#his lip was really messed up on one side and you can see the tooth behind it constantly
stripesysheaven · 1 year
i know i said i was going to name the kitten ben linus but. my mom REALLY wants to name him benry (ben linus and henry gale) and im obsessed with it
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although because of this picture we did consider the name grogu
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luveline · 1 month
grumpy hotch x pregnant reader where he is just having an off day and the team calls reader in to deal with him and as soon she arrives in his office he just holds her and her belly as she scratches his scalp omg 🥹😭🫶🏻
You’re lounging in your husband's favourite chair with a book and an ice cold soda in your hand when your phone rings. You almost knock your tooth out pulling it up to your face without looking, wanting it to be Aaron, knowing it probably won’t be. Maternity leave can be excruciatingly boring. 
“Hello?” you ask. Your book slides down your bump. You pull it back up. 
“Hi, mom.”  
You grin to yourself. “Hi, Emily. Please tell me you’re calling because you miss me and you know I have cabin fever.” 
“I’m calling because someone misses you.” Her ire tone is unmissable and ever endearing. “I do miss you, I can’t wait for you to have your stinking baby and come back to work.” 
“That would be fun, right? We’ll get Hotch on paternity leave.” 
“It’s him I’m calling about.” 
“Is he okay?” you ask. You know if he were injured she would’ve mentioned that first. You’re not so scared of his being grumpy. 
“Moody as ever. I can’t believe I’m asking you to, but would you consider coming in for lunch? I’ll send a car, no walking, but he could really use it. He’s been biting off heads all morning.” Emily laughs down the line. “You’re the only one who can cheer him up.” 
It’s not true, but you are usually the quickest. You bid Emily goodbye with a promise to be there soon and get dressed, with no choice but to wear some maternity pants and a peplum blouse. Any excuse to see your haggard husband is one you’ll take. 
You look at your bump and you love the baby in there, but it feels weird sometimes to see yourself differently. If Aaron weren’t as nice about it as he is, you would’ve broken down by now; he’s sussed many breakdowns before they could begin, kissed fingertips and collars promising you’re just as pretty as always. And it’s reassuring, but it isn’t pretty that worries you. You’re a genuine walking beach ball right now. 
The car Emily promises is none other than Anderson himself. “He’s bullying you?” you ask him. 
He doesn’t say yes or no, but his smile is enough of a clue. You can’t get to the BAU quick enough (though you’re slower these days), pushing open the glass door with a tired sign. 
Spencer comes across you first by coincidence. “Hey!” he says, ushering you in for a hug, his cup of coffee hot behind your shoulder. “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be resting.” 
“He’s in a mood,” you say. Not without fondness. 
Spencer grimaces. “Sort of.” 
Emily attacks you from the side. “Thank god you’re here! I think he just told Morgan to go fuck himself,” she says under her breath. 
She’s just saying it to make you laugh, and it works. It’s vaguely out of character, but if you know Emily, you know she has a crass, often dirty-minded side, and it’s been a while since you’ve heard her swear. You’re still giggling when the door you’d been making your way to opens. 
Aaron emerges with an expression half bemusement and half confusion. “Honey?” 
“My love,” you say, too quiet for him to properly hear, but he can read lips just fine. 
He rushes in a very gentlemanly display down the steps to help you up them, but you’d only been going up them to see him, and you stop at the foot of them with your hand raised to his elbow. “Hey, handsome.” 
“What’s wrong?” he asks. 
“Nothing. Just missed you, wanted to have dinner, and I figured you couldn’t say no. You know.” You touch your tummy. “Considering.” 
He peers suspiciously past your head. “Yeah?” 
You look where he’s looking, find Emily and Spencer not so subtly turned away. You laugh again, pleased when the sound makes him smile. “Come on. Take me to your office.” 
He puts a hand behind your shoulders and leads you upstairs to his office. There are papers strewn haphazard across the front of the desk, his briefcase open and muddled, his pen lost within the mess. You’re smug knowing he’d been knee deep in paperwork but abandoned it all when he heard you laughing, like he just couldn’t miss it. 
“Let me sit you down,” he says. 
“Woah, slow your roll. Why are you stressed?” 
He blinks at you. “There’s a lot to do?” 
“Sure, but why are you stressed about me? I can sit down by myself.” 
He must look at you for five whole seconds without saying a word, and the door’s not closed, there’s no answer to your question, and then he takes you into his arms for a hug. “I know you can,” he says. 
It’s admittedly hard to hug him with the bump between you. You worry you’re hurting him as your cheeks press together, crushing his shoulders under your hands. 
He usually asks first, but he knows by now that you’re two halves of the same heart, two sides of the same coin, his hand slipping between you both to nudge aside your shirt and feel your stomach. 
You close your eyes. 
“Rough day?” you ask. 
“A lot to do…” His face moves down into your neck. 
You know what he wants, moving your hand to the back of his head to thread your fingers into his hair. “I can fix it,” you say sympathetically, beginning a gentle scratch of your nails against his scalp. 
“How’s that?” 
“If I go into labour right now, you get a reprieve.” 
“Honey, in the most loving sense possible, you going into labour now would not be ideal.” 
“It’s gonna happen one day, babe. And you’re gonna be just as busy then. You need to take less on or–”
“No, I know.” 
His hand slides still under your shirt to your hip, encouraging you away from him, his eyes flitting up and down your figure, checking you over. You let your hand fall to his shoulder, fingertips interested in the starchy fabric of a new suit. 
“Thank you,” he says quietly, dipping down to give you a kiss. His eyes are dark, so close. “That helped. What can I get you for dinner?” 
You give a fond, pitying smile. You’re not gonna get him out of this office today, that’s for sure. “Half your sandwich, probably.” 
He kisses you again. You take it for a thank you. 
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licorice-tea · 5 months
I Wish You Knew I Was Real
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x reader
Content: strawhat! reader, fluff and feelings, confessions, midnight snacks (literally), mentions of WCI but no huge spoilers, reader has no specified gender
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: first fic of the new year! i don’t usually write for sanji so i hope this isn’t ooc… anyway, enjoy! also lmk what you think bc idrk how i feel about this one 🤷‍♀️
It’s well past midnight when you sneak into the kitchen of the Thousand Sunny to fix yourself a snack. It wouldn’t really matter if you get caught, seeing as it’s your ship too, but you’d rather not wake up or bother your crewmates.
You pause your chopping to find the source of the voice, Sanji, standing in the doorway. He yawns behind his hand as he walks in, “It’s the middle of the night, what are you doing up here?”
“I just got hungry.” But as soon as he’s close enough to see your hands working on cutting up fruit, he seems appalled. “What’s wrong?”
In Sanji’s mind, you should never have to cook for yourself. At least, not when he’s there on the same ship. Not when he would always be so willing and ready to help you out; to use his skills to please you.
“Why didn’t you wake me up? You know I can do it for you, sweetheart-“
“That’s why I tried not to wake you up. You need to get your rest, but I guess I was too noisy, huh?”
Sanji shakes his head determinedly, then gently moves his left hand over yours to take the knife while also holding your waist with his right so that he can maneuver you away from the cutting board. You let him, and he explains, “I get plenty of rest; if you ever need something, y/n, you can come to me. Day or night.”
You hum in acceptance of his statement, and feel content with simply watching him cut the apple into slices from your place beside him. He finishes creating the perfect little slices quickly, then goes the extra mile by carving small triangles out of the peel of each. A smile grows on your lips as you realize they’re meant to look like little bunnies; and they do.
“Cute,” you muse quietly at his creation “Thank you, Sanji.”
The cook smiles to himself before looking over at you, “I thought you’d like them more this way.”
This makes you laugh before replying, “Like a kid who only eats dinosaur shaped nuggets?”
“No, no,” he chuckles as well, “but I know you have an appreciation for aesthetics. Besides, I was right wasn’t I? You think they’re cute, so that’s all that matters.” Sanji says while plating the bunny-apple slices.
You scoot closer, so that your sides are pressed against each other, in a futile attempt to reach across and grab the plate. But, Sanji stops you again with his gentle touch (he’s always so very soft with you, rather than overbearing and borderline obsessive. But, you’d like love him either way.)
His right hand stays on your wrist as his left reaches up into a cabinet to grab the honey jar. He makes a display of lifting a generous amount of honey using the honey dipper over your plate, and drizzling it over the apples. Enough to satisfy your sweet tooth, but not so much it will create a sticky mess.
“Perfect.” he gestures for you to go sit at the kitchen island, but you insist you can “carry the plate just fine.” To which Sanji replies, “I know, but I don’t mind. I like taking care of you like this.”
There’s a faint tinge of red on his cheeks, but you’d never mention it. Especially not when your own, not so platonic feelings for the cook seem to constantly be in the back of your mind these days.
You take a seat on one of the stools at the kitchen island, and Sanji presents your midnight snack with a flourish. “Enjoy, y/n.” He’s walks away to wash his hands, and you expect him to return to sit beside you, but then he walks toward the door.
“Sanji…” He pauses and looks back at you, “Do you want to stay?” You feel sort of awful asking, really, because he’s probably tired, but something inside you just can’t let him go.
And sure enough, his lips curve up into a smile. “I thought you’d never ask!”
He pulls out the stool next to yours and slides onto it, then rests his arm on the back of your seat. The proximity is not unwelcome- you felt it never could be when it came from him- but even if he was, he’s not invading your space. More so creating a kind of link between the two of you, and a feeling of closeness beyond the physical.
You take a bite of one of your apple slices, only to frown slightly when you pull the half eaten slice away from your mouth and realize you’ve destroyed the bunny. Sanji nearly laughs, for he has a similar empathetic disposition and knows how you feel, but then he notices something.
There’s a smidge of honey left behind on the corner of your mouth, which you have not taken notice of, because if you had you surely would’ve licked it up. Even the thought of that sight could make him act a fool, but he’ll try his best not to (just for you.)
“Look here.” he says in a near whisper, and you do. With no other words, he cups your chin and wipes the honey from your lips with his thumb. Your eyes go wide at the first action (when he touches your face to begin with), but they seem to soften when you realize what he’s doing. Sanji takes notice of this too, and just offers a smile. Because what else can he do?
He’s a flirt; he knows that, and so do you, and everyone else he’s ever met. So if he ever were to make a move on you, there’s no way you’d take him seriously. Then again, that’s why he tries to tone down his flirting with you in the first place. He can’t stand the thought of you being under the impression that you’re the same as every girl in the world is to him; because you’re not. You’re… special, in a way. He feels bad saying you’re his favorite of the many objects of his affections, because he has genuine love for so many people (you are though.) But, he can say with certainty that his feelings for you are the only serious ones. No matter how many women he tries to woo on all the adventures of the Straw Hats, he’ll always come back to you. Sanji will always choose you.
“Um, Sanji?” His hand is still on your jaw with his thumb on your bottom lip, so you pull it away with gentle force. “Sanji?” Hearing your sweet voice pulls him out of his stupor (the first time, he was concentrated on simply the sound of your voice.)
“Sorry, sweetness, I uh… Your pretty lips distracted me for a second~” Sanji purposely exaggerates his tone a little, so you just accept his reasoning with a giggle.
“Sure thing, Sanji.”
You eat your apple slices in comfortable silence for a bit, thinking of the aforementioned feelings you’ve been harboring for the chef since… Who knows- but you didn’t realize these feelings until you saw him for the first time after 2 years spent training apart. There had never been such a strong excitement in your voice as when you called his name that day, and he launched himself onto you in a tight hug. You had walked to the predetermined meeting place and entered the bar together, hand in hand. It felt so natural, too; like your hands were meant to fit together. Of course, you’d never voice these feelings, because if Sanji had feelings for you surely he’d tell you. Eventually, you hope. This brings about another question in your mind;
“Why do you like women? I mean, like, every woman we meet, even if she’s an enemy?”
He shrugs slightly, “At one point, the only people who were kind to me were women. Remember I told you about my mom and my sister?” During the Whole Cake Island experience, Sanji had in fact explained more about his relationships with his family members, and you recalled how his mother and sister were the only ones that showed him any sort of empathy.
“Mhm… That makes sense.” a moment of silence passes, as you’re a little nervous to ask this next question. “And why do you like me?”
The cook’s eyes widen like a deer in headlights, and he glances at you before concentrating on the surface of the island table. “I… I like this crew because you’re all my nakama. But…” It’s unusual to hear the typically very passionate man say something so quietly. You tilt your head as if to say, “Go on. I’m listening,” so he continues, “You’re important to me, y/n.”
“Good, you’re important to me, too.”
“Really?” Sanji seems a little shocked, “You know, I… I try not to be the way I am with women, with you, because I want you to take me seriously. I want you to know I mean it when I say nice things or do favors for you. I want you to know that it’s real.”
“I do take you seriously.”
Then, he takes a deep breath and puts both of his hands around one of yours, “And I want you to take my feelings for you seriously, when I confess them to you.”
“…Didn’t you just…?”
He grins and shakes his head, “No, y/n. When I confess the type of feelings I have for you and the extent of them, I’ll do it much more romantically than this.” Sanji looks positively giddy now, smiling and tightly (but not uncomfortably) holding your hand. “I just want you to know that what I feel for you is real.” And with that, he plants a chaste kiss on your cheek. It’s nothing like his occasionally vulgar and pg-13 methods of wooing women, but it makes your heart skip a beat. You’re sort of at a loss for words…
This time you’re the one pulled out of a daze by the other’s voice when he says, “Goodnight, y/n.”
“Oh, goodnight Sanji.” You smile at him, and he smiles back before nodding at you and leaving.
Even if that wasn’t a real confession, and maybe the timing wasn’t quite right, you were still biting back a smile as you rinsed off your plate and placed it in the dishwasher. But now you have a real confession to look forwards to, according to Sanji.
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yukuoo · 3 months
I WAS ABSOLUTELY ENAMOURED BY THE PIECE YOU DID FOR SEONGJI?? OMG IT WAS SO GOOD and its criminal how thats the only fic of him i could find, if i may can i request a really fluffy piece where reader is a huge tease and Seongji just tries to desperately hide how shy he is? (if possible, can reader wear glasses and be around his height? it'd be funny seeing him steal them just to irritate reader lol just to get smacked)
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This is actually so funny cause I have glasses myself and to imagine Seongji acting slightly like a goofball makes it better. Also I have zero clue what the word count it but this is somewhat long.
Seongji Yuk x gn!reader
Warnings— flirting, tooth rotting fluff
Seongji would have thought that he would've been alone his whole life. After escaping the Shamans grasp, he full heartedly accepted the quiet and loneliness that whatever gods above have given him for the rest of his life.
Though of course, just like in the fairytales, someone always disrupted the gods deeds.
"I swear you have some of the most prettiest hands I have ever seen. I'm being serious." Seongji would have had never thought that someone— anyone actually, would compliment his condition. Having been cursed with an extra finger in each hand and foot, he was considered an anomaly to human society.
Yet everytime you were near him, you thought so different. You complimented and praised him for surviving up until now and how his hands made him unique.
Though it always came with a side effect..
"You look like a cat when you shy away it's adorable! Who knew a big guy like you could be so timid?"
You always teased him unfortunately.
He probably should have had been used to it by now, Seongji has known you for... Actually who knows how long. But it's definitely been long enough. Long enough to get used to your teasings and small pranks.
Was that going to happen though?
Probably not.
"I'm trying to cook. Shut up." He refused to make eye contact with you. Only focusing on what he had on his cooking pot while trying not to mess up.
"You can cook just fine, can't you?" Was all he heard from you, he didn't think much of it until you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind. His body tensed up completely, almost dropping the cooking utensil onto the food. Curse him for dropping his guard for practically zero around you.
"Keep cooking." Your hot breath brushed against his ear, along with your glasses lightly moving his hair. His hand began to shake, Seongji knew how to survive— but absolutely did not know how to survive this nor was he prepared ever in his life.
The his ears began to turn into a light red tint, his heart thumping at an abnormal rate. Was this normal? Surely it was.
"Your hands are pretty. But your gorgeous, you know that right?" You gently rubbed your cheek against his like a cat, your words slurred slightly— hinting that you were either getting sleepy or just extremely comfortable with him.
Seongji wanted to shrug you off, wanting to tell you how stupid and corny you sounded but he didn't have the heart to tell you. He sighed and lifted one of his hands, trying oh so hard to sustain the blush on his face to only fail miserably, he gently pushed your face away from his which took you by surprise.
"Go away, you have better things to do." He muttered, still refusing as much as to even glance your way and focusing on his cooking just as you had told him to a few minutes ago.
You dramatically groaned, leaning your weight onto his figure which didn't even make him budge despite being the same height. "Noo..."
"Stop being a baby and go."
He called your name sternly, making you let go of him and huff out small incoherent grumbles. "Man... You're just a hater.." Of course, you didn't actually mean them and he knew it.
Hearing you retreat, he had let go of the breath he had been holding for who knows how long.
You stared at the group of kids not too far away, a small smile on your lips. It had been so peaceful recently— except for Vin Jin being there and erupt chaos to disrupt the peace because that kid was filled with energy.
Yet even with his chaotic energy, you called it peaceful. They were all carefree and didn't have to worry about the shaman or the other citizens of the town here up in the mountain with you and Seongji. Like all of you were a big and happy family.
It felt warm.
You didn't notice it cause you were too busy staring at the group, that someone had begun to creep up behind you. In a blink of an eye, everything was blurry for you. Your lips parted slightly while blinking more before putting a hand up to adjust your glasses.
They weren't there any more.
"Wow, you're pretty blind." Spoke a voice next to you. You turned your head and saw Seongji trying to look around with them before looking at you with that same stoic expression.
He didn't even react to stealing your glasses, he still had the same expression as always without an inch of his facial features twitching even the slightest.
"Hey." His voice snapped you out of your daze, only to make you deadpan. How and why was he still good looking? Even with the glasses that might as well be a bonus.
After what seemed for a little too long, the man slowly raised up his hand.
"How many fingers am I holding?"
"Hey... Aren't those.."
"Why the fuck are they running."
The group of teenagers began to huddle slightly as they witnessed a scene of you chasing Seongji to God knows where while he's wearing your glasses.
Mary couldn't help but to laugh a bit, Vin Jin and the boys were just hyping up Seongji but knew you would still catch up to him.
In the end, you managed to grab a hold on the jacket around Seongjis waist to which the boys had to pay Mary for losing the bet.
You took your glasses back and smacked the back of Seongjis head. Then pinched his cheeks with an irk mark on your forehead.
"You think you're sooooo funny don'cha?" You continued to pull his cheeks more, an irritated smile on your lips while your eye twitched.
Seongji didn't react much, he winced slightly at first but it didn't really hurt.
Oh well, at least he was able to look at you now.
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samantha-rae-velcher · 11 months
"Tell your boyfriend I'll kill him."
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Mickey Milkovich x Fem reader
Requested by: @idrknothing thank you for requesting
Warnings: Smut, Swearing, fluff, Y/n gets attacked, Mickey being Mickey, kinda dark!Lip x reader, Lip attacks Y/n.
A/n: 18+ NSFW! If you don't like the warnings please don't read! I DONT GIVE TWO SHITS IF MICKEY IS GAY IN SHAMELESS! HE AINT IN MY STORY! SUCK IT UP AND DEAL WITH IT!
REQUEST: Will you do a Mickey Milkovich x female reader? Like she's with Lip,but she's best friends with Mickey,and one Day Lip gets really mad and hurts her,abd she goes to Mickeys with makeup on,but he immediately notices it,and proved to her (smut pls if ur ok with it) how much better of a bf he would be
Y/n and lip have been dating for a long time, they had fights here and there but it never resulted in this. Mickey Milkovich and Y/n were friends since childhood, always playing together when they were young, and soon that turned into spray painting the sides of convenience stores and stealing cars. Mickey was head over to raggedy boots for Y/n, he always has been. He always holds her when she's sad, hes there for her whenever she needs it, especially when her jackass boyfriend thinks it's a good idea to hurt her.
"Hey babe, could you pass me that pen over there?" Y/n asked.
Lip looked at the pen right next to him, then looked at her.
"What, are your fuckin legs broken? Grab it yourself."
"Well excuse the fuck out of me for asking politely."
Suddenly with extreme force she was knocked off her feet, there was an almost burning pain in her nose when her back hit the cold tiles. Y/n could feel the warmth of blood run down her face and tears fill her eyes.
"Fuckin dumb bitch, thinking you can talk to me like that."
Ian and Carl were up stairs when they heard the fight brake out, for the first time in a long time Carl actually buried his face in Ian's side and began sobbing. Lip could be heard hitting Y/n, yelling absurdities, and Y/n attempting to fight back.
Ian listened when all fell silent below, the sound of the back door open and shut had him running to the nearest window. He watched as Y/n ran from the house and up the street, reaching down and rubbing Carl's back as he continued to cry.
Y/n ran as fast as her feet would let her, the icy cold air making her nose burn more. She had two options, go back home and hope to God her parents don't see this mess, or go to Mickeys....she bolted in the direction of the Milkovich house, the snow crunching beneath her boots as she ran.
She reached the front porch out of breath, marching up the old steps and banging on the door. Y/n smiled when she heard Mickey and Mandy start yelling about who's gonna open the door.
When the bickering stopped the door opened and Mick was standing there in a black tank top and grey sweat pants, freshly showered with a toothbrush in his mouth.
"Hey, Y/n-......What the fuck happend to you?"
He stepped outside, his bare feet hitting the cold porch and making him hiss. Mick spit over the railing, set down his tooth brush and began examining her face.
Her nose was bloody and bruised, her lip was split, and the side of her face was black and blue.n
"Did he do this?" Mick asked.
She didn't answer, her gaze only dropped to the floor.
Mickey nodded, gently taking her arm and leading her into his house and up the stairs to his bedroom. He closed the door and pulled some rubbing alcohol from his bedside drawer, Mick then grabbed a wash cloth from his clean clothes that had be neatly folded and placed on his bed.
"You do that?" Y/n asked.
He looked over at his stack of clothes, he smiled and shook his head.
"Nah, you know I don't got time for that bullshit."
"Folding your clothes is bullshit?"
"It's a waste of time is what it is. I'm gonna wearing them anyway, what's the sense in folding them?"
"So that they don't get wrinkled."
"I'm a guy who lives in a town full of bums, you think they'll give a shit if I walk around with a wrinkled shirt?"
Y/n giggled and shook her head, watching as Mickey poured some alcohol onto the cloth and came over to her.
"This is gonna sting like a bitch, but it'll clean your face." He said.
Mick gently pressed it against one of her cuts, Y/n closed her eyes taking in the smell of his room, it smelled of cigarettes and his musk.
"There you go." He whispered. "You're okay."
Y/n felt his warm lips press against hers, she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down onto the bed with her.
Kicking the door closed, Mickey began removing his shirt. Y/n fallowed his lead, all while kissing his neck.
Mick unbuttoned his pants, pulling his cock from his boxers and lining himself up with her entrance. Y/n gripped his biceps as he slowly pushed in, both letting out a low grown.
Mandy was sitting on the couch playing videogames, when she started hearing Mick's headboard hitting the wall. A smiled spread over her face and she chuckled.
"About time."
"You like that?" He whispered in her ear. "You like when I fuck you like that?"
Their lips crashed together once again, all teeth and tongues, full of hunger and lust. Y/n ran her hands through his hair and made a fist, pulled him closer and deepening the kiss.
Pulling away for a breath, he moved to attack her neck, grabbing both wrists and holding her hands over her head with one of his.
Mickey went from deep slow thrusts, to hard and quick. Angling their bodies perfectly so that he hit the right spot every time.
"Please, Mick...." Her voice came out just above a whisper.
"Please what? You want more?"
Y/n whined and nodded.
"You gotta use your words, sweetheart."
"Pl- ahhh.....Please Mickey, go harder."
"Please what? I'm sorry I think you got my name wrong, say it again but correctly this time."
"Please, Daddy. Fuck me harder!"
"That's a good girl."
His thrusts became harder, Mick's hand slowly ran down her body until his fingers reached her clit. He started quick tight circles, making her legs twitch and her head fall back against the pillow.
"Oh God, I'm gonna cum. Please, Mick. Don't stop!"
"Good. Cum for me, Babygirl."
His words were enough to send her over the edge, a smirk spreading over his face when he felt her warm release coat his cock. Mickey kept thrusting until he buried his face in her neck, and with a groan he came inside her and collapsed on top.
Still out of breath, Mickey kissed her neck. His lips moving closer to her ear.
"Tell your boyfriend I'll kill him."
There was silence for a second before Y/n continued to speak.
"Hey Mick."
"That Milkovich boy, you know the hot badass one?"
"Yeah." He chuckled.
"He said he's gonna kill you."
I hope you enjoyed
Reblogs are welcome 🤗
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jaehunnyy · 1 year
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Finally home
Genre: tooth-rotting fluff, crack, long distance relationship
Word count: 0.9k
Pairing: boyfriend!San × gn!reader (feat. the rest of Ateez)
Warnings: i guess nothing really just one curse word, pet names and a kiss, probably grammar mistakes
__________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
There was a lot of chaos in the dorm Choi San lived in; hell, chaos wouldn’t even describe the mess in his room. Half of his clothes were scattered around the floor, while the other half was in his luggage, fighting to fit in the already loaded space. Wooyoung promised that he would help San, but his “help” felt more like a nuisance for the two-tone haired boy.
“Woo, I swear to God. Can you stop laughing and actually help me?” he sighed, looking at his friend—who only started to laugh harder.
“I can’t help it,” the youngest said between laughter “you’re just so funny when you’re serious.”
A defeated sigh escaped San’s lips again, but his face lit up when he saw Wooyoung coming in his direction, ready to help. A few minutes passed, and the door slightly opened, revealing a tall, blonde boy.
“San, we need to take you to the train station in a few—“
It took him a while to process what was happening in front of him. Wooyoung was sitting on the luggage, pressing his body on it, while San was struggling to close it.
“—minutes.” He managed to say, before starting to giggle.
All this agitation had a purpose, though. San was going to meet his lover for the first time, after three months of talking through video calls and falling asleep to the sweetness of each other’s voice.
“Hongjoong will make a big fuss about this. He told you to get everything ready by today, you know?” the eldest added, watching as the two finally won the fight against the suitcase.
“No need for him to find out. I have everything under control, see? Easy peasy.” San’s lips curled into a content smile as he spoke, before going downstairs with the others.
“San is ready, guys! C’mon,” Wooyoung said excitedly, grabbing Yeosang’s hand and dragging him to the door.
The others joined them not too much after, but they noticed someone who didn’t move at all, fixing them with his stare instead–Hongjoong. His mullet made him look a bit fierce in everyone else’s eyes, but his friends knew how much of a softie he was—so, why was he so serious then?
“You’re in pajamas, San. Do you want to go meet them like this?” he asked, fighting the urge to smile at the younger’s antics.
San gasped, running in his room and finally completing his outfit. He felt ready, but the nervousness he promised to leave home didn’t seem to let him go. “It will be okay, San,” he thought, then smiled and went to the others.
The ride to the station was a fun one, filled with laughter and the boys' teasing. San was going to miss them, but he couldn’t afford to refuse a one week vacation in the city where his lover lived.
“Take care of you, San,” Mingi smiled and patted his shoulder, to which San answered with a large smile, dimples on full display.
“And send pics!” Wooyoung shouted, making Jongho stare at him.
“I will, guys. Thanks,” he hugged them one last time, before getting on the train.
On the other side, you were more than excited to finally meet the boy who stole your heart. Even though it was hard to adjust to each other’s routine at the beginning, love made you get used to it quite fast. And now, there you were, waiting for him to finally arrive. All you could think about was hugging him and being able to admire his beauty in person; it made your heart speed up. You got more enthusiastic when you saw a train stopping, but then pouted when you realized it wasn’t the one you were waiting for. You took your phone from your bag and texted your friend, losing the track of time and failing to notice the smiley boy approaching you.
“Do you happen to be Y/N?” he asked in a teasing manner, already wrapping his arms around your waist.
You flinched at first, but forgot about everything else when you figured out it was him.
“Sannie, you’re here!” You shouted, legs instantly wrapping around his waist, while your hands found their way to his neck. You hid your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the sweet perfume he was wearing.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve dreamed about this, sweetheart. Thank you for being mine,” he said while tightening his arms around you, spinning you softly.
Your chuckles filled his ears, and it was the sweetest sound he had ever heard. When he let you down, his hands grabbed your face softly, admiring your beautiful features, just like you did to him. He closed his eyes and got closer to you, your lips finally touching, turning into a sweet kiss, the love flame inside of you burning more than ever. He smiled, resting his forehead on top of yours. Your hands reached his dimples, poking them softly.
“It was on my bucket list, I needed to do it,” you smiled innocently, making him laugh softly: “but we have so much more on our bucket list, let’s go!”
You grabbed his hand, dragging him after you. God, he felt like he was meant to be there, like this was his actual home. Everything felt right, and he couldn’t wait for the day you could fulfill all of your dreams, together.
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st0ryf1lms · 1 year
fallen for you ➳ hal jordan
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pairing: hal jordan x reader
word count: 636
genre/warnings: light angst, super tooth-rotting fluff i guess?? makeout sesh but really brief
synopsis: you told hal jordan you're going on a date as a joke, but do you really think you could after you've fallen for your best friend?
a/n: i simply COULD NOT resist making a part 2 this man needs more content here i'm telling you anw enjoy this really short part 2 to fallen!
You never meant for this happen. Damn your friends for giving such terrible advice and you being the fool you are, you listened to it.
"Is that the Hal guy?" Your friend, Nala, asked as your phone lit up in the coffee table in her house as you all spent the Friday night talking and gossiping as you got off work. "Huh? Oh yeah, just asking if I'm still free for the weekend." You replied with a very faint tattletale of a smile adorning your face. "Oh, your pilot best friend? Yeah, hun, he's definitely in love with you." Your other friend, Andra, remarked as she took a sip of her drink. "Oh my God, not this again," you groaned.
"Oh, come on, Y/N, we all know it's true! Your pilot best friend is in love with you!" Andra exclaimed, followed by the collective agreement of everyone in the room except for you. "We've all seen the way he looks at you and the way you look at him. You guys are perfect for each other!" Nala added, as well as adding even more to your despise. You seriously could not fathom that Hal Jordan, the notorious serial heartbreaker would absolutely be head over heels for you, would he?
Besides, it's not like he'll ever go for you, anyway. You're just not his type.
But, oh, so, badly did you want to be his type.
You wanted to feel what it’s like being Hal Jordan's lover, his lifetime partner-in-crime, the one he comes home to every day. What you'd give to feel his lips on yours and the sweet nothings he would whisper in your ear. How it would feel to have him wake up by your side every day as you bask in the never ending haze of undying love for you.
Alas, it was not meant to be.
"Look, all I'm saying is, try to find out in the most subtle way you can and see how it goes, okay? Won't hurt to try." Andra says.
Little did she know, it did hurt to try. Because right now, Hal was a mess. The only thing that separates him from a red tomato is that he was living and breathing right now in the flesh as he tries to avoid your gaze.
"Hal? Look at me, please?" You plead to the man beside you, watching his every move intently. A muffled "no" comes out from the manchild beside you (which is honestly not a surprise), so you sigh and take matters into your own hands.
"Hal, please hear me out." You say as you kneel down on the floor in front of him, cupping his face in your hands so he'll actually look at you.
"Harold Jordan, I love you. I've fallen for you, I'm in love with you, I'm so pathetically and deeply in love with you to the point where my heart bursts when I see you call, text, or even sit in your presence. I suck so bad at confessions but you know damn well what I mean, Jordan. I love you with all my heart." You whisper in a voice where only you and he could hear. The way his eyes light up with every single word that escapes your mouth and the faint smile growing on his face makes your heart flutter at each expression.
"So, you're not here to reject me?" He clarifies, still unsure of your sudden confession. You crash your lips onto his as you pull yourself up back on your couch and straddle yourself on his lap as you give him the most passionate kiss you didn't think you could muster up. You break away just to get oxygen and rest your foreheads on each other's as you catch your breath.
"Does that answer your question?"
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16ciggy · 4 months
types of piercings the jjk characters would get (wlw included, some sex scenes a lil, i kinda got carried away and wrote an entire story for sukuna bc i love him.... mb guys)
reader is in love with piercings btw
i think bro wouldn't really wanna 'mess' up anything much and would go for normal ear piercings (if he wanted it) and that's that. "piercings? on my face or body elsewhere??? why would i do that?" he'd say, his face turning sour when being asked if he would pierce his face or body in any way. he doesn't want some metal pierce through his body or face at all, he'd definitely feel grossed out too by knowing something is within his skin and staying in there FOREVER. you both had a conversation about how gojo might enhance his appearance if he were to get piercings and he immediately said 'no'. buuuuttttt that doesn't mean he disregards your passion and love for piercings either, he has come by your shop to watch you pierce your clients or discuss with them on the desired piercings your clients wants. some of them even ended up becoming your friends too–gojo is in awe when he sees on how much of a social butterfly you are, he's proud of your work and he is in love with the way you do things with piercings too. he always asks on how were the piercings that you've done for your clients and you'd always give a full on detail on how it went, sometimes he can't even believe his own ears on what types of piercings you did—let alone, them even existing...
hmmmmmm.... eyebrows piercing for SURE. i can imagine it,, he would even like it too. he'd grin at himself as he admire his piercing through those eyebrows of his. he'd probably have a king's crown piercing too (a ring pierced through the head of the dick) and he'll talk so much of it, but why? he just wants to add some extra feeling for you when he fucks you down on that ol'rotting couch of his—you could feel it too and it felt a bit weird at first to experience your boyfriend's ring inside of you but you gradually got over it and agreed that it helped to spice up the sex.
he never really thought too much of having piercings but he wouldn't mind more. one day he decided to get a tongue piercing to reduce the taste of the cursed spirits he swallows because he couldn't falter the taste of them, the tongue piercing did help somewhat but he was also afraid that he might end up swallowing the piercing too—but you reassure him that nothing bad will happen, he smiles and kisses you, "god, your lips are the best to taste after every cursed spirit."
either snake or spider bites tbh (two rings either pierced by the side or opposites by each other on the lips) she says that it makes her look cool and she HATES IT whenever men are like "no one is gonna want you with those piercings.. it makes you less ladylike.", she HATESSSS IT. because, shes's doing it for YOU because you liked them. even though she seems like a heartless jerk, she loves like a golden retriever. you can't count how many times she has done these cute things like building a house for you in minecraft or buying your favourite desserts when you're on your period. "baby, im going for a mission, i'll be back later. love you, my angel." she kisses your forehead so gently before walking out the door and only for her lip piercings to be returned back to you. you were never given a reason on what happened, not even one ounce of word spoken by these random group of sorcerers. one shibuya night turned into a nightmare and you never saw your girlfriend ever again.
he'd have his tooth pierced with your initial on it and he lets everyone know it by flashing a big smile almost all the time. you warn him of smile lines and he'd simply just grin at you and laugh, "at least these smile lines were mostly by you!", you ruffle his hair as he laid his head on your shoulders before pulling your waist in closer to his body. he was never a big fan of piercings either—until he met you, an individual whom was fond of piercings and he decided to just have your initial pierced right on his tooth; his strongest appearance happens to be his smile too.
ooooohh..... hot take.. but he'd definitely be a quiet punk when hes not a sorcerer in the day time. he has nipple piercings, ear piercings, eyebrow, lips—you name em. there's no specifics too because he has a LOT of them. he defo paints his nails black too. when you both bumped into eachother in shibuya at night you did not expect to see gojo's son just having those amount of piercings and even hid it perfectly WELL. your hormones were suddenly RAGING when you saw him, you just had to fuck him so badly otherwise you'd go feral. megumi didn't mind tho because he kinda had a major big crush on you and he wasn't worried about his dick but thats when you got even surprised. because.... well... he got piercings on them too, he really did follow his biological dad. "aw, you scared im gonna eat you or sum'thing? cute." he smirks, getting closer to you and your heart racing even more when his cock is just getting nearer to your face—next thing you know, you were getting choked on it with the metal piercings just gauging down your throat as it hit every walls within it. "fuck— never knew you could suck dick—" he grunts, trying to hold in his moans with his hands clutching on to his mouth for dear's life.
ear piercings + septum piercing. his face is already scary enough and with that nose piercing already adds in a whole'nother fear when people glances or even looks in his direction. "tsk. it's just a nose piercing, why does every human gotta act like a brat?" he sighs. heavily. he's deeply annoyed in how everyone is afraid of him, he's trying to be a bit nicer now because of you. but that isn't anyone's fault to be afraid of the king of curses either. he sits up from his throne and walks down the flight of stairs to look for you. when he spots you cleaning the hallway with a half assed broken broom, he walks towards you quietly and calls out your name loudly which scared you, "(Y/N). My room, now.", you nodded quickly and thought he just needed to relieve himself. when you arrived into his room, you locked the door behind you and got to undressin— "stop that. that's not what i asked you to come here for." he states, clearing out his throat while he prepared what to say next, "Am I terrifying?" he asks. you just stared at him and the corner of your lips started to curl into a smile, then slowly a giggle. "is this why you asked me to come? yes, you are terrifying." you smiled and he grumbled in annoyance. "then??? how am i suppose to become 'gentle'?!" he roars, jolting up from the edge of the bed, "gentle? why do you want to be gentle?" you asked confusingly, staring into his dull eyes until it clicked. you told him a few weeks ago you were into men who were gentle and not rough, was this why his sex style changed too? this is the man who pounded your back everyday of the week until you were crying from pleasure, now he's kissing your neck and gently holding your thighs up as he's thrusting into your pussy until you're soaking wet when you are getting fucked lately. "it's because on what you told me!" he cocks his head in annoyance, his feet slapping the floor constantly while his arms were crossed. you laughed non stop until he felt embarrassed, you touched his arm and he quickly jerked away from it. "don't be like that, you can still look scary but be gentle, my love—", you wheezed, trying to get a hold of your breathing but you just.. couldn't. this shit was too funny. "people looks at me differently with the septum piercing. do i look more scarier with it??" he asks, he looks so serious—you can't- no way, no way in hell he is acting like a kid over what you said. you comforted him in the end after you stopped laughing but he was still mad at your reaction.
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hotgirlgraps · 11 months
Personal Photographer
Synopsis: he wants to vividly remember what you look like when you’re coming undone for him
18+ it’s nothing but smut and tooth aching sweet shit cause I couldn’t help myself lmao
Warnings: unprotected sex, creampie, pet names, dirty talk, picture taking in the act (if that’s even a warning idk)
A/N:This is one of the ones you all collectively pitched concepts and ideas on and I just ran with it! Enjoy babes! Keep an eye out for your requests over the next few days and lmk if you wanna be tagged! 🫶🏼
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Tyler always took pictures for you when you couldn’t be with him. Everywhere he went, he made sure he brought that camera and snapped some shots of places or things you would’ve loved to see. It was also a good way for him to remember where to take you when he gets some time off. At this point, he has certain places he wants you to see all across the country.
“You’ll love this place.” He shows you the picture of a beach he checked out. “The water was so clear and blue. I know you don’t wanna get in unless you can see what’s around you, so we’ll have to go there one day too.”
You smiled as you raked your fingers through his hair, and he mindlessly rubbed your legs that were stretched out across his lap. You leaned your head against his shoulder and placed a single kiss to it.
“Missed you so much.” You whispered against his skin. He glanced down at you, cheeks a tad bit rosier than usual before he pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist. He pushed some hair off of your shoulder and placed a series of hot, wet kisses down the side of your neck before he set the camera down and picked you up, taking you to the bedroom.
“I’ll show you the rest later. We have lost time to make up for right now.”
He’d only been gone for five days but it felt like eternity for both of you. He really wanted to take things slow tonight, but there was a neediness taking over that he couldn’t control. As much as he wanted to make slow, sweet love, the look of you laying underneath him wearing nothing but his t-shirt and panties was simply driving him wild.
He hovered over you letting his eyes roam. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. You know that?”
The shade of your cheeks deepened and he smirked at how shy you still got when he complimented you. It was his goal to make sure you always knew how beautiful you are to him, and make sure you wholeheartedly believed it, too.
He leaned down and placed a tender kiss to your lips, letting them linger for a moment. He felt your hands roam his back, nails gently digging into his skin, and a sly smirk formed on his lips when he picked up on your own neediness for him. As always, it was mutual.
The tips of your noses brushed before your lips connected again, this time far more intense and fueled by the desperation for each other. One of his hands cupped your jaw while the other one roamed down to the hem of your (his) shirt, sliding up your thigh until he found a drenched spot on your panties.
You felt him smile against you and let a little chuckle slip. He already knew the affect he had on you but it was always appreciated when he could physically feel it without even trying.
Your breath hitched in your throat when he used his middle finger to push your panties aside. A sudden series of needy moans and short gasps were lost within his mouth when he started gliding the pad of that same finger up and down and collecting all those sweet juices just to use them as lubrication for when he does this.
Another smirk effortlessly plays on his lips when your nails dig into his back. He pushed his finger between your walls, up to the last knuckle and curled it against your g-spot slowly. He pulled back to watch you, one of his absolute favorite things to do.
His eyes intently studied your reactions as pride swelled within him. Just one finger and you were a moaning mess beneath him. He liked to play around with the rhythm to find what you liked best and by now he’s got the sequence down like second nature.
Three pumps against your sweet spot slowly, then five quicker, rougher ones. You spread your thighs as far as they’d go but involuntarily shut them around his hips when he started rubbing circles on your clit with the pad of his thumb. His mouth slightly fell open as he watched you, brows furrowed in concentration as he made a mental record to give you as many orgasms as you possibly wanted tonight.
“Fuck you’re so hot like this” his voice was filled with an edgy rasp that had your head spinning. “I can feel you tightening around me, you’re already so close you can probably taste it, can’t you baby?”
All you could do was nod eagerly as your mouth fell open and strained gasps and broken whimpers flew threw the air. You started squirming around, hips bucking to match the pumps of his finger and he felt the sudden warmth against his skin, and the way your walls throbbed around him.
“Oh fuck, Tyler I-“
“Mhm, record time” he muttered before he dipped down and latched his lips to your neck, sucking your skin roughly to add to the sensations of it all. “I can feel it babygirl” he muttered against you, “can feel you coming around my finger, fuck I can’t wait until it’s my cock your coming on”
Within seconds you were hit with a high that nearly blinded you. Tyler knew exactly how to ride you through it, and he made sure you were trembling until the very last second. He pulled back again to look at you, sliding his finger out and bringing it to your lips, tracing the wetness across your bottom one before he watched you open your mouth to invite it in.
You could’ve swore you saw that man internally lose it when your lips cupped around his finger and sucked your own juices clean off with a smirk. Within a split second he pulled that finger out and replaced it with his lips. A teeth clashing, tongue fighting type of kiss that sucked the air right out of your lungs.
Your panties were swiftly pulled all the way down to your ankles and you kicked them onto the floor while he raised your shirt up to your neck and leaned up on his knees, quickly sliding his sweats down to his thighs, along with his boxers and grabbing his hard shaft in his hand.
Your eyes fell to it, widening slightly. You’d seen it a trillion and one times but for some reason it always surprised you when it stood proudly. You were always certain you couldn’t take all of him but somehow you did.
The corner of his lips lifted at your reaction before he wrapped a hand underneath your thigh and pulled you down from the pillows you were propped up on. He tapped the tip against your clit three times, then eyed you as he slipped between your walls, but couldn’t help but let his own eyes roll when he felt you squeezing around him.
“Fuck.” He muttered underneath his breath, tipping his head back for a moment. He looked back down at you and the way your brows were knitted tightly together, a general response to his size that he always adored seeing.
He brought his hand up to cup your jaw, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip as he pushed all the way in, and when your mouth fell open, his thumb took the invitation in. You sucked on it, eyes on him doing your best not to close them. His lips parted and a look of pure euphoria washed over his face, but as soon as it was there, it vanished.
You could practically see the gears turning in his mind. An idea forms and he can’t believe he hadn’t thought of it before.
“Hold up, let me grab something real quick.” He pulls out of you and slides off the bed, leaving the room for a moment to return with his camera in hand and a boyish grin on his face.
You glanced down at it and then back up at him questionably.
“Will you let me do this? I promise nobody will ever see these. I would have to kill them if they did.”
He made his way back between your thighs and waited for your answer. There wasn’t a lot of uncertainty around it. You were just a little self conscious and he knew that, but this was a part of wanting you to realize how stunning you are.
“Okay.” You whispered, watching as his eyes lit up. He set the camera next to him and pushed back in, a little rougher this time. He was now on a mission to pull more reactions from you. He wanted to capture every single thing you did in these moments. Everything he made you feel.
He hiked your leg up, your ankle resting on his shoulder as he pulled out, almost fully, just to slam back into you with a force that had the headboard hitting the wall.
Once he picked up the pace and had you consistently moaning and whimpering beneath him, he grabbed the camera, never once slowing down as he held it up and snapped the pictures he was going to be looking at a lot when he was away from you.
“You’re so fucking hot right now gorgeous” he praises as he captures your blissed face, coupled with your shirt riding up to your neck and your breasts on full display for him. He took his hand and cupped one of them, snapping a picture of that.
Any sense of insecurity that you originally had was washed away in that moment. He was admiring your body while he simultaneously fucked into you. Some of the pictures were probably going to be blurry as he picked up the pace but those were going to be memorable anyway.
He angled the camera down to where his cock disappeared between your walls and gripped your hip with one hand, taking a picture of that too. Two, to be exact.
“You are a fucking masterpiece.”
You moaned to his praises and reached up for him. He placed the camera down and leaned down, holding your ankle against his shoulder as he rocked into you. You were an absolute mess of whines and moans and shortly you were going to be screaming his name and he knew it.
That’s exactly what he was aiming for.
He put all his focus into making you come harder than you ever have. He wanted to see everything he could possibly do to you. He wanted to make this something you wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about next time he has to leave.
“You’re taking me so well, baby.” He praises. He reaches over and finds your hand, intertwining your fingers and pinning it over your head. His forehead presses against yours and he looks down between your sweaty bodies and watches his length disappear into you.
“That tight little pussy is squeezing my cock like your life depends on it.” He grits his teeth as he pulls his hips back and crashes back into you, earning a squeal to echo through the room. A sound he knows he hasn’t yet heard from you, and one he wishes he could hear forever.
“Like that?” He breathlessly starts to pant. All you can do his nod and hum a response. Any words you have ever learned in your life are long forgotten.
He picked up on your body language and switched the pace, pulling out to snap back in, hitting your sweet spot just right every single time.
His hand gave yours a squeeze when he felt your walls clench down around him and he knew then and there that you were on the edge of an all consuming orgasm and he wanted to make absolute certain that it was going to leave you in shambles.
“Look at me” he demanded as he pulled back and hovered above you. You felt his grip around your hand loosen and his fingers slip away before he cupped your jaw instead. “You wanna come?” He quirked a brow, watching as you nodded needily.
“Need to hear you say it. What do you want?” His hips snapped in and you swore you could feel it in your stomach.
“Yes! Fuck yes tyler!” You shouted, your voice strained and rasped.
“Yes what?” His tone grew deep and thick as he continued rocking into you, sending your mind far off from your own body.
“I want to come!” You cried out. “I’m so close, I need it! I need to come so fucking bad!”
“What’s stopping you?” A condescending edge lingered. “Need me to fuck you harder?” and before you could even respond, he dropped your leg off of his shoulder and rose up to his knees, wrapping his hands under your thighs and hiking them up to his waist to hit at an even deeper angle.
His thrusts sped up and his cock drove even deeper, hitting a spot you didn’t even know you had that caused tears to prick the corners of your eyes. You tried to look up at him but he was a blur and when you squeezed your eyes shut all you saw was a white, blinding light.
“That’s my girl. Taking all of me so fucking well.” He watched your chest rise and fall rapidly and your breasts bouncing from the impact and he knew it wasn’t going to be long for him either.
“Oh God!” You cried out. Your stomach was churning as a warmth spread rapidly through your veins and Tyler could see that you were seconds away from coming completely and utterly undone.
He quickly grabbed the camera and held it up, thrusts still strong as he tried with all his might to fight his own release. The moment he felt that warm sensation engulf him, your walls throbbing around him, he snapped a photo, probably his favorite one, for that matter.
You pressed your head hard against the pillows, back arching high off of mattress as he kept fucking into you, praising you as he helped you ride out that high.
“That’s it baby, thats what you needed.” He felt it himself, and he was able to give into it now. “Im about to fill you up, I want you dripping for me when you get up in the morning. Then ima fuck it all back into you.”
His thrusts got stronger yet sloppier. You felt his fingertips digging into the skin of your thighs as he watched you, still consumed by your own orgasm.
“Ima make sure you stay filled up with me when I’m home. Not gonna be a time my come isn’t dripping down these thighs.” He bends down and gives your inner thigh a series of kisses and a few bites in between, only adding to the euphoria you were succumbed in.
“And when im gone, you’re gonna remember this. Remember me fucking you how you deserve to be. ‘Cause I’ll be back to do it all over again.”
You could hardly comprehend him due to the ringing of your ears but you peered your eyes open and managed to catch his head tipping back, jaw clenched tight as he crashed into you three more times.
His hips stuttered then stilled, chest glistening with sweat and low groans buzzed through his throat as he did exactly what he said he was going to do.
It was then that you grabbed his camera, quickly sneaking a pic of him in that exact moment. His cock twitched and you felt the warmth fill you to the brim, watching as his chest heaved heavily and beads of sweat slid down from his collar bone to his torso.
He looked back down at you, clearly fucked out himself. His hair was sticking to his skin and lips parted and swollen, cheeks slightly rosy too.
He noticed the camera in your hands and pieced it all together through the brain fog.
“You’re a fucking masterpiece.” You whispered breathlessly, the corners of his mouth lightly twitched upwards. “I want that picture. Wanna remember that when you’re gone.”
He pulled out of you slowly and collapsed on top of you, holding his own weight with his elbows as he cradled your face. He placed two gentle kisses to your cheek before he pulled back with a dimpled grin.
“I won’t let you forget.”
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selfindulgentpixies · 6 months
The hands that hold you: Satoru's birthday
I made it in time! So uh part of why I was able to get this out on time is I stopped trying to work in into one of the larger main chapters. It's shorter than my usual for this series but I hope you guys enjoy it all the same. I think I might do a few small independent small chapters like this for this series instead of making one big chapter that's all misc events that happen between hidden inventory and premature death. Simply because it feels weird putting so many kinda unrelated things in one big chapter. Please let me know what you think of this idea. Master list This is kind of chapter 10.1 but honestly it can be read independently from the rest of the series if you really want. Contents: SatoSugu x reader,Gn!reader, Satoru's 18th birthday. It's mostly silly fluff with just a slight sad undertone to it.
Satoru’s birthday is as much as a surprise as someone can manage for the wielder of The six eyes, meaning it’s no surprise at all. To the point where he pops up unannounced while you’re finishing up decorating his cake with Suguru.  You’re doing your best to pipe frosting flowers along the edge of the cake, Satoru always liked the pretty cakes at the bakeries you’d pass so you wanted to do your best to replicate them. Suguru had asked you why you didn’t just buy one of those but had understood when you said it just felt far more personal to make one yourself. Once Satoru is there though your efforts of trying to make the frosting pretty don’t matter a whole lot as he swipes a finger through the frosting and pops it into his mouth. The whole situation devolves into messy blue frosting kisses and maybe you being slightly indignant until he expresses how much he loves the cake.
“Why didn’t you tell me you could baaake?” Satoru whines, trying to grab for you so he can press another sweet kiss against your lips though you duck away with a laugh. 
“Knowing your sweet tooth I wanted to save it for a special occasion!”  
“And what a special occasion it is.” Suguru says smoothly as he wraps his arms around Satoru’s waist, holding  a small wrapped box for him in one hand. He hooks his chin over Satoru’s shoulder. Satoru takes the gift  and with a  flash of a grin presses a messy frosting kiss to Suguru’s cheek causing him to wrinkle his nose and making you giggle at the two of them. He tucks his face against Satoru’s neck to hide his smile and makes a further mess of the frosting.  “Satoru, hurry up and open it,” he says with a huff of a laugh muffled into Satoru’s neck.
“Fiiine,” He drawls dramatically, finally turning his attention to the prettily wrapped package. He thinks you must have wrapped it, the intricately tied gold ribbon, wrapped around  the dark blue and slightly iridescent paper. Inside is a newly released copy of twilight princess and a grin splits across his features, his dimples standing out starkly. 
The three of you stay up until the early hours. You and Suguru sitting on either side of Satoru as he plays the game. But when his eyes finally start to grow heavy and he slumps to the side against Suguru’s chest after finally finding a good place to save the three of you lapse into quiet conversation. Suguru is playing with Satoru's hair when finally instead of a proper response Satoru lets out a soft snore. Warmth blooms in your chest seeing the gentle smile on Suguru’s face even if his eyes seem a little sad.  He starts to look toward you when he catches movement and you shake your head. 
“No no stay like that.” You say quietly and he immediately stills, allowing  you to  take a picture. Satisfied and heart full, you tuck away the camera in your hoodie pocket.  Suguru gives you an exasperated eye roll but stays quiet for Satoru. He gestures for you to come join Satoru against his chest. 
“I don’t wanna wake him up-” then without much coordination and zero warning Satoru’s hand shoots out looking for you until he snags your wrist and drags you over to him and Suguru causing you to let out a startled yelp. Suguru lets out a low and tired chuckle as you let out yet another sound, this one caught between a squeal and laugh as Satoru bites the fat of your cheek. You squirm, trying to free yourself. “You were snoring! You were supposed to be asleep?!”
“How am I supposed to sleep on my birthday if I don’t have both my favorite people?” 
His words make your cheeks flare with heat. Sure you knew he cared for you but hearing it put like that, being placed next to Suguru so firmly makes- there’s a camera flash. In the stunned silence that had followed his words Satoru had sneakily pulled your camera from the pocket you’d slipped it in and snapped a picture of the three of you. Smuggly Satoru sets the camera aside. He glances between the two of you and the smuggness fades just a bit as he shifts to get more comfortable with the two of you. “Neither of you better try to sneak away in the middle of the night. I’ll wake up and drag you back. It’s been forever since I had you both with me.” 
“What if one of us needs to use the bathroom?” . 
“Easy. Then we all go,” Satoru says simply. “Absolutely not!” You swat at his chest.
“Okay then you can p- mmpf!” Suguru’s hand cups over Satoru’s mouth. 
“Just go to sleep, birthday boy.” his voice sleepy and fond in equal measure. He releases Satoru’s mouth and skims his fingers along his jaw to which Satoru’s brings up his own hand to capture Suguru’s so he can bring it back to his lips to press a kiss to his palm before releasing him. Then he tucks his face against the top of your head and while it’s quiet you could swear you hear a softly murmured ‘thank you’. 
You smile warmly, the last words to leave you that night spoken against Satoru’s neck. “Happy birthday, Satoru.” and to him they sound an awful lot like ‘i love you’. Later when you get the time to get the pictures developed you’ll be surprised by the fact that you and Suguru are sharing similar expressions in the photo Satoru took. You don’t understand how Satoru’s words could take Suguru so off guard when to you it’s obvious how much he cares for him. How much he loves him. How strange it is then that you don’t realize that Suguru will think the same thing when he sees the picture.
And that's it! Like I said at the top I'd love to hear from you guys if you like idea of smaller snippets like this for this series. They may not be as linear as the main story but for now they're all meant to take place between hidden inventory and premature death for now.
Tag list! (must be 18+ and not a blank blog to be added): @t-tomuras @pastelle-rabbit @nanamikentoseyebags @biscuitsngravie @sleezzsister @moonsua1 @yuuuumii @yokaimoon @chibiizzy @porridgesblog @suhmie @defacatestenderly @agentdedf1sh @night-shadowblood-writes2 @missphanosaur18 @stevenknightmarc
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lgbtqasacrew · 6 months
Reader gets pretty messed up mentally and physically after getting kidnapped by the British navy and they all comfort them and patch them up??? Either he/him or they/them pronouns if possible 🩷🩷🩷
Summary: Coping with the aftermath of being held captive by the British Navy, your partners do their best to look after you
Relationships: Steddyhands x Reader
Word count: 2.7k+
Warnings: Descriptions of injuries, hand wavey pirate medical care, brief mentions of suicidal ideation, mentions of panic attacks and nightmares
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I kinda got carried away with this one oops, I hope there’s enough fluff in there, I got quite into the hurt/comfort part. They/them pronouns for reader
Stede carried you to the captain’s cabin carefully, scared of hurting you further. Ed and Izzy not far behind, Izzy barking some orders at a worried looking crew before slamming the door behind him. You jump at the sudden noise, taking you back to your time in the cell. Stede held you closer, pressing a kiss into your hair, whispering sweet nothings to try and calm you down.
“Sorry” Izzy apologised, chastising himself for making things worse.
You couldn’t help the whimper you let out when Stede lowered you onto the bed you share with all three of your loves. “I’m sorry, darling” Stede apologised, you were quick to assure him it’s not his fault. He was taking such tender care of minding your injuries but they all hurt so much.
One you’re laid onto the sheets, all three men were gently removing your clothes to inspect your injuries. Izzy walked away, your heart ached at the idea of not being near him, but he soon returned, arms full of medical supplies. You suspected that he’d grabbed everything that’s on the ship. Although you felt bad that they were so worried about you, you had to admit it was nice to be cared for.
“Shit Y/N” Izzy exclaimed as he removed your shirt. Your entire torso was covered in bright red cuts from the cat they’d used to torture you. You’d been captured on shore leave, you’d only left your partners sides to get some fresh air. Next thing you know you’re ambushed and taken to a prison owned by the British Navy. Their intentions to torture you to get to Blackbeard and the Gentleman Pirate.
“Oh my darling” Stede cooed, pressing kisses into your hair
“Stede help them sit up for a minute” Izzy asks. Your back matched your front, possibly even worse, ugly raised cuts covering your skin.
“At least we’re matching now Iz” you tried to joke, he humoured you with a huff, offering a small smile that left his lips the moment you looked away again. Izzy and Ed gently work on your back, cleaning it with such tender care, Stede sat beside you holding your hand the whole time.
You hear sniffling beside you to find tears sliding down Stede’s cheeks, it breaks your heart. “I’m sorry”
“What are you sorry for darling?” he asks
“You’re crying because of me”
“Oh honey” he wiped the tears away with the hand not holding yours “I’m upset to see you hurt but it’s not your fault”
“But I wasn’t careful enough, got myself captured like an idiot”
You felt comforting fingers combing through your hair, you somehow knew it’s Izzy, he’s always loved playing with your hair. “It wasn’t your fault love” Ed says “we’re the ones that left you alone”
“I shouldn’t need babysitting” you sulked
“That’s not what Ed means, sweetheart” Stede assured you “it’s just safer if you’re not alone, it’s the same for all of us”
“Yeah next time we’re there we’ll stick together” Ed adds
Shit, you hadn’t considered that one day you might have to return there, the idea made you feel sick. “We don’t really have to go back there, do we?” you could feel your heartbeat rising, your palms suddenly becoming increasingly sweaty.
The three men look at each other, distressed by your sudden panic. “No darling, I’m sure we can avoid going back” Stede says, looking to Ed for backup
“Yeah, there’s plenty of other places we can go, don’t worry about it love” lightly squeezing your shoulder.
“Right your back is all done dear” Izzy says “shall we help you lean back again” They help you lean back against the pillows, it’s painful but you think you’d be in pain no matter how you laid. They do the same for the wounds on your front as you just lay there, mostly staring at nothing. Stede must notice you zoning out as he gives your hand another squeeze, you look to him as he gives you what is probably meant to be a reassuring smile.
They checked the rest of your body, massaging your wrists where they’d been bound for hours, they were so sore, really every part of your body was sore. Once they were sure every injury had been tended to properly, Ed and Izzy awkwardly hovered near you, wanting to comfort you so badly but scared they’d somehow make it all worse.
You took Izzy’s hand, rubbing circles in the back of it. “Join us?” you asked, looking between the two men.
“Are you sure love? We don’t wanna hurt you” Ed replied
“Just do as Y/N says” Stede backs you up, already shuffling closer to the window to make room. They helped you move over until you’re in Stede’s arms, the feel of Stede’s broad chest against your back is a comfort. Izzy slides in next to you with Ed close behind, being surrounded by your partners is pure bliss after the past few days. For the first time in what feels like ages, your body finally lets you rest.
You awoke with a jolt to someone screaming, wait it’s you that’s screaming. You had a nightmare, back in that navy cell as soldier after soldier would come in to torture you as they pleased, as you begged for them to stop and they’d just laugh in your face. Your screaming had of course woken all three men who were wrapped around you but you couldn’t even register them talking as your ears were ringing and your body felt like it was on fire.
One of your partners must have touched your arm to try and comfort you, but to your muddled brain it was a navy soldier wanting to hurt you. You struggled out of their grasp, shooting out of the bed in search of safety.
All three men looked at each other, not sure what just happened, wanting to go comfort you but not wanting to make things worse. Stede, who had been the one to touch you, felt terrible, all he had wanted to do was provide some comfort, he hadn’t wanted to scare you.
“It's not you love” Ed tries to assure him “they woke up screaming, must’ve been having a nightmare, they probably didn’t even know where they were” Logically Stede knew what Ed was saying made sense, but he couldn’t help the hurt he felt when you’d recoiled from his touch.
“What if they don’t want to be with us anymore?”
“I don’t think it’s that” Izzy replied “Y/N has been through a lot, we just have to be there for them”
Stede found you in the auxiliary wardrobe hidden under his golden robe, he had to admit it warmed his heart that you had found safety in an item of his. But he was more worried about you, how small you looked, distress etched into every feature on your tear streaked face.
He approached you in a similar way that you’d approach a scared animal, kneeling in front of you but leaving some space between, not risking touching you again yet. Your brain was clearer now, you were mostly just embarrassed by your outburst. “I’m sorry” your voice so small, it was only audible due to the close proximity.
“Oh darling, you have nothing to be sorry for” Stede assured you “I’m sorry for scaring you back there”
“No” you shake your head, it wasn’t his fault, it’s your fucked up brain. “You didn’t do anything”
He nods in understanding. “I’m assuming you had a nightmare, do you want to talk about it?”
The idea of talking about any of it in that moment seemed impossible, your heart beating faster just at the idea. Another sob tore through you as you shook your head. “I’m sorry, I can’t”
He offered you a small smile “That’s okay dear, Y/N would it be okay if I touched you?”
You didn’t respond with words, instead launching yourself onto him, he took this as permission, wrapping his arms around you, rubbing your back as you cried. “Shh, I’ve got you, I’ve got you my love”
Once your sobs had subsided, he led you back to the bed where Ed and Izzy were waiting for you. You immediately jumped into Ed’s arms, burying your face in his chest, the comforting scent of lavender helping to calm you down. “Shh love you’re safe here, we’ve got you” rocking you gently as it you were a baby, it was actually quite comforting.
You were too scared to go back to sleep that night, worried that the nightmares would return as soon as you closed your eyes. “Stede?”
“Yes darling?”
“Will you read to me?”
He smiled at that, one of his favourite things to do is read to his partners, or anyone for that matter. All four of you settled back into bed, Stede had picked a book of fairytales. You laid your head on Stede’s shoulder so you could see the illustrations, Ed curled around your other side, mindful of your injuries, whilst Izzy laid next to him curled around Ed. Eventually you did find yourself drifting off to sleep again, lulled by the sound of Stede’s voice.
Your stomach turned at the sight of breakfast, Stede had asked Roach to put on a full spread for your first morning back, it was a lovely gesture. But you’d been on reduced rations your whole time in the cell, your stomach had shrunk and eating just felt overwhelming to you.
You nibbled on a croissant hoping it wouldn’t be too much for your stomach to handle, all three of your partners watched you as you ate. You knew they were just concerned but it was kinda off putting, plus it was easily going to give away your lack of appetite.
“Why don’t you have some toast and marmalade?” Stede offered.
“I’m fine thanks babe”
“They’ve barely eaten” Izzy interjects, he sounded angry but you knew he was just concerned about you.
“Izzy” Ed warns
“They need to eat Ed, i’m sure those twats barely fed them”
“Izzy’s right, they could get really ill” Stede adds
Whilst the men were discussing you like you weren’t even there, you found yourself bursting into tears. Once again you were burdening the men you loved the most, you wondered if it had been better if you’d died in that cell. Yes they would’ve been upset but they had each other, now they had to worry about you too.
Stede, who was sitting opposite you, was the first one to notice your tears, immediately running over to comfort you. “Oh my darling” brushing away your tears with his thumb. “I’m sorry, we shouldn’t have been talking about you as if you’re not here”
“It’s not your fault i’m so broken”
“Hey, you are in no way broken” he reassured you
“Stede I can’t even eat a stupid croissant without bursting into tears and now you’re all worried about me”
“It’s only because we love you”
“You don’t have to”
Ed’s head snapped up at that “What?”
“You don’t have to be with me anymore, just drop me off at the nearest port, or even just push me over the side of the ship, everyone would be better off”
Your partners stared at you with wide eyes, shocked that you could say such a thing. Izzy couldn’t take it anymore, you cringed at the sound of his chair scraping against the floor as he stood up, storming off and slamming the door behind him. He wasn’t angry with you, he was furious at himself, he had sworn to protect you and failed, and now you were asking them to throw you overboard. Ed followed him after him whilst Stede stayed to comfort you, guiding you over to the sofa so you could cuddle.
“How about a bath darling? I always find them really relaxing”
It was nice to be able to wash off all the grime, it hadn’t exactly been clean in that cell.
Once the bath had been filled with warm water, Stede guided you to the tub, helping you undress without aggravating your injuries too much. The water was soothing even if it made your cuts sting, it was nice to be clean again after so long. Your eyes closed as Stede gently cleaned your skin, it was soothing to be so cared for after everything that’s happened.
“Does Izzy hate me?” You asked him, worrying about why he had stormed out at breakfast.
“What? No darling, he’s just worried about you like we all are”
“I don’t mean to worry everyone”
“I know love, none of this is your fault, we just want to help you”
“What if I- what if I can’t be helped”
“Oh honey, it’s going to be okay, you have us, and the crew and we all love you and want to help you, okay?” You nodded, maybe Stede was right, they’re your family, maybe they can help you to heal. He takes extra care as he washes the dirt and sweat out of your hair, having clean hair again feels amazing.
You’re resting with Stede on the sofa when Ed and Izzy re-enter the cabin, both men look like they’ve been crying which makes your heart sink, knowing it was probably because of you.
“Iz has something to say” Ed nudged his partner forward
“I- um, I wanted to apologise for storming out”
“It’s fine Iz” you promise him “I know you just needed some time” Ok part of you had been convinced that Izzy was angry at you, but deep down you knew he sometimes needed that time alone to think.
“I just wish there was something I could do”
“Iz love, just having you three here with me is enough”
“Hmm” He wasn’t convinced, he’s used to being in control of a situation, he in no way blames you but everything now feels out of whack and he doesn’t know what to do.
You held your hands out gesturing for him to come closer, once he’s in front of him you held his hands in yours. “I mean it Iz, as long as I have you three I’ll be okay” He nodded, a stray tear falling down his cheek, he knew he would be there for you, whatever you needed. He joined you on the sofa, sitting on the other side, whilst Ed sat next to Stede. You had no idea how long you all stayed like that but frankly you didn’t care.
Over the next few weeks you were slowly recovering, your appetite getting a little better day by day, but you were still occasionally plagued by nightmares and there was that constant nagging fear that it would happen again. You knew you wouldn’t survive it a second time.
It didn’t escape anyone’s notice that you were constantly stuck to the side of at least one of your partners at any given time. Once there was an incident where Stede had left you for a second with Jim and Olu and you started freaking out, he definitely didn’t make that mistake again.
You felt pathetic, but even the thought of being apart from them again, albeit even just in another room, was too much to bear. No one ever commented on it, it was just this unspoken new normal for the ship, where your partners were, you weren’t far behind. They were of course worried about you but were happy that you felt comforted by their presence, plus they had to admit it was comforting to them to know you were safe.
This was fine until the ship was raided, meaning you got separated from your partners, you ended up fleeing to one of the secret rooms. As soon as the raid was over they start to panic about where you’d gone, luckily Lucius had seen you flee and points them in the right direction.
They find you curled up in the corner of one of the smallest rooms, this doesn’t dissuade them from joining you though. It’s a tight fit, what with two of your partners being around six foot, but it’s actually quite comforting to be so close.
They don’t say anything, just huddled close, your breaths mingling in the small space. You still had a long way to go but you knew you’d never have to cope alone.
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
hiiii!! i was wondering if i could request a miguel diaz imagine? i read through your prompt list and there were some SUPER cool ones, but i think i've settled on these <3
1. are you going to kiss me or not?
3. i would die for you.
8. you matter to me.
11. i love you.
16. i will always love you.
im super deep in my miguel diaz brainrot rn and he's such a comfort to me so if you're comfortable writing it, gimme the most tooth rotting sweet fluff you got -- like maybe a first date? thank you in advance 🥺
Off my chest.
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Miguel Diaz x gn reader
Notes: Sorry for the long wait, hope you like this. Its not their first date but it’s cute all the same! Also I tried to make it gn so if you see a mess up please tell me.
Prompts: 1 “Are you going to kiss me or not”, 3 “I would die for you”, 8 “You matter to me”, 11 “I love you”, 16 “I will always love you”.
Warnings: Bad grammar, misspelling.
Length: Short.
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Shifting your weight to the back of the couch as the weight in your lap returned. “Are you really going to stay there all night?” A teasing but sweet tone mocked Miguel and he rolled his eyes at you. “I’ll stay here all year if i could.” looking up at you and the light from the tv making both your face light up.
It was one of your movie marathon nights and since he left you alone and panicked to go to Mexico he wanted to try his best to do anything to make you happy. But it wasn’t like you were really mad at him but him going alone and leaving you scared was enough to make you a little mad..but you both understand each other’s feelings.
“Do you think we could reach the fridge from here? Like create something to just open it.” His question made you giggle and reach your hand down to his hair to play with it. “Is that sometime Jonny came up with?” A little gasp left his lips and he looked up to you shocked.
“I’m telling him you said that.” You looked back to the movie amused, “And he will thank me for giving him the idea.” Continuing to play with his hair you focused back onto the screen. The big fight scene at the end always had you on the edge of your set each time you watched it.
But Miguel’s eyes never leaving your face from down in your lap, he felt a slight guilt in his chest for leaving and that you forgive him so fast. Maybe it was because you didn’t yell at him for going to find his dad, but that he did it in a dumb and unsafe way. You welcomed him back with open arms but not without a talk after, still he felt at home again in your arms.
That’s when he knew he never wanted to go without you again. The three little words kept running through his head ever since and he needed to get it off his chest. You have been the one thing in his life that he knew he would always have.
Glancing back at the screen he saw your favorite part of the movie come on screen and it was something he could relate with. The main character looking up at the woman he loved, coved in blood after a battle and knowing he would do it again just for her.
“I would die for you.” The voices said in unison.
Hearing the words from below you and leaving his mouth in a bold way, showing that he was dead serious and he meant it. You let out nervously laugh, “Are you trying to swoon me, Diaz?” after asking him that he sat up from your lap and turned to face you.
“I have already swooned you,” he spoke like he was making a fact knew, which he was, “But I honestly have something to get off my chest.” Blinking at you, you could see the dip in his face and mood, making you panic as what he was referring to.
“You can tell me anything Miguel.” Taking his hand in yours to reassurance him about what ever was on his mind even if your mind floods with many possibilities.
He took a deep breath to ease his heart beat and to find his courage. “We have been together for a long time and you have been by my side through every up and down, even when sometimes I didn’t deserve it.”
“I couldn’t think of a better person to be by my side, you’re best partner in the world. I know who you are as a person, to the way you help others even when it hurts you, or to the way you acted out movie scene when you think no one is watching.” His words touched your heart and made it skip a beat but there was still worry on your mind.
“You matter to me, like when I’m away from you I get this loneliness from just not being able to hold your hand. I have become a better person with you by my side, and I will always try and do better for you.” He straighter his back and took a bigger breath then before.
“I love you.”
Those three words made you lose the breath in your lungs, something you have been waiting to hear. You knew you loved Miguel a long time ago when he was almost taken away from you. But you had never said anything, being to afraid to scare him off.
You couldn’t speak from the surprise and you just kept looking into his eyes with a shocked face. Swallowing his pride and panic now taking its place into his body from yours.
“Say something? I mean you don’t have to say it back, but I just want you to. I’m sorry if this has-” A hand went onto his cheek and a soft smile on your face made everything melt away.
“I will love you always, now and forever.” Your thumb stroked his cheek lovingly while he stared back at you. You wished you could be in this moment forever, just you and him being one in love.
“Miguel?..” he nodded and looked at you, “Yeah?” You smiles wide with a amused face.
“Are you going to kiss me or not?” Laughing at himself he smiled to and leaned in, pulling you close by placing a hand on your waist.
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chris-continues · 1 year
Literally anything with jealousy in it I will go feral over. Like maybe Nai seeing the reader talking to someone and that someone clearly has a crush on you or something. I wonder if he would act possessive.
Or maybe the reverse? Jealous reader? 👀👀👀
Ok like I love writing jealousy stuff and I don’t do it enough
COLLEGE AU TAGLIST: @h4venpha @lune010 @vashfantasy @macncherries
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In college AU by the time you and Nai meet you both are young (obviously, you’re in college, duh) and you’re both not super experienced in romance so jealousy is like mildly new territory (Nai especially LMAO) so when he feels a pang in his chest when you’re bantering with Wolfwood on a side that’s a bit too friendly for his liking?
Nick’s arm is slung around you as he tries to take a selfie with Meryl’s Polaroid, the girl attempting to jump to reach it as Milly observes. Vash is attempting to calm the situation- ever the peacemaker.
You’re laughing and amused all the while, smile painting your lips as you pose for a photo. You’re so happy with them it’s almost aggravating, ugh. Can you all just take it outside of the apartment? Nai has to hide away in his room, Snuggie wrapped around him in his little grove when you’re all here. A scowl is apparent as he scoffs, moving to his room with a few snide remarks muttered under his breath. He won’t ruin his brother’s fun though, he’s had trouble making friends in the past. So not to say he loathes you all, rather… you’re not preferable choice in company.
That’s what helps him sleep at night (when he does choose to sleep, at least).
In reality: does Wolfwood have a crush on you? No. You guys are just friends that mess around and chill out. But why should Nai care? You’re just another one of Vash’s friends who he happens to study with on occasion. That is all. All it will ever be.
He attempts to hide his glare as he stands and walks towards his room.
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Nai is a tennis champion, both him and Vash are practically campus celebrities. Both handsome, single, athletic, smart- Vash is well known and liked by everyone.
Nai though? HAH. Haha you’re funny. He’s well known. Respected enough. But he’s made it plenty clear kegstands and partying into the ungodly hours of night on a fucking Tuesday isn’t really his cup of tea. In fact it’s not even a cup at his table. (In this hypothetical cup scenario).
People oftentimes throw themselves at him, flocking to the handsome guy who’s far too beautiful to be human, tone and leaned muscle with a sharp jaw and cunning remarks. This girl was no different.
You knew of her, she was far more bold than you and was a relatively good student. Seemed nice enough.
You couldn’t hold it against her to take a liking to Knives as her hips swayed, eyes bright and flickering up to his. Normally, Nai wouldn’t go to the cafeteria, however Vash had wanted to grab a snack from a friend who worked here (they had donuts today) (curse him and his sweet tooth, ugh)
You sat with some other friends of yours, checking your phone for any notifications before turning to see her chatting with him. With his face away from you, you couldn’t see his obvious disinterest, although he was presumably like that with everyone, right? You have no idea why you’re watching so intently for someone who you can hardly call an acquaintance- he’s just a guy you sometimes exchange notes with.
Something unpleasant settles in your chest as your eyebrows furrow, looking down to your phone once more to forcefully distract yourself. It’s weird to stare like that, ahem.
And maybe you feel a tinge of guilt as he brushes past her to Vash, who’s 3 doughnuts richer now that his friend gave him “the goods”, a bead of something swelling in your chest.
Vash is perceptive as always.
He says nothing though, following Nai who takes brisk strides once more out of the noisy cafeteria, head almost buzzing from how overwhelming the noise can get for both of them.
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whosnearr · 1 year
"handsome" | w. bonnie
summary: withered bonnie comforts you when you're on the verge of a gender dysphoric breakdown.
content warnings: transmasc!reader (pre-op, on t), in detail mentions of dysphoria, human!withered bonnie, this takes place in my human!fnaf au, flirty undertones
word count: 1277
author's note: i wrote this awhile ago. i am once again out of things to post so i hope you guys accept this crumb. i usually post for william/michael but i am also secretly a withered bonnie enjoyer. he is a cutie patootie. i hope you guys enjoy.
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It was your break. You had been working hard hours on yourself to have enough money to afford simple necessities. You were living paycheck to paycheck right now. College funds really tore apart your savings and you had hardly any money for anything. You had been struggling mentally and financially and you were falling apart. And now, here you were, standing in the bathroom, at work, during your break, silently. You were judging yourself. Saying the things to yourself that no one else dared to say. Even if they were true.
You really shouldn’t be doing this to yourself during your break. You did have to go back behind the prize counter eventually. You worked as a ticket counter at a lovely pizzeria with plenty of friendly workers. You loved your job. You really did but, at this given moment, you just wanted to go home and be in solitude. You were a mess. Your binder was clinging to your chest with sweat, your bottom growth was itchy beyond all reason, and your body ached for no reason at all. You were irritable and tired, your head was pounding, and you were sweaty.
‘This bathroom is so hot,’ you thought to yourself as you bent over the sink and splashed cool water into your face. The effects of your testosterone were hitting you hard today. You were sweaty, you smelled bad, and your voice had been cracking all day. You were in an awkward phase, and it was terrible. When side effects got this bad, you were painfully reminded that you were assigned female at birth.
You let out what sounded like a gasp for air as you started unbuttoning your shirt. You slid it down your arms and threw it into the sink bowl. You were well aware that your shirt would be wet once you put it back on but you couldn't bring it upon yourself to care. You were too caught up in your current emotions. You stood at the sink in your black jeans and white tank top, looking at yourself with water and sweat dripping down your face, your unruly hair, the distraught look on your round face. You groaned in frustration and ran a hand through your damp hair.
In the middle of your breakdown, Bonnie walked into the bathroom, surprised to see you standing in your tank top with your button up at the sink. You didn’t notice him for a long while. You were bent over, your hands gripping the side of the sink bowl. You only noticed him when you dropped your head and saw his shoes from your peripheral vision.
Your top half snapped up as you turned to him. “Bonnie! hey, I didn’t hear you come in. I just felt, um hot, and I came in here for my break. I was just washing up. I can leave-“ you were rambling. Bonnie shook his head as you scrambled to grab your few things that were set out on the sink. Just your wallet, your nametag and your shirt. You really just wanted to look away from him so he didn’t see your binder.
“You don’t hafta leave, son,” he said and chuckled. He gently put his good hand on your shoulder and smiled at you in the reflection of the mirror. His gorgeous smile with his full lips and his tooth gap. It made your heart melt and you felt safe staying in here with him.
“Yeah, o-of course,” you said and tucked a loose curl of your hair behind your ear. You dropped your things back into their places and looked down at your feet, letting a sigh escape your lips. “I’m really sorry Bonnie. I was just having a moment,” you explained as you flapped the front of your tank top, still feeling overheated. It wouldn’t help, seeing as your binder was still clinging to your chest and holding the heat against your body.
“‘s alright,” he said and leaned against one of the sinks, grabbing his bad arm and bringing it up to his chest so he could cross his arms. “What’s going on?” he asked sweetly, turning his head to you since his body was facing towards the stalls, away from you.
You thought of an excuse. No one here knew you were trans. You easily passed as cis and everyone automatically called you by he/him pronouns. Not that you were worried about coming out or anything. You knew that toy bonnie was trans too, so you didn’t know what you were so stressed about. It’s not like everyone in the workplace wouldn’t be accepting. At the least you knew the performers would be. You were slightly worried about telling Bonnie, Freddy, Chica and Foxy seeing as they were older and there was always the possibility they would be closed minded.
You had been standing in silence for a while, unsure of what to say in response. Bonnie watched as you silently sorted through your thoughts. “No excuse?” he asked and dropped his arms down to his sides. He stood up as straight as he could and looked down at you. “C’mon kid. Just tell me. I won’t tell anyone else. I promise ya.”
It was almost like he knew you needed to hear those words. You weren’t sure how to tell everyone else, but Bonnie made you feel comfy. You let out a sigh as you decided on what to really say. “I’ve just been feeling dysphoric, being trans and all,” you said and ran a hand through your mess of hair.
He hummed. He already knew. He could tell by the way you had to manually stop your feminine mannerisms. The way you forced your voice slightly, the way you stopped yourself from putting your chest over countertops, the way you were constantly fixing your stance, even the way you rested your face. He could tell you were self-conscious in your masculinity and that you feared being feminine at all. Of course, he didn’t understand the dysphoria you were feeling. He was cis and never had to wish he was more manly or masculine. He had the gender you could only dream of.
“Well kid,” he said and put his hand on your shoulder again. “I’m not sure how to help, to be frank with ya, but you are such a bright young kid and I’m happy to see you grow every day," He paused briefly as he thought of what ekse to say. He was searching for the correct words. "For what it’s worth, I’ve heard younger girls calling you handsome. I can’t help but agree,” he said, possibly flirting with you. He squeezed your shoulder gently before dropping his hand back to his side.
Your cheeks flushed and your face heated up more as you let out a flustered chuckle. “Gosh, you’re making me blush, bonnie,” you said sheepishly and looked away from him. You couldn’t control the smile on your face. A big cheesy smile that showed off your perfect teeth. It was such a blinding and gorgeous smile. It was contagious and Bonnie found himself smiling as well.
“Feelin’ better?” he asked and put his hand on his hip. He looked over your shoulder and grabbed your button up for you.
“A lot better,” you said and reached out to take your shirt from him. You put your shirt back on and slowly began buttoning it back up. You took more time than necessary on each button. Your fingers fumbled and trembled. You were undeniably flustered and anxious. Adrenaline pumped through your body considering you just came out so impulsively. “Thank you bonnie.”
“O’ course, son.”
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amberrskiies · 9 months
Cookie’s Writing Challenge Day Seven: Beach/Sea
Prompt: Beach/Sea
Pairing: Leviathan && Amber (MC) [ Romantic Relationship ]
Status: Dating
Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff 🥰 (I think?)
First dates are important, so Levi thinks so he decided to take Amber out on a Beach Date and it goes better than he thought it would
Prompt provided by @cookiesandbiscuits! For the Full List it can be found here!
A few weeks into the relationship, Levi hadn't taken Amber out on a proper date so far. One of the reasons was how he wanted the first date to be a good one since first dates are always important. It took him some time to figure out on where to go on a first date.
In the end, he decided on a beach date as a first date. It took him some time to prepare since he had to get Diavolo's permission to be able to use the beach for a date and he also had to tell Lucifer about what he was up to.
Thankfully, Lucifer got the gist and made sure the rest of the brothers wouldn't know or bother their date and now here both Amber and Levi were at the empty beach.
Levi observed how Amber wasted no time to set down their beach towels and set up the beach umbrella after finding a good spot so they can sit in the shade anytime they wanted. When he asked Amber out on this date, it took every ounce of his courage to be able to do so.
He seriously had no idea what to do the moment he got to the beach other than help Amber set up everything. It made him start to have doubts if this was a good idea for a first date. it started to make him feel nervous and think that she wouldn't enjoy this and would not want to date him anymore. Levi's mind was a mess with all these thoughts running rampant in his head.
He instantly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Amber's familiar voice that was laced with worry and concern. He looked up from the ground, making eye contact with her golden brown eyes. He noticed the worried look on her face.
"Are you okay?"
He pursed his lips and looked away to the side. He glanced down to see Amber holding his hand, making him blush a little as he let out a sigh.
"I'm alright..."
Levi mumbled, no longer making eye contact, making Amber even more worried as she squeezed his hand a little.
"You know you can tell me anything that's bothering. Tell me what's on your mind, please?"
Levi at first didn't want to say anything but he knew Amber had every right to know what was going on in his head or else he'd make her worry more and he didn't want that right now when they were alone at the beach on a date.
"It's just... I'm worried about accidentally ruining our first date. I know you never went on dates with anyone and that this is the first time you're on a date so I really wanted to make it special for you but..."
Levi trailed off not knowing what else to say. Amber on the other hand was shocked after hearing what he said. she felt touched that Levi was worried about ruining her first date with him or anyone for that matter.
Amber let go off Levi's hand as she slowly walked towards him a bit more and cupped both sides of his face, making him look at her. She gave him a warm smile and leaned over to give him a small peck on the cheek which made him flinch slightly in surprise.
"I'm touched that you wanted to make my first ever date special. But you don't have to worry about ruining anything. Sometimes first dates don't always go according to plan or that smoothly. It's natural for something to happen every now and then. Even if we're not on a date, I still enjoy being in your presence and spending time with you. Just being with you is enough to make me happy."
Levi was left stunned by her words. He didn't know what to say.
He trailed off once again, feeling tears welling up in his eyes as he quickly wiped them off. Amber gave him a reassuring smile once more before gently grabbing his hand, slowly pulling him with you towards the direction of the sea.
Levi silently followed her but held onto her hand in a secure manner. He knew she couldn't swim very well even if she was able to breathe underwater thanks to their pact.
Both of them continued to walk until the water reached below the knee. Levi wasn't sure why Amber had pulled him towards the sea but coming in contact with it made him feel at ease and the sea breeze itself made him calm his nerves down.
Amber noticed how calm he was feeling, making her feel happy that he was feeling a bit better.
"Let's just try to enjoy ourselves today. We still have a whole day to go you know. We can be here as long as possible."
She told him as Levi smiled a bit and sheepishly nodded.
She heard him say, making her smile even more. That's when she got a cheeky idea. Without any warning she gave him a small peck on the lips, making him stunned as she pulled away and started to walk away from him.
After a few seconds, Levi came back to his senses as he realizes what just happened.
"Wha- Hey come back here!"
Levi called out as he chased after Amber as she giggled and ran away from him. Both of them running around the sea as the water splashed around them. After what seemed like hours, Levi managed to catch up to Amber.
She heard him say as he picked her up from the ground, making her squeal and laugh as he spun her around as Levi laughed along with her.
Levi no longer worried about ruining their date. As long as he had Amber by his side, he knew today would be the best day of his life and their first date would be memorable.
A/N - Man it's been so long since I wrote a fic about these two but it feels great! <3
Tagging: @yourboyhack @mcx7demonbros @112-writes @amunetmagic @juvellianovo @attic-club-sandwich @ithseem
Want to be tagged in my fics? Please fill out this form ^v^
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malulurivers · 10 months
the air stilled, scented rich with magic. floorboards hard at your back, you shifted up onto your elbows. the ridges dug into your skin as you instantly looked to your side.
Jayce coughed. you snorted. his hair was frazzled, his chest rising and falling slowly as he laid strewn like all of your papers—without a care in the world. if he didn't look like he'd faceplanted a sack of coal you would've believed it was a fair comparison.
dragging your safety goggles over your forehead rife with soot, you discarded them atop his stomach. or you aimed to. being knocked onto your ass clearly messed with your coordination as you accidentally clipped his chin with the buckle. he whined dramatically.
"sorry! that wasn't—"
"beating me while I'm down? what did I do to deserve this!"
you rolled your eyes amusedly. "my bad, Talis. thought you wanting your name plastered all over the research notes meant this was your experiment."
he groaned, head turning away from you.
"seems like you got proportional comeuppance, though."
"what's that supposed to mean?"
you giggled quietly, refraining from giving an answer.
your cloudy eyes waltzed across from him to the explosion of dust and soot that painted his side of the lab. what was left of his desk smoked and crackled with cerulean static. following the crux where the contraption had sat mere moments before, you found runes burnt into the flagstone and wood.
"well, there's some good news for us." you slumped back onto the floor beside him.
"really?" his smile was as bright as it always was, gap-toothed and endearing despite everything.
"the sun rune was definitely activated when that spell happened."
"brilliant! see?" he rapped his knuckles against the ground victoriously. "I told you breakthroughs can come from anywhere! they can take multitudes of forms, even the roughest of experiments can yield results...!"
he was so damn smug when he was right. you wanted to wipe his smirk off his lips, but all you would've gotten was more soot on you. at first it would be on your thumb, but it wouldn't take long for it to be on your lips instead.
"Jayce, it's burnt into the floor."
he was quiet for a moment. his gaze was intently on you, in fact it had barely left since you'd laid back down. you avoided the eye contact. soot tasted unpleasant. even if he was cute, was it truly worth it?
"I'm so glad I get to work with you."
your face crumpled. not even the slightest hint of sarcasm, or ingenuity. he always meant what he said, wholeheartedly.
you pouted at him, acceding. your hand found his discarded on the ground, burnt gloves making tough work of intertwining your fingers but you didn't care. "shush. you're making me sound mean."
"you're just practical. realistic. two entries on an endless list of things I love about you." as you broke his gaze, coming to stare back up at the ceiling with a scoff, he squeezed your hand.
and then you felt him shuffle clumsily closer. before you could snicker and call him a dork, his voice softened in your ear, "it's what makes you a brilliant inventor. and it also means if I do dumb things with you, you have to back me up, otherwise you look dumb, too."
you pursed your lips, playfully struggling to hold a smile back. "you're such a—"
"gorgeous, clever, profoundly amazing and loving boyfriend?" he propped himself up on one elbow effortlessly. "I know, honey, I know."
your head whipped to him in shock, a laugh falling from your open lips. you quipped, "an egotist!"
he simply shrugged, oozing confidence and swagger as if he didn't look like a cartoon struck by lightning. oh right, he didn't know.
the fork in the road settled before you. you could win this battle: snark him right back, and out of the corny consequence of his own miscalculations. or you could lose on purpose.
"you still love me either way, don't y—oh!"
pulling by his untucked tie you yanked him down on top of you, melding your lips to his. you could feel his smile twitch into your kiss as he melted like butter in an instant. freeing your hand from your glove, your callused hand traced along his hot cheeks to the nape of his neck until it settled on his jaw. he tilted into your palm, humming happily. putty in your hands, as always.
you ignored the dry taste of soot, and the traces of it gathering on your clean fingertips. it was without a second thought; he was undoubtedly worth it.
☾ ₊ ˚ ✩ ˚ 。 ☽
masterlist | buy me a hot chocolate <3
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