#hilarious to me how he was confused by the idea of non binary people but also somehow knew what bears were?
sixty-silver-wishes · 9 months
my dad, trying to understand the concept of being non-binary today:
- “so there’s chocolate and vanilla ice cream, but there’s also butterscotch… wow”
- “but if you’re non-binary, does that make you straight or gay? … wait, they can be ANYTHING?”
- “but there are some straight guys who occasionally do homosexual acts. are there gay guys who do the same thing but with women?
…no way”
- “people have all these labels these days and I feel like a ball of dough. can I identify as a ball of dough”
- “gay guys are usually feminine… but wait, what about the BEARS”
- “so if they’re not a man and they’re not a woman…they’re… bisexual?”
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toasterbunnicula · 1 year
Mass Effect Character Sexualities because I want to project
(Partly headcanon, bi-ased, personal opinion)
Ashley: straight, formerly homophobic until she realized that most of her Normandy crew mates were gay
Garrus: bi energy, its simply unfair to our gay guys for such an amazing and hot character to not go both ways. Ive also seen too much Garrus/Thane/Shepard fanart to see him any other way
Liara: obviously bi, I hc that she was confused when she first encountered homophobia because it simply doesn’t exist in asari culture (closest thing is the asarixasari stigma)
Wrex: for some reason I see him as bi? I have no idea where I got this but I want to see a tough, old warrior casually mentioning being into both men and women and not caring at all about it (even though I think krogan culture probably wouldn’t approve)
Tali: for my sake as a helpless bi simp, I see her as under the umbrella, but doesn’t realize it. Like me before I came out, Tali would say “yeah she’s really pretty and I want to hang out with her and hug her and stare at her but I’m not gay or anything.” You are. You are gay. I think it would be in character for her to completely miss the fact that she’s into girls as well as men
Joker: straight. The kind of straight to make jokes about his friends’ sexualities, but not mean anything by it. He goes to pride every June with his wife EDI (who I will get to)
Jacob: I honestly can’t believe that he was originally intended to be bi, I just can’t see him into men unless I squint. It’s hilarious that they tried to make his male romance more like Brokeback Mountain so it’d be accepted
Miranda: I’ve seen a headcanon on Pinterest about Miranda having internalized homophobia because it doesn’t line up with her view of genetic perfection, something she’s established to be insecure about. I think it would make perfect sense for her character. I think it’s easy to see her as a lesbian practicing het-comp, especially with how awkward her initial flirting with Shepard is, but there are more scenes in her romance that feel authentic than there are that feel performative, so I’m inclined to say she is bi/pan/omni/etc.
Mordin: I’m pretty sure his asexuality is canon. I also think that he’s aromantic as well, but can objectively assess beauty/attractiveness well. For example, his film noir short story in the Citadel DLC involves a hookup with Aria. I personally believe that is him saying “yeah, she’s attractive, and if I were into women, I’d smash”
Zaeed: he gives off straight uncle who would punch a homophobe for you but otherwise doesn’t know how to interact with you after you’ve come out and tries a little too hard to acknowledge your sexuality but it’s definitely well-meaning (think the “anyone could be they!” scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Grunt: straight and supports his bi parents (Shepard and Garrus/Thane/Tali/Liara), wears rainbows at Pride for them, and regularly headbutts homophobes
Jack: I’m forever salty about them erasing her pansexuality. Also she and Miranda should’ve kissed
Kasumi: also gives off pan energy. She definitely feels like the type to not care about gender at all- as long as they’ve got muscles, that’s all that matters to her
Thane: pan energy
Samara: as established, Samara is bisexual
Legion: ace, non-binary (goes with people using he/him based on its masculine voice, pronouns are they/it)
Kelly: she said so herself, she doesn’t care about race/species or gender, all that matters is the person 💖💛💙
EDI: something about Sentient AI Who People Initially Don’t Trust Until She Gets A Humanoid Body That People Can Better Associate With Her reads to me as a trans allegory. Obviously, she’s not trans, but the vibes are there. Many times, people are suspicious of trans women until they transition and pass more as cis, which is similar to EDI’s story. She learns more about herself after her body changes, and others start to appreciate her more and have an easier time referring to her with she/her pronouns. As for her sexuality, she doesn’t seem to lean any particular way to me. She doesn’t seem like the type who’d use labels, even though it would make sense for her to “categorize” herself. I’d say she’s unlabelled- definitely into men, with her relationship with Joker
James: as much as I wish we could get gay gym bro representation, James is great as he is, being a masculine straight guy who’s best friends are openly gay (Cortez) and bi (Shepard)
Traynor: lesbian (canon), definitely into women who can crush her head under their heel but also has a dominant side herself
Cortez: gay (canon)
Diana: that annoying and popular bi girl you secretly had a crush on but didn’t want to because she was intimidating and popular
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 9 months
(If you're just trying to find some cute ship art for like lumity or huntlow and you find this I'm sorry I just want this to get some recognition cause I'm new to the Tumblr community 😭😭)
Hello there and welcome to me rating different TOH ships!
It'll be in a format like a iceberg chart, the more well known ships at the top and more unknown and obscure ships in the middle and below
Also know this is my opinion and I have given reasons why I don't like and ship the ones I'm going to list, don't get mad at me cause I don't ship whatever the fuck you like
And with that let's go!
The surface
1. Lumity 9/10
Actually a really good ship, I don't know why people keep on saying it's a toxic/unhealthy ship, the only reasons they say is that they lie to each other,Amity somehow "hurts" Luz and never gives her a proper apology...? Im sorry but it's fucking stupid, there's other reasons but I don't remember them, I gave it a 9/10 because it's okay, nothing astonishing or amazing, just good wlw rep and that's all that matters
2. Huntlow 100000/10
WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIP OMG!!!! I wish it could have gotten confirmed or more hints throughout the show (I personally think it would have been a cool idea that after kings tide Hunter and Willow started dating and it would be shown in TTT) it's just a really cute ship to me and I love everything about it >_<!!!
3. Raeda 10/10
It's a really cool ship, but I was confused on the whole is Eda bisexual or pansexual thing cause she's confirmed bisexual but Raines non binary...and now supposedly bisexual people can be attracted to non binary people??? It's just hella confusing to me, but that's a topic on it's own for a different time, I really like how they developed and definitely TTBK was and is one of my favorite episodes
4. Veesha 8/10
It's actually canon that Vee has a crush on Masha and thats all I need to know...GAHHH IT'S SUCH A CUTE SHIP!! Really cool thing how Dana is adding some much non binary characters in the show (NOT including the collector cause he's demiboy NOT non binary, there's a huge ass difference) wish there could have been some development/hints in the WAD, sadly not, but that doesn't mean it won't be confirmed!
5. Gustholomule 8/10
By far one of my ships but sadly not on the top 3,yet again, needed more hints, especially in s2a cause Gus and Matty had more screen time and interactions together,and I love how the fandom just agreed Matty was gay, and not to mention the friendship with Matty and Amity
6. Belpaw 10000/10
this is a joke ship between Belos and springtrap/William Afton from fnaf but it's absolutely fucking hilarious to me and I love it
Now, time to go under the surface, here are some ships that some people know/ship but not much people do, and the further I go we'll get to the more...problematic ships, yet again, don't get mad at me for my opinions
1. Lunter -100/10
Please block this account immediately if you ship lunter I CANNOT STAND THIS SHIP!!! Sure, they had some pretty decent chemistry and interactions with each other, but it just won't work! There's no use in shipping a character with a canon love interest/already dating someone and just choosing to ignore it and ship them anyway, PLUS FOR THOSE SHIPPERS WHO ACTUALLY GOT FUCKING MAD CAUSE IT DIDN'T BECOME CANON I'M ACTUALLY SHITTING BRICKS ON HOW FUCKING STUPID THAT WAS 💀💀💀💀 plus Willows a canon love interest to Hunter, Zeno, HUNTERS VA, literally changed his name to Hunter noceda, and no it's not wlw erasure, but if you acknowledge the fact that lumity is canon, if you acknowledge the fact Dana put her hardwork and effort trying to get a same sex couple in a kid's show which literally got it CANCELLED, and still ship it, disrespectfully shut the fuck up, lunter would be canon if FUCKING NETFLIX MADE TOH 😭😭😭
2. Huntric/Huntmira -100000/10
I. Hate. This. Ship. I put them together cause I didn't want to make seperate sections for it, now you're gonna read me rant on how much I fucking despise this ship, number one, EDRIC IS FUCKING DATING SOMEONE, no interactions (only one with Edric but none with Emira) the mfs literally degraded him in labyrinth runners, no chemistry whatsoever, its overall just not worth your time, and I'm not a toxic huntlow stan, no I won't force the ship on you, however I will block you because I don't want that shit on my feed, same goes for lunter and the other ships I'm gonna mention
3. Luz x Willow, Amity, or all of them together 5/10
Ngl, it's not that bad of a ship, actually really cute, but I couldn't see it happening in the show given that lumity is already canon, plus we should normalize healthy friendships between two girls, not everyone needs to be shipped and the toh community has a huge fucking problem with that, plus this also goes for Amity x Willow as well
4. Camila x Eda (i dunno the official ship name 😭😭😭) 5/10
It's mid, I SAID IT I SAID IT!!! *hides in bed* I'm sorry the ship is mid, raeda is canon already and they didn't have any dialogue, interactions,chemistry together only other than people want Camila to date/marry someone,and the only part when they actually meet is in WAD and that one picture of Eda showing Camila the Apple blood, other than that it's meh, eh, mid
5. Boscha x literally anyone -1000/10
Disrespectfully shut the fuck up if you ship boschlow, boschmity, or boschluz, THESE ARE EXTREMELY TOXIC SHIPS AND YOU'VE PROBABLY NEVER EVEN WATCHED WING IT LIKE WITCHES OR THE ENTIRE FIRST SEASON OF TOH, YOU MUST HAVE SEVERE BRAIN DAMAGE IF YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS OKAY, Boscha is literally their bully, IT'S NOT THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS STORY YOU WANT POOKIE, the only one that isn't as severe is boschmity, that one, unlike the other ships isn't as bad cause boscha genuinely likes Amity and if you watched FTF you'd know why, plus boscha must had have the fattest crush on Amity, but the only boscha ship good is Boschbria (Boscha x Bria)
6. Veenter 10-/10
No...why must I have come to this...NOOO!!! okay, first off, ima just put this in the most direct, black and white, simple way, it fucking sucks, no interactions that support the ship, no chemistry, like I said, I'm a raging Huntlow stan, this ship is unacceptable, plus I like found...a potential r34 comic of them BUT WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT HAHAH....oh fucking god...
The pit, here lays all the problematic ships, also uhm TW maybe??? I am gonna use words like p3dph1l1a, @buse, Child @buse,and pr0sh1p alot, so if it makes you uncomfy just a warning, and with that, lets go...
1. Camphip -infinity/10
I HAVE A RAGING HATE FOR THIS SHIP OH MY FUCKING TITAN, okay, I know Camila is an adult and belos is...well he's an old fucking geezer,but the age gap gives me the ick, but let's just start, it's @busive, Camila literally said she wanted to beat him up in the beginning of FTF, AND I DUNNO, DO YOU THINK A 400+ GENOCIDAL EMPEROR WHO @BUSED 50+ GRIMWALKERS WHO COULD HAVE POSSIBLY BE KIDS (and by kids they'd be at least 11/12-16, still pretty younge though)MANIPULATED MILLIONS OF WITCHES AND DEMONS, AND KILLED HIS BROTHER IS A GOOD HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND MATERIAL? disrespectfully shut the fuck up, given the fact of think Luz, Vee, and Hunter are all Camila's children (or at least that's what I headcanon) DO YOU THINK THEY'D BE HAPPY TO KNOW THAT THEIR MOTHER IS DATING THE PERSON WHO CAUSED THEM SO MUCH FUCKING PAIN AND ABUSE????ESPECIALLY HUNTER, BELOS FUCKING SAID HE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HUNTER IN HOLLOW MIND, CLOUDS ABOVE THE HORIZON,AND IN THANKS TO THEM, HE LITERALLY TRIED TO K1LL HIM, THIS SHIP WOULD ONLY BE FINE IF IT WAS IN A GOOD BELOS AU, THE ONLY WAY, I will immediately block you if you ship Belos x Camila, I hate it HATE IT AND I'M DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS
2. Amity x Gus or Hunter -infinity/10
You're lesbianphobic, go fuck yourself if you ship Amity with any male characters
3. Empgold/Huntlos -infinity/10
It's pr0ship, p3d0philia, and @buse, Hunter is 16 and Belos is 400+ years old, you can't ship a character with someone's who dead so it wouldn't matter if you ship them after the time skip when Hunters 20, Belos @bused Hunter, the scar on his cheek and the whole fucking possession scene in TTT might give you a hint, Belos never cared for Hunter and only saw him as a tool, he tried to k1ll him in Hollow Mind, and in Thanks to them, if you ship them, I am blocking you, and I say this proudly
4. Guster -infinity/10
I. Hate. This. Ship, AND FUCK YOU GUSTER BUBBLE BATH YOU FUCKING MADE ME HATE IT EVEN MORE (please don't question what the guster bubble bath is, DO NOT SEARCH IT UP IT IS AN R34 COMIC...unless you wanna get traumatized, but it's cool baby girl) I hate this ship, there's plenty of interactions, but they give off a more sibling energy,and that's a reason why I don't ship it, I see them as siblings, I get they could somehow date cause of cosmic frontier but it's more of a similarity than a romantic aspect just like with Amity and Luz with the good witch Azura,its also uhm *COUGH COUGH* p3d0philia if you ship their time skip versions (Hunter is 20 and Gus is 16), the reason why I put it so low is because I feel like it's not as well know but not as obscure (plus I did this all rushed so I had no fucking time)
And ladies, bros, non binary folks, that's the end! You've endured all my criticism so take a damn break, you deserve it
And special credits to ships I didn't include!
Luz x Anne/Marcy (Amphibia)
Hunter x Sasha (Amphibia)
Gus x Willow
Gus x Bria
Luz x Marco (svtfoe)
Gus x Vee
Luz x viney
Edric x Emira
Eda x Belos
Eda x Darius
Amity x Marcy (amphibia)
Belos x Luz
The Collector x King, any member of the hexsquad
Amity x Odalia
Eda x Dana
Darius x Raine
Belos x Kikimora
Kikimora x Puss in boots (oh god yes that's exists)
Lilith x Belos/Hooty/Steve/Eda!!!
I hope someone at least read this cause I made this in a damn hurry!!!
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fruit-kick · 1 year
Camp Camp LGBTQ+ Headcanons but I have favorites and leave most characters out
Max (he/him, transmasc aro)
he thinks romance is an inherently hilarious concept and he's going through his "ew pink and girly things, im above it all" transmasculine overcompensation phase. it's also his hoodie. when he gets older he gets more comfortable in his own skin and likes to paint his nails (not just black but other fun colors too) and experiment with fashion
Nikki (she/her, cis lesbian on the arospec)
its her crush on Ered and the general confusion around the perceived importance of romance. thinks it can be cute and fun but overall doesn't care too much about it (her and max are arospec besties)
Neil (he/him, cis gnc pan)
a fucking menace to gender norms and aggressive about it. i think hes pan and doesn't care about gender as long as he can vibe with them and they're interested in science (or just listen to him go on and on really.)
Nerris (she/they/elf, non binary demi)
i am a firm believer in Nerris using neopronouns, especially elf related ones ones. i think she's demi and it takes a long time with quality bonding for them to feel romantic attraction and it is devastating when elf does
Preston (any pronouns, cis gnc mlm)
i don't know how to put it cohesively but i think preston is just so open and no fucks given about his gender presentation. i think she's the type to flaunt just how pretty and handsome they look like he has peacock energy imo. also "any pronouns" includes neopronouns and nerris 100% assigns her neopronouns (what are they? idk its up to god)
Harrison (he/it, void, bisexual)
OMG i am such a believer in voidpunk harrison like i loveee characters who feel non-human and i just think it fits him so well. it reclaims essentially being rejected from humanity and normalcy because of his magic and embraces it. i also think its bisexual with a lean towards men
Gwen (she/her, cis, aroallo)
i don't have much to say about her and david except that they're alloace + aroallo solidarity. i think it makes sense for Gwen as she doesn't seem interested in other people romantically and just prefers to write erotic fanfiction or go on dates with seamonsters
David (he/she, non-binary, alloace)
i also think it makes sense for David to be alloace because of Bonquisha telling him he's not exactly good in bed. she feels strongly about romance but is extremely awkward in sexual situations (him coming back from muffin tops with campbell looking so exhausted- i mean campbell is exhausting to be around but david looked so done LMFAOO) also the whole girlboss hat thing
Daniel (he/she, bigender, unlabelled)
i have no idea why. i do not have an explanation for bigender daniel i just think its real and canon. it was bestowed upon me by god themselves. as for unlabelled i just think she would kill you first
Jen (she/her, transfem, sapphic)
shes a t4t murder blood violence sapphic. not much to say here
i'm about to explain some lore that only exists inside me and a select few people's brains but. max being close with harrison who's dating neil and preston (who're also friends with nerris!) helped him gain more confidence in his gender expression because of how little they care about anything making sense, like, at all. i absolutely think that max learned how to paint his nails and put on a good outfit from Neil and Preston. he used to think that Harrison and Nerris were weird for being xenogendered and using neopronouns but now he'll pummel anyone who makes fun of them
Daniel and David share the same pronouns and are that spiderman pointing at spiderman meme
Gwenvid sounds impossible by this point but they still work. somehow. through otherworldly and queerplatonic means
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Okay I have a couple ideas that might be funny! Have you seen the TikTok’s where a guys girl will be super dressed up and say she’s going to target and they film their boyfriends reaction? Or the lip filler prank? 😂
Would you mind doing a reaction HC of the dogs? If you don’t want to do both that’s totally fine and if you dont want to do all the dogs will you just do orange, white, and blonde? Thank you kindly! 🌸♥️
Hi, fellow friend! So great to hear from you again! How have you been? How's everyone been doing? Oh my god, these are fantastic ideas! Lol I have seen too many of these pranks online and I had the same sort of feeling that someone should write up reactions for the Dogs! My calling has come, LMFAO. I'd be thrilled to do both of these! I hope it's fine that I combined them into grouped headcanons for each of the Dogs to make it easier to read and write. Let me know if it isn't and I'll gladly fix them up! I hope you don’t mind that I threw in Eddie! Thanks for requesting, you always have the best ideas!
Also, please don't be shy about leaving comments to tell me what you thought of the writing. No pressure of course, but I'd love to hear what everyone thinks, positive criticism or praise is totally acceptable. Again, it's absolutely fine if you guys don't :)
FANDOM: Reservoir Dogs
GENRE: Requested Headcanons and romantic relationship
SYNOPSIS: The Dogs' gender neutral s/o pranks them with TikTok trends and hilarity ensues!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Swearing, innuendo, sexual comments, and romantic relationship!
MR. PINK/JEREMY DAVIDSON ( my canon name for him )
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Right off the bat, Pink is a very protective boyfriend. I wouldn’t say he is possessive, but he certainly isn’t about to let anybody steal his s/o no matter what gender they are. It makes him jealous when other people hit on you, so he has a sense of ingrained defensiveness just because of that. Overall, he’s just a paranoid mess of nerves, but he loves you more than anything. 
For the Target prank, you'd put on something that flattered your body a little too well. If you're female, a skimpy dangerously low cut dress and stiletto heels with flawless makeup would do the trick. If you're a guy, just wear something that hugs your downstairs goods pretty well and an open shirt. My non-binary, agender, and fluid peeps, wear whatever he thinks you look fantastic in.
Above all, what will really do him in and piss him off is a sense of confidence. If you act like you know you're hot stuff, that will both turn him on and concern him.
You stride towards the doorway of your two's studio apartment, shoes clicking on the floor. Grabbing the keys, you shout that you're heading off to the grocery store to pick up some things. He comes to give you a list, only to be met with the sight of your glorious self looking amazing.
His eyes bulge, jaw going slack, and he freezes mid-sentence. Pink scans your body, a glimmer of lust in his blue eyes. He reacts a few seconds after, face darkening in disapproval. It's not that he doesn't like how you look--rather its the opposite--he is opposing you going out to Target like that without him.
" Absolutely fuckin' not. Over my dead body, babe. I don't care where the hell you're going, but you're not going out looking like that." you shoot back that he's overreacting, to which he gives you a confused glare.
" Like hell I am! Lemme just go put on my suit and tie then and we'll be matching, " he retorts in his usual sarcastic tone.
He pretty much reacts the same way to the lip filler prank, spitting out his drink when he sees you. He has to bite back a laugh, but he can't contain himself and bursts out in an uproar of giggles. You pretend to be upset while trying not to laugh yourself.
" Did something sting you or what? The fuck is that?!" he screeches, feeling like he'll wet himself from laughing. After when you tell him they were pranks, he might pout and carry on about it for awhile. Deep down, he thinks it was hilarious though.
MR. BROWN/JOHNNY CAMPBELL ( personal canon name )
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You know the drill by now, put on something that shows off your tits, ass, dick, all of those, or body as a whole, and you're all set. What would really make the prank impactful would be if you put on something of his. He's a sucker for seeing you in a shirt or pants of his, it gets him turned on straight away. Another thing that would push him over the edge would be to wear ankle bracelets and other feet jewelry. I mean, COME ON, this is QT's character we're dealing with here, ha ha. Anyways, do something like that, and you'll get a rise immediately.
Both of you were getting ready to pop over to Target to buy some snacks for the film showings you guys had planned to have at your place with the rest of the Dogs. Brown was really excited for the evening and even happier that you were going to be there with him. You came out of the bathroom looking gorgeous, walking as sexily as you could.
He was waiting in the living room, setting up the last things on the projector and television before your friends arrived. He was listening to a commentary track from a movie you didn't recognize, the audio playing softly in the background when you told him you were ready to go. Smiling wide, he looked up towards you as he got up. Like Pink though, he froze the minute he laid eyes on you.
" Holy Christ, sugarcakes..." he stuttered, too dazed to properly form words. You could see the arousal and attraction taking over him in a moment, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of red. He obviously likes what he sees. Then, the spell is broken in a minute, when he realizes what you're actually wearing.
" Look, I'm not your Daddy or your boss at all, so I might not have a say here--but seriously? You're gonna go to Target like that?" you nod, almost cracking up on the spot. He sighs, and you can tell he's uncomfortable with the idea.
" You're making me look like a bum compared to you. I feel underdressed, baby."
The lip filler prank gets pretty much the same reaction as Pink's did for him, boisterous laughter filling the car when he climbs in. You'd picked him up from work after his shift at the Video Archives store, to greet him with your lips puffed. When you tell him that you did it to give yourself a confidence boost and make yourself more appealing, his reaction switches.
" Oh, Y/N, no! Why do you bash yourself like that? You're fucking perfection, baby girl/boy/babe. The goddamn Sharon Stone/Humphrey Bogart to my little cinephile self! You’re all of those bombshells at once ten-fold!” he’s such a sweetheart about it, and you can’t help but hug him. You tell him it was a prank, and he groans. You two have couple prank wars all the time, so he should have seen it coming. But he’s laughing later too, finding it so funny.
MR. BLONDE/VIC VEGA ( tw/implied smut/sexual comments )
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Okay, he’s hilarious too in his reactions, except not in way you’re thinking. In regards to the Target prank, you would try to look your absolute best, be it in a suit, dress, or whatever tickles your fancy. He wasn’t planning on going with you instead wanting to have a drink or two and phone up Eddie to have a catch-up. 
You were going out to get some veggies and other essential household items after he didn’t the day beforehand. He had no qualms about you going on your own, he trusts you and likewise for you too. Vic’s mid-conversation with Eddie, the two guffawing like moronic high schoolers over a job they had pulled recently. He wasn’t exactly paying attention to you, sipping bourbon and chilling on the couch. But it’s how fantastic you look walking past that catches his eye. You bid him goodbye and tell him where you’re going. A smile plays on his lips, and he tells Eddie to hold for a second. He practically runs up to you, lifting you by the waist into his arms.
“ Mmm, you trying to tell Daddy something? Where do ya think you’re going lookin’ all dolled up like that, huh, Y/N?” he rasps in that godforsakenly hot voice. You giggle, bopping his nose and protesting. You try to break free, but he holds on tight to you. He buries his head into your neck, planting open-mouth kisses across your jugular vein. His hands roam across your body, gripping your butt in squeezing motions. You moan, pleasurable grunts sounding from his throat.
“ You like that, baby? ” with that, he sweeps you up and carries you to the bedroom. Let’s just say you’re screaming with pleasure moments later, ha ha.
The lip filler prank makes him recoil and he is understandably taken aback by seeing your lips so puffy. You were out with him at one of Joe’s nightclubs for a night out with the Dogs when you’d excused yourself to use the bathroom. A few moments later, you came out with the filler. The others are in on it, acting all supportive of your new look. If it hadn’t been for the booming music in the background, Blondie would have heard Eddie and White’s snickers. 
“ What in God’s name is that shit?” is his reaction, and you explain it to him. If he knew better, he would know straight away that it was a prank. But because he isn’t versed in female beauty trends or techniques, he has no clue. Vic isn’t let in on the joke until you and Orange break down laughing. After he finds out, he pulls you onto his lap, and whispers into your ear:
“ Very funny. You’ll get your punishment after this, sweet thing. Daddy promises,” and boy, does he fulfil that promise later on.
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I think that out of all of the Dogs, he’d have the calmest reaction along with a sense of supportiveness for the latter prank. He doesn’t really lose his temper with you that often, unless you really pushed him, which is rare. Instead, you two just exchange playful bickers. The Target prank makes him laugh, and he can tell straight away its a joke. 
Larry was just popping down to the nearby convenience store that was in the vicinity of the apartment building you two live in. It was the weekend, and all around him, Los Angeles was bustling with tourists, fellow city-goers, and campers going about their business in the evening summer heat. After buying a pack of Red Apple cigarettes and a few other grocery items, he weaved his way home through the busy streets. You phoned him on his wireless cell--like the one Eddie had in the film--and told him you wanted to head off to Target to buy cat/dog food for your pet which sounded normal. You wanted to know if he wanted to meet up at the park with you. He agreed without hesitation. 
As soon as he rounds the corner to see you, a smile breaks across his lips. You look stunning, more so than he thought was possible for your already divine self. It hits him like a punch to the gut, taking his breath away. Closing the distance between you two in a kiss, you ask him what his opinion is of the outfit. 
“ I think you already know how I feel about it, my darling. My God, look at you smoking like that,” he doesn’t even necessarily have an issue with the clothes, but he does ask you if its okay if you change into attire that is suitable for the environment you’ll be going to. Larry’s not opposed to you wearing such things because he trusts you and knows you wouldn’t put up with people flirting with you. 
The lip filler prank is the same but he doesn’t vocalize any judgment or apprehension towards it. When he sees you with it, he is encouraging. To him it doesn’t matter what he thinks, it’s about making you feel confident and empowered. Unless it was something that was hurting or damaging you, he isn’t going to shit all over you because he loves you. 
“ Do you feel beautiful? Then fuck what I think and fuck what others think. I just want you to be happy, Y/N, and this is a safe constructive way to do that.”
When he finds out you were pranking him, he laughs it off with you. Except that covertly, he’s now planning a prank or two of his own in the back of his head. So be wary of whatever he may come up with!
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Ladies, pull out the hooker boots and short shorts! Men, it’s an open shirt that will do the trick! All my out of the binary friends, pick whatever you want! It’s time to get Orange, and let me tell you that it will be one hell of a time! Like Brown, you two are big kids who have constant prank wars, so it isn’t uncommon for stuff like this to happen. It certainly has made your relationship stronger and more exciting. 
To kill two birds with one stone, you would pull both pranks at once on him with the help of White and Eddie. They were more than eager to help you out, thinking it was a great idea. Being friends with Freddy means getting pranked at some point in the friendship, and Eddie and White want to get even after Orange’s last pranks on the two Dogs. ( Let’s just say it was involving a water gun filled with watered down mustard on White’s new white jean jacket and giving Eddie a pair of boxers with a hidden vibrator like device. He’s lucky he didn’t get shot right there and then for giving Nice Guy a hell of a time, if you know what I mean ) You framed it as inviting the two Dogs over for dinner, and he was totally cool with it. He didn’t suspect a thing which relieved you. 
En route to your house from the station after work, you phoned him that you wanted to pop by Target with Larry and Nice Guy for some last minute beverages. He waits by the curb outside for you three and sees you come out shortly later. His eyes shot open and his jaw dropped. He had to admit you were popping, but it took him aback that you looked like that in front of Larry and Eddie and the public. 
“ Y/N?! What the hell is this baby?” he stammers, gesturing at you wildly. The Dogs tell him to calm down because he’s overreacting. You chide him too, reiterating that you guys were supposed to go to Target. The food was going to get cold soon. When you spoke, you had a weird lisp-like accent from your lips looking so swollen. It almost made White and Nice Guy crack up, but they reigned themselves in. 
“ They look fuckin’ hot, Mr. Orange. Don’t see what the big deal is over,” Eddie butted in, and Orange snapped back with “ Hey asshole, I’m right here y’know! Keep your bitching to yourself.” 
It’s the way he says it that makes you break out laughing and the other two join in. Orange stares dumbfounded, absolutely confused over what in the hell was going on. When you say it was a prank, only then does he laugh. You did get him pretty good, and White and Eddie finally got their well deserved revenge too. 
“NICE GUY” EDDIE CABOT ( tw here for some sexual comments and period mentions briefly )
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I just had to use this GIF because it was so perfect to describe Eddie’s reaction to these pranks! By the way, none of the GIFS I use are mine and I give those who own them full credit! Anyways, Eddie is a cross between Pink, Blonde, and White with the pranks. He is very supportive of you taking confidence in your appearance and expressing yourself through your physical looks. He constantly rides you about accepting yourself because he hates seeing you sad, down, or ugly. You’re perfect to him and he wants you to understand that. But he’s also protective of you too. As we saw in the film, he has quite the temper that rivals his dad’s.
He was out for work reasons when you were at home on the phone with your best friend. Both of you were in the midst of a giggling conversation about some ideas for pranks you two had come up with. They had urged you to try the lip filler and the Target prank on Eddie, because they had gotten a hilarious reaction out of their partner. Whatever reaction you’d get out of your own boyfriend would be golden and you knew that. So you agreed to do them. You invited your friend over to your house to help you formulate the plan.
You phoned Eddie shortly afterwards, telling him that your best friend was over and you two were planning to have a girls night sleepover. Nice Guy had no qualms over that, smiling at how happy you sounded. He asked what you two had in store. As you spoke the words you and your friend had come up with, you slipped in that you two were going to do lip fillers—of which Eddie has no idea about how they work but knows how they look. He laughed it off, not taking you seriously, saying he was going to do one more thing for the Dogs, go to Target, and then come back home within an hour. When you hung up, you flashed a grin at your friend. You two rushed to the bathroom to get ready to meet him at Target.
About half an hour went past before you were ready to go. On the drive there, you both sang your favourite tunes at the top of your lungs, and had a blast the whole time. Sure enough, his Cadillac was parked close to the doors of the store. Dating Eddie for so long, you had an inkling of where he might be, so you two made a beeline to the dairy section. Rugged, babyfaced, and in his favourite windbreaker, he checked the expiry dates of a few different yogurt tubs. Your friend dragged you to the adjoining aisle where they made you break out laughing. You could practically feel Eddie freeze at hearing that all too familiar laugh. Sauntering out of rows of stacked soda and beer boxes, he saw you looking absolutely beautiful. Heat burned across his cheeks, jealously lighting him up.
“ Y/N! What the hell are you doing here?!” He caught up with you two, grabbing you gently into a hug. Innocent as an angel, you repeated the story that you had gotten your period/needed medicine and were picking up said products. He didn’t buy it, of course, getting slightly upset at you for coming so dressed up. “ You look like you’re ready for a singles night out at the club, baby, not to pick up shit at Target. Come on, what’s really going on, and don’t lie to me. You wanna get fucked by Daddy, is that it? I can do that for you, just not here…”
Finally both you and your friend crack up and spill the beans that it was a prank. He laughed too, amused by your cheekiness. As a reward for making him laugh, he bought you all the chocolate and treats you wanted for your sleepover. Let’s just say though that like Blonde, he punished you really good in the bedroom for your little stunt.
I hope that these were okay, and please do let me know if you need me to fix them up! I don’t mind whatsoever and only want them to be perfect for you! Thanks again for requesting anon and thank you all for reading, it means the world to me! Have a fantastic rest of your weekend guys, and keep those reqs coming! No pressure though, ha ha. Bye!
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
Paper Flowers: By any other name
Happy New year! I’m back with the fifth chapter. Other chapters are listed in the master post under Paper Flowers.
Thomas gets tmakes a fun youtube Video. Patton thinks there might be a breakthrough with Virgil. And Roman gets a surprise.
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Thomas and Joan are sitting down at Joan’s kitchen table for a youtube video.
Earlier that week Thomas had sent out a tweet to ask the Fanders to send in questions and links for them to react to.
The video was a lot of fun so far. They saw cute dog video’s, inspiring coming out video’s, and then there was the artwork inspired by his vine stuff. Some fanders made misleading complement themed cards, and there were cute drawings of his teacher and dad character. And of course there was that stainglass/yingyang drawing of the Prince and his nemesis.
“This is just amazing, you guys are all so talented.” He gushes, not for the first time as he studies the gorgeous detailing on the latter. This must’ve taken hours and he can’t get over the fact that something he did inspired that.
The questions were fun to answer too. What subject is teacher’s favorite? What is Dad’s favorite cookie? What was the funniest interaction he’d ever had after a storytime? Some serious ones too. How did Joan know they were non binary?
What made him decide to come out as gay to his Christian parents? How did he know it was the right time?
Is it hard being out and proud while being a public figure?
Tips on how to handle social anxiety.
“Okay, final question, I peeked on this one,” Joan admitted, making Thomas let out a dramatic scandalized gasp. “I wanted to make sure we’d end the video on a fun note. Go on read it.”
Joan is chuckling already, so Thomas quickly reads the comment.
“Thomas love your content! But the people need to know. Is it Marcus or Kevin?”
Thomas frowns in confusion. There is a link and when he clicks on it he is brought to a long reblog chain on tumblr. He quickly reads through the first few posts and snorts.
“Oh My Goodness, that is just amazing!” he squeals in delight. He loves that the fanders are so enthusiastic about those two. And from what he can tell both ‘armies’ are battling it out in good fun.
“Well, I can’t confirm, nor deny either name at this time. But I think he’d very much approve of the one his faithful minions have chosen for him. Personally I do think Kevin would be hilarious though.”
Joan chuckles and nods in agreement.
“We might learn the dark overlord’s true name someday,” Thomas smiles. “But for now, take it easy guys galls and non-binary palls. Peace out!”
“Are you quite done Princey?” Virgil huffed. Roman had been laughing nonstop since Thomas heard about the debate going on in the Fanders comunity.
“Sorry. I’ll stop. Honestly it’s not that funny. Please do forgive me… Kevin,” And just like that he was doubled over again. Virgil groaned in annoyance.
“Okay, okay, I’m done. I honestly didn’t mean to. You can’t always help it when you laugh though. And you must admit it is a little funny,” Roman said once he got a hold of himself, whipping the mirth out of his eyes.
“What’s all this commotion about?” Patton wondered as he entered the commons.
Virgil tensed up. Patton had been… Different lately. He’d been checking if Virgil took enough food when he ate in his room, and that he ate everything when Roman coaxed him into eating with the others. He knocked more often to check if Virgil had laundry to be done, or to tell him that it was time for him to go to bed. He was taking this whole dad thing a little too seriously.
And some part of Virgil wanted to just accept and appreciate the effort, but the other kept wondering why Patton was doing all that for him when he clearly wanted him to just move back downstairs already.
It was in the little things. The way Patton would tense when he entered the room. How he would hesitate before smiling at him or greeting him. The way his voice wavered when he asked him stuff. And sometimes Patton would say stuff like “I don’t care how Deceit does things, but up here we…” Insert whatever rule Patton was trying to get Virgil to accept.
Honestly. He didn’t mind doing chores. Even if it was redundant when you can just will stuff to be clean. He didn’t mind making an appearance in the commons once a day either. Patton had just jumped from not involving him in anything into expecting him to fight him on everything.
Sure he’d roll his eyes and huff a little, but he wasn’t that difficult. Patton clearly expected him to be though. Perhaps even expected him to get tired of the rules and leave.
The problem was, Virgil had actually tried a few times in the beginning, and he couldn’t go back downstairs. Not really. Not for more than a visit when Thomas was asleep. The rest of the time, he was stuck in the in between only able to go to the upper commons.
Virgil’s best guess at how this worked was that Thomas had acknowledged his existence, but was still trying to push him down most of the time.
It’d been Janus’ decision to reveal this truth, when Virgil had been triggered into a panic attack one morning out of seemingly nowhere. Janus and Remus had been very calm that day and that had been exactly what had made Virgil worry that something big was coming. Janus realized this was not a healthy environment for him. So he lifted the denial on Thomas’ anxiety and told Patton and the others that Virgil would be living with them from now on.
Next thing Virgil knew his room was moved up, just not all the way.
He wasn’t sure, but he felt like he’d gotten closer to the upper level since he and Roman became friends. Logan didn’t seem to care one way or another. So that left Patton as the one to push him down right?
Virgil closed his eyes to calm his reeling thoughts for a moment. He couldn’t get swept up by his own head when in public. Princey got it by now, but how would he explain this to Patton.
“Oh, hello Padre. Kevin and I were just discussing the latest video and…”
Then Virgil found himself crouching on the kitchen counter ready for an attack. Patton’s high pitched squeal had been unexpected and terrifying.
Roman, once he recovered from his own surprise, moved a little closer to Virgil, putting himself in between him and the perceived danger. It helped calming him down a lot faster and adjust his position to look more casual and less terrified.
Patton was still squealing and clapping. It seemed like he had missed Virgil’s panicked reaction.
“Your name is Kevin?” he gushed.
“No,” Virgil objected immediately. Holding up both hands in a stop sign.
“That’s just one of the names the fanders gave the villain character. Princey thinks he’s hilarious for calling me that,” he explained.
Patton deflated. “Oh… Well, it’s nice the fanders enjoy your character so much,” he smiled awkwardly. Virgil suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. He wanted to get out of here, like now.
“Padre! You just must see the gorgeous artwork this fander did about the prince!” Roman declared as he grabbed Patton by the arm and led him away.
Virgil finally fully relaxed. Roman was really pulling through on every level.
Protecting him from Patton’s parenting, deflecting Logan’s tough questions, and even making Virgil feel appreciated. Whenever Virgil had had a rough day of keeping Thomas safe, Roman would come find him in the field and just hang with him, humming his favorite music, set up one of his favorite movies with him, telling him stories of his grand adventures. Just hanging out. Once they did each other’s nails. That was a lot of fun. Virgil had actually quit nailbiting  all together because he didn’t want to ruin them.
At first Roman had tried gifts and lavish praise, but that did not sit well with Virgil. He panicked over not being able to live up to the praise or give good gifts in return. And Roman listened and adapted.
Virgil in turn had been trying to give Roman verbal praise whenever he did something nice for him, or did a good job with Thomas. It was hard for Virgil to say this stuff out loud though.
Virgil entered his room trying to think of a way to thank Roman for today without making it awkward for the both of them.
His eye fell on some purple craft paper. One of Roman’s early gifts. He’d thought that maybe Virgil might enjoy creating things to take his mind of off his worries every once in a while.
Virgil had never really found a good project to use it for… But now.
When Roman got back to his room after bidding Patton a good day he could feel a slow rhythmic knock on his door. They never agreed on a code, but he could tell that this was just Virgil trying to get his attention, but that he could take his time if needed.
He decided to note down his new idea for a Vine first so he wouldn’t lose it. When he opened the door, Virgil was nowhere to be seen. Not that Roman noticed right away, he was far too focused on the purple paper rose hanging from the doorframe by a piece of yarn.
It was clearly hand crafted. Which must have taken Virgil quite some effort. He carefully untied the flower and brought it to his room where he put it on his vanity in a little vase.
He smiled softly at the little token of appreciation. A friendship with the emo knight wasn’t always easy to navigate. But it was definitely worth it.
He picked up the idea again, confident it would be another hit.
The dark overlord scowled at the bright morning sky. "Curse you, eternal sun." He turns his attention to the star map on the table in front of him "and every single one of you stars." He raised a picture of the solar system and glared. "And to hell with all you planets! I hate you all!" Then he dramatically turned and picked up a small ball resembling a certain non-planet. "Except for you,” he says softly stroking the ball delicately as if to comfort it. “You get me. You may stay."
Next: everyone falls
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beomgyushighlights · 3 years
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Circus {H.K}
Day 1 (XII)
"all eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus"
in which the first words Nari's soulmate says to her are "free britney"
in which two idols find their soulmates in each other after thirteen days of little comments without knowing who the other was
-a short story soulmate au-
©beomgyushighlights 2021
do not translate or repost without permission
(can also be found on wattpad and ao3 under the same username)
master list
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As the choreographer allows a break, the members of the band sit and cool down while the arguably most chaotic member sings Circus by Britney Spears quite loudly. The sound of footsteps running in the hall catches the attention of the band as someone yells, "FREE BRITNEY!" before they continue running down the hall.
   Confused, Chang Nari looks around the room, her band mates equally confused before she realizes that those are the first words her soulmate says to her. She rushes to look outside the door into the hallway, unfortunately too late to see the culprit. Sighing, she walks back to her band mates and takes a sip of her water.
   "What was that?" Eun asks. "My soulmate." She shrugs. Osamu spits his water out in shock. "What!?" All four members ask at the same time. "Free Britney." She says showing them her wrist. "H.K, 18, XII." Hyejin reads.
   "Okay, your soulmate is eighteen, good you won't catch a case. Twelve months? Days? Minutes?" Yejun says. "Unless you keep track it's hard to tell. Mine said twelve and then the next minute it said eleven so that's how I kept track and found my soulmate twelve minutes after our concert." Osamu says.
   "Duri is so amazing." Hyejin gushes over Osamu's soulmate. "Well it's been a minute and it hasn't changed so it's not minutes." Nari says. "Okay, back to practice." The choreographer says. Practice goes well and soon the band is going back to their dorm.
   The bands dorm is five bedrooms so each member has their own and that proves convenient for when someone wants a guest over. Opening the door, Hyejin hears a loud meow and a hello. "Duri!" Eun yells, running to the kitchen where Duri is cooking for the band. "Nabi!" Nari yells, picking up the small kitten that ran to her.
   Petting the four month old cat, Nari walks to the kitchen were everyone has gathered. "Hi, Duri!" She smiles at the older female. "Hi, Nari. Nabi was very talkative today." She smiles back. "She seems to get more and more talkative every day." Yejun says.
   "She also gets more energetic each day." Hyejin says. "She's only a kitten, of course she's energetic." Nari defends. A knock on the door pulls their attention and Nari goes to open it as she's the closest. She looks out the peephole before she opens it. "Hello?" She says. "Hello, are you one of the members of H.O.N.E.Y?" He asks her.
   "Yes, how can I help?" She asks. "I'm Kang Taehyun of Tomorrow x Together, we wanted to know if you guys have any time that we can meet and ask for advice? BTS recommended asking you guys for more advice if we need it." He says. "One moment." She smiles turning to face the kitchen.
   "CAN SOMEONE BRING ME THE PLANNER AND A PEN AND ALSO GRAB NABI FROM ME!?" She yells. "YEAH." Eun yells back. Eun brings the planner and a pen and grabs Nabi from Nari's arms. "Okay, so, we are really busy training this week but we are available two Tuesdays from now, that's in twelve days." She says. Taehyun pulls out his phone and checks his calendar.
   "We're free then, where do you want to meet?" He asks. "Just bring your band here, as long as no ones allergic to cats." She says. "None of us are, So two Tuesdays from now, here, what time?" He asks. "Two in the afternoon?" She asks. "That works, thank you." He says with a bow. "It's no problem." She smiles.
   She closes the door an shoes back to the kitchen. "WE MADE IT!" She yells. "What!?" Yejun asks. "BTS recommended a newer band to us for advice." She smiles. "Ooh, what band?" Hyejin asks. "Tomorrow x Together." She answers, grabbing the pencil from next to the calendar. She finds the Tuesday that's planned and writes 'txt at 2pm'.
   "Oh, oh, uhh, they have that song with morse code at the beginning that they debuted with, right?" Yejun asks Osamu. "Yeah, Crown." Osamu confirms. "They also have anti-romantic, which has a tiktok dance." Eun says. "I like Nap of a star." Hyejin says. "Two Tuesdays from now at 2pm?" Eun asks. "Yes, it's on the planner and the calendar, just like always." Nari confirms.
   "Taehyun came to the door and introduced himself. He said that BTS recommended us if they needed more advice." She gushes. "You look up to them so much it's hilarious." Eun laughs. "They have over 47 million followers on instagram and they have like over 35 million monthly listeners on spotify. They have fans in probably every country, they have worked with Halsey and others, they have broken so many barriers in the Kpop world, and they have won countless awards. Why wouldn't I look up to them?" She asks.
"Your fan girl is showing, Nari." Duri laughs. "Oh well, it's not a secret I'm an army." She shrugs. Duri finishes cooking dinner and plates it for everyone before they sit and eat together. They share light conversation, just bonding as they usually do. "I'm thinking about getting a puppy." Nari says randomly after a few moments of silence.
   "No you aren't." Eun says. "Yeah, I'm not. It's like that one time I said I was going to cut my hair short, I don't mean it I just said it because I thought about it." I shrug. "Do you wanna dye your hair tonight? I have leftover pink and with your black roots it'll look really good, we can just put it over the bleached part." Hyejin says. "Yes, as soon as we finish dinner that way I have time to shower and be well rested for tomorrow." She says.
After dinner, Osamu and Yejun do the dishes while Hyejin and Nari go to the bathroom and Eun goes and sits in the living room with Duri. Nari sets up her phone to do a live while Hyejin works on her hair. "Hello, hello." She waves as people start joining. "How's my day? My days been very good, we did a lot of practicing dances and then we came home and ate a nice dinner and now Hyejin is dying my hair." She says.
"What color? Pink." She answers. "I got an idea, you trust me right?" Hyejin asks her. "Yes, do whatever you want to my hair." She replies. "Favorite english word? Ricochet or maybe bodacious. I like to say words like ethereal and surreal as well though." She says.
   "Something exciting that happened today? Well, today I had a fellow idol ask if their band could meet with our band and ask some advice because BTS recommended us for if they needed more advice. I was very honored." She answers.
   "My bias in BTS? Not available because they're all kinda like older brothers to me." She says. "Favorite Kpop group? I like Twice and Red Velvet and Stray Kids and BTS and Blackpink and more." She answers. "What are the full names, pronouns, and ages of everyone in the band? Well, fun fact if you're ever struggling to remember one of our names just remember H.O.N.E.Y is our initials. In honey order it's Hyejin, Osamu, Nari, Eun, and Yejun. Age order it's Yejun, Osamu, Eun, Hyejin, Nari. Last names are Kim Yejun, Jeong Osamu, Lee Eun, Yun Hyejin, and Chang Nari." She answers.
   "Oh I forgot to say ages and pronouns, Yejun is 25, Osamu is 25, Eun is 23, Hyejin is 20, and I'm 18. Yejun is non-binary so they/them, Osamu uses he/him, Eun is she/they, Hyejin is gender fluid so any pronouns, and I use she/her." She adds. "What ethnicity is Osamu? Half Korean half Japanese. His mom is from Japan and she moved here and met his dad." She answers.
"How many of us have found our soulmates? Just Osamu, however I believe I almost met my soulmate today because we were taking a water break and I was singing Circus by Britney Spears and someone ran past and said 'free Britney' which are the words on my wrist." She smiles. "Favorite Britney song? Probably Circus because it's really catchy." She answers.
   "How was my english so good at our debut when I was only thirteen? My moms Australian and so that entire half of my family speaks English and from a young age she would make sure I could understand it. Also, my dad was moved to America for work when I was four and so we moved and lived there for eight years then we came back to South Korea when they moved him back and I became a trainee and we debuted a year later when Yejun and Osamu finished their military service." She answers.
   "Are we ever going to take a break? We don't plan to, that's why BigHit had Yejun and Osamu complete their military service pre-debut." She answers. "Do I listen to the neighborhood? Yes, I like Cry Baby, Daddy Issues, and Sweater Weather." She says. "What are my soulmates initials? H.K. and we assume it's not the english way so it's surname, given name." She says.
   "Why am I the main vocalist when I prefer rapping? I'm the main vocalist because I have the largest vocal range." She says. "Song that gets stuck in my head easily? A lot of them but Choke by I Dont Know How But They Found Me is stuck in my head right now." She answers. "Which band did BTS recommend us to? That's a secret but I can tell you that there's a K initial." She says.
   "My soulmate? No, the K is his surname, not first." She smiles. "A question for Hyejin, soulmates initials and age?" Nari asks. "M.L. and 24." She answers. "Favorite Melanie Martinez song? High School Sweethearts." She answers. "Okay, you're hair is done. Let the dye sit for an hour and a half then wash it out." Hyejin tells her.
   "Okay, hour and a half left on live. It's going to be in english now because I saw my moms in the chat and she said she likes the slight American accent I have." She says. "What collections do I have? I have a manga collection, Kpop album collection, Funko Pop collection, and a vinyl collection." She answers. "Favorite color? I like pastel purples, like lavender." She answers.
   "Favorite Harry Styles song? From the Dining Table." She answers. She spends the rest of the time answering questions until her timer goes off. "Okay, I have to go shower and then I'll be going to bed so that I'm well rested for practice tomorrow. I love you all, bye!" She waves, ending the live.
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Patton, the Cute Little Puppy Baby Bat Fly Fly Baby Dog(s)
Patton LOVES turning himself into Talyn! Why? Because Patton wants to be tiny! And Talyn is tiny!
Roman, Virgil and Logan absolutely appreciate this, and decide to take advantage of it!
Tiny Disclaimer: I will be identifying Talyn as they/them, Patton as him/he, and Palyn as they/them. Though I know that Patton (Thomas) identifies as a man, I wanna make Palyn non-binary, to suit Talyn and to not upset anyone who's incredibly protective and technical about the whole thing. I love, support and respect non-binary folks (I have a couple friends who identify as such), and would hate to accidentally misgender someone.
(Though, I often mix up male and female pronouns as it is...It's a blessing/curse of mine...😂)
Ever since the 'Making Some Changes' video, Patton has loved being able to walk around like Thomas's friends! He loved being Joan and making him laugh, he appreciated being Valerie just for the fun of it, he absolutely LOVED becoming Talyn to become more adorable, and he loved becoming other people he's befriended! Heck, Patton has even become the voices of Steven Universe to make a Steven Universe joke!
After a while, Patton narrowed down which of Thomas's friends were his favorite to become. Soon, he had decided that his favorite person to turn himself into was: Talyn!
Why, you're probably asking? Well you see: It's simple, really: they’re tiny, therefore adorable! Patton is adorable, but missing the short-statured part! So, becoming Talyn made that a lot easier!
Every part of Talyn was very tiny compared to Thomas. Tiny stature, tiny body size, tiny head, tiny voice! The only thing that WASN'T tiny, was their life!
Plus...doing Talyn's Danny Devito impression was ALWAYS fun to make fun of...
Virgil didn't know how he felt about Patton becoming Talyn at first...To be honest, it was a little confusing. If Virgil was looking away and heard Talyn's voice, he'd have to turn around to figure out if Talyn was ACTUALLY there, or if it was just Patton messing around. But eventually, Virgil got used to it and began to have fun with it! He'd treat Talyn Patton like a little child (That was Patton's dream come true!), started making short jokes, and even began putting his sweater on the tiny Patton! Eventually, Virgil would go as far as to ruffle up Patton's different-colored hair!
Sometimes when Patton would turn into Talyn, Patton would show off the many different hairstyles Talyn has sported over the years! The firey red long hair, the bisexual flag-colored hair (plus eyebrows), the green long hair, the yellowish faded short hair, the grey and black short hair, you name it! Patton tried them all out on himself!
Roman absolutely loved it! He loved being able to see Talyn Patton! Roman eventually came up with a name that could describe the tiny Patton: Palyn! Roman would give the tiny Palyn piggyback rides, cuddles, hugs, and even dress them up in adorable outfits and do their make up! The Patton-being-Talyn thing didn't change anything about him! So, it only made their friendship stronger!
Meanwhile, Logan had started out...worried about the idea...What if Patton began to wish he was Talyn, and began associating himself as Talyn forever? Everyone would miss Patton's squared glasses and bigger, more lovable body. But soon, Logan learned that this was more of an appreciation thing, and not an identity thing. So, Logan began appreciating Palyn and treating them the same way he would treat Patton.
One of the days, Patton had turned himself into Talyn and began going through Patton's closet. In the closet, were multiple blue-collared shirts, a single grey shirt for tying around the neck, and Patton's cat hoodie! Palyn decided to grab the hoodie, and put it on their tiny self.
It...is gigantic...It's like wearing a hoodie dress! It fell down to their knees, and the sleeves were SUPER long! Palyn giggled at how silly they looked, and put the hood on with their sleeve-covered hands.
The hood practically drowned their head in grey fabric...
But, Palyn didn't care! They felt happy! They felt drowned in love! Now, Palyn wanted to show it off! So, off they went: running into the living room to where the rest of the sides might've been.
"Hey Palyn!" Roman said before running up the person, picking them up to hug them and spinning around in the hug.
"'Palyn'? You're calling Patton Palyn now?" Virgil asked.
Roman slowed his spinning to a halt and placed them down. "It's a mix of Patton and Talyn! P-a-l-y-n! Palyn!" Roman explained.
"...I approve this name. I believe it suits-" Logan lifted up his glasses to look down at his vocabulary cards. "sssmmooooolll-'smol' Patton, nicely." Logan told them.
Virgil rolled his eyes. "Right context, bad grammar. Good try, though." Virgil corrected.
"Strange...What context would you use this in?" Logan asked, having his vocabulary card ready to take notes.
"To start: 'Smol' is not an adjective. It's a 'noun', meaning: 'something that's tiny, cute and squish-able'. The best way you could use it, is through a nickname: Smol bean, which means the same thing, basically." Virgil explained briefly.
Logan nodded as he finished up his note-taking. "Okay. Thank you, Virgil. Now, I will turn my attention to the 'smol bean' that's right beside me." Logan stated. Palyn had started jumping up and down, and clapping its covered hands excitedly as Roman lightly squeezed his cheeks.
"Aren't they the most adorable hooman being you've ever seen?" Roman asked. Logan's eyes widened as he started going through his vocabulary cards again. Realizing that word was missing from his deck, Logan conjured up a new vocabulary card and a pen to write it down.
"hoo-man...how do you spell that?" Logan asked.
"H-o-o-m-a-n." Palyn told him.
Logan followed Palyn's spelling. "Okay, and what does it mean?" Logan asked.
Virgil gave Logan a 'seriously?' face, but still decided to help him out. "It's a version of the word 'human'. Gen Z's decided to turn it into 'hooman', so that they can describe what us humans are, according to dogs and cats.'" Virgil explained. "Here: Patton, can you demonstrate?" Virgil asked, pulling the hood off their head.
To demonstrate, Palyn curled his wrists in front of his chin like a puppy, and began acting like a talking dog. "Hooman? Hooman give me food? Am I good pupper? Pupper good boy? LUV ME HOOMAN!" Palyn demonstrated before hugging Logan from behind the couch.
Patiently, Palyn waited for Logan to say something. Logan didn't know what to say...Well, he did, but...how? Should he just tell him in his normal, monotone voice? Or should he attempt the messy grammar that Palyn used?
"Uuuh...Yes..." Logan started, before patting their head awkwardly. "Palyn is a good boy." Logan replied in an awkward version of his monotone voice.
Suddenly, Palyn gasped and smiled widely as he let go of Logan! "I'm a good boy! I'm a GOOD BOY! ROMAN! ROMAN! I'M A GOOD BOY!" Palyn shouted, spinning circles around the man excitedly. As he sprinted around Roman, Patton's sweater sleeves would fly outwards behind his back. It was a hilarious little feature that came with Palyn.
"You what I think Wittle ol' pawyn might want?" Roman asked, getting Palyn's attention. Palyn quickly stopped his running right in front of Roman, still filled with endless energy. "I think...Palyn needs some spins!" Roman declared, becoming the ultimate babysitter in the group. Roman picked up Palyn from behind, and began spinning them around. Both of Palyn's eyes and mouth widened in excitement as they got spun around like a really quick-spinning carousel! Virgil, in order to avoid getting a pair of legs to the groin, quickly jumped onto the safe couch, which lie out of bounds from the crazy carousel in the room.
"WHEEEEEEEEEE! FASTER ROMAN! FASTER!" Patton shouted happily.
"NO! DON'T go any faster! This is fast enough!" Virgil warned him, quickly becoming the anxious parent in the family.
Roman continued to spin them for a little longer, before slowing down the chilc. He didn't wanna overdo it.
"What do you wanna do next?" Roman asked.
Palyn's face lit up. "Hide and seek with tickles?" Palyn asked.
Roman gasped, and clapped his hands together. "Great idea!" Roman reacted, excitedly.
"Can I join? I wanna be it." Virgil asked.
"Sure!" Roman replied.
"I'd like to be it as well." Logan piped up.
"Of course! The more, the merrier!" Roman replied, before looking back at Patton. "Okay. You can start hiding, while we start counting." Roman reacted with a smirk.
Palyn stared at his lers for a couple seconds before he quickly sprinted away, over-sized hoodie, tiny legs and all.
Roman started the counting up from zero, while Logan and Virgil counted on their fingers along with him."1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10! 11...12-" Roman counted.
By this point, Palyn had successfully found their little hiding spot.
"...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20! Ready or not, here I come!" Roman called.
Roman began looking around for the little adult. He was fully aware of which way they had ran. But, Roman wanted to make this as teasy and fun as possible! So, he started out by looking throughout the living room for them. After taking a minute or so of looking, all 3 lers moved onto the kitchen.
"I wonder...Where would our adorable Palyn be?" Roman asked, checking under the table as he teased.
Virgil tiptoed towards the sink, and quickly whipped the door open. As anticipated, no one was there. "Not under the sink..." Virgil told the captain out loud.
"He's not in the stove...which is good. We wouldn't want Palyn turning into a roast dinner by the time we're done..." Logan stated, purposefully being a little funny to get Palyn giggling.
Next, the three lers moved onto the bedrooms. For this part, Logan, Roman and Virgil all split up to check their rooms.
Logan went to his own room. Checking under the bed, checking the closet, checking under his desk, even checking in the wash basket! but...Palyn was nowhere to be found.
Roman went to his room as well. He checked in the magical closet, checked his mirror door, even double checked under his huge teddy bear! But...he was nowhere to be seen.
Virgil quickly checked his room too. He checked under his bed covers, checked behind the dressers, and even checked his closet of hoodies-
Wait a second...One of these sweaters is not dark like the others...One of them happens to be a light grey, and...is wearing brown-pants? That's GOTTA be Palyn!
So...Virgil turned himself around, and began to leave the room. "He's not in here." Virgil yelled to his fellow lers.
"He's not in my room either." Roman replied.
"Absent in mine." Logan said.
Before Roman could suggest the next place, Virgil put a finger over his mouth and signaled for them to follow him. Virgil led them into his room, and showed them the...obvious color-change in the closet. For now though, all 3 lers stood at the door frame to discuss their 'problem' out loud.
"Well, I gotta say: He is absolutely no where to be found! And I don't believe Patton would hide himself in his own room...would he?" Roman asked loudly.
Suddenly, a little sound could be heard in the distance...an adorable little giggle, bouncing off the walls back to them.
"Wait...Do you hear that? I think Palyn might be giving us hints to where he is." Logan told them.
"I can hear it too. It's a cute little giggle. It sounds a bit like Talyn's, but with a flare of...Thomas in it..." Virgil described.
"Could it be..." Roman asked, drifting off.
"Palyn?" Everyone said at the same time.
It only took a second for Palyn's giggles to grow louder in volume.
"Maybe we should let the giggles lead us to our hider..." Logan suggested.
"Oooh, good idea!" Roman replied.
So, all three of the lers walked around in the hallway, pretending to listen closely for where the giggles might be coming from.
"Hey Virgil! I think they might be in your room!" Roman declared, winking at him.
Virgil smiled and nodded to Roman, before walking up to the door. "Really? But I already checked here! How in the world could they be hiding in a place I already checked?" Virgil asked out loud.
"Well, perhaps you didn't check hard enough?" Logan suggested.
Virgil rolled his eyes, but winked at Roman to go in. "Move over, my grim, royal poet! I, will check the room." Roman declared, opening the door.
Patton's giggles had started coming on strong again. So, Roman decided to pretend to look absolutely everywhere, except for the one place they were in. The longer he looked around, the louder Palyn's giggling became!
After looking absolutely everywhere, Roman turned around with his fingers together in the shape of a handgun!
"Palyn! Put your hands up where I can see 'em!" Roman yelled, pointing the finger gun at the closet.
Palyn immediately put their hands up upon demand. Palyn began to giggle more now.
"You're under arrest!" Roman ordered. "Officer Logan, Officer Virgil, we've got 'em." Roman ordered. Running up to the 'crime scene', was was his back up officers: Virgil with one finger gun and a shield, and Logan with his finger gun and a walkie-talkie in hand. Palyn, in his giggly state, slowly walked out of the closet and knelt down to their knees. "Palyn, you are under arrest for adorableness in the first degree! How do you plead?" Roman asked, pretending to hold a microphone now.
Patton, through his giggles, attempted to answer. "G-Guihihihilty! Ihihi'm guihihihihiltyhyhy!" Patton replied.
"You've heard it here, folks! They are guilty! Therefore:" Roman acted, before pretending to bang a gavel against a wooden striking block. "I sentence you to 15 minutes of tickles!" Roman ordered. Suddenly, Roman ran up to them with finger claws and a growling sound! Palyn squeaked in excitement and practically flopped onto the ground, happy to take the ticklish 'sentence'. Roman began to shove his hands underneath the grey cat sweater, and began to squeeze, claw, and flutter his fingers all over Palyn's upper body.
Palyn bursted out in high-pitched laughter, and began rolling back and forth to cope with the tickles. Next, Virgil joined Roman on the ground, and began fluttering his fingers on Palyn's ticklish, tiny neck. With the bigger fingers on the tinier neck, Virgil was able to cover more ground all at once.
"EEEEEEEK! VIHIHIHIRGAHAHAHAL! EEEEhehehehehahahahaha! Ihihihihit TIHIHihihickles!" Palyn reacted, flailing the long, grey sleeves absolutely everywhere.
Roman gasped in surprise. "ReAllY?! it TiCkLeS?! I had NO CLUE! Virgil, did you know this?" Roman reacted dramatically.
"No, I didn't! I'm quite surprised! What about you, Logan?" Virgil reacted, being a little dramatic as well.
Logan rolled his eyes, but still decided to go along with it. He made a rather empty gasp, and widened his eyes for a split second. "I'm flabbergasted." Logan replied in a monotone voice as he did jazz hands.
"See!? Even LOGAN is going crazy! I simply cannot believe you're ticklish!" Roman reacted.
Logan, wanting to join in as well, knelt down in front of Palyn's feet and began to tickle their socked feet as well.
"HEHEHEHEHEY! NAHAHAHAT MYHYHY FEEHEHEHEHEHETSIHIHIHIES!" Patton yelled through a quickly increasing laughing fit.
Logan placed his hands on his cheeks like Kevin in Home Alone, and gasped again. "Wow. Your little footsies are ticklish too? What a surprise." Logan reacted in an empty voice.
Somehow, Logan's mostly dead reactions seemed to make Palyn laugh even more! Perhaps dramatic irony is Palyn's favorite type of humor? Who knows?
"Who's a tickwish wittle chiwd? YOU are! WHO'S de most ticku-ticku-tickwish chiwd in de whole mind pawace? YOU are! Yes, YOU are!" Roman teased in a baby voice.
"Oh! What's this? the teasing is killing you? My goodness! We have to save them! But, how?" Roman reacted dramatically.
"Wait, you're telling me you DON'T know CPR?" Logan asked, pretending along with him.
"Well, do YOU?" Roman asked right back.
"Um-........well no..." Logan admitted.
"Move over, idiots. I know how to do CPR. It's rather easy, really. All you have to do is liiiiift up the hoodie..." Virgil explained as he began lifting the hoodie up to expose Palyn's tummy. Palyn immediately began to giggle in their sleeves. They knew EXACTLY what was coming next. "And...give them a raspberry! Like this:" Virgil explained, before blowing a great big raspberry into Patton's stomach.
Patton let out a loud, high-pitched squeal, before dissolving into endless laughter once again!
"Now, remember: longer raspberries tend to do more to help. So, the longer, the better! Like this!" Virgil explained before blowing an even BIGGER raspberry! Patton squealed once again, and dissolved into even MORE laughter! Virgil's CPR raspberries seemed to go on for another couple minutes. And you could tell, that Palyn was enjoying every second of it!
"IHIHIHI'M AHAHAHALIHIHIHIHIVE! IHIHI'M AHAHALIHIVE!" Patton shouted through their loud laughter.
"Virgil, look! They're alive! You saved them!" Roman reacted happily as he hugged Virgil. Virgil smiled at Palyn, and picked them up bridal style.
"Hey Palyn, would you like to watch a movie and cuddle?" Virgil asked.
"Yes please!" Palyn replied.
"Alright, let's go." Virgil said before carrying Palyn out of his room. Roman and Logan followed suit, and helped them choose a movie to watch.
Pretty soon, all 4 sides had covered themselves in blankets, and let the movie Bambi play on their TV. The truth was, Palyn felt very comfortable. Patton loved being tiny. He loved being cuddled, tickled, loved, and being silly! That was one of the reasons Patton liked turning himself into Talyn. They were allowed to be adorable AND be tiny at the same time.
However: tiny or not, adorable or not, Patton still felt forever loved by his family. The proof was all there, and Palyn loved it.
Fun fact: Most of the nicknames Thomas and his sides come up with, have backstories and deeper meanings.
Example; Nerdy Wolverine: Wolverine's first name is Logan.
Grim, Royal Poet: Grim = another word for Emo. Royal poet represented the well-documented Roman Poet by the name of Virgil, who wrote a violent, suspenseful poem called Aeneid. The poem was one day published by Caesar Augustus, the ruler of the Roman Empire. Cool, huh?!
Funny thing is, Thomas came across this name by accident! What a coincidence!! 😃
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leoninekelter · 4 years
Name: Phoenix
Superhero name: Shadowshifter (in progress)
Pronouns: they/them
Identity: non binary pansexual
Power: can shape shift into animals, specifically
Age: 15 as of 2014, 20 as of IW, 25 as of Endgame
Additional notes to this Au:
Ships: Steve/Bucky, Thor/Bruce
Clint is non binary and deaf, Peter is trans, Bruce is bi demisexual
Timeline breaks:
. Steve doesn’t go back to Peggy in endgame. He retired the suit to Sam and lives with Bucky together. Bucky is still the Winter Soldier.
. Thor still has immense survivor’s guilt and stuff, but due to this being a Thor/Bruce Au, Bruce helps him through it, so he doesn’t drink away five years, and they take. His. Trauma. Seriously.
. This means Val becomes queen early.
. Loki survives because bitch. They did NOT die lmao
. On that note, Loki gets accepted by the avengers! All of them are skeptical but they can’t just tell a god of thunder who lost everybody no, so they let them stay. They talk to Bruce and Tony sometimes and they confirm that Loki’s dad was just a dick, and help them realize that maybe they were wrong about themself.
. This means they help Thor too :) they aren’t super ‘helpful’ per say, but Thor has something left and that’s his version of therapy.
- meets avengers in AoU
- Friend dies in Sokovia
- Saves Clint and the kid instead, but lives
- Still beat up over friend who dies. Steve tries to help and tels them about Bucky
- Conversation with Nat: “You’re so young. You have so much to live for. You almost died yesterday. Why don’t you leave?” “I have nothing to lose. But I have everything to fight for.”
- Team Cap but they aren’t allowed to join the fight and they really don’t want to. They don’t want to fight Rhodes or Natasha.
- Sneaks Steve and the others stuff in exile and meets them as much as possible
- When the snap happens, they survive. They get PTSD
- Can’t dust and can’t say “no” without getting triggered. Thy can’t watch TV for a year and every time they have an attack, they shapeshift frantically into the people they watched die. They don’t want to go into therapy, but things gradually get slightly easier. At year 4 they still have triggers and guilt, but can get up and live without hassle.
- Doesn’t time travel. Stays back with Bruce (btw Bruce doesn’t do the hulk thing, where he ‘puts the brain and the brawn together’. He’s still Bruce).
- Does fight against Thanos’s army a second time.
- Sees Val and Nebula and almost dies. Simp 24/7 but good at containing it, nothing more than a crush.
Additional non-timeline specific events:
- at one point, they see Peter on the ceiling and ask how that works. They copy the grip claws (?) and stick next to him. He tries to high five them, but neither have any gloves on at all, so they get their hands stuck and destroy the ceiling trying to unstick, until Phoenix pulls in their shift and they fall.
- Always begging Tony to to bring them to parties and stuff, and Tony finally says “okay but dress well and don’t embarrass me.” They wear a really good suit and only drink a root beer despite arguing with Tony that in their home state they have the right to drink if a guardian gives permission (Wisconsin) , and at some point gets bored, shifts into an official and badly impersonates them, confusing everyone. They get kicked out, but Tony actually found it fucking hilarious and promises to bring them again.
- After battles with high tech solutions, they often try to find Banner and have him tell them what it all means. They have no idea what he’s saying, but they like seeing him infodump.
- They learn French, Spanish and some Russian from Natasha and Bucky.
- Unfortunately never talk to Shuri face-to-face, though they do simp from afar. Shuri is mildly aware and finds it hilarious.
- Likes to get into shit with Clint. Any time Clint is with Nat, Bucky or Phoenix, they pull the ‘I’m deaf, you can’t speak English’ card.
- Is basically just a glorified selfsona. Looks like me, same gender, same pronouns, but what’s wrong with that? Everyone wants a self-indulgent Au with their favorite characters and properly confronted trauma. I decided to hop on the train is all.
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heathersgameoftag · 5 years
do you ever have issues with being fairly popular in the fandom? (feeling pressured, being treated like a content machine, anons who are too friendly, etc)
i don’t think so! i may be ‘popular’ in this fandom, but this fandom is fairly small in the grand scheme of things. i have 1500 followers, which is a lot (thank you!!!) but also not a lot to many other tumblr users out there. i just don’t think my audience is big enough to lure in creeps or anything.
any pressure i feel to make content is self inflicted. very few people have sent me asks saying ‘where’s the next chapter???’ and every time i voice my concerns about the speed of my writing people reply with reassuring comments saying that they’re willing to wait, which is very comforting.
BUUUUUT i have come across some.... less than pleasant people. story time !!!! (i don’t think this is all of them, the post just got really long lmao)
i’ve only had a couple of negative experiences, tbh. there was one follower who sent me far too many asks per day despite me asking users to not do that (i’m awful at answering asks and sending me like 8 at once, which this user did, doesn’t motivate me to give anyone good answers, only to clean my inbox out). this user was eventually blocked because after we got into a political argument, he came out with dumb shit like ‘reverse racism/homophobia’, i saw on his blog that h*tdiggitydem*n wasn’t racist, he was only “””joking””” (you gonna defend p*wdi*pi* next, asshole?). then he had the fucking nerve to tell me, a trans, non-binary person, that the attack helicopter joke was hilarious to him. he was a cis man. after that i stopped talking to him and answering his asks, and then finally blocked him when he bitched about me to one of my tumblr mutuals.
i think the only time i got publicly angry on this blog was when an anon sent me ask asking me about Rose and Violet (flower gfs’ babies) comforting Duke going through a relapse. the ask came across as odd to me, but i just assumed it meant Rose and Violet when they were older. even then, i avoided the idea of Duke ever looking for comfort with her children for an eating disorder; not when Rose and Violets aren’t old enough to understand what that even is. but this anon kept persisting with this idea ??? they did in fact mean when Rose and Violet were young, and that’s when i got really pissed. i would never want to discuss heavy mental topics with children - especially not ones that i’m struggling with. education is one thing. venting to a fucking child is another. the anon also had the audacity to say that they find someone who has a serious eating disorder being consoled about it “””cute”””. those who remember this anon will know i lost my shit. eating disorders aren’t cute in any way, sweaty. they’re fucking eating disorders. anyway, no matter how many times i told the anon to shut the fuck up, they kept on trying to defend themselves, and so i had to turn off anons for a bit.
other stories come about from my discord. there was this one user who right of the bat identified as a conservative, and spent a lot of time in the politics chat (which is only there to move political arguments away from other general chats. i’ve stated this before in the server). obviously me being a filthy gay trans commie i already didn’t like the person. tell me all the ‘we need to listen to all opinions’ bullshit, i don’t care. conservative beliefs actively harm minorities and the lower class, as well as enable far right movements. i have no tolerance for it. unfortunately i wasn’t as assertive then. i thought i’d be causing drama in my own server if i just banned them for that. so i let them stay, and instead waited for them to pull some clown shit. that did eventually occur. at the time, my friend, scott, was an admin on the server. he takes less bullshit than me, so when he mentioned to me that the person had voted for trump, i let him call them a nazi and ban them. as scott and i spoke about this irl (we were sitting next to each other) rather than in the server, some of the mods/a certain mod got confused and let them back in without consoling me first. me not wanting to go through more drama than the server already had at that point, i let them stay, and waited until they clowned around some more. and they did!! guess what, i had to deal with more trans/enbyphobia. i came onto the server one day and found they had been spouting some bullshit about listening to the other side when it comes to talking about gender (the other side would be transphobes) and i got rightfully pissed off. i, along with my girlfriend and some other members of the server, got into a long-winded argument with them, trying to get it through their thick skull that we’ve had to listen to transphobes for years, and we’re not willing to do that anymore. at least, i think that’s what the argument was about, it was a while ago and i cannot remember the specifics. anyway, after i came to the realisation that changing this person’s mind was not going to happen, i blocked them. to be extra petty, i went with scott’s original idea that he didn’t go through with last time they were banned, and put the reason for banning them as ‘begone, nazi’. it was satisfying, especially since they were saying to me that they don’t care i’m banning them, despite the main reason they were let back in last time being because they wouldn’t stop crying to one of the users about being banned. lmao ok nazi.
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bluebeirry · 4 years
Chp 270- From AfO’s POV vs Tomura’s
I am suuuuper late to this party
K so this is like unedited but fucknkit it’s super long and fun. I see a lot about how hero society is misunderstanding Tomura, but not a lot about how AfO might be, so I wanted to write this.
I believe that in chapter 270, AfO believes that he’s successfully pushed Tomura to throw away all his best traits- but he’s failed epically and he doesn’t even realize it, because he misinterprets Tomura’s actions. Namely, AfO is projecting symbolism and moral coding onto actions that have very different meanings to Tenko.
It should also be noted that I strongly believe that the entire dream is fictional- Nana isn’t actually there, there are no ghosts beyond AfO himself present, and the whole thing is symbolism rather than actual people. I also strongly suspect that AfO designed/controlled the whole dream, beyond Tomura’s own actions. This will be reflected in my writings.
To elaborate:
First, establishing why I think Horikoshi can write with insight
So something I notice Horikoshi is wont to do is looking at the story from the POV of our non-POV character(s) and asking ‘okay what would they believe/think/do with the information they  have.’
For example, Todoroki’s guess at the Sports Festival- that Midoriya is All Might’s secret love child- comes across as hilarious to the audience because it seems so far out of left field, and Midoriya is shocked because it’s out of left field for him as well. But when you think about it, this is a completely natural assumption for Shoto to make with the information he has. Yes I know people joke about this and there’s a thousand reasons readers claim the idea was foolish, but when you really think about the scenario without our pre-existing knowledge- Shouto really was making a logical guess with the information he has (and his personal history) since in-universe quirks are genuinely completely unique, beyond bloodline inheritance. I already wrote up a walk-through a potential line of thought for Shouto If we assume he thought through this theory before apprehending Midoriya about it: https://bluebeirry.tumblr.com/post/617845821257498624/so-for-personal-reasons-along-with-a-theory-i-may it’s on this link
Shouto’s guess in that scene wasn’t merely a gag, but a well thought-out step on Horikoshi’s behalf to show logical, intelligent thought coming from a character lacking critical information. In that hallway scene, Shouto wasn’t being written as a conspiracy theorist or socially inept- although he’s definitely the latter, that particular trait is not the driving force behind Shouto’s guess. In the hallway scene, Shouto was being written as a https://yudkowsky.tumblr.com/writing/level1intelligent Level 1 intelligent character. I’ll let the link explain why this matters and why it's a big deal, but the importance is that this scene serves as evidence that Horikoshi can write level 1 intelligent characters. He can give his characters https://yudkowsky.tumblr.com/writing/thoughtful-responses thoughtful responses and intelligent mistakes based on the information THEY have.
Now that this is clarified, onto Tomura and AFO.
Horikoshi’s ability to write Level 1 intelligent characters- and to separate character knowledge from audience knowledge- is key to why I think AfO greatly misunderstands what’s going on with Tomura in the chp 270 fever-dream.
First, let’s go through the scene and analyze it for symbolism, interpretations, and character analysis from our own PoVs. As in, using the information we know- which as you’ll see encompasses information AfO would know- we’ll analyze what Tomura’s dream means to us.
So let’s look at the scene from AfO’s perspective.
What does Tomura’s family mean to AfO?
Tomura’s family is his past. It’s the love of his lost ones, and yes, to a degree, it’s death. Joining them would be death. But they’re also love, normalcy, and the childhood he lost so long ago. And yes, Kotaro isn’t a part of that love- but he is a part of that childhood, and a part of being ‘normal.’
Hatred and pain can be ‘normal’ if caused by ‘normal’ things. IMO Kotaro was put in there partially to ensure Tomura wouldn’t choose the love of the rest of his family, since Kotaro served as a reminder that the old life of Tenko wasn’t all sunshine and roses. Kotaro was the pain that Tenko had to endure in order to also have the love and protection of his childhood. Kotaro was intertwined with the love of Hana and Nao.
(And me repeat this is what I think AfO would interpret)
What does the destruction of the dead Shimura family mean to AfO?
Rejection of the love, normalcy, and acceptance into a stable- if imperfect- environment. Tomura joining the dead Shimuras he killed would have been giving in and choosing that life and that love over the life that’s ahead of him- the life AfO built for him.
Tomura turning from his family is therefore symbolic of him turning from love, and acceptance.
Ironically I think AfO is right about this dream pushing Tomura into rejecting the possibility of societal acceptance, but not for the reasons AfO thinks- this will be discussed later in Tomura’s section.
What does AfO mean to himself?
This one’s simple- AfO sees himself as a symbol of evil. He says it over and over, he brags about it, his minions hail him as one, he’s one of the most despicable characters in the manga because he does everything For the Evulz.
AfO sees himself as the symbol of evil- and to choose him is to choose the life of evil.
What does AfO think he means to Tomura?
This we get from further flashbacks. We know that AfO wants to turn Tomura into a ‘symbol of fear,’ and that’s exactly what he thinks he is to Tomura. Just as AfO sees himself as a symbol of evil, he sees himself to Tomura as Tomura’s path/role as a symbol of fear. In choosing AfO over his family, AfO sees it as giving Tomura two options- love (and death), or becoming what AfO wants him to be.
See, we the audience and AfO know full well that AfO is pulling Tomura’s strings- that he’s been nothing but a puppet from the beginning. So this plays into AfO’s interpretation of the dream as well.
What does Tomura accepting AfO mean to AfO?
AfO sees Tomura choosing him over the Shimuras as Tomura embracing the role AfO has planned for him. It’s Tomura choosing to be a symbol of fear. Combined with rejecting the Shimura’s, it’s Tomura choosing the Symbol of Fear as his only future, all other options now gone forever.
What does Nana Shimura mean to AfO?
The same thing all One for All users mean to AfO- she’s a Symbol of Good. The alternative path to evil. For all his brilliance, AfO sees the world in very much a black-and-white sort of mindset, and he enforces and pushes this mindset onto others.
What do Nana’s words mean to AfO?
“Don’t forget” means “Don’t forget what it’s like to be good.” AfO sees the rejection of Nana as the rejection of ‘goodness.’ If the Shimura family are neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad,’ but simply the only life AfO thinks Tomura can lead that will bring him love, then Nana is the concept of ‘good’ specifically. Rejecting the Shimuras solidifies Tomura’s rejection of any other path in life, but rejecting Nana as well is the rejection of all things good.
“Once you’ve accumulated both hatred and joy, you will truly be free” -AFO
The next thing we need to establish is that thanks to AfO’s upbringing, Tomura’s mind has been warped in certain ways. There are concepts which most people assign to specific words, that Tomura doesn’t. ‘Good’ and ‘evil’- it’s well-established that he doesn’t think much of these terms, if at all. He says outright ‘it’s my right to destroy what I don’t like’ while AfO is listening, and later he tells Izuku that (as far as he knows) everyone destroys what they don’t like. The reason the world still stands is because (again as far as he knows) Tomura has an unusually high desire to destroy. It’s something AfO told him directly (chp 237), and it sets Tomura apart from everyone else, making him an outcast and an outsider.
Thing is, AfO actually has a very strong moral understanding of right and wrong- he actively chooses to do the wrong thing BECAUSE it is ‘evil’ and that gets him off or something. AfO taught Tomura to view the world a twisted way, even though he himself views the world very differently.
But. For all that he’s brilliant, AfO tends to see the world in black and white- and he tries to push this view onto others as well. It’s something he shares with hero society- labeling everyone as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is prevalent there as well. He raised Tomura to choose the ‘evil’ path, but forgot that in the process he told him things like ‘morals aren’t real.’ AfO looks at the results of Tomura’s actions and sees him as evil, but he doesn’t realize that to Tomura, that binary switch of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ doesn’t exist.
That’s why All Might confused Tomura. That’s why Stain’s popularity pissed him off. Tomura’s mind may be warped, but he lacks the good/evil complex that almost everyone else in the story has, and that blinds them all to the true nature of things.
See, Tomura’s philosophy- that people destroy what they don’t like- betrays something about him that I don’t think AfO realizes: Tomura isn’t a hypocrite, and he believes that EVERYONE has the right to destroy what they don’t like. Likewise, the reverse applies- you have the right to preserve/protect what you like. This is reflected in how he’s willing to let his companions/friends keep the things they love, because they should be able to destroy or keep things as well.
Now I’m going to pick the scene apart from Tomura’s perspective, by asking several questions at each major point.
What do Tomura’s sister and mother mean to him?
So first of all I want to say that I do believe that Tenko didn’t deliberately kill his family (perhaps barring his father). That is opinion, however, and unproven, so I’m going to instead say this: whether or not he killed his family on purpose, he still loved them- and possibly still does love them. A moment of rage, while in shock and traumatized, can cause horrible results- kids that age regularly scream and break things in fits. Kids with supernatural abilities could easily kill someone in a fit. Likewise, we know he felt guilty after their deaths- accident or intentional, there were still positive feelings for at least some of his family.
Now to the actual fever dream- I notice that with both his mother and his sister, Tomura shows compassion. He tells Hana not to worry about hurting him with a smile that personally I think shows forgiveness, but at the very least it isn’t cruel. He tells his mother he’s fine, and he shows her compassion as well. I think Tomura still loves his mother and sister.
But the most pressing piece of evidence that this is the case is the way his family looks at him when they’re holding him back. Minus his father, every single one is looking sad. It’s guilt that they provide, guilt that makes their hands a challenge to overcome. Guilt- over leaving the people he loves.
What does Tomura’s father mean to him?
With Tomura’s father, it’s the exact opposite. He represents opposition, something destroyed, something to hate. Hatred, too, can drag a person down and hold them back. Where the rest of the family clings to Tomura’s arms, Kotaro pushes him down head-first. His face, when destroyed by Tomura, mimics that of the face he made when he tried to kill Tenko- it’s the culmination of all the hatred Tomura has for his father represented in this form.
And the thing is, this too can drag Tomura down into death. Hatred alone can only go so far, and while it can be a powerful motivating factor it also causes suffering for the one who feels it. If you hate the living, you’ve got a goal and you can use that hate- but if you hate something or someone that’s far beyond your reach, you’re helpless to have an outlet or use that suffering in any way, and it only causes pain. Much like love becomes grief when love cannot be manifested.
Tomura is letting go of his father the same way he lets go of his mother and sisters. The emotions may be opposites, but the results are the same. He may always hate his father, but in destroying his ghost Tomura affirms that he won’t let that hatred hold him back.
What does the destruction of the dead Shimura family mean to Tomura?
Different things for each of them- some love, some hate, but the one thing all of them share is that they’re dead. He’s not. If he stays, if he lets them hold him back- he’s staying with ghosts. This isn’t about good vs evil, or love vs apathy- it’s about letting go of the past and moving on. It’s about not letting your pain distract you from what you could have in the now. Contrary to AfO’s viewpoint, the inclusion of Kotaro in the ‘ghosts’ holding Tomura back mean that if this was about the ability to love, it wouldn’t just be love that Tomura destroys as he walks forward- it’d be about hate as well. If anything, hate was literally the forefront emotion holding Tomura back- as NAMEHERE’s hand was the one pushing Tomura’s face, the most present and pressing one. Love was something that drags behind, hate is something that pushes down, and Tomura let go of both here.
For Tomura, the destruction of his family is the destruction of his past in the context of the destruction of his pain. He’s letting go of his suffering- both from abuse and from loss of love- and moving on. Nothing less, nothing more.
What does AfO mean to Tomura?
According to the common definition of evil that you and I use, AfO isn’t ‘evil’ in the eyes of Tomura Shigaraki. Quite the contrary, AfO is the one who saved him- taught him, encouraged him. From Tomura’s perspective, AfO is improvement- rescue, safety, comfort, the league/friendship, nomu/strength, all of the things he gained only thanks to AfO. If Tomura used a normal vocabulary, I think he’d even go so far as to say that AfO is the biggest source of goodness in his life- as all the concepts we understand to be ‘good’ are concepts AfO represents for Tomura. AfO is the life Tomura could have, and the life he does have, so long as he doesn’t let the past drag him down. AfO isn’t just a person, AfO is a symbol for the future- for living life to it’s fullest.
In going towards AfO, walking away from his decayed family, Tomura sees himself letting behind the pain of his past and walking towards the future.
This may seem too easy- something he’s already done. But remember what he said to Re-Destro in chapter 235, right after he remembered his past?
ReDestro told him “There is no future for a world without creation”
Tomura replied “Future? Who needs that?”
In that moment, in those memories, Tomura didn’t really care about anything but destruction. He didn’t see a future for himself, and he didn’t want one. He wasn’t really thinking well- shock and exhaustion and trauma will do that to you. But the important thing is, Tomura established that after recalling his past, he did not care about having a future.
AfO, in an ironic twist, completely reversed the emotional impact that recalling his memories  had on Tomura in the fever dream.
What Tomura gained from the fever dream was a desire to see what the future brings. Again, recall that his understanding of ‘the future’ is warped by his upbringing- he doesn’t have any long-term plans or anything like that. But he doesn’t want to die. He wasn’t exactly suicidal after recalling his trauma, but he also genuinely didn’t care if he lived or died, or even if he won. Now, after chapter 270, he cares about living again.
AfO isn’t a Symbol of Evil to Tomura- he’s just a symbol of life, and continuing on.
What does Nana Shimura mean to Tomura?
Now the big one. The biggest difference between AfO’s understanding of that scene and Tomura’s understanding of that scene. And all the similarities in their understandings are for completely different reasons. Because compared to the reader, Tomura knows very little about Nana Shimura. He knows three things:
1. She is his grandmother
2. She was a hero
3. She left his father behind in some manner
Thing is, he has no clue that AfO and Nana Shimura were connected in any way. As far as Tomura is concerned, Nana is part of HIS personal past, and nothing more.
When he first learned of her existence, young Tenko was elated- excited- thrilled. That elation is what Tomuraremembers when she shows up in the dream, and that tells us for certain what Tomura thinks of Nana. That despite her picture connecting to his punishment and his father’s wrath, young Tenko never connected Nana to anything besides his first reaction to her. Unsurprising, given he was a child, but we also know now that Tomura also doesn’t have any opinion on her beyond that first reaction.
To Tomura, Nana is a symbol for hero society in general. Something he longed to be part of as a child, when he didn’t know better, but no longer wants. The same society that ignored him when he needed help, pushed him into the gutters and neglected him when he was hurt, and broke each of his friends in turn. More critically, the same society that now demands his death (and while this is literal Tomura might not be aware of this fact- but he does know they’d lock him up and leave him to rot, a metaphorical death).
See, Tomura doesn’t know how Nana died- as far as he knows, she died in the line of duty as a hero (which is arguably true from a certain point of view). She accepted her ‘role’ was to die, and she did so- and now she’s telling Tomura to accept his ‘role’ and die as well.
So Tomura is rejecting Nana as he rejects the role Hero Society places on him and defines his own. He’s not particularly driven to accept this ‘role’ and he throws her off quickly- which is not surprising. If he were to take this ‘role’ and do the next ‘right’ thing according to it, he’d either die or surrender. And there’s nothing for him there- no reason to do so. It’s easy to see why he throws this off so quickly.
Again, it goes back to Tomura not being willing to die.
What do Nana’s words mean to Tomura?
Nana tells Tomura, “Don’t forget.” I think to Tomura, these words are reflections of society’s attempts to define him by that one horrible day in his past. “Don’t forget” means “don’t let go of any part of it,” means “define yourself by the memories,” means “don’t ever outgrow the pain” means “go back to the gutter where AfO found you.” It also could mean “remember the faith in the system you once held” and “remember that the bad guys always lose” and “accept the lot life has cast you.” And Tomura is having none of that.
Tomura was an outsider to society for almost all of his life- and he couldn’t remember ever being anything else until he recalled his past. Now, he knows what it’s like to have been a child in society- and what it was like to be at the bottom of the barrel.
What Tomura didn’t say is that he would or would not forget- because again, Nana’s words are to him about how he lives and defines himself, not whether or not he remembers. I don’t think Tomura will forget- he’ll always love his mother and sister and grandma and grandpa, and he’ll always hate his father. But he doesn’t have to define himself by their deaths. That is what he’s refusing to do, in refusing Nana’s request.
What I find striking is what Tomura said to Nana as he walked away-
“Don’t reject who I am.”
It’s not a threat, it’s not a refusal, it’s not a vow, it’s not even a plan or a goal of what to do next. “Don’t reject who I am” is merely a fact.
Nana, as a symbol for hero society, is the last thing that tries to bury Tomura in his past. More than his love, more than his hate, society itself judged him for his past and let him rot for it. Before he was found by AfO, society itself defined Tomura by his past- it held him back, because it gave him nowhere to go.
And this… this is something Tomura saw in his friends before he even remembered how it applied to himself- Spinner even gave a whole speech about society pushing him down. Hell, I’m willing to bet that it’s because he’s been hanging out with people who say society fucked them over that Tomura realized how society itself caused him problems. Arguably in destroying Nana, Tomura takes on the goal that the rest of the league has had for a good long while- tearing down the world that held them down.
He tells her, “Don’t reject who I am” because that’s what society has done to him and his friends over and over again. Because to Tomura, this entire dream is about letting go of his past. Not letting love, hate, or the opinions of society as a whole keep him from moving on. Every single aspect of the dream contributes to this theme- as far as he’s concerned this dream is entirely about recovering from his trauma.
To Tomura, the family that holds him back are manifestations of grief, hate, and finally societal rejection. Three factors that are all telling him he needs to die. It’s not a moral statement he makes when destroys them- it’s a thereputic one.
Any salvation for Tomura Shigaraki will come from his friends, and it will blindside AfO because AfO has been seeing Tomura’s journey in terms of ‘good and ‘evil,’ when in truth his journey has always been about ‘suffering’ versus ‘fuck the suffering, and fuck whatever caused it.’ The question is whether or not AfO will become a cause of suffering for Tomura’s followers- because AfO knows better than to turn on Tomura before the final blow is certain. The only way I can see AfO being surprised by Tomura is if he does something to hurt Tomura’s friends, thinking that ‘evil’ Tomura won’t care or will help, and then being shocked when Tomura turns on him in rage. Because fuck the suffering, and fuck whatever- or whoever- caused it.
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isthatacalzone · 6 years
Hello Would you consider writing something about the possible interpretations of why klaus' meeting with his father took place in a barbershop? Or do you think it has any relevance? ☺️
why yes, anon. i would love to. 
before i start, i wanna point out a couple cute things about the barbershop itself because i went looking for mise-en-scene clues and found a couple things:
the barbershop is called “NITE OWL”
it’s open 11-7 (it doesn’t say if this is am or pm but if the name of the shop is anything to go by, it being in the evening would be brilliant)
there’s a sign on the door that says “Barber Banter May Offend” and i thought that was hilarious (and also very apt)
ok you asked why klaus’ meeting takes place in a barbershop and whether it has any relevance. at first, i kinda stopped and went “oh, yknow, i’m not sure”. thing about film and television, though, is that nothing is ever random. even the shit you think is random has SOME reason for being there, even if it’s just that the props department was just making some joke. so my first thought was maybe the setting was secondary to the action of the scene, that being reginald shaves klaus’ face. then i started thinking some more, and realised none of these things are separate at all, they all work toward the larger theme of the scene.
“what’s the larger theme of the scene, katie?”
it’s all about the relationship between a son and his father.
(before i go any further, i wanna say that this is just an idea, i’m not saying that this is exactly what the writers were thinking about, but if @seven-valid-libras wants to chime in with some bts stuff i’d be more than happy to hear it (was that a subtle way for me to tag her so that she’d read this because i think she’s pretty freaking cool? maybe.👀)) 
barbershops are pretty traditionally masculine places, right? they’re somewhere men go to get their hair cut, their beards shaved; it’s a place of male grooming. this whole scene is pretty steeped in the male presence; on the wall behind Klaus are all the male figures in his life: Luther, Diego, Reginald, Dave, Five and Ben. underneath all their pictures are hats, hats that are traditionally a part of a pretty masculine outfit: the suit. 
now, at this point i wanna point out just how out of place klaus looks when it comes to the environment he’s in. 
you might have noticed i used the word “traditionally” a couple times there, and i think that’s important, because one of the big things about klaus is that he’s pretty non-traditional. he wears skirts and bright coloured shirts and usually has eyeliner rubbed on his eyes. he’s not like his other brothers. he doesn’t exist in binary. he just is. furthermore, when you look at what klaus is wearing in the scene and compare him to the environment, he almost looks like a teenager. these all help in setting up the scene and the context before he sits down in that chair. 
we, as an audience, are already thinking how bizarre this set up is. the camera angles are all very wide, the depth of field incredibly deep, creating this sense of unease. the previous scene has set up our expectations, because we’re meant to be experiencing everything that’s going on from klaus’ perspective, so as THIS scene begins, we think we’re going to see our favourite human oujia board reunite with the love of his life. then we enter the barbershop, the confusion kicks in, but everything gets put in context when klaus reveals who’s talking:
this might be a bit off the mark, but i think fathers and sons going to a barbers together is a pretty important bonding experience. my dad used to take my brothers to the barbers all the time when they were younger, and even as a kid it always felt like my dad taking time to hang out with his sons. combine this with the image of a father teaching his son how to shave for the first time; showing him how not to cut himself the way his father before him probably did, you get this set up of a pretty traditional father-son bonding experience.
now, klaus might not be traditional, but y’know who definitely reeks of it? reginald fucking hargreeves.
we all know the relationship between dear old reggie and his kids is pretty tumultuous. we also know that klaus’ relationship with his dad is particularly fraught. he actively talks about how awful he is from the moment we meet him (which i won’t go into here, because i already went into it here! yay self promo!) so the fact this scene is setting up a father-son bonding moment is very interesting, and also absolutely genius. why? because klaus doesn’t trust his father, and in any other context klaus might have gotten up and walked away, but the fun thing about those barber chairs is once that apron is on you really can’t go anywhere. on top of that? 
reginald is shaving klaus’ face.
just think about that for a moment. the trust that goes into letting someone take a straight razor to your face, to you neck. not only does that immediately create a power dynamic which favours the person holding the razor (in this case, reggie, the father figure), but it also suggests an innate intimacy. this is doubled by the fact they’re in a barbershop, a place traditionally filled with people, and they’re alone. it’s like, the perfect recipe for a father and his son to have their first proper conversation in over a decade. 
go back to why we’re here in the first place: reginald needs to tell klaus important information about the apocalypse. what happens instead? klaus gets the chance to face up to his father and call him out on being a shitty-ass parent to both him and his siblings, and comes out of it with a better understanding and empathy for his father than he’s had his whole life. interestingly, considering reginald starts the scene with all the power, klaus is the one who takes control of the narrative. he’s the one who really gets something out of it. he gets the chance to grow. 
i dunno about you, but that sounds a lot like a pretty pivotal moment in a relationship between a son and his father to me. 
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mrs-berry · 5 years
Part 6 of Avril Amour (Adrinette April 2019)
By mrs_berry
Click here to read on AO3!
Nino and Alya were determined to get Adrien and Marinette together. They knew they needed to give a push in order to get their friends' relationship to bloom into romance, because Adrien and Marinette were highly unlikely to start dating without intervention.
Which brought them to where they all are now: Nino's bedroom.
It had taken some clever lies, but the group had managed to bring Adrien along in-person (instead of through video chat) and Nino and Alya were not going to waste this golden opportunity.
"Sit wherever, dudes."
At Nino's offer, Alya quickly plopped across his bed, Nino opted to sit in his bean bag chair, and Marinette and Adrien were left with little choice but to sit near one another on the plush carpet. Already, the sly couple had put their plan into action, completely unbeknownst to the two oblivious dorks.
"So you know what game I've been wanting to play with you guys?" Alya smirked, diving right into the heart of the plan. "Truth or Dare."
"Truth or Dare? What's that?" Adrien asked, having never heard of it due to his lack of social life before this year.
"It's a game where we take turns asking each other the question: truth or dare? When you pick truth, we come up with a question that you have to answer truthfully—and no lying or my reporter senses will expose you!" Alya began explaining.
"Yeah and when you pick dare, we come up with something fun for you to do and you have to do it. But just a warning, bro: that 'something' will be fun or funny to us but maybe not for you," Nino added.
"Oh, and one last thing: once you choose, you can't change your mind after hearing what the question or dare is. So, in other words, think very carefully before you choose," Alya finished with a wink.
Adrien took a moment to absorb the information and then nodded with a smile. "Sounds interesting to me, I'm in."
Meanwhile, Marinette, who had remained quiet the whole time, had a deer-in-headlights look on her face.
"You okay, girl?" Alya asked with a knowing grin. Marinette's expression switched to a glare. Marinette had clued in on the goal of tonight's game: make Marinette confess who her crush was via truth or make her do something like kiss him via dare.
"Can we play something else?" Marinette asked, though she could already guess what the answer would be.
"Hey, my dude here has never played before, let's at least play it for his sake," Nino piped up, knowing that using Adrien as an excuse to play would be effective.
It was. Especially when Marinette saw the excited look on his face. He obviously had no clue what he was in for.
"Ugh, fine. But can we just do one round?"
"Two. That way we each get a chance to do one truth and one dare," Alya suggested. "But if you want to pick dare both times or truth both times, you can."
Marinette grimaced but finally agreed.
"Okay, so we will start with me, since I came up with the idea, and go clockwise around the room. So go ahead and ask me," Alya challenged, an excited look in her eyes.
"Truth or dare, babe?" Nino asked on behalf of everyone.
"I'll start with truth."
The other three looked at each and quietly discussed amongst themselves what to ask her, while Alya scrolled through her phone as she waited.
"How about if she prefers Ladybug or Chat Noir?" Adrien suggested.
"Ladybug," Marinette and Nino answered at the same time.
"That one is too easy," Nino clarified.
"Then how about we ask her how many people she's kissed? If you're okay with that, Nino?" Marinette asked.
"Well, I'm pretty sure I already know, but sure, let's go with that one."
"Alya," Marinette cleared her throat to get her bestie's attention. "How many people have you kissed?"
"That's kinda vague. Are we talking cheek kisses? Neck kisses? Kisses elsewhere?" Alya winked mischievously. "You gotta be more specific, hon."
The three huddled together and came to an agreement.
"We'll go with lips. Any length of time," Nino grinned.
"Okay, let me think," Alya raised her hand and began mentally counting on her fingers. "Are we counting girls, too?"
Adrien looked slightly shocked by the question. Marinette suppressed a chuckle seeing how he had no idea. This boy really was clueless about the world.
"Of course, Alya. We asked how many people. Girls are people too, you know," Marinette quipped.
"Right, right. Then my answer is four."
Nino raised his brow. "Damn babe, I though it was two? I guess the other two were ladies?"
"One was female and the other one was non-binary. They were so hot," Alya sighed dreamily remembering Alex Cyprin. Then quickly added, "Not as hot as you, of course, silly." Alya laughed at the look of relief on Nino's face.
"Damn right," Nino muttered. "Alright, my turn next. I'll pick dare."
"We didn't even ask the question," Adrien commented, slightly confused.
"Bro, it's not really necessary seeing as I know what the question is already," he chuckled.
Poor Adrien, he was a little slow sometimes. Or maybe most of the time. At least when it came to social situations. He wasn't slow at physics or any school subjects. However, the topic of people really wasn't his forte.
"Right," Adrien mumbled pitifully.
The group, minus Nino, huddled and decided on a dare that would be appropriate.
At Alya's latest suggestion, both Adrien and Marinette scrunched their noses. "I don't want to see that," Marinette whispered and Adrien nodded in agreement.
"Okay but you two have yet to come up with anything remotely good, so unless we want Nino to die from boredom and waiting, we're going with this." Without waiting for a reply, Alya called for Nino's attention. "Tie up your shirt so that your stomach is showing and then turn around and twerk."
"Really, babe, that's the best you got?" Nino quirked his brow.
"C'mon Nino, let's not taint these kids' minds with something worse," Alya replied.
Nino nodded in agreement and proceeded to do as his dare asked. Adrien and Marinette initially looked anywhere else but at Nino but when Alya's laughter grew in volume, they both looked over to see Nino acting super silly as he attempted to twerk. He was so bad at it and his expressions were hilarious, causing the other two to burst into laughter as well.
"W-well done," Alya choked out between her laughter, wiping a tear from under her glasses after laughing so hard.
"Thanks, I can do it again later if you want," he said suggestively.
"Anyway!!" Marinette interrupted, not wanting the conversation to go in that direction while she and Adrien were still present. "It's Adrien's turn now. Truth or dare, A-Adrien?"
He beamed at her before putting his finger to his chin in thought.
"I'll go with truth," he decided.
Alya turned to Marinette excitedly. "Anything you want to ask him, girl? Now's your chance!" She was grinning most deviously as she whisper-yelled.
"I can't just ask him anything!" Marinette exclaimed in an equally hushed-yell. "We can't just ask him what he thinks of me, that would be suspicious and awkward. And knowing him, he would just say something about how I'm a great friend and good person." Marinette blushed as she had basically reminded herself all over again about how sweet he was.
"Then ask him who he likes," Nino suggested.
Ack! Wait a second, did Nino know about her crush on him?? Marinette shot Alya a glare that meant she was upset at her for telling him. Alya shrugged in response, "He figured it out himself. It's not hard to notice once you're looking at it from a third party perspective."
"Anyway, we good for that question?" Nino said, going back to the subject of the game.
"Absolutely not! What if he says some other girl's name? I don't think my heart will be able to handle it and I will act weird for the rest of the night," Marinette whined.
"Fine, any other ideas?"
"How about we ask what he likes in a romantic partner? Maybe that could give Marinette some ideas?" Alya proposed.
Marinette agreed that that question was harmless enough and might even be useful.
Turning towards the boy, Alya repeated her suggested question, then added, "And we are asking about personality, specifically. Though you can describe looks as well if you want."
Adrien looked pensive for a few moments before answering. "I like someone who is brave, witty, and a good leader. Someone who has determination and a good sense of humour. And someone who likes me for who I really am and also that we get along well."
The three stared in awe for a moment. He was such an angel, it left them speechless.
"Well, I think Marinette fits that description," Alya nudged her friend. "Once she stops stuttering and being a nervous-wreck, that is."
"Alya!" Marinette gently punched her friend in embarrassment and annoyance. Couldn't she use a little more tact sometimes?
Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately), Adrien didn't seem to pick up on what Alya was hinting at. Instead he replied, "That's true. Marinette is our class president, so she's a great leader. And she is clever and easy to get along with." Adrien smiled at her, not realizing he was basically admitting she was her type. Marinette was gaping.
Frantically, she said, "Okay, my turn now! And I choose dare!"
Alya had the most wicked expression on her face that Marinette had ever seen and Marinette instantly regretted everything.
Without even bothering to consult with Nino and Adrien, Alya challenged, "I dare you to text your crush right now. All your text needs to say is 'Hey.' That's it."
Adrien looked confused, "That's a bit tame for a dare isn't it? If her crush doesn't have her number, they won't know who it is. If they do have her number, it's not like the text is embarrassing."
Alya laughed at his comment. "Oh, trust me. Her crush will realize right away that he is the one she likes, all thanks to this dare."
Adrien still looked confused. Marinette switched between feeling furious and helpless, completely at a loss of how to get out this.
"C-can I choose truth instead?" Marinette asked timidly, knowing full well what the answer would be.
"No can do, Mari. You have to follow the rules as much as everyone else," Alya grinned.
Sighing in defeat, Marinette slowly pulled out her phone from her purse. She typed out the simple "Hey," to her crush and stared at it, desperately wanting to do anything but hit the send button.
Her life was about to be ruined, a disaster was waiting to wreak havoc on her entire being, the end of the world was going to happen right in front of her very own eyes. Adrien, as innocently oblivious as he could be, was sure to find out her biggest secret now. He would learn the truth and be absolutely flabbergasted. He would probably give her an awkwardly apologetic smile and tell her he didn't feel the same way... then she would do her best to compose herself and tell him it's okay, but once she got home, she would cry a river and rip up all his posters and presents, only to hop on a plane or a ship and move to Canada where she'd live up in Nunavut in an igloo with no internet or cell phone service and would ride on polar bears to get to school and she would—!
Alya snatched her phone and hit the send button for her.
"ALYA!!!!" Marinette shrieked, her face turning ghostly pale.
Adrien's phone buzzed. Marinette held her breath, desperately hoping and praying to whatever gods existed that he wouldn't look at it right then and there.
Her prayers went unanswered.
Adrien opened up the text.
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Idolish7 17 | Hinamatsuri 8 | Boueibu HK 8 | BnHA 46 | MSO 9 | Rokuhoudou 8 | Code:Realise 13
Idolish7 17 (FINAL)
The culture clash here is hilarious! It’s pretty obvious this unknown guy is Douglas, though.
I can’t believe they’re doing these songs! I’ve known about these songs for a while, since they made waves a few years back – I think Memories Melodies’s music video was animated by Studio Bones and Leopard Eyes by NAZ.
Come to think of it, they never really show idol shows from the fans’ perspective, so this girl’s shots (Aya’s?) are a new thing for the entire genre…
Huh? Wait…this is the real Aya! Oh my gosh!
Well, that’s the end of another show. See you around.
Hinamatsuri 8
Where is “home” for Hina, though?
Geesh, the continuity on this show…what they’re saying right now means the opening of the episode was in medias res, dangit. Stop being so confusing.
I don’t really care about Ikaruga, I care about the “Standing Sushi Bar” in the back more…sorry, Ikaruga.
A few episodes, Hina really was homeless…hmm, continuity’s back in action here.
“Hurray for Psychic Powers” – I was reminded of a book that once appeared in Kado. Unfortunately, that book’s name is Ningen Manzai with all kanji, so it’s not a very close reference if it’s intended to be one…
“Ma Monthly” – Well, wouldn’t you know it? Boueibu collabs mean something here! See, this magazine is a parody of Monthly Mu, which (for some arbitrary reason) decided to team up with Boueibu back in 2016. Hinamatsuri even parodies the magazine’s logo properly! Amazing!
More namahage gags. C’mon, they wouldn’t escape me. They’ve been appearing for a while now, those.
Last time an anime character had a master the same age…*thinks back* That would be Ore Monogatari, with Saijou! Man, that was a while ago. If you don’t count the “same age” bit though, you have OPM and BnHA, which are a lot more fresh.
Jojothan’s (sic)? Is that a Jojo reference, a Johnath…aww, it doesn’t seem to exist. Dangit.
Hitomi’s going to take the dog in, isn’t she?
Even Hina’s shirt says “byebye”…geez, this is kinda saddening already.
Now Hina’s shirt says “sayonara”…why did they poke a hose through her nose, anyway? It made me laugh, sure, but…it’s stupid anyway.
What does Hinamatsuri do without “Hina”, anyway?
Oh, so that’s the significance of that part (post-credits sequence, ep 1)! I didn’t like that part, so I wished to never see it again, but now that it has some significance…it can stay.
I don’t think I’ve seen that image of Nitta with the hand to his head, with the vases on the side before…it must be new.
Normally Hina’s in the seat next to Nitta, right? Oh dear. Also, Utako’s missing and you can see Nitta’s sister in the bar shot as well. The rock singers who wanted to go to the Budokan with Hina are in the back, too, although there may be some people I don’t recognise in the bar shot as well…
Jinsei wa Survival = Life is Survival, not Life is About Survival…
Boueibu HK 8
Summer episode! At least it doesn’t sound as bad a fanservice episode than episode 7 did…(for Astral’s sake)
Karurusu brought back En’s old “What did you say?!”, but now there’s a rakugo background! (small LOL)
I can’t believe Manza tried to push his glasses up in the bath (LOL). Is this what glasses-wearers have to go through?
These seem a little too specific…and to Wakura’s sadistic taste for that last one…to be anything Kyoutarou thought up on his own. (i.e. They probably actually happened.)
Huhhhhhh…I think we finally had an actual woman appear on this show…amazing! (The Osomatsus’ mother, she has a name but I forgot what her name is.) Must be Osomatsu-kun from the ‘60s or ‘80s though, because that sure as heck ain’t the “gets episode 1 pulled from Crunchyroll” Osomatsu-san. I watched the entire season one of that thing, remember?
That dot point looks like a shell for some reason. It’s just two circles put together though. My brain must be in a summer mood from the episode, eh?
I know there’s one jellyfish where you have to cure the sting by peeing on it…oh sorry. I’m falling into Mahou Shoujo Ore’s “crass jokes” trap…
Dougo…likes natto? Weird. Plain weird.
I almost thought they were going to go camping just to fulfil the gap left by YuruCamp, but I guess the audience for YuruCamp and Boueibu doesn’t really cross over. I’m such an anomaly in that case, huh? I still want to know Pinecone-chan’s VA, come to think of it…
Like, c’mon! I can’t even break down that joke (Rashio Taison), it’s too obvious from looking at his name in furigana!
So Rashio is like the snowman from season 2…and the volleyball guy from season 2…maybe Kurotori? I don’t remember his school circumstances anymore…
They used CGI on the plane…? If they did, I barely noticed it until I played the scene again.
Oh wait, that’s a Studio Comet plane…ahaha…(look at Studio Comet’s logo for the joke explanation)
*crashes head on wall* Martha Shirahone…*eyes blank*…Martha Shirahone…Martha’s a girl’s name!!! Does that mean Astral wins?! My pride and the Boueibu status quo have both been wrecked if Martha (sic) really is on the non-binary spectrum…and it’s not some weird Engrish typo…Poor boy though, he spent 4 years depriving himself of one of his favourite things to prevent himself from being teased. (Okay, this “Martha” spelling’s going to annoy me for a while, so I’m going to revert back to “Maasa”…)
Interestingly, Maasa seems to be using a standard vinyl umbrella and not a “student-council-worthy” one. Update: Nope, this one’s sanctioned by the British Royal Family.
Eh? What’s with this monster’s face? He doesn’t have one, does he? I know what the kanji on his face is, but…I think this might be a first. A monster without a face whatsoever.
Is it just me, or did they get CGI for those clouds as well…?
Wait, so even Karurusu is against the idea of fighting this monster? Mr Enthusiastic’s kinda selfish, eh?
Kyoutarou’s still wearing his school swimsuit. But this definitely reminds me of Dark Aurite with the lip coloration...
Wakura so obviously followed Ryoma’s voice instead. It’s pretty much what Astral termed a “nutshot” for MSO ep 8, only it’s…meant to be kinky (I’m not feeling it, y’know?). I’m just vaguely miffed right here that they could be trying to put a cheap joke in Boueibu.
Ooh, nagashi somen with its bamboo…thingy…looks cool. Oh, but Ibusuki…no wonder Ata likes this kind of noodles.
Karurusu’s flag says “summer” on it.
It’s a bit blurry, but the bus says “campground” as its destination.
I wonder if that “spirit of fear” thing was a joke? I’ll come back and find it later. Update: There’s no joke there in Japanese…the word for “spirit of fun” sounds like kyuuki and then “spirit of fear” is just dokidokishiteru (which is just a word for the heart pounding, suggesting nervousness in this case).
Hey, someone (Ryoma) noticed Taishi’s angry outbursts for once!
What, the monster has a mouth, so he does kind of have a face…? (I’m confused…what constitutes “face” with this guy anyway?)
Karurusu…he dab! (…Kind of.)
Full transformation sequence again…*sigh*
Noticeably, you can only see Ryoma nodding when the Rajio Taiso monster asks if you can do rajio taiso outside of summer. I’d assume this is because Ryoma’s the one with the grandpa who does it all year round, but it might just be a space constraint. You never know with these things.
There’s another pun I need to go back to – “I feel radio calis-cleansed”. That can’t have worked in Japanese…Update: Uh, there was actually one here. It seems to be a pun on taiso.
Aw, Rashio’s so happy. Even if I think the staff have reached a new low with the “petty” on the monsters this time around, just seeing that smile lights up my face too.
Why do I feel a Madoka moment coming on right here with Karurusu’s promise?
It’s a Kagerou Project-style time loop, but for August 31st! Yikes! This is going to get confusing…
Yeah, it’s better not to think about time loops, Kyoutarou. You’re right.
Is “firework” a verb? Or is that wasei-eigo? Or slang? Or both? More things to not think about there…methinks. Update: Dougo says “hanabi taikai shimashou!” (literally “let’s do a fireworks tournament!”), so it’s not wasei-eigo, nor is it a verb. It’s just an unconventional subber’s choice.
They censored a big sign in the preview! But Crunchyroll doesn’t have episode 9 yet because of the French Open! Dangit!
I love how the blue bars randomly go “La la la laaaaa!”…LOL. But it also says “they find party dice in the clubroom…” (because it’s bushitsu kara dete kita no wa party saikoro).
BnHA 46
“Those acts are the same as those of villains.” – Actually, that would be the acts of vigilantes…*thinks about the Vigilantes manga*
Because Kouta’s letter was in hiragana, I could understand most of it…eh, my skills are pretty shabby after all. I couldn’t even understand the last line much.
“like a pair of tight jeans” – LOL, Best Jeanist seems to love a good jeans pun, eh?
Come to think of it, Gran Torino doesn’t have a number to his hero status, right? He’s just an ol’ fart after all, even if he’s mighty skilled.
We haven’t seen Mt. Lady or Shinrin Kamui (“Forest Kamui” would probably be his English name, but it’s in katakana…and it sounds stupid, to boot) in a while, come to think of it.
I didn’t think Iida was going to go with them! Wow, what a twist!
I always thought having two Kirishimas in the same season was funny enough (Ryoma from Boueibu and Eijirou).
Kamino? Because the subbers spelt it with a C, that seems like it should be a reference for some reason…Update: Yep, it is!
What’s up with the roses around Todoroki? Are you trying to make the fangirls squeal like this is some shoujo manga? Yeah, right! (laughs in the background anyway)
Aizawa looks really different in a suit…hmm, I normally like men in suits but I’m kinda iffy on suit!Aizawa. *ponders for a second* I prefer his old style more, actually.
Noticeably, Michiru uses koitsu (“this guy”) to refer to Ore. It does tell you something about how Michiru views her enemies.
What’s up with Mohiro in a dress? Princess Peach parody?
Even Saki’s ahoge goes “Oh!”, LOL!
A heart shake for the yuri fans…and stupid glasses for my entertainment. (Thank goodness you’re still catering towards me, show…)
That joke about murdering Hyoue completely went over my head…I get what it was trying to do, but…not funny, man. Not funny.
Michiru uses the –ssu ending that Dougo and Yumoto use, too…
Oh…dear. I think we have more than enough of the word “Happy” with Happy Kiss…now this mascot, too???
I thought Hyoue’s surname was “Kuroda”? Or is that just my imagination? Update: It seems I made it up…
U-Uh, hey…so this was their real intention with those eyecatches, huh? Another “draw me like one of your French girls” memes is in order! Wait, but Ruka’s magical girl form isn’t doing the right pose…aww.
It seems Ruka isn’t into the Magical Girls (it’s implied she’s into Michiru instead), but Michiru’s into Ore…just as Astral guessed.
If that sentence didn’t make sense, it wasn’t meant to! It was just a bunch of long English words thrown together…although “jihad” certainly isn’t English. I wonder if any religious people will get angry at that word being used so casually, though? (I didn’t expect to laugh so hard at these guys. Konami’s my favourite character – of course he is, considering the karaoke episode - but I think I have an appreciation for these guys now.)
LOL, me and Astral like to complain about how thinking up new attack names takes an hour or so…so we totally know your feel, Michiru.
If you look at the scene where PRISMA are shown to attack, it says bokasuka, which apparently means “lots of hits and punches in succession”. It’s basically like subbing it “fistfight!”, “kapow!” or something.
Happy-chan doesn’t even have a body in tiny form!!! What??? (LOL)
Can we please stop with the montages?! A show is better when people bother to animate stuff, alright?!
Happy-chan went “doukashira?” (-kashira is a female sentence ending) which made me laugh because it’s a contrast to that head of his.
Happy-chan doesn’t even have hands…I’m not sure how he’s meant to live like that, y’know?
That catchphrase has less impact the second time around, it seems.
Hmm…so it was actually foreshadowing for Michiru’s love, huh? I thought it was pandering to tsundere stereotypes…
As much as I laughed at the ol’ kick to the face, are Happy and Kokoro really brothers? Or is this just filler after all?
Oh, this new ED is “We’re Not Magical Girls” by the Mahou Shoujo unit (Saki/Sakuyo)!
You can spot a tiny magical girl figurine with pigtails on Yamo’s desk if you watch at the right time.
PRISMA’s song is called “Love/Attack!”
They actually got a next episode preview narrated by demons?! (LOL) This is a new level of weirdness, and I’m actually glad to have heard it with my own ears (because I’m trembling with laughter right now because of it). But…they talk at the end! They can speak?! Whatttttttt?!
Rokuhoudou 8
Gure’s got stud earrings. Don’t think I’ve noticed them before…
It appears to be a florentine and not a “florentin” like the subs say. It is just missing an “e” though…
Happy, happy! I think Karurusu got me into the spirit of being happy all the time…or at least happier than I used to be, anyway.
Seriously, this middle school kid acts like a Boueibu monster, it’s hard not to make a comparison.
Gure’s so goofy, I’m laughing as much as I normally do for Boueibu or MSO…Rokuhoudou isn’t normally like this, that’s all.
“good way to sober up” – It sure doesn’t seem that way for Tsubaki, though…poor soul.
That style with the lips…it’s so un-Rokuhoudou, and yet it still works! I can’t think of what it reminds me of, though, because it seems to remind me of another anime or manga and I can’t put my finger on it. Update: Maybe MSO? That’s the closest thing I can think of that matches right now.
Hey, come to think of it, doesn’t this guy look like Shishigami from Inuyashiki? Their outlook on life is mostly the same, too! (from what little I know about Shishigami in passing)
Uh…Gure? Didn’t anyone teach You about stranger danger?!
The delinquents…are in the duck boating club?! Well, that was a surprise…
This pretty much became my favourite episode, even though Tokitaka’s still my fave Rokuhoudou boy, LOL.
Code:Realise 13
Since I don’t know whether to denote this as the final episode or not, I won’t note it as anything…
Isn’t Cardia Lupin’s girl? Hands off, Impey!
The newspaper Herlock’s holding has an ad for animators…wuh? In the Code:Realise Victorian era? No way, Jose!
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fae-fucker · 7 years
im dying there's so much hilariously wrong with that stan "don't be mean about ma series wah!" post, but first and foremost, using s/he instead of they/them. like, wow, just fucking wow. also, all the points they try to make are so blatantly based in having never actually read a snark blog's posts, and just getting pissy about critics. sure the posts are sarcastic and snarky (of course), but they also do engage in explanation and discussion of why they are taking exception with a particular book
She’s not a stan, as far as I know. And yeah, literally all her “suggestions” are things that most snark blogs already do, but I guess she can’t see that from her GIANT HORSE. If it’s snarky and sarcastic it means it’s worthless, right? We’re basically a bunch of babies who cry about how Problematique things are and have no actual opinions or valuable things to say. 
I mean, we all knew it but dang, does it hurt to be called out! :/
Discourse and drama under the cut. Uh ... warning for transphobia, I guess? 
Listen. I know you’re reading this, danceny, and I just want to say that your dismissal of nonbinary people and suggestions that the idea of gender and sexuality being a spectrum somehow makes society more homophobic and misogynistic is ...
I mean it’s fucking wild, man. There’s no other way to put it. And uh ... thanks, I guess? Didn’t realize my existence hurt the women and gay folks around me. Maybe I just smell really bad?
Reading your “communications” with @brynprocrastinates​, you seem to be implying that most nonbinary people are just women who try to get away from misogyny by pretending not to be women. (yikes)
You then also imply that straight trans men are actually just confused lesbians who don’t want to experience misogyny and homophobia and thus pretend to be straight men to get away from that. (DOUBLE YIKES)
There’s also this bit: “I’m not sure if you know this, but transexuality (which has become “transgenderism” in English and now encompasses non binary) has always been linked to homosexuality.”
Confusing gender and sexuality and using outdated terms, are we? How basic.
At the end, you seem to be saying that if we just “solve” homophobia and misogyny, men and women will finally go back to “just” being men and women, and that somehow a society that accepts more genders are just proof of both homophobia and misogyny still existing? I’m ... not sure of the logic behind that. You’ll probably dismiss this as me putting my FEELINGS over FACTS AND LOGIC, which in itself is rather funny considering you talk so much about misogyny but don’t seem to mind pretending that your “rational” thoughts are somehow more valuable than how people feel. 
“Biological sex is a neutral reality; it is restrictive only when tied to gender. Thus, what difference between being non binary and a woman if not stereotypes?”
*deep breath*
The difference is that if an NB person tells you they’re NB, that means they’re NB. They’re not SECRETLY A WOMAN WHO’S AFRAID OF BEING A WOMAN BECAUSE OF THE STEREOTYPES.
Did you know that there can be NB people who are feminine, and still be NB? That a each individual’s gender and the expression of said gender is decided by themself and nobody else?
You are in no position to tell someone else that their identity is somehow a defense mechanism for society’s faults, or that you know it better than they do.
And you know what? I’m NB, but I still experience fucking misogyny. If this is my subconscious attempt at escaping all this WOMAN HATRED, then I’m not doing an especially good job. And when considering people like you, who deny my right to express what I am and try to tell me that they know me better than I do, I get DOUBLE THE GARBAGE. I just love “escaping” misogyny by ... not escaping it and also getting blasted for being a dirty enbee.
“Furthermore, I cannot lie to you about foreign languages like my mothertongue. That “they” doesn’t exist is simply the truth; what you make of it is left to you.”
Hey, guess what? Language changes. It evolves. It always has and always will. In Swedish, there was no gender neutral pronoun. And guess what? WE MADE ONE. AND WE’RE NOW USING IT ALL OVER THE GODDAMN COUNTRY. AND PEOPLE ARE LOVING IT. 
We’ve become more accepting of other identities and reflected that in our use of language! How DISGUSTING. 
“But as someone who struggled with biological sex/gender, I can assure you turning gender into a sprectrum won’t help.”
I mean, right? It didn’t help you so how would it POSSIBLY help anyone else?
And honestly? These things in particular:
“I know that tumblr loves to spread new concepts, most often not maliciously, but most of the time none of them are based on actual sociology or biology. The latest feminist wave is feminist in name only.”
“A tolerant and egalitarian society have men and women comfortable in their bodies and sexualities. So gender as a sprectrum and sexuality as fluid betray remaining homophobia and misogyny.”
This sounds like some premium TERF bullshit. 
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taming-bats · 7 years
The party
Hey again! while I'm posting may as well shove this one out there too. These are the Same characters from my last post “Odis” But it focuses on Jive (written in 2nd person POV) while they're at a party with their friend. It's pretty much just a classic “Teens at a Party” short, but I still liked it! so, here you go! 
You thought it was impossible to actually not hear yourself think. But the music is so loud, the bass is vibrating your bones at this point. You could not look more uncomfortable at this party. You’re holding a classic red solo cup of a drink you’re sure was illegal to obtain. Eden brought you here, but you’re still unsure why. She hates parties and other social engagements as much as you do. She’s gotten tipsy now, and looks exhausted, but is laughing to something someone else did, across the room from you. You’ve found your own little corner to hang out in so you don’t bump into anyone who will either literally hang on to you or try to prompt you to drink more or any other behavior a teen would react with while under the influence. Occasional sips is all you can handle, thanks. You sigh, though it’s not like you can hear that either. You want to go home. You watch your best friend having a pretty good time. You’re only picturing how she will feel after the buzz wears off- Oh. There is the reason she wanted to come. The guy she was laughing with.. she now is slumped against him, like she could fall asleep if he wasn’t so intriguing. She has a hand on his chest, he has an arm around her waist, gentlemanly not going anywhere below.
Of course. This could be his party for all you know. Your jaw has gone a little slack,  with the sight of him, causing your lips to part. you have to quickly regain the grip on your cup before it falls out your hand. Oh god. You can’t pull your eyes away from the pair, the beautiful, incredible pair. He’s smiling huge, and by the way he’s moving, he’s trying to coax her into dancing with him. It’s clear they’re thinking the other is the only other person in the room, by the way they’re looking at each other. It’s.. almost magical, there are sparks between them you could only read or dream about. And you’ve done a lot of dreaming... You tear your eyes away, uneasily looking into your cup before taking a burning and near disgusting gulp of the drink. You try to become aware of Literally anything else in the room. The song, which was only vibrations of the speakers, now is tuned into your ears
...Oh what a shame that you came here with someone... So while you’re here in my arms, let’s make the most of the night like we’re gonna die young.. Were gonna die young.
Now what? You’re awaiting the alcohol to compromise more of your brain, actually, you’re dreading it. You have no idea what kind of drunk you are. Probably sad.
Wild child, lookin’ good, livin’ hard just like we should,  We don’t care whose watching when we’re tearing it up! We got that magic that nobody could touch.
You blink. You adjust your glasses, yeah they’re still there, your eyesight is just going to shit. You look back at your best friend and her crush. Your best friend and your crush... Your best friend who you have a crush on, and the guy who you both have a crush on. She obviously doesn’t know that you like him, or else she would probably be doing exactly what you are doing now. Trying to pretend you Don’t have a crush on him. Standing back, letting the other take their chances while you give up your own. This is making you sound depressing. And desperate. And probably all boo-hoo I don’t have a significant other. You try not to be like that, you don’t like people like that. You just want your friend to be happy. She has a better chance with him anyway, you don’t know if Nate would even be alright dating someone non-binary... Probably not. He seems cool and all but... He’s probably just an Ally.  
Ugh, why are you getting into this again?  You’ve been over scenarios, comparing them to reality in your head before. You don’t need to again.
I feel your heartbeat to the beat of the drums.
It’s probably just the alcohol, which you have taken more sips of, but you start walking over to the two. Just. don’t do anything stupid. You feel yourself smiling. You place a hand on Eden’s shoulder and have it drop off right after, brushing Nate's hand in the process. “Hey,” you say, trying to be heard over the music. “Gonna introduce me to your new friend?” you smile, a blush staying hidden in the dimmed room.
Eden just smiles at you, blinking slowly, “Jive.. come on, this is Nate.” She explains like she didn’t quite pick up that you were teasing. Nate just laughs a confident and boisterous laugh, though you’re sure he has no clue what either of you just said. The music is loud, and both of you are shorter than him, away from his range of hearing.
“Now you look like a person who will dance with me.” He slurs just a bit, pointing very close to your face. He’s had more to drink than you or Eden, that much is obvious, and a smile never seems to leave his face. Ah, a Happy drunk it is then.
Maybe it’s contagious, cause you smile right back at him. “Yeah..” you giggle a bit, thinking that maybe a buzz isn’t actually so bad. “Yeah, maybe I will dance with you.” Where is this coming from? An excellent question, you wish you knew or cared to know. All you know is Eden lets go of Nate, and he grabs you by the arm, tugging you into a part where more people are dancing.
Looking for some Trouble tonight. Take my hand I’ll show you the Wild side Like it's the last night of our lives- We'll keep dancing till we die.
The loud music is better and tolerable where you’re actually dancing to it. You and Nate dance close to each other to the rhythm before he pulls you closer to his chest. You both laugh and keep moving to the song. You should realize this is only with beer goggles on. The way you’re looking at Nate is not the same way he’s looking at you, as much as you think you could see it in his eyes.
Then he kisses you.
And without a second thought, you kiss him back.
It tastes like the concoction that was in your cup earlier, and his lips are just as soft as you imagined them to be. This has to be beer goggles. You pull away, just as you think your knees are going to give way. Nate gives you that winning smile, and starts grooving to the song again. But you’re just staring at him. God, you want to kiss him again. He takes your hand and spins you, to get you dancing again.
“Hey, we’re even now,” he says, laughing. You give him a look, clearly confused. “I kissed your girlfriend earlier. Now I kissed you, so it’s all good.” that logic wouldn’t make any sense without alcohol involvement. But you honestly wouldn't complain, without just one thing.
“Edens not my girlfriend,” you say, shaking your head. You wish the music would turn down, or you could go somewhere private. Nate looks perfectly comfortable in his movements, right where he is.
“Oh! Haha, well cool! Well, still glad I kissed you. Hey, mind if I ask her out?” there are several things starting to give you a headache and this boy's words happen to be one of them.
You shake your head, meaning to say, no, it’s not a problem. But instead, it comes out, “Mind if I ask you out?” why did you say that? Where did these words appear from?
“Yeah, I’m gonna get another drink!” he yells back, kisses your cheek before leaving to get something from the table of “refreshments.” as you stand there, dumbfounded. You realize he will not remember Any of this tomorrow. Ha! Why is this night happening? You wonder with a smile on your face. This is hilarious and terrible.
You stumble and dodge your way back to Eden, who found herself a nice spot on the floor to try and fall asleep, propped up against a wall. You take your sweater off and lay it over her, sitting next to her. She rolls over to lay her head on your shoulder. How is she even close to sleeping with this noise? “Hey..” you mumbled, kissing her head. She murmurs something back but it’s completely out of it. You smile. This is your best friend in the whole entire world. You’re really happy at that fact. However, you’re also starting to get drowsy yourself. So you stay here on the ground with her. When your eyes are open, they either watch the peaceful Eden or search for the boisterous Nate in the crowd- never a hard task. He’s now on a table, singing to My baby don’t mess around- …
You don’t know what to make of this night.
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