#hey i did all the piano grades too
andthebubbles · 2 months
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Being Nekoma’s Emo Manager
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Nekoma x Fem! Manager (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: probably swearing 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk if that’s even a warning
AN: this is an anon request! I realized I had it labeled from Spooky Anon but it wasn’t signed from Spooky anon 😅 so idk who it’s from.
*aggressively hits G note on piano and stares into your soul*
If you unaware of the song that made an entire generation, please google it
Also I will not argue this point because I have both age and vintage Emo on my side 😌
Now for a mini history lesson, the Emo I’m going to be referring to today was popular from the late 90s to late 2000s and into the 2010s
This means heavy black eyeliner, hair that defied gravity, neckties being used as anything but neckties
Black with hints of accent colors such as, but not limited too, pinks, orange, white, etc.
The days when TRL and MTV were the way to “stream” new music and hot topic was the source of all band t-shirts
Now that I’ve covered a small history lesson, let’s strap in shall we!
So get your check board belts and fingerless gloves ready kids!
Because it’s time to get EMOtional 😂
N E Ways- let’s just say, you classified yourself as an “Emo kid”
It wasn’t super unheard of to be different fashionably in school but you, well you were definitely a sight
Your hair was teased to the rafters, bows of every color along with skulls littered your hair
Your eye liner was the blackest black, and you skin looked like you hadn’t seen sun in decades 😅
You wore fishnet tights with vans or perhaps another skateboarding shoe
You looked pretty intimidating to most people who didn’t know you
I mean, your style doesn’t exactly scream approachable
However, the people who did know you, knew that your style of “dark and brooding” didn’t measure up AT ALL to your personality
You were a complete sunshine ☀️
A literal sweetheart and absolute Angel!
Unfortunately a lot of kids didn’t get to know you ☹️
But luckily, there was one guy who didn’t care about looks
He really didn’t care about much actually 👀
And that happened to be our favorite setter Kenma!
Because Kenma honestly does not care about looks or superficial things like that
Actually, when you first got teamed up with Kenma to work on a project, a lot of kids thought it was a strange combo
But somehow, you two managed to make it work and in fact, you got the best grade in the class
After that, you and Kenma became partners for every project
There was just something he enjoyed about you
Probably your weird similarity to Hinata honestly 😏
Soon you and Kenma started hanging out after school
You both loved video games as well as had similar styles in music
Look at me and tell me Kenma wouldn’t be into Emo rock 👁️👄👁️
Fall out boy, Paramore, Taking Back Sunday, THE USED!!!!
Anyways, soon Kuroo joins and he’s confused about your friendship with Kenma
Like you and Kenma are complete opposites but you get along super well
Eventually Kuroo starts taking a liking to you as well
Kuroo has natural Emo hair so it’s fate 💅
Kuroo soon figures out why Kenma enjoys your company as you are a literal dark ball of sunshine
Eventually you start accompanying out kitty cats to practice in order to hang out with Kuroo and Kenma
Upon entering the gym, everyone stares at you
You low key kinda scare the first years, Inuoka and Shibayama
Yaku and Kai are super interested as in why you are there
Yamamoto is just dead because there’s a girl in the gym 🙄
And Lev, well Lev can’t keep his mouth shut
“Hey you’re that weird chick that wears black and has crazy hair. I’ve heard a lot about you!” Lev screams
Yaku please 😌
“LEV SHUT UP!” Kuroo yells as Yaku kicks him
You just giggle, a sound nobody was expecting, as you say, “I’m Yn! I guess I kind of do get a little bit of a reputation but I promise, I’m not evil or something!”
“She’s actually kind of cute in a different way,” Kai says as Fukunaga and Yaku nodd in agreement.
Soon, you are coming to every practice and helping where you can
Setting up chairs, filling water balls, handing out towels
The boys quickly adore you and soon you just naturally become apart of the team
Kuroo officially asks you the teams manager which you gladly accept
It’s hard finding a club with your specific tastes and since you could still express your style and personality, volleyball club seemed perfect!
You enjoyed playing music, listening to music and writing which were all supported by Nekoma
Our progressive Kings 👑
Honestly they were so supportive of their Emo scene queen!
They loved when you added little touches of red to your outfits and even made a hair bow that specifically said “Nekoma” on it 🥹
Of course, they were still boys so they all found you super cute and adorable
Yamamoto was your personal body guard for everything
It didn’t matter what, he always walked you to every class and if anyone made any comments about you, he would challenge them to a “rumble”
Language you later learned, was picked up from Karasuno 🙄
You had heard about Karasuno and you were honestly so excited to meet them!
Kenma had told you about Karasuno’s tiny middle blocker
On the way to training camp, our sweet boys let you play the music
Honestly Coach Nekomata was way into it 😂
He was such a hip coach and he knew you kids were into some weird stuff
Please he was too 🤚🏻
Anyways, he’s just happy you bring so much joy to the team
And honestly you match Nekoma’s cat-like mysterious vibes
So when you showed up, the other teams just kind of stared at you
Obviously you kinda stood out like a sore thumb Yn, sorry to say
But don’t worry, Yamamoto is on the case 🫡
You rn 👉🏻😐
You just roll your eyes and smile, bowing to the teams and greeting them
Almost instantly, they melted 🥰
Because like how are you both adorable and scary???
Literally Emo culture mkay
“Come on Yn, let’s go,” Kenma says as you wave and walk away
Eventually you get introduced to all the teams, including Karasuno
You end up making eye contact with Hinata several times as he observes you
Finally, he makes his move
“Hi there! I really like your style! I see your friends with Kenma and the pretty girl manager for Nekoma! I’m Shoyo Hinata and I’m a middle blocker!” He shouts
You smile back and greet him, “Kenma had told me so much about you! It’s so great time finally meet you!”
Kuroo and Daichi watch you both and shake their heads
“Boy short stuff really can make friends with anyone can’t he?”
“You new manager looks super sweet and outgoing, albeit a little interesting,” Daichi says as Kuroo nods
Soon you and Hinata, and by consequence Bokuto, become besties
Honestly you really enjoy hanging out with Akaashi but we won’t tell Bokuto that 😶
You share your knowledge as well as your unique style of cheering with the boys
You wrote cute little cheers and even inspirational poetry to share with the boys
Bokuto and Hinata loved your fancy words : D
And even when Bokuto went into his own Emo modes, the teams knew exactly who to call!
“YN HALPPPP!” Akaashi would silently communicate to you with his eyes
“Bokuto would you like to listen to some music or maybe we can talk about your feelings?” You say as you rub his back
“I could use a hug,” Bokuto 🥺
You 👉🏻😌🥰 of course-
Akaashi doesn’t get it, Nekoma doesn’t get it but they appreciate it!!
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studentbyday · 2 months
oops! i did it again. lessons from this school year...
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Hey, you remember that post I made about my winter term priorities? HAHAHAHAHahaha ha ha. That plan totally went to shit, but it's all part of the journey, right? 😅 (Tbh, it's quite difficult to make a conscious effort to change yourself when the default response to being and feeling busy is to go on autopilot -> all the unconscious habits, even if unhealthy, take control, and bc it's unconscious, you don't realize it until it gets quite bad! anyway! no more! my future plans make it so this will be impossible to do while still retaining some sense of sanity. so to prep, we're gonna slowly implement little changes so hopefully it's not so overwhelming that i give up)
🧘🏻‍♀️ comparing mindsets in fall and winter term
Fall term was not that bad bc I had 2 STEM subjects I really really loved and was interested in (biochem and mol bio 💕), and despite their difficulty, that love and interest and the feeling that "I am in the right field for me" kept me positive. There were times I thought I would feel burnout symptoms if I wasn't careful, but I really think that positivity protected me from the worst of it.
Winter term, however...I had one favorite subject: moral philosophy, which led to me wistfully dreaming about an AU in which I double majored in philosophy and piano performance, lol. After the highs of biochem and mol bio and the natural ease with which the bits of info flowed together in those subjects, I did not enjoy pharmacology or the 2nd half of psyc as much -> loss of interest -> negativity and feeling like I'm in the wrong field bc how dare I not like pharmacology (or psychology) as much as the other life science-y subjects when it's really so important for us to survive and thrive! 😅 I mean, there were times I could get that spark from pharmacology or psyc, but it wasn't often enough or intense enough to keep me consistently inspired throughout the semester. The feeling of "maybe I don't have what it takes and I'm in the wrong field" was compounded by the re-realization that there's sm to know of bioinformatics and I struggle to know any of it! Persevering is important, but it's harder to persevere with a negative mindset.
😤 what went wrong this school year and what i learned from it
I still struggle with perfectionism (and bc of it, procrastination). While it might not be as bad as it was in high school, I still spent too long on assignments that weren't worth much and during finals season, was so scared of getting less than 90% just to keep up my A+ streak. Like, I'm pretty sure no one who cares to know your GPA cares about whether you have an A+ streak or not. I have too high a threshold for what is a "disappointing" grade. I also struggle with deep regret about how I haven't mastered everything they throw at us in each course... definitely an unrealistic expectation, especially as the proportion of new info to absorb increases with each course. I did what I could using what I knew to do, so it is what it is. I may find ways to make improvements and learn more, but I won't beat myself up for not having known to do those things in the past.
Did not use effective study methods. Since first year, my problem has been keeping up with the readings and my solution has been to just use typed outline notes. It worked for the first few years when it was mostly review from previous courses with a few new concepts in between. But as I progress through my degree, the proportion of completely new info is increasing. This notetaking method won't work anymore bc it just causes cognitive overload, especially during exam season (when I've mostly forgotten the details of everything that isn't smth I've already known for years). E.g. for pharmacology, I got so bogged down by the details of all the drug classes that I didn't see the big picture and so didn't organize the info according to it. This made it hard to see patterns and better chunk the info. I was so stressed during finals season bc of this (and the sheer amount of notes that I had to read for psyc 😭). What makes it feel like even more of a problem is that the cognitive overload problem from my notetaking method has been a thing for all other uni courses thus far, it's just that pharmacology was the first time I needed to create a stronger connecting thread between the otherwise disparate pieces of info (drug classes). In all other courses, that thread was part of the nature of the topic being studied so I eventually understood it as I kept going and mentally re-organized it in my brain...but even then it was hodge-podge and so my depth of mastery was and is so flimsy, and every semester I leave feeling drained and like I wasted the opportunity to maximize my learning. (How dramatic I get about this is also probably tied to my perfectionism, but I still think it would greatly benefit future me to change my notetaking style.)
🎓 advice for future me
Look at the academic calendar, specifically the faculty course descriptions. Look at how many hours they say you should expect to spend on each activity in the course. Try to use those learning hours as a guide for your schedule so that you don't spend too long on an item that isn't worth much. If there isn't such a breakdown, assume one based on whatever they give you or other courses and adjust from there.
Be a more efficient reader by skimming the text first so you can map the flow of info in a way that best creates ease of understanding/synthesis/memory (e.g. via an outline, tree diagram, flowchart, mind map, or simple drawings - and noticing when a list/outline will NOT be helpful bc it'll just be too overwhelming and not easy to compare/contrast info and see patterns). I knowww you've survived thus far without doing it this way and done well, BUT with this many courses, the increasing complexity of each subject, and the overload of info in each, you WILL need to do this to make quicker work of the readings, save you sooo much stress during exam seasons, and improve how much you learn while in school which is the real goal you've wanted to achieve all this time. Don't repeat the mistake you made in pharmacology. And it really doesn't have to be aesthetic and you definitely should NOT get caught up with it if you really wanna learn. You could just use one color for everything and a highlighter and just basic shapes/lines - that alone can be way more effective than boring paragraphs/lists or a colorful, overly complex diagram that'll just distract you from the main point.
Create a realistic daily routine (wake-up and sleep times, start and end times for schoolwork) and be strict about following it. Set your non-negotiables for personal goals to keep up with alongside your schoolwork bc academics aren't everything. Remember how you regretted not devoting more time to extra-curriculars and other skills in high school which would've rounded you out as a person. You can try theming the parts of the day so that you don't have to think about what task you should do first after study breaks and keep up the momentum (e.g. mornings for readings and notes, afternoons for active recall/homework). Then you can live the rest of the day after school as structured or unstructured as you wish. If this strategy doesn't work for you, you don't have to use it.
Take advantage of interleaving so you don't get bored. Whether by following the theming strategy or just switching subjects every hour, idc if you aren't done yet, you better switch bc the second consecutive hour of the same thing is never as effective as the first.
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findafight · 11 months
you're so right. i will never understand the hold rockstar eddie has on ppl. his character immediately becomes insufferable if he's super famous and successful, esp in no upside down aus where he never experiences some form of ego death/being forced to reassess his own bullshit. not to mention he is just not someone who would become uber famous like he does not have the personality to either pull it off or handle it well if he miraculously did imo. steve really screams child star to me tho in an au. plus his entire character arc kind of speaks to him being able to handle fame (ie the fact that steve is a v reflective, adaptive character that was capable of actually changing and improving his behavior even w/o knowing about the upside down originally) and knowing/learning who he should be surrounding himself w. like i firmly believe steve could actually handle being famous in a way eddie could not.
I do enjoy rockstar eddie to a point? it depends I think. Rockstar/musician aus are popular in fandoms of all sorts an I like them sorta...hit or miss? haha.
But you're right that it's become...idk over saturated? And yeah absolutely Eddie's ego death and the shattering of the Munson Docterine is kind of pivotal for his character growth. Like I know the duffers don't think Eddie's problem is that he's stuck in highschool clique mode (They seem to think his flaw is that he's a coward...which is a different meta but his reactions are reasonable to the situations he's thrown in), because they only think "jocks" are the problem there, but he is. Him realizing that actually Steve is pretty cool is the stepping stone to him not hating jocks on principal, and broadening and nuancing his view of people outside his assumptions on who are "Proper" nerds. No- upside down aus, regardless of any other trope in them, often fall flat for me in that aspect, yet always make sure to remind us Steve was a bit of a stuck up dick in highschool (until the beginning of grade 11) and it's tiring to nt see Eddie allowed to be wrong and have that moment of self-betterment.
And yeah, I can maybe see eddie becoming semi-famous session musician (not a musician that is a session musician AND recording/performing artist by themself like Glen Campbell or Marvin Gaye) through a series of events like. Playing one of his hyper specific songs at a small gig, someone in desperate need of a guitarist is there and sees he is incredibly talented as a guitarist, asks him to help as a session musician in like two days, he plays, someone at the studio is like hey. wanna be on-call for us? and eddies like sure. ok. So sometimes he's on hit records but they aren't his. royalties are decent from the amount of work he's done. He's a pinch hitter guitarist, and he's good, so he gets a rep in the industry for that. He doesn't seem like the kind of person that could thrive in the high pressure, has major deadlines, environment that being a famous musician woudl be. I mean a lot of rockstars aren't either and it's not healthy for them? I can see Eddie crashing and burning, which I know a lot of fics cover but I also find it super depressing haha. He would probably be too standoffish and anti-authority and possibly refuse outside input for stuff, so he'd be off putting in the industry. not that musicians are always pleasant to work with but i think you get it.
Child star Steve would be so neat tbh. Look I love famous athlete Steve. but also the allure of him being famous young... Maybe as a little piano prodigy? (I love piano prodigy steve hehe) or an actor? like canon era he could have been a Mousketeer! Maybe he did a couple movies (what if he was in a few cult-classic scifi movies...that the party just so happen to love....but don't pay attention to the name of the child actor in...or maybe he used a stage name?) And then him fading away and living his life a little bit, before he decides to come back into the limelight?
I think that often we forget that Steve's "come-to-jesus" moment happened without the upside down. He talked shit, got hit, and then decided that he owed Jonathan (and Nancy) an apology. No one made him help clean up the grafitti! He had no idea there were monsters he just had a shit 48 hours where he went off the handle and then decided he had been an ass and to fix himself. When he was 16! He'd have made these changes to himself without the Upsidedown. Somehow the party knew his full name, and I love the hc that he won a major game/championship for Hawkins as a junior/sophomore so was a minor town celebrity. These lend to Steve being able to handle the pressure without too major a fallout or a long-term downward spiral of self destruction.
Except (okay operating as like a post-canon thing, because I love canon-divergent aus more than no-upside down aus but could still work?) now he's battle scarred and obviously not the rosy-cheeked boy he was when he was a tween. I'm thinking maybe he goes back in '89? give some time to heal from the upside down and Robin is moving for Uni, he's obviously going with her, so he figures acting would beat dead-end minimum wage jobs. Or at least spice things up in between shifts. Maybe he starts with theatre, and decides to see if there's some screen auditions he could do. Maybe he still has people in the industry who remember working with him (he's a good team player and a natural leader) and they help in slip back in. He does some bit parts, a few semi-recurring characters. Maybe he's even on an episode of Law and Order, and people go hey! That guy who's crying over his dead girlfriend (he's a red herring) is the kid from that 70's scifi movie!
Eventually someone actually offers him a role without him auditioning, and it's a bigger part, a side character but one with lines and even a semi decent arc in a b-list movie. he's a good fit. Charming and handsome, plus there are some intense scenes and on set Steve's proved himself capable of handling most things and supportive of coworkers (actors and crew alike.) Except there's a shirtless scene. While his scarring isn't extensive, it's definitely noticeable and not as easy to cover up as the faint discolouration around his neck. it's hard to explain, and usually movies want flawless skin. He tells them this. They still want him.
So he takes the role. And he has a blast on set. He loves working as a team, and even though days are long, he feels everything sort of...coming together. A feeling that this is what he wants to do. that he was right to get back into acting even though he started so young because of his parents.
He makes lasting friendships with nearly everyone he meets on the set. There's a few child actors, and he tries to give them tips and pointers, and be a role model or support for them. he knows what it's like to be little and surrounded by adults a lot of the time, and feeling pressure to be perfect. (They think he's actually the coolest, even if he's also kinda a doofus.) (there's probably a scene where he picks up on of the kids, and then the rest of them on set want piggy back rides too...)
It's considered his comeback role, despite being a few years after he actually came back. The pressures of fame come back again, but he's older now, and he's killed monsters. He has Robin beside him. A few paps don't scare him. Everything he has to hide (besides his bisexuality...and maybe his shitty relationship with his parents) is covered up by the government anyways. He gets bigger parts, and gets an even bigger rep for being a delightful (if viciously sarcastic) and supportive co-worker, especially if there's kids on set. (child stars of the nineties will look back on working with steve and think he was one of the few adults to get it. to understand how big your emotions are as a kid and how most grown ups [often even/especially their parents] didn't let them actually feel what the were feeling, instead wanting them to be acting all the time, instead of only in front of the camera. How he told them to never let anyone do anything they weren't comfortable with, no matter who it was. How he'd stick up for them, no matter what, and would ask how they were doing throughout shooting. They'll look back on being on set with Steve and remember how even if he called them little shits when they tried to prank him or were goofing off, he said it with a wink and a smile.)
I'd say, (please forgive me) he sort of becomes a (90's era) Tom Cruise kind of actor (before he went on oprah and went viral for jumping on the couch and then only did action movies after that) (also steve doesn't become the face of a cult) Like he does action flicks, but can definitely pull his weight as a dramatic actor. (I realize that I already have a movie star steve au but thats a different era I can have overlapping headcanons for the aus!!) His cute heart-shaped smile and amazing hair entrances audiences. He can make emphatic speeches about justice and also carry at least two children out of a burning building. He has range.
idk steve going from child actor to highschool athlete to monster killer to broke thespian to movie star again entices me!!!
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mads-weasley · 2 years
An Adorable Drunk
Bradley Bradshaw x Wife!Reader
Request: yes! from @savvysaucepacket
Summary: After Bradley has a rowdy night at The Hard Deck, (y/n) takes care of her drunk husband.
Warnings: cute rooster
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(Y/n) was sitting at the kitchen table, the kindergarten worksheets she was grading spread across the area when she got a call. She expected Bradley's name to pop up on the screen, but when Phoenix's did instead, she furrowed her brows.
"This is (y/n)," she answered.
"Hey (y/n), we have a situation."
A million thoughts ran through her head, and Natasha picked up on this, reassuring her. "Everything's okay!"
"Okay," (y/n) sighed, "What's up?"
"Well, Bradley is currently so drunk that he's dancing on top of the piano stool." The pilot paused, a loud commotion filling the phone before Rooster's slurring voice could be heard, yelling, "I'm 'kay!"
"Nat, was that what I think it was?"
"Yep. He just fell. You need to come get him."
Getting up, (y/n) rushed to grab her keys, shutting the door behind her. "I'm on my way."
'The one time I'm not there with him,' she thought, rolling her eyes playfully. Normally the couple would go out together, but she had a lot of papers to grade, so she'd sent him to The Hard Deck by himself. Since they got married 3 years ago, she could count on one hand the times Bradley had gotten completely wasted.
1 - Their honeymoon
2 - Bob's wedding
3 - The night after the mission that called them all back to Top Gun
Pulling up to the bar, she could see Bradley's slumped-over figure leaning against the deck railing, sitting on the stairs, and Hangman beside him, keeping him upright. (Y/n) drove the car as close to the entrance as she could, wanting to give her husband less of a chance to faceplant on the sandy gravel.
The second she jumped out of the car, Bradley tried to get up but fell back down on the stairs.
"Look! It's my wife! Hey, baby." he slurred, a lazy smile growing on his face.
She kneeled in front of him, trying to hold in a laugh. "Hey, Roos. Let's get you home."
"Show me the way, honey."
Kissing him on the forehead, she couldn't contain her laughter anymore. "Close, babe."
Hangman helped Bradley into the front seat without falling, even though there were almost a few faceplants. (Y/n) buckled him in and started to close the door. He stopped her, grabbing her wrist.
"You're the best wife, (y/n/n)."
With a smile, she shut his door softly and climbed into the driver's seat. The whole way home, Bradley wouldn't stop lovably rambling about how she was the best wingman, or wing-woman (he corrected himself), he could ever have.
"See, nobody else would put up with me and all the stuff I do. That's why you're the best. You take care of me, feed me, cuddle with me," his eyes widened, "more than cuddle with me, drive me places. I'm so glad you're with me."
"Me too, Brad. Me, too." she said, grinning.
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Halfway to their house, (y/n) noticed he had stopped talking, so she peered over at him.
He was dead asleep, snoring with his face smushed against the window and his mouth wide open. She smiled at the adorable sight before her. The soft moonlight beamed through the window onto his face, making him look even more child-like than usual. He looked like he did when they were both teenagers falling in love.
Pulling into the driveway, she tried to figure out how she was going to get her 6-foot, two-hundred-something pound, naval aviator of a husband up the front steps without crushing her. There was no great option, she decided. Rubbing his leg softly, she tried to wake him up.
"Brad, come on, wake up, babe," she whispered, moving her hands to his face and rubbing his cheeks. After trying this a few times with no response, she knew she had to try a different approach.
Summoning her best Cyclone-like yell, she took a deep breath. "Lieutenant Bradshaw!"
He immediately shook awake...well, as awake as you can be while wasted. "Yes, sir." he sleepily saluted.
When he saw who it was, he reached out for her. "I'm sorry, baby, I called you a sir." Lazily looking her up and down, he smirked. "I definitely know you're not a sir."
Rolling her eyes with a chuckle, she pulled him out of the car, slinging his arm over her shoulders so she could take some of his weight. He stumbled a few times and (y/n) thought she was going to go down, but somehow she managed to stay upright.
Once they got up the front steps, she sighed in relief, thankful that their bedroom was on the first floor of their house. Gently sitting him on the bed, she went and got some aspirin and a glass of water.
"Take this. It'll help your headache," she whispered, holding out her hand.
His eyes were closed and his head began to lull forward, but he caught himself, jerking back upright. "I don't have a headache."
"Trust me. You will." she paused. "Just take it, please."
He nodded slowly, still half asleep. "Yes, ma'am. Anything for the Mrs."
As he took the pill, she began to undress him. First, she slid off his shoes, then tugged his jean shorts off, leaving him in his boxers. His signature Hawaiian shirt was the next to slide off, so all that was left was his white cutoff.
"Arms up, Rooster."
His drunk version of "arms up" was raising his arms to his eye level. She gently pushed them higher before grabbing the hem of the shirt and pulling it over his head, leaving him in nothing but his boxers and socks, which was how he liked to sleep.
Bradley raised his eyebrows suggestively. "Hmm, Mrs. Bradshaw."
She kissed his forehead lovingly. "Sorry, hun, there will be none of that tonight. You're drunk as a skunk."
He laughed for a second but then went back into woozy-land, eyes fluttering closed.
Now that he was ready for bed, (y/n) pulled back the covers, gently guiding him to lay back. She drew the sheets up to his chest as he nestled into bed.
"You're the bes'," he slurred, drifting off to sleep.
(Y/n) ran her fingers through his wavy hair, kissing his temple. "And you, Bradley Bradshaw," she whispered, "Are an adorable drunk."
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Tag List:
@calicoevening72 @ellieparker @misconceptionmistress @93joons @levylovegood @azari-anna @samthasworld @padf00ts-l0ver @thefuturewillbeprosperous @hockeyboysarehot @fangirlinc @littlewhiterose @annluca @pcotato @lundqvistisgod @theemeraldbutterfly @winteryoungie @ynbutbetter @n3ssm0nique @princessnnylzays @marchingicenotes7 @sarcastic-sourwolf @caitlyn221b @fogle97 @krmy2386 @storyteller-le @imagines-army @thatwh-0-re @calicoevening72 @americaarse @alexwinchester23 @juniebugg @luckyladycreator2 @shaunaelliott08 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @cassbntp @multifandom-loser @itsmebellaas @johnnycobra84 @pepelachanel @sbrewer21 @altheadarling @pumpkin-sage @craziblondi: @lovemesomevesey @peaches-1999 @im-your-possession @chaoticassidy @erinarmy0618 @dilfsandtherapy @callsign-milano @katiemcrae
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boba-at-323 · 1 year
Four Seasons
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Summary: Giving a piano performance in front of a huge crowd has always been your dream, and you never knew how bad you were at playing the instrument when you started taking lessons at school. However, little did you know that the new, quiet and shy boy would help make your dreams come true. Word count: 9.565K Note: One swear word, food mentioned || Part of the dream chronicles collab! Genre : Fluff, Some angst, strangers to friends to lovers au (?), high school - university au, slice of life, somewhat coming of age ???
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The spring air welcomed itself into the campus, carrying with it the sweet scent of daffodils and lilies. The birds settled in the nearby trees, chirping merrily amongst themselves. The buzzing sound of the students catching up to each other after their winter breaks could be heard from miles away, some complaining about how the school should’ve extended the holidays while the others had already started planning out their study timetables.
You crossed the entrance gate alone, clutching on to the bag hanging off from your shoulders tightly. You thought to yourself that this time, you would try even harder to get better grades than you achieved during the last semester. It wasn’t even like you were failing or anything. You were one of the top students in your class, you had an almost perfect grade if it wasn’t for your piano classes. 
Ah yes, Piano classes. The class you looked forward to the most when you got to know that the school offered piano lessons. However, little did you know that your most anticipated class would become your worst nightmare, the reason your perfect grades would become… well, imperfect.
You passed the hallways mindlessly, lost in your thoughts. It was only when you felt a hand on your shoulder, your mind travelled back to the real world. 
“Hey, Y/N!”, your eyes met the owner of the voice, “Lost in thought again now, are we?”
“Hey Donghyuck,” you smiled at the boy standing in front of you, “I missed you!”
“Oh?? The Y/N? Missing me? Am I dreaming?” He dramatically gasped, pretending to pinch himself to check whether he was dreaming or not. 
“Shut it, Hyuck.” You rolled your eyes at him playfully, giggling at his witty antics. 
“Aww…I missed you too.” He engulfed you in a bear hug, nearly suffocating you. 
The ear-piercing ringing of the school bell indicated the start of your school day, interrupting your precious reunion. 
“Guess we better get going,” he suggested grinning, “Don’t wanna be late for the first class of the first semester!” 
“Quick before we lose the best seats–” you laughed making your way towards your classroom.
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You waited impatiently for each class to end, glancing at the wall clock hanging above the chalkboard every now and then. Even though you weren’t doing very well, learning how to play the piano had been a dream of yours since you had been a mere toddler. The thought of you playing flawlessly in front of a whole audience with your fingers dancing over the black and white keys delicately, caused a rush of adrenaline throughout your body. On top of that, you weren’t one of the people who would give up just because they weren't getting something right.  
No, no… You were far away from those people. You thought that your weaknesses could become your strength. If you focused more on something you weren't good at, you knew you could make it something you were great at. All it required was a bit of practice overtime. But that was where the problem arose, you couldn’t practise overtime. 
The handful of students taking piano lessons with you had some sort of access to pianos, making it possible for them to make their skills flawless by practising as much as they could. You, however, had been the only student without a piano at home. 
Everyday on your walk back to home from school, you would look for a piano when you crossed the city’s only instrument gallery. However, to your dismay, there was never a grand piano there. The middle-aged man who owned the store always told you that people these days were, surprisingly, more into making music online than spending their money by buying actual instruments and learning on them. 
One faithful day, while passing by the same fancy instrument shop, you had seen the most majestic grand piano waiting gracefully behind the display window. That was the moment you decided that you simply wanted the exact one, it was fated to be with you. 
You spent the next few days trying to come up with very compelling reasons to convince your mom and dad. But even though you had been successful in convincing your parents to buy you the one, all your efforts in making the whole powerpoint went to waste when you saw the “sold” sign sitting innocently on top of the piano.
Oh, how it mocked you. 
You were gloomy and sad for a few days but Donghyuck had been a great source of comfort. He joked around and tried to take your mind off of it by talking about how “it wasn't the end of the world”. At times like those, you were thankful you had a friend like Donghyuck by your side. 
The ringing of the school bell again indicated the end of your class. You hurriedly shoved your belongings back into your bag and rushed to the class you had been waiting for. You embarrassingly smiled when you heard Donghyuck shout a good luck phrase for you along with a chuckle before you left your class. 
Waiting for your teacher to arrive, you caught up with the rest of the students who had been sharing piano lessons with you. Despite not being friends with anyone, it was nice to know that they had been practising. You never envied them, though. Instead, you were always proud that they were doing so well. 
Your chatting was brought to an end when a sweet looking lady entered the room. She was Ms.Yang, your piano teacher who seemed like the most patient woman you had ever met.
“Good morning students!” she cheerfully greeted, clapping her hands, “It’s so nice to have you all back! Let’s start the class with two exciting announcements!
“First of all, our school has been invited to the city’s annual inter school music competition! And I’m proud to announce that the headmaster put me in charge after those observation classes last year, he was impressed with all of you the most! You all deserve a round of applause for yourselves, well done!”
The pattering sound of the claps filled the air, as Ms.Yang smiled with pride. 
“Now, for my second announcement! Everyone, we have a new student joining our class, so please make him feel welcomed! Dear, please come inside!” 
A small boy entered the classroom nervously, you could tell because of how he was fidgeting his fingers and had his head hung. His dark hair fell over his forehead, hiding his eyes. He also had a mask on, so his features were barely visible. He had his earphones plugged out, but they still hung over his ears. He was emitting a very dark aura, but that was probably because of all the black clothing he had on. 
“Dear, please introduce yourself!” Ms.Yang put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. 
“Hi-hi! My name is Park Jisung…” the boy squeaked, taking his mask off. 
When his full face was in view, along with his timid gestures, you couldn’t help but think about how cute he was. 
“...I’m new here…” Jisung mumbled, his eyes never leaving the ground.
“Thank you Jisung dear,” Ms.Yang continued, “Why don’t you have a seat? Sit anywhere you like! We have to begin class soon!”
Jisung nodded and followed her words. Making his way to the furthest end of the class, he sat next to a boy named Huang Renjun. Renjun was one of the people who played the piano best, one of those students who could be labelled as true pianists. He smiled at Jisung, introduced himself and shuffled to the side so that Jisung could sit next to him.
The thing which you didn’t notice was how your eyes followed him till the end. When your gaze met his, you quickly looked away blushing at how embarrassing it must have been to catch someone staring at you.
Ms.Yang distributed amongst everyone a new piano sheet for a song you had never practised before. In fact, this song was one you weren’t even familiar with. A wave of anxiousness rushed through your body, but you tried to shake it off. 
It’s okay. I can do this. We just started. 
Ms.Yang took out the attendance sheet, and started calling out names of the students one by one so that they got their turn on the instrument. When you saw that the others were making a few mistakes, you calmed yourself down. At least you won’t be the only one who would mess up. 
One after another, all the students played and made subtle mistakes, Renjun being the only one receiving an applause since he played flawlessly. With a sheepish smile on his face, he thanked everyone and went back to his seat. 
“Okay,” Ms.Yang said, checking the attendance sheet, “Next we have… Y/N!” 
You almost leapt at the sound of your name. Gulping, you started making your way towards the piano sitting near Ms.Yang’s table. 
“It’s okay, Y/N!” Ms.Yang smiled at you reassuringly when she saw your hands shaking slightly, “Everyone makes mistakes, dear.” 
You returned her the smile, seating yourself on the little, black stool waiting for you. You placed the piano sheet in front of you, and placed your fingers on top on the monochrome keys waiting to be played. Taking a deep breath, you finally started to play.
However, your gut feeling was correct. Your performance must have been the worst out of all the students who had played yet, and that made you feel miserable about yourself. 
Once you finished, you muttered a brief apology and rushed back to your place without making eye contact with anyone, trying to hide your face which had turned scarlet due to the dreadful performance you gave. You couldn’t see yourself, but the heat you felt in your cheeks was enough to warn you about your reddened state. 
Wow, talk about first impressions, you thought to yourself, nearly groaning out loud. 
“That was a very good try!” Ms.Yang encouraged, trying to make you feel better. She knew you were a gifted student, all you needed was extra practice. 
“Jisung dear, do you want to try?” Ms.Yang continued, hoping to change the subject.
Jisung looked around, and then quietly nodded. He walked past everyone with his head still hung and sat on the stool. When Ms.Yang handed him the sheet, he scanned it thoroughly and started playing. 
And once he did, the whole class fell silent. For a new kid, he did an extremely good job. After Renjun, he had been the only one to play the song perfectly. You weren’t the only one who had their jaw dropped, nearly half the class was as surprised as you were. Even Ms.Yang seemed to have been taken aback slightly by how well he played. Maybe it was because of his appearance that everyone didn’t expect much from him. 
“Very well done, Jisung!” Ms.Yang complimented him when he ended the song magnificently.
He shyly mumbled something which seemed like a thank you, and dismissed himself back to his original place. 
The bell rang for the last time, declaring that it was time for everyone to pack their things and head home. 
Placing the sheet neatly between your books, you stood up to leave the class as soon as you could. 
“Hey Y/N,” you turned to face Renjun, “Mistakes are how we learn. You’ll eventually get there!” 
“Thank you Renjun, that means a lot.” You passed him a smile. You also saw Jisung following Renjun close behind.
“You did good.” Jisung said in a voice barely louder than a whisper, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
“Thank you, Jisung…” you smiled at him as well, “But you were great! I’d love to see you around!” 
He mumbled another meek thank you, and followed Renjun out.
Cute, you thought to yourself.
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“So, how did it go?”  Donghyuck asked when you met him outside the school gates. 
“Awful.” You groaned, shuddering at the thought of the mess you made. 
“Hey, hey!” he spoke when he saw your frown, “It’s only the first day! And it’s okay… though I swear if my family house was in this city, I’d let you play my piano for as long as you wished. You know what? Let’s get ice cream. That should cheer you up!”
“You always know what to do.” Your eyes twinkled at his suggestion, “Thanks Hyuck”
“Always for you” he beamed. 
“You know a new student joined us today,” you remembered as the both of you made your way towards the ice cream parlour nearby.
He hummed in response, but it hinted at a questioning tone. 
“Yeah.. He was very quiet and shy, but he was cute.” you smiled thinking about Jisung.
“Oo~ Y/N” he nudged you with his elbow, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Shut up, Hyuck. Don’t make it weird.” you said in annoyance.
“Sure~” He teased, entering the shop with you.
You both chose your respective ice cream flavours, paid and left.
“But anyways, he was really good at playing the piano.” your mind went back to the moment which took place a while ago, “like, Renjun-level good.”
“Renjun level good?” he raised his eyebrows at the comparison, “Damn he must be good.” 
“He was! But you know something even weirder,” you continued, “both of them cheered me on when the class ended.” 
“I mean, you have a talent you know,” he stated as if in fact, licking his ice cream, “And if, according to you, two of the best pianists in the class complimented you, then I’m sure you’ll do good.”
“Yeah… I hope.” you wished, thinking about what life might have planned for you.
But what life had planned for you, was beyond your imagination. 
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The clear blue skies arrived, with a sudden temperature rise. The trees bore their fruit, ripe and juicy while the green leaves danced with the warm barely-blowing winds. Summer brought itself to the city, bringing along with it torment and dejection. 
Why? Because you had never done so poorly in your fifteen-year life. Other subjects were going fine as usual, but for some reason, your piano playing skills seemed to be deteriorating more and more each passing week. It was bothering you beyond words, and even Donghyuck’s words weren’t of much help. And that barely ever happened! Not to mention the pressure of the competition coming closer and closer. Everything was just so scrambled and disordered, it caused a discord inside you. 
But with each piano lesson, you grew fonder of Jisung. Even though you barely spoke to each other, you started to see his true colours. Levelling up from being Renjun’s seatmate to his friend, you noticed that he would never stop talking. His physical appearance contrasted his personality because he was someone very lively and pure-hearted. You could overhear their conversations at times, and you couldn’t help but giggle at how abstract his mind was. Along with how graceful he looked every time you witnessed him play the piano, it only made you wonder about how it might be to know him. In all honesty, you started to think that you might have developed a crush on him, at least that’s what Hyuck kept on telling you. 
As you packed your things hastily after the piano class, you were startled when Ms.Yang approached you. 
“Y/N dear, I hope you aren’t in a hurry or anything, I have something to discuss.” She said, in a concerned tone.
“No, Ms.Yang,” blood rushed down your face, as if you’d seen a ghost. You knew exactly what she wanted to talk to you about. 
“Dear, I have to be honest with you…” she bit her bottom lip, “As you might have figured out already, you aren’t doing quite well. I know this isn’t easy for you, but I have to tell you that you only have a few weeks remaining, dear. You’re one of my most gifted students, and I see great potential in you. I just hope the stars align for you soon. Just try harder Y/N, you’ll do wonderful in no time! I hope you understand what I’m trying to convey.” 
“Yes Ms.Yang,” you mumbled, fighting back your tears.
Ms.Yang smiled at you sympathetically before leaving you alone in the class. Alone was what you thought you were.
When Ms.Yang left the class, you broke down into tears hiding your face with your hands. That was the nail in the coffin, you could never learn how to play the piano properly. All your dreams were crumbling leaving you in shambles. Even Donghyuck was out of the city for a while, making you feel more alone than you had ever been.
“No, no… Please don’t cry!” You heard a panicked voice next to you. 
Your head shot up to see who had been unlucky enough to watch you have a mental breakdown after your series of pathetic performances. 
“J-Jisung?” you quickly wiped your tears away when you saw the alarmed expression on his face, “Oh my- I’m so sorry, you shouldn't have seen this.” 
“No it’s okay,” he said in his same quiet tone, “I…Um..” 
The boy looked around vulnerably, both confused and awkward. He wanted to help you but he just didn’t know how to, especially since he wasn’t very familiar with you. He wanted to know what was going on with you, because apparently, Renjun had told him that you were actually one of the best and most eager-to-learn pianists when you had started taking classes in the beginning. 
“Um... I’m sorry but I kinda heard the conversation you just had…” he said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
Great, you thought as you wished you disappeared off of the face of the Earth, just great. 
“Well…” he continued, “I was wondering if you’d like me to, I don’t know… help you out?”
“I appreciate your offer Jisung, but I’m more than helpless at this point.” You ran your fingers through your hair, trying to calm yourself down and just accept the reality of your failure.
“I could help you practise out of school hours…” he continued. Something in him told him that it was him who had to become your saviour. 
“Wait–” You looked up to him, “Do you really mean it?”
“I mean… If you’re up for it, I’d be glad to be of any help. It’s not like I have much to do anyways” His voice lowered when he spoke the last sentence, making sure it wasn’t audible to you. 
“Would you like to practise at my house?” He asked silently.
“As in right now?” You asked, startled at his sudden offer. 
“I’m not weird or anything I swear!” he justified quickly before you got the wrong idea, “I just want to help…”
“I could really use some extra practice, Jisung. I’d be greatly thankful if I got to do so!” Your enthusiasm was back, and it seemed like Jisung was relieved that you had decided to trust him. 
“Let's go then!” he said a bit too excitedly, letting out an embarrassed chuckle when you giggled at keenness.
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“Make yourself at home.” Jisung said as he took off his shoes at the entrance. You copied his actions as you looked around the unfamiliar place. 
“Mom! I’m home!” That was the first time you had heard Jisung use a loud tone.
“Welcome ho– Jisung! I didn’t know you were bringing guests over!” You saw Mrs.Park scuttle out of the kitchen.
“Hello Mrs.Park!” You bowed when she came to greet you. 
“Oh no, honey! Auntie will do just fine!” she smiled sweetly, “I’m so sorry I don't think I caught your name!”
“I’m Y/N.” you glanced at Jisung, who seemed embarrassed. 
“Welcome dear! Please make yourself at home, and Jisung do inform me before you have friends over! I barely have anything prepared!” Mrs.Park continued, looking at Jisung as if he’d forgotten something important.
“Oh no Auntie, there is no need for the formalities”  you smiled at her. 
“I’ll tell you next time, sorry mom.” Jisung apologised and turned to you, “I’ll show you to my room. Come on.”
His house wasn’t so big, but felt very comfortable. It was possibly because of how both Jisung and his mom made you feel welcome. However, you had never seen a room like Jisung’s before. The piano in the corner of your room caught your attention, followed by the pc standing opposite to it (which you supposed he used for gaming). He also had a guitar next to the piano, and a lot of albums of different artists resting on the shelves. A large tapestry filled with stars and planets hung above his bed. It seemed like he had everything in the world in his room, yet it didn’t seem like it was messy. 
“Wow” your words left your mouth quicker than you could think.
“It’s not much but yeah, you want to start?” he asked, throwing his bag on top of the bed in another corner of the room.
“I’d love that.” You followed him, placing your bag next to his. 
You could hear the birds chirping some merry tune amongst themselves when Jisung opened the window. lt felt like a wisp of magic, even if the sun was blazing through your pale, slightly freckled face, the grass blades being the most vibrant shade of green, with eruptions of beautiful daisies, as well as seeded plants of gorgeous purple flowers which you probably couldn’t name in his house garden. For a moment, you forgot about how gloomy your day had been.
“Y/N? Are you ready?” Jisung’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. 
“Oh– yeah, Yeah I’m ready!” You grinned, seating yourself on the piano stool waiting for you. 
Once you started playing, your blunders made a comeback. You sighed in frustration, backing away for a while. Noticing this, Jisung sat next to you on the stool and showed you how to play the correct keys. 
“Continue playing, I’ll help with this side,” he said, focused on the keys. 
What he didn’t notice, however, was how your cheeks had turned red from the sudden contact. You felt butterflies in your stomach and the fuzzy feeling was back. 
You didn’t stop for a long while. Every now and then, Jisung corrected you whenever you made a mistake, but after a few hours, you felt yourself playing better already. 
“My fingers are cramped.” you showed him your fingers, gasping dramatically.
Jisung laughed at your action. His adorable laugh made you join him. He was actually very refreshing to be around. You didn’t think someone like Jisung could be so talkative, even if you did catch him chatting with Renjun. He really was different from what he was at school. 
You continued talking to him for a while, getting to know him better, but then you saw the clock which showed five in the afternoon. 
“I guess I’d better get going,” you said standing up, “It’s getting late. Thank you once again for everything Jisung!” 
“Anytime! Same time tomorrow?” he asked, standing up with you. 
“Same time tomorrow!” you echoed his words.
“I’ll look forward to that…” he said in his usual quiet tone, making you feel funny. 
Did you actually have feelings for him? Someone you barely knew?
Shaking the feeling away, you picked up your bag and made your way out with Jisung accompanying you. You thanked Mrs.Park, bidding both of them goodbye and then made your way back home.
Something in your gut told you that this was going to be one of your best decisions ever.
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“No way, really?” Donghyuck asked surprised as he walked to school with you. 
“Yes really! And I’ve been visiting his house for a whole month now, believe me I’ve gotten so much better because he lets me play for as long as I want to!” You updated him with your whole Jisung situation. 
“Damn…Looks like I got replaced in only a month.” He faked a frown as you chuckled at his melodramatic response.
“No one can ever replace you Hyuck,” you reassured him, “But yeah I’ve gotten closer to him… and I think you’re right. I might have developed a tiny crush on him…”
“Look Y/N, I’m always right.” he smirked, receiving an eye roll from you.
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” It was his turn to laugh at your reaction. 
“Hey Y/N!” You and Donghyuck, both turned to the familiar voice. 
“Oh– Hi…” Jisung said when he met you. 
“Hey Jisung, this is Donghyuck,”  you pointed at the boy standing besides you, who warmly smiled, “Hyuck, this is Jisung!” 
“Hello Jisung, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Donghyuck extended his hand forward, offering a shake. 
“Likewise.” he took Donghyucks hand.
“So Y/N, are you excited for the assessment today?” Jisung continued as the three of you made your way into the halls.
“Nervous is a more fitting word Jisung” you sighed thinking about the test in a few hours. 
A week before, Ms.Yang had announced that she would be evaluating the students as the music competition was arriving soon. You had spent countless hours with Jisung since then, practising as much as you could. There was a point where you rehearsed so much that Jisung would ask you to stop before your fingers fell off.
“Hey! It’s okay… You’ve gotten so much better. I’m positive the practice won’t go to waste!” Jisung recalled all the days he had spent preparing with you.
“Yeah Y/N…even though I have no idea, I agree with Jisung here. Practice never goes to waste!” Donghyuck agreed with whatever was going on. 
“Thank you guys, I’m glad to have such supportive friends,”  thanking them, you took out your books from your locker.
“Hey Donghyuck!” An unfamiliar voice called for Donghyuck.
You saw a group of boys waving at Donghyuck, his friends from his other classes. 
“Coming, Jaemin!” Donghyuck shouted back, “Well Y/N… Guess I gotta go! Break a leg today!” 
“Thanks Hyuck.” You hugged him before he left with his friends. 
“So…” Jisung continued when Donghyuck was gone, “See you later?” 
“Yeah, see you.” you trailed off.
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Entering the class, you could see all the amateur pianists rehearsing; some going through their music sheets, while the others moved their fingers over nothing, playing the tunes on mute. 
“Okay places everyone!” Ms.yang said entering the class with the same attendance sheet and a few more papers.
“I’m sad to say this, but only three students will be selected from you all. But not to worry! I know all of you will get an opportunity to shine one day or another. Shall we begin?”
“Yes Ms.Yang!” The whole class chimed, in unison. 
Just three?!
Your brain suddenly felt hazy, grasping the situation. Here, in a class of twenty five students, most of which played bloody brilliantly, probably practised individually like they were a child prodigy.
There was no chance.
Every student played when Ms.Yang called their names out. You waited anxiously, biting your lip as your leg bounced up and down continuously. Today was not a day to mess up, Hyuck and Jisung were right, all the practice shouldn’t go to waste. Your mind went back to all the days you spent working hard with Jisung, you remembered his proud smile when you got the whole song in one go. That helped you calm down a bit. 
Jisung was done after the first few students, being the only one who received an applause so far. Then came Renjun, who flawlessly nailed the performance, getting his usual cheer from the whole class room. 
“Y/N dear, it’s your turn!” Ms.Yang said cheerfully. Even she had noticed that you had gotten considerably better.
Making your way to the piano, Renjun gave you a thumbs-up and small “Good Luck” when he crossed you going back to his seat with Jisung. You steadied yourself, muttering a soft thank you and seated yourself. The scene of your semester’s first day repeated itself in your head. The fear of screwing everything up badly was back. You felt yourself getting dragged back into the never-ending hole of failure. But when you looked around and saw Jisung, all your thoughts vanished into thin air. 
Jisung sat impatiently, praying that his new friend would do her absolute best, that all the time he spent with you in his house would prove to be fruitful. When his eyes met yours, he smiled at you encouragingly and mouthed, 
You got this.
As if on cue, your fingers met the piano keys. Gliding over them gently, you played like there was no tomorrow. It was now or never. The whole world fell silent, the only thing you heard was the music you played. You had never been this absorbed in playing, and it was all thanks to Jisung. 
Coming to a perfect finish, you let out your breath which you had been holding for long. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard the thunderous sound of everyone clapping. You’d almost forgotten that you were still in front of an audience. 
“Y/N dear that was marvellous!” Ms.Yang clapped excitedly. It was for the first time you had seen her so proud. 
You bowed to everyone, showing your gratitude and made your way back to your place. A satisfied feeling took over you when you saw Jisung smiling ear to ear. It really was because of him you had done so well, all the credit went to him. 
After some more student’s performances, Ms.Yang ended the class with an ovation for everyone who had played. 
“I’m pretty sure we all agree on who is going to make it to the finals! Everyone, another round of applause for Renjun, Jisung, Y/N!! Well done, I’ll be seeing you all tomorrow. Have a safe trip home everyone!” She cheered.
“Y/N! Congratulations!” Jisung came to where you were seated, “That was amazing!”
“Yeah, Y/N. That was incredible!” Renjun grinned.
“Thank you guys! Congrats to you all as well, but in all honesty, if it weren’t for Jisung’s help, I would’ve stuck to my pathetic performances!” You turned to Jisung, who was blushing slightly.
“Hey.. It’s nothing really.” He mumbled embarrassed by the sudden attention. 
“Well… Let’s see each other around more often now.” Renjun suggested leaving with Jisung who bid you farewell. 
You packed your things and rushed out of the class, hoping to find Donghyuck. Your brain was already forming a plan on pulling a prank on him.
“So? How did it go?” Donghyuck asked you expectantly, meeting you at the school gates.
“I blew it…” you didn't make eye contact with him, pretending to sniffle.
“Don’t cry Y/N!” He spoke suddenly, terrified because you barely cried “Hey it’s okay, maybe it was for the best!”
The poor boy was beyond puzzled when you burst into a fit of giggles. 
“Just kidding!” you looked up at him, eyes sparkling at your success in scaring him, “I got selected! Along with Jisung and Renjun! The best players in class!”
“For real?” Donghyuck asked, not believing his ears.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” You jumped, taking his hands in yours.
“Y/N! I’m so happy for you!”  He smiled widely at your victory, “We should go have ice cream to celebrate.” 
“Actually Hyuck, I think Jisung deserves this more than I do. Mind if I invite him over?” you suggested, hoping you wouldn’t ruin his plan.
“Not at all! The more the merrier!” Donghyuck answered, still smiling proudly. 
“Great!” You clapped your hands together, “I’ll go find him!” 
Luckily, when you both saw Renjun and Jisung approaching the gates, Donghyuck ran to them and invited them over to celebrate their selection. They both were joyful and accepted your offer. That day forward, you and Donghyuck became closer to Jisung and Renjun, becoming very good friends. You got to spend more time with Jisung, and seeing his different colours, you couldn’t help but fall for him harder.
You were sure you liked him.
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The dry leaves painted the grounds various shades of brown, orange and yellow. The once fruit bearing trees stood tall with emi-exposed branches, the weak leaves continuing to dispose of themselves with each blow of the chilly air. 
You barely slept that night, excitement of the coming day keeping you awake. The big day was finally here. Staying at school till afternoon with Jisung and Renjun accompanying you, Ms.Yang made you practise till you could play the song selected for the competition with your eyes closed. But no matter how many times you played the song, you never got tired of it. Donghyuck also visited sometimes, bringing along with him all sorts of snacks, occasionally getting a light-hearted scolding by Ms.Yang.
Once you saw the sun rays peeking through your closed curtains, you got up and started to get ready for your day ahead. You were nervous, delighted but most of all prepared. For once in your life, you were confident. And it was all due to your supportive friends and your wonderful teacher. 
When you reached the venue, you did not imagine it to be this big. Eyes scanning the auditorium, you saw many unfamiliar faces, guessing they were performers from other schools. You quietly made your way backstage, clutching carefully onto the bag filled with the stuff you needed. If it wasn’t for your mom, you would’ve forgotten the bag at home, messing up everything all over again. 
You saw Ms.Yang explaining something to the staff members and rushed towards her since she was the only person you knew there. 
“Y/N dear!” She greeted you with her signature smile, “Wonderful to see you made it! Jisung and Renjun are over there!” She pointed towards a corner where you saw the two boys in context talking amongst themselves. 
“Hi guys!” You beamed once you approached them. 
“Hey Y/N!” Renjun waved at you.
“Wow Y/N, You look amazing!” Jisung blurted out, without thinking. Realising what he said, he reddened at his own words.
“Thank you!” You twirled around in the dress you were wearing, “You guys look really good in these tuxedos too!” 
“Thank you Y/N” both Renjun and Jisung said at the same time. 
“You ready?” Jisung asked 
“Ready as I ever will be!” You jumped excitedly, “Let’s nail this!” 
As the event started, you peeked out to see the people who had filled the auditorium. There were more people than you had imagined there would be. You searched the crowd and saw that your parents were there. You waved at them when they saw you, both wearing proud smiles. Many of your classmates were also seen, but the one person you were looking for wasn't there. 
“Everything okay?” Jisung asked quietly from behind. 
“Yeah, it’s just… I don't see Hyuck yet” You frowned. It wasn’t the same if your best friend wasn’t there.
“Don't worry, He’ll be here anytime soon!” Jisung said in a soothing tone and for some reason, you believed what he said. 
Overtime, you found Jisung as a source of comfort. At times when Donghyuck wasn’t around, you’d find yourself hanging out with Jisung, who also enjoyed your company. Even though Donghyuck complained about being replaced, he found it cute how his best friend was falling for the boy each passing day. Afterall, it was because of Jisung that your dream came true, and Donghyuck couldn’t have been happier. 
“Y/N!” You heard his voice.
“Donghyuck!” You ran to hug him, “Jisung said you’ll come, but I thought you wouldn’t make it.” 
“Hey!” Donghyuck sounded offended, “How could I miss such an important event! I wouldn’t miss it for the world” 
“Thank you Hyuck,” You smiled at him,
“Anytime Y/N, You’ve got this!” He wished you before leaving to find his seat.
Ms.Yang approached you and Jisung with Renjun accompanying her. 
“It’s almost your turn dears,” she sounded more calmer than she should have been, “Now listen to me carefully. Do not stress out over the number of people in the audience, just have fun ! Think of it as one of my routine classes, that should calm you all down. And just so you know, I am very proud of all three of you. Also, please don’t beat yourselves up if we don’t win, reaching this stage is something more than enough! So congratulations to us!” 
All of you beamed at her words.
“Thank you Ms.Yang” You said.
“Yes Ms.Yang, this is all thanks to you” Renjun continued. 
“We’re glad to have a teacher like you!” Jisung ended. 
“Oh I’m so proud of you all!” Ms.yang wiped away a tear. 
When your school’s name blasted for the speaker, you felt cold sweat run down your spine. You looked down at your hands which were shaking lightly. Noticing this, Jisung without a second thought, engulfed you in a hug for the first time. 
At that moment, you felt like your breath got stuck in your throat. Not sure whether it was because of his action or your nervousness, your breathing became uneasy. His hug, however, calmed you down because it felt so familiar. It was because of him you were here, and it was because of him you were steading yourself at the moment. You were sure you liked Jisung more than a friend.
“It’s okay Y/N, We can do this!” He said pulling away, receiving a slow nod from you.
“Thank you for everything, Jisung” You wrapped your arms around him one more time and you could’ve sworn you felt his heart hammering against his chest.
“Come on guys!” Renjun said, extending his hand forward. 
Jisung placed his hand on top of Renjun’s and looked at you. You did the same.
“To us!” Renjun continued, “Let's give it our best!” 
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The three of you walked on to the stage, waiting for your turn on the brown, wooden grand piano standing in the middle of the stage. All of you were playing different songs, but that wasn’t a problem. 
You glanced at Jisung who seemed nervous for his turn. Putting your hand on his shoulder, you smiled and said, “If I’m here because of you, then there is nothing stopping you from giving the performance of your life.” He relaxed under your touch, returning you the warm smile. “Thanks Y/N” 
Renjun went first. He didn’t seem so nervous because he had played in front of a few audiences before. Of course, he played flawlessly, obtaining an ovation once he ended his performance.
Jisung went next. He seemed hesitant at first, but when he saw you and Renjun giving him a thumbs up, he began to play. His performance also saw a perfect end, thunderous clapping filling the auditorium’s air. 
It was finally your turn. You were face to face with the moment you had dreamed of all your life. As you walked towards the piano which called for you, you saw that everyone you loved was there for you; your parents who were delightedly cheering you on, your teacher who had her fingers crossed for you, All your friend who had rooted for you, Donghyuck, your best friend who had been there for you since day one, and of course, Jisung because of whom you were here. Everything was perfect.
Placing your music sheet in front of you, you took a deep breath. 
This is it.  
Forgetting about where you were, you immersed yourself into the music. Everything faded out when you started playing, it was only you and the music. Your fingers danced with the black and white keys, each producing its assigned tone. Before you knew it, you were brought back to reality when the song reached its climax exquisitely. The crowd once again burst into a loud applause, making your ears turn red. You bowed to the audience and went back to where Jisung and Renjun had been waiting. 
When you met them, the three of you hugged each other jumping up and down in circles. 
“We did it! We did it! We did it!” You screamed with joy. 
“Let’s just hope the judges liked it!” Jisung squealed.
After a few performances from the other schools, the judges were called onto the stage. Ms.Yang came backstage to pick the three of you before the results were announced. 
“Remember what I said children!” She recalled, “Do not beat yourself up! You did great and had fun, that's all that matters!” 
You sat in the row assigned to your school, bowing and congratulating as you passed the other competitors. All three of you along with Ms.Yang felt nervous when the judges came forward.
Jisung unconsciously held onto your hand, almost jumping from the stress the moment was causing. You felt your ears redden, but you squeezed his hand as well. You really wanted your school to win. 
 “And the winner for tonight is…”
Screams and cheers filled the air when your school’s name was announced. At first, the three of you froze in your place, it was when Ms.Yang congratulated you all by hugging you when you realised that you had actually won. Not being able to control your emotions, you burst into tears. 
“Why are you crying Y/N?” Jisung asked in a puzzled way, adrenaline still rushing through his veins. 
“These are happy tears Jisung!” You nearly screamed, hugging him again. 
This was truly the happiest moment in your life, and you were glad that you shared it with everyone you loved. 
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Your laptop screen illuminated the dark room as the woman in the video continued to ramble about her past loves, but you had stopped watching long ago. Throwing your head back on the pillows lying on your bed, you took out your phone to kill time. 
You scrolled through Pinterest, saving the most random pins you saw. You were interrupted when you got a notification stating “five years ago, today”.
You tapped on the notification which showed the auditorium you had performed in when you were fifteen. You zoomed in on the photo to see Ms.Yang, standing with the trophy your school had won. You saw yourself, you were so young. Next to you, Renjun stood with his signature smile. You even saw Donghyuck in the photo, he looked so small and so stupid. But what caught your attention was the tiny, dark haired boy who smiled beside you. 
“Jisung…” You whispered to yourself.  
It had been so long since you last saw him. When the four of you graduated high school, your paths separated. Surprisingly, Renjun and Donghyuck got enrolled into the same college while you shifted to another city to start your life again in your dream college. Jisung being the only one remaining, disappeared once he too, joined some college out of the city. You couldn’t believe there was a time where the four of you had been inseparable.
You let out a dry chuckle at the memories, at how your feeling for Jisung faded overtime, but never vanished. Of course, you developed two other crushes, but Jisung was your very first. And the firsts never make their way out of someone’s heart. 
And that, everyone, was my first crush. Damn, he didn’t have to roast me so badly…
The woman on your screen brought you back to reality. You saw the title of the video that had started to play on its own. 
“I sent a quiz to every boy I've had a crush on…”
Was someone reading your mind? Was this a sign? Were you supposed to send a quiz to all the boys you’ve had a crush on before?
You picked up your phone and started texting Donghyuck, who was still your best friend. The only difference now was that you only saw each other either over facetime, or during vacation. 
You began to spam his chat, that's what you always did because only you were annoying enough to do such a thing. 
[hyuck <3] Y/N, what the fuck [You] Oh, so we’re swearing now? [hyuck <3] Shut up, what’s wrong? [You] Can I call :P [hyuck <3] No <3 [hyuck <3] I mean yes <3
“Aw did you miss me?” You asked once he picked up the phone. 
“In your dreams maybe?” You could practically see the smirk resting on his face, “Anyways, what’s up?”
“Well…” You continued, eyes glued to the woman still going on about her crushes on the screen, “I needed your help with something…um– stupid?” 
“Stupid?” he questioned, “I don’t think anything which has involved the two of us has ever been not stupid. So, what’s the plan?”
“Okay so, I was watching this video of a woman sending a quiz to all of her past crushes,” You explained, “and well… since you know how dry my love life is, I was wondering if you’d help me out.”
“Woah, woah!” He was taken aback by your words, “Y/N I’m sorry to break it to you, but I really never saw you like ta-”
“Not you idiot!” You interrupted him, laughing at his absurd idea, “I was talking about Jisung.”
“Oh~ That makes much more sense! You scared me for a second there.” you heard his sigh of relief.
“I was wondering if you have his number or something, I have his old number but I think he changed it.” You scowled at the thought of how you had no contact with an old friend of yours. You were quite disappointed with yourself, you weren’t going to lie. But you remembered that your parents told you that’s how life worked.
“Oh yeah… I think I can manage that from somewhere. I’ll text you in a while, I think I’m gonna need Renjun’s help with this one. Catch you later” He hung up the phone.
You were pleased to see that even years later, Donghyuck had proved to be the most helpful and loyal friend you could ever ask for. 
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A few days had passed since you had asked Donghyuck for help. You had also spent time with your new friends, trying to get the contact of the other crushes you had. Another one of your close friends, Younha,  helped you make the google form. You had everything now, except for Jisung’s number. 
“Do you think this is stupid?” You asked Younha who had come over to your apartment to help you prepare yourself for the fire you were about to throw yourself in. 
“Not at all Y/N!” She exclaimed, guiding you to your bed, “I tried it out, and you saw how that ended. I’m not single anymore.”
“Yeah, but I’m not lucky like you are,” you stated plainly, “What if they all start to hate me?”
“Girl. Stop over thinking.” She rolled her eyes, “Any update on that Jisung guy? He’s the only one because of whom our plan is delayed.” 
As if on cue, you received a text from Donghyuck. 
[hyuck <3] Hey idiot :P  [hyuck <3] Guess what I have for you O.O [You] Jisung’s number? [Hyuck <3] Damn Y/N, spare me a chance [hyuck <;3] Anyways- [hyuck <;3] XXX-XXXX-XXXX -Park Jisung [hyuck <;3] Here [hyuck &lt;3] And you’re welcome  [You] OHMYGOD- [You] THANK YOU SO MUCH HYUCK <333 [You] I’M BUYING YOU BOBA THE NEXT TIME WE MEET [You] You’re the best :( [hyuck <3] Yeah Yeah whatever
“Guess we can put our plan into action now,” you shrugged at Younha. 
With her help, you started sending everyone of your crushes the form, leaving Jisung for the last. 
[You] Hey Jisung! It’s me Y/N, your friend from high school? [You] I know this is very random, but would you please fill out this form? [You] *attachment* [You] Thank you !
“There we go! That’s the last one.” You looked at Younha who was grinning ear to ear, “I swear if this blows up, you’re buying me lunch for the next semester.”
“But it wasn't my idea?” She cried out at your absurd condition.
“No, but you encouraged me, so yeah, you’re buying me lunch.” you continued, but the both of you burst into a fit of giggles.
Even though you thought it was stupid, at least you’d be able to know what people actually thought of you. 
Whatever happens, it is for the best. You thought to yourself 
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After a lot of pushing from Younha, you finally gathered the courage to go through the responses of the form you had sent a few weeks ago. 
“Come on Y/N! It’s completely fine!” she groaned for the hundredth time, “Nothing’s gonna happen, okay?” 
“If you say so…” You chewed on your lip. You didn’t think you’d actually be this anxious for something little like this, “Okay, first to last or last to first?” 
“Last to first!” She requested, “But before you start, let me grab some popcorn.”
“Younha!” You yelled at her jokingly when you saw her actually bring out popcorn from the kitchen.
“What? I came prepared?” She giggled innocently.
Time seemed to fly past as the both of you went through the responses thoroughly. The guy from the football team had answered very honestly, saying that he had no clue as to who you were, making you and Younha nearly fall off the bed from laughing so much. You couldn’t imagine what he must have thought getting such a form from some who he didn’t know even existed. Your lab-partner from chemistry had answered negatively, but wrote a very long paragraph about how you had been one of the brightest and bubbliest people he had met in his entire life. 
“Aw, that was sweet not gonna lie,” she nodded her head to his words when you read them aloud, “Okay so the last one! Let's go!” 
“Alright, Alright,” you chuckled, “Question one, name of participant… Park Jisung… Wow I really didn't expect him to answer–
“Question two, Did you know that I liked you? Jisung has answered…No?” your tone raised in the end, “Damn, I guess I was subtle?”
“Or maybe he was just naive,” Younha suggested, stuffing her mouth with popcorn. 
“Question three, If you knew that I liked you, how did you tell? Jisung has left this blank.” you reached out for the popcorn bowl in Younha's lap. “Question four, did you ever like me? Jisung has answered…”
You fell silent when your eyes fell on the letters typed out in the answer area. 
“Jisung has answered…?” Youha mimicked your sentence, but as a question.
“Yes…” You trailed off.
“Oh My God?” Younha said, peeking into your phone, “Wow Y/N?”
“Wow indeed.” you echoed, not believing your eyes. 
“Question Five, What was your first impression of me? Mr.Park has written,” You cleared your throat and continued, “My first impression… I found it really cute how you saw me for the first time in Ms.Yang’s class and then looked away all flustered when I caught you staring…” 
You paused before you scratched your forehead, “How does he even remember that?”
“Aww Y/N, he called you cute!” Younha cooed at the boy's words.
“I also thought it was very brave of you to face your flaws, because you knew you weren’t doing well, yet you never gave up. Your dedication impressed me alot. I was over the moon when you accepted my offer to give you extra piano lessons.” The flashback of your young and natural self made you smile to yourself.
“Question six, What terms are we on? nine out of ten!” 
“Hey, that's a pretty good rank from someone who's been ghosted and has been ghosting!” Younha continued with her series of compliments, “What's the next question?”
“Question seven, How awkward is this? Jisung has rated… 7” His ranking made you giggle.
“I mean, it makes sense…Man hasn’t talked to you since forever.” Younha pointed out.
“Question nine, Any final words?” You read out the final question, “I don’t want to make this awkward, but since you have my number now… would you like to catch up sometime?” 
His response to the last question made you forget everything. All the memories of him flooded back to your brain, playing them in front of you like some movie scene. Was life giving you another chance with him? 
Younha’s shriek made you nearly smash the phone in your hands.
“Y/N! Do you know what this means?” You jumped excitedly.
“I’m trying to figure that out actually–” you said, still not believing what was happening at the moment. 
“It means you were destined to be together! All the stories you told me about him! You guys are fated to be together!” Younha continued jumping, as if it was her who had gotten the news.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” She gasped, “Text him!”
Not even giving it a second thought, you opened your texts with Jisung. You typed out whatever Younha instructed and awaited his response. 
You, however, were perplexed when you saw his texts days later. You found it incredible that you had actually made a plan to meet Jisung, someone who you had barely spoken with for years, in another city as soon as you went on your winter breaks.
“Wow” you said to yourself, that was literally the only thing you could say.
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Snow fell as the birds abandoned their nests, leaving behind their homes on bare tree branches. The unfamiliar city was covered in a white blanket, as the temperatures continued to drop every passing day. The icicles hung from the roofs of the little houses and the snowflakes rode the cool winds. 
You walked towards the location Jisung had sent you when you asked him where he was living. When you arrived at the sent location, however, you were face to face with a small cafe. 
Had Jisung lied to you? Maybe you shouldn’t have come in the first place…
But no. The Jisung you knew would never do something like this. Taking a deep breath, you opened the cafe door and entered.
The welcoming aroma of coffee and buns greeted you, and you continued to look around for the boy. You made your way to an empty table, and seated yourself. Pulling your phone out you texted Jisung. 
[You] Hey… Where are you Jisung? [Jisung] Don’t worry! I just arrived!
You turned around to the sound of the door opening. 
The dark-haired, small timid boy existed no more. Instead, you saw a tall, gorgeous guy with dyed faded-peach hair, a pair of glasses sitting gently on his nose. The Jisung you knew had disappeared, and morphed into whatever masterpiece was entering the cafe in search of someone. You.
“Y/N!” He waved at you when he saw you and came towards where you were sitting.
“Wow…Jisung? Is that really you?” You questioned in awe. 
How many more surprises was this guy going to give you?
“Yeah…” The awkward Jisung was back, “You’ve changed a lot too Y/N. I barely recognized you!” 
“I’d have to say the same… This whole thing really suits you.” You complimented him, gesturing your hands in a circular motion towards the boy, a faint blush creeping to your cheeks. 
After quite a couple of awkward minutes, you finally started catching up to each other's lives. You found out that Jisung had continued to study music, deciding that he wanted to become a music artist. It was nice to get to talk to him again, you were reminded of all the good times in your life. You had forgotten how much you missed his company, you had forgotten about how much you liked him.
“But why didn’t you contact any of us after leaving?” You brought up the question which had remained unanswered for a few years, “You know it wasn’t the same without you.”
Jisung gulped before answering. He was confronted and this time he couldn’t run away from it.
“In all honesty?” He confessed avoiding your gaze, “I was scared.”
“Scared of what, Jisung?” you asked, softening your tone.
“Scared of losing our friendship… Like I told you, I started to develop feelings for you. And I had no idea that you liked me too back then. I just thought that maybe if I confessed to you, you would hate me and I’d lose an amazing friend I had made.
“So I decided to cut off all ties. I thought maybe if I ignored what I felt, I would save myself. But I was being selfish… I should’ve had the courage and told you how I’d felt, instead of being a coward and backing out. Look Y/N, I’m sorry for ghosting you all like this. None of you deserved to get hurt like this. I really owe you all an apology…”
A moment of silence took place as you absorbed all of the information Jisung had just provided you with.
“You aren’t the only one who owes an apology, Jisung…” you broke the silence, “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have just let you go like that. You were my crush… but most importantly, you were our friend, and friends don’t ghost each other out. I should’ve tried to contact you, but I thought that maybe you didn’t want to be with us anymore. I guess… both of us our guilty”
He smiled at you sheepishly before saying, “Wanna start over?”
That day was not only the revival of a lost friendship, it also became something the fifteen-year-old you could only have imagined. Something even more beautiful. 
You, who were destined to be with Jisung, and Jisung, who was destined to be with you, years ago finally found each other, and fit like the missing pieces of a puzzle. 
 “I’d love that…”
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Title : Four season || Word count: 9.565k || Genre: Fluff, Some angst, strangers to friends to lovers au (?), high school - university au, slice of life, somewhat coming of age ??? || Pairing: Jisung x Fem!Reader || Thank you Bar for letting me enter so late 🫶🥹
Tagging : @rrxnjun @armysantiny @icie065
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
'Twas The Night Before Christmas!!
Pairings: Lady Lesso x Reader, Nemuri Kayama x Reader, Lady Lesso x Reader x Nemuri Kayama
Warnings ⚠️: student x teacher relationship, age gap, height difference, freezing & forbidden love
Pet Names/Nicknames: Darling, Sweetheart, Beautiful Girl, Little Dove, Nemmie & Leo
Word Count: 1,235
Soft Carol Of The Bells
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'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the schools not a single person was stirring, not even a wolf or fairy or so they thought. In one of the halls of the school for good a certain brown haired girl roamed around. The girls name was Y/N Y/L/N and she lived in Gavaldon with her mean step mother and barely at home dad.
She walked through the halls until she came upon the front doors. She looked around making sure no one was around before quietly slipping out of the school. She ran off towards the forest that was a distance away from the schools. It was the only forest that wasn't enchanted so it was the perfect place to hide away. When she got into the clearing in the middle of the forest she smiled before looking up at the beautiful stars.
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She heard rustling a few seconds later and turned around to see her two favorite people Leonora and Nemuri walking out of the bushes. She ran over and hugged them both and they both smiled before hugging back. "I missed you guys" Y/N said as she pulled away. Leonora smiled before patting Y/N's head. "We missed you too Beautiful god I'm so glad you can be in our arms again" Nemuri said as she pulled Y/N into a hug. Y/N pulled away and smiled before stepping away.
Y/N turned around to see Leonora kneeling down with her pointer finger out. She watched as a blanket and food appeared out of thin air and smiled. Leonora looked up and raised her eyebrow. "Don't just stand there come on" she said and Y/N walked over followed by Nemuri. Y/N sat down as the other two sat down across from her.
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Y/N reached for a Raspberry as Leonora and Nemuri watched her eat it before smiling. Y/N looked up to see the two of them looking at her causing her to stop. "Do I got something on my face" Y/N said as she reached up to touch her face. They both chuckled before shaking their heads no. "No Darling you have nothing on your face" Leonora said before holding her hand out which Y/N took. "We couldn't stop looking at you because you're absolutely beautiful" Leonora said as she pulled Y/N close to her. Y/N leaned back against Leonora as they interlocked their fingers together. Soft christmas music started playing and they looked over to see Nemuri's pointer finger glowing. She smiled before winking as she bit into a macaroon. Y/N & Leonora laughed before shaking their heads.
"I missed being able to do this" Y/N said before she ate a cracker with cheese on it. "We missed it too we've been so caught up with grading papers and we're sorry for that" Nemuri said as she looked at Y/N before smiling. "No need to be sorry I understand" Y/N said before eating a macaroon.
They stayed in comfortable silence as Christmas music played in the background while they ate. After a while Leonora and Nemuri looked at each other and nodded before looking at Y/N. "Hey darling can you dance for us like old times" Leonora said and Y/N sat up before smiling. "Of course Leo anything for my two favorite teachers" Y/N said before standing up and letting go of Leonora's hand. As she got into position carol of the bells started playing on the piano. Nemuri & Leonora watched as Y/N danced to the music as fireflies started flying around her. They watched in fascination as their lover danced gracefully while they drank their wine. "I missed watching her dance so elegantly" Leonora said before looking at Nemuri who looked back at her. "I did too, there's just something about the way she dances that makes it so memorizing" Nemuri said as she looked back at Y/N to see her already looking.
Once the music stopped Y/N stopped and looked at Leonora and Nemuri who were already looking at her. As Y/N looked up at the sky something hit her in the face. She saw that snow was starting to fall making her smile. It was the fourth snowfall of this year. Snow was already on the ground covering the green grass. Y/N bent down and scooped up some snow into a snowball before standing back up and looking at the two who were sitting on the ground. "Y/N don't you dare th-" Leonora was cut off when the snowball hit her in the face. Nemuri busted out laughing and Leonora glared at her before her finger glowed. Nemuri's eyes widened in shock when she felt a lot of snow fall on top of her. Before Nemuri could do anything she was tackled to the ground by Y/N. Nemuri grunted before looking up at Y/N who was smiling like a little kid. Nemuri smirked and rolled over so she was on top now. "Leo help me" Y/N whined out as she looked at Leo who was just watching.
Nemuri got off of Y/N when she started shivering. Leonora immediately made a fire pit appear and told Y/N to get close. Y/N sat up and crawled over to Leonora as Nemuri did as well. Y/N leaned back against Leonora again as Nemuri wrapped the three of them into blankets. "We have something for you Little Dove" Leonora said before nodding at Nemuri. Nemuri stood up before kneeling down in front of Y/N. She held out one of her hands and two small wrapped boxes appeared in her hand. "These are for you" Nemuri said and Y/N looked at her and she nodded. Y/N leaned forward and grabbed them both before opening the long rectangular one. Her eyes widened in shock as she took the necklace out and held it up. It was silver with black diamonds on it along with regular ones. She sat up before looking at Leonora who looked back at her. "You bought this" Y/N said and Leonora shook his head no. "I made it" she said before taking the necklace from Y/N's hand. Y/N moved her hair out of the way and Leonora clasped the necklace around Y/N's neck before kissing her neck. Y/N grabbed the other box and slowly opened it to see a golden ring with a ruby in the middle. Her eyes widened in shock before she looked up at Nemuri. "It's a promise ring" Nemuri said and Y/N held the box out for Nemuri. She took it before taking the ring out. Nemuri held her hand out and Y/,/N rested her hand on hers. Nemuri slipped it on Y/N's pointer finger before leaning in and kissing her on the lips.
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"I didn't get you guys anything" Y/N frowned and the two of them just smiled. "You're all we need Sweetheart" Nemuri said before smiling softly. Leonora pulled Y/N back and grabbed her by the jaw before kissing her. She pulled away and smiled before kissing her cheek. "Merry Christmas Our Beautiful girl" Leonora and Nemuri said at the same time. "Merry Christmas Leo & Nemmie" Y/N said as they huddled up to the fire.
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A/N: I'm happy to present to you the first fic of Ficmas!!! And decided to post this early because I couldn't help it
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glosskirt · 8 months
we work .
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Synopsis; Y/N enters the hallway of the college she chose. A music major. While walking, she passes by a door that says 'Recording Room' and hears someone yelling. After the yelling was a not-so-good singing voice. Who was this?
Genre; Somewhat fluff, what I find amusing, platonic, the start of romance
Warnings; A LOT of cursing, angy Yoongi
While walking around the campus of your new school, people were looking at you weirdly. Maybe it was because of your music-themed everything, but you're just really excited!
"Excuse me, where's the main office?" You asked a student. She just looked at you. How rude. You tried asking a couple more students, but they all gave the same reaction. While looking for more people to ask, you passed by a door. It was labeled 'Recording Room,' so, it was probably meant for the demo recordings of the songs the students make. What you heard inside was yelling. "What the hell?! Why can't you just hit the note?! It's A for fucks sake!" Is what you heard. After that, the person who was getting yelled at started singing. And, the yelling was probably necessary. The person's voice was really raspy, and he really couldn't hit the note. "Well maybe it's because you can't play the piano properly!" The singer yelled, exiting the booth. "You say A, but you're pressing B! The A key is here. Not here! They make different noises, you know!" He yelled in the pianist's face. "Yoongi, this isn't gonna work. Find someone else for this project." The pianist said, packing up his bags and leaving the room. When the pianist saw you on his way out, he looked at you with an annoyed face. "He's a hopeless case, don't even try." And left.
When you looked back inside the room, the singer, who's name is Yoongi, was crying. "Fuck, fuck... I'm gonna fail now! That dumbass ditched me,, this is the fifth time this has happened!" He cried. You felt bad for Yoongi. Wait a second... You can sing! You can definitely help him with whatever project he's doing! Without thinking, you entered the room.
"Hey, are you alright? I saw you crying." You said. He looked up at you, "Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Just had to deal with a bastard. No biggie." He said, sarcastically smiling. He picked up his things and was ready to walk out, but you spoke. "Are you doing a project?" You asked. He nodded. "Yeah, but I'm a shit singer. I'll probably fail." He said. Getting his beanie. "Can you play piano?" You asked. Approaching him. "Yeah, it's my first love. Of course I can. Wait, are you suggesting that we do the project together?" You nodded, enthusiastically. He ruffled his hair and asked, "Well can you sing?" You nodded again. He smiled. "Let's do this then! I need to pass this fucking semester." You laughed at his face.
"So this is the song I wrote. But, it's written for an alto. I'm guessing you're a soprano? Or are you an alto too?" He asked. Flipping through the pages of his notebook to find a blank page. "Yeah, I'm a soprano. Sorry." You said. "Oh, that's fine." He said, writing some stuff on the paper. "Can I hear you play the instrumental?" You asked. Wondering if Yoongi was going to let you hear. "First tell me your name. I need to write it for the grading paper." He looked up at you. "Y/N L/N." You said. He smiled, "Y/N? Nice name. My name's Yoongi. Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you, Y/N." He wrote your name down on the paper. And his handwriting was nice. After he did, he held his hand out. You took it, and you both shook hands.
He played his song for you. It was so beautiful. "It's called eight." You were amazed. A college student wrote better than how your parents wrote your life plan. "It's beautiful." You said, smiling at him. He looked back at you and smiled too. "It'll be more beautiful once we record the vocals. Are you ready? Do you need more practice?" He said, holding a thumbs up that would go to a thumbs down once or twice. "I think I'm ready." You said, standing up and heading to the recording booth.
He started the instrumental, and you sang to it. Carefully pronouncing the t's and d's. Making your hands flow to the melody, since that makes it easier. You stopped singing when it was Yoongi's turn. When you exited the booth, he smiled. "You have a mellifluous voice, do you know that?" He said, walking past you. You blushed while you sat in his chair. When he nodded, you played the instrumental and listened to his voice. It wasn't that bad. Maybe it's cause of the song choice him and the other guy chose. When he was done, he exited the booth. "Sorry, we can't share the chair. If you want, I can work on the floor." He said. Moving his equipment to the ground. "No, it's okay! I'll sit on the floor. You deserve the table." He pouted and moved his equipment back onto the table.
While he was working, you got a little tired and rested your head on his leg. He caressed your head for a bit before getting back to work.
"We sound beautiful together." You mentioned.
"We work." He smiled.
"What? It's the truth."
tagging; @haecien
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dsm--v · 3 months
Hey. Heard from a little birdie that you craved Tumblr interaction. Have a list of fun things to do/questions for you to answer:
Why did you name yourself Costco?
Draw something shitty/doodle all over a paper, doesn’t have to be good.
Why do you think that people tend to lie impulsively?
Learn to play an instrument of some kind. If you have a piano at home, like some people do randomly, learn that!
What’s your favorite piece of music?
Do you have a favorite artist, music or otherwise?
Create a song.
Write poetry (again, doesn’t have to be good)
Make a shitpost
Write about anything (prompts if you’re stuck: Questions about yourself/the world, write down what makes you, you, create stories, etc etc)
What’s your most cringefail memory of yourself (that you’re comfortable sharing?
Who are some people you look up to?
What is your opinion on pineapples on pizza?
Also, have a meme:
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eli you are the besttttt grrrr
i didn’t really ‘name’ myself costco, it’s just my silly tumblr url but it’s kind of. turned into an alias. i was just checking what urls were available and. yeahhh
im not sure why people lie for no reason/impulsively, but i would assume it has something to do with self preservation or instincts?
favorite piece of music would probably have to be franz schuberts die nacht ? it’s great
favorite artist however, would probably be mike krol or harvey danger
most cringefail memory would probably have to be when i first got sprouts number in like seventh grade and immediately asked if she liked girls (i mean. he does, but still.)
some people i look up to? ohhh man. katie mack is a really cool cosmologist and uhhh she’s funny too.
i love pineapple on pizza,,,, siiighhh
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thvnderr · 10 months
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❀ *◦ jeon wonwoo. cis man. he/him. heteroromantic/pansexual. ⇝ hey, isn’t that arlo kwon? i think that the twenty-seven year old from san diego, california works as a neurosurgeon at anchorage regional hospital, but outside of that people describe them as the faint sound of a piano suddenly cut by the raging blare of the organ, dry flowers carefully kept around a house as if reminders of dead kindness, the hands of god around your throat. i hear they are vengeful & cold, but they are also known to be secretly affectionate & dissident. consider giving them a visit at their home in delilah's den gated community and get to know why they’re called the chariot.
CW mentions of blood (hemophilia), car accident and temporary hearing loss. TW of emotional negligence and psychological abuse. Inferred ableism briefly in backstory.
The warmest arms and words were always those of his nannies. Born and immediately handed to a surrogate mother because one cannot be done soon enough with children to continue with things that do matter.
His mother at least gave him little smiles and the occasional cheek kiss after he gave her a doodled page. She would hold his hand in public events for a while before handing him over to the proper caretaker. She would too buy him just anything to keep him busy.
His father, on the other hand, frowned only at the sight of badly performed artistic skills. He made the house help move him into another room when he declared the noise of the toy piano was too annoying to bear. "If at least you could play the damn thing well".
And these words stuck. Ah, if he could play well, then he'd be allowed to be around more. Arlo was quiet in general, kept to himself from the noisy siblings and used his words to ask his mother for music classes. She complied dismissively, of course. So the boy got into music very early on finding it quite fulfilling and also adept to his abilities and interests. "Blue", he'd say, "this one's yellow", he would add. Quiet mumbles of the colors he perceived in notes were soon a telltale of synesthesia, which would be a great addition to push his musical talent. Piano, violin, guitar, even drums. Anything he could get his hands onto would suffice to keep him happy. His performances getting the applause and superficial compliment from his parents. It was enough. Until they stopped, that is.
The moment his younger sister Ara started showing signs of genius, the little attention was entirely taken away from him. Empty reserved seats and standard congratulation cards were the replacement. Arlo still attempted for some harmony, to insert himself in his sister's life effectively, to get attention and indulge his parents with perfect grades, but nothing would do the trick. He started nurturing resentment.
It was during a tantrum that his perfectly protected self received a cut from the music sheets. Whatever, one would think, but the house staff soon grew worried when the blood did not stop; the little droplets becoming an alarming puddle rather fast and soon enough, the child fainted. Hemophilia, that's what the doctors called it. The father asked how much it would cost him with more annoyance at the inconvenience than anything. "No, sir, you're not getting it...". It was not something temporary, the child would require constant treatment to keep him safe and even so, any kind of bleeding wound, even a bleeding nose would be too dangerous.
Ah, so the kid was not only disappointing, but also defective. They paid for the treatment and procured all necessary measures to keep him as safe and healthy as possible, but any trace Arlo's father interest on him completely disappeared.
It took some years for the child to grow up and understand the situation and even then, he blamed only himself for not being up to the required standards. Arlo and his mother grew closer after his conditions was discovered, but unfortunately, not enough to save him from the man's petulance and control.
Still, he found some solace when he was accepted into a prestigious artistic academy where he would focus on becoming a perfect musician. "Earn your place into this family", Mr. Kwon would constantly say to his children, constantly forcing them to compete amongst each other for his favor. Quarrels soon destroyed the humanity of the siblings; fighting for the scraps of attention to fulfill their own self-worth. Arlo was not free from this, constantly licking the man's boots and bringing home one prize after the other, just to surpass and be surpassed constantly and while he managed a good spot, there was no beating Ara Kwon and how would he when he was simply a musician with blood problems and his sister was saving lives and receiving praise from hundreds of people? Hm. So... what if?
To everybody's surprise but his family's, Arlo decided to change careers. Medicine. He needed something just as appealing as Ara's studies. Neurologist! And so, he did. It was painful to say the least, he had to control his own aversion towards blood, study thrice as hard to graduate on time to still be in the race. He suffered greatly, ending up at the hospital more than once due to the burnout.
Arlo Kwon graduated with all honors and it did get him an effusive ovation from his parents. He was satisfied. The boy proceeded to start working immediately, always heading back home to tell his parents about his day and all he had done. "Is it good? Am I good now?". His mother just then felt her heart break a little and before she could utter a word, the man of the house laughed out loud. "Boy, had you at least finished your music studies, but you quitted in favor of copying your sister. Admirable, but all you have done, she did it first".
It hit him just then that it would never be enough, he would never be enough. It was the last time Arlo tried for the sake of his parents and the last time he would let anyone step on him.
He changed drastically; his gentle silence became aggressive stillness. Arlo Kwon didn't cry or complain ever again. He would go to work, travel on his own, fill his books with important people and live his life as best as possible despite the given circumstances. What else could he do anyways? He moved out but got himself a residence close enough to keep visiting for some stockholm-syndrome-reason.
His rather calm life took a turn for the worse when he was involved in a car accident that sent him to the emergency room when his bleeding couldn't be easily stopped. Not only that, but after spending several days under observation due bleeding joints, after waking up, horror struck him at the realization that one of his ears seemed to be malfunctioning. He was told it could be temporary or permanent, that only time could tell but for now, Arlo felt even more cut out from the world than ever before.
His broken capacity to fully appreciate and play music — because yes, it had been kept as an enjoyable hobby — frustrated him greatly, causing severe depression that forced him to take some rest. He received encouraging words from people, but even with the admiration of hundreds, Arlo could not bring himself to even look at himself in the mirror.
It took him entire months to get back out there, to be brave enough to get dressed and start working again, finding ways to adapt and conceal the nature of his hearing. Still, the lights and crowds of the biggest cities were still too anxiety inducing to tolerate and with the memory of his sister moving to Anchorage, he decided to follow on her steps ( it had worked so far after all ).
Arlo arrived with more modesty than usual, but still decided to impose his status by buying not one but two houses at delilah's and adapting them to become a bigger residence in that idyllic neighborhood. He filled the place with his favorite things, including an untouched music room, some nice furniture and a well-kept garden.
Currently, he keeps mostly to himself, his doctor regularly visiting to keep his treatment up to date without failure to help ease the most aggressive symptoms and risks of his condition. A fit and healthy life for the most part, indulging himself with the occasional hookup but keeping scratches and marks mostly at bay from his fragile body; no reasons ever given aside of a warning or scolding if necessary. Most people believing him to be some kind of arrogant man that wanted no contact with others inferior to him; or so said the tabloids. "He even keeps leather gloves on at all times!". As if he cared, fame is fame however you see it and the more these people are fixated on his made-up disgusting attitude, the less they will pry into his health.
He's a bit hemophobic. He can control this in the surgery room, but blood drawn by surprise even if it's not his, can cause him a brief grimace or a full anxiety attack depending on the amount.
Doesn't have pets and stays as far away as possible from animals to avoid accidents. Can get pretty upset if his plants/flowers don't have the thorns removed.
Almost always using gloves to protect his hands.
Highkey wants to ruin his father aslkdf
When people introduce themselves, he mumbles the colors associated to their names. Even has the names of people written in colors to associate them better.
In his villain arc era, but can be redeemed.
Became more apprehensive about everything since the accident. No one aside of his mother knows about the hearing loss.
Patients. He used to focus on pediatrics before living in Anchorage, here he has taken a wider scope of people.
People either wronged or benefited by his family. People who know the Kwons also work, the last name is very well known across different spheres and the 8 siblings are most likely as talented as vicious.
One night stands. Arlo rarely sleeps with someone more than once or twice afraid of making his health problems obvious.
Neighbors from Delilah's. People he pays for them to cook for him; he'd be strict regarding his diet, but would pay generously.
He's not been here for long (a month maybe) but someone who helps him when he gets a nasty cut and has to be taken to the hospital.
Someone who finds out he cannot hear with one ear. He'd feel very vulnerable and angry for sure.
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chaosoftheages · 4 months
All About Me Post!
I'm giving y'all a full about me post because I have nothing better to do besides do random shit so here y'all go :3
Name: Autumn
Birthday: May 27th
Age: High School-aged, not saying exact age or grade
Gender: Non Binary!
Pronouns: They/Them, occasionally she/her
Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual
Relationship Status: Single and would love to stay that way.
Nationality: German-American(My family immigrated from Germany; I also have some Italian, Dutch, Irish, Scottish, and Cherokee mixed in too I think)
Social Media:
My Tumblr! (Your here, so no link for you :3)
My AO3
My Wattpad
My Discord: autumn_viola_jayy #3070
My Instagram: its_autumn_jay
My Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/ashmoejean
Important Posts Abt My Fics!
Standalone Headcanons (Now updated with sexuality's and phobias!)
Father & Son Headcanons
Father & Son Infection AU Status
Father & Son Infection AU: Stages Of Infection
Random Facts About Me!
I'm a Ravenclaw. They are said to be curious, creative, and eccentric. They are logical, rational, quick thinkers, and they value learning, wisdom, wit, and and intellect. They are also very academically motivated. Believe me. I have a necklace, a purse, a bunch of bracelets, a journal, and a fucking HOODIE for Ravenclaw merch
I was RAISED by Disney. I grew up on it. It's my life. My favs are Frozen, Moana, and The Incredibles.
I'm writing a novel! An actual novel. It's called Shadows Of The Unknown, and it's part of a true crime series I mapped out.
I'm learning French, German, Spanish, and Turkish through Duolingo(The goddamn owl is MOCKING ME I SWEAR TO GOD-)
I've been writing since elementary school. It's been a rough journey, that took me from the traumatizing Wattpad, to the complication FanFiction.Net, to where I am now on AO3.
I can play the piano, violin, and the steel drums.
I did cross country and wrestling in middle school. I could probably easily overpower you and outrun you depending.
I'm neurodivergent (ADHD)
I have PTSD(I'm a sexual assault/attempted R*pe survivor)
Favorites Colors: Blue, Black, White, Purple, Pink
Fandoms I Will Write For: Hamilton, Alan Becker, Doctor Who, Stranger Things, Rick & Morty, Pokemon, The Owl House
Favorite TV Shows: Rick & Morty, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Stranger Things, Pokemon, Doctor Who, The Owl House, Bluey
Favorite Movies: Moana, Frozen, Hamilton, RENT, Encanto, Elemental, Muppets Most Wanted, Harry Potter, Winnie The Pooh, Captain Underpants
Favorite Books: Adam Silvera's Death Cast books, Twisted Series by Ana Huang, Soul Snatchers by Jackie Egan, The Girl Who Survived by Lisa Jackson, Dog Man series by Dav Pilkey, Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey
Favorite Artists: Telehope, Arctic Monkeys, 6arelyhuman, Mitski
Favorite Songs:
Summer Bummer by Telehope
Like You Give Enough by Telehope
I Don't Smoke by Mitski
boys beware by Mad Tsai
Sex, Drugs, Ect. by Beach Weather
Faster n Harder by 6arelyhuman
505 by Arctic Monkeys
Infinite by Tyler Smith
Cigsrette Daydreams by Cage The Elephant
Stalker's Tango by Autoheart
Spicy Food
Fall/Autumn(hey it's my name :D)
Atychiphobia- Fear Of Failure
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Arachnophobia -Spiders
Claustrophia -Tight spaces
Genophobia- S*xual Intercourse
Spheksophobia- Wasps/Hornets
Apiphobia/Melissophobia- Bees
AO3 Fic Masterpost
Basically just the main series I write for.
Father & Son
Father & Son Infection AU (Link coming soon!)
Alan Becker AU's
Adventures In Stick City
I take fanfic requests and will accept fanart of Father & Son or my standalones I also take fanart requests if anyone wants me to draw them something. I cannot draw this bundle of silly sticks for shit(I can't draw for shit lol), but I'll do my best.
Autumn out!
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motownfiction · 7 months
a night for a knight
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The rest of the night is normal, even with Roy there. Sam talks everyone’s ears off about what he’s listening to, Sadie spends the whole dinner looking at Daniel, who dropped by about an hour earlier, and Charlie plays the piano with one hand on top of the table. At least, it’s normal according to Maggie, who insists that Roy’s presence changes nothing. He’s never sure how much to believe her about anything.
The front door swings open in the middle of dessert – chocolate cake that Sam made by himself. He’s been really into baking for the past eight days, which Roy has to laugh at. He’s gone through similar phases before. Baking, boxing, booze for a little too long after his first dozen rejection letters. Everybody looks up as a lady, a man, and their baby enter the living room. Roy’s a little disappointed by how long it takes him to recognize them.
“Hope you don’t mind us coming right in,” Lucy Callaghan says, paying more attention to the bow on top of the baby’s head than to the scene she’s just walked into. “But we’ve always known where you hide the spare key, so we figured … might as well.”
“Fine by me,” Maggie says.
“Hey, Lucy,” Sadie says, a little louder than she probably should.
“Look up.”
Lucy looks up from the baby’s head, and her eyes dart straight over to Roy. Suddenly, it looks like all the words she was forming have just … disappeared. Her eyes are wide, her face is pale, and she looks just like she did when she was little. Classic. Roy catches a laugh behind a forkful of cake. 
“Hey, kiddo,” he says. “How’re you?”
But Lucy doesn’t say anything. She backs away from the table … and right into Will, who braces her with his left hand – the one with the wedding ring.
“Ah, Lu-cee,” Sam stresses. “You gotta be kidding. You were eleven years old!”
“And twelve,” Sadie says. “And thirteen. And fourteen.”
“OK, not fourteen,” Lucy finally snaps. “I’ll give you eleven, twelve, and thirteen, but I draw the line at fourteen. I’d gotten real by then.”
Roy catches another laugh – this time behind his napkin.
“I’m sorry,” Will says, squeezing Lucy’s shoulder, “but what is everyone talking about?”
“Will!” Sam says.
“Everybody knows.”
“Obviously, that’s not true.”
“Oh, for crying out loud,” Sadie says, throwing her napkin down on her half-eaten slice of cake. “Will, your wife used to have a crush on my uncle. A bad one, actually. She spent the entire summer of 1978 writing terrible poetry about it.”
Roy raises his eyebrows at Lucy.
“I didn’t know you wrote poetry about me,” he says.
“It wasn’t … about you,” Lucy struggles, but everyone in the room knows she’s lying … even her baby, somehow, by the smile on her face.
“Yes, it was,” Sadie says. “She used to stay up late writing it, and the next day, she’d give it to me. I was supposed to give it to you. But as soon as I read it, I knew I never could. For her sake and yours.”
Lucy’s turning scarlet in the corner, handing the baby off to Will, who looks like he might vomit. Roy pulls out the empty chair next to him, and Lucy knows what he means. She rushes over to the seat and takes it for her own.
“In hindsight, I guess it’s a good thing she never gave you those poems,” Lucy says. “I can’t imagine they were very good.”
“They weren’t,” Sadie says. “There were metaphors in there that just … didn’t make any sense. I mean, one of them was called ‘A Night for a Knight,’ which I’m pretty sure is the first episode of Scooby-Doo.”
Lucy turns bright red again.
“I know exactly what that meant, and I won’t be disclosing it at this or any time,” she says. “Trust me, it’s for the better.”
She narrows her eyes at Sadie from across the table.
“I thought you said you were never going to tell anyone,” Lucy says.
“I wouldn’t have,” Sadie says. “I figured since you’re no longer eleven, it might be OK to joke about it.”
Lucy turns to Roy with a defeated sigh.
“You’d have given all of them terrible grades,” she says. “I compared your eyes to, specifically, melted chocolate chips in a chocolate chip cookie.”
Roy can’t help but smile. Out of all Sadie and Sam’s friends, Lucy has always been his favorite. She acted tough and cool, and she was – Roy remembers a time when the kids were seven or eight, and Lucy fell down and scraped her knee to holy hell and back again. She never cried. She didn’t even stop running around the yard with the others, even though she probably should have. Roy remembers that – remembers being glad Sadie and Sam were friends with a kid like that and not some jerk.
Plus, there’s something about Lucy that’s a lot like Sam. She gets it.
“Better a cookie than mud,” Roy says. “That’s what my dad always said about his own eyes. Anyway, did I tell you it’s good to see you?”
“I think it was implied.”
“And I see you’ve beaten me out in a couple of ways.”
Lucy furrows her brow before she turns around and notices Will and Elenore, still standing behind her.
“Oh,” she says. “I guess it has been a while since we’ve seen each other. Last time you were here, Will and I weren’t even dating. Now …”
She holds up her left hand, and the gem in her engagement ring glitters before the whole table. Roy nods at it. He’s bought a couple of those in his lifetime, and the only person here who knows a thing about it is Maggie. She’s looking at him like she wants to say something, and he says a little thankful prayer when she doesn’t.
“This is Elenore, by the way,” Will interjects, waving the baby’s hand. “She’s my daughter. And Lucy’s daughter. Our daughter. Mine. My kid, too. Say hi, Elenore.”
“Hi!” Elenore chirps.
“Hi, Elenore,” Roy says.
He looks right at Will.
“Hey, Will,” he says. “You know I’m not a threat to your marriage, right?”
“For many reasons,” Maggie interjects. “Not the least of which is that my brother seems to be allergic to relationships.”
Roy bites his tongue. There’s a lot he could say, and he could probably dress it up in metaphors and allusions and leave Maggie bleeding all over the dining room. But he won’t. He remembers when Maggie was ten, and she cried at the sight of that dead sparrow on their porch. She cried all day long and into the night.
“I know that,” Will says, but in that sweet way where he never believes anything the first time he hears it – same as he was when he was five years old. “I just can’t believe everybody else knew Lucy had a crush on you, except me.”
“Roy didn’t know,” Lucy says, and the whole table laughs, except Lucy.
“That’s a good one,” Sam says.
“Yeah,” Charlie chimes in, rather unnecessarily.
“What do you mean?” Lucy asks. “He didn’t know. Sadie never gave him the poems. I was very subtle.”
Roy drops his fork down on his plate and tries not to erupt. He turns to Lucy and touches the back of her right hand with all the tenderness he can muster. He can feel Will giving him the evil eye. It’s adorable.
“Lucy, sweetie,” he says carefully, “Look at me. Listen. You were not subtle. I don’t think you’ve ever been subtle about anything.”
Lucy’s eyes double in size. Exactly Roy’s point.
“We were all there when it happened,” Sam says, saving his uncle’s neck. “Don’t you remember? Roy was talking about Emma, when Mr. Knightley or whoever –”
“You know it’s Mr. Knightley,” Sadie says.
“– or whoever … when he says, ‘If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.’ Lucy heard him talking about that, and the whole day she just … kept … moving closer to him. And at one point, when we had the radio on, they were playing ‘Take a Chance on Me.’ And she never stopped staring.”
Lucy buries her entire face in her hands.
“I blocked all of this,” she murmurs. “I pretended like none of this ever happened. I moved on. I married Will.”
“Damn right,” Will says.
Roy turns to Lucy one more time, as nice as he can be. But she almost makes him want to cry. She’s eighteen, smarter than anybody at the table, probably including himself and Sam, and she’s already married. She’s already somebody’s mother. He wants to tell her he can’t imagine how hard it must be. All of it. He knows she would understand. She’s like him. She’s like Sam. They speak in the gaps.
“I was, and remain, flattered,” Roy says. “But I was, and wish I had remained, thirty.”
Lucy sighs. She takes Elenore back from Will and kisses the top of her head again.
“Thank you,” she says. “I just have to hope Elenore never has a crush so … embarrassingly inappropriate.”
She anchors the baby toward Roy.
“Do you want to hold her?”
Roy pauses. He can feel Maggie staring him down, almost salivating. She knows what he’s going to say. God, how long has it been since he held a baby? Was it Charlie, the six-five wonder? It can’t be. Surely, he’s met another baby since his nephew.
“Uh, not right now,” Roy says. “Maybe after dessert.”
He can feel Maggie’s absolute glee.
And he wishes it was still OK to punch your sister.
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regivapor · 9 months
Buckle up, this one's going to be long, personal, and possibly controversial.
"Calmdown Catacombs"
The in-canon story for this involves an out of control Jacques, placed in a palmkind run sort of facility for unruly hatmen to calm down. The palmkind, ever eager to be entertained, have turned this facility into a zoo attraction inside a mall. Jacques is given all sorts of distractions and the palmkind gawk at them, between dancing and partying. Because hatmen can feel emotional distress from others over long distances, and because this drives them into a frenzy, Jacques is forced to wear a cone to put a damper on these signals. They have their mobility reduced so they can’t escape or attack the palmkind handlers.
Jacques’ imprisonment in the Calmdown Catacombs represents purity culture, particularly my experience with it. Purity culture was a big part of the religion I used to believe in. Partying, drugs, sex…all out of the question, demonized, I felt I had to abstain from these. I did that, and the part I feel the worst about is how I judged others. I regret not having a more rebellious and exploratory nature because I think it would have led to me being a more rounded, more connected nature than I do today.
Here are some explanations of the symbolism:
-Jacques’ cone represents feeling isolated from most of my peers. Maybe it was a mixture of feeling like I’d become impure around others? Maybe it was not really knowing how to socialize? And yes, I realize my cat is in a cone right now, that’s a coincidence.
-Jacques’ ill-fitting dress represents the gender roles prescribed by Catholicism/Christianity, especially those prescribed to women. The "biblical woman" gender roles have always felt like they didn’t work for me.
-the shackles around Jacques’ legs represent the idea of abstinence, whether that’s from sexual activity, partying, or weed. In church youth group and stuff, there was the whole "rose without petals" thing, like you were less valuable if you had sex outside marriage. I bought into that and it caused problems later that are too personal for me to discuss here.
-there’s all sorts of random things around Jacques; collections, books, art, graded papers, etc. These are the things used to distract Jacques, things I used to work on and devote time to instead of exploring life/myself. The theremin is part of this, I realize I used to play the piano when I was in high school and college, but the theremin fit better and it’s what I play now.
-the palmkind gawkers watching Jacques represent the feeling a lot of "gifted kids" get when they feel hey need to perform or produce.
-there’s a key in the upper left hand area. Jacques can leave at any time; I could have been a rebel and explored myself at any time, but I didn’t.
Tl;dr: It's about how buying into the purity culture aspect of Catholicism/Christianity was a mistake on my part and I feel like I missed out on a lot of life experiences because of it.
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elflock-magician · 1 year
"Judgemental Stare"
Summary - Susie and Noelle become a Reddit meme.
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Susie and Noelle had happily been girlfriends for a few months now. They hung out at school, ate lunch together, and spend every day with each other. Sunday was basically official movie night, and Tuesday was shopping together. And Saturday's were Darkworld visits. But today, Susie and Noelle weren't doing anything. So they decided to go and visit Rudy, Noelle's father. Susie and Rudy seemed to like each other. Noelle remembered when they first met, her father inexplicably gave Susie two thumbs up and an approving smile, Susie was a little confused but went along with it. Rudy was like a father to Susie. And today, they visited again. Kris was there too, they were playing a soft song on the piano. They were pretty good at it. The music echoed through the hospital. "Dad! We're here!" Noelle called happily as she quickly ran and hugged her father. Susie was calmly walking behind, but had a giddy smile. "Hey honey, oh, and hello to you too Susie!" Rudy said with a smile. Susie took her hand out of her pocket and waved back, "Yo." She said simply. "How's your twos been?" Rudy asked, his sentence short. "We've been good! Grades have been good. Oh, and Berdly says 'hi'!" Noelle said with zeal and happy enthusiasm. She put her hands on her hips while smiling. "Berdly...eh, I never liked that kid." Rudy said simply. "He's a little obnoxious, sure, but we've been friends for a while now. He means well." Noelle said and sat down on part of the bed next to her father.
"He always weirds me out." Susie interjected, leaning against a wall. "Hm, well, Anyways! How have you been?" Noelle asked her father. "Me? Ah, same old, same old. You know how it is." Rudy explained, avoiding details. "Kris has been visiting often, but that piano music is putting me to sleep." Rudy said jokingly. "Really?" Susie muttered. "I think the piano music is calming." Noelle said. Then Susie suddenly started beatboxing. "S-Susie?!" Noelle called out in surprise. "Haha! That's more like it." Rudy responded. Susie continued beatboxing while Noelle watched her girlfriend in confusion. After what was going on finally settled, decided to take out her phone.
Noelle took a selfie because it was kind of funny. Her dad was smiling and clapping mildly while Susie beatboxed her heart out, and Noelle just stared into the camera with a dead facial expression. She captioned the photo with,
"This is what I deal with every day" and she posted it on the Overnet. And that was that, she didn't think that the picture would get popular the way it did. But for the moment, she just enjoyed the company of her father and her girlfriend.
Susie eventually tired of beatboxing. "You know, my nurse was telling me about a new movie. 'Attack of the Killer Queen' was it? Two for one deal tonight." Rudy brought up with a few shaky hand gestures. "I thought it was Attack of the Giant Killer Rat?" Susie questioned. "Oh! Maybe we should go see it?" Noelle answered.
"Eh, if you want. I'm down for whatever." Susie replied and put her arm around Noelle. "Sure! Is that okay with you, Dad?" Noelle asked. "Visiting hours are almost over anyways. You two kiddos have fun." Rudy replied. And so, they left for the movie. The post she had made on Overnet didn't even cross her mind once. The movie was actually titled 'Attack of the Giant Killer Queen Rat.' The movie sucked, but Noelle and Susie were just happy to spend some time together. They spent the movie cuddling and cracking jokes at the movie.
"All right, sleep well, Noelle." Susie said as she walked Noelle to the front gate of her house. "Thanks Susie! And you too." She replied. "I love you." She added, she still got flustered whenever she said it. Susie smiled in response. "Love you too, Elle." Susie replied before giving Noelle a soft kiss on the cheek, and then leaving.
Noelle went inside the warm embrace of her house. The next day, when Noelle and Susie walked to school, Berdly was waiting for them at the door with Kris, who was staring into the abyss, as usual. "SUSIE, NOELLE, you must come and see this!" Berdly called, his phone out in front of him. Berdly sprinted towards the couple. "What's got your feathers in a twist?" Susie asked, taking a step back. "You two have gone viral!" Berdly shouted and shoved his phone into Noelle's face. "Huh?" Noelle muttered and took the phone from Berdly. "Berdly, what is all this?" Noelle questioned as she scrolled through the images. "Why do you have an active iFunny account? And I just thought you couldn't be more of a nerd." Susie spat as she looked over Noelles shoulder.
"Wait is that us?" Susie questioned.
The photo was a meme template, it had captions like 'me' and 'my friends' on it, like the classic Dank Meme stuff you'd find on Reddit. And it was the picture that Noelle had taken of Susie and her father yesterday.
Noelle was dead-faced, Susie was just confused and Berdly looked like he was having his fifth heart attack of the day. "You've become a meme format!" Berdly shouted. He seemed excited about it, happy for them, even. "Let me see that!" Susie shouted and snatched the phone from Noelle. She scrolled for a few seconds before saying, "Damn, and none of them are funny." With a small frown.
"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry Susie! I didn't mean to—" Noelle called out in fear of making Susie upset with her. "Woah, calm down Noelle, it's fine, I don't care. Besides, I look pretty badass in this picture." Susie replied and put her arm around Noelle, which she had found makes Noelle feel comfortable and safe. "Are you sure?" She questioned. "Of course." Susie replied.
From that point forward Susie had been recognized as the 'beatboxing lizard girl' and Noelle as 'idk the deer.' Alphys, their teacher, was a frequent user of the internet and practically chocked on air upon seeing two of her students become a popular meme. So, life continued as normal. But now Noelle and Susie were internet famous and considered a Reddit meme.
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aslannadir · 1 year
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[ oktay çubuk, cismale, he/him ] - was that ASLAN NADIR i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the TWENTY-EIGHT year old who has been in nightrest for HIS WHOLE LIFE and works as a DJ AT MEDUSA has a reputation of being EASY GOING, but also NONCHALANT. they reside in LOW POINT & people in town usually associate them with THE SOUND OF LOUD MUSIC BLASTING, AN ASSORTMENT OF EXPENSIVE LIQUOR, & A LOPSIDED GRIN PLASTERED ON HIS LIPS. let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next. [ jia, 28, she/her, gmt+3, n/a ]
NAME: Aslan Kerem Nadir
AGE: 28 years old
BIRTHDAY: November 11, 1994
ZODIAC CHART: Scorpio sun, capricorn moon, scorpio rising
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cismale, he/him
FACE CLAIM: Oktay Çubuk
PLACE OF BIRTH: Nightrest, Salem, Massachusetts
HEIGHT: 5′11″ (180 cm)
Aslan was born and raised in Nightrest, and has known a life of luxury and privilege since he was a little kid, with everything handed to him and his younger sister, Azra on a silver platter. Aslan doesn’t remember a time where his family didn’t shower him and his sister with attention growing up.
A virtuoso from a very young age, his parents had supported this hobby, even though it came at the expense of his grades. He didn’t particularly care about school apart from being the center of attention, attending every single party there is and having a big group of friends. It came easy with his charismatic and playful personality. He skated by at school, doing just the bare minimum to pass his classes and eventually graduate. He didn’t feel the need to abide by rules when his parents didn’t even enforce them.
They were fine with how wild their eldest was, especially because he at least graduated school, even though he refused to go to college. However, eventually, it became too much and they threatened to cut him off and cut his access to his trust fund. Which, fair, he supposes. He’s always splurged. It didn’t help that his sister did the same. Their condition was simple—get a job. They wanted their son to be responsible for once. So, he got a job as a DJ at Medusa. It didn’t feel like a job when it’s at a nightclub and he still gets to be somewhere with loud music, good vibes, and booze. It felt like a two birds one stone situation, if you asked him.
Much to his parents’ dismay, that didn’t make him any more responsible. He still splurged, still partied too much, slept around. But hey, he has his own place and his own job, he’s independent as far as he’s concerned!
Aslan’s a spoiled brat. He’ll bullshit his way to get what he wants and expects things to come to him without putting in any real effort. He’s good with words, a charismatic flirt through and through, who will joke, tease, and banter. There’s very little he cares about, i.e., his sister, his cat, money, music, partying, fucking around, and his close friends. He can play the drums, guitar (both electric and acoustic), and piano. He’s composed music, too, but it’s not something he shares with people. He’s very nonchalant and dismissive, and doesn’t take things seriously, simply because there’s nothing that’s really worth it. He’s pretty cocky and selfish, and will very rarely put others’ needs above his own. He likes to fool around and hook up. He’s not against dating, but his relationships don’t last long because he gets bored too quickly. His longest relationship is probably four or five months.
Close friends
Party friends
Drinking buddies
Smoking buddies
Neighbors and coworkers
Good influence on him
He’s a bad influence on them
Family friends
Someone he annoys for fun
Ex friends
Unexpected friends
Someone he can share his passion for music with
Honestly anything, I want it all <3
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hellosaysnoxx · 1 year
whoaa cool blog hey!!! can i have a south park matchup :-)
im a teen in high school and my style is kind of slightly-alternative??? like a middle schooler would call me emo but also it's just smudged eyeliner and fluffy bleached hair- i dress more like uhh https://pin.it/6yJ99JL that general look
i like the cure and the smiths and radiohead and loser music idk
i'm a dude but also i'm like SO high maintenance- i'll show up to school 15 minutes late with my eyeliner and fake freckles and curled hair. i once dide show uo to school because my hair iron broke and i look stupid with my natural 1a hair its like a bowl cut
i'll show up to 4th period after luncj with an iced coffee and red bull and finish both by the bell- teachers have emailed me about it 😭
my personality is like. hmm
i act really aloof and probably kind of awkward and rude because i dont know how to talk to people
but once you get to know me im actyally like insane like INSANE
i dont shut up i will NEVER shut up i will text you at 1am and be like "do you think it would be good if i put ketchup in macking cheese is that normal"
but despite that i'm surprisingly emotionally intelligent- something i take pride in
i'm very reasonable in conflict and i can separate emotion from logic
plus i'm really good at articulating myself!!! i can communicate well and i' patient with a lot of people
also im kind of a dumbass but i also have a 4.0 gpa and i do competetive classical piano (sterotypical asian kid moment)
So first of all, you seem so cool like HAIDBDINDJFBDBBD/pos
Second of all, you didn't add what kind of relationship you wanted, so I'm just going to go with a platonic one (I hope that's okay😭)
Also, I hope you read the rules because I say there that I am not good at South Park matchups, so don't expect me to be a really accurate person😞
Not proof read!! (Usually never is sorry)
Anyway!! You're matchup isssss.....
Kenny Mccormick
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He did call you emo once, but that was with Cartman😭
Sometimes, during school, he'll see you be there for like an hour and then leave, and he's wondering what you're doing and why you leave so early, especially in your grade
But then he doesn't really mind, what's his business
When he apologizes for calling you emo, you both get to know each other better
He LOVES your insane personality/p (platonic)
You're like his older sibling, and you'll both cause mischief together sometimes
Also, he doesn't really care if you don't shut up
You both would text random shit during 1am fr💀
*Readers name* - Do you think it would be good if I put ketchup in Mac n cheese is that normal?
Kenny - Put mustard on it too
He's also really happy that you sometimes have your serious moments
Is also happy that you care and is really grateful that you have patience
"Can you play the among us theme song?"
Would ask you so many things about why you play the piano
He didn't expect it
Will be angry if Cartman comments "Asian kid" to you for playing the piano
He'll see you sometimes in the hallway and chat with you for a while
When he introduces you to Cartman, Kyle and Stan they were scared and thought you kind of seemed cool
But Cartman called you emo and then they left
Kenny was still there, tho and apologized for him💀
He texts you 24/7 and sends the most random sh1t ever
You don't know how he got your number
I think you both would be sending weird shit together, having a silly talk🤩
You collect random stuff? He'll give you random stuff
In the hallways, he gives you a small piece of metal and walks away
Also, your nickname is Crow now
I hope you have a good day/night anon!♡/p
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