#high 👏 fucking 👏 romance
florececraze · 2 months
What Your Favorite Venture Bros Ship Says About You
Brock / Rusty - You’re just here for a bickering married couple
Pete / Billy - You have a thing for dorks, dweeps, and/or nerds
The Monarch / Sheila - Your ideal relationship dynamic is Sitcom Wife, Sitcom Husband
Brock / Molotov Cocktease - You want a girlfriend who not only can kick your ass but will do so upon request
Rusty / Dr Orpheus - You’re always a slut for opposites attracting
Dean / Jared - You love adorkable boys so much that one day you were like “Hey, you know what’s better than one adorkable boy? Two adorkable boys”
Shore Leave / Al - Your ideal high school romance is theater kid / jock
The Monarch / Henchman 21 - You were absolutely fucking thrilled when “Be Gay Do Crimes” became the hot new meme
Dean / Triana - Looking back on your adolescence, you can pinpoint The Venture Bros as the beginning of your crippling addiction to goth gfs
Hank / Dean - You were writing Supernatural slash before Castiel was introduced
Henchman 21 / Henchman 24 - You are a firm believer in ignoring the main cast in favor of funny side characters
Sheila / Debbie St. Simone - Your ideal date involves getting your senpai to notice you
Jonas Venture Sr / The Blue Morpho - You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of wanting to kill each other
Brock / Shore Leave - You’re always a sucker for Bara
Dr Orpheus / Jefferson Twilight - You just want good things for Jefferson and really, who wouldn’t?
The Monarch / Sheila / Henchman 21 (aka The Fluttercule) - You’re just here for some femme dom
Hank / Sirena - Your ideal date involves wacky hijinks after which pain ensues
Dean / Sirena - You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of stealing someone’s girl
JJ / Sally Impossible - You are always a slut for relationships that are so sad. Like if you cry every time
Phantom Limb / Professor Impossible - You just want to fuck villains and really, who wouldn’t?
Molotov Cocktease / Hunter Gathers - You’re just here for some secret agent women
Brock / Warriana - You’re just here for some Men 👏 Getting 👏 Pegged 👏
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rapunzelforlorn · 10 months
I made my friend watch heartstopper and here are his reactions
Part 2!
(Season 2)
They're too cutsie...understandable
Secret rendezvous
Do they ever not lock lips lmao
A proper couple mates when they aren't smooching
Tao's really warming up to Nick
Tao & Elle being cute
Imogen is good friend
And her dog 😍😍
GSCE like SAT?
Why yell quiet when it was already quiet???
Ben trying to talk to Nick, be buddy buddy ick 🤢
Rugby is BACK
Aye, rugby lad warming up to Charlie?
Flirt with Tao!!
Two month anniversary
Why do only high schoolers celebrate monthly anniversaries?
Kissing in the locker room...boy things
Paris trip mentioned
I wish Tori would hang- Mysterious but supportive
Elle flirting making Tao nervous is everything
Issac single and in his lane as always
Imogen the ✨️Ally✨️
Tao the model
Nick genuinely trying to connect with Tao over a hard situation and him getting overly sensitive
I feel like Tao picked the movie for the night
I'm bisexual actually
These heartstopper moments got me feeling a type of way
Isaac never leaves that book, is it the same book?
And actually he's bisexual
Why does Tori use a straw at all times?
Charlie wanting to be protective is great 💜
Charlie's grades slipping?
Tao also struggling?
Fuck Ben!
The ban seems...unfair
Nick has a brother??
Charlie's room is rather dark
Makes me wonder why I didn't do school work, it actually wasn't that difficult
Poor Imogen 😭
Who's this new girl??
Elle&Tao's "relationship" becoming p a i n f u l
What happened to 🤢 Ben's other "girlfriend"?
"I hate you cause you literally assaulted him"
What's Nick's deal with his brother? And vice versa
Do we like David?
Just do your coursework Charlie!
Why is sharing clothes a form of romance that isn't romanticized enough?
Charlie offering study advice & help to Nick when he's ALSO struggling
Elle's fits on point as always
The representation in this show is unmatched
Tao might be getting jealous
Is Tao a single parent household?
Imogen 🥺
Nick having ✨️anxiety✨️
Charlie gonna get in trouble 👀
Elle & Tao 🥺🥺🥺
Nick made him watch a marvel movie!!! Tao was right about him 🤣
I'll have a cup of tea, so briiish of him
David...oh Nellie doesn't like David either all I need to know
Fuck David
I'm bi actually!!
David is such a dick!!
Charlie's in trouble now 😬😬
Mom's stern but she's just concerned
Nick's abs 👀👀
Nick being brave and reassuring Charlie
Oh Tao's little heart
Just apple?
Tao does only have his mom 🥺
Fight for love Tao💪💜
Issac's dream date is amazing 👏
Tao over thinking the date plan
Rugby lads 🥺
"Good Mates"
Smooching in school again
At least the coach seems reasonable
Go coach!!!
Google's "how to ask out friend?"
Charlie you are a liar!
Issac is so cute
Come on Charlie get it done!!
The teacher kicking out the students 😂
Tara & Darcy don't say I love you??
Isaac 👀👀
Feels like Nick is rushing himself to come out
Oh darn boys & girls can't share rooms
Tao 💀💀💀 over the top
They're so awkward
Tori's at the party 🥳
This is such a big unsupervised party, with alcohol and a bonfire, something bad is gonna happen
That's so much popcorn for the two of them
They're being so awkward 😅
Tao you dork
Darcy is really weirded out about the "L" word
Tao's gonna muck this up
This turned into a fucking rager
Nick is visibly uncomfy with Harry
Tori came to the party to sit by herself...in the dark...I'm sure she's only there for Charlie but still
Nick is having a BAD time
Charlie to the rescue!
Nick's mom is so sweet
Charlie is so good at comforting Nick on his journey to come out
Interesting is only Elle who's been talked about going to any sort of schooling after high school
Wanting to tell the world about your partner is such a relatable feeling, I feel for you Charlie
Paris trip already?
Charlie doesn't seem sure about being sure
Aren't they sharing rooms??
Why is Faruk always yelling?
Isaac not as worldly as I thought
Nick & Tao bonding again?
Nick's dad's French??
I like these bonding moments
Darcy has a point, if we're REALLY underwater why can't we see the fish?? Real questions
Feels like a short drive
Darcy playing dumb about the "L" word incident
Ben is such a fucking jealous creep!! 😫
Isaac never leaves his book
Tao & Isaac splitting the beds feels very dickish but unintentionally
Mr. Faruk & Mr. Ajayi 👀
These are very very small rooms
Love a good breakfast bar
Tao is such a dork
"I wanted to share a bed with you" -C
"I'm sure we'll get to do it someday" -N
Nick you beautiful dummy 🥰
They're gonna miss breakfast
I couldn't imagine a trip like this as a high schoolers
Ben is SUCH A DICK!!
Let Imogen be happy and do couple shit
Darcy calling Tara the mischief maker 😂
My dad's French sounds like such a secret
Charlie being jealous of Tara & Darcy is understandable
And then the reverse Tara being jealous
Darcy...how do you go from mint chocolate chip to strawberry of all flavors, that's not a jump I can accept
Charli not eating??
Oh baby is depressed
Museum dates are also underrated, go enjoy some art with someone you like
I don't think your supposed to photograph the artwork Tao
They make such a better couple "being friends"
Tao knows French?
They both admire each other so much
Poor Imogen stuck with that pos Ben, I can already see it running her trip
Yes! Hang with the gang Imogen
Elle asking good questions lol
Imogen is so smart, so smart
Tao is best when goofy
This poor restaurant dealing with this whole school of kids
Ben next to Charlie 😖😖
Tao would order snails
Awkward dinner seating
Got AWFUL quite all the sudden 😳😳
Go Imogen!!
Woooooah, Harry being a voice of reason?!?
I think that's Harry?
Imogen is the coolest
Again Tao & Nick bonding is my absolute favorite thing
Isaac is not getting that bed back lol
That challenge lasted...maybe a day
Oh there's gonna be hickies 😅
I was right 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nick's dad kind of a no show
"Did I do that?" No Nick what do you think 🤣
Why's Tao shirtless??
Issac just cruising through these books
Charlie really isn't eating anything
Is Issac not out?
These pairings for the tower are uncomfy
Annoyed we only saw three pairings
Issac giving Harry the business lmao
Darcy has some real commitment issues or maybe just issues expressing her feelings
Ben is such scum
The eiffel tower song is a vibe ✨️🎵
Nick & Charlie lead the way up that tower lol
Bit of bants between Nick & the rugby lads turned out alright 😏
Harry growing up?
They had the same reaction to Harry 😂
Papa 😅
Tao opening up is so sad
Baby Charlie & Tao 🥺
Charlie & Tao are such good friends
Mona Lisa, rubbish, confirmed
You don't need to understand something to enjoy it, Elle is so wise
Charlie looks like he's gonna be sick
Darcy isn't out to her parents???
Oh he is having a BAD time
Tao & Elle admiring each other 🥰
They smooching!!!!
Mr. Ajayi forcing Mr. Faruk to have fun
Nick addressing Charlie's lack of eating
Charlie is depressed and relatable with the lack of eating
This little shit ignores the bread Mr Faruk gets him and goes straight for the croissant Charlie had in his bag since this morning 😂
Why is being French such a secret??
"You're so cringe!" 😂😂
"Let's promise to tell each other when we have stuff going on?" Yes Charlie let's fucking do that!!!
Couple of runaways
Eps 6-8 coming soon!!
Hes got the right idea
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songofsunset · 11 months
Please continue updating as you go through One Piece. I'm a fan of it and I absolutely need to hear more of your takes throughout the series.
Hello!!! tumblr didn't show me this ask until now, but it is always nice to hear that I'm not being super obnoxious when yelling about stuff! I have just finished episode 29 aka the Baratie and Don Krieg and here are my thoughts so far (aka justice for Usopp and also more thoughts after that hahaha)
-Usopp was done SLIGHTLY dirty in the live action lmao- the romance was great and it was all a wonderful bit of the show but like, anime Usopp??? he is a strategic thinker (he made a fake army in the bushes to scare away pirates! he prepped the choke point with traps!) and a good leader (he is so good with the kids!!) and is an excellent shot (he gets to use his weapon in a lot more ways and places in the anime!!!) and he KNOWS he is telling lies and exaggerations and he is doing it on purpose, because it's fun and it makes life interesting, and also because THATS JUST GOOD DAMN CHILDCARE LOOK AT THIS MAN GO!!!!
and he KNOWS he's a bit of a coward, which is why his goal is specifically to become BRAVE, and he is PROUD of his pirate dad, instead of like, kind of sad and jealous, and when he goes out to sea he is following in his dad's footsteps on purpose because he respects and looks up to that man (ALSO the fact that Yasopp wouldn't shut up about his son to the extent that anime Luffy recognized him on SIGHT with zero other context??? that helps!!! that makes things slightly better!!!! Like he's a shit dad still but lmao)(side note: I carried around pictures of my nieces and nephews and would regularly accost people with them for most of middle and high school lmao, same hat Yasopp, same hat)
And he is ready to do anything to defend his village even if he IS scared, and he just wants them to be safe so he let's them believe he'd been lying about the pirates this time as well instead of trying to grandstand and get credit for defending them, and they like him and miss him when he isn't there and he's a PART OF THE COMMUNITY (childcare!!!! entertainment!!! a public service!!!!!)
and he decides all on his own to set out on a journey, and the fact that he goes with Luffy is just because they are friends and they want him there, not because he isn't taking his own agency to change his own fate and become who he wants to be!!!!!!!!!!!
In conclusion I liked LA Usopp well enough, but anime Usopp is one of my FAVORITES!!!!! My hope is that they were just setting up a relevant arc for him, and I do believe they could pull it off hahaha additionally:
-yeah, the very first thing Nami did when she met Luffy was feed him, she was never gonna get rid of him LMAO
-the Sanji and Luffy dynamic is SO different in the anime and the show, and I love what they did with Sanji in the show (in contrast to Usopp the WHOLE BARATIE got SUCH A DAMN GLOW UP oh my god, the actor is charming as hell, and they nailed Zeff, and damn the set is so cool) but also the slow dawning change on Sanji's face from 'who the hell is this weird chore boy kid' to 'i respect him' to 'im gonna go be part of his crew and also I would die for him' is fucking visible in real time over several episodes and I cannot get enough of it, absofuckinglutely incredible oh my god
-Let 👏Anime👏Zeff👏Eat👏His👏Own👏Leg
-shoutout to the LA for saving their set budget for the Baratie and doing Zoro's ENTIRE BACKSTORY on one single platform in the middle of the woods, super effective and I didn't even notice until the anime had us in an actual training hall and stuff xD xD xD
-"If i can hold more swords ill be stronger" ACTUAL FUCKING ZORO DIALOGUE OH MY GOD, shoutout to that baby hamster for holding like 10 swords the first time he ever tried to sword fight, he began as he meant to continue and I love that for him
-Mihawk's fucking EVERYTHING, what the hell, i love him and also LMAO
-Extremely fucking hilarious of the live action to have Mihawk deal with Don Krieg practically off screen lmaooooo, and also I understand why that one fan in the LA reaction videos I watched was so excited to see Gin show up, what an extremely One Piece character
-Luffy is my favorite. He is a character of all time. Something is deeply wrong with this child and also I love him and that terrible terrible glint in his eye
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the-force-awakens · 1 year
I can definitely refrain from sending you any spicy ones. I personally don't think about often/have many because I'm aroace (well technically ace/demi, but still on the aro spectrum) who leans heavily towards sex repulsed. That's why if I think up a spicish headcanon, it's normally the most fluffy thing there is.
Also, jedistormpilot as a qpr, oh my god 👏
I'm a shameless self shipper or else I'd probably be into ships 😭
*aroace spec high fives* hell yeah. I normally lean towards neutral, and while I do think about those sorts of headcanons, I normally just keep them on discord with my friends or on my secret self-ship sideblog that I reblogged ur hc to. Because I am ✨shy✨
LISTEN, LISTEN..........the cast kept accidentally describing them as a qpr while promoting the movie because they were like. Well they all love each other but it's not exactly romantic but it's not exactly strictly familial either. And I'm like THEY'RE A QUEERPLATONIC RELATIONSHIP. also because I am how shall we say, a fucking sap, and I relate heavily to Rey and I have my own queerplatonic partners and jedistormpilot's relationship reminds me of ours.
👀 also same. I definitely do enjoy ships, don't get me wrong, but when it comes to canon stuff, I prefer thinking about the friendships in the Resistance more than any romances. But now if you get me started on canon/oc pairings....oh boy we'd be here a while.
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ruby-dasleaze · 6 days
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// dating 101:
dating in 2024 is for the bold
—- the tea for today is that men invented romance to manipulate women; not everything the glitters is gold* ✨
i wanna make this post with a few tips for my girls who find themselves in the middle of talking stages + situationships — it’s so annoying seeing some ppl make the dating scene worse for the rest of us 😭 // this post is about raising the bar*
💘 // No Sex: — if you take anything from me, take this!!
this totally depends on your “relationship” everything has it’s nuances + exceptions but I really wanna emphasize that you don’t need to hook up with every guy you’re dating…
especially if it’s someone you want to be “serious” with - absolutely no sex!
if it’s something you need to deal with, then you do that with someone else - like a FWB - but you do NOT hook up with the guy that your trying to be “serious” with
what if he asks?! for sure he’s going to try, you should deff tell him NO obvi 🤭🙃🤷🏻‍♀️💕✨
If you are JUST “talking” or in a “situationship” - AKA not official then no, he can go somewhere else or pay for it 🤷🏻‍♀️🙃 idc, just not you*
the moment you hook up and ur not official you lost him — what do u look like giving it away for a compliment?! #dontbecheap — no official title (relationship) = no sessi time 🤷🏻‍♀️🙃
💘 // Speaking of Cheap!: — let’s say your “dating” or talking or whatever label you want to put on ur situationship — with a “high value” man
you deff don’t want to hook up BUT also no nudes! a man *will try* I’m not saying it will be easy, but you will have to redirect the convo 🤭
// idc if it’s been a whole year(s) - you make him wait* — the “higher” the value (to you) the more u make him wait* && i promise you, you’ll end up his favorite 🤭✨ ps: don’t be fooled money is not the only requisite a man needs…
💘 // Don’t Mix: — each person you “date” has their own individual category*
but what you can’t do is mix them up together if you’re looking for it to go anywhere, ur FWB is not the same person as the situationship
you should deff still keep them around until you think whatever else you having going on is “official” // who you hook up with is always separate + different then who you’re “dating”
💘 // Don’t Chase: — idc how cute you think is, idc who much you “miss him”, idc what a great catch you think he is…
👏 Don’t 👏 Chase 👏 Him*
the sad truth is *many* men today are feminized — it’s such a twisted + depressing result of modern feminism
let him look for you* — might take a few days, shouldn’t take weeks tho* but never be the one who initiates anything*
no “hello” texts, no “wyd”, nothing** you wait for him to be a *man* && reach out to you
femmes *receive* and idc if he’s “bi” — you actually won’t even have this problem with a bisexual man tbh — you’d be surprised how “conservative” gender norms are within the *real* lgbtq community, bi men are deliciously alpha*
// he’ll do all the “traditional manly” things, that kind of gotten lost in the sauce in modern dating — moral of the story tho - don’t initiate, it has to be him, always*
💘 // Some Don’ts:
- situationships don’t take “trips” together bc odds are he’s trying to hook up + idc how much potential you see, you do not hook up*
- stop asking him how his day @ work went, should be self explanatory but don’t associate yourself w that aspect of his life unless you own a business together or something but even then - no ty* // meeting @ work is also different but “work” shouldn’t be a highlight*
- FWBs + Situationships *doesn’t equal* having a posicion* , the moment this man starts parading a new toy in front of you, instead of reacting — drop him* — anytime ur not official and some guy pulls a disrespectful ass stunt, yes — you leave expeditiously**
- a man ur not committed to in any “official” capacity doesn’t *deserve* chances to get it “right” — men who are NOT my man get 3 strikes before i leave him wherever he had me fucked up @ 🙃
- men know *exactly* wtf they’re doing — weaponized incompetence is a real thing and I’d much rather you cuss me out - vs - play dumb in my face like a toddler - men will *pretend* && will play stupid if you let them
- talking stages aren’t 7yrs btw lol all of these “getting to know you” stages should be 3-6 mths tops, any longer then that and he’s just wasting ur time — the moment you reach 10+ mths, he’s deff wasting ur time
- don’t get with anyone with a sorry excuse about why their divorce is not finalized, + deff don’t believe any BS story about him wanting to leave her for you lol — most men who do this are *actors* who want their cake and eat it too - no thx - these type of men usually have a storyline already set up— should go without saying but unless he’s actually *divorced* you shouldn’t be “dating” either
💌✨ // Part Deux tbc…
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blackhairedjjun · 3 months
Hey I just saw your post about fanfiction! And I wanted to let you know that guilt tripping people for writing literal fanFICTION is just a way for some people to feel morally superior and like they are the better, more respectful fans that are responsible for keeping the idols safe or whatever narrative they make up in their minds. Fanfiction has been around for forever and serves multiple purposes. Sometimes you just love the original universe of a work of fiction or a specific character and because it brought you so much delight you want to continue picturing more and more scenarios. Sometimes, the fandoms are bored with no new content and get together to create a fun community that contributes more content within it to share and enjoy. In most fandom spaces, fanfiction is seen as an amazing thing because you take time out of your day to make content for free for other people. Now, fanfictions about real life humans have always required a bit more tact, though, but I've been on this website for like 10 years and have seen it all. Everytime a piece of media got popular, soon the actors would have fanfiction coming out about them as well, and it is kind of generally understood that it is from fans to fans and not created as a way of harrassing the real life people. In fact, most people would be horrified to find out one of their favorite people read their stuff. The reality of the situation is that these famous people are so far away from us in a completely different reality, allowing us only glimpses of their celebrity personas, that the human psyche can almost register them as "concepts" as well, and just take what we like about them and project them onto fictional scenarios like a character. The thing is, nowadays we publish and share them with each other so that we can have fun as a community, but at the end of the day, these are fantasies. Not genuine wishes, not delusions, but fiction just for some enjoyment. We know it's fake so it feels no different or realer than a romance book, but it's easier because we already all know the basics of the person, and you don't need any worldbuilding, introduction, explanation etc you can just jump into a scenario and share with others so easily. It's just fucking fun 😭 People act like it is crazy to write it and share it, but the reality they do NOT want to admit is... they also have so many fantasies about the guys. They do. And everyone knows it. And the entire industry knows it too, hell the entire industry DEPENDS on it. The whole "no dating idea", the fanservice, everything outside just the basic singer activities is done in order to create a perfectly tailored image that you can imagine as your boyfriend. I'm not saying you can't genuinely like groups just for their music, of course, but these people who have entire fan pages dedicated to them and get into beef with other fans to act all high and mighty and like "the right kind" of fan, MOST DEFINITELY have a crazy parasocial relationship with the members. They have fantasies, even if it's just meeting them irl and having a perfectly normal and cute and wholesome interaction, they push their expectations and wishes onto their image too. They just aren't open and earnest enough about it to embrace that as part of our human tendencies and join in the community. Sad that they miss out on the fun of pretending to run a flower shop and shit just out of pretentiousness.
hi anon!! basically YES you made a lot of good points 👏 most fans don't push their fics onto the idols and we try to keep the space for ourselves (from fans to fans, as you yourself said). and many of us do understand that it is fiction, that we're creating scenarios to play around in with zero expectations that it will happen irl.
i do understand that not everyone wants to be open about their fantasies or express it outwardly through fiction, and that's okay! they're not necessarily "missing out" on anything if they don't want to participate. but i wish they wouldn't be so quick to judge and immediately label anyone as creepy or crazy because they write or read fic. if they can be sane about their parasocial relationships and understand that they aren't reality, then so can we.
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aoshihugs · 2 years
anon requested:
bllk 11 enemies to lovers
⤿ ‘x reader’ hcs, part 1 / part 2 / part 3
⤿ characters: karasu, otoya, yukimiya, nagi, isagi
⤿ warnings: swearing
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⊹ karasu tabito
❥ cannot stand people looking down on him! he already thinks he’s mediocre at best, and acts all high and mighty to deflect from those thoughts
❥ is so easy to be “enemies” with tbh, you could give him the stink eye once and he’s already stalking towards you with a scowl and a “hey! whatcha think yer lookin’ at, hah??”
❥ super confrontational, prepare yourself for shouting matches anytime he sees you
❥ the issue here is that he also insults and annoys people as a way of flirting because he has no game, so everyone around you all thinks this is some weird flirty couple behavior
❥ while you two may harbor actual ill intent, everyone else is like “get a room for fuck’s sake 🙄”
❥ dude has NO real relationship experience so when people start to talk about yall, he quickly defensively denies. but internally, gears start shifting and thoughts start thinking and-
❥ “the hell am i thinking?? they’re annoying, why would i ever like them? we don’t act like a couple… do we?”
❥ oh he’s down bad. definitely likes you before you like him. it’s so obvious too lmaooo he starts to blush whenever you poke or shove him, and stutters when trying to make comebacks
❥ but absolutely will not confess. you have to pry it out of him, good luck with that!
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⊹ otoya eita
❥ call 👏 this 👏 fuckboy 👏 out 👏
❥ the easiest way to get under his skin is to comment on his dating habits; but at least he gets some! where’s your fanclub, hm?
❥ it would be the classic “playboy falls for the one person that he can’t have” trope
❥ your aversion to his behavior is what makes him interested in you in he first place, and he’d start to flirt with you, nag at you, follow you around (not in a stalker way!! just in school or smth), and start shit-talking anyone that comes up to you with romantic intentions
❥ inevitably, he spends less time trying to get with girls and more time learning about you, to the point where he knows more about your personality and your hobbies and your favorite foods and the classes you hate and- wait a minute.
❥ immediately recognizes these budding feelings for you because guess what? he doesn’t feel them for just anyone!
❥ he doesn’t date to find a lasting partner, so none of his flings are as captivating and thought-consuming as you
❥ doesn’t know how to get you to believe him, so he holds off and instead opts to be a bit nicer, cut off other ties, and spend more time with you outside of school
❥ i hope you’re aware enough to pick up on this and have a heartfelt conversation with him, otherwise you’re gonna have to go through the “shitty teen romance movie” route and have some huge overdramatic misunderstanding and heartbreak before yall get together
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⊹ yukimiya kenyu
❥ epitome of “you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid” from yukki’s end
❥ he’s irritatingly smug towards you; always acting like he knows something you don’t; always smiling to let you know how unbothered he is by your efforts to piss him off
❥ he’s practically already flirting with you, which may infuriate you further, but may also just leave you frustratingly flustered
❥ the type to go out of his way to greet you with a “well, if it isn’t my favorite person! 🤭😇” fake ass mf
❥ you fall for him/confess first lmao there’s no chance of him letting you know his weaknesses; it’s not that he harbors any real hatred towards you, he’s simply responding to your behavior
❥ definitely some obvious weird tension between you two, whether your relationship progresses to something more depends entirely on your willingness to set aside your ill will
❥ once your romantic relationship is established, he’s definitely the type to bring up your rivalry just to tease you
❥ *after making out* “hey remember when you hated me? funny how that worked out, huh?” shut up yukki
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⊹ nagi seishiro
❥ generally a chill guy, he totally understands that some people just aren’t gonne be his cup of tea
❥ however, if barou is any indication, nagi cannot stand uptight people that constantly nag at him
❥ his response to you completely depends on how aggressive you are; if you’re loud and confrontational, he matches your energy all the way. if you’re more of the judgmental type, he can be passive aggressive asf
❥ loudly scoffs and snorts when you say anything, obnoxiously rolls his eyes, fake yawns to interrupt your sentences
❥ you’d have to develop feelings first for this “to lovers” thing to go anywhere, because nagi is very stubborn and will not budge from his position until you make moves to change your relationship
❥ would notice your efforts, but still be suspicious: “what are they planning? i thought they hated me, what’s going on…”
❥ hard to win over; a private apology and truce would be the best way to get closer to him, since he won’t accept any offers to hang out and still acts annoyed when you talk to him in front of others
❥ then, with some time, he’ll be more open to spending time getting to know the real you (and actually letting you get a word in lol)
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⊹ isagi yoichi
❥ being enemies with him outside of the football field is going to be difficult, since he’d probably just try to avoid you if he knew you didn’t like him
❥ to make him dislike you, you’d have to compare him to other players and point out his weaknesses
❥ he’d try to not let your words get to him, but it’s hard when he’s trying to be the best striker and you’re constantly criticizing him
❥ would spend more time actively trying to impress you while he’s on the field by pushing himself to get into that flow state and maximizing all of his efforts into making smart plays
❥ would accidentally make eye contact with you too many times while he’s doing that though, since he’s thinking about all of your negative comments about his playstyle
❥ confident and competitive isagi is hot though lmao i doubt you could still hate him after all his efforts to improve himself
❥ if you slip up and he catches you staring at him when he’s doing well, he might grin to himself, a bit smug that he caught you being impressed
❥ has no prior relationship experience, so he wouldn’t know how to approach you after that. at best, he might ask you if you think he’s been improving. depending on your answer, it might lead to some competitive but borderline flirty banter
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pelibirdie · 2 years
Chaotic Elowen HCs because I can and I want more content for Elowen:
I feel like she would steal anyone and everyone's food before they even get to notice and refuse to share her food. It's a cat thing. She just has to taste what you are eating once so she can judge you and your tastes. However Elowen WILL slap anyone who even breathes on her food and that is a promise.
Likes lemons, citrus, sometimes bites it for fun. No one knows why but this is one more reason why people should be intimidated of her. Elowen just kind of,,,licks the lemon and makes a light face of bliss. Fun fact: she actually likes lemon cake!! Or cheesecakes with lemon sauce. Sour is a nice flavour in her opinion.
Dislikes summer bc it's hot and she has a hard time walking around in pleather and black colored clothes. That is like her iconic style. Fucking hell it leaves her sweaty in summer though.
Before befriending Tulsi she had to pay twice the amount for sharpening her twin blades. After some time, she decided to learn how to sharpen them herself but the work was not the best it could be. (She accidentally cut herself somehow) Thankfully Tulsi actually does it for a decent price.
The second sword she own always reminds her of Lucan :,(
Her love language is slapping. If she likes you a little she will slap your arm/back
If ur her lover she will slap your ass when she's drunk/ you two are alone.
"Ow Elowen what the fuck!?!" "..." *Slaps harder* *person falls over*
Chooses not to reply to Sage on purpose after he asks her something or call for her. She knows Sage knows she heard what he asked to her. Elowen instead just looks at Sahe straight in the eyes with a poker face to piss him off. >:3c
But specifically, tragedies, occasionally love stories with sweet ending but not too sappy ones. Just a good, well-built romance. Her standards are high asf bc of plays.
Somewhere back in her childhood house, all the way in Vair, lies a picture where a baby Elowen is sitting in a box. Lucan used to make fun of it so much she actually hid it away at some point. Now it makes her cry.
Proofreads and edits Felix's shitty fanfics and fives ACTUAL advice. It's the funniest shit ever that two goth-emo kids got together, read Twilight and in the light of it one of them wrote a Jacob x Self insert x Edward fanfic and the other edited the fic.
Speaking of which, Elowen and Felix have this bond where she let's Felix paint her nails black as they both discuss whether the book or the play was better.
Was once asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, only answer with a shug.
She was both socially anxious and sarcastic as a kid, like it would take her an hour to find the courage to talk to someone on the playground, but when she was reading a books and a kid approached her saying "Wow are you reading a book??" She would look at the child in the eyes and say "No."
She had social anxiety as a child, but now she just doesn't give a fuck about people or interacting with them whatsoever now. Occasionally gets the jitters when people with lots of energy approach her randomly, so actually meeting with MC after attacking them was a bit...intense in her head.
Doesn't realize she has a crush but shows all the symptoms of a crush. She probably fell in love before it's not like she doesn't know the feeling. It's just weird as if something is different when she likes MC tho
The reason why Annie doesn't like her is bc Elowen always tells her to pick up her mess. "Anisa get rid of that fucking dead plant." "What if I can revive it tho :,(" "what are you a necromancer? Put it in the trash before it turns out like Rime" "HEY-"
Shading on Rime is a conscious desicion, unlike Sage she finds Rime uncomfortable to be around. Sage is just a sad idiot but Rime? Kinda fucked she's not taking chances by letting him bother her.
She only shouts when is is mad or amused as hell. Radiates calm chaotic introvert energy but will also be the most feral person ever if she is drunk or you project a laser pointer.
Will beat anyone to catch the laser pointer. THE RED DOT IS HERS SHE CAUGHT IT FIRST-
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citruswords · 3 years
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Hello ! I decided to rebrand so I’m updating my writeblr introduction ! My name’s Yuzu, I’m a 23 year old bisexual asian writer from Norway. (But both my parents are from Vietnam.) 
I’m still fairly new to the writeblr community but so far all the interactions I’ve had have been so pleasant & I’ve met great people, read amazing stories & characters ! So I look forward to meeting even more people, reading even more amazing stories & meeting new characters !!
Writing but also not beating myself up if I don’t
Try to post / reblog at least One ( 1 ) thing every day !
Create a comfortzone where i can go Feral abt my ocs
Support  👏 fellow 👏 writes 👏 !!!
Horror , supernatural , slice of life , LGBTQ+ , romance , dystopian , found family , enemies to lovers , otps with opposite traits , friends to enemies , betrayal  
I’m still working on this one project just because I prefer to keep my mind focused on one thing otherwise I’ll become distracted & I’ll get nowhere asdhksl
UtopIIIa is a high fantasy set in modern ( ish ) times , following two ex - bestfriends with opposite povs in a war between sorcerers & humans. The story explores who the ‘ real ‘ hero & villain is , how society affects a child’s upbringing & how there’s never just one side to a story but always several. There’s also ( of course ) lgbtq+ & poc characters involved & Cool magic stuff !! Dark academia aesthetic here we fucking go babeyyyy
Lastly , I’m so excited to meet everyone so please REBLOG / LIKE because I’d love to follow more people & get to read the wonderful content you all have !! Thank you so much for reading , O’m looking forward to interacting with you & I hope you have a great day <3 !
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kokokabana · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞
✧ Salvatore Luciano ✧ Mafia Underboss ✧ interests: sports, music, travel, movies, shopping, true crime
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Is it really a spoiler if I write his true occupation in the description, I mean come on! But yeah, some Romeo and Juliet drama going on with a lot of sexual tension.
« 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
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#1 Texting
✧ I’m looking for YOU, MC → 😱 | 😍!
✧ Finally. A man who knows what he wants. | Hm, how can you be so sure? | LMAO. That linke actually work for you here?
✧ Hey, YOU’RE the mysterious one 😜 | I’m an open book here! | Every good romance needs a bit of mystery 😏
✧ Working together with your family sounds nice | Tell me about YOUR daddy issues, Mr. Luciano | At least your dad is there for you…
✧ It’s the only thing that makes sense! | You’re way too hot to be real! | I knew something was FISHY about you
✧ 1st GC for 180 💎 -> 💦! | 🔥
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✧ By taking you on a date, of course. → 🎉! | 😮
#2 First Date
✧ Non preoccuparti, va bene. Being fashionably late is actually very Italian. → 😐 | 🥹!
✧ I swear I’m usually punctual! | It would take a miracle for me to get anywhere in time | I’m worth waiting on me, trust me 😏
✧ That sounds perfect 😍 | An Italian taking me to an Italian restaurant… groundbreaking 😜 | PIZZA??? 🥹
#3 Texting
✧ Sorry, what?! Is this a real question? | Hey. Fuck you! | Actually, your bed was surprisingly soft…
✧ free clothing item 🎁 (green dress and blue suit)
#4 Texting
✧ That’s fucking creepy. | You seemed uncomfortable. | Relax, I don’t care.
✧ I don’t understand. | Well, keep waiting, you’ll never get it. | Well, hop on it, buckaroo, you got it!
✧ Super creepy. | Very kind of you. | Bad for your health.
✧ Oh my God, finally! Thank you! | What’s it like on the outside? What have I missed? | Is this some kind of trick?
#5 Second Date
✧ Try to seduce Salvatore (gem choice for 180 💎) | Try to connect with Salvatore instead. (gem scene for 150 💎) | Don’t make any moves just yet. -> 1st is like a steamy hot telenovela scene if you like that hehe. 2nd choice is him talking about his hobby
✧ Especially after you looked so delightful wearing my gift -> 😉 | 🥹! (gift related)
#6 Texting
✧ I enjoyed it too, surprisingly. | I never thought you were a monster | The jury is still out on that one...
✧ No, I’ve decided you can have access to the villa. -> 🎉! | 🤔
✧ Maybe I can get used to this after all 😍
✧ I’m not trying to shut you out, MC. -> 🙄 | 🙏!
✧ That’s cute that you think I need protecting. 😉 (gem option for 150 💎) | Fine. | Okay, let me be direct with you (gem option for 120 💎)
✧ Right now, the only person hurting me is you 💔 | Then just tell me who you’re protecting me from! | Yeah, you’re clearly one of them!
#7 Texting and Shopping Trip
✧ Of course, I’m always on my best behavior 🥹 | Just waiting for you to get back before I cause trouble 😜 | I’ve been the most well-behaved prisoner ever 🙄
✧ That’s a fair point… -> 👏! | 😳
✧ Don’t worry, I’ll play nice | You can expect an extremely high credit card bill this month | I’ll cooperate for now, but you can control me forever
✧ Knock him down and run. (gem choice for 180 💎) | Call him on his bluff. (gem choice for 150 💎) | Don’t do anything.
-> for the 2nd option, you get a boost but you still run off
#8 Texting
✧ I expect you to give me the benefit of the doubt | I don’t want to go backwards with you… | I am NOT a fucking Rossi
✧ I’m getting too close to you. -> 🙄 | 😍!
✧ Trust me then! Let me tell you the truth about what happened. (gem choice for 150 💎) | I don’t know what else to say… | Let’s just forget about what happened 🥺 (gem choice for 120 💎) -> not worth it because you just explain yourself fuck no
✧ Look, I’m sorry… | Why do you always shut me out? | Don’t expect an apology from me
#9 Texting & Third Date
✧ Should I be scared? | Visiting hours are over! Come back later | Okay. I’ll be waiting.
✧ Take me, right here and now. (gem choice for 180 💎) | Shut up and kiss me already. (gem choice for 150 💎) | Just hold me. -> we get a naked salvatore sprite and a telenovela sex scene, recommend
✧ I’ll do everything I can to protect you -> ❤! | 😣
#10 Texting
✧ I was worried about you | What did “the family” ask you to do this time? | It feels like you’re hiding something…
✧ Sorry, but we’re past that point Salvatore | Don’t try to shut me down because you’re uncomfortable | No, I’m not gonna DROP it!
✧ Except for leaving you alone. -> 😐 | 🥹!
✧ I don’t want this to be the end for us, I really don’t. -> 😭! | ☹️
✧ I promise you it won’t be the end | Did you really think we were heading toward a happy ending? | This was a fling, not a love story
✧ 2nd CG for 300 💎
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#11 Texting and Fourth Date
✧ This isn’t ideal for me either. In fact, it’s shit -> 😐 | ❤️!
✧ I’m trying to be strong for you | Well, I have to, don’t I? | Actually, I’m terrified…
✧ Well, don’t sell your soul on my account… Does that make me the Devil’s spawn? | …Are you sure I have to go?
✧ Grab Salvatore’s gun and start shooting. (gem choice for 180 💎) | Throw yourself over Salvatore to cover him. (gem choice for 120 💎) | Try to appeal to Roberto as your father. -> boost and action scenes, you get to curse out the enemy and be a fucking badass, worth it
#12 Texting
✧ Ciao?! Is that all you have to say?? | Oh my God, YOU’RE alive! | Sorry, those texts were a bit overdramatic…
✧ I’m touched that you were so worried about me. -> 😘! | 🙂
✧ I’m glad you aren't joining the Rossi family. -> 😳 | 🥹!
✧ I didn’t want to leave you in the first place | This feels like the safest place I could be | I just wish I was here by choice…
✧ My loyalty lies with you (gem choice for 180 💎) | I don’t know where my loyalties lie | My loyalties are with whoever lets me get revenge on Roberto Rossi (gem choice for 150 💎) -> 2.5 screens of dialogue but it’s mostly you explaining your feelings
✧ Good because I need you now more than ever | Damn, mafia men really are loyal. |Then please try to be less reckless!
Full Relationship Bar
-> depending on how many gem scenes you’ve bought and therefore filled up the bar four times, you’ll get the following 3rd GC for free sooner or later
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#13 Texting
✧ Don’t push yourself too hard! | suck it up. | Maybe, I dunno, take a break??
✧ Is that all? | Not as much as I do. | Yike.
✧ Something like that. But it needs to be a strong message. We need to show him he can’t fuck with our family. -> 👏! | 😬
✧ 4th CG for 300 💎 -> 😳 | 🔥!
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✧ You, MC. -> 😮 | ❤️!
#14 Texting & Fifth Date
✧ Don’t worry, I’ve got this under control | I’ll have him wrapped around my finger. | What happens if I don’t?
-> It worked on you, didn’t it? | I think you’re underestimating my charm | Ew WTF why would I do that???
✧ I’m ALWAYS paying attention | Sometimes I’m not 😜 | It’s called selective hearing
✧ You’re definitely about to be judged. -> 😭! | 😐
✧ I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen | I’m still not fully sure where my loyalties lie... | Does he see reason when it comes to a Rossi?
✧ Make sure there is no doubt that the Rossi's are your enemy. -> 😫 | 👏!
✧ Let me join the Luciano family! (gem choice for 210 💎) | Let me prove myself to you! (gem choice for 180 💎) | Drop to your knees.
-> huge boost and you get to defend yourself impressively but tbh that’s about it. the real action scene happens on every choice, not really worth it but anything for Salvatore and my pride refused to fall on my knees and beg
#15 Texting
✧ I stayed right next to you all night. | Halfway through last night, I moved to a guest room. | No, I just got up early.
✧ But you handled yourself so well. -> 😍! | 🙄
✧ But you’re going to help me, right? | Can’t you just slip me the answer key or something? | Don’t worry about me, I was born ready
✧ This is not what I signed up for. | So, basically high school all over again | It takes a lot more than that to break me
✧ Yeah, I experienced that first hand. | I just want to protect you | That means there’s no room for error
✧ I know it must be nerve wracking, but I promise I’ll guide you through this. -> 😬 | ❤️!
✧ I trust you with my life (gem choice for 180 💎) | Trust is earned, Salvatore. | I trust you, not your family (gem choice for 150 💎)
-> five screens of love confession without directly saying the three words, very passionate and fitting to the dramatic scene, worth it
✧ clothing item 🎁 (black dress shirt for 60 💎)
#16 Texting & Sixth Date
✧ Today is a very special day. -> 🥂! | 🤔
✧ Hell yeah, it’s training day! 😎 | I’m nervous af, but I think I’m ready 😬 | The two week anniversary of my kidnapping?? 😍
✧ We’re going to be shooting guns. -> 😬 | 👏!
✧ Show me what you’ve got. (gem choice for 210 💎) | No fooling around. Let’s skip to the advanced techniques. (gem choice for 💎) | I could use some pointers.
-> only for boost
#17 Texting
✧ Is this... a REAL date? | This had better not be another kidnapping attempt. | It would be good to get away from your family for a bit
✧ I’m looking forward to getting some alone time with you. -> 💦! | 😳
✧ Partner.. in crime? | Oh so are we like... official? | It might be a little early for partners…
#18 Texting & Seventh Date
✧ But one of Rossi’s men was just apprehended outside the villa. He was trying to spy on our operations. -> 😐 | 😱!
✧ I’ll make that bastard sing by whatever means necessary. (gem choice for 210 💎) | I’ll make him talk, but | won’t resort to violence. (gem choice for 180 💎) | I’m sorry, I don’t think I can do this.
-> currently saving up for gems
to be played…
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borisbubbles · 2 years
Eurovision 2022 (#30)
30. GREECE Amanda Tenfjord - “Die together” 8th place
Decade Rank: 60/79 [Above Ana, below Blas]
Lol this bullshit of including her surname in the title card. She Really Is Greek, Honest, We Swear!
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I is tricksy I is. -- ERT
Bitch, I ain’t fooled! Amanda couldn’t be more BOREwegian if she tried. 🙄  If there’s ONE thing Norwegians love (besides insultingly stupid mememongering it would appear), it’s ~fragile ballads~ by wispy wenches, and I’ve had more than my fill of of them in MGP 2022 (which I re-iterate was VERY BAD ). You better deliver something grandiose if you want to rank higher with your Scandi-Blandi mumbo-jumbo!
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And honest, it seemed like they might, when the demo leaked? “Die together” deviated from Norway’s accursed “I’m secretly very dangerous, Trust Me” [feat. Zero Semblance Of A Threat] formula and instead goes the route of fatalism, and this I really fucking like.’ A classically Greek take on a romance tragedy, ohhh this could be COOL’, I thought! ‘Maybe they’d add some synths to make it like “City Lights”, or Robyn’s “Dancing on my own”, two excellent synthpop ballads?? Or they could turn it into a better (not shit) Better Love with a beat?' Greece could really make their song stand out as the romantic tragedy of our modern Eurovision times, even with Maro and Cornelia in the mix.’
I forgot of course that Amanda is from Norway, and so her ballad wound up DULL AND STERILE!!!! 😒 It’s Ana “Definitely Not A Ballad” Soklic levels of “ugh, I SHOULD have fucking KNOWN, damn’ you!” and while that’s *partly* on me for getting my hopes up, onto the Mild Contemp pile you go with zero regrets!!!
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You see, the take from “Die together” was that, no matter how finite the relationship is, romance is a constant and can survive anything. it’s a sapiosexual and mature PoV, nothing wrong with that. 
I think the execution is too cerebral, however.
The capital mistake that “Die together” makes is that it glosses over the single most important thing about nailing romance, and that’s the love which drives it.. 
WHERE. 👏 IS.   👏 THE.   👏 GODDAMN. 👏 PASSION.  👏 IN.  👏  THIS?
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The first minute of “Die Together” is a dead minute, and the remainder two (the ones after the *actual* music kicks in) barely drag it out of stagnation. I understand why they went there. Intimacy and desolation need to be built up, so we can move on to showing the catharsis in the final act. 
The problem runs two ways, however. Greece went with a stripped-down instrumentation to better accost their Quirky Scandi Merc vocalist, but this approach also glosses over the emotional rollercoaster that drove it to this point. Love is an immense force of both creation and destruction, like fire, or electricity, or glam metal, and “Die together” skips over it like it’s an afterthought.   Even the STAGING, with its molten chairs focuses on the post-mortem, what happened *after* the fatalistic deaths of the protagonists, without really visualizing the passion that led them there. Show that, don’t tell us about it. Do you WANT me to be bored???? 
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Furthermore, Amanda is just... not very engaging. She can sing, sure, but she’s too morose and twee to carry it convincingly.  There are coma patients with better emotional resonance than Amanda Georgiadi. *THAT* is what you get when you cast the Farida’s of this world to sing your songs, they just get swallowed entirely by the trueborn painbearers of passion (like Cornelia!) because all they can do amounts to “uwu im a smoll bean uwu”.
Also, she smiles like this: 😩 
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coincidentally, i had the same expression when i first heard the song as well :-) 
Greece petitioned to be about all-consuming lovestorm, and gave us “pre-nuptual marriage certificate”. Instead of fatalistic and fiery, “Die together” is disappointingly sane and business-like, here to collect your jury’s high-end marks, a televote twelve from Cyprus and Norway, and nothing else. Mission accomplished I guess, (it IS the best Greek result since 2013 and their best result EVER in a jury vote), but it required them to douse “Die together” in musical disinfectant and that’s never a price worth paying imo.
We could have received an all-time classic dramatic ballad from Greece. 
What we got in its place was a misguided cop-out.. 
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30. GREECE - Amanda Tenjford - “Die together” 31. POLAND - Ochman - “River” 32. MONTENEGRO - Vladana - “Breathe” 33. FINLAND - The Rasmus - "Jezebel" 34. BELGIUM - Jérémie Makiese - “Miss you” 35. NORWAY - Subwoolfer - “Give that wolf a banana” 36. AUSTRALIA - Sheldon Riley - “Not the same” 37. SWITZERLAND - Marius Bear - “Boys do cry” 38. AZERBAIJAN - Nadir Rustamli - “Fade to black” 39. ITALY - Mahmood & Blanco - “Brividi” 40. ISRAEL - Michael Ben David - “I.M”
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oleanderblume · 2 years
I watched all of heartstopper today and I have THOUGHTS
Don't worry they are good thoughts.
One of my absolute *least* favorite things in entertainment media is the use of current, and predominantly online terms.
Especially when it comes to more left leaning politics. Because it comes off incredibly pedantic and pandering and insincere. Like, there was this cute show I was totally into up until it started using terms in that incredibly forced and insincere way, where I turned it off and simply haven't touched it again.
I'm really picky about this shit because I'm one of those fuckers that likes the characters to be characters before they are *insert token check box here* and that particular form of "inclusivity" just reads as tone deaf because I don't know a single person who would *out loud and in regards to themselves* use that type of language.
And like, that's generally a really big issue with lgbt+ fiction in media, because for some reason production companies and directors think that we like our identities being entirely linked to politics :/
Heartstopper was a breath fresh fucking air for me (I legit almost cried like 4 times watching it) because all the characters had incredibly believable dialog and reactions and even little inside jokes that are common within the community to the point that if you are *in* the lgbt+ community, you'd get it, and if you aren't, it's something small enough, you'd not even notice.
They felt like characters before they felt like stereotypical, tokenized identities, which was really nice. It felt like a *romance* before a story about sexuality, and the romance was incredibly well done 👏
And holy FUCK I love how they handled Elle. Actually, I loved how they handled every character's gender and sexuality, because it wasn't cheap. It was organic.
They trusted the audience to put two and two together about Elle being trans before finally dropping the proverbial bomb in I think like, the second to last episode??? Idk for sure but I *loved* it.
Maybe because I do the exact same thing with my trans character in Caring for Your Clown. Cause Oliver isn't *officially* revealed as trans until the mid point, but there are tons of hints throughout the text leading up to that point and I've not seen that anywhere else except for Heartstopper. (Granted the only other example i can think of is the trash fire that was high guardian spice trying to explain transgender people XD)
Like, Elle's treatment in the story is basically why I'm ranting about the show right now because I loved it so much. Granted, I kind of wished she had more screen time, but I'm automatically biased to love literally any trans rep so....that aside, Elle's character specifically was a really beautiful take on that representation.
I think though, the thing that really made this show so wonderful for me was how every POV character (with exceptions of Isaac cause he sort of doesn't exist) has incredibly relatable and realistic thoughts, reactions and above all else, STRUGGLES that are accurately portrayed.
Not over emphasized, or made into a caricature. It's genuine nuance to them in their individual arcs.
Case in point: Elle's crush on Tao being largely inhibited by her fear (or at least me perception of her fear) that Tao would never be interested in her *because* she is trans. Cause you best be damned if I didn't catch that.
It's framed in a "Don't want to ruin the friendship" sort of way, but you cannot reasonably convince me that she wouldn't be terrified of pursuing a relationship with him because he is straight, and how that commonly reflects the idea that straight people won't ever be into trans people on the basis of their AGAB.
Like I'm sorry. You can't tell me I'm wrong here.
(This is also a parallel in my books, cause my MC has feelings for another and he actively dismisses them because he thinks that that person doesn't want him as a *boy*— I mean, there's also like a ton of other reasons, but that's one of them)
Or the entire arc with Charlie being feeling as though he is a burden to Nick because of his past relationship. Or the fact that it is so *evident* that Nick immediately understands that his fear of being ostracized and asking Charlie to do the exact same thing he did with Ben is hurtful.
Also HOLY FUCK actual God damned bisexual representation???? Like a MAIN CHARACTER being openly, decidedly bisexual? I love that. Because it's so often the "I don't like lables" sexuality. I fucking loved it when Nick came to that conclusion.
Basically, as an author, and avid lover of storytelling...heartstopper is really good and I highly recommend it if you want to see genuine and nuanced portrayal of LGBT+ romance.
And I really hope I get more fucking Elle and Tao because I love every scene with them so much I need my girl to be happy.
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faustandfurious · 5 years
Tolkien ships as comments from “What your favourite ATLA ship says about you”
Bagginshield: You can pinpoint the Hobbit movies as the beginning of your crippling addiction to edgy boys who have trouble talking about their feelings
Sam/Rosie: You are a firm believer in keeping things canon and keeping things wholesome
Legolas/Gimli: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of getting dunked on
Faramir/Eowyn: Your ideal high school romance is jock/nerd
Angbang: Your ideal high school romance is nerd/goth
Morgoth/Gothmog: Your ideal high school romance is goth/goth
Morgoth/Fëanor: Your addiction to edgy boys got so bad that one day you were like, "Hey, you know what's better than one edgy boy? TWO edgy boys!"
Russingon: You were absolutely fucking thrilled when "Be gay do crimes" became the hot new meme
Fëanor/Fingolfin: Half of you came here after shipping Draco and Harry, half of you came here after shipping Sasuke and Naruto, all of you are now shipping Deku and Todoroki
Frodo/Sam: You just wanted good things for Frodo; and really ... who wouldn't?
Barduil: You liked the dynamic from Bagginshield, but you liked Thranduil even more
Galadriel/Celeborn: You're kind of annoyed that the thing this ship is most well-known for is that one scene where Celeborn says "Tell me, where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him"
Beren/Luthien: You want a girlfriend who not only can kick your ass, but will do so upon request
Eowyn/Aragorn: You are heterosexual
Aragorn/Arwen: You're always a sucker for a good meet-cute ... and you're heterosexual
Aredhel/Celegorm: Your ideal relationship dynamic is sitcom-wife/sitcom-husband
Melian/Galadriel: You are a lesbian who loves MILFs. Also, you probably read History of Middle Earth
Tuor/Idril: You don't understand why anyone would fuck around with an unstable love/hate relationship when there's a perfectly happy marriage right there
Idril/Maeglin: You don't understand why anyone would care about a happy marriage when there's an unstable love/hate relationship to fuck around with
Merry/Pippin: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of buddy comedies
Fëanor/Nerdanel: You are a firm believer in men 👏 getting 👏 pegged 👏
Caranthir/Haleth: This is just the same joke as Beren/Luthien, but even more so, and with no canon validation
Silvergifting: Your ideal date involves whacky hijinks, after which PAIN ensues
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reginaldqueribundus · 4 years
watching the man in the high castle
not gonna go episode by episode anymore, this will just be a masterpost of my thoughts on the series
(spoilers I guess. do I have to tag spoilers for a show that ended last year?? idk but consider yourself warned or whatever)
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holy shit you guys one of the X-Men wrote this episode
why am I having to follow the random gun salesman’s dinner plans with some Japanese lady he’s trying to sell stuff to? Is this relevant??
ok nvm it got SUPER relevant
also I love that in this alternate timeline where the Japanese Empire is brutally oppressing America this guy is still a high-key weeaboo
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AGAIN with the Nazi phones. I guess all phones in evil America have swastikas, not just the public ones
Dobby Weasley is a good friend and he is WASTED on the raging butthole fire that is Naked Clark Kent
Old Japanese Bureaucrat Dude meditated his way to another dimension and now he’s trying to research the things he saw there
one of the things he saw was a poster for Lolita
imagine your only cultural reference for an entire alternate reality being Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita
I pity him
I no longer care what Hepburn Jr. and Aryan Tom Holland are up to because the b-plot has pivoted into Naked Clark Kent going full Breaking Bad with the antique salesman
hahahahahahahaaa the Old Bureaucrat Dude went to our timeline and tried to eat a Twinky with chopsticks this poor bastard
all he knows of the Other Dimension is Twinkies, racism, Lolita, eat hot chip and lie
I can’t believe I have to say this but NAZI ROCKET PLANES
Nazis be obsessing over public transit
Aryan Tom is over in Berlin having daddy issues
Hepburn Jr. is useless, god damn stop wasting such a good character
Naked Clark is becoming a terrorist, this rules
oh noooooo Bureaucrat Man just found out about Hiroshima I am so sorry bro
first Lolita now this
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also can we PLEASE stop letting bad things happen to Dobby Weasley? he has never done anything wrong ever and doesn’t deserve this
does Aryan Tom Holland just put his mouth on every woman he meets? because it seems like he puts his mouth on every woman he meets
I literally do not care about his romantic hike through NAZI GERMANY
christ I’ll even take Hepburn at this point
jesus christ of nazareth save me from this boring white supremacist romance
super cool that I have to watch Nazi Boy go to a third reich LSD fuck party while Katharine goes dress shopping when I could be watching Dobby and Clark do Breaking Bad in Imperial Japan
Bureaucrat-san is at the grocery store with his alternate timeline son
lotta shopping in this episode is what I’m saying
Aryan Tom is having a bad acid trip
also there are tits (guess I was bound to see some eventually)
lmao he’s tripping his dick off and thinks Hepburn is there
they gon fuck
I hope he comes down from his high balls deep in the taxidermied bear
oh noooo now he’s making out with the blonde girl in a spooky forest. when did this turn into Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
I guess the sexy Aryan chick is a metaphor for him embracing his evil Nazi side or something?
suffice to say it does not go well for him
that’s 👏 what 👏 you 👏 get 👏 for being 👏 a Nazi
there’s not a lot of notes on the rest of season 2 because I was pretty invested for most of it
I’m still not 100% clear on how the timeline-hopping works because Old Japanese Guy spends like a month in the other world and then he just kind of reappears in his office like nothing happened so was he actually gone or just sitting behind his desk in a weird coma the whole time?
Clark Kent is dead and he didn’t even take Utter Bastard Torture Cop with him
even in death he disappoints me
the ending of the season was brilliant but I’m surprised the film plot worked, weren’t several people in the Reich aware the films come from another dimension? Hitler had a whole stash which I’m assuming they would’ve found after he died
still, this show has me hooked, gonna start season 3 now
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beezlub · 4 years
Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences.
Slow burn or love at first sight
dude the amount of love i have hoarded into my tiny 5'2 body for slow burns physically hurts me. bonus points if it's a multi-chapter fic
Fake dating or secret dating
more often than not, y'all are going to end up dating. 👏gimme dat shit👏
Enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
as someone who has fallen in love with their best friend, i can vouch that this is an amazing and terrifying ride
Oh no there’s only one bed or long distance correspondence
"you take the bed and i'll take the floor" no honey it's ok just 'put a pillow' in between you. you're going to end up cuddling anyway
Hurt/comfort or amnesia
i'm sure i'm the only one who genuinely enjoys amnesia fics but hey. whatever floats my boat amirite
Fantasy AU or modern AU
Mutual pining or domestic bliss
need i say more?
Smut or fluff
did you seriously expect me to choose one?
Canon-compliant/missing scenes or fix-it
dead characters? what do you mean, they're very much alive
Alternate universe or future fic
imagien being transported into their world. or they end up going to the same school as you.
One-shot or multichapter
Kid fic or road trip fic
i am not a fan of kids
Reincarnation or character death
i can deal with death. reincarnation just don't seem right to me
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage
especially if they started off hating each other and then falling in love :>
High school romance or middle-aged romance
in my opinion, high school romance just has more to offer. more drama :)
Time travel or isolated together
the amount of tension that can be created is just *chef kiss*
Neighbors or roommates
neighbors are neat. tell them you need an egg and you can pet their cat for three hours while binging a tv show. i totally don't speak from experience
Sci-fi AU or magic AU
Body swap or gender-bend
i just. i love it, that's it. it reminds me of the movie 'your name' and i'm so soft-
Angst or crack
crack is good and all, but if you can actually make me cry, kudos to you! i love soft fics, especially if a character dies
Apocalyptic or mundane
oh boy. apocalyptic fics make me weak as well.
i tag anyone and everyone who wants to do this! it's super fun, in my opinion!
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