so. that gives some scope to how much i like this show lol#but! i quit the other show and now i can do newsies And go to my friend's wedding so it's all good#and this is a theater that cast me as a featured dancer in mary poppins so i know i'll get to tap dance#they let me tap dance in step in time so they'll let me do king of new york#unless i'm cast as like. crutchie. but i don't think they'd waste my dance ability with a non-dancer role#anyway! thanks for asking there's my answer
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
bella! a prompt! routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing w malum? 👀 💛 !
hello i know this is an old (old, old, old) prompt but i had to wait for the helen stamp of approval before posting it so now you may have it
read on ao3
Calum blames Mali.
His life has always been a little bit whirlwind-y, and so has Mali’s, but they always had mornings together. They’d eat breakfast, drink coffee, whatever else, and then when it was time for one of them to leave they’d kiss the other’s face and head out. Calum’s kissed Mali’s cheek more times than he can count. It’s just instinct now. He can’t be blamed for falling back into habits. Even if that means stopping short just outside the front door upon the realisation that oh, fuck, he’s just kissed Michael’s cheek on his way out.
Except Michael hadn’t really reacted. Maybe he didn’t notice? Calum thinks, which is a pipe dream at best — how could you not notice someone fully kiss your cheek — but Calum has class starting soon and he really needs to move, so he takes off down the street anyway, shaking his head at his own idiocy.
And that’s how it starts.
Calum forgets about the incident by the following day. He goes for his run, and when he comes back Michael is begrudgingly awake for his 9 a.m. class, coffee brewing. The boy himself is slumped against the counter, half-asleep.
“Hey,” Calum pants as he comes through the door, sweaty from the run. “Mike. Coffee’s done.”
Michael jerks upright, blinking. “I know that,” he says defensively. “I was letting it, like, percolate.”
“That’s what happens when it’s actually brewing.” Calum unsticks the front of his shirt from his chest and airs it out. Michael makes a face.
“Don’t do that, you’ll stink up the whole place.”
Calum rolls his eyes. “I’m going to shower. Don’t fall asleep again.”
“I wasn’t asleep!”
Calum goes to shower. He comes out feeling clean and refreshed and wraps his towel around his waist before ambling back into the kitchen, hoping Michael didn’t finish the pot of coffee (as he’s been known to do). 
There’s a steaming mug on the table, and Michael is nowhere in sight. The mug obviously has milk in it, and Michael drinks his coffee black like some kind of hell demon, which means this one is probably for Calum. Somehow, the fact that Michael remembers how Calum takes his coffee is endearing. They’ve been roommates and best friends for three years now, but still. It’s the little things.
Michael sweeps into the kitchen as Calum sits at the table to enjoy the coffee. “Oh, that’s for you,” Michael says. “Milk and sugar, how you like it.”
Calum grins. “Thanks.”
“I gotta run or I’ll be late,” Michael adds, and bends down to kiss Calum’s cheek before racing out the door, a hasty, “Love you, bye!” thrown over his shoulder.
Calum touches his cheek. Michael has probably kissed Calum on the cheek before, but Calum can’t think of when, or he’d surely remember. This felt sweet, domestic.
Maybe Michael’s just feeling particularly friendly today. Or clingy. It’s hard to know, with him. But Calum can’t deny it had been kind of nice — like a moment just for them, a check-in, the way he used to do with Mali, to say I didn’t forget that you’re here. Something thoughtful.
And, Calum thinks to himself in a slight panic, does that mean Michael thinks that Calum did it yesterday on purpose? Is he expecting Calum to reciprocate, next time Calum leaves first?
Well. Well, okay. That’s — fine, actually. They’re best friends. Best friends kiss each other’s cheeks and stuff. Anyway, Calum thinks it could be nice, to do it with Michael. As long as neither of them makes it weird.
“Oh, fuck,” Calum says, when he finally checks the time. He, Michael, and Luke have been caught up in their group project for their music class, and Calum has completely lost track of time. Now he’s got class in ten minutes and it’s an eight minute walk from their apartment off-campus. “I gotta go.”
Michael also glances at the time. “Oh,” he says. “Whoops.”
“Sorry,” Calum tells them both, although mostly Luke, because Luke doesn’t live here. He gathers up his papers and stuffs them into his bag, and Michael angles his chin away from Calum, offering up his face. Calum presses a kiss to his cheek and steps over the rest of the papers strewn across the floor.
“What the fuck,” Luke says, stopping Calum in his tracks. 
“He has class,” Michael explains. Calum had thought that was pretty evident, but whatever.
“He just — you just kissed Michael,” Luke says, turning first to Michael and then to Calum, who’s shifting anxiously on his feet.
“Did I?” Calum says, blinking. He sifts through the last minute in his mind. “Oh. Yeah. Well, it’s tradition, you know?”
“It’s tradition?” Luke says in disbelief. “You just kiss your mates goodbye?”
“Michael’s not my ‘mate,’” Calum says, and Michael pulls an offended face. “No, I mean, like, it’s different. Like, it’s Michael.”
Luke stares. He swings around and levels the stare at Michael. “You guys kiss each other goodbye?”
“Well, not on the fucking mouth, you perv,” Michael says uncomfortably. He glances up at Calum, who shrugs; before Luke, this habit of theirs had been entirely unobserved, and it had just been normal. It’s just — it’s just them. It’s been a month since Calum started it, and yeah, neither of them have necessarily acknowledged it, but they’ve also never questioned it. It’s nice to have someone to kiss goodbye. Calum’s not complaining.
“Okay,” Luke says slowly. “I mean, you know this is weird, right?”
“Bro, get over it,” Calum says. “I have to go to class. Bye.” And he hurries out the door, feeling slightly guilty leaving Michael stuck with a flabbergasted Luke but too preoccupied with the concern of being late to class to leave much room in his mind for anything else.
When Calum returns from class, Michael is sitting cross-legged on the couch, the video game controller in his lap, TV off. It’s a strange sight to come home to.
“Hey,” Calum says, dropping down on the couch beside him. He shoulders his bag off and tosses it aside on the floor. “Are you winning?”
Michael looks over at him oddly. “Shut up,” he says, blushing. “I was going to start the game.”
“Of course you were,” Calum says, and stands up, intending to put the game in. Michael grabs his arm.
“Hey,” he says. Calum turns.
“Hello,” he says carefully. “Uh, I think we already greeted each other?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Michael says. He seems distracted. “Can I ask you something?”
“Uh,” Calum says, “yes? Always?”
“Well, it’s not exactly a question,” Michael continues. Calum seats himself next to Michael again, knocking their knees together and giving Michael a smile. But Michael doesn’t look at him. His eyes bore into his legs. “It’s kind of just — Luke was asking me about the, you know. Kissing thing. After you went to class.” That’s a funny way to put it. Kissing thing. Like it’s some taboo topic. If it is, it’s only because they’ve never talked about it. “He kept insisting that it was weird, and that normal friends who are just friends don’t kiss each other goodbye.”
“And,” Michael shrugs, “I don’t know. I guess I’m just wondering what you think. If you agree.”
“If I…if I think we’re just friends who kiss each other goodbye?”
“No!” Michael pauses, and then slowly he says, “...Are we?”
“Are we what?” Calum says, mildly annoyed. “Just friends?”
Another long pause. Michael is quiet when he speaks. “Yeah.” 
The strangest thing is, Calum isn’t sure he has an answer.
On the one hand: yes. Of course they’re Just Friends. You can’t be more than friends without knowing it, and Calum and Michael have never been like that, because that’s not how they are, so…they must be Just Friends. Case closed.
But on the other hand. Normal friends who are Just Friends don’t really kiss each other goodbye. And now that Calum thinks about it, normal friends who are Just Friends don’t really act the way Calum and Michael do, and the more he considers it, the more he thinks he would probably prefer to be something that wasn’t Just Friends with Michael. Just Friends is overrated. Calum and Michael have earned better.
“You said it was different,” Michael says, ignoring that Calum hasn’t answered his question yet. “Like, when Luke was making fun, you said ‘Michael’s not my mate, it’s different.’”
“Because it is,” Calum says, though he can’t exactly pinpoint why it’s different.
“Yeah,” Michael says. “I think it is, too. So…but — doesn’t that mean —”
“Yeah,” Calum says. “If that means we’re not just friends then sure. Okay. I’d rather be that way anyway.”  
Michael blinks. “You’d rather be that way?”
“Wouldn’t you?” Calum bites his lip; now he’s not so sure. But surely Michael wouldn’t have brought it up only to shut Calum down. If he’d felt strongly that they should be Just Friends and Nothing More, they wouldn’t be having this conversation.
“Uh, um. I guess so,” Michael says. Relief floods Calum like a drug. “But if you — why wouldn’t you just…say something earlier?”
Calum frowns. “I didn’t really know,” he says slowly. That sounds like the right answer. Now that he does know, thinking back, it seems obvious. It seems ridiculously obvious, to the point where if Calum didn’t know for a fact he’d been oblivious he would have accused himself of intentional ignorance. But this is just how they are. Calum doesn’t have any friendships like his one with Michael, but he’d sort of figured that was just because all friendships were different. 
Not considering the fact that some friendships are more, apparently.
“Oh,” says Michael, and finally, finally he meets Calum’s eyes. “Me neither. You said it like you did.”
“I’m very adaptable,” Calum tells him, which earns him a laugh. There’s a glint in Michael’s eye. “Speaking of which, I think we could adapt our routine as well.”
Michael raises his eyebrows. “Yeah?”
“You know.” Calum quirks a smile. “You could kiss me for real, if you want.”
The look on Michael’s face changes several times, from surprise to delight before settling into false composure. Anyone else would believe it, but Calum isn’t anyone else, and the excitement bleeds through too much for Michael to hide.
“What makes you think I want to kiss you?”
“Oh, shut up,” Calum says, rolling his eyes, but they’re both kind of laughing when he pulls Michael in, and Calum is glad. It feels exactly right to kiss Michael, on the lips as much as anywhere else. Even if the butterflies fluttering up a storm in Calum’s gut say that this is different, Calum knows it’s not, really. It’s more like they’ve just been cruising at the speed limit and now, finally, someone has stepped on the gas. It’s the same car they’ve been in the whole time; now they’re just taking full advantage of its capabilities. 
He thinks that maybe he should tell Mali about this development. And maybe also thank her.
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softforcal · 5 years
hey, it’d be super cool if you wrote headcanons about slytherin!calum and slytherin!michael being in a poly relationship with a shy hufflepuff. love your writing, by the way, you’re doing great!!!
-Malum is a mood. straight up.
-okay so you’re the cutest fucking Hufflepuff ever
-and for sure the Snakes have noticed
-Slytherins all secretly adore the innocence of Hufflepuffs, especially you
-you catch Michael’s eye first but soon his best friend Calum notices you too which is when things start to get BIG
-Because Cal is team captain for his Quidditch team and he is a known ladies man, but in a way, so is Michael. he’s known to be a fucking tease.
-so you have two hardcore, dominant, intimidating Slytherins with their eyes on you ALL the time
-you don’t even notice until someone points it out
-and then it’s all you notice
-and they go everywhere together
-you get jittery whenever they’re around and they eat that shit up
-but they hang back, still not approaching and that’s almost making it worse for you because they’re looking and not doing anything
-they’re laughing their asses off about it back in the Slytherin common room because they can see how intimidated you are
-”okay but we actually have to do something.” Michael states
-”yeah.” Cal agrees
-from the start they’re down for Polyamory. they’re buds AF and they have ‘tag teamed’ before so this isn’t abnormal for them
-but they’ve only ever tag teamed during sex so this is sort of new because they’re both interested in you as a person not just a fuck
-because you are adorable and you’re making them both so soft with every cute little movement you make
-so one day you’re walking down the hall when two people show up next to you and you freeze when you realize it’s the Slytherins
-”where you headed?” Michael asks.
-”to study-”
-”great, you can study with us.” Cal grins, his arm going over your shoulders
-he’s super cocky but you don’t try to fight it so he knows its chill
-they take you to a side tower that doesn’t get used anymore and it’s pretty vacant, perfect place to study on the steps
-there’s a flat area at the top of the tower with windows so it’s actually super nice?
-but Michael would stare at your ass the entire time you’re going up the steps to the top of the tower
-Cal is pretty quiet but he can do small talk whereas Michael gets into some pretty deep shit pretty fast
-and they’re usually pretty intimidating but Michael actually is sort of a complete softy… Cal, still intimidating though
-no studying actually gets done, you just sort of hang out with them and there’s lots to talk about
-Michael is super warm and friendly and cheeky but you can tell he’s toning it down for you but he definitely calls you “puff”
-it gets to be dinner time and you all head back to the great hall, you make a move to sit at your table but Michael grabs you, “not a fucking chance Puff.”
-so they drag you to the Slytherin table
-and all the Slytherins just stare at you because yes, Michael and Calum had flirted with many girls, but they’ve never brought one over
-this shows everyone that they straight up actually like you
-”this is Luke and Ashton.” they introduce you to the blondes you always see together, and you know them because they’re on the Quidditch team and are known to be straight up savages
-but then Ashton smiles at you and shakes your hand and you are #shook
-”so you’re the puff these two have been stalking.” Luke says, earning him a smack from Ashton
-they’re all smooth talking pieces of shit but they seem like cool guys
-you’re kinda shook that you’re sitting at the fucking Slytherin table tbh
-so are all the other Hufflepuffs because as soon as you get back to your dorm they’re all on you about the whole thing
-”you disappeared with Cal and Mikey!” “oh my god where did they even take you?!” “i dont see any hickeys. there would definitely be hickeys.”
-”we just hung out.”
-”well thats no fun.” your entire house was ready to hear about a Hufflepuff Slytherin Kink sandwich because no Hufflepuff had been ‘chosen’ by Malum before because ya’ll too innocent and sweet and they aint about to fuck with that
-but then all you can think about is a ‘Malum sandwich’ because holy fuck
-the next day you go to breakfast and you keep your head down, ignoring the Slytherin stares
-you ignore them the whole breakfast because you know if you look, you’ll start thinking about them fucking you because holy SHIT fam
-from their table, Michael and Calum are grinning because they fucking KNOW whats going on in your head
-once again, when you leave the Greathall, these two fall in step with you
-”hey gorgeous.” Cal grins, charisma just radiating off of him
-You drag the two of them to a semi deserted hallway and they’re both kinda shook that a ‘lil puff’ is dragging them somewhere and being slightly dom
-”what’s gotten into you today princess?” Michael laughs
-”what do you two want?” you asked
-”what do you mean kitten?” Michael teases, pushing some hair out of your face
-of course these fucks are going to make you spell it out for them
-and they’re all tall and gorgeous and you realize how intimidated you are, but in the best fucking way
-like they’re gorgeous
-and you’re alone in a deserted hallway with them
-you realize your back is to a wall and they’re closing in
-you can feel your heart beat and they are gorgeous
-and you’re kinda confused because there are two of them, but at the same time they’ve both been giving you super obvious ‘im into you’ vibes
-”i mean…” your tongue gets tied and Calum grins, “come on puff, use your words.”
-ugh he’s so sexy
-”i mean i think you two are into me. and im confused.” you tried to explain, feeling your skin heat up and your pulse beating rapidly
-”what’s confusing kitten? we are.” Michael grins.
-”there’s two of you.”
-”what about it?” Cal said, voice lower
-you look between the two guys
-”so what are you thinking Princess?” Michael asks, grabbing one of your hands and pulling you closer to him as Cal comes behind you, hands setting on your waist
-”you think you can manage both of us Puff?” Cal asks, breath on your neck
-he grins himself against your bum and you almost moan and you know they havent even done anything yet.
-and Michael’s lips are heavenly as he smiles down at you
-but these Slytherins are fucking teases
-”i don’t know Cal, she’s just an innocent Puff.” Michael grins
-”doesn’t seem that innocent to me.” Cal muses
-(holy fuck fam Malum is life jesus shit)
-”so what is it kitten? are you an innocent little puff or are you going to be a dirty girl for us?” Michael asks
-grabbing his face as soon as he’s done speaking because you don’t have anymore control of yourself
-Michael laughs into the kiss, hands cupping your face as he bites at your lower lip
-meanwhile Calum begins kissing your neck
-your heart is beating out of its chest because you, a lil puff squish, are doing this with two of the biggest baddest Slytherins in school
-you hear voices and pull away from Michael but you’re still squished between them as the voices get closer
-Calum pulls back so you can move away as the voices come around the corner, its a group of Gryffindors and they immediately tense up when they see you with Cal and Michael, “are these guys bothering you Y/N?” one of them asks
-”i’m fine.” you assure him, trying to sound confident even though you totally dont
-Michael snickers behind you and Calum is grinning but the Gryffindors leave and you turn back to them, “so now what?”
-”now we take you on a real date.” Michael states
-”or we could skip that and just take you to the room of requirement,” his voice lowers “it’s got a kinky side.”
-two very good options
-going on that date and Cal opens up a bit more which is nice but its obvious that none of you can stop thinking about getting back to the room of requirement
-Michael chases you back to the school while you scream and Cal walks but watches with a huge grin
-anyone who sees you with Cal and Michael give you weird looks and lots of Gryffindors make sure you’re okay which is hilarious
-until Michael groans about it being stupid and Cal throws you over his shoulder
-people definitely give you looks about that
-yeah, the room of requirement is forever fucked because it knows what its two Slytherins want
-they’re both Doms but its obvious Cal is the one really calling the shots
-its super wild
-Michael calls you puff or kitten and there’s a lot of praise because holy fuck you’re just a lil innocent puff butt “where the fuck did you learn how to do that?!”
-they’re into marks for sure but you’re just a lil puff so they only mark you where people can’t see
-they don’t push to hard the first time and they let you choose things, like you have to initiate sucking on Calum’s fingers and it makes them both flip out because holy shit
-its just pretty raunchy
-it ends and Michael is super soft and cuddles you but Cal is more chill about it
-tbh, part of you assumes you’re just a fuck and maybe you’ll be fuck buddies with them… until the next morning when they sit next to you at your table and shake the entire Hufflepuff House to the core
-”how’s our puff?” Michael asks, kissing your cheek
-half the table gasps
-”you look tired, wonder why.” Calum grins, kissing your other cheek
-the entire table gasps
-and everyone in the whole hall is looking
-so yeah, you’re not just a fuck
-Michael is super soft on you and that’s obvious
-it’s harder to see that Cal is soft until someone tries to be an ass about you with two guys and he fucks them up
-like after that everyone knows not to say anything about you being with two Slytherins
-they’re hardcore and they’re both teasing little shits who are horny all the time
-Michaels a fan of trying to touch you under the desk in class
-Cal’s more of an arm over the shoulders kinda guy
-going to Cal’s quidditch matches with Michael and cheering him on
-hella rough post game sex because Cal is hyped
-Michael’s such a sneak too so he always finds deserted places for the three of you to go to
-Michael’s more into boobs and Cal’s into ass so it works out pretty well
-they both big fam. i know it. you know it. we all fucking know it.
-so get ready for that cuz woah
-being a Hufflepuff LEGEND because you’re fucking not one Slytherin but two
-like everyone wants the hot gossip fam
-especially since they start coming by and visiting the Hufflepuff common room. Michael tries to make friends with people in your house and Cal’s pretty quiet but he makes an effort too
-everyone is shook
-yeah but sex everywhere all the time
-you just make them both so soft
-Cal loves to play with your fingers, it’s a small thing that shows people how much he adores you
-anytime your Hufflepuff traits come out they tease you but it’s so cute and they adore it when you get shy
-you’re there little puff baby
-they would baby the shit out of you, it’s just a fact
-and not only will they fight anyone who messes with you, but Luke and Ash also like you and they will cut a bitch
-the four most intimidating Slytherins and you have two of them wrapped around your finger and the other two are like brothers
-yeah. no one messes with you.
-this would be THE shit fam. we all know it.
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breathebangtan · 5 years
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Ch. 5: Change
Genre: FallenGuardianAngel! Jimin, Supernatural
Members: Jimin
Pairings: Jimin x y/n
Synopsis: love is an uncontrollable feeling, even for those who were meant to protect, and only protect. Nothing more and nothing less. Yet somehow, there was always outliers.
Warnings: None
Word count: 4.4k
A/N: Hope you all enjoy! Please like and reblog if you do!
Ch.1 | Ch.4 | Ch.6
“Take me home.” Those were the only words I could manage to get out. Jimin didn't say a word, instead complying to my wishes. He took us home on a taxi that he paid for. My eyes shedding tears the whole ride, his arm around me. I couldn't pull myself together, not until we arrived at my apartment. Once inside the warmth it offered, Jimin didn't waste any time to scold me.
“Are you kidding me? A ferris wheel? Malum, you shouldn't be doing things like that if I'm not around.” He shakes his head, he seems disappointed in my. How was I supposed to know that would happen? They're supposed to be safe, for the most part. I mean, yeah accidents could happen, but still. “I'm sorry, I didn't know.” I quietly apologize, my head down.
“I mean, seriously? What were you thinking? I've told you many times, stay away from anything dangerous.” He sighs heavily. “You're just lucky I was there.” Finishing his little rant he comes to sit down next to me. My eyes watery again. “I was so scared, I was looking everywhere for you. I couldn't see you.” I hug him tightly, which he responds to by doing the same, rubbing my back. Everything had happened so quickly, I didn't know what would happen. Before he can continue scolding me, however, my phone starts ringing.
I open my purse to take my phone out, only to see Rae's name, plastered on the screen. “Hello?” I manage, my voice slightly shaky. Rae is quick with her words, she sounds worried, which in turn upsets me. “Are you okay? Where are you? David said there was an accident at the ferris wheel and you left running.” It was supposed to be a special night for Rae, but I did the thing I was trying to avoid, worry her. I wanted her to enjoy her night with Henry, not worry about me.
“Don't let her know you left with me.” Jimin chimes in from beside me. Surprisingly, Rae heard him, which obviously made me panic. “Who was that?” She quickly asks. “Was that a man's voice? Who are you with?” She questions and I can hear the guys asking her questions in the background of my whereabouts. “Uh… No… No, that was my uh, laptop. I'm home, I'm just a little shaken up is all. Please, please don't worry about me Rae! Just have fun with your date, please. Tell David I'm sorry I left, I really enjoyed his company, maybe we can all hang out again soon?” At my last sentence, Jimin's eyebrow raises. I'm confused for a moment as to what that gesture is supposed to mean. “I'm really sorry. I have to go now.” I hang up before she can argue anything, giving Jimin a glare. Now it was my turn to scold him.
“I’m not clueless, I haven’t mentioned you to her at all. I know better… but that was a close call.” He can only smile at me, it’s as if he’s taunting me. He pulls me into his embrace again, my head on his chest. “I’m sorry, Malum.” He rests his head atop of mine. I didn’t mention it to Rae on the phone because I didn’t want to worry her, but I was starting to realise that I’d been so scared because of the car accident. I would have been shocked, and feared for my life. Yes, but I don’t think I’d been as shocked, as I was now. The car accident had left a permanent mark. “I can’t believe I almost died twice. I… I’m just glad I have you.” I hold onto him tighter, it’s as if I’m holding my safe haven, and nothing could possibly go wrong as long as I hold on. I never want to let go.
It was so easy to fall asleep in his arms, that I hadn’t even realised when I had. All I remember was him singing softly to me, and my eyes having trouble staying open. It was Saturday morning now, and my body was covered by my blankets, head on my pillows. My phone buzzed loudly as my alarm went off. The sun shined through the window, bringing light into my room. Groaning as I turned my alarm off, remembering I still had work. I usually had the weekends off, but just like last week, I had to cover someone else’s shift.
Reluctantly getting out of bed with a deep sigh, I walked into my bathroom to shower. The hot water relaxing my muscles. I prayed that I could stay in here for awhile longer, just wanting to relax. Of course, that wasn’t possible. I had responsibilities, and bills to pay. After I had successfully gotten dressed and ready for work, I was off.
I rode my bike to work this time around, letting the air run through my hair. It was nice and soon today, which was great, but I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it much as I would have to stay in for most of it, working. “Hey Y/n, are you covering for someone again.” Lauren asked me, and I laughed sadly, nodding my head. “Can you believe it? I’m supposed to have the weekend off, but instead I’ve been working for two consecutive weeks.” She laughs as she pats my back.
“You’ll be fine. I’m sure something will work in your favor soon.” She smiles as she continues with her order. I quickly jump in to help her with the others. Taking orders at the register here and there. Today wasn’t as busy, but it wasn’t slow either. Thankfully so, because while most people might like slow days, as it means they didn’t have to do much. I hated them, with nothing to do I’d get bored easily.
“Hey, have you seen Stephen?” Lauren asks, as she taps the coffee cup in her hands. Now that she’d mentioned it, I hadn’t. He’d usually greet me when I came into work, but he hadn’t today. He wasn’t even out and about like usual, restocking items or marking things on his clipboard. “Not at all, where could he be?” She shrugs her shoulders as she takes the coffee to the customer. “I haven’t seen him at all either. Maybe he’s in his office?” She suggests. Maybe, but it wasn’t like him to stay in there so long.
The rest of the work day went slowly. Customers coming in and out, some sitting in different spots with books in their hands or laptops in front of them. The sun was shining brightly through the windows, and I wished I would be able to go out there, maybe go to a park and have a picnic with Rae. “Everyone, attention please.” Stephen spoke up, coming into the kitchen. My coworkers and I gathered around. I wondered if he’d been here this whole time or if he’d just got here. “I’m giving you all the week off until Monday. My mother got into an accident and she’s in the hospital, I have to go take care of her now and I figured I’d just let you all off the hook.” He sighs as he finishes his statement. He dangles the keys to the shop in his hand. “You guys can leave now as well, I’ll close up.” He walks over to the counter, announcing that we’re just about to close.
Some customers start picking up their stuff, getting ready to leave. “Are you sure? One of us could run the shop while you’re gone.” Lauren suggests but Stephen only shakes his head. He must really not want to deal with work at all, which worries me because maybe his mother was injured badly. I hoped she was okay. “No, it’s just not a good idea. I need to focus on my mom. I think you all deserve it anyway.” He smiles slightly, but anyone could tell he was hurting. “Stephen…” I walk closer to him, bringing him into a hug. “I’m sure she’ll be fine. Stay strong okay?” He nods his head, I wasn’t sure what to say to make him feel even just slightly better, but I needed to say something.
Everyone else started to give him encouraging words. One by one, we all started to leave as well. I had been complaining about having to work on my days off, but now I felt bad. I’d been giving the whole week off now, but it was because of something horrible. It left an unpleasant feeling settling in my stomach, like I shouldn’t enjoy my short vacation because that would make me a bad person. I wasn’t the only one who had the week off, regardless those thoughts floated around my head for awhile. I sighed as I rode my bike, trying to let the air take my dark thoughts away with it.
I got a sudden thought though, when I was at work I had wished I could go out on a picnic with Rae, now I could. It would be perfect, being able to ask what happened last night after I left, not to mention apologizing for worrying her and leaving so suddenly. I unlocked my phone and dialed her number. Didn’t take long for her to answer, as if she had been waiting for my call. “Y/n?” She calls my name through the phone.
“Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at a park, have a picnic. It’s so nice out, I didn’t want to waste it.” I hoped she’d say yes, but I knew there was a possibility that she’d made plans with Henry last night, to go out today. I crossed my fingers, stopping my bike, waiting for cars to cross before I could. “Yeah, that sounds fun! Plus you owe me an explanation.” She sounded firm in her tone, but not angry. I smiled as she said so.
“I know I do, I’m really sorry Rae. I hope I didn’t ruin your night.” If I had, I would be so shattered. Yeah, the accident at the ferris wheel wasn’t my fault, and it could have happened to anyone else. Even so, I felt guilty for it. “Of course not. Obviously I was worried, and so were the boys, but thankfully because you said you were at home safely we felt better. We tried our best to enjoy the night, we just missed you is all.” A sigh of relief escapes my mouth. I couldn’t explain the amount of weight that was lifted off my shoulders when she said that. “I’m so glad you guys could at least enjoy the rest of your night. Well, I’ll meet you there?” I was about to hang up on her, but she stopped me before I could.
“Wait, have you read the email the school sent all the students? Everyone’s been talking about it.” The tone in her voice was more serious now, giving me the impression that something bad had happened. “I’ve been working, I haven’t checked my phone. Is it serious?” I asked her. The cars had stopped crossing by now and I rode my bike to what was left until I’d arrive home. “I’ll explain it to you later, it’s so bad. I still can’t believe it’s real.” She says, her voice expressed her clear disbelief. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I tried my best to open up my emails as I rode my bike.
Sure enough, there it was. An email from administration that stated we had the week off because of some internal issues. It didn’t seem as serious, but then again if they needed to focus on that problem so much that they gave students and teachers a week off, it had to be serious. My mind ran circles trying to figure out what type of internal issue could cause such a reaction. I couldn’t come up with anything. Instead I got home and opened my door, rushing to change out of my work clothes. Once I had I packed the necessary things for our picnic. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to see her because I was dying to know what had happened with the school. As quickly as I had gotten home, I had left as well.
As I got back on my bike, Jimin called out to me. “Malum, where are you going?” He asked. I would have responded sooner, but I was slightly taken by surprise. I had noticed it before, but it was much more noticeable now. Jimin’s light that outlined his whole being, and followed his every move, was starting to dim. It wasn’t as bright as the first night I met him. “What’s wrong with your hair?” I asked him, reaching my hand up to touch his blonde locks. The roots of his hair were turning black, but I highly doubted it was because he needed a touch up. Angels wouldn’t need to do that, would they? Dye their hair? He grabbed my wrist gently, pushing it down. “It’s stress, it tends to happen to us guardians.” He brushes it off, instead opting to get an answer from me. “Who are you going out with?” He asks, his tone of voice is a little different. Lately he’d been changing, in the way he spoke and I wasn’t sure why. He was just slightly off, but maybe it really was the stress like he claimed.
“I’m just going to have a picnic with Rae. Please tell me it’s not me causing you stress, I’m so sorry.” I suddenly felt bad, maybe it was me. He’d been on top of me these two weeks we’d known each other for. Or more like I met him, and in the span of that time I’d gotten into three different incidents. He was trying his hardest and I was probably still causing him trouble. He could only smile as he chuckles slightly. “It’s not you, it’s just guardian things.” He had me in his embrace now, comforting me. I was worried it was me, and maybe it wasn’t, but I was sure I was adding onto it. I brought my arms around him for a moment, enjoying his warmth, but I had to let go eventually. Rae was waiting and I didn’t want to give her the wrong impression.
“Even if it’s not me, i'm sorry you’re so stressed. I’ll try to be on my best behavior. I promise.” I smiled holding my pinky up. He locked his with mine as he shook his head. “Stop being so adorable before I make you stay with me.” He laughs as he secures the bag I was holding with the food into the basket of my bike. “Alright, bye Jimin.” I wave at him as I ride off. I laugh at myself, knowing that even if we aren’t together, he’s still with me making sure I’m okay. I make my way to the park where Rae and I were supposed to meet and set up. She still hadn’t arrived, but then again I was slightly early. Not that she made me wait, she showed right on time.
“Why are you always so punctual?” I laugh as she sits down. She does so as well, firing back. “Why aren’t you?” We both laughed, it’s not like I was late to events by hours, but sometimes I’d show up some minutes late. Rae started to dig in, grabbing half a sandwich. I did so as well, ready for her to tell me what had happened. “So…” I started off. She raised an eyebrow at me, as if she didn’t know what I was talking about. “Rae! Tell me what happened, why is the school giving us the week off?” Her eyes went wide, as if it clicked in her head what I was talking about. “Ohh…” She spits out, covering her mouth.
“You won’t believe this! Apparently the dean, and some other professors have been washing a curtain amount of the tuition money. They’ve been doing this for a couple years.” Rae says, taking another bite of her sandwich. “Washing?” I ask, I’d never heard the term before, or at least I didn’t think so. Whatever it was it sounded bad. “Y/n! You don’t know what that is? Money laundering? They’ve been tuition money from students to make larger amounts through criminal activities. They put back what they use and keep what they made.” Once she explained it, I realised I had heard of it, through movies and tv shows. I didn’t think I’d ever hear of that happening in real life, especially so close to me.
“How’d the school find out anyway?” I asked her, quite intrigued by the whole situation. “A friend of mine who helps out in the office said that another professor who found out about it let the cops know. Obviously no one but the cops knows who the professor is. Apparently they have the people involved held up at the police station for questioning.” She further explains. I couldn’t believe that was happening right on our campus. I wondered what drove them to do so, maybe they needed money to pay for medical procedures? Then again, they’d been doing this for a couple years now.
“Right, they can’t just take them to jail, they need to investigate if everything is true. If it is, they’ll probably cancel certain classes huh? Until they find replacements.” I tossed the idea around. It was still crazy to me, but I didn’t want to judge them. Maybe they had a valid reason, even if it wasn’t under the law. “You bet. You know our professor, Mrs. O’Brien, she was involved in it too. Which means we’ll probably have that class canceled.” She sighs in defeat. She had the right to because if they didn’t find a replacement for her, that would set us back for the year. Having to take that class again next semester.
“Enough of that, why did you leave so suddenly? I mean I know that the ride stopped working at that must have been terrifying, but you left running without a word.” I wasn’t sure either, I mean I knew why, but maybe someone else in my shoes would have waited for David. Done something different, instead of sprinting off. I just, I wanted to see Jimin, he was the only one who could help. My instincts told me to run to him and I did, but how to explain that to Rae. “I’m not sure, maybe I was just in fear of my life, having flashbacks to the car accident. I just wanted to run home in that moment.” I explained to her. Which was the truth, or at least half of it. “How’d you even get home?” She asks, which was a valid question. The boardwalk was pretty far for my apartment and telling her I ran home was crazy. Which was why she was probably curious.
“I ran as far as I could and once I was tired I called a taxi. I just wanted to get home. I know I should have waited, or warned you all, I just wasn’t thinking to be honest.” I half lied to her again. I hadn’t realised just how much I had to lie to her, to keep Jimin a secret from her. She nodded at my explanation. “I get it, I’m just glad nothing happened to the both of you. Which brings me to my next point. Who was with you last night?” She raises a questioning eyebrow. I thought she’d believed me when I told her it was my laptop. What made her think I was lying?
“What do you mean? I told you it was my laptop. I was watching some random video to get my mind off things.” She nodded her head slowly, as if she wasn’t sure. “You hung up the phone so quickly, I just wasn’t sure if it was true.” She wasn’t wrong, there was a valid reason for her not to believe me, and I had hung up quickly. Of course, I needed her to believe me, to keep her in the dark about Jimin. “I know, I just didn’t want you to worry about me.” I sigh, taking another bite of the sandwich in my hand.
“So are you going to do anything with your week off school?” I ask her, trying to change the subject. “Because I think I’m going to visit my parents.” The thought had just come to me. It’s been awhile since I had gone to visit them, and now I had time. It only seemed appropriate to go. “Maybe I should too, but Henry and I planned a date for Tuesday, since we have the week off.” I nodded, smile on my face. The fact that he asked her out for a second date was great, at least I didn’t ruin her chances for that. The rest of our time was spent talking about random things. Like movies we wanted to see, tests we’d taken this week that we had a headache studying for, or plans we had. It was pretty peaceful, the sun was warm and the wind was perfect. Carrying our laughter with it, as it ran through our hair, and past the tree branches.
Eventually I arrived home, folding clothes and shoving them into a suitcase, as I dialed my moms phone number. “Y/n? Wow, it’s been awhile since you’ve called.” My mother's voice seems surprised. She wasn’t wrong, the last time I’d called her was before I’d met Jimin. Which was two weeks ago, I would have called sooner but I was so caught up in school and everything that had happened since I’ve met him. “Sorry mom, I would have called sooner but school and work are a hassle.” I explain to her, continuing to pack.
“It’s worth it though, you’ll see.” She sounds a bit tired, she’d probably just gotten home from work. She loved being a doctor, but she couldn’t deny it took a toll on her. “I just hope I’m as happy in my job as you are in yours.” I paused for a moment thinking about what my life would be like down the road. “But mom, I called to ask if it was okay with you and dad if I come visit. I have the week off work and school.” I asked, stopping what I was doing to see what she’d say. I wasn’t sure why I was nervous. “Of course honey! Oh this’ll be fun! Your dad and I have been dying to see you! You’ve been away for so long. We’ve really missed you sweetie.” She exclaimed through the phone, her tone was no longer worn out, but instead excitement was apparent in it. A big smile on my face as I folded my shirts to pack them into my suitcase.
“Oh great! Okay, I’m catching a bus tonight. I think I’ll be home before midnight.” I told her, she was so excited to see me, which of course I was as well to see them. We said our goodbyes and I ended the call. I tossed my phone on my bed as I went to my closet to get some jackets in case it was cold. I came across Jimin’s white knit sweater. I ran my finger tips over it. On impulse, I shoved it in with the rest of my clothes, deciding I need if. Didn’t take me much longer to finish packing after that, calling myself a taxi.
I gathered my things and did a quick count, to make sure I had all of my belongings. Once I did I walked out, the taxi already waiting for me. The man sitting in the driver's seat walked out, helping me with my suitcase. After he’d placed it in the trunk he walked back to his door. I sat down, looking out the window as he drove. The ride was as peaceful as it could be. I watched the city pass by, the place where I met Jimin, where he saved me from the car, and the road that lead to the boardwalk. I smiled slightly, happy to step away from all of that, even if just temporarily.
After sometime, I’d arrived at the bus station, paying off the taxi with some pocket money I had. I walked in and aimed to get in line, to pay for my ticket. Which wasn’t much of a wait, as only one person was in front of me. I quickly walked over to the counter. I asked for the ticket, waiting for her to tell me the amount I needed to pay, to retrieve it from my wallet. “Okay, one two way ticket will be $75.” The lady said, and she looked at me, waiting for me to pay. My eyes however, went wide, as I reached for my purse to retrieve my wallet. I didn’t even have with me. My heart palpitating erratically, as I figured I’d left it in the taxi, but I tried hard to remember where I’d last seen it. I realised only then, that I had never had it with me. When I checked to see if I had all of my things, my purse was missing. How did I forget it?
“I’m sorry.” I smiled awkwardly at the woman behind the counter, as she waited, slightly annoyed at me. I sighed, frustrated with myself. I stuffed my hand in my back pocket to bring my phone out, instead I felt paper. I wasn’t sure what if was, bringing it out to inspect it. Be careful, Allicio. You'll need this soon. The piece of paper from the night I went to do laundry was still in my jeans. The hundred dollar bill along with it. I hadn’t realised I’d been wearing the same jeans. Had I mindlessly put these in the washing machine this week without taking the paper and money out? I must have because the ink seemed smeared now, like it had been wet at some point and now it was utterly crips from being in the dryer. Thank god I hadn’t taken it out, or else I’d have nothing to pay with. I handed the money over to the lady and waited for my change and ticket. I could not believe I’d really been dumb enough to forget my own purse.
As I went to sit down, waiting for the bus to arrive, it hit me. You’ll need this soon. Is this what he meant? How could a random customer have known this would happen? That’s impossible, it had to be a coincidence.
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5sosdrfluke · 5 years
might be a bit drastic but 1-56 cause I wanna know it aaalllll
1: Favorite EP?
Somewhere New
2: Favorite song from an EP?
Beside You
3: Favorite song off of their first album?
Long Way Home
4: Favorite LIVESOS song?
5: Favorite songs that 5SOS abandoned? (Ex. Superhero, Perfect Disguise, etc) 
Superhero, Over and Over, and Teenage Queen
6: Overall favorite song?
Beside You (Will always be my #1)
7: Overall least favorite song?
Money (Just can’t really get into it)
8: Based off the limited things we know about the new album, what do you think your favorite song will be off of Sounds Good Feels Good?
I love Girl Who Cried Wolf so much.
9: She Looks So Perfect vs. She’s Kinda Hot
She’s Kinda Hot
10: Amnesia vs. She Looks So Perfect
11: Good Girls vs. Don’t Stop
Good Girls (The EP version though)
12: Favorite tattoo of Calum’s?
The silver fern, Mali Koa, and the Scottish thistle 
13: Favorite hair color on Mikey?
Red or blonde
14: Ashton’s bandana vs. fedora?
15: Luke’s beard vs. no beard?
16: Calum’s middle finger vs. Michael’s middle finger
Calum’s middle finger
17: Luke’s lip ring vs. Ashton’s tally tattoo
Luke’s lip ring (R.I.P)
18: Who’s voice makes your knees weak?
Calum’s right now. Especially in MYT Live. Ooof.
19: Who had the best fetus hair?
20: Favorite cover?
I Miss You or Jasey Rae
21: Favorite keek?
“It’s my microwave.” Or the one with Cake in the bed with helium voices and Luke just says “Hellur” and they both start giggling.
22: Bromance vs. Sold Out
23: Make up a fake reason as to why 5SOS named themselves 5SOS
They hated that summer seemed to only last 5 seconds, but it’s summer like almost always in Australia and they wished it only lasted 5 seconds so it’s a contradiction and that’s why it’s 5SOS now because they don’t have to talk about their love and hate of summer.
24: What should we be called if we weren’t the 5SOS fam?
25: If any, what merch do you own?
I have tour shirts from SLFL and MYT as well as a shirt from Hot Topic, a few posters, two signed ones, and a MYT Hoodie.
26: What is an item from the merch store/concert merch stands you desperately want?
I really want the Youngblood customizable jacket.
27: Have you ever been to a 5SOS concert?
Yes. I’ve been to the three concerts they’ve had in Denver. Take Me Home Tour, SLFL, and MYT
28: Have you ever talked to their security?
Yes, during the MYTT. 
29: Have you ever met any of the boys? If so who and where?
I have not! I was really close to them after the Take Me Home Tour but I was too shy to go say hi.
30: Have you ever made fan art?
Does makeup count?
31: Have you ever written any time of fan fiction about them?
Psh of course I have.
32: Have you ever considered doing 27-28?
33: Has 5SOS official ever reblogged anything from you?
No. I wish.
34: Do any of the boys follow you on Twitter? If so who?
No. I wish.
35: Off the top of your head what is your favorite tweet one of the boys have made?
Calum5SOS: “Michael is gamer guy. You are lead singer that looks like hungover Jesus. If we mix it up now it will confuse people.”
36: Out of all the boys major influences, which is your favorite?
All Time Low
37: Favorite ship?
38: Cake vs. Muke
39: Muke vs. Malum
40: Muke vs. Cake
41: Pengy vs. Daniel
42: Ketchup vs. Pengy
43: Daniel vs. Ketchup
44: Have front row tickets and back stage passes so you meet them for a few minutes vs. Have lawn tickets and bump into them after the show giving you a little more time to talk
Lawn tickets because I want a more relaxed environment to talk with them.
45: White bass with love sticker vs. Black bass with pink X
Black bass with pink X
46: Cherry red guitar with stickers vs. Black Guitar with white X’s
Black guitar with white x’s
47: Mint guitar vs. White Guitar
Mint guitar
48: Drums with tallies vs. Drums with skull
Drums with tallies
49: If you could go up on stage for rejects who’s instrument would you want to play? (Including drums :))
Bass for sure
50: Rejects live vs. Wrapped around your finger live
Wrapped Around Your Finger Live
51: What I Like About You Live vs. American Idiot Live
What I Like About You Live
52: Rather get a guitar pick or drum stick?
Drum stick
53: Tallies vs. Heart Eye Skull
54: Balls or fuck?
55: Hi or hey?
56: How/When did you find out about 5SOS?
I was just going through YouTube in late 2012 and came across covers and loved them. Then I remember the tweet Louis tweeted and the announcement that I’d get to see them open for 1D. So it’s been a hot minute lol!
(Thanks for wanting to know all of these haha! It was cute. -Kenzie xx)
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depthisforever · 6 years
Nothing Can Go Wrong (A Legally Blonde AU) 6
Description:  Phil gets his heart broken by his boyfriend.  In an effort to get him back, Phil gets into Harvard Law but on the way, he meets an interesting third-year law student.
Rating: T
Trigger Warning:  This one has one use of a homophobic slur. 
Remember to start from the beginning by clicking here –> Masterpost
Phil got to Dr. Callahan’s class early the next morning.  He wanted to be sure to get a spot in the middle after the debacle in Dr. Stromwell’s class.  Fortunately, he did get a seat in the middle; unfortunately, Ethan and Charles walked into the lecture and sat directly in front of Phil.  
Dr. Callahan stood at the front of the room, informing the students of his policies. He was a stocky man with dignified graying hair. Phil noted that he looked very much the part of serious lawyer.
 “You will not only compete for the top grade in this class but also for an internship spot at my own highly-successful firm. Let the blood bath begin.”  He said with a roguish smile.
“So let us begin,” he continued. He peered over his glasses at the seating chart.  “Mr...Lester?”
Phil’s eyes darted up from Charles putting his arm around the back of Ethan’s chair. 
“Would you rather have a client who commited a crime malum in se or malum prohibitum?”
Phil drew in a breath as he tried to calm his nerves.  Ok, he likes people who are opinionated.  “Neither.” Phil said confidently. 
“Interesting and why is that?” 
Well,” Phil reasoned, “I would want a client who’s innocent.” 
Quiet snickers and mumbling erupted around the room.  Charles glanced at his friend Emily and they both giggled. Phil tried his best to ignore it.
“Mr...” Callahan looked back down at the seating chart. “Kensington, what would you prefer?”
“Malum prohibitum.” Charles answered immediately.  He turned to smirk at Phil before returning his gaze to Dr. Callahan. “Because then the client would’ve committed a regulatory infraction as opposed to a dangerous crime.”
“Well done, Mr. Kensington!”  Callahan praised.
Charles began to rub Ethan’s back in gentle circles.  The ring on his hand flashed and winked at Phil.  It made his blood boil.  Phil immediately shot his hand in the air.
“Yes, Mr. Lester?”
“I changed my mind. I’d pick the dangerous one,” Phil proclaimed. “’Cause I’m not afraid of a challenge.” He smirked when Charles turned around to glare at him.
Phil sat in his room pouring over the law texts that he had to be reading for homework.  He was aware of the basics but the readings were just incredibly dense.  He needed to read it several times to understand it fully, not to mention darting to his legal jargon dictionary in order to make sense of it.  Phil put a pillow over his face and yelled into it in frustration.  He sat up and looked up at the ceiling.  He had overheard something about a study group in the library so he decided to bake some cookies and ask to join. 
Snacks are a good way to make friends! No one hates freshly-baked cookies! he thought. It was better than sitting alone in his room attempting to make sense of it on his own.
The baking had relaxed him so he no longer felt the drowning feeling of incredible frustration from earlier.  He had put on a light green top and slightly darker green pants.  Greens made his black hair pop.  He brushed his long fringe back into a quiff. He quickly made his way to the library.
He spotted the study group comprised of his classmates sitting in the far corner of the main room of the enormous library. Among them were Ethan, Charles, and Emily.  All of them had their heads bent over their books and were writing furiously.  Phil exhaled through his nose before approaching the table.
“Hi everybody!”
“Phil, what’re you doing here?” Ethan asked.
“I’ve come to join your study group! And look!” Phil lifted the basket that he had tied a silk Hermes scarf onto.  “I brought sustenance! Who’s first?” He inquired lifting a cookie.
Charles made a noise of disapproval and shook his head. “Our group is full.” He gave a pointed look to Ethan. Ethan looked back down at his book.
“Oh,” Phil said confusedly. “Is it like an RSVP thing?” 
“No, it’s like a smart people thing?” Emily mocked.”And like Charlie said, we’re full.”  Phil’s heart dropped a bit and his smile faltered.
“Come on, guys.  We can make room for one more.” Ethan reasoned.  There was a dull thud and Ethan winced.
“We’ve already assigned the outlines,” Charles said through gritted teeth to Ethan.  He turned to Phil, “The answer’s no.”
Phil looked down at the table and no one seemed to want to look him directly in the eyes especially Ethan.
“Ok.  I’ll...just leave then.”
“Buh bye.” Charles said in a soft voice.
Phil turned to leave.  People at Harvard aren’t very friendly. Phil thought sadly.  I never had a problem finding friends or study partners at UCLA.  Phil longed for his fraternity brothers; as president. everyone idolized him. Now I’m just a loner with no friends. Phil sighed sadly to himself.
“Maybe there’s like, a fraternity you can join instead, like.” a girl wearing a beanie and Birkenstocks said mockingly.
Phil scoffed and turned around.  It was one of his classmate’s from Callahan’s class. Fed up, Phil replied, “You know if you had come to a rush party, I would’ve at least been nice to you.”  
“Oh is that right? Is that before you voted against me and called me a dyke behind my back?”
“I don’t use that word.” Phil said quietly.  “You must’ve heard it from Charles,” he said louder.
Phil took a shower and collapsed on his bed, his fluffy cotton bathrobe tied tightly around him. He grabbed his laptop and turned on Skype.  He saw that Michael was online.  He started the video call.
“Hey!” Michael answered.  Rob was milling around in the back.  Phil felt better seeing his two friends. Rob ran to the desk and hovered over Michael’s shoulder.
“Guess what Phil?” Rob asked. Without waiting for an answer, Rob answered, “Emily and I got engaged!!”
“What?” Phil asked sadly.  He felt like he was missing out on his friends’ lives being at Harvard.
Michael pushed Rob back so that once again his entire face took up the screen. “Did you get the ring yet?” Michael asked.
Phil didn’t have the heart to tell his friends the truth. “A-almost.” He said. 
“Well, hurry up and come home! We miss you!” Michael said. He could faintly hear Rob also saying “We miss you!”
“I miss you guys too.  The people here are terrible. Everyone is so rude and-”
“Hang on, Phil.  We have to go.  Rush party starts in about an hour and we need to get ready.
“Oh, ok.” Phil said dejectedly.
After a chorus of goodbyes, the video call went black and Phil felt even more lonely now than he did before.  He sighed and turned on some YouTube videos when all of the sudden he heard a male voice from the hallway. 
“-It’ll be a really nice party!” 
Phil perked up.  He loved parties.  He darted out into the hallway. “No way! Is someone at the school actually having...” He stood face to face with Charles and Emily. “...a party.” He finished sadly.
Emily crossed her arms. “Yes,” she said snottily.
“But it’s a costume party.” Charles added quickly.  Emily gave a Charles a confused look.  “You probably wouldn’t wanna come.”
“I love costume parties.” Phil said with a soft smile.
“Oh,” Charles said with a shrug. “Then I guess we’ll see you there!”
Phil’s smile brightened. “Ok!”
Charles and Emily turned to leave. “Oh, its at 9:00 tomorrow at 45 Duncan Street.” Charles said.
Phil nodded and walked back into his dorm room. His spirits had been lifted.  Maybe people at Harvard aren’t so bad! he thought with a grin and started to brainstorm possible costume ideas.
A/N: Ah, my poor Philly. Dan makes a reappearance next chapter! >:) Also, should I post on AO3? IDK someone tell me.
Next chapter
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