#hidden scarlet whispers
ahamkara-apologist · 7 months
Do you think Osiris could die of old age?
Because even if Bungie confirms it I will genuinely deny it. The man will not die of old age of all things, the immortal lover x mortal lover is something I cannot bear, if Osiris dies from fighting I could live with it but old age??? Osiris and Saint deserve better 😭 I will REFUSE I do not care 🔫
Personally, I don't think so- I don't believe that the Ghostless are capable of dying from old age bc there's not really anything that points to it in-canon from what I remember. It's hard to sau because our most prominent example is Eris, and Eris remained pretty heavily involved with paracausal forces after she lost Brya, but the fact that her age seemed to remain in stasis and that she's still walking around being Eris points to Guardians being fundamentally different physiologically, imo. Even after their Light is gone, the fact that they were risen from the dead by paracausal forces isn't something so easily shaken. But it's hard to say, because while there certainly are more Ghostless out there, we don't seem to have much info on them- at least not that I can remember. I do know that Nezarec had a cultist who killed his own Ghost after going mad and iirc that guy was still kicking centuries afterwards
I also feel like it would be kinda ill-fitting for them to have Osiris eventually die of old age given the fact that he's a character who's very much only just settling into domestic life again, and how Sagira's death was the means for that to happen, no matter how tragic it was. Saint and Osiris have been forced to dance around each other in order to save the universe for so long, they've only just now gotten the opportunity to be normal domestic lovers for once so I think that hitting us with the 'oh yeah Osiris is gonna die of old age eventually' hammer is just a step too close to a level of tragedy that Destiny doesn't seem super inclined to reach
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jasper-the-menace · 2 months
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telestoapologist · 4 months
Crow in a corset
i think he'd look really nice in one tbh. very classy. u gotta put a short-sleeved button down shirt under it though, also have the corset go over the shoulders so it's like a vest. give 'em some dress pants and nice shoes too.
a light jacket might be nice too, but i'm not 100% certain? some rings and a necklace might be fine, though...
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shima-draws · 6 months
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Can I request TFA sentinel head canons for his s/o being a flyer frame, and realizing the kind if discrimination they face just because they've got the ability to fly? They're an autobot, a prime, but other than Uktra Magnus and sentinel, every other autobot treats them either like some exotic novelty or a traitor? If that makes sense?
1. I tried to think of what to write for this one, but I couldn’t really think of anything, sorry.
2: I don’t even write for TFA.
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liaswritesrobots · 1 year
You know, I think its rather rude to babies across the globe to call Chloe a baby
Babies are far more polite! Even when throwing up on you!
You're right! I'm so sorry babies :(
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cuppajj · 2 years
How do you draw transformers???? Please I want to make my oc but they’re stuck in my head 😭😭😭
I've answered this before so I'll link the old post, if you dont mind! TL;DR, practice by looking at references and starting out drawing simple shapes, so you worry about all the detail later. You'll get better with time too ^^
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randoimago · 1 year
I did just check both of your list + master list and no, I don’t believe any of them are done, Ty for answering!!
Oh and yes those ones I screen shorted are from last year July,
Once again thanks for answering! I was just wondering if I somehow missed them through my deep dive lol
All of them are in the queue and are listed on the Queue list so they haven't been posted yet.
I also double checked and they were asked in November of 2022 so idk where you got July from
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bluelockmaniac · 19 days
prisonguard!jjkmen X prisoner!reader ★ slight suggestiveness + gn!reader
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prisonguard!satoru who shamelessly makes out with you, unbothered by the agape mouths of the prisoners in the surrounding cells. he shoots them a menacing glare, silently threatening them to keep their tongues locked in their mouths if they know what's best for them. he then gently pulls your curious (and slightly aroused) face closer to his, until your cheeks pressed against the cold metal of the iron bars. despite the barrier, he was able to capture your sweet lips fervently, slightly nibbling on the soft, addictive flesh.
prisonguard!nanami who openly delivers the warmest meals and the comfiest clothes directly to your cell, ignoring the envious gazes of covetous prisoners who were painfully aware of the privileges you had, that they lacked. the other guards held him in high regard due to his intimidating reputation, so when they caught him hauling a thick mattress, coupled with a fluffy pillow and blanket, slung effortlessly over his broad shoulder just for you, they immediately casted you in a new light— surely you were wronged, right?
prisonguard!sukuna who plays a dangerous game, sneaking into your cell late at night in a vulgarly obtrusive manner, as if he held no interest in the possibility of rousing all the vile convicts from their deep slumber. he settles himself homely on the edge of the wooden plank you called your ‘bed’, and while you couldn’t see his face properly due to the dimmed lighting, you can practically feel the smirk forming on his lips as he pulls you onto his lap, whispering temptations laced with a certain bittersweetness, promising that he’ll get you out of here one day—but not yet. he still wants to use you.
prisonguard!toji who couldn't care less about concealing his painfully obvious favoritism towards you. while he cruelly forces the inmates to do all the labour, having them sweep the dirty floors of the institution, scrub the filthy metal toilets of each cell, and handle the reeking laundry, you were innocently seated on his spread lap, in his office. you giggle softly as he plants kisses with blatant intentions on your hair, trailing down to your nape, all while you flip through the brand-new magazine he had bought exclusively for you.
prisonguard!choso whose careful footsteps echo down the walkway early in the morning, drawing closer to your cell as he does every single day. he enters quietly, a smile spreading across his face when he sees you waiting for him on the edge of your dented bed, wide awake, with the scalpel he had gifted you resting lightly in your grip. you quickly stand and move to the cement wall where dates, names, and vulgarity were carved. sighing happily, you feel him standing behind you, his chest pressing against your back. he gently guides your hand with the scalpel to the wall, slowly chipping away at the concrete to write a number. three. you glance back at him with a smirk, which he responds with a ticklish pinch on the plush of your waist. three more days till he gets you the fuck out of here.
prisonguard!suguru who flashes you one of his notorious smiles, your eyes immediately drawn to the prison guard’s uniform hanging from his arm, then to the scarlet-tinted baton he held carelessly in his other hand. your lips curl upwards into a grin of delight, laughing as you fathom the fact that he actually followed through on his promise. you quickly loop your arms around his neck, kissing him softly, before taking the slightly oversized uniform and dressing up while no one, prisoner or guard, was watching. after you were finished, he walked confidently down the hallway with you by his side. no guard bothered to question the unfamiliar face beside him. he didn’t even have to use the excuse of patrol duty. ultimately, he was able to successfully orchestrate your escape. but not to worry, he has you safely and comfortably hidden in his apartment after a search for you was later launched that day.
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�� 2024 bluelockmaniac — do not repost, copy, translate, modify, etc my work on any platform !
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tilleternitydouspart · 4 months
Little Bunny Overlord Hopping Through His Forest
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In Hell’s social hierarchy, Overlords are above sinners. This is the unspoken rule that has been created since the beginning of hell itself. The elite club run by Carmilla Carmine come together when summoned to discuss and eliminate potential threats to each of the various souls they have all collected.
But a new overlord had been summoned which caused quite a few to turn their heads with confusion…: Y/n L/n The Bunny Overlord.
When heard about the latest member of their elite brand, Many members struggled to contain their laughter….But soon regretted it as a little scarlet red bunny emerged in front of them…..And bared their fangs, Biting off their fingers and ripping the flesh off the others as they hopped right back to their owner.
Only one laugh remained.
Alastor was perhaps the most sadistic of the overlords, Hiding in the shadows to find the most vulnerable souls and crafting the perfect deals to keep a tight hold of them. But who could forget that he held his position by getting rid of his fellow overlords and broadcasting their screams of agony on the radio.
So he was intrigued with this mysterious new overlord who had risen to power in 2 years before he returned. Alastor was pleased as punch when he witnessed the warning that they had brought.
The Bunny Overlord was always listening. 
In the days before the next meeting, Alastor wanted to find out more about the overlord so he sent his shadows to seek out this hidden overlord. Taking a sip of his tea from his radio booth, The shadow returned with an invitation for him, Sinking back behind him as Alastor started to read with a grin on his face.
Dearest Alastor, I am writing to inform you that I request your presence at Bunny Bliss Boutique on 10 Heartbreaker Avenue, Looking forward to your reply! I understand if you are too busy or cannot make it.  Regards Y/n L/n.
Taking a moment to adjust his bowtie, Alastor teleported to the overlord’s location, Smiling as many employees started to move out of his way, Hearing them whisper amongst themselves before going back to work as he made his way towards the front desk.
Alastor: “Hello my dear fellow, I was just in the local neighbourhood when I got this delightful invitation from your employer!, May I enter your charming establishment?”
Secretary: “Please hold on a moment sir”
Taking a moment to look around the building, Alastor noticed various bunnies hopping around, Some were flying, Others were causing objects to float around and one….seemed to be staring at him.
The same one who teared the finger off and hopped off causing the meeting to end early. 
It cautiously approached him, Jumping up onto the desk and sniffing him as Alastor picked the bunny up and held it in his arms as the secretary finished their phone-call.  
Secretary: “Sorry for the hold up sir, Miss Y/n will be waiting for you on the 6th floor in her office”
Alastor smiled, Bowing as he teleported to the 6th floor, Approaching a golden archway as two hellhounds glaring at him before beckoning him to follow. 
As they made their way into the office, Alastor took in the scenery in front of him, A waterfall feature that seemed to endlessly sparkle, A bar station that seemed to rival his own back at the hotel and finally a comfortable living area where several bunnies were watching TV. 
Alastor seemed to realise that it wasn’t a Vox-tech certified television which made him wonder how powerful this overlord was. Realising he was still holding the bunny, Alastor set the bunny down carefully, Watching as the bunny hopped over to a set of pink crystal stairs. 
??: "Miss Y/n?”
Y/n: *Distant* “Yes, What is it?”
??: "The Radio Demon is here to see you” 
Y/n: *Distant* “I’ll be right down!, Tell him to make himself at home!”
The hellhounds left him alone as he wondered over to the living area, Inspecting the Television as some of the bunnies hopped onto him with one landing on his head, Letting out a slight chuckle before noticing several magical trinkets on display.
Y/n: “I see Angelina has taken a shine on you”
Finally he was meeting the bunny overlord, The same overlord who sent one of her own to send a message and….he was speechless Why was he speechless?.
A petite bunny with short blonde hair, Small elegant horns that seemed to endlessly change colours, Her eyes shining with shades of crimson and black staring up at him as she seemed to have a bright smile on her face. 
In that moment as Y/n stood before him in her radiant attire, Draped in a glittered gold and red dress that seemed to defy the boundaries of what fashion could be in Hell, Alastor couldn't deny the aura of playfulness and elegance that surrounded Y/n as Angelina hopped into her arms, Nibbling on her long black lantern sleeves causing her to laugh. 
He was…captivated.
Y/n: “It’s such an honour to finally meet the legendary Radio Demon himself, Your broadcasts are one for the history books”
Alastor: “Well the pleasure is all mine, After all it’s not everyday in hell that I meet such a delightful creature such as yourself”
Taking her hand, He planted a small kiss on her paw, Making her blush as she bowed in front of him, Quickly noticing the remaining bunnies on him.
Y/n: “Girls!, Get off him, Show him some respect, I’m terribly sorry, They always seem to get excited when someone new comes into the office, Shall we continue our conversation upstairs?”
Alastor: "Of course, Lead the way darling”
Heading up the crystal stairs, His eyes seemed to stare at what angel would describe as cute. The dress seemed to cling to her petit figure with a touch of allure in the air, Watching her tail twitch as she gazed back at him.
Y/n: “It’s rude to stare Alastor”
Alastor: “My apologies dear, It seemed my eyes wondered off on their own”
Hearing her laugh sent pleasant shivers down his spine as they headed towards her desk as she held out a chair in front of him, Smiling as he sat down, Playfully chuckling at her as Y/n set down a teacup before sitting down in front of him. 
Y/n: “I’m truly grateful you accepted my invitation so soon Alastor, To be quite frank if I had known you were coming so soon I would have visited Rosie to see what delectables she had to offer”
Alastor: “You know Rosie?, Not many demons have the pleasure of entering Cannibal Town without being swarmed by the hoard of hungry children playing in the streets”
Y/n: “Well, I saved a few of the children from being hurt after their toy wondered into one of my districts and I made sure they got home safe, Well Rosie insisted I stay for a cup of tea and one thing let to another and we became friends” 
Alastor: “Hmm” He took a long sip of his tea as Y/n gazed at her bunnies who had followed her up and started to hop over to her desk.
Y/n: *Sighs* “Look, The reason I asked you here is…um, Is actually for a request”
Placing his cup down on the desk, Alastor smiled, Watching as Y/n gazed down at her lap with his shadow towering over her before being shooed away by Alastor as she finally looked up, Taking a deep breath before…
Y/n: “How did you gain respect?”
The sound of an audience laughing filled the office which included the sound of the Radio Demon himself, Holding himself together as she tried to remain calm but inside felt childish. This was Alastor, The infamous Radio Demon, The man who broadcasted his victims screams of agony for all eternity as a remainder on who they were dealing with.
She had to remain confident in his presence.
Alastor: “Oh, Forgive me my dear but I haven’t had a good laugh like that since the stock market crashed, Oh so many orphans”
Y/n: “..I’ve only been in power for 2 years and only recently have I gotten the ‘overlord’ position and yet… Demons think I’m a joke, A dumb bunny who probably got where I am by ‘sleeping around’ but Alastor..You’re back from being gone for 7 years and yet demons know to respect you!”
Jumping up from her seat with a smile on her face took Alastor for a shock, Her smile..It made something in his dead cold heart beat as she continued to gush about his overlord status before taking a breath, Noticing she was rambling.
Y/n: “What I’m trying to say is…Will you teach me about being an overlord?”
The Radio Demon hummed, Watching her ears twich with anticipation as most of her bunnies surrounded her before noticing the scarlet bunny known as Angelina hopped onto the desk, Sat in front of him and started to widen her eyes, His shadow appearing with a curious expression as Alastor picked up Angelina and walked over to Y/n, Her eyes widening as he bowed to her.
Alastor: “Well my dear, You’ve twisted my arm but being how you’re already the bee’s knees, I’m not quite sure how Hell isn’t fallen for your heavenly charms”
Noticing her blush, Alastor took her paw and lead her towards her balcony, Watching as many demons on the streets below started to gasp and take photos as he picked Y/n up bridal style, Smiling as Y/n could only stare at the large crowd growing down below. 
Y/n: “Umm Alastor?, Forgive me for saying this but…How is this helping me be an overlord?”  
Spinning her around before taking her back in, Alastor set Y/n down aware of her confused expression, Adjusting his bowtie before making a bouquet made of gorgeous white snapdragons appear.
Alastor: “My dear, It is quite simple....and one lesson my darling mother taught me” 
With the help of his shadow, Alastor used his magic to create a small box engraved with a crisscross heart with symbols surrounding it, Grinning up at her.
Alastor: “Always treat your bride with love and respect”
A/n: The ending is horrible I know!! but yeah, I hope you enjoyed this, May make a part 2 in the future!.
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Scarlet Weaves
Wanda Maximoff x Spider-Man!Reader
a Scarlet Webs story
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It had been like a dream for Wanda. A new world. A new love. A new chance to live and love again.
She was undoubtedly in love with her Spider Monkey, you. It was amazing. The city welcomed her with open arms and even the press gave you and her a cute nickname: Scarlet Webs.
You and her had settled into a nice routine: breakfast with the team, patrol, date night, and then cuddle for the rest of the evening. It was simple, sweet, and it made Wanda feel like there could be a balance between hero and home life. Her heart only grew more and more for you. That life with a home and two little boys seemed so close to a reality.
So much so that she began looking at houses in the Queens area. It was just a mere fantasy but she just loved looking at pictures of houses in Queens. She even got so light jeering from Tony about it.
“Looking at housing for you and your web head?” He’d let out a little laugh. “Just pick one! I can buy any property you want. Just say the word, Red”
Tony kept you and the rest of the team on his payroll. Made sure that you and her were never starving or hurting for money.
Anyway that brings you and Wanda to tonight. You were having a little date night on the town. You were currently making out on a giant web that you spun in some hidden area of the city.
Wanda couldn’t help but giggle. It felt so enticing yet scandalous. You kept one hand on her back while the other was gently holding her cheek.
The two of you lost track of time as you rolled and kissed on that silky web. Wanda couldn’t help but feel like a teenager again.
“Detka” she whispers, out of breath.
“My little witch” you smile back as you gently massage her back. You never felt this way about anyone, let alone someone from another universe.
“I love you” she whispers against your lips.
“I love you and I’m crazy about you” you stare into her eyes longingly.
“I-I’ve been looking into some houses for us” she admits with a little embarrassed grin and blush.
“Really?” You ask back with smile. “You want a little place for us?”
She nods, “I-I love you and…I want to have a family with you. I-I know it seems like it’s all so fast and-“
You cut her off with another kiss. “I want you to be my family too. I’d love to grow old with you, have some kids with you, maybe have one too many drinks with you, watch some old sitcoms with you,” you found yourself rambling.
Wanda couldn’t help but laugh, she loved it when you rambled on like this.
She cut you off with a kiss of her own. “How about you feel about two boys and a little dog?”
“Sounds like paradise to me,” you answer back. “M-my aunt is selling her house in Queens”
“She’s allowing us to put in a bid for it. If you want” you shrug.
Wanda always loved your family. Honestly she could see herself growing old and raising a child or two in that house.
“Did you put in a bid?” She asks a little excitedly. You pull out a house key with a little smirk.
“We just have to sign the papers”
Wanda tackles you to your web, giggling and kissing you. In her excitement, Wanda’s hips end up grinding against yours. Her hands wander into your hair. Your own hands gently make their way under her shirt and up her spine. The two were lost in the heat of the moment. Little moans escape her lips. They were like a sweet symphony to your ears. How you longed to hear more.
“I love you. I love you so much!” Wanda cries. She never thought she could be this loved ever again.
“Wanda,” you groan a little, “we’re still technically out in public.
“Then take me home.” She purrs in your ear, “where no one can disturb us” she gently bites your lip.
“Yes ma’am” you whisper back as you pull her close and swing off your web.
Wanda Maximoff. The witch who literally fell out of her world and right into your arms. She finally found a reason to love again and a home to call her own. And it was all thanks to a little spider she calls her detka.
Tags @ma1egamer @jacelion @deafeningsharkslimeempath @moonpheus @rroyale-109 @scarletquake-n7 @iamnicodemus @lifespectator @aloneodi
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ahamkara-apologist · 1 month
On my knees for Osiris like
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Scarlet really b out here tryna restart the Cult of Osiris now that Vance has fucked off into the infinate forest
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elryuse · 1 month
Yandere Mina x Yandere Kazuha X male reader? The ballet princess the two black swans with white swan personas make the reader breathe their suffocating love?
His Innocence
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The practice room echoed with the tortured notes of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. Mina, the undisputed Black Swan Queen of Korean ballet, moved across the floor like a storm cloud, her every step infused with a dark grace. Her obsidian eyes, usually reserved for her most intense performances, were fixated on a single figure by the observation window.
Y/n. A new trainee, with limbs that resembled tangled marionette strings and a face etched with the awkwardness of an adolescent deer. Yet, it was this very awkwardness that held a strange allure for Mina. Perhaps it was the contrast to her own practiced perfection, the flicker of innocence in his eyes that mirrored the white swan Odette.
Just as Y/n tripped over his own two feet for the tenth time, the door swung open, revealing another vision in black – Kazuha. Her long, raven hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, her crimson lips a stark contrast to her pale skin. Her eyes, usually holding a cool indifference, blazed with a possessiveness that sent a shiver down Mina's spine.
"Pathetic," Kazuha drawled, her voice laced with disdain. "Is this what passes for 'talent' these days?"
Y/n flushed scarlet, mumbling an apology. Both Mina and Kazuha watched him, a silent competition sparking between them. They weren't just rivals on stage anymore; their gaze locked in a battle for this new, unpolished gem.
That night, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. His phone buzzed with a text, the sender unknown. It contained a single image – a black swan feather, impossibly perfect, lying on a bed of blood-red roses. Sleep evaded him, the image a chilling premonition of what was to come.
Mina's approach was subtle. She slipped into his practice room after hours, the moonlight casting silver streaks on her lithe figure. "You have potential," she said, her voice a low murmur. "But you need discipline, the kind only the Black Swan can teach."
Her touch was firm, bordering on cruel, her voice a constant whisper of encouragement that felt more like a threat. She pushed him beyond his limits, forcing him to contort his untrained body into impossible positions. Each groan of pain she dismissed as a necessary sacrifice, a perverse baptism by fire.
The next day, Kazuha materialized in his dorm room, her perfectly painted nails tapping an eerie rhythm against the windowpane. "Tired of Mina's torture sessions?" she purred, her eyes gleaming with a devilish light. "I offer a different kind of training… one that awakens the darkness within."
Kazuha's sessions were more unorthodox. She took him to abandoned buildings, their decaying walls echoing with the rhythmic thud of his forced movements. Her movements were a dark ballet of sensuality and aggression, a seductive invitation laced with a hint of violence. She whispered promises of greatness, of unlocking the hidden darkness within him – a darkness that mirrored her own.
Y/n was caught in a terrifying ballet, his innocence withering under the relentless attention of the Black Swans. The nights were haunted by nightmares of feathers and blood, his days filled with a growing sense of paranoia. He couldn't escape their gaze, their possessiveness a suffocating shroud.
One night, as Y/n lay awake in his dorm room, a bloodcurdling scream pierced the silence. He found another trainee, a girl who dared to show him a shred of kindness, sprawled on the floor, unconscious, a single black feather clutched in her lifeless hand. A message, clear and chilling.
Fear propelled Y/n to the rooftop, the only place he felt a sliver of peace. There, bathed in the moonlight, were Mina and Kazuha. The tension between them was gone, replaced by a disturbing camaraderie.
"Trying to escape?" Mina said, her voice devoid of its usual coldness.
"We can offer you something better," Kazuha added, a cruel smile playing on her lips.
Y/n stumbled back, his mind reeling. He understood now. They weren't just rivals; they were partners in a twisted obsession. They saw him not as a dancer, but as their possession, their plaything.
"We can make you perfect," Mina said, her voice a seductive whisper. "Together."
A dark plan unfolded. They started slipping him strange concoctions, elixirs they claimed would unlock his hidden potential. The once vibrant world around him began to fade, replaced by a disturbing clarity when it came to the two dancers. He saw not just their beauty, but the darkness that simmered beneath the surface, a darkness that mirrored the growing desperation in his own heart.
Their training sessions morphed into something more sinister. Mirrors lined the walls, reflecting their every move, a twisted ballet of control and submission. His body, once clumsy and awkward, began to contort with an unnatural grace. The concoctions, a potent mix of herbs and rumored aphrodisiacs, fueled his stamina and blurred the lines between pain and pleasure. He found himself mimicking their movements, the raw passion in their eyes infecting him, turning his steps into a desperate plea for acceptance.
One night, after a particularly grueling session, Mina led him to a secluded part of the practice hall. The air hung heavy with the scent of incense and something metallic. She lit a circle of candles, their flickering flames casting long, dancing shadows on the walls.
"Tonight," Mina murmured, her voice laced with a dangerous sensuality, "we complete your transformation."
Kazuha materialized from the shadows, a wicked glint in her eyes. They held him down, chanting in a language he didn't understand. As they pressed a cold, obsidian amulet against his chest, a searing pain ripped through him. He screamed, the sound echoing through the empty building, but no one came.
When the pain subsided, he felt different. Stronger, sharper. He could move with an unnatural fluidity, mirroring the Black Swans' movements with a terrifying precision. But something else had changed – his eyes, once filled with fear, now held a flicker of the same darkness that consumed Mina and Kazuha.
The Black Swan ballet was no longer a dream. It was a nightmare they were weaving around him, a performance fueled by obsession and a twisted sense of love. They had broken him, molded him into their perfect partner, a dark reflection of their own twisted desires.
Their debut performance was a masterpiece of macabre beauty. The audience gasped as Y/n moved in perfect harmony with the Black Swans, his every step imbued with a terrifying grace. But beneath the surface, a silent war raged. They fought for dominance, each vying for control of his body, his mind.
The final act was a chilling display of possession. As the music reached its crescendo, Y/n, his eyes blazing with a dark fire, reached out and grabbed both Mina and Kazuha. In a move that defied gravity, he lifted them high, their screams echoing through the auditorium. The audience, mesmerized by the spectacle, didn't realize the horror unfolding before their eyes.
With a single, brutal movement, Y/n slammed them together. A collective gasp filled the air as they crumpled to the floor, their perfect black swan costumes stained crimson. Silence descended, broken only by the ragged gasps of the fallen idols.
Y/n stood alone, bathed in the spotlight, the image of a perfect Black Swan marred by the blood on his hands. A chilling smile played on his lips. He had been their plaything, their possession. But in the end, it was they who belonged to him, forever bound together in a dance of madness and death.
The Black Swan ballet had concluded with a final, horrifying twist. It was a performance that would forever be etched in the memory of the audience, a chilling reminder of the dark price of obsession and the terrifying beauty of madness.
The stage lights dimmed, plunging the auditorium into darkness. The deafening silence was a stark contrast to the thunderous applause that had just moments ago celebrated the "Black Swan's Demise." But on the stage, another kind of performance was just beginning.
Y/n, his eyes still glowing with a feral intensity, looked down at the fallen idols. Mina, pale and broken, held Kazuha's hand, a silent communication passing between them. It wasn't defeat Y/n saw in their eyes, but something else – a chilling acceptance.
A cold whisper drifted past his ear. "You did well, Y/n," Mina rasped, her voice laced with pain and a perverse pride. "You broke free, just like we wanted."
Kazuha, her crimson lips stained with blood, mirrored the sentiment. "But remember, darling," she purred, her voice a seductive rasp, "Freedom comes at a cost."
Y/n felt a strange tremor within him, a flicker of his old self battling against the darkness that consumed him. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He was a puppet on their twisted strings now, their concoctions and dark rituals having completed his transformation.
The grand practice hall of their opulent mansion became their new stage. It echoed not just with the strains of Tchaikovsky, but with their moans and gasps as they pushed Y/n further, his body now a canvas for their desires.
Night after night, the dance of possession continued. Mina, with her cold, calculated control, molded him into a flawless mirror of the Black Swan's grace, while Kazuha, fueled by a fiery passion, ignited a darkness within him that mirrored her own.
He no longer dreamed of escape. His mind, fractured and twisted, found a warped sense of belonging in their macabre embrace. Every night, he was pushed beyond his limits, his exhaustion a twisted aphrodisiac that fueled their insatiable desire.
The Black Swans, once legendary idols, had become something more monstrous. They were sculptors, molding him into their perfect creation, their unwilling lover and eternal dance partner. Theirs was a love story written in blood and sweat, a chilling symphony of obsession that reverberated through the walls of their opulent prison, a testament to the destructive power of a love that was anything but pure.
And as the sun peeked over the horizon, casting its pale light on the tangled limbs and exhausted bodies on the practice floor, Y/n knew with a chilling certainty – this was his forever. A distorted reflection of the Black Swan Queen, forever bound to his captors, forever theirs to claim in their never-ending dance of madness.
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holysainz · 10 months
tinted red - charles leclerc
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pairing: charles leclerc x wolff!reader
warnings: mentions of a crash, light angst
summary: when the love of your life is involved in a crash, keeping your romance a secret is the last thing on your mind
You’re always in the shadows, hidden from the glare of the media. You have to be, given that your father is Toto Wolff, one of the biggest names in F1. It’s a life of constant scrutiny, every move dissected by the press. But there’s another reason you prefer the shadows, a secret hidden behind the tinted visors and roaring engines — Charles Leclerc.
“Y/N,” Charles whispers, his fingers tracing your cheek in the dim light of his Monaco apartment, “I wish we didn’t have to hide.”
“I know,” you reply, catching his hand and pressing a kiss to his palm. But the truth is, you’re scared. Scared that the media circus might get to him, scared about the stakes, the competition, the inevitable clash between the personal and the professional.
Two days later, the Monaco Grand Prix begins. The race is always a spectacle, but this year, it feels different. There’s a tension in the air, a heavy atmosphere that has your heart pounding.
You watch from the pit wall as Charles takes his position. As he pulls down his visor, he shoots a glance your way — a small, barely noticeable movement but enough for your heart to skip a beat.
And then they’re off.
For a while, everything seems normal. Charles takes the lead, his Ferrari cutting through the circuit like a scarlet arrow. You can hear his calm voice over the radio, a stark contrast to the frenzy on the track.
But then there’s a crash. A terrible, heart-stopping crash, and Charles’ car is in the middle of it.
“No...” you breathe out, your hands gripping the railing. You can hear the gasps around you, the frantic voices over the radio. But all you can focus on is the burning wreckage on the track, and the terrifying silence from Charles’ end.
“Charles, do you copy?” The voice of his race engineer echoes over the radio, tense and worried. But there’s no response.
“Charles,” you whisper, your voice choked. Panic swells in your chest, a terrifying, overwhelming sensation. You need to be there. You need to see him.
Ignoring the protests of your father and the rest of the team, you run towards the crash site. Your heart beats in your ears as you reach the medical car, praying that Charles is okay.
He’s pulled from the wreckage and you let out a sob of relief when you see him move. He’s alive, dazed, but alive.
When he sees you, his eyes widen. “Y/N?” he mumbles, looking genuinely confused. Then his eyes flicker to the cameras, to the team staff, to your father who has just arrived at the scene. “Y/N,” he says again, this time with a different tone. A tone of realization.
Before you can react, he pulls you into his arms, ignoring the cameras, the audience, everything but you. He’s shaky but his arms are tight around you. “I’m okay,” he assures you but it’s you who should be comforting him.
But the truth is out now. The world knows about you and Charles. It’s chaos — flashes from cameras, shouts from the media, gasps from the crowd. Your father’s furious face is the last thing you see before Charles’ team pulls you both away.
Once in the privacy of the medical center, Charles looks at you, guilt in his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he says, “I didn’t mean for it to happen like this.”
Tears prick your eyes, not of anger, but of relief. “I don’t care,” you tell him, “I don’t care about the media, about the world. All I care about is you.”
Charles’ face softens, and he reaches out, brushing a tear from your cheek. “I love you, Y/N.”
You give him a teary smile. “I love you too, Charles.”
When you face your father, it’s with determination. You know there will be consequences, but as long as you have Charles, you can face anything.
“Y/N, what were you thinking?” Toto scolds but his anger is tempered with relief. “Do you understand the implications of this?”
“Yes, I do,” you reply, standing tall. “But, dad, I love him. And I can’t hide it anymore.”
Toto sighs, rubbing his temples. Then he looks at you, a glint of something — resignation, maybe even understanding — in his eyes. “Alright, Y/N. We’ll deal with this, as a family.”
In the end, things work out. There are a lot of talks, a lot of apologies, but through it all, you and Charles stand united. The media, as expected, goes into a frenzy. Yet, as the days pass, the chaos settles.
And one night, sitting together on the same Monaco balcony, under the same stars, you realize something. Despite the scrutiny, the chaos, and the stress, you wouldn’t trade this life for anything else. Because this life gave you Charles, and with him, you have everything.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
There’s not any chance that I could request some writing about Terminus could I? Very few people really know him so I don’t blame you 💀
I know the character, but not very well, so I don’t think I’d be able to write anything about him for you, sorry.
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liaswritesrobots · 1 year
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:0 fictional characters aren't real?? My god, maybe she does have reason to be angry ;0
You're so right! I too am crying/screaming/throwing up bc Rhinox is not real so I cannot kiss him 😔
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