ricochetluv · 1 year
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@forbelobog : his gaze is hard to misinterpret - gepard is hungry the moment he crosses the threshold - blue eyes narrowed on sampo's form. door closed, alone at last, captain waits for the conman to turn and face him, before he makes a motion with his hand, pointing to the bed, "now." he adopts his military tone, expecting the order to be received. sampo had discussed his desire to comply whenever gepard asks, in great detail might he add, so gepard will take him at his word. it's been a long day, and he plans to work it out with sampo. multiple times, in fact, if time permits...
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𝐈𝐓'𝐒   𝐀   𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘   𝐓𝐔𝐍𝐄   𝐇𝐄   𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐒   -   one   of   warm   juxtaposition   in   contrast   to   the   task   at   hand.   the   day   is   warm,   for   belobog,   and   it   puts   him   in   a   cheerful   mood   -   couple   that   with   the   ticking   hour   of   gepard   most   certainly   being   home   soon,   as   well   as   the   assorted   gadgets   spread   out   on   the   table   before   him,   the   affable   sampo   is   as   sunny   as   can   be.   he   tinkers   away   with   screwdriver   in   hand,   very   delicately   attaching   some   sort   of   wiring   to   the   inside   of   one   of   his   bombs   (that   he   definitely   should   NOT   have   on   the   dinner   table),   and   murmurs   the   off   kilter   tune   -   certainly   not   a   local   one,   and   perhaps   not   from   this   planet   at   all.   
eyes   glance   at   the   clock   and   he   knows   he   should   clean   up   -   put   the   bombs   away   because   they   are   definitely   illegal   and   gepard   would   give   him   a   stern   talking   to   over   contraband   weaponry   should   he   catch   him   in   the   act...   so   sampo   stands,   quick   to   usher   his   tools   and   items   into   a   neat   and   meticulously   kept   black   case   when   -   
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the   door   clicks   open,   and   the   conman   lets   out   the   smallest   of   'eeps.'
his   spine   goes   ramrod   straight,   as   he   swears   he   feels   what   is   an   additional   chill   in   the   air.   sampo   shuts   the   case   in   a   hurry,   whirling   on   his   boyfriend   to   offer   him   one   of   his   simpering   smiles.   rats.   he's   definitely   been   caught   and   is   going   to   be   in   some   amount   of   trouble   for   this   but-   then   the   command   rings   through   him,   he   drinks   in   the   look   in   gepard's   everfrost   gaze,   and   sampo's   mouth   is   forming   a   small   'o.'   
"   well.   hello   to   you   too,   baby.   "      comes   his   ever   cheerful   chuckle,   and   he   is   retreating,   backing   up   slowly   towards   the   large   bed   on   the   other   side   of   the   small   apartment.   a   hand   is   raised   in   supplication,   but   the   violet   haired   man   looks   at   his   lover   through   long,   coquettish   lashes,   eyes   already   lidding   with   desire.   as   sampo   retreats,   the   silken   and   rather   ridiculous   robe   he'd   been   wearing   slips   off   broad   shoulders   -   down,   down,   down,   collecting   at   the   crux   of   his   elbows   and   baring   most   of   his   chest   and   abdomen  ��to   gepard.   when   knees   hit   the   back   of   the   bed,   he   pauses,   a   long   leg   darting   out   beneath   folds   of   fabric.   he   does   not   lay   upon   the   mattress.   yet.   but   he   does   offer   the   other   an   almost   saccharine   smile,   an   innocent   cant   of   his   head,   and   a   smoky   uttering   of:
                          "   rough   day?   "
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phykoha · 1 year
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Your president, as a treat.
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castielsprostate · 3 months
sam: what the fuck
dean, holding a sacrificial knife in his hands:
cas, pausing the latin chant to complete the sacrificial ritual:
crowley, on the sacrificial table that's crowded in detached cocks, holding a bottle of dick enlargement pills:
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itsyouch · 15 days
Dark and greescreen doing something
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omg greenscreen is such a good name!
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orgonongurlz · 2 months
today marks 6 years since supermarket scandal aired which means… ITS CHIP WHISTLERS NON-CANONICAL BIRTHDAY!!
chip means the actual world to me and to celebrate his birthday i wanted to top what i did last year!!
so this time i redrew 9 of my favorite frames from each of his episodes!!
im so happy this is the second birthday of his ive been able to celebrate
happy birthday chip!! (and also andromeda.., and tildromeda…)
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spoiledmilks · 9 months
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nestedfeathers · 2 months
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Comment or dm me if youd like to be involved!! Ill make another <3
people involved:
@noctilucaa , @arrr-im-a-dead-poet , @lv3buzzz , @pingunaa , @hilsonamore , @sunshine-and-misery , @neil-perrys-suicidal-tendencies , @wilsons-limped-husband , @yourfavvgal
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mintytealfox · 6 months
What do you think about norton's 5th birthday rewards? (Like the portrait and it's clues etc.)
HEH I can finally sit down and slam down some thoughts!! 😈😈 THE PORTRAIT:
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In film the direction a person is facing or going is a tell, and going from right to left (he is facing left here so its assumed he is moving right to left) that signifies negative/bad orz it pushes more negative feeling. Doesn't help that his shadow is right leaning hard up-left, giving a feeling of powerful increasing negative orz
Now the lighting! his back is to the light as he faces the darkness and that darkness is mainly shown as his alter's shadow. This makes me think that he is really leaning into that side of himself and leaving who he was behind orz
He isn't looking forward he looking more towards the 'camera'/off to the side a bit, which makes me think there is a chance that he could see something that makes him about-face/turn around towards the light, cause the light hasn't all together abandoned him, its there. Its within view even on the upper corner of the map within his sight, more so than the dark majority of the map, he isn't really looking there at the dark, he is looking up and off to the side a bit.
It makes me think that the map is his plans but the light has other ideas and catching his attention 👀
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This message makes me DIE 😭😭and that is all I have to say about it.....just kidding LOL IMMA TEAR IT TO BITS HERE WE GO
The fact that what he desires above all else is freedom ;; cause that is what the sky usually means in media FREEDOM ;;
He wants:
-the fresh air -the ability to feel the sun -and to feel the breeze -to hear the trees leaves rustling and birds chirping -being allowed to rest when he needs to ;;
All he knows is darkness ;; waking up before the sun, going underground, coming back home after the sun has already set. He only knows night life, tired life. When people are exhausted and get drunk and start showing the worst parts of themselves when they think everyone is already asleep and wont see them acting in such a way. He only knows a cruel, sad, back breaking world ;; Then down in the mines its just deep, dank, all you can hear are eerie sounds and clanking of pick axes and the occasional noise from animals brought down into the mines to check for poison air. Senses constantly on alert for any potential cave-ins or other dangers and to top it off, Norton having to deal with bullying 🙃
and even after ALL that, ALL he can think about, and truly wants, is to see the sky during the day and enjoy it
Then here is Benny's letter to Norton's dad, about the dreams he has if gold is found and all the lavish ideas that Benny thinks those riches will bring. That dream and what Benny believes money will give then enters Norton's mind. "Money is the key to freedom", and there begun the spiral orz He turned to doing anything and EVERYTHING to reach for that 'promised' freedom that he can have if he gets the money required. ;; Everything around him becomes a means to get to that desired freedom. Then once he reaches that freedom he is FREE TO BE WHO HE REALLY IS ;; So the thought process of "I have to be whatever is required now, so I can be my true free self later" ;; but that isn't how that works orz
I have found that misery is similar to money. Misery loves company, and with money there is never enough (if you don't have a healthy relationship with money) That is where the greed creeps in for Norton. He is obviously making some money, it is said that his employers were very pleased with his work. He even moves up to prospector instead of just a miner, or at least he was working on the side in secret as a prospector cause bro is LOOKING HARD for that gold. (And you can tell he knows what he is doing cause he just has to check out the area and he KNOWS that gold is not going to be there and officially crosses those areas out). So if he wasn't officially a prospector he could have become one EASY. A Prospector searches for the GOOD GOOD not just gold, we are talking valuable substances that the earth makes, especially O I L. Gold is fine and dandy but OIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL is where its at! If Norton wasn't so distracted by finding gold (which would have been taken by the owner of the mine anyways cause honestly why would the world be fair and let the person who found it keep it) BU T OOIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL can be found on land that isn't owned by anyone 👀He would need to find an attorney pretty damn quick BUT IT WOULD BE HIS and most, if not all, of the money going to HIM OH MY GOSH NORTON IS SMART!! He could have figured out a way to track down an area where oil could be found, he did that for GOLD he can absolutely do that for OIL as well and he would have wound up richer than most aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Norton knows how to sell his abilities and these people (those employers) already love his work ethic and what he can do. All he would have to do is say "I can do such and such and I have proof" those employers might trust him and say 'alright how much you need to finish this plan to get that mineral 'gold mine'. People LOOOVVEEEE the prospect of getting more money and are willing to risk it all for that reservoir of significantly MORE cash/income. So they would invest in Norton and Norton would provide and he would get his massive cut of cash along with those who invested in him LIKE HE COULD HAVE HAD AN ENTIRE OPERATION SIMPLY BECAUSE HE IS FANTASTIC AT WHAT HE DOES AAHHHH but as we all well know that is not how it went down orz aahhhhhh
He was completely blinded in that pursuit of gold and keeping it for himself that he lost himself, lost his way and even lost track of what he truly wanted, to be free. You don't need a ton of money to be free. You need enough, of course, but not heaps and heaps of it orz I think he would have been more than sufficiently happy being an actual prospector and finding mineral deposits and selling them off. Bro would ADORE being an explorer, studying the land and finding the earth's riches and moving on to find the next mineral deposit, making bank as he travels and people paying even more for his good and successful work. GOSH DANG IT 😭😭😭😭
but this is me getting all wishful thinking and living in 'ideal world' land. Setting off to find his first mineral deposit would have been risky but bro has survived worse and he is stubborn, able to live off the land, and studious enough that I haven't the slightest doubt that he would find good areas that would catch people's attention, it would take time but he could do it. There is the risk of people taking advantage but with what he has seen and learned he would likely be ready for it and end up taking advantage of THEM H A R D E R LOL
but these are just my thoughts and getting all wishful at the end here to balance out the EMO STUFF NetEase is tossing out lol
Gosh DANG I just want bro to be happy -CRYYYYY-
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nudeelnn · 8 months
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anticidic · 2 months
I just really like the heart-wrenching idea of something just completely breaking inside of Dazai after Oda dies and he joins Fyodor instead. He just gives up on the idea on crafting himself a happy ending because the one good thing he had in his life is gone. It couldn't get any worse, but could it get any better? The next time Chuuya sees him is no happy reunion. It's laced with a lot of tension and he picks up on the subtle changes in Dazai, for the worse.
Dazai just doesn't care anymore. About anything. Everything. The sky, the world.
I don't have the strength to write it, but y'know. Thoughts.
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callmeend · 12 days
Okay so at school I remembered something
Yall remember boxten Christ?
BUT WHO WAS READY FOR THE VIRGIN POPPY (I would have done vee but eh)
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(Drew this in school, finger no premium.)
(This is perfectly tweenable)
Boxten Christ based on @toffeecoffeee Post
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Redone my rnd btw so here’s this @four-corners-dude
I might resign them all
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Readding this for good luck
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skna-stx · 28 days
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No comment
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peenballs3000 · 6 months
I dunno how to take a photo of ANYTHING.. 😿
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Anyway heres a sketch i did of dolph because i didn’t wanna work on my fanfiction >w<“
Smash or pass
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hikiclawd · 8 months
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Mysims skyhereos would've been goated if they put Tim on Team Mcfreely but instead called them the Dog-fighters and had Chaz running the team from the background.... Extra things under the cut;
can you tell i think about skyhereos story a lot ... it wouldve been fun if chaz leaving skyforce was like . a bigger mystery but i digress in my head dog fighters whole thing is that they're working under an "anonymous" commander on a search for chaz, so the team is still basically just team mcfreely from the og but they don't know that they're working for him . ( i was about to say "in my rewrite" but i am not rewriting skyhereos HAHA just changing a few things for fun )
it's lowkey a big publicity stunt for chaz because ooh.. famous person goes M.I.A...!!!! HOLY BALLS! and also he got annoyed with Justice so he's just off pouting somewhere while making these 3 go on a wild goosechase i imagine if they were actually in the game , you'd still have to race them multiple times before they actually join skyforce; since they're not trying to take down morcubus they're only trying to find Chaz! but when you propose the idea of joining one of them is like; "Oh actually we can't make any decisions none of us are in command.!" ; and the MC is like . "??? Okay then who's running all this?" . then its this big dramatic moment where chaz just spawns at the base door like "MEE!!!! IM RUNNING THIS ALL!!!!!" (<- and all three of them are relieved but also. mad as fuck and dont talk to him for a while) was this all prompted by my stupid doggirl vic jokes ? .. perhaps anywho some more things..
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the original sketch because its charming in its own way imo ^
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rough tim design ^^
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and that chaz in the background because i spent so much time on him for no reason ^^^
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kraang5 · 3 months
I finished a silly drawing >_0
I don’t think many people know of this game, it’s called ‘Phighting’ it’s on Roblox!
Anyway-I drew Medkit! I main that one since i like to be the healer of the group / game!
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Here’s a tinted version:
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anyway- ^_^ that’s all!
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