#his design is cool enough and i feel as though at the start (yes I've given it lore this time) he would probably be hesitant to wear clothes
alphyser · 3 months
Random things in my MHA DR about 1-A!
Mineta was originally part of the class, however during the quirk apprehension test at the start, he got the lowest score and that Aizawa noticed him acting creepy so he acted on his threat to expel someone and gave Mineta the boot. That way, it'd also serve as a warning to others.
Mineta was actually hilarious though on first day. Actually made me crack up a lot, especially since I also have a dirty sense of humor. But then he he tried to peek under Yaomomo's skirt and the illusion was shattered. (For a moment I thought he could've been great </3)
I unironically voted for Sero during the class rep elections. Him and Yaomomo had a tie and he dropped out of the nominations saying that Yaoyorozu should be the vice-representative for 1-A over him. (Sero is such a sweet soul in my DR.)
Bakugo Katsuki, despite having fashion designers for parents, only ever dresses in the most basic clothing. Black compression shirts and sweatpants are his go to and when he feels like it he sometimes wears graphic tees and jeans. But he also criticizes others a lot on their fashion sense. (He one time straight up scolded Mina for an hour because she wore a shade of yellow that didn't go with her skin tone.)
Sato, without fail, will always have a box of some type of sweets on him. Man is a god send. He brings like this little lunchbag and he has two tupperwares of sweets. One time he had these donuts and each of them were a cool new flavor I've never seen before, like a raspberry donut with candied bacon, it sounds gross but he makes it taste good somehow.
Most Sundays, Aoyama usually goes out to visit this stray kitten in a park near U.A. He feeds all the time too. He has little cat treats in his bag always. He doesn't even like cats that much, but he sees himself in the kitty. Weak and can't do anything about it (Aoyama deserves better.)
Sero makes the MEANEST avocado salads ever. Like actually godsent. It's avocados, tomatoes, red onions, bell peppers, cucumbers, cilantro, parsley, garlic, black beans, jalapeno, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and white pepper, and queso fresco all tossed together. (Yes, I memorized the recipe because I wanted to make it in my CR 😭)
Oddly enough, Koda sleeps really loudly. Like he snores, talks in his sleep, grinds his teeth, even clears his throat sometimes. He fell asleep in the common room once on a sat evening watching Princess and the Frog with Tsu and my god, everyone in the first floor could hear it, even on the second floor only it was a little more muffled.
Iida dresses wrong. Not bad, wrong. He doesn't dress ugly, in fact he's one of the most well dressed in 1-A. The issue is, he never knows what outfit for when so he either always ends up overdressed or underdressed. We went out to get groceries and he was wearing a first date outfit (He looked fine asf but like for groceries?? 😭)
I don't know how it happened but for some reason, Monoma and Yaomomo are friends. Like not frenemies or just acquaintances. Like real actual friends. They hang out sometimes and gossip with Kendo. He even tones down the 1-A hate passion canon in her presence, it's actually amazing to see.
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featherdusterbelphie · 4 months
drew WHB Belphie pre-debut because yes?!
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Very long discussion under the cut vvv
HE IS HERE YESS (even though he is very late)
I'm very excited for when he drops even though it'll definitely take me a while before I actually get him because I'm f2p only and I have shitty gacha luck hahaha...
Anyway, here are my theories: for some reason, I have a feeling that he's very mean? Or like, he's one of those who will bully MC LOL
(though I can't tell if it's bully because he likes mc, or bully because that's just how he is)
Idk, I just think he'll be prickly because of the piercings. He has so many! Four helix piercings on both ears?! Also, it looks like he's wearing a windbreaker? Or some sporty jacket which makes me think jock...which is also not very sloth-like lmao. It reminds me of typical gangster characters like Draken from Tokrev.
(Though that will be a very interesting character but it's risky since we already have Levi and not everyone likes him <3 the reason why I didn't draw him very gangster-like is that someone said that he kinda looks inspired by Vkei and I wanted to incorporate that somehow)
I also think he'll have a very... interesting personality. I've drawn him all crazy in the second pic, but very relaxed and a little tired? in the first. That's because I really like drowsy/sleepy eyes and also because he's the representative of the sin sloth so it makes sense. As for the crazy one..I also think that aside from the mean attitude, he'll have a very energetic/eccentric personality based on the art. Like he'll be all up in your face talking about the weirdest shit because he wants to get a reaction. Or he's just one very informed and knowledgeable king who has many, many secrets.
Speaking of secrets, there is his hands. I know the other kings also have hands in their teasers, but with Belphie, I think the hands have more significance. Because like, why is it covering up most of his face??? The other kings at least have an eye, nose and/or mouth showing through the fingers, but Belphie only has his left eye with two pupils. I'm starting to think he's very secretive or mysterious. Maybe he's a reclusive king and that's why not a lot of demons know about him or his country? Or maybe he's as strict and 'militaristic' as Nifleheim's description says of their country? Or maybe he has a scar that he's covering up? Idk but I am gonna be disappointed if it turns out to be a red herring >:(
Oh, and another thing about the hands— I might be grasping at straws here but the fingers look like teeth. The way they're intertwined in front of his face makes it look like teeth, making me think either he has very sharp teeth or his idiosyncrasy is related to teeth (i know, this is beyond grasping at straws now).
Also, I didn't draw his horns because I have no idea how to draw his horns. I can't see it at all in the teaser art unless it's this thing beside one of his hands which is....?? I'm not sure. Because if that's so then he's similar to Valefor with a horn in his eye (correct me if I'm wrong huhu) and if that's the case, then he has a very cool design that's very unique from all the current kings (including Asmo if they're going to reuse the design they had of him from Love Unholyc)
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Unless his horn is the black halo above his head? In which case, how the fuck is that connected to his head?? Or is it floating with magic?? I don't understand. Why the halo? Is he connected to the angels in some way? A traitor, perhaps? Is he somehow related to the angelification stuff that I barely know anything about?
ALSO ALSO what's with the Roman numeral six on his forehead??? Is that just a random tattoo or will that mean something lore-wise? If so, does that mean he's the sixth king to be before Lucifer? (this is assuming Luci is the last king and Asmo is the first king) Or is this a hint that he's the sixth king MC visits/breaks the contract with? If it's the latter...then I don't know if I have enough patience to play through however many chapters it will take until we get to Niflheim...and also...my phone storage can't handle it eheu
It could also just not be a Roman numeral six and it could be a Latin word/quote that I have no idea about because it's hidden by his hands. Salvi is the only Latin word I could think of with 'vi' but that means 'saved' and I don't know how that works with Belphie. Because then he got saved?? By who?? And why would he need saving?
So many questions and so many ideas, I wonder when they'll officially introduce him (hopefully not next year...).
Also, does anyone know when Lucifer's selfie card goes into the normal banners? Because I don't see him there and the only thing I'm sure will go into the normal banners is Levi's school card which will be three months from now iirc.
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My Thoughts on Touchstarved
So, I've finished the demo! Let me start off by saying that I love the story! The concept is awesome, I adore that you can choose your own background, I love how immersive the setting is, everything is just... amazing. I can't wait for the full game to come out! Especially with all the special treats we're getting from the Kickstarter goals, it's going to be fantastic! And now, my friends, I shall share with you my thoughts & Headcannons for each of our lovely love interests, in order of appearance. If you'd like to see more, my requests are open!! I haven't gotten any for Touchstarved yet but I'm itching to write for them, I just... need some inspiration, so the more the merrier!
First of all: pretty. I love his design, it's wonderful. He looks so ethereal! And very doctor-y, which was the point.
Can we talk about the hair, though???? How cool is that?? I love it. It looks very soft and fluffy. And so long... Could you imagine sleeping next to him? You wake up and you're drowning in floof.
He's very kind and gentle, but is obviously holding back. He distances himself from people, and like everybody else on this list, he needs to find someone he can really trust to open up and be himself with.
And he stays so busy, like... when does he ever take the time to relax? I know the city needs him and his clinic, but he deserves some time off, too.
To be honest Kuras gives me kinda like.... asexual vibes? Maybe demisexual? Idk, maybe I'm reading too much into him being reserved, but. I just feel like he either wouldn't be interested or he'd want to fall in love with someone before taking them to bed.
I love him, he's incredible. So talented, so kind!! I love the respect the Bloodhounds have for him, and how willing he is to go out of his way to help a stranger.
Also he blushes very easily and I love it, he's absolutely adorable
I am very very curious how he got so much skill with magic, because that doesn't seem to be normal. I bet it has something to do with his secret.
He very clearly has some serious trauma in his past, too. I wonder how he got that scar, if it has anything to do with his magic, if it is indeed the same scar running from his face to his arm....
Seems like he drowns his trauma in alcohol, his gang, and keeping himself very busy. Poor thing clearly doesn't get as much sleep as he should.
I think he just wants to be loved, but he's afraid to let himself be too vulnerable.
Foxboy Foxboy Foxboy Foxboy Fox-
Can I just say that I'm a little bit in love with his design. I mean I am with all of them but. Especially Vere. I love foxes and it's just. *Chef's kiss*
He's a cocky lil son of a biscuit tho. That tongue of his is quite sharp... as are his teeth~
I feel like he'd flirt with a Soulless to get what he wanted. In actuality he'd just murder it, but... you get my point. You're never sure if he's gonna seduce you or slit your neck.
Literally if Sage and Rime from Last Legacy had a child.
He's absolutely not trustworthy but I wanna get to the bottom of things and form that trust with him.
Romancing him would be very interesting. He's always three seconds away from eating you, but the question is... will he eat your soul, or your [redacted]?
He reminds me far too much of my friend's OC, and for that, I am the sliiiightest bit obsessed with him. At least that gives me a headstart on his characterization.
Would sell you to Satan for one cornchip, but fortunately MC interests him enough to keep them around
And Princess???? Oh my god. My heart. I adore her, I adore him, yes please
And he calls the MC "Sparrow"!!! That's absolutely precious. I love how he has nicknames for people, it's wonderful
Ais seems like the person who will tell you he doesn't care what happens to you and you can go get yourself killed for all he cares, then move heaven and earth to save you once you're even slightly in danger.
Baby needs a hug. Enough said.
l absolutely adore them. They have stolen my heart.
And yes, maybe I do have the slightest bit of a savior complex, shut up. I'm just addicted to the hurt/comfort angst of it all, okay?
Literally hates everyone and everyone hates them (Except for, y'know, Kuras) because they're such a grumpy little loner and dear god just let me love you, let me teach you what love is.
They definitely fit into the whole "stronger than they appear" archetype because they're specifically mentioned to be pretty scrawny, but they have an impressive amount of strength and holy hells they're good with that dagger. That's incredible skill
I just. I want to break down those walls and earn their trust and teach them they have someone they can rely on who won't betray them, no matter what happens or how dark things get.
I just want to cuddle them and reassure them that everything's gonna be alright, is that a crime?
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givemea-dam-break · 2 years
a/n: this is part 4 for the enemies to lovers lockwood x reader (out the window) that has been requested by quite a few people! thank you all for your continuing support i love you all &lt;;3 @simrah1012 @wordsarelife @aislinrayne @helpmelmao @superpositvecloudshipper -> since you all were waiting so patiently :)
warnings: descriptions of blood and injury gn reader
full series collection: here
"Five jobs in the past week alone. I think you're starting to make all of these up to spend more time with me."
Lockwood grins at you from across the room. If not for the box of doughnuts he'd showed up with as bribery, you wouldn't have let him into your flat again. You're exhausted.
"I can promise you, they aren't being made up. Every case you help us with gets us more and more business. Which, speaking of, have you thought any more on my offer?"
You take a bite out of a particularly yummy-looking doughnut, taking a minute to reply. "And have this amount of work almost every day? Are you trying to kill me?" Another bite as he laughs. "But, yes, I've thought about it."
"And?" He looks eager, excited even.
"Let's see how this case goes today, then I'll make my final decision."
Despite not getting a straight answer, he grins. "You don't even know what it is you're being hired for."
"And?" You shrug. "Might as well. You'll only muck it up without me."
Leaning back against your kitchen counter, you watch Lockwood carefully. In the past few weeks, something about the dynamic between you two has changed wildly, though it's perhaps not the worst thing ever. Within a month alone, you've gone from hating his guts to being able to joke about with him, which is progress, but there's something else hidden beneath it all, a greater motive your soul is striving for.
It's easier to understand his mannerisms now, too, which makes working together a little easier.
Like, now, for example: he's tapping his fingers against the handle of the mug that has now been designated his, which is the only inclination of his anxiousness. It's not as strong as it would be if he were donning that big grin of his while shaking his foot with his legs crossed.
"So?" you say. "What's it this time?"
"Haunted school."
"Ooh, exciting. Haunted by who?"
Lockwood smiles. "A bunch of angry Catholic nuns."
"How many are we talking?"
"Well, the local kids - this is just out of London, by the way - can't seem to agree on a number, but we're thinking at least half a dozen. Some seem to be Type Ones, so easy enough to handle, but there might be a couple of Twos."
Nodding, you take a sip of tea. "Sounds like fun. George at the Archives?"
"He and Lucy," Lockwood says. "They'll meet us at the train, so, if you wouldn't mind coming back to Portland Row with me to get their gear, too, that would be great."
"Oh, so it was already assumed I'd be joining on this case?"
His smile only widens. "Would you really have turned it down?"
"No," you say with a grin.
You grab another doughnut, holding it between your teeth as you grab your duffle bag, and fasten your belt with your rapier and mix of salt bombs and magnesium flares around your waist. The entire time, you can feel Lockwood watching, but, strangely enough, it doesn't leave your skin prickling with unease. Slinging your duffle bag over your shoulder, you turn to him, taking a bite out of the new doughnut.
"Want one before we go?"
"I'd never turn a doughnut down."
The train is cool, and you believe the air conditioning deserves a raise. Outside, it's sweltering, and you were sweating by the time you reached Portland Row with Lockwood, never mind the station.
George, within minutes of sitting down, has his notebook and some newspaper clippings sprawled out on the table. Lucy sits beside him, setting things out in a way that makes it make a little more sense - at least to her - and sips on a milkshake you're both sharing.
"The nuns were murdered a hundred or so years ago," George starts. "They had been killed upon finishing the day teaching the schoolkids, but the killers were never identified. Brutal murders: some slashed at the throat, some stabbed, some were even -"
"We get the idea, George," Lockwood says. "What else do we know?"
He barely looks at his notes. "The school is relatively unchanged. Since the start of the problem, they've hung up a few iron and silver crucifixes and crosses, decked the place out with lavender. All the seats and tables have been replaced with iron ones, but the layout is essentially the same. The nuns were killed in the classroom, and that's where they've appeared, according to the locals. A few kids have been hospitalised or killed by ghost touch, along with one of the few teachers."
You frown, looking down at one of the newspaper clippings. "Says here that there were eight that died. That's a lot of Visitors to go up against."
Lockwood waves a hand nonchalantly. "We've dealt with worse, Haven't we, guys? The three of us once took down fourteen Wraiths."
"Kipps' team saved our asses, you mean," Lucy says, taking an angry sip of the milkshake. "Are we sure this isn't more than what we can handle?"
"A few of them sound to be Type Ones," George says, confirming what Lockwood said earlier. "My thinking is that the one in charge, Sister Something-or-Other, will definitely be a Type Two. She has the most reason to want revenge - it was her that was in charge, and it was her fellow nuns killed."
"This is why we've brought extra chains," Lockwood says, and you don't miss how his knee brushes against yours. "Plus a stockpile of spare salt bombs, and we have magnesium flares if we end up needing a last resort. I wouldn't have agreed to this case unless I knew we were capable."
You take the milkshake from Lucy, sipping from your straw. "I don't know... I mean, do we have any clue what the source could be? It's not like there will be anything left of them if it was a century ago."
"Could be an old floorboard left from back then," George suggests. "Or a Bible. That seems likely."
"I still don't feel good about this," Lucy says.
"We'll be fine," Lockwood insists. "Just a few harmless nuns."
Spoiler: it is not just a few harmless nuns.
Upon reaching the town, a crowd of locals rushes up to meet you and the members of Lockwood and Co, showing you the way to the school while recounting stories of what has happened so far. It's a lot of noise, and someone shouts in your ear at one point or another, but it takes only a short amount of time to reach the school.
It looks like the kind of Catholic school you'd see in the movies: almost like a church, made out of dark stone, a cross embedded in the large front door. A fence - this one modern and made from iron - surrounds the playground, which has been deserted for a short while.
A woman stands at the foot of the stairs leading to the school. She's maybe in her forties, dressed in a knee-length skirt and a pretty blouse, but the look on her face is enough to make you even more uneasy than you already were. Horror.
"Lockwood and Co!" she says brightly, but her voice trembles. "Thank you so much for coming."
Lockwood flashes her that ridiculous grin of his and, sure enough, she relaxes a little. "It's our pleasure, Mrs Garrett."
She tries for a grateful smile, but it looks more like a twitch. "The school has been closed for the past week since the last incident of ghost touch. No one has been inside lest the ghosts kill us all."
"That won't be happening, I assure you," Lockwood says. It's infuriating how confident he is. "We'll be rid of these ghosts in no time. For now, I suggest you all start making your way back home; curfew will be soon, and we work best when we're not worrying about your safety, too."
"Thank you, Mr Lockwood," Mrs Garrett says. She can't get off the steps quickly enough.
Soon enough, the playground is emptied of locals until it's just the four of you. The sun is making its slow descent in the sky. Even though it's still bright, ghost lamps begin flickering on. Four are posted at each corner of the playground and, distantly, you can see some on the street of houses, barely working.
Lockwood claps his hands together, startling you. "Right! Shall we get started?"
You want to say absolutely not, but you follow him up the steps regardless.
The inside of the school is chilly, but you don't think it's because of ghosts yet. The entrance hall is small, with pegs on the two side walls with little nametags above each for jackets. Silver crosses hang at random intervals, between boards full of poems and drawings that are too hard to see in the growing darkness.
"Sixteen degrees," George says. "Steady temperature, no malaise or miasma. Who has the gum this time?"
"Me," you say, and your voice echoes slightly.
The classroom itself is moderately sized, packed with tables and chairs, but it's the only one, judging from the only other rooms around being a staff room, a small canteen area, and toilets. Small town, small school.
Lucy calls from one corner of the room, "Fourteen degrees."
"Sixteen," Lockwood says from over near the entrance to the classroom.
"Sixteen," George says parallel.
"Ten," you shout in the final corner, close to the staff room door and the teacher's desk. "Little bit of miasma."
You chew on a piece of gum to keep the bitter taste out of your mouth and wish, despite the summer heat, that you'd brought a coat with you.
"Death glows near where you're standing, (name)," Lockwood says. "At least eight."
An iron circle is set up close to your corner after pushing tables and chairs out of the way, and George places a dim lantern inside it, along with the duffle bags. For extra precaution, another layer of iron chains surrounds the circle.
"Hear anything, you two?" Lockwood asks, glancing between you and Lucy.
"Nothing yet," Lucy says, and you shake your head in agreement.
The silence makes you uneasy as you slowly patrol the area, flashing your torchlight over everything, trying to find out what the source could be.
For a while, the four of you sit in the iron circle, drinking your melted milkshakes and tea, munching away on the snacks you made sure to pack. The room grows darker and darker until there's only a small circle of light from the lantern, kept low to encourage the appearance of the Visitors.
Suddenly, Lucy's head snaps to the left. "Do you hear that?"
You stop eating, focusing on using your Talents and, sure enough, a faint sound creeps into your ears.
"- Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven -"
"Prayers," you murmur. "It's the nuns. They're here."
"Apparition appearing," Lockwood says.
A faint glow appears on the other side of the room. You all stand, turning to look at it. A nun, only a few years older than you, hovers between the desks, careful not to touch them, praying softly as she cries. She pays no attention to the four of you, focused solely on her prayer.
George points. "Another one."
Over to the left of the first, another nun appears, looped in the same situation as her sister, praying and crying. Slowly, the voices become louder, and their crying becomes clearer as more and more appear all across the room.
"Six of them," Lucy says. "But, where are the -"
A scream only Lucy and you can hear deafens you, and you stumble backwards. Your foot catches on one of the chains, and you trip over it, falling out of the circle. Before Lockwood is able to grab you and hoist you back inside, the sounds increase by tenfold, even more horrific than before. You can hear their sobs, their screams of agony, their desperate prayers to be saved that go unheard and then, finally, one more death loop.
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others," an ominous, scratchy voice says, soon joined by a second.
You latch onto Lockwood when you regain your footing, unable to let go as you stare at the two apparitions slowly approaching the iron circle.
Two more nuns, their robes rustling in a non-existent breeze. One wears a cross around her neck. Her face would've been beautiful, once, but it's hard to tell with the blood covering it. With a start, you realise that one of her eyes is missing, and a number of scars cover her face. The other nun is free of blood, but her neck is bent at an awkward angle, and her head lolls slightly as if her neck has been broken. Her eyes are unseeing, but you can still feel her gaze.
"Wraiths," you say. "You said you fought of fourteen once, right?"
"Well, sort of," Lockwood says. "Lucy was right. Fittes may have come along and held them off."
"It shouldn't be too bad," George says, but he doesn't sound too confident. "Only two of them. The rest are Type Ones."
Lucy swears. "Type Ones who have the room surrounded."
It's a struggle to quench your fear, but you manage, slowly letting go of Lockwood's arm. "Plan? And don't say improvise."
He smiles. "You know me too well, (name)."
"Plan?" Lucy repeats, a little more urgently. The Wraiths have come even closer, a mere foot or two away from the iron circle.
"George and (name), you find the source. Lucy, you think you can communicate with these things?"
She scowls. "I'll try."
"It was nice knowing you guys," George grumbles.
You look at Lockwood, clutching his hand without even meaning to. "Don't be reckless."
He grins, squeezing your hand softly, and it gives you confidence. "When am I ever reckless?"
Before you can say always, he leaps out of the circle, drawing the attention of the Wraiths. Lucy follows shortly after, and they make their way over to the other side of the room, shouting and throwing salt bombs to keep them distracted.
"See if you can hear anything," George says. "We might have a better chance if you can get any clues from that."
Eyeing the Type Ones nearby, you drown out the sounds around you. The screaming arises again, but you force your way through it, searching for anything else. You're vaguely aware of the sound of fighting a little bit away, and the quiet crying and prayers still continue. And, then, there it is. Someone speaking, her voice filled with confidence and vigour.
"Sounds like... like a Bible verse. Lamentations - that's a verse, right?"
The sound of George's feet scuffling brings you back to reality, and you see that he has darted over to the teacher's desk. He flings papers off the table's surface, throws drawers open and scavenges through them.
Meanwhile, you draw your rapier. The Type Ones are drawing ever nearer, curious. Over at the other side of the room, Lockwood and Lucy are holding off the Wraiths, but it seems to be proving hard - the Type Twos' attention is wavering, flickering over to George.
"You might want to hurry up," you say over your shoulder. "You're starting to draw a lot of attention."
"I'm trying!"
With a grumble, you rush around the desk, crouching down to help the search.
Not even a minute before Lockwood yells, "(name)! George!"
All of a sudden, the table flies backwards, slamming you both into the wall. You can't help but cry out in pain, stuck underneath the weight of the wood. What business does a teacher have needing such a heavy desk?
But, then, there it is.
"The net!" you shout, more winded than you realised. "We need the net! Throw it!"
George's eyes catch where you're looking, and he starts trying to push the desk off you both. With it on top of your legs, it means you can't get into the last drawer - the one holding an aged copy of the Bible.
The sound of metal links hitting the wall sounds above you and, as dual screeches of rage fill the room, you grasp the net tightly, using all your strength to push the desk up, and shove the net into the drawer.
All sounds fade away, and the room becomes dark once more.
Shoes squeak on the floor, and then Lockwood's and Lucy's faces appear, dusted in salt. Together, the four of you manage to stand the desk back up.
With help from Lockwood, you stand on shaky legs, breathing hard. George is not better.
"What took so long?" Lucy asks, but there's no anger in her voice, just relief.
"You know when you're looking for something and it shows up in the last place you check?" you say. "That."
Lockwood still hasn't let go of you, and the warmth of his hands is a welcome feeling. "Well, they're gone now. Are you both alright?"
"Sore," George grumbles. "Stupid ghosts."
Unsure of whether it was George's words or the relief of being alive, you all laugh, the sound reverberating off the walls. You find yourself leaning into Lockwood's side, either for his warmth or the comfort of a living body, but you don't mind. Actually, you quite like it.
"So, have you made your decision?"
You open your eyes, trying to make it look like you weren't just falling asleep on Lockwood's sofa. The fire is just so warm, and the tea you drank in seconds was awfully calming.
"I have."
Looking at him, you have to suppress your smile. Something about his smile, the subdued excitement of it, and this unpolished look of his - his tied loosened, the top few buttons of his shirt undone, and his hair slightly ruffled - has your stomach doing flips.
"I'll join Lockwood and Co."
The grin that splits his face lights up something inside of you. In the year or so you knew him before 'The Incident', as you call it, and then the past month spent working with him, you've never seen such pure elation on his face.
"Really?" he says.
You nod. "Really. Figure I might as well. Business is slow otherwise and, I have to admit, cases with you lot are quite fun, even if I'm getting accosted by tables or thrown out of windows."
As you sit up, he moves so that he's sitting beside you. You can feel the warmth and happiness radiating off of him, and it makes you happy, seeing him that way. His hand closes around yours, calloused and strong, but his grip is gentle. It sends sparks coursing up your veins. No one but him has ever touched you so carefully, so intimately.
"You won't regret this," he promises. He's awfully close.
You grin. "I better not. I don't really fancy becoming a freelancer again. Terrible pay."
He laughs, and your heart skips a beat, strangely enough. "I'll make sure you're awarded the correct pay for someone of your high status."
Now you're laughing, too.
Slowly, you turn your hand in his until your palms are facing, and you feed your fingers between his. The touch is enough to have your heart hammering in your chest. His eyes, so dark as they look into yours, sparkle, and it's something you don't think you'll ever tire of seeing.
Well, in all reality, you don't think you'll ever tire of seeing him.
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starsoftheeye · 4 months
TMagP 17 Reaction
I've discovered that acting disinterested literally makes the episodes show up earlier on my youtube account, so I've gotta play mindgames on this app every thursday to get to see the episodes less than half an hour after they release lol
Ah Celia is back on her bullshit
Wait did she just nearly get ran over???
I feel bad for laughing at her but her only reaction being "Oh for gods sake" is super funny to me how long has she been doing this
oh hi sam
oh god she missed their date :[
something tells me a habit is going to be made of this, especially considering she literally cannot help it
"it really wasn't" yeah no wonder you nearly became roadkill
theyre so cute i love them
ooh shes mad
"catalyst" huh, have we heard that before or is this the first time
pfft not the interviewer getting read to shreds
wild theory before i keep going, based on the title "saved copy" and the "identity crisis", "existential horror", "temporal distortion" and "captivity" tags, im going to assume that this person going to therapys having the details of their life copied somewhere for something to replicate and replace them, and the doctors gonna attempt to get rid of them but obviously it didnt work. either that or the guy outside the office does something
as someone whos never done meditation before this is not encouraging me to start
ah office spaces, the worst of cosmic horror
wait did they get teleported or something
tbf if my taxi driver started driving completely the wrong way i'd assume the worst and start "exchanging words" too
oh my god was i right
wait is this copy based on their therapy, a version of themselves with no problems whatsoever? and is this gonna be a "there can only be one" type scenario?
oh wait no i forgot siblings exist
wait nvm them having the same name is weird
"dates and times" so this is where the temporal distortion comes in ig
i'm sticking with the "rich-darrien is a copy trying to assimilate into og-darriens life" theory for now
yeah because thats not normal darrien, even if youre related no-one looks completely identical apart from glasses, teeth colour and a lack of a beer-gut
do they both think the other is the copy, or does sharron just not know?
oh god what is he hiding
does he beat up a real person every time hes upset
of course it was his father that makes sense
oh my god the sound design
oh my god he's the one who assimilated thats so cool
good for sharron i hope shes doing okay
off-topic but i love the way the voices get more real as the statement goes on then go back to their more robotic tone at the end
as a celia fan i am eating well this week jeez
celia my dear what do you mean by that "not exactly the same though, it is?" girlie what have you done what are you hidinggg
who was playing the music in the background there?
as someones whos computing department in school consists of keyboard with never-before-discovered types of bacteria wedged between the keys thats valid
alice dyer i love you so much
ah the dyhard is dyharding
ah yes the mutual "i'm traumatised and i know you are too but i don't like you enough to give details on mine or ask about yours so we'll just sit and suffer in silence til the ice somehow breaks" dynamic
also colin mention woohoo i love the scottish man
the computer start up noise and power down noise at the beginning and end of every episode kind of makes me think that someone is watching all of this (maybe us, or more likely someone in-universe)
anyway that was fun, i'm doing this late but this was a nice way to spend my first proper off-day since finishing all my exams
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pitviperofdoom · 9 months
OC picrews!
These are all from my main storyverse, Sacred Darkness or SDverse.
Picrews used:
1, 2, 3
Caleb Cooper:
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This is the guy whose backstory keeps changing to make it sadder. He likes Jane Austen novels and hates feeling like a failure. Which he does. A lot.
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Jack is extremely difficult to make in picrews thanks to how weird his design has gotten over the years. This isn't even that accurate because he's supposed to have different skin tones between the stitches. Fun fact, this picrew game makes you choose between a face scar and a neck scar, so I just made two versions and put them together in MS Paint.
He likes poetry and music and his friends and the smell of green tea, and hates being talked over.
Sarah Cheung:
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I used to do a lot more with Sarah; at one point I entered her into one of those OC art tournaments, but I dropped out after a couple rounds.
She likes singing and hates not being able to help when people are sad.
Rita Cheung Pruitt:
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Rita's another OC that's gone through quite a bit of change, though I haven't talked about her nearly as much on Tumblr, if at all. As much as I love the sushicore picrew, there's only one body type option and Rita's supposed to be fat. It's hard to find picrews that look good and have more plus-size options.
She likes gardening and collecting animal bones, and hates littering.
Ryan Cheung Pruitt:
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I used to roleplay with this guy. If you're wondering if I went for bisexual lighting on purpose, the answer is yes.
He likes arts and crafts and hates awkward social situations.
Maya Robinson:
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Maya's just a cool werewolf lesbian that I'm very fond of.
She likes camping and collecting animal bones, and hates feeling like she's missing out.
Jake Molina:
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Jake's one of the OCs I've talked about the least. He was pretty generic for a while, with his only discerning features being 'gay" and "telepathic", but at some point I was like "you know what this story's missing? A goth with a heart of gold" and Jake was enough of a blank slate for me to slap that on him and start turning him into an actual person.
He likes fibercrafts and hates big crowds.
Zuri Sullivan:
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Out of all my characters, Zuri's been through the most change since her initial conception because proto-Zuri was a white boy whose name has been lost to time. The eyepatch is supposed to be on the left. The stuffed cat is plot-relevant.
She likes making plushies, and hates loud voices and the feeling of velvet.
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miaikon · 1 month
From learning a Sci-Fi script to picking up a Con-Lang (or, a very long very nerdy Star Wars rant)
I need to rant at this to the void, and this blog is my go-to for these things. I feel free to do so since no-one comes here anyways.
A bit of background
(or, the part you can skip if you want to get to the nerdy rant now): I've been into Star Wars on and off since my teens. I'm nearly 40, so that's a few decades. I do watch the new series, and became very fond of "The Mandalorian" really fast. In-between seasons, my spouse and I also re-watched most of Clone Wars. In early 2024, we started a Star Wars 5E TTRPG campaign with a friend, where my spouse DM's, Friend plays a Jedi, and I play a Mandalorian (and she's just so much FUN to play). My character is one I came up with around... 2017? Maybe? IDK if you can find her if you scroll down far enough. Currently re-designing her, though. I originally came up with her after working my way through the Travis books and becoming fascinated with Mandalorians for some reason.
Accidential Language Acquisition
My latest obsession (and distracion from the summer heat) started with me looking up some Mandalorian phrases and curses for RPG purposes. Yes, I know, none of this is canon any more. None of us cares. We kind of make our own canon. Then I found out there's a script - and I was lost. I loved codes and obscure scripts as a child, and I did learn to read Hiragana in my 20s, so how hard could this be? I looked for a chart and found this site, which offers practice reading (and a dictionary, amongst other stuff). So, I started learning the characters in, I think, late July. I read quite well by now, my writing does lag behind. Juuust... the practice phrases are written in the Mandalorian language.
I didn't set out to learn a constructed language. I really did not. I just wanted to know WHAT I was typing. So I looked up the sentences on the cheat-sheet after I got them right. And some words started repeating, and I picked them up. Kinda automatically. I swear, I only practice reading/ writing this for like 15 to 30 minutes a day. After a while, I half-understood what some sentences said. Reading Star Wars fanfiction did not help (or help a lot, depending on your POV) there. I looked up missing words, building a bit of a vocabulary. It's erratic still, but I noticed something. In conversations, my brain sometimes supplies the Mandalorian words I know now. (I usually do catch myself, although stuff tends to slip in when I'm alone with my spouse, to his amusement.) My language center does not know this is a con-lang, after all. I also tried to write a ransom note in Mandalorian, which was a fun experience (for a private project). Through fan fiction and looking up stuff, I also learned about the Legends version of Mandalorian culture. That stuff is fascinating, although I feel like a visitor to an abandoned city. Everyone's gone (since Legends is out of print and stuff is falling into obscurity), but it's still cool to look around. It gives me a kind of bittersweet, nostalgic feeling, too. So many passionate minds, and things I'm so happy to experience, but wished I knew about sooner. Aay'han, if you will, only it's memories I never made. Nostalgia for what could have been. Not gonna lie, I'm obsessed. It's a feeling I seldom get now, although it was quite frequent when I was a teen. It feels great and enjoyable and unhealthy and I think I need to stop. I'm an adult, and I'm too old to fangirl. Or, at least, I keep telling myself this.
Analyzing a Con-Lang because my nerd brain can't stop looking for patterns
Mandalorian actually HAS different words for the people, the planet, the ruler, and the language. Let me start with Manda, which is the collective soul (or the concept of) of the Mandalorian people. The people themselves are Mando'ade (Children of the Manda/ of Mandalore. Singular Mando'ad). The language is Mando'a (no clue why, language would be joha. Maybe Mando'joha was too long and it got shortened). The planet is Manda'yaim (yaim meaning home. Simple enough). The ruler is the Mand'alor (alor meaning, well, leader. Also simple).
Before long, my brain started making connections between some things. Simple things first - "Ke" or "K' " at the start of a sentence is always the imperative form of something ("Command form"). The words for "you", "I", and the third person pronoun. Then, between words, trying to fit new words with what I already know. Like [something] ad was most likely about people. I built myself bridges that are just theories - I am not a linguist in any fashion, and I'm just trying to make sense of what's there. Like mirsh meaning brain(cell), kot meaning strenght, and mirshko is courage - so, "brain-strength"?
And no, for all of you out there that are as nerdy as me, this is not a full language. There isn't a word for "call" or "get in contact with" I could find, for example. Some authors just wanted to add flair to their writing, so an incomplete thing is what we have. Even so, I am kind of hooked in the weirdest way. I play around, trying to make my own sentences and combined words. It's fun, and private, and nobody needs to know. Except for the two people I TTRPG with.
IDK any more where I wanted to go with this. There might be a part 2, someday. If anyone read this, I appreciate you. If anyone read this and had this weird kind of obsession happen to them as well, let's talk. It might just be the universe's weirdest midlife crisis.
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ashtoberr · 1 year
Hi hi I loveeee your csm oc / insert ♡♡ THEYRE SO COOL Her lore is so interesting 💭💭 At least. The lore that I've seen so far is so interesting. AND HER DESIGN IS SO CUTE I ADORE IT SM 🏂🏾🏂🏾🏂🏾
I always love it when ocs break the "norm" of their universe (idk if that makes sense but her being a vampire when most, if not all of the supernatural entities are devils/Devil adjacent is so swag and cool and based I LOVE SEEING CHARACTERS LIKE THAT 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽)
Her and Aki seem so cute too :3cc I don't think you understand how STOKED I was to see them in the selfship tag. Saw it and ran around my room screaming (in spirit not in action) because YES !!! FINALLY!!! IM STARTING TO SEE MORE PEOPLE W/ CSM SELF SHIPS / OC X CC SHIPS !!!!
I wanna know all ur thoughts about Ashuta 💭💭 She genuinely seems like such a cool character they're so epic and awesome n cool n swag ((o(^∇^)o))
OMG HI!!!! IM SORRY I JUST SAW THIS Ahhh thank you so much!!! It's super exciting to met another CSM selfshipper!!!! :DDD I'd love to hear abt ur self insert omg I'm so glad you like her!!!!!!! It actually means a lot, she makes me really happy to work on :D
And trust me I will provide on Ashuta lore >:3 Here is The Food For Today. I didn't include art this time bc I have been eepy. I have ideas for long after this, but this is the general gist. I plan to eventually draw a lot (if not all) of this out. Here's her concept for her first appearance and mission (Chapters 14 to 20, or up to episode 7 in the anime):
So, after being found by Makima:
She is added to the team briefly after Denji and Power. I'm currently undecided at which point she should enter the story; I'm thinking about prior to Chapter 14.
Makima helps her find a place (up until this point, she's been homeless since becoming a vampire) near Aki's apartment, encouraging her to make friends. She suggests Denji could use a friend since he's similar to her (not fully human, rough background).
Ashuta believes that since she'll be on a team of devils and humans, she would be more likely to make friends since they should be more accepting, right? She shows up to the Hayakawa apartment with some food, trying to introduce herself as a new member of the team (and not disclosing herself as a vampire yet- Power can tell, but doesn't care enough to point it out).
Denji thinks at first she's friendly, but a bit too polite and wonders how someone like her got chosen by Makima. Power doesn't initially feel strongly about her either way, though she's delighted to meet Meowy.
Aki thinks she's polite (and finally someone easy for him to get along with on his squad), but questions why she became a devil hunter after a couple hours of them hanging out. She briefly explains that she's a vampire, and that her life was ruined by the Vampire Devil. Aki's tone quickly changes knowing she's not human, and the night is sort of abruptly ended.
She's integrated into the group with Chapter 14's mission in the hotel being her first (could be retconned later.)
She's a bit hurt with the talk of Aki and Arai not trusting "non-humans" and saying they don't have human rights, so she's quick to become very quiet since she assumed Makima's team of devils and humans meant she was more likely to be accepted.
Himeno can quickly tell that she looks upset and comes over to strike up a conversation, and the two make small talk throughout the mission. She tells her to not mind Aki, that he's just had bad experiences with devils. Ashuta protests that she's not a devil, but a devil makes an appearance before Himeno can respond.
Himeno discusses with Aki later in the mission that she's surprised Ashuta is so conscientious for a vampire- Aki shrugs and believes it's her being deceptive. Himeno goes to suggest he give Ashuta a chance.
Ashuta does bond a bit with Denji over the mission, both of them asking each other questions about their respective species ("So are you allergic to garlic?" and "Does it hurt when your chainsaws come out?")
In hopes of winning Aki's approval, Ashuta offers to help Aki hunt for the devil. She explains that since vampires don't really need to sleep much, she could help him all he wants.
Aki, unimpressed, asks why she's so hellbent on trying to please him when he doesn't care about wether she lives or dies as a non-human.
In the hysteria of facing the eternity devil, Ashuta finally snaps at Kobeni after trying to keep everyone calm the entire mission, telling her she's going to be a shit devil hunter if she freaks out at the slightest inconvenience. Kobeni yells back that it was easy for her to say, that she'd been calm and collected the entire mission because she can't die. Ashuta yells at her that pussying out and turning on her teammates made it more likely for all of them to die, and to shut the fuck up and help if she was going to stay a devil hunter. It certainly doesn't make Kobeni like her, but it shuts her up.
Ashuta joins the newbie welcome party. Denji questions how she can eat if she's a vampire, and she shrugs and explains that it's the same way devils eat- the only difference is human food isn't of nutritional substance to her and she doesn't retain any energy from it, she eats it for nostalgia purposes and the taste.
Ashuta lightens up when Makima joins the party, glad to see someone familiar- she considers Makima a friend, being the first person who was nice to her.
During the party, Makima asks Aki how Ashuta's first mission was, and wether she had done satisfactory. Aki admits that she did well, and Ashuta can't help but be a little happy at his approval.
As the night progresses, she gets drunk enough where she feels less afraid to approach Aki again. The two actually end up talking some. While drunk, Aki apologizes for the way that he had regarded her earlier in the night, and that she handled her first mission well, remaining composed in such a stressful situation .
Ashuta shrugs, and says it's fine- when she was turned into a vampire, she'd been shunned by everyone she once knew. She explains she still considers herself the same person she was before, but she fears rejection from humans more than she fears injuries from devils. He suggests she come stop by their apartment again sometime (more out of drunken guilt than actual like for her, but it's a start to them becoming friends).
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funkyphonophorae · 7 months
Tell me about the cubes.
assuming you mean geometry dash, unfortunately there is no angsty gd cube lore for you to hear of, but i can tell you about some of my favourite levels in no particular order!!!! (decoration and vibes-wise, i am not about to actually beat these anytime soon unfortunately)
xo by krmal
xo is a very controversial level because many think it is "lazy" as it uses extremely basic blocks with no decorations on them whatsoever. the most complicated it gets decoration-wise are the effects which are cool but not particularly flashy. this is why people don't like it and don't think it is worthy to be officially uploaded onto the servers.
however, i really like xo!!! it has genuinely incredible music sync, surprisingly well thought-out design and extremely interesting structure for the limitations the creator was putting on himself!!! levels like xo are great because of how original they are. in times like these ones for the community, where most extreme demons are generic glow with tight wave spam and straightfly as the only reason they are difficult, xo isn't afraid to completely challenge the oversaturated market of extreme demons by prioritising making an interesting level over making one that exists only for it to get attention for being on the demonlist (top 150 hardest levels in the game).
i'll put the rest under a cut because WOW i didnt expect to rant that much about xo...
2. LIMBO by mindcap + more
limbo is very hard to describe because, as cheesy as it sounds, its less of a level and more of a visual experience. even just watching a run of this level (which almost every player will have to do since it is very difficult) is surreal. there is so much creativity poured into every section of limbo that sets it apart from other levels. it is also incredibly consistent for a megacollab (a level where lots of people made small parts of it) but each part still feels distinct enough to be memorable while keeping to a central theme.
3. killbot by boldstep
killbot has one of the coolest concepts for an extreme demon out there. the supposed "story" behind the level is that the player has downloaded a corrupted computer program that is out to kill them (hence the name, killbot), and throughout the level textboxes appear showing the system attempting to delete the killbot virus. the level starts out green and as it progresses, turns into red and black as the virus corrupts more and more parts, until finally at the end the virus is said to have been forcefully deleted.
the level kinda hurts to look at because of all the flashing and general air decoration but still maintains a very cool atmosphere. it does not look fun to play though.
4. decode by rek3dge
finally a level within my skill range! decode is a simple level, but very effective. it has a great song, a certain iconic wave section, and it technically isn't anything special, but who cares. i've never seen anyone hate decode. it's a universally loved level, which is incredibly rare for the gd community, and even rarer considering its rated demon (albiet only easy demon).
fun fact: spaceuk, the perpetrator of one of the game's most shocking and destructive hacking scandals, beat decode as his first ever demon level.
5. emerald realm by castrix + more
this level is based on ori and the blind forest/ori and the will of the wisps, which are great games so that already makes this level super cool. but i think i speak for everyone who's ever seen this level when i say that emerald realm has some of the most beautiful decoration in any gd level. you can appreciate emerald realm as a piece of art regardless of whether you've played the ori games or not. (yes, culuc's part is obviously the best one, all hail culuc, etc).
6. jigsaw
nothing extraordinary about this one...but it's a saw-themed gd level that looks super cool. so of course it's one of my favourites, even if it's not had a huge impact on the community.
7. congregation by presta
(insert funny congregation jumpscare meme). congregation is controversial, similar to xo, because it has less than 40,000 objects, which doesn't sound like much to someone unfamiliar with the game - but the current hardest level has over 200,000 objects. so naturally some people were irritated when congregation was rated - another case of a level being seen as "lazy" by a large number of the community.
but...congregation is so cool! it has a technological atmosphere emphasised with a fitting song that creates a feeling of mystery, unease, and the incredibly long build up to the drop of the level as more and more things begin to appear that makes it surprisingly suspenseful. the second section of the level does bring it down for me but this is still a great example of an extreme demon that stands out from the rest.
also, it has no wave or ship, the gamemodes that extremes usually rely on to create difficult segments, which makes it even more original!
8. b by motleyorc and scorchv2
b is a medium demon set in a beehive. you must navigate the beehive while avoiding some scarily large bees with ._. faces. simple but effective level that pretty much everyone loves.
oops it is now 11:21pm i should probably sleep now. yay
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sinkableruby · 2 years
So, how did you end up stumbling into Monogatari as a series? And who would you say was your Favorite character before Ougi filled that spot? I'd love to ask more about Ougi but, y'know, personal spoilers and all.
oh oh oh yes i have an answer for this one
actually the answer to both is nadeko!! you are right that ougi is my all time fave but nadeko was acc my fave before them and still holds my second place slot!! talking about it below with spoiler talks of otorimonogatari
similarly to you i stumbled upon it in my teens like a while back. my first impression was like the memes and stuff of course with renai circulation and what not. which led to me seeing a comparison video of renai circulation and mousou express, which is super interesting and cool even without context. and scary for that matter mousou express is kind of terrifying. it leaves an incredibly lasting impression, and it certainly did on me back then. of course it helped that i like the songs too. i also saw a clip of her in medusa form which was intriguing (and also i love the design of it). this on its own though was not enough to get me to watch. actually no wait i think i tried to watch it but the order was so confusing that i started with like nise by accident somehow and i had no idea what was going on so i quit lmao. but i was still curious about the series partly due to nadeko and partly bc it was like one of those big shows that you hear about yk
then fast forward a while, i hear the kizumonogatari movies r comin out so im like fuck it lets watch even tho i have no context. luckily they turned out to be prequel stories and my experience was not totally ruined by this move lol. of course, they were really good, those movies are amazing. so now i was like more invested in the story, but only by a little bit more. the final push i needed to actually try to watch (again) was ultimately because i was so curious about nadeko. tbh she was also the reason why i finished the series in the first place. monogatari on first watch for me was overwhelming and very dense (i mean, its a dense show), and before otori i actually wasn't enjoying it like a LOT, especially not with all the weird bits the series likes to throw at you. not to say that i disliked it, it just wasn't like amazing to me. of course now i feel differently and love the early parts of the series very much too, but first watch was slightly rough at times and took me a while to complete. learning what was gonna happen with nadeko was a big motivating factor for me.
but then when i acc got to otori i was like HOLY SHIT ITS ME lmao. i mean id already liked nadeko the best from the very little id seen of her and the fuzzy spoiler memory of vaguely what was going to happen in her arc. but man otori was so good and resonated with me so much, every single moment of it was so gripping to me. i loved the stark contrast in nadeko's perspective from araragi's (esp noticeable in how she sees her classmates), how it's already set up at the very beginning as a story where she Gets Worse so there's a feeling of profound dread surrounding it, her outburst at school (my jaw actually dropped at the "shut up!" i was so shocked and then hyped lol), just like everything about kuchinawa, the incredible ost (not to mention that op of course). ougi actually did contribute to the enjoyment bc she brought up such interesting ideas at the beginning and is generally such an enigma, but shes not the focus here right now i just cant help but bring up ougi in any situation. but yeah otori hands down one of my favorite arcs, one of the ones i still go back to rewatch frequently for the profound effect it had on me and the comfort it brings
its like what you were talking about with hanekawa. nisioisin truly did an incredible job with his characterization to make so many very true-to-life and nadeko is absolutely no exception, she is very relatable to me. i've got a lot of experience in life being shy, quiet, socially anxious, generally anxious lol (although not anymore!), and as 'the sweetheart who can do no wrong', so it's very much nadeko's specific brand of avoidance and like... 'outward-facing personality management' that resonates with me, if that makes sense. i was completely aligned with her during that whole watchthrough of otori in terms of feeling how she felt. i was seeing myself reflected back at me from the screen lol. of course we have lots of differences too but the similarities were really capturing to me on my first watch through and kinda catapulted me to finish the rest. her later appearances only added onto my appreciation of her too. i'll leave it there though since you don't know so much about that yet. when u get there ill probably have more to talk about. but shes a wonderful character love her very much.
also. ghh. i wish i could say more about ougi. you have no idea. im so curious to see what you will think of them. im practically vibrating with how much i want to talk about them (a constant state of being for me). but i wont say anything yet. i will be Hush...
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zoroara · 8 months
I saw you posted an ask game and came rushing to your ask box! 14 I choose you! Time to play dress up with the Varia!
And 21 for hmmmm I'm going to say *throws a dart at a dart board with the Varia members faces on it* Bel
Okay so this has ended up being very long so for the sake of people who may have to scroll past this answers are below.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character. Okay so that's going to be very interesting because honestly i'm not very aware of fashion i'm really the type of person who goes "Oh shit that looks cool" than anything else. So this is going to end up being very free form rambling However I am aware of quite a few alternate fashion types and their overlaps(as well as their meanings sometimes i get them a liiittle confused), but I can safely say most of the Varia in my mind fall into that with like [also please keep in mind i'm more talking about styles of dress here not the cultures behind them]. Two exceptions.
One, is actually Xanxus because I feel like he has very little idea what he's doing when actually out of his uniform so he defaults to it. He does seem to like to have chains feathers and belts but like 90% of the time whenever you see this man it's just SOME variation of what he already wears on his uniform, or has a collared shirt and dress pants and you gotta wonder at some point if he knows anything else. Though being fair it does look good. So I guess he's just sticking with that.
Levi is the other exception because from what I've seen that man dresses like a suburban dad or like he went to the thrift store, honestly? I love that. So whatever that is stays I think it's fun to have him like that. does he probably get bullied for this a bit? yeah
Lussuria, may be an interesting answer for you to hear because he does like rather brightly coloured outfits and dresses, but I Do think he could dabble in a bit of goth style(Also yes i'm aware of cybergoths and pastel goths but they don't quite have the vibe but do have closer to the colours) and make it really work. Damn shame i hit my wrist really hard today so I can't draw it or i would.
Mammon is just more Goth, like look at them. They'd definitely be more Romantic goth than Lussuria though, which is a funny sentence but it's the type of goth that looks more like they're from the victorian era so you probably understand where i'm coming from there.
Bel you can literally already see the emo influence in his design, it's like there though he's a little more colourful than most things I can find with it. But I don't think his fashion is colourful enough for him to accidentally fall into the scene sort of category.
Squalo falls definitely more into punk fashion to me. spikes chains and all, his uniform is pretty clean of those but I think they suit him for more casual wear.
Cannot explain further on fran other than he has the vibes that he wears grunge clothes but like almost accidentally so.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Fun fact, I haven't written Bel often! I think at this point I've started to write levi more often than him.... interesting. Anyway! The one thing with most of the Varia is I honestly thoroughly enjoy writing for them, even if it can be a bit tricky, even for Bel. I really like writing Banter with him and the others but even more so I like to just release him in a fight. I will say though it's probably most difficult when I'm writing him alone. He's just a character who's really easy to write when there's someone else to bounce off of.... Must be why Amano puts him with Mammon or Fran most of the time. But I can't find anything that I'd outright dislike about writing him.
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paodocinh · 11 months
A small analysis on 3 'Can't You See Me?' Characters: Giselle, Six, Mono.
TW: Mentions of alcohol abuse, hospitals/pills y etc, blood?, religion, traumas.
Small context: This is me elaborating a bit on my thought process in a few characters of my Little Nightmares AU. It is on Ao3, with 10 chapters, and you can find it in my pinned post!
> Giselle.
I have yet to make her character sheet — But one thing about Giselle:
She doesn't have a set nationality. The thing about nationalities in CYSM is that they don't exactly interfere on the character's plots, but they help to bring in more depth to their designs through actual real-life cultures that they'd be a part of, or are inspired by, if the countries said cultures are a part of even existed in CYSM.
In a technical level, they do, but not explicitly —A Brazillian-inspired place isn't going to be called Brazil but readers would eventually find out it is basically the in-universe Brazil equivalent ig
So, with Giselle: She doensn't have a set nationality.
Giselle's nationality is a mystery because i personally thought it'd be cool if the girl who worships a alien god from somewhere from outer space, also decided to keep her roots hidden — It makes her more similar to her god and more mysterious in a way.
However, she's highly inspired by vampires and Rosaria from Genshin Impact.
Giselle is a character that's very in line with toxic religion — not a specific one in mind, but just the obsessive faith one might have that they think they're entitled to something just because they believe on a certain god, even if the decisions they make around their faith might harm the people surrounding them, even if they don't hold the same beliefs.
I tend to be as light as possible on topics as these, to be honest — I don't think a Little Nightmares fanfiction is the place to discuss real-life serious issues, though with brevity and creativity, I think Giselle's concept/idea as a character works balances things out quite well — it doesn't go too deep on said topics but it also goes far enough for the storyline to progress while sending a message across.
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> Six:
Okay so brace yourselves — Six is kind of a doozy.
Six is... well, she's a mix. I think she encapsulates well the aesthetic appeal of games like Silent Hill — when i think of Six, I think of something like that, believe it or not.
Blood splatters on the snow, cloudy skies on a windy day, open bottle pills — Six's personality and even her concept board(Sorry i can't show it :( Has spoilers) is very intertwined with hospital imagery. It could be because she herself feels ill, even if her own body is seemingly fine. There's a lot to Six, and obviously the themes of lost childhood are very present on her entire characterization in CYSM.
She looks like the kind of girl who'd stitch up creepy teddy bears and plush bunnies, the kind of girl who'd still play with and cherish her dolls even if she's past the age of playing with toys (perhaps once everything's normal again, she could become a collector?), and the kind of girl who enjoys cute and morbid things alike.
I think, if i had to choose a description for her — I'd probably call her a fallen angel or something along these lines. She has a unreal beauty and tragedy to her, and such a specific personality I often find myself having difficulty explaining how much thought went into her characterization with just words. She's much deeper than how I've written her so far.
Here's a small look into her pinterest board:
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> Mono:
Mono, or also known as Mauricio — He's brazillian! — Is an artist. He's the definition of the word; a creative young man who isn't afraid to use his talents to change the world, the boy is afraid of life, but presses fowards even if he's terrified of what the future may hold for him. I mean, after nine years of doing nothing, it was about time he'd start exploring the world around him, yes?
And as he explores, he brings messages of hope and kindness for other survivors, through his art! Mono is the kind of relaxed, laid-back artist who enjoys scribbling in his notebook while drinking something, so he can eventually bring those drawings to life by replicating them on the walls everywhere he goes, may it be cities, broken houses, forgotten towns and village or even random rocks he finds in the wilderness — The world is his canvas, his home, and he's determined to try and fix it.
So it's not a surprise, as seen though his entire personality, that Mono is the kind of artist who enjoys making critics about the world they live in — He doesn't consider himself a hero, but he feels pride in sending the messages and criticism he believes the others need to hear.
hes also kind of a drunkard lmfao
(i couldn't find any credits for the art of the wolf on the print below, please tell me if you know so i can properly credit!)
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synstruck · 1 year
GIMME GIMME 🖊🖊🖊 (One for Harmony, but two for OCs of your choice)
Send me a "🖊+an OC"
Harmony is left-handed. if given a choice he prefers to write in elvish right to left vertically because the charcoal or ink won't smear this way, but he will write in common from left to right horizontally when required, it just takes him a bit longer to do it in common to make sure he doesn't smear his writing if he goes too quickly. he dreams of obtaining or enchanting a brush or a quill to pen down his thoughts without him needing to fuss about mucking up the ink.
he's capable of casting with either hand for one-handed casting, but definitely favours his left if given the choice. for two-handed spells he uses his left hand to lead.
Iresine is the son of a star elf and a rock gnome, and he's perfectly in-between the two sizes. approximately as tall as a dwarf but only half the size; he just looks like an elven child if you don't pay enough attention to his ear shape and his hands, and as an arcane trickster he definitely takes advantage of it and dresses in a way that plays it up. who's going to suspect the sweet-looking elven kid with killer puppy-dog eyes of pickpocketing them with an invisible Mage Hand? :^)
Karma came about as an experiment in exploring what it would be like for someone who is comfortably cisgender to have to navigate the experience of gender dysphoria. she started life off as a young elven woman, and through Backstory Shenanigans that i haven't fleshed out completely yet, she ends up in the body of a tiefling man.
bit of a long'un (and possibly a bit sensitive) so i'm popping it under a cut.
there's a lot of intended exploration for her in: 1) navigating not only having the body of a different race (and the associated social experiences of that race) but also the reduced lifespan compared to her original one; 2) navigating her gender identity and what it means to her; and, 3) navigating how to re-align her gender identity and her new body, because oof she doesn't have the kind of magic she needs or the money to obtain the kind of magic she needs... yet.
i haven't decided on whether she would choose to try and return to her original form, or whether she sticks to her new body and makes it her own, but i think that would very much depend on the setting and which outcome is more achievable with the magic and resources available to her. i'm just also really interested in exploring what transitioning would look like in a fantasy setting like this; i've seen a lot of very cool transmasc characters with interesting visual designs out there already so i guess i wanted to come from the other direction as well with a feminine character-- she's definitely not super out there visually though.
she's definitely a very... delicate type of character in the sense that i'm very aware that these are sensitive topics to be using, and i don't want to be offensive or appropriative of the struggle or experience of being a transgender woman, or make light of it in any way; especially since for Karma there's a possibility of "ah yes u might be able to take off this skin and go back to ur original form in the end" which i feel might not sit well, but even if it's a character study and exploration i do want to be able to approach all this respectfully, so she's still very much a work in progress. i don't know which outcome would be the more respectful one, so i'm still doing my research and contemplating things as i go.
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talaofthevalley · 2 years
Please please please tell me you have more of the nezu and tomura au. I will take anything you are willing to give. It is my life force.
You have me seriously obsessed with this now. It has crawled into my brain. It is now living in my head rent free.
In all seriousness, I absolutely love it. I can imagine it so well and I now desperately want to see their interactions.
Please grace me with more of this AU. *looks at you with big teary pleading eyes*
sfdsjhgfs yes join me i feel less alone knowing i'm not just seeing things. Seriously though this was such a nice message to find in my inbox *w*
I do really want to write a thing for this au at some point, but that will likely be a good way off. I've got some scattered tidbits though that I can share c: (and do so happily!) Hope you enjoy!
Tomura enters UA, not as a normal student or as a hero student, but something in between where he's working on bettering his relationship to his quirk and himself. The school was deemed the safest place for him and he basically has the schedule a hero student would have but he's not in their class. They quickly find out Tomura is ahead in some curriculums and behind in others, though he learns quickly.
Nezu took it upon himself to be his teacher for the latter part of his day after his general classes are over. Their activites vary from training to chatting over tea or playing a game. Tomura's 'classroom' is completely empty except for his desk and a teacher's podium Nezu sits upon. It's needlessly dramatic but Nezu insisted.
Nezu is the only one Tomura trusts even a little for a long, long while, so the principal is often called to clear things up or resolve arguments between Tomura and other teachers.
At first Nezu having custody of him while also being his teacher and principal of the school was a bit frowned upon. However Tomura's experience with nepotism up to now has literally been the source of all the terrible shit in his life so they can only go up.
Tomura does not cope with school well at first. Nezu had told him beforehand he could always come to his office if he needed a break without risking being bothered, and Tomura takes him up on that often. Depending on the severity and Tomura's mood, Nezu either works in silence and lets him collect himself in peace, or they sit down for a cup of tea(in Nezu's case) and some soda(in Tomura's case, served in a tea cup of course) and talk.
As a training excercise, Nezu has Tomura come up with ideas for training regimes for the hero students, catered to their individual quirks and meant to challenge them with the resources available to him at UA. Nezu was delighted with what he came up with. Few students managed to pass this exercise.
The boardgames started out a while after Nezu connected with Tomura over video games and he brainstormed ways he could use it as a branching out point. Tomura had never played one but the big variety and cool designs had him hooked quickly. It helps that Nezu is a real challenge but doesn't taunt him when he loses(only teases sometimes).
Tomura, once he starts to relax and his body figures out he's safe, starts having terrible, awful nightmares more and more often as his mind copes with all the trauma, and relies on his usual way of handling nightmares. Once Nezu finds out his normal coping mechanism("If I stay awake long enough I'm so exhausted I don't dream") he immediately looks into all the ways to soothe nightmares and has a very firm conversation with Tomura that if he feels even a smidge like he wants company, to wake Nezu up. They'll have a midnight snack or drink.
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natickpolycule · 2 years
The South Natick Dam had had a long week. A long several weeks, even. It was exhausting trying to be saved. Especially when it really had no interest in being saved by *them.* They were relentless. Despite their history together, they just didn't know when to let go.
The people of South Natick couldn't quit. Their therapist was telling them to move on and find someone better. But they, as usual, just wouldn't listen.
So Dam found himself out for coffee, once again, with South Natick. They met at the local unionized Starbucks because neither of them would dare support a non-union establishment, but neither of them could expand their taste horizons beyond a basic caramel macchiato.
South Natick arrived first. They grabbed the coziest booth in a last-ditch attempt to win him over once again. When Dam arrived, he made sure to look *good* for them. His crisp white shirt glistened from the drizzle coming from his spillways, and his pants were two sizes too tight to emphasize his earthen-ness.
South Natick couldn't help but blush. They looked amazing as well, with their time in the local Planet Fitness clearly paying off. Their pecs were bulging out of their crisp polo, and their package was, frankly, clearly visible in their gray sweatpants.
"Good to see you," said Dam, as he gently sat his caramel macchiato on the table. "You too," said South Natick. "How long has it been?"
"Not long enough," said Dam. Shit. Did he say that out loud? He was trying to play it cool, but clearly that's out the window.
"I'm glad you agree," said South Natick. This is going to be easier than I thought, they said to themselves. "Listen, I've had some time to think. I know I've been trying to save you for years. I know it's expensive. I know the entire town is against us making it work. But please give me one more chance." South Natick paused to see how their words landed.
"Look," said Dam. "I appreciate you. Even though I've done a poor job of showing it over the years, I want you to save me. I thought I was ready to be returned to my natural state. Those were tough times for me. But I think I'm ready to reconsider. Almost."
"Almost?" South Natick could sense a hesitation, but also a flirtation, in his remarks.
"Yes. Almost. I just need one thing from you."
"I'll do anything," said South Natick. They were desperate at this point.
"Meet me at my place tonight, 10pm, on the North Bank of my falls. I'll tell you then."
"It's a date," said South Natick. "I can't wait." They gently leaned closer, sensing an intimacy that may or may not have been there. Dam didn't resist. South Natick put their hand on his thigh. They could sense the anticipation on each other's breath. Dam blushed. Dam didn't realized how much he'd missed this, and felt his length growing. South Natick leaned closer and pressed against him, and let the moment linger. Then, as quickly as it started, Dam couldn't let it continue. He wanted to save himself. For one last glorious night.
It was a quiet evening. All the NIMBYs had retreated to their backyards, and the only sounds remaining were the sounds of the falls and of all the old money in the NIMBY's bank accounts. Dam had time to think. He wanted this. But did they want it too? A knock on the door. Too late to think any more.
South Natick announced their presence. "Baby it's me, let me in." Dam opened the door. It was, in that moment, that Dam knew all his thoughts were in vain. He grabbed South Natick by their hair and said "You. You are what I need. Get on the floor, now."
South Natick was stunned. They weren't expecting this. All of the talks of submitting the Dam to its natural flow and, here he was, taking control? Of THEM?? How dare he. But it was a huge turn-on for them. They could feel their cock pulsating through their designer jeans, and, in that moment, they didn't care about their history and past together.
"Yes sir."
South Natick trembled down to the floor and immediately was consumed by Dam's essence. Dam's hard length was impossible not to notice. There had been a layer of gray sweatpant between their mouth and Dam's enormous member, but no more. Instantly, South Natick took all of Dam's length inside their mouth.
"That's Daddy's good little servant," said Dam. "Just like that."
Dam was close. South Natick remembered what this was like. They'd experienced this many times over the years. Why had it been so long?
South Natick could feel Dam pulsating, about to explode all over their face. There was a knock at the door.
Another knock?! What the fuck is this, they thought??
"What the fuck is this?!" said South Natick. "Babe I have no idea," said Dam. "It's just you and me now..." Dam was just as confused. They paused.
Dam went to the door.
Dam was STUNNED with what he saw.
It was his old arch nemesis, the Select Board!
"I thought I'd find you here," said Select Board, "but I'm a little surprised to see South Natick here, too. I thought you two were ancient history after we voted to get rid of you."
"Fuck you, Select Board!" said Dam. "You may have voted to restore me to my natural state, but you forgot about the very important people that live on my shores. They have property values to maintain! How can I let that go?"
"You know what, you're right." said Select Board. He looked surprisingly good in the pale moonlight--much better than Dam ever remembered. Had he dressed up for Dam? No, it couldn't be. Their history was too complicated to ever revisit. Select Board's tight muscle shirt and short shorts suggested he'd just come from the gym. Dam didn't mind.
"I understand why you feel that way," continued Select Board. "And that's why I'm here. We need to talk. I think there's a way to make everyone happy."
The moment lost, South Natick spoke up. "How can you make everyone happy? You are destroying the fabric of our community, Select Board! We will never be the same without Dam! Where will families go to see water?!"
"Listen, South Natick," sighed Select Board, already growing weary of this. "Here's what's going to happen. The two of you are going to take your clothes off and lay on the bed. Bottoms up. I am going to use you to my heart's content because I'm the Select Board and that's what I do."
Stunned, Dam and South Natick looked at each other. They were in no position to say no, and frankly, they both wanted it. They held hands and retreated to the bedroom.
As they took their clothes off, Select Board took two paddles from his bag. "These paddles represent the pain of local democracy. I can tell you're hesitant, so I'm going to hit you on the ass with them until you submit fully to me. The safe word is 'quorum.' Do you understand and consent?"
Dam and South Natick knew they could say no, but they didn't want to. They were so used to getting fucked by the Select Board that, hey, what was one more time?
"Yes, I understand and consent," they both said in unison.
Select Board began to go to work.
The screams of pain and pleasure could be heard all the way in Framingham.
South Natick and Dam were rock fucking hard. They began to hold each other, enjoying the warmth of each other's lengths, as the paddling continued.
"I've had enough," said Select Board. Clearly he was ready for more. "Assume the position."
"Yes, Daddy" they both moaned, and did as he asked.
Just as Select Board was about to enter Dam for the first (and possibly last) time, South Natick had an epiphany.
"Wait, I thought of something that will make this even better for all three of us," Said South Natick. "Oh really?" said Select Board. "Do tell, my little servant."
"I'll be right back." They retreated to the front door where their bag was sitting. In it, they produced some papers. They brought them to Select Board, who read them and frowned.
"South Natick, what the actual fuck is this?!" he roared. "This can't be? You wouldn't?!"
"Yes, I did. This will be good for us!" said South Natick.
"Wait hang on, what is this?" said Dam.
"Here, I'll show you." said South Natick.
Dam looked at the papers. His eyes were immediately drawn to the header, which read:
Dam was stunned. He couldn't believe it. Annexed?! By DOVER?! What would this mean for the future? Of his relationship with South Natick? Would it finally mean that he would stop getting fucked by the Select Board? Or would Dover's Town Administrator now come for him?
Find out in the next installment of ... Fifty Shades of Natick Town Government
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demonsfate · 11 months
idk why they used more "modern" characters in Bloodline in a story that supposedly takes place years ago, like why was Leroy there? I get that maybe they wanted to promote 7 and the DLCs but? It still made no sense. Like Julia's outfit is from 7 also. Is Bloodline even canon? It kind of felt like they wanted to take a different twist to the events of the game and it didn't work as much.
YEAH, to promote 7, as well as 8... since I'm SURE 8 was already far in development by the time Bloodline came out, and they already put Leroy in the game (which is also missing Eddy) and even though Anna, and Yoshi weren't really in the anime much - it still kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth that Eddy was nowhere to be seen. Like the anime said we can only have one black dude at a time lol
also I still find it funny that Jin getting Angery was enough to ruin Leroy's leg forever and he now needs a cane. But Xiao can be thrown into a tree SO HARD that it leaves her IMPRINT, and all she has is a concussion and she's literally fine later. I KNOW it's silly anime logic, but still makes me laugh.
Not only was Julia's her 7 outfit (which tbh I don't even care for much) but Xiao was also her Tek6 outfit, I think. Which tbh, I would've preferred seeing her Tek3 outfit. And speaking of designs, what's funny was when Harada and Murray were talking about the anime right before it came out. They literally did say "Then there's Jin's design, which we would've went with something different... but it still looks cool." SJDFNF SO LIKE, they were politely admitting they didn't like the design much LOL. Which I was a lil bit surprised by just 'cos... yeah, it's not my fav Jin outfit (his design is actually bad but that's due to the animation style) - but like... it is still Hoodie and everything.
And nah, it's not canon. It's easy to know if something's not canon in Tekken, and that's if it's an adaptation of any kind. None of the comics or manga are canon (not even the 2017 comic based on Tek7) None of the animes or movies are canon (not Blood Vengeance, and not the 90s OVA) and the animes aren't canon, either. Only the games are canon, and even then - some of them aren't! (The tag games aren't canon, and some of the endings in the games aren't canon.)
However, Harada did say the anime "inspired" them and they may take things from it for future installments (maybe Tek8 for example) buuuut Harada could've just been talking out his ass to get people hyped for the anime. Just because as far as I've noticed, there's no Bloodline influence in Tek8. Jin still acts like Jin from the games (thank fuck) The only thing that's similar is that he's the Good Guy again, so the protagonist. Xiao still behaves like her game self, and so on.
I feel like they wanted to do a slight twist on it maybe. But yeah, it didn't work well at all. The pacing, I thought, was bad. Whiiiich I do understand they only had 6 episodes to work with. But I just felt that Jin's backstory took far too long only to not really show anything too interesting... and they did pacifism all wrong imo. Jun was kinda annoying. Which YES, some ppl say "oh, it's understandable why she's THIS strict" about it or whatever, but like... even if she did feel she failed Kazuya, the thing is... we're never shown or even hinted at it. Like we know that Kazuya was killed by Heihachi (Heihachi literally told Jin, for some reason) But we don't know Jun's feelings regarding Kazuya, we don't know how much she cared for him, we don't know how they got together, we're not even told that she met him BECAUSE she wanted to save him. Hell, despite the fact Harada & co told us we'd see parts of Jin's backstory we've never seen before (we didn't) - they STILL kept Kazuya and Jun's relationship vague. So Jun just comes off as so pacifistic and forceful, it's annoying. And plus the whole show had a very annoying, almost preachy pacifist meaning. (Where Jin's friends were upset at him... when DJ took over and started beating Heihachi to a pulp? Like they'd be upset at that - they probably couldn't even comprehend the situation.) Which I love pacifist characters and stories. I normally love Jun and Asuka, Trigun's my favorite anime, I love Batman and other comic book heroes. But there's a wrong way to explore pacifism and Bloodline did it in the worst way lmao. Also Jun's character designs sucked in the anime. Sucked so bad. She looked like generic mom.
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