#hinasturu uzui
Demon Slayer Halloween Headcanons, Finale.
Happy Halloween everyone! This is the final part of my Demon Slayer Halloween Headcanons. This one is covering any characters I forgot to do, or couldn't fit into the other three parts. I would like to clarify that I have not read the manga and only have information up to the current season of the anime.
Have a nice read and night!
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Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho: These three went out as a Bumblebee, Ladybug, and a Butterfly respectively. Once they got back to the mansion they held a candy trade with the older kids. It was Sumi's idea to dress Gyomei up as a mummy.
"Trick-or-Treat!" "Give us something good to eat!" "PLEASE!"
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Makomo and Sabito: Sadly these two are unable to dress up. So, they spent the whole night scaring any and all demons that got too close to Mt. Sagiri. Makomo left some candy on Urokodaki's bed so he can feel included.
"Now WE get to scare the demons!" "OH! HERE COMES ONE NOW!"
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Sakonji Urokodaki: Urokodaki spent the night alone for the most part. Nezuko, Tanjiro, and Giyu came for a visit a few days before so they could have a small party together. He nearly had a heart attack when he found the candy Makomo left.
*Confused Screaming*
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The Ubuyashiki Family: No one from the Ubuyshiki family was able to go out, for their protection. The children were all still allowed to dress up and have candy, which was delivered to the house.
"Have a safe and nice night everyone!"
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Aoi Kanazki: Aoi was wearing a butterfly costume, only because the girls asked her to. She helped get everything ready and was allowed to take the night off. She did not even try to stop Inosuke from attacking Zenistu.
"As of 5:27pm, I am off the clock. He's all your's."
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Tamayo: Tamayo stayed home to get some work done. She gave out candy to anyone who came by. She was happy to see Nezuko and Tanjiro when they stopped by.
"How has tonight been for the two of you?"
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Yushiro: Yushiro was shooting daggers at anyone who Lady Tamayo 'paid too much attention to.' He ended up hitting Tanjiro and was forced to apologize.
"I did not throw him-" "I .DON'T. CARE."
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Chachamaru: Chachamaru spent the night peacefully sleeping and occasionally getting pets from Yushiro and Tamayo.
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(Why can't I find a happy gif of this kid?)
Senjuro Rengoku: Senjuro also dressed up as a lion and spent the night Trick-or-Treating with his big brother. It took him awhile to gather up the courage to talk with everyone else, but he ended up making a lot of friends at the party.
"H-Hello! Happy Halloween!"
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Hinasturu, Makio, and Suma: Couples costumes are adorable, aren't they? These three went as flashy dragon queens to match Tengens flashy dragon king costume. (It was Suma's turn to pick the costume theme.) Hinasturu and Makio apologized for Tengens sudden fireworks display at the Butterfly Mansion.
"We are so sorry..." "I...thought it was pretty though..."
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Hotaru Haganezuka and Kozo Kanamori: Swordsmiths don't have much time to rest, even tonight. These two had to deliver swords all night long. If you think Haganezuka gave Tanjiro a break than you are crazier than Enmu.
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Biwa Demon, Nakime: Who do you think summoned the Upper Moons? She will never admit to it, but it was a fun night.
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lovelywritinglady · 1 year
Hello I saw you request open and I thought why not
May I request for tengen and his wives finds out that the reader there wife was a shinubi or a ninja like tengen and well let just say makio , suma and tengen hug the reader hips never letting her go ( I want them to be very protective of reader and wholesome )
This is a well half short half long
Thank you and have a good day
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You’re What?!
Uzui Tengen x fem!Reader x Suma x Makio x Hinasturu
Extreme fluff only slight angst
First Person Pov
The fresh morning air kissed my face as I drank my tea on the front step of our house. The sun had just risen and the dew was still fresh on the grass. It was a peaceful morning, especially since all of my lovers are home and safe. I took a deep breath and gave thanks that I’m alive another day being with the people who matter most to me in this world. Speaking of them it’s been nearly a year since I married them and it’s made me a stronger person. I’ll be thankful to them for as long as I live. Suddenly my peaceful thoughts were ripped away from me when I hear a rather loud and annoying voice coming from our shared bedroom.
“Y/N Come here now!!!!!” I hear all my spouses yell in unison.
Quickly I put down my tea and ran as fast as I could to the bedroom. Slamming the slide door open with such force that I think I broke it, I stood there taking a deep breathe asking what the hell happened. Only to be tackled in hugs by my wives and tacked to the floor. They were crying and saying something that I could hear at all due to their shrieks.
“Guys slow down what happened? Lord Tengen please what’s the matter?” I asked them nervously. Especially looking at Tengen he’s never looked at me like this and it made my stomach drop.
“Y/N, w-why did you n-never tell u-us that you w-were a shinobi?” Suma asks looking down at my face with an ocean of tears in her eyes.
“Yeah, why did you never tell us that you are a shinobi? Makio exclaimed dripping my arm that I was sure would bruise.
“Y/N please tell us!” Even Hina exclaimed
“Alright I’ll tell you guys but please let me up the floor is seriously hurting my back” I said to my wives as I sighed.
Getting up and brushing myself down I immediately felt then gripping my waist, arm, and leg all still shedding tears. This made me smile slightly. They all were so worried and it was extremely cute. Tengen was abnormally quiet and that made me look at him. He was already looking at me with same look before. Just as I was about to speak, he beat me to it.
“Why did you feel the need to hide this from us?I know shinobi are supposed to hide things, but we are married to you Y/N.” He said taking steps towards me and our crying wives.
“I didn’t exactly hide it I took a year off to marry you guys. Sorry I never mentioned it to you guys. I was never trying to hide it from you.” I spoke honestly looking at Tengen and glancing at my teary eyed and very beautiful wives.
“So that means you’re planning on coming back to work then?” My husband asked
“Yes I mean that’s what I trained for and plus the world is getting crazier so I figured this was a good time to come back.” I said as I was holding onto Suma as she was nuzzling into my chest.
“Absolutely not!” He exclaimed
“Why the hell not” I said defensively
“You could get hurt, turned into a demon, captured and tortured, or even worse killed.” Tengen spoke as he counted on his fingers with a serious expression on his handsome face.
“Yeah, we don’t want anything to happen to you. We all love you so much. I know we would all be so worried about you.” Makio said as she placed a loving kiss on my shoulder which made me blush. especially when she looked up at me with love and concern in her dangerously beautiful eyes.
“I don’t know what I would do if you got hurt love.” Hinatsuru said placing her soft hand on my right cheek and touching it gently as she placed a kiss on my left cheek. At this point there were tears threatening to leave my eyes. I knew my wives loved me but I guess I never knew how much.
“Guys I promise I will do my best to stay alive. You three are strong and I worry about you every time you leave. Yet I know that no matter what happens you will do your best and that’s all I can ever ask of you. And if I’m on the field with you guys I won’t worry so much and you guys won’t worry as much too. I’ll be there fighting a long side all of you. It’s going to be okay.” I said as my tears fell down my face and a furious blush was now on my face. I held my wives closer and kissed all of their heads.
“As long as you promise to be careful I think it will be okay.” Tengen said after a long pause. He then came up to all of us and wrapped his long muscular arms around us. He was always such a good hugger.
“I love you.” He whispered into my ear.
“Don’t you worry Y/N, no matter what we will protect you from harm.” Suma said with a confident look on her cute face.
“Yeah, we won’t let you get hurt.” Makio said standing up proud.
“Exactly, we are always here to protect you. If it’s in the field or if you just need or want us. We will always protect and love you.” Hina said now fully holding my face. Looking into her eyes I felt so much love in this moment that I was almost overwhelming. I then kissed my wife and thanked her.
“Hey what about my kiss.” Tengen, Makio, and Suma said in unison. I rolled my eyes at their cuteness and kissed all them as well. We then all hugged once again just enjoying being together and happy to be married. Suddenly an important thought crossed my mind.
“Guys how did you even find out I was a shinobi?” I asked eyeing them curiously
“Oh Suma went through your stuff this morning.” Makio said with no hesitation
“Makio you’re so mean!” Suma whined
“Makio you both were snooping around as I recall.” Hina said to both of them.
“Hina you liar!” They both exclaimed
“Girls that’s enough it doesn’t matter who found out. All we need to worry about is how we are all going to keep each other safe now that we are all going to be working.” Tengen said
“Tengen are you just saying that because you were snooping too?” I asked crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow.
“Absolutely not, that wouldn’t be very flashy of me now would it!” He said
“Tengen you are just as guilty as the rest of us.” Hina said with a blush gracing her face.
“Oh well yeah…” he said with a blush on his face too.
“You’re all so perfect.” I said laughing slightly
“Y/N, that’s so sweet.”Makio said
“Awww.” Suma said
“I know I am.” Tengen boasted
“You’re perfect too.” Hina said
Looking at them make me cry even more. Just knowing how much they all love me and want me to be safe. I never imagined I’d ever be loved like this. I’m so incredibly thankful for them and happy that now we can all protect each other.
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Thank you💜 @bendymonter for requesting this fic. I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you liked it!
Please comment, reblog or request!
Click here to see why I’ll write for
•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
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reticent-writer · 2 years
i was wondering if you could do rengoku headcanons where the reader (gn and child, age 4-7) is kinda like giyu (quiet, doesn't talk much, introvert, etc) but extremely clingy and doesn't know how to talk to people other than rengoku?
(plus meeting giyu if possible, making him the readers second dad maybe)
ofc you dont have too :3
love your writings!!
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◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ thank you ❤
"Y/n it's time to wake up." Rengoku gently shook you awake with the quietest voice he could muster.
You started to stir as he picked you up and brought you to the common room for breakfast.
Half awake, you tried to not fall face first into your food.
"Kyojuro that child of ours clearly isn't ready for the day." Your grandfather said as he sat you on his lap to feed you.
Contrary to popular belief shinjuro is soft when it comes to you.
"Sorry father I should've woken them up sooner." He said with the widest grin he could muster. Seeing his father handle his child with such care was enough to make his heart burst.
"Yeah you should have."
You are your father were going to a get together at tengens house. You didn't know weather to be excited or nervous.
Walking up to the estate you hide behind your fathers leg as he goes up to tengen.
"Ah Rengoku so glad you could make it and who might this little one be." Tengen knelt down to your height as your father stepped out from in front you.
You looked up at rengoku expecting him to say something but instead he urged you to.
"Hi, my name is Y/n." You said so quickly and quietly that he could barely hear you, even with him being the sound hashira.
"Nice to meet you Y/n. I'm the flamboyant sound hashira, tengen Uzui." He introduced himself as his wives came behind him and did the same.
"I'm hinasturu, his wife."
"Makio, is second wife."
"I'm Suma, his last wife."
It was clear that you had no idea how to respond and it was only making you more nervous.
Thank goodness Rengoku's eyes we're still functional as he noticed your worried face and picked you up to meet the others.
"Good job little one. You did just as we practiced, I'm so proud of you."
He ruffled your hair as you giggled.
"Both child and father souls as pure as snow." gyomei praised the both of you as you approached.
"Thank you gyomei. It is nice to see you on this fine day."
"Hello." You smiled not knowing that he couldn't see.
After a brief conversation that you weren't paying attention to your father moved on to another group of people.
You recognized two of them. Shinobu and mitsuri but there were three men you didn't know.
"Ah the happy family, how are you both." Shinobu say and rengoku handed you off to her.
You didn't mind.
'We are doing fine. I thought today was a great day for all of you to meet my child."
You waved as they all said there hellos.
You were never one for talking especially when it's people you don't know so you quietly listened until shinobu but you down and let your roam.
You were starting to get hungry and spotted a table with all kinds of food. But you were interested in the onigiri and sweet potatoes.
Walking up to the table you realize it's much higher than you expected but you weren't going to give up when you were so close to what you wanted.
You tried climbing. Fail.
You tried pulled on the cloth. Fail
You were about to stack things to reach before you were stopped but the water hashira.
"Do you want some food. " he said.
You nodded and pointed to onigiri and sweet potatoes which he provided. He got some for himself too.
"Your rengoku's kid right." He said.
You nodded.
"I'm giyuu tomioka. Nice to meet you."
"Nice too meet you too."
The both of ate in silence. But it wasn't awkward. You felt like you can talk about anything with him, and so you did.
The rest of the day you spent around giyuu he answered any question you had about anything.
He reminded you of your dad. So kind.
"Y/N IT'S TIME TO GO." Rengoku called.
You turned to giyuu and tanked him as you ran off to go home.
That night you wouldn't stop talking about the great day you had.
Rengoku was glad that you were getting out of your comfort zone and talking to new people.
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petitelepus · 4 months
Hi! I hope the matchups are still available. If not, feel free to delete this or save it for when they are.
I'm mostly-girl-adjacent, she/they, 19, bisexual. I want a yandere matchup please!
In real life I'm a very shy person who has trouble feeling comfortable being myself, but I yearn to get close to people and have us learn about each other. I have a lot of very intense emotions and when I'm interested in something, I dedicate myself to it. I'm a positive person who tries to be happy or at least not be miserable, and I love finding beauty in everything. I adore nature, writing and reading, and other arts. I have a decently gothic style most of the time but can switch it up when I'm feeling a different mood. I don't like being mean or edgy. I like deep conversations and can talk for a long time about my passionate thoughts. I want someone who makes me feel comfortable, who shares some sort of level of passion or depth with me, and who wouldn't dampen my mood purposely!
Hopefully that wasn't too much! Thank you ahead of time <33
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Tengen Uzui, Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma are Yandere for you!
Such a shy and cute little creature you are, so bashful around the Sound Hashira and his three wives. The man himself is so handsome and his wives so beautiful, it can be intimidating.
But when Tengen's eyes fell on you, he felt that pull in his chest, like he wanted to be closer and closer to you. It didn't matter what you were doing, writing, reading, or something else, he wanted to be there next to you.
While your gothic style isn't flashy or sparkly like Tengen likes things, your personality shines like diamonds in the sunlight. And, being able to change your style with your mood, brings you guys so many stylish possibilities!
Hinasturu, Makio, and Suma notice quickly that their beloved husband is attracted to you and they approach you, wanting to get to know you in case you become their wife also.
You were so kind and open about your interests and they loved that sparkle in your eyes when your passion came up in conversation and how you smiled when they asked you to tell them more about them.
At that moment, all three of them fell for you also.
Your positivity is refreshing to them, like a cold drink during a hot Summer day. Not many can or try to see beauty even in the most horrendous or ugliest things, and that makes you shine out of the regular boring humans.
Once the feelings towards you were all clear between the man and women, they made a plan to make you theirs and theirs only. You were too good to be shared with anyone else.
Congratulations, you're his fourth wife now!
Tengen points out that you aren't cut out to be a Slayer. That you would make a wonderful housewife instead and how you would be safe in his manor and with his wives and the three women back up their husband's words.
They insist that you are safest when with them and not anywhere else.
"Shh, you don't need to fight anymore," Tengen smiled as he gently petted your head, "Just let me and my wives care and keep you safe."
While Tengen himself is gone Hunting Demon, his and now your beloved wives are there for you.
Suma is maybe the sweetest woman you have ever met and she wants to please everyone so badly. She has traits that belong to a crybaby and will cry as she tells you how wonderful you are. She loves playing games with you.
Makio is strong-willed and she isn't afraid to call you beautiful or praise you in any other way. She can get a little pouty if you don't agree with her, but she doesn't fold, no, she keeps on telling you how pretty you are until you agree with her.
Hinatsuru is the calmest one in the relationship, but also the biggest manipulator. She will tell you that it's a big scary world out there and she reassures you that you are loved in the mansion and that you shouldn't leave the safety of your new home since you have anything you might desire in there with Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma and your loving husband Tengen.
The Sound Hashira and his wives tell you each day how they love you so much so you never forget it. Not that you have a choice.
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iminurwallsowo · 1 year
Uzui Tengen + Wives x Reader
Sfw fluff, suggestive themes Forgor that engagement existed help Gender Neutral/Male Reader (ur called husband once)
You groaned slightly as you drifted in and out of consciousness. You never were one for physical touch, and now, with warm bodies all around you, to your left and right and….under you? Well, whatever the case, you weren't really comfortable with this situation, especially as you currently had no clue who they were.
You groggily opened your eyes, blinking several times before everything came into focus. You saw beautiful people all around you and wondered to yourself if you were dreaming.
But alas, you were not, you realized as one of their hands clasped your own. A cool ring they were wearing (or was it two? three?) pressed into your palm. You bent your neck at an uncomfortable angle to look at the one who was gently holding your hand.
You saw…..a beautiful woman with long, dark hair fanning underneath her head. Your sleep addled brain took much longer than usual to process who it was.
A name drifted into your head. Hinasturu… SHIT you realized belatedly realized, Thats Uzui's wife…. But then you took a little more time to think and wondered, Why am I in bed with Uzui's wife…….You looked around you some more and realized that the rest of his wives were laying around you as well.
You pushed yourself up, careful to not wake anyone. You sat up and looked around you some more. The current blocked most of the windows, but by the sunlight seeping through it was most likely around noon. You looked under you, seeing if you were actually laying on someone, or if your lethargic brain was making things up again.
You looked under you and …..oh. Oh shit. That was Uzui. Uzui Tengen, the Hashira. And….oh fucking god he was in just his boxers. Your face blushed a bright red and you nearly jumped out of the bed from the shock. What did I do last night?
You slowly opened the door and sat in a poufy chair you found in the other room. You nearly stumbled as you got up, but just passed it off as being tired. You sank into the cushions and thought as hard as you possibly could back to last night.The memories came rushing back. Suma, inviting you to dinner with her, Makio, Hinasturu, and Uzui. Accepting her invitation becuase you may or may not have feelings for them. Uzui cracking jokes and bringing out drinks for you three. Drunkenly confessing your love to them under the starlight. Light kisses, that soon turned into deeper and more passionate ones, lips on your cheek, your neck, your-
A voice interrupted your flashbacks. "Aw, is somthing troubling my wonderfully flashy husband?"
You flinch at the voice. "W-what…..no…."
You sighed, "wait husband?!?" you twisted around in the chair to look at Uzui.
"Do you not remember that? You pulled out matching rings for me and my wives and proposed. While yes, you were drunk, the fact that you just happened to have those four rings is very unlikely. Those rings are brilliant though, perfect for me and my flashy family." You looked down and saw one of your hands had a ring on it. The same rings you remember shoving in your pockets before dinner with Uzui, "just in case".
You slowly get up, almost falling and your unsteady legs, but Uzui, no, your husband, caught you and held you upright. You held his face in your hands and gently kissed him. Uzui seemed suprised at first, but then melted into the kiss.
Loud voices interrupted your intimate moment with your husband. Suma ran to hide behind you and Tengen and then whispered, "Help! Makio can't find her favorite shirt! She'll tear the whole house down!" You smiled and put your hand over Suma's, gently rubbing your thumb over her palm reassuringly.
You might now have a husband and three wives, but it was all the same as it was. Suma cowering behind Tengen, who's trying to calm Makio down, and Hinasturu, attempt to find her shirt before the house is destroyed. You could not have wished for a better family to spend your life with, and all was right with the world.
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bhaalspawn300 · 3 years
White silence
crawling into Uzui Tengen's lap after a hard day, Hiding your face in the crook of his neck taking in his scent while he rubs your back in a comforting manor as your wives all wrap their arms around creating a space of pure love and warmth.
"Healing takes time my love, we can all see that your doing your best and that's perfect"
feeling Tengen life your face out of his neck slowly wiping the small tears falling he brings your face close to his
"we are all proud of you, our flashy little demon slayer"
feeling him place a kiss on your forehead you turn to look around at your other partners who are all looking at you with small smiles
"you don't need to be strong here" Makio speaks up first gently stroking your face before Suma buts in
"We can look after you here! you help so many so let us help you!"
feeling Hinasturu place her soft hand on your shoulder you turn to face her looking at her gentle eyes
"we love you very much M/N, Let us support you the way you support everyone else"
feeling your eyes brim up with more tears you couldn't help but smile at your partners and look at them as your heart swell with pure and genuine love, you were safe with them.
no more fearing or questioning about their love because now you can see that they mean it, their love is real and for once the insecurities that usually eat away at you are now gone thanks to the four most loving partners anyone could ask for, all the negative emotions fade away into white silence.
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aleminevalin07 · 4 years
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𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕪 (A Muichiro x OC Fanfic) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/L54ihUe6Fbb A Muichiro x OC book I made with someone else! She most likely has the description though.... Kimetsu No Yaiba Belongs to Koyoharu Gotouge and I guess Ufotable
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violetshideout · 3 years
Hashira as Uppermoons AU + Kanao and Genya things I can’t stop thinking about
- I feel like Sanemi would have became a demon in order to protect Genya so when he finally saw Genya for the first time in a long time he was surprised to see him as a demon slayer.
- Genya became a demon slayer to find his brother not know Sanemi became a demon. When he saw his older brother as a demon for the first time he just fainted.
- Rengoku became a demon to “oppose his fathers shitty legacy”. However once he became one he thought of Senjuro and immediately felt a shitload of guilt.
- Senjuro has no idea what happened to his older brother. No one told him what Kyojuro had become.
- Sanemi became a demon before becoming a hashira. He never thought he’d become one but he was promised he’d be able to protect his younger brother so he accepted immediately.
(For this AU we’re just gonna say Sanemi is definitely hurt by how Genya verbally berated him but still wanted to protect Genya)
- Mitsuri became a demon after her engagement was broken off. She now seduces demon slayers then rips out their heart.
- Iguro is fascinated by the way Mitsuri kills demon slayers.
- Uzui became a demon shortly after marrying his wives so he’d be able to protect them cause he only cared for them and them alone. Only Hinasturu stayed (IM SORRY MAKIO AND SUMA 😭)
- Hinasturu became a demon as well now shares the title of uppermoon 2 (I’ll explain the rankings at the end)
- Himejima does not under any circumstance kill children. No one really knows why he became a demon.
- Giyuu felt way too weak so when he wished he was stronger out loud near Muzan himself his wish came true.
- Iguro has been a demon since he was a child. He morphed his body to be older because he met Mitsuri. Of course she doesn’t know that.
- Sanemi tries to convince Genya to leave the demon slayers cause he doesn’t trust that he’s safe there. Eventually Genya “dies” and stays with Sanemi.
- Tanjiro was devastated by Genyas death until he saw him again for the first time in months with a demon. Not just any demon but uppermoon 3.
- Genya was basically forced to become a demon shortly after staying with Sanemi because he would have been killed by another demon or even Muzan himself. Sanemi didn’t like it either.
- Uzui and Hinasturu like Daki and Gyutaro need both heads to be cut off in order to die. However they never see Hinasturu so if you’re strong enough to get Uzui’s head cut off then you’re out of luck cause he would die.
- Muichiro despises anyone who has a sibling whose still alive. He even tried to kill Genya when he found out he existed. Sanemi immediately stopped him.
- Muichiro will kill those without siblings out of pity of not having one and will kill those who do with pure rage. Why? Because Yuichiro.
- Shinobu thought Kanae died but in reality she became a demon. When Shinobu saw her again she begged to become a demon as well. She did.
- Sanemi doesn’t let Genya leave his side no matter what. When another uppermoon visits is the only time he has to leave his side. This is all because last time Muichiro tried to endgame him.
- Kanroji still adores all the other moons. Specifically Iguro though.
- Kanroji once saw Genya when he was nearby Sanemi and thought it was adorable that Sanemi was protecting his younger sibling.
- Kanae works with Shinobu. When demon slayers fail to see either of them they go for the kill. Normally it’s Kanae not being seen.
- Kanao saw Shinobu and Kanae and basically broke down crying. Against their instincts they comforted her. She was offered to become a demon and accepted.
- Kanao and Genya work together sometimes if their siblings let them. However after seeing Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zenitsu while teaming (at a safe distance from Shinobu, Kanae, and Sanemi ofc) they weren’t allowed to every again.
- Tanjiro of course was mostly surprise and hurt my Kanao being a demon because he likes her.
- when Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke saw Kanao and Genya they froze in place. Seeing them as demons after being pronounced “dead” was a BIG shocker. Did Inosuke try to cut off their heads? Yes. Did he get stopped by an angry Sanemi and Shinobu? Yes.
- Kanao and Shinobu were able to give Muzan the information on the Blue Spider Lily that they had. Did he eventually get a human to get it for him? Yes. Did it take a long time? Yes.
- Rengoku never even knew Uzui had shared his title with someone. Uzui played a prank on him with that knowledge and now he won’t be able to forget.
- Uzui saw Makio and Suma again years after becoming a demon. They thought he killed Hinasturu but she got defensive once he was accused of eating her. She showed herself and then endgamed them.
- Muichiro presents himself as a young kid so whenever Himejima sees him he protects him like he does with other kids. Muichiro doesn’t mind.
Upper moon 1 - Himejima Gyomei
Upper moon 2 - Uzui Tengen and Hinasturu
Upper moon 3 - Shinazugawa Sanemi
Upper moon 4 - Rengoku Kyojuro
Upper moon 5 - Tomioka Giyuu
Upper moon 6 - Kocho Kanae
Lower moon 1 - Kanroji Mitsuri
Lower moon 2 - Tokitou Muichiro
Lower moon 3 - Iguro Obanai
Lower moon 4 - Kocho Shinobu
Lower moon 5 - Tsuyuri Kanao
Lower moon 6 - Shinazugawa Genya
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petitelepus · 11 months
Big Blind Love, Part 7
Teacher!Gyomei Himejima X Fem!Reader
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Summary: The Teachers' Meeting is on and you all enjoy some drinks and your share how you first fell in love with Gyomei.
Warnings: Drinking
A/N: Modern!AU, Kimetsu Academy, Female Reader, Student Reader, Gyomei Himejima, Teacher Gyomei Himejima, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Kyojuro Rengoku, Shinobu Kocho, Kanae Kocho, Tengen Uzui, Makio Uzui, Suma Uzui, Hinatsuru Uzui
The night was on. As soon as Gyomei and you had joined the others the people started ordering food and drinks. Gyomei took his usual huge beer mug, but you were so new to drinking that you had to ask for help.
Luckily the waitress suggested hard lemonade for you since you hadn't drunk before that night. Gyomei was a little afraid you wouldn't be able to enjoy the teachers' meeting, but so far you seemed happy that you had accepted the invite.
You were still a little shy around the blind man's colleagues, but you were slowly opening up to them the more hard lemonade you consumed. Most common you seemed to have were Tengen's wives Hinasturu, Makio, and Suma as you happily talked with them.
"So…?" Makio grinned as she sipped her sake, "How did you fall for Gyomei?"
"Makio, you can't just ask that!" Hinatsuru said in worry, but you just smiled, completely unaware that the huge man was actually listening to you carefully.
"Well… I was about 16 and new to the school. I got lost so badly and by the time I found my classroom, the classes had already started and I was too shy to go inside anymore…"
"Aww, so you were a shy kid?" Makio asked and you nodded, "Very. I couldn't help myself, I actually locked myself in the unisex toilet and I cried there because I was late on my first day in school."
"That is so sad!" Suma cried out and you took a sip of your drink, "That was when I heard the most gorgeous and kindest voice ask from the other side of the door why I was crying. You can probably guess who it was?"
"Gasp!" The three wives gasped together, "Gyomei?"
"Uh hu!" You nodded happily.
Huh, Gyomei was actually able to recall that. He was on his way to class when he heard someone sobbing in the toilets. He had stopped by to talk and after he had managed to talk you to come out of the toilet, he had taken you to the teachers' lounge where he gave you some mochi he had so you would cheer up a little.
You explained the very same story to the three wives and you smiled happily, "He was so kind to me, I couldn't help but to fall for him…"
"T- that is so beautiful…!" Poor Suma sobbed, as tears ran down her face and you chuckled, "Thank you. After that, I was too shy to actually talk or confess my feelings because I didn't want him to end up in trouble because of me and my silly feelings. So I waited 2 years until I turned into an adult before I finally confessed."
"You are a very thoughtful and patient young lady," Hinatsuru said with a genuinely kind smile and her compliment made you blush.
At the same time, Gyomei couldn't agree more with her words. You had shown that you were extremely thoughtful when baking for example, or when you didn't want to taint the teacher's reputation.
"Oi, Gyomei, you're crying again." Sanemi pointed out and the huge man blinked as he felt tears run down his cheeks.
"Pardon me, I just thought about something beautiful…" He apologized and that was when he felt you staring at him, "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, everything is good. Perfect in fact." He nodded as he lifted his mug but he stopped before he could take a sip and looked at you, "My beloved, would you like to taste my beer?"
"May I?"
"Of course."
"Okay," You nodded as you accepted the huge mug but before you took a sip, you sniffed it and you didn't like what you were smelling, "Stinks…"
Maybe it tasted better than it smelled? You tipped the mug and took a tiny sip before putting the pint down and coughing, "Yeah, no, not for me!"
"Ha ha, your woman is cute Gyomei!" Tengen laughed from his place before taking a long sip of his own beer.
"Oi, Tengen, are you saying we aren't cute anymore?" Makio asked and the flashy art teacher laughed, "No way, I love you three the most!"
"Tengen dear, you're so kind!" Suma cried out, and the man chuckled, "I have you three to thank for it!"
Gyomei listened carefully to how his friend talked to his wives and he briefly wondered if he should try the same with you. You were officially a couple now, and being honest to each other was important.
"Hey…" You murmured cutely as you gently pinched and tugged the huge man's shirt's sleeve to gain his attention.
"Yes, my beloved lady?" He asked and you smiled as you grabbed his hand, much to his confusion, and kissed his knuckles before you pressed the tips of his fingers against your upwards-curved lips.
"I just wanted to show you how happy I am. I'm having a blast here, everyone is so kind to me!" You confessed and Gyomei was almost taken aback by your cuteness. He actually started crying again before he could even think of a proper reply to you.
"Dear, you are crying!" You laughed as you leaned against the large man's side and reached to wipe away his tears. Gyomei nodded, "Thank you, my beloved-!"
Wait, you called him dear? Oh no, there came the fresh set of tears!
"Gyomei, dear, are you happy or sad?" You asked with a hint of worry in your voice and the man nodded, "I'm overtaken by joy…!"
"Oh, thank God," You sighed like a huge weight was lifted from your shoulders, "Those are happy tears. I was afraid that I've already made you sad and we have only been a couple less than a day."
"I can already tell, you could never upset me." He replied and you awed, "You're honestly the sweetest. I'm so happy I fell for you."
If this kept going on Gyomei was sure he would never stop crying. So he grabbed his beer mug and took a swing and you copied him with your glass of hard lemonade.
Time passed as you guys enjoyed each others' company, beverages, and good food. You all wondered what you would do on your vacations but when the same question was given to you, you were already feeling pretty tipsy and drowsy.
"I, uh… I'm not sure?" You had already drank pretty many bottles of hard lemonade and eaten one or two small bowls of tempura. Pretty much for a first-timer like you. It was a wonder that you were still awake.
"My beloved, how are you feeling?" Gyomei asked as he gently touched and stabilized your swaying body. You hummed thoughtfully, "I think I've had enough…?"
"A wise decision." The blind man nodded before he turned to address his friends and colleagues, "I hope you don't mind if we take our leave?"
"Go ahead, we might still head to a bar after this." Sanemi chuckled as the whole group dug out their wallets, ready to pay their part of the night of fun time.
"Talk about yourself!" Tengen laughed as all three wives of his clung to him like he was their lifeline in a stormy ocean. You weakly reached for your purse, but Gyomei sensed this and stopped you, "I'm paying."
"Noo…" You protested, but you weren't that assuring in your intoxicated state, and before you knew what happened, Gyomei had already paid for your drinks as well as his own.
"Alright, my beloved, time for us to go home." He said as he kneeled and picked you into his arms in bridal style like you weighed nothing at all. After bidding his friends good night, he turned and started to carry you towards home.
"I'll…" You mumbled sleepily, "I pay you back…"
"Little one, I think you may have enjoyed a little too much…" Your partner thought out loud as he carried you in his arms.
"Yeah… I did…" You nodded as you nuzzled Gyomei's broad chest, "But it was worth it though…"
"Why, if I may ask?"
"Because I’ve never felt this warm or safe before…" You sighed happily and Gyomei was taken aback by your confession.
"Little one, I-!" He was about to say, but then he felt your breathing even out and he realized that you had fallen asleep in his arms. Gyomei weighed you in his arms and thought that the best thing to do was to take you home…
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petitelepus · 7 months
Old Friends, New Lovers? Part 3
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Summary: The weekend is over and it's time to return to work at the Academy. Though, you and Haganezuka have decided to make a big move on your fresh relationship.
Warnings: Cursing, Kissing, Suggestive
A/N: Modern!AU, Female Reader, Teacher Reader, Teacher Haganezuka, Tengen Uzui, Kyojuro Rengoku, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Hinasturu Uzui, Makio Uzui, Suma Uzui, Mitsuri Kanroji
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5 - PART 6
The weekend passed and you and Haganezuka returned to work on Monday after fucking like rabbits for the last two days. The two of you acted like nothing was different, but your colleagues and friends could tell something was off.
"Did you guys fuck?" Tengen straight up blurted and you frowned and blushed as you looked aside, "It's none of your business…"
"Yes." Haganezuka said and you looked at him in shock and horror, "Haganezuka!"
"I knew it!" Tengen laughed as he looked at Sanemi, "Pay up!"
Sanemi growled as he dug out his wallet and you looked at your colleagues in shock, "Wait, you bet on us?!"
"Haganezuka said he would take you home so we agreed on a little bet." The art teacher chuckled as he pocketed the money Sanemi gave him. You frowned as you turned to glare at your lover but he was paying no attention, his focus on paperwork before him.
"Haga-!" You were saying when the bell rang, signaling that the school day was starting. You growled as you got up and left, your class no doubt waiting for you already.
The morning passed as you taught your class until lunch hour when you visited the school's canteen and bought yourself something to eat. As you paid, you noticed three sets of eyes looking at you. Tengen's wives and your friends. You raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner, "What, is there something on my face?"
"Just a happy smile." Hinasturu chuckled and you blushed as you frowned stubbornly, "Shut up…"
"So?" Suma smiled and you glanced at him, "So?"
"Are you and Haganezuka now a thing?" Makio asked and you sighed. You knew rumors would spread, but you didn't expect them to move this quickly.
"More or less…" You admitted and the three women smiled happily, "Congratulations!"
"Thanks…" You blushed a little in embarrassment.
"Now that you guys are finally together, are you guys going to move in together?" Suma asked and your blush didn't go anywhere. You frowned as you remembered the talk you had with Haganezuka the last day. Slowly, you nodded, "Yes…"
"Great! Unlike those other guys you saw, the two of you make a good couple!" Makio nodded and you felt your blush grow worse as you tried to control it, "Thanks…?"
"How did your landlords feel about it?" Hinatsuru asked and you nodded as you recalled your and his phone calls to your own landlords.
"Haganezuka talked with his landlord and she was okay with me moving in with him. Mine was a little sad to see me leave but he promised not to charge me rent for the rest of the month." You replied and the wives shared glances as they registered your words.
"Wait, so when are you moving?" Makio asked and you felt embarrassment wash over you as you whispered, "This weekend."
"So soon?!"
"Haganezuka was stubborn about it." You nodded with a small stubborn blush on your cheeks, "And I didn't really have anything against it…"
The wives shared knowing smiles with each other and then looked at you.
"Do you guys need some help with moving your stuff?" Hinatsuru asked and you blinked in shock as you looked at the three women, "Y- You would help me?"
"Of course! We are friends, right?" Suma nodded and Makio added, "Tengen and other teachers will also help!"
"T- Thank you…!" You were really speechless. You knew you had friends, but you didn't know they were that good. You and the women quickly shared some information about the time and place and when you would need their help. Once you were done talking, you thanked your friends before rushing to the teacher's office to eat your lunch.
You weren't surprised to see other teachers in there eating their own lunches as they usually would. You sat by your desk and opened your lunch box, but before you could take a bite, Kyojuro rushed to you, "Young lady, I wasn't able to say it this morning but congratulations!"
"Thank you?" You thanked, "But why?"
"Why, you and Haganezuka are a couple now and moving in together!" The cheerful teacher said and you turned to glare at your lover across the room, but the masked man completely ignored your glare.
You growled in annoyance, but you quickly took a couple of calming breaths and smiled at Kyojuro, "Thank you. It's going to take a second to get used to."
"Speaking of that, do you need help with moving?"
"Funny that you asked because Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma just asked the same thing." You replied and the art teacher heard his name being mentioned and glanced at you guys, "What was that?"
"Your wives offered to help me with moving." You replied, "They also said you guys would help."
"If my wives went and said so then that's what we are going to do." Tengen laughed in a good manner and you were stunned how effortlessly he had agreed to help when his wives were mentioned.
"I can help also!" Kyojuro smiled and one by one other teachers started to offer their aid for you two. You were honestly stunned by how kind and helpful your colleagues were but of course they were. They were amazing people through and through.
The week passed and you would use the free time you had outside work to pack your stuff and get things sorted by Saturday when you were supposed to move from your small apartment to live with your lover.
You had already been in contact with the postal office about the change in your address and such so all the preparations were done.
Now you just had to get your stuff to Haganazeuka's place and return the key to your current and soon-to-be former apartment. The clock was quarter past twelve when you heard the doorbell ring and you rushed to open the door and you were greeted by your colleagues and friends.
"Hi there!" Tengen was first to greet you with his wives by his side, "We are here to help you move!"
"Thank you so much, you guys!" You smiled as you stepped aside to let them into your apartment, "Everything is sorted in cardboard boxes and labeled."
"Great, that will make our work easier," Sanemi grunted as he grabbed the first box he saw, and one by one your friends grabbed boxes also. Kyojuro looked around your vacant apartment, "Where are your couch, bed, and other stuff?"
"Oh, I sold them. Haganezuka said he has everything I might need." You replied as you bent down to pick the first box full of books, "By the way, where is that man?"
"Here," You turned and saw your lover step inside, dead last. You looked at him and pouted, "You're late. Where were you?"
"Just signed some last papers with the landlord. I came here as soon as I could." He replied as he grabbed a box from the pile and you huffed as all of you started to carry stuff downstairs. You were really, no, extremely grateful for your friends and colleagues helping you because you didn't own a car, and renting a moving van would have been very pricey.
Thanks to Tengen's and others' cars you were actually able to take all your stuff to Haganezuka's place in one go. As you carried the last box from your apartment, you left the key inside with a small note where you thanked your landlord for the good years, and just like that, you moved out.
You were actually surprised at how much space Haganezuka had prepared for your stuff. You had your own closet for your clothes and an empty bookshelf just for your stuff. Though, you didn't recognize that bookshelf. While your friends carried boxes inside, you turned to your lover's side.
"Hotaru, is this a new bookshelf?"
"Yes?" He grunted and you pointed at the shelf, "When did you get it? It wasn't here yesterday when I came to sign some papers?"
"Does it matter?"
"Wait…" You gasped quietly, "Were you late because you were putting this together for me?"
"Does it matter?" He repeated, but you noticed how he wasn't looking in your direction, and you realized that he was no doubt embarrassed by being caught for being thoughtful. You smiled a little as you put the box in your hands and hugged him from behind.
"Oi, let go," Haganezuka grunted and you hummed as you pressed your cheek against his back, "You're such a stubborn man, you know that?"
"Do you hate it?" He asked and you shook your head against his back, "Nope. Not at all."
The two of you stayed like that for a second and you fully enjoyed that second-!
"Hey you guys, if you're not too busy cuddling then there are still a couple of boxes left!" Sanemi shouted and you let go of Haganezuka who quickly rushed to head out and downstairs to pick up the boxes, "Leave them to me."
"Hold on, I'm coming also!" You quickly rushed after him and sure enough, there were only two boxes left of your stuff. You and your lover each grabbed one and you thanked your friends for all their help and waved as they left.
You and Haganezuka carried the last boxes inside and shut the door behind you, leaving you two alone. You huffed as you placed the box down and looked around, seeing nothing but boxes full of your stuff.
"This is going to take a minute to solve." You thought out loud.
"Then we better get started…" Haganezuka grumbled as he took off his mask, grabbed a knife from the kitchen, and started to cut the tapes that kept the boxes shut.
You followed his example and the two of you started to unbox your stuff, starting from your books and such. You couldn't help but admire the shelf that Haganezuka had put together for you, secretly loving the sweet gesture from him as you slowly filled the said shelf with your books.
"Why the fuck do you have so many pillows?!" Haganezuka asked as he opened another box that was filled with pillows. You glanced at him over your shoulder as you replied, "Why not? I like pillows."
"Why the fuck this one is long?" He asked as he pulled out a huge pillow that filled one whole box itself.
"It's my body pillow." You said and he squinted his eyes at you, "What's that?"
"I hug it when I sleep." You replied and the man turned to glare at the pillow before he stuffed it back into the box and threw it over his shoulder.
"Hey!" You cried out, "What was that for?!"
"You don't need it anymore when you have me," He stated stubbornly, and you frowned, but you couldn't help the small blush that rose to your cheeks. You had him now.
The two of you worked hard to unload your stuff and finally, after hours of working together, the two of you were done, but boy, you two were tired as heck. The two of you collapsed on the couch and sighed deeply. Time passed and it was already dinner time, but the two of you were too lazy to make anything.
"I don't feel like cooking…" You groaned, "Let's order something."
Haganezuka grunted, "What do you want?"
"Pizza. Lots of pizza."
"I'll call Kanamori's place." Your lover reached for the phone and you quickly added, "And Cola! Order some Cola also!"
"Yeah yeah," He nodded as he looked at you, "What kind of pizza do you want?"
You told him your favorite pizza toppings and the man nodded as he dialed the familiar phone number and raised the phone to his ear.
"Kanamori? It's me. I wanna order. Yes, home delivery. Yes, same address." Haganezuka nodded as he talked with his best friend and you hummed as you looked at the empty boxes you would have to recycle.
"Hey, what did you say your toppings were again?" He suddenly asked and you repeated yourself and he repeated them to Kanamori on the other side of the phone.
"Okay, yes, you know my usual. Yes. I'll pay. Yes yes, see you soon." Haganezuka put his phone down and you raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Is Kanamori himself delivering the pizza?"
"No, he has this girl Kanjori deliver them." He replied and you blinked, "Mitsuri Kanjori? The sweet pink-haired girl we used to teach?"
"Same one." He nodded and you sighed, "We are getting old."
"Bullshit," Haganezuka grunted as he looked at you sitting there next to him, "You're still the prettiest woman I know."
You blushed and you averted your gaze from him, suddenly too shy to look at him properly since you knew that he wasn't a liar, no matter what.
"There isn't a man as handsome as you." You said back at him and he nodded, but you weren't done, "Or secretly as sweet as you."
That made Haganezuka growl silently and look aside as a soft blush rose to his cheeks. You grinned when you noticed him blush and suddenly you felt like teasing him.
"You're the cutest and sweetest man I know and I love you so much!" You laughed as you hugged his back and he growled, "Get off woman!"
"Make me!" You cackled and Haganezuka growled as he grabbed your hands that were wrapped around him and you yelped as he got up and took you with him.
"Hotaru!" You yelped as he easily carried you to your new shared bedroom and the man had the guts to throw you on the huge bed of his! You bounced on the soft bed and Haganezuka didn't waste time as he crawled on top of you and pinned you against the mattress.
"Who is laughing now?" He asked and you blinked, stunned by how close his face was to your own. You tried to keep eye contact but the intense look in his eyes made you weak.
"Stupid woman…!"
"Hey-!" You were cut off when he pressed his lips against yours and kissed you. Your eyes widened in shock, but you quickly regained your senses and you let them close as you kissed him back.
Slowly the kiss turned more and more feral and lustful, your mouths opening and tongues dancing with each other. The kiss left you breathless and you gasped for air when Haganezuka pulled apart, but he didn't stop there. No, he kissed the crook of your neck, bit and sucked it, making you moan and-!
Suddenly the doorbell rang and you froze. Your dinner arrived but Haganezuka didn't show any signs of stopping.
"H- Hotaru, food is here!" You gasped and he growled as he bit harder into your neck, "Ignore it…!"
The doorbell rang again and you groaned as you tried to push your lover off but he was way stronger than you were.
"Hotaru, I'm hungry, can't we-!?"
"So am I…!"
No, you doubted that you were talking about the same hunger here now. You saw no other way, you raised your hands and let your fingers grace and flick over his sides.
The reaction was instant as Haganezuka burst out laughing and you couldn't help but giggle yourself as he fell limp on the side and you were freed.
"Take that," You giggled as you got up and grabbed your wallet on your way to the front door. You opened the door and saw the young pretty woman holding two huge pizza boxes.
"Mitsuri!" You smiled and the young woman smiled right back at you.
"Miss!" She said and you nodded happily, "Yes yes, how are you? Still studying?"
"Yep!" She nodded back, before offering you pizzas and the bottle of Cola. You reached for your wallet when she suddenly asked, "What's that mark on your neck?"
You blinked, confused but then you realized that Haganezuka must have left a mark on you.
"Ah, I think a bug maybe bit me!" You laughed as you took out the money and handed her the bills and a little extra, "You can keep the rest as a tip!"
"Thank you! Hopefully, we can see again soon!" The young woman smiled cheerfully as she pocketed the money and waved as she left, her next order already waiting for her. You smiled as you closed the door and strong arms wrapped around you.
"That was a nasty trick," Haganezuka said and you carefully jabbed him with your elbow, "Pizza is here."
"I can see that."
"Good, then let's go and eat." You said right back at him and the man groaned as he let go and the two of you went to eat, already making plans for the next day such as taking out the trash and doing grocery shopping.
You were a little nervous but way more excited to see where time would take you two.
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reticent-writer · 2 years
So I really loved your fics with the sibling/ father figure. But may I request the hashira's father figure (also a demon slayer) coming to their rescue? Like jumping in the middle of a difficult fight, screaming "Not my kid you". Thank you 💓
No, thank you for the request and for liking the other ones.
*Manga Spoilers*
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During the final battle you took almost every hit for giyuu much to his dismay.
"Your hurt enough as it giyuu. I'm not losing my son."
He stood in place for a second letting your words sink in.
"From the way you look your gonna die before me, old man." He said running past you and towards muzan.
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You and kanjiro were fight all night. The village that you were in was plagued with demons.
Coming to the 6th hour of fighting Mitsuri stopped, sensing no demons around her, so her could take a breath.
A weak demon saw this opportunity to sneak up on her, luckily for her you saved her.
Swiftly cutting off it's head. "Your not touching her... Not my daughter" You said with malice sending shivers down the withering demon spine.
"Stay alive Konroji. I know your tired but the sun will come up soon."
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Upper moon was a tough guy.
"GENYA!" You screamed running into the room as genya was sliced in half.
"I'll be fine. I promise." He tried but failed to calm your nerves. Sanemi stood over the both of you defensively.
Grabbing the bottom of his haroi making him look back at you.
"Please don't." You pleaded. As if you prayers were answered gyomei showed up (gyomei ex machina).
You couldn't bare to watch as Genya disenegrated
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You trailed Kyojuro on the Mugen train not just because trains were a new idea and you didn't entirely trust it but because you didn't feel right when you watched him leave.
You were right to be skeptical when you watched fight Akaza. You wanted to see him fight before butting in but when you saw Kyo slowing down.
Akaza was going for the killing blow when you blocked him with your sword.
"NOT MY SON!" You yelled getting in between them and cutting Akaza's arm. Akaza jumped back seeing that the sun was coming up. You watched as he ran while Rengoku kept his eyes on you.
He had never seen you yell and the fact that you called him a son he felt honored.
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When Kanae died you were there. As she was saying her dying words you were fighting doma trying to keep him away from the children.
"You took one away from me. I'm not letting you take another." You chocked on your tears when you spoke but doma just laughed.
"Your a strong one, I'll grant you mercy this once. I can't stand to see a grown man cry." He said laughing. You blinked and he was gone.
You couldn't bring your self to go back to shinobu and Kanae, and instead you kneeled to the ground crying at the lost.
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He forgets that you even there until he sees you take a hit for him.
"I know what you told me but I can't stand by and watch you get hurt, son."
"What did I say" Tokito asked. His memory was almost laughable.
"Uh... Nothing just focus on the fight for now."
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You accompanied Tengen to the red light district. When Daki was found out you were helping people evacuate before you even knew there was a second demon. Soon everything turned into Caos. When you got you where the main fight was happening you saw Hinasturu on a roof.
"Mr. Y/n its lord Tengen." She worriedly pointed to a seemingly dead and missing and arm Tengen.
"UZUI!" You jumped off the roof and ran down to him dodging all the attacks that came.
You first looked at his arm, the bleeding has stopped. Then you looked at his chest, he was still breathing.
"Go away." He muttered. Then you caught on, he was pretending.
Gyotaro was talking to tanjiro when you came up behind him.
"What did you do to my son." You asked with no particular tone.
When gyotaro turned to look at you tanjiro took the time to strike and so did you.
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Obanai doesn't give you a chance to help. Once you do (if you get past him) he pushes you to the side and scolds you like your the child.
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bhaalspawn300 · 3 years
Simple man
Uzui Tengen x Male Reader x Makio x Suma X Hinasturu
Summary-M/N is a man who enjoys the simple things in life but sometimes when having the four flashiest partners known to man life may not always be as simple but he can't help but fall in love with them even more day after day.
Notes- I hope this was worth the Wait! ^3^
Sometimes the simple things in life make all the hardships thrown at you all worth it, The feeling of warmth beaming from the sun hitting your skin in the morning, the first bite of breakfast, the feeling of a the wind hitting on a warm summers days these were all the things that made it worth waking up every morning for M/N, all the small experiences to share with his panthers which made his heart feel full of love.
slowly opening his eyes after a full nights rest with his head resting on his loving husbands chest with the feeling of small arms which can easily be identify as Suma's wrapped around his torso, M/N smiled to himself slowly trying to slip away from his partners to make his way to start preparing breakfast, just as he reached for the door thinking he was successful he was stopped with the groggy voice of his husband
"and where do you think your sneaking to?"
jumping out his skin at the sudden voice M/N turned round to meet Tengens eyes and sly smirk
"apologises lord Tengen, I just wanted to start preparing breakfast so my loves could all rest a little longer"
letting out a small chuckle before slowly sitting up in their shared bed Tegen rests his back against the headboard while still laying his arms out and around their other 3 partners
"but you know how much we love to help you cook my love, It would be unfair to let you do all the work"
letting a sign of content M/N made his way over to Tengen placing his two hands on each one of Tengens thigh
"let me take care of my loves, you were all out fighting to protect not only me but others, you all need your rest, After breakfast we can all spend the day together but right now let me show you how much I love through my cooking"
"hm alright but you can explain it to our wives when the wake up, you take on too much of the tasks around here its not fair"
giving a small laugh M/N brings his face Closer to Tengen
"I promise"
Placing a small kiss on Tengens lips M/N makes his way towards the door
"Rest, you all deserve it"
before leaving M/N stares at the scene before him with the look of utter love and adore for his partners.
A short while after that encounter M/N had began preparing a breakfast feast for his lovers varying from different fruits, Humming to himself as he added the final touches he didn't notice the sound of multiple feet making their way towards the dining area until he heard small snuffles and felt someone wrap their arms around his torso and place their face against his back
"you left us this morning, we missed you my love"
placing the bowl he had in his hand he turned around to see Suma crying into his back, using his pointer finger and Thumb to tilt her face up to make both their eyes meet
"I'm sorry my love, I just wanted all my beautiful parthners to rest up and wake up to a well deserved feast I do hope you forgive me"
placing a kiss on her head he could tell that her crying had ceased and he was forgiven
"next time wait for us all okay" Suma let out a small huff as she said this while looking up with her small puppy eyes
"I promise" Ruffing her hair before pushing her gentally towords her seat he made his way over to hug and greet Hinasturu
"good morning love, I hope you also rested well before you started this, you already take care of all of us enough as it is" while reaching up to place a kiss on M/N's cheek
Rubbing the back of his neck with a small shy smile across his face M/N letting out a chuckle
"I enjoy looking after you all, It makes me feel like I'm doing something useful while you are all out fighting Demons and protecting everyone like me"
Feeling a sudden sharp pain as someone is pulling on his ear M/N begins to hiss in pain
"oi oi oi! none of that! we love you because your our soulmate not because your useful, of it werent for you we wouldn't be where we are today in a house full of so much love and comfort so no more of that kind of talk from you ya hear?!"
still hissing M/N feels the sudden realse of his ear for Makio's grip
"ow ow ow I'm sorry!" Turning round to face Makio M/N looked to her with his own puppy dog eyes
"You wounded me! I don't know how I will go on!"
Letting out a chuckle as she placed a small kiss on his hurt ear and his cheek Makio let out a small tch before moving towards her seat mumbling to her self about M/N being as dramatic as Tengen.
Tengen was the last to arrive to the dining area as began to move to where everyone else was sitting as M/N brought over the last of the plates needed and placed them in front of everyone, When he made it to tengen's plate he placed it Infront of him while also kissing his forehead while taking the seat in-between him and Makio
"good morning sleepy head, I guess you couldn't fight the urge to fall back asleep"
letting out a deep chuckle Tegen, Along with the rest of his partners began to tuck straight into the spread that had been placed on the table
"I couldn't although I think I speak for everyone here when I say we all missed you and wish you could spend longer in bed with us" Tegnen, Suma, Makio and Hinasturu all looked to M/N with small pouts while still managing to stuff their faces with the spread, the scene made M/N heart swell as he let out a laugh
"As much as I wanted to stay I couldn't let all my partners go hungry in the morning"
Breakfast continued with easy conversation of their recent mission and talks of life after retirement from slaying demons. Sitting back listening to the conversation that was easily flowing between them M/N just looked around the table thinking of how he managed to get so lucky with amazing partners that surrounded him, He felt at home with them.
No, They were his home.
Being snapped out of his thoughts with the feeling of large roughed hands touching his face softly as if he were fine porcelain that would be easily smashed with any type of impact
"What is going on in that little head of yours my love?"
Closing his eyes letting out a small sigh as he leaned into Tengens hand he placed a small kiss to Tengens palm before nuzzling his head against his palm again
"Just how much I love you all and how I missed you during your recent mission"
That was partly the truth, M/N did miss them all but he also couldn't stop thinking about how much he just loves being in his partners presence, how much he just was so happy to be apart of this marriage.
He was just happy to be able to experience all the simply things in life with the flashiest partners known to man, the love they all felt for each other could only be described as Flamboyant, Flamboyant love which made everyday a adventure but as long as M/N was with them then he didn't mind, they all made a vow to each other to love and to hold,
in sickness and in health
and to Death to us part
forever and always and oh how it always made M/N heart skip a beat, to be able to cherish all the small and simple things along side the flashy and extreme from now and until the end with the people he loves.
He was theirs and they were his,
for now till forever.
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bhaalspawn300 · 3 years
Somewhere only we know
Tengen Uzui x Male reader x Makio x Suma x Hinatsuru
decided to finally do a full version while also changing it a little,,,
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"you know, it's not very flamboyant of you to be sitting out here all alone when you have great company waiting for you inside"
feeling a firm hand being placed on his shoulder M/N lets out a deflating sign while leaning into the hands touch while reaching out to bring the hand up to his face to lean into the owners touch
"careful you may bruise my ego with those harsh words Lord Tengen"
the flashy Hashira let out a warm chuckle while taking a sit next to M/L, placing his hand in his lap holding it closely as if any moment M/L would disappear
"always quick with a smart reply aren't you my love, no wonder you were able to steal not only my heart but the hearts of out lovely wives"
reaching out his free hand to place a piece of white strand behind Tengens ear M/L lets out a small giggle before leaning his face close to Tengen
"aaand there goes my ego being restored to full compacity" biting his lip as he begins to lean in planting a small kiss on Tengens cheek, As Tengen begins to lean in to repay the favour he is stopped by the shouting from their other partners
"so this is where you two ran off too!' looking past Tengen M/L is greeted with the sight of a fuming Makio as a crying Suma being comforted by Hinatsru who is just amused of the scene playing out Infront of her,
"my apologise ladies! I had only meant to come out for some air and Lord tengen decided to follow like lost puppy" letting out a laugh along with his parthers M/N leans his head on Tengens shoulder while beckoning his wivies to come join them both on the grass.
"its so peaceful out here so we cant blame you two for taking the oppertunity to bathe in the warmth" Hinasturu let out a sigh of content before picking a flower from the grass and placing it in M/N' hair
"there now you've surpassed Lord Tengen in Flashyness!" cheered while slapping the wind Hashira's shoulder as he began to protest against her previous statement as Suma sat beginning to gush about all her partners beauty
As he watches all his partners playfully bicker M/N looks at them all with pure love and admiration as through all the people in front of him we was able to see his own self worth and learn how to let his walls crumble.
As hours passed the miniature clan of partners had thought best to lay on the grass staring at the mixture of colours in the sky while just soaking up each other company before they were all handed another mission, M/N reached his hand up to the sky to be able to feel the wind pass through his finger tips, as he held his eyes closed he suddenly felt the pressure of 4 other hands all placing them selves' on top of his, he opened his eyes to be met with all of his partners hands together. Tengen was the first to break the silence
"no matter what happens, where our paths may lead us I promise that i will protect you all with my life no matter what"
As everyone turned to look at Tengen with shock at his sudden declaration M/L let out a small chuckle at his Husband before looking back to the sky
"always one for dramatics Lord tengen, Forever holding the title of Flashiest lover"
as the rest of their parthners agree with the statment Suma sat up suddenly making the rest jump at how quick she had gotten up
used to suma's outburst everyone sat up to comfort her while Tengen reached over to wipe her tears away
"my apologises I didn't mean for it to come across in a way to hurt any of you"
While bringing Suma into his side providing her with comfort and reaching over to give Tengen a comforting hand on his arm M/n looked around to all his partners before opening his mouth to speak again "we're all a team, we protect each other no matter what"
after placing a kiss on each partners forehead M/N begins to help each partner up from the grass
"now we should probably head in before it gets any colder, It was be very unflamboyant for us to get sick"
as everyone agreed and started headlining in M/N stayed behind the group before turning back to the night sky above to take the in the sight of the moon before turning and following his partners back to their estate, Back to somewhere only they know.
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bhaalspawn300 · 3 years
Simple Man Teaser
Uzui Tengen x Male Reader x Makio x Suma X Hinasturu
M/N is a man who enjoys the simple things in life but sometimes when having the four flashiest parnthers known to man life may not always be as simple but he can't help but fall in love with them even more day after day.
Sometimes the simple things in life make all the hardships thrown at you all worth it, The feeling of warmth beaming from the sun hitting your skin in the morning, the first bite of breakfast, the feeling of a the wind hitting on a warm summers days these were all the things that made it worth waking up every morning for M/N, all the small experiences to share with his panthers which made his heart feel full of love.
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