#ranting to the void
thatonepersonthatdied · 2 months
I think it’s silly how in fics Danny’s like “oh thank the ancients” or otherwise using them as a stand in for “oh my god”. He beat half their asses bi weekly and they only made him stronger. He spits on their names like a Canadian who just got attacked by geese 
He is cocky and full of rage. He can and has fist fought several gods, no way is he respecting them.
Maybe clockwork and pandora, but no one else (nope, nvm on clockwork).
Anyway I think he should curse them out or use them in derogatory ways rather than use them as a curse
Oh fuck the Observants!
You’re dumber than the Observants
I’m gonna beat you so hard Nocturn would be impressed
I hope Vortex goes up ur ass hole
Overgrowth wants to know what ur smoking
I hope overgrowth eats ur mom
I’m not that creative but you get the point.
(This is no way a dis on the ancient trope, I like it fine enough)
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liveasbutterflies · 3 months
For fcks sakes, please stop using my and other creator’s gif here to make fanvids! I’m so tired of this! Some sets take hours to make! Seeing people just copy and paste & slap on some bgm to make whatever that is, is so goddamn discouraging. And what’s worse is that this is the second time this person has done this!!!
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Their "fanvid".
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What infuriates you most about descendants? From books and movies?
More specifically her botched character from descendants 2 onwards and the way it affects the outcome of the story. She started out as a really good character and then the writing ruined her.
Okay so how to explain this in a reasonable word count? My biggest issue with Mal is that she seems to backslide on character development constantly. It’s not a one off, and Dove Cameron’s acting and singing cannot save Mal from the fact that two whole movie plots were caused by her doing something that makes no sense from any angle. To be clear: I like Mal… in D1. The first movie, while suffering from the same general weirdness as all Disney channel movies, is pretty good and Mal has a well-written arc. Its only problem is time constraint, but I can live with it being a little rushed and surface level because it’s Disney and it’s just one movie. It will forever grind my gears that Mal makes the emotional “we be good now” speech when she was literally the only one actively still trying to follow the plan, but again it’s Disney and she’s the main character. My only real critique is that Jay, Evie, and Carlos should have been the one giving the “we don’t want to be evil” speech rather than have Mal list out why her friends don’t want to be evil when they clearly already know (as shown in the montage during If Only’s reprise). But whatever, girl who’s never known anything other than how to be evil learns how to be good and find herself thanks to the love of her life. Compelling nature vs nurture story.
Then Descendants 2 rolls around, and the issues start popping up. Audrey doesn’t exist in the movie, which sucks because I feel like this movie should have at least acknowledged the consequences of Mal’s previous evil behavior (and also I like Audrey), but I can live with that. What I cannot live with is Mal being a horrible (girl)friend and making boneheaded decisions despite supposedly being a better person than she was before. I like the concept of someone breaking under the stress of adapting to an environment that is the complete opposite of what she’d known before, especially with the added pressure of being on the road of becoming the queen of Auradon, but as you may have guessed I find the execution severely lacking. My main gripe is that Mal’s reaction is stupid and goes against what the first movie told us. When you break, you cannot be expected to make great decisions, but Mal went through the trouble of enchanting her scooter to get through the barrier (which makes me ask all kinds of questions about the questionable security of the barrier, but whatever) and then actually went there, and chose to stay there even when her friends came to get her, practicality abandoning all of them even after she had time to calm down and think things through. That’s no longer just the stress. Mal was a better friend when they were all villains who don’t do love than she was when she’d supposedly turned good.
Supposedly, she’s learning to be a good person. But she lies about using magic and then abandons everyone without a word after a freakout where Ben’s clearly not even mad about the magic. She could have left a damn note, said goodbye, explained herself, but no. And that’s me going along with the whole leaving thing at all, but honestly even that’s a massive overreaction. Her issue is the pressure that comes with being the king’s girlfriend, that’s got nothing to do with being good, so why didn’t she just break up with Ben? It would’ve honestly been nicer than not breaking up with him and leaving for the isle forever without telling him where she’s going. This, of course, gets Ben kidnapped by pirates. Mal wants to help save him after making a dumbass bet (which was all kinds of stupid) that forced her to give the pirates Fairy Godmother’s want (idk how it would work inside the barrier that blocks magic but sure) but she still plans on staying on the isle. Okay fine, if that’s where she’s happy, but could she maybe talk to her friends and boyfriend about this at least once?!?! Then of course she goes back to Auradon anyways.
In case you haven’t noticed, everything Mal does in D2 is selfish. Not once does she consider anybody else’s feelings. Only a glimpse in Space Between but that’s a single song and all it comes down to is “we’ll still be together” which, to me, hangs a lampshade on the fact that Mal can leave with her scooter whenever she wants and all the kids stuck on the isle can’t. Nobody considers them, except for the antagonists of the movie. Not once does Mal, who is supposed to have grown from being evil, consider anybody else’s feelings in her decision making. Even accepting she’s going back to her evil upbringing, which could be interpreted as a way to show how abuse victims will often chose what’s familiar over what’s actually good for them, there should be something there to show us she isn’t actually the rotten being she pretends to be. You know, since the whole point of the first movie is that she’s not a bad person but pretending to be because that’s what she’s been taught is who she must be? It invalidates the whole first movie. But it gets even worse, because now we finally get to Descendants 3.
The absolute lowest of lows Mal’s character sees in the trilogy of movies, D3 made me hate her to the core of my very being. Not only does she have the same issue as she did in D2 where all her decisions are driven by selfishness with a callous lack of care for literally anybody else, she now lacks even the paperthin excuse of pressure getting to her. Stress and being overwhelmed can make people do stupid things, which is why I gave Mal leeway and didn’t hate her necessarily. I just didn’t really like her anymore. D3 took that leeway together with any and all character development Mal had over the previous two movies, rolled it up into a ball, and threw it out of a skyscraper’s highest window to splatter it onto the pavement below. One villain (who is her dad) almost gets through the barrier and her immediate reaction is to screw over every single innocent child on the isle and lock the barrier forever?!?! What the fuck is wrong with this chick?! I meant what I said in my post about the descendants boys, Ben should’ve told her that if she thinks the risk of one villain getting out is more important than the lives of thousands of abused children, then by her logic they should throw the kids they’ve already brought over back on there too. After all, there’s a risk they may still want to be villains given Mal’s little freakout in D2, tHe RiSk’S jUsT tOo HiGh! Those villains were dealt with by like- three heroes each. You mean to tell me all of them combined cannot handle that? Bring some guards with you next trip and don’t drag your feet when you close the barrier behind you next time, problem fucking solved! Or don’t tell anyone when you’re gonna go get the kids??? No one followed the core four out, and despite this oh so massive risk Mal’s so worried about she sure as fuck wasn’t worried about opening the barrier to go get Hades’ amber! Then Gil and Harry came out and guess what? They helped the main crew because all they wanted was to get off the isle. Mal didn’t just not oppose this cruel, extreme idea… she came up with it. Supposedly she’s a better person now, but her first reaction to her perfect life being slightly threatened with the possibility of issues (not even ruin, just issues), was to disregard every single child who’s just like her (if not better, because their parents weren’t the literal mistress of evil) and damn them to a life in hell on earth, an existence of nothing but crime and poverty and starvation and abuse! How can she be anything but selfish and mean and cruel with a thought process like that?! Her literal reason is that she wanted to protect her and her friends’s new life! So apparently in her mind, now that she has everyone she cares about off the isle, it’s not worth caring about the isle anymore. She has who she wants off, and fuck everybody else. Then she lies to everybody about it being her idea because she needs Uma and her crew to defeat Audrey, meaning she knows full well that what she’s doing is horribly shitty.
That’s what truly gets me, actually. If she genuinely believed this was the right thing to do, if she truly, 100% believed that there was no better solution and this is what had to be done… why did she lie? Why didn’t she explain herself with good arguments? Well… because there aren’t any. This was the worst possible solution, and she knows that, but it’s the best way to ensure her happily ever after isn’t threatened so who gives a shit? (Everybody else, but clearly Mal doesn’t care about that). She lies so she can use Uma, Harry, and Gil. She lies so her friends won’t get mad at her for her horrible behavior. She lies, because it suits her. Because it gives her the happy ending she wants, and that’s all she cares about. Then when this fails, she decides to go the other extreme route of breaking the fucking barrier so she can be queen of both Auradon and the Isle. That’s her literal reason. She says it herself. Even when she makes a “good” decision, it’s just to serve her. To give her more power. I know the message it’s supposed to send is that bullshit about evil not being inherent but fuck that. I don’t believe it, and I really wish we got to see the moment right after the credits where the villains do what they promised they would: take over Auradon and destroy everything, because some of them were on there for a very good reason. The whole point of the two previous movies was that we shouldn’t judge or condemn people based on what their parents did, but on what they do themselves. I have no idea how that means not judging the parents for their own actions either, and frankly it’s so stupid and shortsighted I’ll leave it there. There’s a reason I completely ignore the ending of descendants 3.
Anyways, what I’m saying is that after the first movie Mal’s character just kept getting worse and worse and I cannot stand her anymore. She’s selfish and mean and doesn’t give a shit about anyone but herself, and the narrative tries desperately to convince us she’s a good person deep down but with everything she’s done I just can’t buy it anymore even though I want to. They began well, with a good story about recovering from trauma, and somehow it ended up with them making trauma survivors look even worse than popular media usually does and I hate it. They tried to write a complex villain protagonist who learned to become a better person and escaped from the family cycle that’s implied to exist in Evil Like Me, which is good, but then they fucked it up. Badly. And I cannot stand Mal’s character with how she’s written, nor can I stomach the massive gap between who Mal is and who the narrative incessantly insists she is.
As you can tell I have many feelings on this, and I have a lot more to say but I’ve tried to not make this too long. I hope you enjoyed reading my rant because it was very cathartic to write :).
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toruland · 2 months
im not at all trying to diminish the work of those that write this way for black readers
but i wish there was more of like weird/nerdy (???) black readers? or readers that don’t align with (and i hate to say it like this, but im not quite sure how else to describe it) the stereotypical black woman?
like, 95% of black reader ffs i come across include the reader wearing nails and wigs and being extroverted and/or being a partygoer and whatnot
and while i do understand that there are plenty of black readers out there who are very much like that, i also just wish there was more of like, the nerdy/“loser”-esque black readers
yknow, the ones that play video games or read books or literally need to be forced out of the house/their room because if they aren’t, they can and WILL stay holed up in there (i just caught a stray with that one LMAO). or ones that have ADHD/autism (caught another stray cause im 90% sure im somewhere on the spectrum), or cant do social interactions with people they dont know because it literally tires them out n stuff
or maybe ones that play instruments or have cute little hobbies or talk to themselves even though they have other people to talk to (atp im just calling myself out)
and i feel bad for being all like “you all need to write more of x, y, and z” considering im not/don’t consider myself a writer
but i just wanna feel represented SOMEWHERE, i guess. the only place i have fs is like, x plus size reader fics, but i don’t want that to be the focus of everything i read (and i read an unhealthy amount of ff 💀) just to feel like i can actually fit in with the story? i don’t fit with the “pink cheeked”, “white knuckle”, etc. description i see very often, but i also don’t fit in when it’s actually about a black reader 😭 and it’s hard to pretend that i do when everybody and their mother knows that i very much do not :(
but that’s today’s rant, i guess
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mariesstudying · 9 months
After seeing videos of that one Rachel Zegler interview, I'm so confused why a new snow white is even being made. I'm not gonna shit on Rachel Zegler because I'm assuming that whatever she said in that interview was talking points Disney gave her. I agree there are valid criticisms of the film but it seems like these films want to reject these more feminine traits in characters in order to make them more modern and "feminist" which is think isn't actual feminist at all.
The interview makes it seem like they've taken the core components of Snow White (kindness, love, being caring, etc) and stripped it all away to make her a "strong, independent woman". My issue is, why can't she be kind, sweet and dream of falling in love whilst also being a strong, independent woman? It's giving "feminine traits are weak traits and no independent woman should have them".
It also seems like they want to make 'dreaming of love' into some outdated trope when in reality, women can be independent and strong whilst also wanting to fall in love. Wanting to fall in love doesn't make a woman weak, it's something they're allowed to want. No one would call a male character "weak" or "outdated" if he dreamed of love, he'd be praised, so why can't Snow White in 2023 want love in addition to being independent and powerful.
We've seen it in other adaptations of Snow White. In both Mirror Mirror and Snow White and the Huntsman, Snow White is a literal warrior, she rides on horseback and fights/defeats the Evil Queen. In Once Upon a Time, Snow White is a literal thief who ambushes carriages to steal what she wants. All three of these versions of Snow White are also loving, kind and caring characters who fall in love in the end. None of them are weak, this combination of character traits and desires makes them complex and realistic characters.
Based on what's already been said in those interviews, I'm expecting a Snow White who is flat and one-dimensional. Live-Action adaptations are supposed to expand on and bring new life to a film, not turn them into boring versions of themselves, which is how I'm predicting Snow White is going to be. If they wanted to make a film about a woman who is not interested in falling in love and is a warrior (or whatever they choose to do with snow white), they could have just made a new film like people WANT new films from disney not remakes.
(terfs dni)
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major-trouble · 1 year
So I pay off my student loan and my credit rating does down?? How the fuck does that work?
I hate it here.
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I think the worst thing about depression -related numbness is that you know you can feel things. You've just been cut off currently.
The amount I want to go and do shit is huge. The amount I actually go do shit is pathetically small.
I see posts from friends a acquaintances and feel left out and/or like I'm wasting my life. When I actually go out, it exhausts me and I feel hollow and fake.
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So this Island has now been without running water for over 24 hours on the hottest days so far this year.
Under the cut will be a rant about this, so scroll past or read if you want, but I’m just ranting about the above.
So, yeah, no water. You turn on the tap and nothing.
On days they’re telling people to keep hydrated the water company fucks up our water supply to the whole Island. And all they can say is ‘sorry, we’ll get some water stations set up’.
These water stations? They set up two yesterday. Two.
On an Island that has about 40,000 permanent residents, and the gods only know how many thousands of holiday makers and caravan owners.
And they set up two stations at the end of the Island that has a public transport connection consisting of a very hit and miss bus service which is in the process of having its service reduced?
They didn’t even bother setting one up in the main town until today.
And getting to those places is practically impossible now even if you do drive because the queues have caused the general gridlocks we’ve come to expect when one thing goes wrong on any of the main roads here. And then, with the price of fuel, you have to decide if it’s even worth it. Either way you’re fucked.
I know the government doesn’t give a shit about this Island, but this is taking the piss.
Apparently the police have even had to get involved because of fighting breaking out at some of the stations, which, to be fair with this Island, was always a matter of ‘when’ not ‘if’.
Oh and you know what else they’ve done to really fuck over some of the people of this Island? They’ve cut the power to about half of the main town. So now those areas, which include a shit ton of houses containing vulnerable elderly and people and families on or below the poverty line, have the double fuck you of ‘oh, no water? shame, best stay in and try to keep cool, perhaps a fan could help? Oh, wait, no, can’t do that either I’m afraid, terribly sorry. Have you thought of going to the beach in the mid-day sun...wiith no drinking water to take...and you’ll have to take something for shade. A dip in the sea will be good for you! And don’t worry all that sewage we pumped in it a few months back has totally gone by now!’
This place is a fucking joke, and they’re still planning on building about 2,000 more houses, that I know of, and there’ll be more in the years to come.
People are struggling and government and private companies just shrug their shoulders.
At least my household is lucky enough to have a load of waterbutts in the garden mostly filled with rainwater for us to give the animals, and a friend off the Island who doesn’t have a water meter so is happy for us to fill up bottles at their place to bring home for us and vulnerable neighbours.
Oh yeah and that’s another thing. The vulnerable? Yeah, the water company will apparently deliver water to their homes. But you’ve got to ring the helpline first to be put on the list. A helpline that they clearly haven’t staffed sufficiently because you can’t get through to it. A cancer patient wouldn’t have had water if we hadn’t dropped some round, and they still can’t get through on the helpline. It’s been 12 hours.
It’s fucking ridiculous and we pay for this shit. We have to have water meters so they can charge you for what you use, and they go and do shit like this?
Everything is affected by this - health, hygiene, food and drink.
There are no cooling showers to try and escape the heat.
No damp compresses.
Flushing the toilet is out unless, like us, you’ve got a bucket of rainwater to spare, and even then you limit the flushes.
Handwashing is rationed, a wonderful thing in an area where Covid cases are rising again.
Food means trying to find things that don’t involve needing water.
And drinking? Well, that’s the delicate balance of drinking enough to not get heat stoke or dehydrated, but not so much that you’ll run out too soon.
Fuck the government.
Fuck the water companies.
Fuck end stage capitalism.
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bitchofdarkness · 7 months
I hate how fandom has become "if you haven't created anything in this very specific time frame after the release of the show/movie, everyone will have moved on"
And call me old fashioned, but that's just not me. I sometimes take ages to create and publish. And I will love a show or movie for such a long time (years, babes, years) that I just can't relate to the fast consumerism that's going on.
Because, let's be real, it can get really lonely in a fandom if most have simply moved on to the next shiny thing. Is what's created less worth, just because it was created outside the hype? Why is it such a taboo for this new fandom generation to love an old or "late" fic or art?
It's so tiring and I'm too old for the 30-seconds-hype-tiktok-shit. Just tired. So, so tired.
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ranting-to-the-void · 3 months
You ever wanna traumatize your parents right back and then when you get a chance can't, because of the aforementioned trauma stopping you from disturbing the peace? Yeah me neither
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doerrferr · 6 months
Devon Rodriguez is giving internet artists a bad name.
Ok, I know this happened like weeks ago - but there was an art critic, Ben Davis, from art net, who published an article reviewing Rodriguez’s exhibition in NY.
The article in question, as far as criticism of artwork goes, was one of the most gentle and nice critiques I have ever seen in the visual arts.
Davis starts the article with a brief overview of Rodriguez’s work and life and goes on to give his opinions on his work. This is his job.
As artists, we receive criticism ALL THE TIME, and it is vital to our development as artists, and to continue learning and growing. As an artist, you never become the “perfect artist” or “finished product” - there is ALWAYS room to grow and develop skills further, and that’s what criticism is about. It’s not a personal attack, it’s constructive criticism. Not to mention the fact that art is subjective, and how everyone views your work is going to be different.
As someone studying art at college, and hoping to study at uni and establish myself professionally, Rodriguez’s response to Ben Davis was shocking. I’ve received more intense critiques from my tutors and peers in courses, and they weren’t offensive to me in the slightest. We’re taught to ask for people’s views, because it is vital for us as artists. If you never receive criticism, you’ll always do the same things, make the same mistakes, and your work will become stale because you’re doing the same thing, with the same process, and while the subject you’re drawing/ painting may be different, every piece is going to look exactly the same. It’s not interesting.
The article barely criticised Rodriguez, in my opinion, yet he somehow took it as a personal attack and ranted on his instagram story, tagging davis in each of the stories posted, to his over 32 million followers, some of which went on to dog pile on the critic’s instagram … for doing his job.
It’s disgusting to see this immature behaviour from someone who claims to want to reduce gatekeeping in the art world. Rodriguez claims to be a role model, spreading kindness on the internet but his actions speak louder than his words, and the words of his PR team.
Devon Rodriguez, is often not known by name but as soon as you mention “the subway art guy” or “the guy who does hyper realistic portraits on the train”, people usually know what you mean then. And his art is good, the technique in his work is brilliant to achieve that level of realism. But every single TikTok, Reel, and YT Short is the same. As was the work in his exhibition. An art critic wouldn’t be doing their job if they didn’t mention that. And there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, sticking to one specific style/ formula, it’s definitely worked for Rodriguez. But it’s not particularly interesting, especially in an exhibition - once you’ve seen one piece, you’ve pretty much seen them all.
Again, thats not a bad thing! If you’re comfortable in a specific style and you’ve found success in sticking to the exact same thing, that’s brilliant! But most artists don’t have that luxury, and you often won’t find yourself being successful and getting jobs if your work isn’t versatile, or if your portfolio isn’t interesting. Photorealism is bloody impressive, but is it interesting? Not particularly if you’re just doing the same thing, essentially the same subject matter and colour schemes. There is a lack of expression in photorealism, that’s just how the style works. Each style has its pros and cons, and again, it varies from person to person.
There’s nothing unique about Rodriguez’s work. That’s just a fact. It’s going to happen when you keep doing the exact same thing. The only thing he leans on to distinguish himself as an individual is his story in how he rose to prominence, through TikTok. That only takes you so far if your work lacks variety, character and expression.
Ben Davis worded his thoughts in the article very nicely, and comes of much kinder than I do in this post. He was doing his job. And if he was just another commenter on TikTok, his opinions would be equally valid because he’s JUST EXPRESSING AN OPINION ON AN ARTIST’S WORK. Which anyone is free to do, and especially from art critics, or peers in the art world - is highly encouraged and useful to you as an artist.
Devon Rodriguez made an absolute fool of himself in response to Davis’ article. He’s making a fool of artists from similar backgrounds and those who hope to build a platform online for their art. Criticism goes with the job. And if art critics and those who are gatekeeping the art world think that the younger generations of artists, or online artists can’t take it , it just gives them another “reason” to keep us out.
The article was nothing but constructive, and extremely nice.
It’s awful to see such a prominent artist respond in such a childish, petty and kind of disgusting manner, and to encourage his following to do the same.
It completely opposes his belief that he’s making the art world a better place and spreading positivity, and reducing gatekeeping and negativity. He’s encouraging the exact opposite, and making it harder for artists from similar backgrounds to him, and backgrounds that often don’t get the chance to see success even remotely close to his. It’s so frustrating to see, especially given the hypocrisy in Rodriguez’s platform and because the criticism was constructive. I’ve respected his platform and his rise to prominence before all this, but i also maintain (and still do) that his work is stale. He relies on his content, not the actual work he produces.
Anyways, just needed to rant about this feel free to add your thoughts, or scroll past. Just felt like ranting to the void.
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inahailobullets · 8 months
My boss is quitting and I'm currently on cloud nine!! He's the only reason I've ever looked at job openings elsewhere. I'm so excited I won't have to deal with him.
He was the actual worst. He would make a rule/guideline and then immediately break it, he'd lie to your face and blow you off if you tried to call him out on it. He was the biggest b.s.-er I've ever met and had such a huge ego. Oh and he'd tell you he had your back one second and throw you under the bus the next. And he was petty and vindictive.
I can't fucking wait for 25th to start anew!!
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tairar · 8 months
Look, cottage cheese is just savory dippin' dots and doesn't deserve the old-people reputation it has
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qcomicsy · 7 months
I think a thing that people get wrong about Jason's anger is that it's not explosive.
It's cold. Jason isn't the type of person who storms off at every little thing or goes throwing tantrums and setting things on fire blindfully.
He's the type of person who's very practical. He keeps to himself, always. You rarely see issues where Jason's anger is reactive at the moment where the trigger happens to him. If you see his character up close, most of the time when he's triggered his reaction is calm. Even cold.
He gets triggered -> He keeps to himself → He makes a plan → And then he reacts.
Jason's anger being something explosive and out of character and out of place is actually how other people (characters) see it, because they have no idea on how it's playing out on Jason's head.
And that's a thing you can see operating since he was a child.
Where the only exceptions about this effect is either when someone he believes needs his help is involved.
See Nightwing Annual (2021)
But In Batman #411 when Jason learns the fact that Two-Face was responsible for his father's death and Bruce was keeping that from him as a secret his first reaction isn't to blow up on him.
Was to seethe.
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Bruce goes up home after dealing with a Two-Face case (in my field we call that poetic irony) and asks Alfred where Jason is, Alfred's answer is that he's been sleeping all day (which is a conclusion that Alfred drew probably after going to check on Jason and seeing him in fact on his bed all day).
But when you see the next panel, even though he is on the bed, He's fully awake and both his expression and his body language shows that he's in fact angry.
This is the first time he appears again in the comics after learning that Two Face killed his dad.
Jason doesn't go towards Bruce immediately to demand an explanation or ask why he did this, or even to throw the truth on his face.
(Which could be debatable that that's something the Dick would usually do, but I'm not that literate on Dick's comics)
His reaction wasn't immediate.
His reaction was to go to his bed and stay quiet. Jason stayed calm and collected the whole trip until meeting Two Face again.
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But the moment Jason as Robin has the opportunity to get his hands on Two-Face he does this
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From Bruce, and maybe Alfred's perspective it could be interpreted as out of place or him storming off.
But it isn't. Jason was able to keep his cool (even though he shut off), until he was face a face to Two Face.
Does that mean he planned that to happen?
That's debatable, in any moment of this issue it is shown that Jason was actually planning to get to Two Face and do this. I my personal opinion, other and much more plausible explanation is: That he was in fact trying to keep to himself but couldn't hold back the moment that he saw his dad's murder.
You can see the same thing happening as Jason learns that Batman got another Robin in Red Hood: Lost Days.
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Talia asks "You all right?" and Jason's first answer is "Sure Why Wouldn't I Be Alright?"
When he's alone he finally has the moment to break down.
(Actually both Red Hood: The lost days and Batman: Under the Red Hood are great case studies on how that usually play out on Jason's head.)
Jason is way more in control of his emotions than people ever give him credit for. The thing is that Jason holds it back until he either blows off or is capable to throw it back in someone's face.
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itsjustpoopeh · 1 year
the thing about ariel is that i know 💯 all those people who keep whining about “it’s not coz she’s BLACK it’s coz her hair isn’t BRIGHT RED ENOUGH” would be raving if that exact same hair and shade was on a white actor
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(grabbing your face) do you remember simon fairchild's statement about how he became an avatar. how he fell and the sky embraced him. i think about it all the time. how it would feel to be embraced by the vast. the entity that is about how you are insignificant before the endless void, holding you. the fact that being an avatar of the vast means loving a contradiction: you are insignificant and the entity of the vastness of everything else holds you in its embrace and takes away your mortality.
i wonder if when simon told that one guy enjoy sky blue if the reason he laughed while saying it was because he was sharing his own joy. if in his own way he wasn't being generous, sharing the experience that changed him forever. i wonder if as much as he spreads terror, maybe what he really wanted was to share that experience, and that's why he picked someone who loves sky-diving, someone who was also in love with the sky.
i wonder if that guy who was eaten by the sky isn't out there now, saying the sky held him gently in the huge jaws of endless blue, and he cried with joy as he understood. if what for his mother was a horrible experience that killed her son, for him wasn't the liberation from his mortal life and worries before the realization that we are nothing.
i wonder if simon was afraid, too, before he was in love or while he was in love with it, if he can even distinguish his love for the vast from his fear from it or it's just another facet of his adoration, something he can offer to it, if when he said he loved the sky he meant it like that, like we often love a god, with fear as strong as our adoration.
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