#his hips tho
frau-kali · 5 months
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mvtthewdaddarios · 19 days
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season 1 episode 18
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wodimewoahtime · 2 months
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varilien · 8 months
For the triggun holloween requests, vash and wood couple costumes
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ive gotten the suggestion for vashwood morticia and gomez a few times which is great cuz ive been thinking forever about it purely for the "speaks french x speaks spanish" of it all fhdjdjd
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goobygnarp · 5 months
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theres a product for everyone!
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purrvaire · 1 month
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black sails + tumblr text posts I have on my phone (pt.3/?)
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lovegrowsart · 2 months
no matter whether ppl are trying to make zk's canon relationship out to be sibling coded or associative friends or whatever else ppl make up i feel it all comes from this place of people that don't ship it being unable to handle zuko and katara's canonically deep and intimate friendship at the end of show without (whether subconsciously or not) perceiving it as some kind of threat to whatever katara or zuko ship they DO ship (usually either k/a or z/s or m/z)
they don't know how to acknowledge/write zk (and i don't think them being a m/f ship is divorced from this) having their canonically close friendship alongside whatever they ship because that closeness, no matter how platonic, can't supersede the romance of their own ship. so they just lazily write it off as "siblings" or convince themselves they weren't ever that close in the first place or that katara still secretly hates zuko or something in order to get out of the bind of allowing them to be close friends even if you ship them with other people 🤷‍♀️
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cedobols · 11 months
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goodwood serve !
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flannelepicurean · 10 months
Mmm-hay, returning to this very crucial "Samurai Bravo" issue:
Jack is a little unnerved by sushi restaurants in Johnny's neck of the woods, especially when he finds out that they all serve raw salmon. He is both a little flattered and a little horrified by the whole experience of Johnny taking him to one, and the adventure ends with Jack insisting that Johnny come over so he can make him some real food.
Johnny proves to be incredibly adept with chopsticks. And he's really enthusiastic about how much he enjoys everything. And Jack feels...something? He smiles a lot.
Johnny really butchers his first, "Domo air-a-gatto," but he's sincere. And that first, crisp, "Hey. Kanpai, good buddy," makes Jack swoon a little, for reasons he does not fully understand yet.
Johnny helps with the dishes. He does a lot of dancing during the process. Mostly with his butt, but also his shoulders. Everything comes out sparkling.
At the end of the night, when they part ways, Johnny's like, "Okay, how do you feel about corndogs? 'Cause there's this place down at the beach that's got great curly fries, too..." And Jack's like, "Uh...you...want to keep doing...this?" And Johnny's like, "...Well, yeah. You just made me a crazy awesome dinner, and our first...uhhh...was a bust." [POSE] "This town's got a lot to prove," [POSE], "and I'm gonna show you a good time."
Jack has an absolute attack of the vapors, but maintains his composure. They agree to go to the beach together in the near future.
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oifaaa · 10 months
I know you prefer jason and Tim's "rivalry" to be Tim thinking everything's about him while jason doesn't know who he is (and I agree it's hilarious) I think for your time skip au, jason should totally knowing beef with Tim.
not for Robin reasons but since jason doesn't get to beat up his dad he should get to beat up someone else's dad and he heard one of the robins after him is a shit dad so this counts towards his catharsis
(he still doesn't actually know Tim's name)
Jason makes it his mission that since he can't beat up his own shite elderly dad he'll just have to make do by beating up everyone else's shite dad's this just so happens to include Tim and also Dick
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dizzybizz · 11 months
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yaoi and yuri all at once
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back view
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 1 year
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Once again.... these guys.
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sugarhillpark · 2 months
pick a song for each letter of your URL, and then tag that many people
thanks for the tags forever ago @part-time-deranged and @elviehun i do notice <3
s - sugar by brockhampton
u - unfucktheworld by angel olsen
g - going to pasalacqua by green day
a - amity gardens by fountains of wayne
r - rose parade by elliott smith
h - hold the light by lp
i - i wanna be adored by the stone roses
l - love my way by the psychedelic furs
l - lua by bright eyes
p - plasticine by placebo
a - awful by hole
r - rhymes of an hour by mazzy star
k - kids in '99 by death cab for cutie
bold assumption that i'd know 13 of my followers who haven't already done it and actually wanna interact with me to tag and i won't do it but tagging @libraryspectre @beanie-twink @dearings from my recents and @gnome-cleric @pyrchance and @100percent-unimpressed my beloveds in case you wanna(/again).
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notmoreflippingelves · 9 months
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Wardrobe Appreciation
↳ Esteban Flores (Elena of Avalor)
#elena of avalor#esteban flores#chancellor esteban#this gifset is entirely about his little sailing/archeology/adventure outfit#that's why it has pride of place in the middle#realistically i know that he is really not THAT much more underdressed than in any of his other outfits#but to me; he is still in a delightfully shameful state of deshabille comparatively:#his neck exposed because he has *gasp* no cravat and has unbuttoned his shirt two whole buttons#the yellow sash belt that clearly has no other purpose except to remind us that his waist is snatched#no longcoat to partially cover his hips and the back of his legs? the brazen audacity. I need some pearls to clutch#moment of silence for all of the cute little potential esteban fits we never got to see on the show#at the very least; we were owed a nice little Navidad look in the snowbound ep#maybe a nice green jacket and/or one with little embroidered poinsetta accents to match elena's dress?#a carnaval fit would've been gr8 too; even gabe of all people got one (tho esteban still has more outfits than him overall so it even outs)#i would say that esteban should have a dias de los muertos outfit too (maybe matching francisco's)#but that would require the writers actually putting him in said episodes to begin with#i mean; i get it#it's not like he has any lost loved ones that he might hypothetically want to remember on day of the dead--OH WAIT!!!#i mean word of god is that he's visiting his parents' altars off-screen; but it would've been nice if we could've seen this once#even if he's just shown briefly in the background#also i *hate* that the shuriki era uniform looks so good on him#i mean she's still a monster and was definitely a hell of a boss to him#but dang; the woman has quite the sartorial eye#and you'll never not convince me that her chancellor looking excellent in black#isn't the entire reason the palace guards wear black too#she knows how to coordinate a retinue#esteban flores: assigned goth at conquest#poor thing#lucky (or is it unlucky?) he carries it off so well
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sleepynegress · 2 months
Like I said zawe is lucky and Tom hiddleston is the best and hes sexy you need glasses
Ahhh them. I'm gonna answer this nicely in hopes of maybe helping with growth? Love isn't "luck". What is initially physically attractive to many? Is often determined by what society tells you is.
I've been fortunate enough to have lived long enough to see "beauty standards" change. I remember when people didn't want BBLs or curves. I've seen the cute TikToks where moms would show their teen daughters the "hot guys" from back in the day and the girls would just go "Eww!". Figuring out what you really want, or don't, often comes with experience; the variety of people you get to be around and care for in life, and how open you are. Often "pretty" people become ugly through their actions, vice versa, and everything in between...
It's a whole package thing. In my deep MCU days, Tom didn't cross my radar because he came off as feeding on the attention and fame. I mean he was cute back then but in a twinky way, IMO. Boyishness makes me want to mother you, not think you're hot. But for the younguns I get it. The housewives? My lip is curling up and I'm side-eyeing a bit... at least for back then. Plus his fandom came off like too many I've encountered that treat white men and their characters like they are infallible, but need protecting somehow?.... Again it added to that little boy sense of him. Since then, (in my parasocial speculations), he's acquired some wrinkles and wisdom and learned that what he thought he had in all that Hollywood attention, wasn't "real" and now he actually does seem attractive because he's a grown man, now. Now, it's if Gene WIlder and Lee Pace could have a middle-aged baby, it would be Tom. All those things that drew such a following back then came off as performative and people-pleasing to me. The lack of boundaries, the talking over people, and going on and on... My grandma would have said he was smelling his upper lip. He was academically intelligent but often came off as socially naive, IMO, and I think most could infer the most naive stumbles he made in that era...*ahem* Zawe was one of many Black women from before I knew of Tom who I rooted for in the industry. ... Many of whom, you don't see much anymore, sadly. But the difference in their journey IMO & her accomplishments w/o the money, gender, and racial privileges her partner has, says a lot about the kind of character Zawe possesses. Again, parasocial! ... but I see a man who encountered a grown woman not enamored by or deeply entangled in the industry but had carved out her own path despite lacking all those things the industry demands you have to have, to succeed. A smart person would be impressed by that and her authentic kindness, sense of humor, intelligence, and joy in what she does...on top of being what he likes physically (we not gonna act like that man does not always ping or have the best onset chemistry when a leggy woman is around).
He's a leg-locked king (apologies or you're welcome for the imagery). He seems to be a gentleman and Zawe is not one of his little fangirls. They come across as equally enamored, and grown, and I would like to think they have a healthy loving partnership. Which makes them both extremely lucky.
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
yknow what with the strife building between forever and bad and the ripple effect that might have on the server at large i think now is the perfect time to fridge bad. go touch grass, mr boyhalo, it's time to see people either fall apart or come together without you. bc listen. listen. when the dms are bumpin with 'bad can you ___' every thirty seconds. sometimes you just gotta steal badboyhalo and see what the fuck happens. i just want to know.
and i also want bad to slEEP GODDAMNIT
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