#hey-o living rent free in my brain
paper-mario-wiki · 1 year
I don't know if you've talked about this elsewhere already but was the break from streaming intentional and/or are you planning on returning to streaming some time in the foreseeable future? no pressure, I just miss your silly antics :o)
felt very burnt out from being someone who people are always lookin at all the time mostly! (and also a lot more reasons)
got a new job that pays just as well as streaming (which is enough to pay for rent in seattle with roommates, buy food for myself, and sometimes buy yet another japanese gamecube via online auction), and have been enjoying the feeling of not relying on anonymous teenagers and young adults who are just as poor as me on the internet for my income. It's something i was extremely grateful for, but it's not only a very infirm way to generate revenue on a reliable basis, but also i always felt an ever-present sense of guilt for it. like, instilling within other people who i know are in my tax bracket (one that is below the poverty line) the idea of "hey if you dont tip me for doing this free service, the quality of which is damningly subjective, I will be homeless. but no pressure haha" is something that i was never able to shake.
also like. performing is quite draining for me! the way i portray myself in my streams is EXTREMELY extroverted while, in my personal life, i prefer to spend 8 to 14 of my waking hours every day by myself in my room with my dog. i like the quiet, and i feel at peace most when i am not being perceived by other people.
lastly, i really dislike having inordinate levels of social power. for a several reasons. like, SEVERAL reasons. this is the longest section of this post.
8 years ago, i got way more famous than any 16 year old should ever be when i got tens of thousands of followers overnight for doing undertale shit. and i think it really fucked up my ability to make friends at a time where my only experience meeting new people was at school or at church, and i lived far enough out in the woods that i couldnt just go outside and hang out with the neighbors cuz the neighbors lived a mile away. my socializing skills in general are way more stilted than i'd prefer for someone my age. in private settings ive got my foot in my mouth a lot. and sometimes in public settings too! im sure if youve seen streams ive been on, youve seen plenty of "chase you really shouldnt have said that" moments. and youre probably right, i probably shouldnt have! my moment-to-moment gauge for what i should and shouldnt say is very slow to catch up cuz ive got like. advanced mental illnesses. like, im not joking when i say ive been formally diagnosed several times over by different doctors with shit ive never heard anybody ever talk about, online or otherwise.
i dont think that's an excuse to say heinous or cruel things by any means of course, but i also think that i should not rely on a job where there's constantly a microphone in my hand and an audience listening intently to what i say. im not at all pulling the "its okay that i say mean things because im mentawy iww" card. as a matter of fact i think it's not okay that i say them! and i feel very embarrassed when i do! the filter that separates "normal healthy thoughts" and "intrusive unhealthy thoughts" is thinner and more flimsy in my brain than in others.
ive only gotten this far because i surround myself with very smart, patient, and kind people, and by trying to be understanding and patient with others too. and ive begun apologizing to people a lot more. i dont like it when people are mad at me, and i dont like that for a long time i had professionally painted myself into a corner where im typically always the "heel" in comedy settings, because the "heel" is the guy everyone shits on all the time. i got this reputation not because i actively enjoy being mean, but because i learned to adapt to the aforementioned "clinically unreliable intrusive thoughts filter" by realizing i would say things that came across as mean, and in real time exaggerating that it into a character that people could shoot back at without feeling guilty while still having fun. theres nothing that ruins a good time quite like someone who is constantly apologizing for doing something wrong, and then continuing to do that wrong thing anyway. dont misunderstand, i absolutely adore dunking on weenies when everyone can get a good laugh out of it (like tumblr anons, who i think should be classified as prokariyotic invertebrates and not people (no offense)) but even though it's a joke it still feels very bad when that's expected of me when i walk into a room. because if i walk into a room, and everyone expects me to be an asshole, everyone is on the defensive before i say anything, and sometimes they take shots at me when im not trying to "play". even worse, if im a heel in a setting where it's expected of me and someone cant really keep up with "the bit" then that just means im being an asshole to someone who cant or doesnt have the energy to fight back. and not just any asshole, an asshole who has had nearly a decade of professional experience being a paid asshole.
if im being frank, i dont know if i'll come back in a full capacity. i might! im not ruling that out! and you'll probably still see me pop up in my friends streams, because i did LOVE what i did for a very long time! but after i took my "break" in december after being more stressed than ive ever been, and i knew it was no longer financially necessary for me to livestream, i had the thought "i will go back to streaming when i find within myself a desire to do so" and ya know what? i havent yet.
and DO NOT FUCKING BOTHER MY FRIENDS ABOUT THIS. if you post a fucking "hey have u heard what chase said" message in their chat or in their DMs or anything, im not joking when i say you are actively being the kind of person i changed my career to avoid! fuck you, for real! stop trying to interface with them to get some new piece of information or opinion about me you fucking weirdo! they'll talk about me if they want to, but going to someone who is doing their own thing and asking them to instead comment on someone else it is ALWAYS fucking annoying. if you want to think about me, do it by yourself! or ask me directly! or do it in the comment section of a video im in! or write a fanfiction about me and then throw it away!
but if ur not that kind of person then ur cool dont worry.
anywho! im sorry if this is a bummer to read. but that's the full skinny.
im still posting regularly on twitter (clown_depot)! and if i DO go live, either on my twitch channel or on a friend's stream, it will be posted there!
thanks for watching :^]
im not goin radio silent, im just gonna turn off the electric window that lets people see me for a while.
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hotmessmaxpress · 2 months
Among the ones you wrote, or you followed from others’ writing, which rosquez au is your favourite?
hey anon! this is literally an impossible question to answer!
of my own works, I think the onlyfans au is my biggest au and was one of the first that I published to motgpblr. I think a lot of people became followers/mutuals/friends of mine because of that and the a/b/o au, so they're like my oldest daughters and they're very dear to me 😭
i'm also proud of the horror au because it's different than anything i've ever written before! it's a big challenge for me creatively and in terms of style and tone.
as for others, i'm going to try and post only a few fic recs but it's nearly impossible.
from @yeastinfectionvale, wrench to the heart, baby boots and riding suits, and kiss of death were some of the first fics I really got attached to in motogp and I am endlessly in love with them (although I devour basically anything from adora, even the bizarre stuff 😭)
@anitalianfrie also has a rosquez reconciliation au in the form of social media/articles/posts called this is a love story that is quite frankly insane. I can't even imagine the amount of time and effort that went into it and it lives rent free in my brain
@agnst-crrnt's time travel au is another one that I will love always and forever
@vanillow's cyborg au is something so unique from anything i've read in any fandom, really, and this reminds me that I should reread it
I need to stop before I just list my entire tumblr likes and ao3 bookmarks. I'm also probably forgetting at least 20 aus that are very special to me, but these stick out in my brain when I think of rosquez aus!!
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xerith-42 · 3 months
omg i forgot about angelsville i loved it so much jason lord and chris were so funny in it :O
I will never stop talking about Angelsville because it ruined my life (silly). Jason L and Chris' dynamic lives in my brain rent free and I'm so happy to remind everyone of it as many times as I please.
Hey speaking of which did you know that Chris said Blaze was his favorite character? Just wanted to remind everyone 🥰
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acrosstimeandspace · 6 months
Do all of them for Merlin /hj
(If you don't wanna, I can pick specific ones out)
abidienfjdn i actually did end up doing them all bc i do wanna talk about merlin so bad. he’s been living in my brain rent free, i have so many thoughts!
also i hope you’ve had a good day adrian!! and remember to take care! these are under the cut!
🍪 Cookie - What does your f/o call you?
i just know merlin’s a sucker for pet names, especially the really cheesy/cutesy ones. the more sugary sweet they are the better because a part of him loves the reactions he gets. but! he’d have some that are pretty consistent, particularly starting with “my” like my darling, my sweetheart, because they always get sasha to blush.
♣️ Clover - How would your f/o celebrate your birthday? How would you celebrate theirs?
partially loves and gets a bit of an crisis over birthdays in general. human life is so short, but also it’s a day to celebrate moving forward with life and having another wonderful year!
i think on sasha’s (my s/i’s) birthday, he’d prefer to do something private. cuddles in bed, a nice restaurant date and romantic stroll. it’s simple and sweet, but also personable. it gives them time to connect out of busy chaldea life.
on his birthday, i think sasha would prefer to treat him to lots of fun memories and experiences. after all, merlin’s only out of avalon for so long, he might as well enjoy what he’s been seeing in person! but, at the end of the day, being able to come together is merlin’s favorite part.
🖋 Pen - Would your f/o ever give you creative gifts? What creative form would they use? (E.g music, art, writing)
seeing as merlin’s an idol on his down time, i feel that he probably has a few creative talents! his favorite gift he’s gave is the plush fou, because sewing is so much time. and hey, he has quite the knack for it too!
🎤 Sing - Can your f/o sing? Is it a hobby or job? How often do they sing? (Bonus: do they have actual songs? What do you think of them?)
as much as i’d like to say no, i know that mage had pipes on him. he does so as a virtual idol, but also likes to sing little melodies when he and sasha are going to bed. that’s partially bc my dreams where he’s been there have featured on occasion him singing me lullabies >.>
also! he does sing in the stage play, and his va has done a few songs and covers. i’ve found there’s a few romantic songs. as of writing this i am so not well about this guy.
🎵 Music - Excluding any official songs of theirs, do any songs remind you of (you and) your f/o?
for some reason? i’m drawn to say paradise by george ezra. i don’t know why, but it makes me think of how merlin sees sasha as he’s beginning to develop feelings.
✝️ Lord - Are you or your f/o religious? What traditions would you share with each other?
i don’t think either sasha or merlin are particularly religious, but do enjoy sharing little bits about their own cultures with one another. i think mostly sasha loves to share family recipes!
🖤 Phantom - Is your f/o superstitious? Are they interested much in the paranormal or the occult?
considering merlin is the paranormal, you could say he’s interested! but mostly, he does love watching humans.
🌸 Blossom - Who fell in love first? How long did it take for each of you to realise your feelings?
oh merlin fell first! and while sasha is very bad at hiding their feelings and merlin likes to playfully tease, merlin was definitely in denial like sasha was.
sasha doesn’t really realize their feelings (they’re in denial) until merlin refers to himself as they’re partner seriously while on a mission with their master (they’re disguising as a couple it’s totally necessary$ and they internally lose it.
merlin on the other hand, while falling first, is deep in denial. he doesn’t know what love is, he can’t fall in love, he’s an incubus! but as he slowly grows closer and closer to sasha something stirs in him and it’s totally amusement, silly! and then he almost loses sasha and he’s like oh. oh. oh no.
🎰 Thrills - How risky is your f/o? Do they keep things safe or do they gamble their odds at whatever they feel like?
100% likes risk, but also he has foresight so is it really a risk? but in all honesty, merlin doesn’t care much for risking anyone or anything, not that he lets people know that.
🍳 Hungry - What is your f/o's favourite food? Favourite drink?
canonically merlin may not have a favorite food or drink but he does to me!!
emotion wise, his guilty please is happier emotions and memories, though he hates taking them away from people. he does enjoy more bitter flavors as well, as he believes there should be a balance to these sorts of things.
as for regular human food, he’s fond of sweets, particularly with slight bitter notes like dark chocolate and matcha based desserts. his favorite meals happen to be anything that can be eaten as a group.
as for drinks, he’s fond of the tea he and artoria would have together in camelot. he’s found though that he does enjoy a cocktail or two, especially with fun names! and bright colors!
🪽 Angel - How nice is your f/o to others? Are they different around you or act just the same?
he’s struck a balance between playful and polite with people, but also loves to tease those with great reactions, so he comes off as rather mean to people who he’s not close to.
and while he does love to tease those he’s close to like sasha and artoria, he does know there’s a line and respects it. he also is kinder in the sense that he tries to check in with people in his own way, but he’s not always sure if he should interfere, as occasionally he feels he knows too much about people. he’s gotten great at subtle guiding!
and merlin will be the first to admit he turns up the flirt factor with sasha. how can he not when ae always blush at him?
🕸 Widow - Does your f/o like spiders?
wouldn’t say merlin is fond of them, but he doesn’t dislike them, so to speak. pretty neutral, tbh.
🩸 Ouch - How would your f/o react to seeing you hurt (either mild or major)?
if it’s a small scrape, such as sasha falling and getting a scrape he’d probably tease them a bit, but i do think serious injuries would set off a protective bone in merlin. especially if he’s there fighting by their side.
😍 Obsessed - How obsessed is your f/o about you? What lengths would they go for you?
a normal amount of obsessed, i think? he’s navigating his more human emotions still and he knows he wants to stay by sasha’s side forever. maybe he’s looking for a way to sneak them into avalon with if they ever wanted to. but like, if they want a normal human life, he’d never deny them of that.
💔 Mine - How jealous is your f/o?
oooo merlin is a pouty jealous person. he doesn’t get so too often as he knows sasha loves him! but, he doesn’t like it that people would ignore that they say they’re taken. or if they don’t spend enough time with him (this a lot). he’s a needy man, but don’t you love him for it? 🥺
💋 Kiss - How would your f/o react if you gave them a random unexpected kiss?
you know he’s smug, i just know it. would completely ask for more too. but underneath it all he’s so giddy, he loves random affection like this so much! but be aware that sasha will be trapped by him just flopping on top of them asking for more kisses.
🔪 Dangerous - How skilled is your f/o in combat or murder?
in combat yes, but he will not let anyone know. after all he’s just a fragile guy! you wouldn’t put him on the front lines with his b strength right?
🐝 Buzz - Do any of your f/os know each other? (In canon or just a hc/au?)
yes!! tristan and merlin come from the same source, and of course there is fgo. i actually initially thought about using isolde to ship with merlin, but you know maybe there’s enough wife problems within the knights of the round.
⭐️ Star - Gush about your f/o! Or a s/i! Whatever you want!
both? both is good!
first i wanna say to me merlin is genderfluid! so i do end up using both he/she pronouns for her. and also demiro. but more gushy i do love merlin’s playfulness. it brightens things up and also can be really revealing about her. and also him in my dreams. ugh he’s so sweet?? and i’ve had so many?? mainly they’re cuddle sessions, and tbh merlin would be so good to cuddle with.
as for my si for him, their name is sasha! they’re a mage from the mage’s association that carries aer family’s curse so they look quite beastly (horns, claws, fangs, scales, the works so to speak). and funnily enough, ae’s fused with gabrielle-suzanne de villeneuve, who’s considered the first person to write down the beauty and the beast fairy tale. so ae’s a demiservant. and she sorta helps sasha out with self love!
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marionsravenwoods · 1 year
It’s like three am when I’m writing this and I have no idea if it’ll make sense but what are some of your favorite Mike Cutter og Law and Order episodes/ scenes?? Can be interpreted as anything really. I got back into og law and order and I like Mike a bit unhinged and he makes my brain tickle <3
hey anon!!! idk how much of the series you've seen so i'll try to keep this as spoiler-free as possible!
omggggg uhhhhh man where do i begin!!!!
episode-wise, these are some of my top ranked eps for mike, in no particular order:
S18E12 Submission (the wine scene with Lara Flynn Boyle? WHEW!) S18E15 Boogeyman (mike is sooooo unhinged in the last scene) S19E1 Rumble (his closing is especially great here knowing how conflicted he is about having to give it, love the genuine conflict with mccoy) S19E21 Skate or Die (the scene with him saying a line in russian lives rent-free in my head) S2018 Brazil (sad "my parents sucked" mike, the questioning of Tony Hale at the end gets me 😭😭😭 every single time) S20E16 Innocence (he gets soooo put through the ringer in this one and contrary to popular belief MIKE DID NOTHING WRONG IN THIS EPISODE) S20E15 Brilliant Disguise (just love seeing my man so deranged) S20E9 For the Defense (Mike melting into an embarrassed mess when he realizes basically everyone and their mothers knows he has a crush on Connie)
a couple of random moments that tickle my brain:
S19E6 Sweetie - the confrontation with Vivica A. Fox at the end S18E13 Angelgrove - his closing kicks ass (as per usual) but idk why i liked this one especially S19E22 The Drowned and the Saved - confrontation with Governor Shalvoy (iykyk) S18E16 Strike - Mike talking with Jack about how much Connie kicked his ass in court 🥰🥰🥰 S18E17 Personae Non Grata - THE SCENE WITH THE BONES S19E4 Falling - when he's sitting in the hospital room "you just have to try to save who you can save" 😭😭😭 S19E5 Knock Off - having to stay behind in Dargerville with Lupo and they're just a coupla guys bein dudes S20E20 The Taxman Cometh - "everyone's calling me Boomerang Mike" S20E4 Reality Bites - Mike just messing with Connie because she has to be in a reality show in order to get access to information that will help them in a trial lmao
okay anon i gotta stop or i'll be here forever!!!! (this is probably wayyyy more than you thought and i am so sorry 😭😭😭) always feel free to swing back into my inbox to talk mike or l&o (and would love to e-meet ya if you ever decide to come off anon in the future!)
i love talking about my unhinged emotionally constipated prosecutor, so this ask made my day! thank you :)
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doublegoblin · 1 year
For the WIP Adaption Ask Meme - 🎬
🎬—Who would you cast as your characters?
Lol so I'll be the first to admit I have a limited knowledge of actors since I don't tend to watch a lot of movies, but hey maybe I can pick other random people to go along with it even if they aren't actors.
So I'll be answering this for Rituals and Red Tape. This has a lot of characters, so I'm only going to address a handful because I am a mortal with limited brain power. Also this would most likely be an animated thing so we're working off of vocal and vibes.
Alex- So this one is kinda hard because I would want somebody with a very androgynous sounding voice, and my knowledge of people with that is quite sparse. That said allowing for audio editing and other shenanigans: SungWon Cho. I feel like he could really bring the energy for Alex, just somebody who knows what the hell they're doing but is just so damn tired of other people fucking it up. Just a jaded white collar park ranger.
Peter- Harvey Guillen, sweet soft Guillermo.
Andrea- Kristen Schaal. Like yeah she has a spunky voice but she can also really sell the more serious and down to earth moments.
Dave- Idris Elba or James Earl Jones. Deep, monotonous but still very expressive, overbearing. I mean, c'mon
HR- Ben Schwartz/Willem Dafoe. Okay so for this boy when he is in his dreamy anime boy form it's the former, but when he is a writhing little ball of tendrils and i n t e n t i o n s we have the latter.
Greg- Jack McBrayer. This dude's voice live in my head rent free anytime I write for Greg.
Hope those answers are satisfying!
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froggowivdagudvibes · 10 months
Ok, this is teeny tiny and dumb but i thought its kinda cute n funny, so here.
Venti hiding from traveller for sum reason, with the help of dvalin.
They stopped, cut off mid sentence when they spot Dvalin lying on the grass ahead.
"Venti?" The traveller called, wondering where in Teyvat that gremlin had gotten to. "Venti, this is importa—"
"Dvalin? I know Venti's there, so if you could just—"
"Venti? You mean Barbatos? I don't think he's here, at least not last time I checked. In fact, I'm not sure I even know anyone called Barba- uh, Venti. Good luck finding him though." The traveller stood there, unimpressed and a little frustrated.
"You suck at lying, Dvalin," a muffled voice said.
"And you suck at hiding - your point?"
There was a sigh, and then Venti's head popped out from behind the dragon's great mass.
"O-oh, hey Traveller. Uh, didn't see you there..?"
Yeah. This has been living in my brain rent free for a while now, after a fanfic i read (i cannot remember what it was abt for the life of me lol, so dont ask). The purple bit is the bit i kept thinking abt, and the rest is just context.
@anggeese ik i used traveller for this but it could work rlly well for xiaoven too lol, so i thought you might appreciate it idk
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blorb-el · 2 years
Hello! What are the things that you'd like to see (or see more) in a Superman story?
o/ !
hmm, fanfiction or canon? Because in fanfiction... we're all here for fun, and I'm more interested in reading something the author's genuinely interested in writing. What I want out of canon Superman stories is pretty different than what I’m looking for when I fire up AO3. That being said, here is a long stream of consciousness of fanfic concepts that are currently living rent free in my brain. at least the sfw ones lol
there was An Art gremlin did a while back of Bruce tearing up when Clark was washing his hair and tbqh i think that would go both ways. the idea of an invulnerable man being treated softly drives me insane
superbat hand kisses. do i even need to elaborate. i will (threat)
i love plotty long world built alien space mission fic, which I realize is hard to write, but I love it anyway
Kryptonian. I know the grammar is hard and the vocabulary is sparse but I would be willing to beta or translate lines of dialogue if anyone wants to include Kryptonian in their fics...
(clark and diana teaching each other kryptonian and themysciran greek…)
general Kryptonian worldbuilding. I am on the verge of trying to encyclopedia precrisis Krypton just so people can throw in tanthuo flez or :dhosurro.
also kryptonian myths, ethics, nicknames... like just tossing it out into the wild that zhor krigia means bright heart... clark calling kara kir-a as a pun on bright... kara calling clark kahl-te...
also alien biology but that’s a given with me. still. had to throw it in
i know i'm superbat on main but. good clois content...
good kara content................
kara where she shows up and is markedly Other and. everyone is at first confused (’that’s not how kryptonians are’) and then slowly realizes how much clark masks...
how many languages does Superman speak? Can Superman pull a child out of a mudslide in rural India and reassure her she's going to be all right and help her find her parents - in her own language? (yes. ideally he should be able to.)
the adventures of insomniac superman. precrisis the man only sleeps 1 hour a day. granted lots of time is taken up studying aforementioned languages but. 3AM clark sitting in an all night diner in texas because there was a robbery nearby and he needed to not to be alone wanted coffee afterwards. clark watching the earthrise standing on the moon. sunlight tasting different at different altitudes.
(clark bringing a moon rock back to bruce like hey thought you might like this)
you know those fics where clark meets the batfam and like. learns to get along or whatever with them. that but in reverse. give me bruce wayne learning how to tolerate the menace that is jimothy james pulitzer prize winning photographer turtle boy menace olsen
young clark reading. actually clark in general reading but especially young clark reading, trying to understand his place in the world. Superman should have an opinion on Nietzsche's Ubermensch.
clark as a chaotic good person locked into a society and a role that demands lawful goodness of him
well thought out implications of growing up with superpowers. not to toot my own horn but this post i did from a while ago explains why the concept of infrared vision still lives rent free in my head
i am ALWAYS trash for listening into people's heartbeats. it makes no sense auditorially but neither does superhearing in general. read this fic diptych from bruce and then clark pov it's about their twinned nightmares and listening to heartbeats and overhearing bruce crying and the hurt of privacy invasion!!! then go read the first one in the series. wah.
The Call from Batman Black and White has a pretty garbage Clark but the idea that sticks in my brain from that is when Clark is afraid he’s just another tool in Bruce’s utility belt. chefs kiss. god i love angst. not the time to angst when someone’s bleeding out clark but god i love it anyway. anyway fic of this scenario (Clark is Bruce’s absolute last resort and he has to call on him) but not bad
crossovers... get flashpoint kal some HELP that man needs HELP
just because bruce timm was not going to address clark being essentially sexually assaulted during that arc doesn't mean we gotta leave it alone
anyway basically. just. good characterization. or. i’ll settle for interesting characterization at this point. my personal standards of clark characterization hinge on my three favorite Capital S Superman Stories: birthright, all-star, and miracle monday. if a fic has just one of the aspects of those characterizations I'm content. I would elaborate on that but this is already too long.
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Kazuha is one of my favorite characters because of the treatment hoyo gave him
Like all they tell us at first is that he's just a guy with a horny friend, and they refuse to elaborate further for ages after he was released even though all the other Inazuma characters were getting story quests and hangouts and everything (except Sara rip). But then he unexpectedly took off in popularity and they're like :O now we gotta give him a whole backstory and shit
Anyway I digress. Drunk Kazuha is living rent-free in my brain so could I maybe request some sort of fluffy interaction with him?
“Hey [Name] I have to tell you something.”
Kazuha didn’t drink often, but when he did, things usually got… interesting. Anyone who spent longer than a few minutes with the samurai immediately knew how poetic his speech tended to be, so on the rare occasions that he would be inebriated, it was almost enough to give someone whiplash. Which is why when you looked at him and saw that his face was slightly flushed, you mentally prepared yourself.
“Hm? What is it Kazuha? Ready to leave already?”
“No! You’re just… really pretty.”
Even drunk this man manages to fluster you. You compose yourself before glancing back and him and-
-he’s out cold.
Why oh why did you let Beidou talk you into this?!
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venusiangguk · 3 years
I would cry if you made a mini drabble or comment on how dilf Jk and OC are doing. Are they still together?
the art of wanting drabble: gardening and pool day with dilf jk and baby nari
>>pairing: jungkook x reader / dilf!jk x grocery store clerk!oc
>>genre: strangers to lovers / fwb / fluff
>>rating: PG
>>word count: 1.2k, drabble
>>warnings: not much, mentions of alcohol, implied smut, cutest baby ever
>>notes: just a lil update on the favorite not-so-couple couple and the apple of their eye, little nari <3
>>summary: nari plays in the dirt while jk gardens and you make a bet.
The blender was very fancy and had a lot of buttons, but alas, you made due and are now stepping out into the backyard, hands full of watermelon juice. Two with just a pinch of the rum you found in the built in wine cooler by the dishwasher, one with a spill proof lid.
It's your day off from the god forsaken grocery store, and the sun is beating hot outside, but the light breeze makes it bearable. The pool a little ways away gets more and more tempting as the heat sends waves to your bare arms and back. The bikini top you’re wearing basically useless as protection from the sun.
Good thing you’ve got a certain someone to sunscreen your back for you.
Jeongguk is shirtless, his sleeve on full display. His long hair is being held back by a baseball cap, and he’s got his gardening gloves on. You watch as he uses the back of his tattooed arm to wipe at some of the sweat dripping down the side of his face. He looks sunkissed and just edible.
You reign your thoughts in however when your eyes move next to him.
Little Nari is sat on a small blanket with a portable umbrella keeping her in a small patch of cool shade, her little toes dangling off the edge and digging into the small pile of soil that Jeongguk provided her to play in. He even put a few weeds and some of the flowers that were on their last few days of life into the mix. Nari digs one out with her pudgy little hands and squeals as she raises her hand for her dad to see.
Jeongguk, the ever doting father, takes in his baby and laughs when he sees that her overly large sun cap has fallen into her eyes. He adjusts it on her head, and you hear him give a playful gasp as you get closer.
“Oh so pretty, little flower,” he coos, “Is that for me?”
Nari snatches her hand away from him. “Nuuuuw, Da,” she shakes her head with so much force her whole little body jiggles, her round tummy on display in a tiny bikini of her own.
You smile to yourself and you take a seat with Nari on her blanket, stealing a bit of her shade. You hand Jeongguk his drink with a soft grin, and he smiles back at you, soft and sweet as he takes the glass.
“Oooh look what ___ brought for us,” he says, to Nari, “What do you say?”
Nari whips her head around to you like she didn’t notice you sit right next to her. She giggles, baby gurgles sounding in the backyard air. She claps her hands as she smiles at you her round doe-eyes squeezing shut in glee. That’s when she seems to remember the small blossom in her hand.
Her eyes go wide and her mouth parts in a small ‘o’ before she extends the flower to you.
You bend down to her level, and she tucks the flower into your hair as best she can with her baby motor skills and then wacks at her dad’s knee.
Jeongguk glances over at you as you grab a nearby watering can and use it to clean Nari’s hands before handing her her juice. She suckles on the sippy straw until she absolutely has to stop, gasping and taking deep breaths before getting right back to her sweet treat.
Her dad glances between her and you trying to figure out why his daughter tried to get his attention. His face falls and he gives a playfully annoyed expression.
“You know,” he starts, “Maybe Daddy wants a flower every once in a while.”
Nari is unbothered as she fists her sippy cup in one hand and the other goes right back into the dirt.
You giggle as you sip your drink and then lean back some, resting on your free hand. “You have the prettiest flower all to yourself already,” you say, nodding in Nari’s direction.
Jeongguk’s face softens, and he goes from looking at you to his little baby. He laughs quietly as he pinches her tummy. She giggles and some watermelon juice dribbles down her chin, unable to swallow before getting attacked by her daddy’s tickles.
Her hiccuping babbles and baby giggles are contagious, and you can’t help but join along. Nari puts up with her dad’s pestering for a good amount of time before she screeches and holds up a tiny dirt covered hand, as if saying ‘stop’.
“Nuw, Da,” she babbles. She’s getting closer and closer to talking as the days pass, even in the short months that you’ve been coming around, she’s already made progress.
Jeongguk’s eyes shine with laughter as he nods, a closed lipped smile holding in his own giggles. “Oh, okay, sorry,” he tells her, flicking his eyes to you before back to Nari, “Carry on, the weeds aren’t gonna pull themselves Miss Nari,” he gestures to her pile of dirt. Nari nods, a diligent little weed puller indeed.
“Hey,” you whisper after a few moments, the both of them back to work, “Gguk.”
He turns to you, a question on his face. You don’t respond right away, just smile at him and he gives in, leaning back and angling himself towards you. Nari sat between your bodies, in front of you.
He’s resting on his elbow, his upper half in the shade with you. He smiles up at you lazily. “What’s up?”
You glance at Nari making sure she’s distracted, and then you flip his cap so it’s backwards, before placing a small hand onto his hot, red face. You angle him towards you and it warms your heart at just how easily he goes with you and lets his eyes fall shut, already knowing what’s about to happen.
You kiss him softly, before deepening the kiss just a bit before pulling away. He tastes sweet like watermelon, slightly salty from the sweat on his upper lip.
He hums, eyes still closed a soft smile still on his mouth. “What was that for?”
You pat his cheek and flip his hat back around. “Just because,” you say quietly. Then you wrinkle your nose. “You’re so sweaty.”
He nods, unashamed. “Working hard.”
You glance at the tempting pool. “Why don’t we ever go in there?”
He hums. “Nari doesn’t like the water, and I don’t do anything without her.”
A little idea forms in your head. “I bet if I go in, she’ll go in.”
Jeongguk raises an eyebrow. “Wanna bet?”
You nod. “I win, we… you know,” you raise your eyebrows at him. He blushes a little, but a ghost of a smile dances on his lips. “You win, we still… you know.”
He gives you a knowing look, plucks his gardening gloves off before he uses the arm he’s not leaning on to reach over and adjust the flower Nari put in your hair, tucking it behind your ear. “Are you sure you can be quiet enough while we… you know?”
With an excited grin you nod and run to the outside pool shed to grab Nari’s floaties. That baby will be a little mermaid by the time the sun goes down.
aha!! a little drabble to update you guys on dilf jk, since he do be living in our heads rent free. so to answer the q: they are together but not together together. i have a longer one shot in my brain that includes more plot and actual smut, but idk when i'll get around to writing it so hopefully this will hold u guys over till then !! sry for the blue balls, but just so u know jk had to cover oc's mouth and he might've scolded her while they were... you know... "I thought I told you to be quiet?" :o ok byee
also i hope u like it :) if u did, pls do all the things: like, reblog, comment, share, send an ask~~ as always i love hearing ur thoughts and talking to u :*
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min-play · 4 years
Hey. Hey psst. Hey. . . . . I really love you Movie Possession AU. The idea of Morro growing reluctantly attached to this green bean with Issues lives rent free in my brain. Tho can Morro interact with objects? Like possessing them and stuff? Cuz if so I can totally see him haunting people who mess/hurt Lloyd too much, like say Chen, only to deny it was because he cared and that it was because Lloyd’s the only one who can see him, it would suck if something happened and he was left alone
:o! Hello! Thank you so much! It's very encouraging to see people enjoying the AU. There will be more of it to come~
In this particular realm, Morro cannot interact with objects in his ghost form. He has great influence over the air however and can indirectly move objects with winds.
Unless it's particularly life threatening, Morro couldn't care less what happens to Lloyd. Or so he SAYS. It was fun at first but seeing Lloyd being a constant target was like watching a puppy getting kicked.
Still! He doesn't care!
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Cares immensely
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thesolferino · 4 years
True Calling
⤷ dream x f!reader.
⤷ word count: 3.9k
⤷ requested: yes, by this lovely anon!
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— summary: dream meets his favorite singer on an among us livestream.
“Dude, what could go wrong? Just do it.”
“What could go wrong?! Literally so many things, you ass.” 
Dream heard Sapnap sigh through the mic right into his headphones, the dim grey of his Discord background doing barely anything to illuminate his features as he stared at his open messages blankly.
“First of all, don’t.. speak to me like that, I am doing you a favour by sitting here and listening to you panic about stupid shit. Second of all, nothing big could go wrong. What, you’re a little awkward in the beginning, maybe, and that’s it.” Dream adjusted his headphones a little bit, Sapnap’s rant flowing into his ears but dissipating somewhere halfway to his brain, because, yes, things could go wrong and he can’t be proven otherwise.
“Did you forget that I’m a public figure? And that my fans are insane? I say one wrong thing and it’ll be memed and haunt me in my dreams. Did you forget that SHE’s a public figure? And that this is live? God…” he retorts back, listening to Sapnap helplessly sigh once again in response. He anxiously switches from his Discord to Twitter, then to YouTube, to Twitch and then back to Discord, frantically clicking around. In reality, he knows Sapnap is right, and it’s anxiety whispering into his ear that he’s gonna somehow fuck up, but maybe it’s simply easier to stay and argue with him into the night instead of actually responding to that message.
The stream is still going. Quackity’s voice speaks over Sapnap’s quiet breathing. “Damn, he’s still not responding. Um, let me try Tubbo, maybe?” 
Before he knows it, the opportunity to join the stream is slipping out of his fingers, and Dream isn’t sure if he’s happy about that or not. On one hand, he gets to meet one of his favorite artists whose album he’s played way too many times to count, and on the other, the chances of him embarrassing himself in front of that same artist and a hundred thousand other people are extremely high, and he’s not sure if he likes the odds of that.
“Man, I don’t know. You won’t listen to me, anyway. Don’t join if you don’t want to.” Dream hears the annoyed tinge in Sapnap’s voice, and that’s what pours the last bit of courage into his veins because the best way to do anything in life is to follow Sapnap’s advice after you’ve already irritated him to the point of defeat, and he murmurs a quick “bye” and hangs up before the other can even respond, typing a rapid “Sure, send me the VC link” back to Quackity. 
He hears a delighted exhale coming from his Twitch tab just as Quackity forwards him the link. “Okay, nevermind, we’ve got Dream! He’ll join in a second.” 
With that, he swiftly closes the Twitch tab and with an encouraging sip of water, he finally joins the Discord voice chat with the rest of the players. Your Discord image sticks out like a sore thumb to him despite being a super basic, Googleable picture of you that he’s probably seen a million times by now, and upon seeing it, reality slaps him right over the face and he realises that, oh shit, he actually joined.
“Hey everyone.” Dream speaks into the mic and a mix of excited voices greets him at the same time as he loads up the game. Your icon is missing the green halo. He stares at it, as if you’ll magically speak up if he stares long and hard enough. That, apparently, works.
Pokimane’s “Dream, hi!” seems to set something off in your brain, and you speak again.
“Oh, Dream?” the green halo appears, and Dream resists the urge to say something stupid or bite his hand or anything of the sort when you say his name. “Aren’t you the guy who listens to my music all the time?” you giggle.
Quackity laughs loudly in his usual fashion, and Dream feels his hands go cold as the Among Us loading page pops up. “Wh-huh?” 
“Yeah, you-you listen to my music a lot! Your fans always tag me under that… ‘Dream’s Spotify’ Twitter account, I remember you.” Dream swears his heart is about to jump out of his chest and start bouncing around on the floor because his ribs are way too restrictive for that type of movement, but he tries his best to play it cool and laughs lightheartedly.
“I do! I’m, like, your biggest fan.” he grins, as if you can see him, and you laugh in return.
“Yeah, man, you pay my rent. Thanks.” you say and a couple of people laugh while Dream inputs the code and his character finally pops up, immediately running around like the rest of the group. He runs around your purple character and hears you chuckle as you run around him too, but not for long, because the game starts and everyone mutes themselves. He audibly sighs, because he can afford to, considering he’s not streaming and nobody can hear the amount of courage this whole thing is taking him. 
A notification pops up on his screen - the Dream Team group chat seems to be talking. Must’ve already found some way to make fun of me, he thinks to himself as he huffs out a large breath and runs through cafeteria and weapons to do his tasks in navigation. Corpse is hot on his tail the whole time, and not to say he’s an untrustworthy guy, but Dream isn’t really looking forward to getting killed before even speaking to you properly, so he runs around, trying to find somebody to stick with so Corpse doesn’t shove a knife in his back while he’s doing a task. 
Thankfully, Karl emerges somewhere from the direction of storage right into communications where Dream was going, too. Just as Dream starts finishing download and Corpse and Karl line up behind him, his screen flashes bright red and white and the bold letters “Dead body reported” pop up. Everyone unmutes themselves and his eyes bore into your character, immediately.
“Alright, the body was in top left of the… uh, upper engine. I need everyone’s positions.” Rae immediately spoke.
“I was in electrical, I-I went through cafeteria to the upper engine with Poki, there was nobody there, we did our tasks, went down to lower engine, then Poki left with Toast, and I went to electrical and the body was reported.” Sykkuno said, and Pokimane confirmed with a hum of agreement.
“Dream?” Rae asked, and he spoke up.
“I never even went that way, I went through weapons to nav, and then to communications, and then the body was found. Corpse can vouch for me because he was following me the entire time and I kinda thought he was gonna kill me. And Karl saw me in communications, us three were all together when you… reported the body.” He rambled, trying to defend himself.
“Yeah, it’s true, he was with me the whole time.” Corpse supported.
“Karl, which way did you get to communications?” Toast asked.
“Uh, through storage.” Karl replied quickly.
“That’s funny, ‘cause I was in security, and I could swear I saw you walk past.” Toast said, and a couple of “ooh”s echo through the call.
“That makes no sense because even if I did go that way, I wouldn’t have time to get to communications and start doing my task with Dream and Corpse if I killed Ethan! And Rae, you-you saw me do my task in storage!” Karl loudly defended himself.
“...that… that’s true, yeah.” she said.
“If you ask me, Toast, you’re being real sus for lying about that.” Karl threw it back at Toast, who protested.
“Listen, I didn’t say you killed anybody, I just said I saw someone run past!” he claimed.
“Bretman and Y/N are being real quiet, though.” Corpse points out, and the green halo around your icon lights up once again.
“Oh shit, I didn’t realise I was muted. Sorry, guys.” you laughed. “Um, I was with… Quackity, in… what’s that shit on the right called?”
“O2.” Quackity quickly jumped in.
“Right, O2. I went to… top left, first, and I did my tasks there, and then to weapons and then to O2, and then the body was reported.”
“You were in top left?” Rae repeated.
“And was there anyone with you?”
“Um… no? I was alone, and then I saw Quackity in top right, and then we went to, uh, O2 together.” you said and Corpse sighed loudly.
“That means she could’ve had the time to kill Ethan and run.” Toast points out.
“Hey! I didn’t kill anyone! I don’t even know how this game works…” you whined into the mic and Quackity laughed.
“Yeah, I dunno Y/N, you were dancing real suspiciously around me…” he said, causing you to defend yourself louder.
“Why would I kill anyone?! I don’t even know how to do that, I’m a nice person!”
“I don’t think she did it, guys.” Dream pipes up, tugging at the wire of his headphones absentmindedly.
“Shut up, you simp.” Quackity fires back instantly, making everyone in the call laugh, including Dream.
“Damn right, I’m a Y/N simp. She can do no wrong. I mean, look at that innocent face! She did nothing, I’m-I’m sure.” He argued, making you cover your mouth and giggle.
“Their face is literally the same as everyone’s! We’re all astronauts!” Rae protested, but Dream kept shaking his head.
“No, hers is more innocent.” he said. “Toast, why are you so set on accusing everyone, anyway?”
“Oh, you’re so not attacking Toast right now-”
“Guys, I think we should skip.” Sykkuno pipes up to calm the conversation, and everyone agrees, even though most of them mumble “sus” under their breath as soon as they mute their mics.
Dream’s tiny green astronaut stomps his way over to the left side immediately, changing paths this time and making his way into the Upper Engine, trying to finish his tasks in time and possibly find someone to accompany him so he at least doesn’t have to argue over his alibi. He had four tasks left, two of them in Upper Engine, so after that he was free to roam around wherever his heart desired. Just as he started doing one of them, he watched your purple character step in and run circles around him, earning you a quiet laugh that he didn’t know he uttered until he heard himself do it and silently scolded himself for getting that flustered at something so simple.
The two of you did your tasks together before going down to reactor. Just as Dream started doing one of his tasks, a dead body was reported again and he unmuted himself as Toast immediately started borderline yelling into his headphones. 
“Bretman just killed Sykkuno RIGHT in front of me. I literally watched him do it. He killed Sykkuno in COLD BLOOD.” he confidently claimed and Dream, quite uninterested, grabbed his bottle of water and lightly sipped on it, wiping beads of sweat resting right above his eyebrows with his forearm, blindly looking around the darkness, trying to get his eyes to adjust looking away from the computer screen. His eyes searched for the window - it was open, just enough to let a fresh breeze inside, but it never seemed to do that, letting humid air in with open arms like a welcome guest. Florida is fucking hell, he thinks, gulping down some more water.
“No, I didn’t! I seriously did not, he’s the one who killed him and is trying to frame me now. I swear to God, Toast…” Bretman shouted into his worn mic, trying to argue back. 
“Yeah, to be honest, Bretman, you were silent the whole time when Ethan died.” Rae reasoned, earning quite a lot of “ooh”s and causing little “voted” signs to appear next to Poki, Toast and Karl’s names as Bretman tried his best to fight back.
“I didn’t know I was muted the whole time! You know I’m bad at this! Why would I... you know what, nevermind! Vote me! Vote me! You’ll see when Toast kills you all, I don’t care anymore. I literally saw-”
Dream slumps further into his chair, sure that the foam would have a dent of his body shape imprinted even when he’s long gone from it, and unlocks his phone with a quiet sigh. He opens Discord, and wishes he hadn’t, because Sapnap and George are always on the front lines and ready to make fun of him at any chance possible. He types back a stupid joke, calling them losers, but before he can press send, a Twitter notification pops up on his phone that almost makes his painfully sweaty hands lose grip of the phone. 
“this is so boring” your message reads, from your official Twitter account. Dream blinks a few times, and looks up from his phone to observe his murky, empty room, eyes flashing from the window to the ripped chocolate bar wrapper that somehow made its way onto the floor to a cup of coffee from this afternoon. Did the humid air finally get to him? Hallucinations?
He clicks on the notification - it proves to not be a product of his imagination, after all. Three dots dance around on his screen cheerfully, but they suddenly stop. His ears tune in. Bretman is still defending his honor. Something else must’ve interrupted you. His shaky hands barely hit the right letters.
He takes a handful of screenshots amidst his euphoria, and forwards them to the group chat with no caption besides an emoji sticking its tongue out - he wants to tell them to suck his dick, or something along those lines, but your message remains a priority as he rushes back to the Twitter app to reply.
“Right” he manages to write without a typo. “They’re annoying”
Three dots immediately return to his screen like a happy memory, and he almost can’t believe you’re texting back so fast. George would probably humble him by saying it’s because you have nothing better to do, but what George doesn’t know can’t hurt him, Dream supposes, and clicks on your profile instinctively as he adjusts his headphones on one ear. By the time you finish typing your message, the group decided to vote out Bretman, who ended up not being an imposter.
The three dots disappear as quick as they came, and so does the anticipation that bubbled up in Dream’s throat as he sourly leaves to finish the rest of his tasks. The rest of the game stays as boring as it started, save for the giggles and hushed laughter that came from you at every few jokes he made - of which he made quite a lot, in a desperate attempt to make you laugh, at least a little bit. Of course, Quackity was there every step of the way to accidentally mention how Dream sounded a lot more hype and alive during this game than he does ever, but you win some, you lose some, eh?
In the next game you actually decided to set up proximity chat, so of course Dream followed you around everywhere, hot on your tail at all times - what else is he supposed to do, when the chance presented itself, really?
“Are you imposter?” His character obnoxiously ran circles around you as you did your wires task slowly and unsurely since this stream was your first time playing.
“No, but I wouldn’t tell you even if I was, dummy.” You replied, running around his own character briefly before running up to do the rest of your tasks, watching the green astronaut follow you close behind. 
“Why not?” Dream questioned, eyes following all your movements since he didn’t have anything better to do considering he finished all his tasks. 
“Do you not know how this game works?”
“Yeah, but you’d tell me, right? I wouldn’t… rat you out.” He heard a sigh coming through his headphones in response, and his grin widened just a little, watching your character walk away from him.
“I know you wouldn’t.” you replied. “I’ll tell you if I’m imposter, I guess.”
“You wouldn’t kill me, would you?” Dream spoke into his mic, reaching to fix it and realising the way his hand trembled a little, fully aware he was walking the line between flirty and obnoxious more than usual. He lowered his gaze just to see his keyboard reflect the light of the computer back to him - the sweat from his palms seemed to seep onto the keyboard. He refused to think about the mocking things his best friends would say if they found out how nervous he was just to talk to you. 
“No, of course not! I wouldn’t be able to kill you.” You chirped just as a dead body was discovered and the two of you were torn from the conversation. 
In the next one, his screen flashed an ominous black and red with the word “Impostor” and your purple character stood proudly next to his green one, and he snickered to himself, adjusting his headphones one more time (the more he did it, the more he was convinced it was one of those anxious habits of his).
Shifting in his chair, he started moving and couldn’t believe his eyes when he realised the two of you managed to lock yourselves in a room with Corpse and Sykkuno, accomplishing a double kill in barely the first two minutes of the game. The two of you vented while Dream muttered curses under his breath, breaking out in a sweat wondering if you’re going to get caught or not as you casually hummed to a random tune while faking tasks, hitting the notes in such an effortless way that it made Dream relax and get even more nervous at the same time. It didn’t take too long before the body was found, and you seemed to adapt to the game very quickly, as Dream just sat back most of the time and watched you stretch out a whole essay on why you and Dream could NOT have been imposters. 
“Why would they stick together the whole time? Couldn’t they get at least someone else to vouch for them?” Toast complained. 
“Girl, Dream wants some… alone time with Y/N, obviously.” Bretman said, despite being the one most sus of you in the first place, forcing laughter out of the whole lobby, Dream’s sticking out the most as his mood constantly swayed from finding the whole thing funny to being worried sick if you actually find him weird.
“Exactly! And we’re gonna have our alone time if we want to, thank you very much.” 
Well, Dream thinks, taking a stressed gulp of water from his bottle, at least we cleared that one up.
“I don’t think that sounded the way you wanted it to, Y/N.” Karl pipes up, making Quackity burst into another fit of loud laughter, and you immediately protested.
“It sounded exactly the way I wanted it to! Now, vote Rae or else.” 
When the meeting was over, he ran after you through cafeteria, grin splitting out on his face before he even spoke.
“You’re pretty…” his silence extended as he watched your character stare at his. “...pretty smart.”
You snorted. “Right. You’re pretty…” you extended your silence in return, mocking him. “...too.”
His heart jumps. “You forgot a word there.” he says as you stomp out to storage.
“I said what I said, Dreamy.” 
He swears this can’t be healthy for his blood pressure. In the corner of his eye, Discord notifications pop up like crazy. The boys must be watching your stream. His heart swells with both pride and dread, knowing he’s about to be called something along the lines of pretty Dreamy for the next two months.
“How do you know I’m pretty? You’ve never even seen my face.” Dream replies as heat creeps up like a spirit rising from soil, from the back of his neck, seeping into his ears and cheeks somewhat equally. His eyes dart to the window again. Of course it’s the stupid Florida weather that has him burning up, flustered. Maybe he should open another window.
“Is this an invitation to see it?” you say, a teasing tone clinging off your voice and he can practically hear you smiling. 
“No, I’m just saying! If you want to see it, though, that… that can be arranged.” he bites his lip as a physical attempt of holding back the smile that breaks out as he waits for your response, chest puffing in both nervousness and odd confidence.
“Can it? I mean, I don’t need to see it, I just know already, you have those… pretty boy vibes. But I wouldn’t…” you chuckle. “...be opposed to seeing it, for sure. Don’t count on me not to leak the pictures, though. I want the clout.”
“What do you MEAN you want the clout, you’re Y/N! You don’t need clout from a Minecraft YouTuber!” He argues back, a small wheeze escaping him mid sentence as you giggle and run around, with him following your every move.
“You keep my fucking lights on, man! Whenever your Spotify Twitter account thingy tweets that you’re listening to my stuff, the streams go up! I need your clout.” you say as you run into admin and snap Toast’s neck and run back out casually, as if nothing happened. 
“Yeah, that’s how me listening to your songs on repeat works.” he says and you let out some sort of irritated groan.
“Shut up, smartass.” Just as you say that, somebody seems to find the body and you’re pulled into a meeting, where Rae susses both of you immediately.
“No, because both of you are always together! And someone always spots you walking by the place where the bodies are found! At some point that can’t be a coincidence, right?” she accuses, practically yelling into the mic.
“Of course they’re always together, check- check fuckin’ Twitter! They’re trending on like three different spots already!” Quackity jumps in, loud as always, and the lobby gives off mixed reactions.
“What? We are?” Dream asks, and Quackity confirms with a “yeah, man! Check!” and so he complies, quickly pulling out his phone to check the trending tabs. Sure enough, among the politics and sports, “DREAM Y/N”, “PRETTY BOY” and “DREAM FACE” are crammed, sat at 7th, 14th and 18th place, respectfully. A satisfied grin breaks out on his face. At least they see it, too.
“This has to be the first time Dream has trended for something heterosexual.” Karl points out, earning loud laughter from Quackity and Bretman, less loud on your part.
“Exactly! We’re a power couple! Stay mad!” You shouted, with Dream supporting you in the background, although still shyly adjusting his headphones every few seconds, unable to comprehend that oh, this is actually happening.
Both of you get voted out during the next few minutes, but that really means nothing to Dream - they actually do him quite a favor, because the two of you get to excuse yourselves and he sees those three familiar dots dance on his screen again as he leans back into his chair with a dopey grin, playing with the strings of his sweatpants, waiting for your next and next and next message. 
He opens Discord on his computer to type one last message into the groupchat before turning it off for the night:
Dream (03:14): maybe Minecraft wasn’t my calling after all
Dream (03:14): can’t believe I just met my soulmate on Among Us
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withpeopleinperson · 3 years
Stripper Addie headcanons 👀
Hooooo boy stripper Addie has lived rent free in my brain for years. I mean YEARS. Under the cut because these got LONG
- It’s a known fact that Addison has money, so why is she stripping? She’s sick of Derek ignoring her and she wants to feel good about herself — wants someone to pay attention to her, even if she needs to dance around half naked in ridiculously high heels.
- The attention from the patrons of the club is one thing, but it’s nothing compared to the way the shy, mousy girl — she’s a regular, sits at the bar, sometimes with a friend (never the same friend twice) and sometimes alone — looks at her with so much awe. She wants to quit stripping so many times, but it’s that look that keeps her going back — the way she watches Addie with rapt attention, a surgical textbook in her lap.
- Mark often goes to watch her and she gives him raunchy lap dances in front of the other patrons because hey, what’s the harm in it? Especially when the regular — Addie’s favorite regular — is watching her with a jealous tinge in her eyes.
- The regular — Death, a pseudonym that only serves to make Addison even more intrigued about her — always sits at the bar and nurses exactly one tequila on the rocks with lime, and despite only ever ordering one drink and sitting in the back of the bar, she never fails to push a crisp fifty dollar bill into Addison’s hand every night, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips that she tried so hard to keep blasé.
- When curiosity finally gets the best of Addison and she asks the girl why — why only one drink, why the same drink, why the ridiculously large tip — she shrugs and says she’s living on an intern’s salary, wishes she could give a bigger tip. Addison declines and tells Meredith that she knew the intern life very well, that her presence is more than enough and she doesn’t want to take any more from her — that she dances for the pleasure and not the money.
- Meredith can’t understand what makes someone strip for attention and not money, but she shrugs it off as something she’ll never get to ask.
- As they get closer — as Addison joins Meredith at the bar after her set every night — she reveals that she’s a surgeon and doesn’t need the money, just wants the attention because her marriage is crap and she’s sick of feeling unwanted. Meredith can’t understand who could ignore someone like that. Meredith then reveals that she started going to the club for somewhere to be instead of home, lost in her thoughts and at the bottom of a bottle of tequila, but she was captivated by Addie and started going every time she was performing.
- Addison decides — the night after Meredith’s birthday when her friends bring her in to the club and she gets drunk, the first time Addie has ever seen her drunk — that she’s going to give her a lap dance as a belated birthday gift. She’s playful and flirty and asks Meredith to come upstairs with her and Meredith insists that she doesn’t have the money to cover Addison’s rate and fuck, Addie’s entire body deflates because she takes it as a rejection. Meredith notices because of course she does, of course after weeks of slow and steady pseudo-friendship she would know, and she finally relents and lets Addison take her upstairs for the best lap dance of her entire (truly the entire thing) life.
- private dances become more and more frequent between them — never public, always private in one of the nicest rooms because really, do you expect anything less out of Addison? — and they’re hot and heated and make Meredith absolutely sure that yes, she’s definitely at least mostly bisexual. It devolves into an arrangement of sorts, on busy nights Addison would smile and motion her upstairs — would pay the fee herself just to use the room — sometimes they spent the entire hour wrapped in each other but never truly touching, and sometimes Addie danced and then sat beside Meredith on the couch and talked about everything and nothing all at once. Sometimes she quizzes Meredith on stuff for her exams, sometimes she gives a sad, generalized rundown of whatever fight her and her husband were having, and sometimes she asks Meredith to just talk — talk about anything, about fish or dogs or cats or the price of coffee in California (and yes, Meredith googles the answer just to hear Addison laugh).
- As fate would have it, their first outside-of-the-club meeting is at work. Addison rarely asks for interns but she’s slammed and stressed out, so Bailey sends her best group — five bored interns who think they’ll hate an OB rotation — and oh my god, is that Death? The same Death she gave lap dances to at the club? She looks positively terrified and the thought only makes Addison smirk, lean down and pull the badge on her badge reel up to study it. “Meredith Grey. Hm, I like that. It suits you.”
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el-los-world · 2 years
Hey, I just have a FUCKLOAD of headcanons for Darkiplier (and one for Illinois) that I really just need to get off my chest here. This is because I am a shameless Darkiplier apologist and Illinois just be hitting different. Idk if this will be seen, acknowledged, and/or noticed, if so, that's cool, awesome even, if not, that's fine too. I just need to vent this out somewhere bc these thoughts are making me go
If I happen to be wrong about any of these, please feel free to correct me. These are just wee mere ideas that live in my head, mind and brain rent free 24/7, 365.
First things first.
I think that Celine is the thing that makes Darkiplier the "social manipulator" that @markiplier has previously talked about in his ADWM breakdown stream. Because if you watch WKM, you see that she, too, is a social manipulator. She manipulated the DA to trust both her and Damien, only for her to boot them out of their body, and trap them in Markiplier Manor.
Celine is in control of Darkiplier most of the time, and uses Damien to get whoever crosses their path to trust Dark, because Damien is the truthful one. Whenever she's done using Damien and the other person, *finger snap* she snaps into control and ultimately fucks the other person over. Her and Damien get into HUGE arguments over this. All. The. Time. They also fight heavily about Celine manipulating the DA.
Damien cares deeply for the DA, and feels sincere and genuine remorse and guilt for leaving them at Markiplier Manor. Because it's not what he meant to do. That wasn't his intention. Celine doesn't. If anything, she just defends and justifies her actions. "It was to protect you, to keep you safe. To keep you alive. It was a necessary sacrifice. Get over it!"
Celine didn't really care about and/or love Wil, she just used him to get out of the relationship with Mark.
Damien cares deeply for Wil.
Idk y, but I felt that Darkiplier was a lot more truthful in AHWM. I had this vibe throughout the whole Darkiplier route that he wasn't manipulating or trying to fuck with you here. He really wanted and/or wants you to find the truth of whatever the fuck is in that box/jewel. Not whatever bullshit that Actor!Mark is feeding you. It reminds me of the scene in TV's Teen Wolf (idk if you've watched it) where Peter Hale and Stiles Stilinski are in that garage and Peter tells Stiles "Don't you get it? I'm not the bad guy here." That is Darkiplier's character in a nutshell. No, he's not the hero, that's obvious, but he's not the villain, either. He's just playing that role bc Actor!Mark wanted him to. And I'd LOVE to see an interaction like that with us and Dark somewhere along the future.
If you watch WKM and go back to ADWM, you can definitely tell that Darkiplier is a pained, saddened, and broken individual. You see that this person has been/gone through some real shit. He has Vietnam flashbacks of Markiplier Manor and WKM, change my mind.
Switching subjects, this is a headcanon for Illinois.
Illinois has this... Sexy, smooth, suave, swagger, enchantment about him. He fucking reeks of BigDickEnergy. It's like he has this... Special ability/power. A charm. The second he walks into a room, everyone stops and stares at the guy. The moment he opens his mouth and speaks, everyone just stops and listens to the man. It's like he entrances you with his voice and looks, the fucking tease. Like... Say he's with the other egos, right? He doesn't even need to do or say anything, just walk into the room, and every ego, including Darkiplier, just stops, stares, drools profusely, tells him "Hot DAMN you're fine..." And the second that Illinois leaves, everyone, again, including Darkiplier, gathers a moment of clarity and goes "what the fuck just happened?????"
Of course, it's possible I may be wrong about all of these. I'm not Markiplier. I don't have any anecdotal details for these characters. And if I did, it's bc Mark told me and I wouldn't tell Jack shit unless Mark told me it was OK to leak this info out.
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scented-morker · 3 years
⇢˚⋆ ✎ first "I love you's" with en-maknae line
*:・゚✧ genre : fluff
*:・゚✧ description : established relationship, bf!enhypen, gn!reader, first time saying I love you headcanons :D
*:・゚✧ here it is!!! this is- pretty long, just a heads up 🤪
┈─ ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ─┈
ଘ Sunoo ~ˊˎ-
He was having a hard time lately with all of the stress from the comeback and everything
He tried to hide it from you but obviously you noticed, like you were on FaceTime and he wasn’t even showing his face 😞
So obviously you were like 🤨 “Where did my sunshine baby go?”
Which actually made him show his face it was red asf
So when he hung up you were like k time to cheer up the love of my life
Which is exactly what you said in your brain and then had a nervous breakdown because ??the love of your life??
But you decided to push that away for now so you could get everything you needed together
You texted the boys and told them you were going to come over
They had noticed his change and thought it would be a good idea so they agreed, and some of them left while others promised to stay in their rooms
When you knock on the door the next day you hear “Sunoo can you get that?” from somewhere in the house and you know they’re doing their jobs
Sunoo wasn’t sure what he was expecting when he opened the door, maybe a manager or a crazy fan, but it wasn’t his s/o with a bag on their shoulders and holding a little bouquet of flowers
“Y/n!!” He immediately engulfed you in a hug, and you smile at his excitement, you definitely made the right plan
He pulls away, asking a “why are you here” to which you shove the flowers at him
“These are for you, um I hope you like them”
Your words came out kinda squished, most people don’t get their boyfriends flowers but you thought it was a really good idea, except now that you’re in front of him you feel kinda dumb, what if he doesn’t like them
“Thank you!! I love them!”
His eyes are sparkling and he tells you that he’s never been given a bouquet of flowers like this and that he’s so happy you got him some
And with your renewed confidence you tell him the rest of what you have planned, a self care day with movies and snacks and skin care and cuddling, lots of cuddling
And he just !!!
He gets so excited 🥺
Like “okay let’s start right now” and then picks you up and goes running the the couch, and you’re laughing almost directly in his ear and he can’t get any happier
So you spend all day together, just messing around and doing whatever
And then he falls asleep, right on the couch on your lap which like 🥰
He looks so peaceful and calm you can’t resist, so you stop playing with his hair like you were originally and lay your hand on his face, tracing his cute lil nose and all that
You start talking to him, quiet so you don’t ruin the mood or wake him up and you’re just like spilling your heart to this dude while he’s asleep, er, “asleep”
Like straight up “I was so worried about you, you were just acting different and I really hope you’re taking care of yourself like you should. My brain knew I had to do something, it specifically said ‘time to cheer up the love of my life’, which was also scary because love is scary you know”
He’s just laying there, eyes closed, trying not to lose his mind and just tackle you in a hug and kiss all over your face, but you don’t seem to be done talking yet so he waits
“But I love you, I really do. And I think that makes it not so scary, because it’s you”
He opens his eyes and at first you don’t even notice because you’re looking off into space but he kinda shifts in your lap and you just 😳
“I love you too, like a lot and it took everything in me not to cut you off and just attack you with my love”
“Well I’m done talking now so you wouldn’t be cutting me off”
And he does exactly what he was planning, tackling you in his arms on the couch, laying there with you while giving you sweet lil kisses and whispering about how much he loves you
He’s definitely back to himself
ଘ Jungwon ~ˊˎ-
Now our dear leader is a lil shy, which we all love him for, but that meant y’all had been dating for like a year almost
An ‘I love you’-less year
And you were a little worried like ‘is this not a serious relationship to him’ but you kinda brushed it off because you’re pretty young and you would never want to rush him
And then it became very obvious that he was serious when he freaking INVITED YOU TO A FAMILY VACATION
Not like a board the plane were going to Hawaii for a month vacation, a thankfully more chill like family camping in log cabins together for a weekend vacation
And obviously you were terrified because ya know meeting the ‘rents (I am so sorry why did I say it like that)
But you weren’t gonna say no to your boyfriend especially when he was so excited
So flash forward to you and jungwon, fresh off of a 3 hour car ride (where you obvi played 10 months like 80,000 times), walking up to a cute little campground with like three big log cabins next to each other, real cute
And you walk into the main one where everyone is meeting and his family is like SCREAMING like absolute chaos and there are little cousins running around and everything
And for some reason it feel comfortable and one of his little cousins comes up to you and asks you to play obviously you do
By the time his family realizes he’s here and greets him you’re surrounded by children
Cue his older cousins like “I knew they were fake” “you don’t have to lie wonnie, it’s okay to be single”
But then he points over to the living room and you’ve got a little kid on your back and another on your lap and someone has used their play makeup to give you blue eyeshadow
You give him a really big smile when you see him looking over and literally everyone just 🥺🥺🥺
He thinks you’ve never been more perfect even tho you literally end up with a glitter mustache
Eventually his aunts make their kids leave you alone and you help them wash up to eat (as almost scream when you see your reflection because their first impression of you was of you looking like a whacko)
But then you sit down at the table where he’s saved you a spot and they’re all so excited to meet you and ask you all sorts of questions
You’re holding his hand under the table because you’re nervous but then he’s got your hands in his lap fiddling with your fingers and you aren’t nervous anymore
Literally every single person in his family gives you a hug before you guys go to the cabin you’re sleeping in and you ask him ya know like
“Do you think they like me”
And he’s like ??? They literally like you more than me and my cousins tried to fight me to the death for a seat next to you at the table
But he just goes “they love you just as much as I do”
And you just combust
“You love me???”
And it wasn’t even an accident, he was just like “yup, like a lot”
Then bam “I love you too”
And they lived happily ever after more like his aunts overheard and screamed to the rest of the family what just happened
ଘ Niki ~ˊˎ-
Niki had begged you all week to come over and visit and you finally found a day that you were both free on
You knocked quietly, announcing your presence before letting yourself in like the boys had told you to do
Once you had set your things down and taken your shoes off you set out on a mission to find your lovely boyfriend
Which really didn’t take long because you could hear him screaming in the living room as soon as you walked in
Apparently he was losing at whatever video game they were playing and was not happy about it
You went over to his spot on the couch, squeezing in next to him and he gave you a lil side hug and a kiss on the temple to say hello
You settled down in your spot, leaning on him with his arm still around your shoulder as the next round started
Although it was a bad idea because when he lost again you almost got elbowed in the head
After a few more rounds some of the boys decide to go out and get food even tho he definitely begged them to stay because he wanted to win at least once
“No bud, we’re hungry, and you kinda have a significant other you’ve been ignoring for like an hour” thanks heeseung
So they leave (except for jake who got stuck on babysitting duty)
And you’re like well he seems to like this game even tho he sucks at it so might as well play it if that’s what he wants to do
So you’re all like “hey bub what if I play with you” and he’s already shoving the controller in your hand and explaining how it works
He loves that you try to take an interest in the things that he likes, and he also likes that you’ve never played it before because that’ll make it easy to beat you
Which it definitely was, sorry you kinda suck at this game (even more than your boyfriend)
“Yes!! I did it!!! I won!!”
Cue the trash talk because he’s a little devil spawn sometimes
“See that I woooooon, you didn’t even stand a chance against me, I’m a master at this game”
And you’re just sitting there like you hadn’t seen him get absolutely demolished by everyone else literally like 30 minutes ago, just shaking your head
“Ya know you’re lucky I love you or I would have smacked you by now”
You laugh when you say it and he joins in before going dead silent after like 3 seconds
“Wait you what?”
“I said you’re luck I lo-”
And then you go quiet too bc dang did you really just say that and now you’re all nervous
But then he just goes
“Yeah I kinda love you too”
And then he makes sure to spend some actual time with you, not just beating you in video games for the rest of the day
┈─ ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ─┈
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mdverse · 3 years
hey lovely !!!
was abt to type this ask but HOLD ON promiscuous just came on my shuffle of all my music as i’m typing this…….. the stars are aligning just for you <3
ok question for you!! do furtana play any imessage/gamepigeon games together?? i feel like they get rly competitive w them n i wouldn’t wanna be in the room when one of them loses at 8ball 💔 what are their favorites n who usually wins!!
while on the topic of mario kartie also feel free to extend this to any other games they play like mario kart !!
this is also an invitation to ramble abt any aspect of furtana or vb au :-) i am here n ready to sip on my loving vb au juice!!! 💗
hi angel!!
omg promiscuous,,, some icon shit right there i can't believe ur music did that for me <3
aksdlhfl anyway on to ur question!! had to look up what games are available on imessage/gamepigeon lmao but yea they do for sure! not all the time but it happens in bursts, especially when they're far away from e/o (sure lima and ny aren't that far apart but like u get my point aksdhf). like finn will be bored n missing kurtana so he starts a game with each of them and they play obsessively for a few days and then nothing happens for a while,, then santana travels for a vb tournament and starts up some games during her bus/plane ride and they all play obsessively again for like a week,,, and the cycle continues.. they all agreed that playing all together in the same building was Dangerous bc of how competitive they get so it only really happens when they santana can't get physical when they santana lose (or are poor winners santana),, or if there are other people who can interfere if necessary kdfhgsl
ill put the specific games i can think of under the break adhfkajd i got carried away rambling again,,, speaking of which, i think we should also play imessage games together <333
kurt is def into word games! i think he and finn would enjoy games like words with friends or hangman together bc they both gotta keep those brain cells working and finn takes great pleasure in trying to include the dumbest words he can think of,,, he doesn't really care if he wins or loses against kurt (though he gets really proud when he wins and brags to santana) bc furt are like,, relatively cool-headed when it comes to word games so they can actually play together in the same room without breaking anything,,,, and finn does his best to make Kurt laugh with his word choices bc watching kurt go from his serious lil thinking pout to a lil giggle (or better yet, a proper burst of laughter) is delightful
i think kurt would also be down to play chess with santana (im assuming there is some form of a chess thing on imessage? i found one called chess42 so im rolling with that) bc its the kind of game where she's too focused on strategy to really get aggressively competitive. like she spends so time working on vb plays that kurt goes "u need a break pls just play a game with me" and then sighs when she chooses chess and pores over every single move she makes bc it defeats the purpose of making her take a break. also she tends to win. like a lot. he knows damn well that she played chess online a lot growing up n during classes and has slowly but surely honed her skills. and then when they finish a game santana immediately texts him and is like "its ur turn to start a new one" and bugs him until he does,,,, he is so done w her but he does it anyway <3
as for finntana,, them + 8 ball or cup pong,,, chaotic finntana live in my head rent free i will never stop rambling about them being dumb bitches together,,, pls i am picturing finn sticking his tongue out slightly in concentration as he tries to align his shot properly but then his finger slips at the last second and he misses the ball he was aiming for and anyone in the vicinity hears a very loud pained groan,,, santana travelling w her team and making her entire squad shut up partway through a conversation (repeatedly) so she can focus on 8 ball with the sole purpose of destroying finn,,, also imagine them playng it while drunk,,, squinting at their screens like idiots n everything
also? trivia crack? i know i had a phase where my friend group and i would play constantly and i think that's the main game where they are tempting fate if they play in the same room,,, they all have their niche areas of random knowledge so they are heavily reliant on getting questions that are easy for them in order to win and when their luck turns against them they are all ready to throw hands,,, blaine once suggested it when he visited kurt's family for thanksgiving and regretted it bc there was so much yelling,, an endless chorus of "fuck u" "yeah well fuck u too" while their parents vacated the room,,, finn's dogs getting overly excited so there's barking in addition to the yelling,,,, it only ends when santana and finn start throwing cushions at e/o and a lamp ends up broken,,, they both blame kurt when carole asks about it,,,
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