#his anime is so obscure šŸ˜­
sinhasfluffyheadfur Ā· 11 months
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happy birthday to my beautiful son!!!!! you are so huggable my little junebug :]]]
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closeup + new song for his section of the playlist :3
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opikiquu Ā· 3 months
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(disappears for a month and reappears with a slightly obscure hyperfixation) Hey guys
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dalkyeom Ā· 1 year
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alyrasturnz Ā· 3 months
i've only been seeing taylor and matt reqs so can u make a "wish u were sober" conan gray fic for chris? and a face reveal if u must šŸ˜
WISH YOU WERE SOBER {{ chris sturniolo }}
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summary ā€” in a haze of intoxication, y/n gathered the courage to divulge her amorous feeling to chris. However, Chris, perceiving her proclamation as mere intoxicated rambling, dismissed her heartfelt confession, convinced that her words lacked genuine intent.
warnings :: mentions of alcohol
a/n ,, i literally just started writing on tumblr šŸ˜­ but i guess i could do a face reveal when i hit 100 followers? idk i dont really care
chris mutters under his breath, "this party is shit," his voice barely audible amidst the cacophony of forced laughter and clinking glasses.
the music thundered through the speakers, each beat resonating like a distant storm, while the kaleidoscope of lights assaulted his vision, rendering him momentarily blind.
chris' gaze averted to your figure, swaying rhythmically to the pulsating beat of the music, with a guy pressed intimately against your body.
chris rolls his eyes, sinking into the couch as he plops down, the cushions enveloping him like a weary traveler finding solace in a long-forgotten haven.
chrisā€™ eyes wandered around the room, eventually settling on matt, who was engaged in an animated conversation with a girl, their interaction punctuated by laughter and subtle gestures.
nick had just left the vicinity ten minutes ago, disappearing into an unknown room with a random guy, their departure shrouded in an air of mystery.
and you were entwined with a guy, downing multiple cups as if they were elixirs of oblivion.
thus, it was solely him who remained untouched by the revelry, an island of solitude amidst a sea of merriment.
"hey," a disembodied voice intoned, its origin obscured as it looked down upon him.
chris lifted his gaze to meet the girl who was addressing him. she was blonde, with makeup smeared across her face, and she wore a short dress that hinted at the night's revelries.
"hey," chris mumbled, his voice a hollow echo, devoid of any emotion.
the blonde settled beside him, crossing her legs with a fluid grace as she leaned into him, her presence a whisper of intimacy amidst the chaos.
"what's your name?" she smirked, her breath heavy with the pungent scent of alcohol.
chris closed his eyes tightly. "chris," he muttered, his voice barely a whisper.
"i'm natalie," she purred, her finger trailing a languid path across his chest, provoking a shiver that coursed through himā€”a shiver not of pleasure, but of a disquieting unease.
"alright, natalie!" chris said hastily, rising to his feet and looking down at her with a strained smile. "it's been... interesting, but i gotta bounce." he nodded awkwardly before turning on his heel and walking away, his steps quickening with each stride.
he made his way towards matt, who was still engrossed in conversation with a girl, their animated exchange punctuated by laughter and gestures.
"matt, can we ditch?" chris implored, his voice laced with a note of desperation.
matt regarded him with furrowed eyebrows, a look of irritation crossing his face. "no," he responded curtly, before taking hold of the girl's wrist and leading her away with a determined stride.
chris let out an audible groan, his frustration palpable, as he trudged towards the front door, pausing momentarily as if weighed down by an invisible burden.
a guy had a girl pressed firmly against the door, their tongues entwined in a fervent embrace, as chris grimaced, his discomfort evident.
chris shook his head in dismay, turning away and making his way to a nearby window, his steps aimless and his thoughts scattered.
he muttered a curse under his breath, swiftly unlatching the window and slipping out with an urgency that spoke of both desperation and determination.
"chris!" nick called out from the drink table, his voice cutting through the din, as an unfamiliar man stood beside him, their presence a stark contrast to the chaotic surroundings.
"gotta bounce!" chris yelled back with a chuckle, his laughter mingling with the ambient noise as he turned and walked away, his steps light but purposeful, leaving behind the murmurs of the gathering.
"this is definitely not my crowd," chris mumbled under his breath, his words barely audible as he distanced himself further from the throng, each step a silent testament to his growing discomfort.
"chris!" a slurred voice yelled, one that he knew all too well, its familiar timbre cutting through the haze of noise with an unsettling clarity.
chrisā€™ eyes lit up with a sudden spark as he turned around, the flicker of recognition dancing in his gaze.
"hey, y/n," chris murmured, a soft smile playing on his lips, his voice carrying a gentle warmth that contrasted with the surrounding chaos.
you stumbled towards him, the empty cup in your hands oscillating precariously, each step an elaborate choreography of instability and resolve, as though the very earth beneath you schemed to undermine your advance.
"god, i despise this party," she slurred, her words heavy and muddled, as she tripped slightly, collapsing into chris' arms with a graceless thud.
"it doesn't appear so. you seemed like you were having the time of your life in there," chris chuckled softly, his voice a gentle murmur as he steadied her.
"appearances can be quite deceptive," you winked, your words slurring slightly as chris scoffed playfully, a bemused grin spreading across his face.
"you talk pretty fucking proud for someone with weak knees," chris jested, as you rolled your eyes in exasperation.
"whatever. i loathe this place," you murmured softly. "take me somewhere that isn't too loud."
chris chuckled, a resonant sound that seemed to echo in the air. "alright then," he said, extending his hand towards you, "letā€™s go,"
you clung onto his arm, entwining your arms around his robust limb, seeking comfort in his steadfast presence.
you would consistently engage in playful and flirtatious behavior towards him, allowing your interactions to be tinged with a subtle yet undeniable allure, all the while steadfastly asserting that your relationship remained within the bounds of mere friendship.
and with each instance, it rends his soul anew, leaving an indelible mark upon his heart.
as much as he reveled in the intoxicating sensation of being the center of your affection, basking in the warmth of feeling like your most cherished person, he simultaneously harbored a profound aversion to it, a dichotomy that gnawed at his very core.
the days when he yearns to envelop you in his embrace and shower your face with tender kisses are precisely the days when he is acutely aware that such gestures lie beyond the realm of friendship, a boundary he must not cross.
his mind was a tempest of conflicting thoughts, a maelstrom of emotions that swirled with relentless intensity.
he was ensnared by the profound depths of his love for you, a love so deep it seemed to anchor his very soul.
yet, the specter of rejection loomed large, casting a shadow over his heart and shackling his desires with chains of fear.
your flirtatious behavior ensnared him in a perpetual state of bewilderment, an intricate dance of uncertainty that left him perpetually adrift.
each playful remark, each lingering glance, ignited a tempest within his heart, a maelstrom of hope and doubt that warred incessantly.
he found himself incessantly replaying every conversation in his mind, scrutinizing each word and gesture with the fervor of a scholar poring over ancient texts, searching for hidden meanings that might reveal the true nature of your affections.
he yearned to lay bare the depths of his heart, yet the dread of unrequited affection paralyzed him.
the tormenting possibility that he might have misinterpreted your signals gnawed at his soul. what if your flirtations were mere gestures of camaraderie, devoid of the deeper sentiments he so desperately hoped for?
this relentless uncertainty wove a storm within him, a tumultuous sea of emotions that he struggled to navigate, leaving him adrift in a vast expanse of doubt and longing.
each step he took was imbued with the haunting echoes of your laughter and the radiant warmth of your smiles, rendering the solitude of the night an even more oppressive burden.
your presence was a soothing balm to his weary soul, yet the silence that stretched between you was a vast chasm he dared not traverse.
the fleeting touch of your hand, a mere brush against his own, lingered in his thoughts like an indelible mark, a sensation that persisted long after, weaving itself into the fabric of his yearning.
chrisā€™s heart ached under the crushing weight of his unspoken love. he yearned for the day he could unveil his true feelings to you, but for now, he wandered, ensnared in the labyrinth of his own emotions.
the moonlight cast elongated shadows upon the path ahead, mirroring the profound shadows within his heart.
he pondered if you ever thought of him with the same intensity that consumed his thoughts of you, if you ever felt the same longing that kept him restless through the stillness of the night.
with each passing day, the desire to bridge the chasm between you grew ever more insistent. yet, the paralyzing fear of losing the fragile connection he cherished with you kept his lips sealed.
he treasured the moments you shared, ephemeral and tinged with uncertainty though they were.
for now, he would continue to tread this solitary path, nurturing the hope that one day, the courage to unveil his heart would find him, and the silence would be broken by the truth of his feelings.
the moment you crossed the threshold of your home, an overwhelming sense of relief washed over you.
without a second thought, you dashed toward the couch, your sanctuary, and let yourself collapse into its embrace, surrendering to the comfort it offered.
chris sighed, a heavy exhale of weariness escaping his lips, as he gently closed the door behind him.
with deliberate steps, he approached you, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and tenderness.
in one fluid motion, he scooped you up into his arms, cradling you in a bridal style embrace.
each step he took towards your room was measured and careful, as if he were carrying the most precious of treasures, ensuring your comfort and safety above all else.
chris gently places you on your bed, his movements meticulous and deliberate, as if handling something fragile and precious. he strides over to your closet, his fingers grazing the fabric of various garments, feeling the textures and weights of each piece.
after a moment of contemplation, he selects a few pieces of comfortable attire, ones he knows will wrap you in warmth and ease.
with a soft smile, he returns to your side, his eyes filled with a profound understanding and a silent promise of care.
he hands the clothes to you, his touch lingering for a moment, conveying a depth of emotion that words alone could not express.
he pivoted gracefully, his back now facing you, a silent gesture that conveyed his intent to grant you privacy.
the subtle shift in his posture, the way his shoulders relaxed, all spoke of a deep understanding and respect for your need for a moment of solitude.
without uttering a word, he ensured that his gaze would not intrude, offering you a sanctuary of personal space.
you exchanged your attire for something more comfortable, the soft fabric a welcome contrast against your skin.
as you settled back onto your bed, the cushions seemed to embrace you, offering a sanctuary of warmth and ease.
the act of changing clothes, though simple, felt like shedding the weight of the day, allowing you to sink into the comforting embrace of your bed with a sense of relief and tranquility.
chris pivoted with a fluid grace, his movements deliberate and assured.
he approached your vanity, his fingers deftly locating the makeup wipes amidst the array of beauty products.
the soft rustle of the packaging as he retrieved them added a subtle, almost ritualistic quality to the moment, underscoring his attentiveness and care.
"sit up," he whispers, his voice a gentle murmur that barely disturbs the stillness of the room. obediently, you rise, your eyes remaining closed, trusting him implicitly.
you hear the faint rustle as he extracts a sheet of wipes, the sound mingling with the quiet intimacy of the moment.
with a tenderness that speaks volumes, he begins to remove your makeup, his touch feather-light and meticulous.
each stroke of the wipe feels like a caress, as if he is not just cleansing your skin, but also erasing the weariness of the day.
the action is intimate, almost sacred, a silent testament to his care and devotion. the gentle pressure of his fingers, the cool sensation of the wipe gliding over your skin, all combine to create a moment of profound connection.
as he works, you can feel the layers of the day being lifted away, leaving behind a sense of purity and renewal.
the act, though simple, is imbued with a depth of emotion, transforming it into a gesture of profound love and respect.
you slowly flutter your eyes open, the world gradually coming into focus, and find yourself gazing deeply into his eyes.
they are windows to a soul filled with unspoken emotions, a silent dialogue unfolding between you.
the intensity of his gaze holds you captive, as if the very essence of his being is pouring into yours, creating an unbreakable bond that transcends mere words.
chris notices your gaze and a soft blush tinges his cheeks, a subtle bloom of color that speaks of vulnerability and affection.
"hi," he murmurs, his voice a gentle whisper that carries a world of unspoken sentiment. a tender smile graces his lips as he reaches for another wipe, his movements careful and deliberate.
with each stroke, he meticulously cleanses your face, his touch imbued with a delicate reverence, as if he is cherishing each moment of this intimate ritual.
without a moment's hesitation, you leaned in, your actions guided by an instinctive pull, and kissed him.
your lips brushed against his with the gentleness of a whisper, a fleeting yet profound connection that spoke volumes in its simplicity.
the kiss was a tender communion, a silent exchange of emotions that transcended words, leaving a lingering warmth in its wake.
the taste of alcohol danced on your lips, a heady mixture that seeped into the kiss, infusing it with a sense of intoxicating abandon.
as his heart surged, a swell of emotion that threatened to overwhelm, he gently pulled away, the moment hanging in the air like a delicate thread, shimmering with unspoken possibilities.
you gazed at him with furrowed eyebrows, a tapestry of confusion and concern woven into your expression, as he shook his head.
his gesture was slow, deliberate, a silent negation that carried the weight of unspoken words, leaving a lingering sense of mystery and unease in its wake.
"real sweet, but i wish you were sober," his voice a soft murmur, each word a gentle caress that carried an undercurrent of longing and regret. the subtle intonation of his voice wrapped around you like a tender embrace, leaving a bittersweet echo in the stillness.
your eyes widened, a silent testament to the flood of emotions surging within you. words began tumbling over each other in a drunk confession of love, a cascade of unfiltered feelings pouring from your lips.
each syllable was imbued with raw vulnerability, creating a tapestry of heartfelt declarations that seemed to hang in the air, shimmering with the intensity of your emotions.
"iā€™ve loved you for so long, chris!" you exclaimed, your voice trembling with the weight of unspoken emotions. "every moment we spend together, i feel it more and more. you mean everything to me." the words, laden with years of hidden affection, spilled forth like a river breaking through a dam, each one carrying the depth of your devotion and the intensity of your longing.
yet as he listened, a shadow of doubt clouded his mind.
he wanted to believe you, to accept your words as truth, but the haze of alcohol made him question the sincerity of your confession.
each word you spoke seemed to waver in the air, distorted by the fog of intoxication, leaving him torn between the desire to trust and the fear of being deceived.
"i don't know if i can trust what you're saying right now," he replied, his voice heavy with uncertainty. each word seemed to carry the weight of a thousand doubts, a palpable hesitation that echoed through the room, amplifying the fragile tension between belief and skepticism.
you reached out, your hand trembling as it made contact with his arm.
the slight quiver in your touch conveyed a silent plea, a desperate attempt to bridge the chasm of doubt that had formed between you.
"please believe me," you pleaded, "this isn't just the alcohol talking. i've felt this way for so long, and i can't keep it inside any longer." your voice, tinged with desperation, wove through the air like a fragile thread, seeking to bind your heartfelt confession to his wavering trust.
"you're drunk," he said, bringing his hand up to your face. with a gentle yet firm motion, he wiped away the makeup with the wipes, each stroke revealing the raw vulnerability beneath, as if attempting to strip away the layers of doubt and uncover the truth hidden within your eyes.
he longed to believe you, but the doubt gnawed at him, leaving him torn between hope and skepticism. "let's talk about this when you're sober," he said softly, his voice a whisper of concern, hoping that clarity would come with the morning light and dispel the shadows of uncertainty that clouded his mind.
the morning light, delicate and golden, wove its way through the curtains, casting an ethereal glow that danced gracefully across the room, bathing it in a soft, almost otherworldly luminescence.
you awoke to the relentless throb of a pounding headache, the lingering echoes of last night's indulgences asserting their unwelcome presence, each pulse a stark reminder of the revelry that had transpired.
you glanced around, your gaze eventually settling on chris, who sat quietly at the edge of the bed, his presence a silent sentinel in the morning's stillness.
his expression was an intricate tapestry of concern and anticipation, each emotion subtly interwoven, creating a complex portrait of his inner turmoil.
"oh my god, did we... did we fuck?" you blurted out, your mind shrouded in a foggy haze, the words tumbling from your lips in a raw mixture of confusion and urgency.
chris' eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of shock dancing in their depths. "what? no!" he replied, shaking his head emphatically. "you don't remember anything that happened last night?"
you squinted, your mind laboriously sifting through the blurry fragments of the evening, attempting to weave them into a coherent tapestry of memory.
"ummm, wait, let me think," you murmured, rubbing your temples in a futile attempt to coax clarity from the tangled threads of your thoughts.
slowly, the memories began to surface, each fragment emerging from the depths of your mind, causing your eyes to widen in dawning realization.
you looked up at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, the gravity of the moment sinking in as he nodded, a silent confirmation of your worst nightmare.
"oh god," you mumbled, burying your face into your palms as a wave of embarrassment washed over you, engulfing your senses and leaving you feeling utterly exposed.
chrisā€™ gaze softened. ā€œyeah,ā€ he said softly, before crawling up to you and gently taking your hands in his. ā€œbut itā€™s okay. you were drunk and werenā€™t thinking. I know you didnā€™t mean it.ā€
your heart raced as you processed his words. "except i did mean it!" you exclaimed, your voice trembling with the weight of your confession.
you took a deep breath, feeling a turbulent mix of fear and determination swirling within you. ā€œfuck- i meant every single word! i was drunk and i wasn't thinking, but i did mean it! i meant every word. i love the way you always listen to me, how you make me laugh even on my worst days, how you care so deeply about the people around you. i love the way you always know how to make me feel better, even when i don't want to admit that i need it. i love your smile, the way it lights up a room and makes everything seem okay, even when it's not. i love your eyes, how they see right through me and make me feel like i'm the only person in the world. i love the way you touch me, so gentle and yet so full of passion. i love the way you make me feel safe, like nothing can hurt me as long as i'm with you. i love the way you challenge me, push me to be better, to be more. i love every little thing about you, even the things that drive me crazy.
i love how you remember the smallest details about me, things that even i forget. i love how you always know what i need, even before i do. i love the way you support my dreams, no matter how crazy they might seem. i love the way you make me feel like i'm enough, just as i am. i love the way you hold me when i'm falling apart, how you never let go even when things get tough. i love the way you laugh, that deep, infectious sound that makes everything seem brighter. i love the way you look at me, like i'm the most important person in the world. i love the way you hug me, so tender and yet so passionate. i love the way you make me feel alive, like i'm living for the first time. i love the way you make me want to be a better person, to be worthy of your love.
i love the way you understand me, even when i don't understand myself. i love the way you never judge me, no matter how many mistakes i make. i love the way you believe in me, even when i don't believe in myself. i love the way you make me feel like i can do anything, as long as i'm with you. i love the way you inspire me, to be more, to do more. i love the way you make me feel like i'm home, no matter where we are. i love the way you make me feel like i'm part of something bigger, something beautiful. i love the way you make me feel like i'm not alone, like i have someone who will always be there for me. i love the way you make me feel like i'm loved, truly and deeply loved. i love you, chris. and i can't keep pretending that i don't becauseā€”ā€œ
before you could finish, chris leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, silencing your words.
the kiss was gentle yet imbued with a profound depth of emotion that made your heart soar, as though every unspoken sentiment was conveyed in that fleeting moment.
it was a tender embrace, layered with unspoken promises and hidden desires, leaving you breathless and overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the connection you shared.
slowly, chris pulled away, his lips lingering for a moment as if reluctant to part, leaving behind a whisper of warmth that lingered on your skin.
"you have no idea how long i've waited to hear those words from you. every day, i hoped that you felt the same way, but i was too scared to ask, too scared to ruin what we have. but hearing you say all that... it feels like a dream." his eyes met with yours with a newfound intensity, a silent storm of emotions swirling within them, revealing depths of unspoken thoughts and feelings that seemed to bridge the space between your souls.
he took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "i love you too. i love the way you light up a room with your presence, how your laughter is like music to my ears. i love your kindness, how you always put others before yourself. i love your strength, how you face every challenge with such courage and grace. i love the way you see the world, with such wonder and curiosity. i love the way you make me feel, like i'm the luckiest person alive just to know you."
"i love the way you challenge me, push me to be better, to see things from new perspectives. i love the way you care so deeply, how you pour your heart into everything you do. i love the way you listen, really listen, and make me feel heard and understood. i love the way you make me laugh, even when i'm having the worst day. i love the way you dream, so big and so fearlessly. i love the way you live, with such passion and joy."
"i love every little thing about you, even the things that drive me crazy. i love the way you make me feel like i'm home, no matter where we are. i love the way you make me feel like i'm part of something bigger, something beautiful. i love the way you make me feel like i'm not alone, like i have someone who will always be there for me. i love the way you make me feel like i'm loved, truly and deeply loved. and i can't believe that you feel the same way about me."
"i love you, and i want to be with you. i want to face every challenge, every joy, every moment with you. i want to build a life with you, to share my dreams with you, to grow old with you. i want to love you, every day, for the rest of my life."
you immediately cupped his face as you connected your lips once more, and in that moment, the room seemed to hold its breath.
the future, shrouded in a veil of uncertainty, was nonetheless illuminated by the promise of unvarnished honesty and the tantalizing possibility of something profoundly deeper.
it was as though the very air around you thickened with anticipation, each second stretching into an eternity, as a bond forged in the silent exchange of shared emotions began to take root, hinting at a tapestry of experiences yet to be woven.
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beanghostprincess Ā· 23 days
Not to keep beating a dead horse so to speak, but circling back to how the anime handles the Shuggy breakup it is personally the first time I've fully understood people who say the manga is way better & the "true" story because on the whole I think the anime is a really good adaption....except for this omg. I haven't read the manga fully either yet so now I'm wondering what else got a totally different vibe than intended & how that colors the perception of the story & characters. For instance, I'm already seeing anime onlys completely misinterpret Buggy's feelings in the shuggy breakup probably because of how brief it was.
I've had arguments in comments sections about people who do not think Buggy wanted to be Pirate King himself & his anger with Shanks isn't tied to him secretly sacrificing his OWN dream to follow him. To me the manga made it very clear that Buggy was making a great personal sacrifice in order to stay with his friend & how that all ties into his own insecurities, but a ton of anime onlys only saw it as Buggy being a whiny baby & not realizing how deep of a conflict Shanks refusing to look for the One Piece was for them šŸ˜­ and it's so frustrating! They just think Buggy is being "ungrateful" for everything Shanks did for him. I'm tired of the Shuggy dynamic being viewed so one sidedly in Shanks's favor & Buggy's detriment because they both narratively hold equal amounts of significance to each other. We just haven't been allowed to explore Shanks's side of it...yet. Oda kept Shanks's face obscured for a reason I'm sure.
And since the anime didn't frame it correctly Buggy's speech to Cross Guild about reigniting your dreams & setting sail for Laugh Tale loses all seriousness & comes off as just another gag instead & it breaks my heart because in the Manga while there is humor in it Buggy's tears are REAL & you can literally feel the spirit of One Piece flow through his speech. That speech shows us Buggy is a TRUE pirate! He ALSO inhereted Roger's will! I could literally feel the "I'm gunna become king of the pirates" OST from the anime play as I read it, but the anime framed it like another one of Buggy's "upward fialures" šŸ’” and it breaks my heart anime onlys don't get that. Imagine if Luffy gave up on his dream & finally after 30 years decided to believe in himself again? Imagine If Usopp really did give up in Water 7 & we didn't see him find the will to believe in himself until 39 years later? Buggy is an example of forgotten dreams & a lesson on it never being too late to go after them.
So I completely agree with you that it doesn't matter how little panel time a moment gets because if Oda can convey all of THAT in like 3 panels then the anime can do so and then some in a minute or 2. I also can't help but think this will confuse viewers later on because I'm certain Buggy is going to get to do some really cool & meaningful stuff in the last arc & a lot of them will feel blindsided because the set up was executed weirdly.
Sorry for sending such a long post & feel free to ignore If ur tired of discussing this I just wanted to give you some validation &let you know you're not the only one who thinks this way. Adaptation has a lot more going into it than just copying manga panels & the a good anime should definitely know when to expand on brief scenes & how to set the correct mood for them.
Oh, please, if it's not a negative ask you can keep sending me stuff about the episode and the breakup all you want!!! I'm just tired of having to defend my opinion. As if it wasn't just that, an opinion. But I'm sooo open to talk about it!!
And you're right!!! It bothers me so much to just think about how Anime Onlys are going to perceive this episode... If Buggy is already misunderstood within the fandom, I can't imagine what's gonna happen now that HIS episode has gotten this awful pacing and explanation (I complain but I've watched the episode so many times already lmao)
People misunderstand their relationship so much and in such levels... I don't get it because it's literally right there. You can't miss it. They're canonically crucial for each other no matter how you see it. It IS mutual whatever they have going on. I know we don't have much of Shanks' POV but you don't even have to read between the lines to see it.
And Buggy being seen as whiny because he has... Feelings... And is emotional... After his whole life crumbles down... Idk about you but if I lived in my best friend's shadow for years and gave up on my dream to trust in his instead, and suddenly when our captain dies he says he won't follow it... I'd be pretty fucking emotional too tbh. I could defend Buggy all day long and explain his character, but I believe I've done that already... So many times... (I love it it's my favorite thing ever)
I love your comparisons to other characters giving up on their dreams because it's so real. Buggy is the representation of people who once gave up on their dream and now are getting the courage back to follow it again. His speech is so emotional I think I know it by heart at this point with how many times I've read this chapter. I always cry-- Every time-- And I'm sooo angry Toei made the episode for laughs basically. It frustrates me in unimaginable ways.
Buggy is gonna do something incredible and people will complain and say it was out of nowhere because his speech in the Anime seems for jokes and like one of his schemes to get away from his problems. But this man was literally having a breakdown in the middle of a torture session and made an impulsive, emotional decision that came from the depths of his heart, because he had been holding onto it for his whole life. That's what bothers me about the animation. The pacing is bad and the way they treat him is even worse...
Don't apologize!!!!! I loved reading this. You expressed yourself sooo well and in such a polite way!!! Basically, you wrote everything I thought about the episode and I'm so glad to finally talk to someone with my same views šŸ˜­šŸ’–šŸ’–
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artsyannierose Ā· 1 year
Neneā€™s Dead Corpse and her ghost bf
randomly made a crap ton more sense to me
fricking school (screw school I hate you (no not rly Iā€™m just stressed))
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Anyway Iā€™m a biomed class where unit 1 is studying medical investigations forensic science style
and one of the things is like, what happens to a person after the body has been dead for a while (post mortem or sum, see im learning :D)
Things like algor mortis, livor mortis, Iā€™ve heard of. In fact Iā€™ve even studied the clouding of the corneas before, but it never got to me till today
maybe itā€™s cause I cannot for the life of me study forensics without my wild imagination giving me nightmares or just panicking when Iā€™m alone but aNyWays
I tend to imagine characters associated with death in these scenarios so I donā€™t lose it in classšŸ’€
*cough* Nene *cough cough*
So as I was taking notes on the slideshow, some of the images of clouded corneas reminded me strangely of something familiar, but at that point I couldnā€™t tell. Thereā€™s something haunting about the eyes (or maybe itā€™s just my over-analytical brain loving small details like this) theyā€™re GORGEOUS
Maybe itā€™s ā€˜cause the true color of the iris is completely visible in all its glory, without the pupil obscuring it
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(something like this?? A little vivid tho lol)
but like
thereā€™s no
no reflection, no emotionā€¦nothing (which is so hauntingly beautiful leave me alone Iā€™m a sucker for this now)
itā€™s literally just an eye with nothing but color
and then it hit meā€¦itā€™s exactly the look Nene had when Mirai fast-forwarded her time
you can see in the image itā€™s just her plain magenta eyes with a fuzzy de-saturated blob in the centerā€¦aka clouded corneas
And that honestly made me realize that in this scene sheā€™s notā€”sheā€™s not even unconscious
No sheā€™s literally, physiologically dead
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she is literally a dead body this hits me so hardšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
and I can imagine algor mortis kicked in by then, her body was probably cold to the touch
so imagine how he felt, and Iā€™m aware people have analyzed his emotions but just think about it
heā€™s always seen her so full of life and hope, and now all he has left is an empty shell of her, cold and dead with no life left inside
ā€¦just like him
the more I think about it Hanako is just an animated corpse
he has no reflection in his eyes most of the time because he is āœØdeadāœØ
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I mean Mei, Mitsuba, and Hanako donā€™t have a little white reflection dot like Nene and Kou
Or maybe Iā€™m overthinking it and Neneā€™s eyes are just super reflective
even for someone who presumably took his own life, he probably never saw tsukasaā€™s body start postmortem and actually feel dead bc it looked extremely bloody ngl (Iā€™m guessing he killed himself right after šŸ’”)
and now heā€™s holding someone he cares about like this for the first time and Iā€™ll bet that scarred him
and he figured out that never, never ever did he ever want to see his sweet assistant like this again, lifeless in his arms
and so after that, cue Hanako in his villain era who basically became a yandere the entire picture perfect lmao
and he was unbelievably adamant about it too
I mean honestly if I held anybody I knew lifeless like that Iā€™d be scarred for life and crying for days
seeing the light drained from someoneā€™s eyes is so interestingly sad to me
Look at the difference:
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vs Sad/Determined
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vs Depressed (ig??)
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vs Dead
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She still has so much emotion in her eyes
and then d e a d
literally looks like a porcelain doll
wait she looks so pale in the last image compared to the others now that I think about it
I love aidairoā€™s eye for detail itā€™s so fun to figure out
Well anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk essay atp-
send help
anyways excuse me while I grab a box of strawberries to munch on and cry my eyes out all over my homework before I sleep-
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weezerfan123 Ā· 2 months
If you have any headcanons for sweet dirt? Like about their futures or relationships
People showing interest in the obscure rarepair I made up over a year ago is something I never couldā€™ve imagined and I appreciate it beyond words, seriouslyšŸ˜­šŸ’—
ANYWAY yes I think about them all the time and have so much to say about them!!
Scott definitely falls first. Sugar rolls around in dirt and puts makeup on pigs and has violent tendencies and Scott is like WOW. What a woman. When Scott has a crush, heā€™ll try to play it cool, or even pretend he hates Sugar, but his true feelings are painfully obvious.
If he tries to play it cool, heā€™ll go out of his way to hang around Sugar, making lame excuses just to be near her. He might start mimicking her interests, like rolling in the dirt alongside her or acting like heā€™s suddenly into pig makeup. Of course, Sugarā€™s suspicious, and thinks heā€™s only hanging around because he wants something/will backstab her eventually. Itā€™s a bad mentality she canā€™t shake from her pageant days, sheā€™s convinced anyone being nice to her is faking it.
Theyā€™d definitely develop a rivalry before theyā€™d become any kind of friends. Wether itā€™s on the show, at their local county fairā€” in every universe, these two fight like feral animals. Itā€™s not cutesy stuff like tripping or hair-pulling; Scott will put nails in Sugarā€™s driveway and Sugar will hit him on the back of the head with a steel pipe. There will be many concussions and broken noses before these two even consider becoming friends.
As their rivalry intensifies, Scott finds himself in a strange predicament. The more they clash, the more heā€™s drawn to Sugar. Every time she pulls some wild stunt, his respect for her only grows. Sure, she may have just stabbed him in the foot with a rusty pitchfork, but Scott canā€™t help but admire her strength and determination.
On the flip side, Sugarā€™s suspicions about Scottā€™s intentions only deepen as he sticks around. Sheā€™s used to people being fake nice, but Scottā€™s different. Heā€™s not pretending to be sweet; heā€™s openly antagonistic, and for some reason, that feels more genuine to her. Even though theyā€™re constantly at each otherā€™s throats, Sugar starts noticing the little thingsā€”how Scottā€™s always around, how he never really tries to hurt her too badly, and how, despite everything, heā€™s weirdly consistent in her life.
Their rivalry becomes the foundation of their bond, and before they know it, they start to rely on each other in odd ways. Scott might complain about Sugar being impossible, but if anyone else messes with her, heā€™s the first to step in. And while Sugar might talk about how she hates his guts, sheā€™d secretly miss their fights if he ever stopped showing up.
Eventually, the tension between them builds up to a breaking point. Maybe itā€™s another over-the-top brawl, where theyā€™re both covered in mud and bruises, panting from the effort. In that moment, thereā€™s a pauseā€”just long enough for them to catch each otherā€™s eye and realize that underneath all the chaos, they actually care about each other.
From there, things start to change. Their fights become less about hurting each other and more about pushing each otherā€™s buttons in a way that only they can. Itā€™s still a mess, but now thereā€™s a weird, unspoken understanding between them. Theyā€™ll never admit it, but both Scott and Sugar find a certain thrill in their bizarre relationship.
Once theyā€™re in a relationshipā€” however the fuck they figure that outā€”
Scottā€™s love language is 100% acts of service. Heā€™ll wake up at 5am to feed the chickens and weed the garden. When Sugarā€™s like whyā€™d you do that for me Scott says ā€œBECAUSE I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!ā€
He also brings Sugar home little trinkets, cool rocks, and flowers he finds out and about. He tells her ā€œThis reminded me of you FUCKFACE,ā€ and kisses her on the cheek. He canā€™t give affection without being a little mean to balance it out.
Sugar, instead of getting mad, just beams at him, knowing that Scottā€™s bark is worse than his bite. Sheā€™s used to his rough edges and tough love, and she can see right through Scottā€™s attempts to hide his feelings. Itā€™s why she likes to smother him with affection, knowing it drives him crazy.
Sugarā€™s love language is touch. She loves hugging Scott so hard his ribs crack and carrying him around like a sack of potatoes. She likes to kiss him all over his face until he gets embarrassed and shoves her away.
Their relationship is a mix of insults and affection, bruises and hugs, and they wouldnā€™t have it any other way. AND I LOVE THEM!!!!!
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soaps-mohawk Ā· 4 months
not the gif again šŸ˜¦!!
anyways, little thought i've been having: what music do you think the boys listen to? i know barry sloane has a price playlist with a lot of metal in, and i think that really fits his character. the whole like... so much going on inside his brain that only metal can make it go quiet. i think i also heard from somewhere about ghost doing the same with classical?? but i'm not sure if samuel confirmed that or anything.
i totally agree with price being a metalhead, probably had a phase when he was younger (like barry, eyebrow peircing and all) šŸ¤­ and i definitely think soap could get down to bands like the sex pistols. i can see ghost and classical, i think he'd love shostakovich or something. this is a more obscure one, but i think of glass animals or jamiroquai for gaz.
this has been like circulating my mind nonstop because i'm really into music šŸ˜æ i was wondering what you thought!!
- šŸŖ
Anon...how did you know I literally have been working (slowly) on playlists of songs the guys would listen to??? They're nowhere near done because I'm lazy šŸ˜­ but like...šŸ‘€ are you in my brain??
I mean, Price grew up in the 90s and early 2000s so, I definitely could see him being a grunge/metal guy. I definitely think he's a fan of the classics too, probably listened to them a lot growing up too.
Simon is definitely a metal guy, but like angst metal like Sleep Token (I'm not biased or anything šŸ‘€) and Bad Omens. He's also got some others in there, but he's definitely a metal listener.
Kyle is a europop boy. He loves his pop and EDM, but he will branch out and listen to other things. He doesn't care what era its from so long as it's music he can shake his ass to (iykyk šŸ˜‰).
Johnny listens to everything. And I mean everything. His playlist is just a compilation of what everyone else listens to, along with Songs That Piss Off Ghost and pretty much anything else. He's like me, if he vibes with it, he likes it. 100% has Scotland the Brave and The Sidh on his playlist though. Blasts "Shake That Bagpipe" at 4 am to wake himself up šŸ¤­
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papermint-airplane Ā· 7 months
OC Questionnaire
I was tagged by @stargazer-sims, @drawing-way-outside-the-lines, @bool-prop, and @happy-lemon. Hehehehehe now I get to do more than one! šŸ˜ˆ
Aiden Ayy šŸ‘½
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Name: Aiden Ayy
Nickname: He was definitely that kid who tried to nickname himself and then got frustrated when nothing stuck. Despite his best childhood efforts, Aiden has no nicknames. šŸ˜­
Gender: Male
Star sign: Gemini ā™Š
Height: 5'8"
Orientation: Pansexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: 100% Sixamite
Favorite Fruit: On Earth, pineapple. On Sixam, grarglefroot. It's basically a pineapple except blue.
Favorite Season: Spring.
Favorite Flower: I think I answered this before in a different post with some wild ass flower that looks like it belongs on an alien planet which is great worldbuilding and all but I literally forgot what it was so let's go with basic bitch roses. šŸ˜…
Favorite Scent: Cinnamon.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Aiden is up for any of these as long as they're spiked. He hasn't yet learned that not everyone does that all the time and that it makes you look like you have a problem if you do.
Average Hours of Sleep: Aiden doesn't actually need sleep! He meditates to restore his brain power but sleep isn't necessary for him. He's a lot like D&D elves in that way. He can choose to sleep if he wants to, though, because dreams are fun and he looks cute when he's eepy. šŸ„ŗ
Dogs or Cats: Yes. Any animal at all, really. Aiden is fascinated with them.
Dream Trip: Sixam. Poor baby wants to go home. šŸ˜­
Number of Blankets: "I'm worried what you just heard was 'give me a lot of blankets'. What I said was 'give me all the blankets you have.' Do you understand?"
Random Fact: Aiden is based on a Sim I created in the Sims 2 when I was 18 for a Bachelorette Challenge. It was, predictably, a disaster, and the poor baby kept having mental breakdowns. I decided it was because he was new to Earth and the stress of all the unfamiliarity wore heavily on him, but it was definitely because I didn't know how to cheat needs at the time. He got a visit from the invisible psychiatrist more than once, you know? It became a character trait! Aiden, the nervous alien who just wants love. šŸ‘½šŸ’š
Roman Gallan šŸ§œā€ā™‚ļø
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Name: Roman Gallan
Nickname: "Hey Asshole". Guess who gave him that one. Go on, guess. (It was his little sister)
Gender: Male
Star sign: Leo ā™Œ
Height: 5'11"
Orientation: Gay
Nationality/Ethnicity: Icthyan
Favorite Fruit: He's super fond of this obscure Earth fruit called a "lemon". He eats them whole, peel and all. Somebody please teach him not to do this. šŸ˜
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Flower: Any and all wildflowers.
Favorite Scent: Cedar. Beating the moth accusations for sure.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee. He likes it bitter and strong enough to crawl out of the cup under its own power.
Average Hours of Sleep: 5 or 6. He should probably sleep more but it's kind of hard when the distorted whispers of the primordial god that created your planet are emanating from your eye sockets. Most Icthyans learn to accept it as kind of a cursed ASMR, but Roman tends to sleep light anyway.
Dogs or Cats: Cats.
Dream Trip: It says here in my notes that he's always wanted to visit Uranu--ROMAN, SERIOUSLY?!
Number of Blankets: Roman's a hot sleeper, so no blankets for him, thanks.
Random Fact: Like all Icthyans, Roman is amphibious. He has lungs and can breathe on dry land like any Earth Sim, but he's also able to breathe underwater for an extended period of time.
I think everybody and their dog has done this one by now considering ol' Professional Crastinator Laura's stellar time management skills. šŸ™„ Let's throw a few names out, though. @miss-may-i, @treason-and-plot, @llamabees, @bellakenobi, @kimmiessimmies, @rebelangelsims, @moyokeansimblr, @id-element0. As always, ignore if you've already done it or just don't want to.
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generouskittentidalwave Ā· 9 months
Tobio talk
I honestly have come to the realization that as well known as Tobio is because of Astro, while Astro stays the same in his iterations, Tobio is so obscure that while he has a few constants (shy/introverted/polite/struggles with his messy room, cares about his parents, etc..) most about him changes in different forms of media, and is also kept unknown for plot reasons, even his name itself changed as it wasn't Tobio originally. Usually because he is hit with a truck, or killed some other way, in the begining before we get to know much about him.
I think the most character he has ever been given is in Atom the Beginning, and the 2003 anime via flashbacks and a visit from his ghost (ouch as that scene hurt mešŸ–ļøšŸ˜­)
The 2009 movie gave him a bit more screentime but there his character was different as in they kept most of the constants but made his personality more mischievous, confident, and sometimes hilariously cocky as he tries to live up to Tenma's ridiculous expectations
I think the other one would be Pluto which we don't even see Tobio in at all, but we get a lot of insight on who he was via Tenma having his usual existential breakdown about his death at the dinner table, very much confusing Astro (at the time who grew up thinking he was Tobio), leaving him very confused on why his father is talking about him in third person right to him.
As for the rest he is only brought up via flashbacks, people talking about him, and his unfortunately short screentime in the beginning of almost every iteration.
Most people base his personality on Astro but even then that's very incredibly vague as in every iteration Astro is displayed to, not just have traits only Tobio would have and replicate things Tobio would do, but also have a personality pretty different to Tobio. Tobio is shy and reserved (usually), Astro is polite like Tobio was displayed as but is more open and extroverted, in the 2009 movie Astro and Tobio have similar traits that make them alike but their personalities are mostly different, same for Pluto, and many others.
The only thing that stays the same between Tobio and Astro no matter the iteration is their looks and most importantly their moral compass. No matter what Astro and Tobio have the same moral compass on things
Now this brings us into aus which do exist in the small yet vastly powerful and growing Astro Boy fandom
I don't count Aus in this as they aren't anything canon or official, but nonetheless it is the one instance where their moral compasses change. In this instance you have what I call the "what if?" phenomenon, that happens in every fandom where they take the wholesome lil guy and change their moral compass around, usually making them into a bad guy/antagonist for their own interesting plot and story explorations which can lead to pretty interesting au reads. And as a side note yes, I am aware some people may find it upsetting as it's always out of character and some people don't like seeing their favorite good guy made out as a terrible person or doing something terrible which is understandable, it's not my cup of tea either, but at the same time you shouldn't worry about it affecting your love for the character because you have to remember that it's not their actual character nor is it affecting their actual character/reputation as a character. As long as it isn't made into anything immoral then just let people have fun and don't bug them. It's not hurting you or anyone else, or taking away the reputation of the character. Just vibe and let vibe.
Now what does this have to do with any of this? Well two things actually. One not only is the "what if?" extremely rare here, but it's also the only instances of their moral compusses getting turned around. The fact it never happens in the official media, and rarely ever happens in the fandom itself, is something I find to be a pretty cool constant for their characters that is agreed upon 100% in canon and a lot of the times in the fandom as well.
And I believe it is because it helps link the two together as their moral compusses, or better yet, their hearts, being of the same tune, helps them react to important situations the same way as eachother. They reflect eachother. Despite their differences, Tezuka shows that they are still always connected by heart and always will be in their official works.
So anyway, Tobio deserves more attention as there is both so much yet so little known about him at the same time, and with his ties to Astro's past it makes him such a cool character that deserves much more recognition! ^^
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carnivorousyandeere Ā· 1 year
Greetings! I was one of many who put ā€œNot enough! MOARRR šŸ‘æā€ on that poll lol. I donā€™t ask for much, just a lil smut piece for Brucie plz heā€™s so UGH- (with love). Amab reader please, you can do the rest as you please! Thanks :D
Of course my love!! Thank you for the request~! šŸ’•šŸ’•
It ended up not being so ā€œlilā€ but I hope thatā€™s okay šŸ˜­ (I mean neither is Brucie tho, so šŸ˜).
CW: smut, brief hint of having been kidnapped
Info: AMAB reader, gender-neutral reader, bottom reader, jacking off, fingering, sucking off
You and Brucie have been together for a little while now. Youā€™re really starting to get used to him, and your new environment. Itā€™s evenā€¦ kind of nice, in a way. Like a strange vacation from your previous life.
Your finger traces the rim of the delicate teacup Brucie had handed you to drink from while making breakfast. You look over at him. Brucie is hunched over the stovetop, broad back and shoulders obscuring what exactly he was cooking, but it smells delicious.
You look around at the kitchen around you, settling on the wood grain and smooth finish of the kitchen table, tracing the lines and whorls. Youā€™d asked Brucie about it before, and heā€™d looked very sheepish but proud as he told you heā€™d built it by hand. Heā€™d even cut down the trees for wood himself.
It isnā€™t difficult to imagine Brucie, big and strong as he is, chopping wood and dragging tree trunks around like itā€™s nothing. Imagining the way his muscles would flex, and how heā€™d look with sweat running down his templeā€¦
Okay, that part is still easy to imagine, but difficult to think about! Itā€™s hard not to get flustered around Brucie when heā€™s always so close to you, and thinking about things like that only makes it worseā€¦
The point is, it isnā€™t difficult to imagine Brucie doing heavy lifting and building sturdy furniture like this. That makes sense in your brain.
But what is more difficult to wrap your mind around is the teacup. And the wooden utensils. Heā€™d made those tooā€” and they were so small, so delicate, and yet so detailed. The teacup was thin and painted with small flowers. The ends of the utensilsā€™ handles were carved in the shapes of different animals. Moose, deer, bears. It was hard for you to imagine this giant man with his giant hands making anything that required such precision.
Brucie walks over and sets a plate of steaming hot food in front of you. It smells fucking delicious. He smiles fondly at the way your stomach rumbles and you dig in.
You finish eating before Brucie does. You notice the plate youā€™ve practically cleared matches the teacup. It brings your mind back to his craftsmanship. Your eyes wander to his hands.
Brucieā€™s hands are massive. Broad, thick, and calloused, with little sharp scars crisscrossing his fingers. There is the evidence of his carving work, but it still amazes you to think of those giant hands as being capable of such delicate work.
ā€œSomething on your mind, my lil pumpkin pie?ā€
You cringe at the nickname, looking up to meet his steady gaze.
You gesture to the plate. ā€œDid youā€¦ really make all this?ā€
Brucie blinks and tilts his head. ā€œā€¦Yes? You were sitting in here while I cooked.ā€
ā€œN-no! I meant the plates and forks and everythingā€¦ā€
Brucie blinks at you again, his expression brightening ever so subtly, ā€œYes! I made the plate set while thinking of you. The other stuff, I made a long time ago.ā€
His expression dims a little bit as he thinks about your question further. Brucie does this a lot, holding onto every single word you say. Gnawing on them relentlessly like a dog with a bone. Hell, he even looks like a kicked puppy right now. ā€œDo you not like them?ā€
You splutter, ā€œWhat? I never said that! I think theyā€™re pretty. Itā€™s justā€¦ā€
Your eyes flick to his hands. ā€œItā€™s just, yā€™know, kind of hard to imagine you making them. Your hands are so big, and the stuff you make is so delicate.ā€
Brucieā€™s expression lights up again, just as quickly as it had fallen. ā€œYou think my hands are big? And talented?ā€
You just stare, caught off guard by his sudden changes in mood and the suggestiveness of his last sentence. Or maybe you were just being pervy, surely Brucie didnā€™t meanā€¦
ā€œCan Iā€¦ show you how talented they are?ā€
And thatā€™s how you end up naked in Brucieā€™s lap in the living room. One strong arm around your waist, broad hand splayed across your back to hold you in place, while his other hand teases your cock to hardness.
His big, thick fingers trace gently over the head of your cock, gathering your precum with the tips of his fingers and dragging it down your shaft. Brucie closes his grip and begins stroking you like that, slow and steady. You wiggle your hips against his jeans, sighing at the feeling of his hands.
Your soft sounds spur him on more, and he kisses you while increasing the pace of his hand until youā€™re whining and panting desperately against his mouth. Everything is so fuzzy, and youā€™re so close, heat coiling in your gut, and thenā€” Brucie pulls his hand away.
ā€œNo, no,ā€ you protest, reaching for his hand to try and drag it back to where you want it.
ā€œShhhhh. Hey, itā€™s okay baby. Iā€™ll make you feel even better. Promise.ā€
He turns and lays you back down on the couch, relishing in the way you grasp at him to try and keep him close. Brucie digs in his pocket, pulling out a bottle of lube and coating his fingers with it. Brucie kisses you again, deeply, as he slowly works his fingers into you one by one.
You moan, hips rocking desperately as his fingers spread you open and work to find your sweet spot. His fingers slide over your prostate and your legs twitch like youā€™ve been electrocuted, the loudest moan yet leaving you.
Brucie focuses his efforts on that spot, massaging it precisely. Your cries become so frequent and desperate you canā€™t even kiss him back. Brucie leans his forehead against your shoulder, and looks down to where his fingers are buried inside of you.
He groans. ā€œFuuuuck, baby, look at youā€¦ look at how youā€™re leakingā€¦ā€
Brucie moves down, fingers not faltering in the slightest, and leans towards your cock. His beard and lower lip brush against your tip, making you shudder, but he doesnā€™t take you into his mouth until you plead for him to.
The feeling of his thick fingers inside you and hot, wet mouth around you is overwhelming. You can hardly even recognize the sounds coming out of you as Brucie practically sucks the soul from your body. His tongue is just as talented as his fingers, and soon you find yourself on the edge again.
You tangle your fingers in Brucieā€™s hair, pulling him down onto you, pleas for him falling from your lips, and he lets you empty your balls down his throat. He continues to suckle at your cock softly as you come down from your high until your hands start pulling him away rather than closer.
Brucie leans his head against your thigh, and slides his hand out of you gently. He looks up at you, eyes dark and satisfied. His beard glistens with your precum and his spit where it rubs against your leg.
Brucie runs his clean hand up your side and back down to hold your hip, rubbing comforting circles into it with his thumb. ā€œYou alright, baby? I didnā€™t go too rough on ya, did I?ā€
Youā€™re not coherent enough to give a response, but Brucie takes it in stride, picking you up and taking you to the bathroom to clean up, whispering reassuring words against your temple as he carries you.
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felassan Ā· 2 years
some quick'n'dirty thoughts on the new Codex entries:
[wild speculation] it feels like the Grand Necropolis is a game location we will visit (it also comes up quite a bit in the wider blogpost). and/or we'll have a Mortalitasi companion
I'd guess that the writer of this codex, and their friend that teases them, are the two characters that feature in the short story from Dragon Age Day last year, The Flame Eternal. Emmrich referring to Johanna? (Or just emmrich and someone else.. wouldn't really make sense for a nevarran to tease their nevarran friend about their own practises, on reflection). both that short and this new codex are by Sylvia, and the shade of cyan used to obscure the diary owner's name is similar to the cyan in the short story art. saying that, it's the same cyan as Skeleton Boi has, and seems to sometimes indicate necromancy & related magic generally speaking
I could've missed em, but I had a lil look and couldn't find the referenced writings of Genetivi's here or in the WoTs, so they must be among his many in-world writings that we the players haven't seen (it'd be so good to sit in an an in-world library and read and read and read..!!! literally the dream.). but if I missed them pls lmk :D
Vinsomer. the Last Court/Serault enthusiast in me wonders if the lecturer giving the talk on Vinsomer is Frederic of Serault, Professor of Draconology from the University of Orlais. Vinsomer can swim! makes sense, we meet one in DA:I on the Storm Coast and the lore says they prefer rocky coasts.
Thedas has orcas confirmed~ when an animal is dark dorsally and light ventrally, it's called countershading. it's a method of camouflage. in orcas this helps hide them from their prey. there's a squidlike creature on this version of the map, and the "big worms that burrow near the shore" remind me of thresher maws from ME. Thedas has giant bobbit worm type things on the beaches?? šŸ˜­ electric eels stun their prey by generating electricity, and it makes sense that a big creature that hunts in the sea would have a beak-like mouth like squid do. the biologist in me is pleased by these references and the thought that clearly went into this codex :D
what's attacking Vinsomer/her lair/her young and why is it a mystery? it's probably because I was thinking about the red lyrium skeleton guys again today just before the community update post came out (literally ten-fifteen mins or so before the blogpost aaaa), but the new Vinsomer codex reminds me of this excerpt [bottom one] for some reason: "From eyewitness reports, the adult dragons never ventured close to where the red lyrium grows, even though they could easily have done so. I can only conclude that the creatures instinctively understand that red lyrium poses a threat."
skskshfuehufh the double entendres in the Randy Dowager codex. Genetivi you rogue
and more generally speaking, this part of the blogpost:
The Hero of Ferelden. The Champion of Kirkwall. The Herald of Andraste. Each of them marked their legacy in the annals of history, but time marches forward and the age of these heroes cannot last forever. As a friend of ours once said, ā€œitā€™s time for a new hero."
has me wondering for the 89898th time what the DA4 PC's title will be if any. the what of what??? :D I'm dyin. I wonder if time marching forward ties to the implied timeskip to 9:52, and it's exciting to know that there will be other upcoming community updates like this, with the next one being focused on Design. hope the next one contains some new Codex entries too! šŸ‘
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rnp5324 Ā· 4 months
This is gonna be long, so strap in. I NEED my fellow X-Men fans to hear me out on this one. I watched the Wolverine Anime (English Dub) in 2020, underrated masterpiece imo. Thereā€™s this one guy named Kikyo Mikage, right? Long haired, chest out, fem-presenting guy who rivals with Wolverine. So the two fight in Episode 3, AND THEN HE DOES THISā€¦..
WITH A SMILE AND A FULL LIP SMACKā€¦ā€¦Iā€™m telling you there is NO hetero explanation for that šŸ˜­ who let ā€˜em cook in 2011???? Thereā€™s also just this entire segment in full and it doesnā€™t help that Steve Blum makes him sound fruity as hell. UHM SIR???? šŸ˜³ https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxLqxN5RcVXvru-W8HjCM5I9PuHOe6pX7G?feature=shared
So Kikyo hits Logan with this windslash thing, andā€” https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxqrrcXvohsF1Gfq9oTbgmkLzjj8XtgNTW?feature=shared
For context, Kikyo is meant to be one of Shingen Yashidaā€™s deadliest assassins, and heā€™s just here talking to Logan so??? Relaxed??? Smiling calmly at him when he says this???? This is just Episode 3, it gets better. Episode 5 is also pretty strong with their dynamic and honestly the whole series is worth a watch, but Iā€™m gonna skip to Episode 10 for now. Weā€™re on Madripoor, reaching the bad guyā€™s place where Kikyo jumps in front of Logan & Yukio for this first exchange https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxAbV1TqO6PTsfw9XfzXUoIVyHFl3qco9Z?feature=shared
Loganā€™s like ā€œgtfo outta my way, Iā€™m tryna rescue my girlfriendā€ and instead of being like ā€œlol idgaf dieā€, Kikyo is like ā€œShit u right, it wouldnā€™t be fair to fight u w/ her on ur mind, weā€™ll settle this later.ā€ This point is continued in the next episode where his boss asks why he didnā€™t just kill Logan already. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxwluYxh254EHRg76DKMP-C_gkkZHR4joi?feature=shared Shingen: ā€œI hired you to kill this idiot!ā€ Kikyo: ā€œAbout thaaaatā€¦.Itā€™s in my contract that I only wanna fight him if weā€™re equally matched, and he canā€™t do that rn since heā€™s focused on saving his gf instead of fighting me. So.ā€ Shingen: ā€œYou know what, screw you. Iā€™ll fight him myself.ā€ Kikyo is so hellbent on fighting Logan equally, that not only will he help him reach Mariko, https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxZ1DxT6hPQ7sWRtmhoKGkuXyop8vUTg_H?feature=shared
Oh if you think Iā€™m done with this fruity aaah Samurai, NAHHH you havenā€™t seen this clip in the Blade Anime https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxm7N9JEbALNkobK2OWq-XRa4oPL4t2FWS?feature=shared I shit you not, he pulls an ā€Ah, Logan~ā€¦ā€ HELLO????? I canā€™t be the only person who sees this, RIGHT??????
tl;dr Ohio man goes crazy over obscure GNC-Japanese-Mutant with insane queer coding
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inevitablestars Ā· 13 days
hi linds ily so bad and i wanna talk about something fun sooooooOOOoooo ummmmmmmmm what's a good movie you've seen recently and what holidays do you think would be the marauders favorites?? kk love you 5ever and ever <33333
hi natty <3 love u love u love u
hmmm i think the most recent movie i watched was literally either pitch perfect or mamma mia šŸ˜­ BUT also semi recently my friend and i wanted to watch a trash movie that is whack from start to finish but like vibes and that was i think called rough night (?) it's with like ilana glazer, scarjo, kate mckinnon etc and was hilarious
and hmmm holidays... i haven't thought about this before but i do have some ideas
i think. james really likes new years like just gut feeling but he loves any occasion for everyone he loves to come together and like new years is perfect for that no one has an excuse to not be there bc there's no work or school and it's just Vibes but they have to do it right (ie. just the group at someone's house not going out to some fancy expensive shit) ((side point, valentine's day would to some people scream james and like yeah he does valentine's day so well but. that's only with one person not all of his people and he wants all of his people to spread the love around))
sirius likes... birthdays. not his own but everyone else's. like he doesn't like the pressure of his own birthday but he will go so all out when it's anyone else's birthday and like it's because he grew up like that his birthday didn't really matter but he always made sure reg's birthday was good for him and that kinda stuck with him and he always made it fun
reg likes christmas best! to me his birthday is around christmas (part of why sirius always made sure his bday was special bc it would get overshadowed by christmas a lot) but he did like christmas and likes it even more outside of growing up and finding traditions and ways to make it fun and such
if they were american remus would like thanksgiving no i will not elaborate on that point it just feels right. but since they are not american, he like halloween the best but the amount of effort he puts in really depends and varies from year to year but he still likes it even if he looks like he just threw on like a big tshirt with an animal on it
peter also really likes halloween but will go all out every year and decorates like crazy the second stores start having halloween decorations out
marlene loveesssssss her own birthday she is going all out every year themes and everything
lily is also a christmas gal bc it reminds her of good memories of her childhood like her family had such nice christmases and their house was always warm so even if she doesn't always have that now with her family she has it with her friends and it's still warm
mary hmmm i think she likes valentine's day a bit before she has a partner she likes to bring sweets to her friends or like bake cookies and then when she has a partner she goes all out for them
and then hm dorcas to me isn't huge on holidays so i'm going with cinco de mayo for the vibes
pandora similarly doesn't have a favorite like major holiday but she does love her own birthday. tho i think she would say her favorite is some kind of like obscure holiday like those "national xxxxx day" and she'd give you a long winded answer of why it's her favorite
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thenighttrain Ā· 1 year
It's me, hi! Welcome to pubwe puzzle #2: it's a lot more obscure and abstract this time so you'll have to do some extrapolations. All the pictures are supposed to convey a lyric from a song, and that lyric is the answer, not the song that its from. For this puzzle, only the pictures at the bottom right are supposed to hunt at the song it is from, the rest of the images are indicating the lyric itself. I'll be reblogging the first person to get it right, good luck!
Tumblr media
you with your switching sides (the record player switching sides) and your wildfire lies (the literal wildfire and 'what holocaust' + fake moon landing + flat earth = lies) and your humiliation (that emoji)? mean?? and she performed it at the grammys and it won grammys as a song?!!!!!! what's with that animal though.. of mice and me(a)n? šŸ˜­
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m1ckeyb3rry Ā· 1 month
Ok forgetting moment pt. 20 I left the note where I wrote this open and canā€™t rmr if I actually sent it or not so if I did please delete this LMAO
FRRR I also really enjoy the panel where he has a lot of dark shadows on his face and heā€™s telling nagi not to get cocky after he was like ā€œam I really a genius?ā€
RIN you getting inspiration for Rin is actually kinda crazy LMAOO but omg kiyora??? Your blog is just side character paradise atp but wait Iā€™m kinda curious what else is in line in your inbox (if itā€™s not a secret youā€™re trying to keep LOL)
Karasu Shidou new duo coming soon move over Otoya /j but they definitely match each others freak LMAOO I bet Karasuā€™s like ā€œyour freaky but also extraordinary so I can respect youā€ and shidous just ā€œyahoo!! Karasu chan!!ā€ LOL
Karasu IS dad material heā€™s just the man of all men >>>> he would totally just lift his kid up and stare at them like ā€œdamn this extraordinary kid is MINE???ā€
I CANT WAIT FOR KARASU ARGUING WITH THE REF LMAOOOO and the stripper king scene is too funny!! Im also very excited for the moment that Barou and Nagi accidentally head butt each other HAHAHA
No because thatā€™s so real I used to be SOOO into jjk and now itā€™s just kindaā€¦..I am glad that the rollercoaster of a really confusing story is coming to an end so the suffering can stop but oh myā€¦really hoping gege decides to put a bit of effort in for the ending!!!
Also I saw the pictures from your other ask reply and OMGGG THEYRE GORGEOUS!!! Looks like it was sm fun too! Hope youā€™re feeling better now and that your doctor has a solution for your nausea symptoms!
- Karasu anon
LMAO okay so you did send this in HOWEVER tumblr didnā€™t notify me?? which is why i took so long to respond despite now being at home and back to my chronically online ways (albeit jet lagged and still suffering from a migraine but we up) so itā€™s all good that you resent it HAHAAH
that panel is so villainous but so good HDJFLSKS like he looks EVILLLL but in such a cunty way!! i love how theyā€™ve been juxtaposing karasu and nagi as of lateā€¦not just in personality but even in looks/drawing style theyā€™re truly such opposites that their panels together slap SO hard šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø definitely not biased because those two are my favs nope not at all
NO THATā€™S WHAT Iā€™M SAYING like if an idea for NAGI (my number one my baby the loml) can give me RIN inspiration it can truly happen to anyone šŸ˜¬ imagine i try writing for karasu and then all of a sudden isagi is there?? like bro fuck off why are you wiggling your way into a plot that is NOT for you šŸ˜“ AND YES KIYORA Iā€™M SO EXCITED tbh thereā€™s lowkey no info abt kiyora even on the wiki so itā€™s time for me to take mad liberties with his character šŸ˜ which i do love doing hehehe so iā€™m hype!! iā€™m so glad to be a safe space for side character enjoyers šŸ™šŸ» the more obscure the betterā€¦lowkey itā€™s so fun to write for characters like kiyora because i can truly write whatever and itā€™s so hard to make him ooc because what character does he even have to be in yk šŸ˜­ any ā€œoocnessā€ is just me giving him depth etc etc it may make the fic outdated once more comes out on him but me personally idc + iā€™m always spot on so šŸ„± (mostly /j although in doing one of my current requests i realized that the reader calls kaiser a dog in the instrument and now itā€™s been revealed that his fav animals are stray dogs so maybe iā€™m onto smth fr šŸ«£)
LMAO no secrets here!! i have a note with my current requests so iā€™ll just paste that here šŸ˜„ theyā€™re in chronological order of when the req was made but i fear i am NOT completing/posting them in that order šŸ˜Ÿ
[Secret gaming buddies ā€” hiori
Prodigies ā€” hiori
Singing reader ā€” karasu
Karasu anon requests (any)
Classmates/friends to lovers ā€” nagi
Karasu anon requests pt 2 (any)
Vague prompt ā€” karasu or zantetsu
Cherry tree pt 2 ā€” rin
The instrument pt 2 ā€” kaiser (abt to post this one after i respond to some asks and take a post-riding lesson shower FJSKSK)
Vague prompt ā€” kiyora]
vague prompt just means the person requested a character and literally nothing else HAHA but also yeahā€¦as you can see karasu nation has been busyā€¦although there are a couple of popular characters thrown in there!! i think once i post pt2 of the instrument iā€™ll probably get more reqs because atm i havenā€™t done a req since the last part of fwtkac and since that wasnā€™t answering an ask (since it was multiparts) lowkey people have probably forgotten i opened reqs back up again for bllk šŸ˜­ anyways hoping to get some more of these out of the way now that i have more free time and am not busily vacationing/writing karasuā€™s version of bfb (still cannot believe thatā€™s the longest bllk fic iā€™ve written so far šŸ˜©)
HAHAAH EXACTLY like karasu acknowledges shidouā€™s freak but heā€™s undeniably talented/not mediocre so karasu has no choice but to be gang with himā€¦meanwhile shidou is in it for the vibes + he thinks the bullshit karasu says abt erotic left legs and whatnot is super funny so they get along very well šŸ˜­ rip tabieita but i fear i am now a ryutabi TRUTHER šŸ¤© jkjk but no actually iā€™m going to make them besties at some point even if itā€™s just in a smau (although the otoya + shidou duo is also hilarious so dare i say trio?? and then yukimiya can get actually normal somewhat mature friends like reo and barou šŸ˜°)
THATā€™S WHAT Iā€™M SAYING like bro is starstruck that he somehow managed to create something so perfect šŸ„¹ honestly he already has parenting experience (dealing with pxg) i just know heā€™s prepared and ready for it
OMG YES literally any and all nagi + barou interactions iā€™m so excited because i miss them being together so much šŸ˜­ BEST bllk duo no question i cannot wait for them to be reunited post nel (because despite what the haters say nagi is NOT going anywhere and barou is eating it up atm so safe to say heā€™s staying)
i agree completelyā€¦i think itā€™s a mix of the pacing just not being enjoyable to me weekly + everyone dying + me getting busy with irl and then becoming super into bllk as soon as i had free time that just really made me so lukewarm!! i think itā€™s impressive what gege has managed to create and for sure what he does well he does EXCELLENTLY so iā€™m not here to hate as some people have been doing however i do think the writing is not always as good as itā€™s hyped up to be either (cough female characters cough) and thereā€™s def spots that make me go ā€œhmā€ šŸ˜” iā€™m hoping the ending is satisfying and wraps up any loose ends but weā€™ll seeā€¦anyways leaks tn for jjk i think so ig we can get a pretty good idea of whatā€™s going to happen based on the chapter!!
IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL OVER THERE FR like sometimes iā€™d just stand there and be like ā€œwow this feels like the set of a movieā€ it literally just didnā€™t even seem real at times šŸ˜­ probably going to call the doctor at some point this week and hopefully they offer good solutions because iā€™m still dizzy even lying in bed at home šŸ˜“
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