#his field & goals may change but he's Never stepping out of the field for good
meistoshi · 11 months
"you ever think about retiring??" "nooo...??" "you ever think about retirement at all??" "not really, i figure that i'll be dead by the time i retire." eats gmfst for never failing to fuel me w satoshi brainrot
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phlve · 6 months
Sociotype Profiles — LII
Leading Ti
The LII naturally assesses statements, opinions, and actions in terms of conformance to certain principles. These principles may in practice be rules of thumb based on experience, but LIIs will usually appeal to more general, self-evident reasons, if the need arises. The LII is most engaged in communication when they are critically analyzing people's decisions and actions as well as how they generally are or are not consistent with certain pre-established goals. their dual, the ESE, likes hearing the LII's judgment, and simultaneously softens its edge by shifting their focus to how they are communicating their ideas, letting them see the intellectual thought process from the outside. The ESE appreciates and praises their ability to take the information seriously, but the ESE will find funny ways of reminding the LII of how they are coming across when they seem more serious than they realize.
"Just because" is not in an LII's vocabulary. If there is a reason for something, the LII will probably want to find it. The LII strives to reduce things to their most essential aspects, and mentally recreate the whole from the bottom up. The LII's theoretical tendencies can often leave him out of touch with reality, and if unchecked may lead to abstract theories that make logical sense but have little bearing on the real world.
The LII may explore many avenues of thought, but in the end only tell others his refined conclusions, because he sees the intermediate steps as irrelevant. He is often too concise for his own good, making it difficult for others to understand his ideas.
Creative Ne
The LII often applies Ti in an academic field such as mathematics, one which allows for abstract speculation to be realized in concrete conclusions. The LII does not much care for implementation or hands-on work, requiring some degree of independence from material demands in order to develop his own ideas. If the LII feels made to do a task he perceives as boring, he will try to find an original way to do it, if simply for the sake of developing an interesting idea. The LII can think on his feet, and is able to consider multiple viewpoints, although if he feels that he has fully analyzed an idea in the past, he may dismiss it out of hand with Ti.
The LII is always in tune with the "big picture", looking at things from the most general perspective possible. Given this frame of reference, he sees many ways ordinary life could be changed to meet his vision of how things should be. Thus the LII is often seen by other more practically-minded types as naively idealistic.
The LII does not come up with ideas simply for their own sake, but tries to relate everything back to "the main point". He quickly becomes impatient or disinterested with discussion that is simply meant to generate ideas, instead of realizing them.
Role Fi
The LII is acutely aware of social conventions, such as saying "please" and "thank you", and expends much effort to conform to these rules to maintain the status of a "polite" person. But he tends to overdo the conventions themselves, as opposed to the relationships they are supposed to establish, and so ends up stepping on other people's toes (violating some less easily definable convention which he would never really want to conform to anyways). He prefers an easy-going environment where such conventions don't exist in the first place. When in a heated argument, an LII can alienate others by his natural tendency to hold and defend strong opinions (Ti).
If asked to express a unique, personal sentiment, such as a favorite color or football team, the LII may find difficulty choosing if there is no "obvious" answer. He often feels like he has no real personal, subjective feelings at all, and usually has to make a conscious decision where other types could easily supply an instinctive reaction.
The LII also is very sensitive about how other people see him, feeling depressed if he has affections that are not returned. For this reason, he tends to avoid expressing signals that show interest in certain people (as opposed to signals about his general mood and demeanor, which he feels to be much more natural), but of course it just aggravates his loneliness, instead of relieving it.
Vulnerable Se
The LII hates being ordered what to do, and chafes especially under orders that don't make sense to him. In such cases the LII is likely to criticize the authority — but if he does he is not subtle about it, and usually ends up being marked as a "rebel" and feeling even more frustrated than he did to begin with. An LII works best alone, so that he doesn't have to subordinate (to) others — or constantly negotiate his priorities, which strains his patience and diverts his time and attention away from reworking his understanding; if he is forced to waste time defending what he already knows, he gives up the freedom to deepen his understanding further. He does not tolerate pushiness combined with close-mindedness.
The LII does not like being simply told "get real" or "get off your duff", which he views as crude, intrusive, and insulting. He prefers to be left alone - or better, included in an atmosphere of open discussion that is receptive to his thoughts and thereby inspire him to develop them more.
If the LII has a problem that cannot be solved intellectually, but requires direct personal confrontation, he may resort to total avoidance rather than approaching the person directly, which he tends to think will produce only frustration and contempt. The LII thinks that, in an ideal world, everyone would just listen to reason instead of insisting on having their own way.
Suggestive Fe
Being a naturally private person, the LII finds it difficult to believe that others would be interested in what he is thinking or feeling at any given moment. He feels like something is not quite right if his interaction with the people around him is too aloof. However he only rarely makes an effort to venture into more open spheres, because he usually avoids making small talk, preferring to talk about his real interests and say only what he truly believes.
To this end, the LII, above all things, appreciates others' attempts to get him to "open up" emotionally and express his true thoughts and views of the world - not just as an abstract ideal living in his head, but as something that other people actually care about enough to participate in and bring to fulfillment. His focus on important abstract matters also leads him to detach from the world, if it is not complemented with a healthy dose of silliness. The LII is usually oblivious to his emotional-psychological state and feels little responsibility for improving it, not to mention the state of others. This means that "bad emotions" can build up in him until some environmental factor comes along to alleviate them. Visible demonstrations of emotional warmth play a major part in this: something as simple as a big smile and a hug is enough to brighten an LII's day. The LII can be attracted to insincere displays of affection, even if he consciously realizes that they are only in jest.
The LII is often at a loss for what to do in social situations, and appreciates others who make him feel included in a new group and in the emotional side of a situation. The LII tends to take life very seriously, and appreciates others who can show him the lighter side of things.
Mobilizing Si
The LII has poor control over his physical well-being, neglecting matters of simple hygiene relatively easily. He dislikes having to take care of mundane details of work, but simultaneously derives pleasure from aesthetic neatness and organization.
The LII is easily annoyed by sensory over-stimulation, including loud noises, bright light, and temperature. On the other hand, he easily becomes "addicted" to more pleasurable things, such as music, which have a corresponding effect on his mood (Fe). When left to his own devices, the LII tends to oscillate unhealthily between total indulgence of the senses and total neglect (the latter especially when working on something he feels to be extremely important). He tends to feel guilty for indulging in hedonism for the sake of hedonism.
On the surface the LII can seem easygoing, but in work projects or at home his critical nature will become more obvious.
Ignoring Te
The LII is an efficient worker, and seeks out new tools, resources, or methods as long as they are directly relevant to his work or interests. He is not likely to keep especially careful track of his finances, avoiding this by keeping his needs simple and constant.
The LII can easily understand whether something is impractical or not, but prefers to explain why using structural principles. He dislikes rote memorization of dates and the like, but paradoxically will often have a mental store of many arcane pieces of information (such as the first 100 digits of pi) he finds interesting or equally absurd technical skills (like mastering a video game). Such skills and information will either be a part of his leisure activities, or relate directly to his main interests, which he chooses not based on their immediate practical consequence, but on how interesting they are.
The LII only exchanges such information in conversation for entertainment, and criticizes overly bland or rambling analyses, especially if he feels they have no point.
Demonstrative Ni
The LII is a naturally cautious person, and never acts without considering the consequences in detail. This tendency sometimes prevents him from acting decisively—or at all. However, he tries not to be overly pessimistic about the consequences of others' actions, and only offers direct advice in this area if it is specifically requested. If something bad happens he is usually willing to forgive and move on without placing blame, re-establishing the course as subtly and smoothly as possible. While he tends to have very specific ideas about his general life principles and goals, he is basically indifferent as to their specific timeframe and implementation.
The LII has an active imagination, but it tends to fade in and out and its products are rarely verbalized. He hardly ever says purposely cryptic or idiosyncratic things, and criticizes others for employing overly obscure concepts.
Source: Wikisocion
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
Hello! Can I get a romantic twst match up
( if u have time of course :) )
Personality: Istj
Very quiet, introverted, helps others, sometimes passive aggressive, sometimes strict , love and hates kids at the same time, and I don't like being involved in a bad situation
Sleeping, chess, volleyball, arts, basketball,Working out, gaming, singing, weight lifting, and tea :)
When someone interrupts me when I'm talking or explaining, wakes me up for a dumb reason, and touches my sketchbook without my permission
About me:
158 cm, black hair, athletic, and brown eyes
( that's all for now and have a great day! :)) )
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! I do so hope that you like it!😊
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I match you with......
Leona Kingscholar
• You like sleeping, he likes sleeping. Congratulations, you've oclfficially become napping buddies and nine times out of ten, you're the pillow. He will never admit it, but your thighs and stomach make a better pillows than any of his actuall pillows (and he's a prince so we all know how those pillows must feel)
• The relationship was certainly one with a rocky start. Whether we follow you as the Ramshackle prefect and you accidentally stepped on his tail that one day in the botanical gardens, or if you're the student of another dorm and were in the wrong place at the wrong time sort of a deal. Either way, there were no good first impressions.
• Past that, we enter our next phase, him often seeing you during basketball or working out and you seeing him during soelldrive. You're both passionate and driven to a certain goal and that commends a bit of respect from the both of you. It takes years of practice and dedication to get to where you hoth are respectably at in your given fields of athleticism.
• With your passive aggressive nature, he isn't always fully certain what sort of response can come from you at any time as it always seems to change. It keeps him on his toes and there are times he does admire a good challenge.
• What set everything in stone was when a first year tried to wake you up from a rather peaceful nap and all he could hear was the loaded earful you were giving this kid. Between the bedhead your hair currently took thr appearance on, the strictness in your tone, and how your aura now commanded respect, yeah, the lion was down bad. Without another word, you're now with him, and napping. It seems to be something unspoken between the both of you but you both know. Leona isn't the best with words, so it works out in the end.
• He also has a love/hate relationship when it comes to children. Just look at how he is with Checka. While he may be a bit dismissive with his nephew and grumbles every time he's around, he does care about him. Just.... in how own stubborn and grumbly way.
• Another one who is keen on chess. Chess is something that takes skill, coordination, and plenty of time to master. You are a worthy opponent and both of you rather enjoy the time to play the game with one another.
• Whenever Ruggie needs something in regards to Leona, he goes to you, because for some reason (Ruggie knows the reason xD), Leona seems to listen to you a but more than he does to him. On the tomes that he doesn't listen though, you're pulled down for a nap woth him and you're not moving.
• Overall, Leona really does love you, and he would do anything if it meant that you'd you'd by his side. He may not always be the best with words, but his actions certainly speak volumes about how he feels about you. Just.... promise that you'd never leave him. He's so used to being in second place, and now that he's first place when it comes to you, he'd never be able to go back.
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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saey707 · 2 years
Hello! I read your Viego and Yone prompts and instantly fell in love! May I request a fluffy Aatrox x human female reader please? Just something adorably and ridiculously sweet with such a big red meanie would be cute and fun to read <333
Also, we truly do need more League x Readers, thank you for doing the honors ^-^
✿ Prompt: Your relationship with a big red meanie ✿
♡ champion focus: aatrox ♡ tw: none! ♡ Female reader
Author’s Note: Hello! Thank you so much, your kindness is what keeps me writing <3 I’ve never written Aatrox before though, so I apologize if these are out of character. I wanted to take a more fun approach with this one though, so I hope you enjoy ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡
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All of Aatrox’s life, he’s been set on achieving impossible goals. But, these were goals that he knew he could fulfill: An apocalypse, vengeance, and the possibility of world domination. Still, he found himself alone, with a disgusting feeling, one that was not corruption, but instead, loneliness. Doesn’t everyone fear being forgotten? 
When Aatrox met you, his life changed forever. Overwhelmed with such tender, unfamiliar emotions, ones he never thought he could feel for a mere mortal, a being that couldn’t even compare to his size and strength, he could only begin to wonder... Was this love?
How You Meet ♡
Who would have thought a giant, angry meanie could have such a big heart? You did, but that was only because you believed you could see the good in everyone: Even Darkins.
Honestly, he was actually quite nervous to meet you! 
“So uh, I’m Aatrox... I’m a transcendental being trapped inside cutlery... Like... A demon, but more edgy, right? You know, cause I’m a sword... What’s your deal?”
The First Date ♡
On your first date, you didn’t expect him to be the one to choose. If anything, most of the time you were the one taking initiative! 
Aatrox gives you flowers he picked from an open field, gets too nervous to hold your hand when you walk side by side and buys burgers for the two of you. 
Is it obvious that he is a complete and total wreck? Hell, could you even blame him? This is his first date!
By the end of the night, you kissed him on the cheek. Sure, it took a few extra steps to reach his height, but the effort was well worth it to see his face fluster a deeper shade of red. 
It almost looked like he was angry, with the way his eyebrows knit together! “Do it again!” He angrily exclaimed. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from placing a kiss on his lips the next time you leaned your head in. Was it possible for a Deathbringer to be this red?
How Aatrox Acts Around Others ♡
It’s only a matter of time before he grows to be extremely protective of you. In fact, he’ll sometimes talk you up to his opponent and boast about how “you give him a reason to fight”.
“As long as she exists, as long as time has meaning, I am not done!” 
The first time you saw how he acted around other people was definitely a surprise to you. You never would have expected for Aatrox to be so mean that he made grown men cry! 
“I must congratulate you, obviously your parents never had reason to.” “How annoying you are!” “Somehow, I doubt you’ve mastered self-esteem.”
You hound Aatrox often to apologize, however, the most he could do is give a back-handed compliment or say that his statement was only “partially true” to the receiver. In return, you give him the sweetest kisses, which is the entire reason why he continues to apologize to anyone in the first place!
“A kiss... I shall deliver it to you.”
The First Fight ♡
Despite his temper, he would never pick a fight with you again, let alone argue with you over menial things that aren’t worth his time. The last time that happened it ended with you in tears. 
Aatrox doesn’t realize that words can really hurt a person, especially cute little humans such as yourself. 
He still struggles to forgive himself after seeing that sad look on your beautiful face.
After your argument, Aatrox had to constantly remind himself humans are frail... and women such as yourself are sensitive, and don’t take well to being called “a temptress carving a hole into his entire being and sucking the life out of his stolen flesh”.
More Small Relationship Fluff ♡
Aatrox is more than willing to reach the top shelves for you, or even pick you up to give you a boost. In fact, he prefers the second option more because he enjoys hearing your naive laughter as he holds you up in his arms.
He enjoys sitting in comfortable silences with you, and he certainly isn’t opposed to the occasional cuddling (yeah, more like he is more than happy to take you up for a nice snuggle every chance he could get), especially with how soft you are! Being in your arms is comforting to him.
“I feel... at hooooome...”
Aatrox enjoys baking with you and even has his own little chef hat! ...Even though he burns everything he makes and throws a temper tantrum because of it. Luckily, you are able to bake! To him, the treats are like finger foods, so he admires all the effort you make to double- or even triple- the batches for him.
“No!! Not my bread!! Curse you, Pantheon!!” 
Believe it or not, Aatrox is clingy as all hell. He just won’t admit it.
In the rare times that he does, he won’t hesitate to shower you with all of his love and attention... And his love is quite aggressive! Possessively squishing you in his arms, smothering your face with warm kisses, thigh squeezes while you sit on his lap- He goes the extra mile when he’s desperate for your attention!
Aatrox is definitely an unexpectedly gentle lover and is willing to destroy tens of hundreds of worlds if it meant it could just be you and him together on this one alone.
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
The heavenly Sword and the "Ballad of the Goddess" prompted me to another request. How would the Champions from Botw react to the fact that the reader is a goddess, and she is Hylia's sister. She owns the precious triforce, which passed to her long ago after the death of Hailya as an inheritance. Thank you again ( ╹ ▽ ╹ )
Heyo!! Sorry this took me so long school and work has been a lot lately. Anyways this is a joint headcannon for the Champions as a whole so enjoy!!
I'm gonna make this an age of calamity timeline sort of because some things will change with you around
First of all, you were a wandering goddess, helping out where you could without using your full power. Without the Triforces power you were strong but you preferred to allow humanity to solve their own problems. With a little heavenly guidance
Your main power that you used was music. You could play a melody on your flute and it would guide a person's soul, helping them to understand their desires and purpose.
With calamity rising once again you decided to investigate the castle where you knew Ganon would strike. What you weren't prepared for was the organization of the Champions to be in the castle and for the princess to notice you.
You had snuck to the lowest levels of the castle with your little egg friend to try and place a seal that would hold Ganon back as long as you could when you felt her.
This girl looked so much like your beloved sister, but the aura told you all you needed to know. This was her. Your sister reincarnated once again
Behind her stood a member of each kingdom scattered across Hyrule. You easily connected them as the elite guard you had heard whispers of.
It took some convincing but with a show of your powers and carefully sharing your aura with Zelda, although you had to approach like they were scared animals when faced with the protective circle around the princess.
Zelda was the first to trust you, although your little guardian may have seriously helped with the process. You allowed her to spend all the time she wanted with it and you got to know eachother.
Zelda confessed to you about her struggles with her powers and you declared you would do everything in your power to help unlock hers.
It took time but you managed to help her learn. It came down to her accepting a lot of emotions she had pushed down and finally allowing herself to be free of expectations. Yeah. Not an easy task. But you managed to help her feel confident and your efforts were greatly appreciated by her and the ones who cared for her.
In the beginning you would have to play your flute to allow her to find that inner harmony and then she could use her powers of light
Urbosa was someone who came around pretty fast. She has this mom instinct and despite you being thousands of years older her brain saw you and Zelda giggling as you did research in the fields and her brain went ah yes. Another child to take care of.
She also has a really good judge of character and do she knew immediately you only had the best intentions.
Mipha loved to hear your stories. You once found her talking to Vah Rutah and you mentioned that her ancestor Ruto would be proud of the Champion she became. Mipha asked to hear about stories and you gladly obliged with her wishes. Telling her all about the young Zora sage and how she had fallen in love with the hero too.
Mipha saw you as a mentor person and you would share your knowledge of her kind and you would help her perfect her ability with her trident. With your help she learned to defend against any attack and to carry that confidence into her life outside of battle.
Revali was a tricky one to get close to. He didn't trust you and the closer you got to the other the more he came to resent your presence. It wasn't until he found you atop Hebra peaks playing the flute when he finally allowed himself to get close.
The Rito are a musical people, not that Revali would ever allow others to witness his incredible prowess (yes that's a quote). But seeing you nestled in the snow playing that melody, each snowflake twirling around you as if by your command. He understood why everyone was so in awe of you.
Soon enough, Revali would meet you in the highest peaks of the Hebra mountains to play together. He would confess how he wished he could do more than play the side character but you would remind him that without his assistance Link and Zelda would never be able to defeat Ganon. His role was not small or unimportant nor was he.
Daruk may have been the easiest to befriend. You visited Death mountain and there was a rockslide. You punched one of the rocks splitting it into pieces and the big man was your new bestie.
Not to mention that super spicy marinade for a tasty rock made him know you were as stand up as they come
Honestly you and Daruk could be a dangerous combination. Super powerful dirty meets indestructible shield. You once blasted his shield with you powers and sent him bouncing down the mountain. He was fine but you were both banned from hanging out without supervision.
Link was one person who could not be that supervision. He tried his best to be the stoic hero everyone expected of him but if you three were alone together, the brain cells ran away fast.
To be fair it was a great combination in battle. You could use stasis on Daruk and Link would hit him as hard as he could creating a meteor of mass destruction barreling into your enemies.
After a battle you all would have a camp out where you and Link would work perfectly together to whip up something mouth watering. You had millions of recipes from your time wandering and just as many stories to tell around the fire.
It took time and convincing, but you managed to get each champion to bring along an instrument and play through the night. Sometimes Daruk would get a little crazy with a drum solo or Revali would get snarky if he felt like he was being stared at but eventually you would all relax. You would lead a melody and they would all fall into step bringing forth a tube that could bring a year to your eye or convince you to dance.
It wasn't long before Ganon came forth, malice reaching out across the land and taking hold of guardians and Divine Beats alike
Using the power of the Triforce you placed protection on each of the Champions. They would be unable to die until the sun rises
With your divine blessings and the power of the Triforce you were able to grant the Champions a boost on their strength and powers. You focused all you had on protecting them from injury and fatigue.
Unfortunately the sun would rise soon
With the help of your little Guardian you tapped into the warp pads on each Divine Beast and teleported yourself, Link, and Zelda to them.
Each battle was draining on your powers, you had extended you halo of protection to all of Hyrule. No citizen would die while you were watching over them.
Finally the Champions we're ready to face Ganon. Together you and Zelda merged you powers to trap him in a bubble of light. The Champions locked the Divine Beasts onto the beast and blasted him. You forced him into his beastly pig form where Link and Zelda together could finish the battle
Powered by the Guardians blasts you created a gate around the fight keeping him contained. Using your flute, you played a rythm to confuse Ganon.
With the Master sword and the bow of light, Ganon was finally defeated.
Hyrule was saved and you were finally done with your goal. You giggled as your egg teleported the Champions together to celebrate.
You were tired from the long battle but happy nonetheless. As you watched the Champions celebrate- even Revali grudgingly allowed Daruk to ruffle his feathers- you smiled. You thought of your sister as you watched over her creations and you knew she would be proud.
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defdaily · 3 years
Arena Homme+ Magazine September 2021 issue featuring JAY B: Nature, Dreams and Music
Translated by defdaily.
That day, JAY B’s world was filled with grass that came up to his knees, sunset that briefly peeked through the dark clouds, and ghosts of the silent campsite. Insects flew about in the intimate conversation of creation, dreams, and the future. An interview with JAY B amidst the passing seasons.
So you are working on an album?
The album is almost finished. I couldn’t release it at the beginning of the year, so I’m releasing it now in the second half of the year. I’m thinking of preparing things early on for next time so [we] are preparing for the production of another album.
There was a big change this year, you moved from JYP Entertainment to H1GHR MUSIC, right? What did you expect before becoming a part of H1GHR MUSIC?
At first I was worried. and was concerned over what to do if I couldn’t adapt. My goal for this year was to adapt to the agency and its artists, but everyone has made me feel comfortable. I thought I would have to do a lot of adjusting to the new agency staff, but I was surprised by how understanding they were of the system I had experienced. The way there has been no problem in our communication has far exceeded my expectations. Things are flowing smoothly.
It must feel like a fresh start. You must be looking forward to getting to do what you couldn’t do previously, but on the other side you must also have hopes to learn more. Is there anyone that could provide you with blunt advice?
I’m not the demanding type. And I have never strongly demanded anything from the company either. But that doesn’t mean I accept anything the company makes and provides me. The difference is that my opinion is reflected in my work more than before. If I was going to lead everything at work, there would have been no need to join an agency. Joining the agency means communicating with their staff. I also think we should listen to other people's opinions a lot. And you have to give feedback too, of course. I am working well with the company. Be it a push or advice as help, I learnt a lot from my previous company. Since I have learnt a lot from there, I should trust myself a little more now. I try to relay what I know and learn about things I’m not knowledgeable of. I rely on Jay Bum hyung a lot. I contact him right away when there’s something I don’t know, and we have a lot of conversations.
Is it important that an artist is stubborn? Do you feel the need to emphasise your own music and personality?
Artists have different personalities, just as people have different preferences. I don't want to diss an artist who is stubborn, nor do I want to tell anyone who isn’t stubborn that they are not an artist. I acknowledge everyone. I, personally, want to express the way I live. I like making music. An artist should be clear about what they want to do. Whether it be to become a star, or to express themselves through music or to earn money, it has to be clear.
What is your clear stance as an artist?
Whether it’s fiction or reality, I want to make stories. I’m the type that wants to tell a story. It was like that too in my GOT7 days. I believe one should create and establish their own path in life. I think that's fun. It's hard, but it's worth it. It adds more meaning to my job and I think it becomes more valuable. If I didn't do it myself, I would feel less attached to it.
There’s nothing more fun than one’s own work. Showing your work and waiting for the response must also be thrilling.
Exactly. I love hearing that my music is good. I’m very shy so I cannot express it very well but I’m very thankful and proud too. And it reassures me that I’m not going down the wrong path.
It does feel like all the hard times disappear when you hear good feedback. But feedback isn’t always good. There are even people who avoid them because of fear of criticism.
To be honest, when it comes to unpleasant feedback, it kind of makes me feel… “ouch!” But I accept it because it is still an evaluation. It also gives me a boost. It’s fun.
You are a solo artist now. Do you feel a burden or pressure?
I don’t feel pressured, but I do feel the burden. I joined H1GHR MUSIC and I feel a sense of belonging. I gain something from this company, but I think this company should gain something from me, too. I have worries about things like whether I’ll be able to benefit the company or not. I feel slightly uneasy about possibly not meeting expectations too.
You feel a sense of responsibility.
There's always a reason and a purpose to start anything. Everyone starts music because they like it, and if they start, there must be music they want to make. So if there is criticism, one would feel down, but if the final product is good, the people that worked on it would feel good. That’s what I hope for.
You uploaded a bunch of your Def. songs onto your YouTube channel. There was quite a lot. Are you the prolific type?
I used to be but… I guess I’m still the type to make many songs. (Laughs). But compared to back then, my production has decreased a lot. My stamina can’t keep up. (Laughs). I used to be able to start and finish working on a song at dawn and when I felt like I could do more, I made more. Nowadays, even when I’m working on only one song, not only is it hard for my body, but I also feel drained so I can’t make many songs.
Isn’t it really fast to make even one song at dawn?
Ah, that’s true. I used to work like that three or four times a week, but now I work once or twice a week. Come to think of it, I don't think I'm the prolific type anymore.
Being able to make a lot of things means you have a lot of ideas.
Having run out of ideas is also a reason for having less work done. There are five mixtapes I’ve uploaded onto YouTube with four to five tracks each. At the time, I not only worked on those but music for GOT7 too. After hustling so hard, I feel like I’ve run out of material. I look around wondering where to find inspiration. When I finish making the melody and want to write lyrics, I feel lost.
In order to be prepared for those situations, creators keep a collection of material. How do you collect resources?
I often read or use my imagination. These days, I often put myself in others’ shoes. When watching a movie, one would empathize with the protagonist. It’s only natural since the plot revolves around them. But I would pay attention to the supporting roles or passerbys in the background and think about the story from their point of view. I would think about what I would do if I heard those words and if I were in that situation. I also pay close attention to any words that might be a good source of inspiration. In the past I would focus on how the plot developed, but now I look at the words that the author uses repeatedly. When I think of any useful words or ideas, I jot them down.
Observing the supporting roles instead of the central narrative is such a novel idea.
I suddenly thought of it while watching a movie at home. The protagonist had said some harsh and rude words to a supporting role. It was something like “Get out of my way.” I thought “How would it have felt to be the one moving out of their way? What would they feel?” These were the thoughts I had.
Has anyone told you that you have a unique perspective?
I’ve often heard that my personality is very unique.
People can say they don’t like something despite others saying they like it. That could come off as unique and fresh ideas come from an uncommon perspective too.
I think it’s 50/50. There are times when something might not feel like much for me while others like it, and times when everyone else seems quite indifferent while I like it. A song I recently liked the idea of is “Smile, Wait for the Flash” by Giriboy where he used the ‘kacha’ shutter sound as gunfire. Using ‘kacha’ like a gunfire as a metaphor for wrapping up your feelings after a breakup was a refreshing idea. It was great.
Do you also often use your instincts?
I try hard to. I don’t naturally use my instincts, but I try to look at things through a different lens. I tend to have random thoughts, and I had one today during the shoot too. This is a camping site, but there was no one camping. So I imagined how it would look when full of people moving about. Also during the shoot, there was a long blade of grass under my feet on a field of grass. I should have avoided it but I accidentally stepped on it. I felt sorry for the grass that got stepped on and out of instinct I said “sorry…”
Seems like you have keen sensibility.
I wish I could be sensible. I’m too cautious to say that I am sensible, though.
I think you would be considered a sensible person because you make music. But I noticed that the comments are disabled for Def.’s mixtapes on YouTube.
The songs that I make under “Def.” are 100% music that I personally wanted to make. I didn’t want to receive feedback, so I disabled the comments. If I release an album under “Def.” in the future, I probably won't be able to disable the comments. I don’t know. The reason I have disabled the comments is because I don’t want to see any praise nor criticism. I don’t look at the comments for my SoundCloud tracks either. Because they’re very personal projects, I’m worried I could be swayed by it so I don’t look at it on purpose. I don’t want to be swayed by anything when it comes to my personal projects. I guess that’s my way of being stubborn.
So it sounds like you’re saying the songs that are made under the name Def. are like a part of you. I can feel your sincerity towards your music.
I would pretend to be indifferent to evaluations, but I’m really scared of receiving negative comments. Not the criticism but I’m scared to look at comments that decide something as ‘not good.’ If they say that it’s not their style, then it’s just personal preference. There may not be songs that match their preference within my discography. But it’s difficult for me to hear people say ‘this is not good, bad, or meh.’ After all, those songs came from me and are like my children.
I remember many tracks with gentle melodies and discovered JAY B’s delicate side. Is this surprising to hear?
This is the first time I’ve been called delicate. I do have several sensitive/vibey songs. I want to try something like a pop, hip-hop, or smug and cocky vibe but I’m not good at that. I don’t think it’s my personality.
What is considered a good melody to you?
Something that feels good at the first listen. My music taste has been so diverse recently that even when I talk to my friends about music, the songs that we all like are different. It’s hard to reach a consensus. In the creator’s perspective, even if something doesn’t sound good to others but it does to the creator, I consider that to be a good melody. I used to stress over how to write a good melody, how to sing it, and if the company would like it. As I move on step by step, I found a standard where at least the melody should sound good enough to me to not abandon the song since everyone has different preferences.
Personal preferences are important but it must be an important job to cater to the general public too. No, I mean, a difficult job.
That’s right. I think I still lack the ability to create melodies that the general public would like. I will have to learn step by step. One thing I feel is that there must be a part that sticks. I can’t exactly describe what type of melody it would be, but to set a minimum standard, it would be ‘a melody that I’m satisfied with. If it’s one that I’m not satisfied with but the public likes, I should follow that.
Do you tend to use many tracks when making music? There’s lot of songs these days that use dozens of layers of tracks.
We used a lot of harmonies with GOT7. Because there were so many harmonies, there was a crazy number of tracks too. These days, I try to be minimal and reduce harmonies. I don’t layer many tracks. I usually have the main track with a few harmonies and some adlibs.
K-Pop in particular mixes many genres and harmonies to create complex music. They are very flashy. What do you think of this phenomenon as someone who prefers to be minimal?
I see it as a good thing, because it means that the general public’s preference is expanding to a variety. It’s rather better. Of course, the basics are also important and I do feel the necessity to study them but we also need to agree with change. We should accept change. Who knows, I might grow old to be someone that can’t accept change and wonder, ‘what kind of music is this?’ But I feel that now is a time to open our eyes to change. When I find that a song is difficult to listen to, I will purposely listen to it repeatedly.
It’s been 10 years since you’ve debuted. How much have you changed over these 10 years?
In the past I was ambitious and had high expectations, but now I am more relaxed. With age, I think my sensitive side is becoming more and more dull. When I let go of some desires, I get to be accepting of more things. The scope of my activities also seems to have widened. I used to have a stubborn side to me in the past. Now I’m like ‘don’t expect too much, don’t anticipate too much,’ just do my job diligently!
There are many artists that use other creative hobbies to ease the burdens of their main job. What do you do to cope with your fuel for creativity?
My hobby is photography so I take many photos. I also learned how to draw at one point but nowadays, I don’t have time to draw since I’m busy. I also make records of things often. I write down my thoughts, even useless things. I also use an audio recorder to record my mood, thoughts, and things I’m currently doing. I also write letters to my future self. Things like ‘this is why I’m struggling, this is what would be good for me now but how it would be for my future self?’ Wondering what I will be thinking about and what I would look like. I write letters to myself about stuff like that. I put them in envelopes according to the year and on the envelope I write down the year the letter was written.
So It’s like an archive of your time. Writing, journaling, letters, photos, music, it’s interesting. A very organised way of saving your thoughts to not lose them. Having said that, is there anyone else you would like to show your records to besides your future self?
Ah! I can’t show this to people. They’ll cringe. (Laughs) It’s sort of embarrassing. I can show the photos to everyone but I want to keep voice messages to myself. I hope that when I am older, I can look at them as I laugh and reminisce about my life. They’re records for myself.
Do you also record everyday life in any way?
I record when I find it interesting the way I thought about something. Even looking at my journal from last year or the year before, my thoughts were different from now. I find it intriguing to see the way people can change like this. I think I tend to have many thoughts, so I record them every day.
From the position of a creator, I guess journaling can be seen as an activity to collect one’s senses and emotions to use them as material for inspiration.
That’s right. My brain isn’t good enough for me to remember everything. There are situations when I recall a memory and decide I could write this down.
What was the most fun thing you did lately?
It’s a bit dangerous, but it was when I rode around on my motorcycle with my friend. There was suddenly a heavy downpour. Since I needed to go home, I rode the motorcycle in the rain. I was completely soaked when I got home. The journey home was super difficult, but I was fortunate enough to not have suffered any injuries. It was a completely new experience so it was very fun. I don’t want to experience it again but it felt like an adventure.
Wearing the Burberry 2021 F/W collection in the pictorial today must also be a new experience. Slightly different from the refined and classic Burberry, the collection shows a lot of change. What were your usual thoughts on Burberry?
I thought of it as a clean and straightforward style. Ever since some time, I noticed their young and bold changes. Although today’s outfits contained many new attempts and changes, I felt that their style was still well refined. I felt that Burberry used their own unique perspective to cleanly interpret nature’s elements. Wearing the outfits, I felt like they had a lot of fun ideas.
Which outfit left the biggest impression on you?
Choosing just one is very difficult. There was one that gave off the feel of a medieval knight, and made me feel like a monarch. I’ve heard that in medieval times, people would also wear bearskin from hunting. I think that has some influence on the Burberry outfits that I wore today. Every time I put on an outfit, I always felt like a medieval knight or king. The fur on the clothes had a strong animalistic feel to it. The scenery, weather, and concept were all very harmonious with each other.
Going back to the topic of music, you said that you like to tell stories. Do you also create a universe with music?
Yes, I create a universe for each album. This album creates this universe, while that album creates another. The albums won’t connect to create one universe, though. Each album is its own world, nothing more. I can’t make them magnificently connect into a grand universe. I like to put my story into each album.
Can you use a keyword to describe the universe of the album you are about to release?
It would be “SOMO:FUME.” This is the first album that I made after joining H1GHR MUSIC. This album consists of my energy, feelings, and thoughts, so it contains the meaning of my hopes for people to consume (somo in Korean) this product and and my wishes for my emotions to smear on to you like perfume, which is why I combined [somo] with the [English word] perfume, and named [the album] SOMO:FUME.
In which direction will JAY B’s music flow from now onwards?
I’ve pondered about directionality for a long time, but I couldn’t come up with an answer. The important part is to participate enough for me to not have regrets and be careful. I may disappoint myself if I have too many expectations for the future. I need to work diligently to not be disappointed when I look back; so that in the future, I can see that I worked hard.
Translated by defdaily.
Please support JAY B’s 1st EP album [SOMO:FUME] coming out on August 26 at 6PM KST. jayb1stsoloep.carrd.co
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jsio · 3 years
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Moebius' true king.
Art by Arealscrog
Archie's wasted character
Who is Miles?
Miles Prower is the Anti equivalent of Tails, from Mobius Prime. He is afew years older, being 11 instead of 8 and much more mature. He still appears to possess Tails' youthful tenacity and desire for independence, but he has a violent rebellious attitude and shows no interest in holding himself to childish things, even though he's only 11 years old himself, hating the nickname "Tails" being an example.
Miles holds his younger counterpart in utter contempt for traits Miles sees as weaknesses, especially how Tails went down the path of Science and technology instead of his magical Chaos force heritage, implying that Miles went down a more mystical path instead of Science, but from what we see in the comic Miles is more in the political field, by that I mean he manipulates all the political aspects of Moebius.
His actions throughout the comic run make him out to be smart, picky, but also cold, calculating and always 5 steps ahead of his own team and Adversaries, this leading to Alicia making him the Suppression Squads leader behind the scenes, while she is the figurehead "ruler."
That's Anti-Tails, Who throughout this I'll be reffering to as "Miles." Now you may be thinking, "Why make a post on an extremely obscure and hardly used Archie character? Why not someone Like Tails, Shadow or a more popular Archie character?"
Well, it's because I believe that Miles had the potential to be one of Archie's most intresting original characters, I believe he could've easily held his own "Suppression Squad" comic run, but Archie Unfortunately really underused him and wasted his potential, but hey...
That's where us fans come in!
This post is All about Miles Canonical self, every canon fact I can find about him and his full story in his short run during Pre-Reboot Archie Sonic, and my own personal headcanons in the later post.
But...before I get into any the headcanons, I need to teach those who don't know him about him, I need to talk about his Canonical self..so, let's get into it. Headcanons will be in the follow up post.
Canonical Apprearnces.
(Reworded from the wiki)
First appearance
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The first appearance of Anti-Tails was back when the character was just "Evil Tails" and it was of him joining the Anti Freedom fighters in an attempt to take over Mobius Prime, prior to the downfall of Eggman.
He and his evil allies pretended to be the good Mobius Prime versions, and struck knothole with acts of mayhem, vandalism and overall mischief, a common thing on moebius. The real Freedom Fighters soon returned to set things straight, but their initial attempts to defeat the Anti-Freedom Fighters failed as their Anti-Mobius selves knew their moves as well as they did. Sally Acorn came upon the solution: switching combat partners. When he faced Rotor, Evil Tails proved unable to overcome the larger and stronger Mobian. Defeated along with the other Anti-Freedom Fighters, he was sent back to Anti-Mobius, where they continued to cause mayhem despite the efforts of the kindly Dr. Ivo Kintobor (Anti-Robotnik) to stop them.
This was the last we saw Evil Tails for awhile, however we did see a cameo of him along with every other tails when they all came together and formed Titan Tails.
The Suppression Squad
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Art by Pota on Pixiv
Some time passed before his next appearance, and in that time "Anti-Mobius" went through changes in its name, now "Moebius." And all the characters changed alongside it.
Miles had assisted Boomer in stealing Dr Kintober's goal posts in order to allow the Suppression Squad to have access to inter-dimensional travel. Scourge obviously took this opportunity and went straight to Mobius Prime, along with a few other members of the SS, Miles being one of them, and they attempted an assult on the Freedom HQ, where we see Miles' and Tails face off, with Miles declaring to not be referrd to as Tails or Anti-Tails, but instead just "Miles".
He also indicated his disgust at Tails for having chosen a path of Science and study, despite having a strong connection to "Chaos force", aka magic. This has led to people believing Miles himself is a magic user.
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When Metal Sonic attacked Scourge, believing him to be the real Sonic, Miles stayed back and observed instead of helping his king. Now, you may think that's betrayal, but in reality Miles didn't help because he did not wish to undermine Scourges strength, so instead he observed. Soon after Sonic came onto the scene he showed his willingness to help anyone, even his enimies, and this gave Miles an idea:
Let's team up with the freedom fighters to betray Scourge, that's the new plan.
Miles later met up with Sally, Bunnie, Antonie and Tails to offer an alliance, but didn't let Tails speak and showed his contempt to the original version, telling him, "Please don't talk, little boy, We're trying to have an intelligent conversation." Sally accepted the offer, knowing she needed all the help she could get for taking down Scourge.
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Upon returning to Scourge, pretending to be running from the freedom fighters, Scourge asked for a summary on his mission, that being "bomb New Metropolis" but Miles ignored him however, instead reporting to Alicia (Anti-Sally) that his mission was a success. Immediately thereafter, Alicia told the Suppression Squad to, "Show our King just what we think of him", with Boomer and Patch clearly readying for battle
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However, Miles was doubling up his betrayal, blasting both Sonic and Scourge back into Moebius for them to Duke it out there, with Boomer sealing the portal behind them. An ethical debate followed this, between Sally, Alicia and Miles, the trio being ordered to get the goal posts ready to be able to return the freedom fighters to Mobius after both groups agreed to make sure Scourge was defeated on Moebius by Sonic
Miles was as shocked as the rest of the group to find Scourge had defeated all of his opponents as Super Scourge. When the rest of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad were quickly defeated, Scourge turned his sights on Miles, identifying him as the mastermind behind the betrayal.
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Miles, cowering in fear, denied his role in betraying Scourge, who was threatening to beat him for his betrayal. However, Miles was saved by Silver the Hedgehog and unlike the rest of his allies, wasn't even hurt. Following Scourge's defeat and Miles' attempt to recruit Buns Rabbot into the Suppression Squad, Miles spoke to Alicia about who would be their new leader. Alicia explained that while she may be the figurehead ruler, they both knew Miles held the real authority at this point, to which Miles grinned.
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That was the last we see of Miles in the Archie comics, he unfortunately isn't in the post reboot because he's now owned by Ken Penders, so we'll never see him again. Below is all of his official designs, and after that is my final thoughts on the character.
My overview of Miles as a character.
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I'm no Character analysist so I'll make this short and sweet, my review of Miles is that he's a Character with alot of potential, but he went wasted, not on purpose, but thanks to the lawsuit.
I believe that if that lawsuit never happened, and that arc was closed up nicely Anti-Tails would of became a far more realistic and grounded Character, and probably pretty popular too. Miles to me is a kid who was manipulated into a life of crime and now believes that's what is right, and I think that could of been an arc for him, mellowing out and becoming a true king for the people of Moebius. I also like how when Scourge goes Super and goes to Miles to confront him, he dosent stand up to him, he dosent become strong, but instead he cowers in fear, hes terrified and tries to lie, to me, that makes him feel more grounded, and I like that.
Personally I wish Miles was more popular, I wish he got more spotlight than he did and I wish his story got concluded, but with what we got, I think he's pretty good, and pretty interesting too! I've seen alot of ideas float around for this dude, all of them making sense in they're on way, and to be honest? His lack of story kinda helps make him more accessible.
Tl:Dr: I like Miles alot, and I hope this post helps you lot learn more about him and overall, gets more people down to write with him, draw with him and explore him!
Would I change him in any way?
Yeah, there's one key part of Miles (from what we got) that I think was wasted. Now, what is that? What would I change about a Character I've mostly praised? Well...
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I wish he was magical. In the Archie comics Tails is actually strongly connected to the "Chaos Force", not as connected as Shadow, but still VERY connected, and guess what? Miles and Tails ARE biologically the same, same DNA, and in that bit of the comic, Miles calls Tails out on something he should have no idea about if he himself isn't connected to the same thing (or Moebius equivalent). To me at least this kind of implies Miles is magical too.
Basically, I'd give Miles' moveset a touch of magical abilities, connecting him to Moebius' "Anarchy force". I think it would help separate him abit more from Tails, while also connecting them, because whenever you have science and magic together...they clash.
But yea that's all I'd change in what we got, just hints of magic, some magic attacks here and there. I think it'd be pretty neat, and it'd have the science Vs magic aspect with him and Tails relationship.
Lets finally wrap this up! At least, for now.
Thank you so much for reading all this If you did, it, this took me alot of hours, and I, I think it's over 2000 words now you madman. Why not spend your time doing something more worthwhile? Why not...have fun? meet someone? Go on a date? Live your life? Why read a post on an obscure Character, mainac.
But in all seriousness thank you for reading my post, I really like this character (clearly) and I want to teach people about him, and I hope this post has done that! Post 2. There's going to be a sequel post going over all of my personal headcanons, and possibly a 3rd going over community ones. Keep ya eyes out~
But yea, big read, now you lot know about an obscure Character, and this was fun to write! But now I'm gonna end this post with a fun fact:
Miles and the Suppression Squad were going to have one more arc, it was teased at the end of issue 196, but unfortunately it never got written. That would of been really neat but unfortunately it never got to happen.
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formashimataichi · 2 years
Excuse me if you’ve talked about this before, but I was wondering how you felt about the development of Taichi’s mother? I appreciate how Suetsugu is really intent on giving all of her characters such depth, especially when mothers in media either tend to be perfect or evil… but I also feel conflicted (and not just with Taichi’s mother, but other characters as well) about it. I think the pressure (and especially what his mother said about only doing things you’re good at) inflicted on Taichi by his mom had a really negative impact, same with Shinobu’s stilted relationship with her mother, so it’s honestly felt kind of out of left field to see them become more understanding, maybe, of their children (those characters in particular). So I was just wondering what you thought! I’ve always loved your thoughtfulness towards Chihayafuru and your meta is always really interesting, so :)
I've talked about their relationship casually from time to time, but this is a good place to consolidate all of my thoughts on it! Taichi's relationship with his mother is perhaps one of the most interesting to me in the entire manga, namely because it captures so well that complex entanglement of pressure and love and distance that is so overwhelmingly present in the relationships between so many Asian parents and their children. It's really fascinating to see the ways in which her upbringing impacts his behaviors, because it doesn't just extend to how he perceives competition—her ideology also influences his approach to masculinity, to friendships and romantic relationships, and to his own personal convictions. His mother is more or less entrenched in his entire being, and even now, he's still in the process of unlearning so much of what she vested him with since he was a child. He's been raised this way for nearly eighteen years, and recovering and growing from the extents of that kind of mindset takes an enormous amount of time and effort. It's why I've never really been surprised by the fact that he still continues to face mental setbacks. For such a long time, his mother dominated the mechanics of nearly every decision he made, so naturally, he's going to experience more doubt and hesitation after he starts to separate himself from her, as significant a development as it is on its own for him to claim personal agency.
All of this is to say—Taichi's arc, to me, is a very distinctly open-ended one that focuses heavily on the ability to be able to move forward rather than necessarily on the conclusion to a process of healing. Even after this story is over, he won't be entirely home free. It will be a process of many days, months, and years for him to slowly evolve from the kind of person he used to be, and the same ultimately holds for his mother, as well. I don't think her support of Taichi at the Qualifiers or her conversation with Suou during it is supposed to be some marker of closure on the trauma that she's inadvertently inflicted on her son, but I do think it's a nod to the fact that, as a parent, the cards are always in your hands. If you want to, you can change for the sake of your child, because you love them, and you want what's best for them. There's no guarantee, obviously, of her entirely changing her ways, but the fact that she's been made cognizant of her ability to be better for the sake of her children is really what sticks out to me as emblematic of Suetsugu's overall message about personhood. It's not so much about being able to see that you will achieve the end goal as it is about being able to see that you can make efforts to reach it at all. To take that first step, and the second, and every step thereafter—that's what's most important, and what's what makes Taichi's arc overall so compelling for me. He has no guarantee of success, no guarantee of getting the girl, no guarantee of being able to feel happier, but he stills makes the effort to try once he realizes that the chance to do so is always there, and that he may end up more at peace with himself for the fact of it.
Taichi and his mother are mirrors to each other, in a sense, and I think seeing the ways in which he's changing for the better will ultimately reflect on her for the better as well, even if we won't necessarily see the effects of that at length. There's a lot about her behavior as a parent that's still been maintained, like her overbearing nagging or her overall disconnect with karuta, but those behaviors were also compounded prior by the fact that she refused to give Taichi the space to think or breathe at all. The distance between them now is still a very painful thing—at all times I am thinking about him saying she's too noisy, and the sort of confused, stricken look on her face in response to the comment—but it's also a helpful distance that I think will allow her over time to better control her impulses and work to understand him in whatever small capacity. A relationship not necessarily entirely mended or free of the red in its ledger, but one steadily, silently working on its way to being so. I really enjoy the poignancy of that.
#mashima taichi#chihayafuru#*meta#asks#ig that like. i enjoy it as a portrayal of an asian parent-child relationship like it feels very realistic#bc the trauma doesn't really just go away in one fell swoop. they have so many years of shit to sort through and that's going to take time#which is why i think we still haven't seen them have an actual deep conversation with each other#they're still in that process of trying to refigure their position in each other's life and how to contend with these changes#so yes there are small steps of improvement#like taichi focusing on his studies again or his mom not judging him so much for his karuta participation#but there's obv still baggage left there to deal with#like taichi still being uncertain about his future or his mom still struggling to understand what karuta means to him at the core#at one point i wanted her to potentially be the one to encourage him to pursue karuta again#but i think that would be unrealistic to expect to occur right now at this moment. it's still a while before they reach that stage#but yeah i think you can definitely feel complicated about it bc it's not a perfect relationship by any means#and his mom isn't just off the hook. she can do better and it seems she will but you never know what setbacks they'll face#i think feeling uncertain about it speaks to how accurate of a portrayal it is. if that makes sense#it's hard sometimes to contend with that love and grief all at once bc you're family but a real family isn't like This yknow#and they both recognize that. but obv it's gna take so much time to try to salvage whatever it is they want to keep between them#also realize i did not rly tackle shinobu's mother i'm sry gjkdfjhlgf i don't pay attention to her as closely admittedly#but i think she's kinda similar. just in a different way#when i reread i'll make a better post on her
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
Loss or gain
Jasonette July prompt 14: loss
Part of Cocorico
My masterlist
Cocorico had been a guest with Red Hood and his crew for nearly two weeks. They didn’t bother her and she was treated much more like a guest than a prisoner, but they still were not allowing her to leave. She was furious. She raged at every person who had been in to offer her anything but it had not helped. Red Hood himself had only been by two times. She had expected he would pester her constantly since he seemed like such a flirt, but he had refrained aside from the occasional suggestive line.
Still, well treated or not she was planning to get away when she could manage. They were very careful but they did not know all she had planned. Tonight was the night. She would wait until just before dawn to make her move. They were too careful at shift change so she needed to do it before then. The quiet in the wee hours when all were sleeping or stupefied after sitting watch all night would provide the best advantage.
She made sure to recharge while they were sleeping. She wasn’t quite sure how she had always managed to avoid being seen when she dropped her transformation, but it had worked. Now she would be able to get away from here and come up with a new plan. Red Hood insisted that they could still find a way to work together and he would compensate her for the missed time but she would not get over her anger anytime soon. She would have to give up the whole business and cut her losses.
She would have to retire the rooster miraculous she had been using here. It was a shame, she found it freeing in ways the ladybug miraculous had never been. It had likely always been too dangerous to be working with the vigilantes and rogues in Gotham, but they were the greatest link to the work she needed to be doing. Someone had been using the sorcery that was present in Gotham to accomplish some goal and she would need to find out how it was being used. On her own she could not fix everything wrong that the city was built on but she knew there was at least one guardian nearby and she suspected there was another as well. They could all work together when the time came.
The nearest guard had settled himself back down after the latest round. She figured she would be ready in about 20 minutes to need to get out so she set about preparing for the escape. All was quiet and she was laying still counting the ticking of the clock until it was time to make her move. When the man made a light half snore she took a breath and screamed. He jumped up and ran over to the locked door and she heard a click to let her know it had been opened. She was turned over in the bed with her back to the door when he entered. He reached down for her shoulder and she turned and made her move.
She pulled the pillowcase over his head and held the end while she kicked his face several times. He reached out to stop her but she pushed him down on the bed and fastened her arm around his neck until he lay still. She could hear movement from a few others having woken from her screaming. She left the unconscious guard in the bed and went out to deal with them, taking the sheet and pillow with her.
The first one she saw she hit with the pillow. He hadn’t seen her so she got the drop on him a bit. As he recovered 3 others came from the hall. She called for her power and aimed her kite at them. The bright light momentarily blinded them so she whipped the sheet around to cover the 3 and rushed out the window. Just before she got there Red Hood blocked her path. She didn’t have time to stop without being recaptured so she rushed him. She slammed her shoulder into him and kept going to the window.
He attempted to hold on so she let him have one arm while she used the other to glide with her kite away from the building. She made it a short flight dropping him on the roof while she continued on. Rather than dropping down all the way she sprinted from where her feet touched and jumped away again. Red Hood didn’t have a chance to grab her again but she suspected he would still chase after her. She didn’t risk looking back to find out; she just kept running.
It was several minutes of jumping and gliding from roof to roof before she risked stopping to look around. She didn’t immediately see Red Hood so she assumed she would be safe. She was breathing hard as she moved into the shadows of the chosen roof. She would need to look around to figure out where she had ended up. She had made no plan for where to end up before, she had just run. She had not been there long before she heard him land. She held her breath and pulled as far into the shadows as she could.
It was no use. He must have seen her. She could hear him moving her way. She suspected that he knew she was trapped and was trying to make her fear him coming by moving in so slowly. She didn’t think Orikko had another power up available now. She may be able to run for more than 5 minutes after using a power but energy was still required and she didn’t have anything with her to keep them going. The footsteps stopped just out of her vision.
She pressed herself against the wall but it was no use. The fact that it wasn't Red Hood who stepped into her field of vision didn't seem to make much difference if what he had said about the bats looking for her was true. Nightwing might be less threatening than Batman but she wasn’t sure. She would really prefer not to test either of them. She just wanted to get away. When he saw her hiding there he looked shocked but then opened his mouth to speak.
Cocorico didn’t wait to hear what he had to say, She shoved her kite into his face and then slid under his arms. He hadn’t been expecting to grab her so he was playing catch up trying to reach out for her. He grabbed her kite instead. She twisted it out of his hand as she ran for the edge of the roof. She wasn’t able to get it the right direction to glide through the air so she rolled over her shoulder on the next roof and back up to her feet to keep running. He was after her right away and he didn’t seem to have any struggle to keep up with her across multiple roofs.
She was already worn out from her previous escape. She really hadn’t expected anyone else to be on the roofs at this hour. She had spent hours planning for all possibilities in her head and running into others on the roofs was something she had been avoiding. She needed to get across one more roof before she had a good spot to glide from. She would have to jump to the fire escape and climb up a couple stories but she worried she wouldn’t be fast enough. She was already planning for how she could get out of his grasp if he did catch up to her when she made the jump.
She started climbing right away but she looked back to see where Nightwing had ended up. He wasn’t on the roof she had just jumped away from. Maybe he had given up and she was just running away from shadows. She jumped from the last window ledge to reach the edge of the roof when she found him. He grabbed her arms to pull her up but as he did so he attached a cuff to each wrist. She didn’t have any idea how she could get away from that. If she let him pull her up she would be in his grasp but she couldn’t jump away because they were already attached. She wouldn't be able to stop herself from falling or get to another building with him attached.
Of course when he had her on the roof, she tried fighting anyway, but he already had her prone on her stomach and easily moved her hands behind her back and recuffed them that way. He pulled her to her feet and guided her to a doorway that led to a staircase inside the building. She allowed it to happen but she was still formulating a plan. He pushed her ahead of him so she continued cooperating. She would have to go all the way down with him if this was going to work. She tried to trip him up a couple times by stumbling and speeding up but he didn’t seem bothered either way. She made her move halfway between the first and second flight of stairs.
It was a risk to her identity but she could tell Orikko was already fading so she took matters into her own hands. She threw her head back into his face when they both reached the landing and called off the transformation. That had freed her hands as well as removing her magical suit. She hoped he would be distracted enough so she jumped over the railing and jumped twice to get the all the way to the ground floor. She had no idea where they had ended up or how much he had seen from her so she just ran.
Out the door she still had no idea where she was going or if she was still being chased. She cut through an alley and then moved down the street quickly trying to appear as if she was just headed off to an early shift. She probably looked a mess. But she was fairly certain she had lost Nightwing. She really wished she had brought her wallet with her that day but she was far more concerned about her identity being compromised. She decided to risk a coffee shop anyway. Maybe she could talk them into giving her a cup of coffee and directions home if she promised to bring her payment back later.
She had gotten a look for sure, but maybe just a sympathetic person. She was certain he thought he was being scammed but he let her have a small coffee and a slice of banana bread that didn’t sell yesterday because it had been smashed. With that and directions home she felt a lot better about her prospects. She wasn’t even very far from home so she could be there in just a few minutes.
She turned down the street to head the right direction and then froze when she saw Red Hood standing there. She had to breath and remind herself that he hadn’t seen her without being transformed. She was certain he was watching her after her very obvious moment of terror but hopefully it was something he was used to seeing from random people. She turned into the next building without even knowing what it was, tossing the coffee and wrapper from the banana bread in the trash. Everyone in there was watching her. She looked around and realized it was a vet office and that they all had pets with them. She stuck out far too much without having an animal with her.
She ignored the stares and kept walking on as if she belonged there. Luckily there was no one at the desk to ask what she was doing so she kept on hoping they had a rear exit. Something must be on her side because once she passed the waiting room she walked down a small hallway with a bathroom and a couple locked doors that she assumed were for treating animals. Beyond that was a door that she walked out without anyone questioning her and she found herself in an alley. She needed to go left but she didn’t want to risk running into Red Hood so she turned to the right and would correct her direction when she had the opportunity.
She still expected to see him at every turn. What should have taken her just a few minutes ended up taking her closer to half an hour. She was still shocked when she made it to her door without anyone else seeing her. She wandered in and out of several of the other buildings in her complex before she went up to her own. No one even seemed to pay attention to what she was doing. She felt such relief when she made it to her own door and closed it behind her. She was safe for now, but she had no idea what she would do now. She didn’t know how he would handle the loss. She had gotten away but she would have to start any new business venture from scratch.
@jasonette-july-event | @theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @adrestar | @zynna
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
Mafia!SF9's reaction: dying (?) when saving
A/N: Amazing huh, as always, thank you for this request
Read more here~~
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You and him trained at the same time as one another, displaying hardiness, endurance, team work, sacrifice and other traits judged to be essential for leadership
You spared on many occasions but never spoke apart from giving each other feedback and honest criticism
Such a good pairing that your superiors considered letting you two work together but the plan never made it through, they had already had other plans for you
Far into the future, the two of you have already settled into leading your groups when you stumble onto Youngbin in a civilian area
You have been living there for quite some time, having shifted only recently but Youngbin's apparently been here to for some weeks and to trail someone.
You meet him in an open store, lined with books, magazines for travel and snacks, in the dead heat of the summer and the owner moving around.
The next time you meet him, he accidentally bumps into your shoulder sending your stuff to the ground which when you pick up, he uses one to disarm the person who is following him
Moments later, you trace back your steps to find your missing item and out of pure curiosity do you find yourself witnessing the mysterious figure about to commit a violent action.
Youngbin has this look on his face, alerting you that he is not the same, scared and ready-to-plead person that he used to be at the academy
When you save him, the both of you fend off the attacker and send him packing to your superiors, in turn you receive benefits for his hard work and your last minute effort to save him
He takes you to this place he found out about earlier, it's completely nature, untouched by humans because of how it is sealed from the outside world, people are only allowed to marvel at it. He shows it to you as a sign of his gratitude.
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Initially the person that none of your superiors thought would not make the cut but his display of determination, endurance to grow and willingness to change to be the best changed their mind which is why he eventually joins your team.
His readiness to ease tough situations and have fun with others makes him the perfect candidate to be a friend with, he's not the type to easily give comfort though.
This is because he's a kind soul but doesn't necessarily know how to properly express it which is why the members go with him to have fun because he knows how to lift a mood.
His advice is all hay-wire with random mumbles but his actions dictate what he's been trying to say all this time.
Secretly vibes to girl group songs during your breaks, what a guy~
When he's in danger, he reacts quickly because he's trained too but the individuals agility and strength throws him off, along with other people that have ganged up on him.
He keeps his cool, fighting with the agenda to get out of this place as quickly as possible and he almost succeeds, if he isn't brutally dragged back inside.
You and the rest of you team members help him and take what you need
He's injured, not life-threatening and you are impressed, he thanks you as he sits on the hospital bed but you reject his thanks by saying that it was all him, he managed to save himself all the way.
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Unsure of what he's supposed to do at first, you have to delegate tasks, responsibilities and he messes up but he is good at adapting to situations so he's quick on his feet and is able to think of solutions.
This makes him reliable and dependable since he is also great at comforting the others, his sweet nature allows people to easily warm up to him and share their troubles. A great listener and excellent contributor to the team, you appreciate him a lot because of it
A team player so his lack of ambition thwarts his concern for the members, he is completely fine with unsuccessfully completing a mission as long as the members are safe. Unlike the other SF9 members, he sees it as two options and will choose either one whereas the others will try and achieve both.
Supposed to meet the escape team on the other side, an external factor causes you to stay behind with him although he insists that he will be fine, you know that he fears the idea of being solitary.
He makes jokes to lighten the atmosphere and when it is time to move, he follows your orders as he has always trusted your instincts as team leader
He is immediately the best the person to be stuck with because of his variety of specialised skills that will contribute to any situation.
When you save him, he does the same for you too, not out of favour but as a responsibility that the two of you have to look out for one another as team members and also because of the situation you are in.
He'll show you physical affections as a way of saying sorry that he was not careful enough and that you could have almost died as you saved him, an example would be a short hug and when you are running, he'll hold your hand and tug your along
Dawon I Lee Sanghyuk:
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He was the last person to join the group and although shy at first, he's grateful for the others since they managed to bring him out of his shell
Is playful and teasing when off duty and makes it a point to tease you, is the main reason why the trauma is less significant as a group, responsibility may be equally divided but his light-hearted spirit ensures that you can complete the mission with the same characteristic.
Is very serious during missions and his ability to lead the team through tough situations- with his instillation of hope and strategical tactics, is the reason why you would choose him to be the leader in your place.
One thing that unnerves you about him is how he falters when he's shocked, he stills when on a mission but the dangerous environment leaves him at great risk.
You realise it's full play when you're tipped off and send Sanghyuk alone to the hotel room but he freezes upon seeing the long-past wounded individual, despite your team's best efforts to bring him out of his trance-like state, nothing changes.
That's when you run up flights of stairs to save him, you get there moments before he's about to pass away from strangulation as the stranger behind him makes extreme effort to achieve his goal of secrecy.
After that, you make sure to train his response by sending to training lessons again but this time, his heart rate is going to be normal no matter who or what he encounters.
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Your personal assistant, can and will fight if and when required.
Very talented in the field but switched to assisting after a traumatic event with his previous group, they all survived but he could not compartmentalise what had happened so he left
Praised for his immense talent and often had the responsibilities of scouring targets and/or engaging with them in order to gather information
Is actually much more awkward than his first impression, mainly because everyone's first impression of him is based off his looks
His persuasiveness helped him encounter and secure targets making him ideal
Is the cook of the group when they were stuck somewhere, did it automatically and was not afraid to put anyone in their place if a fight broke out but never mixed the two
Spoke to his members and confided in their worries so that by soothing theirs, he would also soothe his.
Was ambitious to complete missions, looks out for himself a little more than he does for others which his superiors like and encourage but you have mixed feelings about it.
When you save him, he reconsiders his priorities during missions but you know that he had every right to look out for himself in a situation as dangerous as this so he has no obligation to change.
Is visibly shaken even after, you can see the fear in his eyes hidden with the idea that he is still alive and won't be encountering these situations as easily because of his current job as your assistant.
Is reprimanded and almost suspended by your superiors because had he almost failed his job, neither of you would be alive, strives to change after that
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Reliable as a team member but insists that he should work alone and after convincing your superiors, they allow him to work in a remote, rural part of a country.
Your team is also stationed there but is working on a different mission, you knew that there would someone working alone towards one goal that your superiors need to achieve
You bought up the obvious considerable risks associated with a mission assigned in such a way, including whether the individual would pull through with their results
You choose not to doubt though, meeting him just before the dense forests that have been reconstructed to accommodate the growing population
He's immediately more interested in the suffering of the animals, telling you that they don't have sufficient water, food and space to live and you nod, preoccupied.
You ask him to take a look and he has to put this little animal that he's petting for the last twenty-five minutes down to start concentrating when he sees the absolute chaos
Fights with vengeance, he's angry that they have taken away the animal's nature and you sigh when you have to save him
He's overwhelmed with pain, the struggle of fighting multiple figures and not running into some big cat to become it's next meal
You help, are also wounded in the process so he helps you patch it up and carries your limping self to the medics. Comes back to check up on you and give his thanks.
You get just a little bit closer and from then on, it's just luck whether he's assigned to your team or not
Yoo Taeyang:
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He's capable, tolerant of other people and does not easily lose his temper as compared to the initial reviews you received from his pervious superiors. However, he does easily misunderstand.
That is why he sometimes look as if he is forever annoyed with his furrowed eyebrows or pursed lips
Fun-loving guy, somewhat introverted so it takes time for him to get to properly know the team. Is also objective to your leadership even if everyone else seems to follow along exactly what you say and this is something you appreciate because you like the engagement.
When he trusts you enough, he won't question your orders but will ask for elaboration if any is needed, also the person you ask to sum up everything you have said, his memory is amazing like that
He's got exceptional fighting skills and the talent to predict the opponent's moves, was the same reason he earned a promotion despite his slight inability to work with others.
Very rarely comes to you with problems, often comes when he has the solution as well, similar to a report
Never lies so you can expect to hear the only and complete truth from him, says things as they are not as they should be so is reliable and dependant.
Usually the two of you spar, so if the opportunity arises in the field, you are able to fight together and once, you prevent his torso from being slashed.
He is surprised but quickly recovers and expresses his gratitude after it.
It's just work after all
Hwiyoung I Kim Youngkyun:
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Puts in that little extra effort to make sure that the team's spirit is uplifted, like the the mood maker
Is easy to speak too and seek comfort from, when you were just a new group and you told him the truth about how you felt being the leader, he gave you some advice but feeling that it may have been too much, he ended it with, ''Just go for it.''.
A real sweet guy, for example, opens the door and lets people by, basically operates by the principle that you should people how you want to be treated, also goes for showing care or displaying kindness.
He's wounded in the leg, he's clutching it to try and stop the bleeding but he's down, the pain is so overwhelming that he's thinking how anyone could get up and run away and for a second, he even contemplates that this could be the end.
It's when you save him from the situation, let him lean on you till you find the medics, stay with him in the hospital and check up on him that he's going to put in all the effort he can to watch your back.
You tell to ease up and that's it is no big deal, because in line with his personality, you know that he would do the same
The two of you grow much, much closer after that
He no longer feels awkward to confide in his team leader and that's how you spend the end of your mission together after he almost dies, drinking beer and watching the stars in the night
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Chani panics, freezes as a result of the fear that had almost instigated his worst nightmares.
He's close to breaking down but rather than something simple like a single emotion or characteristics, he is conflicted. He knows that you are safe but his mind can not comprehend what you just did for him.
He's thinking that the your actions are multiple, behaviour complex, feeling safe amongst the unsafe environment because he knows that he can go home.
He's in shock, he's laying on the ground, kicked there, propping himself on his elbows after experiencing such massive fear that he would die.
You walk towards him, he wants to cry, for you to comfort him and tell him that you've got him but he doesn't say anything, he keeps this guard that when he stops along the way, he holds your hand and tells you thank you.
''There's nothing- I mean, I don't... What just happened was, thank you'' he says, fumbling for the correct words, wanting to attribute the success of his living to you.
But that was when he was a novice and you were teaching him the tricks of the trade.
Now he is much more confident, he knows how to compartmentalise and is frequently remarked as one of the best soldiers on and off duty.
He even saves you once, save is a stretch because he played a part and when you thanked him, he said that it was nothing compared to what you once did.
He was so cool about it that you teased him all the way till you dropped him to his house.
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saphirered · 3 years
Every Second Counts
A little Mollymauk x acrobat!reader that’s been floating around my head. I hope it turned out well. 
You’d been with the circus for a while. You’re part of the family. You are the prime example of agility over strength in appearance but that doesn’t take away from the fact you have muscle control some may ever only dream of. While you are less of a contortionist you’re still very flexible. You could say you’re more of an acrobat. Your circus family is also aware you have an affinity for being sticky-fingered. Your light and quick movement has helped you lighten the pockets of individuals many times before. You have the face of a talker. Attractive as your tongue is quick and you are not afraid to put that charm to good use. All these traits gained you the interest and undivided attention of Mollymauk Tealeaf. 
The man knows little shame and doesn’t hold back when he’s actually telling the truth. He was never shy to make his attraction to you clear but never put pressure on you or have expectations. If you liked him, then you did, and if not so be it. If you told him you liked him, great, if not, that’s fine. If you wanted him not to be affectionate towards you, hug you, sit close to you, pull you into his lap or sit down in yours, he won’t. Molly is aware there’s a difference between pushing the line and crossing a boundary. He’s respectful of those hard boundaries and won’t cross them. 
You’d catch Molly sitting in the audience section of the tent while you were rehearsing for the night when he wasn’t on duty for something. When he was, and Gustav would find him he’d be scolded and told to go back to work, many things to be done before the shows. You’d blow him a kiss when Gustav would threaten to get Yasha or Bo to drag him out, a threat the man would make good on and therefor Molly had to leave one way or another. He’d prefer to leave with his dignity somewhat intact. 
Whenever he could, he’d enlist you to go into town with him to attract an audience for the show. If you had other things to do priorly, they’d somehow already been done or someone else would be doing them by the time you were ready to do them. You had to compliment Mollymauk’s efforts just to spend more time with you. Trickery, bribery and other methods of persuasion were not out of the question to reach this goal. You had to compliment his efforts. 
You never minded any of these things as you enjoyed spending time with Molly. The only hindrance standing in your way had always been your responsibilities and him changing them so they would align, had to be a blessing. Whenever he was successful persuading Orna, one of the most difficult to persuade to switch with, he’d pick you up and spin you around proclaiming proudly he had done it again. 
Your relationship is very organic and in the moment. You’d say you’re in a relationship but neither of you would say you’re boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, partners, friends with benefits or anything alike. You’re you and he’s him. You care about each other, love each other, you spend time together, hug, cuddle and kiss. You’re affectionate, sleep in the same spaces, and sleep together. You do all the stuff couples would do but neither of you ever cared to define your relationship. You’re you and he’s him and that’s all that mattered. This arrangement works for both of you and neither of you feel the need to define or change it.
You’re practicing as the tent is being set up by the heavy lifters. Camp is already sorted so you found yourself with some free time you put to use to warm up a bit. Using one of the smaller tall poles secured you climb up onto the top. You stand on one leg the other parallel to the ground, jump and switch legs, one leg up straight into the air moving your body down until your palms touch the pole. You move your balancing leg up as well and shift the weight to your arms, kicking legs forward, backward and repeat one-handed. You switch to balancing on your lower arms and keep going through the motions to warm up. You hear a whistle. 
“While I’d hate to interrupt, Gustav says you’re with me, dear.” The familiar lavender tiefling smiles looking up at you. You sit down one leg over the other and smile back at him.
“Oh really? Gustav said so? How much did that cost you?” You say innocently. 
“Only three days of dishes and I washing Desmond’s costume after closing night.” Well, at least that wasn’t the worst. 
“Did Gustav tell you I’m free until tonight or did he forget to mention that.” Your smile changes into a grin as Mollymauk frowns.
“That bastard…” You hear him whisper under his breath at the realisation he got roped into cleaning duty for nothing. 
“Come on, let me make good on your deal.” You wrap your legs around the pole and lean backwards. Molly lifts his hands above his head high enough for you to grab them. You hold on and release the pole balancing solely on his hands as he takes a few steps back before you flip over and land on your feet on facing Molly. 
“Thank you. Shall we?” You kiss his cheek grabbing his arm and pulling him along towards the town. 
You’d been informed the town houses some dirty rich folks and it’s noticeable by the fine silks and flashy jewellery. Good reason to have increased the ticket price for the shows. Molly and you go around talking to groups and individuals alike, handing out flyers and persuading them to come see the show. You managed to get some excited folks to come see the show but for some more hardheaded individuals you had to throw your charm into the ring. A husky voice, fake interest, a touch of the arm and a bat of the eyelashes got you very far. 
One rather grumpy individual took a bit more to persuade and neither of you were willing to put in the effort after the good round you’d already had. But you did catch a flashy ruby ring and golden bracelet. With their attitude you found yourself justified to relieve them of these possessions during your pitch, for their own good of course. Only later the mention of that person’s name confirmed them to be an entitled asshole day and night, justifying your actions even more in your mind. Molly knew you took something on your little field trip but didn’t know what and you intended to keep it that way.
The night after the show Molly is cleaning dishes with the water from a nearby stream. You make your way over inspecting the stack of clean bowls, plates and cups.
“Came to see my good work?” He scrubs another bowl, checking it and putting it with the pile. 
“No. Desmond told me some of them want a second round after all so they need their dishes back. Mollymauk groans, takes the towel and throws it at you. You catch it before it hits you. 
“Rude! I’m just kidding, well half kidding. I managed to persuade them to leave the leftovers for breakfast tomorrow to spare you more dishes.” You take a bowl from the stacked clean dishes and begin drying it. Molly bumps his hip into yours. 
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re the real devil between the two of us.” Molly hands you the next dish stealing a kiss. 
“Oh shush. You know I’m a saint.” 
“A saint of thievery, deception and trickery.” He points an accusatory finger at you and you slap it away.
“But a saint no less.” You counter grabbing the pointing finger. Molly pulls you closer and kisses your hand giving you one of his trademark charming looks.
“Are you going to tell me what you took earlier today?” He leans in close placing one hand on your hip and swaying slightly in a dancing motion. You deliberate for a second before you hold his chin between your fingers until he’s millimetres away from your face.
“Back to the dishes Mollymauk.” The demeanour drops and you the victor of this little game between the two of you as you take a step back, pick up the cloth once more and continue drying the dishes. The accusatory finger returns and pokes your side.
“Hey, it was a team effort so I have a claim to fifty percent of what you got!” You innocently continue your job, or well, Molly’s job.
“Whatever you say, darling Mollymauk.” You grin as he flicks water at you. 
“You are infuriating.” He exclaims as you finish the dishes and return them to their place.
The next few days consisted of Mollymauk continuously bringing up ‘his share’ of the find but you played along innocently talking around in circles. You had plans and when they’re completed you’ll share them but for now, a secret they will remain. He had tried going through your things when unpacking some things for you, something not done secretly but you humoured him and let him try anyway. Coming to the conclusion it wasn’t among your things and definitely not on your person, or he’d definitely have known, he tried to interrogate you to see if you had given it to someone else to hold onto. Gustav, Yasha, Kylre, and even little Toya told him anything. The downside of your little family; they lie for their own if they have to and are experts at keeping their mouths shut. 
You’re going off into town to check on your project. Sneaking away was successful with the help of Yasha keeping Molly busy for the day to the point where he couldn’t get out of it. You’d make sure to pick her up some flowers on the way as a thanks. 
Next stop; the jeweller. You had melted down the gold and taken the ruby out of its setting but you didn’t have the tools to cast anything let alone make moulds so you had to outsource. Luckily the jeweller was more than happy to help you fashion what you wanted made for a generous price, one you were willing to pay to get what you want. Today you got to pick it up. It came out exactly how you had hoped it would. Paying and thanking the jeweller you picked up some flowers and gathered some from the road on your way back. 
Back at the camp you saw Yasha and Molly sitting together while he played with his cards. You approach them handing Yasha the bought bouquet and gathered one.
“Thank you for keeping him busy for a bit, Yasha.” 
“No problem. Thank you for the flowers. They’re very pretty.” She gets up, picks up her sword and goes off to see what else needs to be done leaving the two of you alone. 
“So I have to do dishes for 3 days and clean Desmond’s costume and you get away with a bouquet and some wildflowers? You sure you’re not the one with the devil’s tongue, love?” You give him a wink. 
“I’m off to practice. Can you behave and entertain yourself for the next hour or so?” 
“Of course I can but I make no promises that I will. Have fun.” You kiss his cheek walk backwards and give a little wave as you go towards the big tent to practice your set for the show. 
Warm up went well, your usual set too but the new one you’re working on is still a bit tricky to figure out. You don’t fall or anything and your moves are on point but it’s still lacking a sense of consistency and fluidity. You’d have to blame your thoughts being elsewhere. You try for the so-many-eth time you’ve lost count. Cartwheel flip centre stage, pointe landing, bow, aerial flip forward. Good. Entrance on point. Reach stage left, stage right, pirouette pointe spins, silk ropes lower, wrap arm, and up. 
You continue your routine, twisting and turning, dropping and climbing using the silk ropes, swinging around, performing intricate and impossible moves for eyes of the untrained individual. When you’re practically upside down in a split towards the end of your time you watch Mollymauk enter the tent and plop down. You continue your routine regardless making brief eye contact with him. He claps whenever you finish a set like the audience would. 
Final move you drop down from the top of the aerial silks but stop just before you hit the ground. You vault back up until your feet touch the ground and take a bow ending your set. Molly claps again and you’re about to climb up when he rushes over so you halt. 
“So have you decided yet? When I’ll get my share? I’ve been wanting to buy something but am short on coin. I could really use it.” He tries to persuade as you step up close to him. 
“Patience dear. When you’re ready I’ll give you your share.” You give him a light peck that he turns into a deeper kiss. Deciding to use this opportunity you stealthily begin wrapping the silk around his waist. You break the kiss and stroke his cheek. 
“I think I’m ready. Isn’t that worth something?” You laugh at his attempt. You know he isn’t really interested in the gold. His own curiosity is just getting the better of him and making him antsy so this whole thing is more of a game to him than anything else and he still thinks he can be the victor. Little does he know… At the minimum this could be considered a draw, at the most, your win. 
You begin taking steps backward away from him towards the stage entrance of the tent. He steps along with you. At least he does until the silks hold him back. You laugh as Molly looks confused for a second until he realises what you did. 
“Very funny love.” You reach into your pocket producing a couple of gold coins and hold them up in front of him just out of reach. 
“Are you, love? You seem to be a little tied up.” You tease watching him untangle himself. Once he does a comes for you reaching for the gold. You side step out of the way. 
“Try again.” 
“Missed me.” 
You speak through giggles as tries again and again to get the coins but you’re much faster. Having run enough circles you climb up the rope just out of his reach hanging upside down, the coins just inches from his finger tips. 
“We have got to stop meeting like this Mr. Tealeaf. Imagine what people might think.” You gasp sticking out your tongue.
“You and I both know neither of us care what people might think. Now you’ve had your fun. I concede. You win. I admit my defeat.” You take the coins back and put them in the pouch and allow yourself to slide down and right way up again in a split between the two silks. You reach into a different pocket and hold your hands behind your back.
“I said I conceded didn’t I. Or would you prefer me to beg at your feet too?” He jokes as you take your sweet time. 
“You don’t sound opposed.” You blow him a kiss. 
“Never.” He stands close enough for you to lean a hand on his shoulder. 
“Close your eyes Molly. I have a surprise for you.” Molly closes his eyes but you see him peak so you flick his nose. This time he closes his eyes proper. You take out the trinket you had made from the bracelet and ring; a beaded gold chain with a rayed sun and ruby centre stone, and begin attaching it to the other jewellery around his horns. You give him a kiss to signal he can open his eyes. 
“What did you-“ You flick at the new addition to his collection. 
“A little gift. I thought you’d prefer it over the coin. Though if you need the coin you can borrow mine.” Molly inspects the sun and recognises the ruby cut. 
“You little-. Have I ever told you how much I love you?” He peppers you with kisses as you lower yourself out of your split and to the floor. 
“Many times but I don’t mind being reminded of it.” You give him a smug smile as he pulls you in a deep kiss. 
“I love you.”
“Love you too.”
When you pull apart Mollymauk places another kiss to the top of your head and you lean your head against his shoulder living in the moment. You stand in each other’s embrace for what feels like an eternity, yet still an eternity too short. Every second is as valuable as the next so you bathe in each moment you get. You’re you and he’s him and that’s all you’ll ever need. 
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sinning5sos · 4 years
Decisions | Calum
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This gif lives rent free in my mind...he’s so attractive.
Word Count: ~2,150
Smut: There’s cute relationship fluff with Cal but mainly it’s giving a blowjob to soccer player Cal.. I may make this a series because I love this idea so much lmao
“Harder,” The coach snapped, and you frowned as you watched the team sprint once again down the field before making it to the goal line. You were passing by on your way back to your apartment and wanted to see how Calum’s team was doing. You spotted him easily, he was in the front of the pack as they sprinted. Finally the coach let them have a break, and he fell down to the ground in exhaustion and you crossed your arms over your chest as you glanced between him and the coach.
The coach hated whenever significant others visited during practice time, claiming that they were distractions to the players but you just wanted to check in on Calum and make sure he was okay. You snuck through the gate in the fence, and pulled your water bottle out of your bag and looked at him.
“Cal,” You hissed, keeping your eye on the coach as he had his back turned to you, “Calum.”
He finally registered that someone was calling his name, and he quickly got up and ran over to you. His practice jersey was clinging to his body in a layer of sweat, and you checked him out as he ran up. He caught you staring, and giggled as he winked at you, and kissed your cheek.
“Hm, hi baby.” He murmured, his hands placing themselves at your hips and you smiled as you handed him your water bottle, and he sighed in relief as he quickly drank the water.
“Are you okay?” You asked, and he nodded as he smiled, wiping the sweat off of his forehead.
“I’m good, really. It looks like he’s drilling us, but I promise we can handle it.” He said, and you nodded as you took your water bottle back, and wiped some of the hair from his face, and he hummed to you quietly.
“Well, how about you drill me later baby?” You whispered in his ear, and his eyes widened as you giggled and pulled away, walking back towards the way you came and he groaned as he jogged back to the team, and you went to your apartment.
You were joking, but in reality the thought of having Calum fuck you tonight was entirely appealing and you knew that you were going to make it a reality.
* * *
You were laying on the bed in the apartment the two of you shared, reading ahead in some of the material that you were studying when you heard the door open. You smiled as you heard it shut, and some thuds as you assumed he dropped his soccer gear down onto the floor.
“Cal,” You called, and his footsteps echoed throughout the hallway as he walked into the room. He grinned as he saw you and then collapsed onto the bed beside you, “Hello my hot little soccer player.”
“Hi my hot studying girlfriend even though it’s a Friday night.” He mumbled,  and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m just reading over the material. Plus, you know that if I get it done now, I can spend more time with you and not do any work.”
“But what about our study date on Sunday?”
“My love, we have that literally every Sunday, why would I cancel it this week?” You asked, and he shrugged as he stretched out. You marked your spot in the book and closed it as you set it beside you, and curled up right into his side as you snaked your arm around his waist.
You dragged your fingers along the band on his back of his pants, slightly grazing the skin of where his shirt had slid up. You hummed as you continued to rub his back before you kissed his cheek.
“Plus, I want you to fuck me so good that I forget everything that I just read. You looked so absolutely good out there today, in front of everyone else and leading the team. All I’ve been thinking about honestly is you fucking me as hard as you were pushing yourself on that field.” You whispered and he groaned.
“Baby, there is nothing more that I want than to take you, right here and now but I am so sore that I cannot do a lot tonight.” He murmured in your ear. You sighed, but you shrugged your shoulders.
“That’s fine my love, let me take care of you. You’ve been working so hard at practice, I’m so proud of you. You can fuck me like that tomorrow.” You whispered, and he smiled up at you as you moved so you were standing above him, “Lay on your stomach, I’ll give you a massage.”
“Say less,” He said and you rolled your eyes as he laughed. He sat up to take his shirt off and then adjusted himself on the bed so he was then laying on his stomach instead. You straddled the back of his hips as you pressed your hands down deep into his back and he moaned out. You reached over to the side of the bed towards the bedside table and grabbed your lotion from it, and applied it onto his back.
You pressed your thumbs down deep into his skin as you moved your hands upward. Your thumbs moved around his back until you found a knot right beneath his shoulder blade. You pressed down harder and did your best to rub it out, but it was evident that it was going to take a while.
“You have a massive knot Cal, are you good? Stressed or anything?” You asked and he sighed deeply as he shook his head yes.
“Practices are going great, the games are going great, and the team is doing great...Coach and I have been talking about what’s after. My dad wants me to help with the business, I mean that’s what I’m going to school for, but Coach thinks I can make it.”
“Make it? Like professionally?” You pressed down deep into the knot and he groaned as he bit his bottom lip. He looked so pretty doing it, but your focus returned to him as he spoke again.
“Yeah, professionally.”
“That’s exciting baby! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” You asked, and his arms reached behind him to grab your hands as he stopped you. He lifted you slightly and rolled over so you were now straddling his waist and he smiled up at you.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you, trust me. But when my dad called me the other day, it changed things up. He said he doesn’t trust anyone else with the business as much as he trusts me, and he wants to step back to take care of Mum more…” He trailed off.
You frowned as you interlocked your fingers with his, “I’m sorry, baby, that is a lot. I wish you would have told me sooner.”
“I didn’t want you to stress out either.” He mumbled, and you shook your head.
“But I could have been there for you, instead of you carrying this all on your own. It’s you and me, remember? I want to be there for you in the exciting moments and the moments where you’re not sure what to do. I love you dearly Cal,” You whispered, and he smiled up at you.
“I love you too. I should have told you, but this was just something that I wanted to figure out on my own for a little bit. I was going to tell you soon, just wasn’t sure how to do it. I’ll tell you more as everything comes, I promise.” He murmured.
You smiled at him, and your hands released from his and dragged down his chest. You moved your hands upward and gently pushed against his chest and he stifled a groan.
“So freakin’ sore,” He mumbled.
“Ready for me to let you feel better?” You asked. He chuckled as he nodded and stretched back as he adjusted himself underneath you, “Good.”
You shimmied his athletic pants down his thighs and palmed him over his boxers. He groaned at your touch and you giggled at his satisfaction from just the smallest touch. You continued to rub your hand against him and he whimpered at how you were making him feel.
“Does that feel good baby?” You asked. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back as he nodded. You tugged down the band of his briefs and moved your hand to the base of his cock. He sucked in a breath through his teeth as you started to stroke him, and leaned forward to spit onto his cock.
“God you are so fuckin’ hot,” He mumbled. You moved and adjusted yourself so you were lying between his legs. Both of your hands were now stroking him, the sound of his moans in the room of your apartment was so intoxicating but you wanted to focus on making him feel good.
You brought the tip of his cock against your lips and swirled the tip. He moaned loudly, and you swiped your tongue against his slit and laid it flat against him.
“Fuck,” He hissed. His hand moved from behind his head to tangle his fingers in your hair and he pulled roughly, “Just like that. Do you like taking my cock in your mouth?”
You paused as you looked up at him and nodded, “Yes I do, feels so good in my mouth.”
“That’s my girl,” He murmured. You took this now as an opportunity to move one hand to his balls and cupped them, while bringing his cock back into your mouth. His hand wound tighter into your hair at the feeling, and you hummed against him.
You began to bob your head onto his cock, each movement from you taking him a bit deeper until you were as far as you could go. You swallowed around him, one of his favorite tricks for you to do, and he wound his other hand into your hair.
He pushed your head down gently, his hips twitching as you knew he was close to coming for you and he bucked upwards. His cock hit the back of your throat, and you pulled your mouth off of him besides the tip and circled your hand around the base of his cock again. You sped your strokes up, your tongue moving against him as he continued to moan and whimper as you took care of him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” He seethed, “Oh just like that. I’m gonna cum already baby, let me finish,” He whimpered.
You winked up at him as you stuck your tongue out and he wrapped his own hand around his cock and jerked himself off, only to finish and cum on your tongue. He groaned as he came, the sight was so pretty that you took a mental picture to take care of yourself later.
“Fuckin’ hell babygirl, you take such good care of me,” He mumbled. You nodded as you wiped at the edges of your mouth, and he wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and guided you up towards his lips, connecting them and giving you a passionate kiss.
That’s something you loved about Calum, he was never scared to taste himself and honestly you thought it was a bit hot. Guys that you were with in the past would never let you kiss them after they finished, but Calum wanted to kiss you every single time and you loved it.
“God I fuckin’ love you so much my baby,” He murmured. You helped him get adjusted so he was comfortable again in bed, and you curled up in his side.
“I love you too Cal, always. I’m so happy to have you in my life my little soccer player,” You whispered, and he kissed the top of your forehead.
“Forever and always baby, it’s me and you.”
“And our future dogs and kids and probably whatever else we allow into our house,” You said. He chuckled as he ran his fingers along your back and rubbed the small of it back and forth.
“Maybe we’ll be in another country and I’ll be playing on my favorite team. Can you imagine?” He asked. You nodded as you thought about his words. That was the only thing you could imagine for his future. Calum was a phenomenal soccer player and deserved the world. From playing at one of the top universities for college to already being a prospective for the professional world, there was no one else that you could see making it besides him.
“Of course. And I just want you to know that I’ll be by your side throughout it all. No matter what you decide Cal, I just know that my life involves you in it.” You responded. He chuckled as he pulled you close to him again.
“Same to you. There’s no one else I would rather have to get through this with,”
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wistfulrat · 4 years
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hell ya it’s that time of the week. we got 8th year fics, animagus fics, draco harnessing the magic of shooting stars, shepherd harry being unbearably tender and hot, flirtatious holiday office parties, the drarry multi-verse told in wistful dreams! eat up, fellow yearners.
Bitter Transmutation : Cruel Transformation by @dorthyanndrarry​ - 103k, M The terms of Draco’s probation require him to finish his final year of schooling, he just wants to survive with what little dignity he has left, in face of students that hate him, falling behind on his school work, and all the strange fevers and weakness and changes… that only seem to be getting worse.
draco wants to be good. harry wants to be needed. it’s an 8th year veela fic but rly it’s draco learning to humanize others and himself via shitty creature-puberty and harry trying not to run away from his feelings. all the non-sexual intimacy and general tenderness in this fic is comforting as hell.
Owl Was Well by @fencer-x (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 66k, T Draco Malfoy is not an owl, really he isn’t. He simply assumes the shape of one on occasion when he wants to find a bit of privacy—a goal entirely thwarted because Harry Potter doesn’t understand you can’t just grab any old bird from the Owlery and force it to send your missives and deliver your packages.
god i love a truly prickly draco and a disgustingly earnest harry bc the combination breeds emotional chaos. 8th yr animagus draco going out of his way to fuck with harry only to Catch Feelings — a trope i live and die for. they’re both very scrappy in this. lots of dancing around their big mutual gay crush as they grow to begrudgingly respect each other. i personally would love the opportunity to tell off the object of my affection right before kissing them furiously.
Wish Upon a Star (As Dreamers Do) by @icmezzo - 27k, M There’s plant magic and celestial magic and dark magic and the normal magic that allows Harry to use a spell to clean his socks when Myrtle’s taken up in his laundry room again. Then there are wishes, and dreams, and love, and those are even more magical still.
harry helps out at hogwarts but mcgonagall’s asked him for help with a spell that has him fully stumped and of course he’s too proud to ask literal-wishmaker draco for help but he’s desperate and curious! there’s this breathtaking scene in a field where draco collects meteor dust beneath an endless night sky. we all lose our shit. harrys flustered bc it’s very magical and very hot of draco. feat. neville’s greenhouse, the rambunctious ghosts of grimmauld place including moody & cedric, stargazing with ur crush. literally what’s not to love.
Through the May Air, Over the Ocean by @tsauergrass​ - 44k, T Draco Malfoy never expected to find himself in Scotland or being stuck in a cottage with Potter—but wonders never cease. A story about warmth, a story about falling back in love. A story about a flock of sheep in the distant fells of Scotland.
two lonely men in the middle of idyllic shepherd pastures learning how to navigate their grief and longing for companionship. an elegiac masterpiece of a fic. there are moments so quiet and tender it aches. you want their growing love to be easy but it’s rife with mourning and fear. it makes the ending that much sweeter and earned. (also yes this was a re-read but it’s december and i live in the pacific, world of perpetual summer and humidity, so mentally i needed to be in the vastness of wintry scotland. hell ya atmospheric fics!!)
To Tame A Kitten (is to love) by @tsauergrass​ - 13k, G After the war, Harry finds solace in fostering orphaned kittens. One day, a kitten appears on his door step without explanation—and attacks him! Taking it in, he quickly finds that this kitten is nothing ordinary.
another tsauergrass rec bc im a hoe for poetic melancholy and tentative intimacy. the premise of this fic screams fluff but then you’re unexpectedly hit with harry’s longing for affection as he tries to find places to pour all that guileless love spilling out of him. the image of him smiling sadly makes me emo as hell. but rly his and draco’s loneliness are concentric circles so this is all eventually solved with hella cuddling. “I know. . .It’s tiring. But there are a lot of beautiful things, too” — destroyed me.
Sweet Indulgence by @the-sinking-ship​ - 10k, E It doesn't matter that Marcy from Accounting is dancing on the tables, Shacklebolt is wearing antlers, and Elliot from Transportation is on his third round of Mariah Carey on karaoke because all the free champagne in the world won't salvage the Ministry Christmas party for Draco if Potter doesn't show up soon.
lecherous unhinged draco is sometimes the only characterization i care about skkdkd. most dramatic bitch alive whom i personally would die for. you must simply respect the flirtatious hustle. the promiscuous licking of a gingerbread man in the shape of ur crush, pouring champagne down their shirt, doing whatever it takes to make them laugh. it’s galaxy-brain courting bc harry is Charmed. we love our fics sexy and hysterical tbh.
Our Little Life by @tackytigerfic​ - 7k, M Sometimes Harry dreams. Only they're not really dreams at all, and Malfoy is always in them. It's time travel, but not as we know it, and Harry just needs a good night's sleep.
when i say star-crossed lovers i mean this fic in its entirety i mean harry saying “I see how things could be for us, I see it all the time” i mean that part in gaudy night when lord peter tells harriet “Give me your hand, and we’ll fight on until we drop.” a thousand iterations of drarry coming together (which, extremely meta) and all that world-building in under 10k words? the skill.
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somepinkthing · 4 years
I feel like fandom has a tendency to want to put claude into a box based on how they want his actions to look in comparison to the other characters which is frustrating. It’s either that he’s an irredeemable schemer who would betray anyone or anything OR he’s an uwu meme boy who is constantly put in a bad situation. The reality is that there’s a bit of both sides to him
Claude is an opportunist who is able to adapt to most situations. I feel like there’s a lot of confusion as to what this looks like. A popular fandom opinion is that he is exactly the same as edelgard because he took the opportunity her actions created to enact change. The idea is that, had she not started the war, claude would have. I do not agree. Edelgard was the only lord who could have started a continent-wide war. She is the main actor in this story, no matter which route you play. Edelgard acts, dimitri reacts, and claude adapts. Claude could never have started this war. He hadn’t the means to go about taking up arms against all of fodlan and, from his actions and little comments to himself, you get the feeling he’s not a pro-bloody-conflict kind of guy. But he’s also not the kind of guy who lets a chance fly past him. War wasn’t what he wanted and he tried to stay out of it first... but if it’s already banging at his doorstep then why not shoot his shot? Claude’s an idealist but not to the point that he can’t see what’s happening right in front of him. Yeah war is horrible but it’s also already here! What’s the point if nothing good even comes out of it? That’s his mindset towards most of the events that happen in-game
That’s not to say he’ll accept everything laying down though. Even backed into a proverbial corner post-timeskip, there's still purpose to his choices. For all that it wasn't a permanent solution, he fought hard to keep the alliance from meeting the same fate as faerghus AND still managed to put together a plan to make a stand afterwards. Claude's not the type to roll over just because he's not kicking and screaming. And while dealing with the immediate situation takes precedence, it doesn't cause him to lose sight of his goals. Claude has ideas that are just as radical and difficult to achieve as edelgard’s and he knows it. He’s not willing to go as far as edelgard or lose himself like dimitri, but that doesn’t mean he’s under the illusion he can afford to do everything by the books. For example, in one of his more private moments with byleth, he admits to wondering what fodlan looks like if rhea died. He comes as close as you can get to admitting that he hopes all we find in enbarr... is a dead body. He won’t renege on his promise to the knights and hurt rhea, but he’s also not pretending he’s going to be all torn up about it if she’s gone. He’s not openly vitriolic about it but I headcanon that claude actually really hates rhea. And don’t forget that, while he doesn’t agree with her actions, he admits that he can at least understand why edelgard went as far as she did.
However, almost to directly contradict those darker thoughts, claude undeniably acts with a code of conduct in mind. Ironically, despite insisting he doesn’t care how a victory is secured, claude is perhaps the one who breaks code of conduct the least in game no matter which route you play. He’ll accept surrenders, avoids civilian involvement, doesn’t execute people out of turn, doesn’t turn back on his agreements, and respects the rules of diplomacy. He kept his promise to the knights despite his distaste of rhea. He kept to his agreement to help in Azure Moon at the bridge of myrddin. There is, ironically, a sense of honor to his character that he himself seems hesitant to acknowledge
Furthermore, he hides his more privately tender side too. He screams for his friends when they die. Unrealistic as it is, there is a part of him that wants to protect these people that are his. Half his supports are just him taking care of people, listening to them, and trying to find a way to connect. Similarly, even though he uses byleth's near-god status to his advantage, he checks in on the player often. Asks how they're holding up. Even frets about them. Byleth's his field commander and the deer are his allies, but he also tries to make it clear they're friends. There’s a stubborn sort of idealism to that, the kind that you can’t help but find endearing. Here is a boy who has never been accepted anywhere and knows that he may not even be accepted here, but he has to try. All of this flies directly in the face of the devil-may-care persona that he throws up.
Basically, claude is a pretty complex character even despite the crap writing he got and deserves to be seen as more than the funky classmate with weird ideas or a stepping stone for the other two lords
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3 Tips for Creating a Memorable Main Character
Hey writers,
Whether you prefer character-driven stories over plot-driven ones or vice versa, your main character – or main characters – is the bridge that connects your readers to your story.
Without a main character, your readers don’t have an avatar to live vicariously through to experience the world of your story. So it’s important that you really take the time developing your main character(s) before you even get to the meat of your story.
I spend a lot of time journaling about my characters, my MC especially, before I start doing a detailed outline of my stories, since the narratives tend to develop naturally after I learn about my characters. The type of character journaling I’m talking about here is deeper than knowing your MC’s appearance, ethnicity, career and relationship status, family structure, and other details.
These details are important and help give a fuller picture of your characters, but they don’t necessarily create the action that drives your story forward. The deeper details of your MC are what make readers care about her, and invest in the time to read your story to the end.
It comes down to this question: How well do you know your MC?
Three deeper details about characters that I find helpful in creating more life-like characters are core personality, character motivation(s), and the relationships with other characters.
1) Know your MC’s core personality.
Is your MC a hard worker? Is she competent at her job, and driven to rise higher in her chosen professional field? Is he an antisocial loner who will take drastic measures to never step into a room that has more than five people in it?
Your MC should stick out to the reader in a unique, but relatable, way.
[Side note: Unique doesn’t necessarily have to mean special, like being the most handsome boy in class or the most powerful sorceress in the world. But your MC should stand out from the other characters in some way, for a noticeable or secret reason, so your readers are intrigued by her and want to stick around to learn more about her.]
Every decision your MC decides to make over the course of the story has to be rooted in his core personality. If, say, the dedicated antisocial loner decided to throw a party at his home without proper buildup to this drastic attitude change, this out of character behavior will take your readers out of the story.
Your readers may even feel betrayed, because the MC they had started to care about, and who they thought they fully knew and understood, acted in a completely unexpected way without explanation. They may lose trust not only in your ability to represent your MC, but also in your ability to tell your story. That loss of trust may be worse than any character inconsistencies.
2) Set your MC’s motivation(s).
Along the same lines as knowing your MC at her innermost core of being, you have to know what motivates her to take action.
Your MC may have more than one motivation, which is perfectly fine. It can make for interesting tension and conflict in your story, if your MC has to choose which motivation is more important to follow while trying to achieve the overall goal of the narrative.
As an example, let’s look back at the antisocial loner. He may have had a traumatic childhood experience that drives him to avoid social gatherings with his classmates, like hanging out at McDonald’s or another popular fast food joint.
But then he finds a new motivation that opposes this aspect of his core personality - he forms a crush on a female classmate. She isn’t the most popular or beautiful girl in class, but she’s social enough to hang out with other classmates. His new desire to get close to her, to maybe even ask her out, will drive him to go against his initial motivation to avoid social interactions.
3) Your MC’s relationships with other characters.
The relationships your MC has with other characters can reveal a lot about their core personality and their motivations. This is especially true if your MC’s core personality, or private behavior, doesn’t match with the persona she shows in public.
For example, a stoic, rude MC who’s the class loner may have a soft spot for her shy younger brother, and only shows that caring side when she’s with him.
You have to be careful not to make the mistake of shoving secondary characters into caricatures or stereotypes, like the bad-boy in class who can’t help pulling the MC’s metaphorical pigtails, or the bitchy ex-partner who always tries to sabotage the MC’s current romantic relationship.
It’s not that you can’t use these traits, but they are shallow and one-dimensional if used on their own. If you use a stereotype, you have to give that character more layers that help the reader empathize with them.
Bring it all together: the before/after, how it started/how it’s going comparison.
These three deeper character details should drive your narrative forward, and result in some kind of change (physically or emotionally) or growth in your MC. Or more simply put, there should be a noticeable difference in a before and after comparison.
With the antisocial MC who develops a crush on a female classmate, he may grow from the antisocial loner to a thoughtful, caring boyfriend who others want to befriend.
To create a memorable MC, digging deeper by journaling to learn her core personality, her motivations, and how she interacts with other characters (her relationships) is a good starting point. It has the added benefit of helping you shape your overall story.
Your readers will be satisfied if they have an MC they can care about, or at least relate to (they don’t necessarily have to like your MC), to stick with for an entire story, and that your MC has undergone some kind of change or growth.
Feel free to share more tips to this post if you have any by reblogging it, or leave a reply or ask if you have any questions. Stay tuned for a couple of character profile posts next week where I’ll break down one MC and one side character and address these details!
Happy writing!
- Leah
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